IT-09-92-PT 37267





Ratko MLADI]

Public with Public Annexes A-C and Confidential Annex D



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List of Abbreviations and Authorities (Glossary)

Abbreviation Full citation Indictment Prosecutor v. Ratko Mladi}, Case No. IT-09-92-PT, Fourth Amended Indictment, 16 December 2012

ICTY authorities

ICTY Decisions and Judgements Abbreviation Full citation AleksovskiAJ Prosecutor v. Zlatko Aleksovski, Case No. IT-95-14/1-A, App.Ch., Judgement, 24 March 2000 AlekovskiTJ Prosecutor v. ZlatkoAleksovski, Case No.IT-95-14/1-T, T.Ch., Judgment, 25 June 1999 Bla{ki}AJ Prosecutorv.TihomirBla{ki},Case No. IT-95-14-A, App.Ch., Judgement, 29 July 2004 Bla{ki}TJ Prosecutor v. Tihomir Bla{ki}, Case No. IT-95-14-T, T.Ch., Judgment, 3 March 2000 Brñanin AJ Prosecutor v. Radoslav Brñanin, Case No. IT-99-36-A, App.Ch., Judgement, 3 April 2007 Brñanin TJ Prosecutorv.RadoslavBrñanin, Case No. IT-99-36-T, T.Ch., Judgement, 1 September 2004 ^elebići AJ Prosecutor v. Zejnil Delalić, Zdravko Mucić, Hazim Delić & Esad Landžo, Case No. IT-96-21-A, App.Ch., Judgement, 20 February 2001 Deli}TJ Prosecutor v. Rasim Deli}, Case No. IT-04-83-T, T.Ch., Judgement, 15 September 2008 DMilošević TJ Prosecutor v. Dragomir Milošević, Case No. IT-98-29/1-T, T.Ch., Judgement, 12 December 2007 Furundžija TJ Prosecutorv.AntoFurundžija, Case No. IT-95-17/1-T, T.Ch., Judgement, 10 December 1998 Had`ihasanovi}AJ Prosecutorv.EnverHadzihasanovic&AmirKubura,Case No. IT-01-47-A, App.Ch. Judgement, 22 April 2008 Halilovi}AJ Prosecutorv.SeferHalilovi},Case No. IT-01-48-A, App.Ch., Judgement, 16 October 2007 Kordi}AJ Prosecutorv.DarioKordić&MarioČerkez, Case No. IT-95- 14/2-A, App.Ch., Judgement, 17 December 2004 Kordi} TJ Prosecutorv.DarioKordić&MarioČerkez, Case No. IT-95- 14/2-T, T.Ch., Judgement, 26 February 2001 Krsti}AJ Prosecutorv.RadislavKrsti},Case No. IT-98-33-A, App.Ch., Judgement, 19 April 2004 Krsti}TJ Prosecutor v. Radislav Krsti}, Case No. IT-98-33-T, T.Ch., Judgement, 2 August 2001 Kvo~kaTJ Prosecutor v. Miroslav Kvočka, Milojica Kos, Mlado Radić, Zoran Žigić & Dragoljub Prcać, Case No. IT-98-30/1-T, T.Ch., Judgement, 2 November 2001

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ICTY Decisions and Judgements Abbreviation Full citation Milutinovi} TJ Prosecutor v. Milan Milutinovi}, Nikola [ainovi}, Dragoljub Ojdani}, Nebo{ja Pavkovi}, Vladimir Lazarevi} & Sreten Luki}, Case No. IT-05-87-T, T.Ch., Judgement, 26 February 2009 Stakić AJ Prosecutorv.MilomirStakić, Case No. IT-97-24-A, App. Ch., Judgement, 22 March 2006 Strugar TJ Prosecutor v. Pavle Strugar, Case No. IT-01-42-T, T.Ch., Judgement, 31 January 2005 Vasiljevi}AJ Prosecutorv.MitarVasiljevi}, Case No. IT-98-32-A, App.Ch., Judgement, 25 February 2004

ICTR authorities

Abbreviation Full citation AkayesuTJ Prosecutorv.JeanPaulAkayesu, Case No. ICTR-96-4-T, T.Ch., Judgement, 2 September 1998


Abbreviations Abbreviation Full citation ABiH Army of and (ArmijaBosneI Hercegovine) AOR Area of Responsibility ARK Autonomous Region of Krajina (AutomnaRegijaKrajina) Assembly Assembly of the Serbian People of Bosnia-Herzegovina (later National Assembly of RepublikaSrpska) AT. Appeals Transcript BiH Socialist Federal Republic of (later, Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina). Also abbreviated as SRBH, or BH in documents BSL Bosnian Serb Leadership Croatia Republic of Croatia CSB Regional Security Services Centre (CentarSlu`bi Bezbjednosti) DK Drina Corps of the VRS FREBATT French Battalion FRY Federal Republic of Yugoslavia G[VRS Main Staff of the Army of the (Glavni[tab VojskeRepublikeSrpske) HK Herzegovina Corps of the VRS IBK East Bosnia Corps of the VRS JCE Joint Criminal Enterprise JNA Yugoslav People’s Army (JugoslovenskaNarodnaArmija) MUP Ministry of Internal Affairs (MinistarstvoUnutra{njih Poslova) NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization

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Abbreviations Abbreviation Full citation KP Dom Penal and Correctional Facility (Kaznenopopravnidom) OG Operational Group PAF Proposed Adjudicated Fact p. Page pp. Pages Presidency The collective RS Presidency, including the National Security Council (SNB) (27 March 1992 - 12 May 1992), the three member Presidency (12 May 1992 - 2 June 1992), and the expanded War Presidency (2 June 1992 - 17 December 1992) RS Serbian Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina; on 12 August 1992, name was officially changed to RepublikaSrpska. Also referred to as SerRBiH RSK Republic of Serbian Krajina(RepublikaSrpskaKrajina) SAO Serbian Autonomous Region (SrpskaAutonomnaOblast) SDB State Security Service (Slu`baDr`avneBezbjednosti ) SDS Serbian Democratic Party (SrpskeDemokratskaStranka) [e{eljevci [E[ELJ’s men, paramilitary formation SJB Local police station SNB National Security Council (SavjetzaNacionalnuBezbjednost) SOS Serbian Defence Forces, paramilitary formation (Srpske OdbrambeneSnage) SRK -Romanija Corps of the VRS (SarajevoRomanija Korpus) SRS Serbian Radical Party (SrpskaRadikalnaStranka) Statute Statute of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia established by Security Council Resolution 827 (1993) T. Trial Transcript TG Tactical Group TO Territorial Defence (TeritorijalnaOdbrana) UN United Nations UNPROFOR United Nations Protection Forces UNMO United Nations Military Observers VJ Army of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (this came into existence after the JNA in BiH became the VRS) (Vojska Jugoslavije) VRS Army of the Serbian Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina later named the Army of the Republika Srpska or VRS VRS Combat Readiness Report VRS Main Staff Analysis of the Combat Readiness and Activities of the VRS in 1992, approved and signed by MLADI] 1KK First Krajina Corps of the VRS 2KK Second Krajina Corps of the VRS

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Index of Names, Titles and Roles

Index of Names, Titles and Roles Name Title Ratko AD@I] President of the Assembly (i.e. mayor) of the municipality of Ilija{; “Commander” of the Ilija{ Crisis Staff; President of the Ilija{ War Commission; Commander of the 1st Serbian Ilija{ Brigade Lt Col Svetozar ANDRI] Commander 1st Bira}/[ekovi}i Bde Chief of Staff, Drina Corps Col Ljubi{a BEARA Chief of Security, VRS Main Staff Col Vidoje BLAGOJEVI] 1st Bratunac Light Infantry Bde, Commander

Lt Col Ljubi{a BOROV^ANIN RS MUP Special Police Commander Radoslav BR\ANIN First Vice-President of the Ark Assembly; President of the ARK Crisis Staff; Acting Deputy Prime Minister for Production; Minister for Construction, Traffic and Utilities; Acting Vice-President of the Government of RS. Col Slobodan CEROVI] Assistant Commander for Moral Guidance and Legal Affairs, Drina Corps Mr Miroslav DERONJI] Civilian Commissioner for Lt Col Gen \or|e \UKI] Assistant Commander for Rear Services, VRS Main Staff Maj Radomir FURTULA 5th Višegrad-Gora`de Bde Commander Gen Stanislav GALI] SRK Commander Lt Col Gen Milan GVERO Assistant Commander for Moral, Religion and Legal Affairs Col Dragutin ILI] IBK Commander Col Radoslav JANKOVI] Intelligence Department, VRS Main Staff Lt Gen Bernard JANVIER Theatre Force Commander of the United Nations Peace Forces in the former Yugoslavia Maj Dragan (Ljubomira) JOKI] Chief of Staff for Engineering, 1st Zvornik Infantry Bde Radovan KARAD@I] RS President Lt Col Dragomir KESEROVI] Chief of Police Section, Security Administration, VRS Main Staff Nikola KOLJEVI] Member of the RS collective Presidency Lt Col Svetozar KOSORI] Chief of Intelligence, Drina Corps Mom~ilo KRAJI[NIK President of the Bosnian Serb Assembly Lt Col Rajko KRSMANOVI] Head of Transportation Services,Drina Corps Gen Maj Radislav KRSTI] Drina Corps Commander Col Gen Milutin KUKANJAC 2nd Military District Commander Rajko KUSIC SRK Brigade Commander; 1st Light Brigade Commander Maj Zoran MALINI] MP Battalion Commander, 65th Protection Regt, VRS Main Staff Mom~ilo MANDI] RS Minister of Justice Gen Maj Jovo MARI] Assistant Commander for Air Force &Anti-Aircraft Defence, VRS Main Staff Gen Maj Radivoje MILETI] Assistant Chief of Staff of VRS and Head of Ops and Training Gen Dragomir MILO[EVI] SRK Chief of Staff (March 1993-10 August 1994) SRK Commander (From 10 August 1994) Lt Col Gen Manojlo Chief of Staff and Deputy Commander of the Main Staff

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Index of Names, Titles and Roles Name Title MILOVANOVI] Lt Col Gen Ratko MLADI] Commander of the Main Staff Lt Col Milomir NASTI] 1st Mili}i Infantry Bde Commander Gen NICOLAI UNPROFOR Chief of Staff in Sarajevo Dragan NIKOLI] Commander of Su{ica Detention Camp, Vlasenica municipality 2nd Lt Drago NIKOLI] Assistant Commander For Security, 1st Zvornik Infantry Bde Capt Slavko NOVAKOVI] Commission for Prisoner Exchange, Drina Corps Maj Dragan OBRENOVI] Chief of Staff, 1st Zvornik Infantry Bde Lt Col Vinko PANDUREVI] 1st Zvornik Infantry Bde Commander Biljana PLAV[I] Member of the RS collective Presidency Lt Col Vujadin POPOVI] Assistant Commander for Security,Drina Corps Ne|eljko PRSTOJEVI] Head of the Crisis staff of the Municipality of Ilid`a; Vice-President of the Assembly of the Serb City of Sarajevo; President of the War Presidency of the Municipality of Ilid`a Col Petar SALAPURA Chief of Intelligence Operation, VRS Main Staff Department for Security and Intelligence Col Milomir SAV^I] Commander 65th Protection Regt, VRS Main Staff Milenko STANI] Vlasenica Crisis Staff and Municipal Assembly President Miroslav (Miro) STANI] Fo~a Crisis Staff President Mi}o STANI[I] Minister of the RS MUP Gen Momir TALI] 1KK Commander Jovan TINTOR Member of the Crisis Staff/War Presidency in Vogo{}a; Advisor to the Presidency in matters of reconstruction, accommodation and return of refugees; Deputy for the National Assembly of RS from Sarajevo Gen Maj Zdravko TOLIMIR Assistant Commander for Security and Intelligence Affairs, VRS Main Staff Capt Milorad TRBI] Officer for Intelligence & Security, 1st Zvornik Infantry Bde Col Mirko TRIVI] 2nd Romanija Motorized Bde Commander Col Ne|o TRKULJA Chief of Armored Units, VRS Main Staff Dragomir VASI] CSB Chief in Zvornik Gen-Maj Milenko @IVANOVI] Former Drina Corps Commander Stojan @UPLJANIN Chief of CSB Banja Luka

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