THE CALL, FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1896 6 w a was taken until after noon. at 3:20 o'clock, elicited mild applause from hich recess in convention lower prices, greater distress and a further bulletin boards, In the afternoon the reports of the com- that the Republican party, the in front of the were submitted. assembled, need not fear any declara- accumulation of the entire property ofthe beingcrowdshardly more vigorous 'than the mittee' on credentials ' . Congressman Hepburn offered the tion—" world in the hands of the owners ofcredit. chilly demonstration consequent upon the mi- cheers, lasted believe that reciprocity, protection nority,' report . from tbe "platform,* and Here an outburst of which "I news of General Harrison's nomination judgment" interrupted the are absolutely essential to each par- spoke denouncing "snap in several seconds, chair- and silver four years ago. The silver men were He "When they had subsided he con- other, and Ican see no sense or reason in ticularly resentful of the convention's the matter of credentials. was re- man. unity applause. > tinued : authorizing financial with the choice bearer. ceived with we industrial as standard the lowa voted solidly "Andthe chair further suggests, in the nation against whom wage "McKinley and '. Hobart. We can