Ithin 12 Mil Cussion Meeting Tonight at 8 in Mrs

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Ithin 12 Mil Cussion Meeting Tonight at 8 in Mrs V- r ( I \ / MONDAY, MAY *0, 1940 T Fa GB rO U S T B W S h a u tin itt Evratno S m ik Average Daily Circulation Rev. Karl Richter of this town Captain James H. McVeigh of ■th* men of Sunset Rebekah Gibbou Assembly, Catholic Vtdnnteer Red Croa* workers Group 4 of Center church wom­ Kcir the .VIontb of April. IS40 The Weather and Rev. Karl Otto-Klette of Rock­ Oxford street who underwent'an lodge will be in charge of the Ladles of Columbus, w|ll bold its ar* rsmlttded of th* knitting sea- en wUI meet Tuesday, May 28. Forecast of U. 8.. Weatimr Bnreaa About Town' ville are representing the, Concor­ operation last wee kat th* U. 8. program and refresh menta follow­ regular'tnisineaa meeting tomor­ sloan tomorrow morning from 10 with Ml*. Fred Moore of 10 J4an dia Lutheran church and the First Veterans Hospital In Newington, ing tha regular meeting of the row evening In the K. of C. Home. to 12 and afternoon from 1 to S at Road, for a Pot Luck aupper. In­ 6,393 Ckmdy toalght and Wednesday: stead of tomorrow evening, a. magnetos Lutheran church respectively, at la getting along as wrell as can be lodge tpnight at 8 o'clock dbarp In Cards and a aoetal tint#' will fol­ tha TJf.CJtM and th* sswiag meet Member of the Aodit OMSudoiml shower*. UtUa chaage The Mother*' Orel* of the Bacred the 12th annual conve.ntlon of the expected, but will bp unable to Odd Fellows hall. low, with refreshment# in charge at the aame hours and place, Wed­ ateted la the church calendar. in iemperatura. Heart, the newly formed Catholic return home for two weeks or Bureau of ClrealatiMn Track Tractor and United !.iUtheran Synod at S t of Mrs. Henry Mutiie and her nesday. study group, will hold Its first John’s church, New Xork, May more. Flowarn, earda and other mea- committee. A number of the local Manche$ter-—A City of Village Charm Stationai^ Engide regular meeting this eveiitn* at 20-23. Delegates will attend from sagea of congratulation and well members attended the bowling Tha monthly meeting of the ----------------- ■. --------------- 8 o'clock at the home of Mila Kd- churches throughoiit New Fngland, All groups of ths-/Wesleyan wlahea weer received Saturday toumamenb Saturday at New Daughter* of Liberty, No. 129, (Ut Advsrtisiug OB Saga It ) Bfafnelos Repaired— ] ward C. Lynch, 2.15 Vernon s t w t New York state and New Jersey, Guild will meet at £h* South Mrs. Emma Cull of the Johnaon Have* Assembly as hostcfs, and Ladies IntemationsJ ..Orange As- Roofing & Siding VOL. L lX „ NO. 198 MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESD.\Y/lilAY 21, 1940 (TWELVE PAGESy PRICE THREE CENTS Methodist church this evening at Block on tha occasion of her 8Stb th* New London Assembly cap­ Oar Specialty t o gkp9 0 stroll! tpark Beverly, eight-yesr-old' daugh­ The , Manchester democratic 7:45^ for the annual business ses­ birthday, and ahe was alsd pless- turing the cup. aociation, will be held tomorrow ter of Mr. and Mrs.^^mard Bur- caucus will be held tonight .at 8 sion. The members of the execu­ antly surprised when a group of evening at 8 o’clock in' Orsaga tive board will furnish tbs pro-, fiienda dropped in during the af­ There will be a distribution of hall. A Maybasket aoclal wlU foh A. A. Dion, Inc. Exchange Magnetoc* sack of Moorri street," Is making in the'hall of the'H.olHster' street oatisfactory progress a?ter her re­ school. Members of the town com­ gram and refreshments, and[ a ternoon for an Informal party In federal commodities Friday of thla low the meeting, in charge of Mrs. SlWcl^sSt. Tel 4860 for the proper type*. cent operation for appradicitls. mittee will be chosen as'well as large turnout from all the groups honor of the anniversary. week It was announced today. Jane Irwin and her oonunlttee. 18 delegates to the state conven­ 1s hoped for. -r , ^ ’ The Manchester Toung Repub­ tion. lican club will hold a general dis­ Center Church rrbfessional Women's club will meet tomorrow ithin 12 Mil cussion meeting tonight at 8 In Mrs. Nathan Bebats of Hartford NORTON the V, M. C. A. All members are will review the book, "Native Son evening at the church, with Misa asked to be present as the first by Richard Wright, at the home Bertha Goodrich and Mias Flor­ ELECTRICAL action of the coming political of Mrs Julius Fradin, 04 Hamlin ence Hopkins as hostesses. The ' campaign will be outlined. guest speaker will be U n . Rlln- I T f Instrument Co, street. Wednesday afternoon at heth Norton, whose topic will be Hundreds of pairs! California Earthquake Kills ^wit. Injures Scores 1:30, for the benefit of the Sister­ ■'Photography." '' PHONE 4060 The Hustlers group of the Wes­ hood of Temple BetlKShrilbm. Re Navy Se leyan tliillfl will have sn sl.l-dsy frejihments will be /erved- and the 1'Make Lightning Move; HIIHard 8t. Manchester | meeting tomorrow'at theie-South members may p l^ th e ir favorite The Just ,Us club wilt meet to-1 Methodist church. games. mf^row evening wittr Mrs. Jesse Priscilla Ruffled Curtains Davis at the Y. M. C.'A. On Dv fense Jobs; AUCE tXlFIt Cottage Sets and (Known A* (facM AUoe) French Give Up Laon; HALE'S SELF SERVE Tiiesday HPIRITU AL^IMEUIUM The Original In New England! ' Heventb D a ogb ^ of a Seventh Son Tailored Curtains ^ Will Add Workers E o r n ^ lb A VeU Keadinge pdlly 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. and Health Market Specials Or By ^pylnlm ent In the Sendee 17 Styles of PristHllli Ruffled Additional /Shifts and Postpones Wedding Week; oMIm People fur 80 Veare. 30 Styles Cottage^ets Increase / in Qvilian I Fiance Crushed to Death Resistance Is Furious DOUBLE ^.rfC GREEN iSTAMPS filV E N WITH CAS^t SAI.EH TUESDAY! l7IX;hurrh Street, Hartford, Coaa. Phone 6-2287. 11 Styles Taiio Sliipbuiluing Forces by ' Gardiner. Mont., May 21.— ' ' "f (yP;—A tooth ulcer caused Mrs. Hale’s ‘ / Regalar Valaes $1.19 to At i W t 15,000 With-! Anamae Scott to postpone hcc. French Straighten Out ! Communist Suggests Gcniians Report TaJuUg 11.39 Pair wedding day for a week until Southern«End of Line Churchill Be Replaced of Abbeville, Amiens 2 loaves I t * in Sy^lonths; Will A f-! next Saturday—but that waa QUALITY BREAD / feet/ All Navy Yanis.'! too long. Around Nazi ‘'Bulge* in London, May 21.—(AT—Wil­ . and Arras in Drive to liam Callacher, only Commu­ Large Size Curtains for every room « John Jones, her 24,-ycar-old / , . f flhnce, was enished to dea)h France; Paris Press nist member, of the House o( Coast, Crushing; of in the house. Exceptional Washinkion, May 21.— j Commons, . suggested today Sunday In a mine at Silver Coifinieiitators Hint ln- Franceses Ninth Army«, values. ( ^ ) — All Navy establish-1 a ty . Ncv. that the opposition should re­ JELLY DOUGHNUTS (lents were ordered todays by i ^ iative May Pass to Al- place the Churchill government Elimination of Last A Few of the Many Values In order to "extricate the peo­ ^ewis Compton, acting secre­ liefl Side Any Day; Sit­ ple from the tragedy they are lied Resistance in Reth* Regular $1.39 FineQuaiity Pussywillow Dot Priscilla Rtiffled tary, to speed up defense In." Chase jBanboyii Cott^ !•> preparations by working ad­ Urge's Removal uation Still Confiisetl. He was greeted with ahoiita el and Capture of Foil, J Regular $1.19 Fine Quality Extra Wide 46” Pin Dot Pris­ ditional shifts and by increas­ of "Fifth column" and "You cilla Ruffled. ought to be locked up." ing civilian shipbuilding O f Cost Limit Bulletin! Beriini, May 21.— (A P )-^ v Regular $1.19 Extra Wide 44” Cushion Dot Priscilla Ruifled forcc.s by at least 15,000 Paris. May . 21.— (A P j— ^ n a lightning break througlu ' SALADA TEA * 4 ib S8« Regular $1.19 Novelty Marquisette Priscilla Ruffled within three months. Comp­ Small detachments of Ger­ the Nazis declared today that man motorcyrie troops have they had stormed to within^ Campbell's / / / mmg ton sent a letter to the com­ On W ^A Jobs ifere ia a view of the main street o^mperlal, Calif., showing* how some of the town’s buildings British Lose Safe — Dependable — mandants of all Naval dis­ were flattened by the earthquake which/atruck the ngrirulturally rich Imperial Valley, killing eight penetrated in the outskirts of 12 miles of the E n gli^ chan* nel while their vanguards <r Economical! Chintz tricts, yards and stations, all persons. Injuring acorea.of others and/(uiuslng 22.500‘.VH) property damage. The valley fkced a new the Abbeville region, near the TOMATO SOUP \ S «n, 25< ■ / Roosew U Conteiuls Ad­ threat of a water shortage for Its omy water source, the Imperial .Irrigation District canal, waa replorted Inglish channel, a French 2 Ships^ Fear the southern front pushfl bureaus and offices of the to be pouring through half a docen great cracks boiow the border where it swings through Mexico. Chargeft— Navy Department and to vocates of Limitation spokesman admitted tonight. 'Within sight of the Eiffel ^ l-Poand Can Herahey / / / / . ■ ' 3% of headquarters of the Marine er in Paris. Bar Harbor Sets Desire Return J o Era Parifl. May 21.— <AP) — Nazi Invasion The Germana rsportad Customer’s Valuation Corps. succesaas: \ Smart floral patterns in bright colored chlntx, Ctiahlon Of Boondoggling Now 'he French anhounced with­ CHOCOLA^^ SYRUP The proposed increase of 15,000 Telephone Gall 1.
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