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Biocontrol Science and Technology Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: New Essential Prey for and Calvia quatuordecimguttata (Coleoptera: ) P. Kalushkov; I. Hodek

Online Publication Date: 01 February 2001 To cite this Article: Kalushkov, P. and Hodek, I. (2001) 'New Essential Aphid Prey for Anatis ocellata and Calvia quatuordecimguttata (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)', Biocontrol Science and Technology, 11:1, 35 - 39 To link to this article: DOI: 10.1080/09583150020029727 URL:


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The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material. © Taylor and Francis 2007 Downloaded By: [NEICON Consortium] At: 10:27 11 September 2007 Keywords: tha `essential wer th as siphoniell tremulae pre ella Seve Biocontro DOI ISS Correspondenc alternativ larva indicat developmenta of sambuci pre Honek Th Suc of Earl INT 1 Institut e 1000 feedin e N prey y bein n Ne y e latte h : R y konoi n valu 10.1080 fo 0958-315 l th fo conducte studie ODUCTIO studie aphi r e , developmen e ( w g r r Receive l for larva 1996 So (L. , studie safel g ’ e Scienc thre e quatuo a a consume , Ca e pre d or of essentia Essentia pre / artemisia Acyrthosipho ) s W 0958315002002972 Calvi s predato of specie 7 Branisovsk e variell , is e e a, di y y on suc jus (print) l d to d p y d e aphi of d highl Zoolog th . apparentl parameter / fo : Bulgaria an coccinelli foo t unde foo N P 143) h no a Anati r e . thei d s l d Kalushko publicatio t d a list / quatuordecimguttata Technolog adequac (Eucalipteru d r t prey r ISS d y specie e (Hodek wit k decimguttat r . giv , serve r shoul s of ono unsuitabl Whil N Acyrthosipho s laborator presenc y l wa , h e ocellat P , 1360-047 predator y a n unsuitabl d Aphi ; . s an i Bulgaria s s , lo s v n do specie 31 d ignotu KALUSH e 2 . 7 wer (a y y Aphi questione jus y w 17 Tel , Institut thi (2001 t be , of no 1956 ide e a Novembe : e t e mortalit leas 37 s y s 8 + t d as on unsuitabl an fo s s th a discriminate y (online) approac tilia m 35 e represen 0 condition ) tha farinos d ; r of coccinellid e a t Pre , pre th n 9 05 11 n Coccinell al 1957) e A. sourc pre rat 2 e t d th e , Academ ignotu l , r a 9885115 y , of 35 K ar y wer sam , T by 1999 e e / . pisum Cesk y 01 y larva uberculatu OV e e ± . (Coleoptera Th a h nutritiona an Entomology of . t 39 e / foo , Th commo e Thompso 010035-0 s f e ma Onl ; foo of Eucalipteru d e essentia or m revise 1 development wit d plan a ; s e d e l forme , Fax y , energ adequat d and publishe y developmen septempunctat y fo Macrosiphoniell ` fro Budejovice Aphi h essential be Anati in of r d : quantitativ t n no 5 m C. + manuscrip (fo l adequat s on th r l y Sciences n 35 I. s suitabilit , annulatu prey quatuordecimguttat e si it r choic spiraephag thu 9 (1951 e trees s x d HODEK , € example W s 2 ’ el ovipositio Czec s 88 acceptabilit list 200 . specie tilia , s pre t Nin d : e 2 surviva . survival e t ocellat , duration ; s 1 e 897 as accepte Coccinellidae a of fo e Czec y fo y of , T s e , h dat , / aylo L. s r Blv of r foo ; , Euceraphi the aphi a Euceraphi pre pre E-mail Academ Schilde parasites wer mor a a 2 larva artemisiae th , l r y d n h d . , y Aphi y increasin & , d on e . e 8 Tza y occu reproductiv Republi enable e mortalit a of base . specie pre Franci Septembe : Som `essential e [email protected] detail F predator’ r and s an females or r y r a , & y d s fabae s . e Osvobodite th in d fo s s s Th betula on betula of example ) Schilde s g of Lt (Chaitophorus adults r e y completio c wer othe r e se (Evan th Calvia d suitabilit observation Sciences ’ 2000 ) th experiment , e e s ) e food were e e e r whil e Hode predato capacity principa , , teste , ) r habitat checke , Macro- , in Ca s , 1928) tested et Aphis e whil spit vari- n l y d k al th , 1, of of as & r ., d g e e e s s s ) l . . Downloaded By: [NEICON Consortium] At: 10:27 11 September 2007 TABL sagittata weekl of fo aphi larva larva annulatus Budejovice (thre female Aphid MA tim fo intermediat 1999 36 Aphis Aphi Aphi Chaitophoru B. Macrosiphoniell Cavariell Eucalipteru Euceraphi Mordvilko Acyrthosipho Acyrthosipho Tuberculatu Aphi r r b a Fo Al Th de Til Til 18L:6D e tw individual TERIAL s s d d ; e l F r e e as e l l fabae spiraephag farinos E y specie . o Hodek experiment s eclosio pupation instar s a wer ai in female 1. a fro use pre coccinelli s surve an , m kono s betula 10 s eac (L.) e Scopoli s . m , n n test); tata Th tilia s a d d y annulatu e of Dat tremula reare n s Czec igonotu pisu Gmelin S trees , fo in i case a e a h plant s y of s . on a 1962 e . Takahashi thi AN e and e artemisia r reare Mean male a (L.) n V of treatmen experiment Mu m (L.) an adults Anati ec d h s 5 d s s wer a (Harris of e D È s foo t d m s ller individuall pape , (Hode 30 wer C specie Republi Koch par (L.) of 1993 ) d s infeste METHOD Sali . e . tw d followe wer s pre on quatuordecimguttata e e analyse t r o ocellat speci ) x conducte t of ; y s wa k e eac Mills purpure wer males aphid s whic d c & a collecte d s as ® h wit (49 y Quercu Host Atriple Spirae Sali Populu Artemisi Sali Tili Betul Spirae alfalf by plant to Honek cit e d a diet pre S , in s h provide by (L.) ) h ë th y 1981) a chec on x x N, ar d a 7-c P a a e y europe in wer plants capre purpure . . . , a a d th x s e s larva pendul at KALUSH sam wer S Tim 14 vanhoute vanhoute and a , tremul bot m robu k sagittat rarel e fro . e . 1996 vulgari a caprea ë LS a whethe e Ther Petr d E) a e l h m collecte constan e /or r lette a developmen : a collecte dail y D . a coccinelli to twent , on Pinu K a A i studied i i s e Calvi p r tes OV dishe , . . pupatio y are ar r Tili Cavariell 166) ocellata t e & wit d s th y t (min. , 8.3 8.6 8.4 d (leas no a Duration 8.9 8.8 8.5 8.4 I. sylvestri temperatur a of s e plant fro in (8± (8± (8± (8± h . . t days quatuordecimguttat HODE (8± (8± (8± t 6 6 6 d on europe studie 6 6 6 6 of Al course ± signi n A fres t th 10) 10) 10) 10) m 0.6 0.6 0.6 specie max. 9) 9) 9) 1 1 1 1 . Anati th l signi a wa an s e a ocellata aphi a a a a K ® Sali h e a a a ® of kono s d cantl d ) s a el studie , , pre Mortality s s ® and aphid kep surviva d Artemisi variou d Betul x ocellat can e in Larva y (T i (% y specie 10 10 of t purpure (Takahashi) di 7 3 7 7 3 th abl t Calvi d ) consistin in V s a 25 e di a l eren aphi s l e represen developmen pendul b ® V and cultur 6 level s a to 1) el erenc a t wer a 1ë d vulgari . d a fro Calvi adul quatuordecimguttat C 10.2 10.6 (min. , (L.). Anati C sample s 12.1 11.8 10.9 specie 11.8 . Duration g e a m e (10± (10± (10± (10± (10± bot of quatuordecimguttata e (9± days an , use . t 6 6 of on a t Populu on test 6 6 6 ± 6 Newl bot `essential 11) s d max. t h s 13) 13) 12) 13) 13) quatuordecimgut 0.6 0.6 wer 1 e 1 1 1 d a s a and ocellat Tuberculatus . photoperio s , anothe nea b h b b a fo Coccinelli a mixtur wer a a e ) y type r s 5 Mortality recorde r Atriplex hatche th tremul e 0.05). a r (% Cesk ’ 100 100 100 e take s 13 20 10 13 17 (LS (two pre e ® an 7 ) rs of D d d n d d d a y a e t b - Downloaded By: [NEICON Consortium] At: 10:27 11 September 2007 nin wer Eucalipteru farinosa larva amon aphi days equall wit Larva RESUL 23ë 199 sweep and Aphis Aphi Aphi Chaitophoru Macrosiphoniell Cavariell Eucalipteru Euceraphi Acyrthosipho Acyrthosipho Tuberculate Aphi TABL and ocellata artemisiae sipho Successfu DISCUSSION farinosa guttata of So annulatus In Al Fiel ® C h E). e 8 e a. s s d d . Eucalipteru l Quercu studie l n th unsuitabl fabae spiraephag farinos ( E th nea g s specie l y F konoi d studie Numerou species developmen pisu e mea 2 fro a TS . ( e , individual suitabl wer 5 s C observation (on Experiment kono studie r followe l s betula s ® , . s Observatio an 0.6 m larva n n d a tilia s m Cesk annulatu eld s n konoi tremula e Euceraphi s e d and ignotu pisu , d aphid alfalfa i tilia a . developmenta individual robu als a , e Cavariell d.f. NE aphi e e e artemisia on Developmenta d m l onl e s s food as o d W , developmen e C specie e m eggs tilia . Budejovice e s 5 s r Chaitophoru s d . t by y recorde APHI pre . In n adul fe s 1, ar tremulae at s specie ; wa of tw s e d wer , on mos developmen e e contrast y ) P a s heigh D larva Calvi o s betula ) t newl di fo as of kono 5 Atriple Spirae Sali Populu Artemisi Sali Tili Betul Spirae alfalfa Quercu Host larva (Tabl PRE e in quickes adult V t r d s 0.47) l carrie `essential eren aphid larva a a A ar x x e a tim y , t t in Y quatuordecimguttat l a i europe e nea . plant capre purpure e , in an an e e a a checke belo s colon , FO x s s pendul s tim ocellata Eucalipteru t e of and colonie , vanhoute vanhoute 2) newl Acyrthosipho a tremul tremula robu sagittat laborator d e d t d of r s R withou an aphi vulgari t . Calvi die e a w adult ar Cesk on in a A. ou on d y r A a a ’ of y Tuberculatu e d OCELLATA 2.2 d a t . surviva Apri d pre of checke Cavariell a . give `essential s Macrosiphoniell i i s in in ocellata C a e e s Th 0 specie t , of Eucalipteru . y quatuordecimguttat Budejovic of y th signi Aphi Ma l m, n s quatuordecimguttata e fo experiment Egg throug e Eucalipteru tilia C Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð 52 Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð in larva n l d a r y secon . s of 10 ® s in ignotu s thi ` AND a T quatuordecimguttata throug essential ’ can wer e ( s farinos 0 Larva abl A F th , pre e s kono Acyrthosipho h Ð Ð Ð 11 Ð 14 Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð annulatu . shoot e 5 d t e complete e coccinelli e ocellata C. ® s y 1997 Jul m di 36, or el (T 1. e observe tilia QUATUORDECIMGUTTAT fo h i s a d , Pupa V , a s abl y indicate ’ thir Al r , Aphi s erence Ð Ð Ð 11 Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð nea Ð Jul artemisia Chaitophoru d.f. 4 tilia pre M C 199 e of e l s e r y . d on . seve a and 2) Adult d Cesk y d quatuordecimguttata s as 5 d e 9 Spirae 199 artemisiae insta similarl . Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Number Ð s thei fo spiraephag 6 5 species 9, n th nea (on in d Adult larvae n `essential amon C r e 7 ignotu s e th e P aphi . Budejovic A r colonie r , e r an Vitosh quatuordecimguttata e a < . developmen (T Euceraphi wer Egg So individual s y aphi ocellata s d Ð Ð Ð Ð 27 Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð . Ð of vanhoute g abl 0.0001) d di establishe tremula Thre m , of ® Apri s e larva specie a, V Euceraphi a , e ’ d Larva s foun a ere C. e Macrosiphoniella 1) and pre specie Bulgari Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð of A e Mountai 9 7 l . , d e quatuordecim- 1998 . s throug aphi d y an s i e e Tuberculatus ) fe Th signi Aphis betula Pupa t teste and d in and d fo an . d s Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð in Ð 4 4 e d si s Acyrtho- r a si di colonie d x ® e 8.3 betula rat specie x h d n V (42 Anatis 5 cantl Adult e aphi Aphis Aphis fabae erent fro wer Jun 3 nea e ± Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð and 1 3 7 1 ë fed 8. N, 37 50 of m d y 9 e e e s s s r Downloaded By: [NEICON Consortium] At: 10:27 11 September 2007 unsuitabl Aphi Kalushko su apparentl th tha bette Hyalopteru as mos woods A tha P prefering Schizolachnu Koc severa aphid A while food ( 38 H E REFERENCES Science in an Academ W A on specimen in culture 1996). foo th specie th Acyrthosipho vans . odek CKNOWLE . . e e e e Y Suitabl Majeru Th Calvi Majeru d th silvestris wa ocellata th ocellata t d n th L. bene studie ® ar cien t h ® thei s e th r e e for eld e (give eld , th s s probabl s , e l Act . Myzu foo E.W., (Kucera framewor spiraephag e s lis samplin I. prove aphi s presenc in a Althoug e ® in mos t r y . . tre fo C ts an (1956 a s e t e y tw v quatuordecimguttat host-plants s d d s He Pinu indicatio Thi n th . of th . Societati of r of food pre , of s because e wil (1994 d (1994 d enablin quatuordecimguttata tre S o s (1998 Aphi t in e e th release s n tevenson prun a aphid y Sciences species th s ) DGEMENT give n A thankfu persica aphid essentia y l laborator pinet laborator e s e , mixe by e Th g introduction) do . limitatio . e no h ignotu no k aphid newl silvestri 1955) s ocellata ) localitie ) of a Institut e i ) s th successfu s of t urticari , reporte t d consider no n s in g (Geof.) i s as Zoologica Salix observe s be e visite coccinelli bu : diet C (F ¯ . faste e y , in co-operatio to t Dreyfusi othe , (Kuznetso uenc l s W l , m A.T. . exampl .) t natura (Sulz.) represen emerge Cesk to ar prey y konoi y . s furthe , biocontro n e conside . e (Mills Oecologia s th d an r spp., Aphi e a e . bu d than (Ku S r ) In is Dr & of larva e of s by l d probabl (Gmelin thre an tha e d s e t . R larva a no as , s Bohemoslovaca laborator Aphi Entomolog th l d e c a Ï W in larva abou r ichards is d Budejovice s d th k E and , Tilia era pre ca t J t e t nu e Acyrthosipho v . e 1981) . `essential r larva l . spiraephag adult Pineus bot e psyllid in Britai useful n , foo n Keste development studie È include s lat Holma tiliae l l 121, , follo sslini an predato y P 1975 sambuc betwee e . y developmen t or natur Rhopalosiphu 1955) develo h ) KALUSH e of spp., d 20 natura , e an an s . referee aphi summe 107± D.R , integrate fo w n . y C n 0 dispers ; s or d ( E d d pini As r n onl . d e Semyano 5 y (Semyano (1969 her . i , specimen ’ experiment aphi Betula . , n A . r quatuordecimguttata p 112. d A e L. adult A In adult a Czec pre nordmannianae an betulae (1999 in Czec in l . K 20, y . th a . e wel s specie as n foo (Gmelin), and rumicis OV r d ocellata ocellata d th seve , e y fo Hodek’ th thi , e `by-product ) pisu 62 pre t d whe J greate ) h l specie s Institut e reporte s & h r to onl d e . spp. in Essentia m ± s bot pes thei Aphis ® 74 Ha of v y Republi ® n I. in Academ als s s concep and m , v ® eld el y laborator n of HODE pad , of coccinelli nd 1980) s (i to h t velka (L. d o th and Adali r 1980) s thos tha r s in n in th adult , managemen ascertaine ca comment fo on C weigh ( d e i e T Czech (1962 e foo A l Euceraphi ) be A fabae Englan th . . t versu L. r K of Schizolachnu n ladybir . wer ® Quercus . t ) e c . , quatuordecimguttata annulatus ’ y is thi aphid a e el . pisum ocellata d be ( s (Hodek essentia Accordin Instiitut use fo of Eckstein Zoolog as of d Psylla ® , y , suitabl e t copulat on bipunctat s s d ) . Englis el r successfull of . alternativ 1973 teste in coccinellid th d Sciences d les wer d specie d th s s deciduou d , beetl . e pupa by the s e aphi s an M ( sp Th t Rhopalosiphu e h , presen y l d tha ) e spp wa e punctipenni determinatio suitabl an , ) . p ma e 1993 th summary) y g foun e pre e de as foo . s and Bulgaria aphi artemisiae of s e an d a s t Coccinell d e e ar ar stud . to . fee y pinet ® an foo furthe recorde y wer y thi number predato Entomolog d thu nitio d (L. e e . ; be , d t s Mindaru th d d use d commo e it Hode la bu d fo Star y s stud trees ) to e e s s on highe i colon of natura y pre wa r . pre t n (F d `essential in reporte thei presen a r n egg insec 23 M be s y wer in , y .) s thi d septempunctat of suitabl y . s k m Academ r , y n A colonie (Zett.) undertake . W (1995 as r r s y to coccinelli n aphid declin laborator as abou unsuitabl & s s . artemisiae t e `essential of pad l is fecundit e on inclusio ignotum abietinu in predators y aphi is suitable t pre release fee , Honek foo d assum a aphid result e Czec mixe i ’ pines ) no t to y s d e (L.), pre pre ver s d y d and an 30 t fo fo on on be of of in in d n h d n d d y 0 y y a y y e e a r s r s s ) , , , ’ : Downloaded By: [NEICON Consortium] At: 10:27 11 September 2007 T S S S M M K K K K H H H H H emyanov childer, tary hompson, uznetsov uc esten alushkov odek odek odek odek odek ills ajerus Ï 262± aphi (i schaf Gazette Biologopochvennog Czechosiova Zeitschrif (Coleoptera Technology fu Entomologica era È n , , r , , , , , N.J , Russian) P. Entomologie , I. I. I. I. I. d , 269. U. t V. M.E.N , & (1993 (1973) in (1957 (1995 F . (1962 de , V.P W.R , (1981 . 32, V.N A (1955 H (1969 r Centra t P. Arten . one fu . ) : 197± k 3, ) & ) ) . È NE . (1980 . r . ) Coccinellidae) (1998 Biolog Pre e Th Ï Essentia Natura Fores ) (1975 ) (1994 k 91± Essentia Angewandt (1951 S C W Ï , l , childer, Di . e Zu 202. y echosloveniae (Wie Europe A. Arbeite ) 100. APHI in an e ) o r t Biology y ) ) ¯ ) (1996) Institut Tannentrieblau Researc Te d l Ladybirds. Faun uenc of Morfologi Th l n enem l habita D n an an Coccinellidae 1960 . e n e M PRE Entomophaga d e aphi d speci a de , Entomologi . Ecolog a of y . alternativ alternativ of h an Europea ) r t (1928 28: Y spectru Institut d Aphi Bioiogische 54, 3, speci d Calvi ® e FO Harpe cit ecolog specie 3± 39± y un 10 ) y R s 24 ® of s a Di d ± n 40. cit sambuc of . A. m e e e 17 un quatuordecimguttat e Academia Coccinellidae (i Journa r e s 8, Biologi food y y foo OCELLATA hos n 40, 63, of Collins d Nahrun (i in ( of n 107 Russian) n ih d Aphi t Reichsanstal 29± 412± s aphidophagou i coccinellid Czech r relation in ± l fo L. 11 e Fein of 34. , r s , 445. as g 4 London vo som Entomolog spiraephag Pragu , de (i . d n . foo Englis AND n s Kluwe r e de Anati Czech . in Britis Coccinellide s d e t r Verhandlunge (Col. , fo predaceou a fu C. & Marienk : h 36 s È r L. r s r summary) QUATUORDECIMGUTTAT y Dr h , predator a 7 Coccinell Land Academic , Germa ocellat Coccinellida 95, Entomologichesko (Hom. pp Coccinellidae . W. . 343± - a È n un fer s Junk a n s : un insects n a d . ) 349. (a summary) (L. Aphididae) , Anati de d Forstwirtschaf 7-punctat Dordrecht as , review) ) s ihr Th e XI (Coleoptera . pre (Coleoptera) ) e s e Canadia in . Beziehun ocellat Hague y Internationale e . Primory . a Obozreni fo Biocontro , , L. an r 46 a , n t II. A Adali 4 26 exoti L. 16, , Entomologis g pp . e 0 Act Coccinellidae) zu Entomologist region Paper e . pp 213± l a c r 59, Scienc a n . Verwandt immigran bipunctat Societati Kongres 282. 757± s . Trudy of e t an 763 th 83, 39 ’ a d e s s s t - .