Prehistoric Settlement and Roman Pottery Production at Blackbird Leys, O Xford
Prehistoric Settlement and Roman Pottery Production at Blackbird Leys, O xford By PAL L Boolll and GR.\U~ Eo(.t IEY-LO't. with cOlllributions b) ALlSI\IR B.\RcL·\\. K.AY I BRO\\,', GILL G\MPBHI, 0".\ CII \LLI'OR. BETI!." CII\RI"-S" ICKY Stun and Rl fil SII.\HRt\ SL "IMARI 1 pwglf",,,nt' 11/ unluu'o/Qgtral Pl!uiwlliem. f\((Il'alum lind il'a/fllmg tnlt'/.' U'W earned oul In /995-0 IN (lw)(ialw1/ 11'1,11 (l III1K" hOlumg dn'f/opmf'lIi (II Rlllrkhmi I.e,:p. ,'I \"ulemru' o/later P"fh~"orir dntl' wm I'.mmmrd. tOKftllfr u'llh .,ampl, limB of Ihl' ('.\I{,1UIl't' I?'olfum pOllrT) pmtill(IHm complr,\, rhl' j(n"'mn ltu/lu/ni (ralltH'I oj multll,' Brunu Age om/ rar('Hnuldlf Iron FIgI' dllll' Ranum [eallln'\ comiJled of bowuiJl1"! mul f'lIri(HIIU' ',nl,.,,,,, 11'1111 amK'wll'd JOCI of pOlk,) prodU(lum. Sn'f1l /"obahtt' JJOUeY)' lulm U'(1(' ulflltijln/. hOU'M'tr 10m, oj th, kilm mul U'/lIINI iea/urn u."., poor(v p'-{,H'n'fll Sml1l' I,t-em!.>; 2m/-enl/lO) llrlll'l(V U'(I\ u/ellil/m/. but pOlin) pmrill.cti01I ((mr('JIlmln/ til Iht /(lln 211l1-Jrd rfnlunl'\. Ihnfofler rontmllHlK (II leml unit! tlu' muM/t, (ifllit 4th enl/ury, A u'u/e UlflW oj /Jlltlrryfllimn (Iud /0'-",.\ U'(L\ pmduud_ WI"lt mO\I tlf lht'\r i,1I u'IIhm Iht tltjinJ'd rang' (if/hI' "ullH/ry. lmportmlllr1oup, ami 't"l'l'ral p,rrt',\ of(()mldnablt mlnmu ml,'lr\1 tau 'fCtn'tred.
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