Timothy Freke,Peter Gandy | 336 pages | 22 Oct 2002 | Potter/TenSpeed/Harmony | 9781400045945 | English | New York, NY, United States Jesus and the Lost Goddess: The Secret Teachings of the Original Christians PDF Book The background and historical context gave their premise a solid foundation, and overall I found this section quite interesting. No small feat for an author to accomplish in a few hundred pages. Other Editions 9. Think outside the box I loved this book! The entire book ends up being caught up in this continuous wheel of the scholarship and spiritually undermining each other. Hall is one of the most significant names in the study of the esoteric, symbolic, and occult. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. I just wanted write this now, to give it the credit it is due. A lovely book. There, Jesus was born, presumably in the com-pany of such creatures as donkeys, oxen, cows, and sheep. The life of Christ reveals that Jesus was and is God because of His miracles, wonders, teachings, His very unusual life, His crucifixion, resurrection and ascension back to heaven. I didn't really know what I was getting into, but it ended up being a really great read. Very disappointing. It's just a LOT to take in. Jesus showed throughout his life and death his power of complete mastery over his body and mind and the oft-recalcitrant forces of nature. Wikipedia says 'Virtually all scholars who write on the subject agree that Jesus existed. By: Simcha Jacobovici , and others. Jesus wants us to love one another as he has loved us, and he explained that the way that people will know that we are his disciples is by the love that we have for one another Jn ,15; But this Lady barely even referred to the Church and its proscriptions. The Lost Teachings of the Cathars. Author and noted scholar Elaine Pagels suggests that could have developed quite differently if had become part of the Christian canon. Both an eye-opening account of early Christianity as well as one of the clearest explanations of mysticism I have ever read. This book hasn't exactly made me perceive the world through rose colored glasses, but it did make me perceive reality with more clarity. Jul 22, Genoa rated it it was amazing. This book is a living transmission encoded with direct revelations to activate your important role as a revolutionary wayshower for humanity's awakening. The topics are very nebulous. Jesus and the Lost Goddess: The Secret Teachings of the Original Christians Writer

I was doing mental gymnastics and then putting the I couldn't finish it, but I don't want to give it a horrible review. OK, I have not finished this book yet, and I don't know when it's going to happen. Thes I picked this book up on a whim at Half-Price Books. It talks about spiritual concepts without leading to spritual experience. Today I am a practicing pagan and lover of scholarship. This book hasn't exactly made me perceive the world through rose colored glasses, but it did make me perceive reality with more clarity. By: Simcha Jacobovici , and others. Here is where I have another problem with the writers. This book gives a full description of the nature and purpose of the community, and the birth and upbringing of Jesus and John the Baptist. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. The Gnostic are dated about to years after Christ, and no credible scholar believes any of them could have been written by their namesakes. We are not allowed to sell this product with the selected payment method. Others won't. Those who are not ready cling to their 'real' Jesus like a life-buoy in the tempestuous sea of existence. What is important is to realize that the Jesus we relate to in our imagination is a mythical 'archetype' through which we can reach the 'Christ Consciousness' within ourslves, because if we are unable to get enough distance from our own fantasies and opinions to see that our picture of Jesus is an imaginative construct, we will never have the self-knowledge necessary to grasp the . First is there saying that there was no such person as Jesus. Quite interesting. Whereas Buddhism or Hinduism have largely maintained their gnostic focus, modern Christianity and Islam have shifted towards a literalist reading of their doctrine. More filters. These Jesus myths are constructed to convey the knowledge we need to attain Gnosis The book starts out with saying there was no such person as Jesus. On the Prayer of Jesus. They are actually offering something infinitely more reassuring than blind belief in historical events. It felt like the authors were trying to force their conclusions to prove the links, but the conclusions are flawed and the sources I did look them up are only vaguely hinting at what the authors are trying to convey. Before I read The Urantia Book, I loved the story of Jesus in the , but always felt disappointed that it only covered a few years of his life. Friend Reviews. I loved this book! Just exactly what he was is debatable, of course, but I think the preponderance of evidence is that he did exist. The entire book ends up being caught up in this continuous wheel of the scholarship and spiritually undermining each other. Please try again. Jul 02, Mik Hamilton, D. Available from:. Nicholas Wade. Has Science Discovered God? An interesting concept to be sure, and one that requires more thought than a simple dismissal because it comes from a fringe group. Very disappointing. started as something small and grew throughout the ancient world. The teachings of 'the Christ within' are an open secret that only someone who is ripe can really hear. An individual really needs to read this for themselves. Jesus and the Lost Goddess: The Secret Teachings of the Original Christians Reviews

It was very emotionally confusing. Apr 30, Leon Erkelens rated it it was amazing. Make your psyche in God's image, but know the psychology of and the psychic of the mind as well to better control your life and to cleanse your mind of being used. In this , Jesus describes a journey from limited to unlimited consciousness. Sep 09, Elizabeth rated it really liked it. Aug 04, Steve rated it it was amazing. May 06, Sarah Crawford rated it it was ok. This audiobook is a must-listen for anyone who is interested in learning more about Thoth Hermes Trismegistus. They are offering Gnosis -- immediate experiential knowledge of the Truth. Really most sincerely boring. In addition, the book explores the many myths of Jesus and the Goddess and unlocks the lost secret teachings of Christian mysticism, which promise happiness and immortality to those who attain the state of Gnosis, or enlightenment. This book fills in the gaps with the exposition of the gnostic basis and the subsequent literalist assimilation. But , so it was at that time, can't argue with the facts. Community Reviews. There, Jesus was born, presumably in the com-pany of such creatures as donkeys, oxen, cows, and sheep. Essentially, the book suggests that original Christianity was a gnostic religion. They largely oversimplify these tales in order to overlook aspects which do not support their thesis. So, much more sense the than the confusion that I get from people trying to explain the "literalness" of the stories of the "Bible. Look Inside. In this text, the risen Jesus had spent eleven years speaking with his disciples, teaching them only the lower mysteries. The balancing part is the female companion of Jesus, but still compared to the book about Druids I read by P. Such a revelation could be received through a vision or dream, or through a mystical communication. By: Jean-Yves Leloup. He tells us that He is "the way, the truth and the life" John , and His words have remarkable power. We are sorry. Unfollow podcast failed. Apr 01, Christopher Miller rated it really liked it. Complete and Utter Hogwash. While Sophia or Wisdom - and the female in general - plays an important part in Gnostic Christian thought, the authors do not make a convincing case that the feminine was the "lost goddess" consort of Christ. Just exactly what he was is debatable, of course, but I think the preponderance of evidence is that he did exist. Sadleir, our understanding of Christ's teachings is not only incomplete but completely inaccurate; according to Steven Christian history is being re-written. Whereas Buddhism or Hinduism have largely maintained their gnostic focus, modern Christianity and Islam have shifted towards a literalist reading of their doctrine. I read a quote from Aristotle that day that changed my mind,"It is the mark of the enlightened man to be able to entertain an idea without believing it or rejecting it. Available from:. This is no small task, because I tend to focus on the negative. I'm not a Christian except by name but this is a Christianity I could believe in. Narrated by: Rory Barnett. Where the book started to struggle was when the authors began to break down the components of what gnostic Christianity actually was beliefs, etc. But this Lady barely even referred to the Church and its proscriptions. The background and historical context gave their premise a solid foundation, and overall I found this section quite interesting. I figured the rest of the book would probably be full of more crazy ideas about aeons and archons and blah, blah, blah. An interesting concept to be sure, and one that requires more thought than a simple dismissal because it comes from a fringe group. One of the first red flags I saw was in the very first chapter: the authors spend some time talking about the estimated dates at which the canonical gospels were written, always leaning toward the latter end of the spectrum at which they were estimated to have been written. I think the authors are trying to get across the idea that Jesus was invented by later writers. They discuss the original Christians saying that men and women were considered equal. The Secret Language of Sacred Spaces. Many people desperately want to believe in a miraculous saviour who has literally incarnated to rescue them. The Gnostic gospels are dated about to years after Christ, and no credible scholar believes any of them could have been written by their namesakes. What is important is to realize that the Jesus we relate to in our imagination is a mythical 'archetype' through which we can reach the 'Christ Consciousness' within ourslves, because if we are unable to get enough distance from our own fantasies and opinions to see that our picture of Jesus is an imaginative construct, we will never have the self-knowledge necessary to grasp the Gnosis.

Jesus and the Lost Goddess: The Secret Teachings of the Original Christians Read Online

The difficulty is that all this happened over two thousand years ago so actual physical proof that is specific to Jesus doesn't exist. Timothy Freke left has an honors degree in philosophy and is the author of more than twenty books on world… More about Timothy Freke. Inspired by Your Browsing History. The star rating for this book is for the in depth exploration of gnosticism, which is interesting and valid. More Details I had to struggle to get through it and I've studied Gnosticism and related topics for years. In restructuring the Gospel accounts, this version follows the format of the earlier Gospels familiar to Christians. Thanks for telling us about the problem. I was doing mental gymnastics and then putting the I couldn't finish it, but I don't want to give it a horrible review. There, Jesus was born, presumably in the com-pany of such creatures as donkeys, oxen, cows, and sheep. During His earthly ministry, as Jesus went about preaching and teaching, He frequently used parables - cf. I couldn't finish it, but I don't want to give it a horrible review. They beleive that we are physical manifestations of the One consciousness of God. This book is a living transmission encoded with direct revelations to activate your important role as a revolutionary wayshower for humanity's awakening. The title suggests that it is about the loss of the sacred feminine to Christianity, however, it is a retracing of Christianity taking Greek and other Pagan ideas and incorporating it into its practice. The Five Books of Moses. Category: Religion Category: Religion. I understand you have to add Jesus to the title to sell books, but it just doesn't work as a theory. How did she become such a compelling saint in the face of such paltry evidence? Are the Gospels True? This book talks about the level of understandings through the Christian Myth, The Hylic Initiate beginner, The Sou This book is brilliantly written about the sacred group of individuals known as the Gnostics. I would have given them much higher because it was well organized and written but they left no room whatsoever for the possibility that Jesus was an actual person as if they had proven it when, in fact, they did not. Jonathon Miller Weisberger. It made me want to redouble my efforts to learn all I can about this topic and it offered a completely different perspective of God and God's relationship to creation. Everett Fox. This seemingly harsh attitude may be Jesus' way of making His message The Lost Teachings of Jesus does more than illumine the scriptures. By: Richard Smoley. It is so academic that there is nothing there to really grab the interest of the reader and hold it. Discover the Christ within yourself and you will be always One with God. Readers also enjoyed. Filter by:. By: Dion Fortune. However, because the vast majority of existing scholarship does not support a lot of the claims the authors make, their scholarship becomes very cherry picked and highly unreliable.