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THE THEMESCHAPTER OF AGITATION I When will the plain,THE AGiTATOR ordinary, sincere, SPEAKS sheeplikepeople of enemiesrefugees,arrangedAmericaegg inside of awakenrenegades,and Americathe run cocoon to for theSocialists, are them factof like a bythat butterfly,the termites,aliens, theirparasitic common Communists, devours and insect traitors?affairs thewhich larvae Thesecrackpots, arelags being alienand, his awhenonget parasite.Oh, youbusy thethis without and cocoon is fighta clever your opens,it the schemeknowing whole instead andvicious what of if athe hit thingbutterfly Americanyou.will A wecomprehensivebe peopleslippedfind a pest, don'tover ple'sNimrodchannels,ganizedand carefully liberty. clique,of has Babylon, Remember planned been and inoperating and conspiracy,continuous at is all the times through ever directed existencethat lurking official the tacticsby enemy since aand powerfully employed semiofficialthe of thedays peo- or-byof panictheseNegroes,daughter,like to usurpersby have exhibitions andor wifethe criminals?)of Christianbloodstreampolluted of maximum Itbyliberties will dried of be brutalities.your bloodwill only baby,be ordinarycollected to (Howcreate or your sense fromwouldhorror son, Jews,at youand theor firstordeal.premiseseral announcementslarge so receptacles that ravages of trouble for of storingthirst for all may householdersdrinking not add water to tothe have on general their sev- andthemsatellitesTheHitler Imerciless createam and worknot terribleHitlerism condoning programsupon reactions.people are theof the abuse whoreactions; creaturesI am are which not not Ijustifyingof inamcertain Jewrqfull merely agreement Jews and the explaining Judaism.reactionsand theirwith 2 them. Have the JewsPROPHETS forgotten thatOF DECEIT themore they organize ma- goguesWhatandteriallyRemember, the is againsttocloseron prevent purpose thesethey their Jewish areJews soopponents, toas expectgangsterspersecution? to create tothe show from apparentmore nodoing assaults mercy justification damage towill Christians. increaseto syna- for Theyinandretaliation—in Weor have nearwill know displayed saysynagogues? what we which are the too crackpots. Christianstuffed much courage,shirts Americans,They and will would reactionariessay who bethat know picked this toowillprogram up much deadsag. ofmanSemitismwill What'sbureaucratic ofappeal his wrong? toliberty. only seek persecution. to theWeI'll the truth. tellhave lunatic you imprisonedWeOr what isfringe.have it? is taunted But wrong.him surely behind the We American itthehave is ironnot robbed busi-anti-bars inentpersecutionsurrenderfearnessman he itself. is untilviolating of before a hebond, is somesome afraid the Washington bureaiwraticappearance to sign his board, beforenamerule that toora a willcommittee,even pay call imprison-check for thefor cruitlaborandhaveWhile conspirators workers stoodinto we a idlydues-paying have for byregiment what dissipated and theywatched conspiracy our hope and workers a persecutedwould gang designed in of becomethe racketeers, namemanagement,in Moscow the of Americanorganized radicals,to re-we Word.thattheseRedWe 2Revolution. city-slickers andareDown 2going is must 4, thatto and come take Godgive thosethis isit backin government who his to heavenlive the inpeople luxury,andout ofthethat the theBible still handslaws believe is thatthe of endangereddisloyalhaveWhenever protected to the by a voters! legislativesubtle the favored and bodyactive few, meets, interests. and thoseliberties Lust politicians forof thepower, people who finan..are eral."liberty.cial and Whetheris There political,destructive isapplied a deserved is ofthe to Religion, allever-lurking odiumfundamental Morals, resting enemy oruponvalues. Politics, of the the Inword "Liberal- people'smatters "lib- pertainingto Religion)THE THEMES Liberalism OF AGITATION leads to Atheism. In Morals, 3 realizeworkittois leads athe day of preservation whatto toa Nudism.democracy return is going to In ofthe onPolitics, theour whenhigh great democracy road, ittheir leadsmass tointerests toofthe and Anarchy.decent main to are the road peoplebetrayed. Intraditions thethat doframe- leads This not of ChristianroundourAmerica,cooAlien-minded republic.perate themselves sentiment. thein all nation schemesplutocrats with America, of the gluttons to seducedroll build the in vain—America,andupwealth, daughters pro-Communist spenders bathe of inandAmerica, the liquor, drinkers. andproud— anti- sur-and orgiestheykindsparty.When drank of ThereHarryof food, history—we of wereHopkius theand vintage itseven had gotexpect cost kinds ofmarried, '26.Barney Capone of You meat Mr. Baruch talkto served—twenty-twoBaruch live about $122 like arrangedthe athat, plate; drunken but andthe as haven'tamlikelongWe such that. as leaders gotI a amThat's bad the aare man.Christianguts what risking to Because theysay. oursoul, do lives I not Isay will towant what writenot me yoube a togovernednew all say. wantpage That's toinby sayAmeri- awhy man and I tion,canagainreestablisherance, history. without be to repeated. emasculate AmericaWe any propose silly I amon thesentimentality attemptingawithout debauchersbasis where further to sometimeswithin speakthis ado, spoliation theonewithout social knownhundred equivoca-can body as nevertimes Tol- and betweenso,ItoThis have the there would temperatebeen thewill begiven sixth be physically nights and aof strong AugustChristian that impossible body I willand life and dropthe of strong forfifteenth myto mostthe mother constitution. bed men of almostSeptember. andbut father,thanks likeEven a throwdead man, mud I at will my be opponent so fatigued .. and. Iam exhausted. led by the But ethics I'll never and moralstraitorswhetherWe areof who we weChrist. coming areare going undermininggoing to tothe to preserve becrossroads soldAmerica. lawdown andwhere the order river we and mustto decencythese decide Red or 4weThis are meetingmaking is history not PROPHETSa lecture here today.course, OF DECEIT Thisit is not is aan crusade. open forum... I don't moneyknow how from we BACKGROUNDenthusiastic can carry friends. on without FOR SEDUCTIONmoney. All we want is steadysentially—andThe agitator'smayaudiences the be same ignored harangue* in ideas this as country,and such.may are Yet appearcouched if, speechesfor simplythe in time similar and as being, thearticles language ravingonlythat ofsmall do voicea maniac attract ones. es- masstioncomeWhatAmerican that movement—withfairlyare America the closeagitation social towas andthe is nearing innationalpsychologicalmost a fluid notablea gravepoliticalstage. success implications crisis,Some scene. agitatorsthey during Acting haveof the suchhave ontriedyears thematerials?occasionally to assump- buildof the a shippedactivelargeNewFar thisDeal morelocally by has andmasses numerous been and shortly thewho,of followers, exception.before are far those from America's rather lessevoking conspicuoussuggest entry the intoimagea quack the agitators ofwar. medicinea leader Butwho by sales- wor- andare holdinglikelythesetheyman. play Theiragitatorsthat meetings.l ontheir activity vague hardlyaim What ishasfears merelyseem many they or expectationsto togivecharacteristics take make their theira admission-payingliving ownof aof ideasradicalby a psychologicalpublishing seriously, change.audience a Somepaperand racket: itis ofor isa variablyandmime—ratherkind often of act—something serves seemingly than them a irrelevantaspolitical anbetween occasion speech. personala tragic for Discussion vagueabuse. recital andThe and of violent line apolitical clownish between vituperationtopics panto-ambi- in- andAmericantheretiousWhatever racket politicianare many agitationmay the andintermediary blend.differences findssmall-time itself among types. inpeddler a preliminary WhatAmerican of isdiscontent important, agitators,stage inis whichhardhowever, theyto allmovement draw, belongis that for Harper'stheirs.agitators.f CompareThe Magazine,italicized Except the excellentfor speechJanuary, the punctuation, isstudy 1947, a composite byp. J.66. everything—words, V. Martin, of actual "A statements Gentleman thoughts, made from appeals—is byIndiana,"Americanallin the same species. EvenTHE theTHEMES unforewarned OF AGITATION listener or readeris immedi-5 atelycertainsimilaritycarefulto struck recurrentexamination is bynot the accidental motifs, unmistakable of agitational the but constants that similarity speeches it is ofbased agitation. ofand ontheir writings a unifyingcontentSinceshows these andpattern—on thattone. are thisnot A describingsocialthem.explicitlyAs differentiated andThis statedpsychologicalits then fundamental isas thefromsuch, basic propagandistic strainsthe themes. taskagitation of of agitationthe analyst's presentslogans, by means firststudy: agitationaltask ofto isolating discoveris themes to isolate andthe di- fromfrontrectlyfromThe hisits inside reflectthemes midstaudience the the areto audience, audience'sexpress presentedfrom the its stirring outside; withpredispositions.innermost a frivolousup hewhat seemsthoughts. lies air.The rather dormantThe agitatorHe like agitator'sworks, someonethere. does so statements tonot arisingspeak, con- bilityHeanythingarecommit seemsoften of himselfretreat and ambiguousto be he intrying forgives case he andto theisany leavewilling, impressionunserious. of hishimself temporarilyimprovisations Itthat a is margin difficulthe isatdeliberatelyleast,offall uncertainty,to flat.pinto juggle him He playacting. doesdown ahis possi- no-not to