Supporting information for Blandford+ Neighbourhood Plan 2

On Behalf of Wyatt Homes (Lewis Wyatt Construction Ltd) and landowners (The West Pimperne Pool Trust, Mr C Coats and Mr T Coats)

December 2018

Supporting information for Blandford+ Neighbourhood Plan 2

On behalf of Wyatt Homes (Lewis Wyatt Construction Ltd) and landowners (The West Pimperne Pool Trust, Mr C Coats and Mr T Coats)

Project Ref: 28458/A5/LV 28458/A5/LV 28458/A5/LV Status: Draft Draft Final Issue/Rev: P1 P1A P1A Date: 19/12/2018 20/12/2018 21/12/2018 Prepared by: LV LV LV Checked by: RS RS RS Authorised RS RS RS by:

Barton Willmore LLP The Blade Abbey Square Reading RG1 3BE

Tel: 0118 943 0000 Ref: 28458/A5/LV

Email: [email protected] Date: December 2018

All Barton Willmore LLP stationery is produced using recycled or FSC paper and vegetable oil based inks.

28458/A5/LV Page 1 December 2018


1. Introduction 1

2. Response to information request 2

3. Conclusion 8


1. Illustrative Framework Masterplan, Land Use Masterplan and Green Infrastructure Masterplan

2. Preliminary Landscape and Visual Appraisal

3. Landscape Review of Potential Site Allocations

4. Transport and access

5. Technical note on traffic generation

6. Drainage and flood risk

7. Ecology

8. Built heritage

9. Utilities

10. Noise

11. Air quality

12. Archaeology

28458/A5/LV Page 2 December 2018 Blandford NP Representations Introduction


1.1 This report has been prepared by Barton Willmore on behalf of Wyatt Homes (Lewis Wyatt Construction Ltd) and landowners (The West Pimpeme Pool Trust, Mr C Coats and Mr T Coats) in response to a request for information from Town Council on 29 November 2018.

1.2 It is understood that the information provided in this report will be used to inform the emerging Blandford Forum Neighbourhood Plan ahead of its submission for Examination, particularly in relation to the allocation of Land North and East of Blandford Forum for development.

1.3 This report is supported by a series of technical notes on the following topics, which are included as appendices:

1. Illustrative Framework Masterplan, Land Use Masterplan and Green Infrastructure Masterplan

2. Preliminary Landscape and Visual Appraisal

3. Landscape Review of Potential Site Allocations

4. Transport and access

5. Technical note on traffic generation

6. Drainage and flood risk

7. Ecology

8. Built heritage

9. Utilities

10. Noise

11. Air quality

12. Archaeology

28458/A5/LV Page 1 December 2018 Blandford NP Representations Response to information request

2.0 Response to information request


2.1 This report provides an overview of the proposals for the Land North and East of Blandford Forum, alongside demonstrating that the aspirations of the emerging Blandford Forum Neighbourhood Plan for the site can be achieved.

2.2 A technical summary is provided for each of the disciplines noted in the information request that are considered relevant. These summaries are provided in the supporting appendices.

2.3 A technical note has previously been provided concerning the estimated traffic increase at selected locations in the local road network from the construction of 400 dwellings at the site to inform an assessment of air quality impacts. We have also recently submitted representations in response to the emerging Neighbourhood Plan and its Sustainability Appraisal, including a Landscape Review of Potential Site Allocations. For completeness, the technical note on traffic generation and Landscape Review of Potential Site Allocations are re-provided as part of this submission.


2.4 The proposals are being brought forward in line with the requirements of the draft allocation for the site. These are set out in Policy B2 of the Pre-submission version of the Blandford + Neighbourhood Plan 2 (November 2018).

2.5 Policy B2 explains that:

“The Neighbourhood Plan allocates land to the North and North East of Blandford Forum, as shown on the Policies Map, for a mix of residential, education, community and allotment uses.

Development proposals for the land will be supported, provided:

i. The residential scheme comprises approx. 400 dwellings including open market, starter, affordable rent and self-build homes, primarily located on land to the north-east of Blandford Forum;

ii. The education scheme comprises a new two form entry primary school with integrated early years provision;

iii. The education scheme shall be confined to land to the north of Blandford of about 3 hectares and of a regular form to enable school expansion to three form entry and in a convenient position to facilitate the use of the existing A350 pedestrian bridge;

28458/A5/LV Page 2 December 2018 Blandford NP Representations Response to information request

iv. The community hub scheme comprises a new general practice facility, a community centre and convenience shop to serve the locality; and

v. The Lamperd’s Field Allotments are relocated to a single location to the west of their current position and comprise land of approximately 2.5 hectares and ancillary facilities that meet or exceed the standards of the existing site;

vi. The highways scheme comprises measures to satisfactorily manage its traffic effects on the road network and to encourage and enable safe and convenient walking and cycling to community facilities (including the new community hub and new school, the Blandford School, the recreation ground at Larksmead and Pimperne Brook/Black Lane) and employment areas (including the town centre, Sunrise Business Park, Glenmore Industrial Estate, and Blandford Heights Industrial Estate);

vii. The highways scheme includes proposals for the improvement to the existing bus services to serve the proposals and connecting to the town centre, Blandford School, the Sunrise Business Park, Glenmore Industrial Estate and Blandford Heights Industrial Estate;

viii. A design and landscape scheme comprises measures to satisfactorily mitigate any adverse impacts upon the AONB by way of the details of the design, layout, landscape treatment, materials and typical details of appearance and elevation of buildings and of minimising light spill into the AONB;

ix. The green infrastructure scheme comprises an ecology, sustainable drainage and boundary treatment strategy that demonstrates how existing environmental assets will be protected and enhanced comprising:

• A biodiversity strategy to deliver, where possible, a net gain in biodiversity value on site; and, how biodiversity assets will be connected into the wider green infrastructure network; and

• A public open space strategy to integrate the built environment and connected into the wider green infrastructure network, including the delivery of public open space proposals on both the land to the North and North East including informal open spaces and natural and equipped children’s play space;

x. A flood risk assessment and sustainable drainage strategy to demonstrate how the scheme will not increase surface water or fluvial flood risk on any adjoining land.

Proposals should be made in the form of a comprehensive outline planning application and should include:

xi. an illustrative masterplan that defines the land uses and key development principles for access, layout, design and the principles of phasing and implementation;

xii. design features that improve energy efficiency and reduces carbon dioxide emissions; and,

xiii. a planning obligation to secure the release of all land necessary for the supporting infrastructure, the 2FE primary school and other community facilities following outline planning consent for the phase 1 scheme within the Blandford + Neighbourhood area and prior to the commencement of that scheme, with no dependency of the land release for the Phase 1 Scheme on the Phase 2 scheme which lies outside the neighbourhood plan boundary within the adjacent parish of Pimperne.”

28458/A5/LV Page 3 December 2018 Blandford NP Representations Response to information request

2.6 The masterplan proposes an extension to the existing community of Blandford, creating a new gateway to the town from the A354 / A340 bypass. It seeks to create a new residential development supported by a primary school and a community hub which could include residential, retirement living, shops, café and community facilities.

2.7 The mixed-use centre, located within the northern half of the scheme, will support the new community, existing local community and passing commuters.

2.8 Access to the northern parcel would be secured off the Road roundabout via the A354, providing an opportunity to significantly enhance the gateway / entrance to Blandford Forum. Located on a primary route into the town centre, the proposed local centre would be in a prominent location for passers-by as well as being easily accessed by the wider town.

2.9 The proposed primary school, local centre and allotments are proposed in the northern parcel, promoting sustainable movement within the new development and local area with strong pedestrian connections. Vehicular access is achieved from the existing access point from Salisbury Road.

2.10 The north east parcel comprises residential use and is accessed from the A354. The masterplan seeks to create a well landscaped avenue within the development. The avenue forms a structural element to both the site movement but also the landscape, creating strong defined features within the masterplan and connecting residents to the wider infrastructure.

2.11 The proposed avenues also form part of the wider landscape strategy, which break up the development with strong tree-line corridors. This supports the existing landscape of hedgerows and boundary trees. The combination of the well planted avenues, reinforcing hedgerow routes, strategic open space and key views help to break up the development from the wider landscape and create a distinctive landscape within the new development.

2.12 The landscape is closely tied in with a strong green network of routes within the masterplan, connecting the residential areas to the local facilities, play space and mixed-use centre, but also with the wider community and established pedestrian and cycle routes into Blandford Forum. A proposed wetland edge will not only manage surface water across the site but will also contribute to the proposed network of green / open space.

28458/A5/LV Page 4 December 2018 Blandford NP Representations Response to information request

2.13 The masterplan responds to various factors, including the landscape setting, setting of the town and topography. The topography of the site falls from the north to the south, with a river corridor on the southern-most boundary. The masterplan layout seeks to achieve a layout that responds to the falling gradient of the land, as well as any features and views that were deemed important to retain internally within the site boundary but also from the wider landscape setting.

2.14 While the proposals for the site are still being prepared and subject to technical assessment, the draft Framework Masterplan, Land Use Masterplan and Green Infrastructure Masterplan contained in Appendix 1 demonstrate how the requirements of policy B2 can be met at the site. In purely land use terms, this includes:

• Land for approximately 400 homes.

• Land for a two-form entry primary school, with potential to expand to three- form entry.

• Land for a mixed-use local centre, which could include residential, retirement living, shops, café and general practice surgery (subject to confirmation from the Clinical Commissioning Group).

• Land for the relocation of the existing allotments totalling circa 2.5 hectares.

• Land for landscaping, open space, access and supporting infrastructure.

2.15 An indication of what the housing mix for the land within Blandford Forum Parish could be is as follows:

Dwelling size % of overall mix

1 bed 12% 2 bed 32% 3 bed 37% 4+bed 19% Total 100%

Table 1: Indicative housing mix

28458/A5/LV Page 5 December 2018 Blandford NP Representations Response to information request

2.16 The mix will be confirmed as part of the preparation of a planning application and therefore may be subject to change. The content of the planning application (once submitted) may therefore differ to the proposals as set out in this note, although they will continue to be brought forward with close regard to the requirements of Policy B2.

2.17 In addition, please also note that the draft Illustrative Framework Masterplan, Land Use Masterplan and Green Infrastructure Masterplan indicate the development of land (shown as land ‘greyed out’) that falls outside of Blandford Forum Parish in the neighbouring Pimperne Parish. As the Parish Council is aware, the Blandford Forum Neighbourhood Plan can only allocate land that falls within the Blandford Forum Parish boundary. The information provided in this response therefore relates solely to the land that falls within Blandford. Despite this, the land in Pimperne is available, deliverable and developable and would not result in a detrimental impact on the ‘gap’ between Pimperne and Blandford. It will be brought forward for development outside of the Neighbourhood Plan process.

Delivery principles

2.18 The anticipated delivery programme and phasing for the proposed development will be subject to, and informed by, discussions with the Local Planning Authority (North Dorset District Council) and Local Highways Authority / Local Education Authority (), including s106 requirements in relation to trigger points.

2.19 Regarding phasing, in line with the requirements of Policy B2, an indication of phasing of the development would be submitted as part of the planning application.

2.20 It is anticipated that planning permission for the first phase of development would be sought in Detail from the outset as part of a Hybrid (part Outline, part Detailed) planning application. Detailed consent for later phases would be sought through Reserved Matters application(s).

2.21 Phase 1 will be focused on the southern part of the site, including access from a new roundabout on the A354. Phase 2 would likely include the remainder of the land within Blandford, including the local centre and school, and Phase 3 is likely to include the land that falls within the neighbouring Pimperne Parish.

2.22 The phasing of the development will be linked to the delivery of infrastructure, facilities, particular works, financial contributions and other obligations to be controlled by a s106 agreement. The s106 agreement would be entered into as part of the planning process.

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2.23 Community infrastructure will be delivered alongside residential development. The delivery of the new primary school will be informed by discussions with the Local Education Authority having regard to when it is required to meet the need s of development coming forward. The Local Education Authority will be provided with a serviced plot to enable them to bring forward the school independently. The re- provision of the allotment site is currently subject to ongoing discussions with the Town Council.

28458/A5/LV Page 7 December 2018 Blandford NP Representations Conclusions

3.0 Conclusions

3.1 This report provides a response to a request for information from Blandford Forum Town Council to inform the preparation of the Blandford + Neighbourhood Plan 2. It is to be read alongside the supporting appendices.

3.2 The Land North and East of Blandford Forum, allocated by Policy B2 in the draft Neighbourhood Plan, is in a sustainable, accessible location that will deliver a number of significant benefits for the local area and District as a whole. This note provides further information in support of its allocation, including a summary of the technical matters that will be addressed in full as part of a planning application at the site.

3.3 We trust that the information set out in this note is helpful and will assist with finalising the Neighbourhood Plan. If it would be beneficial to discuss the proposals further, or if you require any further information, please do contact us.

28458/A5/LV Page 8 December 2018


Blandford Pimperne Total

Residential 10.61ha 4.37ha 14.98ha Education (Based on a 2-form entry primary school, but there is scope to extend to a 3-form 2.20ha 2.20ha entry primary school if required) Mixed use local centre incl. (potentially including residential, retirement living, 0.71ha 0.71ha shops, café and community facilities) Landscape and Open Space 5.72ha 5.12ha 10.84ha (incl 1.0ha attenuation) Allotments 2.55ha 2.55ha (incl. Allotment building) Infrastructure 2.24ha 0.81ha 3.05ha

Total 24.03ha 10.30ha 34.33ha



scale 1:5000

0 100m 200m

Land North East of Blandford Wyatt Homes Illustrative Land Use Plan Drwg. no: 131_DI_37.5

1:5000 @ A3 2018.12.19 131_DA_43.8_Framework Mplan LBP.dwg

NEW masterplanning Second Floor 107 Bournemouth Road , Dorset. BH14 9HR © This drawing is the property of NEW Masterplanning. Approval must be sought prior to its use for any purpose. +44 (0)1202 742228 Drawing may contain information by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown Copyright 2017. All rights reserved. Reference No 0100046537 north 1


Recreation ground 6

Primary school


KEY Pre-Submission Blandford Neighbourhood Plan Mixed-use Allocation Land within Wyatt control outside of the Blandford Neighbourhood Plan Area

Public open space 4 Private rear gardens

Existing trees and vegetation retained

Proposed larger trees 3

Proposed smaller trees 2 1 5

Garden trees CLIENT: Wyatt Homes 1 Existing treed boundaries PROJECT: Blandford Forum 2 Tree lined avenue TITLE: NP Green Infrastructure Masterplan 3 Treed streets SCALE AT A3: DATE: See scale bar December 2018

4 Green corridors 813.21/105 1 5 Parkland

6 Additional boundary planting



Preliminary Landscape and Visual Appraisal by

Hankinson Duckett Associates for

Wyatt Homes (Lewis Wyatt Construction Ltd) and landowners (The West Pimperne Pool Trust, Mr C Coats and Mr T Coats)

HDA ref: 813.21/NT Issue: 01 Date: December 2018 hankinson duckett associates t 01491 838175 f 01491 838997 e [email protected] w The Stables, Howbery Park, Benson Lane, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, OX10 8BA

Hankinson Duckett Associates Limited Registered in & Wales 3462810 Registered Office: The Stables, Howbery Park, Benson Lane, Wallingford, OX10 8BA

Contents Page 1 Introduction ...... 1 1.1 Instructions ...... 1 1.2 Methodology ...... 1

2 Site Context ...... 1 2.1 Location ...... 1 2.2 Landform and Drainage ...... 1 2.3 Local Land Use and Vegetation ...... 2 2.4 Designations ...... 3

3 Landscape Baseline ...... 3 3.1 Landscape Character ...... 3 3.2 Site Character and Features ...... 6 3.3 Summary of Landscape Assessment ...... 6

4 Visual Baseline ...... 7 4.1 Methodology ...... 7 4.2 General Visibility ...... 7 4.3 Summary of Visual Assessment ...... 10

5 Summary and Conclusions ...... 10

HDA Document Control and Quality Assurance Record


HDA 1: Location and Designations Plan HDA 2: Photo Location Plan


1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Instructions 1.1.1 Hankinson Duckett Associates has been appointed by Wyatt Homes (Lewis Wyatt Construction Ltd) and landowners (The West Pimperne Pool Trust, Mr C Coats and Mr T Coats) to undertake a preliminary landscape and visual appraisal for a proposed housing allocation for residential development of approximately 400 dwellings on land to the north east of Blandford Forum (Plan HDA 1).

1.2 Methodology 1.2.1 National landscape guidance uses landscape character as a basis for policy. Natural England has established the current methodology for the character-based approach to landscape assessment. This provides a foundation, with adaptation, for use in project- specific landscape assessment. It describes the application of landscape character assessment at different scales: the national/regional scale, local authority scale and local scale. The third edition of the 'Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment' (2013) sets out landscape assessment methodology, which provides the basis for use in project-specific landscape assessment.

1.2.2 The approach to this landscape and visual appraisal is based upon the latest guidance, and upon HDA's extensive practical experience of assessment work. The site survey was undertaken in November and December 2018.

2 SITE CONTEXT 2.1 Location (Plan HDA 1) 2.1.1 The site is located in the District of North Dorset and in the Parish of Blandford Forum. The site lies on the northern and eastern side of Blandford Forum Town, 1km south-west of Pimperne Village and 1km west of Blandford Military Camp. The proposed allocation lies north-east (Site Area A) and south-west (Site Area B) of the Salisbury Road and north and east of Blandford bypass. Settlement either side of Salisbury Road at Letton Close and Letton Park also lies adjacent to the site.

2.2 Landform and Drainage (Plan HDA 2) 2.2.1 The position of Blandford, on a wide sweep of the River Stour as it passes through a gap in the Dorset chalk downs, has had a profound effect on the form of the settlement and its character. From its origins adjacent to this important river crossing, Blandford Forum has expanded to the north and east from its historic core on its south-western edge, to rise up the surrounding valley sides onto the higher ground of the downs. Growth to the west has been restricted by the River Stour and its floodplain.

1 Land North East of Blandford Forum Preliminary LVA / 813.2/I1/NT/December 2018

2.2.2 Blandford Forum thus sits on the southern edge of a spur of high ground with built form facing to the south-west and south over the River Stour valley and to the south-east over the smaller valley of the Pimperne Brook, which is a tributary of the River Stour. High ground rises to the east of the Pimperne Brook towards Monkton Down and Blandford Military Camp. To the west the land rises to the downs beyond the wooded slopes of the Bryanston estate which form a green backdrop to the town.

2.2.3 North-west of Salisbury Road, Site Area A is a plateau landscape, south of a dry valley feature near Hammett’s Farm and the wider open downland around Pimperne. Situated at between 75-90m AOD, the site area is contiguous with adjacent settlement at Blandford Forum and on lower ground at Sunrise Business Park, which lies 200m to the north-west.

2.2.4 South-east of Salisbury Road, Site Area B slopes east and south-east towards the Pimperne Brook valley. The wider open downland setting to Pimperne extends south from the village to the northern edge of parkland surrounding Langbourne House. At between 40-70m AOD, the site area is contiguous with adjacent settlement at Blandford Forum.

2.3 Local Land Use and Vegetation 2.3.1 The land uses north and east of Blandford and surrounding Pimperne village are predominantly agricultural with large open arable fields. Surrounding land uses also include the Sunrise Business Park; modern agricultural buildings, parkland, woodland and the military camp.

2.3.2 The northern and eastern fringes of Blandford comprise modern estate development, a business park and industrial estates. The modern housing areas represent typical post-war and later 20th century housing, which is totally lacking in green infrastructure. These suburbs are bound by Blandford bypass with densely planted roadside trees and shrubs.

2.3.3 The site itself includes an allotment garden and arable fields. The site’s outer edges are enclosed in-part by existing settlement north and south of Salisbury Road, hedgerows, shelter belts and treed parkland.

2.3.4 Site Area A comprises Lamperd’s Fields Allotments and two small rectilinear arable fields. The site area is bound by established hedgerows and semi-mature planted shelter belts of trees and shrubs. To the north are open arable fields, the Sunrise Business Park and housing at Letton Close, which abuts the allotments. Salisbury Road and the bypass form the southern boundaries to the site area. The allotment area is accessed from Salisbury Road by a steel palisade gate; the fields are accessed from the Blandford bypass. A pedestrian footbridge over the bypass, which is not currently open to the public, also provides an existing access to this site area.

2 Land North East of Blandford Forum Preliminary LVA / 813.2/I1/NT/December 2018

2.3.5 Site Area B comprises two arable fields defined in part by hedgerow, the bypass corridor and a belt of trees on the southern boundary. The site area is contained to the north and east by homes at Letton Park, parkland associated with Langbourne House; and the military camp. To the south lies the Pimperne Brook, arable farmland, Black Lane and Wimborne Road. Properties on Salisbury Road and the bypass form the western boundaries for the site area. Existing access to the site is from Salisbury Road and the Blandford bypass

2.4 Designations (Plan HDA 1) • Part of the site lie within the Cranbourne Chase AONB. Within Site Area A the arable fields fall within the AONB, together with adjacent areas of settlement at Blandford Forum and the open countryside and the Sunrise Business Park to the north and east. The existing allotment site lies outside the AONB. The AONB also abuts part of Area B’s eastern boundary. Site Area B together with adjacent settlement at Blandford and Letton Park lie entirely outside of the AONB. • There are no public footpaths within the site. The nearest footpath is E13/2 on Black Lane, which is 200m south of the nearest site boundary. • Around 500m north-east of the nearest site boundary is Grade II Listed Langbourne House. There are also Listed Buildings in Pimperne and Blandford Forum. • The Blandford Forum, Blandford St Mary and Bryanston Conservation Area is 600m south-west of the nearest site boundary.

3 LANDSCAPE BASELINE 3.1 Landscape Character National Scale 3.1.1 The site lies within National Character Area Profile 134: The and Cranbourne Chase. The key characteristics of this area are summarised below: • North-west to south-east transition through dramatic scarps, plateaux, rolling chalk upland, and a gentle but expansive dip slope – all dissected by often steep-sided, sheltered valleys and coombes. • Relict, species-rich calcareous grassland, meadows, water meadows, ancient woodland and parkland. Chalk streams and rivers play host to a thriving, distinctive community of plants, invertebrates and fish. • Semi-natural ancient woodlands, with large coups of hazel coppice, and the deer parks of , clothe the undulations of the dip slope. Prominent planted shelterbelts and hill-top clumps of beech, oak and ash emphasise and reinforce the simple but expansive geometry of the high downland. • Highly legible and coherent history of early human occupation, including a particularly well-preserved network of imposing hill forts, clusters of barrows, field systems, earthworks, ancient lanes and other prehistoric features, often delineating ritual landscapes. • Very large fields, resulting from the enclosure of downland for sheep and corn that took place between the 16th and 19th centuries. Changes during the 20th century have resulted in an intensively arable agricultural landscape. • An intimate and older (often medieval in origin) enclosed, mixed-farming landscape of smaller, often hedgerow-bounded fields is found in the valleys and combes, and

3 Land North East of Blandford Forum Preliminary LVA / 813.2/I1/NT/December 2018

around the formally landscaped estate parklands. • River valleys, dry in their upper sections, are often occupied by winterbournes, each with its own character, with thick hedgerows, flood meadows and linear villages in a variety of vernacular styles and materials. • The wide flood plain of the River Stour brings a lowland interlude to this downland NCA, and provides the location for the NCA’s second-largest town, Blandford Forum. • Isolated farmsteads punctuate the highest downland areas, contrasting with closely spaced, linear villages and hamlets close to water along the valley bottoms or at the foot of the combes and scarp, along the springline. • A suite of large houses and estates have played a key role in the formation of the character of the NCA. • The chalk plateau of Cranborne Chase itself, particularly the Inner Bounds and the Walks.

Regional Scale 3.1.2 The AONB Landscape is characterised by the Cranbourne Chase and West Downs AONB Integrated Character Assessment. Area B sits entirely outside of the AONB and as such is not considered by this AONB assessment. Those parts of Area A that lie within the AONB and the landscape which surrounds the site are described by Character Area 2B: Southern Downland Belt. Key characteristics of this character area are described below: • A large-scale landscape of broad rolling hills and gentle slopes cut to the south by a series of distinct river valleys. • Dominated by an Upper Chalk geology with drift clay with flints capping on higher ground. • A predominantly arable landscape divided into large, regular field units with straight- sided fields representing late 18th/early 19th century Parliamentary enclosure. • Mixed woodland is a significant feature to the west where the land is more undulating. • Settlement is scarce (predominantly dispersed farms to the east and south) emphasising the remoteness of the landscape. • The A354 runs in a north east direction from Blandford Forum to Salisbury and is a prominent feature creating a corridor of movement. • Numerous Neolithic burial and ritual monuments, such as the Wor Barrow, the Knowlton henge complex and the Dorset Cursus, and large groupings of Bronze Age round barrows, as on Wyke Down and Oakley Down. • Later prehistoric and Romano-British earthworks including Badbury Rings and Buzbury Rings , linear ditches and defensive earthworks, such as Grim’s Ditch and Bokerley Dyke. • Roman road from to Badbury Rings forms a straight line in the landscape. • A large skyscape and panoramic, distant views to the west. Management Objectives include: • Monitor development along the A354 to ensure planting and built form is both sympathetic and complementary to landscape character.

4 Land North East of Blandford Forum Preliminary LVA / 813.2/I1/NT/December 2018

3.1.3 The AONB Landscape Sensitivity Study (May 2007) categorises landscape character as High, Moderate to High and Moderate Sensitivity. The report broadly judges Character Area 2B as being of Moderate Sensitivity. The report states that: ‘Although the landscape elements making up the character of the landscape are still recognisable, their combination and patterning is generally less consistent than the West Wiltshire Downs Open Chalk Downland, and is therefore less distinctive.’

District Scale 3.1.4 The North Dorset District Character Assessment, describes the site and surrounding area within Chapter 11: Cranbourne Chase Wooded Chalk Downland and Chapter 20: East Blandford/ Pimperne Downs. Site Area B and Lamperd’s Field Allotments are characterised within Chapter 20. The remaining fields within site Area A are characterised within Chapter 11.

3.1.5 The key characteristics described by Chapter 11: Cranbourne Chase Wooded Chalk Downland are described below: • Medieval royal hunting grounds with surviving features such as park pales. • Few settlements and dispersed scattering of farmsteads. • An exposed and elevated wooded chalk downland landscape with dramatic folds and dry coombes, ridges, smaller valleys and plateaus. • A mixed arable and pastoral landscape with arable dominating further south. • The Rushmore Estate provides a typical ‘estate managed’ landscape with exceptional trees and distinctive managed copses, shelter belts, plantations, parkland trees and hedgerows in a well-managed built environment. • A mosaic of chalk grassland, broadleaf and conifer woodlands and arable farmland. • Numerous barrows, tumuli and other prehistoric earthworks. • Panoramic views over the adjacent escarpment and foothills. • Many SNCI grasslands and woodlands of importance, such as Wood. • Several Scheduled Ancient Monuments such as cross dykes and earthworks which form key features across the area.

3.1.6 The key characteristics described by Chapter 20: East Blandford/Pimperne Downs are described below: • A typical chalk landscape comprising valley floors, undulating and indented side slopes and elevated open uplands around the watershed. • Some distinctive elevated plateaus and wide ridgelines which afford wide views • Open, large scale geometric-shaped and mainly arable fields often bounded by thin, straight and weak hedgerows or replacement fencing. • Straight roads, lanes and footpaths run across the area, along valley floors and the edges of the side slopes. • Lanes lined with clipped hedgerows and the occasional group of trees.

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• Several Neolithic barrows, tumuli and rings on the elevated ridge lines. • The area is well served by bridleways and footpaths. • The visually prominent edges to Blandford, and Pimperne create hard and visually distracting edges to the area. • A few steep-sided and wooded or scrub-covered slopes provide important key features of local interest at the far northern end of the area. • Pimperne Valley and its associated narrow stream and/or lane along the valley floor is a feature of interest. • The A354 forms a major visual corridor across the area detracting from character.

3.2 Site Character and Features 3.2.1 Area A shares few characteristics of the Cranbourne Chase Wooded Chalk Downland other than its arable land-use. The site area is heavily influenced by urban land uses, including the bypass, associated planting and footbridge, the Sunrise Business Park, the allotments and adjacent residential areas. Within the site’s immediate environs characteristics shared with the character area include arable farmland and exposed and elevated chalk downland with dramatic folds, smaller valleys and plateaus. Planting and hedgerow within the site; together with undulating landform to the north, limit the visual envelope of the site.

3.2.2 Site Area B shares some of the characteristics of the North Dorset Character Assessment: the East Blandford/ Pimperne Downs, including being a typical chalk landscape of arable fields in which the A354 (Blandford Bypass) forms a major transport corridor across the area detracting from character. Within the site’s immediate environs shared characteristics include: • Straight roads, lanes and footpaths which run across the area along the valley floors and the edges of side slopes; • lanes lined with clipped hedgerows and occasional trees; • the Pimperne valley and its associated narrow stream and/or lane; and • the A354 (Blandford bypass) and Blandford, which are prominent in views and detract from the overall character of the area. The site and immediate environs have a greater sense of enclosure than the downland, which surrounds Pimperne and extends beyond Wimborne Road to the south. This is due to parkland trees, hedgerows, road corridors, settlement and local landform.

3.3 Summary of Landscape Assessment 3.3.1 The site shares relatively few of the distinctive characteristics of the published character descriptions. The wider landscape is more representative, however a combination of parkland, hedgerow, trees, the military camp, movement corridors and local land form annex much of the site and the immediate environs from the wider downland landscape. Urban influences include modern suburban estates on the northern and eastern fringes of

6 Land North East of Blandford Forum Preliminary LVA / 813.2/I1/NT/December 2018

Blandford, business parks and industrial areas, Pimperne, the military camp, bypass and road corridors including Salisbury Road and Wimborne Road. 4 VISUAL BASELINE 4.1 Methodology 4.1.1 The visual appraisal is based on a grading of degrees of visibility. There is, in any visual appraisal, a continuity of degrees of visibility from not visible to fully open in the view. To indicate the degree of visibility of the site from selected locations, that continuum has been divided into four categories, as follows:

• None: no view (no part of the site or proposed development is discernible); • Glimpse: only a minor area of the site or proposed development is discernible and/or the view is transient or at such a distance that it is difficult to perceive in the wider view, or sequence of views; • Partial: the site or proposed development forms a relatively small proportion of a wider view. There are open views of part of the site or proposed development such that it is easily visible as part of the wider view; • Open: there are open views of the site or proposed development such that it forms a substantial part (is a dominant element) of the overall view and affects its overall character and visual amenity; or the site or proposed development is the dominant feature of the view, to which other elements become subordinate and where the site/proposed development significantly affects or changes the character of the view.

4.1.2 The visual appraisal was carried out on the 16th November and 4th December 2018. Views of the site are likely to decrease in summer months when vegetation is in leaf.

4.2 General visibility 4.2.1 Public views are generally restricted to adjacent stretches of road and footpath within the Pimperne valley floor and opposite valley side. In these views the existing suburbs of Blandford are also visible. Wider views of the site are contained by intervening landform, trees and vegetation.

Views to the south 4.2.2 To the south a ridgeline contains wider views of the site. Public views are limited to adjacent stretches of road and footpath which comprise: • Black Lane between Blandford bypass and the military camp; • Footpath E13/2 adjacent to Black Lane between Blandford bypass and the water treatment works; • Wimborne Road between Blandford bypass and The Down Wood; and • Stretches of footpath E13/1 and E13/4 between Black Lane and Wimborne Road. South of Wimborne Road and south-east of footpath E13/4 views fall behind intervening landform.

7 Land North East of Blandford Forum Preliminary LVA / 813.2/I1/NT/December 2018

4.2.3 Black Lane (Photograph 01) South and east of the site there are partial, glimpsed and occasional open views of Area B from a 1.3km stretch of this lane between Blandford bypass and Snow’s Down. Boundary hedgerow filters and screens views towards the site from the majority of this section of road.

4.2.4 Footpath E13/2 (Photograph 02) There are partial and open views of Area B from a 500m stretch of this footpath adjacent to Black Lane. In these views the southern field is seen beyond boundary site trees and hedgerow shrubs. Intervening landform and hedgerow screens views of northern parts of the site area.

4.2.5 Wimborne Road (Photograph 03) There are partial views of Area B from a 1.2km stretch of this road between Blandford bypass and The Down Wood. In these views the site together with the existing built edge of Blandford Forum are seen beyond intervening vegetation adjacent to this road. Views are transient and can only be seen by motorists.

4.2.6 Footpath 13/1 (Photograph 04) There are intermittent glimpsed and partial views of Area B from a 700m stretch of footpath between Black Lane and Wimborne Road. An adjacent field hedge prevents views from the majority of this footpath. Where there are short gaps in the hedge, the southern part of the site area is seen beyond boundary trees. In these views of the site the existing modern suburban estates on the eastern edge of Blandford are also clearly visible. In views from the northern end of this footpath, the south-eastern corner of the site is just visible. This view is seen beyond the water treatment works on Black Lane. To the south, opposite Wimborne Road views towards the site fall behind intervening landform.

4.2.7 Footpath 13/4 (Photograph 05) There are open, partial and glimpsed views of Area B and A from a 1.2km stretch of footpath between Black Lane and Wimborne Road. The majority of this footpath has open views of Area B fields and glimpsed views of Area A. In these views Blandford Forum is also clearly visible. Views towards the site from the northern end of this footpath are seen beyond adjacent trees and shrubs and views from the southern end of this footpath are filtered by a small copse of trees and understorey.

Views to the east 4.2.8 To the east views are curtailed by a ridgeline, the military camp and intervening woodland. The site is visible from: • Footpath E13/3 between Black Lane and Langton Lodge Farm; and • Footpath E24/8 between Black Lane and Bingledon Wood

4.2.9 Footpath E13/3 (Photograph 06) There are glimpsed and occasional open views of Area B from a 300m stretch of footpath between Black Lane and Langton Lodge Farm. Views

8 Land North East of Blandford Forum Preliminary LVA / 813.2/I1/NT/December 2018

are glimpsed through gaps in an adjacent field hedge. Where there are breaks in the hedge the site is visible beyond a field boundary of mature trees. In the summer months, when these trees are in leaf, the extent of views would be substantially reduced. In these views the built edge of Blandford Forum is also visible.

4.2.10 Footpath E24/8 (Photograph 07) There are open and partial views of Area B and A from a 200m stretch of footpath between Black Lane and Bingledon Wood. Boundary shrubs and trees filter views towards the site from this section of footpath. Where there are breaks in this vegetation the site is seen together with suburban areas of Blandford Forum and the Sunrise Business Park. In these views, field boundary trees and hedgerow filter views of the lower part of Area B. North of Bingledon Wood views towards the site are entirely screened by woodland and dense vegetation.

Views to the north 4.2.11 To the north, there are no public footpaths within 1km of the site. Distant views of the site are difficult to perceive beyond intervening landform, woodland and hedgerow. Public views comprise: • Stretches of Footpath E16/10 and E16/11; and • Yard Lane where there is a gap in vegetation.

4.2.12 Footpath E16/10 and Footpath E16/11 (Photograph 09) There are distant glimpses of Area A from stretches of these footpaths. In these distant views site boundary vegetation is glimpsed in the skyline. In views from the majority of these footpaths the site is screened by intervening landform and field boundary vegetation.

4.2.13 Yard Lane (Photograph 10) There is a glimpsed view of Area A in a gap in the hedgerow. In this distant view site boundary vegetation is visible together with the rooftops of housing at Letton Park and Letton Close.

Views to the west (Photograph 11) 4.2.14 The site abuts the Blandford bypass, which is heavily screened by adjacent vegetation. There are glimpsed views of Area B and Area A from a 2.2km stretch of this road between Wimborne Road and Shaftesbury Road roundabouts and adjacent to the site. The majority of these views are of the dense boundary vegetation. Glimpses into the site are of a transient nature and difficult to perceive.

Salisbury Road (Photograph 12) 4.2.15 There are glimpsed views of Areas A and B seen from the adjacent stretch of Salisbury Road between Letton Park and the junction with the Blandford Bypass. Views of Area A comprise a dense boundary hedge and palisade gate to the allotment site. East of Letton

9 Land North East of Blandford Forum Preliminary LVA / 813.2/I1/NT/December 2018

Park views of the site fall behind intervening landform, development and vegetation. Views of Area B comprise the two access tracks between adjacent properties. Private views 4.2.16 Private views of the site are generally limited to adjacent properties at Letton Park, Letton Close, Bolney and Greenbanks on Salisbury Road and properties adjacent to Black Lane. Views towards the site from dwellings on the edge of Blandford are screened by dense vegetation alongside the bypass. To the north distant views towards the site from Pimperne are screened by intervening landform and vegetation.

4.3 Summary of Visual Assessment 4.3.1 The application site is substantially contained. Where there are open views of the site, these also include the modern suburbs of Blandford and the bypass. The proposals would not extend the visual envelope of Blandford Forum and would have no impact upon the wider downland landscape.

4.3.3 Distant views towards Area A are curtailed by local landform. Glimpses of the site comprise boundary hedgerow and planting in which there are also occasional glimpsed views of development on the edge of Blandford, Letton Close and Sunrise Business Park.

4.3.2 Area B has a limited visual envelop that is confined to the higher ground to the south and south-east between the Blandford Bypass to the west, Wimborne Road to the south, the military camp to the east and parkland to the north.

5 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 5.1 Direct impacts on the AONB, associated with development of Area A, would be limited and could be substantially mitigated through structural planting based on existing well- established boundaries. The effects on the wider AONB and the wider setting to Pimperne would be very limited and could similarly be mitigated with additional boundary and internal planting. A housing allocation could be located on non-AONB land in close proximity to the potential site for a new school and local facilities.

5.2 Site B, outside the AONB, would provide an appropriate location for the housing allocation. The site would form an extension to Blandford Forum where there is already a panoramic view of the town and where new development would not extend the visual envelope of the town into unaffected areas of the wider countryside.

5.3 Site B has the benefit of mature tree belts to the north, east and south of the proposed allocation. There are also additional areas of more recently established tree planting to the north-east of the site and along the bypass corridor. This existing green infrastructure currently contains the site and limits the visual envelope of landscape affected by

10 Land North East of Blandford Forum Preliminary LVA / 813.2/I1/NT/December 2018

development to the high ground to the south and east of the potential allocation, part of the setting to the town and the AONB.

5.4 A landscape planting strategy based on enhancing the existing woodland and hedgerow structure and incorporating extensive new tree planting, within the development area, would soften the appearance of new housing from the AONB. To further reduce the apparent scale of the allocation, new tree planting following the existing contours, in the form of informal avenues or corridors, could both compartmentalise the potential housing allocation and provide a strong internal landscape structure to the development. Such an approach, along with a reduction in housing densities and the provision of informal open space to the periphery of the site, would also provide an appropriate transition between the proposed allocation and the surrounding countryside.

11 Land North East of Blandford Forum Preliminary LVA / 813.2/I1/NT/December 2018

HDA Document Control and Quality Assurance Record

Project Title: Land North East of Blandford Forum Project Reference: 813.2 Document Title: Preliminary Landscape and Visual Appraisal Commissioning Party: Wyatt Homes (Lewis Wyatt Construction Ltd) and landowners (The West Pimperne Pool Trust, Mr C Coats and Mr T Coats)

Issue Description Date of Issue Signed 1 Draft 12/12/18

Personnel Position Author N. Thomas Associate Approved for issue B. Duckett Director

© Hankinson Duckett Associates. All rights reserved

No part of this report may be copied or reproduced by any means without prior written permission from Hankinson Duckett Associates. If you have received this report in error, please destroy all copies in your possession or control and notify Hankinson Duckett Associates.

This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of the commissioning party and unless otherwise agreed in writing by Hankinson Duckett Associates no other party may use, make use of or rely on the contents of the report. No liability is accepted by Hankinson Duckett Associates for any use of this report, other than for the purposes for which it was originally prepared and provided.

Opinions and information provided in the report are on the basis of Hankinson Duckett Associates using reasonable skill, care and diligence, taking into account the manpower, resources, investigations and testing devoted to it by agreement of the client, and no explicit warranty is provided as to its accuracy. It should be noted and it is expressly stated that no independent verification of any of the documents or information supplied to Hankinson Duckett Associates has been made.

The report and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter shall be governed by the law of England and the courts of England shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim that arises out of or in connection with the report, or its subject matter.

12 Land North East of Blandford Forum Preliminary LVA / 813.2/I1/NT/December 2018 KEY

north Site




Existing Blandford settlement boundary Cranbourne Chase and West Wiltshire Downs AONB

Dorset AONB

Langbourne House Grade II Listed Building

Conservation area

CLIENT: Wyatt Homes PROJECT: Blandford Forum TITLE: Site Location & Designations

SCALE AT A3: DATE: 1:12,500 December 2018

813.21/101 HDA 1

0 150 300 600 900 1200


north Site

CLIENT: Wyatt Homes PROJECT: Blandford Forum TITLE: Topography & Drainage SCALE AT A3: DATE: 1:12,500 December 2018

813.21/102 HDA 2

0 150 300 600 900 1200


north Site

Photograph location

CLIENT: Wyatt Homes PROJECT: Blandford Forum TITLE: Photo Locations SCALE AT A3: DATE: 1:12,500 December 2018

813.21/103 HDA 3

0 150 300 600 900 1200

METRES Trees on the southern boundary Site Area B

Photograph 1 View north-west towards the site from Black Lane

Southern boundary trees Site Area B

Photograph 2 View north towards the site from Footpath E13/2

CLIENT: Wyatt Homes TITLE: VP Locations 1 & 2

PROJECT: Blandford Forum DATE: December 2018 Exisiting suburbans of Blandford Forum Visual extent of Area B

Photograph 3 View north towards the site from Wimborne Road

Blandford Forum Visual extent of Area B Footpath 13/1

Photograph 4 View north towards the site from Foootpath 13/1

CLIENT: Wyatt Homes TITLE: VP Locations 3 & 4

PROJECT: Blandford Forum DATE: December 2018 Existing suburbs of Visual extent of Glimpsed view of Blandford Forum Site Area B Site Area A

Photograph 5 View north towards the site from Footpath E13/4

Existing suburbs of Blandford Forum Visual extent of Site Area B

Photograph 6 View west towards the site from Footpath 13/3

CLIENT: Wyatt Homes TITLE: VP Locations 5 & 6

PROJECT: Blandford Forum DATE: December 2018 Existing suburbs Visual extent of of Blandford Forum Site Area B

Photograph 7 View west towards the site from Footpath E24/8

Glimpsed views of Site Area A boundary vegetation Glimpsed views of rooftops at the Sunrise Business Park

Glimpsed views of Letton Close rooftops

Photograph 8 View south-east towards the site from footpath E16/10

CLIENT: Wyatt Homes TITLE: VP Locations 7 & 8

PROJECT: Blandford Forum DATE: December 2018 Glimpses of Site Area A boundary Glimpses of Letton Park and Letton Close rooftops

Photograph 9 View west towards Site Area A from Yard Lane

Site Area B boundary vegetation Bypass

Photograph 10 View along Site Area B’s western boundary

CLIENT: Wyatt Homes TITLE: VP Locations 9 & 10

PROJECT: Blandford Forum DATE: December 2018




Prepared for Lewis Wyatt (Construction) Ltd, The West Pimperne Pool Trust, Mr C Coats and Mr T Coats by

Hankinson Duckett Associates

HDA ref: 813.21/v8/BD



1 Introduction Page 2

2 Policy Context Page 4

3 Constraints to Development Page 8

4 SHLAA 2012 Sites Page 10

5 Landscape Appraisal of B+NP2 Site Allocations, May 2018 Page 13

6 Appraisal of B+NP2 Development Combination Options, July 2018 Page 19

7 Conclusions Page 24

iii KEY Site 8 Location

Sites included in 2010 Landscape Impact Assessment of Figure 1: Topography Potential Housing Sites

Contour Levels 160m-170m AOD KEY 150m-160m Site 8 Location KEY 140m-150m SitesSite 8 included Location in 2010 B+NP2Landscape Site Impact allocations, Assessment May 2018 of 130m-140m Potential Housing Sites Cranborne Chase AONB Character Areas: Contour Levels 120m-130m Cranbourne Chase AONB boundary 160m-170m AOD 1A - Melbury to Blandford Chalk 110m-120m Escarpment 150m-160m 100m-110m 2B - Southern Downland Belt 140m-150m A 90m-100m 5C - Stour and Avon Tributary Chalk J Valleys 130m-140m 80m-90m Dorset AONB Character Areas: 120m-130m Dorset AONB boundary 70m-80m

110m-120m B Stour Valley Pasture 60m-70m

100m-110mNorth Dorset Escarpment 50m-60m

90m-100mpper North Winterborne Valley 40m-50m

80m-90m 30m-40m North Dorset District Council Character Areas: Chapter 8 - North Dorset Chalk 70m-80m 20m-30m Escarpment

60m-70mChapter 9 - Mid Stour Valley

50m-60mChapter 10 - Tarrant Valley Chapter 11 - Cranbourne Chase Wooded 40m-50mChalk Downland CLIENT: F1 Wyatt Homes Chapter 13 - pper Stour Valley PROJECT: 30m-40m Blandford Settlement Assessment Chapter 18 - pper North Winterborne TITLE: 20m-30mValley F2 Topography E SCALE AT A3: DATE: Chapter 20 - East Blandford / Pimperne 1:25,000 June 2018 A B+NP2Downs Spatial Option Sites, May 2018

Chapter 22 - South Blandford Downs 813.21 / 03

CLIENT: WyattCLIENT: Homes PROJECT:Wyatt Homes 1 BlandfordPROJECT: Settlement Assessment TITLE:Blandford Settlement Assessment TopographyTITLE: 1:25,000 at A3 - kilometres: SCALELandscape AT A3: Character DATE: north 0 0.5 1 2 1:25,000SCALE AT A3: DATE: June 2018 1:25,000 June 2018

813.21 / 03 813.21 / 04

1:25,000 at A3 - kilometres: north 0 0.5 1 2 1 INTRODUCTION

1.1 Background 1.2.2 Blandford Forum thus sits on the southern edge of a spur of high ground 1.1.1 This report considers the landscape related constraints and opportunities with built form facing to the south-west and south over the River Stour for future development around the settlements of Blandford Forum valley and to the south-east and east over the smaller valley of the and Blandford St Mary. As a baseline to the detailed consideration Pimperne Brook, which is a tributary of the River Stour. High ground of potential sites, the report includes a high level assessment of the rises to the east of the Pimperne Brook towards Monkton Down topped potential strategic sites identified in the 2012 SHLAA. Sites that have by the Blandford Military Camp. To the west the land rises to the downs performed well in the SHLAA and have been taken forward in the draft beyond the wooded slopes of the Bryanston estate which form a green Neighbourhood Plan review (May 2018) are considered further with backdrop to the town. a view to consider the strengths and weaknesses of each site. The options for specific allocations in the Neighbourhood Plan are set out in 1.2.3 The current settlement boundary around Blandford Forum is defined to the Preliminary Development Options Paper July 2018. These options the north-east and east by the bypass (A350/A354) between Shaftesbury are assessed in the light of the HDA appraisal of individual sites, Lane and the crossing of the River Stour. Between the river crossing with the aim of identifying the most appropriate location for an urban of the A354 and Blandford Bridge, the settlement boundary follows extension to Blandford Forum, in relation to the landscape constraints the northern bank of the River Stour. From West Street, the western and opportunities around the town. This report was commissioned on edge of the settlement boundary is defined by existing residential behalf of Lewis Wyatt (Construction) Ltd, The West Pimperne Pool developments at River Mews and Parklands, and includes Deer Park Trust, Mr C Coats and Mr T Coats. Farm and The Blandford School, before re-joining the River Stour to the west of the school. Where the River Stour adjoins Milldown Road, the 1.2 Settlement Pattern settlement boundary follows the north-western edge of The Milldown 1.2.1 The existing settlement pattern of Blandford comprises the main town Site of Nature Conservation Importance (SNCI) before joining Tin Pot of Blandford Forum to the north of the River Stour and the smaller Lane along the north-western edge of Blandford Heights (Clump Farm) settlement of Blandford St Mary to the south. The historic cores of Industrial Estate, including Kites Farm (Kites Corner). these two elements of Blandford are linked by Blandford Bridge which carries West Street over the River Stour, and was, until the construction 1.2.4 Blandford St Mary is defined by a separate settlement boundary, which, of the A354 bypass (after 1988), the only available vehicular crossing of as with the Blandford Forum boundary, follows the bypass (A354) to the the river. The position of Blandford, on a wide sweep of the River Stour south. The settlement boundary to the west is defined by Dorchester as it passes through a gap in the Dorset chalk downs, has therefore had Hill, including properties around its junction with Fair Mile Road and a profound effect on the form of the settlement and its local character. New Road. To the north, the settlement boundary is aligned along the From its origins adjacent to this important river crossing, Blandford river, before following the rear of The Brewery. Forum has expanded to the north and east from its historic core on its south-western edge, to rise up the surrounding valley sides onto the 1.2.5 Another separate settlement boundary exists around Sunrise Business higher ground of the downs. Growth to the west has been restricted by Park, which lies to the north of Blandford Forum, beyond the A350 the River Stour and its floodplain bypass. This isolated cluster of industrial units originated as Blandford Farm Products back in the 1930s and thus had close links with farming businesses which proliferate on the downs. 2 PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK


2.1 Local Plan 2.1.1 The future residential needs of Blandford are the subject of Policy 16 of the Local Plan Part 1. This policy anticipates that at least 1,200 dwellings need to be built in Blandford between 2011 and 2031. The Local Plan Review, Issues and Options Consultation report (November 2017) identifies a development strategy that; “will see the building out of sites already allocated for development or with planning permission in the early part of the plan period, with additional greenfield sites beyond the bypass being brought forward after that date. New development will be supported by the necessary grey, social and green infrastructure, both to meet the overall needs of the town and the more local needs associated with each new development area.” (page 30, paragraph 6.3):

2.1.2 North Dorset District Council is progressing its Local Plan Review on the basis that the local housing need is now 366 dwellings a year.


Existing Settlement Boundary

Cranborne Chase and West Wiltshire Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Figure 2: Constraints Dorset Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Site of Nature Conservation Interest 1. The Milldown 2. The Cliff KEY 3. Stour Meadows (Local Nature Reserve) Site 8 Location B+NP2 Site allocations, May 2018 Important Open or Wooded Areas

Cranborne Chase AONB Character Areas: KEY Ancient Woodland ExistingCranbourne Settlement Chase BoundaryAONB boundary 4. The Cliff 5. The Hanging Cranborne1A - Melbury Chase to Blandford and West Chalk Wiltshire DownsEscarpment Area of Outstanding Natural Site of Special Scientific Interest - Bryanston Bats Beauty2B - Southern Downland Belt Dorset Area of Outstanding Natural North Dorset Trailway Beauty5C - Stour and Avon Tributary Chalk A Valleys J Site of Nature Conservation Interest North Dorset Trailway extension Dorset AONB1. The Character Milldown Areas: Flood Zones 2 and 3 Dorset2. The AONB Cliff boundary 5 1 3. Stour Meadows B Conservation Area 1972 (LocalStour ValleyNature Pasture Reserve) Important Open or Wooded Areas Conservation Area 1990 North Dorset Escarpment Ancient Woodland 2 Land safeguarded for bypass pper4. The North Cliff Winterborne Valley 5. The Hanging Solar Farm North Dorset District Council Character Areas: Site of Special Scientific Interest - BryanstonChapter 8 Bats- North Dorset Chalk Escarpment North Dorset Trailway Chapter 9 - Mid Stour Valley 4 North Dorset Trailway extension Chapter 10 - Tarrant Valley 3 CLIENT: FloodChapter Zones 11 - 2Cranbourne and 3 Chase Wooded 5 1 Wyatt Homes Chalk Downland PROJECT: Conservation Area 1972 F1 Blandford Settlement Assessment Chapter 13 - pper Stour Valley TITLE: Constraints ConservationChapter 18 - Areapper 1990 North Winterborne SCALE AT A3: DATE: 2 Valley F2 1:25,000 June 2018 LandChapter safeguarded 20 - East forBlandford bypass / Pimperne E Downs 813.21 / 02 Solar Farm Chapter 22 - South Blandford Downs

CLIENT: 4 Wyatt Homes PROJECT: 5 1:25,000 at A3 - kilometres: 3 Blandford Settlement Assessment TITLE: north CLIENT: 0 0.5 1 2 WyattLandscape Homes Character SCALE AT A3: DATE: PROJECT: Blandford1:25,000 Settlement Assessment June 2018 TITLE: Constraints813.21 / 04 SCALE AT A3: DATE: 1:25,000 June 2018

813.21 / 02

1:25,000 at A3 - kilometres: north 0 0.5 1 2 3 CONSTRAINTS TO DEVELOPMENT

3.1 Introduction 3.2 Flood Risk 3.1.1 The Local Plan Review Issues and Options report sets out the potential 3.2.1 The greatest constraint to the expansion of the town, to the south and constraints to new development at Blandford: west, is Flood Zone 2 and 3 of the River Stour and its associated • The Cranborne Chase and West Wiltshire Downs AONB and the Dorset tributary, the Pimperne Brook. The Flood Zone forms the separation AONB; between Blandford Forum to the north and Blandford St Mary to the • Local nature reserves; south. Parts of Blandford Forum and Blandford St Mary are at risk of • Flood risk in connection with local watercourses including the River flooding from the River Stour, and flood defences have been constructed Stour; to reduce the risk to property. There is also the risk of flooding from • Heritage assets, including a conservation area that covers a large part the Pimperne Brook which could affect parts of Blandford Forum. The of the town and land to the south of the town at Crown Meadows; and Pimperne Brook passes under the A354 just north of Black Lane, after • A constrained highway network, including in relation to the A354 and which it is culverted along Black Lane, to join the River Stour to the A350. south of East Street.

3.1.2 These constraints are very variable in how restrictive they are to 3.2.2 Within the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF, 2018), development. It should be considered that flood risk is an absolute Paragraphs 155 and 157 state that “inappropriate development in areas constraint to development, whereas building on a groundwater source at risk of flooding should be avoided by directing development away protection area need not be ruled out, provided that measures are put from areas at highest risk”….. “All plans should apply a sequential, in place that safeguard against the potential of new development to risk-based approach to the location of development, taking into account contaminate the underlying aquifer. Similarly, the potential effects of the current and future impacts of climate change, so as to avoid where development on some nature conservation designations are likely to possible flood risk to people and property….” At the national level, preclude those developments which result in the removal or isolation therefore, new development is steered towards areas with the lowest of certain habitats (such as ancient woodland), whereas some habitats probability of flooding. can exist in association with development or can be readily recreated elsewhere. 3.2.3 The Council also recognises flood risk to be a major constraint to future development (policy 3 of the Local Plan). 3.1.3 The Council also recognises in its Sustainability Appraisal that a balanced judgement is required to determine the overall net effect of development. Each of the landscape related constraints are discussed below, addressed in the order that these issues are considered to be most restrictive to future development.

6 KEY Site 8 Location

Cranborne Chase AONB Character Areas:

Cranbourne Chase AONB boundary

Figure 3: Character areas 1A - Melbury to Blandford Chalk Escarpment 2B - Southern Downland Belt

5C - Stour and Avon Tributary Chalk Valleys KEY KEY Dorset AONB Character Areas: SiteB+NP2 8 Location Site allocations, May 2018 Site 8 Location Dorset AONB boundary Cranborne Chase AONB Character Areas: Cranborne Chase AONB Character Areas: Stour Valley Pasture Cranbourne Chase AONB boundary Cranbourne Chase AONB boundary North Dorset Escarpment 1A - Melbury to Blandford Chalk 1AEscarpment - Melbury to Blandford Chalk pper North Winterborne V Escarpment alley 2B - Southern Downland Belt 2B - Southern Downland Belt 5C - Stour and Avon Tributary Chalk A North Dorset District Council Character Areas: 5CValleys - Stour and Avon Tributary Chalk J Chapter 8 - North Dorset Chalk Valleys Escarpment Dorset AONB Character Areas: Dorset AONB Character Areas: Chapter 9 - Mid Stour Valley Dorset AONB boundary Dorset AONB boundary Chapter 10 - Tarrant Valley Stour Valley Pasture B Stour Valley Pasture Chapter 11 - Cranbourne Chase Wooded North Dorset Escarpment Chalk Downland North Dorset Escarpment Chapter 13 - pper Stour Valley pper North Winterborne Valley pper North Winterborne Valley Chapter 18 - pper North Winterborne Valley North Dorset District Council Character Areas: Chapter 20 - East Blandford / Pimperne North DorsetChapter District 8 - CouncilNorth Dorset Character Chalk Areas: Downs EscarpmentChapter 8 - North Dorset Chalk Escarpment Chapter 22 - South Blandford Downs Chapter 9 - Mid Stour Valley Chapter 9 - Mid Stour Valley Chapter 10 - Tarrant Valley Chapter 10 - Tarrant Valley Chapter 11 - Cranbourne Chase Wooded CLIENT: ChalkChapter Downland 11 - Cranbourne Chase Wooded Wyatt Homes Chalk Downland PROJECT: Chapter 13 - pper Stour Valley F1 Blandford Settlement Assessment Chapter 13 - pper Stour Valley TITLE: Chapter 18 - pper North Winterborne Landscape Character ValleyChapter 18 - pper North Winterborne SCALE AT A3: DATE: F2 1:25,000 June 2018 ChapterValley 20 - East Blandford / Pimperne E DownsChapter 20 - East Blandford / Pimperne Downs 813.21 / 04 Chapter 22 - South Blandford Downs Chapter 22 - South Blandford Downs

CLIENT: WyattCLIENT: Homes WyattPROJECT: Homes 7 BlandfordPROJECT: Settlement Assessment BlandfordTITLE: Settlement Assessment LandscapeTITLE: Character LandscapeSCALE AT A3: Character DATE: 1:25,000SCALE AT A3: DATE: June 2018 1:25,000 June 2018

813.21 / 04 813.21 / 04 3 CONSTRAINTS TO DEVELOPMENT

3.3 Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) 3.4 Nature Conservation 3.3.1 AONBs are afforded the highest level of protection within the NPPF. 3.4.1 There are no sites of international importance (e.g. Special Areas of Paragraph 172 of the NPPF (2018) states: Great weight should be Conservation) within 9km of Blandford, however, a Site of Special given to conserving and enhancing landscape and scenic beauty in Scientific Interest (SSSI), which has importance at the national level, National Parks, the Broads and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, exists at Bryanston. The SSSI citation reads: “The large roof space which have the highest status of protection in relation to these issues. in the derelict 18th century kitchens at Bryanston is the only known The conservation and enhancement of wildlife and cultural heritage are breeding site for the greater horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus ferrum- important considerations in all these areas, and should be given great equinum) in Dorset and the colony is one of only 7 remaining in Britain.” weight in National Parks and The Broads. 3.4.2 The NPPF (2018) states that proposed development should not 3.3.2 At the national level the AONB designation precludes development normally be permitted on land within or outside a SSSI if it is likely to unless there are exceptional circumstances and where development have an adverse effect on that SSSI (paragraph 175). Given that bats can be demonstrated to be in the public interest. Strategic allocations are highly mobile and are likely to feed over locally available suitable for housing are considered major development and their allocation habitats, then the extent of restrictions on potential development could should have regard to the tests set out in paragraph 172 of the NPPF be wide ranging. This is reflected at a local level with feeding areas (2018). To justify exceptional circumstances for development in the being included in Local Nature Reserves at The Milldown and Stour AONB a strategic site assessment should: Meadows. • Firstly, identify the need for development if it is necessary to build in the AONB; 3.4.3 Additionally, at the local level, Sites of Nature Conservation Interest • Secondly, look at the scope for making use of land outside the AONB; (SNCI) include the north-western edge of The Milldown, a remnant area • Thirdly, make an assessment of the comparative adverse effects of of chalk grassland, and The Cliff, an area of Ancient Woodland. development on sites being considered within and outside the AONB.

3.3.3 The Local Plan Part 1 recognises that small parts of the existing built- up area of Blandford lie within both AONBs (paragraph 8.18) and that where development is in the public interest that schemes should include appropriate mitigation (Policy 4)


3.5 Heritage Assets 3.5.1 Heritage assets are afforded protection, those of the highest significance are scheduled monuments, grade I and II* listed buildings, grade I and II* registered parks and gardens and World Heritage Sites.

3.5.2 Blandford is a historic town and the Georgian town centre has long been recognised as being one of the finest in England. A Conservation Area was designated in 1972 to preserve and enhance Blandford’s historic character. It was expanded in 1990 and sub-areas within it were subsequently identified. The town also includes a wide range of listed buildings.

3.6 Infrastructure Constraints 3.6.1 The expansion of the town to the north, east and south has currently been contained by the bypass of the A350 and A354. The 2003 Local Plan anticipated a southerly extension to the Blandford bypass with a safeguarding policy (Policy 5.22). Outline planning permission granted for 350 dwellings on land to the south east of Blandford St Mary (site 2/04/0460) (November 2016) includes the safeguarded route, to the west of the site, between the housing site and the recently completed solar park). Additional sites south of Blandford St. Mary would need to consider safeguarding land to maintain the potential for an extension to the bypass.

3.6.2 No other major infrastructure schemes are planned in and around Blandford for this plan period.

9 4 SHLAA 2012 SITES

4.1 INTRODUCTION The 2012 SHLAA assessment considered sites around Blandford Forum and Blandford St Mary. Figure 4 identifies the 2012 SHLAA sites and the results if the SHLAA assessment; i.e. whether sites were to be included for further consideration by the District. The figure also identifies sites taken forward in the 2018 Neighbourhood Plan as potential development options (B+NP2).

Figure 4: SHLAA 2012 and B+NP2 site locations 10 4 SHLAA 2012 SITES

Site Ref Included/Excluded North Dorset District Council Assessment Site Ref in 2010 LIA Site Ref in 2018 B+NP2

2-03-0168 Included (site with • Planning application submitted, details to be agreed, flood prone permission) areas not suitable for residential development 2-03-0364 Excluded • Within AONB, detached from town therefore excluded Area north of Site A

2-03-0397 Included • Ground water source protection zone 3 Part of Site 3 A separate Heritage assessment • Outside of settlement boundary (2014) concluded that the impact • Southern corner of site within flood zone 2& of development on the site would • Fairly flat groun result in substantial harm and • Area characterised by large houses in large plots less than substantial harm on the • Via Whitecliff Mill Street, unadopted trac heritage assets. Not taken forward in NP. 2-03-0478 Included (site with • Likely to start within five years, pressure from land owner on Site 4 N/A permission) developer to start 2-03-0509 Excluded • Within AONB and beyond the bypass. Site 9B - northern half

2-03-0509 Excluded • Within AONB and beyond the bypass. On a site committed as playing Site 9A (closest to A350) Included in NP review as Site A fields in the Local Plan. These are required to serve Blandford and the wider area and therefore residential use is unacceptable. 2-03-0510 Included (site with • Allocated housing site still to be developed Site 5 N/A permission)

2-03-0511 Included • Ground water source protection zone 1 Site 8 Site B (site assessed does not • Outside of settlement boundary extend beyond the Neighbourhood • South Eastern edge of site within flood zone 2& Plan boundary) • North Eastern Border has TPO area, south western boundary has TPO (outline). • Site rises from southeast to northwest • Currently no access other than two small tracks on A354 2-03-0513 Excluded • Within AONB and beyond bypass. Impact on landscape would be Site 9B - southern half N/A significant. Amenity of prospective residents will be harmed by the adjacent employment uses therefore excluded

2-03-0526 Excluded • Outside of settlement boundary, exposed slope within AONB, highly Site 7 Included in NP Review; Site J visible from surrounding area therefore excluded 2-03-0534 Excluded • Detached from settlement, extends development along already busy North of Ward’s Drove Included in NP Review as part of A350 corridor therefore excluded Site E 2-03-0535 Excluded • Detached from settlement, extends development along already busy South of Ward’s Drove Part of Site E A350 corridor therefore excluded

11 4 SHLAA 2012 SITES

Site Ref Included/Excluded Comments Site Ref in 2010 LIA Site Ref in 2018 B+NP2

2-03-0536 Excluded • Detached from settlement, extends development along already busy South of Lower Blandford St East of A350 A350 corridor therefore excluded Mary 2-04-0460 Included • Ground water source protection zone 3 Site 1 N/A (Site with permission) • Outside of settlement boundary. Part covered by land reserved for /Charlton Marshall bypass. Old railway across the site. • Flood zone 1 • Large clump of trees in centre • Old railway, potential for associated pollution • Adjacent to bypass noise mitigation could reduce site size. Power lines cross the site • Slopes up to the south then dips and rises again • Open site, outside of bypass which would have impact on landscape • Access would be off A350 2-04-0540 Included (part of site with • Ground water source protection zone 3 Site 2 Included as part of Site F2 and F1 permission) • Outside settlement boundary. Eastern half of site within site of archaeological importance • Flood zone 1 • Trees in hedgerows which crosses site • Site is gently sloping • Access would need to be achieved, also issue of local road network 2-04-0541 Included • Within AONB, ground water source protection zone 3 Site 6 Adjacent to site F1 • Outside of settlement boundary • Flood zone 1 • Some large trees on boundary near road • Gentle slope up to the south west • Potential for significant impact on AONB • Existing access although impact on complicated road junction would need to be considered

The SHLAA assessment identified a number of committed sites as ‘included in the schedule of preferred sites, however no additional sites were identified as suitable for further assessment other than those included in the Neighbourhood Plan Spatial Options Appraisal. The following section provides a more detailed assessment of the individual spatial options.


Option Area Designations Landscape analysis & Character area Key Issues Capacity summary / and policy comments

Central and • Site A is a plateaux landscape located north of a dry valley feature near • Development in the AONB only in Land outside the AONB is not A western fields in the Hammett’s Farm and the wider open downland around Pimperne. exceptional circumstances. visually intrusive and could be Cranbourne Chase • AONB landscape, within the site, comprises small arable fields ith • Vulnerability to large scale developed for housing as a and West Wiltshire established hedgerow and treed boundaries, set within the Cranbourne development. Tall structures would logical extension to housing at Downs Area of Chase Wooded Chalk Downland Landscape Character Area. be visually intrusive on the sky line. Letton Close. Land north Outstanding Natural • Non-AONB landscape, within the site, to the east comprises • Maintain and enhance the Beauty of A350 allotments, set within East Blandford/Pimperne Downs Landscape boundary vegetation to minimise AONB area excluded as a Character Area. visual intrusion into wider AONB SHLAA site, but identified for • No public footpaths cross the site. landscape. recreation/open space uses. • Pedestrian bridge links the site to existing housing south of the • Maintain allotment provision should A350. Bridge currently unused and fenced-off new allotment site be identified Subject to exceptional • Western field lies adjacent to the Sunrise Business Park • Open up public access to site via circumstances being identified • Wider setting to Pimperne extends to the northern boundary of site A. the pedestrian bridge. land adjacent to the pedestrian • Access to site through the allotments on Salisbury Road (A354). • Develop only visually contained bridge could provide a suitable • A350 set in a cutting with established wooded slopes. Blandford areas of the site. location for a ‘low-rise’ school Forum largely contained in views from the north. • Location of a 2 form entry school and associated open space • Site well-enclosed and generally screened from the surrounding confirmed by the County Council as with easy access to existing landscape. being required to serve the northern residential areas. • Lies adjacent to existing residential development on Salisbury Road. areas of the town. • Wider setting to Pimperne to be Land west of the school site maintained. could provide replacement allotments on a level arable field

Aerial Photograph/s showing key characteristics


13 View north from roadside close to Pimperne View east towards allotments and Letton Close 5 LANDSCAPE APPRAISAL OF B+NP2 SITE ALLOCATIONS, MAY 2018

Option Area Designations Landscape analysis & Character area Key Issues Capacity summary / and policy comments

Site B lies outside • Site B comprises arable fields which slope east and north-east • The Option area lies outside the The option area is relatively B the Cranbourne towards the Pimperne Brook valley arable fields AONB. unconstrained and lies outside and West Wiltshire • The site lies within the East Blandford/Pimperne Downs landscape • Relatively contained visual the AONB. Area of Outstanding character area. envelop, boundary woodland and Natural Beauty. • The wider open downland setting to Pimperne extends south establishing woodland planting to Included as a SHLAA site. Land north- from the village to the northern edge of the parkland surrounding be maintained and enhanced. The site could provide for a east of Langbourne House. • Development to consider setting to strategic allocation. Blandford • Parkland trees and woodland around Letton Park and Langbourne the AONB, noting the contribution House contain views of site B from the AONB to the north and the town already makes to the Effects on setting to the AONB Forum west. views from the AONB. would be limited to east of the • Views of site B, from the south, within the Stour valley, are • New and improved access and town where the town is already screened by a spur of land forming the eastern valley side of the pedestrian links to adjacent areas prominent in the view. Pimperne Brook. of Blandford to be considered. • Views from the east are limited to the Wimborne Road, Black Lane • Wider setting to Pimperne to be There are opportunities to link and a limited number of footpaths within the AONB. maintained. to the town and site A via the • Existing views include the town and existing eastern residential • Northern boundary of option area Salisbury junction, provide areas of Blandford Forum. defined by Neighbourhood Plan pedestrian access to Black • Site B forms part of a larger parcel of arable land defined by Letton boundary, need to consider wider Lane and a new junction onto Park, the A354 corridor and a woodland belt along the Pimperne landscape containment. the A354. Brook corridor. • Need for new development to form Additional capacity is available • The flood plain of the Pimperne Brook lies to the south and east of a coherent extension to the town. to the north of the option area. the southern boundary of the site. Setting to Pimperne would be unaffected

Aerial Photograph/s showing key characteristics


View from Wimbourne Road towards site B and Blandford Forum 14 5 LANDSCAPE APPRAISAL OF B+NP2 SITE ALLOCATIONS, MAY 2018

Option Area Designations Landscape analysis & Character area Key Issues Capacity summary / and policy comments

Not within Dorset • Option Area E comprises two large, arable, rectangular fields on • Comprehensive development Comprehensive development E AONB. northern edge of South Blandford Downs Landscape Character of Option Area E would lead to of Option Area E would lead to Area, forming part of open chalk downland. coalescence of the village of Lower coalescence of settlements. Site crossed by • Site is divided by historic bridleway of Ward’s Drove; the site and Blandford St Mary with the larger North Dorset bridleway rise from River Stour, lying to the west. settlement of Blandford St Mary Safeguarded route for Lower Trailway – Sustrans • Site contributes to distinctive field pattern of the wider area; it is • Development would extend the the A354 would reduce promoted, bound by straight hedgerows with intermittent mature hedgerow visual impact of the settlement into development potential of the Blandford regionally important St Mary recreational route trees. the wider land open landscape. site. (250). • Site bound to north-east by the A350, beyond which lies the village • Consider the setting to Grade ll* of Lower Blandford St Mary, which is a distinct and separate listed church in Lower Blandford St Further expansion of Blandford South of Site crossed by settlement from Blandford St Mary. Mary. St Mary would result in Ward’s Drove • Site bound to north-east by Site 1 (350 dwellings granted in Nov • Consider the expansion and a doubling of the size of Site 1 (2010) Bridleway. 2016, including safeguarded route for bypass extension). A robust potential overdevelopment of settlement. committed and well vegetated boundary lies between Site 1 and Option Area E. Blandford St Mary. Listed buildings in • There are open views from Ward’s Drove into site to either side • Committed development along with No clear definition to the development Lower Blandford St of this bridleway. Properties of Baywood & Smallwood also have Option Area E land would double southern boundary of the Mary (on opposite open views into site. the size of the settlement. Option Area with a substantial side of A350), impact on the landscape including Grade II* character of the wider area. church of St Mary. Site excluded from SHLAA sites.

Aerial Photograph/s showing key characteristics


15 Settlement edge of village of Lower Blandford St Mary lies beyond A350. Arable field of Site E forms rural setting to villag 5 LANDSCAPE APPRAISAL OF B+NP2 SITE ALLOCATIONS, MAY 2018

Option Area Designations Landscape analysis & Character area Key Issues Capacity summary / and policy comments

Majority of Site is • Site forms part of South Blandford Downs Landscape Character • The site lies within the AONB Site predominantly within F1 within Dorset AONB. Area, which is part of open chalk downland. • Development would impact on the AONB, thus development on • Away from the domestic, enclosed scale of farm complex of Lower open, undeveloped character of the rising and elevated land would Site crossed by Bryanston, the site is typical of undulating downland landscape. site, unrelated to the town. have a significant negative Footpath and • Site comprises two sloping, predominantly eastward facing, grazing • It would be seen as development landscape and visual impact Lower Bridleway. paddocks associated with large scale farm buildings and imposing on a greenfield site within a on the wider character of the farmhouse (facing southwards over site) and an arable field south designated landscape. AONB and setting of Blandford Bryanston Fair Mile Road Farm forms part of of Fair Mile Road. • Development would significantly St Mary. national cycle route • Site is bound to north by New Road and strong woodland belt of expand the settlement of Blandford 253. The Cliff. From its elevated position, views into site are possible St Mary, encroaching into the Connectivity of site to rest of West of over roadside hedge along New Road. AONB and open countryside. settlement would be dependent Planning application • Western boundary (does not coincide with straight hedgerow • Development would reduce the on treatment of new urban Site 6 (2010) associated with boundaries) is contiguous with open fields amenity value of rights of way edge treatment within Site 6. Site 6 is awaiting • Site lies to north and south of hedge-lined, sunken lane of Fair Mile crossing the site. decision. Road, lying in southern part of site. • Public rights of way cross the site providing links to countryside.

Aerial Photograph/s showing key characteristics


Looking east towards Lower Bryanston Farm with Blandford St Mary beyond, including new permitted development 16 5 LANDSCAPE APPRAISAL OF B+NP2 SITE ALLOCATIONS, MAY 2018

Option Area Designations Landscape analysis & Character area Key Issues Capacity summary / and policy comments

Not within Dorset • Site forms part of South Blandford Downs Landscape Character • Development would impact on Site lies outside the Dorset F2 AONB. Area, which is part of open chalk downland. undeveloped arable fields currently AONB and is included as a site • The site is detached from existing enclosed, intimate scale of isolated from rest of settlement in the SHLAA. Closed-off southern residential development east of Dorchester Hill, and that currently pattern by robust hedgerows However it is poorly related to end of Dorchester being built on Site 2. (particularly between Site 2 and the the existing settlement. North of Hill forms • The linear nature of the site would extend built development out site). Development would increase pedestrian/cycle link into the wider rural landscape which is currently rural undulating • Development would be on the visual envelope of the A354/ onto A354. Dorches- downland landscape divorced from the settlement. greenfield land adjacent to the existing settlement and would • Site comprises three sloping, arable fields, rising to evident ridge AONB and would have a negative negatively impact on the wider ter Hill and which cuts across south-easternmost field of site impact on the character and setting landscape character. south of • Site is bound to the south-east by dense vegetation along of the AONB. Dorchester Hill and its continuation onto the A354, • Development on the elevated parts In views from New Road, any Fair Mile • Northern boundary follows an historic hedge (Parish Boundary) of the site should be avoided as new development would break Road rather than following logical boundary of sunken Fair Mile Road this would have a greater negative the skyline. • Arbitrary western boundary through middle of open field impact on the character and setting • There is the potential for open views into site from New Road (to of the AONB. No clear definition to the South-west north of Site F1) particularly of more exposed south-western end of western boundary of the site, due to its elevation. Option Area with a negative of Site 2 • Within a ground water source protection zone. impact on the landscape (2010) • Includes a site of archaeological importance. character of the wider area.

Aerial Photograph/s showing key characteristics


17 Looking north-east down Dorchester Hill with site Looking north-west across site F2 from A354 Blandford Bypass where it F2 lying over hedge on left-hand side crosses a localised ridge 5 LANDSCAPE APPRAISAL OF B+NP2 SITE ALLOCATIONS, MAY 2018

Option Area Designations Landscape analysis & Character area Key Issues Capacity summary / and policy comments

Site J is wholly • Site J comprises west facing slopes, forming part of a broad dry • Development in the AONB only in Landscape and visual impacts J within the valley running south to the River Stour. exceptional circumstances. of developing in the AONB Cranbourne Chase • The AONB landscape comprises small and medium sized fields • AONB vulnerable to large scale considerable. and West Wiltshire in pasture with occasional boundary hedgerows and trees. Fields development. Area of Outstanding generally contained with rail fencing. • Site J forms integral part of the dry New development would be Land west Natural Beauty • Site set within the Mid Stour Valley and Cranbourne Chase valley west of the town. poorly related to existing town. of Tin Pot Wooded Chalk Downland. • Existing landscape structure Lane • Views of the town largely screened by existing woodland and unlikely to form basis for an Substantial increase in visual topography to the east of the site. appropriate mitigation scheme. impact of the town on the (employment/ • Visual envelope of site J, from the AONB, is extensive to the south • Access off Tin Pot Lane not suitable AONB. education only) and west. for strategic level of development. • Views from the adjacent sections of the A350 include the site and • Open aspect of site unrelated to Existing industrial estate the wider AONB. the existing built form of the town. isolates the site from the town • No public footpaths cross the site but National Cycle Route 25 Substantial extension to visual in terms of access for a future follows old railway line to the west. impact of the town on the AONB. school development. • Site forms part of a stud farm and lies adjacent to small holdings • Opportunities for new links to town Site excluded from SHLAA and 5-6 houses at Kite’s Corner. limited by existing industrial estate. sites. • Current access off Tin Pot Lane, a narrow lane without footways. • Location of a 2 form entry school • Local nature reserve, The Milldown, lies adjacent to southern confirmed by the County Council as The site is unsuitable as a boundary. being required to serve the northern strategic site for employment/ areas of the town. education development.

Aerial Photograph/s showing key characteristics


View north along Tin Pot Lane View north-west acroSs site J towards A350 View south-east across site J from A350 18 6 APPRAISAL OF B+NP2 DEVELOPMENT COMBINATION OPTIONS, JULY 2018

6.1 INTRODUCTION The specific allocation options are set out in the Neighbourhood Plan: Preliminary Development Options paper July 2018. Four options are identified and the following assessment is intended to provide a review of the salient features of the combined sites and an assessment of the likely landscape and visual impacts that may arise.

Development Designations and Key Issues Summary Option policy

Site B is not within an • Site A largely lies within the AONB, although, situated on a plateau at the southern Site B is relatively unconstrained and lies 1 AONB, however Site A lies edge of the AONB the site is not visible from the wider AONB and makes a minimal outside the AONB. Effects on setting to th largely within Cranbourne contribution to the wider setting of Pimperne. AONB would be limited to east of the town Chase and West Wiltshire • Major development in the AONB is only acceptable in exceptional circumstances. where the town is already prominent in the view. AONB, the eastern end, The urgent need for a new primary school may establish exceptional circumstances currently allotments, is and could overcome the identified constraints to development on site A i.e. There are opportunities to link to the town adjacent but outside the vulnerability to large scale development, in particular tall structures which would be and site A via the Salisbury junction, provide Sites A and AONB. B visually intrusive on the sky line. A school building should be visually unobtrusive and pedestrian access to Black Lane and a new designed to respect the AONB and visual impact. junction onto the A354. • The open space provision identified in the SHLA and 2003 Local Plan could be served by site A with public access to site via the pedestrian bridge over the A350 Setting to Pimperne would be unaffected and the Salisbury roundabout. The access would facilitate use by existing residential Land outside the AONB in site A is not visually areas for a new 2 form entry school (confirmed by the County Council as being intrusive and could be developed for housing as required to serve the northern areas of the town). a logical extension to housing at Letton Close. • Additional Green Infrastructure could maintain and enhance the boundary vegetation to minimise visual intrusion into wider AONB landscape. The AONB within site A, excluded as a SHLAA • The existing allotment site on Site A is low lying and not open to view from the wider site, has been identified in the Adopted Local AONB and would be suitable for housing development. Plan to 2011 (Policy 4.5 (.1), land north-east of • The western field within the site could provide an alternative location for allotment bypass (12/2/1)), as a site committed as playing provision and maintain continuity of provision for allotments. fields. Subject to exceptional circumstance • Site B lies outside the AONB, it has a relatively contained visual envelope, with being identified, land adjacent to the pedestria boundary woodland and establishing woodland planting screening views from the bridge could provide a suitable location for a north, west and south, new planting could maintain and enhance that enclosure. ‘low-rise’ school and associated open space and playing fields with easy access to existin • The setting to the AONB to the north and west would be unaffected by development residential areas. Land west of the proposed on site B. The setting to the AONB to the south-east currently includes panoramic school site could provide replacement views of the town from the AONB. allotments on a level arable field • Wider setting to Pimperne which borders Langbourne House would not be affected by development on site B. Sites A and B are included as SHLAA sites • The northern boundary of option area defined by Neighbourhood Plan boundar , 2/03/0364 and 2/03/0511, which could provide needs to considered to include land enclosed by landscape features in the for a comprehensive strategic allocation. surrounding landscape. • New and improved access and pedestrian links to adjacent areas of Blandford could be provided.


Development Designations and Key Issues Summary Option policy

Majority of Site F1 (north • Both greenfield sites lie within the South Blandford Downs Landscape Character Area, and Exceptional circumstances would be 2 of Fair Mile Road) is within have characteristics typical of an open chalk downland landscape. required to support a housing allocation in Dorset AONB. • The landscape value of these sites is high as they are either within the AONB designation the AONB. Sites F1 or abut it. Development would impact on the open, undeveloped nature of these sites and Ancient woodland (and have a direct and adverse effect the qualities for which the AONB is designated. Development of these sites would not and F2 SNCI) to north of Site F1 • There are open views across both sites from downland ridges to south of sites (from Fair conserve the distinctive open character (The Cliff) Mile Road) and from elevated sections of New Road, unrelated to the town. of the AONB and its setting in this area Site F1 crossed by Footpath • The western boundaries to both option areas are arbitrary, not defined by features on the and would extend the visual envelope of (E5/3) and Bridleway (E5/4). ground, such as hedgerows, or by topography. The sites are therefore uncontained and Blandford into the wider landscape. Fair Mile Road forms part with no definition which could be utilised to create new and robust settlement edge of national cycle route 253 • Disproportionate amount of Blandford’s expansion would be concentrated south-west of Location would not provide a school in a (in proximity to both sites). Blandford St Mary, doubling the size of the settlement. position to serve the north of the town. Stour Valley Walk to north of • Development would be further removed from services and facilities in Blandford Forum Site F1, along New Road. (restricted to single crossing of the River Stour). Recreation within and adjoining the • Recreational links into the open countryside would be impacted upon by the intrusion of AONB would be compromised by new Adjacent to committed sites. urbanisation extending up to, and potentially enclosing, rights of way. development. • The proposed allocation would not address the identified need for a primary school in the northern half of Blandford Forum.


Development Designations and Key Issues Summary Option policy

Site J wholly within • Both of these greenfield sites, for the most part, lie within landscapes designated at a Exceptional circumstances would need Cranbourne Chase and national level as AONB, reflecting their high landscape value. Major development in to be demonstrated for new major 3 West Wiltshire AONB and the AONB should only be considered once all options outside the AONB have been developments in the AONB. majority of Site F1 is within exhausted. Sites F1 Dorset AONB. • Combined sites do not provide required quantum of housing. Development of these sites would and J • Site F1 is detached from the main settlement by ancient woodland along The Cliff to the directly impact upon the distinctive open Site F1 crossed by Footpath north. Similarly, Site J is screened from the town by existing woodland and topography to character of the AONB and affect the (E5/3) and Bridleway (E5/4). the east of the site. wider rural area. Lower Fair Mile Road (through Site F1) forms part of national • Both sites lie adjacent to Sites of Nature Conservation Interest (The Cliff adjacent to Site Bryanston F1 and The Milldown (also Local Nature Reserve) adjacent to Site J). The development option represents the Farm (adj Site cycle route 253. Stour Valley Walk to north of Site • Site access would require substantial improvement and likely to affect the character and worst combination of sites, as both impact 6) plus land F1, along New Road. appearance of the minor roads in the area. on AONB and are unlikely to meet the west of Tin Pot • Site J although located to the north of the town is separated from the town by the existing overall development brief as set out in the Lane Adjacent to local nature industrial estate with poor access and limited opportunity for improvement to routes to NP options strategy. reserves including The residential areas. Milldown • Although Site F1 lies adjacent to the committed housing Site 6, a decision is awaited. An objection has been lodged by NDDC Landscape Officer to Site 6 on grounds o “significant impact on the wider landscape character and some key visual receptors” which could equally apply to Site F1, and given its higher elevation and less enclosed nature, could be considered to be more detrimental than Site 6.


Development Designations and Key Issues Capacity summary / Option policy comments

Site F2 not within Dorset • Both are greenfield sites, with Site J lying wholly within the AONB, and Site F2 being Exceptional circumstances would need to 4 AONB, but Site J wholly prominent in views from the Dorset AONB. Both sites have a high landscape value. be demonstrated for major development within Cranbourne Chase • Combined sites do not provide required quantity of housing. on Site J, which would directly impact Sites F2 and West Wiltshire AONB. • Site F2 is largely detached from the existing settlement. A dense, tall hedgerow, along upon the AONB. Development of Site the northern site separates Site F2 from permitted development (east of Dorchester Hill, F2 would affect the setting of the AONB and J Southern end of Dorchester off Folly Lane). Development of Site F2 would thus be remote from existing settlement through the loss of the site’s distinctive Hill (closed to traffic) to eas and would extend a finger of development south along the A354 bypass into open open character which is largely unrelated of Site F2 forms pedestrian/ North of A354/ cycle link onto A354. countryside. The southern approach to the town is currently rural and largely unaffected to the built form of the town. Dorchester Hill by the settlement Site F2 would be prominent in this view and substantially extend the & south of Fair visual envelope of Blandford St Mary. Access to site J would require significant • Site J is detached from the existing settlement (separated by two sites adjoining Tin Pot upgrades to Tin Pot Lane affecting the Mile Road (adj Lane, on which decisions for recent planning applications for housing are pending) it is character and appearance of the lane and Site 2) together visually unrelated to the existing built form of the town. adjacent AONB. with land west • Both sites are visually prominent sites in views from the wider AONB. of Tin Pot Lane Housing (subject to determination) could potentially sit between the proposed employment site and the existing industrial estate.

Neither site would provide an appropriate site for the location of a new primary school.


6.2 Blandford + Neighbourhood Plan 2 (2011-2037) Pre-Submission Plan 6.2.1 The Pre-Submission Plan for Blandford Forum was published in 6.2.2 The Pre-Submission Neighbourhood Plan is supported by a Sustainability November 2018 and sets out the policies for the plan period and the Appraisal (SA) which assesses all four options. The Appraisal provides preferred site allocations for housing, education and employment. a discussion of the potential effects of the options with summary Option 1, which includes parcels A and B, forms the main focus of tables that evaluate the performance of each option and identifies any the Neighbourhood Plan allocations for housing and education and significant adverse effects. With regard to the assessment of Landscape the allocation is set out in detail at Policy B2 – Land North & East of and Historic environment the tabulated summary identifies Option 1 as Blandford Forum “category 1”, the most favourable option and best performing option with regard to effects on the landscape and historic environment Policy B2 “The Neighbourhood Plan allocates land to the North and North East of Blandford Forum, as shown on the Policies Map, for a mix 6.2.3 The discussion of potential effects on landscape and historic of residential, education, community and allotment uses. environment, in the SA, pages 35-36, includes two inaccuracies. Firstly, area A does not fall wholly within the Cranbourne Chase AONB. The Development proposals for the land will be supported, provided: eastern portion (the existing allotments) is outside the AONB, correctly i. The residential scheme comprises approx. 400 dwellings including illustrated on the SA spatial options and environmental constraints plan open market, starter, affordable rent and self-build homes, primarily Fig. 4.4 but wrongly referenced in the text. Secondly, Historic Urban located on land to the north-east of Blandford Forum; Character Area 5 has a Low sensitivity to large scale development, ii. The education scheme comprises a new two form entry primary not High as referenced in the SA text (page 36). Both corrections school with integrated early years provision; would reduce the potential for impacts on the landscape and historic iii. The education scheme shall be confined to land to the north of environment and should reinforce the overall findings of the SA. Blandford of about 3 hectares and of a regular form to enable school expansion to three form entry and in a convenient position to facilitate the use of the existing A350 pedestrian bridge; iv. The community hub scheme comprises a new general practice facility, a community centre and convenience shop to serve the locality; and v. The Lamperd’s Field Allotments are relocated to a single location to the west of their current position and comprise land of approximately 2.5 hectares and ancillary facilities that meet or exceed the standards of the existing site;”


7.1 This review of North Dorset District Council’s SHLAA and the 7.6 Direct impacts on the AONB, associated with development on site A, Neighbourhood Plan development options review has identified a would be limited and could be substantially mitigated through structural number of shortcomings of sites in relation to their potential effects on planting based on existing well-established boundaries. The effects the AONB landscapes which surround Blandford Forum and Blandford on the wider AONB and the wider setting to Pimperne would be very St Mary. limited and could similarly be mitigated with additional boundary and internal planting. 7.2 Specificall , site J is not a suitable location for large scale development, given the potential effects on the open rural landscapes of the AONB 7.7 A housing allocation could be located on non-AONB land in close west of the town. Similarly site F1 would result in substantial direct proximity to the potential site for a new school and local facilities. Site adverse effects on the Dorset AONB to the south and west. As set B, outside the AONB, would provide the most appropriate location for out in the Framework (NPPF), the AONB has the highest level of the housing allocation. The site would form an extension to Blandford protection. Strategic sites for new development should, therefore, be Forum where there is already a panoramic view of the town and where directed away from the AONB and make best use of adjoining areas of new development would not extend the visual envelope of the town into non-AONB landscape. Small scale development on the edges of the unaffected areas of the wider countryside AONBs around Blandford may be acceptable, subject to appropriate mitigation and an identified need 7.8 Site B has the benefit of mature tree belts to the north and south-east of the proposed allocation. There are also additional areas of more 7.3 Given that all sites considered for future strategic development are either recently established tree planting to the north-east of the site and along within or adjacent to the AONB’s around Blandford Forum or Blandford the A354 road corridor. This existing green infrastructure currently St Mary the context of each site, particularly the existing influence of the contains the site and limits the visual envelope of landscape affected by town on the setting to the AONB, should be considered. Sites where development to the high ground to the east of the potential allocation, adjacent areas of the town are already part of the view and form part of part of the setting to the town and the AONB. the setting to the AONB should be preferred to sites that would widen the visual envelope of the town affecting undeveloped areas of land 7.9 A landscape planting strategy based on enhancing the existing which currently provide a rural setting to the AONB. woodland and hedgerow structure and incorporating extensive new tree planting, within the development area, would soften the appearance of 7.4 Of the options considered in the Neighbourhood Plan review, options new housing from the AONB. To further reduce the apparent scale of that include site F2 would significantly widen the visual envelope of the the allocation, new tree planting following the existing contours, in the town and adversely affect the existing rural character of the setting of form of informal avenues or corridors, could both compartmentalise the the AONB to the south of the town. potential housing allocation and provide a strong internal landscape structure to the development. Such an approach, along with a reduction 7.5 Option 1 (sites A and B) provides the ‘best fit to the Plan’s aspiration for in housing densities and the provision of informal open space to the a new school north of the town and a strategic housing site. periphery of the site, would also provide an appropriate transition between the proposed allocation and the surrounding countryside.


HDA Document Control and Quality Assurance Record

Project Title: Blandford Forum Project Reference: 813.21/v8/BD Document Title: Blandford Forum NP: Landscape review of potential sites Commissioning Party: Wyatt Homes, The West Pimperne Pool Trust et al.

Issue Description Date of Issue Signed 1 Final 24/08/2018

2 Final 4/12/2018

3 Final 13/12/2018

Personnel Position Author B J Duckett Director Approved for issue B J Duckett Director

© Hankinson Duckett Associates. All rights reserved

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Kensington Court Woodwater Park Pynes Hill Transport & Highways Summary Exeter EX2 5TY Tel: 01392 409007 Land North East of Blandford Forum Summary of Draft Transport Assessment

1.1 This document has been prepared to provide a summary of the Transport and Highways work that has been completed in connection with the emerging development proposals for land to the north east of Blandford Forum. Whilst the wider development site extends beyond Blandford Parish, the summary below (including the proposed access strategy) is relevant to the land contained within the Blandford Parish boundary. In terms of land uses it assumes the following:

· Land for approximately 400 homes;

· Land for a three-form entry primary school;

· Land for a mixed-use local centre, which could include residential, retirement living, shops, café and community facilities (plus general practice, subject to confirmation from the Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group);

· Land for the relocation of the existing allotments; and

· Land for landscaping, open space, access and supporting infrastructure.

1.2 In order to ensure that the TA provides an appropriate assessment of the local road network, a Scoping Note was submitted to Dorset Country Council Highways Department. The document set out the junctions that would be included within the traffic impact assessment as well as the structure and methodology of the overall TA. The scope was subsequently agreed with DCC including capacity modelling of Hill Top Roundabout, Sunrise Roundabout and Two Gates Roundabout.

1.3 The Scoping Note also set out the proposed vehicular access strategy for the development. For the northern parcel access will be taken from the existing point of access to the Blandford Town Allotments, which will be improved to make it suitable for the mixed-use scheme.

1.4 Access to the southern site is proposed from a new 3-arm roundabout on the A354 Blandford Bypass south of Hill Top roundabout. As well as providing vehicular access into the development the proposed form of junction will also

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provide a traffic calming feature along what is currently a relatively straight section of the by-pass.

1.5 Drawings SK-301 and SK-302, contained within Appendix A of this report, show draft indicative access drawings for the two parcels of development land. These junctions are currently still in the design stage and so should be treated as an illustration of the potential location and form of access junctions.

1.6 Active travel to the development sites will be facilitated by a number of new connections. North of the proposed access roundabout, a new signalised toucan crossing is proposed to assist both pedestrians and cyclists to cross the by-pass. This will provide access to a new active travel link through the countryside park to Preetz Way and Larksmead playing fields beyond.

1.7 A further link to Preetz Way across the by-pass is also proposed between the site access roundabout and the Hill Top roundabout. From Preetz Way pedestrians can reach the centre of Blandford by the continuous footway on Salisbury Road, or via routes accessed from Larks Rise.

1.8 To the south of the site, a new shared use foot/cycleway is proposed along the A354 Blandford Bypass to provide a connection to the footway located along Black Lane. The shared use path would be built parallel to the A354 within the highway verge and run down the embankment to Black Lane. A new uncontrolled pedestrian crossing would then facilitate access to the existing footway on the southern side of Black Lane, allowing residents to cross beneath the by-pass and reach the existing Primary School and retail shops in the south of the town following existing pedestrian infrastructure. It will also provide an additional route to access the centre of the town on the desire line for southern areas of the proposed development.

1.9 A shared use path is also proposed from the southern parcel of development, north to the A354 Salisbury Road. This will link to a new pedestrian crossing providing connectivity to the northern development site where the proposed local centre and school are to be located.

1.10 Active travel access to the northern site would also be facilitated via improved pedestrian crossing facilities at the northern approach to Hill Top roundabout. The footway to the east and west of the roundabout would also be improved via widening and resurfacing the path to accommodate a shared used path.

1.11 A second route to the northern development area would be taken from the existing pedestrian footbridge that spans over the A350. It is anticipated that works to re-surface the bridge deck would be required.

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1.12 The existing footbridge connects to a shared use path, that is of recent construction, that runs parallel to the A350. This path links to Salisbury Road to the south and to Gurkha Road to the west which provide access to the centre of Blandford and the Blandford Heights Industrial Estate.

1.13 There is a wide range of existing facilities within a 10-minute walk of the site, including a Primary School, a number of convenience shops and significant employment opportunities.

1.14 A new local centre containing a convenience shop and community facilities is proposed within the northern development site, together with a new primary school. As well as serving the needs of the development the proposals will also enhance the accessibility of the local neighbourhood towards the north east of the town.

1.15 The whole of Blandford Forum is accessible by bike within around 15 minutes, meaning cycling offers a further opportunity for travel in the local area using sustainable means.

1.16 There is a good range of bus routes in the local area, with regular services to Poole, Dorchester and Weymouth within walking distance of the site. The combined frequency of services along Salisbury Road provides 3 journeys an hour to/from Blandford town centre.

1.17 The site is therefore considered to provide the opportunity for sustainable development in transport terms as required by the NPPF.

1.18 The internal layout of the southern site will feature a loop road of minimum 6m in width, that will permit a bus to traverse the development without having to double back on itself. The design of the scheme will therefore allow operators to run a service through the site in the future to take advantage of the additional patronage generated by the development.

1.19 The other secondary residential streets within the development will predominantly comprise a carriageway with a minimum width of 5m, and associated footways where development frontage is present. Elsewhere shared space will be incorporated into areas of the scheme that have the lowest movement and highest place function.

1.20 Car parking for the development will be provided in line with the requirements set out within the Bournemouth, Poole and Dorset Residential Car Parking Study.

1.21 A draft Transport Assessment has been prepared. This has examined the existing local road network, the accessibility of the proposed development and the proposed access strategy including pedestrian/cycle connectivity. Following

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confirmation of the final development mix, the traffic impact assessment will be completed.

1.22 If the assessment shows that the additional traffic generated by the proposed development could give rise to any significant impacts at the existing junctions on the local road network, proposals for measures to mitigate that impact would be included in the transport strategy. At this stage it is expected that this could include widening of some approach lanes to the Hill Top and Two Gates Roundabouts to increase capacity.

1.23 In conclusion, the site provides a sustainable location for development; a safe and suitable access can be achieved, and it is considered that appropriate measures could be provided to mitigate any significant traffic impacts arising on the local road network. Consequently, it is considered that the allocation of the site in the Blandford Neighbourhood Plan would be consistent with the NPPF in transport terms.

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Appendix A – Draft Access Drawings

0728 – Land North East of Blandford Forum


Kensington Court Woodwater Park Pynes Hill technical note Exeter EX2 5TY Tel: 01392 409007

Land North East of Blandford Forum

Neighbourhood Plan Traffic Generation

Project No. 0728

Revision C

Date 20th December 2018

Wyatt Homes (Lewis Wyatt Construction Ltd) & Landowners (The West Pimperne Trust, Client Mr C Coats & Mr T Coats

Prepared S Davenport

Checked A Wozniczko

Authorised I Awcock P:\0728 Ne Blandford\C Documents\Reports\0728 - Neighbourhood Plan - Traffic File Ref. Flows - TN.docx

1 Introduction

1.1 This Technical Note provides information on the estimated traffic increases on selected points in the wider local road network from the construction of 400 dwellings on Land North East of Blandford Forum.

1.2 The results presented within this Technical Note are for four specific links as requested by Blandford Neighbourhood Plan Group to inform an assessment of air quality impacts.

2 Traffic Generation and Distribution

Traffic Generation

2.1 The industry standard TRICS database has been used to establish the traffic generation that would be expected to occur in connection with the proposed allocation of 400 dwellings.

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Neighbourhood Plan Traffic Generation Note

2.2 It has been assumed that the level of affordable housing within the development would be 30%. Typically, affordable housing generates a lower number of trips, and therefore a separate trip rate has been obtained for the affordable housing provision. Full TRICS reports are contained within Appendix A of this technical note.

2.3 Table 2.1 below shows the trip rates and estimated traffic generation from the proposed allocation of 400 dwellings:

Table 2.1: Daily Vehicle Trip Rates & Vehicle Trip Generation

Total Daily Trips Rate Daily Trip Generation (per dwelling)

Open Market 4.255 1191 280dw

Affordable 3.991 479 120dw

Total - 1670

2.4 Table 2.1 shows the total daily trip rate for the development would be approx. 1700 vehicles.


2.5 In order to define the distribution of development traffic across the road network reference has been made to the 2011 Census. Data from ‘WU03EW – Location of usual residence and place of work by method of travel to work’ has been taken for the MOSA North Dorset 007 which the site lies within. These results have been assessed to identify existing journey to work patterns across the network given the routes available and likely desire lines.

2.6 Table 2.2 below shows the distribution over three of the road links identified by the Neighbourhood Plan group. The link ‘A349 past Canford Heath’ has not been included as analysis of desire lines suggests that no trips from the site would be likely to travel along this link.

Table 2.2: Traffic Distribution

A350 (North) A350 South Direction A357 A350 (North) To Poole

% Distribution 2% 3% 11%

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Neighbourhood Plan Traffic Generation Note

2.7 The remainder of the development trips distribution would be distributed over the wider road network to destinations such as Bournemouth via the A31, Dorchester via the A35 and to other destinations within the Dorset area.

2.8 As table 2.2 shows, the larger proportion of traffic from the development is expected to travel south towards Poole, with only a small proportion of the development traffic travelling north on the A350 and A357. Table 2.3 below shows the number of vehicles that would be distributed over the local road network given the trip generation set out above:

Table 2.3: Daily Traffic Assignment

A350 (North) A350 South Direction A357 A350 (North) To Poole

% Distribution 33 48 188

2.9 As shown in Table 2.3 a greater level of traffic is expected to travel south towards Poole on the A350 when compared with destinations to the north of Blandford.

3 Traffic Impact Appraisal

3.1 The Neighbourhood Plan Group have identified four locations on the wider road network for consideration of air quality impacts. These four locations are:

• A35 between Upton and Bournemouth; • A349 past Canford Heath in Bournemouth; • A357 at Lydlinch; • A350 in the Compton Abbas area.

3.2 As was mentioned previously, no development traffic is expected to travel along the A349 past Canford Heath as there is no desire line along this link from the development. Therefore no further analysis has been undertaken for this link as the change in traffic would be negligible.

3.3 The change in traffic over the three remaining links has been calculated for the submission year of the Neighbourhood Plan, 2019, and for 2033, the final year of the Neighbourhood Plan.

3.4 In order to calculate the change in link flow, data from the Department for Transport permanent traffic count locations has been used to provide a baseline traffic flow for the links in question. The baseline 2017 flows have a TEMPro growth factor applied to them to enable the future years to be tested.

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Neighbourhood Plan Traffic Generation Note

3.5 Baseline data is available for two locations. These are:

• The A357 at Lydlinch – Count no. 56969 • The A35 at Upton – Count no. 27894

3.6 There is no DfT count present on the A350 between Shaftsbury and Blandford Forum, so no baseline traffic flows were available for this link.

3.7 Table 3.1 below shows the percentage increase on the two links from the development traffic. A full break down of the calculations is contained within Appendix B.

Table 3.1: Link Flow Percentage Increase

Percentage Increase Link 2019 2033

A35 between Upton and Bournemouth; 0.337% 0.294%

A357 at Lydlinch 0.455% 0.396%

3.8 As table 3.1 shows, the increase over all the links was under 0.5%. This is considered to represent a negligible change in daily traffic flow.

3.9 The traffic increase over the link ‘A350 in the Compton Abbas area’ is expected to be 48 vehicles over the entire day. This would also represent a negligible change, with an addition vehicle every 22 minutes on average over an 18 hour day.

A35 at Upton

3.10 Additional information has been requested relating to the A35 Upton link flows, it has been included within this Revision B Technical Note. Table 3.2 below, sets out the break down of the traffic flows in various scenarios

Table 3.2: Link Flow Percentage Increase

Scenario Flow

2019 Baseline 55708

2033 Do Nothing 63970

2033 Do Something 64158

Approx. % HGV mix 2.5%

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Neighbourhood Plan Traffic Generation Note

3.11 No speed survey data was available for this specific link but the link is subject to the national speed limit, therefore, for this section of dual carriageway road the speed limit would be 70mph.

4 Conclusion

4.1 This Technical Note has been prepared to provide an estimate of the change in vehicle flows as a result of the allocation and subsequent construction of 400 dwellings on Land North East of Blandford Forum.

4.2 The change in traffic volume has been estimated by calculating the trip generation for 400 dwellings using the industry standard TRICS database. Census data for the MSOA 007 has informed an estimate of the potential distribution over the road network.

4.3 Traffic counts from the DfT for two of the links identified by the Neighbourhood Plan Group have been used to establish the percentage increase of traffic flow as a result of the allocation. The link ‘A349 past Canford Heath in Bournemouth’ is not expected to experience development traffic flows, therefore it was excluded from all calculations.

4.4 The percentage increase expected to result from the development traffic is under 0.5% on both of the links where DfT data was available. On the ‘A350 in the Compton Abbas area’ the increase in traffic as a result of the development is expected to be in the order of 48 vehicles over the entire day and this is considered to be negligible.


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Neighbourhood Plan Traffic Generation Note

Appendix A TRICS Reports

0728 – Land North East of Blandford Forum TRICS 7.5.1 290318 B18.22 Database right of TRICS Consortium Limited, 2018. All rights reserved Wednesday 20/06/18 RESI OM Page 1 Awcock Ward Partnership Kensington Court, Pynes Hill Exeter Licence No: 753701

Calculation Reference: AUDIT-753701-180620-0616 TRIP RATE CALCULATION SELECTION PARAMETERS:



This section displays the number of survey days per TRICS® sub-region in the selected set

Secondary Filtering selection:

This data displays the chosen trip rate parameter and its selected range. Only sites that fall within the parameter range are included in the trip rate calculation.

Parameter: Number of dwellings Actual Range: 17 to 151 (units: ) Range Selected by User: 5 to 4334 (units: )

Public Transport Provision: Selection by: Include all surveys

Date Range: 01/01/10 to 27/11/17

This data displays the range of survey dates selected. Only surveys that were conducted within this date range are included in the trip rate calculation.

Selected survey days: Monday 3 days Tuesday 2 days Wednesday 2 days Thursday 3 days Friday 3 days

This data displays the number of selected surveys by day of the week.

Selected survey types: Manual count 13 days Directional ATC Count 0 days

This data displays the number of manual classified surveys and the number of unclassified ATC surveys, the total adding up to the overall number of surveys in the selected set. Manual surveys are undertaken using staff, whilst ATC surveys are undertaking using machines.

Selected Locations: Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) 4 Edge of Town 6 Neighbourhood Centre (PPS6 Local Centre) 3

This data displays the number of surveys per main location category within the selected set. The main location categories consist of Free Standing, Edge of Town, Suburban Area, Neighbourhood Centre, Edge of Town Centre, Town Centre and Not Known.

Selected Location Sub Categories: Residential Zone 9 Village 2 No Sub Category 2

This data displays the number of surveys per location sub-category within the selected set. The location sub-categories consist of Commercial Zone, Industrial Zone, Development Zone, Residential Zone, Retail Zone, Built-Up Zone, Village, Out of Town, High Street and No Sub Category. TRICS 7.5.1 290318 B18.22 Database right of TRICS Consortium Limited, 2018. All rights reserved Wednesday 20/06/18 RESI OM Page 2 Awcock Ward Partnership Kensington Court, Pynes Hill Exeter Licence No: 753701

Secondary Filtering selection:

Use Class: C 3 13 days

This data displays the number of surveys per Use Class classification within the selected set. The Use Classes Order 2005 has been used for this purpose, which can be found within the Library module of TRICS®.

Population within 1 mile: 1,000 or Less 2 days 1,001 to 5,000 7 days 5,001 to 10,000 4 days

This data displays the number of selected surveys within stated 1-mile radii of population.

Population within 5 miles: 5,001 to 25,000 7 days 25,001 to 50,000 6 days

This data displays the number of selected surveys within stated 5-mile radii of population.

Car ownership within 5 miles: 0.6 to 1.0 2 days 1.1 to 1.5 9 days 1.6 to 2.0 2 days

This data displays the number of selected surveys within stated ranges of average cars owned per residential dwelling, within a radius of 5-miles of selected survey sites.

Travel Plan: Yes 1 days No 12 days

This data displays the number of surveys within the selected set that were undertaken at sites with Travel Plans in place, and the number of surveys that were undertaken at sites without Travel Plans.

PTAL Rating: No PTAL Present 13 days

This data displays the number of selected surveys with PTAL Ratings. TRICS 7.5.1 290318 B18.22 Database right of TRICS Consortium Limited, 2018. All rights reserved Wednesday 20/06/18 RESI OM Page 3 Awcock Ward Partnership Kensington Court, Pynes Hill Exeter Licence No: 753701

LIST OF SITES relevant to selection parameters


ANTRIM Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 5 5 Survey date: TUESDAY 20/12/11 Survey Type: MANUAL 2 AN-03-A-09 DETACHED & SEMI-DETACHED ANTRIM SLOEFIELD DRIVE

CARRICKFERGUS Edge of Town No Sub Category Total Number of dwellings: 1 5 1 Survey date: WEDNESDAY 12/10/16 Survey Type: MANUAL 3 DH-03-A-02 MIXED HOUSES DURHAM LEAZES LANE ST HELEN AUCKLAND BISHOP AUCKLAND Neighbourhood Centre (PPS6 Local Centre) Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 1 2 5 Survey date: MONDAY 27/03/17 Survey Type: MANUAL 4 ES-03-A-04 MIXED HOUSES & FLATS EAST SUSSEX NEW LYDD ROAD

CAMBER Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 1 3 4 Survey date: FRIDAY 15/07/16 Survey Type: MANUAL 5 HC-03-A-19 HOUSES & FLATS HAMPSHIRE CANADA WAY

LIPHOOK Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 6 2 Survey date: MONDAY 27/11/17 Survey Type: MANUAL 6 NY-03-A-06 BUNGALOWS & SEMI DET. NORTH YORKSHIRE HORSEFAIR

BOROUGHBRIDGE Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 1 1 5 Survey date: FRIDAY 14/10/11 Survey Type: MANUAL 7 NY-03-A-07 DETACHED & SEMI DET. NORTH YORKSHIRE CRAVEN WAY

BOROUGHBRIDGE Edge of Town No Sub Category Total Number of dwellings: 2 3 Survey date: TUESDAY 18/10/11 Survey Type: MANUAL 8 NY-03-A-11 PRIVATE HOUSING NORTH YORKSHIRE HORSEFAIR

BOROUGHBRIDGE Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 2 3 Survey date: WEDNESDAY 18/09/13 Survey Type: MANUAL TRICS 7.5.1 290318 B18.22 Database right of TRICS Consortium Limited, 2018. All rights reserved Wednesday 20/06/18 RESI OM Page 4 Awcock Ward Partnership Kensington Court, Pynes Hill Exeter Licence No: 753701

LIST OF SITES relevant to selection parameters (Cont.)


WELSHPOOL Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 2 8 Survey date: MONDAY 11/05/15 Survey Type: MANUAL 10 SF-03-A-06 DETACHED & SEMI-DETACHED SUFFOLK BURY ROAD

KENTFORD Neighbourhood Centre (PPS6 Local Centre) Village Total Number of dwellings: 3 8 Survey date: FRIDAY 22/09/17 Survey Type: MANUAL 11 SH-03-A-05 SEMI-DETACHED/TERRACED SHROPSHIRE SANDCROFT SUTTON HILL TELFORD Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 5 4 Survey date: THURSDAY 24/10/13 Survey Type: MANUAL 12 WK-03-A-02 BUNGALOWS WARWICKSHIRE NARBERTH WAY POTTERS GREEN COVENTRY Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 1 7 Survey date: THURSDAY 17/10/13 Survey Type: MANUAL 13 WS-03-A-07 BUNGALOWS WEST SUSSEX EMMS LANE BROOKS GREEN NEAR HORSHAM Neighbourhood Centre (PPS6 Local Centre) Village Total Number of dwellings: 5 7 Survey date: THURSDAY 19/10/17 Survey Type: MANUAL

This section provides a list of all survey sites and days in the selected set. For each individual survey site, it displays a unique site reference code and site address, the selected trip rate calculation parameter and its value, the day of the week and date of each survey, and whether the survey was a manual classified count or an ATC count. TRICS 7.5.1 290318 B18.22 Database right of TRICS Consortium Limited, 2018. All rights reserved Wednesday 20/06/18 RESI OM Page 5 Awcock Ward Partnership Kensington Court, Pynes Hill Exeter Licence No: 753701

TRIP RATE for Land Use 03 - RESIDENTIAL/A - HOUSES PRIVATELY OWNED VEHICLES Calculation factor: 1 DWELLS BOLD print indicates peak (busiest) period

ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time Range Days DWELLS Rate Days DWELLS Rate Days DWELLS Rate 00:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 02:00 02:00 - 03:00 03:00 - 04:00 04:00 - 05:00 05:00 - 06:00 06:00 - 07:00 07:00 - 08:00 13 68 0.068 13 68 0.192 13 68 0.260 08:00 - 09:00 13 68 0.130 13 68 0.344 13 68 0.474 09:00 - 10:00 13 68 0.147 13 68 0.183 13 68 0.330 10:00 - 11:00 13 68 0.160 13 68 0.171 13 68 0.331 11:00 - 12:00 13 68 0.146 13 68 0.176 13 68 0.322 12:00 - 13:00 13 68 0.159 13 68 0.146 13 68 0.305 13:00 - 14:00 13 68 0.163 13 68 0.169 13 68 0.332 14:00 - 15:00 13 68 0.162 13 68 0.177 13 68 0.339 15:00 - 16:00 13 68 0.220 13 68 0.155 13 68 0.375 16:00 - 17:00 13 68 0.263 13 68 0.156 13 68 0.419 17:00 - 18:00 13 68 0.281 13 68 0.152 13 68 0.433 18:00 - 19:00 13 68 0.211 13 68 0.124 13 68 0.335 19:00 - 20:00 20:00 - 21:00 21:00 - 22:00 22:00 - 23:00 23:00 - 24:00 Total Rates: 2.110 2.145 4.255

This section displays the trip rate results based on the selected set of surveys and the selected count type (shown just above the table). It is split by three main columns, representing arrivals trips, departures trips, and total trips (arrivals plus departures). Within each of these main columns are three sub-columns. These display the number of survey days where count data is included (per time period), the average value of the selected trip rate calculation parameter (per time period), and the trip rate result (per time period). Total trip rates (the sum of the column) are also displayed at the foot of the table.

To obtain a trip rate, the average (mean) trip rate parameter value (TRP) is first calculated for all selected survey days that have count data available for the stated time period. The average (mean) number of arrivals, departures or totals (whichever applies) is also calculated (COUNT) for all selected survey days that have count data available for the stated time period. Then, the average count is divided by the average trip rate parameter value, and multiplied by the stated calculation factor (shown just above the table and abbreviated here as FACT). So, the method is: COUNT/TRP*FACT. Trip rates are then rounded to 3 decimal places. TRICS 7.5.1 290318 B18.22 Database right of TRICS Consortium Limited, 2018. All rights reserved Wednesday 20/06/18 RESI OM Page 6 Awcock Ward Partnership Kensington Court, Pynes Hill Exeter Licence No: 753701

The survey data, graphs and all associated supporting information, contained within the TRICS Database are published by TRICS Consortium Limited ("the Company") and the Company claims copyright and database rights in this published work. The Company authorises those who possess a current TRICS licence to access the TRICS Database and copy the data contained within the TRICS Database for the licence holders' use only. Any resulting copy must retain all copyrights and other proprietary notices, and any disclaimer contained thereon.

The Company accepts no responsibility for loss which may arise from reliance on data contained in the TRICS Database. [No warranty of any kind, express or implied, is made as to the data contained in the TRICS Database.]

Parameter summary

Trip rate parameter range selected: 17 - 151 (units: ) Survey date date range: 01/01/10 - 27/11/17 Number of weekdays (Monday-Friday): 13 Number of Saturdays: 0 Number of Sundays: 0 Surveys automatically removed from selection: 2 Surveys manually removed from selection: 0

This section displays a quick summary of some of the data filtering selections made by the TRICS® user. The trip rate calculation parameter range of all selected surveys is displayed first, followed by the range of minimum and maximum survey dates selected by the user. Then, the total number of selected weekdays and weekend days in the selected set of surveys are show. Finally, the number of survey days that have been manually removed from the selected set outside of the standard filtering procedure are displayed. TRICS 7.5.1 290318 B18.22 Database right of TRICS Consortium Limited, 2018. All rights reserved Wednesday 18/04/18 Page 1 Awcock Ward Partnership Kensington Court, Pynes Hill Exeter Licence No: 753701

Calculation Reference: AUDIT-753701-180418-0428 TRIP RATE CALCULATION SELECTION PARAMETERS:



This section displays the number of survey days per TRICS® sub-region in the selected set TRICS 7.5.1 290318 B18.22 Database right of TRICS Consortium Limited, 2018. All rights reserved Wednesday 18/04/18 Page 2 Awcock Ward Partnership Kensington Court, Pynes Hill Exeter Licence No: 753701

TRIP RATE for Land Use 03 - RESIDENTIAL/B - AFFORDABLE/LOCAL AUTHORITY HOUSES VEHICLES Calculation factor: 1 DWELLS BOLD print indicates peak (busiest) period

ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time Range Days DWELLS Rate Days DWELLS Rate Days DWELLS Rate 00:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 02:00 02:00 - 03:00 03:00 - 04:00 04:00 - 05:00 05:00 - 06:00 06:00 - 07:00 07:00 - 08:00 7 51 0.081 7 51 0.136 7 51 0.217 08:00 - 09:00 7 51 0.153 7 51 0.269 7 51 0.422 09:00 - 10:00 7 51 0.164 7 51 0.219 7 51 0.383 10:00 - 11:00 7 51 0.144 7 51 0.164 7 51 0.308 11:00 - 12:00 7 51 0.144 7 51 0.136 7 51 0.280 12:00 - 13:00 7 51 0.183 7 51 0.150 7 51 0.333 13:00 - 14:00 7 51 0.150 7 51 0.147 7 51 0.297 14:00 - 15:00 7 51 0.192 7 51 0.183 7 51 0.375 15:00 - 16:00 7 51 0.175 7 51 0.167 7 51 0.342 16:00 - 17:00 7 51 0.239 7 51 0.136 7 51 0.375 17:00 - 18:00 7 51 0.219 7 51 0.167 7 51 0.386 18:00 - 19:00 7 51 0.156 7 51 0.117 7 51 0.273 19:00 - 20:00 20:00 - 21:00 21:00 - 22:00 22:00 - 23:00 23:00 - 24:00 Total Rates: 2.000 1.991 3.991

This section displays the trip rate results based on the selected set of surveys and the selected count type (shown just above the table). It is split by three main columns, representing arrivals trips, departures trips, and total trips (arrivals plus departures). Within each of these main columns are three sub-columns. These display the number of survey days where count data is included (per time period), the average value of the selected trip rate calculation parameter (per time period), and the trip rate result (per time period). Total trip rates (the sum of the column) are also displayed at the foot of the table.

To obtain a trip rate, the average (mean) trip rate parameter value (TRP) is first calculated for all selected survey days that have count data available for the stated time period. The average (mean) number of arrivals, departures or totals (whichever applies) is also calculated (COUNT) for all selected survey days that have count data available for the stated time period. Then, the average count is divided by the average trip rate parameter value, and multiplied by the stated calculation factor (shown just above the table and abbreviated here as FACT). So, the method is: COUNT/TRP*FACT. Trip rates are then rounded to 3 decimal places. TRICS 7.5.1 290318 B18.22 Database right of TRICS Consortium Limited, 2018. All rights reserved Wednesday 18/04/18 Page 3 Awcock Ward Partnership Kensington Court, Pynes Hill Exeter Licence No: 753701

The survey data, graphs and all associated supporting information, contained within the TRICS Database are published by TRICS Consortium Limited ("the Company") and the Company claims copyright and database rights in this published work. The Company authorises those who possess a current TRICS licence to access the TRICS Database and copy the data contained within the TRICS Database for the licence holders' use only. Any resulting copy must retain all copyrights and other proprietary notices, and any disclaimer contained thereon.

The Company accepts no responsibility for loss which may arise from reliance on data contained in the TRICS Database. [No warranty of any kind, express or implied, is made as to the data contained in the TRICS Database.]

Parameter summary

Trip rate parameter range selected: 16 - 97 (units: ) Survey date date range: 01/01/10 - 13/09/17 Number of weekdays (Monday-Friday): 7 Number of Saturdays: 0 Number of Sundays: 0 Surveys automatically removed from selection: 0 Surveys manually removed from selection: 0

This section displays a quick summary of some of the data filtering selections made by the TRICS® user. The trip rate calculation parameter range of all selected surveys is displayed first, followed by the range of minimum and maximum survey dates selected by the user. Then, the total number of selected weekdays and weekend days in the selected set of surveys are show. Finally, the number of survey days that have been manually removed from the selected set outside of the standard filtering procedure are displayed.

Neighbourhood Plan Traffic Generation Note

Appendix B Traffic Impact Appraisal Calculations

0728 – Land North East of Blandford Forum AADF Year CP Estimation Method Detailed Local Authority Road Easting Northing Start Junction End Junction Link Length km All Motor Vehicles 2000 27894 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link Dorset A35 398100 93690 A350 Blandford Road (roundabout) A350 Creekmoor Junction 1.4 44416 2001 27894 Manual count Dorset A35 398100 93690 A350 Blandford Road (roundabout) A350 Creekmoor Junction 1.4 41349 2002 27894 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link Dorset A35 398100 93690 A350 Blandford Road (roundabout) A350 Creekmoor Junction 1.4 42409 2003 27894 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link Dorset A35 398100 93690 A350 Blandford Road (roundabout) A350 Creekmoor Junction 1.4 43534 2004 27894 Manual count Dorset A35 398100 93690 A350 Blandford Road (roundabout) A350 Creekmoor Junction 1.4 43173 2005 27894 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link Dorset A35 398100 93690 A350 Blandford Road (roundabout) A350 Creekmoor Junction 1.4 43473 2006 27894 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link Dorset A35 398100 93690 A350 Blandford Road (roundabout) A350 Creekmoor Junction 1.4 43852 2007 27894 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link Dorset A35 398100 93690 A350 Blandford Road (roundabout) A350 Creekmoor Junction 1.4 45008 2008 27894 Manual count Dorset A35 398100 93690 A350 Blandford Road (roundabout) A350 Creekmoor Junction 1.4 43376 2009 27894 Manual count Dorset A35 398100 93690 A350 Blandford Road (roundabout) A350 Creekmoor Junction 1.4 43880 2010 27894 Manual count Dorset A35 398100 93690 A350 Blandford Road (roundabout) A350 Creekmoor Junction 1.4 42806 2011 27894 Manual count Dorset A35 398100 93690 A350 Blandford Road (roundabout) A350 Creekmoor Junction 1.4 43733 2012 27894 Manual count Dorset A35 398100 93690 A350 Blandford Road (roundabout) A350 Creekmoor Junction 1.4 41942 2013 27894 Manual count Dorset A35 398100 93690 A350 Blandford Road (roundabout) A350 Creekmoor Junction 1.4 46192 2014 27894 Manual count Dorset A35 398100 93690 A350 Blandford Road (roundabout) A350 Creekmoor Junction 1.4 45562 2015 27894 Manual count Dorset A35 398100 93690 A350 Blandford Road (roundabout) A350 Creekmoor Junction 1.4 46885 2016 27894 Manual count Dorset A35 398100 93690 A350 Blandford Road (roundabout) A350 Creekmoor Junction 1.4 51363 2017 27894 Manual count Dorset A35 398100 93690 A350 Blandford Road (roundabout) A350 Creekmoor Junction 1.4 54157

AADF Year CP Estimation Method Detailed Local Authority Road Easting Northing Start Junction End Junction Link Length km All Motor Vehicles 2000 56969 Manual count Dorset A357 375000 113750 A3030 B3092 Town Bridge 4.9 5982 2001 56969 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link Dorset A357 375000 113750 A3030 B3092 Town Bridge 4.9 6297 2002 56969 Manual count Dorset A357 375000 113750 A3030 B3092 Town Bridge 4.9 6004 2003 56969 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link Dorset A357 375000 113750 A3030 B3092 Town Bridge 4.9 6513 2004 56969 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link Dorset A357 375000 113750 A3030 B3092 Town Bridge 4.9 6296 2005 56969 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link Dorset A357 375000 113750 A3030 B3092 Town Bridge 4.9 6278 2006 56969 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link Dorset A357 375000 113750 A3030 B3092 Town Bridge 4.9 6315 2007 56969 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link Dorset A357 374596 113715 A3030 B3092 Town Bridge 4.9 5374 2008 56969 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link Dorset A357 375000 113750 A3030 B3092 Town Bridge 4.9 6657 2009 56969 Manual count Dorset A357 375000 113750 A3030 B3092 Town Bridge 4.9 6263 2010 56969 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link Dorset A357 375000 113750 A3030 B3092 Town Bridge 4.9 6219 2011 56969 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link Dorset A357 375000 113750 A3030 B3092 Town Bridge 4.9 6407 2012 56969 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link Dorset A357 375000 113750 A3030 B3092 Town Bridge 4.9 6029 2013 56969 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link Dorset A357 375000 113750 A3030 B3092 Town Bridge 4.9 6459 2014 56969 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link Dorset A357 375000 113750 A3030 B3092 Town Bridge 4.9 6515 2015 56969 Manual count Dorset A357 374596 113715 A3030 B3092 Town Bridge 4.9 5315 2016 56969 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link Dorset A357 375000 113750 A3030 B3092 Town Bridge 4.9 6367 2017 56969 Estimated using previous year's AADF on this link Dorset A357 375000 113750 A3030 B3092 Town Bridge 4.9 6963 A350 SOUTH A350 NORTH Total Daily Flow A350 A357 A350 North Daily Flow Open 1191 Distribution 11% 2% 3% Daily Flow Affordable 479 Development Traffic 188 33 48 Total 1670

2019 - AADT Data 2033 - AADT Data Link: A35 at Upton Link: A35 at Upton TEMPro AADT Flow 55708 AADT Flow 63970 2017-2019 Development Traffic 188 Development Traffic 188 1.03 % Change 0.337% % Change 0.294% 2017-2033 1.18

Link: A357 at Lydlinch Link: A357 at Lydlinch AADT Flow 7162 AADT Flow 8225 Development Traffic 33 Development Traffic 33 % Change 0.455% % Change 0.396%


Awcock Ward Partnership Kensington Court Woodwater Park Flooding & Drainage Summary Pynes Hill Exeter EX2 5TY Tel: 01392 409007 Land North East of Blandford Forum Summary for Neighbourhood Plan

1.1 This summary has been prepared to provide a summary of the Flooding and Drainage work that has been prepared to date in connection with the emerging development proposals for land to the north east of Blandford Forum. Whilst the wider development site extends beyond Blandford Parish, the summary below (including the proposed access strategy) is relevant to the land contained within the Blandford Parish boundary. In terms of land uses it assumes the following:

· Land for approximately 400 homes;

· Land for a three-form entry primary school;

· Land for a mixed-use local centre, which could include residential, retirement living, shops, café and community facilities (plus general practice, subject to confirmation from the Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group);

· Land for the relocation of the existing allotments; and

· Land for landscaping, open space, access and supporting infrastructure.

1.2 In order to ensure that the assessment would provide an appropriate assessment of flooding and drainage conditions for the site, pre-application discussions and consultation has been held with Dorset Country Council’s (DCC) Flood Risk Management (FRM) team, the Environment Agency’s (EA) Planning Advisory team and Water (WW) Developer Services. The scoping process has informed the principles of the proposed surface and foul water drainage strategies and identified how flood risk will be managed so that the development remains safe throughout its lifetime and downstream flood risk is reduced overall.

1.3 The existing site is predominately within Flood Zone 1 (Low Risk), with a discrete area at the sites eastern boundary falling into Flood Zone 2 (Medium Risk), from the Pimperne Brook. The proposed extents of built development will be located entirely within Flood Zone 1.

0728 – Land North East of Blandford Forum Page 1 of 3 Flooding & Drainage Summary Note

1.4 The existing drainage regime for the site represents that of a typical greenfield site, with some surface water runoff soaking into the underlying strata and the remainder following the natural topography of the site, towards the Pimperne Brook.

1.5 Through consultation with DCC FRM, a formal Screening Report was requested to inform the scope of any site investigations, this included the requirement for soakaway testing and a period of groundwater monitoring.

1.6 Ruddlesden Geotechnical have undertaken a Ground Investigation and Contamination Assessment Report (GICAR) within the application site. The results of the investigation concluded that groundwater was only present directly adjacent to the Pimperne Brook and that infiltration was a viable method of surface water disposal, with exception to the most north-western edge of site.

1.7 The investigation also confirmed the presence of low-density chalk at depth and therefore advised that all soakaways must be sited at least 10m from any proposed foundations.

1.8 The WW Black Lane Treatment Works lie beyond the south-eastern boundary of the site. The works serve as a water extraction point, with associated Source Protection Zone (SPZ). The site is predominately within Zone 1 and following early discussions with WW and the EA, it was agreed that any infiltration features within SPZ1 should serve clean water only (uncontaminated roof runoff only, not driveways or adopted roads etc). The surface water management plan therefore seeks to prioritise infiltration where ground conditions allow and where permitted by the EA, WW and DCC FRM.

1.9 Runoff generated by development within the western-most extents of the scheme (village hall) is unable to discharge via infiltration due to unfavourable ground conditions so will instead be attenuated to greenfield rates and discharged through the downstream network.

1.10 The proposed school site benefits from permeable soils and is located outside of SPZ1 but is underlain with low-density chalk. Runoff from the school site will be intercepted by a private surface water network and discharged via infiltration, with future soakaways located >10m from proposed foundations.

1.11 The remainder of the development is located within SPZ1 and whilst it benefits from good rates of infiltration, the soils comprise low-density chalk, meaning soakaways can only drain clean roof water and must be located >10m from any foundations.

1.12 Runoff generated by the residual drainage catchment (driveways, roads and roof areas unable to drain to soakaway) will route through a new adopted

0728 – Land North East of Blandford Forum Page 2 of 3 Flooding & Drainage Summary Note

surface water sewer to a downstream attenuation pond, which will be lined to protect the nearby water abstraction point and will be sized to attenuate runoff in up to the 100 year return period (with 40% allowance for climate change, 10% allowance for urban creep and long-term storage requirements).

1.13 The attenuation pond will discharge at greenfield rates to the Pimperne Brook and should promote water quality enhancement, together with ecological and biodiversity benefits.

1.14 During exceedance events runoff will be directed towards areas of open green space and the attenuation features, where any freeboard allowances will be utilised.

1.15 Foul flows generated by the development will benefit from gravity connections to the existing on-site public foul network.

1.16 The proposed development has been assessed in line with the NPPF, to allow the planning application to be progressed and to show that the development can be undertaken in an acceptable manner from a flood risk perspective.

0728 – Land North East of Blandford Forum Page 3 of 3


LAND NORTH AND EAST OF BLANDFORD FORUM HDA Ref: 813.20 Date: 6th December 2018


Introduction 1. This Technical Note provides a summary of the ecological character of Land North and East of Blandford Forum and identifies key considerations for the development of the site. It has been informed by the findings of an ecological desk study, an extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey, and specialist surveys for protected species including bats, Dormice, Otters, Water Voles, Badgers, breeding birds, reptiles and Great Crested Newts.

Designated sites 2. No statutory nature conservation designations pertain to the site or adjacent land. The only non-statutory designated area associated with the site is the Blandford Bypass Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC), located to the west of the Blandford Bypass, which is designated for its grassland interest. Although the proposed access roundabout would result in some loss of the grassland habitat, the grassland is of relatively recent origin and opportunities for its replacement can be provided as part of the wider landscape scheme.

Habitats 3. The remainder of the site is dominated by intensively farmed arable fields of limited nature conservation interest, and where other habitats of some ecological value are present such as hedgerows and treelines these can generally be retained as part of the green infrastructure along with the stream corridor on the southern site boundary. Where loss of trees or hedgerows is unavoidable, for example where breaks are required for site access, then replacement planting could be provided in the site landscape scheme in order to maintain the current site habitat resource and connectivity across the site and the wider landscape. Furthermore, the landscape scheme for the proposed development could provide opportunities for the creation of new habitats of high wildlife value including species-rich grassland, native shrub and tree planting. In addition new wetland habitats such as ponds, swales and reedbeds could be created either as standalone features or as part of the surface water drainage scheme.

Species 4. With regard to protected species, the specialist survey work has confirmed the absence of Dormice, Great Crested Newts, Water Voles and Otters at the site.


North East Blandford Forum Eco/ Ecological Summary Note/813.20/AM/December 2018

5. A single low-status (non-breeding) bat roost pertaining to a single soprano pipistrelle (a common and widespread bat species) was recorded from a tree along the eastern Blandford Neighbourhood Plan boundary, and linear features such as hedgerows, woodland edges and treelines are used by modest numbers of foraging bats. The majority of breeding bird interest is associated with hedgerow, scrub and allotment/ garden habitats which were also found to support very low numbers of Slow-worm, and the only Badger sett located within the site is situated on the southern site boundary in association with a proposed area of informal open space. It is therefore considered that subject to implementation of the usual measures to comply with nature conservation legislation and to maintain opportunities for these species/ groups at the site following development, the proposed development would not be expected to result in adverse effects on protected species. Development could in fact provide new opportunities to enhance the value of the site for these groups through habitat creation and enhancement works described above in addition to the provision of new features such as bat and bird boxes.

Conclusion 6. Subject to the implementation of the recommended measures for mitigation of habitat loss from the Blandford Bypass SINC and habitat retention, creation and enhancement as part of the landscape scheme, no reduction in the ecological interest of the site or its surrounds is likely to arise as a result of the proposed development.

7. It is therefore concluded that, beyond the normal requirements to mitigate minor loss of habitat from the Blandford Bypass SINC, avoid impacts on common and widespread protected species and maintain key elements of the habitat resource of the site, there appears to be no overriding nature conservation constraints that would preclude the proposed development of the Land North and East of Blandford Forum site.


North East Blandford Forum Eco/ Ecological Summary Note/813.20/AM/December 2018



Site Address Land North East of Blandford Forum

On behalf of Wyatt Homes (Lewis Wyatt Construction Ltd) and landowners (The West Pimperne Pool Trust, Mr C Coats and Mr T Coats)

Date December 2018

Author: Helen Warren, BA Hons MSt (Cantab) IHBC

Approved by: Jonathan Smith, BA (Hons) MA PGCE PGDip MCIfA IHBC

Report Status: Draft for Comment

Issue Date: December 2018

© CgMs Limited CgMs Ref:

No part of this report is to be copied in any way JCH00434 without prior written consent.

Every effort is made to provide detailed and accurate information, however, CgMs Limited cannot be held responsible for errors or inaccuracies within this report.

© Ordnance Survey maps reproduced with the sanction of the controller of HM Stationery Office.

Licence No: AL 100014723



CgMs Limited JCH00434


1. CgMs Heritage part of the RPS group have researched and prepared a Built Heritage Statement relating to the land north east of Blandford Forum (henceforth referred to as the ‘Site’) on behalf of Wyatt Homes (Lewis Wyatt Construction Ltd) and landowners (The West Pimperne Pool Trust, Mr C Coats and Mr T Coats). Below is a summary of the findings of the Built Heritage Statement. This summary is intended to inform the preparation of the Blandford Neighbourhood Plan, which is proposing the allocation of the Site.

2. The Statement finds that there are no designated or non-designated heritage assets located within the Site, however a number of heritage assets are located within a 1km search radius of its boundary. Therefore the potential impact upon the built historic environment would be restricted to changes within assets’ settings rather than any physical alterations to the assets’ built fabric. The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) defines setting as ‘the surroundings in which a heritage asset is experienced’. In accordance with Historic England guidance contained within GPA3 The Setting of Heritage Assets (2017), the Built Heritage Statement has sought to determine the significance of identified built heritage assets and to what extent the Site contributes to their significance.

3. The majority of the heritage assets identified within the search radius are discounted from detailed consideration as the Site is not considered to form part of their setting due to the distance from the Site, the intervening topography, built form and vegetation, and a lack of any historic functional association.

4. The heritage assets that are considered to have potential to be impacted upon through development within their setting and merit an in-depth assessment of their significance are restricted to one listed building (Longbourne House, Grade II) and four non-designated heritage assets (Letton House, Cottage Farm, Dairy Cottages and Bolney). These non-designated heritage assets have been identified using Dorset Historic Environment Record, Historic England Archive data and on site analysis.

5. The preparation of this report has identified that the Site currently makes a negligible contribution to the significance of the Grade II listed Longbourne House. It is therefore anticipated that the development of the Site would have a similarly limited impact upon its significance and that any harm would be entirely contained within the less than substantial harm spectrum in NPPF terms. The Site makes a neutral contribution to the significance of the non-designated Letton House, a negligible contribution to the significance of the non-designated Cottage Farm and Dairy Cottages and a moderate contribution to the significance of the non-designated Bolney, which is of low, local interest.

6. An understanding of how the Site contributes to these assets’ significance has been used to inform the development of the proposals in order to minimise and mitigate impacts as a result of development within their settings. Mitigation techniques range from consideration of layout and roof heights, the provision of green space to the periphery of the site, to the retention and enhancement of existing hedgerows and woodland planting to reduce visual and aural impacts.

7. It is anticipated that development of the Site would cause a limited level of harm to the built historic environment. Where any development may affect certain designated heritage assets, there is a legislative framework to ensure proposed works are developed and considered with due

CgMs Limited JCH00434

regard to their impact on the historic environment. This extends from primary legislation under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990. The relevant legislation in this case extends from section 16/66 of the 1990 Act which states that special regard must be given by the decision maker, in determining applications, to the desirability of preserving a listed building and its setting. Alongside Policy 5 contained within the Local Plan, it is anticipated that paragraphs 196 and 197 of the National Planning Policy would be engaged within the decision making process. Paragraph 196 requires that any less than substantial harm to a designated heritage asset be weighed against the public benefits of the proposed development. Paragraph 197 states that where an application will affect the significance of a non-designated heritage asset, a balanced judgement is required, having regard to the scale of harm or loss and the significance of the heritage asset.

CgMs Limited JCH00434

CgMs Limited JCH00434


Awcock Ward Partnership Kensington Court Woodwater Park Utilities Assessment Summary Pynes Hill Exeter EX2 5TY Tel: 01392 409007 Land North East of Blandford Forum Summary for Neighbourhood Plan

1.1 This summary has been prepared to provide a summary of the Utilities Assessment that has been prepared to date in connection with the emerging development proposals for land to the north east of Blandford Forum. Whilst the wider development site extends beyond Blandford Parish, the summary below (including the proposed access strategy) is relevant to the land contained within the Blandford Parish boundary. In terms of land uses it assumes the following:

· Land for approximately 400 homes;

· Land for a three-form entry primary school;

· Land for a mixed-use local centre, which could include residential, retirement living, shops, café and community facilities (plus general practice, subject to confirmation from the Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group);

· Land for the relocation of the existing allotments; and

· Land for landscaping, open space, access and supporting infrastructure.

1.2 The assessment has been undertaken to understand the existing utilities in and around the site and their impact on development, as well as understanding initial supply and possible reinforcement requirements to serve the site.

1.3 To begin the assessment, records of the existing utilities were obtained from the statutory suppliers, with the received records transposed onto a combined utilities plan, based on OS mapping and the topographical survey where identified. A copy of this plan is contained within Appendix A of this summary note.

1.4 There are numerous utilities crossing the site, including: Wessex Water foul sewers and water mains, Scottish Southern Electric Extra High and High voltage overhead lines. To provide initial input to the proposed masterplan for the site, the constraints for each utility that is within the site boundary were also identified (i.e. offsets to proposed building work etc). The proposed layout incorporates these existing utilities within the scheme.

0728 – Land North East of Blandford Forum Page 1 of 2 Utilities Assessment Summary Note

1.5 As part of the Geophysical Survey undertaken to inform the Archaeological assessment, further underground services were identified. These do not correspond to the statutory records received which may indicate that these are historical and/or redundant or private services. As a result, further assessment is being undertaken to determine the ownership and current operational status.

1.6 In addition to understanding the existing utilities on the site, enquiries have been made to the local utility providers to understand their supply strategy and to identify any reinforcement requirements. A summary of this exercise can be found within Appendix B of this note.

1.7 As the scheme and layout progresses, further consultation will be undertaken with each service provider to inform the delivery of any reinforcement works, so that the proposed phasing of the site can be accommodated.

0728 – Land North East of Blandford Forum Page 2 of 2 Utilities Assessment Summary Note

Appendix A – Existing Utilities Plan

0728 – Land North East of Blandford Forum Heath Cottage The Cottage

St Just

FB X The Holm Letton Croft Stables Studio House Ward Bdy X Fairchalke Stourhaven Nutshell 1.37m RH Pond

Badgers High Corrie 71.6m

Cornerways Glenlee Goonbrea Orchard House SALISBURY ROAD


Hopes Letton Park House Sluice SSE sub-station Letton Park (disused)

73.20 tp Gwenerne 72.89

72.89 72.73 72.69

72.75 72.89 73.66 MH 8902 tc

mh 1.8m cbf cl72.74 9m fir CL 72.470 Woodlands House ep\tp

Dale's Corner 2m fir hedge

tarmac footpath 73.22 A 354 grass verge IL 71.000 (WW records)

Cornleaze View SALISBURY ROAD 10m cherry 3m easement either 72.95 ic West Lodge cl72.94 73.49 72.76

72.83 72.83 72.79 72.66 72.78

1m wmf

2m fir hedge wall 0.6m side of WW foul sewer 72.21 72.68 ridge 74.96 Ankaram 6m cherry 72.00

72.76 overhead power cable

Cherri-Kee 73.39

Hillside wsv sv ROUGHWOOD

cl72.50 72.07


rnp 72.43 RPA ridge 74.95 ridge 72.38 RPA

72.61 72.45 70.82 eaves mkr tc 73.28F/0.35/4/12 73.44 RPA st ep

72.65 72.60 72.58 conservatory

72.59 72.53 ic pc 73.31 rnp 72.83 72.91 ridge 72.61 wsv 72.63 LETTON CLOSE ep\tp 72.90 72.49 eaves 69.17 mh 1.2m prf RPA 72.92 cl72.47 B/0.8/10/17 El 72.70 RPA Roughwood pc

cable54.24 73.40 72.42 Sub Sta RPA RPA 72.53

72.44 RPA cable56.99 72.42 72.75 72.44 approx position of LETTON CLOSE RPA 73.44 buried manhole Y/0.6/7.5/15 U/0.9/9/17 B/1/10/20 B/0.95/11/22 tp J1 (recentlyfrom discharging cover) pylon cable54.19

B/0.5/7.5/17 HY/0.2/5/10 Y/0.65/6.5/14

HY/0.3/4/12 line of timber posts Y/0.55/6/12 B/0.7/10/24 RPA

72.33 U/0.7/7.5/21 B/1.3/12/25 66.59 tc 67.79 B/0.7/9.5/18

Malusa 72.33 1.2m prf U/1/6.5/14 Y/0.45/6/7 B/0.5/10.5/20 cable57.05 HY/0.25/7/10 68.99 B/0.7/7/24 approx 67.23 1.1m pwf RPA B/0.85/9/17 71.26 71.01 71.18 70.52 69.73 U/0.5/11/8

2m shrubs U/0.2/4.5/12 P/0.55/3.5/12 dead U/0.4/11/12 U/0.4/12/15 approx. B/0.45/8.5/22 overhead electric cables 1.2m prf 1.2m 72.14 71.15 70.83 U/0.15/5/6 68.65 67.89 B/0.6/10/20 approx. cable54.34

72.63 69.06 tc 66.86 66.62 66.39 OK/0.5/11/22 OK/0.6/12/24 OK/0.8/12/22 2m cbf Y/0.25/4/7 OK/0.6/11.5/22 B/1/14/22 approximate canopy of 20-25m trees

71.92 70.97 70.78 70.38 70.04 1.2m sp wf 65.70 U/0.4/9.5/20 B/0.7/10.5/22 OK/0.7/13/23 OK/0.9/12/19 OK/0.7/12/22 69.72 69.45 1.2m sp wf 1.2m pwf 1.2m sp wmf U/0.2/5/10 RPA 2.5m shrub 1.2m irf 68.65 67.91 65.44 B/0.2/4/1062.19 62.10 OK/0.55/9/22 B/0.7/11/18 1.2m sp wf 67.19 1.2m sp wf 66.29 65.99 61.63 OK/0.8/12/24 OK/0.8/11/22 RPA

71.08 U/0.7/9/20

73.11 66.70 63.65 71.76 U/0.5/8/12 72.37 72.48 67.16 3-5m small trees 64.20 1.2m pwf 60.81 60.49 OK/0.55/12/17 72.30 65.83 63.18 62.12 OK/1.1/10/22

ep 65.40 1.2m pwf OK/0.3/9/8 59.54 OK/0.5/10/1257.24 OK/0.35/7/14 OK/1.1/14/22 B/0.8/9/18 65.46 63.76 HY/0.25/5/9 OK/0.8/12/18

72.28 59.73 2.5m hawthorn hedge 63.28 62.75 1.2m pwf 59.27 U/0.5/7/14 73.78 3-5m small trees 2.5m hawthorn hedge 61.87 58.76 OK/0.6/12/14 OK/0.8/14.5/18 approx. U/0.7/12/22 B/1/13/21 OK/0.8/11/25 approximate canopy of 20-25m trees approx canopy of 20m oak Northfield RPA 60.41 5m small trees approximate extent of manhole discharge 65.52 64.2364.23 HY/0.18/3/7 51.01 B/1.3/14/25 72.52 6m small trees 2.5m hawthorn hedge 1.2m pwf 56.84 50.88 B/0.7/10/20 73.60 70.21 67.80 67.42 63.65 63.11 62.47 57.49 gate OK/0.2/6/10 approx. B/0.5/8/22 50.93

70.68 68.92 68.50 62.11 61.37 60.74 58.08 1.2m pwf 55.17 1.3m pwf B/0.9/12/25 50.86 71.96 66.07 64.41 63.66 grass 62.74 59.86 57.95 OK/0.25/6/8 1.2m pwf 1.2m pwf U/0.45/6/7 50.76 71.62 61.74 57.25 56.31 50.91

66.88 60.78 grass 59.01 55.79 54.01 RPA U/0.2/5/7 U/0.3/5/12

59.21 58.13 2.5m hawthorns 56.57 OK/0.23/4/10 U/0.2/5/8U/0.25/5/8 U/0.15/3/10 51.21 50.96 50.77 1.3m pwf

3-5m small trees 65.63 59.82 54.72 54.61 U/0.25/4/6HW/0.18/3/6HW/0.22/4/6 U/0.15/2.5/10U/0.15/3/7 50.77 1.3m pwf RPA U/0.16/4/9 HW/0.25/5/8

68.83 64.86 58.87 RPA 56.17 56.01 54.41 1.2m pwf 50.88 50.98

73.92 54.03 53.82 1.5m mixed hedge U/0.3/7/10 63.47 62.53 61.51 60.61 57.97 57.76 55.57 55.22 53.47 53.21 50.22 2-4m mixed hedge CH/0.7/12/20 LETTON CLOSE 57.24 2-4m hawthorns 1.2m pwf RPA 51.66 69.36 64.20 RPA grass 54.97 54.66 52.90 52.62 HW/0.22/4/8 B/0.7/10/25 2-3m mixed hedge HW/0.2/5/8 4-6m small trees tree canopy 54.10 74.09 66.61 59.62 56.58 54.55 54.09 46.93

70.54 66.33 64.74 55.96 1.2m pwf 1.8m brambles 2.1m cpcbf 66.35 61.72 58.70 55.38 53.22 52.43 52.22 51.85 50.53 grass verge 52.74 52.01

70.17 4m shrub 67.47 57.77 57.06 54.72 54.29 canopy of 2-5m shrub tarmac footpath 72.17 62.32 56.42 53.88 52.47 52.34 51.50 51.22 1.2m pwf U/0.3/3/6

and small trees 64.50 57.36 20m tree 5-8 small trees grass 2-5m hawthorn hedge 50.71 U/0.4/4/5 U/0.3/3/6 71.14 RPA 3-5mRPA shrub 55.86 53.40 52.58 HZ/0.6/7/7 HW/0.18/4/6 1.2m pwf (approximate) rubble pile 62.74 58.09 55.23 52.97 51.34 51.07 HW/0.15/3/5 2-4m mixed hedge 69.68 64.11 54.60 52.69 50.68 50.50 HW/0.18/3/547.64 3.5m shrub 68.72 2.5m shrub 54.16 52.50 50.09 49.63 48.03 47.52 1.2m pwf HW/0.2/3/5 3.5m shrub 49.38 4-6m small trees 70.53 63.65 53.74 53.24 52.20 50.59 49.13 U/0.17/4/6 Ex. FW01 50.26 49.85 73.58 64.99 58.69 R7 1.1m pwf 1.1m 66.98 52.83 RPA 1.2m pwf 60.15 4-7m holly 52.58 48.48 1.5m hedge 73.40 66.31 61.31 52.35 49.31 45.38 73.66 67.38 grass 64.79 55.10 52.15 46.89 46.07 HW/0.15/2/4 65.50 60.52 54.14 50.70 45.67 1.2m pwf 59.10 58.49 RPA 3-4m brambles 44.21 43.73 54.70 72.19 72.13 51.09 43.17 72.17 66.00 59.74 73.04 5-8 small trees 44.07 72.09 57.11 51.78 45.33 43.10 43.11 Toledo 68.29 66.74 65.97 65.41 56.17 55.79 54.38 64.83 64.24 70.77 70.47 69.01 63.42 62.74 62.10 43.69 4m mixed hedge 67.56 66.50 61.39 60.76 R1 44.76 43.11 70.18 70.00 grass grass 60.17 59.69 54.66 4m mixed hedge CL 43.14 72.34 59.31 52.17 4-6m small trees 43.05 67.00 58.29 51.76 4-6m small trees 71.36 70.97 69.50 58.86 57.76 51.66 51.50

g R2 67.50 57.35

45.34 The Garth 45.34 R4 56.88 51.39 51.32 44.70

69.00 R5 56.52 J2 52.00 R3 68.00 65.55 56.18 51.17 50.91 44.29 71.51 gate 64.50 55.83 55.39 55.04 50.61 50.27 49.93 43.03 canopy of 68.50 1.6m shrub 54.75 54.32 54.16 52.27 49.51 49.26 48.90 RPA 1.5-2m shrub 65.26 64.84 53.82 53.65 53.31 53.12 52.69 48.50 47.89 16m firs 64.59 52.73 IL 41.20 1m wpf (poor) 52.86 1.2m pwf 46.98 wmf (poor) 71.471.1m pwf 71.03 70.40 69.80 1.1m pwf 69.34 1.6m hedge 68.77 68.44 68.07

72.02 67.71 73.28 72.10 42.99

72.05 72.20 70.89 67.04 72.10 46.07 43.10 72.02 1.1m pwf 70.22 69.92 68.68 66.50 64.00 43.72 69.48 68.03 65.93 65.68 65.41 44.73 44.09 43.45 43.10 1.2m pwf wmf (poor) 67.87 67.13 1.8m hedge F/0.3 F/0.18 F/0.2 shed 66.37 65.99 64.98 wmf (poor) 65.94 63.50 tc 71.74 HY/0.18/3/8 eaves 71.78 3.5m shrub

1.2m wmf 1.2m 4m shrub

45.44 45.44 1.8m hedge 1.8m F/0.4/4/12 64.23 hedge 1.8m 43.20 out building 63.81 shed 65.98 63.00 61.84 shed 63.07 62.50 61.16 A/0.18/4/10 65.44 U/0.15/4/6 60.59 60.04 43.20 5m small trees OAKLEY B/1.3/12/18 P/0.2/5/10 ridge 73.41 HY/0.15/1.5/5 U/0.25/5.5/12 59.67 59.23 58.85

(approx) HW/0.15/2.5/6 65.12 64.78 58.50 (approx) 64.52 57.95 57.02 72.91 R14 62.50 57.49 52.76 72.01 71.94 56.72 56.39 56.12 71.98 55.86 long grass 55.55 55.20 HW/0.2/3/5 54.68 54.44

1.9m cp cbf 54.24 53.97 53.28 62.00 53.79 53.39 52.42 43.13 53.10 52.15 51.81 53.60 53.06 overhead electricity cables 43.19 64.26 ridge 83.48 64.44 54.97 51.55

61.50 wsv 51.29 A/0.5/5/7 Oakley 50.90 45.59 43.77 44.25 eaves 82.47 71.78 ridge 84.38 fwmh Elgin 50.41 46.36 47.43 48.76 48.30 43.36 cl43.14 HY/0.15/3/5 61.00 49.22 49.68 44.88 72.06 il41.20 64.54

64.34 63.86 43.53 eaves 71.73 64.90 63.33 62.89 43.19 225Ø 72.00 62.38 72.17

71.99 71.90

71.96 61.72 61.07 43.65 60.50

72.94 60.11 42.98 HZ/0.8/4/10 60.50 59.74 43.37 59.37 59.06 gate 58.71 58.27 57.75 57.04 51.04

FIVE TREES 45.73 overhead electric cables 57.32 85.04 84.79 1.2m pwf 56.74 50.07 43.35 1.6m beech hedge 56.52 43.73 85.08 84.86 av. 0.15/4/16 56.37 42.90

3.5m hawthorn hedge centreline of firs 56.13 55.89 R12 85.27 84.85 SEQUOIA (under 60.00 55.69 55.49 49.09 85.27 84.75 hedge centreline 55.20 54.91 53.68 47.97 42.95 1.2m pwf 84.74 84.61 3.5m hawthorn hedge 1.5m spwmf 54.73 54.52 54.28 54.08 53.97 52.78 construction) 64.05 HW/0.18/4/5 (approximate) 85.57 ridge 81.49 63.83 51.67 44.49 85.52 53.71 1.2m wmf 43.54

RENDON 72.83

84.60 46.95 44.06 43.63 85.38 84.47 53.30 52.18 eaves 74.69 53.71 52.44 50.82 85.31 ep 72.05 64.63 43.03

86.07 64.37 64.17 49.69 85.45 84.54 84.31 RUSTAT HOUSE ridge 77.57 63.95 48.64 3m dense shrubs 85.19 tp 63.41 hedge centreline 71.88 eaves 78.92 71.93 71.95 59.50 84.29 62.98 45.27 85.75 hedge centreline flat roof 82.33 ridge 81.93 Bolney 61.99 canopy of saplings 43.58 85.44 85.51 85.36 84.95 84.17 OK/0.8/10/16 61.40

ridge 82.35 85.58 85.49 85.28 62.51 60.88 60.48 43.50 71.65

85.23 overhead electric cables 71.95 72.18 60.01 43.11 85.90 85.17 84.86 1.2m pwf 64.50 59.74 59.38

85.29 85.29 83.95 83.71 ep\tp 59.04 58.80 1.5m eaves 79.91

ridge 81.83 ridge 2m shrubs 58.26 85.81 84.61 57.82 shrubs 3-4m

85.32 84.99 83.47 3.5m hawthorn hedge 57.51 brambles trees small 5-6m

85.60 85.65 85.93 84.99 BOLNEY 57.27 51.34 86.24 1m wmf (poor) 56.96 85.86 85.63 eaves 79.10 RPA 56.78 56.48 50.20

83.01 57.10 56.30 56.10 85.73 85.71 84.85 84.37 42.61

72.57 55.84 46.20

83.87 72.70 55.64 86.06 84.74 ridge 80.83 84.75 1.5m stone wall 55.37 49.09 85.21 84.56 84.47 ep 83.77 82.48 hedge centreline 55.09 54.82 54.59 54.44 85.90 85.76 85.71 wsv 54.01 53.25 48.16 86.40 3.5m hawthorn hedge 51.98 centrelines of 2-5m saplings

ridge 82.94 72.25 86.07 84.80 84.38 82.78 eaves 78.88 44.91 42.76 86.30 85.97 EL/0.4/2/4 85.77 84.20 82.64

1.2m pwf (poor) 71.86 59.00 44.25 2.2m hawthorn hedge 47.34 43.95 pwf 1.2m 85.09 84.06 ridge 84.61 64.19 64.24 53.69 eaves 82.14 64.62

85.61 72.02 72.17 52.83 52.49 51.01 71.95 overhead electric cables U/0.15/2/7 83.77 71.84 71.94 63.82 43.37 43.32 42.71 85.83 81.55 eaves 79.89 63.34 62.96 54.22 49.76 42.92 86.60 W/0.15/4/5 85.66 82.14 g g g 62.52 62.12 48.72 hedge centreline86.22 85.94 85.74 83.50 83.40 Rendon 61.67

86.23 85.38 1.8m privet hedge 61.17 60.70 60.26 45.73 pwf 1.2m 86.03 85.07 82.96 82.87 82.55 1.2m fir hedge 71.91 59.89 1.2m wmf 85.97 U/0.17/3/5 82.49 81.86 2m fir hedge 59.57 59.34 86.32 overhead electric cables 81.80 58.74 42.85

av. 0.2/4/16

81.56 71.84 85.55 ep st 81.51 hedge centreline 80.73 1.7m mixed hedge 59.09 58.34 85.74 swmh centreline of firs 58.05 Sequoia 72.15 86.92 86.44 82.20 57.77 86.32 W/0.15/2/4 85.68 P/0.35/3.5/10 81.25 79.69 79.40 cl72.17 72.29 57.62 57.54

85.86 84.76 57.36 grass of edge 43.53

86.62 81.97 78.88 hedge 1.8m 85.92 85.52 Five

line of saplings 81.46 il70.98 56.93 51.55 canopy of saplings 2.1m cpcbf + 0.4m trellis 0.4m + cpcbf 2.1m 81.67 81.15 78.56 64.77 64.16 58.50 56.71 85.93 ep 57.11 56.52 56.16 55.86 50.42

Trees 150Ø U/0.25/5/8 55.56 55.28 1.2m pwf 85.88 U/0.15/2.5/7 U/0.15/2.5/4 81.35 80.98 80.48 55.04 42.65 86.39 79.88 1.8m high cbf no defined boundary 54.75 49.21 85.30 85.35 84.19 81.52 81.18 80.19 79.38

87.22 86.66 85.98 84.47 80.81 48.19 86.83 U/0.22/4/586.39 81.24 78.41 EL/0.18/2/4 (overgrown) 53.61 42.75 42.49

79.06 78.77 72.64

3-5m high 85.74 78.40 5m shrubs House 64.54 52.19 42.96 Ex. FW02 85.65 84.89 80.21 Rustat 45.12 saplings 76.85 tarmac footpath

OK/0.15/2.5/6 77.93 76.62 1.9m cp cbf 64.38 46.86 86.12 83.37 F/0.5/3/12 RPA 44.40 43.91 42.82 42.60 42.64 86.63 85.31 79.67 U/0.3/5/11 OK/0.45/11/141.5m 64.17 54.07 47.60 72.01 53.12 51.13 85.83 83.84 EL/0.15/3/5 3.5m small trees 71.96 52.72 wmf (poor) 79.02 76.76 st 76.29 75.79 U/0.25/3/9 U/0.18/3/10 72.16 shrubs 63.74 63.30 87.14 87.43 81.87 77.59 75.24 + 2m shrubs 73.73 72.31 62.90 49.90 1.2m wmf 87.37 85.88 78.39 72.40 J3 62.16 48.76 brambles 82.37 centreline of 5m trees 74.72 72.96 72.00 61.80 61.38 85.96 86.23 F/0.2/2/8 60.93 42.63 82.92 77.07 74.45 Ward Bdy gate 72.09 62.55 46.07

72.43 RPA

85.17 W/0.17/5/7 U/0.3/5/8 60.19 1.5m shrubs 1.5m 59.90 42.75 2.4m hawthorn hedge 86.89 85.57 81.00 77.07 76.52 72.17 64.54 64.35 59.77 59.44 42.66 CL 43.00 line of saplings 2.2m hawthorn hedge 75.95 75.24 72.01 87.57 86.56 81.00 60.59 59.15 58.76 1.5m 87.77 86.65 86.11 86.14 brambles 85.82 74.82 74.04 1.2m pkf 58.51 86.04 75.03 74.03 g 58.36 58.05 brambles 80.99 77.69 remains of wmf 75.40 74.34 73.40 71.88 58.22 43.43 87.64ep 84.86 80.67 73.96 73.13 57.84 54.69 86.90 81.48 74.08 bs 42.72 3.6m easement either 87.06 U/0.18/2.5/5 1.2m pwf 72.83 57.32 51.69 86.81 85.48 75.21 72.02 71.24 OK/0.4/7/11 57.58 57.03 56.73 42.53 86.18 71.96 71.95 56.46

72.79 ETL 87.97 74.78 timber posts 73.44 64.78 56.15 55.84 42.84 42.54 87.89 brambles 74.09 73.78 1m cwf 55.54 50.53 87.06 86.29 86.00 85.73 79.77 73.71 73.18 55.21 42.72 IL 40.77

86.90 84.61 84.25 80.33 gate 54.78 49.32 42.56 1.5m mixed hedge 73.72 72.92 42.57 86.33 78.90 76.24 pc drain 48.36 74.69 74.21 72.71 72.03 dropped ramp 53.87 2m 87.06 SB/0.15/3/7 78.26 73.83 52.34 45.30 mkr (high voltage) 71.28 shrubs 2-6m high 83.43 43.95 42.63 88.29 86.96 86.53 2m scf 71.99 42.68 U/0.18/3/5 86.61 86.07 saplings 85.42 85.02 83.91 77.11 J14 54.39 R13 47.77 44.51 87.17 77.68 1m wmf 64.54 51.23 88.14 86.51 fwmh 72.64 53.37 52.88 43.05 73.43 64.09 81.91 71.95 brambles 87.50 PO/0.38/5/15 86.10 85.81 rs 71.78 65.00 63.65 50.02 side of SSE OH EHV line

cl73.72 63.33 42.78 1.2m pkf 48.93 42.75 87.58 SB/0.15/3/6 86.72 82.52 80.98 80.98 63.02 62.66 62.29 47.03 74.13 72.66 87.05 SB/0.15/1.5/5 82.96 80.67 il73.15 61.96 46.19 86.01 85.76 61.63 61.18 PO/0.22/6/13 U/0.2/4/4 85.41 75.24 60.85 42.56

74.64 86.81 86.20 100Ø 60.49 42.75 88.54 87.46 72.21 3.5m hawthorn hedge 85.60 73.16 canopy of 4m 60.31 87.43 64.98 60.05 71.94 59.85

90.69 64.87 hedge centreline88.58 86.88 86.23 86.05 80.30 79.78 small trees 72.08 59.49 81.02 wall 59.24 90.66 87.80 pwf 1.2m 1.2m pwf 87.61 76.31 low slab retaining 58.90 58.67 43.39 42.67 1.2m pwf PO/0.3/5/14 86.30 58.47 1.2m pwf 87.96 7m self 4-7m high borehole U/0.15/4/6 85.03 81.37 78.99 58.20 57.86 51.80 86.08 78.30 grass verge 59.07 90.99 90.36 overhead electric cables 87.42 87.00 allotments U/0.18/4/7 57.49 57.22 50.65 42.78 HW/0.28/3.5/6 90.28 87.66 saplings 77.13 73.00 g 56.90 54.98 88.98 seeded trees U/0.15/2/7 PO/0.35/5/15 87.02 86.45 1.2m pwf 65.58 56.53 90.96 2m scf 56.29 55.91 55.53 73.68 73.68 42.90

88.67 cwf 1m 42.65 hedge centreline 84.42 77.70 73.02 49.48 88.20 PO/0.22/5/12 PO/0.17/3/8 87.11 W/0.2/5/6 84.71 0.9m cwf line of saplings 86.12 (reduced survey detail) 48.33 canopy of 90.33 90.08 87.88 87.77 86.62 72.43 3-4m shrubs 58.00 54.13 90.66 1.2m pwf 3.5m hawthorn hedge 85.25 4m hawthorn hedge 52.45 45.38 4-6m small PO/0.3/5/11 86.32 85.89 eaves 76.84 71.99 trees Ward Bdy 87.31 85.93 ridge 77.59 55.28 1.5m 90.58 89.97 brambles 83.62 75.42 U/0.7/8/12 44.76 42.64

88.49 88.24 87.34 85.70 74.14 no access at 72.09 54.64 47.69 44.01 brambles 42.69 42.58 89.07 70.98 3.5m dense shrubs 72.10 ep 3.5m hawthorn hedge W/0.18/5/7 70.83 53.51 53.05 89.82 86.69 79.83 51.38 86.78 85.81 65.15

84.03 43.09 saplings 2-8m of centrelines U/0.3/5/10

90.63 72.13 72.02 81.94 73.67 time of survey 64.64 88.89 72.92

80.36 74.66 wsv 64.19 50.21 brambles 73.06 U/0.35/4/9 42.77 PO/0.18/3.5/7 86.27 82.59 77.17 63.84 48.88 90.58 5m shrub 2m cwf 63.54 42.96 90.59 overhead electric cables 87.54 80.60 63.19

87.56 76.40 73.11 pwf 62.88

88.03 87.82 83.14 hedge 46.28 42.78 90.47 U/0.15/2.5/7 85.96 81.06 fwmh ramp 62.61 88.57 80.95 78.35 88.86 86.94 85.75 62.27 long grass 42.80

90.41 90.24 89.56 PO/0.2/3/12 86.29 brambles hedge hawthorn 3.5m 61.95 61.62 HW/0.26/4/7 hedge centreline W/0.17/2.5/4 79.07 block building face of 2-4m RPA 90.57 SY/0.15/3/7 90.20 1.2m pwf 89.12 89.29 cl73.71 61.29 90.42 90.22 89.47 7m self 87.68 60.95 60.63 U/0.28/3/10 42.92 90.54 1.2m pwf 86.41 86.06 il73.36 60.47 57.50 SB/0.16/3/7 88.31 86.19 1.5m pwf U/0.3/4/8 42.56 U/0.19/4/790.25 90.16 89.35 77.75 72.12 72.33 60.19 W/0.17/3/5 88.92 seeded trees 87.08 85.20 100Ø 59.91 59.72 47.02 43.47 U/0.17/4/7 U/0.15/4/4 90.43 90.15 88.89 87.76 81.46 SALISBURY ROAD 59.52 59.20 90.57 90.08 89.96 89.22 88.70 75.56 2m scf 72.29 58.92 51.97 90.63 W/0.6/4/5 81.16 65.61 86.04 58.59 90.48 90.13 90.13 brambles W/0.15/4/5 88.38 87.81 74.19 72.99 50.81 90.60 89.87 3.5m dense shrubs U/0.18/3.5/5 86.82 5-9m high 58.32 SY/0.16/3/7 89.50 87.17 86.50 57.96 42.75 90.56 89.75 86.65 saplings 77.22 72.13 57.60 42.93 90.58 90.61 SB/0.17/3/7 U/0.3/5/10 brambles ep 88.65 A/0.15/2/6 84.61 73.70 U/0.15/4/7 57.31 49.50 A/0.3/7/13 SC/0.18/3/6 W/0.2/4/6 90.22 90.06 87.94 87.94 84.93 80.61 73.57 56.93 56.62 56.26 55.87 90.63 89.60 J12 73.45 54.25 48.20 42.55

brambles 86.41 55.38 SB/0.2/3.5/9 line of saplings 90.35 U/0.18/2.5/5 89.33 87.35 86.50 86.50 74.16 R9 52.59 42.71 U/0.16/2/5 U/0.18/4/8 89.06 4-7m high W/0.16/3/4 85.56 80.37 step U/0.17/4/6 U/0.16/4/5 U/0.2/3/990.28 88.80 80.10 73.11 55.32 89.70 SY/0.17/2.5/7 saplings 86.67 74.94 45.56 89.67 83.82 72.26 44.15 88.59 66.05 44.94 42.57 90.25 89.91 88.17 U/0.15/2.5/5 86.00 79.55 78.42 65.91 47.56 4-8m high 90.09 89.25 84.31 65.77 54.84 88.31 U/0.3/4/13 80.70 78.97 76.06 73.70 J13 57.00 53.67 53.18 43.28 saplings 81.03 gate 51.48 42.52

90.56 89.96 86.48 86.98 82.12 80.18 78.31 75.41 72.96 50.20 42.81 89.06 87.54 81.02 U/0.2/5/8 90.44 86.18 76.51 72.34 48.85 HW/0.35/3/4 80.82 72.21 42.35 90.50 89.67 W/0.4/3/6 U/0.25/4/5 82.84 79.60 track 77.74 74.84 72.26 71.07 42.57 SY/0.17/2.5/6 90.56 89.98 89.44 89.51 88.85 88.44 86.87 72.91 hedge centreline 89.86 89.81 88.78 87.68 83.38 79.03 77.25 74.22 73.13 65.77 46.34

SY/0.18/3/7 SY/0.15/1.5/7 86.64 71.31 65.32 90.67 90.42 89.42 85.96 78.37 76.75 73.62 73.45 lb pc 72.21 64.92 42.53

track J11 line of saplings 89.88 U/0.18/2.5/8 SY/0.17/2.5/7 st (approx) line of saplings 88.60 86.29 77.78 72.97 64.53 64.13 63.86 HW/0.2/4/6 A/0.16/3/9

90.32 U/0.17/3/4 89.56 SY/0.15/3/7 SY/0.17/3/6 89.23 88.59 79.33 72.73 J4 B/1.2/12/21 63.50 pwf 1.2m 42.84

90.58 90.35 77.27 J10 72.42 42.82 42.60 SY/0.15/2.5/7 4-8m high 87.82 86.73 79.89 ep 63.18 62.94 (poor) pwf 1.2m 42.28

90.09 89.39 89.49 87.04 86.77 86.76 OK/0.15/2/6 62.63 42.78 SY/0.15/2/8 87.16 85.35 tarmac road 62.34 43.62 90.53 saplings 89.52 U/0.32/5/12 J9 2m shrubs 61.96

SB/0.15/2/6 81.61 76.63 76.06 61.65 61.31 89.37 80.95 61.09 52.11 A/0.5/7/16

89.97 88.68 3m easement either 75.46

90.37 89.98 dense 88.70 60.77 U/0.17/4/7 1.2m pwf 87.98 74.87 gates 60.47 56.50 1.2m pwf 90.22 86.89 ramp 50.89 89.80 86.71 86.49 drain 72.34 60.27 60.01 42.76 42.59 U/0.2/3.5/5 SY/0.18/3/7 87.19 76.27 74.27 59.73 42.92 90.60 90.08 1.2m pwf brambles J6 58.97 A/0.28/5/12 stream 73.71 steel 72.63 66.52 58.73 49.41 90.81 90.56 89.99 89.64 89.56 89.15 88.78 86.46 84.71 80.57 59.35 58.35 90.61 U/0.28/4/6 88.07 73.16 post U/0.4/9/15 57.96 57.64 54.40 48.11 HW/0.16/3/6 A/0.2/6/10 42.75 90.62 89.91 PO/0.22/3.5/9 87.09 U/0.3/5/12 85.01 72.68 57.28 56.47 56.07 46.90 42.70

72.44 56.84 88.84 hedge 1.8m

90.03 81.24 52.79 45.63 85.63 77.94 wmf 1.2m

90.55 89.50 72.42 J8 42.75 borehole 1 89.79 1.2m pwf 87.33 86.62 84.04 81.50 78.71 73.08 2m shrubs and A/0.28/4/9 90.37 89.05 88.90 88.27 77.34 47.54 44.23

89.39 86.40 90.28 89.95 89.68 87.23 SB/0.15/2.5/6 86.27 84.46 74.46 73.38 RPA 56.00 54.98 43.23 brambles U/0.15/3/7 55.63 53.88 53.42 2-3m shrubs

90.13 89.45 89.89 82.33 73.75 pc 51.57 45.02 canopy of saplings 42.49 HW/0.22/4/6 90.03 89.39 1.2m pwf 87.43 86.62 83.05 76.61 75.10 73.03 66.55 66.16 50.16 48.73 + 3-7mtrees small 90.14 89.94 89.42 88.98 80.14 75.82 65.77 89.95 side of SSE OH HV line 86.69 81.20 81.10 79.55 65.46 42.67

89.85 89.81 88.51 87.33 83.56 73.47 65.06 42.62 73.50 72.42 64.78 64.50 46.37 89.73 72.45

89.46 SB/0.18/2.5/7 86.15 73.40 U/0.35/5/10 A/0.4/7/14

72.37 43.00

90.35 89.52 76.57 42.68 89.06 88.64 82.00 72.39 89.38 89.70 64.10 63.82 44.00 43.50

89.71 89.21 87.53 72.45 44.50 A/0.4/6/13

86.87 86.36 45.50 45.00

90.04 SY/0.17/3/8 87.43 80.69 77.00 63.48 62.56 46.00 42.63 42.22

63.17 46.50

62.88 47.00

90.51 87.72 77.50 47.50

86.56 62.21 48.00 43.54 2m brambles 78.00 3m high 48.50 85.45 RPA 61.87 fwmh

61.57 49.00

61.22 49.50 66.68 50.00

88.77 78.50

87.45 SB/0.15/3/9 81.89 shrubs 73.68 66.55 50.50 42.74

51.50 51.00

66.60 52.50 U/0.17/4/6 89.51 52.00

76.71 53.00

89.77 79.00 60.78 60.42 52.24 cl43.00 42.53 line of saplings of line

90.59 90.17 53.50 U/0.2/6/12

87.50 86.99 60.16 54.00

74.00 72.76 54.50 87.88 79.50

86.74 86.95 78.15 59.70 55.00 50.83

lp6S10 61.08 55.50 il40.77 73.77 86.90 80.00 90.66 59.42 42.86 U/0.23/7/10 42.61

89.88 88.83 86.71 9m small trees 84.83 80.50 78.97 77.55 75.89 74.61 59.07 58.77 58.28 225Ø A/0.25/6/10 42.48 No access to south 90.40 88.01 85.14 72.45 49.40 side of stream

87.12 81.00 57.92 57.21 56.73 56.36 54.69

90.61 87.67 55.83 48.09 raised 89.31 74.50 86.79 82.50

89.66 89.91 88.10 U/0.15/2/7 85.74 80.25 57.55 53.00 45.63

track 89.50 88.97 concrete 90.72 90.56 89.98 84.14 79.71 75.33 44.21 42.60 U/0.3/4/10 approx overhead electric cables PO/0.35/5/11 87.27 81.47 47.47 44.88 U/0.18/4/11 approx W/0.18/3.5/5SB/0.15/2/9 88.21 87.87 86.42 84.53 74.11 55.25 43.11 chamber dead OK/0.35/5/10 86.73 86.59 51.64

86.95 81.41

brambles 82.52 81.22 74.03 53.70 75.00 54.10 89.07 80.85 OK/0.8/10/20 50.13 R16 90.68 90.06 87.37 83.17 55.81 48.77 grass verge 73.81

+ 5m small trees 46.99

88.38 83.65 76.81 74.37

87.97 74.42 3-4m mixed hedge OK/0.16/2.5/4 89.30 87.07 46.37

89.51 86.31

66.72 pwf 1.2m

87.51 75.50 U/0.3/6/5 42.52

90.18 89.43 74.02

90.72 83.00 66.33 42.48 42.24

89.45 65.96 88.54 88.11 76.24 67.00 65.68 65.38 U/0.3/5/12 42.64 89.50 87.21 74.88 65.14 90.71 88.67 86.80 86.74 78.40 76.97 64.86 64.44 64.06 43.65 42.48

87.59 72.65 72.66

72.64 90.33 U/0.32/4/13 85.53 82.08 79.15 76.00 allotments 63.69 63.27 A/0.28/4/14 89.52 72.77 63.00

89.49 W/0.15/3/6 88.26 77.77 P/0.8/8/20 approx. 62.67 62.32 52.22 4-8m small U/0.15/4/4

73.77 88.75 87.39 U/0.28/5/10 U/0.8/10/15 61.92 42.47 trees 67.44 90.76 86.82 72.68 4m hawthorn 87.64 U/0.35/5/13 80.36 72.77 approx 61.63 50.83

89.63 SY/0.15/2/7 hedge 80.87 61.43 42.81 42.65 90.59 89.83 SY/0.15/2/7 86.76 86.72 86.67 79.80 61.08 60.77 HW/0.2/4/7 88.86 86.65 (reduced survey detail) 60.43

87.26 88.40 85.31 84.95 76.50 59.99 49.38

90.15 89.94 75.62 74.38 59.61 59.31 48.11 89.55 87.81 87.49 83.50 58.92 54.88 2m shrubs and 90.12 88.98 58.46 58.09 56.37 53.13 A/0.4/8/18 73.07 57.20 56.82 90.62 88.58 U/0.15/3/7 85.88 84.22 76.35 57.67 45.51 brambles U/0.3/5/1042.60 approx 90.30 90.03 72.74 A/0.35/7/15 86.76 44.76 U/0.25/3/889.63 87.95 86.89 86.45 47.50 44.13 89.72 89.08 84.68 81.45 43.06 42.55 87.57 1.2m pwf 55.41 A/0.3/4/12 2m brambles U/0.25/4/842.55 81.62 74.35 74.22 54.23 U/0.15/3.5/8 82.72 81.73 allotments 53.71 51.63 90.64 88.67 74.30 72.24

89.14 50.18 FLOW 90.44 77.14 75.03 48.82 U/0.2/3/12 U/0.22/4/8 88.06 83.42 75.16 74.83 67.52

83.87 80.97 67.38 89.40

90.67 90.54 89.89 89.56 89.43 90.07 89.38 87.66 87.11 U/0.22/4/12 46.20 88.78 73.21

88.20 86.33 79.35 78.68

SY/0.16/2.5/7 87.03 U/0.3/5/1586.78 77.25 67.34 87.19 46.89

90.66 90.58 90.03 80.52 80.01 78.12 lp5S10 RPA 66.94 A/0.22/6/9 87.76 87.24 84.00 66.61 U/0.15/3/5 90.17 86.70 66.30 88.87 88.32 86.75 U/0.18/3.5/5 85.67 66.00 56.12 43.49

89.53 82.18 W/0.15/3/5 65.72 86.83 42.42 90.63 89.56 74.63 65.50 65.20 52.32 42.59 42.40 90.68 90.21 76.69 75.90 64.85 64.36

89.64 OK/0.16/2/7 87.88 63.92 line bottom cable55.08 88.48 87.37 86.49 allotments 50.90 42.78 A/0.18/3/10 42.51 90.65 73.01 63.24 1m cwf 62.90 HW/0.18/4/6 42.38

89.02 86.78 86.87 73.04 2.5m shrubs + 62.49 U/0.25/6/10 approximate ditch approximate

centreline U/0.15/3/9 85.04 63.57 62.18 49.44 90.24 89.80 88.60 85.43 75.30 61.81 48.17 90.65 88.05 86.93 4-6m small trees 61.26 89.10 (reduced survey detail) 60.92 60.52 81.80 73.29 73.16 55.01 53.13 W/0.2/3/6 87.54 74.37 73.08 86.84 85.89 84.33 81.65 59.65 42.63 A/0.35/7/15HW/0.16/4/6 90.30 89.97 89.67 88.69 73.53 61.54 59.32 58.90 45.45 44.50 67.83

90.67 1.2m pwf U/0.4/5/12 60.06 47.50 43.98 89.22 88.16 87.12 SB/0.15/3/8 86.49 84.68 74.70 approx 58.09 57.68 57.20 56.82 56.29 42.99

81.14 77.51 55.59 51.70 42.60 42.41

82.85 54.31 42.57 53.74 stream

90.38 90.13 87.61 3m shrub SB/0.22/4/9 86.83 58.55 88.84 80.63 79.57 50.25 saplings 2-8m of centrelines 42.57 89.66 86.49 81.68 78.92 48.77 A/0.4/5/15 2-4m shrubs 89.41 83.48 81.94 74.68

89.54 80.13 78.42 75.35

87.05 75.31 U/0.2/3/4

84.50 88.29 87.27 83.91 42.61 and brambles + pylon 74.66 46.19 90.37 90.22 86.40 76.96 4-8m small trees W/0.15/3/5 U/0.28/4/12 77.66

88.94 86.79 HW/0.22/5/6 87.72 U/0.28/5/12 81.48 87.38 86.87 74.90

90.52 W/0.2/3.5/5 88.42 86.87 86.78 76.19 67.93 43.34 90.22 87.00 75.51

75.33 tarmac footpath 3-4m mixed hedge 67.54 42.39 89.06 85.82 75.39 67.16 A/0.35/5/10 W/0.15/3/5 68.50 66.80 66.54 87.08 86.96 82.38 HW/0.15/4/6

89.46 U/0.25/4.5/10 90.58 89.77 87.80 87.57 66.25 65.97 52.42 74.85 73.27 65.65

2m scf 74.86

90.24 88.55 U/0.3/4.5/10 65.28 56.29 42.47

42.49 64.83 50.99 42.77 A/0.3/7/12 42.14 89.93 89.16 86.91 0.9m cwf 64.43 46.90 A/0.5/7/14 U/0.15/3/8 63.99 hedge 1.8m 42.56 90.59 89.66 87.64 ep 74.82 42.64 85.59 85.14 73.58 63.26 49.47

90.23 90.01 U/0.18/4/9 81.22 42.40 88.70 87.88 U/0.15/3/886.79 73.38 73.39 63.59 62.87 48.12

89.83 68.43 68.28 62.52 W/0.2/4/6 81.93 1.6m cbf 62.11 61.82 90.11 89.26 87.71 87.26 86.95 80.74 53.19 90.64 87.11 J21 74.96 74.89 61.14 60.73 45.38 42.46 90.31 84.45 80.19 79.71 74.97 60.31 55.02 44.45

68.44 86.83 86.03 85.00 81.58 61.56 47.50 43.84 HW/0.15/3/7 U/0.25/5/12

88.76 88.01 87.50 86.53 84.83 79.18 78.74 59.91 59.54 Allotment Gardens 77.94 90.18 77.19 U/0.15/3/5 59.24 55.64

87.78 87.43 87.13 U/0.15/3/7 51.77 89.65

89.91 82.99 ep 58.83 90.66 89.75 89.42 82.15 58.35 54.40 53.86 43.00 42.61

90.42 89.64 57.95 75.71 57.40 50.25 pwf 1.2m 88.89 88.14 87.24 83.61 81.06 56.90 56.36 48.87 90.15 87.90 84.00 80.64 76.45 75.17 74.90 46.06 90.50 86.44 81.68 80.21 88.23 brambles 86.67

86.91 73.80

81.21 79.77 Track 42.64 42.40 42.00 90.16 89.80 88.98 42.52 88.04 87.38 80.75 79.31 43.22 88.39 81.80 80.34 78.22 74.95 EL/0.15/3/6 42.44 42.36 90.56 W/0.17/3/5 U/0.15/3/786.74 85.87 78.88 69.02 3m easement either 89.82 A/0.17/3/7 rs

W/0.22/5/5 89.15 86.99 82.43 79.92 78.45 HW/0.2/3/5 74.94 90.12 86.94 79.52 42.62 88.17 87.56 9m small trees 77.82 52.52 89.95 79.09 77.08 90.58 82.05 75.24 A/0.4/7/14 88.64 88.52 80.88 78.70 76.40 68.14 67.81 67.44 51.02 42.83 canopy of 2-4m 90.24 89.18 87.18 J16 track 68.60 67.14 U/0.4/6/1242.32

89.52 79.87 74.11 56.14

85.58 77.91 74.06 66.50 89.88 90.11 75.83 73.75 85.21 75.19 66.89

88.28 85.50 66.12 90.60 90.02 73.71 49.51 small willow trees 88.72 87.67 79.35 77.25 75.40 73.80 68.86 65.77 64.56 3m easement either side 48.21 78.45 65.40

90.27 76.56 64.97 55.13 53.19 89.27 88.00 75.05 88.77 86.11 84.55 75.90 lp4S10 64.11 45.24 A/0.35/6/10

90.62 90.05 89.73 87.33 63.74 44.17 88.44 63.27 42.41 90.39 U/0.17/2.5/6 86.72 75.45 62.92 47.52 43.69 86.53 75.45 62.52 56.23

89.79 87.74 86.69 84.91 shrubs 1.2m 69.23 46.88 74.05

track 89.61 89.45 88.91 86.88 76.75 75.26 62.10 55.77 51.81 43.00 42.34 83.06 81.46 54.47 53.95 side of WW foul sewer 42.65 90.08 87.52 86.78 61.86 90.45 88.56 U/0.18/4/10 SB/0.15/2/8 61.51 50.31 42.37 42.56

48.91 42.44 83.64 42.13 89.03 87.85 87.01 84.14 61.17 60.69 46.09 A/0.5/8/17 42.40 80.62 77.65 GREEN BANKS 60.32 2-4m shrubs HW/0.16/3/7

90.08 87.47

87.17 86.48 59.95 87.67 75.25 88.66 centreline of av. F/0.2/2.5/7 90.53 89.73 89.13 78.44 59.17 56.53 and brambles + 1.2m pwf 1.2m PO/0.38/5/11 69.48 58.68 42.36 87.88 75.54 4m hawthorn hedge 58.14 57.64 R15 43.13 90.52 79.12 59.55 57.08 of WW distribution main 4-8m small trees 42.33 90.08 76.25 42.48 89.22 86.76 86.05 U/0.3/5/6

88.72 87.11 82.63 82.10 81.07

88.50 87.77

82.22 69.28 89.89 80.08 42.36

89.69 SB/0.15/1.5/7

89.70 88.05 86.95 75.58 ridge 82.51 52.61 42.51 82.30 75.64 90.18 86.00 90.57 89.26 79.61 A/0.2/4/12 42.45 W/0.25/3/6 88.81 87.83 pwf 1.2m 51.14 42.82 89.97 75.50 88.18 87.24 75.46 No access to south U/0.16/3/7 85.70 U/0.25/5/5 42.13 90.28 74.64 69.14 49.61 42.53 side of stream 90.50 A/0.15/2/8 85.43 78.59 74.46 87.11 81.62 74.06 68.72 48.24 90.63 88.94 87.92 74.29 68.29 55.20 42.31 42.46 Ex. FW03 89.47 69.32 67.95 53.28 A/0.15/3/10 89.99 88.25 86.76 Greenbanks eaves 78.76 69.32

90.44 86.79 86.28 84.65 77.95 77.14 67.64 67.30 45.16 42.35 HW/0.18/5/7

89.72 89.74 87.40 borehole 66.87 44.11 66.47 47.53 43.56 42.52

89.57 88.00 86.64 Bdy 74.13 Ward 74.29 65.70 90.50 90.00 89.12 88.43 U/0.22/4/7 83.23 80.79 76.50 U/0.25/4/6 66.06 65.34 55.89 42.95 A/0.4/8/16

87.10 85.03 64.93 54.62 53.98 52.01 A/0.4/7/15

75.84 64.50 42.51 64.10 42.36

grass verge A/0.17/3/689.94 79.37 69.84 63.60 63.27 87.58 83.86 4-6m small trees 50.37 88.58 4m mixed hedge + 62.85 56.68 48.97 90.44 90.00 90.14 89.19 88.10 84.22 82.49 62.48 56.58 46.17 A/0.3/5/1442.39

89.57 62.14 SY/0.17/3/7 46.87 87.14 75.86 61.81 61.40 60.91 A/0.35/5/13 CL 42.58 88.68 86.62 W/0.3/4/6 81.28 80.29 42.33 water level 42.19

89.68 87.70 60.49 90.49 90.13 89.00 75.67 60.05 HW/0.17/4/9 4-8m high 82.25 43.12 89.25 88.25 42.38 (March 2018) 59.60 42.46 saplings 74.79 86.18 78.77 88.76 81.83 79.82 75.80 56.11 42.07

89.80 87.32 2m brambles + 82.83 82.40 59.17 HW/0.15/3/6 90.52 pwf 1.2m 78.30 74.46 58.68

90.20 88.34 86.79 87.82 74.49 52.68 89.42 7m small trees long grass HW/0.3/4/5 87.16 69.70 58.13 3.5m hawthornhedge 87.56 75.98

77.54 overhead power cable 56.56 wmf 1.2m 42.24 90.59 89.89 88.86 86.50 57.60 A/0.45/8/14 42.70

line of saplings of line 51.23 90.36 88.50 87.47 78.89 IL TBC (WW Investigating) 70.24 U/0.15/5/7 overhead electric cables 57.19

85.88 74.28 49.69

87.95 hedge 1.2m pwf 48.27 dead A/0.25/6/12

88.95 69.65

85.52 2m mixed 77.01 69.82 70.12

89.90 89.53 79.52 76.17 1m cwf U/0.4 dead 53.43 90.00 88.63 87.63 86.92 42.47 A/0.35/9/15

90.42 89.60 89.69 88.01 87.16 86.31 81.09 74.44 84.76 RPA 89.48 89.66 89.12 gates 69.72 44.97 42.53 SY/0.15/2.5/8 87.19 86.72 82.73 69.39 55.87 47.71 44.05 43.49 42.25 HW/0.18/5/7

85.16 69.00 68.57 56.58 42.24 42.22 90.37 89.98 88.72 83.42 P/0.45/7/11 centreline of 68.19 56.73 42.94

87.80 74.36 approx fir trees 67.80 54.83 54.20 52.11 edge of grass U/0.15/7/3 leaning FLOW 88.08 81.42 74.39 2m shrubs 67.46 42.28 89.66 89.21 80.49 tarmac P/0.45/9/10 67.02 89.59 84.00 F/0.2/6/8 ED & Ward Bdy 50.52 1.3m prf 87.15 76.16 bol 0.91m RH 49.06

90.41 89.68 89.46 88.81 84.36 dropped kerbs 66.62 A/0.4/6/15 46.06 42.48

87.85 87.26 82.42 80.04 66.27


42.42 90.00 88.12 87.17 U/0.28/5/13 allotments lp3S10 1.8m cbf canopy of fir trees 65.87 65.47 42.31 89.25 86.64 78.56 76.26 B/0.4/7/10 1.5m cwf 65.01 56.46 89.58 RPA approximate centreline of U/0.18/8/6

89.83 allotments 74.39 1.2m pwf (poor) 64.52 64.16 56.36 U/0.28/7/8 U/0.22/5/9 70.24 42.31

90.07 79.62 leaning 41.93 90.50 SY/0.18/3/8 88.88 82.56 70.10 63.69 43.15 87.62 2.5m shrubs + leaning U/0.17/2.5/7 87.94 76.16 g mkr HW/0.15/4/7 SB/0.25/6/12 70.20

74.84 1.2m pwf 88.25 74.84 74.67 63.24 79.07 fir trees av. 0.3/4/7 89.84 89.36 86.37 77.85 (reduced survey detail)77.20 U/0.17/4/8 U/0.2/4/8 55.05 42.35 46.93 86.81 74.67 6-7m small trees 62.92 EL/0.18/4/6 75.21 87.34 83.08 (reduced survey detail) 75.26 g 57.99 90.19 86.99 56.91 56.28 90.57 89.06 88.33 74.68 73.99 72.88 3m shrubs HC/0.4/5/10 P/0.65/9/15 57.61 A/0.55/5/15 52.85 74.86 1.2m pwf 55.46 89.49 88.04 SB/0.2/3.5/10 1.2m prf 73.39 72.41 approx SB/0.3/6/15 60.37 59.91 57.80 HW/0.22/5/9 89.86 81.15 76.28 71.87 70.96 60.94 59.36 58.92 57.28 55.65 42.74 42.48 79.17 51.37 42.28 90.61 74.22 71.52 70.48 Def 58.36 57.91 90.32 1.2m pwf

89.49 88.42 62.26 55.84 86.13 85.81 70.36 61.41 89.56 89.11 87.40 76.57 gate 73.61 62.53 61.87 56.87 49.81 U/0.15/3/7

89.89 89.64 88.06 sv 73.26 56.81 48.42

70.83 A/0.55/5/12 SY/0.15/3/8 72.77 56.77 stream 89.43 89.92 81.62 72.59 53.62 U/0.18/6/9 87.01 76.49 cl75.34 90.37 88.57 84.97 78.76 75.01 72.07 42.45 2m brambles and shrubs

89.74 J5 54.62 44.83

87.46 U/0.15/2/8 86.93 80.72 74.75 42.63 89.19 56.81 88.17 87.19 86.86 86.53 74.41 71.59 58.11 P/0.6/7/20 47.73 44.07 HW/0.17/5/7 A/0.7/12/14 89.94 88.61 85.45 83.69 75.12 74.03 rubble pile 42.88 87.12 82.10 75.08 42.35 90.33 89.50 U/0.15/3/8 82.78 80.30 sv 1.3m prf 71.25 54.34 52.19 43.52 W/0.2/4/12 56.86 87.66 79.85 ep 2m hedge 57.00 57.49 canopy of saplings

89.66 89.23 88.25 84.30 82.61 77.50 70.65 RPA 50.60 42.27

90.01 87.25 81.60 78.18 75.12 74.40 56.65 56.65 49.21

88.71 84.71 mkr (sv) 73.46 70.25 60.12 42.12

90.34 74.06 56.17 42.33 75.39 72.92 60.55 60.40 46.10 42.28 U/0.18/4/7 W/0.2/6/5 87.78 87.11 86.76 76.46 rs 73.38 69.90 89.81 88.33 87.24 76.41 72.38 69.51 59.68 42.33 leaning 90.11 89.42 88.79 87.34 82.81 76.63 86 61.14 59.40 58.72

72.96 1.3m prf 42.41

89.33 82.66 79.37 4m 72.69 68.92 59.17 58.47 56.57 56.17 56.58 43.18 90.42 71.86 68.48 56.14 88.45 87.88 86.55 75.53 92 104 72.27 68.11 67.66 57.66 56.37 54.78 stump 76.93 A/0.3/4/10 P/0.5/7/22 1.37m RH

87.63 111 67.27 57.98 A/0.25/8/10 fwmh 89.60 83.29 75.63 89.85 W/0.18/4/7 96 105 RPA 57.04 56.90 55.91 U/0.25/5/4 75.62 97 41.98

SY/0.17/3.5/8 89.39 88.90 81.85 tp 75.43 small trees 91 113 60.61 55.89 55.44 42.24 cl42.58 leaning

82.44 75.35 60.89 75.36

79.00 U/0.24/5/11 98 56.96 A/0.25/8/10 90.17 centreline 8m small 75.48 75.50 66.36 61.29 1.2m wp pwf A/0.7/10/15 A/0.4/6/12 42.32 42.24 90.58 87.95 76.50 95 112 120 66.82 66.01 1.2m wp pwf 42.37 88.57 trees 79.49 st 90 110 P/0.75/8/22 42.70 blocked 42.36 87.45 tc tp HZ/0.4/4/8 99 65.55 65.13 6m 54.15 53.01 51.55 U/0.2/4/7

89.90 86.89 83.01 75.60 87 88 93 75.40 U/0.15/4/8 64.69 trough 58.70 56.11 54.55 U/0.18/3/8 89.50 4m hedge 89.55 89.01 81.73 81.00 89 74.79 U/0.2/5/9 U/0.35/7/15 64.26 63.80 U/0.2/4/5 2m shrub 56.66 A/0.4/7/14 A/0.5/8/12 HW/0.18/3/6 0.91m RH 47.05 90.60 89.55 86.26 85.92 94 75.01 57.88 50.08 90.30 88.61 88.03 87.57 106 109 U/0.15/4/9 63.40 63.00 holly 57.45 56.34 56.24 A/0.45/8/1455.46 53.35 52.76 SY/0.15/2/7 80.08 77.88 76.50 FM/0.18/4/10 CH/0.3/7/12 75.25 119 62.58 61.41 HY/0.35/3/7 A/0.6/7/10 51.95 51.14 49.46 48.60 42.25 U/0.18/5/4 89.94 80.51 103 71.82 2m shrub 55.03 50.60 OK/0.15/2.5/6 74.63 62.19 60.55 HW/0.2/3/6 57.08 2m hedge 42.36 leaning 86.59 101 114 60.73 HY/0.35/3/7 RPA 90.36 89.11 85.19 76.65 FM/0.22/5/11 FM/0.15/2/10 77.06 77.05 117 60.17 U/0.35/6/12 5m shrubs 44.96

88.07 87.68 100 118 60.43 58.41 58.29 5m 49.93 44.22

88.72 87.22 87.18 78.51 59.35 47.93 46.22 87.07 86.81 85.51 76.86 U/0.18/2/12 72.14 59.88 A/0.6/6/12 3m shrubs 1.2m pwf 49.22 43.67 raised 90.03 centreline hedge U/0.18/2.5/8 83.87 2m shrub 108 115 61.82 58.93 53.23 42.91

g 102 125 60.80

89.43 107 52.92 remains of pwf 48.57 R25 concrete

89.61 89.20

89.93 1.2m pwf (remains) pwf 1.2m 90.37 small trees U/0.35/6/13 A/0.65/7/14 A/0.6/6/14 4m hawthorn hedge 47.44 42.29 116 FM/0.35/6/15 A/0.6/7/14 54.77 52.08 45.32 42.23

89.74 82.94 75.98 77.09 FM/0.18/4/14 A/0.45/6/9 42.44 41.89

88.19 FM/0.15/3/5 77.15 58.72 57.55 43.82 42.91 ED & Ward Bdy 123 83.05 76.67 RPA

88.79 84.37 75.79 124 chamber U/0.22/4/9 51.32 saplings 2-8m of centrelines 87.77 79.27 75.90 122 126 OK/0.8/11/15 57.31 4m hawthorn hedge EL/0.18/4/6 ED Bdy FM/0.4/6/14 56.52 50.50 44.44 90.12 84.80 82.67 36 FM/0.2/5/8 77.39 FM/0.28/5/15 77.00 trough 43.29 42.75 75.69 42.58 42.47 87.26 HZ/0.6/4/12 P/0.45/3/10A/0.6/8/14 55.33

79.80 3m hedge

90.33 89.85 89.53 89.24 U/0.12/2/7 86.60 37 FM/0.15/4/6 75.83 77.50 76.53 71.78 46.82 43.06 42.28

88.89 88.23 J18 80.14 lp2S10 75.82 R8 A/0.45/5/12 U/0.28/6/10 90.17 SY/0.15/3/7 87.89 77.29 FM/0.17/3/7 84 77.41 HZ/0.4/4/10HW/0.15/3/8 U/0.3/5.5/12 54.15 42.27

38 75.94 75.81 FM/0.17/3.5/9 77.23 77.08 127 71.35 48.24 remains of pwf 42.71 82.34 HW/0.17/3/10 121 46.93 42.19 89.88 77.22 130 53.35 42.41 U/0.6/10/13

89.49 87.35 FM/0.3/5/14 76.58 42.56


86.39 39 FM/0.15/3.5/7 52.65 A/0.6/7/17 A/0.4/8/12 5m hawthorn hedge 42.26

42.21 89.36 82.01 77.29 71.00 42.31 42.21

90.40 87.75 86.86 83.32 88.97 88.36 42.27 90.28 87.26 82.71 81.63 78.15 40 76.94 85 77.27 128 70.58 51.66 HW/0.25/4/6 U/0.5/10/4 87.96 86.81 U/0.18/6/12 83 77.33 2m scf 76.95 50.99 fallen 82.42 81.17 FM/0.3/6/8 75.87 77.57 56.90 56.25 timber post 50.14 89.89 82 70.20 61.11 47.14 0.9m cwf 57.53

3.5m hawthorn hedge 82.05 90.45 87.40 80.72 30 FM/0.15/1.5/8 CH/0.15/2/12 69.76 49.38 42.28 89.61 89.42 89.09 88.45 81.68 79.83 g 77.34 FM/0.25/5/14 55.89 55.40 HW/0.15/3/6 EL/0.16/3/5

80.30 72.37

90.30 FM/0.18/3/9 88.03 3-9m saplings U/0.12/1.5/7 86.28 81.28 31 FM/0.15/4/8 77.56 69.39 58.12 56.50 HW/0.18/3/5 42.87 42.36 89.94 86.15 85.74 track 79.95 80 77.49 FM/0.18/4/13 FM/0.15/3/14 129 68.91 54.58 3-4m mixed hedge 42.41 42.45 U/0.2/4/10 J24 PO/0.35/5/10 80.85 FM/0.18/3/8 81 FM/0.3/5/14 134 48.40 46.57 3-4m mixed hedge HW/0.18/4/7 42.35 90.54 87.24 79.52 32 76.89 68.44 61.11 47.61 HW/0.22/4/4 76.12 68.02 55.20 + 4-6m small trees 82.83 79.38 67.64 + 4-6m small trees HW/0.15/4/5 88.50 80.44 33 FM/0.3/4.5/8 75.49 67.15 60.51 60.00 45.44 44.62 42.63 42.71

90.27 89.14 88.14 87.55 85.06 82.02 80.04 79.03 79 FM/0.38/7/15 FM/0.15/2.5/10 75.85 75.62 FM/0.18/5/16 132 66.67 HW/0.25/4/5 42.38 U/0.16/3/10 76.04 59.55 HW/0.2/3/7 HW/0.18/3/5 HW/0.18/5/6

86.45 78.66 76.11 44.00 42.95 90.00 81.53 J17 34 FM/0.15/3/7 66.25 59.09 43.50

85.35 76.04 75.28 78.14 76.01 65.88 42.67 87.11 86.59 86.44 81.82 76.35 76.30 77 FM/0.28/4/16 58.59 49.71 83.75 77.47 35 76.15 135 131 72.76 65.08 58.09 HW/0.17/3/5 42.45 42.05 U/0.24/4/10 90.29 88.58 87.70 87.28 77.00 76.30 lp1S010 64.67 61.77 57.63 43.37 89.46 89.50 88.23 U/0.2/2.5/5 83.04 64.25 57.08 90.06 J19 78.66 78 A/0.3/8/18 63.65 42.96 42.42 42.29 89.74 89.21 86.43 86.16 84.23 81.28 78.10 76.13 65.53 63.13 56.56 42.74 42.29 SY/0.15/2.5/7 77.56 77.72 A/0.45/8/18 136 62.70 62.30 61.90 55.99 42.78 42.55 U/0.17/7/10 84.67 79.64 FM/0.15/2.5/14 72.22 55.47 90.28 88.69 W/0.15/4/7 83.06 82.64 FM/0.2/4/9 4m hawthorn hedge HZ/0.6/4/12 77.72 CH/0.3/8/18 61.40 54.80 42.28

90.11 88.27 76.08 77.54 B/0.2/4/16 133 54.10 U/0.15/6/7 87.34 78.96 A/0.17/7/14 2m hedge 53.45

89.81 89.43 89.30 87.80 80.86 24 FM/0.18/4.5/9 FM/0.15/3/15 137 61.57 52.94 A/0.8/10/16 U/0.15/4/8 86.62 80.45 76 75 77.72 75.88 52.34 2m hedge

87.50 86.49 25 FM/0.2/2.5/10 77.23 FM/0.22/4/15 42.22 41.93 90.41 88.79 87.25 76.74 51.67 42.23 remains 42.36 90.18 86.26 76.24 88.41 FM/0.17/3.5/9 A 354 53.40

89.79 87.38 86.70 86.64 83.30 26 74 3-5m FM/0.22/4/14 72.21 52.70 50.99 50.31 of wmf U/0.23/5/10 41.93

87.93 1.2m pwf 82.12 81.64 77.74 B/0.18/3/14 72.01 49.57 41.93 tarmac footpath 27 FM/0.18/3/10 76.52 76.22

89.35 88.88 75.73 54.22

90.53 89.74 87.24 87.05 48.94 42.23 90.22 1.1m rails 80.04 28 FM/0.22/4/9 RPA small trees U/0.15/5/11 71.56 48.29 42.22 89.80 89.56 89.35 89.52 88.47 87.37 86.30 72 A/0.35/6/18 87.55 87.29 81.86 77.39 73 71.23 70.76 47.59 79.73 29 76.30 70.38 54.99 51.11 46.77 42.48 OK/0.15/2.5/5 SALISBURY ROAD 69.88 45.85 87.98 82.94 76.62 77.66 FM/0.3/4/16 58.23 43.00 42.29

90.23 85.72 82.98 81.36 76.34 71 B/0.3/4/16 44.96 44.25 U/0.18/4/10 88.99 3.5m small tarmac footpath 76.26 69.48 89.89 trees allotments 1m cwf bol 77.62 76.36 FM/0.3/5/14 68.80 59.25 43.41 42.18

88.59 87.63 87.19 79.36 76.31 68.33 43.65 42.40 79.04 67.86 56.84 49.50 U/0.2/3.5/7 41.81 89.06 J22 86.27 85.98 76.28 76.35 70 FM/0.3/6/16 75.31 U/0.15/4/13 67.40 66.98 47.86

90.30 85.05 82.74 78.81 78.03 FM/0.25/4/14 57.50 55.80 45.36


88.06 77.06 76.50176.501 B/0.15/3/14B/0.18/4/16 66.13 42.18 86.90 J7 75.68 66.56 65.72 90.01 87.75 85.46 (reduced survey detail) 42.18 4-8m high 88.67 86.56 81.07 1.2m prf FM/0.3/5/8 72.95 65.35 65.03 42.72

89.58 89.11 83.82 80.63 78.42 FM/0.2/5/6 76.24 64.44 61.33 51.09 46.63 88.14 86.88 77.82 63.78 50.38 77.77 76.24 90.34 saplings 87.27 80.28 39 g rs FM/0.2/4/14 FM/0.15/3/14 FM/0.15/4/12 63.31 48.61 90.08 87.87 84.31 FM/0.18/4/9 79.94 77.46 FM/0.2/4/16 FM/0.25/4/16 62.89 U/0.17/4/10 88.74 88.24 87.26 76.54 grass 77.82 60.79 58.67 56.38 89.66 89.22 86.32 84.72 81.77 16 FM/0.15/1/8 36 37 38 40 grass 60.24 42.15 76.95 76.69 U/0.2/7/13 62.49

line of saplings of line 82.34 76.67 90.39 82.02 76.41

85.89 76.56 76.39 concrete 59.81 SY/0.15/2/9 86.56 17 FM/0.25/3.5/9 77.93 A/0.28/6/17 72.86 U/0.2/3/9 87.96 87.31 61.46 90.11 86.79 83.18 79.00 32 59.36 borehole 42.11 89.49 88.87 88.32 gates 81.57 duct 33 35 posts 77.85 FM/0.35/6/16 62.14 59.78 52.15 89.71 SY/0.18/3/6 18 FM/0.18/3.5/8 31 76.99 76.55 76.04 87.25 86.24 77.76 75.46 61.84 58.86

90.53 19 FM/0.22/3.5/8 marker g FM/0.35/6/14 FM/0.2/3/14 72.64 53.54 89.21

89.66 88.42 30 34 58.49

90.21 88.02 83.42 76.36 FM/0.2/4/16FM/0.15/1.5/15 61.80 60.69 52.90 42.07 42.14

87.41 83.06 FM/0.2/4.5/9 FM/0.2/4/13 57.34 56.88 87.02 RPA

88.95 gates 20 78.44 U/0.18/5/15 89.73 89.34 82.88 76.31 lp306B189 76.34 U/0.18/4/13 FM/0.2/2/14 68 61.30 57.91 54.33 89.48 88.48 87.18 87.00 86.02 FM/0.18/4/8 79.72 FM/0.15/4/8 77.22 g 77.69 75.93 90.24 87.14 21 76.50 56.31

89.48 88.12 FM/0.2/5/8 rs 69 67 65 1.2m wp wmf 87.16 22 FM/0.18/4/8 80.16 76.97 76.88 2m 76.44 63 55.16 51.25 42.43

89.78 88.56 87.52 canopy of 4m 82.06 79.11 66 77.80 58.27 55.83 52.77 42.91 U/0.18/4/9

76.63 41.74 89.00 87.16 RPA 23 81.21 28 64 44.34 90.30 SY/0.15/3/689.45 87.19 small trees 82.29 29 FM/0.15/4/7 76.55 76.34 62 77.64 FM/0.18/5/14 FM/0.3/5/16 138 59.36 52.09 43.73 43.38

89.42 FM/0.2/4/15

88.15 86.85 82.02 FM/0.17/4/7 77.54 54 55.31 51.41

small trees U/0.3/7/11 75.64 42.01

soakaway 83.08 82.62 lp308B189 58 72.50 57.00 53.92 53.25 49.53 86.92 80.85 73.06

89.84 88.60 87.23 86.36 85.24 83.16 25 27 57 FM/0.28/4/14 141 57.63 47.94 45.59 SY/0.15/2/9 88.99 87.64 86.59 83.35 81.49 26 79.73 76.88 61 60 72.53 72.00 54.53

cl86.58 83.19 24 77.12 76.86

90.33 86.41 85.60 82.95 82.39 1.2m prf 76.47 59 77.53 50.65

89.48 86.92 150Ø 83.75 77.31 71.50 89.18 82.22 77.38

88.21 86.64 il85.36 56 52 77.55 49.98 46.92 42.63 U/0.28/2.5/11 (cover fallen into chamber) 55 line of saplings

87.31 83.91 4m small FM/0.18/3.5/7 140 142 FLOW

89.92 89.52 88.67 71.00 61.60 86.89 83.17 82.59 80.11 FM/0.15/4/8 55.88 89.15 84.22 trees 76.84 76.73 76.69 76.47 76.45 53 51 FM/0.17/3/14 147 139 143 50.38 49.24 48.77 42.02

89.64 bed 83.20 82.97 90.31 87.73 84.44 20 77.19 77.15 70.50 48.61 42.03

PO/0.35/5/10 83.33 16 17 80.98 FM/0.2/4.5/8 77.90 77.56 76.33 50 49 58.84 47.94 47.24 46.36 45.46 44.57 U/0.18/3/5 89.95 89.59 88.77 88.31 84.68 83.59 18 81.22 48 47 72.20 70.00 60.36 56.42

85.13 84.91 83.96 81.66 19 77.37 71.75 42.11 42.11

87.35 1.8m hedge 46 45 71.33 69.50 68.63

90.36 86.60 84.34 81.82 23 77.03 76.79 g 76.33 43 70.93 70.04 69.54 69.09 68.19 1.2m prf 22 76.58 44 69.00

87.80 87.16 87.23 85.31 82.77 82.32 72.75 67.80 67.26 41.86 Ex. FW04

85.45 84.67 83.09 81.89 FM/0.28/4/9 FM/0.2/3/9 FM/0.15/4.5/8 lp304B189 59.84 52.21 3m dense approximate bank lines

88.37 86.80 g 41 68.50 66.87 90.01 89.69 87.01 SY/0.18/2.5/9 FM/0.18/3/7 42 66.36 88.88 86.12 4m hawthorn hedge FM/0.18/4/10 FM/0.15/2/8 76.46 76.18 145 70.54 shrubs

SY/0.17/4/8 86.25 85.02 83.29 82.76 78.02 77.68 76.53 76.30 76.37 146 144 65.95 65.57

85.90 21 68.00 87.44 87.01 83.59 FM/0.2/6/8 76.87 65.15 R10 53.60 62.07 60.88 2 - 7m

SY/0.17/3/9 86.38 85.38 75.98 64.66 52.98 87.85 concrete wall 67.50 64.13

89.68 89.28 83.96 80.41 grass pc 76.48 75.64 73.21 63.63 87.50 72.69

90.11 88.47 wt87.71 85.59 FM/0.17/2/7 77.87 67.00

89.37 SY/0.17/2/8 88.89 87.14 87.49 84.34 80.87 FM/0.15/3/6 FM/0.18/4/8 76.73 76.25 72.31 63.14 61.49 54.52 saplings stream

86.49 FM/0.18/3/9 rs

84.67 A/0.2/3/9 78.01 g 66.50 62.68 42.41

86.31 85.83 73.32

87.54 86.40 81.69 80.49 lp309B189 76.97 76.68 g U/0.18/2/5 89.64 85.02 brambles FM/0.15/4/7 rs 66.00 62.35 55.28 42.28 90.15 87.94 87.09 drain FM/0.18/4.5/9 77.34 rs 76.19 51.32 86.37 RPA g 76.24 58.46

89.39 88.53 87.23 1.2m prf 85.38 77.88 42.82 42.06 65.50 CL 42.20 (Assumed)

88.92 87.23 9m small 44.31

87.36 6m small 59.43 43.36

89.48 SY/0.18/3.5/8 lp310B189 77.03 75.41 85.59 84.67 SY/0.15/2/10 trees trees 65.00 43.73 42.03 U/0.18/3/6

89.74 87.59 86.36 86.11 A/0.18/3/8 ic 79.41 77.67 ic 62.08 57.16 42.02 90.25 87.21 rs 72.06 64.50 48.05 45.63 41.97

86.34 42.03 88.01 86.52 55.95 41.74

89.43 9m small 76.07 73.34 57.85 89.40 cl76.84 64.00

1.2m pwf 1.2m 81.87 trees rs cl78.65 78.53 77.95 rs g 1.2m wp pwf 49.54

89.29 86.58 86.45

88.62 86.27 6m small 77.94 76.92 76.06 72.24 89.09 77.15

89.79 SB/0.16/2.5/9 89.07 87.71 86.66 86.40 FM/0.35/6/10 SY/0.18/3/11 trees 78.16 77.06 76.88 77.05 A354 3m shrubs 72.56 63.50 47.07 42.53

RPA 78.40 61.67 90.31 88.16 86.89 4m hawthorn hedge 86.39 4m dense 79.91 78.66 78.46 g mh 63.00

89.53 86.62 shrubs lp312B189 77.29 77.23 76.39 75.98 50.51 48.82 42.09


SY/0.18/3/10 78.61 g cl76.97 76.55 76.32 62.50

87.31 87.22 86.68 mh 78.91 78.84 lp311B189 77.53 77.44 71.6871.68 89.85 88.71 87.78 86.21 78.04 77.57 77.15 75.17 1.3m prf 58.93 56.61 IL TBC (WW Investigating)

79.05 grass 75.73 41.94

90.24 89.57 88.28 86.91 79.21 78.18 77.70 ic 6m 60.50

86.81 86.78 87.74 cl86.75 77.03 87.73

86.45 77.88 pc rs 72.80 61.50 41.94 85.24 3-7m small trees and 78.37 77.15 76.26 RPA cl77.06 77.07 g rs

ep transformer 85.32 1.3m prf approx position 79.63 78.62 78.08 75.77 75.69 61.00 R30 89.97 89.44 87.86 shrubs 76.54 bol A/0.35/6/12 OK/0.25/5/11 60.50 42.27 42.25

90.30 88.74 87.38 87.11 86.82 86.62 78.96 78.39 77.28 76.88 M1 76.18 75.00 small trees 59.98 52.28 41.97 bol A/0.28/6.5/10 70.51 60.00 U/0.2/4/4 89.62 42.10

88.39 78.68 77.38 M6 77.03 A/0.15/3/11 71.71 68.21 53.77 long grass

89.79 87.01 79.32 79.55 77.18 ic 75.52 59.50 42.29 89.22 J20 77.52 rs g g 71.99 71.31 69.71 67.82 62.20 53.11 90.03 89.31 89.14 86.96 A/0.18/2.5/9 79.05 76.36 A 354 g 75.41 70.10 67.32 41.96 77.68 87.92 87.09 cl76.95 68.76 66.86 41.55 79.36 77.86 76.45 69.32 66.38 61.09 59.00 42.07 42.00 42.02 89.66 88.77 rail 71.02 65.98 61.60 54.70

87.44 78.00 77.29 77.19 A/0.18/6/11 65.55 58.50

87.25 80.15 79.49 77.16 pc g 77.02 rs 75.96 75.23 65.19 42.00 78.21 74.60 58.00 90.09 88.41 87.20 87.13 rs 76.88 A354 64.64 64.20 63.59 42.17 42.26 SY/0.16/3/7 U/0.3/6/7 87.97 st st 86.75 78.52 76.58 A/0.3/5/12 71.76 63.12 57.50 55.43 51.45 42.13

89.72 84.82 86.70 71.99 U/0.18/2.5/8 57.00 89.27 87.24 84.64 Y/0.2/2/5 80.65 80.13 A 350 62.60 44.45 42.81 88.92 78.81 75.68 59.56

90.19 88.41 87.53 FB 79.16 76.11 74.90 62.20 58.55 56.50 49.76 46.01 43.46 41.65 87.29 76.23 56.00 stream 41.62 89.36 88.06 87.25 87.13 77.31 A350 ic 57.35 89.80 FM/0.2/3/7 81.24 80.72 79.51 g 77.24 48.25 43.82 41.60 89.09 3-7m small trees and 77.22 cl77.07 76.55 76.36 74.27 71.24 58.00 56.06 55.50 86.40 88.21 74.69 71.76 2m hedge 55.00 90.26 87.64 87.35 87.34 87.38 87.25 85.94 88.22 77.42 A350 75.36

89.49 3.5m hawthornhedge 88.46 86.61 shrubs 77.54 g 77.07 77.01 76.45 76.00 75.83 54.50 47.27 42.53 42.46 89.49 89.11 81.71 81.27 76.17 74.38 54.00 42.23

88.19 tarmac 77.70 77.16 rs R27 42.41 SY/0.15/3/6 FM/0.18/4/7 FM/0.2/3.5/8 Lay-by 53.50

89.89 87.72 87.45 87.47 77.84 76.93 76.74 76.30 rs 50.63 41.68 42.05 90.24 87.29 78.06 53.00

89.55 77.12 g 76.44 75.05 73.96 No access to south

89.70 74.35 73.89 52.50 88.57 A/0.17/3.5/12 82.36 81.74 A350 77.45 rs 75.57 3-5m 60.69 U/0.18/2/7 side of stream

88.27 78.38 77.67 77.61 71.29 59.04 56.74 52.00 49.02

89.26 89.26 87.77 77.12 76.99 42.08 90.24 89.96 3.5m hawthorn hedge 87.60 87.38 78.68 lay-by 77.79 77.46 76.53 g 51.50

87.61 OK/0.28/4/8 84.06 M8 ic 77.47 75.93 75.22 73.89 51.00 78.25 M7 50.50 89.64 88.67 82.28 79.03 rs 77.43 pc small trees 60.23 42.38 88.30 87.47 82.78 79.49 cl78.5478.55 78.15 78.10 74.68 52.42 50.00 41.73 3m shrubs + 77.39 76.99 76.42 76.15 2m hedge

89.19 87.83 79.39 76.85 lp303B189 73.37 49.50 42.23 89.99 brambles g 74.94 73.91 70.46 53.98 49.00

87.73 83.77 78.81 76.64

89.17 77.21 g 71.29 83.97 79.05

89.61 87.69 rs 61.88 61.18 1.3m prf 79.25 78.46 48.50 U/0.28/3.5/7

centreline 87.60 82.80 80.12 73.43 53.28 5m small 77.17

SY/0.15/3/5 88.67 87.90 underside bridge B19 78.56 FM/0.18/4/9 77.58 mh 75.65 g 48.00 70.62 47.50 90.06 88.30 83.27 79.57 78.78 trees 76.69 76.65 grass M2 74.61 74.20 61.73 54.76 U/0.16/4/6

89.14 87.78 structure 88.18 cl77.29 76.80 U/0.23/5.5/11 47.00 89.69 83.65 78.05 77.13 75.99 lp302B189 46.50

87.76 B17 80.73 FM/0.15/3/9 75.72 68.36 46.00 42.24 83.28 70.73 67.86 45.50

88.80 87.99 83.96 footbridge 79.47 FM/0.15/3/9 grass 73.42 55.45

89.53 87.73

5m 75.21 62.41 41.72 74.31 45.00 90.18 88.40 80.34 76.94 76.37 67.35 66.96 58.67 51.68

89.27 SY/0.13/1.5/5 PO/0.28/4/1089.36 87.86 81.28 80.49 3m dense FM/0.15/3/7 74.86 73.83 68.81 66.09 59.74 44.66 44.50 42.76

88.15 72.91 U/0.25/5/12 65.73 44.00 89.41 84.33 lay-by

89.81 89.22 89.02 87.84 shrubs shrubs 79.55 76.74 75.26 65.28 49.92 46.24 43.98 83.70 79.77 43.50 A/0.18/2.5/11 FM/0.18/3/9 80.76 FM/0.15/3/9 FM/0.18/5/10 3 FM/0.15/4/10 77.36 tp 76.69 g 72.88 70.07 69.36 66.52 64.82 57.48 43.49 90.20 89.19 77.90 48.42 FM/0.22/4.5/10 81.22 FM/0.3/5/10 FM/0.15/5/7 69.67 64.29 56.09 43.00

89.21 87.76 81.74 81.08 antenna 73.95 63.76 58.11 80.35 overhead telecom cable 75.85 70.73 42.12 89.38 88.48 88.20 81.56 FM/0.25/5/10 80.55 FM/0.15/3/9 1 2 5 6 77.64 76.77 76.65 74.45 63.14

87.97 81.37 79.10 77.22 lp305B189 42.50 89.81 FM/0.15/4/9 FM/0.18/4/10 7 77.18 47.49

88.04 3-7m small trees and 84.60 FM/0.18/4/9 80.78 76.18 75.42 72.90 62.65 42.48 87.84 84.17 81.88 A/0.18/3/9 A/0.2/4/11 FM/0.2/4/10 77.25 75.96 74.84 A/0.28/4.5/10 41.75 10m small 50.83 42.19 Pond 90.17 89.47 82.27 A/0.17/2/12 4 73.58 72.42 88.22 shrubs A350 10m small trees FM/0.3/4/11 FM/0.2/3/8 77.94 76.89 73.22 49.26 89.86 88.56 trees 82.15 FM/0.15/3/8 77.20 69.99 89.33 88.17 88.11 A/0.2/4/11 A/0.15/2.5/11 80.90 lp307B189 77.06 g 76.18 75.99 75.12 72.52 60.76 59.18 56.85 90.24 89.53 87.97 B18 82.78 81.71 76.56 75.57 73.91 62.24 85.03 84.56 82.80 A/0.4/4.5/12 79.63 79.41 g 75.22 tp sv 73.26

88.61 88.29 Y/0.2/4/783.47 82.15 FM/0.18/5/10 80.04 FM/0.28/3/11 77.97 74.24 A/0.15/3.5/7 1m brambles 42.03 89.88 89.12 1.2m prf 77.15 grass cl73.76 88.18 8 77.55 76.42 70.17 60.29 89.52 88.25 82.65 80.52 79.22 76.84 72.75 71.97 52.62 89.02 J23 80.99 72.39 54.09 88.11 85.40 84.99 83.26 83.02 centreline of 5m hawthorns 78.81 76.87 76.21 76.03 74.59 73.65 ic 72.93

89.94 88.73 81.45 76.58 76.42 74.81 rs A/0.22/5/12 61.34 53.39 41.65

89.23 83.47 81.74 rs 75.07 70.17 89.59 89.05 88.39 10 75.77 88.30 88.26 77.05 61.83 42.16 89.07 83.61 82.19 FM/0.28/4/1178.99 9 77.19 76.56 1.2m wp wmf 75.44 weather stationlp301B189 69.46 54.91 77.73 77.01 OK/0.18/4.5/11

90.07 88.25 footpath tarmac 3m shrubs 73.68 cl73.53 M3 rs 85.78 85.36 83.81 72.30 72.02 71.64 69.16 62.07 42.18 89.63 88.76 82.82 78.58 74.92 74.15 rs 72.55 58.75 55.37 51.88 89.14 88.70 88.36 1.3m prf 83.20 11 12 71.91 44.78 90.16 88.26 84.15 1.2m prf 77.61 77.34 73.47 72.92 69.73 59.82 43.54 42.72 42.32

89.03 88.46 83.49 M5 76.78 75.36 74.76 69.52 50.15 46.51 44.07

89.72 89.21 gates 77.54 rs 76.76 68.21 67.31 66.89 57.59

M4 41.54 85.78 77.22 76.72 68.65 41.76

89.25 86.23 FM/0.2/4/10 14 67.77 66.42 62.56 58.19 90.17 16m pines 15 77.25 77.10 72.18 65.47 56.06

3m shrubs Def 3.5m hawthorn hedge 77.15 75.25 73.80 66.01

88.59 1 FM/0.2/3.5/10 77.14 84.56 77.17 89.80 88.57 78.73 13 bol grass 71.87 64.49 48.55 42.47

77.12 A/0.16/4/10 69.73 88.73 71.35 65.01 89.33 2 FM/0.15/4/9 3m shrubs 64.05 63.50 47.54

88.98 89.09 3-7m small trees and 77.03 72.82 90.17 3 FM/0.25/5/12 74.92 72.34 g 62.94 49.41 U/0.25/5/8 41.93

89.21 89.15 FM/0.2/4/8 51.02

shrubs 86.52 86.19 73.42 60.91 59.31

89.86 89.45 88.59 84.95 FM/0.15/3.5/10 5m small 56.91 42.30 88.80 88.68 4 41.53

89.04 88.74 8 FM/0.15/2.5/8 78.28 trees 71.76 71.33 41.96 89.08 88.79 A 350 5 FM/0.18/2.5/10 grass 76.73 73.97 62.60 9 FM/0.15/3/9

rnp 13m high trees 60.38 41.99 U/0.15/4/5 U/0.3/6/10

89.93 52.77 42.03 89.50 duct 6 FM/0.15/4/10 10 FM/0.16/4/9 78.49 77.66 77.07 73.04 71.38 88.96 88.88 86.52 Cycle Way prf 54.29 85.36 A350

89.22 89.06 7 11 FM/0.15/4.5/9 69.30 69.02 61.43 U/0.15/4/6 41.49 90.06 88.99 marker 86.91 76.95 70.76 53.58

89.60 88.45 88.88 12 FM/0.18/4/8 61.97 overhead electric cables electric overhead 71.28 42.46

76.91 72.25 71.75 70.90 54.96 42.00 13 FM/0.18/3/9 77.21 42.02 89.50 89.27 88.96 85.77 72.69 A/0.35/6/12 69.30 42.17

90.17 89.66 89.17 14 FM/0.2/4/8 55.49 U/0.15/4/542.10 88.29 box 87.22 86.89 2m brambles 58.80 41.31 88.59 B16 A/0.35/8.5/12 70.90 44.91 42.05 89.33 89.22 89.05 87.69 15 59.81 52.08 43.58 42.75 41.85 90.24 88.88 89.10 U/0.17/4.5/578.11 lp4BS6 appox position overhead telecom cable 50.30 44.20

89.71 77.39 SALISBURY ROAD 57.71 48.74 46.59 77.18 56.19

tarmac 13m high trees 58.26

86.18 77.27 70.82 89.46 89.33 A350 78.21 77.50 g A354

89.02 87.57 ep 70.19 68.94 68.45 47.75 89.22 87.81 88.10 87.19

90.22 89.85 71.30 70.47 51.25 42.43

boundary not surveyed due 66.35 64.35 41.80 90.00 87.80 3.5m hawthorn hedge heavily g 76.97 to dense vegetation (as 66.77 65.81 65.28 89.58 silted rs agreed with client) 72.20 68.94 1.3m prf 64.76 62.20 49.56 89.41 77.20 70.45 A/0.2/4.5/11

89.22 A/0.2/3/6 77.25 71.69 63.89 B15 86.52 60.84 59.34 41.21 89.86 77.27 67.30 U/0.15/2/6 88.11 87.81 87.46 68.58 41.91

ic 77.16 62.78

89.62 77.25 77.16 89.38 88.00 41.51 swmh grass 70.37 63.39 57.05 1.3m prf cl77.21 ic 70.01 60.43 52.81 U/0.15/3/7 89.95 89.69 87.57 rs 70.64 70.08 41.89

89.58 U/0.17/2.5/5 87.91 87.65 bed74.81 cl77.30 A/0.35/7/12 61.47 54.34

89.38 5 72.03 67.76 86.88 78.12 rs 63.02

89.43 centreline of 68.11 61.98 53.59 90.04 89.72 87.75 16 78.03 70.04 5m hawthorns 2m brambles 55.07 line of saplings borehole 5 89.67 77.29 1.2m wp wmf 70.83 69.57 89.43 87.88 71.77 68.51 42.20 90.05 89.88 89.77 88.12 tp 55.61 R29 U/0.2/4/10

87.19 77.46 69.94 62.64 58.82 52.10

89.60 41.87

77.35 71.11

78.13 69.68 A/0.36/5.5/12 68.51 59.94 43.54 42.73 41.73 41.87 77.39 77.20 50.43 46.64 45.03 44.24 70.07 41.94 41.31 90.09 89.84 2m hedge 57.73 48.82 41.80 89.70 89.52 77.27 77.21 58.23 56.35 89.62 88.13 77.32 88.36 77.32

89.86 87.46 14 69.56 47.92

90.09 SY/0.17/3/7 78.37 st 71.33 68.03 51.38 42.38 SB/0.3/5/14 78.18 7m


77.52 41.90 78.14 49.72 89.92 89.81 89.52 69.51 68.08 60.93 59.43 2 - 7m stream 89.68 88.35 87.68 71.11 57.11 small trees 6 77.33 A/0.35/7/12 rs 69.01 68.08 89.93 88.79 70.02 69.18 saplings 6 70.45 67.48 60.50 89.51 87.83 69.51 67.04 64.27 52.94 89.90 planter 66.54 66.06 65.12 64.57 63.90 63.36 61.60 54.42 89.96 89.82 6m high tree 70.78 69.65 69.11 65.67 62.98 41.88 41.65 B/0.22/2.5/11 62.11 53.73 41.92 41.26 89.60 87.85 78.11 rs 88.63 77.33 89.05 88.03 55.19 1.2m wp wmf 77.65 77.28 77.21 69.32 69.00 89.97 3m brambles + 62.29 89.88 77.37 89.85 89.68 89.18 88.12 4m saplings 42.27 41.72 150Ø lp41S6 62.88 55.79 42.19 77.77 69.46 68.57 58.89 52.29 89.20 18 67.58 59.97 42.91 90.03 swmh wsv 50.66 46.74 44.45 43.83 42.74 89.73 88.85 70.40 68.67 67.23 57.82 48.98 43.20 42.30 41.83 No access to south 69.71 42.56 42.01 41.89 89.94 89.31 cl78.26 69.47 67.58 58.25 56.50 44.94 41.66 U/0.4/5/11 side of stream 90.03 88.33 il76.69 77.32 cl77.32ep/tp 70.04 68.63 44.48 gate 44.19 41.93 41.85 U/0.18/4/10 89.86 A/0.45/8/12 48.11 B11 77.33 89.69 300Ø 70.63 68.84 68.62 51.52 43.84 41.87 89.42 2.8m fir hedge 46.20 U/0.2/3/7 41.19 A350 77.45 77.38 68.23 49.91 U/0.24/4/9 U/0.22/4/9 3m shrubs + 62.35 41.87 77.23 90.00 77.19 rs 69.00 59.47 U/0.15/4/7 42.48 42.23 89.11 79 M9 61.00 57.18 44.87 44.53 HW/0.15/2/5 U/0.18/4/8 42.49 approximate bank lines A/0.15/2.5/6 U/0.18/3/5 8m small trees 103 43.92 41.71 89.75 lay-by 77.73 2.5m 68.93 A/0.2/4/8 U/0.2/4/5 U/0.18/3/6 43.02 42.58 42.34 89.54 88.62 42.00 41.22 70.21 60.48 41.97 bollards

3.5m hawthorn hedge 89.23 brambles 53.12 1.1m pwf (poor) U/0.2/3/8 40.99 90.04 20 1.1m pwf (poor) 42.33 42.01 68.20 67.43 67.01 65.32 64.35 61.58 89.75 163a 68.18 54.49 43.31 U/0.25/4/9 77.29 67.99 65.73 64.74 42.00 66.47 63.99 63.55 62.13 53.81 1.2m wp wmf 44.22 U/0.2/3/9HW/0.15/2/5

Lay-by 40.63 1.3m prf 89.39 89.23 68.58 68.13 41.99 88.87 55.28 41.92 40.92 FLOW

7 8 163 90.11 68.28 66.11 63.20 HW/0.15/1.5/4 73 grasscrete 77.32 A/0.15/5/10 68.44 89.81 89.37 69.45 55.85 43.40 42.13 41.35 89.51 69.71 62.97 58.90 52.35 41.64 41.14 tarmac footpath A/0.45/7.5/11 59.98 69.72 66.49 50.74 46.82 89.90 57.78 line of saplings 77 0.6m wall 45.21 58.30 56.63 89.51 tc 68.95 67.76 62.80 49.00

89.64 cl77.14 A/0.18/4/10 42.13

89.12 45 M13 67.73 66.92 48.13 A/0.28/5/10 51.62 remains of pwf 42.17 90.06 89.79 89.65 68.2168.21 46.39 44.59 rs 67.85 FF 1.37m grass 89.85 2 77.55 69.24 67.59 50.09 89.27 77.22 62.28 77.10 77.18 67.48 44.81 3m wt41.65 g 77.20 60.99 77.68 77.42 77.27 59.52 57.28 concrete wall rs 89.18 77.22 89.79 89.29 97 77.11 1.2m wpwmf 67.96 1.2m wp pwf 66.32 60.48 53.23 small trees 89.42 tc 89.39 wsv77.13 A/0.25/5/13 15 3-5m small 68.52 61.59 54.62 lp401B189 89.93 77.58 trees 2.5m 66.46 89.94 6 67.27 67.29 65.85 53.96 89.54 89.41 bolcycleway 65.51 62.08 68.72 brambles 67.90 grass 55.34 44.79 65.07 2.5 - 4m 89.86 66.97 65.95 55.97 89.67 89.63 dropped kerbs 67.10 58.99 52.45 saplings 43.76

89.58 10 77.12 67.20 66.71 59.92 g 77.37 64.49 50.87 mh grass 89.85 wsv 64.07 63.75 63.43 57.88 89.82 tp 58.39 56.69 49.16 cl41.93 89.82 U/0.3/5/11 A/0.18/4.5/8 63.04 12 67.83 48.23 89.86 89.73 3.5m hedge 76.99 67.36 46.69 44.60 89.86 U/0.2/2/7 77.21 68.40 65.87 51.71 HW/0.18/4.5/6 89.74 45.53 89.68 overhead electric 68.62 66.81 45.02 and telecom cables 66.87 50.17 lp402B189 77.07 2.5m hedge 77.24 g 60.93 59.48 89.90 g 57.33 45.05 89.93 89.75 65.36 tactile 77.06 66.59 89.94 77.10 67.28 53.22 77.07 76.97 62.95 76.92 60.53 4.5m shrubs 0.6m wall 66.69 61.55 62.29 54.70

90.05 boundary not surveyed due 2.5m to dense vegetation (as 62.07

agreed with client) brambles 66.82 A/0.15/3/6 55.35 90.23 67.69 66.27 65.89 54.04

9 56.07

77.17 65.39 52.45

77.03 59.96 45.02 77.02 66.32 65.48 59.02 66 76.89 68.05 66.19 57.89 50.95 66.76 58.38 56.75 49.13 lp40S6 64.94 63.41 63.18 48.14 46.78 45.10 2.5m 66.25 63.75 2m hedge 51.72 77.12 77.02 67.37


brambles 64.13 50.22 44.12

66.41 65.97 62.83 62.10 60.92 66.73 57.31 65.13 59.52

8 1 67.41 3.5m A/0.18/3.5/8 66.42 A354 65.24 60.50

grass verge shrub 65.64 64.62 61.47 53.21 76.97 1.1m high wall 45.34 89 62 1.2m hedge 54.63 45.82 4m

76.87 11 65.87 65.62 62.06 76.87

rs 76.78 76.87 66.85 54.01 76.75 2m hedge 62.24 55.35 small trees 65.67 rs 67.14 66.08 62.87 58.96 52.45 drops 59.89 76.63 64.63 56.02 51 76.92 57.84 49.21 1 8 62.85 58.31 51.03 Existing unlisted pipe detected in CGM 4 66.58 64.80 56.58 46.96 48.11 1 65.32 51.81 4.5m shrubs 45.43 fh 76.89 66.77 10 225Ø?

il75.15 cl76.77 76.99 50.17 2.5m 59.40 63.13 60.79 57.19

76.74 1.5m 76.98 brambles 64.72 62.19 45.45 tactile 65.29 64.98 63.92 44.32 60 g 63.66 60.38 CL 2 brambles 1.3m prf 53.27 R28 1m hedge 65.02 61.40 tc 63.24 62.91 54.68 sw c/p 44.79 il75.17 66.20 RPA 65 Heritage's survey July 2018. Further site F/0.18/3/7 76.94 ep\tp 65.56 64.04 BRACEWELL cl76.90 65.82 65.02 62.03 bed75.15 76.73 66.32 62.68 55.35 54.06 45.64 garage 76.84 63.71 63.28 64.30 58.82

tac 59.79 56.04 59 76.53 RPA low shrub 52.57 51.13

Sub Sta 76.71 drops M17 57.66 76.78 GURKHA ROAD 62.16 58.23 49.21 77.20 rnp 76.92 76.76 grass 47.18

76.66 63.83 1.2m wp pwf AVENUE 11 64.71

76.47 63.13 62.68 56.53 66.04 47.91 77.02 64.09 post 51.91

steel straining 46.12 76.65 64.69 rs 76.78 66.01 65.58 U/0.8/8/15 40 77.15 64.41 P/0.6/7/15 50.20 investigation required to confirm g 76.72 B/0.7/9/15 B/0.15/3/5 62.59 59.31 76.87 64.92 64.35 64.01 RPA 60.74 57.08 g 76.86 62.77 62.09

63.99 63.09 76.93 65.96 62.76 60.22

76.73 64.48 SHOTTESFORD AVENUE 76.65 64.09 63.43

63.63 61.98 61.30 53.30

A/0.22/4/9 62.49 62.24 54.74 9 mh tp 64.68 63.02 cl76.88 65.34 RPA 64.31 55.33 54.04 76.53 grass 63.49 45.84 76.99 1.8m shrubs 65.44 63.78 gates 76.76 76.69 76.67 58.82 tarmac footpath

function of pipe. 0.5m wall 56.00 52.58 64.22 63.39 59.69 45.88

SHOTTESFORD AVE 64.11 51.17 47.22 lp29S6 64.15 62.80 58.15 57.61 49.23

mh tarmac 56.48 50 76.80

63.31 63.20 44.80

cl76.70 63.84 63.00 47.80 1 64.66 63.83 51.97

76.77 7 M14 g 76.58 46.02 46b 64.32 50.29 46a 76.98


63.51 61.26 59.26

76.64 76.66 SGN gas valve60.56 57.05 44 rnp

76.83 76.57 63.88 63.88 42 M12 60.12


5 2m hedge 76.64 drops wsv 63.68 63.70 1.3m prf

tactile 76.62 cl76.57 assumed bottom of bank 61.80 54.68 53.30 9 76.62 9 62.31 46.55 63.92 62.50 53.93

27 1 76.52 64.38 62.81

76.97 55.31

tc 76.62 line of saplings 76.72

22 55.96 overhead telecom cable telecom overhead 63.07 6 63.36 62.95 62.66 58.56

153 2.5m 63.58 59.55

garage 76.74 tarmac 52.54 51.15 47.63 47.27 76.46 63.42 57.40 49.29

brambles 58.01 56.40 46.18

29 76.63 30 63.45

15 g 64.23 63.86

63.58 51.92 tactile 4m hawthorn hedge Bdy Ward & ED 10

62.00 50.16

76.67 grass 64.29

76.60 60 60.41 59.02 56.85 46.34 76.58

0.8m wall

76.55 3m fir hedge 63.58 61.84 64.11 62.51 60.97 59.86 rs 53.16 5m small 64.06 62.79 54.58

trees cycleway 76.45 76.69 62.28 64.17 45.60 99 18 76.56 63.88 53.85 gas 62.89 76.44 55.17 46.42 45.26 76.56 76.43 55.83 governor 61.50 58.41

64.16 52.45 47.81 SANDBOURNE 63.45 62.45 59.33 47.34

grass 62.39 51.10 g 63.92 63.83 57.89 57.26 49.23 46.84 CL drops wsv 63.00 56.28 2 cl76.35 62.70 63.77 tactile 51.85 76.39 boundary not surveyed due 1 to dense vegetation (as g 76.49 agreed with client) 50.14

63.83 62.08 58.93 remains of pwf WETHERBURY 62.72 60.25 56.81 CLOSE A/0.18/5/9

76.52 61.50 76.50 61.00 4m

76.57 76.49 76.54 61.90 59.74 46.65

tactile 76.39

10 1.1m high wall 53.10 tactile 76.39 54.43 small trees

60.73 59.85 0.8m wall 62.88 grass 53.63 5 45.77

7m small 76.55 54.94

6 1.8m brambles

1.2m wp wmf trees 62.06 47.90 4-7m small 62.25

trees 58.28 55.70 47.43 45.54

76.48 + 4m small trees 17 52.25 59.19

95 ep\tp 57.75 57.16 51.03 49.19 46.67 61.82 60.50 lp38S6 56.12 76.27 Gas Gov 62.57 62.13

61.72 51.73

61.76 60.98


dropped 50.08

1 61.54 58.68 pc 76.26 61.97 60.11 56.59

47.07 46.70 23 76.48 76.32 61.97 76.42

76.44 76.40 52.88 76.30 20 76.50 11 A/0.22/4/9 54.14 59.72 46.82

LANE 60.00 53.42

2.5 - 4m 14 to 24 to 14 Black Lane Water

25 RIFLES WAY 54.75

5 saplings 61.55

54 58.03 48.02 61.60 55.50 47.53 17 52.14

58.96 50.97 61.37 49.09 61.95 61.20 60.43 57.54 57.01 45.84

25 8 55.94


61.45 30 60.91 51.58 46.87 46.83 61.49 59.50 50.10 58.47 56.32 HW/0.17/2.5/5 Treatment Works


52.77 19 A/0.22/5/9 53.98 46.90 59.36 53.33 54.55 48.11 46.97

61.34 59.81 59.00 47.62 46.21

60.62 55.25 MELLSTOCK 57.75 51.99 47.23

2 61.06 58.67

60.16 50.83 45.90 61.08 56.73

30 19 57.22 48.98 Reservoir

83 to 93 60.60 55.66 22 60.70 46.62

33 51.46 HW/0.18/3/4.5 44 1.8m brambles 49.95 46.93 Mellstock 60.07 58.50 58.13 (covered) 56.15 El + 4m small trees 60.56 46.37

60.68 60.60 52.55 A/0.25/5/9 59.85 53.81

59.19 58.93 47.10

face of 3m small trees small 3m of face House 60.06 53.14 48.22

54.35 47.74 46.23 12 59.52 58.00 47.01

Sub 60.71 60.41 55.00 57.41 51.82

58.30 60.38 56.45 50.63 48.96 56.89

55.40 59.70 47.12 59.29 51.24

Sta 145 borehole HW/0.15/2.5/4 57.50 49.79 47.10


15 55.78 47.40

Glenmore Business Park 12 Ponderosa 59.97

1 prf 1.3m 59.16 52 17 1 58.59 52.41 47.58 9 59.95 53.67 Dairy 58.84 48.28

52.93 47.88 11 59.12 57.00 58.92 54.08

54.63 borehole 38 3 59.58 60.00 51.60

57.81 56.89 47.27 1 59.74 A/0.3/5/9 47.21 81 59.10 56.44 56.04 50.50 48.99 House 55.08

59.68 51.07 46.37 56.50 58.47 49.64

57.23 55.43 15 59.44 18 71 to 57.93

75 58.55 58.17 53.28 52.05 59.43 48.30 47.90 39 57.35 56.00 52.56 29 53.68 47.54

1.8m brambles 54.16 29 47.26

56.36 51.31 48.81 A354 10 + 4m small trees 58.29 55.54 50.29 59.48 55.91

54.59 3 58.82 57.92 4m 5 1 47.48 50.75

58.94 55.50 39 57.30 49.40 small trees A/0.18/4/7 46.58

2 8 56.70 54.90 58.92 57.55 9 1.2m wp wmf

51.68 48.26

57.72 52.88 58.74

55.00 52.19 line of saplings

53.31 47.57

27 12 hedge hawthorn 4m 53.77 9 2 58.81 to 55.91

57.42 51.00 49.95 48.54

face of 4m small trees small 4m of face 55.11 47.83 12 141

BALMER ROAD boundary not surveyed due A/0.22/5/13 58.96 55.44

to denseagreed vegetation with client) (as 58.82 54.11 Def

57.75 56.69 50.42

8 60.06 54.50 46

4 58.10 58.27

57.05 49.02 47.39 43 56.17 54.50

11 U/0.28/4/8

41 grass 58.31 48.22 51.34 46.84

31 57.26 52.47

58.14 7 47.47 12 54.00 51.77

2 52.91


34 8 53.33 47.54 4 5 20 11 56.98 55.48 50.64 49.58 47.74 67 58.47 55.11 54.69

56.21 53.68

59.33 57.12 56.86 2 58.11

56.69 53.50 50.06

57.64 47.33

48.57 EL/0.17/3/4 54.04 ESS 10 58.59 57.58 48.10 28 10 to 26 A/0.18/2.5/5

57.72 52.01 50.95

13 59.36

59.73 53.00

56.74 51.33 47.31 57.56

58.55 52.44 56.56 55.28 52.83 2.5 - 4m 46.51 47.98 Well 50.26 saplings canopy of 6m 55.76 54.74 49.20

hawthorns 57.84 54.39 53.35


ALNER ROAD 6 52.50 29 U/0.12/3/4 49.61 U/0.18/3/447.27 25 47.35 47.19

48.27 4 AVENUE 3.5m dense shrubs 57.46 53.77

21 1 56.72


LB 56.89


56.88 51.59

25 to 25 24 52.00 50.88 46.91 23 56.19 R50 47.10 47.03

B/0.22/4/10 46.51 A/0.2/3/11 57.03 55.33 52.45 51.92

A/0.3/6/11 47.65


WAY 57.96

55.91 54.64 49.74 48.78


56.88 54.16 56.27 1 7 3 52.90 2 A354

29 51.50 10 57.26 49.15

PREETZ WAY 56.60 47.84 46.98 47.07 46.90

WYVERN 53.53

56.83 6 51.09 51.00 49.94

19 57.63 3 4m

1 46.81 58.41 54.93 50.44

A/0.18/3.5/9 55.81 54.41 51.52

58.72 small trees 56.22 56.25 52.08

57 55.46 47.19 6 49.23 48.24 31 56.32 53.99 52.65 50.50 56.76

SIGNALS 55.82 48.63 56.26 A/0.28/5/10 47.47

46.62 ROAD 53.43 46.70 Aga-Dale M18 21 50.00 55 49.56 15 56.27 50.77 U/0.3/3/5 54.63 19 55.42 50.10

55.53 55.12 51.22


46.34 46.56

3 prf 1.3m 46.65 EL/0.28/3/5 centreline of hawthorns of centreline 47.72

1 56.30 49.50 48.78

55.55 46.34

face of 4m small trees small 4m of face 15 prf 1.3m 45.89

54.02 52.47

11 2

30 55.47 48.19 47.12

55.66 9 12 56.37 HW/0.18/3/5

WEND-AL Ps line of saplings

55.66 53.36 40 46.41 133

54.45 49.00 3m



57.33 55.53 50.54

55.31 55.15 small trees 11 54.93

A/0.3/5/14 49.87

15 49 55.56 53.89 51.20 8

WILLIAMS WAY 58.33 46.30 116 51.84

28 A/0.28/5/8 46.16

1 46.40 47.44

1 48.53 47.02 2 7 20 54.97 48.50


55.49 46.14 Sluice

55.61 52.52 54.87 47.96 46.14 HW/0.15/2/5


5 55.00 54.32 55.78 grass 53.53

57.78 54.81 49.13 45.42 54.86 50.56 A/0.18/3/12 48.00 (disused)


57.95 49.92

51.23 RPA wmf wp 1.2m

4m hawthorn hedge hawthorn 4m

58.23 51.92 EL/0.16/3/4 1 to 9 to 1 55.16 45.83

12 54.92 46.94 46.30 48.42 47.28

5 46.27 45.48 52.70

18 55.21 45.62 47.80 46.07 A/0.3/5/13 47.50 46.50

55.10 45.87 131 54.33 54.05

OK/0.2/4/9 54.59 B/1.1/15/26 54.20 2 12 53.49 11 A/0.15/1.5/7 49.13

54.78 remains of pwf

50.58 46.01 54.31 46.40

47.00 46.08 45.95 49.90 B/1/12/26

43 The Holly 51.18 54.91

54.19 52.01

54.53 B/0.7/8/22 5m shrubs 47.07 70 48.31 46.29 LB 45.63 Ps A/0.3/5/10 52.75 54.44 54.18 53.87 45.43 47.67 46.50 1 P/0.5/7/18

86.6m The Elm 54.34

44.94 2m shrubs 54.74

ED Bdy B/0.45/7/15

54.53 46.02 54.60 49.13

45 57.23 53.57 A/0.15/3/8 50.64 RPA


57.23 A/0.18/5/12

53.48 49.97 45.58 57.52 51.35 Forum Springs 46.05 45.46 The Oak 94 M19

A/0.3/3/9 52.21 5 53.98 53.60

47.16 46.27 B/0.8/10/24

54.38 48.36 32 53.63 HW/0.15/2/3


TCB 53.46 3

2 129 54.13 47.73 HY/0.18/3.5/8 45.30 18 53.51

Heybrook Carinya 44.82 56.85 46.09 54.35

HILL ROAD B/0.9/12/26 2 A/0.35/6/15 A/0.2/4/8 49.30 86 45.59 50.89


5 51.57


37 56.91 6 53.69 52.49 B/0.65/9/22 53.47 46.47 B/0.8/8/22

47.24 45.26 57.17 53.36 A/0.15/3/7

46.11 45.58

1 54.35 48.70 Warrington Walk ESS 52.86

A/0.25/4/10 54.06 46.23 44.84 43 52.65 47.85 A/0.15/2/7

5 45.67

52.77 W/0.16/6/11 54.07

129a 56.78 B/0.65/7/22 Rosebank

42 A/0.3/6/10 45.66 P/0.6/9/14 52.65

A/0.15/3/9 HW/0.15/3/5

51.10 49.55 46.54 B/0.7/8/24 1 52.71

56.61 A/0.17/3/7 53.22 51.80 50.42

5m shrubs 52.95 RPA U/0.4 dead

4-7m 47.41 46.42 56.73 53.76 52.48 12 1 B/0.18/3/6 48.85 46.31

small trees 45.50 127 Kiloran 52.64 14 3.5m 45.87

A/0.28/4/7 B/1/11/20 44.90

54.12 54.19 small trees B/0.7/12/26

15 Sweet Briar A354 48.03 COBHAM ROAD prf 1.3m 53.89 46.48 45.96 U/0.15/3/3

A/0.3/5/13 56.16 52.08 49.79 7 grass A/0.2/4/10


51.83 52.98 52.44 51.28 B/0.6/8/19

56.43 51.88 50.56 46.96

OK/0.15/3/7 53.59 A/0.2/3/10 51.93 B/0.9/10/24 47.47

1 35 51.81 A/0.18/2.5/8 49.04 P/0.4/5/10 B/0.6/8/18 48.15 46.66 55.87 OK/0.15/1.5/9 46.74 HW/0.18/2/3.5 51.92 46.22

4-9m 46.24 B/0.7/11/20

B/0.8/11/24 small trees 46.00

72 55.78 9 to 33 OK/0.3/5/11 53.72

M21 52.57 49.89

56.01 45.34 43.0m

70 SB/0.15/3/11 52.02 51.34 51.34

26 53.23 54.46 50.61 47.17 OK/0.55/9/19 78 51.17 53.59 P/0.35/6/8 A/0.28/5/12 47.56

A/0.18/3/10 49.20 46.85 80.8m 51.28 B/0.9/10/26 5 46.29

U/0.15/3/4RPA 51.15 48.14

53.40 53.21 B/0.5/8/17 127a canopy of 6m A/0.2/3/9 B/0.5/7/16 hawthorns 52.24 49.87 HW/0.15/4/5

A/0.17/2.5/8 52.83 B/0.65/10/24

53.21 51.34 46.47 46.18 A/0.18/4/10 47.27 46.84 46.96 U/0.6/6/22

32 55.06 A/0.15/1.5/7 50.53

51.32 45.49 50.76

OK/0.18/3/8 47.60 46.45


53.15 49.12 4 15 B/0.7/10/22 B/0.4/7/22

CASTLEMAN SMITH 1 50.66 4m shrubs 48.15 A/0.15/3.5/9 52.77

OK/0.15/2.5/7 3.5m 50.52 B/0.7/10/19 HW/0.15/1.5/4 51.84

small trees 46.64

5 2 52.44 51.08 OK/0.75/12/19


54.74 54.97 49.81 40 47.39 68 47.00 50.43 46.57

HW/0.17/3/5 50.74 B/0.6/10/24

54.07 OK/0.15/2.5/7 52.64 47.59

A/0.3/4/12 50.07 48.97 A/0.25/3/9 46.32



7m 49.90 104 Hawkers Close 47.07 LADY BADEN POWELL WAY 52.26 B/0.7/10/24 48.10 45.79

28 52.58 51.41 small trees RPA

46.66 54.61 54.37

49.98 51.91 A/0.15/2/8 49.88 B/0.65/9/24

approx 52.12 49.79 47.58 47.19


30 A/0.25/4/10 50.44

52.12 50.20 46.67 48.93 remains of pwf

B/0.9/10/24 B/0.45/8/16 1.3m prf 1.3m 51.95 46.49

26 47.25 49.42 48.07

Blandford Heights A/0.17/2/7 51.04 51.59 49.27


Council Yard prf 1.3m B/0.6/10/22 15 48.44 11 46.10

47.68 49.41 47.34 46.69 46.53

60 Existing unlisted pipe detected in 2-4m shrubs 51.95 49.68

A/0.25/4/1252.76 HW/0.18/4/5


Industrial Estate 53.77

25 M22 42 47.10

centreline of hawthorns of centreline A/0.2/4/8 B/0.8/11/20B/0.9/8/24

48.88 46.78 El Sub Sta 51.61 46.77 P/0.4/5/15

51.44 50.61


49.64 53.36 U/0.7/10/17 CGM Heritage's survey July 2018. 51.16

4m shrubs 48.00 53.62 47.40

48.90 B/0.35/5/16

A/0.15/2.5/6 48.48 46.84

MS 48.78

CLOSE 53.43 47.79 54 U/0.8/7/20 A/0.15/3/7 49.64 RPA 47.26 47.40 HW/0.18/3/4

SY/0.15/4/8 48.91 46.83

48.80 Further site investigation required to 48.77 U/0.15/2/7 B/0.7/11/21 B/0.7/7/20 47.55 46.56

50.12 48.80

8 51.01 51.32 4m 2 50.75 46.87

OK/0.18/4/9 51.04 shrubs 46.08 A/0.15/4/8 51.16 47.91

47.49 B/0.95/12/24

48.86 HW/0.15/3.5/4 52.83 49.12

Wessex 48.54 73.9m 52.83

7 confirm function of pipe. 48.48 47.70

Pines House B/0.9/13/24 52 SY/0.15/6/7

House 48.62 48.27 46.75 19 B/0.75/8/24 A/0.28/4/9


OK/0.18/4/8 49.55 50 23 56 47.48 50.54 46.64 The Pines 47.18 3m easement either 46.84 B/0.7/12/24

50.20 48.49 47.29

48.25 48.26 B/0.6/8/17

51.42 47.72 111

50.63 46.65

48.37 46.06


50.63 MH 7103 46.78 A/0.15/3/9 B/0.6/11/19 52.26 OK/0.3/5/9

Playing Field 47.62


18 48.09 side of WW foul sewer

2m shrubs 48.19

47.79 CL 50.100 48.93 A/0.3/4/10 fwmh RPA B/0.75/9/24 HW/0.2/4/8

109 cl50.10 47.40 47.22 B/0.6/6/22 il45.85 49.63

48.48 47.10 46.66

47.85 225Ø? 50.00

SY/0.18/3/8 47.77 B/0.7/9/23 46.42 12 M23 3m shrubs + IL 45.925 47.61 CS 51.75 5m small trees 48.23 46.61 45.89 46.76 P/0.45/7/10


20 47.53 SY/0.25/5/10 47.92 4.175m (d)

SHAFTESBURY LANE ED & Ward Bdy 47.77 51.74 47.21 4m

48.44 shrubs B/0.9/10/24

52.07 49.58 48.41 46.64 4 1 49.67 47.27

U/0.15/3/9 A/0.22/4/10 47.44 49.22

107 U/0.4/9/5 17 47.30 49.03 46.39

82.9m U/0.7/9/2046.51 23 A/0.2/4/7

105a SY/0.18/3/10 47.40 48.08 47.85 U/0.3/7/4

47.15 47.25

47.47 B/0.5/10/18 45.98 49.29

3m small 47.40 U/0.6/5/18

51.50 trees

46.98 46.43

5 3m shrubs 51.50 B/0.55/10/14 Team House 46.59

48.04 47.22 A/0.35/7/6 49.02 48.81 48.46 B/0.7/8/22 46.36 6 47.17 46.57 B3082

45.81 47.02

canopy of 6m M25 hawthorns 46.81 RPA 48.20 47.81 2m shrubs +


1.3m prf 1.3m A/0.15/4/7 A/0.3/3/10 3.5m small trees B/1/12/24 48.87 46.95

105 B/0.8/7/1246.51 24 U/0.6/9/18

2 11 46.83 47.27

14 Pavilion P/0.18/2/9 47.06 47.59 29 6m 48.19 U/0.16/2.5/9 47.04

small trees 46.64 46.64

48.68 B/0.8/13/24B/0.55/6/1846.40

51.22 48.32 45.88

15 51.32 A/0.2/4.5/9

OK/0.35/3.5/11 46.72 48.29 P/0.3 dead 46.45


5 48.70 48.53

Vanguard 64 47.53 SALISBURY ROAD

46.59 46.51 A/0.35/7/8 47.42 B/0.6/9/22 B/0.5/4/22

10 8 A/0.3/3.5/10

46.44 Works 46.63 46.42 47.38 8m small 47.91

trees A/0.2/4/8 46.57 48.51 B/0.6/5/20 B/0.4 dead

B/0.7/7/20 45.89


47.28 RPA

46.16 47.97 47.81 B/0.4/6/19

8 46.28 46.73 47.42

46.89 B/0.9/12/24 P/0.45/7/9 A/0.22/4/10 48.19

3.5m dense shrubs remains of pwf +5m small trees 46.15

90 46.31


4m hawthorn hedge hawthorn 4m 47.52 B/0.85/9/24 50.71 R53 A/0.2/3.5/10 46.61 7

48.15 B/0.8/9/2447.02 46.86 B/0.7/8/19 46.26

46.01 B/0.2/4/10 47.63 A DAVIS 5

45.79 8m 47.24


47.84 GARDENS 50.64 small trees

45.88 2m shrubs +

B/0.15/3/10 B/0.6/9/20 El Sub Sta 45.77 3.5m small trees

LANE 45.97 B/0.8/13/24 46.98 B/0.25/4/11 47.39 46.47


B/0.17/2.5/10 47.86 A/0.35/6/10 Track 48.12 47.65 47.35

B/0.8/9/24 50.63

50.34 47.86

45.57 47.51 1 Littletowns Estate A/0.18/3/9 B/0.9/12/24

Vanguard 2-3m shrubs 45.43 RPA WB B/0.17/2.5/7 A/0.15/3/9


45.56 47.48 House 51 48.07 P/0.4/8/15 1

49 50.50

A/0.2/4/9 45.45 A/0.15/3/10 U/0.55/8/16


45.60 1.3m prf 1.3m

7 B/0.2/5/10 47.56 45.40

8m 47.01

45.26 47.57

small trees 47.84 U/0.2/5/10

9 U/0.15/1.5/7

50.07 45.38

COUNTER CLOSE 50.32 47.66 45.26

1m wp pwf

B/0.18/4/9 47.79 47.40 18 A/0.22/4/10 47.34

101 B/0.18/3/10



45.03 45.38

2m shrubs BUTTERCUP 49.63 47.40

+5m small trees 45.15

49.94 45.02 P/0.35/4/10

1a 45.25 A/0.25/4/9

U/0.18/2.5/7 MH 7001 U/0.18/4.5/10

Playground 15 A354

4 49.58 U/0.15/2/7 46.75

1 canopy of 6m

88 hawthorns 45.09 46.76

44.84 49.28 CL 47.5




11 44.83

5 B/0.4/5/1546.59 45.08 IL 45.26 1.3m prf 1.3m Lark Rise 39

3-6m shrubs

1 centreline of hawthorns of centreline

46.11 2.24m (d) 40.8m






ESS 2 B/0.35/6/14



P/0.35/4/15 61 47.63




The Pavilions A/0.3/5/15 45.82

El Sub Sta 6 48.29 45.82


47.56 44.52

WB 44.43

5 to 8 to 5 48.38 A/0.3/5/15 1 to 4 to 1

6 45.00

45.50 46.00


47.00 47.50

10 44.44 A/0.25/3/7 44.60

B/0.5/5/16 48.09

Cemetery 47.71 M52

14 Stone


30 45.20 44.38

86 44.28

47.35 1.3m prf 1.3m

1 44.28

CH/0.22/5/9 47.01

3m small trees small 3m

44.45 40 47.28

CH/0.2/4/10 44.51 16m mature trees

Ward Bdy A/0.25/4/8 44.73 ESS 44.28

CH/0.2/5/8 44.16 Chapel 46.55

52a 46.60




78.5m 44.42





44.29 44.04

10m 43.83

small trees



20 43.25

19 47 44.24

44.14 45.51

Public 8 52 45.45 43.99

Mast 58 45.67 1


Recycling 43.97


Club 35 45.35

44.91 45.06

Facility 43.98 1.2m prf 1.2m


43.94 1.8m cbf 1.8m 44.12



45.36 44.59 vegetation g

War Meml 44.55 43.93 15 14 g





16m mature trees 43.91 44.94 43.85

37 Orchard House 14a

15 The Beck 41.30 43.87 A 354 A rs


43.90 20 48 43.65

A/0.38/6/15 44.24 46a

gate 43.94 FM/0.3/6/13 ED & Ward Bdy

45.14 42.15 43.41

43.90 40.66 g FM/0.3/5/13

Chapel 69

43.32 43.90

A/0.4/6/15 41.62 Key WB PROJECT: Notes: Abbreviations DESIGN BY: Site boundary BT OH cable NE BLANDFORD, DORSET WW foul sewer 1. Services locations based on utility supply records supplied by Landmark SSE = Southern Scottish Electric Information Group - Utilities Report. Dated January 2018. SGN = Southern Gas Networks DRAFT XX.XX.XXXX UPDATED TO SUIT NEW REDLINE BOUNDARY TMR AJH CPY Proposed easement around existing utilities BT UG cable SGN gas valve WW = Wessex Water A 19.09.2018 INITIAL ISSUE RJM ARW CPY TITLE: 2. This plan only identifies known utilities located within the site and its local BT = British Telecom RPA Root protection area SGN LP gas main SSE sub-station vicinity. Services further afield and any potential unknown services have GTC = GTC Pipelines REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY CHK APD COMBINED EXISTING UTILITIES PLAN OH = Overhead DRAFT not been plotted on this drawing. Existing Utilities SGN MP gas main awcock ward X Extent of utilities record UG = Underground CLIENT: DRAFT EHV = Extra High Voltage partnership SSE EHV OH cable SSE LP gas main PROJECT No: DRAWING No: REV: HV = High Voltage awp LV = Low Voltage WYATT HOMES SSE HV OH cable GTC LP gas main HP = High Pressure 0728 UD-101 DRAFT MP = Medium Pressure SSE HV UG cable WW distribution main LP = Low Pressure DRAWING STATUS: SCALE @ A1: SSE LV OH cable WW abandoned distribution main Awcock Ward Partnership, Kensington Court, Woodwater Park, Pynes Hill, Exeter, EX2 5TY DRAFT Tel: 01392 409007 Web: SSE LV UG cable WW surface water sewer Utilities Assessment Summary Note

Appendix B – Initial Utilities Supply Assessment

0728 – Land North East of Blandford Forum Initial Utilities Supply Assessment

Job Number: 0728 Land to the North-East of Blandford Forum, Dorset Revision C - 17.12.2018

Utility Company Summary

Southern Gas Network have provided an estimate to supply the site, based on an hourly load of 33,000 kW and an Gas Southern Gas Network annual quantity of 11,330,000 kW. Reinforcement may be necessary with associated costs. Budget assumes no easements or 3rd party permissions are required, No diversion costs included however may be necessary.

Southern Scottish Electric propose to install new 11kV ringed feeders based on an estimated site demand of Electricity Southern Scottish Electric 1.5MVA. It is also estimated that 3 new substations will be required - depending on load and layout. Diversion costs have been excluded, however will be required.

Wessex Water have identified that reinforcement is necessary to serve the proposed development as the mains that supply the area (Blandford Heights) are close to capacity. At this stage. The proposed point of connection for the first phase of the development is the 6” main adjacent to the roundabout.

Water Wessex Water Wessex Water have advised on available points of connection to receive foul flows from the development. We are still in discussions with Wessex Water to refine the agreed points of connection and the number of connected properties to each, so as to minimise disruption and refinorcement requirements. However, following relitively recent changes to Section 13 of the Water Industry Act 1991 (as amended), the developer will need to pay the sewerage undertaker the published sewer connection charges and infrastructure charge per dwelling, and the sewerage undertaker is resonpsible for any network reinforcement.

Openreach will provide their Fibre To The Property (FTTP) service, which delivers a fibreoptic connection (up to 1GB) Telecoms Openreach to the development free of charge.


Ref: AS10327.181214.L1.docx 18 December 2018


As requested, please find below a summary of our noise assessment report AS10327.180327.R1.6 relating to the survey and assessment we carried out at land North East of Blandford Forum, Dorset in Spring 2018.

The survey and assessment were carried out according to the relevant technical standards and planning policy as agreed with North Dorset District Council’s environmental health department; primarily ProPG: Planning and Noise for new residential developments’ Stage 1 Risk Assessment.

The ProPG Stage 1 assessment compares measured daytime and night-time average noise levels against a sliding scale of potential adverse effect.

The proposal site is currently used as arable farmland and allotments. The site is bounded to the south and west by the A350 and A354. It is divided by the branch of the A354 that runs perpendicular to the A350 and A354 that bounds the site.

The rest of the site is bounded by arable farmland and a small area of residential dwellings.

An automated noise survey was carried out at three measurement positions across site over the course of five days. In addition, six short-term measurement positions were surveyed to further characterise noise levels across site.

The measurements and observations, made during the survey visits, determined that the dominant noise source is road traffic travelling using the A350 towards the A354 southbound which has a constant traffic flow. Noise levels decrease towards the centre of the site as vehicles reduce their speed on approach to the roundabout. Additional modest levels of sporadic noise from relatively low flying light aircraft and helicopters traveling north west over the eastern side of the site was observed.

The average noise levels for the ‘Daytime’ and ‘Night-time’ periods are shown in th Table 1, as well as the typical LAFmax, defined as the 10 percentile of the night-time LAFmax dataset.

Measurement Daytime LAeq, 16 hour Night-time, LAeq, 8 hour Night-time, Typical LAFmax Position LT1 62 dB 56 dB 70 dB LT2 76 dB 69 dB 86 dB LT3 54 dB 47 dB 65 dB Table 1 - Daytime and night-time average; and typical night-time maximum noise levels [dB ref. 20µPa]

AS10327.181214.L1.docx 18 December 2018

The results of the manual measurements, taken on 22/03/2018 are shown in Table 2.

Measurement Position & Start Time Measured Level

M1 – 11:40 hours 60 dB LAeq,15min

M2 – 12:00 hours 64 dB LAeq,15min

M3* – 12:25 hours 75 dB LAeq,15min

M4 – 12:45 hours 65 dB LAeq,15min

M5 – 14:20 hours 54 dB LAeq,15min

M6 – 14:40 hours 57 dB LAeq,15min Table 2 - Manual noise measurement results [dB ref. 20µPa] *roadside measurement of A350 taken off-site, for future reference

The assessment of the undeveloped site indicates that daytime and night-time noise levels measured close to the A350 and A354 are higher than other areas on site. The areas to north-west end of the site, west of Salisbury Road, are in the medium range as characterised by ProPG, and at separation distances of around 100m or more from the A-roads this reduces to “low”.

Noise contour prediction mapping has been used to explore potential mitigation options on site. The proposed building frontages adjacent to the A354 provide significant levels of screening to the rest of site reducing the noise impact to the majority of site to “low”. The consequence of this, in combination with further self-screening associated with other elements of the development such as houses, garages and garden fences; is that no further mitigation measures are likely to be required with respect to outdoor amenity spaces across site.

With respect to internal areas, standard thermally sealed double glazing may be sufficient for a significant proportion of the site. Depending on the separation distance between houses closest to the roads, acoustically rated double glazing may be required on some facades. Similarly, an alternative means of ventilation, such as trickle ventilators (as typically provided in line with Approved Document F), may be required in some areas, such that the internal ambient noise level criteria may be met with windows closed. In other areas, further from the road, this requirement is less likely.

In summary, a ProPG Stage 1 Risk Assessment has described the noise levels to which the undeveloped site is currently exposed, yielding the necessary input data for the subsequent detailed design development.

The types of mitigation likely to be required has been explored, and it has been shown that in principle there is no reason why the site cannot be designed such that residents of the site are unlikely to experience significant adverse noise impacts. More acoustic design input will be required in the areas adjacent to the A354 and A350 as noise levels fall with distance away from the roads to lower risk areas across most of the development area.

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Baseline Air Quality Assessment: Land North East of Blandford Forum

December 2018

Land North East of Blandford Forum Baseline Air Quality Assessment

Document Control

Client Wyatt Homes (Lewis Wyatt Principal Contact Rebecca Horrocks (Barton Willmore) Construction Ltd) and landowners (The West Pimperne Pool Trust, Mr C Coats and Mr T Coats)

Job Number J3247

Report Prepared By: Dr Joshua Nunn

Document Status and Review Schedule

Report No. Date Status Reviewed by J3247A/1/F2 20 December 2018 Final Penny Wilson (Associate Director)

This report has been prepared by Air Quality Consultants Ltd on behalf of the Client, taking into account the agreed scope of works. Unless otherwise agreed, this document and all other Intellectual Property Rights remain the property of Air Quality Consultants Ltd.

In preparing this report, Air Quality Consultants Ltd has exercised all reasonable skill and care, taking into account the objectives and the agreed scope of works. Air Quality Consultants Ltd does not accept any liability in negligence for any matters arising outside of the agreed scope of works. The Company operates a formal Quality Management System, which is certified to ISO 9001:2015, and a formal Environmental Management System, certified to ISO 14001:2015.

When issued in electronic format, Air Quality Consultants Ltd does not accept any responsibility for any unauthorised changes made by others.

When printed by Air Quality Consultants Ltd, this report will be on Evolve Office, 100% Recycled paper.

Air Quality Consultants Ltd 23 Coldharbour Road, Bristol BS6 7JT Tel: 0117 974 1086 119 Marylebone Road, London NW1 5PU Tel: 020 3873 4780 [email protected]

Registered Office: 23 Coldharbour Road, Bristol BS6 7JT Companies House Registration No: 2814570

Land North East of Blandford Forum Baseline Air Quality Assessment

Contents 1 Introduction ...... 2 2 Assessment Approach ...... 3 3 Site Description and Baseline Conditions ...... 4 4 Potential Impacts ...... 9 5 Summary ...... 12 6 References ...... 13

Tables a Table 1: Summary of Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) Monitoring for 2018 ...... 6 Table 2: Estimated Annual Mean Background Pollutant Concentrations in 2018 (µg/m3) 8

Figures Figure 1: Monitoring Locations ...... 7 Figure 2: Estimated Development Daily Traffic Flows as a Result of the Proposed Development ...... 10

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Land North East of Blandford Forum Baseline Air Quality Assessment

1 Introduction

1.1 This report describes the baseline conditions and provides an appraisal of the estimated air quality impacts associated with the proposed development on Land North East of Blandford Forum. The assessment has been carried out by Air Quality Consultants Ltd on behalf of Wyatt Homes (Lewis Wyatt Construction Ltd) and landowners (The West Pimperne Pool Trust, Mr C Coats and Mr T Coats).

1.2 The development will lead to changes in vehicle flows on local roads, which may impact on air quality at existing residential properties. The new residential properties will also be subject to the impacts of road traffic emissions from the adjacent road network. The main air pollutants of

concern related to road traffic emissions are nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and fine particulate matter

(PM10 and PM2.5).

1.3 The following sections set out existing information about baseline air quality in the area and the outcomes of the project specific monitoring which has undertaken by AQC.

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2 Assessment Approach

Existing Conditions

2.1 Existing sources of emissions within the study area have been defined using a number of approaches. Industrial and waste management sources that may affect the area have been identified using Defra’s Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (Defra, 2018c). Local sources have also been identified through examination of the Council’s Air Quality Review and Assessment reports.

2.2 Historically, North Dorset District Council (NDDC) has not maintained a regular programme of air

quality monitoring, due to the low risk of the nitrogen dioxide or PM10 objectives being exceeded. As such, information on existing air quality has been obtained from a project specific monitoring study carried out using nitrogen dioxide diffusion tubes at eight roadside locations within the study area. Background concentrations have been defined using the national pollution maps published by Defra (2018d). These cover the whole of the UK on a 1x1 km grid.

2.3 Exceedances of the annual mean EU limit value for nitrogen dioxide in the study area have been identified using the maps of roadside concentrations published by Defra (2017b) as part of its 2017 Air Quality Plan for the baseline year 2015 and for the future years 2017 to 2030. These maps are used by the UK Government, together with the results from national Automatic Urban and Rural Network (AURN) monitoring sites that operate to EU data quality standards, to report exceedances

of the limit value to the EU. The national maps of roadside PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations (Defra, 2018e), which are available for the years 2009 to 2015, show no exceedances of the limit values anywhere in the UK in 2015.

Potential Impacts

2.4 The potential for impacts has been considered in relation to screening criteria published by the IAQM (Moorcroft and Barrowcliffe et al, 2017) and DfT in the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB) version 11.3 (Highways Agency, 2007).

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3 Site Description and Baseline Conditions

3.1 The site is located to the north east of Blandford Forum, in the administrative area of NDDC. The southern boundary of the site is bound to the west by the A350 and to the east by the A354. The town of Blandford Forum lies beyond these A roads to the south west. The remainder of the site is largely bound by agricultural fields, with the following exceptions:

 The A354 Salisbury Road, which intersects the middle of the site, along with two residential dwellings (Greenbanks and Bolney);

 Residential properties either side of the A354 Salisbury Road to the north, including those on Letton Close and Letton park; and

 A tributary of the River Stour, which flows from north to south along the eastern boundary.

 The wider area to the north and east, away from Blandford Forum, is predominantly agricultural in use with interspersed small-scale settlement. Blandford Camp military base is located approximately 1km to the east of the site.

3.2 The site (approximately 17.5 hectares) comprises agricultural fields, with an area of allotments located within the site to the west of the A354 Salisbury Road.

3.3 The area of the site to the west of the A354 Salisbury Road, with the exception of the allotments, lies within the Cranborne and West Wilshire Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). This designation is present to the north and east of Blandford Forum and the site.

Industrial sources

3.4 A search of the UK Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (Defra, 2018c) has not identified any significant industrial or waste management sources that are likely to affect the proposed development, in terms of air quality.

Local Air Quality Management

3.5 NDDC has investigated air quality within its area as part of its responsibilities under the LAQM regime. As explained in Paragraph 2.2, the Council does not currently undertake an air quality

monitoring programme for nitrogen dioxide or PM10. The Council’s latest Air Quality Annual Status Report (North Dorset District Council, 2018) acknowledges that no routine air quality monitoring has been undertaken by the local authority since 2009. In line with Defra’s appraisal of its’ 2017 Air Quality Annual Status Report, the Council is in the process of completing a programme of nitrogen dioxide diffusion tube monitoring in six areas including Blandford Forum for a period of a year, where concentrations are expected to be greatest. Current background concentrations of

nitrogen dioxide and PM10 across the district, as derived from Defra’s background maps (Defra,

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2018d), are well below the relevant objectives. As such, the Council has not declared any Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs).

Local Air Quality Monitoring

3.6 As discussed in Paragraph 2.2, a project specific nitrogen dioxide monitoring survey has been carried out using diffusion tubes deployed at eight roadside locations in the study area. These include four locations in the vicinity of the development site, which are adjacent to the Salisbury Road, the A354 and the A350 in the vicinity of Hill Top Roundabout. Three further tubes were located in the centre of Blandford Forum around 1.5 km to the southwest of the development site and a single tube adjacent to the Salisbury Road in Pimperne around 1.5 km to the northeast of the development site.

3.7 The methodology used to conduct the diffusion tube survey was designed in accordance with the

Diffusion Tubes for Ambient NO2 Monitoring Practical Guidance (AEA Energy & Environment, 2008) published on Defra’s air quality website (Defra, 2018). Diffusion tubes were supplied and analysed by Gradko International Ltd (using the 20% TEA1 in water preparation method). The monitoring period comprised of three individual measurements at each site, with each exposed for approximately one month. The total monitoring period covered approximately three months, spanning 5 April 2018 to 4 July 2018.

3.8 In order for the short-term monitoring study to better represent annual mean concentrations, the data have been annualised. This is the process of adjusting short-term (<9 months) data to account for seasonal variations in nitrogen dioxide concentrations which may cause the short-term mean concentrations to deviate from actual annual mean concentrations.

3.9 The data have also been corrected for systematic diffusion tube bias. Diffusion tube bias adjustment is a process for correcting for the tendency of tubes prepared and analysed in a given laboratory to consistently deviate from actual concentrations. Bias adjustment is undertaken by comparison of co-location studies of the same batch of tubes against data from automatic monitoring sites for the same period.

3.10 The locations of the eight diffusion tube monitoring sites are described in Table 1 and shown in Figure 1.

1 Triethanolamine

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a Table 1: Summary of Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) Monitoring for 2018

2018 Annual Mean Site No. Site Type Location 3 b NO2 (µg/m )

1 Roadside Adjacent to A350, west of Hill Top Roundabout 40.2 c Adjacent to Salisbury Road, north of Hill Top 2 Roadside 40.0 Roundabout 3 Roadside Adjacent to A354, east of Hill Top Roundabout 36.3 Adjacent to Salisbury Road, south of Hill Top 4 Roadside 16.5 Roundabout 5 Roadside Adjacent to East Street, Blandford Centre 24.2 d 6 Roadside Adjacent to Salisbury Street, Blandford Centre 35.6 7 Roadside Adjacent to Damory Street, Blandford Centre 17.3 8 Roadside Adjacent to Salisbury Road, in Pimperne 22.3 Objective 40 a Exceedances of the objectives are shown in bold. b Data have been bias adjusted using a factor derived from the National Diffusion Tube Bias Adjustment Factor Spreadsheet (revision 09/18), available from the LAQM Helpdesk. Data have also been annualised to provide an estimate of annual mean using 2017 annual mean data from the Bournemouth, Charlton Mackrell, Chilbolton Observatory and Honiton AURN background monitoring sites. c Due to missing diffusion tubes, concentrations have been derived from measurements in a single month. d Due to a missing diffusion tube, concentrations have been derived from measurements from two months.

3.11 Annual mean concentrations of nitrogen dioxide within the study area derived from the monitoring results are below the objective at all but one location. Concentrations are greatest in the vicinity of the Hill Top Roundabout, near to the proposed development, where concentrations are marginally above, or near to, the objective at the worst case monitoring locations. While concentrations measured at Site 1 were marginally above the annual mean objective, it should be borne in mind that this was based upon only a single month of measurements, due to missing tubes and this value should be treated with caution. Concentrations adjacent to the Salisbury Road and roads within the town centre are below the objective.

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Figure 1: Monitoring Locations

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2018. Ordnance Survey licence number 100046099. Additional data sourced from third parties, including public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v1.0.

Exceedances of EU Limit Value

3.12 There are no AURN monitoring sites within the study area with which to identify exceedances of the annual mean nitrogen dioxide limit value. Defra’s roadside annual mean nitrogen dioxide concentrations (Defra, 2017b), which are used to report exceedances of the limit value to the EU, and which have been updated to support the 2017 Air Quality Plan, do not identify any exceedances within the study area. As such, there is considered to be no risk of a limit value exceedance in the vicinity of the proposed development by the time that it is operational.

Background Concentrations

3.13 Estimated background concentrations in the study area have been determined for a baseline year of 2018 using Defra’s background maps (Defra, 2018d). The maximum background concentrations across the study area are set out in Table 2. The background concentrations are all well below the objectives.

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Table 2: Estimated Annual Mean Background Pollutant Concentrations in 2018 (µg/m3)

Year NO2 PM10 PM2.5 2018 7.7 14.5 9.4 Objectives 40 40 25 a

a The PM2.5 objective, which is to be met by 2020, is not in Regulations and there is no requirement for local authorities to meet it.

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4 Potential Impacts

Occupants of the Proposed Development

4.1 Based on the monitoring results presented in Table 1, concentrations at the roadside of the A354 and Salisbury Road, which both lie adjacent to the proposed development, will be close to the annual mean objective. However, concentrations of nitrogen dioxide reduce significantly with distance from the roadside, and air quality conditions at the façade of properties within the proposed development site are likely to be well below the annual mean objective. As such, future residents can be expected to experience acceptable air quality and the effects in this regard will, therefore, not be significant.

Existing Receptors

4.2 The proposed Development will introduce additional traffic onto the local road network. Estimated AADT development flows on local roads have been provided by Awcock Ward Partnership, who are the transport consultants for the proposed development, as shown in Figure 2. These show that a small amount of the development related traffic would travel north to Pimperne and south towards Blandford town centre, and that the majority of development trips will be distributed onto the A350 and A354 ring road.

4.3 The estimated maximum development traffic flows presented in Figure 2 can initially be compared to the screening criteria set out in the EPUK/IAQM guidance (IAQM, 2017), which stipulates that the detailed assessment of air quality impacts is not necessary where changes of less than 500 AADT are expected, in locations outside an AQMA. Following this approach, the risk of air quality impacts related to changes in traffic flows along the Salisbury Road, to the north of Hill Top roundabout, can be considered to be negligible. Furthermore, it should be considered that the nearest of the existing residential dwellings to the busy A350 and A354 are set well back from the roads, and it is therefore very unlikely that the increase in traffic flows due to the proposed development will result in adverse impacts at these locations.

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Figure 2: Estimated Development Daily Traffic Flows as a Result of the Proposed Development

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2018. Ordnance Survey licence number 100046099. Additional data sourced from third parties, including public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v1.0.

4.4 As explained in Paragraph 3.11, baseline air quality conditions adjacent to the Salisbury Road are well below the objective and it is considered that adverse impacts related to changes in traffic flows at this location are unlikely. Furthermore, the development traffic flows on the Salisbury Road are likely to disperse onto the local road network and be below the screening criteria by the time they reach Blandford town centre. In summary, it is considered highly unlikely that the proposed development will generate sufficient traffic as to lead to significant air quality effects along the local road network. Isolated minor impacts may occur, but the overall effects will almost certainly be judged not to be significant.

Designated Ecological Sites

4.5 There exist a number of designated ecological sites within the study area. The impact of the additional NOx emissions associated with development traffic will be dependent on the volume of increased traffic flows, with only designated ecological sites within 200 m of a road experiencing a 1000 AADT increase requiring further detailed assessment, as set out in the DMRB version 11.3

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(Highways Agency, 2007). With respect to construction dust impacts, only sites within 50m of the boundary need to be considered.

4.6 There are a number of designated ecological sites that lie both within the study area and within 200 m of roads that have the potential to be affected by the proposed development. These include the Fontmell and Melbury Downs SAC (adjacent to the A350 in the Compton Abbas area to the north of the proposed development), the Rooksmoor SAC (adjacent to the A357 at Lydlinch), and the Dorset Heaths SAC (adjacent to the A35 between Upton and Bournemouth and the A349 in Canford Heath).

4.7 Awcock Ward Partnership have stated that it is anticipated that no significant volume of development traffic will be generated along the A349 in Canford Heath and that development trips along the A350, A357 and the A35 at the locations defined above are also not expected to exceed 1000 AADT.

4.8 Based on the above, it can be concluded that the road traffic generation associated with the proposed development is highly unlikely to lead to any significant air quality effects. Nonetheless, the air quality chapter of the ES will include a quantitative assessment of impacts relating to road traffic generation from the proposed development, but effects are expected to be insignificant.

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5 Summary

5.1 There was limited existing information on air quality alongside the roads that will be most affected by the proposed development, and AQC has therefore undertaken baseline nitrogen dioxide monitoring at a number of roadside locations in the study area.

5.2 Based on the outcomes of the baseline air quality monitoring survey, air quality within the proposed development site will be good, with pollutant concentrations below the objectives. The impact of local air quality upon occupants of the proposed development is unlikely to be a constraint to development. However, best practice would be to provide a small buffer between new properties and the A350 and the A354.

5.3 The potential for air quality impacts arising at existing sensitive human health receptors as a result of the introduction of development related traffic generation onto the local road network has been considered. Taking into account baseline concentrations of nitrogen dioxide established from the monitoring survey, the location of existing residential housing and road traffic screening criteria, it is concluded that the proposed development is highly unlikely to lead to any significant air quality effects.

5.4 Furthermore, air quality impacts at existing local sensitive ecological sites will only need to be considered in detail if the development would lead to a change of more than 1,000 vehicles per day on any roads within 200m of the designated site. Based on the estimated level of development related traffic on the local road network, this is considered unlikely.

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6 References

AEA Energy & Environment (2008) Diffusion Tubes for Ambient NO2 Monitoring: Practical Guidance for Laboratories and Users, [Online], Available: df.

Defra (2017b) 2017 NO2 projections data (2015 reference year), Available: https://uk-

Defra (2018) Defra Air Quality Website, [Online], Available:

Defra (2018c) UK Pollutant Release and Transfer Register, Available:

Defra (2018d) Local Air Quality Management (LAQM) Support Website, Available:

Defra (2018e) UK Ambient Air Quality Interactive Map, Available: https://uk-

Highways Agency (2007) Design Manual for Roads & Bridges.

IAQM (2017) 'Land-Use Planning & Development Control: Planning For Air Quality v1.2'.

Moorcroft and Barrowcliffe et al (2017) Land-Use Planning & Development Control: Planning For Air Quality v1.2, IAQM, London, Available:

North Dorset District Council (2018) '2018 Air Quality Annual Status Report'.

J3247 13 of 13 December 2018


Land North-East of Blandford Forum – Archaeology Summary

CgMs Heritage (part of RPS) has been involved in managing a programme of archaeological work for Wyatt Homes (Lewis Wyatt Construction Ltd) and landowners (The West Pimperne Pool Trust, Mr C Coats and Mr T Coats) in relation to the site north-east of Blandford Forum. This included desk-based work and field evaluation.

Desk-Based Assessment

An archaeological desk-based assessment (DBA) was undertaken in the first instance. This report assessed the archaeological potential of the site using data from the Historic Environment Record (HER), the Historic England Archive (HEA) and historic mapping.

The DBA identified a moderate potential for Prehistoric evidence on the site and a low potential for all other periods.

Geophysical Survey

Given the potential for Prehistoric remains on the site, CgMs arranged for a geophysical survey to take place. This survey was undertaken by a reputable surveyor and the works were carried out in accordance with a Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) which had been approved by Mr Steve Wallis, Dorset County Council Senior Archaeologist.

The survey identified evidence for former ridge and furrow cultivation and linear features likely to relate to a former field system. A number of pit-like features were also identified; however the survey report stated that whilst they could be archaeological, it was also possible that they related to natural features, such as changes in geology etc.

Evaluation Trenching

Evaluation trial trenching was carried out by Wessex Archaeology. Twenty-one trenches were excavated, targeting features identified in the geophysical survey as well as ‘blank’ areas. The trenching was carried out in accordance with a WSI approved by Mr Steve Wallis.

A small number of archaeological features were identified including pits containing Prehistoric pottery, providing evidence for activity from the Neolithic and Iron Age period.


The archaeological investigations undertaken on the site have identified evidence for small scale Prehistoric activity. The evidence from the trial trenching has shown that these remains are of no more than local-regional significance and should not preclude the site from being allocated for development. It is anticipated that the archaeological interest of the site could be secured through a programme of archaeological work carried out under a condition and in liaison with the Dorset County Council Senior Archaeologist.