ISSN 1545-150X California Academy of Sciences A N N O T A T E D C H E C K L I S T S O F F I S H E S Number 22 February 2004 Family Hemiramphidae Gill 1859 halfbeaks By Bruce B. Collette National Marine Fisheries Service Systematics Laboratory National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC 20560–0153, U.S.A. email:
[email protected] The Hemiramphidae, the halfbeaks, is one of five families of the order Beloniformes (Rosen and Parenti 1981 [ref. 5538]). The family name is based on Hemiramphus Cuvier 1816 [ref. 993], but many authors have misspelled the genus as Hemirhamphus and the family name as Hemirhamphidae (although the other genera in the family do have the extra h; e.g., Arrhamphus, Euleptorhamphus, Hyporhamphus, Oxypo- rhamphus, and Rhynchorhamphus). The family contains two subfamilies, 14 genera and subgenera, and 117 species and subspecies. It is the sister-group of the Exocoetidae, the flyingfishes, forming the super- family Exocoetoidea (Collette et al. 1984 [ref. 11422]). Most halfbeaks have an elongate lower jaw that distinguishes them from the flyingfishes (Exocoetidae), which have lost the elongate lower jaw, and from the needlefishes (Belonidae) and sauries (Scomberesocidae), which have both jaws elongate. The Hemi- ramphidae is defined by one derived character: the third pair of upper pharyngeal bones are anklylosed into a plate. Other diagnostic characters include: pectoral fins short or moderately long; premaxillae pointed anteriorly, forming a triangular upper jaw (except in Oxyporhamphus); lower jaw elongate in juveniles of all genera, adults of most genera; parapophyses forked; and swim bladder not extending into the haemal canal.