Summer Programme on International 24 - 28 August and European Environmental Law: 2015 The Future We Choose The Hague

Confirmed speaker: Pier Vellinga, Professor in

Climate Change: an introduction to facts and fiction

Join the Summer Programme and learn more about the facts and fiction of climate change, and what choices made in the past and in Paris later this year mean for our future. Prof. Pier Vellinga will clarify the concept of climate change including the effect of human activities on the earth’s climate system. He will discuss the historic development of the science policy interaction over the last 30 years and will provide insights regarding the international climate change negotiations and the consequences for future generations of choices made today. His introduction provides the basis for further lectures and a workshop on the legal aspects of the EU and global climate change regimes, by two other experts that representing the EU and a group of developing states respectively at the

A short biography:

Pier Vellinga: professor in Climate Change at Wageningen University and at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. He worked as international climate change advisor to the Netherlands minister of Environment (VROM) and was instrumental in setting up the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as vice chairman of IPCC from 1989 until 1994.

For his role in IPCC he shared in receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007. In 1989, he was the first author proposing the 2 degree climate change target. He was chairman of the Scientific Advisory Panel (STAP) of the Global Environment Facility (GEF), is an advisor to the European Union on greening the EU economy and scientific director of the Netherlands National Program “Knowledge for Climate” (2007-2015).