CROSSWORD USED Wednesday: Celebration of Mass -- “Our Train and Provide Ongoing Catholic Leader- Mission to Share in the Work of Jesus and Ship
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The Heartland Center for Spirituality in and institutional powers in a battle of wills Great Bend will show the movie “Doubt” and a struggle for truth. The movie begins (2008) in their continuing program “Movies at 6:15 p.m. at the Dominican Sister Moth- with a Message” on Friday Sept. 20. I n a erhouse, 3600 Broadway. Refreshments Bronx Catholic School in 1964, a popular will be served, and there will be discussion priest’s ambiguous relationship with a time after the movie. A free-will donation troubled 12-year-old student is questioned is requested. by the school’s strict principal.Meryl Streep Other movies for the fall include “Inherit stars as Sister Aloysius, whose certainty that the Wind” (1960) on Oct. 18., “Strike” (2006) Father Flynn (Philip Seymour Hoffman) on Nov. 15 and “Monsieur Vincent” (1947) is abusing the student pits her against him on Dec. 6. The Southwest Kansas Register September 22, 2013 — Page 13 Kinsley, Offerle parishes to host parish mission starting Oct. 13 t. Nicholas Parish in Kinsley and the be presented at St. Joseph Church in Of- be served. the presenters will make an appeal at the Sneighboring parish of St. Joseph in Of- ferle, while Spanish sessions will be at St. “This will help us renew our faith and event’s conclusion which will go toward ferle will play host to a parish mission from Nicholas. On Oct. 15, The English session our Catholic commitment,” said Father supporting the next mission they present. 7-8:15 p.m. for four consecutive nights, will be at St. Nicholas, while the Spanish John Strasser, pastor of St. Nicholas and Father Strasser wished to thank the plan- beginning Sunday Oct. 13, and concluding session will be at St. Nicholas Parish Hall St. Joseph parishes. “It’s been a while since ning committee for their commitment and Wednesday Oct. 16. (the former school). On the final night, Oct. our parish had one. I’m excited because the hard work in preparing for the mission. Anyone, from any part of the diocese, 16, Mass will be celebrated in English in St. people asked for this. That’s nice.” “Everybody they asked has offered to is invited and encouraged to attend one or Nicholas Church, and in Spanish at the St. Father Strasser said that a few non-Catho- help. Once they asked, people came for- more of the sessions. There is no charge. Nicholas Parish Hall. The two groups will lics have expressed interest in attending one ward. Nobody shied away. They’re really The theme for the mission is “Conver- join for the celebration of the Eucharist. or more of the sessions. pleased with the response they’ve gotten. sion.” Presenting the mission will be someone There is no cost for the event, although That’s a good sign.” The schedule for the mission is as fol- familiar to many people in the Diocese of lows: Dodge City, Redemptorist Father Tony Sunday: “God’s Plan of Salvation and Judge, as well as Redemptorist Father Our Response” Greg Schmidt. Father Tony served in the Monday: “Who is Jesus for Us?” diocese for several years as a member of the Tuesday: “Sin, Reconciliation and Heal- Redemptorist Hispanic Missionary Team, ing” headquartered in Liberal, which sought to CROSSWORD USED Wednesday: Celebration of Mass -- “Our train and provide ongoing Catholic leader- Mission to Share in the Work of Jesus and ship. April 2013 File: the Church.” Each night’s sessions will conclude with On Oct. 13-14, the English sessions will a social gathering. Light refreshments will 283; 284; 285; 286; 287, 288 Parroquias de Kinsley, Offerle presentaran misión de parroquia comenzando 13 de octubre Good to go for Sept. 22, 2013 a Parroquia de St. Nicholas en Kinsley Entre el 13-14 de octubre, las sesiones en CONCLUDES April Games file Ly la parroquia cercana de St. Joseph inglés serán presentadas en la iglesia de St. en Offerle estarán organizando la misión Joseph en Offerle, mientras las sesiones en parroquial de las 7-8:15p.m. durante cu- español estarán en el salón parroquial de atro noches consecutivas, comenzando St. Nicholas. En el 15 de octubre, la sesión domingo, 13 de octubre, concluyendo el en inglés será en St. Nicholas, mientras la miércoles, 16 de octubre. sesión en español será en el salón parro- Cualquier persona, desde cualquier parte quial de St. Nicholas (la escuela anterior). de la diócesis, se invita y se anima a asistir a En la noche final, el 16 de octubre, Misa una o varias de las sesiones. No hay ningún será celebrada en inglés en la iglesia de St. cargo y no se requiere de inscripción. El Nicholas y en español en el salón parroquial tema para la misión es “Conversión.” de St. Nicholas. Los dos grupos se unirán El horario para la misión es lo siguien- para celebración de la Eucaristía. te: Presentando la misión será alguien fa- Domingo: “El Plan de Dios para la Sal- miliar a mucha de la gente de la Diócesis vación y Nuestra Respuesta” de Dodge City. Redentorista Padre Tony Lunes: “¿Quién es Jesús para Judge, también el Redentorista Padre Greg Nosotros?” Schmidt. Padre Tony sirvió en la diócesis Martes: “Pecado, Reconciliación y Cura- durante varios años como miembro del ción” Equipo Misionero Redentorista Hispano, Miércoles: Celebración de Misa – “Nues- establecido en Liberal, que procuro entrenar tra Misión de Compartir en la Obra de Jesús y ofrecer Liderazgo Católico en curso. y la Iglesia.” Sister Amata Pantel, OP, dies ister Amata Pantel, 95, died Saturday, SAugust 24, 2013, in the Dominican Sisters’ convent infirmary, Great Bend. Born April 25, 1918, in Wakefield Kan., as Josephine Pantel, Sister Amata was the daughter of the late Joseph and Stella Bower Pantel. She entered the Dominican Sisters’ Community August 28, 1934, and pronounced her first vows August 12, 1937. She celebrated seventy- five years of religious profession in 2012. Sister Amata gave much of her ministe- rial life to domestic work in the sisters’ missions, laundries, kitchens and sewing rooms. Later she served as a teacher aide, gardener at the motherhouse, and in home health services. She retired in 1994. Sister Amata is survived by her Domin- ican Sisters of Peace religious commu- nity, and one brother, Ernest of Palisade, Colo., and one sister, Betty Lou Evans of sent to Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Denver, Colo. Airport Dr, Columbus OH 43219-2098. Father James Hoover presided and Bryant Funeral Home is in charge of Father Anselm Eke concelebrated. Me- arrangements. Condolences may be sent morials in honor of Sister Amata may be and notice viewed at Page 14 — September 22, 2013 The Southwest Kansas Register Catholics nationwide push for immigration reform Dioceses to hold Masses, pilgrimages, meetings with legislators through October “We need immigration immigrants into our culture and dioceses. Bishops, diocesan officials economy.” and parish representatives also will reform to help our na- Archbishop Gomez added, “Right be meeting with their House mem- tion live up to its beau- now, our immigration system is bro- bers to convey the Catholic Church’s ken. As a result, families are being position on immigration reform. Ad- tiful promise of equal- broken apart and millions of people, ditional Masses and events will be ity and dignity for all including children, are being hurt. announced as information becomes We need immigration reform to help available. people.” our nation live up to its beautiful A listing of scheduled events can -- Archbishop José Gomez promise of equality and dignity for be found at: www.justiceforimmi- all people.” ASHINGTON—Catholic Masses and events will be held October-2013-Events.pdf Wdioceses across the country in 22 states. Cities that held Masses General information on the Catho- are holding events about the need and events beginning the weekend lic Church’s position on immigration for immigration reform. The events of Sept. 8 included Los Angeles; can be found at: www.justiceforim- are meant to highlight the urgency of Brooklyn, New York; Chicago; San the issue and to show Congress the Francisco; Green Bay, Wisconsin; broad support in the Catholic com- Tampa Bay, Florida; San Antonio, munity for immigration reform with Texas; Cincinnati; St. Louis; Scran- a path to citizenship. ton, Pennsylvania; Miami; Hartford, Araceci Ruiz, an immigrant from “Now is the time for Catholics to Connecticut; Kansas City, Missouri; Atlixco, Mexico, holds her three- let their elected officials know that Kansas City, Kansas; Raleigh, North month-old daughter Genesis Sinai they support immigration reform,” Carolina; Arlington, Virginia; Rich- as she sings during a Mass for said Archbishop José Gomez, arch- mond, Virginia; Salt Lake City and immigration reform at Our Lady bishop of Los Angeles and chairman Indianapolis, Indiana. of Sorrows Church in the Corona of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Other events during the two- neighborhood of the New York Bishops’ Committee on Migration. month period include pilgrimages borough of Queens Sept. 8. The ma “We are an immigrant Church and and educational events, such as jority of parishioners at Our Lady an immigrant nation. The Church public forums. Materials highlight- of Sorrows are immigrants from has grown with the nation and since ing church teaching on immigration Latin America. the beginning has helped integrate reform will be distributed in many CNS photo/Gregory A. Shemitz The summer of immigration groundwork: Attend the 6th Annual Knights of Columbus 800 West Frontview Dodge City, Ks working toward passing a new law ASHINGTON (CNS) -- Members coalitions at Catholic colleges and universi- Wof Congress may be out of town ties to work for immigration reform through Oktoberfest and immigration reform legislation may be letters, postcards and texts to members of stuck until at least this fall, but the summer Congress.