ALSO INSIDE THIS ISSUE… The Ten Commandments of Healthcare… p. 8 SECOND QUARTER 2017 Advocating for Justice in Healthcare Policy CONTENTS 3 ENVISIONING We Come Alive Together Embracing Community Leads to Transfiguration and Healing 5 LEAD STORY Can We Have Life Abundant in the United States? The Uncertain Path of Health Policy in the United States 10 CONGRESSIONAL VOICES Protect America’s Healthcare Lives Depend on the Legislation Congress Passes by U. S. Representative Betty McCollum 11 OUR SPIRIT-FILLED NETWORK NETWORK Members Take Action When Healthcare Costs Burden Those in Need Welcoming New Board Members 14 CAPITOL VIEW Immigration Shifts Require Legislative Action, Census Funding Deadlines Approach CONNECT WITH CONNECTION Have an idea for a future Connection or feedback on this issue? Email us at
[email protected] ON THE COVER A rally for healthcare in Washington, D.C. in October 2009. Photo Credit: Ryan Rodrick Beiler / STAY CONNECTED WITH US! Articles in NETWORK Connection may be reprinted. Please include the following on the reprints: “Reprinted by permission of NETWORK, advocates for justice inspired by Catholic sisters,” Please send us a copy of the reprinted article. Second Quarter—Vol. 45, No. 2, NETWORK Connection ISSN 0199-5723. Published quarterly by NETWORK, phone: 202-347-9797, fax: 202-347-9864, email:
[email protected], Annual dues: $50/$60 international. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to NETWORK, 25 E Street NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20001. 2 Connection Second Quarter 2017 | envisioning | We Come Alive Together Embracing Community Leads to Transfiguration and Healing BY SISTER SIMONE CAMPBELL s I write this, a few weeks says “This is my beloved…listen to ago Speaker Paul Ryan him.” (Matthew 17:5) After a bit, Je- stated with righteous in- sus helps the apostles stand up and Adignation that “well people shouldn’t tells them not to be afraid.