Iconic Figures of Popular Music: Led Zeppelin Spring 2020 Course no. MUSC 424 Section no. 47256R Units: 2 Time: Wednesdays 10:00-11:50am Room: KDC 241 Course instructor: Bill Biersach Instructor’s office: MUS 316 Instructor’s office hours: MW 9 – 9:30 am, 12 – 1 pm Office phone: (213) 740-7416 Instructor’s email:
[email protected] Course Strategy The class will divide into small groups who will review and present the musical material, album by album, according to guidelines of their choosing. They will also lead the discussions on the readings. This is very much a student-directed class, the professor acting as guide rather than lecturer. Grades Grades will be based on the following: Weekly assignments (written discussion points based on reading assignments) 25 Points Oral presentations (album reviews) 25 Points Three essay exams 25 Points Participation (attendance and class engagement) 25 Points Scores for course grade will be tabulated as follows: Texts Required (available in paperback or Kindle format): Cole, Richard Stairway to Heaven: Led Zeppelin Uncensored Dey St. (An Imprint of William Morrow Publishers), It Books; Reprint Edition, 2002 ISBN-13: 978-0060938376 Kindle: Harper Collins e-books; Reprint edition, 2009 ASIN: B000TG1X70 Davis, Stephen Hammer of the Gods: The Led Zeppelin Saga Dey St. (An Imprint of William Morrow Publishers), It Books; Reprint Edition, 2008 ISBN: 978-0-06-147308-1 pk. Led Zeppelin Spring 2020 Schedule of Discussion Topics and Reading Assignments WEEK ALBUM DATE Stephen Davis Richard Cole Hammer of Stairway to Heaven: the Gods Led Zep Uncensored 1. Preliminaries Jan.