2014 AHCAP Educational Conference Clarity & Opportunity: A Clearer Vision to Guide Your Growth

LinkedIn: The Virtual Rolodex

David Cook BJC Healthcare VP HR & Patient Experience Housekeeping Items

• Disclaimers – All views shared are my own and do not necessarily represent those of LinkedIn – I do not officially endorse LinkedIn and do not have any direct relationship with the company or its employees – I do not own and have never owned any stock in LinkedIn – I am not a LinkedIn expert but I did sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night • My goal – Help you better understand and navigate this valuable professional networking resource Why LinkedIn?

• It’s all about connections. Networking! Networking! Networking! – Over 300 million users – It is a very efficient way to manage your network • Business oriented professional networking site • Increased visibility of your brand • Research companies, industries, people, etc. • Job search – evolving into a premier recruiting site • Recruitment • Gain and share knowledge • search feature • Stay current and relevant • It is free!!


• Monster – Job search focused • – Social interaction focused vs professional/business focused • Xing – Professional/Business networking – Primarily Germany based users – 14 million users • – Professional/Business networking – Primarily Europe based users – 10 million users The Basics

• Create a relevant profile • Establish connections to build your network • Research and join groups with a shared community of interest • Utilize for job searches, as needed • Be genuine • Represent the professional you Your Profile: The World’s Window To You

• Building Your Profile – Do’s – Add an updated picture in professional attire – Repeat your top skills in multiple sections of your profile – It is ok to brag about yourself - establish your brand – Only include pertinent information – Turn off your activity broadcasts when making changes unless you want your connections to see the each update – Use your LinkedIn profile content on other sites • Building Your Profile – Don’ts – Avoid merely replicating your resume – Delay connecting with others until your profile is built • Who Is Looking For You? – Check who has viewed your profile Connections

• Choose your connections wisely – More does not necessarily equal better, quality over quantity – Gauge whether a mutually beneficial opportunity exists – Be thoughtful about generic unknown connection requests • Virtual introductions – Third party – Requests made by you • Levels of Connections – 1st level is directly connected to you – 2nd level is directly connected to one or more of your 1st level connections – 3rd level is directly connected to one or more of your 2nd level connections • A neatly organized virtual rolodex with multiple sort features


• Groups – Join a group or create a group • Research before you join – Presents opportunities to connect with professionals with similar interests i.e. industry, professional organizations, civic interests – Provides a conduit to network with professionals in target job search audience – The groups you join help reflect your brand – News and article feeds • Education – Connect and follow schools as an alumni, a student or as an employer

Interests (cont.)

• Companies – Follow your favorite companies – Stay informed about job opportunities – Network with individuals from target companies – Research target companies – Stay current on news of interest – Create a company page • Pulse – News feeds – Follow industry influencers – Review posts from top influencers and experts

Job Opportunities

• Browsing publicly or privately – the choice is yours • Research jobs by industry, location, etc. • Identify contacts in target industries or companies • Review jobs within your network • Apply for jobs • Try the resume builder feature if your resume is out of date • Use the search engine to identify the skills needed for your next career move • Decide on confidentiality of your search – Activity broadcast setting

Skills & Endorsements

• Option to opt in or out – Include me in endorsement suggestions to my connections – Show me suggestions to endorse my connections – Send me notifications via email when my connections endorse me • Manage and monitor your endorsements to ensure they reflect your brand • Endorsements from your connections – Coach connections to endorse your key skills – Be careful of endorsements from those who do not really know you • Endorse your connections – Only provide endorsements for people you know – Be sincere

Live Demo


Thank You & See You on LinkedIn
