A Check-List of Norwegian Muscidae (Diptera)T
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A check-list of Norwegian Muscidae (Diptera)t KNUT ROGNES Rognes, K. 1986. A check-list of Norwegian Muscidae (Diptera). Fauna norvegica Ser. B, 33,77-85. Muscid material from Norway in the museum collections of the Universities in Bergen, Oslo and Tromsø, in my own collection and some other collections has been revised and a check- list of 289 species known at present from Norway is presented. Three new synonymies are established: 0) Aricia umbratastorm, 1896 = Hebecnema umbratica(Meigen, l82O,Q) He- lina loekenae Lavdiev, 1983=Helina bohemani (Ringdahl, 1916), and (3) Spilogona har- dangervidensis lav6iev, 1983 = Spilogona depressiuscula (Zetterstedt, I 8 3 8). Coenosia flavi- sera Huckett, 1965 is recorded from the Palaearctic Region for the first time. Knut Rognes, Stavanger Lærerhøgskole, Postboks 2521 Ullandhaug, N-4001 Stavanger, Norway. The check-list of Muscidae presented below co- these are included among the annotations at the vers Norway with exclusion of Svalbard and end of the list. replaces the previously published lists of Siebke The following type-material from Norway Q877),, Schøyen (1889, 1895), Bidenkap ( 1892, has been examined: Aricia semipellucida zetter- I 898, I 901) and Ringdahl ( I 944a, 1944b, 195». stedt, 1845: 1523 ( d syntype labelled «Suul» in Fannia and its allies are now usually treated as a zetterstedt's hand in the oslo collection) family separate from the Muscidae proper and ( - Lophosceles mutatus Fallen) , .Anthomyza ti- this practice is followed here. The list is based neatipes Zetterstedt, 1845: 167 6 ( q syntype upon a revision of the material of muscids from from Alstahaug 8 July 1840), Aricia maculipen- Norway in the museum collections of the Uni- nis Storm, 1896: 238 (holotype d in Tromsø versities in Bergen (mainly O. Bidenkap, A. Museum) (= Phaonia pratensis Rob.-Desv.), Fjellberg, L. Greve, A. Løken, N. Knaben, T.R. Aricia anthomyzoides Storm, I 896: 239 (holo- Nielsen leg.) (parts of the materLal collected at type d in Tromsø Museum) ( = Thricops longi- Hardangervidda during the IBP project have pes Zett), Aricia propinqua Storm, 1896: 239 been included, see Fjellberg 197 2), Oslo (mainly (holotype d in Tromsø Museum) ( = Helina ci- J. Knaben, R. Krogerus, J.H.S. Siebke leg.) and nerella Wulp), Aricia umbrala Storm, 189 6: 238 Tromsø (mainly T. Soot-Ryen, but some also O. Q A d syntypes in Tromsø Museum) Ringdahl leg.) (about 7800 specimens) and in my (= Hebecnema umbratica Meigen, N.SYN.), own collection (about 7 900 specimens). In addi- Phaonia norvegicø Ringdahl, 1928 (l d syntype tion a few small private collections have been from Tromsø in Tromsø Museum) ( = Phaonia examined (B. Sagvolden, Rollag, J.H. Simonsen, zugmay eriae Schnabl), Helina loekenae Lavciev, Oslo). I have not seen the V. Storm collection in 1983: l0l (holotype d in the Bergen collection) Trondheim revised by Ringdahl (1944a) (except (= Helina bohemarzi Ringdahl, N.SYN.), Spilo- for the Storm types, rediscovered in the Tromsø gona hardangervide,rusrs Lavciev, 1983: 104 (tro- collection, see below). Occasional specimens in lotype d in the Bergen collection) ( - Spilogona foreign collections have also been examined depressiuscula Zett., N.SYN.). (coll. Zetterstedt, Lund, coll. Becker, Berlin, coll. Ringdahl (1952) listed 180 species from Nor- Ringdahl, Lund). I have also examined some way on the basis of his own collecting activities unidentified material from Norway collected by in Northern Norway, revisions of the Tromsø P. Ardci, H. Andersson and R. Dahl (in I und). I and Trondheim collections (Ringdahl 1928, have examined specimens from Norway of all 1944a, 1944d, the Zetterstedt collection which the species listed except 8. My reasons for listing contains specimens, including types, from Nor- l) Paper no. 7 in a series based on investigations financed by a grant («vikarstipend») from Stavanger Lærer- høgskole 1982- 1983. Fauna nory. Ser. B, 33:77 -85. Oslo 1986. 77 way (Ringdahl 193», and unpublished exami- Tribe Azeliini nation of parts of the Oslo and Bergen collec- Azelia Robineau-Desvoidy, I 830 tions (some results published by Soot-Ryen aterrima (Meigen, 1826) (Haliday, 1943). 2 species,, Hydrotaea capensis and Spilo- cilipes I 838) (Staeger preocc. gona trianguligera, published by Schøyen (1895) tibialis , 1843), (l staegeri (Zetterstedt, I 845) and Ringdahl 928), respectively, were not inc- gibbera (Meigen (1954a) , 1826) luded. Ringdahl added 7 species, Ardo nebulosa Robineau-Desvoidy, I 830 (1957) 3, Dahl (196D 2, Pont 0971) l, andRog- macquarri (Staeg€r, I 843) nes (1979,1982, 1983a, 1983b) 26,brrnging the trigonica Hennig, 1956 total no. 221. The present revision lists 289 spe- tiquetra (Wiedemann, I 8 I 7) cies from Norway. In comparison it may be no- nudipes (Zetterstedt, I 8 49) ted that 2l3 species have been published from zetterstedtii Rondani, I 866 Denmark (Michelsen 1977), 251 from Finland Thricops Rondani, 1856 (Hackman 1980), 344 from Sweden (Ringdahl Tricophticus Rondani, I 86 I Alloeostylus Schnabl, I 888 1 95 2) 27 9 Isles (Pont 197 5). and from the British Hera Schnabl, 1888 In view of the high number of species known Rhynchotrichops Schnabl, I 889 from Sweden it is safe to conclude that many Pterocanthus Malloch , l92l species still await discovery in Norway. Lasiopsr authors, not Meigen (misidentification) The classification and nomenclature adopted aculeipes (Zetterstedt, I 838) is the one used by A.C. Pont in his Muscidae albibasalis(Zetterstedt, I 849) I contribution to the forthcoming Catalogue of cunctans (Meigen, I 826) (Zetterstedt, Palaearctic Diptera (editor A. S6os, Budapest). hirsutula I 838) (Zetterstedt, The nomenclature differs in several respects depressiventris I 845) diaphanøs (Wiedemann, I 8 I 7) from the one used e.g. by Hennig (1955 196q. - varians (Zetterstedt, I 838) A number of generic synonyms are provided to foveolatus (Zetterstedt, I 845) aid in recognition of generic limits. Specilic sy- perpendicularis (Zetterstedt, I 845) nonyms are included when based on type-speci- furcatus (Stein, I 9l 6) mens from Scandinavian localities, met with in genarum (Zetterstedt, I 838) commonly used identification literature (e.g. sundewalli (Zetterstedt; I 845) Ringdahl 1954c, 1956, Hennig 1955 1964 hirtulus (Zetterstedt, I 83 8) - (Zetterstedt, Fonseca 1968), or else occuring in works dea- subrostrata I 845) (Zetterstedt, ling with the Scandinavian fauna. In the list all innocuus I 83 8) pubipes (Zetterstedt, synonyms are indented relative to valid names. I 845) lividiventris (Zetterstedt, I 845) Superscript numbers refer to the annotations at longipes (Zetterstedt, I 845) the end of paper the list. At the end of the is a list atrq (Fallen, I 823), preocc. of species recorded from Norway in the litera- anthomyzoides (Storm, I 896) ture but excluded from the check-list on the nigrifrors (Robineau-Desvoidy, I 830) basis of presently available evidence. variabills (Fallen, 1823), preocc. nigritellus (Zetterstedt, I 8 3 8) rostatus (Meade, I 882) Family Muscidae semicinereus (Wiedemann, I 8 I 7) hyalinqta (Fallen, 1823), preocc. Su bfamily Ach anthipterinae separ (Zetterstedt, I 845) Achanthiptera Rondani, I 856 simplex (Wiedemann, I 8 I 7) rohrelliformis (Robineau-Desvoidy, I 8 30) postica (Zetterstedt, I 846) inanis (Fallen, 1 825), preocc. sudeticus (Schnabl, I 888) Drymeia Meigen, 1826 Subfamily Muscinae Pogonomyia Rondani, I 87 I Trichopticoides Ringdahl, I 93 I Tribe Reinwardtiini hamata (Fallen, I 823) Muscina Robineau-Desvoidy, I 830 piligera (Zetterstedt, I 845) levida (Harris, 1780) tetra (Meigen, 1826) (Fallen, assimilis I 823) fuscinervis (Zetterstedt, I 8 3 8) borealis (Zetterstedt, I 838) lanceolata (Zetterstedt, I 838) poscuorum (Meigen, I 826) obscuripennis (Zetterstedt, I 838) prolapsa Harris, I 780) vicana (Harris, 1780) pabulorum (Fallen, I 8 I 7) decolor (Fallen , 1824) stabularus (Fallen, I 8 l7) innocens (Zetterstedt, I 845) 78 Hydrotaea Robineau-Desvoidy, I 830 Morellia Robineau-Desvoidy, I 830 Ophyra Robineau-Desvoidy, I 830 aenescens Robineau-Desvoidy, I 830 Lasiops Meigen, 1838 valga (Wahlb€rg, I 845) Cryptophyra Michelsen, I 97 8 hortorum (Fallen, I 8 I 7) qenesce,ns (Wiedemann, I 830) podagrica (Loew, 1857) albipuncta (Zetterstedt, I 845) simplex (Loew, 1857) anxia (Zetterstedt, I 838) Neomyia Walker, 1859 bispinosa (Zetterstedt, I 845) Orthellia Robineau-Desvoidy, I 863 armipes (Fallen, 1825) Cryptolucilia Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1893 occulta (Meigen , 1826) Pseudopyrellia Girschner, I 894 borussica Stein, I 899 cornicina (Fabricius, I 78 I ) capensis (WieOemann, I 8 I 8) viridis (Wiedemann, 1824) anthrax (Meigen, I 826) caesarior (Meigen, 1826), preocc. cadaverina (Megnin, I 894) fennica (Frey, I 909) cyrtoneurina (Zetterstedt, I 845) viridescers (Robineau-Desvoidy, I 830) dentipes (Fabricius, I 805) cornicina; authors, not Fabricius diabolu.s (Harris, I 780) (misidentification) ciliata (Fabricius, 179q, preocc. Eudasyphora Townsend, I 9l I spinipes (Fallen, 1823), preocc. cyanella (Meigen , 1826) bimaculata (Meigen , 1826) cyanicolor (Zetterstedt, I 845) floccosa Macquart, 1835 zimini (Hennig, I 963) armipes; authors, not Fallen (misidentification) Tribe Stomoxyini glabricula (F allen, I 8 2il2 Stomoxys Geoffroy, 17 62 ignava (Harris, 1780) calcitrars (Linnaeus, I 758) leucostoma (W iedemann, I 8 I 7) H aematobosca Bezzi, I 907 spoliata (Zetterstedt, I 849) stimulans (Meig€n, 1824) irritans (Fallen, I 823) crassipalprs (Ringdahl , 1926) meteorica (Linnaeus, I 758) militaris (Meigen, I 826) Subfamily Phaoniinae pandellef Stein, 1899 pelluce,ns