SA's Newest World Heritage Site

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SA's Newest World Heritage Site Meet your TMNP: Six-day hike MPA declared Park Forum generating INSIDE & from city to PAGE 4 income, Back page Steering Cape Point Committee creating jobs PAGE 2 PAGE 2 PAGE 3 ParkNEWS TABLE MOUNTAIN NATIONAL PARK • NOVEMBER 2004 SA’s newest World Heritage Site The world has confirmed what Kirstenbosch is the first botanical garden What makes Cape Town’s Capetonians have always known — the to be included in a Natural World Heritage Table Mountain National Park is worthy of Site. National Park so special? Mountains of quartzitic sandstone plunging World Heritage Status Says Brett Myrdal, Park Manager for into wild oceans characterise the Table In June this year the Cape Floristic TMNP, “Cape Town now has two World Mountain National Park which covers an Region (CFR) was declared to be: “of uni- Heritage Sites — TMNP, together with area of around 24 500 hectares and 1 000 versal significance to all humanity” and was Kirstenbosch, and Robben Island. This gift km2 of marine and coastal area. The Park inscribed as a Natural World Heritage Site. of global acknowledgement by UNESCO alone is home to around 2 282 species of The site is made up of eight separate areas in our 10th year of freedom symbolizes fynbos plants some of which are endemic that are considered to be representative the unity of our natural and cultural herit- to specific areas of the Park. These fynbos samples of the entire region. The areas are age.” ecosystems are home to many animals managed by different authorities. all of which depend on each other for Why is the CFR unique? survival. The CFR World Heritage Site consists The CFR is the smallest and richest of the This highlights the importance of con- of: six floral kingdoms that occur on earth. It serving biodiversity within the Park. For if • Table Mountain National Park and is also the only kingdom confined to one a plant or animal species that occurs only Kirstenbosch continent and is home to an amazing 8 200 here should die out then the delicate web – SANParks and SANBI plant species — of which around 80% are of life would be disturbed which could re- • Cederberg Wilderness Area fynbos. sult in further extinctions — a consequence – CapeNature Many of the plants that occur here are that doesn’t bear thinking about. • Groot Winterhoek Wilderness Area endemic — that means that they occur It falls to the management of TMNP – CapeNature nowhere else on earth. It is this combined to protect this tiny yet significant area so with the high species diversity and threats • Boland Mountain Complex that it is preserved both for its inherent from issues like urbanization and alien – CapeNature value and for the benefit of generations species that makes the CFR the world’s to come. • De Hoop Nature Reserve hottest floral hot-spot. – CapeNature • Boosmansbos Wilderness Area South Africa’s World – CapeNature Heritage Sites • Swartberg Complex Other World Heritage Sites in SA are: – CapeNature Robben Island, the Greater St Lucia Wetland • Baviaanskloof Protected Area Park, Sterkfontein – Cradle of Humankind, – Eastern Cape Nature Conservation Mapungubwe Cultural Landscape and the Board uKhahlamba-Drakensberg Park. The park is characterised by mountains of quartzitic sandstone plunging into wild oceans Citizens to advise the Park At last we have a Table Mountain National 17 portfolios were filled by consensual Park Forum Steering Committee to help agreement. us build support for biodiversity con- Says Fiona Kalk, Communications servation, serve as an advisory body to Manager for the Park, “Because of the the Park on a policy level and as a link diverse demographics of Cape Town and between the people of Cape Town and because we strive to be A Park for All, the Park. Forever, it was important to form a fully The committee was formed through representative Steering Committee. We a public participation process involving are excited that this has been achieved the 100 stakeholder organisations that and look forward to working closely make up the Park Forum Plenary. The with this dynamic group.” first two workshops helped establish the The first meeting between Park Terms of Reference for the committee Management and the committee as well as identify the 17 portfolios that took place on Saturday 14 August and comprise the committee. Theoniel Potgieter was nominated as It was also agreed that Park Chairperson . The Vice-chair is Greg Management would recommend candi- Moseley. dates who would be put to the vote at Going forward portfolio representa- the third meeting. tives will be involved in working groups The selection process placed equal that will be formed on a project basis. emphasis on life-skills as on formal train- As an independent body, the commit- ing because experience can be more tee will have its own relationship with relevant in certain arenas and at the final the press and will both support and chal- workshop held on 12 June, 16 of the lenge Park policy in the public arena. View over False Bay from the Hoerikwaggo Trail. Pic by Don Pinnock, Getaway A PARK FOR ALL, FOREVER • IPAKA YOLUNTU LONKE NGONAPHAKADE • ’n PARK VIR ALMAL, VIR ALTYD ParkNEWS • 2 Conservation Meet your Steering yields returns on investment Committee members A recent study by UCT’s Graduate School of Business (GSB) shows that, since it was estab- lished in 1998, the Table Mountain National Park Meet your Steering Committee representa- (TMNP) has generated millions of rand and cre- tives — what is listed here simply scratches the ated hundreds of employment opportunities. surface of what they have to offer to biodiversity This was positive news for us because the fu- conservation and social upliftment. ture of conservation lies in our ability to manage the economic link between social development Biodiversity Management — Charmaine Klein and conservation. Should we fail to nurture this A botanist with two Masters degrees; current Head link by ensuring that people are employed by and of the Environmental Education and Resources Unit trained in conservation initiatives, we will have to at the University of the Western Cape (UWC); man- depend on dwindling handouts. ager of the Unit’s Indigenous Nursery and the Cape Fortunately for us our core business of Flats Nature Reserve at the UWC. A member of the biodiversity conservation can be undertaken as South African National Parks Board. The Board is a labour intensive programme — whether this be the public advisory body to SANParks on a national fire management, alien plant clearing, footpath level. construction or coastal protection. This has enabled us to move away from a reliance on Communications and Media donor funding to increasing our delivery on pub- To be selected by the Steering Committee. lic works programmes. These programmes are structured in such a way that unemployed peo- Environmental Experience — Roland Jethro Blum Kahn, Augustine Morkel, Charmaine Klein, Theoniel Potgieter, Zibuthe Mnqwazi, Moenieba Isaacs, Sheila ple are recruited for skills development training, Chairperson of Schools Environmental Education Besten, Greg Moseley, Sheryl Ozinsky, Anwaaz Bent and Roland Jethro contract work and SMME initiatives. And this Programme (SEEP); involved in Cape Flats com- results in socio-economic development. munity development work for 30 years; involved in To start with the GSB estimates that, over the partnerships with organizations such as Red Cross, last six financial years, TMNP has made a con- Cape Flats Nature, Alternatives to Violence and the tribution of R377 million to the Gross Domestic Centre for Healing Memories. Product (GDP) of which around R132 million has gone into the Western Cape province. (All values City of Cape Town given in 2004 prices) The City of Cape Town will be represented by This includes both project and operational Cllr. Themba Sikhutshwa, who is a member of the spend as well as the accompanying “multiplier Executive Mayoral Committee and is responsible for effects”. Multiplier effects refer to spend that Planning and Environment, and Cllr. Abre Hanekom. results from wages paid and contracts awarded. Cllr. Hanekom is Chairperson of the Sub-Council, For example, a demand for equipment used to sits on the Transport and Disciplinary committee upgrade the paths can lead to increased produc- and was Deputy Mayor of Oostenberg prior to the tion in those industries as well as their suppliers. formation of the Unicity. As this process unfolds, each industry employs people and pays wages. Employees, in turn, Community Partnerships and Benefits (Cape spend their wages and cause a further ripple ef- Flats) — Chief Mnqanqeni fect through the economy. Chief Mnqanqeni plays a key role in the Khayelitsha The Park’s operational spend is expected to Development Forum. He is also a teacher with increase annually while project expenditure de- an Honors Degree in Education. As a member of pends on future funding. Although taking commit- Contralesa he is a traditional leader with a good Theoniel Potgieter, Moenieba Isaacs, Greg Moseley Miranda Javu ted funding into account, total future expenditure understanding of the tension that exists between has the potential to add a further R367 million to traditional values and political mandate. Cultural Heritage Resources Africa; President of the UCT Mountain and Ski Club. the GDP over the next five years. This figure will Management — Beverley Crouts Founder member of the Coordinating Council for increase if and when further funding is secured. Community Partnerships and Benefits (Cape Current Provincial Manager of the South African Nature Conservation in the Cape (CCNCC). Peninsula) — Zibuthe Mnqwazi Heritage Resource Agency (SAHRA) for Western Job Creation Chairperson of the Peninsula Youth Forum; Head Cape Province; a National Diploma in Architecture; Traditional and Spiritual Users — Miranda Javu Direct operational and project costs have cre- of the Masiphumelele Development Forum and a a Public Administration Certificate from the A traditional healer and founder of the Kwa-Ntu ated between 300 and 600 direct jobs over the member of the Far South Peninsula Community University of Indiana; a member of a variety of organ- Cultural Project — a project that aims to keep the same six-year period.
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