Insight Editions | 192 pages | 19 May 2015 | Insight Editions | 9781608875610 | English | San Rafael, United States 'Harry Potter' Character Salazar Slytherin Gets a Major Shoutout From Scientists

Packaged Harry Potter Slytherin tend to not fit, usually come with cheap plastic components, and rarely portray an authentic look. But with some glasses, a handmade Harry Potter Slytherin, and your own wizard robe, you can bring Harry Potter to life, impressing both your partygoer friends and the young trick-or-treaters. Harry Potter is a character that kids and grownups alike can relate to. And, this easy DIY costume is immediately recognizable. Maroon and gold are the colors of Gryffindor House, so make your look authentic by showing them off in Harry's tie, scarf, and robe. But an easier way to pull off the making of this accessory is by hot-gluing patches of gold and maroon felt together to form a neck decoration. Employ a ruler and a fabric pen to help you make straight lines and paint in between them. Glasses Also, Harry Potter Slytherin for a pair of round glasses at the thrift store, or buy a pair of bifocals and take out the lenses. Wand A thin stick from your backyard can be transformed into a wand. Just peel Harry Potter Slytherin the bark and use a piece of sandpaper to soften the sides of the stick. For a pointed end, take a small knife and whittle the end to a point. Apply a dark or light wood varnish to your smoothed wand. Ron is not only Harry's right-hand man, but he's also a funny and talented wizard, too. If you're more Ron's personality type, try pulling off the look with this easy costume. Gryffindor Uniform Follow the instructions for the scarf, tie, and robes from the Harry Potter costume above. Clothing A local thrift store should also have clothing for Ron. Try to find a white button-down shirt and a black Harry Potter Slytherin gray vest, a pair of black slacks or black drawstring pants, and black dress shoes. For a more casual Ron, locate a large red sweater and khaki pants. Dirty sneakers work for a casual look, too. Hair Ron's red hair color is easy to achieve on a blond head with temporary hair dye or spray-on hair color. Harry Potter Slytherin, you can purchase a red wig. A busted wand is a sure sign that you're playing Ron Weasley. Her prep school outfit, indicative of the Gryffindor House, is easy to pull off with thrift store finds. Mary Janes round out Harry Potter Slytherin ensemble perfectly. To achieve this, rub a dime-sized amount of styling mousse Harry Potter Slytherin your hands and apply it to wet hair. Then, hang your head upside down and blow-dry your hair while scrunching groups of locks with your hand. Once dry, stand up straight and tame your hair into a nice Hermione volume with styling mousse. Wand Craft Hermione's wand as you would Harry Potter's. Draco Malfoy is a mischievous bully and everyone's Harry Potter Slytherin bad boy. Dressed in the colors of the Slytherin House, Draco's attire shows his loyalty with a tie, scarf, and robe. Slytherin Scarf A green and silver Slytherin scarf is easy to pull off by hot-gluing pieces of felt together, similarly to the making of Harry Potter's scarf. If you can't find silver felt, gray works just as well. Fabric puff paints also work and add a bit of texture to the tie. Slytherin Robe A Slytherin robe can also be achieved with a black graduation robe. Paint the Harry Potter Slytherin green with fabric paint for an authentic look. Clothing Find a white button-down shirt, a black or gray vest to wear over it, a pair of black slacks, and black dress shoes. Hair Draco wears his platinum blond locks cut straight across his ears. This Harry Potter Slytherin typically known as the "bowl cut" because it can be achieved by sticking a bowl Harry Potter Slytherin the top of your head and cutting around it. For a younger Malfoy look, slick your hair back and to the left side. For an older Malfoy rendition, style your bangs with a little bit of gel to create a slight part at the center of your forehead, and then leave the bangs to hang in your eyes. If you don't have the right hair color, spring for a cheap blonde wig. Wand Follow the directions for Harry Potter's wand to make this Harry Potter Slytherin accessory. Harry Potter Costume. Ron Weasley Costume. Hermione Costume. Draco Malfoy Costume. Read More. The Spruce Crafts uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. By using The Spruce Crafts, Harry Potter Slytherin accept our. Which Harry Potter Character Are You?

Not that Potter pop culture is waning any. Even in the science world, sometimes little nods are taken based on the major impact the books and movies had for an entire generation. Recently, a Potter reference popped up in the world of . It came from researchers who happened to find a new species of in India. These researchers might have grown up with Harry Potter in their young lives. Their naming the Salazar Slytherin gives everyone a chance to see how influential Harry Potter obviously was to a new generation of scientists. A newly discovered species of snake has been named after an Harry Potter Slytherin Harry Potter Wizard. Finding a new species of snake Harry Potter Slytherin already a big deal, if not unusual as more unknown creatures become discovered each year. Naming them after a pop culture character is not out of this world either. Go back in time over the last decade and one can see other species named after Harry Potter creatures more than once. Some good examples include a trapdoor spider named Aragogthe spider owned Harry Potter Slytherin Hagrid. There was even a crab named after Severus Snape. All told, close Harry Potter Slytherin a dozen newly-discovered creatures since the s have Harry Potter names. The Harry Potter Slytherin still considers it unusual, though, hence many outlets not being able to resist covering a snake named Salazar Slytherin. Some might find it amazing a new snake species was never discovered until now with the name of Slytherin. Knowing the origins of this will help understand the name better if one never paid enough attention to the Harry Potter craze. Perhaps the fictional Hogwarts founder would have appreciated the honor. Harry Potter Slytherin Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Helga Hufflepuff are the other three school originator names. Because Salazar had an uncanny ability to talk to snakes, Harry Potter Slytherin enabled the Slytherin Hogwarts house to come into being. Fans of the books and movies already know how villainous some characters are who came out of this part of Hogwarts. Keeping this in mind, the above researchers gave some deep thought before naming the new pit viper snake salazar. According to People. This snake is not one anyone wants to encounter, though. Considering how venomous it reportedly is, even the real Salazar would have trepidation interacting. With India still being a hotbed of new species — including this snake being one of a family of 48 — it seems more Harry Potter names are waiting for future use. There is a dinosaur named after Harry Potter! Yes, many of the kids who grew up reading the Harry Potter books and seeing the movies are now working adults. The above researchers may be of that prime age and maybe not those older who never quite understood the fuss over the books. More scientific discoveries here on earth may get further Potter designations because of this reach. For the sake of science, nobody should complain since it otherwise means using terms nobody would ever recognize. So far, most of the species named Harry Potter Slytherin Harry Potter have been vertebrates and invertebrates. This means mostly lizards, spiders, and even one long-extinct dinosaur. Since Harry Potter had a long list of creatures, this may be only the beginning of Harry Potter Slytherin names. With our seas still largely unexplored, someone might find something down there looking a little too much like a grindylow. Is it a first for a new species being named after a Harry Potter character? How to Make Harry Potter Costumes

Slytherins are often mistaken as the evil Hogwarts house, but that's just not true—ambition, cunning, and resourcefulness are what this Hogwarts house is really known for, and Harry Potter Slytherin Harry Potter fans know that. If you identify as a Slytherin you probably want to show that off proudly in your home, as stylishly as you possibly can. The good news is that's not that difficult. First of all, emerald green is totally in right now. And snakes? It might surprise you how gorgeously glam they can look as a part of your decor, if you find the right items. If The Sorting Hat has placed you in the the house of ambition, turn your home into your own impossibly chic little version of the Slytherin dungeon with Harry Potter Slytherin like velvet green accent chairs, serpent lamps, snakeskin print accents, Harry Potter Slytherin maybe even a snake plant or two. It becomes the perfect accent chair for all you stylish Slytherins out there. Cozy up with this handmade, chunky knit pillow striped with Slytherin's colors, green and silver. Slytherin's house is the serpent, after all. This snake lamp is a s-s-stunning way to show off where your Hogwarts loyalty lies. For a more direct Harry Potter Harry Potter Slytherin, try this instant download print which features the Sorting Hat's quote about Slytherin house. This beautiful woven wall-hanging features your house colors, Harry Potter Slytherin silver-gray accents and dark green tassels. If you burn incense at home, this snake-shaped incense holder basically has your name on it. This gorgeous, fluffy faux fur throw blanket is perfect for cozying up on the couch, and the emerald green accents mean it will pair well with the rest of your Slytherin decor. If actual snakes aren't your thing, go for subtlety with a snake plant instead. Bonus points if you plant it in a silver planter. And don't worry if you don't have a green thumb—a fake snake plant will do nicely, too. And last but not least, keep your table free from water rings with these Slytherin- inspired coasters in marbled green and silver. Design Inspiration. Room Ideas. How to Renovate. United States. Type keyword s to search. Harry Potter Slytherin Top Stories. What Is White Flight? Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. Highland Bluff Studio amazon. This content is created and maintained by a third party, and Harry Potter Slytherin onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at piano. More From Accessories.