NOVfMBEl 18, 1964 Hear Mrs. Hansrn. 1 was help settle a dollar hot bo-Ite charity. On second repeat the performance they .enjoys them C-4 WUSS-HBHAIO there too. When I talked to twern my cousin and me. I thought, send two hueks. did on "Shindig"? Darlene know of no ^J-Youth Groups • m Lucy, she was complaining lniaintj|jn

, Health Food Quackery BITS O' HONEY BITS O' HONEY ,. FOREMOST xx-^^->^-xx- $500 Million Business CORN PEAS "Many of our people are ranee District, and is aval No 303 Cam No 303 Cans SUTTER Gr*d. AA spending their hard earned able to work with organiza ,$JOO money on food supplements tions and groups in plannin 5,,$lo ICE CREAM and unnecessary foods," Dr. programs in the area of mea Family Stylt Earl W Kendrick, Ml), de- planning, weight control ant V, Gallon 69* clared this week He con food-money management NABISCO 1-LB BOX ^fe HI g CE CREAM Mrs. Mittelstadt shares Dr i tinued, "Most of these prod­ ucts are bought because the Kendrick's concern a b o u people do not know the basic money spent by misinforme Premium Crackers £ i nutrition facts." individuals. "It is easier anc Dr. Kendrick explained)more enjoyable to eat whole that the Food and Drug Ad-jsome foods rather than ministration estimated that|poor diet accompanied b; the cost of vitamins and so | food supplements." called health food quackery •& -ft- & alone is at least $500 million "Food supplements such a year. Misleading claims and conflicting information about useless without the recom foods and food supplements mended combination o CORNED i.s one major reason for this foods," Mrs. Mittelstadt point spending. ed out. Vitamins are In additioo to the expense, foods in themselves but ar there exists the danger tliatlaments which help the bod really ill persons may rely,use foods. All nutrient on these products and thus needed by normal individual may delay in getting proper are supplied in an adequat MART medical attention. diet consisting of foods from A- i'r t- each of the basic four too There Is no mystery about groups: meat, milk, fruit an 234th and S. Western the foods recommended for vegetables and bread an adequate daily intake. The cereal. TORRANCE NEAR SEPULVEOA lx)s Angeles County Health Mrs Mittelstadt commente OPEN DAILY 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. Department employs nutri-|that persons who wishei SUNDAY 10 to 6 tionists and other personnel!more reliable information o Specials foi Thursday thru Sunday who are trained to present |the controversial nutritio this information to the public.itopics would do well to rea< Mrs. Sharon Mittelstadt is oneithe book, "Kating for Uooi nf these nutritionists who|llealth," by Frederick ^ spends part time in the Tor-'Stare, M.I).