Thursday 20th November 2014

Start 18:30

Item Page App number App Location/Description Recommendation

1 2 2014/24573 The Rhinewood Country House Hotel, Approve Glazebrook Lane, Rixton-With-Glazebrook, , WA3 5BB Full Planning (Major) - Proposed demolition of existing hotel and erection of 36 dwellings (comprising a mix of 27 houses and 9 apartments) with associated access, parking, landscaping and ancillary works (Resubmission of 2014/23974).



Application Number: 2014/24573

Location: The Rhinewood Country House Hotel, Glazebrook Lane, Rixton-With- Glazebrook, Warrington, WA3 5BB

Ward: Rixton And Woolston

Development Full Planning (Major) - Proposed demolition of existing hotel and erection of 36 dwellings (comprising a mix of 27 houses and 9 apartments) with associated access, parking, landscaping and ancillary works (Resubmission of 2014/23974). Date Registered: 01-Oct-2014

Applicant: Mr C/O Agent

8/13/16 Week Expiry Date: 30-Dec-2014

Reason for Referral

This application is referred to the Development Management Committee as it is deemed it to be appropriate and expedient by the Executive Director of Economic Regeneration, Growth and Environment. This application is also the subject of an objection and a request for a Committee Site Visit from Councillor Paul Bretherton.

Human Rights

The relevant provisions of the Human Rights Act 1998 and the European Convention on Human Rights has been taken into account in the preparation of this report, particularly the implications arising from Article 8 relating to the right to respect for private and family life, home and correspondence, and Article 1 of Protocol 1, concerned with the right of peaceful enjoyment of possessions and protection of property.

Site and Proposal

A similar recent application for the construction of 38 dwellings was withdrawn in September 2014. The current application proposes revisions to this scheme:

3 • Reduction in the number of dwellings proposed from 38 to 36; • Changes to the trees removed / retained (net increase of five trees from previous scheme); • Improved interface with Glazebrook Lane; • Increase landscaping areas within the site; • Additional parking: • Provision of 2m footpath along the site’s western boundary; • Amendment to the layout of the dwellings and parking bays to reduce visual impact; • Amendment to the elevations of each house type and apartments to improve the overall quality of the development; • Provision of shared spaces to improve movement within the site; • Provision of ‘Grasscrete’ parking bays to reduce the level of hard standing; • Properties will be rendered white in certain locations to be sympathetic to the station cottages close to the site.

The site is currently occupied by the hotel and its grounds. The proposal is to demolish all existing buildings and erect 9 apartments and 27 houses. Provision is also made for affordable housing in the form of a financial contribution to off site provision of £405,000. A Local Area of Play (LAP) is included and would be accommodated within a belt of open space to the southern part of the site.

The site is within the Green Belt. Glazebrook Green Belt Village is situated to the north of the railway line arranged linearly along Glazebrook Lane. There is mature landscaping and a number of trees around the site periphery, several of which are covered by Tree Preservation Orders. The proposal necessitate the removal of 13 trees to accommodate the new development with replacement planting of 43 trees. Access to the site is from Glazebrook Lane. There is no footpath on the northern side of Glazebrook Lane adjacent to the site. A new footpath is proposed along the site frontage to allow for pedestrian access into the site.

The site is approximately 1 ha in area and is roughly triangular in shape. The majority of the site is previously developed land occupied by the hotel and its buildings and hardstanding. Immediately to the north of the site is the railway line associated with Glazebrook Station. To the eastern part of the site there is a rectangular parcel of open undeveloped land. This is proposed to be utilised as the area of public open space and would accommodate the LAP.

4 There is a bus stop located at the opposite side of the railway line at Glazebrook Lane to the north west of the site. The bus stop is close to Glazebrook Train Station, which has services to and Liverpool.

Planning History

2014/23974 Full Planning (Major) Proposed demolition of existing hotel and the construction of 38 dwellings, (comprising a mix of 29 houses and 9 apartments), with associated landscaping, access and ancillary works – Withdrawn September 2014

95/33633 Proposed Covered Area in Existing Yard for Bottle Storage - Approved With Conditions – 1995

94/32040 Proposed Erection of Function Room and Glazed Link from Existing Building - Approved With Conditions – 1994

94/31418 Proposed Erection of Marquee - Withdrawn – 1994

93/31040 Proposed Erection of Marquee – Refused – 1993

93/30640 Retrospective Application for Temporary Siting Of Marquee – Refused – 1993

93/30639 Retrospective Application for Change of Use of Former Agricultural Land to Garden Area – Refused - 1993

92/29686 Change of Use from Stable to Public Bar and Toilets and Car Parking – Refused – 1992

92/29554 Proposed Storage and New Entrance Conservatory to Hotel - Approved With Conditions – 1992

92/29031 Display of Illuminated Signs - Approved With Conditions – 1992

90/25691 Erection of Extension to Bedroom Block - Approved With Conditions - 1990

89/24024 Extensions to Hotel to Provide 20 Additional Bedrooms Function Room And Gymnasium – Refused - 1989

88/22303 Erection of Externally Illuminated Publican/Hotel Sign - Approved With Conditions - 1988

87/20214 Proposed Additional Bedroom Accommodation - Approved With Conditions – 1987

86/19033 Erection of Hotel Signs - Approved With Conditions – 1986

5 86/18986 Conversion of Existing First Floor Residents Lounge to Function Room – Approved – 1986

86/18615 Erection of Hotel Sign - Approved With Conditions – 1986

86/18347 - Change of Use (At First Floor) From Bedroom Accommodation to Residents Lounge - Approved With Conditions – 1986

85/18026 Change of Use from First Floor Bedrooms to Recreation Room – Refused - 1985

85/17227 Conversion of First Floor Bedroom Accommodation to Function Room – Refused – 1985

84/16858 Cessation of Existing Haulage Use On Part of Site and Alterations and Extensions to 'Beechfield' Which Benefits from an Established Use as A Hotel - Approved With Conditions – 1985

84/16615 Application to Erect A Non-Illuminated Sign of Ownership – Approved – 1984

76/3763 Outline App for Proposed Hotel and Restaurant - Deemed Refusal- 1976

74/0620 - Change of Use to Licensed Restaurant from Residential Together With Car Park – Refused – 1974

Planning Policy

National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) Core Strategy (CS) Emerging Policy Policy CS 1 Overall Spatial Strategy-Delivering Sustainable Development Policy CS 2 Overall Spatial Strategy-Quantity and Distribution of Development Policy CS 4 Overall Spatial Strategy-Green Belt Policy SN 1 Distribution and Nature of New Housing Policy SN 2 Securing Mixed and Inclusive Neighbourhoods Policy QE 1 Decentralised Energy Networks and Low Carbon Development Policy QE 4 Flood Risk Policy QE 5 Biodiversity and Geodiversity Policy QE 6 Environment and Amenity Protection Policy QE 7 Ensuring a High Quality Place Policy QE 8 Historic Environment Policy MP 1 General Transport Principles Policy CC 2 Protecting the Countryside

Notification Responses

Councillors Objection received from Councillor Paul Bretherton:

6 On behalf of the residents whom I represent, I wish to object to this application based on the following:

- There is every chance that the site could be contaminated due to the fact there was a plant hire company occupying the site in the past.

- Contrary to the applicant’s statement, there are no local transport links with the nearest bus stop to Warrington and Irlam being over a mile away. Therefore all vehicle movements are likely to be made by car.

- Contrary to the applicant’s statement, there would be little if no economic benefit to the village of Glazebrook as amenities such as supermarkets, GP surgeries and clinics are located in neighbouring Culcheth & Irlam. The distance to the primary school of St Helen’s is equidistant with these amenities and this too would result in a significant number of additional car journeys where there is already an issue of congestion.

- The profile of the site would be raised due to the intent to build three storey apartments. The rural location of Glazebrook village means that there are only one or two story properties so this proposed development would be totally out of character with its surroundings.

- This proposed development could also set a precedent with failed applications in the past and may lead to further hostile applications in the future.

- Finally, there is the question of need with all the vacant properties currently on the market. Do we really need this development?

Comment: See Observations Section

Glazebrook and Rixton Parish Council The Parish Council have no objection to the Planning Application but object to affordable housing monies received via this application being used outside of the Parish and feel that at least £200,000 should be given to the Parish Council for works identifies as needed within the Parish.

Comment: The Council’s mechanisms for the delivery of affordable housing do not make allowance for the allocation of monies directly to Parish Councils.

Glazebrook Residents Action Group The only real significant alterations are that they have reduced the number of houses by two.

Objections to the original plans still hold with the new plans.

The development would mean an increase in the size of Glazebrook of about 10%. The infrastructure of the area cannot manage an increase of this size. The development is not in proportion to the village.

7 The Applicant states that this proposed development meets the exceptions tests set out in Paragraph 89 of the NPPF. This proposed development fails this test as it would have a greater impact on the openness of the Green Belt. The density of the housing is incompatible with the rest of the village.

By allowing this to go ahead it would set a precedent for further development nearby as stated previously.

The visual impact of a housing estate by the railway station would not be in keeping with the area.

There would be the likelihood of trees being removed and the proposed screening would take years before it would have any effect

The impact of the extra traffic on a busy B road could lead to an accident as vehicles leave the site onto a narrow stretch of road near to the railway bridge, as not only the residents but also delivery vans etc would be leaving the site onto this busy road.

Access onto the pavement on the opposite side of the road would be dangerous although the kerb could be lowered it would still leave it too narrow for a wheelchair or a push chair to be turned round to cross the road. Therefore disabled access is not sufficient.

Previous objection below still stands. Glazebrook Residents Action Group was formed at a public meeting in 1987 to protect the interests of the residents of Glazebrook. It has a formal charter. It has over the years consulted with and looked after the interests of the residents of Glazebrook.

1. The scale of the development is not in keeping with a development within the greenbelt. Glazebrook village is a rural community with properties which are either single or two stories high there are no three story high buildings. All the houses except 6 have reasonable size gardens both front and back as would be expected in the green belt. The proposed development would not have the size of gardens that would be expected and in keeping with the rest of the village.

2. The development would result in the demolition of a beautiful and historic building which was at one time vicarage and should perhaps be classified as a grade 2 listed building.

3. The hotel is the largest employer in the area, employing about 20 people some part time and some full time, it employs several young people on a part time basis as waiters who are gaining valuable work experience and communication skills.

4. The hotel is the only licensed premises in the village, it has a licence to hold weddings, it is used for funeral wakes, Christening and other parties, business meetings and local group meetings including the Rotary and Inner Wheel Clubs. There are 32 bedrooms that are very

8 well used by business men and travelling sales rep’s, hotel accommodation is at a premium in the district the only other public house in the area that has accommodation is always full up.

5. The reference that there will be an economic benefit to the community is wrong in fact just the opposite will be the case as it will result in the loss of 20 jobs which far outweighs any benefit that may occur. There is only one very small post office in the village which also carries a limited range of goods, (cards, sweets a few papers and a few loaves of bread). The owner of the post office asked us to set up the petition against the development he has signed it and also had it on display in his shop for his customers to sign. There was only one person who did not wish to sign the petition the rest of the people were very keen to sign. The petition which contains nearly 200 signatures, gained in less than a week will be sent in the post or hand delivered. The economic benefit would be gained by Irlam and and perhaps Culcheth which have a number of larger shops and supermarkets.

6. The village has no doctors the nearest being in Cadishead, no regular bus service the nearest being a walk of just over 1 mile and no amenities. There are only 10 trains to Manchester and 11 to Warrington a day spread out over the 24 hour period. There are no open spaces for the children to play except for the small patch of grass which would be left on the site.

7. The site exit is not suitable for a residential development, there would be some doubt that if the hotel applied now they would be granted permission due to the close proximity of the exit onto the B5212 being too near the hump backed bridge and restricting the view of people leaving the site. Vehicles including many HGV’s use Glazebrook lane as a run through from Leigh and Culcheth onto the A57 making it quite busy in the rush hour and at other times. The number of vehicles leaving the site would at least double to 60 and would present more of a hazard than at present.

8. There is no footpath on the side of the road nearest to the Rhinewood which would mean that people with children and prams would have to cross over the road at the exit close to the bridge and would be at risk from approaching vehicles.

9. The local primary school which is over 1 mile away was oversubscribed last year and has no public transport to it meaning the people would either have to use their cars or walk. When walking the footpath after Carlton Way narrows off and it would be impossible for someone with a pram to pass without someone having to go onto the road. The next nearest primary school is next to the High school in Culcheth about 3 miles away which would mean using a car if the parent had a young child as there in no way they could get back if they went on the school bus.

9 10. The reference to Ferndale Mews on the application is wrong as Ferndale Mews is about 1 mile to the North West and is not the one shown in the photograph. This makes us wonder what other assumptions they have made which are incorrect.

11. There are plenty of affordable houses in Glazebrook and Hollins Green. There are 14 houses on the market at the moment in Glazebrook some of which have been put on the market several times due to the owners not being able to sell them. There is a brown field site about 2 miles away in Cadishead of about 36,000 sq m which has been earmarked for housing and which is very close to shops, a good bus service, pubs a library and a bank and access directly onto the A57.

12. If the owners thought the building was not profitable enough as a hotel it is highly suitable for use as an old folks home or as a convalescent home for people coming out of hospital or a respite home all of which it could be adapted to without a lot of cost this would again bring in an economic benefit to the community as staff would be needed to run either of them.

13. At a public enquiry in 1998 when another proposal to build houses in Glazebrook was put forward the officer in charge of the enquiry in refusing permission for it stated “The Green Belt is not just being on the outside looking in but being inside and being able to enjoy it”. If this development went ahead it would be contrary to the outcome of that enquiry and would be a serious intrusion into the green belt.

14. Further planning refusals over the years have been: - x 74/0746 A proposal to build a bungalow to the east of Brush Farm which lies 100m from the proposed development x 74/0846 Change of use of disused ex War Department buildings to be used as a builders store off Bank Street x 75/1851 Extension to Brush Farm x 77/5284 Conversion of stables at 112 Glazebrook Lane x 78/6202 Residential development in Bank Street/Glazebrook Lane x 79/8466 Temporary storage for 2 years off Bank Street x 81/11244 Residential development on land adjacent to 271 Glazebrook Lane x 83/14441 Bungalow on Bank Street x 89/24509 8 Houses alongside Glazebrook lane

10 x 93/31308 2 Houses on land to the rear of 96 – 104 Glazebrook Lane

x 99/39327 1 House on Bank Street

x 99/40175 A site for travellers on the site of the old country club on Bank Street

x 99/40308 A site for car boot sales

x A00/41440 A residential unit at Glazebrook Country Club on Bank Street

x A02/46037 4 bedroom house to replace 264 Glazebrook Lane

x 2005/07033 Living accommodation at Glazebrook Country Club

x 2006/09696 Proposed 30 retirement apartments on Bank Street

Planning has also been refused for extensions to existing properties over the years.

If this plan was allowed to go ahead we feel that although the council looks at each plan on its merits we feel that the Council would find it difficult to refuse some of these applications which would almost certainly raise their heads again changing the village for the worst forever.

We feel that the Council should take the feelings of the residents of Glazebrook into consideration when making a decision over this planning application.

Comment: Issues relating to character, Green Belt, trees, landscaping, economic implications, infrastructure, ecology and highways are addressed in Observation Section below. The hotel is not listed or locally listed, and has no significant historic or aesthetic merit sufficient to justify its retention. The economic implications of the hotel closing are not of such significance that any weight could be given to it, and this is not a reason to withhold consent. The planning applications referenced are materially different to the current proposal and there is no precedent of a previously refused application to have regard to. Similarly it is not considered that the current proposal would prejudice the determination of any future applications in the Green Belt, which would like the current proposal need to be considered within the context of development plan policy operative at the time of determination and on its own individual merits. No petition has been submitted in respect of the current scheme.

Neighbours One letter of support received.

Three letters of objection received raising the following summarised points:

11 1. Loss of trees. 2. Harm to the village, 3. Should be a retirement home. 4. Additional traffic. 5. Footpath width inadequate. 6. Loss of wildlife. 7. Loss of privacy from apartments. 8. Greater impact on the openness of the Green Belt. 9. Overdevelopment. 10. Apartment block taller than the existing building is out of keeping with existing buildings within the village. 11. Not sustainable - Glazebrook Railway Station is only served by a 2 hourly train service with a 3 hour gap in the afternoons, with the ticket office only opening between 0700 and 1000 Monday to Friday, with no service on Sundays. Bus service (192) runs only runs on Monday, Wednesday and Friday's with one return 16 seater bus per day between Rixton and Birchwood. 12. No economic benefit to Glazebrook as it will result in the loss of 20 jobs at the Rhinewood Hotel. 13. There are no Doctors Surgeries located within Rixton with Glazebrook Parish with residents attending surgeries in either Salford or Culcheth. 14. All the local primary schools in Hollins Green and Salford are currently oversubscribed; this would result in more car journeys from this site. 15. No substantive economic benefit to Glazebrook. 16. Substantial bonus payment of over £300,000 will be payable to Warrington Borough Council – how spent and to what extent would it be directed towards the village of Glazebrook and the current limited infrastructure and facilities the village has - infrastructure needs enhancing or adding to if potentially between 100 and 200 new residents. 17. No good or safe access for road users or pedestrians - hump back bridge restricts view of motorists, particularly those who leave the site turning to the right across the flow of traffic - poor visibility for pedestrians. 18. Footpath on the side of Glazebrook Lane ridiculous as a safe solution to earlier highway objections – still hazardous point - Glazebrook Lane site of a number of accidents and also the need for speed checks hazard for cyclists - pavement not needed – would lighting be sufficient – leaf litter dangerous- gradient dangerous. 19. Fencing proposed inadequate - insignificant barrier - clear hazards to any occupiers utilising those gardens 20. Proposal not accessible by sustainable modes of transport as suggested. 21. Anti-social activity on open space. 22. Housing is not outward looking due to road level and railway. 23. Embankment instability. 24. Additional leaf falls next to railway. 25. How has crime been “designed out of the scheme? 26. What “man-made features” help to screen the application site from

12 view? 27. Insufficient parking. 28. Reference to Ferndale Mews incorrect. 29. No benefit to reduction in overall building footprint – more of the site will contain buildings - more of an intrusion.

Comment: Issues relating to character, Green Belt, trees, landscaping, economic implications, infrastructure, ecology and highways are addressed in Observation Section below. The merits of an alternative scheme for a retirement home are generally irrelevant, and the current application has to be considered against the development plan and national planning policy and on its own merits. Anti-social activity within the site would need to be addressed by the appropriate mechanisms and parties in the event that this became a problem in the future. The economic implications of the hotel closing are not of such significance that any weight could be given to it, and this is not a reason to withhold consent.

Consultation Responses

Arboriculturist No objections – conditions recommended to protect existing trees – trees to be removed satisfactorily mitigated with new planting

Asset and Flood Risk No objections - The Asset & Flood Risk Team has no objection in principle to the proposed development, but a drainage layout plan is required. Note that in the FRA it states that the surface water from the new development will collect in new drains laid within the road network but it doesn't state where they will discharge.

Comment: Condition recommended requiring provision of a foul and surface water drainage scheme.

Children’s Services No objection – no contribution sought for education provision

Environment Agency No objections – no comments to make on application

Environmental Health No objections - conditions recommended requiring further land investigation and remediation as necessary – condition also recommended requiring noise attenuation in accordance with recommendation of submitted Noise Report

Health and Safety Executive No objection – the HSE does not advise against the granting of planning permission on safety grounds

Highways No objections – conditions recommended relating to visibility, car and bicycle

13 parking, highway construction, management and maintenance, and Traffic Regulation Order Ecologist No objection – condition recommended relating to vegetation clearance in bird breeding season

Network Rail Objection as part of the application site is within the ownership of Network Rail – several conditions also recommended to ensure appropriate protection given to railway line

Comment: Network Rail is not identified at Certificate B of the application, but has been the subject of direct notification from the Council, and is consequently aware of the current application. A land ownership dispute between the parties is not subsequently relevant to the merits of the proposal, is not a reason to withhold planning permission and would need to be resolved between the parties to allow the development to proceed in the event that planning permission is granted.

Planning Policy (Energy) No objection – condition recommended to ensure implementation of carbon dioxide emissions minimisation and adherence to the energy hierarchy

Public Health No objection - aside from local impact of additional families in the area, there would be increased traffic for instance to and from Cadishead for schools, GPs and other amenities - this may create additional rush hour traffic especially at peak times - I would support improvements to the plan regarding pedestrians, cyclists and traffic for accident reduction by design at this planning stage - the applicants may wish to consider specific contribution to allay resident concern in this regard - the construction phase would also require management for impact on roads as well as the noise and dust from construction - the local play area is near the main access into the site and would need to be designed to keep young children safe from this road.

Comment: Highway related issues addressed by Highways Department – informative recommended relating to working hours and dust.

United Utilities No objections – condition recommended requiring approval and implementation of a foul and surface water drainage scheme – additionally a public sewer crosses this site and UU will not permit building over it - access strip width of six metres required three metres either side of the centre line of the sewer.

Comment: Notwithstanding a grant of planning permission, the applicant would need to have regard to presence of public sewer – condition recommended to ensure submission and implementation of appropriate drainage.

14 Observations

Principle / Green Belt Core Strategy Policy SN1 states that new housing within the Green Belt will only be approved where it accords with national policy. The NPPF (para. 89 (6)) identifies the following as not inappropriate development within the Green Belt:

- “limited infilling or the partial or complete redevelopment of previously developed sites (brownfield land), whether redundant or in continuing use (excluding temporary buildings), which would not have a greater impact on the openness of the Green Belt and the purpose of including land within it than the existing development”.

The supporting information submitted with the application indicates that the proposed residential development has a footprint of comparable size to the existing hotel and its buildings:

- Existing floor area = 2817sqm - Proposed floor area = 2525sqm (i.e. 292 sqm less)

Similarly the height of the parts of the proposed built form is similar:

- Existing hotel = 10.2m - Proposed apartments = 10.4m

The existing hotel is a larger single mass of built form, slightly lower than the proposed apartment building, but higher than the proposed houses. The proposal essentially redistributes the footprint of built form across the site. The presence of built form is mitigated further by the apartment building being located within the western corner of the site where the gradient of the adjoining carriageway of Glazebrook Lane increases upwards towards the adjacent railway bridge, thus reducing the visibilty of the building from the south and west. Two storey housing is proposed to the more exposed eastern and south east boundaries.

The proposal restricts development to the area of brownfield land upon which the existing hotel buildings and associated areas of hardstanding currently occupy, without encroachment onto the adjacent open green area within the site. This 2,250sqm parcel of land would be retained as an area of open space.

The introduction of housing brings with it the associated activity, garden areas, access roads, lighting and traffic movements, etc. However having regard to the use of the site as a hotel, it is not considered that the character of the proposed use would be materially more harmful or intrusive than the existing use of the site. The proposal has no significant adverse implications for checking the unrestricted sprawl of large built-up areas, preventing

15 neighbouring towns merging into one another, preserving the setting and special character of historic towns, or preventing urban regeneration. The proposal would also not result in encroachment onto previously undeveloped land within the countryside.

The proposal would not therefore have a materially greater impact on the openness of the Green Belt and the purpose of including land within it than the existing development.


Affordable Housing As set out above, the proposal makes provision for the delivery of the equivalent of 30% affordable housing in the form of a financial contribution of £405,000. The application is accompanied by a section 106 agreement which would be executed on approval of planning permission.

Education Consultation with the Council’s Children Services Directorate confirms that there is adequate capacity within local schools and the proposal has no implications for education provision.

Health There are no objections to the scheme from the Public Health Officer, and it is not considered that there is any sufficient evidence to withhold consent on the grounds that the proposal would significantly impact upon health service provision.

Recreation The proposal includes 2250sqm of open space and an area of equipped play provision. A condition is recommended to secure the future management and maintenance of these areas, as well as other public open spaces within the wider site.

With the safeguards of conditions to secure these various elements it is considered that there is adequate infrastructure in place to allow the development to progress.

Character A key design objective for new housing development is to create a place with a locally inspired or otherwise distinctive character.

Policy QE6 of the Warrington Core Strategy states that the Council will only support development which would not lead to an adverse impact on the environment and would not have an unacceptable impact on the surrounding area.

Policy QE7 requires development to reinforce local distinctiveness and enhance the character, appearance and function of the street scene, local area and wider townscape. It should also maintain and respect landscape

16 character and, where appropriate, distinctiveness of the surrounding countryside. Density and mix of development should optimise the potential of the site without damaging the character of the area.

Policy CC2 specifically relates to countryside protection. Development proposals in the countryside which accord with Green Belt policies set out in the national planning policy will be supported provided that the detailed siting and design of the development relates satisfactorily to its rural setting. It should respect local landscape character, both in terms of immediate impact, or from distant views. Unobtrusive provision should be made for any parking facilities.

The nearby listed building and locally listed buildings are obvious design reference points in terms of a locally inspired approach. The application varies the previous scheme with enhanced elevational design of the buildings. This has resulted in changes to minor detailing (heads, cills, and windows), decorative barge boarding to apartments (similar to station), render, and more active elevations facing public areas. The omission of two dwellings results in a more spacious form of development than previous.

The retention of more trees internally improves the interior residential environment, and offsets the loss of trees on the site frontage, with a net increase of five trees from the previous scheme. In total the proposed development would result in the loss of 13 trees and the introduction of 43 new trees, which although they would take time to mature, does result in a an increase in planting at a ratio of more than 3:1.

Alterations to the car park arrangements complement this, with a more sympathetic integration of parking and more sensitive surface treatment. The arrangement of houses to have a direct interface with the main area of open space improves passive surveillance and improves the setting and outlook of several of the houses. A wider choice of materials and house types adds to the diversity variety of built form.

In summary, having regard to the existing character of the hotel and its surrounds the proposal would maintain and respect landscape character and better optimise the potential of the site without damaging the character of the area, both in terms of immediate impact and from distant views.

Highways Existing Situation The site is on the B5212 Glazebrook Lane which is subject to a 30mph speed limit. There are separate vehicular and pedestrian accesses to the site. There is no footway along the site frontage with Glazebrook Lane, although a sub- standard 1m wide tarmac footway exists near the railway bridge. There is a 1m wide grass verge along the remainder of the site and there adjacent to a number of protected trees.

There is a narrow sub-standard footway on the opposite side of Glazebrook Lane which is approximately 1.2m wide at its narrowest point near the site

17 access junction. There is a grass verge adjacent to the site in a south easterly direction towards Brush Farm. Proposed Site Access Arrangements The proposed site plan indicates that the existing vehicular access for the site would be retained with the junction radii improved. The internal site access road proposed for adoption would be 5.5m wide with 2m wide footways into the central area of the site. Large refuse vehicles would be able to turn around on the site.

A highway visibility splay of 2.4 x 43m at the proposed site access junction would be achievable which is acceptable. No obstructions above a height of 0.6m would be permitted within the visibility splay. As shown on the proposed site plan, there would be adequate forward visibility on the internal site access road for the development. Pedestrian crossing points, with dropped kerbs and tactile paving, would be required in the vicinity of the site access junction which could be dealt with at detailed design stage.

A new 2m wide footway would be provided within the site from the existing kerb line along the site frontage to Glazebrook Lane. It would tie into the existing footway at the railway bridge and facilitate pedestrian access to the development. The introduction of the visibility splay at the site access junction and the construction of the 2m footway is a sensitive element having regard to the presence of protected trees in the vicinity. See Trees Section of report.

The proposed access arrangements for plots 24 to 36 do not comply with the Council’s Design Guide as they serve more than 5 dwellings off a shared private drive and are therefore not to adoptable highway standards. Suitable highway management and maintenance arrangements for the shared private drives would need to be demonstrated. These elements would be incorporated into the S106 agreement. The shared private drives would need to be of a sufficient width to allow 2 cars to pass each other. Pedestrian paths of adequate width would also need to be provided to all the dwellings.

Proposed Parking Provision All the houses would have 2 off-street parking spaces. There would be 15 parking spaces to serve the 9 apartments, all of which would be shared use. This would maximise their use by making them available to all residents and visitors of the flats. The proposed car park for the apartments would not extend beyond the existing kerb line of the current hotel car park and therefore the existing embankment between Glazebrook Lane and the car park would remain unaltered as shown on the proposed site plan. The car parking provision for the development is therefore considered to be acceptable. Cycle parking would be required for the apartments.

Due to the potential creation of pedestrian access points from dwellings onto Glazebrook Lane, a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) is necessary to introduce ‘no waiting at any time’ restrictions on Glazebrook Lane. This should ensure the off-street parking areas are used and prevent residents from parking on the highway which would have an adverse impact on the free flow of traffic on Glazebrook Lane.

18 Proposed Traffic Generation The applicant has undertaken a Transport Statement (TS) which assessed the traffic impact for the existing and proposed uses of the site using the TRICS database. The TS identified a total of 10 and 7 two-way trips during the AM and PM peak hours respectively for the hotel. For the proposed residential development, 25 and 24 two-way trips were calculated for the AM and PM peak hours respectively. Based on these figures, the traffic generated by the site would increase by 15 vehicles in the AM peak period and 17 in the PM peak. This equates to around one additional vehicle every 4 minutes and therefore the increased traffic generated by the development should be able to be accommodated on the adjacent highway network.

Residential Amenity The application site does not have a direct interface with any existing residential dwellings.

The nearest residential property to the north of the site on the opposite side of the adjacent railway line is no. 120 Glazebrook Lane, which has a side garden area on its southern side, which is relatively exposed to views from the three storey apartment block. A separation in excess of 50m is retained to this property, and there would not subsequently be any loss of amenity to such a degree as to justify withholding planning permission. The revised submission also includes planting on this boundary to help screen the apartment building.

Several windows within the apartment building would overlook the gardens of the adjacent houses within the site itself. A condition to ensure use of obscure glazing is capable of addressing this. The rooms affected by obscure glazing have alternative principal windows, and the living conditions of the future occupiers would not be severely compromised.

Land Quality The application is accompanied by a Phase I Geo-Environmental Site Assessment (E3P, Ref: 10197, dated May 2014).

The Conceptual Site Model (CSM) derived within the Preliminary Risk Assessment (PRA), following a review of the site history and current land use/ground conditions, identifies 4 potential pollutant linkages which were all considered to be low risk. Potential sources of contamination included hydrocarbon compounds associated with the adjacent railway line, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) from the electricity substation off site, sulphates, and made ground across the site from previous development. It is noted that the site may have been used for haulage purposes. Further investigation, including gas and groundwater monitoring is required to assess the ground conditions following demolition. An asbestos survey is also recommended. Conditions are subsequently recommended to address these matters.

Air Quality

19 The planning application is accompanied by an Air Quality Assessment (REC ref. 33955R1, dated 30th May 2014).

The application site is in close proximity to the local rail network. As such, the proposal has the potential to expose new residents to elevated pollutant concentrations. Additionally, there is the potential to cause air quality impacts as a result of exhaust emissions associated with vehicles travelling to and from the site during the operational phase. The Air Quality Assessment thus seeks to determine baseline conditions, assess site suitability for the proposed end use and consider impacts as a result of the development.

Dispersion modelling was undertaken in order to quantify existing pollutant concentrations at the site. The results indicated that predicted pollution concentrations were below the relevant air quality standard at the proposed development. As such, the location was considered suitable for residential use without air quality constraints.

Potential impacts during the operational phase of the development may occur due to road traffic exhaust emissions associated with vehicles travelling to and from the site. A screening assessment was therefore undertaken to determine the potential for trips generated by the development to affect local air quality. This indicated that impacts were not anticipated to be significant. Based on the results of the assessment, air quality is not considered a significant constraint.

Noise The planning application is accompanied by a Noise Assessment (Acoustic & Engineering Consultants Limited, 29th May 2014).

The report concludes that in order to achieve acceptable internal noise levels in habitable rooms, mitigation measures are required to the majority of the habitable rooms due to noise levels associated with road traffic on Glazebrook Lane and train movements on the adjacent railway line. The mitigation measures include typical glazing and ventilation in the form of acoustic trickle vents.

Noise levels in the gardens would exceed the Council’s requirement of 50dBLAeq. Therefore, mitigation measures are required to control noise levels in the gardens of the proposed properties.

Vibration levels were found to be significantly lower than the levels recommended in BS6472, and hence vibration would not be an issue.

The consultation response of the Environmental Health Department does not express objection to the proposal subject to a condition ensuring that the specified acoustic mitigation measures are implemented.

Flood Risk There is an existing watercourse which runs in close proximity of the eastern boundary of the site, Glaze Brook, which ultimately discharges via the

20 Manchester ship canal into the Mersey Estuary. The watercourse is designated as a Main River under the Environment Agency’s jurisdiction.

The site lies within Flood Zone 1 and is therefore unlikely to be affected by fluvial flooding. There is a fall from Glazebrook Lane to the eastern boundary by approximately 4.0m. Redevelopment of the site would result in a reduction of impermeable areas and based upon the 50% betterment the proposed run off would be significantly lower than the existing, the existing run off (70l/s) would be reduced to a maximum discharge rate of 35 l/s. Redevelopment of the site would not be expected to displace any flood waters. No mitigation measures are considered necessary to mitigate the risk from infrastructure failure.

Biodiversity The application is accompanied by an Ecological Survey (Bat Roost Inspection of Trees, REC. ref 60320P2R0). No evidence of bats was found roosting within the building or trees and activity surveys were not recommended on account of the low probability of presence. There is some potential within the building however and owing to bats, particularly Pipistrelle’s, being highly transient in nature; the demolition of the building should include a sensitive approach with regards to the removal of the roof structure. A condition is recommended to restrict vegetation clearance in the bird breeding season.

Trees The proposal would result in the loss of 13 trees, some of which are mature attractive trees of merit. There would subsequently be some degree of harm caused to the character of the site from the removal of trees, but this is it is considered mitigated by new planting and the retention of screening vegetation. As set out above 43 new trees are proposed to be planted, which although they would take time to mature, would result in an increase in planting at a ratio of more than 3:1. Conditions are recommended to ensure adequate protection of existing trees, and in particular regard would need to be had to the construction of the footpath on the southern boundary, and the pressure for pruning / removal from future residents.

Energy The policy requirement is to achieve CO2 reductions beyond the current building regulations (now 2013 regulations). It is not prescriptive on how this is achieved. It can be by installing renewables or by fabric improvements to improve U-values beyond the minimum required by the current Building Regulations. A condition is therefore necessary in the event that consent is granted to ensure appropriate measures are implemented into the scheme.

Summary The new development would have 292sqm less floor area than the existing hotel and would be restricted to the existing developed parts of the site, and would not subsequently have a greater impact than the existing development on the openness of the Green Belt. Adequate infrastructure is in place, including provision for £405,000 to meet affordable housing requirements,

21 2,250 sqm of open space, and a children’s play facility. The design and layout of the site is satisfactory, as are the measures in place to control environmental impacts in terms of noise, air and land quality, biodiversity and carbon emission reduction. The proposal does involve the loss of several trees, but with mitigatory provision at the ratio of 3:1, the protection of trees to be retained, and also having regard to the wider benefits of the scheme in the context of economic gain and housing delivery, the proposal is considered to be acceptable and in accordance with the relevant provisions of the development and national planning policy.


Approve Subject to Conditions

Conditions & Reasons

1. Condition: The development hereby approved shall be commenced before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.

Reason: To ensure that the Local Planning Authority retains the right to review unimplemented permissions and to comply with Section 91 (as amended) of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990.

2. Condition: Prior to the occupation of any property identified as being subject to acoustic mitigation within the submitted Noise Assessment (AEC REPORT: P2997/R1/PJK, 29 May 2014), the specified acoustic mitigation measures shall be implemented in accordance with paragraphs 6.2, 6.3 (including additional measures identified within table 6), 6.4 and 6.5 of the Noise Assessment. A verification report confirming the installation of all agreed mitigation measures (including documented evidence) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before the final residential occupation a dwelling on the site.

Reason: To protect future occupiers of the site from the impacts of road and rail noise. This is in accordance with the following policies of the Warrington Core Strategy: Policy QE6 Environment and Amenity Protection; Policy QE7 Ensuring a High Quality Place. Obscure Glazing

3. Condition: Prior to the commencement of development, details of the measures to be implemented to minimise carbon dioxide emissions and the impacts of climate change by adhering to the energy hierarchy shall be submitted to and agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority. The scheme should demonstrate to what extent the proposals will exceed the carbon dioxide emission requirements of Part L1A of the Building Regulations at the time that the scheme is submitted. All the agreed measures shall be implemented as part of the construction process and retained thereafter, unless the prior consent of the Local Planning Authority is given for any variation.

Reason: In the interests of energy efficiency and to minimise carbon dioxide

22 emissions so as to contribute to the delivery of sustainable development and mitigate climate change. This is in accordance with the following policies of the Warrington Core Strategy: Policy QE6 Environment and Amenity Protection; Policy QE7 Ensuring a High Quality Place.

4. Condition: Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (or any Order revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification):

No fencing or walls shall be erected, other than those expressly authorised by this permission, unless planning permission for such development has been granted by the Local Planning Authority. No hardstandings shall be formed, other than those expressly authorised by this permission, unless planning permission for such development has been granted by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: In the interests of visual amenity having regard to the presence of rear gardens abutting Glazebrook Lane, and also having regard to the woodland character of the site and the need to ensure adequate protection of trees which contribute to the character of the site and local area. This is in accordance with the following policies of the Warrington Core Strategy: Policy QE6 Environment and Amenity Protection; Policy QE7 Ensuring a High Quality Place.

5. Condition: The obscure glazing to be fitted within the south east facing elevation of the apartment building shall be retained at all times, unless alternative glazing is first approved in writing with the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: To protect the privacy of the occupiers of the adjacent dwellings. This is in accordance with the following policies of the Warrington Core Strategy: Policy QE6 Environment and Amenity Protection; Policy QE7 Ensuring a High Quality Place

6. Condition: Prior to the occupation of a dwelling on the site, an ‘Open Space and Landscape Maintenance and Management Scheme’ shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved scheme shall thereafter be fully implemented in accordance with an agreed timescale and shall include details of legal arrangements including ownership and management responsibilities, planned maintenance tasks, access arrangements and monitoring procedures. The maintenance and management arrangements should amongst other responsibilities address the management of the following parts of the site:

The 2250sqm parcel of open space to the south of the site; The children’s play area; Trees (including legal arrangements for maintenance within private garden areas); Areas of landscaping and communal parking areas.

23 Reason: In the interests of visual amenity having regard to the woodland character of the site and the need to ensure adequate maintenance and management of the various identified areas which are important elements of local character. This is in accordance with the following policies of the Warrington Core Strategy: Policy QE6 Environment and Amenity Protection; Policy QE7 Ensuring a High Quality Place.

7. Condition: Prior to the commencement of development, a scheme/mechanism shall be submitted to and approved with the Local Planning Authority detailing how the provision for 30% affordable housing will be met in accordance with the definition of affordable housing contained in Annex 2 of the National Planning Policy Framework (March 2012) (or any subsequent guidance that supercedes it).

Reason: To secure the provision of Affordable Housing in accordance with the application submission and contribute to meeting housing needs as identified in the Council’s Strategic Housing Market Assessment (2011). This is in accordance with the following policy of the Local Plan Core Strategy: Policy SN2 Securing Mixed and Inclusive Neighbourhoods.

8. Condition: No trees or shrubs shall be removed between the 1st March and 31st August in any year unless a detailed bird nest survey by a suitably experienced ecologist has been carried out immediately prior to clearance. The acceptability of the survey shall be agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of removal of trees or shrubs.

Reason: In the interests of birds and biodiversity protection and enhancement. This is in accordance with the following policies of the Warrington Core Strategy: Policy QE6 Environment and Amenity Protection; Policy QE7 Ensuring a High Quality Place; Policy QE5 Biodiversity and Geodiversity.

9. Condition: Prior to the commencement of the development, details of a scheme to demonstrate disposal of both surface water and foul water drainage directed away from the adjacent railway line, shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, after consultation with Network Rail. Development shall proceed in accordance with the approved details.

Reason: To protect the adjacent railway line from the risk of flooding and pollution. This is in accordance with the following policies of the Warrington Core Strategy: Policy QE6 Environment and Amenity Protection; Policy QE7 Ensuring a High Quality Place; Policy QE5 Biodiversity and Geodiversity.

10. Prior to the commencement of development, details of existing and proposed ground levels, including all earthworks, excavations and land reprofiling, including works adjacent to the railway line and road embankment, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, after consultation with Network Rail. Development shall proceed in accordance with the approved details.

24 Reason: In the interests of visual amenity and the safety and amenity of future occupiers and users of adjacent land. This is in accordance with the following policies of the Warrington Core Strategy: Policy QE6 Environment and Amenity Protection; Policy QE7 Ensuring a High Quality Place.

11. Condition: Before any vibro-impact works are undertaken on site, a risk assessment and method statement shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, after consultation with Network Rail. Development shall proceed in accordance with the approved details.

Reason: To prevent any piling works and vibration from de-stabilising or impacting upon the adjacent railway. This is in accordance with the following policies of the Warrington Core Strategy: Policy QE6 Environment and Amenity Protection; Policy QE7 Ensuring a High Quality Place; Policy QE5 Biodiversity and Geodiversity.

12. Condition: Prior to commencement of use of a dwelling hereby approved, details of a trespass proof fence to be erected along the boundary with the adjacent railway line shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, after consultation with Network Rail. The fencing shall be erected prior to the commencement of use of a dwelling and retained at all times thereafter, unless alternative fencing is first agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: In the interests of safety and the amenity of future occupiers of the site and the safe use of adjacent land. This is in accordance with the following policies of the Warrington Core Strategy: Policy QE6 Environment and Amenity Protection; Policy QE7 Ensuring a High Quality Place.

13. Condition: Prior to the occupation of the development, a visibility splay of 2.4 metres by 43 metres shall be provided at the site access junction onto Glazebrook Lane and retained as such thereafter. Nothing shall be subsequently erected or allowed to grow to a height in excess of 0.6 metres within the splay.

Reason: In the interests of highway safety. This is in accordance with the following policies of the Warrington Core Strategy: Policy QE6 Environment and Amenity Protection; Policy QE7 Ensuring a High Quality Place.

14. Condition: Prior to the occupation of the development, the car parking and turning areas to serve the development shall be laid out and surfaced in accordance with the approved site plan, and made available for use and retained as such thereafter.

Reason: In the interests of highway safety. This is in accordance with the following policies of the Warrington Core Strategy: Policy QE6 Environment and Amenity Protection; Policy QE7 Ensuring a High Quality Place.

15. Condition: Prior to development commencing, details of a scheme of

25 bicycle parking to serve the development shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall not be occupied until the cycle parking facilities have been provided in accordance with the approved details.

Reason: To promote alternative methods of transport other than the car. This is in accordance with the following policies of the Warrington Core Strategy: Policy QE6 Environment and Amenity Protection; Policy QE7 Ensuring a High Quality Place.

16. Condition: Prior to the commencement of the development, full construction details of the development’s highway infrastructure, including its site access junction onto Glazebrook Lane, pedestrian crossing points and 2m footway on Glazebrook Lane, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall not be occupied until the highway infrastructure has been laid out and constructed in accordance with the approved plans, and shall be retained as such thereafter.

Reason: In the interests of highway safety. This is in accordance with the following policies of the Warrington Core Strategy: Policy QE6 Environment and Amenity Protection; Policy QE7 Ensuring a High Quality Place.

17. Condition: No development shall be commenced until details of the proposed arrangements for the future management and maintenance of the proposed streets within the development have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The streets shall thereafter be maintained in accordance with the approved management and maintenance details until such time as an agreement has been entered into under section 38 of the Highways Act 1980 or a private Management and Maintenance Company has been established.

Reason: In the interests of highway safety and the amenity of future occupiers. This is in accordance with the following policies of the Warrington Core Strategy: Policy QE6 Environment and Amenity Protection; Policy QE7 Ensuring a High Quality Place.

18. Condition: Prior to the commencement of the development hereby approved, a scheme/details shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority to enable the Local Highway Authority to progress a Traffic Regulation Order to provide ‘no waiting at any time’ restrictions on Glazebrook Lane.

Reason: In the interests of highway safety. This is in accordance with the following policies of the Warrington Core Strategy: Policy QE6 Environment and Amenity Protection; Policy QE7 Ensuring a High Quality Place.

19. Condition: The development shall be carried out in accordance with the following plans / documents:

Glazebrook Lane Boundary Treatment

26 Materials Schedule Planning Layout rev. H Floor Plans & Elevation House Type A 2B 675 Front Elevation House Type B dwg 104.16.3B790.07 Rear Elevation House Type B dwg 104.16.3B790.08 Rear Elevation House Type B 3B 790 Plots 5, 6, 7 dwg 104.16.3B790.08 Side Elevation House Type B dwg 104.16.3B790.07 Ground Floor Plan House Type B dwg 104.16.3B790.02 rev A First Floor Plan House Type B dwg 104.16.3B790.03 rev A Rear Elevation House Type C plots 4 & 8 dwg 104.16.3B790.088 Rear Elevation House Type C dwg 104.16.3B790.088 Rear Elevation House Type C dwg 104.16.3B790.088 Side Elevation House Type C dwg 104.16.3B790.077 rev A Front Elevation House Type C dwg 104.16.3B790.066 First Floor Plan House Type C dwg 104.16.3B790.03 rev A Ground Floor Plan House Type C dwg 104.16.3B790.02 rev A Floor Plans & Elevation House Type D 3B 935 Apartments Floor Plans & Elevation plots 9 – 17 Window Cross Section Design and Access Statement (Indigo Planning) Sustainability Statement prepared (Indigo Planning) Location Plan Tree Works (LDS) Tree Survey (LDS) Flood Risk Assessment (ELLUC Projects) Transport Statement (Crofts Transport Solutions) Noise Assessment (AEC) Phase 1 Site Investigation (e3p) Air Quality Assessment (REC) Ecology & Bat Report (REC)

Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and to enable Warrington Borough Council to adequately control the development and to minimise its impact on the amenities of the local area and to conform with Policy QE6 of the Warrington Core Strategy.

20. Condition: Prior to the commencement of the development hereby approved, samples of the external roofing and facing materials (including colour or render, paintwork and colourwash), shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval. The development shall be constructed in accordance with the approved details/samples.

Reason: In the interests of visual amenity. This is in accordance with the following policies of the Warrington Core Strategy: Policy QE6 Environment and Amenity Protection; Policy QE7 Ensuring a High Quality Place

21. Condition: Unless otherwise agreed with the Local Planning Authority, development works of any kind shall not begin until the following requirements have been undertaken to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority and written approval to commence development works has been issued by the

27 Local Planning Authority. All requirements to be completed in accordance with the following guidance references: CLR11 (Environment Agency/DEFRA, 2004); BS10175 (British Standards Institution, 2011); C665 (CIRIA, 2007).

A: Characterisation: With specific consideration to human health, controlled waters and wider environmental factors, the following must be provided (as required) to fully characterise the site in terms of potential risk to sensitive receptors:

- Preliminary Risk Assessment (PRA or Desk Study) - Intrusive Site Investigation - Generic Quantitative Risk Assessment (GQRA) - Detailed Quantitative Risk Assessment (DQRA) - Remedial Options Appraisal

PRA is the minimum requirement. DQRA only to be submitted if GQRA findings require it. The investigation(s) and risk assessment(s) must be undertaken by competent persons and all findings must form the subject of a written report.

B: Submission Of A Remediation & Verification Scheme: If required by Section A, a remediation scheme must be agreed with the Local Planning Authority to ensure the site is suitable for the intended use and mitigate risks to human health, controlled waters and environmental receptors. Proposals should be derived from the Remedial Options Appraisal and form the subject of a written Remediation & Verification Strategy Report, detailing proposed remediation measures/objectives and how proposed remedial measures are to be verified / validated. All must be agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: To mitigate risks posed by land contamination to human health controlled water and wider environmental receptors on the site (and in the vicinity) during development works and after completion. This is in accordance with the following policies of the Warrington Core Strategy: Policy QE6 Environment and Amenity Protection; Policy QE7 Ensuring a High Quality Place.

22. Condition: Unless otherwise agreed with the Local Planning Authority occupancy or use of the development shall not be permitted until the following requirements have been satisfied and discharged by the Local Planning Authority. All requirements to be completed in accordance with the following guidance references: CLR11 (Environment Agency/DEFRA, 2004); BS10175 (British Standards Institution, 2011); C665 (CIRIA, 2007).

A: Remediation & Verification: The remediation scheme approved by the Local Planning Authority shall be carried out in accordance with the agreed Remediation Strategy and remedial works shall be verified in accordance with the agreed Verification Strategy. Following completion of all measures, a Verification/Validation/Completion Report must be produced and submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval.

28 B: Reporting Of Unexpected Contamination: Unexpected or previously- unidentified contamination encountered during development works must be reported immediately to the Local Planning Authority and works halted within the affected area. Contamination must then be characterised by intrusive investigation and risk assessment reporting, with remediation/verification measures (if required) being agreed with the Local Planning Authority. An updated Remediation & Verification Strategy Report must then be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval and procedures followed as per Section A of this Condition.

C: Long-Term Monitoring & Maintenance: If required as part of the agreed remediation scheme, monitoring and/or maintenance of remedial measures may be required to be carried out post-completion of development works and in accordance with the Model Procedures for the Management of Land Contamination (Ref: CLR11) guidance document, published by DEFRA and the Environment Agency. Following completion of all works, findings must form the subject of a written report and be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval.

Reason: To mitigate risks posed by land contamination to human health controlled water and wider environmental receptors on the site (and in the vicinity) during development works and after completion. This is in accordance with the following policies of the Warrington Core Strategy: Policy QE6 Environment and Amenity Protection; Policy QE7 Ensuring a High Quality Place.

23. Condition: Prior to the commencement of development, details of the proposed boundary treatment for the site shall be submitted to and agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority. The boundary treatment shall be implemented in accordance with the agreed details.

Reason: In the interests of visual amenity and the character and openness of the Green Belt. This is in accordance with the following policies of the Warrington Core Strategy: Policy QE6 Environment and Amenity Protection; Policy QE7 Ensuring a High Quality Place.

24. Condition: Prior to the commencement of development, a scheme for the disposal of foul and surface waters for the entire site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. For the avoidance of doubt, surface water must drain separate from the foul and no surface water will be permitted to discharge directly or indirectly into existing sewerage systems. The development shall be completed, maintained and managed in accordance with the approved details.

Reason: To ensure a satisfactory form of development and to prevent an undue increase in surface water run-off and to reduce the risk of flooding. This is in accordance with the following policies of the Warrington Core Strategy: Policy QE6 Environment and Amenity Protection; Policy QE7 Ensuring a High Quality Place; Policy QE4 Flood Risk.

29 25. Condition: All trees to be retained on site shall be protected in accordance with BS 5837:2012 Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction. The development shall not commence unless and until the measures required by the British Standard are implemented and all measures required shall continue until the development has been completed.

Reason: To ensure that the trees on the site are protected during construction works in the interests of local amenity. This is in accordance with the following policies of the Warrington Core Strategy: Policy QE6 Environment and Amenity Protection; Policy QE7 Ensuring a High Quality Place.

26. Condition: Prior to the commencement of development, a Method Statement shall be submitted to and agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority, setting out the method of construction of the footpath along Glazebrook Lane, having regard to the protection and welfare of the adjacent trees.

Reason: To avoid undue harm to the adjacent trees, which have significant amenity value. This is in accordance with the following policies of the Warrington Core Strategy: Policy QE6 Environment and Amenity Protection; Policy QE7 Ensuring a High Quality Place


1. Informative: The execution of a Section 106 agreement would be one option to address the affordable housing requirements (condition 7) of the planning application and to subsequently allow discharge of the planning condition. As already agreed by the applicant an off site financial contribution would be one option available to the applicant. 2. Informative: The Local Planning Authority has worked positively and proactively with the applicant to ensure that the proposal is an appropriate form of development. The proposal was the subject of pre-application discussion and as a result the proposal accords with the development plan. The Local Planning Authority has therefore implemented the requirements in paragraphs 186-187 of the National Planning Policy Framework. 3. Informative: If your proposal involves activities that could affect the operations/installations of the Statutory Undertakers you are advised to consult the relevant party BEFORE commencing work. The Local Planning Authority disclaims all responsibility in the event of any accident, mishap or damage should you fail to act on this advice. 4. Informative: In the interests of residential amenity, the applicant/agent/developer is strongly advised to adopt the following recommended construction/demolition hours for all works on site - Works audible at or beyond the site boundary should not occur outside of Monday to Friday 08.00hrs to 18.00 hrs Saturday 08.30hrs to 13.30hrs and at no time on Sundays or Public/Bank Holidays. Noisy or disruptive works carried on outside of these hours are much more likely to raise objections or complaints

30 by local residents (due to disturbance) to the redevelopment of the site which may, in turn, result in formal action being pursued by Public Protection Services to enforce the recommended hours. For more advice and guidance on recommended construction/demolition hours or construction/demolition methods, please contact an officer from Public Protection on 01925 442589. 5. Informative: A public sewer crosses this site and United Utilities will not permit building over it and require an access strip width of six metres, three metres either side of the centre line of the sewer which is in accordance with the minimum distances specified in the current issue of Sewers for Adoption, for maintenance or replacement. A modification of the site layout, or a diversion of the affected public sewer at the applicant's expense, may be necessary. To establish if a sewer diversion is feasible, you are advised to discuss this at an early stage with (John Lunt) Developer Engineer at [email protected] as a lengthy lead in period may be required if a sewer diversion proves to be acceptable. Deep rooted shrubs and trees should not be planted in the vicinity of the public sewer and overflow systems. 6. Informative - In many cases your proposal will also require consent under the Building Regulations 2010, for advice and guidance on the requirements of the Building Regulations, please contact our Building Control section on 01925 442554 or email [email protected] 7. Informative - The applicant is advised to consider implementing a range of dust suppression measures during the demolition and construction phase. Dusts from demolition and construction projects can easily become wind entrained and affect the amenity of sensitive properties around the periphery of the site. Advice on appropriate mitigation measures can be sought from Environmental Protection Officers who can be contacted on 01925 442589. Typical measures would include dampening down of dry or dusty wastes and limiting the storage of fine aggregates where they can become wind entrained. 8. Informative: There is some potential within the building for the presence of bats, as they are highly transient in nature. The demolition of the building should therefore include a sensitive approach with regards to the removal of the roof structure. 9. Informative: Prior to the commencement of development, an agreement under section 38 of the Highways Act 1980 shall be entered into with the Council. This agreement will cover works to the existing adopted highway adjacent to the site frontage and the highway proposed for adoption within the development site. The applicant should contact the Council’s highway adoption engineer, Chris Bluck (telephone no. 01925 442688) to action.

31 Appendix 1

32 33 34 Appendix 2

35 36 37 38 39 40  APPENDIX 2












  APPENDIX 3 3 APPENDIX From 27 July Bus 67 Times changed 67

Easy access on all buses

Cadishead Irlam Peel Green Eccles Pendleton Manchester

27 July 2014

For public transport information phone 0871 200 22 33

7am – 8pm Mon to Fri 8am – 8pm Sat, Sun & public holidays Calls cost 10p a minute plus network extras

This timetable is available online at Operated by www.tfgm.com First Manchester PO Box 429, Manchester, M60 1HX ©Transport for 14-0940–G67–5000–0714 Additional information Alternative format Operator details To ask for leaflets to be sent to you, or to request First Manchester large print, Braille or recorded information Wallshaw Street, Oldham, OL1 3TR phone 0871 200 22 33 or visit www.tfgm.com Telephone 0161 627 2929

Easy access on buses Travelshops Journeys run with low floor buses have no Eccles Church Street steps at the entrance, making getting on Mon to Fri 7.30am to 4pm and off easier. Where shown, low floor Sat 8am to 11.45am and 12.30pm to 3.30pm buses have a ramp for access and a dedicated Sunday* Closed space for wheelchairs and pushchairs inside the Manchester Piccadilly Gardens bus. The bus operator will always try to provide Mon to Sat 7am to 6pm easy access services where these services are Sunday 10am to 6pm scheduled to run. Public hols 10am to 5.30pm Manchester Shudehill Interchange Using this timetable Mon to Sat 7am to 7.30pm Timetables show the direction of travel, bus Sunday* 10am to 1.20pm and 2pm to 5.30pm numbers and the days of the week. *Including public holidays Main stops on the route are listed on the left. Where no time is shown against a particular stop, the bus does not stop there on that journey. Check any letters which are shown in the timetable against the key at the bottom of the page.

Where to find information about service changes www.tfgm.com Bus station posters Leaflets from outlets.

Tickets and information Bus companies offer a range of tickets for use on their own buses. For travel on any service in the County, use System One tickets, including DaySaver. Travelshops provide tickets, information and journey planning advice on buses, trains and trams for work and pleasure.

Using the 24 hour clock Times are shown in four figures. The first two are the hour and the last two are the minutes.

0753 is 53 minutes past 7am Printed on coated recycled paper made using 50% recycled fibre from 1953 is 53 minutes past 7pm post consumer sources and 50% virgin fibre from sustainable forests. Cadishead — Irlam — Peel Green — Eccles — Pendleton — Manchester 67 Mondays to Fridays

Cadishead, Glaze Estate 0516 0554 0615 0630 0645 0657 0706 0718 0733 0748 0807 0824 0845 0908 0923 Irlam, Clarendon Road 0523 0601 0622 0639 0654 0706 0715 0729 0744 0759 0818 0835 0856 0917 0932 Irlam, Merlin Road 0528 0606 Irlam, Nags Head 0532 0610 0631 0646 0701 0713 0722 0737 0752 0807 0826 0843 0904 0924 0939 Peel Green, The Grapes 0509 0539 0602 0617 0627 0638 0649 0655 0710 0724 0739 0753 0808 0823 0847 0904 0919 0935 0950 Eccles, Interchange arr 0516 0546 0609 0624 0634 0647 0659 0705 0722 0736 0751 0806 0821 0836 0901 0917 0932 0946 1001 Eccles, Interchange dep 0517 0547 0610 0625 0635 0648 0700 0708 0723 0738 0753 0808 0823 0838 0903 0918 0933 0948 1003 Salford Shopping Centre 0527 0557 0620 0635 0645 0702 0714 0724 0739 0754 0809 0824 0839 0854 0917 0932 0947 1002 1017 Manchester, Shudehill Interchange 0537 0607 0630 0645 0705 0720 0735 0750 0805 0820 0835 0850 0905 0920 0940 0950 1005 1020 1035

Cadishead, Glaze Estate 0938 1423 1438 1453 1508 1523 1538 1553 1608 1623 1638 1658 1718 1736 1750 1810 1827 1851 Irlam, Clarendon Road 0947 and 1432 1447 1502 1517 1532 1547 1602 1617 1632 1647 1707 1727 1745 1759 1819 1834 1858 Irlam, Nags Head 0954 every 1439 1454 1509 1524 1539 1554 1609 1624 1639 1654 1714 1734 1752 1806 1826 1840 1904 Peel Green, The Grapes 1005 15 1450 1505 1520 1535 1550 1605 1620 1635 1650 1705 1725 1745 1803 1817 1836 1848 1911 Eccles, Interchange arr 1016 mins 1501 1516 1532 1547 1602 1617 1632 1647 1702 1717 1737 1757 1813 1828 1846 1856 1918 Eccles, Interchange dep 1018 until 1503 1518 1534 1549 1604 1619 1634 1649 1704 1719 1739 1759 1814 1829 1847 1857 1919 Salford Shopping Centre 1032 1517 1532 1548 1603 1618 1633 1648 1703 1718 1733 1753 1813 1828 1843 1858 1908 1930 Manchester, Shudehill Interchange 1050 1535 1553 1610 1625 1640 1655 1710 1725 1740 1755 1815 1831 1846 1858 1913 1923 1945

F F F F F Cadishead, Glaze Estate 1906 1921 1936 2005 2035 2105 2135 2205 2235 2305 Irlam, Clarendon Road 1913 1928 1943 2012 2042 2112 2142 2212 2242 2312 Irlam, Nags Head 1919 1934 1949 2018 2048 2118 2148 2218 2248 2318 Peel Green, The Grapes 1926 1941 1956 2025 2055 2125 2155 2225 2255 2325 0050 0120 0150 0220 0250 Eccles, Interchange arr 1933 1948 2003 2032 2102 2132 2202 2232 2302 2332 0054 0124 0154 0224 0254 Eccles, Interchange dep 1934 1949 2004 2033 2103 2133 2203 2233 2303 2333 0054 0124 0154 0224 0254 Salford Shopping Centre 1945 2000 2015 2044 2114 2144 2214 2244 2314 2344 0103 0133 0203 0233 0303 Manchester, Shudehill Interchange 2000 2015 2030 2059 2129 2159 2229 2259 2329 2359 Manchester, Piccadilly Gardens 0115 0145 0215 0245 0315

For daytime and evening journeys serving Cutnook Lane, Merlin Road, Morillon Road and Silver Street please see Bus Times leaflet 100 F – Friday nights/Saturday mornings only W– All bus 67 journeys are run using easy access buses. See inside front cover of this Bus Times leaflet for details

Continues after route plan Trains to Bolton 67 and Wigan Pendleton Pendleton

Lancaster Road Church Manchester Key Gilda Eccles Brook Broad Old Road Street Road Bus route Salford Crescent Trains to M602 Buile Hill Train line Liverpool Park Salford University Tram line of Salford Patricroft Eccles Royal Salford Shopping Direction of travel Cross Chapel Centre Lane Crescent New Trains to Street Lane Church ew Manchester Bus station/connection point Street

Eccles Interchange Churchill Train station Brookhouse The Grapes Way For details of routes in Metrolink stop LiverpoolUnicorn Road Trams to Manchester city centre M60 Eccles Salford Quays please see the route and Manchester extracts below H Hospital City Airport Trains to Manchester Peel 67 Manchester Terminus Green Piccadilly Road

Route of late night Trains to Ashton journeys in Manchester and Rochdale Trams to Bury, Liverpool city centre Oldham and Silver Street Blackfriars Rochdale Nags Cadishead Way Street Victoria a – Only early morning Merlin Head journeys run via Cutnook Lane, Road Chapel Trams will not stop Merlin Road, Morillon Road and Street at Victoria station Silver Street. All other journeys Cutnook Blackfriars until late 2014 Salford Central run direct via Liverpool Road, Lane White Bridge Lion Printworks

Clarendon Bridge Market Street Trains to New Street Road Bolton and Bailey Deansgate Irlam Wigan Street John Princess Dalton Street Piccadilly Gardens Trains to Street Trains to Irlam Excalibur Way Manchester 67 Late night Warrington Fir Street journeys and Liverpool Albert 67 Route of daytime and evening Trains to Ashton Glaze journeys in Manchester and Rochdale Square Estate city centre Trams to Liverpool Trams to Bury, Piccadilly Station and Lords Road Street Cadishead Trams will not Victoria Oldham and Rochdale St Peter’s Square Ashton-under-Lyne Coach stop at Victoria Oxford and Horses station until Victoria Street Cumberland late 2014 Station Trams to Avenue Approach Portland Dudley Altrincham, Street Road Victoria Shudehill Interchange East Didsbury Bridge and Eccles Blackfriars Street Street Printworks 67

Withy Chapel Deansgate Grove Street St.Mary's Shudehill Gate Corporation St Arndale Centre Trams to Contains Ordnance Survey data ©Crown copyright and database right 2010 Ashton-under-Lyne, ©0100022610 Transport for Greater Manchester 2014 Salford Central East Didsbury Transport for Greater Manchester uses reasonable endeavours to check the accuracy of Trains to Bolton and Altrincham information published and to publish changes to information in a timely manner. In no and Wigan event will Transport for Greater Manchester be liable for any loss that may arise from this information being inaccurate. Cadishead — Irlam — Peel Green — Eccles — Pendleton — Manchester 67 Saturdays

Cadishead, Glaze Estate 0547 0617 0649 0720 0745 0808 1723 1743 1803 1823 1843 1905 2305 Irlam, Clarendon Road 0554 0624 0656 0729 0754 0817 1732 1752 1812 1832 1851 1912 2312 Irlam, Merlin Road 0559 0629 0701 and and Irlam, Nags Head 0603 0633 0706 0736 0801 0824 every 1739 1759 1819 1839 1858 1918 every 2318 Peel Green, The Grapes 0610 0640 0658 0715 0730 0745 0754 0812 0822 0835 15 1750 1808 1828 1847 1905 1925 30 2325 Eccles, Interchange arr 0617 0649 0707 0724 0739 0754 0803 0821 0831 0846 mins 1801 1816 1836 1855 1912 1932 mins 2332 Eccles, Interchange dep 0618 0650 0708 0725 0740 0755 0805 0823 0833 0848 until 1803 1817 1837 1856 1913 1933 until 2333 Salford Shopping Centre 0628 0701 0719 0736 0751 0806 0817 0837 0847 0902 1817 1829 1849 1908 1924 1944 2344 Manchester, Shudehill Interchange 0638 0715 0733 0750 0805 0820 0832 0855 0905 0920 1835 1845 1905 1923 1939 1959 2359

Peel Green, The Grapes 0050 0120 0150 0220 0250 Eccles, Interchange 0054 0124 0154 0224 0254 Salford Shopping Centre 0103 0133 0203 0233 0303 Manchester, Piccadilly Gardens 0115 0145 0215 0245 0315

Sundays and public holidays

Cadishead, Glaze Estate 0632 0732 0832 0902 0932 1002 1030 1100 1830 1905 Irlam, Clarendon Road 0639 0739 0839 0909 0939 1010 1037 1107 1837 1912 Irlam, Merlin Road 0644 0744 0844 0914 0944 and Irlam, Nags Head 0648 0748 0848 0918 0948 1017 1044 1114 every 1844 1918 Peel Green, The Grapes 0655 0725 0755 0825 0855 0910 0925 0940 0955 1009 1024 1043 1053 1113 1123 30 1853 1925 Eccles, Interchange arr 0702 0732 0802 0832 0902 0917 0932 0947 1002 1016 1031 1050 1100 1120 1130 mins 1900 1932 Eccles, Interchange dep 0627 0703 0733 0803 0833 0903 0918 0933 0948 1003 1017 1032 1051 1101 1121 1131 until 1901 1933 Salford Shopping Centre 0637 0714 0744 0814 0844 0914 0929 0944 0959 1014 1028 1043 1102 1112 1132 1142 1912 1944 Manchester, Shudehill Interchange 0647 0730 0800 0830 0900 0930 0945 1000 1015 1030 1045 1100 1120 1130 1150 1200 1930 1959

Cadishead, Glaze Estate 1935 2305 Irlam, Clarendon Road 1942 and 2312 Irlam, Nags Head 1948 every 2318 Peel Green, The Grapes 1955 30 2325 Eccles, Interchange arr 2002 mins 2332 Eccles, Interchange dep 2003 until 2333 Salford Shopping Centre 2014 2344 Manchester, Shudehill Interchange 2029 2359

For daytime and evening journeys serving Cutnook Lane, Merlin Road, Morillon Road and Silver Street please see Bus Times leaflet 100 For details of buses during Christmas and Year, please phone 0871 200 22 33 W– All bus 67 journeys are run using easy access buses. See inside front cover of this Bus Times leaflet for details

Manchester — Pendleton — Eccles — Peel Green — Irlam — Cadishead 67 Mondays to Fridays

Manchester, Shudehill Interchange 0512 0527 0542 0602 0622 0637 0652 0712 0732 0752 1437 1452 1507 1522 1537 1552 1607 1622 Salford Shopping Centre 0524 0539 0554 0616 0636 0655 0710 0730 0750 0810 1455 1510 1525 1540 1557 1612 1627 1642 Eccles, Interchange arr 0533 0548 0603 0626 0650 0708 0723 0743 0803 0823 and 1508 1523 1538 1553 1611 1626 1641 1656 Eccles, Interchange dep 0534 0549 0604 0627 0651 0710 0725 0745 0805 0825 every 1510 1525 1540 1555 1613 1628 1643 1658 Peel Green, Unicorn 0540 0555 0611 0634 0658 0718 0733 0753 0813 0833 15 1518 1534 1550 1605 1623 1638 1653 1708 Irlam, Nags Head 0546 0601 0617 0642 0712 0728 0743 0803 0823 0843 mins 1528 1545 1602 1617 1635 1650 1705 1720 Irlam, Merlin Road 0550 0605 0621 until Irlam, Clarendon Road 0555 0610 0627 0648 0718 0734 0749 0809 0829 0849 1534 1552 1609 1624 1642 1657 1712 1727 Cadishead, Glaze Estate 0602 0617 0634 0657 0727 0743 0758 0818 0838 0858 1543 1601 1618 1633 1651 1706 1721 1736

F F F F F F F Manchester, Piccadilly Gardens 0015 0045 0115 0145 0215 0245 0315 Manchester, Albert Square 0020 0050 0120 0150 0220 0250 0320 Manchester, Shudehill Interchange 1637 1652 1707 1722 1737 1752 1810 1835 2305 Salford Shopping Centre 1657 1712 1727 1742 1757 1812 1828 1851 and 2321 0031 0101 0131 0201 0231 0301 0331 Eccles, Interchange arr 1711 1726 1741 1755 1810 1825 1841 1902 every 2332 0040 0110 0140 0210 0240 0310 0340 Eccles, Interchange dep 1713 1728 1743 1757 1818 1827 1842 1903 30 2333 0040 0110 0140 0210 0240 0310 0340 Peel Green, Unicorn 1723 1738 1753 1807 1821 1836 1850 1910 mins 2340 0045 0115 0145 0215 0245 0315 0345 Irlam, Nags Head 1735 1750 1804 1818 1830 1845 1858 1917 until 2347 0317 0347 Irlam, Clarendon Road 1742 1757 1810 1824 1836 1851 1904 1923 2353 0320 0350 Cadishead, Coach & Horses 0328 0358 Cadishead, Glaze Estate 1751 1806 1819 1833 1843 1858 1911 1930 0000

For daytime and evening journeys serving Silver Street, Morillon Road, Merlin Road and Cutnook Lane, please see Bus Times leaflet 100 F – Friday nights/Saturday mornings only W– All bus 67 journeys are run using easy access buses. See inside front cover of this Bus Times leaflet for details Manchester — Pendleton — Eccles — Peel Green — Irlam — Cadishead 67 Saturdays

Manchester, Piccadilly Gardens 0015 0215 0245 0315 Manchester, Albert Square 0020 and 0220 0250 0320 Manchester, Shudehill Interchange 0557 0622 0642 0702 0722 0737 1722 1737 1752 1807 1835 2305 every Salford Shopping Centre 0609 0634 0658 0718 0738 0755 1740 1755 1810 1824 1851 2321 0031 30 0231 0301 0331 Eccles, Interchange arr 0618 0645 0709 0729 0751 0808 and 1753 1808 1822 1836 1902 and 2332 0040 mins 0240 0310 0340 Eccles, Interchange dep 0619 0646 0710 0730 0752 0810 every 1755 1809 1823 1837 1903 every 2333 0040 until 0240 0310 0340 Peel Green, Unicorn 0625 0653 0717 0737 0800 0818 15 1803 1816 1830 1844 1910 30 2340 0045 0245 0315 0345 Irlam, Nags Head 0631 0700 0724 0744 0810 0828 mins 1813 1823 1837 1851 1917 mins 2347 0317 0347 Irlam, Clarendon Road 0637 0706 0730 0750 0816 0834 until 1819 1829 1843 1857 1923 until 2353 0320 0350 Cadishead, Coach & Horses 0328 0358 Cadishead, Glaze Estate 0644 0713 0739 0759 0825 0843 1828 1838 1850 1904 1930 0000

Sundays and public holidays

Manchester, Shudehill Interchange 0635 0652 0735 0805 0835 0905 0925 0955 1025 1755 1835 2305 Salford Shopping Centre 0647 0704 0748 0818 0848 0918 0938 1013 1043 1813 1852 2322 Eccles, Interchange arr 0657 0714 0758 0828 0858 0928 0948 1024 1054 and 1824 1903 and 2333 Eccles, Interchange dep 0657 0714 0758 0828 0858 0928 0948 1025 1055 every 1825 1903 every 2333 Peel Green, Unicorn 0703 0720 0804 0834 0904 0934 0954 1032 1102 30 1832 1910 30 2340 Irlam, Nags Head 0709 0810 0840 0910 0940 1000 1041 1111 mins 1841 1917 mins 2347 Irlam, Merlin Road 0713 0814 0844 0914 0944 1004 until until Irlam, Clarendon Road 0718 0820 0850 0920 0950 1010 1048 1118 1848 1923 2353 Cadishead, Glaze Estate 0724 0827 0857 0927 0957 1017 1055 1125 1855 1930 0000

For daytime and evening journeys serving Silver Street, Morillon Road, Merlin Road and Cutnook Lane, please see Bus Times leaflet 100 For details of buses during Christmas and Year, please phone 0871 200 22 33 W– All bus 67 journeys are run using easy access buses. See inside front cover of this Bus Times leaflet for details

From 27 July Bus 100 Times changed 100

Warrington Woolston Hollins Green Cadishead Irlam Peel Green The Patricroft Eccles Pendleton Manchester

27 July 2014

For public transport information phone 0871 200 22 33

7am – 8pm Mon to Fri 8am – 8pm Sat, Sun & public holidays Calls cost 10p a minute plus network extras

This timetable is available online at Operated by www.tfgm.com First Manchester PO Box 429, Manchester, M60 1HX ©Transport for Greater Manchester 14-0978–G100–6500–0714 Additional information Alternative format Operator details To ask for leaflets to be sent to you, or to request First Manchester large print, Braille or recorded information Wallshaw Street, Oldham, OL1 3TR phone 0871 200 22 33 or visit www.tfgm.com Telephone 0161 627 2929

Easy access on buses Travelshops Journeys run with low floor buses have no Eccles Church Street steps at the entrance, making getting on Mon to Fri 7.30am to 4pm and off easier. Where shown, low floor Sat 8am to 11.45am and 12.30pm to 3.30pm buses have a ramp for access and a dedicated Sunday* Closed space for wheelchairs and pushchairs inside the Manchester Piccadilly Gardens bus. The bus operator will always try to provide Mon to Sat 7am to 6pm easy access services where these services are Sunday 10am to 6pm scheduled to run. Public hols 10am to 5.30pm Manchester Shudehill Interchange Using this timetable Mon to Sat 7am to 7.30pm Timetables show the direction of travel, bus Sunday* 10am to 1.20pm and 2pm to 5.30pm numbers and the days of the week. *Including public holidays Main stops on the route are listed on the left. Where no time is shown against a particular stop, the bus does not stop there on that journey. Check any letters which are shown in the timetable against the key at the bottom of the page.

Where to find information about service changes www.tfgm.com Bus station posters Leaflets from outlets.

Tickets and information Bus companies offer a range of tickets for use on their own buses. For travel on any service in the County, use System One tickets, including DaySaver. Travelshops provide tickets, information and journey planning advice on buses, trains and trams for work and pleasure.

Using the 24 hour clock Times are shown in four figures. The first two are the hour and the last two are the minutes.

0753 is 53 minutes past 7am Printed on coated recycled paper made using 50% recycled fibre from 1953 is 53 minutes past 7pm post consumer sources and 50% virgin fibre from sustainable forests. Warrington — Hollins Green — Irlam — The Trafford Centre — Eccles — Manchester 100 Mondays to Fridays

Warrington, Interchange 0752 0902 Woolston, Dam Lane 0807 0917 Martinscroft 0811 0921 Hollins Green, Black Swan 0550 0615 0645 0710 0745 0819 0859 0929 0959 Cadishead, The Vista 0552 0617 0647 0712 0747 0827 0902 0932 1002 Irlam, Clarendon Road 0557 0622 0652 0717 0752 0832 0907 0937 1007 Irlam, Merlin Road 0604 0629 0659 0724 0759 0839 0914 0944 1014 Irlam, Nags Head 0609 0634 0704 0729 0804 0844 0919 0949 1019 Peel Green Road/Barton Road 0619 0644 0716 0746 0826 0901 0932 1002 1032 The Trafford Centre, Bus Stn arr 0623 0648 0724 0754 0835 0906 0937 1007 1037 The Trafford Centre, Bus Stn dep 0625 0638 0650 0702 0715 0727 0742 0757 0817 0837 0852 0908 0924 0939 0954 1009 1024 1039 1054 Eccles, Interchange arr 0639 0652 0704 0716 0729 0743 0758 0813 0833 0853 0908 0922 0938 0953 1008 1023 1038 1053 1108 Eccles, Interchange dep 0640 0654 0705 0717 0730 0745 0800 0815 0835 0854 0910 0925 0940 0955 1010 1025 1040 1055 1110 Salford Shopping Centre 0654 0708 0719 0731 0746 0801 0816 0831 0851 0910 0924 0939 0954 1009 1024 1039 1054 1109 1124 Manchester, Shudehill Interchange 0712 0726 0742 0757 0812 0827 0842 0857 0917 0932 0942 0957 1012 1027 1042 1057 1112 1127 1142

Warrington, Interchange 1000 00 1400 1500 1602 Woolston, Dam Lane 1015 15 1415 1515 1617 Martinscroft 1020 20 1420 1520 1621 Hollins Green, Black Swan 1029 59 29 1429 1459 1529 1559 1629 Cadishead, The Vista 1032 02 32 mins 1432 1502 1532 1602 1632 1659 Irlam, Clarendon Road 1037 then 07 37 past 1437 1507 1537 1607 1637 1704 Irlam, Merlin Road 1044 at 14 44 each 1444 1514 1544 1614 1644 1711 Irlam, Nags Head 1049 19 49 hour 1449 1519 1549 1619 1649 1716 Peel Green Road/Barton Road 1102 32 02 until 1502 1532 1602 1632 1704 1731 The Trafford Centre, Bus Stn arr 1107 37 07 1507 1537 1607 1637 1709 1736 The Trafford Centre, Bus Stn dep 1109 24 39 54 09 1509 1525 1540 1555 1609 1625 1640 1655 1713 1728 1739 1755 Eccles, Interchange arr 1123 38 53 08 23 1523 1539 1554 1609 1623 1639 1654 1709 1727 1742 1752 1808 Eccles, Interchange dep 1125 40 55 10 25 1525 1541 1556 1611 1625 1641 1656 1711 1729 1744 1754 1809 Salford Shopping Centre 1139 54 09 24 39 1539 1555 1610 1625 1639 1655 1710 1725 1743 1758 1805 1823 Manchester, Shudehill Interchange 1157 12 27 42 57 1557 1617 1632 1647 1657 1717 1732 1747 1805 1816 1820 1836

Warrington — Hollins Green — Irlam — The Trafford Centre — Eccles — Manchester 100 Mondays to Fridays (continued) M M M M M Warrington, Interchange 1700 1756 1856 1941 Woolston, Dam Lane 1715 1811 1911 1956 Martinscroft 1719 1815 1915 2000 Hollins Green, Black Swan 1727 1822 1901 1921 2006 2106 2206 2306 Cadishead, The Vista 1729 1824 1903 1923 2008 2108 2208 2308 Irlam, Clarendon Road 1734 1828 1907 1927 2012 2112 2212 2312 Irlam, Merlin Road 1741 1834 1912 1932 2017 2117 2217 2317 Irlam, Nags Head 1746 1839 1917 1937 2022 2122 2222 2322 Peel Green Road/Barton Road 1801 1851 1924 1944 2029 2129 2229 2329 The Trafford Centre, Bus Stn arr 1807 1855 1928 1948 2033 2133 2233 2333 The Trafford Centre, Bus Stn dep 1810 1829 1849 1859 1914 1930 1950 2005 2020 2035 2105 2135 2205 2235 2305 2335 0005 Eccles, Interchange arr 1823 1841 1901 1911 1926 1942 2002 2017 2032 2047 2117 2147 2217 2247 2317 2347 0017 Eccles, Interchange dep 1824 1842 1902 1912 1927 1943 2003 2018 2033 2048 2118 2148 2218 2248 2318 2348 0018 Salford Shopping Centre 1838 1853 1913 1923 1938 1954 2014 2029 2044 2059 2129 2159 2229 2259 2329 2359 0029 Manchester, Shudehill Interchange 1853 1908 1928 1938 1953 2009 2029 2044 2059 2114 2144 2214 2244 2314 2344 0014 0044


Warrington, Interchange 0802 0900 00 1500 Woolston, Dam Lane 0817 0915 15 1515 Martinscroft 0821 0920 20 1520 Hollins Green, Black Swan 0726 0759 0829 0859 0929 59 29 1529 1559 Cadishead, The Vista 0728 0802 0832 0902 0932 02 32 mins 1532 1602 Irlam, Clarendon Road 0733 0807 0837 0907 0937 then 07 37 past 1537 1607 Irlam, Merlin Road 0740 0814 0844 0914 0944 at 14 44 each 1544 1614 Irlam, Nags Head 0745 0819 0849 0919 0949 19 49 hour 1549 1619 Peel Green Road/Barton Road 0754 0832 0902 0932 1002 32 02 until 1602 1632 The Trafford Centre, Bus Stn arr 0758 0837 0907 0937 1007 37 07 1607 1637 The Trafford Centre, Bus Stn dep 0800 0825 0839 0854 0909 0924 0939 0954 1009 24 39 54 09 1609 1624 1639 1654 Eccles, Interchange arr 0812 0839 0853 0908 0923 0938 0953 1008 1023 38 53 08 23 1623 1638 1653 1708 Eccles, Interchange dep 0813 0840 0855 0910 0925 0940 0955 1010 1025 40 55 10 25 1625 1640 1655 1710 Salford Shopping Centre 0824 0854 0909 0924 0939 0954 1009 1024 1039 54 09 24 39 1639 1654 1709 1724 Manchester, Shudehill Interchange 0842 0912 0927 0942 0957 1012 1027 1042 1057 12 27 42 57 1657 1712 1727 1742

M M M M Warrington, Interchange 1602 1702 1752 1853 1941 Woolston, Dam Lane 1617 1717 1807 1908 1956 Martinscroft 1621 1721 1811 1912 2000 Hollins Green, Black Swan 1629 1659 1729 1819 1845 1918 2006 2106 2206 Cadishead, The Vista 1632 1702 1731 1821 1848 1920 2008 2108 2208 Irlam, Clarendon Road 1637 1707 1736 1826 1853 1924 2012 2112 2212 Irlam, Merlin Road 1644 1714 1743 1833 1859 1929 2017 2117 2217 Irlam, Nags Head 1649 1719 1748 1838 1904 1934 2022 2122 2222 Peel Green Road/Barton Road 1702 1732 1801 1847 1913 1941 2029 2129 2229 The Trafford Centre, Bus Stn arr 1707 1737 1805 1851 1917 1945 2033 2133 2233 The Trafford Centre, Bus Stn dep 1709 1724 1739 1754 1810 1835 1855 1905 1920 1935 1950 2005 2020 2035 2105 2135 2205 2235 2305 Eccles, Interchange arr 1723 1738 1753 1808 1823 1848 1908 1918 1933 1947 2002 2017 2032 2047 2117 2147 2217 2247 2317 Eccles, Interchange dep 1725 1740 1755 1809 1824 1849 1909 1919 1934 1948 2003 2018 2033 2048 2118 2148 2218 2248 2318 Salford Shopping Centre 1739 1754 1809 1823 1836 1901 1920 1930 1945 1959 2014 2029 2044 2059 2129 2159 2229 2259 2329 Manchester, Shudehill Interchange 1757 1812 1827 1839 1852 1917 1935 1945 2000 2014 2029 2044 2059 2114 2144 2214 2244 2314 2344

M Hollins Green, Black Swan 2306 Cadishead, The Vista 2308 Irlam, Clarendon Road 2312 Irlam, Merlin Road 2317 Irlam, Nags Head 2322 Peel Green Road/Barton Road 2329 The Trafford Centre, Bus Stn arr 2333 The Trafford Centre, Bus Stn dep 2335 0005 Eccles, Interchange arr 2347 0017 Eccles, Interchange dep 2348 0018 Salford Shopping Centre 2359 0029 Manchester, Shudehill Interchange 0014 0044

M – Journey provided with the financial support of Transport for Greater Manchester

Continues after route plan 100

Key Bus route

Claremont Rd Lancaster Road Train line Road Langworthy Pendleton Tram line Eccles Church Salford Gilda Royal Old Road Half Edge Lane Brook Trains to Bolton Direction of travel Road and Wigan Weaste Buile Lane Hill Manchester Bus station/connection point Park Broad Eccles M602 Street

Stott Trains to Lane Salford Crescent /LYHUSRRO Hankinson

Adelphi Train station 8QLYHUVLW\ Street Trains to Way of Salford Patricroft Church Manchester Street Regent St Eccles New Rd Metrolink stop Crescent Pendleton Salford Churchill Shopping Trams to Salford Quays Way Chapel H Hospital /LYHUSRRO5G and Manchester Centre Trains to Barton 7UDƬRUG Street Peel Green Road Road Eccles Interchange Manchester 100 Terminus Ladywell

2OGƮHOG5G M60 Peel Green Eccles /LYHUSRRO5RDG 5HGFO\ƬH Road Road Unicorn Merlin M60 Barton Brookhouse Bridge Road $YHQXH City Airport Ellesmere Circle Cutnook Manchester Nags Asda ClarendonLane Road Head Cadishead /LYHUSRRO5RDG Bus 100 does not stop 7UDƬRUG%RXOHYDUG Trains to Irlam RQ7UDƬRUG%RXOHYDUG Warrington Irlam on journeys to Trains to 7KH7UDƬRUG 7KH7UDƬRUG&HQWUH Route in Manchester city centre Manchester Glazebrook Lane Coach and Centre Horses The Vista /LYHUSRRO5RDG Trams will not call at Trains to Victoria station until Ashton–under–Lyne Hollins 100 late 2014 and Rochdale Green Some Trams to Bury Warrington Trains to Woolston Manchester Victoria and Rochdale Manchester *UDQJH$YH Black Swan Road Scotland Victoria Road Woolston Victoria Warrington Interchange Dam Lane Bridge Station Approach Trains to Buttermarket Street /LYHUSRRO Street Manchester Road Martinscroft 100 100 Blackfriars te Printworks Shudehill Interchange Suez Street ga Street Church St s an De Bridge Academy St. Mary's Street Street Gate Academy Chapel Withy Way CorporationGrove Shudehill Street Street Trams to Piccadilly station, Salford Central Arndale East Didsbury and Altrincham Centre Trains to Wigan and Bolton Manchester

Contains Ordnance Survey data ©Crown copyright and database right 2010 ©0100022610 Transport for Greater Manchester 2014 Transport for Greater Manchester uses reasonable endeavours to check the accuracy of information published and to publish changes to information in a timely manner. In no event will Transport for Greater Manchester be liable for any loss that may arise from this information being inaccurate. Warrington — Hollins Green — Irlam — The Trafford Centre — Eccles — Manchester 100 Sundays and public holidays PH PH Su Warrington, Interchange 1010 1110 10 1810 1915 Woolston, Dam Lane 1020 1120 20 1820 1925 Martinscroft 1023 1123 23 1823 1928 Hollins Green, Black Swan 0930 1030 1030 1110 1130 30 1830 1935 Cadishead, The Vista 0932 1032 1032 1112 1132 32 1832 1937 Irlam, Clarendon Road 0936 1036 1036 1116 1136 36 mins 1836 1941 Irlam, Merlin Road 0942 1042 1042 1122 1142 then 42 past 1842 1946 Irlam, Nags Head 0947 1047 1047 1127 1147 at 47 each 1847 1951 Peel Green Road/Barton Road 0954 1054 1054 1134 1154 54 hour 1854 1958 The Trafford Centre, Bus Stn arr 0957 1057 1057 1137 1157 57 until 1857 2001 The Trafford Centre, Bus Stn dep 0958 1028 1058 1058 1128 1138 1158 1208 28 38 58 08 1838 1858 1908 1935 2005 Eccles, Interchange arr 1010 1040 1110 1110 1140 1150 1210 1220 40 50 10 20 1850 1910 1920 1947 2017 Eccles, Interchange dep 1011 1041 1111 1111 1141 1151 1211 1221 41 51 11 21 1851 1911 1921 1948 2018 Salford Shopping Centre 1022 1052 1122 1122 1152 1202 1222 1232 52 02 22 32 1902 1922 1932 1959 2029 Manchester, Shudehill Interchange 1040 1110 1140 1140 1210 1220 1240 1250 10 20 40 50 1920 1937 1947 2014 2044

Hollins Green, Black Swan 2003 2103 2203 2303 Cadishead, The Vista 2005 2105 2205 2305 Irlam, Clarendon Road 2009 2109 2209 2309 Irlam, Merlin Road 2014 2114 2214 2314 Irlam, Nags Head 2019 2119 2219 2319 Peel Green Road/Barton Road 2026 2126 2226 2326 The Trafford Centre, Bus Stn arr 2030 2130 2330 2330 The Trafford Centre, Bus Stn dep 2035 2105 2135 2205 2235 2305 2335 0005 Eccles, Interchange arr 2047 2117 2147 2217 2247 2317 2347 0017 Eccles, Interchange dep 2048 2118 2148 2218 2248 2318 2348 0018 Salford Shopping Centre 2059 2129 2159 2229 2259 2329 2359 0029 Manchester, Shudehill Interchange 2114 2144 2214 2244 2314 2344 0014 0044

For details of buses during Christmas and New Year, please phone 0871 200 22 33 PH – Public holidays only Su – Sundays only

Manchester — Eccles — The Trafford Centre — Irlam — Hollins Green — Warrington 100 Mondays to Fridays

Manchester, Shudehill Interchange 0552 0612 0632 0645 0702 0722 0742 0800 0815 0830 0845 00 15 30 45 1415 1430 Salford Shopping Centre 0604 0624 0650 0703 0720 0740 0800 0818 0833 0848 0903 18 33 48 03 1433 1448 Eccles, Interchange arr 0614 0634 0704 0717 0734 0754 0814 0832 0846 0901 0916 31 46 01 16 1446 1501 Eccles, Interchange dep 0615 0635 0706 0719 0736 0756 0816 0834 0848 0903 0918 33 48 03 18 1448 1503 The Trafford Centre, Bus Stn arr 0625 0645 0719 0732 0749 0809 0829 0847 0901 0916 0931 46 01 16 31 1501 1516 The Trafford Centre, Bus Stn dep 0628 0648 0724 0754 0834 0904 0934 04 34 mins 1504 Peel Green Road/Barton Road 0632 0652 0728 0758 0838 0908 0938 then 08 38 past 1508 Irlam, Nags Head 0641 0701 0741 0811 0857 0921 0951 at 21 51 each 1521 Irlam, Merlin Road 0647 0707 0747 0817 0903 0927 0957 27 57 hour 1527 Irlam, Clarendon Road 0654 0714 0754 0824 0910 0934 1004 34 04 until 1534 Cadishead, The Vista 0700 0720 0800 0830 0916 0940 1010 40 10 1540 Hollins Green, Black Swan 0704 0724 0804 0834 0920 0944 1014 44 14 1544 Martinscroft 0711 0811 0927 1021 21 Woolston, Dam Lane 0714 0814 0930 1024 24 Warrington, Interchange 0725 0825 0941 1035 35

M M M Manchester, Shudehill Interchange 1445 1500 1515 1530 1545 1600 1615 1630 1645 1700 1715 1730 1745 1800 1820 1850 1920 1950 2020 Salford Shopping Centre 1503 1518 1533 1550 1605 1620 1635 1650 1705 1720 1735 1750 1805 1818 1838 1906 1936 2006 2036 Eccles, Interchange arr 1516 1531 1547 1604 1619 1634 1649 1704 1719 1734 1749 1804 1818 1831 1849 1917 1947 2017 2047 Eccles, Interchange dep 1518 1533 1549 1606 1621 1636 1651 1706 1721 1736 1751 1806 1819 1832 1850 1918 1948 2018 2048 The Trafford Centre, Bus Stn arr 1531 1546 1602 1619 1634 1649 1704 1719 1734 1749 1804 1819 1832 1844 1902 1930 2000 2030 2100 The Trafford Centre, Bus Stn dep 1534 1604 1637 1707 1737 1807 1837 1932 2032 Peel Green Road/Barton Road 1538 1608 1642 1712 1742 1812 1840 1935 2035 Irlam, Nags Head 1551 1621 1655 1725 1755 1825 1851 1942 2042 Irlam, Merlin Road 1557 1627 1701 1731 1801 1831 1855 1946 2046 Irlam, Clarendon Road 1604 1634 1708 1738 1808 1838 1901 1952 2052 Cadishead, The Vista 1610 1640 1714 1744 1814 1841 1904 1955 2055 Hollins Green, Black Swan 1614 1718 1818 1844 1907 1958 2058 Martinscroft 1621 1725 1825 1913 Woolston, Dam Lane 1624 1728 1828 1916 Warrington, Interchange 1635 1739 1839 1925

M – Journey provided with the financial support of Transport for Greater Manchester Manchester — Eccles — The Trafford Centre — Irlam — Hollins Green — Warrington 100 Mondays to Fridays (continued) M M M Manchester, Shudehill Interchange 2050 2120 2150 2220 2250 2320 Salford Shopping Centre 2106 2136 2206 2236 2306 2336 Eccles, Interchange arr 2117 2147 2217 2247 2317 2347 Eccles, Interchange dep 2118 2148 2218 2248 2318 2348 The Trafford Centre, Bus Stn arr 2130 2200 2230 2300 2330 0000 The Trafford Centre, Bus Stn dep 2132 2232 2332 Peel Green Road/Barton Road 2135 2235 2335 Irlam, Nags Head 2142 2242 2342 Irlam, Merlin Road 2146 2246 2346 Irlam, Clarendon Road 2152 2252 2352 Cadishead, The Vista 2155 2255 2355 Hollins Green, Black Swan 2158 2258 2358


Manchester, Shudehill Interchange 0607 0652 0715 0730 0745 00 15 30 45 1545 1600 1615 1630 1645 1700 1715 1730 Salford Shopping Centre 0619 0708 0731 0748 0803 18 33 48 03 1603 1618 1633 1648 1703 1718 1733 1748 Eccles, Interchange arr 0628 0719 0743 0801 0816 31 46 01 16 1616 1631 1646 1701 1716 1731 1746 1801 Eccles, Interchange dep 0629 0720 0745 0803 0818 33 48 03 18 1618 1633 1648 1703 1718 1733 1747 1802 The Trafford Centre, Bus Stn arr 0639 0730 0757 0816 0831 46 01 16 31 1631 1646 1701 1716 1731 1746 1800 1815 The Trafford Centre, Bus Stn dep 0642 0733 0800 0834 04 34 mins 1634 1704 1734 1803 Peel Green Road/Barton Road 0646 0737 0804 0838 then 08 38 past 1638 1708 1738 1806 Irlam, Nags Head 0653 0746 0817 0851 at 21 51 each 1651 1721 1751 1814 Irlam, Merlin Road 0657 0752 0823 0857 27 57 hour 1657 1727 1757 1819 Irlam, Clarendon Road 0703 0759 0830 0904 34 04 until 1704 1734 1804 1826 Cadishead, The Vista 0709 0805 0836 0910 40 10 1710 1740 1808 1830 Hollins Green, Black Swan 0713 0809 0840 0914 44 14 1714 1744 1812 1834 Martinscroft 0720 0816 0921 21 1721 1818 Woolston, Dam Lane 0723 0819 0924 24 1724 1821 Warrington, Interchange 0734 0830 0935 35 1735 1830

M M M M M M Manchester, Shudehill Interchange 1745 1800 1820 1850 1920 1950 2020 2050 2120 2150 2220 2250 2320 Salford Shopping Centre 1803 1817 1837 1906 1936 2006 2036 2106 2136 2206 2236 2306 2336 Eccles, Interchange arr 1815 1829 1848 1917 1947 2017 2047 2117 2147 2217 2247 2317 2347 Eccles, Interchange dep 1816 1830 1849 1918 1948 2018 2048 2118 2148 2218 2248 2318 2348 The Trafford Centre, Bus Stn arr 1829 1842 1901 1930 2000 2030 2100 2130 2200 2230 2300 2330 0000 The Trafford Centre, Bus Stn dep 1844 1932 2032 2132 2232 2332 Peel Green Road/Barton Road 1847 1935 2035 2135 2235 2335 Irlam, Nags Head 1854 1942 2042 2142 2242 2342 Irlam, Merlin Road 1858 1946 2046 2146 2246 2346 Irlam, Clarendon Road 1904 1952 2052 2152 2252 2352 Cadishead, The Vista 1907 1955 2055 2155 2255 2355 Hollins Green, Black Swan 1910 1958 2058 2158 2258 2358 Martinscroft 1916 Woolston, Dam Lane 1919 Warrington, Interchange 1928

Sundays and public holidays PH PH PH PH PH PH PH PH PH Manchester, Shudehill Interchange 0740 0800 0820 0830 0850 0905 0935 0950 1020 1035 1045 1105 15 35 45 05 1735 Salford Shopping Centre 0757 0817 0837 0847 0908 0923 0953 1008 1038 1053 1103 1123 33 53 03 23 1753 Eccles, Interchange arr 0808 0828 0848 0858 0919 0934 1004 1019 1049 1104 1114 1134 44 04 14 34 1804 Eccles, Interchange dep 0809 0829 0849 0859 0920 0935 1005 1020 1050 1105 1115 1135 45 05 15 35 1805 The Trafford Centre, Bus Stn arr 0821 0841 0901 0912 0932 0947 1017 1032 1102 1117 1127 1147 57 17 27 47 1817 The Trafford Centre, Bus Stn dep 0842 0911 1018 1118 18 mins 1818 Peel Green Road/Barton Road 0844 0914 1021 1121 then 21 past 1821 Irlam, Nags Head 0851 0921 1028 1128 at 28 each 1828 Irlam, Merlin Road 0856 0926 1033 1133 33 hour 1833 Irlam, Clarendon Road 0902 0932 1039 1139 39 until 1839 Cadishead, The Vista 0905 0935 1042 1142 42 1842 Hollins Green, Black Swan 0908 0938 1045 1145 45 1845 Martinscroft 0945 1052 1152 52 1852 Woolston, Dam Lane 0948 1055 1155 55 1855 Warrington, Interchange 0958 1105 1205 05 1905

For details of buses during Christmas and New Year, please phone 0871 200 22 33 M – Journey provided with the financial support of Transport for Greater Manchester PH – Public holidays only

Manchester — Eccles — The Trafford Centre — Irlam — Hollins Green 100 Sundays and public holidays (continued) Manchester, Shudehill Interchange 1745 1805 1820 1850 1920 1950 2020 2050 2120 2150 2220 2250 2320 Salford Shopping Centre 1803 1823 1838 1907 1937 2007 2037 2107 2137 2207 2237 2307 2337 Eccles, Interchange arr 1814 1834 1849 1918 1948 2018 2048 2118 2148 2218 2248 2318 2348 Eccles, Interchange dep 1815 1835 1850 1918 1948 2018 2048 2118 2148 2218 2248 2318 2348 The Trafford Centre, Bus Stn arr 1827 1847 1902 1930 2000 2030 2100 2130 2200 2230 2300 2330 0000 The Trafford Centre, Bus Stn dep 1932 2032 2132 2232 2332 Peel Green Road/Barton Road 1935 2035 2135 2235 2335 Irlam, Nags Head 1942 2042 2142 2242 2342 Irlam, Merlin Road 1946 2046 2146 2246 2346 Irlam, Clarendon Road 1952 2052 2152 2252 2352 Cadishead, The Vista 1955 2055 2155 2255 2355 Hollins Green, Black Swan 1958 2058 2158 2258 2358

For details of buses during Christmas and New Year, please phone 0871 200 22 33


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*OD]HEURRNWR       1$ /LYHUSRRO/LPH       6WUHHW             VWRSSLQJDW       %LUFKZRRG       3DGJDWH       :DUULQJWRQ       &HQWUDO:LGQHV       +RXJK*UHHQ       /LYHUSRRO6RXWK       3DUNZD\:HVW       $OOHUWRQ        0RVVOH\+LOO              







Glazebrook Train Station

application site

Birchwood Train Station Contains Ordnance Surveydata©Crown copyrightanddatabaseright2014

To Warrington and Liverpool

Key Birchwood Shopping Park Project LPA Warrington Borough Indigo Planning Limited Rhinewood Hotel, Warrington Lowry House Council Birchwood Community High School 17 Marble Street Title Manchester Accessible by train Date: 10.12.14 M2 3AW Employment Scale: 1:20000@A3 Project No: 19470002 T 0161 836 6910 Client Drawing No: 19470002/11 F 0161 836 6911 Westby Homes Drawn By: TH [email protected] 

 APPENDIX 6 6 APPENDIX application site 12

2 3 14 6 13

1 4 11

footbridge 5 over the brook



9 Contains Ordnance Surveydata©Crown copyrightanddatabaseright2014


Key 1. A local Shop 6. Primary School 11. Public Park/ Village Green Project LPA Warrington Borough Indigo Planning Limited Rhinewood Hotel, Warrington Lowry House 2. Post Box 7. Medical Centre 12. Childcare Facility Council 17 Marble Street Title Manchester 3. Playground/amenity area 8. Leisure Facilities 13. Bus Stop Services around the site Date: 10.12.14 M2 3AW Scale: 1:10000@A3  3RVW2IÛFH 9. Community Centre 14. Railway Station Project No: 19470002 T 0161 836 6910 Client Drawing No: 19470002/10 F 0161 836 6911 5. Pharmacy 10. Public House Westby Homes Drawn By: TH [email protected] 7KH5KLQHZRRG*OD]HEURRN/DQH:DUULQJWRQ





 APPENDIX 7 7 APPENDIX Visual Appraisal The Rhinewood Hotel, Glazebrook Lane, Warrington

Job No. D2293 December 2014 Visual Appraisal The Rhinewood Hotel, Glazebrook Lane, Warrington


1. Introduction ...... 3

2. Baseline Conditions...... 4 2.1 Application Area Description...... 4 2.2 Visual Assessment ...... 5

3 Proposed Development Layout ...... 11

4. Visual Appraisal...... 12

5. Summary ...... 13

References ...... 14

2 Visual Appraisal The Rhinewood Hotel, Glazebrook Lane, Warrington

1. Introduction

Following the decision by Warrington Borough Council to refuse Legend application ref: 2014/24573, fabrik Chartered Landscape Architects have been appointed by Westby Homes to carry out a Visual Site Boundary Appraisal of the Glazebrook Lane streetscape adjacent to the site of the Rhinewood Hotel. The appraisal will address the issues raised in the Council’s reason for refusal (No.2) and provide landscape and Railway Cottages Glazebrook Railway visual advice in terms of the proposed mitigation measures. The Station

document considers the likely visual impacts arising as a result of


the proposed development and in particular the proposed apartment a


building. H

e a

The red line area extends to 0.92 ha. d


a n

The methodology for this appraisal is based on the Guidelines for e Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (third edition, 2013). G l a Study Area z Brush e b r o Farm o The study area extends along an approximately 600m length of k L a Glazebrook Lane either side of the existing Rhinewood Hotel. n e Views from nearby Bank Street, Dam Head Lane and the approach to Glazebrook Railway Station (Railway Cottages) were also










e t

Figure 1.1 – Aerial Photograph showing the location of the Site

3 Visual Appraisal The Rhinewood Hotel, Glazebrook Lane, Warrington

2. Baseline Conditions

2.1 Application Area Description Legend

The Site lies on a triangular shaped wedge of land bounded by Site Boundary Glazebrook Lane (B5212) to the South, the Liverpool to Manchester UDLOZD\OLQHWRWKHQRUWKDQGDUDEOH¿HOGVWRWKHHDVWVRXWKHDVW

Railway Cottages Glazebrook Railway Land Use: Station

The site is currently occupied by the Rhinewood Country House Road Corridor Hotel, consisting of predominantly 2-storey hotel buildings, surface car parking and area of soft landscape to the south of the main building. Rail Corridor A rectangular area of soft landscape, primarily mown grass, runs adjacent to the eastern boundary of the site. This area is retained as Existing Slope part of the development proposals.

Topography: Existing Area of Soft $WWKHVRXWKHDVWHUQFRUQHURIWKHVLWHWKHODQGLVUHODWLYHO\ÀDWDQG Landscape (to be level with the adjacent streetscape and arable land. retained)

Glazebrook Lane rises up towards the railway bridge and is therefore higher than the western part of the site.

The Liverpool to Manchester railway line lies within a cutting at a lower level than the site.

Trees and Hedgerows:

A number of mature trees and shrubs are located around the perimeter of the site along Glazebrook Lane to the south and the railway line to the North, enclosing views of the site.

A mature hedgerow runs along the eastern site boundary, enclosing views to the east from Glazebrook Lane.

Mature vegetation exists along both sides of the railway corridor enclosing views from the north. Figure 2.1 – Plan showing the existing Site landscape (fabrik, 2014)

4 Visual Appraisal The Rhinewood Hotel, Glazebrook Lane, Warrington

2. Baseline Conditions

2.2 Visual Assessment Legend

The extent to which the Site is visible from the surrounding landscape Site Boundary is based on grading of degrees of visibility. It is determined from a visual inspection of the Site and its context from roads, public rights of way and properties. Location of Photographic Railway Cottages 1 viewpoint – Open View Seasonal change in existing evergreen and deciduous plant material (An open view of the will affect the available views. Typically views will be different through whole of the Site or open 17 the seasons with a greater sense of enclosure in the summer months view of part of the Site). when deciduous trees are in leaf. The visual appraisal was carried out 16 13 in December 2014 and therefore represents a worst case scenario 15 12 Location of Photographic 14 and winter view. Weather conditions were clear and visibility was 2 viewpoint – Partial View good. 11 8 (A view of the Site which 10 8 7 forms a small part of The plan opposite (Figure 2.2) illustrates the visual summary of the the wider panorama, or 6 existing Site from the immediate environs. This plan demonstrates ZKHUHYLHZVDUH¿OWHUHG that views of the existing hotel complex are limited to views from the between intervening built 5 receptors in close proximity to the site. The visual appraisal includes form or vegetation). a range of representative views, both from residential receptors which are considered to have a high sensitivity and road corridors which are 4 considered to have a medium sensitivity due to their transient nature. 3 Location of Photographic The photographs V1-V20 then describe each of these views. For 3 viewpoint – Truncated View (Views of the Site clarity the approximate location of the proposed apartment block has 2 are obscured by the been indicated where applicable. 1 intervening built form and / Residential: Partial, oblique views to the site exist from the adjacent RUYHJHWDWLRQRULVGLI¿FXOW 20 Railway Cottages partially obscured by the topography and existing to perceive). mature vegetation. The roofs of the existing hotel buildings are visible from here. 19 There are partial views from Brush Farm to the south east of the site, largely obscured by the existing mature vegetation.

18 Views to the site from housing to the south east along Glazebrook Lane and Bank Street are truncated by existing mature trees and hedgerows.

Figure 2.2 – Location Plan showing Visual Summary from local area (fabrik, 2014)

5 Visual Appraisal The Rhinewood Hotel, Glazebrook Lane, Warrington

2. Baseline Conditions

Views of the site from housing to the north west of the site along Glazebrook Lane and Dam Head Lane are truncated by existing vegetation, topography and the railway bridge.

Transport Corridors: Partial and transient views exist from Glazebrook Lane to the south of the site.

Open views in to the site from Glazebrook Lane are restricted to glimpsed views through gaps in the existing mature trees and vegetation. The existing mature trees and vegetation is to be retained as part of the planning proposals along with additional boundary planting.

View of the site from Glazebrook Lane to the north west of the site and from Bank Street and Dam Head Lane are truncated.

6 Visual Appraisal The Rhinewood Hotel, Glazebrook Lane, Warrington

2 Baseline Conditions

Site Photograph Survey

Approximate extent of Site Approximate extent of Site

Approx. location of apartments

Photograph – Viewpoint V1 Photograph – Viewpoint V2 View looking north-west from opposite the junction of Glazebrook Lane and Bank Street. Mature trees and View looking north-west from the southern pavement of Glazebrook Lane to the north-west of the junction vegetation along both sides of Glazebrook Lane and beyond the site boundary truncate views of the Site. with Bank Street. Mature trees and vegetation along both sides of Glazebrook Lane truncate views of the Site.

Approximate extent of Site Approximate extent of Site

Approx. location of apartments Approx. location of apartments

Photograph – Viewpoint V3 Photograph – Viewpoint V4 View looking north-west from the northern pavement of Glazebrook Lane adjacent to the existing View looking north-west from the southern pavement of Glazebrook Lane opposite Brush Farm. Mature agricultural building. Mature trees and vegetation along both sides of Glazebrook Lane truncate views of trees and vegetation along both sides of Glazebrook Lane truncate views of the Site. the Site.

7 Visual Appraisal The Rhinewood Hotel, Glazebrook Lane, Warrington

2 Baseline Conditions

Site Photograph Survey

Approximate extent of Site Approximate extent of Site Approximate extent of Site

Approx. location of apartments Existing hotel Existing hotel

Approx. location of apartments Approx. location of apartments

Photograph – Viewpoint V5 Photograph – Viewpoint V6 Photograph – Viewpoint V7 View looking north-west from Brush Farm. Mature vegetation along View looking north-west across the southern part of the Site from Glazebrook View looking north-west across the southern entrance of the Site from /DQH7KHUHLVDQRSHQYLHZRIWKHHQWUDQFHWRWKH6LWHDQG¿OWHUHGYLHZVRI both sides of Glazebrook Lane largely obscure views of the Site. the existing hotel. Views of the western part of the site are obscured by mature Glazebrook Lane. There is an open view of the entrance to the Site. trees and the existing built form. Views of the western part of the site are obscured by mature trees. Approximate extent of Site Approximate extent of Site Approximate extent of Site

Approx. location of apartments Approx. location of apartments

Approx. location of apartments

Existing hotel Existing hotel

Photograph – Viewpoint V8 Photograph – Viewpoint V9 Photograph – Viewpoint V10 View looking north-west across the southern part of the Site from View looking north across the south-western part of the Site and View looking north-east to the south-western part of the Site from the Glazebrook Lane. Mature trees and vegetation and differences in existing car park from Glazebrook Lane. Mature trees and vegetation approach to Glazebrook Railway Station. Mature trees, vegetation level partially obscure views into the site. and differences in level partially obscure views into the site. and steep topography largely obscure views into the site. The existing KRWHOURRÀLQHLVYLVLEOH

8 Visual Appraisal The Rhinewood Hotel, Glazebrook Lane, Warrington

2 Baseline Conditions

Site Photograph Survey

Approximate Approximate extent of Site Approximate extent of Site extent of Site

Approx. location Existing hotel Approx. location of apartments of apartments Approx. location of apartments

Existing hotel

Photograph – Viewpoint V11 Photograph – Viewpoint V12 Photograph – Viewpoint V13 View looking north-east across the western part of the Site from View looking east across the western part of the Site from the railway bridge. View looking east towards the Site from Glazebrook Lane to the west Views of the site are partially obscured by the railway bridge parapet wall and Glazebrook Lane. Open view into western corner of the site. Views of mature boundary vegetation. The roof line of the existing hotel building forms of the railway bridge. Views to the site are truncated by the railway the existing hotel buildings are partially obscured by mature trees. part of the visual horizon in this view, set below the mature trees. bridge parapet wall and mature boundary trees and vegetation.

Approximate extent of Site Approximate extent of Site Approximate extent of Site

Existing Approx. location of hotel Approx. location apartments of apartments Approx. location of apartments

Existing hotel

Photograph – Viewpoint V14 Photograph – Viewpoint V15 Photograph – Viewpoint V16 View looking north-east towards the western part of the Site from the View looking east towards the Site from Glazebrook Lane to the west View looking east towards the Site from Glazebrook Lane to the west railway bridge. Views of the site are partially obscured by the railway of the railway bridge. Views of the site are largely obscured by the of the railway bridge. Views to the site are truncated by the steep bridge parapet wall and mature boundary trees and vegetation. The railway bridge parapet wall and mature boundary vegetation. topography the railway bridge parapet wall and mature boundary existing hotel complex is visible from this view. trees and vegetation. The built form of the existing hotel complex is not readily apparent from this view.

9 Visual Appraisal The Rhinewood Hotel, Glazebrook Lane, Warrington

2 Baseline Conditions

Site Photograph Survey

Approximate extent of Site Approximate extent of Site

Photograph – Viewpoint V17 Photograph – Viewpoint V18 View looking east towards the Site from the junction of Glazebrook Lane and Dam Head Lane. Views to View looking north towards the Site from Bank Street. Views to the site are truncated by changes in the site are truncated by existing buildings, boundary walls and mature trees and vegetation. topography and mature trees and vegetation along Glazebrook Lane.

Approximate extent of Site Approximate extent of Site

Photograph – Viewpoint V19 Photograph – Viewpoint V20 View looking north-west towards the Site from Bank Street. Views to the site are truncated by changes in View looking north-west towards the Site from Bank Street, immediately to the south of the junction topography and mature trees and vegetation along Glazebrook Lane. with Glazebrook Lane. Views to the site are truncated by changes in topography and mature trees and vegetation along Glazebrook Lane.


Visual Appraisal The Rhinewood Hotel, Glazebrook Lane, Warrington

4. Visual Appraisal

The geographic extent of change is limited to the local area; the views included in this document include a range of representative views, both from residential receptors which are considered to have a high sensitivity and road corridors which are considered to have a medium sensitivity due to their transient nature.

Whilst built form will come forward in the view, the character and amenity of the existing site (that of 2 storey buildings up to 10.2m height, set within a landscape framework) will be replaced with new built form (of 2 and 3 storeys, up to 10.4m height) set within a retained and reinforced landscape framework of mature trees, hedgerows and proposed tree/hedgerow planting.

The existing mass of buildings occupies a large area to the centre of the site surrounded by surface car parking. The proposals provide smaller buildings aligned parallel to the site boundaries and Glazebrook Lane. This layout has been designed to maintain the majority of existing mature trees and the visual amenity they provide.

Where there are currently views of the roof tops of the existing building, these will be replaced with roof tops of the proposed new buildings.

12 Visual Appraisal The Rhinewood Hotel, Glazebrook Lane, Warrington

5. Summary

A Visual Appraisal of the Glazebrook Lane streetscape adjacent to Warrington Borough Council susequently refused planning the site of the Rhinewood Country House Hotel, was carried out in permission. The following reason was given in relation to the order to consider the likely visual impacts arising as a result of the appearance of the existing street scene: proposed development and in particular the proposed apartment building.  5HDVRQ7KHSURSRVHGDSDUWPHQWEORFNGXHWRLWVVL]HDQGORFDWLRQ ZRXOGFDXVHVLJQL¿FDQWKDUPWRWKHFKDUDFWHUDQGDSSHDUDQFHRIWKH *OD]HEURRN/DQHLVFXUUHQWO\ÀDQNHGRQERWKVLGHVE\VLJQL¿FDQW VWUHHWVFHQHDORQJ*OD]HEURRN/DQH7KHSURSRVDOLVQRWFRQVLVWHQW existing mature trees, shrubs and hedgerows, including along the with the requirement to plan positively for the achievement of high southern boundary of the proposed development site. This screens TXDOLW\GHVLJQZLWKLQWKH1DWLRQDO3ODQQLQJ3ROLF\)UDPHZRUN SDUD or partially screens both long and short range views into the site   DQGWKHIROORZLQJSROLFLHVRIWKH:DUULQJWRQ&RUH6WUDWHJ\ along Glazebrook Lane. 3ROLF\4((QVXULQJD+LJK4XDOLW\3ODFH3ROLF\&&3URWHFWLQJWKH Countryside. The majority of existing mature trees, shrubs and hedgerows around the perimeter of the site are proposed to be retained, including 'HFLVLRQ1RWLFH1RYHPEHU those in front of the proposed apartment building. Where open views exist into the site along the Glazebrook Lane boundary of the The visual appraisal demonstrates that the proposed site, additional tree and hedge planting is proposed to enhance the development will sit within the existing streetscape without existing streetscape and further screen the proposed development. FDXVLQJVLJQL¿FDQWYLVXDOKDUP,WZLOOQRWDOWHUWKHH[LVWLQJ character or amenity of the streetscene, whereby views of The proposed apartment block is located close to the western EXLOGLQJVDUH¿OWHUHGWKURXJKWKHH[LVWLQJPDWXUHWUHHVDQG corner of the site, which lies at a lower level than the adjacent vegetation to be retained. Effects on visual receptors is limited Glazebrook Lane, therefore reducing the visual impact on the existing to a short section of Glazebrook Lane in close proximity to the streetscene. VLWHZKHUHHIIHFWVDUHQRWFRQVLGHUHGWREHVLJQL¿FDQW7KH SURYLVLRQRIQHZWUHHVDQGKHGJHURZSODQWLQJZLOOEHQH¿WWKH Views into the site from existing residential areas along Glazebrook existing Glazebrook Lane streetscape. Lane, Bank Street and Dam Head Lane are either truncated or largely obscured by the existing topography, mature trees and hedgerows. In conclusion, the proposed residential development, DSSOLFDWLRQUHIZLOOQRWFDXVHVLJQL¿FDQWYLVXDO 7KH3ODQQLQJ2I¿FHU¶VUHSRUWUHFRPPHQGHGWKHVFKHPHIRUDSSURYDO harm to the existing street scene. and included the following statement:

In summary, having regard to the existing character of the hotel and its surrounds the proposal would maintain and respect landscape character and better optimise the potential of the site without damaging the character of the area, both in terms of immediate impact and from distant views.


13 Visual Appraisal The Rhinewood Hotel, Glazebrook Lane, Warrington


Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment, Guidelines IRU/DQGVFDSHDQG9LVXDO,PSDFW$VVHVVPHQW7KLUG(GLWLRQ (Routledge 2013)