Bargain Days Today, Tomorrow, THE WESTFIELD LEADER Saturday THE LEADING AND MOST WIDEiY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY I'ulillshtd ; EIGHTIETH YEAR—No. 40 lfiY<:ry Thursday WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1970 34 Pages—10 Cents Regional Issue Schipp, Pfeiffer, Gowdy Winners Plan Nickel Rate College Men's Scholarships Defeated The College Men's Club of West- field through Ralph Gilbert, chair- For Va Hour Parking Mountainside—The 1970 Regional High School Board of Education's $7 man of the scholarship committee, million referendum wias defeated Tuesday night by a margin of 535 votes. lias announced the award recipients A nickel will soon again buy residi-nls a motored parking space. A total of 6,199 votes were cast in the six communities which comprises for 1970. Responding to objections of residents and merchants. Mayor James C. the regional district, with 3,367 voting against the proposal and 2,832 vot- Winner of the $3000 award is Wil- Moran, in a statement road by Acting Mayor Waller G. Perry Tuesday ing for it. liam Schipp, son. of Mrs. Rite H. Yesteryear's night, said that an order for the necessary parts to make the changes in Tho largest turnout of voters was Schipp of «» First St. the current dime-only meter heads has been issued. An amendment to in Berkeley Heights where residents John A. Ffei-ffer, son of Mr. and alter the parking fee ordinance to pil<«5 up 1770 votes, with 1,181 voting Mrs. A-Ivin G. Pfeiffer of 836 Wall- Auto Feature permit one-half hour perking for for tile referendum anl 60» against berg Avc,,, is the recipient of the live cants i5 expected to be intro- it. Mountainside ran sacoral wifh a freshman grant of $700. Survey duced beiore the end of the month, total of 1529 veins piling up the The J. Stuart Smart Freshman OfSalesEvent Una hour parking will remain at the largest "-no" vote of 1230 as op- Scholarship of $700 being awarded 10c fee posed ti> tiie yes vote of 293. Spring- this year for the first time went to iMembers of ulie Wattihung Cliapter, According to reliable sources, con- field, with ttoee less total votes Bavid Govvdy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Antique Auto Club of America will Housing version of the dime meters wili cost tiban Mo'umtiaiiralde, defeated Uhe Joselyn U. Gowdy of 938 Sedigawicic oonduct a parade and participate in well under $2 each. Ave. proposal w3i a no volte of 76a and a j>n auto slliow on Saturday as part of Increased income from the park- All of the awards are offered an- yes vote of 757. KeiSworlh oast 334 jhu Old Flasluoned Bafgoin Days ing meters is intended to help pay nually to boys in the graduating Needs votes, 249 againsit and 85 yes. In sponsored by Die lletail lor a new 2 car n class of Westfield High School. Ap- Needs for senior citan housing in «- ^ ° Central Avc. Olark, the referendum was approv- Westfield Area Chamber of opposite me I'os1 t OJfice10 1, bUbutt thitlWs5 fa- ed by only 29 votes when 463 yes plicants are judged on the basis of Jommerce. Westfiokl are currently being studied ^I^'IMI'L ;^ P" '* *'' scholarship, need, character, all- by a corwmititce headed by Council- cility may not be in operation in the vote were cast, cxvea- 434 n» votes Old Flaahionod Bargain Days, n°-ar future. Condemnation proceed- for a total of 897 voles. T&e smallest around ability and personality. which will run from today through man Alexander S. Williams. WILLIAM SCHIPP JOHN A. PFEIFFER ings were authorized against four turnout was isi Camwood wJiere 143 Mr. Schipp plans to attend Heidel- Saturday, wiU also be hgWighted on Mr. WiUiaras stressed that Uie properties on tlie site Tuesday nigiit vclens voted 78-87 against fee ref- berg College to major in German the final day by a "sidewalk Sing-a- committee presently has no plans by lhc C0UIK.i[ owy the objections of erendum. and hopes to have a career as a bong" conducted by the Wesllfield for fcho acquisition of a site or (lie councilmen Morris Kamler and John high school German teacher. Mr. Auto Search Mcls Tihe targe no vote of bete than Colonial drams, S.P.E.B.Q.S.A. construclion of such a project, but Ms,.k! "We're putting men out of 80 percent of the total vote in Moun- Schipp has been active in the Youth 30 Bags of Heroin Among the ears scheduled to be is attempting to contact interested business and paying a lot of money Group program of the Unitarian tainside came as no surprise be- displayed by tho group are: a 191,1 Westfield rasideaiits to determine tSie ror parking spaces," Iftunler said, cause the majority of voters Wave Church, the Westfield Teen Canteen, Thirty bags of heroin valued at Ford otfned by Ste-vcn Denraan of .extent of need for such a facility. Town Attorney Cuddie Davidson consistency worked' against the pas- DR. DONALD B. LOLJKIA and the Speak-Out program ot fee about $200 were confiscated from a Basking Hidge; a 1915 E\>rd owned Tlie Mayor Advisory Committee explained that condemnation pro- sage of the referenthtm ufoi'ch ihoy high school. He also served as pres- oar early yesterday on Barchester by Ijeanord Jatksfla of Qrianford; a on Housing for the Elderly has plac- ceedings could be lengthy and ident of the Datin Glut) and was a did not believe was fair to Moun- Way after a warrant was ordered by 1909 E.'M.F. owned by Norman Wool- cd an advertisement requesting in- stretch into years, tainside;cMldren pr Uve taxpayers. member of the German Club, Bght- ley of Mlounit^insidc; a 1^05 Cadillac Ghie>f James P. M'oran to Sgt. Wil- formation in this edition of the Authority was granted the Town aihe Sj»rin®ficid vole to defeat tine Drug Abuse rng :crew, and Junior Classical owned by Sam Alpmti of Mladison; a Leader, page 3 of section 3. The ad- Council to review and establish a (Oojjtioued oa;page 8) ' : League. ; . , . • liam Muth and Officer John; Burn- 1952 DeSoto owned by Sheldon ver-tisoment will be reprinted in next schedule of maximum rate for the Mr. Pfeiffer plans- to attend Bos- team to search the auto of John Net- Haiper of Clark, and a 1916 Fiord week's issue as well. collection of refuse in response to ton College, and'hopes to major in Uilso Itnovfn as Manclm) owned by Pe«l Kellblotk of GUeUe, Cranford, West Orange and Ridge- citizen protests against increased , ' JJi»er*y-f(sir n\esjii>ei« of tlie. West- Dr. jDansM,. B. J^ouwa, wood arc among those communitas scavenger rates for disposal of giar- Plan to Upgrade field' Colonial Chorus wiM perform F.AJC.P.. will speak here at f.#rn. •NeMingivM, 41, and his compto- "in this area of the state which have deri refuse "We think thai $30 is un- has'been :*o meroibar-.oi thevarBity if for shloippera betwsen tiho hws of 2 given consideration to senior citizen, fair and that's why we're slewing i WedneSdiay, at the Wesslfield Seraor ! : baseball and soccer teams, served ' ' .i ion, Jesse Green, 32, of 41 Broad- and 3;30 at [lie corners of Elm and Echobrook School High Sahtol auditorium under the housing, according to M<r. Williams. '"•" Counciimen. Robert Ferguson as Student Council representative as way, Scotch Plains, were arrested Broad; Quimby aoid Elm, and Broad His committee plans to Contact <ind Kamler iigreed. Ferguses is auspices of WastEold's Mayor's Ad- well as vice president of that organ- ; and Central. The "strolling conceit" churches and senior citizens groups, chairman of a committee which will Mountainside — Pfans to upgrade visoiy Committee on Drug Abuse / ~* as part of whit police described as ization. He was a participant in the will be parfomied in fuill uniform by Extra copies of lilie sm-vey fomi negotiate with the refuse collectors Echobrook School and to.continue it atid the" Board, of Edttdatiwi. •a continuing series of narcotics raids an Saturday Science program and a (Oonumued on page 5) will be available in the Town Clerk's d present a schedule of fees and as a kindergarten to fifth-grade Mra. Jane Stone, ohainman of tho here. Nottingham was held' in $7,600 comiplex; for the; 1970-71 school year member of. the Chess, Latin, and services designed to establish a ':. committee, bas com- bail and Green in 51,000 bail for were announced by the Board of Slide-Rule Clubs. Mr. Pfeiffer has 'Mertbers of tihe committee have more uniform'program in the'com- for Dr. (Continued OJI page 5) DAVID GOWDY court action. - • mu!llty Education , at a meeting been selected from many Westfield - . Mrs. Gutman ohuivhes, the Tow- n Counci* l and in- In a companion resolution, A'lbert dividuS)] citizens. Their names ap- L. Molova of M PlymouUi Rd., a Joins B of E pear with the advertisement. former councilman, was named Three Future Teachers Win chairman of a. citizens' advisory the more than CO residents attend- committee on solid waste disposal ta i. This system will allow for Mountainside — Mils. p William ing the meeting. These improve- (Grace! Guhnan of 334 Short Dr., review Uie needs, how they are now ments in several areas Will make an overflow crowd' after the audi- (Continued on page 5) torium reaches catpacMp. Local Woman's Club Awards who wias appointed Tuesday night to the school compare niore favoraWy a seat on the Board of Education, Dr.
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