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Fiies(Exeluding The Japan Society of Medical Entomology and Zoology [Jap, J. Sanit. Zool. Vol. 33 No. 3 p. 181-199 1982] Studies on medieally important fiies in Thailand' VIII. Report on 73 speeies of muscid fiies (exeluding Muscinae and Stomoxyinae) with the taxonomic keys (Diptera: Museidae) Watanasak TuMRAsviN** and Satoshi SHiNoNAGA*** Department o.f Medical Zoolog}r, Faculty of Medicine, Tokyo Medical and Dentat University, 1-5-45, Yushima, Bunkyo-ku, Tok)'o 113, JaPan (Received: February 15, 1982) ... -.-.. .t..-..........t . Abstract: seventy-threespecies belongin.crto 16''gdn-eraof muscid flies (ex- cluding the subfamilies Muscinae and Stomoxyinae) from different geographical parts of Thailand }vere identified and reported in this paper with taxonomic keys. Most of the species reported are newly recorded frorn Thailand. 'tmttL .. ....- - -.-T ..... - In 1975, the survey on the medically im- Pteropleura bare; metathoracic spiracles portant fiies was made in the different geo- without such bristles along Iower margin graphical parts of Thailand. Since that time, .,,...,...,...,.,.....H-..... (2) all the fly specimens have been examined and 2. Hind tibia with 1 pd on apical 113, if of them reported as not, of male identified.Most have fore femur with strong spur- series under the same title (Tumrasvin et at., like spines on apical part of ventral sur- 1976-1979). rn this paper we are reporting face, or with interfrontal cruciate bristles three subfamilies, Phaoniinae, Lispinae and in female .,...........,.,., Phaoniini Fanniinae respectively. Phylogenetic systems Hind tibia without pd on apical 113; fore identifying subfamilies and genera in this femur of male without such spines; fe- paper cited Emden's system (Ernden, 1965) male without interfrontal cruciate bristles in connection ",ith former paper on Musci- ............,....,.............. (3) dae (Tumrasvin and Shinonaga, 1978). ?. Hind tibia with well developed ad pre- apical; mid femur with preapical bristles on the anterior surface; arista almost all feathered.........,......., Subfamily Phaoniinae Mydaeini Key to Tribes of Phaoniinae Hind tibia without ad preapicals, if small one present it always shorter than tibial 1, Pteropleura hairy on upper part; meta- diameter; mid-femur without preapical thoracic spiracles with black bristles along bristles on the anterior surface; arista lower margin ,,.....,. Dichaetomyiini usually short-haired or bare ,,,....,., .......,............... Limnophorini * litsl'llt'ii,'',k utacpt\blfirt, iff'sF-\pmcafi (fk fi#: 1ll mb rt e5> Oec tz C: k Li Tt h ftL t: . ** of Presentaddress: Department Medical En- TribePhaoniini tomology, of Faculty Tropical Mediclne, Mahi- Key to the Genera dol University, Bangkok, Thailand. *** asrk #ie: ptptptptcag)E:e}gK\xtEfiiJn\#= 1. Inner margin of lower squama close to <+113 MntzaJStMEIwnU 1-5-45) the margin of scutellum, therefore the 181 NII-Electronic Library Service The JapanSocietyJapan Society ofMedicalEntomologyof Medical Entomology and Zoology 182 Jap. J. Sanit. Zool. lower squama broadly truncate in shape Iong plumose (Figs.4, 5) .,. Fraserella ..,..,...........,..,.,.,....,,. (2) 3. Pteropleuron setulese; upper half of face Inner margin of lower squarna diverging with a prominent nose-like carina (Figs. from the margin of scutellum, therefore 6, 7) ...,,..,,..,.., Rhynchomydaea the ]ower squama subtriangular with Pteropleuron bare; face Nv・ithout any nose- rounded margin in shape .......... (3) like carina ....,.,.,.,.,,..,,,.,. (4) 2. Hypopleuron setulese en upper part; the 4. Arista conspicuously plumose; st 1 + 2. width at tip of cell Rs (at wing margin) ,..,.,...,.,.,............,. Phaonia about same or only slightly wider than at Arista very short-plumose or almost bare; r-m; arista bare (Figs. 1-3) ...,..・.・・ st 1+1 .,...........,.......,.. (5) ...................... Synthesiomyia 5. Body bluish-black to black, with- Hypopleuron wholly bare; the width at out dusting, Male: fore femur and tibia tip of Rs rnuch wider than at r-m; arista simple (normal). Female: frons with the 3 Figs. 1-3 Synthesiomyia nudiseta 1,Figs.scute]lum and squama; 2, wing; 3, antenna. 4-5 Fraserella sp, 4,Figs,lateral view of antenna; 5, wing. 6-7 Rhynehomydaea tubereulijacies surface of scutellum and squarna; anterD-lateralview of head, 6, dorsal 7, NII-Electronic Library Service The JapanSocietyJapan Society ofMedicalof Medical Entomology and Zoology Vol.33 No,3 1982 183 /ff8 ' J 12 x' -'Xt/."i'L.vl,.IF..'"・"t'.c-:-,i'[i/xilx・i''i"' ,-" '-;f-JA 13 'N'SN. -iN< 15' Figs. 8-15 spinigera, lateral view of head; 9 OPhyra chalcogaster, lateral view of head; 8, Ophyra , 11, sPinigera, anterior view of 10, OphJJra leucostoma, ]ateral view of hind tibia; OPhyra view of female heads 13, Ophyra chalcogaster, female head; 12,OPhyra leucostoma,anterior anterior view of female head; 14, Hydrotaea aptnis, ]atcral view of fore legi 15, Ho,drotaea lateral view of fere leg. ' J:acobsoni, shining ocellar triangle extending more Denkschr. Akad. Wiss., PVien, 60: 96, than half-way from front ocellus to lunule 110. Type-species: Cyrtoneura nudiseta (Figs.11-13) .....,..,....,,, OPhyra van der Wulp. Body shining dark brown to blackish- Eyes moderately approximated in male, brown, with brown dusting. Male: fore dichoptic in female; frontal vitta setulose on femur with or' without an emargination posterior halfJ parafrontalia setulose; arista on ventral surface near apex; fore tibia bare; ac 1-3 (fine)+1; dc 2-3+4-5; ia conspicuously emarginate near base (Figs. O+2; prosternum and hypopleura hairy; 14, 15). Female: frons with ocellar tri- pteropleura bare; mi+2 strongly bending an- angle extending less than ha]f-way from teriorly; lower squama of Musca-typej fore front ocellus to lunule; with interfrontal tibia without posterior bristle. nudiseta cruciate bristles ....,...... Hydrotaea 1. Synthesiomyia (van der S・Vulp, 1883) Genus Sunthesiomuia Brauer and Ber- Cyrtoneura nudiseta van der Wulp, Til'd- genstamm, 1893 schr. Entomol., 26: 42. Synthesiom}'ia Brauer and Bergenstarnrn, Specimens examined: 16, 2??, Sam ' NII-Electronic Library Service The JapanSocietyJapan Society of Medical Entomology and Zoology 184 Jap. J. Sanit. Zool. Sane, Bangkok, 29 VIII 1975, H, Kurahashi; pleura bare or hairy; mi+2 straighti lower 38S, 1?, Mahidol Univ., Bangkok, 2, 4 IX squama tongue-shapeds fore tibia with or 1975, Kano and Kurahashi. without P-seta. to the species: Key dc Genus Fraserella Steyskal, 1966 1. Three post ,......,....,...,.. (2) Four ....,,..,,........., Fraserella Steyskal, Proc. U. S. Nat, Mus., Postdc (3) 120: 12. Type-species: Fraseria fulvo- 2. Fore tibia with lp-seta; femur wholly yel- maculata Malloch. low; 1 pair of Prst ac present in male but Eyes hairy; arista plumose; ac 3+2-3; dc absent in female ...,.,,... kambaitiana 3+4-5; st 1+2; prosternum and hypo- Fore tibia with 2 p-setae; femur slightly pleura barei mi+2 not strongly bending an- darkened anteriorly; prst ac absent in male apicefemoralis terioriy; lower squamae Musca-type. ,................. sp. 3, Upper anterior of hypopleuron with 2. Fraserella part examined: 30 some setulae; scutellum testaceous ..... Specimen 19, Khao Yai, km S,, Pak Chong, 25-26 XII 1975, W. ,.....,.,.......,.......... simutans Tumrasvin. Upper anterior part of hypopleuron quite bare; scutellum fuscous .,,...., debilis Remarks: Only one female specimen is available in our collection and it does not 4. Phaonia kambaitiana Emden, 1965 fit the females of F. altivolans Steyskal and Phaonia kambaitiana Emden, Fauna In- F. fulvomaculata (Malloch) at all. dt'a, Muscidae I: 236. Specimensexaminecl: 528S,5399,Top, Genus Rhgnchomydaea Malloch, 1922 2,667 m, Doi Inthanon, 19, 2S IX 1975, Ka- Rhynchomydaea Malloch, Ann. Mag, Nat. no, Kurahashi, Tumrasvin. Hist.. (9), 10: 134. Type-species: 5. Phaonia aPicefemoralis Emden, 1965 Mydaea tuberculifacies Stein. Phaonia apicefemoralis Emden, Fauna In- Eyes in male horoptic, in female dichop- dia, Muscidae I: 254. ticJ face with well developed facial carina, Specimen examined: 18, Doi Suthep, tubercle-like; arista long plumose; ac O+1; Chiang Mai, 20-21 XII 1975, Shinonaga, dc 2+4j ia O-Fl; prosternum bare; hypo- 6. Phaonia simulans Malloch, 1931 pleura and pteropleura hairyJ mi+2 upcurved Phaonia simulans Malloch, Ann, Mag. Nat. anteriorly; lower squama tongue-shaped; Hist. (10), 7: 189. fere tibia without p-seta. Specimens examined: le, Doi Pui, 1,685 m, 19, 3. Rhptnchomydaea tubercuiifacies (Stein, Chiang Mai, 16 IX 1975, KurahashiJ 1909) Doi Suthep, Chiang Mai, 20-21 XII 1975, M7daea tuberculijacies Stein, Tijdschr. Shinonaga, Entomol.. 52: 226. 7. Phaonia debilis Stein, 1918 examined: Specimens 299, Doi Huai Phaonia debitis Stein, Ann. Hist. Nat. Mus. 1,231 m, Fang, 27 IX 1975, Kano and Hwer, Nat. Hung,, 16: 167. Kurahashij 5SS, 599, Fang, Exp. St., 500 examined: IS, Specimens Top, 2,667 m, Fang, 25 IX 1975, R, Kano. m, Doi Inthanon, 19 IX 1975, Kurahashi; 299, Doi Suthep, Chiang Mai, 20-21 XII Genus Phaonia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 1975,; 288, Ban Yang, 1,400m, Phaonia Robineau-Desvoidy, Mem. Pre's. Doi Inthanon, 17, 19 IX 1975, Kano, Tum- .rasvm. Div. Sab. Acad. Sci. Inst. Fr., 2: 482. Type-species: Phaonia viarum Robine- au-Desvoidy, 1830. Genus (iphyra Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 hairy, more Iess Pre's. Eyes bare or holoptic to or Oph7ra Robineau-Desvoidy,Mem. narrowly separated in male, dichoptic in fe- Div, Sav. Acad. Sci. Inst. Fr. 2: 516. male; female without proclinate fronto-or- Metallic black in colori eyes holoptic in bital bristles; arista
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    CITATIO Editor- Director. 2011. Rec, =001. Sun'. India. IIl(Part e3) : le 1l 2 (Published by the Dlr'ector. Zool. ,Sun '. l1/.cha , Kolkata) Publi hed - January,20 12(1ulYeSept,emb r.20111ssue) © ,Government o.l Jndia , 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED • INo part of th"s publlication may be r'eprod uced, stored lin a retrieval system or transmit(.ed, in any form or by any means, electronic" mechanical, photocoPYling" recording .or otherwise without the pliior permissi,on of ~he publisher. • This boo:k lis so~d subject to the condition that it shan not, by way of trade, be lent re-sold hir'ed out or otherwise disp'osed of wUhout the publishers consent, in any form of binding arcover other than that lin which it is published. • The correct price of this publicaUon lis the price print,ed ,on th:is paige, Any revised prli oe indicated by a f1ubber stamp ,or by a st i c~er 'or Iby any other means j's linoonrectand slhoud Ibe unacceptable., PRICE India : ~ 550.00 Foreign: $ 35; £ 25 Published at the Publication Division by the Dir,ector, Zoological Survey of India, 'M' eBlock, New Alipore, Kolkata e 700 053 and printed at East India Photo Composing Centr,e, Kolkata e 700 0.06. C01\-lP TERISED DATA ON NATION, L ZOOLOGICAL COLLECTIO The ational Zoological CoHections compdsing ncady 15 000 types are housed in the Zoo~ogjcal S:urv~y of India, Calcutta and are prop fly mairHained. All these specimens hav,c Registration numbers and are readily available for study as and \\ hen required.
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