English Majors Become MTV Interns in NY City
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In A&E: Mayer steers clear of sophomore slump HIGH POINT UNIVERSITY Campus Chronicle FRIDAY. September 19, 2003 HIGH POINT, N.C. Enrollment increase, construction bring parking shortage By Angel Ashton the first time, freshman males can park at windows and loaned them to friends. Staff Writer the Cooke Hall and lower Millis lots be- When different cars with the same decals cause of the rise in their numbers. kept getting citations, officers decided to Key journalists to Drivers on campus are trying to ad- The freshman males' decal is red, make everyone affix the decal to the rear visit as Woodrow just to new parking regulations as a result unlike the white decals used by everyone window or the bumper. Security is not of the increase in freshmen and new con- else. Freshman males are required to park making exceptions for people who don't Wilson Fellows struction. in the Haworth, Cooke and lower Millis want to apply the stickers to new cars. "My philosophy is treating every- lots Students who find the decal re- Care about current events? Curi- body the same," says Bob Clark, the di- moved can get another one at ous about a national or international rector of public safety. This year regula- the security office. The decal is problem? tions were changed to help relieve the designed so that it cannot be re- Two world-class journalists will parking situation and to succeed where used. soon be addressing your concerns other regulations failed. To increase awareness of when Eleanor Clift and Tom Brazaitis "We added more students, and as a the rules, officials added the appear here as a result of the presti- result of the construction going on we lost regulations on the back of the gious Woodrow Wilson Fellowship parking spaces, especially up on Sixth registration form in addition to Program. Clift, contributing editor to Street," says Clark. If you add students an agreement to be signed by the Newsweek, and Brazaitis, Washington PHOTO BY KRISTA ADKINS driving from U-ville and Evening Degree student indicating compliance. senior editor for the Cleveland Plain Program commuters, finding a parking than other lots. The idea is to free some Students received a copy of the signed Dealer, will spend five days on cam- spot has become an art. The best times of the parking around the dorms for fe- agreement and regulations. Despite the pus, headlining public events and vis- are on the weekends while most students males. new rules, the campus has adjusted nicely, iting classes. This journalistic duo, who are out, and the worst time to find a space "If somebody has to walk to a dorm according to Clark. are husband and wife, has written two is during a sporting event when night at night, we would rather it be a freshmen If you happen to get citations, it's books, "Madame President: Shattering classes are being held. male than any female resident," said going to cost you $10 each for the first the Glass Ceiling" and '"War Without The new regulations include creating Clark. three and $25 for the fourth. If you re- Bloodshed: The Art of Politics." more places for freshman males and re- Another change from last year's ceive a fourth, the officer will apply "will The guests will answer questions quiring students to apply parking decals regulations is the firm enforcement of tow next time" to the citation. On the fifth during three public forums: the first on to their bumpers or back windows instead decal placement. Students sometimes Women and Leadership, Tuesday, Oct. of taping them to the back window. For removed the decals taped to their rear See Parking, page 4 7, at 11 a.m.; the second on the Global Political Environment on Wednesday, Oct. 8 at 8 p.m., and the third on Na- Kyiv Orchestra tional Politics and the Media on Thurs- English majors become day, Oct. 9, at 11 a.m. and Choir make Clift has extensive experience in the electronic media. She is a regular MTV interns in N.Y. City local stop panelist on the syndicated TV show By Rachel Harrison "The McLaughlin Group," and she has By Amanda Roberts mances. This summer he worked again Staff Writer played herself in three movies, includ- Staff Writer with VH1 on commercials. This year he ing "Independence Day." Brazaitis is saw the true side of the work. "There's a What comes to mind when you hear president of the Washington Press Club Over 20 years ago, MTV began air- lot of laziness, but it's really a lot of hard of classical music? Mozart. Bach. Foundation. ing music videos and later expanded its work. It's easy to fall into a 9-5 pattern," Beethoven. reach to reality shows and hip cartoons. he notes. Boring? You might think classical From skimpy clothes to the thumping beat Humphreys sees the internship as an music is a bit dull, but consider this: Some of hip-hop, MTV is where the teenage cul- opportunity for the future. "I left New intellects believe classical music consists The Phoenix Festival ture is derived. York with busi- of the most inspiring, influential and beau- This summer, ness cards, and I tiful works ever written. Several studies wants your writing Craig Grunwald hope to get a job have shown that listening to certain types and Taylor at CBS Sports af- of classical music could help in studying. Win prizes and advance your liter- Humphreys, ter I graduate, Thinking about pre-setting your radio yet? ary career by submitting you poetry and both seniors, in- and one day, I How about the fact that the renowned fiction to the Phoenix Literary Festival terned at MTV/ want to work at Kyiv Orchestra and Choir is visiting High Competition. Viacom in New ESPN," he says. Point? Interested now? You may submit one or two poems. York City. Humphreys also Since 1993, when they first orga- Each poem should be titled and single- Viacom owns PHOTO BY KKISTA ADKINS did a lot of writ- nized, the Kyiv Orchestra and Choir has CRAIG GRUNWALD AND TAYLOR HUMPREYS spaced, should not exceed 35 lines and such networks ing, pulling turned into 100 singers and a professional must be word-processed on a separate as Comedy Central, TNT, TNN, VH1 and quotes from past interviews with perform- orchestra of Ukrainian musicians. So far sheet of standard white paper. For each Nickelodeon. ers and developing stories around those. the Kyiv Orchestra and Choir has per- page submitted, your name, HPU, This was Grunwald's second year From May 20 to July 31, Grunwald formed over 100 concerts, many of them phone and mailing address must be interning at MTV. He began in 2002 with and Humphreys lived at Grunwald's home broadcast on radio or television. These typed in the upper-right-hand corner. VH1-XM radio, and he says that the first in New Jersey. Working Monday through musicians even had the pleasure of per- You may submit—in addition to po- year was more fun than the second. Thursday, they started their day at 8 a.m., forming for former President Bill Clinton etry-one short story not to exceed two Grunwald wrote for the radio station the pages. Fiction is to be word-processed first year, creating introductions for bands, See Internships, page 6 See Orchestra, page 4 and double-spaced on one side of stan- and helped set up interviews and perfor- dard white paper. Your name, HPU, phone and mailing address should be Page 3 Page 5 Page 9 Page 12 typed on the first page of the story. Two copies of each story must be submit- ACLU ted; otherwise, the story cannot be en- Tower Players Party with Alumnus tered in the competition. shouldn't In this issue: gear up for "Animal rules in Mail your work to: Dr. John back Moehlmann, P.O.B. 3030, HPU, Uni- new season House" streetball versity Station, Montlieu Avenue, High NAMBLA Point, N.C. 27262. 2 Campus Chronicle EDITORIAL Friday, September 19, 2003 Editors Note: Once again a story in the Chronicle has moved a reader to the point of offering a rebuttal. The first letter is a reaction to "California needs aid of 'The Govinator"' by Drew Mclntyre, a column that ran in the Aug. 22 issue. The second letter deals with the tendency of governments to use propaganda to pacify the masses and stifle dissent. nia. ting himself into? It's not surprising that Stalin in the 1930s or ideological battles Letters: With California facing a deficit of Arnold has decided to only participate in between the U.S. and Soviet Union dur- To the Editor: millions of dollars, what good is it going one of numerous debates with the major ing the Cold War period. Not many of In the political world, the big talk to do the state by having a recall election candidates for governor. Maybe his ab- us consider the fact that many of those has been about Arnold Schwarzenegger that is going to cost approximately $80 sence can give him time to sort through strategies are being used in contempo- declaring his candidacy for California million dollars? This election will push his troubled past and figure out if his rary politics. Propaganda may vary from governor. Schwarzenegger's candi- the state of California in further debt. Now stance on certain issues matches the Re- showing only one side of the truth to af- dacy has added some spice to politics. does that make any sense? publican Party.