Post- Tribune FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2010 | POST-TRIB.COM | D1 FridaA guide yto your weekend events STAGE MOVIE REVIEW ROGER EBERT Air Supply performs Saturday in Michigan Chicago Sun-Times movie critic, City. Graham Russell (left) and Russell Hitchcock have had huge success in adult contemporary music. — PHOTO PROVIDED Air Supply ‘Easy’ pumps up its loud side BY BOB KOSTANCZUK 648-3144 |
[email protected] ussell Hitchcock was an Aus- tralian tenor. Graham Russell, an English- does ‘it’ R man, wrote songs. They hooked up in 1975 during rehearsals for “Jesus Christ Superstar” in Australia. The duo evolved into Air asy A” offers an intriguing mid-mid- Supply — a formidable pop act that dle ground to thhee absolute of sex- reigned in the world of mellow, romantic ual abstinence: Don’t sleep with music. The early 1980s was prime time anybody, but say you did. It’s a for the lads, as they scored big pop- funny, engaging comedy that chart singles in the United States that “E takes the familiar but underrat- included “Lost in Love,” “All Out of ed Emma Stone and makes her, I Love,” “Every Woman in the World,” believe, a star. Until actors are matched to the “The One That You Love,” “Even the right role, we can never quite see them clearly. Nights Are Better” and “Making Love Stone embodies Olive Penderghast, a girl Out of Nothing at All.” nobody much notices at East Ojai High School. But it seems Hitchcock, 61, and Rus- The biggest surprise about this school (apart from sell, 60, view themselves as other than the fact that there is an East Ojai) is that it is light and airy minstrels.