Check list for site inspection by the DFO/CF for 765KV D/C Hexa - Transmission Line Division-Barwah :Range-Balwara & Katkut Compartment No. 112,120,121,122,124,125,126,127,128,153 .-

Site Inspection Report S.No Particulars Inspection Report By DFO(TI I Extent is hectares: 40.223 Hectares 2 Location(Latitude-Longitude) of the forest land Sheet Attached proposed for diversion. 3 Legal status of the forest land (Protected forest, RF-112,1 20, 121,122,124,125,1 26,127,128, 153 Reserve forest, Revenue forest lands or any other forest land). 4- Demarcation of the area with temporary cairns etc. Area is Demarcated 5 Any signs of encroachment. NIL 6 Any activity already taken up within the forest land or NIL adjoining non-forest land as part of the proposed project by the user agency. Details of action taken against the User Agency in case of violation of the PC Act and guidelines there under. 7 Status of vegetation. Site Quality, Species composition VA, VB/0.4-0.6 density with species like etc. Sagon,Palas,Anajan,Amaltas,Chirol,Mahua etc. 8 Importance of area from wildlife point of view. Status Not any endangered flora & fauna found in the of wildlife( density and abundance of important proposed area. species, bird life, reptiles,butterflies and other scheduled animals.any endangered wild life). Any latest census of wildlife in this area. 9 Endemism of flora/fauna or any other unique NIL ecosystem in the area. 10 Current land this area managed as per The Compartments 112,120,121~122,124, 125, prescriptions in the Working Plan and,ifnot, why? 126,127,128,153 are in Improvement Working circle (lWC) I I Importance of the area from historical or religious NIL point of view. 12 Any displacement persons/families on this land. NIL 13 Any displacement of persons proposed. NIL 14 Is there any Rehabilitation and Resettlement Plan for the persons to affected? Is there any dissenting voice NIL among the persons proposed to be displaced? 15 Compensatory Afforestation proposed is on forest CA on Double degraded land in Balwada and land or non-forest land. Sanwad Range, Barwah Division under Location of this area,suitability of the area CA. If in District. the degraded forest land, then what is the current S.No. Range Village Compo Area Working Plan prescription for the area? Distance of I Balwara Ramthan 88 40.000 the non-forest land for CA from the nearest forest hac. area.Number of patches in case the area should be 2 Sanwad Badud 290 41.000 more than to kms. hac 16 Proposed area should not be part of any protected It is not a part of any protected area. area. Also, distance from the boundary of the nearest protected area should be more than 10 kms. J7 Dependence oftribals in the area. Whether the rights Yes Khargone Collector Certificate No. 197 of the tribals have been recognized in this area. dated 11.01.2017 under FRA2006 has been attached.

~ D.F.O. 18 Utilities of the project, including the people Hving in This project has been conceived to cater 1320 vicinity of the project. MW power Transmission for 24 hours and wil generate employment to local people during different phases of execution of project and its Operation & Maintenance. The said Project will be used for energisation of NT PC TPP )320 MW at Selda under . 19 In case of renewal whether all the conditions NA stipulated in the earlier sanction order have been complied with - 20 Alternatives examined by the user agency in the case Two alternate routes has been examined and it of non-site specific projects. is found that the proposed (III route) is shortest and most suitable for the project 21 A certificate by the user agency that the forest land Sheet Attached requested for diversion for non-forestry purpose is bare minimum. 22 Any scope of saving tree growth while ensuring that The trees falling under sag and swing condition the purpose for which the forest land is being diverted of the conducter are needed to be felled. Also is also not adversely affected. hilly areas where adequate clearance is available does not need to be felled. 23 Any other issue of significance Nil 24 Specific recommendation of the DFO with reasons for This project will be used for energisation of approval of the project. NTPC TPP 1320 MW at Selda under Khargone District. It will form an integral part of Western Region System Strengthening. Since the proposed Transmission Line bare minimum forest land. The Route alignment of the Proposed line affects minimum trees. There will be generation of employment during the project Execution & Maintenance. So, the project is being forwarded with Recommendation for further process.

Divisional Forest Officer Barwah (T) Division

Place: Sa. ~I.\lc:\.k., /<..c.! kLct .

Date: 16- 04- 201-1 17-0 lj-2o)'f J The proposed area was personally inspected in the presence ofD.F.O. Barwaha and verified status on ground. The proposed diversion is recommended for the project as·per Govt. of Rules/norms.

Date- 17.05.2017 H.•.•'U.•.a.) Chief Conservat of Forest Khandwa Circle, Khandwa