THE GRAND RAPIDS PRESS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2019 B5 Grand Rapids Press - 10/17/2019 Copy Reduced to 90% from original to fit letter page Page : B05

INTERFAITH INSIGHT ETHICS & RELIGION TALK Surviving life’s tragedy; Approaching people with seeking greater meaning diff erent perspectives

Douglas Kindschi Director, Kaufman Interfaith Institute, GVSU Rabbi David Krishef [email protected]

“Why religion, of all things? If you go Jason N. asks, “How can I “Reformed and Presbyterian Christians Why not something that has talk to others about climate cherish the approach taught by our great an impact in the real world?” What: , Interfaith Consortium change, money in politics, spiritual forebear, : This was the question that religion grad- Conference women’s health, etc., from a faith perspec- Fides quaerens intellectum, ‘a faith that uate student at Elaine tive to people with faith, but a diff erent polit- seeks understanding.’ Your aim should be Pagels was asked by her future husband, a Date: Oct. 30 ical perspective?” to understand different perspectives, not quantum physicist faculty member at New to debate or refute them, and certainly not York’s . She in turn Time: 2 p.m. What do “secret ” The Rev. Colleen Squires, minister at to off end others. A good rule is found in the questioned him about why he loved the suggest about and his teaching?; All Souls Community Church of West Epistle of James: ‘My beloved brethren, let “study of virtually invisible elementary par- and 7 p.m. Why Religion? A Personal Story Michigan, a Unitarian Universalist every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, ticles: hadrons, boson, and quarks.” They Congregation, responds: slow to wrath: for the wrath of man worketh came to realize, as she put it, that “each of us Where: Eberhard Center, GVSU, 301 W. Fulton “Personally I think the best way to go not the righteousness of God’ (James 1:19, was hoping to understand something fun- St., Grand Rapids about these conversations is to start by 20). damental.” articulating your faith’s perspective simply “Discussion of ‘hot button issues’ can In August I wrote about Elaine Pagels and Information and free registration at: Inter- and clearly. From a Unitarian Universalist only be profitable when there is mutual her latest book, “Why Religion? A Personal perspective I am called to affi rm the inher- understanding, and the rules of God’s word Story,” leading up to the book discussion ent worth and dignity of every person and are observed. But we live in superheated group that was exploring this book in prepa- to have respect for the interdependent web times, when such discussion is made almost ration for her visit to Grand Rapids. We are it couldn’t sustain his life. … I also sensed of all existence of which we are a part. impossible by the degree to which feelings now looking forward to her coming here for that he’d felt a burst of joy and relief to leave “My faith calls me to be a good shepherd are roused, minds made up, and sides taken two presentations on Oct. 30. his exhausted body. Before that moment, to our planet therefore I must care deeply in a culture war. Partisanship is a blinding, In that earlier Insight I summarized the I’d taken for granted what I’d learned, that and urgently about climate change. At the deafening, anger-stirring power. ‘In the mul- first chapter that tells of her being raised death was the end, any thought of surviv- core of most religions there are similar titude of words there wanteth not sin: but he by secular parents, her conversion at a Billy ing death only fantasy. Although that may teachings. I would keep the conversation that restraineth his lips is wise’ (Proverbs Graham rally, her struggles with the death of be true, what I experienced that day chal- within the faith framework and avoid the 10:19).” her high school friend who was Jewish, and lenged that assumption. I was astonished, politics of the topic. her continued interest in religion leading to seeming to sense that Mark was all right, “We have been blessed with one beau- Ty Silzer, a former pastor in the Pres- her doctoral study at Harvard. wherever he was, and that he was some- tiful and magnificent planet and yet as byterian Church in America, responds: Her “Personal Story” continues in the next where. But that didn’t change what we felt: humans we are the greatest cause of its “First off , I must stress relationships over chapters as she writes of her marriage to that utter desolation.” destruction. The creation of the universe beliefs. Paul repeatedly talks about the con- questioning physicist, , and Such a terrible loss would strain many and our Earth are precious gifts it is up to cept of the weaker brother (and sisters) within their son Mark, born with a heart defect. Her couples’ relationships, often leading to us to honor and care for them and it is from his letters. What do we do with the weaker sib- graduate work at Harvard included work on separation, but Pagels reports that she that perspective I believe you will find ling? Convince them they’re wrong? No. We the recently discovered hidden documents and Heinz grew even closer to each other agreement.” respect their current position. from early Christian history, sometimes and to the daughter they had adopted. “Next, I would change your preposition called the “secret gospels” since they had As she processed Mark’s death she was Fred Stella, the pracharak (outreach from ‘talk to’ to ‘talk with.’ Who likes being been rejected for inclusion in the New Tes- moved by reading about another bereaved minister) for the West Michigan Hindu ‘talked at’? In a social media-driven society tament canon and banned and burned by mother, Maria of Paris, a Russian Ortho- Temple, responds: where everyone has an opinion and a soap- the established church. These more than 50 dox who wrote after her 6-year-old daugh- “This is a challenge, as most often we box, listening is more critical than ever. texts, known as the , ter died that she felt her “whole natu- tend to use religion to confirm our own This, too, puts the other person fi rst. From were found in Egypt after hundreds of years ral life … shaken … disintegrated; desires biases. It is quite easy to go through sacred James (1:19), ‘My dear brothers and sisters, of being hidden and forgotten. Pagels was have gone … meaning has lost its mean- writ and fi nd exactly what we want to bol- take note of this: Everyone should be quick part of the team translating and studying ing.” But Pagels writes that Maria did not ster our opinions. Take climate change, for to listen, slow to speak ...’ these texts, leading to many scholarly arti- sink into passivity, rather, “she risked her example. If I am convinced beyond doubt “One secret to listening, is combining ask- cles and her popular book, “The Gnostic Gos- life to save the lives of other people’s chil- that the world is ending soon, why wouldn’t ing lots of good questions with shutting-up. pels,” a Times best seller. dren during the Nazi occupation.” Pagels I be excited about throwing as much carbon Jesus was the master of asking questions — She writes with great tenderness about and Heinz decided to seek another child to into the air as quickly and cheaply as I can? in fact, He often answered questions with her son and the complications of his heart whom their love could be directed, leading While Hinduism as a religion is quite lib- questions. This leads to my next point: com- defect. He had imagination and insight to the adoption of a younger brother, David, eral, in that it doesn’t require unquestion- monality. Jesus would seek out what He had unusual for a child so young. His death at for their daughter, Sarah. ing loyalty to a specifi c system of beliefs, it in common with others — ‘What do you say?’ age 6 occurred in the hospital where he was Only a year later when the family allows devotees to form opinions from one How did they arrive at their point of view? to undergo tests and while Pagels stood by returned to their favorite spot in , end of the political spectrum to the other. What do they know that you don’t? Discover- his side. She reports saying, “It’s not over Pagels describes in great detail, in the chap- “What is important to remember in our ing what we have in common builds bridges until it’s over — let’s ask him to come back ter titled “Unimaginable,” the event of the tradition is that our points of view are not and provides conversation launchpads. and go to with us.” She then writes terrible death of her husband in a climb- us, which so many subconsciously take to “James 1:19 ends with ‘slow to become that at that moment she felt his presence to ing accident. To face this second death in be the case. Undue attachment to an opin- angry’ — which illustrates my next point: the point of speaking to him. Shortly there- so short a period was devastating to Pagels ion blinds us to developing deeper under- non-reactivity. Because the other party has after his cardiologist reported that his heart and to her faith. standing of complex issues. Purposefully a diff ering view, and we’re dealing with the was beating again but not to get their hopes Pagels’ very personal story, as well as seeking out opposing outlooks on contro- dinner-table-forbidden topics, it’s vitally up. They went into his room and held him her scholarship refl ected in her eight other versial subjects is not only an exercise in important to maintain composure and love but he did not regain consciousness and books, will be the focus of her two presen- socio-political education, but a spiritual the other person, above all. soon the heart stopped again. tations in Grand Rapids on Oct. 30 at the practice as well.” “Finally, if they are open, tell really good Pagels reflects on this experience: “We annual Interfaith Consortium conference. stories. Humans process concepts and data don’t know, of course, what happened. I had Please plan to join us for this event. The Rev. Ray Lanning, a retired min- much better through stories than they do the clear impression that he’d heard us and ister of the Reformed Presbyterian through charts and facts. Jesus was the Mas- had gone back into his body, but found that [email protected] Church of North America, responds: ter Storyteller.” Copyright � 2019 The Grand Rapids Press 10/17/2019 October 17, 2019 9:55 am (GMT +4:00) Powered by TECNAVIA Kanye West brings ‘Sunday Service’ to universities

Michelle Boorstein Washington Post

Rapper and occasional provocateur Kanye that’s the !” he said, lamenting vari- West made an impromptu visit Saturday ous denominational diff erences. “Christians, morning to Howard University’s homecom- we’re making it too hard for people.” ing, turning the campus yard into a church The plea for diversity wound its way at the Kanye West, service busy with hymns, hip-hop and an end of the service to West himself, who has center, bows appeal to black fans to accept recent remarks angered many African Americans for his pub- his head that some have found controversial or off en- lic praise of President Trump. in prayer sive. A poll released recently by the Associ- during his The promotion of the appearance of the ated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs “Sunday celeb-performer, who this year has begun Research found 4% of African Americans say Service” at organizing regular Sunday spiritual services, they think Trump’s actions have been good The Gate- was extremely low-key — word only started for African Americans in general, while 81% way in Salt getting out on social media, without confi r- think he’s made things worse. Lake City, mation, Friday night. “You don’t always have to agree with me, Utah. Colter By 8 a.m., music was streaming from the but if they throw the slave nets again, how Peterson, The yard of one of the country’s most prominent about we don’t all stand in the exact same Deseret News historically black universities. Hundreds of place?” he said, triggering laughter in the via AP mostly young people were there, tightly sur- crowd. rounding a security circle for West and other To some, politics were irrelevant at an musicians. event they saw as a legitimate worship service The rest of the campus was getting ready for the modern, less judgmental set. for a parade, football game and other home- “He’s expanding people’s minds, that coming events, and many streets were religion can come in all colors. You come as       blocked off with police cars and barriers. you are. You don’t have to be perfect,” said “God, reveal the lies, let us stop feeling vic- Amanda Brundidge, 29, who came in from   timized, show my people the way, show my Alexandria with a friend from out of town.  people how to love, forgive and pray,” West “And it’s beautiful.”       said following a few traditional African Amer- Raymond Metzger, a 33-year-old physical   ican hymns, such as “There is a Balm in Gil- therapist and alum, and his girlfriend, mar- ""     ead,” and his 2004 hit “Jesus Walks.” keter Teaira Brewer, said the appearance of Later in the day, West performed at another the megastar who has seemed in the past cou- Self-Realization surprise event — a concert at George Wash- ple years to have strayed seriously far from ington University. The school told students the black American heart, meant a lot.    via social media at midnight about the 2 p.m. “People were cautious, but he’s just trying # & !    show. to redeem himself with the culture,” Metzger At Howard, West also focused on some core said. ""  $!#& " &%   concerns of black Americans, lamenting the Others on campus — and off — were less high number of African Americans in prison, forgiving. Reincarnation something he framed as a deliberate plot. Briana Younger, a music editor at the New “Why lock people up? They need people to Yorker who graduated from Howard in 2012,  #   make more slaves. … I got family locked up!” noted that his Sunday Service last week in A big focus of the service — like all the Salt Lake City featured him crediting the “Sunday services” he started in 2019 — was Republican Party of Lincoln with freeing that needs to be defined less slaves and referring to “mental slavery.”          strictly, and Christians shouldn’t be divided. “Aligning with Trump in my view is anti-         

“If you believe Jesus died for your sins — black, full stop,” she said. 9077063-31