NEWSLETTER March 2018 - Issue 70 A Word from the Headteacher

Dear Parents/Carers,

A warm welcome to our Spring newsletter. Our students and staff have had to fit a lot of activity into a term shortened by an early Easter and further truncated by the snowfall brought by the ‘Beast from the East’. I hope that all of our students will take time, during the break, to relax with families, recharge batteries, organise thoughts and so build resilience for next term’s challenges. For our Year 11s and 13s this will include the run up to, and start of, their external exams – I would like to congratulate them on their hard work so far – as we go forward, we know they will do themselves proud, supported of course, by the whole school community.

External validation of the excellent work of our students and staff came with two prestigious awards: The Platinum Science Mark – only awarded to the top 15% of Science Departments across the country. The Platinum award is the top accolade, ahead of Bronze, Silver and Gold. We were also tremendously proud to achieve the SSAT (Schools, Students and Teachers Network) Educational Outcomes award for being in the top 10% of schools nationally for progress at KS4 – another testimony to the great work of our students and staff. We were shortlisted in the Big Bang competition and our students made a very impressive showing in the Lego Robotics competition recently in Bristol.

We extend our congratulations to Mrs Brailsford - now awarded Global Teachers Award Level 2 by the Global Learning Programme. Mrs Brailsford supported her student team to lead another successful Fairtrade fortnight, a really important venture as the school community realises our responsibilities in the global sense. The Arts Award has been introduced, under the expert guidance of Ms Smith, and we are awaiting moderation for our first cohort of Bronze students.

We are delighted to welcome back Mrs Fisher returning after a year, and also Mrs Fox and Mrs Bean, back from Maternity leave. We also welcome a new member of the Science Technician team, Sandra Uy-Bowden.

We remain very appreciative of our Friends group and are in awe of their fundraising abilities. We are in the process of refurbishing the library with funds raised by Friends and do urge you to support their events. The Hollow is in much need of attention and this is their next focus. All of our students benefit from these improvements. We also value our Parents in Partnership group which give really useful feedback to our Senior Leadership Team as we look to drive improvements within the school.

The snow caused a few delayed outings – the theatre trip to Alhambra went ahead a few days later, half of the year group will visit DRAX power station next month, and World Book Day was rescheduled!

On behalf of the school, I wish you all a very happy Easter holiday and Spring break.

Mrs K Walter Associate Headteacher

Page 2 // Skipton Girls’ High School Newsletter // Issue 70 Skipton Girls’ High School recognised for excellence in science teaching

(Above) In the photo L-R Polly Harrison (STEM ambassador), Lauren Sharpe (Head girl & prospective medical student), Aman Braich (prospective medical student) Niah Harrison & Emma Charlton (Science club members) Abi Boye (STEM ambassador)

We are delighted to announce that the Science Adam Little, Professional Development Leader at STEM Learning, said: Department has been awarded the Platinum Science Mark Award. “We are delighted to congratulate Skipton Girls’ High School on receiving the PLATINUM Science Mark. Being awarded Science Mark is such a prestigious achievement because the Skipton Girls’ High School is now one of an elite group assessment process is so rigorous, ensuring the programme is of schools in the country to be holders of the Platinum a true hallmark of quality science teaching. Each school and Science Mark. The Science Mark Award is a quality standard college who receives Science Mark has demonstrated a real designed to recognise and celebrate inspiring practice in and ongoing commitment to excellent science education in their secondary school science departments across the UK. school. Skipton Girls’ High School is a great example of this.” Awarded at Silver, Gold or Platinum level, the year long process requires an extensive written submission against 16 Associate Headteacher, Mrs Kate Walter added, “I am so rigorous criteria and an accreditation visit. proud of our Science Team, teachers, technicians and school leaders. All our staff are passionate about excellence, and the Science Mark was created by STEM Learning to recognise importance and relevance of a strong STEM education. In this and celebrate best practice in science departments across way we maintain a breadth of intellectual rigour as well as the UK. Schools and colleges receive the Science Mark maximising choice and opportunity in their adult lives.” when they can show that they are delivering inspiring lessons for students and demonstrate their department’s Mrs Roscoe commitment to high-quality science education. Learning Director for Science

Issue 70 // Skipton Girls’ High School Newsletter // Page 3 British Science Week

For British Science Week the McEwen’s heart-pumping dissection has given our Year 7s a chance to get science department put on a range had the younger students inspired to know Rosalind Franklin and Marie of spectacular events. Our week by science which they will see in Curie (two of our house patrons) began with KS3 students using their their classrooms in a few years’ time. a little better. The Year 7 poster investigative skills to create pH scale The Year 7 science club wrapped up competition has had some fantastic rainbows and high voltage vegetable our lunch time events with students entries which are being entered into circuits. Congratulations must go to continuing to carry out their CREST a national competition. A big thank Holly Balderstone and Fae Jurevicius award projects. Girls are undertaking you must go to the science staff for for the best rainbow and Emma a wide range of projects from all their hard work and commitment Charlton, Hansah Basharat, Anisa microbiology to renewable energy. resulting in a very successful Alavi, Esme Robson for their circuit. Running throughout the week were celebration of science! The week continued with Demo two competitions; firstly, a treasure Day; Mr Clarke’s electrifying Vaan hunt of famous scientists in which girls Miss Phillips de Graaff generator, Miss Dobson’s found out all about the life and work Biology red hot ‘whoosh bottle’ and Miss of the most influential scientists. This

Page 4 // Skipton Girls’ High School Newsletter // Issue 70 Lego Robotics

On Friday the 23rd February positive feedback from the the SGHS Robotics team set judges. There were 100s of off to Bristol to take part in students, teachers, parents the Lego League Robotics and industrial partners UK and Ireland Final. Our there which created an robotics team entered the excellent atmosphere. First Lego League Regional Competition at Bradford We were representing the University in December Yorkshire and Humberside 2017 where our team region at this prestigious ‘The AquaDucks’ became event supported by the the overall winners. The IET (Insitute of Technology competition involves three and Engineering) and we rounds; a robot building were all awarded the Gold and programming element Award in the Industrial where the robots have Cadets program. to complete a number of challenges on competition Although we did not win, day, a project element where and sadly are not going to we had to come up with a the International finals in new technology and build America we had a fantastic an advertisement campaign, experience and are already and take part in a “blind” really excited for next team-building challenge on year’s competition. competition day. Serena Kaur and On the Friday we took Leyla Irani part in an ‘Escape the Year 7 Room’ challenge in different groups to improve communication, problem solving and team spirit. Different groups escaped from an Indiana Jones style temple, helped 007 with his secret spy mission, solved the mystery of a missing scientist and helped Sherlock Holmes solve a mystery case. We all had lots of fun and worked together well to solve the different clues.

On the Saturday, which was competition day, the “Aquaducks” performed exceptionally well and received some very

Issue 70 // Skipton Girls’ High School Newsletter // Page 5 Sports News

Year 8 Netball Tournament

On the 21st of March, the Year 8 netball team travelled to The semi-final had commenced and with some remarkable in for a tournament. Nine of us interceptions and passes we went 1-0 up. Half time, we went: Lauren Blackmore, Chloe Blackmore, Darcey Burrell, had a chat with Miss Houfe about our tactics and headed Scarlett Guise, Emma Peel, Julia Horsley, Lucia back out on court. We scored twice in the second Whitfield, Olivia Garratt and Hannah half and secured our win. We were into Jackson. The matches had two the final against Bradford Grammar halves both lasting six minutes. School. The match started and both teams were playing When the tournament fantastically but by the started, there was a end of the first half group round and Bradford had a goal in our group was advantage over B, Bradford us. Both teams Girls, Beckfoot fought back hard Oakbank and and by the end South . of the first Our opening half we had three matches deservedly were against got a draw. Ilkley B, The scores Bradford Girls were tied 4 all and Beckfoot so the umpire Oakbank, we gave us four won all of them, minutes extra and scoring the time. Bradford goals were Darcey Grammar played Burrel, Olivia Garratt well and so did we but and Lucia Whitfield. unfortunately Bradford At this point, both South scored with about a minute Craven and ourselves had won and a half left. We played our all of our matches but we both had socks off but we still couldn’t get one match left: Skipton Girls vs South a goal. The whistle went and Bradford Craven. Whoever won this won our group and Grammar won. We played incredibly well and would go into the semi-final playing the runner up of the have grown as a team. We would like to thank Beckfoot for other group. The match started and both teams played hosting and Miss Houfe for the pep talks and taking us to brilliantly. South Craven scored twice to make it 0-2 then the tournament. Darcey Burrell and Lucia Whitfield got us back to 2-2. In the second half South Craven were then in front but with Scarlett Guise some excellent play we pulled it back to 3-3. The whistle Year 8 was then blown with the score tied at 3-3. It would go down to goal difference of who would win our group. We then got the news that we had won and would be playing Parkside in the semi-final.

Page 6 // Skipton Girls’ High School Newsletter // Issue 70 Dance Team Get Through Year 10 Netball to the National Final! Tournament Our school’s advanced dance team went to the Great Big Dance Off Regionals in Halifax. We performed in front of a full crowd in Victoria Theatre On Monday the 19th of March the Year 10 netball team Halifax with our dance ‘The Constraints of Society’. went to Beckfoot school for a tournament. They came Our dance was about being unique and breaking second overall, due to goal difference and only lost one from society. In our category, there were 15 different match. They all played phenomenally despite the cold teams we were up against and to go through to the weather. Out of the 7 matches they played they managed to National Grand Final you had to be in the top three. win 6 of them, which was superb to say the level of play was Unfortunately, we came fourth and after we found very high. Well done to everyone that played! out that, we were only 2 points off coming third out of the 300 we were marked out of. Despite the fact we were slightly gutted, we were pleased with our achievement and had a great day. However, two days later we were called to a meeting about the competition and we found out that the judges thought it was too close to call and our dancing was at a higher standard, so we are through to the national finals! We are very excited and so we will be going to Oxford in June to compete in the Great Big Dance Off National Finals!

Issue 70 // Skipton Girls’ High School Newsletter // Page 7 Sports News

Sports Leadership

On Wednesday 14th March, 5 students from Skipton Girls, including myself, travelled to York, to take part in a leaders course where we each chose an activity to learn and then lead a group of our own. In the morning, I learnt about how to lead a cricket session whilst the other girls from Skipton were taught about netball. Then, we were put into groups selected by our chosen activity where we worked alongside other young leaders from different schools. It was a great experience learning the rules of cricket and helped boost my confidence not only in that sport but also as an all-rounded leader.

In the afternoon, we had the chance to lead our own sessions with primary school students; giving me the opportunity to boost my confidence further in leading. I taught my group cricket which proved to be very entertaining but also a challenge. The other girls from school, led netball sessions, a sport they all already are very talented at. At the end of the day, there were awards given out to one person per sport that showed good leadership skills throughout the day. I was lucky enough to win a Fitbit (Left to Right) Maddy Phillips, Gabby Whitfield, Kitty Bridges, Leah Youngman and Neve Rooley for my cricket leading skills! Overall, the day was a rewarding experience that I can learn from for my Sports Leaders Award. I hope that there will be more chances for us to participate in similar events in the future. Fencing Champion Well done to Katy Cook, Year 7 for winning the Maddy Phillips Under 12 Girls EPEE Yorkshire Youth League Yeaar 10 Fencing Championships Trophy recently

Page 8 // Skipton Girls’ High School Newsletter // Issue 70 Hannah Raistrick Music, Speech and in action at Edinburgh Drama Festival

Skipton Swimming Club starlet Hannah Mabel Vincent, Year 8 was entered for two classes Raistrick travelled to Edinburgh’s Royal by Stage 84 at the Mrs Sunderland Performing Arts Commonwealth Pool at the start Festival in Huddersfield in February. Mabel won of March, competing at the British her classes and collected 3 trophies, including one Swimming Championships. for the most outstanding performance in an Under 16 Speech class during the festival. As a result, she Fifteen-year-old Raistrick competed was asked to perform at the festival concert on at with leading athletes from across Huddersfield Town Hall. As well as winning, Mabel Europe and the U.S. also gained some really valuable feedback from the adjudicators and her attendance will hopefully She has worked extremely hard to contribute to her Arts award. qualify, training up to 8 times per week including early morning before school. It is a very prestigious event and other athletes competing include Adam Peaty and James Guy.

The championships are the highlight of the National Swimming calendar and create a platform for outstanding results including new records and personal best times.

Hannah, from Foulridge, took to the blocks in the 50m butterfly after producing a qualifying time of 29.46 seconds.

Issue 70 // Skipton Girls’ High School Newsletter // Page 9 Winter Wonderland Photo Competition

RUNNER UP: WINNER: Sophia Danby, Year 7 Emily Loweth, Year 7

Page 10 // Skipton Girls’ High School Newsletter // Issue 70 We had plenty of wonderful entries into the Year 7 and 8 photo competition. Here is a small selection along with the winner and runners up.

RUNNER UP: Niah Harrison, Year 7

RUNNER UP: Jennie Rutter, Year 7

RUNNER UP: Isabel Cook, Year 7

Issue 70 // Skipton Girls’ High School Newsletter // Page 11 Fairtrade Fortnight 2018

Before Fairtrade Fortnight began this year, the Fairtrade Friends led a gathering around the theme for this year - Fairtrade opens doors. With this in mind, we set tutor groups the task of decorating their tutor room doors. However the snow arrived and interfered with all these plans! Some tutor groups managed to complete them, and Miss House’s tutor group door was judged to be the winner. In addition we ran a stall selling a range of products which sold out quickly as usual. We also ran a quiz to win a Divine chocolate hamper, which was won by a Year 9 team - well done! Finally it is time to say goodbye to this group of Fairtrade Friends as they are Year 13 and about to embark on their final A Level exams. Many have been part of the group since Year 10 and have done a brilliant job - the Fairtrade flash mob was a particular highlight. Good luck in your exams girls, and thank you for your hard work. There is a new group of Fairtrade Friends, made up of Year 7 and 8 students and we will introduce them in the next newsletter edition.

Mrs Brailsford and the Fairtrade Friends

Page 12 // Skipton Girls’ High School Newsletter // Issue 70 Become a Beekeeper

We are very excited to announce the pre-launch of a beekeeping club for students and staff at SGHS!


Our aim is to have four hives on site and to run a weekly club where students and staff can learn all about honey bees, and become beekeepers. Different activities will take place throughout the year, for instance with the rearing of colonies in spring, to crafting honey- and wax-based products in the autumn.


Over the last few months, Mrs Busfield and Mr Clarke have been working closely with local beekeeping associations who have offered to act as mentors for our club. We have taken advice from other beekeeping schools, and have had professional assistance for our initial risk assessment.


To summarise the benefits of the beekeeping club we have put together a Firefly page with a register of interest at the bottom (see link below), please come and have a look!

Firefly Link: beekeeping

Issue 70 // Skipton Girls’ High School Newsletter // Page 13 Year 11 Controlled Assessment Food & Nutrition Submissions Check out the delicious dishes created by some of our Year 11 students.

Page 14 // Skipton Girls’ High School Newsletter // Issue 70 Issue 70 // Skipton Girls’ High School Newsletter // Page 15 Year 12 Geography Visit to Leeds

On Wednesday 14th March the Year 12 Geography class went on a field trip into Leeds to trial a range of qualitative and quantitative data collection methods which we could utilise when we complete our independent investigation next year.

We also focussed on socio-economic and physical characteristics in an urban setting to contextualise what we have studied as part of the current Population and Environment module. We conducted a range of questionnaires, environment quality surveys and landscape evaluations to enable contrasts to be made between wards. We also trialled a range of creative data collection techniques including smell mapping and emotional mapping across the two areas.

Following our data collection, we went to ‘The Real Junk Food Project’ warehouse in Pudsey to learn about the aims and values of the organisation. We had previously studied their food waste supermarket in class as a strategy to ensure food security so it was interesting to learn about the project in more depth. Customers are invited to shop for food thrown away by supermarkets and other businesses. The food which is intercepted at the warehouse is priced on a “pay as you feel” basis and has already helped thousands of families struggling to feed their children, whilst helping to reduce food waste in the area. The founder of the project, Adam Smith, also explained how the food that comes to the warehouse is used in a scheme called ‘Fuel for School’ which provides 7 crates each to 45 local primary schools and also educates children about the importance of food choices for a sustainable future.

In class, we have been discussing our survey findings and have begun to apply them in an essay to assess whether the socio-economic and physical characteristics of an area influence health. The field day has provided us with a better understanding of how to collect and analyse primary data and a great time was had by all.

Lauren Plunkett Year 12

Page 16 // Skipton Girls’ High School Newsletter // Issue 70 Paid Teaching Internships with Northern Lights TSA Features of the Find out how it feels to make a difference programme:  shadow a teacher, observing and leading Do you know an undergraduate considering a teaching to joint planning and delivery of parts of lessons career in Maths or Physics?  formal mentoring from Subject specialism in Maths or Physics? subject specialist Penultimate year of your degree and considering  formal professional teaching as a career? learning programme Experience the role of a teacher through a Department  attachment to a tutor group for Education funded internship programme with an interview for teacher training guaranteed.  online and face to face support Work in the classroom alongside experienced teachers, benefit from  testimonial on completion professional learning sessions and receive £300 per week.  support with subsequent Northern Lights TSA is offering four-week paid internships in June and applications to teacher July 2018 in schools in North and and East Lancashire. training

Please contact us to find out how this might work for you:  guaranteed interview for Ginette Hawkins, NLTSA Office Manager Northern Lights School 01756 707622 [email protected] Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT)

Who are we?

Northern Lights Teaching School Alliance, established in 2011, is a partnership of schools across North and West Yorkshire including the metropolitan area of Bradford. The Alliance is led by , Bradford and Skipton Girls’ High School, which has gained national recognition as a provider of high quality STEM education. Designated a regional Science Learning Partnership and a Stimulating Physics Lead School by the Institute of Physics, we were named the Enthuse STEM Secondary School of the Year 2017. Our School Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT) programme recently achieved an Ofsted judgement of Good with Outstanding Leadership and Management. This expertise will be instrumental in the design and delivery of the paid internship programme and in mentoring of interns. Although the majority of interns’ time will be spent in the classroom, a Professional Learning Programme, based on that provided to trainee teachers, will include sessions on child development and learning, safeguarding, managing behaviour and SEND, outstanding teaching and learning and assessing and evaluating teaching and learning. Support through the programme will be through mentoring, paired placements, group meetings and an online learning platform including a discussion forum and reflective journal. World Book Day

Despite the snow days calling off our first attempt, World Book Day: The Sequel was released on Thursday 8th March. A range of activities took place throughout the week, including tutor-group quizzes, a poetry competition and, of course, the staff and students fancy dress contest! A record number of students took part, including some innovative group costumes - we had several Dr Seuss “things”, a group of Mr Men, and a range of characters from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, among others. The costumes were fabulous, and it was great to see everyone making the effort despite the rearranged date!

World Book Day was also the start of our “Drop Everything and Read” programme this half term which is proving to be very successful - every Thursday, students and staff in tutor time drop everything to read a book of their choice. While some students are reading individually, some tutor groups have gone for a class reading approach, a nostalgic circle-time that reminds them of the joys of being read to! All students need to make sure that they have a reading book with them; there is a reading list on the Library Firefly page and any staff member is happy to discuss their reading choices if a student isn’t sure what to read next.

Mrs Woolley English

Page 18 // Skipton Girls’ High School Newsletter // Issue 70 Issue 70 // Skipton Girls’ High School Newsletter // Page 19 Friends of SGHS Update

Thanks to some successful Spring fundraising, we have can be collected at school reception. All the money from now raised £3,500 towards our target of £5,000 to help ticket sales will go towards the resurfacing of The Hollow. resurface The Hollow. Thank you! We hope you will be able to join us at this exciting new event. We received gorgeous homemade gifts to sell at our Mother’s Day stall in the school foyer on March 8 and 9, Other plans include a family games night and a special such as jams, chutneys, fudge, flowers, bath salts, key rings, summer celebration in conjunction with the Sixth Form art cards and wooden roses. Thank you to all who contributed show later in the year. and to the girls for visiting. The stall made a fantastic £348 in just two days. The Friends recently handed over a cheque for £820 to the school’s Hardship Fund. This money was all raised through The Easter bunny also came to visit again. Year 7 girls the recently launched 100 Club. Thank you to those who searched for mini chocolate eggs hidden in the outdoor have already bought numbers. There are still a few left for quad area during lunchtimes. The egg hunt was free sale. Contact: [email protected] for more information. thanks to donations from parents and local supermarkets. The winning numbers for March were: 53, 42 and 25. Our final event this term was a delicious Spring Breakfast on March 9, which also raised £68. We hope to reach our £5,000 target towards resurfacing The Hollow by the summer and also to start raising funds Our next major fundraiser is a parents-only Gin Tasting for a new laser cutter for school, but rely on volunteers and Night at the school’s Judi Dench Theatre at 7pm on Friday, participants to raise all funds. We are also looking for April 27. The night will be professionally hosted by Wright a new Treasurer to join us. If you would like more Wine Skipton, which is donating five gins to taste. There information or could help out at one of our events, will also be live jazz from our musical students. The ticket please contact us at [email protected] includes a Middle Eastern buffet of kebabs, houmous, pitta salads and falafel too. Tickets are available on ParentPay and

Page 20 // Skipton Girls’ High School Newsletter // Issue 70 Our fundraising targets:


Fri 27 April Gin Tasting Night 7.00pm Judi Dench Studio

Fri 8 June Family Games Night 6.30pm - 9.30pm

Thu 28 June Summer Breakfast 7.45am - 8.45am

Thu 28 June Y6 Induction Evening & Friends Refreshments 6.00pm - 8.00pm

Thu 5 July Y5 Open Evening & Friends Refreshments

Tue 3 July Friends’ Summer Celebration & 6th Form Art Exhibition Launch 6.00pm - 9.00pm

Wed 11 July Y7 Robotics Evening

Contact us on: [email protected]

NEXT FRIENDS’ MEETING: Monday 16 April, 6.30pm in the school library. We would love to hear from you!

Issue 70 // Skipton Girls’ High School Newsletter // Page 21 Y12 Maths Inspiration Day

On the 6th of March the education system. The show was a great experience with Year 12 maths students funny jokes throughout, we were both entertained and set off for the Leeds educated, and the teachers all got a free pencil which were Varieties Music Hall. There given to some lucky students. Have you worked out what is they experienced the Maths special about it yet? Inspiration interactive show, hosted by Matt After a quick stop for lunch, the students began a treasure Parker, Mathematician, hunt around the trinity centre made by Mr Barker and stand up comedian and Mr Clarke. With maths related clues, teams of four had the only person to hold to move around the trinity to find the right answer. This the prestigious title of treasure hunt varied from pictures of Mr Barker and Mr London Mathematical Clarke in unknown areas of trinity to which store number Society Popular Lecturer, was used in a mathematical equation to estimating the while simultaneously having a sold-out comedy show at height and length of different objects. It was a challenge, the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. As well as introducing the but everyone enjoyed it. All in all it was a great day out speakers, Matt taught us a couple of maths tricks we will be with lots of maths-related leaning involved. We came home using to impress our friends and family, such as accurately feeling very inspired. guessing the last number of a barcode. There were three mathematicians who spoke about the fairest way to share Oh, and if you’re still wondering, the number on the pencil is chocolate biscuits taking into account guilt (more useful a prime number which will still be prime no matter how much than you might imagine), how fractals work and where you sharpen it. The Maths teachers were thrilled with it! they can be seen in life and how maths is useful beyond the

Y8/9 Team Maths Challenge

On Tuesday 13th March, 4 students from SGHS went to Bradford . There were 30 other schools competing in this Regional Final. There were four rounds in total, including a cross number, relay, A1, A2, A3, etc and some general questions. In most of the rounds, we had to be in pairs and were unable to speak to the opposite pair if what you were telling them was a clue to get the question. In the relay round you had to also work in pairs but each pair had to sit far away from each other. Once you had figured out the question, you had to run to the person who was giving us the answers and check it, if it was right you then had to sprint to the other pair, give them the sheet and go sit down to where you were originally sitting. When the results were announced, we found out that we came 7th Lauren Blackmore and Issy Boothman Year 8 however, Ermysteds won it. Overall it was enjoyable and we were quite pleased with the position that we came.

Page 22 // Skipton Girls’ High School Newsletter // Issue 70 £18 FOR GIN DRINKERS (INCLUDING FIVE GINS TO TASTE PLUS WELCOME G &T)

Gins expertly introduced and hosted by The Wright Wine Company of Skipton

£10 FOR NON GIN DRINKERS (INCLUDING A SOFT DRINK) GIN TASTING & MIDDLE EASTERN NIGHT BUFFET FRIDAY 27TH APRIL 2018, 7PM JUDI DENCH STUDIO, SKIPTON GIRLS’ HIGH SCHOOL Visit the school website or contact [email protected] or school reception on 01756 707600 for more details. Tickets available on Parentpay or from the school reception.

Y10 Maths Feast

This term two teams of year 10 students made their way to Dixon’s McMillan Academy in Bradford for a one off Maths Feast event. These are held all around the country and ran by the Further Maths Support Programme who try to encourage all students to try maths and further maths beyond GCSE level as well as unusual problems often not seen in class. Both teams performed well on the day receiving certificates for high scoring rounds along with one team being recognised and awarded for their outstanding teamwork together. All of us really enjoyed the day where specifically the thought provoking problems which required more of an outside the box approach were liked. For instance, the series of practical rounds in which we were given materials for constructing nets and cubes rather than Katie Tutty Year 10 just using pen and paper. Thanks to Mr Barker and Mr Leah for taking us on the trip, it was a great event. REGISTRATION FOR ADMISSIONS TESTS OPENS: 1st May 2018

Registration for our admissions tests will remain To find out more, come along to our Open open until 4pm on Wednesday 12th Evening or download all the information from September 2018. our website: Each year Skipton Girls’ High School is able to Admissions booklets and registration forms are offer places to a significant number of girls who available on the evening or can be collected live outside our normal priority area. from reception at any time.

OPEN & INFORMATION EVENING Thursday 5th July 2018

We would like to invite Year 5 pupils and their on the admissions process and policy for those parents/carers to our Open & Information parents who wish to find out more. Evening. The school is open from 6:00pm to There will also be an opportunity to walk 8:30pm. around the school and experience learning Presentations at: 6:15pm and 7:15pm across all subjects. The Headteacher will give two identical talks about the school. This will include a presentation

SELECTION TESTS AT SGHS Saturday 29th September 2018

Telephone: 01756 707600 Email: [email protected] Web:

Page 24 // Skipton Girls’ High School Newsletter // Issue 70 Issue 70 // Skipton Girls’ High School Newsletter // Page 25

This Edition, and previous issues of the Newsletter, can also be viewed on the School Website...

Skipton Girls’ High School, Gargrave Road, Skipton, North Yorkshire BD23 1QL

Tel: 01756 707600 Fax: 01756 701068 Email: [email protected] Website: Tweet: @skiptongirls