UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA BOARD OF TRUSTEES’ COMMITTEE ON EDUCATIONAL POLICY AND STRATEGY COMMITTEE MINUTES DECEMBER 3, 2015 President’s Room 215B, Emerson Alumni Hall University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida Time Convened: 3:42 P.M. EST Time Adjourned: 4:56 P.M. EST

1.0 Verification of Quorum Acting Committee Chair James W. Heavener asked Vice President, General Counsel and University Secretary Jamie Lewis Keith to verify a quorum of the Committee. Ms. Keith verified a quorum with all members present except Committee Chair and Board Vice Chair David Thomas.

2.0 Call to Order and Welcome Acting Committee Chair Heavener called the meeting to order at 3:42 pm EST, and welcomed everyone in attendance.

Members Present were: James W. Heavener (Acting Chair), David L. Brandon, Susan M. Cameron, Christopher T. Corr, Paul W. Davenport, Charles B. Edwards, Joselin Padron-Rasines, Rahul Patel, Jason J. Rosenberg, Steven M. Scott, Robert G. Stern, and Anita G. Zucker. Trustee David Thomas was unable to attend, but planned to attend the Board meeting on December 4th.

Others present were: President W. Kent Fuchs, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Joseph Glover, Senior Vice President for Health Affairs David Guzick, Senior Vice President for Agriculture and Natural Resources Jack Payne, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Charles Lane, Vice President, General Counsel and University Secretary Jamie Lewis Keith, other members of the President’s cabinet, Executive Assistant Cheryl May and Executive Assistant Rebecca Holt, members of the University of Florida community, and other members of the public and the media.

3.0 Review and Approval of Minutes


The Acting Committee Chair asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the September 4, 2015 and October 1, 2015 Committee meetings, which was made by Trustee Stern and Seconded by Trustee Brandon. The Acting Committee Chair asked for further discussion, after which he asked for all in favor of the motion and any opposed, and the motion was approved unanimously.

4.0 Public Comment There were no requests for public comment.

The Committee considered the following Action Items:

5.0 Action Items

EP1. Tenure Upon Hire Provost Glover updated the Trustees on the status of preeminence hires, stating that a total of 90 preeminent faculty members have accepted offers from UF. He then presented the three tenure upon hire cases, stating that all have been well-supported in the tenure process and he recommends all of them to the Trustees. The three cases are: • Gerritt Hoogenboom has been hired from Washington State University as a Professor in the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences.

• Nancy Hunt has been hired from the University of Michigan as a Professor in the Department of History in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

• Anthony Maurelli has been hired from the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences/Bethesda, MD as a Professor in the Department of Environmental and Global Health in the College of Public Health and Health Professions.

Acting Committee Chair Heavener asked for a motion to approve EP2-Tenure Upon Hire, which was made by Trustee Brandon and Seconded by Trustee Zucker, for recommendation to the Board for its approval on the Consent Agenda. The Acting Committee Chair asked for any discussion, of which there was none. The Acting Committee Chair then asked for all in favor of the motion and any opposed, and the motion was approved unanimously.

Acting Committee Chair James W. Heavener then asked Provost Glover to review the New Degree Programs and Terminations.

EP2. New Degree Programs Provost Glover noted that the following new degrees have been approved by the Faculty Senate and the President:

(1) One new degree program has been submitted for approval from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences: a. Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Languages and Literature


(2) One degree program has been submitted for approval from the College of Engineering: a. Doctor of Philosophy in Human-Centered Computing (3) One degree program has been submitted for approval from the College of Public Health and Health Professions: a. Limited Access Degree Program, Bachelor of Public Health

Acting Committee Chair Heavener asked for a motion to approve EP2-New Degree Program, which was made by Trustee Edwards and Seconded by Trustee Davenport, for recommendation to the Board for its approval on the Consent Agenda. The Acting Chair asked for any discussion, of which there was none. The Acting Chair then asked for all in favor of the motion and any opposed and the motion was approved unanimously.

EP3. Degree Program Termination Provost Glover noted that the College of Engineering had requested the termination of the Engineer Degree in Industrial and System Engineering. The termination was approved by the Faculty Senate because there had been little interest and no enrollment in the programs over the last approximately 10 years.

Acting Committee Chair Heavener asked for a motion to approve EP3-Degree Program Termination, which was made by Trustee Brandon and Seconded by Trustee Cameron, for recommendation to the Board for its approval on the Consent Agenda. The Acting Committee Chair asked for any discussion, of which there was none. The Acting Committee Chair then asked for all in favor of the motion and any opposed, and the motion was approved unanimously.

6.0 Discussion/Informational Items Acting Committee Chair Heavener turned the Committee’s attention to the information items. He asked each presenter to address a topic in turn:

6.1 Admissions Update – Vice President for Enrollment Management Zina Evans noted that applications are up by 4% over last year among both in-state and out-of-state applicants; the applicant pool is 57% female and the GPA average is over 4.0.

6.2 Faculty Senate Update – Faculty Senate Chair Paul Davenport provided an update on the faculty initiatives and priorities.

6.3 Student Government Update – Student Body President Joselin Padron-Rasines distributed a pamphlet highlighting the accomplishments and initiatives of Student Government.

Provost Glover provided information about programs and center name changes. All have been approved by the Faculty Senate and do not require Board action.

6.4 New Centers/Institutes 6.4.1 Center for Respiratory Research and Rehabilitation


6.4.2 Institute for Sustainable Food Systems

6.5 Update on Athletic Fee Athletic Director Jeremy Foley gave a PowerPoint presentation, informing the Trustees that there have been no increases in the student athletic fee for 16 years and the need exists for a modest adjustment in the future. The Trustees were not being asked to act on an increase at this time. The Trustees commended Athletic Director Foley on his fiscal management.

7.0 New Business Acting Committee Chair Heavener asked if there was any new business for the Committee.

Vice President, General Counsel and University Secretary Jamie Lewis Keith noted that the Board dinner was to be held at the new, state-of-the-art Harrell Medical Education Building, with cocktails and tours being provided first in the Building’s Dr. Steven M. Scott and Rebecca J. Scott Commons. Immediate past student body president and trustee, Cory Yeffet, who was unable to join the Trustees in June, was to attend the dinner to be recognized for his service.

8.0 Adjourn After asking for any further discussion and hearing none, Acting Committee Chair Heavener asked for a motion to adjourn, which was made by Trustee Corr, and Seconded by Trustee Davenport and, with no further discussion desired, the motion was passed unanimously and the University of Florida Committee on Educational Policy and Strategy was adjourned at 4:56 p.m. EST.



The Committee will consider and act on the following Action Items:

 EP1 – Tenure Upon Hire – On the Provost’s recommendation, the Committee is asked to approve, for recommendation to the Board of Trustees for its approval on the Consent Agenda, the granting of tenure commencing with the appointment of three newly appointed faculty members who have been recommended to the Provost by their Chairs and Deans for tenure upon hire.  EP2 – New Degree Programs – The Committee is asked to approve for recommendation to the Board of Trustees for its approval on the Consent Agenda three new degree programs.  EP3 – Degree Program Termination – The Committee is asked to approve for recommendation to the Board of Trustees for its approval on the Consent Agenda the proposed termination of the Engineer Degree in Industrial and Systems Program.

The Committee will address the following Discussion/Informational Items:

 Admissions Update by Zina Evans, Vice President for Enrollment Management  Faculty Senate Update by Paul Davenport, Faculty Senate Chair  Student Government Update by Joselin Padron-Rasines, President of Student Government  New Centers/Institutes by Joseph Glover, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs  Athletic Fee Update by Jeremy Foley, Athletics Director

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Committee Members: David M. Thomas (Chair), David L. Brandon, Susan M. Cameron, Christopher T. Corr, Paul W. Davenport, Charles B. Edwards, James W. Heavener, Joselin Padron-Rasines, Rahul Patel, Jason J. Rosenberg, Steven M. Scott, Robert G. Stern, and Anita G. Zucker

1.0 Verification of Quorum ...... Jamie Lewis Keith, VP/General Counsel, University Secretary

2.0 Call to Order and Welcome ...... David M. Thomas, Chair

3.0 Review and Approval of Minutes ...... David M. Thomas, Chair September 4, 2015 October 1, 2015

4.0 Public Comment ...... David M. Thomas, Chair

5.0 Action Items ...... David M. Thomas, Chair EP1. Tenure Upon Hire EP2. New Degree Programs EP3. Degree Program Termination

6.0 Discussion/Informational Items ...... David M. Thomas, Chair 6.1 Admissions Update ...... Zina Evans, VP for Enrollment Management 6.2 Faculty Senate Update ...... Paul Davenport, Faculty Senate Chair 6.3 Student Government Update ..... Joselin Padron-Rasines, President, Student Gov’t 6.4 New Centers/Institutes ...... Joseph Glover, Provost & SVP for Academic Affairs 6.4.1 Center for Respiratory Research and Rehabilitation 6.4.2 Institute for Sustainable Food Systems 6.5 Update on Athletic Fee ...... Jeremy Foley, Director, Athletics

Page 2/231 7.0 New Business ...... David M. Thomas, Chair

8.0 Adjourn ...... David M. Thomas, Chair

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UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA BOARD OF TRUSTEES COMMITTEE ON EDUCATIONAL POLICY AND STRATEGY COMMITTEE MINUTES September 4, 2015 Austin Cary Forest Learning Center 10625 NE Waldo Road, Gainesville, Florida 32609 Time Convened: 8:33 a.m. EDT Time Adjourned: 8:50 a.m. EDT

1.0 Verification of Quorum Committee Chair and Board Vice Chair David M. Thomas asked Vice President, General Counsel and University Secretary Jamie Lewis Keith to verify a quorum. Ms. Keith confirmed a quorum with all members present except for Trustees Corr and Heavener.

2.0 Call to Order and Welcome Committee Chair, Thomas called the meeting to order at 8:33 a.m., EDT.

Members present were: David M. Thomas, Chair, David L. Brandon, Susan M. Cameron, Paul W. Davenport, Charles B. Edwards, Joselin Padron-Rasines, Rahul Patel, Jason J. Rosenberg, Steven M. Scott, Robert G. Stern, Anita G. Zucker. Trustees James W. Heavener and Christopher T. Corr were unable to attend.

Others present were: President W. Kent Fuchs; Executive Chief of Staff Winfred Phillips; Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Joseph Glover; Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Charles Lane; Vice President, General Counsel and University Secretary Jamie Lewis Keith; other members of the President’s Cabinet; Assistant Vice President for Media and Public Relations Janine Sikes; Executive Assistant Becky Holt; Discussants who were to participate in the retreat following the business meetings; and the Florida Independent Alligator.


Page 4/231 3.0 Review and Approval of Minutes Committee Chair Thomas asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the May 28, 2015 and June 4, 2015 Committee meetings, which was made by Trustee Cameron and seconded by Trustee Zucker. The Committee Chair asked for further discussion, after which he asked for all in favor of the motion and any opposed, and the motion was approved unanimously.

The Committee considered the following Action Items:

4.0 Action Items EP1. Tenure Upon Hire Provost Glover presented the 13 tenure upon hire cases, some of whom are part of the preeminence hiring initiative and others are not, stating that all were well-supported in the tenure process and he recommended all of them to the Board. (For those individuals hired with faculty and administrative appointments, tenure attaches only to the faculty appointment.) Provost Glover asked if there were any questions about any of the cases, and there were none.

Committee Chair Thomas asked for a motion to approve Action Item EP1 for recommendation to the Board for its approval on the Consent Agenda, which was made by Trustee Davenport and seconded by Trustee Brandon. The Committee Chair asked for further discussion, of which there was none. The Committee Chair then asked for all in favor of the motion and any opposed, and the motion was approved unanimously.

EP2. University of Press of Florida Annual Report 2014-2015 Provost Glover explained that UF submits an annual report on the University Press of Florida annually to the Board of Governors upon the UF Board’s approval, and the proposed Annual Report is the report for the year just ended. Provost Glover indicated that the system-wide Press is a Board of Governors entity that is operated by UF, and UF has invested in the Press when needed in the past. Provost Glover noted, however, that UF’s role in the system-wide Press could change, as UF has established its own UF Press and is publishing many of the University’s faculty’s publications under the newly created UF Press rather than under the system’s press. Many premier universities have their own presses and this initiative furthers recognition of UF’s scholarly excellence, as part of our focus on advancing UF’s stature, and we have explained the importance of this initiative to the Board of Governors.

After indicating concurrence with the UF Press initiative, Committee Chair Thomas asked for a motion to approve Action Item EP2 for recommendation to the Board for its approval on the Consent Agenda, which was made by Trustee Scott and seconded by Trustee Stern. The Committee Chair asked for further discussion, of which there was none. The Committee Chair then asked for all in favor of the motion and any opposed, and the motion was approved unanimously.


Page 5/231 EP3. Board Designee for Submission of Reports to the Board of Governors General Counsel Keith noted that the Board of Governors has been increasingly formal in its requirements for submission of largely factual, backward looking reports, requiring them to be submitted after a Board of Trustees’ vote authorizing the submission, or by an official who has been authorized by the Board to do so. The next such reports that UF will need to file are due at the end of September and are the annual reports for each Institute and Center, of which UF has about 170 across the institution. These reports are assembled by the Provost’s Office and are a very labor intensive undertaking for UF based on the large number of institutes and centers at UF. Ms. Keith noted that this Action Item requests the Committee’s and Board’s action to authorize and direct the UF President or Provost, acting singly as the UF Board’s designee, to approve and submit these reports and any other informational reports that may be submitted by the UF Board or its designee to the Board of Governors. She noted that approval of submission of these largely factually and backward looking reports does not require an exercise of judgment by the Board and scheduling special meetings/calls to vote to submit these kinds of reports may not be a good use of time for the Board. She explained that there are two conditions to the proposed authority and direction: (1) that the Trustees be notified of submissions and (2) that the Trustees be provided access to the reports. Ms. Keith said that these conditions will ensure that any follow up questions are answered and that, if a report raises an issue with forward-looking effect of interest to the Trustees, the matter will be included on a regular meeting agenda for discussion. She noted that the proposal will avoid the need for Board calls to submit informational reports that are largely factual, while still making sure the Trustees are informed and any follow up questions can be answered. Committee Chair Thomas asked if the University Press of Florida Annual Report is another example of these kinds of reports. Ms. Keith answered that it is and that the creation of the UF Press is an example of the kind of follow up informational item that could be included on a meeting agenda if Trustees are interested.

Committee Chair Thomas asked for a motion to approve Action Item EP3 for recommendation to the Board for its approval on the Consent Agenda, which was made by Trustee Cameron and seconded by Trustee Zucker. The Committee Chair asked for further discussion, of which there was none. The Committee Chair then asked for all in favor of the motion and any opposed, and the motion was approved unanimously.

5.0 Information/Discussion Items There were no Information/Discussion Items to discuss.

6.0 New Business There was no New Business to discuss.

7.0 Adjourn After asking for any further discussion and hearing none, Committee Chair Thomas asked for a motion to adjourn, which was made by Trustee Patel and Seconded by Trustee Stern and the motion was passed unanimously. The University of Florida Committee on Educational Policy and Strategy was adjourned at 8:50 a.m. EDT.


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October 1, 2015 Telephone Conference Call Joint Meeting 123 Tigert Hall, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida Time Convened: 8:31 A.M. EDT Time Adjourned: 8:57 A.M. EDT

1.0 Verification of Quorum After a roll call, a quorum was confirmed, with all members present except for Trustee Cameron.

University of Florida Board of Trustees and Committee on Educational Policy and Strategy Members present:

Steven M. Scott (Board Chair), David M. Thomas (Board Vice Chair, Committee Chair), David L. Brandon, Christopher T. Corr, Paul W. Davenport, Charles B. Edwards, James W. Heavener, Joselin Padron-Rasines, Rahul Patel, Jason J. Rosenberg, Robert G. Stern and Anita G. Zucker. Trustee Susan M. Cameron was unable to attend.

Others present were:

President W. Kent Fuchs; Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, Joseph Glover; Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Charles E. Lane; Vice President, General Counsel and University Secretary Jamie Lewis Keith; Vice President for Development and Alumni Affairs Thomas Mitchell; Vice President for Enrollment Management Zina Evans; Dean of the College of Engineering Cammy Abernathy; Associate Provost Andy McCullough; Assistant Vice President for Public Affairs Janine Sikes; Executive Assistant Rebecca Holt; and Dr. Herbert Wertheim.


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2.0 Call to Order and Welcome

Board Chair Steven M. Scott called the meeting to order at 8:31 a.m. EDT and welcomed everyone including College of Engineering Dean, Cammy Abernathy and extended a special welcome to Dr. Herbert Wertheim. He noted that the Board was pleased to be able to thank Dr. Wertheim directly for his visionary philanthropy.

3.0 Vote to Hold a Joint Meeting (Committee) Vote to Hold a Joint Meeting (Board)

Board Chair Scott asked for a motion to hold a joint meeting of the Educational Policy and Strategy Committee (a committee of the whole Board) and the Board of Trustees, which was made by Trustee Thomas and seconded by Trustee Brandon. The Board Chair asked for further discussion, after which he asked for all in favor of the motion and any opposed, and the motion was approved unanimously.

Board Chair Scott noted that since Dr. Wertheim had joined the meeting, the Board would address Non-Consent Action Item EP2 and Resolution R15-157 first on the agenda.

5.0 Action Items (Non-Consent) EP2 and Board Resolution R15-157 Naming

Vice President for Development and Alumni Affairs, Thomas Mitchell introduced the naming of the College of Engineering and the planned Nexus engineering building. The University is very grateful for the extraordinary and wonderful gift by Dr. Herbert Wertheim and the Dr. Herbert & Nicole Wertheim Family Foundation, to name the College of Engineering the “Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering” and the planned Nexus engineering building the “Herbert Wertheim Engineering Building.” The generous gift will jumpstart a historic, strategically important and transformational opportunity for the College of Engineering to grow and advance in its research, teaching and infrastructure into the future. Dr. Wertheim, his wife, Nicole Wertheim, and the Wertheim Family Foundation, including daughters Erica and Vanessa, have contributed more than $100M to Florida universities and colleges, including the $50M gift to UF’s College of Engineering, and gifts to Florida International University’s Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine and Nicole Wertheim College of Nursing. Action Item EP2 and Board Resolution R15-157 will approve the naming of the College of Engineering, the “Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering” and the planned Nexus engineering building, the “Herbert Wertheim Engineering Building.” The Trustees expressed their enthusiasm for the naming, as fitting in light of the gift.

Board Chair Scott asked for a motion to approve the Non-Consent Agenda, which was made by Trustee Brandon and seconded by Trustee Zucker. The Board Chair asked for further discussion, after which he asked for all in favor of the motion and any opposed, and the motion was approved unanimously.


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President Kent Fuchs stated that he was very grateful to the Trustees for approving the naming of the College and the planned engineering building for Dr. Wertheim. He noted that the gift from Dr. Wertheim and the Wertheim Family Foundation comes marks a truly historic tipping point in UF history. If University of Florida is to become a top national research university, the College of Engineering must become a top 15 College of Engineering. He said the University has the leadership in place to accomplish this, with Dean Abernathy and the Associate Deans. The new resources provided by our partners, Herb and Nicole Wertheim will provide a substantial step forward in obtaining the facilities and faculty support that are also needed to make this possible.

Dean Cammy Abernathy thanked the Trustees for their approval, and thanked the Dr. Wertheim, his wife Nicole and their family for their vision, support and partnership.

Board Chair Steve Scott again added his thanks and said that this gift opens a new future for engineering at UF.

Dr. Herbert Wertheim asked to be recognized and stated that this was a monumental day for him, his wife Nicole, and their family. He indicated he was pleased to be able to use his good fortune for education, healthcare and engineering, which are fields of importance to the future contributions of UF and FIU. He thanked the Trustees for helping education and for their hard work and for honoring him, Nicole and his family by approving the naming of the Engineering College and Building. He expressed his pleasure in giving back to the College of Engineering and the University as a whole.

Board Chair Steve Scott then turned to the Consent Action Item and asked Provost Joe Glover to present EP1.

4.0 Action Items (Consent) EP1. Market Rate Tuition Proposals

Provost Glover noted that under Board of Governors Regulation and accompanying statute, this year and each year for the last five years, the BOG has invited proposals for up to five market rate tuition on-line and continuing education graduate degree programs. Each year UF has made five proposals, the Board of Trustees has approved the proposals and the Board of Governors has approved them as well. These programs are not state subsidized, allow universities to reach a national and international audience at market rates, and do not affect or replace regular university courses at subsidized rates. We are not proposing to increase the tuition rates for these programs as market rate programs in the coming year, and will maintain their tuition at their current rates under the non-subsidized “at cost” program. The statute that authorizes “at cost” programs does not define how to calculate cost and requires protracted discussions with the Auditor General’s office each year. If these programs are authorized as market rate programs, the need for these discussions will be eliminated.


Page 9/231 Associate Provost Andrew McCullough indicated that all 23 market rate tuition proposals presented to the Board of Governors have been approved. There are seven programs in business, three in engineering, seven in pharmacy, three in the arts, four in agriculture and life sciences, one in public health and health professions, one in medicine, two in journalism and two in design, construction and planning. There are a total of 3500 students enrolled in these programs.

Associate Provost McCullough presented the proposed four (4) graduate online and one (1) graduate continuing education market tuition rate programs, as follows: 1. Master of Science in Family, Youth and Community Services (an online program); 2. Citylab Sarasota Master of Architecture (M.Arch), (a continuing education program to be held in Sarasota in space already leased to UF)--University of South Florida supports the program. The UF Board approved a similar proposal in 2012, and received a letter of support from USF. The proposal was not pursued at the time when the space planned to house the program was not available. UF and USF have been working together since to bring the program forward.); 3. Master of Science in Forest Resources and Conservation with Concentration in Natural Resource Policy and Administration (an online program); 4. Master of Arts in Mass Communications (MAMC) with a specialization in Public Relations and Communication Management (an online program). Dr. McCullough indicated that this was a new program with no other similar program available. It will be offered as a twin program, with the same content to be taught in English and Spanish. This is a first for the College of Journalism and Communications and for the state university system; and 5. Master of Science in Sport Management (an online program).

General Counsel Jamie Lewis Keith noted that the Committee and Board are asked to approve EP1 with one amendment to the materials the Board received. In order to maintain the current tuition for each program in its first year as a market rate program, the amount of tuition for Proposal 1 (Master of Science in Family, Youth and Community Sciences) and the amount of tuition for Proposal 3 (Master of Science Forest Resources and Conservation), respectively, as reflected in line 8 of the cover chart, are amended to the amounts corresponding to the programs in line 7 of the summary chart.

Board Chair Scott asked for a motion to approve the Consent Agenda Action Item EP1 (with the change noted by Ms. Keith), which was made by Trustee Zucker and seconded by Trustee Brandon. The Board Chair asked for all in favor of the motion and any opposed, and the motion was approved unanimously.

6.0 Discussion/Informational Items

There were no Discussion or Information Items.

7.0 New Business


Page 10/231 President Fuchs reminded all Trustees about the Board of Governors Trustee Summit on November 4-5, 2015 to be held at Florida International University in Miami and asked any Trustee who could attend to try to do so.

8.0 Adjourn Board Chair Scott asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting, which was made by Trustee Brandon and seconded by Trustee Zucker. The Board Chair asked for all in favor of the motion and any opposed, and the motion was approved unanimously. The joint meeting of the Committee on Educational Policy and Strategy and the Board of Trustees was adjourned at 8:57 a.m. EDT.


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SUBJECT: Tenure Upon Hire


The Chairs and Deans have recommended to the Provost that three newly appointed faculty members be granted tenure commencing with their appointment. These individuals meet the criteria set forth in the University’s tenure policy and are recommended by the Provost to receive tenure. Attached is a Summary of these Tenure Upon Hire cases.


The Committee on Educational Policy and Strategy is asked to approve the Tenure Upon Hire cases listed on the attached Summary and in the Board materials for recommendation to the Board of Trustees for approval on the Consent Agenda. While any administrative appointment is noted, tenure is granted only for the faculty appointments.


Board of Governors approval is not required.

Supporting Documentation Included: See attached Summary and Spreadsheet.

Submitted by: Joseph Glover, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Page 12/231 Dr. Gerrit Hoogenboom-College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Professor, Agricultural and Biological Engineering Dr. Gerrit Hoogenboom received his B.S. in Horticulture and Plant Physiology from Wageningen University in 1977, his M.S. in Horticulture, Theoretical Production Ecology, and Crop Physiology from Wageningen University in 1981, and his Ph.D. in Agronomy and Soils from Auburn University in 1985. He is currently a professor of Agrometeorology in the Department of Biological Systems Engineering at Washington State University. He is also the director of AgWeatherNet at Washington State University. Dr. Hoogenboom specializes in the development and application of crop simulation models and decision support systems and coordinates the development of the Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT), one of the most widely used crop modeling systems across the world. He has published over 280 scientific papers in refereed journals as well as numerous book chapters and proceedings. Dr. Hoogenboom’s over 25 years of experience in research, education, and outreach in agricultural and environmental engineering will be a significant asset to the college and the university.

Dr. Nancy R. Hunt-College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Professor, History Dr. Nancy Hunt received her B.A. in General Studies in the Humanities from the University of Chicago in 1980 and her Ph.D. in History from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1992. She is currently a professor of History with a joint appointment of professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor. Dr. Hunt’s areas of expertise include all aspects of women’s health in Africa. She is the author or editor of three books and also has published over 30 articles. She has also received grants from the National Science Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and the American Council of Learned Societies among others. Dr. Hunt has taught a broad array of courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels which will serve our well-established programs quite well. She has supervised more than twenty students at the graduate and postdoctoral levels. Dr. Hunt has participated in numerous conferences and presentations nationally and internationally. The addition of Dr. Hunt to the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and to the University of Florida will bolster an already excellent program and institution.

Dr. Anthony T. Maurelli-College of Public Health and Health Professions Professor, Environmental and Global Health Dr. Anthony Maurelli received his B.S. in Biology from Villanova University in 1974 and his Ph.D. in Molecular Cell Biology from the University of Alabama in 1983. Dr. Maurelli is currently a professor in Microbiology and Immunology with secondary appointments as professors in Emerging Infectious Diseases and in Molecular and Cell Biology at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda, Maryland. Dr. Maurelli has done internationally recognized research work which has resulted in significant new findings relating

Page 13/231 to emergence and global spread of shiga-toxin producing Shigella strains as well as important data on incidence of chlamydia and other sexually transmitted infections. He has written 55 abstracts, 21 book chapters, and 72 peer-reviewed publications. He has participated in numerous invited presentations both nationally and internationally. Dr. Maurelli has trained many graduate students and postdoctoral fellows and has an extensive favorable teaching record. His accomplishments as a teacher and researcher as well as his service contributions make Dr. Maurelli an excellent fit at the University of Florida.

Page 14/231 TENURE UPON HIRE CASES DECEMBER 2015 Name College Department Rank Previous Institution

Agricultural and Life Washington State Gerrit Hoogenboom Agricultural and Biological Engineering Professor Sciences University

Nancy R. Hunt Liberal Arts and Sciences History Professor University of Michigan

Uniformed Services Public Health and Health Anthony T. Maurelli Environmental and Global Health Professor University of the Health Professions Sciences/Bethesda, MD

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SUBJECT: New Degrees


The proposed new degrees are as follows: B.A. in Foreign Languages and Literature in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy in Human-Centered Computing in the College of Engineering; and the Limited Access Degree Program Bachelor of Public Health in the College of Public Health and Health Professions. These proposed new degrees will aid the achievement of the strategic planning goals of the State University System and University of Florida. These new degree programs were approved by the Curriculum Committee and then by the Faculty Senate at their August 27, 2015 and September 24, 2015 meetings.


The Committee on Educational Policy and Strategy is asked to approve the B.A. in Foreign Languages and Literatures (CIP Code 16.0101); Doctor of Philosophy in Human-Centered Computing (CIP Code 11.0104); and Limited Access Degree Program Bachelor of Public Health (CIP Code 51.2201) for recommendation to the Board of Trustees for approval on the Consent Agenda.


Board of Governors approval is required for all doctoral and professional degree programs only.

Supporting Documentation Included: See Appendix.

Submitted by: Joseph Glover, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

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I. Program Description and Relationship to System-Level Goals A. Briefly describe within a few paragraphs the degree program under consideration, including (a) level; (b) emphases, including concentrations, tracks, or specializations; (c) total number of credit hours; and (d) overall purpose, including examples of employment or education opportunities that may be available to program graduates.

(a) The proposed program is a Bachelor of Arts degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures. (b) The program will offer specializations focusing on oral and written language skills, literature, and culture in the following areas: African Languages (Akan, Swahili, Wolof, Xhosa, Yoruba, Zulu), Arabic, Chinese, French and Francophone, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, and Russian. It also offers a dual specialization in any two of the preceding language areas, with the addition of Polish, Haitian Creole, and Vietnamese. Students will be able to obtain field concentrations in Comparative Cultural Studies, Film and Visual Culture, Literary Studies, and Medieval and Early Modern Studies. The program will replace 4 existing Bachelor's programs which will be closed once the new degree is in place. (c) The total number of credit hours is 120. The curriculum includes 16-20 credits of preparatory language study in the lower and 33 hours of language, literature, and culture study in the upper division. (d) The purpose of the degree is to provide students with a comprehensive knowledge ofa specific area of language and culture as well as a familiarity with the culture of other language or area traditions. Moreover, through cross-disciplinary exposure, the program will enhance students' critical thinking and communication skills. With this cross-cultural understanding of their contemporary world, students will be fully prepared for advanced graduate study in an area of foreign language and culture. Their skills and knowledge will also prepare them for careers in education (e.g. teacher, study abroad coordinator), government (e.g. State Department, immigration and customs, foreign intelligence, international development), diplomacy and international politics (e.g. embassy/consulate work, Aid work, United Nations, international security, interpreting and translating), law (e.g. international law, court interpreter), global business and industry (e.g. import/export, international banking and finance, marketing, public relations), communications (interpreter, translator, journalist), social sciences (e.g. anthropologist, archaeologist, professional researcher, archivist), arts and culture (e.g. film industry, critic/reviewer, travel journalist), and publishing (e.g. editor, marketer, researcher).

B. Please provide the date when the pre-proposal was presented to CA VP (Council of Academic Vice Presidents) Academic Program Coordination review group. Identify any concerns that the CA VP review group raised with the pre-proposed program and provide a brief narrative explaining how each of these concerns has been or is being addressed.

April 12, 2013. No concerns were raised.

Page 60/231 C. If this is a doctoral level program please include the external consultant's report at the end of the proposal as Appendix D. Please provide a few highlights from the report and describe ways in which the report affected the approval process at the university. NIA

D. Describe how the proposed program is consistent with the current State University System (SUS) Strategic Planning Goals. Identify which specific goals the program will directly support and which goals the program will indirectly support (see link to the SUS Strategic Plan on the resource page for new program proposal).

The B.A. in Foreign Languages and Literatures will provide preeminent undergraduate education while preparing students for professional education, business, industry, research, and public service of the highest quality. The faculty members poised to participate in this program are leaders in their respective fields and pioneers in interdisciplinary studies and distance education. As such, the proposed degree meets the SUS strategic Goal 3.

This program meets Goal 1. In terms of "access to and production of degrees" the B.A. in Foreign Languages and Literatures offers, in addition to the existing specializations in East Asian (Chinese and Japanese), French and Francophone, German, and Russian, new specializations (to major level) in African Languages, Italian, as well as structured study (to level of minor) in Haitian Creole, Polish, and Vietnamese. The B.A. will also offer greater visibility and more straightforward access to major specializations in both Arabic and Hebrew (until now only available through an IDS major in Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures), by integrating them into the B.A. The major also offers a new dual specialization track designed to allow students to develop proficiency in two languages as well as cultural knowledge appropriate to their chosen language areas. The structure of the B.A. also reflects the importance ofcomparative cultural knowledge offering students a new, attractive option of a cross-cultural field concentration in Comparative Cultural Studies, Film and Visual Culture, Literary Studies, or Medieval and Early Modem Studies.

This program meets Goal 4. Students enrolled in the B.A in Foreign Languages and Literatures will develop the cross-cultural knowledge, the linguistic skills, and the critical aptitudes that will allow them to make "significant contributions within an increasingly global community" referenced in UF's mission statement. Specifically, the program meets the "unique institutional responsibilities" ofUF by providing students with the multilingualism, the diverse cultural knowledge, the research and writing skills, and the critical and expressive clarity that will prepare them to engage decisively with the social, politica~ and cultural realities of the 21st century as we transition into a more global environment in all areas oflife, business, industry, trade, and educational systems. As a result, our students will be able to meet Florida's professional and workforce needs and assist the state in becoming more competitive in the national and global economy (Goal 2).

Page 61/231 E. If the program is to be included in a category within the Programs of Strategic Emphasis as described in the SUS Strategic Plan, please indicate the category and the justification for inclusion. The Programs of Strategic Emphasis Categories:

1. Critical Workforce: • Education • Health • Gap Analysis 2. Economic Development: • Global Competitiveness 3. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)

Please see the Programs of Strategic Emphasis (PSE) methodology for additional explanations on program inclusion criteria at the resource page for new program proposal. ·

This B.A. in Foreign Languages and Literatures, General CIP 16.0101 will directly address two identified categories of Strategic Emphasis, namely Global Competitiveness and Education.

The B.A. in Foreign Languages and Literatures will allow students to move freely and decisively through the world. At home and abroad they will make superb researchers, educators, statesmen, entrepreneurs, and contributors to the cultural, economic, business, political, and artistic landscapes they inhabit. Equipped with a breadth of knowledge and the ability to express it in a variety of languages, our graduates will be much desired not only as language teachers but also as educators in areas where second language skills are essential to effective communication with the community and the students. Their language competence and cultural acuity will also open doors to industry and to governmental organizations and non-governmental organizations that would normally not be accessible to monolinguals with restricted cultural knowledge. Moreover, their language and cultural skills will be indispensable to state and national security interests. Their cultural and language skills will allow them to function successfully and advance quickly through the ranks in the fields of diplomacy, foreign policy and intelligence gathering and analysis. Our students will also be prepared to function effectively and successfully in a global business community. A culturally grounded understanding of international business practices is an essential part of mobility and success in a global economy. Our students will gain this knowledge through classroom instruction, study abroad and real time encounters with members of cultures and economies beyond the US.

F. Identify any established or planned educational sites at which the program is expected to be offered and indicate whether it will be offered only at sites other than the main campus.

The program will be offered at the main campus of the University of Florida, but students will also have the opportunity to study abroad in the countries relevant to their specialization. Study abroad sites include but are not limited to: China, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, Poland, Russia, Switzerland, Tanzania.

The B.A. program could also constitute a valuable part of the UF Online initiative.


II. · Need and Demand A. Need: Describe national, state, and/or local data that support the need for more people to be prepared in this program at this level. Reference national, state, and/or local plans or reports that support the need for this program and requests for the proposed program which have emanated from a perceived need by agencies or industries in your service area. Cite any specific need for research and service that the program would fulfill.

In May 2013, U.S. Department of Education Secretary Anne Duncan stated ''to prosper economically and to improve relations with other countries, Americans need to read, speak and understand other languages." See­ language-teacher-of-the-year-and-foreign-language-partnerships/. Members of the security community, the medical fields and the high-tech industry echo this on an almost daily basis. A 2013 CNN article highlights the growing professional demand for university graduates with fluency in a second language, stating that "The Army, NYPD and State Department can't get enough workers with this job skill. Neither can Fortune 500 companies, hospitals, local courts and schools" (See:­ languagei). The article supports its claim with data from the United States Department of Labor whose Bureau of Labor Statistics places interpreting and translation in the top five professions with the greatest projected growth rate between 2012 and 2022, indicating specifically a 46% increase in demand (See: The CNN article explains that while government jobs tend to privilege knowledge of Middle Eastern languages, the private sector prefers familiarity with Asian Languages. The article also references specific employers (Apple, Amazon) seeking individuals with second language skills and goes on to state that "In the last week alone, roughly 12,000 jobs posted on included the word 'bilingual'." Addressing the business world, cites an international survey carried out by Korn/Ferry, a premier executive search firm based in Los Angeles, to support the claim that the need for bilingual executives will grow steadily over the coming years (­ language-skillsi). Moreover, in addition to the more conventional career paths for foreign language graduates such as education, the website lists the following "surprising careers fields": Marketing, Hospitality, Law enforcement, Airlines, Gaming, Health care.

In recognition of the urgent national need for students educated in language and culture, the NSEP (National Security Education Program) and the American Councils for International Education have already begun to invest in our African Languages offerings through the AFLI (African Flagship Languages Initiative) Boren scholarships. For details see: https://www scholarship/african languages.html

Foreign governments have also recognized the need for such an education. The globally competitive JET program (Japan Exchange and Teaching Programme) sponsored by the

Page 63/231 government of Japan "aims to promote grass roots internationalization" by employing non­ Japanese teachers "to assist in international exchange and foreign language education in local governments, boards of education and elementary, junior and senior high schools throughout Japan." See: Thousands of university graduates from around the world including students from UF have participated in the program and acquired, in the process, a solid grounding in language and culture pedagogy.

It is worth stating that LLC has already been approached by the recruitment offices of two major employers in the state and have also been contacted by recruiters for US Customs and Border Protection seeking students with proficiencies in Arabic, Russian, and Amharic.

Until this year, LLC tracking of post-graduation employment has been mostly anecdotal. Such anecdotal evidence showed that our graduates work as translators in state courts and hospital, as teachers throughout the state, as lobbyists for airports withill Florida and as entrepreneurs in the high tech industry. This year, we have initiated a working group on student career placement and tracking. We are designing an exit survey that will be given to all students in all LLC courses starting in fall 2014. We will therefore be able to track summer employment as well as post­ graduation. Already we have partnered with the UF Career Resource Center to focus on industries that provide employment career opportunities for students with the core competencies nurtured by our programs.

The following resources reiterate the value of an education that encompasses language study:

• Chicago Tribune, "Bilingual Jobs: Foreign-Language Careers on the Rise": l-26/classified/chi-bilingual-jobs- 20121126 I foreign-language-foreign-language-fastest-growing-languageFinancial Times, "Multilinguals make better leaders":­ monitor/03/19/2013/financial-times-multilinguals-make-better-leaders • The British Academy: Languages: the State of the Nation. The report, prepared by Teresa Tinsley, outlines the baseline data on foreign language use and deficits in , Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales: of the Nation 2013.cfrn • HOPE Student Uses Slavic Language Mastery to Help Holocaust Survivors: .php

Attached as Appendix C are two letters of support for the proposed B.A. in Foreign Languages and Literatures. A summary of these letters appears here.

LETTER 1: Sam Tarantino III, founder and CEO of the Gainesville based Escape Media Group which owns and operates the global audio streaming service Grooveshark, declares his support for a degree program that, he writes, will equip students with an ''understanding of 'the big picture' and an ability to think critically, to analogize, synthesize, contextualize and interpret in an increasingly g1obalized economy." He stresses the importance his own study ofltalian and his participation in the UF Study Abroad Program in Rome and directly credits the "cultural acuity"

Page 64/231 he gained from his study ofltalian with his subsequent ability to "close a deal" with a major Italian telecommunications firm. Speaking as an employer, he also underlines the scarcity of young employees "who possess the skills the LLC program teaches."

LETTER 2: Robert Thoburn, UF Adjunct Associate Professor of Medicine and recipient of the Paulding Phelps Award from the American College ofRheumatology, stresses the strengths of the proposed B.A. in Foreign Languages and Literatures by underscoring the critical thinking skills students will acquire and the ability ''to discern meaning and patterns in seemingly disparate elements[ ... ] and to project and predict future patterns." He insists that these skills are essential not only to cultural studies but also to the sciences "where observation is but a first step." He also highlights the centrality of communication skills to the program writing that students will learn to "express eloquently what they have learned or discovered and to disseminate that knowledge more effectively." He supports his claims with reference to his own recent participation in UF Italian courses stating that this experience has changed the way he pursues his own research in the cellular mechanisms in vasculitis by allowing him to viewing cellular activity "in terms of its narrative content." Finally, Professor Thoburn states that, when seeking young scholars and assistants for his own academic research, he would privilege those possessing the skills offered by the LLC major.

B. Demand: Describe data that support the assumption that students will enroll in the proposed program. Include descriptions of surveys or other communications with prospective students.

Currently the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures offers four majors (East Asian: Chinese/Japanese, French and Francophone Studies, German, Russian), seven minors (Arabic; East Asian: Chinese/Japanese; French and Francophone, German, Hebrew, Italian, Russian) and an IDS major with concentrations in Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures. Together the four majors (East Asian; French; German; Russian) account for a 158 student average over the past five years. As these four majors are replaced with the new major, we expect these averages to transfer over to the B.A in Foreign Languages and Literatures.

In addition, the B.A. will offer new major level specializations in African Languages and in Italian, new sub-specializations in Haitian Creole, Polish, and Vietnamese, as well as more visible and easily accessed majors in Arabic and Hebrew (both currently available as IDS majors), and, finally, the option of a dual language track. These new options will allow us to increase our student averages beyond the 158 baseline. With respect to these new language area options, we expect to draw initially on students already committed to a minor or already enrolled in language level courses. For example, spontaneous feedback from former and current Italian minors has indicated that a solid percentage of these students would have been interested or would currently be interested in completing an Italian major. In addition, faculty in the Arabic program have pointed to a disparity between high level of student interest in an Arabic major and actual enrollment, stating that the structure of the IDS major creates difficulties for a language

Page 65/231 area major dependent on preparatory language courses. The interest in Arabic referenced by our faculty seems to be supported by a recent increase from 14 to 22 students who have declared a minor in Arabic.

The integrated structure of the proposed major will also prove attractive to students interested in a comparative or intercultural approach to language area studies. Indeed, the major offers students the opportunity to select intercultural concentrations in Comparative Cultural Studies, Film and Visual Culture, Literary Studies, and Medieval and Early Modem Studies. In addition, the dual language track will provide students with the opportunity to develop proficiency in two languages as well as cultural knowledge appropriate to their chosen language areas. We expect that these intercultural elements will not only draw students to the new area offerings (African Languages, Italian etc.) but also increase enrollments in the existing majors (French, German, East Asian etc.) as spontaneous feedback from current students reflects a distinct interest in a comparative model.

Finally, the proposed B.A. in Foreign Languages and Literatures encapsulates the central principles and goals laid out in the University of Florida's current SACS Quality Enhancement Plan focused on internationalization. Defining the project of internationalization in terms of a "conscious integration of intercultural and global competencies" into undergraduate student learning (­ web-rev2.pdf), the Internationalization Task Force formulated three SLOs revolving around the identification, analysis, and interpretation of global and intercultural issues (SLO 1 and SL02) as well as effective communication with members of other cultures (SL03) (for full SLOs see: ).

C. If substantially similar programs (generally at the four-digit CIP Code or 60 percent similar in core courses), either private or public exist in the state, identify the institution(s) and geographic location(s). Summarize the outcome(s) of communication with such programs with regard to the potential impact on their enrollment and opportunities for possible collaboration (instruction and research). In Appendix C, provide data that support the need for an additional program.

Most SUS institutions offer majors on the discrete language mode~ with considerable duplication of languages as detailed here:


FSU Modem Languages & Chinese; French; German; Italian; Japanese; Russian; Linguistics Spanish

USF World Languages French; German; Italian; Russian; Spanish; Classics; Applied Linguistics

Page 66/231 FAU Languages, Linguistics & French Studies; German Studies; Italian Studies; Spanish Comparative Literature Studies; Linguistics

UCF Modem Languages & French; Spanish; Modem Language Combination Literatures

FIU Modem Languages French; Portuguese; Spanish

UNF Languages, Literatures & French; Spanish Cultures

FAMU Foreign Languages French; Spanish

UWF English & World Languages no foreign language BAs

FGCU Language & Literature no foreign language BAs

As is clear from the table, FSU's Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics comes closest to UF's Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures in terms of breadth and diversity of degree offerings. Moreover, some of the above named institutions offer, in addition to the majors listed in the table, language courses in Arabic, Hebrew, Chinese, and Japanese. For example, FSU offers a minor in Hebrew and language courses in Arabic as well as an interdisciplinary BA in Middle Eastern Studies through the Middle East Center. Similarly, USF offers language courses in Arabic, Chinese, and Japanese while UCF offers a minor in Italian as well as courses in Arabic, Chinese, German, Russian, and Japanese. Accordingly, while the offerings at UCF, USF, and FSU might look similar to the BA being proposed here, neither institution approaches the breadth and the linguistic and cultural depth of the proposed UF major in Foreign Languages and Literatures. We would not only be offering rigorous linguistic and cultural training in the traditionally conventional language areas (Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian) but would also provide students with the opportunity for advanced study in Arabic language, Hebrew, and African languages as well as the aforementioned sub­ specializations in Haitian Creole and Vietnamese. Equally distinctive is the fact that the proposed UF BA would constitute a highly intercultural model that would allow students to develop cross­ cultural expertise in a range of cultural, literary and/or cinematic concentrations.

D. Use Table 1 in Appendix A (1-A for undergraduate and 1-B for graduate) to categorize projected student headcount (HC) and Full Time Equivalents (FTE) according to primary sources. Generally undergraduate FTE will be calculated as 40 credit hours per year and graduate FTE will be calculated as 32 credit hours per year. Describe the rationale underlying enrollment projections. If students within the institution are expected to change majors to enroll in the proposed program at its inception, describe the shifts from disciplines that will likely occur.

Page 67/231 As indicated in Table 1 of Appendix A, we anticipate a student headcount of290 (217.5 FTE) for the first year of our new program. Our projected headcount of 290 was calculated by taking the current number of students in the four separate majors offered by LLC and adding the number of anticipated new majors. This projection is commensurate with the current enrollment in LLC component programs. In AY 2012-2013 there were approximately 150 declared majors in the four programs housed in LLC. There were an additional 250 students minoring in the various programs also housed in LLC. We have been realistic in our estimates of how many students will enroll in the new program and anticipate a headcount of390 (FTE 292.5) by year 5. We are confident that with the new configuration the major will become more popular because it is more accessible in as much as it allows students to explore a variety of languages and cultures without compromising their ability to complete a major. Moreover, the program would allow our faculty to institute a unified recruitment drive that would increase enrollments.

As the new program will replace LLC's existing ones, which will eventually be closed out, we do not anticipate any undue or negative impact on other UF majors.

E. Indicate what steps will be taken to achieve a diverse student body in this program. If the proposed program substantially duplicates a program at FAMU or FIU, provide, (in consultation with the affected university), an analysis of how the program might have an impact upon that university's ability to attract students of races different from that which is predominant on their campus in the subject program. The university's Equal Opportunity Officer shall review this section of the proposal and then sign and date Appendix B to indicate that the analysis required by this subsection has been completed.

It should be noted at the outset that the proposed BA does not duplicate any programs at F AMU orFIU.

The proposed B.A. in Foreign Languages and Literatures exemplifies an attention to questions of diversity offering, for example, specializations in East Asian Studies, African Studies, Haitian Creole, Arabic, and Hebrew as well as other languages and cultures. Our class enrollments already encompass students of diverse ethnic backgrounds. In addition, the study of languages and literatures consistently attracts a remarkably high number of female students. Our commitment to diversity is equally evident in the demographic distribution of our faculty. Out of a total of 51 faculty: 31 are women; 8 are Black/sub-Saharan African; 8 are SE Asian; 5 are Middle Eastern [3 Arabic and 2 Israeli/Jewish]; 32.are white including European Mediterranean, Jewish, and Celtic.

Despite what we feel is our already strong record on diversity, we will continue to work to strengthen our commitment to racial and gender diversity in our classrooms. Part of this work will involve a reconfiguration of our undergraduate coordination practices. Currently the department has five undergraduate coordinators. Once the new program is in place, there will be one undergraduate coordinator and an undergraduate committee. The undergraduate committee

Page 68/231 has already been entrenched in the department bylaws in anticipation of the new program. That committee will consist of a representative from each language track. In addition to the daily tasks of managing enrollments, advising and scheduling, the undergraduate committee will engage in outreach activities, coordinating with high schools, both local and throughout the state, especially those with particularly diverse student populations. These efforts will include coordinating mini-modules that introduce students to the program and make high school guidance counselors aware of the program.

At UF, the same committee will host outreach events such as information sessions and activity days, coordinating with a variety of student body organizations representing UF's diverse student populations. Moreover, faculty members in LLC are actively engaged in programs such as UF's Minority Mentor Program, in recognition of the great importance of maintaining and promoting diversity. This type of service is and will continue to be actively encouraged and is recognized in the Department Merit Pay guidelines.

LLC continues to be particularly conscious of the need to serve a variety of student populations. New course development is, therefore, an integral part of our teaching mission. The different language programs have already begun to develop classes that will accommodate and serve diverse populations. The Italian program, for example, is working on an Italian for Spanish speakers course designed to serve predominantly Hispanic students with existing second language skills. Consideration is concomitantly being given to developing French courses for Spanish Speakers. Faculty members in Hebrew and Arabic are in the early stages of developing and offering a course that combines and introduction to Arabic with an introduction to Hebrew.

These courses in development are but a fragment of a proposed program constructed around the very principle of intercultural understanding and communication. In effect, the BA in Foreign Languages and Literatures offers not only advanced linguistic and cultural knowledge of a particular language area but also the opportunity to place this knowledge in dialogue with other cultures by means of a critical concentration in Comparative Cultural Studies, Film and Visual Culture, Literary Studies, or Medieval and Early Modern Studies

III. Budget

A. Use Table 2 in Appendix A to display projected costs and associated funding sources for Year 1 and Year 5 of program operation. Use Table 3 in Appendix A to show how existing Education & General funds will be shifted to support the new program in Year 1. In narrative form, summarize the contents of both tables, identifying the source of both current and new resources to be devoted to the proposed program. (Data for Year 1 and Year 5 reflect snapshots in time rather than cumulative costs.)

The data in Tables 2 and 3 of Appendix A are taken from 2013-14 department budget approved by the College Dean. As indicated on Table 3 of Appendix A, the total year 1 cost of$2,162,942

Page 69/231 will be re-allocated from LLC's current operating total of$4,119,831. The year 1 total of $2,162,942 reflects current faculty salaries as well as funds used for Other Personnel (OPS) and USPS salaries and benefits. Faculty salary cost for the new program as a percentage of the total 9 month salary (.75 FTE) was calculated as a reflection of% efforts ranging across our 51 faculty members from 25% (research co-hire faculty members with teaching commitments to other UF departments), through 55% (research faculty who teach exclusively for LLC), to 95% (lecturers teaching full time for LLC with service or study abroad assignments). Moreover, our budget anticipates a reduction in costs by year 5 [from $2,162, 942 to $1,741,074]. In terms ofE&G cost per student FTE, this reduction is as follows: year 1 $9,945 in year 1 to $5,952 in year 5.

B. Please explain whether the university intends to operate the program through continuing education on a cost-recovery basis, seek approval for market tuition rate, or establish differentiated graduate-level tuition. Provide a rationale for doing so and a timeline for seeking Board of Governors' approval, if appropriate. Please include the expected rate of tuition that the university plans to charge for this program and use this amount when calculating cost entries in Table 2

The program will not be offered through continuing education on a cost-recovery basis. It will be regular state-funded UF degree program.

C. If other programs will be impacted by a reallocation of resources for the proposed program, identify the impacted programs and provide a justification for reallocating resources. Specifically address the potential negative impacts that implementation of the proposed program will have on related undergraduate programs (i.e., shift in faculty effort, reallocation of instructional resources, reduced enrollment rates, greater use of adjunct faculty and teaching assistants). Explain what steps will be taken to mitigate any such impacts. Also, discuss the potential positive impacts that the proposed program might have on related undergraduate programs (i.e., increased undergraduate research opportunities, improved quality of instruction associated with cutting-edge research, improved labs and library resources).

Funds for the new program will be drawn from LLC's current operating budget. There will be no negative impact on existing LLC majors in East Asian: Chinese/Japanese, French and Francophone, German, and Russian as these students can be absorbed into the new program. Moreover, it is worth underlining the fact that with the new BA in Foreign Languages and Literatures, LLC will offer not only the same major specializations as are currently available (Chinese, Japanese, French, German, and Russian) but also additional major level specializations in new language areas (African Languages, Arabic, Hebrew, and Italian). The new BA will also provide students with the opportunity to develop cross-area concentrations in Comparative Cultural Studies, Film and Visual Culture, Literary Studies, or Medieval and Early Modem Studies. The intended goal of this opportunity is both to increase our language/culture areas majors and to strengthen students' intercultural competency.

It is our intention to close our existing majors when the new program is approved and in place.

Page 70/231 D. Describe other potential impacts on related programs or departments (e.g., increased need for general education or common prerequisite courses, or increased need for required or elective courses outside of the proposed major).

We do not anticipate any impact on other existing programs, except the existing majors currently housed in LLC, namely East Asian: Chinese/Japanese; French and Francophone; German; Russian. Once, again, each of these degrees will be closed out in the event that the new degree is approved and students can be smoothly absorbed into the new major.

E. Describe what steps have been taken to obtain information regarding resources (financial and in-kind) available outside the institution (businesses, industrial organizations, governmental entities, etc.). Describe the external resources that appear to be available to support the proposed program.

The Chair and faculty members ofLLC continue to review and explore grant funding available for many of the elements of this program. Specifically LLC has worked with several Title VI Centers whose funding contributes to our course offerings, CIBER, Center for African Studies, Center for European Studies and the Center for Latin American Studies. We have participated in the grant writing process and have supported the activities of these Centers. Faculty members within LLC continue to review grant funding resources available to fund research and teaching. In recent years alone, LLC faculty members have received grants from the NEH, the NEA, and ACLS to fund both research and teaching. The Chair of LLC has been working with the Consul General of Japan in Coral Gables, the National Italian American Foundation, and Enterprise Florida to find ways to collaborate synergistically forthe mutual benefit of the state economy and LLC students.

IV. Projected Benefit of the Program to the University, Local Community, and State

Use information from Tables 1and2 in Appendix A, and the supporting narrative for "Need and Demand" to prepare a concise statement that describes the projected benefit to the university, local community, and the state if the program is implemented The projected benefits can be both quantitative and qualitative in nature, but there needs to be a clear distinction made between the two in the narrative.

Encapsulating the principles of UF's SACS Quality Enhancement Plan focused on internationalization, the proposed BA in Foreign Languages and Literatures will produce graduates able to compete and succeed in a broad variety of intercultural and multilingual environments at the level of the state, the nation, and beyond. Students with languages and

Page 71/231 cultural education will be well prepared for professional training in education, government, diplomacy, healthcare, global business and industry, law, communications, publishing, arts and culture.

For example, the new program includes the option of translation courses that will permit our students to work as interpreters and translators, a career path that the Bureau of Labor Statistics places in the top five professions with the greatest projected growth rate between 2012 and 2022, in professional settings including but not limited to the law courts, industry and business, and the diplomatic corps. Equally, the cultural acuity of our graduates will make them candidates for working in the health care systems, in disaster relief situations and for security service in emerging and established nations in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and the Caribbean. The LLC BA will also prepare students for careers in foreign and inter- and intra-state policy planning. The proposed program will provide the foundational skills necessary for those aspiring to careers in higher education, preparing them for graduate study and eventually for careers as educators and administrators. Increasingly, universities and community colleges are requiring that instructors in languages, literature and culture be competent in more than one language. The education we provide will ensure that our graduates are competitive in these arenas.

We have already been approached by the recruitment offices of two major employers in the state and have also been contacted by recruiters for US Customs and Border Protection seeking students with proficiencies in Arabic, Russian, and Amharic.

V. Access and Articulation - Bachelor's Degrees Only

A. If the total number of credit hours to earn a degree exceeds 120, provide a justification for an exception to the policy of a 120 maximum and submit a separate request to the Board of Governors for an exception along with notification of the program's approval. (See criteria in Board of Governors Regulation 6C-8.014) NIA

B. List program prerequisites and provide assurance that they are the same as the approved common prerequisites for other such degree programs within the SUS (see link to the Common Prerequisite Manual on the resource page for new program proposal). The courses in the Common Prerequisite Counseling Manual are intended to be those that are required of both native and transfer students prior to entrance to the major program, not simply lower-level courses that are required prior to graduation. The common prerequisites and substitute courses are mandatory for all institution programs listed, and must be approved by the Articulation Coordinating Committee (ACC). This requirement includes those programs designated as "limited access."

If the proposed prerequisites are not listed in the Manual, provide a rationale for a request for exception to the policy of common prerequisites. NOTE: Typically, all lower-division courses required for admission into the major will be considered prerequisites. The curriculum can require lower-division courses that are not prerequisites for admission into the major, as long as those courses are built into the curriculum for the upper-level 60

Page 72/231 credit hours. If there are already common prerequisites for other degree programs with the same proposed CIP, every effort must be made to utilize the previously approved prerequisites instead of recommending an additional "track" of prerequisites for that CIP. Additional tracks may not be approved by the ACC, thereby holding up the full approval of the degree program. Programs will not be entered into the State University System Inventory until any exceptions to the approved common prerequisites are approved by the ACC.

Prerequisites will be the same as the approved common prerequisites for other foreign languages degree programs within the SUS. Currently, students must demonstrate proficiency by testing or completion of a foreign language through the second semester of the intermediate level in their principal language of specialization.

At UF the second semester intermediate language courses are as follows: AKA2201 Intermediate Akan 2, ARA222 l Intermediate Arabic 2, CHI2231 Intermediate Chinese 2, CZE2201, FRE222 l Intermediate French 2, GER2240 Intermediate German 2, HAI2201 Intermediate Haitian _2, HBR2221 Intermediate Hebrew 2, ITA222 l Intermediate Italian 2, JPN2231 Intermediate Japanese 2, POL2201 Intermediate Polish 2, RUS3400 Intermediate Russian 2, SWA2201 Intermediate Swahili 2, VTN2221 Intermediate Vietnamese 2, WOL2201 Intermediate Wolof2, XH02201 Intermediate Xhosa 2, YOR2201 Intermediate Yoruba 2

C. If the university intends to seek formal Limited Access status for the proposed program, provide a rationale that includes an analysis of diversity issues with respect to such a designation. Explain how the university will ensure that Florida College System transfer students are not disadvantaged by the Limited Access status. NOTE: The policy and criteria for Limited Access are identified in Board of Governors Regulation 6C-8.013. Submit the Limited Access Program Request form along with this document.


D. If the proposed program is an AS-to-BS capstone, ensure that it adheres to the guidelines approved by the Articulation Coordinating Committee for such programs, as set forth in Rule 6A-10.024 (see link to the Statewide Articulation Manual on the resource page for new program proposal). List the prerequisites, if any, including the specific AS degrees which may transfer into the program.



VI. Related Institutional Mission and Strength

A. Describe how the goals of the proposed program relate to the institutional mission statement as contained in the SUS Strategic Plan and the University Strategic Plan (see link to the SUS Strategic Plan on the resource page for new program proposal).

Page 73/231 The proposed BA in Foreign Languages and Literatures is in lockstep with the "2025 Vision" of the Board of Governors of the State University System of Florida which underscores the need to produce graduates who are prepared ''to excel in the global society and marketplace." Moreover, the University of Florida's mission statement confirms that the university "must create the broadly diverse environment necessary to foster multi-cultural skills and perspectives in its teaching and research for its students to contribute and succeed in the world of the 21st century." The goals of the proposed BA in Foreign Languages and Literatures precisely mirror those ofUF and the broader Florida SUS.

In particular, the proposed BA promises to produce students with multilingual skills and multi­ cultural competence, students who are fully prepared to compete in a globalized world. The major will be devoted to inter-cultural diversity and communication through course offerings. Our program and faculty remain devoted to fostering the cultural, ethnic, gender, and socioeconomic diversity of the student body, not only through our outside activities (language tables, speech and skit competitions, mentoring and support of student organizations) but also through our course offerings (for example, ARA3510 Arab Woman; SSW4713 African Women; JPT 3140 Modem Women Writers; ITT3700 Italian Perspectives on the Jewish Holocaust). Our faculty members embody this commitment to diversity and they bring to the classroom a broad variety of intellectual and cultural perspectives and backgrounds. The demographic distribution of our faculty is worth underscoring. Of a total of 51 faculty: 31 are women; 8 are Black/sub­ Saharan African; 8 are SE Asian; 5 are Middle Eastern [3 Arabic and 2 Israeli/Jewish]; 32 are white including European Mediterranean, Jewish, and Celtic. Equally, our continued efforts in developing and delivering distance learning courses are also a reflection of our commitment to making our courses accessible to non-traditional students.

This commitment to all forms of diversity will carry over into the new degree and will ensure a broad variety of experiential learning experiences while also enhancing the cross-cultural aspects of the program. Equally, our commitment to producing graduates who are fully prepared to compete in the face of the globalized realities of the 21st century will steer our BA in Foreign Languages and Literatures.

B. Describe how the proposed program specifically relates to existing institutional strengths, such as programs of emphasis, other academic programs, andfor institutes and centers.

The program will dovetail with and enhance existing institutional strengths at UF. While replacing the four majors we currently offer, the program will continue to collaborate with some of the most successful programs at UF to enhance their strength and our own. Specifically, the program will permit students to coordinate their program with the BABA program offered by the

Page 74/231 Heavener School of Business (link to program description provided below). Currently undergraduate coordinators in LLC have worked with the school to facilitate the addition of a minor in any one of our languages (in particular in German and in Italian) especially to those students who pursue a career in international business. Other collaborations with the School of Business include LLC's regular development and delivery of courses funded by the Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER) and well as the Miller Retail Center.

In the past we have offered courses in business Arabic, Chinese, French, Japanese and Italian. These courses regularly capitalize on the cultural and language skills acquired by our students and apply them in business settings. Similarly, these courses introduce business contexts to students whose education might have been limited to the typical humanities context of the traditional language specific majors. These collaborative endeavors will be offered as part of the proposed program and will allow students whose majors did not previously include such electives to expand the scope of their education. These programs will also allow students to engage in experiential learning which in turns assists in preparing then for a variety of career paths upon graduation.

The LLC program will also continue to coordinate and collaborate with the Center for European Studies, the Center for African Studies, the Center for Latin American Studies, and the Center for Jewish Studies. Further, the program is a natural complement to the CLAS administered program in International Studies and already offers many of the courses of which that program is comprised. The LLC B.A. will also collaborate with the UF International Center to facilitate where possible study abroad experiences to complement the program. The wealth of Study Abroad programs offered by current faculty in LLC is already substantial but the LLC B.A. will place special emphasis on the cultural wealth and multilingualism acquired in overseas studies.

Moreover the newly formed working group on experiential learning and career development in LLC is working towards exploring and creating internships and experiential learning experiences that will dovetail with the study abroad experience. Accordingly, students will be able to capitalize on international opportunities unique to the proposed program. The multilingual skills and cross-cultural knowledge acquired by students will prepare our graduates for a variety of career paths. In light of this sustained attention to intercultural and global competence, the proposed B.A. exactly implements the objectives laid out in UF' s SACS Quality Enhancement Plan focused on internationalization.

[Heavener School of Business: UFIC Study Abroad:]

C. Provide a narrative of the planning process leading up to submission of this proposal. Include a chronology in table format of the activities, listing both university personnel directly involved and external individuals who participated in planning. Provide a timetable of events necessary for the implementation of the proposed program.

Page 75/231 The planning of this program was thorough and comprehensive and dates back to 2008. In the late spring of2008 the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, in response to a financial crisis, merged two departments (Germanic and Slavic Studies, African and Asian Languages and Literatures) and a portion of a third (Romance Languages and Literatures). Throughout the fall of2008 the new department was administered by a representative from the CLAS Dean's office. The faculty members of the new department were charged with naming the new department, articulating a mission statement and creating set of bylaws that would reflect and implement this mission. The faculty members formed a committee, the Transition Committee, to shepherd this process. In the course of these discussions, it became evident that this merger created a unique opportunity to consider the strengths and dynamism that had resulted. Many of the faculty members of the new department were already engaged in interdisciplinary efforts and collaboration. Many of us already worked within IDS (interdisciplinary) programs or were cross­ appointed with a variety of Title VI centers and other departments. Moreover, an assessment of our faculty strengths and student interests revealed that we were already poised to present a new and exciting degree program that would combine our strengths and maximize our teaching resources.

During the 2008-09 AY the faculty of the new department agreed that it should be named the Department of Languages, Literatures & Cultures. It soon set to work on the creation of a mission statement. In the fall of2009 the department embarked on a search for a chair who would facilitate the creation of a program aimed at meeting the challenges of an increasingly diverse student and state population while allowing the department to emerge as a leader in interdisciplinary teaching and research.

In spring 2010 the various newly formed committees began to consider how the department might retain its strengths and build on them under the aegis of a new degree that would also prove to be more administratively streamlined. At the time of the merger the department offered four majors (BALL-Chinese/Japanese, French, German, Russian), seven minors (Arabic; East Asian: Chinese/Japanese; French and Francophone, German, Hebrew, Italian, Russian) and an IDS major with concentrations in Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures. It also offered three IDS majors (Hebrew and Arabic, both associated with the IDS major in Middle Eastern Language and Culture, and MEMS (Medieval And Early Modern Studies). We also offered a stand-alone minor in African Studies and in Italian Studies and MEMS. In addition, many of our faculty members offered courses in the IDS Film and Media Studies IDS major. It seemed that the faculty resources required to administer all of the various components presented, in many cases, a duplication of efforts, and that the time spent by the various coordinators could be better used in teaching and research.

Accordingly, in the fall of2010 an ad hoc committee began the work of designing a program that would encompass all of these strengths identified during the previous two years. The skeletal plans were introduced at a series of departmental meetings through the AY 2010-2011 and, in the spring of201 l, the department voted to move towards the creation ofa departmental B.A.

Page 76/231 During this time the Chair ofLLC, Mary Watt, had numerous discussions with the CLAS Associate Dean for Humanities, David Pharies, Associate Dean Albert Matheny, and the Dean of CLAS, Paul D'Anieri. In the late fall of201 l, the department voted on and approved the model that was to be presented to the university for pre-approval.

Throughout the spring of2012, the LLC curriculum committee worked on the pre-proposal document and it was submitted to the Provost's office in spring 2012. It was pre-approved at that time. In the fall of2012 the Chair ofLLC, Mary Watt, met with the Associate Provost Bernard Mair and the Associate Dean for Humanities, David Pharies, to discuss the requirements of the program and the intricacies of the program proposal document. Throughout the fall of2012 and spring of2013, Mary Watt, started work on the actual proposal document. During that time, Dr. Watt met with a number of outside sources to determine the benefits of the program to private industry, most notably to high tech and medical sciences. In July 2013, Dr. Watt met with representatives from the university library to determine what library resources might be available to support the new program. The first draft of the comprehensive proposal was completed in August 2013 and submitted for review at that time.

In the fall of2013 Mary Watt met first with David Pharies, then with Bernard Mair and Associate Provost, Angel Kwolek Folland to discuss the status of the project and the completion of the various appendices. In October 2013, Mary Watt met with Marie Zeglen of the Office of Institutional Research to receive instruction on how to complete the proposal appendices. The proposal document was completed in December 2013 and submitted to Marie Zeglen, Angel Kwo lek-F o lland, Bernard Mair, David Pharies and Paul D 'Anieri in January 2014 for their review. In summer 2014 Mary Watt and Deborah Amberson (LLC) met with Associate Provost Bernard Mair to discuss revisions. In late summer and early fall Watt and Amberson worked to revise the document in accordance with the input received.

Planning Process

Fall 2008 LLC Faculty Creation of Transition Committee

Fall 2010 LLC Ad hoc committee First stages of drafting the LLC proposal for department review (Joseph Murphy, Mary Watt, Eric Kligerman)

Spring 2011- LLC faculty, Albert Matheny, Series of departmental meetings to Fall 201 l David Pharies, Paul D' Anieri discuss, design and approve the proposed BA

Page 77/231 Spring 2012 LLC Curriculum Committee, Drafting, submission and approval of pre-proposal Mary Watt, Angel Kwolek- F o Hand, Bernard Mair

Fall 2012 Bernard Mair, Mary Watt, David Meeting fall 2012 to discuss the Pharies requirements for the program and the intricacies of the proposal document

Spring 2013 Mary Watt Drafting of the proposal, discussion with stakeholders

July 2013 Mary Watt, Matthew Loving, Staff Discussion regarding available library of Smathers Library resources; creation of report on available library resources

Fall 2013 Mary Watt, David Pharies, Bernard Discuss completion of appendices and Mair, Angel Kwolek-Folland, enrollment and budget projections Marie Zeglen

Spring 2014 Mary Watt, David Pharies, Bernard Mary Watt submitted proposal for Mair, Angel Kwolek-Folland, review; David Pharies, Bernard Mair, Marie Zeglen Angel Kwolek-Folland, Marie Zeglen provided comment

Summer-Fall Mary Watt Implemented comments and 2014 Deborah Amberson suggestions provided

Submission to college /UCC

Winter-Spring 2014-2015 Submission to Senate, Provost

Fall 2015 BOT approval and BOG notification

Fall 2016 First enrollment

VII. Program Quality Indicators - Reviews and Accreditation

Identify program reviews, accreditation visits, or internal reviews for any university degree

Page 78/231 programs related to the proposed program, especially any within the same academic unit. List all recommendations and summarize the institution's progress in implementing the recommendations.

In 2012-2013 an External Review of the Center for African Studies (CAS) was conducted by John Hanson, Indiana University-Bloomington. The recommendation was that UF ought to develop a degree program in African Studies stating "It might be the time to consider degree programs in African languages, literatures and linguistics. UF has the quality, breadth and depth to offer courses and produce MA and PhD specialists in this area. The development of degree programs would attract graduate students and provide more impetus to develop research on endangered languages and other topics that might attract extramural funding to CAS and LLC."

This proposal is the first step towards implementing this recommendation.

VIII. Curriculum

A. Describe the specific expected student learning outcomes associated with the proposed program. If a bachelor's degree program, include a web link to the Academic Learning Compact or include the document itself as an appendix.


Content Knowledge:

1. Describe and define cultural concepts and/or literary production and/or linguistic structure of at least one language. 2. Describe, explain and apply cultural and/or linguistic knowledge using appropriate disciplinary terminology, methodologies, and practices.

Critical Thinking:

3. Evaluate comprehensively the significance of information gathered from cultural sources and apply it using appropriate disciplinary methodologies. 4. Analyze and interpret texts according to their cultural, literary and/or linguistic content.

Communication: 5. Demonstrate competence in at least one language of specialization by articulating clearly in speech and in writing using the selected language(s), including the ability to understand the spoken language, speak with correct grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. 6. Demonstrate critical cultural competence by performing comprehensive analysis in written and oral form.

Page 79/231 The Academic Learning Compact is included in Appendix E.

B. Describe the admission standards and graduation requirements for the program.

Any student entering UF as a freshman will be able to declare Foreign Languages and Literatures as their major. In order to continue to upper division courses in the major and in accordance with the SUS approved Common Prerequisites for foreign languages degree programs, UF students must demonstrate proficiency in their intended principal language of specialization either by placement test or by course completion of the appropriate beginning and intermediate language cycles with a minimum grade ofC by the end of their sophomore year. They must then complete the required 33 credit hours of advanced language, literature, and culture study associated with their language track with the lowest acceptable grade being C. A grade of C- (1.67 grade points) will not be applied toward requirements for the major.

In addition to the 33 credit hours for the Foreign Languages and Literatures major, students must meet all of the requirements for the Bachelor of Arts degree in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) in order to graduate. These are as follows:

The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) has seven requirements for award of a degree. Students must also meet all requirements for the major.

Credits: All CLAS students must satisfactorily complete a minimum of 120 acceptable semester credits for the degree. Up to 30 credits earned in a UF overseas study or exchange program may be applied to this requirement. Students may petition to have more credits accepted; however, approval is rarely given. Grade point average: Students must achieve a minimum overall average ofC (2.0) in all work attempted at the university. Residence: The last 30 credits applied to the degree must be completed in residence at the University of Florida. In extenuating circumstances, the last three credits may be waived by petition. Participation in a UP-approved study abroad or exchange program is not considered a break in residence. However, students must see an adviser to be sure the degree audit accurately reflects this. University I state of Florida requirements: To earn a degree, all students must complete: • A general education program, • The writing requirement, and • The summer term enrollment requirement. Basic Distribution: To ensure that students gain a rich and varied general education, the college requires students to complete basic distribution requirements (general education plus additional CLAS requirements). The same course may NOT be used to satisfy requirements in two different distribution areas (C, H, S, P or B). Three of the credits must also be designated as international studies (N) and three of the

Page 80/231 credits must be designated as diversity studies (D). A minimum grade ofC is required for all courses fulfilling the general education requirement, the writing requirement and the basic distribution requirements. The S-U grade option is not acceptable for these credits. For details, see: pages/degrees.aspx

A total of 120 credits, including the 33 hours ofLLC courses, is required for graduation.

Transfer students are eligible to be considered for admission into the Foreign Languages and Literatures major. Equivalent critical tracking courses as determined by the State of Florida Common Course Prerequisites may be used for transfer students. Ifthe college of origin does not offer the beginning and intermediate cycles in the individual transfer student's intended language of specialization, the student must meet with the undergraduate coordinator to determine if this is an appropriate major and to develop a graduation plan with an expected graduation date.

C. Describe the curricular framework for the proposed program, including number of credit hours and composition of required core courses, restricted electives, unrestricted electives, thesis requirements, and dissertation requirements. Identify the total numbers of semester credit hours for the degree.

To receive a Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Languages and Literatures, students must complete 120 credit hours including 33 credit hours of upper division coursework in specified core and elective courses. Students may choose to complete their major in the following language tracks: 1. African Languages, 2. Arabic, 3. Chinese, 4. French and Francophone, 5. German, 6. Hebrew, 7. Italian, 8. Japanese, 9. Russian, 10. Dual Language Track.

The B.A. in Foreign Languages & Literatures requires preparatory language study at the lower division, namely, the beginning and intermediate cycles in the language of specialization. On completion of the preparatory language work or, in the case of students with either a native background in the language of specialization or prior study of that language, on placing out of the lower division language cycles, students must complete 33 hours of advanced language, literature, and culture study in the upper division (3000 level and above). These 33 hours are comprised ofrequired "advanced language and culture" courses, "advanced electives," and a "critical concentration" in Intensive Area Studies, Comparative Cultural Studies, Film and Visual Culture, Literary Studies, or Medieval and Early Modern Studies (9 credits).

While there is variation across the language tracks in terms of course offerings, the advanced core and elective coursework for the major is distributed across groups and sub-groups such as Advanced Language and Culture, Literature, Linguistics, and Advanced Electives. The variation itselfreflects not only the cultural particularities of the selected language track but also the language difficulty rankings compiled by the Foreign Service Institute (FSI) of the Department of State.

Page 81/231 In all tracks, students with either a native background in the language of specialization or prior study in that language, might be eligible to place out of the preparatory language courses and should meet with the undergraduate coordinator to arrange for placement assessment.

NOTE: In all tracks, courses appearing in more than one group may be counted towards one and only one group.

Details of the required and elective coursework in the various tracks are presented here in the order indicated above.

1. AFRICAN LANGUAGES TRACK Required Preparatory Courses (not included in the 33 hours for the major) • Beginning I in an African language: AKAi 130, SWAI 130, WOLi 130, XHOl 130, or YORI 130 (5 credits) • Beginning 2 in same African language: AKAi 131, SWAI 131, VTNI 131, WOLi 131, XHOl 131, or YORI 131 (5 credits) • Intermediate I in same African language: AKA2200, SW A2220, WOL2200, XH02200, or YOR2200 (3 credits) • Intermediate 2 in same African language: AKA220 I, SW A2220, WOL2200, XH02200, or YOR2200 (3 credits) • LIN 3010 Introduction to Linguistics (3 credits) • HUM 2420 African Humanities (3 credits) or HUM 2424 African Cultures & Literatures (3 credits)

REQUIRED COURSES FOR THE MAJOR ADVANCED LANGUAGE AND CULTURE (15 credits) • AKA3410, SWA3410, WOL3410, XH03410, or YOR3410 (3 credits) • AKA3411, SWA3411, WOL3411, XH0341 l, or YOR341 I (3 credits) • SSA 4930 Special Topics: Languages of Africa (3 credits) • SST 4502 African Oral Literature (3 credits) • SSA 4930 Special Topics: Readings in African Literature 1 (3 credits)

ELECTIVES FOR THE MAJOR ADVANCED ELECTIVES (9 credits with at least two courses at the 4000 level) • SSA 3730 Language in African Society (3 credits) • SSA 4905 Individual Work (3 credit max.) • SSA 4930 Special Topics in African Studies (3 credits) • SSA 4930 Special Topics: African Autobiography (3 credits) • SSA 4930 Special Topics: African Film (3 credits) • SSA 4930 Special Topics: African Popular Culture (3 credits) • SSA 4930 Special Topics: Black Englishes (3 credits) • SSA 4930 Special Topics: Islam & African Literature (3 credits) • SSA 4930 Special Topics: Language Documentation (3 credits) • SSA 4930 Special Topics: Readings in African Literature 2 (3 credits) • SSA 4935 Honors Thesis (3 credits) • SSW 3303 Swahili Oral Literature (3 credits) • SSW 4713 African Women Writers (3 credits)

Page 82/231 • SWA 4905 Individual Work (3 credit max.) • YOR 4502 Yoruba Oral Literature (3 credits) • YOR 4905 Individual Work (3 credit max.) • YOT 3500 Yoruba Diaspora in the New World (3 credits) • YRW 4130 Readings in Yoruba Literature (3 credits)

CRITICAL CONCENTRATION: 9 credits from ONE of the following concentrations 1. Intensive Area Studies: African Languages (Recommended for those planning to pursue careers requiring advanced knowledge ofAfrican language and culture or graduate work in African Studies) A/thou h courses ma a ear in more than one rou th ma be counted toward on/ one roup SSA 3730 Language in African Society (3 credits) SSA 4930 Special Topics: Readings in SSA 4930 Special Topics: African Autobiography (3 African Literature 2 (3 credits) credits) SSA 4930 Special Topics in African Studies SSA 4930 Special Topics: African Film (3 credits) (3 credits) SSA 4930 Special Topics: African Popular Culture (3 SSW 3303 Swahili Oral Literature (3 credits) credits) SSW 4713 African Women Writers (3 credits) SSA 4930 Special Topics: Black Englishes (3 credits) YOR 4502 Yoruba Oral Literature (3 credits) SSA 4930 Special Topics: Islam & African Literature (3 YOT 3500 Yoruba Diaspora in New World (3 credits) credits) SSA 4930 Special Topics: Language Documentation (3 YRW 4130 Readings in Yoruba Lit. (3 credits) credits)

2. Comparative Cultural Studies ABT 3500 Arabic Culture (3 credits) ITT 3930 Special Topics in Italian (3 credits) ARA 3 510 The Arab Woman (3 credits) JPT 3500 Japanese Culture (3 credits) CHT 3500 Chinese Culture (3 credits) JPT 4502 Japanese Folklore (3 credits) CHT 3513 Taoism & Chinese Culture (3 credits) PL T 3504 19th c. Polish Culture & Society (3 CZT 3564 Modern Czech Culture & Society (3 credits) credits) PLT 3564 Modern Polish Culture & Society (3 FRT 3004 Monuments & Masterpieces of France (3 credits) credits) RUT 3500 Russian Cultural Heritage (3 credits) FRT 3561 Women in French Lit/Cinema (3-4 RUT 3501 Cont. Russian Culture & Society (3 credits) credits) GET 3003 German Culture & Civilization 1 (3 RUT 3503 Violence & Terror in Russian credits) Experience (3 credits) GET 3004 Modern German Culture & Civilization RUT 3504 Russia Today (3 credits) (3 credits) RUT 3530 Russia's Struggle with Nature (3 HAI 3930 Haitian Culture & Society (3 credits) credits) HAT 3503 Haitian Culture & Literature (3 credits) RUT 3600 20th Century through Slavic Eyes (3 HAT 3564 Haitian Culture & Society (3 credits) credits) ITT 3540 Crime Fiction & Film in Italy (3 credits) VTT 3500 Vietnamese Culture (3 credits) ITT 3700 Italian Perspectives on Holocaust (3 YOT 3500 Yoruba Diaspora in New World (3 credits) credits)

3. Film and Visual Culture CHI 4930 Special Topics in Chinese (3 credits) GET 4293 New German Cinema (4 credits) CHT 3391 Chinese Film and Media (4 credits) GET 4930 Variable Topics in German (3 credits) CZT 3520 Modern Czech Cinema (4 credits) HBR 4930 Special Topics (3 credits) FRT 3520 French Cinema (4 credits) ITT 3521 Italian Cinema (4 credits) FRT 3561 Women in French Lit/Cinema (3-4 ITT 3540 Crime Fiction & Film in Italy (3 credits)

Page 83/231 credits) ITT 3541 Italian Mafia Movies (3 credits) FRT 4523 Euro Identities, Euro Cinema (4 credits) ITT 3930 Special Topics in Italian (3 cre<:lits) GET 3520 Early German Cinema (4 credits) JPN 4930 Special Topics in Japanese (3 credits) GET 3580 War in Lit/Visual Media (3 credits) JPT 3391 Intro to Japanese Film (4 credits) GET 3581 Lit and Arts of the Holocaust (3 credits) PLT 3520 Polish Cinema (4 credits) GET 4291 Women and German Cinema (4 credits) SSA 4930 Special Topics: African Film (3 credits)

4. Literary Studies

ABT 3130 Arabic Literary Heritage (3 credits) ITT 3700 Italian Perspectives Holocaust (3 CHI 4930 Special Topics in Chinese (3 credits) credits) CHT 3110 Chinese Literary Heritage (3 credits) ITT 3930 Special Topics Italian (3 credits) CHT 3123 Pre-modern Chinese Fiction (3 credits) JPT 3100 Tales of Kyoto (3 credits) CHT 3124 Modern Chinese Fiction (3 credits) JPT 3120 Modern Japanese Fiction in CHT 4111 Dream of the Red Chamber (3 credits) Translation (3 credits) CHT 4122 Religious Dimensions of Late Imperial JPT 3121 Contemporary Japanese Lit.: Postwar Chinese Literature (3 credits) to Postmodern (3 credits) CHT 4603 Journey to the West (3 credits) JPT 3140 Modern Women Writers (3 credits) FRT 3004 Monuments & Masterpieces of France (3 JPT 3150 Classical Japanese Poetry (3 credits) credits) JPT 3300 Samurai War Tales (3 credits) FRT 3561 Women in French Lit/Cinema (3-4 credits) JPT 4130 Tale ofGenji (3 credits) GET 3200 Literature of Knighthood (3 credits) JPT 4502 Japanese Folklore (3 credits) GET 3501 History, Literature, Arts of Berlin (3 PLT 3930 Special Topics in Polish (3 credits) credits) RUT 3101 Russian Masterpieces (3 credits) GET 3580 War in Lit/Visual Media (3 credits) RUT 3441 Tolstoy & Dostoevsky (3 credits) GET 3581 Lit and Arts of the Holocaust (3 credits) RUT 3442 Themes from Russian Lit. (3 credits) GET 4930 Variable Topics in German (3 credits) RUT 3452 20th c. Russian Literature (3 credits) HAT 3503 Haitian Culture & Lit. in Translation (3 RUT 3503 Violence & Terror in Russian (3 credits) credits) HBR 4930 Special Topics in Hebrew (3 credits) RUT 3514 Russian Fairy Tales (3 credits) HBT 3223 Identity/Dissent in Hebrew Short Story (3 RUT 3530 Russia's Struggle with Nature (3 credits) credits) HBT 3233 Israeli History & Cont. Novel (3 credits) RUT 3600 20th c. Slavic Eyes (3 credits) HBT 3562 Jews & Arabs in Mod. Hebrew Fiction (3 RUT 3930 Variable Topics Russian (3 credits) credits) RUT 4440 Pushkin & Gogol (3 credits) HBT 3563 Women in Mod. Hebrew Fiction (3 credits) RUT 4450 Russian Modernism (3 credits) HBT 3564 Motherhood Mod. Hebrew Lit. (3 credits) SST 4502 African Oral Literatures (3 credits) ITT 3431 Italy & Pilgrimages (3 credits) SSW 3303 Swahili Oral Literatures (3 credits) ITT 3540 Crime Fiction & Film in Italy (3 credits) SSW 4713 African Women Writers (3 credits) YOR 4502 Yoruba Oral Literatures (3 credits)

5. Medieval and Early Modern Studies CHT 4122 Religious Dimensions of Late Imperial MEM 330 I Palaces and Cities (3 credits) China (3 credits) MEM 3730 Studies in Holy Roman Empire (3 GET 3200 Literature of Knighthood (3 credits) credits) ITT 3431 Italy and Pilgrimages (3 credits) MEM 3805 Research Methods in Medieval & JPT 3300 Samurai War Tales (3 credits) Early Modern (3 credits) MEM 3003 Intro to Medieval World (3 credits) MEM 3931 Topics Medieval & Early Modern (3 MEM 3300 Castles and Cloisters (3 credits) credits)

Page 84/231 2. ARABIC TRACK Required Preparatory Courses (not included in the 33 hours for the major) • ARA 1130 Beginning Arabic I (5 credits) • ARA 1131 Beginning Arabic 2 ( 5 credits) • ARA 2220 Intermediate Arabic I (4 credits) • ARA 2221 Intermediate Arabic 2 (4 credits)

REQUIRED COURSES FOR THE MAJOR ADVANCED LANGUAGE AND CULTURE (12 credits) • ARA 3410 Advanced Arabic I (3 credits) • ARA 3411 Advanced Arabic 2 (3 credits) • ARA 4400 Fourth Year Arabic I (3 credits) • ARA 4420 Arabic through the Texts (3 credits)

ELECTIVES FOR THE MAJOR ADVANCED ELECTIVES (12 credits) • ABT 3130 Arabic Literary Heritage 1 (3 credits) • ABT 3500 Arabic Culture (3 credits) • ARA 3510 The Arab Woman (3 credits) • ARA 4401 Fourth Year Arabic 2 (3 credits) • ARA 4822 Arabic Sociolinguistics (3 credits) • ARA 4850 Structure of Standard Arabic (3 credits) • ARA 4905 Individual Work (3 credit max.) • ARA 4930 Special Topics in Arabic (3 credits)

CRITICAL CONCENTRATION: 9 credits from ONE of the following concentrations 1. Comparative Cultural Studies ABT 3500 Arabic Culture (3 credits) ITT 3930 Special Topics in Italian (3 credits) ARA 3 510 The Arab Woman (3 credits) JPT 3500 Japanese Culture (3 credits) CHT 3500 Chinese Culture (3 credits) JPT 4502 Japanese Folklore (3 credits) CHT 3513 Taoism & Chinese Culture (3 credits) PLT 3504 19th c. Polish Culture & Society (3 CZT 3564 Modern Czech Culture & Society (3 credits) credits) PLT 3564 Modern Polish Culture & Society (3 FRT 3004 Monuments & Masterpieces of France (3 credits) credits) RUT 3500 Russian Cultural Heritage (3 credits) FRT 3561 Women in French Lit/Cinema (3-4 RUT 3501 Cont. Russian Culture & Society (3 credits) credits) GET 3003 German Culture & Civilization I (3 RUT 3503 Violence & Terror in Russian credits) Experience (3 credits) GET 3004 Modern German Culture & Civilization RUT 3504 Russia Today (3 credits) (3 credits) RUT 3530 Russia's Struggle with Nature (3 HAI 3930 Haitian Culture & Society (3 credits) credits) HAT 3503 Haitian Culture & Literature (3 c;edits) RUT 3600 20th Century through Slavic Eyes (3 HAT 3564 Haitian Culture & Society (3 credits) credits) ITT 3540 Crime Fiction & Film in Italy (3 credits) VTT 3500 Vietnamese Culture (3 credits) ITT 3700 Italian Perspectives on Holocaust (3 YOT 3500 Yoruba Diaspora in New World (3 credits) credits)

Page 85/231 2. Film and Visual Culture CHI 4930 Special Topics in Chinese (3 credits) GET 4293 New German Cinema (4 credits) CHT 3391 Chinese Film and Media (4 credits) GET 4930 Variable Topics in German (3 credits) CZT 3520 Modem Czech Cinema (4 credits) HBR 4930 Special Topics (3 credits) FRT 3520 French Cinema (4 credits) ITT 3521 Italian Cinema (4 credits) FRT 3561 Women in French Lit/Cinema (3-4 ITT 3540 Crime Fiction & Film in Italy (3 credits) credits) ITT 3541 Italian Mafia Movies (3 credits) FRT 4523 Euro Identities, Euro Cinema (4 credits) ITT 3930 Special Topics in Italian (3 credits) GET 3520 Early German Cinema (4 credits) JPN 4930 Special Topics in Japanese (3 credits) GET 3580 War in Lit/Visual Media (3 credits) JPT 3391 Intro to Japanese Film (4 credits) GET 3581 Lit and Arts of the Holocaust (3 credits) PLT 3520 Polish Cinema (4 credits) GET 4291 Women and German Cinema (4 credits) SSA 4930 Special Topics: African Film (3 credits)

3. Literary Studies

ABT 3130 Arabic Literary Heritage (3 credits) ITT 3700 Italian Perspectives Holocaust (3 CHI 4930 Special Topics in Chinese (3 credits) credits) CHT 3110 Chinese Literary Heritage (3 credits) ITT 3930 Special Topics Italian (3 credits) CHT 3123 Pre-modern Chinese Fiction (3 credits) JPT 3100 Tales of Kyoto (3 credits) CHT 3124 Modem Chinese Fiction (3 credits) JPT 3120 Modern Japanese Fiction in CHT 4111 Dream of the Red Chamber (3 credits) Translation (3 credits) CHT 4122 Religious Dimensions of Late Imperial JPT 3121 Contemporary Japanese Lit.: Postwar Chinese Literature (3 credits) to Postmodern (3 credits) CHT 4603 Journey to the West (3 credits) JPT 3140 Modern Women Writers (3 credits) FRT 3004 Monuments & Masterpieces of France (3 JPT 3150 Classical Japanese Poetry (3 credits) credits) JPT 3300 Samurai War Tales (3 credits) FRT 3561 Women in French Lit/Cinema (3-4 credits) JPT 4130 Tale of Genji (3 credits) GET 3200 Literature of Knighthood (3 credits) JPT 4502 Japanese Folklore (3 credits) GET 3501 History, Literature, Arts of Berlin (3 PLT 3930 Special Topics in Polish (3 credits) credits) RUT 3101 Russian Masterpieces (3 credits) GET 3580 War in Lit/Visual Media (3 credits) RUT 3441 Tolstoy & Dostoevsky (3 credits) GET 3581 Lit and Arts of the Holocaust (3 credits) RUT 3442 Themes from Russian Lit. (3 credits) GET 4930 Variable Topics in German (3 credits) RUT 3452 20th c. Russian Literature (3 credits) HAT 3503 Haitian Culture & Lit. in Translation (3 RUT 3503 Violence & Terror in Russian (3 credits) credits) HBR 4930 Special Topics in Hebrew (3 credits) RUT 3514 Russian Fairy Tales (3 credits) HBT 3223 Identity/Dissent in Hebrew Short Story (3 RUT 3530 Russia's Struggle with Nature (3 credits) credits) HBT 3233 Israeli History & Cont. Novel (3 credits) RUT 3600 20th c. Slavic Eyes (3 credits) HBT 3562 Jews & Arabs in Mod. Hebrew Fiction (3 RUT 3930 Variable Topics Russian (3 credits) credits) RUT 4440 Pushkin & Gogol (3 credits) HBT 3563 Women in Mod. Hebrew Fiction (3 credits) RUT 4450 Russian Modernism (3 credits) HBT 3564 Motherhood Mod. Hebrew Lit. (3 credits) SST 4502 African Oral Literatures (3 credits) ITT 3431 Italy & Pilgrimages (3 credits) SSW 3303 Swahili Oral Literatures (3 credits) ITT 3540 Crime Fiction & Film in Italy (3 credits) SSW 4713 African Women Writers (3 credits) YOR 4502 Yoruba Oral Literatures (3 credits)

4. Medieval and Earl Modern Studies CHT 4122 Religious Dimensions of Late Imperial MEM 3301 Palaces and Cities (3 credits) China (3 credits) MEM 3730 Studies in Hol Roman Em ire (3

Page 86/231 GET 3200 Literature of Knighthood (3 credits) credits) ITT 3431 Italy and Pilgrimages (3 credits) MEM 3805 Research Methods in Medieval & JPT 3300 Samurai War Tales (3 credits) Early Modern (3 credits) MEM 3003 Intro to Medieval World (3 credits) MEM 3931 Topics Medieval & Early Modern (3 MEM 3300 Castles and Cloisters (3 credits) credits)

3. CHINESE TRACK Required Preparatory Courses (not included in the 33 hours for the major) • CHI 1130 Beginning Chinese 1 (5 credits) • CHI 1131 Beginning Chinese 2 (5 credits) • CHI 2220 Intennediate Chinese 1 (5 credits) • CHI 2221 Intennediate Chinese 2 (5 credits) • LIN 3010 Introduction to Linguistics (3 credits)

REQUIRED COURSES FOR THE MAJOR ADVANCED LANGUAGE AND CULTURE (6 credits) • CHI 3410 Advanced Chinese 1 (3 credits) • CHI 3411 Advanced Chinese 2 (3 credits)

ELECTIVES FOR THE MAJOR ADVANCED ELECTIVES (18 credits with at least two courses at the 4000 level) • CHI 3403 Chinese Calligraphy (3 credits) • CHI 3440 Business Chinese (3 credits) • CHI 4850 Structure of Chinese (3 credits) • CHI 4905 Individual Work (3 credit max.) • CHI 4930 Special Topics (3 credits) • CHI 4935 Senior Thesis (3 credits) • CHI 4940 Internship (1-6 credits) • CHT 3110 Chinese Literary Heritage (3 credits) • CHT 3123 Pre-Modem Chinese Fiction in Translation (3 credits) • CHT 3124 Modem Chinese Fiction in Translation (3 credits) • CHT 3391 Chinese Film and Media (4 credits) • CHT 3500 Chinese Culture (3 credits) • CHT 3513 Taoism and Chinese Culture (3 credits) • CHT 4111 Dream of the Red Chamber (3 credits) • CHT 4122 Religious Dimensions ofLate Imperial Chinese Literature (3 credits) • CHT 4603 Journey to the West (3 credits) • CHW 4120 Classical Chinese 1 (3 credits) • CHW 4121 Classical Chinese 2 (3 credits) • CHW 4130 Readings in Chinese Literature (3 credits)· • CHW 4140 Newspaper Chinese (3 credits)

CRITICAL CONCENTRATION: 9 credits from ONE of the following concentrations 1. Intensive Area Studies: Chinese (Option 1 Japan or Option 2 Comparative East Asia)

Page 87/231 (Recommended for those planning to pursue careers requiring advanced knowledge a/Chinese language and culture or waduate work in Chinese Studies) Option 1: Japan Option 2: Comparative Studies East Asia JPN 3730 Language in Japanese Society (3 credits) ANT 4146 Prehistory of SE Asia (3 credits) JPN 4850 Structure of Japanese (3 credits) ASH 3303 Modern Korea: Power & Protest JPN 4930 Special Topics (3 credits) ASH 3305 History, Memory, Nation in East Asia JPN 4940 Internship (1-6 credits) (3 credits) JPT 3100 Tales of Kyoto (3 credits) ASH 3381 Women in Mod South Asian History (3 JPT 3120 Mod. Japanese Fiction in Translation (3 credits) credits) ASH 3404 Modern China (3 credits) JPT 3121 Cont. Japanese Literature: Postwar to ASH 3442 Modern Japan (3 credits) Postmodern (3 credits) ASH 3443 Japan to 1600 (3 credits) JPT 3140 Modern Women Writers (3 credits) ASH 4930 Special Topics: Pacific War (3 credits) JPT 3150 Classical Japanese Poetry (3 credits) CPO 3513 Asian Politics (3 credits) JPT 3300 Samurai War Tales (3 credits) ECS 4203 Economics of East Asia (3 credits) JPT 3391 Introduction to Japanese Film (3 credits) REL 3318 Chinese Religions (3 credits) JPT 3500 Japanese Culture (3 credits) REL 3335 Hindu Sacred Texts (3 credits) JPT 4130 Tale of Genji (3 credits) REL 3336 Religion in Mod India (3 credits) JPT 4502 Japanese Folklore (3 credits) REL 3344 Chinese Buddhism (3 credits) JPT 4510 Representation of Japan's Modern REL 3938 Special Topics: Buddhist Meditation (3 Empire (3 credits) credits) VTT 3500 Vietnamese Culture (3 credits) WST 3415 Transnational Feminisms (3 credits)

2. Comparative Cultural Studies ABT 3500 Arabic Culture (3 credits) ITT 3930 Special Topics in Italian (3 credits) ARA 3 510 The Arab Woman (3 credits) JPT 3500 Japanese Culture (3 credits) CHT 3500 Chinese Culture (3 credits) JPT 4502 Japanese Folklore (3 credits) CHT 3513 Taoism & Chinese Culture (3 credits) PLT 3504 19th c. Polish Culture & Society (3 CZT 3564 Modern Czech Culture & Society (3 credits) credits) PLT 3564 Modern Polish Culture & Society (3 FRT 3004 Monuments & Masterpieces of France (3 credits) credits) RUT 3500 Russian Cultural Heritage (3 credits) FRT 3561 Women in French Lit/Cinema (3-4 RUT 3501 Cont. Russian Culture & Society (3 credits) credits) GET 3003 German Culture & Civilization 1 (3 RUT 3503 Violence & Terror in Russian credits) Experience (3 credits) GET 3004 Modern German Culture & Civilization RUT 3504 Russia Today (3 credits) (3 credits) RUT 3530 Russia's Struggle with Nature (3 HAI 3930 Haitian Culture & Society (3 credits) credits) HAT 3503 Haitian Culture & Literature (3 credits) RUT 3600 20th Century through Slavic Eyes (3 HAT 3564 Haitian Culture & Society (3 credits) credits) ITT 3540 Crime Fiction & Film in Italy (3 credits) VTT 3500 Vietnamese Culture (3 credits) ITT 3700 Italian Perspectives on Holocaust (3 YOT 3500 Yoruba Diaspora in New World (3 credits) credits)

3. Film and Visual Culture CHI 4930 Special Topics in Chinese (3 credits) GET 4293 New German Cinema (4 credits) CHT 3391 Chinese Film and Media (4 credits) GET 4930 Variable Topics in German (3 credits) CZT 3520 Modern Czech Cinema (4 credits) HBR 4930 Special Topics (3 credits)

Page 88/231 FRT 3520 French Cinema (4 credits) ITT 3521 Italian Cinema (4 credits) FRT 3561 Women in French Lit/Cinema (3-4 ITT 3540 Crime Fiction & Film in Italy (3 credits) credits) ITT 3541 Italian Mafia Movies (3 credits) FRT 4523 Euro Identities, Euro Cinema (4 credits) ITT 3930 Special Topics in Italian (3 credits) GET 3520 Early German Cinema (4 credits) JPN 4930 Special Topics in Japanese (3 credits) GET 3580 War in Lit/Visual Media (3 credits) JPT 3391 Intro to Japanese Film (4 credits) GET 3581 Lit and Arts of the Holocaust (3 credits) PLT 3520 Polish Cinema (4 credits) GET 4291 Women and German Cinema (4 credits) SSA 4930 Special Topics: African Film (3 credits)

4. Literary Studies

ABT 3130 Arabic Literary Heritage (3 credits) ITT 3700 Italian Perspectives Holocaust (3 CHI 4930 Special Topics in Chinese (3 credits) credits) CHT 3110 Chinese Literary Heritage (3 credits) ITT 3930 Special Topics Italian (3 credits) CHT 3123 Pre-modern Chinese Fiction (3 credits) JPT 3100 Tales of Kyoto (3 credits) CHT 3124 Modern Chinese Fiction (3 credits) JPT 3120 Modem Japanese Fiction in CHT 4111 Dream of the Red Chamber (3 credits) Translation (3 credits) CHT 4122 Religious Dimensions of Late Imperial JPT 3121 Contemporary Japanese Lit.: Postwar Chinese Literature (3 credits) to Postmodern (3 credits) CHT 4603 Journey to the West (3 credits) JPT 3140 Modern Women Writers (3 credits) FRT 3004 Monuments & Masterpieces of France (3 JPT 3150 Classical Japanese Poetry (3 credits) credits) JPT 3300 Samurai War Tales (3 credits) FRT 3561 Women in French Lit/Cinema (3-4 credits) JPT 4130 Tale of Genji (3 credits) GET 3200 Literature of Knighthood (3 credits) JPT 4502 Japanese Folklore (3 credits) GET 3501 History, Literature, Arts of Berlin (3 PLT 3930 Special Topics in Polish (3 credits) credits) RUT 3101 Russian Masterpieces (3 credits) GET 3580 War in Lit/Visual Media (3 credits) RUT 3441 Tolstoy & Dostoevsky (3 credits) GET 3581 Lit and Arts of the Holocaust (3 credits) RUT 3442 Themes from Russian Lit. (3 credits) GET 4930 Variable Topics in German (3 credits) RUT 3452 20th c. Russian Literature (3 credits) HAT 3503 Haitian Culture & Lit. in Translation (3 RUT 3503 Violence & Terror in Russian (3 credits) credits) HBR 4930 Special Topics in Hebrew (3 credits) RUT 3514 Russian Fairy Tales (3 credits) HBT 3223 Identity/Dissent in Hebrew Short Story (3 RUT 3530 Russia's Struggle with Nature (3 credits) credits) HBT 3233 Israeli History & Cont. Novel (3 credits) RUT 3600 20th c. Slavic Eyes (3 credits) HBT 3562 Jews & Arabs in Mod. Hebrew Fiction (3 RUT 3930 Variable Topics Russian (3 credits) credits) RUT 4440 Pushkin & Gogol (3 credits) HBT 3563 Women in Mod. Hebrew Fiction (3 credits) RUT 4450 Russian Modernism (3 credits) HBT 3564 Motherhood Mod. Hebrew Lit. (3 credits) SST 4502 African Oral Literatures (3 credits) ITT 3431 Italy & Pilgrimages (3 credits) SSW 3303 Swahili Oral Literatures (3 credits) ITT 3540 Crime Fiction & Film in Italy (3 credits) SSW 4713 African Women Writers (3 credits) YOR 4502 Yoruba Oral Literatures (3 credits)

5. Medieval and Early Modern Studies CHT 4122 Religious Dimensions of Late Imperial MEM 3301 Palaces and Cities (3 credits) China (3 credits) MEM 3730 Studies in Holy Roman Empire (3 GET 3200 Literature of Knighthood (3 credits) credits) ITT 3431 Italy and Pilgrimages (3 credits) MEM 3805 Research Methods in Medieval & JPT 3300 Samurai War Tales (3 credits) Early Modern (3 credits) MEM 3003 Intro to Medieval World (3 credits) MEM 3931 Topics Medieval & Early Modern (3 MEM 3300 Castles and Cloisters (3 credits) credits)

Page 89/231 4. FRENCH AND FRANCOPHONE STUDIES TRACK Required Preparatory Courses (not included in the 33 hours for the major) • FRE 1130 Beginning French 1 (5 credits) • FRE 1131 Beginning French 2 (5 credits) • FRE 2220 Intermediate French 1 ( 4 credits) • FRE 2221 Intermediate French 2 (4 credits)

REQUIRED COURSES FOR THE MAJOR ADVANCED LANGUAGE AND CULTURE (6 credits) • FRE 3300 Grammar and Composition (3 credits) • FRE 3320 Composition and Stylistics (3 credits)

ELECTIVE COURSES FOR THE MAJOR ADVANCED ELECTIVES: 18 credits distributed as follows: Culture: 3 credits from the following • FRE 3500 France through the Ages (3 credits) • FRE 3502 Francophone Cultures (3 credits) • FRE 3564 Contemporary French Culture (3 credits) Literature: 3 credits from the following • FRW 3100 Introduction to French Literature l (3 credits) • FRW 3101 Introduction to French Literature 2 (3 credits) Linguistics: 3 credits from the following • FRE 4780 Introduction to French Phonetics and Phonology (3 credits) • FRE 4822 Sociolinguistics of French (3 credits) • FRE 4850 Introduction to the Structure of French (3 credits) • FRE 4501 French in the Americas (3 credits) 3 credits from the following • FRW 4932 Senior Seminar in French Literature 6 credits from the following • FRE 4411 French for Proficiency (2 credits) • FRE 4420 Writing in French (3 credits) • FRE 4501 French Language in the Americas (3 credits) • FRE 4780 Introduction to French Phonetics and Phonology (3 credits) • FRE 4822 Sociolinguistics of French (3 credits) • FRE 4850 Introduction to Structure of French (3 credits) • FRE 4905 Individual Work (3 credit max.) • FRE 4906 Honors Thesis (1-3 credits) • FRE 4930 Revolving Topics in French (3 credits) • FRT 4523 European Identities, European Cinemas (4 credits) • FRW 4212 Readings in 17th Century French Prose (3 credits) • FRW 4273 Readings in 18th Century French Literature (3 credits) • FRW 4281 Readings in 20th Century French Novel (3 credits) • FRW 4310 17th Century French Drama (3 credits)

Page 90/231 • FRW 4324 Readings in the 20th Century French Theatre (3 credits) • FRW 4350 Modern French Poetry from Baudelaire to the Present (3 credits) • FRW 4532 Survey of French Romantic Literature (3 credits) • FRW 4552 Introduction to Realism and Naturalism (3 credits) • FRW 4762 Readings in the Francophone Literatures and Cultures (3 credits) • FRW 4770 African and Caribbean Literatures (3 credits) • FRW 4822 Introduction to French Critical Theory (3 credits) • FRW 4931 Concepts of French Cinema (4 credits)

CRITICAL CONCENTRATION: 9 credits from ONE of the following concentrations 1. Intensive Area Studies: French and Francophone Studies (Recommended for those planning to pursue careers requiring advanced level skills in French or graduate work in French & Francophone Studies) A/thou h courses ma a ear in more than one rou th ma be counted toward onl one rou FRE 3070 Accelerated Intro French (5 credits) FRT 3561 Women in French Lit/Cinema (3-4 credits) FRE 3224 Applied French (1-5 credits) FRT 4523 Euro. Identities, Euro. Cinemas (4 credits) FRE 3410 French Conversation & Interaction FRW 3100 Intro. to French Lit. 1 (3 credits) (3 credits) FRW 3101 Intro. to French Lit. 2 (3 credits) FRE 3440 Commercial French (3 credits) FRW 3282 Modem French Prose of Provencal FRE 3442 Cont. French Commerce (3 credits) Inspiration (3 credits) FRE 3500 France through the Ages (3 credits) FRW 3930 Rotating Topics in French & Francophone FRE 3502 Francophone Cultures (3 credits) Lit. (3 credits) FRE 3564 Cont. French Culture (3 credits) FRW 4212 Readings 17th c. French Prose (3 credits) FRE 3780L Corrective Phonetics (3 credits) FRW 4273 Readings 18th c. Literature (3 credits) FRE 4411 French for Proficiency (2 credits) FRW 4281Readings20th c. French Novel (3 credits) FRE 4420 Writing in French (3 credits) FRW 4310 17th c. French Drama (3 credits) FRE 4501 French Lang. in Americas (3 credits) FRW 4324 Readings 20th c. Theatre (3 credits) FRE 4780 Intro. to French Phonetics & FRW 4350 Modem French Poetry: Baudelaire to Phonology (3 credits) Present (3 credits) FRE 4822 Sociolinguistics of French FRW 4931 Concepts of French Cinema (4 credits) FRE 4850 Intro. Structure French (3 credits) FRW 4532 Survey of French Romantic Literature (3 FRE 4930 Revolving Topics in French (1-5 credits) credits) FRW 4552 Intro. to Realism & Naturalism (3 credits) FRT 3004 Monuments & Masterpieces of FRW 4762 Readings Francophone Lit. & Cultures (3 France (3 credits) credits) FRT 3520 French Cinema FRW 4770 African & Caribbean Literatures (3 credits) FRW 4822 Intro. to French Critical Theo

2. Comparative Cultural Studies ABT 3500 Arabic Culture (3 credits) ITT 3930 Special Topics in Italian (3 credits) ARA 3510 The Arab Woman (3 credits) JPT 3500 Japanese Culture (3 credits) CHT 3500 Chinese Culture (3 credits) JPT 4502 Japanese Folklore (3 credits) CHT 3513 Taoism & Chinese Culture (3 credits) PLT 3504 19th c. Polish Culture & Society (3 CZT 3564 Modem Czech Culture & Society (3 credits) credits) PLT 3564 Modem Polish Culture & Society (3 FRT 3004 Monuments & Masterpieces of France (3 credits) credits) RUT 3500 Russian Cultural Heritage (3 credits) FRT 3561 Women in French Lit/Cinema (3-4 RUT 3501 Cont. Russian Culture & Society (3

Page 91/231 credits) credits) GET 3003 German Culture & Civilization 1 (3 RUT 3503 Violence & Terror in Russian credits) Experience (3 credits) GET 3004 Modern German Culture & Civilization RUT 3504 Russia Today (3 credits) (3 credits) RUT 3530 Russia's Struggle with Nature (3 HAI 3930 Haitian Culture & Society (3 credits) credits) HAT 3503 Haitian Culture & Literature (3 credits) RUT 3600 20th Century through Slavic Eyes (3 HAT 3564 Haitian Culture & Society (3 credits) credits) ITT 3540 Crime Fiction & Film in Italy (3 credits) VTT 3500 Vietnamese Culture (3 credits) ITT 3700 Italian Perspectives on Holocaust (3 YOT 3500 Yoruba Diaspora in New World (3 credits) credits)

3. Film and Visual Culture CHI 4930 Special Topics in Chinese (3 credits) GET 4293 New German Cinema (4 credits) CHT 3391 Chinese Film and Media (4 credits) GET 4930 Variable Topics in German (3 credits) CZT 3520 Modern Czech Cinema (4 credits) HBR 4930 Special Topics (3 credits) FRT 3520 French Cinema (4 credits) ITT 3521 Italian Cinema (4 credits) FRT 3561 Women in French Lit/Cinema (3-4 ITT 3540 Crime Fiction & Film in Italy (3 credits) credits) ITT 3541 Italian Mafia Movies (3 credits) FRT 4523 Euro Identities, Euro Cinema (4 credits) ITT 3930 Special Topics in Italian (3 credits) GET 3520 Early German Cinema (4 credits) JPN 4930 Special Topics in Japanese (3 credits) GET 3580 War in Lit/Visual Media (3 credits) JPT 3391 Intro to Japanese Film (4 credits) GET 3581 Lit and Arts of the Holocaust (3 credits) PLT 3520 Polish Cinema (4 credits) GET 4291 Women and German Cinema (4 credits) SSA 4930 Special Topics: African Film (3 credits)

4. Literary Studies

ABT 3130 Arabic Literary Heritage (3 credits) ITT 3700 Italian Perspectives Holocaust (3 CHI 4930 Special Topics in Chinese (3 credits) credits) CHT 3110 Chinese Literary Heritage (3 credits) ITT 3930 Special Topics Italian (3 credits) CHT 3123 Pre-modern Chinese Fiction (3 credits) JPT 3100 Tales of Kyoto (3 credits) CHT 3124 Modern Chinese Fiction (3 credits) JPT 3120 Modern Japanese Fiction in CHT 4111 Dream of the Red Chamber (3 credits) Translation (3 credits) CHT 4122 Religious Dimensions of Late Imperial JPT 3121 Contemporary Japanese Lit.: Postwar Chinese Literature (3 credits) to Postmodern (3 credits) CHT 4603 Journey to the West (3 credits) JPT 3140 Modern Women Writers (3 credits) FRT 3004 Monuments & Masterpieces of France (3 JPT 3150 Classical Japanese Poetry (3 credits) credits) JPT 3300 Samurai War Tales (3 credits) FRT 3561 Women in French Lit/Cinema (3-4 credits) JPT 4130 Tale of Genji (3 credits) GET 3200 Literature of Knighthood (3 credits) JPT 4502 Japanese Folklore (3 credits) GET 3501 History, Literature, Arts of Berlin (3 PLT 3930 Special Topics in Polish (3 credits) credits) RUT 3101 Russian Masterpieces (3 credits) GET 3580 War in Lit/Visual Media (3 credits) RUT 3441 Tolstoy & Dostoevsky (3 credits) GET 3581 Lit and Arts of the Holocaust (3 credits) RUT 3442 Themes from Russian Lit. (3 credits) GET 4930 Variable Topics in German (3 credits) RUT 3452 20th c. Russian Literature (3 credits) HAT 3503 Haitian Culture & Lit. in Translation (3 RUT 3503 Violence & Terror in Russian (3 credits) credits) HBR 4930 Special Topics in Hebrew (3 credits) RUT 3514 Russian Fairy Tales (3 credits) HBT 3223 Identity/Dissent in Hebrew Short Story (3 RUT 3530 Russia's Struggle with Nature (3 credits) credits) HBT 3233 Israeli History & Cont. Novel (3 credits) RUT 3600 20th c. Slavic Eyes (3 credits)

Page 92/231 HBT 3562 Jews & Arabs in Mod. Hebrew Fiction (3 RUT 3930 Variable Topics Russian (3 credits) credits) RUT 4440 Pushkin & Gogol (3 credits) HBT 3563 Women in Mod. Hebrew Fiction (3 credits) RUT 4450 Russian Modernism (3 credits) HBT 3564 Motherhood Mod. Hebrew Lit. (3 credits) SST 4502 African Oral Literatures (3 credits) ITT 3431 Italy & Pilgrimages (3 credits) SSW 3303 Swahili Oral Literatures (3 credits) ITT 3540 Crime Fiction & Film in Italy (3 credits) SSW 4713 African Women Writers (3 credits) YOR 4502 Yoruba Oral Literatures (3 credits)

5. Medieval and Early Modern Studies CHT 4122 Religious Dimensions of Late Imperial MEM 3301 Palaces and Cities (3 credits) China (3 credits) MEM 3730 Studies in Holy Roman Empire (3 GET 3200 Literature of Knighthood (3 credits) credits) ITT 3431 Italy and Pilgrimages (3 credits) MEM 3805 Research Methods in Medieval & JPT 3300 Samurai War Tales (3 credits) Early Modern (3 credits) MEM 3003 Intro to Medieval World (3 credits) MEM 3931 Topics Medieval & Early Modern (3 MEM 3300 Castles and Cloisters (3 credits) credits)

5. GERMAN TRACK· Required Preparatory Courses (not included in the 33 hours for the major) • GER 1130 Beginning Intensive German 1 (5 credits) or GERl 125 Discover German 1 (5 credits) • GER 1131 Beginning Intensive German 2 (5 credits) or GER 1126 Discover German 2 (5 credits) • GER 2220 Intermediate German 1 (3 credits) • GER 2240 Intermediate German 2 (3 credits)

REQUIRED COURSES FOR THE MAJOR ADVANCED LANGUAGE AND CULTURE: 6 credits from the following: • GER 3470 Advanced German Abroad (3-9 credits) • GER 3234 Reading German Texts (3 credits) • GER 3401 German Grammar Review (3 credits) • GER 3300 Writing German Texts (3 credits) • GER 3413 German Listening Comprehension and Speaking (3 credits)

ELECTIVES FOR THE MAJOR ADVANCED ELECTIVES: 18 credits from the following with at least two courses with GER or GEW prefix at 4000 level • GER 3330 German Language & Culture 1 (3 credits) • GER 3331 German Language & Culture 2 (3 credits) • GER 3332 Topics in German Film and Culture (1 credit) • GER 3440 German in Business (3 credits) • GER 4482 Cultural Identity and Intercultural Competence (3 credits) • GER 4850 Structure & Stylistics of German (3 credits) • GER 4930 Variable Topics in German Studies (3 credits) • GET 3003 German Culture & Civilization l (3 credits)

Page 93/231 • GET 3004 Modem German Culture and Civilization (3 credits) • GET 3200 Literature of Knighthood (3 credits) • GET 3501 History, Literature and Arts of Berlin (3 credits) • GET 3520 Early German Cinema (4 credits) • GET 3580 Representations of War in Literature and Visual Media (3 credits) • GET 3581 Limits Representations: Literature and Arts of the Holocaust (3 credits) • GET 3930 Variable Topics in German Studies (3 credits) • GET 4291 Women and German Cinema (4 credits) • GET 4293 New German Cinema 1945 to Present (4 credits) • GET 4930 Variable Topics in German Studies (3 credits) • GEW 3100 Survey of German Lit.I (3 credits) • GEW 3101 Survey of German Lit. 2 (3 credits) • GEW 3930 Variable Topics in German (3 credits) • GEW 4301 Introduction to German Drama and Theater (3 credits) • GEW 4400 Medieval Studies in Germany (3 credits) • GEW 4542 Romantics and Revolutionaries (3 credits) • GEW 4730 Modem German Literature (3 credits) • GEW 4731 Contemporary German Literature (3 credits) • GEW 4750 Women in German Literature (3 credits) • GEW 4760 Ethnic Writing in Germany (3 credits) • GEW 4905 Individual Work (3 credit max.) • GEW 4930 Seminar in Germanic Languages and Literatures (3 credits)

CRITICAL CONCENTRATION: 9 credits from ONE of the following concentrations 1. Intensive Area Studies: German (Recommended for those planning to pursue careers requiring advanced level skills in German or graduate work in German Studies) A/thou h courses ma a ear in more than one rou th ma be counted toward on/• one rou GER 3234 Reading German Texts (3 credits) GET 4293 New German Cinema (4 credits) GER 3330 German Lang. & Culture 1 (3 credits) GET 4930 Variable Topics in German (3 credits) GER 3331 German Lang. & Culture 2 (3 credits) GEW 3100 Survey of German Lit. 1 (3 credits) GER 3332 Topics in German Film & Culture (1 GEW 3101 Survey of German Lit. 2 (3 credits) credit) GEW 3930 Variable Topics in German (3 credits) GER 3440 German in Business (3 credits) GEW 4301 Intro. to German Drama & Theater (3 GER 4482 Cultural Identity & Intercultural credits) Competence (3 credits) GEW 4400 Medieval Studies in Germany (3 GER 4850 Structure & Stylistics German (3 credits) credits) GEW 4542 Romantics and Revolutionaries (3 GER 4930 Variable Topics German (3 credits) credits) GET 3200 Literature of Knighthood (3 credits) GEW 4730 Modern German Literature (3 credits) GET 3501 History, Lit., Arts of Berlin (3 credits) GEW 4731 Contemporary German Literature (3 GET 3520 Early German Cinema (4 credits) credits) GET 3580 War in Lit/Visual Media (3 credits) GEW 4750 Women in German Lit. (3 credits) GET 3581 Lit and Arts of the Holocaust GEW 4760 Ethnic Writing in Germany (3 credits) GET 4930 Variable Topics in German (3 credits) GEW 4930 Seminar Germanic Languages & GET 4291 Women and German Cinema (4 credits) Literatures (3 credits)

Page 94/231 2. Comparative Cultural Studies ABT 3500 Arabic Culture (3 credits) ITT 3930 Special Topics in Italian (3 credits) ARA 3510 The Arab Woman (3 credits) JPT 3500 Japanese Culture (3 credits) CHT 3500 Chinese Culture (3 credits) JPT 4502 Japanese Folklore (3 credits) CHT 3513 Taoism & Chinese Culture (3 credits) PLT 3504 19th c. Polish Culture & Society (3 CZT 3564 Modem Czech Culture & Society (3 credits) credits) PLT 3564 Modem Polish Culture & Society (3 FRT 3004 Monuments & Masterpieces of France (3 credits) credits) RUT 3500 Russian Cultural Heritage (3 credits) FRT 3561 Women in French Lit/Cinema (3-4 RUT 3501 Cont. Russian Culture & Society (3 credits) credits) GET 3003 German Culture & Civilization 1 (3 RUT 3503 Violence & Terror in Russian credits) Experience (3 credits) GET 3004 Modern German Culture & Civilization RUT 3504 Russia Today (3 credits) (3 credits) RUT 3530 Russia's Struggle with Nature (3 HAI 3930 Haitian Culture & Society (3 credits) credits) HAT 3503 Haitian Culture & Literature (3 credits) RUT 3600 20th c. through Slavic Eyes (3 credits) HAT 3564 Haitian Culture & Society (3 credits) VTT 3500 Vietnamese Culture (3 credits) ITT 3540 Crime Fiction & Film in Italy (3 credits) YOT 3500 Yoruba Diaspora in New World (3 ITT 3700 Italian Perspectives Holocaust (3 credits) credits)

3. Film and Visual Culture CHI 4930 Special Topics in Chinese (3 credits) GET 4293 New German Cinema (4 credits) CHT 3391 Chinese Film and Media (4 credits) GET 4930 Variable Topics in German (3 credits) CZT 3520 Modem Czech Cinema (4 credits) HBR 4930 Special Topics (3 credits) FRT 3520 French Cinema (4 credits) ITT 3521 Italian Cinema (4 credits) FRT 3561 Women in French Lit/Cinema (3-4 ITT 3540 Crime Fiction & Film in Italy (3 credits) credits) ITT 3541 Italian Mafia Movies (3 credits) FRT 4523 Euro Identities, Euro Cinema (4 credits) ITT 3930 Special Topics in Italian (3 credits) GET 3520 Early German Cinema (4 credits) JPN 4930 Special Topics in Japanese (3 credits) GET 3580 War in Lit/Visual Media (3 credits) JPT 3391 Intro to Japanese Film (4 credits) GET 3581 Lit and Arts of the Holocaust (3 credits) PLT 3520 Polish Cinema (4 credits) GET 4291 Women and German Cinema (4 credits) SSA 4930 Special Topics: African Film (3 credits)

4. Literary Studies

ABT 3130 Arabic Literary Heritage (3 credits) ITT 3700 Italian Perspectives Holocaust (3 CHI 4930 Special Topics in Chinese (3 credits) credits) CHT 3110 Chinese Literary Heritage (3 credits) ITT 3930 Special Topics Italian (3 credits) CHT 3123 Pre-modern Chinese Fiction (3 credits) JPT 3100 Tales of Kyoto (3 credits) CHT 3124 Modem Chinese Fiction (3 credits) JPT 3120 Modem Japanese Fiction in CHT 4111 Dream of the Red Chamber (3 credits) Translation (3 credits) CHT 4122 Religious Dimensions of Late Imperial JPT 3121 Contemporary Japanese Lit.: Postwar Chinese Literature (3 credits) to Postmodern (3 credits) CHT 4603 Journey to the West (3 credits) JPT 3140 Modem Women Writers (3 credits) FRT 3004 Monuments & Masterpieces of France (3 JPT 3150 Classical Japanese Poetry (3 credits) credits) JPT 3300 Samurai War Tales (3 credits) FRT 3561 Women in French Lit/Cinema (3-4 credits) JPT 4130 Tale ofGenji (3 credits) GET 3200 Literature of Knighthood (3 credits) JPT 4502 Japanese Folklore (3 credits) GET 3501 History, Literature, Arts of Berlin (3 PLT 3930 Special Topics in Polish (3 credits) credits) RUT 3101 Russian Masterpieces (3 credits)

Page 95/231 GET 3580 War in Lit/Visual Media (3 credits) RUT 3441 Tolstoy & Dostoevsky (3 credits) GET 3581 Lit and Arts of the Holocaust (3 credits) RUT 3442 Themes from Russian Lit. (3 credits) GET 4930 Variable Topics in German (3 credits) RUT 3452 20th c. Russian Literature (3 credits) HAT 3503 Haitian Culture & Lit. in Translation (3 RUT 3503 Violence & Terror in Russian (3 credits) credits) HBR 4930 Special Topics in Hebrew (3 credits) RUT 3514 Russian Fairy Tales (3 credits) HBT 3223 Identity/Dissent in Hebrew Short Story (3 RUT 3530 Russia's Struggle with Nature (3 credits) credits) HBT 3233 Israeli History & Cont. Novel (3 credits) RUT 3600 20th c. Slavic Eyes (3 credits) HBT 3562 Jews & Arabs in Mod. Hebrew Fiction (3 RUT 3930 Variable Topics Russian (3 credits) credits) RUT 4440 Pushkin & Gogol (3 credits) HBT 3563 Women in Mod. Hebrew Fiction (3 credits) RUT 4450 Russian Modernism (3 credits) HBT 3564 Motherhood Mod. Hebrew Lit. (3 credits) SST 4502 African Oral Literatures (3 credits) ITT 3431 Italy & Pilgrimages (3 credits) SSW 3303 Swahili Oral Literatures (3 credits) ITT 3540 Crime Fiction & Film in Italy (3 credits) SSW 4713 African Women Writers (3 credits) YOR 4502 Yoruba Oral Literatures (3 credits)

5. Medieval and Early Modern Studies CHT 4122 Religious Dimensions of Late Imperial MEM 3301 Palaces and Cities (3 credits) China (3 credits) MEM 3730 Studies in Holy Roman Empire (3 GET 3200 Literature of Knighthood (3 credits) credits) ITT 3431 Italy and Pilgrimages (3 credits) MEM 3805 Research Methods in Medieval & JPT 3300 Samurai War Tales (3 credits) Early Modern (3 credits) MEM 3003 Intro to Medieval World (3 credits) MEM 3931 Topics Medieval & Early Modern (3 MEM 3300 Castles and Cloisters (3 credits) credits)

6. HEBREW TRACK Required Preparatory Courses (not included in the 33 hours for the major) • HBR 1130 Beginning Hebrew 1 (5 credits) • HBR 1131 Beginning Hebrew 2 (5 credits) • HBR 2220 Intermediate Hebrew 1 ( 4 credits) • HBR 2221 Intermediate Hebrew 2 (4 credits)

REQUIRED COURSES FOR THE MAJOR ADVANCED LANGUAGE AND CULTURE (6 credits) • HBR 3410 Advanced Modem Hebrew 1 (3 credits) • HBR 3411 Advanced Modem Hebrew 2 (3 credits)

ELECTIVES FOR THE MAJOR ADVANCED ELECTIVES: 18 credits, with at least two courses at 4000 level • HBR 4905 Individual Work (3 credit max.) • HBR 4930 Special Topics (3 credits) • HBT 3223 Identity & Dissent in Hebrew Short Story (3 credits) • HBT 3233 Israeli History and the Contemporary Novel (3 credits) • HBT 3562 Jews and Arabs in Modern Hebrew Fiction (3 credits) • HBT 3563 Women in Modem Hebrew Fiction (3 credits)

Page 96/231 • HBT 3564 Motherhood in Modem Hebrew Literature (3 credits) • HMW 3200 Introduction to Modem Hebrew Literature 1 (3 credits) • HMW 3201 Introduction to Modem Hebrew Literature 2 (3 credits) • HMW 4200 Readings in Modem Hebrew Literature 1 (3 credits) • HMW 4201 Readings in Modern Hebrew Literature 2 (3 credits)

CRITICAL CONCENTRATION: 9 credits from ONE of the following concentrations 1. Comparative Cultural Studies ABT 3500 Arabic Culture (3 credits) ITT 3930 Special Topics in Italian (3 credits) ARA 3510 The Arab Woman (3 credits) JPT 3500 Japanese Culture (3 credits) CHT 3500 Chinese Culture (3 credits) JPT 4502 Japanese Folklore (3 credits) CHT 3513 Taoism & Chinese Culture (3 credits) PLT 3504 19th c. Polish Culture & Society (3 CZT 3564 Modern Czech Culture & Society (3 credits) credits) PLT 3564 Modern Polish Culture & Society (3 FRT 3004 Monuments & Masterpieces of France (3 credits) credits) RUT 3500 Russian Cultural Heritage (3 credits) FRT 3561 Women in French Lit/Cinema (3-4 RUT 3501 Cont. Russian Culture & Society (3 credits) credits) GET 3003 German Culture & Civilization 1 (3 RUT 3503 Violence & Terror in Russian credits) Experience (3 credits) GET 3004 Modern German Culture & Civilization RUT 3504 Russia Today (3 credits) (3 credits) RUT 3530 Russia's Struggle with Nature (3 HAI 3930 Haitian Culture & Society (3 credits) credits) HAT 3503 Haitian Culture & Literature (3 credits) RUT 3600 20th Century through Slavic Eyes (3 HAT 3564 Haitian Culture & Society (3 credits) credits) ITT 3540 Crime Fiction & Film in Italy (3 credits) VTT 3500 Vietnamese Culture (3 credits) ITT 3700 Italian Perspectives on Holocaust (3 YOT 3500 Yoruba Diaspora in New World (3 credits) credits)

2. Film and Visual Culture CHI 4930 Special Topics in Chinese (3 credits) GET 4293 New German Cinema (4 credits) CHT 3391 Chinese Film and Media (4 credits) GET 4930 Variable Topics in German (3 credits) CZT 3520 Modern Czech Cinema (4 credits) HBR 4930 Special Topics (3 credits) FRT 3520 French Cinema (4 credits) ITT 3521 Italian Cinema (4 credits) FRT 3561 Women in French Lit/Cinema (3-4 ITT 3540 Crime Fiction & Film in Italy (3 credits) credits) ITT 3541 Italian Mafia Movies (3 credits) FRT 4523 Euro Identities, Euro Cinema (4 credits) ITT 3930 Special Topics in Italian (3 credits) GET 3520 Early German Cinema (4 credits) JPN 4930 Special Topics in Japanese (3 credits) GET 3580 War in Lit/Visual Media (3 credits) JPT 3391 Intro to Japanese Film (4 credits) GET 3581 Lit and Arts of the Holocaust (3 credits) PLT 3520 Polish Cinema (4 credits) GET 429 l Women and German Cinema (4 credits) SSA 4930 Special Topics: African Film (3 credits)

3. Literary Studies

ABT 3130 Arabic Literary Heritage (3 credits) ITT 3700 Italian Perspectives Holocaust (3 CHI 4930 Special Topics in Chinese (3 credits) credits) CHT 3110 Chinese Literary Heritage (3 credits) ITT 3930 Special Topics Italian (3 credits) CHT 3123 Pre-modern Chinese Fiction (3 credits) JPT 3100 Tales of Kyoto (3 credits) CHT 3124 Modern Chinese Fiction (3 credits) JPT 3120 Modern Japanese Fiction in

Page 97/231 CHT 4111 Dream of the Red Chamber (3 credits) Translation (3 credits) CHT 4122 Religious Dimensions of Late Imperial JPT 3121 Contemporary Japanese Lit.: Postwar Chinese Literature (3 credits) to Postmodern (3 credits) CHT 4603 Journey to the West (3 credits) JPT 3140 Modem Women Writers (3 credits) FRT 3004 Monuments & Masterpieces of France (3 JPT 3150 Classical Japanese Poetry (3 credits) credits) JPT 3300 Samurai War Tales (3 credits) FRT 3561 Women in French Lit/Cinema (3-4 credits) JPT 4130 Tale ofGenji (3 credits) GET 3200 Literature of Knighthood (3 credits) JPT 4502 Japanese Folklore (3 credits) GET 3501 History, Literature, Arts of Berlin (3 PLT 3930 Special Topics in Polish (3 credits) credits) RUT 310 I Russian Masterpieces (3 credits) GET 3580 War in Lit/Visual Media (3 credits) RUT 3441 Tolstoy & Dostoevsky (3 credits) GET 3581 Lit and Arts of the Holocaust (3 credits) RUT 3442 Themes from Russian Lit. (3 credits) GET 4930 Variable Topics in German (3 credits) RUT 3452 20th c. Russian Literature (3 credits) HAT 3503 Haitian Culture & Lit. in Translation (3 RUT 3503 Violence & Terror in Russian (3 credits) credits) HBR 4930 Special Topics in Hebrew (3 credits) RUT 3514 Russian Fairy Tales (3 credits) HBT 3223 Identity/Dissent in Hebrew Short Story (3 RUT 3530 Russia's Struggle with Nature (3 credits) credits) HBT 3233 Israeli History & Cont. Novel (3 credits) RUT 3600 20th c. Slavic Eyes (3 credits) HBT 3562 Jews & Arabs in Mod. Hebrew Fiction (3 RUT 3930 Variable Topics Russian (3 credits) credits) RUT 4440 Pushkin & Gogol (3 credits) HBT 3563 Women in Mod. Hebrew Fiction (3 credits) RUT 4450 Russian Modernism (3 credits) HBT 3564 Motherhood Mod. Hebrew Lit. (3 credits) SST 4502 African Oral Literatures (3 credits) ITT 3431 Italy & Pilgrimages (3 credits) SSW 3303 Swahili Oral Literatures (3 credits) ITT 3540 Crime Fiction & Film in Italy (3 credits) SSW 4713 African Women Writers (3 credits) YOR 4502 Yoruba Oral Literatures (3 credits)

4. Medieval and Early Modern Studies CHT 4122 Religious Dimensions of Late Imperial MEM 3301 Palaces and Cities (3 credits) China (3 credits) MEM 3730 Studies in Holy Roman Empire (3 GET 3200 Literature of Knighthood (3 credits) credits) ITT 3431 Italy and Pilgrimages (3 credits) MEM 3805 Research Methods in Medieval & JPT 3300 Samurai War Tales (3 credits) Early Modern (3 credits) MEM 3003 Intro to Medieval World (3 credits) MEM 3931 Topics Medieval & Early Modern (3 MEM 3300 Castles and Cloisters (3 credits) credits)

7. ITALIANTRACK Required Preparatory Courses (not included in the 33 hours for the major) • ITA 1130 Beginning Italian 1 (5 credits) • ITA 1131 Beginning Italian 2 ( 5 credits) • ITA 2220 Intermediate Italian 1 (4 credits) • ITA 2221 Intermediate Italian 2 (4 credits)

REQUIRED COURSES FOR THE MAJOR ADVAN CED LANGUAGE AND CULTURE (6 credits) • ITA 3420 Grammar and Composition 1 (3 credits) • ITA 3564 Contemporary Italian Culture (3 credits)

Page 98/231 ELECTIVES FOR THE MAJOR ADVANCED ELECTIVES: 18 credits with at least two courses at 4000 level with no more than two ITT prefix courses allowed. • ITA 3224 Italian Enhancement (1-5 credits) • ITA 3500 Italian Civilization (3 credits) • ITA 4905 Individual Work (3 credit max.) • ITT 3431 Italy and Pilgrimages (3 credits) • ITT 3521 Italian Cinema (4 credits) • ITT 3540 Murder Italian Style: Crime Fiction and Film in Italy (3 credits) • ITT 3541 Italian Mafia Movies (3 credits) • ITT 3700 Demolition of Man: Italian Perspectives on the Jewish Holocaust (3 credits) • ITT 3930 Special Topics in Italian (3 credits) • ITW 3100 Introduction to Italian Lit. I (3 credits) • ITW 310 I Introduction to Italian Lit. 2 (3 credits) • ITW 3310 Italian Play Production (3 credits) • ITW 4026C Representing Humble Italy: Literature & Cinema ofltalian South (3 credits) • ITW 4253 Delitto all'italiana: Crime Fiction and Film in Italy (3 credits) • ITW 4491 Italian Theater: Renaissance to Early Modem Era (3 credits) • ITW 4526 Mad Love in Modem Italian Literature (3 credits) • ITW 4600 Dante's Inferno (3 credits)

CRITICAL CONCENTRATION: 9 credits from ONE of the following concentrations 1. Intensive Area Studies: Italian (Recommended for those planning to pursue careers requiring advanced level skills in Italian or graduate work in Italian Studies) A/thou h courses ma a ear in more than one rou the ma be counted toward onl one rou ITA 3224 Italian Enhancement (1-5 credits) ITW 3101 Intro. to Italian Literature 2 (3 credits) IT A 3500 Italian Civilization (3 credits) ITW 3310 Italian Play Production (3 credits) ITT 3431 Italy & Pilgrimages (3 credits) ITW 4026C Representing Humble Italy: Lit. & Cinema ITT 3521 Italian Cinema (3 credits) ofltalian South (3 credits) ITT 3540 Murder Italian Style: Crime ITW 4253 Delitto all'italiana: Crime Fiction & Film (3 Fiction/Film in Italy (3 credits) credits) ITT 3541 Italian Mafia Movies (3 credits) ITW 4491 Italian Theater: Renaissance to Early Modern ITT 3700 Italian Perspectives on the Jewish (3 credits) Holocaust (3 credits) ITW 4526 Mad Love in Mod. Italian Lit. (3 credits) ITT 3930 Special Topics Italian (3 credits) ITW 4600 Dante's Inferno (3 credits) ITW 3100 Intro. to Italian Lit I (3 credits)

2. Comparative Cultural Studies ABT 3500 Arabic Culture (3 credits) ITT 3930 Special Topics in Italian (3 credits) ARA 3510 The Arab Woman (3 credits) JPT 3500 Japanese Culture (3 credits) CHT 3500 Chinese Culture (3 credits) JPT 4502 Japanese Folklore (3 credits) CHT 3513 Taoism & Chinese Culture (3 credits) PLT 3504 19th c. Polish Culture & Society (3 CZT 3564 Modern Czech Culture & Society (3 credits) credits) PLT 3564 Modern Polish Culture & Society (3 FRT 3004 Monuments & Masterpieces of France (3 credits) credits) RUT 3500 Russian Cultural Heritage (3 credits) FRT 3561 Women in French Lit/Cinema (3-4 RUT 3501 Cont. Russian Culture & Society (3 credits) credits)

Page 99/231 GET 3003 German Culture & Civilization 1 (3 RUT 3503 Violence & Terror in Russian credits) Experience (3 credits) GET 3004 Modern German Culture & Civilization RUT 3504 Russia Today (3 credits) (3 credits) RUT 3530 Russia's Struggle with Nature (3 HAI 3930 Haitian Culture & Society (3 credits) credits) HAT 3503 Haitian Culture & Literature (3 credits) RUT 3600 20th Century through Slavic Eyes (3 HAT 3564 Haitian Culture & Society (3 credits) credits) ITT 3540 Crime Fiction & Film in Italy (3 credits) VTT 3500 Vietnamese Culture (3 credits) ITT 3700 Italian Perspectives on Holocaust (3 YOT 3500 Yoruba Diaspora in New World (3 credits) credits)

3. Film and Visual Culture CHI 4930 Special Topics in Chinese (3 credits) GET 4293 New German Cinema (4 credits) CHT 3391 Chinese Film and Media (4 credits) GET 4930 Variable Topics in German (3 credits) CZT 3520 Modern Czech Cinema (4 credits) HBR 4930 Special Topics (3 credits) FRT 3520 French Cinema (4 credits) ITT 3521 Italian Cinema (4 credits) FRT 3561 Women in French Lit/Cinema (3-4 ITT 3540 Crime Fiction & Film in Italy (3 credits) credits) ITT 3541 Italian Mafia Movies (3 credits) FRT 4523 Euro Identities, Euro Cinema (4 credits) ITT 3930 Special Topics in Italian (3 credits) GET 3520 Early German Cinema (4 credits) JPN 4930 Special Topics in Japanese (3 credits) GET 3580 War in Lit/Visual Media (3 credits) JPT 3391 Intro to Japanese Film (4 credits) GET 3581 Lit and Arts of the Holocaust (3 credits) PLT 3520 Polish Cinema (4 credits) GET 4291 Women and German Cinema (4 credits) SSA 4930 Special Topics: African Film (3 credits)

4. Literary Studies

ABT 3130 Arabic Literary Heritage (3 credits) ITT 3700 Italian Perspectives Holocaust (3 CHI 4930 Special Topics in Chinese (3 credits) credits) CHT 3110 Chinese Literary Heritage (3 credits) ITT 3930 Special Topics Italian (3 credits) CHT 3123 Pre-modern Chinese Fiction (3 credits) JPT 3100 Tales of Kyoto (3 credits) CHT 3124 Modern Chinese Fiction (3 credits) JPT 3120 Modern Japanese Fiction in CHT 4111 Dream of the Red Chamber (3 credits) Translation (3 credits) CHT 4122 Religious Dimensions of Late Imperial JPT 3121 Contemporary Japanese Lit.: Postwar Chinese Literature (3 credits) to Postmodern (3 credits) CHT 4603 Journey to the West (3 credits) JPT 3140 Modern Women Writers (3 credits) FRT 3004 Monuments & Masterpieces of France (3 JPT 3150 Classical Japanese Poetry (3 credits) credits) JPT 3300 Samurai War Tales (3 credits) FRT 3561 Women in French Lit/Cinema (3-4 credits) JPT 4130 Tale of Genji (3 credits) GET 3200 Literature of Knighthood (3 credits) JPT 4502 Japanese Folklore (3 credits) GET 3501 History, Literature, Arts of Berlin (3 PLT 3930 Special Topics in Polish (3 credits) credits) RUT 3101 Russian Masterpieces (3 credits) GET 3580 War in Lit/Visual Media (3 credits) RUT 3441 Tolstoy & Dostoevsky (3 credits) GET 3581 Lit and Arts of the Holocaust (3 credits) RUT 3442 Themes from Russian Lit. (3 credits) GET 4930 Variable Topics in German (3 credits) RUT 3452 20th c. Russian Literature (3 credits) HAT 3503 Haitian Culture & Lit. in Translation (3 RUT 3503 Violence & Terror in Russian (3 credits) credits) HBR 4930 Special Topics in Hebrew (3 credits) RUT 3514 Russian Fairy Tales (3 credits) HBT 3223 Identity/Dissent in Hebrew Short Story (3 RUT 3530 Russia's Struggle with Nature (3 credits) credits) HBT 3233 Israeli History & Cont. Novel (3 credits) RUT 3600 20th c. Slavic Eyes (3 credits) HBT 3562 Jews & Arabs in Mod. Hebrew Fiction (3 RUT 3930 Variable Topics Russian (3 credits)

Page 100/231 credits) RUT 4440 Pushkin & Gogol (3 credits) HBT 3563 Women in Mod. Hebrew Fiction (3 credits) RUT 4450 Russian Modernism (3 credits) HBT 3564 Motherhood Mod. Hebrew Lit. (3 credits) SST 4502 African Oral Literatures (3 credits) ITT 3431 Italy & Pilgrimages (3 credits) SSW 3303 Swahili Oral Literatures (3 credits) ITT 3540 Crime Fiction & Film in Italy (3 credits) SSW 4713 African Women Writers (3 credits) YOR 4502 Yoruba Oral Literatures (3 credits)

5. Medieval and Early Modern Studies CHT 4 I 22 Religious Dimensions of Late Imperial MEM 3301 Palaces and Cities (3 credits) China (3 credits) MEM 3730 Studies in Holy Roman Empire (3 GET 3200 Literature of Knighthood (3 credits) credits) ITT 3431 Italy and Pilgrimages (3 credits) MEM 3805 Research Methods in Medieval & JPT 3300 Samurai War Tales (3 credits) Early Modern (3 credits) MEM 3003 Intro to Medieval World (3 credits) MEM 3931 Topics Medieval & Early Modern (3 MEM 3300 Castles and Cloisters (3 credits) credits)

8. JAPANESE TRACK Required Preparatory Courses (not included in the 33 hours for the major) • JPN 1 I 30 Beginning Japanese 1 ( 5 credits) • JPN 1131 Beginning Japanese 2 (5 credits) • JPN 2220 Intermediate Japanese 1 (5 credits) • JPN 2221 Intermediate Japanese 2 ( 5 credits) • LIN 3010 Introduction to Linguistics (3 credits)

REQUIRED COURSES FOR THE MAJOR ADVAN CED LANGUAGE AND CULTURE (9 credits) • JPN 3410 Advanced Japanese 1 (3 credits) • JPN 3411 Advanced Japanese 2 (3 credits) • JPT 3500 Introduction to Japanese Culture (3 credits)

ELECTIVES FOR IBE MAJOR ADVANCED ELECTIVES: 15 credits with at least two courses at 4000 level and at least one course with a JPW prefix. • JPN 3440 Business Japanese (3 credits) • JPN 3730 Language in Japanese Society (3 credits) • JPN 4850 Structure of Japanese (3 credits) • JPN 4905 Individual Work (3 credit max.) • JPN 4930 Special Topics (3 credits) • JPN 4935 Senior Honors Thesis (3 credits) • JPN 4940 Internship (1-6 credits) • JPT 3100 Tales of Kyoto (3 credits) • JPT 3120 Modern Japanese Fiction in Translation (3 credits) • JPT 3121 Contemporary Japanese Literature: Postwar to Postmodern (3 credits) • JPT 3140 Modem Women Writers (3 credits) • JPT 3150 Classical Japanese Poetry (3 credits) • JPT 3300 Samurai War Tales (3 credits)

Page 101/231 • JPT 3391 Introduction to Japanese Film (4 credits) • JPT 4130 Tale ofGenji (3 credits) • JPT 4502 Japanese Folklore (3 credits) • JPT 4510 Representation ofJapan's Modern Empire (3 credits) • JPW 3143 Classical Japanese 1 (3 credits) • JPW 3144 Classical Japanese 2 (3 credits) • JPW 4130 Readings in Japanese Literature (3 credits) • JPW 4131 Japanese Texts and Contexts (3 credits)

CRITICAL CONCENTRATION: 9 credits from ONE of the following concentrations 1. Intensive Area Studies: Japanese (Option 1 China or Option 2 Comparative East Asia) (Recommended for those planning to pursue careers requiring advanced knowledge ofJapanese languaf(e and culture or f!Taduate work in Japanese Studies) Option 1: China Option 2: Comparative Studies East Asia CHI 3403 Chinese Calligraphy (3 credits) ANT 4146 Prehistory of SE Asia (3 credits) CHI 3440 Business Chinese (3 credits) ASH 3303 Modern Korea: Power & Protest CHI 4850 Structure of Chinese (3 credits) ASH 3305 History, Memory, Nation in East CHI 4930 Special Topics (3 credits) Asia (3 credits) CHI 4935 Senior Thesis (3 credits) ASH 3381 Women in Mod. South Asian CHI 4940 Internship (1-6 credits) History (3 credits) CHT 3110 Chinese Literary Heritage (3 credits) ASH 3404 Modern China (3 credits) CHT 3123 Pre-Modern Chinese Fiction in Translation ASH 3442 Modern Japan (3 credits) (3 credits) ASH 3443 Japan to 1600 (3 credits) CHT 3124 Modern Chinese Fiction in Translation (3 ASH 4930 Special Topics: Pacific War (3 credits) credits) CHT 3500 Chinese Culture (3 credits) CPO 3513 Asian Politics (3 credits) CHT 3513 Taoism and Chinese Culture (3 credits) ECS 4203 Economics of East Asia (3 credits) CHT 4111 Dream of the Red Chamber (3 credits) REL 3318 Chinese Religions (3 credits) CHT 4122 Religious Dimensions of Late Imperial REL 3335 Hindu Sacred Texts (3 credits) Chinese Literature (3 credits) REL 3336 Religion in Mod India (3 credits) CHT 4603 Journey to the West (3 credits) REL 3344 Chinese Buddhism (3 credits) REL 3938 Special Topics: Buddhist Meditation (3 credits) VTT 3500 Vietnamese Culture (3 credits) WST 3415 Transnational Feminisms (3 credits)

2. Comparative Cultural Studies ABT 3500 Arabic Culture (3 credits) ITT 3930 Special Topics in Italian (3 credits) ARA 3 510 The Arab Woman (3 credits) JPT 3500 Japanese Cultll're (3 credits) CHT 3500 Chinese Culture (3 credits) JPT 4502 Japanese Folklore (3 credits) CHT 3513 Taoism & Chinese Culture (3 credits) PL T 3504 19th c. Polish Culture & Society (3 CZT 3564 Modern Czech Culture & Society (3 credits) credits) PLT 3564 Modern Polish Culture & Society (3 FRT 3004 Monuments & Masterpieces of France (3 credits) credits) RUT 3500 Russian Cultural Heritage (3 credits) FRT 3561 Women in French Lit/Cinema (3-4 RUT 3501 Cont. Russian Culture & Society (3 credits) · credits)

Page 102/231 GET 3003 German Culture & Civilization 1 (3 RUT 3503 Violence & Terror in Russian credits) Experience (3 credits) GET 3004 Modern German Culture & Civilization RUT 3504 Russia Today (3 credits) (3 credits) RUT 3530 Russia's Struggle with Nature (3 HAI 3930 Haitian Culture & Society (3 credits) credits) HAT 3503 Haitian Culture & Literature (3 credits) RUT 3600 20th Century through Slavic Eyes (3 HAT 3564 Haitian Culture & Society (3 credits) credits) ITT 3540 Crime Fiction & Film in Italy (3 credits) VTT 3500 Vietnamese Culture (3 credits) ITT 3700 Italian Perspectives on Holocaust (3 YOT 3500 Yoruba Diaspora in New World (3 credits) credits)

3. Film and Visual Culture CHI 4930 Special Topics in Chinese (3 credits) GET 4930 Variable Topics in German (3 credits) CHT 3391 Chinese Film and Media (4 credits) HBR 4930 Special Topics (3 credits) CZT 3520 Modern Czech Cinema (4 credits) ITT 3521 Italian Cinema (4 credits) FRT 3520 French Cinema (4 credits) ITT 3540 Crime Fiction & Film in Italy (3 credits) FRT 3561 Women in French Lit/Cinema (3-4 ITT 3541 Italian Mafia Movies (3 credits) credits) ITT 3930 Special Topics in Italian (3 credits) FRT 4523 Euro Identities, Euro Cinema (4 credits) JPN 4930 Special Topics in Japanese (3 credits) GET 3520 Early German Cinema (4 credits) JPT 3391 Intro to Japanese Film (4 credits) GET 3580 War in Lit/Visual Media (3 credits) PLT 3520 Polish Cinema (4 credits) GET 3581 Lit and Arts of the Holocaust (3 credits) SSA 4930 Special Topics: African Film (3 credits) GET 4293 New German Cinema (4 credits)

4. Literary Studies

ABT 3130 Arabic Literary Heritage (3 credits) ITT 3700 Italian Perspectives Holocaust (3 CHI 4930 Special Topics in Chinese (3 credits) credits) CHT 3110 Chinese Literary Heritage (3 credits) ITT 3930 Special Topics Italian (3 credits) CHT 3123 Pre-modern Chinese Fiction (3 credits) JPT 3100 Tales of Kyoto (3 credits) CHT 3124 Modern Chinese Fiction (3 credits) JPT 3120 Modern Japanese Fiction in CHT 4111 Dream of the Red Chamber (3 credits) Translation (3 credits) CHT 4122 Religious Dimensions of Late Imperial JPT 3121 Contemporary Japanese Lit.: Postwar Chinese Literature (3 credits) to Postmodern (3 credits) CHT 4603 Journey to the West (3 credits) JPT 3140 Modern Women Writers (3 credits) FRT 3004 Monuments & Masterpieces of France (3 JPT 3150 Classical Japanese Poetry (3 credits) credits) JPT 3300 Samurai War Tales (3 credits) FRT 3561 Women in French Lit/Cinema (3-4 credits) JPT 4130 Tale ofGenji (3 credits) GET 3200 Literature of Knighthood (3 credits) JPT 4502 Japanese Folklore (3 credits) GET 3501 History, Literature, Arts of Berlin (3 PLT 3930 Special Topics in Polish (3 credits) credits) RUT 3101 Russian Masterpieces (3 credits) GET 3580 War in Lit/Visual Media (3 credits) RUT 3441 Tolstoy & Dostoevsky (3 credits) GET 3581 Lit and Arts of the Holocaust (3 credits) RUT 3442 Themes from Russian Lit. (3 credits) GET 4930 Variable Topics in German (3 credits) RUT 3452 20th c. Russian Literature (3 credits) HAT 3503 Haitian Culture & Lit. in Translation (3 RUT 3503 Violence & Terror in Russian (3 credits) credits) HBR 4930 Special Topics in Hebrew (3 credits) RUT 3514 Russian Fairy Tales (3 credits) HBT 3223 Identity/Dissent in Hebrew Short Story (3 RUT 3530 Russia's Struggle with Nature (3 credits) credits) HBT 3233 Israeli History & Cont. Novel (3 credits) RUT 3600 20th c. Slavic Eyes (3 credits) HBT 3562 Jews & Arabs in Mod. Hebrew Fiction (3 RUT 3930 Variable Topics Russian (3 credits)

Page 103/231 credits) RUT 4440 Pushkin & Gogol (3 credits) HBT 3563 Women in Mod. Hebrew Fiction (3 credits) RUT 4450 Russian Modernism (3 credits) HBT 3564 Motherhood Mod. Hebrew Lit. (3 credits) SST 4502 African Oral Literatures (3 credits) ITT 3431 Italy & Pilgrimages (3 credits) SSW 3303 Swahili Oral Literatures (3 credits) ITT 3540 Crime Fiction & Film in Italy (3 credits) SSW 4713 African Women Writers (3 credits) YOR 4502 Yoruba Oral Literatures (3 credits)

5. Medieval and Early Modern Studies CHT 4122 Religious Dimensions of Late Imperial MEM 3301 Palaces and Cities (3 credits) China (3 credits) MEM 3730 Studies in Holy Roman Empire (3 GET 3200 Literature of Knighthood (3 credits) credits) ITT 3431 Italy and Pilgrimages (3 credits) MEM 3805 Research Methods in Medieval & JPT 3300 Samurai War Tales (3 credits) Early Modern (3 credits) MEM 3003 Intro to Medieval World (3 credits) MEM 3931 Topics Medieval & Early Modern (3 MEM 3300 Castles and Cloisters (3 credits) credits)

9. RUSSIAN TRACK Required Preparatory Courses • RUS 1130 Introduction to Russian Language and Culture 1 (5 credits) • RUS 1131 Introduction to Russian Language and Culture 2 ( 5 credits) • RUS 2220 Intermediate Russian 1 (4 credits)

REQUIRED COURSES FOR THE MAJOR • RUS 3400 Intermediate Russian 2 (4 credits)

ELECTIVE COURSES FOR THE MAJOR ADVANCED ELECTIVES: 21 credits distributed as follows: Language, Literature, Culture in Russian: 12 credits with at least one course at 4000 level:

• RUS 3240 Oral Practice in Russian (3 credits) • RUS 4300 Advanced Grammar & Composition (3 credits) • RUS 4411 Advanced Oral Practice (3 credits) • RUS 4501 Russian Studies Research Seminar (3 credits) • RUS 4502 Language & Culture of Russian Business World (3 credits) • RUS 4503 Theory and Practice of Russian-English Translation 1 (3 credits) • RUS 4504 Theory and Practice of Russian-English Translation 2 (3 credits) • RUS 4700 Structure of Russian Language (3 credits) • RUS 4780 Corrective Phonetics and Intonation (3 credits) • RUS 4905 Individual Work (3 credit max.) • RUS 4930 Special Topics in Russian • RUW 3100 Reading Russian Press • RUW 3101 Reading Russian Lit. (3 credits)

Page 104/231 • RUW 4301 Russian Drama and Poetry (3 credits) • RUW 4341 Russian Media Culture (3 credits) • RUW 4370 Russian Short Prose (3 credits) • RUW 4630 Reading Eugene Onegin: Pushkin & Nabokov (3 credits) • RUW 4932 Selected Readings in Russian (1-3 credits) Russian Literature and Culture in English: 9 credits with at least one course at 4000 level:

• RUT 3101 Russian Masterpieces (3 credits) • RUT 3441 Tolstoy and Dostoevsky (3 credits) • RUT 3442 Themes from Russian Literature (3 credits) • RUT 3452 Russian Literature of the Twentieth Century (3 credits) • RUT 3500 Russian Cultural Heritage (3 credits) • RUT 3501 Cont. Russian Culture and Society (3 credits) • RUT 3503 Violence and Terror in Russian Experience (3 credits) • RUT 3504 Russia Today (3 credits) • RUT 3514 Russian Fairy Tales (3 credits) • RUT 3530 Russia's Struggle with Nature (3 credits) 1 • RUT 3600 20 h c. through Slavic Eyes (3 credits) • RUT 3930 Variable Topics in Russian (1-3 credits) • RUT 4440 Pushkin and Gogol (3 credits) • RUT 4450 Russian Modernism (3 credits) • RUT 4930 Variable Topics in Russian (1-3 credits)

CRITICAL CONCENTRATION: 9 credits from ONE of the following concentrations 1. Intensive Area Studies: Russian (Recommended for those planning to pursue careers requiring advanced level skills in Russian or graduate work in Russian Studies) A/thou h courses ma a ear in more than one rou the ma be counted toward on/ one rou RVS 3240 Oral Practice in Russian (3 credits) RUS 4700 Structure of Russian Language (3 RVS 4300 Advanced Grammar & Composition (3 credits) credits) RUS 4780 Corrective Phonetics & Intonation (3 RUS 4411 Advanced Oral Practice (3 credits) credits) RUS 4501 Russian Studies Research Seminar (3 RUW 3100 Reading Russian Press (3 credits) credits) RUW 3101 Reading Russian Lit. (3 credits) RUS 4502 Language & Culture of Russian RUW 4301 Russian Drama & Poetry (3 credits) Business World (3 credits) RUW 4341 Russian Media Culture (3 credits) RUS 4503 Theory & Practice of Russian-English RUW 4370 Russian Short Prose (3 credits) Translation I (3 credits) RUW 4630 Reading Eugene Onegin: Pushkin & RUS 4504 Theqry & Practice of Russian-English Nabokov (3 credits) Translation 2 (3 credits) RUW 4932 Selected Readings Russian (3 credits)

2. Comparative Cultural Studies ABT 3500 Arabic Culture (3 credits) ITT 3930 Special Topics in Italian (3 credits) ARA 3510 The Arab Woman (3 credits) JPT 3500 Japanese Culture (3 credits) CHT 3500 Chinese Culture (3 credits) JPT 4502 Japanese Folklore (3 credits) CHT 3513 Taoism & Chinese Culture (3 credits) PLT 3504 19th c. Polish Culture & Society (3 CZT 3564 Modern Czech Culture & Society (3 credits)

Page 105/231 credits) PLT 3564 Modern Polish Culture & Society (3 FRT 3004 Monuments & Masterpieces of France (3 credits) credits) RUT 3500 Russian Cultural Heritage (3 credits) FRT 3561 Women in French Lit/Cinema (3-4 RUT 3501 Cont. Russian Culture & Society (3 credits) credits) GET 3003 German Culture & Civilization 1 (3 RUT 3503 Violence & Terror in Russian credits) Experience (3 credits) GET 3004 Modern German Culture & Civilization RUT 3504 Russia Today (3 credits) (3 credits) RUT 3530 Russia's Struggle with Nature (3 HAI 3930 Haitian Culture & Society (3 credits) credits) HAT 3503 Haitian Culture & Literature (3 credits) RUT 3600 20th Century through Slavic Eyes (3 HAT 3 564 Haitian Culture & Society (3 credits) credits) ITT 3540 Crime Fiction & Film in Italy (3 credits) VTT 3500 Vietnamese Culture (3 credits) ITT 3700 Italian Perspectives on Holocaust (3 YOT 3500 Yoruba Diaspora in New World (3 credits) credits)

3. Film and Visual Culture CHI 4930 Special Topics in Chinese (3 credits) GET 4293 New German Cinema (4 credits) CHT 3391 Chinese Film and Media (4 credits) GET 4930 Variable Topics in German (3 credits) CZT 3520 Modem Czech Cinema (4 credits) HBR 4930 Special Topics (3 credits) FRT 3520 French Cinema (4 credits) ITT 3521 Italian Cinema (4 credits) FRT 3561 Women in French Lit/Cinema (3-4 ITT 3540 Crime Fiction & Film in Italy (3 credits) credits) ITT 3541 Italian Mafia Movies (3 credits) FRT 4523 Euro Identities, Euro Cinema (4 credits) ITT 3930 Special Topics in Italian (3 credits) GET 3520 Early German Cinema (4 credits) JPN 4930 Special Topics in Japanese (3 credits) GET 3580 War in Lit/Visual Media (3 credits) JPT 3391 Intro to Japanese Film (4 credits) GET 3581 Lit and Arts of the Holocaust (3 credits) PLT 3520 Polish Cinema (4 credits) GET 4291 Women and German Cinema (4 credits) SSA 4930 Special Topics: African Film (3 credits)

4. Literary Studies

ABT 3130 Arabic Literary Heritage (3 credits) ITT 3700 Italian Perspectives Holocaust (3 CHI 4930 Special Topics in Chinese (3 credits) credits) CHT 3110 Chinese Literary Heritage (3 credits) ITT 3930 Special Topics Italian (3 credits) CHT 3123 Pre-modern Chinese Fiction (3 credits) JPT 3100 Tales of Kyoto (3 credits) CHT 3124 Modem Chinese Fiction (3 credits) JPT 3120 Modem Japanese Fiction in CHT 4111 Dream of the Red Chamber (3 credits) Translation (3 credits) CHT 4122 Religious Dimensions of Late Imperial JPT 3121 Contemporary Japanese Lit.: Postwar Chinese Literature (3 credits) to Postmodern (3 credits) CHT 4603 Journey to the West (3 credits) JPT 3140 Modern Women Writers (3 credits) FRT 3004 Monuments & Masterpieces of France (3 JPT 3150 Classical Japanese Poetry (3 credits) credits) JPT 3300 Samurai War Tales (3 credits) FRT 3561 Women in French Lit/Cinema (3-4 credits) JPT 4130 Tale of Genji (3 credits) GET 3200 Literature of Knighthood (3 credits) JPT 4502 Japanese Folklore (3 credits) GET 3501 History, Literature, Arts of Berlin (3 PLT 3930 Special Topics in Polish (3 credits) credits) RUT 3101 Russian Masterpieces (3 credits) GET 3580 War in Lit/Visual Media (3 credits) RUT 3441 Tolstoy & Dostoevsky (3 credits) GET 3581 Lit and Arts of the Holocaust (3 credits) RUT 3442 Themes from Russian Lit. (3 credits) GET 4930 Variable Topics in German (3 credits) RUT 3452 20th c. Russian Literature (3 credits) HAT 3503 Haitian Culture & Lit. in Translation (3 RUT 3503 Violence & Terror in Russian (3 credits) credits)

Page 106/231 HBR 4930 Special Topics in Hebrew (3 credits) RUT 3514 Russian Fairy Tales (3 credits) HBT 3223 Identity/Dissent in Hebrew Short Story (3 RUT 3530 Russia's Struggle with Nature (3 credits) credits) HBT 3233 Israeli History & Cont. Novel (3 credits) RUT 3600 20th c. Slavic Eyes (3 credits) HBT 3562 Jews & Arabs in Mod. Hebrew Fiction (3 RUT 3930 Variable Topics Russian (3 credits) credits) RUT 4440 Pushkin & Gogol (3 credits) HBT 3563 Women in Mod. Hebrew Fiction (3 credits) RUT 4450 Russian Modernism (3 credits) HBT 3564 Motherhood Mod. Hebrew Lit. (3 credits) SST 4502 African Oral Literatures (3 credits) ITT 3431 Italy & Pilgrimages (3 credits) SSW 3303 Swahili Oral Literatures (3 credits) ITT 3540 Crime Fiction & Film in-Italy (3 credits) SSW 4713 African Women Writers (3 credits) YOR 4502 Yoruba Oral Literatures (3 credits)

5. Medieval and Early Modern Studies CHT 4122 Religious Dimensions of Late Imperial MEM 3301 Palaces and Cities (3 credits) China (3 credits) MEM 3730 Studies in Holy Roman Empire (3 GET 3200 Literature of Knighthood (3 credits) credits) ITT 343 l Italy and Pilgrimages (3 credits) MEM 3805 Research Methods in Medieval & JPT 3300 Samurai War Tales (3 credits) Early Modern (3 credits) MEM 3003 Intro to Medieval World (3 credits) MEM 3931 Topics Medieval & Early Modern (3 MEM 3300 Castles and Cloisters (3 credits) credits)

10. DUAL LANGUAGE TRACK The Dual Language track consists of 2 years of study of two languages. Here the required total of 33 credits reflects the sum of 6 credits earned at the intermediate level of the second language and 18 credit hours of study in language, literature, and culture at the 3000 level or above and, finally, the 9 credit critical concentration. Students select a principal language of specialization and combine it with any of the other languages taught in the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. Course selections for the 18 credits of advanced electives study will reflect the literature and culture of the first language of specialization (see below).

Preparatory Courses (16-20 credits; not included in the 33 hours for the major) • Language A: Semester 1 [AKAI 130, ARAI 130, CHil 130, CZEl 130, FREI 130, GERl 130 or GERI 125, HAII 130, HBRl 130, ITAl 130, JPNl 130, POLl 130, RUSl 130, SWAI 130, VTNl 130, WOLI 130, XHOl 130, or YORl 130] • Language A: Semester 2 [AKAl 131, ARAl 131, CHl1131, CZEI 131, FREl 131, GERl 131 or GERl 126, HAil 131, HBRI 131, ITAl 131, JPNl 131, POLl 131, RUSl 131, SWAl 131, VTNl 131, WOLI 131, XHOl 131, or YORI 131] • Language A: Semester 3 [AKA2200, ARA2200, CHl2230, CZE2220, FRE2220, GER2220, HAI2220, HBR2220, ITA2220, JPN2230, POL2220, RUS2220, SWA2220, VTN2220, WOL2200, XH02200, or YOR2200] • Language A: Semester 4 [AKA2201, ARA2221, CHI2231, CZE2201, FRE2221, GER2240, HAI2201, HBR2221, ITA2221, JPN2231, POL2201, RUS3400, SWA2201, VTN2221, WOL2201, XH02201, YOR2201]

COURSES FOR THE MAJOR Second Language of specialization (16-18 credits of which 6 earned at intermediate level will count towards the major):

Page 107/231 • Language B: Semester 1[AKAl130, ARAl 130, CHll 130, CZEl 130, FREl 130, GERl 130 or GERl 125, HAil 130, HBRl 130, ITAl 130, JPNl 130, POLl 130, RUS 1130, SWAl 130, VTNl 130, WOLl 130, XHOI 130, or YORl 130) • Language B: Semester 2 [AKAl 131, ARAl 131, CHil 131, CZEl 131, FREl 131, GERl 131 or GERl 126, HAil 131, HBRl 131, ITAl 131, JPNl 131, POLl 131, RUSl 131, SWAl 131, VTNl 131, WOLl 131, XH01131, or YORl 131) • Language B: Semester 3 [AKA2200, ARA2200, CHI2230, CZE2220, FRE2220, GER2220, HAI2220, HBR2220, ITA2220, JPN2230, POL2220, RUS2220, SWA2220, VTN2220, WOL2200, XH02200, or YOR2200) • Language B: Semester 4 [AKA2201, ARA2221, CHI2231, CZE2201, FRE2221, GER2240, HAI2201, HBR2221, ITA2221, JPN2231, POL2201, RUS3400, SWA2201, VTN2221, WOL2201, XH02201, YOR2201]

ELECTIVES FOR THE MAJOR Advanced Electives: 18 credits of advanced language and culture study Specific course offerings in this section will depend on the language(s) selected, but these courses should be selected from the advanced elective offerings (3000/4000 level courses) associated with the first language of specialization and its broader geographical area of cultural influence. Selections should include at least two courses at the 4000 level. Students should consult with the undergraduate coordinator to determine the best course of study and to be advised as to selecting a practically and intellectually advantageous language pairing. Appendix G provides course requirements and recommended sequencing details of 3 sample dual language pairings.

CRITICAL CONCENTRATION: 9 credits from ONE of the following concentrations 1. Comparative Cultural Studies ABT 3500 Arabic Culture (3 credits) ITT 3930 Special Topics in Italian (3 credits) ARA 3510 The Arab Woman (3 credits) JPT 3500 Japanese Culture (3 credits) CHT 3500 Chinese Culture (3 credits) JPT 4502 Japanese Folklore (3 credits) CHT 3513 Taoism & Chinese Culture (3 credits) PLT 3504 19th c. Polish Culture & Society (3 CZT 3564 Modern Czech Culture & Society (3 credits) credits) PLT 3564 Modern Polish Culture & Society (3 FRT 3004 Monuments & Masterpieces of France (3 credits) credits) RUT 3500 Russian Cultural Heritage (3 credits) FRT 3561 Women in French Lit/Cinema (3-4 RUT 350 I Cont. Russian Culture & Society (3 credits) credits) GET 3003 German Culture & Civilization I (3 RUT 3503 Violence & Terror in Russian credits) Experience (3 credits) GET 3004 Modern German Culture & Civilization RUT 3504 Russia Today (3 credits) (3 credits) RUT 3530 Russia's Struggle with Nature (3 HAI 3930 Haitian Culture & Society (3 credits) credits) HAT 3503 Haitian Culture & Literature (3 credits) RUT 3600 20th Century through Slavic Eyes (3 HAT 3564 Haitian Culture & Society (3 credits) credits) ITT 3540 Crime Fiction & Film in Italy (3 credits) VTT 3500 Vietnamese Culture (3 credits) ITT 3700 Italian Perspectives on Holocaust (3 YOT 3500 Yoruba Diaspora in New World (3 credits) credits)

2. Film and Visual Culture CHI 4930 Special Topics in Chinese (3 credits) GET 4293 New German Cinema (4 credits) CHT 3391 Chinese Film and Media (4 credits) GET 4930 Variable Topics in German (3 credits)

Page 108/231 CZT 3520 Modern Czech Cinema (4 credits) HBR 4930 Special Topics (3 credits) FRT 3520 French Cinema (4 credits) ITT 3521 Italian Cinema (4 credits) FRT 3561 Women in French Lit/Cinema (3-4 ITT 3540 Crime Fiction & Film in Italy (3 credits) credits) ITT 3541 Italian Mafia Movies (3 credits) FRT 4523 Euro Identities, Euro Cinema (4 credits) ITT 3930 Special Topics in Italian (3 credits) GET 3520 Early German Cinema (4 credits) JPN 4930 Special Topics in Japanese (3 credits) GET 3580 War in Lit/Visual Media (3 credits) JPT 3391 Intro to Japanese Film (4 credits) GET 3581 Lit and Arts of the Holocaust (3 credits) PLT 3520 Polish Cinema (4 credits) GET 4291 Women and German Cinema (4 credits) SSA 4930 Special Topics: African Film (3 credits)

3. Literary Studies

ABT 3130 Arabic Literary Heritage (3 credits) ITT 3700 Italian Perspectives Holocaust (3 CHI 4930 Special Topics in Chinese (3 credits) credits) CHT 3110 Chinese Literary Heritage (3 credits) ITT 3930 Special Topics Italian (3 credits) CHT 3123 Pre-modern Chinese Fiction (3 credits) JPT 3100 Tales of Kyoto (3 credits) CHT 3124 Modem Chinese Fiction (3 credits) JPT 3120 Modem Japanese Fiction in CHT 4111 Dream of the Red Chamber (3 credits) Translation (3 credits) CHT 4122 Religious Dimensions of Late Imperial JPT 3121 Contemporary Japanese Lit.: Postwar Chinese Literature (3 credits) to Postmodern (3 credits) CHT 4603 Journey to the West (3 credits) JPT 3140 Modem Women Writers (3 credits) FRT 3004 Monuments & Masterpieces of France (3 JPT 3150 Classical Japanese Poetry (3 credits) credits) JPT 3300 Samurai War Tales (3 credits) FRT 3561 Women in French Lit/Cinema (3-4 credits) JPT 4130 Tale <;>f Genji (3 credits) GET 3200 Literature of Knighthood (3 credits) JPT 4502 Japanese Folklore (3 credits) GET 3501 History, Literature, Arts of Berlin (3 PLT 3930 Special Topics in Polish (3 credits) credits) RUT 3101 Russian Masterpieces (3 credits) ·GET 3580 War in Lit/Visual Media (3 credits) RUT 3441 Tolstoy & Dostoevsky (3 credits) GET 3581 Lit and Arts of the Holocaust (3 credits) RUT 3442 Themes from Russian Lit. (3 credits) GET 4930 Variable Topics in German (3 credits) RUT 3452 20th c. Russian Literature (3 credits) HAT 3503 Haitian Culture & Lit. in Translation (3 RUT 3503 Violence & Terror in Russian (3 credits) credits) HBR 4930 Special Topics in Hebrew (3 credits) RUT 3514 Russian Fairy Tales (3 credits) HBT 3223 Identity/Dissent in Hebrew Short Story (3 RUT 3530 Russia's Struggle with Nature (3 credits) credits) HBT 3233 Israeli History & Cont. Novel (3 credits) RUT 3600 20th c. Slavic Eyes (3 credits) HBT 3562 Jews & Arabs in Mod. Hebrew Fiction (3 RUT 3930 Variable Topics Russian (3 credits) credits) RUT 4440 Pushkin & Gogol (3 credits) HBT 3563 Women in Mod. Hebrew Fiction (3 credits) RUT 4450 Russian Modernism (3 credits) HBT 3564 Motherhood Mod. Hebrew Lit. (3 credits) SST 4502 African Oral Literatures (3 credits) ITT 3431 Italy & Pilgrimages (3 credits) SSW 3303 Swahili Oral Literatures (3 credits) ITT 3540 Crime Fiction & Film in Italy (3 credits) SSW 4713 African Women Writers (3 credits) YOR 4502 Yoruba Oral Literatures (3 credits)

4. Medieval and Early Modern Studies

CHT 4122 Religious Dimensions of Late Imperial MEM 3301 Palaces and Cities (3 credits) China (3 credits) MEM 3730 Studies in Holy Roman Empire (3 GET 3200 Literature of Knighthood (3 credits) credits) ITT 3431 Italy and Pilgrimages (3 credits) MEM 3805 Research Methods in Medieval & JPT 3300 Samurai War Tales (3 credits) Early Modern (3 credits) ·

Page 109/231 MEM 3003 Intro to Medieval World (3 credits) MEM 3931 Topics Medieval & Early Modern (3 MEM 3300 Castles and Cloisters (3 credits) credits)

D. Provide a sequenced course of study for all majors, concentrations, or areas of emphasis within the proposed program.

The following reflects a general sequencing of the Foreign Languages and Literatures Language major. In order to avoid here the repeated duplication of a significant number of course options, specific details of the recommended sequencing of each individual track are provided in APPENDIXG.


Foreign Languages and Literatures (Single Language Track General)

To graduate with this major, students must complete all university, college and major requirements. For degree requirements outside of the major, refer to CLAS Degree Requirements - Structure of a CLAS Degree.

Equivalent critical-tracking courses as determined by the State of Florida Common Course Prerequisites may be used for transfer students.

Semester 1 2.0 UF GPA required for semesters 1-5 Semester 2 Maintain 2.0 UF GPA Semester 3 Complete language semester 1 or higher-level language course Semester4 Complete language semester 2 or higher-level language course with minimum grade ofC Semester 5 Complete language semester 3 or higher-level language course with minimum grade ofC

RECOMMENDED EIGHT SEMESTER PLAN This represents an ideal progression through the major. Actual progressions may vary depending on student language preparation. This sequencing reflects the ideal progression of a student with no prior study in the language of specialization. The beginning language cycle is best started in semester 1 and absolutely no later than semester 3, but study abroad or accredited intensive summer courses can help a student to fall in with the ideal semester progression. Students are expected to complete the writing requirement while in the process of taking the courses below. Students are required to complete HUM 2305 The Good Life (GE-H) in semester 1 or 2. Students are also expected to complete the general education international (GE-N) and diversity (GE-D) requirements concurrently with another general education requirements (typically, GE-C, Hor S). Several courses in this major count for GE-Hand Nor GE-Sand N requirements.

Page 110/231 Semester 1 Credits Language Semester 1* 5 Social and Behavioral Sciences (GE-S) 3 Biological Science (GE-B) 3 Composition (GE-C, WR) 3 Total 14 *Language Semester I courses: AKAi 130, ARAJ 130, CH/1130, CZEl 130, FREI 130, GERI 130 or GERJI 25, HA/1130, HBRJI 30, ITAJI 30, JPNJI 30, POLJI 30, RUSJI 30, SWAJI 30, VI'NJ 130, WOLJ 130, XHOJ 130, YORJ 130

Semester 2 Credits Language Semester 2* 5 HUM 2305 What is the Good Life (GE-H) 3 Mathematics (GE-M) 3 Physical Science (GE-P) 3 Science laboratory (GE-P or B) 1

Total 15 *Language Semester 2 courses: AKAi 131, ARAJ 131, CH/1131, CZEl 131, FREI J 31, GERI 131 orGERJ126, HA/1131, HBRJ131, ITAJ131, JPNJIJI, POLJ131, RUSJ131, SWAJ131, VI'NJ131, WOLJ131, XHOJ131, YORJ131

Semester 3 Credits Language Semester 3 * 3-5 Elective (3000 level or above, not in the major) 3 Social and Behavioral Sciences (GE-S) 3 Mathematics (GE-M) 3 Physical Science (GE-P) 3 Total 15-17 *Language Semester 3 courses: AKA2200, ARA2200, CH/2230, CZE2220, FRE2220, GER2220, HA/2220, HBR2220, ITA2220, JPN2230, POL2220, RUS2220, SWA2220, VI'N2220, WOL2200, XH02200, YOR2200

Semester4 Credits Language Semester 4 * 3-5 Elective in the major (GE-H and N) 3 Electives (3000 level or above, not in the major) 6 Social and Behavioral Sciences (GE-S and D) 3 Total 15-17 *Language Semester 4 courses: AKA2201, ARA2221, CH/2231, CZE2201, FRE2221, GER2240, HA/2201, HBR2221, ITA2221, JPN2231, POL2201, RUS3400, SWA2201, VI'N2221, WOL2201, XH02201, YOR2201

Semesters Credits Language Semester 5 * 3 Electives in the major 6 Biological Science (GE-B) 3

Page 111/231 Composition (GE-C, WR) 3 Total 15 *Language Semester 5 courses: AKA3410, ARA3410, CHI3410, CZE3400, FRE3300, GER3401 or GER3234, HBR3410, ITA3420, JPN3410, RUS3240 or RUS4300, SWA3410, WOL3410, XH03410, YOR3410

Semester 6 Credits Language Semester 6* 3 Electives (3000 level or above, not in the major) 6 Electives in the major 6 Total 15 *Language Semester 6 courses: AKA341 I, ARA341 I, CHI341 I, CZE3401, FRE3320, GER3300 or GER3413, HBR341 I, ITA3564, JPN341 I, RUS441 I, SWA341 I, WOL341 I, XH0341 I, YOR3411

Semester 7 Credits Electives (3000 level or above, not in the major) 6 Electives in the major 6 Senior thesis option or elective in the major 3 Total 15

Semesters Credits Electives (3000 level or above, not in the major) 9 Electives in the major 6 Total 15

E. Provide a one- or two-sentence description of each required or elective course.

Appendix H contains a description of each required and elective course

F. For degree programs in the science and technology disciplines, discuss how industry­ driven competencies were identified and incorporated into the curriculum and indicate whether any industry advism.y council exists to provide input for curriculum development and student assessment.


G. For all programs, list the specialized accreditation agencies and learned societies that would be concerned with the proposed program. Will the university seek accreditation for the program if it is available? If not, why? Provide a brief timeline for seeking accreditation, if appropriate.

The University of Florida will get the approval of the Southeastern Association of College and Schools (SACS).

Page 112/231 There are a number oflearned societies that oversee and report upon trends, standards and developments in the various components of the proposed program. The most notable is the Modern Language Association, which sets the publishing and accepted style for research in Modern Languages in general and which acts as a lobbying body to state and federal administrators.

For German the following bodies are relevant: German Studies Association (GSA), American Association of Teachers of German (AATG), Goethe Institute, Max Kade German-American Center, The Southern Conference on Language Teaching (SCOLT).

The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages, together with the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies and the American Council of Teachers of Russian provide important information and standards for publication and research in the field.

Research and institutional guidance is provided in Haitian Creole by the Haitian Studies Association, the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition at the University of Minnesota, Indiana University Creole Institute, the Institute of Haitian Studies at KU, the University of Massachusetts Haitian Creole Language and Culture Summer Institute as well as the FIU Haitian Summer Institute.

The American Association of Teachers ofltalian, the American Association for Italian Studies and the Canadian Society for Italian Studies are the most established learned societies for Italian Studies.

The bodies noted above, however, do not accredit any degree programs. Because there is no particular industry standard or licensing process attached to modern language programs the possibility for accreditation does not exist. The Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures will, nonetheless, continue to work with the learned societies noted above (and any other appropriate bodies) to ensure that the program meets the highest standards in the academy and that its pedagogy and research are commensurate with UF's peer institutions.

H. For doctoral programs, list the accreditation agencies and learned societies that would be concerned with corresponding bachelor's or master's programs associated with the proposed program. Are the programs accredited? If not, why?


I. Briefly describe the anticipated delivery system for the proposed program (e.g., traditional delivery on main campus; traditional delivery at branch campuses or centers; or nontraditional delivery such as distance or distributed learning, self-paced instruction, or external degree programs). If the proposed delivery system will require specialized services or greater than normal financial support, include projected costs in Table 2 in

Page 113/231 Appendix A. Provide a narrative describing the feasibility of delivering the proposed program through collaboration with other universities, both public and private. Cite specific queries made of other institutions with respect to shared courses, distance/distributed learning technologies, and joint-use facilities for research or internships.

The program will be offered through a combination of traditional classroom delivery, hybrid and distance learning formats. Currently, the Medieval and Early Modem Studies (MEMS) program has one of its courses available in hybrid format, and plans to create a series of courses for distance learning. The BA in Foreign Languages and Literatures could eventually constitute a valuable part of the UFOnline initiative.

IX. Faculty Participation

A. Use Table 4 in Appendix A to identify existing and anticipated full-time (not visiting or adjunct) faculty who will participate in the proposed program through Year 5. Include (a) faculty code associated with the source of funding for the position; (b) name; (c) highest degree held; (d) academic discipline or specialization; (e) contract status (tenure, tenure­ eaming, or multi-year annual [MYA]); (f) contract length in months; and (g) percent of annual effort that will be directed toward the proposed program (instruction, advising, supervising internships and practica, and supervising thesis or dissertation hours).

See Table 4 in Appendix A.

B. Use Table 2 in Appendix A to display the costs and associated funding resources for existing and anticipated full-time faculty (as identified in Table 2 in Appendix A). Costs for visiting and adjunct faculty should be included in the category of Other Personnel Services (OPS). Provide a narrative summarizing projected costs and funding sources.

No additional costs will be incurred. See Appendix A for details.

C. Provide in the appendices the abbreviated curriculum vitae (CV) for each existing faculty member (do not include information for visiting or adjunct faculty). See Appendix F

D. Provide evidence that the academic unit(s) associated with this new degree have been productive in teaching, research, and service. Such evidence may include trends over time for average course load, FTE productivity, student HC in major or service courses, degrees granted, external funding attracted, as well as qualitative indicators of excellence.

The faculty members of the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures maintain a very active research agenda, producing a total of more than 70 published books, more than 500 articles, serving on multiple editorial boards, and presenting over 1000 conference papers

Page 114/231 including key notes addresses and other invited lectures. LLC faculty members have also been successful in receiving external funding and/or fellowships from agencies and institutions such as the National Endowment forthe Arts (NEA), National Security Education Program (NSEP), the Embassy of the French Republic, Quebec Studies Program Quebec Government, Fulbright­ Hays, Harvard's Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, amongst others. Course development is also a key component of the LLC faculty agenda and the various language tracks have added numerous new courses to the course catalog. In addition LLC faculty members have served on multiple departmental, college, and university committees that are too numerous to address in detail. A sampling of this service includes the CLAS College Curriculum Committee, the CLAS Finance Committee, the CLAS Tenure and Promotion committee, the University Curriculum Committee, the Academic Personnel Committee, the Faculty Senate, and several SACS committees.

For a detailed illustration of faculty productivity and service, see the faculty CVs provided in AppendixF.

X. Non-Faculty Resources A. Describe library resources currently available to implement andfor sustain the proposed program through Year 5. Provide the total number of volumes and serials available in this discipline and related fields. List major journals that are available to the university's students. Include a signed statement from the Library Director that this subsection and subsection B have been reviewed and approved. Please see attached Appendix D.

B. Describe additional library resources that are needed to implement and/or sustain the program through Year 5. Include projected costs of additional library resources in Table 3 in Appendix A. Please include the signature of the Library Director in Appendix B. None

C. Describe classroom, teaching laboratory, research laboratory, office, and other types of space that are necessary and currently available to implement the proposed program through Year 5. Current classroom space is adequate for the new degree.

D. Describe additional classroom, teaching laboratory, research laboratory, office, and other space needed to implement and/or maintain the proposed program through Year 5. Include any projected Instruction and Research (I&R) costs of additional space in Table 2 in Appendix A. Do not include costs for new construction because that information should be provided in response to X (E) below. NIA

E. If a new capital expenditure for instructional or research space is required, indicate where this item appears on the university's fixed capital outlay priority list Table 2 in Appendix A includes only Instruction and Research (I&R) costs. If non-I&R costs, such as indirect costs affecting libraries and student services, are expected to increase as a result of the program, describe and estimate those expenses in narrative form below. It is expected that high enrollment programs in particular would necessitate increased costs in non-I&R activities.

Page 115/231 NIA

F. Describe specialized equipment that is currently available to implement the proposed program through Year 5. Focus primarily on instructional and research requirements. NIA

G. Describe additional specialized equipment that will be needed to implement and/or sustain the proposed program through Year 5. Include projected costs of additional equipment in Table 2 in Appendix A. NIA

H. Describe any additional special categories of resources needed to implement the program through Year 5 (access to proprietary research facilities, specialized services, extended travel, etc.). Include projected costs of special resources in Table 2 in Appendix A. NIA

I. Describe fellowships, scholarships, and graduate assistantships to be allocated to the proposed program through Year 5. Include the projected costs in Table 2 in Appendix A. NIA

J. Describe currently available sites for internship and practicum experiences, if appropriate to the program. Describe plans to seek additional sites in Years 1through5. NIA


APPENDIX A: Fiscal and personnel data (Attached as separate document)

APPENDIXB: Signatures of Equal Opportunity Officer and Library Director

APPENDIXC: Letters setting out the need for such programs (Attached)

Letter 1: Sam Tarantino, Founder and CEO ofGrooveshark, a high tech firm located in Gainesville, FL and New York, NY.

Letter'2: Robert Thoburn, MD, Adjunct Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Florida

APPENDIXD: Description of Library Resources (Attached as separate document)

APPENDIXE: Academic Learning Compact (Attached as separate document)

APPENDIXF: CVs of participating faculty (Attached as separate document)

APPENDIXG: Recommended Semester Sequencing for Individual Language Tracks

APPENDIXH: Course Descriptions (Attached as separate document)

Page 116/231 APPENDIX A


Source of Students Yearl Year2 Year3 Year4 Years (Non-duplicated headcount in any HC FfE HC FfE HC FfE HC FfE HC FfE given year)* Upper-level students who are transferring from other majors 140 105 90 67.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 within the university** Students who initially entered the university as FTIC students and who are 140 105 280 210 300 225 330 247.5 350 262.5 progressing from the lower to the upper level*** Florida College System transfers to 6. 4.5 12 9 15 11.25 19 14.25 20 15 the upper level*** Transfers to the upper level from 2 1.5 4 3 6 4.5 9 7.5 10 7.5 other Florida colleges and universities*** Transfers from out of state colleges and 2 1.5 4 3 6 4.5 9 7.5 10 7.5 universities***

Other (Explain)*** 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

245.2 276.7 Totals 290 217.5 390 292.5 327 367 390 292.5 5 5

*List projected annual headcount of students enrolled in the degree program List projected yearly cumulative ENROLLMENTS instead of admissions. ** If numbers appear in this category, they should go DOWN in later years. ***Do not include individuals counted in ay PRIOR CATEGORY in a given COLUMN.


Source of Students Yearl Year2 Year3 Year4 Years (Non-duplicated headcount in any eiven year)* HC FI'E HC FI'E HC FI'E HC FI'E HC FI'E Individuals drawn from agencies/industries in your 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 service area (e.g., older returning students) Students who transfer from other graduate programs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 within the university** Individuals who have recently graduated from preceding 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 degree programs at this university Individuals who graduated from preceding degree 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 programs at other Florida public universities Individuals who graduated from preceding degree 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 programs at non-public Florida institutions

Additional in-state residents*** 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Additional out-of-state 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 residents***

Additional foreign residents*** 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Other (Explain)*** 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Totals 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

* List projected annual headcount of students enrolled in the degree program. List projected yearly cumulative ENROLLMENTS instead of admissions. ** If numbers appear in this category, they should go DOWN in later years. *** Do not include individuals counted in any PRIOR category in a given COLUMN.

Page 118/231 APPENDIX A TABLE2 PROJECTED COSTS AND FUNDING SOURCES Yearl Years Funding Source Funding Source Instruction &Research Othe Cont Subt New Cont Subt Costs Enroll r New racts otal Enroll racts otal (non- ment New Non- & E&G, ment & E&G, cumulative Reallo Grow Recu Recu Gran Auxi AU>cil Conti Grow 0th Gran Auxi Amcil ) cated th rring rring ts liary iary, nuing th er*** ts liary iary, Base* (E&G (E&G (E&G (C& Fund and Base** (E&G (E& (C& Fund and (E&G) ) ) ) G) s C&G (E&G) ) G) G) s C&G Faculty Salaries $1,88 $1,463 $1,46 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 and 1,889, 9,601 ,078 3,078 Benefits 601 A&P Salaries 0 0 $0 0 $0 and 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Benefits USPS Salaries $40,5 $40,5 40,591 0 0 0 0 0 40,591 0 0 0 0 and 91 91 Benefits Other 232,75 $232, 237,40 $237, Personal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 750 5 405 Services 0 Assistantsh ips & 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 Fellowship s

Library 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 $0

Expenses 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 0 0 0 0 $0

Operating Capital 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 Outlay Special 0 0 0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 Categories 0 0 0 Total $2,162 $2,16 $1,741 $1,74 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Costs ,942 2,942 ,074 1,074 *Identify reallocation sources in Table 3. **Includes recurring E&G funded costs ("reallocated base," "enrollment growth," and "other new recurring") from Years 1-4 that continue into Year 5. ***Identify if non-recurring. Faculty and Staff Summarv Calculated Cost per Student FTE Total Positions Yearl Year5 Yearl Years Faculty (person- 23.4 17.93 $2,162,942 $1,741,074 years) Total F&:G Funding A&P(FTE) 0 0 Annual Student FTE 217.5 292.5 USPS(FTE) 2 2 E&G Cost per FTE $9,945 $5,952

Page 119/231 APPENDIX A


Program and/or E&G account from which Base before Amount to be Base after current funds will be reallocated during Year 1 reallocation reallocated reallocation

AU-1686-0000 Lamruages, Literatures & Cultures 4,119,831 $2,162,942 $1,956,889 funds wil not be reallocated - but will stay in this program account 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Totals $4,119,831 $2,162,942 $1,956,889

* If not reallocating funds, please submit a zeroed Table 3

Page 120/231 APPENDIX A TABLE4 (DRAFT) ANTICIPATED FACULTY PARTICIPATION M OS. Co Mos % Faculty Name or Initial ntr % Effor "New Hire" Date for act Effort Con tfor Fa cult Highest Degree Held Participa Ye FIE for tract Prg. PY y Academic Discipline Contract tion in ar Year Prg. PY Year FIE Year Year Code or S eciali Rank Status Pro am 1 1 Yearl Yearl 5 Years 5 5 Assoc. A Prof. Tenured Fall2014 9 0.75 55.00 0.41 9 0.75 55.00 0.41

Assoc. A Prof. Tenured Fall2014 9 0.75 55.00 0.41 9 0.75 55.00 0.41

Assoc. A Prof. Tenured Fall2014 9 0.38 25.00 0.09 9 0.38 25.00 0.09

non- tenure A Sr. Leet accruin Fall2014 9 0.38 90.00 0.33 9 0.38 90.00 0.33

non- tenure A Sr. Leet accruin Fall2014 9 0.75 90.00 0.68 9 0.75 90.00 0.68

non- tenure A Sr. Leet accruin Fall2014 9 0.75 90.00 0.68 9 0.75 90.00 0.68

Assoc. A. Prof. Tenured Fall2014 9 0.75 55.00 0.41 9 0.75 55.00 0.41

Tenure Fall A Asst. Prof. 2014 9 0.75 40.00 0.30 9 0.75 40.00 0.30

Fall A Asst. Prof. 2014 9 0.75 45.00 0.34 9 0.75 45.00 0.34

non- tenure Fall A Lecturer accruin 2014 9 0.75 95.00 0.71 9 0.75 95.00 0.71

non- tenure Fall A Lecturer ace ruin 2014 9 0.75 95.00 0.71

Page 121/231 non- tenure Fall A Lecturer accruin 2014 9 0.75 90.00 0.68 9 0.75 90.00 0.68

non- tenure Fall A Sr. Leet accruin 2014 9 0.75 95.00 0.71

Assoc. A Prof. Tenured Fall2014 9 0.75 55.00 0.41 9 0.75 55.00 0.41

Assoc. A Prof. Tenured Fall2014 9 0.75 25.00 0.19 9 0.75 25.00 0.19

non- tenure A Sr. Leet accruin Fall2014 9 0.75 95.00 0.71 9 0.75 95.00 0.71

non- tenure A Sr. Leet accruin Fall2014 9 0.75 95.00 0.71 9 0.75 95.00 0.71

non- tenure A Leet. accruin Fall2014 9 0.75 90.00 0.68 9 0.75 90.00 0.68

Assoc. Fall A Prof. Tenured 2014 9 0.75 40.00 0.30 9 0.75 40.00 0.30

Assoc. Fall A Prof. Tenured 2014 9 0.75 40.00 0.30 9 0.75 40.00 0.30

Assoc. Fall A Prof. Tenured 2014 9 0.38 40.00 0.15 9 0.38 40.00 0.15

Assoc. Fall A Prof. Tenured 2014 9 0.75 45.00 0.34 9 0.75 45.00 0.34

Assoc. Fall A Prof. Tenured 2014 9 0.75 40.00 0.30 9 0.75 40.00 0.30

Page 122/231 Assoc. Fall A Prof. Tenured 2014 9 0.75 40.00 0.30 9 0.75 40.00 0.30

Graduate Research Fall A Professor Tenured 2014 9 0.75 35.00 0.26

Fall A Professor Tenured 2014 9 0.75 40.00 0.30

Assoc. Fall A. Prof. Tenured 2014 9 0.75 40.00 0.30 9 0.75 40.00 0.30

Non- tenure Fall A Lecturer accruin 2014 9 0.75 95.00 0.71

Assoc. Fall A Prof. Tenured 2014 9 0.75 55.00 0.41 9 0.75 55.00 0.41

Assist Tenure- Fall A Professor Accruin 2014 9 0.75 55.00 0.41 9 0.75 55.00 0.41

Assoc. Fall A Prof. Tenured 2014 9 0.75 55.00 0.41 9 0.75 55.00 0.41

Assoc. Fall A Prof. Tenured 2014 9 0.75 55.00 0.41 9 0.75 55.00 0.41

Assoc.Prof Fall A Tenured 2014 9 0.75 55.00 0.41 9 0.75 55.00 0.41

non- Sr. tenure Fall A Lecturer accruin 2014 9 0.75 95.00 0.71

Assist non- Fall A Prof. tenured 2014 9 0.75 45.00 0.34 9 0.75 45.00 0.34

non- Master tenure Fall A Lecturer accrusin 2014 9 0.75 90.00 0.68

Fall A Professor Tenured 2014 9 0.75 38.00 0.29 9 0.75 38.00 0.29

Page 123/231 Fall A Professor 2014 9 0.75 40.00 0.30

Associate Fall A Professor Tenured 2014 9 0.38 40 0.15 9 0.38 40 0.15

Assoc. Fall A Prof. Tenured 2014 9 0.75 40.00 0.30 9 0.75 40.00 0.30

Assoc. Fall A Prof. Tenured 2014 9 0.75 55 0.41 9 0.75 55 0.41

non- Master tenure Fall A Lecturer accruin 2014 9 0.75 90.00 0.68

non- Sr. tenure Fall A Lecturer accruin 2014 9 0.75 90.00 0.68 9 0.75 90.00 0.68

non- Sr. tenure Fall A Lecturer accruin 2014 9 0.75 90.00 0.68 9 0.75 90.00 0.68

Assoc. Fall A Prof. Tenured 2014 9 0.75 55.00 0.41 9 0.75 55.00 0.41

Assoc. Fall A Prof. Tenured 2014 9 0.75 55.00 0.41

Tenure Fall A. Asst Prof. 2014 9 0.75 55.00 0.41 9 0.75 55.00 0.41

Fall A Asst. Prof. 2014 9 0.75 55.00 0.41 9 0.75 55.00 0.41

non- Master tenure A Lecturer accruin Fall2014 9 0.75 90.00 0.68 9 0.75 90.00 0.68

non- tenure Fall A Lecturer accruin 2014 9 0.75 95.00 0.71 9 0.75 95.00 0.71

non- Sr. tenure Fall A Lecturer accruin 2014 9 0.75 95.00 0.71 9 0.75 95.00 0.71

0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00

Page 124/231 Academic Discipline Total Person-Years 17.9 (PY) 23.40 3

Facul PY Workload by Budget ty .....__ Classsification Yea Code Source of FundinJ!; rl Years Current Education & General 23.4 A Existing faculty on a regular line Revenue 0 17.93 New faculty to be hired on a Current Education & General B vacant line Revenue 0.00 0.00 New faculty to be hired on a new New Education & General c line Revenue 0.00 0.00 Existing faculty hired on D contracts/ grants Contracts/ Grants 0.00 0.00 New faculty to be hired on E contracts/ l!fants Contracts/ Grants 0.00 0.00 Overall Year 23.4 I Yea Totals for I 1 0 r5 17.93

Page 125/231 APPENDIXB


Pleest! indudl/ !he signature of the Equal OpporlUnlly Officer and the Ubrary Oirecror.

--Date 'lji t hr-----~"""~·~ ~°*~~.:s::

This appendix was created to facilillltl!! the collection of signatures in support o( the proposal. Signatures in this ~on illU5trate that the Equal Opporlllnity Officer bas reviewed section U.E of lhe proposal and lhe Library D!rectm: has reviewed sections X.A and X.8

Page 126/231 APPENDIX C: Letters setting out the need for such programs

LETTER 1: Sam Tarantino, Founder and CEO of Grooveshark, a high tech firm located in Gainesville, FL and New York, NY.

LETTER 2: Robert Thoburn, MD, Adjunct Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Florida

Page 127/231 Escape Media Group, Inc. GrooveShark.oom 201 SE 2nd Ave, Suite 201 'i} Gainesville,FL32601

To Whom it May Concern,

I am the founder and CEO of Escape Media Group, Inc. which owns and operates the global audio streaming service, Grooveshark. Grooveshark is a high tech web company based in Gainesville, Florida, specializing in delivering audio streams to over 30 million consumers per month. Since its inception in 2007, Grooveshark has grown exponentially and lo 2010 was named by Forbes magazine as one of the five best music and video websites. Its success resulted in mv being named one of UF's Outstanding Young Alumni in 2013.

I am writing to support the initiative being taken by the Department of Languages, Literatures and CUitures 'to create an integrated interdisciplinary Bachelor's degree. The degree allows students to devel0p competence In one or more languages and to choose between specialization in the culture and literature of one particular language or to use that language competence as a base for cross-disciplinary studies such as In Film & Media Studies, Medieval and Early Modem Studies or Translation Studies. In au cases, students will graduate with foreign language competence and specialized cultural and literary knowledge. These students will graduate with an understanding of -the big picture" and an ability to think critically, to analogize, synthesize, contextualize and interpret In an increasingly globalized economy. Perhaps more importantly, these students will acquire the ability to understand long term consequence, cause and effect and project, while acquiring the capacity to dream and to imagine.

I know this because I am the product of one of the constituent parts of the proposed program. ln 20061 participated in LLC's Study Abroad Program in Rome, Italy. It was under the tutelage of LLC instructors of rta,Y that I began to gain an understanding of the world, acquire important critical skills and comprehend the cultural foundations that are necessary to any successful endeavor. In fact it was during that trip that I gafned the confidence to dream, and Imagine and was inspired to be bold and start Grooveshark. In concrete benefits, it was the cultural acuity that I developed during that time as well as achieving proficiency in working Italian, that a few years later allowed me to close a deal with the major ttalian telecommunications firm.

As an employer I am frequently frustrated in my quest for yoong employees who possess the sklHs that the LLC program teaches. Finding talented technicians is not a difficult task; finding young, creative, innovative, and self-motivated thinkers Is a much greater challenge. Indeed, I am somewhat concerned that the itcademy of the 21st century has become more concerned with producing workers than 1t is with fostering visionaries or entrepreneurs. I belleve the LLC preposed Major presents an opportunity to more directly prepare graduates for the work place, certainly, but more imp0rtantly it prepares them for the reality of a globally competitive workplace, where the jobs of tomorrow have yet to be imagined or created.


To Whom it May Concern,

l am an Adjunct ~iate professor in the Faculty of Medicine, Dh·ision of Rheumatology, in the University of Florida. I specialize in celluJar mechanisms in vaseulitis. I am the recipient of the Paulding Phelps Award and selected as a Master from the American College of Rheumatology,

I am wTiting to support the initiative being taken by the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures to create an integrated interdisciplinary Bachelor's degree. The degree allows students to develop competence in one or more languages and to choose between specialization in culture and literature of one particuJar language or to use that language competence as a base for cross-disciplinary studies in such as Film & Media Studies, Medieval and Early Modern Studies or Translation Studies. The idea that in an cases, students wiU gl.'aduate with foreign language competence and speciaJized cultural and literary knowledge is very appealing. Because of the nature of the program and the underlying methodologies, graduates of this program wiJI may acquire the ability to read and think eriticaUy, to discern meaning and patterns in seemingly disparate elements that might otherwise remain undetected and be better able to project and predict future patterns. These skills are beneficial not only to cultural studies but also to the sciences, where observation is essential. The ability to go beyond what one observes, to analyze its connection to other observable phenomena and to distinguish between those aspects of the data that are relevant and those which are not are a11 skills that enhance and advance scientific and medical research in particular. Moreover, the skiUs that students may acquire in this program will allow them to express dearly and eloquently what they have learned or discovered and to disseminate that knowledge more effectively.

I know this because 1am the product of one of the constituent parts of the proposed program. Over the last few years I have immersed myself in courses in Italian language, culture and art history and have begun not only to read and think in a different and enhanced way but also to conduct my own research in a whole new way. I now see the activity between and within a particular cell in terms of its narrative/dialogue content, and understand the roles that the various players in the drama of disease occupy. In this journey 1 have been accompanied by

Page 129/231 :UNIVERSITY of UF IFLORIDA several LLC instructors who will be integral to this program, as well as instructors from other departments whose courses will be accessible to students in the proposed program.

As a researcher and academic I often seek young scholars and assistants who possess the skills that the LLC program offers. Finding bright young minds is not the issue; finding deep thinkers with critical thinking skills is more difficult. It is important to see the fine details as well as the big picture in your areas of interest. As a final note, I should add that I follow with great interest the evolution of the academy and hope that UF will maintain the rapid pace of development that recognizes the need for cross-disciplinary education and a departure from the traditional way of looking at education and the academy. I believe the LLC proposed Major represents a step into the future of more effective teaching and learning and \\iU distinguish UF as a leader in global thinking,.

Yours sincerely, ~cLJ 11\~J ~}.!>. I Robert Thoburn

Page 130/231 APPENDIXD:

Description of Library Resources

HATHITRUST UFTOTALS: CRL RECORDS IN RECORDS IN UF CONVENTIONAL AND LANGUAGE UFCATALOG CATALOG ONLINE MATERIALS Akan 0 0 6 --Twi 4 0 13 Amharic 59 0 361 Arabic 939 14 2550 --Sudanese 0 0 124 Aramaic 2 0 33 Bulgarian 439 7 679 Chinese 7825 11 18363 Croatian 3260 14 3435 Czech 436 10 2585 Danish 2865 78 4345 Dutch 19304 296 22608 French 164223 2920 278064 German 582272 10596 668522 Greek (see below) ------Ancient (to 1453] 148 68 1156 -- Modern (1453-] 504 15 1937 Haitian (French) Creole 1 0 181 Hebrew 2308 335 32228 Hindi 19214 1 19344 -- Urdu 13773 1 13802 Hungarian 2695 10 3305 Icelandic 35 5 725 Italian 10140 347 29049 Japanese 3188 12 9020 Korean 213 2 980 Judea-Arabic 83 0 100 Judea-Persian 15 0 19 Ladina 381 0 447 Polish 7173 18 14241 Russian 88625 232 100979 Sanskrit 3180 0 3272

Page 131/231 &CT

-- Pali 229 1 362 Serbian 1188 13 1410 Shona*** 0 0 74 Slovak 100 1 243 Swahili 62 0 824 Swedish (Scandinavianl 10147 317 12948 Turkish 1236 13 2333 -- Turkish (Ottoman) 530 64 535 Ukrainian 612 4 805 Vietnamese 409 0 501 Wolof 1 0 26 Xhosa 34 0 77 Yiddish 43 49 4948 Yoruba 14 1 699 GRAND TOTALS 947909 15455 1258258

Kev anrl Nnt.1•<: Bold: language officially taught by UF Department of Languages and Literatures ***includes items from UF's George Fortune Collection

Page 132/231 APPENDIXE ACADEMIC LEARNING COMPACT: Foreign Languages and Literatures

The Bachelors of Arts in Foreign Languages and Literature enables you to achieve communicative competence in speaking, comprehension, reading, and writing of a language of specialization. You will also acquire knowledge and critical understanding of the country or area where the language is spoken, in particular with respect to the literature, intellectual history, and broader cultural production of the region.

Before Graduating You Must: • Achieve satisfactory faculty evaluation of a self-selected term paper written for an upper-division course or senior thesis. • Complete the requirements for the baccalaureate degree as determined by faculty Skills You Will Acquire from the Major (SLOs):

Content Knowledge:

7. Describe and define cultural concepts and/or literary production and/or linguistic structure of at least one language. 8. Describe, explain and apply cultural and/or linguistic knowledge using appropriate disciplinary terminology, methodologies, and practices. Critical Thinking:

9. Evaluate comprehensively the significance of information gathered from cultural sources and apply it using appropriate disciplinary methodologies. l 0. Analyze and interpret texts according to their cultural, literary and/or linguistic content.

Communication: 11. Demonstrate competence in at least one language of specialization by articulating clearly in speech and in writing using the selected language(s), including the ability to understand the spoken language, speak with correct grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. 12. Demonstrate critical competence by performing comprehensive analysis in written and oral form.

Table Key: I= Introduced; R =Reinforced; A= Assessed


Exams; Term papers or final project; oral presentations.

Page 134/231 Page 135/231 The Graduate School 164 Grinter Hall Office of the Associate Vice President and Dean PO Box 115500 FL 32611-5500 352-392-6622 'j{~l 352e392e8729 Fax

April 20. 2015 MEMORANDUM

TO: Jmm Gilbert Andrew Banks Family Preeminence Endmved Chair Associate Chair of Research Department of Computer & Infr>rmation Science & Engineering

FROM: Henry T. Frierson Associate Vice President and Dean Graduate School

RE: #9694 new Ph.D. degree in Human-Centered Computing

The proposal from the College of Engineering for a new Ph.D. degree in Human-Centered Computing was approved at the April l 6, 1015, Graduate Council meeting effective Fall 2016, pending further approvals.

The following individuals and offices will be notified by a copy of this letter so that they can complete their processes to implement the degree:

Gann Enholm. Rimjhim Banerjee-Batist, Stacy Wallace, Graduate School Diana Hull, University Curriculum Committee and Office of the University Registrar Marie Zcglen, Office of Institutional Planning and Research Sue Alvers, Administrative Assistant to Faculty Senate Chair Wesley Bokh, Associate Dean, College of Engineering


The foundation for The Gator Nation An !'.


I. Program Description and Relationship to System-Level Goals

A. Briefly describe within a few paragraphs the degree program under consideration, including (a) level; (b) emphases, including concentrations, tracks, or specializations; (c) total number of credit hours; and (d) overall purpose, including examples of employment or education opportunities that may be available to program graduates.

(a) The proposed degree program is a Doctor of Philosophy (b) The major will be Human-Centered Computing (HCC). Initially, there will be no tracks, concentrations or specializations within the degree. It is possible that tracks, concentrations or specializations may be added in the future if any emerge as important or useful as the field develops. (c) The total number of credits for the degree will be 90. (d) The degree is focused on the design, construction, and evaluation of computational technologies as they relate to the human condition and impacts on society in general. There are currently 3 HCC PhD programs in the United States (University of Maryland Baltimore County, The Georgia Institute of Technology, and Clemson University) Once approved, the University of Florida will be the 4th HCC PhD program in existence. The purpose of the HCC PhD degree is to train a new generation of computing researchers/ developers that design, implement, and evaluate computing systems and technologies in real world, or applied, contexts. HCC PhD degrees exist because the expertise required for this degree does not fit in traditional Computer Science (CS) or Computer Engineering (CE) PhD programs. CS & CE PhD programs have requirements for computer systems and theory. These courses are not required for HCC research. HCC researchers design user interfaces and implement them using software languages and tools and then evaluate them in context with human subjects. Essentially, HCC is an extremely broad area that encompasses design, implementation and evaluation. CS & CE do not have any requirements related to the human condition, human subjects research, etc. Some PhD degrees emphasize design, i.e. Industrial Design, Industrial Engineering (Human Factors), etc. There are PhD degrees that emphasize implementation or evaluation of software and/ or hardware, i.e. CS & CE. There are also PhD degrees that emphasize evaluation, i.e. Psychology, Social Science, etc. HCC in an interdisciplinary degree that combines all of these disciplines into a single degree that meets the demands of industry, the academy and government.

Employment opportunities include user experience designer, application developer, usability engineering, to name a few. A search on for "web Designer or graphic designer or usability" yields over 500 jobs in the State of Florida. IT related jobs are in high demand across all business sectors in the State and user experience, web designers/ developers, etc. are skills in demand in many of these jobs. Companies are hiring PhDs in many of these jobs because the task of designing, implementing and then evaluating those technologies can't be done by students with a BS degree or, in most cases, a MS degree. These skills requiring training across multiple disciplines and the proposed PhD in HCC gives these students the necessary skills to be competitive for these user experience/web designer/ developer positions.

Page 137/2312 HCC PhD New Degree Proposal April, 17 2015 GCJ

The following are some sample job applications:

Clemson University Ad

• CoES Home · Schoo! of Computing

Welcome Hurnan.,.centered ComputlnQ ... Positions Prospective Students Clemson University Position Announcement Current Students Multiple Human-Centered Computing Positions, School of Computing Programs of Study


Divisions The School of Computing at Clemson University Invites applications from faculty at all levels (assistant, associate, full) for two positions in the Division of Human-Centered Computing: l) Chair of the Division and 2) a tenured or tenure·track People faculty position. Successful candidates should have an earned doctorate In human-centered computing, computer science or a related area. Applicants for senior positions should have a world·class research record and strong academic and Resources research leadership skills; applicants for junior·level positions should have demonstrated potential for such. we value diversity and thus strongly encourage applications from exceptional scholars who can also contribute to the diversity and Contacts excellence of our academic community through research, teaching, and service.


Seminars The School of Computing comprises three academic units representing a broad cross-section of computing and Its applications: {l) the Division of Computer Science, (2) the Division of Visual Computing, and (3) the Division of Human­ Internships Centered Computing. The school Includes 30 tenured/tenure-track faculty, 6 lecturers, 593 undergraduates, and 223 graduate students. Competitive funding for FY13 was over $5 million. Links

Visit Us Oemson University Is the land-grant institution of South Carolina, enrolling approximately 15,000 undergraduates and Support the School 4,000 graduate students. Research and economic development activities are enhanced by public-private partnerships at three Innovation campuses, and six research and education centers located throughout South Carolina. Today, Clemson News Archives University is ranked 20th among national public universities by U.S. News & World Report. Jobs

Visit Us on Facebook The anticipated start date is August 15, 2015, though an earlier date is possible. Applicants should submit a current vita and a minimum of three references with full contact information. (References will be contacted only after receiving follow­ up approval from the applicant/nominee.) Electronic submissions (PDF files with subject "HCC Chair Search" or "HCC Professor Search") to hcc .. Jacultv.... [email protected] !!::I are preferred, but applications and nominations can also be mailed to HCC Director Search, 214 McAdams Hall, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634, USA. Application materials must be received by December 31st, 2014 to receive full consideration, though the search will remain open until the position is filled. More Information can be found at !!::I .

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Accepting Applications: Tenure-Track Assistant Professor Faculty Position: Human-Centered Computing (HCC)

The Information Systems Department at UMBC invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position at the Assistant Professor level in the area of human-centered computing starting August 2015. Candidataa must have earned a PhD in a related flekl no later than August 20 I5. Outstanding candidates in all areas of human-centered computing research are encouraged to apply. Ideal candidates will be engaged in research that spans several areas with preference given to thosa who can collaborate with the current !acuity. Candklates should have a strong potential for excellence in research, the ability to develop and sustain an externally funded research program, and the capacity to contribute to our graduate and undergraduate teaching mission.

The Department offers undergraduate degrees in Information Systems and Business Technoiogy Administration. Graduate degree programs, both MS and PhD, are offered 1n Information Systems and Human-Centered Computing, including an innovative online MS in IS program. Consistent with the UMBC vision, the Department has excellent teaching facilities, state-of-the-art laboratories. and outstanding technical support UMBC's Technology Center, Research Park, and Center for Entrepreneurship are major indicators of active research and outreach. Further details on our research, academic programs, and faculty can be found at http;// Members of under-represented groups Including women and minorities are especially encouraged to apply.

Electronic submission of application is required at • All applications must be submitted as PDF Files, which include a cover letter, CV, a one-page statement of teaching Interests, a one-page statement of research interests and names and contact information for at least three references. For inquiries, please contact Barbara Morris at (410) 455-3795 or [email protected]. Review of appUcations will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. This position is subject to the availability of funds.

UMBC is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity EmplQYel' and welcomes

applications from minorities, women, veterans and individuals with disabilities.

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The following is an older position application from Purdue University

Purdue University School of ECE Computer Engineering Faculty Position in Human-Centered Computing The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University invites applications for a faculty position at any level in human-centered computing, including but not limited to visualization, visual analytics, human computer interaction (HCI), and graphics. The Computer Engineering Area of the school ( has nineteen faculty members who have active research programs in areas including AI, architecture, compilers, computer vision, distributed systems, embedded systems, graphics, haptics, HCI, machine learning, multimedia systems, networking, networking applications, NLP, OS, robotics, , and visualization. Eligible candidates are required to have a PhD in computer science/engineering or a related field and a significant demonstrated research record commensurate with the level of the position applied for. Academic duties of the position include teaching, advising students, and maintaining a strong research program. Applications should consist of a cover letter, a CV, a research statement, names and contact information for at least three references, and URLs for three to five online papers. Applications should be submitted to s/Employment/Applications. Review of applications will begin on 1 December 2010. Inquiries may be sent to [email protected]. Applications will be considered as they are received, but for full consideration should arrive by 1 January 2011. Purdue University is an equal opportunity, equal access, affirmative action employer fully committed to achieving a diverse workforce.

University of Colorado Boulder (This was an ad from a year ago. It has been filled) The Department of Computer Science (CS) at the University of Colorado Boulder (CU) seeks outstanding candidates for a tenure-track position in human-centered computing (HCC). The opening is targeted at the level of Assistant Professor, although outstanding senior candidates at higher ranks may be considered.

The position will help shape the future of human-centered computing at the University of Colorado Boulder within the department as well as in new campus initiatives. We seek candidates with promising research records in the areas of human-computer interaction, computer-supported cooperative work, social computing, , and information visualization. Candidates should have an orientation to computer science as their primary teaching home, though an interdisciplinary research program is welcomed and has been a hallmark of HCC research at CU.

Candidates must have a Ph.D. in computer science, information studies, or a related discipline. Candidates must show promise in their ability to develop an independent research program, and demonstrate a commitment to teaching and working with both undergraduate and graduate students.

Applications will be evaluated beginning in November 2013 and will continue until the position is filled. Applications must include a letter of application specifying area of specialization, curriculum vitae, statements of research and teaching interests, and names and contact information of three references.

The Department's research and education is enhanced by many interdisciplinary programs, supporting collaborations in cognitive science, the arts and humanities, as well as in the natural sciences and engineering, and in public policy. We also benefit from Boulder's concentration of high-tech industry and its lively startup community.

The University of Colorado Boulder is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to building a diverse workforce. We encourage applications from women, racial and ethnic minorities, individuals with disabilities and veterans. Alternative formats of this ad can be provided upon request for individuals with disabilities by contacting the ADA Coordinator at [email protected].

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Quantitative UX Researcher, University Grad

Facebook was built to help people connect and share, and over the last decade our tools have played a critical part in changing how people around the world communicate with one another. With over a billion people using the service and more than fifty offices around the globe, a career at Facebook offers countless ways to make an impact in a fast growing organization. Come join a diverse and collaborative team of researchers who work directly with product design to make the best social platform for Facebook's billion users. Our work ranges from formative to evaluative, ethnography to live experiments and involves collaboration between qualitative and quantitative researchers. For this position, we are looking for people with strong skills in behavioral data analysis, experimental and survey research, and statistics. The right candidates will be excellent communicators, knowledgeable about UI design, passionate about social computing, comfortable in a flat, fast moving organization, excited to collaborate, and focused squarely impacting the design of Facebook. Responsibilities

• Work closely with product teams to identify research topics • Design studies that address both user behavior and attitudes • Generate insights that both fuel ideation and evaluate designs • Conduct research using a wide variety of quantitative methods, and interpret analysis through the lens of UX, HCI, and social science • Collaborate closely with qualitative researchers • Work cross-functionally with design, product management, content strategy, engineering and marketing • Partner with engineers, analysts, and other technical roles to create and share research • Communicate results and illustrate suggestions in compelling and creative ways


• PhD in HCI, social computing, Information Science or related social science field, or MNMS in these areas with prior related research experience • Experience conducting applied product research, and/or focus on directly relevant research topics • Experience working with large scale data in multi-method studies • Experience with applied statistics • Experience coding, PHP, SQL and Python preferred • Familiarity with survey design ahd response effects Page 141/2316 HCC PhD New Degree Proposal April, 17 2015 GCl

• Understanding and appreciation of qualitative and user-centered design methods • Ability to ask, as welt as answer, meaningful and impactful questions • Ability to communicate complex analysis and results compellingly to a lay audience

GOLDMAN SACHS · TECHNOLOGY · CLIENT PLATFORMS . USER EXPERIENCE DESIGNER Job Summary & Responsibilities Our team of engineers builds solutions to the most complex problems. We develop cutting-edge systems and processes that form the core of our key business and enable transactions to move in milliseconds. We provide real­ time access to critical deal information and crunch billions of data points each day to inform firm-wide market insights and strategies. Team members have the opportunity to work at the forefront of technology innovation alongside industry leaders and make significant contributions to the field.

Define the user experience for Goldman Sachs applications, working with various lines of business and technology teams to envision and execute client-facing digital solutions.

Looking for an experienced UX professional to join our growing global UX team. The right candidate will play an important role in helping to shape the strategy and lead the design of the firm's next-generation, client-facing Web and Mobile analytics and trading applications.

As a lead-level Interaction Designer, you will work collaboratively with business stakeholders, clients, and development teams to craft compelling, innovative and usable solutions for the firm's traders, salespeople and clients. You possess superior UX design chops, keen analytical problem solving skills, and are comfortable driving a user­ centered design process through all phases of research and design.

You must have strong interpersonal skills, excellent communication and organizational skills and be able to work on multiple projects simultaneously in a fast-paced, collaborative environment. Basic Qualifications 7+ years of experience as a lead-level Interaction Designer or Information Architect, with a solid understanding of user-centered design process and principles, including user research, requirements gathering, wireframing. prototyping, specification creation and usability testing.

Domain knowledge, experience in the financial services industry working on data-intensive, transaction-oriented applications

Self-motivated and self-managed with a high degree of analytical ability, able to dynamically drive communication and facilitate sessions with senior sponsors and business users

Practical understanding (including capabilities and limitations) of the current technologies used to build rich user experiences (HTML 5, CSS, Javascript) Preferred Qualifications Post-graduate degree or equivalent in interaction design, human factors, or related field is a plus Experience with data visualization and visual design a plus

Goldman Sachs is an equal employment/affirmative action employer Female/Minority/DisabilityNet. © The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., 2015. All rights reserved.

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B. Please provide the date when the pre-proposal was presented to CAVP (Council of Academic Vice Presidents) Academic Program Coordination review group. Identify any concerns that the CAVP review group raised with the pre-proposed program and provide a brief narrative explaining how each of these concerns has been or is being addressed.

The pre-proposal was presented to the CAVP Workgroup in February 2015 and there were no formal concerns.

C. If this is a doctoral level program please include the external consultant's report at the end of the proposal as Appendix D. Please provide a few highlights from the report and describe ways in which the report affected the approval process at the university.

An external evaluation of the proposal was requested from Dr. Rebecca Grinter, a Full Professor in the School of Interactive Computing in the College of Computing at . Dr. Grinter's research is in the fields of human-computer interaction, ubiquitous computing, and computer supported cooperative work. She has published over 80 scholarly articles, served as Papers Chair (2006) & Best Papers Chair (2010) for the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), the premier conference for human-computer interaction. In 2013 she was elected to the prestigious CHI Academy. In 2010 she was recognized as a Distinguished Alumna of the University of California, Irvine. At Georgia Tech, Dr. Grinter has served as the Program Coordinator (lead administrator) for Georgia Tech's Human-Centered Computing (HCC) Ph.D. and also as Associate Dean for Graduate Affairs for the College of Computing the academic unit in which the HCC PhD is housed. She has also served as an external reviewer on other HCC PhD programs in the country, specifically, the HCC PhD at Clemson University.

Dr. Grinter expertise in this area, and positive review of this proposal provided guidance to the faculty member, administration and staff through the approval process. She is an expert in this area and qualified to serve as an external reviewer for the proposed HCC PhD for the University of Florida.

In Dr. Grinter's review of the HCC PhD program, she acknowledges the fact that the proposed HCC PhD is consistent with existing HCC PhD programs at Georgia Tech, Clemson, University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) and others.

Some specific highlights of her report are as follows: 1. She says, "the curriculum structure of the University of Florida proposal matches those that I have seen at Georgia Tech, Clemson, UMBC, and so forth." 2. "First, I want to commend the proposal for making an important distinction between Human­ Computer Interaction and Human-Centered Computing. While Human-Computer Interaction has a long established history within Computer Science, it is just one discipline that is contained within the broader view of Human-Centered Computing. I particularly like and encourage the focus on policy, which has not been a central part of Human-Computer Interaction. Training graduates who can inform local, State, and National policy is not something that Computing fields have done."

In summary, Dr. Grinter supports the proposal and applauds our efforts to keep the proposed HCC PhD consistent with others. No explicit changes to the proposal were prompted by this external review.

D. Describe how the proposed program is consistent with the current State University System (SUS) Strategic Planning Goals. Identify which specific goals the program will directly support and which goals the program will indirectly support (see link to the SUS Strategic Plan on the resource page for new program proposal).

The proposed HCC PhD program will have a sustaining impact on workforce and economic development needs in Florida, across the nation, and across the globe that are consistent with SUS Page 143/2318 HCC PhD New Degree Proposal April, 17 2015 GCl strategic planning goals of excellence, productivity, and strategic priorities for a knowledge economy. The proposed HCC PhD is a STEM discipline. The SUS strategic planning goals speak consistently to increasing the number of STEM graduates and this PhD will contribute to that goal.

As technology continues to be integrated more and more into the daily lives of all people in Florida, our nation, and the planet, there is an increasing need for expertise in HCC. The concept of designing, building and evaluating computing technologies as they relate to people is at the core of the proposed PhD in HCC and this is a necessity in the modern workforce.

Job postings include user experience designer, application developer, usability engineering, to name a few. A search on for "web Designer or graphic designer or usability" yields over 500 jobs in the State of Florida. IT related jobs are in high demand across all business sectors in the State and user experience, web designers/developers, etc. are skills in demand in many of these jobs. Companies are hiring PhDs in many of these jobs because the task of designing, implementing and then evaluating those technologies can't be done by students with a BS degree or, in most cases, a MS degree. These skills require training across multiple disciplines and the proposed PhD in HCC gives these students the necessary skills to be competitive for these user experience/web designer/ developer positions.

The proposed PhD in HCC will have a significant impact on research funding at the University of Florida. UF recently hired 4 new experts in HCC (see http:/ /­ computer-science/). These hires brought with them more than $5 million dollars in external grants. The HCC faculty expect to fund 15 HCC PhD students on grants in year 1 and 20-25 in year 5. HCC researchers work across disciplines and this enables them to expand their funding sources. The NSF, NSA, CIA, FBI, NIH, U.S. Department of Education, corporations and many other agencies have funded HCC research. This program will boost funding within the Department of Computer & Information Science & Engineering (CISE) at UF and across campus through interdisciplinary collaborations.

The HCC PhD program attracts traditionally underrepresented groups to the discipline. Hager and Elton (1971) surveyed college freshmen and Sewell and Martin (1976) surveyed high school juniors. In these two studies, it was found that African-American men expressed a greater interest in social service fields versus White men, who prefer STEM disciplines. Hall and Post-Kammer (1987) reported that African­ Americans choose these disciplines (helping professions) because they have a cultural orientation and expectation to help others. STEM disciplines are generally not seen as disciplines that can be used to help others. However, HCC works directly with people and connects with the notion of helping.

Currently, the proposed HCC PhD program would have an estimated enrollment that is majority female and 40-50% underrepresented minorities. Additionally, the HCC PhD program would have a significant majority U.S. Citizen enrollment (80% ). The diversity that the proposed PhD brings to UF supports the goals of the SUS strategic plan.

Lastly, the proposed PhD will be the 4th of its kind in the nation. This will provide UF with an opportunity to compete nationally and globally for talent in this new STEM/IT area. It is an area the University of Florida has identified as part of its Preeminence Initiative, and therefore has committed resources to develop.

Hager, P.C. & Elton, C.F. (1971). The vocational interests of Black Males. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 1, 153-158.

Hall, E. R., & Post-Kammer, P. (1987). Black mathematics and science majors: Why so few? Career Development Quarterly, 35, 206-219.

Sewell, T.E. & Martin, R.P. (1976). Racial differences in patterns of occupational choice in adolescents. Pschology in the Schools, 13, 326-333.

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E. If the program is to be included in a category within the Programs of Strategic Emphasis as described in the SUS Strategic Plan, please indicate the category and the justification for inclusion.

The Programs of Strategic Emphasis Categories: 1. Critical Workforce: •Education •Health • Gap Analysis 2. Economic Development: • Global Competitiveness 3. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)

The proposed HCC PhD has a CIP Code of 11.0104, which fall under the STEM Programs of Strategic Emphasis.

Please see the Programs of Strategic Emphasis (PSE) methodology for additional explanations on program inclusion criteria at the resource page for new program proposal.

F. Identify any established or planned educational sites at which the program is expected to be offered and indicate whether it will be offered only at sites other than the main campus.

The proposed PhD program in HCC will only be offered on the main campus of the University of Florida.


II. Need and Demand

A. Need: Describe national, state, and/or local data that support the need for more people to be prepared in this program at this level. Reference national, state, and/or local plans or reports that support the need for this program and requests for the proposed program which have emanated from a perceived need by agencies or industries in your service area. Cite any specific need for research and service that the program would fulfill.

The HCC PhD graduates will pursue careers as academics, industrial leaders, and as entrepreneurs. Within the academy, the graduates will take positions as professors and research scientists. Some of the industry jobs they will pursue have titles such as user experience designer, application developer, and usability engineering.

National Need: The Computing Research Association (CRA), http:/ /, is an association of more than 200 North American academic departments of computer science, computer engineering, and related fields; laboratories and centers in industry, government, and academia engaging in basic computing research; and affiliated professional societies. CRA's mission is to enhance innovation by joining with industry, government and academia to strengthen research and advanced education in computing. CRA executes this mission by leading the computing research community, informing policymakers and the public, and facilitating the development of strong, diverse talent in the field. Every year the CRA releases the Taulbee Survey.

Taulbee Survey is the principal source of information on the enrollment, production, and employment of Ph.D.s in computer science and computer engineering (CS & CE) and in providing salary and demographic data for faculty in CS & CE in North America. Statistics given include gender and ethnicity breakdowns,

According to the latest Taulbee Survey, there were 61 new PhDs in Human-Computer Interaction, which is where the HCC PhDs will be reported, placed in positions last year. The placement rate was Page 145/23110 HCC PhD New Degree Proposal April, 17 2015 GC1

98% (only 1 was not placed at the time of the survey). 57% (35) of them were placed in industry, government or self-employed. This is consistent with all of the computing/IT PhDs produced. Figure D6. Employment of New Ph.D.s in U.S. and Canada below is from the CRA Taulbee Survey showing the majority of the graduates (nearly 60%) are not going to academia; therefore, industry and government entities are hiring our students as interns and coops to then later hire them as full time employees upon completion of their PhD.

Figure 06. Employment of New Ph.D.s in U.S. and Canada CRA Taulbee Survey 2013

60% _.,_Academia (North America}

50% --Industry (North America)

40% , , , ", Non..pfiD Academia {North America)

30% --Abroad




State Need: A search on for "web Designer or graphic designer or usability" yields over 500 jobs in the State of Florida. IT related jobs are in high demand across all business sectors in the State and user experience, web designers/ developers, etc. are skills in demand in many of these jobs. For example, in 2014, Harris Corporation, located in Melbourne, FL, setup a new User Experience (UX) Division. According to the Harris Corporation website, http:/ / about/, "Harris is an international communications and information technology company serving government and commercial markets in more than 125 countries. Headquartered in Melbourne, Florida, the company has approximately $5 billion of annual revenue and about 13,000 employees - including 6,000 engineers and scientists. Harris is dedicated to developing best-in-class assured communications® products, systems and services." Harris is moving into User Experience and having the HCC PhD here in Florida will be a valuable resource for Harris to recruit full time employees, interns, and consultants. The HCC PhD program has already met with the UX staff at Harris and they are very supportive of this new degree program.

B. Demand: Describe data that support the assumption that students will enroll in the proposed program. Include descriptions of surveys or other communications with prospective students.

Currently, there are 12 students that have moved to the University of Florida and are interested in pursuing this degree. When the HCC faculty moved from Clemson, these students were in the HCC PhD program at Clemson and expressed an interest in finishing their PhD in HCC at UF. This information was collected in conversations with those students and now they are here at UF.

There were 3 HCC faculty members (Drs. Ben Lok, Eakta Jain and Lisa Anthony) here at UF before the Clemson team moved to UF. These HCC faculty members also have PhD students that are likely to move Page 146/23111 HCC PhD New Degree Proposal April, 17 2015 GCl

into the HCC PhD program as well. For the purposes of this proposal, the initial 12 students are being counted from those that moved from Clemson with the intent on finishing a HCC PhD at UF. The initial 12 students are 9 female, 8 African-American, and 2 Hispanic. There are also students looking for this degree outside of UF.

This academic year, we had 40 applications to our existing computer engineering PhD program. Six (6) of them requested information about HCC and are likely to pursue the HCC PhD. Of the 6 applicants that were interested in the HCC PhD, 2 of them have been accepted into the HCC PhD program at Georgia Tech. These students made this inquiry based on the hiring of the new HCC faculty and knowing we had a HCC PhD degree at Clemson University.

The new Preeminence hires in HCC have recruited HCC PhD students at their previous institution and the enrollment was at 30 PhD students when they left Clemson University. Currently, the HCC PhD program at Clemson University has 23 HCC PhD students and 7 faculty members. UMBC has 7 HCC faculty members and 20 HCC PhD students. Georgia Tech has 30 faculty members in their School of Interactive Computing in the College of Computing and they have 50 PhD students.

These programs have healthy enrollments and UF will compete for those students and the current estimate is that the program will start with 12-15 PhD students and reach an enrollment of 40-50 within five years based on the HCC faculty's experience in other HCC PhD programs.

C. If substantially similar programs (generally at the four-digit CIP Code or 60 percent similar in core courses), either private or public exist in the state, identify the institution(s) and geographic location(s). Summarize the outcome(s) of communication with such programs with regard to the potential impact on their enrollment and opportunities for possible collaboration (instruction and research). In Appendix C, provide data that support the need for an additional program.

There are no other HCC PhD programs in the State of Florida in either private or public institutions. No existing program in the State of Florida uses the CIP Code 11.0104. The closest related program is at FSU. FSU has a degree listed under CIP Code 30.3001 called Computational Science. Dr. Gilbert has reached out to Dr. Max Gunzburger at FSU to discuss these details between th~ proposed HCC PhD and the FSU PhD in Computation Science.

After a careful evaluation of the Computational Science PhD program and discussions with its faculty, it can be observed that the HCC PhD program and Computation Science PhD program are both interdisciplinary PhD programs; however, the HCC PhD program has a core that studies human computer interaction, user interface design and research methods for human subjects. The Computational Science PhD program has a core consisting of Scientific Programming and Applied Computational Science courses. Because of these differences, the newly proposed degree program is truly unique and not replicated in any extent on the UF campus nor across any of the State University System schools/ colleges.

HCC PhD degrees exist because the expertise required for this degree does not fit in traditional Computer Science or Computer Engineering PhD programs. CS & CE PhD programs have requirements for computer systems and theory. These courses are not required for HCC research. HCC researchers can design user interfaces and implement them using software languages and tools and then evaluate them in context with human subjects. However, CS & CE do not have any requirements related to the human condition, human subjects research, etc. Essentially, HCC is an extremely broad area that encompasses design, implementation and evaluation. There are PhD degrees that emphasize design, i.e. Industrial Design, Industrial Engineering (Human Factors), etc. There are PhD degrees that emphasize implementation or evaluation of software and/ or hardware, i.e. CS & CE. There are also PhD degrees ·that emphasize evaluation, i.e. Psychology, Social Science, etc. HCC is interdisciplinary and combines all of these disciplines into a single degree that meets the demands of industry, the academy and government. Page 147/23112 HCC PhD New Degree Proposal April, 17 2015 GCl

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D. Use Table 1 in Appendix A (1-A for undergraduate and 1-B for graduate) to categorize projected student headcount (HC) and Full Time Equivalents (FTE) according to primary sources. Generally undergraduate FTE will be calculated as 40 credit hours per year and graduate FTE will be calculated as 32 credit hours per year. Describe the rationale underlying enrollment projections. If students within the institution are expected to change majors to enroll in the proposed program at its inception, describe the shifts from disciplines that will likely occur.

The annual projections are 12, 20, 30, 40 and 50 for the next 5 years. We currently have 12 PhD students on campus that have expressed an interest in the HCC PhD program. These students were direct transfers from the previous institution of the HCC Preeminence hires. Furthermore, there are new students that have taken classes with the HCC faculty members at UF and those students have expressed an interest in the HCC PhD. These classes have enrollments above 20 with the primary core class, Human-Computer Interaction, having an enrollment above 80. With these students that are currently on campus, we believe we will have an initial class of 12-20 students. In the following years, we have noticed students at other institutions expressing an interest in joining our laboratories for the HCC PhD. This year, we had 6 students express an interest in joining a HCC PhD program at UF. We believe the enrollment will reach 40-50 PhD within 5 years given the interest from students that noticed the addition of the new HCC Preeminence Initiative faculty members.

E. Indicate what steps will be taken to achieve a diverse student body in this program. If the proposed program substantially duplicates a program at FAMU or FIU, provide, (in consultation with the affected university), an analysis of how the program might have an impact upon that university's ability to attract students of races different from that which is predominant on their campus in the subject program. The university's Equal Opportunity Officer shall review this section of the proposal and then sign and date Appendix B to indicate that the analysis required by this subsection has been completed.

The HCC faculty have met with the Department of Computer & Information Sciences (CIS) at FAMU. The faculty have a history of working together through NSF grants. The FAMU CIS and the new HCC Preeminence faculty members are in the initial stages of establishing a relationship for collaboration between the two programs. The faculty members hired from the Clemson program have a history of recruiting members of underrepresented groups, specifically African-Americans. Currently, of the 12 students that will transfer into the HCC PhD program, there are 1 Hispanic male, 1 Hispanic female, 6 African-American females, 2 African-American males, and 2 Caucasian females. The discipline of HCC attracts members of underrepresented groups given the applied nature of the discipline, see section I.D. This program is not a duplication of a program at FAMU or FIU and, therefore, the program will not compete with FAMU or FIU, but instead, it will work directly with these institutions to grow underrepresented students' participation in STEM/IT in the SUS.

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III. Budget

A. Use Table 2 in Appendix A to display projected costs and associated funding sources for Year 1 and Year 5 of program operation. Use Table 3 in Appendix A to show how existing Education & General funds will be shifted to support the new program in Year 1. In narrative form, summarize the contents of both tables, identifying the source of both current and new resources to be devoted to the proposed program. (Data for Year 1 and Year 5 reflect snapshots in time rather than cumulative costs.)

There are 11 HCC faculty members. The HCC faculty members, will teach the HCC core courses and advise the HCC PhD students. Therefore, the new costs associated with the new HCC PhD are minimal. Table 2 in Appendix A shows the projected costs as they are fully covered with the hiring of the new HCC faculty members and the current HCC faculty members that were already here at UF. The College of Engineering has already committed $2,590,213 towards Human-Centered Computing in new hires, startup packages, graduate students, etc. through the Preeminence Initiative in the HCC area. The following website provides more information on the Preeminence Initiatives at UF archive/ 2014/ 05 / experts-on-human-centered-computing-are-coming-to-uf.html and research/ strategic-research-areas/

B. Please explain whether the university intends to operate the program through continuing education on a cost-recovery basis, seek approval for market tuition rate, or establish differentiated graduate-level tuition. Provide a rationale for doing so and a timeline for seeking Board of Governors' approval, if appropriate. Please include the expected rate of tuition that the university plans to charge for this program and use this amount when calculating cost entries in Table 2.

The proposed degree program will not be operated through continuing education on a cost-recovery basis.

C. If other programs will be impacted by a reallocation of resources for the proposed program, identify the impacted programs and provide a justification for reallocating resources. Specifically address the potential negative impacts that implementation of the proposed program will have on related undergraduate programs (i.e., shift in faculty effort, reallocation of instructional resources, reduced enrollment rates, greater use of adjunct faculty and teaching assistants). Explain what steps will be taken to mitigate any such impacts. Also, discuss the potential positive impacts that the proposed program might have on related undergraduate programs (i.e., increased undergraduate research opportunities, improved quality of instruction associated with cutting-edge research, improve~ labs and library resources).

The proposed HCC PhD program does not have any impact on existing programs. There is a benefit for undergraduates to broaden their perspectives for research. Currently, there is an undergraduate summer research program in HCC under the direction of Dr. Juan E. Gilbert. Dr. Gilbert is the primary investigator for the National Science Foundation (NSF) funded Institute for African-American Mentoring in Computing Sciences (iAAMCS, pronounced 'i am cs').

The website for iAAMCS is http:/ / iAAMCS has a summer research program with the Computing Research Association's Committee on the Status of Women in Computing Research (CRA-W) called the Distributed Research Experiences for Undergraduates (DREU). See https:/ / dreu/

The DREU program matches prospective mentors with mentees from underrepresented groups in computing. The DREU program has a very successful track record of getting students from underrepresented groups to pursue graduate education.

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D. Describe other potential impacts on related programs or departments (e.g., increased need for general education or common prerequisite courses, or increased need for required or elective courses outside of the proposed major).


E. Describe what steps have been taken to obtain information regarding resources (financial and in-kind) available outside the institution (businesses, industrial organizations, governmental entities, etc.). Describe the external resources that appear to be available to support the proposed program.

As a PhD program, students will be supported primarily on external research grants and contracts. Some students will receive teaching assistantships (TA) as well. Currently, the prospective HCC PhD students have the following fellowships:

1. Three NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (GRF) 2. Six GEM (Graduate Engineering Minority) Fellowships 3. One Bill & Melinda Gates Scholar 4. One Generation Google Scholarship Recipient

Through the Preeminence Initiative the 4 HCC faculty members that moved to UF brought with them more than 18 PhD students, 2 postdoc researchers and more than $5 million in grant funding. The HCC faculty members have extensive funding records, see the attached resumes. HCC faculty have received funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF), Federal Bureau of Investigation, Army Research Lab, National Institutes of Health, and other foundations and government agencies. The HCC faculty members have also received funding from industry partners such as BMW, Intel, TEQGames and others. The HCC faculty members will continue to grow their relationships with industry partners here in Florida to gain additional funding for students.

IV. Projected Benefit of the Program to the University, Local Community, and State

Use information from Tables 1 and 2 in Appendix A, and the supporting narrative for "Need and Demand" to prepare a concise statement that describes the projected benefit to the university, local community, and the state if the program is implemented. The projected benefits can be both quantitative and qualitative in nature, but there needs to be a clear distinction made between the two in the narrative.

CISE PhD graduates in Human-Centered Computing (HCC) will be successfully employed in academic faculty positions, industrial research positions, product development, and national research and development laboratories.

As previously mentioned, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and HCC have been successfully placed in jobs industry, but the academy as well, see II.A and the Figure D6 from the CRA Taulbee Survey. There is a growing demand for people with these skills at the PhD level. Google, Intel, Apple, Harris Corporation and many others all have User Experience positions and hire graduates at the PhD level in HCC from Georgia Tech, Clemson, UMBC, Carnegie Mellon and now UF.

Within the State of Florida, there are many jobs available for graduates with these skills. Harris Corporation is an example of a large company looking for these skills as they have created a new User Experience division and a facility to support this work. There are at least 12 current CISE PhD students that are committed to the HCC PhD. These students came from Clemson University with several of the current HCC faculty members. Therefore, these students have already committed to the HCC PhD.

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V. Access and Articulation - Bachelor's Degrees Only

A. If the total number of credit hours to earn a degree exceeds 120, provide a justification for an exception to the policy of a 120 maximum and submit a separate request to the Board of Governors for an exception along with notification of the program's approval. (See criteria in Board of Governors Regulation 6C-8.014)


B. List program prerequisites and provide assurance that they are the same as the approved common prerequisites for other such degree programs within the SUS (see link to the Common Prerequisite Manual on the resource page for new program proposal). The courses in the Common Prerequisite Counseling Manual are intended to be those that are required of both native and transfer students prior to entrance to the major program, not simply lower-level courses that are required prior to graduation. The common prerequisites and substitute courses are mandatory for all institution programs listed, and must be approved by the Articulation Coordinating Committee (ACC). This requirement includes those programs designated as "limited access."

If the proposed prerequisites are not listed in the Manual, provide a rationale for a request for exception to the policy of common prerequisites. NOTE: Typically, all lower-division courses required for admission into the major will be considered prerequisites. The curriculum can require lower-division courses that are not prerequisites for admission into the major, as long as those courses are built into the curriculum for the upper-level 60 credit hours. If there are already common prerequisites for other degree programs with the same proposed CIP, every effort must be made to utilize the previously approved prerequisites instead of recommending an additional "track" of prerequisites for that CIP. Additional tracks may not be approved by the ACC, thereby holding up the full approval of the degree program. Programs will not be entered into the State University System Inventory until any exceptions to the approved common prerequisites are approved by the ACC.


C. If the university intends to seek formal Limited Access status for the proposed program, provide a rationale that includes an analysis of diversity issues with respect to such a designation. Explain how the university will ensure that Florida College System transfer students are not disadvantaged by the Limited Access status. NOTE: The policy and criteria for Limited Access are identified in Board of Governors Regulation 6C-8.013. Submit the Limited Access Program Request form along with this document.


D. If the proposed program is an AS-to-BS capstone, ensure that it adheres to the guidelines approved by the Articulation Coordinating Committee for such programs, as set forth in Rule 6A-10.024 (see link to the Statewide Articulation Manual on the resource page for new prSecogram proposal). List the prerequisites, if any, including the specific AS degrees which may transfer into the program.


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VI. Related Institutional Mission and Strength

A. Describe how the goals of the proposed program relate to the institutional m1ss1on statement as. contained in the SUS Strategic Plan and the University Strategic Plan (see link to the SUS Strategic Plan on the resource page for new program proposal).

The proposed HCC PhD program aligns well with both the SUS strategic plan, see section LE, and the UF mission. The proposed HCC PhD will increase diversity in an area of STEM/IT, it will broaden the skills of future STEM/IT employees, it will advance research in an area of national and global need, it will provide solutions to societal issues, and it will raise the prestige of the UF as the program increases its ranking in this area.

The missions of the CISE Department is "The m1Ss1on of the Computer & Information Science & Engineering Department is to educate students, as well as the broader campus community, in the fundamental concepts of the computing discipline; to create and disseminate computing knowledge and technology; and to use expertise in computing to help society solve problems." The HCC PhD aligns with this mission by providing education and also using computing to help solve societal problems. The research agenda in HCC is applied and addresses issues in Cybersecurity, Voting Technologies, Learning, and more.

B. Describe how the proposed program specifically relates to existing institutional strengths, such as programs of emphasis, other academic programs, and/or institutes and centers.

The proposed HCC PhD program will make interdisciplinary connections with the College of Education through learning technologies, the UF Transportation Institute through user experience and driver distraction research, Cybersecurity researchers through biometrics, English, History and the Libraries through games research, the College of Business through entrepreneurship and the College of Medicine through health informatics. The HCC PhD program connects people and technology and this provides interdisciplinary collaborations across the university. For example, Dr. James Oliverio, Director of the Digital Worlds Institute, held a reception for the HCC faculty that has resulted in several collaboration opportunities in games related research for learning. Dr. Carole Beale, Director of the Online Learning Institute at UF, has submitted a proposal to the Institute of Education Sciences with Dr. Juan E. Gilbert as a CoPI. Drs. Janice Krieger and Sri Kalyanaraman in the College of Communications and Journalism have established collaborations with HCC faculty to share research facilities and submit joint proposals. These are just a few examples of collaborations that are happening with the HCC faculty.

C. Provide a narrative of the planning process leading up to submission of this proposal. Include a chronology in table format of the activities, listing both university personnel directly involved and external individuals who participated in planning. Provide a timetable of events necessary for the implementation of the proposed program.

In April 2014, the College of Engineering at UF hired 4 new HCC faculty members under the Preeminence Initiative, archive/ 2014/ 05 /experts-on-human-centered-computing­ are-coming-to-uf.html. The researchers had set up a successful HCC PhD program at Clemson University and naturally, the researchers decided to create a HCC PhD program at UF. The process began with Dr. Juan Gilbert, the primary lead for the proposal, meeting with the HCC faculty to establish the HCC PhD program criteria. There were multiple meetings from April to August. The proposal was presented three time to the faculty in the CISE department and approved on October 30, 2014. The HCC PhD proposal has also been approved by the College of Engineering and the Office of Institutional Planning and Research.

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April - August HCC Faculty; Drs. Juan Gilbert, Eakta Discussions on the criteria for the HCC 2014 Jain, Lisa Anthony, Christina Gardner­ PhD program. McCune, Kyla McMullen, Damon Woodard September 10, Dr. Juan Gilbert Presented the HCC PhD proposal to the 2014 CISE De artment Curriculum Committee October 3, 2014 Dr. Juan Gilbert Presented the revised HCC PhD proposal to the CISE Department Curriculum Committee October 30, 2014 Dr. Juan Gilbert and CISE Faculty CISE Department voted to approve the HCC PhD ro osal December 15, 2014 Dr. Juan Gilbert and College of Approve HCC PhD proposal En ineerin Curriculum Committee December 16, 2014 UF Office of Institutional Planning and HCC PhD proposal approved Research December 16, 2014 Wesley E. Bolch, PhD, PE HCC proposal submitted for External Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Review College of Engineering Universi of Florida December 18, 2014 Dr. Rebecca E. Grinter, Professor External review returned to Dr. Wes Bolch School of Interactive Computing College of Computing Gear ia Tech February 2015 CAVP Workgroup HCC PhD pre-proposal approved

Summer 2014 UF hires Dr. Juan Gilbert and 3 other HCC faculty members from Clemson University. These hires, plus the existing 3, brought the HCC core faculty to 7. Three additional faculty members have affiliated with the HCC PhD, bringing the total to 10. Fall 2014 Advertise and survey existing and prospective students on the HCC PhD program. There are at least 12 HCC PhD students to start the Spring 2015 Approvals and Notifications by AP for Academic and Faculty Affairs Graduate Council University Curriculum Committee Notified Facul Senate Steerin Committee Fall 2015 UF hires Drs. Kristy Boyer and Shaundra Daily as HCC faculty members. Faculty Senate Approves HCC PhD Academic Affairs Board of Trustees Spring2016 Board of Governors Academic Affairs Notified Graduate School Notified Office of the Registrar OIPR Notified College Notified SACS Notification Fall 2016 Begin accepting students into new program. (Requires application and web site revisions Page 155/23120 HCC PhD New Degree Proposal April, 17 2015 Get

VII. Program Quality Indicators - Reviews and Accreditation

Identify program reviews, accreditation visits, or internal reviews for any university degree programs related to the proposed program, especially any within the same academic unit. List all recommendations and summarize the institution's progress in implementing the recommendations.

The BS computer engineering program, which is jointed offered by CISE and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), is accredited by ABET. The most recent accreditation review occurred in Fall of 2012. No deficiencies of weaknesses were indicated. This BS program will be one key source of student recruits to the PhD in HCC. UF was also re-accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges in 2014 and there were no deficiencies noted.

VIII. Curriculum

A. Describe the specific expected student learning outcomes associated with the proposed program. If a bachelor's degree program, include a web link to the Academic Leaming Compact or include the document itself as an appendix.

Students that obtain the HCC PhD will have the following learning outcomes: 1. Student will be capable of conducting HCC research, including publishing. 2. Students will be capable of creating user interface designs. 3. Students will be capable of building software applications. 4. Students will be capable of evaluating software applications and other technologies with human subjects.

B. Describe the admission standards and graduation requirements for the program.

To receive full admission to graduate study in human-centered computing (HCC), a student must have completed an undergraduate degree from a regionally accredited institution or equivalent, and have taken computer programming courses through data structures. Data structures are a topic of computer science (CS) typically taught at the undergraduate level in a sequence of CS 1, CS 2 and sometimes, CS 3, depending on the specific department. An applicant with minimal deficiencies may be admitted with prerequisites, while one with several deficiencies may be required to satisfactorily complete prerequisite work as a non-degree student prior to admission as a graduate student. Students are not required to have a computer science degree. Each student will be reviewed for their qualifications as they relate to the field of HCC. The students must meet the minimum general graduate school requirements:

• GPA: B for all upper-level courses • GRE: see CISE Department requirement below • TOEFL: 550 on paper-based; (213 on computer-based; 80 on Internet-based). Applicants from India are exempt from the TOEFL (see a list of other countries that are exempt at admission/ english-exemption-countries). The University of Florida's school code for submission of TOEFL scores is 5812. • You may substitute for TOEFL with: o IELTS with a minimum score of 6; or o MELAB with a minimum score of 77.

The majority of our accepted students have an undergraduate GPA of at least 3.3/ 4.0.

• GRE: GRE scores will be used in the context of a holistic credential review process. A strong performance is expected. For reference, the past year's averages were: 153 verbal, 164 quantitative, and 317 total (verbal and quantitative.) NOTE: See the most recent Concordance Page 156/23121 HCC PhD New Degree Proposal April, 17 2015 GCl

Table, published by ETS, for comparable scores from the older GRE test format. The University of Florida's school code for submission of GRE scores is 5812. • GRE scores are valid for 5 years only. • TOEFL: 600 (250 computer-based; 95 internet-based). Applicants from India are exempt from the TOEFL (see a list of other countries that are exempt, admission/ english-exemption-countries). The University of Florida's school code for submission of TOEFL scores is 5812. • You may substitute for TOEFL with: o IELTS with a minimum score of 7; or o MELAB with a minimum score of 90.

C. Describe the curricular framework for the proposed program, including number of credit hours and composition of required core courses, restricted electives, unrestricted electives, thesis requirements, and dissertation requirements. Identify the total numbers of semester credit hours for the degree.

To receive full admission to graduate study in human-centered computing (HCC), a student must have completed an undergraduate degree from a regionally accredited institution or equivalent, and have taken computer programming courses through data structures. Data structures are a topic of computer science (CS) typically taught at the undergraduate level in a sequence of CS 1, CS 2 and sometimes, CS 3, depending on the specific department. An applicant with minimal deficiencies may be admitted with prerequisites, while one with several deficiencies may be required to satisfactorily complete prerequisite work as a non-degree student prior to admission as a graduate student. Although formal course requirements for the PhD degree are minimal, a typical program requires two to four years of study beyond the MS degree. Each candidate is required to pass a comprehensive qualifying examination, a dissertation proposal, and a defense of the dissertation.

Requirements for Awarding the HCC PhD Degree • 90 credit hours beyond the Bachelor's degree. (May include 30 hours from Master's program) • 4 supervisory committee members ( 1 member from outside CISE) • A Ph.D. qualifying exam • Ability to pursue research (typically demonstrated by a research publication) • A dissertation proposal and oral defense on a specific topic • A dissertation • A dissertation defense • 5 years limit for PhD from admission to candidacy

PhD Student PhD Student w/ prior w/o prior Master's Master's

30 n/a from prior Master's degree (maximum allowed)

Program Core 3 hours of CAP 5XXX User Experience Design (in the approval process) 9 9 3 hours of CAP 5100 Human-Computer Interaction 3 hours of CAP 5XXX Research Methods in Human-Centered Computing (in the approval process)

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CISE required graduate-level courses from the list below. CAP 5100 Human-Computer Interaction (3) CAP 5416 Computer Vision (3) CAP 5510 Bioinformatics (3) CAP 5515 Computational Molecular Biology (3) CAP 5635 Artificial Intelligence Concepts (3) CAP 5705 Computer Graphics (3) CAP 5805 Computer Simulation Concepts (3) CAP 6402 Aesthetic Computing (3) CAP 6516 Medical Image Analysis (3) CAP 6610 Machine Learning (3) CAP 6615 Neural Networks for Computing (3) CAP 6617 Advanced Machine Leaming (3) CAP 6685 Expert Systems (3) CAP 6701 Advanced Computer Graphics (3) CDA 5155 Computer Architecture Principles (3) CDA 5636 Embedded Systems (3) CDA 6156 High.Performance Computer Architecture (3) CEN 5035 Software Engineering (3) CEN 6070 Software Testing and Verification (3) 9 9 CEN 6075 Software Specification (3) CIS 6930 Special Topics in CIS (3; max: 9) CIS 6935 Graduate Seminar (1) CNT 5106C Computer Networks (3) CNT 5410 Computer and Network Security (3) CNT 5 51 7 Mobile Computing (3) CNT 6107 Advanced Computer Networks (3) CNT 6885 Distributed Multimedia Systems (3) COP 5536 Advanced Data Structures (3) COP 5555 Programming Language Principles (3) COP 5615 Distributed Operating System Principles (3) COP 5618 Concurrent Programming (3) COP 5625 Programming Language Translators (3) COP 5725 Database Management Systems (3) COP 6726 Database System Implementation (3) COP 6755 Distributed Database Systems (3) COT 5405 Analysis of Algorithms (3) COT 5442 Approximation Algorithms (3) COT 5520 Computational Geometry (3) COT 5615 Mathematics for Intelligent Systems (3) COT 6315 Formal Languages and Computation Theory (3)

Cognate Area (focused group ofrelated graduate courses in a 9 9 specific area and approved by the student's committee)

In addition to the courses listed below, other graduate-level courses 15-18 45-48 excluding courses numbered 6971, 7979, or 7980. See cognate

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course listing for additional examples.

CIS 6905 Individual Study CIS 6910 Supervised Research CIS 6930 Special Topics in CIS

CIS 7980 and CIS 7979 - research for doctoral dissertation and 12-15 12-15 advanced research

90 90 TOTAL (minimum)

HCC PhD Qualifying Exam

Prior to taking the qualifying exam, students must pre-qualify by taking at least 2 out of the 3 core courses and obtaining a 3 .4 GP A. The PhD qualifying examination is a two-part written exam and is administered by a faculty committee that is relevant to the selected exam area. The two qualifying exam areas will be selected from the existing PhD qualifying exam areas within the CISE department.

Students must take the examination for the first time, no later than their 5th semester. They may retake a failed examination once, within one year.

D. Provide a sequenced course of study for all majors, concentrations, or areas of emphasis within the proposed program. Note: Courses within the HCC PhD core are designated by (HCC) s tud ent wit'h out a M astersI d e2t'ee: Yearl Year2 Year3 Year4 Years Fall Semester -User -Qualifying -Cognate Grad Electives Grad Electives Experience Exams Electives (6 (12 hours) (12 hours) Design (HCC) -CISE Elective hours) -Grad Electives -Grad Electives Research Research (6 hours) (6 hours) Hours Hours

Spring -HCI (HCC) -CISE Electives -Cognate Grad Electives Dissertation Semester -Research (6 hours) Elective (6 hours) Defense Methods (HCC) -Grad Electives -Grad Electives -Grad Electives (6 hours) (6 hours) Dissertation (6 hours) Proposal

Summers s tud entw1t'h a M astersI d e2t'ee (30 ere d'it h ours ere d'it f or M astersI d e2t'ee: Yearl Year2 Year3 Year4 Years Fall Semester -User -Qualifying -Cognate Dissertation Experience Exams Electives (6 Defense Design (HCC) -CISE Elective hours) -Grad Electives -Grad Electives (9 hours) (6 hours) Grad Electives (3 hours)

Dissertation Proposal Page 159/23124 HCC PhD New Degree Proposal April, 17 2015 GCl

Spring -HCI (HCC) -CISE Electives -Cognate Semester -Research (6 hours) Elective Methods (HCC) -Grad Electives -Grad Electives (6 hours) Research (6 hours) Hours


E. Provide a one- or two-sentence description of each required or elective course.

Program Core - 9 hours CAP 5XXX User Experience Design (currently in approval process) (3) Introduces methods and tools used in User Experience Design (UXD): the early stages of software design focused on meeting user needs. Key concepts include user research, contextual design, design thinking, ideation, iterative design, prototyping, and design documentation. Software tools used in industry are used in class projects.

CAP 5100 Human-Computer Interaction (3) Prereq: COP 3530, and any one programming course (CGS 2414, CGS 3460 or CGS 3464). Topics related to interaction with technology, including interface design, software tools, 3-D interaction, virtual environments, interaction devices, collaboration, and visualization.

CAP 5XXX Research Methods in Human-Centered Computing (currently in approval process) (3) Introduces the fundamental methods and techniques to collect data from humans for building and evaluating technologies, including experimental design, types of variables, types of errors, hypothesis testing, survey design, behavioral and psychophysical methods.

CISE Required Courses 9 hours from the list below CAP 5416 Computer Vision (3) Prereq: MAC 2312, CGN 3421 orC-language. Introduction to image formation and analysis. Monocular imaging system projections, camera model calibration, and binocular imaging. Low-level vision techniques, segmentation and representation techniques, and high-level vision

CAP 5510 Bioinformatics (3) Prereq: COP 3504 or equivalent.

Basic concepts of molecular biology and computer science. Sequence comparison and assembly, physical mapping of DNA, phylogenetic trees, genome rearrangements, gene identification, biomolecular cryptology, and molecular structure prediction.

CAP 5515 Computational Molecular Biology (3) Algorithms related to molecular biology. Sequence comparisons, pattern matching, pattern extraction, graph techniques in phylogeny construction, secondary structure prediction, multiple sequence alignment, contig search, DNA computing, computational learning theory, and genetic algorithms. Page 160/23125 HCC PhD New Degree Proposal April, 17 2015 Get

CAP 5635 Artificial Intelligence Concepts (3) Prereq: COP 3530 Heuristic search, game theory, knowledge representation, logic, machine learning, AI languages and tools. Applications such as planning, natural language understanding, expert systems, and computer vision

CAP 5705 Computer Graphics (3) Prereq: COP 3530 Display device characteristics; system considerations, display algorithms. Curve and surface generation. Lighting models and image rendering.

CAP 5805 Computer Simulation Concepts (3) Prereq: COP 3530 Introduction to concepts in continuous and discrete simulation. Emphasis on fundamental concepts and methodology, using practical examples from a wide variety of disciplines.

CAP 6402 Aesthetic Computing (3) Prereq: COP 5705, CAP 5805 Principles of artistically motivated, personalized representations of formal model structures in computing and mathematics.

CAP 6516 Medical Image Analysis (3) Image formation, reconstruction mathematics (Fourier slice theorem, Abel, Hankel and Radon transforms), PDE-based denoising and segmentation, multidimensional clustering algorithms, iso­ surface extraction, basic differential geometry of curves and surfaces, multidimensional splines, active 2D/3D models, image matching/registration with application to multimodal co-registration.

CAP 6610 Machine Leaming (3) Prereq: CAP 5615 Review of attempts, within the artificial intelligence community, to construct computer programs that learn. Statistical pattern recognition with its applications to such areas as optical character recognition. Inductive learning, automated discovery.

CAP 6615 Neural Networks for Computing (3) Prereq: CAP 5635 Neural network models and algorithms. Adaptive behavior, associative learning, competitive dynamics and biological mechanisms. Applications include computer vision, cognitive information processing, control, and signal analysis.

CAP 6617 Advanced Machine Leaming (3) Prereq: CAP 6610 Advanced concepts in developing computer programs that learn and improve with experience. Emphasis on methods based on probability, statistics, and optimization.

CAP 6685 Expert Systems (3) Prereq: CAP 5635 Page 161/23126 HCC PhD New Degree Proposal April, 17 2015 GC1

Production systems, meta-knowledge, heuristic discovery, in-depth examination of several expert systems including TEIRESIAS, AM, DENDRAL, MYCIN, IRIS, CASNET, INTERNIST, BACON, PROSPECTOR.

CAP 6701 Advanced Computer Graphics (3) Prereq: CAP 4730 or CAP 5705 or consent of instructor Curved surface representations, representation and visualization of higher-dimensional fields, advanced rendering, collision detection and collision response, and scene navigation in context of high-level graphics environments.

CDA 5155 Computer Architecture Principles (3) Prereq: CDA 3101, COP 3530, and COP 4600 Fundamental design issues of processor and computer architecture, a variety of design approaches for CPU, memory, and system structure.

CDA 5636 Embedded Systems (3) Prereq: CDA 3101 and knowledge of programming and data structures Design and verification of low-cost, high-performance, low-power, and reliable embedded systems. The course covers all aspects related to embedded systems design including modeling, specification, exploration, estimation, optimization, synthesis, and verification of both software and hardware (analog as well as digital components) in embedded systems.

CDA 6156 High Performance Computer Architecture (3) Prereq: CDA 5155, COP 5615

Design and evaluation of instruction-level (superscalar, superpipeline) and task-level (fine and coarse-grained) parallel architecture. Language and operating system support for instruction and task scheduling and task synchronization.

CEN 5035 Software Engineering (3) Prereq: COP 3504 and COT 3100 Topics in projects organization, specification techniques, reliability measurement, documentation.

CEN 6070 Software Testing and Verification (3) Prereq: CEN 5035 Concepts, principles, and methods for software testing and verification. Topics include human and machine-based testing strategies, formal proofs of correctness, and software reliability.

CEN 6075 Software Specification (3) Prereq: CEN 5035 Concepts, principles, and methods for practical specification. System modeling, requirements exploration, validation and prototyping, and documentation techniques.

CIS 6930 Special Topics in CIS (3; max: 9) Prereq: vary depending on topics

CIS 6935 Graduate Seminar (1) Page 162/23127 HCC PhD New Degree Proposal April, 17 2015 GCl

Prereq: graduate status in CIS. M.S. students may take 1 time toward M.S. degree; Ph.D. students must take 3 times toward Ph.D. degree Presentations by visiting researchers, faculty members, and graduate students.

CNT 5106C Computer Networks (3) Prereq: CEN 4500C and COP 4600 The course covers the design, implementation and internals of modern computer networks. While all layers will be introduced, the layers below the Application Layer will be the main focus. The main effort will be spent on the design issues for Transport Layer, Network Layer, Data-Link and MAC Layer, and other related topics.

CNT 5410 Computer and Network Security (3) Prereq: COP 3530, COT 5405; coreq: COP 4600 Issues, analysis, and solutions. Viruses, worms, logic bombs, network attacks, covert channels, steganography, cryptology, authentication, digital signatures, electronic commerce

CNT 5517 Mobile Computing (3) Prereq: CEN 4500C Emerging topics of wireless and mobile computing and networking including mobile computing models, mobile-IP, adhoc networks, Bluetooth, and 802. 1 lb. Mobile database access and mobile transactions in context of emerging field ofM-commerce.

CNT 6107 Advanced Computer Networks (3) Prereq: COP 5615, COP 5536, and CNT 5106C Computer network architecture, including topologies, media, switching, routing, congestion control, protocols, and case studies.

CNT 6885 Distributed Multimedia Systems (3) Design issues; survey of recent advances, including compression, networking, and operating system issues.

COP 5536 Advanced Data Structures (3) Prereq: COP 3530 Development of efficient data structures used to obtain more efficient solutions to classical problems, such as those based on graph theoretical models, as well as problems that arise in application areas of contemporary interest

COP 5555 Programming Language Principles (3) Prereq: COP 3530 History of programming languages, formal models for specifying languages, design goals, run­ time structures, and implementation techniques, along with survey of principal programming language paradigms

COP 5615 Distributed Operating System Principles (3) Prereq: COP 4600 The concepts and techniques of efficient management of computer system resources.

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COP 5618 Concurrent Programming (3) Prereq: COP 3100, 3530 Overview of principles and programming techniques. Reasoning about concurrency, synchronization, program structuring, multi-threaded server applications.

COP 5625 Programming Language Translators (3) Prereq: COP 5555 Anatomy of translators for high-level programming languages.

COP 5725 Database Management Systems (3) Prereq: COP 3530, 4600, or equivalent An introduction to systems and procedures for managing large computerized databases.

COP 6726 Database System Implementation (3) Prereq: COP 4600 and 4720 or 5725 DBMS architecture, query processing and optimization, transaction processing, index structures, parallel query processing, object-oriented and object-relational databases, and related topics

COP 6755 Distributed Database Systems (3) Prereq: COP 5615, 5725, and a course in computer networks

Distributed database systems including the areas of distributed database design, resource allocation, access plan selection, and transaction management.

COT 5405 Analysis of Algorithms (3) Prereq: COP 3530 . Introduction and illustration of basic techniques for designing efficient algorithms and analyzing algorithm complexity.

COT 5442 Approximation Algorithms (3) Prereq: COP 3530 or COT 5405 Fundamentals of algorithmic paradigms, analysis, techniques, and software. Topics include greedy methods, randomized algorithms, IP-rounding, approximability, covering, packing, clustering, and network problems.

COT 5520 Computational Geometry (3) Prereq: COP 3530 Design, analysis, and implementation of algorithms and data structures to solve geometric problems. Applications in graphics, robotics, computational biology, data mining, and scientific computing. Convex hulls, Voronoi diagrams, triangulations, arrangements and range searching.

COT 5615 Mathematics for Intelligent Systems (3) Prereq: MAC 2313, Multivariate Calculus; MAS 3114 or MAS 4105, Linear Algebra; STA 4321, Mathematical Statistics. Mathematical methods commonly used to develop algorithms for computer systems that exhibit intelligent behavior.

COT 6315 Formal Languages and Computation Theory (3) Page 164/23129 HCC PhD New Degree Proposal April, 17 2015 GCl

Prereq: COP 3530 and familiarity with discrete mathematics and data structures Introduction to theoretical computer science including formal languages, automata theory, Turing machines, and computability.

Cognate Core (Here are some sample cognate areas. These are selected by the student and his/her advisor and approved by the committee.) 9 hours Entrepreneurship (Innovation Institute Certificate in Entrepreneurship) EGN 6640: Entrepreneurship for Engineers Credits: 3 Grading Scheme: Letter Introduction to entrepreneurship, idea generating and feasibility analysis, and business planning. Lectures, case studies, student-led discussions, team business plans, and investor presentations.

EGN 6642: Engineering Innovation Credits: 3 Grading Scheme: Letter Concepts of innovative thinking and innovation practices. Using lectures, case studies, team exercises, and guest speakers, the course teaches life skills in innovative thought and action that students can use in careers ranging from starting companies to executing R&D projects in large companies.

EGN 6039: Engineering Leadership Credits: 3 Grading Scheme: Letter Concepts, theory and practice of engineering leadership; effective written and oral communications and presentations; engineering leadership characteristics, individual differences and self-awareness; developing and building teams; managing change, conflicts, and crises; and understanding real-world ethics and core values.

CIS 6930: Recent Advances in Social Network Computing Special Topics in CIS (3; max: 9) Prereq: vary depending on topics

CIS6930 - DEPT I CIS4930 - 9024 Data Mining Special Topics in CIS (3; max: 9) Prereq: vary depending on topics

Virtual Environments User Experience/ Natural User Interactions

DIG 6751 C Protocols for Multimedia Interfaces Credits: 2-4 Max: 4 Grading Scheme: Letter Prerequisite: Admission into the MA in DAS program as a full-time Major or written consent oflnstructor. Covering protocols that control the interface components of a wide range of human­ computer interaction devices including computers, mobile phones, multimedia players etc. Principles of interactive event handling and skills in coding touch screen interaction using contemporary platforms and mobile device environments, virtual world interaction, Page 165/23130 HCC PhD New Degree Proposal April, 17 2015 GCl

web-based interaction, as well as standard interaction methods for computer applications.

CAP 5XXX Natural User Interfaces (CISE Course Under Review for Approval) (3) Introduces design, development, and evaluation of Natural User Interaction (NUI) technologies (e.g., non-keyboard and mouse technologies, such as touchscreen interaction, gesture interaction, speech interaction, etc.). Key concepts include hardware­ to-software NUI pipeline and considerations in NUI software development (including existing platforms, toolkits, and APis used to create NUI software).

DIG 6126C - Interaction Design Credits: 1-3 Max: 6 Grading Scheme: Letter Prerequisite: admission in MA DAS program or consent of instructor. Extend theoretical and practical perspectives into several focused projects using interaction principles prevalent in the entertainment and simulation industries, by creating and evaluating solutions across iterative design and testing cycles researching usability and affective influence. Emphasizes principles of cognitive psychology, including mental models, targeting and interface metaphors.

Other graduate-level courses including research courses (15-18 or 45-48) CIS 6905 Individual Study Credits: 1-3 Max: 6 Grading Scheme: Letter, S/U Prerequisite: consent of faculty member supervising the study

CIS 6910 Supervised Research Credits: l-5 ti.fax: 5 Grading Scheme: S/U Prerequisite: graduate status in CIS.

CIS 6930 Special Topics in CIS Credits: 3 Max: 9 Grading Scheme: Letter Prerequisite: vary depending on topics.

Research Credits (12-15) CIS 7979: Advanced Research Credits: 1-12 Grading Scheme: SIU Research for doctoral students before admission to candidacy. Designed for students with a master's degree in the field of study or for students who have been accepted for a doctoral program. Not appropriate for students who have been admitted to candidacy.

CIS 7980: Research for Doctoral Dissertation Credits: 1-15 Grading Scheme: SIU

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F. For degree programs in the science and technology disciplines, discuss how industry­ driven competencies were identified and incorporated into the curriculum and indicate whether any industry advisory council exists to provide input for curriculum development and student assessment.

At this time, the CISE Department has an Industry Advisory Board (IAB). The IAB will advise the department on all curricula activities. The HCC PhD program was created under the advisement of User Experience groups at BMW, Intel, Tesla and now Harris. These companies were all informed of our proposal and they have all commented on the proposal. Furthermore, the HCC PhD proposal is consistent with existing HCC PhD programs at Georgia Tech, Clemson, and UMBC.

Specific industry driven competencies include: User Interface Design, Software Development, and Usability Testing. These are the core industry driven competencies related to the HCC PhD. These competencies were identified in discussions with the industry partners (BMW, Intel, Tesla, Harris) and the university partners (Georgia Tech, Clemson, UMBC)

G. For all programs, list the specialized accreditation agencies and learned societies that would be concerned with the proposed program. Will the university seek accreditation for the program if it is available? If not, why? Provide a brief timeline for seeking accreditation, if appropriate.

We are investigating accreditation from the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES), see grad_programs.html

H. For doctoral programs, list the accreditation agencies and learned societies that would be concerned with corresponding bachelor's or master's programs associated with the proposed program. Are the programs accredited? If not, why?

Given the interdisciplinary nature of the proposed HCC PhD program, we could accept students from numerous disciplines. For example, we have worked with students from the Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, in addition to our Engineering students. Therefore, it's very difficult to name all the possible accrediting agencies for all of the prospective students we will admit.

I. Briefly describe the anticipated delivery system for the proposed program (e.g., traditional delivery on main campus; traditional delivery at branch campuses or centers; or nontraditional delivery such as distance or distributed learning, self-paced instruction, or external degree programs). If the proposed delivery system will require specialized services or greater than normal financial support, include projected costs in Table 2 in Appendix A. Provide a narrative describing the feasibility of delivering the proposed program through collaboration with other universities, both public and private. Cite specific queries made of other institutions with respect to shared courses, distance/distributed learning technologies, and joint-use facilities for research or internships.

The HCC PhD will use the traditional deliver system on the main campus. No other university in the State of Florida has a HCC PhD program; therefore, it is not feasible to collaborate with other universities with respect to instruction delivery. As noted earlier, students will be recruited from Florida institutions, specifically, FAMU and FIU. Dr. Gilbert delivered the keynote for the Florida McNair Scholars Research Conference on October 17, 2014 at FIU. During his time at FIU and in other McNair Scholar meetings, discussions have occurred to pursue ways to recruit FIU students to the HCC PhD. Dr. Gilbert also visited FAMU and met with the Computer and Information Sciences (CIS) faculty and department chair on January 29, 2015. He also met with the Dean of the College of Engineering. In their meetings, Dr. Gilbert shared with the Dean and the FAMU CIS faculty information about the proposed HCC PhD and the fact that there are new HCC faculty, students and postdocs at UF. With their move, UF has the largest population of African-American computing sciences PhD students in the nation. As such, FAMU agreed Page 167/23132 HCC PhD New Degree Proposal April, 17 2015 GCl to establish a relationship with the new HCC faculty, students and postdocs.

IX. Faculty Participation

A. Use Table 4 in Appendix A to identify existing and anticipated full-time (not visiting or adjunct) faculty who will participate in the proposed program through Year 5. Include (a) faculty code associated with the source of funding for the position; (b) name; (c) highest degree held; (d) academic discipline or specialization; (e) contract status (tenure, tenure­ earning, or multi-year annual [MYA]); (f) contract length in months; and (g) percent of annual effort that will be directed toward the proposed program (instruction, advising, supervising internships and practica, and supervising thesis or dissertation hours).

See Table 4 in Appendix A.

B. Use Table 2 in Appendix A to display the costs and associated funding resources for existing and anticipated full-time faculty (as identified in Table 2 in Appendix A). Costs for visiting and adjunct faculty should be included in the category of Other Personnel Services (OPS). Provide a narrative summarizing projected costs and funding sources.

See Table 2 in Appendix A.

C. Provide in the appendices the abbreviated curriculum vitae (CV) for ea.::h existing faculty member (do not include information for visiting or adjunct faculty).

See CVs in Appendices.

D. Provide evidence that the academic unit(s) associated with this new degree have been productive in teaching, research, and service. Such evidence may include trends over time for average course load, FIE productivity, student HC in major or service courses, degrees granted, external funding attracted, as well as qualitative indicators of excellence.

Collectively, the list of achievements and awards received by the faculty include two recent Fulbright Scholars; twelve NSF Career Awards; four IEEE Fellows; one Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Fellow, two AAAS Fellows, SCS Fellow, and SPIE Fellow; two members of the European Academy of Sciences; one IEEE Computer Society Taylor Booth Education Award; one IEEE Computer Society Wallace McDowell Award; one SIAM Fellow; one AAAS Mentor Award; one Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring (P AESMEM) award and one ACM Karl Karlstrom Education Award. One faculty member was recently named Editor-in-Chief of the ACM journal Computing Surveys (The ACM is the premier professional association for computer science. Computing Surveys has the highest impact of all the ACM journals.) Research expenditures for the 2012- 2013 academic year were over $4 million in direct cost and 1.1 million in indirect cost. Combined it was over $5.2 million.

Page 168/23133 HCC PhD New Degree Proposal April, 17 2015 GCJ

Below are the enrollments for Ph.D.'s in the CISE Department from Fall 2010-Fall 2014. They are broken-down by the headcount numbers by term. (Fall begins each academic year)

Term Headcount Fall 2010 144 Spring 2011 131 Summer2011 131 Fall 2011 131 Spring 2012 120 Summer 2012 115 Fall 2012 116 Spring 2013 106 Summer 2013 95 Fall 2013 110 Spring 2014 103 Summer 2014 94

Below are the Ph.D.'s awarded from Fall 2010--Fall 2014. These are broken-down by the numbers by term. (Fall begins each academic year)

Term Ph.D, Degrees Awarded Fall 2010 15 Spring 2011 4 Summer 2011 7 Fall 2011 11 Spring2012 8 Summer 2012 10 Fall 2012 9 Spring 2013 9 Summer2013 7 Fall 2013 5 Spring 2014 6 Summer 2014 2

X. Non-Faculty Resources

A. Describe library resources currently available to implement and/or sustain the proposed program through Year 5. Provide the total number of volumes and serials available in this discipline and related fields. List major journals that are available to the university's students. Include a signed statement from the Library Director that this subsection and subsection B have been reviewed and approved.

Please see attachment with library resources defined.

B. Describe additional library resources that are needed to implement and/or sustain the program through Year 5. Include projected costs of additional library resources in Table 3 in Appendix A. Please include the signature of the Library Director in Appendix B.

The George A. Smathers Libraries currently maintain a strong collection to support a PhD program in Human-Centered Computing. New resources added to the ACM and IEEE digital libraries are automatically included in their licensed packages. No additional funding is required beyond accommodating the annual price increases of existing resources.

C. Describe classroom, teaching laboratory, research laboratory, office, and other types of space that are necessary and currently available to implement the proposed program Page 169/23134 HCC PhD New Degree Proposal April, 17 2015 GCl

through Year 5.

CISE Departmental Offices, Classrooms, and Labs are described below.

In the main building (CSE Building, Bldg #42), CISE now has 48,096 square feet of space. Of this, 33,128 SF is office space, 5,495 SF is research laboratory space, 4,950 SF is instructional space, 1,875 SF is conference and seminar rooms, and 2,648 SF is miscellaneous space for systems rooms, maintenance, and storage. In addition, we now have 416 SF (room CSE-E202). The instructional space is either totally dedicated to CISE (as in labs) or is allotted to other departments on a per semester basis if CISE does not claim it for a particular period (for classrooms only). Six teaching laboratories are provided in the CSE Building, in addition to the general UF computer laboratories. These focus on multimedia, architecture, and graphics, and are of a size suitable for the classes assigned to them. Students often meet with instructors in these areas to acquire skills in a hands on setting requiring specialized resources.

These are as follows: • Room CSE E113: 16 PCs running Linux. • Room CSE E114: 12 PCs running Linux, and 31 PCs running Windows. • Room CSE E115: 24 PCs running Windows. • Room CSE E116: 17 PCs running Linux. • Room CSE E313: 3 PCS running Windows, and 12 PCs running Linuxall with high-end graphics capabilities. • Room CSE E309: 18 PCS running Windows, used primarily for TAs to hold office hours.

CISE public labs are available 24/7 to anyone who has a CISE account. Labs are locked between 5PM and 7 AM, and require a valid Gator 1 card to access them. Also, labs are monitored with security cameras. After-hours access to computer labs is granted using enrollment information. This information comes from the College of Engineering, which in turn works directly with the Registrar. At the beginning of the semester downloads are done weekly. Afterwards, downloads are only done by special requests. Four additional labs are available for course-specific work, corresponding to five Research Centers:

Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory Center for Vision, Graphics, and Medical Imaging (CVGMI) Database Systems Research and Development Center Mobile and Pervasive Computing Laboratory Computational Science and Intelligence Laboratory

D. Describe additional classroom, teaching laboratory, research laboratory, office, and other space needed to implement and/or maintain the proposed program through Year 5. Include any projected Instruction and Research (l&R) costs of additional space in Table 2 in Appendix A. Do not include costs for new construction because that information should be provided in response to X (E) below.


E. If a new capital expenditure for instructional or research space is required, indicate where this item appears on the university's fixed capital outlay priority list. Table 2 in Appendix A includes only Instruction and Research (I&R) costs. If non-I&R costs, such as indirect costs affecting libraries and student services, are expected to increase as a result of the program, describe and estimate those expenses in narrative form below. It is expected that high enrollment programs in particular would necessitate increased costs in non-I&R activities.

No new capital expenditures for instruction or research space is required.

F. Describe specialized equipment that is currently available to implement the proposed Page 170/23135 HCC PhD New Degree Proposal April, 17 2015 GCl

program through Year 5. Focus primarily on instructional and research requirements.

On the 5th floor of the Computer Science & Engineering building, we have a usability lab with a two way mirror between our experiment room and an observation room.

The Department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering possesses the following departmental computer resources supporting the academic and research missions:

• Five CISE CPU servers (a Solaris SPARC, two Linux AMD 64 and two Windows 20008R2 servers) are available via SSH, VNC or remote desktop to all users to run jobs, and to log in to from remote locations. These tend to be some of the fastest machines in the department and have the most memory.

• All faculty offices are equipped with a Windows or Linux workstation. Standard software installations include Ubuntu 10.04 or Windows 7, Java, jGRASP, many Microsoft packages due to the Microsoft Development Academic Alliance, Mozilla Firefox, Second Life, and XMing (X Windows on a Windows PC). Database software includes MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle. Wireless access is available throughout the CSE Building and all of campus, including student dorms, cafeterias, and other public areas.

• The classrooms in the CSE building have all been provided with multimedia support and computers housed in a locked kiosk. In addition, all have access to the University's wireless network. That, combined with the college's requirement that all students possess an adequately­ provisioned laptop computer, makes it easy to access resources in the classrooms.

• The bulk of the CISE's disk storage comes from a Sun 7410 with 66TB of raw disk space. An additional 60TB is provided by other servers. There are about 35 servers running a mix of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 and Solaris 10 providing such services as:

• web hosting • email • database hosting-MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle • Kerberos / LDAP authentication • DNS • DHCP • backups via Tivoli Storage Manager and disk based rsyncs • Samba • NFS • security-related services

• Our web servers run on a Sun T5220 server with Solaris 10, 32GB of memory, and 1.2 GHz UltraSPARC-T2 CPUs. They serve Department content, user content, and various web applications that support the Department.

• We have, in total, about 100 Linux PCs running Ubuntu Desktop 10.04 and 130 Windows 7 PCs. They serve as lab machines and workstations for students, Teaching Assistants, Research Assistants, and Faculty. Of these, 58 Windows PCs and 65 Linux PCs are in public labs that are intended for general student use as well as use in lab sections of graduate and undergraduate classes.

• We provide a compute cluster consisting of a head node with dual Opterons, 16GB of memory and 3.5TB of storage with 20 worker nodes with dual Opterons and 32GB of memory running Linux (Ubuntu Server 10.04).

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• We also provide a GPU compute cluster comprising five machines, each with up to three different high-end GPUs for those that make use of the unique compute capabilities that GPUs provide. These machines have dual twelve core CPU's, 64Gigabytes of memory and five TB of storage per node.

• The networking in the Department consists mainly of 100 Mb and 1 Gb connections, except for the servers which utilize a minimum of 1 Gb connections. Many have higher bandwidth connections utilizing EtherChannel. Our Cisco hardware-one Catalyst 6513, one Catalyst 6509E, and three Catalyst 4506s-provides routing and switch capabilities to the more than 600 devices and 80 networks in the Department. Our external connection is via lGb fiber connection to the University of Florida's core network.

G. Describe additional specialized equipment that will be needed to implement and/or sustain the proposed program through Year 5. Include projected costs of additional equipment in Table 2 in Appendix A.


H. Describe any additional special categories of resources needed to implement the program through Year 5 (access to proprietary research facilities, specialized services, extended travel, etc.). Include projected costs of special resources in Table 2 in Appendix A.


I. Describe fellowships, scholarships, and graduate assistantships to be allocated to the proposed program through Year 5. Include the projected costs in Table 2 in Appendix A.

A number of graduate students will be supported by teaching assistantships (TA) and research grants. The TA will be allocated to HCC students as needed from the total available for PhD students in CISE. Faculty write research grant proposals to fund graduate students. The HCC faculty have a very strong funding record and they support several graduate students through this funding. Currently, the prospective HCC PhD students have the following fellowships:

1. One NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (GRF) 2. Six GEM (Graduate Engineering Minority) Fellowships 3. One Bill & Melinda Gates Scholar 4. One Generation Google Scholarship Recipient

J. Describe currently available sites for internship and practicum experiences, if appropriate to the program. Describe plans to seek additional sites in Years 1 through 5.

We have students that have worked on internships and/ or planning internships with the following companies:

• Intel • Harris Corporation • Nielson • Institute for Human Machine Cognition

Intel has awarded 4 GEM Fellowships to HCC students, see http:/ / students/ gem-fellowship-program/ The HCC PhD students have worked at Intel the past 3 years. The HCC faculty have established a working relationship with Intel where students are being hired as interns and Intel is funding projects at UF.

Harris Corporation and the HCC group at UF are establishing a relationship for internships, collaborative research, and future hires. This is an early relationship, but it is working. Page 172/23137 HCC PhD New Degree Proposal April, 17 2015 GCl

Nielson hired a HCC PhD student as an intern this summer in Tampa, Florida. We are building a relationship with Nielson.

The Institute for Human Machine Cognition (IHMC) has also established a relationship with the HCC group. They have hired a HCC PhD student as an intern this summer and there are discussions for future hires.

Page 173/23138 APPENDIX A


Yearl Year2 Year3 Year4 Years Source of Students (Non-duplicated headcount in any given year)* HC FIE HC FIE HC FIE HC FIE HC FIE

Upper-level students who are transferring from 0 0 0 0 0 () () () () () other majors within the university**

Students who initially entered the university as FTIC students and who are progressing from the () () () () () () () 0 0 0 lower to the upper level***

Florida College System transfers to the upper () 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 level***

Transfers to the upper level from other Florida 0 () 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 colleges and universities***

Transfers from out of state colleges and 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 universities***

Other (Explain)*** 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ()

Totals 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

* List projected annual headcount of students enrolled in the degree program. List projected yearly cumulative ENROLLMENTS instead of admissions. ** If numbers appear in this category, they should go DOWN in later years. ***Do not include individuals counted in any PRIOR CATEGORY in a given COLUMN.

Worksheet Table 1-A UG Enrollment

Page 174/231 APPENDIX A TABLEl-B PROJECTED HEADCOUNT FROM POTENTIAL SOURCES (Graduate Degree Program) ~v~•:<: UL Yearl Year2 Year3 Year4 Years (Non-duplicated headcount in any given HC FIE**** HC FIE FIE FIE --~~~\* HC FIE HC HC Individuals drawn from agencies/ industries in your service area (e.g., older returning 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 students) Students who transfer from other graduate 12 8.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 programs within the university**

Individuals who have recently graduated from 0 0 4 2.8 10 7 10 7 10 7 preceding degree programs at this university Individuals who graduated from preceding degree programs at other Florida public 0 0 8 5.6 10 7 15 10.5 20 14 universities Individuals who graduated from preceding degree programs at non-public Florida 0 0 8 5.6 10 7 15 10.5 20 14 institutions

Additional in-state residents*** 0 0 0 0 0 0 () 0 0 0

Additional out-of-state residents*** 0 0 0 0 0 () 0 0 0 () ,.

Additional foreign residents*** 0 0 0 0 0 0 () 0 0 0

Other (Explain)*** 0 0 0 0 0 () 0 0 () 0

Totals 12 8.4 20 14 30 21 40 28 50 35

* List projected annual headcount of students enrolled in the degree program. List projected yearly cumulative ENROLLMENTS instead of admissions. ** If numbers appear in this category, they should go DOWN in later years. *** Do not include individuals counted in any PRIOR category in a given COLUMN.

Page 175/231 APPENDIX A TABLE2 PROJECTED COSTS AND FUNDING SOURCES Yearl Years Fundin Source Funding Source Instruction & Research Costs (non-cumulative) Other New New Non- Subtotal E&G, New Subtotal E&:G, Reallocated Enrollment Recurring Recurring Contracts &: Auxiliary Auxiliary, and Continuing Enrollment Contracts &: Auxiliary Auxiliary, and Base• (E&:G) Growth (E&:G) (E&:G) (E&:G) Grants (C&:G) Funds C&:G Base** (E&:G) Growth (E&:G) Other- (E&:G) Grants (C&:G) Funds C&:G Faculty Salaries 532,412 0 0 0 0 0 $532,412 599,234 0 0 0 0 $599,234 and Benefits

A & P Salaries and 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 Benefits

USPS Salaries and 22,320 0 0 0 0 0 $22,320 25,121 0 0 0 0 $25,121 Benefits

Other Personal 26,250 0 0 0 0 0 $26,250 29,545 0 0 0 0 $29,545 Services

Assistantships & 681,830 0 0 0 651,332 0 $1,333,162 767,406 0 0 900,000 0 $1,667,406 Fellowships

Library 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 $0

Expenses 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 $0

Operating Capital 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 Outlay

Special Categories 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 $0

Total Costs $1,262,812 $0 $0 $0 $651,332 $0 $1,914,144 $1,421,306 $0 $0 $900,000 $0 $2,321,306 *Identify reallocation sources in Table 3. -Includes recurring E&G funded costs CUreallocated base,U 11enrollment growth,'1and 11other new recurring") from Years 1-4 that continue into Year 5. ***Identify if non-recurring. Faculty and Staff Summary Calculated Cost per Student FfE Total Positions Yearl - -- Years Yearl Years Faculty (person-years) 4.95 4.95 I Total E&:G Funding $1,262,812 $2,321,306 A&: p (FTE) 0 0 I Annual Student FTE 8.4 35 USPS(FrE) 0 0 I E&:G Cost per FrE $150,335 $66,323

Worksheet Table 2 Budget

Page 176/231 APPENDIX A


Program and/or E&G account from which current funds will be Base before reallocation Amount to be reallocated Base after reallocation reallocated during Year 1 19140100-101-CRRNT, Department E&G Funds 6,728,289 988,809 $5,739,480 19140100-107-CRRNT, UF Preeminence Funds 739,285 274,003 $465,282

Totals $7,467,574 $1,262,812 $6,204,762

* If not reallocating funds, please submit a zeroed Table 3 Note: the $6,728,289 is the CISE department budget

Worksheet Table 3 Reallocation


Faculty Name or "New Hire" Initial Date for Mos. Mos. Faculty Highest Degree Held Participation in Contract FTE % Effort for PY Contract FTE 0/o Effort for PY Code Academic Discipline or Speciality Rank Contract Status Program Yertrl Year! Prg. Yearl Yearl Years Years Prg. Years Years A Lisa Anthony, Ph.D. Asst. Prof. Tenure-track Fall 2016 9 1.00 0.50 0.50 9 1.00 0.50 0.50

A Kristy E. Boyer, Ph.D. Aso. Prof. Tenure-track Fall 2016 9 1.00 0.50 0.50 9 1.00 0.50 0.50

A Shaundra B. Daily, Ph.D. Aso. Prof. Tenure-track Fall 2016 9 1.00 0.75 0.75 9 1.00 0.75 0.75

A Christina Gardner-McCune, Ph.D. Asst. Prof. Tenure-track Fall 2016 9 1.00 0.50 0.50 9 1.00 0.50 0.50

A Juan E. Gilbert, Ph.D. Professor Tenure-track Fall 2016 12 1.00 0.50 0.50 12 1.00 0.50 0.50

A Eakta Jain, Ph.D. Asst. Prof. Tenure-track Fall 2016 9 1.00 0.50 0.50 9 1.00 0.50 0.50

A Benjamin Lok, Ph.D. Professor Tenure Fall 2016 9 1.00 0.50 0.50 9 1.00 0.50 0.50

A Kyla McMullen, Ph.D. Asst. Prof. Tenure-track Fall 2016 9 1.00 0.50 0.50 9 1.00 0.50 0.50

A Daniela Oliveira, Ph.D. Aso. Prof. Tenure-track Fall2016 9 1.00 0.10 0.10 9 1.00 0.10 0.10

A Damon Woodard, Ph.D. Aso. Prof. Tenure-track Fall 2016 9 1.00 0.10 0.10 9 1.00 0.10 0.10

c New Hire, Ph.D. Aso. Prof. Tenure-track Fall 2016 9 1.00 0.50 0.50 9 1.00 0.50 0.50

Total Person-Years (PY) 4.9S 4.9S

Faculty PY Workload by Budget Classsification Code Source of Funding Yearl Years A Existing faculty on a regular line Current Education & General Revenue 4.45 4.45 B New faculty to be hired on a vacant line Current Education & General Revenue 0.00 0.00 c New faculty to be hired on a new line New Education & General Revenue 0.50 0.50 D Existing faculty hired on contracts/ grants Contracts/Grants 0.00 0.00 E New faculty to be hired on contracts/ grants Contracts/Grants 0.00 0.00 Overall Totals for I Yearl 4.9S I Years 4.9S

Worksheet Table 4 Faculty

Page 178/231 I ICC rho r>Oow °'1;""' rrof'<""I April, !7 :!lll5 CCI


Please include the signature of the Equal Opportunity Officer and the Library Director. Signatu


Page 179/231 Appendix C Summary of Similar Programs

The proposed PhD in Human-Centered Computing (HCC) is focused on the design, construction, and evaluation of computational technologies as they relate to the human condition and impact society in general. There are currently 3 HCC PhD programs in the United States (University of Maryland Baltimore County, The Georgia Institute of Technology, and Clemson University). Once approved, the University of Florida will be the 4th HCC PhD program in existence. As such, there are no HCC PhD programs in the State of Florida at private or public institutions. Within the State of Florida the closest program to the proposed HCC PhD is at Florida State University.

FSU has a degree listed under CIP Code 30.3001 called Computational Science. After a careful evaluation of FSU's Computational Science PhD program, it can be observed that the HCC PhD program and Computation Science PhD program are both interdisciplinary PhD programs; however, the HCC PhD program has as its core studies in human computer interaction, user interface design, and research methods for human subjects. The Computational Science PhD program has a core consisting of Scientific Programming and Applied Computational Science courses. Owing to these differences, the newly proposed degree program is truly unique and not replicated to any extent on the UF campus nor across any of the State University System schools/colleges. Dr. Gilbert has reached out to Dr. Max Gunzburger at FSU to discuss these details between the proposed HCC PhD and the FSU PhD in Computation Science.

The HCC PhD degrees exist because the expertise required for this degree does not fit in traditional Computer Science or Computer Engineering PhD programs. CS & CE PhD programs have requirements for computer systems and theory. These courses are not required for HCC research. HCC researchers can design user interfaces and implement them using software languages and tools and then evaluate them in context with human subjects. However, CS & CE do not have any requirements related to the human condition, human subjects research, etc. Essentially, HCC is an extremely broad area that encompasses design, implementation and evaluation. There are PhD degrees that emphasize design, i.e. Industrial Design, Industrial Engineering (Human Factors), etc. There are PhD degrees that emphasize implementation or evaluation of software and/or hardware, i.e. CS & CE. There are also PhD degrees that emphasize evaluation, i.e. Psychology, Social Science, etc. HCC combines all of these disciplines into a single degree that meets the demands of industry, the academy and government. Therefore, HCC cannot effectively be incorporated into an existing PhD as a track because it's broader than any single degree and requires the ability to be interdisciplinary.

Page 180/231 Rebecca E. Grinter Professor Georgia ©@DD®®®@Lf School of Interactive Computing, Tech College of Computing ©©m:fu~DL® Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0280 U.S.A. Schoo! of Interactive 1 '""""""h'" [email protected]

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Recommendation Letter for the Human-Centered Computing Ph.D. program at the University of Florida

To Whom It May Concern:

I am delighted to write this recommendation letter in support of the proposed Human-Centered Computing Ph.D. To set context, I am a Professor in the School of Interactive Computing, at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Prior to joining the faculty at Georgia Tech, I worked at Bell Laboratories and the Computer Science Lab at Xerox PARC. At Georgia Tech I have served as the Program Coordinator (lead administrator) for Georgia Tech's Human-Centered Computing (HCC) Ph.D. and also as Associate Dean for Graduate Affairs for the College of Computing the academic unit in which the HCC PhD is homed.

I'd like to begin my review by offering some insight into the almost decade of history that Georgia Tech has had with its Human-Centered Computing Ph.D. Like the proposal before you at the University of Florida, it was designed as a response to an emerging area of intellectual inquiry, that that sat squarely at the intersection of computing and humanity. While our Computer Science Ph.D. was and remains extremely good at training a generation of future researchers and scientists who want to tackle fundamental problems associated with Computer technologies, the HCC PhD responded to the recognition that Computing skills are not the only type of skills necessary to address fundamental problems in human-centered research. The HCC Ph.D. not only allowed us to broaden our offerings in both classes and research to train people with these new human-centered computing skills (e.g. in the social sciences and humanities}, but it allowed us to recruit new types of students, ones with a very diverse set of undergraduate and masters backgrounds.

Georgia Tech's Human-Centered Computing Ph.D. was approved in 2005 and today we have graduated students who've taken a variety of academic and industrial positions. Our alumni are now faculty at Universities including Carnegie Mellon, Drexel, Georgetown, Maryland, Michigan, Michigan State, Minnesota, Northeastern, Rose-H1,1lman and Virginia Tech. Others have taken positions at Google, Salesforce, and Samsung. Other HCC PhD programs have been launched as the proposal enumerates, and others have taken up the name to describe focus areas within computing research such as the University of Colorado, Boulder. The broad range of Universities that our graduates have joined as faculty suggest a broad national demand for people who can teach classes at both the graduate and undergraduate level that will prepare a workforce that can design and build systems that meet human­ centered requirements. Our industrial graduates are leading those efforts inside various companies.

I would like to comment on several important points in the proposal. First, I want to commend the proposal for making an important distinction between Human-Computer Interaction and Human­ Centered Computing. While Human-Computer Interaction has a long established history within

A Unit of the University System of Georgia An Equal Education and Employment Opportunity Institution Page 181/231 Computer Science, it is just one discipline that is contained within the broader view of Human-Centered Computing. I particularly like and encourage the focus on policy, which has not been a central part of Human-Computer Interaction. Training graduates who can inform local, State, and National policy is not something that Computing fields have done. And yet, it's hard to think of an agency that doesn't need to factor technical considerations into the policy that is made. From having computationalists inform the review of Patents, through to advisors who can make sensible recommendations about the value and role of technology in Healthcare, Education and Disaster Response, to name just three, is increasingly important in Government. I think there is significant promise for any program that can develop graduates who want to help policy-makers draft legislation and so forth informed by a deep understanding of what is actually technically possible, and what human-centered concerns should inform any systems designed, deployed and evaluated.

The proposal argues that a Human-Centered Computing degree will attract a diverse body of students into the STEM workforce. I concur based on our experiences at Georgia Tech. The Ph.D. has always been roughly 50-50% men/ women. While we can always do more to recruit and develop minorities, we have also had a number of African American students in the program as well. I was very impressed by diversity of the students who have expressed an interest in an HCC Ph.D. at the University of Florida; it is much to the credit of the faculty that they have such gender and racial diversity.

In many ways, the curriculum structure of the University of Florida proposal matches those that I have seen at Georgia Tech, Clemson, UMBC, and so forth. This is nice in that it continues to build a brand of Human-Centered Computing that employers recognise irrespective of where the education was attained. I believe that this will not only benefit the broader Human-Centered Computing faculty community, but that it will help the graduates of this program find employment.

I would like to close by saying how excited I am to see a Human-Centered Computing Ph.D. proposal from the University of Florida. There is an important and vibrant community of people focused on fundamental research and workforce training in areas in which a combination of technical and human skills are essential for forward progress. These problems are vital to the success of the nation. I look forward to what the graduates of this program will do in service of these goals.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Rebecca E. Grinter

A Unit of the University System of Georgia An Equal Education and Employment Opportunity Institution

Page 182/231 Page 183/231 Page 184/231


SUBJECT: Degree Program Termination


The Board of Governors requires periodic reviews of all academic degree programs to determine whether they remain viable academic offerings. Degree programs that have been inactive or which are not planned to be reactivated must be closed.

Due to the lack of interest and no student enrollment for the past 10 years, it is requested that the Engineer Degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering Program be terminated. The Faculty Senate approved the College of Engineering’s request at its August 27, 2015 meeting.


The Committee on Educational Policy and Strategy is asked to approve the proposed termination of the following degree program: Engineer degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering, CIP Code 14.2701, for recommendation to the Board of Trustees for approval on the Consent Agenda.


Board of Governors final approval will be required for termination of all doctoral and professional degree programs only. Notification of termination to the Board of Governors is required for all other degrees.

Supporting Documentation Included: See Appendix.

Submitted by: Joseph Glover, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

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• Athletic Fee of $1.90 per credit hour, no change since 1992 • Current revenue generated for 2014-2015 = $2.44M • UF students receive free or reduced cost access to all athletic events – Football student season ticket = $105 (65% Discount from Faculty/Staff cost) – 18,500 Tickets are allocated to students – all of which are in premium locations – All other athletic events are free, including Men’s Basketball

Page 226/231 2 Fiscal Responsibilities

• As a separate 501(c)3 Organization, UAA operates the Intercollegiate Athletics Program for UF with a Self- Supporting Operating Budget • Annual operating costs include (but are not limited to):

Salaries & Benefits (inclusive of pension and health insurance) $52.8 million Athletic Student Aid $11.6 million Sports Team Operating Expenses $30.3 million

Debt Service $6 million Athletic Facility Maintenance and Improvement $17.9 million Administrative Overhead and Operating Expenses $9.3 million

Page 227/231 3 Funding Allocations

• With a $1.00 per credit hour increase in Athletic Fee – Approximately $1,240,000 in new revenue • UAA is committed to a $25M renovation of the Hawkins Center of which $3.5 million in construction cost is dedicated to the Liberal Arts College Academic Advising • UAA is committed to contribute $43M of the total $64.5M estimated renovation cost of the O’Connell Center – Of the 2,300 seats reserved for students, 745 are premium level 1 seats with Booster contribution opportunities Annual Forfeited Seats Price Revenue Premium 745 $ 1,050 $ 782,250 Regular 1,555 $ 450 $ 699,750 $ 1,482,000 – Students receive free access to Men’s Basketball, Gymnastics, Women’s Basketball and Volleyball events – Enhanced experiences at UF Graduation, Career Fair, and other University events

held at the O’Connell CenterPage 228/231 4 State of Florida Comparison (Per Credit Hour)

State of Florida University System Institution Fees $70.00



$40.00 $48.49 $44.78 $52.99 $32.20 $61.57 $30.00


$10.00 37% $19.12 24% $14.32 23% $14.46 $7.90 13% $0.00 $1.90 3% UF FSU UCF UNF USF

Page 229/231Athletic Fee Other Fees 5 *Comparative data obtained from respective institution’s FY15-16 published tuition and fees schedule. Page 230/231 6 Page 231/231 7