cover design• kontext•elsbeth knaus•zürich agap international association of graduate analytical psychologists

internationales seminar für analytische psychologie international school of agap post-graduate jungian training

Hochstrasse 38 • 8044 Zurich • Switzerland | T + 41 (0)43 344 00 66 • F + 41 (0)43 268 56 19 | offi [email protected] •

SEMESTER PROGRAM • SEMESTERPROGRAMM • • FALL • • international schoolofanalyticalpsychology internationales seminarfüranalytischepsychologie agap H ERBST post-graduate jungiantraining • • 2012 • •

Inhalt Contents

Inhalt Contents 1

Wichtige Daten Important Dates 2

Kontakte Contacts 3

Erläuterungen Explanations 4

Semester-Gebühren Semester Fees 5

Fächer Areas of Study 13

Programm Program 14 Grundlagen Fundamentals der Analytischen Psychologie of Analytical Psychology 14 Psychologie des Traums Psychology of Dreams 16 Psychologische Deutung Psychological Interpretation von Mythen & Märchen of Myths & Fairy Tales 16 Psychologische Deutung Psychological Interpretation von Bildern of Pictures 17 Ethnologie & Psychologie Ethnology & Psychology 18 Religion & Psychologie Religion & Psychology 19 Assoziationsexperiment Association Experiment & Komplexlehre & Theory of Complexes 19 Entwicklungs- & Kinderpsychologie Developmental & Child Psychology 20 Vergleichende Neurosenlehre Comparative Theory of Neurosis 21 Psychopathologie & Psychiatrie Psychopathology & Psychiatry 21 Individuation Individuation 23 Praktischer Fall Practical Case 24 Fallkolloquien Case Colloquia 25

Gastdozenten Guest Presenters 27

Stundenplan Time Table 30

Office Öffnungszeiten  Opening Hours Di, Mi + Fr 09:30–12:00  13:30–16:30 Do 13:30–16:30 Semesterpause  Semester Break Mi + Do 13:30–16:30 Auskunft  Information +41 (0)43 344 00 66  office(at) Studiensekretariat  Ana Frank  studies(at) Studies Secretary Di 09:30–12:00  13:30–16:30 Mi - Fr 13:30–16:30 Buchhaltung  Accounting Myrta Blarer  accounting(at)

Herbst 2012 Fall 1

Wichtige Daten Important Dates

Herbst 04.09.12 - 08.12.12 Fall

Anmeldeschluss: Deadline for: Semester-Einschreibung Semester Registration 03.08.12 Zahlung der Gebühren Fee Payment Examina, etc. Exams, etc Orientierungstreffen mit Orientation Meeting 05.09.12, 10:00 neuen Studierenden with New Students Semester-Eröffnungstee 15.09.12, 16:00 Semester Opening Tea Examensperiode 16.10.12 – 16.11.12 Exam Period Treffen: ISAP Leitung 19.09.12, 10:30 Meeting: ISAP Committee & & Studierende Students AK Sitzungen 27.09.+29.11.12, 18.30h AC Meetings Examenskonferenz 26.11.12, 19:30 Exam Conference (nur für Analytiker) (for analysts only) Treffen: neue Meeting: New Diploma Diplomkandidaten 05.12.12, 10:00 Candidates & & Studienleitung Director of Studies Diplomübergabe 08.12.12, 16:00 Graduation Ceremony Betriebsferien 21.12.12 - 08.01.13 Vacation close down

Frühling 05.03.13 – 22.06.13 Spring Anmeldeschluss: Deadline for: Semester-Einschreibung Semester Registration 25.01.13 Zahlung der Gebühren Fee Payment Examina Exams AK Sitzungen 07.02.+06.06.13, 18:30 AC Meetings Orientierungstreffen mit Orientation Meeting 06.03.13, 10:00 neuen Studierenden with New Students Semester-Eröffnungstee 09.03.13, 16:00 Semester Opening Tea Semesterpause 02.04.13 – 15.04.13 Semester Break Examensperiode 16.04.13 – 17.05.13 Exam Period Treffen: ISAP Leitung 13.03.13, 10:30 Meeting: ISAP Committee & & Studierende Students Examenskonferenz 03.06.13, 19:30 Exam Conference (nur für Analytiker) (for analysts only) Treffen: neue Meeting: New Diploma Diplomkandidaten & 12.06.13, 10:00 Candidates & Studienleitung Director of Studies Semesterausflug 13.06.13 Semester Excursion Diplomübergabe 14.06.13, 19:00 Graduation Ceremony Jungian Odyssey 15.06.13 – 22.06.13 Jungian Odyssey Betriebsferien 05.07.13 – 30.07.13 Vacation close down

2 Herbst 2012 Fall

Kontakte Contacts

ISAP Leitung ISAP Council

Isabelle Meier, Dr. phil. isabelle.meier(at) Co-Präsidenten Co-Presidents Marco della Chiesa, lic. phil. marco.dellachiesa(at)

Erhard Trittibach Vize-Präsident Vice-President erhard.trittibach(at)

Sekretär vakant/vacant Secretary

Stefan Boëthius, PhD Quästor Treasurer stefan.boethius(at)

Operative Susanne Chapuis Director of Operations Schulleitung susanne.chapuis(at)

Studienberaterin/Studies Advisor: Studienkommission Christa Robinson, MA Studies Committee studies(at)

Ursula Ulmer, MA Director of Aufnahmeleiterin ursula.ulmer(at) Admissions

Nathalie Baratoff, lic. phil. Director of Programmleiterin nathalie.baratoff(at) Program

Ana Frank IC-Assistenz IC-Assistance ic-assistance(at)

Studierenden- Student Reps vertretung

Lisa Holland (E); lholland(at) Studierenden- Eleonora Babejova (E); Student Association vereinigung ebabejova(at) & Galina Angelova (D); gam(at)

Daniela Dröscher; danielad1(at) Programmkommission & Margot Estabrook Stienstra Program Committee schemeren(at)

Bibliothek Library

Öffnungszeiten Opening Hours 13:30 – 16:30 Di - Fr Tues - Fri

Während der During the Semester Semesterpause 13:30 – 16:30 Break Mi + Do Wed + Thurs

Helga Kopecky Bibliothekarin Librarian library(at)

Andrew Fellows Library Assistant Bibliotheksassistent library(at)

Herbst 2012 Fall 3

Erläuterungen Explanations

Vorlesungen (V) Lectures (L) & Offene Seminare (OS) & Open Seminars (OS)

Öffentlich zugänglich: Open to the general public: (V) Ohne Voranmeldung; (L) Registration not required; Barzahlung an der Kasse payment in cash at the door (OS) Ohne Voranmeldung; (OS) Registration not required; Barzahlung an der Kasse payment in cash at the door Eintritt pro Anlass, 2 x 45 Minuten Entry per event, 2 x 45 minutes CHF 30.00 Regulär CHF 30.00 Regular CHF 20.00 Studierende & CHF 20.00 Students, Seniors & AHV/IV mit Ausweis Disabled with ID

Seminare (S) Seminars (S) In der Regel den immatrikulierten As a rule, seminars are reserved ISAP-Studierenden vorbehalten. for matriculated ISAP students. IAAP-Routers sind nach IAAP Routers may also attend, individueller Absprache mit der under conditions explained in Studienkommission ebenfalls their individual meeting with the zugelassen. Anmeldung über Studies Committee. To register online-Formular innerhalb der use online form by the deadline: Anmeldefrist: 03.08.12 03.08.12

Fallkolloquien (K) Case Colloquia (C)

den Diplomkandidaten vorbehalten Reserved for Diploma Candidates

Studierende Students

Immatrikulierte Fachhörer Matriculated Auditors Ausbildungskandidaten Training Candidates Diplomkandidaten Diploma Candidates

Kandidaten Candidates

Ausbildungskandidaten Training Candidates Diplomkandidaten Diploma Candidates

4 Herbst 2012 Fall

Semester-Gebühren Semester Fees Semestergebühr* CHF Tuition* Ausbildungskandidaten 2700 Training Candidates Diplomkandidaten 2500 Diploma Candidates Immatrikulierte Fachhörer 2300 Matriculated Auditors Urlaubsgebühren Kandidaten 900 Leave of Absence Candidates Urlaubsgebühren Fachhörer 100 Leave of Absence Auditors Examen CHF Exams Propädeutisches Examen 900 Propaedeuticum Diplomprüfungen 2400 Diploma Exams Weiterbildungsprüfung & Zertifikat 300 Continuing Education Exam & Certificate Verschiebung, pro Prüfung 100 Postponement, per Exam Wiederholung Fallprüfung 500 Repeated Case Exam Übrige Prüfungswiederholungen 150 All Other Repeated Exams Sonstige Kosten CHF Other Costs Anmeldung zum Studium 150 Application for Studies Interviews 130 Interviews pro Interview per interview Vorlesungen & Offene Seminare, Lectures & Open Seminars öffentlich zugänglich, à 2x45 Min. General Public, 2x45 min. Allgemeiner Eintritt 30 General Entry Studierende & AHV/IV 20 Students, Seniors, Disabled

* Die Semestergebühren beinhalten den * Semester fees include dues of CHF Mitgliederbeitrag der ISAP- 25.- for membership of the Student Studierendenvereinigung von CHF 25.-. Association. If you prefer not to be a Wenn Sie nicht Mitglied sein möchten, member, you may subtract CHF 25.-. können Sie die CHF 25.- abziehen. Banküberweisung Bank Transfer Credit Suisse Credit Suisse Konto-Nr. 622208-71 Account-No. 622208-71 Clearing-Nr. 4835 Clearing-No. 4835 IBAN CH65 0483 5062 2208 IBAN CH65 0483 5062 2208 7100 0 7100 0 SWIFT-BIC: CRES CH ZZ 80 A SWIFT-BIC: CRES CH ZZ 80 A ISAP ZURICH - AGAP ISAP ZURICH - AGAP CH-Zürich CH-Zürich Zahlung mit Paypal Paypal Payment >> Homepage >> Homepage

Herbst 2012 Fall 5


17:30 9:00 15:00 14:00 09:00 11:00 09:00 ASSOCIATION OF GRAD OF ASSOCIATION - – 10:30 – - - – – 12:30 15:00 19:30 16:30 10: 10:30 30

Wine Reception 17:30 Festive Closing Rolf Kaufmann (CH) FitzgeraldJim (UK) BlooreJoy Ryan (NZ) Lectures of Choice Franz Böttcher (CH) Angela Graf Special Guests Guided Tour: Epi Park Center UK) IGAP, (Guest Julian David (CA/CH) Diane Cousineau Brutsche Lectures of Choice Brian Stevenson (UK) Siri Ness Barbara Helen Miller (NL) Susan Olson (USA) Lectures of Choice


- Nold (CH)

• • • Sept Psyche andTime AGAP Triennial Forum STUDENT PROGRAM


Payment Online Online Payment Registration AttheHistoric EpiPark Center

Murray Stein as Narrator Dariane Pictet as Soul/Salome HillJohn Phi as Paul Brutsche Jung as CG Scenes from the Red Book: A Performance


ember Original E and the PsychogalvanomicUsing Phenomena Demonstration: Jung’s Association Experiment The Slow Place Performance in The Loss and Gain of Timing: Active Imagination Premonito Auffassung dieser Begriffe Psyche und Zeit Process) Individuation the of Narrative the in Time and the Bell (The Punctuation of the Sacred Analysis by Earthquake: Faultlines in Time of his life.” MDR infinitesomething ornot?Tha to related is: Ishe man for question decisive “The theEternal and Jung the “Evening on ofEmphasis Life” Thresholds on the Path of Individuation with Rhythms of Psyche

quipment from ry Dreams and the Riddle of Time of Riddle the and Dreams ry • CHARTER MEMBER, IAA MEMBER, CHARTER lemon/Izdubar lemon/Izdubar [email protected]

, 2012 ,

- von der alten zur neuen deralten zur von neuen

t is the telling question question telling the is t Burghölzli w/English translation w/English



Fr, 7 Sept Susanne Elsensohn, Dr. phil. RITUAL 19:30-21:30 Magische Rituale bei archaischen Schmieden: & PSYCHE Berührungspunkte mit den Schamanen Wed, 17 Oct Penelope Yungblut, MA 2012 Ring Lectures 19:30-21:30 Inner and Outer Functions of Rites of Passage Ring Vorlesungen Fr, 2 Nov Maria Anna Bernasconi, lic. phil. Jungian Perspectives 16:00-22:00 Samhain als keltisches Jahreskreisfest Samhain, a Celtic Seasonal Festival Hochstrasse 38, 8044 Zürich Workshop Deutsch & English CHF 30.00 General • Allgemein CHF 60 • CHF 50 • ISAP Students & Faculty Gratis Registration: [email protected] CHF 20.00 Reduced • Ermässigt ISAP Students and Faculty Gratis Th, 8 Nov Peter Ammann, Dr. phil. 18:30-21:30 Hubert M. Dyasi, PhD Rituals in Southern Africa Among the Traditional Healers and Bushpeople Viewing and discussion of Peter Ammann’s new documentary, Mabi’s Feast–Sangomas Celebrating San


Trauma and Beyond The Mystery of Transformation Ursula Wirtz, PhD Ursula Wirtz is a graduate of the C.G. Jung Institute Zurich and a Training and Supervising Analyst at ISAPZURICH. She holds a doctorate in literature and philosophy from the Univer- sity of Munich and an advanced degree in clinical and anthropological psychology from the University of Zurich. She has worked with trauma survivors in several contexts, such as with the Swiss Red Cross Outpatient Clinic for the Victims of Torture and War. She is a favorite speaker at conferences worldwide. Fri, Oct 5 18:00-22:00 Sat, Oct 6 10:00-16:00 Reception, Lecture & Three-Course Dinner Three Lectures, Coffee Break & Discussion at the historic Zunfthaus zur Meisen at the Lavatersaal, St. Peter’s Church Register at Deadline Sept 21, 2012

Pilgrimage to the Black Madonna • Mon, Oct 8, 2012 • 10:00-18:30 CHF 75.00 • CHF 65.00 w/Halbtax Abo An excursion to the Black Madonna in Einsiedeln, a place of healing and transforma- tion, led by Ursula Hohler and Penelope Yungblut. Includes round trip train, two lec- tures, tour of the church & library and evensong. Payment in cash at the ZLS, or con- tact Penelope by October 4: Out-of-Pocket lunch at Restaurant Tulipan.

Photo Limmatsicht Zürich | Courtesy of ZÜRICHFOTO.CH |


S Postlude Oct 9 - 10, 2012 Entry Per Lecture General CHF 30.00 Reduced CHF 20.00 ISAP Students & Faculty Gratis


Tues 9 Oct 10:00-11:45 Murray Stein, PhD Jung’s Map of the Soul: The Making of a Psychograph Tues 9 Oct 14:00-15:45 Penelope Yungblut, MA Besotted by God: Formative Experiences in Jung’s Early Life with Implications for Jung- ian Psychology (Part 1) Tues 9 Oct 16:00-17:45 Diane Cousineau, Dr. phil. Existential Anxiety in Today's Uncertain World Wed 10 Oct 10:00-11:45 Deborah Egger-Biniores, MSW Anima & Animus Wed 10 Oct 14:00-15:45 Penelope Yungblut, MA Besotted by God: Formative Experiences in Jung’s Early Life … (Part 2) Wed 10 Oct 16:00-17:45 Doris Lier, lic.phil. Do Archetypes Exist? Discussion of Jung’s Concept of an Archetypal Psychology


and Jung

The Discovery of the “Anima” in Prendimi l’anima The Soul Keeper

The Film by the Italian Wed Oct 24, 2012 , 2002 18:30-20:00, Room U

“Two modern researchers, Ma- ploration of others’ lives inevita- rie, a young French scholar, and bly leads to delving into one’s Fraser, a historian from Glas- own self, the two stories finally gow, follow Sabina’s life from interweave and are swept away in Zurich to Moscow to Rostow, the passionate journey.” leading to the discovery of miss- ing portions of the original cor- Harmony Gold USA, Inc. respondence. And since any ex- title/tt0349995/plotsummary

Film viewing, CHF 30 General Public introduction, and discussion CHF 20 Reduced Entry with Rossana Dedola, Dr.phil. ISAP Students, Faculty Gratis


ECHOES The 8th Jungian OF SILENCE Odyssey Annual Listening Conference & Retreat to Soul, Self, Other

David Whyte, Poet Lionel Corbett, Jungian Analyst and Friends & Faculty of ISAPZURICH June 15 – 22, 2013 Karthause Ittingen Thurgau, Switzerland The 12th century monastery in the Rhine Valley

ISAPZURICH INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ANALYTICAL PSYCHOLOGY ZURICH [email protected] AGAP POST-GRADUATE JUNGIAN TRAINING Terms and registration for ISAP students are contained in the semester registration packet.

Photo by Memori, Übersicht über die ehemalige Klosteranlage von Osten, © Memori, 2011, from http://commons.wikime index.php? title=File:Kartause_Ittingen_1.tif &page=1 (accessed 19 April 2012).

Fächer Areas of Study

01 Grundlagen 01 Fundamentals der Analytischen Psychologie of Analytical Psychology

02 Psychologie des Traums 02 Psychology of Dreams

03 Psychologische Deutung 03 Psychological Interpretation von Mythen & Märchen of Myths & Fairy Tales

04 Psychologische Deutung 04 Psychological Interpretation von Bildern of Pictures

05 Ethnologie & Psychologie 05 Ethnology & Psychology

06 Religion und Psychologie 06 Religion & Psychology

07 Assoziationsexperiment 07 Association Experiment & Komplexlehre & Theory of Complexes

08 Entwicklungs- & Kinderpsychologie 08 Developmental & Child Psychology

09 Vergleichende Neurosenlehre 09 Comparative Study of Neurosis

10 Psychopathologie & Psychiatrie 10 Psychopathology & Psychiatry

11 Individuation 11 Individuation

12 Praktischer Fall 12 Practical Case

13 Fallkolloquium 13 Case Colloquium

«Wo die Liebe herrscht, da gibt es keinen Machtwillen, und wo die Macht den Vorrang hat, da fehlt die Liebe. Das eine ist der Schatten des andern. GW 7, §78

“Where love reigns, there is no will to power; and where the will to power is paramount, love is lacking. The one is but the of the other.” CW 7, §78

Herbst 2012 Fall 13 Programm Program

Di/Tue, 04.09.12 – Sa/Sat, 08.12.12

Bitte konsultieren Sie die Website Please check the website for possible bezüglich möglicher Änderungen: changes: (V) Vorlesung (L) Lecture (OS) Offenes Seminar (OS) Open Seminar (S) Seminar (S) Seminar (K) Fall Kolloquium (C) Case Colloquium (W) Workshop (W) Workshop

01 Grundlagen der Analytischen Psychologie  Fundamentals of Analytical Psychology

01 01 Murray Stein, PhD On Jung’s Mapping the Psyche: The Making of a (L) Tuesday, Room U Psychograph 09.10. 10:00-11:45

=== Postlude ===

01 02 Deborah Egger-Biniores, MSW Anima and Animus in Adult Relationships (L) Wednesday, Room U 10.10. 10:00-11:45

=== Postlude ===

01 03 Doris Lier, lic. phil. Do Archetypes Exist? Discussion of Jung’s Concept of (L) Wednesday, Room U an Archetypal Psychology 10.10. 16:00-17:45

=== Postlude ===

01 04 Brigitte Egger, Dr. sc. nat. ETH "Psyche and Matter" in Marie-Louise von Franz's (S) Tuesday, Room U Work: Reading Seminar. 16.10. 12:00-13:45 23.10. 30.10. 13.11. 20.11 27.11

14 Herbst 2012 Fall 01 05 Ingela Romare, MA The Concept of Self in Jungian Psychology and the (S) Friday, Room U Role of Religion in Jungian Therapy. 19.10. 14:00-18:00 Showing of the film "On Faith" (55 min) and discussion.

18 Candidates and Matriculated Auditors

01 06 Velimir Popović, PhD Soul and Narrative: Narrative Imagination and (OS) Tues - Thurs, Room U Narrative Identity 06.11. 12:00-13:45 We develop our narrative identity in intersubjective 07.11. context, in the light of new and old stories we tell 08.11. about ourselves and others. Jungian analysis is an intersubjective process whereby the analysand comes to truly know him/herself through narration.

01 07 Brigitte Egger, Dr. sc. nat. ETH Water - A Psychecological Perspective (L) Thursday, Room U Psychic energy and its basic movements expressed in 15.11. 10:00-13:45 the symbol of water and how this impacts concrete 22.11. issues around water.

01 08 John R. Haule, PhD Evolution and Archetype: The Path from Gene to (L) Tues - Fri, Room U Myth 20.11. 16:00-17:45 Individuation describes the human way of being built 21.11. upon the archetypal foundation of primate social life 22.11. as revealed in evolutionary science. Recommended 23.11. reading: J.R. Haule, Jung in the 21st Century, vol. 1, Evolution & Archetype.

01 09 Rolf Kaufmann, Theol. Holistic Experiences of the Body: A Standing (S) Wednesday, Room U Meditation (after C.G. Jung) 28.11. 16:00-17:45 Experiential seminar.

16 Candidates and Matriculated Auditors

01 10 Rolf Kaufmann, Theol. Ganzheitliche Erfahrung des Leibes: eine meditative (S) Donnerstag, Raum U Übung im Stehen (nach Grundbegriffen von C.G. 06.12. 18:00-19:45 Jung) Selbsterfahrungsseminar

15 Kandidaten und immatrikulierte Fachhörer

Herbst 2012 Fall 15 02 Psychologie des Traums  Psychology of Dreams

02 11 Suzanne Gieser, PhD The Jung-Pauli Relationship (L) Tues - Wed, Room U The lecture will provide an overall picture of the Jung- 18.09. 16:00-17:45 Pauli relationship and Jung’s seminars on this. We will 19.09. look at some of the recurring themes from Pauli’s dreams.

02 12 Irene Berkenbusch-Erbe, Dr. phil. Transgenerationale Träume: Wenn die Großeltern (S) Do - Fr, Raum U oder Urgroßeltern in Träumen erscheinen. 29.11. 16:00-17:45 An ausgewählten Fallbeispielen wollen wir über die 30.11. Bedeutung solcher Träume nachdenken.

8 Ausbildungs- und Diplomkandidaten

03 Psychologische Deutung von Mythen & Märchen  Psychological Interpretation of Myths & Fairy Tales

03 13 Wigdis Andresen, Cand. philol. The Nordic Viking Poem Voluspå: A Search for (L) Tues - Thurs, Room U Feminine Totality 11.09. 12:00-13:45 Voluspå is one of the poems from the 12th century 12.09. Older Edda. I will investigate how the archetypal 13.09. imagery of the poem still influences us.

03 14 Nathalie Baratoff, lic. phil. "Two Ivans, Soldier's Sons": A Russian Fairy Tale (S) Wednesday, Room U 19.09. 14:00-15:45 26.09. 16 Candidates and Matriculated Auditors 03.10. 17.10. 24.10. 31.10.

03 15 Rossana Dedola, Dr. phil Die Herausforderung erwachsen zu werden: (S) Donnerstag, Raum U Pinocchio zwischen Archetyp und Symbol 11.10. 16:00-17:45 Die Geschichte von Pinocchio berichtet von 18.10. unterschiedlichen Hindernissen und verschiedenen Stufen auf dem Weg vor der eigentlichen Initiation. Lektüre des Buches Die Abenteurer des Pinocchio von Carlo Collodi wird vorausgesetzt.

10 Kandidaten und immatrikulierte Fachhörer

16 Herbst 2012 Fall 03 16 Urs H. Mehlin, Prof. Dr. phil. Fairy Tales: Interpretations, Illustrations, (S) Tuesday, Room U Transformations 30.10. 10:00-11:45 Examining different fairy tales, we will compare our 06.11. inner images with their artistic representations 13.11. (pictures, films, ballets, musicals). 20.11. 27.11. 04.12. Candidates and Matriculated Auditors

03 17 Gary Hayes, lic. phil. The Role and Function of the Father and the Father (S) Friday, Room U + 106 Archetype 09.11. 12:00-13:45 (U) Using various and different sources, we will be looking 16.11. (U) at this theme from the perspective of analytical 23.11. (106) psychology. 30.11. (106) 15 Candidates and Matriculated Auditors

03 18 Joan Allen Smith, Professor PhD Music in Fairy Tales (S) Thursday, Room 106 In this seminar, we will examine the role of music in 22.11. 14:00-15:45 fairy-tale symbolism and structure. For the first 29.11. meeting, please read the Grimm's fairy tale "The Nixie 06.12. of the Mill Pond" and Jung, "On the Nature of Dreams" (CW8, par. 561-564).

12 Candidates and Matriculated Auditors

04 Psychologische Deutung von Bildern  Psychological Interpretation of Pictures

04 19 Ilsabe von Uslar Ryffel, lic. phil. & Wenn die Bilder sprudeln... Lucienne Marguerat, lic. phil. Dialogische Reflexion über den Umgang mit (S) Donnerstag, Raum U archetypischen Bildern in der therapeutischen 13.09. 16:00-17:45 Beziehung 20.09. 12 Ausbildungs- und Diplomkandidaten

04 20 Paul Brutsche, Dr. phil. What Art May Disclose About Psyche: Reading Art (OS) Tuesday, Room U with the Tools of Picture Interpretation 30.10. 16:00-17:45 Selected pictures from ISAP’s slide collection. 06.11. 13.11.

04 21 Linda Briendl, lic. phil. Working with Pictures and Images in Jungian (L) Tuesday, Room U Psychology: An Introduction 27.11. 16:00-17:45

Herbst 2012 Fall 17 05 Ethnologie & Psychologie  Ethnology & Psychology

05 22 Susanne Elsensohn, Dr. phil. Magische Rituale bei archaischen Schmieden: (V) Freitag, Raum U Berührungspunkte mit den Schamanen 07.09. 19:30-21:30

=== Ringvorlesung ===

05 23 Penelope Yungblut, MA Inner and Outer Functions of Rites of Passage (L) Wednesday, Room U 17.10. 19:30-21:30

=== Ring Lecture Series ===

05 24 Maria Anna Bernasconi, lic. phil. Samhain als eines von acht keltisches (OS) Freitag, Raum U Jahreskreisfesten 02.11. 16:00-22:00 Nach einer kurzen theoretischen Einführung bereiten wir gemeinsam das Ritual vor und führen es durch, === Ringvorlesung === wenn möglich draussen.


Anmeldung: [email protected]

Samhain, One of Eight Celtic Seasonal Festivals After a short introduction we will prepare the ritual and celebrate it, weather permitting, outdoors.

Experiential seminar.

Registration: [email protected]

English & Deutsch

05 25 Peter Ammann, Dr. phil. & Rituals in Southern Africa among the Traditional Hubert M. Dyasi, PhD Healers and the Bushpeople (L) Thursday, Room U Showing and discussion of Peter Ammann's new 08.11. 18:30-21:30 documentary film "Mabi's Feast - Sangomas celebrating San". === Ring Lecture Series ===

18 Herbst 2012 Fall 06 Religion & Psychologie  Religion & Psychology

06 26 Cedrus Monte, PhD dipl. The Perception of the Heart (L) Tuesday, Room U Ancient mystical traditions as well as recent research 04.09. 14:00-15:45 understand the heart as a primary center of consciousness.

06 27 Cedrus Monte, PhD dipl. The Perception of the Heart (S) Wednesday, Room U Ancient mystical traditions as well as recent research 05.09. 14:00-15:45 understand the heart as a primary center of consciousness.

Candidates and Matriculated Auditors

06 28 Ingela Romare, MA The Concept of the Self in Jungian Psychology: Love (L) Sunday, Room U and Forgiveness in Therapy and in Life 21.10. 14:00-18:00 Showing of the film “On Love” (55 min.) and discussion.

06 29 Irene Berkenbusch-Erbe, Dr. phil. Bilder von Verwandlung: Die Weisheit der (V) Freitag, Raum U Jakobsgeschichte in der hebräischen Bibel. 16.11. 16:00-17:45 Dem Wandlungsweg des Jakob soll unter tiefenpsychologischem Aspekt nachgespürt werden.

07 Assoziationsexperiment & Komplexlehre  Association Experiment & Theory of Complexes

07 30 Raffaella Ada Colombo, MD, Word Association Experiment: Part II Psychiatrist Presentation seminar. (S) Saturday, Room U Each participant will present the results of their 08.09. 14:00-17:45 experiment. The written report is to be sent to me at least two weeks before the seminar. At the same time, the data (associations, time, indicators) are to be sent to all other participants. All participants will share in a discussion about evaluation of the findings and their experience of conducting the experiment.

5 Training and Diploma Candidates

Herbst 2012 Fall 19 07 31 Maryann Barone-Chapman, MSc The Word Association Experiment as a Partner (L) Saturday, Room U Methodology in Academic Research 17.11. 10:00-11:45 I will be using selected transcripts from participants' interviews, dream journals and the word association experiment to demonstrate how each of the methodologies 'talk' to each other in determining the presence and nature of the complex: personal, cultural or collective.

07 32 Katharina Casanova, lic. phil. & Assoziationsexperiment: Teil I Ilsabe von Uslar Ryffel, lic. phil. Einführung in die Komplexlehre und in das (S) Assoziationsexperiment.

Anmeldung bis zum 1.9.2012: casanova- [email protected] +41 (0) 44 361 82 28

Datum wird mit den KandidatInnen vereinbart.

DiplomkandidatInnen, die dringend Teil II absolvieren möchten, bitte mit den Dozentinnen Kontakt aufnehmen.

10 Ausbildungskandidaten

08 Entwicklungs- & Kinderpsychologie  Developmental & Child Psychology

08 33 Penelope Yungblut, MA Besotted by God (L) Tues - Wed, Room U Formative experiences in Jung's early life with 09.10. 14:00-15:45 implications for Jungian psychology 10.10. === Postlude ===

08 34 Karen Evers-Fahey, PhD, MSNurs A Survey of Psychoanalytic Theories of Development: (S) Online; Begins 10.09. On-line Seminar Students will receive detailed instructions concerning readings and participation in a weekly on-line discussion forum. This seminar will cover major theorists from Piaget to Fonagy.

8 Candidates and Matriculated Auditors

20 Herbst 2012 Fall 09 Vergleichende Neurosenlehre  Comparative Theory of Neurosis

09 35 Christof Ammermann, Dr.phil. Abwehrmechanismen (S) Donnerstag, Raum U 15.11. 16:00-19:45 20 Kandidaten und immatrikulierte Fachhörer

09 36 Ursula Lenz-Bücker, Dr. med. The Tension of the Opposites: The Human Psyche (L) Friday, Room U Between Trauma and Dignity 07.12. 10:00-11:45

10 Psychopathologie & Psychiatrie  Psychopathology & Psychiatry

10 37 Peter Mai, MD MA MFHOM Who Cares for the Therapist? How to Remain Well (L) Friday, Room U and Healthy While Practising Psychotherapy 07.09. 14:00-15:45 This seminar will introduce participants to “intrinsic” 14.09. and “extrinsic” self-care support measures and 21.09. 14:00-17:45 provide practical skills for trainee psychotherapists.

10 38 Maria Anna Bernasconi, lic.phil. Differentialdiagnostische Überlegungen zu Neurose, (S) Freitag, Raum U Psychose, Persönlichkeitsstörungen 12.10. 18:00-19:45 Es werden für die praktische Arbeit Kriterien 19.10. erarbeitet, welche helfen sollen, die 01.11. (Donnerstag) Persönlichkeitsstruktur einzuschätzen und das 09.11. therapeutische Vorgehen danach auszurichten. Die DiplomkandidatInnen werden gebeten, eigene Fälle einzubringen.

8 Diplomkandidaten

10 39 Peter Mai, MD MA MFHOM Somatoform Disorders: Learning to Recognize, (L) Friday, Room U Explain and Treat 02.11. 14:00-15:45 It is often difficult to diagnose psychosomatic illness. 16.11. We will explore the nature of this illness and its 23.11. treatment through case materials. 07.12.

Herbst 2012 Fall 21 10 40 Ursula Kübler, lic. phil. Imagination in Trauma Therapy (S) Saturday, Room 106 How to work with trauma as opposed to other psychic 03.11. 10:00-12:30 + 13:45-16:30 disorders Recommended literature: J.L.Herman Trauma and Recovery, Pandora 2001

12 Training and Diploma Candidates

10 41 Ursula Kübler, lic. phil. Imaginationen in der Trauma-Therapie (S) Freitag, Raum U Das Vorgehen in der Therapie mit traumatisierten 16.11. 18:00-19:45 Menschen unterscheidet sich vom therapeutischen 23.11. Arbeiten mit andern PatientInnen-Gruppen. 30.11. Empfohlene Literatur, J.L. Herman, Narben der Gewalt, Junfermann 2003.

12 Ausbildungs- und Diplomkandidaten

10 42 Michael Dömer, Dr. theol. Strukturbezogene Psychotherapie am Beispiel der (S) Freitag, Raum 106 somatoformen Schmerzstörung 07.12. 16:00-19:45 Im Bereich der psychodynamisch ausgerichteten Behandlungen rückt die Therapie "früher" oder "struktureller" Störungen immer mehr in den Focus des Interesses. Die Besonderheiten einer strukturbezogenen Therapie sollen hier am Beispiel des Vorgehens bei der somatoformen Schmerzstörung näher dargestellt werden. Die TeilnehmerInnen sind eingeladen, eigene Fallvignetten einzubringen.

Structurally-oriented Psychotherapy in the Context of Somatoform Pain Disorder In the field of psychodynamically-oriented treatments the focus of interest is shifting more and more to the therapy of "early" or "structural" disorders. In this seminar the characteristics of a structurally-oriented therapy will be presented in the context of treating somatoform pain disorder. Participants are invited to contribute case material.

English & Deutsch

12 Diplomkandidaten / Diploma Candidates

22 Herbst 2012 Fall 11 Individuation  Individuation

11 43 John Hill, MA From Filiation to Affiliation: Exploring the Dynamics (L) Wednesday, Room U of Autonomy and Dependency 26.09. 10:00-11:45 Patterns of filiation and affiliation in transference and 03.10. countertransference tend to move from a dyadic to a triangulated relationship. I will describe their influence on future collegial and social relations.

11 44 Ursula Lenz-Bücker, Dr. med. & Active Imagination in Movement Gudrun Kapferer, Dipl. päd. Introduction to the use of selected movements of (OS) Fr + Sa, Raum U Qigong in the analytical process. 28.09. 16:00-19:45 Please wear comfortable clothing and warm socks, 29.09. 10:00-15:45 and bring a blanket.

Experiential seminar.

Aktive Imagination in Bewegung Nach einer kurzen Einführung üben wir ausgewählte Bewegungen aus dem Qigong zur Unterstützung des analytischen Prozesses ein. Bitte bequeme Kleidung, warme Socken und eine Decke mitbringen.


English & Deutsch

11 45 Mary Tomlinson, JD What is it About a Mystery? (L) Thursday, Room U Narrative, Sense of Self & the Analytic Dyad 04.10. 16:00-17:45 What is the archetypal thrall of the mystery/detective story? How does human consciousness create a sense of "I" through narrative? And what new and transformative story, always a mystery, is co-created in the field of analysand/analyst?

11 46 Diane Cousineau Brutsche, Dr. phil Existential Anxiety in Today's Uncertain World (L) Tuesday, Room U 09.10. 16:00-17:45

=== Postlude ===

Herbst 2012 Fall 23 11 47 Peter Ammann, Dr. phil. Jung after 1925: From the African Venture to the (S) Friday, Room U Discovery of Alchemy 26.10. 10:00-11:45 A journey from Egypt, cradle of Alchemy, to Wolfgang 02.11. Pauli's dreams in Psychology and Alchemy. 09.11. 16.11. 15 Candidates and Matriculated Auditors 23.11. 30.11.

11 48 Murray Stein, PhD Problems in Individuation: Clinical and (S) Wednesday, Room U Developmental Considerations 07.11. 10:00-11:45 The seminar will focus on individuation problems that 14.11. present themselves in analysis, also with reference to 21.11. developmental issues such as arrest and neurosis. 28.11. 15 Training Candidates

11 49 Josip Pasic, MD, Psychiatrist Falstaff: Aging or Growth in Analysis? (OS) Wednesday, Room U Is human existence essentially a linear process: a 07.11. 14:00-17:45 matter of progressing, developing, becoming; a matter of arriving, reaching a goal? Or is it an endless growth, a flowering of living moments?

11 50 Josip Pasic, MD, Psychiatrist Mephisto: Shadow or Pointer to the Radical Other? (OS) Thursday, Room U Mephisto was originally seen as a shadow figure of 08.11. 14:00-17:45 Faust in art and legend. However, with Goethe’s Faust a radical shift takes place, and Mephisto becomes a larger, more complex phenomenon, no longer dialectical but a pointer to the radical other.

12 Praktischer Fall  Practical Case

12 51 Ursula Ulmer, MA & Cultivating Ethical Awareness During Training Antoinette Baker, med. kand. We will consider actual ethical dilemmas and moral (S) Thursday, Room U concepts from a Jungian perspective. 13.09. 10:00-11:45 20.09. 10 Training and Diploma Candidates 27.09. 04.10. 11.10.

24 Herbst 2012 Fall 12 52 Joanne Wieland-Burston, PhD Psychodrama mit Objekten (S) Sa + So, Raum U Die Teilnehmenden sammeln Erfahrungen in dieser 27.10. 10:00-13:45 speziellen Arbeit, die sich in verschiedenen Punkten 28.10. vom Sandspiel unterscheidet. Die KandidatInnen können eigene kleine Objekte für den Gebrauch in diesem Spiel mitbringen.


Psychodrama with Objects Participants will gain experience in this special kind of work, which differs in several respects from sandplay. Candidates may bring their own small objects for use in this activity.

Experiential seminar.

English & Deutsch

Training and Diploma Candidates Ausbildungs- und Diplomkandidaten

12 53 Ursula Ulmer, MA Writing Case Reports (S) Thursday, Room U Schreiben von Fallberichten 06.12. 10:00-11:45 English & Deutsch

20 Training and Diploma Candidates 20 Ausbildungs- und Diplomkandidaten

13 Fallkolloquien  Case Colloquia

For Diploma Candidates only. Registration and payment directly with colloquium leader. Any changes are the responsibility of the colloquium leader.

Nur für Diplom-KandidatInnen. Anmeldung und Teilnahmegebühr direkt beim Leiter. Sämtliche Änderungen liegen in der Verantwortung des Kolloquiumleiters.

13 54 Ursula Ulmer, MA Case Colloquium (C) Starts 04.09.; 10:00-11:45 Weekly. Subsequent dates and times to be established with the students after registration. Location: ISAP Registration: [email protected]

6 Diploma Candidates

Herbst 2012 Fall 25 13 55 Bernhard Sartorius, lic. theol. Case Colloquium (C) Starts 06.09.; 16:15-18:00 Location: Klosbachstrasse 116, Zürich Tram # 3, 8, 15 Tram stop "Römerhof" Registration: [email protected] +41 (0)79 423 1921 Number of sessions and subsequent dates to be decided at the first session.

English & Deutsch

Diploma Candidates

13 56 Michael Pèus, lic. phil. Kontrollfallkolloquium mit besonderer (K) Beginn 06.09. Berücksichtigung von Traumafolgestörungen Der Ort (Zürich) wird bei Anmeldung mitgeteilt. Jeweils Donnerstag, 19:15-20:45 ca. 1 x monatlich. Beginn: Donnerstag, 6. September Die weiteren Termine werden gemeinsam festgelegt. Anmeldung: +41 (0)55 442 22 47; [email protected]

8 Diplomkandidaten

13 57 Lucienne Marguerat, lic. phil. Case Colloquium with Emphasis on Transference and (C) Thursdays 10-11:45, starts Countertransference 13.09. Location: Dufourstrasse 195, Zürich Registration: [email protected] Number of sessions and subsequent dates to be established on first day.

English & Deutsch

8 Diploma Candidates

13 58 Deborah Egger-Biniores, MSW Case Colloquium with Emphasis on Transference (C) Mondays, starts 17.09.; 14:00- Phenomena 15:45 Location: Rietstrasse 3 8712 Stäfa Registration: +41 (0)79 575 5513 [email protected]

7 Diploma Candidates

13 59 Diane Cousineau Brutsche, Dr. phil Case colloquium (C) Tues + Thurs Location: Steinbrüchelstrasse 64, 16.10. 13:00-18:30 8053 Zürich. 18.10. Registration: +41 (0)44 383 1363 [email protected]

8 Diploma Candidates

26 Herbst 2012 Fall 13 60 Nathalie Baratoff, lic. phil. Case Colloquium with Emphasis on Dreams (C) Tues + Fri Location: Bergstrasse 118 30.10. 14:00-15:45 8032 Zürich 02.11. Registration: +41(0)44 788 1358 06.11. 09.11. 6 Diploma Candidates 13.11. 16.11.

13 61 Joanne Wieland-Burston, PhD Block Colloquium: Manifestations of the Unconscious (C) Fr - So in Images, Body and Play 09.11. 18:00-19:45 10.11. 10:00-17:45 Fallkolloquium: Bilder des Unbewussten, wie sie 11.11. 10:00-15:45 erlebt werden in Körper, Spiel, Zeichnungen Location to be announced (Zürich) Registration (at least one month in advance): [email protected]

English & Deutsch

6 Diploma Candidates

Gastdozenten Guest Presenters

Im Folgenden sind kurze Beschreibungen und Photos einiger unserer Gastdozenten publiziert. Informationen über ISAP-Angehörige finden Sie auf unserer Website.

You will find below short descriptions and photos of some of our guest lecturers. Information on ISAP Participants is posted on our website.

Wigdis Andresen is a Jungian analyst in private practice in Oslo, Norway who trained at the Centre for Depth Psychology according to C. G. Jung and M.-L. von Franz. Worked for many years in various areas and ministries of the Norwegian Central Government in leadership positions

Herbst 2012 Fall 27 Maryann Barone-Chapman Member of the Association of Jungian Analysts with a private practice in London. She holds an MSc from the British Association of Psychotherapists JA/University of London, and a Dip. Psych. from the Revision Centre for Integrative Psychosynthesis Psychotherapy. Currently she is at Cardiff University’s School of Social Science doing doctoral research on personal complexes in relationship to culture and the around delayed motherhood. Her work has appeared in the Journal of Analytical Psychology and in Routledge books on Jungian subjects such as bodymind and alchemy.

Hubert M. Dyasi Originally from South Africa, he grew up steeped in traditional community customs (oral history, storytelling, healing ceremonies of traditional Xhosa healers). PhD in Science Education at the University of Illinois. During 1984- 2004, he directed The City College Workshop Center, making it into a respected international organization. Currently, he is a member of the Global Action Committee on Inquiry-based Science Education. His publications include various articles and co-authorship of numerous books.

Suzanne Gieser Jungian with private practice in Stockholm. PhD in History of Science. Board Member of the Swedish C.G. Jung foundation, co-founder of the Swedish Association of Imago Therapy, Associate Professor at The Institute of Analytical Psychology (IAP) in Stockholm. Author of The Innermost Kernel: Depth Psychology and Quantum Physics, Wolfgang Pauli’s Dialogue with C. G. Jung (English trans. 2005), a history of depth psychology and modern physics. Philemon editor of Jung’s Bailey Island and New York Seminars.

John R. Haule Diploma Jung Institute Zurich (1980); PhD Temple University-Philadelphia (1973), Assistant Professor in Philosophy and Religion, Northeastern University-Boston (1973-76). Training Analyst Jung Institute Boston (1983-Present). Author of 6 books and many articles.

28 Herbst 2012 Fall Peter Mai Studied pedagogy, philosophy, clinical psychology and medicine at the University of Marburg, then trained as general practitioner and psychiatrist, specializing in psychotherapy, psychosomatics, psycho-oncology and homeopathic medicine. In California he worked in expressive arts with Anna Halpin, and in authentic movement with Joan Chodorow. He has a psychiatric practice in Zurich and is a consultant at the Centre for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy in Bern.

Josip Pasic Jungian Analyst in private practice and instructor at C. G. Jung Institute of Chicago. He lectures internationally on Jungian Psychology, Art, Zen, and Krishnamurti.

Velimir B. Popović Jungian analyst with private practice in Belgrade, Serbia. Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology, University of Belgrade, where he teaches Clinical Psychology, Personality Assessment, and Analytical Psychology. Publications include: “Hecate: or On Being Trivial in Psychotherapy” in S. Marlan (ed.) Archetypal Psychologies (2008), as well as two books: The Psychology of the Feminine (1995), and On Soul and Gods: Theory and Practice of Archetypal Psychology (2001).

Mary Tomlinson Jungian Analyst practising in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Graduate of ISAPZurich, member of AGAP and IAAP. Also a non-practising lawyer and member of Ontario's Law Society with an LLD and LLM.

Herbst 2012 Fall 29 Stundenplan Time Table

Dozent/in Presenter Kurs-Nr.(Raum) Course No. (Room)

Fettschrift= Vortrag / Bold text = lecture / open offenes Seminar seminar Kursivschrift = ausserhalb des Italicized text = off campus or Campus oder unregelmässige irregular times Zeit *D* = in German *D* = auf Deutsch

SEPTEMBER 10:00-11:45 12:00-13:45 14:00-15:45 16:00-17:45 18:00-19:45 Tues/Di 4 Ulmer Monte 13 58 starts 06 26 (U) Wed/Mi 5 Monte 06 27 (U) Thur/Do 6 16:15-18:00 19:15-20:45 Sartorius Pèus (Zürich) 13 57 *D* (Klosbachstr.) 13 61 Beginn starts *E/D*

Fri/Fr 7 Mai Ringvorlesung 10 37 (U) 19:30-21:30 Elsensohn 05 22 (U) *D* Sat/Sa 8 Colombo 07 30 (U) Sun/So 9 Mon/Mo 10 Evers-Fahey 08 34 (online) KNABENSCHIESSEN starts Tues/Di 11 Andresen 03 13 (U) Wed/Mi 12 Andresen 03 13 (U) Thur/Do 13 Ulmer / Baker Andresen von Uslar Ryffel 12 51 (U) 03 13 (U) / Marguerat 04 19 (U) *D* Marguerat 13 59 (Dufourstr.) starts*E/D* Fri/Fr 14 Mai 10 37 (U)

30 Herbst 2012 Fall 10:00-11:45 12:00-13:45 14:00-15:45 16:00-17:45 18:00-19:45 Sat/Sa 15 ERÖFFNUNGSTEE / OPENING TEA (Salem) Sun/So 16 Mon/Mo 17 Egger-Biniores 13 60 (Stäfa) starts Tues/Di 18 Gieser 02 11 (U) Wed/Mi 19 Baratoff Gieser 03 14 (U) 02 11 (U) Thur/Do 20 Ulmer / Baker von Uslar Ryffel 12 51 (U) + Marguerat 04 19 (U) *D* Fri/Fr 21 Mai 10 37 (U) Sat/Sa 22 Sun/So 23 Mon/Mo 24 Tues/Di 25 Wed/Mi 26 Hill Baratoff 11 43 (U) 03 14 (U) Thur/Do 27 Ulmer / Baker 12 51 (U) Fri/Fr 28 Lenz Bücker / Kapferer 11 44 (U) *E/D* Sat/Sa 29 Lenz Bücker / Kapferer 11 44 (U) *E/D* Sun/So 30 OCTOBER / OKTOBER Mon/Mo 1 Tues/Di 2 Wed/Mi 3 Hill Baratoff 11 43 (U) 03 14 (U) Thur/Do 4 Ulmer / Baker Tomlinson 12 51 (U) 11 45 (U) Fri/Fr 5 Zurich Lecture Series 18:00-22:00 TRAUMA AND BEYOND Sat/Sa 6 Zurich Lecture Series TRAUMA AND BEYOND Sun/So 7 Mon/Mo 8 Zurich Lecture Series 10:00-18:30 PILGRIMAGE TO THE BLACK MADONNA

Herbst 2012 Fall 31 10:00-11:45 12:00-13:45 14:00-15:45 16:00-17:45 18:00-19:45 Tues/Di 9 Stein Yungblut Cousineau- 01 01 (U) 08 33 (U) Brutsche 11 46 (U) Wed/Mi 10 Egger-Biniores Yungblut Lier 01 02 (U) 08 33 (U) 01 03 (U) Thur/Do 11 Ulmer / Baker Dedola 12 51 (U) 03 15 (U) *D* Fri/Fr 12 Bernasconi 10 38 (U) *D* Sat/Sa 13 Sun/So 14 Mon/Mo 15 Tues/Di 16 Egger 01 04 (U) 13:00-18:30 Cousineau-Brutsche 13 54 (Steinbrüchelstr.) Wed/Mi 17 Baratoff Ringvorlesung 03 14 (U) 19:30-21:30 Yungblut 05 23 (U) Thur/Do 18 Dedola 03 15 (U) *D* 13:00-18:30 Cousineau-Brutsche 13 54 (Steinbrüchelstr.) Fri/Fr 19 Romare Bernasconi 01 05 (U) 10 38 (U) *D* Sat/Sa 20 Sun/So 21 Romare 06 28 (U) Mon/Mo 22 Tues/Di 23 Egger 01 04 (U) Wed/Mi 24 Baratoff 18:30-20:00 03 14 (U) PRENDIMI L'ANIMA (U) Thur/Do 25

Fri/Fr 26 Ammann 11 47 (U) Sat/Sa 27 Wieland-Burston 12 52 (U) *E/D* Sun/So 28 Wieland-Burston 12 52 (U) *E/D* Mon/Mo 29

32 Herbst 2012 Fall 10:00-11:45 12:00-13:45 14:00-15:45 16:00-17:45 18:00-19:45 Tues/Di 30 Mehlin Egger Baratoff Brutsche 03 16 (U) 01 04 (U) 13 55 (Bergstr.) 04 20 (U) Wed/Mi 31 Baratoff 03 14 (U) NOVEMBER Thur/Do 1 Bernasconi 10 38 (U) *D* Fri/Fr 2 Ammann Mai Ringvorlesung 11 47 (U) 10 39 (U) 16:00-22:00 Bernasconi 05 24 (U) *E/D*

Baratoff 13 55 (Bergstr.) Sat/Sa 3 10:00-12:30 + 13:45-16:30 Kübler 10 40 (106) Sun/So 4 Mon/Mo 5 Tues/Di 6 Mehlin Popović Baratoff Brutsche 03 16 (U) 01 06 (U) 13 55 (Bergstr.) 04 20 (U) Wed/Mi 7 Stein Popović Pasic 11 48 (U) 01 06 (U) 11 49 (U) Thur/Do 8 Popović Pasic Ringvorlesung 01 06 (U) 11 50 (U) 18:30-21:30 Ammann / Dyasi 05 25 (U) Fri/Fr 9 Ammann Hayes Baratoff Bernasconi 11 47 (U) 03 17 (U) 13 55 (Bergstr.) 10 38 (U) *D* Wieland-Burston 13 56 (Zürich) *E/D* Sat/Sa 10 Wieland-Burston 13 56 (Zürich) *E/D* Sun/So 11 Wieland-Burston 13 56 (Zürich) *E/D* Mon/Mo 12 Tues/Di 13 Mehlin Egger Baratoff Brutsche 03 16 (U) 01 04 (U) 13 55 (Bergstr.) 04 20 (U) Wed/Mi 14 Stein 11 48 (U) Thur/Do 15 Egger Ammermann 01 07 (U) 09 35 (U) *D* Fri/Fr 16 Ammann Hayes Mai Berkenbusch Kübler 11 47 (U) 03 17 (U) 10 39 (U) 06 29 (U) *D* 10 41 (U) *D* Baratoff 13 55 (Bergstr.)

Herbst 2012 Fall 33 10:00-11:45 12:00-13:45 14:00-15:45 16:00-17:45 18:00-19:45 Sat/Sa 17 Barone- Chapman 07 31 (U) Sun/So 18 Mon/Mo 19 Tues/Di 20 Mehlin Egger Haule 03 16 (U) 01 04 (U) 01 08 (U) Wed/Mi 21 Stein Haule 11 48 (U) 01 08 (U) Thur/Do 22 Egger Smith Haule 01 07 (U) 03 18 (106) 01 08 (U) Fri/Fr 23 Ammann Hayes Mai Haule Kübler 11 47 (U) 03 17 (106) 10 39 (U) 01 08 (U) 10 41 (U) *D* Sat/Sa 24 Sun/So 25 Mon/Mo 26 Tues/Di 27 Mehlin Egger Briendl 03 16 (U) 01 04 (U) 04 21 (U) Wed/Mi 28 Stein Kaufmann 11 48 (U) 01 09 (U) Thur/Do 29 Smith Berkenbusch 03 18 (106) 02 12 (U) *D* Fri/Fr 30 Ammann Hayes Berkenbusch Kübler 11 47 (U) 03 17 (106) 02 12 (U) *D* 10 41 (U) *D* DECEMBER / DEZEMBER Sat/Sa 1 Sun/So 2 Mon/Mo 3 Tues/Di 4 Mehlin 03 16 (U) Wed/Mi 5 Thur/Do 6 Ulmer Smith Kaufmann 12 53 (U) *E/D* 03 18 (106) 01 10 (U) *D* Fri/Fr 7 Lenz Bücker Mai Dömer 09 36 (U) 10 39 (U) 10 42 (106) *E/D* Sat/Sa 8 GRADUATION CEREMONY / DIPLOM-ÜBERGABE

34 Herbst 2012 Fall