Qn-Dq €E'nd Qn-Fiq €D D'fi Osbl STATE BANK of INDIA
qn-dq €e'nd qn-fiq €d d'fi osBl STATE BANK OF INDIA The Listing Department, The Listing Department, BSE Limited, National Stock Exchange of lndia Limited, Phiroje Jeejeebhoy Towers, Exchange Plaza, Sth Floor, 25th Floor, Dalal Street, Plot No.: C 11, 'G'Block, Mumbai - 400001. Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai - 400051. cc/s&B/sKJ2021t121 17.06.2021 Madam / Dear Sir, Sub: Disclosure under Regulation 23 (9) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015: Submission of half yearly Disclosure on Related Party Transactions ln compliance with Regulation 23 (9) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, we submit herewith the disclosure on Related Party Transactions on consolidated basis and standalone basis also, in the format specified in accordance with applicable accounting standards for half year ended 31"t March,2021. Please take the above information on record Yours faithfully, (Sham K.) Asst. General Manager (Compliance & Company Secretary) ian uq @ bank.sbi \ +9r222274O84L/ 49 furW+<Aqn, Ylq{ silFr fr-€ ftqT.r, Shares & Bonds Dept, \ +9\222274t47617413L oTdfe b-{, oRdtz b-q, Corporate Centre, \ +9L2222742a42 14irl rndl, t}e i-o rt*c, rasi'iri{, r}e to qcq, l4thFloor, State Bank Bhavan, & +912222a55348 q6s 6nm ts. q-qrq drql +s, Madame Cama Road, +912222740527 qRT & 1j+{ - uoooQg, {r{fl :j.T$ - 80ooQ9, Mumbai - 400021, lndia Consolidated disclosure of related party transactions and balances for the half year ended March 31,2021 State Bank of India, the parent, along with its Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures and Associates constitute the Group. The related parties of the SBI Group are as follows: A) IOINT VENTURES: 1.
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