JoTT NOTE 3(11): 2217–2220 A note on the first registered Mollusca is notified as Designated National in the National Zoological Collections Repository for Zoological Collec- at the Zoological Survey of India tions (NZC) of India. The NZC housed at ZSI now contains more Basudev Tripathy 1 & R. Venkitesan 2 than 30,00,000 authentically identified specimens 1&2 Malacology Division, Zoological Survey of India, Prani Vig- comprising over 90,000 known species of animals yan Bhawan, 535, M-Block, New Alipore, Kolkata, West Bengal (Ramakrishna & Alfred 2007). The NZC present in 700 053, India Email: 1
[email protected] (corresponding author), different sections of ZSI was acquired from the Mu- 2
[email protected] seum of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, the Zoological section of the Indian Museum, and collections through various surveys till now which started in the early part Natural history museums have long been recog- of 19th century. nized as centres for systematic and biological research. Many distinguished naturalists such as John Mc- Museum collections are also important reference sys- Clelland, Edward Blyth, W. Blanford, H. Blanford, T. tems for the study of the diversity of living organisms. Cantor, Francis Day, H.H. Godwin Austen, T. Hard- The voucher specimens collected during various fau- wicke, B. Hodgson, G. Nevill, H. Nevill, F. Stoliczka, nistic field surveys and explorations, preserved and W.M. Sykes, W. Theobald, S.R. Tickell, J. Anderson deposited in natural history museums help in recog- and H. Wood-Mason significantly contributed in docu- nizing multiple species in a complex of closely related menting the fauna of the Indian subcontinent in the species, variation in traits of populations that affect early years of the 19th and 20th centuries.