United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 6,034,316
US00603431.6A UnitedO States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 6,034,316 HOOver (45) Date of Patent: Mar. 7, 2000 54 CONTROLS FOR MUSICAL INSTRUMENT 5,378,850 1/1995 Tumura. SUSTANERS 5,449,858 9/1995 Menning et al.. 5,523,526 6/1996 Shattil. 76 Inventor: Alan Anderson Hoover, 3937 5,585,588 12/1996 Tumura. Cranbrook Dr., Indianapolis, Ind. 46240 OTHER PUBLICATIONS 21 Appl. No.: 09/258,251 NAMM Statistical Review of U.S. Music Products Industry, 1-1. 1998 National ASSociation of Music Merchants Publication, 22 Filed: Feb. 25, 1999 Carlsbad, CA. (51) Int. Cl." ..................................................... G10H 1/057 52 U.S. Cl. ......................................... 84/738; 84/DIG. 10 (List continued on next page.) 58 Field of Search ................................ 84/738, DIG. 10 Primary Examiner Stanley J. Witkowski 56) References Cited 57 ABSTRACT U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS A Sustainer is provided for prolonging the vibrations of 472,019 3/1892 Omhart. Strings of a Stringed musical instrument. The instrument has 1,002,036 8/1911 Clement. at least one magnetic pickup means responsive to the 1,893,895 6/1933 Hammond. Vibrations of the Strings. The pickup produces an output 2,001,723 5/1935 Hammond. Signal in response to the vibrations of the instrument Strings. 2,600,870 6/1952 Hathaway et al.. At least one control potentiometer provides the capability to 2,672,781 3/1954 Miessner. control at least one parameter of the output Signal. The 3,185,755 5/1965 Williams et al.. Sustainer comprises a String driver transducer capable of E. 8.7 R et al.
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