THE GRAND RAPIDS PRESS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2019 B5 Grand Rapids Press - 10/17/2019 Copy Reduced to 90% from original to fit letter page Page : B05 INTERFAITH INSIGHT ETHICS & RELIGION TALK Surviving life’s tragedy; Approaching people with seeking greater meaning diff erent perspectives Douglas Kindschi Director, Kaufman Interfaith Institute, GVSU Rabbi David Krishef
[email protected] “Why religion, of all things? If you go Jason N. asks, “How can I “Reformed and Presbyterian Christians Why not something that has talk to others about climate cherish the approach taught by our great an impact in the real world?” What: Elaine Pagels, Interfaith Consortium change, money in politics, spiritual forebear, Augustine of Hippo: This was the question that religion grad- Conference women’s health, etc., from a faith perspec- Fides quaerens intellectum, ‘a faith that uate student at Harvard University Elaine tive to people with faith, but a diff erent polit- seeks understanding.’ Your aim should be Pagels was asked by her future husband, a Date: Oct. 30 ical perspective?” to understand different perspectives, not quantum physicist faculty member at New to debate or refute them, and certainly not York’s Rockefeller University. She in turn Time: 2 p.m. What do “secret gospels” The Rev. Colleen Squires, minister at to off end others. A good rule is found in the questioned him about why he loved the suggest about Jesus and his teaching?; All Souls Community Church of West Epistle of James: ‘My beloved brethren, let “study of virtually invisible elementary par- and 7 p.m. Why Religion? A Personal Story Michigan, a Unitarian Universalist every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, ticles: hadrons, boson, and quarks.” They Congregation, responds: slow to wrath: for the wrath of man worketh came to realize, as she put it, that “each of us Where: Eberhard Center, GVSU, 301 W.