(Excluding Reviews of Individual Books and Conference Papers) 1. Bristol
Thesis, book, and other publications (excluding reviews of individual books and conference papers) 1. Bristol society in the later eighteenth century with special reference to the handling by computer of fragmentary historical sources, University of Oxford D.Phil. thesis, 1985. 2. (with R.J.P. Kain) The cadastral map in the service of the state: a history of property mapping, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1992. Winner of the 1992 Nebenzahl prize. 3. Economy and society in eighteenth-century English towns: Bristol in the 1770s, in Urban historical geography: recent progress in Britain and Germany, ed. D. Denecke and G. Shaw, Cambridge Studies in Historical Geography 10, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1988: 109–24. 4. Assessed taxes as a source for the study of urban wealth: Bristol in the later eighteenth century, Urban History Yearbook 1988: 31–48. 5. Work, family and household: women in nineteenth-century Vadstena, Geografiska Annaler series B 70,3, 1988: 335–55. 6. Swedish cadastral mapping 1628–1700: a neglected legacy, Geographical Journal 156,1, 1990: 62–9. 7. Nationalism in the USSR: focus on Estonia, Geography Review 4,4, 1991: 20-3. 8. Question and answer (critical guide to essay writing), Geography Review 4,2, 1990: 17–19. 9. Question and answer, Geography Review 4,4, 1991: 17–19. 10. Question and answer, Geography Review 5,2, 1991:18–19. 11. Question and answer, Geography Review 5,4, 1992: 19-21. 12. Question and answer, Geography Review 6,1, 1992: 9–11. 13. Question and answer, Geography Review 6,5, 1993: 9–11. 14.
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