STAATSKOERANT, 31 MAART 2015 No. 38600 5


NOTICE 255 OF 2015




I, Bomo Edith Edna Molewa, Minister of Environmental Affairs, hereby give notice of my intention, under section 97 (1)(b)(ii);(iii);(v);(viii);(ix);(f); (g) and (h), read with section 100 of the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 (Act No. 10 of 2004), to make regulations relating to listed threatened or protected species, set out in the Schedule hereto.

Members of the public are invited to submit to the Minister, within 30 (thirty) days after the publication of this notice in the Gazette, written comments or inputs to the following addresses: -

By post to: The Director-General Department of Environmental Affairs Attention: Mr Thomas Mbedzi Private Bag X447 PRETORIA 0001

By hand at: Environmental House, 473 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083.

By e-mail:

Any enquiries in connection with the notice can be directed to Mr Thomas Mbedzi at 012 - 399 9605.

Comments received after the closing date may not be considered.


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1. General definitions applicable to listed threatened or protected terrestrial species, fresh water fish

species and marine species

2. Purpose and application of these Regulations

3. Activities prescribed as restricted activities



Part 1 Applications for permits

4. , Carrying out of a restricted activity

5. Permits

6. Ordinary permits

7. Standing permits

Part 2 Permit application procedure

8. Application for a permit

9. Submission of permit applications

10. Additional information required for certain applications

11. Restricted activities requiring the collection of DNA samples for genotyping

12. Restricted activities requiring a risk assessment

13. Risk assessment report

14. General requirements applicable to the person who will be carrying out a risk assessment

15. Disqualification of the risk assessment report

16. Assessment of risks

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Part 3 Consideration of permit applications

17. Timeframes for issuing authorities

18. Factors to be taken into account by issuing authorities when considering permit applications

19. Additional factors to be taken into account by issuing authorities when considering applications for

hunting permits

20. Circumstances in which permits must be refused

Part 4 Issuing of permits

21. Decision on permit applications

22. Contents of permits

23. Compulsory permit conditions applicable to the holder of a permit

24. Compulsory conditions applicable to captive breeding facilities,rehabilitationfacilities, temporary

translocation facilities, game farms or commercial exhibition facilities

25. Compulsory conditions applicable to sanctuaries

26. Compulsory conditions applicable to scientific institutions

27. Compulsory conditions applicable to extensive wildlife systems and semi-extensive wildlife systems

28. Validity of permits

29. Period of validity of permits

Part 5 Elephant ivory and rhinoceros horn

30. Requirements for permits authorizing possession of elephant ivory

31. Requirements for permits authorizing possession of rhinoceros horn

32. Additional requirements involving rhinoceros and rhinoceros horn

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Part 1 Registration of persons or facilities

33. Compulsory registration of captive breeding facilities, rehabilitation facilities, sanctuaries, temporary

translocation facilities, scientific institutions, commercial exhibition facilities, nurseries, game farms,

wildlife traders, taxidermists, wildlife translocators and freight agents

34. Voluntary registration of game farms

35. Issuing authorities for registration of persons or facilities

36. Application for registration

37. Submission of applications for registration

38. Additional information required for the registration of a captive breeding facility

39. Additional information required for the registration of a sanctuary, rehabilitation facility, temporary

translocation facility or commercial exhibition facility

40. Additional information required for the registration of a nursery

41. Additional information required for the registration as a wildlife trader, taxidermist or freight agent

42. Additional information required for the registration as a wildlife translocator

43. Additional information required for the registration as a scientific institution

44. Additional information required for the registration of a game farm

45. Additional information required by the issuing authority

Part 2 Consideration of registration applications

46. Time frames for issuing authorities

47. Factors to be taken into account by issuing authorities when considering registration applications

48. Circumstances in which registration must be refused

Part 3 Issuing of registration certificates

49. Decision on applications for registration

50. Contents of registration certificates

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51. Compulsory conditions to be included on a registration certificate

52. Validity of registration certificates

53. Period of validity of registration certificates



54. Duties of permit holders

55. Duties of holders of registration certificates



Part 1 Renewal and amendment of permits and registration certificates

56. Renewal of permits

57. Consideration of and decision on renewal of permit applications

58. Amendment of permits or registration certificates

59. Applications for amendment by holders of permits or registration certificates

60. Consideration of and decision on applications for amendment

61. Amendment of permits or registration certificates on initiative of issuing authorities

Part 2 Cancellation of permits and registration certificates

62. Cancellation of permits or registration certificates

63. Cancelled permits and registration certificates to be returned to issuing authorities

64. Permits or registration certificates may not be transferred

65. Lost or stolen permits or registration certificates

Part 3 Reporting on permits by Issuing Authorities

66. Register to be established and maintained by issuing authorities

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67. Recognition of associations or organizations

68. Codes of responsible conduct and good practice

69. Withdrawal of recognition of associations or organizations



70. Conveyance, movement or translocation of a listed threatened or protected species prohibited

under certain circumstances

71. Hunting of a listed threatened or protected species prohibited under certain circumstances

72. Catching of a listed threatened or protected species prohibited under certain circumstances

73. General circumstances relating to the prohibition to import, export, re-export or introduce from the sea a

listed threatened or protected species

74. Specific circumstances relating to the prohibition to possess and trade in listed protected species that

are also included in Appendix 1 of CITES




75. Culling of listed threatened or protected species

76. Darting of listed threatened or protected species

77. Conveyance, movement or translocation of live listed threatened or protected animal species

78. Angling and keeping of listed threatened or protected fish species

79. Hunting of listed threatened or protected species

80. Hunting of black rhinoceros (Diceros bicomis) or white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum)

81. Selling of live black rhinoceros (Diceros bicomis) or white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum)

82. Regulation of restricted activities involving African elephant (Loxodonta africana)

83. Regulation of restricted activities involving listed threatened or protected fish species

84. Regulation of restricted activities involving specimens of listed threatened or protected species in

respect of semi-extensive wildlife systems


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85. Duty of care

86. Management measures



Part 1

Establishment, composition and operating procedures

87. Establishment of the Scientific Authority

88. Composition of the Scientific Authority

89. Chairperson and deputy chairperson

90. Term of office

91. Removal from office

92. Filling of vacancies

93. Meetings of the Scientific Authority

94. Expert advisors

95. Participation in meetings by way of electronic or other media

96. Procedures

97. Quorum and decisions

Part 2 Setting of annual off-take limits

98. Setting of annual off-take limits

Part 3 Non-detriment findings

99. Provisions included in non-detriment findings

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100. Specific definitions applicable to listed threatened or protected marine species

101. Activities prescribed as restricted activities

102. Permits

103. General provisions applicable to specimens of listed threatened or protected marine species

104. Scientific institutions and research activities

105. Boat-based whale and dolphin watching permits

106. White shark cage diving permits

107. Permit applications

108. Time frames for issuing authorities

109. Additional factors to be taken into account by the issuing authority when considering applications for

boat-based whale and dolphin watching permits and applications for white shark cage diving permits

110. Circumstances in which permits must be refused

111. Compulsory permit conditions applicable to the holder of a boat-based whale and dolphin watching

permit or a white shark cage diving permit

112. Compulsory permit conditions applicable to captive breeding facilities or commercial exhibition facilities

113. Period of validity of a boat-based whale and dolphin watching permit or a white shark cage diving permit

114. Renewal of a boat-based whale and dolphin watching permit or a white shark cage diving permit

115. Specific restricted activities by commercial exhibition facilities or rehabilitation facilities involving a listed

threatened or protected marine species prohibited under certain circumstances

116. Regulation of restricted activities involving boat-based whale and dolphin watching and white shark

cage diving

117. Regulation of restricted activities involving listed threatened or protected marine species

118. Catching, releasing and killing of listed threatened or protected marine species

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119. Continuation of restricted activities carried out, and permits and registration certificates issued, under

the previous Regulations

120. Pending applications for permits, registration certificates and appeals

121. Criminal prosecution in terms of the previous Regulations



122. Offences

123. Penalties

124. Repeal of the previous Regulations

125. Short title and commencement of these Regulations

Annexure 1- Permit application form Annexure 2 - Applications for renewal of permits; applications for amendment of permits or registrations Annexure 3 - Processing fees Annexure 4 - Ordinary permit Annexure 5 - Standing permit Annexure 6 - Areas, and number of permits per area, for boat-based whale and dolphin watching operations Annexure 7 - Areas, and number of permits per area, for white shark cage diving operations






General definitions applicable to listed threatened or protected terrestrial species, fresh water fish species and marine species

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1. (1) In these Regulations, unless the context indicates otherwise, a word or expression or any derivative or other grammatical form of such word or expression to which a meaning has been assigned in subregulation (1) or in the Biodiversity Act, has the corresponding meaning, unless the context indicates otherwise, and-

"air gun" means-

a) a device designed to discharge a projectile or pellet by means of compressed gas, and not a burning

propellant; and

b) which is used for the purpose of hunting a specimen of a listed threatened or protected species;

"angling" means the catching of a specimen of a listed threatened or protected fish species in an aquatic

system by means of a line and hook, whether or not any rod, bait or fishing lure is used, or by means of a set line, and includes any such attempt or assistance, but excludes the catching of such specimen by jigging or

snatching it;

"applicable provincial legislation" means legislation in terms of which biodiversity matters are regulated in a


"applicable legal requirements" mean-

(a) any legal requirement or instrument contemplated in the Biodiversity Act; and

(b) any legal requirement contemplated in applicable provincial legislation;

"applicant" means a person who has applied for a permit or for registration in accordance with the provisions of

these Regulations;

"aquatic system" means any area associated with rivers, streams, vleis, sponges, creeks, lakes, pans, or any

other natural or man-made water impoundment;

"arrow" means a projectile launched by a bow of any description or by any other device capable of discharging

such projectile;

"artificially propagated" means a listed threatened or protected species that is grown under controlled

conditions, from seeds, cuttings, divisions, callus tissues or other plant tissues, spores or other propagules that

have been derived from cultivated parental stocks;

"bait" means any natural or artificial bait, excluding a fishing lure used to catch fish;

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"Biodiversity Act" means the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 (Act No. 10 of 2004), including any amendment thereof;

"bow" means an instrument consisting of a body and string designed to launch and propel an arrow;

"bred in captivity" means a specimen that was bred and born in a controlled environment;

"business" means an enterprise, whether registered as a company or closed corporation or not, that is conducted by a person as the primary source of income;

"cage trap" means a cage with a trap door or doors, and may have a trigger that causes the door to shut,which is used to capture and restrain a live specimen of a listed threatened or protected animals species in order to prevent it from escaping;

"captive breeding facility" means a facility where a specimen of a listed threatened or protected animal species is bred and born in a controlled environment;

"CAS number" means the number allocated to a case docket when a criminal investigation is registered with the South African Police Services;

"catch or capture" means to employ any means, method or device to- a) take, gain control over, or to secure possession of; b) attempt to take, gain control over, or to secure possession of; or c) search for, pursue, drive, lie in wait for, lure or allure, discharging a missile or injuring with the intent to

catch; irrespective of whether such control or possession is intended to be temporary or permanent, and irrespective of whether such control or possession is with the intent to kill such specimen or not, but excludes angling;

"certificate of adequate enclosure" means a document issued in terms of applicable provincial legislation in relation to land that has been fenced in such a manner that such fence would readily prevent specimens of listed threatened or protected species listed in such document, from escaping from such land;

"CITES" means the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora;

"CITES Regulations" mean the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and

Flora Regulations, developed in terms of section 97 of the Biodiversity Act;

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"commercial exhibition facility" means a facility, including but not limited to, a circus, zoological garden,

aquarium and travelling exhibition, that keeps specimens of listed threatened or protected species for display or performance purposes, or for the purpose of facilitating any kind of interaction between humans and live

specimens of such listed species for commercial purposes;

"commercial purposes" mean carrying out a restricted activity with the primary purpose of obtaining economic

benefit, including profit in cash or in kind, and is directed towards exchange for economic use or benefit, or any

other form of economic use or benefit;

"conservation purposes" mean carrying out a restricted activity, including the collection of such specimen from

the wild, with the primary purpose of ensuring the survival of such specimen in the wild, in accordance with a-

a) conservation strategy or research program approved by the issuing authority; or

b) Biodiversity Management Plan;

"controlled conditions" mean the conditions in an artificial or a non-natural environment that is intensively manipulated through human intervention for the purpose of growing or producing a specimen of a listed

threatened or protected plant species;

"controlled environment" means an enclosure that is of insufficient size for the management of self-sustaining

populations of listed threatened or protected species, and designed to hold the specimens in such population in a manner that-

(a) prevents them from escaping; and

(b) facilitates intensive human intervention or manipulation in the form of the provision of-

(i) food or water, or both;

(ii) artificial housing; or

(iii) health care;

and may facilitate the intensive breeding or propagation of specimens of a listed threatened or protected species;

"coup-de-grace" means a final shot, or a shot of mercy, given to kill a specimen of a listed threatened or

protected animal species that has been wounded during a hunt;

"culling" means the killing of a specific number of specimens of a listed threatened or protected species within a protected area, extensive wildlife system, semi-extensive wildlife system or on communal land as part of a

controlled operation, in order to manage such specimens within the protected area, extensive wildlife system,

semi-extensive wildlife system or on communal land in accordance with the management plan of such protected

area, extensive wildlife system, semi-extensive wildlife system or communal land;

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"cultivated parental stock" means listed threatened or protected plant species legally obtained and grown

under controlled conditions and used for reproduction, multiplication or propagation;

"damage-causing animal" means an individual specimen or group of specimens, as the case may be, of a

listed threatened or protected animal species that, when in conflict with human activities, there is proof that it-

(a) causes excessive loss to stock or to wild animals;

(b) causes damage that has a substantial detrimental effect on cultivated trees, crops or other property; or

(c) presents an imminent threat to human life;

"darting" means to shoot a live specimen of a listed threatened or protected animal species with a projectile

loaded with a tranquillizing,narcotic,immobilizing, or similar agent, with the purpose of restraining or

anaesthetizing such specimen;

"dead" means a deceased specimen of a listed threatened or protected species that is no longer capable of

propagating, reproducing, multiplying, or transferring genetic material;

"departmental database" means a database developed and maintained by the department for the recording of

information, including in relation to rhinoceros horn and elephant ivory stock piles;

"DNA" means deoxyribonucleic acid, and refers to the molecules that carry the unique genetic information in the

cells of a specific specimen of a listed threatened or protected species;

"DNA certificate" means a certificate issued in relation to the genotyping of a particular specimen of a listed

threatened or protected species;

"DNA sample" means a blood or tissue sample of a specimen of a listed threatened or protected species;

"elderly person" means a person of 65 years or older;

"extensive wildlife system" means a natural environment-

(a) that is of sufficient size for the management of free roaming populations of listed threatened or

protected species, irrespective of whether it is fenced or not;

(b) that meets the ecological requirements of the populations of listed threatened or protected species

occurring on such land; and

(c) where no or minimal human intervention is required in the form of-

(i) the provision of water;

(ii) the supplementation of food, except in times of drought;

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(iii) the control of parasites or predation; or

(iv) the provision of health care;

"fishing lure" means any artificial object made of plastic, wood, steel, feather, wire or other substance, which is-

(a) designed to attract the attention of a specimen of a fish species as a result of its movement, vibration,

flash, shape, color and scent; and

(b) presented in a manner to entice such specimen into seizing it;

"free roaming populations" mean viable populations of listed threatened or protected species capable of

displaying natural social behavior, while requiring no or minimal human intervention;

"freight agent" means a person who conducts a business relating to the importing, exporting or re-exporting of

specimens of listed threatened or protected species;

"game farm" means an extensive wildlife system or semi-extensive wildlife system on which specimens of a

listed threatened or protected species are kept for commercial utilization;

"game farm hunting permit" means a permit-

(a) issued by the issuing authority and purchased by the owner of a registered game farm in accordance

with the previous Regulations; and

(b) that authorizes any other person to purchase and hunt a specimen of a listed threatened or protected

animal species on such registered game farm, including to convey and possess the dead specimen

subsequent to the hunt during the- validity period of the game farm hunting permit;

"genotyping" means the process of determining or analyzing the DNA profile of a specimen of a listed

threatened or protected species;

"gin trap" means a device designed for the entrapment of a specimen of a listed threatened or protected

species by trapping a leg, limb or any other part of the body through the mechanism of closing jaws, whether with

or without an off-set jaw or padded jaws, and triggered by the animal stepping in or on to the device or touching

the device with any part of its body;

"hunt" means to-

(a) kill, or attempt to kill, such specimen by any means, method or device whatsoever;

(b) search for, lie in wait for, drive, pursue, shoot at, or to discharge any missile at, such specimen with the

intent to kill; or

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(c) lure by any means, method or device whatsoever, such specimen with the intent to kill; in order to obtain the meat for personal consumption, or to obtain the tusk, horn, skin or any other recognizable part of such specimen as a momento of the hunt, but excludes-

(i) the culling of such specimen;

(ii) the killing of such specimen that has become a damage-causing animal; or

(iii) the darting of such specimen;

"hunting client" means a person who is not a citizen of the Republic and also not a resident in the Republic, whether or not he or she pays or rewards a hunting outfitter, directly or indirectly for, or in connection with, the hunting of a specimen of a listed threatened or protected animal species;

"hunting outfitter" means a person who markets, assists with, offers, advertises or organizes the hunting of a specimen of a listed threatened or protected animal species, whether directly or through the use of an agent;

"hybridization" means the cross-breeding of individuals from different-

(a) genera;

(b) species; or

(c) sub-species of the same species;

"introduced population" means a population of a listed threatened or protected species that has been translocated to, and released in, an area that does not fall within the natural distribution range of the translocated species;

"IUCN Red List status" means the of a listed threatened or protected species based on the

IUCN Red List categories and criteria;

"jigging" in relation to a specimen of a listed threatened or protected fish species means the use of line and hooks, by a fast and erratic retrieving action of the hooks through the water with the intention to hook such specimen in any part of its body;

"land owner" means-

(a) the person registered in a deeds registry as the owner of the land;

(b) the bona fide purchaser of land, prior to the registration of the deed of transfer in his name, but after the

contract of sale has been concluded, to the exclusion of the person contemplated in paragraph (a);

(c) the authorised representative of the person contemplated in paragraph (a) or (b);

(d) the person designated in writing as the owner of such land by an association, where the legal title

thereto is vested in an association, whether corporate or non-corporate;

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the management authority of a protected area;

the Minister, MEC for Environmental Affairs or municipality, as the case may be, of state land that is not

a protected area, or the delegated person of the Minister, MEC for Environmental Affairs or municipality; the occupier or lessee of land, in terms of a written agreement with the person contemplated in

paragraph (a), (b), (d) or (f);

the person in whom the administration of such land is vested as executor, trustee, assignee, curator,

liquidator or judicial manager, as the case may be, where the owner as contemplated in paragraph (a)

or (b) is dead or insolvent, or has assigned his/ her estate for the benefit of his/ her creditors or has been placed under curatorship by order of court or is a company being wound up or under judicial


(i) the lawful heir of the person contemplated in paragraph (a) or of the purchaser contemplated in paragraph (b), as the case may be, at the death of such person or purchaser or, where the land is

subject to a usufruct, the usufructuary; or

0) a person or authority in control of communal land;

"listed large predator" means a specimen of any of the following listed threatened or protected species-

(a) African wild dog(Lycaon pictus);

(b) Brown hyaena(Parahyaena brunnea);

(c) Cheetah(Acinonyx jubatus);

(d) Leopard(Panthera pardus);

(e) Lion(Panthera leo); or

(b) Spotted hyaena(Crocuta crocuta);

"management plan" means a-

(a) management plan referred to in section 41 of the National Environmental Management: Protected

Areas Act, 2003 (Act No. 57 of 2003);

(b) biodiversity management plan developed in terms of section 43 of the Biodiversity Act;

(c) management plan developed in terms of any applicable norms and standards; or

(d) management plan developed in terms of applicable provincial legislation;

"management purposes" mean for the purpose of-

(a) translocating;

(b) marking; or

(c) collecting a DNA sample of;

a specimen of a listed threatened or protected species;

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"mark" means an indelible imprint, micro-chip or any other recognized or prescribed means of identifying a specimen of a listed threatened or protected species, designed in such a way as to render the imitation of the mark by unauthorized persons as difficult as possible;

"National Environmental Management Act" means the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act

No. 107 of 1998), including any amendment thereof;

"natural distribution range" means the area in which a specimen of a listed threatened or protected species occurs naturally, or has occurred historically, without having been introduced into such area as a result of human intervention;

"norms and standards" mean any national norms and standards issued in terms of-

(a) section 9 of the Biodiversity Act;

(b) section 11 of the Protected Areas Act; or

(c) to the extent applicable, section 24 of the National Environmental Management Act;

"nursery" means a facility, operated as a business primarily for commercial purposes, where specimens of listed threatened or protected plant species are sold, and may include the cultivation, multiplication, propagation or growing of such specimens;

"nursery possession permit" means a permit-

(a) issued by the issuing authority and purchased by the owner of a registered nursery in accordance with

the previous Regulations; and

(b) that authorizes any other person to purchase a specimen of a listed threatened or protected plant

species from such registered nursery,includingto convey and possess such plant specimen

subsequent to the purchase during the validity period of the nursery possession permit;

"person" means a natural or juristic person;

"personal effects permit" means a permit-

(a) issued by the issuing authority and purchased by a registered wildlife products trader in accordance

with the previous Regulations; and

(b) that authorizes any other person to purchase a dead specimen of a listed threatened or protected

species from such registered wildlife products trader for non-commercial purposes, including to convey

and possess such specimen subsequent to the purchase, or to export such specimen from the Republic

subsequent to the purchase, during the validity period of the personal effects permit;

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"previous Regulations" mean-

(a)the Threatened or Protected Species Regulations, 2007, published in Government Notice No. 152,

Gazette No. 29657 of 23 February 2007, as amended;

(b)Management of Boat Based Whale Watching and Protection of Turtles Regulations, 2008,

published in Government Notice No. 725, Gazette No. 31212 of 4 July 2008; and

(c) Regulations for the Management of White Shark Cage Diving, 2008, published in Government

Notice No. 724, Gazette No. 31211 of 4 July 2008;

"professional hunter" means a person who conducts a hunt, or offers or agrees to escort, guide, assist or

accompany a hunting client in order to enable such hunting client to hunt a specimen of a listed threatened or

protected animal species;

"protected area" has the meaning assigned to it in terms of the Protected Areas Act;

"Protected Areas Act" means the National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act, 2003 (Act No. 57

of 1998), including any amendment thereof;

"protected species" means any species listed as protected in terms of section 56(1)(d) of the Biodiversity Act;

"provincial conservation authority" means the provincial department or provincial organ of state responsible

for the conservation of biodiversity in a province;

"raw elephant ivory" means-

a) a whole uncarved elephant tusk or part of an uncarved elephant tusk, whether polished or unpolished;

b) a whole partially carved elephant tusk or part of a partially carved elephant tusk, whether polished or

unpolished; or

c) a cut piece of an elephant tusk, whether polished or unpolished, in any form whatsoever and howsoever

changed from its original form;

but excludes worked ivory;

"registered" means registered in terms of these Regulations;

"rehabilitation facility" means a facility equipped for the temporary keeping of a live-

a) sick or injured specimen for the purpose of providing treatment of and care to such specimen; or

b) young orphan specimen for rearing purposes; with the overall intent to release such specimen, but excludes a facility that forms part of a veterinarian's


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"release" means to intentionally-

(a) cease exercising physical control over;

(b) cease having in possession; or

(c) set free from its controlled environment; a live specimen of a listed threatened or protected species;

"rhinoceros horn" means the whole rhinoceros horn or any part or cut piece of rhinoceros horn, whether polished or unpolished, in any form whatsoever or howsoever changed from its original form, and includes powdered rhinoceros horn;

"risk assessment" means a risk assessment requested by an issuing authority in terms of section 89 of the

Biodiversity Act;

"SANBI" means the South African National Biodiversity Institute established in terms of section 10 of the

Biodiversity Act;

"sanctuary" means a facility that provides permanent care to a specimen of a listed threatened or protected species that would be unable to sustain itself if released in an extensive wildlife system or semi-extensive wildlife system, whether as a result of injury or on account of human imprinting;

"Scientific Authority" means the Scientific Authority established in terms of section 60 of the Biodiversity Act;

"scientific institution" means-

(a) a component of an organ of state, or a non-governmental institution, involved in research;

(b) a registered research unit, department or faculty of a tertiary institution; or

(c) a herbarium, museum or any other institution where specimens of a listed threatened or protected

species are kept or used for research, scientific information or identification purposes;

"scientific purposes" mean carrying out a restricted activity with the primary purpose of practicing science or conducting research;

"selling" means bartering, or giving or offering in exchange, and buying shall be construed accordingly;

"semi-extensive wildlife system" means an environment that is of sufficient size for the management of self- sustaining populations of listed threatened or protected species, irrespective of whether it is fenced or not, and

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irrespective of whether it meets the ecological requirements of such populations or not, but where human

intervention is required in the form of-

(a) the provision of water;

(b) the supplementation of food, except in times of drought;

(c) the control of parasites or predation; or

(d) the provision of health care;

"snare" means an anchored noose of string, wire, cable or any other material which can be used for capturing or

killing a specimen of a listed threatened or protected animal species;

"stock book" in relation to a specimen of a listed threatened or protected species means a register that indicates the-

(a) quantities of specimens acquired, whether such specimens were born or purchased, or received as a

donation or on loan;

(b) quantities of specimens kept; and

(c) quantities of specimens disposed of, whether such specimens died or were sold, or given as a donation or a loan returned;

"taxidermist" means a person who treats, prepares or mounts a skin, horn or other derivative of a specimen of a listed threatened or protected animal species, or who transforms a skin, horn or other derivative of such

specimen into a curio;

"temporary translocation facility" means a facility equipped for the temporary keeping of live specimens of a

listed threatened or protected animals species for quarantine or translocation purposes, including a boma, with

the overall intent to release such specimens;

"trap" means a cage, net or any other device that is capable of catching or capturing a specimen of a listed

threatened or protected species;

"" means an indigenous species listed as critically endangered, endangered or vulnerable

species in terms of section 56(1)(a), (b) and (c) of the Biodiversity Act;

"tracking" means to search for, follow or pursue a specimen of a listed threatened or protected species;

"trade" means to import into the Republic, export from the Republic, sell, exchange, purchase, receive, accept

as a gift, give, donate, or to acquire or dispose of in any way, a specimen of a listed threatened or protected

species within the Republic;

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"translocation" means the process of capturing a specimen of a listed threatened or protected animal species at a particular location, the conveying or transporting of such specimen and the release of the specimen in another location;

"veterinarian" means a person registered with the South African Veterinary Council to operate as such;

"veterinary purposes" mean for the purpose of-

(a) diagnosis, treatment, prevention of or advice on a disease, physiological or pathological condition;

(b) applying a medical procedure, including a surgical or dental operation or procedure; or

(c) administering medicine;

"wildlife auctioneer" means a person who acts as an agent or who facilitates a commercial transaction between the seller and the purchaser of a specimen of a listed threatened or protected species;

"wildlife trader" means a person who engages in the business of sourcing and acquiring a live specimen of a listed threatened or protected animal species for commercial purposes, and includes a wildlife auctioneer but excludes a-

(a) hunting outfitter;

(b) wildlife translocator; and

(c) commercial exhibition facility;

"wildlife products trader" means a person who engages in the business of sourcing and acquiring a dead specimen of a listed threatened or protected animal species for commercial purposes, but excludes a taxidermist and a wildlife auctioneer;

"wildlife translocator" means a person who translocates a live specimen of a listed threatened or protected animal species for commercial purposes on behalf of another person, and may include the purchasing, selling or temporary possession of such live specimen;

"wild animal" means a specimen of an animal species other than a domestic or stock species;

"wild population" means a group or collection of specimens of the same listed threatened or protected species that lives, grows and multiplies in an extensive wildlife system;

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"worked elephant ivory" in relation to elephant ivory means any item made or manufactured into a form

significantly altered from its original state, and that requires no further carving, crafting, shaping or manufacturing

to effect its purpose, including-

(a) jewelry;

(b) an ornamental item;

(c) an art item;

(d) a utility item;

(e) a musical instrument, and

(f) a whole elephant tusk or part of an elephant tusk, of which the whole surface has been carved; provided that such item is clearly recognizable as such.

Purpose and application of these Regulations

2. (1) The purpose of these Regulations is to-

(a) further regulate the permit system set out in Chapter 7 of the Biodiversity Act insofar that such system

applies to restricted activities involving specimens of listed threatened or protected species;

(b) provide for the registration and regulation of-

(i) captive breeding facilities;

(ii) rehabilitation facilities;

(iii) sanctuaries;

(iv) temporary translocation facilities;

(v) scientific institutions;

(vi) commercial exhibition facilities;

(vii) nurseries;

(viii) game farms;

(ix) wildlife traders;

(x) taxidermists;

(xi) wildlife translocators; and

(xii) freight agents;

(c) regulate the manner in which specific restricted activities may be carried out;

(d) prohibit the manner in which specific restricted activities may be carried out;

(e) provide for the regulation of boat-based whale and dolphin watching, and for white shark cage diving;

provide for the composition and operating procedures of the Scientific Authority;

(g) provide for the recognition of associations.

(2) These Regulations apply to the carrying out of restricted activities involving specimens of terrestrial and

freshwater fish species, and marine species where specifically provided for, that have been listed as

threatened or protected in terms of section 56 of the Biodiversity Act.

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(3) These Regulations must be read in conjunction with the CITES Regulations as far as it relates to the import, export, re-export or introduction from the sea of specimens of listed threatened or protected


(4) These Regulations must be read in conjunction with applicable provincial legislation.

Activities prescribed as restricted activities

3. In addition to those activities defined in terms of section 1 of the Biodiversity Act as restricted activities,

the following activities are hereby prescribed as restricted activities-

(a) darting of a specimen of a listed threatened or protected animal species;

(b) release of a specimen of a listed threatened or protected species; and

(c) angling.



Part 1 Application for permits Carrying out a restricted activity

4. (1) A person may carry out a restricted activity involving a specimen of a listed threatened or protected

species, only if he or she is the holder of a permit issued-

(a) in terms of section 57(1) of the Biodiversity Act;

(b) in accordance with Chapter 7 of the Biodiversity Act, and

(c) in accordance with these Regulations; unless the Minister has exempted the carrying out of such restricted activity involving such specimen in terms of section 57(4) of the Biodiversity Act.

(2) Notwithstanding that-

(a) a person has been granted written permission by the owner-

(i) on whose property the restricted activity will be carried out, or

(ii) of the specimen in respect of which the restricted activity will be carried out; and

(b) the owner contemplated in paragraph (a) is in possession of a permit to carry out such restricted activity

himself or herself; the person contemplated in subregulation (1) nevertheless requires a permit contemplated in subregulation (1).

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5. (1) The carrying out of a restricted activity may be authorised in terms of any of the following types of permits-

(a) an ordinary permit contemplated in regulation 6;

(b) a standing permit contemplated in regulation 7; or

(c) a permit issued to an official of an issuing authority.

(2) The issuing authority may, in accordance with the provisions of section 92(2) and (3) of the Biodiversity

Act, issue an integrated permit ordinary permit or standing permit, as the case may be, if-

(a) the restricted activity to which the permit relates, is regulated in terms of the Biodiversity Act, as well as

in terms of any other law;

(b) the species to which the restricted activity relates, is listed in terms of section 56 of the Biodiversity Act

as a threatened or protected species; and

(c) the issuing authority is authorised to issue a permit in terms of the Biodiversity Act, as well as in terms

of the other law contemplated in subregulation (2)(a).

Ordinary permits

6. (1) An ordinary permit may be issued, subject to the provisions of regulations 28 and 29, for the-

(a) once-off carrying out of a restricted activity, or a combination of restricted activities, involving one or

more specimens of one or more listed threatened or protected species; or

(b) continuous carrying out of a restricted activity, or a combination of restricted activities, for a maximum period of 12 months, involving one or more specimens of one or more listed threatened or protected


(2) A specific kind of ordinary permit, namely a permanent possession permit, may be issued, subject to the

provisions of regulations 28 and 29, to authorize the possession of a specimen of a listed threatened or

protected species that is a personal belonging and that is not intended for commercial use, and may, on

discretion of the issuing authority, include the conveyance of such specimen.

Standing permits

7. (1) Subject to the provisions of regulations 28 and 29, and subregulations (2) and (3) of this regulation, a standing permit may be issued to authorize the continuous carrying out of a restricted activity, or a

combination of restricted activities, involving one or more specimens of one or more listed threatened or

protected species.

(2) A standing permit may be issued, without prior registration, only to-

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(a) an official of an organ of state, for the carrying out of restricted activities in the official performance of his

or her duties, whether on private land or on land under the jurisdiction of such organ of state;

(b) the management authority of a protected area, for the carrying out of restricted activities involving

specimens of listed threatened or protected species within the protected area, that are necessary for the

management of such species in accordance with the approved management plan of such protected


(c) a veterinarian, for darting and any other restricted activities necessary for management purposes; or

(d) an official of the National Council of Societies for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, in the official

performance of his or her duties.

(3) In addition to a standing permit for persons contemplated in subregulation (2), a standing permit involving a specimen of a listed threatened or protected species may be issued for the following facilities

or to the following persons, as the case may be, only upon prior registration-

(a) a captive breeding facility, for the carrying out of restricted activities involving species kept or bred in

that captive breeding facility, that are necessary for the purpose for which that captive breeding facility is


(b) a rehabilitation facility, sanctuary or temporary translocation facility, for the carrying out of restricted

activities involving specimens brought to such rehabilitation facility, sanctuary or temporary translocation

facility, for the purpose for which the rehabilitation facility, sanctuary or temporary translocation facility is


(c) a scientific institution, for the keeping of specimens at such scientific institution, or for the restricted

activities necessary for such scientific institution, to conduct research;

(d) a commercial exhibition facility, for the carrying out of restricted activities involving specimens under the

care of the exhibitor, that are necessary for the purpose for which the commercial exhibition facility is


(e) a nursery, for the carrying out of restricted activities involving specimens, for the purpose to which the

registration relates;

a game farm, for restricted activities involving specimens to which the registration relates;

(g) a wildlife trader, for restricted activities associated with the trading in live specimens;

(h) a taxidermist, for restricted activities associated with the preparation or mounting of specimens;

(I) a wildlife translocator, for restricted activities associated with the translocation of live specimens; or

(i) a freight agent, for restricted activities associated with the importation and exportation of specimens.

(4) A standing permit relating to research may be issued to a registered scientific institution, subject to-

(a) the prior submission of a written project proposal, approved by-

(I) the tertiary institution in conjunction with which the research is conducted; or

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(ii) the relevant issuing authority, in the case where the research is not conducted in conjunction

with a tertiary institution; and

(b) the prior written ethical approval by the tertiary institution contemplated in paragraph (a)(i), if applicable.

Part 2 Permit application procedure

Application for a permit

8. (1) A person may apply for a permit by using an application form-

(a) as set out in Annexure 1 to these Regulations; or

(b) provided by the issuing authority that contains, as a minimum and to the extent applicable, the

information contemplated in Annexure 1.

(2) A person applying for a permit must pay the applicable permit processing fee as set out in Annexure 3

to these Regulations.

(3) Notwithstanding the provision of subregulation (2), payment of the applicable permit processing fee does not apply-

(a) to an organ of state; or

(b) in the case where an integrated permit will be issued, and where a permit processing fee has been paid

in terms of applicable provincial legislation.

(4) An application referred to in subregulation (1) must be accompanied by-

(a) a certified copy of the identity document or passport of the person who will be carrying out the restricted


(b) written consent, if required in terms of regulation 10 of these Regulations;

(c) proof of payment of the-

(i) applicable permit processing fee contemplated in subregulation (2); and

(ii) in the case of an integrated hunting permit, the fee relevant to the hunting of a particular

species, as determined by the issuing authority in terms of applicable provincial legislation;

(d) a risk assessment, if required in terms of regulation 12 of these Regulations;

(e) an assessment of risks, if required in terms of these Regulations;

(f) a list of names of the natural persons who will be carrying out the restricted activities,if the person applying is a juristic person (to the extent possible);

(g) an approved management plan, if required;

(h) in the case of an application for a standing permit, a certified copy of the relevant registration certificate

issued in terms of Chapter 3 of these Regulations;

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(i) in the case of an application for a permit to possess a specimen of a threatened or protected species, proof of legal acquisition.

Submission of permit applications

9. (1) Unless the Minister directs otherwise in the case of a specific application or applications, an application

contemplated in regulation 8 must be submitted to the organ of state as specified in Section 87A of the

Biodiversity Act.

(2) Permit applications may be submitted-

(a) electronically;

(b) by post; or

(c) delivered by hand.

Additional information required for certain applications

10. (1)If the restricted activity applied for, will be carried out on land of which the person who will be the holder

of the permit is not the owner, the applicant must-

(a) in the case of a listed threatened species, obtain the written consent from the owner on whose land the restricted activity will be carried out, and submit such consent together with the application form

contemplated in regulation 8 of these Regulations; and

(b) in the case of a listed protected species, obtain the written consent from the owner on whose land the

restricted activity will be carried out, prior to carrying out of such restricted activity.

(2) If the applicant is a juristic person, the application form contemplated inregulation 8 of these Regulations must be accompanied by the necessary written consent from such juristic person to

authorize the person applying for the permit on behalf of such juristic person.

(3) If the application relates to the hunting of white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum), black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis), African elephant (Loxodonta africana), leopard (Panthera pardus) or lion

(Panthera leo), by a hunting client, the following documentation must be submitted by a hunting client

together with the application form contemplated in regulation 8 of these Regulations-

(a) a certified copy of the passport of the hunting client;

(b) proof of previous hunting experience in the country of usual residence of the hunting client;

(c) proof of previous hunting experience in African species; and

(d) proof of membership of a hunting association recognized by the relevant authority responsible for the

environment in the country of usual residence of the hunting client (if applicable).

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(4) Subregulation (1) does not apply to the management of damage-causing animals by an official of a

provincial conservation authority, if such damage-causing animal poses a threat to human life.

Restricted activities requiring the collection of DNA samples for genotyping

11. (1) In addition to the circumstances contemplated in regulations 27, 32(3), 70(3), 70(4) and 73(5) of these

Regulations, the issuing authority must require the genotyping of a specimen of a listed threatened or

protected species, if so required in terms of a non-detriment finding made by the Scientific Authority.

(2) In addition to the circumstances contemplated in subregulation (1), the issuing authority may, if it deems

necessary, require the genotyping of a specimen of a listed threatened or protected species to be done,

at the cost of the applicant, before a permit is issued.

(3) A copy of the-DNA certificate issued for a specimen that has been subject to genotyping must be made available, upon request, to the relevant issuing authority.

(4) The genotyping contemplated in subregulation (1) must be done by a registered scientific institution.

Restricted activities requiring a risk assessment

12. (1)The issuing authority must, in addition to the information contemplated in regulations 10 and 11 of these

Regulations, andinadditionto the circumstances contemplatedinregulation 57(4)of these

Regulations, require a risk assessment for-

(a) restricted activities involving wild specimens of critically endangered species;

(b) restricted activities carried out in ecosystems listed as threatened in terms of section 52 of the

Biodiversity Act; or

(c) release of a captive-bred or artificial propagated specimen of a listed threatened or protected species

into a national protected area.

(2) Notwithstanding the provision of subregulation (1), a risk assessment is not required for the carrying out of a restricted activity,if such restricted activity is necessary for the conservation of a critically

endangered species, and such restricted activity is carried out by an official of-

(a) South African National Parks;

(b) SANBI;

(c) a provincial conservation authority; or

(d) a protected area of a municipality.

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Risk assessment report

13. (1)The person carrying out a risk assessment contemplated in regulation 12 of these Regulations must

submit a report thereafter to the relevant issuing authority, prior to the consideration of the application.

(2) The risk assessment report contemplated in subregulation (1) must, as a minimum, include the following-

(a) ecological information regarding the relevant listed threatened or protected species, including-

(i) the of the species, including the class, order, family, scientific name, scientific synonyms and common names of the species;

(ii) the national and provincial conservation status of the species, including IUCN Red List Status;

(iii) the population status and trends of the species, including-

(aa) its national population status;

(bb) the size of its local population which will be affected by the restricted activity to which

the application applies; and

(cc) its current national and local population trends;

(iv) the geographic distribution and trends of the species, including-

(aa) the distribution of the natural population;

(bb) the distribution of any translocated and introduced populations; and

(cc) the geographic distribution trends;

(v) the requirements of the species with respect to habitat and climate;

(vi) the role of the species in its ecosystem, taking into account-

(aa) whether the species is a keystone or indicator species;

(bb) the level of the species in the food-chain; and

(cc) the functions that the species performs in its ecosystem; and

(vii) the major threats affecting the species nationally and locally;

(b) information regarding the restricted activity to which the application applies, including-

(i) the nature of the restricted activity;

(ii) the reason for the restricted activity;

(iii) where the restricted activity is to be carried out;

(iv) the gender, age and number of the specimens of the species involved; and

(v) the intended destination of the specimens, if they are to be translocated;

(c) any regulations, policies, norms and standards or international agreements binding on the Republic

which may be applicable to the application;

(d) the potential risks associated with the restricted activity to the particular listed threatened or protected

species and a specific population of such species or to any other species or ecosystems, including-

(i) degradation and fragmentation of the habitat of the species;

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(ii) creation of a significant change in an ecosystem caused by the removal or addition of keystone


(iii) over-exploitation of a species;

(iii) hybridization;

(iv) out-breeding; and

(v) introduction of disease;

(e) evaluation of the risk identified under paragraph (d) in terms of-

(I) the likelihood of the risk being realized; and

(ii) the severity of the risk and consequences of the realization of the risk for the particular species

as well as for other species, habitats and ecosystems;

(f) any management measures that must be applied to minimize potential risks;

(g) management of potential risks; and

(h) any other information as the issuing authority may determine.

(3) In addition to the information contemplated in subregulation (2), the risk assessment report must contain the following details-

(a) the personal details and qualifications of the person carrying out the risk assessment;

(b) key economic, social and ecological considerations that will guide a decision on whether to issue a


(c) a recommendation on whether or not a permit should be issued; and

(d) any conditions or control measures that should apply if a permit is to be issued.

(4) The applicant must appoint the person who will be carrying out the risk assessment, at own cost, to

provide the information required in subregulations (2) and (3).

(5) The applicant must- (a) take all reasonable steps to verify whether the person who will be carrying out the risk assessment

complies with the requirements of regulation 14 of these Regulations; and

(b) provide the person who will be carrying out the risk assessment with access to all information at the

disposal of the applicant regarding the application, whether or not such information is favorable to the


General requirements applicable to the person who will be carrying out a risk assessment

14. (1)The person who will be carrying out a risk assessment contemplated in regulation 12 of these Regulations must-

(a) be independent;

(b) have adequate knowledge of-

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(I) the Biodiversity Act;

(ii) these Regulations;

(iii) any norms and standards and guidelines that have relevance to the application; and

(iv) the species concerned, or alternatively must consult with an expert on the species concemed

when conducting the risk assessment;

(c) have expertise in-

(i) biodiversity matters; and (ii) conducting risk assessments;

(d) conduct the risk assessment to which the application relates in an objective manner, even if such risk

assessment result in views and findings not favorable to the applicant;

(e) comply with-

(i) applicable legal requirements; and (ii) the provisions of the Natural Scientific Professions Act, 2003 (Act No. 27 of 2003);

(f) take into account, to the extent applicable, the matters contemplatedinregulation 8 of these Regulations when carrying out the risk assessment and preparing any report relating to the application;


(9) disclose to the applicant and the issuing authority all material information in his or her possession that reasonably has or may have the potential of influencing -

(i) any decision to be taken by the issuing authority in terms of these Regulations with respect to

the permit application; or

(ii) the objectivity of the risk assessment.

(2) In the case that the risk assessment was carried out by a person who is registered as a candidate

natural scientist or certificated natural scientist in terms of the Natural Scientific Professions Act, 2003

(Act No. 27 of 2003), or the report was compiled by such person, the report must also be signed off by the registered professional natural scientist under whose supervision and control such person has

performed his or her work.

Disqualification of the risk assessment report

15. (1) If the issuing authority at any stage of considering an application has reason to believe that the person who carried out the risk assessment may not comply with the requirements of regulation 14 of these

Regulations in respect of the application, the issuing authority-

(a) may disqualify the risk assessment report;

(b) must notify the person who carried out the risk assessment and the applicant of the reasons therefore

and that the application is suspended until the matter is resolved; and

(c) afford the person who carried out the risk assessment and the applicant an opportunity to make written

representations to the issuing authority regarding the independence of the disqualified person.

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(2) An interested and affected party may notify the issuing authority of suspected non-compliance with

regulation 14 of these Regulations by the person carrying out the risk assessment.

(3) The notification contemplated in subregulation (2) must be submitted in writing to the issuing authority and must contain documentation supporting the allegation that is referred to in such notification.

(4) Where an interested and affected party notifies the issuing authority of suspected non-compliance with

regulation 14 of these Regulations, the issuing authority must investigate the allegation.

(5) If,after considering the notification contemplatedinsubregulation(3),the issuingauthorityis unconvinced of compliance with regulation 14 of these Regulations by the person carrying out the risk

assessment, the issuing authority must, in writing, inform such person and the applicant accordingly and may-

(a) refuse to accept any further reports or input from such person in respect of the application in question;


(b) request the applicant to-

(i) commission, at own cost, an external review by an independent person or persons of any

reports prepared or processes conducted by the person who carried out the risk assessment in

connection with the application;

(ii) redo any specific aspects of the work done by the previous person who carried out the risk

assessment in connection with the application; and

(iii) complete any unfinished work in connection with the application or take such action as the

issuing authority requires remedying the defects.

Assessment of risks

16. (1) In addition to the circumstances contemplated in regulations 70(5) and 83(10) of these Regulations, the

issuing authority may require an assessment of risks as it deems necessary.

(2) The assessment of risks contemplated in subregulation (1) must include, as a minimum, the following information-

(a) to the extent applicable, the registered name and number of the extensive wildlife system or semi- extensive wildlife system onto which a specimen of a listed threatened or protected species is to be


(b) to the extent applicable, a list of indigenous species already occurring on the extensive wildlife system

or semi-extensive wildlife system onto which a specimen of a listed threatened or protected species is to

be released;

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(c) to the extent applicable, the fencing specifications of the extensive wildlife system or semi-extensive

wildlife system onto which the species is to be released;

(d) the potential risks associated with the conveyance, movement or translocation of the specific specimen,

or to any other species or ecosystems, including-

(I) degradation and fragmentation of the habitat of the species; and

(ii) hybridization of species;

(e) evaluation of the risk identified under paragraph (d) in terms of-

(i) the likelihood of the risk being realized; and

(ii) the severity of the risk and consequences of the realization of the risk for the particular species

as well as for other species, habitats and ecosystems;

(f) any management measures that have been implemented to minimize potential risks;

(g) how permissible restricted activities will be carried out to prevent or minimize potential risks; and

(h) any other information as the issuing authority may deem necessary.

(3) The assessment of risks may be done by any person, provided that such person has sufficient knowledge

of the Biodiversity Act and biodiversity matters.

Part 3 Consideration of permit applications

Timeframes for issuing authorities

17. (1)On receipt of an application submitted in terms of regulation 9 of these Regulations, and if the issuing

authority is satisfied that all the information that it requested has been submitted, the issuing authority

must consider and decide on the application within 20 working days of receipt of such information and in

accordance with this Part.

(2) If an issuing authority requires additional information, it must request the applicant, within 10 working

days of receipt of the application, in terms of section 88(2)(a) of the Biodiversity Act, to furnish such

additional information within 3 months of such request.

(3) If the additional information requested by the issuing authority in terms of subregulation (2) is not submitted to the issuing authority within 3 months of such request, the issuing authority may deem the

application to have been withdrawn, and must inform the applicant accordingly.

(4) If the information submitted by the applicant is sufficient, but the issuing authority is unable to comply

with the timeframe referred to in subregulation (1) above, the issuing authority must-

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(a) provide reasons in writing to the applicant, prior to the lapsing of such timeframe, as to why it is unable

to comply with such timeframe; and

(b) decide on the application within 20 working days from the date on which the timeframe contemplated in

subregulation (1) lapsed.

(5) Notwithstanding the provision of subregulation(1), the issuing may determine the timeframe for applicationsto which the genotyping of specimens oflistedthreatened or protected species

contemplated in terms of Regulation 11 of these Regulations, relate.

Factors to be taken into account by issuing authorities when considering permit applications

18. (1)When considering a permit application, an issuing authority must consider-

(a) all the information and documentation submitted by the applicant to the issuing authority in connection

with the application, including any additional information requested by the issuing authority in terms of

regulations 10, 11, 12, 16 or or 17(2) of these Regulations; and

(b) any applicable legal requirements.

(2) The issuing authority must, in addition to the provisions of subregulation (1) and to the extent applicable, also take into account-

(a) whether the species to which the application relates is listed in terms of section 56 of the Biodiversity

Act as a critically endangered species, an endangered species, a or a protected


(b) whether the species to which the application relates is an alien species;

(c) the IUCN Red List status of the species;

(d) whether the application involves a listed threatened or protected species that will be introduced to, or

taken or removed from, a wild population;

(e) whether the restricted activity applied for is regulated in terms of regulations 30, 31, 32, 75, 76, 77, 78,

79, 80, 81, 82, 83 or 86 of these Regulations;

whether the restricted activity is prohibited in certain circumstances in accordance with regulations 70,

71, 72, 73 or 74 of these Regulations;

(g) whether an environmental impact assessment has been carried outinterms of the National

Environmental Management Act, and if so, must consider the findings thereof;

(h) whether an environmental authorization has been issued in terms of the National Environmental

Management Act, and if so, must consider the conditions thereof;

(I) whether the carrying out of the restricted activity, or not carrying out of such restricted activity, as the case may be, in respect of which the application is submitted is likely to have a negative impact on the

survival of the relevant listed threatened or protected species;

(i) any applicable approved management plan;

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(k) whether the issuing authority has refused, cancelled or suspended any other permits issued to the

applicant, in terms of section 92A, 93 or 93B respectively of the Biodiversity Act;

(I) any recommendation or non-detriment finding made by the Scientific Authority in terms of section

61(1)(c) or (d) of the Biodiversity Act, regarding the application;

(m) any relevant information on the database that SANBI is required to keep in terms of section 11(1)0) of

the Biodiversity Act;

(n) whether the restricted activity will be carried out in a captive breeding facility, rehabilitation facility,

sanctuary, temporary translocation facility, commercial exhibition facility, nursery, or on a game farm, or by a scientific institution, wildlife trader, a taxidermist, a wildlife translocator or a freight agent, and

whether such facility or such person is registered in accordance with these Regulations;

(o) whether the restricted activity will be carried out in a threatened ecosystem or protected area;

(p) whether the applicant has been convicted of an offence in terms of the Biodiversity Act;

(q) any objections to the application; and

(r) any other relevant factors.

Additional factors to be taken into account by issuing authorities when considering applications for hunting permits

19. When considering an application for a permit to hunt a specimen of a listed threatened or protected animal species, an issuing authority must, in addition to the factors contemplated in regulation 18 of

these Regulations, also take into account-

(a) any applicable hunting proclamation issued in terms of applicable provincial legislation;

(b) any method of hunting prohibited in terms of regulation 71 of these Regulations;

(c) in the case of a hunting client, whether-

(i) the hunt has been organized by a hunting outfitter;

(ii) whether the hunting client will be accompanied by a professional hunter; and

(iii) the hunting experience contemplated in regulation 10(3) of these Regulations, of the hunting


(d) whether a person applying for a permit is a member of an association or organization recognized in

terms of Chapter 6 of these Regulations;

(e) any applicable hunting off-take limits determined by the Scientific Authority in terms of regulation 98 of

these Regulations, for a listed threatened or protected animal species; and

(f) whether the written consent contemplated in regulation 10(1) of these Regulations, of the landowner on whose land the hunt will be conducted, has been submitted together with the application.

Circumstances in which permits must be refused

20. (1)The issuing authority must refuse to issue a permit if-

(a) the applicant has not signed the application form;

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(b) the applicant has failed to pay the applicable processing fee as set out in Annexure 3 to these


(c) the applicationisnot accompanied by the information contemplated in regulation 8(4) of these


(d) any applicable legal requirements are not being complied with;

(e) the carrying out of a restricted activity has been prohibited in terms of section 57(2) of the Biodiversity


(f) the restricted activity applied for isin conflict with any of the non-detriment findings made by the Scientific Authority in terms of section 61(1)(d) of the Biodiversity Act;

(g) the off-take limits determined by the Scientific Authority will be or have been exceeded;

(h) the permit has also been refused or revoked in terms of any other applicable legislation; or

(i) registration of a facility is compulsory in terms of Chapter 3 of these Regulations, and such facility is not registered.

(2) In addition to the factors contemplated in subregulation (1), the issuing authority must refuse to issue an export permit for a rhinoceros trophy if-

(a) the hunting permit has not been signed off by the-

(i) owner or manager of the game farm, extensive wildlife system or semi-extensive wildlife system where the rhinoceros was hunted; and

(ii) officialof the relevant provincial conservation authority or environmental management

inspector who supervised the hunt;

(b) the trophy has not been appropriately marked in compliance with regulation 31(6) of these Regulations;


(c) any information required in terms of these Regulations has not been submitted to the issuing authority.

(3) In addition to the factors contemplated in subregulation (1), the issuing authority must refuse to issue a permit if the application relates to breeding in a sanctuary.

Part 4 Issuing of permits

Decision on permit applications

21. (1)After having considered and decided upon an application in accordance with regulations 17, 18 and 19

of these Regulations, the issuing authority must within 5 working days of the date of such decision, and

if the application is approved, issue the permit.

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(2) If the decision of the issuing authority is to issue the permit subject to certain conditions, the issuing authority must-

(a) give reasons for the decision to the applicant, if required by the applicant; and

(b) inform the applicant of his or her right to appeal against the decision and the appeal procedure to be

followed in accordance with the relevant regulations applicable to appeals.

(3) If the decision of the issuing authority is to refuse the application, the issuing authority must in addition to the legal requirement set out in terms of section 88(5) of the Biodiversity Act inform the applicant of

his right to appeal against the decision of the issuing authority and the appeal procedure to be followed

in accordance with the relevant regulations applicable to appeals.

(4) The issuing authority may issue a permit with retrospective effect if deemed necessary.

Contents of permits

22. (1)Unless the carrying out of a restricted activity is authorised in terms of an integrated permit, the issuing

authority must issue a permit in the form set out in-

(a) Annexure 4 to these Regulations if it is an ordinary permit, or

(b) Annexure 5 to these Regulations if it is a standing permit.

(2) The issuing authority must issue a permit in the name of the person who will be carrying out the

restricted activity.

(3) If an integrated permit is issued, the permit must, to the extent applicable, contain the following information-

(a) The name, identity number or passport number, postal address and physical address of the person

carrying out the restricted activity;

(b) the name of the issuing authority;

(c) the permit number and date of issue;

(d) particulars of the specimen in respect of which the permit is issued, including the scientific and the

common name if any, of the species, sub-species or variation involved;

(e) particulars of the restricted activityin respect of which the permit isissued, including specific

requirements relating to how the restricted activity may be carried out by the permit holder;

the number of specimens involved, and their sex (if applicable);

(g) the markings of the specimen (where applicable);

(h) the period of validity;

(i) where applicable -

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(i) the name and physical address of a person appointed by the applicant as an agent for purposes of obtaining the permit on the applicant's behalf;

(ii) the name and physical address of the consignee or consignor, in the case of an export or

import permit;

(iii) the name and physical address of the seller or supplier, in the case of a permit authorizing the

purchase or acquisition of a specimen of a listed threatened or protected species;

(iv) the name and physical address of the person purchasing or acquiring the specimen of a listed

threatened or protected species, in the case of a permit authorizing the sale or supply of such

a species;

(v) in the case of a hunting client, the particulars of the hunting outfitter;

(vi) the location and other relevant particulars of the place where the restricted activity is to be

carried out (where applicable);

(vii) in the case of a standing permit for a captive breeding facility, rehabilitation facility, sanctuary,

temporary translocation facility, scientific institution, commercial exhibition facility, nursery,

game farm, wildlife trader, taxidermist, wildlife translocator or freight agent-

(aa) the physical address of the premises where the restricted activities will be carried out;

(bb) a unique registration number;

(viii) in the case of a permit authorizing the possession of elephant ivory or rhinoceros horn-

(aa) the weight of each piece of elephant ivory or of each rhinoceros horn or piece of

rhinoceros horn;

(bb) the length of the elephant ivory or rhinoceros horn, and the circumference at the base of the tusk or horn, measured in accordance with regulations 30 and 31 of these


(cc) a description of the markings or any other form of identification in respect of each piece of elephant ivory, or each rhinoceros horn or piece of rhinoceros horn as

provided for in terms of regulations 30 and 31 of these Regulations; and

U) the specific conditions subject to which the permit is issued.

(4) To the extent possible, if the permit is issued to a juristic person, all the names of the natural persons

who will be carrying out the restricted activities authorised in the permit, must be listed in an annexure to

the permit.

(5) A permit authorizing the hunting of a specimen of a listed threatened or protected species must specify the instrument and the method by which the animal may be hunted.

Compulsory permit conditions applicable to the holder of a permit

23. (1)Any permit must be issued subject to the condition that the holder thereof-

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(a) may not transfer the permit to any other person;

(b) may not make any unauthorized alteration to the permit, in which case the permit will be rendered


(c) must sign the permit in order to validate the permit before carrying out the restricted activity to which the

permit applies; and

(d) is bound by any norms and standards that apply to the restricted activity or species for which the permit

is issued, and that the permit holder must act in accordance with those norms and standards when

carrying out the restricted activity to which the permit applies.

(2) In addition to the compulsory conditions contemplated in subregulation (1), all ordinary permits issued

for the maximum period of validity contemplated in regulation 29 of these Regulations, and all standing

permits, must be issued subject to a condition that the permit holder must keep a register containing the information contemplated in subregulation (3), and must report such information in writing to the

relevant issuing authority prior to the expiry of such ordinary permit or standing permit.

(3) The register contemplated in subregulation (2) must contain the following information-

(a) the name of the permit holder;

(b) the facility to which the registration applies (if applicable);

(c) the unique number to which the registration applies (if applicable);

(d) the restricted activity or activities that have been carried out;

(e) the date on which the restricted activity or activities have been carried out;

(f) the common and scientific names of the species to which the restrictedactivity or activities contemplated in subparagraph (d) relate;

(g) the number of specimens involved;

(h) the markings of specimens involved (if applicable);

if the permit relates to purchasing, the name, physical address and permit number of the seller;

(j) if the permit relates to selling, the name, physical address and permit number of the purchaser; and

(k) if the permit relates to the transport and export of a specimen, and to the extent applicable, the name

and physical address of the person where the specimen has been transported or exported to.

(4) In addition to the compulsory conditions contemplated in subregulation (1), all hunting permits must be

issued subject to the condition that-

(a) the holder thereof must have all relevant documentation authorizing the hunt on his or her person during

the hunt;

(b) the information contemplated in subregulation (5) must be submitted in writing to the issuing authority

within 21 days of the hunt, by-

(i) the holder of the permit, in the case of a local hunter; or

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(ii) the hunting outfitter, in the case of a hunting client; and

(c) in the case of a hunting client, that he or she must be accompanied by a professional hunter.

(5) The information contemplated in subregulation (4)(b) includes the following-

(a) the permit number and date of issuance of the permit;

(b) the species, sex and number of animals hunted; and

(c) the location where the hunt took place.

Compulsory conditions applicable to captive breeding facilities,rehabilitationfacility, temporary translocation facilities, game farms or commercial exhibition facilities

24. (1)In addition to the conditions contemplated in regulation 23(1) and (2), a permit issued in respect of a

captive breedingfacility,rehabilitationfacility,temporary translocationfacility, game farm or a

commercial exhibition facility must be issued subject to a condition that the permit holder must-

(a) prevent hybridization and/or inbreeding;

(b) keep a stock book;

(c) participate within any regional studbook, where appropriate;

(d) provide information contemplated in paragraphs (a),(b) and (c)in writing to the relevant issuing

authority prior to the expiry of the ordinary permit or standing permit; and

(e) make the information contemplated in paragraph (d) available upon request of the relevant issuing


(2) Notwithstanding the provision of subregulation (1)(a), inbreeding may be permitted in a captive breeding

facility for conservation purposes, only-

(a) in accordance with a conservation strategy approved by the relevant issuing authority;

(b) if a stock book contemplated in subregulation (1)(b) is kept; and

(c) studbook contemplated in subregulation (1)(c) is kept.

(3) A permit in respect of a captive breeding facility must, in addition to the compulsory conditions contemplated in subregulation (1), be subject to a condition that no specimens of listed large predators

originating from wild populations may be introduced in a captive breeding facility.

(4) A permit in respect of a commercial exhibition facility must, in addition to the compulsory conditions

contemplated in subregulation (1), be subject to a condition that the permit holder must, ifitis a

travelling exhibition, inform the issuing authority of the province to which it will be going, in writing and to

the extent possible, at least 30 days prior to travelling to such province.

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(5) A permit issued in respect of a rehabilitation facility must, to the extent possible, specify the period within which a specimen kept in such rehabilitation facility, must be released.

Compulsory conditions applicable to sanctuaries

25. In addition to the conditions contemplated in regulation 23(1) and (2), a permit issued in respect of a sanctuary must be subject to the condition that the permit holder must prevent breeding in the

sanctuary, in so far that such permit holder-

(a) must take appropriate measures to prevent natural reproduction in the sanctuary; and

(b) may not perform artificial insemination, or allow the procedure to be performed, in the sanctuary.

Compulsory conditions applicable to scientific institutions

26. In addition to the conditions contemplated in regulation 23(1) and (2), a standing permit, or an ordinary

permit issued for the maximum period of validity contemplated in regulation 29 of these Regulations, in

respect of a registered scientific institution must be issued subject to a condition that the permit holder

must submit to the relevant issuing authority-

(a) a progress report-

(i) at the end of each calendar year, in the case of a standing permit; or

(ii) upon expiry of the permit, in the case of an ordinary permit; and

(b) a report of the research findings, upon completion of the research project.

Compulsory conditions applicable to extensive wildlife systems and semi-extensive wildlife systems

27. (1) In addition to the compulsory conditions contemplated in regulation 23(1) and (2), a permit in respect of the possession or exercising physical control of specimens of bontebok (Damaliscus pygargus

pygargus) and Southern roan antelope (Hippotragus equinus equinus) on an extensive wildlife system

or a semi-extensive wildlife system, must be issued subject to a condition that a blood sample of each

such specimen must be collected for genotyping in accordance with regulation 11 of these Regulations.

(2) An official of the relevant provincial conservation authority must, to the extent possible, be present when

a blood sample contemplated in subregulation (1) is collected.

Validity of permits

28. (1) If a permit is issued by the Minister or his or her delegated official in accordance with section 87A(1)(a)

of the Biodiversity Act, such permit is valid throughout the Republic, unless otherwise indicated in the


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(2) If a permit is issued by the MEC or his or her delegated official in accordance with section 87A(2) of the

Biodiversity Act, such permit is valid only within the area of jurisdiction of such MEC, or for the specific

locality where the restricted activity involving such specimen will be carried out, as the case may be.

Period of validity of permits

29. (1)An ordinary permit contemplated in regulation 6(1) of these Regulations may be issued with a period of

validity not exceeding 12 months.

(2) Notwithstanding the provision of subregulation (1), a permanent possession permit contemplated in

regulation 6(2), may be issued for a period not exceeding 10 years.

(3) A standing permit contemplated in regulation 7 of these Regulations may be issued for a period not exceeding -

(a) 48 months to an organ of state or the management authority of a protected area; or

(b) 36 months to a registered captive breeding facility; registered rehabilitation facility, registered sanctuary,

registered temporary translocationfacility,registeredscientificinstitution,registered commercial

exhibitionfacility;registered nursery, registered game farm; registered wildlife trader, registered

taxidermist, registered wildlife translocator, registered freight agent and a veterinarian.

(4) Notwithstanding the provision of subregulation (3)(a), a permit issued to an official of a provincial conservation authority for the carrying out of restricted activities in the official performance of such

official's duties remains valid until the employment of the holder of such permit is terminated, whether or

not terminated on initiative of the employer or the permit holder.

Part 5 Elephant ivory and rhinoceros horn

Requirements for permits authorizing possession of elephant ivory

30. (1) When an application for a permit relating to the possession of elephant ivory is submitted to the issuing authority in terms of regulation 9(1) of these Regulations, the following must accompany such application-

(a) information on the circumference, inner length and outer length measured from base to tip following the

curve, of the elephant ivory;

(b) the weight of the elephant ivory, where practically possible; and

(c) photographs of the elephant ivory.

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(2) The issuing authority must be satisfied that the quality of the photographs contemplated in subregulation

1(c) is adequate for easy identification of such ivory.

(3) Prior to the issuance of a permit to authorize possession of the elephant ivory, an official of the relevant issuing authority must conduct an inspection of the elephant ivory to verify the correctness of the

information supplied by the applicant.

(4) In addition to the requirement of regulation 4(1) of these Regulations, a person in possession of raw

elephant ivory must apply to the issuing authority to have such raw elephant ivory marked, if the raw

elephant ivory is both more than 20 cm in length and 1 kg or more in weight.

(5) Notwithstanding the provision of subregulation (4),if the elephant ivory,in respect of which the application contemplated in subregulation (1) is made, has already been marked in accordance with other applicable legal requirements, such application must also be accompanied by proof of such


(6) The issuing authority contemplated in subregulation (3),if satisfied that the possession of the raw

elephant ivory is lawful, must, at the expense of the person applying for marking-

(a) mark the elephant ivory by means of punch-die, or if not practicable, with indelible ink, using the following formula-

(i) the country-of-origin two letter ISO code and the last two digits of the particular year, followed by a forward slash;

(ii) the serial number for the particular year, followed by a forward slash; and

(iii) the weight of the elephant ivory in kilograms;

(b) record the weight, circumference at the base, as well as the inner and outer length from base to tip of

such elephant ivory; and

(c) captureallthe information referred toin(a) and (b) above inthe database contemplated in

subregulation (8).

(7) In the case of an application in respect of which the elephant ivory has already been marked in accordance with other applicable legal requirements, and if the issuing authority is satisfied that the

requirements of subregulation (6) are met, the existing marking must be accepted and such information

must be reflected in the relevant permit.

(8) The Department must develop and maintain a database reflecting the information contemplated in

subregulation (6).

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Requirements for permits authorizing possession of rhinoceros horn

31. (1)When an application for a permit relating to the possession of rhinoceros horn is submitted to the

issuing authority in terms of regulation 9(1) of these Regulations, the following must accompany such application-

(a) information on the circumference, inner length and outer length, measured from base to tip following the

curve, of each individual detached rhinoceros horn;

(b) the weight of each individual detached rhinoceros horn, where practically possible; and

(c) photographs of each individual detached rhinoceros horn.

(2) The issuing authority must be satisfied that the quality of the photographs contemplated in subregulation

1(c) is adequate for easy identification of such horns.

(3) If the rhinoceros horn, in respect of which the application contemplated in subregulation (1) is made, has already been marked in accordance with other applicable legal requirements, such application must

also be accompanied by proof of such marking.

(4) Prior to the issuance of a permit to authorize possession of the rhinoceros horn an official of the relevant issuing authority must conduct an inspection of the rhinoceros horn to verify the correctness of the

information supplied by the applicant.

(5) In addition to the requirement of regulation 4(1) of these Regulations, a person in possession of any rhinoceros horn that is 5cm or more in length, irrespective of the weight of such rhinoceros horn, must

apply to the relevant issuing authority to have the rhinoceros horn marked.

(6) The issuing authority contemplated in subregulation (5), if satisfied that the possession of the rhinoceros horn is lawful, must-

(a) mark such rhinoceros horn by means of-

(i) a micro-chip, to the extent possible; and

(ii) indelible ink or punch die, using the following formula-

(aa) the country-of-origin two letter ISO code and the last two digits of the particular year,

followed by a forward slash;

(bb) the serial number for the particular year, followed by a forward slash; and

(cc) the weight of the rhinoceros horn in kilograms;

(b) record the weight, circumference at the base, as well as the inner and outer length from base to tip of

such rhinoceros horn; and

(c) capture all the information contemplated in paragraphs (a) and (b) above, including the micro-chip

number, in the database referred to in regulation 30(8) of these Regulations.

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(7) The issuing authority must mark the rhinoceros horn at the expense of the person applying for such


(8) In the case of an application in respect of which the rhinoceros horn has already been marked in accordance with other applicable legal requirements, and if the issuing authority is satisfied that the

requirements of subregulation (6) are met, the existing marking must be accepted and such information

reflected in the relevant permit.

Additional requirements involving rhinoceros and rhinoceros horn

32. (1)Any live rhinoceros sold and transported after the commencement of these Regulations that has not

already been micro-chipped, must be micro-chipped by the relevant issuing authority, at the expense of

the owner of the rhinoceros, with one microchip in each of the horns, and one micro-chip in front of the

left shoulder.

(2) In addition to the marking of rhinoceros horn in the manner contemplated in regulation 31(6)(a) of these

Regulations, confiscated rhinoceros horn must also be marked by attaching the relevant CAS number

by means of indelible ink, to such confiscated rhinoceros horn.

(3) Tissue samples for genotyping must be collected in the following circumstances-

(a) horn and blood samples when a live rhinoceros is darted for translocation, treatment or any other

management intervention;

(b) horn samples when-

(i) an inspection contemplated in regulation 31(4) of these Regulations is conducted; or

(ii) when a rhinoceros was hunted and the horns have to be marked prior to the conveyance of the

hunting trophies to the taxidermist; and

(c) tissue samples of a rhinoceros that has been killed unlawfully.

(4) The tissue samples contemplated in subregulation (3) must be collected by the following persons-

(a) a veterinarian registered with the South African Veterinary Council and responsible for the darting of the

live rhinoceros;

(b) an official from the issuingauthority responsible for the micro-chipping of horns contemplated in

regulation 31(6) of these Regulations, and who has been adequately trained in the collection of DNA


(c) the conservation official or environmental management inspector who supervised the hunt of a

rhinoceros, and who has been adequately trained in the collection of DNA samples; or

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(d) the environmental management inspector who is responsible for investigating the unlawful killing of the

rhinoceros contemplated in subregulation (3)(c), and who has been adequately trained in the collection

of DNA samples.

(5) Notwithstanding the provision of regulation 11(3) of these Regulations, the tissue samples contemplated in subregulation (3) must be sent to the Veterinary Genetics Laboratory of the Faculty of Veterinary

Science of the University of Pretoria at Onderstepoort, as soon as possible after it has been taken, for


(6) The issuing authority must keep the information contemplated in regulation 31(6) of these Regulations

on the departmental database.






Part 1 Registration of persons or facilities

Compulsory registration of captive breeding facilities, rehabilitation facilities, sanctuaries, temporary translocation facilities, scientific institutions, commercial exhibition facilities, nurseries, game farms, wildlife traders, taxidermists, wildlife translocators and freight agents

33. (1) No person may operate-

(a) a captive breeding facility, rehabilitation facility, sanctuary, temporary translocation facility, scientific

institution, commercial exhibition facility, or nursery; or

(b) as a wildlife trader, taxidermist, wildlife translocator or freight agent;

unless such facility contemplated in paragraph (a) or such person contemplated in paragraph (b) is registered

with the relevant issuing authority in terms of this Chapter.

(2) The registration of a facility or a person in terms of this Chapter does not absolve the holder of the

registration from the obligation to obtain a permit in terms of section 57(1), read with Chapter 7, of the

Biodiversity Act prior to the carrying out of a restricted activity.

Voluntary registration of game farms

34. (1)The owner of a game farm, who is also the holder of a certificate of adequate enclosure, may apply to

the issuing authority for registration of the game farm in terms of this Chapter.

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(2) The relevant issuing authority may register the game farm contemplated in subregulation (1) and issue

a registration certificate for the species to which the certificate of adequate enclosure relates, if the

issuing authority has conducted a basic assessment with regards to the suitability of the habitat for the

specific species involved.

(3) Notwithstanding the provision of subregulation (2), a basic habitat assessment is not required if it has been conducted previously in terms of applicable provincial legislation.

Issuing authorities for registration of persons or facilities

35. (1) The Minister is the issuing authority responsible for deciding an application for registration-

(a) in a national protected area;

(b) that is a marine species; or

(c) applied for by an official, on behalf of-

(i) a provincial department or provincial organ of state responsible for the conservation of

biodiversity in a province;

(ii) a national protected area;

(iii) the South African National Biodiversity Institute; or

(iv) an organ of state in the national sphere of government.

(2) The MEC for Environmental Affairs is the issuing authority responsible for deciding an application for

any registration not listed in subregulation (1).

(3) Notwithstanding subregulations (1) and (2) the Minister and the MEC for Environmental Affairs may in

writing agree that any application for registration-

(a) contemplated in subregulation (1) may be decided by the MEC for Environmental Affairs; or

(b) contemplated in subregulation (2) may be decided by the Minister.

Application for registration

36. (1)A person may apply for registration on an application form provided by the relevant issuing authority,

which contains, as a minimum, the information as set out in subregulation (2).

(2) An application form contemplated in subregulation (1) must, to the extent applicable, make provision for the following information-

(a) the applicant's details, including -

(I) the applicant's name;

(ii) identity or passport number;

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(iii) telephone number;

(iv) cell phone number;

(v) fax number;

(vi) e-mail address;

(vii) postal address; and

(viii) physical address;

(b) details of the facility including-

(i) the name of the facility;

(ii) the kind of facility;

(iii) the date of establishment of the facility;

(iv) physical address where the restricted activities will be carried out; and

(v) the farm name and registration number;

(c) details of the species involved, including-

(i) scientific name;

(ii) common name (if any);

(iii) quantity per species;

(d) sex;

(e) size; and

(f) markings of the specimens.

(3) A person applying for registration must pay the applicable processing fee as set out in Annexure 3 to

these Regulations.

(4) Notwithstanding the provision of subregulation (3), payment of the applicable processing fee as set out

in Annexure 3 to these Regulations does not apply to organs of state.

Submission of applications for registration

37. (1)If the Minister is the issuing authority in respect of a specific application for registration, the application

must be submitted to the Department.

(2) If the MEC for Environmental Affairs is the issuing authority in respect of a specific application for

registration, the application must be submitted to the relevant provincial conservation authority.

(3) Applications for registration may be submitted-

(a) electronically;

(b) by post; or

(c) delivered by hand.

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Additional information required for the registration of a captive breeding facility

38. In addition to the information contemplated in regulation 36(2) of these Regulations, an application for

the registration of a captive breeding facility must include the following information-

(a) details of the number and age of males and females that comprise the parental breeding stock;

(b) evidence of legal acquisition of the specimens or copies of permits issued;

(c) details of the current stock, including the numbers, sex and age of offspring kept in addition to the

parental breeding stock;

(d) the percentage of mortalities in the different age groups and sexes of the current stock;

(e) past, current and expected annual production of offspring and, where possible, information on the

number of females producing offspring each year, including plans for the disposal of off-spring;

(f) an assessment of the anticipated need for, and source of, additional specimens to supplement the breeding stock to increase the genetic pool of the captive population in order to avoid harmful


(g) a detailed description of the marking methods used for the breeding stock and offspring;

(h) a description of the strategies used by the breeding operation, or other activities, that contribute to

improving the conservation status of wild populations of the species;

(i) a description and schematic diagram of the facility to house the current and expected stock; the security measures to prevent escape or thefts;

(k) the number and size of breeding enclosures, rearing enclosures and incubators, where appropriate;

(I) food production or supply;

(m) removal of waste; and

(n) the availability of veterinary services.

Additional information required for the registration of a sanctuary, rehabilitation facility, temporary translocation facility or commercial exhibition facility

39. (1)In addition to the information contemplated in regulation 36(2) of these Regulations, an application for

the registration of a rehabilitation facility, sanctuary, a temporary translocation facility or commercial

exhibition facility must, to the extent applicable, include the following information-

(a) a description and schematic diagram of the facility to house the current and expected stock, including

rearing enclosures and egg incubators and the number and size of keeping enclosures;

(b) security measures to prevent escapes or thefts;

(c) water and food production or supply;

(d) removal of waste;

(e) availability of veterinary services;

(f) detail of current stock, including details of the numbers, sex and age of the individual specimens; and

(g) evidence of legal acquisition of the specimens or copies of permits issued.

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(2) In addition to the information contemplated in subregulation (1), an application for the registration of a

sanctuary must include information relating to measures taken to prevent breeding in such sanctuary.

Additional information required for the registration of a nursery

40. In addition to the information contemplated in regulation 36(2) of these Regulations, an application for

the registration of a nursery must include the following information-

(a) description of the nursery and the propagation techniques;

(b) description of the historical background of the nursery, in particular information on which species or

plant groups have been propagated in the past;

(c) taxa relevant to listed threatened or protected species currently in propagation;

(d) inventory of the allparental stock of listed threatened or protected species, whether artificially

propagated or of wild origin, including-

(i) quantities per species;

(ii) size (stem diameter); and

(iii) evidence of legal acquisition; and

(e) photos of parental stock.

Additional information required for the registration as a wildlife trader, taxidermist or freight agent

41. In addition to the information contemplated in regulation 36(2) of these Regulations, an application for

the registration of a wildlife trader, taxidermist and freight agent must include the following information-

(a) evidence of legal acquisition;

(b) current and anticipated stock to be kept;

(c) past, current and anticipated turnover of stock;

(d) information relating to record keeping; and

(e) security measures to prevent thefts.

Additional information required for the registration as a wildlife translocator

42. (1)In addition to the information contemplated in regulation 36(2) of these Regulations, an application for

the registration as a wildlife translocator must include the following information-

(a) information relating to record keeping; and

(b) information relating to the translocation equipment to be used by the applicant.

(2) If the application for the registration of a wildlife translocator also involves temporary translocation

facilities, the following information must be submitted with the application-

(a) a description and schematic diagram of the facility to temporary house the translocated specimens;

(b) security measures to prevent escapes or thefts;

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(c) water and food production or supply;

(d) removal of waste; and

(e) availability of veterinary services.

Additional information required for the registration as a scientific institution

43. (1) In addition to the information contemplated in regulation 36(2) of these Regulations, an application for

the registration as a scientific institution must include the following information-

(a) evidence of legal acquisition;

(b) current and anticipated stock to be kept (if applicable);

(c) information relating to research projects conducted by the applicant;

(d) information on the contribution of the research to be conducted by the applicant, to the conservation of

listed threatened or protected species; and

(e) information relating to record keeping.

(2) In addition to the information contemplated in subregulation (1), an application for the registration as a

scientific institution for genotyping purposes, must include the following information-

(a) experience in analyzing the DNA profiles of specimens of listed threatened or protected species; and

(b) proof, in the form of academic publications, of the ability to interpret the DNA profiles of the specimens

to which the application relates.

Additional information required for the registration of a game farm

44. In addition to the information contemplated in regulation 36(2) of these Regulations, an application for

the registration of a game farm must include the following information-

(a) details of the number and age (if known or appropriate) of males and females of each listed species

currently kept on game farm;

(b) certificate of adequate enclosure or comparable document issued by the provincial issuing authority in

terms of provincial conservation legislation;

(c) past, current and expected annual production of offspring and, where possible, information on the

number of females producing offspring each year;

(d) an assessment of the anticipated need for, and source of, additional specimens to supplement the

breeding stock to increase the genetic pool of the population in order to avoid harmful inbreeding;

(e) detailed description of the marking methods used (if any);

details regarding measures / strategies to prevent hybridization; and

(g) description of the strategies used by the game farmer, if any, that will contribute to improving the

conservation status of wild populations of the species.

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Additional information required by the issuing authority

45. In addition to the information contemplated in regulations 36 to 44 of these Regulations, the issuing

authority may request any additional relevant information deemed necessary in order for the issuing

authority to decide on the application.

Part 2 Consideration of registration applications

Time frames for issuing authorities

46. (1)On receipt of an application submitted in terms of regulation 37 of these Regulations and the relevant information contemplated in regulations 36 to 44 of these Regulations, the issuing authority must

conduct an inspection of the premises in respect of which the application has been submitted, within 20

working days of receipt of such application and information and in accordance with this Part.

(2) The official who has conducted the inspection contemplated in subregulation (1) must within 5 working

days of the inspection of the premises, make a written recommendation as to-

(a) whether the application must be granted or refused; and

(b) if the recommendation is to grant the application, any conditions subject to which the application may be


(3) If an issuing authority requires further additional information, the issuing authority must, within 14 working days of receipt of the application or the inspection, as the case may be, request an applicant to furnish such additional information and must stipulate the time periodin which such additional

information must be supplied.

(4) If the information requested by the issuing authority in terms of subregulation (3) is not submitted to the

issuing authority within 3 months of such request, the issuing authority may deem the application to

have been withdrawn.

If the information submitted by the applicant is sufficient, but the issuing authority is unable to comply

with the timeframe contemplated in subregulation (1), the issuing authority must-

provide reasons in writing to the applicant, prior to the lapsing of such timeframe, as to why it is unable

to comply with such timeframe; and

decide on the application within 20 days from the date on which the original timeframe contemplated in

subregulation (1) lapsed.

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Factors to be taken into account by issuing authorities when considering registration applications

47. (1)When considering an application for registration, an issuing authority must consider-

(a) all the information and documentation submitted by the applicant to the issuing authority in connection

with the application, including any additional information requested by the issuing authority in terms of

regulation 46(3) of these Regulations; and

(b) whether all applicable legal requirements have been complied with.

(2) The issuing authority must, in addition to the provisions of subregulation (1) and to the extent applicable, also take into account-

(a) whether the species to which the application relates is listed in terms of section 56 of the Biodiversity

Act as a critically endangered species, an endangered species, a vulnerable species or a protected


(b) the purpose for which the captive breedingfacility,rehabilitationfacility,sanctuary, temporary

translocationfacility,scientificinstitution, commercial exhibition facility,nursery or game farmis


(c) whether the applicant is prepared to micro-chip or mark, where appropriate, each specimen of the listed threatened or protected species bred or kept at the relevant captive breeding facility, rehabilitation

facility, sanctuary, temporary translocation facility, scientific institution, commercial exhibition facility,

nursery, game farm, or specimens associated with operating as a wildlife trader, taxidermist, wildlife

translocator or freight agent; and

(d) all other relevant factors.

(3) When considering an application for the registration of a game farm, the issuing authority must take into account whether the game farm is adequately enclosed for the species to which the registration

application applies.

Circumstances in which registration must be refused

48. (1)The issuing authority must refuse to grant a registration if--

(a) the purpose to which the application relates does not meet the objectives of the Biodiversity Act; or

(b) any applicable legal requirements are not complied with.

(2) In addition to the provision of subregulation (1), the issuing authority must refuse to register a captive

breeding facility or commercial exhibition facility-

(a) if measures have not been implemented to prevent hybridization;

(b) in relation to a listed large predator but excluding lion, and white rhinoceros or black rhinoceros, if such

facility does not contribute to improving the conservation status of a threatened species to which the

application relates.

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(3) In addition to the provision of subregulation (1), the issuing authority must refuse to register a game farm-

(a) if measures have not been implemented by the applicant to prevent hybridization;

(b) for listed threatened or protected species that are not included on the certificate of adequate enclosure

issued by the provincial issuing authority; or

(c) in addition to the species contemplated in (b), for the following predator species-

(i) African wild dog (Lycaon pictus);

(ii) -eared fox (Otocyon megalofis);

(iii) Black-footed cat (Felis nigripes);

(iv) Brown hyena(Parahyaena brunnea);

(v) Cape fox (Vulpes chama).

(vi) Cheetah(Acynonixjubatus);

(vii) Leopard (Panthera pardus);

(viii) Serval (Leptailurus); and

(ix) Spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta).

Part 3 Issuing of registration certificates

Decision on applications for registration

49. (1)After having considered and decided upon an application for registration in accordance with regulations

46 and 47 of these Regulations, the issuing authority must within 10 working days of the date of such

decision, and if the application is approved, issue the relevant registration certificate.

(2) If the decision of the issuing authority is to approve the application for registration subject to certain

conditions, the issuing authority must-

(a) give reasons for the decision to the applicant if required by the applicant; and

(b) inform the applicant of his or her right to appeal against the decision and the appeal procedure to be

followed in accordance with the applicable appeals regulations.

(3) Where the issuing authority decides to refuse the application, the issuing authority must-

(a) give reasons for the decision to the applicant; and

(b) inform the applicant of his or her right to appeal against the decision and the appeal procedure to be

followed in accordance with the applicable appeals regulations.

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(4) The issuing authority may issue a registration certificate with retrospective effect, only in respect of

regulation 62(5).

Contents of registration certificates

50. A registration certificate issued in terms of these Regulations must, to the extent applicable, contain the

following information -

(a) the name, identity number or passport number and physical address of the person to whom the

certificate is issued;

(b) the physical address of the premises where the captive breeding facility,rehabilitationfacility,

sanctuary, temporary translocation facility, scientific institution, commercial exhibition facility, nursery or

game farm will be conducted from, or where the registered wildlife trader, taxidermy, wildlife translocator

or freight agent;

(c) the name of the issuing authority;

(d) the registration certificate number and date of issue;

(e) particulars of the species and specimens in respect of which the registration certificate is issued,

including the scientific, and the common name if any, of the species, sub-species or variation involved;

the specific conditions that the registration is subject to, if any; and

(g) the period of validity of the registration certificate.

Compulsory conditions to be included on a registration certificate

51. Any registration certificate must be issued subject to the condition that-

(a) the registration certificate is not transferable;

(b) any unauthorized alteration to the registration certificate will render the registration certificate invalid;

(c) the registration certificate is invalid until such time that it is signed by the registration certificate holder;


(d) the holder of the registration certificate is bound by any norms and standards that apply to the registered captive breeding facility, rehabilitation facility, sanctuary, temporary translocation facility, scientific institution, commercial exhibition facility, nursery, game farm, wildlife trader, taxidermist,

wildlife translocator or freight agent, and that the registration certificate holder must comply with such

norms and standards.

(2) In addition to the compulsory conditions contemplated in subregulation (1), a registration certificate

must be issued to the owner of a taxidermy or similar facility, subject to the condition that upon receipt

of a black or white rhinoceros trophy, the holder of the registration certificate must report the following

information to the Department-

(a) date of receipt of the rhinoceros horns;

(b) weight of the rhinoceros horns;

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(c) micro-chip numbers of the rhinoceros horns; and

(d) numbers of the hunting permit, transport permit and professional hunting register.

Validity of registration certificates

52. (1) If a registration certificate is issued by the Minister in accordance with regulation 35(1) of these

Regulations, such registration is valid throughout the Republic.

(2) If a registration certificate is issued by the MEC for Environmental Affairs in accordance with regulation 35(2) of these Regulations, such registration certificate is valid only within the area of jurisdiction of

such MEC for Environmental Affairs, or for the specific locality where the restricted activity involving

such specimen will be carried out, as the case may be.

(3) The registration certificate for a game farm is valid only for the particular game farm in respect of which the registration certificate was issued.

Period of validity of registration certificates

53. (1)A registration certificate remains valid untilitis cancelled by the issuing authority contemplated in

regulation 35 of these Regulations, and in accordance with regulation 62 of these Regulations.



Duties of permit holders

54. (1)The holder of any permit contemplated in regulation 4 of these Regulations must-

(a) ensure that the permit has been issued correctly, prior to carrying out the restricted activities authorized

by the permit;

(b) comply with all the conditions as specified on the permit by the relevant issuing authority;

(c) obtain a permit from the relevant issuing authority if he or she intends to carry out any additional

restricted activity not authorised by the permit, prior to carrying out such additional restricted activity;

(d) obtain a permit from the relevant issuing authority if he or she intends to carry out a restricted activity involving a specimen of a listed threatened or protected species not included in the permit, prior to

carrying out a restricted activity involving such specimen; and

(e) apply for renewal of an ordinary or standing permit prior to the lapsing thereof.

(2) The holder of an ordinary permit issued for the maximum period of validity, and the holder of a standing permit, must keep a register containing the information contemplated in regulation 23(3) of these

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Regulations, and must submit a written report on the information to the issuing authority prior to the

expiry of such ordinary permit or standing permit.

(3) A person who is the holder of a permit that authorizes the carrying out of restricted activities for

research purposes, or a registered scientific institution must submit to the relevant issuing authority-

(a) a progress report -

(i) at the end of each calendar year, in the case of a standing permit; or

(ii) upon expiry of the permit, in the case of an ordinary permit; and

(b) a report of the research findings, upon completion of the research project.

(4) If any norms and standards apply to the restricted activity for which a permit is issued, the permit holder

must comply with such norms and standards when carrying out the restricted activity authorised by the


(5) The holder of a hunting permit must- (a) have all relevant documentation authorizing the hunt on his person during the hunt; and

(b) within 21 days of the hunt, irrespective of whether or not the hunt was successful, furnish the issuing

authority with a copy of the completed reverse side of the permit, stating-

(i) the permit number and date of issuance of the permit;

(ii) the species, sex and number of animals hunted; and

(iii) the location where the hunt took place.

Duties of holders of registration certificates

55. (1) The holder of a registration certificate issued in terms of the provisions of these Regulations must-

(a) ensure that the registration certificate has been issued correctly;

(b) ensure that the facility is not conducted for a purpose, or a person does not operate in a manner, other

than to what the registration relates; and

(b) comply with all the conditions of the registration certificate.

(2) If any norms and standards apply to a registered captive breeding facility,rehabilitation facility,

sanctuary, temporary translocation facility, scientific institution, commercial exhibition facility, nursery,

game farm, wildlife trader, taxidermist, wildlife translocator or freight agent, the holder of the registration

certificate must comply with such norms and standards.

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Part 1 Renewal and amendment of permits and registration certificates

Renewal of permits

56. (1)The holder of a permit must apply in writing, prior to the lapsing of such permit, to the issuing authority

that issued the permit, for the renewal of such permit,if he or she intends to continue with the carrying

out of the restricted activity to which the permit relates.

(2) An application contemplated in subregulation (1) must be accompanied by-

(a) the reasons for the application;

(b) the applicable processing fee set out in Annexure 3 to these Regulations; and

(c) the species fee as determined by the issuing authority in terms of applicable provincial legislation, if the

application involves an integrated permit and the restricted activity applied for is hunting.

Consideration of and decision on renewal of permit applications

57. (1)On receipt of an application for renewal of a permit in terms of regulation 56, an issuing authority must-

(a) consider the application in accordance with the provisions of Part 3 of Chapter 2 of these Regulations;


(b) make a decision in accordance with the provisions of Part 4 of Chapter 2 of these Regulations.

(2) When considering an application for the renewal of a permit, the issuing authority must consider whether it has previously cancelled any permit of the applicant, in accordance with regulation 62 of

these Regulations.

(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of subregulation (1), the issuing authority may only consider renewing a permit if-

(a) the provisions of regulation 54 of these Regulations and all conditions subject to which the permit was

issued, were complied with;

(b) there is no evidence that the permit holder carried out the restricted activities in a manner that is

detrimental to the species kept by the permit holder; and

(c) the conservation status of the species to which the permit relates has not deteriorated, or the legislation

that affects the continuation of the permit has not changed.

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(4) If the conservation status of the species to which an application contemplated in subregulation (1) has

deteriorated, the issuing authority may request a risk assessment to be submitted prior to considering

the renewal of the permit.

(5) If the issuing authority decides to renew a permit to which the application contemplated in subregulation (1) relates, the issuing authority must issue a new permit.

Amendment of permits or registration certificates

58. (1) The issuing authority may amend a permit or registration certificate-

(a) on application by the holder of the permit or registration certificate in accordance with regulation 60 of

these Regulations; or

(b) on own initiative of the issuing authority in accordance with regulation 61 of these Regulations.

(2) A permit or registration certificate may be amended by-

(a) removing a condition;

(b) changing a condition;

(c) adding a condition;

(d) updating or changing any detail on the permit or registration certificate; or

(e) correcting a technical or editorial error on the permit or registration certificate.

Applications for amendment by holders of permits or registration certificates

59. (1) The holder of a permit or registration certificate may at any time apply to the issuing authority for an

amendment of the permit or registration certificate.

(2) An application contemplated in subregulation (1) must be-

(a) on an official application form determined by, and obtainable from, the relevant issuing authority, and

must contain, as a minimum, the information set out in Annexure 2 to these Regulations; and

(b) accompanied by the applicable processing fee set out in Annexure 3 to these Regulations.

Consideration of and decision on applications for amendment

60. (1)On receipt of an application contemplated in regulation 59 of these Regulations, the issuing authority must-

(a) promptly decide on the application if the application relates to a non-substantive amendment of the

permit or registration certificate; and

(b) must consider the factors contemplated in Chapters 2 and 3 of these Regulations if the application is for

substantive amendment to the permit or registration certificate.

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(2) The issuing authority may request additional information to be furnished by the applicant.

(3) After having reached a decision on the application contemplated in subregulation (1), the issuing authority must-

(a) if, the application is approved, issue an amended permit or registration certificate to the applicant; or

(b) if the application is refused-

give reasons for the refusal to the applicant; and

inform the applicant of his right to appeal against the decision and the appeal procedure to be

followed in accordance with the applicable appeals regulations.

Amendment of permits or registration certificates on initiative of issuing authorities

61. (1)The issuing authority may on own initiative amend a permit or registration certificate if it is necessary-

(a) for the more effective protection of the listed threatened or protected species to which the permit or

registration certificate relates;

(b) for the more effective enforcement of the provisions of the Biodiversity Act or these Regulations;

(c) to give effect to any relevant norms and standards that apply to the holder of the permit or registration

certificate; or

(d) to correct technical or editorial errors on the permit or registration certificate.

(2) The issuing authority must-

(a) notify the holder of the relevant permit or registration certificate, in writing, of-

(i) the proposed amendment; and (ii) the reasons for the proposed amendment; and

(b) afford the holder of the permit or registrationcertificatea reasonable opportunity to submit

representations regarding the proposed amendment.

Part 2 Cancellation of permits and registration certificates

Cancellation of permits or registration certificates

62. (1)An issuing authority may cancel a permit or registration relating to a captive breeding facility,

rehabilitationfacility,sanctuary, temporary translocationfacility,scientificinstitution,commercial

exhibition facility, nursery, game farm, wildlife trader, taxidermist, wildlife translocator or freight agent if-

(a) the permit or registration certificate holder has breached a condition subject to which the permit or

registration certificate was issued;

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(b) the captive breeding facility, rehabilitation facility, sanctuary, temporary translocation facility, scientific institution, commercial exhibition facility, nursery or game farm is managed, or the wildlife trader,

taxidermist, wildlife translocator or freight agent is operating in a manner which is-

(i) detrimental to the specimens being bred, reared, propagated, traded or kept at such facility or by such person; or

(ii) not in accordance with any information provided to the issuing authority; or

(c) there is a change in the conservation status of the species involved being bred, reared, propagated, traded or kept by a permit holder or at such facility that affects the continuation of the permit or


(2) Inaddition to the provision of subregulation (1), the relevant issuing authority must cancel the

registration of a game farm, if the certificate of adequate enclosure of such game farm has not been

renewed by the relevant conservation authority within a period of 6 months after the expiry date of such


(3) An issuing authority considering the cancellation of a permit or registration certificate in terms of subregulation (1) or (2) must-

(a) notify the holder of such permit or registration certificate that cancellation of the permit or registration

certificate is being considered, together with the reasons for the proposed cancellation; and

(b) affordthe holder of the permit or registrationcertificate a reasonable opportunity to submit representations regarding the proposed cancellation in terms of the provisions of the Promotion of

Administrative Justice Act, Act No. 3 of 2000.

(4) After having reached a decision on the cancellation of the permit or registration certificate, the issuing authority must-

(a) notify the permit or registration certificate holder in writing of the decision; and

(b) if the decision is to cancel the permit or registration-

(i) instruct the permit or registration certificate holder to return the permit or registration certificate within 30 days; and

(ii) inform the applicant of his right to appeal against the decision and the appeal procedure to be

followed in accordance with the applicable appeals regulations.

(5) In the case that a registration certificate is cancelled by the issuing authority, the holder of such cancelled registration certificate must be provided the opportunity to rectify the circumstances that have

caused the registration certificate to be cancelled, and to apply for the re-issuance of the registration certificate within 3 months of the cancellation, in which case the issuing authority may issue the

registration certificate with retrospective effect.

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Cancelled permits and registration certificates to be returned to issuing authorities

63. (1) The holder of a permit or registration certificate that has been cancelled, must return the permit or

registration certificate to the issuing authority within 30 days after the date of having been informed of

the cancellation.

(2) Any failure by a permit or registration certificate holder to return a cancelled permit or registration

certificate in accordance with subregulation (1) must be taken into account by an issuing authority when

considering any future application from such person submitted in terms of regulation 9 or 37 of these


Permits or registration certificates may not be transferred

64. (1) A permit or registration certificate may not be transferred to any other person.

(2) In the event that ownership of a facility or operation changes, the holder of the permit or registration

certificate must apply for an amendment of such permit or registration certificate, which amendment

must not unreasonably be withheld by the issuing authority.

Lost or stolen permits or registration certificates

65. An issuing authority may, upon written request of a permit or registration certificate holder, issue a

replacement of that permit or registration certificate if the original was lost or stolen, provided that such request is accompanied by-

(a) proof that the original was lost or stolen or an affidavit by that permit or registration certificate holder

stating that the permit or registration certificate was lost or stolen; and

(b) the applicable processing fee specified in Annexure 3 to these Regulations.

Part 3 Reporting on permits by Issuing Authorities

Register to be established and maintained by issuing authorities

66. (1) Each issuing authority must-

(a) establish and maintain a register of-

(i) all permits, including integrated permits, issued, renewed or amended by that issuing authority;

(ii) all permits that were refused;

(iii) all permits issued by that issuing authority that were subsequently cancelled; and

(b) record in the register contemplated in subregulation (1)(a)-

(i) in the case of applications that were granted, the number assigned to each permit;

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(ii) the scientific, and the common name if any, of the species for which the permit was issued,

refused or cancelled;

(iii) whether the species was subjected to a risk assessment;

(iv) the restricted activity for which the permit was issued;

(v) any conditions subject to which the permit was issued;

(vi) the date on which the permit was issued;

(vii) the period of validity of the permit; and

(viii) the location where the restricted activity is to be carried out; and

(2) Each provincial issuing authority must submit a copy of the register contemplated in subregulation (1),

to the Department at the end of each calendar year.




Recognition of associations or organizations

67. (1)Any association or organization representing persons or facilities involved in the utilization of listed threatened or protected species, including but not limited to facilities or operations contemplated in

regulations 33 and 34 of these Regulations, wishing to be considered for any dispensation in terms of the Biodiversity Act or these Regulations, must apply inwriting to the Director-General of the

Department for recognition.

(2) An application contemplated in subregulation (1) may be approved if the applicant-

(a) is a juristic person;

(b) can provide proof that it represents a substantial proportion of its sector on a national level;

(c) can provide proof that it will be able to perform a function or provide support to the relevant sector to the

same standard as the issuing authority or delegated entity;

(d) has adopted a code of responsible conduct and good practices, which is-

(i) ascribed to by its members;

(ii) aligned with the objectives of the Biodiversity Act; and

(iii) acceptable to the Director-General of the Department;

(e) gives a written undertaking to the Director-General of the Department that it will-

(i) enforce its code of responsible conduct and good practices against members who breach the code; and

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(ii) report to the issuing authority any case of alleged criminal conduct by any of its members

involving the carrying out of a restricted activity or a breach of any conditions subject to which

any permit was granted to such member; and

(f) has a clear policy on broad-based black economic empowerment to include persons from disadvantage communities as members.

Codes of responsible conduct and good practice

68. The code of responsible conduct and good practices of any recognised association or organization

contemplated in regulation 67(1) of these Regulations must-

(a) require its members to act in strict compliance with-

(i) the provisions of such code of responsible conduct and good practice;

(ii) applicable legal requirements; and

(iii) any conditions subject to which permits relating to listed threatened or protected species are


(b) where appropriate, define a set ofcriteria that will foster the sustainable utilization of specimens of

listed threatened or protected species; and

(c) provide for disciplinary steps against any member who breaches a provision of the code, which should

include steps for the suspension or expulsion of such member from the association or organization.

Withdrawal of recognition of associations or organizations

69. (1) The Director-General of the Department may withdraw the recognition of a recognised association or

organisation if it fails to honour its written undertaking given to the Director-General of the Department

in terms of regulation 67(2)(e) of these Regulations.

(2) The Director-General of the Department must-

(a) notify the association or organization in writing that withdrawal of its recognition is being considered,

together with the reasons for the proposed withdrawal; and

(b) afford the association or organization a reasonable opportunity to submit written representations

regarding the proposed withdrawal of its recognition.



Conveyance, movement or translocation of a listed threatened or protected animal species prohibited under certain circumstances

70. (1)A person may not convey, move or otherwise translocate specimen of a listed threatened or protected

animal species to a national protected area, if-

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(a) such national protected area falls outside the natural distribution range of that animal species; or

(b) the genetic make-up or integrity -

(i) of the species to be conveyed, moved or otherwise translocated to the national protected area

has in any way been compromised; or

(ii) of the species already occurring in the national protected area has the potential to be

compromised in any way as a result of such conveyance, movement or translocation.

(2) Notwithstanding the prohibition contemplated in subregulation (1)(a) such prohibition does not apply if

the conveyance, movement or translocation of a specimen of a listed threatened or protected species to

a national protected area is necessary for the enhancement of the conservation status of that animal


(3) A person may not convey, move or otherwise translocate a live specimen of a listed threatened or protected species from a particular property that is not a national protected area, if such specimen is

kept on such property together with another specimen of a species with which it is likely to hybridize with, unless-

(i) the genotyping of such specimen has been done in accordance with regulation 11 of these Regulations; and

(ii) the DNA certificate confirms that such specimen is not a hybrid.

(4) Irrespective of whether or not a specimen of bontebok (Damaliscus pygargus pygargus) is likely to

hybridize with another specimen kept on the same property, such live specimen may not be conveyed, moved or otherwise translocated if the genotyping thereof has not been done in accordance with

regulation 11 of these Regulations.

(5) A live specimen of a listed threatened or protected species contemplated in subregulation (3), or a live specimen of bontebok (Damaliscus pygargus pygargus) contemplated in subregulation (4), that has been subject to genotyping in accordance with regulation 11 of these Regulations, may not be

conveyed, moved or otherwise translocated if such specimen is a hybrid.

(6) Notwithstanding the provisions contemplated in subregulations (2), (3) or (4), a person may not convey,

move or otherwise translocate a live specimen of a listed threatened or protected animal species to or

from an extensive wildlife system, semi-extensive wildlife system or controlled environment if there is a

risk of transmitting a disease.

Hunting of a listed threatened or protected species prohibited under certain circumstances

71. (1)A person may not hunt a specimen of a listed threatened or protected species-

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(a) in a controlled environment;

(b) while such specimen is under the influence of any tranquilizing, narcotic, immobilizing or similar agent;

(c) by making use of a gin trap, pit fall, cage, enclosure, snare or any other method or device wherein or

whereby such specimen is intended to be captured before it is killed;

(d) by means of poison;

(e) by means of darting;

(f) by means of the following fire arms-

(I) an air gun;

(ii) a fire arm discharging a rim firing cartridge of 22 of an inch or smaller caliber, except for a


(iii) a fire arm which, after it has been discharged, automatically reloads and fires when the trigger

thereof is pulled or is held in a discharged position; or

(iv) a shot gun, except for the hunting of ;

(g) by means of bait, sound, smell or any other luring method, except for the hunting by means of dead bait, of-

(i) leopard and hyena ; or (ii) lion, in which case such lion-

aa) may be hunted by means of dead bait on an extensive wildlife system with a minimum

size of 15 000 ha onlye; and

bb) may not have been bred in captivity;

(h) by means of dogs, except to-

(i) track a wounded animal; or

(ii) flush, point and retrieve a specimen;

by means of flood or spot lights, except for the hunting of leopard, hyena or serval;

by means of a motorized vehicle, except-

(i) for the tracking of such specimen over long ranges; or

(ii) to allow a physically disabled or elderly person to hunt; or

(k) by means of an aircraft, except for the tracking of such specimen over long ranges.

(2) In addition to the prohibitions contemplated in subregulation (1), a person may not hunt a specimen of a listed large predator but excluding a lion (Panthera leo), white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum

simum), black rhinoceros (Diceros bicomis), Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) or African elephant

(Loxodonta africana) by means of or by the use of a bow and arrow.

(3) In addition to the prohibitions contemplated in subregulation (1) and (2), a person may not hunt a specimen of a listed large predator that has been released in an area adjacent to a captive holding

facility for listed large predators.

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Catching of a listed threatened or protected species prohibited under certain circumstances

72. A person may not catch a specimen of a listed threatened or protected species by means of-

(a) snares, except foot snares for scientific purposes;

(b) poison;

(c) gin traps;

(d) dogs, except to-

(i) track a wounded specimen; or

(ii) point, flush and retrieve a specimen;

(e) traps, or luring by means of bait, smell or sound, except for scientific, veterinary or management

purposes, or for the purpose of catching a damage-causing animal; or

(f) any device other than those contemplated in paragraphs (a), (b), (c) or (e) above, that does not conform to the requirements of applicable norms and standards.

General circumstances relating to the prohibition to import, export, re-export or introduce from the sea a listed threatened or protected species

73. (1)A person may not import or introduce from the sea, a specimen of a listed threatened or protected species, unless it is authorized-

(a) by a permit issued in accordance with these Regulations; and

(b) to the extent applicable, in terms of the CITES Regulations.

(2) A person may not export or re-export a specimen of a black rhinoceros (Diceros bicomis) or a white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum), or a specimen of an Encephalartos species, unless it is authorized-

(a) by a permit issued in accordance with these Regulations; and

(b) to the extent applicable, in terms of the CITES Regulations.

(3) A person may not import, export, re-export or introduce from the sea of a specimen of a listed

threatened or protected species through a port of exit or entry other than the following-

(a) land ports-

(i) Beit Bridge border post;

(ii) Golela border post

(iii) Jeppes Reef border post;

(iv) Lebombo border post;

(v) Maseru border post;

(vi) NaKop border post;

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(vii) Ramatlabama border post;

(viii) Vioolsdrift border post; or

(b) airports and harbours-

(i) Cape Town International Airport;

(ii) O.R. Tambo International Airport;

(iii) King Shaka International Airport;

(iv) Port Elizabeth International Airport;

(v) KrugerMpumalanga International Airport;

(vi) Cape Town Harbour;

(vii) Durban Harbour; or

(viii) Port Elizabeth Harbour.

(4) Notwithstanding the provision of subregulation (3), a person may not import, export or re-export a rhinoceros horn hunting trophy through a port of entry or exit other than O.R. Tambo International


(5) Notwithstanding the provision of subregulations (1) and (3), a live specimen of a listed threatened or protected species may not be imported unless a blood sample of such specimen has been collected for

genotyping and the results of such genotyping are made available to the relevant issuing authority.

(6) A person may not export a live specimen of a listed threatened or protected species, if such specimen is

likely to be invasive in the country of import.

Specific circumstances relating to the prohibition to possess and trade in listed protected species that are also included in Appendix 1 of CITES

74. (1)A person may not possess-

(a) an imported specimen of a listed protected species that is also included in Appendix 1 of CITES; or

(b) the off-spring of a specimen contemplated in paragraph (a);

unless such person is authorized by a permit issued in accordance with these Regulations to possess

such imported specimen or the off-spring of such imported specimen.

(2) A person may not sell or donate an imported specimen contemplated in subregulation (1)(a), unless-

(a) such imported specimen originates from a commercial captive breeding facility that has been registered

with the CITES Secretariat; and

(b) the selling or donation of such specimen is authorized by a permit issued in accordance with these


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(3) A permit in terms of the Biodiversity Act is not required to sell or donate the off-spring of an imported specimen contemplated insubregulation (1)(a), regardless of whether such imported specimen originates from-

(a) a captive breeding facility contemplated in subregulation (2)(a);

(b) from the wild; or

(c) from a facility other than a facility contemplated in subregulation (2)(a).




Culling of listed threatened or protected species

75. (1)The culling of a specimen of a listed threatened or protected species may be carried out by-

(a) an official of the issuing authority;

(b) an official of the management authority of a protected area; or

(c) a person designated by a person contemplated in paragraph (a) or (b).

(2) The culling of a specimen of a listed threatened or protected species may be carried out by means of, or the use of-

(a) a firearm suitable for hunting purposes, which may be fitted with a silencer;

(b) flood lights or spot lights;

(c) motorised vehicles; or

(d) air craft.

Darting of listed threatened or protected species

76. (1)A specimen of a listed threatened or protected species may not be darted for purposes other than for

veterinary, scientific, conservation or management purposes.

(2) A specimen of a listed threatened or protected animal species may be darted only by a veterinarian, or

a person contemplated in subregulation (3).

(3) A person, other than a veterinarian, must be authorised to dart a specimen of a listed threatened or

protected animal species-

(a) by a permit issued in terms of the Medicines and Related Substances Control Act, Act No. 101 of 1965;

(b) by a permit issued in terms of Chapter 7 of the Biodiversity Act; and

(b) in writing by the South African Veterinary Council.

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(4) A veterinarian must be present when a specimen of a listed threatened or protected species is darted by

a person contemplated in subregulation (3).

(5) A veterinarian or a person contemplated in subregulation (3) may dart a specimen of a listed threatened or protected species on foot, or from a motorized vehicle, aircraft or vessel.

Conveyance, movement or translocation of live listed threatened or protected animal species

77. (1)A permit in terms of the Biodiversity Act is not required for the translocation of a specimen of a listed threatened or protected species, provided that such translocation has been exempted in terms of

section 57(4) of the Biodiversity Act subject to the following conditions-

(a) in the case of the translocation of specimens within their natural distribution range-

(i) the translocation may be done from game farm to game farm only, where-

(aa) both game farms have been registered in terms of these Regulations prior to such

translocation; and

(bb) the registration certificates of both game farms include the species to be translocated;

(ii) risks associated with the translocation contemplated in subparagraph (i) of such specimens,

and measures to address such risks, have been identified as part of the registration of the

game farm;

(iii) the translocation contemplated in subparagraph (i) is done by a registered wildlife translocator;


(iv) the wildlife translocator contemplated in subparagraph (iii) and the owner of the registered

game farm onto which the specimens are released keep a register of such translocation; and

(b) in the case of the translocation of specimens outside their natural distribution range-

(i) the translocation may be done from registered game farm to game farm only, where-

(aa) both game farms have been registered in terms of these Regulations prior to such

translocation; and

(bb) the registration certificates of both game farms include the species to be translocated;

(ii) risks associated with the translocation contemplated in subparagraph (i) of such specimens,

and measures to address such risks, have been identified as part of the registration of the

game farm;

(iii) the translocation contemplated in subparagraph (i) is done by a registered wildlife translocator;

(iv) the wildlife translocator contemplated in subparagraph (iii) and the owner of the registered

game farm onto which the specimens are released keep a register of such translocation; and

(v) an assessment of risks contemplated in regulation 16(2) is conducted, if required by the

issuing authority.

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(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of subregulation (1), the transiocation of a specimen of a listed

threatened or protected animal species requires the prior issuance of a permit-

(a) if such specimen is translocated to an extensive wildlife system; or

(b) inside or outside its natural distribution range to a semi-extensive wildlife system, if any of the conditions

contemplated in subregulation (1) cannot be met.

Angling and keeping of listed threatened or protected fish species

78. (1)A permit in terms of the Biodiversity Act for the catching of a specimen of a listed threatened or

protected fish species by means of angling, and the subsequent releasing thereof, is not required if such

specimen is immediately released alive in the water from where it has been caught.

(2) A person may keep the specimen contemplated in subregulation (1), only if such person is authorized

by a permit issued in accordance with these Regulations.

(3) The issuing authority may issue a permit contemplated in subregulation (2) relating to the number and size of specimens that may be kept, subject to the provisions of applicable provincial legislation.

(4) Specimens of listed threatened or protected fish species may be lured, for the purpose of angling, by means of-

(a) bait; or

(b) fishing lure.

Hunting of listed threatened or protected species

79. (1) Conditions relating to the number of specimens of each listed threatened or protected species that may

be hunted, and the period during which such specimens may be hunted, are subject to the provisions of

applicable provincial legislation.

(2) A professional hunter may kill a specimen of a listed threatened or protected species wounded by a

hunting client, only if such intervention is required and subject to the verbal permission of such hunting


Hunting of black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) or white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum)

80. (1) The issuing authority may not issue more than one permit within a period of 12 months to a particular

hunting client to authorize the hunt of a white rhinoceros for trophy purposes.

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(2) The issuing authority may issue a permit in accordance with these Regulations for the hunting of a black

rhinoceros (Diceros bicomis) or white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum) by a hunting client, only

if the Department has made a positive recommendation.

(3) The holder of a permit authorizing the hunt of a specimen of a black rhinoceros (Diceros bicomis) or white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum) may only hunt such specimen if the hunt is supervised

by an official from the provincial conservation authority or an environmental management inspector.

Selling of live black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) or white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum)

81. (1)The owner of a live black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) or white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum

simum) may sell the live rhinoceros only if-

(a) such owner is authorized by a permit issued in accordance with these Regulations to sell such black

rhinoceros (Diceros bicomis) or white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum);

(b) the genotyping of such black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) or white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum

simum) has been done in accordance with regulations 32(4) and (5) of these Regulations; and

(c) such owner is in possession of a DNA certificate for each individual rhinoceros, issued by the person

responsible for the genotyping of such specimen.

(2) The DNA certificate issued for a particular specimen of a black rhinoceros (Diceros bicomis) or white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum), must accompany such specimen when itis sold by the

owner thereof.

Regulation of restricted activities involving African elephant (Loxodonta africana)

82. (1)A person may carry out a restricted activity involving a wild or captive elephant, only if-

(a) such person is authorized by a permit issued in accordance with these Regulations; and

(b) such restricted activity is carried out in accordance with the provisions of a management plan,

developed in terms of the Norms and Standards for the management of elephants in South Africa, and

approved by the issuing authority.

(2) A person may keep an elephant in captivity, only if the elephant is-

(a) kept in a registered-

(i) commercial exhibition facility;

(ii) rehabilitation facility, in the case of-

(aa) the treatment and recovery of an ill or injured elephant; or

(aa) a genuine orphan calf, subsequent to its release in an extensive wildlife system;

(iii) temporary translocation facility for the purpose of translocation; or

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(iii) sanctuary, if it is a genuine orphan calf that cannot be rehabilitated successfully in an extensive

wildlife system; and

(b) is being fitted with two microchips, one each at the base of the tale and one in front of the left shoulder.

(3) An elephant may be darted only for the purpose of-

(a) carrying out a disease control procedure;

(b) treatment by a veterinarian registered with the South African Veterinary Council;

(c) translocation;

(d) scientific research; or

(e) carrying out management activities.

(4) A wild elephant may not be captured-

(a) for the purpose of introducing it in a commercial exhibition facility; or

(b) in a protected area, if the capture is not in accordance with an approved management plan of such

protected area, developed in terms of the Protected Areas Act.

(5) An elephant may not be translocated, unless it is- (a) part of a cow-calf group, and-

(i) the entire cow-calf group is translocated; and (ii) the calves are older than 2 months; or

(b) a bull to be introduced in an area where there is a cow-calf group, and the cow-calf group has

successfully established itself in the area for a period of 3 months.

Regulation of restricted activities involving listed threatened or protected fish species

83. (1)The issuing authority may issue a permit in accordance with these Regulations in relation to the

conveyance to and release of a live specimen of a listed threatened or protected fish species-

(a) within the same catchment of such specimen;

(b) on private land on which closed water is found, within the natural distribution range; or

(c) in a low escape-risk research facility, whether inside or outside the natural distribution range, provided

that such research facility is registered in terms of these Regulations as scientific institution.

(2) A person may not convey and release a live specimen of a listed threatened or protected fish species-

(a) in a natural aquatic system outside the natural distribution range of such specimen;

(b) between different catchments within the natural range of such specimen; or

(c) on private land on which closed water is found, outside the natural distribution range of such specimen.

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(3) Notwithstanding the provision of subregulation (2)(b), a live specimen of a listed threatened or protected fish species may be conveyed to and released in a different catchment within the natural distribution

range of such specimen, provided that such conveyance and release is-

(a) done by a provincial conservation authority;

(b) done for conservation purposes; and

(c) authorized by a permit issued in accordance with these Regulations.

(4) The issuing authority may issue a permit in accordance with these Regulations in relation to the

possession of, or exercising physical control over, a live specimen of a listed threatened or protected fish species-

(a) in an exhibition facility for educational purposes only; or

(b) in a low escape-risk research facility, whether inside or outside the natural distribution range provided

that such research facility is registered in terms of these Regulations as scientific institution.

(5) A permit may not be issued for the possession of or exercising physical control over a live specimen of

a listed threatened or protected fish species for home use in garden ponds or fish tanks.

(6) The issuing authority may issue a permit in accordance with these Regulations in relation to the

breeding of a specimen of a listed threatened or protected fish species in a low escape-risk breeding facility, provided that-

(a) such specimen is bred for conservation purposes; and

(b) such breeding facility is registered in terms of these Regulations as a captive breeding facility.

(7) The issuing authority may issue a permit in accordance with these Regulations in relation to the catching of a specimen of a listed threatened or protected fish species, subject to the condition that

such specimen may not be killed subsequent to the catching of such specimen.

(8) Notwithstanding the provision of subregulation (7),the issuing authority may issue a permit in accordance with these Regulations in relation to the catching and killing of a specimen of a listed

threatened or protected fish species for conservation purposes by a registered low escape-risk research


(9) A permit in terms of the Biodiversity Act in relation to the catching and release of a specimen of a listed threatened or protected fish species isnot requiredif such specimen isreleased immediately

subsequent to the catching of such specimen, in the same water where it has been caught.

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(10) The issuing authority may issue a permit in accordance with these Regulations in relation to the selling of a live specimen of a listed threatened or protected fish species, subject to a condition that such specimen may only be sold-

(a) to the owner of private land contemplated in subregulation (1)(b); and

(b) if an assessment of risks in relation to such land has been done in accordance with regulation 16 of

these Regulations.

(11) The issuing authority may issue a permit in accordance with these Regulations in relation to the

donation of a live specimen of a listed threatened or protected fish species to a person or facility-

(a) inside the natural distribution range of such specimen, namely by-

(i) a low escape-risk research facility to another low escape-risk research facility;

(ii) a provincial conservation authority to-

(aa) a low risk research facility; or

(bb) the owner of private land contemplated in subregulation (1)(b); or

(iii) the owner of private land contemplated in subregulation (1)(b) to another owner of private land

contemplated in subregulation (1)(b);

(b) outside the natural distribution range of such specimen, by-

(i) a low escape-risk research facility to another low escape-risk research facility; or

(ii) a provincial conservation authority to a low escape-risk research facility.

(12) A person or facility contemplated in subregulation (11) may receive as a donation, a specimen of a

listed threatened or protected fish species, only if such person or facility is authorized by a permit issued

in accordance with these Regulations to receive such specimen as a donation.

(13) The issuing authority may issue a permit in accordance with these Regulations in relation to the importation, exportation or re-exportation of a live specimen of a listed threatened or protected fish

species, only to a low escape-risk research facility.

(14) The issuing authority may issue a permit in accordance with these Regulations in relation to the conveyance, possession, donation, importation, exportation or re-exportation of dead specimens of

listed threatened or protected fish species, only to low risk-escape research facilities.

(15) A permit in terms of the Biodiversity Act in relation to the receiving of dead specimens of listed

threatened or protected fish species by low risk-escape research facilities is not required.

Regulation of restricted activities involving specimens of listed threatened or protected species in respect of semi-extensive wildlife systems

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84. (1) Permits issued in accordance with these Regulations for the carrying out of restricted activities involving

specimens of listed threatened or protected species are required in respect of semi-extensive wildlife

systems in the following circumstances-

(a) Having in possession or exercising physical control over;

(b) Selling or otherwise trading in; and

(c) Importing into the Republic; or exporting or re-exporting from the Republic.

(2) Permits in terms of the Biodiversity Act for the carrying out of restricted activities involving specimens of

listed threatened or protected species are not required in respect of a semi-extensive wildlife system in

the following circumstances, provided that such semi-extensive wildlife system is registered as a game

farm, and provided that the restricted activity is carried out in accordance with any other provision of these Regulations-

(a) Hunting, provided that the owner of the property on which a specimen was hunted, must keep a

register containing the following information-

(I) Name and physical address of the hunter;

(ii) Particulars of the species, and number and sex of specimens hunted; and

(iii) Date on which the specimens were hunted,

(b) Catching or capturing;

(c) Breeding, or in any way causing the specimen to multiply, provided that measures must be taken to

prevent breeding between specimens of species that are likely to hybridize;

(d) Conveying, moving or otherwise translocating of specimens, provided that such conveyance, movement or translocation is done in accordance with Regulation 77 and the Norms and Standards for the

translocation of indigenous species in South Africa;

(e) Buying;

(f) Darting by a veterinarian;

(g) Releasing of specimens in the following circumstances-

(I) if such specimens have been conveyed, moved or otherwise translocated to other semi- extensive wildlife systems in accordance with Regulation 77 and the Norms and Standards for

the translocation of indigenous species in South Africa; or

(ii) if such specimens are released from a captive breeding facility onto a semi-extensive wildlife

system, in the case where the captive breeding facility is on the same property as the semi-

extensive wildlife system.

(3) The register contemplated in subregulation (2)(a) must be made available upon request to an official of the relevant issuing authority.

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(4) Notwithstanding the provision of subregulation (2)(d), specimens may not be conveyed, moved or

otherwise translocated to an extensive wildlife system, unless-

(a) an assessment of risks has been conducted in accordance with regulation 16 of these Regulations; and

(b) such conveyance, movement or translocation has been authorized by a permit issued in accordance

with these Regulations.

(5) Notwithstanding that a permit is not required if the conveying, moving or otherwise translocating of a specimen is done in accordance with the Norms and Standards for the translocation of indigenous

species in South Africa, such conveyance, movement or translocation must nevertheless be done in

accordance with the provisions of regulation 70(1), (3), (4), (5) and (6).




Duty of care

85. (1) The owner of land has a general duty of care to take reasonable measures to limit or prevent damage

being caused by damage-causing animals.

(2) The reasonable measures contemplated in subregulation (1) may include measures relating, but not limited to, the measures contained in norms and standards established in terms of section 9 of the

Biodiversity Act.

(3) A person or group of persons experiencing damage or loss caused by damage-causing animals must report such damage or loss to the issuing authority, as soon as possible after becoming aware of such

damage or loss.

(4) The issuing authority must determine whether an individual specimen, or a group of specimens, of a listed threatened or protected species, as the case may be, is responsible for the damage or loss contemplated in subregulation (3) and can be deemed a damage-causing animal, or are damage-

causing animals.

(5) The issuing authority must take the following factors into consideration when determining whether an individual specimen, or group of specimens, of a listed threatened or protected species is a damage-

causing animal, or are damage-causing animals, as the case may be-

(a) actual loss of livelihood or revenue, or potential of further loss of livelihood or revenue;

(b) the frequency of the damage or loss experienced;

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(c) whether reasonable measures to prevent damage being caused by damage-causing animals have been

taken; or

(d) any other factor that is deemed relevant by the issuing authority.

(6) The MEC of a province where a national protected area exists must enter into a written agreement with

the management authority of such national protected area in relation to the management of damage-

causing animals originating from such national protected area.

Management measures

86. (1) In the case of a damage-causing animal originating from any land other than a national protected area,

the following management measures may be considered by the issuing authority-

(a) capture and relocation of the damage-causing animal by-

(i) the issuing authority;

(ii) the management authority of a protected area; or

(iii) any other person; or

(b) killing the damage-causing animal by-

(I) the issuing authority;

(ii) the management authority of a protected area or

(iii) any other person.

(2) The person contemplated in subregulation (1)(a)(iii) or (1)(b)(iii)-

(a) must be in possession of a permit issued by the issuing authority in accordance with these Regulations;

(b) must be designated in writing by the management authority of the protected area if the damage-causing

animal originates from a protected area; and

(c) may not be a hunting client.

(3) The issuing authority, management authority of a protected area or any other person contemplated in

subregulation (1)(a) and (b) may use the methods contemplated in subregulations (9), (10) and (11) if

so required, to capture and relocate or kill the damage-causing animal contemplated in subregulation


(4) In the case of a damage-causing animal originating from a national protected area, the management measures contemplated in subregulation (1) must be carried out in accordance with the written

agreement contemplated in regulation 85(6) of these Regulations.

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(5) Notwithstanding the provisions of subregulation (2)(a) and regulation 4 of these Regulations a person may kill a damage-causing specimen of a listed threatened or protected species without a permit in an

emergency or life-threatening situation.

(6) If a person kills a damage-causing animal in the circumstances contemplated in subregulation (5), such

person must, within 24 hours after the damage-causing animal has been killed-

(a) inform the issuing authority of the incident; and

(b) surrender the remains of the damage-causing animal to the issuing authority to be disposed of in an

appropriate manner.

(7) The issuing authority must evaluate the evidence in the circumstances contemplated in subregulation (5) and-

(a) consider whether or not in the circumstances of such incident, to institute criminal proceedings; and

(b) take appropriate steps to institute criminal proceedings where relevant.

(8) In the case where the issuing authority decides to institute criminal proceedings, the issuing authority

must report the incident and the steps contemplated in subregulation (7)(b) in writing to the Department

as soon as reasonably possible.

(9) Notwithstanding the provisions of regulations 71 and 72 of these Regulations the issuing authority, the management authority of the protected area or the person contemplated in subregulation 1(b) may kill a

damage-causing animal by the following means, if so specified on the permit-

(a) poison, only in accordance with norms and standards relating to the management of damage-causing

animals; or

(b) a firearm suitable for hunting purposes, which may be fitted with a silencer.

(10) A damage-causing animal may be captured by means of darting.

(11) Notwithstanding the provisions of regulations 71 and 72 of these Regulations the issuing authority, the

management authority of a protected area or the person contemplated in subregulation (1)(a) and (b)

may catch or kill a damage-causing animal by means of-

(a) dogs, only for the purpose of-

(i) tracking a wounded damage-causing animal; or

(ii) pointing, flushing and retrieving a damage-causing animal;

(b) luring by means of sound or smell;

(c) bait and trap cages;

(d) gin traps, only if such gin traps have an off-set jaw or padded jaws;

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(e) flood or spot lights;

(f) from a motorized vehicle; or

(g) from an air craft.



Part 1 Establishment, composition and operating procedures

Establishment of the Scientific Authority

87. The Scientific Authority established in terms of section 60 of the Biodiversity Act and regulation 59 of

the previous Regulations, continues to exist as a juristic person in terms of these Regulations, despite

the repeal of the previous Regulations.

Composition of the Scientific Authority

88. (1) The Scientific Authority consists of-

(a) two members to represent the Department;

(b) one member to represent the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries;

(c) one member to represent each provincial conservation authority;

(d) one member to represent South African National Parks;

(e) one member to represent SANBI;

(f) one member to represent tertiary institutions; and

(g) one member to represent the National Zoological Gardens.

(2) A provincial conservation authority may be represented by an official from another organ of state responsible for the protection of biodiversity within that particular province, in the case where such provincial

conservation authority does not have the necessary scientific expertise.

(3) The Minister appoints the members of the Scientific Authority.

(4) The Director-General must request the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, each provincial conservation authority, South African National Parks, SANBI, tertiary institutions and the National Zoological Gardens to nominate persons for appointment to the Scientific Authority in

accordance with subregulation (1).

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Chairperson and deputy chairperson

89. (1)Whenever necessary, the Minister must appoint one of the members of the Scientific Authority as the

Chairperson and another of the members as the Deputy Chairperson of the Scientific Authority.

(2) The Deputy Chairperson acts as chairperson if-

(a) the Chairperson is absent or unable to perform the functions of chairperson; or

(b) the office of chairperson is vacant.

Term of office

90. The term of office for a member of the Scientific Authority is 4 years and can be renewed if approved by

the Minister for another term.

Removal from office

91. The Minister may remove a member of the Scientific Authority from office, but only on grounds of-

(a) misconduct, incapacity or incompetence;

(b) insolvency; or

(c) conviction of a criminal offence without the option of a fine.

Filling of vacancies

92. Whenever a vacancy arises in the membership of the Scientific Authority, the Minister must fill the

vacancy in accordance with regulation 88(4) of these Regulations.

Meetings of the Scientific Authority

93. (1)The Scientific Authority must meet at least once a year to develop a report to the Minister regarding

compliance with the provisions of section 61 of the Biodiversity Act.

(2) The Chairperson may convene additional meetings as and when necessary.

Expert advisors

94. The Scientific Authority may co-opt expert advisors from within or outside the public service to be

present and speak at meetings.

Participation in meetings by way of electronic or other media

95. A member of the Scientific Authority or another person co-opted in terms of regulation 94 of these Regulations to participate in a meeting, who is not present at the meeting, may participate in the

meeting by telephone, radio, closed-circuit television, the intemet or any other medium of instantaneous

communication, provided that-

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(a) a facility for such communication is available; and

(b) the person who is not present at the meeting and the persons present at the meeting are all-

(i) audible to one another, if participation is by telephone, radio or the Internet; or

(ii) audible and visible to one another, if participation is by closed-circuit television.


96. The Scientific Authority determines its own internal procedures.

Quorum and decisions

97. (1) A majority of the persons serving as members of the Scientific Authority at the time a meeting is held,

constitutes a quorum for a meeting of the Scientific Authority.

(2) A matter before a meeting of the Scientific Authority is decided by a supporting vote of a majority of the

members present at the meeting.

(3) A member of the Scientific Authority who participates in a meeting in accordance with regulation 95 of these Regulations must for the purpose of subregulation (2) be regarded as being present at the


Part 2 Setting of annual off-take limits

Setting of annual off-take limits

98. The Scientific Authority must each year before the end of September determine for the following year, if

and where so required, annual off-take limits of specimens of listed threatened or protected species for

the country as a whole and /or per province.

Part 3 Non-detriment findings

Provisions included in non-detriment findings

99. The Scientific Authority may include provisions in the non-detriment findings, made in terms of section

62 of the Biodiversity Act, in respect of specimens of listed threatened or protected species in captivity,

relating to the compulsory-

(a) marking and identification of specimens;

(b) collection, analysis and storage of DNA samples;

(c) keeping of studbooks.

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Specific definitions applicable to listed threatened or protected marine species

100. In this Chapter, unless the context indicates otherwise, a word or expression or any derivative or other grammatical form of such word or expression to which a meaning has been assigned in regulation 1 of these

Regulations or in the Biodiversity Act, has the corresponding meaning, unless the context indicates otherwise, and the following additional definitions shall only apply to this Chapter-

"attract" means to feed, chum or bait, or to use any other means, method or device to lure a live specimen of a listed threatened or protected marine species;

"boat-based whale and dolphin watching" means approaching dolphins, and whales closer than 300 meters, from a boat-based whale and dolphin watching vessel for commercial purposes, and includes the advertising of such activity;

"boat based whale and dolphin watching vessel" means a vessel that is certified by SAMSA as suitable and safe for boat-based whale and dolphin watching;

"bycatch" means a specimen or number of specimens of a listed threatened or protected marine species that is accidentally caught, while fishing for a target species for which a permit has been issued in terms of the Marine

Living Resources Act;

"chum or chumming" means scenting or using pieces of an animal weighing less than 10 grams, in the water to attract a live specimen of a listed threatened or protected marine species;

"colony" means a location on land or an island used for breeding by a specimen of a listed threatened or protected seal or seabird species, or where at least 10 seabirds of the same species aggregate for , or where an average of at least 50 seals can be found year round, but excludes locations where specimens are held in captivity;

"feed" means to supply food or other objects which will be perceived as food by a specimen of a listed threatened or protected marine species;

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"free dive" means to swim or dive in the vicinity of white sharks without the protection of a cage, with or without

diving equipment or gear;

"habitat modification" means the alteration or destruction of the habitat of a specimen of a listed threatened or

protected marine species in any way as a result of human intervention, to the extent that specimens of such

species are no longer capable of surviving in the altered or destroyed habitat;

"harassing" means behavior or conduct that threatens, disturbs or torments a live specimen of a listed

threatened or protected marine species, and includes-

(a) the insertion or attachment of a tag or other device to a listed threatened or protected marine species;

(b) in the case of a whale, approaching a whale with a vessel or aircraft closer than 300 meters;

(c) in the case of a white shark, approaching a white shark predating on natural prey witha vessel or

aircraft closer than 80 meters;

(d) in the case of turtles, photographing turtles at night or digging up turtle nests or ;

(e) in the case of dolphins, driving through a school of dolphins;

(f) in the case of seals and sea birds, approaching a colony closer than 30 meters;

(g) in the case of seabirds, disturbing, digging up or destroying nests or eggs, and

(h) in the case of a whale shark and a basking shark, approaching a whale shark or basking shark closer.

than 20 meters;

and harassment has a corresponding meaning;

"Marine Living Resources Act" means the Marine Living Resources Act, 1998 (Act No. 18 of 1998);

"SAMSA" means the South African Marine Authority established in terms of section 2 of the South African

Maritime Safety Authority Act, 1998 (Act No. 5 of 1998);

"white shark cage diving" means the attraction of a white shark by chumming to observe a free-swimming

white shark from within a protective cage submerged from a vessel or viewing such white shark from a vessel,

for commercial purposes and includes the advertising of such activity; and

"white shark cage diving vessel" means a vessel that is certified by SAMSA as suitable and safe for white

shark cage diving.

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Activities prescribed as restricted activities

101.In addition to those activities defined in terms of section 1 of the Biodiversity Act as restricted activities, the

following activities are hereby prescribed as restricted activities in respect of specimens of listed threatened

or protected marine species-

(a)habitat modification;

(b)harassing a specimen of a listed threatened or protected marine species;

(c)attracting a live specimen of a listed threatened or protected marine species;

(d)boat-based whale and dolphin watching;

(e)white shark cage diving; or

(f) feeding.

Permits 102. (1) The carrying out of a restricted activity in respect of a specimen of a listed threatened or protected

marine species may be authorised in terms of any of the following types of permits-

(a) an ordinary permit, including a permanent possession permit contemplated in regulation 6;

(b) a standing permit contemplated in regulation 7;

(c) a permit to an official of an issuing authority;

(d) a boat-based whale and dolphin watching permit contemplated in regulation 105; or

(e) a white shark cage diving permit contemplated in regulation 106.

General provisions applicable to specimens of listed threatened or protected marine species

103. The following provisions of these regulations shall apply mutatis mutandis to this Chapter and all permits issued under this Chapter, unless specifically excluded or modified in this Chapter; and any

reference to 'listed threatened or protected species' must be read as a reference to a 'listed threatened

or protected marine species' -

Regulation 1, 4, 5, 6, 7(1), 7(2), 7(3), 8, 9, 10(1), 10(2), 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20(1), 20(3), 21,

22, 23(1), 23(2), 23(3),24,25,28,29,33,35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51,52,53, 54(1),

54(2), 54(4), 54(5), 55,56,57,58,59,60,61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 73, 74, 119,120,121, 122,

123, 124 and 125.

Scientific institutions and research activities 104. (1) Any provision in these regulations relating to any person or scientific institution with respect to

registration or requiring a permit for scientific purposes, or any restricted activity which is carried out for

scientific purposes, shall not apply to any listed threatened or protected marine species.

(2) Any person or organization which intends carrying out a restricted activity for scientific purposes

involving a listed threatened or protected marine species, must lodge an application with the Minister in

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accordance with the provisions of section 83 of the Marine Living Resources Act, or any regulations

published under the National Environmental Management: Integrated Coastal Management Act, 2008

(Act No. 24 of 1998).

Boat-based whale and dolphin watching permits 105. (1) A boat-based whale and dolphin watching permit may be issued to a person who carries out the

restricted activity of boat-based whale and dolphin watching as prescribed in regulation 101 of these


(2) The issuing authority may issue the number of permits for boat-based whale and dolphin watching

operations, and for the areas contemplated in Annexure 6 to these Regulations.

(3) A person may apply for a boat-based whale watching permit following an invitation published by the

Minister in the Gazette.

White shark cage diving permits 106. (1) A white shark cage diving permit may be issued to a person who carries out the restricted activity of

white shark cage diving as prescribed in regulation 101 of these Regulations.

(2) The issuing authority may issue the number of permits for white shark cage diving operations, and for

the areas contemplated in Annexure 7 to these Regulations.

(3) A person may apply for a white shark cage diving permit following an invitation published by the Minister

in the Gazette.

Permit applications

107. (1) An application for a boat-based whale and dolphin watching permit must, in addition to the requirements

contemplated in regulation 8, be accompanied by-

(a) an operational plan;

(b) proof that the applicant -

(i) is a South African citizen; and

(ii) has access to a boat-based whale and dolphin watching vessel; and

(c) an undertaking that the applicant has employed, or will employ-

(i) one or more registered tourist guides; and

(ii) a qualified skipper certified by SAMSA as capable of skippering the nominated boat-

based whale and dolphin watching vessel; and

(d) a copy of adequate liability insurance or an undertaking that the applicant will obtain such


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(2) in the case of an application for a white shark diving permit-

(a) an operational plan;

(b) proof that the applicant-

(i) is a South African citizen; and

(ii) has access to a white shark cage diving vessel;

(c) an undertaking that the applicant has employed, or will employ-

(i) one or more registered tourist guides;

(ii) a qualified diving master; and

(iii) a qualified skipper certified by SAMSA as capable of skippering the nominated white

shark cage diving vessel; and

(d) a copy of adequate liability insurance or an undertaking that the applicant will obtain such

insurance; and

(3) any other additional information deemed relevant by the issuing authority.

Timeframes for issuing authorities

108. (1) Subject to subregulation (2), the timeframes set out in regulation 17 similarly apply for permits

issued for listed threatened or protected marine species.

(2) The timeframes set out in regulation 17 do not apply to applications relating to boat-based whale and

dolphin watching permits, or white shark cage diving permits.

Additional factors to be taken into account by the issuing authority when considering applications for boat-based whale and dolphin watching permits and applications for white shark cage diving permits

109. (1) When considering an application for a boat-based whale and dolphin watching permit or an application

for a white shark cage diving permit, the issuing authority must, in addition to the factors contemplated

in regulation 18 of these Regulations, also take the following general factors into consideration-

(a) promoting the economic growth of the boat-based whale and dolphin watching, and the white shark

cage diving industries and the sustainable non-consumptive use of whales, dolphins and white sharks,

particularly for eco-tourism, through-

(i) the allocation of the optimal number of permits that could be safely issued; and

(ii) the allocation of permits to persons who will be able to beneficially exercise the allocation;

(b) the need to improve the regulatory and compliance framework pertaining to the boat-based whale

watching and white shark cage diving industries;

(c) the need to address transformation of these industries;

(d) the need to provide for control over diving to view white sharks or the boat-based viewing of white

sharks, in order for these activities to take place in a manner that does not threaten the safety of divers

or the protection and conservation of white sharks; and

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(e) the need to provide for control over the number of boat-based whale and dolphin watching and white

shark cage diving permit holders in order to manage any adverse impact on whale, dolphin and white

shark behavior and to protect whales, dolphins and white sharks.

(2) When considering an application for boat-based whale and dolphin watching and white shark cage

diving permits, the issuing authority must, in addition to the factors contemplated in subregulation (1) and regulation 19 of these Regulations, also take the following specific criteria for each individual application into consideration-

(a) whether the applicant, while in possession of an existing permit or exemption, optimally utilised the

rights contained in the permit or exemption;

(b) whether the applicant has been convicted of any offence related to the permit or any other

environmental legislation and the seriousness thereof;

(c) the extent to which the applicant invested or participated in the boat-based whale and dolphin watching

or white shark cage diving industries;

(d) the number, working conditions of and opportunities for the employees of the applicant;

(e) whether the nominated vessels have a vessel monitoring system; or any other factor that may be relevant to boat-based whale or dolphin watching or white shark cage diving or

specific areas of operations.

Circumstances in which permits must be refused

110. (1)In addition to the factors contemplated in regulation 20, the issuing authority must refuse to issue

permits for boat-based whale and dolphin watching and for white shark cage diving-

(a) if the applicant-

(i) has failed to attest to the declaration obtained from the issuing authority;

(ii) fails to demonstrate access to-

(aa) a boat based whale and dolphin watching vessel ; or

(bb) a white shark cage diving vessel, (including a cage);

(iii) fails to employ or demonstrate that the applicant will employ one or more registered tourist


(iv) fails to employ, or fails to demonstrate that the applicant will employ a qualified skipper certified


(v) is not a South African citizen; or

(vi) has not complied with or will be unable to comply with any other essential requirements in

terms of the policy issued by the Minister; and

(b) in areas where boat-based whale and dolphin watching, and white shark cage diving are not

permissible; or

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(c) if the maximum number of boat-based whale and dolphin watching permits, and white shark cage diving

permits, have already been issued.

(2) In addition to the factors contemplated in regulation 20, the issuing authority must refuse to issue a permit if it relates to-

(a) swimming with dolphins; or

(b) advertising an experience to swim with dolphins; whether or not for commercial gain.

Compulsory permit conditions applicable to the holder of a boat-based whale and dolphin watching permit or a white shark cage diving permit 111. (1) In addition to the compulsory conditions contemplated in regulation 23(1), boat-based whale and

dolphin watching permit must be issued subject to the following additional conditions-

(a) a person under the control or supervision of the permit holder may not feed or swim with whales or


(b) the permit holder, or a crew member or client under the control or supervision of the permit holder, may

not enter a closed or restricted area;

(c) boat-based whale and dolphin watching may only be undertaken on a boat-based whale and dolphin

watching vessel;

(d) the permit holder may only use the vessel or vessels specified on the permit, and may not use more

than one vessel at a time;

(e) if the permit holder intends to use a different vessel or vessels from what has been specified on the

permit, he or she must obtain written permission from the issuing authority to change the nominated


(f) the permit holder must display the permit in a visible place on the vessel when engaging in operations or services; and

(g) when advertising boat-based whale and dolphin watching operations or services, reference must be

made to the permit number.

(2) In addition to the compulsory conditions contemplated in regulation 23(1), a white shark cage diving

permit must be issued subject to the following additional conditions-

(a) the permit holder may not take a person to free-dive with white sharks without a permit specifically

authorizing such free diving;

(b) the permit holder, or a crew member or client under the control or supervision of the permit holder, may

not dump any material into the sea other than to attract sharks in the manner provided for in the permit;

(c) the permit holder, or a crew member or client under the control or supervision of the permit holder, may

not dive outside the cage, touch, tag or interfere with any sharks;

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when attracting a white shark for the purpose of this permit, the permit holder, or a crew member or

client under the control or supervision of the permit holder, may not allow a shark to take the bait;

attracting may only be conducted within the areas stipulated in the permit,;

white shark cage diving may only be undertaken on a white shark cage diving vessel;

the permit holder may only use the vessel or vessels specified on the permit, and may not use more

than one vessel at a time;

if the permit holder intends to use a different vessel from what has been specified on the permit, he or

she must obtain written permission from the issuing authority to change the nominated vessel;.

the permit holder must display the permit in a visible place on the vessel when engaging in operations

or services; and

when advertising white shark cage diving reference must be made to the permit number.

Compulsory permit conditions applicable to captive breeding facilities or commercial exhibition facilities

112. (1) A permit in respect of a captive breeding facility or a commercial exhibition facility must, in addition to

the compulsory conditions contemplated in regulation 24, be subject to a condition that no specimens of

the following listed threatened or protected marine species originating from wild populations may be

introduced in a commercial exhibition facility-

a) dolphins;

b) whales;

c) seals;

d) sea birds;

e) saw fish;

f) coelacanth; and

g) white sharks, basking sharks and whale sharks.

Period of validity of a boat-based whale and dolphin watching permit or a white shark cage diving permit

113. In addition to the validity periods determined in regulation 29 for an ordinary permit and a standing

permit, a boat-based whale and dolphin watching permit and a white shark cage diving permit, may be

issued for a period not exceeding 5 years.

Renewal of a boat-based whale and dolphin watching permit or a white shark cage diving permit

114. (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of regulation 56, a boat-based whale and dolphin watching permit and a white shark cage diving permit are not renewable and are subject to an allocation process. On the

expiry of the validity period of these permits, the Minister will invite persons, by Notice in the Gazette, to

submit new applications.

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(2) If a new allocation process has not been completed in terms of subregulation (1), prior to the expiry of a

boat-based whale and dolphin watching permit or a white shark cage diving permit, such permit may be

renewed for a period not exceeding two years.

(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of regulation 57, a boat-based whale and dolphin watching permit or a white shark cage diving permit may be renewed in terms of sub-regulation (2), at the discretion of the

issuing authority prior to a new allocation process, provided that the permit holder has complied with all the provisions of the Biodiversity Act and these Regulations where applicable, and with all previous

permit conditions.

Specific restricted activities by commercial exhibition facilities and rehabilitation facilities involving a listed threatened or protected marine species prohibited under certain circumstances 115. (1)When issuing a permit to a commercial exhibition facility, the issuing authority must issue such permit subject to the condition that the holder thereof may not catch or receive a specimen of a listed threatened or protected cetacean, marine turtle, seabird, shorebird or seal species originating from a

wild population.

(2) When issuing a permit to a commercial exhibition facility, the issuing authority must issue such permit subject to the condition that the holder thereof may be in possession of a specimen of a listed threatened or protected cetacean, marine turtle, seabird, shorebird or seal species, only if such

specimen has been bred in captivity, or has been kept in captivity prior to the commencement of these


(3) When issuing a permit to a rehabilitation facility, the issuing authority must issue such permit subject to the condition that the holder thereof may be in possession of a specimen of a listed threatened or

protected cetacean, marine turtle, seabird, shorebird or seal species, only if such specimen is unable to

be released back into the wild, provided that the rehabilitation facility is also registered as a sanctuary.

Regulation of restricted activities involving boat-based whale and dolphin watching and white shark cage diving 116. (1) The Minister may determine the number of boat-based whale or dolphin watching permits, or the number of white shark cage diving permits, to be issued, in order to ensure the sustainable non-

consumptive use of whales, dolphins and white sharks for eco-tourism purposes.

(2) The areas where boat-based whale or dolphin watching is permissible, are listed in Annexure 6 to these


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(3) The areas where white shark cage diving is permissible, are listed in Annexure 7 to these Regulations.

Regulation of restricted activities involving listed threatened or protected marine species

117. (1) The issuing authority may, to achieve the objectives of disease control, or to manage conflict between

individuals of listed threatened or protected marine species issue permits for the carrying out of the following restricted activities-

(a) removal and relocation of specimens of listed threatened or protected species of seabirds, shorebirds or

seals from one location to another location;

(b) the humane killing of specimens of listed threatened or protected species of seabirds, shorebirds or

seals in accordance with subregulation (3);

(c) the burning of carcasses of specimens of listed threatened or protected species of seabirds, shorebirds

or seals;

(d) the use of reproductive control measures; or

(e) any other restricted activity which is necessary in the opinion of the issuing authority to combat or

manage disease amongst listed threatened or protected species of seabirds, shorebirds and seals or

conserve and manage populations.

(2) In authorizing any of the activities contemplated in subregulation (1), the issuing authority must give

preference to authorizing those activities which effectively achieve the objectives of conservation and

management with the least disruptive impact on specimens of listed threatened or protected species of

seabirds, shorebirds and seals and their habitats.

(3) The issuing authority must refuse to authorise the killing of a specimen of any listed threatened or protected species of seabirds, shorebirds or seals contemplated in subregulation (1)(b), unless no

reasonable possibility exists that any other activity will effectively achieve the objective of conservation

and management of listed threatened or protected species of seabirds, shorebirds and seals.

Catch, release and killing of listed threatened or protected marine species 118. (1) A permit to authorize the catching, capturing or release of a specimen of a listed threatened or

protected marine species is not required if such specimen has been caught-

a) as by-catch, and

b) such specimen is released alive in the water from which it has been caught.

(2) In the case where it is not possible to release the specimen alive as contemplated in subregulation

(1)(b), a permit to authorize the killing of such specimen is not required, provided that:

(a) all attempts made to release such specimen alive, have failed; and

(b) such dead specimen is released in the water from which it has been caught.

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Continuation of restricted activities carried out, and permits and registration certificates issued, under the previous Regulations 119. (1) Anything done in terms of the previous Regulations and which can be done in terms of these

Regulations must be regarded as having been done in terms of these Regulations.

(2) Any permit, including a game farm hunting permit, a nursery possession permit, a personal effects permit, a boat-based whale and dolphin watching permit and a white shark cage diving permit or

registration certificate issued in terms of the previous Regulations that have not expired on the date of coming into effect of these Regulations, must despite the repeal of the previous Regulations be

regarded as having been issued in terms of these Regulations, and remains valid until the expiry date

indicated on such permit or registration certificate.

(3) Game farm hunting permits, nursery possession permits and personal effects permits seize to exist in terms of these Regulations, and issuing authorities may not issue new game farm hunting permits,

nursery possession permits and personal effects permits in terms of these Regulations.

(4) Notwithstanding the provision of regulation 56(3), a boat-based whale and dolphin watching permit or a

white shark cage diving permit issued in terms of the Marine Living Resources Act, may be renewed in

terms of these Regulations, at the discretion of the issuing authority prior to the first allocation process, initiated in terms of these Regulations, provided that the permit holder has complied with all the

provisions of the Biodiversity Act and these Regulations, and with all previous permit conditions. Such

permit may be renewed for the period until the first allocation process in terms of these Regulations

have been concluded.

Pending applications for permits, registration certificates and appeals

120. (1) An application for a permit or registration submitted in terms of the previous Regulations and which is pending when these Regulations come into effect, must be dispensed within terms of these


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(2) An appeal lodged in terms of the previous Regulations, and which is pending on the date of coming into

effect of these Regulations must be dispensed with in terms of the appeals regulations developed in

terms of the National Environmental Management Act.

Criminal prosecution in terms of the previous Regulations

121. A criminal prosecution instituted in terms of the previous Regulations, and which is pending on the date

of coming into effect of these Regulations, must be dispensed with in terms of the previous Regulations

as if the previous Regulations were not repealed.




122. (1) A person is guilty of an offence if that person-

(a) contravenes any provision of these Regulations;

(b) carries out any restricted activity in conflict with information provided in the management plan to which

the permit application or registration application was subject; or

(c) alters, erases or in any way tampers with the markings made on elephant ivory or rhinoceros horn in

terms of these Regulations.

(3) A person is guilty of an offence if such person permits, facilitates or allows any other person to

contravene any of the provisions of these Regulations.

Penalties 123. (1) A person convicted of an offence in terms of regulation 122 of these Regulations is liable upon conviction to-

(a) imprisonment for a period not exceeding 5 years; or

(b) a fine not exceeding R5 million; or

(c) both a fine and such imprisonment; and

(d) in the case of a second or subsequent conviction, a fine not exceeding R10 million or imprisonment for

a period not exceeding 10 years, or both such fine and imprisonment.

Repeal of the previous Regulations

124. The previous Regulations are hereby repealed.

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Short title and commencement of these Regulations

125. These regulations are called the Threatened or Protected Species Regulations, 2015, and take effect

on a date determined by the Minister by notice in the Gazette.

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A. Applicant details:








B. Facility details:





C. Kind of Permit Applied for (Tick off)


D. If the Application applies to a Standing Permit (Tick off)


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E. Kind of restricted activity applied for (see section G in the case of a hunt):

E.g. Possession / Hunt / Catch / Capture / Gather / Growing / Breeding / Other Applicable Restricted













F. Property where restricted activity will take place

(if not the same as provided in B):


G. In the case of transport/ export / import / sell / purchase:



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H. Species Involved:

SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME QUANTITY PARTICULARS OF SPECIMEN (Such as sex, size, age, markings, derivatives etc)

I. Additional Information for Hunt:

(i) Hunting Client and Applicant Details: (If applicable)




(ii) Hunting Outfitter and Professional Hunting Details: (if applicable)




(iii) Duration of Hunting Trip

ARRIVAL DATE: (dd/mm/year) DEPARTURE DATE: (dd/mm/year)

(iv) Weapon and Method of Hunt


J. Additional Information for Standing Permits


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Signature of applicant Date

Official Use



L. Period of Validity of Permit

FROM: (dd/mm/year) TO: (dd/mmlyear)

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A. Applicant details, including name, identity no, telephone no, fax no, cell phone no, e-mail, postal

address and physical address;

B. Details of current permit or registered facility, including the kind of facility, the name of the permit holder or facility, the address of the permit holder or facility, the permit number or registration certificate

number and the date it was issued; and

C. Details of renewal/ amendment applied for and reasons (if appropriate)

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Ordinary permit - new, renewal or amendment International import / export /re-export permit

application - R50.00

Hunting/catching/killing - R100.00

Gathering/plucking/collecting - R50.00

Conveying/moving/translocation - R50.00

Growing/breeding/propagating - R50.00

Selling/buying/receiving/giving/donating - R50.00

Permanent possession permit - R50.00

Registration R 1 000.00

Standing permit R 1 000.00

Renewal of a standing permit R1000.00

Amendment of a standing permit or registrationR200.00 certificate

Lost/stolen Permit R50.00

Permits to officials of organs of state No application fee applicable

Boat-based whale and dolphin watching permitsFees as published in Government Notice No. 795, and white shark cage diving permits Gazette No. 33518 of 10 September 2010

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Annexure 4

-`1W ORDINARY PERMIT NAME OF ISSUING AUTHORITY NAME (Issued in terms of the provisions of the ADDRESS NEOLO'' National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act 2004, Act 10 of 2004) PROVINCE







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Annexure 5

NAME OF ISSUING AUTHORITY STANDING PERMIT NAME ADDRESS (Issued in terms of the provisions of the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act 2004, Act 10 of 2004) PROVINCE






This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 31 MAART 2015 No. 38600 109



This gazette is also available free online at 110 No. 38600 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 31 MARCH 2015



Areas No. of permits

Port Nol loth 1

Lambert's Bay 1

St Helena Bay - Sandy Point 1

Saldanha Bay 1

Cape Town 1

Hout Bay 1

Cape Point - Kalkbaai 1

Gordons Bay 1 Hermanus 3

Gans Bay 1 Kleinbaai 2

Arniston and Struis Bay 1

Stilbaai 1

Mossel Bay 1

Knysna 1 Plettenberg Bay 2

Cape St Francis 1

Port Elizabeth 1 Kenton on Sea

Port Alfred 1

East London 1 Kei - Umgazi rivers 2 Umgazi - Umtanvuna rivers 2 Shelley Beach 2 Durban 2

Richards Bay 1 St Lucia 2

Sodwana Bay 1

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 31 MAART 2015 No. 38600 111



Areas No. of commercial permits Seal Island, False Bay 3 Dyer Island, Gansbaai 8 Quoin Rock, Quoin Point 2

Seal Island, Mossel Bay 1 Algoa Bay, Port Elizabeth 2

This gazette is also available free online at 112 No. 38600 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 31 MARCH 2015

NOTICE 256 OF 2015



I, Bomo Edith Edna Molewa, Minister of Environmental Affairs, hereby give notice of my intention, under sections 56(1), 57(2) and 57(4)(a), read with sections 63 and 100 of the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 (Act No. 10 of 2004), to publish lists of species that are threatened or in need of protection and activities that are prohibited; and to exempt persons from the restriction contemplated in section 57(1) set out in the Schedule hereto.

Members of the public are invited to submit to the Minister, within 30 (thirty) days after the publication of this notice in the Gazette, written comments or inputs to the following addresses:

By post to: The Director-General Department of Environmental Affairs Attention: Ms Humbu Mafumo Private Bag X447 PRETORIA 0001

By hand at: Environmental House, 473 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083.

By e-mail:

Any enquiries in connection with the notice can be directed to Ms Humbu Mafumo at 012 399 9588.

Comments received after the closing date may not be considered.


This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 31 MAART 2015 No. 38600 113


1. Definitions-

"conservation purposes" mean carrying out a restricted activity, including the collection of such specimen from the wild, with the primary purpose of ensuring the survival of such specimen in the wild, in accordance with a- a) conservation strategy or research program approved by the issuing authority; or b) Biodiversity Management Plan;

"enforcement purposes" means the purpose of carrying out the restricted activities is aimed at the process of enforcing the legal requirements of the Biodiversity Act and may include the confiscation, possession and movement of specimens by enforcement officials;

"finished part or product" means any part of a dead specimen, or a product derived from a dead specimen, of a listed threatened or protected species that has been finally processed and that can no longer be further processed into another product;

"management purposes" means for the purpose of-

(a) translocating;

(b) marking; or

(c) collecting a DNA sample of; a specimen of a listed threatened or protected species;

"raw elephant ivory" means- a) a whole uncarved elephant tusk or part of an uncarved elephant tusk, whether polished or unpolished; b) a whole partially carved elephant tusk or part of a partially carved elephant tusk, whether polished or

unpolished; or c) a cut piece of an elephant tusk, whether polished or unpolished, in any form whatsoever and

howsoever changed from its original form; but excludes worked ivory;

"veterinary purposes" mean for the purpose of-

(a) diagnosis, treatment, prevention of or advice on a disease, physiological or pathological condition;

(b) applying a medical procedure, including a surgical or dental operation or procedure; or

(c) administering medicine;

This gazette is also available free online at 114 No. 38600 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 31 MARCH 2015

2. (a) The following persons, or categories of persons, are exempt in terms of section 57(4), from the restriction contemplated in section 57(1), involving specimens of listed threatened or

protected species, applicable to the extent indicated below-

(i) Members of the South African Police, and members of the South African Revenue Services, Customs devision, in relation to the carrying out of restricted activities, such as the acquisition/ receipt, possession, transport and disposal/ give of specimens, necessary for the confiscation and subsequent handling of such

specimens, in the execution of their official duties;

(ii) Veterinarians, involving specimens of listed threatened or protected species, for the following purposes-

(aa) Darting for veterinary pruposes, and any other restricted activity such as

having in possession or excercising physical control; conveying, moving or

otherwise translocating, necessary to carry out such treatment;

(bb) Darting for management purposes, subject to the conditions indicated

below, but excluding specimens of the following species-

(AA) Diceros bicomis (Black rhinoceros);

(BB) Ceratotherium simim simum (White rhinoceros);

(CC) Loxodontaafricana (African elephant);

(DD) Pantherapardus (Leopard);

(EE) Lycaon pictus (African wild dog);

(FF) Acynonix jubatus (Cheetah);

(GG) Hyaena brunnea(Brown hyaena);

(HH) Crocuta crocuta (Spotted hyena);

(II) Leptailurus serval (Serval);

(JJ) Fells nigripes (Black-footed cat);

(KK) Otocyon megalotis (Bat-eared fox);

(LL) Vulpes chama (Cape fox);

(MM) Cercopithecus mitis labiatus (Samango monkey); and

(NN) Olycteropus afer (Aardvark);

(b) Conditions to which the exemption for veterinarians for management purposes contemplated

in subparagraph (ii)(bb) are subject-

(i) A permit in terms of section 57(1) has been issued to a registered wildlife

translocator prior to the capture and translocation of the specimens involved; and

(ii) A register is kept by the veterinarian, to be made available upon request by an

official of an issuing authority, indicating the following information-

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 31 MAART 2015 No. 38600 115

(aa) Date of the darting incident;

(bb) Property on which the darting has been carried out;

(cc) Species involved;

(dd) Purpose of darting; and

(ee) Marking of the specimens darted (if applicable).

3. Explanations- a) The table below contains the following information-

(i) Column 1 scientific and common names of listed threatened or protected species;

(ii) Coumn 2specific restricted activities relating to specific listed species, prohibited in terms of

section 57(2) of the Biodiversity Act; and

(iii)Column 3specific restricted activities relating to specific listed species, exempt in terms of

section 57(4) of the Biodiversity Act; b) Any specific restricted activity relating to a specific listed species not included in either Column 2 or 3,

must be regarded as requiring a permit in terms of section 57(1) of the Biodiversity Act; c) The exemptions contemplated in Paragraphs 2 and 3 above must be read in conjunction with the

species-specific exemptions in the table below. In the case of conflict between a general exemption

and a species-specific exemption, the latter shall apply; d) If the carrying out of a restricted activity involving a listed threatened or protected species has been exempt in terms of this notice, but the circumstances in which the carrying out of such restricted activity have been prohibited in terms of the Threatened or Protected Species Regulations, such

prohibition will nevertheless remain valid, regardless that the restricted activity has been exempt in

terms of this notice); e) When the nomenclature of a species included in the list of threatened or protected species (below) is

revised, the original species name will remain on the list until the list is updated and the regulations will

apply to all specimens that fitted the description at the time of listing even if a new scientific name is

applied to the species or populations of the species.

This gazette is also available free online at 116 o 80 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at LIST OF THREATENED OR PROTECTED SPECIES Column 1 TERRESTRIAL INVERTEBRATE SPECIES Column 2 Column 3 ScientificSpecies listed Name in terms of Section 56(1) Common Name ProhibitedRestricted inactivities terms of Section 57(2) ExemptedRestricted inactivities terms of Section 57(4) Ceratogyrus paulseni Paulsen's Horned Baboon Spider CRITICALLY ENDANGERED SPECIES Hunting, catching, capturing or killing by any ColophonColophon berrisfordi bamardi Berrisford'sBamard's Cape Cape Stag Stag Beetle Beetle wait,hunt,includingmeans, luring, catch, method alluring,searching, capture or or device orpursuing,injuring kill whatsoever,any with driving,such intent lying to in Colophon kawaiiendroedyi Kawai'sEndrody-Younga's Cape Stag CapeBeetle Stag Beetle conservation,enforcementGatheringspecimen, orand exceptenforcement scientific collecting, for conservation, purposes; or except scientific for ColophonColophon oweni montisatris Owen'sSwartberg Cape Cape Stag Stag Beetle Beetle enforcementdestroying,Pickingpurposes parts except or scientificof, for or conservation,cutting, purposes damaging or SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) TERRESTRIAL INVERTEBRATE SPECIES ColumnProhibitedRestricted 2 inactivities terms of Section 57(2) ExemptedRestrictedColumn 3 inactivities terms of Section 57(4) This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Colophon westwoodithunbergi Westwood'sThunberg's Cape Cape Stag Stag Beetle Beetle No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 Opistophthalmus fuscipesater Dark-leggedSteinkopf Burrowing Burrowing Scorpion Scorpion Colophon cameroni Cameron's Cape Stag Beetle ENDANGERED SPECIES Colophon haughtonieastmani Haughton'sEastman's Cape Cape Stag Stag Beetle Beetle Colophon neliizardi Nel'sIzard's Cape Cape Stag Stag Beetle Beetle Colophon primosi Primos's Cape Stag Beetle 117 118 o 80 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600 SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) TERRESTRIAL INVERTEBRATE SPECIES ProhibitedRestrictedColumn 2 inactivities terms of Section 57(2) ExemptedRestrictedColumn 3 inactivities terms of Section 57(4) This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at ScientificColophon Name whitei WhitesCommon Cape Name Stag Beetle OonotusIdiothele rexmira RegalBlue-footed Small BaboonStag Beetle Spider Opistophthalmus chaperi intermedius CapeChaper's Mountain Burrowing Burrowing Scorpion Scorpion Opistophthalmus latro Strandveld Burrowing Scorpion Oonotus interioris Inland Small Stag Beetle VULNERABLE SPECIES Column 1 FRESH WATER FISH SPECIES Column 2 Column 3 This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Species listed in terms of Section 56(1) ProhibitedRestricted inactivities terms of Section 57 (2) ExemptedRestricted inactivities terms of Section 57(4)

Scientific Name Common Name No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 BarbusBarbus serra andrewi SawfinBerg-Breede River Whitefish ENDANGERED SPECIES specimens:The following restricted activities involving liveConveying, moving or otherwise translocating specimenandAngling release, and is releasedrelease, of a live orspecimen,alive catching immediately onlyor capturing if such Labeo seeberi Clanwilliam sandfish to; and release, in: aquaticdistributionConveying range to and of releasesuch specimen; in a natural system outside the natural watercapturingsubsequent where of tosuchit hasthe specimen, angling,been caught; catching in the same or SerranochromisSandelia bainsii meridianus LowveldEastern Capelargemouth rocky > Conveying to and release on private landrangedifferentConveying of suchcatchments specimen; within or the natural to and release between lowReceiving escape-risk of dead research specimens facilities. by registered excluding by an official of a provincial thespecimen;on natural which closeddistribution water range is found, of suchoutside Havingconservation in possession purposes;authority, or exercising and then physicalonly for control> aA registeredover, excluding low in: escape-risk researcheducational purposes only; or registered exhibition facility for 119 120 o 80 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600 SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) FRESH WATER FISH SPECIES ProhibitedRestrictedColumn 2 inactivities terms of Section 57 (2) ExemptedRestrictedColumn 3 inactivities terms of Section 57(4) This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name facility,natural whether distribution inside range; or outside the purposes;escape-riskBreeding, excluding breeding by facility a registered for conservation low facilitybyCatching a registered for orconservation capturing, low escape-risk and purposes; killing, breeding excluding rangewatertheSelling, owner isof excluding found,such of privatespecimen, within if a livetheland specimennaturaland on thenwhich distribution onlyis closedsold if anto Regulations;Threatenedhasassessment been done of risks in relation to such land or in accordanceProtected with Species the importingre-exportingImporting to;into fromor the exporting theRepublic; Republic, or re-exportingor exportingexcluding fromor specimens:The following restricted activities involving deada registered low escape-risk research facility. SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) FRESH WATER FISH SPECIES ProhibitedRestrictedColumn 2 inactivities terms of Section 57 (2) ColumnExemptedRestricted 3 inactivities terms of Section 57(4) This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name to;Conveying, having in moving possession or otherwise or exercising translocating No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 registeredthephysical Republic,Republic; control low excludingexporting risk-escape over; donation; orin relationre-exportingresearch importing to facilities. from into Labeobarbus capensis Clanwillliam yellowfish VULNERABLE SPECIES The following restricted activities involving live Catching or capturing, and release of a live specimens: to;Conveying, and release, moving in: or otherwise translocating capturingimmediatelyspecimen, of if suchsuchsubsequent specimenspecimen to theinis thereleased catching same or > Conveying to and release in a naturaldistributionaquatic range of such specimen; system to and outside release the between natural lowReceivingwater escape-risk where of itdead has research specimensbeen caught; facilities. by registered > Conveying to and release on private landtheonrangedifferent which natural of such catchmentsclosed distribution specimen; water within is or rangefound, the ofoutsidenatural such conservationexcluding by anpurposes;authority, official ofand a provincialthen only for specimen; 121 122 o 80 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600 SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) FRESH WATER FISH SPECIES ProhibitedRestrictedColumn 2 inactivities terms of Section 57 (2) ExemptedRestrictedColumn 3 inactivities terms of Section 57(4) This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Having in possession or exercising physical control> over, aA registered excluding low in: escape-risk researchfacility,educational whether purposes inside only; or or outside theregistered exhibition facility for escape-riskBreeding, excluding breeding by facility a registered for conservation low natural distribution range; purposes; facilityCatchingby a for registered orconservation capturing, low escape-riskand purposes; killing, excludingbreeding rangewatertheSelling, owner isof found,such excluding of privatespecimen, within if thelanda live naturaland on specimen thenwhich distribution only closedis ifsold an to ThreatenedassessmentRegulations;has been ofdone risks in relation to such land or in accordanceProtected with Species the JO uewioeds Lions to guei 123 leameu eq; umnA sluewqoleo lueJemp peJelsi6eJ Aq suewpeds peep jo 6wApoeld .semoel tiOJEOSal Nsu-adeose!;q6neo ueeqAAo! seq 1! °Jew Je len& !min e u! °seep:uewioeds pue o; Lions6u!Aenuo0ueamieq lolainleu gueJ eseeiei uognqpisp eq; ep!sinopue o; 6u!Aanuo0 weisAs Nenbe .(.g en!! eJO to 6u!qoleoeseeteJ pueeq; o;tupnideo luenbesqns Joawes 6uNole3 Aleleipeww! ()neap.'eq; Li! uewioeds s! uewioeds Lions Lions lo 6uw4cleo 1! `uewioeds 6upoolsuan esinuano JO 6u!now twAeAuo0en!! 6u!AloAul semApe pelowseJ 6upop eqi S3I03dS C1313310eld :u! 'eseeleJ pue :o; :suewioeds qswvtolleA qinowe6Jel OueJ0-leeA sisueifepaqwpi sncpeqoaciel olu!.seg!!!oel 6upodw! :uoReuopqweeseJwool 61111.10dX9-9J :JOAOedeoselsu 10J1U00 Awl JOleopAqdpeJelspei 6upodxe !oilqn*:! eq; o; uogeleJ u! 6uipnioxe 'oilqndel eq; buileoolsuan OSIAAJ91.00peep JO 61.11AOW 6wAloAui `6111A0AU00 segywoe pelowsei &won eqi 61.11SpJ8X8 JO uo!ssessod u! 6u!Aeq !o; :suewpeds STAATSKOERANT, 31 MAART 2015 31 MAART STAATSKOERANT, No. 38600 wall 6upodxe-auAffioel qweeseJ Jo 6upodxe )1sp-edeose JO :01 Awl 6wpodw! peJels!6eJ6qpnioxe e `orinded eq; wail 6upodxe-ei Jo 6upodxe JO :o!iqncla eq; ow! 6ulpodw! eweN uowwo3 aweN ouguaps This gazette is also available free online at (17)Ls uogoas jo samApe SLUMpapp;seld w paidwax3c mop° (6 LS uopas jo S3103dS HSE 2131VM HS3I1d samAgoeSWAN papplsati lil pamordz uwnpo (1,)ss uolpas jo sue} ul pals!' sapads i uwnp3 124 o 80 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600 ColumnSpecies 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) FRESH WATER FISH SPECIES RestrictedColumnProhibited 2 activities in terms of Section 57 (2) ExemptedRestrictedColumn 3 inactivities terms of Section 57(4) This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name > Conveying to and release on private landtheon whichnatural closed distribution water isrange found, of suchoutside conservationexcluding by anpurposes;authority, official ofand a provincialthen only for specimen; controlHaving over,in possession excluding or in: exercising physical A registered exhibition facility for > naturalfacility,aeducational registered distributionwhether purposeslow insideescape-risk range; only;or outside or research the escape-riskpurposes;Breeding, breeding excluding facility by a registeredfor conservation low facilityCatchingby a for registered orconservation capturing, low escape-riskand purposes; killing, excludingbreeding watertheSelling, owner is found, ofexcluding private within landif the a live onnatural whichspecimen distribution closed is sold to SpeciesColumn listed 1 in terms of Section 56(1) FRESH WATER FISH SPECIES ProhibitedRestrictedColumn 2 inactivities terms of Section 57 (2) ColumnExemptedRestricted 3 inactivities terms of Section 57(4) This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name range of such specimen, and then only if an Regulations;Threatenedhasassessment been done orof Protected risksin accordance in relation Species withto such the land No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 from,importingre-exportingImporting a registered to;into fromor the exporting theRepublic;low Republic, escape-risk or orre-exporting exporting excluding research or The following restricted activities involving deadfacility. specimens: to;Conveying, having in moving possession or otherwise or exercising translocating registeredthephysical Republic,Republic; control low excludingexporting risk-escape over; donation; orin relationre-exportingresearch importing to facilities. from into 125 126 Column 1 TERRESTRIAL AND FRESH WATER SPECIES Column 2 Column 3 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600 This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Species listed in terms of Section 56(1) ProhibitedRestricted inactivities terms of Section 57(2) ExemptedRestricted inactivities terms of Section 57(4) ScientificBitis albanica Name AlbanyCommon Adder Name CRITICALLY ENDANGERED SPECIES PsammobatesPachydactylus geometricusrangei GeometricNamib Web-footed Tortoise Gecko Bitis inomata Plain Mountain Adder ENDANGERED SPECIES Bitis atmata Southern Adder VULNERABLE SPECIES Bradypodion thamnobatesmelanocephalum NatalBlack-headed Midlands Dwarf Dwarf Chameleon Chameleon Crocodylus niloticus Nile Crocodile captivespecimensAll restricted breeding originating activities facilities involvingfrom registered all dead SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) TERRESTRIAL AND FRESH WATER REPTILE SPECIES ProhibitedRestrictedColumn 2 inactivities terms of Section 57(2) ExemptedRestrictedColumn 3 inactivities terms of Section 57(4) This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at DendroaspisScientific Name angusticeps EasternCommon Green Name Homopus signatus Speckled tortoise No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 SmaugPachydactylus giganteus goodi Sungazer CordylusBills gabonica imkeae RooibergGaboon Adder Girdled PROTECTED SPECIES PythonCordylus natalensis macropholis SouthernLarge-scaled African Lizard Python 127 128 o 80 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600 SpeciesColumn listed 1 in terms of Section 56(1) TERRESTRIAL SPECIES ProhibitedColumnRestricted 2 in termsactivities of Section 57(2) ExemptedRestrictedColumn 3 inactivities terms of Section 57(4) This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name CRITICALLY ENDANGERED SPECIES FalcoBugeranus faschiinucha carunculatus WattledTaita CraneFalcon dischargingpursuing,deviceHunting, whatsoever, or driving, killinga missile lyingby including anyor in injuring means,wait, searching, luring, with method intent alluring, or to NeophronGypaetus barbatuspercnopterus EgyptianBearded Vulture enforcementhunt, or kill except or scientific for conservation, purposes ENDANGERED SPECIES AquilaAegypius rapax occipitalis TawnyWhite-headed Eagle Vulture dischargingpursuing,deviceHunting, whatsoever, or driving, killing a missile lyingby including any or in injuring means,wait, searching, luring, with method intentalluring, or to AegypiusBalearica tracheliotos regulorum GreyLappet-faced Crowned Vulture Crane enforcementhunt, or kill except or scientific for conservation, purposes GypsBucorvus africanus leadbeateri White-backedSouthern Ground- Vulture ColumnSpecies 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) TERRESTRIAL BIRD SPECIES RestrictedColumnProhibited 2 activities in terms of Section 57(2) ExemptedRestrictedColumn 3 inactivities terms of Section 57(4) This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name NecrosyrtesGyps coprotheres monachus HoodedCape Vulture Vulture No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 PoicephalusNeotis ludwigii robustus CapeLudwig's Parrot Bustard TerathopiusPolemaetus ecaudatusbellicosus BateleurMartial Eagle Geronticus calvus Southern Bald Ibis VULNERABLE SPECIES Hunting, or killing by any means, method or Neotis denhami Denham's Bustard todis-pursuing,device hunt, charging whatsoever, or driving, kill aexcept missile lying including for inor conservation, wait,injuring searching, luring, with alluring, intent Anthropoides paradiseus Blue Crane PROTECTED SPECIES Hunting,enforcement or killing or scientific by any purposesmeans, method or 129 '6uprille01 tupni `i!enA u! BO! '6u!Appluelu! '6u!ns.ind qwn 6upn[u! JO °pep e 6upegosp `uoRemesuo0 mildeoxesesodind II! °plops JO luewaaque Jo 'lung lolled peony-Awe peisne poN snolletiens sllp3psni snietideo!od !Jo)/ swept '6u!galees 6u!pniou! `Jeneoslegm eoinep ewes uowwoo ewes ogguelos This gazette is also available free online at (p)Ls uopes JO SLUM SORIAlpe pappism u! pa;dwax3 c uwnio3 (z)Ls uopas p stun; u! samApe palmigoadpompomz uwnpo (09s uopes 40 SWIG; Ul pep!! sepeds 6 uumpo

No. 38600 2015 GAZETTE, 31 MARCH GOVERNMENT S3I33dS ame 1VIHIS3N113.1. 130 Column 1 TERRESTRIAL MAMMAL SPECIES Column 2 Column 3 This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Species listed in terms of Section 56(1) ProhibitedRestricted inactivities terms of Section 57(2) ExemptedRestricted inactivities terms of Section 57(4)

Scientific Name Common Name No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 Diceros bicomis bicomis South Western Black Rhinoceros ENDANGERED SPECIES 31899,withThe followingNotice on 13 No. Februaryrestricted 148, published 2009,activities, involving in thein accordance Gazette, horns, andNo. .In relation to an extensive wildlife system:controlHaving overin possession specimens, or exercisingexcluding havingphysical in any products of derivatives of the horns : receiving,Selling or otherwisegiving, donating trading or in, accepting buying, as a Causingenvironment;possession specimens of specimens to multiply in a controlled Hippotragus equinus Southern Roan Antelope gift, or in any way acquiring or disposing In relation to an extensive wildlife system: environment;controlpossessionHaving over in specimens,possession of specimens orexcluding exercising in a controlled having physical in registeredIn relation toas aa semi-extensivegame farm in terms wildlife of systemtheCausing specimens to multiply; Threatened or Protected Species Regulations:dischargingdriving,Hunting, lying includinga in missile wait, luring, searching,or injuring alluring, pursuing,with intent 131 poliwwoo e u! suewpads JD uo!ssessod Alchow of suawpods 6u!snea :11.101t1UOJIAU9 u! 6wAet.!leopAqd 6qpnioxe 6u!s!oJexe 'SUDWI'39CIS JO uo!ssassod JOAO Ill 61.11Ael-1 laiwoo :LIJOISAS Op INIM OAISIJOIXO ue ol uo!ielai Lit S3IO3dS 31131/113N nn Ampoil o6uewes 14elooll0 sniemei smw snoewdoono snleqnl xifuouPV pelloiluoo e u! suowpods lo uo!ssassod :Ald!pnw ol suewpads 6u!snea luawuw!Aue !cl!.10 wino qamo Ul 6111ABLIleopAqd BUISIOJOXO 6111p1110X0 JO'suawpads uo!ssessod JOAO u! iwwoo 6u!AeH suewpads 6u!sneo Am Aue u! JO 6u!peale :we)sAs °mom OAISUOIXO 118 o) uogelai u! :Aidiiinw ol 6oa ppm ueopiv snioprl uoeoki JOILi! spepuels Roads puesnoue6!pwlo swioN ay; uopoolsuaiiJo suo!s!Awd an :eopjV IllnoS tu!seele! au w!Art apuepoope u!1! Apo tupepoisueil 9SINU01110 JO 6100W `6111A0AU00 :6uprildeo JO 6quoleo to !luny oi . oweN uowwo3 ewe ougueps This gazette is also available free online at (Os uopes Jo SW.191 U1 peidwex3 semApe paiou;seN E uwnio3 (z)Ls uopes Jo swael u! pengoad segvtgoe pompomz uwnio3 (Ogg uopes jo SLUM; U1 pawn salads 1. uwnio3

No. 38600 2015 GAZETTE, 31 MARCH GOVERNMENT S3I33dS 1VIAIINVW 1IfItI1S321e131 132 SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) TERRESTRIAL MAMMAL SPECIES ProhibitedRestrictedColumn 2 inactivities terms of Section 57(2) ColumnExemptedRestricted 3 inactivities terms of Section 57(4) This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at DicerosScientific bicomis Name minor SouthCommon Central Name Black Rhinoceros The following restricted activities, in accordance In relation to an extensive wildlife system: with Notice No. 148, published in the Gazette, No. Having in possession or exercising physical No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 any31899, products on 13 ofFebruary derivatives 2009, of involvingthe horns horns, : andSelling or otherwise trading in, buying, Causingenvironment;possessioncontrol over specimens of specimens, specimens to multiply excluding in a controlled having in Equus zebra hartmannae Hartmann's Mountain Zebra gift,receiving, or in any giving, way donating acquiring or or accepting disposing as a In relation to an extensive wildlife system:Having in possession or exercising physical Hippotragus niger niger Sable Antelope Causingenvironment;possessioncontrol over specimens of specimens, specimens to multiply; excluding in a controlled having in ThreatenedregisteredIn relation or toas Protected aa semi-extensivegame farmSpecies in terms wildlifeRegulations: of systemthe todischargingdriving,Hunting, hunt; lying including a in missile wait, searching, luring, or injuring alluring, pursuing, with intent provisionstranslocating,Conveying,Catching or of movingcapturing; the only Norms if or in otherwise accordance and Standards with forthe 133 134 o 80 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600 ColumnSpecies 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) TERRESTRIAL MAMMAL SPECIES ProhibitedColumnRestricted 2 in termsactivities of Section 57(2) ExemptedRestrictedColumn 3 inactivities terms of Section 57(4) This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name the Trans location of indigenous species in toBreedingReleasing;South multiply Africa; or in any way causing specimens Manis temminckii Pangolin In relation to an extensive wildlife system:possessioncontrolHaving overin possession of specimens, specimens or exercisingexcluding in a controlled havingphysical in Panthera leo Lion In relation to an extensive wildlife system:Causingenvironment; specimens to multiply environment;possessioncontrolHaving overin possession of specimens, specimens or exercisingexcluding in a controlled havingphysical in registeredIn relation toas aa semi-extensivegame farm in terms wildlife of systemtheCausing specimens to multiply; Threatened or Protected Species Regulations:dischargingdriving,Hunting, lying including a in missile wait, searching, luring, or injuring alluring, pursuing, with intent SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) TERRESTRIAL MAMMAL SPECIES ProhibitedRestrictedColumn 2 inactivities terms of Section 57(2) ExemptedRestrictedColumn 3 inactivities terms of Section 57(4) This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name to hunt; Catching or capturing; No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 Philantomba monticola Blue Duiker In relation to an extensive wildlife system:toBreeding multiply or in any way causing specimens environment;possessioncontrolHaving overin possession ofspecimens, specimens or excludingexercising in a controlled having physical in PROTECTED SPECIES Causing specimens to multiply Ceratotherium simum Species listed because of their high conservation value and of national importanceSouthern White Rhinoceros 31899,withThe followingNotice on 13 No. Februaryrestricted 148, published 2009, activities, involving in the in accordance Gazette, horns, andNo. In relation to an extensive wildlife system:controlHaving overin possession specimens, or excludingexercising having physical in any products of derivatives of the horns : receiving,Selling or otherwisegiving, donating trading or in, accepting buying, as a Causingenvironment;possession specimens of specimens to multiply in a controlled gift, or in any way acquiring or disposing 135 136 o 80 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600 SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) TERRESTRIAL MAMMAL SPECIES ProhibitedRestrictedColumn 2 inactivities terms of Section 57(2) ColumnExemptedRestricted 3 inactivities terms of Section 57(4) This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at ScientificCrocuta Namecrocuta SpottedCommon Hyaena Name In relation to an extensive wildlife system:Having in possession or exercising physical HyaenaFelts nigripes brunnea BrownBlack-footed Hyaena Cat Causingenvironment;possessioncontrol over specimens ofspecimens, specimens to multiply excluding in a controlled having in LoxodontaLeptailurus africanaserval AfricanServal Elephant In relation to an extensive wildlife system: Neotragus moschatus Suni possessioncontrolHaving over in of specimens,possession specimens orexcluding in exercising a controlled having physical in OtocyonOtycteropus megalotis afer AardvarkBat-eared Fox Causingenvironment; specimens to multiply PantheraVulpes parduschama CapeLeopard Fox SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) TERRESTRIAL MAMMAL SPECIES ColumnProhibitedRestricted 2 inactivities terms of Section 57(2) ExemptedRestrictedColumn 3 inactivities terms of Section 57(4) This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name

PROTECTED SPECIES No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 Connochaetes gnou Species listed to ensure that they are managed in an ecologically sustainable manner Black Wildebeest In relation to an extensive wildlife system:Having in possession or exercising physical Damaliscus pygarguslunatus pygargus BontebokTsessebe Causingenvironment;possessioncontrol over specimens of specimens, specimens to multiply; excluding in a controlled having in Equus zebra zebra Cape Mountain Zebra ThreatenedregisteredIn relation toas or aa Protected semi-extensivegame farm Species in terms wildlife Regulations: of systemthe Hunting, including searching, pursuing, Catchingtodischargingdriving, hunt; lying or capturing;a in missile wait, luting, or injuring alluring, with intent theprovisionstranslocating,Conveying, Trans location of moving the only Norms of if or inindigenous otherwise accordance and Standards species with forthein toSouth multiplyBreedingReleasing; Africa; or in any way causing specimens 137 138 o 80 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600 SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) TERRESTRIAL MAMMAL SPECIES ProhibitedRestrictedColumn 2 inactivities terms of Section 57(2) ColumnExemptedRestricted 3 inactivities terms of Section 57(4) This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at AlcelaphusScientific Namebuselaphus RedCommon hartebeest Name All Inrestricted relation activities,to an extensive except wildlife conveying, system: DamaliscusConnochaetes pygargus taurinus phillipsi BlueBlesbok Wildebeest registeredInmoving relation or otherwisetoas aa semi-extensivegame translocating farm in terms wildlife of systemthe Equus quagga burchelli Burchell zebra Threatened or Protected Species Regulations:thatmovingAll restricted the orconveying, otherwise activities, moving translocating, including or translocating conveying, provided Transtheis done Norms location in accordance and of Standards indigenous with for the species the provisions in of Raphicerus melonotis Cape Grysbok In relation to an extensive wildlife system:HavingSouth Africa in possession or exercising physical Raphicerus sharpei Sharpe's Grysbok Causingenvironment;possessioncontrol over specimens ofspecimens, specimens to multiply excluding in a controlled having in Column 1 (EXCLUDING CYCADS & MEDICINAL PLANTS) Column 2 Column 3 This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Species listed in terms of Section 56(1) ProhibitedRestricted inactivities terms of Section 57(2) ExemptedRestricted inactivities terms of Section 57(4)

Scientific Name Common Name No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 Brackenridgea zanguebarica CRITICALLY ENDANGERED SPECIES prohibited,specimens,The following except excluding activities for conservation,seeds involving and flowers,wild are ConophytumCheiridopsis peculiarisherreanthus subsp. enforcement or conservation purposes:uprooting,PickingGathering, parts damagingcollecting of, or cutting, or plucking;destroying; chopping off, Thespecimens:involving following artificially restricted propagated activities herreanthus Havingtranslocating;Conveying,Exporting in possessionor moving re-exporting or orotherwise exercising from the Republic; physical anycontrolpossessionAll restricted other over, way or activities,and exercisingpropagating growing, except physical breeding having or in in EricaDioscorea verticillata sttydomiana gift,receiving,Sellingcontrol or inover;or any otherwisegiving, way donating acquiring trading or in,or accepting buying,disposing as of a Euphorbia obesagroenewaldii subsp. involvingThe following artificially restricted propagated activities symmetrica specimens: controlAllpossession restricted over, activities,and or exercisinggrowing, except breeding physical having or in in 139 140 o 80 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600 SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) PLANTS (EXCLUDING CYCADS & MEDICINAL PLANTS) ProhibitedRestrictedColumn 2 inactivities terms of Section 57(2) ColumnExemptedRestricted 3 inactivities terms of Section 57(4) This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at GasteriaScientific armstrongii Name Common Name any other way propagating Gibbaeum nebrowniialbum HaworthiopsisHaworthia parksiana woolleyi PleiospilosLachenalia simulansviridiflora TulistaTanquana kingiana hilmarii Aloe peglerae ENDANGERED SPECIES specimens,Theprohibited, following excluding exceptactivities for seeds involving conservation, and flowers,wild are SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) PLANTS (EXCLUDING CYCADS & MEDICINAL PLANTS) ProhibitedRestrictedColumn 2 inactivities terms of Section 57(2) ColumnExemptedRestricted 3 inactivities terms of Section 57(4) This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at AloeScientific petrophila Name Common Name enforcement or conservation purposes: Gathering, collecting or plucking; No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 AloidendronCyclopia plicata pillansii Conveying,Exportinguprooting,Picking parts ordamaging moving re-exporting of, or cutting,or or otherwise destroying; from chopping the Republic; off, EuphorbiaErica irregularis knobelii SellingcontrolHavingtranslocating; over;orin otherwisepossession trading or exercising in, buying, physical Euphorbia obesa subsp. obesa gift,receiving, or in any giving, way donating acquiring or or accepting disposing as of a EuphorbiaHaemanthus susannae canaliculatus Haemanthus graniticusnotieri Haemanthus pumilio 141 142 o 80 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600 SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) PLANTS (EXCLUDING CYCADS & MEDICINAL PLANTS) ProhibitedRestrictedColumn 2 inactivities terms of Section 57(2) ExemptedRestrictedColumn 3 inactivities terms of Section 57(4) This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at ScientificIxiaHaworthiopsis viridiflora Name bruynsii Common Name elimenseLeucadendronLeucadendron elimense laxum subsp. formosum LithopsLeucospermum dorotheae grandiflorum MimetesPelargonium capitulatus ellaphieae SceletiumProtea pudens strictum SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) PLANTS (EXCLUDING CYCADS & MEDICINAL PLANTS) ProhibitedRestrictedColumn 2 inactivities terms of Section 57(2) ExemptedRestrictedColumn 3 inactivities terms of Section 57(4) This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at ScientificTulista marginate Name Common Name Vachellia ebutsiniorum No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 Aloe brevifolia VULNERABLE SPECIES The following activities involving wild Aloidendron dichotomum enforcementprohibited,specimens, except excluding or conservation for conservation,seeds and purposes: flowers, areGathering, collecting or plucking; BrachystelmaBonatea lamprophylla incanum Conveying,Exportinguprooting,Picking parts ordamaging moving re-exporting of, or cutting,or or otherwise destroying; from chopping the Republic; off, Brunsvigia radulaherrei controltranslocating;SellingHaving over; orin otherwisepossession trading or exercising in, buying, physical ConophytumConophytum bachelorum ratum gift,receiving, or in any giving, way acquiring donating or or disposing accepting of as a ladismithiensisCotyledon tomentosa subsp. 143 144 o 80 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600 SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) PLANTS (EXCLUDING CYCADS & MEDICINAL PLANTS) ColumnProhibitedRestricted 2 inactivities terms of Section 57(2) ExemptedRestrictedColumn 3 inactivities terms of Section 57(4) This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at CyrtanthusScientific cameusName Common Name DisaDiaphananthe longicomu millarii EuphorbiaDisa lugens fasciculata Euphorbia pseudoglobosa Gethyllis grandifloranamaquensis HaworthiaHaiworthia lockwoodii floribunda LeucadendronHaworthia truncate discolor SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) PLANTS (EXCLUDING CYCADS & MEDICINAL PLANTS) ColumnProhibitedRestricted 2 inactivities terms of Section 57(2) ExemptedRestrictedColumn 3 inactivities terms of Section 57(4) This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at LeucadendronScientific Name linifolium Common Name OrothamnusMimetes hirtus zeyheri No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 PleiospilosParanomus bolusii longicaulis Strelitzia juncea Zantedeschia pentlandiijucunda Aloe longistylakrapohliana PROTECTED SPECIES Aloe thraskii 145 146 o 80 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600 SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) PLANTS (EXCLUDING CYCADS & MEDICINAL PLANTS) ProhibitedRestrictedColumn 2 inactivities terms of Section 57(2) ExemptedRestrictedColumn 3 inactivities terms of Section 57(4) This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at ScientificCyclopia Name genistoides Common Name Cyclopia maculateintermedia CyrtanthusCyclopia subtemata herrei EuphorbiaDisa uniflora meloformis subsp. validaEuphorbiameloformis meloformis subsp. HaworthiaEuphorbia blackbumiaeperangusta SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) PLANTS (EXCLUDING CYCADS & MEDICINAL PLANTS) ProhibitedRestrictedColumn 2 inactivities terms of Section 57(2) ColumnExemptedRestricted 3 inactivities terms of Section 57(4) This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at LeucospermumScientific Name truncatulum Common Name Pachypodium bispinosum No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 SceletiumPachypodium tortuosum succulentum 147 jo eouivmu} ulnoseiOW joJo ogindelJeiewep NIweis wall:suat.upeas e in!Aft Oupodxa suewpeds peptiedolu Allempe 131.010AUI srwoneei sopeiegcleou3snigelou sopelegeleou3 ueeq anal swwed'eNou weqm s!ulICIODX0 jo uoileollqnd 'nanopewelqo 104UO3 eta Andeloi Jopd jo 'penssi ped upol lag sweld Jo} (pols iquand llueueeLisninsiN sopepidopu3 sopelegdeou3 jeoiskid Owspexe JO uo!ssessod u! 6u!neH 8SIAAJOL110 JO 61.11AOW `6111A8AU00 :o!lqndel an ow! Owodwi :OuReoo !sum' snuepaifp sopeptideou3 uewioeds Lions eieuop Jo Hes Al le6ei itew :Jo 6u!sodspe se 61.10033e Jo 6uuinboe twieuop Am Aue '6u!A!6 u! JO 'Ou!meoe!1116 snollolop sopeptolou3 pep!AwdLionsoqm uosJed9A1009.1 'uogeuop e Jo wwj. e'Anq se 'uoileuop 6uvueoeiApo Aew JOuosede se `61.11A118 umpedse 1e144 :6u!Aculsep tuiwaldn tuppnid '6u!1301100:6u!Anq `u! 6upe4 esinueuw JO 61J1110S :o!pndel NI wail 6uodx3 snpdnosnupoo sopelegdeou3 sopelegdaou3 `ilo Owddouo twuno JO `lo sped Ouppd :64causep Jo 64ewep:Ouppnid tuRowdn:sumuloods JO Ou!loolloo pewBedoid '6uPallee Alp ON 'ellezeo eqi u! peusuqnd `6L£ .ON ao!pN Ill!m :S1J8WpOdS ppm Bu!nionui 71.0Z Aelni 171. uo `V17£9£ snielollonalq sopeletideou3 6ulitionul senvtgoe pappsal 614M01101. 041 !wpm eoueppooe u! `segyupe pepulsal Owmolloi eqi S3133cIS a3d3ONVON3 ATIV3111213 ewe U0WW03 sueinwee sopeletideau3 eweN 3U! luePS (ti)Ls UOPOS JO swie; LIi payiwax3 sall!Alpe papplsm £ uwnloo (Z)Ls uolpes lo sum uo penuoid (savoAo) SINVid sampe papplsaH Z uwnio3 (09s uolpes Jo sum u! pep!! sepeds L uwnloo This gazette is also available free online at No. 38600 2015 GAZETTE, 31 MARCH GOVERNMENT 148 SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) PLANTS (CYCADS)ProhibitedColumnRestricted 2 in termsactivities of Section 57(2) ExemptedRestrictedColumn 3 inactivities terms of Section 57(4) This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at ScientificEncephalartos Name latifrons Common Name 15 cm, except for specimens of E. cerinus and E. cupidus if the stem diameter is more No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 Encephalartos msinganusmiddelburgensis than 7 cm Encephalartos woodiinubimontanus Encephalartos arenarius ENDANGERED SPECIES The following restricted activities, in accordance The following restricted activities involving Encephalartos eugene-maraisii 35344,withInvolving Notice on 14 No. wild May 371, specimens:2012: published in the Gazette, No. artificially propagated specimens: uprooting,PickingGathering, parts damagingcollecting of, or cutting, or plucking;destroying; chopping off, Encephalartos lebomboensishorridus Receiving,SellingExportingCollecting, or otherwisefrom giving,plucking, the donating, Republic; tradinguprooting, in,accepting buying;destroying; as a mayspecimenthatBuying, alegally person or asreceiving sell amay donation,or donateonly as abuy, donation,from such or a receivespecimen person provided such who translocating;Conveying,gift,Importing or in any moving into way the acquiring or Republic; otherwise or disposing of; 149 150 o 80 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600 SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) PLANTS (CYCADS)ColumnProhibitedRestricted 2 inactivities terms of Section 57(2) ExemptedRestrictedColumn 3 inactivities terms of Section 57(4) This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Having in possession or exercising physical parentalforissued,control plants over,prior stock) that toexcept form the publicationpart where of legallypermits of thisobtained have notice, been Involving artificially propagated specimens:specimens15Exporting cm with from a stemthe Republic diameter of of South more Africa than of Encephalartos altensteinii VULNERABLE SPECIES withThe Notice following No. 371, restricted published activities, in the in Gazette, accordance No. artificiallyThe following propagated restricted specimens: activities involving Encephalartos humilisghellinckii Involving35344, on wild14 May specimens: 2012: uprooting,PickingGathering, parts damagingcollecting of, or cutting, or plucking;destroying; chopping off, Encephalartos ngoyanus Receiving,SellingExportingCollecting, or otherwisefrom giving,plucking, the donating, Republic; tradinguprooting, in,accepting buying;destroying; as a specimenthatmayBuying, a person legally asor areceivingmay sell donation, oronly donate asbuy, from a donation, orsuch a receive person specimen provided such who Encephalartos princepspaucidentatus translocating;gift,Conveying,Importing or in any into way moving the acquiring Republic; or otherwise or disposing of; SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) PLANTS (CYCADS)ProhibitedRestrictedColumn 2 inactivities terms of Section 57(2) ColumnExemptedRestricted 3 inactivities terms of Section 57(4) This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at ScientificEncephalartos Name senticosus Common Name Having in possession or exercising physical issued,control over,prior toexcept the publication where permits of this have notice, been No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 Encephalartos trispinosus Involving artificially propagated specimens:for parentalplants that stock) form part of legally obtained if15specimensExporting the cm, stem except from diameterwith forthe a stemE. Republic ishumilis more diameter thanofand South of E.7 morecmngoyanus Africa, than PROTECTED SPECIES The following restricted activities, in accordance The following restricted activities involving Encephalartos feroxcycadifolius withInvolving35344, Notice on No. wild14 371, May specimens: published2012: in the Gazette, No. artificially propagated specimens: uprooting,PickingGathering, parts damagingcollecting of, or cutting, or plucking;destroying; chopping off, Encephalartos friderici-guilielmi SellingExportingCollecting, or otherwisefrom plucking, the Republic; tradinguprooting, in, buying;destroying; mayspecimenthatBuying, alegally person or asreceiving sell amay donation,or donateonly as abuy, donation,from such or a receivespecimen person provided such who Encephalartos lanatuslehmannii Conveying,Importinggift,Receiving, or in any into giving, moving way the Republic;acquiringdonating, or otherwise oraccepting disposing as of; a translocatingConveying,Importing into moving seedlings the Republic; or otherwise and juvenile 151 leopAgd 6uppaxa JO UOISSOSSOd LII 6111ABH JO WOL Jo Japwep wags e gwn suawpads aquandf pue soupaas 6ugeoopue4OSINL18410 JO 6WAOW '6uIAoAuo3 !ssai as!Nuaglo JO 6UIAOW `600AU00 !oginda ag1 ow! 6uwoduq !6upoolsue.q owgods uosiad meow e waif JO 'kg'uoqeuop Apo Aew uawpadse se uosJad umpads gods e iegl aleuop JO Has AP 691 Aew !oqqnda all ow! 6upoduq !lo e6upodsqo se Buqdeooe JO 6updboe tupuop Rem tuN6 Rue iqtuvgaoad JO '40 !buiAnq 'Lq &pail asouaglo JO 61111I8S !ougnda au waq 6uwodx3 papnald 'uogeuop e se 6iqn!aoaa JO '6Ulictle'go 6u!ddogo tupdo JO '10 sped 6uplo!d tuiAagsap JO 605ewep:6uplorqd '6uRoaidn JO buqoanoo tupagleo :6upiailsep tuqoaidn tupionid '6uqoallo3 :S1.1011113adS PI!M buytionui :UN ARIN Vl. uo 't7t7Egc bupgomg sem/kg= peppisea Bwhwipl aui :suewpads paidedord Ailepwe oN 'aljazeo ag; Eli pagsqqndaouerg000e ' ',LC ON Li! eo!loN 'saqmoe 1.11VA palogisai 6uvirtoqoj all JOile0 sopepticlaou3 SSG! JO mgt. w uegi wow jo Jalaweip'eoppci we's WooS e gqm jo oqqndaj suawpads an waq 6uwodx3 wog L Jalawello wags e gip suawpadsJO &WO 6upuop 'Ul 6upa1 espvuegio JO 6111110S !ssal JO :suawpadspeuielqo paleuedwd Aqe6al jo ped Allepwpe uuol leg; buNonw shield Joj 01001S waled snsouonsuau sopepudaou3 leopAgd 6uppexa JOwog UOISSeSSOd [ lo Jelawep Ul 6WABH we's e gqm suawpads equandf pue s6uppeas J8A0 laquoo !SSOI uaaq meg squad aiagm'aoqouleopAgd ideoxe sp 6111SIOJOXO 'JOAOjo uogeoqqnd 1011UOO JO UOISS9SSOd au oingd 111 'penssi 61.11Ael-1 ssualeieu sopepticlopu3 JO wog 1, Jo Jalawep wets e gpm suawpads !6upooisuag oweN uowwoo stillop5uoi sopelegcloou3 oweN ougualos This gazette is also available free online at Ms uopas lo sum u! polwex3 SOINApe pop.nsaN E uwnpa (Z)LS uopos jo SUM. LI! pomq!uord sommion !moppet! z uwnloo (1.)9s uopos jo mum ul pep!! weds 1, uwnloo

No. 38600 2015 GAZETTE, 31 MARCH GOVERNMENT (savoAo) SINVid 152 SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) PLANTS (CYCADS)ProhibitedRestrictedColumn 2 inactivities terms of Section 57(2) ExemptedRestrictedColumn 3 inactivities terms of Section 57(4) This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name control over, except where permits have been Having in possession or exercising physical parentalforissued, plants prior stock) that to form the publicationpart of legally of thisobtained notice, Sellingless;specimenscontrol orover otherwise with seedlings a stem trading and diameter juvenile in, giving of 7cm or or No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 Involving artificially propagated specimens:morespecimensExporting than 7cm of from E. caffer the Republic if the stem of Southdiameter Africa, is ofdonating 7cm or specimensless with a stem diameter 153 154 Column 1 MEDICINAL PLANTS Column 2 Column 3 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600 This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at SpeciesScientific listed Name in terms of Section 56(1) Common Name ProhibitedRestricted inactivities terms of Section 57(2) ExemptedRestricted inactivities terms of Section 57(4) AdeniumSiphonochilus swazicum aethiopicus CRITICALLY ENDANGERED SPECIES wildThe Ifollowing wild-sourced restricted specimens: activities involvingBuying, receiving, giving, donating, translocating;Conveying,acceptingImporting as moving into a gift; the or Republic; otherwise artificiallyThe following propagated restricted specimens: activities involvingcontrolHaving overin possession or exercising physical All restricted activities, except for: Exportingpropagating;Growing, breedingfrom the Republicor in any other way Adenia wilmsii ENDANGERED SPECIES wildThe Ifollowing wild-sourced restricted specimens: activities involvingBuying, receiving, giving, donating, SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MEDICINAL PLANTS ColumnProhibitedRestricted 2 inactivities terms of Section 57(2) ExemptedRestrictedColumn 3 inactivities terms of Section 57(4) This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at AlbiziaScientific suluensis Name Common Name accepting as a gift; Importing into the Republic; No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 Begonia homonymadregei controltranslocating;Conveying,Having over in moving possession or otherwise or exercising physical EuphorbiaCassipourea woodii tlanaganii AllartificiallyThe restricted following propagated activities, restricted except specimens: activities for: involving Growing, breeding or in any other way MondiaWarburgia white' salutaris VULNERABLE SPECIES Exportingpropagating; from the Republic Alepidea amatymbicamacowani wildThe / wild-sourced following restricted specimens: activities involvingacceptingBuying, asreceiving, a gift; giving, donating, Aloe pruinosa translocating;Conveying,Importing moving into the or Republic; otherwise 155 156 o 80 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600 SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MEDICINAL PLANTS ProhibitedRestrictedColumn 2 inactivities terms of Section 57(2) ColumnExemptedRestricted 3 inactivities terms of Section 57(4) This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at AnemoneScientific bracteata Name Common Name controlHaving overin possession or exercising physical BrunsvigiaBowiea volubilis josephinae subsp. volubilis AllartificiallyThe restricted following propagated activities, restricted except specimens: activities for: involving Clivia miniatagardenii Exportingpropagating;Growing, breedingfrom the Republicor in any other way Clivia robustanobilis ClyptocatyaCrinum moorei myrtifolia DioscoreaDrimia cooperi sylvatica SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MEDICINAL PLANTS ProhibitedRestrictedColumn 2 inactivities terms of Section 57(2) ExemptedRestrictedColumn 3 inactivities terms of Section 57(4) This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at EuphorbiaScientific franksiaeName Common Name HaworhiopsisGasteria crouched attenuate No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 Haworthiopsis limifoliakoelmaniorum Kinowltonia bracteatea PrunusOrbea woodii africana StangeriaSchlechterina eriopus mitostemmatoides 157 158 o 80 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600 SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MEDICINAL PLANTS RestrictedColumnProhibited 2 activities in terms of Section 57(2) ColumnExemptedRestricted 3 inactivities terms of Section 57(4) This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name PROTECTED SPECIES Anemone fanninii e The following restricted activities involving Clivia caulescens wild / wild-sourced specimens: acceptingBuying,Importing receiving, as intoa gift; the giving, Republic; donating, Drimia sanguineadelagoensis . controlHavingtranslocating;Conveying, overin possession moving or orotherwise exercising physical ElythrophleumEncephalartos lasianthumvillosus All artificiallyTherestricted following activities,propagated restricted except specimens: activities for: involving GasteriaEuphorbia batesiana bupleurifolia Growing,Exportingpropagating; breeding from the or Republicin any other way HarpagophytumHaemanthus deformis procumbens SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MEDICINAL PLANTS ProhibitedRestrictedColumn 2 inactivities terms of Section 57(2) ColumnExemptedRestricted 3 inactivities terms of Section 57(4) This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name reniformePelargoniumMerwilla plumbea reniforme subsp. No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 SynaptolepisPelargonium sidoidesoliveriana Vanilla roscheri 159 160 o 80 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600 MARINE SPECIESColumn 2 Column 3 This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at C NIUSO PAGE ON ONTINUES lameted in terms of Section 56(1) Common Name CRITICALLY ENDANGERED RestrictedProhibited activities in terms of Section 57(2) ExemptedRestricted inactivities terms of Section 57(4) alumnae Coelacanth dischargingdevicepursuing,Hunting, whatsoever, or adriving, missilekilling including lyingby or anyinjuring in wait,means, searching, with luring, method intent alluring, to or 162—P Catchinghunt or kill or any capturing, such specimen; except for scientific, veterinary,purposes; rehabilitation or management ART of, Gathering,or cutting, choppingcollecting off,or plucking damaging picking or parts 2 destroying,Importing except into the for Republic, scientific except purposes; for dead specimensexportingExporting from for from scientificthe the Republic, Republic, purposes; except including for dead re- controlHavingmultiply;Growing, over, in breeding possessionexcept for or scientificinor anyexercising other or causing physical it to 38600— Conveying,rehabilitation moving purposes; or otherwise translocating, 1 Government Gazette Staatskoerant REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA REPUBLIEK VAN SUID-AFRIKA

March Vol. 597 Pretoria, 31 2015 Maart No. 38600


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501080—A 38600—1 162 SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESColumnRestricted 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name exceptSelling for orscientific otherwise or rehabilitationtrading in, buying, purposes; exceptgift,Feedingreceiving, or infor any scientific except giving,way acquiringfor purposes;donating rehabilitation or or disposing accepting or scientific of, as a Attracting,HabitatDartingpurposes; modification;except for scientific purposes; purposesReleasing,purposes;Harassing, except for scientific or rehabilitation Prisfidae Saw fishes devicepursuing,Hunting, whatsoever, or driving, killing includinglyingby any in means,wait, searching, luring, method alluring, or veterinary,dischargingCatchinghunt or kill rehabilitation aor anymissile capturing, such or specimen; injuringor except management withfor scientific, intent to orof,Gathering, destroyingpurposes;or cutting, collecting exceptchopping foror off pluckingscientific uprooting, picking purposes; damaging parts SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities ColumnRestricted 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms of SectionImporting 57(2) into the Republic except for dead Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) specimens into the Republic for scientific No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 specimensexportingpurposes;Exporting from for from scientificthe the Republic Republic, purposes; except including for dead re- controlitGrowing, toHaving multiply; over breeding in exceptpossession orfor in scientific anyor exercising other or way rehabilitation physical causing exceptSellingConveying,purposes; for orscientific otherwise moving or rehabilitationortrading otherwise in, buying, translocatingpurposes; exceptgift,Feedingreceiving, or infor any scientific except giving, way acquiringfor purposes;donating rehabilitation or or disposing accepting or scientific of as a AttractHabitatDartingpurposes; except destruction;except for scientificfor scientific purposes; purposes; purposes.ReleaserehabilitationHarassment exceptpurposes; for scientific or for scientific or rehabilitation 163 164 SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) ScientificDermochelys Name coriacea CommonLeatherback Name turtle deviceHunting, whatsoever, or killing including by any means, searching, method or officialCatching in relationor capturing to stranding by any Departmental or Catchinghuntdischargingpursuing, or kill ordriving, any capturing,a missile such lying specimen; or exceptin injuring wait, for luring, with scientific, intentalluring, to controldisentanglement;relationHaving over into by possessionstrandings any Department oror disentanglements;exercising official physical in of,Gathering,purposes;veterinary, or cutting, collectingrehabilitation chopping or offplucking or uprooting, management picking damaging parts strandingsDartingbyConveying, any Departmental byor anydisentanglements; moving Departmental or official otherwise in official relation translocating or tovet in purposes;specimensImportingor destroying into into exceptthe the Republic Republic for scientific except for scientificpurposes; for dead ReleaserelationHarassing to by strandingsby any any Departmental Departmental or disentanglements; official official in in Growing,specimensexportingExporting breedingfrom for scientificthe RepublicorRepublic, in purposes;any exceptother including way for re-causingdead anysanctuaries,Feedingrelation Departmental to for temporarystrandings commercial official holdingor in exhibitiondisentanglements; relation facilities to facilities, or by purposes;controlHavingit to multiply; overin possession except for or scientific exercising or rehabilitationphysical stranding or disentanglements. SellingrehabilitationexceptConveying, orfor otherwise scientific, moving purposes; or tradingmanagement otherwise in, buying, translocating or ColumnSpecies 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESColumnRestricted 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms ofreceiving, Section giving,57(2) donating or accepting as a Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) gift, or in any way acquiring or disposing of No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 Attractexceptpurposes;Feeding exceptfor scientific except for scientific for purposes; rehabilitation purposes; or scientific purposesReleaseHabitatDarting destruction;except except for for scientific scientific purposes; or rehabilitation Eretmochelys imbricata Hawksbill turtle devicepursuing,Hunting, whatsoever, or driving, killing includinglyingby any in means,wait, searching, luring, method alluring, or officialdisentanglement;Catching in relation or capturing to stranding by any or Departmental veterinary,dischargingCatchinghunt or kill rehabilitation aor anymissile capturing, such or specimen; injuringor except management withfor scientific, intent to Conveying,relationcontrolHaving overinto possessionstrandings movingby any Departmentor or orotherwise disentanglements;exercising officialtranslocating physical in orof, destroyingGathering,purposes;or cutting, exceptchoppingcollecting for off orscientific pluckinguprooting, purposes; picking damaging parts relationDartingstrandingsby any Departmentalbyto strandingsanyor disentanglements; Departmental officialor disentanglements; in official relation or tovet in specimensExportingpurposes;Importing into intofrom the the the Republic Republic Republic, for except including scientific for deadre- relationReleaseHarassing to by strandingsby any any Departmental Departmental or disentanglements; official official in in 165 10 sOmiloei 6u!ploq keiodwai `uomq!uxalepiawwoo 'seuenjoues 'ioj. 6u!paad .sasodind oinuaps '6uprilleoi luaiu! tupn! qi!m 'pm 6uprqu!JO u! poulaw 601 JO '6u!App 'sueaw allss!tu Aueturisind e bufteqosp Aq 6u!!!pi JO '6u!qoaeas'6ugunH 6u!pnpu! '.10A80S1eliM ao!nap veqsliqs leieN guieseuppi sruelidelqoidepi uoqq!!!qeqa.! JO owaps J01.1claoxa aseaR,1 !uo!ioruisep ielpeH sasodind °mops JO uoliempeqa! JOi ideoxe 6u!paaj :sesodind:sasodand oguaps oijoapsJOIldaoxa Joi idaoxa6u!pea pe.111V !sasodind

:sasodind oliguaps Jol Idaoxa e se 64d000ejo 6u!sodspJO 61.111eU0p JO 6uu!nboe '61114 '6u!niaoaiAeon Aue u! JO lii6 tu!Anq `u! 6u!paq as!miaipo JO 61.11110S :sasociind uogem!qeqa.! uoRei!!!qeqw JO oguaps6upoolsue4 J04 Klemm as!Nuaino Jam !alumJO 6111/10W '6U1A0AU00 JO luawaeuew `onuaps Jolidaoxa :sasodind Aq JO sagioei 6upou kendwel `sapenpues ol uolleial ui le!ogo leluaLupedaa Aue .sluawapueluasp JO 6u!pueils 6u!sneo Aem Jaw Aue u! JO 6u!paaiqleopAqd &ippon tu!moio JO UOISSOSSOd U1 6111/telA :sasodind opuatos Joi suawpads :Aldmnw 0 1! `samooel uomq!uxa lepawwoo Joi 6u!paaj (p)Ls uonoes JO SLUM u! pmdwex3 peep Joi ideoxe oginda ail; wail 6uipodxe eweN uowwo3 eweN ounuelos This gazette is also available free online at Se MAIM pepalsea c uwnloo (z)Ls uopes Jo sum u! pemmoid seglApe pelowseN z uwnio3 (i)ss uopes lo sum u! pep!b sepeds s. uwnio3

No. 38600 2015 GAZETTE, 31 MARCH GOVERNMENT S3IO3dS 3NINVIN 166 SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms ofhunt Section or kill any57(2) such specimen; Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Catching or capturing, except for scientific, No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 of,Gathering,purposes;veterinary, or cutting, collectingrehabilitation chopping or offplucking or uprooting, management picking damaging parts purposes;specimensor destroyingImporting into into except the the Republic Republicfor scientific for except scientificpurposes; for dead Growing,specimensexportingExporting breedingfrom for scientificthe RepublicorRepublic, in purposes;any exceptother including causing for re-dead it to purposes;controlHavingmultiply; overin possession except for or scientific exercising or rehabilitationphysical receiving,SellingexceptConveying, foror otherwisegiving,scientific moving donating ortrading rehabilitationotherwise or in, accepting buying, translocating purposes; as a purposes;exceptgift,Feeding or infor any scientific except way acquiringfor purposes; rehabilitation or disposing or scientific of 167 168 SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESColumnRestricted 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name AttractDarting except except for scientificfor scientific purposes; purposes; ReleaserehabilitationHarassmentHabitat destruction; except exceptpurpose; for scientificfor scientific or rehabilitation or Electrolux addisoni Omate sleeper ray deviceHunting,purposes whatsoever, or killing by including any means, searching, method or exhibition,Feeding for, temporary sanctuaries, holding commercial facilities or Catchinghuntdischargingpursuing, or kill ordriving, any capturing,a missile such lying specimen; or exceptin injuring wait, for luring, with scientific, intent alluring, to scientific purposes. of,Gathering,purposes;veterinary, or cutting, rehabilitationcollecting chopping or offplucking or uprooting,management picking damaging parts purposes;specimensImportingor destroying into into exceptthe the Republic Republic for scientific except for scientificpurposes;; for dead Growing,specimensexportingExporting breedingfrom for scientificthe RepublicorRepublic, in purposes;any exceptother including causing for re-dead it to SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4)

Havingmultiply; in possession or exercising physical No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 exceptConveying,controlpurposes; forover scientific movingexcept foror rehabilitationotherwisescientific ortranslocating rehabilitation purposes; gift,Sellingexceptreceiving, or inor anyforotherwise giving, scientificway acquiring donatingtrading purposes; in,or or buying,disposing accepting of as a AttractDartingpurposes;Feeding except except except for scientificfor for scientific rehabilitation purposes; purposes; or scientific ReleaserehabilitationHarassmentHabitat destruction; except exceptpurpose; for scientificfor scientific or rehabilitation or Phalacrocorax melanogenis Crozet shag deviceHunting,purposes whatsoever, or killing including by any means, searching, method or officialCatching in relationor capturing to stranding by any Departmental or dischargingCatchinghuntpursuing, or kill aordriving, anymissile capturing, such lying or specimen; injuring exceptin wait, withfor luring, scientific, intent alluring, to relationcontrolHavingdisentanglement; overinto possessionstrandings by any Department oror disentanglements;exercising official physical in 169 170 SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESColumnRestricted 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name purposes;veterinary, rehabilitation or management byConveying, any Departmental moving or official otherwise in relation translocating to orof, destroyingImportingGathering,or cutting, into exceptchoppingcollecting the Republicfor off orscientific pluckinguprooting, except purposes; picking damagingfor dead parts HarassingrelationDartingstrandings byto strandingsbyanyor disentanglements;any Departmental Departmental or disentanglements; official official or vetin in exportingExportingpurposes;specimens from into the the RepublicRepublic, Republic except includingfor scientific for re-dead FeedingrelationRelease to forby strandings anycommercial Departmental or exhibitiondisentanglements; official facilities, in HavingitGrowing,specimens to multiply; in breedingpossession for scientific or inor purposes; anyexercising other way physical causing strandinganysanctuaries, Departmental or disentanglements.temporary official holding in relation facilities to or by exceptConveying,purposes;control forover scientific movingexcept foror rehabilitationotherwisescientific ortranslocating rehabilitation purposes; exceptgift,receiving,Selling or inforor any otherwisegiving,scientific way donating acquiring purposes;trading or in,or accepting buying,disposing as of a DartingAttractpurposes;Feeding except except except for for for scientific scientific rehabilitation purposes; purposes; or scientific SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESColumnRestricted 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4)

Habitat destruction; No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 purposesReleaserehabilitationHarassment except exceptpurpose; for scientificfor scientific or rehabilitation or Sterna balaenarum Damara tern devicedischargingpursuing,Hunting, whatsoever, or driving, killinga missile includinglyingby anyor in injuring means,wait, searching, luring, with method intent alluring, or to Havingdisentanglement;officialCatching inin relationorpossession capturing to stranding orby exercisingany Departmental or physical purposes;veterinary,Catchinghunt or kill or anyrehabilitation capturing, such specimen; except or management for scientific, byConveying,relationcontrol any Departmental overto strandings movingby any Departmentor officialor otherwise disentanglements; in relation officialtranslocating toin Importingorof,Gathering, destroyingor cutting, into collecting exceptchoppingthe Republic foror off pluckingscientific uprooting, except picking purposes; for damaging dead parts HarassingrelationDartingstrandings byto strandingsbyanyor disentanglement;any Departmental Departmental or disentanglement; official official or vetin in exportingExportingpurposes;specimens from into the the RepublicRepublic, Republic except includingfor scientific for re-dead FeedingrelationRelease to forby strandings anycommercial Departmental or exhibitiondisentanglements;disentanglement; official facilities, in HavingitGrowing,specimens to multiply; inpossession breeding for scientific or orin purposes;anyexercising other way physical causing strandinganysanctuaries, Departmental or disentanglements.temporary official holding in relation facilities to or by 171 172 SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name controlpurposes; over except for scientific or rehabilitation exceptreceiving,SellingConveying, for orscientific otherwisegiving, moving ordonating rehabilitationortrading otherwise or in, accepting buying, translocatingpurposes; as a exceptgift,purposes;Feeding or infor any scientific except way acquiringfor purposes; rehabilitation or disposing or scientific of AttractHabitatDarting except destruction;except for scientificfor scientific purposes; purposes; purposesReleaserehabilitationHarassment except exceptpurpose; for scientificfor scientific or rehabilitation or Oceanodroma leucoMoa Leach's Storm-Petrel dischargingpursuing,deviceHunting, whatsoever, or driving, killinga missile lyingby including anyor in injuring means,wait, searching, luring, with method intent alluring, or to Havingdisentanglement;officialCatching inin relationorpossession capturing to stranding orby exercisingany Departmental or physical purposes;veterinary,Catchinghunt or kill or anyrehabilitation capturing, such specimen; except or management for scientific, byConveying,relationcontrol any Departmental overto strandings movingby any Departmentor officialor otherwise disentanglements; in relation officialtranslocating toin 501080— B SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4)

of,Gathering, or cutting, collecting chopping or offplucking uprooting, picking damaging parts strandingsDarting byor anydisentanglements; Departmental official or vet in No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 purposes;specimensor destroyingImporting into into except the the Republic Republicfor scientific for except scientificpurposes; for dead ReleaserelationHarassing to by strandingsby any any Departmental Departmental or disentanglements; official official in in specimensexportingGrowing,Exporting from for breedingfrom scientificthe the Republic orRepublic, purposes;in any except other including for causing dead re- it to sanctuaries,anyFeedingrelation Departmental to for temporarystrandings commercial official holdingor exhibitiondisentanglements; in relation facilities facilities, to or by controlpurposes;Havingmultiply; over in exceptpossession for scientific or exercising or rehabilitation physical stranding or disentanglements. exceptreceiving,SellingConveying, for orscientific otherwisegiving, moving ordonating rehabilitationortrading otherwise or in, accepting buying, translocatingpurposes; as a gift,purposes;Feedingexcept or in anyfor except scientificway acquiringfor rehabilitationpurposes; or disposing or scientific of AttractHarassmentHabitatDarting except destruction;except for except scientificfor scientific for scientific purposes; purposes; or 173 174 SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities ColumnRestricted 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name rehabilitationRelease except purpose; for scientific or rehabilitation Caretta caretta Loggerhead turtle ENDANGERED SPECIES purposesHunting, or killing by any means, method or Catching or capturing by any Departmental dischargingdevicehuntpursuing, whatsoever,or kill adriving, anymissile such includinglying or specimen; injuring in wait, searching, with luring, intent alluring, to disentanglement;officialcontrolHaving in relationoverin possession by toany stranding Department or exercising or official physical in Gathering,purposes;veterinary,Catching or rehabilitationcollecting capturing, or except plucking or management for pickingscientific, parts strandingsbyConveying,relation any Departmental to strandingsor moving disentanglements; or officialor otherwise disentanglements; in relation translocating to or destroyingspecimensImportingof, or cutting, into except into choppingthe the Republicfor Republic scientific off uprooting, except for purposes; scientific for damaging dead relationHarassingDarting byto strandingsbyany any Departmental Departmental or disentanglements; official official or vetin in specimensexportingExportingpurposes; from for scientificthe RepublicRepublic, purposes; except including for re-dead sanctuaries,FeedingrelationRelease to forby strandings anycommercial temporary Departmental or holdingexhibitiondisentanglements; official facilities facilities, in or by controlHavingitGrowing, to multiply; overin breedingpossession except orfor inor scientific anyexercising other or way rehabilitationphysical causing strandingany Departmental or disentanglements. official in relation to SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4)

Conveying,purposes; moving or otherwise translocating No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 Sellingrehabilitationexceptreceiving, orfor otherwise scientific, giving,purposes; donating tradingmanagement in, or buying, accepting or as a purposes;exceptgift,Feeding or infor any scientific except way acquiringfor purposes; rehabilitation or disposing or scientific of purposesReleaseDartingAttract except except except for for for scientific scientific scientific purposes; purposes or rehabilitation ; Chelonia mydas Green turtle dischargingpursuing,deviceHunting, whatsoever, or driving, killinga missile lyingby including anyor in injuring wait,means, searching, luring, with method intentalluring, or to disentanglement;officialHavingCatching in relation in orpossession capturing to stranding orby exercisingany or Departmental physical purposes;veterinary,Catchinghunt or kill or anyrehabilitation capturing, such specimen; except or management for scientific, controlbyConveying,relation any over Departmental to by strandings moving any Department or officialor otherwise disentanglements; in official relation translocating in to orof,Gathering, destroyingImportingor cutting, collecting into exceptchopping the Republicforor off pluckingscientific uprooting, except picking purposes; damagingfor partsdead strandingsHarassingrelationDarting bytoor strandingsbyanydisentanglements; any Departmental Departmental or disentanglements; official official or vetin in 175 176 SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name specimenspurposes; into the Republic for scientific Releaserelation to by strandings any Departmental or disentanglements; official in Growing,specimensexportingExporting breedingfrom for from scientificthe the Republicor inRepublic, purposes;any exceptother including causing for dead re- it to anysanctuaries,Feedingrelation Departmental to for strandings commercial temporary official or holdingexhibitiondisentanglements; in relation facilities facilities, to or by controlpurposes;Havingmultiply; over in exceptpossession for scientific or exercising or rehabilitation physical stranding or disentanglements. SellingrehabilitationexceptConveying, orfor otherwise scientific, moving purposes; or tradingmanagement otherwise in, buying, translocating or exceptgift,receiving,Feeding or infor any giving,scientific except way donating acquiringfor purposes; rehabilitation or or accepting disposing or scientific as of a Attractpurposes;ReleaseDarting except except except for scientificfor for scientific scientific purposes; purposes; or rehabilitation Sphyma lewini Scalloped hammerhead shark pursuing,devicepurposesHunting, whatsoever, driving, or killing lying including by inany wait, means, searching, luring, method alluring, or Act;permitCatching under or capturing the Marine if in Living possession Resources of a SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms ofdischarging Section 57(2) a missile or injuring with intent to Exempted in terms of SectionHaving in57(4) possession or exercising physical hunt or kill any such specimen; control over if in possession of a permit under No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 Gathering,purposes;veterinary,Catching or collectingrehabilitation capturing, or except plucking or management for pickingscientific, parts theLivingifConveying, Marine in possession Resources Living moving Resources of Act; a or permit otherwise Act; under translocating the Marine specimensorof, destroyingImportingor cutting, into into exceptchopping the the Republic Republicfor off scientific uprooting, for except scientificpurposes; damagingfor dead gift,inreceiving,Selling or possession in any or otherwisegiving, way of acquiring adonating permit trading underor or in,disposing accepting buying, the Marine of as if a specimensexportingExportingpurposes; from for scientificthe RepublicRepublic, purposes; except including for re-dead AttractHarassmentMarineLiving if inResources Living possession if Resourcesin possession Act; of a permitAct; of a under permit the controlHavingitGrowing, to multiply; overin breedingpossession except or for inor scientific anyexercising other or way rehabilitationphysical causing MarineReleaseunder the Living if Marinein possession Resources Living Resources ofAct. a permit Act;under the SellingexceptConveying,purposes; foror otherwisescientific moving ortrading rehabilitationotherwise in, buying, translocating purposes; Feedingexceptgift,receiving, or infor exceptany giving,scientific way for donating acquiring rehabilitationpurposes; or or accepting disposing or scientific as of a 177 178 SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESColumnRestricted 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name Attractpurposes; except for scientific purposes; ReleaserehabilitationHarassmentDarting except except exceptpurpose; for for scientific scientificfor scientific purposes; or rehabilitation or Sphyma mokarran sharkGreat hammerhead devicepursuing,Hunting,purposes whatsoever, or driving, killing includinglyingby any in means,wait, searching, luring, method alluring, or Act;permitCatching under or capturing the Marine if inLiving possession Resources of a veterinary,Catchinghuntdischarging or kill or anyrehabilitation capturing,a missile such specimen; or except injuringor management for with scientific, intent to Conveying,thecontrolHaving Marine overin possession Livingmoving if in possession Resources or orotherwise exercising ofAct; a translocatingpermit physical under of, orGathering,purposes;or destroyingcutting, choppingcollecting except offforor pluckinguprooting,scientific picking purposes; damaging parts receiving,SellingLivingif in possession Resources or otherwisegiving, of donatingAct; a tradingpermit or underin, accepting buying, the Marine as a specimensExportingpurposes;Importing into intofrom the the the Republic Republic Republic, for except including scientific for deadre- AttractLivingingift, possession orif in Resourcesin possession any wayof a Act; acquiringpermit of a permitunder or disposing theunder Marine the of if itGrowing,specimensexporting to multiply; breedingfrom for scientificthe Republicor in purposes;any exceptother way for causingdead ReleaseunderHarassmentMarine the Living if Marinein ifpossession Resourcesin possession Living Resources ofAct; a ofpermit a permit Act;under the ColumnSpecies 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of SectionMarine Living57(4) Resources Act. controlHaving overin possession except for or scientific exercising or rehabilitationphysical No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 SellingexceptConveying,purposes; foror otherwisescientific moving ortrading rehabilitationotherwise in, buying, translocating purposes; Feedingexceptgift,receiving, or infor exceptany giving,scientific way for donating acquiring rehabilitationpurposes; or or accepting disposing or scientific as of a HarassmentDartingAttractpurposes; except except except for for scientific scientific for scientific purposes; purposes; or Pygoscelis papua Gentoo penguin Hunting,purposesReleaserehabilitation exceptor killing purpose; for by scientific any means, or rehabilitation method or Catching or capturing by any Departmental huntdischargingpursuing,device or whatsoever,kill driving, any a missile such lying includingspecimen; or in injuring wait, searching, luring, with intent alluring, to controldisentanglement;officialHaving inover relation in bypossession any to Departmentstranding or exercising or official physical in Gathering,purposes;veterinary,Catching or collectingrehabilitation capturing, or except plucking or management for pickingscientific, parts strandingsrelationbyConveying, any to Departmental strandingsor disentanglements; moving or or officialdisentanglements; otherwise in relation translocating to 179 180 SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name orof, destroyingor cutting, exceptchopping for off scientific uprooting, purposes; damaging relationDarting byto strandingsany Departmental or disentanglements; official or vet in exportingmanagementExportingImporting from intofrom purposes; the the the Republic Republic Republic, except for including scientific for scientific re- or relationReleaseHarassing to by strandingsby any any Departmental Departmental or disentanglements; official official in in exhibitionmultiplyGrowing,or management except breedingfacilities; in purposes; sanctuaries or in any other or commercial causing it to strandinganysanctuaries,Feeding Departmental for or commercial disentanglements.temporary official holdingexhibition in relation facilities facilities, to or by Conveying,orcontrol rehabilitationHaving over in moving exceptpossession purposes; orfor otherwise scientific, or exercising translocatingmanagement physical receiving,Sellingrehabilitationexcept foror otherwisegiving,scientific, purposes; donating tradingmanagement or in, accepting buying, or as a orFeedingexceptgift, scientific or infor exceptany scientific purposes; way for acquiring rehabilitation,purposes; or disposing management of rehabilitationmanagementAttractDarting except except purposes;purposes; for forscientific, scientific, rehabilitation management or SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESColumnRestricted 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms ofHarassment Section 57(2) except for scientific, management Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) or rehabilitation purpose; No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 Phoebettia fusca Sooty or dark mantled albatross deviceHunting,rehabilitationRelease whatsoever, exceptor killing purposes for including by scientific, any means, searching, management method or or officialCatching in relationor capturing to stranding by any Departmental or dischargingCatchinghuntpursuing, or kill aordriving, anymissile capturing, such lying or specimen; injuring exceptin wait, withfor luring, scientific, intent alluring, to relationcontrolHavingdisentanglement; overinto possessionstrandings by any Department oror disentanglements;exercising official physical in of, Gathering,purposes;veterinary,or cutting, choppingrehabilitationcollecting offor pluckinguprooting, or management picking damaging parts DartingstrandingsbyConveying, any Departmentalby anyor moving disentanglements; Departmental or official otherwise in official relation translocating or tovet in or destroyingExportingmanagementImporting intofrom except purposes; the the Republicfor Republic, scientific for including scientificpurposes; re- or ReleaserelationHarassing to by strandingsby any any Departmental Departmental or disentanglements; official official in in exportingmultiplyGrowing,or management from except breeding the in Republicpurposes; sanctuaries or in any except other or commercialfor causing scientific it to anysanctuaries,Feedingrelation Departmental to for strandings commercial temporary official or holdingexhibitiondisentanglements; in relation facilities facilities, to or by orcontrolHavingexhibition rehabilitation overin possessionfacilities; except purposes; for or scientific, exercising management physical stranding or disentanglements. 181 182 SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name exceptConveying, for scientific, moving or management otherwise translocating or gift,receiving,Sellingrehabilitation or inor any otherwisegiving, purposes;way donating acquiring trading or in,or accepting buying,disposing as of a AttractorFeedingexcept scientific exceptfor except scientific purposes; for for scientific, rehabilitation,purposes; rehabilitation management or HarassmentrehabilitationDartingmanagement except except purposes;purposes; for scientific, for scientific, management management Eudyptes chtysocome filholi Southern Rockhopper penguin rehabilitationReleaseor rehabilitationHunting, except or purposes killing purpose;for scientific, by any means, management method oror Catching or capturing by any Departmental huntdischargingpursuing,device or whatsoever,kill driving, any a missile such lying includingspecimen; or in injuring wait, searching, luring, with intent alluring, to controldisentanglement;officialHaving inover relation in bypossession any to Departmentstranding or exercising or official physical in Gathering,purposes;veterinary,Catching or collectingrehabilitation capturing, or except plucking or management for pickingscientific, parts strandingsbyConveying,relation any Departmental toor strandingsdisentanglements; moving or officialor otherwise disentanglements; in relation translocating to SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms ofof, Section or cutting, 57(2) chopping off uprooting, damaging Exempted in terms of SectionDarting by57(4) any Departmental official or vet in or destroying except for scientific purposes; relation to strandings or disentanglements; No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 exportingExportingmanagementImporting from intofrom the purposes; the the Republic Republic Republic, except for including scientific for scientific re- or relationReleaseHarassing to by strandingsby any any Departmental Departmental or disentanglements; official official in in commercialitGrowing,or to management multiply breeding exhibitionexcept purposes; or in in facilities;sanctuaries any other way or causing strandinganysanctuaries,Feeding Departmental for or commercial disentanglements.temporary official holdingexhibition in relation facilities facilities, to or by Conveying,orcontrol rehabilitationHaving over in moving exceptpossession purposes; orfor otherwise scientific, or exercising translocatingmanagement physical Sellingrehabilitationexceptreceiving, foror otherwisescientific, giving,purposes; donatingtradingmanagement in, or buying, accepting or as a orexceptgift, scientificFeeding or infor any scientific exceptpurposes; way acquiringfor purposes; rehabilitation, or disposing management of AttractrehabilitationDartingmanagement except except for purposes;purposes; forscientific, scientific, rehabilitation management or 183 184 SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities ColumnRestricted 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name or rehabilitationHarassment exceptpurpose; for scientific, management Sterna virgata Kerguelen Tern deviceHunting,rehabilitationrelease whatsoever, except or killing purposes for including by scientific, any means, searching, management method or or officialCatching in relation or capturing to stranding by any or Departmental huntdischargingCatchingpursuing, or kill any aordriving, missile capturing,such lyingspecimen; or injuring exceptin wait, withfor luring, scientific, intent alluring, to controldisentanglement;relationHaving over into by possessionstrandings any Department oror disentanglements;exercising official physical in of,Gathering,veterinary, purposes;or cutting, rehabilitationcollecting chopping or offplucking or uprooting,management picking damaging parts DartingstrandingsbyConveying, any Departmentalby anyor moving disentanglements; Departmental or official otherwise in official relation translocating or tovet in or destroyingExportingmanagementImporting intofrom except purposes; the the Republicfor Republic, scientific for including scientificpurposes; re- or ReleaserelationHarassing to by strandingsby any any Departmental Departmental or disentanglements; official official in in orexporting managementitGrowing, to multiply from breeding theexcept purposes; Republic or in insanctuaries any except other for wayor scientific causing anysanctuaries,Feedingrelation Departmental to for strandings commercial temporary official or holdingexhibitiondisentanglements; in relation facilities facilities, to or by orcontrolHavingcommercial rehabilitation overin possession exhibitionexcept purposes; for orfacilities; scientific, exercising management physical stranding or disentanglements. :slueweibueluesp JO s6u!pualls sped 6uppd 6uppnid Jo 6uPolloo `611 Palle° 185 6ugeogisue4 es!Nuegio JO 6111AOW:slueweifiuguesip `6111A0AU00u! JOoflepylo uogeleas6ulpueils iumpedea ui lepgjool uolielei Aue lepiewpedea Aq Jam plumcue Ag `opuelos Joj ideoxeiuewe6euew tuunideo JO JO 6u!goieo uoReimgegeA `AieuueleA !uewpads Bons Aue !IN Jo lung :sesodind leopAqdlewewpedea 6u!spiexe JO Aue uo!ssessod Aq 6upnldeo u! 6u!neH JO 6u!goleo JO 6u!puags c4 uopei Lii lepijo luewel6uques!p tuunileof tuun!wow! `1!eNt gipJO 6uunfu! pillow u! 6u!At `sueew JO tu!Aup olissiw Aue tu!nsindAq e 61.1111pi64egosip JO '6upni.itu!galees 6u!pniou! 'JeAeoslegm eo!Aap lueJotwoo Nuee snjoeiBeu xemooneletid iuewe6euewJO 'opuepsluewebeuew Joi ideoxe 'opueps luewsseRH JO ideoxe eseeled :esodind uo!iel!!!gegei sesoclindJO uo!iemgetle.! :sesod.ind uoReiffigegal Jo uo!lel!!!gegalluewe6euew `opueps Jol ldeoxe`opueps palm( Joildeoxe 6u!pea :sesodind i.uewe6euew:sesodind opua!os JO iuewe6euew 'uoilemegai Joj8 se ldeoxe 6UIld8008 jo6upeed 6u!sodsip JO 61111eU0p JO 6uumboe '61016 Aem tuygeoei Aue u! Jci 'm6 :sesodind opueps Jol ideoxe STAATSKOERANT, 31 MAART 2015 31 MAART STAATSKOERANT, No. 38600 6upoolsuel1 espiegio JO 6111/10W 6100AU00 tu!Ang `u! 6u!pail JOes!mieglo luewa6euew JO 6U1119S 'opueps Joildeoxe :sesodind uogeogegal (Os uolpos lo mum u! pe ;dwex3 saillAR3B mopped c uwnloo (Z)Ls uo!pas Jo sum; uf penuald S3I33dS 3NINIMIsem/we pappisald Z uwnloo GLUM U0WW03 (099 uo!pas jo sum u! pap!f sepeds GLUM 311141013S I. uwnloo This gazette is also available free online at !sesodind uogemegai JO uogegineqwwewe6euew 'oggueps 'oggueps Jol idea° Joi pew }Own 6u!pea :sesoclindluewaeuew:sesodind oggueps JO luawaeuew 'uogemeqei JOIe se Idooxe 6ugdeooe 6upeed JO 611118110p tUlAlo '6uNeoea6u!sodsp ao 6up!nboe Aeon Aue u! JO '416 :sesociind oggueps Jol ;doom 6ugeoolsuag as!mieqio JO 61.11AOW `6111A0AU00 '6u!Anq 'u! 6u!pe.qJO es!Nueqlo lowebeuew Jo 6uffies 'oliqueps Jolideoxe :SOSOCiJnd uogemegal 'slueweibuquesp Jo 6u!puags Tuawaeuew 'ougue!os JOIldeonleopAtid JOAO 6u!spiexe 10J1U00 JO uo!ssessod ui 6u!neH !sesochnd uoReggieqei JO :seg!!!oej uomq!qxe /q JO seppel 6u!ploq kendwei`seg!!!oel:swewel6ueluesp 'sepenioues uog!q!qxe lepaewwoo JO sbuipumis uogelea ui le!olgo leluewpedea Aue 6u!peeduogeleJ oggueps 1011deoxe(41! 6u!sneo ovindm Jaw eq1 Auelepewwoo wag u! JO6uipodxe 6u!pealq JO sepenpues '6u!moie uildeoxe Aidginw :sesodindluewe6euew JO :swewel6uquesp:swewel6ueluespui JO JO lepigo s6u! s6u!puegs lewewpedeaui lepigo Aue Aq leluewpedea 6u!sseieH eseeftuogelaiuo!ieleJ :sesodnd opue!osao oggueps Joildeoxe-8J 6u!pniou! 6u!Amsep 'ollqndel JOGig WOJ1 6u!podx3 ogindelj eqi ow! 6u!poduq sesoclind Tuaue6euew

u! len JO le!oujo leluewpedea Aue Aq 6u!pea 6ui6ewep '6u!lowcin go 6u!cidoqo '6unino JO 40 This gazette is also available free online at (y)LS UOPSS 10 SUN ui pe;dwax3 seginpe peppiseN E uwnpo (Z)Ls uopas seglApeswag; pamuseN W pawmpid Z uwnpo OWBN UOWWO3 (1)9S U01130S 10 SW.10; u! pawl sepads 01.1.141 311111.1epS uwnp3

No. 38600 2015 GAZETTE, 31 MARCH GOVERNMENT S3IO3dS 3NIINW 186 ColumnSpecies 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESColumnRestricted 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms ofHarassment Section 57(2) except for scientific, management Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) or rehabilitation purpose; No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 Phalacrocorax capensis Cape Cormorant deviceHunting,rehabilitationRelease whatsoever, exceptor killing purposes for including by scientific, any means, searching, management method or or officialCatching in relationor capturing to stranding by any Departmental or dischargingCatchinghuntpuriuing, or kill driving,aor anymissile capturing, such lying or specimen; injuring exceptin wait, with forluring, scientific, intent alluring, to disentanglement;relationcontrolhaving in overto possession strandings by any Department or disentanglements;exercising official physical in of,Gathering,purposes;veterinary, or cutting, rehabilitationcollecting chopping or offplucking or uprooting,management picking damaging parts DartingstrandingsbyConveying, any Departmentalby anyor moving disentanglements; Departmental or official otherwise in official relation translocating or tovet in ExportingmanagementImportingor destroying intofrom purposes; exceptthe the Republic Republic, for scientific for including scientific purposes; re- or ReleaserelationHarassing to by strandingsby any any Departmental Departmental or disentanglements; official official in in multiplyGrowing,orexporting management except breedingfrom thein purposes; sanctuaries Republicor in any otherexcept or commercial causing for scientific it to anysanctuaries,Feedingrelation Departmental to for strandings commercial temporary official or holdingexhibitiondisentanglements; in relation facilities facilities, to or by orcontrolHavingexhibition rehabilitation overin possessionfacilities; except purposes; for or scientific, exercising management physical stranding or disentanglements. 187 188 SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESColumnRestricted 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name exceptConveying, for scientific, moving or management otherwise translocating or gift,receiving,Sellingrehabilitation or in any or otherwisegiving, way purposes; acquiring donating trading or or in,disposing accepting buying, of as a orexcept scientificAttractFeeding for exceptscientific exceptpurposes; for for purposes; scientific, rehabilitation, rehabilitation management or HarassmentrehabilitationDartingmanagement except except purposes;purposes; for scientific, for scientific, management management Sterna dougallii Roseate tern Hunting,rehabilitationReleaseor rehabilitation exceptor killing purposes purpose;for by scientific, any means, management method or or Catching or capturing by any Departmental huntdischargingpursuing,device or whatsoever,kill driving, any a missile such lying includingspecimen; or in injuring wait, searching, luring, with intent alluring, to controlHavingdisentanglement;official inoverin relationpossession by any to Departmentstranding or exercising or official physical in Gathering,purposes;veterinary,Catching or rehabilitationcollecting capturing, or except plucking or management for pickingscientific, parts strandingsbyConveying,relation any Departmental to strandingsor moving disentanglements; or officialor otherwise disentanglements; in relation translocating to 501080— C SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exem .ted in terms of Section 57(4)

orof, destroyingor cuffing, exceptchopping for off scientific uprooting, purposes; damaging relationDarting byto strandingsany Departmental or disentanglements; official or vet in No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 exportingExportingmanagementImporting from intofrom the purposes; the the Republic Republic Republic, except for including scientific for scientific re- or relationReleaseHarassing to by strandingsby any any Departmental Departmental or disentanglements; official official in in exhibitionmultiplyGrowing,or management except breedingfacilities; in purposes; sanctuaries or in any other or commercial causing it to anysanctuaries,strandingFeeding Departmental for ortemporary commercialdisentanglements. official holding in exhibition relation facilities to facilities, or by orcontrol rehabilitationConveying,Having over in exceptpossession moving purposes; for or scientific, orotherwise exercising management translocating physical exceptreceiving,Sellingrehabilitation for orscientific, otherwisegiving, purposes; donatingmanagement trading or in, accepting buying, or as a orexceptgift, scientificFeeding or infor any scientific exceptpurposes; way acquiringfor purposes; rehabilitation, or disposing management of AttractrehabilitationDartingmanagement except except for purposes;purposes; forscientific, scientific, rehabilitation management or 189 190 SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities ColumnRestricted 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name or rehabilitationHarassment exceptpurpose; for scientific, management Thalassarche carted Indian yellow-nose albatross devicerehabilitationHunting,Release whatsoever, exceptor purposes killing for including by scientific, any means, searching, management method or or officialCatching in relation or capturing to stranding by any or Departmental dischargingpursifing,Catchinghunt or driving,kill aor anymissile capturing, lyingsuch or inspecimen; injuring wait,except luring, withfor scientific, intent alluring, to controldisentanglement;relationHaving over into by possessionstrandings any Department oror disentanglements;exercising official physical in of,Gathering,purposes;veterinary, or cutting, rehabilitationcollecting chopping or offplucking or uprooting,management picking damaging parts DartingstrandingsbyConveying, any Departmentalby anyor moving disentanglements; Departmental or official otherwise in official relation translocating or tovet in ExportingmanagementImportingor destroying intofrom exceptpurposesthe the Republic Republic, for scientific for including scientific purposes re- or ReleaserelationHarassing to by strandingsby any any Departmental Departmental or disentanglements; official official in in itGrowing,orexporting to management multiply breedingfrom except the purposes; Republicor in insanctuaries any exceptother wayor for causingscientific anysanctuaries,Feedingrelation Departmental to for strandings commercial temporary official or holdingexhibitiondisentanglements; in relation facilities facilities, to or by orcontrolHavingcommercial rehabilitation overin possession exhibitionexcept purposes; for orfacilities; scientific, exercising management physical stranding or disentanglements. SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESColumnRestricted 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4)

exceptConveying, for scientific, moving management or otherwise or translocating No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 gift,receiving,Sellingrehabilitation or in any or otherwisegiving, way purposes; acquiring donating trading or or in,disposing accepting buying, of as a Attractorexcept scientificFeeding exceptfor scientific exceptpurposes; for scientific, for purposes; rehabilitation, rehabilitation management or HarassmentrehabilitationDartingmanagement except except purposes;purposes; for scientific, for scientific, management management Spheniscus demersus African penguin Hunting,rehabilitationReleaseor rehabilitation exceptor killing purposes purpose;for by scientific, any means, management method or or Catching or capturing by any Departmental huntdischargingpursuing,device or whatsoever,kill driving, any a missile such lying includingspecimen; or in injuring wait, searching, luring, with intent alluring, to controlHavingdisentanglements;official inoverin relationpossession by any to Departmentstranding or exercising or official physical in Gathering,purposes;veterinary,Catching or collectingrehabilitation capturing, or except plucking or management for pickingscientific, parts strandingsbyConveying,relation any Departmental to strandingsor moving disentanglements; or officialor otherwise disentanglements; in relation translocating to 191 192 SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESColumnRestricted 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name orof, destroyingor cuffing, exceptchopping for off scientific uprooting, purposes; damaging relationDarting byto strandingsany Departmental or disentanglements; official or vet in exportingExportingmanagementImporting from intofrom the purposes; the the Republic Republic Republic, except for including scientific for scientific re- or relationReleaseHarassing to by strandingsby any any Departmental Departmental or disentanglements; official official in in or managementexhibitionmultiplyGrowing, except breedingfacilities; purposes; in sanctuaries or in any other or commercial causing it to strandinganysanctuaries,Feeding Departmental for or commercial disentanglements.temporary official holdingexhibition in relation facilities facilities, to or by orcontrol rehabilitationConveying,Having over in exceptpossession moving purposes; for or scientific, orotherwise exercising management translocating physical exceptreceiving,Sellingrehabilitation for orscientific, otherwisegiving, purposes; donatingmanagement trading or in, accepting buying, or as a orexceptgift, scientificFeeding or infor any scientific exceptpurposes way acquiringfor purposes; rehabilitation, or disposing management of AttractrehabilitationDartingmanagement except except for purposes;purposes; forscientific, scientific, rehabilitation management or SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESColumnRestricted 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms ofHarassment Section 57(2) except for scientific, management Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) VULNERABLE SPECIES or rehabilitationRelease except purpose;purposes for scientific, management or No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 Epinephelus lanceolatus Brindle bass dischargingdevicepursuing,Hunting, whatsoever, or adriving, missilekilling includinglyingby or anyinjuring in means,wait, searching, with luring, method intent alluring, to or veterinary,purposes;Catchinghunt or kill rehabilitation or any capturing, such specimen; or except management for scientific, orof, destroyingImportingGathering,or cutting, into exceptchoppingcollecting the Republicfor off orscientific pluckinguprooting, except purposes; picking damagingfor dead parts exportingspecimensExportingpurposes; from into from the the the Republic Republic Republic, except for including scientific for dead re- specimensHavingitGrowing, to multiply; in for breedingpossession scientific or purposes;inor anyexercising other way physical causing 193 194 SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities ColumnRestricted 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name controlpurposes; over except for scientific or rehabilitation SellingexceptConveying,receiving, foror otherwisescientific moving giving, ordonatingtrading rehabilitationotherwise in, or buying, accepting translocating purposes; as a exceptgift,purposes;Feeding or infor any scientific except way acquiringfor purposes; rehabilitation or disposing or scientific of AttractrehabilitationHarassmentDarting except except for exceptpurpose; scientificfor scientific for scientific purposes; purposes; or Rhincodon typos Whale shark deviceHunting,purposesRelease whatsoever, exceptor killing for by scientificincluding any means, or searching, rehabilitation method or officialCatching in relationor capturing to stranding by any Departmental or Catchinghuntdischargingpursuing, or kill ordriving, any capturing,a missile such lying specimen; or exceptin injuring wait, for luring, with scientific, intent alluring, to relationcontrolHavingdisentanglements; overinto possessionstrandings by any Department oror disentanglements;exercising official physical in of,Gathering,purposes;veterinary, or cutting, rehabilitationcollecting chopping or offplucking or uprooting,management picking damaging parts DartingstrandingsbyConveying, any Departmental by orany moving disentanglements; Departmental or official otherwise in official relation translocating or to SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities ColumnRestricted 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms ofor Section destroying 57(2) except for scientific purposes; Exempted in terms ofveterinarian Section 57(4) in relation to strandings or Importing into the Republic except for dead disentanglements; No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 exportingspecimensExportingpurposes; from into from the the the Republic Republic Republic, except for including scientific for dead re- relationReleaseHarassing to by strandingsby any any Departmental Departmental or disentanglements; official official in in Growing,specimensHavingit to multiply; breeding in for possession scientific or in purposes; anyor exercising other way physical causing sanctuaries,strandinganyFeeding Departmental for ortemporary commercialdisentanglements. official holding exhibition in relation facilities facilities, to or by exceptcontrolConveying,purposes; forover scientific except moving foror rehabilitationorscientific otherwise or rehabilitation translocatingpurposes; exceptgift,receiving,Selling or infor any orscientific otherwisegiving, way acquiring purposes;donating trading or or in,disposing accepting buying, of as a AttractDartingpurposes;Feeding except except except for scientificfor for scientific rehabilitation purposes; purposes; or scientific purposesReleaserehabilitationHarassment exceptpurpose; for scientific, tourism or for scientific or rehabilitation 195 196 SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) ScientificCetorhinus Name maximus BaskingCommon shark Name deviceHunting, whatsoever, or killing including by any means, searching, method or officialCatching in relationor capturing to stranding by any Departmental or dischargingCatchinghuntpursuing, or kill aordriving, anymissile capturing, such lying or specimen; injuring exceptin wait, withfor luring, scientific, intent alluring, to relationcontrolHavingdisentanglements; overinto possessionstrandings by any Department oror disentanglements;exercising official physical in of,veterinary, Gathering,purposes;or cutting, rehabilitation choppingcollecting offor or pluckinguprooting, management picking damaging parts DartingstrandingsbyConveying, any Departmental by orany moving disentanglements; Departmental or official otherwise in official relation translocating or to specimensor destroyingpurposes;Importing into into except the the Republic Republicfor scientific for except scientificpurposes; for dead relationHarassingdisentanglements;veterinarian to strandingsby in any relation Departmental or to disentanglements; strandings official or in Growing,specimensexportingExporting breedingfrom for from scientificthe the Republicor inRepublic, purposes;any exceptother including way for causingdead re- sanctuaries,FeedingrelationRelease to forby strandings anycommercial temporary Departmental or holdingexhibitiondisentanglements; official facilities facilities, in or by controlit topurposes;Having multiply; over in exceptpossession for scientific or exercising or rehabilitation physical strandingany Departmental or disentanglements. official in relation to SellingexceptConveying,receiving, foror otherwisescientific moving giving, ordonatingtrading rehabilitationotherwise in, or buying, accepting translocating purposes; as a SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in termsgift, of Sectionor in any 57(2)way acquiring or disposing of Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) except for scientific purposes; No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 AttractDartingpurposes;Feeding except except except for scientificfor for scientific rehabilitation purposes; purposes; or scientific purposesReleaserehabilitationHaiassment except exceptpurpose; for scientificfor scientific, or rehabilitation tourism or Scylliogaleus quecketti Flapnose houndshark dischargingpursuing,deviceHunting, whatsoever, or driving, killinga missile lyingby including anyor in injuring means,wait, searching, luring, with method intent alluring, or to purposes;veterinary,Catchinghunt or kill or anyrehabilitation capturing, such specimen; except or management for scientific, Importingorof,Gathering, destroyingor cutting, into collecting exceptchoppingthe Republic foror off pluckingscientific uprooting, except picking purposes; for damaging dead parts exportingExportingpurposes;specimens from into the the RepublicRepublic, Republic except includingfor scientific for re-dead 197 198 SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name Growing,specimens breeding for scientific or in purposes;any other way causing controlpurposes;Havingit to multiply;over in exceptpossession for scientific or exercising or rehabilitation physical SellingexceptConveying,receiving, foror otherwisescientific moving giving, ordonatingtrading rehabilitationotherwise in, or buying, accepting translocating purposes; as a purposes;exceptgift,Feeding or infor any scientific except way acquiringfor purposes; rehabilitation or disposing or scientific of rehabilitationAttractHarassmentDarting except except purpose; for except scientificfor scientific for scientific purposes; purposes; or Rhynchobatus djiddensis Giant guitarfish devicepurposesHunting,Release whatsoever, exceptor killing for including by scientific any means, searching, or rehabilitation method or Catchinghuntdischargingpursuing, or kill ordriving, any capturing,a missile such lying specimen; or exceptin injuring wait, for luring, with scientific, intent alluring, to SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms ofveterinary, Section 57(2)rehabilitation or management Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) purposes; No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 orof,Gathering, destroyingImportingor cutting, collecting into exceptchopping the Republicforor off pluckingscientific uprooting, except picking purposes; damagingfor partsdead exportingspecimensExportingpurposes; from into from the the the Republic Republic Republic, except for including scientific for dead re- itGrowing,specimens toHaving multiply; breeding in for possession scientific or in purposes; anyor exercising other way physical causing exceptConveying,controlpurposes; forover scientific movingexcept foror rehabilitationotherwisescientific ortranslocating rehabilitation purposes; exceptgift,Sellingreceiving, or inforor any otherwisescientific giving, way acquiring purposes;donatingtrading in,or or buying,disposing accepting of as a AttractDartingpurposes;Feeding except except except for scientificfor for scientific rehabilitation purposes; purposes; or scientific 199 200 SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESColumnRestricted 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name rehabilitationHarassment exceptpurpose; for scientific or Eudyptes chtysolophus Macaroni penguin deviceHunting,purposesRelease whatsoever, exceptor killing for including by scientific any means, searching, or rehabilitation method or officialCatching in relationor capturing to stranding by any Departmental or Catchinghuntdischargingpursuing, or kill or any capturing,adriving, missile such lyingspecimen; or except injuring in wait, for with scientific,luring, intent alluring, to relationcontrolHavingdisentanglements; overinto possessionstrandings by any Department oror disentanglements;exercising official physical in of,Gathering,purposes;veterinary, or cutting, collectingrehabilitation chopping or offplucking or uprooting, management picking damaging parts DartingstrandingsbyConveying, any Departmental by orany moving disentanglements; Departmental or official otherwise in official relation translocating or to managementor destroyingExportingImporting intofrom purposes;except the the Republicfor Republic, scientific for including scientificpurposes; re- or disentanglements;relationHarassingveterinarian to strandingsby in any relation Departmental or to disentanglements; strandings official or in itGrowing,orexporting to management multiply breedingfrom except the purposes; Republicor in in sanctuaries any otherexcept way or for causingscientific sanctuaries,FeedingrelationRelease to forby strandings anycommercial temporary Departmental or holdingexhibitiondisentanglements; official facilities facilities, in or by orcontrolcommercial rehabilitationHaving over in exhibitionexceptpossession purposes; for facilities; scientific, or exercising management physical strandingany Departmental or disentanglements. official in relation to SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms ofConveying, Section 57(2) moving or otherwise translocating Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) except for scientific, management or No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 gift,receiving,Sellingrehabilitation or in any or otherwisegiving, way purposes; acquiring donating trading or or in,disposing accepting buying, of as a orexcept scientificAttractFeeding for exceptscientific exceptpurposes; for for purposes; scientific, rehabilitation, rehabilitation management or HarassmentrehabilitationDartingmanagement except except purposes;purposes; for scientific, for scientific, management management Mirounga leonine Southem elephant seal Hunting,rehabilitationReleaseor rehabilitation exceptor killing purposes purpose;for by scientific, any means, management method or or Catching or capturing by any Departmental huntdischargingpursuing,device or whatsoever,kill driving, any a missile such lying includingspecimen; or in injuring wait, searching, luring, with intent alluring, to controlHavingdisentanglements;official inoverin relationpossession by any to Departmentstranding or exercising or official physical in Gathering,purposes;veterinary,Catching or rehabilitationcollecting capturing, or except plucking or management for pickingscientific, parts strandingsbyConveying,relation any Departmental to strandingsor moving disentanglements; or officialor otherwise disentanglements; in relation translocating to 201 202 SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESColumnRestricted 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name orof, destroyingor cutting, exceptchopping for off scientific uprooting, purposes; damaging veterinarianDarting by any in relationDepartmental to strandings official or exportingExportingmanagementImporting from intofrom the purposes; the the Republic Republic Republic, except for including scientific for scientific re- or ReleaserelationHarassingdisentanglements; to by strandingsby any any Departmental Departmental or disentanglements; official official in in or managementcommercialitGrowing, to multiply breeding exhibitionexcept purposes; or in insanctuariesfacilities; any other wayor causing sanctuaries,anyFeedingrelation Departmental to for temporarystrandings commercial official holdingor exhibitiondisentanglements; in relation facilities facilities, to or by controlConveying,orHaving rehabilitation over in exceptpossession moving purposes; for or scientific, orotherwise exercising management translocating physical stranding or disentanglements. receiving,Sellingrehabilitationexcept foror otherwisegiving,scientific, purposes; donating tradingmanagement or in, accepting buying, or as a orgift, scientificFeedingexcept or in anyfor exceptpurposes; scientificway acquiringfor rehabilitation,purposes; or disposing management of AttractrehabilitationDartingmanagement except except for purposes;purposes; forscientific, scientific, rehabilitation management or SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms of SectionHarassment 57(2) except for scientific, management Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) or rehabilitation purpose; No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 Fregetta tropica Black-bellied storm petrel deviceHunting,rehabilitationRelease whatsoever, exceptor killing purposes for including by scientific, any means, searching, management method or or officialCatching in relationor capturing to stranding by any Departmental or Catchingdischarginghuntputuing, or or kill driving,capturing,a anymissile such lying or exceptspecimen; injuring in wait, for with scientific,luring, intent alluring, to relationcontrolHavingdisentanglements; overinto possessionstrandings by any Department oror disentanglements;exercising official physical in of,Gathering,veterinary, purposes;or cutting, rehabilitationcollecting chopping or offplucking or uprooting,management picking damaging parts DartingstrandingsbyConveying, any Departmental by orany moving disentanglements; Departmental or official otherwise in official relation translocating or to or destroyingExportingmanagementImporting intofrom except purposes; the the Republicfor Republic, scientific for including scientificpurposes; re- or relationHarassingdisentanglements;veterinarian to strandingsby in any relation Departmental or to disentanglements; strandings official or in orexporting managementitGrowing, to multiply from breeding theexcept purposes; Republic or in in sanctuaries any except other for way or scientific causing sanctuaries,FeedingrelationRelease to forby strandings anycommercial temporary Departmental or holdingexhibitiondisentanglements; official facilities facilities, in or by orcontrolcommercial rehabilitationHaving over in exhibitionexceptpossession purposes; for facilities; scientific, or exercising management physical strandingany Departmental or disentanglements. official in relation to 203 204 SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESColumnRestricted 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name exceptConveying, for scientific, moving management or otherwise or translocating gift,receiving,Sellingrehabilitation or in any or otherwisegiving, way purposes; acquiring donating trading or or in,disposing accepting buying, of as a Attractorexcept scientificFeeding exceptfor scientific exceptpurposes; for scientific, for purposes; rehabilitation, rehabilitation management or HarassmentrehabilitationDartingmanagement except except purposes;purposes; for scientific, for scientific, management management Garrodia norms Grey-backed storm petrel Hunting,rehabilitationReleaseor rehabilitation exceptor killing purposes purpose;for by scientific, any means, management method or or Catching or capturing by any Departmental huntdischargingpursuing,device or whatsoever,kill driving, any a missile such lying includingspecimen; or in injuring wait, searching, luring, with intent alluring, to controlHavingdisentanglements;official inoverin relationpossession by any to Departmentstranding or exercising or official physical in Gathering,purposes;veterinary,Catching or collectingrehabilitation capturing, or except plucking or management for pickingscientific, parts strandingsbyConveying,relation any Departmental to strandingsor moving disentanglements; or officialor otherwise disentanglements; in relation translocating to 501080— D SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms ofof, Section or cutting, 57(2) chopping off uprooting, damaging Exempted in terms of SectionDarting 57(4)by any Departmental official or or destroying except for scientific purposes; veterinarian in relation to strandings or No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 exportingExportingmanagementImporting from intofrom the purposes; the the Republic Republic Republic, except for including scientific for scientific re- or disentanglements;ReleaserelationHarassing to by strandingsby any any Departmental Departmental or disentanglements; official official in in or managementcommercialitGrowing, to multiply breeding exhibitionexcept purposes; or in insanctuariesfacilities; any other wayor causing anysanctuaries,Feedingrelation Departmental to for strandings commercial temporary official or holdingexhibitiondisentanglements; in relation facilities facilities, to or by Conveying,orcontrolHaving rehabilitation overin possession movingexcept purposes; foror or otherwisescientific, exercising translocatingmanagement physical stranding or disentanglements. receiving,Sellingrehabilitationexcept foror otherwisegiving,scientific, purposes; donating tradingmanagement or in, accepting buying, or as a orFeedingexceptgift, scientific or infor exceptany scientific purposes; way for acquiring rehabilitation,purposes; or disposing management of rehabilitationDartingmanagementAttract except except purposes;purposes; forfor scientific,scientific, rehabilitationmanagement or 205 206 SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESColumnRestricted 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name orHarassment rehabilitation except purpose; for scientific, management Halobaena caerulea Blue petrel deviceHunting,rehabilitationRelease whatsoever, exceptor killing purposes for including by scientific, any means, searching, management method or or officialCatching in relationor capturing to stranding by any Departmental or dischargingCatchinghuntpuruing, or kill driving,aor anymissile capturing, such lying or specimen; injuring inexcept wait, with forluring, scientific, intent alluring, to controlrelationHavingdisentanglements; over into by possessionstrandings any Department oror disentanglements;exercising official physical in of,Gathering,purposes;veterinary, or cutting, rehabilitationcollecting chopping or offplucking or uprooting,management picking damaging parts DartingstrandingsbyConveying, any Departmental by orany moving disentanglements; Departmental or official otherwise in official relation translocating or to ExportingmanagementImportingor destroying intofrom purposes; exceptthe the Republic Republic, for scientific for including scientific purposes; re- or relationHarassingdisentanglements;veterinarian to strandingsby in any relation Departmental or to disentanglements; strandings official or in itGrowing,orexporting to management multiply breedingfrom except the purposes; Republicor in insanctuaries any exceptother wayor for causingscientific sanctuaries,FeedingrelationRelease to forby strandings anycommercial temporary Departmental or holdingexhibitiondisentanglements; official facilities facilities, in or by orcontrolHavingcommercial rehabilitation overin possession exhibitionexcept purposes; for orfacilities; scientific, exercising management physical strandingany Departmental or disentanglements. official in relation to SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms ofConveying, Section 57(2) moving or otherwise translocating Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) except for scientific, management or No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 gift,receiving,Sellingrehabilitation or inor any otherwisegiving, purposes;way donating acquiring trading or in,or accepting buying,disposing as of a AttractorFeedingexcept scientific exceptfor except scientific purposes; for for scientific, rehabilitation,purposes; rehabilitation management or HarassmentrehabilitationDartingmanagement except except purposes;purposes; for scientific, for scientific, management management Sterna caspia Caspian tern Hunting,rehabilitationReleaseor rehabilitation exceptor killing purposes purpose;for by scientific, any means, management method or or Catching or capturing by any Departmental huntdischargingpursuing,device or whatsoever,kill driving, any a missile such lying includingspecimen; or in injuring wait, searching, luring, with intent alluring, to controldisentanglements;officialHaving inover relation in bypossession any to Departmentstranding or exercising or official physical in Gathering,purposes;veterinary,Catching or collectingrehabilitation capturing, or except plucking or management for pickingscientific, parts strandingsbyConveying,relation any Departmental toor strandingsdisentanglements; moving or officialor otherwise disentanglements; in relation translocating to 207 208 SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name orof, destroyingor cutting, exceptchopping for off scientific uprooting, purposes; damaging veterinarianDarting by any in relationDepartmental to strandings official or exportingExportingmanagementImporting from intofrom the purposes; the the Republic Republic Republic, except for including scientific for scientific re- or ReleaserelationHarassingdisentanglements; to by strandingsby any any Departmental Departmental or disentanglements; official official in in commercialitGrowing,or to management multiply breeding exhibitionexcept purposes; or in in facilities;sanctuaries any other way or causing anysanctuaries,Feedingrelation Departmental to for strandings commercial temporary official or holdingexhibitiondisentanglements; in relation facilities facilities, to or by Conveying,orcontrol rehabilitationHaving over in moving exceptpossession purposes; orfor otherwise scientific, or exercising translocatingmanagement physical stranding or disentanglements. receiving,Sellingrehabilitationexcept foror otherwisegiving,scientific, purposes; donating tradingmanagement or in, accepting buying, or as a orexceptgift, scientificFeeding or infor any scientific exceptpurposes; way acquiringfor purposes; rehabilitation, or disposing management of rehabilitationmanagementAttractDarting except except purposes;purposes; for forscientific, scientific, rehabilitation management or SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms of SectionHarassment 57(2) except for scientific, management Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) or rehabilitation purpose; No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 Mows capensis Cape Gannet deviceHunting,rehabilitationRelease whatsoever, or exceptkilling purposes by for including any scientific, means, searching, management method or or officialCatching in relation or capturing to stranding by any or Departmental Catchinghuntdischargingpurkring, or kill driving,or any capturing,a missile such lying specimen; or exceptin injuring wait, forluring, with scientific, intent alluring, to controlrelationHavingdisentanglements; over into by possessionstrandings any Department oror disentanglements;exercising official physical in of,Gathering,purposes;veterinary, or cutting, collectingrehabilitation chopping or offplucking or uprooting, management picking damaging parts DartingstrandingsbyConveying, any Departmental by orany moving disentanglements; Departmental or official otherwise in official relation translocating or to managementor destroyingExportingImporting intofrom exceptpurposes; the the forRepublic Republic, scientific for including purposes;scientific re- or disentanglements;relationHarassingveterinarian to strandingsby in any relation Departmental or to disentanglements; strandings official or in itGrowing,orexporting to management multiply breedingfrom except the purposes; Republicor in in sanctuaries any otherexcept way or for causingscientific sanctuaries,FeedingrelationRelease to forby temporarystrandings anycommercial Departmental holdingor exhibitiondisentanglements; facilities official facilities, inor by orcontrolcommercial rehabilitationHaving over in exhibitionexceptpossession purposes; for facilities; scientific, or exercising management physical strandingany Departmental or disentanglements. official in relation to 209 210 SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name exceptConveying, for scientific, moving or management otherwise translocating or gift,Sellingreceiving,rehabilitation or inor any otherwise giving, way purposes; acquiring donatingtrading in,or or buying,disposing accepting of as a Attractorexcept scientificFeeding exceptfor scientific exceptpurposes; for scientific, for purposes; rehabilitation, rehabilitation management or rehabilitationHarassmentDartingmanagement except purposes; except purposes; for scientific, for scientific, management management Diomedea exulans Wandering albatross rehabilitationor rehabilitationHunting,Release exceptor purposes killing purpose; for by scientific, any means, management method or or Catching or capturing by any Departmental huntdischargingpursuing,device or whatsoever,kill driving, any a missile such lying includingspecimen; or in injuring wait, searching, luring, with intent alluring, to controldisentanglements;officialHaving inover relation in bypossession any to Departmentstranding or exercising or official physical in Gathering,purposes;veterinary,Catching or collectingrehabilitation capturing, or except plucking or management for pickingscientific, parts strandingsbyConveying,relation any Departmental to strandingsor moving disentanglements; or officialor otherwise disentanglements; in relation translocating to SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms ofof, Section or cutting, 57(2) chopping off uprooting, damaging Exempted in terms of SectionDarting 57(4)by any Departmental official or or destroying except for scientific purposes; veterinarian in relation to strandings or No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 exportingExportingmanagementImporting frominto purposes; the the Republic RepublicRepublic, for except including scientific for re-scientific or ReleaserelationHarassingdisentanglements; to by strandingsby any any Departmental Departmental or disentanglements; official official in in commercialitGrowing,or to management multiply breeding exhibitionexcept purposes; or in insanctuariesfacilities; any other wayor causing anysanctuaries,Feedingrelation Departmental to for strandings commercial temporary official or holdingexhibitiondisentanglements; in relation facilities facilities, to or by Conveying,orcontrolHaving rehabilitation overin possession moving except purposes; orfor orotherwise scientific, exercising translocatingmanagement physical stranding or disentanglements. receiving,Sellingrehabilitationexcept foror otherwisegiving,scientific, purposes; donating tradingmanagement or in, accepting buying, or as a orFeedingexceptgift, scientific or infor exceptany scientific purposes; way for acquiring rehabilitation,purposes; or disposing management of AttractrehabilitationDartingmanagement except except for purposes;purposes; forscientific, scientific, rehabilitation management or 211 212 SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name or rehabilitationHarassment exceptpurpose; for scientific, management Phoebetria palpebrata Light mantled albatross devicerehabilitationHunting,Release whatsoever, exceptor purposes killing for including by scientific, any means, searching, management method or or officialCatching in relationor capturing to stranding by any Departmental or CatchinghuntdischargingpurSuing, or kill or driving, any capturing,a missile such lying specimen; or exceptin injuring wait, for luring, with scientific, intent alluring, to relationcontrolHavingdisentanglements; overinto possessionstrandings by any Department oror disentanglements;exercising official physical in of,Gathering,purposes;veterinary, or cutting, collectingrehabilitation chopping or offplucking or uprooting, management picking damaging parts DartingstrandingsbyConveying, any Departmental by orany moving disentanglements; Departmental or official otherwise in official relation translocating or to Exportingmanagementor destroyingImporting from into purposes;except the the Republic, Republicfor scientific including for scientificpurposes; re- or disentanglements;relationHarassingveterinarian to strandingsby in any relation Departmental or to disentanglements; strandings official or in itGrowing,orexporting to management multiply breedingfrom except the purposes; Republicor in in sanctuaries any otherexcept way or for causingscientific sanctuaries,FeedingrelationRelease to forby strandings anycommercial temporary Departmental or holdingexhibitiondisentanglements; official facilities facilities, in or by orcontrolcommercial rehabilitationHaving over in exhibitionexceptpossession purposes for facilities; scientific, or exercising management physical strandingany Departmental or disentanglements. official in relation to SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESColumnRestricted 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms ofConveying, Section 57(2) moving or otherwise translocating Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) except for scientific, management or No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 gift,receiving,Sellingrehabilitation or in any or otherwisegiving, way purposes; acquiring donating trading or or in,disposing accepting buying, of as a Attractorexcept scientificFeeding exceptfor scientific exceptpurposes; for scientific, for purposes; rehabilitation, rehabilitation management or rehabilitationDartingmanagementHarassment except purposes;purposes; for exceptscientific, for managementscientific, management Thalassarche chrysostoma Grey-headed albatross Hunting,rehabilitationReleaseor rehabilitation exceptor killing purposes purpose;for by scientific, any means, management method or or Catching or capturing by any Departmental huntdischargingpursuing,device or whatsoever,kill driving, any a missile such lying includingspecimen; or in injuring wait, searching, luring, with intent alluring, to controlHavingdisentanglements;official inoverin relationpossession by any to Departmentstranding or exercising or official physical in Gathering,purposes;veterinary,Catching or rehabilitationcollecting capturing, or except plucking or management for pickingscientific, parts strandingsbyConveying,relation any Departmental to strandingsor moving disentanglements; or officialor otherwise disentanglements; in relation translocating to 213 214 SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name orof, destroyingor cutting, exceptchopping for off scientific uprooting, purposes; damaging veterinarianDarting by any in relationDepartmental to strandings official or exportingExportingmanagementImporting from into purposes; the the RepublicRepublic, Republic exceptincluding for scientific for re-scientific or ReleaserelationHarassingdisentanglements; to by strandingsby any any Departmental Departmental or disentanglements; official official in in commercialitGrowing,or to management multiply breeding exhibitionexcept purposes; or in in facilities;sanctuaries any other way or causing anysanctuaries,Feedingrelation Departmental to for strandings commercial temporary official or holdingexhibitiondisentanglements; in relation facilities facilities, to or by Conveying,orcontrolHaving rehabilitation overin possession moving except purposes; orfor orotherwise scientific, exercising translocatingmanagement physical stranding or disentanglements. receiving,Sellingrehabilitationexcept foror otherwisegiving,scientific, purposes; donating tradingmanagement or in, accepting buying, or as a orFeedingexceptgift, scientific or infor exceptany scientific purposes; way for acquiring rehabilitation,purposes; or disposing management of rehabilitationDartingmanagementAttract except except purposes;purposes; forfor scientific,scientific, rehabilitationmanagement or SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESColumnRestricted 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms ofHarassment Section 57(2) except for scientific, management Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) or rehabilitation purpose; No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 Pelicanus onocrotalus Great white pelican deviceHunting,rehabilitationRelease whatsoever, exceptor killing purposes for by scientific,including any means, managementsearching, method or or officialCatching in relationor capturing to stranding by any Departmental or dischargingCatchinghuntpursuing, or kill aordriving, anymissile capturing, such lying or specimen; injuring exceptin wait, withfor luring, scientific, intent alluring, to relationcontrolHavingdisentanglements; overinto possessionstrandings by any Department oror disentanglements;exercising official physical in of,Gathering,purposes;veterinary, or cutting, collectingrehabilitation chopping or offplucking or uprooting, management picking damaging parts DartingstrandingsbyConveying, any Departmental by orany moving disentanglements; Departmental or official otherwise in official relation translocating or to ExportingmanagementImportingor destroying intofrom purposes; exceptthe the Republic Republic, for scientific for including scientific purposes; re- or relationHarassingdisentanglements;veterinarian to strandingsby in any relation Departmental or to disentanglements; strandings official or in itGrowing,orexporting to management multiply breedingfrom except the purposes; Republicor in in sanctuaries any otherexcept way or for causingscientific sanctuaries,FeedingrelationRelease to forby strandings anycommercial temporary Departmental or holdingexhibitiondisentanglements; official facilities facilities, in or by orcontrolHavingcommercial rehabilitation overin possession exhibitionexcept purposes; for orfacilities; scientific, exercising management physical strandingany Departmental or disentanglements. official in relation to 215 216 ColumnSpecies 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name exceptConveying, for scientific, moving or management otherwise translocating or gift,Sellingreceiving,rehabilitation or inor any otherwise giving, way purposes; acquiring donatingtrading in,or or buying,disposing accepting of as a Attractorexcept scientificFeeding exceptfor scientific exceptpurposes; for scientific, for purposes; rehabilitation, rehabilitation management or rehabilitationmanagementHarassmentDarting except purposes;purposes; except for scientific, for scientific, management management Aptenodytes patagonicus King Penguin rehabilitationor rehabilitationHunting,Release exceptor purposes killing purpose; for by scientific, any means, management method or or Catching or capturing by any Departmental dischargingdevicehuntpursuing, whatsoever,or kill adriving, anymissile such includinglying or specimen; injuring in wait, searching, with luring, intent alluring, to controlHavingdisentanglements;official inoverin relationpossession by any to Departmentstranding or exercising or official physical in veterinary,Gathering,purposes;Catching rehabilitation or collecting capturing, or orexcept plucking management for pickingscientific, parts strandingsbyConveying,relation any Departmental to strandingsor moving disentanglements; or officialor otherwise disentanglements; in relation translocating to 217 JO uollelffiqegalwawabeuew `04!waps Joliclaoxe `ogRuaps ioallIV Joildeon Buwea :sesodind:sesocund wewe6euew uogempeqw wawa6euew 'uo!legipeqa! JoIldeoxe 6u!peedlo 6u!sodsp JO 6uNnboe ARM Aue Li! Jo `g i6 !sesodJnd opueps Joj ;doom :sasodind ogguaps JO E se 6uRcl000e JO 6ugeuop '6u!A!6 tuirt!aosi '6u!Anq `u! &pealJO as!Nueigo luewa6euew Jo 6uillaS `oilgueps JOIldeoxe :sasoclind uo!iemegai 6ugeoolsua1 OSINIJOWO JO 6u11\0W till/WOOD :sesoctind uoReggieqei Jo Aq JO sappei 6u!ploq AJeJodwai 'sapenpues oi uo!TeleJ ul lep!go lewewpedea Aue swewapuewesp JO 6uipuegs wawa6euew `041111010S JOI N100X9leopAqd JOAO 61.11S10.18X0 1041103 JO uo!ssassod u! 6u!neH Jo sapenpues u! ideas Aldninw o ; ;l :seg!!!oel uogiqwe leioJewwoo `sagoel:swewal6uewasp:sweweibuques!p uogqqxe lepiewwoo JO Jo s6u!pueilss6u!pueils JO; 016u!paadol uogeleJuogeleJUI le!ogo lewawiJedea Aue Aq aseelee! oimaps Joi6u!sneo ideoxa ARM opqncki Jag° allAue wag u! JO Buwodxa 6u!pealq '6u!nnal9 -al 6ulprilou! `o!!qndel ay; wog 6upodx3 :sasocUnd wawa6euew JO STAATSKOERANT, 31 MAART 2015 31 MAART STAATSKOERANT, ul pogo lewawyedaa AueJO Aq sbuipueris 6u!sseJeH 01 uopieJ Li! No. 38600 uepeu!Jawn :swawal6uewes!p :sesoclind opuelosJO oguaps Jo' KlausJOj o!!qncle 6u1Aoilsep an ow! Jo 6upodwi :sesodind watue6euew

JO lepllio lewat.upeclea Aue Aq 6upea 64ewep tugocudn go 6u!ddoqo tunwo JO 'JO This gazette is also available free online at (17)/S U01;30S 10 SW.101 u! mdwax3 seippe paiouiseld c uwnio3 (Z)Ls uopas Jo swag; ul painigoid S3I33dS 3NIIIVWsem/gm moppet! z munloo KUM UOWWO3 (i)ss uopas lo swag; u! man sapeds GLUM i3111W013S uwnioa 218 SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities ColumnRestricted 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name or rehabilitationHarassment exceptpurpose; for scientific, management Carcharadon carcaharias White shark deviceHunting,rehabilitationRelease whatsoever, exceptor killing purposes for including by scientific, any means, searching, management method or or officialCatching in relation or capturing to stranding by any or Departmental dischargingCatchinghuntpurSuing, or kill aor driving, anymissile capturing, such lying or specimen; injuring exceptin wait, withfor luring, scientific, intent alluring, to controldisentanglements;relationHaving over into by possessionstrandings any Department oror disentanglements;exercising official physical in veterinary, rehabilitation or management Conveying, moving or otherwise translocating of, orGathering,purposes;or destroyingcutting, choppingcollecting except offforor pluckinguprooting,scientific picking purposes; damaging parts veterinarianDartingstrandingsby any Departmental by orany in disentanglements; relationDepartmental official to strandings in official relation or to Exportingpurposes;specimensImporting intofrom into the the the Republic Republic, Republic except includingfor scientific for deadre- ReleaserelationHarassingdisentanglements; to by strandingsby any any Departmental Departmental or disentanglements; official official in in , Growing,specimensexporting breedingfrom for scientificthe Republicor in purposes;any exceptother way for causingdead sanctuaries,Feedingrelation to for strandings commercial temporary or holdingexhibitiondisentanglements; facilities facilities, or by purposes;controlHavingit to multiply; overin possession except for or scientific exercising or rehabilitationphysical strandingany Departmental or disentanglements. official in relation to SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms ofConveying, Section 57(2) moving or otherwise translocating Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) except for scientific or rehabilitation purposes; No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 exceptgift,Sellingreceiving, or inforor any otherwisescientific giving, way acquiring purposes;donatingtrading in,or or buying,disposing accepting of as a DartingAttractpurposes;Feeding except except except for for scientific scientificfor rehabilitation purposes; purposes; or scientific purposesReleaserehabilitationHarassment except white exceptpurpose; sharkfor scientific for cage scientific diving or rehabilitation or Chionis minor Lesser Sheathbill dischargingpursuing,deviceHunting, whatsoever, or driving, killinga missile lyingby including anyor in injuring wait,means, searching, luring, with method intentalluring, or to disentanglements;officialHavingCatching in relation in orpossession capturing to stranding orby exercisingany or Departmental physical purposes;veterinary,Catchinghunt or kill or anyrehabilitation capturing, such specimen; except or management for scientific, Conveying,controlbyrelation any over Departmental to movingby strandings any Departmentor otherwise officialor disentanglements; in officialtranslocating relation in to Importingorof,Gathering, destroyingor cutting, into collecting exceptchopping the Republic foror off pluckingscientific uprooting, for scientific picking purposes; damaging partsor disentanglements;veterinarianstrandingsDarting byor in disentanglements;any relation Departmental to strandings official or or 219 Jo luewebeuew 'omwaps Joi ideon aseeleN wawa6euew `omlueps Jo} ideoxe wausseRHluewe6euew 'omweps JOI }deo)* 6uwea !asodind uo!lempeqw:sesodind JO uonempeqw luewe6euew 'uo!lemeqw JoildeoxeJO 6mpesd uogempeqw 'mpwaios JoIldeaxe pamv :sosoWnd wowaeuew:sesodind vueps JO e se 6uviapoepz) JO 6u!sodsm 611112U0p JO 6umnboe '6UIA16 Aem'6u!Apow Aue u! JO '14!6 tu!Anq `u! 6u!pen es!Nuomo JO 61.1111eS :sesodind opueps Jolideoxa 6uppoisue4 as!miewo JO 611tAOW '6U1AGAU00 JO wawa6euew `omwaps Jolidaoxa :sasodind uo!lempeqw JO!sasodind uoRemegal Aq JO salloei 6u!pioq kendwal tepenpues 01 uonelw u! lepwo lewewpedea Aue swewel6uewesllo Jo 6mpue.ns wawa6euew `omluepsimwewwoo JoildeoxeleolsAqd JO J9/10 sapenpues6U1SIOJaXe 104U09 JO u! UOISSOSSOd idea° Aida nw111 6UIABH :sampej uommwca `sampael:slueweibuewasm:swewapuquemp uomqwxa lelwawwoo JOJO s6u!pue.nss6u!puwis Joj 6u!pee 01u! 01 ucmelwppm.° um's.] lewewpedaa Aue Aq aseaft opue!os Jo} ideoxeoil! 6u!sneo ollqndeb Jaw) ow Aue wo4 u! 6upodxaJO 6mpawq tu!Ntwo-al 6umniou! `micinda !sesodind wewe6euew JO an wail 6upodx3 ui pogo lewauwedea Aue Aq(p)s 6u!ssweH uopes sum; u! pe)dwax3 (6s uopas 0 swam u! pemolgoid :sesodindluewaeuew aweN uowwoo aweN oggueps This gazette is also available free online at p SOMAlpe papplsm c uwnpo S31133dS 3N1211/INsell!Ape pappsee! z Lamp° (i)ss uopes Jo swag} u! pais!! sepeds i uwnp3 No. 38600 2015 GAZETTE, 31 MARCH GOVERNMENT 220 SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms ofrehabilitation Section 57(2) purposes Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Procellaria aequinoctialis White-chinned petrel dischargingdevicepursuing,Hunting, whatsoever, or adriving, missilekilling includinglyingby or anyinjuring in means,wait, searching, with luring, method intent alluring, to or Havingdisentanglements;officialCatching inin relationorpossession capturing to stranding orby exercisingany Departmental or physical No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 veterinary,purposes;Catchinghunt or kill rehabilitation or any capturing, such specimen; orexcept management for scientific, byConveying,relationcontrol any Departmental overto strandings movingby any Departmentor officialor otherwise disentanglements; in relation officialtranslocating toin Importingorof,Gathering, destroyingor cutting, into collecting exceptchoppingthe Republic foror off pluckingscientific uprooting, for scientific picking purposes; damaging orparts disentanglements;veterinarianDartingstrandings by orany in disentanglements; relationDepartmental to strandings official or orexportingExportingmanagement management from purposes; the purposes; RepublicRepublic, exceptincluding for re-scientific relationReleaseHarassing to by strandingsby any any Departmental Departmental or disentanglements; official official in in HavingcommercialitGrowing, to multiply in breedingpossession exhibitionexcept or in inorsanctuariesfacilities; anyexercising other wayor physical causing strandinganysanctuaries,Feeding Departmental for or commercial disentanglements.temporary official holdingexhibition in relation facilities facilities, to or by exceptConveying,orcontrol rehabilitation forover scientific, moving except purposes; orfor management otherwise scientific, translocatingmanagement or 221 222 SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESColumnRestricted 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name Sellingrehabilitation or otherwise purposes; trading in, buying, exceptgift,Feedingreceiving, or infor any scientific except giving, way acquiringfor purposes;donating rehabilitation, or or disposing accepting management of as a Attractor scientificDartingmanagement except except purposes; for purposes; forscientific, scientific, rehabilitation management or ReleaseorHarassmentrehabilitation rehabilitation except exceptpurposes; purpose;for scientific,for scientific, management management or Procellaria cinerea Grey petrel pursuing,deviceHunting,rehabilitation whatsoever, or driving, killing purposes lyingby including any in means,wait, searching, luring, method alluring, or disentanglements;officialCatching in relationor capturing to stranding by any Departmental or veterinary,Catchinghuntdischarging or kill or anyrehabilitation capturing,a missile such specimen; or except injuringor management for with scientific, intent to Conveying,relationcontrolHaving overinto possessionstrandings movingby any Departmentor or orotherwise disentanglements;exercising officialtranslocating physical in orof,Gathering,purposes; destroyingor cutting, collecting exceptchopping foror off pluckingscientific uprooting, picking purposes; damaging parts veterinarianDartingstrandingsby any Departmental by orany in disentanglements; relationDepartmental official to strandings in official relation or to SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms of SectionImporting 57(2) into the Republic for scientific or Exempted in terms of Sectiondisentanglements; 57(4) management purposes; Harassing by any Departmental official in No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 Growing,orexporting managementExporting breedingfrom from the purposes; the Republicor inRepublic, any otherexcept including way for causingscientific re- FeedingrelationRelease to forby strandings anycommercial Departmental or exhibitiondisentanglements; official facilities, in controlcommercialit toHaving multiply over in exhibitionexceptpossession forin facilities;sanctuaries scientific, or exercising management or physical strandinganysanctuaries, Departmental or disentanglements.temporary official holding in relation facilities to or by rehabilitationexceptConveying,or rehabilitation for scientific, moving purposes; purposes; or management otherwise translocating or exceptgift,receiving,Selling or inforor any otherwisegiving,scientific way donating acquiring purposes;trading or in,or accepting buying,disposing as of a managementAttractorFeeding scientific except except purposes; purposes; for for scientific, rehabilitation, rehabilitation management or orrehabilitationDarting rehabilitationHarassment except purposes; for exceptpurpose; scientific, for scientific, management management 223 224 ColumnSpecies 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESColumnRestricted 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name rehabilitationRelease except purposes for scientific, management or Pterodroma macroptera Great winged petrel dischargingdevicepursuing,Hunting, whatsoever, or adriving, missilekilling includinglyingby or anyinjuring in means,wait, searching, with luring, method intent alluring, to or Havingdisentanglements;officialCatching inin relationorpossession capturing to stranding orby exercisingany Departmental or physical veterinary,Catchingpurposes;hunt or or kill rehabilitation capturing, any such exceptspecimen; or management for scientific, controlbyConveying,relation any over Departmental to by strandings moving any Department or officialor otherwise disentanglements; in official relation translocating in to orof, destroyingImportingGathering,or cutting, into exceptchoppingcollecting the Republicfor off orscientific pluckinguprooting, for scientificpurposes; picking damaging orparts disentanglements;veterinarianDartingstrandings by orany in disentanglements; relationDepartmental to strandings official or exportingorExportingmanagement management from from the purposes; the Republicpurposes; Republic, except including for scientific re- relationReleaseHarassing to by strandingsby any any Departmental Departmental or disentanglements; official official in in HavingcommercialitGrowing, to multiply in breedingpossession exhibitionexcept or in inorsanctuariesfacilities; anyexercising other wayor physical causing strandinganysanctuaries,Feeding Departmental for or commercial disentanglements.temporary official holdingexhibition in relation facilities facilities, to or by controlexceptConveying,or rehabilitation over for except scientific, moving purposes; for or scientific,management otherwise management translocating or SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESColumnRestricted 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms ofrehabilitation Section 57(2) purposes; Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Selling or otherwise trading in, buying, No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 exceptgift,Feedingreceiving, or infor any scientific except giving, way acquiringfor purposes;donating rehabilitation, or or disposing accepting management of as a Attractor scientificDartingmanagement except except purposes; for purposes; forscientific, scientific, rehabilitation management or ReleaseorHarassmentrehabilitation rehabilitation except exceptpurposes; purpose;for scientific,for scientific, management management or Pterodroma motile Soft plumaged petrel pursuing,deviceHunting,rehabilitation whatsoever, or driving, killing purposes lyingby including any in means,wait, searching, luring, method alluring, or disentanglements;officialCatching in relationor capturing to stranding by any Departmental or veterinary,Catchinghuntdischarging or kill or anyrehabilitation capturing,a missile such specimen; or except injuringor management for with scientific, intent to Conveying,relationcontrolHaving overinto possessionstrandings movingby any Departmentor or orotherwise disentanglements;exercising officialtranslocating physical in orof,Gathering,purposes; destroyingor cutting, collecting exceptchopping foror off pluckingscientific uprooting, picking purposes; damaging parts veterinarianDartingstrandingsby any Departmental by orany in disentanglements; relationDepartmental official to strandings in official relation or to 225 226 SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESColumnRestricted 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name managementImporting into purposes; the Republic for scientific or Harassingdisentanglements; by any Departmental official in orexporting managementGrowing,Exporting from breedingfrom the purposes; the Republic orRepublic, in any except other including for causing scientific re- it to FeedingrelationRelease to forby strandings anycommercial Departmental or exhibitiondisentanglements; official facilities, in exhibitioncontrolHavingmultiply facilities;over inexcept possession except in sanctuaries for or scientific, exercising or commercialmanagement physical strandinganysanctuaries, Departmental or disentanglements.temporary official holding in relation facilities to or by rehabilitationexceptConveying,or rehabilitation for scientific, moving purposes; purposes; or management otherwise translocating or exceptgift,receiving,Selling or inforor any otherwisegiving,scientific way donating acquiring purposes;trading or in,or accepting buying,disposing as of a managementAttractorFeeding scientific except except purposes; purposes; for for scientific, rehabilitation, rehabilitation management or orHarassmentrehabilitationDarting rehabilitation except exceptpurposes; for purpose; scientific, for scientific, management management SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESColumnRestricted 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms ofRelease Section except 57(2) for scientific, management or Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) rehabilitation purposes No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 Lugensa brevirostris Kergeulen petrel dischargingdevicepursuing,Hunting, whatsoever, or adriving, missilekilling includinglyingby or anyinjuring in means,wait, searching, with luring, method intent alluring, to or disentanglements;officialHavingCatching in relation in orpossession capturing to stranding orby exercisingany or Departmental physical veterinary,purposes;Catchinghunt or kill rehabilitation or any capturing, such specimen; or except management for scientific, byConveying,relationcontrol any Departmental overto strandings movingby any Departmentor officialor otherwise disentanglements; in relation officialtranslocating toin orof, destroyingImportingGathering,or cutting, into exceptchoppingcollecting the Republicfor off orscientific pluckinguprooting, for scientificpurposes; picking damaging orparts disentanglements;veterinarianDartingstrandings by orany in disentanglements; relationDepartmental to strandings official or orexporting managementExporting from from the purposes; the Republic Republic, except including for scientific re- relationReleaseHarassing to by strandingsby any any Departmental Departmental or disentanglements; official official in in exhibitionHavingmultiplyGrowing, facilities; inexcept breedingpossession in sanctuaries or inor anyexercising other or commercial causing physical it to strandinganysanctuaries,Feeding Departmental for or commercial disentanglements.temporary official holdingexhibition in relation facilities facilities, to or by controlexceptConveying,or rehabilitation over for except scientific, moving purposes; for or scientific,management otherwise management translocating or 227 228 SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESColumnRestricted 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name Sellingrehabilitation or otherwise purposes; trading in, buying, exceptgift,Feedingreceiving, or infor any scientific except giving, way acquiringfor purposes;donating rehabilitation, or or disposing accepting management of as a Attractor scientificDartingmanagement except except purposes; for purposes; forscientific, scientific, rehabilitation management or ReleaseorHarassmentrehabilitation rehabilitation except exceptpurposes; purpose;for scientific,for scientific, management management or Macronectes giganteus Southern giant petrel pursuing,deviceHunting,rehabilitation whatsoever, or driving, killing purposes lyingby including any in means,wait, searching, luring, method alluring, or disentanglements;officialCatching in relationor capturing to stranding by any Departmental or veterinary,Catchinghuntdischarging or kill or anyrehabilitation capturing,a missile such specimen; or except injuringor management for with scientific, intent to Conveying,relationcontrolHaving overinto possessionstrandings movingby any Departmentor or orotherwise disentanglements;exercising officialtranslocating physical in orof,Gathering,purposes; destroyingor cutting, collecting exceptchopping foror off pluckingscientific uprooting, picking purposes; damaging parts veterinarianDartingstrandingsby any Departmental by orany in disentanglements; relationDepartmental official to strandings in official relation or to SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms of SectionImporting 57(2) into the Republic for scientific or Exempted in terms of Sectiondisentanglements; 57(4) management purposes; Harassing by any Departmental official in No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 Growing,orexporting managementExporting breedingfrom from the purposes; the Republicor inRepublic, any otherexcept including way for causingscientific re- FeedingrelationRelease to forby strandings anycommercial Departmental or exhibitiondisentanglements; official facilities, in commercialcontrolHavingit to multiply overin exhibitionpossession exceptexcept facilities;forin or sanctuariesscientific, exercising management orphysical strandinganysanctuaries, Departmental or disentanglements.temporary official holding in relation facilities to or by rehabilitationexceptConveying,or rehabilitation for scientific, moving purposes; purposes; or management otherwise translocating or exceptgift,receiving,Selling or inforor any otherwisegiving,scientific way donating acquiring purposes;trading or in,or accepting buying,disposing as of a managementAttractorFeeding scientific except except purposes; purposes; for for scientific, rehabilitation, rehabilitation management or orHarassmentrehabilitationDarting rehabilitation except exceptpurposes; for purpose; scientific, for scientific, management management 229 230 SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESColumnRestricted 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name rehabilitationRelease except purposes for scientific, management or Macronectes halli Northern giant petrel dischargingdevicepursuing,Hunting, whatsoever, or adriving, missilekilling includinglyingby or anyinjuring in means,wait, searching, with luring, method intent alluring, to or Havingdisentanglements;officialCatching inin relationorpossession capturing to stranding orby exercisingany Departmental or physical veterinary,Catchingpurposes;hunt or or kill rehabilitation capturing, any such exceptspecimen; or management for scientific, controlbyConveying,relation any over Departmental to by strandings moving any Department or officialor otherwise disentanglements; in official relation translocating in to or destroyingImportingof,Gathering, or cutting, into exceptcollecting choppingthe Republicfor orscientific offplucking uprooting, for scientificpurposes; picking damaging orparts disentanglements;veterinarianDartingstrandings by orany in disentanglements; relationDepartmental to strandings official or exportingorExportingmanagement management from from the purposes; the Republicpurposes; Republic, except including for scientific re- relationReleaseHarassing to by strandingsby any any Departmental Departmental or disentanglements; official official in in commercialHavingitGrowing, to multiply in exhibitionbreedingpossession except or facilities;in inorsanctuaries anyexercising other wayor physical causing strandinganysanctuaries,Feeding Departmental for or commercial disentanglements.temporary official holdingexhibition in relation facilities facilities, to or by exceptcontrolConveying,or rehabilitation forover scientific, except moving purposes; for management or scientific, otherwise management or translocating SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESColumnRestricted 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms ofrehabilitation Section 57(2) purposes; Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Selling or otherwise trading in, buying, No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 exceptgift,Feedingreceiving, or infor any scientific except giving, way acquiringfor purposes;donating rehabilitation, or or disposing accepting management of as a DartingmanagementAttractor scientific except except purposes; purposes; for for scientific, scientific, rehabilitation management or ReleaseorHarassmentrehabilitation rehabilitation except exceptpurposes; purpose;for scientific,for scientific, management management or Catharacta antarctica Sub-antarctic skua pursuing,deviceHunting,rehabilitation whatsoever, or driving, killing purposes lyingby including any in means,wait, searching, luring, method alluring, or disentanglements;officialCatching in relationor capturing to stranding by any Departmental or veterinary,Catchinghuntdischarging or kill or anyrehabilitation capturing,a missile such specimen; or except injuring or management for with scientific, intent to Conveying,relationcontrolHaving overinto possessionstrandings movingby any Departmentor or orotherwise disentanglements;exercising officialtranslocating physical in orof,Gathering,purposes; destroyingor cutting, collecting exceptchopping foror off pluckingscientific uprooting, picking purposes; damaging parts veterinarianDartingstrandingsby any Departmental by orany in disentanglements; relationDepartmental official to strandings in official relation or to 231 232 SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities ColumnRestricted 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name managementImporting into purposes; the Republic for scientific or Harassingdisentanglements; by any Departmental official in Growing,orexporting managementExporting breedingfrom from the purposes; the Republicor inRepublic, any exceptother including way for causingscientific re- FeedingrelationRelease to forby strandings anycommercial Departmental or exhibitiondisentanglements; official facilities, in commercialcontrolHavingit tomultiply overin exhibitionpossession exceptexcept facilities;infor orsanctuaries scientific, exercising management or physical strandinganysanctuaries, Departmental or disentanglements.temporary official holding in relation facilities to or by rehabilitationexceptConveying,or rehabilitation for scientific, moving purposes; purposes; or management otherwise translocating or exceptgift,receiving,Selling or inforor any otherwisegiving,scientific way donating acquiring purposes;trading or in,or accepting buying,disposing as of a AttractmanagementorFeeding scientific except except purposes;for purposes; scientific, for rehabilitation, rehabilitation management or orHarassmentrehabilitationDarting rehabilitation except exceptpurposes; for purpose; scientific, for scientific, management management SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms ofRelease Section except 57(2) for scientific, management or Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) rehabilitation purposes No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 Sterna vittata Antarctic tern dischargingdevicepursuing,Hunting, whatsoever, or adriving, missilekilling includinglyingby or anyinjuring in means,wait, searching, with luring, method intent alluring, to or Havingdisentanglements;officialCatching inin relationorpossession capturing to stranding orby exercisingany Departmental or physical purposes;veterinary,Catchinghunt or kill or anyrehabilitation capturing, such specimen; except or management for scientific, byConveying,relationcontrol any Departmental overto strandings movingby any Departmentor officialor otherwise disentanglements; in relation officialtranslocating toin Importingorof,Gathering, destroyingor cutting, into collecting exceptchoppingthe Republic foror off pluckingscientific uprooting, for scientific picking purposes; damaging orparts disentanglements;veterinarianDartingstrandings by orany in disentanglements; relationDepartmental to strandings official or orexportingExportingmanagement management from purposes; the purposes; RepublicRepublic, exceptincluding for re-scientific relationReleaseHarassing to by strandingsby any any Departmental Departmental or disentanglementsdisentanglements; official official in in HavingexhibitionmultiplyGrowing, inexcept breedingpossessionfacilities; in sanctuaries or inor anyexercising other or commercial causing physical it to strandinganysanctuaries,Feeding Departmental for or commercial disentanglements.temporary official holdingexhibition in relation facilities facilities, to or by exceptConveying,orcontrol rehabilitation forover scientific, moving except purposes; orfor management otherwise scientific, translocatingmanagement or 233 234 SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name Sellingrehabilitation or otherwise purposes; trading in, buying, exceptgift,receiving,Feeding or infor any giving,scientific except way donating acquiringfor purposes; rehabilitation, or or accepting disposing management as of a DartingmanagementAttractor scientific except except purposes; purposes; forfor scientific,scientific, rehabilitationmanagement or rehabilitation purposes; ReleaseorHarassment rehabilitation except except purpose;for scientific,for scientific, management management or . Manta birostris Oceanic manta ray pursuing,deviceHunting,rehabilitation whatsoever, or driving, killing purposes lyingby including any in wait,means, searching, luring, method alluring, or disentanglements;officialCatching in relation or capturing to stranding by any or Departmental veterinary,Catchinghuntdischarging or kill or anyrehabilitation capturing,a missile such specimen; or except injuring or management for with scientific, intent to controlConveying,relationHaving over into by possessionstrandings moving any Department or or orotherwise disentanglements;exercising official translocating physical in orof,Gathering,purposes; destroyingor cutting, collecting exceptchopping foror off pluckingscientific uprooting, picking purposes; damaging parts veterinarianDartingstrandingsby any Departmental by orany in disentanglements; relationDepartmental official to strandings in official relation or to 235 uoRempeqw Jo oilquaps JOildeoxe aseaRJ JO opuaps Jondeoxe ;UOLUSSW81-1 :asodand uoRemeqw sasoWnd opueps Jo uoRel!!qeqa! Jo; idea° 6u!paad :sasoctindsasodind opuaps onuaps JOildeoxe J0j 6uipep Idaoxe lowliv !sasodind e se 6UVIODOOlo JO 6u!sodsp 6111181J0p JO buumboe`61/1A16 '6u!meow Aeon Aue u! Jo `14!6 `6u!Anq 'Li! 6u!pw; as!Nuaino JO 6111110S :sasodand opuaps Jo; idaoxa :sasodindbugeoolsuaq uogempeqai as!mieqlo JO JO 61.11AOW oguaps '61.11AOAU00J0j ideoxa uogempegai Jo opuaps Jo} iclaoxe JOAO 10.11U09leopAqd bUISIOJOXO JO UOISSOSSOd Ill 61JIABH :sesodind Aq JO sap pe; 6u!ploq:swawapueluasp fueiodwal Aq Jo 6u!pead s6u!pueqs ol uoRelei o; uogelal u! lep!go lewawpedaa Aue .swawalbue;uesp JO 6u!pueils o; 1! 6uisneo Jai lio Aue Li!peep JO 6u!paalq JOi ideoxa opqndal aq; wo4 6uipodxe !sasodind opuaps JO]. suawpads tu!mwo:Aidginw STAATSKOERANT, 31 MAART 2015 31 MAART STAATSKOERANT, :swawapuewaspLi! JO pogo s6u!pueqs lewewpedao o; uogelaiLi! lepwoAue Aq lewewpedea 6u!sseaeH Aue Aq aseale No. 38600 opueps-ea 6u!pniou! JOI opqnd%i `o!!qndel aq; an ow!wo4 suawpads 6u!podx3 :sasodand :swawalbuewasip peep JOIldaoxe opqnde :! aig ow! 6u!podwl ewe uowwoo aweN oggualos This gazette is also available free online at (0)Ls uopas jo awn; u! pe ;dwex3 sallingoe moppeac uwnio3 (z)Ls uopes jo swam u! penuoid S3IO3dS 3NINVINsompe popppoN z uwnloo (1.)99 uogoes jo SUN ul pop!l sepeds i uwnio9 236 SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESColumnRestricted 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) F'achyptilaScientific turturName FairyCommon prion Name deviceHunting, whatsoever, or killing including by any means, searching, method or officialCatching in relationor capturing to stranding by any Departmental or dischargingCatchinghuntpursuing, or kill aordriving, anymissile capturing, such lying or specimen; injuring exceptin wait, withfor luring, scientific, intent alluring, to controlrelationHavingdisentanglements; over into by possessionstrandings any Department oror disentanglements;exercising official physical in of,Gathering,purposes;veterinary, or cutting, rehabilitationcollecting chopping or offplucking or uprooting,management picking damaging parts DartingstrandingsbyConveying, any Departmental by orany moving disentanglements; Departmental or official otherwise in official relation translocating or to ExportingmanagementImportingor destroying intofrom purposes; exceptthe the Republic Republic, for scientific for including scientific purposes; re- or relationHarassingdisentanglements;veterinarian to strandingsby in any relation Departmental or to disentanglements; strandings official or in itGrowing,orexporting to management multiply breedingfrom except the purposes; Republicor in insanctuaries any otherexcept wayor for causingscientific sanctuaries,FeedingrelationRelease to forby strandings anycommercial temporary Departmental or holdingexhibitiondisentanglements; official facilities facilities, in or by orcontrolHavingcommercial rehabilitation overin possession exhibitionexcept purposes; for orfacilities; scientific, exercising management physical strandingany Departmental or disentanglements. official in relation to SellingrehabilitationexceptConveying, foror otherwisescientific, moving purposes; or tradingmanagement otherwise in, buying, translocating or SpeciesColumn listed 1 in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESColumnRestricted 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms ofreceiving, Section giving,57(2) donating or accepting as a Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) gift, or in any way acquiring or disposing of No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 Attractorexcept scientificFeeding exceptfor scientific exceptpurposes; for scientific, for purposes; rehabilitation, rehabilitation management or HarassmentrehabilitationDartingmanagement except except purposes;purpose; for scientific, for scientific, management management Pachyptila salvini Salvin's prion or rehabilitationHunting,Release exceptor killing purpose;purposes for by scientific, any means, management method or or Catching or capturing by any Departmental dischargingdevicehuntpursuing, whatsoever,or kill adriving, anymissile such includinglying or specimen; injuring in wait, searching, with luring, intent alluring, to controlHavingdisentanglements;official inoverin relationpossession by any to Departmentstranding or exercising or official physical in veterinary,Gathering,purposes;Catching rehabilitation or collecting capturing, or orexcept plucking management for pickingscientific, parts strandingsbyConveying,relation any Departmental to strandingsor moving disentanglements; or officialor otherwise disentanglements; in relation translocating to orof, destroyingmanagementImportingor cutting, into exceptchopping purposes; the Republicfor off scientific uprooting, for scientificpurposes; damaging or Harassingdisentanglements;veterinarianDarting by byany in any relationDepartmental Departmental to strandings official official or in 237 238 SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESColumnRestricted 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name exportingExporting from from the the Republic Republic, except including for scientific re- Releaserelation to by strandings any Departmental or disentanglements; official in commercialor managementitGrowing, to multiply exhibitionbreeding except purposes; or facilities;in insanctuaries any other wayor causing anysanctuaries,Feedingrelation Departmental to for strandings commercial temporary official or holdingexhibitiondisentanglements; in relation facilities facilities, to or by orcontrol rehabilitationConveying,Having over in exceptpossession moving purposes; for orscientific, orotherwise exercising management translocating physical stranding or disentanglements. receiving,Sellingrehabilitationexcept foror otherwisegiving,scientific, purposes; donating tradingmanagement or in, accepting buying, or as a orexceptgift, scientificFeeding or infor any scientific exceptpurposes; way acquiringfor purposes; rehabilitation, or disposing management of AttractrehabilitationDartingmanagement except except for purposes;purposes; forscientific, scientific, rehabilitation management or or rehabilitationReleaseHarassment except exceptpurpose;purposes for scientific,for scientific, management management or ColumnSpecies 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities ColumnRestricted 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at PelecanoidesScientific Name georgicus GeorgeanCommon divingName petrel Prohibited in terms of SectionHunting, 57(2) or killing by any means, method or Exempted in terms of SectionCatching 57(4) or capturing by any Departmental device whatsoever, including searching, official in relation to stranding or No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 dischargingCatchinghuntpursuing, or kill aordriving, anymissile capturing, such lying or specimen; injuring exceptin wait, withfor luring, scientific, intent alluring, to disentanglements;relationcontrolHaving overinto possessionstrandings by any Department oror disentanglements;exercising official physical in of,veterinary, Gathering,purposes;or cutting, rehabilitation choppingcollecting offor or plucking uprooting,management picking damaging parts strandingsDartingbyConveying, any Departmental byor disentanglements;any moving Departmental or official otherwise in official relation translocating or to or destroyingExportingmanagementImporting intofrom except purposes; the the Republicfor Republic, scientific for including scientificpurposes; re- or disentanglements;veterinarianrelationHarassing to in strandingsby relation any Departmental to or strandings disentanglements; official or in Growing,orexporting managementit to multiply breedingfrom theexcept purposes; Republicor in in any sanctuaries exceptother way for or causingscientific sanctuaries,FeedingrelationRelease to forby strandings anycommercial temporary Departmental or holdingexhibitiondisentanglements; official facilities facilities, in or by orcontrolcommercial rehabilitationHaving over in exhibitionexceptpossession purposes; for facilities; scientific, or exercising management physical strandingany Departmental or disentanglements. official in relation to exceptSellingrehabilitationConveying, for orscientific, otherwise moving purposes; management ortrading otherwise in, buying, or translocating 239 240 SpeciesColumn listed 1 in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name gift,receiving, or in any giving, way acquiring donating or or disposing accepting of as a Attractorexcept scientificFeeding exceptfor scientific exceptpurposes; for scientific, for purposes; rehabilitation, rehabilitation management or HarassmentrehabilitationmanagementDarting except except purposes;purposes; for for scientific, scientific, management management Pelecanoides urinatrix Common diving petrel rehabilitationReleaseor rehabilitationHunting, except or purposes killing purpose;for scientific, by any means, management method oror Catching or capturing by any Departmental huntdischargingpursuing,device or whatsoever,kill driving, any a missile such lying includingspecimen; or in injuring wait, searching, luring, with intent alluring, to controldisentanglements;officialHaving inover relation in bypossession any to Departmentstranding or exercising or official physical in Gathering,purposes;veterinary,Catching or collectingrehabilitation capturing, or except plucking or management for pickingscientific, parts strandingsbyConveying,relation any Departmental to strandingsor moving disentanglements; or officialor otherwise disentanglements; in relation translocating to orof, destroyingmanagementImportingor cutting, into exceptchopping purposes; the forRepublic off scientific uprooting, for purposes;scientific damaging or disentanglements;veterinarianHarassingDarting by in byany relation any Departmental Departmental to strandings official official or or in SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESColumnRestricted 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms ofExporting Section from57(2) the Republic, including re- Exempted in terms of Sectionrelation 57(4)to strandings or disentanglements; exporting from the Republic except for scientific Release by any Departmental official in No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 commercialor managementitGrowing, to multiply exhibitionbreeding except purposes; or facilities;in in sanctuaries any other way or causing anysanctuaries,Feedingrelation Departmental to for strandings commercial temporary official or holdingexhibitiondisentanglements; in relation facilities facilities, to or by orcontrol rehabilitationConveying,Having over in exceptpossession moving purposes; for or scientific, orotherwise exercising management translocating physical stranding or disentanglements. exceptreceiving,Sellingrehabilitation for orscientific, otherwisegiving, purposes; donatingmanagement trading or in, accepting buying, or as a orexceptgift, scientificFeeding or infor any scientific exceptpurposes; way acquiringfor purposes; rehabilitation, or disposing management of AttractrehabilitationDartingmanagement except except for purposes;purposes; forscientific, scientific, rehabilitation management or rehabilitationReleaseorHarassment rehabilitation except except purposes purpose;for scientific,for scientific, management management or 241 242 SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESColumnRestricted 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) LepidochelysScientific olivaceaName OliveCommon Ridley Name Turtle deviceHunting, whatsoever, or killing including by any means, searching, method or officialCatching in relationor capturing to stranding by any Departmental or dischargingCatchinghuntpursuing, or kill aordriving, anymissile capturing, such lying or specimen; injuring exceptin wait, withfor luring, scientific, intent alluring, to relationcontrolHavingdisentanglements; overinto possessionstrandings by any Department oror disentanglements;exercising official physical in of,veterinary, Gathering,purposes;or cutting, rehabilitation choppingcollecting offor or plucking uprooting,management picking damaging parts strandingsDartingbyConveying, any Departmental byor disentanglements;any moving Departmental or official otherwise in official relation translocating or to or destroyingpurposes;specimensImporting into except into the the Republicfor Republic scientific except for purposes; scientific for dead relationHarassingdisentanglements;veterinarian to strandingsby in any relation Departmental or to disentanglements; strandings official or in exportingGrowing,specimensExporting from breedingfrom for the scientific the Republic orRepublic, in purposes;any except other including for way dead re-causing sanctuaries,FeedingrelationRelease to forby strandings anycommercial temporary Departmental or holdingexhibitiondisentanglements; official facilities facilities, in or by controlpurposes;Havingit to multiply;over in exceptpossession for scientific or exercising or rehabilitation physical strandingany Departmental or disentanglements. official in relation to exceptSellingrehabilitationConveying, for orscientific, otherwise moving purposes; management ortrading otherwise in, buying, or translocating SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESColumnRestricted 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms ofreceiving, Section giving,57(2) donating or accepting as a Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) gift, or in any way acquiring or disposing of No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 Attractexceptpurposes;Feeding exceptfor scientific except for scientific for purposes; rehabilitation purposes; or scientific Carcharias taurus Spotted raggedtooth shark Hunting,purposesReleaseDarting except exceptor killing for for byscientific scientific any means, purposes; or rehabilitation method or Catching or capturing and release if in huntdischargingpursuing,device or whatsoever,kill driving, any a missile such lying includingspecimen; or in injuring wait, searching, luring, with intent alluring, to Resourcespossession Act. of a permit under the Marine Living Gathering,purposes;veterinary,Catching or rehabilitationcollecting capturing, or except plucking or management for pickingscientific, parts specimensImportingorof, destroyingor cutting, into into exceptchoppingthe the Republic Republic for off scientific uprooting, except for scientificpurposes; for damaging dead specimensexportingExportingpurposes; from for scientificthe RepublicRepublic, purposes; except including for re-dead 243 244 SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name multiply;Growing, breeding or in any other causing it to Conveying,purposes;controlHaving overin possession moving except orfor orotherwise scientific exercising ortranslocating rehabilitationphysical gift,receiving,Sellingexcept or inforor any otherwisegiving,scientific way donating acquiring ortrading rehabilitation or in,or accepting buying,disposing purposes; as of a Attractpurposes;Feedingexcept exceptfor except scientific for for scientific rehabilitationpurposes; purposes; or scientific ReleaserehabilitationHarassmentDarting except except exceptpurpose; for for scientific scientificfor scientific purposes; or rehabilitation or Manta aifredi Reef manta ray pursuing,deviceHunting,purposes whatsoever, or driving, killing lyingby including any in wait,means, searching, luring, method alluring, or disentanglements;officialCatching in relation or capturing to stranding by any or Departmental veterinary,Catchinghuntdischarging or kill or anyrehabilitation capturing,a missile such specimen; or except injuringor management for with scientific, intent to controlConveying,relationHaving over into by possessionstrandings moving any Department or or orotherwise disentanglements;exercising official translocating physical in SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms ofpurposes; Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Sectionby any Departmental57(4) official in relation to Gathering, collecting or plucking picking parts strandings or disentanglements; No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 specimensorof, destroyingImportingor cutting, into into exceptchopping the the Republic Republicfor off scientific uprooting, for except scientificpurposes; damagingfor dead Harassingdisentanglements;veterinarianDarting by byany in any relationDepartmental Departmental to strandings official official or in exportingspecimensExportingpurpbses; from from for the scientific the Republic Republic, purposes; except including for dead re- FeedingrelationRelease to forby strandings anycommercial Departmental or exhibitiondisentanglements; official facilities, in controlHavingmultiply;Growing, overin breedingpossession except orfor inor scientific anyexercising other or causing rehabilitationphysical it to strandinganysanctuaries, Departmental or disentanglements.temporary official holding in relation facilities to or by SellingexceptConveying,purposes; foror otherwisescientific moving ortrading rehabilitationotherwise in, buying, translocating purposes; exceptgift,Feedingreceiving, or infor any scientific except giving, way acquiringfor purposes;donating rehabilitation or or disposing accepting or scientific of as a AttractHarassmentDartingpurposes; except except for except scientificfor scientific for scientific purposes; purposes; or 245 246 SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESColumnRestricted 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name Releaserehabilitation except purpose; for scientific or rehabilitation OrderPROTECTED Cetacea, SPECIES excluding Whales / porpoises Hunting,purposes or killing by any means, method or Catching or capturing by any Departmental whalesDelphinidae but includes killer dischargingdevibehuntpursuing, whatsoever,or kill adriving, anymissile such includinglying or specimen; injuring in wait, searching, with luring, intent alluring, to controlHavingdisentanglements;official inoverin relationpossession by any to Departmentstranding or exercising or official physical in veterinary,Gathering,purposes;Catching rehabilitation or collecting capturing, or or except plucking management for pickingscientific, parts strandingsbyConveying,relation any Departmental to strandingsor moving disentanglements; or officialor otherwise disentanglements; in relation translocating to specimensImportingorof, destroyingor cutting, into into exceptchoppingthe the Republic Republic for off scientific uprooting, except for scientificpurposes; for damaging dead Harassingdisentanglements;veterinarianDarting by byany in any relationDepartmental Departmental to strandings official official or in specimensexportingExportingpurposes; from for scientificthe RepublicRepublic, purposes; except including for re-dead FeedingrelationRelease to by strandings temporaryany Departmental or holding disentanglements; officialfacilities in or by controlHavingitGrowing, to multiply; overin breedingpossession except orfor inor scientific anyexercising other or way rehabilitationphysical causing strandingany Departmental or disentanglements. official in relation to JO lepigo lewewpedeci Aue Aq 6u!pea :sasodind opuaps JoIldeoxe 6u!Aausep Jo 247 6upoolsuau OSVA101110 JO 6111/10W '611IAOAU00of uouelai u! lepwo leiumpedea Aue Aq :sluewel6ueluasp JO s6u!pueals 6ui6ewep '6u!ioaldnsped go 6uNo!cl6u!ddoqo 6uppnid tunino JO JO 41001100 'Io '6U1.1011180 !sasodffid uouelimegai 'keuualan leopAqd 6uisioJexe!sluawal6ueluesp JO uoissassedui JO ppm) s6u! u! iuewpedea 6u!neH of uoRele.!Aue Aq JOAO I0J1U00 :swewelouques!p tuunlieoiluaiu! tuuni `i!emgum 6uunfu!u! 6u!AI JO'6ulnup`oimueps epss!Lu '6u!nsInd Jojidaoxe e 64etosp '6111.114de0 JO 6111431e0 :Liewpads Lions Aue Hp! JO lunq leplatupedaa Aue Aq 6uunideo JO 6uNoTeo JO 6u!pue.lis of uopial u! lepuie JO poqiew 'sueew Aue Aq 6u!Ij! uNdloptu!qames pue 6u!pniou! alegm `JOAOOSIELINI peseq leoq sesodind ao!nap JO '6ugunH 6u!yolem suNdloa 6uipnpxe eepugicipa Apwed swim Jam uoRepipeqw JO opueps Jol idaoxa aseeft :asedind uopemegai :sasodind!sasodand °mops Joi opuaps101ideoxe idaoxeJO 6u!pea opuaps loamyJoIldeoxe IL/SIMMER :sesodind eopueps se 61140000e JOJo uoRepipeuel 6u!sodsp JO 61113800p JO J0j6uu!nboe ideoxe '6014 Aem`Buytiaoal 6u!peed Aue u! JO `11!6 :sesocUnd opuaps Jol ideoxe STAATSKOERANT, 31 MAART 2015 31 MAART STAATSKOERANT, No. 38600 bugeopisuau!sesocLind uoRel!!!qeqwas!Nuagio JO 6111AOW JO oguaps `6111A0AU00 Jul ideoxe tu!Anq P! 6u!peJT asymegio JO 6111110S :sesodind eweN uowwo3 eweN ougualos This gazette is also available free online at (P)Ls uopas jo num u! pe;dwaxa se! ;!A!13e papp;sej E uwnpo (Z)LS dopes 0 suuel u! pamqmord S3I33dS 3NI2IVVIIse!1!AR30 pappisali z uwnpo (i)ss dopes ;o suuel u! pami sapeds 1. uwnpo 248 SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name ExportingImporting intofrom the the Republic; Republic, including re- disentanglements;veterinarian in relation to strandings or anditGrowing,exporting to multiplysanctuary breedingfrom except facilities;the Republic;or for in commercial any other way exhibition causing relationReleaseHarassing to by strandingsby any any Departmental Departmental or disentanglements; official official in in sanctuarypurposescontrolHaving over andinfacilities; exceptpossession commercial for scientific or exhibition exercising or rehabilitation and physical strandinganysanctuaries,Feeding Departmental for or commercial disentanglements.temporary official holdingexhibition in relation facilities facilities, to or by facilities;andexceptConveying, commercial for scientific moving exhibition or rehabilitationotherwise and sanctuary translocating purposes exceptgift,receiving,Selling or inforor any otherwisegiving,scientific way donating acquiring purposes;trading or in,or accepting buying,disposing as of a DartingAttractpurposes;Feeding except except except for for for scientific scientific rehabilitation purposes; purposes; or scientific purposesrehabilitationHarassmentRelease boat except exceptpurpose; based for for whalescientific scientific and or dolphinor rehabilitation SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities ColumnRestricted 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms ofwatching Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Family Sygnathidae Seahorses and pipefish dischargingpursuing,deviceHunting, whatsoever, driving, ora missilekilling lying including by or in anyinjuring wait, means, searching, luring, with method intent alluring, to or No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 veterinary,Catchinghuntpurposes; or kill or anyrehabilitation capturing, such specimen; except or management for scientific, orof,Gathering, destroyingImportingor cutting, collecting into exceptchopping the Republicforor off pluckingscientific uprooting, except picking purposes; damagingfor partsdead exportingspecimensExportingpurposes; from into from the the the Republic Republic Republic, except for including scientific for dead re- HavingitGrowing,specimens to multiply; in breedingpossession for scientific or inor purposes; anyexercising other way physical causing controlexceptConveying,purposes; over for except scientific moving for orscientific rehabilitationotherwise or rehabilitationtranslocating purposes; 249 250 SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESColumnRestricted 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name receiving,Selling or otherwisegiving, donating trading or in, accepting buying, as a exceptgift,purposes;Feeding or infor any scientific except way acquiringfor purposes; rehabilitation or disposing or scientific of AttractrehabilitationHarassmentDarting except except for exceptpurpose; scientificfor scientific for scientific purposes; purposes; or Order Gorgonacea Sea fans deviceHunting,purposesRelease whatsoever, exceptor killing for including by scientific any means, searching, or rehabilitation method or dischargingCatchinghuntpursuing, or kill aordriving, anymissile capturing, such lying or specimen; injuring exceptin wait, withfor luring, scientific, intent alluring, to of,veterinary, Gathering,purposes;or cutting, rehabilitation choppingcollecting offor or pluckinguprooting, management picking damaging parts specimensor destroyingpurposes;Importing into into except the the Republic Republicfor scientific for except scientificpurposes; for dead SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms of SectionExporting 57(2) from the Republic, including re- Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) exporting from the Republic except for dead No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 Growing,specimensHavingmultiply; breeding in for possession scientific or in purposes; anyor exercising other causing physical it to exceptConveying,controlpurposes; forover scientific movingexcept foror rehabilitationotherwisescientific ortranslocating rehabilitation purposes; exceptgift,receiving,Selling or inforor any otherwisegiving,scientific way donating acquiring purposes;trading or in,or accepting buying,disposing as of a Attractpurposes;DartingFeeding except except except for scientificfor for scientific rehabilitation purposes; purposes; or scientific purposesrehabilitationReleaseHarassment except purpose; except for scientificfor scientific or rehabilitation or Haematopos moquini Black oyster catcher dischargingpursuing,deviceHunting, whatsoever, driving, ora missilekilling lying including by or inany injuring wait, means, searching, luring, with method intentalluring, to or Havingdisentanglements;officialCatching inin relationorpossession capturing to stranding orby exercisingany Departmental or physical 251 252 SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name Catchinghunt or kill or any capturing, such specimen; except for scientific, relationcontrol overto strandings by any Department or disentanglements; official in of,Gathering,purposes;veterinary, or cutting, collectingrehabilitation chopping or offplucking or uprooting, management picking damaging parts strandingsbyConveying, Dartingany Departmental byor moving disentanglements;any Departmental or official otherwise in relation officialtranslocating to or managementImportingor destroyingExporting into from purposes; exceptthe theRepublic for Republic, scientific for scientific including purposes; or re- Harassingdisentanglements;veterinarianrelation toby in strandingsany relation Departmental to or strandings disentanglements; official or in itGrowing,orexporting to management multiply breedingfrom except the purposes; Republicor in in sanctuaries any otherexcept way or for causingscientific sanctuaries,FeedingrelationRelease to forby temporarystrandings anycommercial Departmental holdingor exhibitiondisentanglements; facilities official facilities, inor by orcontrolcommercial rehabilitationHaving over in exhibitionexceptpossession purposes; for facilities; scientific, or exercising management physical strandingany Departmental or disentanglements. official in relation to SellingexceptrehabilitationConveying, foror otherwisescientific, moving purposes; tradingmanagement or otherwise in, buying, or translocating exceptgift,Feedingreceiving, or infor any scientific except giving, way acquiringfor purposes;donating rehabilitation, or or disposing accepting management of as a SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms ofor Section scientific 57(2) purposes; Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Attract except for scientific, rehabilitation or No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 rehabilitationmanagementHarassmentDarting except purposes;purposes; except for scientific, for scientific, management management Order Pennatulacea Sea pens Hunting,rehabilitationor rehabilitationRelease or exceptkilling purposes purpose; by for any scientific, means, management method or or huntdischargingpursuing,device or whatsoever,kill driving, any a missile such lying includingspecimen; or in injuring wait, searching, luring, with intent alluring, to Gathering,purposes;veterinary,Catching or collectingrehabilitation capturing, or except plucking or management for pickingscientific, parts specimensorof, destroyingImportingor cutting, into into exceptchopping the the Republic Republicfor off scientific uprooting, for except scientificpurposes; damagingfor dead specimensexportingExportingpurposes; from for scientificthe RepublicRepublic, purposes; except including for re-dead 253 254 SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESColumnRestricted 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name multiply;Growing, breeding or in any other causing it to Conveying,controlpurposes;Having over in moving exceptpossession foror otherwisescientific or exercising ortranslocating rehabilitation physical exceptgift,receiving,Selling orfor in orscientific any otherwisegiving, way ordonating acquiring rehabilitationtrading or in,or accepting buying,disposing purposes; as of a Attractpurposes;Feedingexcept except for except scientific for scientific for rehabilitationpurposes; purposes; or scientific ReleaserehabilitationHarassmentDarting except except exceptpurpose; for for scientific scientificfor scientific purposes; or rehabilitation or Order Scieractinia Hard corals pursuing,deviceHunting,purposes whatsoever, or driving, killing lyingby including any in means,wait, searching, luring, method alluring, or veterinary,Catchinghuntdischarging or kill or anyrehabilitation capturing,a missile such specimen; or except injuringor management for with scientific, intent to JO opueps JOildeoxe 1U8LLISSeJeFI 255 :sesodind:sesodind opueps Jojopueps ldeoxe JoIldeoxe 6uwea loeillti :sesodind eopueps se 61111c1030e JO uogemciegailo 6u!sodsp JO 6UlleU0p JO JOI 6up!nboe'61114 ideon `6101939.1 6u!peed Aeon Aue u! JO `11!6 :sesodind opueps Jol ideoxe :sesodind6ugeoolsue4 uoilemegai es!Nueino JO 6111AOWopueps Jojideoxe'61.11A9AU00 '6u1Anq P! 6u!pan es!hueigo JO 6U1 HOS !sesod.ind

uoRemegal JO opueps J0j1deoxa JeA010.11U00 6u!sneo Aeon Jew Aue u! JOpeep 6u!pealqleopAqd Joi gleoxe6111Sla '6u!moio leXeopcindel JO UOISSOSSOd NT wo4 6uwodxe111 61.11AeH !sesodind opueps JOJ suewpeds :Aidilinw oil! peep Joildeoxe oimueps-0.1ouqnckl 6u!pniou! eq.101. ow! `o!!qndeio!ionde 6u!podwl NI 91 owl wag sueui!oeds 6uwodx3 :sesodmid STAATSKOERANT, 31 MAART 2015 31 MAART STAATSKOERANT, No. 38600 64ewep '6uRooKInsped go 6u!cidoip 6upp!cl 6upprild'6uflino JO!sesodind JO `10 6upelloo opueps '6upetilep Joi ideoxe 6u!Awisep JO :sesodind eweN uowwoo eweN omweps This gazette is also available free online at (Os uopes 0 SLUM w pe;dwax3 semApe pepwati c uwwoo (z)Ls uopes 0 swag; Ul pempad S3I33dS 3N12IVINsemnpe pepwseei z uwwo3 (ON uopes 0 swag; w pm!b sepeds I. uwwo3 uoqempeqa! JO ouqueps6upodisue.ii JOi ideoxe es! JOAO JOleo!shid 10403 6LIIAOW 6u!spiexe '6IJIAGAU00 JO UOISSOSSOd IJI 611IABH :sesodind 6u!sneo Aem Jew Aue u! JOpeep 6u!pealq Joi. ideoxe '6upitwo oginde :sesodind opueps ioj suewpeds aqi wail 6u!podxe :Aidiiinw 01 1! peep iol ideoxe o!!qndeiopueps-al 6u!pniou! 8111 A. opqndel oiLL!`opcindej 6u!podwi eqi °Li; owl waq suewpeds 6u!podx3 :sesodind

:sesoctind oiiqueps Joi. ideoxe 6u!Aaqsap JO 64eLuep '6u!idaidn spedii.o 6u!ddoqo 6uppid '6unino6uppnici JO JO 'JO &map° '6upeqieo luewe6euew JO uoqemqeqa! lieupe)en :sesodJnd '6upnileoi iueiu! tupn! gip`;!em 6upn[u! u! 6u!A! JO tu!Appal!ss!Lu'oliqueps '6u!nsind e 6u!6legospJoi ideoxe tupnideo JO &IRMO :uewpeds Lions Aue Hp{ JO wnq uoqempeualJO poinew JO `sueewopueps Aue JOildeoxe Aq 6u!!!!)! eseele JO '6uqunHtuRialees 6u!pniou! `Jeneosiewn eo!nep sesodind siellop pues snospoup3 snuao

!esocUnd uoqempeqe.1 This gazette is also available free online at (v)Ls uopas jo SWIG} UI paviwax3 sem/gm palopsaN c uwnio3 (z)Ls uopas lo sue; ui panuoid SOW Alpe moppet, z uwnio3 aweN uowwo3 (1,)ss uopas jo sum. u! pm!b sapads atueN ouguaps I. uwnio3

No. 38600 2015 GAZETTE, 31 MARCH GOVERNMENT S3I33dS 3NIIIVW 256 ColumnSpecies 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESColumnRestricted 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in termsexcept of Section for scientific 57(2) or rehabilitation purposes; Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Selling or otherwise trading in, buying, No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 exceptgift,Feedingreceiving, or infor any scientific except giving, way acquiringfor purposes;donating rehabilitation or or disposing accepting or scientific of as a AttractHarassmentDartingpurposies; except except for except scientificfor scientific for scientific purposes; purposes; or Anchichoerops natalensis Natal Wrasse Hunting,purposesReleaserehabilitation exceptor killing purpose; for by scientific any means, or rehabilitation method or huntdischargingpursuing,device or whatsoever,kill driving, any a missile such lying includingspecimen; or in injuring wait, searching, luring, with intent alluring, to Gathering,purposes;veterinary,Catching or rehabilitationcollecting capturing, or except plucking or management for pickingscientific, parts specimensImportingorof, destroyingor cutting, into into exceptchoppingthe the Republic Republic for off scientific uprooting, except for scientificpurposes; for damaging dead 257 258 SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESColumnRestricted 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name Exportingpurposes; from the Republic, including re- specimensexportingmultiply;Growing, from for breeding scientificthe Republic or purposes;in any except other for causing dead it to controlConveying,purposes;Having over in exceptpossession moving for orscientific orotherwise exercising or rehabilitationtranslocating physical gift,receiving,Sellingexcept or inforor any otherwisegiving,scientific way donating acquiring ortrading rehabilitation or in,or accepting buying,disposing purposes; as of a Attractpurposes;Feedingexcept except for except scientific for scientific for rehabilitationpurposes; purposes; or scientific ReleaserehabilitationHarassmentDarting except except exceptpurpose; for for scientific scientificfor scientific purposes; or rehabilitation or Arctocephalus gazelle Antarctic fur seal pursuing,deviceHunting,purposes whatsoever, or drivingAKig killing by including any in wait,means, searching, luring, method alluring, or disentanglements;officialCatching in relationor capturing to stranding by any Departmental or ColumnSpecies 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESColumnRestricted 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in termsdischarging of Section a 57(2)missile or injuring with intent to Exempted in terms of SectionHaving in57(4) possession or exercising physical hunt or kill any such specimen; control over by any Department official in No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 veterinary,Gathering,purposes;Catching rehabilitation or collecting capturing, or or except plucking management for pickingscientific, parts strandingsbyConveying,relation any Departmental to strandingsor moving disentanglements; or officialor otherwise disentanglements; in relation translocating to orof, destroyingmanagementImportingor cutting, into exceptchopping purposes; the Republicfor off scientific uprooting, for scientificpurposes; damaging or disentanglements;HarassingveterinarianDarting by byany in any relationDepartmental Departmental to strandings official official or in orexporting managementGrowing,Exporting from breedingfrom the purposes; the Republic orRepublic, in any except other including for way scientific re-causing FeedingrelationRelease to forby strandings anycommercial Departmental or exhibitiondisentanglements; official facilities, in controlcommercialHavingit to multiplyover in exhibitionexceptpossession except for facilities;in scientific, orsanctuaries exercising management or physical strandinganysanctuaries, Departmental or disentanglements.temporary official holding in relation facilities to or by exceptor rehabilitationConveying, for scientific, moving purposes; management or otherwise or translocating exceptgift,receiving,Selling or infor any orscientific otherwisegiving, way acquiring purposes;donating trading or or in,disposing accepting buying, of as a 259 260 SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESColumnRestricted 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name or scientificFeeding exceptpurposes; for rehabilitation, management AttractrehabilitationDartingmanagement except except for purposes;purposes; forscientific, scientific, rehabilitation management or or rehabilitationReleaseHarassment except exceptpurpose;purposes for scientific,for scientific, management management or Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus Cape fur seal dischargingpursuing,deviceHunting, whatsoever, or driving, killinga missile lyingby including anyor in injuring means,wait, searching, luring, with method intent alluring, or to Havingdisentanglements;officialCatching inin relationorpossession capturing to stranding orby exercisingany Departmental or physical purposes;veterinary,Catchinghunt or kill or anyrehabilitation capturing, such specimen; except or management for scientific, byConveying,relationcontrol any Departmental overto strandings movingby any Departmentor officialor otherwise disentanglements; in relation officialtranslocating toin Importingorof,Gathering, destroyingor cutting, into collecting exceptchoppingthe Republic foror off pluckingscientific uprooting, for scientific picking purposes; damaging orparts disentanglements;veterinarianDartingstrandings by orany in disentanglements; relationDepartmental to strandings official or orexportingExportingmanagement management from purposes; the purposes; RepublicRepublic, exceptincluding for re-scientific relationReleaseHarassing to by strandingsby any any Departmental Departmental or disentanglements; official official in in :sluatualoueluesip 261 leiumpedea Aue Aq 6uprildeo Jo 6uNoleo JO 6u!pueils g uoRele.! u!le!ogo tuunlie '6upril ';!em10 u! poulaw 6u!Al '6u!Aup `sueow Auetu!nsind Aq 61IIIN JO '6ugunH`fiqualees 6u!pniou! 'Ionaosleqm ao!nep sesodind uogemeqw leas an; onaiewv-qns spodoal snietidepojaill luawabeuewJO 'opuepsluewo6euew JoodaaaluaLusseRH `opueps JoIldeoxe eseemzi :asoclind uoilei!!!qeqai:sesocland JO uoRempeqw JO UOREM1gelle1luawa6euew 'opueps JOildaoxaioe.MV `opueps Joi ideoxe 6u!pea !sesodindluawe6euew:sesodind opuaps JO luawa6euew 'uoRel!!!qeual Joj idea° 6u!paa,d :sesodind 31}gueps Jo; ideaa e se 6u4depoe0 6uisodsip 10 61.111eU0p JO 6uu!nboe '61016 Aem tu!Apow Aue u! JO '14!6 tu!Ang `u! 6u!pail as!Nuaup 10 61.1111eS :sasocUnd ucliempeqw iuewe6euew6upoolsue4 '0011013S SSIM191.110 J01. 1d00Xe JO JOAO61AOW 104U00 tu!Aenuo0 JO 2uawa6euew `opueps JoIldeoxe :sesodind uoRempeqw JO STAATSKOERANT, 31 MAART 2015 31 MAART STAATSKOERANT, Aq JO sami!oei buiplou fuemdwel `sapenpues 01 uoilep Li! leptilo leluewpedaa No. 38600 Aue .s1uewei6ueluesp JO 6u! leopitid 6u!s!oJoxe JO LIOISSOSSOd U! 61.11AeH 10 sepenpues u! ideoxe Aidginw oil! :sa!i!!!oei uomq!qxe lepawwoo 'semipel uog!q!qxa lepawwoo Joi 6upead (Os uopes lo swag; u! peldwax3 6u!sneo Aem Jeuio Aue u! JO 6u!paaiq tu!Anoio (z)is uonoes lo mum ul pentium aweN uowwoo oweN oggualos This gazette is also available free online at sem/kg= papplsaH c =moo S31331dS 3N12IVWsal lAgoe !moppet! z uwnio3 (09g uolioss jo SLUM Lil pais!l sepads I. uwnio3 262 SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities ColumnRestricted 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name discharginghunt or kill a anymissile such or specimen; injuring with intent to controlHaving over in bypossession any Department or exercising official physical in Gathering,purposes;veterinary,Catching or rehabilitationcollecting capturing, or except plucking or management for pickingscientific, parts strandingsbyConveying,relation any Departmental toor strandingsdisentanglements; moving or officialor otherwise disentanglements; in relation translocating to orof, destroyingmanagementImportingor cutting, into exceptchopping purposes; the Republicfor off scientific uprooting, for scientificpurposes; damaging or disentanglements;veterinarianHarassingDarting by in byany relation any Departmental Departmental to strandings official official or or in orexporting managementGrowing,Exporting from breedingfrom the purposes; the Republic orRepublic, in any except other including for way scientific re-causing FeedingrelationRelease to forby strandings anycommercial Departmental or exhibitiondisentanglements; official facilities, in controlcommercialHavingit to multiplyover in exhibitionexceptpossession except for facilities;in scientific, orsanctuaries exercising management or physical strandinganysanctuaries, Departmental or disentanglements.temporary official holding in relation facilities to or by or rehabilitationexceptConveying, for scientific, moving purposes; or management otherwise translocating or exceptgift,receiving,Selling or inforor any otherwisegiving,scientific way donating acquiring purposes;trading or in,or accepting buying,disposing as of a SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms of SectionFeeding 57(2) except for rehabilitation, management Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) or scientific purposes; No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 AttractrehabilitationDartingmanagement except except for purposes;purposes; forscientific, scientific, rehabilitation management or or rehabilitationReleaseHarassment except exceptpurpose;purposes for scientific,for scientific, management management or Larus hartlaubii Hartlaub's gull devicedischargingpursuing,Hunting, whatsoever, or driving, killinga missile includinglyingby anyor in injuring means,wait, searching, luring, with method intent alluring, or to Havingdisentanglements;officialCatching inin relationorpossession capturing to stranding orby exercisingany Departmental or physical purposes;veterinary,Catchinghunt or kill or anyrehabilitation capturing, such specimen; except or management for scientific, byConveying,relationcontrol any Departmental overto strandings movingby any Departmentor officialor otherwise disentanglements; in relation officialtranslocating toin Importingorof,Gathering, destroyingor cutting, into collecting exceptchoppingthe Republic foror off pluckingscientific uprooting, for scientific picking purposes; damaging orparts disentanglements;veterinarianDartingstrandings by orany in disentanglements; relationDepartmental to strandings official or orexportingExportingmanagement management from purposes; the purposes; RepublicRepublic, exceptincluding for re-scientific relationReleaseHarassing to by strandingsby any any Departmental Departmental or disentanglements; official official in in 263 '6upnlie 'Nun! `;!emJO u! poqiew 601 tu!App `sueew '6u!nsind Aue Aq 6u!IIN JO tullunH`15uNoiees 6u!pniou! 'Aims mum 001A0p sesodind uollempeqeJ sseq oielod eiminj snieydeux13 luewe6euewJO `opueps luawa6euew JOJ ideoxe `opueps WOLUSSBJBH JOIldeoxe aseemi :esodind uogempeqw:sesodind JO uo!lemeqw JO UOPPInelieJluewebeuew `opueps Joildeoxelowilti `oinueps JO]. Idea° Buwea :sesodind ;uewebeuew:sesodnd opueps JO

luewaeuew `uoReimeqe.! Joi ;deoxe 6u!peed e se 61.4009eJo 6u!sodspJO 6UReU0p Jo 6uu!nboe '6110 `61.01000J Aeon Aue u! JO Ii!6 tu!Anq`u! 6u!pee asinueino JO 6umes :sesodind opueps Joi ideoxe 61.111O001SUall °SI/Wall° JO 6LIIAOW `6111A04100 JO Tuewebeuew 'opueps Jol ;dem :sesodind uomfiqeqw JO:sesodind uopi!!!qeqw Aq Jo se!iffloei buiplou kwodwel tepenioues ol uoRelei LI! lepillo iquewpedea Aue .swewepuelues!!) JO 6u!puees luewebeuew 'opuepslepiewwoo Joj ldeoxeleopAqd JO JOAO sepenpues 6u!spexe 1041.103 JO u!lcleoxe UOISSOSSOd AlcImnw Ill 61.11ABH :seg!!!oel uomq!qxe

tegoei uopq!uxe lepewwoo Joj Bu!peed ol T! ouisneo Jaw) Aue u! JO 6u!peeiq tumwo This gazette is also available free online at (p)Ls uopes jo sue; u! pe ;dwex3 semAgoe moppet! c uwnloo (z)s uopes jo ewe; u! pentioad sell!Alpe peplijset! z uwnloo eweN uouftuo3 (Om uopes jo sum; u! pejs!! sepeds eweN 3NuePS j uwnio3

No. 38600 2015 GAZETTE, 31 MARCH GOVERNMENT S3I33dS 3NIIIVW 264 OptielOS JO uoRegogeqw JOI ideoxe 6wpeed 265 e se 6UVIODOEJo JO 6u!sodslla 6111IBUOp Jo 6uumboe'6UIA16 tu!Apow Aeon Aue u! Jo `14!6 !sesodind ogguaps Jol ideoxe :sesodind6Up3OISUeJ1 uogemegai OSIM.101110 JO JO opueps 6111AOW Joj`61.1140AU00 idea° `6u!Anq `u! 6u!peJj es!Nuetgo JO 6410S :sesoWnd uogemegal JO(41! oIJRue!os 6u!sneo iolldeoxe Jew Aue nano u! 1011U00JOleopAqd 6u!pealq 6u!spexa tutmwo JO uo!ssessod u! 6u!neH :Aidginw peep JOI Tdeoxe o!!qndel all wag Buipodxe :sesodind oggueps JOi suewpeds peep JoIldeoxe o!igndeopueps-al 6u!pniou! Joi opqnde `ogindm NI eig oww wag suewpeds 6ugiodx3 ay; ow! 6u!podw! :sesodind 64ewep tugooffin spedgo 6wcidoqo 6upp!cl 6uppnid tugno :sesodindJoJO 'Jo6u!loalloo opueps '6upeige9 JOi Own 6u!Aagsep JO :sesodind STAATSKOERANT, 31 MAART 2015 31 MAART STAATSKOERANT, No. 38600 `ogiweps Joi ideoxeluewe6euew tupnideo JO JO 6u!goleo uogempegal 'keupeien :uewpeds Lions Aue II!)I JO luny (Os times Jo swag; u! pa;dwax3SORIAlpe mopp et! olluew! gip 6upniu! JO eI!ss!w e 6u!6uetiosp (z)Ls uopas jo SW.10; LI! 130WIRIOid samAgoe papaisati eweN uowwoo uopas Jo mum u! pa;s!b saloads ewe olipaps This gazette is also available free online at c uwnio3 S3I33dS 3N12IVMI z uwwoo (i)ss 6 Immo 266 SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name Attractpurposes; except for scientific purposes; rehabilitationReleaseDartingHarassment except except purpose; for for exceptscientific scientific for purposes; orscientific rehabilitation or Hydrurga leptonyx Leopard seal devicepurposespursuing,Hunting, whatsoever, or driving, killing includinglyingby any in means,wait, searching, luring, method alluring, or disentanglements;officialCatching in relationor capturing to stranding by any Departmental or veterinary,dischargingCatchinghunt or kill rehabilitation aor anymissile capturing, such or specimen; injuring orexcept management withfor scientific, intent to controlConveying,relationHaving over into by possessionstrandings moving any Department or or orotherwise disentanglements;exercising official translocating physical in orof, destroyingGathering,purposes;or cutting, exceptchoppingcollecting for off orscientific pluckinguprooting, purposes; picking damaging parts veterinarianDartingstrandingsby any Departmental by orany in disentanglements; relationDepartmental official to strandings in official relation or to exportingExportingmanagementImporting frominto purposes; the the Republic RepublicRepublic, for except including scientific for re-scientific or ReleaserelationHarassingdisentanglements; to by strandingsby any any Departmental Departmental or disentanglements; official official in in commercialitGrowing,or to management multiply breeding exhibitionexcept purposes; or in insanctuariesfacilities; any other wayor causing anysanctuaries,Feedingrelation Departmental to for strandings commercial temporary official or holdingexhibitiondisentanglements; in relation facilities facilities, to or by SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms of SectionHaving in57(2) possession or exercising physical Exempted in terms of Sectionstranding 57(4) or disentanglements. control over except for scientific, management No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 exceptConveying,or rehabilitation for scientific, moving purposes; or management otherwise translocating or exceptgift,Sellingreceiving, or inforor any otherwisescientific giving, way acquiring purposes;donatingtrading in,or or buying,disposing accepting of as a AttractmanagementorFeeding scientific except except purposes;for purposes; scientific, for rehabilitation, rehabilitation management or orHarassmentrehabilitationDarting rehabilitation except exceptpurposes; for purpose; scientific, for scientific, management management Leptonychotes weddellii Weddell seal deviceHunting,rehabilitationRelease whatsoever, exceptor killing purposes for by scientific,including any means, managementsearching, method or or officialCatching in relationor capturing to stranding by any Departmental or Catchinghuntdischargingpursuing, or kill ordriving, any capturing,a missile such lying specimen; or exceptin injuring wait, for luring, with scientific, intent alluring, to relationcontrolHavingdisentanglements; overinto possessionstrandings by any Department oror disentanglements;exercising official physical in 267 268 ColumnSpecies 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESColumnRestricted 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name veterinary,purposes; rehabilitation or management byConveying, any Departmental moving or official otherwise in relation translocating to ' Importing into the Republicorof, destroyingGathering,or for cutting, scientific exceptchoppingcollecting or for off orscientific pluckinguprooting, purposes; picking damaging parts disentanglements;veterinarianDartingstrandings by orany in disentanglements; relationDepartmental to strandings official or exportingorExportingmanagement management from from the purposes; the Republicpurposes; Republic, except including for scientific re- relationReleaseHarassing to by strandingsby any any Departmental Departmental or disentanglements; official official in in HavingcommercialitGrowing, to multiply in breedingpossession exhibitionexcept or in in orfacilities;sanctuaries anyexercising other way orphysical causing strandinganysanctuaries,Feeding Departmental for or commercial disentanglements.temporary official holdingexhibition in relation facilities facilities, to or by exceptConveying,orcontrol rehabilitation forover scientific, moving except purposes; orfor management otherwise scientific, translocatingmanagement or gift,receiving,Sellingrehabilitation or inor any otherwisegiving, purposes;way donating acquiring trading or in,or accepting buying,disposing as of a AttractorFeedingexcept scientific exceptfor except scientific purposes; for for scientific, rehabilitation,purposes; rehabilitation management or SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms of Sectionmanagement 57(2) purposes; Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Darting except for scientific, management No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 or rehabilitationReleaseHarassment except exceptpurposes;purpose; for scientific,for scientific, management management or Lobodon carcinophaga Crabeater seal devicerehabilitationpursuing,Hunting, whatsoever, or driving, purposes killing includinglyingby any in means,wait, searching, luring, method alluring, or officialdisentanglements;Catching in relation or capturing to stranding by any or Departmental veterinary,dischargingCatchinghunt or kill rehabilitation aor anymissile capturing, such or specimen; injuring orexcept management withfor scientific, intent to Conveying,relationcontrolHaving overinto possessionstrandings movingby any Departmentor or orotherwise disentanglements;exercising officialtranslocating physical in orof, destroyingGathering,purposes;or cutting, exceptchoppingcollecting for off orscientific pluckinguprooting, purposes; picking damaging parts veterinarianDartingstrandingsby any Departmental by orany in disentanglements; relationDepartmental official to strandings in official relation or to exportingExportingmanagementImporting from intofrom the purposes; the the Republic Republic Republic, except for including scientific for scientific re- or disentanglements;ReleaserelationHarassing to by strandingsby any any Departmental Departmental or disentanglements; official official in in exhibitionor managementmultiplyGrowing, facilities; except breeding purposes; in sanctuaries or in any other or commercial causing it to anysanctuaries,Feedingrelation Departmental to for strandings commercial temporary official or holdingexhibitiondisentanglements; in relation facilities facilities, to or by 269 270 SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name controlHaving over in exceptpossession for scientific, or exercising management physical stranding or disentanglements. exceptConveying,or rehabilitation for scientific, moving purposes; or management otherwise translocating or exceptgift,Sellingreceiving, or inforor any otherwisescientific giving, way acquiring purposes;donatingtrading in,or or buying,disposing accepting of as a Attractor scientificmanagementFeeding except exceptpurposes; for purposes; scientific, for rehabilitation, rehabilitation management or or rehabilitationHarassmentDarting except exceptpurposes;purpose; for scientific, for scientific, management management Phalacrocorax coronatus Crowned cormorant deviceHunting,rehabilitationRelease whatsoever, exceptor killing purposes for including by scientific, any means, searching, management method or or officialCatching in relationor capturing to stranding by any Departmental or dischargingCatchinghuntpursuing, or kill aordriving, anymissile capturing, such lying or specimen; injuring exceptin wait, withfor luring, scientific, intent alluring, to relationcontrolHavingdisentanglements; overinto possessionstrandings by any Department oror disentanglements;exercising official physical in 271 luewebeuew `uopmeqe.! JOI IdeoxaJO 6u!peed uogemeqa! `opueps Joi ideoxe loamy :sesodind °pops Joildeoxe :sesodind opueps JO e se bugle= JOjo 6LIIIBLIOp6u!sodsp JO '6UIAI6 6up!nboe '6uNe3e.! Henn Aue u! JO '4!6 tu!Anq 'u! 6u!pe4 esiNueqw Jo 6umes :sesodind uoRei!!!qeqa! wawaeuew6upoolsuall `opueps es!Nueqw JOIldeoxe JO JOAO6111/10W 1041103 `6111A0AU00 JO luewebeuew `opueps Jol ideoxe :sesodind uopi!!!qeqe.! JO oi uogelea u! le!ogio lewewpedea Aue swewei6uewesp JO 6u!pue4s leo!sAud 6u!spexe JO UOISSOSSOd 111 61.11AEH :sempoel uo!Rqxe lepewwoo Aq JO seppel 6u!ploq fuendwel'seg!!!oel!swewepuewesp 'sepenpues uomxe lepewwoo JO s6u!puegs Joi 6u!peed ol uoReleiLii le!ogio lewewpedea Aue Aq aseele opueps Joi ideoxe6u!sneo opqnck! Aeon NT Jew woij Aue 6u!podxe u! JO 6u!pealq tu!nno.16 JO sepenioues u! ideoxe Aidginw (NI! :sesodind wewe6euew JO :swewepuewespLii JO lepujo s6u! leweiupedea ol uoRelei AueJO Aq s6u!pue4s 6u!sseJeH of uo!Telai u! uepeupelen :swewei6uewes!p !sesodind opuepsJO opueps Joi-ea ;deoxe Joj6u!pniou! ollqn*,1 6u!Awisep `oi!gndeJ eqi ow! JO NI6u!podw! wail 6u!podxg :sesodind wewe6euew STAATSKOERANT, 31 MAART 2015 31 MAART STAATSKOERANT, of uoRelei u! lepiiio lewewpedeoJo lepilio Aue lewewpedea Aq Aue No. 38600 Aq 6upeci :swewepuewesp JO sou!pueils 64ewep '6u!Tocudnsped go 6u!ddoqo 6upp!cl buppnid'6u!lin3 JO Jo `j06upelloo '6upeqlep :sesociand

6upoolsueii es!niueqw JO 6UIAOW tilliceAU00 luewebeuew JO uoRempeue.! lueupeien This gazette is also available free online at (17)Lg U01130S JO SLUM u! poldwex3 solivtgoe polopiSOH E uwnloo (Z)Ls uopes jo swag; u! ponqoad S3IO3dS 3NIHVINSORIAR38 popla;sell z uwnio3 GLUM U0WW03 (i)gs uopes jo swag; ui pep!! moods GLUM 311141010S i =moo 272 SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name Dartingmanagement except purposes; for scientific, management ReleaseorHarassmentrehabilitation rehabilitation except exceptpurposes; purpose;for scientific,for scientific, management management or Ommatophoca rossii Ross seal pursuing,devicerehabilitationHunting, whatsoever, driving, or purposes killing lying including by inany wait, means, searching, luring, method alluring, or disentanglements;officialCatching in relationor capturing to stranding by any Departmental or veterinary,Catchinghuntdischarging or kill or anyrehabilitation capturing,a missile such specimen; or except injuring or management for with scientific, intent to controlConveying,relationHaving over into by possessionstrandings moving any Department or or orotherwise disentanglements;exercising official translocating physical in orof,Gathering,purposes; destroyingor cutting, collecting exceptchopping foror off pluckingscientific uprooting, picking purposes; damaging parts veterinarianDartingstrandingsby any Departmental by orany in disentanglements; relationDepartmental official to strandings in official relation or to exportingmanagementExportingImporting from intofrom purposes; the the the Republic Republic Republic, except for including scientific for scientific re- or disentanglements;ReleaserelationHarassing to by strandingsby any any Departmental Departmental or disentanglements; official official in in exhibitionmultiplyGrowing,or management except breedingfacilities; in purposes; sanctuaries or in any other or commercial causing it to anysanctuaries,Feedingrelation Departmental to for strandings commercial temporary official or holdingexhibitiondisentanglements; in relation facilities facilities, to or by `ognueps Joi ideoxa '6upnldeo JO 6uiyoleo 273 `6uunlieolluei.u! '6upnil!enn yip 6upn[u! u! 601 JO tu!App aussp '6u!naind e 6u!6ieyosp :uewpads yons Aue pi JO luny Jo luawa6euew `ogyuepsJO poyiew Joildeoxe 'SNOW aseaiellAue Aq tuNateas 6u!pniou! `Janaos leym vamp sasodind uoyempeyei Bunn JO tuqunH mod Aluenes snsompun snueksifiod Tuewebeuew `opuepsJO J0j luawebeuew idea° luewsseieH `opueps Joj ideoxe bulliea !asodind uoqempeyal:sasodind JO uoyelmqeyeJ Jo uo!leifficleilw `ogyueps JOI Ideoxe }Deafly :sesocland iuewe6euew Tuawa6euew `uoilemeyal JO} Idaoxejo 6upeed 6u!sodsp JO 6upnboe Awn Aue u! JO `416 :sesodind ogyueps Joj ideoxe :sesodind opueps JO e se 6UVIGOOe JO bur eU0p '61016 '6111A1000.1 tu!Anq `u! 6upayJO °small() luewebeuew Jo 6uffies 'poops Joi ideOxe !sesocLind uoyeimeyei STAATSKOERANT, 31 MAART 2015 31 MAART STAATSKOERANT, No. 38600 luewebeuew6uyeooisue.q 'oliqueps OSIAAJ01110 Joj ldeoxa JO JOAOBUIAOW 1014100 `6111A0AU00 :sesodind uopmeyei JO sluewapueluesp JO 6upue.ys leopAyd 6u!spaexe JO UOISSOSSOd Ul 6U!ABH 9WRN U0WW03 OWEN 31j1W013S This gazette is also available free online at MS UOIPOS JO SLUM u! paidwax3 sagingoe pappisaN E uwnloo (Z)Ls uopas jo swag; u! pammud S31133dS 3NIdVINsagingoe pappsati z Immo° (Os uopas jo aum ul pawn seloads I. munio3 274 SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities ColumnRestricted 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name veterinary,purposes; rehabilitation or management orof,Gathering, destroyingImportingor cutting, collecting into exceptchopping the Republicforor off pluckingscientific uprooting, except picking purposes; damagingfor partsdead spetimensexportingExportingpurposes; into from the the Republic RepublicRepublic, for except including scientific for re-dead HavingitGrowing,specimens to multiply; in breedingpossession for scientific or inor purposes; anyexercising other way physical causing exceptConveying,purposes;control forover scientific movingexcept foror rehabilitationotherwisescientific ortranslocating rehabilitation purposes; exceptgift,receiving,Selling or inforor any otherwisegiving,scientific way donating acquiring purposes;trading or in,or accepting buying,disposing as of a DartingAttractpurposes;Feeding except except except for for for scientific scientific rehabilitation purposes; purposes; or scientific SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities ColumnRestricted 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms of SectionHarassment 57(2) except for scientific or Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) rehabilitation purpose; No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 Sterna (Thalasseus) bergii Swift tern deviceHunting,purposesRelease whatsoever, exceptor killing for including by scientific any means, searching, or rehabilitation method or officialCatching in relationor capturing to stranding by any Departmental or dischargingCatchinghuntpursuing, or kill aordriving, anymissile capturing, such lying or specimen; injuring exceptin wait, withfor luring, scientific, intent alluring, to controlrelationHavingdisentanglements; over into by possessionstrandings any Department oror disentanglements;exercising official physical in of,Gathering,purposes;veterinary, or cutting, rehabilitationcollecting chopping or offplucking or uprooting,management picking damaging parts DartingstrandingsbyConveying, any Departmental by orany moving disentanglements; Departmental or official otherwise in official relation translocating or to ExportingmanagementImportingor destroying intofrom purposes; exceptthe the Republic Republic, for scientific for including scientific purposes; re- or relationHarassingdisentanglements;veterinarian to strandingsby in any relation Departmental or to disentanglements; strandings official or in itGrowing,orexporting to management multiply breedingfrom except the purposes; Republicor in insanctuaries any otherexcept wayor for causingscientific sanctuaries,FeedingrelationRelease to forby strandings anycommercial temporary Departmental or holdingexhibitiondisentanglements; official facilities facilities, in or by orcontrolHavingcommercial rehabilitation overin possession exhibitionexcept purposes; for orfacilities; scientific, exercising management physical strandingany Departmental or disentanglements. official in relation to 275 276 SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESColumnRestricted 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name exceptConveying, for scientific, moving management or otherwise or translocating gift,receiving,Sellingrehabilitation or in any or otherwisegiving, way purposes; acquiring donating trading or or in,disposing accepting buying, of as a Attractorexcept scientificFeeding exceptfor scientific exceptpurposes; for scientific, for purposes; rehabilitation, rehabilitation management or HarassmentrehabilitationDartingmanagement except except purposes;purposes; for scientific, for scientific, management management Pliotrema warren Sixgill sawshark or rehabilitationHunting,Release exceptor killing purpose;purposes for by scientific, any means, management method or or dischargingdevicehuntpursuing, whatsoever,or kill adriving, anymissile such includinglying or specimen; injuring in wait, searching, with luring, intent alluring, to veterinary,Gathering,purposes;Catching rehabilitation or collecting capturing, or orexcept plucking management for pickingscientific, parts SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms ofof, Section or cutting, 57(2) chopping off uprooting, damaging Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) or destroying except for scientific purposes; No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 Exportingpurposes;specimensImporting from into into the the the Republic, Republic Republic includingfor except scientific for re- dead itGrowing,specimensexporting to multiply; breedingfrom for scientificthe Republicor in purposes;any exceptother way for causingdead Conveying,purposes;controlHaving over in moving exceptpossession foror otherwisescientific or exercising ortranslocating rehabilitation physical gift,Sellingexceptreceiving, or inforor any otherwisescientific giving, way acquiring ordonatingtrading rehabilitation in,or or buying,disposing accepting purposes; of as a Attractexceptpurposes;Feeding exceptfor scientific except for scientific for purposes; rehabilitation purposes; or scientific ReleaserehabilitationHarassmentDarting except except exceptpurpose; for for scientific scientificfor scientific purposes; or rehabilitation or 277 278 SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600 This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms of Sectionpurposes 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Poroderma africanum Striped catshark or pyjama shark dischargingpursuing,deviceHunting, whatsoever, driving, ora missilekilling lying including by or in anyinjuring wait, means, searching, luring, with method intent alluring, to or ResourcespossessionCatching or Act. ofcapturing a permit and under release the Marine if in Living veterinary,purposes;Catchinghunt or kill rehabilitation or any capturing, such specimen; or except management for scientific, orof, destroyingImportingGathering,or cutting, into exceptchoppingcollecting the Republicfor off orscientific pluckinguprooting, except purposes; picking damagingfor dead parts exportingExportingpurposes;specimens from from into the the theRepublic Republic, Republic except includingfor forscientific dead re- specimensHavingmultiply;Growing, in for breedingpossession scientific or purposes;inor anyexercising other causing physical it to controlexceptConveying,purposes; over for except scientific moving for orscientific rehabilitationotherwise or rehabilitationtranslocating purposes; SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms ofSelling Section or otherwise 57(2) trading in, buying, Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) receiving, giving, donating or accepting as a No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 purposes;Feedingexceptgift, or infor exceptany scientific way for acquiring rehabilitationpurposes; or disposing or scientific of rehabilitationHarassmentDartingAttract except except exceptpurpose; for for scientific scientific for scientific purposes; purposes; or Poroderma pantherinum Leopard catshark deviceHunting,purposesRelease whatsoever, exceptor killing for by scientificincluding any means, or searching, rehabilitation method or possessionCatching or ofcapturing a permit and under release the Marine if in Living Catchinghuntdischargingpursuing, or kill ordriving, any capturing,a missile such lying specimen; or exceptin injuring wait, for luring, with scientific, intentalluring, to Resources Act of,Gathering,purposes;veterinary, or cutting, collectingrehabilitation chopping or offplucking or uprooting, management picking damaging parts or destroyingExportingpurposes;Importing frominto except the the for RepublicRepublic, scientific except including purposes; for re-scientific 279 280 SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESColumnRestricted 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name exportingpurposes; from the Republic except for scientific controlHavingitGrowing, to multiply;over in breedingexceptpossession for or scientific inor anyexercising other or rehabilitation way physical causing exceptSellingConveying,purposes; for orscientific otherwise moving or rehabilitationortrading otherwise in, buying, translocatingpurposes exceptgift,Feedingreceiving, or infor any scientific except giving, way acquiringfor purposes;donating rehabilitation or or disposing accepting or scientific of as a AttractHarassmentDartingpurposes; except except for except scientificfor scientific for scientific purposes; purposes; or Galeocerdo cuvier Tiger shark Hunting,purposesReleaserehabilitation exceptor killing purpose; for by scientific any means, or rehabilitation method or Catching or capturing if in possession of a dischargingdevicehuntpursuing, whatsoever,or kill adriving, anymissile such includinglying or specimen; injuring in wait, searching, with luring, intent alluring, to controlHavingAct;permit underoverin possession if the in possessionMarine or exercisingLiving of aResources permit physical under SpeciesColumn 1 listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESRestrictedColumn 2 activities ColumnRestricted 3 activities This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Scientific Name Common Name Prohibited in terms ofCatching Section or 57(2) capturing, except for scientific, Exempted in terms ofthe Section Marine 57(4)Living Resources Act; veterinary, rehabilitation or management Conveying, moving or otherwise translocating No.38600 STAATSKOERANT, 31MAART 2015 orof,Gathering,purposes; destroyingor cutting, collecting exceptchopping foror off pluckingscientific uprooting, picking purposes; damaging parts receiving,SellingLivingif in possession Resources or otherwisegiving, of donatingAct; a tradingpermit or underin, accepting buying, the Marine as a purposes;specimensExportingImparting into intofrom the the the Republic Republic Republic, for except including scientific for deadre- Attractgift,Livingin or possession inif inResourcesany possession way of acquiring a Act; permit of a permitunderor disposing theunder Marine ofthe if Growing,specimensexportingit to multiply; breedingfrom for scientificthe Republicor in purposes;any exceptother way for causingdead ReleaseunderHarassmentMarine the Living if Marinein ifpossession Resourcesin possession Living Resources ofAct; a ofpermit a permit Act;under the Conveying,purposes;controlHaving over in moving exceptpossession foror otherwisescientific or exercising ortranslocating rehabilitation physical Marine Living Resources Act; gift,Sellingexceptreceiving, or inforor any otherwisescientific giving, way acquiring ordonatingtrading rehabilitation in,or or buying,disposing accepting purposes; of as a Attractexceptpurposes;Feeding exceptfor scientific except for scientific for purposes; rehabilitation purposes; or scientific 281 282 SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) MARINE SPECIESColumnRestricted 2 activities RestrictedColumn 3 activities GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Prohibited in terms of Section 57(2) Exempted in terms of Section 57(4) Scientific Name Common Name HarassmentDarting except except for scientific for scientific purposes; or Petrus rupestris Red Steenbras Hunting,purposesReleaserehabilitation exceptor killing purpose; for by scientific any means, or rehabilitation method or dischargingdevicehuntpursuing, whatsoever,or kill adriving, anymissile such includinglying or specimen; injuring in wait, searching, with luring, intent alluring, to veterinary,Gathering,purposes;Catching rehabilitation or collecting capturing, or orexcept plucking management for pickingscientific, parts specimensorof, destroyingImportingor cutting, into into exceptchopping the the Republic Republicfor off scientific uprooting, for except scientificpurposes; damagingfor dead specimensexportingExportingpurposes; from for scientificthe RepublicRepublic, purposes; except including for re-dead controlHavingitGrowing, to multiply; overin breedingpossession except orfor inor scientific anyexercising other or way rehabilitationphysical causing 283 sasocund uoRemegei JO opuaps :asoclind uogeogegal 10j ;doom eseoft :sosodind:sosoctind opueps opueiosJO JOI oguaps Idea° peAlVJOI Kleon luewssereH Joj iclooxe 6upea !sesocund . eoguaps se 61.10090e JOjo uoRemegal buisodsp JO 6UlleU0p JO Joi `61.11/1166uppboe Ideoxo 6u!pood Amtu!Appoi Aue u! :sasod.ind opuops Joliclopxo Jo 1.1!6 STAATSKOERANT, 31 MAART 2015 31 MAART STAATSKOERANT, No. 38600 64e001SUeJ):sesodind uo!lemegaa eSIMJel410 JO JO 6111AOW opueps `6111A8AU00 `6u!Anq `u! 6u!pe.q. asyqueino JO 6L11110S Joj idea° !sosoclind ewe uowwoo oweN opuolos This gazette is also available free online at (P)La uopes jo mum u! poldwax3 sogingoe pe}oppm E ownloo (z)Ls owes jo SUM LIl pentjoid S3IO3dS 3NINVLIsomAgoe moppet! z uwnio3 (09s uopoes jo mum ul pep!' sepeds 6 uwnioa 284 SPECIES INCLUDED IN APPENDIX I OF CITES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31MARCH2015 No. 38600 This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at SpeciesColumn 1listed in terms of Section 56(1) ProhibitedRestrictedColumn 2 inactivities terms of Section 57(2) ExemptedRestrictedColumn 3 inactivities terms of Section 57(4) Any indigenous or non-indigenous species included in Appendix I of PROTECTED SPECIES TO WHICH REGULATION 72 OF THE THREATENED OR PROTECTED SPECIES REGULATIONS RELATES Selling or donating of imported specimens All restricted activities, except the following: speciesCITES, which is not already listed above, is herewith listed a protected facilityfacilitiesCITESoriginating that Secretariat, have from notthe orbeenwild, from fromregistered any captive other with captive breeding the off-springcontrolSellingHaving over oforin suchanpossessiondonating imported imported of oranspecimen, exercisingspecimen; imported or specimenphysical the Secretariat.thatoriginating has been from registered a captive with breeding the CITES facility STAATSKOERANT, 31 MAART 2015 No. 38600 285

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