This course is one of the few academic in-depth 19 investigations into the planning of facilities, Research-Based Design drawing on an interdisciplinary collaboration be- tween landscape architects, zoologist, biologists Building for and specialist planners. Before drawing the first sketch this translates into nothing less than the ›invention of a new world‹.

The aim is not confined to sparking a discussion Natascha Meuser about contemporary animal husbandry, but also to provide important and innovative inspiration for facil- itating an up-to-date transfer of construction-related knowledge to . What are the outlines of the generally valid aspects of the design and which of these may be relevant for future building concepts? How can planners develop a design which success- fully reflects the needs of animals, their keepers, visitors, and thereby the . Building for Animals

Released as Volume 19 in the series Interior Architecture Research-Based Design Research-Based Design Building for Animals A House for Pandas

This course was taught by Prof. Dr. Natascha Meuser and James Wong Zhen Fai (Interior Architecture).

Hochschule Anhalt / Dessau Master Architecture / DIA Studio Winter Semester 2019 /2 0 Contents PROJECTS

73 Noah’s Ark 147 Panda Village A Potential Journey for Both Pandas and Humans How Cluster-like Architecture Benefits Nurin Abdullah the Natural Community Anna Thum 85 Vertical Zoo How Verticality can Change the Zoo Experience 159 Connecting to Nature at the Zoo INTRODUCTION Shaun Yong How to Consider the Five Senses in Architecture 11 Building for Pandas 95 Journey through the Forest Jameel Trowers Do Iconic Animals Need an Iconic Setting? Can the Bamboo Forest Become the Panda House Itself? 167 A Panda House Flowing into a School Mehmet Caferoglu Architecture as a Catalyst Encouraging BUILDING HISTORY Children to Love the Earth 105 How on EARTH ...? Down to EARTH! Chin Ai Ong 21 Zoo Buildings How Rammed Earth Transpires The Wild Animal – From a Showpiece to a as the Future Material of Zoos 175 The Civilized Panda Being with Rights Anotidaishe Mavazhe Citizen Harmony with Nature Gouda Shehata 113 Beyond Observing and Being Observed DESIGN PARAMETERS Pandas Amidst Nature 183 Your Neighbour the Panda Ebru Aykan Perhaps You Have Someone Living 36 The Foundations of the Design Near You that Seems Creepy Ten Parameters for Pandas 119 Bamboo Playground Paul Schwarz How to Reconnect Sustainable Nature 51 Planning Fundamentals Eddie Goh 187 UNZOO Giant Pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) Why We Should Place Visitors 127 The Panda: A Reluctant Superstar Behind the Glass How to Lead Zoos through Uncertain Times Isabelle Wuttke EXERCISES Manuela Grigorescu 191 PANDADISE 59 Exercise 01 131 Giant Panda Research Facility and Exhibition From a Compound to a Living Space The Aesthetics of Perspective | View into Nature at the -Friedrichsfelde Sandra Misselwitz Martin Hundeshagen 69 Exercise 02 193 A Bridge to Nature The Aesthetics of | Construction of Nature 141 The Rise of the Dragon Why Visitors Should A Panda House Surrounded Stand on Stage 71 Exercise 03 by Public Spaces Andrea Ramos Lopez An Instruction to How to Write a Claim Veronika Langen 195 APPENDIX Models, Bibliography Authors and Participants

»The creation of zoo­logical gardens Introduction is arguably the second oldest and second largest biological experiment of humanity, a phenomenon of tremendous significance.«

Heini Hediger (1956) Building for Pandas Do Iconic Animals Need an Iconic Setting?

Natascha Meuser

How do humankind and animals, or architecture and zoology, fit together and relate to each other? The views of society on the optimal coexistence of hu- mans and animals have changed fundamentally over time. This shift in the public perception of wild ani- mals – from mere showpieces to beings with rights – is now more than ever a topical issue, especially in terms of how to accommodate these animals.

This seminar addresses an important question: how best to design buildings for animals, using the example of a panda house. The aim is not confined to sparking a discussion about contemporary ani- mal husbandry, but also to provide important and innovative inspiration for facilitating an up-to-date transfer of construction-related knowledge to zoos. What are the outlines of the generally valid aspects of the design and which of these may be relevant for future building concepts? How can planners develop a design which successfully reflects the needs of animals, their keepers, visitors, and there- »Pandas seem to bring out the best in people. And that by the zoo? This course is one of the few academic is only one of about a thousand good reasons why we in-depth investigations into the planning of animal should keep them living on earth.« Mary Pope Osborne: A Perfect Time for Pandas, facilities, drawing on an interdisciplinary collabora- Magic Tree House (R) Merlin Mission, Volume 48, tion between landscape architects, zoologist, biol- New York 2012 ogists and specialist planners. Before drawing the first sketch this translates into nothing less than the Pandau house Beijing Zoo, China ›invention of a new world‹. Foto: kpzfoto / Alamy Stock Foto

10 11 Field Trip: Visit of Dan Pearlman office in Berlin, October 2019. Kick-off event in the Zoo with Dr. Andreas Knieriem, Through team design process students earn a deep The interim presentation with guests create an individual Pictures: Natascha Meuser the director of Zoo Berlin. understanding within the design process. reflection on the design results.

assignment analysis sketching synthesis presentation

Design Project Framework In this seminar students were required to produce Step 1: Research-based Design Step 2: Methodical Design Solution Upon completion of this course, students will be their own brief, in which case they will be respon- Formulating design parameters for buildings for In this complex planning task there were many able to: 1) Use scientific research to design build- sible for creating their own project and finding animals is a challenge at first. The requirements questions, that had to be solved. The methodical ings for animals, 2) Explain building history of zoo a site relative to their design idea. The program of the building mean that planning parameters design process hereby helps the student to find architecture 3) Determine fundamental architectur- checklist helps to develop the project, areas of im- have to adapt to the scales and habits of both ani- a structured way of solving problems by using al principles to meet the needs of the animal and portance, areas that need clarity, and the general mals and human beings. Although this analysis by object-­design-knowledge within a design team. visitors 4) Define planning parameters and quality deliverables for the project. This must all be re- no means claims to be complete, by observation The central aim of the course is to learn how to standards for zoo buildings 5) Work interdisciplinary searched and analysed prior to formalising. Each of these parameters, the design and planning of independently gain a deep understanding of with parties involved in construction and planning. selection should enclude: a panda house can be carried out. The section that a problem area, formulate the problem based on By this stage students developed Site: location, access, reasons for choosing, health follows is intended to serve as a planning aid for thorough research, and to develop an individual, • a brief through discussions with the client and and safety aspects, key elements or features; the development of a design. It can also be used as interdisciplinary, and methodical design solution. other stakeholders, Building: size, use, form, scale and hierarchie; a communication platform if all parties involved in By structuring activities and communication be- • carried out an thorough site analysis, gaining Narrative: coherent design, which corresponds to planning and construction want to agree on an opti- tween the team members, the aim was to create as much information as possible about the site, the user requirements; mal building concept. It should be stated at the out- an individual reflection on the design results. surroundings and context, Programme: areas, specialist items; set that the concern here is archi­tectural and peda- • ideas that will provide a basis for their concept. Zoning and Size: dimensional considerations such gogical design p­ arameters. That should also make Step 3: Final presentation as boundaries, access, future expansions; it clear that the planning of a zoo building should be The sketching phase leads to the synthesis phase, Project Design Brief Landscape: natural features of the site such entrusted to an archi­tect who will of course engage where the design comes together. At this stage, Following research and discussions students begin as trees, rocks, topography, ponds etc.; landscape archi­tects and specialist planners. Only the logistics of the building and site, the construc- to build an understanding of the spatial require- Circulation: movement and circulation of men and if the archi­tect from the beginning creates a col- tion, the form and materials etc. become united ments of the project like: functional program, floor animal in, through and around the site; laboration with specialist planners, can a design into one entity. Finally, the presentation phase area standards to carry out particular tasks, spatial Climate: suitable for animal keeping; emerge that successfully reflects the needs of the and public discussion covers all the material used relationship requirements to the site and context. Views: visitor and animal perspectives. animals, keepers and visitors. to present and explain the project.

12 Introduction 13 Master Architektur / DIA Architectural Studio WS 2019/20 Building for Animals


Field Trip Week 8 01 Dan Pearlman: Storytelling and Scenography as Design Methods Nov 27, 2019 02 Natural History Museum Berlin: Biodiversity of Nature Lecture 02 Zoologischer Garten Berlin: A Walk with Dr. Andreas Knieriem Week 10 Exercises Dec 4, 2019 01 The Aesthetics of Perspective. View into Nature Crits / Pin-ups 02 The Aesthetics of Biology. Construction of Nature 03 The Aesthetics of Abstraction. Integration of Nature Week 11 04 Draw Attention to the Story. To See a Problem from Multiple Angles Dec 11, 2019 05 Create a Design: Understand the Nature and Context Interim Presentation of your Concept Week 12 Dec 18, 2019 CREATE A DESIGN Consultation (see list)

Submission Week 13 The building site is chosen by each student and can be anywhere in the Jan 8, 2020 world. The physical, geographic, climatic and cultural context of the site Crits / Pin-ups must be documented. • Create a design, including the outdoor spaces – Week 14 both plan and rendering Jan 15, 2020 • Provide floor plans, sections, elevations (scale of 1:200) Workshop »Layout« • Create a site plan (scale of 1:500) that places the design in its context Week 15 • Present all solutions relevant to the design Jan 22, 2020 • Create a model (scale of 1:500) Final Submission (Documentation and Exhibition)

Week 16 Jan 29, 2020 PROJECT REVIEW

14 Introduction 15 STERN Heft 5/ 2020 (mit Genehmigung zum Nachdruck)

16 Introduction 17 Building History

Animal enclosure in Ethiopia (2011) Photo: Prisma by Dukas Presseagentur GmbH Zoo Buildings The Wild Animal – From a Showpiece to a Being with Rights

Natascha Meuser

Man and animal, architecture and zoology: how Structural principles were taught in coopera- do these various elements fit together and re- tion with the Membrane Structures degree pro- late to each other? Society’s view of the opti- gramme. Students could further explore and mal coexistence of humans and animals has refine their design as part of a concurrent elec- changed fundamentally since the first scientifically tive course, such as Textile-, Tensile- and Cush- managed zoological garden was built in Paris ion Constructions or Lightweight Membranes. in 1793. This change in human conceptions of Students were engaged with the subject matter the wild animal – from a mere showpiece to a being systematically through exercises and organised with rights – is now more than ever a topical issue. their work independently.

The project in the winter semester of 2019/20 The central aim of the course was for students to deald with the construction of a new panda house. learn how to independently research and analyse a Before the first sketch is drawn, the question of the design problem and to develop an individual, inter- future inhabitants of the facility must first be clar- disciplinary, and methodical solution. To consider ified. For the dramaturgy and staging of buildings architecture as an alliance of form, biology, and and fauna, this means nothing less than the ›inven- ethics unleashes new and exciting p­ossibilities tion of a new world‹. The core principles for the in the design of zoo buildings. The students also design must be developed through research and identified the need for a rigorous, visionary new then implemented and presented in a concrete de- agenda regarding buildings for animals, one that sign. The final works should not only spark discus- pursues animal enclosures as a steppingstone to- sion about contemporary animal husbandry, but wards a new relationship between architecture, also provide important and innovative inspiration nature, and the built environment. One that puts for the up-to-date transfer of knowledge in zoos. the wild animal to a being with rights.

20 Building History 21 With society’s increased environmental consciousness and improving ani­mal-keeping methods, archi­tecture is fading from the zoo, as if a landscape park could disguise the fact that the ani­mals are imprisoned.

Claude Perrault: Buildings of the Colchians and Phrygians. The construction of a Zeltkote (Rolf Kjellström 2003) or dome- Les dix livres d’àrchitecture de Vitruv, shaped hut (Enrico Guidoni 1939) is based on the same design Paris 1673, Plate 5 principles as use for nest building ( 1962)

In the course of social change and especially in same as a zoo in Wrocław. The zoo is integrated in part, the designs were oriented to stage sets, cir- nature stood for the work of a God who had con- light of heightened concern for protection of na- the urban development, fenced in and consisting cus-like shows, and prisons. The archi­tects, if they structed his Creation according to a principle of ture and wild anim­ als, design guidelines have of many different buildings, from to sta- had not been replaced by a zoo director with archi­ ­order, while during the Romantic period the idea of fundamentally changed. Along with the ­rapid bles, to wooden or solid structures. It has its own tectural ambitions, applied an archi­tectural under- this image b­ ecame one in which it was precisely the progress in technical developments over the last infrastructure, a pathway system, and facilities in- standing of zoo­logy. The result can be seen today: disordered – apparently coincidental – that was the 150 years, which have made zoo buildings safer cluding shopping and supply outlets. Then there is archi­tecture as a contribution to building culture focus of attention. And if one continues in this vein and more comfortable, a manifold pluralism of the scientific requirement of zoo­logy. A consistent has almost completely vanished from the zoo and today, the question inevitably arises: what do ar- forms and styles for anim­ al dwellings evolved. development of zoo buildings can be discerned has been replaced by amorphous constructions chitects want to express by employing, in abstract »Artificial surroundings are as old as mankind it- beginning in the mid-nineteenth century, in the that demo­cratically cater to every need, as Urban form, the shape of an ani­mal’s body as inspiration self.« 1 Is this insight of Aldo Rossi, the archi­tect wake of the bourgeoisie emancipation. Entertainment Centres, souvenir shops, restau- for a building, as Santiago Calatrava has done with and archi­tectural theoretician, also applicable to Since human beings began building their own rant facilities, restrooms, playgrounds, and ice his skeleton-like constructions or as Zaha Hadid did the artificially created surroundings of ani­mals in dwellings, they also erected facilities for their cream stands, with the requisite shrubbery, bark with her stadiums in the form of a stream-lined in- zoos? Building typologies have ­always developed domestic anim­ als, either a simple fence to keep mulch, and wheelchair accessible paths. Accord- sect carapace. The same is true for building for ani­ in tandem with the relevant human needs but to from running away or a stall to protect ing to the principal of »the squeaky wheel gets the mals, as zoo archi­tecture, in a way, demonstrates what extent can the needs of anim­ als exert an in- it from weather and predators. However, well oil« the ­lobby that makes the most noise is award- in its subjection to continuous change. Where ani­ fluence on the archi­tectural type? Internationally, into the twentieth century, the subject of build- ed the largest space. One could almost get the im- mals at first were locked behind bars or prevented the zoo as housing for ani­mals has undergone ing structures for anim­ als was largely ignored in pression that the zoo buildings are missing exactly from escaping by trenches, beginning in the twen- a similar development. The designs of zoos in var- building theory. This deficit also applied to zoo what they purport to provide, namely anim­ als and tieth century they are presented on stages, only ious social milieus and climate zones resemble buildings, a type of building that emerged dur- appropriate archi­tecture. to disappear again today in practical amorphous each other. A zoo in Jakarta looks basically the ing the Baroque period as the zoo­logical garden, In this sense, the architect elevates nature in or- structures, which, according to Georg Wilhelm evolving into the colonial era with the imagery of der to achieve an ideal form. But the term of na- ­Friedrich Hegel, would m­ utate as the »organic form into the root of free archi­tecture«. This conscious- 1 Rossi, Aldo: Die Architektur der Stadt. Skizze zu einer grundlegen- exotic worlds, and developing in the modern peri- ture has the drawback of ­being constantly subject den Theorie des Urbanen, Düsseldorf 1973, p. 26. od into an independent archi­tecture. For the most to change. For instance, during the Enlightenment, ness transformation also pertains to the anim­ al

22 Building History 23 Portrait of British naturalist and evolutionist Source: iStock / Steven Wynn

Comparison of the skeletons of gibbon (twofold magnified), Comparison of the classical order of columns of antiquity orangutang, , gorilla, and human Meyers Kleines Konversationslexikon. Vol. 1, Huxley, Thomas H.: Evidence as to Man’s Place in Nature Leipzig and Vienna 1892, p. 194

itself. If animal creatures were formerly considered supported the great principle of evolution« 3. This appearance of a species or genus then becomes the In terms of the zoo and zoo archi­tecture, that means as more or less demonic, during the Enlightenment principle states that the types of life forms are solution of the problem posed in the life environ- human archi­tecture for presenting ani­mals must they were revamped as machines, to which one be- not static but constantly changing. Furthermore, ment. In a sense, Darwin’s theories can be related adapt to the specifics of each case. The conditions gan little by little to ascribe consciousness and in- ­Darwin poses the thesis that (2) all living creatures, to the evolution of architectural styles. Archi­tecture of their life environment to which the living crea- dividuality. There are philosophers today like Rich- human beings along with ani­mals, share a common has not been static over the centuries, but char- tures had to react in their evolution must in part be ard David Precht who propose that anim­ al rights origin: »All the members of whole classes can be acterised by style changes. Changes in context, reflected in the construction of their enclosures, should be guaranteed a coexistence along with hu- connected together by chains of affinities, and all ie culture, politics, climate, technology, or similar even if natural selection no longer plays a signifi- man rights, for which he has formulated an Ethic of can be classified on the same principle, in groups para­meters lead to modifications in building con- cant role in that evolution. This means that archi­ Ignorance (Ethik des Nichtwissens ). 2 subordinate to groups. Fossil remains sometimes struction. This ­rarely occurs in evolutionary leaps, tecture for zoo buildings must adapt to a great The work of the British naturalist Charles Robert tend to fill up very wide intervals between existing but usually in small steps. And archi­tecture is also variety in natural living spaces. That is a tremen- Darwin broke the ground for the paradigm change orders.«4 Darwin explained that change with (3) always a solution for construction-­temporal prob- dous task that requires a great knowledge of art. of the image of the ani­mal-as-beast to the anim­ al- gradualism, is with the assumption that the small- lems. People react to their environment and de- The search for the greatest degree of naturalness as-creature. In On the Origin of Species by Means of est modifications ultimately lead to great changes. velop buildings for specific requirements. As curi- inevitably leads to the greatest degree of artificial- Natural Selection, or The Preservation of Favoured According to Darwin the relevant magnitude here ous as indi­vidual designs may appear – especially ity in the detailed simulation of the living space. In Races in the Struggle for Life, published in 1859, the is not the individual but (4) the population. Finally from a temporal distance – they too have emerged addition to the requirement that the zoo must be contemporary of Hegel formulated his theory, still Darwin introduces (5) selection in the form of the as a result of a lifeworld e­ xamination, for example built to serve the ani­mals as well as human ­beings, valid today, which is divided into five subsections. famous »survival of the fittest« as a central mecha- regarding economic, constructive, and functional the building should provide an exhibition context in To begin with, he postulates that (1) living creatures nism for selection. Those living creatures will sur- framework conditions. Some appear to be success- ­order to make the presentation easy to understand. are subject to an evolution, not exactly a new idea vive that can best adapt to their surroundings. The ful and are then copied and handed down. Other Building for zoo anim­ als then becomes an infinite in Darwin’s time because »almost every naturalist styles, which are not considered to be efficient re- loop in the sense that zoo archi­tecture attempts to 3 Darwin, Charles: On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural sponses to the existing problems, find no or ever create an environment as appropriate for the zoo Selection, or The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle 2 Precht, Richard David: Noahs Erbe. Vom Recht der Tiere und den for Life, London 1859. fewer imitators, and eventually die out – in the visitor as it is for the anim­ als. A­ ccording to Darwin, Grenzen des Menschen, Reinbek b. Hamburg 2000. 4 Ibid. sense of the theory of evolution. anim­ als adapt to the environment in which they find

24 Building History 25 Santiago Calatrava: Cultural building in the shape of Study to find the shape of the Olympic Stadium a human eye in Valencia 1998 in Tokyo 2020 Photo: Rainer Bergner Zaha Hadid Architects

themselves. Now, after over one hundred years of what used to be called ­nature. Theodor Adorno zoos, it is best to return to Darwin’s time, a century he met scientists from the intellectual circles and experience with modern zoo­logical gardens, the traced the origins of zoos back to the nineteenth before Adorno’s work on the mutation of in salons in the radius of ­Darwin. As a political refu- question can be posed: what is actually being built century and aptly analysed them in his Minima captivity. The first half of the nineteenth century gee, he found himself in the company of the phi- and for whom? Capturing ani­mals in the wild and ­Moralia reflections. was marked by research expeditions and nature losophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. At first, locking them up in zoos, at least in the so-called obser­vations, by surveying, charting, and doc- ­Semper resumed writing in London, continuing his western countries where anim­ al welfare is high on »In their true form, zoo­logical gardens are products umenting new ­regions and landscapes. New life studies about the colour scheme of antique tem- the list of priorities, is unthinkable.5 But wild ani­ of nineteenth century colonial imperialism. They had been breathed into the debate about the ori- ple buildings. During his exile, other subjects oc- mals that have spent several generations in human flourished in the wake of the exploitation of wild ar- gins of life because of the countless discoveries of curred to him, such as ­applying science to archi­ captivity, sooner or later give up being truly wild. In eas of Africa and central Asia, which paid a symbol- previously unknown species. Charles ­Darwin was tecture. As the centre of a colonial empire, London a sense, they b­ ecome a special kind of pet. ic tribute in the guise of live ani­mals. The value of the first researcher to formulate, in written form, was the perfect location for such a viewpoint and it Nowadays, the ani­mals that are capable are repro- the tribute was measured by how exotic or difficult a theory of evolution from the fill of his own re- was there that Semper­completed one of his most ducing in arti­ficially created zoo environments. In to obtain it was. The development of technology search results and the literature of colleagues. His important works: Die vier Elemente der Baukunst. other words, by contributing to a new life environ- put an end to that and banished the e­ xotic. The thesis called into question the view supported by In it, he discus­ses the lawfulness of determining ment, the zoo is influencing the animal’s evolution bred on the farm is just as tame as the horse that the C­ hristian church that could not accommodate design according to nature. In classicism, the the- and generating a new form of pet, namely zoo ani­ has long been subdued by birth control.« 6 the origin of human beings from apes in the story ory of style was based on construction as the most mals, which have the ability to withstand this kind of creation. Representatives of the humanities were important architectural element, thereby freeing it of captivity without perishing. What emerges over Of course, this idea is a product of civilisation and ecstatic about these new findings. As described by from ›fake frills‹. But, as ­Semper continued, should time is a highly artificial system with two compo- ­dena­turalising wild ani­mals can hardly be the goal Darwin, the evolution t­heory rode a wave of popu- archi­tecture not acknowledge nature as a teacher, nents, neither of which have anything to do with of modern zoo­logy. In order to find a starting point larity. The architect and founder of modern archi­ giving her form and expression in the shape of an to formulate an archi­tecture theory for building tecture theory, Gottfried Semper, adopted Darwin’s architectural idea?7 ideas and related them to his own. After demon- 5 The World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA) adopted in 1993 the first World Conservation Strategy, setting standards and 6 Adorno, Theodor W.: Minima Moralia. Reflexionen aus dem be- strating for civil rights, in Dresden’s May 1849 7 Semper, Gottfried: Die vier Elemente der Baukunst. Ein Beitrag zur guide­lines for zoos and aquariums worldwide. schädigten Leben, Frankfurt am Main 2001, p. 212. uprisings, Semper relocated to England, where vergleichenden Baukunde, Braunschweig 1851, p. 53–54.

26 Building History 27 It is obvious that Semper’s ideas were coherent This understanding of art is still in the spirit of the »An important extension of his theory was also the Semper picks up two lines of argument. In the first with the naturalists’ and zoo­logists’ intel­lectual aca­demic approach to the arts by which art can reference in the Zurich lecture to Darwin’s Origin he e­ stablishes his position on the relationship of art property. The influence of Darwin’s research on only be based on what already exists, following of Species and to those historians who saw archi- and nature, in which he maintains that the new can Semper’s archi­tecture theory becomes evident a strict canon of form and style. For instance in the tecture history as a kind of deterministic biological only by developed by changing the old. But in con- in comparison to the manual Der Stil (1860) and main section of the third chapter, S­ emper under­ model determined by laws of natural selection, in- trast to art, he maintains that archi­tecture must also the lecture Ueber Baustyle (1869)8. In both works, scores this hypothesis: Textile Art with Illustrations heritance, and adaptation.« 11 fulfil a practical function.14 In the second, he com- ­Semper ­examined the question of architectural from Snake Motifs in Various Cultural Circles. He bines Darwin’s theory with his own position on the style. In the preface of his manual for engineers, typically makes use of anim­ al motifs to emphasize This fascinating reference from 1869 shows, »that evolution of architectural form, which he makes artists, and art aficionados in 1860, he writes about the ­unity of art and nature. Semper here refers even at this early stage, the social application of the clear in the description of the »Monumente als die archetypal forms in nature and their relevance for to the term knot (from the Latin nodus, or French Darwinian theory came into fashion within history fossilen G­ehäuse ausgestorbener Gesellschafts- creating style in archi­tecture. nœud) and its etymological affinity with the word and art. Semper’s argument was directed against organismen (Monuments as the fossilised shells node. Two aspects are of interest. First, Semper the axiom, which read: Art makes no leaps. He ar- of extinct social organisms)« 15 and ­other compari- »Nature, in its infinite abundance, is extremely makes an issue of the aesthetisation of spatial bor- gued that art in fact makes leaps, often through the sons to dwellings built by anim­ als. As the Vienna sparing in its motives – as is shown by a constant ders, which he ­develops in the following sections. creative genius of a single individual.« 12 archi­tecture historian Gabriele Reiterer once wrote, repetition in its basic forms. How are these modi- Second, he derives a generally valid definition from ­Gottfried Semper developed his theoretical frame- fied a thousandfold in the stages of the creatures’ the word and its use in other languages. In a way »The old monuments are rightly called the fossil work in parallel to the ordering of nature. education and according to their various conditions that is typical for him, S­ emper lays the foundation casings of extinct social organisms, but these are of existence? In other parts, it is s­ uggestively man- for an understanding of archi­tecture theory, still the latter as they lived, not like snail shells on their »He built theoretical work on an evolutionary-­ ifested how nature has its developmental history, applicable ­today. His ideas on the development of backs, nor are they shot after a blind natural pro- historical, functional-morphological framework. In within which the old motifs are repeatedly seen style deserve special attention because they re- cess like coral reefs, but free formations of the hu- doing so, he created a completely new intellectual through every new d­ esign. Equally so, art is subject semble ­Hegel’s ideas about nature: ­Hegel ­posits man being to set mind, ­nature ­observation, genius, approach to archi­tecture. His comparative systems to only few normal forms and types that derive from organic forms of nature that are abstracted by art will, knowledge, and power in m­ otion. Therefore, and his search for original forms in archi­tecture are the earliest traditions, yet in constant recurrence to while ­Semper draws attention to the smallest basic the free will of the creative human mind is the chief closely correlated with the emerging comparative offer an infinite variety, and have their own history, forms of ­nature, seeking to recognize an abstrac- factor in the question of the origin of architectural anatomies. Semper explained that, as with science, just as those natural types. Nothing is pure arbitrar- tion of form within. For G­ ottfried S­ emper, whose style, which, of course, has to move within certain in conceiving the development of archi­tecture, one iness, but everything conditioned by circumstances nephew, the zoo­logist Karl ­Gottfried Semper was in higher laws of tradition, requisite, and necessity in must incorporate the origin and development of and conditions.« 9 close professional contact10 with Darwin, it is strik- its creation; but these, through free conceptions and building styles in an ordering system. Put simply, he ing how much the original position changed. exploitation, appropriates and serves, as it were.« 13 founded an evolutionary theory of archi­tecture.« 16

8 Darwin’s influence on Semper has been suggested by Harry 14 »Nur einen Herrn kennt die Kunst, das Bedürfnis.« In: Semper, ­Francis ­Mallgrave in his Semper biography. See Mallgrave, ­Harry 11 Mallgrave, Harry Francis:Gottfried Semper, Zurich 2001, p.321. Gottfried: Vorläufige Bemerkungen über bemalte Architektur und Francis: ­Gottfried Semper. Ein Architekt des 19. Jahrhunderts, 12 Ibid. Plastik bei den Alten, Altona 1834, p. VIII. Zürich 2001, p. 320–321. 13 Semper, Gottfried: Ueber Baustile (Ein Vortrag gehalten auf dem 15 Semper, Gottfried: Ueber Baustyle, Berlin / Stuttgart 1884, p. 401. 9 Semper, Gottfried: Der Stil in den technischen und tektonischen Rathaus in Zürich am 4. März 1869). In: Semper, Manfred and 16 Reiterer, Gabriele: Die Biologie des Bauens. Wie Charles Darwin Künsten oder Praktische Ästhetik. Ein Handbuch für Techniker, 10 Numerous letters from Charles Darwin to Karl Gottfried Semper Hans (Ed.): Kleine Schriften von Gottfried Semper, Berlin / Stutt- die Baukunst beeinflusste: Hinweise auf eine Evolutionstheorie der Künstler und Kunstfreunde, Frankfurt am Main 1860, p. VI. are documented in the University and State Library of Düsseldorf. gart 1884, p. 401. Architektur, in: Die Presse (Spectrum) on 28 February 2009.

28 Building History 29 Reiterer attributed to Semper a »highly creative and Germanic languages, the word Wand (sharing the an elephant hide. Heini ­Hediger’s statement that High German verb wesan (to be). In English trans- bold theory, a daring new look at the development same root and meaning with Gewand ), directly re- for the anim­ al it is »certainly of no consequence lations like nature, creature, or character come of archi­tecture.« 17 That approach placed Semper in calls the ori­gin and typology of the visible space whether its space is cordoned off with traditional closer to the ideas of creation and nature. The opposition with Otto W­ agner, who had formulated closure. This also true of Decke (blanket / ceiling), means, or instead of gratings with ditches or simi- term ›being‹ describes the E­igentliche (real), the an archi­tecture theory in ­Vienna at the same time Bekleidung (cladding / clothing), Schränke (barrier / lar means« 19, is still valid today. The beautifications Es­ senz (essence) or the Kern (core) of the matter in in which engineering was ­elevated to an art form. gate), Zaun, synonymous with Saum, or seam in contemporary large-scale buildings in zoo­logical philosophy, while in archi­tecture theory the ques- Semper’s theory ought to have been pursued be- (fence) and many other technical expressions that gardens are there to amuse the visitors. They con- tion of fundamental being is the absolutely central cause his analogies to evolution theory, together are unmistakable indications of the textile origins ceal a condition that is anything but natural. The theme.21 The work titled Grundriß der Allgemeinen with the personal acquaintance of the Darwin and of these construction parts.« 18 enclosure is still a mixture of stage and prison, Zoologie­ by ­Alfred Kühn 22 may be recommended Semper families, represents a key to understanding ­augmented in the visitors’ space by a museum. if one w­ ishes to examine the theoretical analogies the establishment of a modern theory of zoo archi­ Gottfried Semper’s theoretical essays underpin his between archi­tecture and zoo­logy. The work pub- tecture. However, Semper’s theory also reflects an basic under­standing that architectural styles had But a theory of zoo archi­tecture would be incom- lished sixteen times b­ etween 1922 when it was first understanding of archi­tecture based on a definition developed from the textile arts. The etymology of plete without an investigation of terms that are as published and 1969. It describes the general charac- of space beyond its boundaries, that is, a view of these terms reveals this kinship. Since these texts often used in archi­tecture as in zoo­logy. The term teristics of living beings and the tasks of zoo­logy. In dimensions that does not depend on the object in always involve words and terms for spatial transi- being ( Wesen ) in the sense of a living being ( Lebe- the main chapters, Kühn delves into the structure, space. It bears a close proximity to the design pa- tions, like the word Zaun (derived from Saum, or wesen ) in zoo­logy comes to mind. One is reminded performance, and evolution in the ani­mal world. rameters for the ­hybrid zoo­logical building merging seam) or Wand (derived from Gewand, or robe), of August Schmarsow, who plays with terminolo- The choice of key words in the text is interesting as the elements of theatre, museum, and prison. The they go to the core of archi­tecture theory. Further- gy drawn from archi­tecture and nature in his book is the contextualisation of the language of zoo­logy design is focused on the boundaries between the more, Semper provides a kind of theoretical blue- Das Wesen der architektonischen Schöpfung. 20In and archi­tecture. In his instruction ­manual, Kühn spaces, either those between the anim­ als’ territory print for archi­tecture design that traces back the his L­eipzig inaugural lecture, in 1893, the art his- makes use of terminology drawn from archi­tecture. and the public area of the zoo visitor, or between façade or enclosure to its textile handicraft origins. torian Schmarsow considers archi­tecture from the the inside and outside enclosures. Even if zoo archi­ In that respect, this conclusion is significant be- viewpoint of a history of creation. The term ›being‹ »Forms that are systematically categorised are tecture during Semper’s time was characterised by cause it helps derive quality criteria for contempo- plays a special role here as it does for later theore- called ›form related‹ or ›type related‹. They are con- the idea of exhi­biting an exotic beast and behav- rary archi­tecture. For zoo archi­tecture that means ticians. For example a glimpse in the literature of structed according to a common blueprint or type. ioural research was not esta­blished as a discipline, that in the zoo, wickerwork or artistic decorations the 1920s, a period of manifestos and many theo- They consist of similar parts in a coherent order.«23 his theoretical reflections during his lifetime are as should be discernible in a fence, and a façade ought retical discussions, offers reference points. One of valuable as a blueprint today. to obey its tectonic lawfulness, which however them is the archi­tect Leo Adler, whose book Vom does not mean that a fence should imitate a tree Wesen der Baukunst was published in 1926. Even »Once again, we are confronted with the notable stump or be repre­sented by an artificial cliff. By the if the term ›­being‹ ( Wesen ) has several meanings 21 Cf.: Schoper, Tom: Zur Identität von Architektur: Vier zentrale case that the spoken language comes to the aid of same token, a façade does not have to resemble in German today, it can be traced back to the Old Konzep­tionen architektonischer Gestaltung, Bielefeld 2010. art prehistory, which the symbols of stylistic idiom 22 In the further course of this work, the use of archi­tecture-specific terminology in the title Grundriß der Allgemeinen Zoologie (­Leipzig in their primitive a­ ppearance under­score, confirm- 18 Semper, Gottfried: Der Stil in den technischen und tektonischen 19 Hediger, Heini: Vom Zwinger zum Territorium. In: Kirchshofer, Rosl 1922) will be discussed. Alfred Kühn’s role in the period between ing the authenticity of their interpretation. In all Künsten oder Praktische Ästhetik: ein Handbuch für Techniker, (Ed.): Zoologische Gärten der Welt. Die Welt des Zoo, ­Innsbruck 1933 and 1945 is not considered, nor is his work Grundriß der Künstler und Kunstfreunde, Vol. 1: Die textile Kunst: für sich be- 1966, p. 13. Verberbungslehre (Leipzig 1939). trachtet und in Beziehung zur Baukunst, Frankfurt am Main 1860, 20 Schmarsow, August: Das Wesen der architektonischen Schöp- 23 Kühn, Alfred: Grundriß der Allgemeinen Zoologie. Leipzig 1922, 17 Ibid. p. 229. fung, Leipzig 1894. p. 5.

30 Building History 31 Architectural theoretic approach to terms also used in zoo­logy Leaning on the vocabulary of archi­tecture: textbook for zoo­logists Adler, Leo: Vom Wesen der Baukunst. Die Baukunst als Ereignis Kühn, Alfred: Grundriss der Allgemeinen Zoologie, und Erscheinung, Leipzig 1926 Leipzig 1931

Taken out of context, the reader would hardly con- of their sequence in geological history. Word plays programmes or exhibitions in these cultural insti- building for ani­mals could help determine a site lo- clude that it came from a zoo­logist. And the fact involving the terms form, style, or floor plan will tutions, the archi­tecture itself plays a leading pub- cation for humans in the context of the fauna. Be- that the author employs archi­tecture-specific terms not lead to an archi­tecture theory for zoo build- lic role in the ­transmission of culture. That stand- cause »the design of a zoo ­is always an indication in the text does not detract from this supposition. ings. At best, such a theory can be sketched in half ard has yet to be formulated for zoo archi­tecture. on the status of the relationship between man and Put another way, Kühn identifies a terminological sentences. And because of space limitation, daily On the basis of the great competitive pressure in ani­mal« 26. On the other hand, the reflection about kinship between the two disciplines, which be- newspapers and professional magazines can only a small world the public relations departments of zoo­logy may give the archi­tecture discussion a new comes clear in the conclusion of his first chapter. scratch the surface of the subject. the firms that might other­wise address this task, impulse in which Semper’s idea of an evolution of Direct public exposure to archi­tecture in zoos oc- pass over the usual need to inform the fraternity of form provides an orientation in the haphazard con- »The task of zoo­logy is the description of the con- curs above all in the audio-­visual media. The writ- architects. But the impression is misleading. Build- fusion of superficial knowledge and private theories struction, the development of the ani­mals, and their ten word in the form of printed text, as the base ings for ani­mals are high security structures with propounded by commercially motivated architects. relations to the environment, the systematic order- for a current intellectual discussion of the subject, the corresponding secrecy needs. Perhaps this re- ing of the ani­mal forms and their form kinship with is restricted to a small circle of experts. The popu- quirement could be a reason for which this building Archi­tecture can not be reinvented. Archi­tecture, each other and the representation of their sequence larity of individual anim­ al species can deflect the type is hardly mentioned by architects in the expert like nature, gets along quite well with a few basic in geological history.« 24 attention of a broader public to the archi­tecture. literature, and the subject of building for anim­ als forms that creativity can then infinitely vary. If this A building culture that does not yet exist would seems to be reduced to zoo archi­tecture.25 research work on the relationship of archi­tecture By simply replacing the word ›ani­mal‹ with ›style‹, be appropriate for the standards of the zoo­logical and zoo­logy, of building culture and nature suc- this para­graph can serve as a definition of archi­ ­garden as a scientific facil­ity. In point of fact, all the In fact, the discussion of the building task is much ceeds in laying a building block for an archi­tectural tecture theory. The task of archi­tecture theory is the important building typologies of relevance in the broader and more differentiated. On the one hand, debate about contemporary building, that is appro- description of the construction, the development of West have a theoretical foundation. perhaps the use of shared zoo­logy and archi­tecture priate for anim­ als, then another significant mile- the ani­mals, and their relations to the environment, The architects themselves e­ nsure that it is so. It is terminologies might lead to a situation where stone will have been passed. the systematic ordering of the style forms and their striking that the architects of theatres, museums, form kinship with each other and the representation or stadiums see to it that in addition to the play 25 See: Meuser, Natascha: Zwischen Bühnenbild und Gefängnisbau. Vom Fehlen einer Debatte über zeitgenössische Zoobauten – eine 26 Kurt Brägger cited in: Blaser, Werner: Kurt Brägger, Skizze, in: Modulør, issue 2 / 2013, p. 22 onwards. 1953 – 88. 24 Ibid., p. 6.

32 Building History 33 Design Parameters

The Foundations of the Design Discovering a New World Ten Parameters for Pandas The regions the ani­mals come from 1 Natascha Meuser Natascha Meuser

Formulating design parameters for zoo buildings 5 Spatial barriers Beginning with the first design sketches, the ques- is a challenge at first because as long as a pure- How to shape fences, trenches, and tion of who the occupants are – who will move ly building typological investigation has not been display windows into the anim­ al building – must be answered. In made there is no reference point for the archi­ the recent past, a trend in zoos has emerged to tectural foundation for such a building. What are 6 Safety management build theme parks in which the fauna of larger re- the outlines of the generally valid aspects for How human beings and ani­mals can be gions, like the ice deserts of the Arctic or Antarc- a design? Although this ten-part list by no means mutually protected tic, tropical regions, or the African savannah are claims to be complete, by observation of these pa- presented. A general trend »from anim­ al house rameters the design and planning of a zoo building 7 Displaying the ani­mal to theme park« can be discerned. This increase in can be carried out. How the anim­ al can be attractively presented the content complexity exerts an influence on the The zoo for a better South Korea: Dochodo Zoo­logical Island – archi­tecture as well as the museum support pro- Empowering the Infrastructural Green Belt JDS Archi­tects 1 Discovering a new world 8 Signage and didactics gramme housed in the building. In Anglo-Saxon The regions the anim­ als come from How information reaches intended recipients countries, one speaks logically enough of anim­ al collections, a terminology that is also used in mu- 2 Urban integration 9 Design seums. To begin with, the staging for the dramatur- The particular urban context of the zoo What the selection of material, colour, and gy of buildings and fauna means that the ›museum light can do for design collection‹ must be assembled by a curator and 3 Building form a zoo­logist. The composition of different habitats How the archi­tecture is presented 10 Archi­tecture and brand development under one roof, which in nature are geographically How striking buildings create advertising for disparate or at best adjacent to each other. With Competition design for the aquarium in Batumi, Georgia: 4 Paths and signposting the zoo this environmental gesture in mind continents can House of the Four Seasons How visitors are conducted through be presented as »one world«. Henning Larsen Archi­tects the building

36 Design Parameters 37 Urban Integration Building Form The particular urban context 2 How the archi­tecture 3 of the zoo is presented

Two opposing aspects emerge in the urban context: Whether consciously or not, before they create on the one hand, the institution of the zoo­logical a design, all archi­tects make a typological deci- garden is dependent on an inner city or a proximate sion. This decision exerts the greatest influence urban location in order to guarantee accessibility for on the building form. The archi­tect strives to de- visitors. On the other hand, a densely settled urban velop a coherent design, which corresponds to the location may influence the behaviour of the ani­mals user requirements of the building and which can and limit the zoo’s expansion possibilities. Three be ­realised by a plan, governing costs and com- categories that characterise the urban context are: pletion. According to ­in-depth studies of the more Building in the zoo: deciding whether to integrate (1) the suburban location in the vicinity of other sig- striking zoo buildings, four main building forms can archi­tecture into landscape or landscape into archi­tecture Bjarke Ingels Group nificant urban facilities. For instance the Wrocław be identified: the »decorated box« (Robert Venturi ), Zoo is next door to the famous Max Berg Century Helsinki Zoo: island paradise in the sea nature imitation, »construction as art form« ( Otto Hall, opened in 1913 as an exhi­bition and fair facil­ Beckmann-N’Thépé Architects­ Wagner ), and the stage set. There are other special ity, and still in use for large-scale events today. As forms that do not fall into either of these categories. a consequence, there are enough parking opportu- In addition, archi­tects will use separate elements of nities nearby. different building forms, making classification dif- (2) Location in the middle of a zoo/inner city zoo. ficult. But by and large, these four main building like in London, Paris, Vienna or Berlin. Although types comprise the zoo buildings. The »decorated they are lacking space for expansion, they are con- box« is perhaps the most familiar building form venient to reach by highway or a main rail and are because it fulfils traditional archi­tectural expecta- a welcome local recreation area for visitors fleeing tions. The many examples in the research work here big city stress. show that they must by no means look boring. Na- (3) Surrounding countryside. A lack of space is not Berlin Zoo: inner-city tourist magnet with ture imitation reflects the philosophy of depicting enclosure in Arnheim (2002) an issue in the surrounding countryside. For exam- inter-city rail connection nature in the form of iconic archi­tecture. Buildings Officium, Design Engineering GmbH ple, the Helsinki facil­ity is located on an island on have emerged with new designs and planning tools the coast of the Gulf of Finland. And in Tbilisi a new that before the application of digital aids were un- zoo was planned to be built in 2012, on an artificial thinkable. Orga­nically shaped buildings resembling reservoir on the outskirts of the city. a nest or the belly of a whale are a popular demon- The educational aspect is an argument for keeping stration to the visitor of the connection to nature. zoos active in cities. »If we’re going to have any In a more subtle fashion the »construction as art chance as a society to teach the public about cli- form«, presents the support structure as a subject mate change and the environmental crisis, zoos are of design and thereby a building form. And for the going to be a place where it happens, in part be- stage set, the fourth category, the design most of- ten places a geographical subject (the Arctic, the cause they attract so many people, but also such a Tbilisi Zoo: artificial world on an artificial lake Yukon Bay theme world in (2010) wide variety: religious, secular, Democrat, Republi- Proctor & Matthews tropics, etc.) in the foreground, which is then real- danpearlman, Photo: Frank Roesner can—everyone visits the zoo.« (David Grazian) ised in the archi­tecture.

38 Design Parameters 39 Paths and Signposting Spatial Barriers How visitors are conducted 4 How to shape fences, trenches, 5 through the building and display windows

The path is the goal: as worn as this saying may The former use of cages and bars in zoos has been seem – for buildings where the focus is the transfer replaced today by a broad array of spatial barriers. of knowledge, enter­tainment, and visitor guidance – That is partially due to a changed consciousness of this solution is the basis of every concept. In addition the ani­mals’ needs as well as advances in structural to museum buildings or art galleries, this pertains engineering. Even if the common fence has not com- to zoo buildings. In the case of zoo­logical gardens, pletely vanished from the zoo, the contemporary as a consequence of the high proportion of children palette of technical possibilities offers archi­tectural amongst the visitors, a selection of different rout- leeway. Since the days of Hagenbeck’s enclosures ing systems is available. Large distances between without bars, when trenches as spatial barriers were two enclosures or buildings can be psychological- introduced in zoo archi­tecture, landscaping has be- ly shortened with a clever system of attractive pas- Treetop walk in the Masoala Rainforest Hall (Zurich Zoo) come one of the important enclosure parameters. sageways, bridges, and paths. The design of internal­ Vogt Landschaftsarchitekten AG In addition to trenches, these include pools of wa- access ways is by far the most archi­tecturally promi- ter and the use of natural or artificially shaped hills nent element in a zoo building. The spatial character- on the grounds. Low impediments like these are istics can be typologically differentiated as »over«, needed simply to keep the visitors from getting too »through«, and »underneath«. In contrast to a mu­ close to the ani­mals. Fences are often replaced with seum, where the archi­tecture takes a »back seat« to thorny bushes. The technical ­advances of the glass the exhibit or at best supports the e­xhibit with its industry, which can now produce impact and pres- effect, routes in zoo buildings are very often them- sure resistant storey-high panes of glass, also con- selves staged. The anim­ al can’t be everywhere and tributed to the demise of cages with bars. Visitors because of the size of the enclosures, the distances can look a predatory cat in the eye at a distance of between them can ­hardly be shortened. It therefore Walk-in water pipe in shark tank (Wrocław Zoo) a few centimetres or count the bubbles in the fur of stands to reason, that a bridge over water, like the Adam Glonski diving polar bears. But even the modern zoo can not one in the Arnheim Zoo ( in the Jungle Hall) becomes do without heavy fence constructions. Simply on an adventure playground. Or when a treetop path like account of their weight, the pachyderms ( elephants, the one in the Zurich Zoo ( in the Rain ­Forest Hall) turns rhinoceroses, or ) represent such into a 7 metre-long spatial adventure, weaving over a special problem that steel posts must be anchored Selection of views in Gondwanaland in Zoo Leipzig the ground, through the green foliage. The ground to a depth below the earth that is equal to their height Illustrations: Ariane Röntz, Berlin level accesses are no less spectacularly designed. above the earth. Sheer mass is the best protection. In the , the visitors are led through an In the case of climbing or jumping ani­mals, fence di- Indian palace, in Vienna the spiral-shaped path runs mensions correspond to the anim­ al’s ana­tomy and next to penguins and polar bears. All visitors vividly physical capacities. If a fence can be dispensed with, then as with all other spatial barriers, the alternative recall the passage through water conduits and bur- Balancing in the Jungle Hall (Arnheim Zoo) rows. This is where archi­tecture and zoo­logy fuse: Lucas Wahl must be i­ncorporated into the design and simply or- human behaviour becomes an essential element. dered from a specialised catalogue.

40 Design Parameters 41 Safety Management Displaying the Ani­mal How human beings and ani­mals 6 How the ani­mal can be 7 can be mutually protected attractively presented

Safety management is without a doubt one of the The archi­tect, landscape archi­tect, and zoo­logist are most complex tasks of a zoo­. It starts with the ­usual ­especially called on in presenting the anim­ al. This building code requirements ( fire prevention, for is where the visitors’ expectations – to be able to example ), extending to special regulations (like optimally observe the ani­mal – must be fulfilled. By occupational safety), to evacuation and escape the same token, the anim­ als must not be disturbed concepts for the entire facil­ity ( such as disaster in their daily routine. Active zones and rest ­areas ­control ). This section will deal with a single aspect for human beings and anim­ als must be coordinat- of this subject: physical security in facilities for ed with each ­other. While the anim­ als have hardly pachyderms. The primary concern is to protect the any opportunity to escape the gaze of the visitors in human being from the anim­ al, but also to protect a traditional zoo enclosure ( cages or indoor enclo- the ani­mals from themselves and each o­ ther. In ad- sures ), the outdoor territory provides a modicum of dition, there is the fact that because of their sheer freedom and a certain autonomy. However, the visi- size and weight, pachyderms can only be moved tor must be given the opportunity to go on the hunt on their own or with the aid of a crane. In the in- and to ›lie in wait‹. Archi­tecture can serve to enhance ternal areas of the enclosures that are not open to this enjoyment of nature, from vantage points; from the public, an important aspect in safety planning Hot Grass and Hot Vines are used by zoos worldwide to protect above, a level perspective, or below. The view from their valuable trees and landscaping from animal destruction, must include amongst others, the capability to sep- while virtually disappearing within the naturalistic environment. above for the enclosures has become estab- arate one elephant from the herd. This can be done These electrified elements are designed to quickly train animals lished. Being able to look the ani­mals in the eyes with locks whose gates can be moved vertically or of all sizes by delivering a decisive yet harmless shock. has become standard operating procedure, and in horizontally. The doors and gates for zoo personnel some zoos, feeding the anim­ als with fresh leaves must be designed in such a way that they cannot and twigs is a­ llowed. By means of a hole in the floor be squeezed shut by the anim­ al by mistake. Since of a bridge over a pool of water can also provide these steel installations require optimal anchoring a different view of the anim­ al. Archi­tecturally staged Mesh tubes made of chrome steel as visitor attraction and photo in the ground and walls, they are one of the most ground level views can be created if the gaze can be motive: squirrel monkeys in the Knies Kinderzoo, Rapperswil Müller & Truniger Architekten, Photo: Jakob AG significant design elements of the overall plan, for diverted with the aid of a display window, or when an outdoors and indoors. As a rule, the material used unexpectedly transparent distance between ani­mals is stainless or galvanised steel without sharp edges and humans is created, with floor depth full glazing. in order to reduce maintenance and danger caused The presentation of the anim­ al also depends on the by injury. The protection is designed for ani­mals layout of the path ( see 4 – Paths and Signposting ), and humans alike. Barriers for the visitors areas in for e­ xample when at the end of a crawl way, a glass Increase in attractivity for the zoo of the future: elephant facilities are often formed by trenches or dome r­ises in the middle of an enclosure, visitors human and ani­mal are directly opposite Bjarke Ingels Group pools of water with steep walls. In only a few in- are given a view of a ­meerkat, which they will not stances are additional electrified wires used, either soon forget or special staging by having the squirrel for building code reasons or to protect the ele- monkeys crawl through see-through tubes made of phants from their own curi­osity or clumsiness. chrome steel netting.

42 Design Parameters 43 Signage and Didactics Design How information reaches 8 What the selection of material, 9 intended recipients colour, and light can do for design

A good control system comes with few or even Even in their chosen discipline, archi­tects have no no signs. In the latter, the archi­tecture must speak claim to design ­freedom. An archi­tect designs a zoo very graphically for ­itself, as in the Hanover Zoo, building not just for humans. What is pleasant for where ›narrative‹ buildings take over part of the ori- a visitor may be very harmful for an anim­ al. That entation and information: West ­African round huts, starts with colours that may be threatening for ani­ a Canadian port facil­ity, or an Indian palace are rep- mals, or lighting that could impair their vision, or resentative of the fauna in the tropical s­ avanna, in materials that stimulate appetite instead of creat- the Arctic, and in South Asia. Of course, the forest ing harmony. For example in the elephant facil­ity in can not be felled in all zoo­logical gardens. The real- ­Erfurt, eighteen different floor coverings are used isation that signage – the conception and design of in order to give the sensitive pressure receptors in guidance and orientation systems – is an independ- the ani­mals’ feet some variation. Some trends can ent design task, is increasingly gaining acceptance be observed in newer zoo buildings: in addition to with zoo administrations. For the designing archi­ descriptive imitation of habitats, there are often tect, this means involving a specialist at an ­early spatial sequen­ces ­with surprise effects. For in- stage. Important in the conception and design is stance, a section of the outside wall of the elephant the s­ equence of departure, guidance, and destina- facil­ity in the Cologne Zoo was finished with pre- tion points, which are in the complex development cast concrete parts, with an elephant skin texture system of a zoo­logical garden. Signage should, if and look. In Singapore, a polished floor that depicts Hologram room possible, be consistent with the didactic concept the surface of jungle waters greets the visitors in Design: Anotidaishe Mavazhe and branding ( see 10 – Architecture and brand one of the rooms of the River Safari facil­ity. And the ­development ) of the zoo itself. This offers the op- archi­tects of the gorilla facil­ity in the London Zoo portunity to d­ evelop a barrier-free visitor guidance were inspired by the orna­mental shield of a Central system and a modern d­idactic method aimed at African tribe, which they used as a pattern for the a public effective overall concept. In a further step, wood panelling. Boltshauser Architekten designed the different information media can be defined ed- theatrical spaces consisting of circular windows itorially and creatively. It is advisable not to fore- ­beneath an illuminated fish pool for the ­Ozeanium go analogue information, as digital media must be in Basel while for the Masoala Hall in Zurich, maintained and updated constantly. In addition to Gautschi S­torrer A­rchitekten created terrariums the conventional information panel on the o­rigin Interactive zebra identification information board with a painting-like effect on the wall. Drei Architek- and characteristics of each species, didactic display (Zoo Osnabrück) ten proposed a surprise for the ­aquarium in Batumi: Lechner Design boards are very popular ( for example for identifying a primitive circular village plays with changing light the different types of zebras or giraffes ). However, by day and night, so that the building on the bank of the principle applies to both didactics and s­ ignage: the lake acquires a mysterious appearance. less is more!

44 Design Parameters 45 Archi ­tecture and Brand Development 10 How striking buildings create advertising for the zoo

The list of design parameters for zoo buildings would be i­ncomplete without addressing the archi­ tecture as a point of identification. The idea that striking buildings contribute to the image of a zoo may seem far-fetched at first. But a closer look will show that big city zoos successfully use archi­ tecture for their public image. Instead of an image of their buildings in their logo, the Bronx Zoo de- picts a high-rise silhouette between ­the legs of two giraffes. And for a series of posters for the re- opening in 2014, the Parc Zoologique de Paris used internationally recognised buildings from Paris. Archi­tecture is also used in miniature format for identifying wildlife parks and zoos; for example the official postage stamps that show zoo buildings, of course with anim­ als as poster boys. This practice underscores the value that outside parties attach to the zoo as an institution and its archi­tectural im- pact. This is no surprise. In a time when almost all zoos feature the same stock of exotic anim­ als, a lion or an elephant does not represent a unique selling point, as might have been the case one hundred years ago. Zoos are differentiated from each oth- er by the programs they offer ( events in the zoo ), by the upgrading of park facilities ( local recreation factor ), or simply by the increase in attraction in the form of unusual buildings. Since the majority of planning contracts today are issued in public com- Art Nouveau Gate in the Hagenbeck Zoo (Hamburg) Panda Paradise in Everland resort, South Korea petitions, the increased quality of the buildings and and Elephant Gate in ­Berlin: stamp block of the »In the master plan we see visitors not as tourists but as German Federal Post with the nominal values of 100 and explorers, giving them a variety of opportunities and sites the heightened public awareness of archi­tecture 200 Pfennig from 1994 to learn about the environmental challenges.« also have an ­effect on the zoos. This new focus can Architecture: dan pearlman only contribute greatly to their general benefit.

46 Design Parameters 47 This checklist is a possible communication platform for archi­tects, Planning Fundamentals zoo­logists, and builders. It is composed of four columns: Territory, Workspace, Visitors’ Space, and Buildings as well as three double Checklist lines: Space, Function, and Design. For every planning project, the checklist is to be adapted accordingly and supplemented if necessary.

Territory Workspace Visitors’ space Buildings

Access Visible / invisible delim- Façades Space requirements Enclosure size & Observation Clear visibility Space programme & emergency exits itations walls

Isolation Toilets Ceilings Retreats Refuge areas Passive/active & Pathways & & Floors food distribution quarantine rest areas roof Space

Scratching posts Heating Feeding ground & Cleaning Maintenance Age adapted Accessibility Renewable energies & wallows cooling

Fresh air Rainwater Breeding grounds Faeces post Water / electricity Security Safety instructions Information & & transmission air circulation snow Function

UV light Signage Surface quality & & Orientation Nature within the enclo- Signage Building typology Preservation order shade work regulations sure

Materials Vegetation Bodies of water Recreation room Lighting Enclosure Animatronics & Lighting attractiveness colours Design

48 Design Parameters 49 Planning Fundamentals Giant Pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca)

Dimensional principals and proportions

Biological Systematics Native Habitat Kingdom Animalia Giant pandas live in a few mountain ranges in south Phylum Chordata central China – in Sichuan, Shaanxi and G­ ansu Class Mammalia provinces. They once lived in lowland a­ reas, but Order Ursidae farming, forest clearing and other development Scientific Name Ailuropoda melanoleuca now restrict giant pandas to the mountains. Giant Common Name Giant Panda, Giant Panda Bear pandas live in broadleaf and coniferous forests Other Name(s) Giant Bear Cat, Bamboo Bear with a dense understory of bamboo, at elevations Group between 5,000 and 10,000 feet. Torrential rain Number of Species 1 and dense mist descend throughout the year on Location Mountains of central China these forests, which are thus often shrouded in 1 Habitat High-altitude, moist bamboo forest heavy clouds. Colour Black, White, Brown Skin Type Fur BASICS Size 1.5m - 1.8m (4.9ft - 6ft), height ca. 0.75m Gutachten über Mindestanforderungen an die Weight 110kg - 250kg (242lbs - 551lbs) Haltung von Säugetieren: Bundesministerium Top Speed 32kph (20mph) für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft. 7. Mai 2014 Diet (Auszug) Prey Bamboo, Fruits, Rodents Opinion on minimum standards for the keeping of Predators Humans, , Birds of Prey : Federal Ministry of Food and Agricul-

Lifestyle Diurnal/Nocturnal ture. May 7, 2014 (excerpt) Group Behaviour Solitary Bears (Ursidae) including Giant Panda (Ailuropoda) Lifespan 20 – 35 years There are 5 genera with 8 species, which are all Age Of Sexual Maturity 4 – 8 years predominantly diurnal and solitary in the wild. Gestation Period 5 months Polar bears are inhabitants of the treeless tundra. Average Litter Size 1 Adult brown bears only climb trees in an emergen- Name Of Young Cub cy, the other species are more or less pronounc- Age Of Weaning 12 – 15 months edly tree-living. All species are represented in Conservation Status Vulnerable ­German zoos. Estimated Population Size 2,000 Biggest Threat Habitat loss A zookeeper brings bamboo into the Extension of wrist bone acts as a thumb 1 (accessed 20 Jan- Giant Panda’s enclosure. Wolong Natu, China Most Distinctive Feature uary 2020). Ami Vitale / Alamy Stock Foto

50 Design Parameters 51 newborn 2 weeks three weeks – two months three months –five months six months – two years

Keepers in Zoo Adelaide, Australia (2009) Panda enclosure in San Diego Zoo, USA Photo: Peter Bennetts Photo: Autumn Sky Photography / Alamy Stock

Enclosure requirements important. It must be designed to allow the imple- the keepers’ working area, as well as access to a vegetables, offering feed in cardboard boxes or All enclosures must be easily subdivisible (e.g. mentation of a systematic plan for habitat enrich- separate outdoor enclosure are essential. Enclo- similar containers, feed tubes provided with holes with electric fences) or have partitioning enclo- ment and employment of the animals from the sure boundaries: Dry or water ditches, walls, re- or hidden in holes in trees or pieces of branches. sures. Enclosures or partitioning enclosures must outset. Climbing facilities with several entrances inforced glass or grating with protection against Food containers should be placed in such a way meet the minimum requirements set out below. and exits as well as elevated resting places with climbing over and under. that the bears have to stand upright. Smell stimuli sufficient distance for each animal must be pro- are important, e.g. scent tracks should be placed Space requirements vided. Screens, avoidance and retreat facilities, Enclosure requirements to filled and unfilled food hiding places or scents The following dimensions apply to enclosures with e.g. by means of rocks and thick tree trunks, must Social structure/society: Although all bears live should be applied to vertical surfaces. Constantly paved, drained or otherwise treated floors, where be provided and the animals must be able to re- solitary lives in the wild, they can be kept in pairs present but regularly changed nest material stim- the paved floors do not cover more than a quar- treat from the view of visitors. Shady and sunny or small groups. However, it must always be pos- ulates nesting behaviour. ter of the area. In enclosures with solid ground places at a distance, which allow each individual sible to separate animals and keep them individ- or extensive farming, the minimum area required to thermo-regulate through behaviour, are indis- ually. The latter applies especially to the Giant Animal stock management is 1,000 sqm for up to 2 – 3 Malaysian bears and pensable. Many opportunities for activity and a Panda. Habitat enrichment: A systematic habitat 1,500 sqm for up to 2 – 3 other bears. bathing area of at least 20 sqm (except for polar enrichment plan for bears is needed for their em- Feeding/nutrition bears, see above) as well as areas with natural sub- ployment and health care. There are detailed bear Different types of bamboo are the basic food for Giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) strate (sand, bark mulch, applied, sown soil) with enrichment guides, including practical and varied the giant panda. Polar bears receive mainly fatty Outdoor enclosure: At least 200 sqm per animal. the possibility of digging are necessary. In indoor sample calendars, toy-making guides and refur- meat, preferably horse or beef, enriched with oil In case of pair management, 2 separate (if possi- enclosures without underfloor heating, bedding is bishment examples. Enrichment objects, especial- containing unsaturated fatty acids. The Giant Pan- ble spatially separated) but connectable outdoor required in winter, for Malaysian bears in winter ly those with food, are to be offered in sufficient da does not hibernate. It is the least seasonal in enclosures are necessary. Indoor enclosures: Con- generally. Bedding is also required for nest-build- quantities, i.e. at least as many as the animals are terms of food quantity. Since bears are opportun- nectable individual boxes of 8 sqm. ing. Hammocks or nest baskets with nesting mate- kept together. There are numerous possibilities istic and are mainly engaged in forag- rial for nest building are to be provided for partly for habitat enrichment through tasks in feeding, ing, the food should be distributed over at least Enclosure equipment tree-living species. For breeding, quiet, darkened which should be used variably. These include dis- 4 feedings per day, of which at least 2 should be For bears in outdoor enclosures, enclosure struc- and dry litter boxes with self-watering facilities, tributing portions of feed decentrally throughout decentralized by distributing the food throughout turing in all three spatial dimensions is particularly which can be separated from other species and the entire enclosure, presenting whole fruit and the entire outdoor enclosure.

52 Design Parameters 53 Functional Diagram Functional Diagram Spatial Programs Panda House, Zoo BerlinPanda House, Zoo Berlin Using the example of the Panda House at Berlin Zoo

DIA / Masters Studio WS 2019/20 Visitor platform Building for Animals New Construction of a Panda Enclosure

Spatial Programs

Outdoor enclosure 1 Outdoor enclosure 2 *External approx. 2650m2 ca. 800 qm ca. 700 qm Outdoor Enclosures for Males 1200 m2 (without landscape) Outdoor Enclosures for Females 1200 m2 (without landscape) Loading Bay 100 m2 Besucher- Bamboo Storage Area (Waste) 150 m2 fläche *Internal approx. 1105m2

Giant Panda’s enclosure. Zoo Berlin, 500 m2 (total)

Analysis by students 2 Architecture: dan pearlman - Exhibition Area / Education Area 250 m - VR - Cinema / Hologram 100 m2 - Seating Area (View of Indoor Enclosure) 150 m2 Außengehege 1 Außengehege 2 605 m2 (total) ca. 800 qm ca. 700 qm - Indoor Enclosure for Males 100 m2 - Indoor Enclosure for Females 100 m2 Scenery planting - Intermediate Space for Males (Ext. / Int.) 15 m2 - Intermediate Space for Females (Ext. / Int.) 15 m2 2 Outdoor enclosure - Enclosure for Males (Zookeepers only) 20 m - Enclosure for Females (Zookeepers only) 20 m2 2 Visitor platform - Mother-Child Box 25 m - Training Cage for Males 15 m2 - Training Cage for Females 15 m2 Visitors’ area - Corridor (with 2 Transport Boxes) 70 m2 - Veterinary Clinic 50 m2 Indoor enclosure - Nursing Area 40 m2 - Fodder Delivery Area 20 m2 Storage - Zookeeper Lounge Area 15 m2 - Cold Storage for Bamboo / Fodder 50 m2 Floodgates - Fodder Preparation Area 20 m2 - Technical Area 15 m2 Giant Panda’s enclosure. Zoo Berlin, Germany Yard * Total Size of Enclosure Architecture: dan pearlman Building technology Infographic: Christian Schlippes Source: Berlin Zoo Ique volorem nonem autet que derciis reperspiet volenis simporecus nam re nimagnisquia int.Henis facium eum si alitiae nonseque corero quia sun- iderror emporunt occus, vent quis aut volorpor aut by Fred Richter, 10/2019 tent, inum con pore doluptatur moluptaere volo ex- audaero maximaion nis endunt iustiatem. Oditi 54 ces quisDesign Parameters simagni55 mendam vit aperita dolor sitates consed magnam rem quat eni remquat ibusci con Scenery planting simpore percipsae nat a consequia nim ratibusam parions ectemporio iustibus aciam volluptat labor- quam sam, quuntio nsequas alitius.Ugiantus abore- po ritatiurem intur accum dolorum ratem suntia Outdoor enclosure puda culpa volorerum qui cum quam adionectat. sit od et, cullendaest facest, id quatur? Untia de Visitor platform Ligenis este dici odis ut alis comnis nonsequo ne veliatibea sunt landi rem harciendam comnihici Visitor`s area dolum reiunt re sant occus eicabo. Nam dolupta sintis volupiet apiende nimagnias is minctur adiam expelendit inverum idion repudan tisitatiatis idele- re venihiciist, nestrum hariossita ni id ullore nitibus Indoor enclosure ca borehendae seri cus sim quasit eum ad maximi, quamus. Storage quas qui inctio officatem fuga. Exerovidebit que Que dolupis imaxim ipis senisquo et ad ut Floodgates quo berro omnihil luptatis aut vendandes rempor- poreptaquo toritisquo te coris illatur? Im veligen porae cusapit as delluptae pro velesequi dolorem tionemo odisim voluptis aut quo temo maximagnat Yard a vendam sinus sequid ulpa que quodist incium officiis endipsaperis aborerore maior solent alique doluptatur audias et verum res apientiunto dolum sint aped molupta spelisciet doluptatende sedis mi, rehenim usdamuscium aut labor aut qui temqui nobitiat repudae nonsequi dolorro vitatus id et aut omniendae evellab is autem ut aut vendi dem ellic voluptate sunt unt lia et lacculparum que sus, offi- test eiuscil luptaquamus rem eostis modissi tatiate cie turepre plab ipidus ut untia perchiti conseditae mossiti ipsum quam nit raturem porio. Nequias nobit eosandae nem quam et optaquidunt. Ommo- explandio. Nam quiatem aut ipsus. Id quia sit, cor di blabor rem elisit expliqu iditam, tet reni ratia- mosapicipid molorest, quatePudit am andantion tur as nulluptate volum volessuntios dunt utArum evenimint peratec aborion rercipsam enti con pa vent laccusa pelese et reratem rae. Nam quas int.

100 101 Exercises

Photo: Natascha Meuser

PANDA MOONWALK or WHY MENG MENG WALKS BACKWARDS Video Installation, Dur. 8:00 min, HD colour, sound Bärenzwinger Berlin (2018) Artist: Kerstin Honeit

Illustration: Natascha Meuser Excercise 01 Image Analysis and Intervention Using the Example of Romanticism

Pick a painting from the Romantic period (from the Impact 19th century, for example, Jakob Philipp ­Hackerts, Carl Gustav Carus, Caspar David Friedrich). Add space and volume in the form of architectural What is shown? boundaries. Description

Nature is a dominant theme in paintings from the How is it presented? Romantic period. The Romantics sought to restore man’s relationship with nature. They saw nature as something pure and uncorrupted and, therefore, almost spiritual. In this first exercise, the students were asked to take a new approach to nature. They Why is it depicted this way? picked a painting of their choice and explored and explained their personal views on nature by Interpretation analysing the chosen artwork. The students then supplemented the paintings with built demarca- tions and add the image of a panda. This exercise was intended to make them aware that every hu- man intervention produces effects and alienates the image of paradise. Basic ways of presenting nature and basic principles of perspective were discussed. Finally, the students developed a state- ment for the picture to represent an allegory or tell an anecdote which looks at the panda and explores themes, concepts, or gestures. Photo: Natascha Meuser

58 Exercises 59 The Aesthetics of Perspective View into nature

left: Wanderer above the Sea of Fog (1817) Caspar David Friedrich (1774–1840) Kunsthalle Hamburg Design: Eddie Goh

top to bottom: The Dort packet-boat from View of Lake Geneva (1849) Memory of a Wooded Island (1843) Rotterdam becalmed Alexandre Calame (1810–1864) Carl Gustav Carus (1789–1869) Joseph Mallord William Turner (1818) Source: Mussée National d‘Histoire Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden Yale Center for British Art, New Haven et d‘Art, Luxemburg Design: Mohamed Shehata Design: Anna Yan Thum Design: Martin Hundeshagen

Rast am Brunnen in oberitalienischer Landschaft A Walk at Dusk (1830–1835) Easter Morning (1835) Albert Emil Kirchner (1813–1885) Caspar David Friedrich (1774–1840) Caspar David Friedrich (1774–1840) Private Collection Source: The J. Paul Getty Museum Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid Design: Veronika Langen Design: Jameel Trowers Design: Anotidaishe Mavazhe




124 96

60 Exercises 61 left: The Times Of Day: The Midday (1821/22) Abendlandschaft mit zwei Männern (1830–1835) Caspar David Friedrich (1774–1840) Caspar David Friedrich (1774–1840) Source: Lower Saxony State Museum Source: State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg Design: Mehmet Caferoglu Design: Anotidaishe Mavazhe

62 Exercises 63 Manifesto for Nature Panda Claim

left: View of Lake Geneva (1849) Alexandre Calame (1810–1864) Source: Mussée National d‘Histoire et d‘Art, Luxemburg Design: Martin Hundeshagen

top to bottom: The Cemetery Entrance (1824/26) The Dort packet-boat from Dancing Fairies (1866) Caspar David Friedrich (1774–1840) Rotterdam becalmed August Malmström (1829–1901) Source: Galerie Neue Meister, Staatliche Joseph Mallord William Turner (1818) Source: Swedish National Museum, Stockholm Kunstsammlungen Dresden Source: Yale Center for British Art, New Haven Design: Saskia Misselwitz Design: Manuela Grigorescu Design: Jameel Trowers Ariccia / Morning (1828) The Lonely Tree A Walk at Dusk (1830–1835) Adrian Ludwig Richter (1803–1884) Caspar David Friedrich (1822) Caspar David Friedrich (1774–1840) Source: Galerie Neue Meister im Albertinum, Source: Alte Nationalgalerie, Berlin Source: The J. Paul Getty Museum Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Dresden Design: Nurin Abdullah Design: Jameel Trowers Design: Chin Ai Ong




Wanderer above the Sea of Fog (1817) Caspar David Friedrich (1774–1840) Source: Kunsthalle Hamburg 62 122 104 Design: Eddie Goh

64 Exercises 65 Black and White Space, Volume and Contrast Excercise 02 Find a strong example from the history of build- The Aesthetics of Biology. ing in which nature served as a model for new materials, constructions or forms. Draw archi- Construction of Nature tectural diagrams to explain the abstraction of general principles. Make use of natures solutions and develop them further. Each student presents an example of built architecture, that shows a strong relationship to nature.

Chapel of King’s College, Lincoln Park Zoo South Pond, Cambridge (GB) Chicago, Illinois (US) Fan-Vaulted Ceiling Ecological Habitat John Wastell (1515) Studio Gang Architects (2010)

Jameel Trowers Eddie Goh Poh King

Largest fan vaulting in the world, spanning 12.66 Inspired by the form of a tortoise shell, the arch- meters, with an extraordinarily thin shell (between shaped pavilion is formed by prefabricated wood- 10 and 15 centimeters). Each vaulting bay, com- en components and fiberglass domes. Reflecting partmentalized by transverse arches, is composed to the form of a tortoise shell, the interconnected of four quarter fans and a central spandrel panel components are able to utilize maximum space with a boss. Since the bays are rectangular, the fans with minimum structure. The light-weight materi- intersect at a transverse ridge. A longitudinal ridge als and modular components allow the assembling runs the 88.5 meter length of the chapel. Conoid work to be fast and easy. Vaulting Bay Spandrel Panel 1. Inspiration 2. Form and Material Boss Avenue of trees Vault produced by ribs Transverse Arch Transverse Ridge Longitudinal Ridge

1. Ventilation Hollow structure at all sides create wind tunnels and visual con- tinuity. An aesthetically pleasing pavilion that encourages users 3. Inspiration 4. Technology and Construction 5. Openings and Light to experience the nature.

2. Space and Form With the tortoise-shell-inspired interconnecting curved struc- tural members, the pavilion is able to achieve minimal bracing/ horizontal bounding rib truss system and maximum headroom. spandrel 3. Permeability Top of the pavilion is covered with semi-transparent fiberglass domes, allowing light to fitter in while still protecting the users from the rain.

4. Modularity Prefabricated light weight modular wooden components allow Drawings: Studio Gang Architects an easy and speedy construction. Image: Jean-Christophe Benoist Conoid Image: Tom Harris Photography tas-de-charge 19 21

Johnson Wax Office, Olympiapark, Racine, Wisconsin (US) Munich (DE) Mushroom Columns Tensile Structure Top Cover Frank Lloyd Wright (1939) Behnisch & Partners (1972)

Ebru Aykan Mehmet Caferoglu

Frank Lloyd Wright designed special columns for The Munich stadium complex for the 1972 Summer the Johnson Wax Office building which were sim- Olympics is a perfect construction of how site and ilar to mushrooms. This column system has also structure can be harmonious together. The design been called a beamless structure. This design gives of cable membrane structure roofs were inspired the chance to create an open office with thin col- by some living creatures in nature like spider webs, umns. Also, with the help of the glass roof and the insect and bat wings. The roof shape was inspired mushroom columns, the office has natural lighting. by the Alps. Until now, the system is famous as an ultra-light space structure.

1. Spider Web Cable System 2. Insect Wing - Fragmented Cover 3. Final Tensile Structure Design 1. Conventional Conventional Structure Structure

Bat Wing - Structural Skeleton & 2. Mushroom Membrane Effect


3. Deformation Section (View of Alps) of Element

Swiss Alps

4. Mushroom Column

Image: Carol M. Highsmith Image: Mahdiaridj Photography

23 25

Orquideorama, Sagrada Familia, Medellin (CO) Barcelona (ES) Wooden Mesh Structure Vault System Plan B Architects (1975) Antonio Gaudi (1882)

Martin Hundeshagen Saskia Misselwitz

The organically expanding wooden meshwork of The main arguments Gaudí came up with for creat- modular “flower-tree” structures unites the micro ing tree-like columns, with branches spreading out and macro worlds through a synthesis of cellular to the centre of gravity of each part of the vaults, and architectural forms. The series of interconnect- were based on structural mechanics. Gaudí took ed modular structures are composed of a steel re- advantage of this to shape his architecture, which inforced trunk and 6 hexagonal petals that form an ends up taking on the appearance of a lush for- intricately latticed patio. The structure displays the est. Because he wanted a space for quiet worship relationship and structural similarities between ar- and inner peace, with light filtering in through the chitecture and living organisms. leaves, open between the trunks.

Construction System The double twist columns must be understood from the standpoint of Gaudí’s desire to constantly push the envelope. He had experimented with col- umns with helicoidal movement a lot and the helix shapes gave them a feeling of upward movement. This dynamism draws the observer’s eye upwards, connecting the earth and the heavens.

Inspiration Avenue of Trees Transformation

Phuktal Kloster. Zanskar. 29 33 Pep Roig / Alamy Stock Foto

68 Exercises 69 Excercise 03 An Instruction to How to Write a Claim What is your Message?

Based on your last presentation you must furnish proof of being able to address a task independent- Examples for Titles ly within a given timeframe and apply the results of your design thinking. Students are expected to From Breeding Station to Research Centre demonstrate the capacity to depict the outcome Why Zoos Should Focuse on Research and of their academic research in oral form, as well as Conservation portraying and defending content methodically and convincingly within academic exchange. The Free the Panda from Being a Rockstar following topics will require to be addressed: How the Focus can Shift Towards Educa- tion Rather than Entertainment Concept and Title How should the work be titled? The Panda as Urban Showpiece Why the Entrance to Zoos Should be Selection of Topic Free of Charge What is the argument to be put forward? and / or defended? Watching and being Watched How Viewing can Change the Perception Exposition . . . What is the motivation behind the work and why?

Key Visual Pick a key visual that demonstrates your design idea!

Architectural Diagram Sketch your main design idea to increase communi- cation, and to provide vision and guidance.

70 Exercises 71 Projects Noah’s Ark What if Noah’s Ark Lends Meaning to a Potential Journey for Both Pandas and Humans?

Nurin Abdullah

Personal Reflections will be situated for a maximum of three years at In future giant pandas could be left hungry and each location, allowing enough time for the bam- struggling to survive owing to insufficient food boo on site to grow and mature for pandas to con- supplies – i.e. bamboo. The question is, how will sume it. For ease of handling, parts of the structure there be any bamboo left for pandas when human can be assembled and dissembled. developments are slowly wiping out most of the bamboo fields in the world? What can pandas do Maximising the Habitat in response? Is it necessary for them to migrate? Other than supplying pandas with bamboo, the The hypothetical concept here is to create a jour- aim is to give pandas more freedom to roam about ney emulating the migration of pandas from one within their natural and original habitat without place to another in order to look for their source of any obstructive barriers or differences in temper- food. The structure is an attempt to symbolise the ature. This demands more space for them to in- creation of Noah’s Ark which is to protect pandas teract with each other, with the ability to develop from harm or, in this case, starvation. Supporting physically and cognitively. this idea, plans for bamboo plantations in China are intensively underway which will play a significant Endless Movement and Multiple Experiences role in solving this problem. This project represents an exploration for humans too who trace the experience of pandas on their mi- Mobilising the Habitat (A > B > C > D and repeat) gration journey in search of food. A long and end- This proposal is an experimental suggestion. The less trail begins with visitors’ arrival on site on a objective is to provide a mobile structure that is pe- hot air balloon. They then stroll around site without riodically able to change the habitat without neces- any end point or destination. The trail and materi- sitating any natural demolition and is able to offer als create multiple interactions for both pandas and endless bamboo supplies for pandas. The structure humans with flora and fauna at different latitudes.

74 75 Original Habitat: 01 Landing Port (Visitors) 02 Landing Port (Staff) Southern China 03 Ticket and Souvenir Booth 04 Seating Area Site A 05 Café Qingchen Mountain, 06 Indoor Enclosure (F) Dujiangyan 07 Indoor Enclosure (M) 08 Veterinary Clinic 09 Training Cage/Nursing Area Site B 10 Training Cage Chongqing Huangshan, 11 Washroom Yangtze River 12 Changing Rooms/Rest Area 13 Playgrounds 14 Outdoor Enclosure (900sqm) Site C Chinshui Bamboo Forest Chinsui, Zunyi

Site D Separation Floating Landscape as Structure Shunan Bamboo Forest Multi-Purpose Structures Zootopia Circulation The long trail is created with the help of Structures are located at different height and Using vegetation as part of the structure Yibin, China According to the animal needs and Platforms are elevated on different A guided endless circulation, without subtle elements It creates a separation of levels, mimic the site contours making them stimulates a sense of common homeland condition the multi-functional structures levels and create the impression of a flow- having an ending point. The structure al- the two genders. look as if its elevated and floating on the air. with the pandas. can be assemble or dissamble very easily. ing structure, like floating in the air. lows different places and views of nature.

76 Noah’s Ark Nurin Abdullah 77 Sections and Perspective

78 Nurin Abdullah 79 Landing Port Landing Port Ticket & Souvenir Booth Seating Area Playground: Feeding Stage Playground Pool Playground: Climbing A landing space for the hot air balloons A landing space for the hot air balllons Function as a space for the staff Semi-covered space for visitors to seat A landing space for the hot air balloons For the pandas to have some fun with A solid climbing structure for the to land and this module act as the to land. This module can only be used to sell the zoo tickets and souvenirs and »search« for the pandas which are to land and this module act as the water, to swim or to drink. Water will pandas to cling onto when they are at entrance/exit point to the visitors. by staff for the ingress and egress of for the visitors. roaming underneath of the structure. entrance/exit point to the visitors. be checked and filled regularly by staff. outdoor enclosure. No. of Units: 1 loading purposes. No. of Unit: 1 This module allows maximal viewing No. of Unit: 3 No. of Unit: 2 No. of Unit: 2 Total area: 50 sqm No. of Units: 4 Total area: 70 sqm by showcasing the paranomic views. Total area: 13 sqm Total area: 13 sqm Total area: 13 sqm Total area: 50 sqm No. of Units: 2 Provide a sufficient necessity for both Total area: 50 sqm staff and visitors Washroom and Lounge Area No. of Unit: 1 Total area: 35sqm

Changing and Resting Area No. of Unit: 3 Total area: 13 sqm

Café Pantry at Café Provide a tea-house cafe at the other Function as a space for the staff to end of the entrance. This module heat up tea or beverage, and located at higher levels to allow the desserts for the visitors migration visitors to enjoy tea and scenery journey. after they have experienced panda‘s No. of Units: 1 migration journey. Total area: 35 sqm No. of Units: 1 Provide a sufficient necessity for Total area: 35 sqm the pandas

Indoor Enclosure Training Cage/Nursing Area Consists of Indoor enclosure of both No. of Units: 2 genders of the panda. Allowing the Total area: 50sqm visitors to enjoy and observe both of the animal‘s behaviors Veterinary Clinic No. of Units: 2 No. of Units: 2 Total area: 170 sqm Total area: 70 sqm

Modules Instead of creating artificial worlds for pandas in since there are no roads leading to the pandas’ hab- portrayed by Jules Verne. What remains is the structures are not only the pandas, but also the zoological gardens, »Noah’s Ark« constructs trans- itat and the mobile structures are to be set up at shape of the hot-air balloon, which now no longer people, so that both are equally shielded from a po- portable shelters for the endangered animals, ones ever new places in the forest that have sufficient rises but, freed from its envelope, hangs down as tentially hostile environment. which can be easily found and visited by humans. food resources. The experience will thus evoke as- a strutted structure like an oversized hanging chair »In presence of Nature’s grand convulsions, man is The journey to the site is made by hot-air balloon, sociations with the exotic adventures such as those and is attached to the existing wilderness. In these powerless.« Jules Verne

80 Noah’s Ark Nurin Abdullah 81 82 Noah’s Ark Nurin Abdullah 83 Vertical Zoo How Verticality can Change the Zoo Experience

Shaun Yong

Vertical Architecture Side-by-side Circulation Architecture has and always will be aimed at creat- The goal of this design is to create an enclosure ing a design that favours its users. Each living be- for pandas to explore and to provide people with ing should have access to spaces which suit their a better understanding of pandas. Each circulation nature and temperament. By focusing on vertical route in the building brings people closer to this architectural elements, this project hopes to un- animal, rather than aspiring to be merely a touch- veil the true nature of pandas – not the fat and lazy and-go event. As we venture through the building, bears we have grown accustomed to, but rather we learn more about their nature, home, and sur- playful and adaptable treeclimbers. To release all roundings, experiencing verticality alongside the pandas back into the wild is and should always be pandas. Ultimately, it is important to bring togeth- an overarching goal. Hence, this enclosure serves er humankind and pandas since we, as humans, to prepare pandas for the wilderness by honing need to understand why these animals must be their natural and survival skills. conserved and protected.

Form Derived from Nature No amount of enclosed space is large enough for any enclosed living being besides the open world itself. For this project, however, the scale of archi- tecture encapsulates nature dwarfing all living be- ings. Designed on top of a mountain in China, the concept behind the form is derived from nature itself: bamboo enwrapped by the mountain. The circulation route enables visitors to explore the entire scale of the architecture.

84 85 Design Idea Flora and Fauna of the Zoo The purpose of this enclosure is to not only serve 1 Tibetan Snowcock Bird as an education medium revolving the ecosystem 2 Tibetan Sandgrouse of the giant pandas but to also prepare the Pandas 3 Giant Babax 4 Tibetan Eared Pheasant for the outside world. By planting different species 5 Chimonobambusa Quadrangularis (Square Bamboo) of bamboos on the different levels of the enclo- 6 Giant Panda sure, this would train them to seek for their own 7 Bambusa Sinospinosa (Thorny Bamboo) food while training their survival skills. 8 Dendrocalamus Latiflorus (Mei-Nung Bamboo)

86 Vertical Zoo Shaun Yong 87 88 Vertical Zoo Shaun Yong 89 90 Vertical Zoo Shaun Yong 91 92 Vertical Zoo Shaun Yong 93 Journey through the Forest Can the Bamboo Forest Become the Panda House Itself?

Mehmet Caferoglu

Forests as a Source of Inspiration these areas, although visitors may continue to ob- This design started with the question: »Do pandas serve them behind boundaries with a limited view. have a house?« and sought to find a method for The »Interactive Wall« is aimed at attracting visi- making pandas feel at home. At the same time, tors’ attention by inviting them to play the »Find it is aimed at designing a building where visitors the Panda« game. The purpose of the »Angle Wall« can better experience the natural environment of is to play with viewers’ perceptions. pandas. Pandas are wild animals which normal- ly live in bamboo forests at the heart of a natural The Diversity of Circulation landscape. The building is thus inspired by such The design creates a wide range of alternative cir- forests. The multiple structural poles within the culation routes for both pandas and visitors. The building are inspired by bamboo poles and the or- visitor’s route draws inspiration from the Möbius ganic top cover is inspired by forestry. This brings Strip, also called the twisted cylinder, in order to visitors closer to the experience of wandering maintain continuous and fluid circulation. Visitors within a bamboo forest. can access different levels and explore different perspectives on their route which comprises ramps Interaction leading to the roof as well as indoor and outdoor Interaction between pandas and humans is one exhibition and observation spaces. The project of the core aspects of this project. The design is designed for two pandas of different genders. provides different boundary typologies to create These two pandas have different sub-spaces within diverse experiences for visitors. It also creates their territory, although during certain periods the semi-private areas for the panda. When pandas do individual panda habitats can be merged to form not wish to see visitors they are able to retreat to one large single habitat.

94 95 96 Journey through the Forest Mehmet Caferoglu 97 98 Journey through the Forest Mehmet Caferoglu 99 100 Journey through the Forest Mehmet Caferoglu 101

How on EARTH …? Down to EARTH! Can Rammed Earth Elicit Emotions between Humankind and Animals and Transpire as the Future Material of Zoos?

Anotidaishe Mavazhe

Materials and Prefabrication Circulation and Experience Made from locally excavated earth, this enclosure The design concept aims to understand the rela- demonstrates the practical and aesthetic benefits tionship between humankind and natural land- of a material which is so often dismissed as infe- scapes within the enclosure as a design medium, rior or irrelevant for contemporary buildings. The a medium that will provide opportunities to re- enclosure and structure are entirely made from configure spaces. This will be achieved through rammed earth; therefore the zoo is 99 % recycla- amplification, abstraction, purification, materiali- ble. Complementing the structure is a wooden sation and juxtaposition. The intent of the design roof covered in straw. is therefore to stimulate a sensory haptic quality, enabling a reconciliation between the visitor with A Rotary Exhibit the animal and its habitat. This experience will be The aim here is to bring the panda to an African made possible in the design enclosure through the country: Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe. This process of stimulating different senses. Materiali- will in turn allow tourists and locals to visit the en- ty will therefore serve as an important factor in the closure and witness a non-indigenous animal. Due physical construction of the landscape. This expe- to its location and climate the enclosure hosts the rience will be enhanced through spatial manipu- panda during the winter period and other animals lation. Circulation is a key element to the visitor’s within the national park afterwards. The threshold experience and will be designed to maximise the between humankind and pandas has been rede- zoo experience, lending structure to a coherent fined by harnessing different stylistic openings story within the exhibition space. and displacing the concept of cages. This is in- This »romantic relationship« between the maker tended to forge an intimate relationship, appeal- and nature informed the design of a building that ing to the visitor’s emotions through experiences, seeks to achieve a similar sense of mystery and exhibitions and redefined thresholds. unpredictability in its layout and materiality.

104 105 Second floor Ground floor

1 Wall Exhibition 1 Meeting Point/Reception Entry Staff 2 Skeleton Exhibit 2 Reception 3 Reading Pod 3 WC Main street 4 Projected Exhibit 4 Delivery room Cattle 5 Virtual Reality 5 Storage Goat 6 Disabled Exhibit 6 Bamboo Storage Panda 7 Indoor Enclosure Male/Female 8 Panda Stall Male 9 Panda Stall Female Cattle Visitor 10 Cub Stall 11 Panda Stall Female Panda 12 Ablution 13 Kitchen Reception Deer Airspace 14 Incubator Corridors Exhibition Facilities 15 Exterior Enclosure Kitchen 16 Zookeeper Lounge 17 Changing room Location Concept Panda exhibited during the winter period only Doctor Keepers area 18 Locker room Indoor area 19 Showers Outdoor area 20 Circulation

106 How on EARTH …? Down to EARTH! Anotidaishe Mavazhe 107 0 2 10 20 East elevation



Section A

Indoor enclosure

South elevation




Visitor Exibition space Section B

108 How on EARTH …? Down to EARTH! Anotidaishe Mavazhe 109 1 Rammed earth construction in Horsham, Australia Photo: Rammed Earth Enterprises Walls The core areas are supported, made out of a mixture 2 Layers of rammed earth of sand, gravel, loam and concrete and compacted Photo: Wikipedia, Grégoire Paccoud by means of a pneumatic tamping device. This results in an aesthetically pleasing sediment 3 Hardwoods Bamboo lasertable look after removal of the formwork. The goal is to wood sheets achieve a zero-energy building. At the same time the walls serve as hygroscopic moisture storage and have a very good effect on the indoor climate. Further advantages: low technical effort, inexpen- sive, fire-resistant, good room acoustics. Ecologi- cally, because the material is on site and thus saves transport costs.

Fine sediments Panda box The aesthetic charm of the layered structure is an additional rural design plus. Beautiful is above all the storage capacity.

System Diagram: Rammed earth compressed Reinforced plywood frame

Moist earth Reinforced Pneumatic Day: Wall absorbs Night: Wall releases the mixture of sand, plywood frame backfill heat slowly and keeps heat absorbed during gravel, clay and tamper the internal tempera- the day, releasing it concrete ture stable. at night.

110 How on EARTH …? Down to EARTH! Anotidaishe Mavazhe 111 Beyond Observing and Being Observed A Playground to Observe, Experience and Understand Pandas Amidst Nature

Ebru Aykan

Creating a New Relationship translate this into a fluid process, behaving like At zoos there is a very limited relationship between a playground for visitors. Visitors may witness animals and visitors. Visitors merely observe ani- pandas from different angles, heights, levels and mals and then continue on their way quickly. This indoor and outdoor spaces, although they may project seeks to create a new type of relationship. It not always be able to spot them among the trees. attempts to provide pandas with a natural setting to There are also different viewpoints for children live in and visitors with different opportunities for and adults which can be helpful in shaping chil- observations and experiences, emulating a play- dren’s own experiences. ground. Through this method, animals can spend time within a natural setting and visitors may ob- serve, witness and understand how they live.

Design in a Natural Setting We commonly see animals at zoos in cages or box- es which imitate nature. From the outset, this pro- ject aims to give animals an authentic natural site in which to live. Thus, visitors can witness pandas climbing, lying down or sleeping amidst trees. For this reason the chosen site of the project is a forest.

Expanding upon the Zoo Experience Experiences of zoos are usually very short and last a mere moment or two. This project attempts to

113 026 039 040 041

037 038 Elbe

025 024 036 021

Leopoldshafen 035 Panda House 034 033

Parkplan Georgengarten und Beckerbruch an der Elbe 022

Bauwerke Kunstwerke Gartenanlagen Sonstige 001 Schloss Georgium 085 002 Orangerie (heute Galerie) 003 Küchengebäude 004 Ehem. Küchen- und Obstgarten 005 Heiliger Hain 032 006 Römische Ruinen (Sieben Säulen) 007 Ionischer Tempel (Rundtempel) 008 Fremdenhaus 009 Blumengartenhaus 010 Historischer Haupteingang N 011 Mausoleum 020 012 Tierpark 013 Roter Bogen 031 014 Weißer Bogen Next to the Zoo 015 Fürst-Franz-Denkmal 030 A historically significant location, the Georgen­ 016 Spittlers Laube 019 017 Widderkopfaltar 018 garten in Dessau was chosen for the project. 018 Vasenhaus 017 019 Ruinenbrücke Next door to an existing animal park. 020 Turmruine 021 Beckerbruch 022 Forsthaus und Amorplastik 023 Elbpavillon 024 Kornhaus 025 Junkers Paddelgemeinschaft 014 026 Wallwitzburg 027 Statue Diana, die Jägerin 028 Statuen Apoll und Venus 014 029 Vertiefter Sitz 030 Bevernvase 031 Altdeutsche Gräber 012 032 Vorderer Sitz 033 Skulptursockel Amor 034 Fürstensitz 035 Wilhelminen-Vase 029 036 Statue Kleopatra 011 037 Runder Sitz 007 038 Insel mit Steinsitz 039 Agneshügel mit Steinsitz 005 001 010 040 Insel mit Hermaphroditen-Statue 041 Waldersee-Sitz 003 042 Lorbeer-Altar 004 043 Fleschens Sitz 044 Lattorfs Sitz 045 Vase 006 028 002 Stadtkarte: Stadt Dessau-Roßlau 027 Informationen: Kulturstiftung Dessau-Wörlitz

Ebru Aykan 115 12

1 2






7 6

0 10 20 11 6 N

Legend 1 Office 2 Building Services 3 Bamboo storage Ground floor 4 Nursing room 5 Veterinary clinic 6 Mother child box 7 Panda female 8 Panda male 9 Fodder preparation 10 Zoo keeper lounge 11 Coffee shop 12 Education/Exhibition



Visionary New Agenda contemporary animal husbandry, but also provide I chose a forest as the site. The project tries to cre- observing, but without disturbing. This project The project deald with the construction of a new important and innovative inspiration for the up-to- ate an architectural path in nature, which can ena- aims to create a valuable atmosphere and spaces for panda house. The central aim of the course was date transfer of knowledge in zoos. ble a better understanding for wildlife outside of both animals and visitors. The design prefers natural to consider architecture as an alliance of form, For me as an architect the most important point is human civilisation. The focus among other things is materials related to the location and use. Thus, this ­biology, and ethics unleashes new and exciting to expand the scope of experience between ani- to awaken an understanding for animals and nature ‘playground‘ stands as a big wooden structure with possibilities in the design of zoo buildings. My fi- mals and visitors. In zoos, people can generally only through careful architecture. Visitors should learn grass, trees, and some amount of glass. These ma- nal work should not only spark discussion about enjoy a very limited view at a fast pace. This is why to understand life and ecological interrelations by terials provide and facilitate a natural atmosphere.

116 Beyond Observing and Being Observed Ebru Aykan 117 Bamboo Playground How to Reconnect Sustainable Nature

Eddie Goh

Natural Architecture Surroundings Here, nature serves as a framework for setting struc- Architecture is an interplay between mass and ture. The aim is therefore to build »into« nature, hollow space. In this design, space and body stand rather than »on to« nature. The form of the design in a complementary relationship to each other, strongly resembles that of a mountain and blends continuously merging. In this strictly symmetrical into the site by harnessing organic and low-profile Panda House Architecture guides the path through materials, providing the giant pandas with the most the rhythm of the space and determines the cir- authentic setting possible. Bamboo is a low-cost culation route of visitors and Pandas at the same and sustainable material that is intensively grown time. Visitors surround the giant pandas from dif- locally. This material has been historically used in ferent viewpoints which afford diverse experienc- the countryside for the fabrication of handicrafts, es. Open and active spaces with visual connec- native architecture and utilitarian objects. tions enhance the recreational experience.

The Elimination of Barriers Cameron Highlands, Malaysia This project is designed to create spaces that allow To create a haven for the giant pandas where they visitors and giant pandas to remain on the same level will feel at home is to go back into the nature and throughout, eliminating physical barriers in between provide them an authentic environment. Locating and achieving closer encounters and views without the site in a beautiful tea plantation in Cameron any obstacles. Bamboo structures are used to create Highlands, one of the most popular nature attrac- an interesting interplay between vertical and hori- tion in Malaysia with breath-taking sceneries and zontal lines. In some spaces, vertical and horizontal refreshing climate on a mountain. This architec- elements intensify to form a psychedelic perspec- ture connects human, giant pandas and the nature tive, evoking a profound sensory perception. through rejuvenating recreational experiences.

118 119 Elevation



Ground floor

120 Bamboo Playground Eddie Goh 121 Up and Down Surround & Around Pocket Garden With viewing platforms on different loca- Create activities and encourage circulation sur- With multiple pocket gardens in the architecture, not only it tions, allowing the visitors to watch the rounding the giant pandas with different views brings aesthetic quality but also allowing the visitors to plant, giant pandas from different angles without and experience. harvest and enjoy their own tea leaves. any obstacle.

Barrier Elimination Using moats with gentle sloap to eliminate the need of physical barriers, allowing a closer encounter between the giant pandas and the visitors.

Walking With the Pandas Panda enclosures Visitor areas outdoor Using ramps to create circulations that allow the visitors and giant pandas to stay at the same level all the time while eliminating physical barriers in between.

Entrance area Panorama views


122 Bamboo Playground Eddie Goh 123

The Panda: A Reluctant Superstar How to Lead Zoos through Uncertain Times

Manuela Grigorescu

Education through a Path Location The giant panda is one of the world’s rarest mam- The panda house is placed on a plateau between mals and, at the same time, a worldwide symbol two hills in the Carpathian Mountains in Roma- of conservation. The aim of my design is to take nia, close to a bear sanctuary near Zarnesti, sur- visitors on a journey, where they can learn about rounded by oak and hazel forests. This building this very peculiar species with its unique and re- could also be placed elsewhere on mountains markable characteristics. I have designed the build- from across the world, provided there are similar ing in the shape of an infinite loop. Architecture weather conditions. The climate is nearly identical construed as a path of adventure is intended as an to the climate in Sichuan (China), where the giant invitation prompting continuous movement. In this panda originally derives from. The airy wooden fa- way, different attractions and views invite visitors cade allows the surroundings to shine through and to explore the unknown world of the panda from gives visitors a feeling of shelter. different levels and perspectives.

Architecture as a Symbol of Self-identity The task here has been to create a physical environ- ment for visitors which conveys a sense of specific identity and which is non-alienating. The wooden spiral incorporates the natural habitat into the ar- chitecture and evokes a sense of belonging which is not verbalised. Instead of visible borders, the build- ing functions as its own border. You can always look outside, but there are also sections which in- vite visitors to stay longer, rest, absorb information or enjoy the landscape. If you are lucky, you will have the opportunity to see a panda; if not, you will have felt its presence.

126 127 Perspective

Ground floor

Module system



Food gate 1 Entrance 10 Nursing Area 18,9 m2 2 Indoor Space Female 71,1m2 11 Clinic 49,0 m2 Panda indoor area 3 Mother – Child Space 25,9 m2 12 Changing Area 18,6 m2 4 Indoor Space Male 97,4 m2 2 13 Technical Room 9,3 m Keepers area 5 Intermediate Space Female 9,7 m2 14 Delivery Area Bamboo 2 6 Intermediate Space Male 9,7 m 15 Cold Storage 49,0 m2 Clinic 7 Enclosure (only keepers) 5,0 m2 16 Food Preparation 19,0 m2 2 System section 8 Training Area ( with Transport Box 16,0 m 17 Keeper Lounge 14,5 m2 Technical Area 9 Laboratory 14,54 m2

128 The Panda: A Reluctant Superstar Manuela Grigorescu 129 Pandaia Giant Panda Research Facility and Exhibition at the Tierpark Berlin-Friedrichsfelde

Martin Hundeshagen

Combining Visitor Attractions Access and Presentation Located in one of the largest animal parks, this new The visitor’s entrance and loading bay are on the panda house benefits from the existing infrastruc- northern side of the building. Visitor areas and mul- ture and the integration of scientific research facili- tifunctional exhibition spaces are located on the ties, such as the Leibnitz Institute for Zoo and Wild- second level. The upper floor (ca. 560 sqm) is ac- life Research. The attractive location of the building cessed on the southern side via a barrier-free ramp next to Friedrichsfelde Palace, in an area covered and stairs, flanked by three panoramic planes. An- with dense trees, also offers sufficient space for fu- other observation spot is somewhat more hidden ture extensions. and gives insight into the indoor enclosure. The ob- servation points are located at different levels, so Geometry in Nature that pandas remain visible to visitors from as many The strictly geometrical two-storey building with places as possible, although these do have at their its gently curved outdoor enclosures respects not disposal enough places in which to retreat. only the architecture of the nearby palace, but also above all the pandas’ habitat. Facilities for animals and keepers (ca. 800 sqm) are located within the basement. Whereas the plinth area is solid, the up- per floor features a light glass construction with a perforated metal shell which conjures up an inter- play of light within the interior.

130 131

Level -1 1 Entrance Level -1 Keeper area 2 Ramp Keeper area 3 Exhibition area 4 Light tunnel 5 Restrooms/storage 6 Multifunctional space 8 7 Hologram room 7 8 Cinema 9 Indoor enclosures 4 9

6 3 4


9 1



1 5 Level 0 6 Level 0 Visitor area Visitor area

4 7

3 2 8 10

9 12 11 13 14

15 1 Loading bay 2 Nursing area 3 Cold storage 10 4 Locker room 5 Storage 6 Technical room 7 Zookeeper 8 Training cage 9 Intermediate space 10 Indoor enclosure 11 Outdoor enclosure 12 Corridor/Fodder preparation area 13 Office 14 Keepers lounge 15 Veterinary clinic

134 Pandaia Martin Hundeshagen 135 Perspective entrance


Section 3

Section 1 Section 2 Section 4

Zoo keeper area Exhibition area Indoor enclosure Outdoor enclosure

136 Pandaia Martin Hundeshagen 137 South elevation

East elevation

138 Pandaia Martin Hundeshagen 139 The Rise of the Dragon A Panda House Surrounded by Public Spaces

Veronika Langen

The Idea The Context My idea is to develop a kilometre-long path for cy- Water, wind, earth – everything is granted by na- clists and pedestrians. This path is to include all ture. On the back of the dragon you can hear the spaces needed for a panda house, albeit remain- rushing water of the river. The wind blows. Wher- ing enclosed in form. In Dessau North a beautiful ever you look there are trees, shrubbery and earth. urban park collides with untouched nature, with The dragon, as if it has always been there, forms only a river dividing the two contrasts in setting. an inherent strand of nature. Its shape gives rise to My sculpture now unites them. the spaces.

The Concept Inspired by a Chinese dragon, my sculpture winds its way across the natural landscape in a curved motion. This journey amidst this natural setting is packed with experiences. There are diverse view- points, places to linger and various meeting points. In harmony with nature, pandas are also able to find a suitable home here.

140 141 Ground floor



14 14



15 1

Site plan

1 Building services 2 Office 3 Bamboo storage 4 Indoor enclosure female 5 Fodder kitchen 6 Doctor 4 7 Storage 8 Incubation room 9 Indoor enclosure male 10 Kitchen 11 Library 7 Section 6 3 12 Lecture room 5 13 Exhbition area 8 14 Indoor enclosure 2 15 Outdoor enclosure 16 Exhibition area 1 15 9

142 The Rise of the Dragon Veronika Langen 143 Viewing platforms Guided view

Guided Science | Educational spaces

Places to rest Sculptured pathways

Meeting points

Experience Shelter Nature learn from and with viewpoints, places to linger urban park meets nature and animals and various meeting points with untouched nature

Set of guided pathways 144 The Rise of the Dragon Veronika Langen 145 Panda Village How Cluster-like Architecture Benefits the Natural Community

Anna Thum

Clusters of an Interlocking Geometry A Dynamic Duet between Transparency Clusters of an interlocking geometry are a meta- and Opaqueness phor for the »Panda Village«, where the aim is to The focus on the visual experience of both visitors reinforce the relationship between humans, pan- and pandas is a crucial element in the design for the das and nature. This metaphor is translated into the facade and roof. This does not involve arbitrary – master plan layout and design form. Each cluster but rather well-thought-through – decisions when serves its own purpose and caters to a different it comes to determining open and enclosed s­ paces. programme; the interlocking design creates dif- Full-height glass facades and openings help to ferent volumes which bring out the essence of the frame the outdoor view and panda activities. This spatial experience for users. further enhances the relationship between the in- terior and exterior. The glass roof breathes life into A Journey of Vitality the interior and casts interesting patterns of shade. This enclosure is intended to foster a dynamic and The enclosed spaces introduce feature walls, pat- enthusiastic spirit and vigor. The flow of circulation terned screens and weave ceilings, creating a har- between programmes helps to develop a package monious indoor experience. of engagement activities involving learning, fun and leisure. Hence, programmes such as bamboo craft studios and tea houses provide a broader plat- form for visitors to feel involved in the panda enclo- sure, opening up different perspectives.

146 147 148 Panda Village Anna Thum 149 Design Parameters

Site Brief Located next to Berlin Zoo, this park is an interesting spot for the designated proposal. The site is surrounded by lake and islands, naturally formed a few picturesque spots for the proposed design building. There is a café next to the site, which becomes one of the main sources for the proposed enclosure to attract visitors with the designated programs and its architectural features.

Water (Lake)

Earth (Site Contour)

Wood (Trees)

Fire (People)

Metal (Existing Building)

Front elevation

1. Typical blocks design 2. One block is moved and 3. Blocks are rotated to catch 4. Opening on facade and 5. A section of block is taken elevated to create 2 floors the best view on site. Inter- roof to frame view and away to enhance overall archi- and interlocking. locks are further enhanced. bring light. tecture feature visually

Spatial Diagram VR-Cinema/ Holgram Mini-Library Side elevations

Inter- mediate Space (M) Exhibition Area Veterinary Clinic Indoor Mother- Seating Area Nursing Area Enclosure Child (View indoor Enclosure) (M) Box Courtyard/ Landscape Bamboo

Indoor Inter- Enclosure mediate (F) Space (F)

Cold Storage Lounge Fodder Delivery Teahouse/Restaurant Fodder preparation Technical Area

150 Panda Village 151 1. Arrival 6. Exhibition II Site plan 2. Lounge 7. Hologram/VR 3. Locker/Storage 8. Overhead walkway 4. Corridor 7




4 8 3 3

1 2

A: Arrival and Exhibition B: Exhibition and VR Room D F

20. Technical B 21. Cold storage 18 22. Folder preparation 23. Corridor 24. Enclosures 17 29 25. Utility 27 26.Clinic 27. Incubation room 28 15 28. Nursery room 29. Mother-child box 26 24 A 30. Outdoor enclosure

25 8 11 30

14 23 24 12

13 3


11. Reception 12. Dining 21 16 13. Semi-indoor dining 14. Kitchen A: Arrival and Exhibition 15. Cafe B: Exhibition and VR Room 16. Toilets 20 16 19 C: Dining/Cafe/Tea House/Bar 17. Tea house courtyard D: Exhibition and VR Room 18. Overwater bar D: Exhibition and VR Room E: Cultural Gallery and Bamboo Craft C: Dining/Cafe/Tea House/Bar 19. Office F: Panda Enclosure

152 Panda Village Anna Thum 153 154 Panda Village Anna Thum 155 156 Panda Village Anna Thum 157 Connecting to Nature at the Zoo How to Consider the Five Senses in Architecture

Jameel Trowers

Zoos, Heritage and Climate Circulation and Interaction This panda enclosure is designed for a site at Hope Circulation is a characteristic form of movement. Zoo and Botanical Gardens, located in Kingston, The interaction between the moving figure and the Jamaica. This site was selected because of its his- structural design is constitutive of the experience. torical heritage as well as the positive impact the Sightlines and pathways play an important role enclosure may exert on the zoo and cityscape over- here. One may hear and smell around the corner, all. The new building is multifunctional, combining but is not able to see. Before finally being able to a botanical garden with a learning path, exhibitions clasp eyes on the panda the goal is to activate the spaces and panda enclosures – the highlight of the senses of visitors along different paths, to experi- overall experience. For economic reasons the struc- ence different spaces and first of all go grasp infor- ture extends below the ground-floor level, keeping mation. This enables visitors to be engaged and en- the building climatised and establishing harmony tertained before achieving the ultimate experience with the surrounding environment. which is to witness the panda.

Senses and Learning A Focus on Sustainability Good teaching needs good architecture. In its most Sustainability is a vital part of the design in order to extreme interpretation this thesis sits comfortably create an environment and atmosphere promoting with the concept of »the environment as third ped- comfort for both pandas and visitors. Usage of ma- agogue«. My design objective is to connect the vis- terials, design techniques and energy consumption itor with nature through sensual architecture, since are considered to a great extent. The indoor botan- architecture is experienced predominantly through ical garden and panda enclosure emulate natural the atmosphere it creates. Landscapes in particu- surroundings through the use of natural lighting lar forge an atmospheric identity. In this design, created with translucent glass materials. The use of landscape architecture supports the shaping of natural materials implemented within this design is experience through the interplay between interior illustrated by the wooden roofing to help deflect in- and exterior spaces. Modern technology supports tense heat radiation from the sun. Materials incor- exhibition scenery (e.g. holograms, special sound porated within and on to the enclosure help to keep effects, etc.) as well as natural materials which rep- the building climatised for the pandas. The interior resent the soft and cuddly »feel« of a panda. creates the most comfortable climate for pandas.

158 159 »The more we know of other forms of life, the more we enjoy and respect ourselves.«

E.O. Wilson

Form Finding

Bamboo leave Massing Functional program Public Keeper Sun and Light

160 Connecting to Nature at the Zoo Jameel Trowers 161 8 9



A 1 A 8

6 3 5

7 3 10

9 4

0 10 N

Ground level 11 Education/Exhibition area 23 Fodder preparation First level 1 Waiting area and lounge 12 Café 24 Zookeeper lounge 2 Reception office 13 VR-Cinema/Hologram room 25 Unisex restroom 3 Pathway to enclosure 14 Seating area 26 Zookeeper changing 4 Elevator 15 Indoor enclosure male 27 Nursing area 5 Restroom male 16 Enclosure female 28 Veterinary clinic 6 Restroom female 17 Enclosure male 29 Enclosure room female 7 Bridge 18 Indoor enclosure female 30 Mother-child box 8 Exhibition area and indoor enclosure 19 Fodder delivery 31 Training cage female 9 Panda indoor enclosure 20 Training cage male 32 Corridor (transport boxes) 10 Storage 21 Enclosure room male 33 Outdoor storage 22 Cold storage 34 Technical area

East elevation South elevation

162 Connecting to Nature at the Zoo Jameel Trowers 163 Senses and Learning Good teaching needs good architecture. In its most extreme interpretation this thesis sits comfortably with the concept of »the environment as third ped- agogue«. The design objective is to connect the vis- itor with nature through sensual architecture, since architecture is experienced predominantly through the atmosphere it creates. Landscapes in particu- lar forge an atmospheric identity. In this design, landscape architecture supports the shaping of experience through the interplay between interior and exterior spaces. Modern technology supports exhibition scenery (e.g. holograms, special sound effects, etc.) as well as natural materials which rep- resent the soft and cuddly »feel« of a panda.

164 Connecting to Nature at the Zoo 165 A Panda House Flowing into a School Architecture as a Catalyst Encouraging Children to Love the Earth

Chin Ai Ong

A Soothing Harmony between Architecture A Fusion of Nature and Technology and the Natural Environment Drawing inspiration from the form of tree b­ ranches, Located in Taiping, Malaysia, this project is de- the ramp is supported by white steel tree-like struc- signed to blend into its surroundings and flow as an tures. These ‘columns’ support all loads bearing ideological concept. At the heart of Taiping Zoo and upon the branches which are then conveyed to the , it comprises a perme­able trunk and then beneath to the foundation. The ramp loop with two very generous gateways ­capable of is enveloped in steel, painted white so as to en- absorbing pedestrian flow. This initiative enables hance its beauty. The walls are designed in in-­situ children to view the panda as a learning figurehead, concrete with bamboo formwork, inspired by the gain access to own-grown healthy foods through panda’s favourite food. Virtual reality is harnessed an aquaponic system as well as to engage in educa- to create a living and breathing environment so that tional opportunities presented by outdoor learning children experience the reality of deforestation. environments. The screen is no longer merely placed in front, but rather stretches all around, reinforcing the reality of A Fluid and Permeable Architecture the situation that the earth is facing. which Embraces Outdoor Learning The routes from both access points are envisioned as a »place full of magic – a playful escape for chil- dren that is a symbol of freedom and endless im- agination.« By lifting the earth at both entrances, an undulating green spiral at the heart of the site affords direct views into the pandas’ habitats.

166 167 Site Analysis - Neighbourhood Context Concept Diagrams

Residential Area Taiping Outdoor Outdoor Taiping Lake Gardens Lake Gardens Proposed Enclosure Enclosure Site 1 Existing Car for Male for Female Park Zones School

Taiping Zoo Indoor Indoor Taiping Zoo Enclosure male Enclosure female 5 School

Taiping Pandas Facilities/ 24 Taiping Lake Gardens Storages/ Lake Gardens Visitors Area Loading Bay

City Centre

18 4 3 Existing and proposed zone Points of attractions Boxed form acts as education hub for children.

Legend 6

1 Outdoor Enclosure for Males Ultimate 23 22 24 2 7 2 Indoor Enclosure for Males Taiping Primary Lake Gardens Public View 11 3 Outdoor Enclosure for Females

4 Indoor Enclosure for Females 8 Road Pekeliling 5 Visitors Platform with Aquaponic System and Front of 14 Edible Garden Site Facing Main Road 9 6 Enclosure for Females 12 18 10 7 Training Cage for Females 8 Mother-Child Box Taiping Zoo 15 9 Training Cage for Males 10 Enclosure for Males 13 11 Weighing Area Taiping 12 Fodder Preparation Area Lake Gardens 16 13 Fodder Delivery Area 20 14 Veterinary Clinic 17 15 Nursing Area 19 16 Technical Area / Office 17 Zookeeper Lounge Area / Changing Area Views Vehicular and pedestrian circulation Motion paths create to link all 18 18 Cold Storage for Bamboo / Fodder 19 Bamboo Storage Area (Waste) focal points of the spaces. 20 Pandas Loading Space 21 21 Loading Bay 22 VR Space 23 VR Room 0 2 10 20 N 24 Permeable Loop Garden

From Taiping Lake Gardens Visitors Platform with Aquaponic System & Edible Garden Indoor Enclosure for Pandas / Permeable Loop Garden - Gathering and Education Area Visitors Platform with Aquaponic System & Edible Garden From Taiping Zoo

168 A Panda House Flowing into a School Chin Ai Ong 169 Site Analysis – Neighbourhood Context

Generates pedestrian flows and activities Responsive to visionary and Flow of energy creates volumetric hollow; Loop of movement as a route by creating different levels. external site conditions. Green spiral ramp as pedestrian friendly and spatial element. learning environment.


N Legend Permeable Loop Garden Amphitheatre Grow and Learn with Pandas Outdoor Enclosure Indoor Enclosure Visitors Platform Storage / Loading Bay Pandas Indoor Space Flood Gate Zookeepers Space Pandas Circulation Zookeepers Circulation Visitors Circulation

Functional diagram

Gathering and Education Area Virtual Room - Reality Indoor Panda Spaces Responsive to Tropical Climate

Spiral ramp

Virtual Space - Movement Seamlessly Blend with Nature Outdoor Spaces for Pandas

170 A Panda House Flowing into a School Chin Ai Ong 171 A soothing harmony between architecture and the natural environment, as well as children and pandas. Aerial view of proposed Panda House.

Visitors platform with aquaponic system and own-grown healthy food garden. An undulating green spiral ramp at the heart of the site affords views into the pandas‘ habitat.

172 A Panda House Flowing into a School Chin Ai Ong 173 The Civilized Panda Citizen Harmony with Nature

Gouda Shehata

In Harmony with Nature How to Implant the Zoo into Daily Life What happens if we were to encounter animals on Much of human history has been written in terms a daily basis? Most zoos make a strong distinction of an ongoing struggle of »man against nature«. between humans and animals through the creation I needed to align the pattern of people’s move- of separate spaces, although humans may interact ments with animal zones. Instead of viewing the an- with animals within a restricted capacity as visitors. imal zone as a single focal interaction point, it may I believe that the establishment of a genuine har- be implemented across several urban attractions. mony between humans and animals requires a dif- Humans are continuously absorbed by their daily ferent perspective of space. The target of this pro- repeated activities, spending a great deal of time ject is therefore to demonstrate a new type of zoo travelling. This zoo therefore may similarly act as a as a place which fosters interaction on a daily basis. pathway for pedestrians.

How will this Pathway be Efficient The Impact of Form The pathway needed to preferably be located in a This project is intended to lend a new palpable busy setting with great transportation links in order atmosphere of greenery to Alexanderplatz, although to encourage a high rate of daily interaction. Alex- forms have been produced so as to respect its anderplatz was therefore chosen as one of the most architectural style. This is demonstrated by a green crowded piazzas in Berlin, located at the heart of the urbanistic pathway from the edge of Alexanderplatz city. It also features the train station of Alexander­ towards the TV Tower and a supporting pathway platz. Animals demand special requirements for an from the centre of the platform to the main pathway, appropriate environment – one of the most impor- respecting the nineteenth-century Neptunbrunnen tant being nature. The green pathway on Alexan- (Neptune Fountain). Slopes are oriented towards the derplatz will therefore lend a dynamic contrast. main attractions.

174 175 Design Concept Generation of Form

The form generation started by a green urbanistic Supporting pathway from the center of the plat- pathway from the edge of Alexanderplatz towards form to the main pathway. The gridlines drawn the TV Tower. The pathway meant to be straight to with specific sharp angels reflecting theLinearity fulfill its main function. and lntersection concept.

This project intends to present nature in a bold fashion – not only by implanting animals into a civilian environment, but also creating a strong natural setting at the heart of the city. Green slopes give rise to a grassy valley in between forms. The outdoor cladding of all struc- tures is dry bamboo arranged in a vertical fashion – its brown hues evoking soil. Bamboo is the main food source of the giant panda and is extremely important for both captive and wild pandas. Regarding the strength structure of bamboo, the bamboo kept in a verticality way with a slight warp. The variety of bamboos’ angles makes a spe- cial overlapping environment. An image of overlapping bamboo took as visual features study. The visual abstraction showing an intersec- tions regarding vertical warps. Shapes created as a result of sharp and loose angels of vertical intersections.

The spaces involved as a result of the grid intersec- The form meant to show harmony with the earth tions. Creating the functional zones and respecting by creating green slopes. The outdoor enclosure of the nineteenth-century Neptunbrunnen. pandas elevated down for better visuality access.

Slopes are oriented towards the main attractions, For more accessibility, Sector of the Panda’s e.g. the Rotes Rathaus (“Red City Hall”) and house embedded on the earth. Allowing more the Marienkirche (“St. Mary’s Church”), in order connection to Rotes Rathaus shopping center to enhance views. and the surrounding area. Linearity and intersection

176 The Civilized Panda Gouda Shehata 177 Site Plan

Panda male

Panda female

Zookeepers area

Clinic and Nursing

Vertical circulation


0 5 10 25 50 100

178 The Civilized Panda Gouda Shehata 179 Elevation


180 The Civilized Panda Gouda Shehata 181 Your Neighbour the Panda Perhaps You Have Someone Living Near You that Seems Creepy

Paul Schwarz

Left: Lené-Voigt-Park in Leipzig, Germany

CoeXity is a project that forwards the idea of, as the establishes a natural habitat for animals and hu- name implies, coexisting with animals of all shapes, mans. Despite originating from China, the panda sizes and origins. The panda, as a naturally laid- enclosure does not rely on stereotypical and strik- back member of the Ursidae family, is to serve as an ing design choices. The aim is to lend common ar- example of how this idea can be integrated into al- chitectural elements to the panda and vice versa; ready existing structures like cities, parks and zoos. the animals wouldn’t care much for Buddhist tem- ples anyway! The panda has everything it needs Urban Context to live a healthy and carefree lifestyle within a This enclosure is not only located in a park near the regional-­oriented design, instead of presenting the center of the city of Leipzig, but is also a miniature animal as something extraordinary. city in itself. The structure and its buildings are aligned with the axes of the already existing build- Form Factor ings and pathways. The enclosure creates a ring The Panda enclosure incorporates slopes and that puts emphasis on the park area between it. Its curves to make the terrain as independent and location is convenient enough for visitors who do stimulating as possible, while still providing real- not have to go out of their way to access it, while istic opportunities for the panda to play and move providing an unusual experience for first-time tour- around. The pathways follow the general structure ists. One of the project’s ultimate goals is to height- of the park, breaking out every so often to create en the overall quality of the Lene-Voigt-Park which resting spaces for visitors. From an outside per- has been neglected by the city for a long time. spective the enclosure presents itself as a some- what sculptural object. The existing and new ani- Regional Influences mal facilities bridge a gap by combining the form The core message of the project is to create a per- of the animal enclosure with the general aesthet- manent, timeless and unobtrusive structure that ics of the existing buildings.

182 183 Height development terrain

0.00 bis 4.0 m

15 1 5 Building parts 12 14 3 8 A: Panda Enclosure 6 10 1 C 1 B: Veteninary Clinic 11 C: Public Housing A 7 8 6 4 28 Legend 27 1 1 Outdoor Enclosure (Male) 2 Outdoor Enclosure (Female) 3 Indoor Enclosure (Male) 2 4 Indoor Enclosure (Female) 26 5 Intermediate Space 6 Enclosure – Entry for Zookeepers 7 Mother-Child Box 8 Training Cage 22 C 9 Nursing Area A 10 Fodder Delivery Area 29 11 Fodder Preperaton Area 12 Technical Area Panda enclosures 13 Cold Storage for Fodder 22 22 14 Loading Bay 2 15 Bamboo Storage (waste) 1 16 Zookeeper Lounge 17 Operating Room 18 Examination Room 19 Waiting Room 20 Consultation Room 21 Restroom 22 Educational Totems B 23 VR-Cinema 24 Seating Area 25 Café Design Idea: Your neighbour the Panda 26 Store 27 Storage (Store) 28 Toolshed (Facility Manager) N 29 Playground

History From the time of its completion in 1874, the approxi- In 2001, parts of the district park were opened and mately 11-hectare site cut a veritable swath through in 2004 the entire park was completed and handed the residential and factory blocks of eastern Leipzig, over to the public. The park offers a wide range of which were built almost simultaneously. After the leisure and recreational opportunities for young construction of the central station, passenger traffic and old. In the northern part there is a band with was largely relocated there in 1915. In 1942, oper- sponsorship plots fouse by residents or local asso- ations at the Eilenburger Bahnhof were complete- ciations. Like the former railway line, the new ­Panda ly discontinued and the site was largely neglected enclosure is intended to convey a sense of width as a wasteland. What remained was an area about and openness. The new enclosure is an example 800 metres long and 80 to 130 metres wide in a of how Building for Animals can be integrated into prominent location near the city centre. already existing urban structures.

Visitor viewing on different levels

184 Your Neighbour the Panda Paul Schwarz 185 UNZOO Why We Should Place Visitors Behind the Glass

Isabelle Wuttke

Animal Rights visitors’ platform. The mountain scenery acts as Animal rights are important and we need to respect an impressive natural panoramic setting, whereas them, especially in zoos. In the twenty-first century the facility building sits in the valley, forming an animals have finally become respected beings – at architectural boundary. Landscaping the architec- least in some parts of the world. The quality of zoo ture is achieved through glass and natural stone architecture therefore needs to reflect this shift too. (roughly hued rock) and a walk-on green roof that can easily be traversed from one end to the other. Climate and Conditions Visitors’ platforms are located high in the moun- In the wilderness mighty pandas live in subtropi- tains at different spots, so that people can look cal mountainous areas containing dense forest. In down into the valley from different vantage points. summer there is quite a cool climate, whereas in winter it is cold. Generally speaking such areas are Architecture Providing Shelter humid and experience high rainfall. These require- Visitors’ buildings consist of individual modules ments are thus taken into account in my design. grouped around each other, facing different di- rections and at different angles to each other. The Modules and Vistas main visitors’ building has a small café, a cinema, For my design I pursued three core ideas: a high balconies and observation halls. The smaller vis- degree of natural habitat; visitor areas and plat- itors’ facilities mainly contain observation halls forms designed as modular and mobile elements, and visitor platforms. and visitors positioned behind the glass instead of All buildings are connected by an existing hiking animals. Integrating architecture into the landscape path which will be enlarged and further devel- is integral to achieving this goal. oped, connecting the enclosure. Within the out- door enclosure a walking path leads from the roof Mountains Setting the Scene of the keeper’s building to the hiking trail in the The design consists of three different spaces: the mountains, dividing the outdoor enclosure into a facility building, the outdoor enclosure, and the male and female panda enclosure.

186 187 188 189 PANDADISE From a Compound to a Living Space

Sandra Misselwitz

Landscaping the Architecture metres, comprising 21 rooms on six levels, pandas The concept here is to build two striking mountains, are presented interactively through live animal involving the landscaping of buildings. The design demonstrations and informative games. is therefore reminiscent of a Chinese landscape. The tip of the artificial cliffs – the great rocks 30 and Insight and Perspective 25 metres high – rise majestically above the tree- Intense viewpoints enable observation from tops. The objective is to design an exhibit in which hidden locations on different levels within the visitors share the same landscape (albeit not the structure – from the tunnel and the paths to the same area) as the animals. Two separate enclosures observation terrace within increasingly exposed for the pandas are located at the foot of the moun- settings due to the widening of the space under tains. The enclosures provide an enriching natural observation. Visitors enter the building through a behavioural setting. Even though visitors may not tunnel system. The spiral thematic path featuring have the chance to view the animals up close, the platforms guides them, packed with experiences landscape as a whole forms part of the design. under the motto: »Explore the world of the great panda.« A bridge connects the two mountains and Inside and Outside affords a panoramic view of the panda enclosures The cement shell, which is planted with greenery and the landscape. on the outside, is supported by a grating made from bamboo framework. Eco-friendly and renew- able materials – such as lime-sand brick – are also used. A self-supporting crystal-like »cave« is estab- lished inside the rock which visitors can climb via intertwined paths. On a surface of 40.000 square

190 191 A Bridge to Nature Why Visitors Should Stand on Stage

Andrea Ramos Lopez

Over the past few years zoos and enclosures have changed regarding their design parameters and goals, including whom they ultimately serve. Is a zoo designed for humans or for animals? From the outset, this design process therefore takes into ac- count people and animals and their role in an ani- mal enclosure.

The site, located very close to a chain of moun- tains, provides natural barriers and simulates the pandas’ natural habitat. As with all spatially malle- able objects, the view from a single vantage point is not sufficient to capture a complete snapshot, but rather must be supplemented with a series of view- points from different positions. My design achieves this through an elevated and elongated bridge with different sojourn qualities. Guided tours capture changing moods, expectations and illusions.

The panda enclosure has three main areas: a visi- tor’s area, the zookeeper’s area and enclosure ar- eas, incorporating both the outdoors and the in- doors. The building as a whole has a very sober style, featuring concrete on the exterior.

192 193 Appendix Models (Selection)

1 1 Anotidaishe Mavazhe 2 Shaun Yong 3 Martin Hundeshagen 4 Nurin Abdullah 5/6 Mehmet Caferoglu 7 Eddie Goh 8 Anna Thum

Links: Natascha Meuser Rechts: Martin Hundeshagen


196 197 198 199 200 201 Acronyms and Bibliography Authors Abbreviations and Participants

Adorno, Theodor W.: Minima Moralia. Reiterer, Gabriele: Die Biologie des Bauens. Dipl.- Biol. Jan Bauer, born 1977 in Berlin, Prof. Dr. Johannes Vogel, born 1963. ARKS Animal Records Keeping System GFAS Global Federation of Animal Reflexionen aus dem beschädigten Leben, Wie Charles Darwin die Baukunst beein- Germany. Studied biology and nutrition at Studied biology and law at Bielefeld Univer- Sanctuaries ASZK Australasian Association of Zoo Frankfurt am Main 2001 flusste: Hinweise auf eine Evolutionstheorie Humboldt University Berlin. Worked three sity. After completing his doctorate in genet- Keepers der Archi­tektur, in: Die Presse (Spectrum) years as inspector at Waldzoo Gera and ics (1992 – 1995, University of Cambridge), IAS Invasive Alien Species Brägger, Kurt / Geigy, Rudolf / Lang, Ernst M. / on 28 February 2009 three years as director at Tiergarten Worms. he worked from 1995 at the Natural History Awin Animal welfare indicators ICP Institutional Collection Plan Studer, Peter / Wackernagel, Hans: 100 Jahre Most recently he worked independently in Museum in London, where he was chief cu- Rossi, Aldo: Die Archi­tecture der Stadt. the field of zoo management with his com- rator of the botanical department from 2004 AZA Association of Zoos and ICZ International Congress of Zoologischer Garten Basel 1874 – 1974, Basel 1974 Skizze zu einer grundlegenden Theorie des pany Zoo-Management and as manager for to 2012. Since February 2012 he is General Aquariums Zookeepers Urbanen, Düsseldorf 1973 the DTG (German Zoo Society) and for many Director of the Museum of Natural History in zoos as consultant for masterplanning, nu- Berlin. In addition, he holds a professorship BIAZA British and Irish Association of IPM Integrative Pest Management Darwin, Charles: On the Origin of S­ pecies Precht, Richard David: Noahs Erbe. Vom trition and communication. Since 2017 he is for biodiversity and scientific dialogue at the Zoos and Aquariums ISB International Studbooks by Means of Natural Selection, or The Recht der Tiere und den Grenzen des Men- director of the Tierpark Dessau with the goal Humboldt University of Berlin. Numerous Preserva­tion of Favoured Races in the schen, Reinbek bei Hamburg 2000 of transforming the institution into an edu- vocations (American Association for the CBD Convention on Biological Diversity ISIS International Species Information Struggle for Life, London 1859 System cational center for local animals and plants. Advancement of Science, Linné Society, CBSG Conservation Breeding Specialist Schmarsow, August: Das Wesen der Bio­economy Council of the Federal Govern- Group (IUCN) architek­tonischen Schöpfung, Leipzig 1894 Dr. Jürgen Lange, biologist, born 1942 in ment). Since 2014 he has been chairman of IUCN International Union for the Guillery, Peter: The Buildings of London Dessau, Germany. Studied at universities Conservation of Nature Zoo, London 1993 the European Citizen Science Association CEC Commission on Education and Semper, Gottfried: Die vier Elemente der in Münster and Kiel. Worked seven years (ECSA). In summer 2016 he was appointed Communication (IUCN) Baukunst. Ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden as curator at Aquarium Stuttgart, chairman of the European Open Science Pol- IZE International Zoo Educators Hediger, Heini: Zur Entstehungsgeschichte Baukunde, Braunschweig 1851 before he managed Berlin Aquarium. After icy Platform (OSPP) – DG Research & Innova- Association der Zoologischen Gärten, in: Wildtiere in CEPA Communication, Education and his retirement as Executive Director (CEO) tion – by the European Commission. Public Awareness (IUCN) Gefangenschaft, Special edition of the Ciba of the Berlin Zoo AG, worked in 11 countries MSC Marine Stewardship Council journal, issue 54 / 1938, p. 1876 – 1881 The World Association of Zoos and Aquar- as scientific consultant for various architect Dr. Anselm Weyer, journalist, editor and CITES Convention on International Trade NGO Non-governmental organisation iums (WAZA) adopted in 1993 the first teams in the planning and construction of lecturer, born 1976 in Darmstadt. Studied in Endangered Species of Wild World Conservation Strategy, setting stand- OIE World Organisation for Animal Hediger, Heini: Der Zoologische Garten als new public aquariums and zoo buildings. German philology, philosophy and media Flora and Fauna ards and guide­lines for zoos and aquariums Health Asyl und Forschungsstätte, Basel 1948 Founding member and for 9 years Presi- studies in Cologne. Freelance editor of worldwide dent of European Union of Aquarium Cura- the Kölnische Rundschau, among others. DAISIE Delivering Alien Invasive Species SCA Special Conservation Areas Hediger, Heini: Mensch und Tier im Zoo: tors, Member of IAC Steering Committee. Worked as a lecturer in Frankfurt, Bremen Inventories for ­Tiergarten-Biologie, Zurich / Stuttgart / Vien- Organizer of International Jellyfish Confer- and Lippstadt, teaching communication SEAL Social and Emotional Aspects of na 1965 ence. Publication of numerous articles and theory, writing and literature. Public rela- Learning DEFRA Department for Environment, books in 7 languages. tions work für several organisations, includ- Food and Rural Affairs (UK) Heinsdorff, Hellmut: Bauten und Anlagen ing various construction works. Curator of SSC Species Survival Commission Zoologischer Gärten. Baugeschichtlicher Prof. Dr. Natascha Meuser, architect, born several exhibitions. Publication of numer- (IUCN) EAAM European Association for Aquatic Rückblick, Typenentwicklung und Auf­ 1967 in Erlangen, Germany. Architect and ous articles and books on various cultural Mammals gabenstellung für den Architects (diss.), publisher in Berlin. Studied in Rosenheim studies topics. SSP Species Survival Programs (AZA) Munich 1968 (Interior architecture) and in Chicago at the EARS European Alliance of Rescue STB Studbook Illinois Institute of Technology (Master of Students Centres and Sanctuaries Kühn, Alfred: Grundriß der General Informa- architecture). Doctorate at the Technical TAG Taxon Advisory Group University of Berlin. Professor at Anhalt Uni- Nurin Abdullah tionen Zoologie. Leipzig 1922 Ebru Aykan EAZA European Association of Zoos and WAZA World Association of Zoos and versity of Applied Sciences in Dessau since Mehmet Caferoglu Aquaria Aquariums Meuser, Natascha: Zwischen Bühnenbild 2016. She has published numerous works on design methodology, as well as architec- Eddie Goh und Gefängnisbau. Vom Fehlen einer Debatte Manuela Grigorescu EAZWV European Association of Zoo and WCS Wildlife Conservation Society über Contemporary Zoo Buildings – eine tural and historical research on buildings for Wildlife Veterinarians education and science. Martin Hundeshagen WZACS The World Zoo and Aquarium Skizze, in: ModulØr, issue 2 / 2013, p. 22 – 28 Veronika Langen Conservation Strategy Andrea Ramos Lopez EEP European Endangered Species Loisel, Gustave Antoine Armand: Histoire Programme (EAZA) Anotidaishe Mavazhe ZIMS Zoological Information des Ménageries de l’Antiquité à nos jours Sandra Misselwitz Management System (en 3 volumes), Paris 1912 EU European Union Anna Thum Jameel Trowers FAO Food and Agriculture Organization Zoos Council Directive Chin Ai Ong of the United Nations Directive 1999/22/EC Paul Schwarz Gouda Shehata FSC Forest Stewardship Council ZSL Zoological Society of London Isabelle Wuttke Shaun Yong 202 203 © 2020 Anhalt University of Applied Sciences Fachbereich Architektur, Facility Management und Geoinformation Postal address: Postfach 2215, 06818 Dessau-Roßlau Address: Bauhausstr. 5, 06846 Dessau-Roßlau

ISBN (Print): 978 - 3 - 96057- 114-8 ISBN (Online): 978 - 3 - 96057 -115-5

This work has been produced as part of a course at the A­ nhalt ­University of Applied Sciences and is subject to copyright. ­Reproduction and use of the content for non-commercial pro- jects is only permitted by citing the source. All rights are re- served, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, recitation, broad- casting, reproduction on microfilms or in other ways, and storage or processing in data bases. Sources and owners of rights are given to the best of our knowledge; please inform us of any we may have omitted.

Project Management Prof. Dr. Natascha Meuser

Editorial Assistant James Wong Zhen Fai

Final Proofreading Clarice Knowles

Design Atelier Kraut

Printing Zeitdruck, Berlin