Dean, Julie (DEM) From: Kate Brandon <
[email protected]> Sent: Friday, 27 September 2019 6:38 PM To: DEM:Mining Reg Rehab Cc: Emma Carnell Subject: Bird-in-Hand Gold Project - Submission by Bird in Hand Winery [HWLE- Matter.C0191366.944329] Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed Dear Sir / Madam, We act for Bird in Hand Winery Pty Ltd. A copy of Bird in Hand's submission objecting to the Mining Lease Application (2019/1021) made by Terramin Exploration Pty Ltd in relation to the proposed Bird in Hand Gold Mine can be downloaded from the following Dropbox. We have been unable to email a copy of the document to this email address due to file size. Please let me know if you have any difficulties accessing the submission via the Dropbox. This submission is submitted in accordance with the extension of time granted to our client until midnight this evening. Please also let me know if you have any queries or require anything further in relation to the submission. Best, Kate Brandon Partner Level 21 Westpac House 91 King William Street | Adelaide SA 5000 Phone +61 8 8205 0564 | Mobile 0412 456 290 Fax 1300 464 135 (Australia) | Fax +61 3 9101 7985 (International)
[email protected] | Full service | Commercially oriented | Unrivalled value Adelaide | Brisbane | Canberra | Darwin | Hobart | Melbourne | Norwest | Perth | Sydney If you receive this communication by mistake we prohibit you from using it in any way and do not waive client legal privilege.