Youth Policies in Latvia

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Youth Policies in Latvia Youth Wiki national description Youth policies in Latvia 2019 The Youth Wiki is Europe's online encyclopaedia in the area of national youth policies. The platform is a comprehensive database of national structures, policies and actions supporting young people. For the updated version of this national description, please visit 1 Youth 2 Youth policies in Latvia – 2019 Youth Wiki Latvia ................................................................................................................. 7 1. Youth Policy Governance................................................................................................................. 9 1.1 Target population of youth policy ............................................................................................. 9 1.2 National youth law .................................................................................................................... 9 1.3 National youth strategy ........................................................................................................... 11 1.4 Youth policy decision-making .................................................................................................. 12 1.5 Cross-sectoral approach with other ministries ....................................................................... 13 1.6 Evidence-based youth policy ................................................................................................... 14 1.7 Funding youth policy ............................................................................................................... 15 1.8 Cross-border cooperation ....................................................................................................... 16 1.9 Current debates and reforms .................................................................................................. 16 2. Voluntary Activities ....................................................................................................................... 17 2.1 General context ....................................................................................................................... 17 2.2 Administration and governance of youth volunteering .......................................................... 18 2.3 National strategy on youth volunteering ................................................................................ 19 2.4 Youth volunteering at national level ....................................................................................... 20 2.5 Cross-border mobility programmes ........................................................................................ 21 2.6 Raising awareness about youth volunteering opportunities .................................................. 22 2.7 Skills recognition ...................................................................................................................... 22 2.8 Current debates and reforms .................................................................................................. 23 3. Employment & Entrepreneurship ................................................................................................. 24 3.1 General context ....................................................................................................................... 24 3.2 Administration and governance .............................................................................................. 25 3.3 Skills forecasting ...................................................................................................................... 30 3.4 Career guidance and counselling............................................................................................. 32 3.5 Traineeships and apprenticeships ........................................................................................... 33 3.6 Integration of young people in the labour market .................................................................. 36 3.7 Cross-border mobility in employment, entrepreneurship and vocational opportunities ...... 38 3.8 Development of entrepreneurship competence .................................................................... 39 3.9 Start-up funding for young entrepreneurs .............................................................................. 42 3.10 Promotion of entrepreneurship culture ................................................................................ 43 3.11 Current debates and reforms ................................................................................................ 44 4. Social Inclusion .............................................................................................................................. 45 4.1 General context ....................................................................................................................... 45 4.2 Administration and governance .............................................................................................. 47 4.3 Strategy for the social inclusion of young people ................................................................... 48 3 Youth policies in Latvia – 2019 Youth Wiki 4.4 Inclusive programmes for young people ................................................................................. 49 4.5 Initiatives promoting social inclusion and raising awareness ................................................. 51 4.6 Access to quality services ........................................................................................................ 53 4.7 Youth work to foster social inclusion ...................................................................................... 55 4.8 Current debates and reforms .................................................................................................. 59 5. Participation .................................................................................................................................. 60 5.1 General context ....................................................................................................................... 60 5.2 Youth participation in representative democracy................................................................... 61 5.3 Youth representation bodies ................................................................................................... 62 5.4 Young people's participation in policy-making ....................................................................... 69 5.5 National strategy to increase youth participation .................................................................. 73 5.6 Supporting youth organisations .............................................................................................. 74 5.7 “Learning to participate” through formal, non-formal and informal learning ........................ 75 5.8 Raising political awareness among young people ................................................................... 77 5.9 E-participation ......................................................................................................................... 80 5.10 Current debates and reforms ................................................................................................ 80 6. Education and Training .................................................................................................................. 82 6.1 General context ....................................................................................................................... 82 6.2 Administration and governance .............................................................................................. 86 6.3 Preventing early leaving from education and training (ELET) ................................................. 87 6.4 Validation of non-formal and informal learning ..................................................................... 89 6.5 Cross-border learning mobility ................................................................................................ 90 6.6 Social inclusion through education and training ..................................................................... 92 6.7 Skills for innovation ................................................................................................................. 93 6.8 Media literacy and safe use of new media .............................................................................. 94 6.9 Awareness-raising about non-formal and informal learning and quality youth work ............ 98 6.10 Current debates and reforms ................................................................................................ 99 7. Health and Well-Being ................................................................................................................. 100 7.1 General context ..................................................................................................................... 100 7.2 Administration and governance ............................................................................................ 102 7.3 Sport, youth fitness and physical activity .............................................................................. 103 7.4 Healthy lifestyles and healthy nutrition ................................................................................ 104 7.5 Mental health ........................................................................................................................ 107 7.6 Mechanisms
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