{ MINNESOTA ___ L I ’• |“S~ The Sauk Centre Herald V ; —_— : No- OUNTY, MINNESOTA. 27 VOLUME XXX.t 12. AUGUST 1896. 'SmSitXkKiSßi’SSna itgtnrr Whole No. 154.

~ ' .Wl ¦ ' '' ' ' - ' ¦ ¦¦l ¦¦¦— ¦ J I.' ¦ "'¦ A STRONG ARGUMENT. Itis astonishing what wild ideas on lieye it nothing more than fair and the financial question gain lodgement in right that the office ofsheriff be given to On the second page of this paper will the minds of some of the advocates of some good man in this part ofthe coun- be fauna an admirble paper on the mon- the 16 to 1 policv. ty, SPECIAL A farmer of more Although Mr. Chisholm will not ey question written by M. Hogan of this than average intelligence say maintained anything just now, we are of the city, and by him read at recent meeting upon the day, streets the other that in opinion that he will be a candidate tor ol the sound money club. In it he lays case McKinley were elected every dollar sheriff at the coming election this fall.— down the incontrovertible principles other than gold would forthwith be- journal Press. which underly stability in money, its come worthless—that every man who uses and its valne. Resting upon their had silver or paper money in his posses- A Fatal Wreck. basic principles, which appeal alike to sion would find it absolutely valueless. A bad freight wreck took place on Sat- common sense and universal experience And without doubt, the man actuillv urday night about ten o’clock says the as attested by history, the monev issue believed Notning it. could be further St. Cloud Times on the Hinckley branch > loses much ofthat mysticism with which from the fact of CitySto truth. It is n bcVond the AT Great Northern, almost in the city unjustified and unjustifiable speculation 1 question that under a policy on limits the East side, in which has clothed it. Read thearticle carefully. every dollar other than gold and gold two lives were lost. An incoming freight certificates, would shrink to the bullion train from Sandstone containing a [OFFICIAL PUBLICATION.] value of silver in the silver dollar, or num- ber of bad order cars broke in two nearly one For the on ; half. paper would just b. the hill east ofthe city and when CITY ORDINANCE. be redeemable in silver, and the thing to the engineer stopped for the Northern be redeemed would not and could not CHAPTER NO. 69. Pacific crossing, the hmd end ran into have greater value than the thing in the An ordinance to amend section one first part of the tram. In the col- Chapter which it is redeemable. of 67, of the ordinance of lision seven freight cars were piled up City into Saturday Aug. the of Sack Centre. Real Estate Transfers. a heap of broken timber. A wreck- 29th. The Common ofthe City oi ing erew was Council The following real estate transfers fot put to work which cleared Sauk the Centre do ordain: the western part of Stearns county have track throwing the cars to one side. Section I.—That Section one of Chap- been Late on recently recorded at the office of Sunday afteruoon while a of City of ter 67 .of the ordinances the the register ot deeds: number of boys were going through the Sauk Centre, be amended bv Joshua E. Welch and wife to Ed wrecked cars they came upon the body striking out the words and figures J Buholz pt It* 2 and 3 blk 5 ofa man. He was a well * large Robbins & built “thence cast to the southeast corner of Mendenhall’s add man with a light beard, Sauk Centre $ and had blue Lot numbered Nine (9) in Block num- 700 overalls M Danneker and wife and tan shoes, Later in the (12);” same oc- Jacob to evening bered Twelve where the Mary Bold It 24 blk 7 Waite the body of-a bov about sixteen Cent cur in said section, and inserting in lieu Park 625 or seventeen years was 1000 Yards 5 Calico found in the thereof the words and figures following, Hugh M Rooney to Mich M wreck. There was nothing to indicate to wit; thence east to the center of said Rooney swl4 sec 23 1125 r 35. 800 who the two I unfortunates were. They Block numbered Eleven (V); thence Nicholas Beck and wife toC W A were probably 1 asleep at the time of the the Schwanke se /* swVi sec 20 t south to southeast corner of Lot accident, and from the nature of their 125 r 34 * 600 numbered Twelve (12) in said Block injuries it is CW A Schwanke and wife to evident that they never .Ti J numbered Eleven (11); th*nce east to knew *) Nich Beck It 3 blk 1 Hilt &Bor what hit them. The ¦ l • s w:r the southeast corner of Lot numbered get’s add removed to a ONLY ¦CBBTS FBR TAHD~ Melrose 500 vacant building on the Twelve (12) in Block numbered Twelve East side to await an The cptertaininent on Tuesday investigation. It (12):. is said that there evening at the Auditorium was well at- were thirty-five or Section 2. —This ordinance shall take fjrty tramps .n tended, the cosy little hall being com- the wrecked train and it Li effect and be in force from and after its is a wonder that fortably filled, and the audience was none of them were passage and publication. hurt. amply repaid. It pleas- Passed by the Common Council ofthe was indeed a ant occasion. Miss Laura E. Franken The man in the wreck has been identi- City of Sauk Centre, this 26th,.day of fied as (Sales Limited.) field envied talent of a high order as an Frederick Dean of Melrose. His August, A. D. 1896. identity elocutionist and impersonator. ‘'The was revealed through a sum- J, W. Ward, mons issued charge of the First Minnesota” anorigi- from the justice court at President of the Common Council ol Melrose gal production, was a viyid and realistic by J. F. Crossen. The man had the Citv of Sauk Centre, been description of one of the most heroic sued for a small amount. He had Attest, been working for the eyents of the rebellion, and the stoJy Great Northern at F. Cooper, County J. was dramatically told. While purely Attorney Senn went to Melrose City Clerk. last night descriptive it was so portrayed by lan- where he ascertained that this Approved this 26th day of August, A was the case. guage, inflection and gesture that it pre- Crossen knew the man D. 1896. and also SATURDAY ONLY. sented a vivid picture. In the field of informed him that his father N, H. Miner, humor and pathos Miss Frankenfield lived at Howard. S. D. He has been tel- Mayor of the City of Sauk Centre. egraphed was equally felicitous. and the bodies will be held un- (Seal.) til tomorrow. Her sister, Miss Jean Frankenfield is a 7he bay resembles the man a little musician of merit, and versatility. She and it is thought that he is Advertised I.ctters a gave piano relative. The following is a list of advertised selections on violin, and letters which remain uncalled.for in this mandolin—all excellent. As ever, Mr. office, for the week ending Aug. 19th, HenshaW delighted his audience with two ballads, and Mesdames Henshaw : 1896. To obtain any of these letters It is astonishing how little interest is and Miner, rendered duet the applicant must call for “advertised a vocal most taken in the adminisbi aation of the finan 111, acceptably. Ed. Simonton’s cornet solo letters,” and pay one cent for each ad- cial affairs of the public, by those direct- well Ml Ki. vertised letter delivered: was so received that he was forced ly affected. At the school t held meeting to make a second appearance, and the Lennie CrowJy, Sam Davis, John Goff, on Tuesday, at which $9OOO was voted HERALD States, —Little Falls Herald. Mary Gilberson, N. Heal, Geo Ham- orchestial selection of violin, mandolin, SAUK CENTRE J. for expenses for the ensuing year there Isn’t there but 47 per cent, difference ings, Gertie Robinson, John Roth 2, piano and guitar by Mrs. Miner, Miss F. Editor. were but seven persons present, W. D. CHAS. HENDRYX CliffieTruax 2, Frank L. Wallace, J, A. Frankenfield then between Mexico and the United Wilson. and Messrs Henshaw and Townsend was chosen chajrman and M. Sprague was accorded a like compli- A. C. LAWRENCE Business M’gr States? And if that explanation ex- W. 0. P. Hilsdale, Hogan secretary. The usual resolutions ment. It was a pleasant entertainment plains how comes it that the gold dol- Postmaster. for levying money was offered, the esti- to a select and delighted audience. SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 PER YEAR. lars of Mexico and the United States are mate being as follows: Cleveland’* Policy. Teacher’s wages ot equal value? By the wav, that Mex that, is $5,500 We are often told there n Bonds and interest 1,500 ican dollar is a mighty troublesome ob The Washington Star made a feature silver country that uses any gold along •Uverlte*. Incidental expenses 2,000 Just m Few ject lesson. It worries the sixteen to with the silver. This is not quite true. of an announcement of President Cleve- About $3,000 is received annually The demopops are very fond of referr- one men. Japan, according to latest reports, has ing to the opposition as the “hireling* land’s party policy. The Star claims to in circulation 49,890,000 yen of silver from the state school apportionment, says and 54,000,000 yen of gold.—Little which will make a total ofabout $12,- of Wall street,” the Moorhead In- Mr. Bryan says railroad rate* have direct information that President have Falls Herald. 000, of this amount $7,300 dependent, and they brazenly assert every will be used not been reduced to keep pace with fal- Cleveland and member of his cabi- That is a fair popnlo-democratic ar- that in the present campaign the rich for teacher’s wages. The levy is a trifle ling prices. Whereupon the New York net. say* Hoke Smith, who ha* resigned, gument—lacking the one great essential solidly arrayed upon the side of Mc- more than last year, as there is a small are Tribune reminds Mr. Bryan that in h*ye desided to favor the nomination of of truth. Japan has 80.000,000 yen of this the Republican deficit, and the matter of insurance of Kinley Upon point 1872 it cost 33.5 cents to take a bushel a ticket at gold coin, democratic gold Indianapo- 81,000,000 yen ofsilver coin, about $2OO willhave to be provided for national committee ha* unearthed some of wheat from to the seaboard lis. and 157.000,000 yen of paper monev —hn item which comes only once in very interesting information, which rail, by and in 1896 it cost 12.17 cents. President Cleveland will, it is claimed. nominally redeemable in silver, under years. show* that the free silyer party has three The amount levied will re Even Mr. Bryan will not assert that lake the fightof his lifein this campaign. free at the ratio of about sixteen more capital at stake than their oppon- coinage quire a tax of fifteen mills, average price* are les* then half and on- Secretary Carlisle'* name willnot be to one, the government having adopted ent*. The following statement of their ly a little more than a third of what lentioned for a place on the ticket, a* it the policy ot going into the market and was prepared by a member of Arthur Scrivener is mad, verv mad wealth they were in 1872. “How a mere fact is not deemed advisable to have him de- congressional committee: purchasing bullion of the metal which a A slick fellow, aged about thirty-hve the republican will overthrow a whirlwind of elo- feated this year, and be will be held in deficiency ir offered at the mint for Chi- I years, registered at the Sauk Centre estate, ....s7s,ooo,ooo Hearst quence!” for 1900, when the sound cago, to quantity Fair estate, California. 50,000,000 reserve monev in order keep the of House, on Friday, as Geo. Bradley, y Mackay 40.000,000. men believe public sentiment will have gold and sliver coin as near equal as said John Said an industrious and frugal work- Minneapolis, and he was the senior J. Hagan —40,000,000. undergone sufficient change to make the possible. What is the result? The a well ing man the other day: a cer-' member of known commission W. A. Clark .40,000,000 “I have election of one of their leaders possible. country is on a standard, gold not Wm. M. Stewart, Nevada 40,000,000 for several silver house in that citv. ¦He came to Mr. tificateol deposit hundred Itis said the president the nom- at all, a Francis J. Newland* (Sharon favors circulating but commanding Scriyener on Saturday and asked him dollars, and ifI believed Bryan could ination of a second democratic ticket as cent, estate) ; 35,000,000 premium of 100 per in metallic sil- to endorse his check for $35. merely to Moftat, Denver...... 30,000,000 possibly be elected, I would draw out the best available means of aiding Mc- cent, Dave ver and 200 per in paper. The pa- identity him. He had to pay, he said, Senator P, Jones (Com- the monev in gold, and keep it until af- killing oft move- John Kinley and the silver per money is at a discotant of fifty per for stock lode) - 25.000,000 300 pounds of spring chickens for the ter free coinage became an assured fact, For reason independent- estate... 25,000,009 ment. this the cent in silver, m which it is nominally West Hotel, Minneapolis, Mr. Scrivener Flood for it is clear to me that gold will go to be ver SiIver Smel ting Wor k*25,000,000 sound monev fight will made princi- redeemable on demand. The silver coin- was an Den my doing in accommodating frame of R. C. Chambers, Ontario sil- a premium. All that prevents pally in those states where it will be ot age advocates are as unfortunate in confidence in mind, and he did it. The check went to ver mine 20,000,000 it is that I haye too much greatest republican ticket, naming aid to the Japan as Mexico. Labor in Ja- Minneapolis and was rsturned dis Charles E Lane, Cal 20,000,U00 the intelligence and integrity of my fel- namely, Michigan, Illinois, Holden, Old Telegraph Indiana and pan commands from ten to twenty cents L. E. citizens to believe them guilty of honoted—a forgery, and nothing was mine 15,000,000 Iqw Ohio, and in North and South Carolina. a day in folly.” silver. left for Mr. Scrivener but to pay it. He' Daly. Anaconca, M0nt15,000,000 nny such and Texas in the south. Mark Kentucky did. but he says ihat is the last person Butte Silver Smelting W0rk514,500,000 They Are Afterit. Moun- Charles A. Towne was nominated he will identify if he keeps hotel a S. T. Hauser, Granite The silver club met on Tuesday T. ). Murphy, who was deputy sheriff mines 10,000,000 at St tain silver evening organized of for congress by the populists thousand years. Syndicate, Old tele- and under the title under Jno. P. Hammerel, is making a French ot Cl oud on Friday last, and up to this Clay Moore and family, who removed graph mine, Utah...... 10,000,000 the Gold and Silver club Sauk Centre. still hunt for the nomination at the writing is the candidate of that party* a year ago to Union, Leadville Silver Smelting Whv it inserted th** word gold, when it hands ot the democratic ounty conven- Oregon, have re Work*. 8.500,000 which he so cordially deteste d and un- turned to Osakis, is advocating silver monometalism is a tion., He was down in the southwest- and right glad are Broadwater estate, Helena, mercifully scored two year* ago. To- thev to get back. They made the trip 5,000.000 question. The attendance—said to be ern part cf the county yesterday. The day he willbe nominated by the demo- overland bringing sixteen head horses Senator Henry M. Teller, C01.,2,000,000 twenty-nine including a half dozen sound contest lor the nomination tor this office of crat* whom he denounced so wildly two with them, and were Senator Lee Mantle, Mont 2.000,000 money men who attended out ofcurios- seems to the principal one in the coun- on the road about year* ago. And yet Mr. Towne declare* two months. Mr. ity—was very good, all thiugs consider- ty, and that for treasurer is a close Moore sold his farm $547,000,000 that he ba* not in bis views Total ed. Tbeclnb was organized with the changed on here before leaving for the west, and is The above table affords an interesting national questions. Everybody but Mr. second. following officers: president—J. A. Du- The following from the Pavnesville now making negotiations for the pur- birds-eye view of the total wealth of Towne is vacillating and deluded. He Minnesota, Bois, vice president—C. C. Tobey, secre- Press practically assures another candi- chase of another. he says, but twsnty-two of the leading silver alone stand* as a rock of consistency, good enough,—Osakis tary—L. H. Vath, treasurer—Josias date for the office: is Review. mine owners of the west, who, either in resting upon ledge of principle. Well, Cooper. A brief address was made by a •‘The many triends of Hon. A. Chis- person or through their agents, have scarcely. the meeting adjourned. have been urging him to run Taken trp. been active in shaping the 16 to 1 plank the president and holm tor arn«"count office of sheriff this fall. A Press re- Came to my enclosure, Aug. 3d, 1896, the various platforms of the demo- To tlae'Voter* of me the in G. H. of Melrose, who has I hereby myself as candidate porter called on him the other day, but one brown horse weight about 1050 lbs cratic, populist and silver convention* Pennison announce acting relief agent on the Great for the office of County Treasurer and refused to he upon the Owner can have same by proving pro- recently held in St, Louis and Chicago. been he interviewed Northern line is working nights in place respectfully solicit the support of the subject at present. As this part of the perty and paying charges. The difference between the American ofC, C. Redington, who has gone on voters in my candidacy. county .has never been represented E. fl. Skiling, silver dollars is the differ- and Mexican days. Dated Aug. 17,1896. Henry Thien. among the officials oi Stearns, we be- Sauk Centre,.Minn. . cnce between Mexico and the United
