I'ulillshtd ; EIGHTIETH YEAR—No. 40 lfiY<:ry Thursday WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1970 34 Pages—10 Cents Regional Issue Schipp, Pfeiffer, Gowdy Winners Plan Nickel Rate College Men's Scholarships Defeated The College Men's Club of West- field through Ralph Gilbert, chair- For Va Hour Parking Mountainside—The 1970 Regional High School Board of Education's $7 man of the scholarship committee, million referendum wias defeated Tuesday night by a margin of 535 votes. lias announced the award recipients A nickel will soon again buy residi-nls a motored parking space. A total of 6,199 votes were cast in the six communities which comprises for 1970. Responding to objections of residents and merchants. Mayor James C. the regional district, with 3,367 voting against the proposal and 2,832 vot- Winner of the $3000 award is Wil- Moran, in a statement road by Acting Mayor Waller G. Perry Tuesday ing for it. liam Schipp, son. of Mrs. Rite H. Yesteryear's night, said that an order for the necessary parts to make the changes in Tho largest turnout of voters was Schipp of «» First St. the current dime-only meter heads has been issued. An amendment to in Berkeley Heights where residents John A. Ffei-ffer, son of Mr. and alter the parking fee ordinance to pil<«5 up 1770 votes, with 1,181 voting Mrs. A-Ivin G. Pfeiffer of 836 Wall- Auto Feature permit one-half hour perking for for tile referendum anl 60» against berg Avc,,, is the recipient of the live cants i5 expected to be intro- it. Mountainside ran sacoral wifh a freshman grant of $700. Survey duced beiore the end of the month, total of 1529 veins piling up the The J. Stuart Smart Freshman OfSalesEvent Una hour parking will remain at the largest "-no" vote of 1230 as op- Scholarship of $700 being awarded 10c fee posed ti> tiie yes vote of 293. Spring- this year for the first time went to iMembers of ulie Wattihung Cliapter, According to reliable sources, con- field, with ttoee less total votes Bavid Govvdy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Antique Auto Club of America will Housing version of the dime meters wili cost tiban Mo'umtiaiiralde, defeated Uhe Joselyn U. Gowdy of 938 Sedigawicic oonduct a parade and participate in well under $2 each. Ave. proposal w3i a no volte of 76a and a j>n auto slliow on Saturday as part of Increased income from the park- All of the awards are offered an- yes vote of 757. KeiSworlh oast 334 jhu Old Flasluoned Bafgoin Days ing meters is intended to help pay nually to boys in the graduating Needs votes, 249 againsit and 85 yes. In sponsored by Die lletail lor a new2 car n class of Westfield High School. Ap- Needs for senior citan housing in «- ^ ° Central Avc. Olark, the referendum was approv- Westfield Area Chamber of opposite me I'os1 t OJfice10 1, bUbutt thitlWs5 fa- ed by only 29 votes when 463 yes plicants are judged on the basis of Jommerce. Westfiokl are currently being studied ^I^'IMI'L ;^ P" '* *'' scholarship, need, character, all- by a corwmititce headed by Council- cility may not be in operation in the vote were cast, cxvea- 434 n» votes Old Flaahionod Bargain Days, n°-ar future. Condemnation proceed- for a total of 897 voles. T&e smallest around ability and personality. which will run from today through man Alexander S. Williams. WILLIAM SCHIPP JOHN A. PFEIFFER ings were authorized against four turnout was isi Camwood wJiere 143 Mr. Schipp plans to attend Heidel- Saturday, wiU also be hgWighted on Mr. WiUiaras stressed that Uie properties on tlie site Tuesday nigiit vclens voted 78-87 against fee ref- berg College to major in German the final day by a "sidewalk Sing-a- committee presently has no plans by lhc C0UIK.i[ owy the objections of erendum. and hopes to have a career as a bong" conducted by the Wesllfield for fcho acquisition of a site or (lie councilmen Morris Kamler and John high school German teacher. Mr. Auto Search Mcls Tihe targe no vote of bete than Colonial drams, S.P.E.B.Q.S.A. construclion of such a project, but Ms,.k! "We're putting men out of 80 percent of the total vote in Moun- Schipp has been active in the Youth 30 Bags of Heroin Among the ears scheduled to be is attempting to contact interested business and paying a lot of money Group program of the Unitarian tainside came as no surprise be- displayed by tho group are: a 191,1 Westfield rasideaiits to determine tSie ror parking spaces," Iftunler said, cause the majority of voters Wave Church, the Westfield Teen Canteen, Thirty bags of heroin valued at Ford otfned by Ste-vcn Denraan of .extent of need for such a facility. Town Attorney Cuddie Davidson consistency worked' against the pas- DR. DONALD B. LOLJKIA and the Speak-Out program ot fee about $200 were confiscated from a Basking Hidge; a 1915 E\>rd owned Tlie Mayor Advisory Committee explained that condemnation pro- sage of the referenthtm ufoi'ch ihoy high school. He also served as pres- oar early yesterday on Barchester by Ijeanord Jatksfla of Qrianford; a on Housing for the Elderly has plac- ceedings could be lengthy and ident of the Datin Glut) and was a did not believe was fair to Moun- Way after a warrant was ordered by 1909 E.'M.F. owned by Norman Wool- cd an advertisement requesting in- stretch into years, tainside;cMldren pr Uve taxpayers. member of the German Club, Bght- ley of Mlounit^insidc; a 1^05 Cadillac Ghie>f James P. M'oran to Sgt. Wil- formation in this edition of the Authority was granted the Town aihe Sj»rin®ficid vole to defeat tine Drug Abuse rng :crew, and Junior Classical owned by Sam Alpmti of Mladison; a Leader, page 3 of section 3. The ad- Council to review and establish a (Oojjtioued oa;page 8) ' : League. ; . , . • liam Muth and Officer John; Burn- 1952 DeSoto owned by Sheldon ver-tisoment will be reprinted in next schedule of maximum rate for the Mr. Pfeiffer plans- to attend Bos- team to search the auto of John Net- Haiper of Clark, and a 1916 Fiord week's issue as well. collection of refuse in response to ton College, and'hopes to major in Uilso Itnovfn as Manclm) owned by Pe«l Kellblotk of GUeUe, Cranford, West Orange and Ridge- citizen protests against increased , ' JJi»er*y-f(sir n\esjii>ei« of tlie. West- Dr. jDansM,. B. J^ouwa, wood arc among those communitas scavenger rates for disposal of giar- Plan to Upgrade field' Colonial Chorus wiM perform F.AJC.P.. will speak here at f.#rn. •NeMingivM, 41, and his compto- "in this area of the state which have deri refuse "We think thai $30 is un- has'been :*o meroibar-.oi thevarBity if for shloippera betwsen tiho hws of 2 given consideration to senior citizen, fair and that's why we're slewing i WedneSdiay, at the Wesslfield Seraor ! : baseball and soccer teams, served ' ' .i ion, Jesse Green, 32, of 41 Broad- and 3;30 at [lie corners of Elm and Echobrook School High Sahtol auditorium under the housing, according to M. the First Baptist Church. Featured Cambodia and -Laos, no further Woman's Club sewjng contest, and Saturday. D a.m.-.") p.m.; Sunday, 11 lina University at Greenville, N.C., Mr. Gutman is employed as the Thursday, May 21. bus been pro- speakers included Rabbi Charles bombing of North'Vietnam, respect was awaked tfho D.A.K. Good Citi- a.m.-5 p.m.: Saturday, May 23, 9 in lihe fall. vira president of Bie J.B. Willi'ams eraiined ns Poppy Day in Westfield. Kroloff of Temple Einanu-Ed and for student and adult dissent, and zen Award for Westlield Senior a.m.-3 p.m., and Sunday, May 24. 11 IMiss Cronin is tSio daughter of Co., in Crtinfortl and the couple are Representing .Martin Walberg Unit a.m.-.i p.m., and at the Municipal Mrs. Elmer Schnialenberger, one of more rapid withdrawal from Viet- High. In high school she has been Mrs.-Sara J. Cronin of 648 Dorian parents of a son, Henry, 19, a stu- #3, American Legion Auxiliary us Building (second floor oposite Rec- the coordinators of the demonstra- nam. The telegram to Congress op- captain of cheerletailing, active in Kd, Her activities liavc included dent at tlie University of Pennsyl- "Miss Poppy" will be Jacqueline reation Office) Monday through Fri- tion. posed Cambodian and North Vietna- Gifl^s Sports Countoil and corres- mese escalation and the four Kent the Junior Auxiliary Woman's Club vania, two daughters, BiuWi, 17, a Kilshcimer. a six year old junior (Continued on page -O To comment on students' involve- poriciin'g secrcCary for Teen Canteen, member and daughter of Mr. and ment, Cliff Lisman of Rutgers Uni- students deaths. It was urgently re- wlisre She has been president and a student at Gov. Livingston High quested (hat Congressional meas- member of the bolard of managers. (Continued on p'agc 8) Mrs. John Kilshcimer. Her father is versity outlined the boycott of Coca- a member of Ilio Post and her mofli- Jrs.' Dance Tomorrow Cola products throughout the coun- ures are taken to restrict funds for Teen Age Display She has volunteered at Hie Children's (Continued on page i), Specialized Hospiitial ond has been cr is a member of the Auxiliary. try which has already spread to 360 "Miss Poppy" will be seen through- Tlie Odyssey will play for a Dun- college campuses. Coca-Cola was At WAA Meeting active in the C.Y.O. In high school 1*BA Annual Dance geon dance for junior high school she Has been a member of French out (he business area of Wcslfiold chosen to represent U.S. economic The May incding of the West- Friday, May 22 on Poppy Day and also in the Me- students from fl to 11 p.m. tomor- Club, Future Teachers of America', involvement in the world, and hope A Reminder . fiold Art Association will be held morial Day parade. row at Uic First Baptist Church. Crmcnila Club and intramurals. Miss At The Weslwood was expressed that the govcrramect at 8 pjm., Thursday, May 14, in the will realize that U.S.-militaristic in- Recruitment and retpstHatfon of (Continued on page 4) President Rulh Barrett has chosen for the bloodmofoMe program Wateunk Room of the Municipal Tho annual dance of the Westtield (Continued on page i' volvement is also worldwide and Building. 425 East Borad St. Tiie Patrolmen's Benevolent Association should be limited greatly. Tliousundis Attend Mountainside Chapter of Hod Cross pi'ogrean wiill' be two films, "Tlie will bo held from !) p.m. to 2 a.m. Turning to the-political side, Dan Annual Dog Clinic Battle oi Bands under the direction- of Mrs. E. W.Louvre Museum" and "Ben Stalin." Friday, May 22, at the Weslwood Grave Decoration Lundy, • Democratic candidate for Love, Blood' Bank chairman. On display wall bo tlie 10 teen age Slated in Borough Lounge, North Avc., Gmwood. Al Fairview Sunday Thousands attended a marathon Congress, stated the positions of antf^wuinei's fiJom lavis area which diaries Haller, diairm'an, will be rock band battle Saturday at lteu- Neetfea are at least 175 registrants Mountainside — The Mountainside Rep. Florence Dwyer, Sen. Harri- will be exhibited at the Culturtal IIOMONA TALIAFERKO assisted by Joseph Bellow. Cluwrm'an Harry Powers has an-rculion Field. Winner of tho slatc- 1 for the blofodmottleAvMeh will be Board of HdaMi is once again spon- son Williams, and Sen. .: Clifford Case. Arts Cento", Ocean City, during die Music will be provided by the Dip. nounced tJwt the American Legion wido event sjionsored by ;iie J'ay- at the Temple Emj&nuel Wednesday soring its annual clinic for tlie free month of July. Teen'age artisls are Icina'ls who liave appeared with Pal and Veterans of Foreign Wars of cues vfas Inner Imotioiis, a combo botwecn tihe hourp of'2. pjm. and vaccination of all dogs against ra- 7 p.m. TrdnspoEt'aliton wili be: pro- requested to bming tliuir work to the Cooper and DiamilB Jo, and enter- Westfield, G'arwood, Ciianford and from Poiinsvillc, whieli won a cash bies. Meanest Thief tainment by Betty Shields, well- •Business Directory ,.. Sec. -1—i vided to and from tihe bloo'dnvoMe Wateunk Roam by 6 p.m. tor 'Mountainside will decorate 850 prize and an aurdition witli Electro judging by S. Ailyn Sdhiaeffer, whose,- The clinic, under the direction of known TV and night club comedian. graves at Fairview Cemetery by Ohurch News Sec. 4—5 upon request. ; A purse bclongiug to a school Records. Blood bank volunteers will include professional wwk is well-known in Dr. C.J. ChcMayll, will be held at lite guard, Mrs. Nora Marcanlonio of Awards will be presented. pfaci-ng flaijs at markers of vet- Jndgps fni" Iho (I;iy-Ioiiij; ovont Editorials Sec. 4—2 Fire HouSso on Route 22 Tuesday, S< c 3 1 individuals between their 18th und this urea. Tho judeing will take 827 Grandvicw Avc, was stolen from Proceeds from the dance will ben- erans tilis Siiuday. They will coiigro- which ktstcil until about 1M p.m., •Ji-OOUS -' - ~ plac« from 6-8 p.m. and ail lihe tecn- fonn 7 to 9 p.m. an4 TJiuiWlay, efit the sick and death fund of the gate ut tlie main fbgpolc of Iliu were Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Miigaio. Obituaries .i.i Sec 1-4 GOlih birtih'dayis. '. Telephone registra- her oar Tuesday while she was per- tions-, from fanner .dtei»rs or cawagera parlacipijting arc iovited :to May 21, fnHu 2 to 4 p.m. forming her traffic duties at tlio In— Police Department. Tickets may bo Cemetery at 0:30 a.m. All membcra Mrs. Joan Pikul'a, Bruce Il:irris and Sec. 5 1 .Sec. 2-i-i volunteers •a-rebeipg aooe$b2ldyB&. the meeting. Hostess for the evening License fees covet Uie cost of op- lertectioa of West Broad St. andobtained from Officer Haller or at of tho posits arc requested to attend. Bill Fjiarvklin, WNJK p ...See, 1-7 t&e Oliapter House, 321 Elm St will be Mrs, lira Weagley, th&se clinics. Osborae Ave. the door. date is who also served ae cmce«t TOE WESTtmU)

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j.) wwm, ait Ssrtait scholarship are derived Franklin Slates College Men from a legacgecy to the-Collegt&ewttiefie Mrs. Neeiy Heads i GLub from the estate of fta late J. May Day Events music add sented at a dinner honoring the re- *year were imsitMLed by Mrs. Herray berst College anal major in engineer- cipients and their parents at the sUinfe at FaiamMin fifiain. The Aimex ing. He was a memlber of the var- King George Inn at 7:30 p.m. Tues- j3ainha Jr., outgoing president. D. will feature a tsr&elc meet, sity wrestling team, choir and Glee Joseph P-eMieioaie extended comgratu- terends, pfoysioal liitness Do music, day. Tibe speaker for the e-vening i Club, also active in student govern- will be John Swiak, vice president fco the new ofiiftcens who at)e: •fcurrsbikig, rouitanes dessfigned to uise ment as a representative to the Stu- and treasurer of Rutgers University. MTS. -Kciwiasid Neely; a real patiascfomte and a May PoJe dent Council and serving as vice His topic, '^Higher Education in the ,t, Mns. TtanJas Byrnes; danoe. president of the junior class. Mr. 1970's," is rrwst timely. Mn Swink vdce-ipresideiDt, MSrs. Ntorman All demonstitafcions will be under %\\t Eotune Jf air Gowdy was ohosen as Westfi&Ld High was graduated from Rutgers in 1S36 'CbamibliiSB Jr.; recofldang secretary, tlhe direction of Miiss Li^is Hull, 1 School representative to the Ameri- with a B.S. in iqathemalics and nat- Mrs. Ctales Cozewith; correspond- llawufig World War sescrelary, Mrs. As^liony Tobey memibers of her depaitmeant, Mi^s He was named -as a commanded stu- II he received a M.B.A. from New tjreaSsuiier, DonEaM MoDortaM. dent by the Notional Achievement Oatlhy FTafeoneB'iwi David Bell. York University. He has lived in tlhe inBlM'lalbioji of offi- The ptropiamn wlim begikn alt 1 p.m. Scholarship Program,- and also at- WestficiM since 1947 and has been a icens the PTA saw fiUms pd'eBcnjted tained Eagle Scout ranking as a Rain daibes wild be aiiniouiftced if Long time member of the College by Tihomlas Muliien, cooirttisna'tor of necessairy. member of Troop 74 and was desig- Men's Clmb and also served as a ithe audk> visuail prognaim in We-stliiedd 4 nated a memlber of the Order of the trustee. Arrow, He is a memiber of the Meth- (and fay Raul Sommans, nuisic in- Toenes to Solo odist' Yoiith Fellowship and repre- otnuObor. Mr. Mullen inibrioiciuoed tiie sents the Westiieki Community Cen- irni^ny pOsaiMtaes ttwalt Uktts have G-eorge Toenes of Westfield, band Bargains Galore ter as a member of the Mayors lin ddUoaibion add Mr, SoanmeirB pre- director at Piseatavway H.S., will be Twins Moms to Elect fsented bwto filimis thfatt were m'ade by ehrinet soloisrt at 8 p.m. Tuesday Youtbh Council. Mr, Gowdy also is a with the Elizabeth Civic Orchestra member of the Black-iAwareness OEffroans far tfte coming year will fWe^K^M siuidente, one of which ihad MciKSniLey as iits looaildon ix>iut. at Jefferson High School Herman eluib at the YMOA. •** be efeoted Wednes-day by the Suibur- Tophnsky will condwet the orches- ban Modlhens of Tmiim and TWplefcs Mr. Pellidone has araioune<&l Hie tra. Toenes will play Oarl Maria for the scholarship and Olub \dhen it meeihs at 8:1-5 p.m. ait selecbion ol this yca

» /. • '• i.i- •

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1 Old Fashioned Bargain Days The Women STARTS THURSDAY ODD BALL BIN

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233 BROAD ST. WESTFIELD AD 3-1111 OPEN MONDAY NITE Til Tflfc lu-rson who hi ay K' ifiUTOKU'U a.llornfy of record in all pnit'DPd- StamiiKh A%"tMHie ;tnd Mountnin- ; I Charles Thomas Mason. 48. of Haven •I'i'iii will hi- K I veil tin <*l>p«>ri imily ing's ivhore tlu- I'liuminF? Kourd *hnll vlcw Circle—A STOP Kipn shall In- htitiil ii'nciiiiinw' fiiiit ortll- iif a ]»:irt l-y virtue of tin* oiTU-iitl b. of 73; Services will be held today for | ,v Scotch Plains, with ihe Rev. 1 Vo HIT. relationship, provided that 1M« H1 1 Duiic-iin Hi!! j-^jxirtint'iit>, wile of ih; • Mrs. Kosrilie Jj)j)olitu MacalitoO, 84. i <,*]1Lstcr Ha!! cltici'il'ti" JoV 1'. VliKl*JJ.ANI>, fution Hiall n°t )»P iniii;tt*d wtthoui Btanrllsh Avenue and Mountain- ,, ., i i a i- i • Tuwn dork prior approval of \ho Town <*oum*il. view Ti-rrate—A STOP Ki^n slmll hue Henry U. Sit:^. died TIK'S;I:IV «f .">ii7 D;,»WHT S:.. who died Sundny • 11. Ito Phall sillorul all regular ho inRlnllPtt on Mountnlnvlew Tc-r- i - .it Mr. Mn.Mjn. who li;id lived in (,ttSlitUj OHIHNAMIO N« id li;ihiuiy Mriii'iri.-il Unsjii'.i! ajl* : AM !•; Tit AMilMl TH1C niPoiitiUM of tin* 1'hnmiiiK' Hnitnl uml rnce, .T j Ion* h.:ns.s. SI.LV \Ve-,Hir!:l fur 1» yc:irs bclnvu mov-; ^ *»iti j any special 6r ronforcnt-p irH-Min*rs ;i twii-iiifjiilh iHiK'ss. Sf.c fi.i-.l hL'i-n j w;w ;lu* 1 ' Till.; T(IU ^ w or d Hit- km* 1'it'tro Mar-1 in,, |()SccU h Pi:iins JaM ynir> di,,<|j J,'" ,', IIV ltK\IM.\<; AM* !>H- parts of ordinances lnortn»lHtcnt nil ;.ii ration of ;ill or JJoi-ii ;n , Mrs. \\.\Wt"jt, ur rr-sohtfiuns or a^r^enipms an r*>- .\.M> s K c T I o N ^-i^.r> < rilOCTIOX III. Thin ordinance JJoni in K.IM (>r.-m:4(*. Mrs. Slj.'jy h> 'In- riiULii Slates niaiiy;' A rl;^vc cr ,jr>hnst;n# s.(\, heat-! (|itir< U, Ho Khftll (.'(jiitHul surh AIXI-;i> by \hv Town ndriK-*1 In ronnreUon therewith tnko effort aw provided bv law, J1 y: :irs • y(.:,,s ^0. she lirt'ri in Wesilifld 20 | kM)ded tlu, B(fUis Ac:uloiny, Trenton, j '"iuh il s;iry io ;M! H P*-e« J15.C10 She \\(1> ;,- ,,i U,r .u-u-den : v,-.,x .s (. ,,p was a ve!,] of Wo|,d Warj hi- C-MiiiiK" uf I'ninn a.« f'lllDww: SlVTh )\ I, The t*odi- or the yiui Ic.'tu S el lh;» \V0Illil!]"S of liiai by the Phmnin^ nn;irdP 1CK TO <*HI F waf> by N'un oi Wvstlhlfi ts lKTi-by iM SECTION III. Thf Attorney tn of riJ10O,DOKlC K. HRSS, Chih ;JII:I :iis«* w ;is • I iiy revising DnrauiMiili ( tho Planning Hoard »hall r^oolv^ nn >» _""" uint of Holy Trinily K. (\ dwri-h. jN j Bt>u Tj 1 (.•-(i. rv«il iitmuul fsulary JIA*M1- by llu Town 1'urHUont lo ihe order of MARV f:. of \V(»M- <*ouncll for thi* pcrfonnjinro uf tlu* KANAN)2 Surrogate uf lh*» County : Mirvivini; Jiviwo dauyhUN-s. Mrs. ! Snr\-ivors include hi.s wife. Mrs. } Hold. tfp ion L va- of t'nion, made 011 llu* Stli diiy of S;ihatorcPelimeHaoJ' Wostlield and : Alnia (j Mason; throe sons. Tyrone SECTION 'IV: All orillnftiu-eK JTAJ" A.I),. 1S7O# upon the application Mrs, Sh;iy vv;)s a member **f The ^.jrs pl"> ctis \vi(h frt-twwii Dm? mirl it*» ( of tho umlerBiKMed, an Kxecutort* of vi-ana Ual-:iritzio in Italy: of ijnden. Charles J]. und Jt purls of ur <-;u > t-(Mi t in ii'iuri sorvirt wilh tht* with ihit* ortlinanio «rn hi-rchy re- rrian f htirdi oi Wrsificid. ' |u-0 tlit* CBtuLo of Haiti deceaBiMl, notice >. Anyclo ol Wesltield and , (^ |)o[j, ul |1{ '\'\Y\\ut (Jiu- t\uy \\]y iu n m.ixirnum poalod to llu' i-xU'til uf flurh inecm- IK herrhy g-iveti to the cruilttcrs of vin^ ;ti\- ii MHi, AI liiii H- of it i ii vf il:i VK vacii i ion in ;i()K,r. iu>s. Ja:iio {.. our M'f-i-k fir i\\'\- vvrkiMK d;iyw SKCTION* V. This urcHnum-e shall wcrlhtrs under ontli or niTirmntlnn D;iricn, CIMUS.; I\ >\±lvi\ Miss M;ir- : h " chihlrdi Liad 18 ^i-eal-^randc-hildi-en. I v[ I5owi» ol will hi ^ r;nit*\o uf \\u* from proKiM'utin^ rjr recovering tho Hon)(l : >f) Wo> trie d Ave anda t *1U: JVolIi.*** i*^ lu*roby Klvon that unmf1 nun hist tbf* subsrril^orK. "IIV\H nf W'vsMiiMil W lu-rcby further o liw. Dr. FreduK-k J-. H;,|y Tfinjty vmv^ whvrQ .u ,(- Mrs. INVil E. Martin an o ni in a net* of whu-lt the following Moracr K, liaher and m i-ml id Iiy rlrlrl iii^ |i;ir;iH-'r£t|ih tv) is a rti|»y was intt-niltu-erl, rend and \ Si-riion L'-1 J.:i "V.ia\\ ions." 1 Suburban Trust Com pit hyt U»r^!.:.n at l::ifl p.m. loniorrcw M ^^J^.J. a hj h m£1S5 f|f ihim , ; ^ Uono) Mi,rtil (i7i |>as4sod, on Hrf*i roadiiiK l»y tlu Ooun- of W^tRphl, N. J. sw"rn »x H K T)H- *NM1T of tin* i'Il of the Town of West field at ft Cray.- I-uncial llann*. :JI» I\JS* s.i\ui i*r \V.'si(i<0*1 is lir-rt»l>y furthor Kxprutors j be ofl'ored. IiUerniont will lake place iVorl'lilieM Apts.. 1JJ2;1 Center Si., meeting b^ld M:«y 12, l!*Tn. and U111L Hroad Si. lutcrrm-nt will lx in MM lut'ii \>y J«-vising i>;un^raph <*1 S th*1 said f'ouiirtl will further con- TJnrncr R 1'ak^r, Attorn^y in St. (kTtrudc'.s Ccinclcry. Woud- ;lJ&t-hlelit'ni, Pa., died Wednesday at I Sit-titiii i1-iif.;; Jl Vin-ations" tn ronrt Itosuiali' Ct'iiR'lei'y. Montclair. sider ijie same for final passaKo I'll 1 r* Jill 'Til Wj)]led to the Mayor and Barn in ttetlilehem, .she was a bo ji'l ven an ojiportunily to 1> Council nf (ho Tnwn of WestfltMcl for i'lnlwl Iiy r**vising paraM riipli ( o» remnvftl of the Plenary Itetntl Con* Howard Purdy James J. Gilmarlin, 4:J, of 310 |daughlcr ol the lalt: William and Sri-i|i>n J- 12M #iVac!Ui«i*«M li> n*;trt JOV C. VKKKLAND, RU nip tion Mc-urise for pretnl^eit sit- 1 uated at 501-503 Central Avenm*, I/Cranford Ave. died oi an apparent 'Agnes jttewHn 'J'urncr. follows: WVtttfleltL r (i > Tp to twenty working' tltiyn GKVKitAi, oniiivwci-; \o. Howard Purdy, 70, dk-d Tuesday; Unhurt attack Friday slicrUy after She u as a member of Central JU'jt ttun shail ))c nil" w^'l to j'lAK OHI>I\ANri') TO AMI3\U The oHfit-«r« *^f the rorponi t ton at liis home. Wli St. Marks Ave.. jf- :jiuinct admitted U> Uaiiuay Hospital. ^Moravian Church, Kings DauahtcM'S, nt*i!iluir's :tn<1 em jilnyc-OH ni tlio <<>%*%: Or* THK TOW\ Oh' WlflKTwe:- John ,i# Uapro.siaro, Proafdent, ni l<>mi id iHillc-f' iiiul li if :ir;'n^(firft. Vice I'ifHidenr, was the lui-bantl ot Mrs. Eileen |/and the Hethkhcni Women's Club. nuts who IIMVC rnmplt-t*Ml (If PHOVISIOVS TO NKC'TIOV JiMI 115 HUHHI'V Kt, WPWtflehi, N. J.; Horn in Ponca City, Okki.. of pion- i-i\rs of runl i minus MMVICI' 1M p Gi]ni;»1in. / Sur\iving mv iwo xoits, Wiliinm "S'l'OI* IXrKU.SIOtTIOXN^ lllrlmrd ]>nw:a«tnro( K*^ retiiry-Treus- iw slock, lie Juut livt'd in Wt's!tii?ld uly 1- UK IT OI!I>AINKr> by tho Town «rer, ' 7G." Central 2Ave,. WeHtnolrl, 1 Ilr had complained flf fVtiing illf'T. of Wallingford. and George D. J^'IM i\ V. Tho (^>fl<» of Council of the Town of WVs since 1!)47. ilo was a member o[ wit. l l f r *\. J- , while at work at General Ammcan lof Ford Cily: 'iVr> brothers, George ;^ ;: , "v^l-vlsi,^ 8eni«n 2-is.s In tht; (*ounty of l nion HH fol OhjcrtimiH, If nuy, should he made f 1 1 lI ( SK of the (.'onmunuly Players and n-Urcd m /Investoi"5diivest . Now York Cily, where iD. and l*Yank Al. Turner, both or "Sick i^-ivc' " tn rend AS follows: ImmiMllately lit wrlthtfj: to Joy r\ Town of M'eMlleld IK hereby ainetul- Vh-t'land, Town <"'l**rk of We^ilieM IU(i7 af'lcr 23 years as a Lcmsfnic- i*tl hy ndrlinA' lo xeftlun 13oi "Slop .nr was viva presjuent and i;nancial ilicthlchmi, and six griin'dchildren,! M-JH-MHT naiti nn un nnnuui H-IIH^- N. J- IntorteeKnn^/' the following: - TON'V'S TAVRRN7, 1NTC. tion engineer wiiji the Lummis Co., Ijmaly.M Services were hold at Daniel B. or :m lioiuiy hnslK Hliall be Hireli A vnuifi and Hrnclford nn\ 1111 • 11 i n t'i fcloomfield.IJlooinficld. ! Avenue—STOI' Hi^ns Klinll be In- . , . , • Bern in Flushing, N.V., Mr. Gil-! tSriydor Funeral Ucme, Bethlehem, i inn \\W\\ piiy, niu- worklntr day siiU l^'jivr, wiih nay, for \>'AC\\ momli MirvivinK ;ire hi.s wife. Mrs. Or- jmar|j.n y^d in Kendall Park before ihvith liie Hcv. Dr. Mervin C. Woid- fnini tin- ilatr- *>f his or her lOKulnr aMinc Downs I'urdy: a diui^htcr, •(C(;iT1 jnii t0 Westiioid liwo years afo. j.-ner ofJiehKin^ Burial was in Mi-sky iiuptiiy in nil tw ft npoinl mont in \)\e Mrs. Doris So us a of California; five siHM'rvcllHK 1 >rri?nlM.'r l^t. am' HftOfii [fe was treasurer of the Charter j tf-IiJI Cejnelery. Memorials may bewnrkdiK thtys sink leavf1 with pay Bi-aiidcluldrcii »nd Tour grcat-firand- (Fiil,anoial Ana|ysLs' GroUp and was .sent (0 St.. Luke's Hospital Memorial |\ir oafh calciHlar ,v**rtr llKMca ft»*r children; and three slep-ctawghters. II1 any oiTlror <>r omnloyro requlird FUGMANNCMCompatw |i communicant of Holy Trinity R.C. , uind. noiir in :\ purl If HI nn ly ol hit* up IUT i Mrs. William UurkeJr. of Weslfield. . YMllMJh M 1 Iowa hi i sif-1; I OJI vi- 1'nr fiuy r:il*M*- ALWAYS READY TO SERVE YOU I I « < I;ir yrnr. tli(* ;nn t(> fc l cola. Ha nnd >Irs lukvard Me- •du] .. (he |oo pradl aled in 1!r>] Jrom Manhaltan Poppy Day BVBNBn SEItTICW tour children. J..n , sick lrav** wil h pay if and \vli**n A memci-ial service will be held , *i* ' • • 'Continued Jrom p-ago 1> * VAST BUDGKT , ,„ « J • n i i e \ / Mso surviving ai*c a son, JamoT s TJ IM tho ctiHO of prolnnf PAYMENT PL A If o c t hr Town OnniM-tl inny Krant MJI**- at 2 ».m. Saturday in he c io-pel of ' ... .? , , . T, . . Mis, Morris K-amlcr as Poppy clvair- h IJ d e i'[t\\ rf Nfly-two woeks, juniors cf tho Auxiliary and Sons of Call (o Hie Weslfield Rescue Squad. i Ls niothor, Mrs. .Fames | the again, N vr. If nny part or parts FUEL OIL There will be no calling hours at •|tin Si\ of JiunUngdon Volley, l\\. £s$o 232-5272 I We Are Interested !• Gray's Funeral Homo which is inand a sister. Mrs. Alfred 1!. Cherry ' iamk>' H}lx cd- h.c i ?"1CS iav<; lo in val ifl, siu'li Tour ncafisk Problem ' • been made* by Ralpli Oakes, a local shall tint nffort iho vnlirtlty of of arrangements. lof Huntingdon Valley. rwunini port Ions of tlil^ onli- Sale* * i veleryn. who is proud to servo this nance1. "YOUR IOCAL AUTHORIZED INDEPENDENT VIT, All orrilnftners or . SOUTH A\B, I wonderful community. parts of nr JOY t\ VIlKKIvAND. Town (Mork a.i«. today in St. James Cemetery. fjng t0 IJcHe]oy Heights. (JtlMOItVI, OUI)1\AMK \o. 11IU4 Memorial Pool : Westmoreland County. Pa under He ^ ui,iasurcr of thc Kmifmann A\ Oltni\A\(KTO riiOVIUK Al - the direction ot Cray s Funeral | ^^ T-li <> H 1 '1^ V FOR THK TOAVX Press Ncw York> wUh wlwjn (Continued from ottae 1) roiACir TO it n v i K w \M) Home KNTAltJ^IKII A S<'HI>;ilI J-K OK " | he had !>oen affilvated for 43 years. M \\1>H M IC.l'I'ns KOII Till? pictures taken to do so at these 1 •Husband of Mrs. Myrtle Oribbs j An Army vciL-era-n of World War II, M](yrio\ oi- m:rrsi-i IN- times and to come prepared with TO \v.\ Rugh, Mr. Hugh was a retired lie wasa meimbor of Uto Holy Name an emergency phone number and chemist. Society of the Church of the Little proof of residency. AN OUI)I\ANCI<:TO IMIOVIDK r«m Born in Saltsburg, Pa., Mr. Hugh | Flower in Berkeley Heights, a mm- THK f>1 lt< HASH Ol1 CA>1I2KA. •Memberships are still available. 'H'MKXT, TO 1110 VSKI) resided in Weslfield since 1930. He ber of the WesHield Council. Knights dayi May ]0.22i cIaiIy g a,m,.5 m. i rnotioss OP SKWICH ix- retire, d. ,a numbei r of year• s ago as ap of Columbus and the Martin - Wall- nnan^a -.^ninevenings^ . 7«<-yi p.mnm. rilOS, A.M> THK APPHO* Post, American Legion, tho I'iCIA IIO\ OK IIOMKN M-3CKS- chemist and general manager of ; bei« Post. American Leaon. tho TilL1 commission urges all mem-s - n - n is $7.20 the American Cyanamid Co., Lin-j Colonial Chorus, West field SPEQQ- bers who still have not had their SA, and was a former member of Applications may be obtained either Public so s hereby Klven that Mr. Rugh was a member of the the Berkeley Heights Board of Ad- at the He creation or Town Clerk's ,i it or(linaiK-4" of ivhleh thhee folfollowi * in^ IM a copy was introduced, read American Chemical Society and ajustment. offices in the Municipal Building. A ;tml passed, <>u nrwt rcailitm' i>y the former director of the Union County Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Mar-family membership is $00 and anrr>unoli uf tho Town oi UVstileld iit u nift'tintf held Alfty 1-, l!»70, and Trust Co. He also was a member of got O'Brien Kaufmann; a sister, individual membership $50 per sea-thai tlie Bald Council will further the Presbyterian Church of West- uMJiss .Madeline Kauiim'ann of Union tons Id or ( he Hiune for Una I pansa^e son. It is suggested that any West- on tho iiitli day of May. 1H70, at field and the Sons of the American •City; and a nephew. field resident still interested in join- I'i^'Kl t lilrty o'clock 1M1.T In tho Revolution. ! LNMUICII Chamber, .Municipal ing do so immediately as a welling Intf. 425 K. i;roa by tho Town grin Falls, Oh-io, arad Mrs. Warren day. tervention; repeal the Tankin reso- ruuntil t^ Hit* Town of Westileld Interment was Tuesday in Arling- lution; insist on more rapid with- in tlu? f'imnty uf ITnlou a» follows: F. Wade of Orangeville, Ohio; two- KUl'TiON* [. TIUTD l» hereby brothers, Losan S. of San Diego, ton Cemetoi*y. drawal from Vietnam, and allow for ostahliKhed ihe position of Attorney to the Hoard of Adjustment. Ho Calif-, and DeVZ-itt W. of Saltsburg: - In addition to her husband, Mrs. froe exprossion of nonviolent dis- shall ut: an attornoy-ai-inw of tin* j i™ A^ ^1^4rti. o^n* n*%A iM'Avnnflrtn />r ITC^ nf AY^PQ .State Df Nt*w Jorwcy and J>P njipnint* a sister, Mrs. Margaret R. Hender- iSieder is survnvtd by a daughter,, sent and pi event ion oi use ot exces- , . | AtijuHtmom r»> a teiin t l (ifJ:oan ant- yrun?otHUE:* where thr iioard kow delivered the benediction. nf AdJUKlniiMtt shall bt* H pnrty by Expert*Guidance Without virtue of Jill the official rvlatlon- MII! IJK, provided that 1PK»II action slinll nut bo initiated without prior fippmvul of Hit* Town Ci^unolL Guitar Stolen is. Ho shall attend all regular mt*<>tin^w of the Uoanl of Adjust- ~^' m*'\\\ and uiiy ^ or A guitar valued at $550 was re- u H ported stolen Saturday by John Bac- f\ Hr sluilt a'lvl^e and in L. L MANNING & SON llir jirt'paratluii of ri'Hululi^HN, Jlnd- 9\ cardi of Parlin, one of tho perform- inns and other matters us rrnuirt'd. MONUMENTS-MARKERS V ers at Saturday's rock festival at :s- IUMUI* in coniKMtiun tii^rrwith as 405 W. Front St., Plnlnltclil, N. J. 1 Emt, 1881 Phone PL 0-OT06 'A •>/'.-, the hiah school athletic field. nin y bo iH'reasary to advance wuch OUR VACATION CLUB STARTS MAY 18 matLi^r.H a« may 1M* r^qni-stcd of Inni

Whether you need assistance l>y tlu* I son rd of Adjustment. F 4 in solcvtinii a family intiuio- IRARRP LEGAL NOTICES SK^TIOX ril. The Attorney to rttsts c thf llonrd of Adjustment sim.11 re- or advice on uemwcrv |° - FLEMING ctMve sui nnnuiil salnry llx**fl hy IMIlUr XO'I'H'B Town Council for t ho ]»t*rform; Classes 50$ To $10 Weekly of our fxpiTiunct'. N'n I*ulillf N"U**t* is In-iHiy ^Iven Lhnt of dntli'S ;IH (U*scrlhiid nhovt*. ju c»rilinattr«- <>f which (he follow- T tion. We'll cmnuol you. as^isi Monuments 1 lf Si:CTK>N IV. All ordlnnnrefl or i iiK i^ i * M>v WHS jut rod need, read pnrt» of or'l Irmncos^tiMit you in every u;iy. And, uc itnd jKisstMl. on I) rst r**ailf i»n by tho with tliis nnllniinn1 art* Hereby re- Council fjf lln- Tmni of \V«^tlhld at S|iccin!i/.c in fully uu;tr;itm ^*.^': pr;iluti to Lliu extent of sucli iiuon- :•<**• :i iu!»«»tiii;: hfld -Maty 1 -, 1!«7U, iiiul IJarrc Guild MOIKIMICMIS. I hit I tin- ,-Jiiil Council will furl lu* r &\F\ I'IH-V. INTEREST PAID ON VACATION CLUBS rnnsIdiM1 t l<|h ^:iiru- for I in ill iiansaK*1 S!-:CTI()\ V. This ordln:inrc» shnll See us Uxl;iv. tsik*1 tHfeul :IH prnvhUd hy law. nn tb r 2 ilny nf M:iy, l!#7»t at 5-H-ll Kri'w 5'JO. VI'HI*1C NOT1CK I>ul>llr Notlrr Is hereby jrlvon that an nn1ln;utc<«* of whicli the following in a copy vvjis introdLic: ]>Z, j:ro;id St., Wf*HllU*lil. Ni>w JtTHty, at \vhl*'h tiino tmd ]iln*!o iwiy pardon wlio m;iy hv Intrrt'Ktril th^ri'In will h(» ulv#-n JIU (M>pnrtunl1y tn hi> hoard I d ore! Inane*1. t]i)\ (\ VltRlfl , Town Clerk FUNERAL DIRECTORS iKUAlr OIIIIIXAVCK \« \\ nniH.VAvcrc TO i3^T\nr-rsn TRED I!. GRAY, JR. TIIK POSITION" OF hDERAL President and Manager TO THK PKANVINO KM tT tUIIMIXKII hy [\w Town . " DAVID B. CRABIEL rVnim-11 of ihv Town of Wtjatfield iv Executive* Vicc-IV^idcnt i )H* r^imiii v c 1 f T'nlnn us fnllmvn; SAV/NGS SKt'TiriN 1. Tlit»M U h o n» hy C FREDERICK POPPY **HIJI MiHhfil thr PMHUIOH of Attorney Vicc-President in tl?t> Plaitnht»r FSnnrd. TTo Mlmll hr •t£-A jLlJi .*• i nn ftttorn«*y-At*lnw of tli«* StntP of WESTFIELD: 318 East Broad St., Fred H. Gray, Jr., manager 233-0143 New Jersey ft ml tm api>oint*d hy th^ Pliinnlnc llonrfl fnr a torni of on#» WESTFIELD SCOTCH PLAINS CRANFORDc 12 Springfield Ave, William A. ttoyl* manager 276*0093 V Cf \ V crtoN 1t The AttArttpy *im1l 1 vv-U '• i*.!. -.'-t / rlip lpp-nl nilvlnrir to (he* Planning: PwkAwnue , MA* u, mo Page 5 at& created ' on tfoe tilm iastt week Nickel Rate py Updating - boards legal advice and it has been Dayts" vMl be eJaisiiy reoognized be Born in New York in 1928, Dr. Ixmiiia's work at tfw New Jersey Col- proea&ires tor tj>e approval of iate recommended by the New Jersey oause tihey wiH be wiring ijOWfn received his B.5. from Hair- Or. Jo$e>$\ BoyJan and r>r. Solo- lege of Mtedifdne and Dentistry -1> pians>hd iervgthertlng the time per- aipren* Otturt <*&* **fe towri attdf- vests, ar*n garters iHid ward University < in 1 mon Cohen are tJ»e peaiiafcriciatis being met, stmdy alternate niettod iod for construction under granted ney not serve in these capacities. Thek stores will be d«cora!Led witli 1949 and his M.D. fcom Harvard bring .? hiim closer to Hhe field of w^hose interviews are contained in a variances, ami establishing four new healtih problems in depiveti cominu- Got a Gripe? and report these' firtdUtgB to th Each post carries a salary of $2,500 bri^htfy co-iored banneirs. (cum laude) in 1953. His postgradu- local videotape on drug abuse pro- i Town Council. . stop signs. a year. The following businesses are par- ate training win re-ce*ived al New 1 niLies, urban decay, jwlHuibion, toxa- j viewed Host week at a of Write the Editor These will be on Bj-adTorti Ave. af r SeServingg with Molowa will be Pres Hearings on these five ordinances p in Old JTasflik>ned Bargaun York HoiT/tal, I he N^Uwiia ! Inati- colony, nufcritiwi and healiih care. the 'lioai d of Education. con N. Crane of fll9 Rd., Birch AVe,* on Sianiiish Ave. at Will be held May 2A. tULes of llealili, and m Cornell Modi- Bircli Ave., oo Mountainvie P.M. Exdminotion by (Continued froih page 1) Drug Abuse scciely, a^temitjng to ratii'ajmlly con- CLOSED WEDNESDAY APPOINTMENT tflie ChotUl Wg i eludes blue plaid (Continued from page 1) vince his audiences through case his- dress jackets am) tn«tedo tr«Wseff«. State Council on Drug Addic- tories aivd st-'ienMiic studies. 'Tender Members of tlie Chamiber group tion. He is the author of "The Dang While he eonlinuus his interest and And a favorite of kings r * * * M and r . queens the world over

•_• I

C - AFTER 27 YEARS IN WESTFIELD The Prime Ribs of Beef at...


i MS. ROUTE 22, MOUNTAINSIDE, N. J. *»• Reservations (201) 233-5542 The Motter Family Private Parties - 1. 10to200 'I .






NANCY F. REYNOLDS PEARSALL EDWIN O. EDWARDSBARRETT & CRAIN LEE K. WARING JAMES J. DAVIDSON DANKER & DANKER, C B. SMITH, JR. WILLIAM A. CLARK ItEAl/rOK Realtors Inc. KBALTOH — UfSUROR ASSOCIATES AND XTOR Realtor Realtor 436 South Av». West 112 Elm Sf. "TWO COLONIAL OFFICES" IS £L BROAD STttEET Member o£ tie Realtors — Inraror* Hember* of Multiple LUtint If ember Moltlylc MMLoff Syrteni AD 2-2500 REALTORS FRANKENBACH 233-5555 Wesffield Mountainside Multiple fjlmtlng Syatcm 111 Central Ave. Member multiple Ltrtlnv Service AD 2-1800 AD 3-1800 149 ELMER STREET Weitficld GOLF EDGE FINE LIMTJNGS n e present a tive for SUGGEST . . . Inc. Member of The WESTFIELD 232-9300 Trans-America Referral" Multiple Listing S>nte OVERLOOKING ECHO I>AKK In the U.8.A ESTAIU-XSHKl) \WZ2 (X>UNTHY CLUB. TAKE OV1SK 5 % % MORTGAGE. LOVELY 232-4848 SEE OUR UNIQUE AREA REPRESENTATIVE I'BNTEH HALL BRICK FHOXT FOH COIXJNIAU i BEDROOMS, 2 FOUR BEDROOMS 1 Vz ACRES "EXECUTIVE HOMESEARCH" FULL I3ATHS PLUS TWO % WINDOW DISPLAY FitKVIEWS INTEHIVATIONAI. BATHS. I>KN, GAME ROOM, Z HERE'S A NEW ONE I in not & palac«—but It la RANCH HOME] F1NO1NG SKRVICK FIHEPLACES. CAKPETINO & a wound houwe that will tRko it $60,000. Houotulnslde OF HOMES FOR SALE PRAPES. BUMMBK AIR CON- EXCELLENT COLONIAL large family, good location, DITIONED. DOUBLE GARAGE. quiet Htrtet, walk to all schooiB,' IN Living: room, dining: room, kit- If you would like a babbling: brook running through your YOU CHOOSE . . . PROJECTED IN COLOR 159,500. chen with eating space, let floor FIVE BEDROOMS EXCELLENT CONDITION I Sen, Also 5th bedroom on 3rd back yttrd in a woodsy area, we floor, A lot for only ?27,5U0. BURt^est you see this lovely 3 We'll iiKiKc v.t-'i'i ;tii» ih:tt >'"U FIREPLACE IN CHARMING bedroom ranch with 2 car at- ^••t- tin- wry \viii« ,«t posMlilc M-- ir GLEN AVE. LIVING ROOM tached garage. An Ideal retire- Ir.lj.iii o|' l'p\rtj- h'Mll.'^ JlVii:!- TOTS - TOWN ment home, Quiet—tfnsy up keep :(M.- in <>ur W rsllii'lil- M nlin t;iill- NICELY DECORATED —a bit of country living. lo- .- , k\ :itnl SiMtch Plains COMFORTABLE COLONIAI* BRAND NEW TOP FRANKLIN SCHOOL LO- cated In North Plainfleld. May ,:ii.u . . . wt-')l inkf y"ii ilii DINING ROOM we tell you more? , C' A T I O N . SIX DELIGHTFUL TRANSPORTATION r entrance, family room 11 > nil s;iy s", l«> .-vi' ! l)".si- .V"U ROOMS, lVt BATHS, 3 BKI>- BREAKFAST BAR IN ami den (can hQ 4th bedrouni); A BEAUTIFUL HOME FOUR ROOMS, RECREATION BASE- liUf Ihr, "ln-st . . . « ''11 «la al»iui tin- i>n.»]Hr[ ji-s LISTED "TODAY" IN BRIGHTWOOD 1 Vi BATHS spate. Three bed roomu, X A iiiul Mi*- iiiv.-is . . . and wlii-n it NEW bathut double garage. Good $47,500. CMIH-S In I In- ih'i'isi'ui . . . it FLAGSTONE FLOOR & lot in l-'ainvood, trees, $36,900. i» youi-K I" nuiki* wilii'Jtit prtx- MODERN HOME IN JUST LISTED TODAY CHERRY PANELLING IN COLONIAL .siue of any .surf .«<> fitr as «'r LISTINGS Cloao to the ever popular Grant a it- i-i>in»i']ii*l . . . y our ^.i l if* - PICTURE PREnY COLONIAL FIRST FLOOR FAMILY ROOM Thorcs are 4 b^ciroomwr 2% baths SUN VALLEY AN ijiwuj as brand new, ;mil a NEAT and flret floor den In thl« well School; Close to the beautiful THREE BEDROOMS TOP MOUNTAINSIDE I/>CA- kept home, Fireplace It; Hi eery Wilt'II yOU lli^JH'Cl \U\.'tiV I'vrly Joiution that cannot be Picture window hi living room, living room, family aize dining: ($37,900) TION. QUALITY CONSTRUC- NICE BIG LOT dlnlrifi: room, table apace In kit- wllli us we think you'll be as TION WITH MANY COLONIAL room, and Kitchen with Utah- ilflighti'«l as we :iro . . . ;Mnl tlupli^-ali i\ today, A wiiK*, Town Park anU pond; 15&sy POPULAR NORTH SIDE c-henf family room & ^rafle Iftvel -watfjjer and electric, runge* Till* i*r I* |ify el run tlirre DETAILS. 3 fcEDROOMK, 2V4 laundry. Threu bedroom^, i \& UaHement has lino recreation of cuurtu' ihoro are many, many JM-ilrooiii l»mlt JIIMI oiie-luiltf BATHS. SUMMER AIK CONDI- mure for your t'on^ cinius L'i'iitiM\ hall sots ilir LOCATION bathH, full basement, attached room about 20x12 with addi- i-Iumnvt- IIJIH nn 4*ut~lii kit- TION INC. DOUBLE (iARAOI-:. ffavitfie. Winding Fen wood k walk for Dad to the train or tional powder ro'>ni. W/W car- rh4 ii, I JI in I J > ruotn, full U; Die rear lawn. Thv l THEE STUDDED LOT. CUS- BUILT IN 1930 street, easy wulk to uchools; peting — yarage. Convenient TOM BUILT FOH PRESENT FULL BASEMENT move in condition. TraiiBferred area. r<*oin ;niil diniup room nvc 'GARDENS COLONIAL" OWNER. bus station. This turn of the owner bus rc(ili«tic:aliy priced t • it J* f«u'iil4*d 4iii it *Yiiu!t HOT WATER HEAT at I37.0U0. >v»v Jii^t over Hit* I in** In i\nt\ bright. Tit ore is a new $46,500. 579,500. century homcatead has a large REASONABLE TAXES 7 BEDROOMS - 3Va BATHS , * , ,^u *julj rail to "Jris- street in Scotch Plains. Livtuu top ran^e on a handed * on und . , . firth Ing family room, bedroom and on Xrd , * « crntrr hall* 1 bath: 22' living room, full din- In our Grant School area Is thia room with tirpplac*-, junior din- EVERYONE INTO Multiple LI*tinr Member ing Into tho living room, 14 ft. 1 older Colonial on a lot 70x150. iiiK room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms inland, many cabinet K, vlnff room vtitfi flw* TERRIFIC BUY Ing room, kitchen Gfirooma & 2nd tl00, BRAND NEW po\vfU-r room i.s adjacent. The* . , . cl*e|i Jot with KVENIINO FI10NBS kitchen with butler's pantry nnd Hhruft* — nn Ideal Wnlter tCckliart 2-t2-7»M CENTER HALL COLONIAL! $57,500. JT I In- *ort of u ivi four luMlrouttKS upsluirs aru all home nnd locution for a IiM\ r Iind In thv ittint IT r u « 1 II ft yoiiiifr ilurton BUchoU clo.soby, on the 1st floor; while 25 FOOT LIVING ROOM ROOMY COLONIAL SOUTHERN COLONIAL k Ilrlck homo—3 bedroom^ study panel li»0 family room- FOUIt kllcheti with dishwasher, wall WESTFIELD forinul dining1 room, reo room, bedrooms. Yen, a recreation & COUNTER TOP RANGE Uvln-0lK«f hedrooniH, 2% batha; this tni yvi.r **hl lour Uvtf- i.s ;LM adrlitional rear street oven, table top range, illwli- 31 FT. LIVING ROOM r«Mini lioun* in St'iitvli I'Jtiiiirt* 2 car ^rarafie, bar^c lot, Clowe near local park and playground wustter and laundry am* fam- FIRST FLOOR DEN (tcnniH <.?nurtft batjehall* Ice v 1 Mnplr Hill I'uriiiK nrrii , , . T to town ami *<;houls. Mhl room In the basement. You can'l f ily room with fireplace, dining WITH FIREPLACE 11 hriK t\\4t lilt-il bntliN, I'itin- THREE BEDROOMS PLUS etr,), Nitre lot, patio, room und formal living room. ily room tvlfh unique tir**- frontage lot ?•'> x ]f>0 which Si;huo], Uullt In 1HC4 2-car gRTi\e&. 20% flown will FORMAL DINING ROOM k by outstanding; local contractor. |ihU'**f kltrliiMi with t \<*oJ* FRANKLIN HC1I0OI*—Pretty, 3 beat this neighborhood for fam- EXTRA buy. — 3 BEDROOMS - lfli( i n( iut; nrvn, pinvil^r ni;cy also hv. purchased if you bedroom Colonial, l1^ bat hit, ittiJifltivil *;!*riiK*k • < • "SPACIOUS OLDER HOME" CEDAR STORAGE CLOSET t denr lar^fi ultra-mortern kit- 2 CAR GARAGE pool IM t-iH'hiMiMl in a want more properly, TliU home $35,900. chen. formal illnlner room, l;]>- EXCELLENT THIRD FLOOR rnlrU~ n Her* fu another "new or- MODERN SPLIT LEVEL $36,500 IM a fid tio^vtri CIIOICK North WeetflelU: largo k 1 and 1M a onv-or*u*klnd home. rlvnl" — u *cood h( 1 experience! WITH 6 WINDOWS * Oi» i nll to sri ilred, for n Inrwrer- Jiving room with Drephict , 5 C. B. SMITH, JR. $64,500* Qverngf finally. The bedroom^ den, fnmily room In BEAUTIFULLY LANDSCAPED <-IOIIM Interior Includ^H five basement. 3 baths, 2 half bathw, Thl« brick and frame p lied room* on Unit nnd two 2 car gurrtgre, 15x14 mod cm kit- LOT (75x175) Realtor homo hflH 9 rnoniji in all and 1B EDWIN O. EDWARDS more on Urd . , » four lit clien /with laundry area, 4x7 220V-10O AMP SERVICE h I^cRtcrl in Mountainside. Only TEN YEARS OLD HiK>r room* lut'ludlntf dm nlcLuro window to wooded bat*k 111 Central Ave. Ifl ycurfl old — ae^uniable lareo nnd UVIDB rouni wit It tire* lot, KlaKstonc put la. f^ow ffi'J'n, CONVENIENT TO Weatfleld 7*fc% mortgptse. The attractive IT'S BRICK I BRICK-AND-FRAME 112 Elm Sf. plncr . • . wltlr <1CM') \ft Hcpiy care of P.O. UOA 1035, ALL SCHOOLS property ia over 100' front and with trrir*, More to tell, mny .Mountainside 0 232-9300 rurtH back about 160 feel. 2-car CUSTOM BUILT RANCH wet CALL US NOW FOR APPT.! attached garage. Owner trans- ($37,500) AD 3-5555 ferred. May we toll you more? SCOTCH PLAINS WKNTF1ICLU — Older Colonial JAMES J. DAVIDSON Member Multiple Sr*tem - 4 BEDROOMS - on inrRO lot with many treow, fatitlly HMHH, laundry room. I^argo living room with artistic fireplace, forma] dining room, IUSALTOH AND INSVROR, Clnlre Barker 23S-4K41 LIVING ROOM 24x14 Imlh anil om**liitirv N*'VIUIIIMI M. Matlileflaen...232-Sfioa BEAUTIFUL GAMBLE ROAD ren r Hrr<-eii€*edrnom«, 254 K. BROAD ST. 111 IK 1H a HJIIHM rU»~ # IN SCOTCH PLAINS C. II, HMITH, Jit, 233-S403 Realtor ONLY 10 YEARS O1D! n for a lot uf vulm* rec room, many extran. A lionvj WEBTPIRI,!) with eye-nppoaK f4UpOO.O. Prin- LOVELY BIG LOT (150x200) \\i> IVlll lit' lHOHt llll|»0>- cipals only. 233-298G. 43« Sooth ., Wectfleld $41,900 " tn t**M ytm iiiori% or KIIOU' 1 EXCELLENT LANDSCAPING you, TIIIM U let* liiuiit^ \n In "FRANKLIN SCHOOL ' AD 2-7550 Fumvooil* AI-1* II III OK ranch, 2 , CUSTOM BUILT HOME AD 2-2500 $42,900. lar^e living- room, dliilner room, Onljrt cat-In kitchen, llnlulietl base- v P. HRII 2M2-0M4 23 FOOT LIVING ROOM Ample parkin? In rcav M. A. MERCNER TMH neven room *'We«UM lit Whatever amount Thomnit J. Dreker AD3-1D41 ilom wiiHh poft^tnl niik tltmrn in living room, tfrncltm* din- riirnt H<:otrh I*IUIIIH# thin ing room* I>ot with many 2 CAR GARAGE WIUloM A. Clark AD 2-7481 the entrance hall, living; room ilin- liomr IUIN nil the eoin- juid dinliitf room, 2 llreplacoH, \ of time and personal trecn adjolnii Wrntfleld^ FULL BASEMENT n fi»rtH and t'onvetilrnrcH nvv- Itlcturmqtic **Intllan Fwrfit" rhair mil anil wailnacutluK ' t*KMiiry tw the Inrgfr fam- nren. Slnoe thlM \n our tlrnt SPOTLESS CONDITION dining room. 2 r;ir nLlachcil ily ... lit mlillllou 1» Ihe attention it take* to ndvertlnement, ntny vrc miruy<\ J ii beautiful .Mountain- living room (lvlfli i side. $7a.OOU. nn early call? THROUGHOUT find you the home of numi, iiiul inoili*rii WILSON SCHOOL CALL NOW I ivjth tuning' N|»acr i*»r JIIU fc IT WON'T LAST F then* in it luiK* fiiinlly roumt your dreams. THE GALLERY OF HOMES rlrt^* . Ho,, nttitflinl t wo- Whitt IH so rare these days rn r tram^. and a an attractive, well dcaiKned and AIR CONDITIONED! Mt-roeiu*ii lHirt'li, It tvoulil M. A. MERCNER maintained home in the mid ^toll ^V4»rtli your fline to $30'&? When It happens to bo TWO STORr COLONIAL RCALTOK — INSURANCE) "SMALL ESTATE" in the popular "Wilson School" DANKER & DANKER, area, lt'n as pcarco as "hen's IN WESTFIELD $89,900. 1 Inc. OC.ftOO—Pl^OWBnlNa DOGWOOD, a bis wlindy back yanl. A teeth- * Three beletureNiiuely framed by rocreRtfon room, Z car garase. DELUXE KITCHEN 23S-414Q Jocnrly nn acre of ahrubK, Many extra feature** that we'd S40.700—CI5NTI3U HALI^ COLONtAU Pi>ur lovely bodroomn, 2% HOMES ON treew & mrrrplnpr lawn In Ilko to tell you about. Won't you 232-4848 baths, 2 lireplaccH — frpnlly room with Bar-U-Q ofC tlio kitchen. BEAUTIFUL We»trflcld*K desirable Wych* call us? Tree Bhadcd HtrceL In Fanwood, wood weetlon. The cuntom 13Timings Only *5< 000~KXPANDFJD ItAKCH. 5 bedrooniH. 2ft baths. In excel- FLAGSTONE PATIO MALVERNE RIDGE lutrrlor InniutleH 4 bed* Lnclrile A. Gcbrleln . . .^.'12-78DO f rooniN *— U'/£ botlm (plan lent condition throughcut. Panelled rccreution room and screened WITH BARBECUE »ultc for iiinld or teenager) Bill Malnh 2a2-BS63 porch. Excclleiu location tor all fldiooJa. ALAN JOHNSTON, INC. Unnkor iiit'2-114H - 2 FIREP1ACES - 1<'«inUy niiiiii » • . IJfirarv . . » wlile entrance h«lli cloutf Jlvlogr room with Albert ii. Danker : $59,500 . * , Mnnmiotli kltrlicn livltli TURN KEY elleit ftreplttce wnll, dm m , . „ CVn- H. CLAY FRIEDRICHS, Inc. k trtil 111 r t t>ii4fltlonlup;T Jnvltea your inspection of drlvewny ndd to the charm. Member Multiple Listing Sr«tcm JIhirm Y>Ht4*iii , . . many lovt-ly homes and home- May IVC elucidatef luif % Unlit* • it es in tht1 hills of Somerset 1G34 IIOUTE 22. MOl/'NTAJNSIDD S33-5M4 FANWOOD ami the rolling countryside of bound Inn* — opponlte Lawrence Aveane) iS8 Worth Avenue 2CO South Avenue ONLY 2 YEARS OLD! Hunlurdon. AD 3-0065 , FA 2-7700 CENTRALLY yV — Koor y raiit-li . . . PJIIU^UM h\tr those who savor the joy of AMPLE PABKIITG BOTH OFFICES AIR CONDITIONED rttom > I . It [Mm 11 ftil country Jivhiu—its quiet nifi LEADER ami ^entlr Hayn — the ^ ETej.Only 9 ROOMS - 2 Krrcn ; . . the - * . Vtw of u klml niiraih? ot Spring: in unfold ninrloa MHIwaicr ' , {\22-Hi\H2 WITH BAR & FIREPLACE. in Lh<: runntry. Wo have a homo FRANKLIN SCHOOL Laura Serge 7S4*20 four In Jill your nerilF. Why not rail Jnfilth Kane 233-1445 PATIO WITH GAS GRILLE rooiu hrh'k-frantc* ApJIt Icv- fur an appointment—and on jay 5 BEDROOMS - Vh BATHS RntK Taylor .1 S32-7SB5 rl , . * i:\niujMc of N|tnol«HiK- all your Springs in the country, Deity Hampton 880*05811 AUTOMATIC IiiNfpr hiiilroi>in (%%lth $48,900. Judy Smith . t 233-117* GARAGE DOOR OPENER in Mi x iM4.-;> . . . itifr CLASSIFIED fu Hilly rootn {wild i\ rv- I'erfec* U\v n Inr^e fnmily Roaemury SIcnres 23Z-22S9 ON A CU1-DE-SAC iilnvc) I^lrt'iiIiH-o nine* In liv- A HOUSE FOR ALL SEASONS and elone to «Ir. Hlfflt nn ing rottiu * . t JiHrm* rorrrii- QN Kraaklln grrnmmnr* IN WESTFIELD 1 1**t floor ilen with book* RANDOLPH-WIEGMAN CO. lion room . » t HnrheciiT in from the iir*H Spring' croutin to $69,900 . . . Ct-ntrnl air tin* la.^t *. riniHon leaf ut fiill, '2H' revrrntlon ruom, hi^ ... A, iiiudcru this 1 vy-cuvurnd liidoiiway hume room rrlth eorn**r Realtor* offers ^umethliiK lovely antl p, HvltiK ren Se. Plw. lot yd convenient Inc. litMimfaMcr, N. J. to gnule nnd high sfhoolw. Mix ruonia; grlu«iH«d and ac_ porch; NANCY F. REYNOLDS H. D. Slmm, Jr BETTY L WIEGMAN attached irarogc; iliilnlU'tt basvmcut ruuni, Klwlc A. Hurley* Ilcaltor Cicorse F. Rlchardn... .S7ft-170« Patrick D. Mlnocue 2^31401 Eves. Rf*. 233-3354 ESTABLISHED Maiel B. Word 332-8013 COLONIAL only three years uld In U*e heart of Kuinvood within ASSOCIATES 1 George O. Crunt .233-6185 Ijiribelle Iirrsc 232-8076 eafly rltBtuiicc to fltution and »hoppln^. Four bedrooni»; 2% liatlin; RtnHon Member Edna Hlnojnie ^32-5225 HMcn Pcjie 233-ZlfiS tremetulotiH family room-kltchtn combined; 20' recreation room; XI. A. Moore, Jr Cully air conditioned* l^ite Hummer poHtic^tiion. £40,500, Arm Albert U. C. ivtrxtnan 111 \ I llllll I. * * .* .* .* • 11111 - .233-3JM SOS Bnmd Street Vt>v nOMMRICA The Ancient House S NEW mOVIDDNCE ROAD RANCH on a level lot. hi Mmuituin«Ulo with two-nir Home FlorllDgr Service 233-1800 COST IS fllx roomw; one bntli; julouulcd porch. Vuount If you need quick •WcNtflclil. N. J. occupancy, $42|5OU* lutrtiiliiK coiiiMnatli-Mi of Karly EVBMNCS 232-6300 American «*tul KcaiuHnitviiin hi- iny ». Mulford 23S-7837 BRIARCUFFE AT SCOTCH PLAINS 115 Elm Street inin'ON, * ;*crrH of lantl, brook, ENC1UISH cottug-c of unusual custom design* Completely reno- 1 Herbert J. Irian -;W-lllt> pnol, siiunn, ^r^enhouB* with A. G. IloKrr», Jr. 23Z-O021> A CLUB COMMUNITY vated kitchen; tip-top condition throughout, blvtupr room lire- r n ii n i n K n.'UiH^liit nutltnp placo pluw recreation room fireplace. A onc-of-a-klml home with Nancy F. Reynolds 201-232-4700 urrecn, tlWItrMiui barn with Htu- Roprer D. Invr, Jr. 2:12-7025 an expandable second tloor already piped for bath- Lovely Wych- Lawrence Blnnalno . ...37C-7B10 r,ni;iin fUU] ninchoa, 3 to r» bcdroomB. CuBtom rtotatl "" long-long. Could be to the Municipal iJonrd of is n <;npy was intro* uppcHum. or applicant dtlwr pitri t hM (M.I nlluM- than I IM CHAfcLES G. MEIERDIERCK, JR. shlngrle bid Ins frame aB roileroHen*,, or aa coros ffor ruff rol- Alcoholic J>t*v. iht- voniiiH-iir*- i-on«trtif;t Ion t*r ulu ration l>art KO iu:Id u m.on^i it utt^tia \ *>r in- iornu^h of .M'uni t;i instdc, for i 1M* u i ih In On- 12 month p«-rlodf l»ut valid, S5 »>«bayy in. village type ling, or aream XIJJ your own use. mi) u %v;vnt renr-wal of nsc for t ll* :U : rii(:tMiM^ lu-h! May IL', )!*7(», and shoulil h« fail iu rftinpleu- sut'li KKCTJOX III. Any nr :JII "i" * I i - premises ;i ti*il :i I mil* i IHU-I inn or ai t f-rat I on \\-\ I In if iund4s or ji:trts I ijci <-uj in roiuli* t & ASSOCIATES, INC. ballm, llvlniv rooth with dlnintf jire«B for only $1.00 *>nrh at the WVstttoM t hi* said <''.nun \\ w j]l fu rt tw*r Mf^untit i ^Hit-r tiir siinit- [or (iiut I pa.^snfit* ^ii hi ^4 month pr-rloil tlu- UoariJ of wit h *>r inc#*nsiKi out uiih ;iny M don, feu tor hall, I^urpo HM'C-c^nefl ; T»0 Rim Slt, whilh e thoy last, iiliri! lluli/r, oi c In- 2ii( Ji >' no^ i he tt*rrn^ "' tliin * lniiii;i n*i- ,IM- /font pnjv hf plus bnt'h *Ule port-h- lo have you <-<>mc I'Hik ai # tl F-I"<-by I i'jit'A )\'<] I O Mlc|| t X 1 i-il 1 ;i >• teotters Hot \v;U*M"B oil \\\^<\t baBrbDarfl iioni, them. i~* - - - - - WiUniv Kit, it lliirt y i\.M(- in ilu- rfninrM in i- in writing i 'ifniu*'i ;i hfaring Also I Hlory shoi^Riirn^r^. I^ut at>- »i(;i insiiU'. N'. J.; L li n*i K u i^'hi, i't iht iTiniru' wiifllirr lo r*-i*r'UHl or I li**y aii" HI* in ••'•nllirf'i nr incnnsiM- Iso I Hlory sh p 1 Drtixdvat^iy &n-x:»M)\ I9C9-T0 tax^B f-IAXT CS«ra*ir*-Hi>ttH? U:ikt» Cnoil^ vrt K oli-Hiir, t U-i •iliriyl jl AVI'., W'l-stlir-iil, NrA* *i<*v>*-y. ;H ! n-volir xht- lA'riXjilot} vaVintM-r, nr ilu* 4-jtt [irfiviiliMt, lioi\ *-vt'r. i 11:i f l in J Sflk- for the Ixiu-fit of llir AVJOsr- :i1i**lli N, J,: La- vv hid) 1 hut' i^sUam •- '*( the pAV *'A 111*3 CH-VTHIl, Miry Jnlui Tiiin^y, :\ KI;IIIU> fUl.JCSru i 11 Irr^sl cd I lu'ifiti \\ tIJ j ur nt I MM" :ii'l in a liUlliOfl/ivd If> ill** fitrvrn i i*r bar i h.- i-t-ntinna n* - m- U> (ruin dnlr 3M:iy ^a)# 24 u hiyt j tn 1 ton it i" .uiy pnir»i.|jiu'^ h.r $42,500 $39,800 :i- * -^1 J wide. X. .1,, Loyal Knluhl, < *liarli-s apiH-llai',1 f»r aiipliranl. Th° U«>nnl 1 I- 10 tn ^ A nt if | tins, furrill uvt\ liiinsti:, !n l^niln; Avc, ('nnfor-l, I'imc'C rniu^' ssiid In a woodsy Moimtit Inside set- A flvp bedroom, "well kept, oldor ris. t*iy*i riUA.s. lainus. i-\ t\ J\>Y <\ VliJil^LANU. i ting—plcturo window and fire- REAL ESTATE-RtNT • ( \\D.Y>.. \\r *»t)it*r ;i uihorizi'il art inns if #jf t ht* T° vvn "f Went lii ] il. place in the living room, large Colonial aroutul the corner from X, .1.: Tniisunr, (icor^-t- t'ollinK. Mil (J^M:IIAI, oiti)i\A\nHnnn- ' dining- room, modern kitchen Grant School. With fin "oat in" limrjlisiflf J Jr.. Uclfnnl, N, J.; Trui*- A \ oiUMVAvri; TO A>n:vn \\ for Ihi- f: i i S tl i" i- to r'iinpli'1 «* tin- <"nsiiii£rt' iirwl pun)ii*:tlioJt in ihi- niaji- vlth eating Kpace; three excep- kitchen, eighteen foot dinlni? tcc, Daniol Ball, i .i:,Ii.r :tii Drllari ait i>i \.\ M:i; i;\'nTu;i) **\\ si ru< i inn or altfrat ion w ithi n s;ily 1;* w. room; blir Hquare living ronm fripcrut^r, Adjacent vnrant lot. 020 Me. 2-15-0539 aay«; :;:>4-!*S5n O H l> 1 \ A N V tl t;STAfSMMII\<» half . baths. A jBlouKfed jiorch, and an entrance foyer. 12tit«*~ a eel I'n'iiNHUT, Sli Jt ru^;il*ni f id,, JUJLD1N«; J)ISTIU(TS AM> M- (UMI.S lluit rojiflii I*»MJ* iiii v*' ^o al- u Drake H- Call Mr. Madtlelenat 212- SrMch .l-'lnins, N\ -I.: TrusitM^ |';iul t<;ri'H «>r rh&n&f-cl in the Intorval double grarhge and excellent STHK'UOVSi 1\ 'rHK TOWN OK 1 1 mrnt ttec room," hot wuler between 9 un<1 6. 11 condition- moke thin hoVne a heat, detached g'nrage with a Kit-hi. 1 i» 1 Suiiiisr J 'U \vy.t Mounlii in - WHSTF1KIJ), .win'' Uu- ^r;t nti nu "f tin- v;iriiimi*, 5-U-tf sjih\ S*, J.; Trustcr. ]h-iny 1^-lb. 11!' pti mil or art i'm i tuU J>:I hi Rood buy. . l>omig carport. ALTENBURG-EU2ABETH, N. J. j;K IT AINi:i> l-y the Tuwn i fimvo Kt.t AV^KtUrhl, X. J(; Trustee. Ufnj ur r* s't^sion its juslith For All the News * Op^n t>slly 'til n, Pat. 'til t; f'otinrjl of Ui" Town oJ Westfukl in 1 1 A zilhuny Suhl to, 24 41) Mount; in UM- County nf rninn. Stnl*- of Now J-'M 11n- purpusn of riOriimisi^nnc A\v Sf-ntch I'hilns, N. J, RODGERS ORGANS t| ,fi-)\s< y, th;tt IIM* .•il'Ti-siiiil otditUMK*, t li Is iii-iinn, ;* ny vsi ri:ui'***' tirfu*t<*.nl Milijt-rt In ^p^ri t'lcil (f;MiH t fujiH 1 J t - MA1\J; T!>R lUtACn for rent em- flfTk-inl Vfrw J** jii^ miM shall not be constT-IIIHI as* & ASSOCIATES, INC. bert'il vftt'^tlonn. New U-3 BR \ MJ llii' I'nlhiu iti^ |*:irt irnhns: H. New U-3 BR V I lit- (!nruujj !i oT M"Uhl : in.-, x. -L ^Ki'TMiX' 1. Thai ^-nioit 410 IH )i;i viut; 1H-*-II finnlly ^crnitr-il until front cottrtffes eriulppe^ ^ihfl fur* MnMon A Ilnmlln—Knnlir—S^li ^aiii i'<>n'I'M ions h;» v#- l#f**-n NUM. JOV- Itiflmi-d rull- StM-T'-TJiry iiim'inh'd In i r-iid J 1 s r ; Rtoltort Tiishfid for- HiininuM* lak*>Blde vac:i* 5-14-21 •11'*. Any sin- |ihin ri-nuirjiitr ' ;« pjilii-a ii r «I Kill im-t-t ( JK- K-- TMETROPI tlong for fftmili'. groups, BH-fm, Wat, -In); \i-%v f otiMolo IMiino—So! "vi*$ ?2L12 fluin-M Njjrfhli'd ci»ndiijr>ns nf n con* Mnttiptfe tAmtlhK fitttnW fisli, gulf nnd relax. 7 liobrs N. Y. Hoard nf Ai!jii:-un*'Ut nr TIHVII Ijiim- i il iU'L ion .*' siiinnil I«MI (lit ionnl varinnci- williln !)0 d:\ys 233-6639 Cliofcc July ana August WfpkH. tn tin* I1 la iiJ*i im lU>,\r<\ (t>v it^ ri--I n*in Ihr flat i- i»f i IK* net II>TI. u J12S-S175 p(*r cnttfiRo uf-pk. EIAr 21ft 6. 6R0AD ST. WESTFIELD LAWN, Lnke ThompRon, Oxford, WANTED vliw ;in\ :t I :ts ^ri Hirili in KI-:*'Tir*N III. In v:i>( any SFC- Ii[a!it« 042T0. Color folrtbr A rli-Ic i» ol this Ordinance. l\ thf Mun, p;iri nr prnvlNlnn i»f llilw Or«ll- now, ALTENBURG PIANO HOUSE no VOT- havi> fnrnlturp. 'Idna or )M:» nniiu: 1* rd linds 1 ha 1 Miiil sil 1 n:un<' slmll IM IH-E'1 nncontiUl tit ion:i 1 HoO K, Jrrnvy Si. K- SHIT (\ill Tho Turti- ] • 1:1 it nnils ill \ In* i>*iinir'-«l tcsis DRIVER FOK SI MMKI1 TAMIt-V 1^1 V Siy]**. 3^2-7f»Jii rroin lo:S0 A.M. until fM"i*|il fur I hi- iH'O'tt^siry /oni u^ v;i- j iaiif•*• or v;irianITS, it should w\\- us*. Ono hour from ih« W^?* til eld area. 5 P.M. 2-1 2-1 f liuirr Vi rtnalty no t rttfiMr |ir"hk*ins evc-n II A'I'Olt, 11 , ft., fmnt JITOVI* S.LMI siiU* pl:!iL KUhjrrt In :i p- If You Like Fun It's The nu .suminh; worUiMuls, (Nnivrnu-ntly Ml <>)[J. A ISfJ fnr aid toy jinM'ul «-!" ill*- fUT'-s.^ii'.v \-i\ ri;wur ur! »4220O Ini-atPd Viii, (ho In lu-front on nino ivimlow a ir • ndilinmT, v;M;i;*ni'<'K by ilw Znniny lio;ml i>1" ? AfijUNlini'Hl uv Town t'nujirjL TSn- I nitk* TjiUt TIoprtlt'fMm* HH' two com- ed i it niiiiht, l.cxt fuU 3-n-lflt PETERS0N-RIN6LE AGENCY I'ln'iiniiiu Ili^M'tl insiy. with ilK s\\}~ pleMy funtlHlu-d IHHISPK nn one DANCES — lulu**** sparlouH .lorrflcert WOOCUMI lot- T\vn )tyn Kt\\t express its itftM-Mn-liu^ untiG dorks. Iftrffo hunt IIOU.H*'. < <»]*iu im. FOR YOUR HOME OR LOT wlu'ini', N'o I ft ml usi v:iriain-i- sli:i 11 ]n- < -iii Ml riii'il td fliviiih- nr wn ivc $3y(8fl0, Charming colonial eenteVpri On wooiW lot in the Maple vaHnlile Immertfnlt'ly. For t\ Ih IK and firry iH i hi* hii^lit, yap), pMrUini: < r COUNTRY CLUB Hill Kami tiftcdon of Bcotcli Plftlim. Wood burning fire- out call 2:i2rR7K2. KO CLOSING FlIKS OH "POINTS" "t !HM' ri'iiiijn'il r Iwith. New ftnide Htrlmnl don*- hy. boat Mlip. lioach, tall trees, lar^r loi, IUCJDIM'.S ;U'<- Jin atcil, cxr'-pl upon braut Iful view. LivInR room with NO "KICIJ TAPM"' I IM> n jtpioval of i in* Una rd of Ail- Every Sat. continuous. Every >ttor than new—rn|(w»El ranch on cul-tie-war street In fireplace, (lining room, 3 hodroomn, just rti'Mit us riMiuiri'il hy l:nv. the HJiiiokftmaxon School section «>f Hrotth t'lfiinx, 4 IMUI- 2 baths, \vn»)i(*r. drypr, dlshwasliL-r. r win •vnluiito ynur real estate at Wed. for folks 25 & over - roomn, puiH'lleO family W>om 2*£ Imtlis, 2-cnr 1 1'IAxo. small grand, fi'l", Han inji- 1 SKCTION' U. Thai Hi^-tinn WWW v One hnur fro in AVPn(fl^M. AvnilahU Ion, hhudc. IM no ciisl, with no obligation. In* nrn^mloi) to rt*art its I'IJII'MVS; $1.50. KPW wall-to-wall carpeting includ July. A. to. 18 anil Au|r, R in 15. r , haw Jx-^n niniul n*; ::mm, TT.MK I-HH: roiniB.vcK- NMBUSNUtt Inrly, <;S7-6-l7l ixftPT I 1\AI, MOO IWHSTMKM1 CO«tl». MI-XT Oil roM]»LKTK*N' OF WOHK, If t IH- vjiriniM-^ Is m:mt*-d ur \ hi- 'P> ilill 382-7838 is sun net- of si jx-nn it is finally ap- liuusc l^tMoen accnn nnrl bay. s liL\vnnif>\verv (i IIP, Ilk*' now, Itrnvpfl or oihc-r :irt loii by the* ap- fi. Avnllnhlo .Ihnr- 20-Juiy IS- . can mi-am mu-r i; P.AI, 4-10-tf Dt'ltjtnl or ;MM>!*< a^il is iiuthunzcr], 252-Kansi afUr H P.M. 1 ili<- ni't'^Mjiiiry permit Mil nil IM* SO- — Krnm collar to HI , HI'V HOOK'S—Vieasp oall ftir ruro*l tuul I In* -lulliorl'/'il julion «>r at t U; Jlay nd l«t Irt A.M. tu tlotails;, P.M. T'.ooK' yiKM', 33« I'ark iimslnirilfMi lu'Kim wifhin 1^ munUin l 1 1 J^AI. 7 Hi Avc, JMalnflelil. V\J 4-2 .mi\. nrif*r \\w *U\\** \\ IHMI 1 he* variants • OFFICES FOR RENT © 4-23-4X in "nnaily (u"i"tcl fir 111r- is^ua nr-r» PETERSON-RINGLE AGENCY y\»i> sAij-:—AHt ma- nf t he- in* i in it is lin;iLlv apprnv(Ml or RIALTO*232-1288 WESTFIRLl>Pwfth secretariat MONHI. trains )n;uplit. C:islj chines, t-ash rr^iMi rf rlialrs, iruuhs, r tin- ollic-r ;ic-t inn hv tin* ;ippi-lhuit Ice and private eecrptarlal tele- mirrors, bi'd, nluM't music, 1 - or apnlir.'tMi is ;tn t li'^i rf Z^MI, njnl I li •• phono HnawerlnpT nvallalile. Excel- I EAST BROAD STREET Call 322-5800 any time Liu) rnll.Hp niuhoguny vanity, v nr :t)tM :I1 Jan. :i^ lent for Rnles ro]>. or small busIm*B£. J fiOOl) JMANO wanteil. Sli-lnway nr tin- c lino may ln\ sh^H 1*** i*i»mpli-l'Ml 4D 3-S7O1. 2-6-tf - «ts, i»iiu» UMK)IK|;LIUI, innny otJu-r other, MT;I ml «r small sizr. J'|":i^o Avi\r wil 111 n 1! 1 nionl hs nf ^;i id il;i \t-. I'm- Evt'at l ( hiitliain, KaUirdiiy and Suml:iy, cull MArkot 2-i::n. r.-7-2t 14 noil cause H>f* ]Vy% rd nf Ad jit si - NOW - EXCLUSIVE AREA SHOWING •Vtntli C. Tn«* lti and 17, !* m r,. Unin claims I m«-nl jmiv, mum ai>pli<-atinn In writ- vir-ftlatn Stuit« WESTFIELD 2:i and 24. VVB rSUAT.iiY hitvn several com- iiiK staling 11'^ iv-n^on \ht r^for, r-\- HettIT M. Crane . , 2.12-3104 fortable linmos fnr rent In West field fciul fit hi r tho 1 ^ nimil hs* or (h<* and vicinity. Pliers nverapre $32fi to SBO PARK AVB. . ' SCOTCH PLAINS, N. J, Corner E. Broad and Central <;\l(\(;i: SAl-K—431 Colunlal Ave,, U4 inont)is" IMTIOII aft *T n formnl 10 A.M. to 5 KM. .May H-ifi. Troop (400 per month. Pleaup call — we'll nublic on U)iv cxtoiisfon, 1 r do our best to help, narrett & Crain, 1 2O0-700-1RO0 sq. ft. II7H him ovoryt lilntv. tilt i'V( orisioik invfd JI use vari - Member WrMfldd flannl of Realtors(I , AT) 2- or 3-1500. ainJtipte IVe>T Uuildiiiff Mnco tho f>yir-nsion sh:iU ri^inlrt' lh<- Inntflllntlon" PIWS-I'OXG table, gifi; pool tablo, 2-24-oow ;i|nin>v:it r hnvtmr nhtalunl thf sumo 11-20-tf room «i»tt $l2ft; iIosK-on'H honcli, $fiti; vhnuld hf- fail to c'oniniiMwc* worl; Iro^sintr tabh\ $;ts. th^vound**?' wii h in surli ! L1 in mil h 1 renovntod offlcft M3snop LOST—I ! row n K-ntlior wnll^t. i>i*rin'l. M slwiU Iw ci>*wdnsi vcly urt- gin, Hpftclous, air cOTKlitloned, .suincfl t]ial Lin- ;II>|MH a n' *>r apnli- ELSIE BETZ, INC., Realtor 1 y- near station, parking , tranflporta- y hiiu-iTii ;i::iu niul I ::u> <*ant haw w:i ivorl. wither a wii .ind I* Frhiny* Sntuniny* Snndny tlon- IU#*al for manufacturer's rep- P.M. < w;inl niiVri'«L tail J:J:I-I;I^^ n i>.n ndnnorl or (Member of the Bfalilple SAmting System) reflentntiyea. Call for further de- JO A.M. t*> il P-M, aflor I lull luid all ]K'rniiysioM. permits a mr.-.'\ tails. The Johhaon Agency, Inc., 2G (M7-1141) fcllNBST V, V. HAM, IVSUHOIl ProepGct St.t 232-0300. 3-12-tf KBK. !i oil. rt;, almoHl now, fllfi; ^ trondlr wtnvinp inrtchj WRSTFIEIJO—Vrry dosfrahlr small cotiYOrled, HELP WANTED - FEMALE 2nd floor eirflcp. (Junior town, Tdoal . Call L»33-. new AUTOS FOR SALE at ?r»S,OOO. Crouiul floor, Kcuarnto on trance. Kuril in lied or unfurnished, Sccre- I ttuil I'Oltn Mntion wnpon, $100. tarial service available. 2:i2-S3!»35-14-3. t -Fai- r conclltioii. 233-S2M. THINK ABOUT IT! WYCHWOOD CO1XTIIY 0 TECHNICOLOfl* • ' R'H reprpHcntiitlve ItlG7. I0xcreptlonaMy clean wltli all On jptcturNaciue, quiet OnJlnwao, u r Jlopr.r living: hyiirollt* coniDOfifiits, d<>- I uet-i-ssary pjttras. J-,000 or n\& 1; . . * Your Ending : 1' Mlian- Ills sunny mndcrn I offer, cull 2:(;{-7S!i5. olftco' with another Bnleynmn wlihl — . . . Graduate to AllsttJte. • lioii-coiifllcthiK IntcrestH. %C,Z n MCJ-T1> ClfiKwic. HK.'i. M\t«i HCII. IOX- Academy Award Winner miinlli. Thf Johnson Acreruv, liu-., 2l) rt-llent tiondillmi, ?I700. <'a!l Tifil- Si., WcHidcltl. 2:i2<03OO. I Ufi^-I nftpr T» P..M, to 111 4^ world thr 1AWRENCE AVENUE Hint Goldie Hawn, Best Supporting Actress only bromine tho owners* ore transform!, tlilfl centrally iiKitcritv, hit;? PnvU Lnin% fuctory air < K conditioned hotiHe IH completely surrounded by other bonu- ROOMS FOR RENT trie wlmlotvN, snt»\ AW lutvo ItM^r^Ktln^r o|KMi!ti^M nviitlnlih* im IVSI'TIAVm ri.T^lll- nal <\\t, THAI.M'IHN with JUNMUOIlonnl oiiportiinUIt-M, nttv*- training, , attractive room for p:rntlcir»fin ti> IIOKIIIOIIK Niirli a si IiiNiirjmri* ltnt^i'* 'l\i plwti (*ii»nit*r Nrrvlr*1 t h Weekdays at 7-15 9 in ::nr,v»oi-KT -1-ilcinr Hrtu i K^IHJHIV**, K^ypuurh OiM rji1or, \(hlreKN<^rit|ili OiM^riKor, Srr- Convenient North side location. l!32- 1 1 nu'cltaulral r**hit*y iitnl rl^li* «m up Ilu* hnlilrr.

ir^tirfs. Iiost.ofTiT over ?1U0( rail 2112- 1 a I- Saturday ai .. .: 1:00 7-A5 9:45 ELSIE BETZ, Inc. ' furnished ropnj |n private' orif>:! sulttr We (ilVf-r ii lilM-rni lu-nolH |»i-ourrn>ii tvlilt-h titeliiilfN .Si'iirx profit home on 4ii lm« lino. Ili^innrftUile, ->«„»,*,•. , i. , ., i(1 Nlmrlim-, 10% >«*i"« IMKCDIIIII, moiU'i-ii iilr-i*onill(liiiu'r, $nr><). zy.<-:,\i-j:i. with Allsfote showing you the way! EVe« and Sunday* pleaae call WOAT ATTRACTIVE STOIIR FOR 'either whole or could I)e (11- j i»iu> COItVKTTIO coupe, .iutni»:uio Interviews daily into two amdHnr storea Com- nm uonrer. ;ilr ronilttifnuMl Ha•«-] Don . .2ii2-«548 nletPly rfitov;iter1. air icohilitlobfirt. stiuidcrl PDIV^IMKS HITJW tin's, :!.".» OR FUftM 1» IO 1^ XOON O.V SATl'IUl.WK Marlon Klnmton t, SM-SOOT Por furtlipr dotnilfl plenuo cnU; The (-.],, ;uio HP. 232--1472 al'ler (1 I1 AI Af TFIt HI IDE Alice Sttoehlr B3!U7U2 Fohnson Agency, Inc., 232-0300. Frldny. " ' ctraND 1 HEAIUKS Bluest V, IT. Hall, InaurOt ;.... .SSS-fllOO 3-12-tf U PUMHB HONDA, liliw; ScramhliT. :uir, cc, Allstate Insurance Company as.r. 177 nrt.-r WANTED f O RENT 5 P.M. 5HOWS 2-7-9 756-3500 red, illlll Mountain Ave. Murray Hill, New Jersey SMA.IJ. npnrtmont hy June 1, Gnr- hontor, iT.nfio mi.,,, ., nui- wood. WostfioW, Cranfonl aroa, for UjjUon, ?l,nr,i). 7(;(I-:jsS(i. AN I3QCAI* OrPORTI'MTV KMP1-0YKR retired pcntlomnn. Ilefcrences sup- ^—«-. NOW PLAYING I'HOOK maiiiiiM- (NtMI operator SERVICES U NEED 1 110 0 ROAM fnr rctlrctl man —• with or' ' " 2XS-B WMUitMl in t ransiL i1u-hl UITHM', J3^-7ri5ii, Cable Hogue says... care of Westnold Leader, 50 Kim St. EMPLOY. WANTED KEYPUNCH Mrs. ilnMwvilz. - S-M-l't BLDG., CONTRACTING 4-30-31 MOVING & GENERAL —. MATURE lady Tvtehea baby-aittlng l\\ VOUNC buaineftR covplo dwirfs aay or evening:. Call 232^2X96. TRUCKING & MODERNIZING nnartment of 3 rooms or more In 7-3-tf OPERATORS Weft t field nroa to occupy A up- 1. - . . PLASTRIUKG AND PATCHES SPE- 232-07&5, f>-7-2t MAN with Irtr^e and smnl] truck for FUU TIME VlUA.l HE.VRY I*. TOWN8EVD CIALTY. ATX TTPES JTASONRY (*lrrks. Typing i-rriuirt'il. Aiiply In AND HT5FTNISHTNG. SI5T..F EM- - ^Vt^T^ r~%—i T r cleaning celtnr, garape, yard a. Mov- prrsiMi l.iiHcln 1-Vihial Snvines, M\ PT.OYEDANDINSURKD. AD 3-2937. 1 OR 2 UOOM furnlshorl nwirtmunt, InK. No job too smnlL Cnll Ralph. A1UED VAN LINES Will cioii*ilrtcr sluirlnjr rn>artmont or I 356-4203. 1-2° is ]';nUinu' for ;ui itlpli.t IIUIIHMU- \Z. Itnmil Ht., lu^wtUMi X A.M. niiii . 2-9-tf Ki'Vi'Uiith Operator with skills haiiKDo, f ^'ntu^eWpfltficU. mnnl I-ofwlcr. Poiil, y5 0Hn Ki\m ^7 Ht.|\vlXDOiA _ V .wriphini- , puttorfl j;an. d 1 AD 2-44M on tin dL'ii :iiul H.'iJi. IOXIUM-II-HI-C NOBTB AVE. ]carters cleans!, walls and wond- in1 vor-ciltly [i-jiiiicd Ki'ypinu-licr. ^1 K I) I C A I- ilictatiuu. 11{: 6-6-tf CERAMIC TILING INSTRUCTION SALAKV run i*:i:Mii 11 m »; r Specializing in oCT«),\I]JLKTl': I'-ICNICKIT !' \ i * I.1 Repairs and Alferations MOTIIBB'S • I'LKAHAXT SlTKIl(»i:\"l) SKA1ISTHKSS — ^ pern nt-r [ TREE SURGEONS GUITAR •nceil Ifi-yi'.ir-oltl uirl nvnll- • SKAKS IHSCOrNT ANH t rap:i U\v j GEORGE HOOK «.^.w m- ,.—«..»..» , nblo .Tune L'O tn Went. 1. Sliore : I'llLiKIT HHAIlLMi. yy. Ap|0v PHvnfr Le««on« —Mafl^rn M^tTioflB. prfforrcd. Cull 2.13-5573. 4-3O-.Tt hi person only at •t 105 20 j-enns profennlonal find t^nchlnfc APl'hV IN* T'lOUSON (HI 752-7490 . Cnll AI> S-2HHO for pre- YOl'R «RASN is .« liv two YOril PAMIl-V nreilw a summer va- 12-18-tf i Coi»p!*t« Modem Tr« Service 9-20-tf | hurt! working lirotlivrs, Trill J;iv .SATIMIDAY r;il in 11 — in vi sl ynur spare i imr now and Hric at 23L*-0ft!»7 afli-r i; P.M. * Ii AM T() 1 In viwn tluisp nofiUMl rxlra -7--)t Si'll Avon in ymir loonllly. Kor dc- Seek... and ye shall find;' 1 Insured Service* Keep tlie investmont In your home m**Uiorln. ClnsRloal nnd pnn- Utilw mil duiiklv. MoLUiliitnslUf v*i}\ '•Inr. l^pjiKons (n vniir l»nm^. Bfifl I WOMAN wlshos 7:: 1 -S1 \H\; WrsUH^til-rinhifirM ;u*in PA a-oioo or MIKJHPSS property on Hie "Up" Oorlnn R*I., Weatfleld. Call AD 2-5390. Any is. 734-nS3f». eUlp with nn ASPMAT.T PAVI3D Allstate «-2-tr DRTTlirWAT or PARKING AREA. fi-5-tf I ;>-< -it PHIL FELDVAN Call— •] lawn rare sorvloc' -H.'t- INSURANCE COMPANY 2444. »-7-2t I,Of A I- curnpnny lias nponin^ Tor WILLIAM A. PARKHURST inlnlii A^r,t Miirrtiv' Hill. X, J. PERSONALS l*;ill10\CKI> KiM-retary i"»r w:\\ WOMB anfl office cleaning: service. 3-5-tf Hfndln(rn and Ail vie* I-S(Mu- ami hiMiranii- oi"t"U*r r» ihiy^ niantMir This cnulil IM- ynur tlrst 1 # misHlim, Write- l'*-x 111, CIUY of TECHNICOLOR Floor "Waxing , window cleaning. If ft m. Broad St., YVmtBeld pivr uy^k i' to 5, ploiisjtnt snrnMiiul- Wisiliihl \ i:\«i1 Rntlnfiictlon) LANDSCAPING salary or between 7 and 10 P.M. 3-19-4t NO ONE UNDER U ADMITTED Z8A.12S1 Raymond Rice fO maclilnc operator and Mi rillllAY, biair^ 1 Mil r^. Must Additions — Alterations muil rlerlc. HUUM 1 'til n. limul i yptst, p ITS (in ah U» ami inn- 140 Johnston Ave., PlainfielH Apply XTnlon County Print Intr, ^o.4 v. Wrlli' linx ^il'i. r:nv ol West- el I.IMIIIIM\ Mi Klin SI. *i-l4-2t ROTOTIUING Free Estimates BUSINESS 753-5750 KInior St. 4-l!3-:t' JASON STELLA . DAVID I.nirnft 757-8355 OPPORTUNITIES HELP WANTED — MALE OR FEMALE 8-I2-4t ROBARDS STEVENS WARNER Cnll K \HNOM) nni3AI> route. •\VestftOlrt, HELP WANTED for srtle. 30 hnur week. Call 4f.H- Heuer Time Corp, of Bienne, Switzerland is coming Jim Smrthp 437B nfter ii P.M. G-14-2t MALE KIDDIE SUMMER SERIES MOVIE TICKETS to Springfield. 10 SHOWS FOR ONLY $1.50 {NOW ON SALE) J & M YOUTH to assist In print RIIOJI- FuJl PETS FOR SALE tlmP, Mnn tiny throuprh Friday. Apply 2 secretaries SAVING OF $6.00 Press room, Weatfitld IjeftrttT, S Shows Every Thursday Malinee Starling June 25th PAINTING CONTRACTORS FOIt ADOPTION — 4 .ulorflhle kit- A.M- to 4:30 P.M. any day but Thurs- clerk-typist t«n<, R wpftks old, lltlor-trnlnnl. day. 4-iNtf 1 .VTING AN'D DRConATINO, In- Call 2.12-H043 nrtor 3:30 P.M. terior and exterior. Free estimritrR. CUSTODIAN with mtchfinlcal nbll- 1 bookkeeper Ity- fiood salary anrl bcnollis. Pays. Fully Uimirod. Cnll any tlrnp, D. Interior n.nd Interior MT. URRN'AIin putis. clmmniAii sired, CaHternoVIa, 378-1030, f.-14-3t Call Mr. Morris, Wostflolrt YMCA. 2 watchmakers Resldcntlnl nnd Commercial 1 accountant Free Kstlmntea BVKCI'TfVE SA1.KS MOTORCYCLES rollepe bjtckKround^ KHIHH alii lily. TH POURION AITTO Unlimited criming posslbHition in For intervilew please call George Keyko, 232-5327, (inan^Jal service nalen. Saiaiioil prr>- SEhviCE, 136 nt. 22 and WnnhlnB- re^Hfnnal t r a I n I n K program to 889-1822 or 889-4108 LIQUIDATING SA1E ^15.000 bancd on qunllilcatlon.^ Kx- after 7 P.M., or write Heuer Time Corp., 441 Lex- ton AVP., DuneSlen, Ropalre on flH c^Ilrnt I»enefil» with mnnncomrnt 3-20-41 HONDA, KAWASAKI - pntt»ntial. Spud TOPUHIP to IJox 375, ington Ave., N. Y., N. Y. 10017. for*||rn cdra ana Slnionizlnp on .ill » * • enre ofWcPtncid I-eu, tremendous men for Inti'peMt'Mi in r^vninf; tlicir own ortb* Wamsn't CluVif Upptr M6nlclalr timo. pofluionH- K i whnloAalo hiLsin^ss. Pull or part* Inon -while supply lastH. Limited Real Estate Sales 200 C6opkr Avinu*, U|ip*f MenHloIr, H.I. Interior and Exterior in j Saturd.nyn. Apply time. $f>0 to $1,(i00 por month fit'- Name-Bran, HOKDA AUTOS — The Cfde ply Wi*Hiflc*ld lUaUy Servl^p. US K. THICK nillVKIt titu\ fiiclfiry Julitt now or during nummor. No rrtltcr 1 lAVISQCwIlhlliliadinyi -THEY'RE THE BEST r 334-0S2B W 6874413 taper mark*** Corner of Went Kth Moim or Runtlnys. Afternonn enr « llniail Klt| nr iilione 232*:*30O. Tor ni«n ami unnuu at Tufr-Llh , n. flt, and Arlington A>e Pla|nfleld Sunday routes al*o avnilaiilo. VU 7 8-2fi-4t M t 2Hi \A\.t 757-!tr»OO. SAL1 8-19-tf SG01. ovin so WESTFIEtD f the has existed between the two bo-dies the oi W.>mf'i in that rcfc]-cndu;ii in which the voters coitfident that if the boaotl does Administrative action, will be keyed t0 th for several months. rsyd tiuil referendum by a vole come up with a plan that wall be & particular needs of Echo- of 2 1. fair tu Mowitiiinsj'de, as well as brook. Further your career, an al- Dr. Minor ('. K. Join's, Mountain- ineoliiiig the mnwU of the other | "A teacher's aide, who is also a Mrs. Gutman siiU- represent';.live tu the board. schools, we can have a successful I qualified registered nurse, will be work toward a degree, sai:l t'-liat afL'i1 the final rwulis ww referendum in t'he very near future." at Eehobrook six hours a day for 1 (Continued from page 1) ui til* .)uii.-.i.ii..)ii li.iykni st'iun)l. ll in. Manuel Dies, pr-e.-ident of lile professional service where required. enrich your life! 1 School an:d Both, Id, a student at h:*> !>• ••;! iv.;-. ;rl ;•;! fl::;! Hu SjM'in.L*- hoard, [old the Lunch and bus supervision will be bolstered. Jicli I.:-;iu:. <'- oolite small help I that tlioy .viiouM think over the Deer-field SchooJ. Plai/ to Upgrade "Teachers who want to be at iBefore moving to Mo-utitainside more Mian 13 yeans ago, the family (Oontuiiued from page 1' Eehobrook wiCl be reassigned, and APPLY NOW replacements will be recruited ac- resided m Wynewood, Pa. ing and ventilating units 10 cut noise cording to requirements and appli- Of her appointment, Mrs. Gutman and pollution. cability of skills. While dlasses will s;aid, "There is no area of commu- i "Smaller ekiss size, oflen pointed be held lo 20 maximum, openings nity life in whkih I have a greater DAY OR EVENING to by loading educators as a major bw filled by transfer requests on interest than in lihe education of eonlribulor tu improved educatibn-al a first-come-ifirst-served basis. Par- our children. I am very happy to atmosphere, will help balance the ent requests for transfer lo Eeho- have been given the .opportunity to 6-week Summer Classes TO MOVE disparity beiwcien recommended brook will be registered and honored serve as a mem'bea- oi the Boa J educational oppor- Show and she has tutored younger like our rates. ed nicilcriiil, recording, fihnstrips, tunities to every child in the bor-children. Romorta is ennployed by O'Connetfs Market and will be work- still pictures, ami exhibits will be cug'h. Under the current circum- Write for application or information: Evening Division, Dept. N lo inert'Lise and diversify odu- stances, this comprehensive plan is ing there this summer. In the fall, Fairleigfi Dickinson University, Rutherford, N. J. 07070 • Phone (201) 933-5000 (•:•!.imial opportunities. A profession- the most realistic, and, more im- iftvi will enter Howard University al librarian lias been hired to pro- portantly, the best educationally in WaiShmgton. D.C. vide service ihrct1 days a week. A available at the time, the board A recent tea was held at the Fairleigh Dick Universitity I; WAYNE, N. J. part-lime clerk—shared with the two said. Wontan s Club clUc'house at 318 MADISON RUTHERFORD TEANECK South Euclid Ave. High school facul- other schools—will assist. Jn other business, Mrs. William New Jersey's Largest Private Unlv9rsfty "Plans fail for assignment oi i\Gutnian was sworn in as a member ty arid scholarship applicants were male head teacher for the fifth of the board to fill the seat left va- guests. TJic te'ac-hi ng sdiola rsh ip^ gradi? .so tliiil the children—-particu- cant by the death of Frank A. Lom- iH'Q offered to seniors from both larly the hr-ys—will receive instruc- bard. Wesbfieitt High School ;ind Holy Tirin-


^.;.:.:-:.y. one Bargain Days at Mac Hughs


•' •_•.

mmm• m 4 - • 7 -•:•>: WW..T ••v. • •v • Our Men's ai Students Shop ... . ••.-.•_

:-:<•:••; K mm Solid and check PERMANENT PRESS JEANS, sizes 28-38 ... were 6.50 to 9.50 Group of CREW NECK SHETLAND SWEATERS . . . were 16.00 m

•:-.-i Old Fashioned Price 2.95 Old Fashioned Price 10.95 -.'>.' 4 •• • •:•, Button down cotton SHORT SLEEVE SHIRTS, solid and stripes, SHORTY PAJAMAS, A, 6, C, D . . . were 5.00 to 7.00 2-1' sizes 14M8-17 ... we.e 6.95 Old Fashioned Price 3.95 Old Fashioned Price 3.95 to 5.50 *.•_•: • iS5K SUMMER SUITS, 3 button and 2 button, in MacHugh, Dudley, Summit Group of PERMANENT PRESS SLACKS 20% OFF i £ :•!

'••*•. and Westfield models . . . were 95.00 to 115.00 Group of SHOES, plain cordovan and wing tip calf . . . were 39.50 $& P Old Fashioned Price 79.50 to 97.50 Old Fashioned Price 15.95 Group of HOSIERY, one size stretch . . . anklets were 1.75, longs were 2.00 EIGHT TUXEDOS, assorted sizes, alterations not included , . . m* * **'•.*, Old Fashioned Price, anklet 1.35, long 1.50 were 85.00 to 10^.00

! BERMUDA SHORTS, sizes 29 to 42 20% OFF Old Fashioned Price 42.50 to 52.50 - *•_•- • 1 mm rffi? m

* i^O 1^ I i .V'"-1-

1 PLUS WJt A A POTPOURRI TABLE OF ASSORTED ITEMS • • '*.". 99c to 2.95 fst

• n A i r «


• •>.

. m , • H • r 4 - i ."* - 4 1 • • • 1 * • • * m - - • • I I • * • 1 ,1 , » ' In Our Ladies' Shop ... «5

•.'--V.-V ' > - * Group of DRESSES . . . were 30.00 to 90.00 Group of RAINCOATS, .'.were 42.50 ' '. Old Fashioned Price 15.00 to 45.00 Old Fashioned Price 15.00 Group of SUITS . . . were 55.00 to 123.00 Group of DRESSES . . . were 32.00 to 66.00 Old Fashioned Price 27.50 to 61.50 Old Fashioned Price 24.00 to 49.50 .!> Group of COATS . . . were 70.00 to 130.00 Old Fashioned Price 35.00 to 65.00


All items reduced 40% or more CASH ONLY



264 EAST BROAD STREET - WESTFIELD AD 2-2900 W./,>-L£4J!>EBf, r, MAY u, Sec. % P«ge I * Social And News the if/ i • • • West field Area

Croker-Brown Bride Elect Mrs. Carl Winning Wedding in Wellesley Church Unites Engagement Told Heads Club Slate Gwendolyn J. Peterson, MIT Graduate

Mr. and Mns. William L. Oroker of Mrs. Carl Winning heads the slate Gwendolyn Joyce IMersoTi, Le, fcounerly of Weslifaelid, of officers which wild be presented daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. have an-n&iocad tlhe enij*a.geinnie>nt of at the annual meeting and picnic of Peterson of 310 Tuttte Pkwy., i>e- -u< tihair daughter, Dorothy Jean, to the Mountainside Garden Club at 11cam3 the U-ide Saturday ailtmoon f Jerry Lee Brown of WestiiHeld who a.m. Tuesday in the home of Mrs.of Dou-gtes Genii Mailer. 3an of Mr. Paid L. Gerhart, Bernardsville. She TAVERN ON THE HILL wiil be married in JuJly. and Mrs. Raymond W. Miller of • DINING ROOM • COCKTAIL LOUNGE- Miss Croker aifti her fia>itce are will succeed Mrs. Fred E. Rosen- OnuaQja, Nebo-. LUNCHEON & DINNERS The Jiov. James I). Colt; of De- BANQUET FACILITIES . BUFFET DINNERS graduaibas of Wedtfieild High School 1 She receive^ a B.A. degree in Eog- Others on the slate are: First vice troit, MJoli., foniiiTly of the Pres- DIAL 322-4989 amd Sp&niislh at De Baui IM- president, Mrs. William II. Bonnet; byteii'an Church, WwU-it'Jd, officia- and a M. A., degree in edwca- corresponding secretary, Mrs. Donted at tiie two o'clock ceremony at r tion at New York Univensity. Mass G. Maxwell; treasurer, Mrs. Oourt- Ohnist Chuixfh, UJiiled Methodist, Gradcer teaches fliiPttfi grade in Com- land E. Denney; membersUarg-2, Weilesley, Mass. A reception was 154 BONNIE BUBK SOU - >; mence City, Colo. Mrs' Fred E. Rcsenstiehl held at the Wellesley College Club, WATCHUH&KJ Mr. Brown has a B.A. degree in Awards at last month's "Creativ- Welles ey. -V- -- ity" program were presented by . \ sociology from FSorida Southern Col- Escorted to tlie altar by her fath- lege, The son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mrs. Walter C. Jiacfcson: Blue rib- er, the bride wore a gown of peau bon, Mrs. Frank H. Wihitaker; red, W. Brown of 475 Springfield Ave.t he de soie with nylon chiffon and im- is with Associated Contract Engi- Mrs. Hoy T. Forsberg; yellow, tie poited lace which featured a three neers. ELEANGRE OHR'ISTINE FICKEN between Mrs. Winning and Mrs. A. tiered lace tram. Her elbow length - ••:• :•--• ••X-Zg&fim &*•;&' -f" ¥*', V. Bunnell; honorable mention, Mrs. illusion veil fell from a |>eau and • •. • - . . • •. .. ' ' '•• -*•-> :•,•-

Josepli A. MeGroarty. • • . •-.. .-, >..• • \*-. - : r ,...-.v.'-' - F h '•' chiffon head bow. She carried a •»--. »•••••-'.^ Robert O. Bonow Flowers delivered yesterday to thebouquet ol gardenias and stepliano- 1EAVE CARES ATHOMEOM YOUR MA.UPINTOURHOLIDAY! - V: : 1 1 :V: *"-V "": .'j General Walston Hospital at Ft. Dix , Italy, the bride, and- Mrs. William Sulli- Austria, Liechtensteia, Germany. Scenic spectacular holiday. Eleanors Clirisbwie to Robert 0. Bo-Mrs. William McOollum Jr. of FJem- r van of Columbus, Ohio, sister of the t,v'.:\.-i\: -'-£ '/•'.".-V,".•*** • • • f*'-**!& •'/+.-«•»••%"•• From $1148. now, son of Mr. and Mrs. Crawford in-gton, Mrs. Rosenstiehl and Mrs. SALZBURG FESTIVAL. 22 days. Bavaria, Austria, Mozart Valerie Panico Bonow of 854 New England Dr., Winning. bridegroom. 1'hey wore costumes of Festival. From $1173. •Westficrtd. tuirqitoise linen and carried bou- BAVARIA AND AUSTRIA, 15 days. Tyrol, plus Frankfurt, quets of daisies and sweetheart MRS. DOUGLAS GENE M1LLEK Vienna, From $928. Miss Fidten wiM graduate lihis LWV to Celebrate roses. (Gwendolyn Joyce Peterson) SEVEN COUNTRIES OF EUROPE. 22 days. Comprehensive I At Wedding imwitlh from Moravian College. Mr. Serving as best man was Beau From Siza:i. Bonow is an alumnus of Westfield GERMANY/DELGIUM/LUXEMBOURG/HOLLAND. 22 days, 50th Anniversary Cox of Revere, Mass, Ushers were New tour of iour countries. From $1173. Miss Valerie Jean Panico and High School, class of 1965, and of Oatfl Peilerson Jr. of Albuquerque, MIDDLE EUROPE. 22 days. , Holland, Switzerland, Walter Joseph Sackett, who were Lehi'gih University. Ho is studying at Bavaria. From $1230. The 50th anniversary annual lun- N.M., brother of Uie bride; Joseph married Apr. 26, are at home the University of Pennsylvania Rotfam'an of Woburn, Muss, and FIVE COUNTRY TOUR OF EUROPE. 22 days. Air and motor- in Coral Gables. Fla. after a wed- Stihtfol of Medicine. cheon and meeting of the League coach, plus Khine River ciiiisc. From S122R. of Women- Voters of Westfidd is Ralph Maisiello of Brookline, Mass. EASTERN EUROPE ADVENTURE. 43 days. Germany, Aus- ding trip to Connecticut and . An August wedding is The noWlyweds will live in the PROTECT tria, Berlin, Poland, U.S.S.R., Czechoslovakia. From $1829. The Rev. Thorrtas Daly vtfas cele- to be held ait noon Tuesday, at The Towers, Rt. 22. The business meet- Boston area after a trip tlirouglh FOR FOLDERS AND RESERVATIONS, SEE... brant of fche nuptial mass at Holy tJhe Kocky Mountain states. Trinity Trinity Ohurdli. A reception iDOROTOY JEAN CHOKER ing will precede the luncheon sche- YOUR/ Dr. F. C Disque duled for 1 iMrs. Miller, a member of tilie was held at Sulphur Springs Inn, Class of 19(16 at Westfiold High Traveling Berkeley Heights. • Past presidents and former mem- bers of Vh& LWV have been in- School, majored in political scaemce The Wide, daughter of Mr. and To Be Married at Wellesley College where she FURS/ Steven F. Miller vited. The program cxxnwnernxMiat- ABK ABOUT THESE OTHER ^ ?v Mrs. O;rrl Panico of 1272 Bafliwlay < Ing the 50-year nTark in Theearned her bachelor of arts degree. MAUPINTOUR HOLIDAYS FOR 1970; Ave., wk>re a gown oF silk organza Mrs. C. Rexford Shipley of Orilam- League's history includes' an orig- She is a computer programmer with STORE WITH A D British Mas, • Scandinavia, and lace..Her three tiered veil fell Plans Marriage do, Fla. a'nnounces the engagement inal musdeial skit, "You've Come a Now England Life Insurance Co. D Europe By Train/By Afr, from a silk and beaded head bow. of her daughter, Miss Jeannettc R. Long Way Baby," and a discussion iltor hustoantl wias awarded a bach- MASTER FURRIER D Italy/Sicilyt D Franca, She carried wtoitc roses. Shipley to Dr. Fredrick C. Disque elor of science degree from Massa- D Spain/Mailorca/PGriugal, of "The Nexit 5D Years—'If We're D Spain/Portugal By Motorcaach, Miss Virginia Panfco anld Miss Mr. and Mi's. Joseph Sulc of Hope- III, 's'on of Mr. and iMns. Disque Jr. Lucky" by Mrs. George Walker, chusetts Institute of Tcclhnology u> A well, Va., announce the engagement • Morocco/Conarifls/Madaira/Al^arv Karen Partieo attended their sister. of llil'l Boulevard. past president of the WeskV wliere he majored in metallurgy. A D Greece/Aegean, ; They were, a'btired in costumes of of their daughter, Mary Jane, to The bride-elect is the daughter al- League and 2nd vi'ce-$*reside'nt of merriber of Sigma Xi, n aLional scien- D USSIi/Eastem Europe. Steven Frederick Miller, son of Mr. apricot chiffpn and carried daisies. so of tho late Mr. Shipley. She will the Stole Leiague. tific hon'oTiaiy society, he is a sys- >liiiJnnniL JimV* D DalmatJa/Xho Balkans, and Mrs. Frederick Miller of 60 Ken- graduate in June from the Presby- Miixiiiuuii Care D Samarkand/Oriental Russia, and PlaTitiieipfatircg in the skit are Mes-tems arialyst at MIT's Division of O South America, .Thomas William Woodworth of sington Dr. 1'nlly liiNiireil Coral Gables served as best man. terian Hospital • School of Nursing, da'mes Rfcfce-rt L. Wiieeiler, director; Spomsored Reiseaivli. U5* Polar Benevonto of Staten Island, Miss Sulc, a graduate of Prince Philadelphia. j Oad Pirkfle, pianist; Harry Nash, a cousin of the bride, was usher. George High School, has completed Dr. Disque gr'adiMed from West- props; Harry Cor-dts, SOanley Coi*- her first year at Covenant College, field High School, Rutgers Uni- FURS - LEATHER Mrs. Sacketit. a graduate of West- win, Gerald Daffner, Leonard Lee, Lookout Mt., Tenn. where her fiance veirsity and earned his DMD de-Hugh Price, Ural Roundtree, Jr., field High Suhoofl, attended Da- will be a junior. He is a graduate of gree al the University of Pennsyl- CLOTH - SUEDE Grange CGaJ College. Peter Taussig. Travel INC. vania School of Dental'Medicine in Westf-ield High School. Mra. Jomes TrowlH'sidge, diamnlan MAN-MADE "FURS" Mi*. Sackett, son of Mr. and Mrs. The wddding is planned for Aug-1W8. He finished a year of post doc- tonal study in oral surgery and pres- of the nominating emmntttee, wfi-11 122 ELM ST., WESTFIELD Joseph Sackett. ...'of Coral ust 1. . present the state of officers Cakes was eduitJaitcd at. "Canal G'ablcs High ently js a resident in oral surgery 233-2300 at the Presbyterian Hospital, Phila- 1970-71: President: Mrs. Cordts; ; . to kft 4i*r1ifia4 mud School, Gordon Military, Atlanta, vice-president: Mrs. ^Egon Week; Ut wi ntakt y«urs- Chatham • Summit • Elizabeth Ga. and LaG-nawge College. delphia. •nly wA\ h b* baautlful H h+ WACs to Mafk 28th Year An A'i*gtrst wedding is planned. 2nd vice-president: Mrs. Nash; 3rd |htld but • will hut* cbioluttly vice-fpres-idenl; Mrs. John Tlh'atcher rfclldoui. Call The WAC 28th anniversary party (for l ycar unexpired term); secre-

H. Oafcley, M. K. Waiton, Herbert All wkt bindings imnha^od at1 our Mlorc iturhmr cmr WAJJK will in in- E. Bailey. ytalled frui* by our invn Lixp*ris,

:•:• •<:*:•. .'-•/.:••'•• mm ••K« AVc" MKSU davo many UM-<1 vnilal Student Wins Award No. 1022M .skis for KHIO at fabulous priros. In Art Contest MEN'S CARRY-ON oUu Souili Avc. W. SUITER 1 Karen Zuclick of WesLfield High 1- On the Circle" Schoffl hag pl'aced fourth in tihe state And received honorable mention in No. 1024 tlhe NatiioiM Hbllmiarlc Ant Schol- 1 arship Contest. She submitted a LADIES PULLMAN TODAY FRIDAY SATURDAY BHayer painit and ink work enlililed FEATURES Oiseaux." No. 1022M . . . fits under a plane seat. Packs one suit plus additional garments. Reniov- ablo rack converts to an extra large weekend case. - . P

STOREWIDE SALE J No. 1024.., styled for packing & -r L JB J ' for longer trips. For the women TURN-STYLE who like to take extra clothing. Tie-tapes and removable zip- American 20% OFF pered pockets, TouriBter Antiques and FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY On A Purchase Of $1.00 Or More LUCCACH (Except Fair Trade Items) Second Hand .. •-' •'- . ..- * \. .-. • • . , --

t .,.: -•.'•;,i>r:._ .. .; .. ..,,\- Furniture '• -r& •.--;• ^\- i*': . r . : • . i' i . - - --•" -.- .'•: :-- •"''/'-.>;•'•?• ?'^^;-'C- •-;,••, ^>l - -;>. - Bought & Sold :

x 4 Estate Sales Managed jane smith 1707 i. Second St. 227 E* Broad Street CENTRAL AVENUE PHONE: 232-4800 - I - - f • Scotch Plains Rear Entrance to Municipal Parking Lot ; AD 2-1072 Open 11 A.M. to 5 P.M. FREE PARKING IN OUR LOT ON 132 ELMER STREET WE WEifflWin -• . • V _ formerly wdtii Bloamingdales shortJCBke wi$t be m tv.U sorved in the cftubftouBe at 1 p.m. followed by bridge. Of Course Not... CWairnfen

r "' •

.- ,<••••- u . < iff...... -.— -•-:-'.• -"» w- -v- '- ' vn-i — .• - FASHIONED BARGAIN DA YS

Unbelievable Specials—rTHIS Thorsday, Friday, Saturday •1

. i

J" . T, '. i :• i f-

4 - . I. ' • • F 1 h x ' •

•I , 1 •*• v, • > MISSES AND JUNIOR * •. F 4- 'S '^ . ~ '

Artex Green ALL SNACK TABLES 20% off COSTUMES save "White Mist" Dinnerware 19.99 SPRING COATS Vz 42 pc. set COATS

• • - COSTUMES to •r.- Holiday" Drinkware 2.99 doz. to SUITS SUITS Vi off • . For immediate wear and Spring Weight Preteen - 3-6X - 7-14 - Toddler Linen Selection to Vs off \

Party DRESSES 25% to 50% off Wedgwood "Empress" RAINCOATS to V2 off \ and "Baltic" 42 pc. set 24.99 regularly 39.95 RAINWEAR 2.99 and up DRESSES to Vi off LUGGAGE & LEATHER ACCESSORIES Day — Cocktail — Evening Skyway 900 y3 off SPORTSWEAR, Men's and Ladies' Luggage SPORTSWEAR 1.99 to Skirts, Slacks, Including some Bathing Suits Attache Case Selection to ¥3 off and Shifts 19.99

Knit Shirts, etc to off •: \ Wallets, Key Cases, etc. to Vz off ••

Men's • -

..,-••- s V L ' r * — . -•- 4->n

. A - r * - - - * I \ P

> J Handbags Selection Leather to Vz off I ' ^ r -•_ T L

11 : i . I r"F . . I.'. ..'.',.--• r_-- 1 ^_/&:*^^*\'Yis,*±^y^t''*''*^%&•£"}.'y> I--"'-"'- J^'X., "-•'*''? -'-\\- r . %. Special Selections Not Complete Range of Sizes I r ' <30P.M.

' " '•

F ri

' * . ' : \ , ' •»

fa 4i ^ ri

, • .- . • i - -

• i - "j" • •

- r 4 t

»J •» » - H. '• '." •-- • /•"ii ''_J^L -'»' ' T-'L •-'-_ '2 -- r - • • - - i _L ___J__'.J - - t -• -• - •• '.'•

. •--..-. . fa

-••> FREE CUSTOMER PARKING V_ • , * f RQM 132 ELMife $TRE*T ' J- »' - - . . ' ' ' 'I • •: !. • \ -• V

_ r V - • - r CENTRAL AVE., WESTFIELD PHONE: 232-4800 \


• \


* • THE W£STFJ£rJ> wall be rep- i^eseailLeti by M&TB . Jobn ttTa'Jsweett", preisiideiit; Mins. Ixms Bretn&r, Jitn- Manual Exerc ior advisor; Mrs. Ooiriteilaua Huff, Bicycle Mr^. J. MJa-rk Hadd&ck, deifigates; $15.00 per Mo. also the. Mesdarncs Do/uald OaKrace, C. Oamie^'on DiirXiap Jf., U-anaJd Belt Vibrator Cooper, Am^ttony Grocp, Jioihn Voliiio, $15.00 per Mo. George AstooR, Joam Guthera, WiE- Jogger tb Mar-tyn, Oairl Paoia, and Geof- frey Msy&r. Mvss 6cm Miae Ziinme'r- $20.00 per Mo. —WeHtfleM Studios mam, presidertt, will represenft tiha Roller Massager MRS. GEORGE W. FRA&ER looal Sub-Juniors. $20.00 per Mo. ljocal member's wlio will semre as pages at th'e convenitdioii are Mea- Sauna Mrs. Fraser Heads dam«s Mrs. Asflvca-ofit, Mrs. Unit $20.00 per Mo. Stride J^ites and Mrs. Walsweer. Electric Cycle Woman's Club $20.00 per Mo. Sisterhood Elects fortljet AN OVERFLOW CROWD *)f 450 [attended the ,WestHcld Women's (Re- Mrs. George W. Praser of 741 publican Club iChampagne Brunch and Fashion Show (Friday at tiie opetiseason. Norman PI. Was installed Monday Officers for Year Mountainside Inn. ¥•• F as president of the Woman's Club Fashions by Irish International Airlines were narrated a»y the Air- United RENT Sweet sandals, with thB girl-tooks of Westifdeflici for a two year term. Mvs. Louis Kesslea* wili be sealed line's JVllss Ann I Kelly. IModels shown above are, top row, Mrs. IRobert Livs hhs J Kir. 232-3150 Atibhar Tela. Mns. Finaser is on the Vice presfdenU, Mns. A. Eu-geoie Jaco-bson and John (II. IMerkL ' ( Board of Deacons of the Presbyter- Shapiro, Mrs. William Bloom, Mrs. ian Ohitrch Whei^e she is a meimbe:' Stariloy NaltWanison; recoixiiiig sec- SHOE, of the Wontf&n's Asskjoiiation, A vol-reta'ry, Mlrs. Morris KornfMaU; cto'r- r - unteer of the Overlook Hospital Au- esponding secretary, Mrs. Monroe Mayflower Society Jd^Wapy,'. s2ie is a member of Twig : Bdber; finaaoiial secretary, Mrs. L. No. &. }.;,. Mark Nownran; tire&suirer, Mire. Imv- To Hear Historian "•Mre.'Biiban Allen Hesotfdc initiall- infi Sed\Min; trustee (3 yefars), Mns. - • • . Take them ed the new officers. Olihers ane Mrs. David Kiafoakow; trustee (2 years), The spring meeting.of the state Vtittoant E. MeGowtan, first vice Mns. Marvin Feim; trustees (1 year), Society oi Mayflower Descenkjanfc president; 'Mns. Lynn, F. Wiright, Mes&ames Herbcait Cohen, SLanley will convene Saturday at tihe Upper seicanid vie© president; Mrs. Louis Ooitwin, illarold Edelstwi, Da^vid JMontdkai-r douiitry 0M>, OEfflaai. our hands firemer, oanrespondin'g secretary; Kane, SamPord Reiss; auditi&r, Mrs. Luncheon spoakez' will be Profes- Mrs. Rofoeaifc Day, clubhouse trustee; Harry Schdldhiaus; Ch&pflaam, Mrs. sor Phi'Lip J. Grovem Jr. of IUitglrs Miits. Williton eNoil Pierce, Bulletin SeynHouu* Kmeger. University who will discuss "Piil- grims Paist and Present." trustee. Rabbi OlMes A. Kj-oloff wlill be the installing' officer, Anyone wish- Author of "Four . Generations: ing to piarliicipate in the festivities Population, Dand and FkimSly in Complete line of Orthopedic Shod* Colomal And'oyer, Mass." vMdh has DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY FILLED of this 20th anrtvens'ary luncheon Constance Heatly nray contact Mrs. Warren Vidof or jtiat been publi&lied, his speci'al Mrs. Stanley Oorwun. field is-' early ATneiriean histJony, ACCURATE RECORDS of All Fitting* social, familial and religious.' Mall REMINDER CARDS Becomes Bride Dr. Gi^e-ven gi'teduJated itiagflA cum laude from Harvard -CollegG in 1957, Provide FREE SIZE CHECKUP! The Presbyterian Church was the took his M.A. at .Columbia Univer- seAlrfng Apr. 25 for the wedding of sity and in 1<*65, his Ph.D. at 'Mas Constance AUaird Hcaitly, dau- HarVarid Univensiby. Next yeiar he "Make Randal's A Family Affair" ghter of Mr, atid Mrs. John Heatfly will do .researdi on a fellowship of 728 Fairtaes Avc, an!d Arthur from the National Endowment for Mi'llcr Jr., Sam of Mr. and Mrs. the Humanities. 1 Miller of Mdne Hill. At the speakers table will be 82 ELM ST ADAMS 2-3680 The Rev, Richard Smith perform- Mrs. Osgood S. Rogers of Farawood, ruin r te - out Savin ed the cerem'ony. A reception fol-. deputy go-vernor of &e Society and Randal 's hpnoriary life membei*. also Mrs. lowed at the Echo bake -Ctoiuitiry Club. ' ft L. Smith .of Mountainside, Mr. Pleatly gave his daughter in - Mrs.. Q^isliian . OeMer Wesfeld's of WcsWield. -is . In cii'ange. of lun- marriage. Mrs. Frank- R®di-o was i Open Monday Evenings matron of honor and James Heatly, cheon reservations, assisted by. Mrs. brother of 'the bride was best man. Ri'ohard Barker, of "Westfiold, as- sistout secretary. Tho convocation will be preceded Old I ii\ln Bargain Days by a meeting of tihe board of as- sistants. PJans will be discussed for the celebration of the 350Ui an- niversairy of the landing of tihe Pil- liaril'K Studio grims tkis fall. 'MRS. LOUIS KESSLER for their Fortnightly Meeting Church Women United •New officers will ba elected Wed- The annual assembly and meeting Winard Jewelry Fashion Watches nesday at the annual meeting of the of Ohurdi Women United in New with Genuine Stones Just 22 Fortnightly Group of the Woman's Jersey w#l be held June 3 and 4 Pins, Earrings, Pendants Club of Westfickt It will begin with in Ocean Grove. The theme is to tt* a pot luck supper at 7 p.m. be "Hope." NOW $4.00 to $27.00 NOW $6.95 fo $24.00 ' 7

One-of-a-Kind Specials Reg. NOW Brides and Carvel Hall Carving Set 9.95 6.95 * Kirk & Matz Carving Set 15.50 9.80 OLD FASHIONED Towle Steak Knives, set of 4 . 19.95 11.95 Graduates Electric Trivet 12.50 7.45 BAR5AIN DAYS Seth Thomas Brass Clock 35.00 21.00 Welcome Gifts from -MAY 14-15-16 Bulova Solid State AM/FM Clock-Radio 59.95 41.95 Bulova Solid State AM/FM Clock-Radio 65.00 45.50 The Garden of Paper $1 - $3 - $5 WILD RACK SPRING COATS, DRESSES. Plus many, many more bargains PANT SETS Just 8 Jewelry Boxes at Va off. Reg. $5.50 NOW $3.70 to $20.00' No problem at all ih .finding, the "just right" gift for Just 5 Stainless Steel Dishes. Reg. $5.00 NOW $2.75 V3 to Vi OFF Just 3 Stainless Steel Covered Vegetable Dishes. Reg. $7.50 NOW $3.90 them our wide selection. Come in — look around. 18 Community Stainless Steel Iced Drink Spoons. Set of 4. Reg. $5.00 Glassware Candy LINGERIE, BRAS, GIRDLES NOW $2.75 Just Six 7-Pc. Pastry Sets. Reg. $7.95 NOW $4.85 Trifari, Napier and Coro Jewelry 25% OFF 16 Gorham Silver Plated Revere Bowls. Reg. $8.50 to $27.50 fit-1 MAXI RAINCOATS —25% OFF NOW $6.35 to $20.60 and everything for the party except the food. Just 5 Caravelle Battery-Operated Wall Clocks. Reg. $27.50 to $29.95 BE SURE TO CLIP YOUR DIVIDEND COUPON Open from 9:30 A.M. to 8:30 P.M. Mon. thru Sat. NOW $15.00

4 ADVERTISED ELSEWHERE IN THIS PAPER. I MASTER-CHARGE, HANDUCHARGE, PERSONAL CHARGE, BUDGET AND LAY-A-WAY PUNS The Garden of Paper JUNIORS TEENS LITTLE SISTERS •YOU* PKR5ONM JSWEIER* An Eden for tho Perfect Hostess ALL SALES FINAL Ave CLARKTON SHOPPING CENTER CLARK, N. J. 381-7555 _ ffrrfpM. I1 , WESTFIELD OTHER STORES 121 Quimby St., Westfiold AD 2-1131 ELM & QUIMBY STS. IN CRANFORD & Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday AD 2-6718 PLAINFIELD Evening* 'til, 9i00 PJVL ; Store Hours: Mori. 9 to 9 — Tues. thru Sal. 9 lo 5:30

V,- V mj,> , ?mmm¥> vim u, m * -1 - Box Social Tomorrow £M<3 wii meet at 12; 30 row for a B*>x Social in the home 60fh Anniversary Attend AJLA Conyentfon -•-% ankl*MnB.'"Tb(NmBB A, Afen- Members of the antiques tfcpait- of I.iie dvaiiimiam, sju«. Cfa'&ls M areMra, of iho Woman's Club of Wesi- Pond, 747 St. Marks Ave. To Be Celebrated by $ the Rpiieflt P. uel oi asijd of Affaerica wStUah openeki and M-ns. C. •* Mr, pncl Mrs. Mr. and Mns. Ernest L. Edwlards, farmer residents of Westflieki, wa3] their 60tih wedding IM«Iii-C You Know on May 22. Utti&l tow years aigo wSien they for .•-.. • ^ : -;- , edak at J^awast&v ''• x .- - -•- nioved with their son in Jaw and

that the .•: i. $Bmz& •daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas E. iMurroy, to Lexaitgton, Ky.( they Old Fashioned Bargain Days resided at B15 Kensington Dr. Mr. &f--*.f •"- -• •• 1 1 •• -. 'JStiwards was a member of tfie > / =• >* WesftfieW Old Guard md the

Vv -j • •&>' '•"••.'" J +* Was active in tllie FUnst United si tH&ist Ghuirdi here. All Kinds— from Madeira

Is a great place 4' - . .->.' I,'.'.< r"- - •-* jf.• Mrs, Muinr'ay, wJn> tautghit i» the xj .M " H WeStlield Sdh'ool System, "saafe her. Reg, $1.00 to $1.50 for laiicb IIADASSA1I OFFICERS )\vho uill feeinstalle d Tuegday include {Mrs. piarents lynidd be $&d to hear NOW 88c Siimuel Crane, left, a vice president, and Mrs. Arthur fSararaerficld, fcheir Mends in Wmt^&M. Their ad- too? .president. , j -^ ;tjjf&\ dre^ now is 605 Mnitree Rd.; Lex- ing'tom, We have a Sandwich Buffet that gives you a jumbo deli sandwich (corned beef, roost beef, Hadassah to Seat PLAYING CARDS—Plastic Coated cheese, or ham) for 64c. A sandwich and aM Intermediates Ask the salad (TWENTY kinds) you can eat for only New Board UN Wives 99c, Beverage and dessert extra. Where else Former Members NOW 2 for 57c can you find a lunch like this in this area? Mrs. Arthur Sommerfield will be We're sure you can't. And here's a coupon, to inducted as president of the Wesl- Are Entertained make your lunch an even better value. fiei.d-MounUiinside Chapter, of Hii-To Attend Meeting < I'.S, Iliui'l IIPI^II mil" fiM-iti SlUOrSHjillni'll) dassah Tut'Kday noon at ils .annual Wives of United Nattons delegates luncheon at W'ally'? Tavern on the "Food, Fun and Faraway Places" were entertained at luncheon yester- KEY CASES by Prince Gardner Hill. Wai Chung. " JOLLY TKOIJU COUPON will be discussed by Mrs. Phyllis d'ay by the international affairs de- Discontinued Designs — Limited Quantities Oilier officers (o be installed by Schwanlz ait Tuesday's meeting of partment of tlie Woman's OltU> of SPECIAL Mrs. AJ Ross are Mesdames Sam- tihe Intermediate Woman's CSufo at Westfield. uel Crane, A. Eugene Shapiio, D. L. 8:15 p.m. in- the clubJiouse. Guests were assigned to the homes Reg. $1 50 - $3 00 NOW 88C LUNCH Schnur, Kiliott Wald, vice presi- All fonmei* iTiejxtibe'rs of of Mesdames Paul M. Edmunds, Key Cases dents: Mrs. Walter Schlosingcr, re- dilates are invited fco j Mi*s. WilLard S. Magalhaes, Blancfyard J. VALUE cording secretary; Mrs. Milton Byron E. Maailin. and Mrs. Kotoeat Smith and Miss Mildred Murphy OFF WITH THIS COUPON Wasch, treasurer; Mrs. Henry Ark- H. Tiien'a wall be welcomed as new and assisted by other members of Cigarette Cases Reg: $4.00 NOW $1.19 us, financial .secretary; Mrs. Charles incmbcais. the department. Following luncheon GOOD FROM 11:30 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. Schnur, corresponding secretary. The anmia'l brfard luneheon wjli be all groups. assemMed at the club- 1IOM1VV TO Fill MAY Tliru Mny 28, J«7G Speaker will be Mrs. Albert at 1 pjm. May 26 in the tome'of house for dessert, coffee and a so- OME COUPON PER PERSON Schwartz, leadership chairman of Mrs. K Paiuil Hjaiili. cial hour. the Northern New Jersey Regional Board of Hadassah. The June banquet and instiaMa- The guests included Mesdames Jo-. ti'on of officers, June 4 at Eduo Wi'llenberg from Germ'any Mrs. SommerfieM

Mrmntainside—'Mrs. Frank Jlares- li announced at the montftiy meet- ing of the American Legion Auxil- iary, Blue Star Unit 386, that mem- WESTFIELD bers will participate in the Poppy Day sale which begins May 20. At the meeting in the home of Mrs. Beatrice Schneller, 385 New Providence T\d.t committee reports were given by Mrs. Ernest Kuffer OLD and Mrs. Schnetler. A donation was FASHIONED sent to the Children's Specializec Hospital. The unit will bo represented at Beauty the National President's luncheon Monday in Atlantic City. Delegates will attend the June Union County Panty Hose BARGA DAYS Convention in Kenilworih. Reg. $1.75 pair Anderson Is Cited As Man of the Year NOW $1,39 pair TODAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Anderson of 407 Quantuck La. recently re- turned from Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. "While at Dorado Beach, Mr, Anderson was named Man of the Year and was awarded top production honors for the second WOMEN'S U.S. KEDS AND KEDETTES year. He is regional group manager of the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Rea. $6.50 2.99 Co. in New York City. Discontinued Styles Newcomers Events MEN'S AND WOMEN'S HUSH PUPPIES The Gadabouts of Westfield New- comers' Club will visit Peddler's Values lo $14.00 Village today in New Hope. The couples get-together commit- 6.99 tee will hold an "Menational Pot- Luck Supper" at 7:30 p.m. Saturday Discontinued Styles in Knights of Columbus Hall, Scotch Plains. Mrs. Henry Rose is in charge. The committee will meet Tuesday at Mrs. Noel L'affan's, 120 Summit Ct. to malic final plans for WOMEN'S CLOUp#PERS B' OOMPHIES the June Ball. The ball June G at the Kenilworth Veterans Center is open to alii past Reg. $13.00 and present Newcomers and their guests. The Johnny Jiaoks band' will 6.99 play. Tickets which include cocktail Discontinued Styles party invitations may be purchased from Mrs. Hose. The executive board meets May 20 in the home of Mrs. Gershom Barber, 240 Seneca PJ. WOMEN'S LOAFERS Decoiipage lunch box handbags handbags will be the project for the arts and crafts workshop at 12:45 Seamless Hose, Plain or Mesh Values to $14.00 p-.m. May 21 in the YWCA. Child care will be provided. For informa- 6.99 tion and reservations call Mrs. Garterless Hose Discontinued Styles Flemming Gill


-*•-' •--'• • <*., Bridge: fQVniey Winners Not^d Harjisichordist to Perform .Overall winning psai^ at the scani- ¥ KNITS APPAREL ammial fcoumament of tfoe Dupdieate In Choral Art Society's "Messiah" ALTERATIONS ON ANY PURCHASE) Bridge Cfc& of the Woman's Oab In Westfield it's r K~ af Wtetfigkd were: R. E, Sdm^der- Imgram, noted corned, of carefo! st«dy c^ Handel's auta- Fashion plus wind w$th Ruffej^h Pick;. Mirs, Ed- fmn Mfc. T&foor mU g-naipfeed score wlidi is in the Brit- warai Cohen wi*h jt^ng. Aimold Free- Sizes 8-20 be erne of fe guest artists at the May ish Museum, Hie orchestra wiH luatve Hour? 9:3p *© 5:30; Mon. 8:30 P.M. man; James MeCjpakey wtth Wil- 23 conceit of the Owaial Ait Society the chanadteiistiaJly l)a^(Kjuy sound 13am HaQflmfan; and Mrs. ait OTanftwd High Seta! TJi© So of; strings, reeds, 51 Elm St. Chartee Jfr. and Mrs. deity chorus amid ordiestm, under ocdasional • kwrniptft mid lie 232-5551 Westfield •m Tt&Jmah and Robert Bowman the musical 'dlirectiaQ- of Eveilyn Tiie tedmiQues of concertino (small 1^1 Shortened with Ro^ group) versus tflie ripieno (tAitti) A sepa?ft?te fioviiee sflpjiion will be will be used in berth ordiestra and hejd at tlie jie&t game M$y 15. chorus in an &Uon to mainta-in the dianity and biiigihtness Mended. •Irving Nussbiaum, we'll kruuwji vao- tm Kniat from Cnaniloifd, will be con-fct.'rf.-l Westfield certm&ster of t)he 20 pieice ordiesta-'a. "Wie concfeHtiino orchestra giroitp will Old Fashioned BOND include M;r. iNussbaum, Jianimi Schor from EMzaibeth, iwMnGiptol sec- ond violinist; Bernard Uaiudhie from Bargain Days Edison Township, p-Hneipal vioidst, arnd Alan Scott of WasUiiuld, c&llast. \m. Other guest artiste from WesiiieM Tliurs.-Fri.-Sat. will be Ja-net Davis, violinist, An'itia Scott, bassonisl, and Dougbs Sweet, Hl«NA RUBENSTEIN oelisifc. Great Values!!! lUckds for Che 'HWfessiah* concert m are on sale at tlie Muwic SlalS and Fabulous Buys!!! Bandsitand Mifeic CeiKer. Tiiey will COMPLITi tiNE FULL ASSORTMENT a!&o be .sold ait Uhe door at 8 p.m. Uie evening of lihe conceit. Infor- k mation inay be obtaked by oaliliing Mrs. William Irwiti, 640 Prospect • SILK FASHION HIAVpN SENT MADELINE St.

Bteeke, m* ptanlnig a rendatton v • -y. Liquid Make Up •.^.^ -..--.. 44 ELM ST. WESTFIELD Spray Mi$t; Hamdetts '"Messdiaih." ¥•'• '- : Social Deadline >--• . •: r' iMns. Inigram • iis a meiriber of Handi-Charge Master-Charge i • '"Hie Friends of Eady Music" wMch Stories of weddings and en- MINUTE SKIN DPW oowcemlases in'the "si&urfcian area, gagements and pictures accom- Open Mon. Eve 'Til 9 - 1 r usirtg old and race insUffTUOiBHts. The panying them must be in The r Eye Make Up Mpisturizer gnouip 3p>eiaiie4 tjhjs y^ar with tfae Leader office tiie Monday before Faiil^v^yis of Music in MounLa:lnside. publication. iMns, Inynajn h^s toilet at Ob&y- Jm Cansepviatary anid' SchooH of ijiusfa''pift is hqw ing haiir>5J«ta4 BSF& pijano pi

im New Jemey, She h^as ..- •- m H 1 B

: . -;.- , ••-.:-, > --v,--\i cfonfcents in the eiai&t ig : r. -•__ Bronzing Jel the MefUTOip'alliari Mqseurn ot Ant, -!•*.' -I - •aaid tlie Niait|onaJI Ualteiy, :- "L -;y _ _ _ _ _^

^ _ J _ J -- _LJ -». -• awn

Mra, Bledto Is basing tflio pertcns - - rf— - •rmanico by the Chwiat Alt SWety on WlaJtkint3 SStafw edition, a

•- r — NEW NATURALIZER'S BLAZE IN WHITEJ 201 E. BROAD ST., WESTFIELD RESORT •MOTEL r nt Norm Bath Walk away with summer in your\ S: Itrnnoli fit # 232-5600 - 233-6391 1 22 stride in Naturalized3 new whitei*. yntr eo M//»rt» from Elegantly poised on mid heels, with • 400 Ft Frivata Beach-Pool • CoffN* OPEN SUNPAYS Shoppc-Fost, & Loungo • Nitely Dancing & delicately detailed vamps. Top down, £nt •-FREE-Parhlng & Lounges 9 Minutes COSMETICIANS to MONHOUTH & FREEHOLD the, "Aztrc" in glazed hid with white Jean Donofrio from $30 WEEKEND • per pars. patent trim, 21.M. The "Nadine" in Debbie Huff Western Union from $70 WEEKLY I dbl.oco. gleaming cdf, 19.99. The "Topcka" in Jt.Y.(212)253-7i71 • 1.1.(516)741-3377 Outside of Hew York State dt'litstpred calj, 20.99. Shoe Salon, CALL ntEEt (300) 221-95BD Teppcr's Street Floor, Plainjield ,t I and Short tiilh Mali !•••


I. _; .• K .— b

i-. on Lunt Sterling Sets •'.-, • -."J

;* »•


/ "• on-att Lunt including .- 'r

\ *• f —. --

Bride-to-be,9 f te and register the Lunt pattern of your . '• | 4. - choice. Nowis trie time for paronts and farnlly |o buy (he service thoy plan to glva. Particularly timely Is |he arrival of Lunt's ney^st pattern "Malvern.* „.. a beautiful design to grace the new homo -•• or an established one. See this superbl new pa(torn in pur Silver Department •••ft; It's one of the finest we've seen. SAVINQ9 APPLT ON ALL Remember.. .thesesavings on SQ(S apply ACTIVE IMltt PATTERNS -u. to all aptive L\mt PSttema, Vpy criflosi the size set best suited to your needs, Finjoy Uis Uirll| of owning your own . . .'.*• •. sterling Sliver. And do make use of our erlgai Registry. The $110. saving Is oh the 64-Pc. "Servfce-for-Tyvelve," 12 Knives, Forks and j&alad Fprjp, 24 Teaspoons, 1 Sugar Spoon and Butter Knife. 2 Serving Spoons.


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INE JEWELERS AND SILVERSMITHS > ---.:^--z -s.-.-i -.^.-v,•-.;'"z" '"i;^*^ ^.^•-^--", • .-

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•..•-- ^^; •--..----.•:••:- , -/^f"-oJ-*•*•'' "- ' wmrmw ma,) txAitim, MAY Conducts Workshop a wodtshop on adoption of tte Violet Unit to Elect and Negro child at a •- m- • Officers at Luncheon » • •- i -v. Mrs. Audrey VUet of New conference yesterday in IVenltom. formerly of WestiMd, president of The conference was entitled, '"Hie Oifiicere tor 1970-72 wui be elected Famines tw Interracial Adoption, Children's BiU of Rights." M&ay 21 at tihe eoveaied cisth km- cfaeoin of tihe IMom County Chapter i Step up to tjie jri of tihe Alnioan VJialet Society of Am- erican at the home of Mcs. Jdhn J. Spring o£ Youth in Oouser," Beirk'eiey Heiighits. The final report of tihe dhapfteir's recent AffdcJan VioH^t shwv will be giv&a. Tliie luncheen begtims at 12 COLD noon. '•*• Abortion Topic For Planned ;•«• Parenthood League Let a Furrier Care Dr. Jeirome Atoromts of for Your Furs fiefld, wiiM speak on, abortim at tihe Ask About Our AS A TRIBUTE Ho {Mountainside which is celebrating Its *5th anniver- annual meeting of 'Pa'anmed Paireait- "White Calf t sary, the {Mountain /Trail [Garden Club lias dedicated ia pumtoer |of (trees. ] ftood Tri-Coonty League Monday at 6 POINT PLAN Admiring (a n&vr iplantiag is gtfrs. (John Suski, |Mayor Thomas Rkxiardi, 8- p.m. in the Guild; Rioiom of St. Matlhew ^Powers aJHl Mrs. 'Donald K. tLugaman. , , IF REPAIRS AND REMODELING NEEDED Paui's Episcopal Ohurdi, Westfield. .Dr. Abrains, a Fellow of tihe Am- Mi I let Us Do It Now ot Our lew Prices eitan Oodil^ge of Ohsrtireifcrkfi and All Work Done on Premises MoiihitJain Hiiaii Garden Olifc in fihe Gyneeoloay, is Deputy-Chief otf the Club Plants Trees buameas' sedition on Mountain Ave, F "I r r 4 J ^^- J 1 ' Department of Obtstretnics amid Gyn- . Mrs. Doriald R. Lugta-nJi'an, dbaar- eJcoiogy alt Muhaenlberig HJospKial fc \ PLAIMFIEI.D FUR SHOP m&n otf tfhe projeat, Was annoiMiced On;Mountain Ave. artLdles have been publiiislheci in boiih SprlnfC l« the 213 PARK AVE. 754-7999 PIAINFIELO "It is tihe.ciub's amp to enihante the national anid inWrnalaomal medical time to be youn« O. CIMRINO, Prep. OKN THUHSDA? TILL 9 na^unal beauty'of MoiuUtiainsiide and Welcome es are dedicated tiion of the 7SHh aimdveaisfairy of the yeans. A mcmlber of tJhe TTrfi-Oouiity to tihis Bam." Leagiue'is Medi^ail AresSdenit. of the s gaatlen diilb and Mais. L.usgiann!ain. ?-v& The- Nonwegiian map^le trees were mi OZZ> FASHIONED planted by Robert Koser, Bwouglh ' L J 1 £, engineer.' The MounUaibi ITnail Club, saiuse *i ifes inception 15 yeans a'go, has spon- ^ BARGAIN DAYS sored mamy projects for Uhe betaUta- fjteation of the community. VarieMes of plaiBtimffs have been mlade at the m Hesioue Squad bmldiLng, line jug han- White Calf dle, M. 88 iitfid Now Psnoviidenice Rd.,' or Children's SpecvaMzed Hosp&ball, Sahara Calf i • Miountainsiide LibraTy, Ctommueity; #13.00 Per^bytenian Ch'Uroh, Moumtadnsadfi MM - •-,.-. •" - ,--••;-"". Black Patent -i - - - Uriion Ohapol, and Our Dady of; or £ * _ 1 _ " iJ_~i_ "_^ J~" -_—\ ~Z i— "TT". Louixies Ohurdi. White, Yellow, - ^ .—•.' . — -.-r r_- — - --7 .-,

-.^,-_=_ .-...^ .-_,_.^_:-j.nL--, r r r •-•---•<.-r'----y--r--:?.->-._•??, -*->v r.-- . The club w!as f-efdei^albed in 1957 in Pink or Bluo the Ganden Ciub of New -Jersey. Of Calf . ... iftis 20. members, seven are charter memibens. & '."A Sdamdard i[iMouriiliauisitie JiufbHee" Open Dally Hil O .. ..r _> _ s flower slhaw wil Ibe. held. May 26 at Monday Nlte mi 9 tihe Public Libnary. t i —TioxiglasMeany Studio Master-CIiarffe ii -. hr DR.'JEROME AT nit* ORT to Induct •eCOORM, WESTFIELD Hntiill-Ciinree New Officers >• 1 Got a Gripe? Ev t^ • Mrs. Joseph Steiier is arranging Write the Editor • ^ i . v r i — _ L _^ ^i ^^ BI\ .• ^n u_ \- i*t \ i - r • v the May 21'installation of new offi- - •-. ,'•, .'SYS, -:^-••'^-"-.^i'-^-.r. .-; :-J^. J .. -

J - - In - x— ^-l-n_. -.^ I"V-*T V-•—_ .— ^-' T. —-- ' . •• -.""I -. * .- cers . of the Greater Westfaeki Oh&p- -•-"Li - *~L-^AI."~\L_ ^T -Lri'j CCJ^^lrT-^yxi u^ i_"^ ^J3 i_^_nj _I^I^ - ^ i _------Y-I-- r_- -i^_--iz-_-jir _=r_ v_ n—_•_-:_. y— i __"--! J -. "_- - - ' . r . .--.". ---•!••..-• -y.'i .'•••^.^Ei'.-^ii :=.•?• "j- :.'' .''. :. . '.i _ . L . V J- • . • . "_ •- - V_^ Ji ^.^. _ff^j' ^J.l^hl^ V.'l_-1. -Knl'^i'.'-^ ^.x.^ L , •-" . ^ tier of Women's American ORT. _- _ _A-_ y_ ^\ JI^L -rzz *-J/T-J_ a zr JT_LU TJ-LL .ry/L -z^ >:_-- k >> ! Mrs; Myron Bussel; president, will J' preside at the meeting which wftl begin at 8 p.m. in Temple Emuanu- -tf .^-^1

.Hf*. B1DL Mrs. Peter SpauMer will be the installing officer. "Mo Aiin Kaplan, Bill Siegel and . r1- ftelth Hermann, all students at Westfield High School, will enter- tain members and guests with a mm i _' medley of songs. Hospitality is be- m ing arranged] by Mrs. David Kopel- PRIME CHOICE CHOICE FRANK'S FAMOUS m man and Mrs. Melvih Ginsburg. ' Ribs Sirloin London Ground .' •"•.' ASWA to, Convene •-- ...; The American Society of Women •I- I I*,- T ! '^ " j — r . • Accountants will hlave a dinner-meet- Beef Steaks Broil Chuck P. - ^ h b •-•r" < , • • ing May 20 at OantfttJo's Nopflh Brunswick. 79c Ib. $1.05 Ib $1.69 Ib, 3 lbs. $2.49

. L i - i^:^ ^ 1- p Child, Allowance (ALL LEAN, TENDER MEAT) •:-r "•: '••.- Topic for Talk Frank's Special: Boneless Roast 89c Ib.

Tr -f m Children and allowances will be ALWAYS ON HAND discussed at a meeting May 21 spon- BONELESS GRADE A

">'•'*'• sored by the Union County Exten- 'I. ,• I ' sion Service from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Chuck Beef for Fondue Sliced '""•••• ••''• '.4 - -J •> at 300 North Avenue East. ^- Dr. Roseanne Speelman, psychol- Roast Filet Mignon • Turkeys r- ogist, will discuss the important role of an allowance in the development .;. of a child. Mrs. Elaine May will ALL MEAT Capons Jones Farm Rock River talk about the money management aspects of an allowance. Group dis- 85c Ib. Fresh Pork Tenderloins 89c Ib. cussion and questions will be a part BARGAINS GALORE of the program. (Parents of young children and HOMEMADE FRESH KILLED ALL MEAT teenagers are welcome. Tlhose plan- THROUGHOUT THE STORE ning to attend are asked to cat the Extension Service Office between 9 Pure Pork Roasting Chickens Skinless a,m. and 4 p.m. 20% OFF f... Sausage Ib. Avg. 39c Ib Franks ON SUMMER DRESSES - For Roast or Bar-B-Q SLACK SETS - BANLONS - 99c I b. 89c Ib. RAINCOATS - SPORTSWEAR I ^ •:

m•,::--• k "- New NBC Toastettes .43c Birdseye Danish Vegetables 39c

'I'1 -. ! • SPECIAL GROUP OF Peach or Orange Marmalade Birdseye Japanese Vegetables 39c m WHILE THEY ^ASTI NBC Sugar Wafers .43c Birdseye Mexican Vegetables 39c Dresses, Slack Sets Entire bankruptcy stock of Imported hand-hooked pure NBC Fig Newtons 45c Birdseye Spanish Vegetables .39c wool: mgs, very thlck.finest and Sportswear quality, reversible. Border Mrs. Smith Small Apple Pie .49c prints, florals, varied de- Dulany Broccoli Spears .29c '!< digns - 6 colors - ovals & Perx Pints. 19c rectangulars. 9x12 retail Dulany Green Peas % 19c 50% OFF $275, now $65! 10x14 retail Coffee Rich, Pints 19c $350r now $75! 12x15 retail Dulany Mixed Vegetables. .20c 5425, now 585! 12xlB retail Minute Maid Limeade . .. . > 2 for29c $500, now $95! Also 260 Im- ported hand-hooked, HAND- Birdseye Tasti-Freis .23c Minute Maid Pink Lemonade ...... 2 for 29c m FRINGED rugs, Mediter- ranean pattern, tight weave, Birdseye Bavarian Vegetables ...... 39c Minute Maid White Lemonade 2 for29c i! 4 brilliant colors- {Straw* berry, Sea Bluo/Green, Bur- nished Bronze, Avocado) 3x5 retail 534.95, now 512! 4x6 retail '549.95, now 517!' 6x9 retail 579.95 now $35! 9x12 retail 5129.95, now $70! All colors &. sizes In stock this r r.-- , week, next week - forget It! S UP E R M A R KET 114 E. BROAD ST. 233-2469 WESTFIELD TOWN & COUNTRY LIQUi- DATOR5v Rt. 22 (Eastbound) - • • , i • , n NEXT TO DINERS/FUGAZY UNION, N J. (Across from Plenty Parking 856 MOUNTAIN AVE. *' Is- RIckels Shopping Center) Opp. National Bankr Mountainside BANKAMERICARD UNI-CARD OURS HANOI-CHARGE MASTER CHARGE 954-0233 MASTERCHARGE No Meter* — Shop Mountaintjd* Area Accepted. >-;.*

*-•-*!• ^*- > -• -,* M .J *i-±.j •'--*-• , -' v , "• -••:. ','-4- Jib ifr \ V; WESTFJEU)

e;* if dtp. S, Breitenstein, John : Ecclesiastical Guild Mrs/Hyclock, Mrs. Engle Win G. Koeflscti, Vincent Muiiigan, Miar- vin Ycrataby and CSair Oampbell. To Exhibit Embroidery They wire entertained at luncheon Tri-Color Award in Rake-Hoe Show at Mrs. .Robert H. •Mulreany's. A daspiy-y of their work by ladies of tlie Ecclesiastical Kmbroidci*y Mrs. Peter Hyctock and Mrs. Wal-cott, Garden Club of Crar>ford; CiriW vill be given Monday from (Mag Jffp? ter R. Engel, both members of the Charles Parrow, 1065 Lawrence 9-3 in tlie parish hall of Redeemer A real treat awaits you at the Clay Pipe Rake and Hoe Garden Club, were Ave.; K, Hanson, Shaclcamaxon Gar To Attend Convention fjuUhenan Church. The guild meefU Restaurant with its old English atmos- given tri-color awards for their art- den Club; Bcrtine Predericka. West- at the diuj-di the fir-si and tiiaixl field Garden Club; J. F. Neison, Tlie .Wesltfiotel Business and Pro-Mon'tiuys or each moralih, Sciitwn- phere ... istic arrangements at the club's /essiortai Women's Ckil) will be renh spring flower show "So Proudly We Willow Grove; John S. Jiammond, J< i)er throughi June. Countryside Garden Olub; R. II, r&sertled at the jd ate cwvenlion to- •Gue^t speaker for [-he 12 nr>on Prime Rib of Beef ' Hailed," held last Wednesday at tlie morrow and Saturday in Atlantic Lobster Tail Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Waleott, Garden Clul> of CVantord; luafheon wall be the Itav. Jack II. Donald Pcarce, 733 CooHdgo St. Oily. Those altenid-ing include Miss Church. Florence W-MAN& CO Retzloft and Carl Zeiss. In a special invitation. class of I R, SlIt'RMANA CO C.AWFUIV "EMOVf YOUR OttAPFWES, THfN REMODELING • MONOGRAMMING • CLEANING GfNTlY PRffiARL THEM FOR Tr'FNIW °fKACTOHwlSH" CLr-AMfNf; CVC1 C. TMlS In the horticultural division, Mrs. gtarden plantings, awards were: 1. KCVOLUTlONAftf PKGCtSS NClUDfSCUAN'NG MAUD WESSfNG. fct fliOCKING ydock -of Rake and Hoe won theMen's Garden Club of Westfield, 2. Joe's Market (TO INSURE UNGTH 6 LVWNLSV. HX'uPIZnG. ANDRE HANGING Sweepstate Awarti for the most Garden Club of Wedtfield, 3. Moun- PHONE 242-8420 FOR A FRtE ESTIMATE blue ribbons. Mrs. JYank Dugan, tainside Garden Club, honorable Settles Custom Furrier 407-SOUTH AVE. W, Rake autf Hoe; Mrs> R. H. Waloott, mention, Crestwood Garden Club. Opposite Slrand Theatre OPP. RAILROAD STATION -Awards of appreciation were giv- Garden OMb of Cranford, and Mrs. 206 E. Front Streef Plainfield 233-4955 Charles Furrow* Rake and Hoe, re-en to Mrs. William L. Mray, Garden i ceived awards of merit. Club of Monris Plains; Mrs.- Arthur 754-0067 Other area blue ribbon winners in W. Helt, DakerLdge Garden Olub; orticulture were: Mesdames Em- Mrs. William H. "McDonald, Garden ery B. Gebert, Cresiwo&d Garden aah at' Wesrtfkdd; Mrs. A._ P. Mus- Oiub; Leonard Dinmierch, Bethle- tard Jr., Gfeen Brook Garden Club, hem Garden Cliib; E. L. Cofifey, for their interpretation of-Uie show's Garden Club of We&tltekl; Betty themo of patriotism. . Pate, M6 Boulevard; W. A. Hagcr- Three educational, exhibits wer*- temmer, Garden 'Dcpt. Westfield eligible for a special1 award:-TVsc Woman's Olub; Robert Roberts, were: "America's Favorite UoUsC- Garden Club of Wharten; Kingdom plant—The -African Violet," staged Cleave, Garden OMb of Wharten; by Mrs. Glenn B. Hudson; "America W. H. Polt, Westfield Garden Club; Loves. Roses," Mrs. Drinlcwater and Old Fashioned Bargain Days J. R. SHERMAN & CO. "Tock's feland Restoration," a con- 895 BERCEN STREET. NEWARK, NEW JERSEY 07112 iellie Vaughn, Green Thumb Jun- ion Garden Club; Manvin Yanatsfcy, servataon exhibit by Mrs, Bouchard. (WESTFIELD STORE ONLY) Recreation Garden CiUb; R. H. Hal-The award was won by Mrs. Hud- son. Special awards were given to the other two entries. Early Bird Specials An award'of appreciation was giv- en to (he Westfield • Chapter • DAR for its historioal display, "Old Glo- THURSDAY ONLY - 10 A.M. FRIDAY ONLY SATURDAY ONLY ry," and to Maker's Garden Center for its exhibit of garden pd'an^ng: $3.00 Community International N. J. Silverplated THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY 'A special", award was given to Girl- Souvenir Spoons i i Scout Troop No. 41 of Lincoln School Nut Dish Silver Plated Serving Pieces Lnj|[rr!irTui^"uifLij;^iF:Uiwj[irtiJi[]!t[?nti|.[:i:.thiuii'JiiniNiiNiiiu (^;iEU[jni!!U[iiiijfaji.iurifErtn[ IMUiillM^ for their Iitter4wg display,, also, FREE birds, Mrs. James C. Carroll; com- A REAL STEEL! 1 munity projects, Mrs. August-Mon- NOW $1.00 (Limit 2) $1.00 ea. — Buy 5, Get 1 FREE To First 75 Customers ti: library, Mrs. Tfoaddetis A. Retz- 79c Value A toff. V\****1' OLD HMS STAINLESS STEEL Judges were [Mesdames Ralph Super Value Berkson, Saul J. Shapiro, Kingdom WITH COUPON ONLY Oleave, H. Bross Samuel, William Wallace 4 Piece Castleton Silverplated Tea Service

xp. 5/16 PARING KNIVES - .'•* '•»:*v *•*-•* 3' •'••'•' Reg."$T79.50 % I » Dazey Ei&ctric CHOW BELL CAN OPENER International Royal Danish Sterling 5 Piece Tea Service Brass Finish $4.99 Mounted on Reg. $835.00 NOW $499.00 CAN OPENER with (Floor Sample Only) Antique Pine Plaque KNIFE SHARPENER 4 Orig. $6.98 $2.99 $7.99 Gorham Newport Sterling Silver 3 Branch Candelabras Reg. 90c CLEARANCE! OLD FASHIONED $99.95 8 Way Breakdown, 11" High REGINA CROWN JEWEL CUSTARD CUPS CANNISTER Reg. $99.50 pair NOW $55.00 pair HALL POTTERY for Oven Use VACUUM CLEANER $69.99 Famous International Pattern Sterling Candelabras $17.95 Volue Reg. $19.95 Floor Samples — Only 2 Pairs Left Electric AQUA-TEC MRS. WILLIAM CROMARTY, chairman of the Women's Com- Reg. $275.00 pair NOW $165.00 pair MAKE-UP MIRROR WATER PIK mittee of Mountainside of the Opera Theatre of "New Jersey, will model this orange velvet 4 $9.99 $12.99 Opera Cape from Originals by Famous Make Famous Brand Juanita of Weslfield at its Four REPEAT OF A ig. $24.95 F B PREVIOUS SELLOUT WARING Seasons fashion show May 19. Luggage $11.95 Two Speed — Push Button Steak & Carving Sets Automatic Electric BLENDERS Fashion Show 20% to 40% "TIME-ALL" TIMERS 40% off Off List Prices $12.99 To Encompass $6.99 Avocado Onl Four Seasons 50% OFF WEIGHT WATCHERS Cusltam fashions, for both men and Adler's Boutique Shop Reg. $20.00 SPRINGFIELD wtomen wttl be featured at "Pour SPECIAL! Seasons,"-a fiash&an ^htow Miay 19 sponsored by tlhe Mountainside Wom- Close Out Specials COUPON HOME WEATHER Reg. $1.85 en's Comrrtittee off Opena Tlieatre Covered Stainless Steel of New Jersey. Daytime antf even- on Selected Cryst Odds Ends STATIONS ROBESON STAINLESS STEEL ing wear for all soasanis off tlie year Butter Dish by International will be $town wibh background mu- Prices Thermometer, Barometer and Humidity China Patterns Meter. Precision made. So fid brass, GRAPEFRUIT KNIFE sre psWbed by RtosaLttml Dobie, re- Reg. $6.00 NOW $3.00 scellaneous mounted in richly grained simulated h€!arsal dcWoariptanist for Mrs. Jer- omo Hines. (Limit 2) ated wood panel. Gift Boxed. Service for 8 Iverpl Atelier de ITailteur, a custom tail- 99* oring sBitop in Suntmitt will show Other Serving Pieces Miscellaneous Odds 'n Ends $9.99 men's wdai\ mueh of it ll $2.89 With Coupon for the fashion Show. 20% to 50% off Adler's WE PURCHASED WHOLESALER'S ENTIRE INVENTORY I Women from facial oommunltics 20% to 50% off CLEARANCE! will irWd€Q outiatis designed and created for them by Opiginals by RUBBERMAID INTERIOR DECORATION JtJivrtifci, a oUsHsm couture in West- No Exchanges, Refunds or Gift Wrap on Sale Merchandise field. MoideTs from Westfield are: Soft Plush 100% Nylon on Non-Skid Vinyl Mrs. VdatJor Aloaa-o, Mrs. R. Allan Cttaxfcon and Mrs. A. Mol; from THROW-RUGS MouinlJaiaisWe, Mrs. William Orora- arty, Mnl Wobert Hose, Mrs. Ste- BELOW OUR ORIGINAL WHOLESALE COST 1 phen Matysck, Mns. George Mazeika. Also modeling are Mi's. Joseph Kro- REDUCED rf X 17V4" x 28" bath of linden, Mrs. Anthony Oas- 55% o^ $9« $4.49 Orig. $6.95 telcFo of Bdison and Mrs. M. A. Seiner, of Scotdh Ptodns. AND MORE Mm II: W.. WtMlu-ld, N-l 1 ( . [Vrnt'v SORRY, NO 'PHONE ORDERS OR DELIVERIES • NO GIFT WRAPPING SALES MERCHANDISE iho faSKion sfooy WBU be held at OPEN EVERY MONDAY TIL 9 P.M. tine- Fionham Piaric dountry GUtb with .!" knupl Mfi'd, I indt'M, N.J. a dOdhd hour at 7:45 followed by dessert ait 8:30. Men as well as Ml S.uilh Sirt-rt, MiUMstown. N.| women ar$ invtted. FINE JEWELERS AND SltVERSMITHS rfntenfoa, Ppooeeds- will bento ^ie pnoduc- tattn Puwd at Opera Theatre of New 128 ELM ST., WESTFIELD ..,...L.-.'jia3Hffite. with Mns. ARMlfio Bisio. THE

Mrs. J. C Chewey Jr. are in charge "Gd y Mi's.teriaji Chundh witlh desvot&ms by Mrs. Composition FAMILY TO DINNER Games Games Rdctod H. Palmer Jr. aiil her C. H. Ybdeir. Computer Programming Art Art, Crafts Study Techniques Crafts Outdoor Play •if Painting, Sketching Shop Work Enrollment Limited 3-Dimensional Art , Models • -"••"- - • 6-Weeks Only Red Cross Life'Saving No Transportation Available ™" Tww "" Cook-Outs , j;, r - literature Seminar SHOPPING Tournaments tor Nursery Campers T ) ri" ' TRANSPORTATION AVAILABLE THE PINGRY SCHOOL * 215 North Avenue, Hillside, N. J. Telephone: (201)-355-6990 *'!'

WEDDING CEREMONY? If you want to give a meaningful gift with Another , UNUSUAL STYLE, chopsepneof our rnany UNIQUE IDEAS, from any.time.penod!' , LUE f 4 SATELLITE! BIZffiE RfflBON BLUE IBBON 204 EAST FRONT STREET, PUINFIELD 561-1666 CLEANERS REAT & P - r fa First LAUNDERERS. OUR MENU WILL HA VE SOMETHING ESPECIALLY FOR YOU Margaret Stern Catering The charm of our FREE! All Baking Is Done On The Premises Wedding Receptions Jakfi-m/ejwa'id WinmgPhni U.S. RT. 22 AT MILL LANE 233-0774 MOUNTAINSIDB and Cocktail Parties is enhanced by pur excellent food and personnel NEW • MERCHANDISE 233-0170 Men's or Ladies' ARRIVES DAILY! SUITS

t . . . - ••* CLOTH COATS • ^ STORAGE FUR TRIM COATS Happiness Is FUR COATS $10.00 Free Insurance Valuation (Additional Insurance Only 1%) Brings You America's Most Famous A New Radiant You Plus Cleaning Charges Fashion Brands At Savings to 70% STORE ALL YOUR WINTER WOOLENS You will be sur- tnis 1 economical way! Skirts, Jackets, Snow THURSDAY, FRIDAY prised at what a Suits, Sweaters, Household Items... ANY- change one hour AND SATURDAY ONLY! D/YV CTAD API* THING except fur, fur trimmed coats and with us will make. OVA OI Ul\/\UL heavy coats. Miss Bern ice, a RED TAG STORED IN OUR VAULTS - CRAM IT FULL! Trained Beautician, I 2% Of Valuation Plus Cleaning Charges will give you a ^ complimentary Your recious ||r| A A AT P furs deserve the very best beauty analysis. FUK Win I storage - COLD FUR STORAGE. No other We Have Added To Our Beautiful type of storage protects so well. Controlled Inventory Of Wash & Wear Wigs ONI Y humidity and temperature end danger from moths, larvae or beetles, and at the The LARRY MATHEWS Wig. same time, preserve the life-giving oils that TAKE AN EXTRA (Come see the one with the London Look!) $100 Valuation ... $3,50 \W Additional Insurance 1% keep pelts young. False Eyelashes Let PROFESSIONAL CLEANING & GLAZ- So natural only you.will know for surel ING protect and prolong the life of your We fit them to you and give FUR COAT fur garments. you an eye make-up lesson EXPERTLY from $7.50 (Mink and Beaver More) £ All now only $3.00 CLEANED & GLAZED FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY OFF Dutch Boy and the Cleopatra Wi0.;...: $16.98 including cutting FREE MOTH PROOFING THE ALREADY Wash and Wear Kanekalon Wig, *.*,,. ~* ALL GARMENTS DRYCLEANED AT BLUE RIBBON ARE LOW, LOW DISCOUNT was $18.98 (including first cut) ....„ .NOW $15.98 MOTH-PROOFED FREE WITH NON-DDT CHEMICALS Parted Kanekalon Wash & Wear Wig-™» $19.98

PRICE ON ALL ITEMS including cutting - < • • . v : '. ; WITH RED TAG! 100% Human Hair Wiglet . , $12.98 100% Human Hair Fall .... $35.00 f--_. Have your wig Set with our wig specialist Win Free Cleaning ALL FIRST QUALITY MERCHANDISE No Purchase Necessary -^ Drawing July fst j? Just Sign Name, Address, Tel. No. We Also Include Free the First Setting and Shaping on All Human Hair ON GARMENTS

*.,*•• A, A * -*•-^ * BROUGHT IN 6 North Union Ave., Cranford BEFORE 12 NOON master charge Open Daily 9:30 to 5:30 P.M. ON DRY CLEANING & SHIRT LAUNDERING NO EXTRA CHARGE SATURDAY COSMITIC* BMMMlfliCM Thursday Nite 'HI 9 P.M. AT REGULAR PRICES ONLY BEFORE U A.M. 10 Elm St., Westfiald 232-873^

. • . • •• .- 988 Stuyvesant Ave., ^ NORTH AV •f- v ^->. -" DRIVE - IN STORfc HOURS. 7-JQ A M. ro 6 ON ROUTE i : STOH L . ^.'f ,H •:.--'>-.-,., w»w^3^•*WFfctB»^^

.. 4 / - THE WBSTFrELD expect be- cluding a python,, bo-a constrictor Miss Blair is a first year student later received a doctor of law de- fore I oame to the U.S. I had a ra- miles away. . - and anaconda. attending Ohio Wesleyan Univer- The announcement of Mr. O'Con- gree from Fondham University. He ther misty picture unfortunately 3s Finally I end u-p by saying tftat The fallowing awards were pre- sity, JDela-ware, Ohio and is major- nor's election to his new ppost was is a member of the American Bar is so often the case—$ generaliza- this has truly been- a wonderful and ing jn mathematics. Miss Lamtoerta sented by Cub Master Bill Bussed!: announced by WiHiam P, Orr, pres- Association, flie New York State tion, that the Americans I would stimulating experience for me and I is a jirnior at Rider College, Tren- Lee Schafer, silver arrow: Doug ident of the international design, en- Bar Association and the Associatioa meet would be a mixture between will a.lways' be most appreciative Spencer, goid and silver ar- ton and is studying elementary edu- those I had seen on the movies por- and thaok&d for #11 that A!FS school cation. gineering and construction firm of the Bar of the City of New York, traying American life and the tour- row; Ronald Genhandt, wotf, gold headquartered in Bloomfield. Mr. and Mrs. O'Connor hove three and local . -dhapters, the Student and silver, arrow; Jeflf Binder, two ists and visitors I toad met previ- The AAUW sc'iolarships are Mr. O'Connor joined Lummus in children. Council, friends and ray family have silver arrows; Ed Kontis, silver ar- ously iaVSaulth Atritaa.. I was so happy done to make this- year so very re- awarded annuaUy to women resi- row; Jeff DeCfoedlis, silver arrow dents of Mountainside wOw> have to find I wias wrong and that the warding amd enjoyable. WILLIAM B. GARDNER ..'• , h'.h •people I wias to meet, and have met Matt Oarragher, bear and We&elos: completed zl least onti semester of Inigiya bonga giafculu! (Zurtu, for I Ed McWiliiams, artist and crafts- college and who have shown through in WestfieM, are pleased to meet a thank you very, very much)." fore^gBier, eager to hear about has man; Brian Sehuvtart, equtanaut; Gardner to Play gaud academic standings and per- country and life and wiling to go Francis Schefer, aquanaut, artist, sonality a strong desire to earn a out of their way to make him feel geologist and scholar; Brtioe Bauch- college degree. ner aqinany Bach, Moz- found people ready to listen to my aquanaut; Georgy Kley, aquianaut; art, Franck and Langtoiii. A senior Scotch Plains — Spec/4 Walter . ttobert C. Specht, M.D., well William Rippe, aquanaut; William : Views and treat me as an individual insight into' American' life * than a known- Sunimit surgeon, has been at Scotch BlainsJtiiuiwood HigJi J. Shordiche, 23, feoh "of'Mi*.'" 'anff not necessarily representing my tourist could get even tlwugh I real- Corbet, aquanaut; Jiames Bowman, School, Mr. Gardner is an organ Mrs. Walter T. Shortfeidie of 990 elected . president of t h e medical aqiianiaut. . . whole country's point-ota'iew. This ize that WestfiaW .does not typify all staff, of Overlook Hbepital. -Student of Donald I>uml<«* of West- RlariUaji lid,,, -recently received >the I ; is something no traveller or foreign- facets of 'American life; Serving with Dr. Speeht as vice- Tne "Arrow of Light" badge was field and has studied wil h William Awny Commendait/ion Media! wliiie er could do easily. as a smallish, almost one-class com-• wall be George L. Erdman, presented, to all Wetbelos ami t'he S. Wrenn of Paiirwo&d and in master serving wiith the 20th Engineer muter society on the of a M.D' of MilBMirn, Overjook's direc- j ^^^ ceremony -wias concluded elasfes of Dr. Virgil Fox. Brigade in Vfietoam. I am very Ktcky to have been a huge city, is very tKflferent from the tor of laboratories, amd Milton with the turning over of the pack An accomplished piamist and pro- He earned the award for merit- city from which I come in 9outh fjiernber of a * wonderful t&mily here Lane, M.D.; of Union as secretary- flags to-the second year cubs wlio fessional church organist in the orious s * • ical Group since 1954, Dr. Specht trict Cub Olympics -which were held i fciyited'to attend* the concert. en me a much more comprehensive Pietmaritdbiurg, rny home, town, ranks as full* attending at Overlook on May 2 at the Recreation Field. and is also on t/he staff at John i E. Itunnells Hospital. Dr. Specht MEN'S SHOP r •> Twenty-Ninth In a Series is board certified in surgery, a Of fers Summer member of the American College of Surgeons and the Americans Col- lege of Ghost Physicians, Ice Skating HI THE GOOD OLD DETS (He is a graduate of the Columbia A fuIJ schedule of summer Uirn 'on College of Pihtysicians and Surgeons, ice to occupy children and adults Wyatt's Brings You 1970 Merchandise at 1949 Pri by Giles K. Atwood, Realtor ; interned and took a surgical resi- alike is being oflfered this year by •m F dency at Roosevelt ttlosfpit'al in New the Rahph Evans Ice Skating Schools MAY/1918 York City, completing his residency in Westfield and Short Hills, with at Cashing V.A. and .Boston V.A. registration now going on for the Fred Taylor, driver for the Barton Taxi Hospitals. Dr. S^eebt is a graduate and Auto Co., was running his machine classes in all age and skill calegor- : of Princeton, a native of Orange end ies. from in front of the Bqrton stable to the served as an Army Surgeon. hack Mand at the station, a horse and Ice skating star and teacher Ralph For many years adive of admin- Evans, who Evans Method has be- wagon was standing at the drinking istrative committees of' the Over- fountain and the motorcycle swung to come the standard for all individual look Medical Staff, Dr. Specht has instruction, pointed out that ice round the wagon, the auio hooked the served as both vice-president and sfoating classes are "more satisfy- hind wheel of the motorcycle throwing the two men heavily -s&cretary. He has been chairman ingt more fun and-more education to the ground. Officer Deter called Dr. R. G. Savage, who of the medical equipment commit- ad" than tilie usual day camp routine administered first aid. « ' tee and the medioai staff education- many parents must resort to for the TODA Y— TOMORROW— SATURDA Y ' * * * . - * '* * .* ' a\ assistance fund, as well as active | suxnmer. '"Fun on ice beats day Four car loads of steel to be used in the construction of. the on the long range planning com camp cold," he said mittee. ' •• • Registration and classes are be- All Spring 1970 merchandise at prices cut back to 1949! And sold new railroad bridge of Westfield Ave; & Broad'St. arrived Other top medical staff appointees on the siding here Thursday morning last . > . Should we ing conducted at the now Evans include: Chief of surgery, E, Brace schools. have German taught in Westfield schools? Should the young Whitescll; M.D. of Summit; chief Americans of Westfield be taught the language of the Boche Facilities locally are in the Ralph always at the 1949 policy: No sale is final until you are pleased of pediatrics, Olifton J. Strauss, Evans School at 215 North Avd who ravaged and destroyed Belgium and Northern France? M.D. of Summit; chief of medicine, .. . M. Deutach, 109 E. Broad St., We*tfiekf, well known shoe i V'toe students from Union, and anything may be returned for any reason. i L 1 -'«-»•* ^-*-x..' J-*.•• -. zt. : .UWesex Counties fwd. it..coniw> man* closing "out hts e ififir6 stock7"5hoiB5.frbitr'98c. end up. ?H0- S81*^"*!^1^ **?"*' «*«nt "to become a good skate the ., . PLAYHOUSE: J. Stuart Btackton in^Wlld'Yogth." Admis- D. NeweHfc-MJD. of Summit; chief £un ^y(» sion l5-25c .., . David Timberlake; Roy Cajifield, Windsor of general pnaictice, Arithony F. Cop Registration hours are from 10 Rosecrdns/Frederick Casey, Lynn Clotwctrthy, Albert Garcia, po-M, M.D. . of MiUburn; chief of to 6 p.m. Mtonday through Fri- Clyde Edwards, Irving .Dougherty, and. Cecil Crlckenberger pathology, George JL. Erdman, M.iD. day.- • . troop 1, Boy Scouts of America won medals for selling larg- of' MlUburn; chief of. radiology, Wil- 1970 Merchandise at 1949 Prices est number of Liberty Bonds, second issue « . . Lady, expe- liam J. Esposito, M.D, of Summit; rienced driver, new 6 cylinder touring car, desires,to take representative from surgical depart- in Our Men's Department parties driving. Rates reasonable. Phone 30-W. . . . Harry W. ment, • Thomas Davis, M.D. of Mall-

Taylor is selling New Perfection oil cook stoves. "No coal hod, burn; representative frotn medical -•:-• ti-r- department, Eugene R. Kelly, M.D. SOCKS — Spun Nylon and Banlon — ash pan drudgery, no soot Or smoke — are some of the A \ reasons 3,000,000 women find cooking with a New Perfec- of Westfield. reg. $1.50 - 1949 Price 89c tion a real pleasure." •ft.'** •wi


—From Westfield Leader copies May, 1918 TIES — Silk, Dacron, Cotton — • v: r Wood, Wdlker & Co. w Members reg. $4.50 to $7.50 - 1949 Price $2.50 :••£• ATWOOD REALTY New York Stock Breakthrough! - REALTORS - Exchange TROUSERS — Dacron and Wool - 8 Colors — Residential Commercial Appraisals SINCE 1800 reg. $20.00 - 1949 Price $15.95 On Lenox Avenue to rear of the Westfield Post Office. 203 Elm St. Westfiefd, N.J. Ample Backyard Parking BERMUDA SHORTS - reg. $10.00 and $12.00 - 223 LENOX AVE. 233-2222 OPEN MONDAY EVENINGS 7-9 P.M. MIHon Wick — 1949 Price - $7.95 and $8.95

1970 Merchandise at 1949 Prices in Our Boys' Department r Fuel Oil and Burner Service GUARANTEED TIMES (If line shoutd break, It will BOYS' SHOES ... a wide variety of loafers, tie shoes, moccasins and Buckles ... in a wide be replaced freo'of charge when sent to Goienaj choice of colors . . . sizes 3V2 to 10!/2 . . . B to E widths - Originally $12.00 to $18.00 -

; •:£:•. v.l 1949 Price - $9.99 pr., 2 prs. $18.00

TENNIS SWEATERS . . . Orion (completely washable ... By our most famous maker) Sizes 8 ft^S to 20. Originally $11.00 - 1949 Price $7.99


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ———.....—_-—_-_—.—^-_ SATURDAY 9 A.M. ONLY That's what the Mustang Tiller Is all about. So tough we guarantee Just 6 Himalayan PACK FRAMES (in our Boy Scout Dept.) tines against breakage. Stop by and SGO a tough tiller. Available }n Originally $7.95 - 1949 Price $4.99 (plus tax) 3V& 4 & 5 h.p. models*

COMPLETE Short Sleeve SPORT SHIRTS Short Sleeve KNIT SHIRTS SERVICE FACILITIES Pickup — Delivery Service Solids — Stripes — Plaids — Checks Solid Colors — Stripes Sharpening Originally $4.00-$5.00 Originally $3.00-$4.00 Parts In Stock For Heating Equipment Installed Briggs & Stratton 1949 Price - $3.19, 2 for $5.99 1949 Price - $2.49, 2 for $4.79 Kohler Tecumseh • Wisconsin ONE OF N. J.'s LARGEST TURF LINE DISTRIBUTORS Park In Our Lot Next to Store STORR WYATT 138 Central Ave. (opp. Post Office) Westfield BtROTHERS Phone 232-2700 - 01 FUEL OIL TRACTOR CO. Open Monday & Friday Evenings Until 9 469 SOUTH AVE., & 1 WESTFIELD —^ -» >• —I l £


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i. -? _. . Thursday Friday Saturday • --_ -— , ' •- i , All 40 members of the Westfield Areai Chamber of Commerce Retail

j.. Division invite you to join the fun ... and SAVE. Sale m effect only at those stores displaying the colorful Old Fashioned Bargain Days Banners.

.E _ J :...- i_ .1 . ... _-.., Extra Special Savings ... Use the Coupons on This Page, Shopping Is Fun in Westfield.

__ —- J .... COUPON COUPON 2-pc. silver-plated serving sets -L-. ._ _. 20% off Turtles to S12 Oh All Summer Merchandise ifirii this coupon tviih this coupon ADLERS OF WESTFIELD '•• I ALICE'S BOUTIQUE 219 North Ave., W. 114 E. Broad St. Valid Hap 14, 15. 1G, 1970. ^ Vflllfl May 14, 15, 16, 1970,.'


Spray BREHM'S BARGAIN DAY SPECIAL! BAN Deodorant Bring this coupon in to Brehm's and receive a $10 reduction on any < I tvlth this coupon carpet purchased of $100 or morel BARON'S DRUG STORE 243 E. Broad St. BREHM'S CARPETS 234 E. Broad St Valid May 14. 15, lfi, 1970, ,VT Valid May 14, 15. 16, 1970, WI-

COUPON COUPON 20% OH 40% off Any Sale Price Lingerie & Lounge Wear Cash and Carry with this coupon tilth this coupon CLARA LOUISE THE CORSET SHOP 121 Ouimby St. 121 E. Broad St. Valid May 14, 15, 16, 1970, -.,,, Valid M«yH, 15, 16,1970, vyj

COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON 100% Human Hair • V Tub Mats -i1!}' 10% off Handmade — Hand Ti V% Dollar Off Reg- All Spring Merchandise Beg all shirts purchased $3.98 tvith this coupon $39 with this coupon tvitli this coupon GRILLS SILK & with this coupon THE LEADER STORE FREDAL DECORATORS, INC HAIR ARE • ' COTTON SHOP, INC 109 E. Broad St. Elm & Quimby Sts. 120 E. Broad St. 102 Central Ave. Valid May 14, 15, 16, 1970, Valid May 14, 15, iG, 1970, ,„,. Valid Maj 14, 15, 16,1970, wT Valid May 14.15.16, incj, wr

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COUPOIV COUPOIV COUPOIV P COUPON Any Grade Oil Downstairs .. Permanent Press Famous Fruir-of-the-Loom Matchbox • per quart Men's & Students' A Parity Hose Umif: 6 Quarts on© Gifts for Everyone ' •- --• ,,,,-•-. -' -? JEANS dk size with this coupon tvith this coupon .S.'r •-•• with this coupon LOU NORDONE MacHUGH, INC. MILADY'S SHOP TEXACO SERVICE CENTER - i - 264 E. Broad St. 167 E. Broad St. Ross PI. & South St. Valid May 14, 15, W, 1910, VTli Valid Maj 14, 15, 16, 1970, nft Vnlld Mny 14, li, 18, 1970,' wr

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COUPOIV COUPON COUPON • • .. . V ' S.J-'V •->•:• *• - . \ -'.r -;?£,,:./;[<:': - •;.; • : :, . Melnor •—•: ... * '..»., — •.— . . ... •-. AIM rations .' —. - - - ; -.•• Included Off >• '- '•. •• st —.J- I-' -^ Turret Sprinkler 10% -I .-••-•• - I •-.-' Keg. Merchandise Men's or Boys* !r coupon Suits and Sport Jackets FASHIONED tvith this coupon tvlth this coupon WESTFIELD • • 'i'i.'C'-v/! •" '--.. TAYLOR HARDWARE CO. WYATT BROTHERS SEWING CENTER SHOPPING 125 Elm St. 138 Central Ave. Broad

Valid Mar M. 15, 16, 1970, Viltd Maj 14, 15, Iff, 1970, A lid Mar ?- -: •'- -•'-.. -..•

- -- - - t ^_ _ vtn mmm& MJJ h , m* u, tm Mango N. L. Sweeney in New RJHS Announces Honor Roll Jfomts McOojinsck L. Menvnen F Barbara Wendy E. Meoron Celanese Posilion The restftos of the 4hird maricuig Bnuce Dan-aid K. David L. Moekoiwilz period sJhow'a total of 257 students Aimy C. Sterling Karen N. Debbie L. Nye John J. Sweeney of 266 Twin Oaks at Roosevelt Jr. High on tiie honor Jennifer C. Y-atcs Lisa J. McVeigh Susan M. QuaU or distinguished hwior academic Keilh A. Meiron Bradley Randel Terr, has been appointed to a new position with Cebnese Fibers Mar- lists. To be ennotted in-fine distdn- SEVENTH GRADE Maura A. MuManey Leslie F. SaundcTis keting Company. qudshed iioiiior group a student must DISTINGUISHED Lynn B. Pi«*iriUo IvaUu'Iyii M. Sdiid.z obtain a grade erf "A" in all liis Jane E. Belcher Lucy G. Potter Nancy L. Sdircdber Frarfklin K. Eok. tl>e company's major acfadwn'ic subjects and no Charles H. Beiz KM so R. Prrtohard Jtidiai'd A. S lh k vice president for industrial and gnade below B" in any minor sub- Raul Clu*i*4eiis<. n Ifjrwocxi K. Sii^ smoking products marketing, ha:; ject To be enrolled in tflie honor Oatiiy A. Davas M'ai-yeilen Hainey Steven L. Stanford announced UtfU Mr. Sweeney now i.s group a student must ftUai-n grados Edward S lt Jay P. Denr Judith O. Randei dirfrdor, industrial products ntarket- of A" or "B" in all snbjoois major John Flournoy Wa-Wer T. Robinson Leslie D. Sterling or minor. Ohaples h, Giadol a L. Shadle Cynthia R. Stites Susan C. Gannon J. Shannon DoroMiee Struzyna •He most recently was with Cel- NINTH GRADE Valerie C. Havas Mark J^. Sheehan William Tojnakmis anese Plastics Company in Newark DISTINGUISHED David C. Hess I-ori K. vSJiellten 9taaley C. Warne as marketing manager-resins. In his Jonathan A. Bagger Kennettih Hines Amy U. Simon JiH S. Zimmeifnan new position, he will »>e responsible* Jay Bflhmke WMBam A. Holman Richard T. Salon Rachard K. Zii'Knor for the marketing of Celanese in- Wendy S. Biwn Rebecca D. Hoover Constance Solowe dustrial fiber products for all end- Elizabeth Curtis Bnban M. Kelly Howard L. Stiffens NEED A JOB? TRY use areas except in the tire unci re Susan P. Cutier Jancst C. KfiLUon Mark I). Sterner to led industries. James U. Cyphdr Emost C. P^ajiizeati Deborah S. Slacker LEADER CLASSIFIED Philip Grigg Olioi'yl G. Payne Jeffrey L. Susman Peter H. 9ayj-e Lori A. Swingle TXicker I. iMIanr Kim R. Schwndler Valurif L. Vn\a Peter Me Hale MarWiia H. Wescoat David J. Taylor Gain more leisure time... Paul D. Pecka Nancy E. Wood Lynn M. Thomas •Bunt M. Sil vermin Jt:w\ H. Wavbhuw your bills at home HONOR IIOLL Jac(jue!ine Wiest EIGHTH GRADE SEVENTH GRADE Re bin A, WlHder DISTINGUISHED . Rnank, P. Apeseche JJoyd Zueker , Barbara N. Alperl ' SlepJiem Ayj-es Kitten J. Ikteder " Geoj-ge W., B-almer NINTH GRADE Susan M. Banks • • • • • Marjorie Batzold HONOR ROLL Dlten L, Gampbdl • • • Diedre A. BoUtftcr ! Katihy.J. Chapman ]Ja\»rie Bonden PATIENTS from Children's Sppciali'/rd Hospital, New Providence ltd., WcstHeld/Mbuntiiiiiside, are shown Je an Adams 1 ft-eding one of ilic animals .at Tiirtlu U;u-k Zoo, West Oraiigc, during a recent visit sponsored -hy Hie hospital. Charles Alpert Lesley A. Chapman : , Kurt A. Bremer CyrenJa L. Clements Daiyl G. Brewster :,! J-. li .. ( it: I •i '' .Vanoy L. Aralereon LezHe J. Gorktun L. Brug'cs David L. AxekxKl Craig BudiLreawiorf Constaincc Batmer Bflaidley P. GiJJaert .\Tnry E. Tu'linski Mary K. Rldridge Benyile L. Burke Cynthia K. Cummin Pata'i-ck H, Banes Mary V. GJaOfedter Olaud Von Iloessgen David A. Ewing -Gletnn BufieaTnore Lynn C. CuUibert Klizabelh BaVzold IDkizaibeWi A. Gutiai Kenneth Williams Thomas A. Parley Blise H; 0ara\6n Ian Davis Rachard N. Bauer Wiiliam S. Hoiff Linda WobBler Miclrael J. X'arreli Coniimo Clemeivts Julio F. DcOos-fca Debonali Eager P«fter W. Lewis Ilulih A. ZuUner Dpliorrah S, Fowler John F. Cluff Grctdi Dicttcpi'ch Tracey Canttgher Paul D. Laefoennan Daniel S. Fairell Cynthia Fratelli Daniefl M. Mona&h Robert M. Cook Nancy N. Ohendtz •Mary A. Fedorici

Nancy J. MSona&so fa Jeanne D. F<»r>g EIGHTH GRADE Sharon li. Gage Diane E. Cumimin-gs Be wise... Janice Ru«ch!aixfeon Ba'tnioi'a A. Crelin Carole Giiancy Susan J. Garabraivt Joan Ackei'son- N'ancy H. Doan Catherine J. Hake Jessica Jo Gordon Gary IC. KLacey A. F&r-tey Mark C. Marries Palrioia Gentino X'aney J. James C. Gregory Ilnrtkopf William Gorrisleiud C. Open a Checkmaster account today Sivsan L. Valerie N. IJrairion Lc-i/.-a 1^. Howard Ci1aig E. Iticltartl Brnggcr Charles E. Jarrclt Galbreai'h Many M. Chanies A. Buford Maiicy E. Johnson Sherj-lyn S. d*eek No minimum balance required ItotJiIeen Hinkley Jan M. CQIlender ICalhlecn Jousten Willia-m Gi^eissei' Family Recreation Centers Holly L. llowc Philip E. aau&sen Cyiiliila J... Kellogg Carolyn Gutai John E. Howcll Sharon L. Codner Karen J. Kussicr Carolyji Gubai CENTRAL JERSEY A DIVISION OK SYLVAN POOLS Ann L. Cohen Paul B. Kimmell Lloyd F. Harris Maitina E. Hurley CW WE HELP YOU ? EUaaibcth Hutchison Thomas J. Conroy PliiUip C. Kcrtis Juditli A. H\?im CAMPING A SPOKING IQUIPMKNT • GAMES Wendy Hylander Kathleen J. Ooogan Delvin A. Jeanne Ka-lbiaclier PATIO FURNITURE • POOL ACCESSORIES Deborah Decg"an Colleen A. Kelly FORMERLY THE NATIONAL BANK OF WESTFIELD ARIIHCIAL PUNT* • IXfRCISE EQUIPMENT Susan II. Hyld'alU Joanne T. BWzabellh M. James Krislcn S. Doltflse Michael Kirwngham WESTFIELD • MOUNTAINSIDE Ilichard J. Joo^tcn Ilobert J. Egi'dio David Mac Phcrson Su&an Mac Pherson The Age of the Mini-Bike John L. ffg James K. Ivi!pp THE CAT ... it's Wild! Daborali L. Kraft Ann M, Ki^akona ATTENTIO WESTFIELD SENIOR CITIZENS Ann B. Kuollhig The Mini-Cat Barbara L'aurilson A REQUEST FOR INFORMATION Mary Lynn Lin kins FROM $99.00 Dauiia V. Utim F Nancy Loworeatcin THE MAYOR'S COMMITTEE ON HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY F r • T/i hp, 4 cycle Hilary K.. Lirtz W m \.. ilie past three years, citizens groups from several municipalities in this area of New Jersey Teounseh engin* Molly -L. MuHzia '.-*.:•* J considered fhe idea cf housing for the elderly in their communities. • S" Steel ball bearing • Hivdrai -'*>**y.*?%< . . v $10.00 Look at a map of the world. Wfllliam H. Napier • Hearing Aid plays like a fountaia for a You will see that a line runs Initiation Fee, First Year . . • . . $10.00 while, then dies down. Susan D. NeuieM Nick Di Sarro through Greenwich, Kngland. William D. p. Percy Ruth Drews For information Call 467-0470 or DR 6-5224 Every geyser is different. It is numbered 0, and it is in the spirit of Some erupt every few min- called the prime meridian. Susan P. Pope Henry G. Dudley John H. McDonough, Pres. utes, others every few years. The prime meridian is the Anthony B. Potter Marc Efarich Some shoot water high into starting point. There.ore 24 Kenneth W. Pratt Diane Engel the 7O's! Jeanine Procopio Karen A. fTakrner the air, others only a few time meridians that span the inches. A peyser's "plumbing" earth, covering 360 degrees. Laurie G. Rchdnson Joel S. Farley • 1

fhe remarkably small consists of a feeding tube, This means that, at intervals Nancy J. Ron/ayne Cynthia Feathers :•;•.'/(.,, -•^ which must be quite narrow, of 15 degrees east or west of Louise C. Rbzene Nancy E. .Gannon PROTECT •Vrill'" *m\ ZJO In-the-ear aid and natural hot water, heated Greenwich, the time Orlando Rifiggeri Virginia GarrigQn $.m i*-> m ^•s, by rocks deep inside the earth. *& here tor yotf "changes." So -we can say Carol D. Sauaiders BaiTy "Gershenfeld YOUR d miHi As the -water grows hotter •*-£y:-:*-* that time "begins" at Green- * Oathdnlne • Savage Joan L. Gilpiatrick --T.V, , ^ . to test-hear and eventually boils, it forces wich, Arlehe M. Scherzo Ronnie GOjaulbinger iyss-! M VALUABLES .<••-: (lor a free bookie), "Hie Magic Carpet, illustrated in color from The Bruce K. Smith IMiai'jorie E. Hake Nrw Hook cif Knowledge, send mime :md nddrm lu Martha Glauber Margaret A. Snytfler John R, Havefi w :-y-. Sltunp, Box 47,1'Mtnam Valley, Tsan York 10579.) 3/2/70 Witey W. Soubia Steven- Hofmiaier AGAINST III ?-}-£imm Joseph J. Sozio Rubin G. Hudson m. —:--1 •:-> V?.w,v . •- '}'-• Martoa A. Spragg Susan J. Irion 1 L -i-.'.V.^ : *-'.: FIRE-THEFT -'.••:-'--1.- •:-'-' '-.: David G. Keyko Janis E. Hush •-•.•'.jr,'., Patricia St. Cfcair Karen S. Jazzenveki --.-•- ^ - (.-' Miriam Kornblatt Cla-astine Schmidt .•'yr.-l.-.'-•. :*-:-:;-:\&>i- m •.•.-.'.•/••j.-.w SheJily Steuenuan David A. Johnson -, •. .1,.. .i. •••-'w.:-: Deborah Kueher Steve Schmdtt LOSS •s.i.-i John F. SuMivan Laura Johnson ly,-v- Dean R. Landew Lynn A. SchHam John A. Saabo Bethany M. Jones Scott C. IJarsen Nan-cy M. Sftiawcross Joyce L. Thomas Amy F, Judd /•: Clniistine Larson Bernard P. 9hen Carol A. Train Rita L. Ju Jit ill a Specially designed safes for home or office. Ellen J. Lewis Sana K. Smythe Leslie K. Waiters Renee L. Kaswan Susan R. Lisman Cynthia J. Stoudt Fire, explosion and drop tested. UL Labels. Dieter G. Struziyna Robert P. Wederich BcMn J. Landew John J. Lose RiChand E. White Klaine M. Lehecka Eight models—starting at PiliyJlis Mickmann Anne Y. Stabler Baula C. Wiibeoit . Karen J. Lewis C. MacConnadiie Norman VanUeuven Deborah P. Linder $49.95 Laurie E. Malcolm Anno L. Vliet Key E. Lindley Nancy K. Markiiam Sharon L. Wallace SOtPHOMORE Wall and floor types, your choice of combina- DISTINGUISHED Pamela Longeahach Claudie A. Marks It. Bruce Wright John Mann tion lock or key lock. Keep valuable papers Sarah B. Maxwell Edwiard J. Zsastawny R-osalind AJpert Thucydides Markos Richard Messinger Laurence M. Swain Barbiara Edward F. 'Maslin (Deeds — wills — mortgages — etc.) where you Robert A. Metz Diiarng L, Anne P. Maxwell can get to them at any time quickly and in Terry J. MLtton JUNIOR (Margaret Detaonaco Nancy L. McConnick Edna Morgan DISTINGUISHED. Marjorie Ethnich G'ifiord A. Meier privacy, ' the quality •Nancy J. Nlajork Donna F. Brader Donna R. Pugat 20 bvfore th* name flowon . Kenn&th M. Metz NATIONAL EASTMAN STREET Susan K, Nelson Carolyn H. Brown 'Miohlael OiU>ert Carol Molin'aa'd Jonathan Perkowski G. Allen Cypher Richard HeWer Greg E, Morrison TYPEWRITER CO. CRANFORD HEARING AID CENTER Douglias D. Periey Nancy G, Deck George T. Hopper Penelope A. iMoss at North Ave. Scott K, Peterson Susan RL Motteg K&flherine Kueber 276-9600 Anne K IWiyers Opposite'Cranford 110 Central Ave., Westfield Qfoaries S. Potter Melissa B. Neiman Jean MacCcnnaclue Martha W. Myers Free Parkin? at Rear Diane Meiklejohn Open Every Day "Til C P.M.• ThureclayB *Til 9'P^M, Ratty Senter^" '.. •'- *• * - 233-0939 ->. • * .% • Paula E. Riafckin rfkfara J. Man; Robin D. ReiUy 618 Park Ave., Plainfield Diane P. Wlarren 1 J • - * . ' * ' '• \ 755-3327 Marilyn L. Rohrey Douglas B. West -. r • - . 1/ p Timothy F. Rub Kathryn S. Wesson Don't Monkey Around


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4 THE WESTFIELD i\".viden!. The firm is tho Mrs. Sit-in's first gi"ide class a! jclatc general i-iUt.'iiey for Gonoral You could be sorry q if you obey learn a few principles cf sound Washington School has been sUidy- MEMORIAL DAY (the bidding of the little man inside .landscape design to mafce thetir Ani:Tic:m Life Iu>ui^nce Company, in^ families — how they art? alike St. Louis. i 10 to 12 Noon & 1:30 fa 5 p.m. your heia'd during a trip to the gar- properties more attractive and m'ore and how Ihi-v differ. Arnold tiu r den canter. valuable. Mr. Azen, u-.ho will spGci;>ljv.e in families discussed were (he Kski- Trains leave iy-iv^j "K> rnSu. If you've ever. watchqd a little In addition to lists of plants P'jnsion pl-iinning. cnrporale and es- nio.s. the BusJuncn and tiic tree grow into a big regret you and trees there are diagrams illus- tale analysis, was formerly via* Indians. Tho purpose of \\w projcol know about plantfiwg ahead. trating design principles. president ar,d director of agencies of k to help children discover tlwt all A forest tree has a way of ob- You Can get a copy of the leallet Cozens Life Insurance Company [families are alike in their ne&d for eying its natural insliinote whether from your county agricultural agent of New Yoi-k. and dii-cclcr cf pen-1 food, clothing Eitid shfltpr. They also you plant it in an open field or in or from Garden Reporter, College y-ion sales of Ciliidol Life Insurance learned that prople differ becansp front of the picture -window. Or a cf Agrftcultiure, Rutgers Univeratty, (,'cmpany ol Now York. of environment, resources, attain- shrub tihat you expected would New Brunswick 08903. Just send a A ehai-lcred life underwriter. Mr. ment of skills and knowled'*:-. and 2 MILE ROU TRIP grew up dhinks it should spread out. card with your n'a-me and address Aze-n aUo holds the diploma in ag-1 the exchange of ideas and nialeriuls You discover all this a few years and "Umdscape." eiury muivagenient of the American with other peoples. UNDER 12 YRS. 12 YEARS ANDOVFR or many yc'ars later, so you . lose ROYAL SNOW FROLIC apparently didn't please College of Life UivdenwriUTS. He Byron D. Stuart, former principal 25$ both money ami growing time. Prince Will em-Alexander, heir to The Netherlands received his H.A. degree frcm Wash- of Roosevelt Junior High School and There are no fewer than six lists Police Graduate throne, seen with father, Prince Claus von Amsberg. ingr'ou & Jefferson College. an authority on the ]j>nn\ I^impp of ptante and trees'in the Rutgers He is a past chairman of the Indians« Gently sjjent the morning oaf let 97, "llow to Lavfttecttpe Your Robert Burns Reynolds of 840 New York Area Train-ing Direclurs Wlth the class- Mr- Stuart toki a Home," by Raymond P. Korbobo, Ave. was among the grad- Assocralion and a mentfjer of the n»mber of true Moi-it's involving the prnemental horticulture specialist uates Friday of the 8Ifit recruit Mountainside Works to Combat National Association of Life Under- early pioneers and lhe Indians w:io at Itutgei\s. training class. of the New Jersey writers, the Association for Advanc- lived in the ar<*a where he has u Every yetar (he Rutgers Coopera- Stale Police. He will be assigned ed Ufo Underwriting and the New summer home. He ulso descrihed tive Extension Service gives p.way to Troop B. Growing Drug Abuse Problem York Clmp^r of the American So- various artifacts found in di^in^s ciety of Chartered Life Underwrit- in this area. He demonstrated (lie Mountainside _ An all - out effort mitnity - wfcde public ers. coil method of making pottery used la curb drug use in this community were Ospt Ddnuld IS)ert of the !>y the Indians of the I^enni Lcnapc & SOU! llWliSll.RN A former faculty member at the tribe. lias been launched by a two part Union Township* I^olice Departxnei^t College of Insurance in New York, RAILROAD Passport Photos series of drug abuse spooLstxred by and a member of the New Jersey The children then tried to make Mr. Azen was also active in the some pots using the same technique. LIVINGSTON AVET., ROSELAND, N.J-O7OG3 police, tihe school &yystai and the Nartotic Enforcement Officers Asso- Now York Oily Life Supervisors As- M-ayor'-s Committee on Youth. ciation; Edward' Guy and Lucius Line decorations were incised on the (201) 226-2003 - : sociation and the Metropolitan Area clay w i i h tooth picks. Everyone SECOND DAY SERVICE •In addiitii'oii, young people • them- Bowsct; of the-State of WRITE OR CALL FOR 1970 SUMMER TIME TABLE Health; Dot. 9gt. Jei-ome Rice of Individual Policy Pension Confer- agreed that his talk save the class selves hiavfi organized a. "Net" Me" ence. . • • i *• All Schedules Subject to Chanqo ^Sountainfiide Police •d better understanding of the basic campaign aimed at pntenltial •di'ug lie Ks a m«m!beo' of Lhe Westfield' needs of all families. Westfield Studios users — •students themselves. A and-Dr. David Opdyke, head of the Story on their program- was -fea- physiology department oF the N.J. Portrait and Commercial photographers tured in a recent issue of the tead- Collego -of Meed>icine and Dentistry. 121 CENTRAL AVENUE 232-0239 er. ' • A scivce of slides were sliown dc- F \H\e first session- of the com- pkaing \ianious drugs nnd Wow they are used. Eberit, who led off I'lve progiten said, "Rohabililial-ion cf drag users is a flop. That is treating the effect SUMMER COMES ALIVE WITH and not the cause. "Our asscctotven Itas launched a two-pronged ail'ack — law enforce- ment to get at (he .sources of sup- ply and an education prog-najn to make young people more aware of drugs and liave a respect for them. The education program is being im- plemented Um>u:g-h the schools. We don't approve of bringing addicts PLANT YOUR GARDEN NOW into Lhe sahools to talk to the young people." iEbert said it is important that Annuals — Perennials parents know as much atoout drugs as their children so they can dis- cuss the problem intelligently. Bowser, who also i-s a pharmacist, said pHaiimacisls know before any- Choose your favorites one else when a youngster is ex- perimenUing with drugs siace they from our huge stock. come to the di'ug sit ore to try and .-• v purchase various Hearts. He said youngsters are experimeiilin-g with1 Here are just a few: a number eot of Uie problem lhat JOI bclhers me. Wihy are lite young City. I people so conlcerned with being in? County In the Flair East, where hard drugs I are rdatfHy available and in Mexico, where niarijuana grows freeHy, there State Zip Code Phone. I is no drug problem among tihe I WE DELIVER young peopae." A ciroutor was distributed detaiJ- I 1100 SOUTH AVE., WESTFIELD ing ptiaobidai steps for plarents to iBLUE CROSSJ BLUE SHIELD. LOADS OF ROOM TO PARK FREE a3ert them to the telltale signs of I dmg use and the various individuate FOR HOSPITAL BILLS FOR DOCTOR BILLS 232-8717 and aganscfes tto oontect flor help, Service Plan of New Jersey (New Jersey Blue Cross Plan) • Mcdical-SurRical Plan of New Jersey (New Jersey BHic SliMil Plan) I such as, police, cleaigy, school otf- NEWARK TRENTON CAMDEN MORRISTOWN Open Daily 9-6 — Open Sundays fikala and tine vanto^s- agencies in- I *•— L J riw w,wvwu) in.*,) , mmnw, MAY M. David fteme&a EJHS Announces Honor Roll Mary Dunoan Savage Judith Rcfoerison Kennetih Sha&trman Arujpam The results of l.he third marking j Card Goldstein Nancy Salmon ROBBINS & ALLISON INC Richard Gottlick Barbara Sanbarn Hilary Smith •t'riod rihow a u>tal of 249 students j Gnant Speolit «il rJ:l.-.o» Jr. High School on the j Holly Gunman Mitchell Sandak Established 1912 Kvelyn Hagej-g Jody Schornstein Mark Vej^moefca honor or ds.-O.ingiti.shKl honor aca-, Thomas Wiilard drink- li.-Ls. 1*o hv fiiroJJi-d in the | Mary Hcrron Theodore Shcn Kathleen Kull Alan sta-vitsky Oarl Young •k LOCAL AND dislin^ui.-ht".! hoiiur jjrou:j» a slu-} James Zack den-! iMU'! (>!Jt;i:n ;i jii'afJe of "A iil ScoU Ui/ie EIGHTH GRADE LONG DISTANCE 1 p Jeanne Lamer .ill liir> iiijijni iUMfk'Hiit- ,sui>j(.'c ls and UONOR ROLL SEVENTH GRADE MOVING JI;I 'j:j-;iJi' bi-Iiitt1 "'15*' in any minor j A lane I/ehfeld HONOR ROLL 1 John Barth .'.ulijt'it To IK. cnrolli'd in tliu honor i Amy Lenike 1 Kalliy AHegro STORAGE •-ifuujj :\ .--litdc'Jil intJ^I oljUiiti grades Janice Lewne Jlealhea Bloodier Richaixi Bialdwin ifi -\\ ' (.;• "Ii" in .ill .subji-vtfe> Jiitijor ! Ellen Me Kemva Joanne Cacchionc Tliomas Ball PACKING Susan Monan Peter Oherr Stephen Barker Ilobeit Moi^beck Victoria Olama-n Doix>t4iy iBartels NINTH (,KA1)1-: Linda Niedweske Anne Cohen Mark Beckett Tel. 276-0898 DISTINGUISH*:!) Soott Nb\iacek Robert Davis Thomas Oassidy Thomas Decker Kobin Karru-H Jolin Onacki John Oloyes 213 South Ave., E. Cranford KaLhken Pedrotty Ilhoma Hobert Oohen 1 .Joan Coukos Michae } Resnjk Carol Bason Roijeit OoicaiHan Lois Rowe Deiiise IClbcck Athena Oox Julie Fox Joan Sanbarn Walter FiitzlKir Bmce Daufiliealy Hoed Jackson Lewis • Mary Ann Gilli'am Diane Dinieildi Lcuira Kunlz Douglas Kaihryn ffingonioli DtfoorSh I>ix .Maureen Me Nally Sieve Schuhnan Fpaji Goodmaii Julia Eberihant .Marie Perkowski Melinda Shfapiro Wendy Gr*ambo Dorothy Elblonk KaUrerine Pott Linda Sofman llhom'as Hamcd Donna F^ajik'ldn • David Ways .Marguerite Itau Ufrarles Swicker Patiricia Gilday UKAIDEI) CIRCLES appear (o be part of the hairdo Lisa Tarnier Ray HUzInger Jeffrey Glassel 1'Van Robins Gloria Holt in this modern cap—part of the Europe a a spring-sum- Wojidy Robinson Lynne TeHelbaum Oarol Goldstein TJiqmas Ucoifejri Suzanne Horn Gail Griffin mer collections seen in Paris. The glamor apparel is Pamela Rossi Douglas Jones punctuated with Tyrolean turquoise blue stones* J >ynn Schork Oaroil • Vig^tedt Douglas Grupe Aiyson Waters. WiUfam Kain i, • CJloria StmckJin Howard KJatz Bdi^ara • Wirkowski CyrtMiia Holland Timothy "Thatcher Janos Koilonitsdi Carol Wrege Riolnard HoQloway Christopher Vejnoska Neil Kudiinsky are flying again 1! Bait(ara V^oiferri Janet Holzirtger Census Takers Cynthia Vonfa Miss Reynolds I Warwick Karim Valji Debi'a LJatwyer Mary Jackson Continue House • - • * Jeffrey Levine EIGHTH GRADE Wallilam Kr^auscs To Stop Damage By These Insects NINTH GRADE Deb(jie Mac Ftadl Robert Lanner Calls Here HONOR ROLL DISTINGUISHED liauren Maidment In Chicago •District Manager HITS...... t Tom JJauher CAU Alexis Mangjakiis Oarol Levine Otarrran repoiMs good progress in Janet Bauer Osay Becker Rubh Mass -Nancy Bauer Kevin JBrenaan . Stephen Lewis this arela of Hie follow-oip p9iasc of TERMITE Miniam Me Oarthy Realtor L. Dean Joluison, presi- Anne Blackrnan Mindy Oan^p Barbara dent of the WesUield Board of Real- the 3970 Census of Popullaidon and Karen Miilfoi^d Stephen Hunting, Census takers are visit- Stephen Blonsky Oaitiin Cofier. Joyce Miller tors, reported today that Nlancy F. William Bormnann Ellen De Simone Susan Me (Naniana Reynolds of Westfield attended the ing homes from Which no question- CONTROL Alan Moore Rirfiard Midler naires wore mladled back, as well Mary Oalrk ClaudertiLe Donlon Ka;ren Morion annual spring meeting of the Na- Judith Epps E'liot Faibush Susan Muitagli>a tional Association of Real Estate ass tihose from which quedtiann'aires Julia Miilholiand Wendy Neftvm&n were retailed ijucoonplellely filled S. Fabiioatore Barbara Gilbert Tom MuHendore Boards held in Chicago May 8 INC. Gayle Fienberg Jim Gilday William Noonart to 12 at the Drake Continental and out. WESTFIELD Ann MiHplhy i Nancy F^ankcivbacli Marcy GuiHi Peg O'Shaugtinassy Knickerbocker Hotels. Miss Reyn- TJie district m aitegw asks house- KiYiiherly Nerres Robert Orlando Itolders to welooane tliese census AD 2-1492 Maria Garcia ATary Hazen Kathleen OToole olds is a director of the national as- Margaret Giffcrt Jerrold Jackson Gail Pearson sociation, a member of the library takens wlien Uiey cfall afid to give Rick Parchihn Joseph Perttowsfci them Ml c'oopenation in gedft-ing the SCOTCH PLAINS Difcra Kathleen Landlord Alan Piotyk advisory committee, realtor public Steven Predss relations committee and the real- required census infoiimciltaon. Carol Haiggc Oarol QUackeribos AD 2-1492 Susan SawfaiU tor's national foundation. Moist of the census takers are Leslie Raff women. Dach weans a red, wihite, Doris Sclineider Realtor Rich Port, LaGrange, 111., ROSELLE PARK Harold Sdhlicsske &tvd blue i'dentJificlatoon badge which Deora Sdiimk NAREB president, presided in Halpih Schitager is her official credential. It bears Susan Smdth Ohieago where some 1.G00 of the na- CH 5-1492 Aarae Scully her signature and certifies that ICennetli Spen'adel tion's 91,000 realtors gathered. Edu- Paul Sinmicke she is authorized to perform the Amy Stork cational sessions and round tables ELIZABETH Judith Sofiield duties of a Census Enumerator, and Jean Sullivan sponsored by the NAREB institutes, Janet Sweet has swom to keep confidcntiial all EL 5-1492 Conslan'co Taylor societies and councils were features DHzlabdh TA'Jbals census informalron given her. Tliwnas Tyroil DEane Topialanski of the five day meeting. Jill Ungar Oaroln Whitmoyer Conditions of the real estate mar- Glairdi'a Wassenman J

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V S which for 25 years has used only the quality products of leading FLOWERING manufacturers. . ". Credit Terms Available CRABAPPLE CALL NOW! 5 DIFFERENT VARIETIES HOME IMPROVEMENT SPECIALISTS 6' PLANTS Reg. $9.95 EVERY Job is Genuinely Guaranteed CALL ANY TIME Member DAY OR NIGHT $6.95 Plainfield Area Custom Constructors Chamber of Commerce Additions, Kitchens, Playrooms, Porches 4418

ftSTEUERNAGEL'S NURSERY i ;,- LAWN and GARDEN, SUPPLIES HOME IMPROVEMENT CO. I r 240 SPRINGFIELD AVE..WESTFIELD 233-6355 Highway 22 at Somerset St. overpass, yi I . - ING HOURS: Monday thru Salurda/ 8:00-6:00, Sunday 9:30-3:30, Closed Tuesdays "OUR 25th YEAR O£ TRUSTWORTHY SERVICE" * • } 1 * ! "* h • t. „ j\ -r HOURS: Wednesday and Friday evenings 'Til 8:30 A '•»• * " i ' I *- I I •V -.••! Vl


¥ • . The district-wide ©vent wali fea- ed media. to all residents of the regional dis- are: Wrilliam, Anderson and Mrs. The Regional District ture over 750 works of ait by stu- Students wdU also display ceramic, trict and the surrounding area," ac- Art On Display May 15 and 16 Nancy Wilder, Governor Livingston Berkeley dents, including acrylic, oil and all wood plaster and "junk" sculpture, cording to Edward Brown, music Regional High School; David M. ;. Clark, Gar wood. Mountainside — "Art on Display" tonuorrow evening, and Saturday forms of water color paJating, block many forms of collages, ceramic and fine arts coordinator. "It rep- Brodman. Jonathan Dayton Region- Keiulwortli. Mountainside a n will be the theme of the Sth annual afternoon, in the cafeteria of Jon- and screen prints and oliher forms pottery, commercial art and jewel- resents outstanding examples ofjal; Patricia iVIossett, Arthur L. ! Springfield, and operates four high afcluan Eteyton Regional High School, of graphics, pastel, pen and ink, ry. student work in alt jhe ml forms." Johnson Regional, and Mrs. Rose art show of the Union- County Re- schools. gional High School District No. 1 Springifieid. crayon and a large variety of mix- "We know this show will appeal Teachers in charge of the show Polatiiiky, Ditvid Brearley Regional.

k _ _ WESTFIELD DAVID E. COLLINS Collins Elected i. J & J Secretary • David E. Collins has been elected secretary of Joluison & Johnson, it was announced by Philip B. Hof- mann, chairman of the board. He succeeds Glen B. Miller Jr., who was named assistant general coun- sel. Mr. Collins, 35, Iras served as as- sistant secretary of Johnson & John- son since 1964 and as a member of the management board of the John- son & Johnson domestic operating company for the past year. With the company's legal department since 10G0, Mr, Collins was a mem-

ber of the board of directors of i Ethicon, Inc., a. Johnson & John- son affiliate, from W65 to 1969. A native of Oak Park, III. Mr. Collins was graduated magna cum laude from both the University of Notre Dome anti Harvard I/aw School. He is a member of t h e American Bar Association, serving on the sections on antitrust, corpo- rate law and individual rights and obligations. He is also a memlber of the New Jersey Bar Association and is active in the committee on law and poverty. An active participant in commu- nity attains, Mr. Ootiins is a past president of the Westfield Jaycees and served as a captain in Jhe West- field United Fund's major gifts category in 19(i8 and 19G9. He also is a Ilepublican candidate for Town Council from the fourth ward. (Mr. Collins lives with his wife and three children at 8!>7 SKactow- i, Dr. League Honors

! • Robert J?. Messersmith, presUjeflt and board chairman of Lincoln Fed- i' " eral Savings and I>oan Association

was lrbnoced."3lbur&d!ay-during- the I 1 r I 6st "annual convention of fcho New- Fl • Jersey " Savings League at Haddon Hall Hotel. He received a silver certificate attesting to the comple- tion of 25 years of service to the sa-vings and loan business from War- ren Hill of Scotch Pifcains, president of the state trade organization. In announcing the award, Mr. Hill noted that this is a record of which Messersmith can be proud. "It is people like this who Wave played a major role in the prosper- ity and growth of their community. Union County, and the state/' Hill continued, '"fliey have given un- selfishly of their time and energies, their knowledge and business ability in the service of the people of their home communities who utilize the facilities of their respective associ- ations." The inscription on the certificate reads: "By virtue of this certificate spe- -'•^Cflfc^ ring summer cial acknowledgement is hereby be- stowed in appreciation of their un- selfish devotion to the service of others through the promotion of stags savings and home ownership in-New 'white are ready Jersey — thereby making a material contribution to the prosperity and economic security of the commu- nity state and nation.'* More than 1,200 directors and know. You're the girl who likes to go hiking, sailing, managing officers of the state's 347 savings and loan associations are represented at the four-day meet- picnicking and bike.riding in White Stag fashions. ings which will be concluded here Saturday morning. Behold...our latest arrivals. Red-and-navy cotton polo

shirt, sizes s-m-l/10.00, with side-buifon culofte in navy or

white dacroa polyesfer-and-cotion, sizes 10 to 16, 12.00.

^ F Jaunty jacket in sires 10 to 16, 18.00, with sfraighf-leg

pants, sizes 10 io 20, 11.00. Both navy or white

ECONOMICAL dacron polyesler-and-collon. Ribbed terry panis, j y


„•• ...HEAT- - sizes 10 to 16, 16.00, and matching top, T * - - fa -_ OIL HEAT ' . sizes s-m-1,13.00, Both emerald green or ; -•'. • '-"i:

•".' "t. •; FREE ESTIMATE . <• : CONVENIENT TERMS • -1 - ' r -. • * • • •.,*' • j'. , PhoiM AD 3-1492 turquoise dacron polyester. s IPVINO COMPANY.

"• L .Misses' Sportswear, Hahne's Westfield "Building Haa -. -1 • 1AJMBBB. • MQXWOBK • XAJOff* MA.TEBUXS • : '.••'• /-^.''^.•V," ^^^tetiteld^biam:3'-*nighisu^Mon., Wed,, Fri.,-fc30 a.m. to 9;00 p,nv.Mpntclair, Newark open 2 nights—Wedv Fri., 9;30 a.m. to 9;00 p.m. Other days 9:30 Io5i30

'-;- .•,?. •"•' ' '=••-- , WTOSDAY, Ml* M, Life In The Suburbs By Al Smith counties botihiieffe and at ottier we can mr longer tolerate tlas in- move to extend the war further THE WESTFIELD LEADER Ibises aaxjss tfie niatSon. This is in sanftty. To prevent the number of ihrou^iQut ImJp-Chins as & eom|>jteJe an eXlbnt to inform everyone of Hie these Samiaies from growing, disregard for (be lives of the Cam- AFFILIATE MEMBER degree oi concern now being ex- everyone (-mat just college students), Oodfcans. which wiB doubtlessly be STRIKE THREE/ tost in the process. NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION T pressed about our country's involve- must act iirunedSately. A massive YOU'RE OUT/ Ry ment in Imtiodirna without having to •letter writing aampaigJi is aiready ANN OOHEN nfl Plans postage paid at TV i\st field, N. ,T. rely on campus viole-nce as the only underway at several colleges. You Eighth Grade iHlitMl Tbui><*:*ys ;ii Wi-stfif-hl. -W u' .hrsiy. by the W t-st- Roosevelt Junior High School a«l(T i'riui ii:£ ;nnl l^ublb-hiiiti Company. An J[idt.-pt-mU*nt effective means of insuring that are urged to write the President and n 1 ]';}pfr f--r the Town vf "IW irltl ari'l Hor«Mit:h of these toots are reported. yoiu- congressmen as part of this t campaign. If we all act now, it pfT J'^r in :ulv:tn<- Though we ajv certain thai Mr. Thanks Nixon Wieves lie is taking the best might gave us aU from becoming Tii-f-: fJi Klin Slrrrl, WVMiitlcl. X, ,1. O7IW0 PLATE-/ Editor, Leader: 1VJ. r:^in? — :::::p--HtKS f'Oiwiso of action, we cannot agree pensoiuilly involved in a much great- with him. The simple fa w .lersry IJi'f->;s Ass*'* -i:it imi lence eventually begets only more PETER BATOETT, 1973 1 \ time, etfwt and money to the suc- Nn 1 in11Ml 1-Mi lor ial As^ "^* t ion violence rs a lesson thiat hasn't been •PETER BOXER, 1973 J. IJMC Publisher lcaraod by mlan through count-loss cessful Glenn Martin benefit bake Colgate University and white elephant S*le held at Co- wars. And H is being proven in Oam- WosiJaeld Iies-iden^s lumbus School. Special thanks to all bodia today, wSih-the renewed pros- ABfL> 1 the children, -I GAME. pects of Chinese involvement dur- ing Mr. Nixon's "trial period" in Student Deaths 1 want to eatress my appreciation that Countrtx to Mr. R. Wa-yer, principal of 'Co- THURSDAY. MAY 14, 1970 lumbus Scliool and Dr. Law for The decision for everyone to teach Editor, Leader: The purpose of tlus letter is to in- making this benefit possible. (lie administration this lesson must Hats off to our custodians for Earth Day—-1970 be mictde now, before we have un- fkwim the readers of iihe Leader that Westfield tos not responded totally - their assistance. •HITTER WHO willingly faltered amotilier commit- ANNE PERiROVECCHIO Mother Earth was hardly noticably rejuvenated by USUALLY HITS ment. As Mr. Nixon Ivas said, tiie indifferently to the recent slayings A HOME RUN of four students at Kent University Chairman F-arth Day—Westfield, 1970, nor was she we suspect, by morality of a war c&nnot be debated 1037 Central Afire. once it is in full swing. This m!ore in Ohio and of the expansion of lhe Farth Day—Anywhere, 1970. war into Cambodia. As residents of (Glenn Martin was involved in a hit than emphasizes the urgency of the and run accident on Central Ave. )•• We hate to be pessimistic, but we fear that such rec- present situation. the United States of America, land a group of other students attending ommendations that residents forsake purchasing plastic- 5- 2-7a Although VieiU&m adid now Cam- Roosevelt Junior High School feel it wrapped produce, disposable containers, detergents, and bodia have been a political night- is our duty to make knowi> our di- even variously-hued toi.let tissue will not make a major mare for [4ic U.S.. limy are some- rect opposition to such "un-Ameri- More Letters impression — and certainly not as long as these products divorced in legislation from paroch- ment, and is applicable to both par- tliing more pennaueni and much can" activities. We feel that the tra- ial .schools. ties) it would obviate the necessity worse for the families of those who gic events at Kent SDate arc an ex- are not only so readily available but their benefits so wide- LETTERS TO THE The pliglit of the parochial schools of being so greedy in respect to have died there. hibit of disconcern for human lives. Next Page ly praised by their manufacturers. EDITOR is more worthy oi our syjnpaUiy. parking fees and steadily increasing Americans with a conscience, Also, I interpret President Nixon's It does seem that suddenly, all the "convenience" items Wo can appreciate the rc'a-3 agony taxes. If lhe auto manufacturers ran wild on costs as the politicians do, we've become used to may be fine for our American eenn- of those who feel that a religious All letters to the editor must viewpoint can be effectively impart- none of us would own cars, in fact omy but terribly detrimental to our ecology. bear a signature and a street ed lo their children only through all- wo would be lucky lo afford bicy- A lot of this is garbage—not rheotrical garbage but day schools, and the cost of such cles. In respect lo cost reduction address. which would result in lower taxes, the kind you put out in cans and hope your friendly refuse No anonymous or unsigned school is becoming prohibitive. This concern is not confin-ed loone re- I think that West field Ivas a dis- collector will take away. Therein lies another problem, letters will be published. ligious group alone. A'll tliat strong graceful record on tax increases, jn but even worse is the garbage you don't put in your can Letters must be written only public .school adherents can say is my 20 years of residence here my but carelessly discard yourself. on one Bide of paper and prefer- 1 ha i such religious communities real estate taxes will have increased ably typewritten. must somuhow raise (lie funds for over 300',;-, considering the new in- This, eventually, is a major pollutant of America—and All letters must be In thfi crease due for the second half of their private schools, or alternative- 1 more particularly, an eyesore for Westfield. "Leader" ofiice by Friday II ly niiiM sevk lo maximize the cfiec- this year. This increase is fcu\ far This town's youth lias done a commendable job in they are to appear in the follow- Ihxmess of religious teaching on an in excess oF the rale of inflation and the cost of living during this period. helping clean up Weslfield—in Mindowaskin Park, vacant ing Issue. ctflcr-s-eltool basis. This real problem The "Leader" reserves the is not properly the province of the WILLIAM G. BJDCKER lots, etc. Nobody says that all the gum wrappers, cigaret right to reject or edit any letter state. Our concern must be (he best 320 St. Georges PI. packs and you-name-it hove been discarded by them; it's to conform to "Leader" usage. possible education for the largest been a far-from-commendable community effort. numbcM1 of children, the best use of our financial resources in the inter- Peace , It should become a community concern—or haven't Vandcr Plant Bill est of public education. you seen the rubble in the municipal lots behind the Editor, Leader: ICdilor, Leader: As citizens of t/lie United States East Broad St. stores (both areas!), in alley-like through- The PtainfieW Courier reported There is now ponding in the Stale recently that over 225,000 letters and as members of the We-s(field ways, in the parks now that spring is here, or even out Assembly a proposal, called the urging public? aid for private and community, we deplore the recent "Vandt'i1 Plaat Kill," which would actions oi' the United Slates Govern- Lamberts Mill Kd. (Scotch Plains has threatened aciion 1 parochial schools were deposited in here) or in the Brightwood future park area, or in count- extend (o prirak and parochial the reception foyer of Governor Oa- ment in Indo-Chin-a. This Adminis- schools the sUite aid available to liilPs office. These were largely the tration has dedicated itself to end- less other places? public schools. The cost has been os- result of ii door-to-door campaign ing the war, yet has seemingly bent Dumping within the town limits is prohibited by law Mrmiteri at various lime, by by parochial school supporters. We every effort for the last two weeks —so is common ordinary littering. But it probably would Plainfit-ld Courier, lo be 100 or would hope that those who agree on to widening the theater of conflict. million dollars a year. Expansion of the war will not bring take a force at least double or five times our police depart- the need to channel school funds to Opposition to this bill, as to all public education only, wouJd be peace. Further, the invasion of ment's numbers to watch or apprehend offenders. similar logistalion, frequently cen- equally zealous in writing letters on Cambodia represents a serious ex- If you want a clean, neat, uncluttered town, it's really ters about the argument thai it is the subject. We would Jike those leg- tension of executive powers to make unconstitutional. Since the constitu- islators who are inclined to favor war without the consent of the Con- up to you. gress. It is therefore constitutionally 1- V' tionality of aid to church supported strong public education to know that i' ',• .,' schools is a mailer which will be de- they too have the support of vocal dangerous. Wt> call upon our follow cided by the courts, this line of ar- voters. lasted below arc the men citizon-s to write, as we have done, No "Instant" Solution gument seeini? less to the point than who represent us in- Trenton; to cur representatives in Congress to have them deny funds for the the question of whether such legis- Senators— lation is in ttip greatest public inter- execution of Has action. The word is Hundreds of Westfield parents are getting phone calls ,<-Nicholas S. LaCorie Peace. from their collegians these days ; . . "Hey Mom, Dad — est. 56 Hillside Road JAY 11. NEW-MAK they've closed school — I'm on my way home. . .." It is pointed out in support of this Elizabeth, New .Jersey 07208 measure that taxpayers who do not 1101 Prospect St. And the generation who has been weaned on the utilize the public school system pay Frank X. McDermott GLENN M. JIEITER slogan "Stay in School" and taught that education and the same taxes as the rest of us 312 Massachusetts Street 201 Linden Ave. more education assures the brighter future and is the bul- arid deserve the benefits for educa- Westfield, New Jersey O70D0 wark of civilization leaves its books, its unfinished exams tion that are extended lo the rest of Matthew J. Rinaldo us. The frustration of the taxpayer Has Idea-Will Share and its caps and gowns rented for that big commencement 142 Headlcy Terrace can well be appreciated, but the ob- Union, New Jersey 070E3 Editor, Leader; day. vious answer is Ihiat ha always has . 'Enolcsed is a sugge-slion I hope Many are cheated by the acts of a few instigators of the option (o send his children lo Assemblymen— parents and kids like. public schools. If he chooses to take building burning, mob'rule and violence, led into feeling diaries J. Irvvin •If there is some one who agrees adv'tinLagc of some school system r>00 Sherwood Parkway walMi this ide'a, I th'at tea-cii- that somehow boycotting classes will bring peace in Indo- other than that established and Mountainside, New Jersey 07092 ers, buSinessmien and businesswom- maintained l>y the public, he must China. Peter J. McDonough en will help to make this passible. A he prepared to pay for it. As indi- .committee of efficient men Cheated, too, are foundations, alumni and others who viduals wi." are taxed for many serv- 925 Oakwood Place have responded to the "needs of high education" by pour- Plainfield, Now Jersey O70GO women to give this suggestion a li ices from which we (In not person- would be welcome. As for the name ing funds into colleges for new-, buildings—some of which ally bcm»Iil, but which are consid- Herbert II. Kiehn of (his enterprise, wouldn't it be have been or now threatened with destruction. ered in llm general public interest; nice to sl-art it as -a memory for education is not unique in this re- 1)23 uridwood Drive Cheated, too, are parents, many of whom scraped and spect. Riahway, New Jersey 07065 those iMho had to go young be-cause sacrificed to provide $4,000 a year educations for their they were called to die far from But, it will be said, since (he cost All men may be reached at the home? In tiny Holland, WA*I a pop- young, arid the organizations which have staged such events of operating a private school system State House, Trenton, New Jersey .it:alion of 12 millions of inhabitants, as Pancake Days, plays, bridge parties and such to provide is rising so rcpidly, maintenance of 08625 if you prefer to write to them and about the size of New Jersey, there. scholarship help. such a system is becoming virtually .teachers have created about fifty impossible, and the individual is Cheated is a country which looks to its educated young S COTCH PLAINS-FANWOOD .years ago, special summer resorts WITH LOWER MIN1MUMS therfore being robbed of his choice. ASSOCIATION FOR GOOD for kids. * for its future leadership. 1 This may wi'll IJL true. Unfortunate- Schools The teachers don't go on strike But cheated most of all are those students who value ly, however, freedom of choice in P.O. Cox 81 every year, they feel tha-t they have countless areas is only an ideal, •Scotch Plains an obligation to do something for their education — and these we hope and feel sure are which in practicality is limited by the majority—whose college studies have been interrupted. the kids. They like kids. So they ability to pay; again education is £ive part of their summer vacation There are undoubtedly injustices, wrongs and inequi- not unique. Meier Fees to go rain or shine with groups of ties with the war in iVetnam, Cambodia,- the draft system, We are warned—even" threatened Editor, Leader: youngsters to the seashores in Hook the trial of the Chicago Seven, the tragic deaths at Kent —t)::it if t.hc private school .system la my opinion the citizens of West- of HoUaii'd and other pIraces, by State. collapses, lhe public schools will be field arc due for an explanation boat and titain, inundated with thousands of chil- from our Mayor and the Town Cuon- They have trips for one day and But there are just as many injustices, wrongs and in- . dren, and costs will skyrocket. But eil as, to why they found it neces- for a week to give the youngsters equities with riots on campuses, burnipg pi ROTC build- as taxpayers wp piiisl be prepared sary to jack up the parking fees to at least one day, a«d if possible $3000 MINIMUM $2000 MINIMUM ings, bombings of draft boards and inevitable injuries to nay what is necessary to main- 10 cents an hour. Coming on. top of one week, an opportunity to get rid GUARANTEED GUARANTEED from "peace" demonstrations fraught with.mob rule -and. tain schools for iill our children. If the hefty tax increase two years cf the aspMa-Jt. One must have seen 2 YEAR MATURITY 1 YEAR MATURITY these children" nl'e' attending public ago, pJus a similar high increase boats full of singing kids, even if near-hysteria. schools. ;il least we know our taxes still to come this year, plus prob- it rains, going to the shore. If the And just like there is nonsuch thing as "instant" edu- are being used schools ttliat meet able increase in garbage collection weather is too bad, they have camps public standards of •teaching, curric- costs, I think that the new fee is .and buildings. cation, there can be rio "instant" solution to the world's ulum, and-tiie -Jike. wrongs—but compounding these "wrong certainly can rubbing it in. Now a group of teachers in Wes- $1000 MINIMUM Moreover, thosv r>f us who are de- Why was not thought given to the terborte, notorious for a oamp the GUARANTEED bring no 'instant" right. vutL'd-to public education feel tliat Plqinfield system, wherein their bus- GenmSans erected here in Wartime, 6 MONTHS MATURITY r thi! public interest is better served iest shopping street (East Front St.» have started a drive for al least 25 * when a mnxinumi number of our you can park one half hour for five hectare Uilat is about 100 acres, to KITTANNING, PA., LEADER-TIMES: "Anyone who has children are educated in a .system in cents, and one hour for ten cents? be bought for and thru the kids. not seen a weekly newspaper, of which there.are nearly which nil groups in society nr£ rcp- For the past 20 years which I Every pupil In Holland is intending $100 MULTIPLES 1 10,000, recently, will be surprised how these publications rcsi'iiLcri. Wi art* reedy to pay for have lived in Westfield, J have to give one dime, once, to buy these that, even if it hurts, Anyway, we are thriving. Once noted for a paucity of pages and adver- bought my daily paper in Elm St. grounds. might us well fate it—once public phis an occasional, stop at the bank Amenican ohjjdran, especially high tising, although always indispensable for the news of their funds beyih to move into private on Lhe corner, the whole errand last- school and college kids, Wave often areas, these papers now frequently run to bulky size and education, WL> are nil finally going- ing about three to 10 minutes. Due remarked that older persons and advertising volume thaj would \>e welcomed by many lo be sugnprUpg .two systems of to the new parking fee, I am cer- .don't care. If all the kids in Now schools, and there will be no real tainly not going to pay 10 cents daily newspapers. Perhaps no newspaper is read more Jersey care, a tremendous vocation saving involved in having an alter- parking fee, plus 10 to 15 cents for resort could be buitd. Here is a avidly than the small town weekly. It holds reader interest native system of education. a newspaper, thus costing 20 to 25 goal. Winy don't we do it, all of us, from first page to last, because it tells about the activities ' Tiiere is a real possibility I hat,' cents a day. Thus is just one instance kids and parents, Is one dime too of people who live around the corner or on a nearby with public funds available, there of Joel business for a local store. much? Let us do it, before it is too SAVINGS Did our Town Council consider that farm.11 will he a nisii .to private schools, kite. If tiny Holland can do so much, particularly in u'rf>an areas, result- other looal merchants will also Jose what about the U.S.A.? ing in ii severe dovvngradin^ of the business due to the increased fees? After all there are several depart- W. BR.UGMANS public school system. And with mon- 5G3 Spruce Avc. BENTON, MO., DEMOCRAT; "If we could convince ey from-a'single, limited source be-- ment stores in our immediate neigh- our youngsters that they are wrong in believing, that ing siphoned'off for private educa- borhood, and also nuany stores on tion, less will be available to reme- the highway that offer free park- somehow, the world owes them a living it would be a giant dy existing inadequacies of public ing? In view of the latter it will be Anti-War WESTFIELD MOUNTAINSIDE step forward." schools. . • easy to ignore the Westfield park- 150 Elm Street * * * We nre human enough to feel that, ing fee hold up. Editor, Leader: (Binla Office) 865 Mountain Avenue as taxpayers pressed to rr\cet the If the Town of West field would We are writing to you on beltalf TAYLORSVILLE, N.C., TIMES: "If school costs go any costs oi public education, we are be- streamline sonic of its procedures of the ariti-wiar movctme.nt al Uiis higher, it may be necessary to charge parents tuition for ing pushed too far when we are and institute cost reduction pro- campus. During this week of the dis- CLARK Grant City Shopping Center each child — or taxpayers are going to lose every bit of asked to help pay to educate stud- grams (this suggestion is studiously continuation vt "business as usual/' ents in exclusive preparatory ignored on all levels of government hundreds of sMktr ldtitens are being property they've worked to acquire." schools. Yet theso schools cannot be from town. to Hie federal govern- written by students to their home WESTFTELD an Kenew&l, apartments, Amarten invKftvemeni in fche civil roadways to encourage the ist, however, contends that assem- I was brought up (o love this coun- "We" need to chtanfe-.the basic lax "trial." Kiclimann was kidtiajiped Nanmlal umversiity diange in foimi of goverament, ok'., from a^rienddy country, hi*ougtit to war between the Vietnamese peoples ties are suspended ttaouglv May 9 community to voice their opin- blies and counseling sessions—not try and, likewise, the value of hu- slnictLti-e to provide excess taxa- ail ol'-wihidi were pj'oven unpopular i courts for as contrary to the best interests of to enable students and faculty to ions. classroom courses of study — are man life. Now these two loves are tion oil lihuse living in BH, and.unatceiJliiible, 1 do trusi you Israel-and tried by more formidabile means of inform- Idle citizens of a'll nations, of South- engage, individually and collective- 6) We are coordinating our strike in conflict. I urge the people of my and Sumrmit, to eliminate all local wl 11 not acccide to ^ Dhe demands of crinrves' purported to Jiave been com- east Asia. Indeed, in this ema of activities with national* efforts. ing students of the dangers of drug community in Westfield and West- planning so our residents will have those who e-potoe'laBt -Thir^day and iniUed-in-Germany at a time when ly, in activities that are addressed use. Israel was not even in existence. I nuclear di^aiirrtanienlt, it is con- to our national crisis. It is of utmost importance (hat field High to awaken to the Chris- no control of their- moaici^ali .will refuse to join in advocaiting na- trary to the &!feity of ail peoples. We you, the American, public, realize In fact, the tack of sophistication tian demand, human lift?. and to force tihe dictates of his tion-wide planning and,housing can't "remember any Israeli students in pnotesft against burning their colleges over that mis- feel that AmenkJan interference in that as our goal is peace, our meth- regarding drug use precludes the es- J. MATING) groups on the Suburban Commun- the complete elkmnation of Uie (Ihe P-reetikJewt's recent unoan3ti.tu- ities aft all levels. It was. too ser- carriage of justice. Am not defend- the iiilter^atiOiiM aflato i*f the na- tiiorfail auttioaiizialti'on of trottp ods are also peaceful We seek your tablishment of school ptrograms so 201 Grace Tower rights oi' die individual, among tions of Southeast AsKa Was pro- support; we need your support. We effective that they <3an create an is- U. of Notre Damo ious to be laughed - off as antics of them-home rule. ing Eichmann jnereiy making ment in Oaanliwdia, tihe braking stu- can and have voiced our opinions, crack-pots and too frightening not point. voked the gnave confrjoptlataon th!ai dents of Budmell Uaiivetisftty have land' of the school, one Jar from the but for most of us this is where our "real" world that glamorizes those to s^t in motion some defense to LUTHER M. . SMYJHE W. J. CARSOM faces us today. Therefore, we can pUedged to bfoteotit fche soda indus- see no hope feftat £iMiher> influence ends; we cannot vote. Our who use drugs or practice some oth- counteract; their aim to take over 24 Onion Rd. 47 St. John Pi. try. This action is Mended to ef- er anti-social behaviors: Consider Suburban Housing an'd change our w^y of life. Fan wood actfivtity in the area dan impaioivp e fect an iridusUy wfhio)i is dependant voices are not worth nearly as much 4he situation' o to the men in charge as yours are. tiie probable reaction of those stu- Editor, Ldadcr; Mr. Gold's tuiswqr to my ques- aKjdeid pro- on our coiisiimiptliioii and winch has dents wlio heard of the dangers of tection fco • tihe A-m^niidoins in thai a sti&atiajfel lobby in Washington. It's up to you. The following tetter has lx?en sent tion, "Do not tlie residents of Berk- Tomorrow is optional. . . Peace drug use in school'on one day and to Mrs. Taber, president of fche eley Heights have the right to gov- area now. It is a method by which studente read Rex Reed's article in the N,Y. mmst be more than an emotion , . . Berkeley Height s League of Women We reseat the toss of American caa utilize their economic buying Times on the next. "So Jane Fonda ern their Townsihip in Line with.fclieir lives in .a war (ihat holds no Merest power to inSluertce federal decisions. more than a stale of mind, Vatera: thinking, do they aiot iilave rights Voice your opinion, smokes pot. Big deal. So does just for us. We a>re j by fche use We request ttoit you who feel as we about everybody else I know. . . . Lunch-time of tax doftliara for firtanoing wars do kt suipekwi the boycott by not LAURA R. BISHOP * *• - - - , -Northeastern University All 1 did was reveal, some o£ the foreign to A meridian security and soda until the soda corii- nuances that made Miss FondJa a We are shocked by begin to loM>y for withdrawal subject fascinating to. read about," Is Fun the Prosideinlt's announcement. from Oatmbodia. wrote Reed, tiie wiar must be expanded, despite Drug Abuse . ANNE TODBI'E Of course, the scliool Ufce other and Relaxing the fia-cft tityat lie fuBy realizes, the Buclcnoil Universally Editor, Leader; agencies must develop pl'ograms to desire of "the majority of "the Am- Pa. As a parent and past chairman create an awareness of the pSiysiol- erican people" to achieve peace. children, youth and recreation for ogical iand psychological,' and ethi- JHere! We view. the - resumtptfofi o f tihe Grant Scliool, Roosevelt Junior High cal effects of drugs. However, there of North Vielflaim as harm- Peace at NU School, and Parent Teacher Coun- are at least two, other steps to be ful to' tihe progress of the peace Editor, Leader: cil, 1 have been acutely aware and taken. Congenial surround- I am formerly a resident of West- concerned with the cancerous . The media must be challenged to tfeing our Investors Accumulation Flan, yon can now Btw field and now a student at1 North- growth of drug abuse in WesiQeld. depict drug use in its true light, as Investors Stock Fundfor $20 a month (after an initial $40 in- ings and good food eastern University in Evanston, Illi- For me it has been a continuous a sign of weialcnoss among escapists vestment). With this common stock fund you become a part learning and staring process for the owner ia more than 120 U.S. corporations. . served right. Modest nois., I am actively involved in the and those who require the giiise of Call for free prospectuses: or dio this counon. peace movement here. I have been past six years. It is quite possible the sophisticate—the ."swingers." It closely following news media re- that what was a good approach to is not unfair to say that the atten- prices! ports of campus activities, and I am this problem two years ego may not tion received by drug users and oth- shocked at the scarcity of tnuthful apply to 1970. . . However, there er "sick" imUviduels from the sen- reporting. I am concerned that th« are those of us, both adults and stu- sation seeWngs TV, newspapers, and pqiblic ears and eyes have only been dents, who are deeply concerned and magiazines has contributed signifi- exclusive national exposed to the few isolated incidents want to help. . . . Hut what direc- cantly to the problem. Investors Accumula 1 distributor for sf* of- violence that have occurred on tion do we take to arouse the con- Civil libertarians, too, must accept Investors Stock some campuses. Therefore, my pur- cern of (iie majority who still feel responsibility for maintaining a bal- prospectti pose in writing this letter is to com- they cannot relate to this problem? ance between safeguarding the MUTUAL municate one realistic picture of 1 am enclosing the principal's rights of individuals and curbing campus peace activities to the Am- mess-age from the Senior High those who. defy the Haw. What, for erican people. The following is a School Newsletter. Mr. Botol has example, should be the limits on the Investors Diversified r=n summary of the activities on the Services, Inc. FUNDS stated his views on this problem -and search of individuals or lockers Founded 1S34 . Northeastern campus since we be- 1 feel that his message must be without viola-ting personal rights? I For prospectuses gan our strike for peace Tuesday heard by all parents and citizens of (Information booklets) Last year the Columbia Univer- evening. Westfield sity newspaper warned' that: "the I The primary goal of the N.U. MRS. II. P, CLEMENTS only people who are going to stop 5=1 br clip this complete odvar strike is to achieve peace for the 5 Stanley Ovial heroin use from spreading are not liaament and send it to United States through removal of Principal's Message- the administrators, not the police, i U.S. troops from Southeast Asia. Wo Two years ago a message was but students themselves." .• • • strike because President Nixon pro- sent to every home in Westfield an- When students realize that they mised to remove us from this area, nouncing the concern of the Mayor -i A - •-•- are being "used" by peddlers, and I but now he has expanded his unde- and the President of the Board of that tihe would of the "swingers" is clared war into Oambodia. We Education over the seriousness of t.:\ really built of fear and insecurity strike because;we are appalled and the drug problem in Wuslficld. covered with a veneer of flamboy- fri^jhrtcmod, tH$t. four i of our fellow I/ast fall, the Westfield Drug ant phoniness, the drug problem will students were murdered at Kent Abuse Committee provided a booklet abate. TTiere is a little chance th*at State, for each family expressing fear that any scliool program can accomjpJish The Northeastern strike activities approximately 30 percent of the this alone. have been determined by democra- young people in tine junior and sen- AL BOBAL tic process from its initiation. On ior high schools were thought to Tuesday evening a mass meeting of have sampled drugs. Indochina 5,000 students (of a total of (3,000 en- Neither of the above warnings nor 1 4 roiled at Northeastern) voted the fine coverage of the Leader Editor, Leader: strike until Friday at 3 p.m. Do- could raise enough eyebrows or As an American, proud of national cisions of what demands would' be cause substantial concern despdte traditions and committed to the best presented to the University and what the deadly character of the problem. ideals of our country, I see that MICHAEL MAHOVICH, JR. deadlines would accompany these It remained for tihe students to these traditions and ideals can best 1009 Cranford Ave. demands were made by the same shake the rafters with their recent be realized by not continuing our Westfield 233-8974 democratic process. likewise, the edition of tlie Hi's Eye, and they military involvement in Indochina. ,- ttpresentfoa decision wlhich was rmade Friday simply .reiterated what had been I know at this university (Univer- hvutara afternoon to continue the strike 'ti! said and written many times before sity of Notre Dame) many have Tuesday was made by a ballot vote in Westfieid and in almost every Strvitn deep convictions that our national vTDS requiring University ID's as identi- other suburb. priorities today are not military, but fication. The procedure of the stu- Now, there is a call for "instant" human. If the war abroad were to • /'• Also Inqufro about dent meetings themselves has been school programs of viar-ious sorts as be quicloly halted, then we could be a planned approach democratic, amd all factions have though these might counter the ap- united "at home in our dedication to to life insurance needa ' been allowed to voice their opinions. parent increase in the use of nar- justice, equality, and to renewing Investors* Syndicate Life We are striving towards our goal cotics. the quality of American life. I real- Insurance & Annuity Co. of peiace through peaceful, legal Amazingly, many young and ize th'at this conviction would be A WHOLLY OKHIS IU 8 SI WAR* PP means. There has been no violence citizens fail to consider the local only vacuous rhetoric if I did not ISVEJTQR* PtVimimD IKftVICIf, at Northeastern. Viarious methods L imtllgaaicl]1 drug problem as hut a very small stand - ready to. conirm't myself to lllllllllillllMIIIM ** - vmnma mcLiwuo uius yi^.. M. ^ " ^'J »"'*" »"*»"• lcuW w. ^»»m ^

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the idea was to bring the "dial" to the dialer, places. For instance, on the side of a kitchen and that's what we've done. We've put it in cabinet or under a counter or almost any- the handset of the beautifully new and com- where you*d like to put it. pact Trimline® telephone. The Trimline phone is inexpensive — only When you lift the handset, the Touch- pennies a day. And there's no extra charge Might... it can be anywhere you want it, when Tone® pushbuttons, which let you "dial11 for color. If you want Touch-Tone service, you want it. And it won't dent your household twice as fast, light iip and come to ypu. A new the additional Touch-Tone charge covers all budget either. You can keep a 100 watt bulb recall button, which lets you make a second the phones on your line. burning right through the night for just about call without first hanging up, also cornea to Put a Trimline phone in the palm of your . Remember, you can fight crime with light. you. To get adialtone,you just push the re- hand. To order in either wall or table models, call button. .-..., just call your Telephone Business Office. Since you:d6n't need to see the base to call Also available with standard dial in new • 9 and since the £oxdJs 18 inches longer, you New Jersey Bet) can put the .Jrinjling phoncHfi Qut-of-the*way design. rvice Electric and Gas Company Page 4 ''"TO THE WESTFIELD (N.J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, MAY U,

AlWATI CAU YOM A HANDY REFERENCE LIST OF RELIABLE LOCAL FIRMS ALUMINUM SIDING AUTO DEALERS AUTO DEALERS DELICATESSENS HEATING MOVING & STORAGE CONTRACTORS ALUMINUM SIDING Home Baking HENRY P. TOWNSEND wm. AUGUSTINE T. R. LOIZEAUX GUTTERS & LEADERS Sandwiches For Parties STORAGE Siff MOTORS VOLVO FUEL COMPANY Remodeling and Alterations On Order MOVING & PACKING Hoofing" * HathrooiuB ^^ Authorized SALES AND SERVICE MOBIL Kitchens • Railings • CHRTSLBR William Jay Clark Dial 232-0925 241 Nortk Ave. W. WwtleH Heating Oil Basements • Porch Enclosure • IMPERIAL Ltd. AD 2-44M Attics • Awnings • PLYMOUTH Home of "Comfort Crew" Aluminum Windows and Door* 505 SOMERSET STREET Robert Oil* BUP.NER SERVICE All Work Guaranteed • VAX.1ANT NORTH PLAINFIEIO • Mobil Heating Oil PAINTERS Terms Arranged Sales and Service Mtlitatttiim 756^2239 • Oil Burner Service ALLIED MODERNIZING Headquarters for "JEEP" "Where Quality • Hot "Water Heaters That I\unt • Oil H«atlngT Installed DUTCH BOY 756-6655 Dial 233-1098 And Service Fours' >'»/• n* Dial 756-2100 18-18-4t 576 North Ave. E. West fie Id 113 Quimby St. Westfield PAINTERS *'~ ——mmmmm 1630 South Second St., Plainf ield •gaa •iii rlfflL,.. APPLIANCES Interior and Exterior 39ft?3BwSa^fc ****** LINDEMAN BUICK CO. DRUG STORES INSULATION M WESTFIELD DODGE, Inc. Carpentry and Masonry AUSTER'S INC. Fully Insured r • • AUTHORIZED INSULATION PROBLEMS? ISMS Authorised TIFFANY DRUGS BUICK DodgeSales aid Servlo* Call Free Estimate RENOVATION AND KEPAIR of Admiral Nelson's BUiCK and OPEL Open 7 Daye a flagship HMS Victory is almost continuous. Ship was From 9 a,ra* to 10 p.m. one on which Nelson died ia Battle of Trafalgar. Sales and Servlc* DODGE • DART 8 u inlays and Holidays I net 642-3077 Parts — Repairs DODGE "Job-Rated'* TBTTCKf Free Pick-Up and Dellverr Authorised QUALITY USED CARS GENERAL ELECTRIC Dial 232-0075 1110 South AY*. W. Sales & Service Regional Math Exclmn Club AD 2-8484 Weatherproof era Siifi* 1118 PAINTING Refrigerator! • Dish W*LB her* 480 Nortk Ave, B, 405 South Ave. W. Westfield Freezers • Dlspoaals Insulation & Siding Work CONTRACTING Washer* • Dryeru DARBY'S DRUG STORE A Specialty Day Saturday Hears Bell Talk • Television High Fidelity & Stereo NORRIS CHEVROLET Call 276-3474 WE SPECIALIZE IN Mountain side The "Sevwilh The use and development of the Phone; ADams 2-1198 233-2121 iff Addrefii; Annual Union Couniy Regional 1-ligh ocums resources was discussed at INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR School District J Mathematics Day" a meeting of Hie Exchange Club of 143 E. Broad St. Westfield CHEVROLET 251 E. 1st Ave., Rosells will Ix1 held at llu- Jonathan Dayton VYe.sffield last week at the Moun- 339 South Ave. W. Westfield PAINTING Kegiomil School in Si>iingiield tainside Jim, Mountainside. INSURANCE on Saturday mommy. Students with Some oi the man's advanced | SNOWDEN APPLIANCES Author! Bid QUALITV WO Kit MAN SHIP one, two, or three youra of Jiiulhc- methods oi' tapping the oceans vast 8AXE3 ft BERVICH TRIUMPH FLORISTS jmutics study from tlio David Hroar- supply of natural resources — foods, WaBhera & Dryera A0 2.6500 LIGHT Major and Minor Repair* CHARLES W. COSENZA Jey, JoniiLium Dayton, Arthur L. ' and minerals — were des- ' • Maytag • Eaiy MFRCUflV INS HUGO Dishwashera & Disposals Selection of Johnson and Governor Livingston cribed and illustrated. The ocean Cars aftd Truck* LINCOLN DOERRER'S FLOWERS Schools will participate. Tin1 re will • Waste King • Maytaff HOMEOWNERS $AVE was called a "floating pharmacy" Bat. 1889 LOUIS J. PINOLA be thra? levt'is oi' compel ition, one whose denizens provided the rawVacuum Cleaner* Dial 233-0220 for each of the three years of mathe- • Hoov«r • Eureka Oeatiml Are* wad North ATI* •- LINCOLN MERCURY "We Grow Our Own Blowsrs 2 ElM ST. 241-3858 material for drugs that may, in fu- 301 SOUTH AVE.. WESTFIELD, N.J. matics study. Fourth year matJie- ture years, revolutionize the treat- Refrigerators 8c Freeiers Flowers — Planta — Gift* WESTFIELD jnutica a Indents will iioL be involv- ment or many human ills such as • Am ana 233-9100 Dlnl 2:12-2400 ed as Ihcy are engaged in :i imlion- tuberculosis, heart disease, ulcers, Genuine Factory Part* BOWLING State Far™ Fife and Casualty RUG CLEANING al mathenuiiics competition each and cancel*. These drugs must un- REILLY 107 JSlm Street year. dergo years of rigorous testing be- SALES SERVICE OldsmobileCo. The purpose of these competitions, fore they will be available to Hie 232-0416 Authorised medical profession. MAGIC CARPET which will IJU in the form of con- 431 North Ave. W. Westfield Oldsmobtl* PEARSALL & tests, is to further sLirculalo an in- One new development discussed CLEANERS terest in mathematics and to recog- in liie program was the Boll Sys- Bale* & Service CLARK FRANKENBACH, INC nize outstanding students through 660 North ATC. R. AS S-7«B1 LANES tem's l-l ton underwater sea plow, Bat. 1921 Expert Rug Cleaning lhc presentation of awards and designed at Hell Telephone labora- Westfleld, New Jene/ ill rough publicity. Those contest- tories, which eimliks telephone tech- Residential and Commercial ants, trom eiich of the four sister nicians to dig trenches and bury AT.T. FORUH BOWLING OF Free Estimate (9 A.M. to 8 P.M.| schools, attaining the three highest cable bcn&nih the ocean's floor. ROTCHFORD PONTIAC Bar • Cocktail YOUR/ m^tpenimt scores in each of the levels of the Also high-lighted was the United INC. SO BrufiBwlck Automatlo 'AGENT INSURANCE 743-3125 or 964-8955 COJnpetitiOILS will reccive awards. Authorised PONTIAC-TBMPB18X Plneettora "IIIVI* • If- Status Navy's "Man In The Sea" ex- STATION RADIO TV i Free Slttlsg Service For FLOWERS FOR ALL Gold, silver and bronze medals will periments, in which aquanauts liv- Bales A Service Mothers OCCASIONS WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS be awarded to the first place con- ed and worked for long periods of AND APPLIANCES Good Will Ueed Can • Free Daytime BowllBff Imatmctlo: 232-4700 br Qualified Inetruotom GIFTS 1-29-41 testants. All winners will receive time on Lhc ocean's floor. These I*A.TE8T IN COlflR TV 433 North Av*. 315 Elm St. WMtfltld certificates in addition, to mathe- Wcntfleld experiments were performed to test ON DISPLAY AT OUIt STORES aaa-8700 381-4700 DIAL 232-25251 matical publications. man's ability to live in an. environ- SERVICE WHAT WEI BELL PAINT A BOUT SHOP This year's contest is being hold ment as hostile as 140 Central Avo. Clark Ftorlit LAUNDRIES SPORTING GOODS 74 North ATC* Garvroo4 Sorvlc. as a tribute to the late Mr. Thomas Title of the presentation was " COLOR TELEVISION 768-1880 321 SOUTH AVE. W., J, Rosarnilia who passed away sud- Silent World." Headquarter* CAR WASHING WESTFIELD IVORY LAUNDRY denly in November. Mr. Rosemilia COLONIAL was an outstanding and dedicated 232-4660 DOM'S TOYOTA & DRY CLEANERS mathematics toacher, first at the Central Ave. (Opp. Quimby St.) TOWNE Complet* Ltttndtirliff for Family SPORTS CENTER Jonathan Dayton school and for the Fanwood Artists •We Special 1M AUTO SALES In fine for th» Bportflmam1 post nine years at the Governor 1 FLOOR COVERINGS A cotton Livingston school. Serving the Area 25 Yeara CAR WASH •Sam 6 Com plot* ZBuuIpmnt Fort Exhibit May 16 ELM RADIO & TV, INC Bezrlc* STOUT Oolf Headquarters for Pick Dps Pishing- Fanwood — The Scotch Pteins- Whirlpool — Kltche* All — CROWN In Westfield 15% Archery Fanwood Art Association will hold Eamlltoa Sedans & BRUNT & WERTH, Inc. Ca»h A Carry Tennis Pitting- Waihera & Dryers Wagons On« of Unto* Discount for j its annual art exhibit at the commu- t/a W. R. Dolbler & Co. Lau»dry Doa« All Other SportB nity center on North and Marline HooTer Vacuum CORONA Couaty'ft Most by the Pouaa Armantrout Earns Sport Sedans For Plok-np BMA Deliverr Aves. on Saturday from 11 a.m. to RCA Color TV, Radios, & Hard Topa Moden LINOLEUM — FORMICA SKI HENTAL8 238-0400 Car Waflhea SINK & COUNTBK TOPS Call 232-5020 Badminton & Tennis Hacaueta 5 p.m. and on Sunday, May 17, from tO Elm St. TTmtflcM Lars* Selection of Cp-to-Dat* 10 a.m. to p.m. WAXING A SHADES • VENETIAN BLINDS 16 Prospect St. Westfitld Reytrung Silver Beaver USED CARS POL.ISHINQ Opp. Fire House Guns, Ammunition and Licenses Original works in all media in- All Famous M<ei Dial 7SB-B300 Dial 233-8420 John Armanlroul, son of Mr. andcluding sculptor and graphics will VAN'S 745 VS. Hwj\ NO. 23, North Plntnfleld Call 233-4050 Dial 232-5958 be shown. Judges will be Mrs. Harry 520 South Avo. W. Mrs. Lawrence Armanlroul of Brad- APPLIANCE CO. (Between Somerset & Grove) 741 Central Ave. Westfield SAMOSET LAUNDRY lord Avt\, has been honored by theDevlin, 43 Hillside Ave., Westfield N*xt to Unlom Conity Roafl Dtpt. (On the Circle) Westfield and Perry Zimmerman, Crunford, Pioneer Trails Council, Boy Scouts — INSTAKAATIOV Dally from 8 to « SERVICE, INC. for paintings; and Mrs. Bernice 1216,South Ave.# W. V/estfleld of America, of Ulkluirt, Jnd., with IAXBS GOODWIN MOTOR MOB. & Frl Eves 'tH 9 P.M. ilio Silver Ucavcr, highest award a Schacter, Linden, for sculpture. LOUNDBT — DRY 1 • KITCHEN AH> "X>rlT«-In S©rric#" SPORTS CENTER, INC. council may bestow Tor service to Cash awards and honorable men- CORP. C&eh aid Carry lions will be received on Saturday • HAMILTON CLOCK REPAIRING boyhood and community. • WHIRI-POOL MERCEDES BENZ • SUNBEAM FUEL OIL 009 Korih. ATC, G. "W. Hall E. W. Hall Mr. Armnnlrout beyun his adult at 3 p.m. « NORGH Call I'Lnlntlcld S.2S48 "Faithful and Satiafac* ( Entries will be received from 10 AUTHORIZED COMPLETE FACILITIES tory Service in WeatfleW scouting in 1J51> us chairman of two Aad Ma»r Otbftra Nappancc, Ind. troop committees a.m. to 4 p.m. today at the center. Kalei and Servlo* FOR REPAIR OF LUMBER for Over 30 Years" ? PROMPT BBBVICV REEL-STRONG FUEL CO. and became u scoutmaster in 1962. This year, an added feature will 7S4~87OO • Grandfather Clocks Col! 232-3726 ISO W. «th flt. T64-870O PlMnfleld • Ski Rentals • Sea & Slti Clothing He has served in various regional be the art mart where inexpensive • Carriage CFocks "D«p*ndable, Frleadlr Strrlo* Arlington Aval Btnc» 1025" i Spaldlng Footwear positions and in addition to the original worJis of sculptor and paint-1117 E. Broad St. Westfield • Mantle Clocks J. S. IRVING COMPANY i Brunsivick-Balke Bowline Equip- Scouters Award and Key for train- ings not to be judged will be shown-. MOBILHBAT ment NO CHARGE FOR ESTIMATES Coal HffiATING OILS Cok« LUMBER ft MILLWORK ing an outstanding J.nycee troop, re- Mrs. Emma Scarpa of 55 Pater- Of Every Description » Completo Neoda for Golf &, Tonnia LAING MOTOR CAR CO. BRidgo 6-0900 > Racquctn Hostrunff on Premiaea ceived Hie Outstanding Young Man son Rd,, will hostess the sn-ack b. HE WESTFIjaD

GRACE ORTHODOX FANWOOD PRESBYTEKIAN PRESBYTERIAN CHUHCH CHURCH "Built to Serve" Theme of CMrch Scouts Honor 1100 Boulevard 74 Marline Ave., South CHURCH SERVICES Robert h. ^twelJ, Minister George h. Hunt John P. Millar Sunday, church s&rviices at 11 a.m. Ministers Also of Its Building Campa Four Leaders anid 7 p.iin,; Sunday school for all Sunday, 9:30 and 11 o'clock wor- FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Four Colonial DiM.riet Hoy Kr-o-ut SCIENTIST ages ail: 9:30 aim.; Senior Miadh#n ship services, holy communion and "Built to Servo" is Hie tneme I he- sic. director at \\w'irsf Baptist 414 East Broad St. League ait 5:45 p.>m.; In'termedJia-te reception of new members. Dr. First Baplist Church of Weslfic-ld j Church, the #wup | will prosen! ne;:'iwd Order of Merit 422 East Broad Street Westfield, N. J, l\.\- special scr\"j'ee So Ut:> We&tfield, New Jersey and Junior Macta League at 6George L. Hunt wild preach on thetjas t.aken lor its 1970 building fund j "Messiah" on May 23!i at 1h<> Cran- The Rev. Canon Richard J. Ilardman p.m.; Young Adults at 8:15' theme, "The Communion qf Saints." . ca-mpaign, and accordingly, the ford High School. |! di.-tric-t al the army's yearly Itecn^- Sunday Services—II A.M. The Rev. John C. W. Linsley "Church Day" for gnades 7, 8 and A. church will open the doors of its new ntticn Dinner recenlly ai tJie Wt-M- Sunday School—U A.M. Wednesday, prayer meeting and Another community) group inter- The Rev, Joseph S. Harrison Bible study at 7:45 p.m. Nursery care is provided for chil- facilities to all segments of the com- est t'.ri in draiiKi is j»j?senlly uwntj u'ood in Gal wood. The district com- Nursery—11 A.M, • The Rev. Hugh Livelihood dren under three; 9:30 and 11 a.m.,munity that seek to meet the needs the Fellowship Hall oie night each priitjs scouting unil.s in (iarwood, Wednesday Evening Testimony The Rev. D. Thomas Andrews church school for teachers' training of people. The EJm Street church We:4field. Mounltri-nside. Fanwotul, REDEEMER LUTHERAN week to give vent to t.hMI* acting tal- Meetings-*;15 P.M. The Rev. Herbert ArniBBtegui -nFounders' Hoom; Rev. Thomias hopes to host every type of activity an.i Scotx*h PhiiH. CHURCH ents. The group, comix ;ed of mainly An under^tandamg of mam's im- Thursday, 9:30 a.m. Oanteiibui-y Wedfiworth, associate for Christian from senior citizens' outings to jun- young people in thef tutelage of Alan tibej'ft-ole. a vctera-n di-ali'K'l mortailiity was tih£ tails of Christ 229 Cowpertliwaite PI. Ifcoussbn Guild; 10 a.m., St. Paul's education of the Synod of New Jer-ior high school dances. AH this in aduHs, will stage the jjlay "Picnic" .••:* :•••!•&•$& k'-'dei" and recipient, last yfar. mad.i feus' hetaflinig mLnSislry and is ef-Sludjiy Group; 1, St. Paul's The Rev. Eugene A. Reliwinkel sey, will speak on "Christian Flaith addition to a full church program Services; later this month. i I the priJifnlalions to Waller Deycrl;? fective in meeUang htiimiaii pax)5jlems Auxiliary of YotftSi and Family Coun- and Action—Our New Venture inof worship, service, and education. - . - . • . PL m-r, -, :• The church will corftimic to pro- • .,.- •'-•'•• •:•• . . -:v-::v;:;:";$w I of Scotch Plains, district training today, according to the GhrisHian 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. : •.;:1:::.::.vv: -;: , / ••:..^:\&;£ selling SarvHces; 8 p.m., ad-iil ccm- Church Education." f i _ 11 Sunday School and Membership Dedication ceremonies marking vice facilities For a Bo|r Seoul iroop chair-nun; Eujjcnc Mai tin of Sdich Science Lesson-Sermon on "Mortals finmWMon class; 8, J'EYC Monday through Friday, collection tile opening of,its remodeled .sanc- and two Girl Scout tr|ops, in addi- ::••:#$'.&?• P^ins, dislrict connni^jon^r; Mo\- and Imm&atals" to be read llhis Thursday, 3:45 p.m., confirmation teacher© meeting, of clothing and blankels for Church tuary and surrounding facilities are Ail • class, grade 8. tion to hosting periodi^ meetings of v:n Fiiicke of Sedc-h Pbins, dis- Sunday. iFrhSay—Junior Episcopal Young World Service. now in progress under the direction various community, cific and relig- lrict vice-chairman; and Douglas (Friday, 7:30 p.m., Redeemer Lu- Tuesday, 9:30 a.m., mothers' dis- of the Rev. William K. Cober and by''the Apfostle Paul on Chu-Mtaen. meet at 6:30 p.m.theran Day School Operetta will prc- | ious-oriented groups. •• MKS. JOSEPHINE CARVER DuBois of Weslficld, acU'isor lo Kx- will be read from tihe Sunday—•'WWiteunday, 7:45 a.m., cussion group-Hloiinge. associate pastor, the Rev. Robert W; But according to the associate pas- ploivr Post 3. sent "Once Upon a Time;" 7:30 Thatcher. The $500,000 renovation Bible. Oitlaltiions from Science and holy eamrrvipion; 8:45 a.m., 10 a.m., Wednesday, 11;30 a.m., service of tor, Mr. Thatcher. Ihe^young people Speci'al guest.s a!, the dinner in- p.m., confirmation rehearsal. worship and intercessory prayer in project includes the .addition of an HeaStih wpHh Key to the Scriptures H;30 tiJin., holy commumwHi and Sunday,- 8:30 a.m., holy commun- of the community vvjill make the Science Lecture cluded Jani(*s Gelwicks, \Vatchun'.>" by Mary Bato Eddy, iniclude iivis sermon; 8:45 a.m., Men's dhwch the chancel led by Dr. Hunt; 8 p.m.,enlarged Fellowship Hall, a new of-most use of (he* n+w facilities. ; ion will be celeibKi'ted at this serv- trustees meet in the lounge. fice complex and lounge and an ex- Area Council HXOCiilive: J<:hn Lea- stiattement: Softool, 7 ,, Sen'ior Episcopal ice; 0:45 a.m., Christian nuritire Afonlhly junior high dafLccs which in vens, retiring,' council prcsideni; and "Through m&ny generations hum- Young Ohurcttimen. Friday, 1:30-3:30 p.m., open house panded youth activities and sludy the past have atlitictfd up to 400 Monday, May 25 class and membership class; 11 for senior citizens of the commun- area. Dr. Jolm llonton, incoming iirvsi- an beliefs Will be attaining diviner Tuesday—&-.30 a.m., Uirtoan Serv- a.m., rite of eonfirmiation. Twenty- youth will again be he|jd, while sen- conceptions, and the imnupdial ami ity—^Founders' Room. Senior citizens will continue to ior high .students will rjpld their own dent. Special tribute was paid to ice Guild, 6:45 p.m., tdaciiem' party. six youtiis will be confirmed a«d "You Have a Purpose" is thfive e lcadeis .service iu £.coui- perfect modeli of God's creation wail ;30 a.m., holy cwn- Saturday, May 23, HI a.m., Advent hold their monthly meetings at themonthly "Dings" (short for Diversi- celebrate their first coniiminion with First Baptist Church in the enlarged •title yf u public lecture raminu to ing Lctallnd more than 200 ytar.s: finally be seen as the only true can- ; 8. p.m., Christen family parents • and relatives. confirmation class meets with Dr. fied Interests for the How Genera- Westfield Monday, .May K, jl H:30 cepiUoji of being." living lecture. Hunt. Fellowship H-all, Numbering some tion*. In addition to life music and 1 Russell Slier, Herbert Ha key, Ed- 'Monday, 112:30 p.m., Embroidery 200, they also hold four or five group p.m. urtder the spon.soiv:hip oi Fii-^i ward JeuLhtr. Henry En^elFrk'd. and The piibJjic is invited to attend 7 a.m., service of holy cormmunibn dancing, tho students \fatch movies, Ohiirch of Chrislt, Scienlisl. Guild luncheon. meetings each month for choir prac- John Vanrier Vee-r. services beginning at 11 a.m. at First eve-i^ morning, Monday through Sat- ALL SAINTS' EPISCOPAL CHURCH play ping-pong and other ga most a degree from Columbia University. achieve me nts inoliKlin.y the iinntial qnkl Mitchell Leisten, son of Mrs.departments of the church school room facilities at t'he First Baptist meet; 9:20 un!d 10:50 p.m., adult ed- Sunday, 3 p.m., piiblic talk entitl- charist; 7 pjra, Junior Altar Guild. Church. The church grants space expensive' process which most p:i- which .she obtained after a period of Klondike P«it':y 'and the yearly Eileen LoisHen. 1 1 ucation seminar meets in the Social ed, "Persevere in Prayer" given by Thursday, 10 a.m., annulal ECW rent-free to the New Jersey Associa- tionts cannot afford. Tilo Rolarians^ study and travel in Europe. Oaaioc rtnex , bnl-h of which Hall and Fellowship Room; 9:30 and D. Passero; 4:05 p.m., Watchtower meeting, Trenton; 1 p.m., Ai Anon however, have* agreed l;o do the job The public is invited to a Mend the in Urn Colonial Dislrict 4 tion of Retarded Children to enable THE CATHOLIC CHURCH OF 11 a.m., worship services in thestudy—the title of tlie article to be them to hold their sessions. free of charge. lecture. Doors will be open at 7:45and are bcin^ u^A as patterns for THE HOLY TRINITY sanctuary. Dr. Clark W. Hunt, sen- considered by means of question and , Emtber day, 9 a.m., theThe new ohoir room will bo utiliz- As a "get-acqimintod" project, the p.m. similar regular aciivitics in other ;. Rev. Msgr. Charles B. Murphy ior minister, will preach. A service answer participation is, "The Road Holy Budhariist. ed by the Choral Art Society, a com-church will invite all local groups districts. B.L.S., Pa B tor of confirmation will be held during Back to Peace in Paradise," and iSaiUirtlay, Ember Day, 9 a.m.munit, y singing group that Takes in and clubs to hold their tegular June Recognized for 20 years service Assistants the 11 o'clock service a,t which time "The Leader on the Road to Peace- the Holy EucWarM. some GO oersons. Under the direc* meetings at the Fijrst Baptist School to Give were Joint and Richard Rev. Thomas E. Daly the young people who have been at- ful Paradise." tion of Mrs. Donald E. Bleeke, mil- Church. ; Tomorrow Ziak, while Uaiiuny awards were ac- Rev. Salvatore J. Tagllarenl tending classes will be received into Tuesday, 7:30 p.m., the Bible stu- MOUNTAINSIDE CHAPEL corded Phi:ii> Uuwt, Orvit O.tfborg, Rev. John E. Murphy the membership of the church; 8 dy aid to be used during a question Highway #22 The children of Redeemer Luther- and Kdwiird Halficl^. RECTORY: 315 First St. —232-8137 p.m., membership class, Fellowship and answer discussion will be, Kev. Robert B. Miguard, an Day School will present a three Den Mcibcr Awards wi-ve present- CONVENT: 525 Trinity PL —233-3159 Room. "Then Is Finished the Mystery of MOUNTAINSIDE CHAPEL Church to Seal Cornerstone act operetta entitled "•Rumpelstill- ed to Lena IIcrHath of Pack 73. and skin" tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. Tho op- High School - 233-7455 Tuesday, fl pm, missions com- God." .Highway 22 Joyce Poll of. Pack 17K; and Den eretta will he held in the Parish Httll Grammar School — 233-0484 mission. Room 20!). Thursday, Senior Youth Retreat, Leader Coach Awards were earned At Special Ceremonies Sunclay of Redeemer Lutheran Church. Wednesday, 8 p.m., public rela- WILLOW GROVE Friday and Saturday. by Som\ Boylan. Nancy Walberl, All the* children from nursery, OUR LADY OF 1OURDES tions committee, Room 208; 7;30 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday, 9:45 a.m., Sunday school, directory of clnnfh members Viclpri'ii, and Fiances Cli^sl- Scotch Plains — Tho Pinsl Unite'd kinder^.rten through ^rade six will R. C. CHURCH p.m., education commi'ssion, Room 1961 Raritan Road, Scotch Plains adult class; 11 a.m., morning wor- and friends, a compilajjon of church 1 nut. MElhoclist Church of Scotch Pfeins par-ticijxiti in thy operetta. David 304 Central Ave., Mountainside 214; 8 p.m., social concerns com- Telephone: 232-5678 ship; the Itev. Gordon Olson, speak- will seal tihe co-rnersiLone of its newofficers including tho f gy at Westminster. He has continued 9:45 a.m. WVNJ 620 kc picnic at the home of Mrs. Arden L. Tuesday, 1 p.m., Senior Citizens; ham Park Roller Rink. in this department, becoming asso- Westfield. They made maps of the Andresen, 747 Hyslip Ave. • 8 p.m., board of mission; 8 p.m., Westimiaster Theological Seminaiy, state and gathered photographs of Sunday, 9 a.m., folk service; will be the guest speaker at Grace ciate professor in 1959. In 1965 he THE BIBLE SPEAKS Thursday. 10 a.m., Service Circle, special meeting of the board of dea- 10:45, liturgical service; 9 and 10:45 was installed as president of West- For All the News animals found in the area, identify- cons. Orthodox Presbyterian Church Sun- ing them with colorful descriptions. Loomis. a.m., Sunday church school for nurs- day. minster Seminary. "* TO YOU ery through grade 8; 10:45

Divinity School. In addition to arti- 1 . -%V- ^O •- '> • • \- V h W- h • .rl.T/r.. ----- 1 > - C •Jt-^WKv. THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH '• -v-.. •:- -:.^-i-:o: >>;,-.•> fc - i h - fa - ' 1 Mountainside, N,J. '. '-V- , ". .'-•--.--J-.-. '------:v%:-: Monday, the regularly scheduled •.' • .•.-.*•& •-,- '^,'r-n - . 1 zm~&--?- ^::V': fa .• •.-.•'.-,*'.-.•.'-•'> ,-r'y- y-.y.~.^_ V*'.. •-".•• - .\ --^ cles and reviews appearing in peri- •>•;•> ^^•^?--^ IN WESTFIELD The Rev. Elmer A. Talcott, Jr. meeting of the Church Council h'as :> :l\' :••• .-;*••/ -s,.,-.^?.}-\a 1 ••+•:•-:•:•'• >.>-" Fim CHURCH NEWS J odicals, he has authored Vacation r fa f i m ••::;.-: ?...•;•>; * •.. - :• 140 Mountain Avenue \ - -• -^ •.--•• ^.-. Minister been postponed to Monday, May 25. .-.#: -!----• A.- '-'-i Bible School manuals and work DEADLINE - V. -Si- •\ r .'^fi* Ministers, Pirector of Bdigious Education, Tuesday, 10 a.m., chiarity sewing; books published by Great Commis- - - - L . FRIDAY *• f Dr. Frederick E. Christian Miss Linda Gaul 1 p.m., Village Improvement Asso- sion Publications, Philadelphia; Rev. Richard L. Smith Sunday, 10 a.m., morning worship: ciation in the lounge. V--> N-, Rev. M. Bplin Durway church school: grades 1-8, kinder- Wednesday, 8 p.m., social minis- •;V, Wfr* Tel. 233-0301 garten, nursery, cradle roll; 7 p.m., try committee. '*^.

L Sunday 9 a.m., adult communi- Senior High Fellowship. _- -_ _- _- _r L cants class; 9 and 10:45 a.m., church Monday, 8 p.m., trustees meeting, WOODSIDE CHAPEL L *<-??X •*<-y. LX-'L">" Morse Avenue, Fan wood •>»."K-: :•»:* »-V^,-A•-•:••:',,V , *.-- ••-• •*•'-' school; 9 and 10:45 a;m., warship Christian education meeting. '-w X'*--*>.-<: services, in observance of Ohoir rec- Tuesday, 7 p.m., United Presby- Sunday, in a.m., J. A. Springer of t^i- i& ognition. terian Women's pot luck supper. Wisconsin wiM bring the message at m the Family Bible Hour. The Sunday \->:-- D,r. Ohrisbiian will preodi on theSpeaker: John R. Martin; director, Urban University Program. school will be in session at the s'ame •:.*: topic 'Sounds o/ IThe Spiaut." 7 p.m. time; 7:30 p.m., Mr. Springer will Senior High Fellowship — program Wednesday, 8 p.m., deacons' meet- also be the speaker at the evening IT'S A v-y on ing, adult Bible study. I- >W • meeting whilch will include a serv- *.*-: #: >'-- &• i •:: -•:*' ice of baptism. SNAP TO :V: y \---i: Tuesday, 8 p.m., prayer and Bible $%-. Everyone does. It's spiritual, it's study time at" the Chapel. LAUNDER demanding, exciting, and it's in- variably good ... It brings new SHIRTS! '-j\ -- -, r' •- -I A •-•^ discoveries of what God is, and Jarvis will m®m >y* :S^ f4& *&.!, %v?tf^^*iSSw •-. -a ^.- *J^:^*>: "«: ;n. W what man really is — finding ful- m :-: •-••& COPY -H- : «- <<-/? AT' W •-"* •-fy E^wi fillment in a life directed by divine -^* >Xrt fe*^5 »%:• : + \-- m •'you ' . ."-..' 7E£JJ WJ.) ZJGAOEK, THURSDAY, WAV H, Mehortei* Promoted "Anything Goes" Ditty Bag By Home Insurance Airco Promotes Cast Announced Gifts Sought Robert C. Mehoiter of 1-132 Tice Orlo Kronberg PL, secretary of the Home Insur- Proscenium P&ayers have an- Articles for "ditty bags" are now ance Company, has been piaced in The appointment of Oiio H, Kixm- uouuced the cfisL lor their forth- being solicited by the West-Moun* charge of the health and accident berg of 88$ Village Green as vice coming proctudian oi Cole PorUT's tairtside Red Cross Chapter. This is department of the company, effec- pjse&i4ent-«ubsidiary operations for 1 "Anything Goes/' 'Ilie kad role of part of a nationwide effort to pro-tive immediately the Airco Welding Products Divi- Keno Sweeney, the notorious nighL- vide Christmas gift-filled bags for Mr. -Mehorter, a graduate of sion of Air Reduction Oo. Inc. has ciub singer and former evangelist, men serving in Vietnam. The West- Washington & Lee University, ifas been aruiOLUiieed by I&wrence W. will be played by Ardcn Laberge, ficId-Mountainsidt' Chapter has a been affiliated with the Home since 1 KunMer, division present. who lias appeared in all oi the P-ros- quota of 41)0 ba&s this year. Mrs. 1947. His most recent assignment ITI tflie newly created position, ceniujn Players" musicals and cre-F. \\\ Montgomery, production was secretary in the personnel de- Mr. Kivwubeiig will have overall aks! the memorable role of "Jiedy chairman, says this is not only a. partment. management responsi'hiEty for two LaKue" in "How to Succeed in Hud Cross program but also a su-bsidiiany operations o-f the divi- community-wide affair in w to i c h ASI Calculator sion , Jackson Pmotiucts, Warren, Harvey Garrison of Woslficld, who many organizations, civic groups Midi, and Welco AiLtoys, Royal Oak, recently iippotirod as "Sid" in "Pa-and business firms will participate. Promotes Polek Mich. He will make his headquaT- iu Game" with the West field Help is needed in sewing the b#gs John E. Polek of 1

YOUR CHOICE 12'x36" Aluminum 200 PCS. ONLY water heater sale! 40 qt. Cooler Water only in urc* seivacd by Elhabethtuivn Pool Package Tennis Racket Basketball Game • or • Vinyl liner Steel Walls « Calfskin grip • Nylon string 1 (Showrooms open shopping nights, Saturdays) V/2 Gal. Jug • 3ft. ladder U * inkle. J- ^ . reg. 7.99 • Automatic S1CO0 Medium, $3.99 SPECIAL $1.99 SPECIAL filter SPECIAL or HCJVJT SPECIAL CHARGE WITH THESE SYLVAN SHOP AND COMPARE FOR QUALITY PLUS SAVINGS AT THESE LOCATIONS: APPROVED CREDIT CARDS: Route 611 ' 2600 Route 22 • Strawhridpe & Clothier Princeton Shpg Center Strawbridge & Clothier Elizabethtown Gas Doylcstown, Pa, Scotch Plains. H. J. Cherry Hill Mall, N. J. Princeton, N. I Wilmington, Del. Gas gives you a better deal. (215) 348-9015 (201) 233-7636 (609) 665-44E0 (609)921-6166 (302) 764-4592 Route 202 Mendham Shpg. Center Strawaridgc & Clothier 127 W.Lancaster Ave. 199 Route 17 SYLVAN'S Concoidvilfc, Pa. Mendham, N. J. JnnMntown. Pa. Wayne. Pa. ' Rochcllc Park, N.J. Call 289-5000 now. (201) 5«-7142 (215)807-7995 (215) Mil 84545 (201) 845-5UO RVOIVKC (215)^3-2717 One E'lown Plaza 452 Main St. 220 Market SL 219 Central Ave. 184 Elm St. CHARGE ' Not ttti items avaifobfa at fhose locations Elizabeth Metuchen Perth Am boy Rahway Westfield ilL STORE HOURS! 9UQ TO 6 P.M., EXCEPT THUHS. ft FRI. -9:30 TO fli30. STBftWBfllDfo H0Un5: HON., WED., FRF. 9;30Tfl 9iOO; 7UtS.rTHUBS.Sl3flTO8.l30

k THE WESTO7FXD i!tored entrances. Sphinxes Bank Not adopt any formal course student and that students be per-charged with the following responsi- of study on sex 'education, for grades mitted to take such courses unless a bility in section 16A;33-1. below the junior higji school level. parent or guardian objects, in writ- 1«A:33-1. "Bach school, district However, this shall not indude ing, to the l>ward of education. shall provide, for all children courses in biology, health, zoology (c) There was very little concern who reside in the district and or other similar sricn-ce courses. about the content of courses in biol- are required to attend the pub- (d) File a copy of the adxipled ogy, health, zoology or other similar lic schools therein and those course of study with the County Su- science courses. Most witnesses who reside, therein or elsewhere perintendent of Schools. seemed to feel that most of these and are entitled or permitted to (e) Make a copy of any adopted PICTURED jABOVE iare (representatives of Holy Trinity Gtri Bcout were elective courses and were suit- attend the schools of the district course of study available in the Troops* 26i, ,268, 540, #55, 824 and »13 who have made an* contributed ed to the age of the pupils. pursuant to law, suitable educa- school office for review by any par- many items to (be jsold [at the handmade articles ftooth »f jthe Mothers' (d) Many expressed the view that tional facilities including proper ent or guardian. Guild bazaar [Saturday, (May 23. These items include fcluffed (animals, the curriculum and course of study, school buildings and furniture '•(f) Permit students to take such flowers, plaques, caimister sets, jpeacil iiolders and pot holders. materials and teaching aids should and equipment, convenience of courses unless a parent or guardian be the direct responsibility of the access thereto, and courses of files written objection • with the locai board of education, in accord- study suited to the ages and at- boand of education. Holy Trinity Mothers' Guild ance with present law. However, tainments of all pupils between (g) Not require any pupils to com- many others expressed the view that the ages of five and 20 yeiars, either in schools within the dis- plete a course in sex education as more detailed guidelines and a list part of the requirements for promo- Ninth Annual Bazaar May 23 of approved teaching aids, should be trict conv-enient of access to the pupils, or as provided by arf-ticle tion or graduation from any school ma^e available to school districts 1 in the district. Trie ninth annual bazaar sponsored the mothersf^ao

r *.

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CAULKING ALUMINUM GUTTERS COMPOUND 10' lengths. While \ baked enamel finish OLD WOO TUBES FOR C-A Per Length Reg. '/ _v ALUMINUM Visit Our ALUMINUM ELECTRICAL SHUTTERS SADDLES White or Black 3' with VINYL INSERT DEPARTMENT ami 14" x 39" Now Complete selection OUR of popular fixtures, LOW range hoods, elec- PRICE trical supplies. PAIR mil

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FULL .89 LOUVER DOORS CEILING TILE Cheese Slicers Reg. now Clear White WE ARE DISTRIBUTORS FOR Pine, 12"x80", CELOTEX & ARMSTRONG and others not mentioned here. IV." Thick BRANDS Come on over! STOP IN ... EACH AND SEE OUR DISPLAY I 215 SOUTH AVE. W., WESTFIELD OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK HOURS: SAT. - SUN. - MON. 'TIL 6 P.M. Prices Effective Thru May 21, 1970 TUES. • WED. - THURS. - FRI. 'TIL 9 P.M. WE5TF1ELD - n; miiiiD BUILDING SUPPLY to. FREE COFFEE FREE PARKING SU 9-1100 BR 6-4600 GARWOOD, N. J. 10 SOUTH AVE. i -' I •••:• ,f- 8 A.M. to 4 P .' , Foods • 126 Kinds of Cheese * *l •- * -


\ fPtt Wt&tFltJJb \ Chancery Tin- Sheriff reserves tin* rijrM to sented a western feature of their iljwurn ihis sal*-. ;ti-:;iiu:l I )u- oMiiU- of said dfcvusril The study of ecology prompted KJKST KJCIJKUAIJ SAVINGS -AND J1AMMI oKIsrMl.LO, Slif-rlft vvil Inn six muni hw from tlw> dull* Topples Clifton Works in Bank own creation called a "Western Ho- i»f tsiiiil I'uhr, vr iht-y will i>^ l\»r- Cryopredpitate—Jor treatment of IJJAN ASSOCIATION OK WttST- tilmstuiu* &- n"|tu\vi-r( AMyn. Mrs. Nichols * sixth grade students Down." KIKU*. a rui'iii'mUmi i>\ ih** i'liitcd V [• vi-r ham iM I'Nibiils, l>i:inr of anemia. be on display in the United Natfon- J rtvil/ i\i:Tln\ WIJIT OK KXKi'l1- r in-f 1 • •' I li;*i Liqufi Chatham. A tour guide explained old favorite Hansel and Cfretal push- •Platelets — for treatment of leu-of (be North Jersey Clwss I./oague, THIN KOI: HAJ-K t >J^ MoUTCUiKi' U'il IV I he local Piainfield-We^tfield Chess al iiynk. 45 South Man'tino Ave., how the Great S\wmi$> was loaned. ing the wicked witch into' the oven. r.i; Kim Si kemia. through May 29. I'.v \irtnr of |IM' :ihov<--st.i ti'rt urit llif Ton n i'f WrM lit-lil for nMinvjl Club toppled Clifton jn an official It was learned that water from a M «"\i'MH ifni 1<» mi* if in<< ii-ii J Nli:iH of i hi-* lift nil I >'\^\ rihut i**n Plasma — for treatment of burns lc:igue match by (he tune ot 5 to Mr. ton Eiy>eko eani-graitod to the melting glacier flowed out through and shock. United States from the Ndtafcrilands what is now known, as the J^ssaic \ "fin u-w, in Uif r«inj-L jiou^i.', in Suiiilj li< :1 r 111 |ii'j'Sufi?! lj'ihl- I p A I*.. » :M i wit u\'lui'k in x hi' ney transplants. wkUwssiid tJie tragedies of World of the water remained creating a ML t hr r.oj-fMitt h f Area winners included Albert Boc- : :i ftri I: 1 1 ar i A single blood donation will give swam/vy , area, now called the foi H-iii u':il ol(.^<" :iJ"r>r proin- M\ tr 2 and in his early teens he A I , i li^ii urn i f.r pjtrrM 1 of la rul I Iyer I .ui'M-n. 8 1 7 Slj< v r>rivi*f n^utnpl i»n lit** zar of South Plainfk-ld, He-nj-y Kiel- n MiiM's hiTPUuit t*-r p;W'ti< u- *-si Jn'hl. \. .(.. i*rrs,: 1 r:2 at IAM hope i'or recovery to five persons. •Jiitcliiuked tilirougjli all of the Euro- "Great Swamp." I.A* [jliril, siUt:U<< in tin- Town itfj on rioui* t'nifin Ccum- b\oc\i of Piscafcaway, •. and Bdwiard t:< i |\ M;JJ M'brof.k Driv-, VV* '^l tit UK N', J,( Register now as -a donor for the •peia-n coiuoiilries, incliwiing S i'i VWMlii-U\ , in thr m:iilf Tin- •s :iml ^ •MS^S Of tlie Westfiftd-Mounlainside Red Cross hmd and Spain. These 1 th#>y fill ro* WestiMeld. Draws were snared by and pencils, the class divided into IJKIN ' 1 J;TH* uh ittitl JfSi^nfil^d aw r* t •*!>• in writ hit I-J Jny t \ and tlio bloodmobUe to be held at the Tern- helped ham to absoaib the tec3i- l-»i| i::-A in lilnrU 7^1! i.n \MajJ ui* i*t, Tovvi» t'lnl: of Wi'StiirUi, pie Emanuel on Wednesday between Fred Kramer of North Plaitifield groups to record their observations. Is it \i \ U-w < 'i I .li'" WrHtJieltl, New N\ I. and Edwin Paust of Bound Brook. riiiques of ar-l and now camtidete'ly Students checked the air, water and As American as .11-r••!•>• f whii'h niiip is on 111*' in Mi*- .1., 1'rf £i(lont: the hours of 2 p.m. and 7 p.m..Reg- I" nil HI «'miniy K^'^'istiT*^ uffiru ;t* :M; Sinn h An\ Losing their games were Emil Pres- self taughf, he has developed a soil temperatures. They examined ^y ji«Hittrsl N. J Mom's apple pie ,\i.i]i #;.TI;-A il:itni July :i. ]<•*;:<. ff M istrants between- the ages of 18 and 1 surefaiist stylo of painting vrtach is in: I N'« I t In- sani< pr*.niit!' Direct ore is creaitiion. In Ins workis fonrns ap- woodland area. In the swamp area, 4th of July Ksl;Ur IM" l-IUWAIil; -U KAST- provided upon request. Ga 1 i the. The final win gives Plainficld- fHiKcil nf tli** followin{T numoU _ pt*xv as suggestive sltopcs; ligShl skunk, cabbage was in evidence in r»-r*MMirJ in Ih*' OrtiiM* of tho JNjiis- J'nr,-u;in[ lo Tlir orO'T nf MAIIVC\ sonii, -whowu iitUlre^^t^s art* net forth chapter, 321 124m St. at 232- Westfield a G*4-3'-i score in the 11 j \jf Cuji'» Cniiniv i>n Xm rmln r opposite their rrsiMH'liv** Tinmen; creeps over smilaces and dktiap- different stages and marsh mari- KANANK, SiirrH^;ili; oj* I Mr foil ill y 7090. league competition and insures the i:. 1!M;>, in Drt-il JJuok L'Mfi al JJJIK*- nT l*ri inn, ni;uii- on tht- IK! day i»i t^irnu*!** IVtru^xietla 11!4^ Kouto ( pea-rs into sQtadowy dai'knc&s. gold was ready to bloom. A9ong :•: I. M;iy A.I »-t 1S'7». IMM»II l In- ;i ppiini - #22 A!oim1ninsi l?lni*-r A, beth, Dttmont, liayonne, Bergen America, the HuMerdon Ait Asso- be in full bloom. . lioroiiKh Oicti; of aioun* i/Mltft A veiuu:, .Moiui t*ii ns ule, New County, Level- Bros. Co. of Edge- ciaHon, aJid a, foivner teafher of •Mrs. Orlo Kroiiberg and Mrs. OLDE BOURBON Jersey;- JSii-Mi-iary-Tn-asur^r: iloin^v the Bad way AH AsBocitata on, JIOtlSK, INC. X'\t ://^Ufit.Si fetUJKiM SUvct, SlJilen water, and Clifton; drew with Kwald Pardifhn, parents, accompa- (*nrmino Pft(pu«zitfMot Proa, lAIUiuJ, -Vvw YorU; AhslNtaiit Secrv- Bloonlfield; and lost to Jersey City, ;IIe plai^fiafces in the debate as t.o 1243 Haute #22 tnry & Tn-asuiTr: RUIJIULUL H. (Uynn, nied the group. Ih[autLtninside# X. J. Monlelair, and Ridgewood. wlfat is mid w3>aL jis not ail. He N>w Jersey; AHHisiant oerrtMary states, "A painter i^'ints !>€>eause v Trt'iisui'i-'r; JuJin -A. JtiMd, 706 J^eu; ^I—M— jiTiul, WVfililolil, New J*'i^y, li-is mediiwn nwviiits him to say Take notire that ITnrrjr hiuro The • hoard oL LrutitoeH Includoa: on canvas wlia*t the poet expresses hris apiilioO to tho Mayor :m(\ Coun Dr. Krnnlv T. iitll, 011 Kaat Kim- Dilorio Wins Plaque Jefferson Classes Peterson's til of the Borough of MountmnsIJe hail Avenue, Wi'tsllielU, New •I*irs4-y; wiih ID'S pen." for renewul of Plenary 1?i*tail Cow- J«M\v;irU T- D'^vii, UOO Harding Mr. and Mrs. William Aekerm'an View Operetta nn I/iooiiH** Issued 1o t lie* KehO Str*-et Wi'stiit-lti, Now Jersey; Ita- UORS for i>r*'nun(fcH HitnaloJ at p vl Dhael S- *Jlyni:f 2015 Arrow WOOL! of South Pl-ainfieW, direct distribu- mil** 22. MountJiinshlv, N. J. A ballot performance of "Itfansol Wt> SOUTH AV&WE r* i irj v<\ \V<»Klli**ldp NtHv Jur^^y; I^oe tors of Am way products, announced Three Lose Licenses Objection*, if utiy. Klumltl br» Timcle M. Half, S-0 Itnulfnril Avoiuit', West- •and Gretel" was attended by the »T£STF/CU>, NEW JERSEY immediately in writ inn tu TChnor tivU\t Ni-w Jersey; Frank Ke^Kh, today (lie awarding of a person-al The driver's licenses of three TlnlT»rth Borough Cleric of Mouu* 7«u HlKlilumi Avenue, \Vo«lileJd third grade classes of Jefferson f 1 f sales award plaque to Henry Di- area residenlls have been suspended Ni*\v Jer«t-y; Kaimii ! M. Klnnoy, -Jr., School recently. The program was Free Delivery — 232-5341 si-Kiu-a H6R Wyrhtt^jud Koatl, WeHtfl*-Idf New lorio of Westfield. The plaque can under flie slale's poim system, ac- turn* Jersey; Uob^rt J, I-hicoln, IRCTI Ccihrw given by the New Jersey Balilet Top llrivo AvtMiU4', Mountainside, N**w Jersey; l>e earned annually by any of tho cording to Hon'ald Heymarcn, direc- in. Hi^hard 11. Maxwell, Jrt riS5 1000,000 Aanway in the lor of t'he N.J. Diivision of Motor !Jlrch Avcinip, Wcstllehi, New JIM- United States and Canada by .achiev- \ HOY; Krank J. (>ortr)r 824 KimhsiH VcJii'cles. Suspended for two months !VOT Avenue, Wt*f*lHeluntaliiKW« fur reiu^vul of Wychwuud Hoiul, WenUk-lflf New Dilorio on Hie performance of his 34, of 115 Oacciolh R Suspended Plenary KMnil M^^nso No. *'-:( for J»IM*'> ; Howard Stanley, S31 I"Jr;ul- distributorship, giving special rec- for one monlUi was Unat of CJiarles Family secfan premiurenile^e s wltuuti-U ul l^!0 Jloule ^-', ford Avenue, WPSMIOW, Now Ji*VHi*y\ ftrr>iintalnsidi\ N. J. UHNBell M. Tandy, Jr., f^7 Hitfhlnud ognition to his outstanding sales W. Danlilctt, 24, of 204 Livingston Th<* nanu'H :«>H1 atWrossos of 1li ( 14 Ziihn, si Stunts Street, KlalOn Isl- OiHnU Avi\, ^'i'KlJiiOa# N. .7-; \ K'ff; and, Kfiv Vork. Where does that leave you? PIVHIIU'IUS: Alt-x I>i Pmi"'f«ro, 714 Obj4Mli<;nsr If imyt tihrjulil.hc made rcntral Avenue, AVc^tJn-IH, N. J.; iinnn^M:ililv in writing to Joy C\ as American as Close to home with your Ford Rent-A-Car dealer, F*>1ix T^I I'M-itnoc-sco, li:t Kast hnrl, Vlvrhind, Town Clerk of Wt-atllHti, Avon. N. .L; Jow-ph Ml PraiirPRr» ••-•. ; - .-•-• : •;:: ••'•• .. 1 that's where! Rent a new Ford, Mustang, or Torino ( N. J. 9-»;i icilznheih Awnup, U 0HtIIH-i( sauinns certificates I reyular passbook account for a day, week or month. Low rates . . . insurance ami HtTr*-lnry-Tr OLD-EB: .c; - -•< is**a, Mnuntalnslde Inn included. F COUNTRY K if nny. should bo Tna iMimfdUitely in wriilnj? to ^"J«r FORD RENT-A-CAR SYSTEM lloffnrtli. UorotiKh Clerk <>f Moun- rxiox COUNTY COVUT iiin.sMi1, X. .T. The highest rate of return SiiriiPil DiH-ket A'fl. 1I-7H70 I .nil is T)\ In the Matter of the Hstato of 714 Cent ra VKRA SA1SO, a/H/a VliRA SSiAHO, , N. J. in New Jersey S S1G.40 Jiy virtue of a Judgment of the 6% 2-year, 53/i% 1-year, 5%% 90-day savings certificates • Union County Court—Probate Divi- ; sion mud*- Arril 27t 1970, tho sub- IV. - ^ :;' A Minimum account $500 • Guaranteed Interest • Subject to NotUiti Uiat l-.cho fierlber. t In1 Administrator of tin? /• c:iu*> ii;(H jippticd to KftLato oi Wrri Sabn, a/k/a Voru regulations of supervisory authorities • 5% regular passbook Mini Counril nT lint T Rzabo, drc:ifcajMMl will on Monday, account • Deposit anytime—any amount • No minimum balance; TFESTFIELD MOTOR SALES fO. INC r Club t {or rt-iipwiil o "' May 25th. i'»70 at ^ u'cluck In the (over $50) • Withdraw anytime — any amount • Free transfer {if for premiFts at af(crnoon, HC-11 at public «alot the 319 North Ave. E., Westfield, N. J. d Avt'iiue, Wes , J. premises at 3H-31U jPlno Aveilue, your money is elsewhere) • DepotHs made on or before the The names ami addrensett of off.- Garwooil, New Jcrney: 10th of any month earn interest from the 1st. After the 10th eers of the cluli and the officen All that tract of l^rul more par- AD 2-3673 they 1111 respectively ure: ProHlclent: ticularly deBcribod a« follows: earnings start from day of deposit. l.!v*rs"ii F. Peiirsall. 1111 Mln^Vnlt Known, Bhown and designated Carloret Cares Moio About You • ,_ _ on a certain map entitled, "Sec" tioii No. 1, property Pitu&teti at CARTERET SAVINGS NVw Je^oy-h*loiufflu , , -,_„,.. • ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION fc p . * - * • Turk Suburban- l^uu«r -ConvpiZny* Nowark. East Orange. South Orange, Madison, Phillipsburg mndo l>y 1-M«'ln S. V»orlii»r C-R, in Aiijiuat U10II, and Illod in thv Main Office: B66 Broad Street, Newark, N.J.O7IO2 • 622-6010 OfTh'« (>f tin* Jt(*K'I«l.^r of Union All accounts Insured to 120,000 by FSLIC County at Elissnljetli, Mow Jersey, Lurgei! In Ntw Jertoy • Alien over S300,000,O09.' R«isrv9» ovar $17,000,000. UH mill by the lot munb^r« 2S3, 2S4. 2SS mul !]*(; hi Blnrk 7!1!. J.W.DANT OLDE BOURBON. J34 years of America rtotnj? tlio s;mic Imuls and prnn- conveypd to Knrent SJIIJO mxi in every drop—how come it doesn't cost more? Sriho, IIIH wifo by <1HM1 of Phidipsburg Ofiice: 122 So. Main Street • 859-5700 Katie Ileathoriu^'toii, formerly mmt wssn • 85 PROOF • © a.w. m\ DISIKLESS ca, cr Katlr CrUH^t and Jinn OH Honthor- Wain Office: 866 Broad Street, Newark, N.J. 07102.. 622-8010 (nffton, Jier litiBband tlatcd Fob- ruary 3, 1930, reconled ,1'Vtruiiry JAR VIS 13, 1930 In Hook HflG'oT lib oil R nt pap-f* 174, etc.,- also dcod 1273/H8. Salfl property will bo av for InHpQCtlon jit 1 o'clorlc in the aft or noon on tbo said May 25 th. 50 ELM ST. DRUG AND mo. Peat Moss Hyper Humus Pine Bark Redwood Bark Dated: Wr»lfleld. New Jersoy Ai>ril 27. iftTO I.AWRBNCH 1\, For Cement Work — Grouse Mix — Sand Mix in All Sizes RESTAURANT A'linlnintriitoi of tho of Vom Saho, 4-H0-4t Black Top Patch for Driveways White Marble Chips Visit Our Fountain and Dining R • ' * • • Take-notice that Clmrlos C T-n- All Types of Salt for Water Softeners Terra and John LaTerra, t/a Oliar- 11**'K Italian l>r?11c3itOHst»n of *\Ve«L- We Wish to Please field, Ii\-7-2t FPOS S12.R-1 LAWNS GET HUNGRY, TOO Hot Hot Salad JMlfapeophl AGRICO GRASS FOOD AGRICQ Platters Corned Beef Platters Thrift becauso the BOE that nourishes thorn is often low IP 50% ORGANIC plant foods. , WONT BURN $1.35 to $1.50 Sandwiches I $1.35 to $1.50 living thing needs a balanced diet to ttriv© and dis- with Cole Slaw fts trua beauty. Your lawn is no exception. including NOW including AGRICO*Grass Food containa all the essential ingredients, Rolls and Butter $1.00 Rolls and Butter American iiiiiu In tiny pellets that bring quick, new health, vigor $4.95 as Mom apple rich deep-green color to a run-down, "tired Haded" lawn! Don't settle for less than AGRICO! Homemade Hot Other July! Reg. $5.45 Baked Ham Soups Special Sandwich MOUNTAINSIDE PAINT & HARDWARE The Best with Potato Salad Sandwiches PAINT - GLASS - ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES - PLUMBING SUPPLIES - KITCHENWARE in Town $1.00 Daily CHARGE GARDEN TOOLS - SEEDS - FERTILIZERS " 660 Mountain Ave. Mountainside, N. J. LARSEN'S LIQUORS Agency for formerly Eerenson's Phone 233-5655 317 SOUTH AVE., WESTFIELD FREE DELIVERY RUSSELL STOVER CANDIES 233-2428 «r"rrwi-Ty Pulver cleaning the bas- Eagles 1 3 (Mis piowerod thc%- way to a Trenn, prom chairman and vice- Tickets will be on sale until May Uie Now Jersey Office Madiine •es wJ4h a home run. 1 3 10-3 win over tilie Blue Jays on Junior Prom clwirman respci-UwJ-y. have un- 15 in room 14G for $13 per coupde. Dealers Afisoci.11 ion at a mceling Buffalo beat Rochester 9-2 with 1 3 by Ken Roiuidtree, John Si- riounewl ihat the decorations wii 1 Only those sludents WJKJ ;ire juniors held ill. ihe Coronttt in Irvington. SPORTS Ed Griffin going all the way in a IChvls 2 I a-rtd Andy Weilew and a correspond closoiy to the (home. in iii^h school or older may attend, Ashfonh is sales manager of the of- sensational pitching effort. The of-Parrots 1 3 triple by George Aflwtartte. Baker Tomorrow Night They will consist mainly of stars and at leas! ona"C( provided by Bruce W. Aslifoiih of 3245» Pro- 1:1-4 wif.h Mary Ann Herrick. relief W h taking two games. Rich-inond was be hcM from y to 1 a.m. ;it sped Si. was ciccU^l president of Plains. led in its 9-1 victory over Charles- piLcher. Mary jano Fan-ell hit a Wioland's SI oak House, Huuto 22. perform .selections requested by Roanoke 4 o triple. Toronto 3 o ton -by the pitching of Doug Grupe Mountainside KtudvnJ.s in polls arliiuni.^rod be- and the fielding of Kevin Kilconv The Cardinals took the Parro-1 36- Hendersliott Joins Richmond 3 1 Juniors Oitil Gummings and Carol J'ore Ilie pioni. Jersey City % \ mons, and Mike D&tMonaco. They 7 and Ihe Fla Icons beat out the Blue- Independent News SEE US FOR THE FINEST IN Buffalo 2 2 took another one from Miami 31-1 jays 15-9. CUSTOM MADE WINDOW SHADES Miami 2 2 behind Tim Quilt's pitching, .lay The Peacocks, with Nancy JParter Paul G. Heiidershott has been pro- Montreal 2 2 Wolstedter and Steve Kilponen, and pitching six innings', won 20-1 over moted U> vice president, retail sales • VENETIAN BLiNDS-TABLe PADS I>an Oarnegie led in the fielding. the Doves. Nancy Harter and Carol division of the Independent News Newark : 0 3 G-oodling chalked up two home runs Co. Inc. A former wlwlt-saler, he • WOVEN WOOD PRODUCTS Rochester 0 3 Jersey Ciiy took a cliff hanger from Buffalo. 11-10. Steve Smith and each. joined the com^itfcny in 1960 as retail SBKV/Q/E • STORM WINDOWS & DOORS ^ Charleston o 4 sales director. Earlier, he served 20 OIL COMPANY Roanoke maintained its lead in (lie Steve Barker went all the way as The Bluejays held Uie Orioles to the winning battery with Steve one run in the top of the sixth to tri- years with ti*e American News Com- CUSTOM & READY-MADE {' Atlantic Division by taking" two more pany and was circulation manager OIL games for a 4 to 0 record last week. Smith driving in Jim Batnuade with umph 22-16. PICTURE FRAMES the winning run in (he seventh. Doug On the opposite field, with a score for TV Guide's Memphis and Hous- They took tlte first one from Jersey ton editions. 'HGS City 12-3 with Marc Gdguere pitch- McPherson drove in four runs. Jim of 14-9 in favor of the Peacocks af- ing five-scoreless innings, plus liit- Barnes, Joe Doolcy end Kieley ter five innings, Lois Dehls of the His promotion Is an integral part ting by Bob Mclnerney and Keith CJark sparkled for Huftfalo. Robins, made a catch of a long fly to of the substantial growth and expan- PLAINFIELD Souba. Bob Wessels and Rob How- Toronto smothered Montreal 37-2 left in the top of the sixth to retire sion program for Independent News uriik ollkeaH ard \v$ve outstanding. and Charleston 20-8. Montreal won the side. The Robins started off the Company already evident this year, WINDOW SHADE its otiier gtome over Newark 12-C, bottom of the sixth with home runs which will continue Uirougkout Wie P0LIHG KHOW5 THE HEftRT OP VOW? HEATING Roanoke took Wie second one from by Sandy Bmvfoy and Connie Smith. 1970s. Mr. HendersliDlt, a resident 303 West Front St. 754-7687 Rochester 13-6. Home runs were by lCrista.Ilau clinched the win with a here JO years, lives at fill Oarleton Plainfield, N. J. Marc Giguere and Bob IJuonanno. grand slam homer. Score, Peacocks Rd. BULK & OFFICE, David .Nort-hover, Joe Ierardi, and Full Schedule 14Jtohins 19. Steve -McCarthy made defensive The game between the Eagles #nd feats providing the basis for the vic- For Boro Girls the Owls was Called because of tory. . darkness at the end of five innings. A soven run uprising in the fourth w h At the end of four it was 9-9. The g-avc Miami -a 9-3 victory over New- Blue jays 2 2 Eagles managed to bring their total ark.. Bobby Loder, .Johr> Freeman, Canaries 3 1 runs to IG in the top of the fifth but Bob 'Fitziharris, Jimmy Kay, Fred Cardinals 2 1 a home run by Camilla Gagliano Pritehard, and Ronnie Sozio scored Doves 2 1 and a grand slam homer by Elaine Kranich, both of the Owte, brought their team to victory with a total of / t . 20 runs. .> The Parrots came through to win over the Canaries 25-23. Piatti Ludd of the Parrots hit four home runs. Total Savings on over 300 Advertised Items...Every Week! In a tight game-the Orioles come to bat in the tap of the sixth, one run behind. Anne Sammerwerck, pitching for I he Canaries, held them to no runs and eliminated the fost Patio 4, BarbetaeSah! (where batter with a strikeout. Canaries 14, USDA CHOICE-OVEN OR POT BONELESS Orioles 13. 24 IrtCH ROUND ADJU STAfitE The Owls defeated the Robins 31- Barbeque Grill ea* 15. Jackie Szuba of the Owte snared SHOP-BITE 10"X20" BOTTOM ROUND a line drive to relive the Robins in • m IT ISN'T A the top of the sixth. Contributing to ea. CROSS RJB Ihe win was -a gnand slam homer by Double Hibachi Elaine Kravich and good play by NOVEL Ellen Averick. SingleHibachi 7WEQMUNUWINFOU>mO Leopards, Falcons Lawn Chair 8 WCOMtf MJNUMFOlDtNG ADJUSTAQte rOROVENORPOT ea. FOR OVEN OR POT 09 Have 4-0 Record Chaise Lounge Top Round Roast ib. yy Rump of Beef Roast Ib. rOROVCNORPOT FOR OVEN OR POT CAT DIVISION Gtftero/ jHrnfcflnrf/« (where available) 19 W L Top Sirloin Roast Eye Round Roast BONELESS ib Leopards 4 0 M£*S PEHMA-PRESS SHORT SLtEVt, BREASTS Tigers 3 1 WHITE AND ASSORTED COLORS LEGS TREE TRIMMING Lions 2 2 Dress Shirts ea. Cougars 1 3 Ib. Pianlihers - 1 3 Chicken Parts 49* * 1 3 WkypoftnoreforBeaotyantt Health Aids PORTERHOUSE 0 4 SIRLOIN BIRD DIVISION TREE SPRAYIN* • i G W L Scope 54-oz Falcons , 4 0 Mouthwash bottle Owls 3 1 FIRST COT M A *. FROM YOUNG FRYERS SCHMIEDE TREE EXPERT CO. Gulls , 3 1 JOHttSONftJOHtBOH Ib. 49* Fresh Chicken Livers Eagles 2 2 7-0*. Chuck Steaks FRESH LEAN SHOP-RITE Rlue Jays - - - 2 2 Baby Shampoo Call 322-9109 Hawks 2 2 Ground Chuck h 79* Boneless Smoked Butts(b. 89* Robins 0 4 Ultra Brite Toothpaste The Falcons started off tilie fouatli Ground Round ft. 95* Young Ducklings m. 59* week of the Senior Division of the Miss Breck Hair Spray 59* Why pay more for fresh fraift amS vegetables M!im>r 'League wilfh a nicke up FRESH-GOLDEN scoring 2-1 over the Ow]s. FRESH-LARGE SIZE j>itrfiing by Pete Decker and Excedrin Tablets 99* rtlett Pears » 29* Douf,' Scfrlieffc-r combined with ex- OtlkaHism Krrots f»» 2&29« Pineapples coMont defense by Bill McKinkly, SHOV BITE Jim Baetfor, 'Gary HofVpock and Cucumbers^ 3for29* Brian Ma'dtfox set the sta-ge for an Canned 4-lb. c expslaive ^amc winning homei* by Ham can Mclntosh Apples ib.l9 each Doug Schlieffer in (die sixth. Mark Ciarrocoa's 'homer piSodu.'cod 4ihe ALL MEAT/ALL BCEF/MAJOfl LEAGUE CQ^ SUCEDORHALVESSHOPRITE only scare for Oie Owls. Schickhaus Franks AUFUVORS The Falcons continued their win- TH1CKSL1CED SHOP-RITE 79^YellowCHng ning ways wilih a hard fougEht 4-3 Sliced Bacon 1*. Hi-C Drinks win over tilie Eagles. Heavy lulling by Miibe Brien, Brian. IVPaddox, Peaches Steve Gfenitz artd Oliris Bauntaa higWr^hteid the offen-se. Mb. 13-oi Btoom ana Flu! Robinson cant tlie ESagle oCfense with Steve Bender LADDIE BOY 14 K -01. CAN QUAKER pilicfhing 3 sfhutoult innings. Quisp or Quake Cereal S-O7* The Leopards remained at the top 7-1 39* SHOP RITE9 INCH ot SHOPRtTE SLICED OR HALVES of tihoir- division with an extra inning SHOf-RITE «•» >& 89* 5-2 wrn over Ow Lions. Todd Keh- Cream Cheese Paper Plates Elberta Peaches 3 «:;89* Ions liomer broke tihe deadlock in the RED AU.VAT1IETIES, HUNTS SUPREMA eighl'h. Bartier Ken Koff (hit a homer CHUNKf or CREAM WHIPPED WELRO0 2 ± 69 Hawaiian Punch 3^-89* Spaghetti Sauce 4lS-*l and Kevin Kerwin an'd Jeff Ta^viares Cottage Cheese SHOP-RITE AtL COLORS. SHOP RITE aided in the atliack. The Lions scsored SHOP-BITE 1OOH SOFT box of 0 $ Aluminum Foil 75 ft. Facial Tissues 5 ^Sl ' 1 tiheir rims on hits ;by Bab Fistfibcin, Corn Oil Paul J-acfcson and Kklffli CoKoca^'s KRAFT NATURAL home run. Strong pifcdvin-g Colaocdo, 189* SHOP-RITE USDA GRADE A Jackson, Taller and Fisfabien of tlie Swiss Cheese Slices Lions an!d Havares, Kenwin arid Kel- Why pay more for Appetizers? OR logg hiigldiightod th'is g"anie. WHY PA> MOflL' Large White Eggs MIXED The Hawks befat tflie Robinis 16-0 on Schickhaus , It can manage; the trfbdhamg of Jeff Yaiteilla and Pete 'McOaritliy. Tdie offf-ense was Bologna the whole tea m high-lighted by Bruce Johnson's tiiree F run homer and the hitting of Frank A~Volbwagen Sta-' or winning 30 games.)' .^ Pearson and Ken Sur. Tom .Oasted- tone h"a'd two hits for the Robins. 'fTon Wagon will take Mt will do all that on 5 TUio Owls slipped by the PanttterS ToivnrtlN half a to:_a pints of oil instead of 5 1-0. The Ow>5' pit'chens were Tbm can uarts (Like oin 5 for Rokpsny an'd Owen Branti and the CHASE SANQORN g ^ - 9 9. defense was led by Oarlos Cardosa, Ajax i|t|t will hold nine play-,- 5instead of 5 for 20.) Pete Swicker anid Mark Smith. Coffee LAUNDRY DETERGENT , fifteen pieces of, Itwill doail that with.- Dave Nofcm and Mark Qiiolta huri- OFF ed for the Panthers. WITH WITH WITH iug'goge, balls, bats, out a radiator. (No ra- The Jaguars won their first game, COUPON COUPON COUPON •bases and a goodly sup diator, no water to boil beating tfhe Babcate 10-2. The of- over, no errors.) fense was highlighted l>y trwo home ply of crying towels. ' runs by Pete Siriilih. wiUi another by It will do alt that And finally it will do\ Don Dazzo. Otlhe-r hits were a triple by Curt .Tutzi, a double by John oil that for as little as! i v while averaging a good Fedorici and a aJn^le by O. C. CMIP0.Y $2,772.* \ 23 miles to a gallon of Havens. Pete Faiierty pilcJied three MFfl. 1AU0 lArm innings or shutout tefl. Mike Oasa- Ilir purc-iinHe of iitirriitmi' nf (II !•(*!• (11) gasoline. (A feat com- memto pitrfied three scorjess innings /*v 1-UunrI-Qunrtl hot tit c »X. OJIIlK III parable to hitting .400 Lot's play bail. for Uw Bofboats. 1 Contadina Taster • Suggested retail prlca East Coast P.O.13.. loen.1 taxes and other The Tigers edged Hie Couglars 4-2 c dealer delivery chargca, If any, additional, WhiUwalla optional at tf] by a two run homer OFp TOMATO PASTE extra cost. O Miracle White \Jrr I.lmlti Out- coupon 1K.r fiiMfUIIKT. by Kiirt Sl^ock. Jdhn Cnmp and |M 1 lr M OFF lip(in SUPER CLEANER WITH THIS c"" ' -" '' Mny 3(1. 1K7O. COUPON *;"mitt On*•*<***e n* nn K-ov-in Doll«w eaeh scoreid a run, uilTLJ TUie \y coupon per c>uKt»iiu>r. s The Cougars ?ot gtfod pitoliing frcm WITH THIS Cnupim cxnlreH Mny . i«, i»7o. COUPON »lHTiniirko| (u-|ich< ii(iillnli|«.». COUPON i \ni\ mi vn Bob Bc)H and Robert, Hoaron with «h< |.-ltlU" -heir offense led by Mac SawfaUl arid 1124-1134 South Avenue, Plainfield Normfan Ohaml>liss. Jim Alhrefcht Plalnfi.ld 6-7400 •VThOHliCO euui pitcned the fast three tamngs for 88 fcho Tigera. Not rtsponslbli for typogfipMc*! ITl.lw pllcllve thru Sntimliiy, Mny lit 7 WE mvEnnky, MAV u, F MacQoskey Going Veteran Coaches Blue Devil Nine Splits Four To Rutgers Return to Legion Trackmen Nose Out Union 66-60 Edward MacClo&key of Weslfield, Cotmmander Cieve Tranor of Post Games In Week's Play an all conference football selection #3, Westtfield-American Legion, has To Keep Slate Clean at 7-0 as well ah an outstanding three sport announced through lids (baseball com- By Curt Way ] r>-4. The Devils hud taken a 4-1 lead athiclo at Wesiiwld High Schood. has miltec that two volenan coaches will By Joe Sullivan ILee. Waning fled 4Sie sweep otf tihe 440 by avppheg Waiter tawm jn the ' im ;i JOL- Monnni^v'j- luo run humer a Thomas Turner Rarr lead the local nine for Uie season. Meeting its toughest tfhraat of tlie The Wt-Alficld toclxill team Golfers Add Two Victories Dick Hartnett. one of the original last 29 yanks.' Csfeig fijowes'wias i/i Hw sixih. to Rutgers University, season-, ft)he Weeitifiield ttinack teiam 1 four gliinrs lasl week. The diamond- coaches when the Legion league was tihiird. T-ed GKlamdns ied tlhe nine poSitt The. winning run scored on a bases scholarships are made to Rut- tw-usl\ed Iby "Union 66-60 to remain im-n defeated Union Catholic 7-2 in loatk-d squeeze bunt by Bill Napier. gers students "in good academic formed and presently the coach of 880 win. Mater Dei High Suhool in Middle- undefeated laflea- seveai aneets. The nJIK.- rn^s to advance in tlx' Ull- Jim IX-lb-IUusMj. in his first appear- standing u-lio are of good moral To Move Record to 9-1 Devifls laiso clotobeuxjd iUuiden. fcast Greg Baiaxfton mm the ion County Tom iKiniom and town, will be head coach. Harlnett, ance jftcr u injury, .started Int.* character, deserving of financial i week 83-43, end in'ad four relays low tadles, Bdan Kely wias second -c-.'jir ;>-l in tight innings. Sand- eighth inning with his second lut of and considered good pro- By Robert Pitliner Cranford provided little more com- as the coach of the Union Legion and John Grey third. petition, being dumped 15'.fe-2!&. At team, produced some of the strong- plaice at itthe Memoiia-l High ficbool wiehctl in Ixlucrh (IIUM- uins, Ihe. j iiv day. Drew Ruulolo pinch ran for for foofball." The West field High golf team Relays Saturday. *wo nMe relay Wad ttfee best wwe (.Miied in two inipurl-j ];>»:;<>-Ku.-*so. ScoU CJllin followed No. 1 Pialmer shook olT a poor start, est teams Uie counly has seen. The all, lGU-wund MacClofikey, chewed up Hillside and Cranford last This iaflernoon Waslilieflid wulil litav- ^ fihe iMemtoetal Relays. Tfoe iinl W'M eluin-; Conk-rontr with ii sueLvwdu-] .saxri/ice bunt. Gil- five over par after four holes, to He will be assisted by Al Moellcr, a flanker and safety-man for Mewtweik to run its record to 9-1. Tliis el it* Berkeley 'Heights for a dual te^n ir^n on la chackitig off 8:08.7, . i-2 and .Scotch ]i reached first as Rluuntity' third bake Dave Karaite 3-0. He preserved another veteran coach of the Union n Jersey's top scholastic football elev- afternoon .the Devils wiU travel to meet. 'Next 'Duar.sday Weistfieid wull which Is tihe best ftwk> mile retey ;i-4 in ei^hi innings. baseman Rich Fortunate bobbJed tho on, is considered a fine receiver i his undefeated record with a 42. Lay, County Legion League. •Moelter West Orang> jTiiijiii id home againsl. LiU'd a double steal. Monninger j u-ho have seen him in action. F*arley and Mass at 3 and 4 hadin ]957- Since then he was instru- Hillside was erased 18-0 at Echo meet ihelped WesUaeld ttowii Union. kept tiie lefaiti wiiitli em exceSleWt time 'lilt iX-vils nnit- wjliMiiionaliy walked. With a one ! hi addition to his gridiron talent, easy 3-0 wins, i'lai ley's 41 was themental along witii F\reenman, Norm Lake Country Club as Bobby Lay low of the d-:iy while Mass struck the Koury and Marty Burke at different SetQi Bakes and Hu$h Itoibdison fin- Of 2:00.9. cd 7-1 in ;m earlier i .vlrike cmim on him. Napier put the kjoihail co-uaptciin is a l.oj>no(ch and Steve Crystal led the rout with TJUI bull superbly, but run into putting times to bring to Westfield nine ished a dramatic one^two in tlie pole iEUjb uian nexit and was dkx&ed in is iho only n^iiJarJy Kvn a squeeze bunt Jo give the competitor in baseball, with a no 37's. Lay 'began his round on the troubles en route to his 43. Crystal counly cliampionshipjs in 13 years, vault to give WestsKeSl "fihe winning 2:04.4, as Seton (Bali took tihe lead. cd }{anu:. The Di\i[ nine ! Devils the victory. hitter to his credit this season, and fourth hole and used a \vA putter to could l>o njrliciiwitiiiK in toiinianiwu John J'fwffer pitched two K-orc- in indoor track, running Ihe 440 and came from belmul to win 2-1 in thethree district championships, and points. fiWilih ith& ibar alt il feet, only Jon Wrfcrns (pan *he JaSt leg stay even par until the fin-al hole, wan runnerup to the state chanson- tliree c«m3>etitors wore 3eilt in'Sihe 2:01.9, but could not catcii lilies. .-'M-diiL'.-illy (he Union Conn- lcss relief innings io pick up hisaao. birdieing the fifth and bogieing the fifth spot, and Bruce Smith, playing iy, S!.;iU\ or (Jivater Newark tour- ! first win of tho season. Pfeiffor was footl>all coach Gary Keh- in his first in-alch, won 3-0. s-hips three times. This year the event. Botfli 'Bakes (and -Uie 'Uriiori ninth along the way. However he team will be picked from Westfield with liis iirst loss in theler. a Kutgers graduate, says: •Last season Westfield defeated vaulter cleared ^Hie {hedglht on UieSir TAG dietance ime<(Uey also f imslioi pulled a four iron and took a bogey. Senior High and Holy Trinity. first atteampte. Robison missed IKS Against t'nion Catholic WVvrffield R:ihw:iy jiania. " 'Skoeter' is an outstanding athlete Crystal's round was a model of West Orange fairly easily, but the setoond. Handza led off vMi ia 3:20.4, came f((j;ii behind to tic the #ame finst. On 3iis mcxt, Kobison .put tip a Against llahway. \W\slfield lost a with excellent football sense. He is consistency, containing eight pars West Orange Qineup was slocked 3/4 aeg iseid put .WesHifieM (ia iuid w(/n with it Jive run ninth. a natural." great eJUbit fan»d easSly oleaireid ihe 20 load as the Indians scored throe and a single bogie on the sixth hole. with underclassmen and the match mid ikt&t is where the Dev^lis Joe a is ^' bar. Biases was aiexjt iand ftie cori' ten men to (he plate in runs in the >t»vi*nth. The Devil start- Associate head coach of football at It was easily Crystal's best round of could be closer than <*x]>ected on the iained. Ihe 440 relay Msiied tiic ninth, capitalizing on three hits or was sophomore John Havas, nrak- Rutgers, Frank Burns, feels that beautiful Itock Spring course. tinued Ii5» 'hot day by also the year. Sports Magazine over. Feanttart of Uniwi, iUien rra aini four Union (Catholic errors, "dug his varsity appearance. He iMacCldsKeyVilTWe a top candidate Monday the Jinksmen will play Bob Palmer and Joel Farley, at al Itttiree of iliis isJhotLs at Itihe bar mid AVcntfleld OH, Union CO Cii.v) Johnson, the leading Devil pitciiid four impressive scoreless for the freslinian team next fall. over Canoe Brook Country Club 100—a, Blackwell, U; 2. Pahner. W; No. l and No. 2, played the longer Weatliield had fljh-e meat Won. hilie-r. wont two for five and drove j innings, strfking out six. Pfeiffer re- against Summit in a makeup of the 3. Terrell, U; tiinie dO.O. i back nine, and saved their drama Honors Ketcliam 20(^—1. JBlaiekweJl, U; 2. FcnneJl, Jioinu Hu first two J'tin-s. A two out '.Jiovecl Ilaras and easily sot down for the 18th green. Palmer rolled in season's opening contest which was Marc fltolia-nd 'also iput up la cLvbdx W; 3. Palin«VW; time HU&. first inning single scored Skeele-r | dat out ihis OomsSs- 2:05.2 preserve the shutout. In the Districts, a team or indi- ments of three-time All-American Jim VVheaton tt> jnakc it 2-2 after Lenfc iciaamnate Ed Morton, m^io also runs. Paul Mass bogied the first tliree vidual must be in the top three to swimmer John Ketcham of West- 3. WiHWajns. W; time 4:^9.4. six inning. The Devils wore defeated 5-4 in Colonials 2-i cloaa-^d 6 fecit. holes, Wfcn settled down to an even qualify for the state finals. The past field, as tlie national weekly sports Two Mile—d. Gooel, U; V. Calvort, Maet'lo^kcy, who pitched four eight innings by Scotch Plains after W; 3. Coa.t«, W; time D:&7.8. The West field Merchants par pace for five holes, but he fin- Iwo seasons the Devils have been Tom 'MjaidDoiwell rson set Wesleyian viansity swinruniiyg teasn HUort Pint—1. Corrleiun, U: 2. L,elt'/, After losing a throe run lead in The only runs wore scored in the (I; 3. Mult, ."W; dUtanco 5^-8- Ihe Devils down to their fifth dofeat. tot finished its third consecutive M'orv Wlialey was a double win- Dlacus—.1. Gttuct, U; Z. the seventh to Montclair, the Ucwils fourth on a idtoufole by 'Vony Fdtti- Tennis - Golf Mrs. Graham Wins came back with a run in the bottom The Devils- have a 9-5 record and sefaskn wilih a $-1 rekxwd in dual ner for 'the 'Devdtfs. 'He wcai 4Jie 120 U; 3. IMIHH, W; dirfifiiiLte aoe. pa-Idi, a walk and a bombing iniple fcigh liuiidlos (and Iflic 380 low hur- Hii-^1. lnieLdlnir, U; e. M of Hie eighth to edec the Alountics arc 4-3 in U»e Wlatelumg Conference. Registrations At Echo Luke meets and for the tihird season •II, W; 3. (Dliun'oiulf U; dlalanco off the bat of Bill Wopctok. plolceki se'eonid in Uie New Englan'd dles. Wiwley easily "outdistJaniccd !iis 1V6.1. .COliOiNIAUi Mountainside — Registrations for Mrs. W. Graham, pasting 90-22— swimming tournament. The badt- foes fin fbotfli iriaiccis. Ho took the WtK»H Jump—tl. irolliind, W; 2. Mi Jt II G8, won the Stroke Play qualifying l»u, W; JJawentee, U; holgn. AV; nlfstvuico 19-2. IJrookrt c. 4 0 3 •Westfield swept Uie 680 to score Pole Vbuilft—,1. itakoH, W; 2. Robl- be held M'ay 33 at Echobrook. TCiere nament at Kcho Lake Country Club team for all tliree of IQiese yeans. son, ,\v; 3. JRtflnilwurt, U; helfflit l'l-6, Kinio lb A d 0 will be beginning and advanced last week in Class A, a crucital mane points. Rick Sliajw l-Y.-mk -U) 1 0 I He won ei$*t individival New led itihrough motet of lihe Ha^ce, but WcMtfteld f«, JJndcn 43 With an 11-0 Slate for Season l'.rosk rf 2 i> 0 classes and the age groups for each Other scoros were: Mrs. J. Witike, 1,00—l. Ciomnfckl, JU; t2. Pblincr. W: rottl'-;iiK> if 4 O 0 of these instructional programs are 90-19—71, and Mrs. II. Clausen, 93- England championships in the past (ell foohinjd on the last lap. On Uie3. V). Oleuin-iclci, time 10.0. Koiustki ss ,. 4 0. J. 10 to 14 and 15 to lii. Time of regis- three seasons including the 200 and last bit of straightaway, Sliiaw Utnst 4^ia—tl. Waning, .W; 2. Brawn, W: By HSoger Bell ing. winning 0-2, fi-1. With the ex-Miller fi.b 1 0 0 22—71. Low Pu'Dls, (lie) Mrs. N. AV; 3. Pulmoi-, W; Itme KJ.O. Kl.vnn pr-2b 0 O 0 tration for tennis will be from 9 Woldon, Mrs. J. Reid and Mrs. K.100 yard breasiUiokeB and Uie 200 on 'flie oultiside *x> wlin Uhe IXtt—J. S. Clemnlcki. L; 2. Fcnncdl, ception of the Metuchen match, Gil- (riicr \i Z 4) 0 Bowes, W; tiiano G5.<6. The Weslfield High tennis squad j a.m. to 12 noon. Golf registration Maxwell, 30. yiand irtdivMuia'l medley in eatSi of in 2:05.2, Tim (Rub twas 6*o lic and Smith have been untouch- Ma I'li.-i k ph 1 0 0 ilio past two seasons. He holds close in second tliat 'he flitfd dihe iden- S80—1. Ka,inina, W; 2. Weliorter, brought its slate to a perfect 11-0 i L;tiifow.s-kJ p 0 O 0 will be from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Efach Ctass B, Mrs. N. Gordon, 95-26— ; 3. lA-fflot-k, W; tilmo 2:0S able. Wesley*an vartsity and New DngJand tical lime, Bob Tlioinpsoii wias a iis Pingry fell 3-2, Linden and Moun- program will consist of 10 one-hour 09; Mrs. V. Fisher, 93-23—75. Low •Atile—il. Koiuch, L.; S. The hard hitting Mease showed 31 0 ~4 retoonds in earfi of the tfiiree events close-up third an 2:05.3. W: ;t. GUI, W; tlano A:U. tain Lakes were defeated 4-1 and lessons at a fee of $7.50. Putils, Mrs. C. Doerr, 2(J. Two Mile, l. I'Yrrtltiuwicz, Is, 2. his skill with a G-3, 6-2 win. McMlan- ATJ ft ' IJ ond is part of tho the Devils chalked up their sixth Tom Hfcmdaa iand -TOTTI Fenaiell, W; '3. Oliewoy, W; tiiut igal domonstratcd groat poise as he }i[iivi\ ss -! 4) 1 Tom CaJalon and Sue Schmit, wlio Class C, Mrs. W. Alcxson-, 100-29— 400 yutfi metfloy relay tdam. lliffli Huiyilee—il. Grey, TV; shutout against Hillside last week. came back from a 6-2 first set de- KrowMer 2b 1 ii 0 ran the tennis program last year, 71; Mrs. W. Cue, H0-31—79, and botlh isoorcd oome-tfnom-beSvaid 'vic- ]>Uiikt:L p •! U Z will again be the instructors for this ; 2. inimffc-rJlji, L; 3. Saxby. Both Pngry and Mountain Lakes feat to win the final sets 6-2, 6-2.Flttinnldi rib '1 fl 1 Miss C. Slilwell, 309-30-T9. Low During the JO meet schdulc oF tories in the male land 440. Hanjdza 11^0 I-Hffh J-ltirtllC4i—-j. Grey, \V; 2. were big wins for the netsters. l)»mlx'l«'« ])r ., . a 1 0 year's program. Putts, Mrs, K. Hill, 30. the 19G0-70, Kcitcham won 15 fiaist tiraile'd Union's Dia-ve UHmigh- (Me) FlnscrHufi. L, and aiixi>y, W: The team of Larsen. and Katz con- 1 time Hi.7. The Devils turned in a sparkling H;tinT (• •! 0 0 out Wie irate. On the last turn , Hland- tinued to play well with a 6-8, 4-6, Gary Scliiffrin, a well qualified Class D, Mrs. P. ISobick, 108-34— places, ttiree secon'ds and was a U-KO IJOW -HiipieR—.1. raxton, TV; 2. performance against Pingry, one of KHly, W\ 3. Gvoy, W; tl-ino 2-1.(7. 6-2 win. Krakora, playing a skilled Woji iaU )T , ! 0 ] golf instructor, will be in charge of 74; and Mrs. It. Duncan, 103-34—74; part of seven victorious relay tens. za .put "on la (great (burst- ito sweep their toughest competitors and noted ItanuMI if 2 W [) the golf program. past Fioiro to win In 4:39.4. Shot Put, 1. Mkrtit, W; 2. Hiuitt. W: Dave Palmer, lost G-3, 6-2. :i o o Mrs. D. Eaton, 109-34 — 75. Low Ait bhe Now Enfilands he was ti. ll-oouer, \*\ OiHiu-nci'-Jti^tyi. os a tennis power. Joe Krakora, 'J)|8OII«-H1. Putts, Mrs. N, Koop, 20. Medalist, awarded die Robert B. Mudr Award, •Fennell started qudclcly, but soon Itllijw; W; •>. Mop.sick, atfain playing top slot, was dropped Conference foe Hillside had little Totals ;\z » u L; 3. M'tirnyak, U\ iWstan«-c I'M. Mrs. N, Gordon, net GO. given annually to the senior who ltas Ji^vcslf-n—il. M-arjmu-cll, W; X. Was- 8-(i, 6-^. Steve Mease captured Uie artillery to cope with the Devils. gave -way (to (Bill TcrrelJ. iFennell Krakora won 6-0, 6-1, and Mease Weekend Results compiled the nwst points in his looked like ia beaten limner as theytiilcno - s. . h; 3. l-Miifforllii, JL; 8-22—76. Robinson; &ix shirts by Bob Bigg-io; irmul Made CignTM, ]lmiild<»r In the nine hole group, local play- steel tapes by Ward" Goniflno; adult Frrsli games by Bill Napier and a "booby" |)OIII«'Hi>T. A illo imii WSW with full deluxe FULL ^irrcwimUlc trniiNiiitfltflon, torwntlo irnBttittlKnlon ond hn« a truly botnitlful prrnoufil cur fur wlicel dtnem. Thitt car Is a one mtt of .nearly•neir tjr«tn> The con- ner honoring more than 90 West- owner with SS50O0+ mllCM. A real rndio, Ii either, power stccrlofi: and the illHvcrnlD^: inillvlUiiah t PRICE WSW tlrcii, rfltl6u of thin truck mvat be accn field High School Senior latter win- hrnutv. ncnmlnder of Kord cx- $1,180 to be appneclntcdl ners. power tralu "warranty PRICE 2>I,54D FULL FUU PRICE $1,440 PRICE PRICE $2,190 '67 GALAXIE 500 $980 Thai Beats NEW Turquoinc with white top, Imiuac '68 MUSTANG GT OLDSMOBILE uln

* • ,- - win as they edged the Sioux 4-2. 12-2, and Phoenix 19-2. HenshaU, [ son for the Stars. Spencer Bushy pitched the win and Kosster and Swan continued tiicir j Blue Stars Lead W Mustang League stole home in the third. Their sec- fine pitching, and Hivve Schraiuni ' Orioles — 5 0 SPORTS I ond meeting of. the week produced had four hits against Phoenix. Chris | Tigers 3 In Second Week another win for the Pawnees 18-8. Frey excelled in the field, and Krit: | Boro League Yankees 2 2 Craig Alexander's five innings of Suller provided some excellent base i Twins ~ :\ Tennis Club Pirates Unbeaten Errors plagued the Chestnuts in five hit ball, suppcrled by a 15 hit Indians - J ir loss to the Roans in the Mus-Pawnee attack w-ore overwhelming. Spokane stayed on the* hods of the Blue Stars Sox 0 •\ tang League last week D-7. Jim Fisn Miners included Tom Ifcubsch with 4 loaders with two wins, over Port- 9 The Yankees slaughtered llu? Splits Matches In National .ytartcd for the Uicslnuts. h\A was and Hoy Parrott with 3. 5-2, jind Vancouver 7-G. Mike Pioneers 2 Turns Ji(-4 in Hie Si-niur relieved \iy Scott Slumber. Lloyd Mitchell pitched superbly in both Mounlainc(T.4 2 The WesffiLeOid Tennis Oub Abided w L T Harris' two hils, with Stemfoer's and games, striking out the .side throe • * • - 3 Tom F.imil |>ik-hcd. iviih irip!;-.- l.y two mlatdhes over (jhe weekend.' Sat- Pirates 5 0 0 Fisli's doublets W(*re ncA enough to innings, and hit a grand .slam home Mustangs 1 4 liud -M;ixwc!l iind MiNe Oonclhi. uttBay tihey traveled to Nu'tdey where Cubs 3 0 2 overcojii? Uie Roans' lend. Two Undefeated run a&iinsl Vancouver. Jim Persons Mountainside — In Major Leslie MiUe Krcor pilohrH \v» 11 Wctlrns- the home fwc&s prevailed 5-0. Sun-Phillies 4 1 1 •Don Ciliotia's one hiUer (fave tlio had the big bai with u triple and n action tost week, the Pioneers on!- cl:.!y niiilif hfjifitm out day, home oookiung -wias to ih^k- 11k-Dodgers 3 2 0 Chestnuts an 8-0 victory over tlw In Pacific Play home run. slugged ihe Chiefs iMt aided by T 1. Hich Fennel did a I) ing as tihey took the measure of Mefcs "2 2 1 Pacers. Frank Molinaro collected 2 Phoenix dropped two games, after P. Toft us' line d-rive homer in ine j>il<-l>rn!£ for I he Indians. A)-''. W.irk Berkeley 5-0 to break even for the 1 Giartts 2 3 0 hits, wiliile Lloyd Harris, John Wil- W h winning their firs-'I two, Mark Kaiser fifth inning, the first of the season. uvrit* v.'ho played i")v>\ IJ."IM* l^ " in the-New-Jersey Tennis Braves 2 3 0 son, Jim Yish, Kevin Kdly and Sacramento 4 0 had two home runs, and Ktiiser, Jeff In a well pitched game. theMoim- t.1 lir.-t linu1. Gary Becker all Ivid one hit. ompetition. This weekend Gauds 1 4 0 Tulsa 4 0 Kasher. and Tim Kennell pitched taineers edged the Mustangs 5-4 de- The l?cd Sox protested I he Ti^iTs' the Haoqirefcs C&ub of tat Hills Red Legs 1 4 1 Behi'nd the pitching of Kevin Am- Spokane 3 i spite fine defensive work by Mus- 2-1 vielr.ry Tittirsdny evening. will- com© ibo Wes^leOid Satunday and brose, the Stallions trounced the tangs' center-fidd«i\ Gene Tulchin. Astnoe . .• 1 4 1 San Dii'go 2 } San Die«o stayed in strong con- *Siilna!ay'.s two games saw tin- Or- Sunday Park Iiakes mil be here. Palominos H-G. A strong attack was tpnfion with a 7-2 win over Phoenix, The Blue Stars shut oul the Vilv The leading Pirates oonttoued their Phoenix 2 2 idles' well l,;i!.-inctd attack UKH i; led by John Grindlingcr and Bruce in?s 5-0 with fine pitching perform- ; Saitufldiay's scores: JIM COONSILMAN Waco l' 2 and tied Waco 7-7. out i-iir V-inks M-L . I.'JU Ahititineili winning ways in I he National League Koenecke with 3 hits apiece. ances by J3iH 'Mijcke :md S(e\po Sirigles~-jGy Ranker (tNutley) d. Salt Ijalce .' 1 3 Salt lake, after three onesided r.f \}v- Ori(.lcs nitchcd -'ill Uu' way last week by ibeafcng Itfie PJiiliies Tho Palominos put togetlior two JJchaaf, putting the Blue Stars in Bill Foreman, 10-8, 6-1.; Rene Bor- Seattle 1 :i losses, snapped back in their fourth u'ilh Tom K;HT^1! OJ 1 lie- \':iiikc:\< 9-6. The Plirates came up wilih sev- big innings at tho stall of the game, first place. er t-N) d. PJtil Jgicfeofcts, ^3, 4-6r Indiana Coach Vancouver 1 3 game with a 17-9 win over Portland. Ilonrckt-r ;il 6-2; Maiik Manner (NJ d. Dick Arn- en runs with two outs in- the iast scoring 10 runs and piling up a lead In a slugfesf. the Chiefs overcome inning on' sooi{ !lz^i!rr itjct\ j>ul! WVA Hie 'J'wiits ,ilKi:id of Coifoet* (N) d. Chuck Stfimit-Doug Belford. and Miku Crosta. Fred Biindy, then beat Seattle 8-7 Spurred on by Boh McC'iirty's Iio- runs etaoh. couch at Indiiana Univeiiaity 'will be Scott St umber of the Chvstnuts hitting of Moresco, lYIulholo, and I he Indians 7 0. Trrry Oui tin of Hit* Squires, 6H1, 7-5. dhe speaker at tine tiirrd amiu-al A01- wiLh four runs in the seventh. I>an Murray. Vancouver, while losing me'r to lt/1 center in [)w third in- Indians t/!;iv/d \yv\] ;H i"i»>t Sunday's scores: Hun scoring hiiU by Jeff S4emJ>er, pitched a one-Jiiftor, striking out *) Rindcn pitched a i'iae game for the ning and fine pitching hy 35ol) Gil- John OuiVall anil Craig Sitar broke Sports Awtefd- J>inner sjX>nsoi»d by two games, got strong hitting from Siiigles-flBill .Foran'an (W) d. Tefl Kuckeycs (0 win 8-4. Don Ciliotta. winners, and Bundy, Koblentz, Bau- lard, the Viikings boat the? Mustangs a 7-7 tie in fche sixith and powered .Uhe -Weatfield Sohool Boosters Asso Mike Pluznick and Neil Heiier. Conn, 6-2, 7-5; PHiii Jaeate d. Uayd Harris, Scott Stember and er, and Tweedile supplied the bat- the Phils to a 12-7 win over the oiiation ait Wa^Kand's Steak Hoosc, Jim Fish got hits to help the Chest- Barny Hclfimian, 6-1, M; Didk Arn- ting punch. Brad Siep pitched four Astros. Stomfoer, winning pitcher, Motwitiainislde, ^Miay 27. nuts post their first win, Harry Jrwin of the Pioneers con- More Sports old e first, vid Jtforesco had three hits. TO BUY OR SELL, USE Doubles — -Geange EsposiUOiHeui) sity in 1957, Counsiliman ivas •watten and some good relief pitching to ! Graig SMner had four hits and Joe Bruce Koenecke pitched G innfaigs of Sacramento showed a finely bal- GciW i s have captured 77 Caber, Mark Mac-Donald, Selznick. •Mitchell of 325 Woodland Ave., is a LARSEN'S LIQUORS game arid Itob Pa'liorty, Tim Kenny, individual Big 10 lottos, 35 NCAA Steve Harrison, Mark Sheeh'iin and member of the 1970 Lawrence Uni- Eric Syvertsen, Mark Dugan, Dave titles, 11 Pan-American champion- Brad West, excellent defense by formerly Berenson's versity track team. Mannino arid Brian Sanders hit. ships -and 12-Olymipie gold med'ats. Dave Goldstein* and base running by With five lettermen returning from With the Otfbs le'ading 3-1 in Uie This does not include Hie l*J70 sita- Bill Krovcc contributed. a team, which last year finished sixlfli, Don BruneKito and FVtlierty tisliics. 317 South Ave. • Westfield second to Garloion College's Mid- The Apaches routed the Seminoles scored on a hit by Kenny. Cou]i9ilman came to Indiana from 17-3 behind the 8 strikeout pitching across from the railroad station west, Conference championship For Uhe Cubs, Nick Sidoralys pit- team, coach Gene Davis of Law- Copland Sbalte Tffadicrs wlicre his of Bill Muth and Hank Euccino. Be- ched wefll. Bob Niaully, Nick Sidorti- •teams won 35 of 40 dual meets and hind (he two liit pitching of Tuck 233-2428 rence University looks to the season OPEN 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. MON. THRU THURS. « 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. FRI. AND SAT. with optimism. ik-s and Scott Jones oach Kot twofour 'league ifcitles in five yeairs. Marr tho Clierokces defeated the hits and Jrm Be-ldier's double in the The 49-y^ar-old ccath was aiaisod in Seminoles 17-3. Hil'ters for the Cher- Mitchell, a former Pingry School sixth gave tlie Cubs their lead. okees wore Jod Beardsley, Steve atliilele, is a javelin thrower for the St. Louis and was grtaxlufcted from The Politics, beflviiid Uie ^tding Ohio Sttsttc in 1047. He captained its Schneider, Charlie Jones, Jim Bark- Vikes this season. The conference er, Frank Boale and Put Banes. meet, which climaxes the season, of Joe Delia Badia and Doug Yearly, NOAA 'championship squads of 1046 will be May 15 and 10 at the Knox Kupper, John Krakora, John Gar- and 1947 and won Big Ten and The one hit pitching of Pete Lewis track in G-alesburg, 101. falJ, Tom- Myers and Jeff Stember NAAU breaststroke crowns. Counsll- led tiho Cherokoes over the Hurons each had three. For the Red Legs, inan' com^P'Ietcd his M'astor^s Dogroo 26-5. The Cherokcos got 21 hits in- Legion Calls For Bob Flaherty, Bob Rickey, Kric Sy- at Illinois in 1948 'and earned a Ph.D. cluding 4 each by Jed Boardsley and Why is Fleischmann's vertsen and Tim-Kenny Itad two hits. from Iowa in 19,%, sowing as assis- Tuck Marr. Roger Harley had 3, Baseball Signup Jeff Sbapard hit an ex'cibin'g triple tant coadh at bWih indt-itutixms. while Tom Cieslik, Pat Banes and in the sevenlth inning, The Boosters wiil 'honor all bi'gfh Steve Schneider each had 2. Moeller, baseball manager of The Dddtgere and Gi'anLs had one The Pawnees picked up their first the local Legion Nine, has issued school spor-ls and spoi.ts-frelaitod of Blieir annitiai ofcifitaigers watii groups such as tUie Wa-nd, cheer- the first call for players interested Hie Doclgdns winindng 6-5. Hititing for in trying out for the team. The first leaders -aitd 'bwidens active during s'chtfol preferred in half gallons ? lihe Dodgers were Bill Hunziker and tlhe 1069-70 school year and will have The Boosters are contacting the signup will take place at the Amer- Staipper Bode wOUh two lidits a-nd Jodvn ^^mmmmm ican Legion Home on North Ave. as special guests the senior of all parUoipamts in 'all si>orts 'and thei-r vAith tht'ee foa* four. Ha-nk • groups, The sertiors will receive a piarents in eontiection with the din- Sunday at 1 a.m. All are urged to provided same aflert base bring their J)irlh cei1ifi'oaU\ Boys Booster arwptixl and scholarship grants nor. Further.information mpy be ob- .'rTwn Anslbro and'Joim B-'al- tained'by contacting George ftoh'nel- i ' who have lTot reached their 19th I •will be'proseinitcd'ld two "boys md -* ^ birthday by Aug. 1 of this y&sxv are da;m« up wiUi fialdiing gems. a gli1l selected tfrom a list of qu-ali- |ly, 232-70&4. The ticket chairman is eligible. De-nfensively, bwo putouts at home field sluden'bs furnished by Uie feign• George Polman, 233-6538. in the ftai inning by Billy Hunaike saved the game far tiie Dodgers. Westfield Tennis Club Witth a six ntn third innin g4ihe Defeats Orange Lawn Boiaves downed filie Cards 74. The EravtJs were led by Uie hitlLimg of Half gallon. Everyone runs out The WestfieW Tennis dub's "A" Mark Oaproil and Pete Burns and the m sooner or later. Eun out later. team opened its season May 6 with pitching of Oairwl. Aftea* Jon Oowies MANN'S a 3-

For 1be Beit no* Selection *f Tobacco*, Smoker*1 BE THE FIRST TO ENJOY THE LUXURY OF THE STARTLINGLY NEW & UNIQUELY DIFFERENT 1970 Concave grip. So easy to handle, even your wife can lift it.

Qiilyat RAWSON CADILLAC QUICK Starting LAWN MOWER ii Money saver. QUIET Operation At LOW ANTI-INFLATION Prices! Dollar for dollar, ounce for ounce, FINGERTIP Handling our half gallons are your best buy. LEASING RIDERS! with NO MAINTENANCE-TIME WAITINQ


JSiyBJC^B.TmiBtITQil|.p.,J(;M.TXFltK* A. AAaOCIAODBU 1** * >• 510 PARK AVE., SCOTCH PLAINS. N. J. (301) 333-400^ 1120 South Ave. W., Westfield 232-5341 VfEfflitmA) *ttJ.) ERS. Home runs by Katiliy Kan-ins shutting out the Angels for 4 innings. and -Martha MiT.z plus 4 put-oats by Connie Tweedle and Mary Ellen Mrs. Nielsen Wins SPORTS A-nnmarie Gottlick b&at the Cougars RiU5so blasted home runs for the Nine Hole Event 7 lo 6. In the second game Patty Chargers. Lambert pitched hvr tfliird victory of JETS 13. WHITE SOX 12. Liz Mrs. EXigar W. Nielsen's 36 won a the season as the Braves beat the James bailed in the .winning runs nine4iole tourn-ament at Echo Lake Browns 7 to 6. i'cr the -lets in a v«ry close game. last week. Other scores were: Ciass Close Races In Girls Softball 1 A, Mrs, Roger Coney, 38; Low Putts, ASTROS OUTSLUG CUBS AND ('oNtrroutinjj hits to the Jets win were Cyndi Downer, Jeanne Kal- Mrs. Clark Donovan-, 16. Class B, NATIONAL LEAGUE , PIRATES BEAT METS. 7 to •1 COL'GAKS. Carrie and -Margaret 1 Mrs. John Michaels and Mrs. A. K. Western Division Solid liilting by (he •- Taruivlj tsitli ht;d 3 hits in beating hueher, Denise Elbeck and Gail I'ctz. Gustafson, 38; Mrs. Jolm Brennaa, VV L and weak hilling by the Mels re- the C.uiw J8 to J of ] kowski pituhed a line game for the Epstein Wins State WITH FASHIONED PRICES Lions I 3 pitching for the Packers. the ."-Hi Uy tic the; game, however tlm Giaiu.s 0 2 EasU'rn Division Browns iniiiied a rim across in the Epee Championship Seals 0 *> W boLlom ,of ihe 5\h lo win y lough one. K1CD SOX 4. SENATORS 3. The Hod Sox lied ihe game in the Vast At the Santelli Fencing Academy K<:ds 0 2 Ilnaves CAIil)r\ALS ROLL. Behind th'-ie 0 inning on the hitting of Lynn Whit- in Rutheford Saturday Irwin Bern- VIKINGS KOUT MODS. 25 to 7. Astros 3 0 sneclaculiir pitching of Harbara Mul- moyur iind UWJI went on to win in stein captured ti3>e Epee State Cham- Triples by Both Edt'lblut, Mary Mar- holland who allowed only 4 hits and Browns 2 fho scvonlii as Hdlary Dravis battec pionship with a won-'lost record of garet Davis; the .solid hitting of Cin- Cardinals 2 team effort al the ipLale the Cardi- AY-FRIDAY SATBR in Janice Pitfman. 6-2 in the final round. This is the Kirmcy and fine pitching by Mis- Bearcats 2 1 nals heat the Biurclevtls ](» to 2. fourth time in 12 years that Mr. BEARCATS TAKE TWO. In the TIfiKKS 9, SENATORS 3. Behind sy Stommlor overpowered the Reds. Colts 2 "til the 4th inning Hie Tigers put Bernstein, a resident of WestfMd, firs! yamc the Boa reals out slugged •Ami Rowland an<\ Cheri Hunch star- Cubs I 2 across 7 runs on Ihe hitting of Sue has won the title. In addition to ac- the Dodgi*r.s lo win 12 to A. 'Hie .sec* red for the losers. Hlue DsviU 0 '3 Hoff and Carol Ijarino, tively competing in fencing, Mr. ond jLpmc was a .shutout as Miry eas- LION'S JJDGK SEALS. 11 to 10. Cougars 0 ,'} TKJERS 13, PILOTS 6. R6bJn.Ouii- Bernstein is the executive chairman ily beat the Cubs 14 lo 0. LJiloen Jackson's grand slam and 2 Dodgers 0 'A ningham and Karen Smith combined of the New Jersey Division of the AMERICAN LEAGUE run homer for Hie .Seals made it a COLTS WIN TWO. Stacey Laivcn for 8 RBI's as the Tigers continued Am&teur Fencers League of Ameri- W L game but the Lions prevailed. pitched a shutout against the Cardi- their winning ways tw remain wide- ca. ST. JOSEPH'S KOYALS HANG ON TO BEAT nals to win 2 to 0. It was the hitting Indians 3 0 ! fcated. Reg. 39c Tigers 3 0 GIANTS. U to 8. ftohin Piosco sock- of Barb Fuller and fielding of Kathy PILOTS f>, WHITE SOX 1. Spec- Charters 2 0 ed 2 triples and pitched well to con- Aloia, Mary Beth Sheridan and Ka- tacular defense by Carol Harboiigh BABY Orioles 2 1 Denver Keeps iribntti to HID Hoyals' victory. A late thy Cliristiansen that enabled the and Nancy Chenitz coup/led with Sue GARBONA Yankoos 2 1 inning Giant rally on the hitting of Colts to beat the Dodgers in the sec- Boston's pitching held the Sox to CLEANING FLUID ? Taylor. Betsy Allen- and Ste- ond game. Pilots 2 1 one unearned run. Slate Clean ASPIRIN phanie Jasuto fell short. BRAVES WIN TWO SQUKAK- Anjje-Ls 1 1 Red Sox 1 2 Denver 4 C Jots 1 2 Ghcety Hits 627 St. Paul 3 1 Twins 1 2 Wichita 2 2 Athletics 0 2 In Suburban Loop Flint 2 2 REPLACE White Sox 0 2 Al Chcely took the play away from 2 i Senators 0 2 the big guys of tlte Thursday Night Omaha 2 2 ORIOLES 11, TWINS 8. A home- 875 Suburban League ias-t week by Columbus 2 2 THOSE run by Hope Canfie*lall for the Yanks. behind. Five teams follow with an BAG ALUMINUM GUTTERING. PROPERLY IN- INDIANS 7, YANKS 6. Behind the even record of 2 and 2. hilling of Joanne jAindy and Mary McAuIiiTc Awarded In beating Wichita, Matt Henna STALLED BY OUR SKILLED CRAFTSMEN. (Not Ann Parsons .who hit -a homo run fanned 11 while Graney, Gallon, just nailed up) an-d the fielding of Mary Kilshoimor Letter At Peddie K'apian and O'Donnell played well and Carol Laurent the Indians wont Jolm McAulif/e of WesWield; a defensively, In a coine-fax>m-4>ehdnd FREE ESTIMATES on to victory, student at the Peddie School, wfcs victory, Denver beat St. Paul in INDIANS 24, ATHLETICS 5. The awarded a varsity swimming letter eight innings. Lavelle, Byrne, Nu- PRECISION FORMED PARTS Indians bombarded the A'a with 2 during ceremonies at the school tast gent and Tyler hit safely for Denver. WILL NEVER PEEL, CRACK OR BLISTER homeruns by Kalhy Grausan and week. He ^as part of a swimming Drew Kampe and Todd Oney hit for one each by Nancy Johnson and Jo- team which finished the season with St. Paul and Tom Swoaton scored MADE OF STURDY ALUMINUM anne Lundy coupled with a barrage a 10-4 record, won the Montclair four runs. of hits by Lisa Mtalino, Sheila Bent- Academy Invitational Meet, and Omaha split its games losing to SEAMLESS ley and Liz Wright. pfciced ninth among those schools Minneapolis 14-0 and beating Witehi- Reg. $1.00 Reg. $5.95 Call TWINS 12, RED SOX 9. Consistent participating in the Eastern Mer- fca 18-3. Dick Bode ptayed spectacu- hiking by Pat Mann, Liz Barbe, scholastic Championships. larly for Omaha in both games. HAIR HEAT Sandy and Sue Don-Ian and Cilia Lott McAuliff-e, WIK) is a junior at Ped- Doug G«ant pitched for Minneapolis ANTHONY HOPFEL plus the superb pitching of Carol Ap- die, is the son of Mrs. J. H. and Paul Mottes and Greg DiGdro- 754-0056 pazaio helped Die Twijisio their first liffe of Golf Edge. tamo provided hits. Mike Stednfeld ROLLERS and Chris Graney each had four hits. Plainfield, N. J. victory of tht? season. CHARGERS 1«, ANGELS 3. Nancy GOT A GRIPE? Tom Chacko pitched and hit well Cordes pitched an excellent game, WRITE THE EDITOR as Flint came back from two pre- vious shutout defeats to beat Minne- Extra Low Price $2.19 apolis 6-3. Flint lost to Louisville 10- 0. Indianapolis pos-ted'tfs first vic- tory of tlvs season beating Louis- ville 12-3 as Pete Loft provided 4 hits. in other games, St. Paul beat Toledo 11-5 and Columbus lost to Indianapolis 13-6 and defeated Tole-' Reg. $1.00 Reg. $1.50 do 10-4. POSITAN OZON Comets, Stingrays SUNTAN HAIR LOTION r SPRAY Top Minor Loop Indoor or Outdoor SPACE DIVISION w L T 29c Comets 4 0 0 Jets 3 0 1 Rockets 2 0 2 Stars 2 2 0 Missies 1 3 0 Meteors 1 3 0 SEA DIVISION W L T Stingrays 3 1 0 Reg. 89c Reg. $1.80 Baracudas 2 1 1 CREAM Marlins 2 2 0 12 CAKES Dolphins 2 2 D Sharks ..' 0 4 0 HAIR Seals 0 4 0 The fourth round in the M'inor LUX SOAP League's Junior Division was played DRESS tost week. The Meteors won their finst game edging the Stars 5-3. AH the Meteors' runs came in the third on hits by Joflin Bl-age, Jeff Zim- mcr and Sban Trout. Standouts for tile Stars were Coifoetli and Me Donough. 3,455 MAVERICKS 3.122 MUSTANGS 3,029 FORD LTD S The Jets and Rockets met in a Ford low prices start with America's This No. 1 sport Qives you sports-car LTD is the most luxuriously quiet Ford Same of unbeatens and emerged best-selling small car... Maverick. looks without sports-car high prices. ever built... new computer-designed with a 2-2 tie. Jack Hacket and it's the success story of 19701 Like it hot. * • go Mustang! frame smooths the ride. Doug Pis'her came up with the key hits for the Jels while Rflchawl Laz- ALL SALE ITEMS CASH ONLY T zaro antf Chip Orbea1 led the Rock- ets. Shutout pitching by Wadielns and Mann cawuei tJhe Comets, to a 3-0 Open Sundays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. win over the Missiles. Standouts for USE OUR REAR ENTRANCE FROM TOWN PARKING LOT the Comets were Bob Enget, Fred Prices Effective Thurs., Fri., Sat Only 238 FALCONS 86S THUttDERBIRDS 3,847 TORINOS Kessletr and Lee She/ex. Duckham, All-new Falcon... lowest priced In 1970 fly first class in an all-new Completely new design! Torino,.* De Biass and Markson were the NO CHARGES OR DELIVERIES ON SALE ITEMS six-passenger 2-do or sedan anywhere. Thunderblrd. Longer, wider... now Motor Trend's "Car of tha Year." fielding stars of ttoe Mi&sides. We reserve the right to limit quantities. front-end styling .., new grace. No car eo big at such a low, low price. It's unfair to the competition! Tfoe Stingrays nal'Ketl far 4 runs in OVER 1 MILLION PRESCRIPTIONS FIUED the fouitfch to edge the Marlins 4-2. M ^mK MM MM W 0BJV MM MM) MM *^B W ^^^ ••» MM MMV ^^P ••• ^^B ^^i ^^ ^^^ ^>— mmm ^^^ ^^m ^g ^MB MMM ^^ MMB MMM ^^B M^V ^^M ^^M ^^ ^^B ^^m MMM MMM Key hUs in the Stingray's bag inning were by Pete H'iggins and John Byrne. The Marlins' runs crossed on homers by Fred Lutz ajid Mike Podd. Tilie Barracudas overwhelmed the Sharks 23-2. Trip Champion and 2,490 GALAXIES Brian Wi'lson pitche'd well for the 3,969 WAGONS Galaxie... a great road car wit!) (he 3,686 FORD TRUCKS Biararcudas. Jim Lewis wtiih two hits Ford ... the Wagon master has the built-in quiet once found only in LTD's. Only pickups with Twin-I-Beam front led the Sharks along with Mike Kier- wagons with 3-way doorgates, power Ford's better value idea! axles for strength and comfort. man and Scott Sohafifer. STORE,INC. choices up to 429 cu. in. They work like a truck, ride like a car. The tyolpWns .downed lihe Seals DRUG 11-0 behind the pitching of Bobby Whalen, Pete Hess and John Horn. 243 E. BROAD ST. See your Ford Dealer m Dcnins Klane with two hdtis led the Dolphins. Tim Miatidion and D!ave OPPOSITE RIALTO THEATRE Donlafaower turned in- playa for the Seals. WESTFIELD FORD ,— •--..• • - -• •' • •' PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS \ More Sports Page 3 Phone ADams 2-6680 319 NORTH AVENUE E., WESTFIELD, N. j. This Section