The Canadian Who's Who
^mt (ftoUegc of l^gricultutc Kt (flnrnell MniuerBttg atliata. ». 11. ffitbrarg bOi men uiiiversiiy .idrarv F 1033.C23 The Canadian who's who. 3 1924 014 019 255 ADVERTISEMENTS. TD6e (Sanadian Railway J^eeident Jnsuranee Qo. OTTAWA, CANADA. Atjthobized Capital, $500,000.00 SuBSCKiBjiD Capjtal, - ", " " 250,000.00; Issues more Personal Accident Pplioies than any other Company in Canada. OFFICERS: I Denis Muepht, President. _J0HN^El^.O, H. W. Pearsgn, , . , See.-Treastlrer. ' General Mgr. AH classes of Persob^ Accident,' gicfaiesB, Eiiployers' or other Liability, Compensation and Collective Insurance Business transacted. Agents Wanted in Unkepkbsbnted Districts, APPLY TO GENERAL MANAGER, 128 WELLINGTON ST., OTTAWA, ONT. SUN LIFE Assurance Company OF CANADA Head Office^ - - Montreal Chief Office for the United Kingdom, 93 QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, E.G. Assets Dec. Slst, 1909, $32,804,997 Business in FoKGB, - 8129,913,669 R. MACAULAY, President. S. H. EWING, Vice-President,,', .' F. B. MACAULAY, F.I.A., Secretary and Managing Director. i — , ^^ FOUNDED 1806 THE LAW UNION &ROCK INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED OF LONDON (In which are Incorporated the Law Union & Crown and the Rock Insurance Companlel^). Assets exceed S4S,006,060.00. Over S5,O0O,OOO Investea in Canada CLAIMS PAID EXCEED SlSS.OOO.OOO.Op FrRE AND ACCIDENT RISKS ACCEPTED. CANIDIAN HEID OFFICE: 112 St. JAMES STREET, Corner PLAGE D'ARMES, MONTREAL. Agents wanted in unrepresented towns in Canada. J. E. E. DICKSON, Canadian Manager. Alex. S. Matthew. Manager; W. D. Aitken, Sub-Manager, Accident Department. ADVERTISEMENTS. General Accident ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA Personal Accident. Property Damage. Health. , Liability. Steam Boiler Insurance. Manager forCanada, C.
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