^mt (ftoUegc of l^gricultutc

Kt (flnrnell MniuerBttg

atliata. ». 11.

ffitbrarg bOi men uiiiversiiy .idrarv F 1033.C23

The Canadian who's who.

3 1924 014 019 255 ADVERTISEMENTS.

TD6e (Sanadian Railway J^eeident Jnsuranee Qo. OTTAWA, . Atjthobized Capital, $500,000.00

SuBSCKiBjiD Capjtal, - ", " " 250,000.00; Issues more Personal Accident Pplioies than any other Company in Canada. OFFICERS:

I Denis Muepht, President. _J0HN^El^.O, H. W. Pearsgn, , . , See.-Treastlrer. ' General Mgr.

AH classes of Persob^ Accident,' gicfaiesB, Eiiployers' or other Liability, Compensation and Collective Business transacted.

Agents Wanted in Unkepkbsbnted Districts, APPLY TO GENERAL MANAGER, 128 WELLINGTON ST., OTTAWA, ONT. SUN LIFE Assurance Company OF CANADA Head Office^ - - Chief Office for the United Kingdom, 93 QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, E.G. Assets Dec. Slst, 1909, $32,804,997 Business in FoKGB, - 8129,913,669

R. MACAULAY, President. S. H. EWING, Vice-President,,', .'

F. B. MACAULAY, F.I.A., Secretary and Managing Director. .

i — , ^^ FOUNDED 1806 THE LAW UNION &ROCK INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED OF LONDON (In which are Incorporated the Law Union & Crown and the Rock Insurance Companlel^). Assets exceed S4S,006,060.00. Over S5,O0O,OOO Investea in Canada CLAIMS PAID EXCEED SlSS.OOO.OOO.Op FrRE AND ACCIDENT RISKS ACCEPTED. CANIDIAN HEID OFFICE: 112 St. JAMES STREET, Corner PLAGE D'ARMES, MONTREAL. Agents wanted in unrepresented towns in Canada. J. E. E. DICKSON, Canadian Manager. Alex. S. Matthew. Manager; W. D. Aitken, Sub-Manager, Accident Department. ADVERTISEMENTS.


Personal Accident. Property Damage.

Health. , Liability. Steam Boiler Insurance.

Manager forCanada, C. NORIE-MILLER

Head Office, - . Canadian Casualty AND BOILER INSURANCE COMPANY


151 St. James Street, - MONTREAL, CANADA

stocks and Bonds. Mining Stocks a Specialty. h Twenty years experience in Practical Mining. Correspondence invited.

Full information regarding Cobalts upon request.



Through trains are operated from Portland, Me., New York, ,N.Y., Boston, 'Mass., Philadelphia, Pa^ Halifax, N.S., , Que., and'Montreal, Que., to the great Agricultural and Industrial districts reached by -this System in Canada and the United States. The Grand Trunk is also the only line reaching all the Tourist and;' Hunting ResQrts in the famous "Highlands of ,"

Write to the undersigned for descriptive literature.


CANADA^S GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY "THE ONLY ALL RED ROUTE.". Is being rapidly rushed to completion and isx)i3ening up the finest Agricultural

Region in , full of possibilities to intending Settlers. ^ Write to the undersigned for "Homesteads" pamphlet and other descriptive literature dealing with this new country^ - —



Capital, .... j;6,000,000 Reserve Fund, and Undivided Profits, - 4,602,157 Total Deposits (Nov. 30, 1909), 49,471,594

Assets, - 66,800,151

President : Sir H. Montagu Allan. Vice-President : Jonathan Hodgson, Esq.

General Mai^ager: E. F. Hebden.

General Banking Business. Colleciions on any Point. Letfers of Credit Issued.

Traders' Cheques Issued, Savings Bank Business. Sterling arid Continental Exchange.

142 Branches in Canada—Extending from Quebec to Victoria.

Imperial Bank of Canada

I>. R. WiLKiE, President. Hon. Robert Japfray, Vice-President.

- . CAPITAL AUTHORIZED, $10,000,000.00 CAPITAL PAID UP, 5,000,000.00 RESERVE FUND, 5,000,000.00



iLOYDS BANK LIMITED and > THE COMMERCIAL BANK OF SCOTLAND LIMITED and Branches with whom Money may be Deposited for transfer by Letter or Cable to any part of CANADA. SPECIAL ATTENTION given to Canadian collections forwarded to the Head Office in Toronto or through its Agents in Great Britain. A General Banking Business transacted throughout the Doimnion of Canada. ADVERTISEMENTS,

Seasickness and Trainsickness.

represents the result of four years , MOTHERSILL'S SEASICK REMEDY careful, painstaking investigation and scientific research, based on scientific p^rin- ciples and careful clinical tests. The secret of its success Kes in the fact that it is not a temporary relief, but it absolutely prevents seasickness by maintaining the I)roper equilibrium of the organs that cause seasickness.

The popular theory that seasickness is due to a deranged stomach, a weak stomach, or to stomachic conditions is erroneous. In fact most seasick remedies on the Market are utter failures because they aim to correct- stomach conditions. MOTHERSILL'S SEASICK REMEDY will cure seasickness when all other remedies fail, and it will positively prevent seasickness if taten ii^time. On English Channel] Irish Sea and Atlantic. MOTHERSILL'S SEASICK REMEDY has been through every pos- " sible test that could be made within the past three years. In the fall of 1908, Mr. Mothersill gave a series of demonstrations on the English Channel, Irish Sea, and Baltic. It has been said that MOTHERSILL'S SEASICK REMEDY would prove of DO value in these places, where it would be put to the severest test. We proved, the fallacy of this statement by practical demonstrations, the tests being most successful. Equally fortunate were the more extended results experienced -

by Transatlantic parties, such as the International Sunday School Association trip . from, Boston to Rome and back, consisting of 600 persons; the Canadian Bisley • Team, under Lieut. -Colonel Labelle; the American Olym^pia Team and many others. Th6se large parties always comprise many who are susceptible to sea- sickness, who by the use of MOTHERSILL'S SEASICK REMEDY were able to take the voyage without any unpleasant symptoms. In fact the results of these various demonstrations were so successful that they were highly commented upon at the time with long editorial articles by the leading British, American, Canadian, and Scandinavian newspapers!

BISHOP TAYLOR-SMITH, CHAPLAIN-GENERAL of the BRITISH forces, says:—"T havp ordered at various times supolies of MOTHERSILL'S SEA- SICK REMEDY and found it most effective."

' Write us for Booklet, Press editorials and testimonials from prominent people, GUARANTEE.

We guarantee the successful action of Mothersill's Seasick Remetiy in every case when directions are followed or refund money. Fob Sale at Chemists or Write— MOTHERSILL REMEDY CO., LTD. MONTREAL, CANADA. , MICH., U.S. 19 ST. BRIDE ST., LONDON, E.C. ADVERTISEMENTS. C. MEREDITH ^ CO.. Limited


CHAS. MEREDITH, W. E. STAVERT, President. Vice-President.

G. W. PARRELL, Secretary-Treasurer. A. H. B. MAQKENZIE, Manager. DIRECTORS:


/ Offices: - 101 St. Francois Xavier St. MONTREAL.


160 St. James Street, : : MONTREAL SPECIALTY: Investment Securities—Suitable for Banks, Trust Estates, Insurance Companies, Investments -for Deposit with Canadian Government. Cable Address: Chronicle.' ACHILLE BERGEVIN INVESTMENT BROKER

235 Board ofTrade Building, - - MONTREAL 4—

Municipal and School Debeisitures, Government and Railway BpNDs, Bou&ht and Sold. Loans on Mortgage. 'advertisements: BRITISH American Bank Note Company, limited

'^ ' ' f ^1

Cl, +=

.a b The Canadian WHO'S WHO

London, England : ®ite ®tWte«»

Pxjntin^ House Square, E.C,


-Copyright, Canada, 1910, hy The Times Pvb\ishing Company i. ADVERTISEMENTS.


Is situated in the heart of the city.

It is fireproof at;id high class in every detail.

The St. Regis is a new hotel, opened at the commencement of the present year, and built at great cost.

It is one of the most pleasant and best 'appointed Restaurants the on ,

?" :ii'^} Continent.

The cuisine is in charge of chefs who havefbeen brought from the noted ^' '^Sk Cafes of Paris.

Thirty Rooms (bachelor). Banquet Hall, Lounge Rooms.

Private Supper Rooms for Ladies and Gentlemen.

Large Banquet Hall.

The St. Regis Hotel Company, Limited


288-290 St. Catherine Street West, - MONTREAL FOREWORD.

In the preparation of the first edition of The Canadian

Who's Who, the desire has been to make it thoroughly repre-

sentative of the leading men and women of Canada, whether resident in their own land or abroad. If, perchance,

the biography of some prominent Canadian has been omitted,

the error niust not, in all cases, be ascribed to the editor,, inasmuch as som.e gentlemen, to whom, circulars were sent, failed

to ans7ver them, and consequently their biographies could not be


Thanks are due to Capt. Chambers, editor of the Canadian Parliamentary Guide; Dr. Doughty, Dominion Archivist; Dr.

Benjamin Suite, Dr. Wilfred Campbell, and other gentlemen for valuable data furnished.

Suggestions for future issues, corrections of errors, etc.

will be gratefully appreciated by THE EDITOR.

Press Gallery, Ottawa, May, igio. ADVERTISEMENTS.

P. O. Box 183. Cables—" Nahac, Montreal.' Tel. M. 4186. Codes—Liebers—West Un.


Royal Insurance Building, Place d'Armes, MONTREAL .

6REENSHIELDS, GREENSHIELDS, & LANGUEDOG Barristers, Solicitors and Attorneys

86 Notre Dame Street W., Montreal, Canada

J. N. Greenshields, K.C. R. A. E. Greenshields, K.C. E. Languedoc. C. G. Greenshields. F. R. Parkins.

Bonds suitable for Trust Funds. For Deposit with Canadian Government. For Permanent Investment. Canadian Securities of all kinds, Bought, Sold and Appraised. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. W. GRAHAM BROWNE & CO. DEALERS IN HIGH-GRADE BONDS

42-43 Bank of Ottawa BIdg;., - Montreal, Canada. Codes used: "Liebers.'* Cable Address: "Grabrowne." "Western Union." "A.B.C. Sth Edition." ROBERT'S Counting House ESTABLISHED 1880. Government, Municipal, School, Commercial Corporation and Railway Bonds. State, County and City Warrants, Mortgage Loans. Debts Converted and Consolidated. REAL ESTATE. Savings' Bank Building, 180 St. Tames Street, llontreal. ANTOINE ROBERT. INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS.

Acetylene Buoys. page International Marine Signal Co., Ltd.5 Fraternal Society.

Sons of England Benefit Society .... 14 , Advocates, Barristers, Etc. ,..-Tpaliaji, C. H liw Hotels. ;.• 1 CJhauvin, Baker & Walker 6 Grand Union, Ottawa 8 ,5 SCnristie, Greene & Hill 2 ' The New Russell, Ottawa 8 * 4 Codf 4: Burritt 2 St. Regis, Montreai^ . ,. .xi Davidson & Wainwright 6

r : Elliott & David 10 -; CiorAmlly, Orde & Powell 6 Insurance Companies. '.; -Greenshields, Greensliields & Canadian Railway Accident Insur- ' ' ; Languedoc. . .xiii ance Co. . . . ; Hi Iiighthall , & Harwood 2 General Accident Assurance Co. of McGiverin, , Haydon & Greig.' 2 Canada .iv McLennan, Howard & Aylmer 6 Law Union & Rock Insurance Co., , McMaster & Papineau 6 ' Ltd, (The) Hi ; Staitli & Johnston 10 London Assurance Thompson, & Lancashire Life A. T 10 Co xviii . ,' Vipond vipond & 2 Metropolitan Life Insurance Co ..... it

Sun Life Assurance of Canada. . . Hi Banks. Co. Bank of Ottawa ii Newspapers. Dominion Bank 16 The Times i Imperial Bank. .~ m The Times 16 Merchants' Bank of Canada vi Weekly

Books. Ballwsiys.

,, Nelson's Loose-Leaf EncyclopoEdia. .l.'i Canadian Pacific Ry. Co xix Grand Trunk Ry. System -y Brokers and Financial Agents. Bergevin, Achille viii miscellaneous. Bethune, J. T xviii British American Bank Note Co. . . . .ix Black, John iv Browne, W. Graham Cortioelli Silk Co., Ltd 12 & Co xiii Dumford, George, Ltd 10 Elmore, W. E. & Co 10 Gourook Ropework Export Co., Ltd. Forget, Rodolphe 13 (The) 4 Ives, A. Scott xviii Mothersill Remedy Co vii MacCuaig, W. 4 _ W Robert's Counting House. xiii Meredith, C. & Co. ... viii -Ttiiel Detective Service Co. of Can- Wilson-Smith, R viii ada, Ltd., (The) 7 Canadian Todd, Fredenck G xviii Government. Ward & Co 4- Canadian North-West Land Regula- WareCo. (The) 4 tions 3 Windsor Salt 12

Royal jniitary College Regulations. .1 I Woods, Ltd 9 . . . - . ' -


A.A.G.. Assistant-Adjutant -General. Chap. .^Chaplain. ^

Abp. . . Archbishop. Ch. Chr...... Christ Church. A.C.A.. Associate of the Institute oi Chn (Chairman.

Chartered Accountants. Civ. Serv. . . . Civil Service.

Acad.. . Academy. C.J. Chief Justice.

A.D.C. Aide-de-camp. CI. . . Class.

Adj.. . Adjutant CM.., Master in Surgery.

Adm.. . Admiral. C.M.G Companion of St. Michael and

i Adv. . . Advocate. St. George.

.' Advt.. . Advertisement. CO .Commancfing Ofl&cer.

A.G.. Attorney-General; Adjutant- Co ; . . .County; Company. General. Col Colony; Colonel. - Ala.. Alabama (U.S.) Coll. ... .'. . .College; CoU^iate. v, . Alta , Alberta. Comdg Commanding. _ ^ A.]W:.I.C.E.. Associate Member of Institute Comdt. Commandant. of Civil Engineers. Com,-j n-Chf.Commande];;-in-Chief A.M.I.E.E.. .Associate Member of Institute Comr .Commissioner. of Mectrical Engineers. Corp.. Corporal. Anat Anatomy; Anatomical. Corr. Mem. Corresponding Member or Fel-

A.Q.M.G. . . Assistant-Quart ermaster- orFell.. . low. General. CP.R . A.R.A Associate of the Royal Acad- Cr Crown. emy., cr created. a.r.a,m;,. . .Associate of the Royal Acad- CS. Civil Service. emy of Music. CV.O Commander of the Royal Vic-

A.B.C.A.. . . Associate Royal Canadian torian Order. Academy. - Archt. . .Architect. D Duke. A.B.S.C.. . Associate Royal College of d Pence; died; daughter. Science. v D.A.A.G Deputy-Assistant -Adjutant- ' A.R.I.B.A... .Associate of the Royal Insti- General. - British , tute of Architects. D.A,G .Deputy-Adjutant-General, ."

. . Ark.. .Arkansas (U.S.) * D.A.Q.M.G. . Deputy-Aissistant-- A.B.S.]!! .Associate Royal School of master-General. Mines. D.C.L,. . . Doctor of Civil Law. Art. . . . . Artist. D.D. Doctor of Divinity. A.S.C.. . Army Service Corps. D.D.S Doctor of Dental Surgery. Ass.or Assist.i.Assistant. deg Degree. Atha.. . Athabasca. del delegate. Av. Avenue. Dep Deputy. Dept Department. B Baron. T)ioc . -Diocese; Diocesan, born; brother. b Div Division. B.A Bachelor of Arts. D, Litt. or D. Lit, Doctor of Literature Barr Barrister. Dr Doctor. or Baronet. Bart, Bt.. D.Sc Doctor of Science. Batt.orBatn,.Battalion. D.S.O Companion of the Distinguish-^ ^efore Christ; British B.C Colum- ed Service Order.- bia. D.Theol. . . . Doctor of Theology. B.C.L Bachelor of Civil Law. B.D Bachelor of Divinity. Bd. Board. E, East; Eari. B.E Bachelor of Engineering. Eccl. Ecclesiastical. Berks Berkshire. Ed. Editor. ' ' B.Litt Bachelor of Letters or of Laws. Edin Edinburgh. B.M.A British Medical Association. Educ. Educated. Bot Botany; Botanical. Eng England. • Bp Bi^op. eng Engineer.

Brev.. . Brevet.

Brig.. . .Brigade; Br^adier. F.CA Fellowof the Institute of Char-

B.S . Bachelor of Surgery. tered Accountants. B.Sc. . . Bachelor of Science. F.CP. Fellow College of Preceptors.

B.Th.. . of Bachelor Theology. F.CS Fellow of the Chemical Society . F.E.S Fellow of the Entomolbgic?.!

(C) . .^ Conservative. Society. c Cents; centimes; child. F.F.A Fellow of the Faculty of Actu- C.A Chartered Accountant. aries. CaUf California (U.S.) F.G.S Fellow -of thelGeological Soc- Capt Captain. iety. -Cav. Cavalry. F.I.A Fellow of the Institute of C.B Companion of the Bath. Actuaries.

C.C County Councillor. F.I.C . .. ..Fellow of the Institute of CE Civil Engiheer. '^ Chemistry. Chanc .Chancellor; Chancery. Fr,, French. '


F.R.A,M. . . . Fellow of the Royal Academy K.B...... Knight Bachelor^ of Music. K,C King's Counsel.

F.R.AiS.. . . .Fellow of the Royal Astrono- K..C.B. Knight Comjiiander. of the mical Society. Bath.

F.R.C.I. - . . .Fellow of the Royal Colonial K.CM.G.. . .Knight Commander of St. Institute. Michael and St. George.

F.B.C.O.. . . .Fellow, of the Royal Coll^^of K.C.V.O Knight Commander of the - Organists. Royal Victorian Order.

F,R.C.P. . . . . Fellow of the Royal College of K.G,. Knight of the Order of the

Physicians. ' ' F.R.C.S.. . . . Fellow of the Royal Collie of Kt. orKnt. . .Knight. Surgeons. Lib. Liberal. ' _ F.R,C.V.S.. ..Fellow of the Royal College of 3L.C.J Lord Chief Justice. Veterinary Surgeons. L,D.S. Licentiate of Dental Surgery.

F.R.G.S.. . . . Fellow of the Royal Geograph- L,F.P.S Licentiate of the Faculty of ical Society. Physicians and Surgeons.

F.R.Hist. S. . Fellow of the Royal Histoncal L.H.D Doctor of Literature. Society.

F,lfc,Hort.S. .Fellow of the Royal Horti- L.I Light Infantry. . cultural Society. Lie, Med Licentiate in Mec^cine. F.R.I.B.A. -Fellow of the Royal Institute Xieut Lieutenant. of British Architect's. ' Lit Literature: Literary.

F.R.M.S,. . . .Fellow of the Royal Micros- Lit. D Doctor of Letters. copical Society. LL.B. Bachelor of Laws. F.R.Met.S.. .Fellow of the Royal Meteoro- LL.D Doctor of Laws. logical Society. LL.M Master of Laws.

; F,B,s: Fellow of the Royal Society. L.R.C.P. . . . .Licentiate of the Royal College

F.R.C.S.. . .Fellow of the Royal Society of of Physicians. Canada, L.R.C.S Licentiateof the Royal College-

F.R.S.L.. . . Fellow of the Royal Society of of Surgeons. Literature. L,R.C.V.S.. .Licentiate of the Roj^al College

. . , , F.S.A.. .Fellow of the Society of Anti- of Veterinary Surgeons. quaries. Lt. or Lieut. .Lieutenant.

r.s.s. .... , . Fellow of the Royal Statistical Lt.-Col Lieutenant-Colonel. Society. Lt.-Gen Lieutenant-General.

F.Z.S , . Fellow of the Zoological Soc-

iety. . married. M.A.*. .Master of Arts.

G.C.R , .Knight Grand Cross of the Mag

Bath. Maf.-Gen.. . .Major-General..

G.C.M.G.. . .Knight Grand Cross of St. Man. . Manitoba. \

Michael and St. George. Marq . Marquis. '

G.C.V.O. . . Knight Grand Cross of Royal Math .Mathematics; Mathematical.

Victorian Order. M.B . Bachelor of Medicine-

Gen. . .General. M.D, . Doctor of Medicine.

' G.L . . Grand Lodge. Me .Maine (U.S.)

. Gov, .Governor. Med .Medical. ,

Govt, . . . . .Government. Mem . Memorandum.

g,s...... Grandson. M,F.H . Master of Foxhoimds. ,

Harv, . . . .Harvard. M.H.R .Member House of Representa-

H.E . . His Excellency. tives.

Heir pres. . . Heir presumptive. M.I,£.E, . . . .Member of Institute of Elec-

H,H...... His (or tier) Highness. trical Engineers.

H.I,H...... His (or Her) Imperial High- M.I.M.E,. . . .Member of Institute of Mining ness. and Mechanical Engineers.

H.I.M.. . . .His (or Her) Imperial Majesty. M.I.Mech.E. Member Institution of Mechan-

BT.M...... His (or Her) Majesty. ical Engineers.

H.M.I. . . . .His Majesty's Inspector. M.I.M.M. :. . Mefiiber Of Institute of Mining

H.M.S. . . . His Majesty's Ship. and Metallurgy.

Hon . . Honourable. Min . Minister.

Honk . .Honorary. M.Inst.C.E. . Member of Institution of Civil

- H.B.H.. . . . His (or Her) Royal Highness. Engineers.

M.Inst.M.E. , Member of Institution of Min- Imp Imperial. ing Engineers, -

Insp ylnapector. M.L . Licentiate in Medicine.

. Inst. Instant ; Institute. M.L.A . Member of Legislative Assem-

_ I.O.O.r. ... .Independent Order of Odd- bly.

fellows. M.L.C . Member of L^islative Council,

I.S.O Imperial Service Order. Mme.. . Madame.

Most Rev.. . .Most Reverend (of an Arch-

J,A ; . .Judge-Advocate. bishop). Jas James. M.P ..Memiber of Parliament.

Jes .Jesus. M,R.C.P,. . . .Member of the Royal Collie

Joli. Jno . . . .John. of Physicians.

J,P, Justice of the Peace. M.R.C.S.. . . .Member Royal Collie of Sur- Jun Junior. geons. K King. M.S . Mast^ of Surgery. XW/l ABBREVIATIONS.

M.Sc Master of Science. Rt. Hon Right Honourable.

Mt, Mountain. Rt. Rev.. . .Right Reverend (of a Bishop.) Mus. B Bachelor of Music. R.T.S Royal Yacht Squadron,

Mus.D.. . .Doctor of Music. Master of Music. Mus. M. S. succeeded; South; Saints. M.V.O. Member of the Royal Victor- s. . :son; shillings. ian Order. S.A South ; South Africa. Sask Ss.skatchewan N,B . Sc.D Doctor KT.H Hampshire of Science. New (U.S.) Sch. Scholar; School. Public. N.P. Notary Sec Secreta^-y. National Bifle Association. N.R.A. Serjt Serjeftnt. Scotia. N.S Nova S.G Solicitor-General. N.W.T N-orth-West Territories. S.J Society of Jesus (Jesuits). N.Y NewYork—City or State. S.Ij Serjeant -at -Law. o.c. only child. S.M.E.. . . ! . .-School of Military Engineering Soc Society. Ontario. Ont Sovs. Sovereigns.

o. s only son, , S.P.C.C, . . . .Society for the Prevention of Ontario Society of Artists. O.S.A. Cruelty to Children. S.P.C.K Society for Promoting Christ- Pari. Agt.. . . Parliamentary Agent. ian Knowled^. . P.C Privy Councillor. S.P.G, Society for the Propagation of Prince Island. P.E.I Edward the Gospel.

. , . . . Ph.D;. . . Doctor of Philosophy. Sq. Square. Phil Philosophical. SS.. . Steamship; Saints. Physical. Phys , St. Street; Saint. Plen Plenipotentiary. Supt. Superintendent. P.M.G, Postmaster-General. Surg Surgeon. .,.: .. Principal P.M.O. Medical Officer, Surv, Surviving. "P.Q Pfovince of Quebec. T.R.H. . . . .Their Royal Highnesses. President. Pres Ter. or Terr. Terrace. Prof. Professor. Trin Trinity. u uncle. - Queen. Q U.K United Kingdom of Q.C. Queen's Coimsel. threat Britain and Ireland. Quartermaster-General. Q.M.G. JJnlv University. . Que. ., Quebec. U.S United Statfes. U.S.A United R,A Royal Academician; Royal States of America. Artillery. R.A.C Royal Agricultural College. V Five (Roman numerals); Ver-, R.A.M Royal Academy of Music. sion; Vicar; Vicsount; Vice.- V.C Victoria Cross. R.A.M.C. . .Royal Army Medical Corps. R, Art, Royal Artillery. Ven, Venerable (of an Archdeacon). R.C.y.S Royal College of Veterinary Very Rev. . . Very Reverend (of a Dean). - Surgeons. Vet. Veterinary. R.E. Royal Engineers. Vice-Admn. Vice-Admiral. Rear-Adm.. .Rear-Admiral. Vol. Vplume; Volunteers. Reg. Prof,. .. Regius Professor. V.P. Vice-President. Regt...... '. .Regiment. Res. Resigned; Reserve. W,I West Indies. Rev Reverend, W.O War Office. Warrant Officer. R.F.A Royal Field Artillery. X -.Ten. (Roman numerals). R.G.A. Royal Garrison Artillery. R.I.B.A.. ...Royal Institute of British yds. yards. Architects. Y.M.C.A.. . . . Yoimg Men's Christian^Assoc- Royal Military Coll., Canada, - ~ R.M.C. iatiofi, .

R.M.L(.I. . . . . Royal Marine Light Infantry. Yorks Yorkshire. R.N. Royal Navy. Yrs Years.

R.N.R Royal Naval Reserve. Y.W.C.A.. . .Young Women's ChHatian ]Roy Royal. Association. 'ADVERTISEMENTS.


J. T. BETHUNE FINANCIAL AGENT Government, Municipal and Industrial Bonds.

406 Eastern Townships Bank BIdg.. MONTREAL. CANADA.


lO Phillipe Place, - - MONTREAL.


The London and Lancashire Life Assurance Co'y. OF LONDON, ENG.

issues all modern forms of Life Assurance Contracts. Rates favourable and Security unexcelled. For Full Information Address: B. HAL BROWN, - General Manager.for ^Canada.


Ao SCOTT ives Financial Broker.

Municipal, Corporation Bonds ^and Investments.

16 Liverpool London & Globe Bldg-, MONTREAL. . ^x ADVERTISEMENTS.-

This Railway Com- f j^MB^pB^j^ By Jts incomparable paiiy ia noted for l|n^^^^^^Wl trains, all the princi- generous treatment ISffffwunfuff pal cities and towns of of its passengers ^SHinrVnBr Canada are reacKed


ATLANTIC ll A I Iv ff \ I PACIFIC TRANSCONTINENTAL TRAIN SERVICE Only actual Transcontinental Line in America under, one manag-ement

PACIFIC STEAMSHIP SERVICE To China and Japan, also to Attstbai.ia and , via Honolulu AND StrvA, and Around tlhe World. ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP SF:rVICE Montreal, Quebec and Livebpool. Land to land in 4 days. All Atlantic records held by Empress Steamships.' "UPPER LAKES STEAMSHIP SERVICE Owen Sound to Fort Willlaj*. BRITISH COLdMBIA COAST SERVICE VANCOUTEB, TICTOBIA, SEATTLE, * To Frlnee Rupert, Northern B.C. and the . FOR FURTHER INFORUATION APPLY TO ROBERT KERR, WM. STITT, Passenger Traffic Manager^, General Passenger Agent.




nian Raid. Former editor of The Canadian Monthly, and the Canada Educational Monthly; for twelve years priv. sec. to Prof. ABBOTT, Harry B., O.E.; b. Abbotsford, Gojdwin Smith, D.C.L., at Toronto; editor Que.,14Juiie, 1829; 8. of Rev. Joseph Abbott of Lovell's "Gazetteer of the Canadian Do- and Harriet Blizabeth Bradford; m. Margar- minion," Montreal, 1908. Publications; et, <2. of the late Chief Justice Sicotte, and "Thc'Canadian North West, its history and widow of C. Freer, C.E. (d. 1907); two a. and its Troubles, with' the Narrative of Three In- c2.jE7

G.T.R. system; later was employed on the Robert E; Lee" ; "Canada from Sea to Sea" Riviere de Loup section, G.T.R. ; chief engr. "Toronto, Old and New"; "Outline History BrockviUe and Ottawa Ry. 1864; chief engr. of "; "Public School of the Eastern Extension Ry. Co., 1876; en- History of England and Canada", and fifty tered service of C.P.R.. 1882: gen. supt. C.P. other books of biography, history, encyclo- R. in B.C., 1886; retired therefrom 1897. paedias, etc. Address; 7 West 106th St.. Assisted in formation of 11th Argenteuil New Yoi^k, N.Y. Rangers, retiring with rank of major; unsuc- ADAMI, John George, F.R.S., M.A., M.D. cessfully contested BrockviUe at Dozn. g. e., F.R.S.S., LL.D.; Professor of Pathology, 1872, and East Algoma, for Out. Legis., McGill Univ., Montreal; b. Manchester, Eng.^ 1866; has been pres. of the Vancouver oTub. 12 Jan., 1862; s. of late John George Adami Address: 720 Jervis St., Vancouver, B.C. of Manchester and Sarah Ann Ellis, d. of Clubs: Vancouver; Union, Victoria. Thomas Leech of Urmston, Lanes; m. 1894, ABBAMOWITZ. Babbi Herman, B.A., Mary Stuart, d. of James Alexander Cantlie L.H.D.;6. Russia, 28 Feb./ 1880. Educ: and Eleonora Stephen of Montreal; one «. College of City of N. Y., Columbia Univ. one d. Educ. : Owens College, Manchester; Jewish Theo. Seminary of America. Ap- Christ's College, Cambridge; Breslau and ptd Minister of the "Shaar Hashomayim" Paris. House Physician, Manchester Royal Xk>ngregation of Montreal in 1902, which Infirmary, and Demonstrator of Pathology, §os. he still holds. Address: 17 Hutchison • Univ. of Camb. 1887; M.D. Cantab. 1890; t., Montreal. Club; Montefiore. John Lucas Walker Student of Pathology in ACLAND, Frederick A., Dep. Min. of La- the Unhr. 1890; elected Fellow of Jesus Coll. bour; Canada; b. Bridgewater, England, 9 Camb. 1891; head of the Pathological De-

Aug., 1861 ; 8. of S. Acland and Mary Bryant partment of the Royal Victoria Hospital. Acland; m. Elizabeth Adair. Toronto, Ont.; Fublications; Numerous papers upon patho- one a. one d.; Educ. Bricfeewater. Arrived logical subjects in various medical journals in Canada 1883; connected with various and transactions of medical journals, Eng- newspapers in England, United States and lish^ American, and French; including Obser- Canada; Asst. E(htor The Globe, Toronto, vations upon the Mammalian Heart (with 1890 to 1902; Manager in London, Eng., Professor Roy) in the Phil. Trans.; Middle- Booklovers' Library, 1902 to 1904; Editor ton Goldsmith Lectures upon Inflammation, Olobe, Toronto, in Western Canada, 1906 to Trans. New York Pathological Society; All- 1907; Secretary Dept. of Labour, Canada, butt's System of Medicine; on Cirrhosis of 1907-1908; Deputy Minister of Labour 1908. the Liver; Inflammation, M. 4th edit. 1909; Publi(^iona: Pamphlets, magazine articles, Principles of Pathology, 2 vols. Address ; and newspaper work. Address; 14 Somer- McGill Medical Coll., 331 Peel St., Montreal. set St., Ottawa. Club; Bideau, Ottawa. Clubs: Saville, London; St. James's, Mont- ADAM, Graeme Mercer, author; 6. Loan- real etc head, near Roslin Castle, Scot., 25 May, ADAMS, Frank Dawson, Ph.D^, D.Sc, 1839; s. of Jamee and Margaret Adam; m. F.G.S.A., F.R.S.; Dean of the Faculty of (1st) Jane Gibson, of Toronto, (2nd) Frances Applied Science at McGill Univ., and Logan Isabel Brown, of London, Eng.; three «. Prof, of Geology and Palaeontology: 6. Bevend. JSduc Portobello and Edinburgh, Montreal, 17 Sept., 1859; m. 1892, Mary Scot. Went to Canada in 1858 and since Stuart, a. of the late Samuel Finlay, of then engaged in literary work as publisher, 'Montrefll. Educ: Montreal High Sch., author and editor. Identified with Can. McGill Unjv.,. where grad. from Dept, of Mil.; Capt. Q. O. Rifles; served during Fe- Applied Science in the Faculty of Arts with 1 CANADIAN WHO'S WHO, 1910.

(1st) Mary the degree of B. Ap. Sc, 1879, and Master Mary Elizabeth Somerset; m. Colby; of Science, 1884. Studied in Sheffield B. McLelan; (2nd) Mary French Scientific Sch., Yale Coll., and at Heidel- one a., two d. Educ: Brampton Gram. berg, , Doctor of Philosophy 1892. Sch., Upper Can. Coll., Toronto Umv. For nine yrs. on staff of Canadian Geological Called to the Bar of Ontario, 1898; Mani- Survey; apptd. Lecturer in Geology, Mc- toba, 1879; North West Territories a few Gill Univ., 1888; Logan Prof, of Geology yrs. later. Hon.-treas. 13 times of Mani- and Palaeontology, 1893, and apptd. Dean. toba Bar; mem. of Council; dir.. Agricul- of the Faculty of Applied Science, 1908. tural Coll. and Wesley Coll.; counsel at El. Pres. Natiu-al History Soc, 1897; apptd. for C. P. Ry. Co.. and other a F.G.S.A., 1888; F.G.S. of London, JSig., companies and banks. Recreation: GolfJ 1895; F.R.S. of London. He is also a Address: Winmp^,_ Man. Clubs: Mani- Fellow of the Royal Soc. of Canada; Pres. toba, Country, Winnlp^. Geological and Biological Section of that AIRD, Jolin; Mgr. of the Canadian organization; mem. German Geological Bank of Commerce, Winnipeg; b. Long- Soc. Publications: Numerous papers and ueuil. Que., 15 Nov., 1855; a. of William reports which he has submitted to the and Margaret Aird; m. Eleanor Lawlor Geological Survey of Canada, the Royal Johnston; three s. three d. EdugSModel Soc. of Canada, and other leading socs. Sch., Toronto. Engaged in railway^ work "An investigation into the electric con- for six yrs., and in banking enterprisefor.^ ttants of rocks, more esiiecially with refer- thirty-one yrs. Recreations: golf, curling,

ence to cubic compressibility," and a series bowling, lacrosse. Address: Winnipeg, , of papers dealing, with the effect of pressure Man. Clubs: Toronto; Manitoba, Com^ on the folding and flow of rocks, a fecial mercial, Winnipeg. report on the artesian wells of the Island AITKEN, Peter; b. Dundas, Ont., June of Montreal, 1908. Recreations: Camping, 16, 1858; s. William Aitken; jn. Florence H. canoeiAg, and exploring new fields. Ad- Corkhill, of Brooklyn; went to the U.S:, tees: 243 Mountain St., Montreal, Clubs: 1879; studied wood engraving several yrs.; St. James', University, Outremont Golf, visited , 1887 and 1891, and studied Montreal. in Paris, 1895. Awarded medal World's AHEARN, Thomas; b. Ottawa, Ontario, Columbian Expn., 1893; exhibited Paris 24 June, 1355; a. of John Aheam and Expn., 1900. V.-p. an4 chm'n exec. com. . Honora Power; m. (Ist) Lilias Mackay RsLoical Democracy; del. at large to City Fleck; (2nd) Margaret Howit Fleck. One Com. of CJitizens' Union of New York; mem. s. one d. Educ: . exec. com. Citizens' Union, Brooklyn; mem. Pres. Ottawa Land Association, Ottawa (ex-pres.) Brooklyn Single Tax League. Gas Co., Ottawa Electric Co., Ottawa Car Address: 121 Pulaski St., Brooklyn, N.Y. Mfg. Co., Ottawa Electric Railway Co., ALBANI, Madame (Marie Louise Ce- Ottawa Light, Heat and Power Co.: vice- cilia Emma Lajeunesse)," Ord.-Merit pres. Ahearn & Soper, Ltd., The Ottawa (England, Denmark, Cobum); Queen

Investment Co.; Director Canadian West- Victoria Jubilee Ord. ; b. Chambly, nr. inghouse Co. Recreation: travelling. Montreal, 1 Nov., 1854; d. of -the late Address; Buena Vista, Ottawa. Clubs; Joseph Lajeunesse; m. 1879, Ernest Gye; Rideau, Laurentian, Golf, Hunt, and one s, Educ: Sacred Heart Convent, Country, Ottawa. Montreal. Studied music in Paris and AHEARN, Mrs. Margaret Howlt : b. Milan. Made debut in opera at Messina,

Montreal ; d. of Alexander Fleck, of Ottawa, Sicily, 1870, and then was engaged at Flor- and Lilias Walker; m. 1892, Thomas ence and Malta. First appearance in Lon? Aheam, electrician, Pres. of the Ottawa don at Coventgarden theatre May, 1872, Electric Ry. and Electric Cos. Educ: in "La Somnambula," and subsequently McGill Model Sch., and Bute House. Ac- every year for twenty seasons. HaS'Sune- tive in many movements for the advance- at all the great English festivals for many- ment of Women; mem. of Local Council; jT-s., and created most of the modern ora- pres.. Women's Canadian Hist. Soc, and tions. Has simg in Paris, Italy, Germany, Victorian Order of Nurses, Address: "Bue- Russia, United States, (janada, Holland, na Vista." 584 Laurier Ave., W^ Ottawa. Belgium, India, South Africa, Australia. AlKINS, Herbert Austin, M.D., LL.D., Address: 61 Trequnter Rd., London, S.W., Ph.D.; b. Toronto, Ont.; 1 , 1867; England. a. of Dr. W. T. Aikins; married. Educ: ALCORN, George Oscar, K.C.; b. Len- Toronto Univ. and Yale. Prof. Univ. noxville, Que., 3 May, 1850; a. of Thomas Southern Calif., 1SS8; lecturer on history C. Alcorn, M.D., and Martha A. Bartlett; of philosophy, Yale., 1890-1; prof, logic and 771. 3 Aug., 1872, Sara J. Leavens of Belle- philosophy, Triiiity Coll., N.C., 1891-3; hon. ville, Ont. Educ: Toronto Gram. Sch., fellow Clark Univ., 1892-3; Prof, philo- Model Gram. Sch., and private tuition. sophy, Coll. for Women, Western Reserve Called to the Bar of Ont., m Easter, 1871-. Univ. since 1893; mem. Am. Psyshol. Created K.C., 1890. Has been Councillor Aesn., Am. Philos. Assn. Publication: and Reeve of Picton, Ont., and Pres. Lib.- Philosophy of Hume, 1893; author of Con. Assuy Picton, for three yrs. Principles of Logic, 1903; and papers on Elected to House of Commons at g.e., 1900; psychol. and philos. subjects; translater of re-elected at g. e., 1904; unsuccessful at Forel's Hygiene of Nerves and Mind, 1907. g. e., 1908. Address: Picton, Ont. Address: 2038 ComeU Rd., Cleveland, AXGEK, John Lincoln, M.A;; b. Eaton, Ohio. Que., 20 Nov., 1864; a. of Nathan Willis and AIKINS, James Albert Manning, M.A. Mary (Key) Alger; m. 1896, Edith Good- (Tor.), K.C.; b. Richview, Peel co„ Ont,; year, of North Haven, Conn. Educ: 8. of the late Hon. J. C. Aikins, P.C., and Brown Univ., teacher in high schs., Rut- 2 :


land, Vt, and Providence, R.I., 1890-2; and Mayor of the village, 1895-1898; Regis- instr. mathematics, Brown Univ., 1892-5; trar of Yamaska Co., 1890-1897. El. to 3upt. of schs., Benfiington, Vt., 1895-1900; Quebec Legis. at bye-el. 22 Dec, 1898; prin. Johnson (Vt.) State Normal Sch., re-el. at g. e. 1900, 1904; called to Legis. 1900-04, Vt. Acad., since 1904. Mem. Council, 23 March, 1905, and received port- State Normal Sch., Comm'n. Phi Beta folio of Minister of Colonization and Pub, Kappa. Address: Saxtons River, Vt., Works in Gouin Admn., apptd. Minister of .U.S.A. Agriculture, 31 Aug., 1906; Lands and ALLAN, Alexander Olacdonald, F.R.H. Forests, 1909. Pres. Abenakis Springs S.; b. Stratford, Ont., 11 Julj^ 1844; of Hotel Co., St. Lawrence Co.; Scotch parentage; m. Esther Leslie, Tor- dir. Sorel Electric Co., St. Francois du Lac onto; fives, one rf. Educ: Pub. Sch., and Aqueduct Co.; mem. St., Jean. Baptiste Stratford High Sch. For some yrs. ed. and Soc. of Quebec. Recreations: canoeing, prop, of the Huron Signal, Goderich; one fishing. Address: Quebec, Que. Cliw: of the organizers of the Ontario Fruit- St. Francois du Lac. growers. Assn., and pres, for some yrs,; ALLEN, Frank, M.A., Ph.D., F.R.S.C, Can. Commr. to^ the Indian and Colonial Prof, of Physics, University of Manitoba; Exhibition, London, England, 1866. Writ- Fellow American Physical Society; Fellow er on hoTticultu,re and pomology in many American Ass. for Advancement of Sciaace. publications. Recreations: travel, bowling, b. Canterbury, N.B.; s. of Rev. John Salter 'curling. Address: Toronto. Allen and Charlotte Matilda N. Tuttle; m. ALLAN* Bryce James* dir. of the Allan Sarah Estelle Harper, d. of late D. S. Haroer, -line; b. Montreal, 20 Aug., 1862; s. of Sir , N.B.; one a. and one d. Educ: Hugh and Lady Allan; m. Anna Palfrey. PubUc Schools of New Brunswick, Univ- Educ: Bishop's Coll. Sch., France and ersity of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Germany. For many yrs. connected with N.B., and Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.

management of the Allan Line; now mgr. Alumni _ Gold Medalist U. of NvB^ 1896; for the Co. at Boston, Mass. Address: principal Westmorland County Gram. Sch.,

Boston. Clubs: St. James*, Montreal; 1895-1899; J University Scholar in Physics, Somerset, Boston; Union and Knicker- Cornell, 1900; president, A.D. White Fel- bocker, New York; Junior Carlton, London, low in Physics, Cornell, 1901; instructor in Eng. Physics. Cornell, 1902-1905; Professor of ALLAN* Sir Hugh Montagu, K.B,. C.V. Physics, University of Manitobaj,' Winnipeg, O.; .vice-chn. of the Allan Line Steamship 1905. Publications; papers m scientific Co., Montreal; b. Montreal, 13, Oct.. 1860; journals on color measurements; History 8. of the late Sir Hugh Allan,' one of the of color vision, efficiency of liquid air pro- founders of the Allan Line Steamship Co., duction. Address: 117 Harvard Av.,

and Matilda Caroline Smith; m. 1S93, Crescentwood, Winnipeg, and Univ. _ of Marguerite Ethel, d. of the late Hector Manitoba, Winnipeg. Club: University, MacKenzie^ of Montreal; one s. three d. Winnipeg. Educ: Bishop's Coll. Sch., Lennoxville, ALLEN, Thomas Carleton, LL.B., K.C.; Que., and in Paris, France. Entered the h. Fredericton, N.B., 9 Nov., 18^2; a. of ^ firm of H. & A. Allan, and is nowvice-chn. Sir John Campbell and Margaret A. Allen; of the line. Pres., Merchants' Bank of m. Louisa L. Wetmore, two a. one d. Educ: Can., the Can, Paper Co., Acadia Coal Co., Fredericton. Registrar Supreme Court of Railway Securities Co.; director of the New Brunswick, and Clerk of the Crown; Montreal Rolling Mills Co., Montreal street practiced law in St. John, until 1883, when Ry. Co., Montreal Light, Heat and Power appointed Registrar; Mayor of. Frederic- Co., Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Ltd., Canadian ton, 1890 to 1893. Publications: five vol- Transfer Co., Labrador Co., Dora. Iron and umes of reports of cases in the Supreme Steel Co., Mutual Life Ins. Co. of Can., Court. Recreations: golf, tennis, hunting. Canadian White Co., International Banking Address: Fredericton, Clubs: Union, St.

Corporation of New York; vice-pres., Can- John. ^ ada Car Co., and North British Develop- ALLEN, Thomas Grant, M.D., M.A.; ment Co.; mem. of the Montreal Board of b. Leeds Co., Ont., Oct. 14, 1863; m. 1890, Trade. Was created a Knight Bachelor by Nettie Mabel Fralick, 'Toronto, Ont. Educ His Majesty King Edward VII, 1904, and Queen's Univ., Kingston; demonstrator in 1906 was decorated Commander of the and instr. Queen's Univ., 1888-9; science Victorian Order, C.V.O.; Order of Rising master in Seaforth and Ingersoll, Ont., Sun (third class) conferred by theEmperor 1890-3; prof, chemistry Armour Inst, of of Japan on the occasion of the visit to Can. Technology, 1894-8; Univ. Extension lec- in 1907, of His Imperial Highness General turer on chemistry, Univ. of Chicago, 1895-8 Prince Fushimi. Address: "Ravenscrag," Instr. clinical medicine, Northwestern Univ. McTavish St., Montreal; "Montrose," Ca- prof, children's diseases, Post-Graduate couna. Que. Clubs: , St. Med. Sch.; clinical prof, pediatries. Coll. James', Forest and Stream .Montreal Hunt, Phys. and Surg., Chicago. Address: 5661 Montreal: Toronto; Bideau, Ottawa; Mani- Washington Av., Chicago. toba, Winnipeg; Knickerkocker, New ALLNATT, Rev. Francis John Benwell, York; Junior Carlton, London, Eng. D.D., D.C.L.; vice-principal, Harrold Prof, ALLARD, Hon. Jules; Minister of Lands of Divinity, and Dean of the Faculty of and Forests, Quebec; 6. St. Francois du Theology, Univ. of Bishop's Coll., Lennox- Lac, 21 Jan„ 1859; a. of Louis AUard and ville; Canon of Cathedral of Quebec; b. Marie Ann Chapdelaine; m. 1885, Berthe Glapham, Surrey, Eng., 15 Jan., 1841; Toupin, of Montreal; ten c, Educ: Nicolet a. of the late Rev. Francis J. Allnatt, M.R. Coll. Called to the Bar, 1883. Pres. sch. C.S.; Vicar of Grinsdale, Diocese of Car- commrs. of St. Francois du Lac, 1892-1898, lisle, Eng.; m. Jane, d. of the late Lieut. 3 : .

AliLiOWAY CANADIAN WHO'S WHO, 1910. Min- Robin, and -widow of Ignace Gill, M.L.A., Ltd., Twin City Rapid Transit Co., ol cos. Ad- of Quebec. Educ: St. Augustine's Coll. neapolis and St. Paul, and other Canterbury, Eng.; arrived Can. 1864; ap- dress: 467 Sherbourne St., Toronto. I pointed to rectory of Drummondville where AMES, Herbert Brown, B.A., M.P., dir. he remained for 21 yrs. with exception of Ames-Hoiden Co., Ltd., Montreal; 6. Mon- Fisher an interval of two yesirs, which he spent as treal, 27 June, 1863; s. of Evan^ a volunteer missionary in wilds of Lab- Ames, a native of Mnssachusette, and Car'o- rador. In 1879, he was apptd. inspector line Matilda Brown, a native of New York; of Academies and Model^chools in Prov. m. 19 May, 1890, Louise Marion, d. of John of Que., which office he rescued on appoint- Kennedy, C.E., Montreal. Educ: Private ment to rectory of St. Matthew's Church in and Public Schs., of Montreal, until his Quebec, in 1885. In 1887 was apptd. 15th year; three years at Williamstown and occupant of Chair of Pastoral Theology Easthampton, Mass., and four years at in Bishop's Univ., which he retained until Amherst College, Amherst, Mass., when he 1892, when he was promoted to position graduated 1885. A member of the Council of Harrold Prof, of Divinity and Dean of of Public Instruction for Quebec; alderman that Faculty, and in same year was elected of Montreal from 1898 to 1906; first elected to office of Vice-Principal. Public^iona to the House of Commons, 1906; re-elected The Witness of St. Matthew. Addreas: ]908; Presbyterian; Conservative. Ad- Harrold Lodge. Bishop's Univ., Lennox- dreaa: Montreal. ville; Cap h I'Aigle, Que. (summer). AMI, Henry M., M.A., D.Sc, F.G.S., AI.LOWAY, William Forbes; b. Queen's F.R.S.C; late Assist. Palaeontologist^ Geo- Co., Ireland, 20 Aug., 1852; s. late Capt. logical Survey of Canada; 6. Belle Riviere, , Arthur Wm. Alloway, H.M. 4th (King's near Montreal, 23 Nov. 1858; 2nd a. of Own) Regt of foot, and Mary, d. of the late late Rev. Marc Ami of Geneva, Switzerland, .. Montb^liard* Judge Johnson: m. Elizabeth d. of late and Anne Giramaire of Glay, . James Maclaren of Buddngham, Que. Doubs, France; m. 1892,. Clarissa J., e, d.. Educ. : Montreal High Sch. Went to Mani- of George B. Burland, Montreal. Educ.:^ toba, 1870, as private under Col. (Lord) private tuition; Ottawa Public and-Gram- Wolseley (Red lUver Expedition), and has mar Schools; McGill University. Redbath resided m prov. ever since. For many yrs. Exhibition; Macdonald Scholar and Daw- in mecrantile life; now senior partner in son Prizeman; Faculty of Arts, B.A. 1882; private banking firm of Alloway & Cham- M.A. 1885; D.Sc. (Queen's), 1892; presi- pion, the largest of the kind in the Domin- dent of the Ottawa Field-Naturalists' Club, ion; mem. of different commercial organi- 1899-1901; President of the Ottawa Valley zations; governor of Winnipeg hosi^ital; Graduates' Society of McGill University, mem. of different athletic oiganizations. 1902-3; awarded the Bigsby Medal by the Addresses: 407 Assiniboine Av., or 362 Council of the Geological Society of London, Main St., Winnipeg. Clubs: Manitoba, 1903; five years in "A" Company, Governor Country, Winnip^. General's Foot Guards; Fellow of the Geo- AMBKOSE, Paul, musical composer; 6. logica;! Societies of London, Switzerland, Hamilton, Ont., Oct. 11, 1868; s. R. S. and America, etc. Publications: Resources and Elizabeth Ambrose. Educ. : Pub. of the Country between Quebec and Winni-

Schs.and Hamilton Coll^iate Inst, ; married. peg along the line of the National Trans- Organist Madison Av. M. E. Ch., 1886-90; continental Railway, and other Govern- organist and choirmaster St. James' Ch., ment reports; numerous papers on grap- since 1890. Teaches piano and organ at tolites, i>al£eozic faunas of Eastern Canada; Am, Inst, of Applied Music, New York; is publications relating to the Palaeontology prof, music, N. J. State schs.; formerly for and Chronological Geology of Canada, issued long period actively engaged as soloist and in Canada, Britain, and the United States accompanist, but abandoned that work be- of America; editor of the Ottawa Naturalist cause of press of other duties. Sec: to 1895-1900. Recreations: geological ex-- Music Com. and Librarian Manuscript Soc. cursions, golf, curling, skatmg, etc. Ad- of New York; v.-p. Synthetic Guild of New resa: 453 Laurier Av., East. Clubs: Rid- York. Composer of numerous sacred and eau. Golf, Ottawa; Royal Societies, London secular songs, vocal duets, part songs, piano Eng. solos, etc. Residence: Trenton, N.J. AIHTOT, I>ieut.-Col, (Hon.) George Elie; AMES, Alfred Ernest; head of the firm b. St. Augustine, Portneuf Co., Que., 28 of A. E. Ames & Co., Ltd., bankers and Jan., 1856; s. Dominique Amyot; m. Marie brokers; 6. Lambeth, Ont., 1866; s. of Josephine Tanguay; twos, three d. Educ: Rev. William Ames; m. 1889, Mary, d. of Quebec; commenced business as commer- Senator GJ^oi^e A. Cox, of Toronto; one s. cial traveller; mfgr.) of corsets, Quebec, one d., Educ: Com. Sch. and 1886; paper box factory, 1894 brewery, 1896; Coll. List. Entered Owen Sound Branch of all three still in successful operation; ex- Merchants' Bank of Can.^ 1881; resigned pres. Canadian Mfrs. Association; ex-pres. and joined staff of Iinpenal Bnk. of Can., Quebec Board of Trade; director National at Toronto; became Act. Accnt. in Ont. Breweries, Ltd.; Home Life Ins. Co. Ad' Bnk., Peterborough; made accnt.; became dress: St. Foye Rd., and 45 Dorchester St., mgr. Ont. Bnk. in Mount Forest; proKioted Quebec. Clubs: Garrison, Hunt, Quebec. to Lindsay branch; returned -to Toronto ANDERSON, Bight Bcv. Charles Pal- 1889 and opened a banking and brokerage merston; Bishop of the Prot. Epis.Gh. business, and founded the firm of A. E. of the U.S.; b. Kemptville, Ont.; s. of

Ames & Co. ; pres. Henry and Mary R. Anderson; m. 1899, 1897-1898; pres. Toronto Bd. of Trade, and Janet Glass, of Belleville. Ont.; Educ: Metropolitan Bnk'.; vice-pres., Imperial Trinity Coll. Scb.; Port Hope, Ont., and Life Assur. Co.; dir. Robert Simpson Co., Trinity Univ., Toronto (grad. D.D.). Or- 4 CANADIAN WHO'S WHO, 1910.

darned 1888; In charge Beaohburg, Out., in "The Great Divide,'' 1906^7; starred 1888-91; Grace Oh., Oak Park, 111., 1891.- throughout the Australian continent for six 1900. Publications: The ChriBtian Minis- months in 1908; travelled around the world try. Addreee: 1612 Prairie Av., Chicago, afterwards for pleasure. Her own manager 111. Sept. 1909, when she produced "The awake- ANDEKSON, John; Registrar of Deeds ing of Helen Ritchie, with much success at for North Wellington; 6. Toronto, 11 Mar., Savoy Theatre, . Recrea- 1838; a. James and Susan Anderson: m. tions: golf, horae-back riding, music and Emily Louise, d. of Jolm B. Bagwell, of sea fisiung. Address: '25 West 42nd St., Hamilton; three d. Mducs! Toronto and New York City. Streetsville Gram. Soh. Entered mercan- ANGUS, Klchard Bladworth; b. Bath- tile Ufe in Streetsville. Removed to Orang- gate, nr. Edinburgh, Soot^ 28 May, 1831; ville, and occupied several municipal offices married; threes, five d. Educ: Bathgate. there. Apptd. Registrar for N. WelUngton, For several yrs. in employ of the Manchester ,1871, and holds -position to-day. Pres. of and Liverpool Bank fit Manchester; ar- the Arthur Agric. Socy. for many years; rived in Canada, 1857, and joined staff of ohr. High Sch. Bd. ofr ten years. Addreaa; ; placed in charge of the "Roscrea," Arthur, Ont. Chicago agency, 1861, and subsequently ANDERSON, Ueut,-Col. WllUam Pat- apptd. one of the agents at New York; rick, M. Inst. 0. E.; Past President became local mgr.'at Montreal; gen. mpr. Canadian Society C.E.; b. Levis, Que.; 1869,- but retired from active connection, 8. of Thomas Anderson, native of New- 1879. Dir. Canadian "Pacific Ry., Bank of castle-on-Tyne, England, and Adelaide Montreal, the Canada North-West Land Alicia,, native of Dublin, Ireland; m. in Co., the London and Lancashire Life Insur, 1876, to Dorothea S., e. «. of H. Beaumont Co., the Dom. Bridge Co., the Laurentide

Small, late Secretary Department of Agri- Paper Co. ; was pres. of the Art Assn., 1888- of culture; four s. and one d. Educ. : Bishop's 9; pres. of the Bd. of Governors the College, Lennoxville, and Manitoba Coll.; Royal Victoria Hospital; governor McGill entered Dept. of Marine as Asst. Engineer Univ.; governor and pres.. Eraser Inst. in Oct., 18'r4; promoted Chief Engineer in Address: 240 Drummond St., Montreal. Feb., 1880, and has since occui)ied that Clubs: St. James, Mount Royal, Forest and position, controlling all construction work Stream, Montreal; Rideau, Ottawa; Tor- m connection with, aids to navigation, and onto; Manitoba, Winnipeg; Union, Hal- most of the technical work of the Dept. ifax. Has designed and built one 500 lighthouses ANNABLE, Harry Dexter; genl. freight and 60 fog alarm stations. A member of agent for 0. P. R. in Gt. Britain and Eu- the lighthouse board, and of the Geog- rope; b. Ottawa, 6 A\w., 1871; 8. Wm. Alva raphic Board of Canada. Lieut.-Colonel in Annable and Ellen Esme MacMillan; un- 43rd R^t., Ottawa. Publicaiiane: Estab- married. Educ: Ottawa Coll. Inst. ~ lished Canadian Military Gazette in 1885 and Entered service of the Canadian Pacific edited it for two years; has contributed Railway Company, Montreal District Frei- many papers to Can. fSoc. of C. _E.,_and ght Oflice, Ottawa, Sept., 1891; transferred ' other scientific societies, and publications. to General Freight Department, Montreal, - Recreations: golf, and curling. Address: Feb., 1892; appointed Travelling Freight 64 Cooper St., Ottawa. Clubs: Rideau, Agent for Ontario and Quebec Division, with Golf, Ottawa. Headquatters at Montreal, June 1, 1898; ANGUN, Hon. Francis Alexander, K. appointed Contracting Freight Agent for C; Judge of the Supreme Ct. of Canada; Great Britain and Europe, April, 1901, with 6. St. John, N.B., 2 April, 1865; 8. of Hon. Headquarters at London; appointed Gen- T. W. Anglin, for some time Speaker of eral Freight Agent for Great Britain and Can. House of Commons, and Ellen Mc- Europe, April, 1903, with Headquarters at Tavish; m. Harriet I., y. d. of the late London. Recreations: golf, motoring. Ad- Archibald Eraser, of Fraserfield, Co., Glen- ress; Sports' Club, St. James' Sqr., London, farry, Ont.; two 8. three d. Educ.: St. Eng. Clubs: Sports, Royal Automobile; [ary s Coll., Montreal, and Univ. of Ottawa London, Eng. Called to Ontario Bar 1888; or. K.C., 1902; ANNABLE, Weldon Grant;. genl. pass. Puisne Judge, Ont. High Ct., 1904; Judge Manager, Canadian Pacific Railway Steam- of the Sup. Ct. of Can., Feb., 1909. - Puli- ship Lines; b. Ottawa. Ont.^S March, 1875; lications: "Trustees' Limitations of Actions s. of William A. and Ellen E. Annable; m. and other relief." Address: 97 St. Joseph Florence E. McDonald, d. of Kenneth Mc- — St., 'Toronto. Clubs: Rjdeau, Ottawa, Donald, Ottawa; two 8. and one d. Educ: Toronto, Royal Can. Yacht, Toronto. Ottawa; entered service of Can. Pacific Ry., ANGLIN, lUEargaret Mary, actress; b. at Ottawa; transferred to General Passen- Ottawa, Ont^ Apr. 3, 1876; d. Timothy ger Dept., Jan., 1900, Montreal; appointed Warren and Ellen Allen. Educ: Loretto General Baggage Agent for all lines of com- Abbey, Toronto, and Convent of the Sacred pany, Nov., 1905; appointed General Pass- Heart, Montreal; grad. Empire Sch. of Dra- ,enger Manager at Montreal, of the Com- matic Acting, New York, 1894. Made pro- pany's Steamship lines, Jan., 1909. Resi fessional debut in "Shenandoah," New dence: 5 Hilton Av., Montreal. York, Sept., 1894; leadiiig lady with James ANTLIFF, Bev. James Cooper, M.A., D. O'Neil, playiM in "Tue Courier of Lyons," D.; b. Huddersfield, Yorkshire, Eng^l Feb., "Virgimus," "Hamlet," "Monte Cristo," 1844; s. of William Antliff, D.D., and 1896-7; leading woman with E. H. Sothern, Barbara Cooper; m. (1st) Fanny Holden, 1897-8, Richard Mansfield, 1898-9, and in of Dalbury Lees, Derbyshire, (2nd) Jane Empire Theatre Stock Co.; starred in Elizabeth Ray Gooderham, Toronto; three "Zira," 1905-6; co-star with Henry Miller, 8. and one d. Educ. : Haslingden Wealeyan S ; ,


School, and Edinburgh University; arrived for ten years. Residence: Elgin Village, in Canada, 1878; methodist minister in Manitoba. English Conference, and since 1878 in ARMSTRONG, Bartholomew Mahon Methodist Church in Canada; Secretary of Controller, Railway Mail Service Branch, first General Conference, 1883; President Post Office Dept.; 6. Lloydtown, Ont., 31 of Montreal Conference, 1890; Professor in March, 1849; s. of the late Col. Arthur Wesleyan College, Montreal, 1894-1910; at Armstrong and Olivia Mahon; m. 1876, present Pastor of the Methoclist Church, Emma L., d. of W. J. Alexander, of Torontb, Acton, Ont. Address: Acton, Dnt. three c Educ: Com. Sch., Gram. Soh,,i APOSTOLIC DELEGATION to Canada; Paris, Ont.; Toronto Military Sch. (obtain- see Sbarretti, MostRev.Donatus,D.D. ed a First Grade Military Certificate, ABCHAMBEAULT, Hon. Horace, D.C. 1865). Joined Toronto Field Battery and L. (Laval Univ.); Judge of the Court of served in (medal and clasp); Appeal; b. L'Assomption, Que., 6 March, served as Lieut, of Marines on the gunboat 1857; s. of the late Hon. Louis Archam- Prince Albert; retired from the service "With beault and Elizabeth Dugal; m. 1882, Eliza- rank of capt., 1873. Apptd. to th6 Toronto beth, d, of Roger Lelifevre, of Quebec. Post Office as a clerk; supt., 1896; Con- Educ: L'Assomption Coll., Laval Univ. troller of the Railway Mail Service," 1896. Has practiced in Montreal since called to Address: 33 Cooper St., Ottawa. the Bar; became member of the firm of ARMSTRONG,GeorgeE.,M.D. (McGill); Rpinville, Archambeault, Gervais & Rain- b. Leeds, Que., 1854; s. of Rev. John Arm- ville, 1889. Prof, Apptd. of Commercial strong; m. 1878, Miss Hadiey. Educ: Pub. and Maritime Law in Laval Univ., 1882; Schs. and McGill Univ. Commenced prac- apptd. a Q.C., Attorney-Gen. 1889; of Prov. ' tice of his profession in Montreal, and has Of Que., 1897-1905; apptd. to present posi- since travelled and studied abroad prin- tion 16 Sept., 1908. Address: Pine Ave. cipally in England, Germany and France. Apts., Montreal. , Clubs: St. Jam^', St. Mem. Medical Faculty of McGill Univ., for Denis, Forest and Stream, Montreal. nearly twenty yrs,. and Prof, of Clinical ABCBLAMBEATTLT, Mgr, Joseph Alfred; Surgery that inst. since 1896; attending Bishop of Joliette.'^Que.; 6. L'Assomption, Surgeon at Montreal Gen. Hospital and Que., 23 1859; s. May Louis Archambeault Consulting Surgeon of Western Hospital and Ellizabeth Dugal. Educ: L'Assomp- and Protestant^Hospital for Insane; past- tion; Montreal Seminary con- and Rome, pree., and mem. Medico-Chirurgical Soc, secrated first B. of Joliette, 24 Aug., 1904. British Medical Assn., Canadian Medical Address: Joliette, Que. Assn., American Medical Assn., and Assn. ARCHIBALD, Peter Suthro, C.E.; mem- Internationale d'Urologie; Senator of Wes- ber of American and CanatHan Societies of leyan Theological Coll., Montreal. Pub- Civil Engineers; b. Truro, N.S., 21 Mar., lications: Has contributed to several med- 1848; 8. of William Archibald and Elizabeth ical journals and text-books. His was Blair; m. Claris G. Lindsey, of Rockland, the- first -important paper on the Surgical Maine, U.S.; two s. and two :d. Educ: Treatment of Haemorrhage from the Stom- Truro Normal School; Asst. Engineer on ach read in London, before British Medical I. C. Ry., from 1869 to 1879; chief engineer Assn. Author of article on Surgery of the to 1897. Has been practicing profession Pancreas in Buck's Reference Hand-book since, and now commissioner of railways for of the Medical Sciences: the Surgery of the the New Brunswick Government, and man- Infectious Diseases in Keen's Surgery; the ager of Elgin and Havelock Railway. Re- Surgery of the Tongue and Salivary Glands creations: motoring and golf. Residence: in American Moncton, N.B. Practice of Surgery, Bryant & Buck. Recreations: horseback riding. Ad- ABCHtBAXD, Hon. John Sprott, B.A., dress: 320 Mountain St., Montreal. Clubs: M.A., B.C.L., D.C.L. (McGill University); a Mount Royal, University, Montreal. Puisne Judge of the Superior Court of the Prov. of Que., since 1893; 6. Musquodobbit, ARMSTRONG, Hon. Hugh, ML. A.; N.S., 8 Sept., 1843; s. of William Archibald Prov. Treas. for Manitoba; 0. New York, and Nancy Archibald; Aug., 1858. Came to Can. with his parents , m. 1871, Ellen Hutchinson of Bluevale, lOnt.; four s. one in 1860, and educ at Richmond, Ont.; m. d. Educ: Presbyterian Seminary, Truro, 1885, Mary, rf. of Henry Younghusband, of N.S., McGill Univ., where he won the Prince Carleton Co., Ont. Removed to Manitoba. of Wale's Gold Medal, 1867, and the Eliza- 1883 ; settled in Portage la Prairie, 1886, and beth Torrance Gold Medal, 1870. Called engaged in fish export industry. El. to to the Bar, 1871; apptd. lecturer on Crim- Manitoba Legis, for Woodlands, at g. c.,' inal Law at McGill Univ., 1871; became 1892; resigned, 1896, to contest Selkirk for Prof, of Commercial Law and governor of H. of C, but unsuccessful; el. to Man. Univ., 1894; alderman of Montreal, 1884- Legis. by accl. for Portage la Prairie, 7 Feb.. 1890; apptd. a Revising Officer under the 1902; re-el. at g. e., 1903 and 1907. Re- Electrial Franchise Act of 1885, and held creation: travel. Address: Portage la oflSce until 1896. Address: 113 Hackay Prairie. Clubs: Manitoba, Commercial, St., Montreal. Club: University. Advance, Winnipeg. ARGUE, James, M.L.A.; b. North of ARMSTRONG, Joseph E„ M.P.; Oil Ireland, 1852; s. of Robert and Rebecca producer, manufacturer and farmer; b. Argue; m. Emma Laura Sholy; ones, one York Co., Ont., 9 Nov., 1864; s. of Elijah d. Educ: Ireland. Arrived in Canada, Armstrong, and Sarah Brown; m. 30 Dec, 1874; farmed in Ontario for 8 years, and in 1891, Margaret J. Phipps, d. of Ja^ies Shilly Manitoba, since 1882; was a member of Phipps, West Chester, Pa. An imsuccess- Municipal Council for 15 years, and has ful independent candidate for H. of C, 1896, been mem. of Leg. Assenibly of Manitoba elected at bye-election, 1904; re-elected ;, ;


1904 and 1908; Presbyterian; Conserva- Sept., 1887, Elizabeth P. Gillespie, Orange- tive. Addrees: Petrolia, Ont. ville, Ont.; four s. and three d. Educ: A.BNAND, Ellas de Barbazau; b. Lon- Public Schools, and Hamilton Coll. Inst., don, Eng., 20 Oct., 1847; s. of Elias M. first el. to H. of C, 1908; Presbyterian; Amand, late Controller General H. M. Conservative. Address: Powassan, Ont. Customs, London, Eng., and Anna M. ASHDOWN, J. H., Pres of the Ashdown Norris; m. Constance Walcot, e. d. of the Hardware Co., Wiimipeg; 6. London, Eng., late Charles Walcot, Indian Dept., Ottawa, 1844; 8. of William Ashdown and Jane Wat- Ont.; five a. and four d. Educ: Somer- ling; married; one s. three d. Arrived in aetehire College, Eng. Arrived in Canada, Canada with his parents 1852. At eleven 1 Julif, 1868; entered Bank of British North yrs. of age oonmienced work in his father's America, at London, in 1867, and served store at Weston, York Co. Learned trade ^ continuouslj^ in the banking business in of tinsmith at Hespeler, Ont.; went west Canada, until 1905, when appointed Cana- and arrived at Red River settlement 30 dian Trade Commissioner in Chicago; trans- June, 1868. A prisoner in Fort Garry ferred to Newfoundland, 1906, and to Bris- during first Riel Rebellion. Has been ac- tol, Eng., 1909. Recreations: ^oM, walking. tive in religious political, educational and Address-: 71 Woodland Road, Tyndalls municipal life of Winnipeg; ex-pres. of the Park, Bristol, Eng. Clubs: Constitutional Bd. of Trade; one of the founders of Wesley and Liberal, Bristol, Eng. Coll.; governor of the City Hospital; dir. ARNOLDI, Frank, K.C; b. Montreal, of the Y. M, C. A.; for m.any yrs. a^mem. of 3 April, 1848; s. of F. C. T. Arnol(«, M.D., the City Council; Mayor 1906, 1907. Ad- and Christina M. Arnoldi; m, Louise Fau- dress: Winnipeg. Club: Manitoba, Winni- quier, d. of Aemelius A. H. Fauquier, late of peg. Woodsiock, Ont.; three s. and two d. ASHLEY, Rev. Barnas Freeman; 6. Educ: College, Toronto, Liverpool, , Nov. 27, 1833; a. Ont. Called to the Bar, Ont., 1870;created Rev. William- Washington and Honnah K.C., 1889; elected a governor of Upper Keinpton Ashley; m.-Nov. 26, 1857, Caro- •Canada College, 1895, and has been elected line L. Goodspeed, Osterville, Mass. Educ: annually since* Address: Toronto. Club: public schools, Barrington, N.S.; classical National, Toronto. and theol. course under private tutors in ARSJENAULT, Aubin Edmond, M. L. A. Boston; 3 yrs'. med. coursCj Ohio Med. Barrister-at-Law; b. Edmont Bay, P.E.I. Coll., Cleveland, Ohio. In active pastorate 28 July, 1870; s. Joseph O. Arsenault, and 43 yrs., of Bapt. chs„ and latet- of Reformed Oertrude Gaudet; m. Bertha Rose, d. of late (Dutch) Ch,, New York. Began to write Capt. F. Gallant of Tiguish, P.E.I. ; one s. poems and sketches at 16; lately writer of Educ: St. Dunstan's College, Charlotte- short stories for McClure syndicate, pnd town, P.E.I., and St. Joseph's College, books for boys. Publications: Tan-Pile Memramcook, N.B.; studied law with Mc- Jim; Dick and Jack's; Adventures on Sable Leod, Morrison and McQuarrie, Charlotte- Island; Air Castl^ Don., etc. Address: Ba- town, and Hon. Charles Russell, London, venna, Ohio, U.S.A. Eng.; admitted P.E.I. Bar, Nov., 1898. ASHWORTH, Alice; see Mrsj Townley. Practicing in Sununerside, P.E.I., in part- ASKIN, James Wallace; Registrar of nership with Neil McQuarrie, K.C.; elected Deeds, Co. of Essex; b. Sandwich, Ont., 25 to Leg. Ass., at g. e., May, 1848.; s. of John Alexander, and Nov., 1908. Liberal-Conservative in Poli- MeUna Askin; m. Eliza Mary, d, of^the late tics. Recreations: fishing and reading. 'Charles Baby, of Sandwich, Ont.; six d. Address: Suminerside, P. E. Island. Educ: Sandwich Coll. and St. Hyacinthe ABTHTJR, JuUa (Mrs. Cheney); b. in Coll., Quebec. Has been Res;istrar_ of Hainilton, Ont.,, May 3, 1869, of Irish and Deeds for the Co. of Essex for thirty aght Welsh parentage; real 'name, Ida Lewis, succeeding his father, succeeded Ss., who sta^e name being taken from her mother's 3 father, the late Col. James Askin. Capt., maiden name of Arthur; m. 28 Nov., 1898, with medal, for services in rebellions of to Benjamin B. Cheney, Jr., of Boston, 1866 and 1870. Address: Windsor, Ont. MasB. At 11 played in amateur dramatic ASSELIN, OUvar (Joseph Francois) club, taking part of Gamora in The Hon- Journalist, 6. St. Hilarion, Charlevoix Co., eyjnoon and of Portia in The Merchant of Que., 9 Nov., 1874; s. of Rieule Asselin and Venice; 3 yrs. later made professional debut Cedulie Tremblay; m. Alice Le Boutillier; as the Prince of Wales in Daniel Bandmanns three s. Educ: Rimouski Coll. In varied presentation of Richard III; remained 3 businesses for eight yrs. in U.S.; editor of seasons with that co.; studied violin music Woonsocket Daily Tribune, Woonsocket and dramatic art in England: first New Star', served as a private in Cuban War. York success at Union Sq. Theatre in The Returned to Canada in tIOOO; in journalism Black Masque; later in A. M. Palmer's co., since, except two yrs.; priv. sec. to Sir in several roles, notably in Mercedes, 1893; Lomer Gouin. Founded Le Nationaliste; London debut, ^Feb. 1, 1895, in Henry one of the leaders of the Nationalist party. Irving's co., playing roles next to Miss Ter- Publications: "Feuilles de combat."^ Re- ry; especially successful as Rosamond in creations: Hand-ball, fishing. Address: 85 A'Becket, with Irving and Terry in U.S., B.'Drolet St., Montreal. 1896. Retired from the stage after her ATKINSON, Joseph E„ managing edi- marriage. Addresses: Boston, Mass.; 41 tor, the ; b. Newcastle, Ont., Spring St., Hamilton, Oht. 23 Nov., 1865; s. John and Hannah Atkin- ARTHURS, James, M.P,, Hardware son; 771. Elmena EUiott; one a. one d. Educ: ^Merchant, 6. Toronto, Ont., 6 Oct., 1866; s. Newcastle High School; entered newspaper of John Arthurs, Belfast, Ireland, and work in 1884 in Port Hope "Times;" joined Margaret Arthurs, Sterling, Scot.; m. 12 Toronto World in 1888; Toronto Gtobc, in 7 ATKINSON CANADIAN WHO'S WHO, 1910.

1889; apiiointed editor Montreal Herald, in ATLMEB, Hon. Henry; sheriff of the 1896;. joined new company" purchasing dist. of St. Francis, Que.; b. Melbourne, Toronto Daily Star, in 1899, and has since Que., 25 April, 1843; a. of the 7th Baron had charge of that paper; was one of the Aylmer; m. 1871, Louisa Blanche Fanny, Canadian delegates to the Imperial Press d. of H. A. Howe, LL.D., Montreal. Educ: Conference at London, 1909. Clvh: Nat- Montreal High Sch., Royal Naval Coll., ional, Toronto. Portsmouth, EngJ Called to the Bar 1882, ATKINSON, Mrs. Elmina; h. Oakville, and pracitced at Richmond, Que.; niem.

Ont. ; m. Joseph E. Atkinson, Managing H. of C. for Richmond and Wolfe 1874- editor Toronto Star; one s. one d. Educ: 1878; :uncuscessfully contested Richmond Oakville; engaged in 1891 in journalism on for seat in Que. Legis., 1880^ Mefeatedi^at the Toronto Globe, and still writes under the Dom. g. e., for Sherbrooke, 1896; apptd, nom-de-plume of "Madge Merton." Has sheriff of dist. of St. Francis, 1900. Trustee, done work for many daily papers and St. Francis Coll. and Gram. Sch.; mem, magazines. Address: 64 Glen Road, Tor- corporation Bishop's Coll., Lennoxville. onto. Organized Richmond Field Battery of Ar- ATKINSON, WUliam Edwin, A.R.C.A.; tillery, 1876; retired Nov., 1887, with rank h. Toronto, Ont., 22 March, 1862; s. of W, T. of Lieut.-C)ol; commanded Wimbledon Rifle and Enmia Atkinson; m. Laura Dredge; Team, 1887; served for twelve yrs. in Royal two 8. Educ: Paris, France, Philadelphia, Marine Artillery, and gazetted at Lieut. Pa., and Toronto Ont.; landscape painter; Address: Melbourne, Que. awarded highest prize for best picture of the AYLMER, Lord (The Bight Hon. Sir year 1902, in Toronto; pictures purchased Matthew), Sth Baron de Balrath, by the Canadian Government. Residence: peerage of Ireland: 6. Richmond, Que., 28 20 Durie St., Toronto. March, 1842; s. of Udolphus, Lord Aylmer, AUDEN, Henry William, M.A. Cantab.; 7th Baron, and Mary, a. of Edward Jour- Principal, , Toronto; neaux, of Dublin, Irel.; m. 1875, Amy Gertrude, d. of late John Yoiu^, b. 1867; s. of Preb. T. Auden; m. 1896, Con- the Hon. stance, d. of Rev. F. W. Kittermaster of of Montreal; three s, two d. Educ: Mont- real Sch., McGill Univ., serVfed. Meriden, Warwickshire, Eng.; two s. two d. High Dublin; Educ: Shrewsbury School; Christ's CoUesge, six yrs. as Lieut, in 7th Royal Fus,, and 3fi Camb. (scholar and prizeman); Porteous yrs. on staff of Can. Forces; retired from gold medal for Latin Prose; Bell Univ. Inspector-Generalship, 1907^ with rank of Major-Gen. Succeeded to title 1901. Ser- Scholar; 1st class, class Tripos, 1889 ; 1890; University, 6th ved in Fenian Raids 1866-70. Hon. -Col. , Marburg 1891; Form Master and Librarian at Fettes College, 11th Hussars, Richmond. Que., now engag- Edinburgh, 1891-1903; came to Can. in ed in fruit farming in British Columbia. latter year. Publications: editor, Cicero Address: Queen's Bay, Kootenay, Lake pro Plancio, Plautus Pseudolus, Meissner Latin Phrase Book, Higher Latin Prose, AUDETTE, Louis Arthur, B.D., LL.B. Greek Prose, Latin and Greek Unseens, (Laval Univ.), K.C. (Que); b. , Cicero in CatiUnam, Greek Prose Phrase 14 Dec, 1856; s. George Semeon Audette Book; The Messenian Wars; A Minimum and Rosalie L. Mareon; m. Mary Grace of Greek; Member, Classical Society of Scot- Stuart, d. of late Sir Andrew Stuart, Chief land; Canadian Society of Authors, etc. Justice, Que., and Elmin C. de Gaspe; four Recreffiiona: fishing and botany. Address: 8. and one d. Educ: Seminary of Quebec Upper Canada Collie, Toronto. Club: and Laval University; Barrister in Province Toronto. of Quebec; at one time deputy prothonotary. Quebec; appointed Registrar Exechequer pres. of AUDETTE, Rodolphe; La Ban- Court of Canada, 8 Nov., 1887. Publica- qua Nationale, Que.; b. Quebec, Que., 5 tions: "The Practice bf the Exchequer Aug., 1844; s. of John Audette and Flore Court of Canada, first echtions, 1895; 2nd Fraaer; m. 1867, Elise. d. of J. Morency, of edition in 1909. Address: 161 Daly Ave., Quebec; three a. seven d. Educ: Thom's Ottawa. Academy, Quebec. Entered firm of Thib- AYLESWOBTH, Hon. Allen Bristol, audeau, Thomas & Co. (now Thibaudeau, M.A., K.C, P.C, M.P.; b. Newburgh, Out., Frere & CHe), as jimior clerk, 1863; became 27 Nov., 1854; s. John Bell Aylesworth and a partner, 1883, and senior mem. 1894; Catharin Bristol; m. Adelaide Augusta pres. La Banque Uationale; vice-pres. Clan. Miller; one s. Educ: Newburgh High Electric Light Co., Levis Co., Ry. Co., School, Toronto, University College; bar- Quebec Bridge Co.; mem. Quebec Bd. of rister and Attorney in Ontario since Aug., Trade. Address: Collins 1 St., Quebec. 1878; was one of His Majesty's Commis- Club: Garrison. sioners for the settlement of the Alaska AUSTIN, Albert William; b. Toronto, Boundary, in 1903; appointed Pastmaster- Ont., 27 March, 1857; s. of James and Susan General, 16 Oct., 1905; Minister of Justice, Austin; m. Maria R. Kerr; two s. three d. 4 June, 1906. Residence: Ottawa, Ont. Educ: Upper Canada College; vice^res. Clubs: Toronto, Toronto; Rideati, Ottawa. Consumer s Gas Co., Toronto; director Dom- ATEB, Albert Azro; b, nr. Frelighs- inion Bank, Toronto. Introduced the first burg. Que., 6 Feb., 1845; s. of George W., electric over-head trolley cars into Canada, and Mary Ayer; m. Rebecca C. Hibbard: at Winnip^, Man.; founded the Lambton five 8. two d. Educ: Stanbridge Acad. and''. Golf and Country Clubs, and for six yrs., Fairfax, Vt. Commenced business as ex* its president; now Honorary President. porter of butter and cheese, 18p7; now Recreation: golf. Address: "Spadena," To- pres. A. A. Ayer & Co., Ltd.; has been^ ronto. Clubs: National, Lambton Golf, connected with the dairy industry since the' Toronto. first cheese were exported from Canadit/ 8 ; ,


Addreta: 388 Roslyn Av., Montreal. Club: BAKEB, Alfred, M.A.; b. Toronte, of Canada, Montreal. Yorkshire parents; m, 1894, Norah Kath- leen, d. of John McCormack of Wilmette, Illinois. Educ: Toronto Univ.; Mathema- B tical Master Upper Can. Coll., 1872-5; Mathematical lectm-er Univ. Coll., Toronto, BABIX, Bear Admiral Hosea John; b. 1875-87; registrar 1880-7; dean of residence in Can., Dec. 15, 1842. Apptd. acting 1884-90: Professor of Mathematics, 1887; asst. surgeon U.S.N., from Mass., Feb. 10, elected by graduates a member of Senate 1865; asst. surgeon, Mar. 13, 1865; passed of Univ. of Toronto, 1887-1906; Lieutenant asst. surgeon, June 23, 1869; surgeon, Mar. and Captain, Queen's Own Rifles, 1876-83; 17, 1876; med. insp., June 22, 1894; med. F.R.S. Canada; member of the Societe . C. Windeyer, Toronto, son Av., Toronto; in summer, Ishkauqua, Can.; went to U. S., 1887; specialist in ch. Lake Rosseau, Muskoka. Cluh: Canadian architecture; has built chs. and other bldgs. Military Institute, Toronto. in various parts of U. S. and Can. Address: BAKEB, Francis Spence, F.R.I, of B.A., , Springbank, WicklifEe, O. Office: 6110 Euc- F.R.I.C.; h. Co. ofHalton, Ont., 21 Aug., lid Av., Cleveland. 1867; 8. Francis Baker of Dublin, Ireland BAILLIE, John; b. Montreal. 1858; s. of and Sarah Georgina Spence, Co. of Halton,

Andrew Baillie and Isabella Irwin; m. 1886, Ont ; m. Florence Mary Kenrick, Shrop-

Maggie, d. of the late Donald Fraser, of shire, Eng. ; two s. one d. Educ : Hamilton Montreal; two a. two d. Educ: private Ont.; practicing as Architect in Toronto, tuition, Arnold's and McGill Model Sch. since 1892. Publications: principally mag- In employ of a paint, oil and chemical firm azine articles. Recreation: golf. Address: for nine yrs.; estb. a similar business 1883, 185 Balmoral Av., Toronto. Club: Rosedale which he sold out in 1886, and became n^r. Golf Club, Toronto. Dominion Oilcloth Co., Ltd.; now manag- BAKEB, Hon. George Barnard, M. A.. ing dir. Pres., Canada Linseed Oil Co.; K.C.; b. Dunham, Que., 26 Jan., 1834 (of governor Montreal Gen. Hospital, Western U.E.L. descent). Educ: Bishop's Coll., Hospital, Protestant House of Industry and Lennoxville; Solicitor-General for Quebec, Refuge. Recreations: golf, curling. Ad- 1876-78; el. to H. of C. for Missisquoi Co., dress: 133 Crescent St., Montreal. Clubs: Que., 1870-74, 1878-1887, 1891-1896. Calj St. JaiHes' Royal Montreal Golf, Montreal led to Senate in latter yr. for the Bedford Montreal Curling. dist. Address: Sweetsbure, Que. BAIX^ John^ gen. mgr. International BAKEB, J. Allen, M.P. (Britain) East- Marine Signal Co.; b. Paisley, Scot., 8 June, ern Finsbury since 1905; member, L.C.C.; 1869; 8. of Robert and Agnes. Bain; m. Chairman, Baker and Sons, Ltd., Willesden, Maude Buckley, d. of P. Buckley, Paris, b. Canada. Educ: Trenton High Sch.; Ont.; two d; arrived in Canada, May, 1888. entered bis father's business (engineering) with Educ: Paisley, Scot.; private secretary to in 1876J w6nt to London in connection Hon. Wm. Paterson, Minister of Customs his business. Has been prominently con- for 11 yrs.; Asst. Com. of Customs, 4 nected with tramway extension in the yrs.; secretary Tariff Commission, 1906- L.C.C.; contested East Finsbury, 1900. 07; secretary to Canadian Ministers on Address:- Donnington, Harlesden, London, trade questions at Coronation Imperial N.W. Conference, 1902; now associated with Hon. BAILER, Lleut.-Col. Jesse Wheelock, M. Clifford Sifton in various business enter- L.A., J.P.; 6. Baker Brook, MadawEiska prises; also Imperial trade correspondent at Co., N.B., 30 Nov., 1854; s. of Enoch Baker, Ottawa. Address: 167 James St., Ottawa. of Fort Kent Aroostook Co., Maine; s. of Clubs: Laurentian, Ottawa; Ontario, Tor- Gen. John Baker of the U. S. Army, and onto. Madeline Ouillet, of St. Paschal, Que.; m. BAIBD, Hon. George Thomas, Senator; Betsaide Martin; two s. two d. Educ: 6. Andover, N.B., 3 Nov., 1847; a. of George Common Schs. of W.B.; spent his early days Baird and Frances Jane Bishop; m, Ida on his father's farm at Baker Brook; owned Jane Sadler; two s. one d, Educ: Carleton a small saw inill, but gave it up. and became Co. Gram. Sch; born on a farm; taught a lumber scaler and forest inspector, in Andover Gram. Sch. for five years; earned which business he still continues; enlisted on lumbering and general store since 1874; in 1872 in the 67th Regt., Carleton Light occupied seat in N.B. Legislature for 10 Infantry, and rose to the command as yrs.; two of which he was in Legislative Lieut.-Col.; served 34 years as ah officer Council; called to Senate 1895. Address: (decoration); was Captain of G. Co., of th« Andover, N.B. N.B. and P.E.I, provisional Regt., raised ^ 9 ;


for service in the North West Rebellion, ajid Trade, Chambre de Commerce; apptd. a commanded the Maritime Province com- Harbor Commr., 1907. Address: Montreal posite Regiment at the Quebec Tercenten- West, Que. Clubs: St. James', Canada;^ ary; elected to the legislature of N.B. for Montreal. Madawaska, March, 1908; declined nomina- BALLANTYNE, Robert Mitchell, b. tion for legislature in 1903; also for H. of C, Stratford, Ont., 20 Aug., 1859; s. Hon. 1908; Conservative. Address: Baker "Thos. and Mary Ballantyne: m. Charlotte Brook, Madawaska Co., N.B. L. Scott; one s. two d. Educ: Stratford BAKEB, Walter Reginald, Secy. C.P.R., schs.; exrpres. Dairymen's Ass'n of Western

Montreal ; 3rd class, order of SacredTTreasure, Ont.; ex-pres. Montreal Produce Merchants' ^ Japan; h. "York, Eng., 25 May, 1852; s. of Assn. ; second vice-pres. Montreal Board of

Stephia and Priscill a Willing Kimsoll Baker, Trade; director Lake of the Woods Milling i married; one s. three d. Arrived in Canada Co., man. director, Lavell, Christmas, Ltd.,, Nov., 5, 1865; Educ: Privately in York Montreal. Address: 30 Farden Av.; West-.' and London, Eng. Had charge as the noount. Clubs: St. James', Montreal. representative of the C. P. Ry. Co., of the BAKBEB, Major John Boy, R.L.; b. tours through Canada, of T. R. H. The Georgetown, Ont., 5 July, 1841; a. James Pnnce and Princess of Wales in 1901; of Barber ,Co. Antrim, and Hannah Patrick, Prince Arthiu- of Connaught, 1906, and Berwickshire; widower; four s. two d. Prince Fushimi, of Japan, '1907; was con- ' Educ: Georgetown "Collegiate Institute. nected with the Allan Steamship Co., for Has been engaged in the paper and pulp eight years after his arrival in Canada; business since lS61,pres. Toronto Paper from 1873 to 1874, local freight and passen- Co., Cornwall, Ont.; Wm. Barber and Bros., ger agent at Ottawa, of the Canada Central Georgetown, Ont.; The Barber and Ellis Ry.; the following five years was private Co., Toronto and Brantford; vice-pres, secretary and A.D.C., to Earl of Dufferin, Spanish River Pulp Co., vice-pres. Canada

Governor General; has been Asst. -Secretary Coated Paper Mills, Georgetown; vice-prea. - Treasury Board, Ottawa; asst.. to Gen'l. Anglo American Fire Insurance Co.; Major Supt., C. P. Ry., Westdm Division; Asst to Canadian Militia (retired); long service and Gen'l. Mgr. P. P. Ry.; Gen'l. Supt., Man. & Fenian Raid medals; ex-member of Pro- Western Ry., Winnipeg, and later Gen'l. vincial Parliament, and ex-Warden Co. of Manager; Executive Agent, C. P. Ry., Halton. Address: Georgetown, Ont., and Winnipeg; Asst. to vice-pres., C. P. Ry.; Mail Building, Toronto. Club: National, Asst. to pres., and now Secretary C. P. Ry. Toronto. Co., Montreal. Address:^ 773 Sherbrooke BABCLAT, Rev. James, D.D.; Paafor St., Montreal. Recreations: golf. Clubs: of St. Paul's Pres. Church, Montreal; b. Mount Royal, St. James', and Royal Mont- Paisley, Scotland, 19 June, 1844; s. of

real Golf, Montreal ; Rideau,i Country, Jaijies Barclay and Margaret Cochrane; m. Ottawa; Manitoba, Winnipeg. Marion Simpson of Dumfrieshire; five s. BAIiFOUR, George Hopper, gen. mgr. one d, Educ: Paisley Gram. Sch. and Union Bank of Canada, Quebec; b. Frost Glasgow Univ. Ordained in parish of St. Village, Que., 5 April, 1848; s. Rev. Andrew Michaels, Dumfries, 1873. Held several

and Eliza Balfour; m. Alice Charlotte Shaw pastoral charges in Scotland^ and frequently ^ (.dec); two s. three d. Educ: Lennoxville preached before Queen Victoria at Bal- After some yesCTs in a merchant's and stock moral. Called to pastorate of St. Paul's broker's office, joined the stafE of the Un'ion Church, Montreal, 1883, and inducted 11 Bank in 1870, passing throiigh all grades to Oct.; since then has been intimately con- position of gen. mgr; active in military nected w^th all philanthropic, religious, and affairs for many years; Fenian Raid, 1870; patriotic movements in Montreal. Chap- retired frbm 8th Royal Rifles (Captain), lain to Montreal Garrison Artillery and ac- 1886; winner of P. Q. Rifle Assoc, champion- companied that corps to North West in ship, and Governor-General's prize at 1885. Recreations: golf, curling. Address: Ottawa, 1880; member of the Canadian 398 Dorchester W., Montreal. Wimbledon Team, 1881, which won the BARKER, Lewellys Franklin; b. Nor- Kolapore Clips. Recreations: golf, curling; wich, Ont., Sept. 16, 1867; s. ^ames F. and Capt. of the Royal Montreal Club for several Sarah Jane Taylor Barker; m. Oct., 1903,

years; an ex-president of the Royal Canad- Lilian H. Halsey, New York. Educ: Ont. : ian Golf Assn; a former president of the public schs and Pickering Coll., 1881-4; Can. branch of the Royal Caledonian Curlr- grad. med. dept. Univ. of Toronto (M.li.), ing Club. Address: 67, The Esplanade, and 1890; house phys. Toronto Gen. Hoap., Union Bank of Canada, Quebec. Clubs: 1890-1; asst. physician, Johns Hopkins Garrison, Quebec; St. James', Montreal; Hosp., 1891-2; fellow pathology, 1892-4; Manitoba, Winnipeg. asso. anatoniy, Johns Hopkins Univ.,^1894- BALLANTTNE, Charles Colquhoun; b. 7; student Univ. of Leipidg, 1896;" asst. Dundaa Co., Ont.,. 9 Aug., 1867; s. of the resident pathologist, Johns Hopkins Hosp., late John Ballantyne, native of Scotland; 1894-9; asso. prof, anatomy, Jonns Hopkins m. 1901, Ethel, d, of Thomas A. Trenholme, Univ., 1897-9; Johns Hopkins Med. Com--,' of Montreal West; two s. Educ: pub. m'r to Phillippines, 1899; asso, pn>f. path- schs. of Ont., and Montreal. In 1882, ology, Johns Hopkins Univ., 1899-1900; entered employ of a paint concern; 1895 prof, and head dept. anatomy, Rush Med. became sales mgr. of the Sherwin-Williams Coll., Univ. of Chicagb, 1900-5; grad. work ' Co., of Cleveland, Ohio, in Canada; 1898, univs. of Munich and Berlin^ 1904; prof', apptd. mgr. of the entire Canadian business. medicine, Johns Hopkins Umv. and chief Dir. Canada Consolidated Rubber Co. ; mem physician Johns Hopkins Hosp. ^nce 1905. Can. Manufacturers' Assn., and was first mem. sp'l conom'n apptd. by Secretary

vice-pres., 1899 ; mem. Montreal Board of Treasury to determine existence or non- 10 CANADIAN WHO'S WHO, 1910.

' existence of plague in San Fransiccof 1901. 6. Woburn, Mass., U.S.A., '21 July, 1873; fiihlications: The Nervous System and s. Wm. S. Barnes and Mary Alice Turner; its Constituent Neurones, 1899; Translation m. Annie Kershaw Cunliffe^ two s. Educ: of Werner Spalteholz's Hand Atlas of McGill Univ.; came to Canada in 1879; held Human Anatomy, 1900; Laboratory Man- Studenatship Royal Society .London; F.R. ual of Human Anatomy, 1904; also numer- S.C. Publications: various original papers, ous med. papers and addresses. Address: and one book on ice formation. Address: 6'E. Franklin St., Baltimore, Md., U.S.A. 239 Pine Av. West.; McGill University, BARKKR, Samuel, M.P.; b. Kingston, Montreal. Out., 25 Ifay. 1839; s. of William and Annie BAKNET, Alexander, lumberman; b. .'Barker; fn. (1st) Isabella, d. of John and Renfrew Co., Ont.. 25 Feb.. 1840; of Irish '•< Catherine Cruiekshank London, Ont. {d.); descent; m. 1867. Jane Greene; four a. four '(2nd) Helen Cruicksnank, d. bf same. d. Educ: country sch. At age of fifteen Mduc: London Gram. Sch.; was alderman commenced his career as a lumberman. and.^_ chairman of Finance, London; was Started business for himself 1861; formed ^ solicitor and general Council G. W. Ry.; a partnership with late William Mackay general manager 'N. and N. W. Ry. In and ^William Bannerman, under name of 1895 was selected by both directors and Barnet, Bannerihan & Co., 1865; continued malcontent proprjietors of G. T. Ry., in the business und^r the name of Barnet & England, to examine and analyse the ac- Mackay 1876-1884; formed another partner- counts of that company in Canada; con- ship with Thos. Mackie, M.P., 1869. a tested Hamilton unsuccessfully for H. of C, dir. of the Bank of Ottawa. Address: 1896;. elected, 1900; elected for Hamilton Renfrew, Ont. Club: Rideau. Ottawa. East, '1904, and 1908; was twice pres. BABR, James (Angus Evan Abbott); b. Hamilton Board of Trade; Church of Eng- Wallacetown, Out., 1862; 5th s. Robert ^land; Conservative. Address: Hamilton, Barr, Windsor, Ont., and Jane, d. of WilUam Ont. Club: Rideaur Ottawa. Watson. West Glen, Kilmalcolm, Scot.; m. BAKLOW, John Rlgny, M. C. S. C. E., Ehzabeth Sabel. d. of A. C. Wylie, Brook City Surveyor, Montreal; 6. Stornoway, Green. London j three s. three d. Educ: Isle of Lewis, Scotland, 29 July, 1850; a. Canadian Public Schs.; from 16 to 21 a of Robert Barlow, R.E., of the Geological newspaper rep. in U.S.; since then a Survey of Can., and Eliza Short; m. 1877, journalist in London. Publications: The "Margaret d. of the late Rev. William Dar- Gods Give My Donkey Wings; The Gods rach, Presbyterian clergyman; five s. four Gave My Donkey Wings; Under the liaves d. Arrived Can. 1855; employed by Geo- of Night; The Great Frozen North; The logical Survey of Can., 1872-1876; asst. Witchery of the Serpent; Laughing through engr. by city of Montreal, 1876-1879;" chief a Wilderness; The Grey Bat. Recreations: asst. to J. A. U. Beaudry, P.L., C.E., 1879- cricket, lacrosse, billiards. Address: 50 80; became asst. engr., Road Dept., of Cambridge Road, Gunnersby. Club: Lon- Montreal, 1880; Deputy City Surveyor; don Sketch. City Surveyor, 1901. Address: 52 Park BARR, Robert, novelist; b. Glasgow, 16 Av., Montreal. Club: Engineers'. Sept., 1850; m. 1876, Miss Eva Bennett; BABSTABD, George Henry, K.C., M.P.; Educ: Normal Sch., Toronto, Ont.; school 6. -Victoria, B.C., 9'Oct., 1868; s. Francis teacher in Canada until 1876; then joined Jones Barnard and Ellen Stillman Barnard; editorial staff of the Detroit Free Press. m. Ethel Burnham, c. d. Lt.-Col. H. C. U.S.A.; went to England in 1881; founded Rogers, Peterboro, Ont. Educ: Trinity the Idler Magazine with Jerome K. Jerome Coll. Sch., Port Hope. Ont.; called to the in 1892. Publications: In a Steamer Chair, Bar, 1891; K.C. 1907; alderman in Victoria, 1892; From whose Bom-n, 1893; The Face 1902-1903; Mayor, Victoria, 1904-1905; and the Mask, 1894; Revenge; In the Midst ^lec. to H. of C. 1908. Recreations: fidiing, of Alarms, 1894; A Woman Intervenes, -'golf. Residence: "Duvals," Victoria, B.C. 1896; The Mutable Manv, 1897; The Count- ^ >' Cluba: Vuion, Victoria; Vancouver; Rideau, ess Tekla, 1899; The Strong Arm; The Ottawa. tJnchanging East, 1900; The Tempestuous Petticoat, Rock in the Baltic, 1907; BARNES, Benjamin F., LL.B. , Postmaster 1905; A at Washington, D.C.; b. Yarmouth, N.S., Recreations: golf, cycling photography, Dec. 3, 1,868; s. Benjamin H. and Orena Hig- travel. Address: Billhead, Woldingham, ins Barnes; m. Washington, Oct. 18, 1892, Surry. Clubs: Devonshire, Witenagemote. fImily Freeh. Educ: pub.'^schs. of N. J., BARRON, His Hon, John Augustus, K. law dept. Georgetown, (D.C.) Univ.; apptd. C, Judge of the County Court, Perth, Ont.; clerk in U. S. 5. O. dept., under competitive b. Toronto, Ont., 11 July 1850; s. Frederick exam., Oct., 1887;,pvt. sec. to 1st asst. p. m. William Barron, M.A.. Principal of U. C. gen., Sept., 1889; later pvt. sec. to chief Coll., arid Eleanor Thomson; m. Elizabeth P. 0. insp.j and to 4th asst. p. m. gen,; sec. Caroline Clarice 4th d. of Hartley Dunsford, to Hon. James S. Clarkson several yrs.; Registrar of the Co. of Victoria; two s. three apptd. stenographer at White House, Jan., rf. Educ: at Cobourg Gram. Sch.. Laval 1898; exec, clerk, July 1, 1898; apptd. by Seminary Que., and U. C. Coll.. Toronto; President McKinley asst. sec. to the Presi- was member for North Victoria in H. of C, Bar 1873; dent, May 1, 1900; re-apptd. by President from 1887 to 1892; called to the Roosevelt, Apr. 22, 1902; post-master, created Q.C., in 1888; was elec. as Liberal Washington since June 23, 1906. Address: in 1887 to H. of C; appointed to the bench ' of Barron 48 R. St., N.E. Office: Post Office, Wash- in 1897. Publicaiio/ns: Author ii^ton. on Bills of Satp-read Chattel Mortgage, a BARNES, Howard Turner, M.S., D.S.; work on Banking, and conditional sales of Macdonald Professor of Physics and Dir- Chattels. A frequent writer for the Press. ector of the Physics Building, McGill Univ.; Address: Stratford, Ont. 11 CANADIAN WHO'S WHO, 1910.

BABKY, Mgr. Thomas Francis, D.D., manently settled there in 1854; with hi^ 5 established the grocery Bishop of Gn^tliain; b. Fokemouche, N.B., brother, C. T. Bate, , 3 March, 1841. Educ: St. Jolm Coll., firm now doing business as H. N. Bate &. for half Montreal Coll., and Grand Seminary, Mont- Sons, Ltd.; has been identified a i real; after ordination was rector of the centtiry mth every public movement in Cathedral at Chatham, N.B., for some yrs. Ottawa, although shunning public ofiBce then pastor of St. Basil, N.B., and Vicar until inviijed (1899), by the Federal Govern- General of the Diocese; afterwards pastor ment, to accept the position of first chair- of , and iinally of J3athurst. Coad- man of the Ottawa Improvement Commis-* jutor Bishop on 11 Feb., 1900; succeeded as sion, which office he still holds. In ten Bishop of Chatham, 7 Aug., 1902. Address: yrs. the commission has expended $944,423 Chatham, N.B. (to Dec. 31st, 1909) in making roadways, BAKTON, George Aaron, M.A., Ph.D.; boulevards, parkways and otherwise beaut;-, b. E. Farmham, Que., Can., Nov. 12, 1859; ifying the capital.' Recreations: travel,, 8. Daniel and Mary S. Bull Barton; m, 1884, golf, fishing. Address: 216 Chapel St.,- Caroline Brewer Danforth. Educ: Huver- Ottawa. Clubs: TUdeau, Country^Hunt, ford Coll., 1882, 1885; grad. student Har- Ottawa; Riviere du Loup Golf. vard, 1888-91. Ins. broker Boston, 1883; BATES, WllUam Wallace, 6. N. S., Feb. teacher higher tnathematics and classics 15, 1827; s. Stephen and Elizabeth- Bates; Friends' School, Providence, 1884-9; prof. m. 1856, Marie Cole^ Saratoga, N.Y. Educ: Biblical literature and Semitic languages, in common schs., Calais, Me., beyond that Bryn Mawr Coll. since 1891; lecturer on self-educated; also self-educated in naval Bible languages, Haverford Coll., 1891-5. architecture. Began in shipwright trade, Acknowledged minister Society of Friends 1839; built first clipper schooner ("Chal- (orthodox) since' Aug., 1879. Dir. Am. lenge") on the great lakes, 1851; editor School Oriental Study and Research in Nautical Mag. and Naval Jour., New York, Palestine, 1902-3. Mem. Phi Beta Kappa, 1854-8; capt. in Union Army, 1861-3; in Am. Oriental Soc, Soc. of Bibl. Literature shipbuilding and dry-dock business, Chic- and Exegesis, Archseol. Inst. America, ago, 1866-81; dry-dock building, Portland,'! Soc. Bibl, Archaeology and Victoria Inst. Ore., 1881-3; mgr. Inland Lloyds, Biiffalo.i- (London), Contb'r to Ency. Biblica and 1886-8; U.S. comm'r navigation, Wash- Jewish Ency. and numerous philol'. and ington, 1889-92; Republican. Publicalions: religious revs. Publications: A Sketch of Rules tor Shipbuilding, 1876, 1894; Ameri- Semitic Origins, Social and Religious, 1902; can Marine, 1892; American Navigation, Roots of Christian Teaehing as Found in 1 902. Has issued numerous pamphlets and the Old Testament, 1902. A Year's Wand- written many newspaper articles on the ering in Bible Lands, 1905; The Haverford shipping question. Mem. Soc. Naval Ar-^ Library Collection of Cuneiform Tablets, chitects and Marine Eng'rs, SMpping Soc. or Documents from the Temple Archives of America (pres.). Address: 38 W. 2d Av., Telloh, 1905. Address: Bryn Mawr, Pa. Denver, Colo. '- BASTEDO, Samuel Tovelj Supt. of Can- BAUMGARTEN, Alfred, M.F., Ph.D.; adian Government Annuities; b. Hamilton, Pres. of the St. Lawrence Sugar Refimng Ont., 4 Dec, 1855; s David Bastedo and Co.; b. Dresden, Saxony, 13 Nov., 1842; «. Sarah Elizabeth Bastedo; (of U. E. L. de- Dr. Moritz Baumgarten, physician to King scent); m. Ida Virginia Straubel; two d. of Saxony, and Emmy Zocher; m. Martha Educ: Oxford Co., private sec. to Premiers C. Donner, of Hamburg, two d. Educ: of Ont., 1880-1898; Deputy Com. of Fisher- Dresden High Sch. and Polytechnic Sch., ies, Ont., 1898-1906; British Com, on Inter- where grad. as chemist. Later_ had two national Fisheries Treaty with United yrs. practical experience in chemical works States, 1909;resigned to accept appoint- at Schoeningen, studied at Berlin Univ., ment as Supt. of Canadian Govt. Annmties; where took degree; arrived U. S., 1866,

RecreatioTis: Outdoor and indoor games. employed in different chemical works and ; Address: Ottawa, Ont. sugar refineries. Arrived Montreal, 1873;

BATE, Ueut.-Col. Henry Allan; Chev- founded, 1879, Co. of which he now is pres. ; ; lier, Order of Leopold; h. Ottawa, Ont., 12 life governor of Montreal General Hospital, May, 1867; s. of Henry Newell, and Cather- Western Hospital, and the Alexandra Hos-. ine Cameron Bate; m. Florence Mary pital. Recreations: hunting, fishjng. Ad- Wilson; two s. three d. Educ: Ottawa dress: 34 McTavish St., Montreal. Clubs: Gram. Sch., Hellmuth Coll., London, Ont. Mount Royal, St. James', Forest and Pres. Canadian Rifle League; A.D.C. to Stream, Hunt. Gen. Gascoigne, commanding Can. Forces; BAXTER, Uent.-Col. John Bahington military attache to Sir , Macaulay, B.C.L., K.C.; Lieut. -Col. Queen's Jubliee; late commandant, The Commanding 3rd Regt., Can. Art.; 6, St. Governor General's Foot Guards; CJonsul John, N.B., 16 Feb,, 1868; s. Wm. S. and Gen. for Paraguay; Consul for Belglimi. Margaret Baxter. Educ: Common Schs., Recreations: golf, fishing, hunting, riding. St. John, N.B.; admitted Attorney, 1890; Address: 440 Wilbrod St., Ottawa. Clubs: Barrister, 1891; K.C., 1909; alderman, city Rideau, Country, Hunt, Golf, Ottawa. of St. John, 1891-1896; 1900, to present BATE, Henry Newell; chairman of the time. Heis been deputy Mayor, Warden .Ottawa Improvement Commission; b. Truro of the City and of St. John. Is now chair- Eng., 9 April, 1828; ». Henry Newell Bate, man of the' Treasury Board,: City of St. and Lizette Meyers; m. Catherine Cameron; John, and a member of the Mnance Com- five s. four d. Educ: St. Catharines, Ont. mittee of the Municipal (Council. Publica- Came to Canada with his parents, July, tions: Historical records, N. B. "Regimfent 1833; spent boyhood days in St. Catharines; of Artillery, 1793-1896. Besidence; 289 paid first visit to Ottawa in 1848, and per- Lancaster St.. St. John, P. O. Box 15. 12 CANADIAN WHO'S WHO, 1910.

iBATLISS, Major Wmiam; 6. Pictou, N. Hespeler; m, 1898, Lillian Ottaway,| of ^.,-Nov. 8, 1848; «. John and LilUa (McKeii- London, Ont. Educ: Pub. SchsJ of Baden, rie) Bayliss; m. Providence, R. I,, I>ec. 18, and in Gait, Ont. Entered office of his 1872, Marion Franoes, d. William A. Ray, of father who was engaged in the iron foundry Washington. Educ: pub. schs., Pioton, business in Baden; removed to Gait, 1880, ' N.S.; Btudied architectural drawing at night and commenced the manufacture of veneer^ Bchs.; Supt. of hosp. constr'n, office of ing and thin lumber boxes; removed his ;/^mrgeon-gen., U.S.A., since 1882; invented business to London, 1884, where he built an v^mbination Bteaxn and hot water heating extensive plant, and estbd. branch pjants in system, 1893. Sovereign Grand Comdr., Montreal and Toronto. Master of the "bxp. Council of Sovereign Grand Inspectors- London Hunt Club; mem. Victoria Hos- 3^., 33d and last degree qf A. A. S. R. pital Bd., and of the Masonic Order A. F. plKoeinasonry for U.S. of America, since and A. M.; unsuccessful candidate for L^is, '^, Addcesa: War Dept., Washington. at g. e., 1898.; first returned to L^s. at ttSf Adolphe, K.C.; advocate and g. e., 1902; re-el. 1905 and 1908. Apptd, i^tice of the Police Court at Montreal; b. Minister without portfolio in the Whitney Saint-Ours, nr. Sorel, Que., 27 May, 1869; Admn., Feb. 8. 1905; Mayor of London, 9. of Pierre Bazin. notary, and Azilda 1902-1904; origmated Hydro-Electric Pow- ^ Duiiamel; m. 1896, Laura Beauchemin; three er 1^. Address: Lpndon, Ont. Clubs: d. Educ: gaint=Ours Pub. Schs., St. Hya- St. James', Montreal; Albany, Toronto; ointhe Coll. (grad. B.A., 1890), Laval Univ. London. London. (grad. LL.B., 1894). Commenced-practice BECK, Hon. Nicholas Dominic, LL. B.; of his profession in Montreal; was m part- a Judge of Sup. Ct. of Alberta; 6. Cobourg- nerab^ with Hon. Judge Fiche for three Ont., fi May, 1857; «. Rev. J. W. R. Beck. yrs_M Mr. Laurendeau for four yrs.; Joseph M.A., for years Anglican Rector of Peter- . A. Fromn and Hon. Jean Prevost, K.C., for boro, Ont., and Georgina Boulton; m. (1st) ^ two yrs., but has practiced alone ever since. Mary Ethel Lloyd, (2nd) Louisa Teepy; ^ Or. K.C., 19D6; apptd. Justice of the Police two a. two d.^ Educ; Private sch., Cobourg, ,^ Ct.," at Montreal, by Prov. Govt., 1 Aug., Collegiate Institute, Peterboro, and Univ. At- one time pres. of the Cercle Ville of Toronto; > S4^08. admitted to the Bar of Ontario, r^Oarie and of the Liberal Club of St. Henri. 1879; Manitoba, 1883; North West Terri- '' Address: ftecreations: shobting, fishing. 15 tory (now Alberta and Saskatchewan) ^ St. Louis sq., Montreal, Club: Canadien. 1889. Became a Catholic in 1893; has BEABDMBSE, Alfred Owen; h. Toron- since been identified with Catholic iEkluca- to, Ont., 4 March, 1859; m. Jeanie Torrance tional matters; member of Educational (dec); two a. one d. Called to the Bar in Council; vice-Chancellor of Univ. of Alberta, 1882; gave up the practice of law in 1880, Publicationa: Sometime editor Territorial and has since been connected with the firm Law reports, sometime editor North West ^ of Breardmore & Co. Recreations: Polo Catholic Review (now Central Catholic) of

> and Gdlf. Residence: 75 St. Geoi^e St., Winnipeg. Recreations: reading, bowling. J Toronto. Clvhs: Toronto, Hunt, Golf, Tor- Address: 469 Fifth St., , Alta. onto; Metropolitan, New York; Sports, Club: The Edmonton. London, Eng. BEDDOE, WiUiam Arthur, F.R.G.S.; BEATTIE, Major Thomas, M.F.; b. 12 Journalist; 6. Hill Top House, West Brom- Aug., 1844; m. Agnes M. Burwell, of Fingall wick. Staff, Eng., 16 March, 1859; a. of

^-'.. (dec.); one e.; was Major in 7th Fusiliers; John and Charlotte Beddoe; unmarried^ " served "with Ms raiment in the North West Educ: Marshall's High Sch. and Jackson's

, B^bellion, 1885; first elected to H. of C. for Coll., West Bromwich, Staff. Came ta

London, Ont., 1896; re-elec. 29 Oct., 1907 Canada, Dec. , 1876. Studied law with arid 1908; Church of England; Conservative. Chancellor Cronyn, London, Ont.: dir., A0re88: London, Ont. Press Alliance, Ltd., London, Eng. Editor,. BE^UBIEN, Hon. Louis; b. Montreal, Alaska Miner, Juneau, Alaska; Dawson Que., 27 July, 1837; a. Dr. Pierre Beaubien Daily News, Yukon World, and Yukon atiid Justine Cas^rain; m Suzanne Lauretta, Mining Journal. Publications: writer on d. of Chief Justice Sir Andrew Stuart; four golitical subjects. Recreations: shootingr

». four d. Educ. : Montreal Coll. ; was mem- shing. Address: 209 Wellington Ti Street,- i; her of Provincial Legislature, also simul- Ottawa. Club: Ontario, Toronto. %t taneously member of H. of 0. for Co. BEDFORD, Spencer Argyle; b. Sussex ^f.Hochelaga; speaker of Quebec House of Co., Eng., 1 Feb., 1851; s. Jacob and Eliza- Assembly, and Minister of Agriculture. beth Bedford; m. Minnie Bolton; one s, Residence: Outremont (near Montreal). three d. Educ: Hadlow Academy, Kent, Office, 112St. James* St., Montreal: Clubs: Eng.; came to Canada, in 1863. Farmed Montreal, Lafontaine, Montreal. in Manitoba and N. W. T.; Inspector for BBATJPARLANT, Almc Majorie, M.P.; Osm. N. W. Land Co., Scottish Ontario, and h. St. Aim^, Co. of Bichelieu, Que., 4 Jan., North British Co'ys.; in 1888 became supt. 1864; 8. Oliver Beauparlant, farmer and of Experimental Farm at Brandon; member

f .Louise Beaildreau. Educ: St. Aim6 Coll., of the N. W. Council for Moosomin district and St. Hyacinthe Sem.; studied law in the 1885 to 1888; now Professor of Field Hus- office of Hon. Honor^ Mercier, at one time bandry, Manitoba Agricultural Coll. Pub- Premier pf Quebec; was formerly in part- lications: Frequent contributor to Agricul-- nership with Hon. O. Desmarais; an advo- tural Press, ajso issues annual reports of cate: elec. to the H. of C.j 1904; re-elected, Experimental Farm. Address: Agricul- 1908. ^^ Address: St. Hyacinthe, Que. tural College, Winnipeg, Man. BECKKHon. Adam, M.L.A.; manufac- BEGIN, Mgr. Louis Nazalre, D.D.; Arch- turer f b. Baden, Waterloo Co., Ont., 20 bishop of Quebec; 6. Levis, Que., 10 June^ June, 1857; « of Jacob Beck and Charlotte 1840. Educ: Que. Seminary, French- 13 , ;


Seminary, Rome; ordained in Rome, 10 to 1885; lp.st two years as Captain of No. 4 June, 1865; a professor at Quebec Sem.; Co. In 1882, he was a member of the principal of Laval Normal Sch.; Consec. Canadian Rifle Team at Wimbledon, Eng.! Bishop of Ciiicoutimi, 1 Oct., 1888; coad- connected with Gait Bros. & Co., Montreal,; jutor Bishop of Quebec, 22 Dec, 1891; since 1S72; now Managing Director of Gaits, Archbishop of Que.; 12 April. 1898. Pub- Limited, Winnipeg; pres. Winnipeg Board']j lications: "The Rule of faith," "A Cate- of Trade, 1908-1909; del. to Imperial con- chism of Controversy," "The infallibility of gress, Chamber of Commerce, Sydney, 1909,

the Sovereign Pontiffs," etc. Address: Recreation: Motoring; Address: 37 Edmon- , Archbishop's Palace, Quebec. ton St., Winnipeg. Man. Clubs: Life Mem- BEIQUE, Hon. Frederic IJgori, LL. D., ber M.A.A.A., Montreal; Manitoba, St. K.C; b. St. Mathias, Que., May, 1845; s. Charles Country, Winnipeg, Man. of Louis Beique and Elizabeth d'Artois; BELL, Adam Carr; b. Pictou, Nova Sco- m. 1875, Caroline Angeline, o. d. of the late tia, 11 Nov.. 1847; s.of Basil Hall Bell and lion. L. A. DessauUes, M.L.C.; two d. Educ: Mary Carr; m. Annie Henderson; four s. Coll. of Marieville. Called to Bar. 1868; one d. Educ: New Glasgow, Sackville, or. Q.C., by Quebec, 1885, and by Dom. N.B., Glasgow Univ., Glasgow, Scot. Was Govt., 1889; one of the Dom. Counsel before first Mayor (Warden) New Glasgow, 1876, the Behring Sea Claims Comm., 1896; and was again Mayor in 1884; elec. M.L.A. batonnier of Montreal Dist. Bar., 1891-93; of N. S., g. e., 187S, and again in 1882 and

cr. LL.D. by Laval Univ., 1900; Mayor of 1 886 ; was Provincial Secretary of N .S. Dorion, 1895-96; pres. of St. Jean Baptiste from May to July, 1882; defeated for Fed- Assn., of Montreal, 1899-1905. Called to eral House in 1889 and 1904, but was elec. the Senate, 8 Feb., 1902; mem. of the Num- in 1896 and 1900. Recreation: Farming. ismatic and Antiquarian Soc, of Montreal. Address: New Glasgow, N.S. Address: 540 Sherbrooke St. W., Montreal. BELL, Alexander Graham, LL.D., Ph. Clubs: St. James', Montreal, Montreal Re- D., M.D.; b, Edinburgh, 3 March, 1847; s. of form. late ; m. 1877, Mabel BEITH, Hon. Robert; b. 17 May, 1843; Gardiner, d. of G. G. Hubbard; two d. Educ: s. of Alexander Beith and Catharine Mc- Royal High Sch., Edinburgh; Edinburgh Taggart, Argyleshire, Scot. Educ: Bow- Univ.; Univ. Coll., London; Matriculated manville Pub. Sch. and Commercial Coll., London Univ., 1867. Arrived in Canada, Toronto, el. to H. of C. for West Durham 1870; became Professor of Physiology, Bos- in succession to Hon. , 1891; ton Univ.; patented invention of telephone, '

re-el. 1896; defeated at g. e., 1900; re-el. 1876; invented also , induction , at bye el.. 1902, but retired, 1904; called balance, and telephone probe, and (with to Senate, 15 Jan., 1907. A farmer and one C. A. Bell) ; has investigated, of the pioneer importers of thoroughbred studied eductaion of the deaf; late president horses, chiefly Clydesdales. Address: Bow- American Association to Promote Teaching manville, Ont. of Speech to the Deaf; late President Nat- BELANO, Henri Severin, B.A., M.D., ional Geographic Society; Regent Smith- M.P.; 6. Louiseville, Que., 11 Oct., 1869; sonian Institute since 1898; awarded the

s. of Henri Beland and Sophia Lesage; m. Volta Prix by French Govt., 1881 ; officer of 1895, Flore Gerin Lajoie. Educ: Three French Legion of Honour; Prince Albert Rivers Coll., and Laval Univ.; elec. to L. A., Medal (London Society of Fine Arts), 1902; Quebec, 1897 and 1900; elec. for H. of C. Founder Volta Bureau; member National at bye elec, 1902; re-elec, 1904 and 1908; Academy of Sciences; and many foreign and Liberal. Address: St. Joseph de Beauce, American Societies; in recent years, has Que. taken great interest in the laws of flight and BEr.COURT, Hon. N. A., LL.D., K. C; aviation generally. Publications: manv 1905; Senator, P. C, b. 15 Sept., 1860; e. s. scientific monographs, including Memoir on of F. N. Belcourt and Marie Ann Clair; m. the formation of Deaf Variety in the Human (1st) 1889, Hectorine, e. d. of Hon. Joseph Race; Census Report on the Deaf of the Shehyn, Senator, Quebec; (2nd) Mary Mar- United States. 1906; Lectures on the garet, f. d. of R. H. Haycock, of Ottawa; Mechanism of Speech, 1906; many scientific three s. six d. Educ : St. Joseph's Seminary and eductaional monographs. Address: of Three Rivers, Que.; Laval Univ.; admit- 1 331 Connecticut Avenue, Washington, ted to Bar of Quebec, 1882; K.C., 1899; U.S.A.; Baddeck, Nova Scotia. admitted to Ontario Bar, 1884; speaker of BELL, His Hon. Archibald, County and H. of C, 1904; Senator since 1907; has had Surrogate Judge of Kent Co., Ont.; b. Tor- extensive practice in courts of the Provinces onto, Ont., 16 Nov., 1840; s. of Archibald of Ontario and Quebec, and in the Exche- Bell and Agnes Hood; m. Elizabeth Cam- quer and Supreme Courts of Canada, and eron; two s. two d. Called to the Bar, 1886, before Judicial Committee of Privy Council. and admitted attorney and soHcitor, 1868; Recreations: riding and amateur farm- practiced in Chatham until 1 Oct., 1878, ing; pres. Ottawa Hunt Club; member and when he was appointed Judge of the Co. officer of cricket, football, and other clubs. and Surrogate Courts, of the Co, of Address: 489 Wilbrod St., Ottawa; in sum- Kent, and subsequently local Judge of the mer, Blue Sea Lake, Que. Clubs: Rideau, High Courts of Justice, Ontario. Address: Country, Ottawa. Chatham, Ont. BELCHER, Henry Martyn: b. Calcutta, BELL, James, M.D.; Prof, of Surgery India, 21 Nov., 1856; s. of the Rev. Canon and Clinical Surgery, McGill Univ.; b. Samuel Belcher and Jane Goldsmith; m. North Gower, Ont.. 1852; m. 1889, Edith Jessie Sloan Notman; four s. two d. Ar- Mary, e. d. of the late J. J. Arnton of Mon- rived in Canada, 1863; member of the Vic- treal; one s. Educ: local schs. and by toria Rifles of Canada, Montreal, from 1875 private tuition; grad. M.D., McGlill Univ., 14 CANADIAN "WHO'S WHO, 1910. BENGOUGH

1877, and won the Holmes Gold Medal. geolo^st. of "Neptune" expedition in 1884, House Surgeon Montreal Gen. Hospital, and of "Alert" expedition in 1885 to Hud- 1877-1880; medical supt., 1881-1885; asst. son's Strait and Bay; was also geologist of Surg., 1885; surgeon, 1886; became surgeon the "Diana" expedition in 1897, when he Royal Victoria Hospital, 1894. Apptd. surveyed the south coast of Bafiinland and Ai^sociate Prof, of Clinical Surgery, McGill penetrated to the great lakes of its interior; Univ., 1888; asst. prof, of Surgery and among the rivers he has surveyed are the Clinical Surgery, 1890; Prof, of Clinical Athabasca, Slave, Beaver, Churchill, Nel- Surgery, 1895; Prof, of Surgery and Clinical son, Hayes and branches, the Winnip^, Surgery, 1907. Mem. American Surgical English, Albany, Kenogami, Nipigon, Assn., Canadian Medical Assn.; Surgeon to Moose and its nimierous branches, the Har- the Sixth Batt., Fusiliers, 1880-1888; Sur- ricanaw, Broadback, Nottaway and its geon-Major in charge of the Field Hospital branches, the ui>per and most of Corps at Kiel Rebellion, 1885, and received the rivers of northern Ontario; he also medal for services. Recreations: fishing, made the first surveys of some of the largest himting. Address: 409 Dorchester St., W., lakes in Canada, including Great Slave, Montreal; summer res., Cartierville. Clubs: V Nipigon, Oshabur^h, Seul, and parts of Mount Royal, St. James', Hunt, University, Athabasca, Winnipeg, and- Lake of the Montreal. Woods; del. from the Dom. Govt, and the B£Iili> James Macintosh, M.A., Ph.DV, Roy. Soc. of Can. to the Intl. Geol. Con- F.R.G.S.; Dir. of the Geological Survey, of gress, Vienna, 1903; has been Canadian cor. New Zealand; b. St. Andrew's, Que., 23 of the Royal Scottish Geographical Soc. Sept., 1877; s. of Andrew Bell, and Marian ever since its foundation; Canadian cor. Rosamond; m. 1909, Vera Margaret Beau- of la Socidt^ de G^ographie; mem. of the - champ. In 1896, accompanied his uncle Royal Ast. Sco. of Can.; was a Royal Com- Dr. Robt. Bell, of the Geological Survey of mr. on the Mineral Resorces of Ontario, Can., to Grand Lake Victoria, on the Upper 1888-89; Hon. Chief of Algonquin Indians Ottawa, and thence to rjimiskow Lake on of Grand Lake; pres., International Con- Rupert River; in 1898 asst. his uncle in gress of Americanists, 1906; King's or Pat- making a geological survey_ of the Michi- ron's gold medal of the Royal Geographical picoten Dist.; on Mackenzie River, and Soc. of London, 1906; Callum gold medal of made a geological resonnaissance of its the Am. Geographical Soc, 1906. Publico' North Arm; after wintering at Fort Resolu- tions: Fifty reports published by the tion, in 1900, accompanied by Mr, Charles Geological Survey of Can., 1857-1905; Cams^ell, travelled to Great Bear Lake and report of the Royal Commission on the Min. ~ made a geological exploration of its northern Res. of Ontario, 1890 (in part). Many shores; returned by a c^ain of lakes to the papers read before the Roy. Soc. of Can., North Arm of Great Slave lake and during 1882-1909, the Geol. Soc. of Am., 1890-09, the winter reached Edmonton; in 1901-02, in the Canadian Natij.ralist and Geologist,, was geologist to the Lake Superior Corpora- Record of Science, and in the journals of . tion, with headquarters at Sault Ste. Marie; other scientific societies. Address: 136 employed by the Go-^t. of Ont., on geolog- Maclaren St., Ottawa. Club: Rideau, ical work in the r^ion southward of Janxes Ottawa.

. Bay, 1903; apptd. Director of the Geological BELT^SMITH, Frederick Marlett, R.C. Survey of New Zealand, 1904. Publica- A.; b. London, 26 Sept., 1846; s. of late John . iioTi^: Reports on Great Bear Lake, pubd. Bell-Smith, Artist; m. 1871, Annie Myra by the Geol. Survey of Can., 1901; reports Dyde; one s. Educ: London. Member of for the Lake Superior Corporation in Phila- Council of the Royal Canadian Academy of delphia, and that of 1903 by the Govt, of Arts; President of the Ontario Society of Ont.; reports of New Zealand Geological Artists; studied drawing at South Kensing- Survey, 1904-1908, accomijanied by maps, ton; arrived in Canada, 1867; charter mem- pubd. by the Govt, at Wellington. Addres- ber Society of Canadian Artists, 1867; ses: Wellington, N.Z.; Blacket House, served in Volunteers in suppressing Fenian

Silver Stream, - North Island, N.Z. (sum- invasion, 1870 (medal); Director of Fine mer). Arts, Alma Coll., since 1881; teacher of BELL, Robert, I.S.O., M.D.C.M., D.Sc. drawing, public sch., London, Ont., 1882- (McGill and Cantab), LL.D., F.R.S.; late 89; Director Toronto Art Sch., 1889-91; Director and Chief Geologist, Geological lecturer and writer on Art subjects. Prin- Survey of Canada; b. Toronto, Ont., 3 June, cipal pictures: Queen Victoria's "Tribute to 1841; a. of Andrew Bell and Elizabeth Canada (for which Her Majesty gave per- Nptman; m. Agnes Smith, of Westbourne sonal sittings); Landing of the Blenheim,

and ' Auchentroig, Scot.; one s. three d. National Collection, Ottawa; Whitehead, Edvfi.: Prescott County Gram. Sch., Science Diploma work, Nat. Coll,; Lights of a City Dtept., McGill Univ., McGill Medical Coll., Street, Ont. Collection; has exhibited at

Bpubiirgh Univ. ; mem. of ,Am. Inst, of Royal Academy and other principal exhi- l^^giog Sngrs., 1881; hon. mem. Medico- bitions; paints with equal facility in oils and Chirurgical Soc, Montreal; Fellow Am. A. water cloours. Recreaiions: annually A. Sci.; one of foundation Fellows of Roy. visits Rocky Mountains of Canada, and has Soc. of Can.; mem. of Govt. Geographical made some ascents; member of Appalachian Bd.; joined Geological Servey of Can., 1857^ Club. Address: 336 Jarvis Street, Toronto. land sinee that time has made very extensive Club: Arts and Letters, Toronto. topographical and geological surveys in BEXGOXTGH, John Wilson; journalist; nearfy all parts of the Dominion. The Bell h. Toronto, 7 April, 1851; s. of John Ben- River or W. branch of Nottaway, which he goughand Margaret Wilson; m. (1st) 1880, surveyed in 1895, is officially named after Helena Siddall, of Toronto (rf. 1902); '(2nd) him; was medical officer, naturalist, and 1908, Annie Robertson Matheson. Educ. ; 15 :


Whitby Gram. Sch.; began journalistic special service S. Africa, A.A.Q. 6th division career on Whitby Gazette; removed to Tor- S.A. Field Force, 1900-1 (despatchea.jnedal, onto, 1872; reporter on Globe for three yrs.; three clasps, C.B.); HeadquarterSj 1901-3. started Grip in 1873, and edited it for 21 Recreations; shooting, fishing, riding, cyc- yrs.; appeared a^ entertainer in 1874, and ling, skating. Club: Army and Navy, has done platform work continuously since London, Eng. in Canada, United States, England, Aus- BERGERON, Joseph Gedeon Horace, tralia and New Zealand. Publications: 2 B.C.L., K.O.; b. Kgaud, Que., 13 Oct.. vols of verse; "Grave and Gay," and "In 1854; s. of the late T. R. Bergeron, N.P., of many Keys," "The up to date primer," Rigaud, and Leoeadie Caroline Dephine (humorous exposition of Henry George); Coursol, d. of Gedeon Coursbl, N.P., of St, "The Whole Hog Book." Addxeaa: Toronto. Andrews, Que.; m. 1890, Josephine Ada,. BENNETT, Mrs. Annie Dunlop (" Gena d. of the Tate Capt. Wall, of Montreal, Macfarlane"); h. Baddeck, C.B., 12 June, Educ: Gram. Sch. of St. Timothee, St. 1859; d. of David Dunlop and Catherine Mary's Coll., McGill Univ., Montreal: Cal- McGrath; m. Thomas J. Bennett, 11 Jan. led to Bar, 1877, and has since practised in 1882 Baldwin, Wis.; five s. six d. Educ. Montreal; el. to Parlt., 1879; re-ej. 1882, Baddeck Academy; Congregation de Notre 1887, 1891, 1896; unsuccessful 1900^>nd at Dame, Arlchat C.B., River Falls (Wiscon- bye-el. 1902; el. at g. e., 1904; Deputy sin) Normal Sch. Joined the Roman Cath- Speaker of the House of Commons, 1891- olic Church at fifteen yearB of age; taught 1896; defeated at g. e., 1908. Took 2nd Bch. in Cape Breton tliree years; two years class artillery certificate, Montreal, 1874; in Wisconsin; received into the Catholic served in No. 1 Troop of Montreal Hussars Church by His Lordship, Bishop Cameron for short period. Address: 76 St. James' of Antigonish; always taken an active part St., Montreal. Clubs: St. James', Lafon- in charitable work; was pres. of Relief Soc; taine, Canadien. charter member of Children's Aid Society; BEBGETIN, AchiUe; h. Valleyfield, accompanied her husband to Re^na in Que., 3 March, 1870; s. of Gilbert Bergevin 1892, when he went to put the Regina Jail and Ann Daoust; m. Flora Fauclier, of

under Penitentiatry discipline. Puhlicationa. Montreal ; one s. two d, Educ. : Model For several years r^ular correspondent of Sch. and English Acad., Valleyfieldj Coxi^' "The Catholic Record" also of the N. W. mercial Coll., Varennes, Que.; an invest- Review during the editorship of L, Dnim- ment broker doing business in Montreal] mond, S.J.; was editor of the special edition for many yrs. a newspaper editor; sec. of of the Regina Leader, in aid, of the Victorian the Montreal Reform Club and other im-

Hospital. ' Address; 2108 Albert St., portant organizations. First el. to Legis, R^ma, Sask. at g. e.. 1900; re-el. 1904; defeated 1908. BENNETT, William H.y K.C.; b. Bar- Recreationa: fishing. Address: 235 Board rie, 23 Dec, 1859; s. of Humphrey Bennett of Trade Bldg., Montreal. Clubs: (Danadien, and Annie A. Fraser; m. Marearet F. Car- St. Denis, rail, d. of Henry Cargill (MTP. for East BERNARD, Mgr. Alexls-Xyste, Bishop Bruce fot many years); Educ: Barrie of St. Hyacinthe, Que.; b. at Beloeil, Que*.

High Sch. Called to the Bar, 1881; rep- 29 Dec , 1847; a. of Theodule Bernard and resented E. Simcoe in H. of C. from 1892, to Heloise Prefontslin. Educ: Coll. and Sem- 1908. Address: Midland, Ont. inary of Montreal, under the Sulpician BENOIT, Joseph Alderic, M.L.A.; agri- Fathers; Curate; president of Sorel Coll.;. culturist; b. Mount Johnson, Que., 20 Feb., Canon of the of St Cathedral Hyacinthe f ^ 1854; s. of Julien Benoit and Lucie Harbec; Archdeacon; secretary for the Diocese ; m. 1874; Cath. McQuillen; one 8. Educ: Vicar General; Provost of the Chapter of County Sch. Hay dealer and farmer; Prothonotary Apostolic. Publications Mayor, 1900-1907: warden of Co.; pres. of Besides "Tynoral Decrees." and a summary the St. Johns Exhioltion and laureate of the of the "Clerical Conferences" he edited the Merite Agricole. El. to Quebec Legis., Pastoral Letters of the Bishops of St. 1906; re-el. 1908. Address: Mount John- Hyacinthe, in nine volumes. Address: St. son, Que. Hyacinthe, Que. BENSON, Major-General Frederick Wil- BERNARD Ludger Pierre, M.L.A.; 6. liam, C/.B.; Director of Transport and L'Ange Gardien, Co. of Rouville, Que., 6 Remounts since 1903; b. St. Catharines, March, 1870; s. of Jean Baptiste Bernard Ont., 2 Aug., 1849; 3rd s. of late Hon. J. R. and Julie Beaudry; m. Mary Racicot; one Benson, Senator, and Marianne, d. of late a. two d. Educ: Elementary Schs. of the Charles IngersoU, oi' Ii^erspU, Ont.; m. Province; a farmer; elee. to the Legislature Caroline, e. d, of Sir G. E. Couper, Bart., of Quebec, 25 Nov., 1904; re-el. 8 June, C.B., K.C.S.I. Educ: Up, Can. Coll., 1908; Conservative. Address: Granby, 'Toronto.; R.M.C., Sandhurst; served as Que. Voluntei^r during Fenian raids in Canada, BERNIER, Hon. Michael Esdras ; one of 1866; joined 21st Hussars, 1869; exchanged the Bd, of Ry. Commrs. for Canada; 6. St. to I2th Royal Lancers, 1876; passed Staff Hyacinthe, Que., 27 Sept., 1841; s. of the Coll., 1880; Captain 5th Dragoon Guards, late Etienne Bemier; m. 1866, Alida, d. of 1880; exchanged to 17th Lancers, 1881; the late Simeon Marchesseault, who in 1837 A.D.C. to Lieut.-Governor, N. W. Provin- was a leader in the Rebellion, and sub- ces, India, 1877; Brigade Major, Poona, sequently exiled to the Bermuims.^ El. to 1882-84; Garrison Instuctor, bengal, 1884- H. of C. at g. e.. 1882, 1887, 1891, 1896, and 90; commanded ^yptian cavalry, 1892-94; 1900. Sworn of the Privy Council and ' D.A.A.G. (Instructor) Dublin, 1895-98; apptd. Minister of Inland Revenue in the Assistant Adjutant-General, Chief Staff Laurier Admn., 22 June, 1900; apptd. one Officer, South-Eastem District, 1898-1900; of the Bd. of Rl. Commrs. for Canada, Jan., 16 , , "WHO'S WHO.

1904. Addreeaes: 403 Maclaren Street, Educ: there; removed to New York, 1879;

Ottawa; St. Hyacinthe, Que. , went into, business life and pursued literary BEBBY, Bev. .Joseph F., D.D., LL. D.; studies. Publicationa: Songs from Beran- b. Alymer, Out., May 13, 1856; a. Francis ger (translation of 61 chansons), The Per- and Ann L. B.; Educ: Milton Acad., Ont.; fume Holder, A Persian Love Story, Tales Lawrence Univ., Upper Iowa Univ.; wi. of a Garrison Town (with Arthur Went- 1876, Olive Johnson, Entered M. E. min- worth Eaton); a Garland of Sonnets; Frees- istry, 1874; asso. editor Mich. Christian wick's Experiment (a novel), 1907; also Advocate, 1884-1890; editor Epworth Her- many poems in mags., etc. Mem. Munici- ald, 1890-1894. Elected bifihop of M. E. pal Art Soc. CZiit; Salmagundi. Address: Ch., May, 18 1904. Addreaa: 455 Franklin 14 Timpson PI. Club: Salmagimdi Club, St., Buffalo, N.Y. 14 W. 12th St., New York. BEBTBIAUME, Hon. Treffle; proprie- BICKEBDIKE, Bobert, M.P.; b, King- tor of La Presse; h. St. Hughes, Que., 4 ston, Ont., 17 Aug., 1843; a. of Thomas Aug., 1848; s. of G^d^on Berthiaume and Bickerdike; m. 1866^ Helen Thompson Reid EI^onQre Normandin; m. 1871, Helmina (d. 1907); three a. six d. Educ: Beauhar- Gadbois, of Montreal; three a. three d. nois County. Organized the Dom. Abat- Educ: St. Hyacinthe Colli; became partner- toir & Stobk Yards Co., of which he was in the Gebhardt-Berthiaume Lithographing mgr. dir.; one of the founders of the Dom. and Printing Co., 1884, and proprietor La Live Stock Assn., and of the Live Stock Presse, 1889; called to Legis. Council of Insur. Co., of which he became pres.; was

, Quebec, 1896. Addreaa: 713 St. Urbain St., promoter and pres. of the Standard Light Montreal. Cluhe: All the French clubs of and Power Co., and of the Adirondack & Montreal. St. Lawrence Rapids Tourist Line; pres. of BETHUNE, Charles James Stewart, B. the Montreal and Great Lakes Steamship. A., M.A., D.C.L.; b. West Flamboro. Co. Co., Ltd., and of the Robert Bickerdike Co.,

Wentworth, Ont., 11 Aug., 1838; a. of Eight Ltd. ; vice-pres. of the Hochelaga Bank; ex- ' Bev. Alexander Neil Betnune, D.D., Second pres. of the Montreal Bd. of Trade; Ist vice- Lord Bishop pf Toronto, and Jane Eliza, pres. of the Western General Hospital; dir, e. d. of Hon. James Crooks; m. 21 April, Canadian Marconi Wireless, Western and 1863, to Harriet Alice Mary, 2nd d. of Lieut. British American Fire and Marine Insur. Col. James Furlong, K.H., H. His Majesty's Co., the Imperial Guarantee & Accident 43rd Regt., Light Infantry; two a. three d. Insur. Co.; a former mem. of the Montreal -Educ: Up. Can. Coll., and Trinity Univ.; Harbour Conun.; life gov. of the Montreal * ordained deacon by Bishop Strachan in Gen. Hospital; founder and ex-mayor of 1861, and Priest in 1862; Curate to his the town of Summerlea on Lake St. Louis. father at Cobourg until 1866; Incumbent El. to Quebec Legis., at g. e., 1897; el. to Of Credit Mission, 1866-1870; Honorary the H. of C. at g. e., 1900, 1904, 19Q8. ,- Clerical Secretary of the Lower House of the Addreaa: "Elmcroft," Sunmaerlea, Que^ General Synod of the Church of England in Ciuba: Rideau," Ottawa; Montreal, Canada,. Canada, 1901-1908; Head Master of Trinity Montreal. Coll. Sch., Port Hope, 1870-1899. Profes- BICKWELL, James, K.C.; b. Rottersea. sor of Entomology and Zoology, Ontario Park, Surrey, Eng., 26 April, 1862; a. of Agricultural Coll., Geulph, 1906; Fellow of James and Annie Bickwell; m. Minnie the American Assn. for the Advancement Kappell; one a. two d. Educ: Hamilton of Science and of the Entomological Society Collegiate Institute; arrived in Canada,. of America; member of Scientific Societies 12 July, 1872; called to the Bar in Feb., in Toronto, Ottawa, Boston, New York, 1884; practiced in Hamilton imtil 1894, and Washington, Buffalo, Philadelphia, etc. since that time in Toronto. Publicationa: and of the Assn. of Economic Zoologists, Bickwell-Seager Division Courts, 1893, and Eng., and of Economic Entomologists, 1900; Bickwell and Kappell's Practice, America; Chairman of the Canadian Com- Statutes, 1900. Addreaa: 37 Cherry Av., mittee of the International Congress of Toronto. Cluba: Hamilton, Hamilton, Ont. Entomology, etc. Publicationa: Editor Albany, R.C.T.C, Toronto, Ont.

"Canadian Entomology"; reports to the BIENVENU, Tanqrede ; Gen. Mgr., Pro- Legislature of the Entomological Society of vincial Bank of Canada, Montreal; b. Var- Onti.; 1886 to 1874, and 1886 to present ennes. Que., 26 April, 1864; a. of the late /-• timfe; author of scientific papers. Recrea- A, Bienvenu and Octavie Larose; m. Clara } '-. tiojia: Study of Nature. Addreaa: Ontario Martin; four a. seven d. Educ: Varennes ':- Agricultural Coll., Geulph, Ont. Bus. Coll. Banker. Recreationa: family, BETHUNE, Bobert Cecil, J.P.: 6. Mont- and office. Addreaa: 32 Sherbrooke St., W., real, 10 May, 1872; a. of Lt.-Col. Angus Montreal. Club: Montreal. Robert Bethune and Mary Elizabeth Rogers BIGGAB, Henry Perclval B.A., B.Litt.; _?n. Jean Peden; three a. two d. Educ: St. 6. Carrying Place, Ont., 9 Aug., 1872; a. of ' Johns High Sch., Montreal, Coll^ate Inst- J. Lyons Biggar and Isabella Hodgins of itute, Ottawa; business, Fire Insurance; Dublin. Educ: Belleville Public Sch.; Up. Secretary Board of Trade of the City of Can. Coll., and Univ. of Toronto. Publica- Ottawa; Secretary-Treasurer of CoUe^ate tiona: "The Early Trading Companies of Institute Board, Ottawa. Recreationa: ," "The Voyages of the Cabots fishing, shootii^ and rowing. Addreaa: 145 and of the Cote-Reds to and * Cartier St., Ottawa. Greenland. Addreaa: 34 Oxford Mansion, BETTS. Craven I^angstroth; b. St. John, London W., Eng. N.B., April 23, 1853; a. Hiram and Sarah BIGGAB, L.ieut.-Col. James Lyons, V. D., Ann Purdy Betts; descended from old Director of Transport and Supplies and Colonial New England stock, and of U. E. L. Officer Administering Canadian Army Ser- m. Feb. 10, 1905, Elizabeth Gushing Colby. vice Corps; b, at the Carrying Place, Co. 17 WHO'S WHO.

Northutnberland, 16 July, 1856; a. of J^nes Studied law with Charles Moss, of the firm Lyons Biggar, who represeiited East North- of Harrison, Osier & Moss, now Chief Justio* umberland H. of C, from 1861-1878. and of the Ct. of Appeal; removed to Winnip^, Isabella Hodgins; m. Mary Scott, e. d. of Man., 1875, and admitted- to Manitoba Bar. ' Robert W. Elliot of Toronto; two a. one d. and comxQenced practice of his profession; Educ: Trenton Gram. Sch., and Upp. Can. was one founder of the Winnipeg Daily Coll.; served with the Argyll Light Infantry Sun; removed td St. Paul, Minn.. 1888. and Camp and engaged in jjractice of his profession, , from 1881-1901, and as Supply Quartermaster on the District Staff from and large enterprises; removed to Toronto, 1891-1900; on staff of Canadian Contingent 1892, and continued practice of his pro- at Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee in fession, where he has since remained. 1897; Jubilee Medal, South Africa, 1899- Formerly mem. of Legis. for St. Paul's, 1901; during the earlier stages of the War, Man., and Minister of Pub. Works. Address: was with the Supply and Transport cloumn 55 St. George St., Toronto. and later apptd. StafE Officer to the Over- BINNING, Jolm Bussell; Gen. Mgr., Fur- sea Colonials on Lines of Communication ness. Withy & Co., Ltd., steamship agents, and Chief Base. Also acted as Red Cross Montreal; b. Hamilton, Scotland, 1866; m. Commissioner for Canada for seven months. 1891, Margaret Caird, of Montrose, Scot.; Queen's Medal with four clasps. Appt'd. two 8. four d. Educ: Hamilton pub. sch., to Headquarters Staff in Dec, 1901, as Hamilton Academy. Arrived Canada, in Deputy Adjutant General for Army Service 1888, and entered employ of C. P. Ry. Co.; Corps and organized the Canadian Army became connected with the firm of Furness, Service Corps; afterwards apptd. Assist. Withy & Co., Ltd., 1898; apptd. gen. mgr.,

Quartermaster-General ; acted as Staff 1903; Treas. Montreal Bd. of Trade, Shipp- Officer for Colonials at the Coronation of ing Federation of Can.; mem. Caledonian His Majesty King Edward VII in 1902; Soc, Montreal; belongs Masonic Order. (Coronation Medal). Apptd. Director of Recreations: curling, amateur gardening. "Transport and Supplies in 1904; Honorary Address: Cote des Neiges, Montreal. Club: Associate of the Order of St. John of Jeru- Canada. salem. Publications: "Hints to Quarter- BIBGE, Cyrus A.: Pres., Canada Screw masters"; the "Army Service Corps Manual. Co.; 6. nr. Oakville, Ont.; 7 Nov.. 1867; a. Address: 525 King Edward Ave., Ottawa. of Herman P. Bii%e and Helen M. Ainslie; Clubs: liideau, Country, Ottawa. m. (Ist) lg70, Rebecca J. Coote, of Oak- BIGGAR, WilUam Hodgins; Genl. Solic- ville, (d. 1898); (2nd) 1902, Margaret itor, Grand Trunk Pacific Ry.; b. Carrying Vanstone, of Wmgham. Ont.; one «. one d. Place, Ont., 19 Sept., 1852; s. of James Educ: Dist. Sch. and Oakville Gram. Sch. Lyons and Isabella Biggar; m. Marie Louise Took up study of medicine with Dr. C. H. Ballon; three s. one a. .Educ: Upp. Can. Lusk, of Oakville; removed to Stratford, Coll. (grad. 1872). Called to the Bar of 1870, on account of ill-health, and started Ontario, 1880; mem. Ontario Legis., 1890- a grocery business; removed to Chatham, 1898; cr. Q.C., 1899; asst. General counsel 1872; entered employ of Great Western G.T.R., Jan. 1. 1903; genl. solicitor, Dec. 1, Ry. as agent, in engrg. dept.; later removed 1905; genl. solicitor, Grand Trunk Pacific, to London and subsequently back to Hamil- Dec. 1, 1905. Recreaiiona: lawn bowling, ton; resigned position with G.W.R. 1882, curling, golf. Address: 726 Pine Av., Mon- to take management of the Can. Screw Co.; treal. Cluba: Mount Royal, Canada, Mont- became vice-pres, and mgr. dir. of co. in real; Rideau, Ottawa. 1883; CO. removed to Hamilton, 1887; BIGGEB, Charles Albert, C.E„ D.L.S., became pres., 1898. Was one of 'the orig. O.L.S., Astronomer, Dept. of Int., and in dirs. of the Hamilton Blast Furnace Co., charge of Geodetic Survey of Canada: b. before its amalgamation with the Hamilton in Oakville, Ont.; 15 Aug., 1853; s. of Col. Steel and Iron Co.; el. vice-pres. for Ont. Chas. B^ger and Amelia Kenny; m. Louise of Can, Mfgrs. Assn., 1900; vice-pres. for the Cockbum Brennan of Ottawa; one d. Educ: Dom., 1901; pres., 1902; mem. Toronto pub. sch., Toronto Normal Sch., and private and Hamilton Bds. of Trade; vice-pres. tuition; parents of U. E. Loyalist descent.; Caledon Mountain Trout Club. Address: grad. from Military sch., iGngston, 1874; Hamilton, Ont. Club: National, Toronto;

articled to Prov. Land Surveyor, 1878, and Hamilton . passed exams. 1882. Employed by Dom. BIBDWHISTLE, (originally Birtwis- Govt, on N. W. T. Staff of Surveyors, 1882- tlb). Captain Blchard John; h. Otta- '88; private practice as engineer and surv., wa, Ont., 4 April, 1874; s. of Richard Birt- until 1901, when apptd. to staff of Dom. wistle, whose father came from Lancashire, Boundary Commission; had full charge of Eng., and Margaret Coughlan, of Kilkenney, boundarjr survey on New York State line, Ireland; m. Carolyn Savage, d. of Samuel 1902, doin^ astronomical work for U. S. and Elizabeth Savage of Ottawa; Educ: and Can.; m charge of field work Alaska St. Joseph's School, Ottawa, and privately; boundary survey, 1904-6; started geodetic learned the trade of Printer and Stereotyper survey of Canacm, June, 1905, and now ei^ht years on the Ottawa Free Press: devotes all time to it. Puhlicaiior^: many Financial, military, dramatic and special reports upon engineering and surveying" writer; Ottawa correspondent for various work. Address: 145 Gloucester St., Ottawa. Canadian papers until 1902; for seven years BIGGS, Hon. S. C, B.A.. K.C.,; b. An- manager of various theatrical enterprises; caster. Ont., 8 Oct., 1851; a. Richard Biggs Broker, 1909; Captain in the 43rd Regt.t and Eleanor Wood; m. 1875, Emily Orythia, D.C.O.R.; holds Subaltern and Captain's d. of the Rev. Thomas Atkinson; four a. certificate, R.S.I.; Commanded Guard of Educ: Ancaster pub. sch^., Victoria Coll., Honour for H. R. H. The Prince of Wales, Cobourg; Toronto Univ. (grad. B.A., 1872). Quebec Tercentenary, 1908; long Serrie* 18 WHO'S WHO,. BLACKADB*

medal; originator of the "Birdwhistle British America. Address: 5 Harbord St*, System of military bookkeeping"; member Toronto, Ont. of the Ottawa Board of Trade; Secretary BIBNIE, John, B.C.L., LL.B., K.C.; b. Dominion of Canada Rifle Association; Colllngwood, Ont., 22 Nov., 1862; «. of John Secretary Publicity Committee of the City Blmie and Caroline Bell; m. 1884, Annie L., of Ottawa; Publicationa "History of the y. d. of the Rev. Edwin Clementj of Tor- 43rd Regt., D. C. O.R., Rifle Association; onto; three c. Educ: Pub. and High Sche. military Correspondence under non-de of Colllngwood; Trinity Univ. (grad. B.C.L.

Pliime "Little Bobs;." dramatic sketches; 1884, and won silver medal) ; Toronto Univ.

Recreation, ' Walking shooting, reading. (grad. LL.B., 1886). Called to the Bar of Address; 178 Jamea St., Ottawa, Club: Upper Can., 1882, and commenced practice Commercial. of his profession at Colllngwood, making a feature of Admiralty and Maratlme Law. B1BKETT» H. S., M.D., CM.; Professor , Apptd. K.C., by Ont. Govt., 1899; solicitor of Laryngology and -Otology; b. Hamilton, for the town of Colllngwood, Bank of Mont- Ont., 17 July, 1864; s. of late William Bir- real, Prov. Bldg., Loan Assn.; pres. Colllng- kett, Met-chant, and Caroline Amelia, id.) wood Reform Assn., West d. of late Jacob Ball of Grantham, Ont.; m. Liberal Assn.; Lieut< Colhngwood Battery 1899, Margaret, e. d. of John MacNaughton, of Garrison Art. for yrs. Re~ Glengarry, Ont.; Educ: Forest House number of .creation: yachting. Address: Colhngwood, Sch., Chester, Eng.; Laryngologist and Out. Otologist to the Royal Victoria Hospital; BLACK, St. Francis,; b. Cobourg, Consulting .Laryngologist and Otologist, Harry Ont., Aug. s. Alexandra Hospital; Senior House Surgeon 25, 1863; Capt. Thomas Black; m. AUon Mae, d. George A. Fuller. Montreal General Hospital, 1886-87; Assist. Educ: Cobourg. Started business Ufe in a gen. Physician Montreal Dispensary, 1887-89; store; joined survejdng party in Northwest Laryngologist to Montreal Dispensary, and on Pacific Coast; traveller for whole- 1SS9-91; to Montreal General Hospital, sale woolen house of Chicago on Pacific 1891-99; Junior Demonstrator of Anatomy Coast, 1882-92; in banking business McGill Univ., 1899-1890; Demonstrator, in Wash, and later mcht. with stores at Meno- 1890-96; for some years General Secretary, minee, Mich^ and Tekoa, Wash.; joined Dominion Medical Association, and Mont- George A. Fuller Co., bldg. contractors, real' Medico-Chlrurgical Society; vice-pres. 1896, becoming v. -p., and on its consoli- American Laryngologlcal Association, 1898; dation in U.B. Realty and Improvement Montreal Medico-Chirurglcal Society, 1902; Co. (capital $66,000,000) became chmn. bd. Section of Laryngology British Med. Assoc. dirs.; also v.-p. and dir. Broad-Exchange 1897; mem. American Association of Anato- Co.; pres. and dir. George A, Fuller Co.; mists, 1890-96; Governor Montreal General dir. N. Trust Clubs: Metropolitan, Montreal Medico-Chirurgical Am. Co. Hospital; pres. Manhattan, Lawyers, Larchmont Yacht vice-pres. Section of Laryngology Society; (N.Y.); Chicago. Address: 667 Madison British Medical Association, and Otology, Av. OMce: 111 Broadway, New York. 1906; pres. American Laryngological As- BLACK, Judson Burpee, M.D., M.P.; b. sociation, 1907-8; mem. Otological Society St. Martins. N.B.; 15 Aug., 1842; s. Thomas of United Kingdom. _ Publicaiiona: Hemia- Henry Black, late of Armagh Ireland, and trophy of the Tongue; Empysema of the Mary Eliza Fownes of Saint Martins; m. Antrum; Thjrrotomy for sub-cordal Sar- Bessie, d. of Senator Churchill; six s. four d. coma; Dermoid Cyst of the Nose; Anomal- Educ: Mount Allison Coll., Dartmouth Coll. of^ Primary Nasal Diphtheria; ous cases and New York; post graduate Medical Sch. of the Larynx; Diphtheria, its Carcinoma Has practiced medicine and Surgery since Nursing; Syphilis of the treatment and 1864; ex-vice-pres. Canadian Medical Assn.; and Broncm; Diseases of Larynx, Trachea, ^x-pres. N.S. Medical Society and ex-pres. Oro, Nasopharynx (Posey and the and of Colchesterr-Hants Medical Society. Twice Wright); Rhinoliths; Salivary Calculi ;Lupu8 elec. to Dom. Parliament. Address: Wind- the Oronpharynx and Naso-pharynx; of sor, N.S. Diphtheria (Hare's System of Therapeutics) Alexander Dongall, B. Cameron; Perichondritis of BLACKADER, with Dr. J. C. A., M.D., CM., M.R.C.S.; Professor of cause; Foreign the Larynx, from an unusual Pharmacology and Therapeutics, and Lec- Naso-pharynx; Oidium Al- Body in the turer on Diseases of Children, McGill Univ., bicans; Address to the Graduating Class of Montreal . Educ : McGill Univ. ; afterwards Medical Faculty (M'Gill University); the studied at St. Thomas's Hospital, London; to the Aspergillus Glaucus; Otomycosis due Vienna and Prague. Graduated in Medi- Seventh Lecture of the Somerville Course, cine, 1871 ; Surgeon on board R. M. Steamer Natural History Soc; before the Montreal to South American and to Chinese ports. the (Osier's Diseases of Larynx Modem In London, held the positions of Acting- yacht- Medicine). TZecreoiiOTW.'golf, fishing, Resident Physician to Royal Pimlico Dis- Mountain St., Montreal. ing. Address: 252 pensary; Resident Clinical Assistant to tb« Clubs: St. James', Montreal; Mount Royal, Outremont Brompton Consumption Hospital; Clinical Hunt, St. Lawrence Yacht, Assistant to the Royal South London Oph- Golf. thalmic Hospital, and for four months act- BIB9UNGHAI»I, Robert; b. Ireland, 26 ing Resident Physician to the Great Ormond July, 1852; a. of Henry Birmingham and Street Hospital for sick children. B^an Mary Birmingham; m. Mary A. Fleming; practice in Montreal, 1877; member Mont- three b. tw9 d. Educ: Ireland and Canada. real Medico-Chirurgical Society, American Arrived Canada, May, 1866; political sec. of Pediatric Society, American Association of

liberal-Conservative party of Prov. of Ont. Physicians, American Climatological _ As- for SSlyrs. Past Grand Sec., Orangemen of sociation, American Therapeutic Society. 19 :


Pvhlicationa; Art. Variola, Keating's Cyc- Can. Coll.; Univ. of Toronto. M.P. (LJ Can. lopaedia of the Diseases of Children; Art. ada, 1867-91; M.P. (L.) Ontario House, Gastric Catarrh, American Text-Book of 1867-72; Prime Minister, Ontario, 1871-72; Diseases of Children; Art. Hydrocephalus, Minister-Justice, Attorney-General, Can- Infancy, and Artificial Feeding of Infants, ada, 1875-77; President of Council, 1877-78; Reference Handbook of the Medical Scien- M.P. (N.) S. Longford, 1892-1907. .Address: ces; and nuEfterouB articles in the Montreal Humewood, Toronto; Le Caprice, Murray Medical Journal, Archives of Pediatries, - Bay, Quebec. International Medical Journal, Internation- BLANCHE, Mgr. Gustave, D.D., Titu- of the al Clinics, and Progressive Medicine. Ad- lar Bishop of Sicca, Vicar ApostoUc dress: 236 Mountain Street, Montreal. Club, Gulf of St. Lawrence; b. Jasselin, Morlehan, St. James', Montreal. France, 30 April, 1848; s. of L. Blanche and Marie Hayard. Educ: Redon, He et Alexander lieslie; b. BtACKWOOD, Vilaire; Eudist fathers. Studied law in Huntingdon Co., Quebec, July 28, 1862; s. France and admitted to bar; a volunteer in John and Ann Steell Blackwood; m. Ham- the Franco-Prussian War, 1870; joined Ind., Aug. 16, 1891, Helen A. Win- mond, Eudist Fathers in 1873; director of I'ecple slow (d. 1903). Educ: Huntingdon Acad, Jean, at Versailles, 1878-90; Superior of and McGill Univ., Montreal; grad. Hahne- St. Acadian sch. in N.S., 1890-99; I'ecole St. Med. Coll., Chicago, M.D^ 1888, New mann again 1899-1903; Provincial of the York Post-Grad. Med. Sch. and Hosp., 1889, Jean Eudist Fathers in America, 1903-9; Bishop Johns Hopkins Med. Sch., 1902; Sr. prof, of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 1903. Address: materia meciica and prof. clin. medicine, Seven Islands, Saguenay Co., Que. Hahnemann Med. Coll., Chicago. Mem. Charles Albert Emlle; b. Chicago B'd Ed'n. Author: Diseases of the BLANCHET, Quebec, 1 Sept., 1862; s. of Francois Xavier Heart, 19Q1; Diseases of the Lungs, 1902; Thomas; unmar- Materia Medica, Therapeutics Blanchet and Emma R. A Manual of Ottawa Univ. and Osgoode and Pharmacology, 1906; Pancreas and ried. Educ: to bar of Ontario, 1888, and Ductless Glands, 1907. Residence: 9128 Hall; admitted has practised there ever since; Recreations: _ Erie Av. 0#ice.- 31 Washington St., Chic- Curlmg, golf, angling, shooting. Address: ago. 27 Central Chambers, Ottawa. Clubs: BLAIN, Richard, M.P.; b. Vienna, Ont., Rideau, Golf, Coulonge, F. & G., Ottawa. 8 Dec, 18S7; s. Capt. Isaac Blair, and Mary BLIGH, Harris Harding, B.A., M.A., D. James, Broderick; m. 19 Nov., 1884, Hattie C.L., K.C.; b. Cornwallis, King's Co., N.S., Peel Co., Ont.; member of Brampton Town 14 April, 1842; s. of James and Sarah E. Council for ten years; Reeve and Deputy Bligh; m. Alice T. Smith of Halifax. Educ Reeve of Brampton, and Warden of Peel Acadia Univ., Wolfville, N.S.; called to the Co.; elec. to the H. of C, 1900; re-elec, bar of N.S., 1863, and jjractised profession 1904 and 1908; Methodist; Conservative. first, with - in Halifax, in partnership, Hon. Address: Brampton, Ont. ' James (now retired Chief Justice) Macdon- BLAIB, Andrevr George, LL.B.; b. Fred- ald, and subsequently, in succession with ericton, N.B., 29 Nov., 1870; «. of late Hon. William A. Johnston, Q.C., and James W. Andrew G. Blair and Annie E. Blair; m. {now Mr. Justice) Longley; apptd. Ofiicial Marjorie L. Holden of St. John N.B.; four Assignee under the Canadian Insolveill Act, s. three d. Educ.: at Collegiate Sch., and 1879; Revising Officer under the Dominion Univ. of N.B., Fredericton, and Univ. of Electoral Franchise Act, 1886, and Lib- Virginia, Charlottesville, Va.; graduated rarian to the , from the Law School of the Univ. of Vir- July, 1892, which last office he still holds; ginia, June, 1893; in October of that year, formerly a member of the Senate of Acadia admitted an attorney of the Supreme Court Univ., and later a Senator of McMaster of N.B., and immediately commenced the Univ. Publications: Index,to the Revised practice of law in St. John. A year later Statutes of Canada, 1884. "The Con- called to the Bar of the Province and entered solidated Orders in Council of Canada," into partnership with the late Hon. A. G. 1899; one of the compilers of the Dominion Blair; continued to practicein St. John until Law Index, 1890; compiled Statutory the formation of the Board of Railway Indexes for the Provinces of Ont., Que., Commissioners for Canada, Feb. 1, 1904, N.S., and N.B. Recreations: Walking, when he moved to Ottawa to accept the Riding and gardening. Address: 427 Gil- position of law clerk of the Board, which mour St., Ottawa. position he fills to-day. Recreations: Horse- BLONDIN, Pierre Edouard, LL.L., N. back riding, golf and curling. Address: 331 P., M.P.; b. St. Francois du Lac, Yamaska Cooper St., Ottawa, Ont. Clubs: Union, Co., Que., 14 Dec, 1874; s. of Louis M. St. John; Rideau, Laurentian, Golf, Ottawa. Blondin, and Elodie Barnard; m. 1901, BLiAIS, Mgr. Andre Albert, LL.D., Can- Marie Rose Buiseon; one d. Educ: Nico- on of Rome, Bishop of Rimouski; b. St. let Coll., Laval Univ. Clerk of Circuit Ct., Vallier, Que., 26 Aug., 1842; s. Hubert Champlain Co.; alderman for town of Grand Blais and Anne Roy. Educ: Quebec Sem- Mere; elec. to H. of C. for Champlain at inary; for some years a prof, at Quebec e., 1908. Address: Grand Mere, Que. Sem.; ordained Priest, 5 June, 1865; consec. f.OTJIN, J. Cleophas, B.C.L., M.L.A.; bishop, 18 May, 1890. Address: Rimouski, b. Levis, Que., 19 Feb., 1864; s. of J. B< Que. Blouin, and Adelaide Fouguet; m. 1887, BLAKE, Hon. Edward, M.A,. K.C., P. Marie Louise Thomas; four a. .EducT; Levis' ' C, LL.D.; b. Adelaide, Ontario, 13 Oct., Coll., Commercial and Classical courses.

1883; e. a. of Hon. William Hume Blake, . A boot and shoe manufacturer; mem. of the Ont., Chancellor of Upper Canada; m. Mar- Bd. of Arts and Manufacture of the Prov. garet, d. of Bishop of Huron. Educ: Up- of Que.; 1900; for many yrs. vice-pres. of 20 ; WHO'S WHO.

the Levis Bd. of Trade; dir., of the Levis thard, J.P.; one s. one d. Went to New City Ry.; first el. to Legis., 1901; re-el. at Westminster, 1877; called to B.C. Bar,, g. e., 1904; 1908. Address: P. O. Box 86, 1877; Q.C. 1887; M.L.A., New Westminster, Levis, Que. 1886-89; Captain No. 1 Battery, B.C. Bri- blue:, ArcMbald, LL.D.; b. Township gade Artillery, 1884-89. Recreations: shoot- of Orford, Co. of Kent, Ont., 3 Feb., 1840; ing, yachting. Address: Altamont Villa, 8. John Blue and Mary MacTavish; m. (1st) New Westminster, B.C. Clubs: Terminal to Mary Black, (2nd) to Amelia Brahant; City, Vancouver; Royal Vancouver Yacht. three a. Educ: in Common Sch.; Sch. BONAIt, James, M.A., LL.D., deputy Teacher for two years; newspaper writer Master Can. Branch of -Royal Mint; 6. Col- and editor for 14 years; Secretary Bureau lace, Pertshire, Scot.;. 27 Sept., 1852; s. of of Industries and Deputy Minister of Agri- Andrew A. Bonar, D.D., and Isabella Dick- cultmre, Ont., 10 yrs.; Director Bureau of son of Liverpool, (d.); two a. two d. Educ:

Mines, Ont., nine yrs. ; chief officer of Census Glasgow Academy and Univ.; Lepzig and of Canada, from 1900 to present time; Can. Tubviger Univ., Oxford Univ., Balloit Coll. del. to International Agric. Congress at Arrived in Canada in July, 1907; Lecturer Home, Jan., 1910. PuMicationB: Annual in East London, 1877 to 1880; junior exam- reports of Bureau of Industries, and Bureau iner in H. M. Civil Service Commission,

, of Mines, census reports, and various bul- 1881 to 1895, Senior examiner. 1895 to 1907, letins and papers on industrial subjects; Deputy Master Canadian Branch Royal also Canada year book. Address: The Mint, 1907; pres. of Section ^F, (Economics), Kenniston, Ottawa. British .Association, 1898. Publications BOGEBT, Ven. Archdeacon James John, Matthus and his work, 1885; Richard's M.A., D.C.L.j^ Examining Chaplain of Bis- letters to Matthus, 1887; 'Adam Smith's hop of Ottaw^; h. BrockviUe, Ont., 2 Aug., Library,. 1894; Richard's letters to Trower 1855; 8. of John Bogert and Mary Radcline; (with Prof. Hallander), 1899; Philosophy m. Elizabeth Grant Atkinson; four s. and and Political Economy, 1893; Eliments of four d. Educ: Private Sch. of Rev. A. Political Economy, 1903. Address: The Palmer, Guelph, and Trinity Coll., Toronto; Mint, or 259 Daly Av., Ottawa, Ont. Cluba: Curate of Prescott, Rector of Napanee 19 Savile, London, Eng.; Rideau, Ottawa, "years and Rector of St. Alban's, Ottawa 28 Ont. years. Recreations: Cricket. Address: St. BONE, John Bainsford, B.A. (Univ, of Alban's Rectory, Ottawa. Toronto); Mangling Editor Toronto Daily BOILEAU, Philip; h. Quebec, Can., June Star since 1907; b. Huron, Ont., 25 Feb., 1863; fi. Baron Charles and Susan Taylor 1877; s. of Jolm Bone and Mary Oak; m. Benton Boileau; Educ: in Eng.; studied Edith Evans, d. of H. W. Blvans, of Toronto art in Italy. Began painting 1900; spec- four d. Educ: pub. sch.. Coll. Inst., Clin- ialty is "Am. girl" portraits." Address; 305 ton and London, Univ. of Torontp. Grad- 5th Av., New York. uated from Univ., 1899, with •first class BOLDUC, Hon. Joseph, Senator; b. St. honours, gen. scholarship during course. Francois de la Beauce, 22 Jan., 1847; s. of Joined staff of Toronto Daily Star, 1900, Capt. A. Bolduc; m. 1873, M.G.A., d. of as reporter; asst. rcianaging ed., 1906; Jean Mathieu, of St. Francois; one s. three managing ed., 1907; sec.-treas., Canadian d. Educ: Ste. Marie Coll., Laval Univ., Press Assn., since 1905. Publications: Que.; el. to H. of C. for Co. of Beauce at Associate Editor, " Jour- g. e., 1876, which seat he held until called nalism," magazine articles. Recreation: to the Senate, Oct., 1884. When a young lawn bowling. Address: 494 Brunswick man went through the Military Sch, at Av., Toronto, Ont. Club: University. Que., and afterwards served as a Lieut., BOOMEB, Mrs. Harriet Ann; b. Bishop's in the volunteer militia; was mayor of the Hall, Taunton, Eng., 10 July, 1835; m. (1st) municipality of St. Victor de Tring, ana A. R. Roche, Hon.-Sec. of Royal Colonial Warden of the Co. of Beauce; a notary Institute, and formerly of the Canadian Eublic and lumber merchant. Address: Civil Service; (2nd) Very Rev. Michael t, Victor de Tring, Que. Club: Garrison, Boomer, Dean of Huron, London, Ont. Quebec. Educ: Private Boarding Sch., at Winches- BOLE, David W.; 6, Co. of Lambton, ter and Queen's Coll., London,. En*.; pres. Ont., 15 Feb., 1856; s. of James Bole and London, Ont., Local-Council of Women; Ann Murdock; m. Isabella Lennox; two s. pres. Mothers' Union, London Convalescent one d. Educ\' Common Sch. Wellford and Home, Victorian Order of Nurses; Hon. Woodstock Coll.; pres, of the National Drug vice-pres. Woman's Ausdliary Association. and Chemical Co.; was a resident of Win- Arrived in Canada, 1858. In early girl- nipeg for many years, during which time he hood with her monther, tpok mission work was alderman for two years; member of in the Red River Settlement (Winnip^), Sch. Board, eight years; chairman of Sch. and later with her first husband in South Board, three years; pres. Board of Trade, Africa; from 1878, associated with the one year, and rspresented Winnipeg for National Council of Women. PublicaMons: four years in H. of C. Address: 83 Mackay "On treck in the Transvaal," "Notes from St., Montreal. Clubs: St. James', "and ou;r log in South Africa," and for the last Montreal, twelve years on the Staff of the Home BOLE, Hon. W. Norman; Local Ju^ge Magazine Department of Canada's Farmers' of the Supreme Court and Judge of the Co, Advocate. Recreations: Reading and trav- Court, New Westminster, B.C.; 6, Castle- elling. Address: 513 Dundas St., London' bar, 6 Dec, 1844; e. 8. of late John Bole of Ont. Lakefield, Mayo, Ireland, and Elizabeth BOOTH, John B.; b. Shefford, Que., 5 Jane Campbell; m. 1881, Florence BlaU-^ April, 1886; s. of John Booth and Helen chard, o. d. of Major John Haning Coul- Rowley; m. Rosalind Cook (d. 1886); two 21 : WHO'S WHO,

8. two d. Educ: Waterloo, Que. Com- Hon. LL.D. (St. Frances Xavier) 1905; elec. menced business as bridge carpenter. Re- to the H. of C. for Halifax, 1896 and 1900; moved to Ottawa in late fifties; one of the an unsuccessful candidate for Halifax, 1904; Eioneer lumbermen of the Ottawa Valley, Edward Kidd, member for Carleton, Ont,, is mill at Chaudiere Falls being the largest resigned, and he was elec. for that con- in Canada. Built the Canada Atlantic Ry. stituancy by acclam., 4 Feb., 1906; at system, Aggregating over 500 miles of ry., gen. elec, re-elec. in Carleton by a large now operated as part of G. T. Ry, System. Majority, and also elec, in Halifax, heading 0. A. R., completed in 1SS2; Ottawa and the poll; elec. leader of the Conseryativc Parry Sound completed in 1896. In ad- party in the H, of C, « Feb., 1901. Hae dition to lumbering, now owns and operates made several political tours of the Country; a large pulp and paper mill at Ottawa, Church of England; Conservative. Recrea- which he commenced to build at 70 yrs. of tions: Golf, cricket, fishing. Address: 201 age. A dir. of the G. T. P. Ry. Co. One of Wurtemburg St., Ottawa. Clubs': Rideau, the founders of St. Luke's Hospital; first Laurentian, Ottawa; Halifax. pres. of Bd. of Governors and still occupies BOSTOCK, Hon- Hewitt, M.A., F.R.C. position. Recreation: work. Address: 2b2 I., F.R.A.S.; h. The Hermitage WaUan Metcalfe St., Ottawa. Club: Rideau, Heath, Epson Surrey, Eng., 31 May, 1864; Ottawa. s. of Samuel Bostock and Marian Iliff; m. BOBDEN, Lieut.-Col. The Honourable Lizzie Jean McCombie; three s. three d. Sir Frederick WUliam, K.CM.G., P. Arrived in Canada, 1893; called to the Bar a, B.A., M.D., M.P., Minister of Militia and at Lincolns, Feb., 1888; never practiced; Defence; 6. Oornwallis, N.S„ 14 May, 1847; travelled for nearly two years on American «. of the late Jonathan Borden: m. (Ist) Continent, in Australia, New Zealand, Oct,, 1873, Julia M., d. of J. H. Clark, Can- China and Japan; worked for a time on ning, N.S. id); (2nd) June, 1884, Bessie B. Labour Commission in 1892-1893; was elec. Clark, Canning; tworf. ^(fuc.;King*sColl., H. of 0. for Yale Cariboo, June, 1896; called Windsor; Harvard Medical Sch., Boston; to the Senate, 1902. Puhlicationa: Estab- prEtcticed medicine at Canning, where he lished "The Province" Newspaper, first aa was also agent for Halifax Banking Co.; a weekly in Victoria, afterwards as a daily a member of Prov. Board of Health, 1893; in Viuocouver, B.C.; now living on a ranch apptd. Asst.-Surgeon, 68th Batt., 1869, at Ducks, on the main line C. P. Ry. Ad- and by promotion, Surg.-Lieut.-Col, -22 dress: Monts Creek, B,C. Oct., 1893. Apptd. Hon. Colonel, Army BOSWELIi, Vesey; 6. Quebec, 5 April, Medical Corps, 1 Aug., 1901; first returned 1856; a. of the late J. K. Boswell and Mary to H. of C. for King's Co., N.S., in 1874; J, Paterson; m. 1879, Florence F., d. of re-elec, 1878, but defeated in 1882; again Alfred E. Brown, of Sydney, N.S.; one «. elec. for same Co., in 1887, 1891, 1896, 1900, one d. Has been solerproprietor and opera- 1904, 1908. Sworn of Privy Council, and tor of the brewing and malting firm of apptd. Minister of Militia in the Lautier Boswell & Bro., Quebec, since 1893- Dir. Admin., 13 July, 1896; re-elec. by acclam. and one of the organizers of the Quebec on appointment to office; created by King Bridge Co.; mem. Quebec Bd. of Trade; Edward, a Knight Commander of the Most dir. Quebec Gas Co. and of the Quebec

Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. Bank. Address: 46 des Carriere's St., Que- , George, on the occasion of His Majesty's bee. Club: Garrison, Quebec. Coronation, Is also a^Knight of Grace of BOSWORTH, George Morris, Fourth the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, 1902; Vice-Pres., Canadian Pacific By.; b. Ogdens- is a mem. of the Imperial Council ofDefence burg, N.Y., 27 Jan., 1858; a. of William C. Can. del. to Defence Conference, 1909. Re- B. Bosworth, mm*, of the elevators of the creations: Walking, fishing, music. Clubs: O^densburg and Lake Champlain Ry., and Rideau, Laurentian, Ottawa; Halifax. Ehzabeth Linton; m. (Ist) 1887, Lucy R. BOBDEN, John WiUlam; b. Grand Pr^, id. 1905), d. of L. O. Mcdbury of Detroit, N.S., 10 Oct., 1856; s. of Andrew Borden Mich.; (2nd) Alleyne, d. of W. D. Birchall, and Eunice Jane Laird; m. Annie Frances of Montreal; one a. one d. Educ: Ogdens- Brown. Educ: Arcadia Villa Academy, burg Coll. Inst. Entered Ogdensburg and Hortonville, N,S.; commenced career in the Lake Champlain Road, 1875; app^d. clerk Railway service, and afterwards banking; of local freight office; clerk gen. frt. office: at present accountant and Paymaster gen. Frt. Agt.; Travelling Frt. Agt. of- General Canadian Military Forces. Re- National Despatch Line at Chicago, 1881, creations: fruit growing at his county place 1882; asst. gen. frt. agt. of Ont. and Que. at Grand Pr^. Address: 17 Blackburn Av,, lines of C. P. R., 1882-1884; gen. frt. agt. Ottawa, Ont. of lines east of Fort William, Ont., 1884, BORDEN, Robert Laird, D,C.L., K.C., 1885; Asst. Frt. Traffic Mgr., 1886-1896; M.P., Leader of His Majesty's Opposition in Frt. Traffic Mgr. of entire system, 1896- House of Commons; b. Grand Pre, 26 June, 1901; apptd. 4th vice-pres., C. P. R,, 1901. 1854; e. a. of Andrew Borden and Eunice Dir, Provincial Bank of Can., and a number Laird; m. Sept,, 1889, Laura, d. of the late of subsidiary ^cos. Recreation: fishing. T. H. Bond, Halifax, N.S. Educ: Acadia Address: 41 "Linton Apts." Montreal, Que, Villa Academy, Horton; was professor in Clubs: St. James', Canada, Hunt, Jockey, Glenwood Inst., N.S.; Returning to N.S., he Royal St. Lawrence Yacht, Montreal; La- studied law and was admitted to the Bar chine Boating, Canadian Camp, New York; 1878; before removing to Ottawa, was head Century, Ogdensburg, of the law firm of Borden, Ritchie and BOXER, Sidney S.; 6. Quebec, Que. Ghisholm, Halifax, and for ten years, pres. 1853; a. of Fred N. Boxer and Charlotte of the N.S. Barristers' Society; created Joyce, d. of Rev. Robert R. Burrage. Educ. Q.C., 1900; Hon LL.D. (Queen's) 1903; Montreal and Boston priv. schs. Entered 22 WHO'S WHO.

employ of John Watson & Co., wholesale on the constitutional aspect of the partici- crockery merchants, Montreal, 1S70, and is pation of Canada in the South African War. now vice-pre9. and man. dir. Wateon- Re-el. by accl., Jan., 1900; again el. at g. e., Foater Co., Ltd. Dir. Reg. N. Boxer Co., 1900 and 1904; el. to Quebec Legis., at g. e., lAd., Toronto; mem. Montreal Bd. of Trade, 1908. Leader of Nationaliste party. Ad- Can. Manufacturers' Assn.; life governor dress: 71a St. James' St., Montreal. Montreal Gen. Hospital; hon. mem. Union Henry Taylor, F.R.S., d:C.L., Protective Co., of BOVET, HaHfax. Becreatwna: ' LL.D., late Dean of the Faculty of Applied travelling and other outdoor diversions. Science, McGill Univ., Montreal; b. Devon- Address; 4837 Western Av., Montreal. shire; m. d. of late John Redpath of Clvha: Ki^lneers', Montreal Jockey, Royal y. s. Educ: private Yacht, Hamilton. Montreal; two three d. school; Camb. Univ. On graduation, took BOTJCHETTE; Robert Errol, LL.B., F. high place in the mathematical tripos, and R.S.C.: h. Quebec, 2 June, 1863; s. Robert was shortly afterwards made a Fellow of Shore Milner Bouchette, late Com. of Cus- Queen's Coll.; adopting the profession of a toms, and Clara Lindsay; grandson of late civil engineer, he joined staff of the Mersey Col. Bouchette, whose maps and geographi- Docks and Harbour Wofks, and was in a cal works are well known; great gandson of short time appointed an assistant-engineer O^mznodore BoUchette, ' who commanded on this work, in which capacity he had charge provincial navy on the Great Lakes (1784- of some of the most im.portant structures 1804) m. Alice Facaud, d. of the late Hon. y, then in progress; in 1887 he came to Canada £. L. Facaud of Arthabaska; three s. two^ ' on his appointment as Professor of Civil d. Educ: barrister and well- LavaU A Engineering and Applied Mechanics in Mc- Imown writer; chief clerk, Library of Par- Gill Univ.; at that time the engineering liament. Publication$: several books on courses in the university were managed as social and economic conditions in Quebec, a branch of the Faculty of Arts, and were the effect of which was to cause an economic without buildings or equipment; the follow- and educational revival in that province; ing year, however, a department of Applied articles and regular contributions^ both in Science was constituted with Professor English and French, in magazines and Bovey as Dean, and to his management and newspapers, Canada, U.S., and Europe. advice the Science department owes its de- Address: 353 Wilbrod St., Ottawa. velopment. Rector of Imp. Coll. of Science L. -B.S., BOUDBEAU, N. K. Bodolphe, and Technology, London, Eng., May, 1909, Clerk of the Privy Council; b. St. Gregoire, resigned (ill health), Dec, 1909; one of the Co: of Nicolet, 19 Sept., 1865; s. of Dr. J. B. founders of the Canadian Society Civil Boudreau, and Sarah Fortier; m. Annie Engineers, and held the offices of honorary - Wensley, of Ottawa; two d. Educ: at secretary, treasurer, and member of council Nicolet Coll. Address: 198 Stewart St., for vice-president 1896 and Ottawa. many years; president, a member of the A, C. Foreter, F.R.G.S., M. 1897; 1900; BOULTON, Institution of Civil Engineers (England), P. (L.) Ramsey Div. Hunts, since 1906; and of the Liverpool Society of Civil Engi- Barrister; 6. Port Hope, Out. o. a. of late eners (of which Society he was one of the Forster Boulton, barrister, Ottawa, and founders); an Honorary Member of the Moulton Lines, and Jane, d. of Col. Graham National Electric Light Association of the 76th Regiment, and a. of late General ^. United States; a Fellow of the Royal Soc. Graham, Governor of Stirling Castle; m. of Canada, in which Society he was Presi- 1891, Florence (d. 1903), o. e. of late Henry dent of Section III., 1896; vice-president of Harms; two s. one d. Educ: Trin. Coll. the Mechanical Section of the British As- Sch. and Trinity Coll., Toronto. Called to sociation, 1897; F.R.S., 1902; Hon. Fellow, Bar, 1888; Inner Temple,- 1896; South- Queen's CJollege, Cambridge, 1906. Publica- eastern Circuit; Counsel to the Post Office tions: Applied Mechanics, 1882; Theory of at the Central Criminal Court, 1906; has Structures and Strength of Materials, 1893; travelled extensively through United States 6th edition, 1905; Hydraulics, 1896; 5th and Canada and Europe; Canaman Pacific I^and 6th editions, 1904; also a member of papers Explorers, Rocky Mountains, 1885. Puh- for various scientific societies. Recreations: Hcations: The Law and Practice of a Case golf, lawn-tennis, boating, ildrfress;. Mont- Stated, and various Canadian editions of real; London, Eng. English text books; Liberalism and the Em- pire; joint foxi^ader with the late Sir Walter BOVILLE, Thomas Cooper, B. A., depu- Besant of the Atlantic Umon. Recreations; ty Min. of Finance, Canada; b. the Grange, cycling, angling, travelling. Address: 2 County Antrim, Ireland, 14 March, 1860; Pump Court, TeEople, E.G.; St. Ives, Hunt- s. of William Boville and Mary O'Neill; m. ingdonshire. Clubs: National Liberal, Margaret Caroline, Tapling Silver, d. of Eighty. W. N. Silver. Halifax, N.S. Educ: Model BOITBASSA, Henri, M.L.A.; 6. Montreal Sch., Belfast, Ireland. Public Sch., and 1 Sept., 1868; s. of Napoleon Bourassa, Collegiate Institute, Ottawa, and Toronto author a^d painter, and Azelie, d. of the Univ. Came to Canada in 1874. Entered late Hon, Louis Joseph Fapineau. Educ: public service, Jan., 1883, and has passed by private tuition at Montreal. Removed through the various grades to the post of to Montebello in 1886. Was Mayor of Deputy Minister of Finance. He has sei;- MontebellOj 1890-1894,^ and Mayor of Pap- ved since 1882, in the Canadian Militia, and ineauville m 1897. Has written for and retired to the Reserve of Officers of the edited one or two newspapers; now edits 43rd R^ment, with the rank of Captain. Le Devoir, founded 1910. First el. to H Twice one of the representatives of Canada of G., at g. e., 1896; resigned his seat in at Bisley, and holds a Queen's Badge. Oct., 1899; in order to vintbcate his position Recreationa: Shooting, curling, bowling, 23 ,


rowing, cricket. Address: Aylmer Apart- R. B. Boyce (path d),. m. Victoria Mary ments, Ottawa. Ciu6:Eideau, Ottawa. Louisa, d. of Rev. Canon Mdchen; Bac Mus. BOWEI.3L, Hon, Sir Mackenzie, K.C.M. Milford Bay, Muskoka, one a. three d. G., P.C, ed. and prop. Belleville Intelligen- Educ: in private sch. in Wakefield.S York Arrived in Canada, 12 cer; b. Rickinghall, Suffolk, Eng.* 27 Dec, and Carlisle, Er^. Bar OsgoodeHall, 1823; s. of John Bowell. contractor and Sept., 1884; called to the builder; m. Dec. 1847, Harriet Louiaej d. Toronto, 1890 (honors and bronze medal), of the late Jacob G. Moore, of Belleville, elec. M.P. for West Algoma, Nov., J904 and K.C., 1908: (d. 1884). Educ: Belleville pub. sch. Ar- re-elec, Oct., 1908; created a rived Canada with his parents, 1832; enter- Address: Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., and Ottawa ed office of Belleville Intelligencer. 1834, Club: Albany, Toronto. and remained connected with that paper BOYD, John; b, Montreal, Que., 2 May until he joined Cabinet of Sir John Macdon- 1864; unmarried. Ejiuc: Montreal High ald, in 1878. On resigning office in 1896, Sch. and McGill Univ.; began newspaper , resumed editorship of the Intelligencer, work, 1881, successively connected with Actively connectea with the 15th Light Montreal Herald, Montreal Witness, and Infantry and 49th Rifles, retiring with riink Toronto Mail and Empire. Now occupies of Lieut. -Col.; served on during editorial position on Montreal G^ette. American War, 1864-5,, and Fenian troubles Author of many poems and sonnet; on 1866. A governor of Toronto Univ., and occassion of Quebec Tercentenary celebra- i mem. of Senate of Albert Coll., Belleville. tion, wrote Ode "On The Quebec Battle-, Grand Master of, the Loyal Orange Aasn. of fields," and "The Fight of the Atalante." America for many yrs. El. to H. of C. for Has translated many of leading French North Hastings at Confederation, and sat Canadian poems into English. In recog-^ continuously until called to Senate, 5 Dec, nition of his work was honored with prom- 1893. Entered Macdonald Admn. as Min- inent part in great St. Jean Baptiate cele- ister of Customs, 19 Oct., 1878; Minister of bration held in Montreal, June, 1909, and Militia, Ablaott Admn., 25 Jan.. 1892; read poem dedicated to Association on Minister Trade and Comm.erce .Thompson occasion of its seventy-fifth anniversary. Adnm., 5 Dec, 1893 until 12 Dec, -1894; Other works include sonnet on occasion of formed a Ministry 21 Dec., 1894; pres. of Hilton Tercenterary, sonent on Poe read Council ; reconstructed Ministry, 1 5 Jan. at centennial celebration held bj^ Univ. 1896; resigned 27 April, 1896. Leader Sen- of Virginia, sonnet on death of Swinburne ate, 1893-1896; leader of oppos. in Senate and poem on the centenary of the birth of until 1906, when retired. Organized Col- Tennyson; a frequent contributor 'to' the onial Conference, of, which was chairman, magazines. Address: Montreal Gazette, June, 1896; created K.C.M.G., 1 Jan., 1896; Montreal. pres. Imperial Life Aasn. of Can.; ex-pces. Nathaniel; Pres. and Managing Belleville Hardware Mfg. Co., and Nor- BOYD, Dir. of the Boyd Ranching Co., Carberry, thumberland Power'Co. Address: Belleville, Man.; b. Lachute, Que., 9 July, 1853; s. of Ont. Clubs: Rideau, Ottawa; Albany, Tor- Boyd and Marie Kilfoyl6; m. 1878, onto. Hugh Miss Abbott, of Ottawa (d. 1886); one e. one BOWMAN, Charles M., M.L.A.; manu- - d. Educ : Ottawa pub. aoha. Commenced facturer and lumber merchant; b. St. his career as an operator in office of Mont- Jacob's, Waterloo Co. Ont., 7 May, 1863; real Telegraph; apptd. to the charge of a e. s. of the late Isaac E. Bowman; m. 1886, branch office at the Chaudiere —Lumber Lulu Hessen, of Howell, Mich., U.S. Educ: Mills, Ottawa, 1870; ai)ptd. operator in local pub. schs. and High Sch. of Berlin, H. of 1876; became chief deapatcher and Ont. Head of a large modem tannery and C, clerk to M. J. Haney, Ry. a lumber- business operating throughout the confidential Contractor, 1879; engaged in building C. P. Bruce Peninsula; was pres. of the South- R. main line between Cross Lake andTHat ampton Bd. of Trade, and Reeve of the Portage. 1880-81; mem. of firm of Boyd & Municipality. El. to Ont.- Leg. Assy, for Crowe, lumber merchants, 1881-88, when North Bruce, at g. e., 1898, 1902, 1905, the breeding of horses and 1908. Address: Southampton, Ont. he commenced Galloway cattle, and in 1892 the Boyd BOWSER, Hon. Williara J., LL.B., K. Ranching Co., was formed, with a stock C ; Attorr.ey-Gen6ral of B.C. since 1907 farm of seven thousand acres, about ten b. Rexton, N.B., 3 Dec, 1867; s. of Wm. and miles Carberry. Mr. B. now being pres. Margaret Bowser; m. 1896, Lorinda D. from the Co. First el. to Parlt., Doherty. Educ: Dalhousie Univ., Halifax, and n^n. dir. of 1891; for Macdonald, 1896; N.S. Called to N.B. Bar, 1890; B.C. Bar, for Marquette^ re-el. 1900. Address: Carberry, Man. 1891; Q.C., 1900; Grand Master of Masona, 1904; el. to Prov. Leg., 1903, 1907. 1909- BOYER, Hon. Arthur, Senator; 6. Mon- Apptd. Atty. Gen., 1907. Recreation: Rid- treal, 9 Feb., 1851; s. of the late Louis

ing. Address: Vancouver, B.C. Chibs: Boyer, and Amelie Mignault ; m . 1 875 Vancouver, Vancouver, Union, Victoria. Ernestine, d. of P. N. Barleneau, of Mont- BOWTER, PhUlp Henry, M.L.A.; 6. real. Educ: Montreal Coll., and London, Toronto, Ont., 1 Feb., 1860; m. Agnea Eng.; a mercht.; first el. to Leg. Asa., 1884, Yocom, 9 Sept., 1882; two d. Elec to and represented Jacques Cartier until gf e.^ Ontario L^islature, 1905 and 1908; Con- 1892. when unsuccessful. A mem. of the servative; Editor of the Ridgetown Dom- Mercier Govt., without portfolio, 1890-1. inion. Address: Ridgetown, Ont. Called to Senate, June, 1909. Rep. Canada BOYCE, Arthur Cyril, K.C., M.P.; b. at Inteml. Agric Congresaes at Rome,

Wakefield, Yorkshire, Eng . 12 Sept., 1867; 1909-10. Addresses: 210 Drummond St., 8. Rev. John Cox Boyce, M.A., late Rector Montreal; The Senate, Ottawa. Club: Bid- of Cornwall, Oxfordshire, Eng., and Mary eau, Ottawa. 24 WHO'S WHO. BREYNAT

BOTEB, Benjamin Gustave, M.P.; jour- of the Bank of Montreal, since 1 June, 1873. nalist; b. St. Laurent, Jacques Cartier Co., Recreation: golf. Address: 160 St. George Que., 29 Nov., 1871; «. of Benjamin Boyer St., Toronto. "Club: Toronto. and Angelique Latour; m. 1907, Pamela BBE^ADNEB, Robert TValker; Manager Rheaume, of Montreal. Educ. : St. Laurent Tariff Dept. Canadian Manufacturers' As- Coll. Pub. Lecturer on agric. for the Que. sociation; b. Athelstan, Huntingdon Co., Govt. Has been connected with La Patrie Que., 13 Jan. 1865; s. of Major Joshua as agricul. correspondent, and with Le Breadner and Beatrice Dudgeon Walker; Canada, as agric. editor. Founded- the m. NelUe Fraser; one s. four d. Educ: Echo (U ^Vaudveuil, 1907; el. Mayor of Separate Sch. of Prov. of Que., High Sch,, Rigaud, 1907; Major of B. Squadron, 17th Port Henry, N.Y. In commercial life /or

Regt., Duke of York R. C. H. El. to H. of , short period, afterwards entering Canadian C. for Vaudreuil at g. e., 1904; re-el. 1908. Civil Service; Post Office Dept., 18S4-1892; Address: Rigaud^Que. transferred to Customs Dept., 1892-1908, BBABAZON, Gerald H., C.E., Mayor of gassing through all grades to position of Portage du Fort, Que.; 6. Montreal, 7 Dec, dominion Appraiser and Chief Clerk; a 1854; 8. of Samuel L. Brabazon and Mar- member of the Board of Customs for ten faret Clarli;e, m. 1879, Nellie Murphy of yrs.; apptd. Manager of Tariff Branch of the ortage du Fort. Has been mayor C.M.A., which he organized, the object of of Portage du Fort for 18 yra., and Warden the department being to assist the manu- of Fontiac Co. for 12 yrs. Served under facturers in obtaining proper tariff classi- Middl^on in North-West Rebellion, 1885, fication for imported goods and such other as first Lieut, in Dennis's Scouts. First tariff matters as affects the members of the ran -for Parlt. in 1900, and was defeated, Association. Recreations: lawn bowling, but was el. for Pontiac at g. e., 1900; un- angling. Address: 488 Brunswick Av., successful at g. e., 1908. Address: Portage Toronto. du Fort, Que. BREITHAUPT, John C: b. Buffalo. N. BBADBUBN, Thomas Evans, M.L.A.; Y., 27 Feb., 1859; s. of the late Louis h. Peterborough, Ont., 19 May, 1853; «. Breithaupt and Miss Hailer; m. 1892, Caro- of Thomas Bradburn arid Jane Morrow; line C, d. of John S. Anthes, of Berlin; three m. 1874, Catherine Ormond; six c. Educ: a. two d. Educ: Pub. and High Schs. of Pub. and Gram. Schs., Coll. Inst., Peter- Berlin, Northwestern Coll., Napierville, 111. borough. Was a clerk in bis father's store Removed to Berlin in his early childhood, 1871-1875; removed to his father's branch where he has since been engaged, with one store at Lindsay; purchased, with a Mr. of his brothers, in the leather business, now Mason, his father's businesB, 1877, and con- known as the Breithaupt Leather Co., Ltd. tinued it under the firm name of Bradburn Mem. Berlin Town Council for seven yrs.; and Mason until 1887, when returned to Mayor, 1896-1897; reeve for two yrs.; mem. Peterborough and entered into the insur, of the Berlin Bd. of Water Commjs,; pres. and real estate business. Organized the Berlin and Waterloo Hospitals; mem. Bd. Peterborough Sugar Co., of which he is of Publication, Publishing House of the pres. Pres, Peterborough Electric Light Evangelical Assn., of Cleveland. President and Power Co., and of the West Peterbor- Berlin Bd. of Trade in 1895; mem. of the ough Conservative Assn. Mem. Peterbor- Toronto Bd. of Trade since 1891. Address: ough Town Council for three yrs., and of the Berlin, Ont. Sen. Bd. for four yrs. Was for three yrs. BRENT, Bev. Charles Henry; b. New- Reeve of Monaghan tp., and mem. of the castle, Ont., Apr. 9, 1862; s. Rev. Canon Council for six 3t:s. First el. to Legis. at Henry and Sophia Frances Cummings. g. e., 1905; re-el., 1908. Address: Belleville, Educ: Univ. Trinity Coll., Torono; un- Ont. married. Ordained Deacon, 1886, Priest, BBADBUBT, George Henry, M.P.; b. 1887; Asst. Minister, St. Paul's Cathedral, Hamilton, Ont., 25 June, 1859; a. of William Buffalo, 1887; St. John Evangelist, Boston, Murry and Matilda M. Bradbury; unmar- 1888-91; aaso. rector St. Stephen's, Boston, ried. Educ: At Ottawa; went to Manitoba 1891-1901; elected by Gen. Conv., 1901,"

in ISSl ; became Managing Director of the consecrated, Dec, 1901, Bishop of the P. I.

JJorth-West Lumber Co., 1882 to 1884; . On editorial staff of Tne Churchman, New Managing Director Manitoba Pressed Brick York, 1879-1900; mem. Phittppine Opium

. Co.; elected to the H. of C, 1908. Address: Comm'n, 1903-4; William Belden "Noble Selkirk, Manitoba. Club: Commercial, Lecturer, Harvard, 1907. Publications: Winnipeg. With God in the Worid, 1899; The Consola- BBADT^ Frank Pierce; b. Hoveshill, tions of The Cross, 1902: The Splendor of New Hampshire, 22 June, 1853; s. of Pat- the Human Body, 1904; Adventure for God rick Brady and Hannah O'Connor; m. Har- (Paddock lectures delivered at Gen. Theol. riet Vincent Cavanagh; two s. three d. Sem.),—1904; Liberty and other Sermons. Educ: in Newbury, Vermont; and arrived 1906; With God in Prayer, 1907. Address: in Canada, Aug., 1880. Has been train 253 Calle Nozaleda, Manila, P. I. despatcher, train master, superintendent BBETNAT, Mgr. Gabriel, Bishop, Vicar and General Superintendent C. P. Ry., from Apostolic of Mackenzie, O.M.I., D.D.; b. Aug., 1880, until Sept., 1907; at present a Saint-Valleir, France, 5 Oct., 1867. Educ: member of the Government Railways Man- Seminary of Valence, France; arrived in aging Board, and General Superintendent. Canada, 1888; ordained Priest, 21 Feb., Arfc^ress: Moucton, N.B. 1891; Missionary amon^ the Indians in BBAITHWAITE, Arthur Douglas; b. Mackenzie District 'until named Titular Alve, Yorkshire, 1856; 8. Rev. Wm. Braith- Bishop and Vicar Apostolic of Mackenzie, waite, M.A.; m. Marjory Hendrill; three d. on 22 July, 1901. Address: Providence, Educ. : at Reading. Has been in the service Mackenzie. N.W.T. 25 WHO'S WHO.

BBIEBLT, James Samuel; 6. London, cal Supt. of the Beauport Asylum, 1903; Ont., 4 March, 1858; «. James B. Brierly and el. vice-pres. Medical Council of Prof, of Jane M. Brierly; m. Alison Bosworth Gos- Quebec, 1902; pres. Quebec Medical Assn., sage; one s. one d. Educ: at London, Ont. 1904. Address: 63 St. John St., Quebec. Publisher and Editor, St. Thomas Journal, BBOCK, Henry, B.A., D.C.L.; 6. Town- 1881 to 1906, and Chatham Banner, 1894 ship of Walfagar, Ont., 14 May, 1859; «. of to 1896. Since that date has been conncte- William Rees Brock, ex-M.P. for Toronto, ed with the Montreal Herald, Del. to Imp. and Margaret Anna Diamond, d. of Capt, Press Conference, London, 1909. Address: John S. Diamond of Queen's Co., Ireland; 147 Cote St., Antoine Rd., Montreal. Club: m. Anna Maude, e. d. of H. Cawthra, Tor- Montreal. onto; Educ: Up. Can. Coll. and Toronto BBIGGS, Rev. WilUam, -D.D., book Univ., Toronto; one d. Iletired with rank Steward of the Methodist Book and Pub- of Major, in the Canadian Militia; served lishing House, Toronto; 6. Banbridge, Co. in the North-West campaign, 1885; (medal

Down, Ireland; m. Rosalie M. Clarke, of and clasp) ; mentioned in despatches; retired Melbourne, Australia; one s. Educ.: Liver- Barrister; Director in the W. R. Brock Co., pool, ETng.; arrived in Can., 1859; preached Ltd., the Dominion Fire Insurance Co., "The successively in Montreal, London, Cobourg, Standard Granite Co. Recreations: rifle Belleville and Toronto. Apptd. to present shooting, riding. Address: 216 Beverly St., gosition, 1879. Degree of D. D. conferred Toronto. Clubs: Toronto, Hunt, Toronto. y Victoria Univ. Address: 21 Grenville BBOCK, Beglnald Walter, M.A., F.C. St., Toronto. S., F.G.S.A., Director Geo. Survey of Can- BBILL, Haseal B., LL.D.; b. Que., Aug. ada; b. Perth, Ont., 1874; «. Rev. Thomas 10, 1846; «. Thomas R. and Sarah Sager Brock and Mlarianne Jenkins; m. Mildred Brill. Educ: pub, scha., Can. and Minn., G,, d. of Hon. Mr. Justice Britton. Educ: Hamline Univ. and Univ. of Mich. Studied Ottawa Collegiate Institute and Mount law in St. Paul. m. Niagara Falls, N.Y., Forest High. Sch., Toronto Univ., Sch. of 1873, Cora A. Gray. Admitted to bar, Mining Kingston, and Heidelberg Univ. 1870; judge probate court, Ramsay Co., Vice-Pres., Am. Assn. Advancement of Minn.,- 1873-4; judge common pleas court, Science, and Chairman Section E. ' '(^ouh- Ramsay Co., 1875-6; judge dist. court, 2d cillor Can. Mining Institute; mem. Miiimg jud. dist., Minn., since 1876 (present term Institute ;Mining and Metallurgical Society, expires 1913); Republican. Address: 471 and National Geographical Society; In Laurel Av., St. Paul. 1897, was appointed to the technical staff BBISTOL, Edmund, B. A. (Univ. of Tor- of the Geological Survey of Canada, and onto), K.C., M.P.; b. Napanee, Ont., 1 from 1902 to 1907, was Professor of Geology Sept., 1861; s. of A. S. Bristol, M.D. (Mc- and Petrography, School of Mining, King- Gill Univ.), and Sarah M. Everett; m. Mary ston. In 1907, was apptd. Director of the Dorothy ,d. Publica- of , the late Mr. Justice Armour Geological Survey of Canada. of the Supreme Court of Canada. Educ: tions: Reportsof the Geological Survey, and Napanee High Sch., Upper Can. Coll., in Scientific Journals. Recreations: Open Toronto Univ. Graduated from Toronto air sports, exploration and mountaineenng. Univ. in 18S3 with first class honors in clas- Address: Ottawa. Club: Rideau, Ottawa. sics; called to the Bar in 1886; el. by accl. to BBOCK, WtlUam Bees; b. Eramosa, Parit. for Centre Toronto, 11 April, 1905; Ont., 14 Feb., 1836; «. of Thomas Rees re-el. at g. e., 1908; created King's Counsel Brock, and Eleanor Thompson; m. Mar- by Dom. Govt., 1896, and by Ont. Govt., garet Anna, d. of Captain John Sigur Dia- 1907. Specialty corporation law. Recrea- mond of Queen's Co., Ireland, 23 Sept., tions: hunting, golf. Address: Res., 179 1857; three s. three d. Educ: Guelph Beverley St.; postal, 103 Bay St., Toronto. Gram. Sch.; studied law and then went into Clubs: Toronto, Albany, National, Royal business. Pres. of the W. R. Brock Co.,

Canadian Yacht, ' Toronto Hunt; Rideau, Ltd., Toronto, Montreal, and Calgary; Golf, Ottawa. Pres., The Canadian General Electric Co.; BBITTON, Hon. Byron Moffatt, M.A., Vice-Pres., The Western, and British Am- K.C.; 6. Ganonoque, Ont., 3 Sept., 1833; s. erica Assurance Companies; Director Dom- of Daniel Freeman Britton; m. Mary Eliza inion Bank; The Toronto General Trust. Halton, d. of late Hon. C. H. Halton (d.); Recreation: travel. Address: 21 Queen's three «. six d. Educ.: Victoria Coll., Co- Park, Toronto. Clubs: Toronto, Hunt; bourg. Called to the Bar, Sept., 1859; Albany, Toronto; St. James', Montreal. Mayor of Kingston, 1876; Co. Attorney, BBODEB, Andrew, M.P.; b. Franklin 1882; elec. to H. of C, 1896, and re-elec. Centre, Que^ 18 April, 1845; s. of William 1900; apptd. Judge of the High Court of Broder; m. Carrie Summers; three s. one d. Justice, Prov. of Ont., Sept., 1901. Address: Educ: Malone N.B., and Huntingdon.Acad- Osgoode Hall, Toronto, Ont. emy, Que. A farmer and merchant until BBOCHU, Michael Delphus, B.A. (Que. 1982, when he became collector of Customs Seminary), M.D. (Laval Univ.); Medical at Morrisburp, Ont.; resigned in 1896, to Supt. of the Beauport Asylum, b. Ste. become candidate for H. of C; elec. 1896, Lazarre, Bellechasse Co., Que., of French 1904, 1908; represented Dundas in the Canadian descent; m. (1st) 1878, Eugenie Ontario Legislature, 1875-1886. Address: Mava (d. 1879); 1894, Miss Fortin, of Que.; Morrisburg, Ont. eight c. Educ: Quebec Seminary, Laval BBODEUB, Hon. Louis FhlUppe^ K.C., Univ. Commenced practice in Quebec; LL.D.; Minister of Marine and FisherieB;^ apptd. Prof, of Hyidene of the Faculty of b. Beloeil, Que^ 21 Aug., 1862; s. Toussaint ~ Medicine, Laval Univ., 1884; Prof, of Brodeur and Justine Lambert; m. EnmoA

Internal and Nervous Diseases, 1829; Prof, Brillon; four a. and one d. ^ Educ: St. Hya- of Mental Diseases since 1903; apptd. Medi- cinthe Coll. and Laval Unir. Admitted to 26 " . WHO'S WHO.

the Bar in 1884; elec. to Coipmons in 1891, ing fine and industrial arts and the sciences.. re-elected in 1896, when he became Deputy Active in edn'l, polit. and industrial reforms Speaker of the H. of C. and Chairman of lectured extensively on these subjects; was Committees. After election of 1900, was mem. Ruskin Industrial Co-operative Assn, apptd. Speaker of the House, and in 1904 Chautauqua lecturer on ceramic arts, etc. entered the Laurier Cabinet with the port- Publications: The Brother, 1890; Last Days folio of Minister of Inland Kevenue. Ac- of the Ruskin Cooperative Association, 1902 companied Sir Wilfrid Laurier to England, Extensive contb'r to mags, and newspapers. as a delegate to the Colonial Conference of Invented the Perfected Rotary Press, 1906- 1907. ,In Jan., 1906, assumed portfolio of 7. Address: Jonesboro, Ga, Minister of Marine and Fisheries; delegate BBOPHT, George Patrick, J. P.; Super- to Imperial Defence Conference, 1909. intending Engr. of the Ottawa River Works j Address: 169DalyAv., Ottawa, Ont. Clubs 6. Carillon, Argenteuil Co., Que., 24 Feb., Rideau, Hunt, Ottawa; Montreal, St. Denis, 1848; m. 1870, ElizabethM., d. of M. Clarke,

Canadien , Montreal of Quebec; one a. four d. Educ: Ottawa BBODBICK, Arthur Bentley; Mgr. Mol- Pub. Schs. One of the founders of the 8on's Bank, Ottawa; 6. Jersey, Channel Ottawa Street~Ry., in 1893; a dir. of the

Islands, 9 Nov., 1858; s. of Charles Cumber- Co. ; was' one of the promoters of the Chau- land Brodrick and Mary Anne Balleine; diere Electric Co., and is also interested in m. Julia Alice Travis. Educ: Christ's Hos- the Ontario Graphite Co. Vice-Pres., Ot- pital, Victoria Coll., Jersey, Arrived Can., tawa Trust and Deposit Co.; dir. Ottawa 1876; with Molson's Bank at Brockville, Gas Co. Address: 320 Chapel St., Ottawa. Toronto, Montreal, Ingersoll, Exeter.Smiths CZub: Rideau, Ottawa. Falls; now mgr. of the Ottawa branch. BBOSSEAU, Toussaint, K.C.; b. Cham- Recreation: golf. Address: 473 Wilbrod bly, Que., 21 Sept., 1857; a. of Louis Bros- St., Ottawa. Club: Rideau, Ottawa. seau and Celina Senical; m. Eugenie Brals; BBOKSOX, Mrs. Ella Hobday Webster; two a. Educ.:JesmteCo\\., Montreal. Ad- h. Portsmouth, Va.. U.S.A., .1 Sept., 1846; dress: Montreal, Que, Clubs: St. James', d. of Nathan B. Webster, and Isabella Hunt, Montreal. Hobday Webster; m. Erskine Henry BrOn- BBOUGHALL, Frederick William; h. aon, of Ottawa; one s. one d. Educ: Ports- Toronto, 12 Aug., 1867; a. Rev, A. J. and mouth, Va.T arrived in Can,, Sept., 1874. Mrs. Broughall; m. Miss Strathy; three a. Active in charitable work in Ottawa; mem. one d. Edua.: Trinity Coll. Sch., Port

oi Nat. Council of Women. Recreations: Hope. Entered service of Dominion Bank, . driving, automobiling. Addresses: 75 Bron- 18S5, and passed through all grades, until son Av., Ottawa; Kennebunkport, Me., "^ apptd. mgr. of the Sterling Bank of Can., U.S.A. 1896. Address: 1 Elmsley PI., Toronto. BBONSON, Hon. Erskine Henry; Pres. Clubs: Toronto, National, Albany, Toronto, The Btonson Co., Ottawa; b. Bolton, War- BBOWN, Adam, Postmaster of Hamil- ren Co., N.Y., 1844; a. of Henry Franklin ton, Ont.; b. Edinburgh, Scotland; a, of Bronson and Editha Pierce; m. 1874, only William and Elizabeth Brown; m. (1st) d. of Prof. N. B. Webster, of Norfolk, Va.; Marian Evath, and (2nd) Mary Kough; one a. one d. In 1867 was given an interest nine a. two d. Educ: Montreal, in thr in his father's business, the Bronson-Weston private sch. of Rev. Edward Black, D.D. Lumber Co., and is to-day pres. of the Bron- HaB always been connected with mercantile , son Co., of Ottawa. Pres. Otta^ira Carbide pursuits; removing to Hamilton, Ont., in Co., and the Ottawa Power Co. Was one 1850; member of H. of C, 1886-1891; com- of the inau^urators of the Ottawa Electric missioner for the Government to Jamaica; Co., one of its directors. Was for fourteen Chairman of Hamilton Water Works. Pre- yrs., mem, Ottawa Pub, Sch. Bd.; mem. of sented the address to H, R. H. the Prince of the Ottawa City Council, 1870-1878; un- Wales (now King Edward VII), at the successful candidate for H. of C. in Carleton opening of the Water Works in 1860. Ad" Co., 1882; mem. for Ottawa in Ont. Legis., dress: Hamilton, Ont. 1886-1898; joined the Mowat Govt., without BROWN, David Bobertson; architect; portfolio, 10 Sept., 1890, and held a similar b. Montreal, 1869; a. of James Brown and gosition in the Hardy Govt. Address: 75 Elizabeth Robertson; m. 1900, Harriet ronson Av., Ottawa. Fairbaim, a. d. of William Robb, CSty Treas, .'BBOOME, Isaac; b. Valcartier, Que., Montreal. Educ: Montreal High Sch., and "May 16. 1835; a. Isaac and Annie Broome, studied architecture in Montreal and Bos- Educ: Phila. until 1850; art at Pa. Acad. ton. Commenced practice in Montreal, Fine Arts, Phila., and pvt. tutors; m. Feb. 1892; entered into partnership with Hugh 9, 1866, Victoria Myers, Washington. Work- Vallance, firm being David R, Brown &

' * ed on Crawford statues for pediment of U.S. Hugh Vallance. Pres. Quebec Assn, of Capitol, 1855-6; executed statue for W. W. Architects. Designed Bd. of Trade Bldg., Corcoran's Mausoleum at Georgetown, D.C., Montreal, M.A.A.A., Olivet Baptist Church, 1857; established studio at Rome, Italy, new Medical Bldg^of McGill Univ., Child- 1858; executed many works in sculpture; ren's Memorial Hospital, the Standard mfd. art tiles extensively; now livine in Shirt Bldg., Southam Bldg., etc. Member Southern climate for health; devoted to Montreal Bd. of Trade, Architectural Lea- ideal sculpture. Elected academician Pa. gue of New York. Address: 729 Pine Av., Acad. Fine Arts, 1860; dir. life and antique W., Montreal. Clubs: Canada, St. Lawrence dept., 1860-3. Medals for ceramic arts, Yacht, Beaconsfield Golf. Centennial Exp'n, 1876. Paris Exp*n, BBOWN, Gerald H.j b. Ottawa, Ont., 1878; sp'l, comm'r on ceramics, Paris 30 July, 1875; a. of Horace Taylor Brown Exp'n, 1878 by United States Government and Minnie McLardy, both of Ottawa; m. and State of N J. : dir many schs. for teach- Eva Isabella Sharpe e. d. of Mr. and Mrs, 27 WHO'S WHO.

John Sharpe of Ottawa; one d. Educ: pub. Normal Sch.; one d. Publication: "My sch, and Goll^iate Institute, Ottawa. For Lady of the Snows." Recreations: Painting years a newspaper man; was resident in oils, water colours and china; wood carv- ^ many correspondent in Ottawa, from 1893 to ing. Address: Court House, Brantford; 1909, representing various Canadian and Country home. Brant Co. British papers, includiiK, Montreal W-Uneaa, BROWNE, William Graham, B.A.; 6. Toronto Daily Star, Manitoba Free Press, Gait, Ont., 28 May, 1874; s. of Dr. J. Price Vancouver Province, The Tribune and Daily of Toronto, and Agnes Cranston Graham; News of London, Eng., and "Canado"; also m. 'EdasL Carlyle, two s. Educ: Gait Coll. published in London, Eng.; was attached Inst., Jarvis St. Coll. Inst., Toronto Univ. also for a time, to Ottawa Free Preas, and Entered service of Can. Bank of Commerce Ottawa Evening Journal. President Press in Gait; afterwards in Toronto and New Gallery, Domimon Parliament, 1900; apptd. York; now dealer in bonds, etc., in Montreal Assistant Deputy Minister of Labour for under firm name of W. Graham Browne Canada, March, 1909; Hon. Secretary (1906- & Co. Address: 297 University St., Mont-- 1909), -First Vice-President (1909), of Can- real. Clubs: St. James, Hunt, University, adian Club of Ottawa. Address: McLeod Canada, Montreal; Toronto, National, Tor- St., Ottawa, Ont. Clubs: Ottawa Golf onto; Garrison, Quebec. -' ' Club, Ottawa, Ont. BROWNELL, Franklin, R.C.A.; b. New BROWN, Miss Edith; b. Wolfville, N. Bedford, Mass., U.S.A., 28 July, 1857; s. of S.j 1874; d. John Lothrop and Elizabeth Leander and Annice Brownell; ni. '18S9, Whidden Brown; ed. Acadia Sem. to 1890. Louise, d. of John W. Nickerson'of New -Educ: Boston Mus. of Fine Arts Sch., 1896. Bedford; one d. Educ: Public Schs. of Teacher of clay modeling and drawing in Mass. Studied art at Sch. of Boston Mus- Miss Pierce's pvt. sch., Brookline, Melss.; eum, of Art., and at Paris with Bougureau Miss Hazard's pvt. sen., Boston^ and N. and Fleury; Head Master of Ottawa Art Bennet .St. Industrial Sch., Boston. First Association, 1885-98; present work prin- illustrating done for The Churchman about cipally portraits, combined with some genre 1899. Mem. Copley Soc, Boston. Illus- and landscape pEunting;^ exhibited at Paris trator: Folk-lore Stories and Proverbs (Miss salons and principal exhibitions of U.S. and S. E. Wiltse), 1900; Wonderfolk in Wonder- Canada; bronze medal, Paris Exposition of land (Edith Guerrier), 1903; Stella's Adven- 1900; repr^entative works at the Canadian tures in Starland (Elbridge H. Sabin), 1907; National Gallery. Becreations: rod and gun The Cheerful Cricket (Jeanette Marks), Address: 124 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ont. 1907. Address: Chestnut Hill, Mass. BROWNLEE, Walter George; 6. Law- BHOWN, George Mackenzie; h, Canada*, renceville, Illionois^ U.S.A., 9 Sept., 1858; 1869; 8. of Hon. George Brown of Toronto, s. of William and Sarah Brownlee; m. May many yrs. leader of the Liberal Party in Adele Cunningham; one s. Educ: Public Canada; m. 1901, Mary Elinor, y. d. ol late Sch. Arrived in Canada, 1 Feb., 1899; has Thomas Nelson, St. Leonard's, Edinburgh. been telegraph operator; train despatcher, Educ: Up. Can. Coll., Toronto; Merchiston trainmaster, and superintendent; now gen. Castle Sch„ Edinbiurgh; King's Coll., Cam- transportation mgr. for G. T. R. Address: bridge; M.P. (L.) Central Edinburgh 1900- 419 Lansdowne Av., Montreal, Club: Can- 1906. Address: 20 Moray Place, and Park- ada, Montreal. side Works, Edinburgh. Clubs: Royal Soc- BRUCE, Alexander, M. A.. K.C.; b. ieties; University, Edinburgh. Langside, Aberdeenshire, Scot., 23 March, BROWN, George McLaren; Gen. Traffic 1836; s. of WilUam and Isabella Bruce: m. Mgr, (in Europe) for the C. P. R.; b. Hamil- Agnes Robb, d. of Rev. Ralph Rpbb; two ton, Ont., 29 Jan., 1865; s, of Adam Brown 8. four d. Educ: Langside Parish Sch., and Mary Kough; m. 1890, Eleanor Graham Aberdeen Gram. Sch., and Aberdeen Univ.; d. of John Crerar, K.C., of Hamilton. Educ: arrived in Canada in 1854; studied law in Priv. Sch. at Shrewsbury, Eng,, Hamilton the office of the late Sir George Britton, and Gram. Sch., Up. Can. Coll. Became clerk was partner of his, until elevated to the in freight dept. of Northern and North- bench, in 1874; since then head -of the firm western Ry., in Hamilton; employed in in Hamilton, Ont.; removed to Toronto in G. T. R. System at Hamilton, 1883-1887; 1905. Becreations: Walking and travelling became agt. of the C. P. R., at Vancouver, Address: 91 Bedford Road, Toronto. Clubs: 1887; asst. gen. passngr. agt. of C. P. R., for Toronto, R. 0. Y. C, Toronto and Hamil- Western Div., 1892-1897, apptd. executive ton. agt. of Western lines, 1897; transferred to BRUCHESI, Rt. Rev. Mgr. Paul, Montreal 1902, as mgr. of Atlantic Steam- Archbishop of Montreal; 6. Montreal, 29 ship line; present position, 1908. Address: Oct., 1855; a. of Paul Bruch^si and Caroline

62 Charing Cross, London, S.W., Eng. Aubrey. Educ. : at Montreal Coll. , and BROWN, James Pollock, M.P.; b. Beau Montreal Seminary, also Paris and Rome. " River, 4 April, 1841; a. of David Brown and Ordained Priest, 21 Dec, 1878; Archbishop Jean Pollock, both of Renfrewshire, Scot.; of Montreal, 8 Aug., Is97. Publications: m. 19 Feb., 1869, Margaret Stewar^. Educ: ReUgious Essays, Sermons, and Pastoral Elimentary Sch., and Business Coll., New Letters. Address: Archbishop's Palace, Haven. Conn.: elec. to H. of C, 1891, 1896, Montreal. 1900, 1904, and 1908; Liberal. Address: BRUNTON, David William; b. Ayr, Can., St. Chrysostome, Que. June 11, 1849; Educ: Toronto; course BROWN, Mrs. Margaret Adeline; wife mining eng'ring Univ. of Mich.; in Colo.,

of J. Y. Brown, of Brantford, Ont. ; b. Huron since 1875; now mine to^t. and president. Co., 3 Dec, 1867; d. Richard Porter and Taylor & Brunton Samphng Works Co., of Margaret IjcKee. Educ: Goderich Coll. Aspen, Colo.; v.-p., 1897, Am. Inst. Mining Inst, and 'honour graduate of Toronto En .'rs.: life mem. Inst, of Civ. Eng'rs.; and 28 WHO'S WHO. BUCKINGHAM Royal Geog. Soc; mem. Colo, Scientific for yrs. a mem. of the Royal Sanitary Inst. , Soc, etc. Addreas: 865 Grant Av., Denver, of Great Britain. Puolicationa: Annual Colo. Address on "History of the Progress of Pub- BBTCE, Rev. George, M. A., D.I).,LL.D.. lic Health during the Century 1800-1900;" F.R.S.C.; h. Mount Pleasant, Brantford, "The Science of the Preservation of Food Ont., Can., 22 April, 1844: ». of George b^ Cold." Among the most important of Bryce, J.P., ahd Katherine Henderson, nat- his papers is "Olimates and Health Resorts

, ivea of Perthshire, Scotland, and early sett- of Canada," prepared for the British Medi- lers in Brant County, Ontario; m. 1872, cal Assn., meeting in Montreal in 1896, Marion Samuel of Broom House, Kirk- published by the C. P. Ry., and has been liston, West Lothian, Scotland. Educ: distributed by hundreds of thousands; at

, Brantford High Sch.; Univ. of Toronto; present editing the Report of the Com- Knox Coll., Toronto. A founder, coun- mittee of Public Health of the Senate of cillor, and examiner of Univ. of Manitoba, Canada. Address: Lisgar Road, Rock- 1877-1907; Head of Faculty of Science and liffe, Ottawa. Lecturer in Biology and Geology in Mani- BBTMNEB, William; Pres. R.C.A. of

toba Univ., 1891-1904; Senior Professor and . A.; b. Greenock, Scot., 14 Dec, 1855; s. of Financial Agent of Manitoba Coll., Winni- Dr. Douglas Brymner, late Dominion Ar- peg; also Professor of English Literature. chivist; unmarried. Educ: St. Frances Took numerous scholarships, etc.; Exami- Coll., Richmond, Que.; St. Therese Coll., ner in Natural History in Toronto Univ., St. Therese, Que.; and studied art in Paris, 1870-72; selected "by General Assembly of under W. A. Bouguereau and T, Robert

Presbyterian Church of Canada to proceed . Fleury. Arrived in Canada, 1857; received to Winnipeg to organize a church and coll., Gold Medal for painting at the Pan Ameri- 1871; organized Manitoba Coll., 1871; or- can Exhibition, Buffalo, N.Y., and at the tanized Knox Church, Winnip^, 1872; Loiiisanna Purchase Exhibition, St. Louis, rst Moderator of Synod of Manitoba, 1885; Mo. He has conducted the Advanced Art Moderator General Assembly of Presbyter- Classes of the Art Association of Montreal,.. ian Church in Canada, 1902-3; Chairman of since 1886. Address: 255 Bleury St., Mont- Winnipeg Public Library, 1893-1903. Puh- real, Que. Club: St. James', Montreal. licaiions: Manitoba; Infancy, Progress, and BRTSON, Hon. Geo,; b. Fort Coulonge, Present Condition, 1882; Short History of Que., 20 July> 1872; s. George Bryson Pais- Canadian People, 1887; The^Apostle of Red ley and Robina Cobb, Glasgow, Scot.; m. River, 1898; Remarkable History of the Helen Craig; one s. foxa d. Educ: Com- Hudson's Bay Company, 1900; Makers of mercial Coll., Ottawa, and Toronto. Has Canada (series), 1906; articles -in Ency, been a Iximberman all his life. Apptd. to Brit.; Nar. and Crit. Hist, of America; Can- Legislative Coimcil of Quebec in 1887; is adian Encyclopedia and numerous trans- vice-pres. and dir. of the Bank of Ottawa. actions _and pamphlets. Recreations: in Recreations: Fishing and Hunting. Club: college days. Captain Univ. of Toronto Rideau, Ottawa. Foot1)aU Club; 1861-68, a volunteer ofl&cer BUCHANAN, James Isaac; b. Hamil- of Univ. Co.' (Queen's Own); in Ridgeway ton, Ont.,' Aug. 3, 1853; a. Isaac and Agnes fight against Fenians, 1866. Recreation: (Jarvie) Buchanan; m. Eliza Macfarlane, curling. Address: Kilmadock, Winnipeg. Pittsburgh. Educ: in schs. of Hamilton BBTCE, Peter Henderson, M.A., M.D., and Tassie's Colle^ate Inst., Gait, Ont.;

L.P.C.P. & S. (Edin.) ; Chief Medical Officer, Trustee estate of J. J. Vandergrift, deceased, Dept. of Interior and Dept. of Ind. Affairs, founder of town of Vandergrift, Pa.; pres, Ottawa; 6. Mount Pleasant, Brant Co., Ont., Pittsburgh Trust Co., Pittsburgh Terminal 17 Aug., 1853, of Scotch parentage; m. K. Warehouse and Transfer Co. ; sec. and treas. Lynde Pardon, of Guelph; four s. two d. Keystone Commercial Co.; dir. Keystone Educ: Mount Pleasant Gram. Sch. and Up. Nat. Bank of Pittsburgh, Natural Gas Co., Can. Coll., Toronto. After teaching in a of W, Va. Presby'n; exrpres. Presby'n pub. and gram. sch. one 5t., went to Toronto Union of Pittsburgh and All^heny. Chmn. Univ., in 1872 (grad. 1876); Gold Medal in Orchestra Com., Pittsburgh Art Soc; mem. Science and the McMurrich Medal for essay Bot. Soc. of Western Pa., Pittsburgh Acsd. ^ on Geology of the Grand River; Literary of Science and Art, A. A, A. S. Clubs: Du- and Scientific Society's prize for best Liter- quesne Coimtry, Oakmont Country, Thou- ary Essay. In 1876, was apptd. to Natural sand Islands Yacht. Address: 6108 Walnut Science Professorship, Guelph Agrig. Coll. St. OMce: 323 4th Av., Pittsburgh. After two yrs., resigned to continue mtedi- BUCKINGSCAM, William; b. Crediton, cal studies, grad. 1880 from Toronto Univ., Eng., 3 Dec, 1832; s. of Robert and Jane with Sch. Scholarship and the Univ. First Buckingham; m. Martha Phelps; six s. four Silver Medal and Star Medal for special d. Educ: in the pub. sch. at Crediton, pathology. Received the same yr, degree Eng. Arrived in Canada, in 1857, when he L.P.C.P. & S., Edinburgh, and continued joined the staff of the Toronto Globe. In studies there and in Paris. Retiuming. 1859, he inagurated the first newspaper, practiced in Guelph. In 1882, accepted "The Nor' Wester," in the North West the position of Sec. to Bd. of Health of Ont,, Territories, at Fort Garry. He has since just organized and removed to Toronto. owned the Norfolk Reformer, and the Strat- Continued practice as well as Pub. Health ford Beacon, Joint author (with Hon. Geo. Work, till 1888. In 1892, had the addition- W. Ross), of "The Life and Times of_Hon. al duties of Dep. Registrar Gen. added, and Alexander Mackenzie, the first Liberal continued in the position till Jan.^ 1904, Premier of Canada. He has written for when he was offered and accepted his jjres- various publications, sketches of other ent position. A mem. of the American Canadian Statesmen. Address: Stratford, Public Health Assn., since 1885; pres. 1900; Ont. 29 WHO'S WHO.

BUCKXAM, Bansford D., naval adviser real. Del., Laval Univ.. to Exposition at and a.-d.-c. to H. I. M. The Sultan; b. Hans- Parisj France, 1900. Address: 66 Pre- port, N.S., 1869; 8. Ezra Taylor and Isabella fontame St., Montreal. Roscoe Bucknan. Educ: pub. schs. of Me. BUBGESS, T. J. W., M.D., r^.R.B.O.; and N.Y.; m. Phila., Jan. 2, 1904. Rose Professor of Mental Diseases, McGill Univ., Thayer. Removed with parents to Me., Montreal; b. Toronto, Canada, 11 March, when an infajit; lived nr. Bucksport; went 1849; y. s. of Thomas Buiigess and Jane to sea in merchant sailing ship at 14 3^s. Bigg, both natives of Carlisle, Cumberland; of age; comd. merchant steam and sailing m. 1875, Jessie, 2nd d. of late IJeut.-Col. ships on both Atlantic and Pacific Coasts Alex. Macpherson, of Whitby, Ont.; three and Great Lakes. Supt. Am. Steel Barge d. Educ: Up. Can. Coll. and Toronto Co. of N.Y.; supt. Pacific Mail Steamship Univ. (Graduated in medicine as Starr gold Co. at Panama; supt. Cramps' shipyards. medallist and 1st Univ. silver medallist, Phila.; trial comdr. U.S. S. "Maine," and 1870; appointed surgeon to H.M's British

Imperial Ottoman steamship "Medjidia," North American Boundary _ ConHnission, comd. latter from Phila. to Turkey, and 1872, and served as such until the close of appffd. naval adviser and personal a.-d.-c. the work, being thanked by H. M.'s Govern- to the Sultan, Apr. 19, 1904. Decorated ment for the efficient way in which he had with Turkish Order of Osmanieh, and dis- carried out the duties; took up the study tinguished service medal; mem. Boston of mental (^seases and became assistant Marine Soc, Republican, Clubs: Lotos physician of the London Asylum for Insane, (New York), Art, Pen and Pencil (Phila), 1875; assistant supt. of Hamilton Asylum, International (Panama), Constantinople). 1887; medical supt. of the Protestant Hos- Address: Rue Martian, 38. Oifice: Navy pital for the Insane, Montreal, since 1890; Dept., Constantinople, Turkey. Fellow of the American Association for the BULLOCK, Thomas Harrison, Mayor of Advancement -of Science, 1886; hon. sec. St. John, N.B.; b. Wentworth Co., Ont., for Canada of the Pan-Am. Medical Cong- 14 Feb., 1862; s. Joseph and Elizabeth Bul- ress, Mexico, 1896; President American

lock ; m. Jeannette Ch^tnut ; two s. three d, Medico-Psychological Association, 1904-5. Educ: Pub. Sch. terminating at St. John Publications: The Beneficent and Toxic Gram. Sch.; was two years as Mayor of St. Effects of the Various Species of Rhus; A John, the second term by acclam.; five yrs. Botanical Holiday in Nova Scotia; Canadian as alderman and Co. Councillor. He hEis Filiciniae; Recent Additions to Canadian made a special study of municipal work, Filiciniae; How to Study Botany; Orchids; which resulted in the improvement and Notes on the Flora of the 49th Parallel; advancement of all departments during his The Lake Erie Shore as a Botanising ground; term of office. Refused nominations for Art in the sick room; Ophioglossaceae and both Provincial and Federal Houses. Has Filices; A Historical Sketch of Canadian been associated with his father in the oil Institutions for the Insane; The Insane in business in the Maratime Provinces, and Canada, etc., etc. Recreations: hotaxiy,^go\i, is now manager of the Imperial Oil Co. He cricket, philately. Address: Protestant is a director in several large enterprises and Hospital for the Insane, Box 23S1, Mont- takes a deep interest in the Sch. Board, real, Canada. Board of Trade, Toiuist Association, In- BUBEAIT, Hon. Jacques, LL.B. (Laval dustrial Home for Boys, Seaman's Mission; Univ.), M.P., Solicitor-General; b. Trois- Associated Charities, Victorian Order of Rivieres, Que., ft July, 1860; s. of J. Napo- Nurses, etc. Address: 183 Germain St., St. leon Bureau, lawyer, and Sophie Gingras; John. m. 15 July, 1884, Ida Beliveau, d. of U. BULTEA, Hon. George Headley Vlckers, Beliveau and Delphine Prince, of Artha> B.A., LL.D., Lieut.-Gov. of Alberta; b. basca; one s. one d. Educ: Nlcolet Coll., Gagetown, Queen's Co., N.B.; s. of James Laval Univ., Que.. El. to H. of C. for Three A. Bulyea and Jane Blizzard; m. Annie Rivers and St. Maurice, at g. e., 1900, and Blanche Babbit {d.) ; one s. Educ. : Queen's re-el. at g. e^ 1904. In 1907 was sworn in Co. Gram. Sch. and Univ. of N.B. Was as Solicltor-Cxeneral of Canada, and at the Principal of Sunbury Co. Gram. Sch., from subseqeunt election was returned by acclm.; Sept., 1878. to May, 1882. Arrived in re-el. at g. e., 1908. Address: Windsor Winnipeg, 14 May, 1882, and went to Qu' Hotel, Ottawa; Three Rivers. Clubs: Laur- Appell the following spring, and engaged in entian, Ottawa; Canadien, St. Denis, Mont- business until 1897. He was a candidate real. for the North West Council In 1892, but was BUBKE, Very Bev. Alfred Edward, D. defeated. Was elec. in 1894; selected as a D., LL.D.; b. Georgetown, P.E.I., 8 Sept.. member of the first Executive Council, 1862; s. of James Burke and Mary Moar, 1892; special representation to the Yukon, Educ: Gram. Sch., St. Dunstan's Coll., and in 1896; re-elec. in 1S9S, and 1902. Com- Iiaval Univ.; ordained Cardinal Tascher- missioner of Agriculture and Commissioner eau. Que., 1885; was seceretary to Bishop of Public Works in Territorial Government, of Charlottetown, P.E.I., for two and a half until apptd. first Lieut. -Governor of Alberta years; Pastor in Alberta for 19 years; Pres. 1 Sept., 1905. Recreations: Driving and Ca^olic Church Extension Society of Can- travelling. Address: Edmonton, Alta. ada, Toronto, Ont. Publications: A whole BUMBBAT, J. E. C; advocate; b. Hoch- series of Monc^raphs, Forestry, Agricul- elaga, Que., 1879; s. of Aid. Bumbray and ture, Horticulture, Historical, religious, Elise Masson; m. (1st) Eva (d. 1902), d, of etc. Recreations: boating, swimming, A^ Mr. C. H. Laurier; (2nd) M. L., d. of Prof. dr«ss: 119 Wellington St., W., Toronto. " Hervieux, of Laval Univ., Montreal. Bdue.: Ont. 6t. Mary's Coll., Laval Univ. Called to BUBK, Daniel Francis; b. Bowmanville, Bar, 1 902, and has since practiced in Mont- Ont., 1848; «. of William K. Burk and Clara 30 ; WHO'S WHO.

Coryell; m. 1S73, Annabelle Ida, d, of James of the 6th Fusiliers, Dec. 16, 1892. Award- H. Gerrie; seven s. Educ: Pub. and High ed the Colonial Officers decoration for 20 Schs. of Bowmanville. At nineteen yrs. yrs. service. 1902; held presidency of the

of age entered service of Ontario Bank, Montreal Amalgamated Rifie Assn. , in Whitby; apptd. mgr. Port Arthur Branch, 1895; Montreal Military Inst., 1897, Chn. 1875; resigned 1SS4 to become financial of the Council of the Dominion Rifle Assn. mgr. for hia brother Marvin, contractor for mem. of the Coun., Prov. of Quebec Rifle the C. P." R. Has since been actively con- Assn.; apptd. a mem. of the Standing Small nected with every movement for the devel- Arms Comnuttee of the Dom., 1907. opment of New Ontario. Vice-Pres. and Gazetted, 1906, Hon. Lt.-Col. 1st Prince of Oen. Mgr. of the Fort Arthur, Duluth and Wales Fusiliers of which His Majesty is Western Ry.. imtil 1898, when it became Hon. Colonel. One of the originators of the merged in the C. N> R> A Dir. of the Port movement for sending a Canadian Battalion

Arthur Light -and Power Co, , afterwards to England in connection with the cele- acquired by the town; Pres. of the St. Joe bration of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee, Ry. Co.;^for many yrs. Pres. of the West 1897; engaged in the organization of a r^t. Algoma Agricultural Soc, ; owner of the Port for that purpose when the Govt, decided Arthur Herald; gen. mgr. o^ the New Ont- to send a composite contingent; selected by ario ' Colonization Assn. Address: Port the Govt, to proceed to England on that Arthur, Ont. occasion. Commandant of the Can. Rifie BUBK, Frederic Lister, B.L., A.M., Ph. Team at Bisley, when it won the Mackinnon D.; b. Blenheim, Ont., Sept. 1, 1862; «. Challenge Cup in 1902. Presented to Her Erastus and Matilda Turner Burk; m. Oak- Late Majesty during the Diamond Jubilee land, Calif., 1898, Caroline Frear. Educ: public ceremonies; presented to Prince and Univ. of Calify Leland Stanford Jr. Univ., Princess of Wales, at St. James' Palace, Clark Univ. In journalism, San Francisco, July, 10 1902; present by invitation at the 1883-9. Teacher in pub. and pvt. schs., Coronation of Their Majesties at West- Calif., 1889-91; supt. schs., Santa Rosa, minster Abbey on Aug. 9th, 1902. With his Calif., 1892-6, Santa Barbara, Calif., 1898-9; sisters, erected, equipped and donated the pres. State Normal Sch., San Francisco, building for the Royal Edward Inst., since 1899. Pres. Calif. State Teachers' Montreal, for the study, prevention and Assn., 1899; chmn. Calif. Council of Ed'n., cure/ of Tuberculosis; devised the electrical 1902-1904. Puhlicationa: A Study of the appliances and arranged for the use of the Kindergarten Problem, 1899. Contb'r, to cables so that it was possible for His mags, on ed^'l, pedagog, and psychol, sub- Majesty, King Edw:ard, on 21 Oct., 1909, by jects. Address: Ross, Marin Co., California, pressing a telegraph key at West Gean Park, nUBLAND, Lieut.-Col. JefJrey Hale, B, a distance of 4,225 miles, to open the doors A.Sc, (McGill), F.C.S.; 6. Montreal, 19 of the Inst., turn on the lights in the build- March, 1861; a. of George B. Burland and ing, and hoist the Royal Standard on the Clarissa H. Cochrane; m. Isabel May, d. of flag staff. Publication: A chart of the the late Henry Megarry, of Lurgan, Irel. Metric System. Addresses: 342 Sherbrooke Educ: Montreal Acad., and McGill Univ. St. W., Montreal; "Kilmarth," Little Metis For yrs. ^sociated with his father in busi- Que. (summer). Clubs: Mount Royal, St. nesB^nd in addition to his connection with James', Royal Montreal Golf, Hunt, Rac- the B. A. Bank Note Co., is pres. of the §uet, Montreal, Rideau, Golf, Country; Consolidated Lithographiiu" and Manu- ittawa; Toronto; Garrison, Queoec; Royal facturing Co.; Chn, of the Eastern Canada Societies', London, Eng. Manufacturers' Mutual Fire Insur. Co.; BURN, George; Gen. Mgr. Bank of Otta - dir. of the Manufacturers wa; b. Thurso, Scot., 10 April, 1847; a. of Mutual Fire Insur. Co., Mount Royal Spin- Rev. David Burn, and Anne Macleod; m. ning Co., Noiseless Typewriter Co., etc.; Kate Fraser Drummond; one a. four d. mem. of the Council of the Bd. of Trade; Educ: Scot. Arrived in Canada, 1866; a life-gov. of the Montreal Gen. Hospital, of served four years in Royal Bank of Scot., the Protestant Hospital for the Insane, and various Canadian Banks; cashier and _ Western Hospital and County Carleton latterly General Manager, Bank of Ottawa Hospital; 1stVice-Pres. of the Royal Ed- siiice 1880; Actuary and Treasurer for many ward Inst, for the study, prevention and charitable organizations. Publications: Ar- cure of Tuberculosis, Protestant House of ticles in relation to Canadian Banking. Re- Indiistry and Refuge; mem. of the Com- creations: sailing, golf. Address: 255 Met- mittee of the Alexandra Hospital for In- calfe St., Ottawa; Cushing's Island, Maine, fectious Diseases, Advisory Committee of U.S. (Summer). Clubs: Rideau, Golf, . Foundling Hospital, Protest- the Montreal Country, Ottawa, Ont. ant Industrial Rooms, Young Women's Christian Assn., Protestant Infants' Home, BXJBFEE, Lawrence Johnston, F.R.G. the Montreal Charity O^anization, Parks S.. Public Librarian of the City of Ottawa;

, and Playgrounds Committee, McGill Con- b. Halifax, N.S., 5 March, 1873; a. of Lewis ' iservatorium of Music; Vice-Pres. of the Johnston Bunpee and Alice De Mille; m. Iklontreal Technical Inst.; 1st Vice-Pres. Maude, d. of Rev. Canon Hannington; one 'Citizens' Assn. for securing good govern- «. and two d. Private Secretary to Minister ment for the City; a fellow of the Chemical of Justice in two Dominion Administrations, Soc. and Soc. of Chemical Industry, of afterwards accepted Librianship Ottawa London, Eng., of the Royal Geographical Public Library. Publications: The Search Soc. and British Assn. for the Advancement for the Western Sea; Canadian Life in Town of Science; mem. of the Decimal Assn. of and Country; Flowers from a Canadian London, Eng. Holds a first class R. S. I. Garden," "A little book of Canadian Es- oertificate and succeeded to the command says," "By Canadian Streams," etc. Re 31 BURRELL WHO'S WHO.

creation: chess. Address: 22 Bideau Ter- Taylor; m. Margaret Proctor; four s. Educ: race, Ottawa. Victoria Coll., Yale Univ., Garratt Biblical .BUBSEUL, Martin, M.P.; b. Faringdon, Institute; ordianed Clergyman, 1864; apptd. Berks, Eng., 15 Oct., 1858; a. of Edward Professor in Victoria Coll., 1886; Dean of Burrell and Jane Harmer; m. Sara B. Arm- faculty of Theology, 1873; PrM. of Victoria strong, 2nd d. of the late Jos. Armstrong of Univ., 1887. Publications: Wesley's Doc- Swindon, Wilts, Supt. of the G. W. Ry. temal Standards; Commentary on Romans* Educ: St. John's ' Coll., Hurstpierpoint. Inductive studies in Theology; Manual oi Arrived in Canada, June, 1885; engaged in Christian Theology; Life and work of !E^er- Horticulture work from 1883 to 1899, in the ton Ryerson; History of Univ. of Toronto;

' Niag^a Pininsula, Ont.; went to British various Biographical Sketches; Recreations: Columbia in 1900; apptd. member of Board boating and fishing. Address: Victoria Col- of Horticulture. In 1907-08, was in Eng- lege, Queen's Park, Toronto. land as Fruit Commissioner and lecturer BUTLER, Matthew Joseph, LL.B., O.L. for the B. C. Government; contested Yale- S., D.L.S., C.M.G.. Gen'l. Mgr. Dom. I. & Cariboo in the Conservative interest for the S. Co.; 6. Deseronto. Ont., 19 Nov., 1856; H. of C, in 1904, but was defeated; elec. in s. of Tobias Butler and Elizabeth McVey; 1903. Address: Grand Forks, B. C. m. Lorretto M. J. Shelby; two d. Educ: BUBBOWES, Edward Thomas ; h. Sher- Pub. Sch., Toronto Univ., Kent Coll. of brooke. Que., July 25, 1852; s. Ambrose and Law, Chicago; mem. Inst. CI. E., Mem. Am, Jane Hall Burrowes; since May 24, 1867, S.C.E., Mem. C.S.C.E., Mem. R. Ass'n. S. resident of Portland, Me.; m. Portland, Can., Mem. Am. Ass'n. for the Advance- Oct. 4 ,1880, Frances E. Norcross. Educ: ment of Science; Mem. A. Geo. Soc. Was Me. Wesleyan Sem., and Wesleyan Univ.; on Govt. Surveys, 1878 to 1SS3; K. and P. Began mfr. of wire screens in 1873; now Ry., 1884; Chief Engineer, Thousand Island pres. E. T. Biurowes Co., Portland; also Ry., 1884-1885; Chief Engineer, N!., T; Q. pres. of Curtain Supply Co., Chicago; has Ry., 1885. Building Water Servicef 1886- taken out many patents; trustee Boston 1887; CMef Engineer Bay of Quinte Ry. Univ. Address: Portland, Me. and Nav. Co,, 1890 to 1899; Chief Engineer BUBBOWES, Miss Katharine; b. King- Locomotive and Machine Co., Montreal^ ston, Ont.; d. Edwin Annesley and Florinda 1900-1903; Asst. Chief Engineer Eastern Anne Radcliffe Burrowes. Educ: by tea- Division National Transcontinental Rail- chers at home and in Eiu-ope; settled in way. In 1908, apptd. to the position Detroit; specialized in piano under Prof. of Deputy Minister and Chief Engineer, J. C. Batchelder, Detroit, and Prof. Karl Dept. of .Railways and Canals, Canada. Klindworth, Berlin. Mem. faculty Detroit From April 1909 to Jan., 1910, was Chair- Conservatory of Music, several yrs.; organ- man of the Board of Management of the ired Burrowes Piano Sch., 1895-1903. In- Canadian Government Railway, in addition, ; vented several appliances to aid in teaching now Gen'l. Manager, Dom. I. & S. Co. of beginners. Publications: Burrowes course Address: 5 Wurtenburg St., Ottawa, Ont. of Music Study for Beginners (kindergarten) Club: Rideau, Ottawa. 1895 (2 U.S. parents and 26 copyrights); Manual for Teachers, 1901; Kindergarten Class Songs, 1901; Modem Music Methods (read before Music Teachers' Nat. Assn.), 1902; The Note Gatherers, 1903; Short Pieces for Small Hands, 1904; Forty Read- CALDEK, Hon. Jas. Alexander, B. A., ing Studies, 1904; Playtime Pieces, 1904; LL.D., M.L.A.; Commr. of Education, Prov. Musical Puzzle Stories, 1905; The Doves and Treas. and Railway Commr, for Prov. of the Squirrels, 1905; Some of the Knowldgde Saskatchewan; b.. Oxford CJo., Ont., 17 wMch a Music Teacher of Children should Sept., 1868; s. of James Calder and Johanna

Possess, 1906; contb'r. to muls. j magazines. McKay; immarried. E'duc: Ingersoll pub. Address: Detroit. schs., pub. and high schs., Winnineg; Mani- BURROWS, Theodore Arthur; lumber toba Coll. Hon. grad. in science, Manitoba manufacturer; b. Ottawa, 15 Aug.', 1857; Univ., 1888 (silver medalist). Called to s. of Henry J. Borrows, of Ottawa, grand- Bar of N. W. T., 1906. Principal of Moose son of Capt. John Burrows of the Royal Jaw High Sch., 1891-1894; inspector of Engineers, who came from Eng. in 1800, schs., N. W. T., 1894-1900; Dep. Commr. the first settler on the present site of Ottawa of Educ, N. W. T., 1901-1905. El. to City, and patentee of the farm which is now Sask. Ass. at first g. e., 1905; apptd. Prov. known as the Sparks Estate in Ottawa, and Treaa., and Commr. of Educ. upon forma- who had charge of construction of the tion of the Scott Ministry, 5 Sept., 1905; Rjdeau Canal, under Col. Bye about 1830; unsuccessful can. for Milestone div. at g. e., m. 1899, Georgina K. Creasor, y. d. of the 1908; el. for Saltcoats at bye-el., 7 Dec, late D. A. Creasor, K.C., of Owen Sound. 1908. 'Address: Regina, Sask. Educ:>Ott&yTB. Pub. and High Schs., Mani- CALDEBOX, Alfred Merleon, F.R.A.S. toba Coll. Has lumbering mills in Dau- I.; b. Hampton Court Village, Middlesex, phin, and extensive lumber interests in England, 7 June, 1861; s. of Philip H. other parts of the West. Mem. of Manitoba Calderon, "RlC, stnd Clara Nareau Storey; Legis., 1892-1903 for Dauphin. vEl. to H. m. Helen M^ Bate, of Ottawa, Ont. Educ; of C, same constituency at g. e., 1904; Sevenacks, Kent, and London Univ. Colli unsuccessful at g. e., 1908. Address: Win- Sch., also Royal Academy Schools, Burlingr nipeg, Man. ton House. Arrived in Canada, 3 Oct., BUBrWASH, Nathanael, M.A.. S.T.D., 1887; pupil for five years in office of late LL.D., F.R.S.C.; 6. Argenteuil, Que', 25 George Edmond Street, R. A. Architect for July, 1839; «. Adam Burwash and Annie New Law Courts and English and Am.erican 32 , WHO'S WHO.

Cathedrals in Rome and Paris? also with Dileno Dexter Calvin and Marion M. Breck; J Charles J. Ferguson, Architect, Carlisle, ml 1879, Annie W., d. of the Rev. D. Marsh, England; associated &a Architect with Sir of Quebec; five s. two d. Educi Wood- L. Alma Tadema, R. A., in building his stock Coll., Queen's Univ., Kingston. For residence^ Partner for eight years, -with many yrs. Reeve of the Village of Garden late King Arnoldi, Architect, Ottawa, Ont. Island; was mem. Frontenac Co. Council Acquired experience of high buildings, by for twelve years. First el. to H. of C. at working in offices in New York, Washington bye-el., 1892; re-el., 1900. Trustee of and Baltimore. Practiced Architecture Qtieen's Univ., gov. Mining Sch., and of the two years in London, 15 years in Ottawa, General Hospital; dir. of the Y. M: C. A. and four years in Edmonton, Alta. Recen- Address: Garden Island,. Ont. tly Secretary of the Edmonton Conservative CAMERON, Miss Agnes Deans; b. Vic- - Association. Address: 523 Fourth Street, toria, B.C., 20 Dec, 1863; d. of Duncan Edmonton. Cluba: Edmonton, Elks, Ed- Cameron and Jessie Anderson. Educ: Vic- monton; Rldeau, Ottawa. toria. Began teaching at age of fifteen and CAXDWELL, James Ernest; h. City for quarter of century closely identified _ View, Ont., 1 Aug., 1862; s. James Caldwell with pub, schs. of Province. During last and Ellen Neilson; m. 1895, Mary Caldwell ten yrs. of service was Principal ,of South McCurdy, 1901, Rhoda I. Peroival. Educ: Park Pub. Sch., Victoria. As result of dispute with trustees, resigned portion, and ran for Sch. Bd., and was el. Trtistee. Took up journalistic work, wilting on "The

C.) Farmers' institute. Pvblicationa.• SongB Wheat Fields of Western Canada," for the of Pines, 1895; Castle on the Hill, 1899; Century, Atlantic Monthly, and Saturday The Yellow Bag, 1907. Address: aty View, Evening Post. In 1908, journeyed from Ont. Chicago to rim of Ai^ic Ocean by way of CALDWELL, Thomas Boyd; woollen Athabaska, Slave and Mackenzie Rivers, manufacturer; 6. Lanark, Ont., 22 Feb., journey lEisting six months and covering 1856; «. of Boyd Caldwell and Dinah Waugh ten thousand miles. Has lectured exten- m. 22 Jan., 1879, Jeanette Falconer. Educ: sively in. U.S. and Can., on "Journeys Lanark Pub. Sch., Kingston Coll. Institute. through unknown Canada." Publieations: Liberal candidate for H. of C, 1900, but "The.New Nortji" (Appleton & Co., N.Y., defeated; el. at g. e., 1906; unsuccessful at 1909). Recreatwrk: travel. Address: 64e g. e., 1908. 4

Steamers at Sarnia, Ont. ; 1877-1878, gen. . Freight and Passngr. Dept.; Feb., 1890 to agt. same Co.; at TToronto; April to Nov.,i July 1, 1893, Freight and.Passngr. Agt. at 1878, Passngr. Agt., Canada Southern Ry., Victoria, B.C.; July 1, 1893 to Sept. 30, at Toledo, O.; Nov., 1878-1880, passngr. 1896, Freight and Passngr. Agt. at Portland agt. Wabash St. Louis and Pacific Ry., at Ore.; Oct. 1, 1896, to July 1, 1899, Dist. St. Louis, Mo.; 1880-1882, dist. agt. Credit Freight Agt.; July 1, 1899, to Dec, 1900, Valley Ry. at Toronto; 1882-1895, dist. Asst. Gen. Freight Agt., same road at Van- agt., C. P. Ry., at Toronto; .1895 to date, couver; Jan., 1901, to Sept. 1, 1905, in fen. passngr. agt., MinneapoUs, St. Paul & charge of Asiatic business Oregon Rd. & ault Ste. Marie Ry. Address: Minneapolis Nav. Co's line of steamers as Gen. Agt., M Minn. Hong Kong, China; Sept. 27, 1905, Gen. CALVERT, William Samuel; Trans-con Traffic Agt., C. P. Ry., for Great Britain tinental Ry. Commissioner; 6. Tp. of War- and Europe; 1908; Gen. Agt., New York. wick, Lambton Co., Ont., 3 March, 1869; Address: 458 Broadway, New York. 9. of David Calvert and Anna Macdonald CAMERON, Edward Robert, K.C.; Reg- Calvert; m. Cora, d. of James D. Sutherland istrar, Supreme Court of Canada; 6. London, of, Napier; one s. four d. Educ: Pubhc Canada, 18 Mar., 1857; s. of late Daniel Sch., 'Tp. of Warwick, and Watford Semi- Cameron, merchant, and Louisa, d. of late nary. Elected to H. of C, 1896, re-elec, Major John Parke; m. 1866, Carrie A., d. pf 1900, 1904 and 1908; elected Chief Liberal late John Emerson of Boston, U.S.A. Educ:

. Whip, H. Of C, Feb., 1901, and again Jan., Woodstock Coll.; Univ. of Toronto. Gold 17, 1909; apptd: by Canadian Govt., to Medalist in Natural Sciences and B.A., position of Conn-, of National Transcon- 1879, M.A.. 1881; Sailed to Bar of Ontario, tinental Ry., Oct. 21st, 1909; Pros, and 1882; one of the Commissioners for the Re- Vice-Pres., of several industrial and insur- vision of the Statutes of Canada, 1^02. ance corporations; a former ', Warden of Publications: The Vaneittart Memoirs, 1902; Middlesex Co., Ont. Address: Ottawa. a volume of unreported judgments, pf the CALVIN, Biram Augustus; Mgr. of the Supreme Court of Canada, 1905; a work Calvin Co., -Shipbuilders and Forwarders; on the practice and jurisprudence of the 6. Garden Island, Ont., 6 April, 1851; ». of same Court, 1906. Recreation: fishing. 33 :;


AddreBs: 457 Laurier Av'., Ottawa. Club: m. Jerusha Hawks Leggo;

cis Xavier's Coll., Antigonish in 1887; Engineer of St. > Thomas, and afterwards Parish Priest of Arichat and Vicar General; Commissioner of Highways for Ont. In coadjutor Bishop of Arichat; Bishop of 1902, was apptd. to the position of Deputy Antigonish. Recreations: walkingj riding. Minister of PubUc Works for Ont. Puolica- Address: Bishop's House, Antigomsh, N.S. itons: Many public reports and pamphlets CAMERON, John Robson; Chief Editor on the science of road and street construc- of the Spectator, Hamilton; b. Perth, Ont., tion. Address: King Edward Hotel, Tor- Can., 19 April, 1845; 2nd s. of late Alexander onto. Clubs: Toronto, Victoria, and R. C. Cameron. Educ: Brockville, Ont., and Y.C., Toronto. Quebec. In his profession as a journalist CAMPBELL, Hon. CoUn H., K.C., F.R. has been employed upon several Canadian C.I., Attorney-General of Manitoba; b. Bur- and American newspapers. Haa been with lington, Ont., 25 Dec, 1859; s. of John H. the Hamilton Spectator since 1880. Was at and Jane Kennedy Campbell; m. 16 July, -the Canadian front as a militiaman at the 1884, Minnie Julia Beatrice Buck, d. of time of the Fenian raid into Canada, 1866- Anson Buck, M.D., M.R.C.S,, and Ketural -was a member of the Red River Expedition- Adelaide Howell, of Palermo, Ont,; one s. ary Force, 1st Ontario Rifles, under (then). one d. Educ: Public Schs., Burlington Col. Wolseley, 1870. Address: Hamilton. High Sch., Oakville and Toronto Law Sch. CAMERON, Ludwlg Kribbs; King's Barrister of Ont., 1881; of Manitoba, 1882. Printer, Province of Ontario; o. Stouffville, Address: "Inverary," Winnipeg. Clubs: Tp. Markham, 30 Jan., 1864; e. of William Manitoba, Advance,. Country, Albany and and Elizabeth Cameron; m. Lillie Graves Grosvenor, Winnipeg. Harwood, May 23, 1879; two 8. five d. CAMPBELL, Major Duncan John D*Ur- Educ. : London, Ont. Learned the trade of ban; b. St. Hilaire, Que., 16 July, Erinter; afterwards became Pres. and Man. 1885; s. of Major T. E. Campbell and Hen- london "Advertiser"; founded the "North reitta Duchesnay; m. Eleanor MacRubin West Farmer," in Winnipeg in 1882, and Wood; three s. one d. Educ: Lennoxville. *'Outdoor Canada" in- 1904. Recreations: Que.; H^h School, 1873; entered Bank of fishing, bowling, and curling. Address: 390 Montreal, 1874; went to the North West, Markham St., Toronto. Club: R. C. Y. C, 1SS2; was Postmaster, MaoLebd, Alberta, Toronto. and Sheriff since 1883. Major, Command- CAME^RON, Ossian; b. Montreal, Mar. ing 23rd Alberta Rangers. Address: Mac- 22, 1868; s. Colin Cameron and Annie Leod, Alberta. Club: MacLeod. Munro. Educ: St. Louis pub. schs., 1876- CAMPBELL, Glen, M. P.; 6. Fort Felly, 84; grad. Chicago Coll. of Law (Lake For- Sask., 23 Oct., s. of Robert Campbelli Chief est Univ.), 1893. Admitted to 111. bar, Factor, Hudson Bay Co., andf Elleonora June, 1893; Republican. Publicationa: Illi- Stirling, both from ^Perthshire, Scot.; m. nois Criminal Law smd Practice, 1898; 1 April, 1884, Harriet Burns, of Okansaee: Illinois C3ity and Village Laws, 1905. Re- four c. Educ: Glasgow Academy, and vised and enlarged Jones' and Binmore's Merchiston Ca^itle School, Edinburgh, Scot.; General Legal Forms and Precedents, 1902. Captain in Boulton's Scouts, 1886; unsuc- Address: 5160 Indiana Av., Chicago. cessful candidate for local house in 1892 and CAMPBELL, Alexander Colin; Official 1896; elected 1902 and 1907. First elected Reporter, House of Commons; 6. Shannon- to the H. of C. for Dauphin, 1908. Pres- vilte, Ont., 26 Sept., 1857; ». of William byterian; Conservative. Address: Gilbert Stewart Campbell, and Margaret Brough; Plains, Man. 34 WHO'S WHO. CAMPBELL

CAniPBELL, John A., B.A., M.L.A.; b. Univ. Taught sch. for six j^rs.; clerk of Clintoa, Ont., 19 April, 1872; s. of Joha and Gen. Assembly since 1892; minister of St. Mary Campbell; unmarried. Educ: Win- Andrew's Church, Gait, Ont., for four yrs.; nit>6g pub. schs., Manitoba Univ. (grad. Minister of St. Gabriel Church, Montreal, 1900). For five yrs. Principal of Bojssevain for 42 yrs. In 1870, won prize essay on

> Sch., Man.; now mem. of tiie legal firm of Union of Presbyterians in Canada. Modera- Campbell & Simpson. Unsuccessful can. tor of Gen. Assemb.y, 1907; pres. of Nat. to Man. Leg., 1903;, el. 1907. Recreation: Hist. Soe. 1895-98. Publications: History curlii^. Addreaa: Dauphin, Man. Clubs: of St. Gabriel Church, 1887; Union or Co- DaupEin; Commercial, Winnipeg. operation, 1906; numerous articles in re- CAMPBELL, Rev. JohnLorne» B.A., D. views and periodicals. Becreaiions: golf, D.; &. Dominionville, Ont., Jan. 14, 1849; curling, botany. Address: St. Gabriel Ch. 8. Peter Campbell and -Flora McLean; m. Manse, 68 St. Famille St., Montreal. Aug. 27, 1868, Maggie C. Mclntyre, Domin- CAMPBELL, Robert Henry; Superin- ionville. Educ: Woodstock Coll., 1868; tendent of Forestry; b. Ailaa Craig, Ont., 26

« Bapt. Theol. Sem., same, 1868; Toronto May, 1867; 8. of James Campbell, C&nadian Univ., 1883; Central Univ. of Iowa, 1893; Parliamentary Library, and Dorothy Camp- McMaster Univ., Toronto. Ordained, Chat- bell; unmarried. Educ: Strathroy and ham Ont., Aug. 14, 1868, to Bapt. ministry; Ottawa CoU^iate Inst. Entered Govern- in addition to pastorate also sec. Bapt. For. ment service in Secretary's branch, in 1887;

Missionary Soc. of OntSjio and Quebec, served I as private Serfcetary to Deputy^ 1872-9; took large party of tourists through Minister and Minister, and Sepretary of Egypt, Palestine, Asia Minor, Constantin- Canadian Forestry Association. Apptd. ople, Greece, Italy, etc., 1898; preached in Superintendent, 1907. Publications: De- London, Eng., summer, 1899, 1901 and partmental reports, magazines and news- 1902; pastorLexitigton Av., Bapt. Ch., New paper articles. Recreations: Football, moun- York, 1889-1904, First Bapt. Ch., Cam- tainering. Address: 225 Cleniow Av,, Ot- bric^e, Mass., since 1904. Rei)ublican. tawa. Publicationa: Heavenly Recognition and CAMPBELL, Wilfred, LL.D. (Aber- other .Sermons, 1895; Sanctification, 1903. deen), F.R.S.C.; lyric and dramatic poet;

Address: Cambridge, Mass. / b. Berlin, Ont, 1 June, 1861; s. of Rev. 'Thos. Captain Kenneth Bankln, Swainston Campbell and Matilda Frances, 1 OAMFBELI^, ' D.S.O., 6. Quebec; 3rd e. of late Archibald d. of late Major Francis Wr^ht of Walworth Campbell, Thornhill; m. 1900, Edith, e. d. Manor Hot^e, Surrey; m. Mary Lomsa, o. c. of late Thomas Riley Bannon; one d. Educ: of late D. M. Dibbie, M.D., and Louisa Royal Military College, Kingston. Entered Mackenzie Macdonald, senior representa- army, 1883; Lieutenant, 1886; Captain, tive of the ancient Barons Mackay of Stra- ~ 1895; Adjutant Gold Coast (Haiisa) Con- thy, and Derlot, N. Britain, and 10th in stabulary, 1890-91; apptd. Deputy-Com- -descent through her maternal grandfather, miasioner and Vice-Consul in the Oil Rivers 11th through her maternal grandmother Protectorate and adjoining Native Terri- from Robert Stuart, Earl of Orkney, son of tories, 1891; Acting Conumssioner and Con- James V. of Scotland; also through the same sul-General, 1893; served in operations 9th and 10th, from Lady Jane (Tordon, e. d. against Chief Nanna in Benin River, 1894; of 1 7th Earl of Sutherlajid. Educ : privately em^ployed with forces of Protectorate (med- liigh Sch.; Univ. of Toronto; Cambridge, al with clasp); resigned, 1895; seryed in Mass.; F.R.S., Canada; ViCe-Pres. Eng. Sec, Carabiniera, and left army, 1897; now in R. S., 1899-1900; President, 1900. Studied Army Reserve; accompanied Naval Brigade for Church of England; retired from Church ' in China (1900) from taking of Taku Forts to enter Civil Service of Clanada and devote until relief of Tienstin and capture of Tient- life to literature, 1891; holds position in sin native city by the Allied Forces, as cor- Dominion Archives C)fl5ce; writer of verse respondent. Decorated for various services for American and Ei^lish periodicals, and West Coast of Africa on special service; of several poetical dramas. Publications: awarded bronze medal of Royal Humane Lake Lyrics, 1889; The Dread Voyage

Society for saving a native from, the Vice- Poems, 1893 ; Mordred and Hildebrand Consulate hulk in a river where crocodiles Tragedies, 1895; Beyond the Hills of Dream' abound. Recreations: yachting, automobil- Poems, 1899; Collected Verse, Sagas of ing, canoeing, swimming, and driving, etc. Vaster Britain. 1906; Ian of the Orzades, a Address: 171 Queen's Gate, S.W. Clvbs: historical novel, 1906; Canada, 1907; Poeti- Army and Navy, Ranelagh, R. C. Y. cal Tragidies, 1908; a beautiful rebel, a CAMPBELL, Hon. Philip Pitt, B. A.; I historical novel of Up. Can. in 1812, (1909); Mem. of U. S. HouSe of Representatives for "Life and Letters,'' "Canadian Seasons and 3rd Dist. of Kansas; 6. Nova Scotia; m. Woods"; The University and The NaturaJ 1892, Helen Goff. When four yrs. of age Life; "Imperialism in Canada"; "Th&Cana- moved with his parents to Kansas, and has dian Lake Region"; Shakespeare and the resided there ever since. Grad. of Baker Modern Drama; "A sheaf of winter Lyrics, Univ. Read law on the farm, and called 1908; Camagif Edition of his ^oems, issued to Bar of Kansas, 1889. First el. to 58th in 1906, b^ Andrew Carnegie the great Congress; re-el. 59th, 60th and 61st Con. philanthropist; has written much Imperial Addresses: The Capitol, Washington, D.C.; verse. Kecrca(ion«: walking, skating, tennis, " Httsburg, Kan., U.S.A. golf. Address: 24 Lisgar St., Ottawa. CAMPBELL, Rev. Robert, M.A.. D.D.; CAMPBELL, William B;; b. S^annon- a. ft. Township of Drum™ond, Ont., 21 June. ville, Ont., 17 July, 1854; of William 1835; s. of Peter Campbell, and Margp,ret Can^bell and Margaret Brough; m. Jessie Campbell; m. Margaret Macdonnell; three G. L. Rose, d. of late Geo. Maclean Rose of ». two d. Educ: Local Sch., and Queen's Toronto, Ojit. Educ: Toronto and Mont-

\ 35 WHO'S WHO.

real Sch.; after several years service in the Col. in 1906, when regt. formed into two offices of three Insurance Companies, batt. Mem. Montreal Bd. Trade. Address:. branched out as Publisher of The Budget 338 Mountain St., Montreal. Clubs: Mount and Insurance Journal; afterwards estab- Royal, St. James, Montreal Hunt. lished OMce and Field, now the only weekly CANTLIE, James Alexander; senior journal in the world devoted to Life In- mem. of firm of James A. Cantlie & Co., b. surance; five months ago commenced pub- Mortlach, Banffshire, Scotland, 5 June, lication of **Fire Insurance," devoted to fire 1836; s. oi the late Francis Cantlie and Mary indemnity and rediicing of fire waste, the Stuart; m. 1866, Eleanora Simpson, o. d. of only journal of its kind published. Address: the late William Stephen; two s. one d. 84 Victoria St.. Toronto, Ont. Educ: Mortlach. Arrived Can., 1863; estd. CANADA, Archbishop and Metropolitan firm of Cantlie, Ewan & Co., 1868, which of ; See Sweatman. was reorganized under the name of James CAJVXIFF, WUliam, M.D.; 6. Ontario, A. Canthe & Co., 1893, Mr. C. becoming 20 June, 1830; s. Jonas Canniff, a U. E. L., head of the concern, which position he now and Letta Flagler; m. (1st) Grace Hamilton, holds. Pres., Dom. Travellers' Assn., 1880; (2nd) Elizabeth Foster; six s. one d. .Edue.: Pres. Montreal Bd. of Trade, 1885; Vice- Comiaon Sch., Univ. of Victoria Coll., Co- Pres., Dom. Transport Co.; mem. of the bourg, Ont. Born and brought up on a St. Andrfew's Soc. and a Governor of Mont- farm, worldng until about 18 years of age; real General Hospital and Western Hos- went to school in winter; Student at Vic- pital. Served in First Aberdeenshire Regt., toria Coll.; Student at Toronto Medical 1859-1863; attended Royal Review before School; at Univ., New York. Home Sur- late Queen Victoria, 1861; served two yral geon, N. Y. State Hospital for 14 months; in Victoria Rifles of Montreal. Address: 131 Surgeon on board a vessel to London, Eng. Crescent St., Montreal. Entered St. Thomas Hospital; passed Army CAPPON, James, M.A.; 6. 8 Mar., 1854; Medical (Board; apptd, Acting Asst. Sur- s. of Thomas Cappon and Ellen M. O'Brien; geon Royal Artillery; retired from the Army m. Mary Elizabeth Macnee. Educ: Brou- at the close of the War; travelled through ghty Ferry Parish Sch., Dundee High Sch., Great Britain, Germany, arid France; Hos- and Glasgow Univ., Scot, Arrived in Can- pital WQrk in Paris; returned to Canada; ada, 1888; was Bursar and Medalist in apptd. Professor of Surgery and General Philosophy (Glasgow); Correspondence tu- Pathology, Victoria Coll., Toronto; Dean tor in English at Queen Margaret Coll., of Medical Faculty; retired to general Glasgow; Lecturer in English History for practice; organized Medical Healths Dept., Glasgow Univ, Extension; Prof, of English Toronto, and was the first Medical Health in Queen's University (1888), and of Arts Officer. Publications: Principles of Sur- Faculty (1906). For some years Prof. Cap- gery; The Settlement of Upper Canada; pon took an active part in the University "The Medical Profession in U^j^er Canada, Extension Movement in Canada, and for 1783-1850"; "Canadian Nationality, its four winters, gave courses in English litera- growth and development"; "Earlj; Steam ture at Ottawa, under the auspices of • Navigation in the Dominion;" Historical Government /House. He has also given Sketch of the County of York; "Account of courses in the Normal Sch., at the request the Upper (Canada Rebellion, 1837." .4d- of the Education Department. Publica- eZreas; Belleville, Ont. tions: Victor Hugo; a memoir Britain's title CANNON, Hon. Lawrence John, LL.B.. in South Africa; studies in Canadian Poetry; LL.L., D.C.L,, (Laval Univ.); a Puisne The Secretarian Principle in the Constitu- Judge of the Superior Court of Que,, for the tion of Canada; What Classical' Education Dist. of Three Rivers, since 1905; b. Quebec, means. Recreation: golf. Address: "Fair- 18 Nov., 1852; s, of L. A. Cannon and Miss nook," Kingston, Ont. Cary; m. 1876, Aurelie (d. 1905), d. of J. G. CABLING, Hon. Sir John, K.C.M.G., P. Dumoulin, Prothonotary of the Superior C; b. in Tp. of London, Middlesex, Ont., 23 Ct., Arthabaska; five s. three d. Educ: Jan., 1828; s. of the late Thomas Carling, Quebec Seminary, Laval Univ. Admitted of Yorkshire, Eng., who came tof Canada to the Bar, 1874; commenced practice of his in 1818; m. Hannah, d. of the late Henfy prof, at Arthabaskaville; apptd. Asst. Dalton, London, Ont. Educ: London; el. Attorney-Gen. for the Prov. of Que., 1891; to the London Sch. Board, 1850, and served cr. Q.C., 1897, and in same yr. acted as for four years; City Council, 1854, and served counsel for the Prov. of Que. in the Fisher- for four years; member of Old Can. Legis- ies case before the Judicial Committee of lature, from 1857 to 1867; Receiver General the Privy Council in Eng.; unsuccessful in Cartier-Macdonald Govt., 1862; at Con- candidate for H. of C. at g. e., 1882. Ad- federation, was elec. for London to H. of C., dress: Three Rivers. and also to Ontario Legislature; Commis- CANTLIE, Lleut.-Col. George Stephen; sioner of Agriculture and Public works in Supt. of the Car Service of C. P. Ry.; h. Sandfield-Macdonald Govt., from July, Montreal, Que., 2 May, 1867; e. of James A. 1867, until Dec, 1871; re-elec. in 1872, but Cantlie, wholesale drygoods merchant, Mon- defeated 1874; elec, 1878; entered Sir John treal, and Eleanora Simpson Stephen, sister Macdonald's Administration as Postmaster of Lord Mount Stephen; m. 1896, Beatrice, General 23 May, 1882; Minister of Agri- d. of the late W. Darling Campbell, of Que- culture, 25 Sept., 1885; defeated for London bec. Educ: By private tuition, Montreal 1891; apptd. to the Senate, 27 April, 1891; High Sch., McGill Univ. Entered Audit resigned in Feb., 1892, to contest bye-elec Dept. of C. P. R., 1885; apptd. chief clerk in London for H. of C, and was successful; in office; asst. gen. mgr.; gen. baggage agt., ceased to be Min. of Agriculture on dissolu- and supt. of the car service, 1896. Joined tion of Abbott Ministry, 5 Dec, 1892; mem- 6th Royal Highlanders, 1885; gazetted Lt.- ber of Sir John Thompson's Cabinet, with- 36 WHO'S WHO. CABBUTHEB8

out portfolio same date; re-apptd. to the Leopoldine Castonguay, of St. Roch des Senate, 23 April, 1896; in 1892 was offered Aulnaies (rf. 1894); (2nd), 1897, Matilda position of Lieut. -Governor of Ontario, but Destroismaisons; two fi. one d. Educ: Ste. declined, and in the following year declined Ann's Coll. An Agriculturist. Seo.-Treas. \'the proffered appointment of Honorary of Co." Council, Municipality of Ste. Louise; Commissioner for Canada at the World's sch. commr. of Ste. Louise and Agric. Soc. Fair, Chicago; created Knight Commander of L'Islet Co., since 1893. Unsuccessful can. of the Order of St, Michael and St. George, for H. of C. at g. e« 1900, and at bye-el., 3 June, 1893; in march, 1893, the Standing 1902; first returned to the Legis, by accl., Committee on Agric. of the House of Com- at bye-elec, 26 Sept., 1902; re-elec. at g. e., mons adopted a resolution recording its 1904 and 1908. Address: Ste. Louise, Que. appreciation of the services rendered by CABBEL, Frank; Ed. and Prop, of him to the Agricultural interests of the Quebec Telegraph; b. Quebec, 7 Sept., Dominion. Is Pres. of the Carling Brewing 1870; >s. of James (3arrel anS Josepha But- and Malting Co. Address: Lond<>n, Ont. chart; unmarried. Educ,: Quebec, and CAB9IAN, Bpv. Albert, D.DV, LL.D.; Stanstead Coll. In journalism for many General Supt. of the Methodist Church; b. yrs. Owner of Quebec Telegraph; pres. Iroquois, Dundas Co., Ont., 27 June, 1833; "Frank Carrel, Limited." Publications: s. of Philip Carman, Warden of Cos. of "Carrel's Guide to Quebec;" "Tips;" "His- ' Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, and tory of Quebec Tercentenary. ' Recreations: Emmalin6 Carman, d. of Peter Shaver; m. tennis, fishing, hunting. Address: Chateau Mary .Fane, rf., of Capt. Jas. Sesk; three s. Frontenac. Clubs: Garrison, Hunt, Turf, one d. Bauc: Dundas Co. Gram. Sch., Quebec. . ,, „ Victoria Univ., Cobourg, now Toronto. CABBIES, liouis Auguste, B.A., M.P.; Head Master, Dundas Co. Gram. Sch., 1853- 6. Levis, Que., 24 May, 1858; s. of Antoine 57; Chancellor of Albert Univ., 1857-74 Carrier, and Helen Caroline Sheppard; m. C. Hamel; two s. (confederated with Victoria Coll.); Bishop , 6 Oct., 1892, Angeline of Methodist .Episcopal Church, 1874-84; Educ: Levis Coll. and High Sch. of Quebec Gen, Supt., Methodist Church- since 1884. and Poughkeepsie, N.Y.; Provincial Dir. Publications: Activities of Calling, andi sev- Quebec Central Ry.; elec. to H. of C, bye- eral pamphlets. ^Address: 42 Murray St., elec, 6 June, 1905, by acclam.; re-elec, Toronto. ' 1908; Liberal; Catholic. Address: Levis. CABMAN, Albert Blchardson, B.A.; CABBIQCB, William Jeffrey; 6. Halton Journalist; b. Belleville, Ont., 8 Feb., 1865; Co., Ont., 19 Aug., 1872; s. of William s. of Rev. Dr. Carman, Gen. Supt. of the Carrigue, and Martha Marlowe; m. 1909, .Methodist Church, and Mary Sisk; m, Ger- Mabel Gascoyne. Educ: Georgetown High Manager, trude Walker, , of Belleville. Educ. ; Albert Sch., formerly Advertising Ham- Coll., Belleville. On staff of Toronto Globe, ilton Spectator, and afterwards the Ottawa 1887-1891. Parliamentary Correspondent, Citizen. Pres. and Gen. Man., Canadian 1890-1; Chief Editorial Writer, Montreal Street Car Advertising Co., which controls Star, from, 1891 to date. Publications: T-wo the advertising in all the Street Cars in the novels, "The Preparation of Ryerson Em- Dominion. Recreations: motoring and fish- bury,," and "The Pensionnaires;" one econ- ing. Addresses: Bank of Ottawa Building, omic work, "The Ethies of Imperialism;" St. James St., "The Sherbrooke," Montreal. magazine stories and'reviewarticles. Re- Clubs: National .Toronto; Canada, R. St.,L. creation: golf. Address: Star Office, Mont- Y. C, and Military Club, Montreal. real. CABBOIX., Hon. Henry George, LL B., CABMAN, Bliss, B.A., journalist; b. D.L., Judge of the Supenor Court, Quebec; Fredericton, N.B., 15 April, 1861; c s. of b. Kamouraska, 31 Jan., 1865; s. of M. B. William Carman and Sophia Mary, rf. of Carroll; m. 1891, Amazelie, d. of L. Boulan- George P. Bliss. Educ. : Collegiate Sch. and ger. Merchant of Ste. Agathe de Lotbiniere., Univ. of N.B.; Edinburgh and Harvard. Educ: St. Anne's Coll.. and Laval Univ., Office editor, the Independent, New York, Quebec Admitted to the Bar, 1889; grad. 1890-92. Publications: Low Tide on Grand at Laval Univ., practised his profession at Prd, 1893; Behind the Arras, 1895; A Sea- Fraserville, Quebec; K.C., 1899; Crown mark, 1895; Ballads of Lost Haven, 1897; Attorney for Kamouraska district; elected 1896, and 1900; Soli- f Songs from Vagabondia (with Richard to Parliament, 1891, Hovey), 1894; More Songs from Vagabondia citor-General, Canada, 1902-4; Director of (with Richard Hovev), 1896; by the Aure- the Quebec and Lake Huron Railway Co. lian Wall, 1898; A Winter Holiday, 1899; Publications: President of Pub- Last Songs from Vagabondia, 1900; Christ- lishing Co. Address: 6 Brebae St., Quebec. m s Eve at St. Kavin's, 1901; Ode for the Clubs: Rideau, Ottawa; Garrison, Quebec. Coronation, 1902; Pipes of Pan, No. 1, 1902; CABBTJTHEBS, James; 6. Toronto, Pipes of Pan, No. II, 1903. Recreation: Ont., 1853; s. of George Andrew Carruthers canoeing. Address: 70 Fifth Avenue, New and Janet Carruthers; two s. Educ: Tor- York'. onto. Entered offiqe of T. C. Chisholm, CABNET, Michael: West India mer- grain merchant, Toronto; partner of the chant; b. Waterford, Irel., 11 May, 1839; firm of Crane and Baird; estb. offices of his a. of Edmund Carney and Margaret Carney; own in Montreal, Toronto, and Winnipeg. m. 25 Aug., 1873^ Sarah Richardson. El. Pres. Toronto and Montreal Steambo^ Co.; to H. of C., at g. e., 1904; unsuccessful at United Supply and Contracting Co, ; Hiram g. e., 1908. Address: Halifax, N.S. L. Piper Co.; Montreal and Lake Erie CABON, Hon. Joseph Edouard, M.L. A., Steamboat Co.; Dir., Dominion Bank of Chicago Steam Min. of Agric. for Prov. of Que, ; b. Ste. Can., St. Lawrence and Louise, Que., 10 Jan., 1866; s. of Edouard Navigation Co., Royal Marine Insur. Co., Caron and Desanges Cloutier; m. (1st), 1888 Winnipeg Elevator Co.; ex-pres., Montreal 37 WHO'S WHO.

Bd. of Trade, Corn Exchange; Governor el. to B.C. L^. for Vancouver, 1890; re-el. Montreal Gen. Hospital, Western Hospital. 1894, 1896; defeated 1900; el. for Richmond Address: Montreal. at g. e., 1903. Prov. Min. of Finance from CABSON, Lieut.-Col. John, J.P., Mem. Aug., 1898, to Feb., 1900; Chief Commr. 6f Carson Bros., fire insur. agts., Montreal; Lands and Works from March, 1899, to President of the Crown Reserve Mining Co., Feb., 1900. Apptd, Pres. of the Ex. Coun., 4.' Cobalt; &. Montreal, Que., 13 Oct., 1884; June , 190 Address: Vancouver, B,C. s. of William CarsQn and Mary Johnston; CARTWRIGHT, Alexander Dobbs.; Sec. m. 1885, Minnie IT, d. of the late Henry to the Bd. of Ry. Commrs.'for Canada; b. Corran, of St. John's, Que.; one s. one d. Kingston, Ont., 20 Sept„ 1864; s. of Sir Educ: Schs., of Richard Cartwright and Frances Lawe; m. , Pub Montreal. At age sixteen yrs., entered employ of the Royal A. E. S. Hart; one 8. Educ: Queen's Coll., Insur. Co., and has remained in the insur. Kingston (Grad. 1885). Called to the Bar. business evdt since. Mem. Montreal Board 1888; practiced in Toronto until 1904, when of Trade. Entered Fifth Royal Scots, now apptd. to his present position Recreations: f^fth angling, rifle shooting. Address: 354 , Royal Highlanders, as second Lieut., folf, ^ 22 May, 1891; Capt., 1894; Major, 1898; tewart St., Ottawa. Clubs: Rideau, Golf, Lieut. -Col., 1902; Lieut.-Col. Commanding, Country, (Ottawa; Toronto, Toronto. 1906, when Regt. organized into two CARTWRIGHT, Captain Francis Len- batt. Address: 4113 Sherbrooke St., Mont- nox, D.S.O.; b. 27 March, 1874; 5th

, real. Cluh: Canada. 8. of Rt. Hon. Sir R. J. Cartwright, G.C.M. CARSWELL, Robert; b. Colborne, Ont., G., P.O.; m. 1901, Ada Marion Carlos,* d. 19 July, 1838; s. of Hugh and Margaret of Aiu;ustus F. Perkins of Oak Dene, Holm- Carswell, of Glasgow, Scot.; m. (1st), Mili- wood. Surrey. Educ: Bishop RidleyjCoU.; cent A. Carmen, sister of Rev. Dr. Carmen; St. Catherine's; Queen's Umv., Engston. (2nd) Martha Swan; (3rd) Sophia Frankish; Capt. 14th Batt. Princess of Wales Own one 8. three d. Educ: Grammar Sch,, Rifles, Canadian Militia, 1896; joined North Brighton; Belleville Seminary and Middle- West Mounted Police, 1 897, serVed in sex Univ. course. Taught School at 18 Yukon and North-West Territories; was years of age, during which time he attended seconded to serve in Strathcona's Horse, Seminary and Coll., at intervals until 1864, 1900; served in S. Africa with that corps till when he removed to Toronto, and entered its return to Canada; returned to N. W. M. into Law)3ook selling and publishing. Has P., 1901; retired. 1904; Captain 5th Field published over 200 different volumes of Law Battery, C. A., 1906. Decorated for dis- Books. His life's ambition has been to tinguished service in S. Africa throughout become informed in the life and doctrine the campaign. Recreations: shooting, rid- and theology of the Njew Jerusalem. Re- ing, yachting,, swimming, football, hockey. creations: chefls, drafts., etc. Address: Address: Kingston, Ont. 1534 King St., West, Toronto. Ont. CARTWRIGHT, Rt. Hon. Sir Richard CARTER, Col. James Colebrooke, J. P.; John, P.O.; G.C.M. G., cr. 1897; K.C. h, Fredericton,' N.B.. 22 Nov., 1844; s. of M.G., cr. 1879; Senator, Minister of Trade Sir James Carter, for many years Chief and Commerce and leader of the Senate of Justice of N.B., and Mary Anne Elizabeth Canada; b. Kingston, Ont., 14 Dec, 1835; Carter; m. (1st) Frances Katheilne Jones; s, of late Rev. R. D. Cartwright, Chaplain (2nd) Eleanor Frances Oswall; four «. one d. to the Forces, Kingston, Ctnt., and Harriet, Edy,c.: King's Coll., N.B.; Vice-Chairman d. of Conway Edward Dobbs, of Dublin, Berkshire Territorial Association; served in Ireland; g, s. of Hon. Richard Cartwrieht, the 43rd Light Infantry, and Commanded formerly a Judge of Common Pleas in Up- the 1st V. B. Royal Berkshire Regiment. Canada, and afterwards a member of the Address: Ardii^ton, Wantage, Berkshire, Legislative Council of that Province; m. Eng. Clvhs: Naval and Military, London, 1859, Frances, d. of Col. Alexander Lawe, Eng. of Cork, Ireland; six s. three d. Educ..: CARTERji Rev. John, M.A.; Bursar of Trinity Coll., Dublin. Became President Pusey House, Oxford; b. 7 Nov., 1861; s. of the Commercial Bank of Canada; is Fres. of John Carter, Toronto. Educ. : Up. Can. Director, or Trustee of several commercial Coll., and Trinity Univ., Toronto; Exeter and financial corporations; during its exist- Coll., Oxford (Exhibitioner), 2nd class Lit, ence was Pres. of the Reform Club, Toronto; Hum. 1887. Curate of Limehouse Parish Pres. of the Eastern Ont. Liberal Associa- Church, 1887-89; Resident at Puaey House tion, formed in 1897; elected to Parliament since 1889; Assistant Chaplain Exeter Coll., of Old Canada, for Lennox and Addington, Oxford, 1890-95; Hon. Secretary of the 1863, and continued to sit for that constit- CJhristian Social Union from, its foundation uency until 1867; from Confederation down- ip 1889; Editor of the Economic Review to 1878, represented Lennox in> House of since 1891. Adrfress: Pusey House, Oxford. Commons; defeated in Lennox, 1878; was CARTER, John William; Supreme Sec, returned for Centre Huron at bye-election S.O.E.; b. Cheltenham, Eng., 30 June, on resignation of H. Horton; contested 1839; 8. of John and Sarah Carter; m. Jane Centre Wellington, 1882; elected S. Huron, Honan. Educ: Cheltenham, Eng. Ar- 1883; S., Oxford, 1887, 1891, 1896; Finance rived Canada, May. 1870. Unsuccessful Minister, 1873-78; Chief Financial Critic, candidate for West Toronto at Prov. elec, and one of the Leaders of the Opposition in 1883. Has been Sup. Sec. of the Sons of Parliament, 18.79-96; Acting-Premier and England, B. S. for 27 yrs. Address: 64 Leader in the House of Commons, 1897; Macpherson Av., Toronto. went to Washington, 1897, to promote CARTER-COTTON, Hon. Francis I... M. better relations between Canada and the L.A.; Ed. and Prop, of Vancouver N.ews United States; proposed a Joint Commis- Advertiser; b. Yorkshire, Eng., 1847. First sion, and represented Canada on the Anglo- 38 WHO'S WHO.

American Joint High Commission when it CASGBAIN, Thomas Chase, K.C, LL. sat at Quebec in .the summer of 1S9S, and D.; 6. Detroit, Mich_^ U.S.A., 2S July, 1852; Washington in the winter of 1898-99; Act- a. of Hon. C. E. Cast^rain and Charlotte ing-Premier during Premier's absence at Mary Chase; m. Marie-Louise Le Moine; Laval Colonial Conference, 1907. A Liberal. Ad- one s. , Educ: Quebec Sem. and dreae: 276 O'Connor St., Ottawa. Club: Univ., Que.; member of the Que. Legis., Bideau, Ottawa. 1886-1896; Attorney-General for Que., 1891 1896-1904. Iileut.-Col. Bobert, C. 1896; member of the H. of C, CABTWBIGHT, Royal; formerly Assistant Adjutant- Address: Montreal. Clubs: Mount M.G., 1900; Quebec, General for Musketry, Headquarters, Can.; St. James', Montreal; Garrison, and Rideau, Ottawa. b. 4 Nov., 1860; e. ». of Rt. Hon. Sir R. HazUtt, A.B., LL.B., K. Cartwright; m. 1885, Ivy Maiia Russell, d. CAHAN, Charles N.S., 31 Oct., 1861; s. of pf Benjamin C. Davy; two d. Com and C; b. Yarmouth, Cahan; m. Mary J. School of Musketry; A.A.G. Militia Force of Charles and Theresa «. d. Educ: Yar- Canada; Major and Brevet Lieut. -Col., Hetherington; two one Halifax. Royal Canadian Regiment. Served North , mouth Seminary; Dalhousie Univ., Arts, 1884, in West Rebellion, 1885 (Medal); South Africa Grad. Dalhousie Univ. in called to the Bar of N.S., 1893, Canadian Contingent (Medal, four clasps); Law, .1890; / Bar of Que., ' called to the now engaged in fruit farming. Address: and subsequently for Que., Summerlands, B.C. Clvb: Bideau, Ot- apptd. K.C. for N.S., 1907; K.C. Co., el. tawa. 1909.; Pres. of the Canada Cement CABTELIi, Frank Broadstreet, LL.D., to the N.S. Legis. for Shelbume, 1890; of Conservative Party in N.S. Legis., M.P.; 6. Bloomfield, Co. Carleton, N.B., Leader 1890-94. Addresses: 37 Royal Insurance «. Bishop Carvell and 14 Aug., 1862; of Montreal. Margaret Lindsay; m. Carrie B. Packs, 28 Bldg., (bus.); 198 University St., Jockey, Mexico; JulyJ.887; oned. Sduc.-in theCom. Sch., Cluhs: Halifax, Halifax; and Boston Univ.; graduated from Boston Mount Royal, Montreal. Lochiel, Glen- UniV., June, 1890. Admitted Attorney, CAINS, Fred. L,.; b. Tp. of 1862; s. of Henry Oct., 1890. Eleo. to the H. of Assembly garry Co.. Ont., 19 Feb., m. 1884, Frances of New Brunswick, Feb., 1889, and resigned Cains a;rid Ann Lighthall; Pulstord, of London, Eng.; two s, two d. in Oct., 1900; unsuccessfully contested commenced mercan- Carleton, N.B., for the H. of C. in 1900, but Educ: MoGill Coll.; Greenshield's Ltd., Mont- was eleo. in 1904 and 1908. Address: Wood- tile career with Cains Co., whole- stock, N:B, real; estab. firm Brophy, & CASET, Bight Eev. Timothy, D.D., sale dry goods, 1888; remained with firm until and then organized "F. L. Bishop of St. John; b. Charlotte Co. N.S., 1908, Cains, Ltd.", wholesale dry goods; Pres., 20 Feb., 1862; s. of Jere. Casey and Cath- / 'Travellers' Assoc, of Can., 1905. erine Casey. Educ: St. Joseph's Coll., and Commercial 41 Hampton Laval Univ., Quebec; ordained Priest, 29 Eecreations: golf. Address: St. James St., Mont- Tune, 1886. Bishop, 30 Sept., 1899. Ad- Court, Montreal; 301 real (bus.) St. James', Canada, Forest dress: St. John, N.B. Clubs: and Stream, Royal Montreal Golf, Montreal. CASGBAIN, Hon. Joseph Philippe Baby, Laurentian, Ottawa; (Life Mem. M.A.A.A., C.E., Senator; b. Quebec, Que., 1 March, Montreal.) 1856; s. of P. B. Casgrain, K.C., for 19 yrs. CASH, Edward L., M.D., M.P.; b. Mark- Farlt., P6rrault; mem. of and Mathilde ham, Ont., 26 Dec, 1849; s. of David Cash grandson- of the late Col. C. E. Casgrain, and Elizabeth Eckardt; m. Mary V. Simp- of the Legislative Assembly, 1830- mem. son; one ». two d. Educ: Markham High 1834; g. grandson of the late Hon. James Seh. and Victoria Univ,; Graduated in Baby, at one time Speaker of the Legisla- Medicine at age of 21; went to U.S.A., and tive Assembly of Up. Can. ; m. 1885, Ella, remained for 25 yrs., returning to Canada d. J. four «. d. of the late W. Cook; two in 1896 and was el. to Parlt. for Mackenzie, Educ: Seminary of Quebec. Has followed Sask., in 1904, and again in 1908. Address: prof, of Civil Engineer in Montreal, since Sask. Yorkton, _ i 1888; admitted as a Provincial Land Sur- CASSELS, Hon. Walter Gibson Prlngle, veyor, 1878, and as a Dom. Land Sur., 1881, B.A., K.C, Judge of the Exchequer Court Manitoba and is also an Ont. and Land of Canada; b. Quebec, Que., 14 Aug., 1845; Director Richelieu Ont., Navi- Surv. and 8. of Robert Cassels and Mary Macnab; m, Jan. gation Co. Called to the Senate, 27, Susie Hamilton; two s. four d. Educ: 1900; mem. of the Ottawa Improvement Quebec High Sch.. and Toronto Univ.; Com., since 1903; Chairman of Railway member of the law firm of Blake, Lash and Committee of the Senate. Address: 180 Cassels, Toronto, for many years, during St. James St., Montreal, Que. Clubs: St. which he held briefs as Councel for the C. P. James*, Montreal; Rideau, Ottawa. Ry., in the famous Onderdonk Arbitration, ~ CAS6BAIN, Major Philippe Henri du and for the Province of Ont., Queen's Coun- Perron, R.E.; b. Quebec, 31 May,1864. cil, 1883; apptd. Judge of the Exchequer Educ: Royal Militarjr Coll., Kingston. Ser- Court, 2 March, 1908. Becreations: salmon ved North-West Territory, throughout Re- fishing, golf and curling. Address: 21 Black- bellion, as Adjutant 9th Rifles, 1885 (medal; bum, Av., Ottawa. CTafts; Toronto, Toronto joined R. E., 1885; qualified as an Inter- Hunt, Toronto, Ont.; Rideau, Golf and Sreter in Russian, 1893; Captain, 1894; Country, Ottawa, Ont.; Halifax, Halifax. [ajor, 1902; served Manipur Expedition, CASSILS, Charles; merchant; b. Renton 1891 (medal and clasp); Ordnance Survey, Dumbartonshire, Scotland, 16 June, 1841; Bedford, 1891-95; served S. African War s. of John Cassils and Margaret Murray; m. (despatches, two medals, and five clasps). (1st) 1865, Agnes Shearer, of Rutherglen Address: 8 St. James's Square, S. W. Eng. (d. 1868); (2nd) Miss Cochrane, d. of the 39 WHO'S WHO.

late Senator Cochrane of ,Hillhur3t, Quel; America Development Co., the Bntiah three s. foxir d. Educ: Rutherglen, near Columbia Building Assn., and the Carter Glasgow. On arrival Can., joined firm of River Power Co. Address: Georgia St., Cochrane, Cassils & Co., boot and shoe Vancouver, B.C. Clubs: Vancouver, Ter- mnfrs., Montreal. Represents English minal City, Vancouver. House of Messrs. Bolckow, Vaughan & CHADWICK, His Hon. Austin Cooper, Co., Ltd., «f Middlesboro', Yorkshire. Act- Judge of the County Court, Wellington ed as chief rep. in Can., of the Carnegie County, and local Judge High Court of Steel Co., for many yrs., until formation of Justice, Ontario; b. Tp. of Ancaster, Went- the U.S. Steel Trust. Pres., Dom. Trans- Worth Co., Ont., 18 Nov., 1842; s. John port Co.; dir.. Bell Telephone Co., Northern Craven Chadwick, originally of Ballmora Electric and Mnfg. Co^ Dominion Bridge Co., Tipperary, Ireland, and Louisa, d. of Co., Wii:e and Cable Co., Windsor Hotel Jonathan Bell, Kensington, Eng.; m. Caro- Co., Canadian Transfer Co. International line Christie, d. of Ralph Charles Nicholson, Co., of New York, and various other late of 'Toronto and Lewes, Eng.;, one's, Cos.; mem. Mgusonic fraternity and hfe one d. Educ: at Private Sch. in Clapham, governor of Montreal General Hospital; Eng., and the Guelph Grammar Schs. Pres., St. Andrew's Soc. of Montreal. Was Called to the Bar, 1864; apptd. Junior

Pres., Montreal Philharmonic ' Soc. for Judge of the County of Wellington, Jan., several yrs. Recreation: music. Address: 1873; Local Judge, H. C. J., March, 1882; 209 University St., Montreal, Que. Clubs: Judge Wellington, 1891. Recreations: field

. Mount Royal, St. James', Forest and sports, fishing, shooting. Address: Guelph, Stream, Montreal, Hunt, Canada, Royal St. Ont. Lawrence Yacht, Jockey. CHALLENEB, Frederick Sproston, R. CATTO, Charles James, Captain 48th C.A.; b. Whetstone, En^and, 1869; a. of Regt., Highlanders; h. Toronto, Ont., 14 Edwin and Emma Jane Wood, London; m. Nov., 1868; s. of John Catto and Margaret 1902, Ethel White, Oshawa, Ont.; one s.

Mundee; m. Leila Alice Taylor; five a. Mer- two d. . Educ: St. Paul's Sch., Stratford, chant, Junior Partner of John Catto & Son, Essex. Arrived in Catiada, 1883; studied Toronto. Addreaa: 46 Breadalbane St., at Ontario School of Art, and with G.J A. Toronto. Club: Canadian Military Institute, Reid, R.C.A., Toronto; also in 'Englajid, Toronto. Italy, Efeypt, and Syria; A.R.C.A.; received < CATTO, Dr. William; b. Aberdeenshire, medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo; Scotland, 1867. Educ: Aberdeen Univ., mem. of Council, Toronto Guild of Civic and later at Edinburgh; completed his Art.; Ont. Society of Artists, and Royal

medical educ, Berlin, Germajiy. ' Went by Canadian Academy of Art. Principal works: sea from. Liverpool to Dawson at height of National Gallery, Ottawa—^Workers of the

Klondike fever. In addition to large medi- Fields (Diploma work) ; A Song at Twilight. cal practice has taken a great interest in Provincial Art Gallery, Toronto—^The Mijk- mining operations; operated first mill on maid; When the Lights are Low; A Quiet a quartz deposit at Klondike. Address: Old Road; mural decorations—Russell Dawson, Y.T. Theatre, Ottawa; King Edward Hotel,' CAVERHtLL, George; mem. of the firm Toronto; and C. P. R. HotelJThe Alexandra of Caverhill, Learmont & Co., Hardware Winnipeg; steamers of the R. and O. Nav, Merchants; 6. Beauharnois, Que., 18 Oct., Co.; medal at Louisiana Purchase Expoai-'i 1858; 8. of Thomas Caverhill and Elizabeth tion, 1904. Address: Old Court Ho'ikae, Spiers Buchanan; m. 1887, Emily Margaret, Toronto. d. of John Caverhill; one s. one d. Educ. CHAMBERLAIN, Montague; b. St.

Montreal High Sch., Coll. Inst, of Gait, . John. N.B., April 5, 1844; s. Samuel M. MoGill Univ. Entered the employ of Chamberlain and Catherine W. Stevens. Crathern & Caverhill, 1877; joined his bro. Educ: pvt. schs., St. John, until 1858; un- the late Frank Caverhill, J. B. Learmont. married. Bookkeeper 18 yrs., and partner and T. H. Newman in organizii^ the firm 1885-7, firm of J. & W. F. Harrison, whole-, of Caverhill, Learmont & Co. Was Pres., sale grocers, St. John; asst. sec, 1889-93, Montreal Bd. of Trade; Vice-Pres.', Mont- sec, 1893-1900, Lawrence Scientific Sch. real Loan and Mortgage Co.; dir.. Dominion For 10 yrs. was active mem. of Canadian Iron and Steel Co,, Montreal Street Ry. Co., Militia; retired with rank of Capt. Mem. Royal Victoria Life Ins. Co., Richeheu and Natural History Soc, of N.B., Boston Nat- Ontt Nav. Co., Canadian Colored Cotton ural History Soc, Am,. Ornithol. Union, Mill? Co.; governor, Montreal General Hos- Nuttall Ornithol. Club,, Victorian Club pital. Address: 166 Drumnaond St., Mont- (Boston), Boston Folk Lore Soc, and Ind- real, Que. Clubs: St. James', Mount Royal, ian Industries League. Publications: Cana- Montreal, Canada, Forest and Stream, dian Birds, 1870; Systematic Table of Cana- Royal Montreal Golf, Mon^renl Hunt, Mont- dian Birds, 1887; Nuttall's Ornithology',., renl Jockey, Royal St. Lawrence Yacht. revised and extended, 1891 and 1896; Birdd CEPEBLEY, Henry T.; real estate agent of Greenland, 1892; Some Canadian Birds, b. Oneonta, N.Y., 10 Jan., 1851; s. of Martin 1895; The Church Army, 1897; Maliseet Ceperley and Desiah Winnie; one s. one d. Vocabulary, 1899; The Penobscot Indians, Educ: Pub. Schs. and secired teacher's 1899; also various bulls,, etc. Address: certificate. Taught sch. in New York Felton Hall, Cambridge, Mass. State, until 1875, when he removed to CHAMBER I. AT^E, Miss Catharine Minnesota and later to Montana, where he Jane, B.A.; b. Toledo, Can.;d. Ashley engaged in real estate. Became resident Taylor Chamberlayne and Cynthia Sheffield Vancouver, 1886, where has built up exten- Thompson. Educ: Elmira Coll. for Women, sive busincFS as real estate and insur. a^ent, 1865; studied literature and French, in also mining broker. Dir. of the British Paris. Lady prin., Lasell Sem., 9 yrs., Cin- 40 . WHO'S WHO.

einnati Wealeyan Coll., 6 yrs., Wilbraham "Histoire du 65eme Regiment Carabiniers Acad., 7 yrs.; founded, 1892, and since Mont Royal" (Montreal, 1906); "History prin.. Miss Chamberlayne's School for Girls. of the Royal Northwest Mounted Police" Address: The Fenway, Boston, Mass. (Montreal and Ottawa, 1906); "A History CHAMBERS, Edward Thomas Davles; of the Canadian Militia" (Ottawa, 1907) b. SaCfron Walden, Eng., 26 June, 1852, "Canada's Fertile Northland," three edi- ' s. of Edward Thomas Chambers and Louisa tions (Govt. Printing Bureau, Ottawa, 1907, Percy Davies; m. Margaret, d. of the late 1908, 1909); "The Settler's Guide," (Winni- ',. James' Jamieson, J.P.; three a. one d. peg, 1908); "The Great Mackenzie Basin" Arrived in Canada, May, 1870i in the seven- (Govt. Printing Bureau, Ottawa, 1908); ties was Principal of the Granby and St. "The Allan Line" a history and guide book Andrew's Academies. In journalism and (London, Eng., 1909); "The Canadian literary pxirsuits ever since. For many Parliamentary Guide," edition^ ' of 1908, years editor Quebec Chronicle. For ten 1909, and 1910 (Ottawa). Has been con- years a member of the Quebec City Council, nected with Canadian Militia for many yrs and for sometime Pro, Mayor. Past-Grand As a boy commanded the Montreal^ High Master Masonic Grand Lodge, Que. Pub- Sch. Cadet Rifles, and later was Adjutant licatiorts: The Onananiche and its Canadian of the 6th Fusiliers, now the Prince of 'Environments; Illustrated Quebec, The Wales' Fusiliers. At present Capt. of the Port of Qubec; Chambers Guide to Quebec; Corps of Guides, on special service, attached The Anglers Guide to Eastern Canada; The to Intelligence Branch at Headquarters. Sportsman's Companion, etc. Recreation: Recreations: shooting, fishing. Addresses: Angling and gardening. Address: 274 Grand The Senate, Ottawa; 325 Daly Ave., Ottawa Allee, Quebec. Club: Garrison, Quebec. CHAMBERS, Rev. James, B.A., M.A., CHAMBERS, Captain Ernest John; D.D.; 6. Holbrook, Ont., Mar. 1, 1851; s. Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, the Robert Chambers and Katharine Lucas ; b, Penkridge, Stafford- Nesbitt; m. 1877, Jessie Irene Buell. Educ: shire, Eng., 16 April, 1862; 8. of Edward Princeton, 1872; Princeton Theol. Sem., ^ Thomas Chambers, and Louisa Percy Dav- 1875' Ordained to Presby'n Miiiistry,1875; ies (both Eng).; m. 1898, Bertha Macmillan, pastor Sherburne, N.Y., 1875-1882; Calvary of Kingstbn, Ont'.; -one s. one d. Educ: Presby'n Ch., New York, 1882-1900; del- Prince Albert Sch., St. Henri Que., a.nd ivered sermon in 1894 that started cam- Montreal High. Sch. Came to Canada with paign against Tammany; 3 times moderator his parents, 1870. Father was for most of Presbytery of New York; mem. 5 Gen his life engaged in educational work in Eng. Assemblies, Presby'n Ch.; editor Church and Prov. of Que. An ancestor on father's Work, 12 yrs.; writer of religious, critical side (Rear Admiral 'Thos. Chambers) served and reform articles. Connected with Nat. in Saunders' fleet at Quebec, 1759, and Bank of Norwich, N.Y., since 1900. Life during the Revolutionary War commanded mem. A. B. C. F. M., Am. Home Missionary the British Squadron on Lake Champlain Soc, Am. Tract Soc, Am. Bible Soc. Clubs: and .George. Until apptd. to the Senate, Presby'n Union (New York), Norwich. Ad- was actively engaged in journalism, most dress: Norwich, N. Y. of the time in Montreal. In 1888 and 1889, CHAMPAGNE, Albert, M.P.; b. Ottawa, was Managing Director and Editor of the Ont., 23 June, 1867-: s. of Seraphin Cham- Calgary Herald, the pioneer daily newspaper pagne and Melina Ducharme; m. 29 Sept., in the then . Was for 1895, Ester Oliver. JSduc; Christian Bros. two years joint proprietor and editor of the Sch., Ottawa; constable in the R. N. W. M. Canadian Military Gazette. Has contribu- P., for 10 years, stationed at Battleford in ted to a variety of publications oa histori- "C" Division; was elec. first Mayor of the cal, military, hunting and3 yachting sub- town of Battleford, July ,1904; was elep. jects. Among his books are the following: a member of Legislature of Saskatchewan! "Suburban Montreal," six editions (pub- elec. to H. of C, 1908; a brother of Control- lished at Montreal, 1890-96); "The Origin ler Champagne, Ottawa; Roman Catholic; and Services of the Prince of Wales' Regi- Liberal. Address: BattlefordiSisk. ment" (^Montreal, 1897); "The Third (Mont- CHAMPAGNE, Napoleon; Controller of real) Field Battery, its Origin and Ser- Ottawa; b. Ottawa, Ont., 4 May, 1862; s. of vices" (Montreal, 1898); "Elistory of the Seraphin Champagne and Melina Ducharme. Queen's Own Rifles of Canada," (Toronto, Educ: Christian Brothers Sch., Ottawa, 1903); "The Montreal Highland Cadets, a and Law Sch.; alderman for Ottawa for Corps History" (Montreal, 1901); "The fifteen years; Controller for three years; Governor General's Body Guard, Canada" Acting Mayor; unsuccessful candidate for (Toronto, 1902); The Duke of Cornwall's H. of C, three times, and once for the Own Rifles," (Ottawa, 1903); "The Book of Legislature in the Conservative interests. Montreal" (Montreal, 1903); "The Royal Address: 48 Sparks St., Ottawa. Club: Elks, Grenadiers, a Regimental History" (Tor- Ottawa. onto, 1904); "The 5th Regiment, Royal CHAPAIS, Jean Charles, LL.B.; b- St. Scots of Canada (Highlanders)" (Montreal, Denis de la Bouteillerie, Kamouraska Co., .1904); "The Book of Canada" (Montreal, Que., 6 March, 1850; s. of Hon. Jean Charles 1905); "A Great Building Firm of a Great Chapais, Senator of Canada, and Georgina a mem, I City" (Montreal, 1905); "The Canadian Dionne, d. of Hon. Lunable Dionne, Marine, a History of the Department of of the Legislative Council of Quebec, before Marine and Fisheries" (Toronto, 1905); Confederation; m. Henrietta d. of Alexis "Regimental History of the 90th Winnipeg Thomas Mechaiid, M.D., on of the Gover- Rifles" (Winnipeg, 1905); "Encyclopedia of nors of the Coll. of Medicine, of Quebec; Canadian Biography," Volumes I and II one s. one d. Educ: Coll. of St. Ann de (Montreal and Toronto, 1904 and 1906); la Pocatiere, Kamouraska County, Que., and 41 ;


Laval, Que.; admitted to the Barr, 1870; Civil Engrs. Summers 1889-1890, instru- practised law for two years; has since ment man and draughtsman on mimicipal devoted all his time to agriculture; was and general engineering for P. H. Baerinan, Associate Editor of the official Journal of C.E., Troy, N.Y.; Nov., 1890, transHman, Agriculture of the Province of Quebec, from Hudson luver Impvt. Commission- U.S. 1879 to 1890; also official Agricultural Corps Engrs.; July to Sept., 1891, transit- preliminary location for proposed Lecturer. Is at present, since 1890, Assist, f man Dairy Commissioner, Canada; waa Secretary railway form Greenwich, N.Y., to Rutland, the first Quebec Forestry Association; Dir., Vermont; Sept., 1891, to May, 1892, General Vice-Pres. and Pres. of the Pomological and Engr. practice office of P. H. Baerman, fruit growing Soc, of the Prov. of Que.; and Troy, N.Y.; May, 1892, to Jan., 1894, since 1879, Agricultural Lecturer in all the Asfflstant to Div. Engr., Eastern Div., French Sections of the Dominion; ooUobor- C. P. R., general maintainance-of way, ator and correspondent of the French and yards surveys, &c.; Jan. to Aug., 1894, English Agricultural Press for 30 years. private practice Ottawa, Canada; Aug., Publications: Bpo^ on Forestry "The Can- 1894 to Feb. 1895, in charge topographic adian Foresters' Illustrated Guide," in party on Hydrographic Survey of Fraser French and English, 1883. Address: St. River, B.C., for Dept. Public Works, Can.; Denis de la Bouteillerie, Kamouraska, Co., May to Sept., 1896, structural draftsman

; Quebec. Soulanges Canal construction. Coteau Land- CHAFAI8, Hon. Joseph Amable Thomas ing, Que.; Sept., 1895 to June, 1896, Aaat.^ LL.D., M.L.C.; b. St. Denis de Kamouraska, Engineer on adjustment of final estimates,* 23 March, 1858; ». of the late Hon. J. Cj Canadian Ship Canal, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.;' Chapait- and Henriette Georgina Dionne; June, 1896 to June, 1900, structural draftS'r", m. Hectorine, e. d. of SiriHector Langevin, man, later Assist. Engr. Soulanges Canaj' formerly Min. of Pub. Works for Canada. construction, Cot'eau Landing, in resj^on- Educ: at Coll. of St. Anne de la Pooatiere. sible charge of design of working drawings,* Studied law and called to the Bar of Que., construction estimates, &c., Dept. of B^l- 1879. From 1884 to 1890, was Chief ways and Canals, Canada; June, 1900 Jo Editor, and from 1890-1901, Proprietor and March, 1901, Asa't. Engr., N.Y. State Barge Editor of Le Courrier du Canada. Unsuc- Canal survey in charge of deragns and cessful can. for H. of C. at g. e., 1891. Appd. estimates of locks and their equipmmt a"hd to Legis. Coun., March, 1892; Jan., 1893, construction proposed 12' Canal, Bunaje'to Min. without portfolio in Talllon Govt., and Albany, and on Champlain Canal improve- Leader of Govt, in Legis. Coun.; Pres. of ment; March, 1901, to June, 1904, Asst. Legis. Coun., 1895; Pres. of the Council, Engr., Dept. Public Works Engineer in May, 1896; Min. of Coliniiiation' and Mines charge Hydro-graphic investigation. Middle in Flynn Govt., 1897. Publicatione: "Le Channel River, St. Lawrence Kingston to sennent du Roi, 1§00; Jean Bolin, Intend- Brockville, Ont., for 14' navigation, also ant of New France, 1904; Melanges, 1905, surveys and improvenients of harbor and etc. Address: 3 Ursulines St., Quebec. chanels upper St. Lawrence Dist., June to. CHAPLEAU, Major Samuel Edmour St. Oct., 1904, Prin. Asst. Engr. in organization Onge; Clerk of Senate of Canada and of Canadian Hydrographic office and in Clerk of Parliaments of Canada, since 1900; charge district Montreal to Great Lakes, 6. Syracuse, N.Y., 1839; 2nd «. of Pierre Dept. of Marine, Can. To date, Engr. in Chapleau, builder, Montreal; m. Caroline K; charge Nipissing Dist. (Mem. of Board of 3rd d. of Lt.-Coi. Qeo. W, Patten, U.S. Advisory Engrs.), Geo, Bay Ship Canal Army; one s. Educ: Coll. of Terrebonne. survey for Dept. Public Works, Can. Re- Weijt'to U.S., 1860; entered regular army, creations: Motor boating, canoeing, hunting. 1861. Received brevet ,rank of Capt. ,for Address: P. O. Box 203, Ottawa. Clubs: gallant and mertiorious services at battle Yacht, Canoe, Gananoque, Ont." Rowing,' of Murfreesboro', Tenn.j and that of Brevet- Ottawa. Major for gallant services during Atlanta His Hon. Thomas William, campaign and at battle of Jonesboro,* Ga. CHAPPLE, of the District of Kenora; 6. Kilkenny was also at battle of Shiloh, Tenn., the Judge Ireland, 10 Feb., 1813; «. of Capt. William siege of Corinth, Miss., and battles of Chick- and Entyohia McNaughton; m. amauga and Chattanooga, Tenn,; sent to Chappie Lucy Ann French, of Oshawa; one 8.; Educ.: Memphis during the riots in that city, 1866; Newcastle and Toronto, Ont.; arrived in in command of the troops at Augusta, Ga., Canada, 9 Oct., 1858; called to the Bar of during the riots, 1868. Retired from U.S. Ontario, 1883; elected M.P., 1894; apptd. Army, 1871; entered Civil Service of Can., Judge, 1898. Recreations: Baseball and 1873; Secretary of Department of Public boating. Address: Kenora, Ont. Club: Works, Sheriff of North West Territories, Lake of the Woods. and Clerk of the Crown in Chancery. Re- creaiions: Reading, camping, fishing, shoot- CHAPUT, Charles; head of the firm of ing, horseback riding, etc. Address: The L. Chaput, Fils & Cie, wholesale grocers, '^ Senate, Ottawa, Canada. Clubs: Rideau, Montreal; b. Montreal, Que., Nov., 1841; Ottawa; Army and Navy, New York. 8. of the late Leandre Chaput, founder of CHAPLEAU, Samuel .Tefferson, C.E.; b. the firm of L. Chaput, Fils & Cie, and Atlanta, Ga., 1 Jan., 1869; 8. of Major S. E. Helene St. Denis; three 8. two d. Educ: Chapleau, clerk of the Can. Senate, and French and English Schs., Montreal. Joined Carrie K. Patten; m. Mary Edith, d. of father's firm as clerk, 1857; made partner James Gouin, Postmaster of Ottawa; one s. 1862, head of the firm, 1878. Mem. of the one d. Educ: Ottawa Coll. Inst, and Council of Montreal Bd. of Trade. Dir., Rensselaer Poly. Inst., Troy, N.Y. (grad., Ass. Co.; Vice-Pres., Montreal 1891). Member of Can. and Amer. Soos., Business Men's League; Gov., Notre Dame 42 ; ,;^


Hospital and Mem. Montreal Dispensary. tecture in Montreal, Chicago, and Milwaukee, Adareaa: 349 Sherbrooke St. E., Montreal. U.S. Practiced as an ai-chitect in Montreal CHAKBONNEAU, Hon. Napoleon, K.C.; for twelve yrs.; apptd. head of the Bureau a Puisnie Judge of the Superior Court of the of Bldg. Inspection, Montreal, 1900. Mem. Prov. of Que., since 1903; 6. Cote des Neiges, of the Council of the Chamber of Commerce Que., 12 Feb., 1853; «. of Augustin Char* commr. of the Superior Ct.; Vice-Pres. of bonneauand Julienne Dufort. Educ. : Mont-' International Soc. of Inspectors of Bldgs.; real Coll. Admitted to the Bar, 1879, and Sec Architectural Inst, of Can.; past Pres, practiced prof, in Montreal. UnsuccesBful Prov. of Que, Assn. of Architects; corres. candidate for H. of C, at g. e., 1887; elec. mem. National Socs. of Architects of U.S., 1895. Address: 36 Simpson St., Montreal. France, Belgium, Holland, England, Spain^ CHARLTON, Alexander Drysdale, Asst. Portugal, etc. Mem, Coimcil of the Per- Gen. Passngr. Agt., Northern Pacific Ry.; manent Committee of International Con- 6. Hamilton, Ont., 15 Nov., 1859. Entered gresses of Architects, British Fire Preven- Hy. service, Feb., 1876, since which he has tion Com., Comite Technique centre les been consecutively to June, 1877, Clerk, Accidents et les Incendies (France). Pres, Auditor's office Great Western Ry. of Can. Fire Prevention Committee of the Ameri- June 8, 1877, to Feb. 15, 1884, with Chicago can Soc. of Municipal Itaprovements; was & Alton Rd., successively in charge return mem. of the Congresses of Architects of ticket dept., and of issuing tickets and rate Paris, 1889; Brussels, 1897; Paris, 1900^ clerk; Feb. 15, 1884, to date, successively Madnd, 1904; London, 1906; Vienna, 1908; gen. western passngr. agt. and asst. gen. Congress 0f Civil Engineering at St. Lotds, passngr. agt.. Northern Pacific Rd. and its U.S., 1905; Congress of Fire Prevention^

successor, the Northern Pacific Ry. Ad- ( London, Eng., 1903, when awarded a silver j dress: Portland, Ore. ' medal; Coi^ress of Sanitation in Houses CHABliTON, George James, Gen. Pass- Geneva, 1906; Congress, Chambers of Com- ngr. Agt., ChicEigo & Alton Ry.; b. Hamil- merce of the Empire, in London, 1906. ton, Ont., 9 Sept., 1860. Educ: Pub. and Puhlicaiions: Building Inspector's Hand' Friv. Schis. Entered Ry. service 1875, as book. Code of Building Laws, both in Eng- Messenger Boy, Gen; Passngr. Dept., Chic- lish and French; contributions to several ago & Alton Rd., since which he has been technical publications and reviews. Ad-

consecutively to March, 1895, successively . dress: 1433 St. Hubert St., Montreal. Junior Clerk, Conductor's Clerk, Ticket CHAtJTEAtJ, Hon. Charles F, X. Alex- Stock Clerk, Rate Clerk and Ticket Accnt. andre, LL.D., K.C.; Chev. Leg. Hon. same Dept.; , 1885 to Jan. 1, 1900, (France); Vice-Pres. La Banque Nationale; Asst. Gen. Passngr. Agt., and Jan. 1, 1900, 6. Quebec, 23 Feb., 1847; s. of Hon. P. J. to date. Gen. Passngr Agt.; entire service 0. Chauveau, former , with the Chicago & Alton Rd. and its suc- and Flore Masse; m. Marie Adele, d. of Hon, cessor, the Chicago & Alton Ry. Address: Judge Tessier; two a* Educ: Jesuit's Coll.,

Chicago, 111. Coll. St. Sulpice, Montreal ; McGill and CHABLTON, Harry Beady; b. St. Johns, Laval. Descendant of an old family of He Que., 9 Feb., 1866; m. R. L. Edith Osgoode: d'Oleron, France, whom emig. to Canada,

one s. Educ. : St. John's High Sch. ; started abou|; 1720. Called to Bar of Que.. 1868; in 1881, with the St. Johns News, and was el. to Leg. Ass., 1872; Solicitor General, afterwards with the Montreal Herald for 1878; Prov. Sec, 1879; Judge of Sessions, five years; C. P. R. Co., for five years, and 1880; Prov. of Criminal Law at Laval Davis and St. Lawrence Co. for two years. Univ.; Quebec for 15 yrs.; Director and Entered the service of the G. T. Ry. System, Vice-Pres. La Banque Nationale. Addressr 1 Jan., 1898, as Advertising Agent; now Chateau Frontenac, Quebec; Rimouski, General Advertising Agent for G. T. Ry. (Summer). Systiem, and G. T. Pacific Ry.; Address: 8 CHEW, Thomas Edward Manley, M.P.; Sussex Av., Montreal. Clubs: Transporta- 6. Rugby, Ont., 11 Aug., 1874; s. of Geo. tion, Buffalo; Press Club, Chicago. Chew, and Sophia Lawrence; m. 1 March, CHATEATTVEBT, Victor; b. Quebec, 1899, Eflae Williams; one d. Educ: Midland Que., 1841; s, of Pierre Chateauvert and Ont., first returned to H. of C, 1908; Metho- Angele Rousseau; m. Virginie Dussault, of dist; Liberal. Address.* Midland, Ont.

I . , . Quebec; four s. three d. Educ: Christian CHISHOLM, Alexander W., M D . M P.

. Brothers' Sch., William Thorn's English b. Margard Forks, C.B., 24 Jan., 1869; a. of Academy, Quebec. Entered employ Louis William and Mary Chisholm. both Scotsh; Renaud & Frere (now J. B. Renaud & Co.), m. 27 Jan.,; 1904, Clara Le Brun. Educ: flour, grain and provision merchants, 1885; Margard Forks High Schy St. Francois became a partner, 1879; boi^ht out the Xavier Coll., Antigonish. Was a candidate bis. together with Gaspard Lemoine, 1884. in a three cornered contest in the Co. of Pres. Renaud & Co.. Ltd., Dir. La Banque Inverness, 1904, but was defeated; first Nationale; Pres. Quebec Bd. of Trade, 1891- elec. to H. of C, 1908; Roman Catholic; 1893. Served as Harbor Commr. of Que. Lib^^,l. Address: Margard Harbour, N.S. El. to Que. Legis. Assembly, 1892; retired CHISHOLM, Hon. Christopher P.; Com. on dissolution tnat Parlt. Address: St. Foy of Works and Mines of Nova Scotia; 6,

Rd., Quebec. Clydesdale, Antigonish Co. , N .S. , April CHAUSSB, Alcide; Supt. of Bldgs., 1854; of Scottish parentage; m. 1890, Sarah Montreal; b. Saint Sulpice, I'assoniption Campbell, of Antigonish. Educ: St. Fran- Co., Que., 7 Jan., 1868; s. of Edouard cois Xavier- Coll., Antigonish. Called to Ohausse, lumber merchant, and Rose de Bar of N.S., 1883. Apptd. Notary, 1884, Lima Rivet; m. 1894. Rose de Lima Ren- El. to N.S. Ass., 1891, and has represented aud; two s. Educ: St. Mary's Academy, Antigonish continuously since. Called to Montcalm Sch., Montreal. Studied arcm- the l^rov, Cabinet without portfolio, 16 43 ,


Feb., 1903. Apptd. Com. of Public Works Councillor in Antigonish for two terms. and Mines, 23 March, 1907; re-el. by accl. at First elec. to Federal Parlt., at bVe-elec. bye-el., 9 April, 1908. Address: Halifax, in 1905; re-elec. at ^g. e., 1908. Address: N.S. Antigonish, N.S, Clubs: Antigonish, and CHISHOIiM, Hugh J.; h. Niagara-on- Neptune, Antigonish; Laurentian, Ottawa. the-Lake, Ont., May 2, 1847; m. 1872, Hen- CHOQUET, Francois Xavier, B.C.L, rietta Maaon, Portland, Me. Was train (MoGill); h. Varennea, Que., 8 Jan., 1851; a. newsboy on G. T. Ry., at 13; studied in of Jean Baptiste Choquet and Adeline evening, classes at a business coll. in Tor- Provost; m, Mary Caroline Barry,' of "Trois onto, gradually secured control of news Pistoles, Que. Educ: L'Assomption and

^ routes on trains of G. T. Ry., east to Port- Montreal Colls.; studied law under Sir L. A. land, Me., taking his brothers into partner- Jette and Senator Beique in firm of Jette ship and steadily added to this business. an,d Beique; took a law course at McGill

Sold out Canadian business and purchased Univ., from which he grad. B.C.L., 1874. , his brothers' interests in New England; Called to the Bar, 10 Jan., 1875, and com- located in Portland and added publishing. • menced practice of his profession in Mont"^^ Became interested in wood-pulp business real; partner in firm of Jette and Beique for late in '70s; began mfr. of indurated fibre four yrs.; practiced alone for six yrs.; partij ware; organized Somerset Fibre* Co.; mfg. ner in the firm of Mercier, Beausoleuil and } wood-pulp at Fairfield; ratablished, 1881, Choquet, 1884-1892, when name of the firm Umbagog pulp mill at Livermore Falls on was changed to Beausoleil & Choquet; or. Androscoggin River, and later organized K.C., 7 March, 1893; mem. of Council of the Otis Falls Pulp Co.; develojjed water Montreal Bar, 1894-1897; apptd. a del, to power at Rumford Falls, organizing Rum- Gen. Ciouncil of Bar, of frov. of Quebec; ford Falls Power Co.; becanje largely inter- apptd. Judge of the Sessions of the Peace, ' ested in mfg. enterprises there and estab- License Commr. , Police Magistrate 24 Dec. lished there a community of model homes 1889, and Extradition Commr. under the for mill operatives, known as Strathglass Extradition Act Of 1901. Pres., Montreal Park; organized and is Prea* Portland and Children's Aid Soc. Recreations: hunting, Itumford Falls Ry., Rumford Falls and fishing. Address: 814 Dorchester St., W., Rangeley Lakes R. R.; with William A. Montreal. 'Clubs: Engineers', Montreal, Russell and others organized International Winchester, . Paper Co., and on death of Mr. Russell, CHOQUETTE, The Hon. Philippe Au- became its Pres., and Nov., 1907, chmn. guste, LL.D., Senator; b. at Beloeil, b'd. dirs.; also Pres. or Dir. various other Que., 26 Jan., 1854; s. of Joaeph Choquette, corp'na. Address: 813 5th Av. Office: 30 a farmer; and Dame Majie F. Audet; m. ^ Broad St., New York. Aug., 1883, Marie Bender, d. of A. Bender, - CHISHOLM, Joseph Andrew, B.A., M. Prothonatary of the Superior Court of the A., LL.B., K.C.; h. St. Andrews, Antigonish District of Montmagny, and Grand d. of the Co., N.B., 9 Jan.,, 1863; s. bf William Chis- late Sir. Eteanne Pascal Tache, Prime Min-

holm, J.P., and Flora Mackintoah; , m. ister of Canada before Confederation; five Frances Alice AflBick, d. of James Afflick; s. three d. Educ: at the Coll of St. Hya- five d. Educ: St. Francis Xavier Coll., cinthe and Laval Univ. Obtained his de- Antigonish, and Dalhousie Coll., Halifax; gree as Advocate in 1880, also the silver admitted to tHe Bar, 1886; contested An- miedal offisred by Marquis of Lome, then tigonish for of but the H. C, 1895 and 1896, Governor General ; Private Secretary to the was defeated; President North British Soc. late Hon. Mr. Mercier; founded the "Sen- of Halifax,, 1889; apptd. K.C., 1907; Pres. tinelle" of Montmagny, in 1883, Which still' Canadian Club, 1908; Mayor of Halifax, exists in the name Of '^Courrier de Mont- 1909-10. Publications: Joseph Howe, a magny'' In 1896, founded at Montreal, Sketch (1909); speeches and public' letters the journal "Le Soir." Entering political of Joseph Howe (1909); contributor to the life in 1882, was defeated, but was eleo. for Catholic Encycleopedia. Recreations: Walk- H. of C. for same Co., in 1887, re-elec." in ing. Address: Hillside Hall, Halifax, N.S. 1891, and 1896. Apptd. Judge of the Sup- CZub; Halifax. reme Court for the Proyinoe of Quebec; CHISHOLM^ Thomas, M.B., M.D., CM., resigned, 1904, as Judge to accept a Senator- M.P.; b. Glenwilliams Co. Halton, Ont„ 12 ship, and to take charge of the general April, 1842; s. John Chisholm, and Jane elections-in the District of Quebec and its McCliu-e; m. Margaret Gerrie; two s. one d. environs; edited "Le Soleil," French Liberal Educ: Self-eductaed, and finished at Tor- organ, of Quebec, 1905-1906. President, onto Univ.; spent his early life on a farm The Boston Asbestos Co., Ltd.; President where he had hired out, after loosing hia of the Ha Ha Bay Ry., and ex-President, mother; studied at night without a teacher. and now legal advisor of the Canada and Taxi^ht pub. sch., then High Sch.; studied Gulf Terminal Ry., both under construction medicine; lectured in Western Univ., Lon- Address: Quebec. Clubs: St. Louis, and don, Ont. Practiced Enedicine for 30 yrs. Garrison, Quebec. Elec. member of Parlt., 1894, andXn 1898. CHRISTIE, Major Albert Edward, D.S. ; Publications: Rhyming history of England, O., 16th Mounted Rifles; b, 3 Dec, 1860; a. in 100 lines; Dialogues on English History of late Charles Robertson Christie, of Tor^ and "The Hunter's Adventures in the Can- onto; m. 1902, Mary Ludlow, d. of Hoip adian Wilderness. Address: Wingham, Ont. Mr. Justice Wetmore; two s. -Served North CHISHOLM, TFUliani, B.A., M.P.,; b. West Rebellion, 1885; South Africa. 1900. Heatherton, Antigonifh, Co., N.S., 8 Dec, jlrfdrcBs; Brandon, Man. 1870; s. of John and Isabella Chisholm; CHRISTIE, John, K.C.;b. Ottawa, Ont. unmarried. Educ: at St. Francis Xavier 21 Jan., 1847; s. of Alexander and Susannah Univ., Antigonish, N.S.; has been a Town Chnstie; Unmarried. Educ: Ottawa and 44 ; WHO'S WHO.

Philadelphie, Pa. Called to the Bar of Out., ' 21 years of age; grad. from O. A. C, in 1908; 1878; joined the legal ' firm of Pinhey, apptd. on the staff of Guelph in the same Christie & Hill; now head of the firm of year. In 1902, was apptd. Chief of th& Christie, Greene & Hill. Re(preation: read- seed division of the Federal department, and ing. Address; 211 Bronson Av., Ottawa, in 1905, promoted seed Commissioner. Or-- Clubs: Rideau, Golf, Country, Ottawa. ganized the seed branch of the Department CHBTSLEB, Francis Henry, B.A., K. of Agriculture, and instituted the work of ,C.; b. Kingston, Ont.; a. of Gordon Harvey seed testing and control of the seed trade of Chrysler, a. of Colonel John Chrysler, Chrys- Canada, under the Hon. S. A. Fisher. Pub-' ler's Farm, and Jane Mackenzie, d. of Capt. libations: Farm nbeds of Canada; and num- James Mackenzie, R.N.; m. Margaret erous reports and bulletins of the depart- Grant; two s. two d. Educ: at Queen's ment. Address: 501 O'Connor St., Ottawa- Coll., Kingston; engaged in practice of law CLABK, Lieut.-Col. Hugh, M.L.A.; 6. at Ottawa, sitice 1872. Publications: Edgar Kincardine, 6 May, 1867; s. of Donald and and Chrysler Insolvent Act, 1875. Address: Mary Clark; m. Kate Ross, e. d. of H. M. 87 Catherine St., Ottawa. Clubs: Rideau, Ross., M.D., of Richard's Landing, Ont.;. Country, Golf, Ottawa. one 8. Educ: Kincardine High. Sch.; taught CLAJE&E, George A., M.P. for South Sch. for three years, after which he edited Waterloo; b. Preston, Ont., 6 June, 1854; the Walkerton Herald: in 1890, purchased «/ of John and Marguerite Clare; m. Cath- the Kincardine Review, in 1897-8, edited erine Fink; one s. three d. Educ: Preston the Ottawa Citizen. Is still owner and Com. Sch. A mfr, ofStovera and furnaces; Editor of the Kincardine Review; was elec. Presl Clare Bros. & Co., of Preston; Pres. to the Legisltaure at the g. e., 1892, but Oan. Office and School Furniture Co. Ten was unseated; was afterwards elected in a years Reeve of Preston; first Mayor; ten bye-election in 1903, and also in 1906 and yrs. a member of Waterloo County Council 1908. Joined the militia in 1892, and be- one yr. Warden. First el. to H. of C. , 1900 came Lieut.-Col. of the 32nd Regt., 1906. re-el. 1904 and 1908. Address: Preston, Recreations: bowling and golf. Address: Opi. Clubs: Albany, Toronto; Waterioo Kincardine, Ont. Co. Golf, Gait. CLABKE, Hon. George Johnson, K.C.; CLABK, John Murray, K.C., M.A., LL. B.; 6. St. Mary's, Ont., 6 July, 1860; s. of Speaker of N. B. Legislature; b. St. And- James and Isabella Clark; m. Anne M. rews, N.B., '10 Oct., 1857; s. of Nelson and Anderson; three d. Educ : Univ. of Toronto; Mary Clarke; m. Bessie, d. of the late Rev. prize in Logic, McMurrich Medal in Natural Hezekiah McKeown, of St. John, N.B.; Science, Gold Medal in Mathematics and • two d. Educ: St. Andrews and Fredericton. Physic^. Called to Bar with Honours and Editor of St. Croix Courtier, 1882; admitted Gold Medal; has been Coun- Attorney, 1885; called to Bar, 1886; un- 's sel in causes cejiebres, such as the- successful can. for H. of C, 1891; unsuc- many ' Quaker Case, the Ontario Express Co., the cessful can. for N.B. Legis., 1899; el. to Fisheries Case, and the Ophir Case; Pres. Legis., 1903; re-el., 1908; apptd. K.C., lfl07;

, of the Toronto Branch of the British. Em- Speaker of Legis., 1909. Address: St. pire Leaigue in Canada. Publications: The Stephen, N.B. in Can'ada; Company Francis E., M.A., D.D., Law of Mines Law; CLARK, Bev. Ontario Mining Law; International LL.D.; President Worid'9 Christian En- The Arbitration; The Future of Canada; Ther- deavour Union since 1895; editor in chief motics; the History of the Theory of Energy of the Christian Endeavour World since Address: 16 King St. West, Toronto. Clubs: 1886; b. Aylmfer, Que.; m. Harriet E. Ab- Toronto, R. C. Y. C, Toronto; Rideau Ot- bott, Andover, Mass., U.S.A., 1876; three ' tawa. . s. one d. Educ.: Kimball Union Academy; Joseph Thomas ; b. , Dartmouth Coll., N.H., U.S.A.; Andover CLABK, , Ont., 4 Sept., 1866; s. of Theolog. Seminary; Dartmouth Coll., 1887; William Mathewson Clark and^ Phyllis Mc- ' grad. at Dartmouth Coll:, 1873; at Andover Conkay Clark; m. Sarah Louise Greig of Theol. Sem., 1876; Pastor of Williston Pickenn^, Ont.; -three a. one d. Educ:, in Church, Portland, M., 1876; founded Chris- the Public Sch; Journalist; for many years tian Endeavour Soc, 1881; Pastor of editor of Saturday Night; now editorial writer Phillips Church, Boston, 1883; President , Toronto Star. Recreations: golf and angUng. United Soc. of C.E., 1887-1907; four times Address: 66 Rowland Av., Toronto. Clubs: around the world, etc. Publications: Chris- National, Lambton Golf and Country Clubs, tian Endeavour in All Lands; Ways and Means; The Children and the Church; Toronto. Young People's Prayer Meetings; Our CLABK, Michael, M.B., CM., M.P.; 6. Journey around the World; World-Wide Belford, Northumberland, Eng., 12 May, Christian Endeavour; The Great Secret; 1861; s. of Michael Clark and Jane HalU Fellow Travellers; a New Way around an Belford, Northumberland; m. Elizabeth, e. Old World; Old Lanterns for New Paths; d. of George Smith, late of Cherrybank Training the Church of the Future; Chris- Farm, near Hamilton, Ont., formerly of Sco^.; four a. Educ: Elmfield Coll., York, tian . Endeavour Manual, and several other vplumes, large and small. Recreations: fish- Eng., and Univ. of Edinburgh; arrived in ing in the Main woods,, outdoor sports, etc. Can., Jan., 1902. Gold medal in languages Address: Tremont Temple, Boston, Mass. at School; also Scholarship for head boy CLAB^, George Harold; b. Brantford, of the year; made and sold County and Country; Ont., 1872; s. of James and Sarah Clark; m. Town practices in the Old former BoEtrd; farm- R. Irene Fault; two s. one d. Educ: Brant- member of Newcastle School ford Com. Sch., and High Sch,, and Ontario ing and ranching successfully with sons in Agricultural Coll., Guelph. Farmed until Western Canada. First elec. to H. of C , 45 WHO'S WHO.

1908. Recreations: cricket, walking. Ad- Margaret De Vefaer Andrews. 1880; (2nd) dress: Belford Glen Ranch, Olds, Alberta. Theresa GallE^her, 1904; four s. two d. CLARK) Sir WiUiam Mortimer, Kt.; cr. Educ: Elora Grammar Sch. and Univ. of 1907.,, W.S., K.C., LL.D.; Barrister, ChMr- Toronto; Dean of Medical Faculty, Univ. man, Knox College, Toronto, since 1880; 6. of Toronto; Prof, of Univ. of "Toronto; Aberdeen, Scotland. 24 May, 1836; a. of Memcal Supt., Hospital for Insane, Toronto, John Clark, manager, Aberdeen Insurance was Asst. Physician in Toronto Hospital for Company; m. 1866, Helen, d. of Gilbert Insane, under Dr. Joseph Workman; Asst. Gordon, Caithness; one s. John Gordon, Supt. of Hospital for Insane, Hamilton; President, Toronto Grair and Bruce R^l- Supt. of Rockwood Hospital for Insane way; two d. JSduc: Grammar Sch. and Kingston, and Supt. of H. for Insane Marischal Coll., Aberdeen; Univ. of Edin- Toronto. Address: 999 Queen St. West burgh; Life Member of General Council of Toronto. Club: University, Toronto. latter Univ. Admitted W.S., 1859; settled CLABKE, Hugh Archibald; b. Canada in Toronto, Ont., same year; called to Bar Aug. 16, 1839; m. 1869, Jane M. Searie of Ontario, 1869; Q.C., 1890; for fifteen yrs. Toronto; Educ: Knox Coll. (Mu8..-Doc. Senator of Univ. of Toronto; LL.D. Toronto Univ. of Pa., 1861). Resided in'tiiila 1902, Kingston, 1903; President Toronto since I860.; Prof, of Music Univ. of Pen. 'Mortgage Company; Director Metropolitan since 1875. Publications: The ScratbliClub Bank of Canada; solicitor for various public 1888; Music and the Comrade Art^, 1900: companies and charities; President, St. Highways and Byways of Music, 1901 Andrew's Society, for two years; for five Address: The Sherwood, 38th and Okei^ul Canadian Institute; for years Secretary. Sts., Philadelphia. "^^ two years President, County of York Law Association. Puhlications: numerous con-, CLARKE, John Duncan; b. Belhelvie, tributions to Toronto press on public, edu- Aberdeenshire, Scot., 13 Aug., 1854; s. oi Peter Clarke, cational, and literary questions. Recrea- and Helen Grey; m. Jennie tions: travelled largely on American Coii- Armstrong, d. of the late J. w. Armstrong, tinent, in Africa, Asia, and almost every J. P., Flecherton, Ont.; two s. one d. Educ; Belhelvie Arbroath, Scot.; in countty in Europe. Address: 303 King St., and arrived Toronto. Canada, 1 June, 1875; was connected with newspaper work since boyhood, until enter- ^ CLASH, Prof. William Bobinson, M. A., ing into the Civil Service; served on the ^ DID., LL.D., D.C.L., F;R.C.S.; Professor of Philosophy, Trinity Coll., Toronto, since Arbroath and Dundee Courier as reporter; in 1875, joined the staff of the London, Ont. 1882; s. of Rev. James Clark, Daviot, Aber- Free Press; in 1878, City Editor oi deenshire, and Catherine Lyon; h. Inverurie, became the Hamilton Spectator; apptd. Managing 26 March, 1829; m. L'ouise, o. c. of Hon. Editor of the Hamilton Times, in 1879; od James Patten, LL.D.; five s. four d. Educ: Grammar Sch., Old Aberdeen; King's Coll., the retirement of the Hon. David Mills, Aberdeen; Hertford Coll., Oxford. Ordained from the London Daily Advertiser, in 1889, Deacon, 1867; Priest, 1868; Curate of St. succeeded him as Editor; in 1898, joined Matthias's, Birmingham, 1857; St. Mary the Civil Service at Secretary to the Min- Magdalene, Taunton, 1868; Vicar, 1859; ister of Justice, which ;position he has held Prebendary of Wells, 1870; Baldwin Lec- under succeeding Ministers. Recreation, -turer in the Univ. of Michigan, U.S.A., 1887; bowling. Address: 10 Somerset St., Ottawa Slocum Lecturer in flue Univ. of Michigan, CLEAVE, Arthur Harold Wyld, M.I.M 1899; President of the Royal Society of E., C.E.. F.R.M.S.; b. Putney, England, ? Canada, 1910; Hon. Canon of St. Alban's June, 1868; s. of John Cleve, I.S.O., and Cathedral, Toronto, 1907. Publications: Martna Cleve; m. d. of the late George The Redeemer, 1863; The Comforter, 1864; Caxon, of Beddington, Northumberland, The Four Temperaments, 1874; Witnesses Educ: Battersea Grammar Sch., King's to Christ (Baldwin Lectures), 1888; Savon- Coll., Devonport. Arrived in Canada, Sept, arola; His Life and Times, 1892; The Ang- 1906; engineer at sea for live years; entered lican Reformation, 1896; The Paraclete Royal Mint, London, Jan., 1893; Supt. ol

CL.OUSTON, Sir Edward.Bart.; b. Moose seau, Muskoka. Clubs: Toronto, Albany,

Factory, Can. , 9 May, 1849 ; a. James R. C. Y. C, Toronto.

; Stewart Clouston and Margaret Miles; m. COCKSHUTT, Harry; Mng. dir. of the Annie Baston; one 8. ^tfuc: Montreal High ' Cockshutt Plow Co., Ltd.; b. Brantford. Sch.j Vice-Fres. and Gen. Mgr. of the Bank Ont., 8 July, 1868; s. of Ignatius and Eliza- of Montreal; entered Bank of Montreal, in beth FoiSter Cockshutt; m. Isabelle Rolls; 1865; Assist. Inspector, 1877; Manager two d. Educ: Brantfotd Pub. and High Montreal Branch, 1881; Asst. Gen. Mgr., Schs. Entered factory of the Cockshutt 1887; Gen. Mgr., 1890. Recreationa; yacht- Plow Co., Ltd., 1884; became Sec.-Treas., ing and golf. Addrees: '^Boisbriant," St. 1888; made Mgr. Dir. of the Company, 189^3. Anne de Bellevue. Que., and 362 Peel St., Mayor of Brantford, 1899 and 1900; PreS.,

, Montreal. Cluha: Mount Royal and St. Brantford Bd. of Trade, 1898; Pres., Can. James', Montreal; Toronto, Toronto; Bid- Manufacturers Assn., 1906; Vice-Pres., Frost eau, Ottawa; Manhattan, New York; Bath, & Wood Co., Smith Falls; Dir. of the Can- London. Eng. ada Iron Corporation, Montreal; Dir., Ont. CliOUTIER, lUCer. Francois Xavier, M. Portland Cement Co., Brantford, and others A., Bishop of Three Rivers, Que.: 6. Three Recreations: hunting, fishing. Addreaa: Rivers. 2 Nov., 1848; «. of Jean Cloutier & Dufferin Av., Brantfordl Ont. CZubs; Brant- Olive Rivard. Educ: at Seminary of na- ford, Toronto, National, Toronto; Mani- tive City. Has made two visits to Rome, toba, Winnipeg. and one to Palestine. Curate of Three COCKSHUTT, William Foster; mer-, Rivers for 15 yrs; consec. Bishop, 1899. chant and manufacturer; b. Brantford, Ont., iPuhlicationa: Two vols, of PastoralLetters; 17 Oct., 1855; a. of I. Cockshutt, YorkshiriB,

several discourses. ^ Address: Bishopric of Eng., and Elizabeth Foster, Lancashire, Three Rivers. Eng.; m, 8 Aug., 1891, Minnie Turner COATS, Bobert Hamilton, B;A. (Toron- Ashton, of Brantford, Ont. Educ: Brant- to Univ.), Assoc, editor of The Labour ford and Gait Coll. Institutes. An unsuc- Gazette; 6. Clinton, Ont., 26 July, 1874; of cessful candidate for H. of C, at g. e.. 1887. Scottish and American parentage; m. Marie Pres. Bd. of Trade, Brantford; member of Halboister, of Pairs, France. Educ: Tor- Council of Toronto Bd. of Trade; Pres. ontb Univ.; served on Toronto World and Assn.; mem. of Ont. Power Toronto plobe. Sec. of the Civil Service Commission; mem. of Huron Synod and Assn., of Ottawa; sec.. Civil Service Fed- Executive; delegate to several congresses eration of Canada; apptd. Assoc, ed. of The of Chambers of Commerce of the Empire, Labour Gazette, 1902. Publications: Life of el. to H. of C, at g, e., 1904; unsuccessful Sir Jamesi Douglas in "Makers of Canada" at g, e., 1908. Addreaa: Brantford, Ont. series. Recreationa: canoeii^, skeing. Ad- code:, Bobert George, K.C.; Counsel dress: "The Nook," Rockliffe Park, Ottawa. at Ottawa for the Ontario Govt.; b. Jimis- Cluh: Ottawa Canoe. villej Lanark Co., Ont., 20 Oct., 1858; s. of

; b. COATSWOBTH, Emerson, LL. B . William Code and Elizabeth Code; un- Toronto, 9 March, 1854j a. of Emerson married. Educ: Perth Coll. Inst., Hamilton Coatsworth, for 30 years City Commissioner Coll. Inst,, Ottawa Normal Sch. Barrister- of Toronto; m. 1883, Helen, d. of late John at-law and solicitor; Legal rep. in Ottawa, Robertson, De Cew Falls, Ont.; two s. two for the Ontario Govt. Recreations; golf, d. Educ: Toronto Pub. ScH.; Br. Am. Com. hunting, fishing. Address: 45 Sla^ter Street, Coll.; Up. Can, Law School, and Toronto Ottawa. Clubs: Rideau, Golf, Ottawa; Univ. Called to Bar, 1879; M.P. (Conser- Coulcmge Fish and Game.' vative), East Toronto, 1891-1896; Alder- CODEBKE, Louis, B.A.. (St. Sulpice man for Ward 2, 1904 and 1905; Mayor, Coll.), LL.B, (Laval Univ)., head of the 1906 and 1907; Methodist. Address: 1 May' firm of Coderre, Cedras and Goderre; 6. St. Place, Toronto. Clubs: Albany, Royal Can- Ours, nr. Sorel, Que., 1 Nov., 1865; s. of adian Yacht. Alfred Coderre, at one time supt, of St. COCHItANE, Hon. Francis, M.L.A.; Ours Lock, St. Ours, Que.; m, 1895, Marie Min. of Lands and Mines for Ontario; b. Anne Ste. Marie. Educ: St. Sulpice Coll., Clarenceville, Que., 18 Nov., 1852; s. of Laval Univ.; called to the Bar, 1892, and Robert Cochrane, and Mary Ann Hunter; prabticed with the firm of Primeau & m. 1882, Alice Levina Dunlop; two s. one d. Goderre, until 1904, when became a partner Educ: Sep. sch. in the parish of St. Thozdhs, in the firm of Coderre, Cedras and Magnan; Que. For many yrs. a resident of Sud- now head of the firm of Goderre, Cedras and bury. Ont,, where he still has important Coderre; acted as City Attorney for the business interests. First el. by accl., to Town of St. Henri, 1896-1905; Syndic of the Ass. for electoral dist. of E. Nipissing at Montreal Bar Assn., since 1904; unsuccess- bye-el., 30th May; re-el: at g. e., 1908 for ful candidate for H. of C. at g. e., 1908. newly created constituency of Sudbury. Recreationa: piscatorial pursuits, hunting. Apptd. Min, of Lands and Mines, 30 May, Address: 31 Laporte Av., St. Henri, Mont- 1905, now known as the Dept. of Lands, real. CJu6; La Fontaine. Forests and Mines. Address: 15 Maple Av., CODY, Very Bev. Henry John, B.A,, M. Rosedale, Toronto. A., D.P. (Queen's Univ.). LL.D. (Univ, of COCKBUBN, George Balph Richardson, Toronto); Rector of St. Paul's Church, M.A.; b. Edinburgh, Scot., 15 Feb., 1832; Toronto; Canon of St. Alban's Cathedral; m, Mary E. Lane, of Louisville, Kentucky; Archdeacon of York; 6. Embro, Ont., 6 one s, one d. Son is Major C, Cockburn, Dec, 1868; s. of E, J. Cody and Margaret L. V.C., and daughter Mrs. Thomas Tait, wife Torrance; m. Florence L. Clarke, d. of late of Thomas Tait, Chief Commissioner of H. E. Clarke, M.L.A. of Toronto; one s. Government Railways, Victoria, Australia, Educ: Gait Grammar Sch., Univ. of Tor- Addreaa: Toronto, Ont., Varona Lake, Ros- onto, WycUfFe Coll., Toronto; after graduat- 47 '


iBg from Univ., was classical master of bott); Secretary High Commissioners, ' Ridley Coll., St. Catharines, then Prof, of office, London, 1880-1903; Secretary Colon- Church history^ and afterwards of system- ization Board, 1889-1909; How partner in atic tUealogy in WyclifEe Coll., Toronto; Coates & Son. London, Ejig.; member of Rector of St. Paul's Church, Toronto, and Council, Royal Colonial Institute; Ex^efu- Archdeacon of York. In 1 904, elected tive Committee, League; Bishop of N.S., but declined; member of Council, London Chamber of Commerce. Royal Com. on Reorganization of Univ. of Publications: many contributions to maga- Toronto, 1905-6; member of General Synod zines, Reviews and the Press on Canadian and of Executive Committee of Anglican and economic questions;divided 1000 gui- General Board of Missions. Publications: nea purse offered by The Sketch, in li896, sermons and magazine articles. Address: for the best essay on the Conmaercial Fed- 603 Jarvis St., Toronto. Clubs: Lambton eration of the Empire. Address: 29 Eldon Golf, Country, Queen City Bowling, Tor- Road, Kensington, London, and 99 Gres- onto. ham St., London, Eng. Clubs: Constitu- COFFEE, George Thomas; hydraulic tional, Grosvenor, Canada and Midsummer engr. for Yukon Gold Co.; 6. Nevada, Co., Golf Club, Eng. Cal., 1871. First went to Yukonj 1908. COLQUHOUN, Arthur H. tJ., B.A.. LL. f^ublicatione : several reports on mining D., Deputy Minister of Education for properties. Address: T>awaon,Y.T, Ontario; b. 2 1861. Montreal, Dec, i Educ: COFFEE, Hon. Thomas, Senator; h. Co. Cornwall Pub. Sch., Montreal High Sch.,

Tipperary, Ireland, 12 Aug., 1843; s. of and McGill Univ. ; for many years in jour- Patrick and Ellen Coffee; m. Margaret nalism; on staff of Montreal Star, Ottawa

1 Hevey; one d. Educ: Montreal; arrived in Journal, and Toronto Empire', apptd. Depy. Canada, 1 June, 1852; Printer and publisher Minister of Education, 1906. Address: 59 of the Catholic Record; called to Senate, Borden St.,- Toronto. Clubs: Toronto, 1903. Address; London, Ont, Ciufe; London. Lambton Golf, and Country, Toronto. ' COIiBT, Charles WUUam, M.A., Ph.D., COLSON, Frederick; b. Shedfield, Hants, D.C.L., F.R.S.C; b. Stanstriad, Que., 26 Eng., 23 July, 1854; a. of J. H. Pasaing- March, 1867: «. of Hon. Charles Carroll combe Colson, and Emily Henly: m. (Ist) Colby and Harriet Child Colby; m. Emma Rosalind M. Bell (rf.); (2nd) Elizabeth Frances Cobb, d. of the late Walter Balfour Partie Brymner, d. of Douglas Brymner, Cobb; one s. one d. EducC: Stanstead Coll., LLD., F.R.S.C, First Dominion Archivist. McGill Univ., Harvard Univ.; Professor of ^Educ: Sherborne Dorset; arrived in Can- History, McGill Univ. Publications: Sel- ada, 1871; was for many years City Editor ections from the sources of English History" Montreal Gazette; Correspondent New York Canadian Types of the Old Regime. Re- Times; apptd., 1885, to Dept. of Secretary creations: Hill cliihbing, gardening, fishing. of State of Canada, of which he is now Address: 560 Pine Av., Montreal; Willock Chief Clerk and Accountant; was pres. of Birches, Georgeville, Que. Club: Univer- the Montreal Press Club, and Ottawa sity, Montreal. Amateur Athletic Club; also one of the early COLDWEIX, Hon. George Bobson, B. Governors of St. Luke's Hospital' is a water A., K.C., Minister of Education of Manitoba coloiir painter, and frequent exhibitor at the and Municipal Commissioner of Manitoba; Royal Canadian -Academy, and Montreal b. Tp. Clarke, Co. of Durham, Ont., 4 July, Spring Exhibitions. Publications: A Win- 1858; s. of William Edward Caldwell and ter's Night," and "The Rain", two plays Mary Robson; m. Ann Anderson; four s. successfully produced in Montreal, and a one d. Educ: in Kinburn Pub. Sch., Ont.; number of short stories. Address: 466

Clinton Grammar Sch., Trinity Coll., Sch., . BessererSt., Ottawa. CZu6:Golf, Ottawa. Port Hope, Ont., and Trinity Coll., Toronto, COMEAU, Hon. Ambrose H., Senator; Ont.; practiced law in Brandon, Manitoba, b. Meteghan River, N.S., 27 Sept:, 1860; since Feb., 1883; member of Brandon Muni- 8. of Hilaire J. Comeau, and Madeleine Le- cipal Council for 20 years. Address: 122 Blanc; m. Louise D'Entremont; five a.,one Eighteenth St., Brandon, Man. Clubs: d. Educ: Pub. Schs. Senior mem. of the Brandon, Manitoba; Commercial, Winni- firm of H. H. Comeau & Co, Councillor, peg. 1884-1890; warden of the Municipality of COLEMAN, Arthur Philemon, M.A., Ph. Clare, 1889-1890. El. to Legis of N.S., D.; b. Lachute, Que., 4 April, 1852; s. of May, 1890, 1894, 1897, 1902, 1907. Mem. Francis Coleman, and Emmeline Adams. of Ex. Coun., from 1894, until apptd^ to Educ: Cobourg Collegiate Institute, Vic- Senate in 1907. Address: Meteghan^ River, toria Univ. , and Breslau Univ. ; Professor of N.S. Geology, Victoria Univ., Cobourg, 1882; COXGDON, Frederick Tennyson, B.A., Professor of Geol., Univ. Toronto, 1891; LL.B., K.C., M.P.; b. Annapolis, N.S., 16 Geologist Bureau of Mines, Toronto, 1893- Nov., 1858; s. of Hinkle Congdon; m. 191Q. Publications: Reports. Recreations: Louisa Gladwin; one s. two d. Educ: Yar- canoeing and travel. Address: 476 Huron mouth High Sch., Yarmouth, N.8.; mem, St., Toronto, and Pinehurst Island, Gan- of Bar of N.S.; Yukon, Alberta, and Sask.; anoque, Ont. contested Shelboume, N.S., in 1888; Yukon, COLMER, Joseph Grose, C.M.G.; b. 1904; first el. to. H. of C, 1909, Publica- London, Eng., 3 Jan., 1856; m. Margaret tions: Digest Nova Scotia Reports, 1890; Cox Black, g. d. of Professor T. R. McCul- member of Commission to Revise Statutes of loch; one s. one d. Educ: City of London N.S. Recreations: music, literature, hunting. Sch.; arrived in Canada, 1878; served in Address: Dawson Y. T. Club: Zero Club, Merchants Bank of Canada, as Secretary Dawson. to the General Manager; Secretary to Mr. CONMEE, James, M.P.; 6. Sydenham, J. J. C, Abbott, (afterwards Sir John Ab- Ont., 13 Oct., 1848; a. of the late Matthew 48 : WHO'S WHO. *10HRIVEAU

Conmee and Rosanna' O'Shaughnessy, m. Address: 9 York St., Westmount. Club: 1874, Emily Florence, d, of Joseph Cox, Canada, Montreal. Meaford, Ont.; Educ: Owen Sound Gram, COOK, Samuel A.; b. Ont., Jan. 28, Sch.; served in the 8th New York Cavalry, 1849; m. 1876, Jennie Christie (d. 1895); under General Custer, during the American removed with parents to Wis., 1855; com- Civil War; largely intereatedin mining and mon school ed'n.; worked as farm boy, mill lumbering; built several sections of the hand and clerk; engaged in mercantile busi- C. P. Ry., and also the Algoma Central; ness; was mayor of Neenah, Wis., 1889; in 1886, projected the Atlantic and Pacific mem. legislature, 1890-91; delegate Rep. Ry. to get to a winter port on Lake Super- Nat. Conv., 1892; mem. Congress, 6th Wis. ior; built portions of what is now the C. N.

north; was the first President of the Ont- Pres. S. A. Cook Mfg. Co. ; pres. Alexandria ario Mining Institute, 1894; Pres. of the Paper Co. Republican. Address: Neenah, Ont. Mines Development Co., 1896; has Wis., been Mayor of Port Arthur; was a delegate COOKE, Edmund Vance; b. Canada. to the deep waterways conmiission, Sept., 1866; 8. Edmund Cooke and Matilda Vance. 1894; elec. to Legislature of Ont., 1885, Educ: principally in Cleveland schs.; m. 1886, 1890, and 1894; resigned to contest Chioa«o, 1897, Lilith Castleberry. Platfbrm Nipissing for the H. of C, 1896, but resig- lecturer, with lecture-entertainments. Con- nation not having been technically eflfected, tributor to leading ma^s. and weeklies of he on being defeated, reclaimed his seat in poems, stories and occasional articles. Pub- the Legislature; was re-elec, 1898 and 1902; lications: A Patch of Pansies, 1894; Rimes resigned again to contest Thunder Bay and to Be Read, 1897 (]fevised edit.); Imper- Rainy River ,1904, and was successful; tinent Poems, 1903, 1907; Chronicles of the re-elec. 1908; Roman Catholic; Liberal. Little Tot, 1905; Told to the Little Tot, Address : Port Arthur. 1906. Address: 30 Mayfield Rd., S. E., eONNELL., Williams b. Cape Breton, Cleveland, Ohio. N.S., Sept. 10, 1827; self-ed.; taken in COPP, Arthur Bliss, LL.B., M.L.A,; b. " "infancy Dy parents to what is now Hazle- Jolicure, Westmoreland Co., N.B., 10 July, ton. Pa.; worked in mines as driver boy; 1870; 8. Harvey and Frances Brennan Copp; rose steadily^ became mgr. of mines of Sus- m. 1904, E. Marearet Bell. Taught in the guehanna & Wyoming Valley R. R. and public Sch. of Westmoreland for two yrs.; oal Co.; purchased the plant, 1870, and practiced law in Sackville, since 1895; organized nrni of William Connell & Co.; contested Westmoreland Co., in 1895, and has other large industrial and commercial was defeated, but was elec. by acclamation interests; pres. 3d Nat. Bank of Scranton; the following year, for the Provincial House^ delegate to Nat. Rep. Conv., 1896; mem. re-elec in 1904 and 1908; was Liberal or- Pa. Rep. Com,; mem. Congress, 1897-1903, ganizer for N.B., from 1904 to 1908. Ad- 11th Pa. dist.; Republican. Adrfrcfis; Scran- dress: Sackville, N.B. ton, Pa. COBBOtTLD, Gordon Edward, K.C.;-6. Toronto, 2 Nov., «.' CONSTANTINEAtr, His Hon. A11>ert, 1847; of .Charles and B.A., D.C.L. (Laval), senr. Judge of united Mary Corbould; m. (1st) Arabella Almond, 4th d. of Major W. IHon of 1st Counties of Prescott and Russell'; b. St. Madras Fusiliers in 1877; (2nd) Charlotte M. E. Engene, Ont., 16 April, 1866; a. of George Constantineau and Josephine Roy; m. Alice Cameron, 2nd d. of Sir Matthew Cameron, Chief Justice of Ont. ; two 8. -five d.' Educ. McLaughlin, M.D., CM.; one d.- Educ: Model Grammar Sen., Toronto, and Rigaud Coll., Laval Univ., Osgoode Hall; Up. Can. Coll.; admitted to practice in Ont., called to Bar of Ont., 1890; Junior Judge 1872; went to British Columbia, of United Counties, 1900; Senr. Judge, 1890; March, 1904. Address: Ottawa, Ont. called to the B.C. Bar in 1882; elected to H. of C. for New Westminster, 1890; re- COOK, HernLan Henry; Pres. of the elec, 1891; Conservative. Address: New Ontario Lumber Co.; 6. Tp. of Williams- Westminster, B.C. Clubs: Westminster and burg, Dundas Co., Ont., 26 April, 1837; s. of Terminal City, Vancouver. the late Capt. George Cook, who served in COBBY, Henry; b. Belleville, Ont., 2 of 1812-15, American War and Sarah May, 1851; 8. of the late Henry Corby; m. Castleman; m. 1861, Lydia, d. of James 1872, Maria, d. of the late John Courtenay. White; two d. Educ: Iroquois Gram. Sch. Educ: Belleville Pub. Schs., Rockwood Entered lumber business, 1858; later be- Academy, Toronto; entered offices of his came Pres. of the Ontario Lumber Co.; was father, miller, distiller and importer of one of syndicate that offered to build the wines, which business he succeeded on the C. P. Ry., 1880. Mem of the H. of C. for death of his father. Was for many yrs. North Siincoe, 1892-1898; mem. Ont. Legis., Asst. Chief of the Fire Dept., Pres. Belle- 1879-1882, when he resigned; returned to ville branch of the St. John Ambiilance H. of C. for East Simcoe, which constit- Assn., Belleville Natural Gas Co., Bay of uency he represented until 1890. Address: Quinte Bridge Co.; Dir.' AgricultTu:al Ex- 20 DowUng Av., Toronto. hibition Assn. of his dist.; elec. to H. of C. COOK, John Stanley Alexander; Asst. for West Hastings, 1888, retired 1901. Was Sec, Montreal Bd. of Trade; 6. Montreal, for many yrs., pres. of the Conservative 18 Jan., 1876; unmarried. Educ: Pub. Assn. Address: Belleville, Ont. 'Schs.; entered service of Montreal Bd. of COKRIVEAU, AnoUlnaire, K.C., LL.L. Trade, 1892; became Asst. Sec, 1898. (Laval Univ.); 6. Quebec, July, 1862; m. 49 ; ; WHO'S WHO.

1SS9, Leda Bufresne, of Quebec; one s. in journalism in Quebec for several years; Educ: Laval Univ., Grad. 1885, winning Private Secretary to the Minister of Public medal for general proficiency and Tessier Works for Canada, three years; Managing Prize of thirty dollars in gold. Called to Editor La Presse for nine years; Secy. Inter- Bar, 1886, and has practiced in Quebec national Deepwaterways Com. , 1905-9 ever since. Cr. K.C., 1906. Mem. of the Commissioner to Brussels Exposn., 1910. Council of Quebec Bar Assn. for many yrs. Address: 728 Elgin St., Ottawa. Clubs: St. Pres. St. Jean Baptiste Soc. of Sauveur, Denis, Military Institute, Montreal; Laiu-- 1892. Address: 632 St. Valier St., Quebec. entian. Golf, Ottawa. CORY, William Wallace; Deputy Min- COTTON, Brig.-Gen. William Henry. ister of the Interior; 6. Strathroy, Ont., 16 Commanding Western Ontario; 6, Montreal, June, 1865; a. of Thomas Cory and Margaret 7 Jan., 1848; a. of Henry Cotton of S. Garrett; m. Laura Watson of Kirton, Lin- Petersburg, and Eleanor Ross, of Montreal; colnshire, Exigland; two s. one d. Educ: St. m. Jessie Penner; four s. three d. Educ: John's Coll., Winnipeg. Inspecting officer, Quebec High Sch.; continuous military Y.T., 1901-4; Dept. Min, of Interior, 1 Jan., service in Canada since 1866; 2nd Lieut., l905. Address: 212 Argyle Av., Ottawa, Quebec Garrison Art., in that yr.; Lieut. Ont. CZu6;Rideau, Ottawa. Ottawa Garrison Art., Aug., 1868; Capt. in COSTE, Louis, B.S., M.I.C.E., London, the Sch. of Gunnery, 1871; Capt. and Brev. Eng mem. Can. Soc. C.E.; h. , Major, Can.' Art., 1872; Lieut. -Col. and Essex Co., 31 July, 1857; a. of Hon. H. Commandant, R.C.A., 1882; Col., 1900; Alexandre Coste and Mathilde Robidoux; Brig. General, 1907; D.O.C., M.D, No. 3, m. Marie Therese d'Esterre. Educ: France, 25 Aug., 1893; D.O.C., M.D. No. 4, 29 Apr., England. Chief Engineer Public Works of 1897; A.A.G., for Art., H.Q., 15 July, 1897; Can. 1892-1800; now consulting engr.; one O. C. Ottawa Brig., 1 Nov., 1897; Q.M.G., of the International Deep Waterways Com- 1 July, 1901; M.G.O.. 15 Nov., 1904; Comdg. missioners for Can. Address: 242 Charlotte Western Ontario, 1 April, 1908. Recreation: St., Ottawa. CZM&;.Rideau, Ottawa. golf. Address: 84 St. George St., Toronto. COSTIGAN, Hon. John, P.O.; 6. St. Clubs: Rideau. Ottawa; Toronto^ Golf, Nicholas, Levis, Co. Que., 1 Feb., 1835; a. of Toronto.

John Costigan and Bridget Costigan; m. COTTON, William liawson; b. . New 1855, Harriet S. Ryan, of Grand Falls, N.B. London, P.E.I., 23 July, 1848; a. of Rev. two a. three d. Educ: Grand Falls and St. Richard Cotton and Marie Lawflon; m. Ann's Coll., Quebec; was tnem. of New Margaret Ellen Harris, d. of W. C. Harris, Brunswick Legislature, 1861-1867; elec. to four a. three d. Editor of the Examiner H. of C., 1867, and held seat continuously, since 1875; Publications: many essays and until apptd. to the Senate, 1907; Min. of papers on historical, political and social Inland Revenue, 1 882-1 g92; Sec. of State, topics. Address: Charlottetown, P.E.I. 1892-94; Min. of Marine and Fisheries, COXTLTER, Dr. Robert Millar; Deputy 1894-96. Recreations: angling, hunting. Postmaster-General of Canada; b. York Co., Address: 232 Cooper St., Ottawa; Edmund- 1857; of Scotch and Irish, parentage; m, ston, N.B. 1887, Emma, d. of the late J. P. Wells, of COTE, Narcisse Omer; Chief of Land Aurora. Srfw c. ; Toronto Univ. (M.B. 1882); Patents Branch, Dept. of Interior, Ottawa; Victoria Univ. (M.D., 1882); commenced b. Quebec, 14 Sept., 1859; a. of Joseph practice of medicine at Aurora, Ont.; apptd. - Olivier Cote, formeriy Clerk of the CJueen's Deputy Postmaster-Gen., 1897. Was for Privy Council for Canada, and Marie Julie many yrs. Health Officer and Physician of Leocadie Leprohon; m. 1907, Mabel Edna, the County Industrial Home of Aurora, and d, of Hon. Justice Girouard, of the Supreme served in the Municipal Council and Sch, Ct. of Canada; one s. Educ: Commercial Bd.; organized the Young Liberal Club of Acad., Ottawa Univ.; entered the Civil North York, and was Vice-Pres. of the Service of Can. in 1879, as Clerk in the North York Reform Assn., for several jjrs. Dept. of the Interior; sec. in 1885 to the Mem. Ontario Medical Soc. and Dominion Royal Com., apptd. to investigate and Medical Soc. Address: 190 Cooper St., adjudicate upon the claims of the half- Ottawa. Club: Rideau, Ottawa. breeds of the North-W^t Territories; apptd COtJRTLEIGH,' William Louis; b. a mem. of said Com., 1887; in 1900, apptd. Guelph, Ont., June 28, 1869; s. Stephen'' chn. of a similar com. to deal with the Courtleigh and Elizabeth Phelan; «i. Mar. claims of the Half-breeds of the .Dist. of 17, 1890, Helen Cross, Cleveland. Began Sask., and of persona who had served as career as actor, Sept. 1, 1888; mem. Actors scouts, or otherwise, during the Rebellion of Order of Friendshm; prfes. Actors Soc. of' 1885; apptd. chief clerk in the Dept. of the America. Clubs: Players, Lambs, Green-

Interior, 1904; Register of Dom. Lands room. .Arfdrcaa;304 2dAv., New York. . ., Patents and Chief of Land Patents Branch, COURTNEY, John Mortimer, C.M.G., i 1906; Capt„ Can. Mil., retired list. Pub I.S.O., formerly Deputy Minister of Finance

lications: "Political Appointments, Parlia- and Receiver-Gen., and Sec. of the Treasury . ments and the Judical Bench in the Dom- Board of Canada (now retired); b. Penzance, inion of Canada, 1867 to 1895," pub. 1896, Cornwall, 22 July, 1883; 2nd a. of John and a supplement thereto covering the Sampson Courtney of Alverton House, Pen- geriod from 1896 to 1903. Address: 27 zance, and Sarah, d. of John Mortimer; m. ooper St., Ottawa. Clubs: Rideau, Golf, 1870, Mary Elisabeth Sophia, 2nd d. of late Of"taT^a Fennings Taylor, Clerk Assistant of the COTE, Captain Thomas, B.A.; b. Trols Senate of Canada; one a. Educ: Penzance. Pistoles, Que., 22 Sept., 1869; a. of Theo- After several years spent in banking, came phile Cote and Flavia Laxrive. Educ: to Canada, in 1869, to become the Chief Quebec Seminary and Laval University; Clerk of the Treasury; has served on several 50 ,' WHO'S WHO.

Commissions; was Hon. Treasurer in Can- minal City, Vancouver; Union, Victoria; ada for the Indian Famine Fund; Hon. Albany, Toronto. Treasurer of Canadian Patriotic Fund and COWAN, Mahlon K., K.C; 6. Blythes- of Canadian Association for Prevention of wood, Essex Co., Ont., 10 May, 1863; a. of Tuberculosis; mem. of the Quebec Battle- Walter Cowan, and Mary Ann Cowan; m. fields Com. Recreation: reading. Clubs; Clara S. Pilkey. Educ: Brantford and Rideau, Golf, Ottawa. ColliBgwood Collegiate Institutes; elec. to COUSINEAU, Philemon, B.A., LL.D. H. of C„ 1896; re-elec. in 1900;'refused to (Laval), K.C., M.L.A.; b. St. Laurent, Que., run in 19()4; joined the G. T. Ry. in Dec, 25 Oct., 1874; a. of Gervais Cousineau and 1904; as A^istant Solicitor. Recreations: Angelique Gould; m. 1897, Helmina Gend- hunting, golf. Address: Montreal, Que. ron; five d. Educ.: Ste. Therese Coll.; Prof- Chibs: St. Jame§', Canada, Royal Montreal fessor of constitutional and municipal law Golf, Beaconsfield Golf, Westmoimt Golf, at Laval Univ., Montreal; Pres., Mount Montreal, Que., and Windsor, Windsor, / Royal Tel. Co.; dir., Saguenay light and Ont. ^ Power Co.,.3t. Lawrence Tobacco Co.; -elec. COWIE, Frederick William, B.A.S., M. to Legis. Assn. for Co. of Jacques Cartier, Inst. C.E., M. Can. Soc. CE., Chief Enraneer 1908. Address: St. Laurent, Que. Club: Harbour Coromissioners, Montreal; 6. Green Lafontaine. wood Farm, Caledonia Co., Haldimand, Ont., 27 March, 1863; a. John Cowie, Esq.; COUTLEE, lileut.-Col. Louis William, m. in 1895, Katherine Greenough, d. of K.C., B.C.L., ttvil Reporter of the Law WilUam Parker Greenough, of Boston, U.S. Supreme Court of 6. Hall, Canada; Oakland A., and Seigneur of Perthuis, Portneuf, Hull, Que., 17 Dec, 1851; m. Charlotte, d. Que.; one a. two d, Educ: Pubhc and High of late Wm. Wilson, H.M. Customs, Belle- Sch. in central Ont.; Woodstock Coll., ville, Ont.; one s. four d. Educ: Aylmer Woodstock; McGill Univ., Montreal ;_grad- Academy; Masson Coll., McGill Univ., uating in 1886 with honors in Civil Engin- Montreal; Bar admitted to of Quebec, 1873; eering; after leaving McGill Univ., accepted Bar of Ontario, of Manitoba, 1875; Bar position under John Kennedy, C.E., Chief 1882; Deputy Attorney General of Mani- Engineer, Montreal Harbor Commissioners toba, 1883-1887; Municipal Commissioner to 1892; in 1982 was Assistant Engineer to organize Manitoba Municipal System, Public Works of Canada, to 1897; in 1897, 1887; Registrar-General of Manitobai 1887- was resident Engineer, River St. Lawrence Clerk, Manitoba 1890; Law Legislative Ship Canal to 1903; from 1904 to 1908, Assembly, 1883-1888. Publications: Con- Supt. Eng. ; afterwards and at present Chief cordance to of Civil Procedure Code of Engineer, Montreal Harbour, Trustee of the Quebec (1870), Torrena System of Regis- Seigniory of Perthuis, from 1900 to the tration Title in Manitoba and Northwest by present time. Publications: River St. Law- Territories of Canada (1890), Digests of rence official reports; winter navigation in Decisions of Supreme Court of Canada, Canada; British and Continental Ports, 1898, 1903, and 1908, also Collection of 1908; (Jointly with Major G. W. Stephens). Unreported Supreme Court Cases, 1906. Recreations: Polo, big game hunting and Served in Canadian Militia since 1866, has fishing. Address: 49 "The Linton," Mont- been three times on active service, holds real. Clubs: Rideau, Ottawa; Engineers, Imperial War Medal for Fenian raids with and Canada, Montreal. clasps for 1870, for 1866 and and Medal COWLES, Eugene; b. Stanstead. Que.; Saskatchewan Campaigii, 1885, with clasp, a. Dr. C. W. Cowles; m. May 23, 1898, was pra.ised by Major General Middleton Louise Cleary. Went to Chicago in 'teens; for services in last campaign as second in was clerk in 1st Nat. Bank; sang in ch. of Field of command Winnip^ Battery choirs, quartets, etc; Nov^ 1888, joined Artillery; Asst. Adjt. Gen. of Arty., 1899, the Boston^ans, at Ford's 'Theatre, Balti- 1900 and 1901, during annual trainings, more, making debut as Squire Bantam in under Cols. Montizambert and Stone, and Dorothy; was for 10 yrs. mem. of that or- Brig. Gen. Drury, C.B.; has held present ganization singing premier basso rgles, his office on staff of Supreme Court, since 1895. most noted part being Will Scarlett in Robin Recreations: hunting, fiishing, skatng, curl- Hood; became leading man in Alice Nielsen ing. Address: Ottawa. Club: Rideau, Ot- Opera Co., Sept., 1898, playing The Fortune tawa. Teller; later appeared m London in opera; COWAN, George Henry, M.P., B.A., K. has sung in concerts and various operas, C; b. Warwick, Ont., 17 June, 1858; a. of composed several songs. Address: Derby WilUam Cowan, and Anne King; m. Jose- Line, Vt. phene Irene Downie, d. of Canon Downie of COX, Hon. George Albertus; Senator; 6. Port Stanley, Ont.; one a. four d. Educ: Colbome, Northumberland Co., Ont., 7 Strathroy and Brantford Collegiate Inst., May, 1840; a. of Edward W. Cox, and Jane Toronto Univ., and Osgoode Hall, Toronto; Tanner; m. 1862, second d. of the late graduated B.A.,- in 1884; called to the Bar Daniel Hopkins, Peterborough (rf. Jan of Ont., in 1889, and B.C. Bar in 1893; 1905). Educ: Public and Grammar Schs., apptd. Q.C. by Dom. Govt., 1896; K.C. by Colbome, Ont.; from 1858 to 1871, engaged B.C. Govt., 1905; unsuccessful conservative in life insurance business in Peterborough; candidate in 1896; elected in 19Q8. Publi- in 1871, secured control of and was elected cations: The Chinese Question in Canada, pres. and Genl. Mgr. of the Midland Ry., in (Canadian Encyclopaedia, vol. 5; Better which he retained until the road became terms for British Columbia, in pamphlet part of the G. T. Ry. in 1884; is now Pres. form. Recreations: Horses, hunting, bowling of the Canada Life Assurance Co.; Central billiards. Address: 1225 Davis St., Van- Loan and Savings Co., Western Assurance couver B.C. Clubs: Vancouver and Ter- Co., British American Assurance Co., and 5T WHO'S WHO.

the Toronto Savings and Loan Co., and is a active part in Provincial and Dominionu Director' of the Canadian Bank of Com- Politics; admitted to the Bar at Attorney, merce, The National Trust Co., Can. General 1874; was defeated for the Provincial Electric Co., The Dominion Iron and Steel House in 1886; organized the Elgin Histori- Co., The Toronto Ra^way Co., and the cal and Scientific Institute; became first Grand Trunk Pacific Ry.; is also Bursar Pres., and still holds that post. Publica- of Victoria Univ., Toronto; called to the tions: 1893, The Southwold Earthwork and Senate, 13 Nov., 1896. Address; Toronto. the Country of the Neutrals (in Boyle's

b. Reoport) ; COX, Palmer, author and artist ; Archaeological 1895, The Country Granby, Que., 28 April, 1840; 6th s. of of the Neutrals from Champlain to Talbot, Michael Cox, farmer, and pensioner of the (St. Thomas); 1899, First Steps in the D&- English army; unmarried. Educ: Granby covery and Exploration of Ontario (Ontario Academy; went to California, 1863; followed Educational Association Transaction^'; railroading, contracting, etc.; wrote for 1899, A Century of Achievement (Hamil- newspapers; came to New York, 1876;''took ton); 1901, A Century of Achiev^ett up writing and illustrating for children's (Hamilton), reprinted with alterations and magazines, and also humorous books. Pub- additions in Methodist Magazine for Jan. lications: Squibs of Everyday Life, 1874; and Feb.; 1903, Exploration of the Great Hans Vpn Belter's trip to Gotham, 1878; Lakes, 1669-1670, by DoUiee de Casson ajid How Columbus found America, 1878; That De Br^haut de Galin^e; Galin^e's Narrative Stanley, 1878; The Brownies, their Book, and Map, with an English Version, includ- 1887; Queer People with Wings and Stings, ing all the Map Legends, Translator and 1888; Comic Yams (revision of Squibs), Editor, James H. Coyne; 1906, Richard 1888; another Brownies' Book, 1890; Brow- Maurice Bucke, a sketch; 1908, The Talbot nies at Home, 1893; Brownies around the Papers, edited with preface, introduction World, 1894; Palmer Cox's Brownies, a and some annotations; 1898-1902, Presi- spectacular play in three acts, 1894; 'The dential address to The Ontario Historical Brownies In Fairyland, a musical cantata, Society. Recreations: golf and curling. Ad- 1894; Brownies through the Union, 1895; dress: "Woodlands," Metcalte St., St, Brownies abroad, 1899; Brownies in the Thomas. Clubs: County Club, St. Thomas, Philippines, 1904; Palmer's Cox's Brownie Ont. Primer, 1906. iSecreaiiona: rifle target shoot- COTNET, Weston; editor Tt &vf son Daily ing, fishing, cycling. Address: 134 West ^News; b. Birmingham, Eng., 1849; com- 23rd Street, New York. menced his newspaper career under late COX, Robert N., M.L.A.; b. Charlotte- George Dawson, editor Birmingham Morn- town, P.E.L, 12 Oct., 1850; m. Elizabeth ing News; engaged for several years the Sutherland; three a. three d. Educ: Prince Trihune, New York; Secy, to American of Wales Coll., Charlottetown, P.E.I. In Minister of Paris; worked on Panama Canal, commercial business at Morell since 1869. under Count de Lesseps;. returned to New Becreaiiona: fishing, and shooting. Address: York and joined staff of Herald; correspt. Morell, P.E.I. of that paper to Yukon, 1898, and has COTLE, Rev. Robert Francis, D.D., LL. remained there ever since. Address: Dawr D.; b. Roseneath, Ont., July 28, 1850; s. son, Y.T. James and Ann Coyle; m. June 4, 1885, J. CRAICK, William Arnot, B.A.; editor Adella Haviland, Fort Dodge, la. Educ: of Busy Man's Magazine, Canadian Book- in Can., 1856-64; grad. Wabash Coll., West- man and Bookseller & Stationer of Canada; minster Coll.; sudied theology, Auburn, b. Port Hope, Ont., 19 Sept., 1880; s. of N.Y.; Theol. Sem., 1878-9; ordained to James and Jean Kyle Craick; m. Hilda M. Presby'n ministry, Ft. Dodge, la., 1879; Bingay, of Yarmouth, N.S. Educ: Port pastor there, 1879-85, Fullerton Av. Pres- Hope Sch,, and Toronto Univ.; for seven by'n Oh., Chicago, 1885-91, 1st Presby'n yrs. associated with the Maclean Pub. Co. of Ch., Oakland, Calif., 1891-1900, Central Toronto, and now editor of Busy Man's Presby'n Ch., Denver, since 1900. Modera- Magazine, Canadian Bookman, and Book- tor Presby'n Gen. Assembly at Los Angeles, seller & Stationer, of Canada. Publications

Calif. , 1 903 . Publications: Foundation "History of Port Hope," 1901. Recreation; Stones, 1887; Workingmen and the Ch., pedestrianism, mem. Champlain Soc. Ad- 1896; The Christianity of Christ, 1892; The dress: 79 Walker Av., Toronto. Clubi Church and the Times (sermons), 1905. Toronto Press. Address: 1650 Sherman Av., Denver, Col. CBAIG, Hon. James, K.C.; Judge of the COYNE, James Heni^, B.A., M.A., LL. Territorial Court, Yukon; local Judge in D;, F.R.S.C; b. St. Thomas, Ont., 3 Oct., Admiralty; b. Invemrie, Scot., 31 July

1849; a. of William and Christina (joyne; m. 1861 ; s. of late Geo. Craig, Police Magistrate Matilda, 3rd d. of the late John George of Amprior, Ont., and Annie Clark; m Brown, of Toronto, who for several years Lizzie Olivia, d. of Edwd. S. Macpherson was Mayor and M.L.A. for that city; four baiT., of New York; one d. Educ: Mc6ril! 8. two d.; Educ: St. Thomas common and Univ., Osgoode Hall. Practiced Law in grammar Schs., Univ. of Toronto; Matricu- Renfrew after grad. in 1878; Warden o) fated, Toronto Univ., 1864; volunteered Renfrew Co., 1896; Capt. and Paymaster and saw service at London, Port Stanley, 42nd Batt., 1879; apptd. Judge, 26 April Samia and Thorald, 1866, as private in St. 1900. Recreations: fishing, shooting, curling Thomas Rifles (Medal).. In 1870, B.A. at Address: Dawson, Y.T. Club: Zero, Dawson Univ. of Toronto, and gold medal,- During CRATHERN, James; b. Montreal. Que. four years, w6n four scholarships. Studied Feb., 1830. Educ: Montreal; was mem. o law at St. Thomas; JMeadmaster at Cornwall the firm^ of Crathern & Caverhill, wholesalt High School, in 1871, and returned to law dealers in hardware; director of the Canad studies, in 1872; from this date he took all ian Bank of Commerce, the St. Lawrenci 62 ;


Sugar Refining Co., Dominion Coal Co.. of Ohio; one s. two rf. Editorial writer and National Trust Co., Liverpool, London, and correspondent. New York Herald, 1877-89; Globe Ins. Co.; Pres. Kewatln Flour Milling editor London edition, 1890; editor Paris Co., and the Royal Victoria Life Ins. Co., edition, 1891-92; editor New York Evening Montreal General Hospital ;^Governor of the Teleoram, 1893; late European editor of McGill Univ., and member of the Govem- New York Journal: has interviewed the ine Committee of the Alexandra Hospital. Pope,r King George of Greece, Emperor of

Address: 32 Macgr^or St. , Montreal. Clubs: Corea, President Faure, Prince Bismiarck, Mount Royal, St. James', Montreal. H. M. Stanley, Louis Kossuth, Count Tol- CBAWFOBD, Hon. Tl^omas; Speaker of stoi; British emtor Cosmopolitan Magazine, the Legis. Ass. of Ontario; b. Co. Fermanagh 1893; war correspondent for New York Irel.i 14 Aug., 1|847; s. of Jaes and Jane World, Japanese War, 1894; war corres- Crawford; m. Isabella Fyfe, of Toronto; pondent New York Journal, Grseco-Turkish five c. Bduc: in Ireland and Toronto. War, 1897; Cuban War, 1898; Philippine Came to Canada with his parents, 1865. War, 1899; was Aide on General Lawton's Commenced work in the Can. Northern Ry. staff, Philippines; captured Spanish flag, Co.; in 186S, joined his father in the cattle and was shot after he received surrender of business and has been a succ^sful dealer Spanish commandant at El Caney, 1898. for many yrs., exporting many ^"thousand Publications: On the Great Highway, 1901; heads to Great Britain and U.S.; for three Eagle Blood, 1902. Recreations: fencing. yrs., mem. ; elec. to Address: 67 West 94th Street, New York._ Legis at g. e,. 1894, 1898, 1902, 1905, 1908; Clubs: National Liberal; Lotos, Authors', after death of Hon.-J, W. St. John, was elec. Explorers,' Democratic, New York. Speaker, 8 April, 1907, re-elec. 1909; Pres. CBEIGHTON, David; 6. Glasgow, Scot., of the EcLuity Fire Insur. Co.; Pres. of the 1 April, 1843; a. of Abraham, Creighton and Metropolitan Sch. of Music; Vice-Pres. of Margaret Bonar; m. to Jennie Elizabeth the Bd. of Governors of the Western Hos- Kramer, 15 Oct., 1873; one s. and four d. pital. Educ: Glasgow Scotland and Owen Sound, CBAWFORD-FBOST, Rev. William Ont.; learned the printing business and in Albert, M.A.; b. Qw.en Sound, Ont., 1864, became publisher of the Owen Sound Oct. 29, 1863; a. pf William and Louisa Times, which he continued until 1887, when Crawford; m. Aug. 28, 1889, Damaris Con- at the request of Sir John A. Macdonald, stance, d. John Ings.; prep. ed'n. public he founded The Empire, at Toronto, con- schs. and Collegiate Inst., Owen Sound; tinuing its publication until 1895, when it grad. Toronto Univ., 1884; grad. divinity, and "TAe Mail" were amalgamated under WyolifEe Coll., Toronto, 1887; sp'l. course the title of The Mail and Empire." He then Baltimore Med. Coll., 1897; was on staff of became Assist. Receiver General at Toronto, Toronto Globe while attending Univ. of which office he still holds. In 1876 he was Toronto; ordained deacon, 1888, priest, elected to represent North Grey in the 1889; curate, St. Paul's, Charlottetown, Ontario Legislature, which he continued P.E.I., 1888; rector St. George's New Glas- to represent until 1890. -Address; 26 Spadina gow, N.S., 1889-92; Ch. of the Redeemer, Road, Toronto. Merrick, L.I., 1892-6; Memorial Ch. ofthe CRIDGE, Rt. Bev. Edward, B.A., D.D., Holy Comforter, Baltimore, 1896-1903; Bishop; b. Bratton-Heming of Devonshire, Instructor of Chemistry in Baltimore Med. Eng., 17 Dec, 1817; V John and Grace Coll., 1904-1906^ founder Young Men's Cridge; mT Mary Winnelle, d. of George Liberal Club, Toronto; invented a thought Winnelle of Boniford, Essex; four a. five d. recorder, 1902. Fprmer mem. Canadian Educ: North Molton, Devon, Eng., and in Inst., Toronto; mem. Soc. of Am. Authors, Gram. Sch. , Sault Moulton ; arrived astrom. sect. Md. Acad. Science, Soc. Arts. Canada, Fort Victoria, Vancouver Island, England^ Transatlantic Soc, etc. Publica- 31 March. 1855; from 1836 to 1842, was tions: Old Dogma in a New Light, 1896; third master at the Gram. Sch., Oundle, The Philosophy of Integration, 1906; also Northamptonshire; B.A., St. Peter's Coll., an anthem "Columbia," 1907. Address: ' Cambridge, 1848; one of the students, 2120 Chelsea Terrace, Baltimore, Ind. soliciting aid for the Great Irish famine; on appointment as , CBEELMAN, Adam Rutherford, K.C.; ordained the ^me year General Counsel of C.P.R.; b. , Asst.- Curate, and 2nd Master, Grammar Kent Co., N.B.; s. of James Rutherford Sch., in Walsham, Norfolk; in 1851, apptd. Creelman, and Isabella Christina Patterson to incumbency of Christ Church, West-Ham m. 1878, Margaret Cummings, d. of Rev. London; Sept. 1854, apptd. Chaplain to John Jennings, D.D., of Toronto; four a. one Hudson Bay Co., and District Minister of d. Educ: Richibucto Gram. Sch., Chatham Victoria, Vancouver Island. Left Engand Acad.; studied law in Toronto; mem. of with his bride, and arrived six months the legal firm of McCarthy, Osier, Hoskin later, going around cape Horn, in the sail- & Creelman, 1878-1901; gen. counsel of ing Ship, Marquis of Bute; apptd. Bishop, C.P.R. since that time. For four yra. in in 1876; one of the original provisional Can. Militia. Address: 45 "The Sherbrooke" Committee appointed by Governor Douglas, C.P.R. Co's Office, Windsor St., Montreal. to arrange for the building of an Hospital, Clubs: Mount Royal, St. James, Royal afterwards called the Royal Jubilee Hos- Montreal Golf, Forest and Stream, Montreal pital; also one of the originators for the Toronto, Granite, Toronto Hunt, Cricket, erection of an Orphans.' Home; said the Toronto; Rideau, Golf, Country, Ottawa; opening prayers at the first parliament in New York aty.N.Y. \^ncouver Island, 1856; addressed the CREELMAN, James, F.R.G.S.; associ- Crowds on Beacon Hill on the occasion of ate editor Pearson's Magazine (American); Queen Victoria's Jubilee; Pronounced bene- b. Montreal, 1859; m. 1891, Alice L. Buell diction upon soldiers at the farewell given 53 :


to the South African Contingent, Oct., 1899; 8. two d, Educ: Upper Can. Coll., Toronto now in his 92nd year, he does not take an Univ., Osgoode -Hall, Toronto; appted. active part in the Ministry, but lives on the Attorney General in the first Alberta Govt., homestead. Publications: Tract on spirit- 6 Sept., 1905, and el. t6 Leg. Ass. at the ualism.; a book '*Asit was in the beginning;" first g. e,, same yr.; re-elec. 1909. Recrea- Samphlet, "Life after death." Recreations:

Stanger, - d. of late Stanger, organized it into a joint Stock Co., the fol" the Thomas , Merchant, Fredericton id.); (2nd) 6 Sept., lowing year and became Gen. Mgr. of the 1905, Clarine M. Stevenson, d. of the late Co. Address: Cobourg, Ont. -C ^ Chas. M. Stevenson, M.P., (joaticook, Que. CRCTHEBS* Thomas Wilson, B.A., K, Educ: Com. Sch. and High Seh., Frederic- C, M.P.; b. 'Northport, 1 Jan.,1850;-S. of ton, and Univ. of N.B.; admitted Attorney, William Crothers and Nancy Gray; m, Supreme Court of N.B., 15 Oct., 1891; Mary E. Burns. Educ: Pub. Sch. and Barrister, 20 Oct., 1892; first elec. to H. of Victoria Coll.; Public Sch. teacher one yr.;"

C, 1904; re-elec, 1908; was Pres. of Fred- Head Master High Sch., WardsviUe, Ont., . ericton Soc. of St. Andrew for five yrs., three years; unsuccessful Conservative can-^ 1900-1905; Chairman of N.B. Bums Mem- didate for Ont. Legislature for W. Elgin, orial Com., through whose efforts the stg-tue 1879 (defeated by 7); studied law^in the r of Robert Bums was erected, 1906; Pres- office of Messrs. Foy, Tupper and Macdonell, byterian; Conservative. Address: Fred- and Messrs. Bethune, Olser and Moss, Tor- ericton, N.B. onto; practiced law at St. Thomas, Ont., CROFTON, Francis Blake, B.A.; b. since 1880; first elec. to H. of C, 1908. Cronboyne, Mayo, Ireland, 1841; s. of Rev. fiecreoiion; gardening. Address: St. Thomas Wm. Crofton, Rector of Skreene, Sligo; m, Ont. in 1872, Emma Katherine Bradshaw of CROTJTER, A. L. Edgerton, M.A., LL. Que.; two e. two rf. Educ: Royal School D.; b. Belleville, Ont., Sept. 15. 1846; s. Dungannon and Trinity Coll., Dublin, with Abraham Lewis and Elizabeth Eliza Ger- honors in classics and English Literature; man Crouter; m. 1895, June Yale. 'Educ: also passed for Indian Civil Service, but pub. and pvt. schs.; studied Franklin Inst. did not go to India. Arrived in Canada in and Univ. of Pa.; (M.A., Gallaudet Coll., 1864; was professor in Bishop's Coll., Len- Washington, 1886; LL.D., 111. Coll., Jack- noxville, 1864 to 1865, but removed to N.S. sonville, 1894). Teacher, 1867-84, Supt. in 1877, after some years spent in New since 1884, Pa. Inst'n for the Deaf and York, in Educational work; from 1882 to Dumb, Mt. Airy, Pa. Pres. Am. Assn. to 1906, was Librarian to Legislature of N.S. Promote Teaching Speech to Deaf; mem. Publications: The Bewildered Quereste, Am. Acad. Polit. and Social Science, Pa. "The Major's Big Talk Stories," "Is it too Hist. Soc, Conv. Am.' Inst'ra Of Deaf- U.S. late," and other pamphlets. Address: Hali- del. Intemat. Conf. Teachers of Deaf, Edin- fax, N.S. Clubs: Halifax, Halifax, N.S., and burgh, 1907. Republican. Episcopalian. Authors, London, Eng. Contributor to literature instr'n deaf. Ad- CROOK, James Walter; b. Bewdley, dress: 7406 Germantown Av., Mt. Airy, Ont., Dec. 21, 1858; s. Richard and Xane Philadelphia. Sackvilje; m. 1883, Miss Eva M. Lewis. CROWE, George Reading; b. Clifton,

Educ: Oberlin Coll., 1891; studied Univ. of , Colchester Co., N.S., 22 Oct., 1862; s. of Wis., 1892-3, Univ. of Beriin, Germany, James and Harriet. N. Crowe; m. Mary 1893-4, Columbia, 1894-5 (Ph. D., 1898; Elizabeth Alexander;' one s. two d. Educ: Prof, economics, Amherst Coll., since Sept., Common Sch., Colchester Co. Grain dealer 1895; lecturer on economist social and edn'I. since 1885. Address: 125 Hargrave St., subjects. Publications: German Wage Winnip eg. Man. CJ!u&: Manitoba, Winnipeg. Theories, 1898. ^drfress: Amherst, Mass. CROWE, Xleut.-Col. John Henry Ter- CROSBT, A. B., M.P.; b. Belfast, Ire- ender, R.A.; commandant of the Roy- land, 5 May, 1859; s. of Adam Crosby and al Military College, Kingston, Ont.;.b. 1682; Mary J, Crosby Brown; m. 15 Jon., 18^5, m. Mary Margaret, widow of Wilfred Walls- Mamie F. Cody, Halifax; five s. three d. Russell; one 8. one d. Educ: at Charter- Educ: Pub. Schs. Cape Breton, Commercial house, R. M. Coll., Woolwichi and Staff Coll., HaUfax, N.S.; Pres. Arena Rink Co., Coll.^ arrived in Canada, Oct., 1909; com- Vice-Pres., Cheticamps Copper Co.; alder- missioned as Lieut., 1882; Captain, 1890; man in Halifax for one year; foUowli^ year Major, 1899; Lieut.-Col., 1907; Private elec. Mayor, and continued in office for Secretary to the Governor of Punjab, three years, when disqualified by the law of 1892-7; D.A.Q.M.G. Intelligence Dept., of limitation; again elec. Mayor, which office the War Office, 1899-1902; chief instructor he now holds; first elec. to H. of C, 1908. in, military topography and military history Roman Catholic; Conservative. Address: and tactics at the R. M. Academy, Wool- P.O. Box, 108, Halifax. wich,- 1904-08; Knight Commander of the CROSS, Hon. Charles Wilson, B.A.. LL. Danebrog (Denmark); Order of Merit B., Attorney General of Albeita; b. Madoc, (Sixain); officer of the C)rder of S. Rente de Ont., 30 Nov., 1872; s. of Thomas Cross and Aviz (Portugal). Publications: "Problems Marie (^ross; m. Annie Louisa Lynde; one in manoeuvre tactics; "Epitome of the 54 WHO'S WHO.

Afghan War, 1878-1880; "Epitome of the office; mem. of Colonial Committee of the Russo-Turkish War ,1877-8;" Handbook of Tariff Reform League; resided in Engl'aiul, the armies of Sweden and Norway," and 1903-4, but returned to Canada, 1905. Translator of Drill R^ulations of the Ger- Publications: '*The Northern Lakes of man Field Artillery, from the German of Canada;" "History of the Union Jack and Count Sternberg. Address: Royal Military, Flags of the Empire;" "The Navira on Lake College, Kingston, Ont. Clubs: Naval and Ontario in ISl?." Mem. of the Authors' MiUtary, and Grosvenor, London, Eng. Soc, England; Champlain Soc, Canada; is CBUIKSHANK, I.ieut.-Col. Earnest Al- pres. of the Ontario Historical Soc * Ad- exander, F.R.S.C., D.O.C. Mil. Dist. dresses: "Dimain," Port Hope, Ont.; clp No. 13; b. Tp. of Bertie,' Welland Co.-, Ont., Niagara Nav. Co., Toronto. Clubs: Tor- 29 June, 1854; s. of Alexander Cruickshank, onto; Royal Col. Inst., London, Eng. and Margaret Milne (both Scotch); m. CUMMINGS, Mrs. WiUoughby Emily; Julia E. Kennedy, of Buffalo, N.Y. Educ: m. to Willoi^hby Cunmiings of WiUoughby St. Thomas Gram. Sch., Upper Caia. Coll.; Hall, Chippawa; active for many years in mem. of TVelland Co. Coun., 1879-1903; the National Council of Women; Corres- Warden, 1886; police Magistrate, Niagara ponding Secretary thereto; Convener of Falls, 1903-8; joined 44th Reg., in 1881, and Press Committee of the International Coun- served through all ranks to position of cil, Toronto, June, 1909. Address: 44 Dew- Lieut. -Col., Comdg,; now Hon. Lieut.-Col. son St., Toronto. of' Regt.; commanded 5th Infan. Brig.; apptd. D. O. C, No. 13 XHst., 1 May, 1909. CUMMISKET, Hon, James H.; Commr. Island; Has written voluminously upon historical of Pub. Works of Prince Edward matters. Publications: Documentary His- elec for the 3rd dist. of Queen's Co., on the tory, ; Battle of Lundy's Lane; Councillor list at g. e., 1897; re-el. at g. e., Battle of Queenston Heights; Story of 1900, 1904 and 1908; apptd. to Ex.-Coun., Butler's Rangers; Si^e of Fort Erie; Hist. and made Commr. of Pub. Works, 28 Dec, Records of Can. Regiments; Hist, of Wel- 1900, which he stll holds; Speaker of the- land Country. Recreations: riding, walking, House of Ass., 8th Legia., 1888-1900. Ad- mouutaineering. Address: Marlborough dress: Charlottetown, P.E.I. Mansions, Calgary, Alta. CUBRIE, Major John Allison, M.P.; b. CULLEN, Thomas Stephen, M.D.; b. Nottawa, Simcoe Co., Ont., 25 Feb., 1862; Bridgewater, Ont., Nov. 20, 1868; s. Rev. s. of John Currie and Catherine McAllister; Thomas and Mary Greene; m. 1901, Emma m. E. Helen Sparks; one d. Educ: Pub. Jones Beckwish. Educ: Collegiate Inst., Sch. and Coll. Inst., Collingwood; on staff of Toronto; grad. med. dept., Toronto Univ., the Toronto News and Toronto Mail: left 1890; Specialist in "abdominal surgery; asso. journalism to e"nter business; now pres. of j>rof. gynecology, Johns Hopkins; asso. in the Imperial Steel and Wire Co.; first elec. gynecology, Johns Hopkins Hoap,; Hon. to H. of C, 1908; Major, 48th Highlanders, mem. La Societa Italiana Ostetricia Gine- Canada; Pres,, Toronto Garrison Indoor cologia, Rome; corr. mem. Gesellschaft fur Baseball 'League. Publications: Articles to Geburtshulfe, Leipzig. ContbV. to med. magazines and reviews. Address: 39 How- jours, on gynecol. pathology and abdominal land Av., Toronto; Collingwood, Ont. surgery. Publications: Cancer of the Uterus, Clubs: Albany, Can. Mil. Inst., Toronto; 1900; Adeno-myoma des Uterus, Verlag Collingwood. von August Hirschwald, 1903. Address: 3 CURKIE, Morley, B.A., M.D., M.P.; b. W. Preston St., Baltimore, Md.' Picton, Ont., 1869; s. of Geo. C. Currie and CUMBERLAND, Frederic Barlow, M.A. Catherine Richards; m. Clara Clarke; onerf. (Trin. Coll.); b. Portsmouth, lEng., 5 Aug., Educ: Pub. Sch. and High Sch. of Picton. 1846; 8. of.F. W. Cumberland, and Wilmot Ont., and Univ. of Toronto; a physician; Mary Bramley; m. Seraphina ^Fraser, of surgeon with rank of Capt. in the 16th Port Hope; one d. Educ: Model Gram. Regt.; elec to the Ont. L^slature, 1902 Sch., Toronto; Cheltenham Coll., Eng.; and 1904; elect, to the H. of C, 1908. 'Trin. Coll., Toronto. Came to Can. with his Address: Picton, Ont. parents in 1847; studied law in Toronto, Nathaniel; b. Kings County, but abandoned it in 1870 to enter railway CTJRRT, a. of Charies Curry service; served in many capacities on Great N.S., 26 March, 1851; Western and Northern Rys. With Sir and Eunice Davidson; an. Hary M. Hall; Sch. of N.S.; spent - Frank Smith, estbd., 1880, Niagara Nav. four s. Educ: Pub. some States with Co.; Vice-Pres. of Co. since formed Colling- years in the Uijited Railway and Mining Companies; established business ' wood Lake Superior line to Port Arthur N.S., 1877; Pres., Rhodes, and Duluth, 1881. Placed S. S. Campana in Amherst, Curry"Co.., Ltd., Canada Car and Foundry on Upper Lakes, first twin screw steamer Co., Canada Co.; Dir. Bank of Nova on Upper Lakes, and first v^sel to be cut Land Cement Co., Canadian Light in two to be taken through Canadian Canals. Scotia, Canada other companies. conducted general tourist and ticket office and Power Co., and 15 shooting, fishing, in Toronto, 1879-1902; Pres. or Dir. of Recreations: yachting, many iim)ortant business organizations; curling. Address: Amherst, N.S. Clubs: Amherst, N.S.; Albany, Tor- mem, of Corporation of Trinity Coll.; mem. Marshlands, Ont., Engineers, and St. James', of Senate, Toronto Univ.; was a priv. in onto, Cheltenham Coll. Rifle Corps, and best shot Montreal. in Wimbledon Team; served in Fenian CUSHENG, Hon. WllUam Henry, M.L. Raid in Can., 1866; has been Pres. of St. A.; Min. of Pub. Works of Alberta; b. 21 George's Soc, Toronto, and PresL of Nat- Aug., 1852; of English and Irish parentage; ional Club; Supreme Pres., S. O. E., 1896. m. 1877; two d. Educ: Ontario Pub. Schs. Has steadily refused nomination for public A manufacturer; apptd. Min. of Pub. 55 WHO'S WHO.

Works in the first Alberta Govt., 6 Sept., tions enabling Government to enact legis- .1905; elec. to Alberta Leg. for Calgary, lation dealing with the telephone service. at g. e., 1905; re-elec. 1909. Addreti: Cal- Address: 63 Thorold Av., Toronto. gary, Alta. DAIGNEAULt, Frederic Hector, M.D., CM., M.L.A.; 6. Chambly, Que., 19 May, 1860; s. Joseph Daigneault, and Henrietta Lachapelle; m. Catherine Jane McGrail; D two a. one d. £duc.; St. Hyacinthe oil. and Victoria Medical Sch.; was elected to the DAFOE, John W,. Man. Ed. Manitoba Quebec Legislature, 1900; re-elee. 1904 and Free Press; b. Combermere, Out., 8 March 1908. Address: Acton Vale, Que. 1866; s. of C. W. Dafoe, now of Killarney, DALE, James Alfred, M.A. (Oxon); Man., and Mary, d. of the late John Elcome, Prof, of Educ, McGill Univ.; b. Birming- of Kent, Eng.; m. Alice, d. of W. G. Par- ham, Eng., 21 June, 1874; s. of J. A. Dale, melie of Ottawa; three a. fourth. Educ: of Birmingham, and Eliz. Holmes, of Man- Arnprior Pub. and High Schs.; connected chester; m. Margaret Butler; two s. Educ: with the Montreal Star from 1883 to 1885; King Edward VI Sch., Camp Hill; Mason first editor of the Ottawa Journal, 1886; Univ., Coll., Birmingham; Weston Coll., editorial staff of the Manitoba Free Press, Oxford; came to Canada, Aug., 1908^ to 1886-92; editor Montreal Herald, 1892- assume pres. pos. at McGill. Open Classical 1895; editorial staff of Montreal Star 1895 Exhibitioner of Merton, tutor at Borough to 1901; editor in Chief, Manitoba Free Road Training Co., London, 1902-3; Oxford Press, 1901, to the present time. Address: Univ. Extension lecturer, 1904-8. Puh^ 509 Spence St., Winnip^. Club: Manitoba, lications: History of Englah Literatmre; Winnipeg. contributions to various periodicals chiefly DAFOE, Samuel Wallace; b. Hastings on literary and educational subjects. Ad-_ Co., Ont., 9 Jan., 1874; s. of Calvin Wesley dress: 260 University St., Montreal. and Mary Dafoe; m. Amy Templeton King, DALY, Hon. Thomas Mayne, P.O., K. s. b. a. Ottawa; one Educ: ICillamey and Winni- C; Stratford, Ont., 16 Aug., 1852; , peg, Man.; reporter for the Winnipeg- Free Thomas Mayne Daly, for many years mem- Press, 1890-1893; sporting and city editor ber of Parliament for Perth County, and Nor. Wester, 1893-1895; Parliamentary re- Mayor of Stratford, and Helen Wharen; porter Ottawa Journal, 1896; Telegraph m, Margaret A. Jarvis, d. of P. R. Jarvis, editor Montreal Herald, 1897-1898; Satur- J.P., Stratford, Ont.; two s. Educ: Up. day Editor Montreal Star, 1899; Telegraph Can. Coll., Toronto; first Mayor of Brandon, Editor Montreal Star, 1900 to 1905; Press 18$2; Mayor of Brandon, 1887 to 1896; Correspondent at Ottawa, from 1905 to Minister of Interior and Superintendent of the present date, representing London Indian Affairs in Government of Sir John Daily MaiU Montreal Witness, Toronto Star. Abbott, and Sir John Thompson and Sir Address: 21 WaverlySt., Ottawa. McKenzie Bowell, Oct., 1892 to April, DAGGER, Francis; 6. Liverpool, Eng., 1896; Roasland, B.C., 1897 to 1902; Police 3 June, 1865; s. of Henry Dagger, s. of the Magistrate, 1901, and Judge Juvenile Court, Supervisor of H. M. Customs, and Frances, Winnipeg, 1909; Senior mem. of law firm d. of John Henry Hopkins, Seaforth, Liver- of Daly and Crichton, Winnipeg, Address: pool; m. Emma d. of Charles and Harriet 901 Dorchester Avenue, Winnipeg. Club: Holland, Bristol Eng.; ones, two d. Educ: Manitoba, Winnipeg. Farndon Hall Academy, Cheshire; Eng.; DANDTJBAND, Hon. Raoul, PC, LL. arrived in Canada, Aug., 1899; eighteen D., Kt. Legion of Honor (France); Senator; b. years in the telephone service . of Great Montreal, 4 Nov., 1861 ; s. of the late O. E. Britain, holding various positions in the Dandurand, Merchant, Montreal, and Marie Lancashire & Cheshire Telephonic Ex- Marguerite Roy; m, in 1886, Josephine, d. change Co., the Western Counties & South of the late Hon. F. G. Marchand, Eduo(: Wales Telephone Co., and the National Montreal Coll. and Laval Univ.; called to Teleph,one Co., in Lancashire, Bristol, the Bar in the Prov. of Quebec, Jan., 1883; Plymouth, Birmingham, and Sheffield, became a partner of the late Joseph Dautre, came to Canada in 1899, and made a spec- Q.C.; later he formed a partnershij) with ial study of telephone conditions on the Mr. (now Hon.) L. P. Brodeur, and is now North American continent with a view to practicing law as head of the firm of Dan- determining the relative merits of public durand, Hibbard, Boyer and Gosselin; was

ownershii>, private monopoly, and com- made a K.C., in 1898; created a Knight : ' petition; in 1903, prepared a report for the of the Legion of Honor, by the French Postmaster-General (Sir William Mulock), Government, in 1891, and promoted to the upon tiiis subject, which resulted in the rank of officer, 1907; called to the Senate, appointment in 1905, of a parliamentary Jan., 1898; Speaker, Jan., 1905; sworn of Select Committee to inquire into and the Privy Coimcilj Jin., 1909. Publica- report regardine; the various public tele- tions: conjointly with Mr. Charles Lanctot, phone systems in operation in Canada, and now Deputy Attorney General, Que., a else where; was apptd. to assist this Com- treatise on Criminal Law, and Manuals for mittee during its inquiry. In 1906, was Justices of the Peace and Police Officers. called upon by the Government of Mani- DANDUBAND, Madame Josephine; b. toba to conduct an educational campaign Montreal; d. of the late Hon. F. G. Mar- throughout the province, resulting in an chand, Premier of Quebec; m. Hon. Rauol affirmative vote of the people in favour of Dandurand; Vice.-Pres, of the National public ownership of the telephone service; Council of Women of Canada, and of the in 1907, was commissioned by Government Woman's Canadian Club of Montreal; has of Saskatchewan to submit recommenda- published "Les Contes de Noel," a volume 56 : WHO'S WHO.

." of essays, three comedies "Rancune," "La Dairymen's Ass.; first elec. to Ontario Legis- Carte Fostale," and "Le Langage des lature, 1905, and re-elected 1909; Conser- Pleurs," which were played] in Montreal and vative. Address: Elgin, Leeds Co., Ont. * Quebec ; another comedy, ' Victimes de Olivier; rideal," in verse, was played in Ottawa. DAVID, Hon. Laurent Senator; Clerk of the Gity of Montreal; b. Saint-au- A frequent contributor to periodicals; was RecoUet, nr. Montreal, 24 March, 1840; s. appointed Lady Commissioner for GEmada, - of the late Major Stanislas David and -to the Paris Exhibition in 1900; presided Elizabeth Tremblay; m. (1st) 1868, Albina in Fans over a number of meetings of the Chenet (d. (2nd) Ludiyine International Council of Women; was the 1887;); 1892, Garceau; one s. nine d. Educ: St. Therese first Canadian Woman to be honoured with Coll.; called to the Bar, 1864; assisted to the decoration of "Of&cier d'Acad^mie" by estb., and was chief editor of L^Opinion the French Government in 1899; founded Publique, an illustrated weekly, 1870. In "L'oeuvre des Livres Gratuits" in 1892, 1874, in conjunction with Mr. Beausoleil, which circulates j^early, many thousands M,P., founded Le Bien Public; was a trans- of books to people in need, and. more espec- lator and Aast. Clerk of the votes and ially to the female teachers in the rural deliberations of H. of* C. during the parts of Quebec. Address: 548 Sherbrooke Mac- kenzie regime. Unsuccessful can. for local St. W., Montreal. Legia. at g. e., and and for H. DAXIEL, John Waterhouse, M.R.C.S., 1867, 1875, of C. at g. e., 1878 and 1891; elec. to local M.P.; b. St. Stephen, N.B., 27 Jan., L^B. at g. e., 1886; delegate to the French- 1854;; 8. of Henry and Honor Daniel, natives Canadian Nationul Convention at Nashua, of Cornwall, Eng.; m. 15 Oct., 1890, Jessie N.H., in 1888, apptd. City Clerk of Mont- Porteous Ennis, d. of the late John Ennis. real, 1892; Pres., Ste. Jean Baptiste Soc, Edy,c.: New Kingawood Coll„ Bath, Somer- Montreal, 1887-8; Fellow of the Royal Soc. fietahire, Eng., and.at New York and Lon- of Canada; apptd. to the Senate, 19 June, don, Eng.; first elec. to the H. of Cj at bye- 1903. Publications: "Biographies et Port ' election, 16 Feb., 1904; re-elec. 1904 and traits," "Les Heros de Chateauguay, " "Les 1908; has been Sui^eon Lt.-Col. in the Patriotes, de 1837-38," "Mea Contempor- Militia (Long Service decoration) ; an alder- ains," "Les Deux Papineau," "L'Union dea man for three years; Warden of the Co. one Deux (1841-1867)," "Le Drapeau year; Mayor two years; past Prea., St. de Carillon," "Laurier et son temps," "Le Geor^e'a Society; Past Prea. Council of Clerge Canadien; Sa Mission et Son OeUvre" Physicians and Surgeons;' mem. Board of St. Hubert St.; City Hall, Health; Commr. and Consulting Surgeon, Addresses: 391 General Public Hospital; Methodist; Con- Montreal. servative. Address: St. John, N.B. DAVIDSON, Colonel Andrew Duncan; DANIELS, Hon. Orlando T., B.A., M.L. b. Glencoe, Oht., 18 May, 1853; s. of Scotch A.; Mem. of the E:y. Coun. of Nova Scotia; and Irish Parents; m. Ella F. McRae, b. Laurencetown, Annapolis Co., N.S., 20 Glencoe; one d. Educ: Glencoe; raised on

March, 1860; 8. of Wellington Daniels, and , a fargi in Western Ontario; went to Wis- Lavinia Daniels; m. 1893, Mary L. Muir; consin at age of 19; after taking a course In | one d, Educ: Laurencetown Pub. Sch., Business College, took up railroad work; Univ. of Acadia Coll., Wolfville, N.S.; after serveral years moved to Minnesota, Barrister-at-law; apptd. mem. of the Ex. where he became engaged in the land buai- Coun. of N.S., 16 March, 1907; first elec. to ness, which he has followed ever since; Leg. Asa. at bye-el. 6 March, 1906; re-el. at -returned to Canada in 1902 and inagurated g. e., 20 June. 1906. Address: Bridgetown, what ia known as the American Invasion, he and his associates having purchased DANSEBEAU, Clement Arthur, B.C.L.; 1,250,000 acres of land; also had a coloni- editor-in-chief of La Presse, Montreal; b. zation agreement with the Dominion Gov- Contre Coeur, Que., 6 July, 1844; a. of ernment, by which he was to settle a large Clement Dansereau and Louise Fiaet; m. tract of country in the Saskatchewan Val- (Ist) Marie Cordelie Hurteau id. 1S79); ley; brought 350 bankers, grain buyers and (2nd) Stephanie, d. of Stephen McKay (rf. newspaper men from the U.S., and showed 1897). Educ: Vercheres and L'Aasomp- them the country; their reports were so tion Coll.; studied law under Mr. Juatice favourable that 1,000,000 acres of land were Girouard, now of Sup. Ct.; grad. McGill, sold actual settlers from the U.S. in the 1865; did not practice legal prof., but next 8 months; carried through his coloni- entered into journalism; from 1873, onward zation agreement to successful completion; one of the editors of La Minerve; joined later took over the land grant of the C. N. staff of La Presse, 1880; accepted Post- Ry.; has sold 12,000,000 acres of land dur- mastership of Montreal, 1891, but resigned ing his career; is interested in lumbering

1899, to return to journalism; has been business in B.C. ; Vice-Prea. Columbia editor-in-chief of La Presse since that date. River Lumber Co., and also of the Fraser Publications: Annates Historiques College River Lymber Co., the latter having the de L'Aasomption. Address: 1028 Dorchester largest saw mill in the British Empire; St., W., Montreal. Clubs: St. Jamea', Can- also interested in Grain Elevator Companies ada, Montreal, Montreal. in the Western Canada Flour Mills; Land DAAGAYEL, John Hobertson, M.L. A.; Commissioner of the Canadian Northern 6. Elgin, Ont., 3 May, 1846; a. of Robert Ry., and closely identified and interested Dargavel and Miriam Robertson Dargavel; with Mackenzie and Mann, in many of their m. Mary Jane Hopkins, one s. two d. Educ. enterprises; senior mem. of the firm of _ in Pub. Scha.; engaged in the mercantile Davidson and McRae; is a member of the buaineas aince 1863, also in farming and Boards of Directors of 44 companies. Ad- dairying; Pres. of the Eastern Ontario dress: Toronto, Ont. Clubs: National, Tor- 57 :;


onto; Bideau, Ottawa, Manitoba, Winni- Great Britain before the International peg. Fisheries Arbitration at Halifax in 1877, DAVIDSON, Hon. Charles Peers, Puisne between Great Britain and United States of Justice Superior Court, Province of Que.; America; P.O., Canada, 1896; Joint Dele- Professor of Criminal Law, McGiU Univ., - gate to Washington with Sir Wilfrid Laurier Montreal; b. Huntingdon, Que., Jan. 1841; 1897, on Behring Sea seal question; one of 8. of Captain Alexander Davidson; m. 1868, Joint High Conmiissioners on'part of Great Alice, d. of William. Mattice, Cornwall, Britain in 1898 for settlement of all differ- Ontario. Educ: Victoria College, Cobourg; ences with U.SA. in respect of Canada; McGill Univ., Montreal; called to Bar of Minister of Marine and Fisheries, Canada, Que., 1885; Q.C., 1878; Bench, 1887; on 1896-1901. Recreationa: golf, driving. Ad- service durii^ Fenian raid% 1866-67, and dress: 236 Metcalfe St., Ottawa. Clubs: holds medal; Lieut. -Col. Victoria Kifles, Rideau, Golf, Ottawa. Montreal, 1887; president Montreal Snow DAVIS, Edward Pease, B.A., K.C.; b. Shoe Club, 1871-77; president Victoria King, Ont^ 1860; «. Andrew Davis and Skating Club, 1879-83; -commodore Royal Elizabeth Pease; m. Adelia Oouise Davis; St. Lawrence Yacht Club, 1902. Publica- two 8. one d. Recreation: bridge, yach;ting. tion: Banking Laws of Canada. Recreationa: Address: 1116 Seaton St., Vancouver, B.C. throughout life has been ardent sportsman, Clubs: Vancouver, Royal Yacht, Jericho, running, lacrosse, yachting, and winter Vancouver; Union, Victoria; Tpronto; Un- sports of all kinds. Address: Minto Apts., ited Empire, London, Eng. Montreal. Clubs: St. James', Royal St. DAVIS, Rev. Evans, M.A., D.D., Dean Lawrence Yafiht, Forest and Stream, Mont- of the Diocese of Huron; 6. in Ireland, of real. Welsh extraction, 20 May, 1848; a. of the DAVIDSON, James; h. Montreal, 1854; late Rev. W. Davis; m. Louisa Victoria 8. of the late Thomas Davidson and Marie Greenwood; three s. one d. Educ: in Que-

Ritchie. Educ. : Montreal priv. schs. ; at age bec, Toronto, and London; arrived in Can- of eighteen entered the establishment of ada when very young; ordained deacon, by Thomas Davidson Mnfg. Co., founded by Bishop Cronyn, 3 June, 1871; Priest by his father in 1860; became a partner, 1880; Bishop Hellmuth, 6 Nov., 1875; apptd. to 1894, on the death of his father, assumed the Bayfield, Co. Huron, 5 June, 1871; full control of. the business, which was apptd. to St. James', London, Feb., 1894, incorporated in 1895, under the name of the where he still is in charge as rector; was Thomas Davidson Mnfg. Co., Ltd., and, has apptd. Canon of the Cathedral, 2 May, been Pres. ever since; Vice-Pres., Brome 1888; apptd. Archdeacon of London, 26

. Lake Electric Co. ; mem. Montreal Bd. of Sept., 1894, and Dean of the Diocese, 16 Trade, Cham.bre de Commerce. Recreation: Oct., 1905. Address: London, Ont. trout fishing. Address: 292 Stanley St., DAVIS, Mortimer B.; Pres. Imperial Montreal. (Jluhs: St. James', Montreal Hunt Tobacco Co. of Canada; b. Montreal. Educ. Beaconsfield Golf. High Sch.; entered firm of S. Davis & Sons, DAVIDSON, Peers, M.A.,B.C.L., KG.; b. Cigar Manufacturers, his father's business, 17 Nov., 1870; s. of Mr. Justice Charles at an early age, became manager, and on Peers Davidson; m. 1895, Harriet Louise, formation of the American Tobacco Co., of d. of Rt. Hon. Sir William Whiteway, C.P., Caa., became Pres., 1895; Pres. Imperial K.C.M.G., formerly Premier of Newfound- Tobacco Co„ of Can. ; Dir. Union Bank of land; two 8, one d. Educ: Montreal High Can.; Man. Dir. Corby Distillery Co., Belle- Sch., McGill Univ.; called to the Bar, 19 ville, Ont.; Dir. B. Houde Tobacco Co.,

Sept.. 1893; cr, K.C., 6 July, 1906; now Quebec. ; Pres., Baron de Hirsch Inst. senior mem. of the firm Davidson & Wain- founded a law chair in Laval Univ., 1900; wright, barristers and solicitors, Montreal. mem. Montreal' Bd. of Trade. Address; Publication : "Canadian Law of Partner- 516 Pine Av., W., Montreal. Clubs: Mount ship," in collaboration with Mr. R. B. Royal, St. James', Montreal Hunt, Jockey. Henderson, barrister. Addresses: 7 Selkirk DAVIS, Hon. Thomas Osborne; Senator

Av.; 224 St. James' St., Montreal. (Bus.) b. Sherrington, Que , 16 Aug., 1856; a. of Clubs: St. James', Canada, Hunt, Royal Samuel and Anne Davis; m. Rebecca Jen- St, Lawrence Yacht, Montreal. nings; five 8. three d. Educ: at home; DAVIES, Acton; b. St. Johns, Que. Councillor and Mayor of Prince Albert; Joined staff of New York Evening Sun, May, Pres. of the Board of Trade and Chairman 1890; dramatic critic since 1893; was Corr., of Public Sch. Board; elected to the H, of C. New York Sun in Cuba and Porto Rico, and for Saskatchewan, 19 Dec, 1896, in place was with the marine corps during the fight of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, who vacated the seat at Guantanamo. Address: Evening Sun, to accept Quebec East; re-elected 1900; New York. elec. Whip for the West, 1901; apptd. to DAVIES, Hon, Sir Louis Henry, K.C.; the Senate, 30 Sept., 1904. Address: Prince one of the Judges of the Supreme Court of Albert, Saskatchewan. Club: Prince Albert. Canada; K.C.M.G., 1897; b. Prince Edward DAVY, John M.j 6. Ottawa, Ont., June Island, 4 May, 1845; e. of Hon. Benjamin 29, 1835; removed to Rochester with his Davies; m. Susan d. of Rev. Dr. Wiggins, parents when a child; brought up on farm^; 1872; one «. three d. Educ: Prince of Wales Educ: com. schs. and Monroe Acad., E. Coll. Barr. Prince Edward Island, 1867; Henrietta, N.Y.; studied law; was law Solicitor-General, 1869 and 1871-92; Leader student when Civil war broke out; assisted of the Opposition, 1873-76; Premier and in raising and became Ist Lieut., 108th N.Y, Attorney-General, Prince Edward Island, Vols.; served until 1863, when he was 1876-79; Q.C. 1880; elected to Dom. H. 9f honorably discharged because of illness; C, 1882, and re-elec. continuously until his resumed law study; admitted to bar, 1863; appointment to Supreme Court; Couosel for dist. atty., Monroe Co., 1868-71; coUectoi 58 ; ,


of customs, Rochester, 1872-5; mem. Con- of materials, including .burning oils, lu-f gress, 1875-7; Judge Supreme Court, 7th bricating oils, fuel, metals, axles, rails, and ]ud, diet.. N.Y., 1889-1905; retired; Repub- oth^r supplies largely dealt in; since 1893< lican. Address: Rochester, N.Y. has been in charge of Survey of tides and

DAWSON, Samuel C . . currents for Canada. Publications: various Edward, M G . Litt.D., F.R.S.C; h. Halifax, N.S., 1833; technical and engr. papers; series of reports m. 1858, Annie, d. of late Gilbert Bent; of on investigation of currents; annual tide- St. John, N.B.; went to Montreal in 1847, tables for Atlantic and Pacific coasts of where he was for forty years a publisher Can. Address: 436 Gilmour St., Ottawa. and bookseller, first with his father Ben-' DAT, Mrs. Lllla; b. Ireland; d. of Rev. jamin Dawson (cZ.), and then as senior mem^. William Swanton and Rizia Collins, e. d. of

of Dawson Brothers,—a . firm very widely the late Capt. Francis Collins, 11th Hiiz- known; went to Ottawa, in 1891i-on appoin- zars, Prince Albert's Own; m. Robert Scott ment as King's Printer and Controller of Day, C.E., April, 1888; four s. three d, Stationary for the Dominion of Canada, Bduc: Ireland and England; arrived in which position he held until 1909; is a mem. Canada, June, 1891; visited Australia- of the Royal Society of Canada and (1907), when two years old with her parents and President. Is Docteur es-Lettres of Laval brother, but having lost her father on' the Univ.; has been Sch. Commissioner and voyage, the family returned; the remaining Pres. of the Board of Arts, and Manufac- years of her childhood were spent with hef tures at Montreal; has written much on grand father in Cork, Ireland. As a Canadian subjects. Publications: "A Study result of the land league agitation, her of Lord Tennyson's Princess," (Montreal, family lost all their property and income; 1884); "Canada and Newfoundland," (Stan- she married in Cork, Ireland, and the first ford, 1896); "The Voyages of the Cabots," three years of her married life were spent in (1894-97); "The St. Lawrence Basin and its Kamberley, South Africa, where she took Borderlands,^' (London and New York, an active part in social, religious and phil- 1905), atid other works on the history and anthropic life of the diamond fields, and §eography of Canada. Address: 136 Bay was instrumental in forming the Kimberley treet, Ottawa. Benevolent Society; on the organization of DAWSON, WilUam Bell, M:A., Ma.E., a branch of the Woman's Council, by Lady M. Inst. C.E., P.S.L., F.R.S.C, Supt. of Aberdeen in Victoria, B.C., became its

tidal serveys, Canada; 6. Picton, N.S., 2 first Vice-Pres. ; has continued in the work May, 1854; «. of late Sir'J. W. and Lady ever since; in 1904, was elected Pres. of the Dawson; i?i. Florence, d. o^ Commissary Victoria and Vancouver Island Local Coun- Gen. Elliott (Ei^); three a. one d. Educ: cil of Women, retiring after four years to McGill "Univ., and Ecole des ponts et accept the Vice-Pres. of the National Coun- Chauss^es, Paris (grad. 1878); in the sum- ~ cil of Women of Canada; originator the mer of 1873, inspected the works of the club idea in Victoria, and with Mrs, Intercolonial Railway, then inp .rogress, Dewdney, wife of the then Lieut.-Gover- between Riviere du Loup and Bathurst; nor, and Miss Perrin, sister of the Lord following summer was employed on the Bishop of Columbia, organized the Alex- construction of the Louisburg Railway, andra Club, which was for many years the Gape Breton; in 1875, travelled in England, only Woman's Club west of Toronto. Ad- and on the continent of Europe, visiting dress: Rockland Avenue, Victoria, B.C. Scientific Schools, Workshops, and Mus- Club: Alexandra. eums; ,1876, was employed on the Quebec DEANE, John Hall; b. Canada; went to Montreal, Ottawa, and (Accidental Railway, U.S. in boyhood; entered Rochester Univ., infield and office work; 1877, visited the but left to enlist; private Union army, 1862; Canal de I'Est, then under construction; captured at Gettysburg, and for some time and examined the works at the summit near in C. S. prison; after being exchanged, ser- Epinal, in the vicinity of Nancy, and along ved in navy to end of war; studied law; the Meuse to Namur in Belgium; also practiced in New York; gave $100,000 to availed himself of the opportunity to exa- Univ. of Rochester; has made other note- mine the Harbor Improvements in progress worthy gifts to Bapt. Instns. Address: 62 at Havre. From the notes, plans and E. 78th St. Of^ce: 136 Broadway, New

( drawings made regarding these works, York. CZuba: Union League. prepared papers on the Paroy Reservoir, DE BliAQUIERE, Baron William, J. P.; and on the Canal de I'Est, for the Institu- b. Woodstock, Ont., 5 Sept., 1856; a. of _tion of Civil Engineers, London; for which 5th Baron William Barnard de BlaquierCr was awarded a Miller Scholarship; admitted Capt., R.N., and Anna Maria Wormald; 1878, as a Provincial Land Surveyor in the m. 1888, Lucianne, e. d. of George Des-

Province of Quebec; in December, 1879, barats, of Montreal ; two s. one d. Baron- was elected an Associate mem. of the Inst, etcy created, 16 July, 2874; barony, 30 " of Civil Engineers; and in the following year July, 1800; succeeded his cousin as 6th passed for Degree of Master of Engineering baron 1889. Addresses: Brockworth Manor, 1882, was apptd. one of the Examiners in Gloucestershire (seat); 3 Circus, Bath, Eng, th^ Faculty of Applied Science of McGill Club: White's Univ., specially in the subjects of Applied DE BLAQUIERE, The Baroness Luci- Mechanics, Construction, Hydraulics^ and anne; b. Quebec, 1865; d. of the late the Steam Engine; Asst. Mgr. with the Dom- George E. Desbarats and Lucianne Bosse; inion Bridge Company, 1882; entered the m. 1888, William de Blaquiere, of Wood- service of the Canadian Pacific Railway Co., stock, Ont., who succeeded to the peerage as Assist. Engineer, 1884; amongst otijer as 6th Baron in 1889; two s. one d. Bduc: work, organized a testing laboratory for Sacred Heart Convent, Montreal; is on the the Company, to examine into the qualities "Britannia roll" of the Imperial Federation 69 idesOU CHERVILLE WHO'S WHO.

League. Addresses: Brockworth Manor, DE. GAZES, Paul, Litt. D. (Laval), F. Gloucestershire (seat); 3 Circus, Bath, Eng. R.S.C.; b. St. Harblon, France, 16 June, deBOUCHERVILLE, Hon. Charles Eu- 1840; 8. of Charles de Gazes; m. Hermaine gene Boucher, M.D., C.M.G.; b. Mont- St. Denis id. 1905). Educ: L'Institution real, 4 May, 1822; s. of late Hon. P. B. Loriol, Paris; came to Can., 1858; in jour- Dd Boucherville, M.L.C. and Amelie de nalism, 1363-1872; called to the Quebec Bleury; m. (1st) Susanna, d, of th late R, M. Bar 1869, and entered into practice with Morrough, Montreal; (2nd) d. of the late late Hon. Mr. Mercier; Dom. Govt, rep., Felix Lussier, Seigneur of Varennes (d. at Paris, 1874-9; an officer of Pub. Instruc- Jan., 1892). Educ..: St. Sulpice Coll., Mont- tion of France; ex-sec of the Dept. of Pub. real and McGill Univ. (M.D.); sat in Can. Instruction of Quebec; ex-sec. of the Coun- House of Assembly for Chambly, 1861, cil of Catholic Pub. Instruction, Quebec; until Confederation, when called to Legis. vice-pres. sec I of the Roy. Soc of Can., Council, of which he has been a mem. since. 1884-6. Publications: "Notes sur le Can- Speaker of Qouncil in Chauveau Admn.; ada;" *'Code of Public Instruction for Premier of Quebec, Sept., 1874; dismissed Quebec;" many contributions to the pro- by Lieut. -Governor, March, 1878; called ceedings of the Royal Soc Address: to Senate of Can. for Montarville div., 1879; Neuilly-sur-Seine, nr. Paris, France. cr. C.M.G., May, 1894. Address: Montreal. DE CELLES, Alfred D., LL.D.. C.M.G. I>E BRUMATH, Adrien Leblond, B.A.; Chevalier de la Legion d*Honneur, F.R.S'. Director of the Catholic Commercial Acad- C; Librarian of Parliament; b. St. Laurent, nr. emy of Montreal; 6. Schlestadt, Alsace, 16 Montreal, 15 Aug., 1844; s. of Augustin April, 1854; s. of Pascal de Brumath, dir. de Celles; m. Eugenie' Dorion ; one s. Educ: of Insane Asylums of France, and Kt. of Laval Univ., Quebec; lawyer; editor of Le L^on of Hon., and Blanche, d. of D. Journal de Quebec; La Minerve, Montreal; Dispot, King's Attorney, France; m. J. L'Opinion Publique, Montreal. Pubica- Nolan; two s. two d. Educ: Jesuits Coll., tions: La Crise du regime parlementaire; A Amiens, France; studied law in France; la conquete de la liperte en France et au w^as pupil of the Military Riding Sch. at Canada; Les constitutions du Canada; Les Saumuir, France; non. com. officer of Etats Unis; Papineau (Political History of Cuirassiers, at Paris; came to Canada 1877; Canada); Papineau and Cartier (in Eng^ in addition to present position, is examiner lish); La Fontaine, Cartier (in French). on Bd. for Vet. Surgeons; del. for the Address: 71 Russell Ave., Ottawa, Ont. Central Bd. of Examiners; Corresponding DELAMEBE, Thomas Dawson, M.A., mem. Geographical Soc. of Lille, France. K.C.; 6. Co. Down, Ireland. 25 March, 1874; Publications: History of Canada; Life of s. of Dawson Delamere and Jane Delamere; Bishop Laval; Life of Mile. Mance; Life of rn. Grace, e. d. of the late E. O. Bickford, Mr. Olier; Life of Bishop Bourget. Ad~ of Toronto; three s. three d. Educ: Up. dresses: 85 St. Catharine St., West, 355 St. Can. Coll. and Univ, Coll., Toronto; arrived Denis St., Montreal. in Canada in 1855; Barrister at Law, 1870; served ten years the deBURT, Major Visart Henry Robert; in Queen's Own Rifl^, and Fenian Raid (Medal); retired with b. Constance, Germany, 11 June, 1872; m. rank of Captain. Recreations: Gardening, Agnes May Robertson; twod. -Edwc: Stone- canoeing, Fishing, shooting. Address: 39 hurst, England, and Royal Military Coll., Heath St., Toronto. Kingston, Ont.; arrived in Canada, 1876; DELISLE, George Isidore, M.L.A.; b. Commission in the Royal Artillery, 1892; Sherbrooke, Que., 29 June, 1856; a. of Adjutant Ceylon Mauritus Batt., R, A., Augustine Delisle and Carm^ Gauthier; 1898; command St. Luci Co. R. A., 1900; m. 1884, Leda, d. of George Felix Heroux; Garrison Adjutant, St. Luci, 1902; Pro- three s. three d. Educ: Three Rivers Coll.; fessor of Artillery, Strategy and Tactics, Pres., La Fonciere Fire Assur. Co., Montreal Royal Military Coll., Can., 1905. Recrea- Prea.. St. Maurice and Champlain Tel. Co., tions :eo\i,t6nm8, cricket and rifle shooting; of the Protectrice du Colon Kre Assur. Co. Address: Royal Military Coll., Kingston, at Yamachiche; of the Dumoulin Council of and Chateau de Bury, Hamault, Belgium. L'Alliance Nationale Life Assur. Co.; first DECARIE, Hon. Jeremie L., LL.D., K. el. to Legis. Ass. at g. e., 1908, Address: C, M.L.A.; Prov. Sec. for Quebec; b. Notre- Yamachiche, Que. Dame de Grace, 1870; 8. of D. Jeremie, DELISLE, michael Simeon, M.P.; b. at Decarie, and Philomene Leduc; m. (Ist) his Point aux-Trembles, Portneuf, Co. 27 Sept., d. cousin, of A. C. Decary; (2nd) 1907, 1856; 8. of Albert Defisle and Dina Bertrand Juliette, d. of Hon. H. B. Rainville. Educ.: m. 19 Sept., 1881, to Elmena PoUduin. Montreal Coll., St. Mary's Coll., Laval Educ: at Quebec; a merchant; has been Univ. (grad. LL.B.); studied law in office Mayor for fiye years, and was elected to the of the late Hon. Honore Mercier, and Hon. H. of C. in 1901-1904^ and 1908 as a Liberal. Messrs. Gouin and Lemieux; practised in Address: Portneuf, Que. Montreal in partnership with Hon. Messrs. DE LORIMIEB, Hon. Chas. ChamUly, Gouin and Lemieux; now in partnership LL.D., Judge of the Superior Court at with hia cousin, Alphonse Decary, K.C.; Montreal; 6. Dubuque, Iowa, U.S.A., 13 first el. to Ass. L^. at g. e., 1904, in suc- Sept., 1842; s. of J. B. Chamilly de Lorimier cession to his father, who represented an^ Rachel de Courville; m, M. de Serre; Hochelaga from until 1897 his death; re-el. t^o s. two d. Educ: St. Mary's Coll.; at g. e., 1908, and by accl. 1909; sworn of Jesuits' Coll., Montreal; called to bar of the Ex. Coun. as Min. of Agric, 19 Jan., Que., 1866; Q.C., 1882; Pro! a.t Laval, 1880- Prov. 1909; Sec, Dec, 1909. Addresses: 1908; Judge of Sup. Ct. at Joliette, 1889- Notre Dame de Grace, Que.; 415 New York 1 transferred 909 ; to Montreal, 6 Sept. 1 909 Life Bldg., Montreal. (Bus.) Publications: Library of the Code Civil (21 60 ,;: WHO'S WHO.

vols).; La Revue de Jurisprudence (15 vols, Fort Erie, 1866; Modern Cavalry, 1868; to date). Address: 54 Cnerrier St., Mont- History of Cavalry, 1877; Soldiering in real. Canada, 1900; Struggles for Imperial unity, deLOTNES, Marie-Joseph, Consul Gen- 1909; also magazine articles. Address^ eral of France in Canada; 6. Blois, France, Heydon Villa, Toronto. Club: National, 8 Aug., 1857; a. of C. A. deLoynes and M. J. Toronto. T. Naudin; m. Yvonne Adam; one d, Educ. DENISON, Bear Admiral John; 6. Rus- Pont-Levoy Sch., France; arrived in Can- holme, Toronto, Ont., 26 May, 1853; a. of ada, 5 May, l908; entered the French dip- Colonel George Taylor Denison; m, Florence lomatic Service, 1881; Sec. to the Am- Ledgard; two a. two d.; entered Navy, April. bassador in Madrid, Spain and St. Peters- 1867; Sub-Lieut., Dec, 1873; Lieut., April„ burgj Russia; attache at the Minister of 1872; Commander, Dec, 1891; Captain^ Foreign Affairs; Consul General of France May, 1896; Rear Admiral, Sept., 1906; in Canada, 28 Dec, 1907. Address: 71 Viger Flagship Leviathan; as Captain of "Niobe." Av., Montreal; 1 Rue de la Mage, Versailles, escorted H.I.M. the German Emperor from France. Clubs: Himt, Montreal; Cercle de the/Nore to Flushing in his Imperial yacht, rUnion Evelistique, Paris, France. , 6 Feb., 1901; Commander of Royal Yacht, DEMERS, Joseph, LL.B., K.C., M.P.; prom, to Captain;Captainof "Niobe,"1901, 6. at Henryville, Co. Iberville, 31 May, 1871 escorted "Ophir" from Canada to England; 8. of Alexis Louis Demers, M.L.A., and Aide-de Camp to the King, 13th July, 1905, Marie . Goyette; m. 8 Jan., 1896, to Bertha to 1 July, 1906, when he was promoted to Gravel of Arthabaska; three 8. one rf. Educ: Rear-Admiral. Address: Alverstoke, Eng- Sit St. Hyacinthe Sem. and St. Mary's Coll., land. CZ«6.* United Service, London, Eng. Montreal; Liberal; Catholic; first elec. to DENISON, Lieut.-Col. Septimus Julius the H. of C, 1906 (bye election); re-elec. Augustus, C.M.G.; b. 3 Sept. 1859; 7th in 1908, both times by accla. Address: St. 8. of late Col. George T. Denison of Rus- Jean, Que. holme, Toronto; m. 1881, Minnie Clarke.fd, DemiLEE, Rev. Alban Bertram, M.A., of late James Lowe, two d. Educ: Upper b. Halifax, N.S., 1873; s. of James de Mille, Can. Coll., Toronto; Royal Military Coll., Professor of English, Dalhousie Coll., Hali- Kingston, Canada; served in 4th Batt. S, fax, N.S., and Annie, d. of Rev. John Pryor, Staffordshire Regt., retiring with rank of D.D., first Pres., Acadia ' Coll. , Wolfville, Major, and joined the Royal Canadian . N.S.; m. Miss Barker, d. of Chief Justice Regt., 1888; served as A.D.C. to Eari of Barker, St. John, N.B.; one s. Educ: Aberdeen when Gov.-Gen. of Canada, and King's Coll., Windsor, N.S., Harvard Utiiv. in the South African Campaign as A.D.C, Cambridge Mass. ; Professor of English and to Field Marshall Earl Roberts (despatches History, King's Coll.; head of History twice, medal with four clasps, C.M.G., Dept., Milton Academy, Milton, Mass.; Brevet of Lieut.-Col.); A.D.C. to H.R.H, head of History Dept., Belmont Sch., Bel- The Prince of Wales during his tour through mont, Calif. Publications: *'School edition Canada, 1901; chief staff officer^ West. Ont, of Longfellow's Evangeline;*' "Literaturein Com., 1 May, 1905. Recreations: tennis, XIX Century;" Articles and poems inmag- golf, hunting. Address: Toronto. Clubs: a^ines. Recreations: rowiii^, tennis, sailing, Toronto, United Service; London, Eng. golf. Address: Belmont, California. Clubs: DENNIS. William, Prop, of the Halifax Harvard Union, Cambridge, Mass. Herald: b. Cornwall, Eng., 4 March, 1856; BENISON, Lieut.-CoU Clarence Alfred, s. of John Dennis and*Mary Ann Parnell; Comdg. 1st Cavalry Brigade, Western Ont.; m. Agnes Miller; two s. five d. Came to - b. Toronto, Ont., 9 April, 1851; a. Colonel Canada in 1873; joined staff of The Halifax

, Geo. T. Denison (Rusholm); m. Harriet Herald, as reporter when it started in 1 875 ;• Wallbridge; one s. one d. Educ: Up. Can. now owns it; was for some years engaged in Coll.; served during the Fenian Raid, 1866, journalism in Winnipeg; raised through the and North West Rebellion, 1885 (medals). medium of the Herald, over 815,000 for the Kecrea(ions; golf, riding. Address: 55 Prince Japanese Famine Fund in 1906. Address:

V , Arthur Av., Toronto. Club: Military Insti- Herald Bldg., HalifaTc, N.S. Club: Halifax. tute, Toronto, 'DENNIS, Mrs., wife of above. Pres. of

DENISON, Lieut.-Col. George Taylbr, . Halifax Local Council of Women for five L.L.B., F.R.S.C, Hon. Lieut.-Col. Gover- years; active in work for the feeble-nrinded, nor General's Body-Guard; Police Magis- children's hospital, home gardens for sch. trate of Toronto; 6. Toronto, 31 Aug., 1839; children, supervised playgrounds, industrial 8. of late Col. George T. Denison; m. (1st) educ. for girls. Asstd. in organizing V. 0. 1863, Caroline (d; 1885), d, of late Oliver N.; Pres. of Local Com., 6 yrs.; an active b Macklem; (2nd) 1887, Helen, d. of late mem. of Bd. of Women'^ Foreign Miss. James Mair, of Perth, Ontario; three s. four Socy (Presby.) Address: Halifax, N.S. '; d. Educ: Upper Can. Coll., Toronto; Univ. DEBBTSHIBE, Hon. Daniel, Senator; of Toronto, (LL.B.); ex-Presidept of the 6. Leeds County, Ont., 11 Dec, 1846; s. of Royal Soc. of Canada, 1903; served 44 yrs. Harry and Mary Derbyshire; m. Mary Ann in the Canadian Militia; co"mmanded the Cawley; one s. Educ: Farmersville High ; Governor-General's Bodyguard in the Fen- Sch., and Pub. Sch.; Reeve of Bastard and ian Raid on Fort Erie, 1866 (medal and Burgess; Mayor of Brockville, and mem, clasp); and in the North-West Rebellion, of the H. of C. for Brockville; Pres. Eastern 1885 (medal); President of the Imperial Ontario Dairyman's Assn. for 25 years: Federation League in Canada in 1893-95; Address: Brockville, Ont. Club: Brockville. President of the British Empire League in DEBICK, Miss Carrie Matilda, M.A. Canada since 1896; a mem. of the Quebec (McGill), Asst. Prof, of Botany, McGill Battlefields Com. Publications: Manual of Univ.; 6. Clarenceville, Que., 14 Jan., 1862; Outpost Duties, 1866; The Fenian Raid on d. of Frederick Derick, g. d. of Philip 61 :


Derick, a U. E. Loyalist, who came to Gill and Laval Univs.; studied law under Canada from Brunswick, N.Y., March, 1784, Hon. Sir Alexander Lacoste; called to the and Edna Cotton, d^cendant of one of Bar, 1879;* has built up a large practice, earliest settlers in Glarenceville. Educ. holding several large legal appointments; Clarenceville Acad., McGill Normal Sch. Mayor of Lachine for many yrs. EI. to (p. of Wales Medalist), McGill Univ. (Logan Leg. Ass. for Jacques Cartier Co., 1892; re- Gold Medalist); later carried on research signed 1896, to run for H. of C., but un- work at Maime Biol. Stu., Woods' Hall, successful; Pres. of the Equitable Mutual Mass.; at the Royal Acad, of Science, Lon- Fire Insur. Co. and St. Jean Baptiste Soc. don, Eng., and at Bonn Univ., Germany; of Lachine. Address: 50 Notre Dame St., M>I}td. demonstrator in Botany, McGill W., Montreal. l^v., in 1891 (the first woman on the DESJABDINS, Hon. Alphonse, F.C.; b. staff); in 1896, promoted to a lectureship; Terrebonne, Que., 6 May, 1841; e. of E. in 1906, Asst. Prof, of Botany; Chairman of Desjardins and Josephine Panneton; m. the Montreal Local Council of Women; Hotense Barsalon; five 8. eight d. Educ:

Vice-Pres. of the National Council of Worn, Terrebonne Coll. , Nicolet Seminary ; an of Canada; Vice-Pres. of the Natiu-al His- Advocate and Journalist; M.P. for Hoche- tory Society, Montreal; Hon. Pres. of the laga, 1874-1893; Senator 1893-1896; Min- Woman's Committee of the Missisquoi Co. ister of Militia, 1896; Min. of Pub. Works, Historical Societj^ member of the Women's 1896; Mayor of Montreal, 1893-4. Address: Canadian C^lub, Montreal, of the Botanical Terrebonne, Chateau, Que. ' Soc. of America, of the Am. Assoc, for the DESJASDINS, Louis Edouard, M.D.; Advancement of Science, of the McGill oculist; b. Terrebonne, Que., 10 Sept., 1837; Alumnae Society; Convener of the Section s^ of Edouard Desjardins and Josephine "Education" of the Quinnuennial Congress Panneton; m. 1867, EmiUe Zaide, s. d. of of the International Council of Women, Hubert Pare, of Montreal; two s. four d. Toronto, June, 1909. Publications: "The Educ: Masson Coll., Terrebonne; Nicolet Hold fasts of the Florideae, "Flowers of the Seminary Victoria Coll. (grad. M.D., 1872); Field and Forest;" many popular essays went to Europe to study ophthalmology and sketches. Address: 85 Orescent St., 1870, and again in 1872; returned to Mont- Montreal; Clarenceville, Que. .(summer). real, 1873, and founded the Ophthalmic PEROCHB, His Hon. George Edward, Inst, of the Nazareth Asyliun. One of the Judge of the County Court, Hastings Co., founders of the journal L'Union Medicale, Ont.; Local Judge of the High Court; h. L'Etendard, and Societe Medicale; has been Newburg, Ont., 25 Jan. 1869; s. Edward surgeon-oculist to Hotel Dieu Hospital A, Deroche and Clarice Elakins; m. Bertha since 1870; prof, of Ophthalmology at the E. McCulloch, d. of Rev. Robt. McCulloch, Sch. of Medicine and Surgery (now Laval Methodist Minister; one s. two d. Educ: Univ.), 1872-1908; mem. of the Societe Newburgh Academy and Osgoode Hall, Francaise D'Ophthalmologie of Paris since Toronto; Taught shcool for three years; 1900; a great lover of music and has har- gra^d. in Law with honours from Osgoode monized nearly one hundred popular Cana- Hall; practiced Law in Toronto for eleven dian airs. Address: 696 St. Hubert St., years, when apptd. Judge; unsuccessful Montreal. ' candidate for H. of C, Nov., 1904; has held DESSAULES» Hon. Georges Casimir; every office in the gift of the Methodist Senator; b. St. Hyacinthe, Que., 29 Sept., Church. Address: Belleville, Ont. 1827; s. of Hon. Jean Dessaules, and Rosa- DESBAJBATS, George J., B.Ap.Sc, C. lie Papineau, sister of Hon. L. J. Papineau; E., Deputy Minister of Marine and Fisher- m. (1st) 1857, Emilie d. of Judge Mondelet, ies; h. Quebec, 27 Jan., 1861; s. of George E. of Three Rivers (d. 1864); (2nd) 1869, DesbaratSj and Lucianne Bosse; m. Lilian, Frances Louise, d. of Dr. Denis Leman,; d. of Sir Richard Scott; two s. two d. Educ: three s. four d. Educ: St. Hyacinthe Semi- Montreal Pub. Schs., Terrebonne Coll., and nary; mem. of St. Hyacinthe CJity Council, Montreal Polytechnic Sch. (grad. with 1858-68; Maytor 25 yrs.; el. to Leg. Alss., honours, 1879, winning gold medal); enter- 1897; called to Senate 12 March, 1907; a ed the (jovt. service as an engineer on canal Roman Catholic. Liberal. Adareas: St. construction and other public works; for Hyacinthe, Que. '' some yrs. asst. to Mr. Page, the then (Jhief DE STBUVE, Hon. Nicholas; Officer of Engr. of Canals; Inspector of railway con- the Russian Foreign Office, Councillor of struction in British Columbia 1892-1896; State, and Imperial Consul for Russia in engr. in charge of the building of the Galops Canada; b. Chateau Fall, nr. Reval, Es- Canal 1896-1899; for three yrs. employed thonia, Russia, 5 July, 1862; s. of Bern- in the Hydrographic Survey work on the hard de Struve, and Anna, Baroness de St. Lawrence River; rebuilt and enlarged Rosen; m. Mortha Wisznewski; one s. two d. the Govt, shipyard at Sorel, 1901, and Educ: Pub. Sch. of Odessa, Royal Coll., continued as agent for the Dept. there, Stuttgart, Germany, Icoperial Univ., St.-

until 1908, when he came to Ottawa as Petersburg (Let. Doc). , Commenced his Acting Deputy Minister; Vice-Pres. of the career in the Dept. of Pub. Instruction, and Can. Soc. of (Svil Engineers. Address: 330 was sent to Sweden, Denmark and Holland, Wilbrod St., Ottawa. Club: Rideau, Ot- to study the systems of educ; on the com- pletion of this mission, he was entrusted DESCARBIES, Joseph Adelard, K.C.; with the education of His Imperial High- 6. St. Timothee, Co. Beauhamois, Que., ness, Prince Alexander Romanofifsky, Due s. 7 Nov., 1853; of Pierre Descarnes and of Leuchtenberg ; transferred to Foreign Elizabeth Greugon; m. 1881, Marie CJeline Office, 1894; apptd. Vice-Consul at Frank- Ellmore, e. d. of Alfred Barcisse Le Pailleur, fort-on-the-Main, Germany;, cr, (Councillor of Chateauguay; five 8. one d. Educ: Mc- of State, 1900, and selected Minister of 62 ; ;; WHO'S WHO, d'helencourt

Foreign Affairs, to establish the first Im- Pub. Sch. of Cartwright. Dir., Cartwright perial Russian Consulate in Can.; arrived Agric. Soc. for 32 yrs., and Pres,iu 1907 and Canada, 1899; mem. of the Neophilogical 1897; mem. of Sch. Bd. S. S. No. One, Tp. Soc. of St. Petersburg, and Goethe Soc. of Cartwr^ht for 15 yrs.; Sec.-Treas. of same Weimar. The following decorations were for ten yrs.; mem. of Municipal Council of conferred upon him: the Order of St. Stan- Cartwright, 1882-1890; Dept. Reeve, 1891- islas and Medal of Merit for services under 1895; Reeve, 1896; Co. Commr. Div. No. 6, ' the Tzar Alexander III by the Emperor Durham Co., 1897-1902, making 21 yrs. in of Russia; Order of M.edjidie, from the municipal service; Warden of the United Sultan of Turkey; Order of St. Daniel, from Counties of Northumberland and Durham, Prince of Monten^ro; the Order of the 1889; el. to Leg. Ass. for West Riding of Crown of Wenden, from the Grand Duke of Durham, 26 Jan., 1905; re-el. at g. e., 1908. Mecklenburg Schwerin; apptd. a Com- Address: Blackstock, Ont. mander of the Order of St. Stanislas since DEVLIN, Hon. Charles Bamsay; Min. coming to Can. Address: Russian Consulate, of Colonization, Mines and Fisheries for the Montreal. _ Prov. of Quebec; b. Aylmer, Que., 29 Oct., DE VABENNES, Hon, Ernest F., B.A. 1858; m. 1893, Blanche, d. of Major de (Que. Seminary), B.C.L. (Laval Univ.); Montigny, of Ste. Scholastique, Terrebonne, inem. of the Legis. Council of the Prov. of Que. Educ: Montreal Coll., Laval Univ.; Quebec; h. Quebec, Que., 8 Feb.^1865; «. for many yrs. engaged in newspaper work: of Ferdinand de Varennea and Ide Bertrand M.P. for Co. of Ottawa, 1891-96; M.P. for m. 1890, Josephine Marie Louise, d. of Co. of Wright, 1896-97; Can. Commr', Sheriff Cimon, of Murray Bay; two «. five d. Ireland, 1897-1903; el. M.P. by accl. (Brit- Bduc: Quebec Seminary, Laval Univ., ish H. of C.) for Galway City, 1903; re-el. Que.; commenced practice as N.P. at Water- by accl., 1906; el. M.P. for Nicolet Co., 29 loo, Que.; Sec. and Treas, of Waterloo; Dec, 1906? called to Ex. Conn, of the Prov. Apptd. mem. of Que. Legis. Council, 1904; of Quebec, and sworn as Min. of Coloniza- Dir. La Cie O. Poirier, Limit^e, Quebec, tion, Mines and Fisheries, 17 Oct., 1907; Le Comptoir Mobilier Franco-Canadian, resigned seat H. of C, and returned for Montreal; Strathcona Fire Ins. Co. Ad- Nicolet Co., in Leg. Ass. at bye-el., 4 Nov., dress: Waterlee, Que. Clubs: Garrison, 1907; re-el. at g. e„ 1908. Address: 126 St. Quebec; Canadien, Montreal. Augustin St., Quebec. DE TEBEB, Hon. Leverett George, M. DEYI^IN, Emmanuel B., K.C., B.A., M. D., Senator; b. St. John, N.B., 10 Feb., A., B.C.L., M.P.; b. Aylmer, Que., 24 Dec,

1849; s. of Richard and Caroline De Veber; . 1872; 8. of Charles Devlin and Helen m. Rachael Frances Ryan; one s. Educ.: Roney; m. Cecile, d. of the late Hon. L. R. College Sch., and' King's Coll., Windsor, Maason, Senator, one time Minister of N.S.; Univ. of Penna and Bartholomew's Militia for Canada, and Lieutenant-Gover- Hospital, London, Eng.; el. by accl. to nor of Quebec; one d. Educ: St. Mary's Northwest Assem., 1898; re-el. 1902; was Montreal, Mount St. Mary's, Derbyshire, Govt. Whip in Assem.; on creation of Prov. England; McGill Univ., Montreal; prac- of Alberta, 1 Sept., 1905, entered Cabinet ticed law in Montreal, 1896-1901; at the as Min. without portfolio; called to Senate, present time in the district of Ottawa, Hull 1906; Was for some yrs. surgeon to^N.W.M. elec to succeed Sir Wilfrid Laurier, as M.P. P.; is Health Officer for Lethbridge. Ue- for Wright, 1905; re-elec. 1908. Address: creations: cricket, rowing, hunting, fishing, 523 Besserer St., Ottawa,

, curling. Addresses: Lethbridge, Alta.; The DEWART, Herbert Hartley, B.A., K.C.;

, ^Senate, Ottawa. Clubs: Chinook, Leth- b. St. Johns, Que., 9 Nov.. 1861; s. of Ed- bridge; Elks, Ottawa. ward Hartley Dewart, D.D., and Matilda J>EVINE,MajorJ.A., D.S.O. Professor Hunt Dewart; m. Emma Smith, Educ: ' of Therapeutics and of Clinical Medicine, Model School, Toronto Collegiate Inst., < Manitoba Medical College; member of Coun- Toronto Univ^ and Osgoode Hall Law Sen. cil and Examiner in Materia-Medica and Examiner in English, Toronto Univ., 1886- Therapeutics, and' Clinical Medicine, Univ. 1890; County Crown Attorney, York, 1891- of Manitoba; Physician to Winnipeg Gen- 1904; Pres. Young Men's Liberal Club, eral Hospital; Senior Physician to Isolated Toronto, 1889; an active political speaker; Wards, St. Boniface Hospital; b. 9 Nov., Liberal candidate S. Toronto, 1904. Re- 1869; s. of Capt. Devine, late Deputy Sur- creations: fishing, golf. Address: 5 Elmsley veyor-General, Ontario; unmarried. Educ: Place, Toronto, Ont. Clubs: Toronto, Ont- Cardinal Manning's Coll. West Kensington, ario, Hunt, Golf, Toronto; Rideau, Ottawa. London; Trin. Coll., Dublin (M.A.. M.B., DEXTER, David; b. St. Thomas Ont., B.Ch., B.A.O., M.D.); served South Africa 4 April, 1854; s. of Ransom and Mai^aret with two Canadian Contingents, the 1st Dexter; m. Isabella McLachlin; twos. Educ: .^ Ganadian Mounted Rifles and the 2nd Can- St. Thomas, Ont.; Insurance and Loan adian Mounted Rifles (despatches twice, business in earlier years, and Manager of a ,D.S.O., Queen's medal with five clasps); Loan Company afterwards; organized the Permanent Army Medical Staff (Canada); Federal Life Assurance Co., in 1882; has Principal Medical Officer, Military Districts been Managing Director of this Company 10 and 11 (Manitoba, N.W.T., and British since its organization, and for the past six EV1TT, John Henry, M.L.A.; b. Cart- Yacht, Jockey, Hamilton; National, Tor- wright Tp., Durham Co., Ont., 1 Feb 1851 onto. .8. of Thomas Devitt and Jane McKee; m. D'HELLENCOURT, Henri M. V. t.; b. JBlizabeth Watson; two s, three d. Educ: Paris, France, 12 Sept., 1862; s. of Henri 63 ; WHO'S WHO.

Lefebvre d'Hellencourt, and Louise Kreus- inces Exhn., Moncton, N.B., 1889; supt^ ler; m. Louise Eugenie Belard.^ Educ: of the Can. Sec. at the Jamaica Exhn.^ Lycee Henri IV, du Coll. Millitaire St. Cyr. 1891; sec. of the Ca. Sec. at the World's- Previous to arrival iij Can., 1891, was Fair, Chicago, 1893; el. to the N.S. Ass. for officer in French Army for ten yrs.; resided Colchester at g, e., 1894; resigned June,. in Manitoba, 1891-1905. Ed. ''L'Echo" du 1896; returned to H. of G. for same con- Manitoba, for eight yrs.; chief ed. "Le stituency, 1896, but unseated 1897. Ad- Soldi," Quebec since 1906.; del. to Imperial dress: "Forest Lawn," Truro, N.B. Press Conference, 1 909. Address : Le DINGMAN, William Smith; Ed. and Soleil, Quebec. prop. Daily Herald, Stratford, Ont.; Mayor DICKSON, George, M.A.; 6. Tp. of of Stratford, 1909-10; b. SarniaTp., Lainb- Markham, York Co., Ont., 1846; m. 1882, ton Co., Ont., 9 May, 1858; 8. of Absalom Mary H., d. of Capt. Thomas Fleck, of and Emma Adelaide Dingman; m. Margaret Hamilton, Ont. Educ: Richmond Hill E., d. of Rev. Dr. McDonagh; two s. one d, Gram. Sch., Markham, Whitby, and Toronto Educ: Sarhia pub. and gram.. sch.; of U. E.- Univ.; Asst. Master of Chatham Gram. Loyalist descent, family having settled in Sch., 1868; later on staff of Woodstock Bay of Quinte dist., about 1783. A^ournal- Coll.; Principal of Hamilton Coll. Inst., ist;' conducted Strathroy Dispatch until 1873-1885; Principal of Upper Can. Coll., 1884; Daily Sentinel, Port Arthur, 1884-5; 1884-1895; organized St. Margaret's Coll. founded Daily Herald, of Stratford (1886 to for Girls, 1896, of which Mrs. D. became present); Pres. of Can. Press Assoc, 1899; Lady Principal; mem. of the Senate, Tor- ten yrs. mem. and one yr. chmn. of ColU onto Univ., and of Knox Coll., for several Inst. Bd.; three yrs. alderman; elec. Mayor yrs.; mem. of the Bd. of Trustees of St. of Stratford, 1909. Address: 196 Cambria An^ew's Coll. Recreation: golf. Address: St., Stratford, Ont. St. Margaret's Coll., 144 Bloor St., E., DINNICK, WUfridServington; b. Guild- Toronto. ford, Eng., 1876; Educ: Elmfield Coll., DICKSON, Walter Brittaln, M.L.A.; b. Yorkshire, Eng.; came to Canadato assume St. John, N.B., 26 Dec, 1847; s. of Richard position as Insp. of the Canadian Birkbeck- S. and Eleanor Dickson; m. Margaret Investment Security and Savings Co.; now Hunter; fotir s. four d. Educ: Kingston mgr. of the Standard Loan Co. and Dir. of Gram. Sch., King's Co., N.B., and Sackville the Canadian Casualty Co. Address: 24 Academy; is engaged in the lumber business Adelaide St. E., Toronto; Clinton Ave., first elec. to the Provincial L^is. (N.B.), Beer Park, Toronto. Clubs: National^ Marrfi, 1908. Address: Hillsborough, N.B. Albany, Toronto. DIGGS, Mrs. Annie L,; h. London, Ont., DION, Francois Napoleon, M.L.A.; b, 1853; m. A. S. Di^gs, Lawrence, Kan.; was Trois Pistoles, Que., 6 May, 1849; s. of chmn. of delegation from D. C, National Thomas Dion, and Mathilde Nadeau; m. People's Party Conv., Omaha, 1892 (first (1st) widow of Elise Lebel; C2nd) Aurelie time a woman worker for temperance Fortin. A manufacturer of stoves and speaks- for People's Partj^ in nearly every kitchen utensils. First el. to Leg. Ass., state and Territory; state librarian of Kan., 1900; re-el. 1904, 1908; for many yrs. a 1898-1902; Ex-Pres. Kan. State Woman mem. of the Fraserville Town Council; Suffrage Assn.; Pres. Kan. Woman's Press Pres. of the Ste. Jean Baptiste Soc. Ad- Assn.; lecturer on sociology; del. Internat. dress: Fraserville, Que. Cooperative Congress, Manchester, Eng., DIONNE, NarcUse Eutrope, B.Sc, M. 1903; Peace Congress, Rouen, France, 1904. D., LL.D., Provincial Librarian of Quebec; Publications: Little Brown Brothers; cont'b. b. St. Denis, Co. Kamouraaka, Que., IS to mags.; writer of short stories; asso. May, 1848; s. of Narcisse J. Dionne and editor The Advocate, Topeka. Address: Elizabeth Bouchard; m, Marie Emma Topeka, Kan. Bidegare; five s. one d. Educ: Coll. Ste.

Mrs. Mary Ella; d. of Byron - Anne de la Pocatiere, LaVal Univ. prac- DIGNAM, ; Williams and Margaret EUenor Ferguson, tised medicine in Quebec,' 1873-80; editor both U. E. Loyalists; m. John Sifton Dig- of Courrier du Canada, 1880-4; Federal nam; two s. one d. Educ: Paris, France, License Inspector, 1884-5; editor of Courrier and Italy; Artist; Exhibitior in European 1886-92, when apptd. Librarian of the '

, and Aigerioan Exhibitions; Pres. of the Prov. Leg. Publications: Lives of "Jacques Woman's Art Association of Canada; mem. Cartier," "Champlain," and "Abbe Pam- of New York Art Club, and International chaud," "Quebec under two fikgs^" "New Art Club, London, Eng.; associate mem. France from Carti-er to Champlain," and Can. See. of Authors. Picblications: crit- many other historical works. Address:' 29 icisms and special articles on Art. Address: Couillard St., Quebec. 284 St. George St., Toronto. Clubs: Toronto DOBELL, William Molson; b. Quebec," Lady's Club, Lyceum Club and Woman's 1867; 8. of the late Hqn. Richard Dobellana Institute, London, Eng. Elizabeth Frances Macpherson: m. 1895, DIMOCK, WUbert David, B.A.; Ed., Constance May, d. of Lieut. -Col. Sewell, Truro News; b. Onslow, N.S., 27 Nov., of Quebec; four s. Educ:' Charterhouse

1870; 8. of Rev. D. W. C. Dimock, M.A., Sch^Surrey Eng. ; enter employ of the firin and Ellen Delaney Dimock; unmarried. of Dobell, Beckett & Co., exporters of -Educ: Truro, and Acadia Coll., Wolfville; timber and lumber, founded by his father for some yre. principal of the North Sydney in 1856; admitted a partner lSd5; took Acad., and of the Normal Schs. at "Truro; the leading part in the management of the apptd. Sec-Treas. of the Can. Dept., at the firm on the death of his father in l902, blit Inteml. Fisheries Exhn., London, 1883; retired 1907; mem. Que. Harbor Coin, agt. for N.S. at the Ind. and Cel. Exha., since 1903; Sch. Commr. and raein. of the London, 1886; mgr. of the Maritime Prov- Council of the Municipality of St. Colomba 64 WHO'S WHO. DONNELLY

of -Sillery, nr. Quebec; for several yrs. Bell, Brook House, Sutton, under White officer in the 8th Royal Rifles, of Quebec; House Cliff, nr. Thirsk, Yorkshire and g. g. retired with rank of Capt. Addreaa: St. niece of Sir James Wylie, who was physician Iiouis Rd., Quebec. Clubs: Garrison, Turf, to Emperors Paul and Alexander of Russia. Quebec; Rideau, Ottawa; Montreal Hunt, Educ.; Private Schs. in Dublin; arrived in rMount Royal, St. James', Montreal; Junior Canada, May, 1868; served apprenticeship ' Athenaeum, London, Eng -to late Pattison Jolly, Printer, IJubUn; DOHBKTT, Hon. Charles Joseph, D.C. joined Royal Artillery in 1859; came to Canada when schools of Gunnery were or- L.; LL.D., K.C., M.P.; ft. Montreal, Que., ganised in 1872; apptd. to Stores Branch, 11 May, >. of Hon, Marcus 'Doherty, 1895; MiUtia Department, Judge of the Supreme Court, and Elizabeth Ottawa, in 1883; Asst, Dir., Gen. O'Halloran; m. Catherine Lucy Barnard, of Ordnance and 2nd in com- mand Ordnance Stores Corps, 1903;' Dir. of d. of Edmund Barnard, K.C. Educ: St. Clothing and Equipment and Officer ad- Mary's Coll., and McGill Univ., Montreal; ministering Ordanance Corps, Quarter- §rad. in Law, McGill Univ., 1876 (Eliza- master General's Headquarter's eth Torrence Medalist); admitted to the Branch, Staff, 1904; retired after 49 years service, Bar, 1877; K.C. in 1887; apptd. Judge of in 1908; Ordained Presbyter in Reformed the Superior Court, Prov. of Que., Oct., Episcopal Church, and is now Rector of St. 1891; retired Nov. 1906; elec. M.P. for St. David's Parish; served as alderman for Ann's Division, Montreal, Oct., 1908; ser- Rideau Ward, Ottawa, 1896-7-8; chmn. ved as Captain in the 6Sth Batt., through was Water Comnuttee; was Secretary the North West Rebellion, 1885; apptd. Works "Treasurer of Canadian Artillery Associa- Professor of Civil Law, McGill Univ., 1890, tion for 28 years, resigning on appointment which chair he still holds as well as the to headquarters' staff. Address: chair of International Law. Addreaa: 282 197 Mac- kay St., Ottawa. Stanley St., Montreal. Clube: St. James', University, Lafontaine, Montreal; Catholic DONE6ALL, The Marchioness of (Vio- Club, New York; Rideau, Ottawa. let Gertrude); o, d. of the late Henry St. George Twining, of Halifax, N.Sj m. 23 DOHEKTT, WlUlam; ft. nr. Bradford, Dec, 1902, the 5th Marquess of Donegall Ont., 21 March, 1841; m. 1870, Aggie, d. W. 13 May, 1904), heir Edward Arthur of Peter Depew, of Clinton, Ont.; six a. Donald St. George Hamilton, 6th and pres- six d. Removed to Claude, Ont., 1856, ent Marquess, ft. where he worked on a farm and pursued 7 Oct., 1903. Address: Isle Magee, Co. Antrim, Ireland. bis sch. studies at night; spent three yrs. in Petrolia; removed to Clinton, Ont., 1868, DONLT, Augustine Wllllamj Canadian and estbd. affumiture and music store; now Trade Comr. to Mexicq; ft. Simcoe, Ont., manfr. the "Doherty Organ." Mayor of 6 May, 1866; 8. of the late Augustine James Clinton for three yrs. Address: Clinton, Donly and Maria Harrison; m. Ava Maria Ont. Brook. Educ: Pub. and High Sch., Simcoe and Victoria Univ., Cobourg; High Sch. DOMTILLE, Lleut.-Col. Hon James, F. Teacher, Woodstock, Ont., 1889; merchant R.C.L, Senator; ft. Belize, British Honduras in Mexico 1889-1904; Canadian Trade 29 Nov., 1842; s. of Lt.-General James Comr., Mexico, 1905-1909. Recreations: Wilson Domville, Royal Artillery and golf, gardening. Address: P. 0. Box 91 B., Fanny Blind Domville; m. 1867 to Ann Mexico, Mex. Clubs: Mexico Country; Isabella, d. of the late William H^ry University, Mexico. Scovil, of St. John, N.B.; Mduc: Wool- wich, Eng.; arrived in Caniada,'1866; organ- DONLY, Harrison B.; ft. Simcoe, Ont., ized the 8th Hussars, which Regiment he 4 Jan., 1862; 8. of A. J. Donly, and Maria commanded for 20 years, was one of the Harrison Donly; m. y. d. of the late Joseph officers who accompanied Sir Wilfrid Laur- Brook, "Elmhurst," Simcoe; two «. one d. ier to England on the occasion of the late Educ.: Public and High Schs., SlmcOe; Queen's Jubilee (Medal); alderman for the succeeded his father as editor and prop- ,wty of St. John and Chairman of Finance rietor of the Simcoe Reformer, in'1881, and Committee; founded the Free Public Lib- still continues as editor; helped to found rary: was President of Kings Co. Board of the Canadian Wheelman's Association, in Trade; elec. to the H.-of C, 1872-1874; 1882, and was its 'Secretary-Treasurer for defeated 1882 by Hon. Geo. E. Foster, un- 18 years; editor and publisher 'TAe Can- successful also in bye-elections and in adian Wheelman" from 1890 to 1898; general elections of ,1887 and 1891; elec. Secretary of the Reform Association of 1896; defeated 1900; was four years chair- Norfolk, 1884 to 1903; Pres. from 1903 to man of the Standing Committee on Banking date; Liberal candidate in the general elec. and Commerce; Apptd, to the Senate, 20 1904 and 1908, for the H. of C; member of April, 1903: connected with many industries. the Board of Education for Simcoe for 18 Chairman GSeneral Oil Trades Co., of Canada years; Chairman for two years; Pres., 1^08- Limited. Recreations: travel and science. 09, of the Weekly Section of the Can. ftess Address: Rothesay, N.B. Clubs: Rideau, Assn. Becreaiions; golf, gardening. Address: Laurentian, Ottawa; Military Institute, Simcoe. Clubs: Phoenix, Simcoe; Ontarid Montreal; TJnion Club, St. John. and R.C.Y.C, Toronto. DONALDSON, t,leut.-Col. the Rev. DONNELLY, James J., M.P.; 6, Tp. James Ball; ft. Dublin, Ireland, 5 Greenock, Bruce (Jo., Ont,, l4 Nov., 1866; Aug., 1842; ». of William Alfred Donaldson 8. -of James Donnelly and Ellen Desmond; aha Mary Ann BaH; m. (1st) Elizabeth m. Julia C. McNat; three 8. two d. Educ: Xambert; (2nd) Janet Ann Wylie Bell, d. Pinkerton Public School; Reeve of Green- of Wm. Ralph Bell, M.D., g.d, of late William och Tp. for two yeirs, arid a meknber for 65 .


Bruce County for four years; Warden of 1885; retired 1882; Decoraterf for relieving 17 the Co. of Bruce, 1902; elected to the H. of officers and mei^i from a position of danger C. for E. Bruce, in bye-elec, Feb., 1904; on the coast of Little Andaman Island. unsuccessful candidate in S. Bruce, g. e., Publications: pamphlet relating to Boair Nov., 1904; elec. for S. Bruce in g. e., Nov., Service, of Vessels, papers on Physical Edu- 1908; Catholic; Conservative. Address: cation, The Recruit, Nervous Degeneration, Pinkerton, Ont. etc. Recreations: bicycling, boating. Ad- DOUGAIiL, JohnRedpath, M.A;; Prop. dr68s:'DxL0jn.ovr, Essex, Eng. the Montreal Witness; h. Montreal, 17 Aug., DOUGLAS, Howard; Commissioner of 1841; 8. of John Dougall and Elizabeth Dominion Parks; b. Halton Co., Ont., 8 Kidpath; unmarried. Educ: High Sch. and May, ;L853; s. of Thomas Douglas and McGill ^niv.; Journalist since 1860; pub- Charlotte Ross; m. Alice Maud Johnson; ' lisher of the Daily and Weekly Witness, and three s. one d. Educ: Waterdown, Went- Editor and Publisher of other publications. worth Co.; on father's farm until twenty- Address: Montreal. one; kept general store in Bronte, Halton Co., for four yrs.; engaged in wood and bOUGALIi, Miss LUy; b. Montreal; d. of coal business in Hanulton until 1882; ii^ John Dougal, s. of John Dougal, of the g. N general cartage and coal business in Calgary Porter EUzabeth Hall, Paisley, Scot., and until 1897; was for ten yrs. Supt., National Redpath, d. of John Redpath, of Terrace Park, Ban£F; appt^. to present Bank, position, Montreal; Educ: Brooklyn and 1907. Address: BajiS, Alta. Club: Ranch- Edinburgh Univ.; since 1891, when she men's, Calgary, ^ first wrote "Beggars all," has lived in Eng., except for the years, 1897-1903, when she DOUGLAS, James, LL.D., B.A.; b. Que. resided in Montreal; obliged to leave on bee, Canada, 1837; s. of James Douglas, account of the climate. Publications: "Beg- M.D., and Elizabeth Ferguson; m. 1860, gars tfll," "What Necessity knows," "Ques- Naomi Douglas; two s. four d. Educ: tion of Faith," "The Madonna of a day," Queen's Univ., Kingston,; Edin. Univ.; "A Dozen Ways of love," "The Woman mem^ of the Iron and Steel Inst, of Great Prophet," "The Earthly Purgatory," "The Britain; the North of England SbcieiSr' of Spanish Dowry," "Paths of the Highteous." M. E. ; the American Geographical Society, Address: East Undercliff, Exmouth, Eng. N.Y.; the Philosophical Society, Phil.; the Club: University Club for Ladies, George Society of Arts, London; formerly Professor St., Hanover Square, London, Eng. of Qiemistry, Morrin College, Quebec; pres>-\ and business manager of the Copper Queen ^i. DOUGHTY, Arthur, C.M.G., 1905; M. Mining Company, Detroit Copper Company A.,' Lit.D. (Laval)r F.R.Hist. S.; F.R.S.C., and others in Arizona, and of the Nacozari Dominion Archivist; b. Maidenhead, Berks; Copper Mining Company. Mexico; president 2nd 8. of William James Doughty, formerly of the El Paso and S.W.R.R., the El Paso of Grantham; widower. Educ: Pub. Schs., and N.E.R.R., and the Nacozari R.11. Maidenhead; Eldon Sch.. London; New Inn Companies; twice president of the American Hall, Oxon. Came to Canada, 1886, and Institute of Mining Engineers; president of entered the service of" the Legal and Com- the Can. Society of New York; representa- at mercial Exchange Montreal; apptd. clerk tive of the U.S. at the Mining Congress in in Dept. of Inland Revenue, Que., 1896; Paris, 1900; mem. and Vice-President, Private Secretary to Minister of Public American Institute Mining Engineers, New Works, 1897; Private Secretary to Treas. of York. Publications: Old France in the New Province, 1899; Joint-Librarian of Legis. World; Biography of Dr. T. Sterry Hunt, of Province of Quebec. 1901-4; has devoted F.R.S.; Canadian Independence; Imperial much time to the illumination of books on Federation and Annextation; Untechnical vellum. Publicatione :hiie and Works of addresses pn Technical Subjects; a Cantor Tennyson. 1893; Rose Leaves, 1894; The Lecturer, Society of Arts. Recreation: fish- Song Story of Francesca and Beatrice, ing. Address: 99 John Street, New York; 1896; Nugse Canorse, 1897; with Dr. Par- Spuyten Duyvil, New York. Clubs: Cen- melee) The Siege of Quebec and the Battle tury Association, Engineers, City, West- o^ the Plains of Abraham (6 vols. 1901-2); chester Country, New York. Quebec under Two Flags, 1903; The For- tr^s of Quebec, 1904; documents relating to DOUGLAS, Hon.-James Moffat; Senator; 6. Linton, Bankhead, the Constitutional history of Canada (edited Roxboroiwh, Scot., 26 May, 1839; m. with Prof. Shortt), 1907; The Cradle of New 1861, Jane, d. of Geo. France, 1908; contributor to the American Smith, Darlington, Ont. Educ: Scot., and Historical Review, Encyclopedia Britan- Toronto Univ., Knox Coll., "Toronto, and Princeton Sem,; nica; The Battle of the Plains, 1898; mem. ordained to the Ministry, 1865; was Pastor at Uxbridge an,d of Geographic Board of Canada, 1 909. Cobourg Presbyterian Churches; Recreations: lawn tennis, golf. Address: a Missionary to India, Chaplain 168 Cobourg St., Ottawa; Clubs: Rideau, and to the British troops golf, Ottawa. at MJhow, 1876-1882; returned to CanacU, and became Minister at Brandon, Man., and DOUGLAS, Campbell Mellls, V.C, M. at Moosomin, N.W.T.; retired from the - D., L.R.C.P.; b. Quebec; s. of Dr. Geo. M. Ministry, 1896. and devoted himself to Douglas; m. Eleanor Annie McMaster. farmii^; has been a mem. of the Ontario niece of late Sir Edward Belcher, R.N.; Board of Public Xilstruction: Inspector of three s. one d. Educ: St. John's; Laval Common Schs., Chairman of High School Univ.; Edinburgh; joined 24th Regt., 1863; Board, and Pres. of Evangel. Alliance: Medical Officer to expedition to Little elec. to H. of C, 1896-1900; called to the Andaman Jslands. 1867; Medical Officer in Senate, 8 March, 1906* Ae/dregg; Tantallon, charge of Field Hosp. 2nd Riel expedition, Sask. 66 ;


DOUGLAS, J- M., M.P.; b. Lanajrk, Ont, Drummond, Senator, and Pres. of the Bank 1868; 8. of Rev. James Douglas, a pioneer of Montreal (,d. 1910). £c2uc.'.* Montreal;- has Presby. Missionary to Western Can.; m. taken an active part in all movements for 1896, Mias Pickerton, of Glasgow, Scot. the uplifting of women. One of the found- Educ: Morris, Man. and Winnipeg; -went ers aiid first Pres. of Canadian Women's west with parents in 1878; taught sch. in Club of Montreal, the first organization of Man. for some years; entered mercantile its kind in Canada; a Dir., of the Women's life in- 1886; removed to Edmonton, 1893; Hlstorial SoQ.; also of the Home of Incur- formed partnership with his brother, 1897, ables, founded by Sir George, and conduct- as gen. merchants in Strathcona; Pres. of ed by the Sisters of St. Margaret; Mem. of Strathcona Bd. of Trade, two years; mem., the Ex. Committee of the Aberdeen Assn., of City Council two yrs.; first el. to H. of C, of the Victorian Order of Nurses, and of the" 1909, at bye-el., caused by death of Dr. Advisory Bd. of the Parlcs-and Playgrounds

Mclntyre. Address: Strathcona, Alta. ^ Assn. of Montreal; First Pres. of the Mon- DOUGLAS, 'William James, J. P.; b. ' treal Branch of the National Council of Hamilton, N.Y., 28 May, 1846; s. of James Women, and has taken great interest in S. Douglas, A.M., M.D., Ph.D.; m. Eliza this organization; an active mem. of the Riordon, a. of Jeremiah Riordon, late League for the Prevfention of Tuberculosis; Surgeon Royal Navy; three s. one d. Ar- on occasion of visit to England in 1900, had rived in Canada, 1877; has been connected the honour of being received by the late with the Mail and Empire since its incep- Queen Victoria; presented to the Duchess tion; how General Manager; is a trustee of of Cornwall and York, the jewel furnished the Toroilto General Hospital. Address: by the citizens' reception Comimittee on the 62 St. Alban's Street, Toronto. Clubs: visit of the Prince and Princess to Canada, National and Albany, Toronto. in 1901. Address: 448 Sherbrooke St. W., DOWNET, Josepli Patrick, M.L.A.; b. Montreal; Gadshill, Caoouna, Que:i Puslinch, Wellii^ton 'Co., Ont., 17 Jan., DBUMMOND, George Edward; Consul 1865; 8. of Patrick Downey and Miss Mc- Geheral for Denmark; b. 'Tawley, Irel., 21 Tague; m. 1893, Ellen Josephine, d. of Oct., 1S5S; 8. of George, and Elizabeth Thomas-Coghlan, of Guelph; four c. Educ: Morris Soden Drummond; m. Elizabeth Pub. Sch., Puslinch. At age of fifteen Foster, d. of the late Ignatius Cockshutt, entered the service of the Guelph Herald; of Brantford, Ont.; two s. two d. Arrived apptd. editor, 1885; el. to Ont. Legis., 9 in Can., 1865. Educ: Montreal. Estab. May, 1902; re-el. 1905 and 1908; mem. of the firm of Drunmiond, McCall & Co., 1881; the C.M.B.A., A.O.U.W., I.O.F. Address: their iron and steel interests in Nova Guelpli, Ont. Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec and Ont- DBEWBT, Edward Lancaster; 6. Lon- ario, merged into the Canada Iron Corpora- don, Eng., 6 Feb., 1851; m. Eliza, d. of tion Ltd., 1908; Pres., Montreal Bd. of Gapt. James and Sarah Ann Starkey; three Trade, 1904-5; Pres., Can. Manuf. Assn., 8, four d. Educ: St. Paul, Minn.; engaged 1904-5; Vice-Pres., Can. Mining Inst., 1908- :in the brewing business at St. Paul; re- 9; Dir. of the Molsons Bank, of the Liver- moved to Winnipeg, 1872; is now Pfes. of pool, London and Globe Insur. Co., the the E. L Drewry Redwood Factories; mem. Canada Car Co., Ltd., the Canada Cement Winnipeg City Courtcil, 18S3-4; M.L.A. Co., Ltd.; mem. of the managing bd. of the 1886-8; Pres. of Winnipeg Bd. of Trade, Montreal Gentii'al Hospital; Montreal Bd. 1899; chairman of the local bd. of the of Trade rep. at the Con., Chai&bers of Com. Crown Life Insur. Co.; Vice-Pres. Havergal of Empire, Montreal and London, Eng.; Coll. Co.; Vice-Pres. of the Western Imple- apptd." Consul Gen. for Denmark^ 1909.

ment Co. ; Pres. Winmpeg Rifle Range Co. Publications: ^'The Iron Industry in Can- Vice-Pres. Winnipeg Gen. Hospital; mem. ada;" "Fiscal and Imperial Defence ques- of the Advisory Bd. of the Children's Home; tions." Recreations: fishing. Address: 15 a warm supporter of all manly sports. Macgr^or St., Montreal. Clubs: Mount " Recreations: Motoring, golf, boating. Arf- Royal, St. James, Montreal, Canada, Mont- 'drc«87 "Redwood."' Winnipeg. Ci«-b8; Mani- real. toba, Commercial, St. Charles Country, DBUMiaOXD, Thomas J.; b. Tawley, Winnip^. Ireland, 26 Sept., I860' s. of George and DREWBT, Frederick William: Vice- Elizabeth Morris Soden Drummond; m. Pres. Winnipeg Bd. of Trade; 6. Newport, Edith Chetlain; two s. Educ: Montreal; Eng., 1855; 8. of Edward and Caroline arrived in Canada with parents, 1865; Drewry; m. Augusta E., d. of Col. A. R. joined Drummond, McCall Co., 1882; Pres., Keifer, of St. Paul, Minn., U.S.A. Educ: Lake Superior Corporation; Pres., Canada / Pub. Sch. and Bud. Coll., St. Paul, Minn.; Iron Corporation, Ltd.; Dir., Royal Bank arrived Can., 1881; takes active interest of Canada. Address: 512 Sherbrooke St., in business and public ftflEairs; Vice-Pres. Montreal, and Montarville, St. Bruno, Que. Bd. of Trade; Past Pres., Winnipeg Exhi- Clubs: Mount Royal, St. Jaines', Canada, bition Assn.; mem. Pub. Parks Bd.; mem. Montreal;,Toronto, 'Toronto. Roy. Soo. of Arts, London, Eng. Recrea- DBUBT, Brig.-Gen. Charles William, tions: golf, motoring, travel. Address: C.B., A.D.O., Colonel commanding Mari- "Redwood," Winnipeg, Man. Clubs: Mani- time Provinces; b. 18 July, 1856; c. s. of W. toba, Commercial, Clef, St. Charles Country, C. Drury, Newlands, and St. John, N.B.; m. Ad&nac, Travellers', Winnipeg. 1880, Mary Louise, d. of Jam^ A. Hender- DBUlUMOND, Lady (Glace Julia); 6. son, D.C.L.; two 8. four d. Educ: St. John, Montreal ; d. of the late Alexander Davidson N.B.; Lieut., 1874; Capt., 1881; Major, Parker and Grace Gibson; m. (1st) Rev. 1889- Lieut.-Col., 1899; Col., 1901; Com- George Hamilton, M.A., of Quebec; (d. mandant, R.S.A., Kingston, 1893; Asst. 1880); (2nd) 1884, Sir Greorge Alexander Inspector Artillery, 1898; Inspector Field 67 ' ,


Artillery, 1901; served with the, R.F.A., Mgr. Dir. and Sec. of Chicoutimi Pulp Co.^ North West Rebellion, actions Fish Creek 1897; became principal owner of .the Chic- and Batoche (medal and clasp, despatches); outimi Water-power Co., 1896; one of the South Africa, 1900 (despatches, brevet „chief organizers of the Chicoutimi Pulp Colonel, Queen's medal, 3 clasps, C.B.) Co.; Pres. of the Chicoutimi Waterworks Address: atadel, Halifax, N.S. Club: Hali- and Electric Co. Address: Chicoutimi, Que. D17CHABME, GulUaume STarcisse; Pres. DKYSDALB, Hon. Arthur, K.C.; a La Sauvegarde Life Ins. Co.; h. Chateau- Puisne Judge of the Superior Ct. of Nova guay, Que., 3 Jan., 1851; a. of Vincent Scotia; 6. New Annan, Cfolohester Co., N.S., Valiere Ducharme and Marie St. Denis; m. 5 Sept., 1857; ». of George Drysdale and 1880, Marie Mathilde Delia, d. of Leon Rivet Margaret Shearer; m. 1887, Carrie, d. of five a. one d. Clerk in gen. store, Quebec, George P. Mitchell, of Halifax; one d, until 1870, when removed to Montreal and Educ: New Annan pub. sch.; studied law entered firm of Jas. Williamson & Co.; Sec-

• at Windsor, N.S.; called to the Bar in Nova Treas. of the Sch. Municipality of St. Scotia, 1SS3; removed to Halifax same yr,, Cunegonde, 1878-1884, when became post- and is a mem. of different legal firms ac- master; apptd. clerk and treas. of the 'Town quiring a extensive practice; el. to Legis. 1884j but resigned 1893; mem. St.Conegonde Assem., N.S., for Hants Co., 1891, and at (which became annexed to Montreal) Coun- succeeding g. e., apptd. Commr. of Pub. cil, 1893-1899; Mayor, 1899-1902; Dir. of

Works and Mines, 1901 ; apptd. to present La Banque Provinciale du Can.; mem. position, 1907. Address: Halifax, N.S. Montreal Bd. of Trade and La Chambre du CZu6: Halifax. Commerce. Ahdress: 504 Lindsay Bldg,, DtTBEATT, Joseph Adelard, B.Sc, M.P.; Montreal, Que. Cluh: Montreal. ' b. St. Ambrose de Kildare, Joliette, Que., DTJCKWOBTH, Bev. Henry Thomas 25 March, 1873; ». of Joseph Dubeau, and Forbes, M.A., Oxon; 6. Aigburth, Salomee Brul^; m. 1904, Eva Bivard, Three Liverpool, Eng.; s.'of Henry and Mary Jane Rivers, Que. £!du(!.; Jolliette Coll.; studied Duckworth, of Chester, Eng.; m. Hope law in office of J. M. Tellier, M.L.A. for Holland, d. of the late Wellington Hunt, of Joliette; first elee. to H. of C, 1904; re-elec. Brantford, Ont. Educ: Birkenhead Sch., 1908; Liberal. Address; Joliette, Que. and Morton Coll., Oxford; arrived in Can., DUBOBD, Hon. C. Eugene, M.L.C.; 6. 9 Nov., 1901; Postmaster of Merton.Coll., Champlain, Que., 16 Sept., 1856; ». of Louis 1893-6; Assistant Chaplain in Cypress, Edouard Dubord, M.D., and Josephine 1896-1901; Assistant Chaplain All Saints, Martineau; m. 1882, Marie Chabot, of Que.; Cairo, 1901; Professor of Divinity, Trinity two a. two d. Educ: Com! Sch. of Cham- Coll., Toronto, Ont., 1901; Dean of Resi- plain, Commercial Academy of St. Anne dence, Trinity, 1903; Prof, of Clasacs, 1906. de la Perade.;' commenced a grocery busi- Puhlicatians: Greek Manuals of Church ness in Montreal, and in 1898 started Doctrine; Pages of Levantine History. vegetable farming; apptd. to Que. Legis. Recreation: Canoeing. Address: Trinity Council, 1907, for La Salle Div.; Pres., Coll., Toronto. Beauport Brewery Co., Islcmd of Orleans DUFF, Hon. James Stoddart; Min. of Ry. Co., Que., Exhibition Co.; Pres., of Agric for the Prov. of Ont.; b. nr. Cooks- the Agricultural Council of Quebec. Ad- town, Ont., 20 June, 1856; a. of John DlSff dress: Beauport Rd., Quebec. Club: Gar- and Eliza Jane Stodders; m. Jane Bell, d. rison, Quebec. of the late John E. Stoddart, of W. Gwillim- DTIBirC, Hon. Joseph, B.C.L. (McGill), bury. ' Educ: Pub. Sch. and'Collingwood L.L.D. (Tor.), late Chief Justice of Ct. of Coll. Inst.; a farmer; mem. of the Council EIngs Bench for Manitoba; b. Ste. Martine, of the tp. of Essa, since 1888; elec. to Leg. Que., 26 Dec, 1840; a. of Joseph Dubuc and Ass. at g. e., 1898; re-el. at g. e., 1902. 1905, Phebie Garand; m. 1872, Mane Anne, d. of 1908; apptd. Min. of Agric. in the Whitney H. B. Henault, of St. Cuthbert, Que.; five Govt., 6 Oct., 1908; re.el. by accl. Address: fl. five d. Educ: Sulpician Coll., Montreal; Cookstown, Ont. admitted to Que. Bar, 1869; went to Mani- DUFF, Hon. Ijvman P., K.C., B.A., LL. toba, 1870; admitted to Manitoba Bar, B. (Toronto XTniv.), Judge-Supreme Court 1871; el. to first Leg. Assem. of Man., 1870; of Canada; h. Meaford, Ont., 7 Jan., 1865; Supt. of Cath. section of Prov. Btu-eau of a. of Rev. Charles Duff, 'M.A., and Isabella Educ, 1872; mem. Ex. Com. of^.W.T. and Johnson; m, Elizabeth Eleanor, d. of Henry Legal Adviser, 1872-4; Atty. Gen., Man., Bird. .Bdwc.;- Toronto Univ.; called to Bar 1874; speaker of Leg. Assem., 1875-8;. el. in 1893; Judge of Supreme Court of British to H. of C, 1878; Judge of Queen's Bench, Columbia, 1904; Judge of Supreme Court Man., 13 Nov., 1879; Chief Justice, 8 Aug., of Canada, 1906. Addre8a:413 LaurierAve., 1903; retired on full salary after 30 yrs. Ottawa. Ciufes.'Union, Victoria; Vancouver; Judicial service. Nov., 1909; a mem. of the Rideau, Country, Ottawa. (^uncil of l^an. Univ., since its foundation DUGAS, Hon. Francois Octave, B.C.L., in 1877, and Vice-Chancellor since 1888. K.C., Judge of the Superior Court of the Address: 72 Donald St., Winnipeg. - Province of Quebec; 6. St. Jacques, Que., DTJBtJC. Jullen Edouard Alfred; Man- 12 A.pril, 1857; a. of Aime Dugas, and aging Dir. and Sec, Chicoutimi Pulp Co.; Sophia Poirier; m. Marie Alex. Godin; 6. St. Hugues, Ba^ot Co., Que.; s. of .(oseph two a. Educ: St. Mary's College and Mc- Alfred Dubuc and Marie Blanchurd; m. Gill University, Montreal, Que.; 3.C.L., 1892, Amie Marie, d. of Dr. J. M, Palardy, McGill Univ., 1880;. admitted to the Bai of St. Hugues; two c. ^duc; Sherbrooke of Que., 1880; Town Councillor for Joliette, Seminary; entered Sherbrooke Branch of Que., 1890-1900; Crown Prosecutor from Bank National at age of sixteen; apptd. 1887 to 1892, and from 1897; K.C., 1898; mgr. of branch in Chicoutimi. 1892; became mem. H. of C. for Montcalm, from 1900, 68 ;,


until his appointment as Judge in Sept., processes of decorating glass; consultant in 1909. Address: Joliette, Que. the chemistry of glass; contb'r to New York DUGGAN, George Jlerrick: Consulting Evening Post, 1900; sent abroad by Mc- Engr., Dominion Iron and Steel Co., and Clure's Mag., summer of 1901, to study Dominion Bridge Co.; b. Toronto, Ont., radio-activity; by A. S. Barnes & Clo., sum- 1862; a. of John Duggan, Q.C., and Amelia mer of 1903, for material for The- New Fulton; m. Mildred S. Stevenson; two «. Knowledge; by Harper's Mag., 190S-6, to one d. Educ.:VppeT Can. CoU.^nd Ontario study relations of modem chemistry to in- Sch. of Science; Engineering Department, dustry; mem. Am. Chem. Soc, A. A. A. S. Can. Fac. By.; Cliief Engineer, Dominion Kan. Acad. Science, Sigma Xi; fellow • Bridge Co., 1891 to 1901; Aast. to Pres., Chem. Soc. of London. Publicaiions: "Ilhe Dominion Iron and Steel Co.; Dominion New Knowledge, 1905, and numerbus Coal Co., Ltd., 1901 to 1903; was 2nd Vioe- articles in Harper's Monthly. Editor: New Fres. and General Manager, Dominion Coal Science Series, Address: Lawrence, Kan. Co. Recreationa: yachting, winner Seawan- DUNLOP, Hon; John, K.C.; Superior haka International Cup, 1896-97-98-99-1900 Court Judge; i>. Clober, Stirlingshire, Scot. and 1901. Address: Montreal; Clubs; St. m. 1863, Eleanor, d. of the late David Bell- James', R. St. L. Y. C, Montreal; R. Cape house; two s. three d. Educ: Edinburgh Breton Yacht Club, Sydney, C.B.; R. Can. Academy, Edinburgh Univ., McGill Univ., Y. C. Toronto, Ont.; R.- Halifax Y.C. and Montreal; arrived in Can., 1857; admitted Halifax Club, Halifax. to the Bar, 1861; apptd. a Fmsne Judge DUNBAB, tnric Stonewall Jackson; of the Superior Ct. Bf the Prov. of Que., 6. London, Ont., Jan. 31, 1862; ». Alexander 1894; Batonnier of the Bar of Montreal, and Susannah Jackson Dtmbar; m. Wash- 1891-2. Address: 299 Feel St., Montreal. ington, Sept. 17, 1892, Mary John Davis. Clubs: Mount Royal, University, Montreal. Educ: common schs. in Canada and Rock- DUNN, Bt. Bev. Andrew Hunter, M.A. wood Acad. Professionally engaged as (Camb.), Lord Bishop of Quebec; b. Saffron sculptor since 1880; did figures for Atlanta, Walden, Essex, Eng., 16 Oct., 1839; «. of Buffalo and St. Louis exp'ns, for which Hannehal Dunn and Mary Ann, d. of Wil- received medals 'and diplomas; executed liam Hunter, Alderman^ Sheriff and Lord over 100 portrait busts, principally of Mayor of London; m. Alice, o. d. of William prominent men, for U. S. Capitol and Cor- Hunter, of Farley Lodge, Croydon; five a. coran Gallery of Art, Washington, State two d. Arrived Can., Sept., 1892; Ciurate Capitol, St. Faul, Minn., Union Club, New of St. Mark's, Netting Hilll864-70; Curateof York, etc.; also several monuments; bronze Acton, 1870-1872; vicar of All Souls, Acton, statue of late Gov. Alex. R. Shepnerd for 1872-92; cons. Lord Bishop of Quebec, 1 front of new Municipal Bldg., Washington. Sept., 1892; Hon. D. D. of Univ. of Bishop's Served in Canada 3 yrs. m -^ol. service. Coll., Lennoxville, Que., 1893; Hon. D.C.L.; Episcopalian-Theosophist.; mem. Nat. Art Vice-Pres, of the Univ. of Bishop's Coll., Assn., Soc, Washington Artists; Nat. Soc. Lennoxville, 1892-1906; Pres., 1906. Pub- Fine Arts. Address: 60 V. St., N. W., Wash- lications: "Helps by the Way;" "Our Church ington. Manual;" "Holy Thoughts for Quiet Mo- DUNCAN, Nonnan; b. Brantford, Ont., 'ments;" "Our Only Hope." Address: Bishop- 2 July, 1871; ». Robert Augustus, and thorpe, Quebec. Susan (Hawley) Duncan. Educ.: Univ. of DUNSMUIB, Hon. James; b. Vancou- Toronto; journalist 1895 to 1900; on the ver, Wash., U.S.A., 8 July, 1851; e. a., of staff of the New York Evening Post, 1897- the late Hon. Robert Dunsmuir and wife, 1900; Professor of Rhetoric, Washington both natives of Scotland; m. 1876, Laura and Jefferson -Coll., 1901-04; Adjunct Pro- Miller, d. of W. B. Suoles, of North Carolina; fessor of English Literature, Univ. of Kan- nine c. Educ: Nanaimo, B.C., and Dundas, sas, 1906. Publieations: "Doctor Luke of Ont.; later took a course at the military the Labrador;" "The Way of the Sea;" sch., Blackburg, Va., U.S.A.; at age of "TheSouIof the Street;" "The CruisS^f the seventeen worked in the several depts. of Shining Li?ht;" "Gowing down from Jeru- the extensive mining operations carried on saleba/' "The Suitable Child"; "Dr. Gren- by his father, in order to master all the fell's Parish;" "The Mother;" "TheAdven- details; Pres. and cMef stock-holder of the tures of Billy Topsail;" "Every man for Wellington Colliery Co., which owns and Himself." Recreations: fishing. Address: operates coal mines at Wellington, Comox, ' North East Fa. Club: aty, New York. and Alexandria, Vancouvnr, Island, and DUNCAN, Bobert Kennedy, B.A., Prof, in-which 3,500 men are employed; was Pres, of Ind. Chemistry. Univ. of Kansas; b. and chief stock-holder of the E. and N. Brantford, Ont., Nov. 1, 1868; s. Robert Railway, previous to its transfer to the Augustus and Susan (Hawley) Duncan; m. C.F.R.; large real estate interests in Lady- 1899, Charlotte M. Foster. Educ: grad. smith, (Cumberland, Newcastle and Nan- Univ. of Toronto, (with 1st class honors in aimo; first el. to the B.C. Legis. at g. e., physics and chemistry), 1892; follow in 1898, and held seat until Nov., 1902, Then chemistry, Univ. of Chicago and Clark Univ. he reined; called upon to form an admn^., '1892-3; grad. student in chemistry, Colum- and was Premier and Pres. of the^ Council bia, 1897-8: Instr. physics and chemistry. from June 15, 1900, until his resignation; Auburn (N.Y.) Academic High Sch., 1893- apptd. Lieut.-Gov. of B.C. in succession to S: Dr. Julius Saoh's CollKiate Inst., New Sir Henry Joly, Lotbiniere, 11 May, 1906; York, 1895-8; The Hill Sch., Pottstown, resigned Nov., 1909. Address: Victoria, Fa., 1898-1901; Prof. Chemistry, Washing- B.C. Club: Umon, Victoria. ton and Jefferson Coll., 1901-6; Discoverer DUPUIS, Nathan P., M.A., F.R.S.C; and patentee of new process for mfg. phos- Professor of Mathematics and Mechanism, phorus, of a new low-meltiniE gla^n- and of «nH Dp"*" <->* TPrnftical Science Faculty, 60 :


Queen's Univ., Kingston; b. Frontenac Co., DYKE, Joshua, B.A., B.D.; b. Wednea- 1836; father a French Canadian of Norman field, -Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, Eng., stock; mother of English and Irish extrac- 15 Sept., 1849; a. of John Dyke and wife; tion, rf. of a united empire loyalist; m. 1861, 7n.^(lst) Bell% d. of the late John Park, of Amelia A. McGinnis of Watertown, N.Y.; London, Ont.; (2nd) Sophia, d. of John

one 8. one d. Educ : Queen's Univ. ; private Fox, of Chatham, Ont. ; two s. two d. Educ. study; has taught almost continually since Pub. Schs., and Divinity Coll.; trp-nsferred about eighteen years old, -with the excep- to Canada b^ the British Methodist Con- tion of three years spent in acquiring a ference; ordained at Toronto, 1874, and knowledge of handicraft; began teaching in stationed man^/^ points in Ontario; retired Queen's Univ., 1867, and for thirteen years from the Ministry and settled in Fort taught the subjects of chemistry and nat* William, 1890; was mem. of the Municipal

ural science to both arts and medicals; is a Council ; Mayor for several yxs. ; active first-class mechanic, and has built several mem. of Union of Cai:i. Mimicipalities; takes (all different) and peculiar astronomical a leading part in charitable works. Address: clocks; is somewhat of an artist, and a fair Fort WilUam, Ont. violin. Publications: performer on the DYMENT, Albert Edward, Hon. Lieut.- , Treatise on Geometrical Optics, 1868; Col., 77th Regt., ft. Lyndeu, Wentworth Geometry of Point, Line, and Circle, 1889; County, Ont., 23 Feb., 1868; a. of Nathaniel Principles of Algebra, 1893; Elements of Dyment and Annie McRae; m. Edith. Syn. Solid* Geometry, 1-893; Elements of Frances Chapman, of Hamilton, Ont.; one Trigonometry for Practical ScienceStudents, d. Educ: Barrie Coll. Inst., and Up. Can. 1902; numerous periodical articles. Re- Coll.; in 1896, was elec. 'to the H. of C. as a creations: principally boating, wheeling, and supporter of the Liberal Covernment, re- travelling. Address: 144j3University Av., maining until 1908; in the lumber business Kii^ston, Ont. in Algoma for 15 years; afterwards moving

DUBXFOBD, George; chartered ac- to Toronto ; entered 1 909, into stock- coimtant; b. Toronto, Ont., 1838; a. of the brokerage business in the firm of Dyment,

late Capt. Dumford of His Majesty's 68th Cassels & Co. ; Director of a number of Regt., Durham !bight Infantry, and Augusta financial and industrial companies. Re- Sewell, d. of the late Stephen Sewell, K.C., creations: Thorobred horse breeding and of Montreal; m. 1856, Melanie, o, d. of the racing. Address: The Dale, Toj-onto, Ont. late Geo^e Vardon, at one time Supt. of Clubs: Toronto, Mount Royal, Montreal; Indian Affairs; four d. Educ: private schs., Rideau, Ottawa. Montreal; in employ Lomis & Sewell, ship- builders Quebec, 1854-1856; entered Up. Canada Bank, Montreal; later Bank of British North America, and Mgr. Kingston Branch, 1874-1880; Sec.-Treas. Canada Co- operative Assn., 1880-1886; estb. himself EARLE, WilUam Edward; Mgr. West- in business as chartered accnt., 1886; mem. em Union Telegraph Co., North Sydney, Montreal Bd. of Trade; a J.P.; Treas. Ang- N.S.; ft. St. John's, Nlfd., 29 April, 1847; lican Synod of the Dioc^e of Montreal; s. of H. and C. Earle, Dartmouth, Devon, Treas. Homeopathic Hospital; Historical Eng.; m. Eliza Primrose Hadley of Mul-

Landmark Assn., Numismatic and Anti- grave, N.S. ; two s. two d. Educ.: Church of 3uarian Soc. Recreation: Sketchii^. Ad~ England Acad., St. John's; arrived in Can. reaa: "The SherbrcJbke," Montreal, Que. in 1869; in 1852 entered the service of the Club: Junior Conservative, London, Eng. New York, Newfoundland and Lojidon Tel. Dtr VBRNET, Bt. Bev. Frederick Her- Co. J at St. John's, contenw>orary with the bert, D.D., Bishop of Caledonia; b. laying of the first AtlanticGable m that yr., Hemmingford, Que., 20 Jan., 1860; s. of and was present at the celebration of. that Rev. Canon Edward Du Vemet, M.A., and event held at St. John's; apptd.. mgr. at Frances Eliza EUegood; m. Stella.Yates, d. repeating station in 1862, remaining of Honatio Yates, M.D., Kingston, Ont.; there till the second Atlantic cabte was laid one s. one d. Educ: King's Coll., Windsor, in 1866; was at Heart's Content, Nfld., and N.S.; Univ. of Toronto, and Wyclifie Coll., acted as sec. for Clyrus W. T^eld on board Toronto; Mission preather for Diocese of the Great Eastern, and received -his per- Montreal, 1883-1885; Professor of Practical sonal thanks for services during the first Theology, Wycliffe, 1885-1897; Rector, St. two weeks' rush of traffic. In 1866 apptd. John's Toronto Junction, 1895-1904; Bish- m^r. at Grandy's Brook, Nfld, repeating op of Caledonia.. 1904; Puhlications: Ed- station and promoted to mgr. at Placentia, itorial Secretary of Can. 0. M. S., 1896-1904; Nfld. cable station in 1868; promoted asst. Editing "Can. C. M. S., Gleaner." Address: mgr. of main cable station at Port Hastings. Prince Rupert, B.C. N.S. 1869; in 1875, New York, Nlfd., and DTDE, Samuel Walters, M.A., D.Sc., London Tel. Co. , amalgamated with Anglo- LL.D.; b. Ottawa, Ont., 11 March, 1862; a. American Cable Co., lines and staff of of Samuel Dyde, and Jane Christina Ward- ' former in Cape Breton passing under con- rope; m. Jane Farrell, d. of the late J. W. trol of latter; in August, 1875, the Western Farrell, Detroit, Mich.; two a. two d. Educ: Union Tel. Co. assumed control of lines and Ottawa Coll. Inst., Queen's IJniv., aii

E. Denver High Soh., 1879; Teacher E. May, 1844; ». of the late William Edwards, Denver High Soh., 1879-89; curator of of Portsmouth, Eng., who came to Canada herbarium, Calif. Acad, of Sciences, since about 1820, and Ann Cameron, a native 1892; Fellow A. A. A. S., Calif. Acad, of of Fort William, Scot.; m. Jan„ 188^, Cath- Sciences. Publications: Popular Flora of erine M., e. d. of the late Wm. Wilson, Cum- Denver, Colo., 1893; Popular Flora and berland, Ont. Educ: Grammar Sch., Ot- FaciGcCoast Edit., Bergen's Botany, 1897 tawa; an extensive lumber manufacturer, Popular Flora and Rocky Mountain and stock raiser; has taken -a practical Edit., Bergen's Botany, 1900; Hand- interest in agriculture: for many years Book of Trees of California, 1905; also Pres. Russell Agric. Society; is a Director writer of many papers on systematic botany Canadian Bank of Commerce,, Trusts Cor- and articles for scientific mags. Address: poration, Toronto, and other companies; 2705 Hearst Av., Berkeley, Cal. established the lumber firm of .W. C. Ed- EATON, Bev. Arthur Wentworth Ham- wards Co., in 1868; an unsuccessful candi- ilton, D.C.L.; b. Kentville, N.S.; s. date for H. of C. in Russell, 1882; elec. 1887; late William and Anna Augusta Willoughby seat declared void, but was re-elec, and Hamilton; unmarried. Educ: Harvard; again in 1891-1896 and 1900; called to the Ordained Deacon, 1884, priest, 1885, in New Senate, 17 March, 1903. Address: Ottawa, York; Priest in charge of Parish, Chestnut Clubs: Rideau, Ottawa. Hill, Mass., 1885-6. Publications: The Heart EDWABDS, Gordon C; b. Thurso, Que., of the Creeds; Historical Religion in the 17 Nov., 1867; ». of John C. Edwards and Light of Modern Thought, 1888; Acadian Margaret Cameron; m. Edna S. Meighen, Legends and Lyrics, 1SS9; Letter Writ- of Perth, Ont.; one s. one d. Educ: Thurso ing, its Ethics and Etiquette, 1890; The Sch., and Ottawa Coll. Inst. Commenced Church of, England in Nova Scotia and the in lumber industry with the Canada Lum- Tory Clergy of the Revolution, 1891; Tales ber Co., of C!arleton Place, Ont., later joined of a Garrison Town (with Craven Lang- firm of W. C. Edwardf & Co„ Ltd., Ottawa; stroth Betts), 1892; College Requirenients now mgr. of Company's New Edinburgh in English, 1900; also many {)oems, histor- Mills. Pres. of the Capital Planing Mill ical monographs and mag. articles. Edited, Co., Ottawa; Treas. of the Library Bureau with introductions: Recollections oV a of Canada; dir.. Cobalt Lake Mining Co., Georgia Loyalist,' written in 1886 by Mrs. and many other ^milar concerns. First, Elizabeth Lichtensteln Johnston, 1901; Pres. of the Canadian Lumbermen's Assn., Pope's "Rape of the Lock," 1901; Arcadian and now one of Directors; Pres. of the Y. M. Ballads, 1905; Poems of the Christian Year, C. A., Ottawa; dir., Perley Home, Ottawa. 1905; 'The Lotus of the Nile and other Poems, Address: 55 MaoKay St., Ottawa. Clubs: 1907. Address: 20 E. 50th St., NeWjYork. Rideau, Laurentian, Golf, Country, Hunt, EATON, Seymour; 6. Epping, Ont., Ottawa. 1859; m. Jan. 15, 1884, Jennie V. Adair, EDTE, Ueut.-Col. liourenco; b. Rio de Winnipeg, Manitoba. Resident Boston, Janeiro, , 1848; m. Clara Frances, 1886-92; founder Booklovers and Tabard o. d. of the late Richard Willoughby Laws; Inn libraries in U.S. and Great Britain and one 8. Educ: England and France; joined of The Booklovers Magazine; for 5 yrs. Dir. Royal Marines Light Infantry, as second Drexel Inst.; daily c6ntb'r Chicago Record, Lieut., 1866; promoted Lieut., 1867; Capt., 4 yrs. Publicatioris: Dan Black—Editor 1881; brevet Major, 1887; Major, 1888; and Proprietor; The Roosevelt Bears; The brevet Lieut.-Cbl., 1894; Lieut.-Col., 1895, Teddy Bears Musical Comedy; The Tele- retired from service, 1898; served in China, path (drama); Sermons on Advertising; 1869-1872, on board Her Majesty's Ship also several coll. text-books. Creator of the "Ocean," bearing the flag of Vice-Admiral famous Teddy Bears. Address: Lansdowne Sir Henry Keppeli K.C.B.; served on staff • Pa. of iDatt. of Royal Marines during Egyptian ECBBMENT, Arthur, B.A., M.P.; h. campaign, 1882, and received the Egyptian ' St. Gabriel de Brandon, 29 June, 1879. medal, clasps for Tel-el-Kebir, Khedive's Educ: Montreal College and Laval Univ., Bronze Star; also served in the Eastern Montreal; Secretary for five years to Hon. Soudan, 1884-5; was mem. of Naval Intel- R. Dandurand, Speaker of the Seiiate; ligence Dept., and is barrister-at-law of the Secretary of the Liberal organization of the jEddle Temple, Eng.; arrived Cap., 1899; District of Montreal; first el. to H. of C, apptd. Comm. of the Trust and Loan Co., 1908. Address: Montreal. of Can., at Toronto, 1899; apptd. Commis- EDWABDS, John Wesley, B.A., M.D., sioner at Montreal, 1900, which position he CM., M.P.; b. Tp. Storrington, Co. Fron- now occupies; mem. Montreal Bd. of Trade. tenac, Ont. 25 May, 1865; s. of George Address: 131 Stanley St., Montreal, Que. Edwards, Co. Norfolk, Ong., and Elizabeth Clubs: St. James, Montreal; United Service, Jane Lyon, of U. E. Loyalist descent, London, Eng. Frontenac, Ont.; m. Hester Jane, Purdyi' EICBECK, Bobert James; Sheriff of the Frontenac Co.; one s. four d. Educ: Public Yukon Territory; Marshal, Exchequer Sch., Sydenham High Sch., Ottawa Normal Court, Yukon Admiralty Dist.; b. Newcastle Sch., Queen's Univ., Kingston, Ont.; School Ont., 20 June, 1859; s. of James Eilbeck and Teacher for 10 years; Co. Clerk, Frontenac, Christina Eilbeck; m. Ajinie Vanderwater; 10 years; Gaol Surgeon, two years; eleo. to one 8. one d. Educ,: Newcastle, 1865-6, was the H. of C, Oct., 1908j as Liberal Conser- newsboy on G. T. Ry.; lived with uncle on vative; Methodist. For many years Sec- farm in Zorra, Oxford Co., Ont., 1867-8, Preas. of the 'Tp. of Kingston Agricultural in 1868 became telegraph operator and Society. Address: Cataraqui, Ont. asst. postmaster at Newcastle; promoted BfiWABDS, Hon. William Cameron, to mgr. of Dom. Telegraph Company's Senator; 6. Tp. Clarence, Russell, Ont., 7 office at Belleville, Ont.; promoted to mgr. 71 WHO'S WHO.

of office at Kingston, Ont., in the winter of A., Barrister; 6. Ekfrid, Ont.^ 25 July, 1872; same yr.; in 1880, built steamer grain 8. of George CaiiApbeU Elkott, and Jane elevator at Bongston and was actively en- Gimn Elliott. Educ: Glencoe, Ont., and gaged in the grain trade for five yre.^ In Osgoode Hall, Toronto; grad. with honours 1886, went west and was engaged in mining from Osgoode Hall, in 1898; practiced law in Arizona, U.S.A.; 1892, agent for the in Glencoe since that date; solicitor for the Crawford Gold Mill, a pulverizor at Helena, Coimty of Middlesex; Dir. of the Equity Montana, U.S.A.; 1895, agent for the Life Ins. Co.; elected to the Ontario L%is., Crawford Stamp Mill for the whole of the 8 June, 1908. Address: Glencoe, Ont. Western States, including Old Mexico; in ELLIOTT, Rev- John Henry; b. Trafal- 1894, went on prospecting trip through far, Ont., 6 Mai\, 1863; 8. WilUam and Yellow Head Pass in Rocky Mountains; tary (Kentner) Elliott; m. Beulah Clem- apptd. by Dom. Govt, as Sec. to Royal ence. £fduc. .-Brampton, Ont. High Sch.; Com. to investigate into Canadian Feni- studied theology under Dr. Robert Boyle in tentaries, 1896; apptd. to present position Can.; Gen. Sec. Y.M.C.A., Augusta, Ga., as Sheriff of the Yukon Territory and 1877-9, Nashville ,1879-81, Albany, 1881-3,

Marshal of the Exchequer Ct., Yukon Minneapolis, 1883-93 ; evangelist with Moody Admiralty Dist., 1899. Publicationa: "Gov- at Columbian Exp'n meetings, 1893; Or- ernment Ownership of Public Utilities"; dained to Presby'n Ministry, 1894: asso. "Action Organization Remedy." Becrea- Pastor Central Presby'n Ch., Rochester, tions: baseball, curling. Address: Dawson, N.Y., 1896-8; Pastor 34th St. Reformed Y.T. Clubs: Zero, Dawson Amateur Ath- Ch., New York, 1898-1903; evangeUstic work under Presby'n Gen. Assembly, 1904- ELIOT, liieut.-Col, Charles Algernon; 7; Trustee United Soc. Christian Endeavor; b. Fort George, North Britain, 9 March, twice pres. New York Christian Edneavor, 1857; a. of Capt. WilUam H. Eliot, formerly Publications: Notes and Suggestions for 15th Foot; m. Frances EUen Wood Hamil- Bible Readings, 1877; Outline Bible Studies ton; two s. two d. Arrived in Canada, and Bible Readiiigs, 1883; Workera-Weapon, 1859; in Bank of Montreal service. Re- 1895; Brook in the Pasture, 1903. Address: creations: fishing, golf. Address: 148 Elgin 219 S. Kenilworth Av., Oak Park, 111. - St., Ottawa, and Evandale Cottage, Fern- ELLIOTT, WilUam, M.B., MO P & S., M. bank, Brockville, Ont. Clubs: Rideau, L.A.; 6. Mitchell, Ont., 1863; «. of- James Golf, Ottawa. Elliott, and Eleanor Dumin; m. Jennie, M. ELLEGOOD, Bev< Jacob, B.A., D.C.L.; Carter. ' Educ: Mitchell High Sch. and 6. near Fredericton, N.B., March, 1824; «. Toronto Univ.; grad. in medicine, 1893; of Margaret and Jacob Ellegood; widower, removed to the N.W.T.; elected' to the ^duc; King's Coll.. N.B.; clergyman; Rec- Legislature, 1898; re-elec. 1902, 1903, 1905, tor of Church of St. James' the Apostle, and 1908; mem. of the Government oi Montreal; associated as Rector with the Premier Haultain, as Minister of Agricul- building of five places of worship besides ture, 1903-1905. Address: Wolseley, Sask. sch. buildings, parsonages; travelled eicten- Clvhs: Assiniboia, Regina, Sask. sively; visited Egypt, Palestine, Constan- ELLIS, James Eraser, M.D., M.L.A.; b. tinople, Asia Minor. Athens, Rome, etc. Upper Stewiacke, N.S., 11 June, 1870; s. lectured on these countri^; been upwards Wm. Ellis and Margaret Ellis; m. Ethel, d, of 61 years in the Ministry; said to be the of Alexander Anderson, of Sherbrooke, oldest relator in Canada^ was one of the N.S.; one «. one d. Educ: Pub. Schs., West- visiting clergymen at Point St. Charles, in em Univ. left home when 18 years of age J 1848, when thousand of Irish immigrants for Canadian North-west; spent five yrs. in died of ship fever; the deaths followed so Manitoba; taught school and homesteaded;- qmckly that 6000 were burned in^ one graduated in medicine with honours in grave; seven Anglican clergymen gave up 1898; returned same yr. to N.S.. settled their lives in their devotion of these friend- in Sherbrooke, and was elec. by acclamation less strangers. Recreation: golf. Address: to the local Legislature in 1904; re-elec. in 697 St. Catherines St., Montreal. Club: 1906; prominent in Masonic circles, also an Dixie Golf, Montreal. Odd Fellow. Addreas: Sherbrooke, N.S. ELLIOT, James; Gen. Mgr. of the Mol- ELLIS, Hon. John Talentine; Senator; son's Bank; b. Montreal Que., 2 June, 1840; b. Halifax, N.S., 14 Feb., 1835; s. of Michael fi. of Andrew Elliot. Educ. : Montreal High Ellis and Margaret Walsh; m. 1864, Mary Sch.; entered the service of Molson's Bank, Caroline, e. d. of S. W. Babbitt; five s. two at age of 19, and worked through the d. Educ: Halifax, N.S.; editor of St. John various grades until assuming his present (N.B.) Daily Globe since 1861; elec. to Prov- position of General Manager. Recreatione: incial Legislature of N.B., 1882 and 1886; books, pictures, horticulture and gardening. and H. of Cy^ 1886-90, 1896-1900. Publica- Address: 615 Cote des Neiges Road, West- tions: New Brunswick as a Home for lin- mount, Que. m^rants; Address on Canada before the ELLIOTT, Dawson Kerr; b. Pakenham. Canadian Club, Boston; and on Reciprocal Ont., 11 July, 1853; s. of John and Margaret Relations with the United States. Recrea- Elliott; m. Mary Alice McCreary; four «. tions: fishing, golf. President of the Natural four d. Entered into the dry goods busi- History Society of N.B. Address: The ness at Amprior, Ont., 1871; settled in Senate, Ottawa; St. John, N.B. Clubs: Winnipeg, 1879, and with the late R. J. Union, St. John; Rideau, Ottawa. White, founded the wholesale dry ^oods ELLIS, Philip William: b. Toronto, Ont, business of which he is now President. 11 Sept., 1856; e. of William Henry Ellis, Address: 35 Kennedy St., Winnip^, Club: C.E., Liverpool, Eng., and Susan Jane Ellis, Manitoba, Winnipeg. of Cambletbwn Isle of Man; m. Elizabeth ELLIOTT, John Campbell, D.C.L., M.L. Kate Gooderham; two a. four d. Educ: 72 ;


Model and High Sohs., Toronto; President, Warden of Middlesex Co. for one year; for Canadian Manufacturers' Association, 1901 many years Director in the London Tp» Treasurer and Vice-Chairman Ontario Power Mutual Fire Inst. Co.; also in Proof Line Oonunission; was znem. of the Hydro Elec- Road Co.; first elec .to the H. of C, 1904; tric CommiBsion; Deputy Chairman Queen re-elec. 1908. Methodist; Conservative. Victoria Niagara Falls Commission: Fres., Address: London, Ont. Central Canada Manufacturers; Montreal EMABD, Mgr. Joseph Medard, D.D.; Fire Insurance Co.; Westmount Silver First Bishop of Valleyfield, Que.; 6. St. Mining Co., and Ellis Silver Mining Co., of Constant, LaprairieCo., Que., 1 Apnl, 1853; Slocan; President P. W. Ellis Co., Ltd. s. of Medard Emard and Mathilde Baudin. Recreations; golf, curling. Address: 66 Glen Educ.:Ste. Therse Coll. and Petit Seminadre, Road, Rosedale, Toronto, Club: Rosedale Montreal; ordained Priest, 1876, took de- Golf, Toronto. crees at French Seminary at Rome, rettu^- ELLIS, William Hodgson, M.A., M.B., ing to Can. and was Secretary to the Arch- F.R.S.C, F.I.C.; 6. Bakewall, Derbyshire, bishop; consec. Bishop of Valleyfield, 9 Eng., 1845; s. of J. E. Ellis, M.R.C.S., and June, 1892. Publications: "Messages." "At EQza Hodgson; m. Ellen Maude, d. ot C. London, Lourdes and Rome in 1908;" many Mickle, Guelph, Ont.; two a, one d. Educ: pastoral letters. Address: Valleyfidd, Que. Toronto, and St. Thomas Hospital, London; EMABD, J. XJ„ K.C.; 6. St. Constant, arrived in Canada, 1860; Lectmrer on Chem- Que., 27 March, 1855; a. of Medard Emard, istry, School of Practical Science; Professor and Mathilde Beaudin; m. 1890, Josephine of Chemistry, Trinity Medical Faculty; Ada Wall, of Montreal; when quite young 'Professor of Applied Chemistry and Toxicol- removed with bis parents to St. Hiibert, ogy, Univ. of Toronto; until 1907, was Dist- Chambly Co., and attended the gram, sch., rict Analyst for Inland Revenue District of which was conducted by his father; at age Toronto. Publications: reports Food Adul- of seventeen removed to Montreal, and teration and contributions to Scientific secured a position in a wholesale establish- Journals, Address: 74 St. Alban Street, ment; then took up a. Uterary course, Toronto. and admitted to the study of law, 1878; ELLISON, Hon. Price, M.L.A.; Chief obtained the degree of Licentiate-in-Law, Commr. of Lands for B.C.; 5. England, 1862; Laval Univ., 1881, and admitted to Mont- now a farmer on the Okanagan Dist., B.C., real Bar; pracitced with Messrs. Beiqu and where he has 11,000 acres of land; for yrs. Choguet for five yrs.; a partner of Hon. J. has been the largest grower of wheat in A. Ouimet, 1886-1896, until later apptd. B.C.; first to urge the importance of irriga- to the. Bench; he then formed the firm of tion; mem. of the B.C. Legis. since 1898; Emard & Emard, taking in his son, Charles apptd. Commr. of Lands, 1909. Address: who was admitted to the Bar, 1902; cr. K. Victoria, B.C. C, 1903. Address: 6 Park Av., Montreal. ELLISON, William Bruce; b. St. Thom- Clubs: St. Denis, St. James, Lafontaine, as, Ont., July 17, 1857; a. Richard and Montreal. Sarah Eleanor Arthurs. E. Educ: Ont. Pub. EMEBY, Terr BeT. Joseph Edward, O, Schs.; m. St. Thomas, Ont., Sept. 5, 1883, M.I., D.D., Rector University of Ottawa, May Alma Jackson; admitted to Canadian since 1901; b. New Glasgow, Que.; 1885. Bar, 1880, New York Bar, 1882; mem. N.Y. Educ: Coll. of Assumption, St. Josephs legislature, 1893; Comm'r. water, gas and Coll. (now Univ. ot Ottawa), 1877; entered electricity, New York, 1906; corp'n counsel, congregation of Oblate Mis^onaries of Mary 1907; Dir. Teftt-Weller Co. Democrat; Immaculate, 1873; ordained a Priest, 1881; Episcopalian; mem. Am. Acad. Folit. and Missionary to Western Canada, 1881-64; Social Science, Am. Bar Assn., N.Y. State Master of Novices and Superior of Oblate Bar Assn., New York City Bar Assn. Pub- Coll., 'Tewksburg, Mass., 1884-93; Missionary lications; Unification of the United States in Texas, 1893-94; Assistant Pastor Holy and Canada; The Canadian American Fish- Angels Church. Buffalo, N.Y., 1895-1901. eries. Address: 900 West End Av. New York. AMress: University of Ottawa. Clubs: Manhattan, Nat. Democratic, Mer- EMniEBSON, Hon. Henry Bobert, K. chants, Fordham (Fordham). C, M.A., LL.D., D.C.L., P.C., M.P.; b. ELLS, Bobert Wheelock, B.A., M.A., Maugerville, Sunbury Co., New Brunswick, LL.D., F.R.S.C; b. Comwallia, King's Co., 25 Sept„ 1853; m. 1878, Emily C. (d. 1901), N.S., 26 July, 1845; «. ot Robert and Cath- d. of C. R. Record ot Moncton, iron-founder; erine Ells; m. Harriet' Newell Stevens of one a. four d. Educ: several provincial Onslow, N.S.; two a. Educ: Acadia Coll., academies and high schs.; Acadia College in N.S., and McGill Univ., Montreal; joined N.S.; and Boston, Univ. ot Massachusetts. the Geological Survey of Canada, 1872; has Admitted as an Attorney of the Supreme been constantly engaged in the work of that Court of New Brunswick, 1877; sworn as a department, as Geologist. Publications: Barrister, 1878; elected a member of Legis- numerous reports on the Geology of Can- lature of N.B., 1888; Chief Commissioner ada, also in New Foundland and the British of PubBc Works. 1892; Attorney-General West Indies. Address: 204 O'Connor St., and Premier of New Brunswick, 1897-1900; Ottawa. member of the Legislature for Albert Co., ELSON, Peter, M.P.; b. London, Co. of to 1900; P.C., Can., 1904; M.P. Westmor- Middlesex, 18 Jan., 1841 ; a. of Joseph Elson, land County, New Brunswick, 1900-07; a U. E. Loyalist of German descent, and Minister of Railways and Canals, Canada, Samantha, of American parentage; m. 25 until April, 1907, when he resigned to en- Sept., 1872, Rebecca Wood. Bduc; public gage in private enterprises; now President Sen., Middlesex and Hamilton; was deputy of Acadia Coal and Coke Co., N.B., and Reeve, London Tp. for two years; Reeve President of Sterling Coal Co., Cleveland, tor Eight years; Co. Councillor for 18 yrS.; Ohio; a Director ot the Record Foundry and 73 , WHO'S WHO.

Machine Co., Ltd., of Moncton, N.B., and EVANS, Frederick WlUiam; head of the Montreal, Que.; a member of the Board of firm of Evans' & Johnson, Insur. Agents, Governors of Acadia University, Wolfville, Montreal; 6. Montreal, 1850; s. of WjUiam Nova Scotia. Puhlicationa: The Legal Con- Evans and Miss Wood; m. 1877, Mary L., dition of Married Women; pamphlets and d. of Arthur Wilco.cks, Mayor of Richmond, lectures. Recreations: fishing and golf. Pue. Educ. : Montreal High Sch. ; employed Address: Dorchester, New Brunswick:; 16 in a wholesela dry goods house, 1865-1868; Delaware Av., Ottawa, Ont. Club: Rideau, joined firm of which he is now senior partner, Ottawa. about 1868; became a Council mem. Bd. ENGLAND, Mrs. Octavia Grace, B.A., of Trade, 1897; Treaa., 1899, first Vice- M.D.C.M.; b. Montreal, Que.; d. of Thomas Pres., 1910; Pres., Dominion. Guarantee Weston Bitchie and Jessie Torrance Fisher; Co., Canada Envelope Fo., West End Land m. Frank BichardsoD, England, M.D.; one Co.; Treas., Montreal Gen. Hospital; became d. Educ: Montreal, Que.; one of the first a Councillor for Cote St. Antoine, Ot.; 1899; class of ladies who grad. at McGill Univ., in re-entered Council, 1893; and served until 1888; took first class honors in Natural 1902; Mayo?. 1896-97. Address: 26 ^St. Science in addition to her B.A.; took post- Sacrament St., Montreal. Clubs: Montreal, graduate course in Vienna, and later com- Westmount Bowling, menced general practice in Montreal; a EVANS, Miss lUCarguerite ; b. George- prominent worker in the Montreal Local town, Ont., 19 Sept., 1876;\ d, of John Council of Wom^. Address: 126 Bishop Evans. Educ: Geoiigetown and Toronto; Street, Montreal. jspent some yrs. on ranch in North West and ENGLEHABT, Jacob Lewis; Chn. T. & contributed series of sketches to Toronto N. O. Ry. Commission; h. Cleveland, U.S.A., Globe, illustrative of prairie life; went to Nov., 1847; s, of John Joel and Hannah Victoria in 1908, and now a mem. of the Englehart; widower. Educ: Cleveland, staff of the Victoria Times. Publications: Ohio; iirrived in Canada, Jan., 1869; his novels, '*A Prairie Rose;" "The Lost Baby;" business career was made up of manufac- "After the Storm." Has written consider- turing, oil refining ajid Railroading; Vice- able poetry, short stories, travel sketches, President, of Crown Savings and Loan and stories for children. Recreation^: motor- Association, Petrolia, Ont. ; London and ing, travelling, eanodng, riding, driving. Western Trust Co., London, Ont.; Imper- Address: 115 Croft St.. Victoria, B.C. ial Oil Co., Ltd.; Chairman Government of Clubs: Ladies' Musical; Alexandra, Wom- Prov. of Ont. Railway—Temiskaming and en's Canadian, Victoria; Women's Press Northern Ontario Railway. Address: Glen- view,, Petrolia, Ont.; Queen's Hotel, Tor- EVANSi William Santofd, M.A.; Mayor onto; oy^e, 25 Toronto St., Toronto. of Winnipeg; ft. Spencerville, Ont., 18 Dec, EBMATINGEB, His Hon. Charles Oakes 1869; a. of Rev. J. S. Evans,. D.D., and Zaccheus, K.O.; Junior Judge of the .Mary Jane Vaux; m. Xrene Gumey, of

Co. Ct. of the Co. of Elgin, Ont., Local Toronto ; one s. two d. Educ. : Pub Schs. and Judge'H.C.J^ b. St. Thomas, Ont., S Feb., Coll. Inst, of Hamilton; Victoria Univ., 1851; 8. of Edward Ermatinger, M.P. for Cobourg; Columbia Univ., New York, U.S. Middlesex, 1844, and Achsah, d. of Hon. A.; engaged in newspaper -ypork 1897-1905; Zaccheus Burnham of Cobourg, Ont.; m. editor, Winnip^ Telegram, 190;1-1905; has Charlotte, d. of Hon. Hugh Richardson of since been in brokerage and investment Ottawa, retired Justice of. Supreme Court agency business ag W. Sanford Evans & Co., of North West Territories; one s. one-^d. mem. Winnip^ Bd. of Trade; Mayor of Educ: St. Thomas and Gait Grammar Schs. Winnip^, 1909; re-el. 1910j unsuccessful Osgoode^HaJl; called to Bar, 1873; apptd. can. for Dom. Parity for Winnipeg_,_1904. K.C., 1885, Judge, 1880; member Ont. Publication: "The Canadian Contingents Prov. Assam, for East Elgin, 1882-1886. and Canadian Imperialism." Address: Win- Publications: Canadian Franchise and Elec- nipeg^ Man. Clubs: Manitoba, Commercial, tion Laws, 1886; The Talbot Regime or The Winmpeg. First Half Century of the Talbot Settle- EVFAN, John Alexander; Asst. Editor, ment, 1904. Recreations: golf. Address: Toronto Globe; b. Aberdeen, Scotland, "Bella Vista," 48 Stanley St., St. Thomas, 14 Feby 1854; s. of Peter Ewan and Mar- Ont. Clubs: Elgin Golf, Coun^iry, St. Thorns. garet Stewart Smith; m. Elizabeth A. I;THIEB, Joseph Arthur Calixte, K.O., O'Neil; one d. ffduc. .* Toronto and Scotland. M.P.; 6. St. Benoit, Two Moimtains Co., Has always been engaged in newspaper Que., 26 May, 1868; s, of J. B. Etiiier, and work; was correspondent for the Toronto Julie Boyer; m. Therese, d. of Dr. L. A. Globe in South Africa; now asst. editor, Fortier; two d. Educ: Montreal Coll.; Dep. Glob$.' Recreations: riding, golf. Address: Prothonotary of Dist. of Terrebonne, 1888- 10 Victoria Av., Toronto. Clubs: National, 1895; Crown Pros, of Dist. of Terrebonne; Ontario, Rosedale Golf, Toronto. Mavor of the village of St. Scholastique for EWAST, John Skirving, K.C.; b. Tor- two terms; Sec.-Treas. of Schs. rural muns. onto, 11 Aug., 1849; s. of Thomas Ewart, of St. Schol£»tique and St. Columbin; Sec. and Catharine S. SMrving; m. 1873, Jessie of "La Compagnie d' Assurance Mutelle de Campbell; two d. Educ: Upper Can. Coll.; la paroisse de St. Scholastique." Dir., Cen- called to Bar of Ont., 1871, and Manitoba, tral Ry. Co. of Can.; pres., Ontario Cobalt 1882; resided in Winmpeg for several yrs., Min. Co., Ltd.; first el. to H. of C, at g. e., and was prominently connected with Mani- 1896; re-el., 1900; re-el. at bye-el. 1903; toba sch. legis. as rep. of Catholic minoHty; re-el. at g. e., 1904, 1908; el. chmn. of Com- ' removed to Ottawa in 1905; Assoc. Coun- on Miscellaneous Friv. Bills at Session of sel in preparation of British case in connec- 1907. Address: St. Scholastique, Que.; Club: tion with North Atlantic Coast Fisheries Ganadien, Quebec. Arbitration at the Hague, necessitating 74 ;; ; WHO'S WHO. FALCONEB

several months' residence in England' in Judge of the Supreme Court of Pennsyl- 1909. Publications: "Index to the Statutes" vama, U.S.A.' Educ: Univ. Coll., Toronto, "Manual of Costs," The MBnitoba School Ont.; Barrister at-Law; called to the Bar Question." Recreation: soU. Addreaa: 400 1899; mem. of firm of Cassels, Brock, Kelly Wilbrod St., Ottawa. Clubs: Rideau, Gplt. and Falconbri(^e; Lecturer in Equity to Ottawa. the Law Society of Up. Can. Publicaiions: EWING, Samuel H.; b. Londonderry, Law Books on Banking and Bills of Ex- Ireland, 10 May, 1834; s. of Samuel Ewing change, and articles on l^al subjects in and Margaret Hamilton; m. (1st) Caroline the Canadian Law Times. Recreations: Wilson Cheese, of London England (d. 1872) sailing and canoeing. Address: 22 Chestnut (2nd), Margaret Anna Knight, of Glasgow, Park, Toronto; Business, 19 Wellington St. Scotland (o. 5 March, 1908); three s. three West, Toronto, Ont. Clubs: Toronto and R, d. Educ: Londonderry and Montreal; arriv- C. Y. C, Toronto, Ont. ed in Can. with parents 1845; joined father FALCONBBIDGE, Hon. Sir William in establishing coffee and spice business, Glenholme, B.A., LL.D., K.C.. Chief now conducted by H. Ewing Sons; Pres. Justice of the Court of King's Bench for of Montreal Cotton Co.; Vice-President Ontario; 6. Drummondville, Ont., 12 May, Molson Bank; Diredtor (janada Accident 1846; 8. of John Kennedy Falconbridfee Assurance Co., Sun life Assn. Co., and other (Irish); m. 1873, Mary, 2/. d. of the laite Mr. important corporations. A governor of Justice Sullivan; one s. five d. Educ : Barrie Montreal General Hospital and of Protestant Gram. Sch.; Model Gram. Sch. for Upper Hospital for the Insane. Address: 100 Cote Canada & Toronto Univ. (grad. B.A., 1866) desNeiges, Rd., Montreal. Clubs:St, James' filled chair of Modern Languages at Yar- Canada. mouth Seminary, N.S. for one yr.; lecturer in Spanish and Italian at Toronto p"niv., 1868; studied law and called to Bar of Ontario, 1871; an examiner for Univ. ot- "Toronto for several yrs.; Registrar, yl872- 1881; mem. of Senate of Univ., 1881-1896; FABBE, Hector, F.R.S.C, C.M.G.; 6. el. Bencher of the Law Soc. in 1885Lapptd, Montreal, 9 Aug., 1834; «. of the late E. R. a Judge of the Queen's Bench, Div. in Fabre, and Luce Perrault; m. 1864, Flore, Ontario, Nov, 21, 1887; CMef Justice, 1900.

. d. of Adolphus Glein, of Arthabaskaville. Has served on many important commissions; Educ: L'AsBomption Coll., St. Hyaciathe* one of revisers of Statutes of Ontario, 1896- Coll., Seminarj^ of St. Sulpice, Montreal, 97; commr. to investigate alleged election studied law with his bcotaer-in-law, Sir frauds, 1900; a commr. for revision and con- Geo. E. Caritier; called to Bar of Quebec, solidation of Imperial Statutes in force in 1856. Engaged in journalism, for many yrs. Ontario. Pubilicaiions: Many translations unsuccessful can. for H. of C, 1873; called from foreign writers. Address: 80 Isabella to the Senate, 1875; apptd. agent for the St., Toronto. (7Zm&; Toronto. Dom. Govt, at Paris, 1882, and thereupon FALCONBBIDGE, Lady Mary Phoebe, resigned his seat in) the Senate. In 1886; (nee Sullivan); 6. Toronto, Ont., 2 May, apptd. C.M.G. in recognition of his services 1850; d, of the Hon. Sulli- as a Commr. to the Colonial Exhibition, van, Ju(^e of the Court of Queen's Bench London. Address: 10 Rue de Rome, Paris, for Up. Can., and Emily Louisa De Latre, ' France. a d. of Lieut. -Col. Philip DeLatre; m. Hon, FAIBBANK, J, H.; oil operator; b. Sir Glenholm Falconbndge; one a. five d, Rouse's Point, N.Y., U.S., 21 July, 1831; Educ: Villa Marie Convent, Montreal, Que.; 8. of Asa Fairbank and Mary Oliver (both the greater portion of her life devoted to American bom); m. 1885, Edna, a. of various religious and charitable organiza^ Hermann Crysler, of Niagara Falls, Ont. tions, and social duties. Recreations: music

(_d. 1896) ; one s. one d. Educ. : Village schs., and Art. Address: 80 Isabella St., Toronto, and Chaplain Acad., N.Y.; arrived Canada, Club: Toronto Ladies'. 1853, and engaged in surveying in Ontario; FALCONEB, Kenneth; Canadian man- located at Oil Springs, Ont.j 1861; one of ager, (iunn, Richards & Co., jirpduction the first to promote the oil industry in engineers and accountants; b. Chicago, 111.^ Canada; removed to Petrolea, 1865, where 1863; a. of WilUam Falconer and E. Cham- he has since been a large operator. Owns bers; m. 1889, Ida Frances Smith, of Whit- and operates many wells in the oil belt of ensville, Mass.; two a. one d. Educ: Pub, Ontano; Pres., Crown Loan and Savings and High Sch., Montreal; arrived Can„ with Co,^ of Petrolea; partner in the firm of Van his parents when very youi^; filled sev, Tuyl & Fairbank, of Petrolea, dealers in commercial positions, 1880-1896; made a hardware and oil well supplies; mem. of the specialty of electrical accounting, 1896- firm of Vaugh & Fairbank, private bankers; 1899; a consulting cost accnt. in Montreal, owner of the Stephenson Boiler Works and 1899-1904, and has been connected with the Foundry, and is interested in several large firm of Gunn, Richards & Co., since 1904; other concerns in Petrolea; mem. of the was Associate Editor of the Journal of H. of C. for East Lambton, 1882-1887. American Foimdrymen's Assn., 1899-1904; Address: Petrolea, Ont, mem. Can. Manufacturers'' Assn., Brass FAJCCONBBIDGE, John Delalle, B.A., ^Founders' Assn., American Foundrymen's M.A., LL.B.; 6. Toronto, Ont., 7 June, 1875; Assn. Publications: (Contributions to Cas- o. s. of the Hon. Sir Glenholme Falconbriclge sier's Engineering Magazine, American Chief Justice of the King's Bench (Ontario) Machinist, Brass Founder. Address: 34 m. to Elizabeth Porten, Hamilton, d. of the Staynor Ay., Montreal. Ciu6; Engineers'. Rev. S. M. Hamilton, D.D., of New York, FALCONEK, Bobert Alexander, B.A., and g. d. of the Hon. Wm. Panter, sometime M.A., B.D., D.Litt., D.D., LL.D., Pres. of 75 ;


Toronto Univ., b. Charlottetown, P.E.I., 34th Regt.; enlisted as a private, Univ. 10 Feb., 1867; «. of Rev, Alexander Fal- Rifles, Q.O.R., 1862; served during Fenian coner, D.D., and Susan Douglas; m. Sophie Raid, 1866 (Medal and one clasp); retired d. of Rev. I. Gaudier; two s. Educ: Queen's from Command of 34th Regt., 1902; Long

Royal Sch., Trinidad; B.W.J. The Univ. of Service Medal ; Barrister-at-Law, 1864 Edinburgh, Ldpzig, Berlin, Marburg; Gil- County Crown Attorney, 1872; Q.C. in 1889; christ Sch,olar for West Indies, 1885; apptd. Bencher Law Society, 1906. Publications: on graudation in 1S92, Lecturer in New Historical Notes Co. of Ontario; Prize Essay Testiment Greek in Fine Hill Coll., Halifax; "Relation of Science to Agriculture. Address Professor in 1895 and Principal in 1904; Whitby, Ont. Club: Can. Military Institute, apptd. President of Univ. of Toronto, in National, Toronto, Ont. June, 1907. PubZicafiona; numerous articles FABMEB, Jones Hughes, B.A., LL.D.; on New Testiment subjects in English and 6. Perth, Ont., 28 Jan., 1858; s. of Thomas American Encyclopoedies and "Reviews. Farmer and Mary Jones; m. Cora Cutten; Recreations: travel, walking. Address: 69 four s. one d. Educ: Perth Pub. and High St. George St., Toronto. Clubs: Toronto, Scfa.; , Southern Bap- Golf. tist Theological Seminary, studied in Berhn FALCONER, Walter George; solicitor; and Germany; taught London Collegiate manager. Gen. Accident Assurance Co. of- Institute as Classical Master, 1879-1881; Gan. and the Canadian Casulty and Boiler Classical Master, Woodstock Coll., 1881- Insurance Co.; b, Bathgate, Scot., 30 Aug., 1888; Principal Woodstock Coll.. 1888-89;, 1875; 8. of Duncan Stewart Falconer and Professor of New Testiment and Greek in Isabella Mathew Falconer, both of Edin- McMaster Univ., since 1889; Dean in burgh, Scot.; m. Alice Margaret Farquhar- Theology since 1905. Publications: articles Bon: Educ: George Watson's Coll., Univ. in various papers and magazines; contri- of Edinburgh; qualified as solicitor in Edin- butions to HastiMs Dictionary of the Gos- burgh in Jan., 1902; joined head office staff pels; Life o£ E. W. Dodson, D.D. Recrea- of Gen. Accident Fire & Life Assurance tions: Camping, walking and gymnasium. Corporation of Perth, Scotland in Perth in Address: 750 Bathurst St., Toronto. April, 1902; came to Canada, 15 Sept., 1904; FABBELL, Hon. Alexander Gray, B, promoted to Associate Managership of Gen- A., b. Detroit, Mich., U.S.; s. of James Wil- eral Accident Assurance Co. of Can (sub- liam Farrell, Belfast, Ireland, and Isabel sidiary Company to Perth), Juljv 1906; Grey, Aberdeen, Scot.; m. Isabella, d. of Fr^ident of the.Watsonian Club of Canada, William John Dick of Kingston, Ont.; two formed of old pupils of Geo. Watson's Col- s. one d. Educ: Privately, Ont. Public lege, now res. in Dominion. Recreations: Sch., Detroit High Sch., and Queen's Univ., golf, bowling. Address: 6 Oakland Av., Kingston; Major in the 42nd Regt., Lanark Toronto. Clubs: National, Victoria; Com- and Renfrew Infantry, Canadian Militia; mercial, Hamilton. many years a mem. of the Council of Queens

FALLON, Bieht Bev. Michael Francis, Univ. ; arrived in Canada at the age of three, JB.A., D.D., O.M.I., Bishop of London, Ont.; on the death of his mother, returned to b. Kingston, Ont., 17 May, 1867; s. Domin- Detroit at 6 years of age, but returned at ick Fallon. Educ: Christian Bros. Sch.; 9 on death of his father; grad. in Arts. 1885; Coll. Inst., Kingston; Ottawa Univ. (grad. studied law in the office of G. W. Mac- 1889); Gregorian Univ., Rome, Italy (grad. Donnell, K.C.; admitted to the Bar of D.D.. 1894); ordained Priest, 1894, and Osgoode Hall, 1888; Practiced law in apptd. Professor of Eng. Lit. at Ottawa Smith's Falls; next year with J. R. Lavell, Univ., editor of The Owl; Parish Priest of and continued there until 1906, when he St. Joseph's Parish, Ottawa, 1898-1901; went to Moose Jaw, Sask., and formed a transferred to Holy Angel's Parish, Buffalo^ law partnership with W. E. Knowles, M._P.; N.Y., in latter year; Provincial of the Oblat elevated to the bench for the judicial dist- Order. Address; London, Ont. rict of Moosimin, Nov., 1907; member of FANE, Admiral Sir Charles George, K. Council of Univ. of Sack.; Mayor, 1894- C.B.; b. 13 Nov., 1837; m. 1875, d. of Sir 1900; Chairman board of Education from Edward Kenney of Halifax, N.S.; entered 1901, until he left for Moosimin in 1906; navy, 1853; Lieut., 1859; Commander, 1868. contested South Lanark, unsuccessfully in Captain, 1877; Rear Admiral, 1890; Vice- Liberal interests in 1904; saw service in Acuniral, 1896; served Cripiea (Crimea and North West Rebellion, 1885. Recreationa: Turkish Medals and clasp), and Baltic boating and canoeing. Address: Moose Jaw, attack on Sieborg; Chaimian of Admiralty Sask. C2u&8: Moose Jaw. Committee for reorganizing Ordanance and FABBELL, Hon. Edward Matthew ; Constructive Department, Admiralty: Ist Senator; 6. Liverpool, N.S., 31 March, 1854; Lieut. "Galatia,'* under H. R. H. Duke of 8, of Patrick Farrell, and Mary Ann Shea. Edinburgh; A.D.C. to Queen, 1888-90; Educ: Liverpool Com. Schs.; a printer and Captain Superintendent of Sheerness Dock- publisher; returned to H. of Ass. by acol., yard, 1888-90; Admiral Superintendent. 1896; re-el. at g. e., 1897,"1901, 1906; Chief Portsmouth Dockyard, 1892-96; retired Dep. Sheriff for Queen's Co., 1888-1896, 1902} J.P.; Aberdeenshire. Address: Bal- when resigned to run for the Legis.; elec. nacoil Aboyne, N.B. Speaker of the Ass., 9 Feb., 1905; re-el. 14 FAREWELL, Lleut.-Col. John Edwin Feb., 1907; called to the Senate. Jan., 1910. Chandler, LL.B., K.C.; b. Tp. of East Address: Liverpool, N.S. Whitby, Co. of Ontario, 18 Feb., 1840; m. FABBEB, Edward; b. England, 1850. (1st) Mary J. Shmitliff, (2nd) Mrs. Melinda of Irish descent;' m. Miss A. Peters, Toronto. Wolfenden. Educ: Whitby Collegiate Inst., Educ: England and the Continent; arrived Barrie Gram. Sch., and Umv. Coll., Toronto; in Canada in 1870; journalist; formerly graduate in Agriculture: late Commanding editor of the Toronto Mnil: Canadian x;or- 76 .


respondent for the London Economist. Be- Quarterly Rev., Am. Journal of Theology; creationt: walking. AddreBs: 488 Wilbrod Papers' of Am. Soc. of Church History; also St., Ottawa, Ont. a large portion of Hurst's History of the FABTHING, Bight BeT. John Cragg, Christian Church, and article, "Methodism" M.A. (Cantab)., D.D. (Trinity and Lennox- in New Intemat. Ency. Publications: The ville), D.C.L. (King's, Windsor, N.S.); b. Methodists, in the Story of the Chiurches ancinnati, U.S.A., 13 Dec, 1861; ». of series, 1903: Cyprian the Churchman, in Kichard and Rose Farthing; m. Elizabeth Men of the Kingdom, series, 1906. Address: Kemp, two s. Educ: Liverpool and Cam- Madison, N.J. bridge, Eng.; came to Can., 1888; Rector of Woodstock, Ont., until 1906. when apptd. FEATHEBSTONSAU6H, Edward Phil- lips, B.Sc, Mem. Can. Soc. C.E., Mem. Dean of Anglican Diocese of Kingston; A.I.E.E.; 6. Montreal, Que., 20 July, Lord Bishop of Montreal, 1909. Address: 1879; m. Ruth Harrington, Montreal. 42 Union Av., Montreal. Educ: High Sch. and McGill Univ., Montreal, FABWELL, Charles Franklin, K.C.; b. Que.; grad. from McGill, 1899; Draughts-^ Oshawa, Ont., 24 Dec, 1860; «. of Charles mail; Featheratonhaugh Co., until Farwell and Mary McGiir; m. to Dora & 1900; Manager Ottawa Branch till 1904; Lecturer Stuart, McGill; two s. Educ: Oshawa High and Demonstrator, McGill Univ., 1905-1907 Sch., Ont. Law Sch.; graduated in law, 1885, Westinghouse Electric and Man'fg. spent two years in Toronto; removed to Co., Winnipeg Branch, 1907-1909; Professor of Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., May, 1887, where Electrical Engineering, Univ. of Manitoba, filled several municipal offices; elec. to Ont. 1909. Address: 119 Betoumey St., Fort e., June, 1894; re-elected Leg. Ass. at g. Rouge, Winnipeg. March, 1898; retired to private practice, 1902. Recreations: fancy stock raising, hort- FEBGtJSON, Alexander Hugh, M.D., C. iculture Address: Oshawa and Sault Ste. M.; 6. Ontario Co., Ont., Feb. 27, Marie, Ont. Club: Sault Ste. Marie. 1853; 8. Alexander and Annie McFadyen FABWELL, William, D.C.L. (Bishop's Ferguson; m. 1882, Sarah Jane Thomas, of Coll.), Pres. of the Eastern Townships Bank Nasaagaweya, Ont. ^duc.'Rockwood Acad, 6. Compton, Que., 20 Sept., 1835; s. of and Manitoba Coll.; honor grad., Med. Coll.: William Farwell and Harriet Car*; m. Eliza- of Trinity Univ., Toronto, 1881; visited beth Jane ^inn; two s. Educ: Sberbrooke Am. hosps.^881, London, Edinburgh, Glas- and Hatley High Schs. As a young man gow and Berlin hosps., 1889, taking a was engaged in mercantile business for course at Koch's laboratory in Berlin; soi^e yrs.; joined staff of People's Bank of Practiced at Winnipeg, 1882-94; took active D^rby Line, Vermont, Vt., aa. Asst. Cashier part in founding Manitoba Med. Coll., in in 1859; apptd. Asst. Cashier of Eastern which was 3 years prof, of physiology and Townships Bank, 1860, and filled different histology, and prof, surgery, 1886-1894; offices to gen. managership until 1902; since -was mem. gen. staff of Winnipeg Gen. then he has continuously discharged duties Hosp.; surgeon-in-chief St. Boniface Hosp. of Pres.; a Dir. of several Cos.; Trustee of and chief operator at Brandon and Mordon Bishop's Coll. Recreations: golf, motoring. hosps., Manitoba; 1st Pres,, Manitoba Address: 60 Dufferin Av., Sherbrooke, Que. branch, British Med. Assn. and mem. Pro- Club: St. George's. Sherbrooke. vincial B'd. of Health; Prof. clin. surgery. FASKEN, Bev. George Bobert, B.A.; 6. Coll. Phys. and Surg., Chicago, since 1900; Elora, Ont., 18 April, 1863; s. George Prof. Surgery, Chicago Hosp.; Surgeon to Fasken and Sarah Carder; m. Ida J. Gray, Cook Co. Hosp. for the Insane. Address: of Elora; one «. one d. Educ: No. 4 Pilking- 4619 Grand Boul. Chicago, 111. Clubs: ton Wellington Co., Com. Sch.; Elora High South Shore Country, Press. Sch., Toronto, Univ. and Knox Coll.; far- FEBNIE, William; 6. Kimbolton, mer; teacher in Com. Sch. for three years; Huntingdonshire, 1837; s. of Thos. P. Fer- four years; in Collegiate Inst., in Univ., for nie and Elizabeth Ladds. As lad of four- one year; London, two yrs.; Owen Sound, teen, went to Australia and began career Mission in Knox Coll., three yrs.; Work miner atBendi'go; went to Peru, Missionary Soc, as 1856, B.C.; President Knox Coll. and worked in mines; later became quarter- from Knox Coll., 1896; St. 1895; graduated master on U.S. Mail Steamer, plying^'to - Church, Toronto, Feb. Paul's Preabjrterian South American ports; removed to B.C., present date. Recreations: gard- 1897 to the 1860, and for many yrs. engaged in mining "fishing, hunting, curling, bowling. ening, in Cariboo country; apptd. gold commr. Howland Av., Toronto, Ont. Address: 60 for Canada, 1873, and held office until 1882; Victoria Toronto; Baconian, London Clubs: joined with Col. Baker in securing charter B.C. Southern Ry., now Crow's Nest FAOT.KNEB, Bev. John Alfred, D.D.; of Pass Div. of C. P. R. ; located Crow's NBst Sem.; 6. Grand Pr^, N.S., Prof. Drew'Theol. Coal deposits, 1887. Femie, the centre of a «. John L. and Elizabeth July 14, 1857; mining dist. of Crow's Nest, is named Helen Underwood. coal Faulkner; m. 1887, after him. Address: Victoria, B.C. Educ: Acadia Coll., Wolfville, N.S., 1878, M.A., 1890; grad. Drew Theol. Sero., 1881; FIEIiD, Frederick William; b. Twicken- post-grad. Studies Andover Theol. Sem., ham, Eng., 4 April, 1884; s. of Frederick Univ. of Leipzig and Bonn. Entered M. E. Field and Amelia Parsons; m. Frances Ministry, 1883; served at Beach Lake, Pa., Annie Farrant; one 8. Educj Tiffin's Sch., Yatesville, Taylor; Great Bend, Pa., and Kingston-on-'Thames, Eng.; arrived Can., Chenango Street, Binghamton, N.Y.; wrote 1905; "Free Lance" writer, England; asst. articles in Hist: Theology in Bibliotheca editor, Monetary Times of Canada, 1906;- Sacra, Meth. Rev. (Nashville), Meth. Rev. . apptd. mgr: editor July, 1907; also holds (New York), AndoVer Rev., Reformed position of Imperial Trade Correspondent at 77 FIflLDIKG WHO'S WHO.

Toronto, to His Majesty's^ Govt. Address: character. Address: 216 Metcalfe Street, 380 Victoria St., Toronto. Ottawa. Cluba: Halifax and City, Halifax; FIELDING, Hon. William Stevens, D. Rideau, Golf, Country, Ottawa. C.L., LL.D., P.O., Minister of Fiaance and FIFE, Captain Alexander John; King's Receiver General; b. Halifax, N.S.; s. of Royal Rifle Corps; b. Sherbourne, Dorset- Charles and Sarah Fielding; m. 7 Sept., shire, Eng., 13 Aug., 1880; «. of Major D. H. 1876, to Hester, d. of Thomas A. Rankine, Fife. Educ: Harrow and Sandhurst; ar- St, John, N.B.; one s. four d. A journalist; rived in Canada, 1908; A.D.C. to His Ex- entered the office of the Halifax "Morning cellency the Governor General, Earl Grey. Chronicle," in 1864; Ultimately became Adrfrese: Government House, Ottawa; Lang- Managing Editor; retired from journalism ton Hall, Northalburton, Yorkshire. Clubs:- in .1884, upon his accepting responsibility Junior Naval and Military, London; Rideau, of the Premiership of the Province of Nova Ottawa.

Scotia; was for some years connected with FINLAT, William Thomas, M.L.A ; b. the Toronto "Globe," as Halifax Corres- Lisborn, Antrim Co., Irel., 13 July, 1854; a. pondent; entei?eci active political life in of John Finlay; m. 1883, Miss Catherine 1SS2, when he contested the City and Allott, of Newark, five bhildren. Educ: County of Halifax and was elec. The Gov- priv. sch. in Lisburn. Came to Canada in . ,ernment of Mr. (afterwards Sir John) 1878, engaged as cashier with a boot and Thompson, was defeated at that election, shoe manufacturing establishment; removd A Liberal Convention called to arrange the to Toronto, 1880; Winnipeg, 1882; estbd. ^formation of a new administration o£Fered a lumber business for himself at Medicine Mr. Fielding the Premiership, which he Hat, and has also identified himself with declined. The administration was formed ranching, beii^ treas. of the Medicine Hat

under the leadership of Mr. Pipes, and some Ranching Co. ; was Mayor of Medicine Hat months later Mr. Fielding entered it as for several yrs. Has been twice elec. to the member without portfolio. The Pipes Legislature of Alta.; Pres,, Medicine Hat athninistration resigned in July, 1884, Gen. Hospital. Address: Medicine Hat, whereupon Mr. Fielding became Premier Alta. and Provincial Secretary, which positions FINLATSON, Hon. Duncan, B,A., LL. he continued to hold until July, 1896. He B.; Barrister; 6. Grand River, N.S., 12 was in the meantime re-elec. for Halifax Sept., 1867; 8. of Donald Finlayson and at successive elec. Of 1884, 1SS6, 1890 and Annabelle Murchison; m, 1005, Ethel M., ^1894. On the formation of the ^Laurier d. of the late William G. Bullan of Arichat, 'administration in Federal affairs, July, N.S. Educ: Sydney Acad., Dalhousie Univ. 1896, was chosen Minister of Finance and Halifax. Mem. of the L^is. Ass. of Nova thereupon retired from the N.S. Govt.; elec. Scotia, 1897-1904. Eleft. to H. of C. at to the H. of C. for the Counties of Shelburne g. e., 1904; unsuccessful at g. e., 1908. & Queens. August 5th, 1896, by acclam,; apptd. Co. Judge of Cape Breton County. re-elec. at the g. e., of 1900, 1904, at a bye- [Recreations: yachting, fiBhing. Address: ' elec. 1906. e., 1908. in and g. Introduced , Sydney, N.S. Club: Royal Cape Breton the H. of C. in 1897, and subsequent years Yacht. ^ the various m.easures which form the British FINLEY, Frederick Gault, M.D. (McGill preferential tariff; has presented the annual Univ.), Prof, of Medicine and Clinical Med- Canadian Budget uninterruptedly from icine, McGill Univ.; b. Australia, 1861; s. of 1897, to the present time. The Act to estab- Samuel Finley and Emma Gault; m^ 1898, lish a Canaman Branch of the Royal Mint Emily, d. of John Levell. Educ: Montreal and important amendments to the Banking High Sch., McGill Univ.; brought to Can. and Insurance Acts are among the most by his parents when very young. Apptd. prominent measures initiated by him; was asst. prof, of Medicine and Clinical Medicine Acting Minister of Railways for some months McGill Univ., 1894, and Professor, 1907; jn 1903, and in that capacity conducted the Past Pres., Montreal Chirurgical Soo.; mem. negotiations which resulted in the agree- American Soc. of Physicians. Recreations: ment for the construction of the National reading, fishing. A^ress: 729 Dorchester Transcontinental Railway, the contract St., W., Montreal. between the Government and the Grand FIXNIE, David Maclachlan; asst.* gen. Trunk Pacific Railway being signed* by Manager, Bank of Ottawa; b. Peterhead, . him. Has placed several large loans on the Scotland, 10 July, 1849; «. of Robert Finnie,

. X'Ondon money market on favourable terms. and Mary Smith; m. Caroline Nicholson Was a del. to the Colonial Conference held Sterling; four s. one d. Educ: Parish Sch„ in X^mdon, 1902, and attended the corona- Peterhead, Five yrs. with A. W. Boyd, tion of the King. Was apptd. one of the solicitor and agent for Union Bank of Scot- delegates to the Imperial Conference of land, Peterhead, Bank of British Nofeth 1907, but owing to pressure of business in America, London, Eng., Montreal, Hamil- the Can. Parlt., which was then sitting, was ton and Amprior; with Bank of Ottawa, unable to attend; was one of the Pleni- Amprior and Ottawa. 'Recreationa: golf, potentiaries apptd. by His Majesty in 1907, curling. Address: 329 CHapel St., Ottawa. to negotiate a commercial treaty between Clubs: Rideau, Country, Golf. France and Canada, and also for the sup- FINNIE, John T., M.D.. L.R.C.S. (Edin-. plementary treaty of 1908; a member of the burgh), M.L.A. ; b. Peterhead, "Aberdeen- British Royal Conmiission, apptd. in Aug., shire. Soot., 14 Sept., 1847; s. of Robert 1909, to inquire into trade relations between Finme; m. 1874, Amelia, d. of Christopher Canada and the West Indies. A Governor Healy, of Montreal; five s. one d. Educ: of Dalhousie Univ., Halifax, N.S.; Pres. of Parish Sch., Peterhead. High Sch., Mont- ' St. George's Society of Halifax, for some real; grad. McGill Univ., 1869, and in same years. Publications: Chiefly of a political yr. passed exam, in Royal Coll. of Surgeons.' 78 a


Edinburgh; visited hospitals of London and FISHEB, ' Carl Eugene; registrar of the continent for some months; returned deeds for Lincoln Co.', Ont.; 6. St. David's to Montreal, where he has since practiced. Ont., 3 Sept., 1852; s. of Charles and Lavina Elec. to Legis. Assembly for St. Lawrence Fisher; m. S. Dora Forbes: two s. Educ: at e., June, 1908; was Pres. Cale- Sch. in Div. g. 8 St. David's Pub. Mcht. Queenston, . donian Soc, Montreal Swimming Club. Ont., for 17 years; fruit grower for 20 years; Recreations: h]intingv fishing. Address: 35 Registrar for Lincoln Co. since 1902; Sec- Park Ave., Montreal. Treaa., Niagara Pinensula Fruit Growers' FISET, CoL Eugene, D.S.O., A.D.C., Assoc, since organization in 1896. Address: Deputy Minister of Militia; b. Rimouski, 21 Chestnut St., St. Catharines, Ont.; Dul- verton Fruit Farm, Queenston, Ont. Que., 1874T s. of Hon. J. B. B. Fiset, M.Di, now a Senator, and Aimee Plamondon; m. FiSXtEB, Hon. Charles Wellington; 1902, Stella, d. of L. Taschereau, K.C., of Speaker of the Alberta Leg. Ass.; b. Hyde Quebec; two d. Educ.: Bimouski Coll., Park, London, Eng., 4 Aug., 1866; ». of Laval Univ., Quebec (grad. B.A. and M.D.) James and Eliza Fisher:- m. 1907, Helen Was House Surgeon in the London Throat Marjorie Powell, of Ottawa. A merchant. El. mem. of the L«. Ass. of N.W.T., for Hospital, London Eng., 1901 ; practiced his profession at Rimouski for eight mos.; Banff at bye-el., 26 Jan., 1903- El. for same joined 89th Regt., as Lieut., 1894; Major, constituency to Leg. Ass. of Alta. at first 1896; Surgeon-Major, 1898; transferred to g. e., 1905; el. Speaker of the House at the newly organized Army Medical Corps, with first Session. Major in 15th Light Horse. Address: Cochrane, Alta. rank of Major, 1890. Took part in South ' African War as Asst. Surgeon of first Cana- FISHEB, Edward, Mus. Doc; Dir. of dian Contingent, the second (Special Ser- the Toronto Conservatory of Music; b. vice) Battalion of Royal Canadian Regt. Jamaica, Vt., U.S.A., 11 Jan., 1848; m. (despatches, D.S.O. Brevet of Lieut.-Col., 1876, Florence E. Durgan, of Boston, Mass. A. M.S., Medal with 4 clasps). Promoted Educ: Boston; musical education com- Lieut.-Col., 1900; apptd. staff Adjutant for pleted at Berlin, Germany. Apptd. Musical Medical Service at headquarters, 1902; Dir. of the Ottawa Ladies' Coll., 1875; joined Permanent Branch of Army Medical removed to Toronto, 1879, to become ^ Corps; promoted Col.; apptd. Dir.-Gen. of Organist of St. Andrew's Church; Conductor Medical Service; apptd. Deputy Minister of of the Toronto Choral Soc. for several yrs.; Militia and Defence, and Vice-Pres., Militia founded Toronto Conservatory of Music, Council, 1906; has been Hon. Surgeon to 1886: since opening of institution in Sept., Governor-General since 1904, and Hon. A. 1887, thousands of students have received D.C., since 1905. Mem. Visiting Bd. of musical training there. Address: 11 Bed- ford Rd., Toronto. Royal Military Coll. ; associate mem. United States Military Assn. of Surgeons; mem. FISHEB, John H., M.L.A.; b. Paris, Canadian Memcal Assn., Ottawa Medico- Ont., 23 April, 1855; «. of Robert Fisher and Surgical Soc. Address: 476 Wilbrod St., Mary A. Hunter; m. Jessie D. Martin in Ottawa. Clubs: Rideau, Golf, Laurentian, 1883; one ». Educ: Paris Public and High Ottawa; hon, life mem. (garrison, Quebec. Sch.; Reeve of Paris three yrs.; Mayor five years; Warden, Co. of Brant.; first Baptiste elec. to FISET, Hon. Jean BOmuald, Ontario L^., 1905; re-elec. in 1908; Con- M.D., Senator; b. St. Cuthbert, Que., 7 Feb., , servative. Address: Paris, Ont. Clubs: ». Fiset of Cuthbert; 1843; of Henri St. m. Albany, 'Toronto. d. of late Honore Plamondon 1869, Aimee, FISBEB, Joseph Priestley; Barrister- of Quebec; five s. three d. Educ: Montreal at-law: Registrar of Deeds for the City Coll. classical course; Laval Univ., Quebec, of Ottawa; 6. Montmorency Falls, Que., as M.D., 1868. Is a Governor of the Coll. of 8 May, 1852; «. of Benjamin and Eliza Physicians and Surgeons of Quebec; has Benson Fisher: m. Edith Annie Perceval. been Clouncillor and subsequently of Mayor Educ: Ottawa Gram. Sch. and N. B. Web- Rimousld, Quebec, 1871; took his certifi- ster's Sch. Dir. County of Carleton Gen. cates of (>aptfdn. Military* School, Quebec, Protestant Hospital and of Protestant Home 1865; was appointed Surgeon of 89tn Batt. for the Aged; mem. Ottawa Bd. of Trade; Rimouski, 1871 ; elevated to rank of Surgeon apptd. R^istrar, 1907. Address: 322 Gil- Major, 1895; retired, 1899; with rank of mour Street, Ottawa. Lieut.-Col.; elected as Member for Rimouski FISHEB, Hon. Sydney Arthur, B.A., M. Quebec, to H. <3f C, 1872; sat until 1882, P., Minister of Agriculture; b. Montreal, 'trhen defeated; re-elec. 1887; defeated, 1891 Que., 12 June, 1850; ». of Dr. Arthur FUher, Senate, 1897 le-elec. 1896; called to the — F.R.S.C, Edinburgh, and Susan Corse; Recreations: hunting fishing. Liberal. and unmarried. Educ: High Sch. and McGill Address: Rimouski, Que. Coll., Montreal; Trinity Coll., Cambridge. FISHEB, Ueut.-Col. Alson Alexander; Farmer, at Knowlton, in Eastern Town- b. Athens, Leeds Co., Ont., 9 Dec, 1863; ». ships, Que.; entered Duncan Fisher aiid Helen Mitchell; m, as M.P. for County Brome, 1882; re-elec. Mary Edith, d. of Rich'd. Brown, Pres. 1887, 1896, 1900-04 and 08; defeated, 1891, Brown Bros., Ltd., Toronto; two s. two d. by one vote. jB6creation«.*riding and cricket. Educ: Athens High Sch., Osgoode Hall. Address: Alva Farm, Knowlton, Que., 286 After graduating, in l&w, commenced prac- Charlotte St., Ottawa. Clubs: Rideau, Otta- tice at Brockville; Chr. Brockville Pub. Sch. Bd., 1903; Pres. Brockville Gen. Hos- JFITCH, C. Bussell, Ph.B., LL.B.; ap- pital, 1902; Pres. Brockville Can. Club, pointed TMstrict Judge, and local Judge of 1909-10. Recreations: golf, acquatic sports. the High Court of Justice and Surrogate ./Iddreaa: Brockville, Ont. CZu6<; Brockville: Judge, June, 1909; b. Brantford, Ont., 22 Can. Military Inst., Toronto. Feb., 1866; m. Ida Main, d. of the late Henry 79 ;;


. Main, Private Banker of Gait, Ont. started business in Toronto in 1887, and is Educ: Brantford, Toronto, and Bloom- now Pres. and Genl. Manager, The William ington, 111.; President East York Lib- Davis Co., Export and Domestic Bacon eral Ass'n.; Vice-Pres. North York lib- Curers; Pres. National Trust Co.; Director eral AsBn.; Chairman of Pub. Sch. Bd. for Canadian Bank of Commerce; Chairman 8 years. Recreationa; bowling, and huntixig. Board of Trustees, Toronto General Hos- Address: Brantford, Ont. Club: Ontario, ?ital, and Governor of the Univ. of Toronto,

Toronto. . n 1906, was Chairman of Royal Commis- FITZHUGH, Earl Hopkins; First Tice- sion to report scheme of reorganization, Pres., Grand Trunk Ry. "System; 6. Mont- Univ. Toronto. Address: "Holmwood, gomery Co., Mo., U.S.A., 1 Feb., 1853. Queen's Park Toronto, Ont. Ciwd; Toronto. Educ: St. Louis Pub. Schs. Entered Ry. FLECK, Andrew Walker; b. Montreal, service in 1873, as clerk in the office of the 1 7 October, 1848; m. Helen Gertrude Booth; Master car builder of the St. Louis. Kansas two 8. and two d. Educ : in Montreal. Was City and Northern Ry.; afterwaras served for 21 years Secretary-Treaem-er Canada in the car mileage office of the same Co., and Atlantic Railway System; at present in when the road was absorbed by the Wabash brokerage. A^reas: 500 Wilbrod St.,. System, he became chief clerk to the supt. Ottawa. Clubs: Rideau, Golf, Country, of the Western Div., of the latter; Master of Hunt, Ottawa. transportation on the Wabash Ry., at FLEMING, Bev. John Dick, M.A.,-1>.D.;

. Moberly, 1889-1896; joined the G. T. R., Professor of Systematic Theology tBp.d Jan., 1896, and served as Supt. of the middle Lecturer in Philosophy, Manitoba GoU^e.*. div., with headquarters at Toronto, until Winnip^; «. of late Rev. James Fleming of ' May, 1899; acted as Vice-Pres. and Gen. Whithorn, one of the Moderators of the W~»'' Mgr, of the Central Vermont Ry., 1899- P. Church. Educ: U.P. Theological Hall, 1^1; employed as Asst. to Pres. of South- Univ. of Edinburgh, Berlin, Heidelberg, em Pacific Ry. from May, 1901, until Dec. Gottingen, Leiden, and Paris. Studied for of the same yr.; returned to G. T. R., Feb., four years in Germany, France, and Hol- 1902, and Etcted as Vice-Pres. and Gen. land; travelled in Holland, Germany, Ite^ly, Mgr. of the Central Vermont at St. Albans, etc.; had experience of Home Mission yrovk.

until 1904; promoted to third Vice-Presid- in Orassmarket, Edinburgh; assistant , to ency of G. T. Rm and Vice-Pres. of the Rev. Dr. Muir at Egremont, Liverpdol, Central Vermont Ry., 1 Jan., 1905; apptd. 1893; member of the "97 Theological Chlb/' Vice-Pres. G. T. R.. Jan., 1910. Address: composed of young ministers all over Scot- - 690 Sherbrooke St., Montreal. Clubs: St. land, for advanced theological study; Min-.-v Jami^*, Canada, Montreal. ister of Wishart U. F. Church, TranentV EITZPATRICK, Bt- Hon. Sir Charles, East Lothian. 1894-1907; apptd. to present' B.A., D.L., Privy Councillor (G.B.), K.C.M. position, 1907. PuWicat-ions; articles iii the G.; 6. Quebec, 19 Dec, 1853; e. John Fitz- Expository Times since 1899, chiefly on the patrick and Mary Connolly; m. Corinne new Evangelical School of Paris; also Caron, d. of the late Hon. R. E. Caron; criticisms of German and Dutch literature; " one 8. four d. Educ: St. Ann's Coll. and Israel's Golden Age, 1907. Address: Mani- Laval Univ.; admitted to the Bar in 1876; toba CoU^e, Winnip^. Crown Prosecutor for City and District of FLEMING, Sir Sandford, K.C.M-G.,LL. Quebec, 1879; M.L.A. for County of Que., D., M.I.C.E.; Chancellor of Queen's Univ., 1890; resigned as Provincial Member in Canada; h. 1827; s. of late Andrew Greig 1896, and was elected to sit as member for Fleming, Kirkcaldy; m. Ann Jean, d, of late the same County in Dominion Parliament; Sherifif Hall, Co. Peterboroiigh, 1855; lived Solicitor General, 1896; Minister of Justice, in Canada since 1845; expensive practice 1902; Chief Justice of Canada, June, 1906;- as Chi^f Er^ineer of Railway and tither K.C.M.G., 1907, and P.C., 1908; mem. of the public works; constructed the Intercolonial Hague Tribunal of Arbitration, 1908-10. Railway through provinces of N.S., N.B., Address: 240 Daly Av., Ottawa. Clicbs: and Que.; Engineer in Chief C. P. R., 1871- Garrison, Quebec; St. James', Montreal; 80; President R, S. C, 1888-89; has for Bideau, Ottawa. many years taken a special interest in the FLAVELLE, John D., Managing dir. of movement for establishing the Pacific :Ca.ble the Flavelle Milling Co., Ltd.; 6. nr. Peter- and a Pan-Britannic telegraph service, borough, Ont., 18 July, 1850; s. of John having State-owned tel^raph communicat- Flaveue and Dorothea Dundas; m. 1873, tiohs encircling globe, and constituting a IKnnie, d. of Joseph Cooper, of Lindsay; great Imperial Intelligence Union, in the three d. Educ: l^ib. and Gram. Schs. of unification of Time Reckoning throughout Peterborough; settled in Lindsay, 1864, and the world, and more recently in the Atlantic ent. into business in the dry goods trade as Steamship Service of Canada. Publications: mem. of the Dundas & Flavelle Bros. In The Intercolonial; a History, 1832-76; 1SS4, became mgr. of the milling interests England and Canada; Old to New West- of the firm. Company incorporated 1894 minster; Time and its Notation; Memoirs Cold storage plants now operated at sev- on Universal Time and a Prime Meridian eral points in Ontario. Recreation: curling. for an Nations; The New Time Reckoning. Has skipped rinks from his club on six Recreaiions: curling, golf, bowls. Address: dilferent tours through Canada and the Winterholm, Chapel St., Ottawa;- The States. Address: Lindsay, Ont. Lodge, Halifax. Clubs: Rideau, Ottawa; FLAVELLE, Joseph Wesley, LL,D.; h. St. 'James, Montreal; Halifax. ^ Peterborough, Ont., 15 Feb., 1858, a. John FLEMMING, Hon. James Kid^ M.p.A., Flavelle and Dorothea (Dundas) Flavelle; Provincial Secretary, N.B.; &- Woodstock, tn. Clara Ellsworth, Sept., 1882; one s. two N.B., 27 April, 1868; «. of Thomas Fleniming d. Clerk and later Merchant in Peterborough and Sarah A. Kerr; m. Helena, Flamming; ; ;, WHO'S WHO.

8. . three two d. Educ: Coznznon Sch„ and Co. of Gaspe, prior to admission to the Bar;

, Provincial Normal Sch.; taught in Provin- now Batonnier of the Quebec Bar; Prof, of cial Sch. for two years, afterwards engaging Roman Law in Laval Univ., since 1874, and in Mercantile persuits; for a number of became a mem. of the Council of the Univ. years been a Manufacturer and dealer in about 1884; unsuccessful candidate for lumber; was unsuccessful candidate for Legis. Assembly in Gaspe Co., 1875; had Carleton Co., N.B., in 189S and 1899; else, the election annulled 1877; defeated 1877;* at bye-elec. in Jan., 1900; re-elec. in 1903 returned to Legis. at g. e., 1878; unsuccess- and 1908; entered Hazen Administration ful for Quebec Co., at g. e., 1891; el. to in March, 1908, as Provincial Secretary and Legis at g. e., 1892 for Gaspe and Matane Receiver General. Address: Hartland, N.B. Cos., but sat for Gaspe; el for Gaspe at g. e. FLIXT, Thomas Barnard, M.A., LL.B., 1897 and for Co. of Nicolet, 13 Dec, 1000; D.C.L.; Clerk of the House of Commons of retired from politics 1904; Commr. of Crown Canada; b. Yarmouth, N.S., 28 April, 1847; Lands, under Chapleau Govt., 1879-1882; s. of late John Flint, Shipowner, and Anne Commr. of Rys.; Solicitor-Gen. in Dr. Ross' Barnard Flint of Yarmouth, N.S.; m. 1874, Cabinet, 1884-1887; Commr. of Crown Mary Ellen, d. of late Thos. B. Dane, of Lands under de Boucherville and Taillon Yarmouth, Educ. : Mt. Allison Univ., Sack- Admns., 1891-1896; Premier of the Prav. viUe, N.B.; Harvard Univ., Cambridge, of Que., and took office of Commr. of Pub. Mass., U.S.A. Admitted to the Supreme Works, 1896-1897, then became leadfer of Court Bar of N.S., 1871; Commissioner of the Opposition. Address: 9 Hamel St., the Supreme and County Courts and in Quebec, Club: Garrison. Admiralty. 1873; High Sheriff of the County FOLGEB, Benjamin Webster; mem. of of Yarmouth, N.S., 1884-87; Assistant Clerk the firm ofFolger Bros., bankers and prop- of the Provincial Assembly, 1887-91; mem. rietors of extensive ry., mining and shipping for the County of Yarmouth, H. of C. 1891 interests; 6. Cape Vincent, N.Y., 24 April, re-elec, 1896 and 1900; Chief Government 1841; 8. of H. A. Folger and Laura Breck; Whip for Maritiifie Provinces, 1896-1900; m. 1861, Louisa Jones, of Cape Vincent, ^ Chairman of the Committee on Standing NlY,; two s. two d. Educ: New York State, Orders of the House, 1898-1902; Grand Removed to Kington, 1862, and engaged Master of the Grand Lodge of N.S., A.F. in banking business with his brother; Dir. and A.M., 1897, 1898, and 1899. Publica- Thousand Island Steamboat Co., Ltd.; tiona: editor Srd edition Bourinot's Parlia- Mgn. Dir., Kingston, Portsmouth and mentary Practice and Procedure, Recrea- Cataraqui Ry.; Vice-Pres., Kingston Light, tiona: travel and~ research. Address: 67 Heat and Power Co., Dir., St. Lawrence Somerset St., Ottawa. River Steamboat Co., Canadian Lake and FLUMERFELT, Alfred Cornelius; b. Ocean Navigation Co.; was one of the chief Markham, Ont., 29 Sept., 1856; s. of George projectors of the Kingston and Pembroke Flumerfelt and Cynthia Barnes; m. 1881, Ry., which was acquired by C. P. R., 1901 Ada Kilvingston; two d. Educ: Markham Folger Bros., are also greatly interested in Village Sch. Engaged in niercantile pur- mineral lands along tixe line of the K. and suits at Cobourg, until 1879, when removed P. Ry. and Rainy River Dist., of New Ont.; to Winnipeg. Sold out bopt and shoe busi- apptd. menl. of oomm. to build. the Temis- ness to Ames Holden & Co., of Montreal; kaming and Northern Ont. Ry., 1902.. reqioved 1886, to Victoria, B.C., to become Address: 123 King St., ^Kingston, Ont. manager of Company's Branch. Became FOBAX, Joseph Kearney* LL.B., Lit, greatly interested in mining developments; D., Asst. Law Clerk, H. of C, of Canada; b- Asst. Gen. Mgr. and Dir., Granby Consoli- Aylmer, Que., 5 Sept., 1857; a. of John dated Mining, Smelting & Power Co.. Ltd.; Foran and Catharine F. Kearney; m. 1892, Dir. Ames, Holden Co., Ltd., Montreal, Louisa Davis; one s. one d. Educ: Ottawa Eastern 'Townships Bank, at Grand Forks, Univ., and Laval Univ., Que. In July, Redmond & Co., Ltd., of Montreal and 1877, commenced study of law in office of Winnipeg; Pres. Hutchison Co., Ltd., Vic- Andrews, Caron, ^Andrews & Fitzpatrick, toria, B.C.; Patterson Shoe Co., Victoria, of Quebec; attending the lectures at Laval; B.C.; mem. of Council, Pres. or Vice-Pres. grad. June, 1881; addmitted to Bar of of Victoria Bd. of Trade for ten yrs.; Pres. Quebec, 1882; from 1884 to 1886, sperit the

Grand Forks Bd. of Trade, 1901 ; was Vice- winters in the woods of the North, winding Pres. Union Club, Jubilee Hospital, and up his father's lumbering business and Treas. Protestant Orphans' Hom^e of Vic- incidentally hunting with the Indians of toria; mem. Royal Comm. on Forestry that region; wrote there a aeries of magazine resources of B.C., 1910. Address: Victoria, articles of Canadian Backwoods Life, and B.C. the novel "Simon the Abenakis." From FLTNN, Hon. Edmund James, LL.L., the summer of 1886 to that of 1888, on the LL.D., (Laval Univ.), Prof, of Roman Law, editorial staff of the Montreal Star. From Laval Univ.; b. Perce, Gaspe Co., Que., 16 1888 to 1892, practised Law in the district Nov., 1847; ». of James Flynn and Eliza- of Ottawa; in 1892, took the editorship of beth Tostevin or Tautevin; m. Mathilde the Montreal "True Witness." Edited the Augustine, d. of the late Ai^ustin Cote, for paper for eight years, giving several series

many yrs. ' proprietor of Le Journal de of lectures for different societies, on all Quebec; three a. two d. Educ: Quebec majiner of subjects, historical, literary, &c. Seminary, Laval Univ.; called to the Bar, In 1899, established the "Pen," an histori- 1873, and has practiced in Quebec ever cal, scientific and literary review; written, since; cr. a Q.C, by Marquis of Lansdowne, and published weekly by himself; continued 1887. and Que. Govt., 1st June, 1899; Dep. the publication until 3 902, when apptd. Registrar, Dep. Prothonotary, Dep. Clerk Chief English Translator of the House of of ttrcuit Ct. of the Crown and Peace for the Commons, Ottawa; in 1905. became Law 81 , .


Secretary of the House of Commons, and and of Nat. Coun. of Women. Takes great in 1908, Assistant Law Clerk. Has pub- interest in work of V. O. N., and Aberdeen lished a volume of poems, and since the Assn. Address: Government House, Re- appeatance of that work has written some gina, Sask. two hundred other poems, principally on FORGET, Hon. Louis J.; Senator; b. Canadian and patriotic subjects. Has de- Terrebonne, 11 March, 1853; s. of French livered lectures for almost every institution parents, who came from Normandy, France, in Ottawa, and for all classes and denomina- about 1600; m. 2 May, 1876, Marie Ray- tions. In French for the Institut Canadien mond, Montreal. Educ: Masson Coll.; a Frances, the St. Jean Baptiste Society and Banker and Stockbroker; Pres., Montreal other French literary bodies; in English for Street Railway, Vice-Pres., Dom. Textile the Y. M. C. A., the Roman Catholic Con- Co.; Vice.-Prea., Dom. Steel Co., Vice-Pres., ' vents and Colleges, the St. Andrew's and Victoria Life Ins. Co., Dir. Montreal L. H. Caledonian Societies, both in Ottawa and & P. Co.; Director, Rich, and Ont. Nav. Co., Montreal. Publications: The Spirit of the and is Pres. of the Board of Governors of Age, 1886; Simon the Abenakia, a tale of Laval Univ.; called to the Senate, June, Canadian Shanty Life, 1887; Lyrics and 1896; Conservative. Address: 545 Sher- Poems, 1896; many magazine articles. Re- brook St., W., Montreal. Clubs: MoUnt creations: hunting, baseball, poetry, history, Royal, St. James', and Hunt, Montreal. law. Addreaa: 1034 St. Hubert St., Montreal FORGET, Lleut.-Col. Hon. Rodotphe, and House of Commons, Ottawa. M.P.; b. Terrebonne, Que., 10 Dec, 1861; FORBKS, John Colin, R.C.A., and s. of David Forget, and Angele Limoges; Union International des Beaux Arts and m. (1st), 1885, Alexandra Tourville, (2nd)

des lettres (Paris) ; b. Toronto, 23 Jan. , 1 846. 1894, Blanche McDonald; three s, two d. 8. of late Duncan Forbes, Doune, Perthshire Educ: Masson Coll., Terrebonne. A stock Scot.; m. 1888, Laura Gertrude, d. of George broker; first el. to H. of C. at g. e., 1904; M. Holbrook, Ottawa. Educ: U.C. College, re-el. at g. e., 1908; Pres., Richelieu & Toronto; R. A., and South Kensington Ontario Nav. Co.; Vice-Pres,, Montreal Museum, studied at Royal Academy, Lon- Light, He&t and Power Co^; Dir. Can. Gen. don; Portraits of King Edward and Queen Electric Co., Toronto Railway Co., Can. Alexandra, for H. of C, Ottawa; Queen Cement Co. Addresses: 361 Sherbrooke St. Alexandra (painted at Her Majesty's com- E.; 83 Notre Dame St., W. Montreal

First Lieut.-Gov. of Prov. of Sask.; b. Ste. : b. Berthier-en-Haut, Que., 26 Sept., 1851; Marie de Monnoir, Que., 12 Nov., 1847; s. s. of Lt.-Col. Chas. Alexander Forneret, of Jeremie Forget and Marie Guenette; J. P., and Elizabeth Barbier; ?n. Adelaide m. 1876, Henriette A. Drolet. Educ: Robbins; one s. one d. Educ: Berthier YillEige Sch, Studied law under the late Gram. Sch., Bishop's Coll. Sch.; McGill ^ Hon. J. A. Chapleau. Called to Bar of Univ.; Montreal Diocesan Theol. Coll.; Quebec, 1871; Sec. to Bar, 1873; Sec. of began life in a Stock Brokers office, Mont- Manitoba half-breed comm., 1875; clerk real, 1869; took 2nd class certificate. Mili- of the North-west Council, 1876-88; asst tary Sch., Montreal, 1871; Curate Christ \^ Indian commr. for Manitoba and the Terri- Church Cathedral; Missionary to Saskat- 1888-93; 1895-8; tories, commr. Lieut.- chewan; Rector, DunhaDX, Que.; Curate, ;: . Gov. of the Territories of N. W. T., 1898- St. Catherines; in charge Dundas; Rector, 1905; apptd. Lieut.-Gov. of Sask., 1 Sept., All Saints', Hamilton, 1886. Puhlicationt: 1905, on creation of that Province. Ad- "How shall I give," (Am. Tract Societyi. « dress: Government House, Regina/Sask. Address: All Saints' Rectory. Hamilton, FORGET, ^Madame A.E.; b. St. Hyacin- Ont. the. Que., 29 Sept.. 1853; d. of the late FORTIEB, Edmond Louis Phlleas, M. Lieut. -Col. C, E. Drolet and Helene Duvert; P.; b. St. Gervais, Co. Bellechasse, Que., 10 m. Oct., 1876, Hon. A. E. Forget, Lieut.- April, 1849; «. of Octave Cyrille Fortier, Gov. of Sask. Educ: Hochelsga Convent. and Henriette Emilie Ruel; m. Elizabeth Has travelled extensively through Western Lesieur, Educ: Laval Normal Sch., Que.; Canada with her husband. Had honour of farming in Co. of Beauce for 26 years; entertaining at Government House, Regina, Mayor of Lambton; Pres. of the Court of Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York in Commissioners; Director, Organizer and 1901. Hon. Pres. Daughters of the Empire Sec.-Treas. of Agricultural Societies of 82 ; WHO'S WHO.

Beauce Co.; was Capt. in the 23rd Regt., dir. Eastern Townships Bank, George Hall serving 19 years in the Militia; elec. to the Coal Co., Dominion Guarantee Co., Alumi- H. of C, 25 Jan., 1900; re-eleo. Nov., 1900, num Co., of America. Unsuccessfully con- 1904-1908. Address: Ste. Croix Co. Lotbin- tested Brome Co., 1896. El. pres. Eastern iere. Que. Townships Cons. Assn., 1894;' Lieut, in the FOSTEA, Hon. George Eulas, B.A., Fb. Victoria Rifles of Montreal, 1889. Address; D., LL.D., P.C; b. Carleton Co., N.B., 3 8 Edgehill Av., Montreal. Ch^s: Mount Sept., 1847; 8. of John Foster and Margaret Royal, Hunt, Montreal; Rideau, Ottawa. Foster; m. Adeline C, d, of Milton Davies, FOSTEB, Col. the Hon. John Gilman, banker, Hamilton. Educ: Common and B.A., Consul-General for the United States Superior Schs., King's Co.. N.B., Univ. of at Ottawa; b. Derby Line, Vt., 9 March, New Brunswick; Edinburgh Univ., Heidel- 1859; s. of Austin T. 'Foster and Sarah H. berg Univ.; entered Univ. of N.B. in 1865, Gilman; m. 1886, Clara S. Merriman, d. of where he won the^ King's County Scholar^ Judge Anaos Lee Merriman, of Peoria, 111.; ship and various honours and medals, and two 8. one d. Educ: Goddard Seminary, took his degree of B.A. in 1868; taught in Barre, Vt., Tuft's Coll., Mass. (B.A., 1880). various High Schs. and seminaries of learn- Called to Bar of Vt., 1881; el. to Vt. Leg. ing, and in 1871, was apptd. prof, of classics for Derby, 1892-3; Colonel on staff of Gov- and ancient literature in the Univ. of N.B. ernor Levi K. Fuller, of Vt., 1892-4; apptd. Shortly afterwards studied in Edinburgh, Consul General at Halifax, N.S., 23 June, Scot., and Heidelberg, Germany, resuming 1897; transferred to Ottawa in like capacity, his duties at N.B. Univ., in 1873; resigned 18 June, 1903, which postition he still holds; in 1879. Ei; to H. of C. for King's Co., as Dir. Eastern Townships Bank, 1893-7; Vice- Ind.-Con., at g. e., 1882; became mem. of Pres. National Bank of Derby Line. Ad- Sir John Macdonald's Govt., 10 Dec, 1885, dress: (Consulate) Thistle Block, Wellington as Minister of Marine and Fisheries; re-el. St. (Residence) The Cecil, Ottawa; Derby at g. e., 1891; returned for York, N.B., at Line, Vt. Clubs: Rideau, Golf, Hunt, g. e., 1896; unsuccessfol can. for St. John Ottawa. City, at g. e., 1900 and at bye-elec. in North FOUBNIER, Jules; 6. Coteaii du Lac, Ont., 10 March, 1903; elec. for present seat Que., 23 Aug., 1884. Educ: Valleyfield at g. e., 1904, re-el. g. e., 1908. Succeeded Coll. A journalist; first on staff of La Sir , Bart., in the office of Presae; two yrs. political ed. and parlt. Minister of Finance, 29 May, 1888, and corr, for he Canada. Edited Le Nat%onal- remained in that office in the Abbott admn., isfe since Feb., 1908, until its transformation - the Thompson admn., the Bowell' admn., to daily paper Le Devoir in Jan., 1910. and the Tupper admn.; resigned, 8 July, Condemned in June, 1909, to three months' 1896. with the Govt. Was leader in the imprisonment by Judge Langelier, for pub- ,H. of Si during session of 1905, andin session lishing an article against the Judge, but of Jan., 1896, up to the re-entry of Sir liberated after sixteen days' detention. Charles Tupper, Bart.; resigned from Govt., Publications: many essays on sociological 4 Jan., 1896, and was re-apptd. to office on and literary subjects. Address: 648 City the 15 of same month. In 1892, visited Hall, Av., Montreal. the West Indies in the interest of reciprocal FOWKE, Frederick Luther, M.P.; b. arrangements for extension of trade; visited Harmony, East Whitby, Ont., 27 May, Eng. twice as Minister of Finance for the 1857; a. Job. Wilson and Adeline Perkins purpose of effecting loans. Mem. of the (Stone) Fowke. Educ. : Oshawa High Sch. advisory bd. of the Lib.-Con._ Assn. of Can. started work with his father after leaving Has been pires. of several mining and devel- sch. and in 1880, began business in Oshawa opment Cos., and first vice-pres. and gen.- as General Merchant, and dealer in grain, man. of the Union Trust Co., of Toronto. seeds, etc.; continued this business ever Has held important positions in various since; eight years Mayor of Oshawa; elec. temperance organizations of the Dom. M.P. for South Ontario, 1908; Liberal; Visited Great Britain in 1903, on the invita- Baptist. Address: 270 Gladstone Ave., tion of Mr. Chamberlain, and delivered 28 Oshawa, Ont. addresses on Imperial Preference. Publica- FOWIiEB, George W., K.C.; b. Ham- tions: Numerous speeches on Political, mond Vale, King's Co., N.B., 1859; s. of Imperial, Social and Economic questions. Werden Fowler and Harriet Fownes; m. Recreations: bicycling, angling, walking. 1897, Ethyl G., e. d. of Capt. John Wilson; Address: 67 McDonald St., Ottawa; Toron- one 8. one d. Educ: Varley Sch., St. John, to. Club: National, Toronto. Dalhousie Univ.; called to the Bar of New FOSXEB, George Green, K.C.; mem. of Brunswick, 1884, and^ began practice at the firiia of Foster, Martin, Mann & McKm- Sussex, N.B.;.Warren of King's Co., 1889; non, advocates, Montreal; b. Knowlton, el. to N.B. Legis., 1895; el. to H. of C. 1900; Que., 21 June, 1860; ». of Samuel Willard re-el. 1904; unsuccessful 1908; for many Foster and Ellen Green; m. 1896, Mary yrs. an enthusiastic militia man, retiring Maud, o. d> of the late Hon. Mr. Justice from 8th Hussars, 1898, with rank of Capt. Buchanan; one s. one d. Educ.: Knowlton, Has large lumber and mining interests in Academy. Grad. B.C.L., MoGill Univ., British Columbia. Address: Sussex, N.B . 18S1. Called to the Bar 1882; has been FOWIiEB, BeT. James, M.A., LL.D., connected with a number of Montreal legal F.R.S.C, b. Bartibog, Miramichi, N.B., 16 firms and is now head of the firm of Foster, July, 1829; s. George Fowler and Jane Mc- Martin, Mann & McKinnon; apptd. K.C., Kmght (both scotch); m. Mary Ann Mo- 1896; acted in the case of Robert vs. Mont- Leod. Truro, N.S. (deceased); two d. Educ: real Liaht, Heat and Power Co., which Gram. Sch., Chatham, N.B., and Coll., involved over three hundred thousand Halifax, N.S. ;. ordained to Presbyterian dollars. Pres. St. Lawrence Power Co.; Ministry, May 19, 1857; apptd. Science 83 WHO'S WHO.

Master in the Prov. 'Normal Sch. at Fred- 13 Dec, 1880; s.of A^uste Francoeur and erlcton, 1878; Lecturer on Natural Science Marie Avila Caron. Educ: Laval Normal in Queen's Univ., Kingston, Ont,, 1880; Sch,, Quebec; Quebec Seminary; Laval Professor of Botany, Queen's Univ., 1902; Univ.; an advocate. Lieut, in the 9th retired 1907. Publications: A Plea for the Quebec, Regt.;. first elec. to Leg. Abb, of Study of Natural History, in- Stewart's Quebec, at g. e., June, 1908. Address: 72i Quarterly, April, 1870, St. John, N.B.; list St. Peter St., Quebec: of New Brunswick Plants, 1879; additions FBASEB, Alexander, F.R.S.C, F.F.S. to the List of N.B. Plants, 1880; A Prelimi- C., M.A., Prov. Aromvist for Ontario; 6. nary list of the Plants of N.B., compiled Invemesshire, Scot., 2 Nov., 1860; s. of with assistance of members of the N.B. Hugh Fraser and Mary Mackenzie; m. Natural History Society, 1885; Arctic Christina Frances Ramsay; five s. five rf. Plants growing in N.B., with notes on their Educ: Inverness, Perth, Glasgow.- Came distribution, Transactions R. S. C, vol. IV, to Canada, 1886; for fifteen yrs. on staff of 189-1887; V^etable Physiology, Queen's Toronto Mail, and Mail and Empire; Quarterly, III, 1, 199-208; How Plants use editor of the Massey Illustrated; Presby- Animals, a chapter in Ecology, Queen's terian Review; Scottish Canadian; apptd. Quarterly, VI, III, 188-203; report on the Prov. Archivist for Ontario, 1903; for four

Flora of St. Andrew's, N.B. supplement to Nyrs. pres. Gaelic Soc , of Can. ; grand ^chief the Thirty-second Annual Report^ of the Sons of Scotland fourteen yrs.; one of Department of Marine and Fisheries, Ot- founders 48th Regt., "Highlanders," and

tawa, 1901; Report on the Flora of Canso, of Empire Club, Toronto. Life Mem. ^ N.S., 39th Annual Report of The Depart- Caledonian Soc, Past Master St. Johii's ment of Marine and Fisheries, 1907. Re- Lodge, A.F. & A.M.; Past Chn. of Coll. Inst.- creation: walks. Address: 121 Union St., Bd., "Toronto; Pres. of the Can. Folklore Kingston, Ont. Soc; taught gaelic at Knox Coll., Toronto FOT, lion. James Joseph, K.C., M.L.A.. for three winters; past pres. Toronto Shinty LL.D., Atjty, Gen. for Ontario; b. Toronto, Club; Pres. Scottish Can. Assn.; pres. Can. 22 Feb., 1847; «. of Patrick Foy; m. Marie Fraternal Assn.; past pres. Burns Lit. Soc, Couvillier, of Montreal; two a. three d, of Toronto; Hon. Sec. and Librarian, Gaelic Educ: St. Michael's Coll., Toronto and Soc. of Can. Publications: "Practical les- Ushaw Coll., Eng.; called to Bar of Ont., sons in Gaelic Grammar;" "Short Scottish 1871, Q.C., 1883; mem. for South Toronto, Canadian Biographies;" "The Last Laird 1898-1910 in I^eg. Ass.; Commr. of Crown of Macnab"; "Essays on Celtic Literature," Lands for Ont., 8 Feb., 1905; Atty. Gen., 30 "Antiquities and Art;" "History of "Tor- May, 1905 to date. Address; 90 Isabella /onto;" "Guide to Toronto;" "The Mission St., Toronto. Clubs: Toronto, Albany, of the Scot in Canada;" "The Clan Fraser Royal Can. Yacht, Toronto. in Canada; "History of the 48th High- FOX, Samuel J., M.L.A.; b. Bowman- landers," and many contributions on Celtic, ville, Durham Co., Ont., 28 Sept., 1854; Scottish, and Canadian historical subje^Jts. s. of Thomas R. Fox, a native of London, Addresses: Legislative Bldgs., Toronto; Eng.; m. 1887, Rosanna Free, of Seymour Woodlawn Av., Toronto. Tp., Ont. Educ: Bowmanville pub. and FBASEB, Angus 'William, K.C.; h: gram. Schs.; removed to Lindsay, 1869, Glengarry, Ont., 22 Aug., 1859; 8. Jane and where he commenced work as a printer; Isabella Fraser; m. Mary Bromley; two d. went to work with his father at brickmaking Educ: Alexandria, Ont., amd Osgoode Hall, 1871, and is now en^ged in farming and Toronto; called to the Bar in May, 1887; brick and tile 'making about two miles created Queen's Council, May, 1899; for- south of Lindsay. Dep. Reeve of Ops. Tp., merly High Chief Ranger, I.O.F. Address: 1895-1896. El. to Co. Council, 1897. One 157 Gilmour St., Ottawa. Club: Rideau, of the Bupts. of The Lindsay Central Ex- Ottawa. hibition for number of yrs. Pres. of "Watch- FBASEB, Austin L., B.A., M.P.; b. Ver- man-Warder" Printing and Pub. Co., Lind- non River, P.E.I., 17 March, 1868; s. of say; Vice-Pres., Madison William Mfrg. Co., Edward and Flora Fraser; m. Maude A. Lindsay; pres. The Canadian Clay Product Moar; two s. one d. Educ: Prince of Wales Mfrs. Assn., 1906, elec. io Legis. for W. Coll., and St. Dunstan's Coll.; taught sch. Victoria at g. e., 1898; re-elec. at g. e., 1902, eight years; studied law and admitted to the 1905, 1908. Address: Lindsay, Ont. Bar, 6 Nov., 1900; candidate for local house FBALICK, His Hon. Edison Baldwin, in 1004, and was elec; first elec. to the B.A., Junior Judge of the Co. of Hastings; 6. H."" of C, at g. e., 1908; Conservative; near Belleville, Tp. of Sidney, Co. Hastings, Roman Catholic Address: SouHs, P.E.I. Ont., 6 Feb., 1841; s. Thomas Tillotson FBASER, Hon. Duncan Cameron, B.A., FraUck, and Hannah Nicholson; m. Jane E. D.C.L., LL.D.; Lieut. -Govern or of Nova Judd, d. of Wm. Judd, Sterling, Ont.; two Scotia; 6. New Glasgow, N.S., 1 Oct., 1845; a. ;three d. Lieutenant in 49th Rest., 8. of Alex. Fraser and Ann Chisholm; m. Hastings Rifles for seven years ; studied 1878, Bessie G., d. of Wm. Graham, of New law in the oflSce of Hon. Stephen Richards, Glasgow. Educ: Pub. and Normal Schs.,' Q.C.; called to the Bar, Easter Term, 1868 Truro; Dalhousie Univ. (grad. B.A., 1872); at Osgoode Hall, Toronto; revising ofl&cer taught sch. for several yrs.; called to the for 16 years; apptd. County Junior Judge, Bar, 1873; twice elec. Mayor of New Glajs- 28 Dec, 1881; member of Queen's Univ., gow; called to N.S. Leg. Council, Feb., 1878, Council for 20 years. Publications: Articles and entered N.S. Govt., but resigned same for m^azines, etc. Recreation; canoeing. yr. to run for the Assembly, Called to Leg. Address: Belleville, Ont, Coun. and Ex-Coun., Feb., 1888, becoming FBANCOETJK, Joseph Napoleon, M.L. Govt, leader in Leg. Coun.; elec to H. of C! A.; h. C/ap St. Ignace, Montmagny, Que.; for Guysborough, at g. e., 1891; re-el. at 84 ' ; WHO'S WHO.

g. e., 1896-1900; resigned his seat Feb., 1887-92; associate-professor, 1892-1901 1904. and in same month apptd. to the Prof., 1901. PubZ-ica£2073.8: goint author with Bench of the Supreme Ct. of Nova -Scotia; Professor Van der Smissen of High School (.iiand Master of Free Masons of M.S., 1892, German Grammar, 1887, and with Professor 1893; has been pres, of the Aiumni Assn., Squair of High School French Grammar, Dalhousie Univ., Commr. of Schs., Fictou 1891; various papers .on literary and-aduca- Co., and Govr. Halifax Ladies' Coll., and tional subjects. Address: 67 Madison Ave., Dal. Coll. D.C.L., St. Franoois-Xavier; Toronto. D.C.L., King's Coll.; LL.D., Dal.; Chn. Pub. FRECHETTE, Acliille; chief translator Accounts Com., H. of 0. Address: Govem- to the H. of C. of Can.; 6. Levis, Que., 13 ' ment House, Halifax, M.S. Oct., 1847; ». Louis Frechette and Mar- FBASEB, James Dewar; b. St. Andrews guerite Martineau; m. Annie 'Ihomas How- Que., s. of Fraser 26 March, 1851; Andrew ells, sister of W. Dean Hdwells, the well- and Jane Walker; unmarried, Educ: Pub. known novelist; one s. one d. Educ: Levis Schs. Sec. Treas., The Ottawa Electric Ry. College and Quebec Seminary; a lawyer and Co., and 'The Ottawa Car Co„ Ltd., also a a journahst; law translator and Chief of Director Pres., Ottawa of latter Co.; Past Translation Branch, H. of C, was Chh. Becreation: golf. Amateur Athletic Club. French Sep. Sch. Bd., Ottawa; tor 18 years, Clubs: Address: 451 Albert St., Ottawa. on© of the Directors, and for five years, Rideau, Golf, Ottawa. Sec'y. to the Art Assn. of Ottawa. I*ublica- b. Toronto, FBASEB, Miss Jane Wells; iions :ma.-ay magazine articles. Recreations: d. Douglas Ont., 20 Dec, 1877; Rev. R. painting and modelling. Address: H. of Fraser and. Elizabeth Wilson; one of the C. ; 87 Mackay St., Ottawa. editors of the Presbyterian Sabbath Sch. Publications; Recording Sec, Canadian FBECHETTE, Mrs. Annie Tliomas Women's Press Club, 1909-10. Address: Howelis; i>. Hamilton, Ohio, U.S.A.; Presbyterian Publications, Toronto. Club: rf. Hon. Wm, Cooper and Mary Dean Heliconian. Howelis; m. Aishille Frechette, of Ottawa, John, I.S.O.; Auditor Gen- Ont.; one s, one d. Educ: Jefferson, Ohio. FBASEB, For eral, Dominion of Canada; b. Loch'Xjarry, some time literary editor of the Chicago Inter-Ocean; Co. of Glengarry Ont., 13 Dec, 1852; s. later correspondent for New Tribune, James Fraser aiid Isabella Macdonald; m. York N. Y. Grcmhic, Hearth and Home, Chicago Tribune, Cleveland Herald; Mary J. Atchison; six s. three d. In mer- cantile business from 1869 to 1874; entered Buffalo Courrier, Ohio State-Journal, &c.; actively Civil Service of Canada as Clerk in the cngagea in philanthropic work. JPinance Department, 1875; chief clerk and Publications: "Reuben Dale," 'IPopular Dominion Bookeeper, 1902; apptd. Auditor Sayiiigs from Old Iberia," (in collaboration El General of Canada, 1 Aug., 1905. Recrea- with Conde de Premis—Real); "On Grand tions: Lawn bowling fend motor boating. father's farm," "The farm's Little People"; Address: 64 Carling Av., Ottawa, Ont. short stories and sketches in magazines. Address: 87 Mackay Street, Ottawa. FBASEB, Malcolm; 6. Montreal, April 19, 1868; s. W. Lewis Fraser; m. 1897, FBEDEKICTOX, Bisliop of; see Blch- Katharine Church. --Educ: New York; ardson, Bev. iToIin Andrew. studied art under Wyatt Eaton, at Art FBIPP, Alfred Ernest, K.C., M.L.A.; Students' League; under Carrol Beckwith, b. Ottawa, Ont., 29 June, 1866; s. of Sidney Gotham Art Students; under Walter Shir- Bowles Fripp, and Mary Eaton; m. Clemen- law, and in Paris, at Ecole Julien, under tina, S. Bell; one d, Educ: Collegiate Inst., Boulanger and Lefebre. Black and white Ottawa, and Os^oode Hall, Toronto; called work in Century, St. Nicholas, Ladies' Home to the Bar, Province of Ont., Trinity 'Term, Journal, etc. Illustrator of Richard Carvel, 1893; apptd. K.C., 20 Jan., 1908; elec. to Caleb West. Bret Harte stories, etc. Ad- Legislature for West Ottawa, 8 June, 1908. dress: 14 W. 12th St., New York. Club: Recreations: golf, curling. Address: 407 Salmagundi, New York. Queen St., Ottawa. Clubs: Rideau, Golf, FBASEB, Hon. Simon; Mem. of the Ottawa. Senate of Australia;' b. nr. Hopewell, N.S., FBIZELL, Joseph Palmer; \b. Barford, 21 Aug., 1834; s. of W. F. Fraser, of Fictou, Que., Mar. 13, 1832; s. Oliver and Mary N.S.; m. Three s. three d. Eduf.: East S. Beach Frizell. Educ: in Canada; sp'l, River Acad. Went to Australia in 1852; studied in civ. eng'ring; m. Boston, Oct., a squatter, with extensive interests in 1864, Julia A. Bowes. Was engaged iii Victoria, New South Wales and Queens- construction of fortifications on Gulf Coast land. First el. to Leg. Ass. of Victoria, in Civil war in U.S.; since employed in pub. 1874; Leg. Council, 1886; since 1901, one of service in improvement of rivers and har- the six Senators to the Commonwealth bors; especially in charge system of reser- Parlt. from Victoria. Del. to Colonial Con- voirs on head waters of the Mississippi; serence at Ottawa, 1894. Address: Toorak, chief eng'r bd. pub. works, Austin, Tex., nr. Melbourne, Australia. Clvh: Melbourne. 1890; since 1892 in Boston engaged in FBASEB, William Henry, M.A.; Pro- hydraulic engineering mainly in line of fessor of Italian and Spanish, Univ. of water power. Mem. Am. Soc. Civ. eng'rs. Toronto; b. Bond Head, Ont., 18S3; 5th Contb'r. to eng'ring jours. Publications: «. of late Rev. William Fraser, D.D.; m. Water Power, 1901. Address: 75 Linden 1883, Helene 7/ahm. Educ: Bradford Gram. St., Dorchester Dist., Boston. Sch.; Toronto Univ. After graduation in FBOST, Hon. Francis Theodore; Sena- 1880, taught as resident master in Up. Can. tor; b. Smiths Falls, Ont., 20 Dec, 1643, of Coll., for three years; and was French and American parents; m, 1868, Maria E. Powell German master there, 1884-87; lecturer in of Madrid, New York. Educ : Smiths Falls Italian and Spanish in the Univ. of Toronto, Gram. Sch.: St. Lawrence Academy, Pots- 85 WHO'S WHO.

dam, New York. Smiths Falls first mayor; tuberculosis; el. pres. Bd. of Trade, 1910. M.P., 1896-1900; a Trustee on the Sch. Bd. Address: 434 Bloor St., West, Toronto. of Smiths Falls, 1893-98; a Director of the Club: National, Toronto. mamifacturing^ business of the Frost and GAGNE, Hon. Jean Alfred, K.C.; Judge Wood Co.; a mem. of the Ottawa Imp. of the Superior Court of the Prov. of Que.; Gomm^ since 1903. Address: Smiths Falls, 6. Murray Bay, Que., 17 April, 1842; s. of Ont. Club: Bideau, Ottawa. Jean B. Gagne, and Christine Blackburn; FITLTOX, Hon. Frederick John, B.A., m. Marie Emilie Guay; five 8. Educ: Que. K.C.; b. Bedlington, Eng.. 8 Dec, 1862; s. Seminary. Admitted to the Bar, 1864; el. of Alexander and Barbara Fulton; un- to H, of C, 1882; Dir. of the Quebec and married. Educ: Heversham Gram. Scbi., Lake St. John By.; apptd. Judge of the and Magdalene Coll., Cambridge. A bar- Superior Ct. of Quebec for the dists of rister. El. to B.C. Legis. at g. e., 1900,1903 Chicoutimi and Saguenay, 1889. Address: 1907. Sworn and apptd. pres. of Council 18 Mount Carznel St., Quebec. in McBride Admn., Nov., 1903; Prov. Sec. GAGNON, Mgr. Charles Octave; b. Que- and Min. of Education, May, 1904; Attor- bec, 23 Dec, 1857; s. of Charles Gagnon and ney Gen., 1906; Chief Commr. of Lands and Hortense Caron. Educ: Quebec Seni., Works, 1907, Resigned from Ministry, Laval Univ. (B.A., 1878). Was ordained 1909. Address: Victoria, B.C. Club: Un- Priest in 1882, and apptd. Sec. of the ion, Victoria. Archives and Master of Ceremonies to the FUTCHEB, Thomas Barnes ; b. St. Archbishop of Quebec, 1882-7; Treas. of Thomas, Ont., Jan. 1, 1871; s. Thomas and St, Charles Hospital, 1898-1909. Ohaplain Susan Northwood Futcher. unmarried. of the Ste, Jean Baptiste Soc, Quebec siliGe Educ: Ontario pub. schs.; grad. Univ. of 1890. A prelate of His Holiness the Pdpe| Toronto Med. Sch., 1893; house officer, one of the promoters of the first Plenary Toronto Gen. Hosp., 1893-4; asst. resident Council in Canada, 1909. Publications: physician, 1894-8, resident physician, 1898- Conjointly with Mgr. Tetu, published the 1901, Johns Hopkins Hosp., Baltimore; Pastoral Letters to the Bishops of Quebec, student Univ. of Graz, Asutria, 1896, Univ. 1669-1887 (6 vols.) Address: St. Charles of Strassburg, 1898; Instr. in medicine. Hospital, Gignac St^ Quebec. 1896-7, asBO. in medicine, 1897-1901; asso- GAGNON, Ernest (Frederick Ernest Am- Srof. medicine since 1901, Johns Hopkins edee), F.R.S.C, Litt.D.; b. Louise- f^niv.; also asso. in medicine, Johns Hop- ville. Que., 7 Nov.. 1834; a. of Charles Ed- Idns Hosp., and engaged in gen. med. prac- ward Gagnon, and Julia Jane,' d. of Colonel tice in Baltimore. Mem. Assn. Am. Phy- Durand, of Plattsburgh, U.S.; m. (Ist) sicians. Episcopalian. Address: 3 Frank- Caroline Nault; (2nd) Emma Cimon; two a. lin St., W., Baltimore. Educ: JoUette Coll.; studied music in PariSj 1867-58, and became organist of Basihca, Quebec, 1864; made a trip to Europe in 1873, as special correspondent of Le Courrier du Canada; apptd. Sec., Dept. of Pub. Works, Que., 1876, and held posi- 6ADSBY, Henry Franklin, B.A.; h. St. tion for over thirty yrs. Publications: 12 Catherines, Ont., 5 April, 1869; s. of James vols, of a historical character, including Gadsby and Margaret Owen Smiley; Educ: "Chansons populaire du Canada;" "Lettres Stratford Ont. pub. sch,, Woodstock, Ont., de Voyage;;" "Le Comte de Paris a Que- Coll., and Univ. of Toronto. Honours in bec;" "Le Fort et le Chateau St. Louis;" classics and English at Toronto Univ.; "Government Buildings in Quebec;" reporter on Chitfago newspapers; edited St. "Louis Joliet, discoverer of the Mississippi." John Telearaph', editorial writer, Toronto "Pages d'Histoire." Address: 164 Grande Star: editor Colliersl Weekly (Canadian edi- Allee, Quebec. tion)- Publications: Poems, short stories, GA3CIBEBT, Paul; b. France, 1856; m.

Parliamentary sketches from Ottawa Gal- Ealadie Galibert ; five children. Educ : Mon- lery of Notables (public men of Canada), treal pub. schs. Arrived Canada with his Gallery Clock; Political Skit at Ontario parents, 1863. At age of fourteen entered Legislature. Address: 82 Howard Street, his father's establishment to learn the tann- Toronto, Ont. Clubs: Arts and Letters, ing trade; commenced a business of lD^B own Toronto. 1880, and now owns one of the largest GAGE, William James; Pres. of theTor- plants in this line in the Prov. of Quebec. onto Bd. of Trade, 1910; b. nr. Brampton, Chairman Montreal Turnpike Trust since Ont.; m. Ida Burnside. Pres. of the W. J. 1896; mem. Montreal Bd. of Trade, execu- Gage Co,, one of the leading book and tive bd. of Can. Manfrs. Assn.; dir. Subur- stationery firms in Canada. An ardent ban Power and Tramway Co., Montreal social reformer; conceived the plan of estab- Street Ry,, Co., Laprairie Brick Ca.; chair- lishing a sanatorium for the treatment of man Montreal Terminal Ry. Co. Was conaimiptives, and for this purpose visited Mayor of Longue Pointe Municipality for similar institutions in Europe and the U.S., five yrs. Governor Montreal Gea. Hospital and brought this knowledge to bear on the Notre Dame Hospital, Western Hospital, Ont. situation. The Muskoka Cottage San- Montreal. , Recreations: outdoor amuse- atorium, the Muskoka Free Hospital, the ments and sports, travelling. Address: 81 King Edward Sanatorium and the Toronto Cherrier St., Montreal. Clvhs: Canada. St. Free Hospital for consumptives were creat- Denis, Canadien, Montreal. ed mainly by his efforts. Has offered a GALI^IHEB, Hon. TTilliam Alfred; Judge series of six scholarships of $100.00 each, of the Court of Appeal for B.C.; b, Bruce together with gold medals, to be given in Co., Onty 1860; «. of Francis Galliher and connection with the early diagnosis cf Sarah Kirkpatrick; m. 17 April, 1907, 86 : - WHO'S WHO

Margaret Louise, d. of Charles Brown, Upper Can. Coll. and private tutors. Chair- formerly of Toronto. Educ: Pub. ana man on Intercolonial Ry. 1869-70; Rodman

High Schs., Walkerton, and Coll. Inst., on Great Western By. of Can. 1871 ; Asst. Collingwood; is a Barrister-at-law, entitled Engr. on Great W. Ry^^ 1871-72; Renn to practice in Manitoba, North-West Ter- selaer, Polytechnic Inst., "Troy, N.Y. (short ritories, and British Columbia; elec. to H. course) 1872-73; Resident Engr. for Con- of C. at g. e., 1900; re-el^c. at g. e., 1904; tractor, P.E.I. Ry., 1873-75; Asst. Engr. apptd. one of the first Judges of the B.C. Intercolonial Ry., 1876; Asst. Mgr. Geor- Court of Appeal, 29 Nov., 1909. Addrett: gian Bay Ry., C.P.R. 1876-77; Asst. Engr. Victoria, B.C. Q.M. and Ottawa Ry., 1877-78; private 6AULINGEB, Hon. Jacob Harold; mem- Sractice, 1879; first Asst. Engr., Contract ber of U.S. Senate for New Hampshire; b. io. 42, C.P.R., 1879-80; first Asst. Engr., Cornwall, Ont., , 1837; a. Jacob C.P.R., in B.C., 1880; Asst., Engr., Dept. and Catharine Cook; m. 1860, Marjr Anna of Pub. Works, Can., in B.C., 1881-87. Bailey, Salisbury, N.H. Graduated in Med. Govt. Agt. and Resident Engr. of Dept. of 1858, and practiced until he entered public Pub. Works, Can., in B.C., 1887-97; private life. Mem. N. H. legislature, 1872-3, 1891; practice, 1897; Pub Works Engr., prov. of State constitutional conv., 1876; State sen- B.C., 1897 to date. Becrealion: golf. Ad- ator, 1878, 1879, 1880; Pres. State Senate, dress: 820 Pemberton Road, Victoria, B.C. 1879, 1880. Surgeou-een. of State, with Ciub: Union, Victoria. rank Brig.-Gen., 1879-80. Chmn. Bep. GANONG, TVlUlam Francis, Ph.D., Pro- State Com., 1882-90, 1898-1907; mem. fessor of Botany in Smith College; b. St. Congress, 1885-9; Senator, 1891; term exp., John, N.B., 19 Feb., 1864; a. James Harvey 1915. :^ddre««: Concord, N.H. Ganong and Susan Elizabeth Brittain; m. 6AI.T, Alexander Casimer, B.A., K.C.; Jean Murray Carman, d. of Bliss Carman. b. Toronto, Ont., 15 March, 1853; ». Sir Educ: Pub. Sch. of St. John and St. Step- Thomas Gait, and Lady Gait; m. Ulla Grace hen, N.B.; Univ. of N.B., Harvard Univ., Vivian, 17 June, 1885; four «. two d. Educ: and Univ. of Munich, Germany. For five HellmuthCoU., London, Ont., and Toronto years, Asst. Instructor in Harvard Univ. Univ.; Barrister and Solicitor; member -of Since 1894, Professor of Botany in Smith firm of Tupper, Gait, Tui>per, etc., Winni- Coll. Publications: Many special papers in peg. Publications: Contributions to Can- Scientific and Historical Journals, and ada Law Journal and Canadian Law Times. transactions of the B.S.C.; "The Teaching Recreaiiona: tennis, fishing and shooting. Botanist," Labratory Cruise in Plant Addreat: 219 Gale Ave., Winnipeg, Man. Physiology, Dering's description and Nat- Clubs: Manitoba, Winnipeg, Man. ural History of Arcadia; Toronto Champlian

GAXT, Elliott Torrance; b. Sherbrooke, Society, 1908. Address: Massasoit ' St., Que., 24 May, 1850; «. Sir Alexander T. Northampton, Mass., U.S.A. Gait, K.C.M.G., and Elliott Torrance. Educ. GARDEN, James Ford, C.E., D.L.S., M. Lennoxville, Que., and Harrow, £ng.; asst; L.A.; b. Woodstock, Ont., 19 Feb., 1847; Indian Commissioner, N.W.T., in 1881. a. of H. W. G. Garden and E. Jane Gale, Manager Alberta Ry. and Coal Co., 1882- U. E. Loyalists. Educ: Charlotte Co. 1893, and President, 1894 to 1903; Presi- Gram. Sch., N.B.; was Lieut, in Intelligence dent of the Alberta Ry. and Irrigation Co., Corps in North West Rebellion, 1885; in 1904. Address: St. James' Club, Mont- wounded at Batoche;' (Medal); Mayor of real. Clufra.'St. James', Mount Royal, Mont- Vancouver, B.C., 1898-99-1900; member of real; Metropolitan, New York; Wellington, British Columbia Legislature, 1900 to 1909. London, Eng. Address: Vancouver, B.C. Clubs: Vancou- GAI,T, Gebrge Frederick; b. Toronto, 1 ver, B.C. March, 1855; a. of the late Chief Justice GABDINFR, Herbert Falrbairn, B.A., Gait and Frances Louisa, d. of the late M.A.; 6. Brookville, Ont., 21 Aug., 1849; James Perkins, R.N.; m. 1883, Margaret, d. a. Kev. James Gardiner, D.C.L., and Matilda of Richard Smith, of Montreal; four d. Falrbairn; m. Margaret Ellen Morden, of Educ,: Gait Coll. Inst.; entered into com- London, Ont.; one s. two d. Newspaper mercial life and in 1882 formed a partner- work from 1870 to 1903; editor of Hamilton ship with bis cousin, John Gait, a. of late Times, 1880 to 1903; Principal Ont. Inst,, Sir Alexander Gait, under the firm name of for Blind, from 15 July, 1903, to present G. F. and J.. Galt^ importers of teas and time. Publications: Book on Ongin of groceries, Winnipeg. Business developed names of Ont. Counties andTps.; "Nothing so rapidljr as to necessitate opening up but Names;" annual reports of Ont. Inst, branches in Toronto, Calgary, Edmonton, for Blind, 1903-1909. Recreations: Lawn Prince Albert and Vancou'^er. A dir. of bowling. Address: "Sardarehar," Brant- the Canada Permanent and Western Can- ford, Ont. Clubs: Brantford, Hamilton. ada Loan Corporations; Vice-Pres. Great GAKDNEB,I/leut.-Col. Robert; b. Mon- West Life Insur. Co. Actively interested treal, Que.; a. of the late Robert Gardner. in charitable institutions of Winnipeg; an Educ; Montreal. At age of sixteen entered ardent supporter of manly sport, especially macMnery establishment, founded by his rowing. Address: Winnipeg. Clubs: Man- father, 1850; became a partner, 1869, and itoba, Commercial, Winnipeg. head of the firm on the death of his father, GAMBIjE, Francis Clarke; Pub. Works 1890. Entered 6th Fusiliers (now Ist Engr., Prov. of British Columbia; b. Toronto Prince of Wales Fusiliers), 1886; Lieut. 23 Oct., 1848; a. of Clarke Gamble, Q.C., and Col., 1878; retired 1886. Took part in Harriet Eli^a Boulton; m. Sarah Eleanor, Fenian Raids of 1866 and 1870 (medal with d. of William £. Clark, formerly a mem. of two clasps, and Victoria decoration), mem. ' the P.E.I. Legis., and afterwards Collector Montreal Bd. of Trade, Canadian Mfgrs.

of Customs of the same Prov. ; one a. Educ. Assn., Can. Soc. of Civil Engrs.; Pres.^ 87 ; ;


Mount Royal Foundry Co.; Vice-Pres., St. Correspondent, Toronto iVeios, 1890, 1891, Andrew's Soc; Gov. Montreal Gen. Hos- 1892, 1899, 1900, 1904; Managing Editor pital and Montreal Dispensary; mem. M.A. Montreal Herald, 1895-1896; Assistant Ed- A.A. Address: St. Luke and St. Matthew itor, Ottawa Journal, from 1905; visited St., (lontreal. Clubs: Engineers', St. James' GVeat Britain and Ireland in ISSS as a mem- Royal Montreal Golf, Montreal Curling, ber of the Toronto Amateur Lacrosse team, Royal St. Lawrence Yacht. on tour for the purpose of introducing the GABNEAU, Hon. Edouard Burroughs, game; President Press Gallery, Dominion M.L.C.; b. Quebec, 18 Jan., 1859; «. of Hon. Parliament, 1909. Address: The Journal, Pierre Gameau, and Cecile Burroughs; m, Ottawa 1882, Laura Braun; two a. three d. Educ: GAULT,' A. Hamilton; Dir. Gault Bros. Com. ^cad., Quebec High Soh., Eastman's & Co.; b. England, 1882; >. of Leslie H. National Bus. Coll., Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Gault, and Marion A. Davidson; m. 1904, A wholesale drygoods merchant, Pres., Marguerite, d. of the late Hon. G. W.

Garneau, Ltd., Quei^ec Land Co.; ex-Pres., , Stephens. Educ: Bishop's Coll., Lennox-

Quebec Bd. of Trade; Dir., Richelieu and ville and McGill Univ. Was officer in the . Ont. Nav. Co., National Tel. Co., Quebec 5th Royal Highlanders, and served in Boer < Cartage and 'Transfer Co.; apptd. to Leg. War as subaltern in' the' 2nd Canadian Coun., 6 April, 1904. Recreations: hunting, Mounted Rifles. Joined firm of Gault fishin?. Address: 102 Grande Allee, Que. Bros. & Co., of which he is now a dir. Dir. Club: Garrison, Quebec. Montreal Cotton Co., Van Allen Co., Trent GARiVEAU, Hon. Nemese, M.L.C.; 6. Valley Woollen Mills, Crescent Mnfg. Co., Ste. Annede la Perada, Que., 15 Nov., 1847; Gault Bros., Winnipeg; Gault Bros., Van- «. of Dr. J. B. Garneau, and Marie Nathalie couver. Address: 595 Sherbrooke St., W., Rinfret; m. Marie Eulodie, d, of J. Petrus Montreal. Clubs: Moimt Royal, St. James', Plamondon; one s. Educ: St, Cyr Acad. Hunt, Racket, Royal St. Lawrence Yacht, ' A merchant. First el. to Leg. Ass., 1897; Jockey, Montreal. Leg. Coun., 1901;iMin. of Agric, 1905; GAULT, Major Charles "Ernest, M..L. A.;

mem. of Council of Agric, ; Pres. of Chicout- b. Montreal, Que., 19 Sept., 1861; s. of imi Pulp Co.; Pres. of Les Preyoyants du Matthew , and Elizabeth Canada Ass. Co. Takes great interest in J. Bourne; m. Florence Fairbanks. Educ: agric; awarded medal of agiic. merit. Montreal High Sch. and preparatory Coll.;

- Address: 10 Av. St. Denis, Quebec Major in 5th Royal High., Canadian Militia; GARRETT, K. W., M.I., M.D., CM.; elec. t(J represent St. Antoine Division,, Professor of Obstetrics, Queen's Univ., Montreal, in Jan., 1907, and again in June Kingston; b. Tp. of Brock, Co. of North 1908. Address: 128 Mackay St., MontreW. Ont., 31 May, 1853; father English, and Clubs: Mount Royal, Montreal; Club and mother Irish; m. 1887, M. L., d. of A. S. Hunt Club, Montreal. ^ Kirkpatrick, Co. Crown Attorney; two s. GAULT, Leslie Hamilton; Pres. Gault one d. Educ.: Preliminary Ont. Coll., Bros. & Co.; b. Montreali Que., 1855; ». of Picton; M.A. Trinity Coll., Toronto; M.D. Matthew H. Gault, of Strabane, Ireland, Queen's Univ., Kingston. After securing and Elizabeth I.' Bourne, of England; irh ms degree in medicine, 1882, commenced Marion A. Davidson, .of Eastwoodhill, the practice of his profession in Kingston, Giffrock, Renfrewshire, Scotland; three «. where he has remained ever since; first one d. Educ: Montreal High Sch., Gait appointment was Professor of Anatomy in Coll. Inst. Entered firm of Gault Bros. * the Women's Medical School; afterwards Co., dry goods merchants, 1871; became a appointed Demonstrator of Anatomy in the partner, 1883; director 1896; president, Royal Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons, dnd 1903. Is connected with the cotton indus- later filled the chair of Professor of Anatomy; try of Can.; dir. Gault's Ltd., of Winnipeg; Senior Suiigeon in the Kingston General Gault Bros., Ltd., Vancouver; Crescent Hospital, and Surgeon-Major in the 14th Mnfg. Co., Montreal; Van Allen Co., Ltd., Batt. Pnnoess of Wales' Own RiSes. Pub- Hamilton; Gov. Montreal Gen. Hospital^

lications: Medical and Surgical Gynaeology; Montreal Diocesan Theological Coll.; life : editor,' Kingston Medical Quarterly. Re- mem. M.A.A.A. Address: 148 McTavish creations: boating, fishing, and cycling; Street, Montreal, Que. Clubs: St. James', also very fond of photography, and has a Canada, Hunt, Montreal. large collection of his own work. Ad- GAUTHIER, Most Bev. Mgr. Charles dress: 52 Johnson Street, Kingston, Ont. Hugh, Archbishop of Kingston; b. Alexan- GABTSHORE, Lleut.-Col.WiUiam Mofr dria, Ont., 13 Nov., 1843; «. of Gabriel 6. . Dundas, Ont., 3 April, 1853, of Scotch Gauthier and Mary McKinnon; Educ: parents; m. Catherine McCIary; one d, Regiopolis Coll., Kingston. Consecrated Educ: Dundas, and Dr. Tassie's, at Gait. Archbishop of Kingston, 18 Oct., 1898. Manufacturer; at present Vice-Pres. Mc- Address: Archbishop's Palace,Kingston,Ont. CIary Mfg. Co. ; Director Ontario Loan and GAUTHIEB,Mlss Josephine Phoebe Eva Debenture Co.; formerly of the 18th Hus- b. Ottawa, Ont., 20 Sept., 1885; d. of Loms sars, and Commanding 1st Brigade Cavalry; Gauthier, C.E., and Parmelia Agnes La- North West 1885. as Major 7th Fusiliers porte. Educ: Rideau St. Convent, Ottawa (Medal). Recreations: riding, cricket and Coll. Inst. Obtained musical educ. in baseball. Address: London, Ont. Ottawa; Paris, France, London, Eng.; GARVIN, .John Anketell, B.A.; 6. Mon- Milan, Italy. Operatic, oratorio and con- treal, 4 Nov., 1866; s. of John Garvin, cert singer. Made debut in Paris, 1904, Glaslough, Monaghan, Ireland, and Martha London, 1905. Toured England, Scotland, Pedlar, St. Blazey, Cornwall ;''7n. Florence and Canada in 1905, 1906, 1907; in New Cameron, d. of the late John A. Cameron, York, 1907. Made debut at Pavia, Italy,; Stadacona Hall, Ottawa; one d. Ottawa in opera, 28 April, 1909, at Scheveningen.. 88 ; WHO'S WHO.

, Holland, Aug., 1909, at Ostende, Belgium, 1830; m. i?eb., 1854, to Franoe8 M. Wood- 9 Sept., 1909. BecrecUiona; outdoor exer- house; two 8. two i. Educ: Edinburgh, cises. Addreesee: 31 Mutclimol: St., Ottawa. Scotland; Toronto,.Philadelphia; post grad. Piaza Cavour-5, Milano, Italy. work in London and Edinburgh; arrived GAUVBEAU, Charles Arthur, B. A. (La- in Canada, July, 1843; life spent in ^general val), M.P.; b. Isle Verte, Temiscouata Co., practice aud as a Medical Professor; has at Que., 29 Sept., 1860; s. of Louis N. Gauv- different times been in Victoria Medical reau, N.P., Seigneur of Villeray, and Grao- Dept. and in Trinity Medical Coll.; many ieuse Gauvreau; m. 1887, Gertrude Gauthier years on the Consulting Staff of Toronto of Montreal: tliree 8. one d. Educ: Coll. of General Hospital; Founder Trinity Medical Rimouski, Laval Univ. Commr. Superior Coll., 1870, and its Executive Officer from Ct.; made N.P., 1885. El. to H. of C. at 1871 to 1903; representative of Trinity -^ bye-el., 1897; re-el. at g. e., 1900, 1904, Medical Coll., on Council of Physicians and t908. jiddress; Stanfold, Que. CJ«b; Fraser- Surgeons of Ont. from 1877 to 1902. Re- ville. Que. creations: travel. Address: Holywood Villa, GATS, Henry W. ; Gen. Mgr. of the New 52 Maitland St., Toronto. York & Ottawa Ry.; 6. Brant, Erie Co., GEOFFBION, Victor, B.C.L., K.C., M. N.Y., 21 Maroli, 1849. 8. of William and P.; b. St. Simon, Bagot Co., Que., 23 Oct," Sarah W. Gays; Educ: Dunkirk, N.Y.; m. 1851; 8. of Felix GeoSrion, and Catherine Nannie Keigiven: two ,5.: arrived in Can- Brodeur; m. 1884, Francesca, d. of the late ada, February, 1899. Entered Ry. ser- Hon. Senator Faquet, of St. Cuthbert. vice, 1 tTan., 1861, since which he' has been Educ: St. Hyacinthe Coll., MoGill Univ.

consecutively to Dec. 31, 1862, messenger, Practicing lawyer of the legal firm , of and 1863-1864, telegraph operator Erie Ry. Geoffrion & Cusson, of Montreal. M.P. for at Dunkirk, N.Y.; 1864-1867, Asst. Cashier, Chambly and Verchereff since 1899. Ad- and 1867-69, cashier, Buffalo & Erie Ry. dress: 234 Mountain St., Montreal. Clubs: same place; 1869-1874, cashier, and 1874- Canada, Montreal. 77, gen. agt., Louisville & Cincinnati Mail GERALD, WlUlam John, I.S.O., Depu- Line Steamers; 1877-79, gen. agt., and ty Minister of Inland Revenue, Can.; b.

. 1879-85, asst. gen. frt. agt., Cleveland Col- Prescott, Ont., 27 July, 1850; s. of William umbus Cincinnati & Indianapolis Ry.; 1881- and Charlotte Gerald; m. Ehzabeth Hams- 85, also gen. frt. agt. Indianapohs & St. worth Billyard; two d. Educ: St. Joseph's Louis Ry.; 1 July to 31 Oct., 1885, in charge ' Coll., St. Laurent, Montreal; entered Inland traffic; 1885-1886, supt.; 1886-89, mgr. Revenue Dept., 4 April, 1867; was collector — Wiggins Ferry Co., and East St. Louis at Brantford and London; Chief Inspector; Connecting Ry., and operated lines at St. Asst. Commissioner, now Deputy Minister.

Louis; 1889-94, gen. ingr. St. Louis Mer- Address: 336 Metcalfe St., Ottawa. , •chants Bridge & Terminal Ry.; 1894-96, GERMAN, William Manley, K.C., M.P.; traffic mgr, St. Louis Chicago & St. Paul Ry. b. Prince Edward Co., Ont., 26 May, 1851; 1896-99, gen. mgr. same road, and Chicago •8. of George German and Susan Garratt; Peoria & St. Louis Ry.; 1899-1900, gen. m. Henrietta Macdonnell; four 8, one d. mgr. New York & Ottawa Rd.; 1899-1900 Educ: Common Sch., and Victoria Coll., also pres., and 1900-1905, receiver same Cobourg; called to the Bar, 1881 ; and began road; 1 March, 1905, to date, gen. mgr. New practice of law in Welland; was Deputy York & Ottawa Ry., successor to tne New Reeve of Welland; elec. to the H. of C, 1891 York & Ottawa Rd. Address: Alexandra and at elec. since that time. Address: Hotel, Ottawa. Welland, Ont. Club: Rideau, Ottawa. GEABT, George Reginald, K.C.; Mayor GEBTAIS, Honore Hippolyte Achllle, b. Richelieu, Co. Rou- of Toronto; b. Strathroy, Ont., 12 Avig., K.C., LL.D., M.P.; ville. 13 Aug., 1864; «. of Charles 1873; a. of Theophilas Jones Geary and Que., Mary Goodson Geary; unmarried. Educ: Gervais and Adele Monty; m. 17 May, 1887, d. of Joseph Up. Can. Coll., and Univ. of Toronto; called Albina Robert, Montreal; to the Bar, 1894; practices in Toronto; Robert. Educ: Petit Seminaire of Sainte Counsel for Prov. of Ont., in insurance in- Marie de Monoir, and Laval Univ., Mon- vestigation; School Trustee, 1903; Alder- treal. Has been for 20 years in partner- K.C.; man in 1904-5-6-7; Candidate for Mayor in ship with Hon. H. B. Rainville, years but was second in a field of five. Con- Speaker for some otthe Quebec L^.; 1908, K.C, troller, 1909, and elected by the largest vote now with Hon. Horace Arehambault, General and Mr. yet recorded for that office; elec. Mayor, Attorney and Speaker of 1910. Address: Wellesley St., Toronto. Paul Rainville, LL.L., under the name Clubs: Toronto Golf, Albany, Toronto. Rainville, Gervais and Rainville; a candi- date for the Liberal party in St. James' GEDDES, George; b. Glenmorris, Co. Division, Montreal, bye election, 16 Feb., Out., Sept., s. of Brant, 20 1860; George 1904, against J. H. G. Bergeron, and elected; Geddes and Jane Ann Forl}es; m. Margaret re-elec. 1904 and 1908; has been a member Alexander, Gait, Ont.; one d. Educ: Glen- of the Council of the Montreal Bar and morris Pub. Sch.; farmer, then Mill Mgr., Batonnier General of the Bar of the Prov. and now personal agency. Has been Trus- of Que.; Governor of "I'EcolePolytechnique; tee 5 years; at present time. Mayor of St. • Promoter and Governor of I'Ecole den Thomas, Out.; Pres., Ontario Municipal Hautes Etudes Commerciales of the Prov. Association; Grand Councellor, K. of P. of Que.; A Gov. of Laval Univ.; Professor Recreations: bowling and curling. Address: of International Law and Civil Procedure St. Thomas, Ont. Clubs: Elgin Country at Laval Univ.; membre-correspondant de Club, Golf. la Soci^t^ de L^slation compart de GEIKIE, Walter B., M.D., LL.D., CM., France;" is a writer of several legal works; D.C.L.; b. at Edinburgh, Scotland, 8 May, elec. chmn. of Debates, Com. of H. of C, 89 WHO'S WHO.

1905, and anoe; Liberal. Addrest: 181 Bern merchant of Peterhead, Scot,; five d. ^Educ: St., Montreal. Clubs: St. Denis, Montreal; Peterhead Acad. Railway Contractor, and Itideau, Ottawa. mem. Can. Soc. of Civil Engrs.; owns and GIBBENS, Wmiam; editor and propri- operates two .of the most extensive lime- etor of Cornwall Standard; 6. London, Eaig., stone quarries in Canada near Beamsville 7 Jiine, 1854; a. of William J. and Emma and Oookston, Ont. Pres. of the Bank of Gibbens; m. Florence S. Culbert, of Lind- Hamilton, of the Hamilton Gas Light Co., say, Ont.; one d. Educ: Priv. Sch^ Dork- the Keewatin Lumber and Mfg. Co., the ing, Surrey, and London. Came to Canada', Keewatin Power Co.; dir. of the Canada July, 1869. First engaged in commercial Screw Co., the Canada Life Assur. Co., of work; newspaper experience commenced on the Hamilton Provident and Loan Soc. the Brookville Recorder; joined staff of the First returned to H. of C, at g. e., 1891, for Ottawa Citizen, 1875, and filled positions Lincoln and Niagara; unseated, but re-el. at of local reporter and city editor until 1880; bye-elec, 28 Jan., 1892; re-elec. atg.^e., 1880-1884, Rapid Oty Standard and Min- 1896; defea:ted at g. e., 1900; Chief Whip, nedosa Tribune in Manitoba, the Standard Liberal Party for some years. Called to the bemg the first newspaper pubd. in the Senate, 11 Feb., 1902. ,Past Grand Master,

Canadian Northwest, west of Portage la . A.F. and A.M.; 33° sictive mem. of the Praine, with the exception of the Battle- Supreme Council of Canada and Deputy.for ford- fferoW,- returned to Ottawa, 1884, and Ontario. Recreation: travel. Address; ?™s umg. dir. of the Citizen Pub. Co., until Beamsvill, Ont. Clubs: Hamilton, Com-> 1888; editor and publisher of the Cornwall mercial, Hamilton; Toronto, National, Tor- Standard since Aug., 1888; became prop- onto; Rideau, Ottawa. netpr, 1907. Addreat: Cornwall, Ont. GIGAtJLT, George Auguste, N.P., Den. Club: Cornwall. Min. of Agric^ for Prov. of Quebec; b. St. 6IBS01V, Col. Hon. John Morrison, M. Mathias, Co., Rouville, Que., 23 Nov., 1845; A-, LL.D., K.C., A.D.C., Lieut.-Governor a. of Pierre Gigault, and Marguerite Wait; of Ontario; 6. 1 Jan, 1842; m. (1st) Emily m. Isabella Dillon; two «. five d. Educ: Annie, d./of late Ralph Birrell, London; St. Hyacinthe Sem. Admitted to profes- (and) Caroline, d. of Hon. Adam Hope, sion of notary in 1867; apptd^-Dep. Min; Senator;. (3rd) EBzabeth, d. of late Judge of Agric. for Quebec, 1892. Represented Malloch, of Brockville; four «. two d. Educ.: Rouville Co. in H. of C, 1878-1891. In Central Sch^ Hamilton; tJniv. of Toronto. 1884, moved for special Committee of which (Pnnoe of Wales Prize, medals in Classics he was chmn., whose report led to estab- and Modem Languages, LL.B., with gold lishment in 1886 of Dom. Experimental medal, 1869; LL.D. honorU cauia, 1903). Farms. Publications: Report on a trip to BaiT. (U.C), 1867); Prov. Sec.» of Ont., Denmark; report on establishment of Agri- 1889; Comm. of Crown Lands, 1896; At- cultural Clubs in Prov. Quebec. Address: torney-Gen. 1899-1905; Q.C. 1890; Bencher Ste. Foy, Que. of Law Society of tip. Can., 1899; Lieut.- GILBEBT, Alexander Glen; b. George- Cpl. 13 Regt., Canadian Militia, 1876; Hon. town, Demerara, 31 Dec, 1840; of Scotch Lieut.-Col. 13th Regt., 1895; Hon. Col., 1901 parentage; m. Susan Chamings, of Devon., Colonel, Reserve of Officers, 1902; Colonel Eng. £(fuc.: Glasgow, Scot. Came to Can- Cpmmanding 15th Brigade, Canadian Mil- ada in 1860. Was engaged in Journalism, itia, 1903; Pres. Dominion of Canada Rifle chiefly on staff of Montreal Gazette, for Association; Prince of Wales Prize, Wim- many years. Apptd. poultry expert at bledon, 1879; Commander Canadian Rifle Central Experimental Farm, which position Team to Wimbledon, 1881, and to Bisley, still holds. Publications: Many pamphlets 1907; President Canadian Branch Red Cross and reports on Poultry keeping; Montreal oociety; President Dominion Power and and Maritime Provinces;" (pamph). Ad- Transmission Company; Hon. A.D.C. to dress: Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Their Excellencies the Earl of Aberdeen Ont. and the Earl of Minto, Governors-General GILL, Robert; b. Dundas, Ont., 30 Sept. of Canada; Past Grand Master Grand Lodge 1851; 8, of William and Alison Sanderson of Canada, A.F. and A.M.; Grand Com- Gill; m. (1st) Caroline (jilmour, e. d.'of the mander A. and A.S. Rite for Canada. Ad- late John Gilmour, of Marchmount, Qiie., dress: Government House, Toronto. Cliibs: (d. 1884); (2nd) Anna Louisa Thistle, d. of ^.i?!""*"' National, Toronto; Hamilton. the late W. R. Thistle, P.L.S., of Ottawa; GEBSON, Thomas William; Deputy four s. Educ: Up. Can. Coll., Toronto. Mimster of Mines for Ontario; b. Wroxeter, Has been Manager of the Canadian Bank of Ont., 19 Feb., 1859; ». Alexander L. Gibson Commerce, Ottawa, since 1887; previously and Janet F. Gibson; m. Jessie E. Brown; Manager of other branches, and Chief In- two ». and four d. Educ: Wroxeter pub. spector for six years. Address: 281 O'Con- seh., Rockwood, Ont. (Academy). Clerk, nor St., Ottawa. Clubs: Rideau, Golf, bookkeeper, journalist, manufacturer. Sec. Country, Ottawa; St. James', Montreal. Bureau of Mines; Director, Bureau of GILLIES, Joseph Alexander, M.A-., K. Mmes, Deputy Minister of Mines; Publica- C; b. at Irish (jove, Cape Breton, 17 Sept., twn; Official Reports. Recreations: canoe- 1849; 8. of John Gillies and Mary Isabella ing, gardening. Address: 84 De Lisle St, Maclean; m. Josephene E. Bertrand; one. Toronto. 8. Educ: St. Frances Xavier Coll., Antig- GlffiSON, Hon. WUliam, Senator; b. onish; graduated M.A., in 1871; Registrar Peterhead, Scot., 7 Aug., 1849; e. ». of the of probate. Cape Breton Co., from 1872 to _ late William Gibson and Lucritia Gilzeau; 1887, when he resigned; elec. M.P. in 1891," m. 1876, Jennie Hill (d. 1902), d. of the late and eat in H. of C., until 1900. Addressf John F. Davidson, of Hamilton, Ont.; (2nd) Parklands, Sydney, Cape Breton. Cluhs;: Margaret E., d. of the late Alex. MacUe, R.C.B.Y.C., Sydney, C.B. i go WHO'S WHO. onionAEB

eiLLMOB, Hon. Daniel; Senator; b. St. emeritus prof., 1902 to. date; 12 years Sur- George, N.B., 1 July, 1849; «. of the late geon to Montreal Dispensary* and for^ 12 Hon. A. H. Gillmor, Senator, and Hannah years Surgeon to Montreal General Hospital Dawes Gillmor; m. Nov., 1877, Catherine and is now Consulting Surgeon to both Sophia Duffy. Educ: St. George Sch.; a institutions; is Director of Electrical Treat- merchant; mem. of the firm of O Biien and ment and X-Rays in Royal Victoria Hos- Gillmor, St. George, and of the firm of pital, Montreal; ex-President of the Roent- Chase and Sanbum, Montreal; Liberal. gen Society of America; Vice-President, Address: 4149 Dorchester St. W., Montreal. Canadian Branch Society of Chemical In- GILMOTTB, John; Pres. of the Gilmour dustry; Fellow of the Chemical Society of & Hughson, Lumber Co.; b. Quebec, 22 the Chemical Institute of Great Britain Apri^ 1849; s. of the late John Gilmour, a of the Society of Public Analysts, of the native of Scotland; m. 1874, Jessie Miller Society of Chemical Industry, of the Royal McLimont; six 8. one d. Succeeded, to Society of Canada, of the Natural History control his father's extensive lumber busi- Society and Microscopical Society of Mon- ness, and is now Pres. of the Gilmour & treal. Publications: on Testing for Stry- Hughson Lumber Co., which owns extensive chine, in the Lancet, 1856; on Dislocation limits on the Gatineau and operates a large of Phalanges, Montreal Medical Journal; on steam sawmill on the Ottawa River, near a case of Poisoning by Strychnine, Montreal the mouth of the Gatineau. Address: .29 Medical Journal, 1865; on Stereoskiagraphy CartierSt., Ottawa. CJuJi.-Rideau, Ottawa. and Stereoscopic Vision, Montreal Medical GILPIN, Edwin, B.A., M.A., Hon. Dr. Journal, 1900; Address as Pres. of Chemical Sc^ Hon. LL.D. (Dalh.); I.S.O., F.R.S.C; Section of R. S. C, vol. xii,, 1894; on Stere- Royal , 6. Halifax, N.S., 28 Oct., 1850; s. of Edwin omicropai>hy in Transactions of GUpin, Dean of N.S., and Amelia, y. d. of Microscopical Society, Feb., 1901, etc. the Hon. Justice Haliburton, "Sam SUck;" Recreations: won mile race open to all m. Florence Ellen, e. d. of Lewis Johnstone, officers in British Army, Aldershot, 1856; M.D., of Stellarton N.S.; one ». two d. athletic exercise; boating. Address: 111 Educ: Halifax Gram. Sch. and King's University Street, Montreal. Clnb: St, Coll., Windsor, N.S.; apptd Inspector of James', Montreal. „ „ Mines, N.S., 1879; a member and Secretary, GIBOUABD, Hon. Desire, B.C.L., D.C. Board o^ Examiners of CoUery Officials, L. (McGill); Judge of the Supreme Court N.S., 1881; Deputy Commissioner of Pub. of Canada; b. St. Timothee, Que., 7 July, Works afld Mines, N.S., 1886; member of 1836; «. of J^r^mie Girouard and Hyppolite many English, Canadian and American Pieard; m. 1862, Marie Mathilde, d. of the Societies. Publications: numerous* and late John Pratt, of Montreal. Educ: Mon-

valuable papers and books on the Geology, treal Coll. , studied lawimder the late Edward etc., of N.S., and on mining subjects. Carter, Q.C. Unsuccessful Can. for H. of C. Recreations: Boating. Address: Edgemere, at g. e., 1872 for constituency of Jacques Halifax, N.S. C;«b7HaUfax. Cartier; 1874, for Beauhamois; 1876, 1878, GIBAKD, Joseph, M.P.; b. St. Urbain, for Jacques Cartier, but thereafter el. and Charlevoix Co., Que., 2 Aug., 1854; a. of held seat for Jacques Cartier until 1895. Patrice Girard, and Marie Tremblay; m. In latter yr. refused seat in the Dom, 1875, Emma Cote; three s. Educ: Quebec Cabinet, on personal grounds. In col- Seminary. An argiculturist. Pres., Agric. laboration with the late W. H. Kerr, Q.C., Soc. of Lake St. John; Sec. of the Farmers' Sir Louis Jette, the late H. F. Bainville and Club; Pres. of the Dairy Soc. of Quebec Mr. J. A. Perldns, K.C.; carried on "La Prov. El. to Quebec Leg. Ass., at g. e., Revue Critique," which forced the downfall 1892; re-el. at g. e., 1897. El. to H. of C. oftheQue. Court of Appeals, 1874. Apptd. at g. e., 1900, for Chicoutimi and Saguenay; 28 Sept., 1895, to the Supreme Ct. of Can., re-el. at g. e., 1904, 1908. Address: St. of which he is now Senior Judge. Publica- Gedeon, Que. tions: Considerations sur les Lois Civiles du GIKDWOOD, Gilbert P., Emeritus Pro- Marriage, also an essay on Insolvent Act of fessor of Chemistry, McGill Univ., b. Lon- 1868; a work on Bills of Exchange; "Lake don, Eng., 22 Oct., 1832; s. of G. F. Gird- St. Louis, Old and New," and "Chevaher wood, M.D.,- Edinburgh, and d. of Rev. de la Salle." Address: 398 Wilbrod St., Thos. Bazely, Rector of Lavenham, Suf- Ottawa; "Quatre Vents," Dorval, Que. folk; m. 1862, M. M., d. of late T. E. Black- (Summer). Clubs: Rideau, Golf, Ottawa; well, C.E., Managing Director G. T. R.; five Royal Montreal Golf, Royal St. Lawrence 0. three d. Educ: private sch., and St. Yacbt, Dorval. George's Sch. of Medicine, London. Passed GIBOXJABD, Ueut.-Col. Sir Bdouard Coll. of Surgeons, London, 1854; House Percy CranweU, R.E., K.C.M.G., C. Surgeon Liverpool Infirmary, 1854; joined B., D.S.O.; Governor and Commander-in- 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards, as Asst. Chief of Northern Nigeria; b. Montreal, 26 Surgeon, 1854; came to Canada with 1st Jan., 1867; ». of Hon. D. Girouard, one of -Battalion; at Trent Affair, 1862; stationed the Judges of the Supreme Court of Canada; in Montreal; left the service on the Regt., m. 1903, Mary Gwendolen, o. c. of Sir Rich- returning to England; joined the Victoria ard Solomon, K.C.M.G., C.B., Attorney- Volimteer Militia as surgeon; served during General for the Transvaal. Educ: Royal Fenian Raid, 1866 (medaD; promoted to Military Coll., Kingston. Entered British Medical Staff Ofincer of Militia of Canada; Army, 1888; Major, .1899; served Dongola took degree of M.D., CM. at McGill Univ., Expeditionary Force, 1896 (despatches 1865; apptd. Lecturer in Practical Chemis- brevet of Major, D.S.O., British medal, try in Medical Faculty of McGill Univ., Khedive's medal with two clasps); Nile 1869; Professor of Practical Chemistry, Expedition, 1897 (despatches, clasp); rail- 1872-94; Professor of Chemistry, 1879-1902; way traffic manager. Royal Arsenal, Wool- - 91 .flIROtJABD WHO'S WHO.

wich, 1890-95; Director of SoudaiL railways, 1878 (d. 21 Jan., 1881); (2nd) Mrs. G. N. 1896-98; president of Egyptian Railway Fauteaux (nee St. Pierre). Educ: Laval Board, 1898-99 (2nd class Medjidie); Dir- Univ. and Quebec Seminary; graduated in ector of Railways, South Africa, 1899-1902 medicine, 1877, and moved to St. Francois,

(despatclies) ; Commissioner of Railways, when he followed his profession for 21 yrs. Transvaal and Orange River Colony, 1902- Elected Governor of the Bureau of Phy- 4; A,Q.M.G., Western Command, Chester, sicians, Que., July, 1895; Mayor of St. 1906; apptd. to present position, 1907. Francois, Beauce, Jan., 1898; first elec. to Pitblication: History of the Railways during the H. of C, 1887, and re-elec, 1891-1896- the War in South Africa. Addreaa: St. 1900; called to the Senate, 4 April, 1901; James's Court, Buckingham Gate, S.W, Liberal, Address; St. Francois, Beauce, Clubs: Brooks's, Army and Navy. Quebec. filBOUARD, Hon. Jean, M.D., M.L.C.; GODBOUT, Joseph Arthur, LL^B., M. b. St. Benoit, Que., 7 March, 1856; s. of L.A.; 5. 13 Dec, 1872, Lambton, Beauce Jean Joseph Girouard, notary, and Marie Co., Quebec; s. of Joseph Godbout and Emelie Berthelot; m. 1883, Lydia, d. of Lucil Roy; m. Corinne Poulin; five e. one d.

Hon. M. Laviolette, former Legis. Coun- Educ: Seminary of Quebec, and Laval . ' cillor for Delorimien- two a. two d. Educ: Univ., Quebec. An advocat, 1898. Elec. St. Sulpice Seminary, Montreal. Apptd. to Leg. Ass. of Que., 1902; re-elected by Legis. Councillor for Delorimier, 27 Mar., acclam. 1904, and 1908. Address: St. - 1897; a physician; has practised for thirty George's, Beauce Co., Que. years. Recreations: hunting and fishing. GOOD, Hlenry John Prescott Wllshere; Address: 54 St. Charles St., Longueuil, Que. b. Solihull, nr. Birmingham, Eng., 22 Nov., GISBOBNE, Francis Hemaman; b. 1848; «. of John Presley Good, M.A., and Brigus, Newfoundland, 19\May, 1858; 2nd Clara Louise Rogers; m. Helen MacClude; s. of the late Frederick Newton Gisborne, three s. two d. Educ: privately, ShoVe- the well known Electrical Engineer; m. ham, and King's Coll. Arrived Canada, Edith^ D. Himsworth, 2nd d. of Frederick 30 June, 1869. For many- years sporting H. Himsworth, barrister; four a. two d. editor Mail and Empire; editor, Sunday- Educ: London, Eng., Coll. Sch., Windsor, World, Canadian Sportsman. Publications: N.S., and private tutor; called to the Bar Many short stories. Recreaiions: racing, of N.S., in 1880; for two years Asst. Engr. bowling, curling. Address: 644 Manning ^ of Govt, Telegraphs; associate member of Ave., Toronto. Club: Albany, Toronto.' the Inst, of Elec. Engineers. Apptd. to GOODEVBHA9I, George Horace, M.L.A.; the legal staff of the Dept. of Justice of b. Toronto, 18 April, 1868; s. of George Canada in 1882, and Secretary of the Depart- Gooderham, one of the founders of the ment in 1909; Counsel to the Canadian distillery firm of Gooderham & Worts; wi. Commissioners at the making of the Inter- Maude, d. of late H. S. Northrup. EduC: national regulations for the protection of Toronto Model Sch., and Jarvis StreetXoll. the fisheries under the treaty with the U.S. Inst. A manufacturer and capitalist. Mem. A member of the Diocesan, Provincial and of the Toronto Sch. Bd., 1899-1903; Chn. General Synods of the Church of England of the Bd. of Education, 1904. First el. to in Canada,' and Registrar of the General Ont. Legis. at g. e., 1908. Addressesr 49 Synod. A member of the Board of the Wellington St (Bus.); 204 St. George St., Missionary Society, and a member of the Toronto; Anglican Executive of the Layman's Miss. 600DETE, Arthur Samuel, M.P.; b. Movement, and also Sunday School Com- Guelph, Ont., 15 Dec, 1860; e. of Arthur mission. , Recreations: canoeing, horticulture H. Goodeve, and Caroline Higglnson; m. Address: 110 Cartier St., Ottawa. Ellen E. SpeQce; four s. two d. Educ; •"I'ADU, Joseph Ernest Oscar, B.A., Guelph Pub. and High Sch. Medalist, M.P., b. St. Francois du Lac, Yamaska Co., Ont. College of Pharmacy; Mayor of Ross- 25 Oct.. 1870; a. of Victor Gladu and Mary land, B.C., 1899-1900; Provincial Secretary, Gill; m. 15 Nov., 1900, Isabella Boucher McBride Govprnment, 1902; Provincial (deceased). Educ: St. Mary's Coll., Mon- Forestry Commissioner, 1909. Address: treal; elec. to the House of Commons, 1904- RoBsland, B.C. Club: Rossland. 1908; Roman Catholic; Liberal. Address: GOODWIN, WUIlam Lanton, B.Sc, D. St. Francois du Lac, Que. So.; F.R.S.C.; b. Bale Verte, New Bruns- COBEIL, Antolne, B.A., I.S.O.; 6. St. wick, 30 April, 1856; ». of Edward Chappell Jean, Island of Orleans, Que., 22 Sept., Goodwin (descended from a Massachusetts 1854_; s. of Antoine Gobeil and El^onore family of that name, members of which Pouliot; m. Blanche Gingras; two s. two d. came to New Brunswick with Monckton's Educ: Seminary of Queoec; Laval Univ., army, 1754), and Margaret Carey, g. d. of entered the Civil Service in 1872, and John Carey, an officer m a Highland R«gt.; retired 1st January, 1908; admitted to /the m. 1885, Christina Murray, d. of Rev7 Wm. bar. Province of Quebec, in 1902; now Murray, of Earlton, N.8., and of Kingston, practicing in Montreal; was Law Clerk of Jamaica. Educ: Mount Allison Academy Department of Public Works at Ottawa, and Univ., Sackville, N.B.; Edinburgh from 1880 to 1885; Secretary from 1885 to Univ.; Heidelberg; London. Canadian Gil- 1891, and Deputy Minister, 1891 to 1908, christ Scholar, 1877-80; Demonstrator of when accepted pension. Address: The Chemistry in Univ. of Edinburgh, 1879-80; Marlborough, Montreal; "Aux Quartre Demonstrator of Chemistry with Prof. Vents/' St. Laurent,' Island of Orleans, Que. Wm. Ramsay, Univ. Coll., Bristol, 1881- Club: Rideau, Ottawa. 1882; Prof, of Chemistry, etc.. Mount Al- OODBGUT, .Hon. Joseph, M.D.; Sena- lison, 1882-83; Professor of Chemistry, tor; b. St. Vital de Lambton, Co. of Beauce, Queen's Univ., 1883-92; Director of the Que.; m. (Ist) Rachael Audet, Que., 8 Oct., Sch. of Mining, Queen's Univ., Kingston. 92 WHO'S WHO.

1893-1906. PubKcationt! A Text-book' of Schs. Dir, Temagami Lumber Co., Ltd., Chemistry; papers in Transactions of B. S., Cache Bay'Lumber Co., Ltd., A. J. Yoiing Edinburgh; Berichte der deut. chem. Co., Ltd., Strong Lumber Co., Ltd., Lever- Gesellsch.; Chemical News; Nature; Cana- ing Lumber Co., Ltd., and George Gordon dian Alining Review, etc. Beareationt: fish- & Co. Contested Nipissing

; Star," 1907; "Life of James Robertson," b. Pembroke, Ont., 16 Sept., 1856; s. of 1908; "The Foreigner," 1909. Address: 567 James Gorman and Mary Ouellette; m. Broadway, Winmpeg, Man.; Kenora, Lake Mary Frances O'Meara, of Pembroke; three

of the Woods, Ont. , d. Educ: Ottawa Univ., Toronto Univ. GOBDON, The Very Bev. Daniel Miner, Admitted to the Bar 30 Jan., 1880. Pub- M.A., B.D., D.D., LL.D., Principal of lication: "Gorman's County Court Manual." Queen's University, Kingston; h. Picton, Address^: 291 Nelson St., Ottawa. N.S., 30 Jan., 1845; s. of William Gordon GOBMULL.T, Joseph James, K.C.; b. and Amelia Miner; m. Eliza s. d. of Rev. England, 1845; widower; one s. two d, John Maclennan (d. 1910); three s. two d. Educ: in England, a leading barrister in Educ: Pictou Academy, Univ. of Glasgow, Ottawa. Address: 138 Daly Ave., Ottawa, and Univ. of Berlin; ordained to the Min- Ont. Clubs: Rideau, Country, Ottawa; istry of the Church of Scot., Aug., 1866; Mount Royal, Montreal. Pastor of St. Andrew's Church, Ottawa, GOSNELL, B. Edward; Sec. of Forestry 1867-1882; of Knox College, Winnipeg, Cbmn. for B.C.; 5. Lake Beauport, Seign- 1882-1887; Hon. Chaplain of 90th Regt.. iory of St. Francis, Que., 1860; ^m. 1887, Winnipeg Rifles, through North-West Re- Agnes Wilson (deceased); one d. 'Taught bellion campaign, \in 1885, accompanying sen. for a short time, and then entered into the fighting column under Gen'l. Middleton; journalism; joined the staff of the Chatham Pastor of St. Andrew's Church, Halifax. Tribune, and subsequently ed. the Port 18a'7-1894; apptd. Professor of Systematic Hope Times, and the Chatham Planet; re- Theology in Presbyterian Coll., Halifax. moved to B.C., 1888, and joined staff of In 1903, succeeded the late Principal Grant the Vancouver News Advertiser; apptd. as Principal of Queen's Univ., Kingston. Commr. of the B.C. Exhibit. Assn., 1890; ' Puilicationa: In 1880, "Mountain and apptd. Census Commr. for the New West-

' ; made Librarian Prairie." Recreations: boating, golf and minster Dist., 1891 _ and skating. Address: Queen'sUniv., Kingston. Seci of the Bureau of Statistics and His- Club: Frontenac, Kingston. torical Information for B.C.; for many yrs, 60BD01V, David Alexander, M.P.; b. editor of the Victoria Colonist, and Assoc, Wallaceburg, Ont., 18 Jan., 1858; «. of editor of the Winnipeg Commercial; now Aaron Gordon and Jane SteinhofE;. m. 8 Sec. of the B. C. Forestry Comn., 1909-10. April, 1884, Rose Fox, Bay City, Mich. Publications: A yeaf'Book of B.C., 1896; an Educ: Wallaceburg Pub. Sch. Has been ' occasional contributor to mags. Address: Town Councillor and was Mayor of Wallace- Victoria, B.C. burg for three years in succession; elec. GOSSEL.IN, I/'Abbe Augnste Honore, to the H. of C, 1904 and 1908; Church of Lit.D. (Laval), LL.D. (Ottawa), F.R.S.C; England; Liberal. Address: Wallaceburg, b. St. Charles de Bellechasse, Que., 29 Dec, Ont. 1843; s. of Joseph Gosselin, and Angele 60BD0N, George, M.P.; b. Pakeiiham, Labrie. Educ: Laval Univ., Quebec Or- Ont;, 2 May. 1865; e. of Alexander Gordon, dained to priesthood, and for some time and Elizabeth Fraser; m. 30 Aug., 1894, was sec. to the Archbishop of Quebec; then A. E. Parry, Dunnville, Ont.; three d. cur^ for 25 yrs. Retired from ministry, Educ; Pembroke High School and Pub. 1893, to devote himself to literary work. 93 : ' WHO'S WHO.

Publicationa: Life of Mgr. de Laval, first GOULD, Harvey James; '6: Uxbridge, Bishop of Quebec; Le Docteur Labrie; Ont., 1 May, 1857; s. Joseph Gould, ex-M.P. Champlain on the Hudson; Abbe Picquet, m. Martha Sharp^ sister of S. Sharp, M.P., founder of Ogdensburg, and many other and Wm. Sharp, M.P. ; four 8, two d. Educ. historical works. Address: St. Charles de Uxbridge, Toronto, and Rockwood; Alder- man, and Mayor of Bellechasse, Que. ^ ^ Reeve Uxbridge and GOUIN, Sir Lomer, B.C.L. (Laval Warden of Ont. Co.; President of Board of Univ.); Premier of the Prov. of Quebec; b. Trade; President of Midland Coal Ass'n.; Grondines, Que., 19 March, 1861; s. of J. Chairman of Presbyterian Church Board; Gouin, M.D., and Victoire Seraphine P.D.D.G.M. of A.F. and A.M. Address: -Fugere; m. 1888, Eliza, d. of the late Uxbridge, Ont. Honore Mercier; two s. Educ: Sorel Coll., GOUBDEAU DE BEAULIEU, Lleut.- Levis, Coll., Laval Univ., Montreal. Stud- Gol. Francois F, E.; h. Quebec, 16 ied law under Sir John Abbott and after- Oct., 1846; 8. t>f Francois Gourdeau de wards under Hon. R. Laflamme, formerly Beaulieu, and Thesille Marcoux; m. Clara Minister of Justice; called to the Bar, 1884. Paston, Quebec ; one d. Educ. : Quebec Unsuccessfully contested BicheUeu Co. at Seminary. In pub. service of Canada for g. e., in 1891; was returned for the St. over 45 yrs.; Dep. Min. of Marine and ' James Division of Montreal for the local Fisheries, 1896-1909, when request for House in 1897; el. to Montreal City Council, superannuation granted. An officer of the 1900, but receivii^ the portfolio of Public Legion of Honour of France, 1905; a Dom.

I Works in the Parent admn., he resigned Commr. to Paris Exhibition, 1900 ; hon. from the Council; resigned from Ministry, Col. of Princess Louise Dragoon Guards, 1905, and called upon to form a cabinet Ottawa. Recreation: huntii^. Address: - by the Lieut.-Gov.; was sworn in as Prime 27 Goulbourn Av., Ottawa. Clubs: Ridc^u, Minister in 1905; mem. of the Council of Elks, Hunt, Ottawa; Montreal; Century, Public Instruction, Board qf Control of Ogdensburg, N.Y. La Banque Provinciale du Canada; director GOWER; see Leveson-Gower, of Mount Royal Fire Ins. Co.; Knighted by GRACE, John D. G.; 6. Almonte, Ont., Prince of Wales on occasion Quebec Ter- Sept., 1870; s. of James Grace, and Mary centenial, 1908. Adjiress: Quebec. Clubs: Foley; unmarried. Educ: Almonte; Ram- Canadien, St. Denis, Reform, Canada, Mon- say; Ottawa; in journalism in Ottawa for treal; Garrison, Quebec. many yrs. on the staff of the Free Press and GOULD, Ashley Mulgrave; b. Lower Journal; editor and prop, of United Canada, Horton, N.S., Oct. J859; s. Charles Ed- which he founded in 1888; ex-pres., St. ward and Mary Jane Fuller Gould; m. 1888, Patrick's Lit. Soc. Is an ardent supporter Margaret, d. Horace J. and Flora M. Gray. of all athletic sports. Address: 31 Slater Early ed'n pub. and high schs., North- St., Ottawa. ampton, Mass.; graduated Amherst, 1881, GRAHAM, Lieut.-Col. Alexander Fetrie, Georgetown Univ. Law Sch., 1884; admitted Pres. of Canadian Club of Boston, Mass.; b. to bar of D. C, Apr., 1884. Was mem. Hamilton, Ont., 18 March, 1864; m. Blanche Md. Ho. of Dels., 1898 (Rep. caucus nomi- Adams of Haverhill, Mass.; one s. Educ:

nee for speaker) ; since May, 1901, U.S. atty. Hamilton. Served with Q.O.R.. in N. W. for D. C. Prof, law of contracts, domestic Rebellion, 1885. In business at Boston, relations and criminal law in law dept. Mass, since 1889; Past Commander, British Georgetown Univ. Apptd. Asso. Justice Naval and Mil. Veterans of Mass., and Supreme Court., Dist. of Columbia, Dec. 8, headed del. which presented address to 1902. Address: 1931 16th St., N. W., Duke of Cornwall and York at St. John, Washington, D.C. N.B., 190T; mem. Ancient and Hon. Arty. GOULD, Elgin R. L.,B.A., Ph.D., 6. Osh- Co. of Mass., and accompanied Regt. in its awa, Ont., 15 Aug., 1860; s. of John T. visit to England some yrs. ago; one of the and Emily Adelaide Gould; m. 1887, Mary founders of the Can. Club of Boston. Re- Hurst, d. ol late Lyttleton B. Purnell, Balti- creations: Lacrosse, horses, tennis. Address: more; three a. one d. Educ: Toronto (priv- 275 Main St^Haverhill, Mass., U.S.A. ate school); Victoria Univ., Johns Hopkins GRAHAM, Hon. George Perry, M.P., Univ., Baltimore; Pres. City and Sub\u-ban LL.D., Minister of Railway and Canals; b. Homes Company, New York, and 34th St., Eganville. Ont., 31 Mar., 1859; a. of late National Bank; formerly statistical expert Rev. W. H. Graham and late Eleanor in charge of various investigations for the Stevenson; m. Carrie L. Southworthj two.-- U.S. Department of Labour; formerly Lec- 8. Educ: High Sch., Iroquois; Momsburg turer at Johns Hopkins and Professor Chi- Collegiate Inst. Taught school; received cago Universities; Chamberlain of city of a practical business training; journalist for- New York, 1902-1904; takes an active 25 years; editor of Daily Recorder, Broqk- interest in public, religious, and philan- ville; elected to Ontario Legislature, 1898; thropic affairs: prominent in Citizen's Un- . made Provincial Secretary, 1905; Govern- ion, New York's reform municipal party, ment defeated six months later. Became Vwtrsrman and Treasurer, St. Bartholo- Leader of the Opposition shortly after. In mew's Church. Publications: The Gothen- Aug., 1907, called to Federal Government burg System of Liquor Traffic; Housing of by Sir Wilfrid Laurier, as Minister of Rail- the Working People; Public Control of the ways and Canals. Address: Ottawa and Liquor Traffic; The Social Condition of Brockville, Ont. Clubs: Brockville; Laur- Labour; Civic Reform and Social Progress. entian, Ottawa; Ontario, Toronto. Recreations :gQ\i, 6shing. Address: 301 West GRAHAM, Sir Hugh, LL.D. (Glasgow), 77th Street, New York. Clubs: aty, Cen- K.B.; b. Athelstan, Quebec, 1848; ». of tury, National Arts, St. Andrew's Golf, Robert Walker Graham and Marion Gard- Baltimore Country. ner; m. Annie Beekznan Hamilton; one d. 94 WHO'S WHO.

Educ: Huntingdon, Que. Founder and railway construction in Argentina; 1887-90, 'proprietor of Montreal Daily and Weekly similar work on Intercolonial Ry., Canad», Star, two of the most successful newspapers Gape Breton branch; 1890-93, Can. Pac. in Canada; Knighted, 1908, by His Majerty Ry.; 1893-95, East Coast Florida Ry., U.S. in recognition of eminentservices in many A.; 1895-1905, Can. Pac. Ry.; 1905 to date, philanthropic enterprises. Leader in sup- Nat. Trans. Ry.; apptd. chief engineer, pression of smallpox epidemic, ISSd; initiat- 1909. Address: 58 Sweetland Av., Ottawa. ed Fresh Air Fund m Montreal: insured C2ub:Rideau, Ottawa. lives of members of First Canadian Con- GRANT, Sir James Alexander, M.D., tingent to South Africa, 1899, each in K.C.M.G.; b. Inverness, Scot.; 1831, m. $1,000.00 for benefit of their families; or- Maria, d. of Edward Mallock, Educ: ganized children's Patriotic Fund for fami- Queen's Coll., Kingston, Ont.; London; lies of British soldiers, delegate to imp. Edinburgh. M.P. for Co. of Russell, press confce, 1909; and chairman of Cana- 1863-73; Ottawa, 1892-96; introduced dian section. Address: 638 Sherbrooke St. Pacific Railway Bill to construct the W., Montreal. Cluhs: Mount Royal, St. present Trans-continental Railroad, 1892; James*, Montreal. President Tuberculosis Association of Can- GKAHAM, Robert James; b. Belleville, ada, 1901-2; President R.S.C., 1903; hon. Ont., 2 April, 1860; «. of Kitohan Graham phy., Govs. Gen. of Canada; Knighted 1885. and £. A. Roblin; m. Grace A. Roblin; four Publications: Essays on Medical, Surgical, a. three's. Educ: Belleville, Ont. Mayor and Scientific Subjects in the Journals of of Belleville, 1901-03; Pres., Board of Trade, Canada, United States, and England; Or- 1907-08; Pres. of Canadian Club on organi- ganic Heart Disease. Recreations: chiefly zation; Pres., Y.M.C.A., for several years; in field of Geology ;has made a large collection Pres. New Brunswick Cold Storage Co., and Silurian fossils. Address: 160 Elgin Street, several other industrial concerns. Uecrea- Ottawa. Club: Rideau, Ottawa. tiona: travels abroad. Address: Belleville, GRANT, William tawson, M.A.; 6. Hal- Ont. Clubs: Imperial Belleville; Union, St. ifax, N.S., 2 Nov., 1872; s. of George Monro John, N.B. Grant and Jessie Lawson. Educ : Kingston •GBAHAM, Hon. Wallace, B.A., K.C., Collegiate Institute, Queens' Univ., King- Judge in Equity of Supreme Court and .of ston, Balliol Coll., Oxford and Univ. of Court for Divorce in N.S.; b. Antigonish, Paris. Graduated Oxford, 1898; Master at N.S., 15 Jan., 1848; s. of David Graham ana Up. Can. Coll., Toronto, 1898-1902; Master Mary Elizabeth Bigelow; m. Annie Lyons, at St. Andrew's Coll., Toronto, 1902-04; of Cornwallis, N^S.; one s. two d. Educ.: studied in Paris, 1904-06; Lecturer in Col- Acadia Coll. Called to Bar, 1871; Q.C., onial History at Oxford, 1906. Publica' 1881; standing counsel in N.S. for Govt, of tions: Principal Grant, a biography (in , Canada 8 yrs.; apptd. on Commission to colloboration with C. F. Hamilton), 1904; ' revise Statutes of Canada, 1888; and to Voyages of Samuel de Champlain (1907); revise Statutes of N.S., 1898. Governor of Lescarbot's History of New France (1908- Dalhousie Coll., Halifax. Address: 37 South 09), Canadian Constitutional documents Park Street, Halifax. Club: Halifax. (with H. E. Egerton) 1908; Acts of the GRANGE, Edward Wilkinson, B.A. Privy Council (Colonial Series), 1908-10, (Toronto); journalist: b, Napanee, Ont., various magazine articles. Address: 10 4 July, 1876; «. of A. W. Grange and Anna- Park Terrace, Oxford; Balliol Coll., Oxford, bella Daly; unmarried. Educ: Napanee Eng. Coll. Inst., Victoria Univ. On staff of 6RASBTT, Lleut.-Col. Henry James; Toronto NewSt 1899-03; Mail and Emfiire, Chief Constable of Toronto; b. Toronto, 1903-06; Ottawa corr. 'Toronto Globe since 18 June, 1847; «. of the Very Rev. the fi'ean Jan., 1907; also Ottawa Corr. for the Winni- of Toronto; m. Miss Parke, of London, peg Free Press, Halifax Chronicle, St. John Eng.; Educ: Leamington Coll., England. Sun, Montreal Le Canada, Vancouver Served with Q. O. R., in 1866; present at' World, -Victoria Times, "The Standard, and the battle of Lime Ridge; joined the 100th Standard of Empire, London, Eng.; Chicago Prince of Wales Royal Can. Regt. (now Tribune, etc. Address: Gloucester Apts.; Leinsters) as ensign in 1867; retired 1875; Press Gallery, Ottawa. apptd. Lieut.-Col. of the Royal Grenadiers, GBAXT, George Davidson; Barrister- 188{), and commanded that Corps through- at-Law; b. Waterdown, Wentworth Co., out the N. W. Rebellion, being present at Ont., 25. June, 1870; s. of Rev. Robert N. the engagements of Fish Creek and Batoche Grant, D.D., and Marian E. McMuUen; (mentioned in despatches). Apptd. Chief unmarried. Educ: Com. Sch., Coll. Inst., Constable of Toronto, Dec, 1886, which and Osgoode Hall. First el. to H. of C, 10 position he still holds. Address: 66 St. Pat- March, 1903; elected again at g. e., 1904 for rick St., Toronto. Cluhs: Toronto, Royal newly constituted riding of N. Ontario^; el. Canadian Yacht, Hunt, Military Inst., in Jan., 1905; Liberal Whip for Ont.; elec. Toronto. Chairman of Comm. on Standing Orders; GREEN, Robert Francis; b. Peterbor- unsuccessful at g. e., 1908. Address: Oril- ough, Ont., 14 Nov., 1861; s. of Benjamin lia, Ont. Green and Rebecca A. Lipsett; m. 1889, GRANT, Gordon, C.E, Chief Engineer Celia, d. of P. Macdonnell, of Erie, Pa. National Transcontinental Railway Com- Educ: Pub. and High Schs., Peterborough, mission; b. Dufftown, Banffshire, Scotland, Removed to Erie, Pa., when nineteen yrs. 2 Jan., 1865; >. Peter Grant, C.E., and Helen of age. Joined C. P. R. staff at Winnipeg, Gordon; m. Katherine McCarthy, d. of late 1882. Served in North-West Rebellion, Wm. McCarthy, C.E.; two d. Educ: 1885; opened general store at Revelstoke, Ottawa Bus. Coll. and Ottawa Univ.; ar- B.C. that yr., and later engaged actively in rived Can., Sept., 1872; 1881-7. eni;aged nn mining. First el. to B..C. Legis. for Slocan, 95 : GREENWOOD WHO'S WHO.

1898; apptd. chief commr. of Lands and among them. RecretUiona: dnooting, fish- Works, 6 Nov., 1903; resigned 1907. Ad- mg, ski-ing. Address: 181 Queen Victoria "SresB: Kaslo, B.C. _ St., London, E. C. Eng., or Harrington, GREENWOOD, Hamar, B.A.; 6- Whit- Labrador, via St. John's, Nfld. by, Ont., lS70; s. of John Hamar Green- GRENIER, Gustave, I.S.O., J.F.; Clerk wood {deceased), Barr.-at-Law, WhitBy, of the Executive Council, of Quebec; Dep* Ont,, and Charlotte Hubbard {deceased), of uty Lieutenant-Governor for signing war- United Empire Loyalist stock; unmanied. rants; b. Montreal, June, 1847; m. (lst> Educ: Whitby Collegiate Inst, and Toronto 1879, Kate Winfred Heatley of Quebec. Univ. Eight years Lieut, in Can. Militia; {d. 1880); (2nd) 1889, Helen, d. of late Hon. sometime in Department of Agriculture of F. G, Marchand, Premier of the Province; Ontario. Went to England, 1885; joined one 8. three d. Educ: Toronto and Quebec. Gray's Inn; now practicing Barrister, Entered Civil Service of Province, 1867, a» specializing in Privy Council Appeals; active a junior clerk in the Ebcecutive Council Liberal speaker; declined an invitation to Dept.; apptd. to present position, 1886. contest Grimsby, 1900; became Senior M.P., Address: 107 Grande All^e, Quebec. York, Eng., 1906; unsuccessful can. 1910. GREY, The Earl, Albert Henry George^ Parliamentary Private Secretary to Wins- 4th Eari), G.C.M.G. (cr. 1904), LL.M., j!p., ton Churchill. Recreationa: riding, shooting Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief and fishing. Address: St. James' Court, of Canada; 6. 28 Nov., 1851; «. of General Buckii^ham Gate, London, 4 Crown oflfice Hon. Chatles Grey and Caroline, d. of Sir Row, Temple, London, Eng. Clubs: Eighty, Thomas Harvie Farquhar, Bf.; jS. u., 1894; London, Eng. m. Alic^ 3rd d. of Robert Stayner Holford, . ^ ^ ^ t^ GREGORY, Charles Ernest, LL.B., K. M.P., Westonbirt, Gloucestershire, 1877; C; b. Fredericton, N.B., 5 May, 1856; a. of one 8. two d. Educ: Harrow; Trin. Coll. Charles Curier Gregory, C.E.; m. Maude Camb. (Senior in Law and History Tripos, Charlotte Graham, d. of David Graham, 1873); M.P. (L) S. Northumberland. 1880- Esq.; one s. Educ: King's Coll., Windsor, 85; Northumberland (Tyneside), 1885-86;- Damousie Coll., Halifax, N.S.; candidate Administrator of Rhodesia, 1896-97; Dir- ' for H. of C. for Guysboro Co., in Conser- ector of British South Africa Company, vative interest, 1896-1900. Address: Antig- 1898-1904; apptd. Gov. Gen.' of Canada, onish, N.S. Clubs: Halifax, N.S. 1904; owns obaut 17,600 acres. Publication: GREGORY, Hon, F. B,; one of the Hubert Hervey. a Memoir, 1899. Heir: Judges of the Supreme Court of British Viscount Howick. Address: Government Columbia; b. Fredericton, N.B., 1862; s. of House, Ottawa; Howick House, Lesbury, Hon. Mr. Gregory, a former Judge of the Northumberland. Club: Brooks's, London, Supreme Ct. of N.B. Educ: Coll^late Eng. Sen., Fredericton, and Harvard Univ., GRIER, Edmund TVyly, artist; b. Mel- where grad. 1884. Called to Bar of N.B., bourne, Australia, 26 Nov., 1862; a. of Chaa. 1884, and practiced law at Fredericton, Grier, L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., and Mrs. (nee' until 1890; when he Removed to Victoria, Morris) Grier; m. Florencfe Grale Dickson; B.C. For many yrs. a partner in the firm three s. two d. Educ: Bristol, Eng., and of FeW & Gregory; took an active part Up. Can. Coll.; arrived in Canada, 1876; in the cases arising out of the seizui;e exhibited at the Royal Aoadmey, London, of B.C. sealing schooners by U.S. revenue 1886 to 1895; studied under Legros, Bou- cutters; apptd. to his present position Nov., guereau, Flewry, Gold Medal, Paris Solon\^ 1909. Has taken great interest in military 1890; silver medal. Pan American Exhibit-" affairs, and was Col. of the 5th Regt., C.G.A. tion, 1901; Pres. Ont. Soc. Artistsrm^^' retiring with rank of Lieut. -Col. Address: R,C.A. Recreations: shooting and nshit^ B.C. Address: 73 Gormley Ave., and Imperutt^ . Victoria, _, ^ ,, GRENFELL, Wilfred Thomason, CM. Bank Chambers, Toronto, Ont. Clubs ' G., M.D., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., London; J.P., National, Toronto, Ont. . - Newfoundland; Superintendent of Labra- GRIFFIN, Frederick Thomas; Land dor Medical Mission of Royal National Mis- Commr. of the Canadian Pacific Ry. Co.; sions to Deep Sea Fishermen; b. 28 Feb., 6. Waterdowti, Ont., 29 Oct., 1853; m. 1878, 1865; s. of Algernon Sydney and Jane Geor- Edna E., d. of Charles Walker of Toronto, gina Grenfell; m. 1909, Anna MacClanahan, Ont.; three s. Educ: Pub. and High Schs., of Chicago, 111. Educ: Marlborough; Ox- of Hamilton, Ont. Employed in a law ford; London Hospital. Entered service of office in Hamilton: entered Govt, services R.N.M.D.S.F., 1889; after leaving Oxford, of Ont., in Dept. of Education, 1875; enter- where he played for the Univ. at Rugby ed service of"Canada North-West Land Co., football, he was House Surgeon to Sir 1882; entered Laiid Dept' of C.P.R., at Frederick Treves, Bart., at the London, Winnipeg, 1883; Asst. Land Commr., 1890; Hospital; fitted out the first hospital ship Land Commr., 1900. Address: Winnipeg. for tne North Sea fisheries, and cruised with Club: Manitoba. the fishermen from the Bay of Biscay to GRIFFINr Martin Joseph, LL.D.. CM. Iceland; established homes for them on G.; Parliamentary Librarian; b. St, John's, the land and arranged mission vessels for Nfld., 7 Aug., 1847; s. of Capt, P. Griffin, them at sea; came to Labrador, 1892, where m. 1872, Hapiet Staratt; three s. two d. he built four hospitals, a series of co-opera- Educ: Halifax, N.S. Arrived in Canada, tive stores, and an orphanage, and started 1854; barrister, solicitor, civil servant; for numerous small industrial schemes. Pub- some yrs. editor of the Halifax Herald, and lications: Vikings of To-day; The Harvest Toronto Mail; apptd. Parliamentary Lib- of the Sea; OflF the Rocks; Labrador and its rarian, 6 Aug., 1885. Publications: con- possibilities; many articles and monographs tributions to Blackwood's, and many other on deep-sea fisheries,, fishermen, and work periodicals. Has for many yrs. edited the 96 WHOS* WHO.

literary column "At Dodsley's." a feature money for education; Gold Medalist at of the Montreal Gazette's Saturday edition. O. A. C, Guelph; first class honors in Agri- Address:- 319 Daly Ave., Ottawa. Club: culture and Live Stock, Guelph and Iowa. golf, Ottawa. Publications: reports, etc. Recreations: GRIFFITH, Wmiam Lenny; 6. Bangor, carpentry. Address: Experimental Farm, North Wales, 16 Aug., 1864; a. of John Ottawa, Ont. Grifl&th, a well known public speaker and GROTJARD, Right Rev. Mgr. Emile, O. * lecturer, and Mary Elisabeth Rowlands; m.' MJ., D.D., Vicar Apostolic of Athabasba; J. Ruth Sutherland, Huron Co., Ont.: four b. SabM (Mans), France, 2 Feb., 1840. Educ «. two d. Educ: Grocers' Company Schs.; Little Seminary of Le Mans and Grand ' City of London^ Coll.; arrived in Canada, Seminary in Quebec; arrived in Canada, 1 882 ;took an active part in Manitoba politics 1859; ordained Priest, 3 May, 1862; enter- from 1886 to 1896; one of the first wheat ed community of Oblate Fathers, 21 Nov., exporters from Manitoba to England; 1863; Missionary among Indians of Cana- Canadian Agent in Wales; del^ate Cana- dian North West; named Titular Bishop dian Government to Patagonia; Permanent of Ibora, and Vicar Apostolic of Athabaska, Secretary, Canadian High Commissioners' 18 Oct., 1890. Address: Lesser Slave Lake, Office in London, since 1903. Recreationa: Alta. Cricket, gardening. Address: White Lodge, GROVES, Abraliam, M.D.; 6. Peter- 60 Tulse Hill, London, S.W. Eng. and borough, Ont., 8 Sept., 1847; s. of Abraham Emerson, Man. Clubs: Devonshire, Canada, Groves and Mai^aret Gibson; m. Jennie Royal Colonial Institute, London, Eng. Gibbon (deceased); one s. one d. Educ: GRIGG, Richard; His Majesty's 'Trade Fergus High Sch, and Toronto Univ.; Commissioner to the Dominion of Canada; founded Royal Alexandra Hospital, Fergus;

, J.P. for Counties of Durham and Devon Director of Farmer's Bank; Pres. Munro shire, Eng.; b. Plymouth, Eng., 6 Sept. Mines. Address :'FeTeua, Out. 1847; 8. of Richard Grigg and Matilda Clara GUERIN, James John Edmund, M.D.; ^ Lethbridge; m. Clara, d. of Adolphus Ayer Mayor of Montreal, 1910-11; b. Montreal, of Plymouth; one «. one d. Educ: Elmira, 4 July, 1856; s. of Thomas Guerin, C.E., and New York. Visited Canada^ 1872; engaged Mary Maguire (both IrisiOj widower. - in manufacturing and commercial pursuits ^Educ: Montreal Coll., and McGill Univ. in England, until 1904; special com. to (grad. in M-ed., 1878); Clinical Prof, in Canada for H. M. Board of Trade in 1906. Laval Univ. A Comnar' to settle the claims Publications: Conditions and prospects of arising from the North West Rebellion, British Trade in Canada (Blue Book). 1885. First el. to Quebec Leg. Ass. for Address: The New Sherbrooke, Montreal; Montreal Centre, 1895; re-el. at g. e., 1897. Wingfield, Devonport, Eng. Clubs: Royal A mem. of the Marchand Admn. without Western Yacht, Pylmouth; St. James', portfolio. Has been Pres. of St. Patrick'a Montreal; Constitutional, London. Soc, Shamrock Lacrosse Club, and many GRIMMER, Hon.TV^ard Chlpman Hazen, other organizations. El. Mayor of Mon- M.A., M.L.A.; Surveyor-General of New treal, Feb., 1910, as head of the Citizen's- Bnmswick; b. St. Stephen, N.B., 31 Oct., slate. Address: 4 Edgehill Av., Montreal, 1858; s. of George S. GrimmerLand Mary A. GUISE, Arthur; Comptroller to Hia Grimmer; m. 1884 Bessie E. Gove. A Excellency's Household; 6. Gorey, Wexford lawyer; Mayor of St. Stephen; warden o Co., Irel., 20 Fel?., 1868; s. of Lieut.-Gen, Charlotte Co.; an unsuccessful can. for J. C. Guise, V.C, C.B. Educ: Wellington Charlotte Co., at g. e., 1899; first returned C611., Berks. Asat. Priv. Sec. to Lord ' to the Legis. at g. e^ 1903; re-el. at g. e., Houghton, Lord Lieut, of Irel., 1892; 1908. Sworn of the Ex. Coun. as Surveyor- Comptroller to Lord Minto, Gov.-Gen. of General in the Hazen Govt., 24 March Can., 1898; priv. Sec. to Mr. W. Astor, 1908; re-el. by accl., 7 April. Address: St. 1904; Priv. Sec. to Ixjrd Rosebery, 1906; Stephen, N.B. Comptroller to Lord Grey, Gov.-Gen. of GRISDALE, Right Rev. John, D.D., Can., 1909. Address: ^t. Valeran, Irel. D.C.L., Lord Bishop of Qu'Appelle, Sask,; Club: Wellington, London, Eng.; Rideau, 67 Bolton, Lancashire, Eng.; s. of Robert Ottawa. and AUce Grisdale; m. Anne Chaplin, Leices- GIJRD, Charles; ^b. Edgeworthstown, tershire, Eng^ one a. one d. Educ: Church Irel., 1842. Educ: Watson's Academy, Miss Coll., London, Eng. Arrived in Montreal; McGill Univ. Arrived in Canada Canada, 1873; Canon of St. John's Cather- with hia parents in early childhood. Entered ral, Winnipeg, 1874 to 1878; Dean, 1878-96; firm of which he is now Pres., about 1868* Rector, of Qu'Appelle, 1896; Prof, of The- Mem. Montreal Bd. of Trade, Can. Manu- ology, St. John's Coll., Winnipeg, 1874-1878; facturers' Assn.; life governor, Montreal Prof, of Past. Theology, 1878-1896; Prol, of Gen. Hospital, Western Hospital, Protest- General Synod; Bishop of Qu'Appelle, 1896. ant Hospital for Insane; officer pf Dom, Examiner of Univ. and one of the original Commercial Travellers' Assn.; 'Treas. Dom. members of the Senate of the Univ. of Commercial Travellers' Mutual Benefit Soc. Saskatchewan. Recreations: chsBB. Address: Address: 65 McGill Coll., Av., Montreal. Bishop's Court, Indian Head, Sask, GURNET, Edward; Pres. of the Gurney GRISDALE, Joseph Hiram, B.Agr.; 6. Foundry Co.; 6. Hamilton, Ont., 4 August, St. Marthe, Que., 18 Feb., 1870; s. of Albert 1845; a. of Edward Gurney; m. 1868, Mary B. Grisdale and Elizabeth Simpson; m. Frances, d. of William A. Cromwell, of Ingersoll, s. three d. Laura Vipond, of Hudson, Que. , two s. two Ont.; two Educ: d. Educ: Vankleek' Hill, Albert Coll., Hamilton pub. schs. Admitted a mem. of Belleville, Toronto Univ., Ont. Agric. Coll., his father's firm, which Tvas converted into and Iowa- Agricultural Coll. A farmer's a ioint-atock Co., under the name of The son. Taught school for a few years to earn Gurney Foundry Co., 1891, of which he wns 97 ,


made Pres. Estbd. a foundry in Boston, J. Albert Copland, solicitor iof Chelmsford, Mass., 1887. El. Vice-Pres. of the Toronto Eng.; one s. Educ: at Dr."Pinche'B Sch., Bd. of Trade, 1895; Pres. 1896. Mem. Ex- George Yard, Lombard St., London. Came Committee of the National Sanitarium. to Canada, in 1874, but spent following Asan. Address) 44 Walmer Rd,, Toronto. two yrs. in Eng., in mercantile life. Entered GUSSOW, Hans. Theodor, botanist, service Montreal B. of T., 1877; Aast. Secy., Central Exp. Farm, Ottawa; b. Breslau, May, 1880; Secy, since 1886. Has been Silesia, 24 Aug., 1879; s. of Ernest Gusson, del. of Bd. to several Congresses of Chambers City Architect, Breslau and Helene Sirgel; of Com. of Empire, including Australia, m. Jenny Maria Hilzegrath; one a. Educ: 1909. - Address: 632 Dorcester S,t. W., Breslau St. Elizabeth Pub. Sch., Botan Montreal. CZu&; Canada, Montreal. Inst., Univ.. Breslau, Leipzig; arrived in HAGGART, Alexander, B.A., LL.B., Canada, 19 July, 1909. Asst. to Consulting K.C., M.P.; b. Peterborough, Ont,,.aS50r«. Botanist Royal Agricultural Society of of Archibald Haggart and Elizabeth Ilc- England, 1903-1909. Botanist to the Dom- Gregor; m. 1888, Elizabeth Littlen^les. inion Experimental Farm. F.R.M.S., M.T. Educ: Victoria Univ., Cobourg, Ont.; stud- de la S.T. de France; mem. of Assoc, of ied Law in Toronto, shortly afterwards Economic Biology; mem. of Assoc, of leaving for Manitoba ,and practiced in Botany; m.em. of American Assn. for Winnipeg; first el. to H. of C, 1908. Ad-

Advancement of Science; Corr. mem. Royal dress: 229 Kennedy St., Winnipeg. , Clubs: Hort. Soc, London. Recreations: Micros- Manitoba, Commercial, Advance, Winnipeg. copy and Philately. Address: 83 Fairmount HAGGART, Hon. John Graham, M.P.; Ave., Ottawa, Ont. b. Perth, Ont. ,-14 Nov., 1836; s. (^ the'late GUTHRIE, Donald, K.C.; Inspector of John Haggart, a native of Breadalbane, Registry Offices for Ontario; b. Scotland, Scot., and Isabella Graham of the Isle of 1840; 8. of Hu^ Guthrie and Catherine Skye; Educ: Perth; was Mayor of Perth, ^ MacGregor; m. Eliza Margaret MaoVicat 1867, 1869 and 1871; an unsuccessful candi- id. 1900); four s. three, d. Educ: Scotland date for the Ontario Legislature; elec. to and Canada. Came to Canada, 1854; cal- the H. of C. for S. Lanark, 1872, and each led *o Bap of Ont., 1866; apptd. Q.C. by subsequent election; entered Sir John A. Lieut.-Gov. of Ont., 1876, and by Gov.- Macdonald's Cabinet as Postmaster Gbti'l., Gen:, 1885. Mem. of H. of C. for South 3 Aug., 1888, and re-appointed to the same " Wellington, 1876-1882, and of Ont. Leg. office in the Abbott Administration; 'until Ass. 1886-1894; Bencher of Law Soc. of 11 Jan., 1892, when he became Minister of Upper Can. since 1882; apptd. to his present Railways and Canals; held the same- port- position 1895. Recreation: gardening. Ad- folio in the Thom.pson, Bowell and Tupper dress: "Ardmay," Guelph, Ont. Club: Administrations, retiring with the latter Priory, Guelph. _ 8 July, 1896; resigned from the Bowell GUTHRIE, Hugh, K.C., M.P.; b. Guelph, Ministry, 4 Jan., 1896, and was re-apptd." to

Ont., 13 Aug., 1866; s. of Donald Guthrie the same office, 15 Jan., 1896; was elec. . and Eliza Ma^aret Guthrie; m, Maude Chairman of the Executive of the Liberal Henrietta Scarff; three s. one d. Educ: Conservative Union of Ont., Oct., 1896.

Guelph Collegiate Inst . , Osgoode Hall, Presbyterian; Conservative. Address: Perth Toronto. Called to Bar, Ontario, Jan., Ont. 1888; created K.C. June, 1902; elected to HAGUE, Rev, Canon Dyson, M.A.; Can-

, H. of C. for South Wellington at g. e., 1900- on of St. Paul Cathedral, London, Ont.-; h,. 1904-1908; chairm.an Railway Committee Toronto, Ont., 1857; s. of George H3gue. H. of C. since 1907. Address: Guelph, Ont. Esq., Montreal (late Gen'l. Manager, Mer^

GZOWSKI, Casimir S.; b. Toronto, Ont. chants Bank, Montreal) ; m. J. Baldwin, d. 2 Dec, 1847; s. of Col. Sir Casinur, K.C.M. of Robert Baldwin and g. d. of late Hon. G., and Lady Gzowski, m. Mary Bell. Robt. Baldwin; two 8. two d. Curate, St. Buffalo. N.Y., U.S.A.; seven a. three d. James' Cathedral, Toronto; first Rector 6f~ Educ: Leamington Coll., Eng., and Toronto St. Paul's, Brockville; 7th Rector St. Paul's, Univ., Toronto, Ont. Address: 60 Glen Halifax, 1890-97; Professor of Liturgies, Road, Rosedale, Toronto. WycliflEe Coll., 18^7-1902; since 1903, Rec- tor Memorial Church, London, Ont. Pub- lications: Protest of Prayer Book (3rd ed.. Cab. and 2 English); Church of England

before the Reformation; Confirmation. Ad- , dress: Memorial Church Rectory, London, HACKETT, James Keteltas; b. Wolfe Ont. Island, Ont., 6 Sept., 1869; s. James Henry HAGUE, George; b. Rotherham, York- and Clara C. Hackett; m. 1,897, Mary shire, Eng., 13 Jan., 1825; s. of John Hague, Mannerin. Grad. Coll. of City of New draper and tailor, Rotherham; m. (1st) Miss York, 1893; studied New York Law School. Cousins, d. of Jax M. Cousins, of Sheffield, Made his debut on stage in Palmer's Stock Eng.; 2nd, Miss Matcheson, of Philadel-- T.

Co., 1892; leading man New York Lyceum ghia. Pa. Educ: Moorgate Acad., Rother- . at 26; most notable succei^. Prisoner of am. Arrived in Can., 1854; for 25 years J

Zenda, and its sequel, Rupert of Hentzau, gen. mgr. of the Merchants Bank of Can. ; a.:^ and The Pride of Jennico; now one of the governor of McGill Univ.; Vice-Ptes., Mon- few actor-managers in America. Clubs: treal Diocesan Coll. For many years has The Players. Address: 38 E. 33d. St., New taken an active part in the development 6(. ^ York. religious life and work in Canada throii^'^ HADBIIili, George; Secy. Montreal Bd. medium pf Anglican Church and Y.M.C.A.'-; of Trade; b. LondTon, Eng., 2 Aug., 1848; of Publications: articles Many on banking m , Ei^lish parentage; m. Emmeline L., d, of financial journals, covering a long series df C WHO'S WHO. ' HANBURY-WILLIAMS

years; a practical treatise on banking and the life of Principal G. M. Grant. Address: Commerce; 3 vols, of Stadiei in the Bio- 9 Cliff St., Ottawa, Ont., Club: Rideau, graphy and History of the Old- Testament. Ottawa. Recteationa: &vt, literature. Address: "Roth- HAMILTON, Bev, Harold Francis, M. erwood," RedpathSt., Montreal; Fairmount A., B.D.; h. Quebec, 1876; s. Charles Hamil- Lot^e, Ste. Agathe des Monts, Que. ton, Archbishop of Ottawa^ and Frances HAXE, Cdward John; b. Quebec, Que., Louisa Hamilton. Educ: Tnnijby Coll. Sch., 1833; 8. of th&late Hon. Edward- Hale; m, Port Hope, Ont., and Christ Church, Oxford 1866, Miss Sewell, of Quebec (now deceased) Eng. Curate St. Matthew's Church, Que., one 8. Educ: Bishop's Coll., Sch., Lennox- 1900-1902^ Lecturer Bishop's Coll., 1902- vlUe. Removed to Sherbrooke with his 1906; Instuctor General Seminary, New parents in early childhood; Boston, Mass. York, 1906-1907; Professor Bishop's Coll. 1S53, and entered office of J. M. Forbes & 1907. Recreations: Tennis, golf,.hockey. Co., china merchants, as junior clerk; re- Address: Bishop's Coll., Lennoxville, Que. turned to Quebec, 1875; acts as executor HAMILTON, John, M.A., D.C.L., Chan- of his father's estate. Dir. Union Bank of cellor, Univ. of Bishop's Coll., Lennoxville,

Can. ; Treas., Fihlay Asylum of Quebec, and _ Que.; 6. Quebec, 7 Sept., 1851; s. of Robert St. George's Soc, for many years. Recrea- Hamilton and Isabella H. Thomson; m. Idia tions: boating, shooting, hshing. Address: M., d. of A. C. Buchanan, g. d. of Chief Sides Carrieres St., Quebec. Clubs: Garrison, Justice Bowen; four d. Educ. : Bishop's Coll.,

> Quebec, Stadacona Fish afid Game. School; Trinity Coll., Toronto. , Merchant, HAH, George Henry; 6. "Trenton, Ont., retired. Recreations: yachting, golf. Ad' 23 Aug., 1847; a. of John Vandal Ham, and dress: 48 Rue des Carrieres, Quebec. Clubs: Eliza A. E. Glute Ham; m. Martha Helen Garrison; Quebec; Royal Canadian Yacht. Blow; one a. two d. Educ: Whitby Gram. Toronto. Sch., Ontario; went to Winnipeg in 1875, HAMILTON, Miss May; d. of the late was alderman and School Trustee of Win- James Cleland Hamilton, B.A,, Honbrg^-ad. nipeg for several years; Correspondent for- of the Toronto Conservatory of Music; Toronto Mail and St. Paul Minn., Pioneer organist of Cook's Church, Toronto, and Press, during tEe rebellion of 1885; City mus. teacher; Canadian representative of editorj Winnipeg Free Press; managir^ edi- the New York Musical Courier. Fof three tor Winnipeg Tribune and Winnipeg Times; yrs. edited the Toronto Conservatory Bi- member Parliamentary Press Gallery, Ot- monthly Magazine. Returned to Canada tawa, for several years. In 1891, went on after being on the staff of the Musical the staff of the C. P. Ry. Co., with which he Courier in Chicago and New York. Re- still continues as publicity agent. Publica- moved to Victoria, and continued musical

tions : The New West ( 1 884) ; The Flittin? of career, giving piano lessons. Publications: the Gods (1906). Address: 4132 Western A poem op "Sir Henry Irving," printed in Av,, Westmount, Que .; Clubs: Montreal; the Vancouver News Advertiser. A number Laurentian, Ottawa. of poems tending to uphold the superiority HAMILTON, Most Rev. Charles, M.A. of the soul. Address: 1020 Collinson St.

(Oxford); D.D. (Bishop's CoU.),D.C.L. Victoria, B.C. Club: Ladies' Musical. , (Trinity); Archbishop of Ottawa and Me- HAMILTON. Lieut.-Col, Robert Bald- tropolitan of Canada; 6^ Hawkesbury, Ont., win; b. Toronto, Ont., 10 Oct., 1847. 6 Jan., 1834; a. George Hamilton, of Que. 5. Sidney Smith and Ann Coulthard Hamil- and Hawkesbury, and Susan Craigitl Hamil- ton; m. Mary Kate Pellatt; one s. Educ: ton; m. Frances Louisa Hume Thomson Model and Model Gram. Sch., Toronto. On four s. five d. Educ: Montreal High Sch., leaving sch., joined his father in business. Univ. Coll., Oxford, Eng. Ordained Dea- Inspector of vital statistics for 13 years; con, St. Matthew's Cath., Quebec, 21 Sept., resigned and now engaged as Mining broker 1857; ordained Priest, 1858; enthroned as and in machinery business. For several Bishop of Hamilton, Ont., 20 May, 1335; yrs. mem. of Toronto City Cpun. and Public translated to Ottawa Diocese, 1896; chosen Sch. Bd. Served 31 years continuously in as Metropolitan of Canada, by the House of 2nd Quuen's Own Rifles; rose from tne Bishops, in the Ecclesiastical Prov. of Can., ranks and was Commanding OfiBcer for 8 1909; Archbishop of Ottawa, 1909. Re- years, retiring in 1897; Commanding Officer creations: reading, walking. Address: 495 Boys* Brigade for some years; was an active Wilbrod St., Ottawa, Ont. lacrosse player for years, captain of his team HAMILTON, Cl^arles Frederick, M.A.; for 13 years, and President for three years; b. Roslin, Hastings Co., Ontario, 7 Dec, Pres. of National Amateur Lacrosse Assn. 1369; s. Charles Samuel Hamilton, M.D., twice, and one of the founders and first CM., and Alice, d. of Geo. Edward Jaques, Pres., Canadian- Lacrosse Association; a Montreal; m. (Ist) Clarissa, e. d. of Donald Liberal. Address: 267 Sherbourne Street. Wilson ^oss, barrister-at-law, sometime of Office: 24 Aberdeen Chambers, Toronto. Walfcerton, Ont.; (2nd) Elisia Henrietta, d. HANBURY-WILLIAMS, General Sir of the Rev. James Mockridge, B^leville, John, K.C.M.G., C.V.O.; 6. 19 Oct., sometime Rector of St. George's xJhurch, 1859; y. a. of late Ferdinand Hanbury- Belleville; one d. Educ: Picton and Camp- Williaras of Coldbrook Park, Monmouth- belUord High Sch., Queen's University, shire; m. 1888, Annie Emily, e. d. of Emile Kingston,. Ont.; employed on Toronto Reiss; two s. three d. Educ: Wellington Globe, 1893 to 1903, serving as its corres- Coll. Joined 43rd Light Infantry, 1878; pondent in South Africa; connected with apptd. A.D.C. to Lt.-Gen. Sir E. Hamley, Toronto News since 1903; its resident dor- commanding 2nd Div. in I^ypt, 1882; respondent at Ottawa, since 1904. Corr. battle of Tel-el-Kebir, horse shot (despat- Morning Post, London. Eng. Publications: ches, medal with clasp, bronze star, 5th coUoborated with W. L. Grant in writing class Medjidie); extra A.D.C. to Sir M. E. 99 WHO'S WHO.

Grant Duff, Governor of Madras, 1884, and to 1886 in Audit Department of New York again 1885; apptd. extra A.D.C. to Lt.-Gen. West Shore & Buffalo Railway, at New Sir H. Macph^son, Burma, 1S86; adjutant York. Went to Portage La Prairie in 1886 3rd Oxford Light Infantry, 1892-97, Mil- as chief accountant of the Manitoba & itary Sec. to His Ex. Sir A. Milner, 1897- Northwestern Railway; apptd. Treasurer in 1900; Secretary to Secretary of State for 1892, and land commissioner in 1893. War, 1900-3; served South Africa, 1899- Became first Gen. Supt. of the Can. Nor. 1900 (despatches, medal and 3 clasps, pro- Ry., at its inception in 1896, remaimng with moted Lieut.-Ool., half-pay). Military Sec- headquarters at Winnipeg till 1902, when retary to Hla Excellency Earl Grey, 1904-9; he became third Vice-Pres. and was trans- Brigadier-General, Scottish Command, 1909 ferred to Toronto. Still holds that office Recreations: hunting, golf, shooting. Ad- Apptd. Pres. of the Can. Northern Que. dress: Edinburgh, Scot. Clubs: Army and Ry. in 1903, and Pres. of the Quebec & Navy; Travellers, London, En^. Lake St. John Railway in 1907. Is also HANCEi, James Buslck, artist; b. Eng- third Vice-Pres. of the Can. Northern Ont. land. 19 Jan., 1847; of English parentage; Ry„ and third Vice-Pres. of the Halifax m. Emily, d. of the late I. W. Ritchie; one & South Western Ry. Apptd. a receiver 8. Educ: England. Visited France and of the Chicago & Milwaukee Electric Ry. in Italy in order to advance his artistic edu- 1908. Director of many companies, in- cation; finally settled in Canada, 1895. ducing Winnipeg Electric Ry.; Manufac- Devotes himself principally to the scenery turers' Life Assurance Co.; London and of the Prov. of Que., and esp. the Lower Canadian Loan and Agency Co.; Canadian St. Lawrence. Addreasea: Morrin College, Northern Prairie Lands Co.; Western Fire Quebec; Murray Bay, Que. Insurance; British Empire Trust Co. Ad- \

HANBT, Michael John, C.E., contrac- dress: Toronto, Ont. Clubs.' Toronto, Al- j tor; 6. Galway Co., Irel., 5 Sept., 1854; *. bany, Toronto; Winnipeg, and Brandon. of Peter Haney and Bridget Ruddy; m. HANNA, Hon. WUfiam John, K.C.; 1881, Margaret Godfrey, of Kingston, Ont.; Prov. Sec. and Registrar-General of the five o. Educ. : Watertown, N.Y. Came to Prov. of Ontario; b. Adelaide, Middlesex Canada, May, 1873. First worked on the Co., Ont., 13 Oct., 1862; s. of George Hanna farm; in 1872, was Asst. Engr. at the build- and Jane_ Murdoek; m. (1st) 1891, Jean G. ing of the Kingston and Pembroke Ry.; Neil; (2nd) Maud MacAdams, of Sarnia, Divisi<$nal Engr. on the Lake Ontario Shore Ont.; one s. two d. Educ: Pub. Sch., Road in 1877; aupt. of the Pembina branch Brooke Tp., Lambton Co. A barrister. Of the C.P.R., 1879, being fir^t Supt. on the An unsuccessful can. for H. of C. for West C.P.R.; Supt. of construction of sees. 14 Lambton at g. e., 1896 and 1900. First el. and 15 of the C.P.R., which cost $4,000,000, to Legls. at g. e., 1902; re-elec. at g. e. 1881; Divisional Supt. of the lines west of 1905. Apptd. Prov. Sec. in Wiiitney Admn. Winnipeg, 1882; Mgr. of construction for 8 Feb., 1905; re-el. by accl. at bye-el., 21 Andrew Onderdonk, of 370 miles of the Feb., 1905; re-el. at g. e., 1908. Address: C.P.R. in British Columbia, 1883-1887. Toronto, Ont. Was the first contractor of the Red River HANNAH, George Weir; Passr. Mgr. of Valley Ry. from Winnipeg to West Lynn, the Allan Steainship Line, Montreal;, b. now part of the Mackenzie i& Mann system, Glasgow, Scot., 5 Dec, 1847; a. of William 1886: was contractor of the Sault Ste. Marie and Margaret Hannah; m. Cora A. Kissam; Canal, 1889-1896; Mgr. of the construction one s. one d. Educ: Glasgow, and Brook- work of the C.P.R., 1897. Also built the lyn L. Coll., New York. (Grad. 1874). Crow's Nest Pass Ry., and the Hillsbo- (3ame to Canada, 1893; has for- forty-two rough Bridge, P.E.I,; in 1903 built the years been continuously connected with the Locomotive and Machine Works at Longue North Atlantic Passenger business; Asso- Pointe, Montreal. Since 1904 has built the ciated with the Inman Steamship (3o., New Toronto tunnel, several break-waters, and York, for twenty-five years., and passenger other contracts with the Dom. Govt. Is mgr. of the Allan Line, Montreal, for seven- » associated with the Montreal Locomotive teen yrs. Address: 186 Mansfield St., Mon- and Machine Co. , Montreal ; Canadian' treal. Cluba:Bt. James', Canada, Montreal. Locomotive Co., Kingston; Pres. Canadian HANNON, James Willson, Judge of the Portland Cement Co.; Dir., Home Bank» District Court of, the Judicial District of and North American Life Insur, Co. ; mem. Regina, in the Prov. of Sask.; b. Hamilton, of the Toronto and Canadian Soc. of Civil Ont., 11 Oct., 1870; s. Rev. James Hannon, Engineers. Pres., Ontario Club; founder D.D., and Sarah Margaret Willson; m. and mem, of the Bd, of Governors of the Emma Orilla Woods. Educ: Schs. of Ont. Catholic Church Extension Soc. of Can. Tai^ht Sch. and studied law; went west; Recreations: fishing, motoring, riding, Ad- Crown Prosecutor for Sask,; Town Solicitor dresaes': Home Bank Bl(^. (Bus.); Clifden at Prince Albert ; Agent of Dominion Lands Hall, Rosedale, Toronto. Cluha: National, and Crown Timber Agent at Prince Albert; Ontario, Toronto; Rideau, Ottawa; Mani- Registrar of Land and Titles at Bitttleford. toba. Winnip^. Add/ess: 2276 Lome St., Regina, Sask: HANNA, D. Blythj b. Thornlieba-nk, HARCOURT, Hon. Richard, M.A., LL. Scot., 20 Dec, 1858; s. of William and Janet D., D.C.L., K.C., M.L.A., Ontario, contin- Blair Hanna; m. Maggie Garland, Portage ouusly from 1878 to 1905; Member of Cab- La Prairie, Man.; one s. two d.; Educ: inet since 1888 to 1905; late Minister of Thomliebank and Glasgow, Scoti; arrived Education; b. 17 March, 1849; s. of late in Canada, 1882; began as a junior -clerk Michael Harcourt, M.P., m. Augusta H. on the Glasgow, Barrhead and Kilmarnock Young;- three s. Educ: Toronto Univ- .Railway, 1874; entered GrandTrunk Audit- Barr., 1876; Q.C.. 1890; D.C.L. Trinity ing Department, Montreal, 1882; from 1884 Univ.; LL.D., Univ. of Toronto; Treasurer JOO WHO'S WHO HABBINQTOK

of Province; 1888-98; a Liberal. Address: he still holds. Address: Ontario Ladies' Welland, Ontario. College, Wliitby, Ont. HARDING, His Hon. John Elley, K.C.,Co. HABKNESS, James, M.A., F.R.S.C; b. Ct. Judi;eoftlie Co. of Victoria; 6. Beverley Derby England, 24 Jan., 1864; 8. of the late Tp., Wentwortii Co., Ont., 29 May, 1840 John Harkness of Derby; m. Katharine E. 0. of Johti Harding and Jane Talbot; m, Cam, d. of Rev. W. H. Cam. Birchanger 1866, Mary, d. of George Stevenson, of Rectory, Herts. Educ: Derby Sch.; ar- Sarma, Ont.; two 8. three d. Educ: Com. rived in Canada, 1903; scholar of Trinity Soils., private tuition, Garadoc Acad., nr. Coll., Cambridge, 1882-8; Professor of London, Ont. At age of seventeen com- Maths, at Brynmaur Coll., Pennsylvania menced study of law in office of Bicliard for a number of years. From 1903, Prof. Bayley, K:C., London, Ont., and later in at McGill Univ.; mem. Royal Society of office of Eocles & Carroll, Toronto; called Canada; Am. Math. Soc, London Math. to Bar of Upper Can., 1866, and began Soc; recently Vice-Pres.^ American Math. practice in St. Mary's, Out.; removed to Society. Publications: joint author with Stratford, Ont., 1884, where he practiced Prof. Frank Morley of two treatises on the for fourteen yrs. Apptd. Q.C., 1899, and Theory of Tunneling. Local Master Addre'ss: 23 Lorqe of the High Ct. at Stratford, Av., Montreal. in 1890; apptd. to his present position, 1898. Chr., Coll. Inst. Bd. of St. Mary's HABLING, Thomas; b. Liverpool, Eng., for two yrs., and a mem. for thirteen yrs. 5 July, 1859; 8. of Mark and Agnes Harling; m. A distinguished mem. - of the Masonic Grace Parry, 1884; two s. three d. Educ: Order, in which Order he has held important St. Peter's Church Sch. and Liverpool Coll.; - offices. Grand Master of the Grand Lodge arrived in Canada, 1895; received training of Canada, 1902-03. Address: Lindsay, in shipping office of Wm. Hunter & Co., Ont. from 1873; succeeded to firm in 1883; in, HABDIIVG, Bight Bev. ISalcolm Taylor business on bis own account as sliip broker McAdam, D.D"., coadjutor Bishop of in Liverpool, until 1895, when he joined l^u'Appelle, Sask. For twenty three years Elder Dempster & Co., and opened office in the service of the Canadian Anglican for them in Montreal; 'The Elder Dempster Church. Very early in his career he was Co. sold out to the C. P. Ry., when he joined stationed at Mattawa, from which he was Fred. Leyland & Co., as their agent in Can- transferred to Brockville, Ont. Called to ada, until absorbed by American combine; the West, and became Kector of St. Mat- now in'business on his own account and agent thew's, Brandon, Man.; Archdeacon of the for Bristol docks. Address: 105 St. Antoine Diocese; Co-adjutor Bishop of Qu'Appelle. Road, Westmount Que. ; 406 Board of Trade Address: Qu'Appelle, Sask; Bldg., Montreal. Club: Canada>. HABOEB, Worth Cleland, Can. Corr., HABBINGTON, B. J., B.A., Ph.D., LL. the Chicago Tribune; b. Niles, Mich., U.S.A., D., Director, Macdonald Chemistry and 27 Aug., 1881; «. of James E. and Florence Mining Building, and Macdonald Professor M. Harder; m. Caroline Selden Gale. En- of Chemistry, McGill Univ., Montreal; b gagod in newspaper work in the U.S.A. St. Andrews, Que., 5' August, 1848; s. of since 1901; Washington corr. Minneapolis William Harrington and Laura Seymour, Tribune, 1907; apptd. Can. corr. Chicago both born in Canada; m. 1876, Anna Lois Tribune, 1909. Address: 162 Daly Ave., Dawson, c. d. ' of late Sir J. W. Dawson, Ottawa. Ciaft; National Press. Principal McGill Univ.; three s. four d. HABDT, His Hon. Alexander David, Educ: early education mostly by private County Judge of Co. of Brant ,and localJudge tuition; McGill Univ^^ 1865-69; Yale Univ., of the High Court of Justice; b. Brantford, 1689-71. Obtained First Rank Honours in Ont., 13 July, 1859; 8. of Russell Hardy and Natural Science and Logan Gold Medal on JuVetta Sturges, both of U. E. L. descent; graduation, 1869, and later the Mineralogy m. Mary Elomabet Curtis, e. d. of David Prize at Yale. Apptd. Lecturer in Chem- Curtis, Esq., Collefctor of Customs; one s. istry at McGill, 1871, and the following year oned. ^duc; Brantford and London, Ont. succeeded Dr. T. Sterry Hunt as Chemist Called to the Bar 1886; first practiced at and Mineralogist to the Geol. Survey of London, Ont., and in 1890 became member Canada; discharged duties of both positions of fion of Hardy, Wilkins and Hardy at for seven years, and then retired from Geol. Brantford. Apptd. to the Bench, 23 April, Survey in order to devote entire time to 1897; has been active in extending the teacliing work at McGill; apptd. David usefulness of Public Libraries, and Ex- Greenshields Professor of Chemistry and Pres. of the Ontario Library Assn. Recrea- Mineralogy in 1883; for many years also tion: golf. Address: 56 Wellington Strebt, lectured on both mining and inetallurgy; Brantford, Ont. Club: Brantford. has been President of the Nat. Hist. Soc. HABE, John James, M.A., Ph.D., b. in of Montreal, President of the Chemical and Tp. of Nepeau, six miles from Ottawa, 3 Physical Section of the Royal Soc. of Can.;

Oct., 1847; 8. of Robert Hare and Barbara Vice-President, Chemical Section of Briti^ . Stiillington Hare; m. Katherine Isabella Association CToronto), etc. Publications: McDowell,' d. of the late Rev. D. C. Mc- Notes on Daw^onite, a new Carbonate; Dowell; two 8. Educ.: Victoria Univ. Notes/on the Iron Ores of Canada and their Entered the ministry of the Methodist Development; The Minerals of some of the Church in June, 1867, and was stationed ^atite-bearing Viens of Ottawa County, at Chatham, Ont.; Smith's Falls, and Lon- Que.; the Sap of the Ash-leaved Maple; don, Ont.; was called to the Principalship etc., etc.; Life of Sir William Logan, First of the Ontario Ladies' Coll., Whitby, Ont., Director of the^Geol. Survey of Canada. in Sept., 1874; became governor as well as Recreations: gardening and music. Address: Principal in 1879. both of which positsion 295 University St., Montreal. 101 \

WHO'S WHO. HABBIS, Mrs. Dennis B. (Martha HABBISS, Charles Albert Edwin, M us. Douglas); h. Victoria, B.C., 8 June, 1854; Doc, Cantuar; F.R.A.M. (hon.); composer, d. of the late Sir James Douglas, K.C^., conductor; b. London, Eng., 17_Dec., 1892; and Elizabeth and Lady Douglas ; m. Dennis Reginald s. of Edwin Harriss Duff; m, Harris, C.E.; two 8. two d. Educ: Victoria Ella Beatty-Shoenberger, of Scarlet Oaks and England. Publication: Indian Legends. Cincinnati,' O., and Earhscliffe, Ottawa. Recreations: riding, driving, physical cul- Educ: St. Michaels Coll., Tenbiury, Eng., ture, painting, music, gradenii^. Address: Came to Can., Dec, 1882. Ouseley scholar, 603 Superior St., Victoria, B.C. 1875; organist and rector of the choir, HABBIS, Lloyd, M.P.; b. Beamsville, Montreal Cathedral, 1883; conductor state Ont-, 14 March, 1867; s. of John and Alice concerts to Hia Excellency the Gov.-Gen.; Jane Harris; m, Evelyn F. Blackmore; one ex-dir., McGill Univ. Conservatorium of d. Educ: Brantford Pub. Sch., Woodstock Music; hoUi-dir., Associated Bd. Exams., Coll., and Brantford Coll^ate Inst. Pres., Royal Coll. and Royal Acad. ; Director, Brantford Screw Co., Ltd.; Pres. Brantford Empire Concerts, London; Liveryman of the Bd. of Trade, 1903; Director Dominion Worshipful Co. of Musicians; life mem., Power and. Transmission Co., Underfeed Roy. Soc of Musicians; mem. Soc. of Stoker Co., of America; Trust and Guaran- British Composers; life mem. Union of tee Co., of America; mem. of Brantford City Graduates in music of G.B.; mem., British Council, 1905-6; Ont. Vice-Pres., Can. Musical Assn.; advisor in Can. to ^iRoy. Manufacturer's Assn., 1906; First elec. at Coll. of Organists; directed first Cycle g. e., to H. of C, 1908; a Liberal. Address: Musical Festivals of British compositions 110 Brant Av., Brantford, Ont. Clubs: throughout the Dom., 1903; directed Gan- Brantford, Toronto, National, Ontario, a^an British" Festival, London, in the Toronto Hunt, R.CY.C, Toronto; Rideau, presence of H.M. The King, 1906; guest Ottawa; Sports, London, Eng. conductor at London Symphony Orchestral

HABBIS, Bobert, C.M.G., R.C.A.; &. Concert, given in honour of , PEeSOiifrs of Wales, 1849; s. of Wilham Critchlow Harris; Empire attending Colonial Conference, m. Elizabeth Putnam; Educ: Prince of London, 1907; brought 200 members of

Wales Coll., Gharlottetown, P.E.I. ; arrived the Sheffield Choir to Can., 1908; apptd. in Canada, 1856; has received gold medals del. for Can., to National Congress and and other awards at several art exhibitions, Hayden Centenary, Vienna; guest con- including International ones at Chicago, ductor, Cape Town Municipal Musical Buffalo, St. Louis, and Paris; when quite Festival, 1909; visited and lectured in young was a Provincial Land Surveyor; England, Canada, Fizi, Australia, Tasman- after practicing, and self-teaching went to ia, New Zealand, and South Africa, in the

Europe for study; paints figure subjects ,. interest, of musical reciprocity, 1909. Pub- and occasionally landscapes; chiefly por- lications: "Daniel before the King;" '^Tor- traits; was Pres., R.C.A. for 15 years. quil;" "The Admiral;" "Festival Mass;" Chef d'oeuvre "The Fathers of Confedera- "Pan;" "Coronation Mass, Edward VII;" tion" now hanging in Parlt. Bldgs., at Ot- "The' Sands of Dee;" Empire choruses, tawa. Address: 11 Durocher St., Montreal; songs, organ and pianoforte pieces, anthems Art Gallery Bldg., Philip's Square, Mon- etc.- Recreations: big game shooting, fishing, treal, Que. poultry raising. Addresses: "Eamscliffe,' HABBIS, Bobert Edward, K.C., D.C.L.; Ottawa; "Eamscliffe Lodge," Banff, Alta. b. Annapolis, N.S.; s. of Robert J. Harris 160 Wardour St., London, W., England. and Rebecca (Ditmars) Harris; m. Minnie CZwfes: Rideau, Hunt, Golf, Ottawa; Savage, L., d. of James Horsfall of Annapolis Royal. German Athenaeum, London, Eng.; York Educ: at Annapolis Royal; studied Law Lodge, Manitoba. with J. M. Owen at Annopolis and after- Thomas, M.A., D.D.; b. wards with Messrs. Thompson and Graham HABT, Bev, Paisley, Scot., 6 Sept., 1835; a. of John Hart (Right Hon. Sir J. S. D. Thompson, Hon. and Jean Simple; m, Isabella Mar- Mr. Justice Graham); admitted to the Bar Mason garet Malloch, y. d, of Judge Mallochr Perth, in 1882; Q.C., in 1889; practiced law in Ont.; four s. two d. Educ: Perth, Ont., Yarmouth, N.S., and in 1892, joined firm Queen's Univ., Kingston, and Edinburgh of Henry, Harris and Hen^, Halifax; Pres. Univ., Scot. Arrived in Canada, 1842; of the Council of the N.S. Bar Society; graduated as B.A. in 1860j^ M:.A.,1868; apptd. Chancellor, Diocese of N.S., in 1905; B.D., 1880; D.D., 1902; made licentiate of ,Pres. of the N.S. Steel Co., and Eastern Presbyterian Church, 1864; Professor of Trust Company; Director of Trinida.d Classics in Manitoba Coll., 1872. Address: Electric Co., Acadia Sugar Refining Co., 448 Qu'Appelle, Av., Winnipeg, etc. Address: 15 South Park St., Halifax, N.S. CZu&: Halifax. HABTNET, Edward Patrick; 6. Tor- HABBISON, WnUam S., M.D.; 6. Mil- onto, Ont., 6 March, 1851; a. of Henry and ton, Co. Halton, Ont., 10 Aug., 1864; s. of Sarah Hartney; m. Laura Weston of Tor- William Harrison, a farmer, and Hannah onto; brie «. one d. Educ: High Sch., Que.; - Hessey. Educ: Milton Public Sch., and entered Pub. Service of Canada in 1872, in Toronto Univ.; a Controller of the Qty of the Private Bill branch of the H. of C; Toronto; head Physician, Canadian Order drafted the first model railway bill, adopted Woodmen of the World, since 1894; grad- by the House in 1887, and was appointed uated in Medicine, 1880; practiced in Brant- Sbcaminer of private bills in 1887, and ford, in 1896; since that time in the City of Registrar of private bills; in 1907. Publica- Toronto. Elec. Alderman, Ward 4, To- tions: a manual showing the private bill ronto, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906; Controller, practice of the Parliament of Canada, 1882, 1907, 1908, 1909. Address: 32 Borden St., Address: 357 Sparks St., Ottawa. Clubs: Toronto. Club: Ontario, Toronto. Rideau, Country, Lttawa. 102 . WHO'S WHO.

HABTT, WUUam, M.P.; 6. Biddolph, General Francis Mitchell Haultain, and County of Middlesex, Ont., S March, 1847; Isabella Thomas; m. Am^ Millicent Eraser; a. of John Harty and Elizabeth Heenan; one 8. one d, Educ: Private Sch., Brighton m. Catherine M. Bermingham, of Ottawa; Eng.; Bedford Gram. Sch., Eng.;. Univ. of a. three one d. JSduc: Christian Brothera' ' Toronto; Journalist} for'many years private Sch. and K%eoi>ohs Coll., Kingston, Ojnt. Secretary to Goldwxn Smith. Publications: mem. of Administration, Ontario Legisla- "Two coimtry walks in Canada"; "The mys- ture for over 5 years; in mercantile and tery of golf;" "Hints for Lovers, etc." manufacturing business. El. to H. of C, Address: 49 Springhurst Ave., Toronto. - 1902; re-elected 1904-1908. Address: King- Club': Toronto Golf. ston, Ont. Clubs: Fronteiiac, Kingston; HAYEBSON, James Percival; b. Tor- -' Bideau, Ottawa. onto, Ont., 3 Oct., 1880; s. James Haverson, HABVEY, Henry Allen; b.Edgebaston, K.C.; m. Jessie Hodson, one d. Educ: Warwickshire, Eng., 24 April, 1862; a. of Model ^ Sch., Toronto; Ridley Coll.. St. Henry Logan Harvey, Apothecary to the Catharines, Ont., and Ontario Law Sch. forces, WoolwiclL, Eng.; m. Kate Alley; Toronto. Publications: "Sour Songs of a one a. eight d. Educ: High Sch., Quebec, Sorehead," and other songs of the street; and King's Coll. Sch., London, Eng.; ar- also magazine and newspaper stories; artic- rived in Canada, 1862; entered service of les and verse; newspaper work. Address: .. Bank of British North America in 1873; The Wprld, Toronto. Club: Press, Toronto.

Manager at Kingston, , 1 ; Ont . 890 St HAWKE, John Thomas, proprietor John, N.B., 1891-1900; Ottawa, 1901. Ad- The Monctpn Transcript; 6. Plymouth, dress: Ottawa. Clubs: Rideau. Ottawa. Devon, Eng. 30 April, 1854; a. of J. P.' HABVEY, Hon. Horace, B.A., LL.B., Hawke and M. A. Harvey; m. Delia Th6m- Puisne Judge-of the Superior Court of Al- ton; three d. Educ: Plymouth Free Schs. berta; 6, Malahide Tp. Elgin Co., Ont., 1 Arrived Can., 1873. On several leading Oct., 1863; a. of Wm. Harvey and Soph- Canadian newspapers, including the Tor- rainia Mack; m. Louise Palmer of Toronto; onto Globe and Ottawa J^ree Prcsa; 'chair- one 8. Educ: Univ. Coll., Toronto Univ., man Moncton ^ch. Board for ten yrs. called to the Bar, Ont., 1889; practiced in Presdt. Moncton Liberal Assn. for nine Toronto, until 1893; went^to Calgary and yrs., besides other public positions. Ad- called to the Bar of N. W. T.; in 1896, apptd dress: JAoncton, N.B. Registrar of Land Titles for South Alberta HAWKES, Arthur; b. Aylesfotd, Kent

Land R^istration District, at Calgary; in Eng 15 Dec., 1871 ; a. of Wilham and Sarah 190D,, apptd. Deputy Attorney General of Hawkes; m. Augusta Josephine, d. of the N. W. T. at Regina. In June, 1904, apptd. late John Anderson, Borgstena, Sweden; puisne Judge of Superior Court of N. W. T., four d. Educ: Private Sch., at Maidstoh and on organization of the Province of and Kent Coll., Canterbury; graduated Alberta and Saskatchewan, and establish- from weekly journalism to staff of Man- ment of Provincial Courts, apptd. puisne chester Guardian, Daily Mail, Daily Des-

Judge of the Superior Court of Alberta, patch (London edition) , and Review of

in 1907, which he now holds. Address: Cal- Reviews, _ Three months trip throughout gs;ary, Alta. Dominion; retuEpedto Canada permanently hIiISZABD, Hon. Francis Longworth, Dec, 1905, as managing editor, Toronto K.C.; Premier and Attorney-General of World; became editor Monetary Times, Prince Edward Island; 6. Bellevue, P.E.I. leaving to take charge of publications dept.. 20 Nov., 1849; a. of Charles Haszard and Can. Northern Ry. System; made special Margaret Longworth; m. ElizabethDes- journey in 1903 to South Africa, France,

, Brisay; three a. five d. Educ. : Prince of Austria, Germany, and the United States, Wales Coll., Charlottetown, P.E.I.; called to enquire into methods of leading publica- to- the. Bar, 1872^ and commenced practice tions. iJecreafion; gardening. Address: 142 of his pr5fession m Charlottetown; cr. Q.C., Beech Ave., Toronto. 1694r apptd. Judge of the City Ct. of HAWKINS, Frank, secy. Can. Lumber- Charlottetown, Feb., 1895. First el. to men's Assn.; b. Rochdale, Eng.; a. of Joseph L^. at g. e.j 1904; -became Premier 1 Feb., S. Hawldns and Eliza IlUngworth; m. 1885, 1908; apptd. Attorney Gen., Oct., 1908; Isabel M. Campbell, of Toronto; two s. re-el. at g. e., 1908. Recreaiion: golf. Ad- Educ: Rochdale. Came to Canada, 1881. dress: Charlottetown, P.E.I. In business in Toronto for some years; with HATJLTAIN, Frederick WUUam Gordon, the Pullman Co., at Chicago for 6 years; B.A., K.C.; b. Woolwich, Eng., 25 Nov., Private Secy, to Hon. Mr. Dobell, mem. of 1857; a. of Lieut.-Col. W. F. Haultain, R.A. Laurier Ministry, 1896-1902; subsequently Educ: Montreal High Sch., Peterborough with Dobell, Beckett & Co., at Quebec, Coll. Inst., and Toronto Univ. Called to until 1908; also Secy.-Treas. Manicouagan the Ontario Bar, 1882. El. mem. ofthe & English Bay Export Co. Apptd. to Northwest Assembly, 1888, and at each present position, August, 1908. Address succeeding el. until its dissolution; became 320 Cooper St., Ottawa. Territorial Premier, Oct., 1897, and remained HAT, George Upham, Ph.B., M.A., D. in power until dissolution of old Northwest Sc, F.R.S.C.; b. Norton, N.B., 18 June, Govt., by creation of the two new provinc^. 1843; s. of William and Eliza Hay; m. El. at first g. e., for Saskatchewan L^s Francis Annetta Hartt. Educ: Pub, Schs. Assem.. 1905, and re-el. at g. e., 1908, of N.B., and Cornell Univ.; Teacher and represented Northwest Territories at Cor- Journalist; for 34 years teacher in Pub. onation of Hia Majesty, Aug., 1902. Ad- Schs., last 10 of which Principal of Victoria dress: R^na, Sask. and Giris' High Sch., St. John, N.B.; for HAULTAIN, Theodore Arnold, M.A., b. past '23 years editor Educational Review, a. ^Publications: editor Canad- . Cknnamore, India, 3 Nov., 1857; of St. John, N.B. 103 WHO'S WHO.

ian History Readings; author School Histor- Univ.,' 1882-1890; Aid. of Fredericton for ies of Canada. Recreation: plant study three yrs. and Mayor for two yrs. Removed Address: 31 Leinster St., St. John, and tp St. John, 1890. Returned to H. of C. for I^leside, N.B. (Summer). St. John City, and Co. at g. ,e., 1891; an HAT£S, Mrs. S^te Simpson ("Mary unsuccessful can. at g. e., 1896. El. to N. Markwell"); b. Dalhousie, N.B.,_1856. For B. L^s. for Sunbury at g. e., 1899; re-el. many yrs. actively connected with Press of at g. e., 1903, and 1908. In 1^99, chosen Canada. Staff writer on Manitoba Free Leader of the Opposition; summoned by Press; at one time librarian of^Legis. Lib- His Honour the Lt.-Gov. to form a Govt., rary at R^tna. PuHicatiohs: "Prairie which he did, and assumed the portfoUo fit Pourri;" "Shanty Songs and Stories," The Premier and Attorney-General. The Cabi- ; ' Legend of the West ' other works of ficti6n, net was sworn in , 1908, all the _^drama, and poetry. Address: Victoria, B.C. members re-el. by accl., April 7. Address: ttAYS, Charles Melville, Pres. and Gen. St. John, N.B. Mgr., Grand Trunk Ry. System; b. Rock HEAJtST, William Howard, K.C., M.L. Island, 111., 16 May, 1856; m. Clara J., d. A.; b. Tp. of Arran, Co. of Bruce, Ont., 16

I of William H. Gregg, of St. Louis, Mo.; four Feb., 1864; s. William Hearst and Margaret d. Educ: Pub. Schs. and High Sch., Rock McFadden; m. Isabella Jane Dunkin; two Island. Entered passenger dept. of the 8. two d. Educ: Tara pub. schs. and Col- Atlantic and Pacific Railroad Co., at St Ungwood Coll^ate Inst. Called to the Louis, Mo.; transferred to auditor's dept.; Bar in 1888; KC. in 1908; senior member promoted to supt's office; Sec. to Gen. Mgr. of the law firm of Hearst, Darling and

of Missouri Pacific, 1878-1884; Sec. to Gen. Brown ; contested riding of Sault Ste. Mgr. of the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Marie in Conservative interest at g. e., in Railroad Co., 1884-1886: became Asst. 1908, and was elected. Recreations: driving Gen. Mgr. to Wabash Western Ry. Co. and boating. Address: Sault Ste. Marie 1886; Gem Mgr. six m.onths later; apptd. Ont. Vice'-Pres. afad Gen. Mgr. of the reorganized HEBDEN, Edward F., Gen. Mgr. of the Wabash Ry., 1st Feb., 1894; resigned, 1887; Merchants Bank of Canada; b. Hamilton, ^ accepted position of gen. Mgr. of G. T. R. Ont., 29 April, 1851; s. of the Rev. Canon Co. at Montreal; became Pres. of the Hebden, M.A.. F.C.D., Rector of Church of Southern Pacific Co., and its allied lines at the Ascension, Hamilton, and Catherine San Francisco; resigned following autumn; Pilklngton, of the Pilkingtons of York, apptd. ^nd V.P. and Gen. Mgr. G. T. R., Ireland; m. Mary Henderson^, d. of Jamea 1 Jan., 1902. Pres. Grand Trunk Pacific Henderson of Hanley Castle, Worcestershire Ry., Central Vermont Ry., Grand Trunk two 8. three d. Tmrty-eignt years of ser-

Western Ry. , and numerous other subsid- vice in the Merchants Bank of Canada iary lines of G. T. R.; Dir., Royal Trust Co., Address: 445 Sherbrooke St. West, Montreal Merchants Bank of Canada, and many Clubs: Mount Royal, St. James, Hunt and other large enterprises; Vice-Pres. St. John Royal Montreal Golf, Montreal; Toronto. Ambulance Assn.; Gov. Royal Victoria HEBEBT, Louis Philippe, C.M.G., Hospital, Montreal Gen. Hospital; Gov. Sculptor; b. Prov. Quebec, 27 Jan., 1850; McGill Univ. Address: 27 Ontario Avenue, m. 1879, Marie, d. of Thomas Roy, Montreal. Montreal. Clubs: St. James, Mount Royal, In early days worked on a farm; obtained Forest and Stream, Montreal Hunt, Jockey, prize at Provincial Exhibition, Montreal, St. Maurice, Laurentian, Montreal; Rideau, for wood-carvii^ in 1873; afterwards stud- Ottawa. / ied in Paris; won prize given by Dominion HATWABD, Charles, J. P.; b. Stratford, Government for full-length statue of George Essex, Eng., 12 May, 1839; s. of Charles Cartier. Principal Works: Statues, among Hayward and Harriet Tomlinson; m. Sarah which are those to Champlain at Quebec, a. d. of the late John McChesney, of London, Maiaonneuve and Chenier, Montreal. i4.d- Eng.; two s. one d. Educ: Salem Coll., rfrea8.-217Berri St., Montreal. - Bow, Middlesex, Eng. Has large interests HELMEK, Major Alexis Bichard, Assis-. in Victoria, and is prominently identified tant Adjutant General for Musketry (Can- with building, contracting, miiHng and ada); b. Russell, Ont.; 12 Oct., 1864; s. of manufacturing. Served several terms as Nathaniel Helmer and Melissa Johnson; m., alderman of Victoria, and was Mayor for Efizabeth S. Hanhum; one s. Educ: Ot- three yrs.; was Presdt. of the Provincial tawa and Toronto; Chemist of Prov, of Ont. Royal Jubilee Hospital, and for ten years and Que. Officer of the Canadian Militia, Chairman of the School Board; is now 1892; twice Mayor of Hull, Que.; Adjutant Presdt. of the B.C. Protestant Orphan's Canadian Rifle Team, 1899; Palma Team, Home, and of the iflhildren's Aid Soc; ia 1901; Sea Girt, 1903; Ottawa, 1906; Com- an active mem. of the Masonic, Oddfellows, mandant Canadian School of Musketry, Foresters and Pioneer Socs. Address: 1003 since 1 907. Recreations : rifle shooting. Vancouver St., 1010 Government St., Vic- Address: Ottawa, Ont. Clvh: Laurentian, toria, B.C. Club: Pacific, Victoria. Ottawa. HAZEN, Hon. John Douglas, B.A., B. HEMING, Arthur Henry 6. '~' Howard; C.L.; Premier and Attorney-General of New Paris, Ont., Jan. 17, 1870; s. George Edward Brunswick; b. Oromocto, Sunbury Co., N.B. • and Frances Ann Morgan Heming. Educ: ' 6 June, 1860; s. of James K. Hazen and pub. schs.; taught Hamilton Art Sch., 1887- MrST Hazen, d. of the late Hon, John A, 90; illustrator on Canadian pubis, till 1899; Beckwith; m. 1884, Ada s. d. of James studied at Art Students* League under Tibbita, of Fredericton. Educ: Coll. Sch., Frank Brangwyn, A.R.A., London^ 1904 Fredericton; Univ. of N.B. Called to the Contb'r of illustrated articles and stories to Bar, 18S3. A mem. of the Senate of Univ. leading newspapers and mags, in Europe of N.B., and Registrar and Treas. of the and America, and illustrator of many books 104 WHO'S WHO. HERRIDQB

on animal and wild life. ' Student, by per- Hamilton, 15 Aug., 1857; W William Hend- sonal contact, of- phases of life in Canadian rie and Margaret Walker Hendrie; one s. wilderness. Mem. Soc. of Illustrators. one d. Educ: Hamilton sch. and Up.. Can. Episcopalian. Publications: Spirit Lake, Coll.; elec^. to Ontario L^islature, 1902; 1907. AddresB: 33 W. 67tli St., New York. re-elected 1905 and 1908; Lt.-Coly, lately in HENDEBSON, Major Alexander, B.A., command, 2ud Brigade, C.F. A.; Ex-Mayor K.C., Commissioner of the Yukon; 6. Osh- of Hamilton, Ont. Recreations: racing, awa, Ont., 1861; 8. of Alexander Henderson fishing, shooting. Address^ Hamilton, Ont. and Grace Kilpatrick; m. Susan Crawford, Clubs: Toronto, Hamilton, Albany, Ontario d. of William McCraney, ex-M.P. for Co. of Jockey. Halton, Ont.^ one d; grad. B.A., 1884; HENDRY, John; b. Billedune, Glouces- Admitted sohcitor, Out., 1889; called to ter Co., Im.B., 20 Jan., 1843; 8. of James Bar of B.C., 1892; mem. of Legislature for Hendry ana Margaret Wilson from West New Westminster, B.C., 1898, created Q.C., Kilbride, A^shire, Scot.; m. Adeline Mc- same year; Attorney General, B.C., 1899 Millan, of Pictou, N.S.; one d. Educ: In- Judge of County Court, Vancouver,1901; N.B.; PreSj, Canadian Manufacturers' As- resigned Jan., 19b7; practiced law, Yan- sociation; Commissioner of Conservation of couver; apptd. Commissioner of the Yukon Natural Resources of Canada; pres.. Van- ' IS. June, 1907. Becreaiiona: rifle shooting couver, Westminster and Yukon Railway principally; was Adjutant Canadian Rifle Co.; Pres., Nicola Valley Coal and Coke Co.; Team, Bisley, in 1901. Addreaa: Dawson Chairman, Burrard, Westminster and Boim- Y.T., and 1^4 Bumaby St., Vancouver, y dary Ry. and Navigation Co. After com- B.C. Chibs: Vancouver and United Service pleting education in the Pub. Sch., studied _ Club, Vancouver, B.C. and practised saw-mill and flour-mill en- HENDEBSaN, David, M.P.; h. Tp. of gineering and followed this for some time in Nelson, Co. of Halton, Ont., 18 Feb., 1841; the Mamtme Provinces; shortly after B.C. B. John Henderson and Isabella Davidson, had joined confederation, moved to the ^. both from Roxburgli, Scot.; m. Alison Pacific Coast, landii^ in Victoria, B.C. in "^ Christie, d. of Chas. Cnristie; six 8. one d. 1872, afterwards spent; some time in Cali- Educ: Milton Gram. Sch. and Normal Sch., fornia and State of Washington; located in Toronto: a pub. sch. teacher for 5 years; British Columbia, in 1874; went to Winni- Deputy jR^istrar for Halton for seven yra.; peg in 1875; returned to British Columbia M.F. for 21 sessions; contested nine elec- in 1875; was interested in the pioneering of tions, and successful seven times. iZecrea- the timber interests, saw-milling and fac- /ion: travelling. Address; Acton, Ont. tories and general utalizing of lumber. Re- HENDERSON, George F., B. A. (Queens, creations: motoring, yaphtii^, fishing. Ad- K.C.; h. Kingston, Ont., 17 Feb., 1864; s. dress: Cor. Bumaby and Jervis St., Van- of Peter Robertson Henderson and Hen- couver, B.C. Clubs: Vancouver, Terminal rietta Sweetland; m. Margaret !E^linton City, Jericho Country, Vancouver B.C.; Brown, of Ottawa; one d, Educ: Private Westminster, New Westminster, B.C.; Un- Schs. Kli^ston Coll. Inst., Queen's Univ. ion, Victoria, B.C.; Rideau, Ottawa. Galled to Bar of Ont., 1887, and has since HENRY, William Alexander, K.C., LL. Sractised at Ottawa; mem. of the firm of B.; b. Antigonish, N.S., 19 March, 1863; 8. [acCracken, Henderson, McDougall and of William Alexander and Christi&nna Greene; apptd. drainage referee for Eastern Henry; m. Minna H. Troop, Halifax; two Ont., June, 1906; K.C., 1907. Puhlicatiom: 8. one d. Educ: Halifax Schs.; Lycee de "The Ditches and Watercourses Act," 1907. Tours, France; Merchiston Castle Sch.,

Recreations : golf, curling . A ddresa ; 1 84 Edinburgh; Dalhousie Univ., Halifax; Har-' Sbmerset St., Ottawa. Clubs: Rideau, Golf, vard Univ., Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A. Ad- Hunt, Ottawa; Brockville; Cornwall. mitted to Nova Scotia Bar, 1887; apptd.

HENDERSON, Rev. James, D.D. (Vic. K.C., June, 1907. Recreations: golf , badmin- Univ.); 6. Airdrle, Scot., 1851; m. 1876, ton, photography, bicycling, billiards, Mary, 2nd d. of James Gillespie, of Quebec. bridge. Address: 16 South St., Halifax, N. Educ: Glasgow, Scot. Came to Canada in S. CZufc." Halifax. ^1870, and was ordained to the Methodist HEROUX, Omer; journalist; 6. St. Mau- Ministry in 1876. Had several important rice, Champlain Co., Que., 8 Sept., 1876; s, stations in the Prov. of Quebec, including of Louis-Dollor Heroux, and Marie-Adel- three pastorates in Montreal. Went to aide Neault. Educ: Christian Bros. Sch., Toronto in 1891, and held the pastorates of and Coll. of Three Rivers,. Que. In news- Carlton St. and Sherbourne St. Churches paper work in Quebec and Montreal for in 1896, apptd. Asst. Sec. of Methodist some yra. ; one of the e(^ors of Le National- Missions, and held that position until 1907, iste, and one of the editors of Le Devoir. when called to the pastoral charge of the Address: 71a St. James St., Montreal. Dominion Methodist Church, at Ottawa. HERRIDGE, Rev. William Thomas, Address: 243 t/isgar St., Ottawa. Pastor of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church HENDERSON, Robert, Asst. Govt. Ottawa; 6. Reading, Eng., 14 Jan., 1857; Mining Engr. for Yukon; 6. Nova Scotia. 0. 8. of the'Rev, W. Herridge, and Emma Went to Yukon, 1893. Found gold on Barkshire; m. 1885, d. of Rev. Thos. Dun- Quartz Creek and Gold Bottom Creek, 1894, can, D.D.; two 8. two d. Educ: Model Sch., and has been mining in Yukon ever since. Toronto; Hamilton Coll. Inst., Gait Coll. Claimed that was first discoverer of gold on Inst., Toronto Univ. Inducted as Pastor Klondike, but this is disputed. Address: of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Aug., Dawson, Y.T. 1883, before completing his studies. Spent HENDRIE, Iiieut.-Col. John Strathearn, a yr. abroad; returning to Can. in 1884. M.L.A., member of Executive Council of Mem., of Senate of Toronto Univ.; Trustee Ontario; Com. Royal Victorian Order; 6, of Queen's Univ., Kingston. Publications: 105 WHO'S WHO,.

"The Coign of Vantage and other Essays." Manchester. Obtained first class honors in Rea^eations: golf, curling. Addrees: 293 Zoology, Manchester Univ.; University Somerset St., Ottawa. prizeman and scholar; aast. lecturer in HERRON, John, M.P.; 6. County of Zoology, 1904; Lecturer in Economic Zool- Carleton, Ont., 15 Nov., 1863; s. of John ogy in Univ. of Manchester, 1906; arrived Heron and Margaret Crain; m. Ida Lake: Can., 16 Sept., 1909; apptd. Dominion three d. Educ: Pub. Soh., Ashton, Ont Entomologist, 1909. Publications: numer- A license Commissioner and Stock Inspec- ous articles on pure and economic Zoology, tor in Alberta; first elec. to H. of C, 1904; especially Entomology in various scien- re-elec, 1908. Address: Pincher Creek, tific journals, the most important being a Alta.; monograph on The House-fly."" Address: HERVIEUX, Henri, M.D., Prof, of In- The Sherbrooke, 90 O'Connor St., Ottawa. ternal Pathology at Laval Univ.; b. St. HEWSON, His Hon. Charles Edward, - Jerome, Que., 1862; s. of Joseph A. Her- District Juc^e of Manitoulin, Judge of the vieux and Virginie Lachine; m. 1886, Surrogate Court, and local Judge of the Minnie Vallee, of Montreal. Educ: Ste. High Court of Justice; b. Township of Theresa, studied philosophy at Ste. Mary's Innisfil, Co. of Simcoe, Ont., 23 Oct., 1856; Coll., and medicine Sch. of Medicine and ». of WilUam and Abigail M. Hewson; m. Surgery, Montreal (M.D., 1886, and the Julia, y. d. of Henry Creswicke, P.L.S., late Prize Hourget). Practiced in Massachu- of the Town of Barrie; three s. seven d. setts, U.S., for one yr. Went to Montreal, Educ: Barrie Collegiate Inst.; entered law 1893, where he has since practiced. Won office of late Mr. Justice Lount, Jan., 1874; the vacant Chair of Therapeuties in the admitted to Bar, May, 1880; commenced Medical Faculty of Laval Univ., 1894; practice in Barrie, and formed partnership apptd. Prof. Titulaire of Materia Medica, with A. E. H. Creswicke, K.C.; appointed 1900. El. life mem. Medical Faculty, District Juctee, Dec, 1908. Address: Gore of Laval Univ ; was first pres. La Societe Ont. Bay, . , „ Medicale de Montreal; Dir. of St. Justine HIEBEBT, Cornelius, M.L.A.; 6. South Hospital for Children; Dir. and Associate of Russia, 2 Aug., 1862; s. Johun Hiebert editor of L'Union Medicale du Canada. and Helma Tows; m. Anganetha Dick; one Address: Montreal. 490 St. Denis St., s. two d. Educ: Village Sch. in Russia; HESPLEB, Wllhelm, late Imperial Ger- arrived in Canada, 2 Aug., 1876; settled in man Consul, and Speaker of Legislature of Manitoba; a Lumber Merchant; up to 21 Manitoba; , 6. Baden-Baden, Germany, 29 years was farming; since then in commercial Dec, 1830; s. Joimna Glory Hespler, and business; Director of the Knee Hill Coal Barbara Aima; m. Katherine R. Keachie; Co.; overseer for Didsbury Village for past one a. one d. Educ: Grand Duchy of three years. Address: Didsbury, Alta. 3aden; arrived, in Canada, October^, 1850; , B.S., D.V. ' Charles Herbert, formerly of Heapeler, but moved toWmnipeg HI6GINS, Mass., 23 Feb., 1875; 1873. Address: Wardlow Building, Fort S.; b. Newtownville, Goulding^ Rouge, Winnipeg. Club: Manitoba, Winni- s. of Eben Higgins and Sarah A. m. Jane Ruth Hall; one s. one d. Arrived in Canada, Oct., 1894; practicing Veterin- HEWARO, Lleut.-Col. Edward H. "T., arian, of Jamaica, 1896; Asst. Path- Stafif Officer to Inspector-Gen. Can. Militia; Island ologist, Dept. of Agriculture, 1899; Patho- 6. Toronto, 17 Jan., 1852; s. J. H. and Eliza logist since 1902.- Publications: "Canadian Howard; m. Louisa, y. d. of Sir Wm. Collis Chicken Cholera, 1896," etc., and yearly Meredith, late C.J., Prov. Que., one s. one d, reports. Address: 73 Fair- Educ: Upper Can. Coll., Toronto. Joined Government Ont. Can. Militia, 1866; apptd. Lieut, in G. G. mount Ave., Ottawa, Body Guard, 1879; apptd. Lieut, and Adjt., HILL, George Grlswold; b. Montreal, Permanent Cav. Sch. Corps (now R. C. 24 April, 1868; s. George William and Fran-

Dragoons, 1883) ; Commandant R. C. Moun- ces Harriet Griswold Hill; m. 1893, Frances ted Rifles, Winnipeg, 1891-6; Brevt. Capt., Mary Chaffee. Educ: pub. schs., Engle- 1888; A.D.C. to gTo.C, Can. Mil., 1901-3; wood (now Chicago) and St. Ignatius Coll., Staff Officer to Inspector General at head- Chicago. Began newspaper work on The quarters, -with rank of Major, 1904; Lieut.- Farmer, St. Paul, Minn., 1886; mng. editor, Col., 1906. Served in Fenian Raid, 1866; Am. Farmer, Chicago, 1890-7, of Produce N.W. Rebellion, 1885. Address: 415 Laur- Trade Reporter, Chicago, 1896-7; Washing- ier Av., Ottawa. ton corr. Johnstown Democrat, Crawfords- HEWABD, Stephen Beverley, Kt. of ville JourTwl and other papers, 1900-2; mem Order of Orange Nassau, of Holland; b. Washington Bureau, New York Tr'&une, Montreal, Que., 7 Nov., 1843; s. of Francis since 1902; represented New York Tribune ' Harris Heward and Eliza Paul; m. Alice at Russo-Japanese peace conf., 1905. Re- Graham; one 8. two d. Educ: Up. Can. publican. Roman Catholic. Author-: Mar- Coll., Toronto, Ont. For 30 yrs. Vice- . keting Farm Produce, 1897; Tractical Hints Consul of the Netherlands;'8erved on the for Farm Buildings, 1901. Address: 1322 F Canadian Frontier in 1864 and 1866; (Fen- St., Washington, D.C. ian Raid Medal). Address: 55 St. Francois HILL, Bev. James Edgar, M.A., D.D.; Xavier St., and 10 Park Ave., Montreal. b. Glasgow, Scot., 18 Oct., 1841; s. Club: St. James', Montreal. James Hill and Catherine Hunton; m. HEWITT, Charles Gordon, D.Sc, (Univ. Mariann Fletcher Philip; three s. three d. of Manchester, Eng.); Fellow of the Ento- Educ: Univ. of Edinburgh, 1863-72; Min- mological Soc, Eng.; 6. nr. Macclesfield, ister in Scot., 1873 to 1882; since of St. Eng., 23 Feb., 1885; «. of Thomas Henry Andrew's Church, Montreal (Church of Hewitt and Rachael Hewitt; unmarried. Scotland); Major, 5th Royal Highlanders. Educ: Macclesfield Gram. Sch., Univ. of Address: 267 Peel St., Montreal. 106 :;, WHO'S WHO.

BILL, James J., President of the Gt. Belleville {deceased) ; three «. one d. Educ. Northern Ry. of the United States; b. nr. Toronto private sen. (Frank's) and Queen's Guelph, Ont., Sept. 16, 1838; a. James and High. Sch.; entered the service of the Gov- Ann Dunbar Hill; m. St. Paul, Aug. 19, ernment, Inland Revenue Dept., 30 June,

1867, Mary Theresa Mehegan. Educ. : Rock- 1868. Address: 81 Somerset St., Ottawa. wood Acad.; left his father's farm for busi- HINSHAW, Matthew Cochrane, Cana- ness life in Minn. ; was in steamboat offices dian Mgr. of the Atlas Assur. Co. of London in St. Paul, 1856-65; Agt. Northwestern Eng.; *. Gla^bw, Soot., 21 June, 1853; s. Packet Co., 1656; later established gen. fuel of Andrew Hinshaw and Helen Watt; m, and transportation- business on his own Edith Gertrude, d, of Dunbar Browne, of account; Iread of Hill, Griggs & Co., same Montfeal. Educ: Glasgow. Trained in line, 1869-75; established, 1870, Red River insurance work in the Glasgow office of the Transportation Co., which waa first to open Atlas Assur. Co., Ltd. Came to Canada, communication between St. Paul and Win- 1891, to assume present position. _i2e- nipeg, organized, 1875, the Northwestern creations: general. ^4ddre8B.' The "Denbigh, Fuel Co., and 3 yrs. later sold out his inter- Western Av., Montreal. Clubs: St. James, est, in the meantime having organized a Montreal, Montreal; Albany, Toronto. syndicate which secured control of the St. HOBART, George Vere; b. Cape Breton, Paul & Pacific R. R., from Dutch owners of Jan. 16, 1867; m. 1897, Sarah H. de Vries. the securities; reorganized system as St, Educ: Nova Scotia. Became mng. editor, Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Ry. Co., and 1895, Simday Scimitar, Cumberland, Md.; was its gen. mgr., 1879-82, v. -p., 1882-3, a yr. later went to Baltimore, 1st on Morn" pres. since 1883; it became part Great Nor- ing Herald, then as sp'l. hunaorous writer on thern system, 1890; interested himself in the Baltimore Arnerican; originated the building the Great Northern Ry., extending "Dinkelspiel"' papers on Baltimore News; from Lake Superior to Puget Sound, with since 1899 has written "Dinkelsi>iel" ex- northern and southern branches, clusively for the New York American and ^ and a direct steamship connection with China and other Hearst papers, Chicago and San Japan, 1883-93; pres. entire Great Northern Fransico. Club: Lambs. Author: John system, 1893; retired Apr., 1 1907, and be- Henry, 1901; Down the Line, 1901; Its Up came chmn. bd. dirs. same; chief promoter To You, 1902; Back to the Woods, 1903; and now pres. Northern Securities Co.; dir. Out for the Coin, 1903; I Need the Money, C, B. & Q. R. R. Co., C, B. & O. Ry. Co., 1704; I'm from Missouri, 1904; You Can St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Ry. Co., Search Me, 1905; also 3 Dinkelspiel books; Manhattan Trust Co., Chase Nat. Bank, Gonversationings Mit Dinkelspiel, 1902; -1st Nat. Bank of aty of N. Y., 1st Nat. Heart to Heart Talks Mit Dinkelspiel, 1901 Bank of Chicago. Addreea: 240 Siflnmit Eppy Grams, 1904; Jim Hickey, 1904; Li'l Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Verses for Li'l Fellers, 1903; Get Next, 1905; HILLIABD, Thomas; 6. Tanilagh, Co. Silly Syolopedia, 1905; Skiddoo, 1906; Beat Letters to Fermanagh, Ireland, 9 April, 1841 ; s. John It, 1907; Cinders, 1907; Ikey's Hilliard and Ann Hutchison; m. Catherine His Father, 1907; Plays: Broadway to Lauder; sixs. sixif. ^duc; Public Sch., Bol- Tokio; After Office Hours; Sally in Our ton, Ont., and Normal Sch., Toronto, Ont. Alley; The Ham Tree; The Sleepy King; Arrived in Canada, July, 1847; teacher in Morning Glory; Mrs. Black Is Back (for pub. sch., 5 years, 1683 to 1867; publisher May -Irwin); Smiling Island; Peaiches; of country neswpapers. Maple Leaf and Coming Thru the Rye; The Song Birds; Waterloo Chronicle, 1867 to 1888; founded Mrs. Wilson (for. May Irwin) ; and numer- Dominion Life Assurance Co., of Waterloo ous others. Address: Ruraldene, Pelham Ont., and was Managing Director until Manor, N.Y. 1907, then elected President and holds HOBBS, Thomas Saunders ; 6. Langtree, both offices to date.^ Pres., Waterloo Board Devon, Eng., 1856; «. of Thomas and Mary of Trade; Methodist; has been six times Hobbs; unmarried. Educ. : Methodist Coll., elected member of General Conference, and Shebbear, Devon, Arrived Can., 1873. has been a member of most of the boards Rep. London in Ont. Leg., 1894-98; retired Hobbs Manu- . which administer the affairs of the denom- for business reasons. Pres., ination. Address: Waterloo, Ont. facturing Co., Toronto; Independent Cor- HILTON, Alexander; 6. Hamilton, Ont., dage Co., London, Ont.; Hobbs Hardware June 19, 1864; s. -Edward and Harriet Hale Co., Winnipeg. Recreations: basebfCll, fish- Hilton; ing, farming, travel. Address: London, Ont. m. Hamilton, May 10, 1886, Grace I Barr. Educ: Hamilton pub. schs.; Clerk Clubs: London, London; Toronto Hunt, Great Western Ry., Hamilton, 1878-9; clerk National, Ontario, Toronto. gen. ticket office, Chicago, 1879-84; city HOCKEiN, Horatio Clarence; 6. Toronto, pass, and ticket agt., Kansas City, 1884-7: 12 Oct., 1857; «. of English parents; m. Pacific coast agt., San Francisco, 1887-8; Isabella Page; two s. two d. Educ: Pub, gen. agt. pass, dept., Kansas "City, 1888- Sch., Toronto; learned trade of compositor 1901, C. & A. R. R.; asst. gen. pass, agt., on Globe; commenced reporting on the Kansas City, Fort Scott & Memphis. Ry., News, in 1893; managing editor. Evening Kansas City, 1901, and since consolida- News, from Sept., 1895, to April, 1901. tion in 1901, gen. pass. agt. S. L. & S. F. Editorial writer on the News, with Mr. R. R. Address: 11 Colchester Apartments, Willison, until 1905; purchased Sentinel St. Louis, Mo., U.S.A. Clubs: Mo. Athletic and Protestant Advocate from E. F. Clarke Estate, 1905. For several yrs. a mem. of HIMSWOBTH, William, Secretary In- Toronto City Council; unsuccessful can. for land Revenue Dept., b. Montreal, 23 Dec, Mayoralty, 1910. Recreations: gardening 1847; s. of William Alfred Himsworth and and boating. Address: 563 Euclid Ave., Louisa Morrison; m. Julia Emily Easton, of Toronto, Ont. 107 WHO'S WHO.

BODGETTS, Charles Alfred, M.D., C. Govt. Recreation: walking. Address: 221 M., L.R.C.P., Chief Health Officer, Prov. of Somerset St., Ottawa. Chut: Rideau. Ontario and Deputy Registrar General; b. HOLGATE, Henry, C.E.; b. Milton, Toronto, 23 Aug., 1859; a. of George and Ont., 14 Sept., 1863; s. of John H&lgate and Susan Ho.dgetts; m. Elizabeth B. Salter. Jane Brown; m. Bessie Bell Headley of Mil- St. John's, Nfld. {deceased); two s. three d. ford Deleware; two s. £rf«c.; Toronto; spent Educ: Provincial Model Sch., Toronto; 13 years in Railway construction and main- Toronto Medical Coll.; first Dufferin Medal- tenance; followed by bridge and structure ist, Prov. Model Sch.; Grad. Ont. Coll. of designing. For the past 8 years, principally Pharmacy; mem. and Secy. Prov. Board of engaged in general engineering: practice, Health for Ont., since 1902; mem. R. Sani- particularly in Hydro Electric Power de- tary Inst.; F.R.I. of P.H.; Hon. Vice-Pres.. velopment, and consulting. Publicaiioris: Assn. of Public Vaccinators of Great contributions to Engineering Societyj- re- Britain; Major A.M.C., Canada; Hon. Secy. port on the collapse of the Quebec B^dge, .Can. Red Cross Society; Hon. Associate as Chairman of the Royal Commission of Order of Jerusalem in England. Publi- Enquiry. Address: 44 Rosemount Ave., cations: "Smallpox," "Vaccination." Ad- Westmount, Que. Club: Engineers', Mon- dress: Parliament Buildings, Toronto. treal. I HODGms, George Frederick, M.P.; h. HOLLAND, Andrew; b. Ottawa, 1 1 Aug. Shawville, Que., 17 Dec, 1865; «. of James 1844; s. of W. L. Holland, and Charlotte and Sarah Hodgins; m. Georgina R. E. Clarke; m. 1875, Margaret, d. of 3amsa Thomas; two s. two^rf. Educ: Shawville Gibson, contractor, Ottawa; four «. three d.- Academy; M.P. for Pontiac Co., Que.; en- Educ: Ottawa Pub. Schs. Commended gaged in mercantile business, also flour journalistic career, 1870, on Ottawa Evenina milling, and luniber manufacturing. Ad- Mail, subsequently with Free Press; with dress: Shawville, Que. brother became joint editor and proprietor BODGms, John George, M.A., LL.B., of Citizen; with bro, has been contractor for LL.D., M.R.G.S., I.S.O.; ft. Dublin, Ireland. reporting and publishing Senate Debates 12 Aug., 1821; m. (1st) Frances Rachel since 1875. Official reporter for Dom. Bd. Doyle; (2nd) Helen Fortescue Scoble; four of Trade during its existence. Reported s. oned. Educ: Up. Can. Academy, Victoria I.C.R., , and first series of Univ., and Toronto Univ.; called to the C. P. R. cases. Has travelled extensively; Bar in 1870. Publications: Lovell's General visited Australia in 1892, and again in 1896. Geography," "First steps in General Geo- First visit led to inauguration of Can. graphy," "School History of Canada and Australian Steamship service between Van- of the other British N. A. Provinces," "The couver and Sydney. An active mem. of Canadian School Speaker and Reciter," Bd.-of Trade. Addresses: The Senate; 47 The School Manual," "Lectures on School Vittoria St., Ottawa. Law," "Sketches and Anecdotes of the HOLLAND, George Clarke: b. Ottawa, CJueen," "The School House and its Arch- Ont., 5 March, 1846; s. of Williain Lewis itecture." Has been an officer in the Holland and Charlotte Clarke; m. Alison Queen's Own Rifles. Address: 92 Pembroke Hilson Robinson; two «. three d. Educ: St., Toronto, Ont. Ottawa. Has been connected with the HODGSON, Jonathan, merchant; b. Press in Ottawa, Toronto, Chicago, 111., Clintonville, N.Y., 15 April, 1827; ». of St. Louis, Mo., Nashville, Tenn., New York TThomas Hodgson; m. 1854, Margaret, d. of and Washington; was official reporter in the late John Cassels, of Glasgow, Scotland; H. of C, 1875, 1876, when apptd. offidal five «. one d. Educ: pub. schs. of LacoUe. reporter of the Senate. Publications; "O In 1845, became a clerk in a general store at Canada," a national anthem for Lavallee s NapierviUe, Que.; removed to Montreal, harmonized by A. Trembley. Address: 1860. and seven yrs. later formed a partner- 117 Frank St., Ottawa. „ ship with John Foulds, under the firm style HOLMAN, Charles J., M.A., LL.D., K. of Foulds & Hodgson, wholesale dry goods C; b. Cobourg, Ont., 1852; ». of John Hol- apd smallwares merchants; 1870, on retire- man and Mary Webster Holman; m. Carrie ™ent of Mr. Foulds, the firm was reorgan- Haigh, d..of Rev. W. M. Haigh. D.D., Chic- ized, Mr. Hodgson becoming senior partner ago, III. Educ: Victoria Univ. Formerly of Hodgson, Sumner & Co., Ltd.; mem., of Blake, Lash, Cassels and Holman, Bar- Montreal Board of Trade, and of the Dry risters, and now Holman, Drayton and ' '^^si-; director "Holmhurst," S°? . of the Almonte Bessett, Toronto. Address: Knittmg Co., Victor Hudon Cotton Co., 75 Southern Ave., Toronto. Club: Toronto. Montreal Cotton C6., Paton Woollen Mills, HOLMES, Robert; b. St. Catharines, of Sherbrooke, Que.; is connected with the Ont., 14 Sept., 1852; s. of Edmund Holmes directorate of the Royal Victoria Life Ins. and Mary Watsoi; m. 1877, Emma L., d. Co., and Alliance Assurance Co.; Vice-Pres., of Edward L. Leavenworth, of St. Cathar- Merchants' Bank of Can. Address: 340 ines; two s. six d. Educ: Pub. Schs. of Peel St., Montreal. Hamilton, Ont. Began to learn the trade HOGG, William Drummond, K.C; of a printer and compositor at aije of Bencher of , the Law Soc. of Upper Canada; twelve; bought an interest in the Clinton b. Perth, Ont., 29 Feb., 1848; s. of David New Era, 1885. Was Mayor of Clinton for Hogg, manufacturer; m. Louisa Agnes, d. four yrs. ; mem. Sch. Bd. for six yrs. Elec. of Dr. Charies Rattray, of Cornwall, Ont.; ^o H. of C. for West Huron at bye-elec, two ». Educ: Perth Gram. Sch. and by 1899; re. elec. at g. e., 1900. Surveyor of priv. tmtion. Studied law at Perth and Customs, Toronto, 1909. Pres., Can. Press Toronto. Called to the Bar, 1874; has Assn., 1897. Address: Toronto, Ont. practiced in Ottawa since 1875. Engaged HOLT, Charles Maepherson, K.C., LL. in many important oases on behalf of Dom, D.; 6. Quebec, s. Judge C. G. Holt, and 108 WHO'S WHO.

Margaret Macpherson; m. Mabel, d. of late term. In 1892, was apptd. a mem. of Tor^ Senator Cochrane; three s. one d. Educ: onto High Sch, Board; Hon.-Secy., Sir at High Sch:, Quebec^ Lennoxville, and John Macdonald Memorial Com., in 1893-4; Laval Univ.; now in active practice as mem. in 1894, was apptd. mem. of the Council of of Montreal Bar; Library Committee of Bar; the British Empire League in Canada; Lecturer in Post Graduate course, McGill commenced literary work with the piiblica-

Uiliv^ Director of Charitj^ Organization , tion of a "Life of Sir John Thompson," in Society; Royal Edward Institute; Montreal 1895. In 1896, was delegate to the Can- General Hospital; Legal mem. of Royal adian Manufacturers Assn. at the Congress Commission on Tuberculosis. Puhlications: of Chambers of Commerce of the Empire, Holt's Insurance , and ar- in London. Has been at one time or an- ticles in legal periodicals. Address: 2S1 Univ- other a Felloy of the Royal Statistical versity St., Montreal. Clubs: Royal, Mon- Society, and the Royal Historical Society; treal Golf, Hunt, Canada, St. James, Mon- a member of the American Historical As- sociation, the Executive of the Can. Soc. HOLT, 'Herbert S.; b, Dublin, Ireland. of Authors, the Ont. Historical Society, the 1856; 8. of the late William Robert Grattan Niagara Historical Society, &c. Publico' Holt, of King's Co., Ireland; m. 1890, Jessie, tions: include an immense amount of con- d. of the late Andrew Paton, of Sherbrooke, tributions to History, Biography and Cur- Que.; three s. Educ: Dublin, Ireland. rent Literature. Recreation: Reading uovels. Arrived Can, 1875 Acted as engineer for Address: 8 Oaklands Ave., Toronto. Clubs: the Credit Valley, Victoria, Lake Simcoe Albany, R.C.Y., Toronto, Ont. Jimctiou, Ont. & Que. and other Rys. in HORNING, Lewes Emerson, B.A., Ph. Ont., 1875-1883; removed to North-West D.; b. Norwich, Ont., 2 April, 1858; 8. James where he engaged in engineering and con- and Eliza Macklem Horning; m. Beatrice struction work. Built a large part of the Lillian Nixon; onie a. two d. Educ: Brant- Can. Pac Ry. through the Ste. of Maine, ford Coll. Inst., Victoria Univ., Univ. of the Regina, Long Lake and Saskatchewan Breslau, Goettinger and Leipzig (German); Calgary ana Edmonton, and other railways. Taught in Peterborough Coll. Inst., 1884-86, El. member of American Soc. of Civil Engi- adjunct Prof. Classics and Theories, Victoria neers, 1889; became Pres. c^f Montreal Gas. Univ., 1886-91; Prof, of German and Old Co., 1894; Montreal Park and Island Ry. English, 1891-1905; Prof, of Teutonic Phil- Co., 1896; Montreal Light, Heat and Power ology, 1905. Publications: several school- Co., 1900, which office he still holds; Kam- books for German Classes; translation of inisticiua Power Co., ' Imper al Writing Wilkonski, History of German Training of v Machine Co.; Royal Bank of Can; Can. 19th Centuiry* 1909; numerous articles on Paper Co.; Director Dominion Textile Co., Canadian Literature and on German Life Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Canadian General and Times. Recreations: golf and gardening. Electric Co.; National Trust Co.; Canada Address: Toronto and Cobourg. Car Co.; Monterey Ry. and Light Co. Ad- MOSKIN, John, LL.D., kTc, D.C.L.; dress: 297 Stanley St., Montreal. - Clubs: b. Holsworthy, Devon, May, 1836; s. of Mount Royal, St. James', Forest and Stream Richard Hoskin; m. 1866, Mary Agnes, d. Royal St. Lawrence Yacht, Royal Montreal of iate Walter Mackenzie, Barrister-at-Law, Golf, Montreal Hunt, Montreal. of, Castle Frank, Toronto. Educ: London. HOOFER, James; b. Hatherleigh, Dev- Arrived in Canada, 1854; called to fiar, onshire, Eng., 23 Match, 1855; s of John 1863; Q.C., 1873; elected a Bencher of the and Susannah Hooper] m, Emma Johnston^ Law Society of Up. Can., 1876; Senator of

of London, Ont.; one a. four d. Educ: •Toronto Univ., Trinity Univ, ; Chairman of Parochial Sch., Hatherleigh, Eng. Arrived Board of Trustees of Univ. of Toronto until in Canada in the fall of 1868, settling in its reorganization in 1906, and then apptd, London, Ont.; was apprenticed as printer by the Government of the Province Chair- in Mercury ofBce, Plyniouth, and sometime man, of the New Boai;d of Governors; head after arrival, took up reporting; went to of the firm of McCarthy, Osier, Hoskin, and Manitoba, 1880, and started a paper at Harcourt; Guardian ad litem,, and Official Morris; later was identified with Winnipeg Guardian of Infants, 1874-1904;_ Advisory

newspapers until 1889, when he became ' Counsel to his successor in office since 1904; _ Managing Editor of the Telegram; apptd. on the directorate of Canadian Life Assur- Deputy Provincial Secretary "and King's ance Company, of the Bank of Commerce.

Printer, in Feb., 1900i- Address: 195 Nassau and of the British American Assurance Co. J St., Winnipeg, Manitoba: Club: Advance, a Vice-President of the Canadian Landed Winnipeg. and National Investment Company; Pres, HOPKINS, John Castell, F.S.S.; b. Dy- of the Toronto General Trusts Company; ersville, Iowa, U.S.A., 1 April, 1864; 8. of and a Director of the Toronto G^s Company; John Castell Hopkins and Phila (Hende- Chairman of the Board of Governors of faoiu"ck) Hopkins; m. Annie Beatrice Bem- University of "Toronto. Address: The Dale

ner; one d. Educ: Bowmanville, Ont. Rosedale, Toronto. Clubs:. Grosvenor, ( Entered Imperial Bank in' 1883. In 1S86, Toronto. fortoed at Ingersol the first branch of thel HOSMEB, Charles Rudolph; b. Coteau Imperial Federation League in Ontario and LandiM, Que., 12 Nov., 1851; s. of Hiram apptd. member of the Council of the League Pratt Hosmer and Mary Briggs; m. Clara in England, Became Honorary Secretary Jane Bigelow; one s. one d. Educ: Coteau of the League in Canada, iu 1889; apptd. Landing, -Que. At the age of fourteen in 1890, associate editor Toronto Daily commenced the study of tel^raphy with Empire. In 1891-2, was. President of Tor- the G.T.R. Co.; was riven chaise of tele- onto Young Men's Conservative Assn., also graph office^ 1866; became mgr. of the Pres of the Ontario Con. Assn. the same dffiCe of the Dom. Tel. Co. at Kingston, 109 , '


1870; transferred to Buffalo, N.Y., 1871; stage; is interested in the work of the Soc. apptd. supt. of the Co. at Montreal, 1873; for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and remained with the Dom. Tel. Co. until it has latterly delivered addresses in several was merged with the G. N. W. Tel. Co.; in cities on the subject. Address: 6 Cluny 1S81 effected the organization of the Can, Avenue, Toronto. Clubs: Toronto Ladies', Mutual Tel. Co., of which he remained pres. Ladies' Empire, London, Eng. and mgr. until he engaged with the C. P. R. HOUSTON, William Robert: 6.^.Mount Co. as head of the tel. dept., in Jan., 1SS6; Forest, Ont., 2 Oct., 1866; m.; four a. one d. retired from the management of the C. P. R. Educ: Trinity Coll. Sch. Entered banking Tel. system, 1899. Dir., Bank of Montreal; profession, 1893, and spent fifteenyrs.~with

of the C. P. Ry. ; Vice-Pres. and Dir. of the . Founded Houston's Commercial Cable Co.; Dir., Postal Tel. Standard Publications, 1901, being editor of Cable Co., Montreal Light, Heat and Power The Annual Financial Review (Canadian), Co., the Halifax and Bermudas Cable Co., and the Bank Directory of Canada. Ad- the London and Lancashire Life Assur. Co. dresses: 7-9 King E.; 8 Elmsley Place, the Laurentide Paper Co., the Canada Toronto. Clubs: Toronto Hunt, Victoria, Paper Co., the Royal Trust Co., the West Toronto. Kootenay Power and Light Co., the Acadia HOWARD, Hon. Mrs. Robert (Margar- Coal Co., the Edwardsburg Starch Co., the at Charlotte Smith); heir presump. to the Dom. Express Co., the Direct West India Barony of Strathcona and Mount Royal; Cable Co.; pres., the Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., o. c of the 1st Baron Strathcona, and Isa- (President), and of the E. N. Heney Co., bella Sophia Hardisty; m. Robert J. B. Ltd.; gov>, Royal Victoria Hoapitail, Mon- Howard, M.D., F.R.S.C. Address: 31 Queen treal Gen. Hospital, Western Hospital. Anne St., Cavendish Square, London, W. RecreaMon: motorii^. Address: 302 Drum- HOWE, CUlton Durant, B.A., M.S., F. " mond St., Montreal; St. Andrews, N.B, E.. Ph.D.; b. Newfalls. Vermont, U.S.A., (summer). Clubs: Mount Royal, St. James, 30 July, 1874; s. of Marshall O. Howe and R. St. L. Yacht, Royal Montreal Golf, Gertrude Q. Dextpr, Educ : Univ. of Ver- Forest and Stream, Montreal. mont., Univ. of Ciiicago. Arrived in Can- HOUSTON, Edward Strachan, Mgr. ade, Oct., 1908; associate director of Belt- Ottawa Branch, Imperial Bank of Canada; more Forest Sch: and Assistant Foyfester b. Waterdown, Ont., 14 July, 1875; s. of to the Beltmore Estate, Beltmore, N.S., Stewart Houston, Dean of Niagara, and 1900-1908; Lecturer in Botany and Fores- Fanny S. Houston; m. Errol Louise rtoulton try, Univ. of Toronto, since Oct., 1908. d. of Samuel Nordheimer, "Glen Edyth," /2ecrca(ion«: anything in the "bush." Ad- Toronto. Educ. : Drummondville Gram. dress: 11 Queen's Park, Toronto, Onti- Sch. Entered service of Imperial Bank of HOTLES, Newman Wright, B.A.. LL. Canada at Niagara Falls, 1892. Stationed D., K.C.; b. St. John's, Nfld., 14 March, at Toronto, and Montreal. Manager at 1844; 8. of Sir Hugh William Hoyles, Chief Niagara Falls Branch before transferred to Justice of Newfoundland, and Jean Lid- Ottawa. Address: 508 Besserer St., Ot- dell; m, Georgina Martha, d. of the late tawa. Clubs: Rideau, Ottawa; Hunt, Tor- Lewis Moffatt, of Toronto; two b. two d. onto. Educ: Upper Can. Coll., Toronto; King's HOUSTON, Mrs. Stewart, n^e Augusta Coll., Windsor, N.S.; Trinity Coll., Cam- Louise Beverly Bobinson; b. Toronto, bridge. Called to Bar of Ontario, 1872; Ont.; d. of Hon. John Veverly Robinson, cr. Q.C., 1889; principal of the Law Sch., formerly Lieut. -Gov. of Ontario; m. Stewart Osgoode Hall, Toronto, 1894. Prea.,' Wy-

Field Houston; one d. Educ: in Toronto. cline Coll. , Toronto and Havemiiil Coll.

During her father's term as Lieut. -Governor Toronto; Vice-Pres., British andT Foreign . amid the many duties of that position, Bible Soc. and Church Missionary Soc, of found time to cultivate an admirable voice England; Pres., Upper Canada and Canad- which she had inherited from her mother. ian Bible Socs. Publicationa: articles in She went to New York at that period to legal journals. Recreation: rov/ins. Address: study under Signor Agramonte. Studied 567 Huron St.; The Law School, Osgoode in Paris, under Madame La Borde, and Hall, Toronto. London, where she completed her vodal HUDON, Lleut.-Col. Joseph A. G„ CM. training with Randeggar and Henschel. G.; b. Quebec, 7 June, 1858; s. of FranijoisL. Was associated with Maud Valerie White, Etienne Hudon, Esq., and Henrietta Cdtul- in a number of recitals in London, and also lard Dupuis; m. Alphonsene, d. of Charles made a number of appearances at St. James' Joncas, Esq., Quebec; two s. two d. Educ: ' Hall, Queen's Hall, and other principal Elementary' Sch., Seminai*y and Commer- concerts. On tour with Plunket Greene, cial Academy; joined Milita, Quebec Gar* Ben Davies, Marie Brema and other notable rison Artillery, as Lieutenant, 1878; "A" artists. Returning to Canada in 1895, Battery, R.e.A., 1883; served in the North- achieved great success in Massey Hall in West Rebellion. 1885; present at actions of "The Creation," In 1896-7, was a member -J^ish Creek and Batoche (medal with clasp); of Madame Albani's concert party on her in South Africa as .Major in Command of tour of Canada and the United States. In "C" Battery, R.C.F.A.; present at relief of 1899, sang on tour with Plunket Greene in Mafeking, and operations in Orange Free Canada. 1899-1900, sang on behalf of the State, Transvaal and Rhodesia (despatches, Dominion patriotic fimd o( the South medal with clasp), 1902. Address: 158 Earl African War in a large number of cities St., Kingston, Ont. and as a result of this series of entertain- HUGHES, Hon. James Anthony, Mem., ments arranged by Mr. Stewart Houston, of U. S. House of Representatives for 5th some $10,000 was obtained for patriotic Dist. of West Virginia; h. Corunna.Ont,, 27- purposes. Then retired from the concert Feb,, -1861. Moved with his parents to 110 WHO'S WHO.

Ashland, Ky., where educ. and entered History in Toronto Collegiate Institute, ,on business career. Mem. of Xi^is. of until 1885, when he pijirchased the Lindsay Kentucky, 1887-88. Kemoved to West Warder, which he edited until 1897; was Virginia, and el. to State Senate, 1894-98. prominently identified with Amateur Ath- First el. to 57th Congress; re-el. 58th, 59th, letics; has been in the Active Militia since 60th, and 61st Con. Addresses: The Capi- his fourteenth year; declined position of tol, Washington, D.C.; Huntington, West Deputy Minister of Militia, in 1891, and of Va., U.S.A. Adjt.-Gen'l., Canada, 1895; apptd, Lt.-Col., .HUGHES, James Laughlin; h. Durham Commanding 45th Batt., 9th June, 1897; County, Ont., 20 Feb., 1846; 8. of John took part in the Queen's Jubilee celebration, Hughes and Caroline Langhlin; m. (1st) 20 June, 1897 (medal); President of the Annie Agnes Sutherland; (2nd) Ada Marian Dominion of Canada Rifle Association; Hughes; one 8. three d. Lived in the coun- President, Small Arms Committee, Canada; try till he was twenty years of age, .and Chn, Board of Visitors, Royal Military Coll., worked his -father's farm till he was nine- fKingston; Railway Intelligence Oflieer, teen, when he became a teacher. After Headquarters' Staff; served in the Fenian teaching one yearr went to the Normal Sch. Raids, 1870 (medai); since 1872, has strong- in Toronto, and remained till he secured the ly advocated and made personal offers of highest grade of certificate^ issued by the Colonial Military Assistance to the Empire, Education Department of Ontario. After in Imperial Wars; personally offered to leaving the Normal School, taught in Frank- raise corps for the Egyptian and Soudanese ford for six months, and was then apptd. campaigns, the Afghan Frontier War, and to a position in the Model Training School the Transvaal War; visited Australia and in Connection with the Normal School, New Zealand in 1897-98 in the interest of

Toronto. Received this appointment _ on Colonial assistance in Imperial Wars; served his twenty-fifth birthday; became principal in the South African Transvaal War, 1899- of the school. In 1874, he was elected to 1900, (1) on railway transport, (2) as Assist, hie present position as Chief Inspector of to Inspector General Settle on the lines of Schools for the city of Tpronto. Publica- commimication; (3) as Chief Intelligence tions: Frobel's Educational Laws," "Dick- Staff to General Settle in the Gordonia and ens as an Educator," "Mistakes in Teaching, Prieska campaign; and (4) in similar position "Teaching to Read," "How to seciwe and on Staff of Gen 1. Sir Charles Warren in the retain attention." Recreation: lacrosse. Griqualand West, and Bechuanaland cam- Address: 47 Dundonald St., Toronto.' paigns; (5) Commander of the Mounted

HUGHES, Miss Katherine, Prov. Arch- Brigade in same campaign ; mentioned sev-r

h. ; ivist for Alberta; Melbourne, P.E.I. d. of eral , times in despatches; an unsuccessful John Wellington Hughes and Anne O'Brien, candidate for the H. of C. for N, Victoria, d. of the late Terence O'Brien, of New Glas- 1891; elec. bye-election 1892, and re-elec. gow, P.E.I. Educ: Notre Dame Convent, 1896 and 1900; elec. for Victoria.and Hali- and Prince of Wales Coll., Charlottetown, burton, 1904 and 1908; member of the P.E.I. Upon leaving Coll., was actively , Foresters and Masonic Order; engaged for a few yrs. in work for the uplift Methodist; Conservative. Arfrfress: Lindsay, of native Indian races; in 1903 joined the Ont. editorial staff of the Montreal Star, and HULL, William Roper; h. Somerset- in 1906, the staff of the Edmonton Bulletin; shire, Eng., 20 Dec, 1857; s. of Arthur Hull representative of the Bulletin in Press Gal- and Honora Roper; m.; Educ: Dorchet lery of Alberta Legislature; appointed and Bridgeport, Eng. For many yrs. sole Provincial Archivist for Alberta in 1908; in owner of Hull Bros. &, Co., ranches, abat- sunmier of 1909 to secure material for the toirs and meat agencies in Alberta, but Alberta Archives made a tour alone of the recently sold out to P. Burns &, Co. A large Peace River and Athabasca districts by owner of real estate in Calgary. Built and frontier stE^e, canoe, river-boats and scows; owns the Calgary Opera House, Victoria elec, Vice-President of the Canadian Wom- Block, Hull Block, and many private en's Press Club in 1909. Publication:" Xixih- residences; dir. of the Calgary Brewing Co. -. bishop O'Brien," Man and Churchm&n. Address; Calgary. Chib; Ranchmen's. Short stories and articles in Canadian and HUMPHREY, Lleut.-Col. William Mar- American Magazines; contributed Forest shall, District Officer Commanding and Tim.ber section to Canadian Encyclo- Military District,, No. 8; Hon, Lieut. -Gol., pedia, Vol. V; wrote and edited Christmas 66th Regt., "Princess Louise Fusiliers;" 6. magazines of Edmonton Bulletin, 1906-07- Halifax, N.S.. 8 July, 1852; s. of William 08; at present eng^ed upon a "Life of and Merian Humphrey, fomerly of Illmun- Pere Lacombe." Recreations: riding, canoe- ster, Somerset, Eng.; m, Eva, e. d. of the ine, walking. Address: 150 Bellamy St., late Andrew Mitchell of Halifax, N.S.; one Edmonton, or Government Buildings, Ed- s. one d. Identified with the Militia of monton, Alta. Canada for 40 years; first commission as HUGHES, Colonel Samuel, M.P.; h. Ensign. ^6th Regt., 1869; was present at Darlington, Co. Durham, Ont., 8 Jan., 1853; Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee in Lon- a. of John Hughes, a native of Tyrbne, don, 1897, as representative from N.S. Ireland, and Caroline Laughlin, of Scotch- RecreationB: cricket, walking, reading. Ad- Irish-Huguenot descent; m. (1st) ~1872, dress: 19 Wellington Row, St. John, N.B. - Caroline J., d, of the late Major Preston, Clubs: Halifax; Union, St. John, N.B. Vancouver, B.C. {deceased) (2nd) 1 875, HUNT, Aylmer Byron, M.P.; 6. Bury, Mary, e. d. of H. W. Burk, ex-M.P., West Que., 26 April, 1864; s. James and Jane Durham. Educ: Pub. Sch., Toronto Model Hunt; m, Annie Dawson; two s. five d, and Normal Sch., and 'Toronto Univ. Lec- Educ: Bury Model School; carriage maker turer in English Language, Literature and and lumber dealer and also largely inter- Ill ,


ested in timber lands; defeated as a liberal que Canada; in conjunction with his sons candidate for Quebec Legislature; elected H. H. and A. T. published treatises on to the Federal House in 1904; election Insurance and Property Law; formed the annulled in 1905; successful in the bye- Ontario Statute relating to insurance, and election and also in g. e. in 1908. Address: the law of loan corporations; in 1896 he Robinson, Bury, Prov. Que. computed from the Canada Life Mortality, HUNT, Kev. Thomas Henry, M.A., D. the minimum table of premium rates P.E.I,, 7 Nov., 1865; 8. which is the statutory standard in Ontario D : h. St. Eleanor's ^ of William Thomas De Vere Hunt, and and Quebec for Friendly Societies, and which Isabella Fortune Mackenley. Educ: St. became the basis for the fraternal congress Peter's Boys' Sch., Charlottetown, P.E.I., table in the United States. Address: 82 and Kill's Coll., Windsor, N.S.; ordained St. Mary St.. Toronto. Ont. Deacon in 1888; Priest in 1889; Master St. HUNTER, John Kelso, barrister, City Peter's Boys' Sch., 1888 to 1904; Assistant Clerk of K^ina, Sask., and Secretary- Priest St. Peter's Cathedral, 1889 to 1904 Treasurer for the Union of Sask. Municipal- (both at Charlottetown,P.E.I.;) Lecturer in ities; b. Glasgow, Scot., 18 Nov., 1856; s. of Divinity, Trinity Coll., Toronto, 1904 to John Kelso Hunter and Margaret Goldie; 1907; Alexandra Professor of Divinity, m. Eliz|ibeth W. Walker, Sunderland, Eng.; lOng's Coll., Windsor, N.S., 1907. Address: £7cfue..* Kirkwall Gram. Sch- and Glasgow King's College, Windsor, N.S. Univ.; arrived in Canada, July. 1892; smce HUNTEB-, Hon. Gordon, Chief Justice coming to Canada has been farming, of the Supreme Court of British Columbia; Teacher, Barrister, Deputy Registrar for 6. Beamsville, Ont., 4 May, 1863; o. s. J. the Assiniboia Land Registration- District, Howard Hunter, M.A., Govt. Inspector of and City Clerk of Regina. Publicationsy Insurance for Ontario, and Anne Gordon; R^ina Municipal Manual." Recreations: m. 1896, Mrs. Ida Nelson, d. of Chas. F. cricket and golf. Address: 2330 Victoria Johnson, of Portland, Ore. Educ: Brant- St., R^na. Clubs: Assinaboia, R^itia. ford, Coll. and Toronto Upiv., where he HUXTEit, Samuel, cartoonist; b. Mill- grad. 1885, winning Lome silver and Lans- brook, Co. of Durham, Ont. ,^3 March, 4858;^ downe gold medals for general proficiency. s. of John Hunter, and Jane O'Brien; tw, Stjidiea law in office of Messrs. McCarthy, Jeanette Brayley, of Toronto. Educ: Mill- ^ Hoskina & Creelman, and called to Ontario brook Public Sch. ; during the past twenty- Bar, 1888. Removed to B.C., 1891, and five years, has been cartooning on the apptd. first official law reporter to Supreme Toronto press. Recreations: interested in Court, Later became Crown Solicitor; Elant and bird life. Address: 168 Spring- sworn 18 March, 1902 as Chief Justice of urst Av., Toronto, and Stqny Lake, Ont. B. C. A charter mem. and one of organ- (Summer). , izers of the Young Men's Liberal Assn. of HUTCHISON, Alexander Cooper, arch- Toronto in 1887, first organization of the itect; b. Montreal, 1838; s, of William kipd -in Canada. Address: Victoria, B.C. Hutchison and Helen H^ll; m. 1862, Mar- Club: Union, Victoria. garet Burnet, of Cobourg, Ont.; two a. one d. HUNTEK, James Blake, B.A.; Deputy Educ: Sch. of the late C. P. Watson; mgbt Minister of PubUc Works, Canada; b. Bchs., and devoted his spare time to self Waterdown, Ont., 31 Aug., 1876; a. of the study. Attended drawing classes couduct- late David Hamilton Hunter, Principal of ed at the Mechanics* List. At age of Woodstock (Ont.) -Collegiate Institute, and twelve, b^an to learn the trade of stone- Eunice Kitchen, d of the late J. B. Kitchen, cutter. Had charge of the stone cut work Esq., J.P. of St. George, Ont.; m. Helena of the eashem block of the Parlt. Bldgs. at ^ Ai^usta Calvert, d. of W, S, Calvert, Rail- Ottawa, and Christ Church Cathedral. Con- way Commissioner, formerly M.P. for West ducted the drawing classes in connection Middlesex; one d. Entered pub. service in with the Mechanics^' Inst, at Montreal, for 1899, in tlxe Privy Council department, as some time; apptd. mem. R.C.A. by Marquis private secretary to late H<^. James of Lome, 1880, and vice-pres. that Assn. Sutherland; Private Secretary, 1900, to for twenty yrs. One of the founders and Acting Postmaster General during the Pres., Prov. of Quebec Assn. of Architects. absence of Sir Wm. Mulock, in Australia; For several yrs. mem, of the Council and in 1901, Private Secretary to the Minister second Mayor of Cote St. Antoine; School of Marine and Fisheries; in 1902, Private Trustee for eighteen yrs. Mem. -No. 5 Secretary to the Minister of Public Works; Queen's Company. Volunteer Fire Brigade Jan. Ist, 1908, apptd. Asst. Deputy Min- for number of yrs.; first company of Rmes, ister of Public Works, and July 1st, 1908, also an officer in a Rifie Company in Ottawa apptd. Deputy Minister. Address: 752 and afterwards with the Montreal Engine- Maclaren St., Ottawa, Ont, ers, retiring with rank of Lieut. Took HIJlVTEIt, John Howard, Prov. Inst>ec- part in Fenian Raids in 1866 and 1870 tor of Insurance for Ontario, M.A., K.C.; (medal); life gov. Montreal Gen. Hospital, b. near Bandon, Ireland, 22 Dec, 1839; a. Hospital for the Insane, Protestant House of William Hunter and Charlotte Howard; of Industry and Refuge; ex-Pres., Canadian

m. Annie Gordon, d. of John Gordon, Inver- . Branch of Roydl Caledonian Curli^ Club, ness, Scot.; two 8. three d. Educ: Queen's Montreal Caledonian Curling,-and Heather Univ. . Univ., Ireland, and of Toronto; ar- Curling Club: of Westmount. Address: 240 rived in .Canada, 1859; Principal of Colleg- Kensington Av., Montreal. iate Institute, St. Catharines* 1871; Inspec- HUTCHISON, Dr. James Alexanderr b. tor of Insurance for Ont. since 1881; also Montreal, 12 June, 1863; s. of -the late Mat- R^strar of Loan, Companies, and Trust thew Hutchison and Helen Ogilvie;m. 1891, Companies, and Registrar of Friendly Soc- o. d. of the Iste Thomas Caverhill, (rf. 1899); ieties. Publications: articles in "Pictures- three s. one d. Educ: Montreal Godericn, 112 ; : WHO'S WHO.

tiniv. of Montreal (erad. 1884), and pros- practiced in Stratford, Ont.; apptd. County ecuted his studies in Edinburgh and London Crown Attorney for Perth, 1879; continued qualifjring Licentiate of the Royal Coll. of as such until apptd. Puisne Judge, Exche- Physicians and Surgeons in Edinburg. On quer Division of High Court of Justice for return to Can., commenced practice in Ontario, 15 March, 1904; and Supreme Montreal. In 1885 became a mem. of Court of Can., 10 Feb., 1905; has been surgical staff of G. T. Ry.; apptd. Asst. President of North Simcoe Reform Assn. Surgeon, Montreal Gen. Hospital, 1891; Address: 325 Stewart St., Ottawa, Ont. attend-Surgeon, 1894. Is at present Asst. C2ub: Rideau, Ottawa. Prof, of Surgery and Clinical Surgery, Mc- INCH, James Robert., M.A., LL.D.; Gill Univ.; promoted Chief Medical Officer Chief Supt. of Educ. for the Prov. of of G. T. R., about 1894, later receiving the New Bnmswick; b. Petersville, Queen's Co., entire control of the medical services of N.B., 29 April, 1835; s. of Nathaniel Inch the G. T. R. System, including the Central and Ann Armstrong; m. Mary Alice Dunn; Vermont Ry. and later of the G. T. P. Ry. one d. Educ.: Gagetown Gram. Sch., Mt. Pres., Montreal Medico-Chinirgical Soc; Allison Univ. Taught in pub. schs., 1850- mem. Can., Ontario and National Ry. Med- 54, in Mt. Allison Acad., 1854-64; prmcipal ical Assns.; life mem. M.A.A.A. Publica- Mt. Allison Ladies' Coll. 1864-1878; Pres. of tiona: has contributed valuable^ surgical Mt. Allison Univ., Sackville, N.B., 1878- papers to Canadian and U.S. 'medical jour- 1891; apptd. Chief Supt. of Educ. for the nals. AddresB: 70 Mackay St., Montreal. Prov. of N.B., 1891. Address: Sackville, Chibt: St. James, University, Royal St. N.B. Lawrence, Yacht, Royal Montreal Golf. INGRAM, Andrew B., Vice Chairman HUTCHISON, Wmiam, Ex-M.P.; Order Ontario Railw'ay, and Municipal board; b. of the Rising Sun (Japan) ; Colonel (Japan) Strabarie, Ont., 23 April, 1885; s. of Thomas Commissioner of Dominion Exhibitions; h. and Mary Ann Ingram; m. Elizabeth Mo- Ottawa, Ont., 25 Dec., 1843; ». of Robert Intyre; three s. one d. Represented West and Mary Hutchison; m. E. B. Willet; two Elgin in the Legislative Assembly of Ont., «. Educ; Ottawa Grammar Sch.; was rep- for fotir years, and East Elgin in the H. of resentative for the Capital in the H. of C. C. for seven years. Address: 322 Palmerston for one term; president of the Central Can- Boulevard, Toronto, Ont. ada Exhibition for many years; now Com- INNIS, Hugh Paterson, K.C., M.L.A.r missioner of Exhibitions for the Dominion b. Dundas, Ont., 14 Sept., 1870; a. of Wil- of (Canada; decorated by the Emperor of liam Patrick Innis, founder of the Simcoe Japan for services at Osaka. Address: Canning Company, and Marian Livingstone. Ottawa, Ont. CZu6;RLdeau, Ottawa. m. Mabel Margaret, e. d. of the late HUTCKE, His Hon. Edward Cornelius Judge R. T. Livingstone; two a. three d. Stanbury, B.A., LL.B., K.C.; County Educ: Simcoe Pub. and High Sch. Admit- Judge of Peterborough, Ont.; 6. Percy Tp., ted tp the Bar, 1893; created K.C., 1908. Northumberland Go., Ont., 16 March, 1860; elected to Ontario Legislature, June, 1908^ a. of James Kemp Huycke, P.J., and Annie Address: Simcoe, Ont. Stanbury; m. Rose Meredith Field; four e. INWOOD, Frederick Geori^e, Gen. Sec. two d. Educ: Percy, Campbellford, Co- the Reform Assoc, for Ontario; b. Kingston bourg, Toronto. Taught classics before on Thames, England, 20 Sept., 1854; s. of study of law. Called to the Bar, 1886; cr. Geo. and Susanna Inwood; m. Annabel K.C., 1902; elevated to the Bench, 1909. Sutherland, of Napier, Ont. ; two d. Educ. jlddress; Peterborough, Ont. (7!«6; Citizens, Ont. Pub. and High Sohs., Ont. Com. Coll., Peterborough. .Belleville. Came to Can. with parents in HTMAN, Hon. Charles Smith, P.O.; b. 1857. In commercial life for many yrs., London, Ont., 31 Aug., 1854; ». of Ellis W. until apptd. to present position. Past G. Hyman and Anna M. Niles; m. Elizabeth M. and Treas. A.O.U.W., P.D.D.G.M., A.F. Birrell ; one d. Educ. .-Hellmuth Coll. ; Mayor & A.M., Past Pres., Can. Fraternal Assocn. of London, 1884; Chairman Board of Trade, Address: 63 Glen Rd., Toronto. Club: 1886; elec. member of H. of C. for London, Ontario, Toronto. 1891; defeated 1892, and 1896; relec. 1900, IRTIN, Joseph Samuel; b. Belle Plain, 1904 and 1905; Chairman Railway Com- Marshall Co., Illinois, U.S.A., 6 May, 1862; mittee, 1903, 1904, 1905; Chairman He- 8. of Col. Joseph Irvin, 77th Illinois Volun- distribution Committee, 1903; Minister of teers, and Elizabeth M. Irvin; m. (1st) Public Works, 1905; resigned owing to ill Martha A. Barnard (2nd) Miss Wright, of health, 1907. jl(Hre««: London, Ont. Clube: Ottawa; one a. Arrived in Can., January, London; St. James, Montreal; Toronto, 1900. Educ: Pub. Sch. of Illinois; employ- Toronto; Rideau, Ottawa; and Union, St. ed on his father's farm until he was seven- John, N.B. teen years of age, when he accepted a position with Scott, Arnold & Company, of Bloomington, 111., as salesman. Two yrs. later, was oftered and accepted a position I with the Piano Harvesting Machine Co., of Chicago, as travelling expert and sales- IDINGTON, Hon. John, LL.B., K.C.; man. The following year, and before a Judge of the Supreme Court of Canada; b. twenty-one years of a^e, he was promoted Wellington, Ont., 14 Oct., 1840; ». of Peter to the position of general manager for the Idington and Catherine Stewart; m. Mar- State of Michigan and placed in charge of garet Cotelengh, d. of the late George branch house at Jackson, Mich., a position Cotelengh of Movmt Forest, Ont.; four s. held by him for.seven years. Ehijoyed the four A Called to the Bar, Trinity Term, distinction of being the youngest general 1864; Q.C. in Ont., 1876; Dominion, 1885; manager in this business in the United 113 '


States. At the end of this period of ser- RecreaHons: walking, culture and care of vice, accepted a position with the McCor- fruit. Address: Vernon, P.E.I. mick Harvesting Machine Company of IRVING, Hon. Faulus ^mUlus, M.A., Chicago, lU., remaining with them until D.C.L., a Judge of the Supreme Court of October, 1898, when he resigned his posi- B.C.; b. 3 April, 1857; 3rd «. of Sir iEmilius tion and became associated with Jackson Irving, Toronto; m. 1833, Diana, d. of Hon. and Detroit capitalists, and at once dis- yf. Hamley; two s. two d. Educ: Trinity tinguished himself in the organization of the Coll. Sch., Port Hope; Trinity Coll., Toronto Peninsular Portland Cement Company of Called to Bar of Ont.; 1880; B.C., 1882; Cement City, Mich. At the first annual Deputy Attorney-General, B.C., 1888-90; Meeting of tbis'-Gompany, was unanimously Puisne Judge, British Columbia, 1897; as elected a member of the Board of directors. special commissioner he settled mining dis- Assisted in the promotion of and served putes in At'lin, B.C., 1899; his services on as a director of the Southern States Port- this occasion were acknowledged in the land Cement Company of Atlanta, Ga., and speech from the throne. Address: Halwyn, the Westfern States, Portland Cement Co., 29 Richardson Street, Victoria, B.C. Clubs: of Independence, Kansas. In 1902, pro- Union, Victoria; Vancouver. moted and built the works of the Inter- IRWIN, Lieut.-Col. De la Cherois national Portland Cement Company of Thomas, C.M.G.; Hon. A.D.C. ' to Ottawa, Canada, and is at present its man- Governor-General r retired Colonel, Royal asking director. In 1905, promoted and Canadian Artillery; Lt.-Col. (retired) Royal built the big works of the Western Canada Artillery; b. Armagh, Ireland, 31 M'krch, Cement & Coal Company at Exshaw, Al- 1843; m. 25 April 1867, Isabella d, of Rob- berta. The International and Exshaw ert Hamilton of Hamwood, Quebec; three s, " Plants are conceded by experts to be mod- one d. Educ: privately; Royal Military els in design and equipment and economic- Academy, Woolwich; arrived in Canada, ally produce the very highest grade cement. Dec., 1861; entered Royal Artillery, 1^61; A leading spirit in the early promotion of the retired as Lt.-Col,, 1882; sent to Canada at big 830,000,000 Cement Merger, known eis the time of the Trent affair; marched with ^ the Canada Cement Company, Limited, and the 10th Brigade to Quebec, March, 1862; one of its first Directors. Publications: entered Canadian MiUtary Service, 1872; several books on Cement; its production on reserve list, 1897; on retired list with and method of manufacture. Address: rank of Colonel, May, 1909; R.M. Staff Col- Suite 401, Aylmer Apartments, Ottawa. lege, 1871-72; Inspector of Artillery for IRVING, Sir Aemllius, Kt., K.C.; bar- Dominion of Canada, 1882-98; commandant rister; 6. Leamington, Eng., 1823; s. of the Royal School of Artillery, 1873-82; com- late Jacob Aemilius Irving, Mem. Legis. manding Royal Canadian Artillery, 1883- Coun., CanBula, and Catherine Diana, d. of 97; President -Dominion Artillery Associa- Sir Jere Homfray, of Llandaff, House Gla- tion, 1900-1901; Secy, of the Can. Patriotic morganshire; m. 1851, Augusta Louisa (d. Fund Aesocn. Recreations: golf, curlii^, 1892), d. of Col. Gugy, Quebec; five s. two d. angling. Address: 170 Cooper St., Ottawa; Educ: Upper Can. Coll. Called to Bar, Camagh, Co. Armagh. Ireland. Clubs: Rid- 1849; cr. Q.C., 1864; cr. Kt., 1906. Mem. eau, Golf, Ottawa. of H. of C. for Hamilton, 1874-1878; Treas. IRWIN, May; fe.BWhitby, Ont., 1862; d. of Law Soc. of Upper Canada, first el. 1893 Robert E. and Jane Draper Campbell; m. and re-el. annually since; Hon. LL.D., Univ. 1878, Frederick W. Keller, St. Louis (d.) of Toronto, 1905. Address: 19 Russell St., 1886. Debut Adelphi Theatre, Buffalo, Clubs: Toronto. Toronto, Victoria, To- , Feb., 1876; mem. of Tony Pastor's Co. ronto, Hamilton. (with her sister Flora), 1877-83; Augustin IBTIXG, Major Lewis Erskine Went- Daly.aCo., 1883-7; later with Charies Froh- worth, D.S.O., M.D., CM., Royal man ^nd Rich. & Harris; subsequently Canadian Artillery; 6. Hamilton, 16 Aug., starring in "The Widow Jones," "The Swell 1868; 5th s, of Sir. iEmilius Irving. Educ: Miss Fitzwell," "Courted into Court," "Kate Up. Can. Coll., Toronto; McGill Coll. Mon- Kip-Buyer," "Sister Mary," "Belle of ' ,' treal; * Trinity Univ., Toronto. Capt. Can- Bridgeport ' 'Madge Smith, Attorney adian, Artillery, 1891; Lt. Royal Canadian "Mrs. Black is Back," "Mrs. Wilson—An- Artillery, 1899; served South Africa (Rhod- drews," "Mrs. Peckham's Carouse," etc. esian Field Force), 1899-1900; Beira to Address: Irwin Island, Claytoli, N.Y. Mafeking, etc. (despatches, D.S.O., Brevet IRWIN, Robert, M.L.A.; 6. Shelburne, of Major, 1901, Queen's medal, 4 clasps). N.S., 17 January, 1865; s. of Robert Gore Treas. Law Society of Up. Canada. Address: Irwin and Isabel Muir Archer; m. Mary Walton, Ont. Clubs: Canadian Military Prescott McGill, d. of James P. McGill of Institute, Victoria, Toronto. Shelburne, N.S.; two «. Educ: Shelburne IRVING, David Purdy, M.L.A.; b. Cher- Academy; followed commercial life; elect, ry Valley, P.E.I., 6 April 1841; a. of James to Legislature of Nova Scotia, 1906. Ad- Irving and Anne MacKenzie; m. Anne drc««: Shelburne, N.S. Tweedy; six a. six d. Educ: Prince of Wales Coll., Charlottetown, P.E.I, Taught in the pub. schools for six yrs., then went to Nefw York where he filled an important position in office of New York and Erie JACKSON, Rev. George, B.A.; b. Grimsby, Railroad; returned P.E.I., to to take up Eng., 15 Oct., 1864; 2nd a. of William and life of country gentleman Vernon; at elected Ehza Jackson; m. 1892, Annie, d. of J. Liberal for East Queens, in 1900; rerelected Hyslop Bell, J.P., Darlinjgton; three ». one d. in 1904, again elected in 1908; colleague of Educ: Collegiate Sch., Grimsby; Wesleyan Haszard, Premier Hon. T. L. of Pr.ovince Methodist Coll., Richmond; London XJniv. 114 WHO'S WHO.

Entered Wesleyan Methodist ministry, 1887 of Ry., 1.883; trajisferred to Owen Sound, one year in the Clitheroe Circuit; superin- 1884; transferred to engineering dept. at tendent of the Wesleyan Methodist Mission^ Montreal, 1885, and apptd. Supt. of elevat- Edinburgh, 1888; held several important ors. Estb. a business in Montreal as a pastoral charges in Canada, including Sher- designing and contracting engr., making bourne St. Church, Toronto; apptd. Prof., a specialty of grain elevators, 1895. Mem. English Bible, Victoria College, Toronto, Council, Can. Soc. of Civil Engineers, 1909. Publicationt: First Things First, American Soc. of Civil Engineers. Desi- 1894; The Table Talk of Jesus, 1896; Judg- fued and constructed Govt, elevator at ment, Human and Divine, 1897; The Ten •ort Colboume, Ont., Welland Canal. Pub- Commandments, and a Young Man's Book lications: a paper entitled "Grain Pressures Shelf, 1698; a Young Man's Religion, 1900; in Deep Bins, submitted to the Can. Soc. Memoranda Paulina, 1901; The Old Metho- of Civil Engrs.. Dec. 1903. Address: 585 dism and the New, 1903; The Teaching of Dorchester St., W., Montreal. Club: Engin- Jesus, 1903; The fact of conversion, 1908; eers, studies in the Old Testament, 1909. Re- JAMipSON, His Hon. Joseph; County creations: walking, cycling, cricket. Ad- Judge of Wellington; b, Tp. of South Sher- dress: 115 Wellesley St., Toronto. brooke, Co. of Lanark, Ont., 15 March, JACKSONi Samuel Jacob) farmer; b. 1839; s. of William Jamieson and Margaret Stradbally, Ireland, 18 Feb., 1848; «. of Molyneux; m. Elizabeth Carss, d. of the Samuel Jackson and Elizabeth Sutcliffe; m late Robert Carss, J. P., of Fitzroy, Carleton 28 Feb., 1878, Ida Isabella Clarke, of Lon- County; four s. Educ: Perth Grammar don, Ont.; six children. Educ: Common Sch.; called to the bar, Ontario, 1869; prac- and Grammar Schs., Brampton, Ont.; and ticed in Almonte for 25 years; represented Brantford Grammar Sch. Apptd. Inspec- North Lanark in the H. of C, from 1882, tor of Indian Agencies, 6 Dec., 1902, and until 1891, when apptd. Junior Judge of the resigned 3 Oct., 1904. El. to Manitoba County of Wellington, which position he Legis. in 1883, 1886, 1888, 1892, 1896, de- occupies at present. Address: Guelph, Ont. feated in Legis., 1899. El. Speaker Man. JAMIESON, Beubep Rupert; b. West- Feb., 1891. three times can- Was a over, Ont., 12 Dec, 1856; s. of John and for city of didate alderman in the Winnipeg, Mary Jamieson; m. Alice J. Jukee; two s. el. pres. of and 1877, 1878, 1883. Has been two d. Educ: pub. schs. in Railway service the Rockwood Agric. Soc. for a number from 1873 to 1908; commenced as tele- of yrs. Elected H. C. e., 1904. to of at g. traph operator and ended as General Unsuccessful "at g. e. 1908. Address: Stone- uperintendent; all on Can. Pac Ry.; Mayor, City of Calgary, 1909. Address: JAFFRAT, Hon. Robert, senator; 6. Calgary, Alberta. Clubs: Ranchmens', Cal- near Bannockburn, Scotland, 1832; s. of gary. William Jaffraw- and Margaret Heugh; m. JARYIS, Aemilius; head of the firm of 1860, Sarah (rf. 1906}, d. of John Bugg. Aemilius Jarvis & Co., bankers and brokers; Toronto, Educ. : Stirling Academy. Served April, grandson of apprenticeship in Edinburgh, emigrated to b. Toronto, Ont., 25 1860; Peter Jarvis, after whom is nam- Toronto, 1852; in business in Toronto until Col. Samuel , Toronto, and great-grandson of 1883, and since then director of numerous ed Jarvis St. first Prov. Sec. of Upper railways, insurance companies, land cor- William Jarvis, the Augusta, d. of Aemilius porations, and other enterprises, President Can.; m. 1886, Irving, of Hamilton; two a. three d. of the Olobe, (Toronto) Newspaper, since K.C., Upper Can. Coll. Gained his first 18SS; member of the Commission of Queen Educ: experience in the Bank of Hamil- Victoria Niagara Falls Park, since 1890 business at estbd. the banking and Vice-President, Crow's Nest Pass Coal Co. ton Hamilton; firm of Aemilius Jarvis Co., 1892, since 1898; vice-president Imperial Bank of broking & he is head; has been financially Canada since 1906. Addreaa: Surrey Lodge, of which connected the Hamilton, Grimsby and -vsGrenville Toronto. Clubs: Ontario; with Street, the Hamilton Toronto; Rideau, Ottawa. Beamsville Electric Ry. Co., Iron & Steel Co., the Toronto Hotel Co., the JAMESON, Clarence, M.P.; 6. Badeque. Niagara, St. Catharines and Toronto Ry. P.E.I., 12 June, 1872; s. of the late J. H, Electric and Water Power Co., Jamieson, M.D., Shipharbour, N.S., and Co., Trenton and other large institutions. Is well Sophie, (Lof the late Rev. Charles J. Shreve, many throughout Canada as a yacht Chester, W.S. Educ: Prince Co, Academy; known skipper and slalful helmsman, and in 1896, studied law, 1893; apptd. town clerk and chosen the North American Yacht Treasurer of EHgby, 1895; Deputy Magis- was by Assn., to represent them at a con- trate, Digby, 1900; Magistrate, 1903; Sur- Racing held in London, 1897, with the rogate of Probate, 1904; fellow R.C.I., Lon- ference Yacht Racing Assn. of Great Britain, Ad- . don, Eng., and member ofthe N.S. Histori- dress: 34 Prince Arthur Av., Toronto. cal Society; elec. to the H. of C, 1908; Ch. Clubs : Toronto.-National ; Toronto. of England; Conservative. Address: Digby, N.S. JARVIS, Lt.-Col. Arthur Leonard Fitz- JAMIBSON, James Alexander; 6. Peter- Gerald, I.S.O.; 6. Toronto, Ont., 17 borough, Ont., Dec, 1859; s. of John Jamie- June, 1852; 8. of George Murray, and Eliza- son and Elizabeth Mason; m. Miss Mathews, beth Arnold Jarvis; m. Frances Geraldine of London, Eng. Educ: Peterborough pub. Fitzgerald. Educ: Toronto and Quebec. and^high schs. Studied architectural and Entered the Government service in 1868; mechanical draughting, and engaged^ on Secretary, Department of Agriculture, 1896. plans and construction of the original Assistant Deputy Minister, 1908; command- elevator at Midland, Ont, Employed on ed the Governor-General's Foot Guards, engineering staff of C.P.R. on construction 1899 to 1904. Recreations: curling and golf. 115 WHO'S WHO.

Address: 365 Daly Avenue, Ottawa, Out. resources of Canada; Forest Wealth of Can- C2u&:Bideau. ada; Historical papers in magazines. Re- JASYIS, Ernest Frederick, Asst. Dep. creations: orchardist, studies of place names Min. of Militia and Defence; b. St. Eleanors, of Canada, walking. Address: Grand Pre, P.E,I., 16 Sept., 1862; a. of Henry Fitz- N.S. gerald Jarvis, physician and surgeon, and JOHNSON, George Balfour, M.L.A.; 6. Lucy Dea Brisay Jarvis; m. Ethel Colborne, Romano Bridge, Peebleshire, Scot., 21 d. of the late E. A. Meredith, LL.D., Tor- March, 1865; a. of John Johnson, and Anna onto; one a. three d. Educ: P.E.I. Pub. M. L. L. Donald; m. Frances H. Hayward; Schs. Apptd. asst. third class clerk, P.O. three d. Educ : Aberdeen, Scot, ; arrived in Dept., 23 March, 1881; priv. see. to, the Can., 1884. A general merchant. Mayor Hon. J. C. Patterson, Sec. of State, and of Melfort, 1907-08. Mem. Sask. Leg. Ass, subsequently Min. of Militia and Defence, Address: Melfort, Sask. Jan., 1892, to March 1895; permanently JOHNSON, Gordon Bennett; fc. Belle- transferred to Dept. of Militia and Defence ville, Ont., 18 Kov., 1880; a. J. W. Johnson, from P. O. Dept., 1 July, 1893; apptd. chief M.L.A., Belleville, Ont., and Sarah L. clerk, 1 Jan., 1903; sec. of the Militia Coun,, Johnson {deceased), d. of Dr. P. W, SSiith, 28 Nov.. 1904; Asst. Dep. Min.. 1 Sept., Montreal. Educ: Pub. and high" schs.. 1908. Address; 347 Stewart St., Ottawa. Belleville; Royal Military Coll., Kingston, JETXE, Hon. Sir Louis Amable, K.C.M. and School of Military Engineering, Chatr G., K.C. LL.D., (Laval Univ.), CMef Jus- ham, Eng.; graduated of the R. M..-C;.of tice of the Superior Court, of the Prov. of Canada, 1900; received commission in the Que.; b. L'Aasoniption, 15 Jan., 1836; s. Royal Engineers, June, 1900; Lieut,, School of Amable Jette and Caroline Gauvreau; m. of Military Engineering, 1900 to 1902; at- 1862, Berthe, d. of Tousaaint Laflamme, of tached 55th Field Co., R.E., Colchester,

-Montreal; , one a. Educ.:- L'Assomption Eng., 1902-1903; first Lieutenant. 1903; Coll. Called to the bar in 1857, and com- stationed at Ceylon, 1903-1905; retired, menced the practice of his profession in 1905, Assistant-Engineer on Construction Montreal; at on time was ed. of "La Bevue Shanghai, Nanking Railway, China; a re- Critiaue de Legi'atation et de iurispTrudejice tired Lieut, of the Royal Engineers; Assoc, du Canada," and correspondent of "La znem.. Can. Soc, C.E.; Canadian Address: Revue de Droit International de Gand, c|o J. W. Johnson, M.L.A., Bellfeville, Ont. Belgium;" for some months was ed. of the JOHNSON, Hon. James, M.L.A.; b. paper "L^Ordre." Was Treas, of the Bar Mitchell, Ont., 18 Nov., 1855; a. of John Asan.; apptd. a Puisne Judge of the Super- Johnson and Martha Bainbridge Johnson ior Court of prov. of Que., and in same yr., (English); m. 1879, Susana Oliver; three f. wEis apptd. Prof, of Civil Law in Laval Educ: Pub. Schs., Mitchell. At age of Univ.. and later became Dean of the Fac- twenty, bought and worked a small farm ulty of Law; was mem. of the Provincial in Logan tp.; purchased a farm between Council of Public InBtruction, 1878-1898; Brandon and Boissevain, 1882; removed to in 1898 was apptd. Lieut.-Gov., and in Boiasevain, 1894, and devoted his attention 1903, was re-apptd., retiring from Office in largely to buying and shipping of wheat and August, 1908; Chief Justice, 1909; in 1898, operating of elevators at Boissvain and waa made a Conomander of the Legion of Minto;' has also a general mercantile busi- Honour, and in 1901, cr. K.C.M.G. In 1903 ness at Minto. Pres. of the Boissevain

was apptd. one of the British Commissioners Land Co. ; reeve and coun. of mun. of Eiver- representing the Dom. of Can. on the Alaska side; reeve and coun. of mun, of Morton; Boundary Com., convened in London, Eng.; mayor and coun. of town of Boissevain. Returned for Montreal East to H. of C, El. to Manitoba Legis. Assem., for Turtle 1872. Publication: Observations relatives Mountain, 1897, and has., been successful in au Code de Procedure, conjunction with in every el. since; now Speaker. . Address: his fellow commissioners who were apptd. Boissevain, Man. for the revision of the Quebec Code of Civil JOHNSON, John Wesley, F.C.A., M.L. Procedure. Address: 71 d'Auteuil Street, A.; 6. Antrim, Ireland, 17 Jan., 1846; a. of Quebec. Club: Garrison, Quebec. William Mary Johnson; m. (1st) Sarah, d. JOBIX^ Patrick Joseph, Inspector of In- of W. P. Smith, M.D., of Montreal; (2na), dustrial establishments and public edifices. Mary, d. of Rufus Sawyer, Picton, Ont.; h. Quebec, 26 Oct., 1854; m. t o Eliza- four a. five d. Educ: Ireland and Canada. beth Dowling; one a. two d. Educ: Com. Arrived in Can., Sept.. 1864; Principal of Sch. and Christian Brothers; a labour the Ont. Business Coll.,, Belleville, since leader; ex-president of the Trades and 1877; was Mayor of Belleville, 1897-1900: Labour Congress, and active in the Canad- was Pres. of the Institute of Chartered ian Labour Movement for the last twenty- Accountants of Ont., in 1908; now mem. oi five years. Address: 116 Scott Street, the Ont. Legislature for West Hastings. Quebec. Recreation: golf. Address: Belleville, Ont. JOHNSON* George, D.C.L.; b. Annapo- Ch^: Albany, Toronto. Us Royal, N.S.. 29 Oct.. 1836; a. of George JOHNSON, Thomas Herman, B.A., M. Johnson, Yorkshire Eng., and V. M. Cater, L.A.; 6. Iceland, 12 Feb., 1870; s. of John London, Eng.; widower, Educ: at Sack- and Margaret Johnson; m. Aurora Freder- ville, N.B. Has been editor News, Toronto; ickson; two s. one d. Educ: Public Sch. of editor Toronto Mail; Agent; Statis- Winnipeg and Gustavus Adolphus Coll,, tican of the Dominion of Canada; Hon. St, Peter, Minn. ; arrived in Canada, August, mem. Royal Statistical Society, London; 1879; School Trustee, Winnipeg. 1904-1907; Hon. mem. Manufacturers' Assn. of Canada. elec. to Manitoba Legislative Assembly, 7 Publications: statistical year book of Can- March, 1907. Address: Winnipeg, Man, ada; Handbook of Canada; pulp wood Club: Commercial, Winnipeg. 116 ; ;, - WHO'S WHO.

JOHNSTON, His Hon. Frederick Wil- Legis Ass. for some yrs. Address: Apo- liam; Senior Judge of District of Al- haqui, N.S. goma, Ont.; Judge of the SiuTogate Court JONES, Lt.-Col. Guy Carleton, G.G.H. and Local Master; b. Goderich, Ont., - 6 S., M.D., CM., M.R.C.S., Director General April, 1849; 8. of Hugh Johnston and of Medical Services, Canada; b. HaUfax, N. Matilda, d. of W. B. Rich of Kent Co., Eng. S., 28 Dec, 1864; ». of Hon. A. G. Jones, and m. Sept., 1890, Elizabeth S., d. of Thomas Margaret, a. of Hon. W. J. Stairs; m. Susan, Graham, of Goderich; three s. two d. Educ: d. of the late Robert Morrow. Educ: Mer-

I Public and grammar sch., Goderich. Stud- chester Castle, Edinburgh; Gait. Coll. Inst. ied law in office of the late Ju.d^e Sinclair, Surgeon-Lieut., Ist Regt., C.A., 1696; Major of Hamilton, who formerly practiced law in HaUfax Bearer Co., 1899; Lt.-Col., A.M.S., Goderich; called to the bar m 1872; carried 1 June, 1904; P. A.M.C., 1 Oct., 1905; D.G. on the practice of law in Goderich for 20 yrs. M.S., 22 Dec, 1906 to date. Served during with John Davison, Q.C.; apptd. Junior South African War, 1902 (medal with two Judge of Algoma, 18 June, 1890; was re- clasps); Ac^dress; Ottawa, Ont. Cfubs; Hal- vising officer for Western Algoma, Senior ifax, Halifax, N.S.; Rideau, Ottawa. Judge, 9 July, 1892, succeeding the late JONES, Hon. John Edward, M.D^ LL. Hon. W. McCrae; served in Goderich as B.; B.A.; U.S. Consul General, at Winni- Alderman, Deputy Reeve, Reeve and War- peg; b. Virginia, U.S.A., 21 Feb., 1869; ». of den of the Co. of Huron, 1882; unsuccess- John W. Jones and Kate J. Williams; m. fully contested riding of Huron for local Hilda Virginia IVssowski; one s two d. legislature in 1882. Address: Sault Ste. Educ: Columbia Univ., and National Law Marie. Ont. School; arrived in Canada, May, 1907; was JOLT DE LOTBINIEBE, Major Alain delegate to Republican National Conven- Chartier, R.E., C.I.E.; 6. Quebec, 31 tion, 1900, representing Washington, D.C. Oct., 1862; ». of Sir Henry Joly de Lotbin- Asst. Secy., RepubUcan National Comr iere; m. 1887, Marion Helen Campbell. mittee. Consul General to and opened Educ: R. M. Coll., Kingston. Entered R. Dalny, Manchuria; a graduate of both E., 1886; Captain, 1895; Major, 1903; pro- medicine and law; now consul General at posed and carried out the first large Hydro Winnipeg, Man; for 18 years a member of Mectric Transmission Power Scheme in the the editorial staff of the Washington Star; East, i.e. the Cauvery Falls transmission of fond of amateur athletics; a member of the power to the Kolar Goldfields in Mysore, Executive of the Manitoba Game Protective Av., Ind. ; for a short time this was the longest Association. Address: 264 Edmonton power transmission line in the world; at Winnipeg, Man. Chibs: University, Wash- present engaged as chief engineer in con- ington; Manitoba, Winnipeg. structing a large Hydro Electric Power JONES, Hon. Lyman Melvln; 6. in York Installation on the River Shelum in Kash- Co., Ont., Sept. 21, 1843; of Welsh-Scotch mir; this power will be used for the Abbota- descent; s. of Norman Jones and Therese bad Srinagar Railway, dredging of the River Jane Patterson; m. in 1873, Louise, d. of Shelum in Kashmir, and for industrial pur- Thomas Irwin; one d. In 1886, alderman' poses in Kashmir and the Punjab. Recrea- Winnipeg, and Chairman of Finance Com. ;' tions: go\t fishing, shooting. Address: Srin- in 1887, Mayor of Winnipeg and Vice-Pres. agar, Kashmir, India. of Board of Trade; in 1888, re-elec. Mayor JOLT DB LOTBIVIERE, Major Henri of Winnipeg; in January, 1888, accepted portfolio in Manitoba Government as Pro- Gustave, D.S.O., R.E.; b. 10 March 'vincial Treasurer, and, during the year, 1868; 8. of Sir Henry J. de Lotbiniere; m. negotiated in London, England, first Prov- 1902, Mildred Louisa, d. of C. S. Grenfell. loan build railway; represented Entered Army, 1888; Captain, 1899;' Major vincial to constituency of Shoal Lake; re-elec. at the 1900; served N.W. Frontier, India, 1897- g. e.,'in 1888 to represent North Winnipeg; 98,(medal with 3 clasps); S. Africa, 18,99- resigned office of Pro-vincial Treasurer in 1902 (despatches twice, brevet of Major, 1889, though retaining seat in Legislature Queen's and King's medals, 5 clasps, D.S. " until of term and returned to Eastern O.) Address: Qaeh&c. end Canada to devote his time to private busi- JONES, Frank Percy; Gen. Mgr. of the ness. Upon amalgamation of the Maasey Canada Cement Co.; 6. Broclcville, Ont., 5 and Harris Companies in 1891, removed to Nov., 1869; ». of Chillion Jones, and Eliza Toronto, and became Managing Director M. Harvey; m. Helen Stevens, of Brock- of consolidated Companies; member of ville. Educ: Broclcville High Sch. and R. Senate of Dominion of Canada since Jan'y. _ M. C, Kingston. Was sales mgr. of the 1901; liberal. Is (since 1902) Pres. and Nova Scotia Steel Co.; similar position with Gen. Man. of Massey-Harris Co., Ltd.; Dom. Iron and Steel Co.; mgr. of same cc; Pres., Bain Wagon Co., Ltd., Woodstock; mgr., Canada Cement Co., 1909. Kecreo- Vice-JPres., Ont. Jockey Club; Director Can- iions: Yachting, riding. Address: Imperial adian Bank of Commerce; Verity Plow Co., Life Bldg.,^ Montreal. Ltd.; Nova Scotia Steel & Coal Co., Ltd., JONES, George' Burpee, M.L.A.; b. Canada Cycle & Motor Co.,, Ltd. Recrea- Springfield, King's Co., N.B., 9 Jan., 1866; tions: dri'ving, golf, motoring. Address. s. of Stephen and Eliza Jones; m. Melissa Llawhaden, St. George St., Toronto, Can. J. Fowler, in 1889, one «. one d. Educ: Clubs: Toronto, National, Toronto Hunt, R. Apohaqui Superior sch. At 12 years of age, C.Y.C.; Rideau, Ottawa. h. entered employ of late J. A. Sinnott,, and JONES, Wendell PhllUps, K.C. ; Wood- after 6 years resigned and accepted position stock, N.B., 25 NoVj, 1866; s. of Randolph of general manager with Hugh McLean, of K., and Gertrude H. Jones; m. Grace J. Salmon River, Queen's County, in general Jordan; five s. five d. Educ: Woodstock business and lumbering. Mem. of N.B. Gram, Sch., Dalhousie Coll., Halifax; Boa- 117 ; ,


ton Univ. Law Scfa.; member of the Legis- Home Life Ins. Co.; has been Pres., Wood- lature of N.B., from 1903 to 1908; solicitor stock Board of Trade and Can. Mfrs. Assoc. General for New Brunswick, 1905 to 1908. member of Senate of McMaster University. Recreation: goli, Addreaa: Woodstock, N.B. Recreations: curling, lawn bowling, golf, JORDAN, Rev. W. G„ B.A., D.D.; Pro- gardening, fishing, AddreBs: Woodstock, fessor of Hebrew and Old T^tament critic- Ont. ism, Queen's Univ., Kingston; b. Whitby, KATTIiBACHt Ven. Archdeacon James s. Eliza- Yorks, 1852; of Dennis Jordan and Albert; b. Lunenburg, N.S., 30 Aug., d. J. B. beths Batty; m. 1880, Marianne of 1839; a. of John Henry and Sophia Frederica Taylorson, Sunderland, England; three ». m. Mary Sophia Bradshaw; o^e fl. Educ'.: two d. Educ: National Sch., Whitby, pre- King's Coll., Windsor, N.S. ; Curate of River 'pared for London Univ., by private study, John, 1864-1870; Vicar of Truro, iJ.a., 1870- tuition, etc.; also attended classes in Aire- 1903; Rector of Truro, 1903; Archdeacon dale Coll.;, Bradford; later a graduate in ^ of N.S., 1889; Examining Chaplain to Bis-, ' Theology of the Presbyterian Collie, Lon- hop of N.S., 1896; Canon of St. Lt)ke's don (England). Minister in United Metho- Cathedral, 1899. 4ddre«: Truro, N.S. dist Free C3hurches (England), 1872-85; joined the communion of the Presbyterian KEATING, EdwaSrd Henry, C.E.; b. Hal- Church of England; minister at Dudley ifax, N.S., 7 Aug 1844; ». of Wm. H. and (Worces.) about two years; came to Canada, Eliza Walford Keating; m. Mary Little i889;_ minister for about nine years of Pres- Beauchard, d. of the late J. Fleming Beau- byterian congregation, Strathroy, Ont.; chard, of Truro, N.S.; one a. three d. Educ.:. Chancellor's Lecturer, 1906-7; Prof, of Dalhousie Coll., Halifax, N.S.; studied his C.E., Hebrew since 1899. Pvblicationa: articles in profession under Oeo. Whiteman, American Journal of Theology, Biblical Government Engineer for the Province tit Sir ^andford .World, etc; literary editor of Dominion N.S., and subsequently under Presbjrterian; Prophetic ideas and Ideals, Fleming; was engaged in laying out arid 1902; The Philippian Gospel, 1904; Biblical construction of several railways in N.S., Criticism and Modem Thought, 1909. Ad- N.B., and Quebec, including the Intercol- Sur- dreat: 76 Sydenham Street, Kingston, Ont. onial Ry., and also in the Exploration JOUSSABD, Bisht Bev. Celestin, O.M.I. veys for the C. P. Ry. Served for a number D.D., Coadjutor Bishop to the Vicar Apos- of years as City Engineer and Engineer of Halifax; also acted p«' tolic of Athabaska; b. Grenoble, France, the Waterworks, 1851. Educ: Seminary of Grenoble and resident Chief Engineer in the construction France; arrived in Canada, 1880; ordained of the Halifax graving dock. In 1890-91, priest in 1876; for 28 years was missionary was CSty Engineer of Buluth, Minn.; in 1892 among the Indians in the district of Atha- became City Engineer of Toronto, subseq- baska; in 1909 was named Coadjutor to the uently assuming the additional duties of Vicar Apostolic of Athabaska and was Engineer of the Toronto Waterworks, in- consecrated Bishop in Sept. of the same which capacity he recommended several year. Address: Lesser Slave Lake, Alta. extensive enlargements and improvements in the waterworks including a tunnel under Toronto harbour all of which were' sub- sequentlv investigated and endorsed by the K late Jas. Mansergn, President of the institu- tion of Civil Engineers, and have since been JLAXSlSf Hon. John C; Mem. of the Ex. carried to successful completion. Resigning in ana Council of Quebec; 6. Quebec, 18 Oct., 1854; 1898 he became Cluef Engineer

' railway 8. of John Kaine and Ellen McGowan; m. Manager of the Toronto Electric (1st), 1879, Theresa Maria Tucker; {2nd), system, which i^osition he relinquished in- 1904, Helen Smith. Educ: Commercial 1904 and has since been engaged in the ' Acad., Quebec. Head of the Kaine arid private practice of his profession in Canada, Bird Transportation Co., Ltd., Quebec. and in the republic of Mexico; In 1901, he of _E., First el. to Legis. at g. e., 1904; re-el. at was elected Prea. of the Can. Soc. C. g. e., 1908. Called to the Prov. Cabinet as and is a member of the British Institution a Minister without portfolio, 3 Jan., 1906. of Cyivil Engineers and also a mem. of the Addrettet: 111 Mountain Hill (Bus.) 5 St. American Society of C. E. Address: 99 UrsuleSt., Quebec. Elm Avenpe, Rosedale, 'Toronto, Ont. KARN, Dennis Weston, J. P.; pres. of Club; Toronto. Kam-Morris Piano and Organ Co., of Wood- KEEFBB, George Alexander, resident stock, Ont.; b. Tp. of Oxford, Oxford Co., Engr., Dep. of Pub. Works of Canada, in Ont., 6 Feb., 1843; «. Peter Karn and Pris- B.(J.; 5. Cornwall, Ont., 10 Sept.. 1836; «. cilla Thornton ; m. Elizabeth Hannah Feath- of George Keefer and Margaret Keefer; m. erston; one s. two d, Educ: Common Sch. Charlotte Maude MacMartin, of Perth, Ont.; and Woodstock Coll. Engaged in farming three s. one d. Educ: Grantham Acad., until 1869, and then removed to Woodstock St. Catharines, Ont. (3n survey G. T. Ry., to become partner with Mr. Miller, an organ 1853-57; architects office and Victoria maker; this led to the foimdation of the Bridge, 1857-61; BrockviUe and Ottawa business of the Karn Piano & Organ Co., Ry.; Belleville Grand Junction, and Belle- which to date has shipped 75,000 instru- ville and North Hastings Rys., 1867-75; m^ts to all parts of the world. Recently C, P. Ry, surveys in Rocky Mountains and retired from active business on organisation construction Fraser River Canon, 1875-85; of present Co. Was Mayor of Woodstock; Hy. Insp. for Govt, in B.C., 1886-87; priv. •unsuccessful candidate for H. of C, 1892 practice 1887-99; Resident Engr. for B.C. and 1896; Vice-Pres., Dominion Permanent in Dept. of Pub. Works of Can 1900 to Loan Co. and People's Life Ins. Co.; Dir., date. Addresses: Victoria. B.C.; New West- 118 ; WHO'S WHO.

minster, B.C. Clubs: Union, Victoria; Pres, Address: New Carlisle, Bonaventure

, WeBtmineter, New Westminster. Co., Que. K£EFEK, Thomas Coltrin, C.M.G., M.I. KEIiLT, Bobert; b. Russell, Ont^^ 15 C.E., Canal and Ry. Engr.; 6. Thorold, Ont., Aug., 1862; s. of James Kelly and Sarah 4 Nov., 1821; s. of Geo. Keefer, and Jane Mills; m. 1892, Lillian, d. of Alexander McBride; m. (1st) 1848, Elizabeth {d. 1870), Craig, of Russell, Ont.; two children. Educ: d. of the late Hon. Thos. McKay, M.L.C^, of Russell pub. sch. Commenced business in Rideau Hall, Ottawa; (2nd) 1873, Annie, a general store at Russell; mgr. of a store widow of the late John MacKinnon, of and telegraph office at South Finch, Ont.; Ottawa; one «. Educ. : St. Catharines Acad, 1884-1888; removed to California, and be- and Upper Can. Coll., Toronto. At age of came mgr. of a gen., store and telegraph 17 commenced his career as an engr.; em- office at McPherson; removed to Vancouver ployed on Erie and Welland Canals, 1838- and opened a gen. store, but sold it out and 45; chief engr. of Ottawa Eiver Works, engaged with Oppenheimer Bros., whole- 1845'-48; won Lord Elgin's prize for be^t sale grocers; was travelUng representative essay on "The Influence, of the Canals of for this firm, 1889-1896. With F. R. Doug- Can. on her Agriculture." Charged with las, organized the present firm of Kelly & surveys for nav. of rapids of St. Lawrence, Douglas, wholesale grocers and tea import- etc.; was sent by Can. Govt, to assist U.S. ers, of which he is now Pres. and Mgr. Dir. Consul to report on Can. trade with U.S., Treas. and Hon. Pres., Vancouver Liberal 185.0; asst. in a second report 1852, which Assn. Address: Vancouver, B.C. Clubs: reports led to the Reciprocity Treaty of Vancouver, Terminal City, Western. 1854; engaged in making preliminary sur- KELSO, John Joseph, Superintendent

veys for the , between Montreal and of neglected and dependent children of G. T. Ry . Toronto, and for ry. bridge over St. Law- Ontario; b. Dundalk, Ireland, 31 March, rence at Montreal; apptd. Can. Comnr. for 1864; s. of George Kelso; m. Irene Martin of

Interl. Exhn. at London, 1851; apptd. Nashville, Tenn. ; one a. bned. Founder of engr. to Montreal Harbour Conmrs., 1853. Toronto Humane Society, Children's Fresh In 1853, advocated "Stephenson" 'gauge for Air Fund, and Children's Aid Society. G. T. Ry. of Can., adopted much later; has Puhlicafdons: author of many reports and constructed water works for cities of Mon- pamphlets on social reform work and the treal, Hamilton ahd Ottawa; for some time care and protection of children. Address: chief engr. to railways in Upper and Lower 21 Prince Arthur Ave., Toronto, Ont. Can.; comnr. to Interl. £&hn., 1862, and KEMP, Albert Edward, manufacturer; ex. comnr. for Paris Exhn., 1878, when 6. Clarenceville, Que., 11 Aug., 1858; «. of made a mem. of the Inteml. Jury for Ar- Robert Kemp and Sarah A. Kemp; m. 1879, chitecture and Engineering; cr. an officer of Miss Wilson, of Montreal. Educ. : Clarence- the Legion of Honour; cr. C.M.G., 1878. ville, Que., and Lacolle Acad.; was Pres. of Pres., Rideau Club,, Ottawa, 1881; Vice- the Canadian Manufacturers. Assn. and Pres. of Am. Soc. of C. E. of New York; Toronto Bd. of Trade; el. to H. of C. at g. e., chn. of Roy, Gomn. at Montreal, on Ice 1900; re-el. at g. e., 1904; unsuccessful at Floods, 1886; Pres. of Can. Soc. of C. E., g. e., 1908. Address: Toronto. Clubs: Tor- 1887; Pres., Am. Soc. of C.E., 1888; el. onto, Toronto; Rideau, Ottawa. mem. Roy. Soc. of Can., 1891; Internl. KENDAIiL, Arthur Samuel, M.D., M.L. Comnr. for "Deeper Water Ways between A.; 6. Sydney, N.S., 25 March, 1861; s. of the Great Lakes and the Atlantic seaboard" Rev. S. F. Kendall and Emily Long; m. 1895: yice-Pres., Hoy. Soc. of Can., 1897- 1886, Mary, d. of the late Rev. A. R. Craw- 98; Fires., 1898-99; LL.D., McGill Coll., ley; one 8. one d. Educ: Sydney Academy, 1905. Publications: "Philosophy of Rail- Mount Allison Coll., Bellevue Hospital Med- ways," 1849; a series of letters advocating ical Coll., N.Y., and Guy's Hospital Medical the Canadian Pacific Railway, 1869-70; Sch., London. Town- coun. for Sydney, yarious essays, lectures, reports and papers. 1S8S; unsuccessful candidate for H. of C, Address: "Manor Hoiiee," Rockcliffe, Ot- 1896; mem. of N.S. Legis, for Cape Breton tawa. CZub; Rideau, Ottawa. Co., 1897-1900; mem. of the Prov. Bd. of KEHOE, His Hon. John James, LL.D. Health, and Commr. of Schs. for Cape (Ottawa Univ.), Judge of Dist. of Sudbury; Breton. El. to H. of C. at g, e., 1900; 5. -Ottawa, Ont., 2 Sept., 1854; s. John again el. to N.S. Legis., 1904; re-el., 1906. Kehoe; m. Marian Gravelle, one a. one d. Has taken great interest in mining -Crown Atty. for Algoma Dist., 1884^1904; legrislation; secured the establishment of unsuccessful can. for West Algoma, 1904; bait cold storage plants; projector of the apptd. County J., 1908. Publications: fruit demonstation stations in Nova Scotia. "Treafise on law of Choses in Action"; Address: Sydney, N.S. Club: Royal C.B. "Municipal Councillors Handbook." Ad- Yacht.

dress: Sudbury, Ont. KENNEDT, James , Buckham ; b. By- KELIiT, John Hale, B.A., M.L. (Laval) town (now Ottawa); 23 Feb., 1844; s. of M.L.A.; 6. St. Godfrey, County of Bona- Donald Kennedy and Janet Buckham; m. venture, 1 Sept., 1879; s. of Maucer Ja;mes (1st) Josephine E. D. Beck; (2nd) Mrs. D. Kelly and Bri^et Hall; m. Marie Adel Lloyd; one fi. Educ: in Bytown before Dionne, d. of C. E. L. Dionne, K.C., Quebec; his 12th year; started work on a farm at 12 it at of age, . one 8. one d. Educ: Univ. of St. Josephs, years of age; left 23 years and N.B., classical course, Law; Laval Univ., went into the lumber business, in which Que.; admitted to the bar in 1903; elected he has contiiiued; moved out West; at New to the Quebec Legislature in 1904, by 1500 Westminster, B.C. has been on the Sch. majority; re-elected at g. e., 1908; Liberal; Board for many years; City Council 2 years; organized B.onaventure and Gaspe Tele- Provincial Legislature, 4 years, and H. of phone Company, in 1905, of which he is C, four years; now a member of the New 119 :


Westminster Pilot Board, and also on the 1900, was appointed City Engineer of Ot- Board of Control. Address: 45 Goliinibia tawa and during his regime, under which St., East, New WeBtminster, B.C. great improvements have been made in KEBJNEDT, WUliam, Jr., C.E.- 6. Char- Ottawa, has spent over $5,000,000 on civic leston, Oht., 4 Jan., 1848; a. of Wm. Ken- works. This embraces permanent pave- nedy and Aignes Stark Kennedy; m. Eliza ments, drainage systems, subways, bridges, Ann. Brown. .Educ.: Owen Sound, Ont.; the establishment of the civic asphalt plant has built seven city water works systems, and blacksmith shops, and other works, all .and a few sewerage works; aleo a number by the day labor system; is manager of the of important Hydro Electric and other by Ottawa Waterworks,which has a capacity power developments. Addresa: 79 St. Mat- of 32,000,000 gallons j>er day at the main thew St., Montreal. pumping station. Has been offered, at KENT, James, mgr. C.P.R. telegraphs; different times, the CSty Engineership of b. Montreal, Quey^ 15 Jan., 1854; s. of Robert Victoria, B.C., and Vancouver, B.C.; also Kent and Eliza Burchell; m. Evaline Eliza- positions on the National Transcontinental beth Vipond; seven 8. six d. Educ: at Railway, but has always decided to continue Montreal; has always been in the telegraph his work in endeavouring to make the Fed- business, having entered the service of the eral capital one of the most beautiful cities C.P.R. Telegraph Dept., in 1886; now Mgr. in the Dominion. Captain of the Corps Recreations: bowlir^ and curling. Address: of Guides since the Corps was founded; at 458 Wood Av., Westmount, Que., and 4 one time District Intelligence Officer for the Hospital St., Montreal, Club: Montreal. Ottawa District. Address: 315 MacLeod KENT, Lt.-Col. Robert Edwin; h. King- St., Ottawa, ston, Ont., 6 Oct., 1861; 8. of Hubert Kent; KEBGIN.William Thomas, M. D.; 6. St, m. Isabella C. Sinclair,^ of Halifax, N.S.; Catharines, Ont., 17 May, 1876; s. of Wil- three d. Educ. : Kingston Schs., Royal liam Henry and Margaret Kergen; m. Fan- Mil. Coll. Apptd. Brig.-Major, 7th Inftry. nie A. Stevenson; two «. one d. Educ: St, Brig., 18 Jan., 1903; Lieut.-Col., Oomdg., Catharines Coll. Institute and Toronto 7th Infantry Brig., 18 Jan,, 1909. Address: Univ.; grad. in medicine, Univ. of Toronto, 85 King St., Kingston, Ont. Club: Fron- 1902, and located in Fort Simpson the same tenac, Kingston. year; el. to Legislature Assembly of British KEB, David Bussell; b. Victoria, B.C., 2 Columbia, 1907. Recreations: Motoring, Oct., 1862; 8. of Scotch parents; m. Laura boating, and hunting. Address: Sea View, -' Agnes Helsterman; two 8. two d. Educ: Port Simpson, B.C. in Victoria, B.C.; a manufacturer. Address: KEBNIGHAN, Bobert Klrkland, "The Kershaugn, Victoria, B.C. Club: Union, b. Rushdale Farm, Khan of Khanada;'* , Victoria, B.C. Wentworth Co., Ont., 25 April. 1867; 8. of' KEB, Venerable John, D.D.; b. Mon- Andrew and Jane Kernighan; (unmarried). aghan, Ireland, 22 April, 1848; 8. of Robert Educ: Rockton pub.ic sch.; a free-lance and Elizabeth Ker; m. Mary T. Easters; newspaper man all over the North American three s. one d. Educ: Trinity Coll., Tor- continent. Publications: "The Khan's onto; ordained Deacon, 1876; Priest, 1879; Canticles," a book of poems. Recreation: Incumbent, Glen Sutton, 1876-1881; Rector tree planting. Address: The Wigwam, of Dunham, 1881-1889: Rector, Grace Ch., Rushdale Farm, Rockton P. O., Ont. Montreal, 1889; Hon. Canon, Christ Church KEBB, Hon. James Klrkpatrick, K.C., Cathedral, Montreal, 1900; Archdeacon of Speaker of the Canadian Senate; b: Tp. of St. Andrew's, 1901. Address: Grace Church Puslinch, Ont., 1 Aug., 1841; e. a, of Robert Rectory, 879 Wellington St., Montreal. Warren Kerr, Sligo, Ireland, and Jane KEB, Newton James; city engineer of Hamilton, d. of James Kirkpatrick, Went- Ottawa, b. at Brantford, Ont., 6 May, 1866. worth County, Ont.; m, (1st) 1864. Anne Educ: Brantford Coll. Inst. Was engaged Margaret (d. 1882); d. of late Hon. William in construction C. P. R. into Montreal from Hume Blake, and sister of Hon. Edward Lachine to Windsor Street; C. P. R. es- Blake; (2nd) 1883, Adelaide Cecil, d. of late planade entrance into Toronto; construction Rev. George Stanley-Pinhome, and niece of the C. P. R. bridge over the Thames and of late Rt, Hon. A. Staveley Hill. P.C, M.P. approaches at London, Ont.; the Detroit Educ: Doctor Tassie's School, Gait; balled extension at Windsor; was on his way to to Bar, 1862; a bencher of Law Society of accept a position on the Virginia, Roanoke Up. Can., 1879; Q.C., 1876; Member of & Xronton Railway, Virginia, when offered Senate since 1902; apptd. Speaker for 11th a position on staff of City Engineer of Parlt., 13 Jan., 1909. Pres., Ont. Reform Toronto; had charge of the reconstruction Association, 1892-1903; contested Central of the street ry. system horsenjar from a to Toronto, 1891 ; Grand Master of the Masonic an electric system, acting as engineer for Grand Lodge of Canada, 1874-77; Knight both the Toronto Railway Company and the Grand Gross of the Temple, 1883. Recrea- city. During his ten years' service in Tor- tions: riding and driving. Address: Rath- ' onto, filled the position of engineer in nelly, Toronto. Clubs: Toronto, Hunt, charge of roadways, engineer in charge of Jockey t Toronto; Rideau, Ottawa. sewers, assistant engineer on waterworks, KEYS, David Beid, M.A.; h, Louisville, engineer in charge of the sub- Ky., 1856; a. John Wesley Keys and Caro- way and Island survey, lake undercurrent line Johnston Keys; m. Erskine I. I. Mac- observation; chart of Toronto Bay, and lean, of Edinburgh; three a. three d. Educ many other works of importance. In 1899, Up. Can. Coll.; Univ. of Toronto; Leipsic, was apptd. Assistant City Engineer of Columbia (N.Y.) Law School; Geneva, Ottawa and engineer in charge of the main Switzerland, Univ. of Halle; Associate Prof, drainage system, a work which was built of Anglo-Saxon Univ., Coll.; Univ. of Tor- within the estimated cost of S500.000. In onto. Studied in Gemiany after grad. In 120 WHO'S WHO.

Toronto, 1878; returned to New York and Contempt in Canada, comprising (1) con- studied law; taught in PeeJtskill Military tempts of the Federal and Provincial Legis- Academy, 1880-1882; called to Univ. Coll., latures, their Committees and Members; Toronto, in 1882, as lecturer on English and _ and (2) Contempts of Court by wrongful History. Became lecturer on Italian, 1883- interference with the administration of 87; in 1902 was apptd. Associate Professor justice. Address: 4 Grange Road, Toronto. of Anglo Saxon. Publications: various KING, WiUlam Frederick, C.M.G., LL. articles in periodicles; chapters in History D., Chief Astronomer of the Dept. of the of U. C. Coll. BecreaiionB: rowing, walking, Interior, and Supt. of the Geodetic Survey golf. Addreae: 87 Avenue Road, Toronto, of Can.; 6. Stowmai-ket, Suffolk, Eng., 19 Ont., and Go Home Bay. Club»: Rosedale Feb., 1854; ». of William King and Ellen Golf, Toronto; Deutscher Virem, Alliance Archer; m. 1881, Augusta Florence, d. of Francaise; Dante Alighiei. John Allen Snow, of Ottawa; three s. two d. KING, Hon. George Gerald, senator; &.. Educ: Gram. Sch., Port Hope, Out.; Univ. Springfield, N.B.; i. of Malcolm King of of Toronto (Grad. B.A., 1875). Dom. Land Fintry, Scot., and Elizabeth Hickson, Mil- and Topographical Surveyor, 1876; In- town, Ireland; m. 23 Oct., I860, Esther, d. spector of Surveys, Dept. of the Interior, of Ebenezer Biiggs. Educ: at Springfield; 1881; Chief Inspector, 1886; H. M. Commr. is a lunxber merchant; was Warden of for the International .Boundary between Queen's Co., in 1877; member of H. of C, Canada and the U.S., under treaties of 1878 to 1886; at last-«lection had majority .1892, 1903, 1906, 1908; also under agree- of votes, but lost his seat through action of ments, entered into in 1899, 1901, and 1906; the returning officer; re-elected 1891 and mem. of International Waterways Com., 1896; resigned in 1896 and was called to 1904-7; Dir. of Dom. Astronomical Obser- Senate, Dec. of the same year; Liberal. vatory from its opening in 1905; Fellow Address: Chipman, N JB. (and Hon. Pres. since 1906) of the Roy. KING, John, K.C. (Dominion and Pro- Astronomical Soc. of Can.; Fellow of the vincial); member of the law firm of King & Roy. Soc. of Can., and of the American Sinclair; Lecturer to the Law Society of Assn. for the Advancement of Science; cr. Ontario, Law School, Osgoode Hall, Toronto C.M.G., 1908; Supt. of the Geodetic Survey since 1893; b. Toronto, 15 Sept., 1843; only of Can., 1909. Publications: various scien- son of John King of Fraserburg, Tyrie, tific papers. Recreation: riding. Address: Aberdeenshire, subaltern R. H. A., and of 127 Gloucester St., Ottawa. Cliibs: Rideau, Christina Macdougall, e. d. of Alexander Laurentian, Ottawa. Macdougall of Oban, Argyllshire; m. Isabel KING, Hon. William I^yon Mackenzie, Grace, y, d. of , C.M.G., M.P., M.A., Ph.D., LL.B., P.C. - M.P.; two «. two'd. Educ: Upper Canada ((Canada), Minister of Labour; &. Berlin, Grammar Schools, University of Toronto, Ont., 17 Dec, 1874; ». of John King, K.C., B.A., 1864, M.A., 1865; prizeman in Univ. Professor of Law, and Isabella Grace College and the Univ.; editor Telegraph Mackenzie, d. of William Lyon Mackenzie, newspaper, Berlin, county of Waterloo, M.P.; unmarried. Educ.:Vxa.v. of Toronto, 1864-^5; ex-member Univ. Company, Univ. of Chicago; Harvard Univ., Cam- Queen's Own Rifles, Toronto, medal for bridge, Mass.; abroad; winner of Blake military services; Fenian Raid, 1866; Law Scholarship in Arts and Law Univ. Toronto, Clerk pro tern. Legislative Assembly of 1893; Fellow in Political Economy, Univ. Ontario, 1868; in active professional prac- of Chicago, 1896-97, in Harvard Univ., 1897 tice at Berlin, 1869-1893, and subsequently 1900. Apptd. Instructor in Political Econ- at Toronto; soUcitor at Berlin for Consoli- omy Harvard Univ., 1900; editorial staff dated Bank of Canada, Canadian Bank of "The Globe," Toronto, 1895-96; special Conmierce and for county of Waterloo; Conunissioner of , conducted Crown prosecutions for many to inquire into methods^ of carrying out years in different parts of the country; ex- Government contracts in Canada and president. North Waterloo Liberal Associa- Europe, 1898-1900; editor of labour Gazette

tion; president University College Literary . and Deputy Minister of Labour from 1900

and Scientific Society , and secretary Univer- to Sept., 1908; Registrar of Boards of Con- sity Association, 1866-68; member Senate ciliation and Investigation, Canada, 1908-9; of University of Toronto since 1879; honor- Secretary Royal Commission to inquire into ary member Canadian Press Association. industrial disputes in B.C., 1903; Govern- Publications: The Other Side of the "Story" ment conciliator in over forty important a review and criticism of J. C. Dent's industrial strikes in Canada between 1900-7; story of the Upper Canadian 'Rebellion, represented Canadian Government in Eng- 1837; contributions to the Canadian Months- land on question of false representations to ly, the Nation, the Week and the Varsity, emigrants, 1906, mission resulted in legis- of which he was one of the projectors; The lation by British Parliament; chairman Law, of Defamation; Slander and Libel in Royal Commission to inquire into condi- Canada; papers and pamphlets on the His- tions of employment of telephone operatives tory of Newspaper Libel, Canadian Criminal 1907; Royal Commissioner to assess losses Law of Libel, Ontario Law o^ Libel, the of Japanese residents of Vancouver, B.C., Newspapers and the Courts; articles in in anti-Asiatic Riots, 1907; Royal Com- Canadian and United States law periodi- missioner to inquire into the methods by cals; editor Canadian cases in American which Oriental labourers had been induced Law Book Co's. Cyclopaedia of Law and to come to Canada, 1907; Royal ConMnis- Procedure; (in the press), ^ The Criminal sioner to assess losses of Chinese residents Law of Libel in Canada; a treatise on the of Vancouver, B.C., in anti-Asiatic Riots, prosecution of Libel by Criminal Infor- 1908; representative' of Canadian Govern- mation and by Indictment; The law of ment sent to England for the purpose of 121 ;


conferring with British authorities on the Divorce Com., 1898, which he still retains;- subject of imm^ration to Canada, from was Capt. of a Co. in the 46th Batt., and' the Orient and inunigration from India in served through the Fenian Raid (medal). particular, 1908; Hoyal Commissioner to In his day, was one of the best known inquire into conditions of employment of athletes in Canada; played football for operatives in the Cotton Industry, 1908; Canada vs. U.S., in 1868. In cricket he Author of special report on the need for the played against Wilspers' prof, team in suppression of the opium, traffic in Canada, Montreal, in 1869, and between 1870 and 1908; alsd the author of important reports 1880, he captained the Canadian elevens- to the Government of Canada with recom- against Dafts professional team, agiiinst mendations for legislation subsequently W. G. Grace's team; twice against the U.S., enacted, e, g.—An Act to prevent false and against the Australians. Is a noted representations to imnoigrants, 1904; the wing shot, and has a famous duck shooting Industrial Diaputes^ Investigation Act, 1907. preserve on Lake Manitoba, well known to a The Act to prohibit the importation, manu- large number of English sportsmen and to - facture and sale of opium in Canada for successive Governors General, who were other than medicinal purposes, 1908; apptd. always warmly welcomed to "York Lodge," by^ the Imperial Government one of the so named by the Prince of Wales, whom he British deflates on the International enf;ertained for three days of unexcelled Opium Commission, held in Shanghai, duck shooting during the Royal tour in China, 1009; member of Canadian Society 1901. Address: Brandon, Man., and the of Authors, the Champlain Society, and Senate, Ottawa. Clubs: Brsindon; Mani' Americaji Economic Association; Pres. of toba, Winnipeg, Man.; Toronto, Toroi^to;

Canadian Club of Ottawa, 1904-5; elected Rideau, Ottawa; Mount Royal, Montreal.) . to H. of C. as member for the riding of KIBKFATRICK, Capt. Arthur James North Waterloo, Oct., 1908; apptd. Min- Ernest; b. Toronto, Ont., 29 Apuil, ister qf Labour for Canada, June 2, 1909; 1876; a. of George Brownly Kirkpatrick re-elec. in bye-election by acclam., June, and Mary Francis Morris; m. Ethel Mulockr^ 1909. Puhlications: The Secret of Heroism, d. of Sir Wm. Mulock, K.C.M.G.; one d. 1906; several special reports to Govern- Captain in the 2nd Regt., Queen's Own ment of Canada; contributions to tniiga- Rines, Toronto; manager for Canada, "The zines, etc. Recreaiiona; country and woods. United States Fidelity and Guarantee Co., Addreasee; Berlin, Out., and Ottawa, Ont. of Baltimore^ Md. Recreations: rifle shooting Clubs: Rideau, Golf, Ottawa; Ontario Club, horseback nding, fox and drag hunting. Toronto; BerUn Club, Berlin, Ont. Address: 123 Bedford Road, Toronto. KI^TGSMlIiL, Bear Admiral Charles Ed- Clubs: Toronto, Hunt, R. C. Y. C, Can, mund, officer commanding Marine Military Institute, Toronto. Service of Canada; b. Guelph, Gnt.; 7 July, KITTSON, Kev. Canon Henry, M.A., 1855; 8. of John Juchereau Kingsmill and D.D., Rector of Christ Church Cathedral, Ellen Diana Grange, d._ Sheriff Grange, Ottawa; b. Pembina, Minn., U.S.Am 15 Guelph, Ont.; m. Frances Constance, d. of Nov., 1848; s. of Norman W. Kittson, a Walter Beardmore, Esq., Toronto; two s former member of the Minnesota State one d. Served in the Royal Navy until Le^is. and Mayor of St. Paul, Minn., and May, 1908, when he accepted command of Elise Marion, of St. Boniface, Man,; m. the Marine Service of Canada, and sub- 1875, Flora Macdonald Grant, of St. Johns, sequently retired from the active list in Que., (dec.) Educ: Berthier, Que^^ and order to retain appointment; Egyptian Bishops Coll., Leonoxville. OrdainedFriest, medal, bronze star; officer of ^he L^ion of 1871; engaged inmissionary work for seven Honour. Recreations: riding, golfing and years; rector of St. John's Church, St. Paul, boating. Address: Ottawa, Ont. Clubs: Minn., for four yrs.; Aast. rector, Church of United Service, Royal Navy, London, Eng.; Ascension, Philadelphia, 1888-92; later Country, Club Ottawa. rector of the Church of the Advent, West-

KINGSTON, Archbishop of, see Most mount, Que. ; apptd. Rector of Christ Church Rev. Mgr. Charles Hugh Gautnier. Cathedral, Ottawa, 1901. Address: "Church KIRCHHOFFEB, Hon. John Nesbitt, Hill," Sparks St., (jttawa. Senator; b. Ballygowney, Co. Cork, Ireland, KLEIN, His Hon. Alphonse Basil, K.C., 5 May, 1848; s. of Rev. Richard B. Kirch- Junior Judge County Bruce, Local Master hoffer, Rector of Ballygowney and Isabella High Court at Walkerton; b. Berlin, Ont., Kirchhoffer; m. (1st,) Ada, d. of JW. Smith, 11 Sept., 1851; s. John Klein, and Ludonka Port Hope, Ont; (2nd) C^lara Louisa, d. of Lang; m, Q-St) Sophia Amelia Morden; Rev. T. B, Howard; one s. three d. JEduc: (and) Clara Elieabeth May; two d. Educ.: Marlbourough Coll., Eng.; arrived in Can- in his fathers scb. and Berlin Gram. Sch,; ada, 1 Oct., 1864; settled orif^nally in Port Mayor of Walkerton, in 1883-1884; Reeve Hope, Ont., where he studied law under in 1892-1893; PasTnaster 32nd R^.', from his uncle the late Neabitt Kirchhoffer, Q.C., 1881 to 1894; contested South Bruce in whose partner he subsequently becam.e 1886, for the local house; apptd. ^.C. in called to the bar in 1870; in 1880 founded 1889; was youngest Mayor Walkerton ever the well known Souris settlement in Mani- had; has been Chairman, Secretary and toba, where he moved in 1883; was elected member of the public sch. board at differ- reeve 1884; apptd. a member of the ent periods, covering some years. Recrea- Westerp Judicial District Board in 1885, tions: hare hunting, fishing, bowling. Ad- of which he became Chairman in 1886; dress: Walkerton, Ont. elected to the Man. Legislature in 1886 for KLOCK, James Bell; b. Aylmer, Que.. 5 South Brandon; moved to Brandon in 1889; Oct., 1854; s. Robert H. Klock and S. A. apptd. to the Senate in 1891; Chairman of Murphy; m. Alice McDougall, d. of late Internal. Economy Com., in 1892; Chairman Judge McDougall of Aylmer. Educ: Ayl- 122 WHO'S WHO.

mer Academy and 3erthier Academy. acclam. to H. of C. for Assiniboia in bye- Formerly M.P/ for Nipissing; actively en- elec. caused by the resignation of Hon. gaged in lumbering operations in the Upper Walter Scott, who was accepting Premier- Ottawa; Address: Mattawa, Ont. ship of Sask., Sept., 1905; re-elec. 1908,/ for KLOTZ, Otto Julius, LL.D., F.E.A.S., Moose Jaw. Address: Moose Jaw, Sask, Dominion Astronomer, b. Preston, Ont., Clubs: Laurentian, Ottawa; Moose Jaw, 31 March, 18S2-, s. of Otto and EUse Klotz; .Moose Jaw, Sask. m, Marie Widenmann; three s. Hon. mem. KNOX, Miss Ellen Mary, Principal of New Zealand Inst., etc. Explorations and Havergal Ladies' Coll., Toronto; 6. Waddon, Surveys, 1875 to 1885, from Atlantic to the Surrey, Eng„ 4 Oct., 1858; d. of Rev. George Facihc; Astronomer for Dominion Govern- Knox' and Frances Reynolds. Educ: by ment since 1885; completed first astronomic private tuition, and at St. Hugh's Hall, girdle of the world, 1903-1904; Canadian Oxford, and Ladies' Coll., Cheltenham, delegate at International Seismological Obtained first class honours in final exam, Congress at the Hague, 1907, and Zermatt, at Oxford; (Cambridge Univ. diploma in 1909. Publications: many articles on sur- teaching. Came to Can. in 1894, to assume veying, astronomy, gravity, terrestial principalship of Havergal, which is now one forcet and seismology. Address: 437 of the largest Ladies' colleges in Can. Sir Albert St., Ottawa, Ont. Club: Rideau, George Knox, of the Sup. Ct., Allahabad, Ottawa. India,and Right Rev. A. Knox, D.D., Bishop KNIGHT, John Thomas Philip, Sec- of Manchester, are brothers. Publications: Treas. and Currency Inspector, Canadian Bible Lessons for Schools, 3 vols.; Acts, Bankers' Assn.; 6. Deal, Kent Co., Eng., Genesis, Exodus, and articles in magazines. 27 Oct., 1851; s. of David Knight and Address: Havergal College, Jarvis St., Tor- Olympia Butt: m. Emma B. Harris, of onto; Bishops' Court, Manchester, Eng. Nova Scotia (dec); three s. Educ: Royal Club: Alliance, Eng. Asylum of St. Ann's Soc, Streatham, Eng.; KUNG, Hon. Hsln Chao, His Imperial arrived Can., 1871. Engaged in law, bank- Chinese Majesty's Consul General for Can- ing, and Journalism; manager, Montreal ada; b. Anhui, China, 1873; •. of Kung, Ta Clearing House; editor, Canadian Bankers' Jen, Chinese Minister at St. James, also Journal. Publications: Canadian Banking Minister in France, Belgium and Italy; m. Practice. Recreations: canoeing, yachting. Li Flory; one a. Arrived in Canada June- Address: 22 "Linton Apts.," Montreal. 1909; assisted in parental Embassy and KNOWLES, Farquhar McGilUvray was afterwards attache and Secretary to Strachan Stewart, R.C. A.; b. Syracuse, Li Hung Chang; several tunes exeuniner for 22 May, 1860; «. of William and Jessie final Imperial Examination in Literature. Knowles; m. Elizabeth A. Beach. Educ: Publications: Chinese Essays and Poems; Toronto, Philadelphia, England, France. translated, "English Grammar," "Julius Arrived Canada, 1862. A well known Ceasar," "English local Government," Api- Canadian artist; a frequent contributor at culture, into Chinese. Recrealio:ns: fishingr annual exhibitions. Recreations: yachting, philately, numismatics. Address: The Im- motoring. Address: 340 Bloor St. W., To- perial Chinese Consulate-general, 283 Som- ronto. CTm6»; Arts & Letters, Golf, Toronto. erset St., Ottawa, Ont., also 1 Tang Shau KNOWLES, Mrs, F. McGilUvray (Eliza- Road, shanghai, China. " beth Annie Beach), A. R.C. A.; 6. Otta- KTDD, George, Mgr. of the Royal Bank wa, 8 Jan., 1866; d. of WiUiam Gedkin and of Canada, Ottawa; 6. Carnoustie, Scot., 17 Emily Dyde Beach; m. F. McGilUvray Aug., 1859; s. of David and Susan Carrie Knowles, a well-known landscape painter Kydd; m, Emily Helen Sharpe; one ». three and Assoc, of the Canadian Acad, of Arts. d. Educ: Scotland. Arrived in Canada, Address: 340 Bloor St., W., Toronto. Sept., 1892. Engaged in banking business in KNOWLES Kev. Robert Edward, B.A., Dundee, London, New York, and Canada, of Can- Pastor of Knox Church, Gait, Ont. ; author, now being mgr. of the Royal Bank -6. Feversham, Co. Grey, Ont., 30 ada, Ottawa. Recreation: lawn bowling. March, 1868; s. Rev. Robert Knowles and Address: 190 James St., Ottawa. Clubs: Frances Tyner; m. Emma Katherine Jones, Rideau, Covmtry, Ottawa. of New Berne, North Carolina; one ». Educ: KTBD, Samuel L.; b. Scot., 26 March, Queen's Univ., Kingston and Manitoba 1853; s. of David Kydd, and Margaret s. d. Educ.: . Coll., Winnipeg. Ordained, 1891, as Min- Gillies; m. M. Allan; three one ister of Stewarton Pres. Church, Ottawa; Ontario Pub. Soh. Arrived in Canada, called (1898) .to the pastorate of Knox 1857; began newspaper work in 1867 at editor Montreal Church, _ Gait, the largest Presbyterian Lindsay, Ont.; apptd. Church in Canada, which {Position he still Gazette, Jan., 1906. Address: 237 Univer- hplds. Has travelled extensively in Europe; sity St., Montreal. Prof, freatly in demand as lecturer, his "Abra- KTLIE, Edward, M.A.; Assoc. am Lincoln," being probably the best of History, Univ. of Toronto; 6. Lind- known. Publications: "St. CJuthbert's," say, Ont., 1880; «. of R. Kylie. Educ: ,(ten ed.); "The Undertow," "The Dawn at Coll. Inst., Lindsay; Univ. of Toronto; Shanty Bay," "The Web of Time," "The Balliol Coll., Oxford. Hon. Exhibitor of Attic Guest." Recreations: golf, curling. Balliol Coll.; first Flavelle scholar from Address: Knox Manse, Gait, Ont. Club: Univ. of Toronto to Oxford; first class. of Waterloo Golf and Country. Modern Hist. Sch., 1903; Assoc. Prof, Univ. KNOWLES, M.P.; b. History in Univ. of Toronto; editor of WlUlam ErsWne, The Allison, Ont., 29 Nov., 1872; ». of Rev. of Toronto Monthly. Publication: Robert Knowles and Frances Tyner; m. English Correspondence of Saint Boniface. Bduc: Almonte High School, McGill Univ., Address: Univ. of Toronto. Clubs: Toronto and Osgoode Hall, Toronto, Ont.; eleo. ^y Golf, Arts and Letters, Toronto. 123 WHO'S WHO.

KTTE, George WilUam, K.C., M.P.; b, Assem., 1882, and at each succeeding el.; St. Peters, Richmond Co., N.S., 10 July, conmir. of Agriculture, 1897; chief commr. 1864; 8. of John Kyte, and Elizabeth Rob- of Pub. Works, 1900, which position he

"ertson; m. Tena Chisholm, of Heatherton, retained ' tmtil defeat of Robinson Govt., N.S., on the 5 July, 1893; one s. nine d. 1908. Address: Dalhousie, N.B. Educ: Univ. of St. Francais Xavier Coll., LABBECQUE, Mgr. Michel Thomas, D. Antigonish, N.S.; called to the bar, 16 Nov., Theol.; Bishop of Chicoutimi, Que.-; b. St.i 1891; apptd. clerk assistant Legislative Anselme, Que., 30 Dec, 1849; s. of F. X, Assembly of N.S., Feb., 1892; reapptd. Labrecque, and Emelie Lemelin. Educ: 1895, 1898, 1902; apptd. clerk, 3 Dec, 1903; Quebec Sem., and Rome. After ordination resigned, 12 Oct., 1908, to become a candi- was prof, of rhetoric and theology at Que- date for the H. of C. for Richmond Co. and bec Seminary; consec. Bishop of Chicout- "was elected. Liberal; Roman Catholic. imi, 8 April, 1892. Publications: "Catech- Addreae: St. Peter's, Nova Scotia. isme de la Perfection Religieuse; (1 vol.); "Circular Letters and Mandements," (2 vols.) .(iddrcaa; Chicoutimi, Que. LACHAACE, Arthur, K.C., LL.B., M-.P. b. Quebec; 22 June, 1868; s. of F. X. La- LABATT, John, proprietor of the Lon- chance and Eulalie Jobin; m. Marie Ann don Brewery; h. nr. London, Ont., 11 Dec, Routtder. Educ: Christian Brothers' Sch., 1838; 8. of John K. Labatt and Eliza Kell. Quebec Seminary, Laval Univ. An iidvo- Educ: Caradoc Acad., of Caradoc En- cate. Crown Attorney for three yrs. for tered employ of his father and learned the dist. of Montmagny, and since 1905 for city trade of a brewer; removed to Wheelii^, and dist. of Qu^ec. First el. to H. of C., W. Va., 1859, where he carried on a brewing 1905; re-el., 1908. Recreations: reading, business, but it was completely destroyed music. Address: 79 d'Aiguillon St., Quebec. by Ahe CSvil War in the U.S., in 1864. Re- Club: Garrison, Quebec. turned to London, and joined the business LACHAFELLE, Emmanuel ' FersiUler, of his father; became proprietor on death M.D., ICnight of the Legion of Honor of his father, 1866. Vice-Pres., London & (France); b. Sault au RecoUet, Que., 21 Western Trust Co.; dir., Huron & Erie Dec, 1845; s. of Pierre Persillier-Lachapelle Loan Co., London. Address: London, Ont. and Marie Zoe Toupin, descendents of some liABATT* Theodore, Vice-Pres. St. Law- of the earliest settlers of New France. rence Sugar Refining Co., Montreal; h. New Educ: Montreal Coll., Montr^l Sch. of York; m. 1878, Marie Ribighini, of Ancona, Medicine and Surgery. Founder of the Italy. Educ: Hamburg and Gerjo^ny. Notre Dame Hospital; Pros, of Board of Came to Montreal, 1869, and entered busi- Health, Province of Quebec; Surgeon of the ness house of Thos. May & Co., estb. him- 65th Regt., 1872-1886; in 1878, was elec. self in tobacco biislness, 1870; joined the a Governor and Treasurer of the Coll. of De Castro Syrup Co., 1878; fotmded (with Physicians and Surgeons of the Province of Mr. A. Baumgarten) the St. Lawrence Quebec, and was for years Pre^.; in recog- Sugar Refining Co., 1879, of which he is now nition of his services to the cause of hygiemc Vice-Pres. Life Governor, Montreal Gen- science in Canada, was made, in 1889, eral Hospital. Recre

employ of the firm of A. W. Ogilvie &'Co., Ont. ; one a. one d. Educ. : Hawksville Pub- now the Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., about Sch.; Berlin Gram. School, Toronto Univ.; 1883; apptd. ingr. of Sales Dept., 1897, and M.B. Toronto Univ., and ptar gold and has held position of local mgr. at Montfeal first Univ. silver medalist, 1876; Mayor of since 1894. Joined 65th Batt. "Mount Berlin, 1886-1887; and 1893; elec to the Royal Rifles/' 1882; Lieut-Col., 1897; trans- Legislative Assembly a^ a-Conservative for ferred to reserve of officers and apptd. North Waterloo, 1898-1902, 1905 and 1908. Brig. Commander of 19th Infantry Brigade; Address: Berlin, Ont. Clubs: Berlin; Grand took part North West campaign, 1885, River Country. (medal), Queen's Diamond Jubilee cele- LACOMBE, Very Bev. Father Albert, bration, London, 1897; commanded Bisley Catholic Missionary in Western Canada Team, from Can,, 1908. Mem. Montreal (Alta).; b. St. Sulpice, L'Assomption Co., Military Inst. Address: 23 Laval Av., Que., 28 Feb., 1828; s. of Albert Lacombe, Montreal. Clubs: St. James, Canadian, and Agathe Duhamel. Educ: L'Assomp- Lafontaine, Montreal. tion Coll. Ordsuned Priest, 1849, and pro- LaBILLOIS, Charles H., M.L.A.; b. Dal- ceeded to present Prov, of Manitoba. Mem. housie, N.B., 18 Dec, 1856; s. of Joseph H. of Bd. of Educ, Man., 1880; missionary to LaBillois, merchant; m. Charlotte, d. of the Territories, 1881; Vicar Gen. of the Diocese late John McNaughton, of Quebec; two «. of St. Albert. For yrs. has studied lan- two d. Educ: Dalhousie Gram. Sch. and guages and traditions of Indians of Plains. at Carleton Model Sch. In mercantile busi- Publications: Dictionaries and grammars, ness at Dalhousie. First el. to Legis. and other works referring to language of 124 - WHO'S WHO.

,, Oris and Objibway Indians. Addresses: LAIKD, Hon. David, P.C; b. New Glas- "., .Calgary; Pincher Creek, Alta. gow, P.E.I., 12 March, 1833; «. of Hon. lACOSTE, Hbn. Sir Alexander, LL.D., Alexander and Janet Orr Laird; m, Louisa D.C.L., K.C., P.O., formerly Chief Justice Owen; four s. two d. Established a news- of the Court of Appeal of Quebec; b. Bouch- paper in Charlottetown, in 1861, which is erville, Que., 12 Jan., 1842; 8. of Hon. Louis still published, though he ceased connection Lacoste, Senator, and Thois Proulx; m. with it in 1898; was a member of the P.E.I. Marie Louise Globensky; two s. seven d. Legislature, 1872-3; eleo. to H. of C, in the Educ: St. Hyacinthe Seminary and Laval latter year, and on the 7 Nov. of the same Univ. Advocate, 1863; K.C. (Federal), year, was apptd. a member of the Privy 1876; Province of Quebec, 1880; Batonnier Council, and Minister of the Interior; con- of the Montreal bar, 1879-1880; Councillor tinued in the office until apptd. Lieut. in the Legislature of the Province of Que,. Governor of the N.W.T., 7 Oct., 1876; when ' 1882-1884; Senator, 1884-1891; Speaker of term ended in 1871, resumed newspaper the Senate, 1891; Chief Juatioe^if the Court work in Charlottetown, P.E.I., which he of Appeal, 1891-1907. Address: 191 St. continued imtil apptd. to his presentposi- Hubert St., Montreal. Clubs: Mount Royal, tion of Indian Commissioner for the West- Lafontaine, Montreal. ern provinces and Territories in Oct., 1908. liAFONTAINE, Joseph, M.L.A.; 6. St. Address: Dept. of Indian Affairs, Ottawa. Barthelemi, Que., 25 Nov., 1865; s. of LAKE, Ma].-Gen. Sir Percy Henry Noel, Annable Lafontaine, and Julie Lincourt; K.C.M.G., C.B.; b. Tenby, Wales, 29 June, m. Juliette Mousseau; four s. two d, Educ.: 1855; s. of Lt.-Col. Percy Lake, late 100th Joliette Coll., L'Assomption Coll. First el. Regt., and Margaret, d. of William Phillips

- , to Quebec Leg. at bye-el., 1904; returned of Quebec; m. Hester F., d. of H. Woodger by acol. at g. e., 1904; re-el. at g. e., 1908. of Grantham, Surrey, Eng. Educ. /Upping- Address: St. Barthelemi, Que. ham, Eng.; arrived in Canada, 13 Oct., LcAFRAMBOISE, Louis, B.C.L.( Victoria 1894; Chief of General Staff, Canadian Univ.); Chief Translator, H. of C; b. St. Militia; Chief Military adviser to the Min- Hyacinthe, Que., 10 July, 1848; s. of Hon. ister of Militia; Afghan war, 1878-79; Asst. M. Laframboise, former Min. of Pub. Field Engineer with the Southern Afghan- Works, and Judge of the Superior Ct. of istan Field Force (medal); Soudan Expedi- the Prov. of Quebec, and Rosalie Eugenie tion, 1885; Suakin; D.A.A. and Q.M.G.,

- Dessaulles; m. Alphonsine St. Jean, of Intell. Dept., Actions of Hasheen and Ottawa; four s. five d. Educ.: Coll. St. Tofrek, and advances on Tamai (medal Marie (Jesuits), Montreal. Called to the with two clasps; bronze star). Recreations: bar of the Prov. of Quebec, 1871; editor and t shooting, fishing, tennis. Address: 115 prop, of Le National, Montreal, 1873-1876; Vittoria St., Ottawa. Clubs: United Ser- priv. sec. to Hons, F. Geoffrion and R. vice, London, Eng.; Rideau, Ottawa. Laflamme, 1876-77; apptd. French trans- LAKE, Richard Stuart, M.P.; b. Preston lator, H. of C, June, 1877. Address: 286 Lancashire, Eng., 10 July, 1860; s. of Lt.- Nelson St., Ottawa. Gol. Percy Lake, late lOOth Regt., and liAIDLAW, John Baird; b. Toronto, 31 Margaret, d. of Wm. Phillips of Quebec; March, 1866; s. of John Laidlaw^ Toronto, unmarried. Educ: Heversham School, formerly of Douglas, Lanarkshire, Scot., Westmoreland; arrived in Canada, June, and Catherine Agnes Laidlaw; m. Bertha 1883; was in British Civil service in Admir- Fredericka Gunther; two a. two d. Was for alty at Cyprus, 1878-1883; has been farm- a time in wholesale millinery office: clerk ing in the North West since 1883; represent- in office of City of London Fire Ins. Co.; ed Grenfell Constituency in Legislative chief clerk for eight years in Norwich Union Ass. of N.W.T., 1898-1904; represented Fire Ins. Society, Toronto; two years Ins- Qu'Appelle in H. of C, from 1904 to present pector of the Lancashire Ins. Co.; since time; re-el. 1908. Recreations: shooting and Feb., 1895,^ manager of the Norwich Union cricket. Address: Winnarleigh Grange, Fire Ins. Society, and chief agent for Can.; Grenfell, Sask. Club: Rideau, Ottawa. past Pres. of Canadian Fire Underwriters' LALIBEBTE, J. B.; b. St. R,ochs, Que., Assn. Publications: various contributions 24 March, 1843;-s. of Jean Baptiste Laliberte to insurance papers; pamphlet "The Pro- and E. Labrecque; m. 1871, E. Emond.(d.

tection of Vertical openings in mercantile 1895) ; two s. Educ : parochial and Quebec establishments," "History of Conflagra- Normal Schs. Entered employ of V. tions." Recreations: sailing, golf. Address: Nichol, a furrier, St. Rochs, Que., 1856; 7 Clarendon Crescent, College Heights, commenced business on own account as Toronto. Clubs :'Sa.tionaX, R.C.Y.C, Lamb- furrier in 1867. Dir., La Banque Nation- ton Golf and Country, Rosedale; Golf, ale, Quebec Bridge Co.; chn. of the Quebec Toronto. Harbor Com. since 1896. Address: 182 des IiAntD, Alexander, gen. mgr. Can. Bank Fosses St., Quebec. of Commerce; b. Ballater, Soot., 25 Nov., LALOK, Francis Ramsey,. M.P.; 6. St. 1853; s. Francis O. Laird and Eliza Pater- Catharines, Ont., 14 Nov., 1856; m. 28 June, son; m. Mary E. Sharrar, of Dixon, 111.;. two 1883, Annie L. Stevens. Educ: Dunnville, ,«. one d. Educ: Gram. Sch., Sarnia, Ont., Pub. and High Sch. First elec. to H. of C, and Aberdeenshire, Scot. Came to Can. 1904; re-elec. 1908. Church of England; with" hie parents, 1854. Wide experience Conservative. Address: Dunnville, Ont. in banking in Scotland JU.S.. and Can.; now I.JLMBE, Lawrence M., F.G.S., F.ft.S^^C. gen.- m^r., Canadian Bank of Commerce. b. Montreal, 27 Aug., 1863; s. of Wil- Recreations: golf, motoring, hunting. Ad- liam Bushby Lamb, Worstershire, Eng., dress: "Craig-en-darroch," 48 Cluny Ave., and Margaret Morris, d. of Hon. William Toronto. Clubs: Toronto, York, Golf, Tor- Morris, M.L.C., Perth, Ont.; m. Mabel onto; St. James, Montreal. Maude, 3rd d. of Collingwood Schriber, C. 125 :,


E., C.M.G., Ottawa; one «. three d, Educ,: inal Code of Canada. Address: 9 Haldi- , Private Sen., Montreal; R.M.C., Kingston; raand St., Quebec. Club: Garrison, Quebec ^ In December, 1884, was ap^td. to the per- LANCTOT, Boch, M.P.; b. St. Constant, manent staff of the Geolo^cal Survey of Que.; s. of Hormidas Lanclot; m. 25 Oct., Canada; since then engaged in Falaeonto- 1887, Delphine Toissant. Educ: Coll. of logical and Zoological research. At present Ottawa, and Ottawa Com. Coll.; Mayor of holds the position of Vertebrate Palaeonto- his parish; elec. to the H. of C, 1904 and logist to the Geological Survey; has given 1908. liberal. Address: St. Constant, much time to field work in the middle and Que. far west and in British Columbia, as well as liAJVDRT, Col. the Hon. Charles Phil- In Ontario and the Eastern provinces of ippe Augustus Robert, B.A., Senator; Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. b. Quebec, 15 Jan., 1846; s. of Dr. J. E. In 1890, was elected a Fellow of the Geolo- Landry ahd Caroline Lelievre; m, (1st), gical Society of London (Eng). In 1901, Wilhelmina, d. of Capt. E. Couture (dec).; elec. a Fellow of the R, S. of Canada; mem. (2nd), Amelia, d. of late Hon. E. Dionne, of the Council since 1903, first as Secretary M.L.C; one a. one d. Educ: Quebec Sem- of the Geological and Biological Section, inary. An agronomist; was pres. of die (1903-1907), and later as Honorary Treas. Council of Agric. of Quebec; commr. for of the Society (1907 to present date). In the Prov. to Chicago World's Fair, 1893, 1903, elected an original member of the Takes great interest in military afifairs. American Society of Vertetrate Palaeon- Brig. Comdr. of the 10th Infantry Brigade; tologists (member of Council for 1906); for for seventeeli yrs. Col., commandant 61st a number of years held a commission as "Montmagny" Regt. Was hon. A.D.C. to Lieut, in the Governor General's Foot Lord Stanley of Preston and Lord Aberdeen Guards, Ottawa. At present is on the Served in Fenian Raid (medal) ; a kt. comdr. Reserve of Ofl&cers (^Engineers) of the Mil- Order of St. Gregory the Great; kt. comdr. itia of Canada, holding the rank of Lieut. of the Military Order of the Holy Sepulchre. Publications: chiefly on paleontological and First el. to Quebec Legis. Ass., 1875. El. zoological subjects. AddTcss: 226 Agryle to H. of C. at g. e., 1878 and 1882. Called ^venue, Ottawa. Club: Rideau, Ottawa. to Senate, Feb., 1892. Addresses: Candiac,

XiAlttONT, Hon. John Henderson, B.A., Que. : The Senate, Ottawa. LLvB., K.C.; a Judge of the Sup. Ct. of LANDRY, Hon, David V., M.D CM., Saskatchewan; b. Dufferin Co./ Ont., 12 ' M.A., M.L.A., Commr. of Agric. for New ' Nov., 1865; s. of Duncan C. Lamont and Brunswick; 6. Memramcook, Westmoreland Margaret Robson; m. Kargaret M. Johnston Co., N.B., 14 July, 1866; s, of Vital J. one d. Educ: Orangeville Hi^h Sch. and Landry, and Matilda D. Cormier; m. Annie

' Toronto Univ. Studied law in Toronto; Michaud; ones, fourd. ^duc.;St. Joseph's admitted to the bar, 1893; practised in Univ., N.B. A physician; mem. Mun. Toronto, until 1899, when removed to Coun. for the parish of Wellfngton, Kent Prince Albert, N.W.T. El. to H. of C, Co.. N.B., 1899-1900. El. to N.B. Legis. 1904, but resigned following year to become for Kent Co., 3 March, 1908; apptd. Commr. first Atty. Gen., Prov, of Sask.; apptd. to of Agric. for N.B., 24 March, 1908. Address:

present position. Sept . , 1 907. Addresa , N.B. Reniga, Sask. LAXESBOROUGH, The Earl of (Charles lANCASTER, Edward Arthur, K. C. John Brlnsley Butler, 7th Earl), M.V. M.P.; b. London, Eng., 22 Sept., 1860; s. of O., 1909; Baron of Newtown Butler, 1715; Frederick Wm. Lancaster and Emma A. Vicount Lanesborough, 1728; 6. 12 Dec, Lister; m. to Mary H. C, d. of A. H. Pettit, 1865; e. s, of 6th Earl and Anne, d. of Rev. Grimsby, Ont.; two s. one d. Arrived in John Dixon Clark, Bedford Hall, North* Canada. April, 1871. Educ: English Pri- umberiand; m. 1891^. Dorothea Gwladys, vate Sen.; High Schs. at London, Ont., and e. d. of Maj.-Gen. Sir Henry Tombs, K.C.B.,

Osgoode Hall, Toronto; practiced law at V.C. ; one s. two d. Educ : Eton. Entered Grimsby, Ont., 1882 to 1890, and at St. Coldstream Guards, 1888; Captain, 1898; Catherines since 1890; M.P. since 1900, Major, 1904; Asst. Mil. Sec. to Duke of having been elec. at three successive g. e. Connaught, Commander-in-Chief and High fiecre^ion: cricket. Address: St. Catherines, Commr., Mediterranean, 1008; served in Ont. South Africa, 1899-1902; apptd. Mil. Sec, JANCTOT, Adelard, M.P., Advocate; fc. to His Ex. Earl Grey, Gov.-Gen. of Canada, St. Philippe, Co. Laprairie, Que., 13 Feb., Dec, 1909. Becrealiona: shooting, fishing. 1874; 8. of Louis Lanctot and Rosalie golf, cricket. Addresses: Rideau Cottage, Robidoux; m. 2 Jime, 1902, Sarah Dery, Ottawa; Swithland Hall, Loughborough; Quebec. Educ: Normal Sen. and Laval Lanesborough Lodge, Belturbet, Co, Caven; Univ., Montreal; practices his profession at Irel.; 1 Cad<%an Terrace, London, S.W.

Sorel; has been m politics for 10 years; Clubs: Wellington, Carlton, Guards , Lon-

elec. to H. of C, 7 March, 1907, at a bye- don, Eng. ; Rideau, Ottawa. elec; re-elec., 1908; Roman Catholic; Liber- I^AXG, W. R., D.Sc, Professor of Chem- al. AddresB: Sorel, Que. istry, Univ. of Toronto; unmarried. Educ: liANCTOT, Charles, K.C., Asst. Law Univ. of Glasgow and Paris. Graduated at Clerk of the Leg. Ass., Quebec; b. Lap- the former B.Sc., 1890; D.Sc, 1889; Asst. prairie, Que., 19 Oct., 1864; a. of Edmond and lecturer there, 1890-1900; first chair- Lancot, and Elizabeth Roy; m. Donalda man of Canadian Section of the Society of Sariof. Educ: Ste. Marie Coll.; Laval Chemical Industry; fellow of the Chemical Univ. Practised law in Montreal for some Society, and of the institute of Chemistry

yrs., until apptd. to present position. ^ Pub- of Great Britain and Ireland; member of lications: Theory and Practise of Criminal the Royal Philoso{)hical Society of Gla^ow, Xjaw; Manuel for J.P's.; Annotated Crim- the Canadian Institute. The Franco-Scot- 126 . ; WHO'S WHO. LAPORTB

tish Society. Major of R. E. (vols.) and stations among the Indians. Publications: Canadian Militia. PublicationB: author of some 20 pastoral charges and many circular various papers on chemical subjects pub- .letter^. Address: Archbishop's Palace, St. lished in the Jour. Chem. Soc, Jour. Soc. Boniface, Man. Ghem. Ind.; Comptes Rend. (Paris); Jour. I-ANGI-OIS, Joseph Godiroy, B.L., ML. Amer Ghem. Soc, etc.; also articles on the A., Canadian Secy, of the International production of low temperatures, on explosive Commission on Deep Waterways; 6. St. on the chemical industries of Ganada, etc. Scholastique, Que., 26 Dec, 1866; ». of Address: University of Toronto. Clubs: Joseph Langlois and Olympe Glemant; m. Oaledoniah, Scottish, Gonservative, Edin- to Marie Louise Herbour of Butte, Montana; burgh; Toronto, Hunt; Toronto. one d. Educ: St. Therese Seminary and tiANGELIEB, Charles, K.G., Sheriff of St. Laurent Coll.; elec member of Quebec ' Quetsec; b. Ste. Rosalie, Go. of Bagot, Que., Legislature in 1904; re-elec in 1908; chief 23 Aug., 1852; a. of Capt. Louis S. Langelier, editor of La Pairie for ten yeirs; managing and Julie Esther Cosault; m. Lucille La director of Le Canada, 1903-10; apptd. to Rue; one d. Educ: Quebec Sem. An Waterways Commission, Jan., 1910. Has ' advocate. Mem. of Quebec Leg. Ass. and fought for years for better education in the H. of C. for 15 yrs.; Min. in Mercier Gabinet, Province of Quebec. Publications: "Sus au 1890; Vice Pres. of the Garrison Club; Pres. Seuet," "La Republique de 1848. Recrea- of Canadian Club. Puhlicaiiona: Souvenirs tions: yachting and gardening. Address: Folitiques. Addreas: 63 St. Ursule St., 58 Laval Avenue, Montreal. Club: St. Quebec. Ctub; Garrison, Quebec. Denis, Montreal. lANGELIEB, Sir Francois Zavler, Kt.; LANGMUIB, John Woodburn; 6. Ayr- Acting Chief Justice of Superior Court of shire, Scot., 6 Nov., 1834; m. (1st), Emma Quebec for Que. div.; 6. 24 Dec, 1838; m. iucretia, d. of the late Dr. Fairfield; (2nd), (1st), 1864, Virginie Sarah Sophie (d. 1891), Elizabeth Harriest, d. of the l^te John d. of late J. L^are, Quebec; (2nd), 1892, Ridout; (3rd), Catharine Mary Bloodgood, Marie Louise Adelaide Braun; two a. two d. of New York; five «. four d. Educ: Os- Educ: St. Hyacinthe Coll.; Laval Univ. borne's Acad., Kilmarnock, Scot. Arrived (B.C.L., LL.D.); Law Faculty of Paris. Canada, 1869, and engaged with the firm Professor of Roman Law, and afterwards of Miller Bros.,, Picton, Ont. El. Mayor of of Civil Law and Political Economy, Laval Pioton, 1868; apptd. Isnp. of Prisons and Univ.; Dean of Faculty of Law since 1892, Pub. Charities for the.Prov. by Stanfield and Member of Council of Univ.; M.L.A., Admn., 1868; resigned 1882; and associated Que., 1873-75; H. of C, 1884-98; Minister himself with a group of prominent gentle- of Crown Lands, Que., 1878-79; Provincial men in formation of the Toronto Gen. Treasurer, 1879-80; Q.G., 1878; Mayor of Trusts Co., now the Toronto Gen. Trusts Que., 1882-90; Roman Catholic. Publica- Corporation, of which he is mng. dir.: apptd. Houb: De la Preuve en matiere Civile et Chr.,, Royal Com. on the Prison and Refor- (jonu^erciale; Commentarie du Code Civile matory Svstem of Ont., which sat in 1891 de la Province de Que. Address: 217 Pres. Homewood Retreat Assn., a private Cirande AU^e, Quebec. C!u6: Garrison. I asylum estbd. at Guelph, Ont.; vice Pres., LAXGEVIN, Most Kev. Louis Philippe 'Toronto Hotel Co., Ltd. Was Major of Adelard, D:D., O.M.I. ;Arohbp. of St. 16th Batt., while Regt served in Fenian Boniface, Manitoba; b. St. Isidore, La- Raids of 1866. Address: 11 Roxborough prairie, Que., 23 Aug., 1855; s. of Francois St., E. Toronto. Clubs: Toronto; Gros- Theophile Langevin, a near relation of Sir venor, London, Eng. Hector Langevin, formerly Minister of Pub- LAPOINTB, Ernest, B.A., B.C.L.( Laval lic Works at Ottawa, and Pamela Racicot, Univ.), M.P., b. St. Eloi, Que.. 1876; s. sister of the Right Rev. Zotique Racicot, of S. LapointB and Adele Lavoie (deceased): Bishop of Pogla and Vicar-General of the m. 1904, M. E., d. of J. A. Pratte, of Fraser- diocese of Montreal. Educ: Montreal Coll. ville. Educ: Rimouski Coll., Laval Univ. Studied theology at the Sulpician Grand Quebec. Called to the bar, 1898; practised Seminary, Montreal; completed the course in Quebec for one yr., then removed to of his theology (moral) at St. Mary's Coll. Praserville, and formed a partnership with (Jesuits), Montreal; entered the order of Mr. Adolpne Stein, being head of the firm. Oblates of Mary Immaculate, 1881; ordain- Town Attorney for Fraserville and Crown ed priest, 1882; preacher for diocesan mis- prosecutor for dist. of Kamouraska. El. to sions, 1882-85; Professor of Moral Theology H. of G., for Kamouraska, at g. e., 1904, in the (Catholic Univ. of Ottawa, where he 1908. Address .•Fraserville, Que. soon became Vice Dean of the Theological IiAJPOtNTTE, Louis Audet; 6. Contreoour, Faculty, 1885; D.D., 1892; went to Mani- Vercheres Co., Que., 16 May, 1869; toba as Superior of the Oblates in the Arch- ». of Louis Audet Lapointe, farmer, and diocese of St. Boniface, and Rector of St. Marguerite Dupre; a widower; two s. Educ. Mary's Church, Winnipeg, 1893; has battled Masson Coll., Terrebonne, and Varennes on the Manitoba School Question; has Coll. For many yrs. a mem. of the Mon- visited England, France, Belgium, Germany treal City Council; chn. of Finance Com.; in 1890; Rome and the Holv Father thrice, mem. of the Catholic Sch. Gomn. Recrea- in 1896, 1898, and 1904, and the latter ^ear tions: hunting, fishing. Address: 208 Champ visited the Holy Land. He also visited de Mars, Montreal. Austria in the interest of Galicians, Poles, I.AFOBTE, Hormlsdas: b. Lachine, 7 and Ruthenians coming to Canada; has Nov., 1850; «. of J. B. Laporte and Marie founded 28 parishes, 24 educational con- Bertniaume; m, Onesime Miria Gervais; vents, 3 hospitals, 2 orphanages, 6 Indian one s. one d. Educ: Sault au RecoUet boEtrding-schoola; has doubled the number Sch. Senior partner in wholesale grocery of priests and the number of missionary firm of Laporte Martin & Co.; Pres. Pro- 127 LARIVIEBE WHO'S WHO.

vincial Bank of Can., and several other for eight years; pres., Reform Club of Cos., a founder of Chambre de Commerce, Ottawa; vice-'pres., Reform Assn., apptd. of wnich was Pres. Entered City Council, Minister Pub. Works in the Ross Mimstry. 1896; el. Mayor, 1904. Did excellent work Oct. 21, 1899, and el. to Ont. Legis. for as leader of reform movement in city Coun- South Renfrew, Nov. 14; re-el. at g. ^,, cil. A life governor of Notre Dame Hos- 1902; unsuccessful at g. e., 1905; apptd. pdtal and Montreal General Hospital. Ad- to High Ct. of Ont., 1908. Address: ft dress: 812 Dorchester W., Montreal. Elmsley Place, Toronto. LAKIYIEBE, Alphonse Alfred Clement, LATULIPE, Bt. Bev. Elec, A., Bishop of Immigration Commr. for Manitoba, at Catenna, Vicar Apostolic of Temiskaming; Montreal; 6. Montreal, 24 July, 1842; s. of 6. St. Anicet, Que., 3 Aug., JIS59; s. of Abraham. C. La Riviere and Adelaide Mar- Antoine Latulipe and Lucie BonneVUle. cil; m. 1867, Marie Melvina Bourdeau {d. Educ: Montreal Coll.; Professor in Mon- 1885); three s. two d, Educ: St. Mary's treal Coll. two years; Curate, St. Henry, Coll., Montreal. For 16 years editor and Montreal, three yrs.; Chaplain Good Shep- prop, of Le McMvUoba, published at St. herds, Montreal, St. Anne's, Lachine, for Boniface, Man. Former naem. of the Man. six years; Rector Pembroke Cathedral, 11 Govt. Rep. in the Leg, Ass. of Man., 1878- years; apptd. Bishop of Temiskaming, 1 88; rep. for , Man. in N. of C, Oct., 1908. Address :Iiai\eyh\iiy, Ont. 1889-1904; now Immigration Commr. for LAUHEB, Thomas, Registrar of Deeds, Manitoba at Montreal. Address: Room 22, South Riding, Grey Co., Ont.; b. Bewcastle, Royal Trust Bldg., 107 St. James St., Mon- Cumberland Co., Eng., 8 Nov., 1828; s. of treal. "Thomas Lauder and JSlizabeth Forrester; IjA'RKE* John Short, one of the Canadian m, Susan Grabelle, of Port Colbome, Ont.; Trade Commrs. for Australa^a; 6. Cornwall, three s. five a. Educ: Crookgate Sch., Eng., 1840; s. of Charles and Grace Larke; Bewcastle, Eng. Arrived Canada, May, m. Elizabeth, d. of Wm. Bain, of Darling- 1875. Engaged in mercantile business in ton, Ont.; three s. one d. Canie to Can., Port Colbome, Ont., until 1866; removed to 1844 and educ. at pub. and priv. schs., Grey Co., and engaged in farming until Oshawa, and Victoria Univ., Cobourg. 1871, when apptd. R^strar for South Publisher of newspapers and Pres, of Mfg. Grey. Recreations: reading, farming. Ad- Coys,; Executive Commr. for Canada at drees; Durham, Ont. Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. LAtJBIER„ Bt. Hon. Sir Wilfrid, P.C, Apptd. ti'ade commr. to Australia, 25 Aug., G.M.G., D.cTl., LL.D., K.C.' Premier of 1894. Promoted Pacific Cable in Australia, Canada; b. St. Lin, Que., 20 NoVy 1S4^ a. and on invitation of Colonial Govts, or of the late Carolus Laurier, F.L.S, and municipal bodies delivered addresses in the Marcelle Martineau; m. in 1886 to Loe. d.'pf interest of Australian Federation. Address: G. N. R. Lafontaine of Montreal. Educ,: Royal Exchange, Sydney, N.S.W. Pub. Sch. of his native parish, L'Assomp- LAItOCQUE, B.t. Bev- Paul, 3.S., D. tion Coll., and McGill Univ.; law ^tude^t Theol. and Canon Law (Rome), Bishop of in the office of the late Hon. R. Lafiamm^,. Sherbrooke, Que.; b. Sainte Marie de Mon- 1860; called to the bar 1864; created Queens noir (Marieville), Que., 28 Oct., 1846; s. of Council, 1880; was for a short time engaged' Albert LaRocque and Genieve Daigneault. in journalistic work in his earlier yearsj' Educ: St, Hyacinthe and Ste. Therese first elec. to Lrcgislative Assembly of Que- Coll. Ten years missionary in Florida; bec, in 1871, representing Drummond, and nine years Rector of St. Hyacinthe Cath- Artnabaska; elec. for the same constituenioy edral; sixteen years Bishop of Sherbrooke. to the H. of C. in 1874; member of the. Publiccdions: two' volumes of Pastorial Mackenzie Govenrment as Minister of In-" letters. A

hon. LL.D., Toronto Umv. and Queen's Judge of Superior Court for district of Univ.; received the-Duke of Cornwall and Ottawa, 1897; Montreal, 1901. Publications: York, 1001, and accompanied the Royal he Journal d'Arthabaska; L'Union des Party across the Dominion; present at the Cantons de I'Est. Recreations: books, bil- Coronation of His Majesty King Edward liards, cards. Address: 4378 Western Ave., VII, 1902; received freedom of City of Westmount, Que. C2u&:,Rideau, Ottawa. Edinburgh, receiving degree LL.D., from LATEBGNE, Louis, N.P., M.P.; 6. St. Edinburgh Univ.; attended Imperial Con- Pierre, Montmagnj; Co., Que., 1 Dec, 1846; ference, London, 1907, receiving freedom s. of the late David Lavergne, and Marie of London, Bristol andliiverpool. Address: Genevieve Delagrave; m. (1st) 1878, Euge- 335 Laurier Ave., Ottawa. Clubs: Rideau, nie (d. 1887), d. of L. E. Landry, of Becan- Ottawa; St. James, Montreal. cour; (2nd) AUda Pacaud, widow of the I^ATTT, Sliss Agnes C, authoress; b. late William Duval; one s. one d. Educ: Stanley, Ont., 1871; a. of John and Eliza St. Anne's Coll., Kamouraska. Chn. of the George Laut. Educ: Manitoba Univ., be- Bd. of Notaries of the Prov. of Quebec, came an editorial writer on the Manitoba 1903-6. El. to H. of C. at bye-el., 1897; Free Press, 1895; later was correspondent re^l. at g. e., 1900, 1904, and 1908. El. for U.S., 'Canadian, and English publica- Liberal Whip for the Prov. of Quebec, tions; a frequent contributor to American session of 1901; re-el. Whip for Quebec, magazines; now on the staff of Out^7^g. 1905 and 1908. Address; Arthabaska, Que. Publications: "Lords of the North," 1900; LAVOIE, Napoleon, gen. mgr. La "Heralds of Empire," '1902; "Story of the Banque Nationale; b. L'Islet, Que., 5 Aug., Trapper," 1902; ''Path-finders of the West" 1860; s. of Dr. N. Lavoie and Josephine 1904; "Vickings of the Pacific," 1906; "The Casgrain; m. Marie Elmire Morin; four s. Conquest of the Great North-West," 1908; four d. Educ: Ste. Anne de la Pocatiere

"Canada, Empire of the North." Address: Coll. ' Has been in the banking business for Wassiac, Duchess Co., N.Y. 35 years; ten yrs." with La Banque du LAVELL, John Beeve, B.A.; 6. Peter- Peuple; twenty-five yrs. with La Banque boro, Ont., 11 Dec, 1857; «. of M. Lavell, Nationale. Recreations: all athletic' sports; M.D„ LL.D., and B. B. Reeve (both Can- squash racket and handball champion. adian born); m. 1838, Ursula P., d. of Address: 25 Mt.'Carmel St., Quebec; L'Islet Alexander MacAlister, of Kingston; two s. ' (summer). Club: Garrison, Quebec (vice- two d, Educ,: Queen's Univ., Kingston pres). (Grad. B.A., 1877). Began study of law IjAW, Andrew Bonar, M.P. for Dulwich, in ^Kingston; became a solicitor 1880; bar- Eng.; b. N.B., 16 Sept., 1858; s. of Rev.

rister, 1881. Commenced the practice of James Law, M.A., of New Brunswick, and > his profession in Smith's Falls, 1881, and is Eliza Anne, d. of William Kidston of Glas- now a partner of-the firm of Lavell, Farrell gow: m. 1891, Annie Pitcaim, d. of Har- & Lavell. Has h^d the office of Reeve, rington' Robley of Glasgow; four a. two d. Councillor and Sch. Trustee in Smith's •Educ: N.B., Gilbert Field Sch, Hamilton; Falls. Pres., Perrin Plow Co., Ltd., Smiths High Sch., Glasgow. Parliamentary Sec. Falls; mem. Methodist General Conference of the Board of Trade, 1902-6; M.P. (U.) since 1885; mem. Council of Queen's Univ., Blackfriftrs Div. of Glasgow, 1900-6; mem. Canadian Manufacturerers' Assn.; unsuc- (U.) Dulwich Division of Camberwell, since cessful candidate for H. of C. at g. e., 1896; 1906; re-el. at g. e., 1910; chairman of el. to H. of C. at g. e., 1900; went West, Glasgow Iron Trade Association; was a 1905. Address: Strathcona, Ont. meniher of 'Williana Kidston and Sons, iron LAVEBGNE, Armand Benaud, B.L., merchants, Gltisgow, an^ William Jacks and

. M.L.A.; b. Arthabaska, Que., 21 Feb., 1880; Co., iron merchants, Glasgow. Recreations: _^ a. of Hon, Joseph Lavergne, and'Emilie golf, chess. Address: Pembroke Lodge, Louise Barthe; m..l904, Georgetta Roy, of Kensington London W., Eng. Club: Carle- Montreal. Educ: Arthabaska Coll., Que- ton, London, Eng. bec Sem., Laval Univ., Quebec; an advocate LAW, Bowman Brown, M.P. ; b. Doug- and journalist. El. to H. of C. for Mont- las, Mass., U.S.A., 29 July, 1855; a. of Wil- magny, at bye-el., 1904; re-el. at g. e., 1904; liam and Mary A. Law; m. Agnes M. Lovitt; -* resigned his seat in H. of C, 25 May, 1908. one d. Educ: Yarmouth, N.S.; arrived in El. to Que. Leg. Ass. at g. e., 1908. One of Canada. 1885; "Town Councillor for over the editors of Xe Devoir. Address: 71a St. six years; member of H. Of C. since 1902. James St., Montreal. Club.' Garrison, .4drfresfi: Yarmouth, N.S. Quebec. LAW, Frederick Charles, R. N.; b. Brent I/AYEBGNE, Hon. Joseph, a Judge of Somerset, ^Eng., 27 March, 1841; a. of the the Court of the King's Bench for the Prov- -Hon. William 'Towny Law, and the Hon. ince of Quebec; 6. 29 Oct., 1847; «. of late Augusta champagne, d. of His Hon. John Louis David Lavergne, J.P., and Marie Crawford, formerly Lieutenant Governor of Genevieve Delagrave; m. 1876, MarieXomse Ontario; five a. one d. Arrived in Canada Emilie, d. of late J. G. Barthe, M.P., bar- April, 1874; twenty years on active rister and writer; one s. one d. Educ: St. service. Royal Navy; in Baltic Sea during Ann's Coll., Que. Admitted at bar, 1871; Rusman War in H.M.S. Hannibal; for 20 practised law for twenty-fix years in part- years o£Scial secretary to Lieut. Governor nership with Sir Wilfrid Laurier in Artha- of Ontario; practiced as an architect for baska; was Mayor of town of Arthabaska, some time. Recreations: painting and car- and Warden of County of Arthabaska for ving. Address: 504 Sherbourne St., Tor- some years; during same period edited a onto; Crawford Island, MuskokaLake, Ont. weekly newspaper, and was a member of LAWXESS, Thomas, Sup. Treas., In- o. Beech H. of C, 1887-97, representing the con- dependent Order of Foresters; Jar,, stituency of Drummond and Arthabasca; Ridge, Chateaiignay Co.,- Que., 23 129 LAWRENCE WHO'S WHO.

1844; 8. of John Russell Lawless (Irish), and 9bester St., W.* Montreal; Batiscan (sum- Sarah Robinson (English)-; m. (1st) Sarah mer), Matilda Glover id. 1876); (2nd) Sophia LEBLANC, Hon. Henry S., M.L.C.; b. d. Tranwich Miller (d. 1909); four «. two , East Pubnico, Yarmouth Co., N.S., 4 Sept., Educ: Chateauguay Co. Engaged in com- 1865; of French-Canadian parentage; m, mercial pursuits until 21st year, then enter- 1891, A^es D'Entremiont. Is engaged in ed journaUsm and continued in it actively mercantile business at West Pubnico. Was for upwards of 25 years and as a secondary coun. for the municipality of Argyle. El. occupation since; has engaged actively in to Legis. at g. e.Ll897; re-el. 1901, and 1908. fraternal insurance work for the past 20 Mem. of the Executive Com., of Nova years. Apptd. Supreme Auditor of the Scotia, without portfolio. Address: Yar- I. O. F., 1 Aug., 1885; asst. Sup. Chief mouth, N.S. Ranger; editor, The Forester; now Sup. LEBLANC, Oliver J., M.P.; b. Memxam- Treasurer. SecreoiMMis.* travel, photography, cook, N.B., 27 Nov., 1830; a. of Jos. J. gardening. Addressea: Farkdale, Toronto, Leblanc and Victoire Girouard, both and Oakville, Ont. French Acadians; m. (Ist) 17 Nov., 1871, liAWHENCE, Hon. Frederick Andrew, Olive Cormier {deceased; (2nd) 17 Nov., K.C., Judge of Supreme Court of Nova 1879, Suzanne Allain. £duc.; Public Sch.; Scotia; b. Port Hood, Inverness Co., C.B., a member of N.B. Legislature for ten yrs.; 23 April, 1843; a. of Geo. C. Lawrence and of the Executive Couincil for two yrs., and a Helen Lawrence; m. Isabella Flemming; Legislative Councillor for two sessions; one d. Educ: Normal Sch., Truro; Dal- first elec. to the H. of C, 1900; re-elec 1904 housie Univ. Recorder of Truro for a and 1908. Roman Catholic; Liberal. Ad' time; merdber of Nova Scotia Legislature. dress: St. Mary's, N.B. 1886-1904, during which period was Speaker LEBLANC, Pierre Evariste, K.C.; b. St. for eightr yrs.; elected to H. of'C. 1904; Martin, Laval Co., Que., 20 Aug., 1854; apptd. a Judge, 1907. Recreai-Ums: golf. s. of Joseph Leblanc and Adele Belanger. Addreaa: Halifax, N.S. m. Hermine, d. of the late T. Beaudry. liAWSON, Miss Maria, editorial writer, Educ: St. Martin Academy, and Jacques Victoria (B.C.) Colonist; h. New London, Cartier Normal Sch., Montreal. For many P.E.I., 15 Dec, 1852; d. Henry Lawson and yrs. a teacher. Called to Bar of Que., 1879. Flora McKenzie. Educ: P.E.I dist. Sch.. El. to XiCgis. 1882, but was unseated; re-el. Normal Sch.. Charlottetown. Father was 1SS4. 1886, 1888, 1890, 1892, 1897, 1900, ed. of Charlottetown Patriot; asst. ed. Tor- 1904; defeated by four votes, 1908. Speaker onto Globe and Montreal Herald; editor of the L^s. Assem. under the de Boucher- Vietonia Colonist. Miss L. taught sch. in ville, Taillon and Flynn Govt. Address: P.E.I, for some yrs.; removed toB.C. with 352 St. Denis St., Montreal. Club: St. her parents in 1900. Was principal of the James, Montreal. Girl s Sch., Nanaimo, teacher in Girls' Sch., LECKIE, John Edwards, B.Sc, D.S.O.; Victoria; now conducts the Woman's Realm b. Acton Vale, Que.. 19 Feb., 1872; «. Major a daily feature of the Colonist, and edits R. J. Leckie and Sarah Edwards; unmarried a weekly children's p^e. Publications: a Educ: Bishop's Coll. Sch., Lennoxville, and school history of Can. (Gage & Co., Toronto) R. M. C, Kingston. Practices the pro- a sketch of B.C. Member oi the Canadian fession of Mining Engineer; commanded a Women's Press Club. Address: 1809 Fern- troop in "Strathcona's Horse," (D.S.O)., wood Rd., Victoria, B.C. and^ afterwards a Squadron in 2nd C. M. R. , LEACOCK, Stephen Butler, B.A., Ph. during the South African war. PubHcationa: D.; b, Swanmoor, Hants, Eng., 30 Dec. contributions on technical subjects to per- 1869; s. of W. P. Leacock of Oak Hill, and iodicals. i^ecreafiOTM; riding, shooting. Ad^ Agn^ d, of Rev. Stephen Butler of Subar- dress: Cobalt, Ont. Club: Can. Mil. Inst., ton, Hants; m. to Beatrix, d. of R. B. Hamil- Toronto. ton, of Toronto. Educ: Up, Can. Coll., LECKIE, Major Robert GUmour Ed- Univ. of Toronto. Arrived in Canada, wards, B.Sc, M. Can. Soc C.E.; staff Can. Coll., 1891-1899; 1876; on of Up. b. Halifax, N.S., 4 June, 1869; ?. graduate of Sch. of Chicago Univ., 1899- Major R. J. Leckie. of Sudbury, Ont., and 1902; at present head of department of Sarah, d. of Rev. John Edwards; ux^married. Economics and political science, McGill Educ: Bishop's Coll. Sch., Lennbxville, Univ., 1907-1908. tour of the British Em- and R.M.C., Kingston, graduating with pire, delivering lectures on Imperial prob- honours and winning the "sword of honour" lems, under the auspices of the Rhodes and one of Gov. Gen'ls. medals. Practiced Trust. Publications: Elements of Political for several years the profusion of CSvil and Science; Baldwin, Lafontaine and iticks Mining Engineer; commanded a Squadron (Makers of Canada series, 1907) and pam- of 2nd CM.B.., in South-^Africaj conducted ahlets, etc Address: Cote des Neiges, explorations in British Somaliland, East [ontreal. Club: University, Montreal. Africa, at time of "Mad Mullah" war. Re- LEBEUF, Hon. Calixte, B.C.L., K.C., turned to Canada, 1896. Publications: Chief Justice of Circuit (5t., Dist' of Mont- contributions to publications of technical real; b, St. Timotli^e, Beauhamois Co., societies; articles on travel in many maga- Que., 23 May, 1850; s. of Joseph LeBeuf, Eines. Recreations: big game hunting, fish- and Judith Picard; m. (1st) Laura Brunelle; ing, shooting, golf. Address: Vancouver, (2nd)' Rebecca Brtmelle; one a. two d. B.C. Clubs: United Empire, London, Eng. Educ: St. Timothee Sch., and Ste. Therien Canadian Mil. Inst., Toronto. Coll. Practised l^al profession at Mont- I«ECKIE, Major Robert Gilmour, M.A. yrs. real for 35 Frequent contributor to I.M.E.; b. Renfrewshire, Scot., 23 Aug., for yrs. press 20 Judge, 1907. Recreations: 1833; s. of Robert Leckie, and Margaret boating, racquets. Addresses: 1005 Dor- Gilmour; m. Sarah, (rf. 1894), d. of late Rev. 130 WHO'S WHO.

John Kdwards; two «. sjix d. Edue,: Glas- cyclopedia of Law: joint translator with J. gow High Sch., Glasgow Tech. Coll. Came H. Cameron of Short History of Roman to Can. in 1856. Haa. been prominently Law, by P. F. Girard, 1906: and writer of associated with the mimng industry; for- numerous articles in the Law Quarterly merly mng. dir. of the Orford Nickel and ~ Review. Recreations: golf and bicycling. Copper Co.; mgr. dir. of the Cumberland Address: Traders Bank Building, Toronto. Coal and. Ry. Co,, and gen. mn^. of the Clubs: Toronto University, Toronto. Londonderry Iron Co. Has examined pro- I..EFUK6FT, Alfred Alexander, B.A., ' fessionally mines in Norway, Sweden, Aus- LL:B.; 6. Summerside, P.E.L, 22 April, tralia, Tasmania, New Caledonia. One of 1871: <. of John Lefurgey and Dorothea founders and first chn. of Federated Mining Read; unmarried; Educ.; St. Dunstan's Inst.; past v. p. of the American Inst. Coll., Charlottetown, Mount Allison Univ., Mining Engrs.: mem. Can. Mining Inst. Harvard Univ. Entered into mercantle

PubliccUvyni: Numerous - technical contri- life at Summerside and Sydney, C.B. First butions to mining journals. Recreation^: el. to P.E.I. Legis., 1897. El. to H. of C. riding, fishing, hunting. Addret$: SudhvLry g. e., 1900; re-el. 1904; defeated 1908. Con- Ont. - Clitba: Engineers*, New York; Can. servative Whip for Maritime Provinces, Military Inst., Toronto. 1901-8; now m commission business at LUET, His Hon. Seth Penn., K.C., B.C. Vancouver. Address: Vancouver, B.C. L. (McGill), a Police Magistrate for the LEGAX, Kt. Rev. Bishop Emlle J., O.M. City and District of Montreal; 6: nr. Dan- I., Bishop of Pogla, and Coadjutor of the - ville. Que., 26 April, 1851; ». of George W. Bishop of St. Albert, Alta., 1897; b. St. Jean Leet and Lucina Williamson; m. in 1874, de Boisseau, dipcese of Nantes, France, 9 Catharine Olivia Colwell, d. of Rev. B. T. Oct., 1849. Educ: Nantes, classical and Colwell; one <. Educ: Danville Academy theolpgicarcourses. Ordained, 1874; taught _ and McGill Coll., Montreal. Studied law sciences.in colleges and seminary in France with the firm of Trenholme & Maclaren, for 4 years; became~a member of the Con- now Judge Trenholme of the Court of Ap- gregation known as the Missionaries Oblates peals, of Que., and Judge Maclaren of the of Mary Immaculate; was sent to the mis- Court of Appeals of Ont. After graduating sions of Western Can., 1895, where he with Mr. Mac- Blackfeet tribes of South- , he entered into partnership ministered to the laren and remained with firm for several ern Alberta (Blackfeet proper, Peigans

one of the , Indians): was consecrated yrs. ; practiced until apptd. and Blood Collectors of Provincial Revenues for the Bishop in the same idiocese, and becaiue District of Montreal, subsequently being the titular Bishop of St. Albert on ihe named one of the Police Ma^strates for death of bis predecessor, 1902. Addreaf: St the city and district, which position he now Albert Alta holds. Chairman for one term of the LEGER', Clement M., M.L.A.; b. Mem- , Congregational Union gf Ont., and Que., ramcook West, N.B., 14 Feb^ 1865; s. of and has been for many yrs. the representa- Marcel I. Leger and Rosalie P. Leger; m. tive of the Prov. of Que. on the Executive 1891, Catherine D. Gaudet; four «. five d. Committee of the International Sunday Educ: Pub. Schs., Memramcook West. School Assn.; one of the Executive Com- A manufacturer, and gen. merchant. First mittee of the World's Sunday School Assn. returned to Leg. at g. e., 1903; re-el. at g. e., Addrets: 166 Villeneuve St., Montreal An- 1908. Recreation: travel. Address: Mem- nex, ramcook West, N.B. Que. , „, LBIFEITBE, Mrs. Lily Alice, ("Fleur- LE6RIS, Hon. Jos. Horinlsdas, Senator; ange"); h, Kingston, Ont.; d. of the late b. River du Loup, Que., 7 May, 1850; s. _R. P. Cooke, C.E., and Anna Plunkett, Antoine Legria and Leocadu Beland; m. formerly of Cfastlemore, Irel.; m. Dr. John ^Emma Champagne; four a. four d. Educ: M. Lefevre. Has been a resident of Van- Pub. Schs. of Louiseville, Que.; a farmer couver for some yrs., and a frequent con- member of the Provincial Legislature tributor to the press of Montreal and Van- 1888; member of the H. of C, 1891-1896, couver; winner of the Montreal Witneae' 1903; apptd. to the Senate, 1903. Address: prize of SIOO.OO for the best poem with Louiseville, Que. reference to the first winter carnival. Pub- LEMAT, Leon Pamphlle, Lit. D., Lib- Ucations: '"The Lion's Gate and Other rarian of the Leg. of Quebec; 6. Lotbiniere, Verses," 1895; several lyrics which have 5 Jan., 1837; s. of Leon LeMay, and Marie been set to mtisio. Addreaa: Vancouver, Louise Auger; m. Solina Robitaille; four s and litterateur. seven d. An advocate . R C 1 XBFROT.A. H. F., M.A., Professor of Publications: The Discovery of Canada; Roman Law and Jurisprudence, Umv. of Evangeline (trans);. National Hymn Les ». of Vengeances (poem) ; several novels. Trans. . i Toronto; 6. Toronto, 2l June, 1852; d'or" into French. %%" iate General Sir J. "h;. Lefroy, K C.M.G,, Kirby's novel "Le Chien d'Abi-aham, Quebec. etc., and Emily Merry, d.~ of late Sir John Address: 118 Cote Beverley Robinson, 1st Bt., Chief Justice LEMIEUX^ Hon. Rodolphe, K.C., LL.. Postmaster-General of Can- of Up. Can.; m. 1884, Mary_Theodora, d. D., F.R.S.C; Nov., 1866; s. of Mr. of Henry S. Strathy, Toronto; three ». ada; b. Montreal, 1 Educ.: Rugby;" New Coll. Oxford. 2nd H. A. Lemieux, Inspector of Customs at Bisaillon; m. 1894, Class Honours in Literse Humaniores, 1873; Montreal, and Philomene the Sir Louis Jette, K.C. called to English bar, 1877; called to bar of Berthe, d. of Hon. the Ct. of Appeal for Up. Can., 1878; has since then practised M.G., CJhief Justice of s. d. Educ: Nicolet as barrister and solicitor in Toronto; Prof. Quebec; one two Called to the Bar Toronto Univ., 1900. Publications: Legis; Seminary, Laval Univ. entered into partnership with lative Power in Can., 1897-98; articlepn 'The in 1^91, and Meroier and Gouin; Dir^in Law, Dom. of Can., in American and English En- Messrs. 131 WHO'S WHO.

18&6r Prof, -of Law at Laval Univ., 1897; 1 Educ: Barrle Gram. Sch. Has practiced cr. Q.C., Quebec, 1898, and K.C., Ottawa, law since 1875; exceptionally successful in

1904. Mem. of Parlt. for Gaspe, 1896, ! criminal cases; ^ei^tered politics- in 1900, 1900, 1904, 1905, also for Nicolet 1904. when he was elected a member of the H. of Bepresented Canada before the Privy Coim- C; re-«lec. in 1904 and 1908. Introduced- cil in- ]^gland, 1904; apptd. substitute to amendment to Ry. A-ct to prevent com- the Attorney General for the dist.of Mon- panies from contracting themselves out of treal- Was sworn in as Solicitof-General, liability to, employes and successfully de- 29 Jan., 1904, and apptd. Postmaster Gen- • fended constitutionality of statute before eral, 4 June, 1906. Cr. a Chevalier of the Judicial Committee of Privy Council. Ad- L^On of Honor by the French Govt., 1906; dress :BaTTie, Ont. oflEwer, 1909; atithor of the Lemieux Law, LENNOX, Thomas Hubert, K.C., M:.L. to settle labour disputes; report on Japanese A., Tp. of Innisfil, Co. of Simcoe, Orit., 7 Immigration. Publications: two works on April, 1869; s. of Thomas and Margaret law, 1896, and 1900. Address: 265 O'Connor Lennox; m. Louise Ether Meeking; oheS. St., Ottawa. Clubs: Kideau, Ottawa; St. Barrister at Law; served as Soh. Trt^ee, James, Montreal; Garrison, Quebec; Eighty, and in the Ctoimcil at Aurora; elec. toOnii^.' London, Eng. Legislature, 1905 and 1908 as representa- liEMOINE, Gaspard LL.B., M.A.; h. tive of North York; Conservative. Address; ' Quebec C5.ty, 12 March, 184S; s. of Alexan- V Aurora, Ont. Clubs: Albany, and Military der Le Moine and Henrietta Massue; m. Institute, Toronto, Ont. (1st) Emma Renaud; _ (2nd) Margaret LEONARD, James William, Gen. Mgr. Revell; two s. one d. After receiving his of the Eastern Lines of C. P. Ry. Co.; b.

V law d^rees, entered the firm^of J. B. Ren- Epsom, Ont., 1858; a. of Thomas Leonard 'aud & Co., wholesale flour, grain and and Catherine Shaw; m. 1881, Elizabeth provisions, and still continues the- same Magiure of Franklin, Ont.; one s. Educ: business, Recreatiojis: fishing and camping pub. sch. of Bethany, Ont; Entered ser- Address: 9 Ramparts, Quebec. Club: Gar- vice of Midland Ry. Co. at age of fourteen. rison, Quebec. Received an agency .of the Victoria Ry. Go., , liEMOINE, Sir James MacPherson, 1877; apptd. asst. mgr., 1878; supt. of /

Kt., D.C.L., F.R.C.S.; b. Quebec, 24 Jan., C P. Ry's. Eastern fines, 1884; gen. supt. . 1825; 8. of Benjamin Le Moine and Mary A. of the Ont. and Que. Div. of C. P. R., 1893; Macpherson; m. 1856,. Harriet Mary, d. of gen. supt. of the Western Div., 1901; apptd. late Edward Atkinson, Past Pres., of R.S. mgr. of Construction in Toronto, 1904.

C; two d. Educ: Petit Seminaire de Asst. mgr. of Eastern fines, 1905; gen. mgr. ; Quebec. Barr. 1-850; Lieut. -Colonel, Militia of Eastern fines of C. P. R., 1908. Dir. of Publications: L'Omithologie du Canada, Guelph and Goderich Ry., Berlin, Wellesley 1861; Les Pecheries du Camada, 1862; Maple and Waterloo Ry., Walkerton and Lucknow Leaves, 1863-94 (6 vols.); The Tourist's Ry.; Georgian Bay and Seaboard Ry. Re- Note Book, 1870; Quebec Past and Present, creations: fishing, hunting. Address: 420 1876; The Scot in New France, 1879; The Cote St. Antbine Rd., Montreal. Clubs: St. Chronicles of the St. Lawrence, 1879; Pic- James', Montreal. Toronto. turesque Quebec, 1882; Canadian Heroines, LESSARD, Col. Francois Louis^ C.B., 1887; The Birds of Quebec, 1891;"Mono- Adjutant General, iCanadian Mifitia; A.D. E-apHes et Esquisses; Legends of the St. C. to Gov.-General; b. 9 Dec, 1860; m. 1882, awrence, 1898; The Annals of the Port of Florence, d. of Thomas Conrad Lee, Quebec; , auebee, 1901; Address: Spencer Grslnge, three d. Educ: Coll. St. Thomas, Que.; uebec. Club: Garrison, Quebec. Commercial Academy, Que. 2nd Lieut., liE MOINEi J. de St. Denis, T.S.O.. Que. Gar. Art., 1880; transferred to 65th "^Sergeant-at-Arms of the Canadian Senate; Batt. Infantry, Montreal, 1884; North-West 6. 13 July, 1850; m. Margaret Louise Mackey Rebellion, 1885 (medal); apptd. to Cavalry of Ottawa; two d. First apptd. to civil . Sch. Corps, 1884; Captain Royal Canadian service of Canada, 18 May, 1869^Sergeant- Dragoons, 1888; Major, 1894; Lieut.-Col., at-Arms of the Senate since June, 1887. 1898; South African war 1899-1900,. com- Address: 505 Wilbrod St., Ottawa. Clubs: manding R.C.D. (despatches), (Queen's -Rideau, Golf, Gountry, Ottawa. medal, five clasps); Brevet Colonel, 1901; tE!PfNIE, Robert Scott.; 6. Smiths Falls, Adjutant General, Canadian Militia, and Ont., 16 Aug., 1875; s. of Rev. Robert Substantive Colonel, 1907. Recreations: Lennie, B.D., an'd Catharine Harcus: m. hunting, polo, and golf. Address; 519 King Edith Louise Douglas; two s, one d. Ad- Edward Av., Ottawa. Cluba: Rideau, mitted to the bar of B.C., Jan., 1891, elec. Country. Himt, Ottawa; Hunt, Polo, Mifi- Bencher of the Law Society.-March, 1906, tary Inst,, Toronto. and annually since then; practiced in Nel- LE SUEUR, Ernest Arthur, B.Sc; &. son, B.C. only; for six consecutive years, Ottawa, 3 Feb., 1869; s. of Wm. D. Le Sueur Pres. of the Conservative Association of and Ann Jane Foster; m. Maude Sinclair Nelson and in 1908, 'was elec. Pres. of Drumihond; one d. Educ: Ottawa PubUc District- Association comprising nine elec- Sch., Ottawa Coll. Inst., and Massachusetts toral ridings; declined nominations for Inst, of Technology; grad. in 1890; develop- Mayor, Provincial and Dominion Houses on , ed Caustic Soda Electrolyter process. 1891- -„ account of legal practice. Address: 416 1894; general manager Electrochemical Co., Hoover -St., Nelson, B.C. Clubs: Union, 1895'-1899; Low temperature physical re- Victoiia; Nelson. search work. Lake Superior Corporation, LENNOX, Haughton, K.C.; M.P.; b. Tp. 1889-1902, and the eanie with George West- of Innisfil, Co. of Simcoe, Ont.; 28 Feb., inghouse, 1902-1905; research work on 1850; 8. of Wm. Lennox and Ma.ria Haugh- explosives and commercial development of ton;m,.Margaret Whitaker; three s. one d the-aame, 1905-1909. Recreations rmotonng. n2 ;


; canoeing and skating. Addrett: 50 Mc- Clerk of the peace for Huron Co.; first Laren St., ""Ottawa. Clubs: Rideau, Golf, elec to H. of C, 1004; rc-elec 1908; Church Ottawa. of Eiigland; Conservative. Publications: LB SUEVB, Wmiam Dawson, B.A., "The ilariners' Manuel," Index to Ont. LL.D., F.R.S., Hon. Secretary R.S.C., 1908; Statutes," Magistrates Manuel and Criminal b. Quebec 19 Feb., 1840; a. of Peter Le Law Index," "Lewis's Law of Shipping." Sueur, chief supt. M. 0. Branch, F. O. Arfrfre«B: Goderich, Ont. Service Dept., afterwards Secretary Civil LEWIS, John; b. Toronto, 17 Jan., e. d. of Board, and Barbara Dawson, Wm. 1858; s. of Richard and Mary Emmett Dawson of Quebec; m. Anne Jane Foster, Lewis; m. Eliza Garwood, d. of late Robert d. d,. of James Foster, Montreal; one «. one Garwood, of Winnipeg; one ». two d. Educ: Educ: Montreal High Sch.; entered Post Toronto Pub. Schs., and Collegiate Inst.; Office Dept. of Canada, 23 Feb., 1856; Asst. studied law from 1874 to 1889; entered Secy., 1880; Secretary, 1888; retired 1 July, journalism, 1881; member Press Gallery, 1902. Pub2ica


LIDDEIJL, His Hod. James William, to Yukon Territory as Comptroller, July, K.C., County Court Judge lor Stonnont, 1898. Apptd. a meni. of the Yukon (Coun- Dundas and Glengarry; b. Cornwall, Ont., cil, 8 Jan., 1904. Apptd. Acting Coimnr. 2 Nov,, 1852; s. of David and Caroline A. 2 Feb., 1906; again apptd. Acting Commr. Liddell; m. Margaret Sophia, o. d. of the 14 Nov., 1906. vBecreofioTia; horsemanship, late Lt.-Col. Ronall Macdonell; one «. two curling, fishing. Address: Dawson, Y.T. d. Bduc: Cornwall Gram. Sch.; Osgoode ^ Cluba: Zero, Dawson Amateur Athletic Hall. Toronto. Admitted to the Bar, 1876; Assn. cr. q;C., 1899; made, County Ct. Judge for IXOTD, Bev. George Exton, M.A., Stormont, Dimdas and Glengarry, 2 Jan., Principal of the D&vimty Coll., Saskatoon; 1901. AdRress: Cornwall, Ont. 6. London, Eng., 6 Jan., 1861; a. of Wjlliam LIGHTHAXL,

Dec, 1857; a. of W. F. Lighthall, Notary, d.'Cameto Can., 1880, and educ. at Wycliffe i Montreal, and Margaret Wright; m. Cybel Coll., Toronto and Univ. of New Brunswick. I. John, g. d. Rev. Hy: Wilkes, D.D.; Ordained by Archbishoi) of Rupert^lana, one 8. two d. Educ: High Sch. and McGill 1885; fotmder and principal of Rothesay' . Univ., Montreal; called to har, 1881; Mayor Coll. for Boys in N.B., 1890; Archdjeaconr of Westmount, Montreal, 1900-1-2; founded diocese of Saskatchewan, 1905 resigned to Union Divinity Coll'., d^the the of Canadian Municipalities, 1901 ;. become principal of the

, Hon. Pres., 1904; now Hon. Secretary; Diocese of Sask., June, 1909. Addre8.8:r founder of the Society of Can. Lit., Can. Emmanuel Coll., Saskatoon, Sask. National League, etc.; originated Chateau LOCKE, Corbet, K.C.; b. Barri&, Co. de Ramezay Historical Museiun, etc.; Vice- of Simcoe, Ont., 9 Feb., 1854; s. of Joseph Pres. Antiquarian Society of Montreal, Can- and Mary Locke; m. (1st), in 1882, Esther adian Society of Authors, etc.; Correspond- Alice, d. of the late Richard Holland of ing Member, Literary and Historical Society Oshawa; (2nd) in 1901, Ruby Louise, d. of of Quebec, etc.; has introduced much muni- A Percy Brown, Peterboro. two s. two d. cipal le^slation into Parliament. Puhli- Educ: Barrie Gram. Sch. Called to the cafiona; Thoughts, Moods, and Ideals (verse bar of Ont., 1877; man., 1882; Q.C., 1893; 1887; The Young Seigneur, or Nation-Mak- apptd. to the Co. Court bench, Man., 1894; ing, 1888; ori^nated and edited Songs of the prior to going to the bench took an active Great Dominion (Windsor Series), 1891, and part in politics of Manitoba; pres. of Liberal Canadian Poems (Canterbury Poets), 1891 Conservative Assn. for 13 years. Recrea- Montreal after 250 Years, 1892; The False tion: cricket, tennis, curling, fishing. Ad- Chevalier, 1898; The Glorious Enterprise, drees :'M.OTden, Man. 1902; Canada a Modern Nation, 1904; and LOCKE, George Herbert, M.A.; b. many ethical, historical, and literary pam- Beamsville, Ont., 29 March, 1870; s. Rev. phletd. Recreations: camping, antiquarian- Joseph A. Locke and Bessie Mackay Loche; I ism. Address: Chateauclair, Westmount, m. Grace Isabel Moore, Toronto; one xl. Que.; Camp Beartracks, Lac Tremblant, £dwc.:Ryerson Pub. Sch., Toronto; Bramp. '^Que. Cluba: Canada; Reform, Montreal; ton and Collingwood Collegiate Inst., Vic- ^ Royal Societies, London. England. toria Coll., Toronto University, and Univ- LINDSET, George Goldwin Smith; B.A. of Chicago; Professor in Univ. of Toronto, (Tor.), K.C., b. Toronto, 19 Jilarch, 1860; s. Chicago, Harvard, and McGill for §even of & Janet Mackenzie; m. years; editor of the School Review, the Cora, d. of late James Bethune, Q.C., two 8. leading journal of secondary education in Educ: Upper Can. Coll., Toronto Univ., America; Associate editor with Green & Co., Osgoode Hall. Called to bar of Ont., 1886 of Boston, members of a number of learned and became partner in firm of Lount, societies; now chief librarian of the Public Marah, lindsey & Lindsey; and is now sr. Libraries of Toronto. Address: 29 Cecil St., partner in firm of Lindsey, Lawrence & Toronto. CZuft; Ontario, Toronto. Wadsworth; was pres. and mgr. dir. Crow's LOCKHART, f. A. Lawton, M.D. (Mc- Nest Pass Coal Co., until 1909; dir. Crow's Gill), M.B., F.M.; a. of W. A. Lockhart and Nest Electric Light and Power C3o.; the Mary E. Lawton; m. 1892, Mabel B. Thomas Morrissey, Femie and Michel Ry.; one of J5rf«c.:Gram.Sch.,St. John, N.B.; Merchis- the foimders of Varsity; founder (1882), of ton Castle Set., Eyinburgh. Scot.; Edin- The Cricket Field. Took to England (1887) burgh Univ. (grad. 1889); returned to a team of Can. cricketers. Alderman of Montreal, 1890, and grad. M.D., McGill Toronto, two yrs. Unsuccessful can., 1894, Univ., 1900. Apptd. Asst. Gynaecologis at for Ont. Leg. Ass. for West Toronto in Lib. Montreal Gen. Hospital, 1894, became interest; pres., 1900-1, Toronto Reform gynaeclologist; apptd.Prof. of GjTiaecology, Ass. Publications: cricket across the Sea, Univ. of Bish6p's Coll., Lennoxville, Que., Life of Wm.'Lyon Mackenzie (1908, Makers 1893, but resigned 1894. Acted as Prot: of of Can. series). RecreaUons: cricket, golf. Gynaecology at Univ. of Vermont, U.S.A., Address: 145 TjTidall Ave., Toronto. Clubs: 1906-1908; has been Gnyaeolouet at the Toronto, National, Royal Can. Yacht, Protestant Hospital for the Insane at Toronto. Verdun^ since 1894. Mem. Edinburgh LITHGOW, John Thomas; late Comp- Obstetrical Assn., British Medical Assn., troller, Territorial Treasurer, Supt. of Canada Medical Assn., Montreal Medical Works & Bldgs., Chief License Inspr. and and Chirurgical Soc. Pvblication: Diseasee City Assessor and Tax Collector. Yukon of the ^Ovaries." pub. in the Reference Territory; b, Halifax, N.S., 25 Jan., 1856 Handbook of Medical Sciences in 1904. 8. of James R. Lithgow and Marion Drew Address: 38 Bishop St., Montreal. Cluba: Litfagow. Apptd. to Asst. Receiver Gen'ls. University, St. Lawrence Fish and Game, Office, Halifax, Oct., 1880. Transferred Outremount Golf. 134 WHO'S WHO.

IX)FTHOUSi;, Bight Bev. Joseph, D.D.; i>. Street, Halifax, N.S. Clvbs: aty Club, WadBley, Yorkshire, Eng., 18 Dec, 1855; Royal Yacht, Halifax. N«. of Francis and Mary Lofthouse; m. Bessie LOBANGEB, Hon. Louis Oneslme, Fallding; one d. Bduc: CMS. Coll., Puisne Judge of the Superior Court of the Islington; arrived in Canada, 16 Aug., 1882; Prov. of Quebec since 1882; 6. Yamachiche, Missionary to the Eskimos at Churchill, Que., 7 April, 1837; a. of the late Joseph Hudson's Bay; also at York Factory; Loranger and Marie Louise Dugal; m, (1st. Bishop of Keewatin, 1902. Becreatione: 1867, Marie Anne Rosalie (d. 1883), d. of boating and travel in Justice (2nd) the Northland,' Ad- the late Hon. Laframboise; dreaa; Kenora, Ont. 1888, Mad. Antoinette Varois, widow of LOGAJf , Hance James, LL.B.; 6. Am- Eugene Varois, and d. of the late S. Valois; herst Point, N.S., 26 April, 1869; ». of three a. three d. Educ: St. Mary's Coll., James A. Logan; widower. Educ: Model Montreal. Called to the Bar, 1858; com- Sch., Truro, Kctou Academy, and Dal- menced i>ractice with his bro. the late Hon. housie Univ. Called to the Bar of Nova Mr. Justice T. J. J. Loranger; created a Scotia, 1892. First el. to H. of C. at g. e. Q.O., 1881. El. to Legis. Assembly for Co. 1896; re-el. 1900 and 1904; retired 1908. of Laval, 1875, and retained seat until 1882, Was aast. chief Liberal Whip and chm. of when apptd. Puisne Judge of Que.; Attor- Parliamentary Committee on Privileges and ney-Gen., 1879-1882; pres., St. Jean Bap- Elections. Addre««: Amherst, N.S. tiste Soc, of Montreal, 1895-96; Pres., of I<06AN, Bobert Samuel; b. St. Louis, Notre Dame Hospital; a governor the Laval Univ. Addreas: 230 Prince Arthur Mo., U.S.A 13 Feb., 1864; «. of Samuel Logan and Mary Cooper McCleveriy, both St. West, Montreal. Canadians; m. Anne Hankin; three a. two d, LOBBAIX, Bight Bev. Narcisse Zeph- Educ: St. Louis Gram. Sch.; arrived in irin. Bishop of Pembroke, Ont.; b. Canada, 6 July, 1896; entered railway St. Martin, Laval Co., Que., 13 June, 1842; service with General Manager of the Wabash 8, of Narcisse Lorrain and Sophie Goyer. Railroad, 1 Oct., 1885; Grand Trunk Ry., 6 Educ: Ste. 'Therese Coll. Addreaa; Pem- Juljj, 1896, as Assistant and Secretary to brokci Ont. Arthur, B.A., M.D., the General Manager. RecreaiiortB ; walking LOBTIE, Joseph M.P.; b. Ste. Justine of Newton, Co. of and golf. Addrest: 12 Aberdeen Ave., ^ Westmount, Que. Vaudreuill a. of Joseph Lortie and Julienne X-OGGIS, Montpetit. ; m. 8 Oct., William Stewart, M.P.; 6. 1900, Marie Anna d. of L. A; Gladu, N.P. of Burnt Church, N.B., 10 Aug., 1850; «. of St. Polycarpe; three a. one d. Educ: George Loggie and Ann Morrison; m. Els- Bourget Coll., i^gaud, and Laval Univ., peth B. Kerr; six «. seven d. Educ.: Gram. Montreal. Has been a municipal coun- Sch., Chatham, N.B., Pres. and mng. dir. cillor; first elec, to the H. of C. 1908; of the W. S. Loggie Co., Ltd., wholes^e and Roman Catholic; Conservative. Addreaa: dry mfgrs., goods and packers of canned St. Polycarpe, Soulanges Co., Que. lobsters. Mem. N.B. Leg. for Northum- LOUDON, James, M.A., LL.D., D.C.L., beriand Co., 1903-1904. to Eh H. of C. at F.R.S.C.; 6. Toronto, 1841, of Irish parent- g. e., 1904 and 1908. Has been mayor and age; m, 1872, Julia, d. of John Lorn Mc- alderman for town of Chatham. Addreas: Dougall of Renfrew; three a. one d. Educ: Chatham, N.B. The Toronto Gram. Sch., Up. Can. Coll., LONG, Thomas; 6. Co. of Limerick, and Univ. of Toronto. B.A., M.A., LL.D., Ireland, 7 April, 1838; a. of Thomas Long and Univ. of Toronto; LL.D., Queen's, Prince- Margaret Fanel; m. (1st) Annie Patton; ton, Johns Hopkins, and Glasgow Univer- (2nd) Ehzabeth a. d. Kealy; two two Educ: sities; D.CL., Trinity University (Toronto); Ireland and Canada; arrived in Canada, F.R. Soc. of Canada; Pres. R.S.C. (1901-2). Oct., general 1850; merchant; member of Math. Tutor in Univ. Coll. Toronto, 1863; the Ontario Legislature for North Simcoe, Classical and Math. Tutor, 1864; Math. for years. eight Addreet: CoUingwood, Tutor and Dean of Residence, 1865; Prof, Ont., 513 Jarvis Stl, Toronto. Clubt: Tor- of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, onto, Albany, , 'Toronto. 1875; Pres., Toronto Univ., 1892-1906.

LONGLET, Hon. James WHberforce, Publicationa: various Mathematical and . M.A. D.C.L., LL.D., F.E.S.C, a Judge of Physical papers in' Journal of Canadian the supreme Court of Nova Scotia; 6. Institute, the Philosophical Magazine, the Paradise, N.S., 4 Jan., 1849; m. (1st), 1877, American Jour, of Math, and the Trans, of

Annie, y. d. of N. Brown; twp a. one d. ; (2nd) Roy. Soc. of Canada. Addresa: 83 St. 1901, Lois E., v. d. of late George Fletcher; George St., Toronto. five a. one d., A lecturer and public speaker, LOU6HEED, Hon. James Alexander, fCnd a regular contributor to the magazines; K.C., Leader Opposition in Senate of Can- is a Liberal in politics, and an advanced ada; 6. 1 Sept^, 1854; m. 1884, e. d. of late thinker on social and religious questions; Chief Factor William L. Hardisty of the graduated from Acadia Univ., 1871; ad- Hon. Hudson Bay Co.; four s. two d. Educ: mitted to the Bar of N.S., 1875; first elec. to Toronto, Ont. Practised law in city of Parliament, 1882; entered Government, Toronto, 1881; moved to North-West Ter- iS84; Attorney-General, 1886-1905; Judge ritories, 1883; Q.C., 1889; called to Senate of Supreme Court 1905; Q.C., 1892; D.C.L., of Canada, 1889. Addreaa: Calgary, Alberta. 1897; elec. Fellow of the Royal Society of Cluba: Rideau, Country, Ottawa; Ranch- Canada, 1898. PubJtcationa: Love; Socialism, mens', Calgary; ^bany. National, Toronto. its Truths and Errors; The Greatest Drama; LOVELL, Charles^Henry, M.P.; b. Barn- A Material Age;,Canada and Imperial Fede- ston, Que., 12 Nov., 1854; a. of the late ration; Religion in 19th Century; Life of Henry Lovell and Artemessa Merriman; m. Joseph Howe, etc. AMrett: 18 Green 2 Aug., 1879, Ada Bush, Coaticook; two a. ^ 135 WHO'S WHO.

one d. Educ: Coaticook Academy; first LUGAS, Bey. Daniel Van Norman, D.D. elec. to the' H. of C, bye-elec, Jan., 1908, b. Hamilton, Ont„ 12 July, 1834; s. of Capt. after the death of his father; re-el. at g. e., John Lewis; m. E. Adelia Reynolds; three 1908. Liberal. Address: Coaticook, Ont. a. Educ: Victoria Univ., Ont,; reformer, LOW, Albert Peter, B.Ap.S.. LL.D.; traveller and author. Publications: "Aus- Deputy Minister of Dep. of Mines, Canada; tralia and Homeward," "All about Canada" b. Montreal; 24 May, 1861; m. Isabella "The British Empire and Imperial Federa- Cunningham; one a. one d. Educ: McGill tion,'-' and a score of smaller publications. Univ., Montreal; connected with the Geo- Address: St. Catharines, Ont., and Crickle^ logical Survey since 1881; D^uty Min., 3 wood, London, Eng. May, 1907; has made geological explorations LUCAS, Hon. , K.C., M.L, in all parts of Canada, but especially in A.; b.. Warwick, Tp. Lambton, Co., Ont., Labrador, Niagara and around the shores 1867; 8. of George Lucas and Elizabeth of Hudson's Bay. Publications: numer- Cowan, of Irish descent; m. Elizabeth E. ous reports. Recreation: curling. Address: Richardson, d. of M. K. Richardson, Ee- 154 McLaren St., Ottawa. Clubs: Kideau, M.P. for South Grey; two a. Educ: Strath- Country, Ottawa, roy Collegiate and Toronto Univ.; a mem- ber of the firm of Lucas, Wright and Mc- LOW, Andrew, M.P.; b. Que- Thomas Ardle, Barristers; elec. to L^s. of Ont., bec, 17 March, 1871; of parentage; Scotch 1898, 1902, 1905, nd 1908; chairman of m. 30 Nov., 1904, Dean; one s. Mary G. Private Bills Committee; Minister without Educ: Pembroke Ont., pub. and high schls.; Portfolio in Ontario Cabinet. Address: to Pembroke^ his when moved with parents Markdale, Ont. Club: Albany, 'Toronto. a child; pres., Renfrew Roller Mills Co., LUMSDEN, Hugh David, C.E.; 6. Bel- Ltd.; Pres., Bros., director, Logan Ltd.; helvie Lodge, Aberdeenshire, Scot., 7 Sept., Renfrew Mfg. Co., Ltd.; warden Co. Ren- 1844; s. Colonel Thomas Lumsden, C^., frew; member Co. Council for four years; and Hay Burnet; m. in 1885, Mary F.;v. d. first el. to H. of C. for South Renfrew, 1908; of J. W. G. Whitney, Toronto; four s. Methodist; Liberal; Address: Renfrew, Arrived in Canada, 26 April, 1861.. Educ: Ont. Belleview Academy; Aberdeen and Wim- LOWE, John; b. Warrington, Lanca- bledon Sch., Surrey, Eng,; O.L.S., M.LC.E., shire, Eng., 20 Feb., a. 1824; of James M.C. Soc, C.E.; in practice as 0,L.6, until Lowe and Clarke; m. Anne Almira Cham- 1871; since then he has been em^plo^^ed berlin of Frel^hsburg, Missisquoi Que.; Co., constantly in the location and construction two 8. two d. Educ. .-In the Sch. of Warring- of Railways in many parts of the Doii:dluon; ton, and Latchford. until years age; IB of chief engr.. National Transcontinental Ry. arrived in Canada, July, 1840; when f&st Conm., but resipned, 1909. Recreaiiona: came to Canada, was employed as book- shooting and fishing. Address: 152 Argyle keeper in Montreal fur house; reporter on Ave., Ottawa; and Bay St., Orillia. Clubs: Montreal Gazette, 1846; left Montreal in Toronto; Rideau, Golf, Ottawa; Engineers, 1852, to edit the Colonist in Toronto, when Montreal. that paper became first daily^ the all-the- LTNCH, Hon. William Warren, B.C.L., year-round newspaper ever pubhshed in K.C., LL.D., Judge of the Quebec Superior Canada; in 1853 returned to Montreal to Court; b. Bedford, Missisquoi Co., Que., become partner in ownership of. Gazette, 30 Sept., 1854; s. of Thomas Lynch and " and joint editor with Col. Chamberlin, M. Charlotte R. Williams; m. 25 May, 1874, L.A., C.M.G.; advocate of the railway to Ellen Florence Pettes; two s. Educ: Stan- the North-West and the Allan Line, at that bridge Academy, Missisquoi Co. ; Univv- of time^ entered civil service as assistant Vermont, and McGill Univ.; practiced law , Depty. Minister of Agriculture, with title in Bedford District from 1868 to 1887, and of Secretary in 1869, having in charge in Montreal, from the latter year to 1889. imnaigration to Canada; Depty. Min. of when apptd. Judge; elec. member of Que- Agriculture for several yra. Publications: bec Legislature for Brome Co. in 1871, and , Editorial articles and year book; Recrea- continued as such until appointment ; mem- tione: gardening and vine culture. Address, ber of Quebec Government from 1879 until Ottawa, Ont. 1887. Address: Knowlton, Que. LOWE, Robert, Pres. of Yukon Council, b. nr. Toronto, 1869. Mem. for White- horse in Territorial Council; engaged in fre^hting business; part owner Wtitehorse M Tramway. A leading merchant and mining operator. Unsuccessful condidate for H. MABEE, Hon. James Pitt, K.C., Chief of at e., C, g. 1908. , Address: Dawson. Commr., Bd. of Ry. Commrs. for Canada; Y.T. b. Port Rowan, Ont., 6 Nov., 1859; s.. of LOWBIE, Wmiam Hugh, Registrar of Simon Pitt Mabee and Fannie Leaton; m. Deeds for the Co. of Russell; b. Carp, Car- Mary Thorald^f Port Rowan; one s, one d. leton Co., Ont., 14 April, 1849; s. of James Educ: Port Rowan High Sch., Toronto Lowrie and Sarah Ronan; m, R. S. Wilson; Univ. After graduating in law practised a. d. two one Educ. : Pub. Sch. , Cumberland. profession at Listowel for some yrs., later Brought up on farm. Engaged in real at Stratford and Toronto. Apptd. one of estate business for 25 yrs. before receiving the Judges of the H^h Ct. of Justice for present^ appointment. Has always been Ontario, King's Bench Div., 21 Nov., 1905^ ; active in public life. Pres. of Conserva- apptd. Chief Commr., Bd. of Ry. Commrs», ; tive Assn. for 18 yrs.; pres.. Agricultural 28 March. 1908, in succession to the late Soc. for several yrs. High Chief Ranger Commr.. ICillam. Addresses: Railway Com'- ^ of the I. O. F. Address: Russell, Out. mission Office. . Queen St., Ottawa; 15 136 WHO'S WHO. MACDONALD

- Soarth Rd., Toronto. Clubs: Rideau, Ot- Co., linen manufacturers;' m> Constance 'tawa; Toronto, Harvey, d. of F. H. Chrysler, K.C., of Ot- HACAIXTTM, Archibald Byron, M.A., tawa; one s. Educ: Queen's Coll. Belfast, M,B.; Pli.D^ Hon. So. D.; Hon. LL.D., St. John's Coll., Cambridge; London Univ. F.R.S.C, F.R.S., Professor of Physiological (Univ. scholarship in Zoology, 1889). 1891. Chemistry in the Univ. of Toronto; b. Bel- 1892, studied at Zoological Laboratory, at mont, Ont.j 1859; 8. of Alexander Macallum, Naples. Apptd. Univ. demonstrator in of Kilmartin, Argyleshire, and Anna, d. of Animal Morphology at Cambridge, 1892; Neil Macalpine, Parish of Knapdale, Argyle- made a Fellow of St. John's Coll., 1893, and shire, Scot.; m. Minnie Isabel, d. of the late obtained medal for research in Biology, John Strachac Bruce, of Cornwall, Ont.; same yr. Was pres. and vice-pres. of three «. Educ: Univ. of Toronto, and Cambridge "Union, apptd. to chair of Zoo- Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore; apptd. logy, McGill Umv.; el. mem. American lecturer in Physiology in the Univ. of Soc. of Zoologists, 1898. Mem. Royal Soc., Toronto in 1887; Professor in 1891. Pub- London. Publications: Text-Book of Zoo- licationt: numerous i^apers (research chiefly l

Postmaster-General, 1873, and Acting Post- of Hon. T. J: Bernard, a member -of thr Office Inspector till 1884; Lieutraiant-Gov- Privy Cktuncil of Jamaica, and Theodora ernor of the Province, 1884-1889; called to Foulks; m. 16 Feb., 1867, Right Hon. Sir Dominion Senate, 1891; one of the only two John A". Macdonald, Prime Minister of the surviving fathers of the Canadian Confeder- Dominion, who d. 6 June, }891; one^., th« ation. Recreations: boating, fishing, shoot- Hon. Mary 'Theodore Margaret. Educ: ing. Address: Charlottetown. Club: Char- England. Cr. (14 Aug., 1891) first Baron- lottetown. ess by H.M. Queen Victoria, in recognition MACDONALD, A. F„ B.A.. B.C.L.; Ed- of Sir John Macdonald's great services to itor of the Halifax Chronicle; b. Hopewell, Canada and the Empire. In 1887, headed Pictou Co., N.S. Educ: Hctou Acad., and a movement for the establishment of an Dalhousle Univ., Halifax. Joined the staff Art Museum and Industrial Coll., ^s a of the Morning Chronicle as reporter, 18971 memorial of Queen Victoria; was present in promoted news editor 1900; editor, 1905. Westminster Abbey at the Corontaion of Was the Nova Scotia del. at the Imperial the King and Queen; in the same yr. took Press Conference in London in June, 1909, charge, with Lady Strathcona, of the Can- when sixty representative joumalsits from adian stall at the Imperial Coronation the oversea dominions participated in a Bazaar. Publications: many articles for series of memorable functions. Address: the English press on Canada and Jier Halifax, N.S. resources. Resides chiefly abroad-. Ad- MACDONAI.D, Archibald John, M.L.A.; dress: cto Canadian High Commissioner, 17 b. Panmure, King's Co., P.E.I., 10 Oct., Victoria St., London, S.W., England. 1834; 8. of Hugh and CatKerine Macdonald; MACDONALD, Hon. Hugh John, M.A., m. Marion Murphy; four s. three d. Educ: K.C., P.C; b. Kingston, Ont., 13 March. at Georgetown and Charlottetown, P.E.I.; 1850; s. of the Rt. Hon. Sir John Macdonald was collector of Customs at Georgetown for for many yrs. , several years; member of the Provincial and Isabella Clark; m. (1st) 1876, Jean. L^islative and Provincial Government; King, d. of the late W. A. Murray, of Tor- Master in Chancery; Consular Agent of the onto;f(2nd) 1883, Agnes Gertrude, d. of the United States. Recreations: fishing, farm- late S. J. Van Koughnet, Q.G. Educ.> ing and boating. Address: Georgetown, P. Queen's Coll., Kingston, Toronto Univ. (Grad. 1869). Called to Ontario bar, 1872; MACDONALD, Hon. Daniel Alexander; and practiced in Toronto for ten yrs. Re- Judge of the Court of King's Bench for moved to Winnipeg, 1882, and formed Manitoba; b. P.E.I., 17 Aug., 1858; s. of partnership with J. Stewart Tupper, e. «. Al^ander Macdonald and Mary McRae; of Sir Charles Tupper, Bart. El. to H. of

, m. Helen St. Luke Rogers; one s. three rf. C. as mem. for Wmnipeg, 1891; accepted Educ: Prince of Wales Coll., P.E.I.; ad- portfolio of Dept. of Interior in Tupper mitted to the bar of P.E.I., in 1883; bar of Ministry, 1896, but resigned office with his .Manitoba in 1885; after practising his pro- leader 8 July, same yr. Accepted Conser- *feasion in Winnip^ for some years was vative leadership in Manitoba, and formed apptd. Judge. Recreations: golf, curling. an admn. after defeat of Greenway Govt., Address: 107 Stradbrookc Place, Winmpeg. Dec, 1899. Resigned office, Oct., 1900, Clubs: Manitoba, St. Charles Country, Win- to contest Brandon for H. of C, but was

nipeg. defeated. Is senior of the legal firm of ^ MACDONALD, Br-General Donald Al- Macdonald, Haggart, Sullivan and Tarr. exander, I.S.O. 1903; Quartermaster Address: Winnip^. Club: Manitoba, Win- General of Ordnance, Canada, since 1904; nipeg. ^ b. 1846; 8. of late Alexander Eugene Mac- MACDONALD, Hon, James Alexander, donald, Deputy Clerk of the Crown and LL.B.. K.C^ Chief Justice of the Court of Registrar of the Surrogate Court of Com- Appeal for British Columbia; b. Huron Co., Tfrall, Ont.; m. 1876, Mary, 2nd d. of Mr. Ont., 1858. Educ: Pub. Schs. and Coll. Justice Hugh Richardson, formerly of the Inst., Stratford; Toronto Univ. and Osgood* Supreme Court of the North-West Ter- Hall. Entered the law firm of FuUerton, ritories of Canada; one d. Educ: County Cook, Wallace & Macdonald, of Toronto, High Sch. Served during Fenian Raids, 1890, removing to Rossland, B.C,. 1896, 1866; Red River Expedition, 1870 (medal, where he took up practice of his profession. two clasps); North-West Rebellion, 1885 First pres. of the Rossland branch of the (medal); holds Long Service Decoration; Prov. Min. Assn. of B.C. First el. to B.C. sometime Chief Superintendent Military Legis., 1903, and re-el. 1907. Leader of the Stores; Director-General of Ordnance, Can- Liberal Opposition in, the Legis., but re- ada, 1903-4. Address: The New Russell, signed this position previous to his appoint- Ottawa. Clubs: Rideau^ Golf, Ottawa. ment as Chief Justice of the B.C. Ct. of MACDONALD, Edward Mortimer, B.L., Appeal. -Address: Victoria, B.C. K.C., M.P.; 6. Pictou, N.S., 16 Aug., 1865; MACDONALD, John, J. P.; head of the s. John D. and Mary Isabel Macdonald; m. firm of John Macdonald & Co., wholesale Edith Lilian Ives; two s. one d. Educ: dry goods; b. Oaklands, nr. Toronto, Ont., Pictou Academy and Dalhousie Univ.; for 4 Nov., 1863; s. of the late Hon. John Mac- seven years member for Pictou in Provin- donald. Educ: Upper Canada CoU. When cial Legislature of N.S.; member of H. of C. quite a young lad entered the dry goods since 1904; re-el„ 1908. Career confined to firm of John Macdonald & Co., wmch was politics and law. Recreations: curling, and fotmded by his father; received a sound cricket. Address: Limehurst, Pictou, N.S. business training, and on the death of his Clubs: Rideau, Ottawa; Halifax. father, undertook the management of the itfACDONALD of Eamscliffe, The Bar- business. Mem. Toronto Bd. of Trade, oness; b. Jamaica, 24 Aug., 1836; d. Commercial Travellers' Assn., British Em- 138 , WHO'S WHO. MACDONELI,

pire League. Was one of orig. promoters, the East Point Dairy Assn. for 13 years. and is now a, dir. of the Annual Horse Show Address; East Point, P.E.I. at Toronto; mem., Horse Breeders' Assn. 91ACDONAJLD, Sir WUUam Christopher, •and of the Hackney Horse Assn. Address: Kt., cr. 1898; 6. Glenaladale, P.E.I., 1831; 116 Famham Av., Toronto. Club: National y. s. of late Hon. Donald Macdonald, Presi- Toronto. dent L^islative Council of P.E.I. Governor MACDONALD, Jphn Alexander, M.L.A. of McGill Univ., Montreal, to which he has given large of 6. Traoadie, P.E.I., 12 April, 1874; ». of endowments; Director the John Charles and Mary Elizabeth Mac- Bank of Montreal; Governor of Montreal donald; m. Marie Josephine MacDonald; General Hospital;' estabUshed and endowed Coll. one «. two d, Educ: Tracadie pub. schl.; the Macdonald Agric. at Ste. Anne de merchant and shipowner; exporter of grain Bellevue, at a cost of 45,000,000. Educ: and produce; member of Legislative Ass., Central Academy, Charlottetown, P.E.I. of P.E.I. Address: Cardigan, P.E.I. Address: 891 Sherbrooke St., Montreal. Clubs: Mount Royal, St. James', Montreal. MACDONAXD, John Archibald, M.L.A.; 9IACDONALD, Hon. WUUam John, Sen- b. Winnipeg, Man., 6 Aug., 1865; s. of Archi- ator; b. Skye, 1830; 2nd «. of Alexander bald Macdonald, chief factor, Hudson Bay Macdonald of Valley; m. Catharine Balfour, Co., Ellen Inkster, and both Scotch; m. d. of Capt. Murray Reid of the Hudson pay Elleonora Catherine Campbell, d. of the Coy. : three a. three d. Educ : private tutor. late Robt. Campbell, F.ja.G.S.; three «. Elected to Legislative Assembly of Van- one d. Educ: St. John's Coll., Winnipeg. couver Island, 1859; called to Legislative Up to 1893, with the HtHson Bay Co., but Council of B.C., 1866; Mayor of Victoria on since a member of the firm of H. McDonald two occasions; called to Senate of Canada, Co., Bankers, Fort Qu'Ajjpelle, Sask. Re- 1871; Captain of Militia in the early days of creations: motoring, tennis, and shooting. the Ciolony of Vancouver Island, 1851-58; Address: Sterling, Fort Qu'Appelle, Sask. acted as Gold Commissioner, Collector of Club: Manitoba, Winnipeg. Customs, and Postmaster; has been in MACDONAI.D, J. A., LL.D. (Glasgow); public hfe forty-eight years; served the Managing Editor of 'The Globe, Toronto; 6. Hudson's Bay Company for eight years. Middlesex Co., Ont., 22 Jan.^ 1882; s. of late iZecr«ation«; fishing, driving, riding, boating. J6hn A. Macdonald, a native of Fictou Co., Address: Armadale, Victoria, B.C.; The ^.S.', 0,'ff, 8. of James Macdonald, a soldier Senate, Ottawa. of the 84th Highland Regiment; m. 1800, IHACDONEIIX, Major Archibald Cam- Grace Lumsden^ Christian; two s. one d. eron, D.S.O.; b. Windsor, Ont., 6 Educ: Hamilton and Toronto, Ont.;Edinb. Oct., 1864; s. of S. S. Macdonell, K.C., and Scot, Graduated at Knox Coll., "Toronto, Ellen Broadhead; m. 1890, Mary Maud Flora 1887; edited the Knox Coll. Monthlj; during 3rd d. of late Lieut.-Col. J. T. Campbell, Coll. course and imtil 1891; ordained to late of the 72nd Highlanders and Royal ministry of the Presbyterian Church, and Fusiliers; one s. one a. .Educ. .-"Trin. Coil- inducted pastor of Knox Church, St. Thom- School, Port Hope, Ont.; R.M.C., Kingston. as, Ont., 1891; resigned pastoral charge, Gazetted Lieut. Canadian Mounted Infantry 1896, and removed to Toronto to become Permanent Corps, 1888; apptd. Adjutant first editor of The Westminster, a religious and Quartermaster, 1888; exchanged into monthly magazine; subsequently acquired North-West Mounted PoUce, 1889; volun- the Canada Presbyterian, The Presbyter, teered into 2nd Batt., Canadian Mounted The Presbyterian Review, and The Western Rifles, for service in South Africa, Jan., Presbyterian, which were consolidated 1900, as Captain; Major, 20 May, 1900; under his editorship and issued as The Pres- commanded four troops Canadian Mounted byterian, a weekly devoted to Presbyterian Rifles and two guns D Battery, Royal Cana- Church interests; principal of the Presby- dian Artillery, with advanced column Sir

' terian Ladies' Coll., 1896-1901; apptd. by Charles Parson's Field Force, in the opera- Ont. Government to serve on first Board tions in Kenhardt District; took part in of Governors of the Univ. of Toronto, 1906; general advance from Blbemfontein; in LL.D. (Glasgow, 1909) del. to Imp. Press command of D SquadronCanadian Mount- confce., 1909. Publications: From Far ed Rifles; present at actions; was in com- Formosa, volume on life-work of late Dr. mand of Canadian Squadron that went G. L. MacKay; "What a newspaper man through the-Boer lines the night of the Vet saw in Britain;" many fugitive articles on River fight and blew up culvert and cut the literary, social, political and religious sub- telegraph near Smaldeel; Vet River, Zand

jects. Recreations: making speeches. Ad- River (two days) ; operations around Kroon- dress: The Globe, Toronto. Club: National, stadt, Johannesburg, and Pretoria, includ- Toronto. ing two days' action at Klip River; present MACDONALD, Hon. Lauchlln, M;L.A.; at battle of Diamond Hill, 11 and 12 June, b. East Point, P.E.I., 25 March, 1844; s. of 1900 (dangerously wounded, despatches, S. Rqnald and Catherine Macdonald; m. African medal, 4 clasps); D.S.O.; organised Theresa Mcl

' in 1882; unsuccessful candidate in 1900; was signed) ; commanded Depot, and until el^. 1908; a member of the Executive lately commanded "CJ" Division Royal .Council; pres. of the East Point Farmers' North-West Mounted Police, Canada, and Institute; pros, of the Cheese Board of Battleford District; transferred to B. C.

Trade, P.E.I. ; pres. of the Dairy Men's Assn Mounted Rifles at Winnipeg, 7 March, 1907. P.E.I.; Secretary and managing director of Recreations: football and cricket. Address: 139 .


Fort Osborne Barracks, Winnipeg. Club: Life and Works of Pierre Larivey ; annotat- Manitoba. ed editions of Sardou's La Perle Noire, MACDONELL, Angus Claude, D.C.L., Xavier de Maistre's Le Vovage autour de K.C.. M.P.; 6: Toronto, 23 June, 1861; s. ma Chambre, Feuillet's La Fee, and De of Angus. Duncan Macdonell, a XJ.E.L., and Peyrebrune's Les Freres Colombe (in col-

Pauline Rosalie De-La-Haye (French des- laboration) ; Storm*s Schimmelreiter, an- cent); tmmanied. Educ: Toronto Model notated and containing practical exercises, Sch. and Univ. Barrister-at-law, of Os- Recreation: gardening. 'Address; Albert St., goode Hall; member H. of C. since 1904; Kingston, Ont. Conservative. Recreations: aquatics and IMacGREGOB, Robert Malcolm, B.A., general field athletics. Address: Toronto. M.L.A.; 6. New Glasgow, N.S., 9 Jan., 1876; Clubs: Toronto, Albany, Hunt, R. C. Y. C. s. of Hon. James D. MaoGregor (Senator), Toronto; Rideau, Ottawa. and his first wife, Elizabeth McCoU.; m. MACFEE, Kutosoff Nicolson, B.A.; b. Laura, only d. of the late Robert McNeil, for St. Chryaostome, Que.; s. C. McFee and many years Warden of Pictou Co.; one «. Cath. McNaughton; m. 1910, Janet Louisa, one d.^ Educ : New Gla^ow H^h Sch. and e. d. of Hon. W. S. Fielding, P.C. Min. of Dalhousie Coll.; first elec. to Provincial Finance of Canada. Educ: McGill Univ. Legislaturevin 1904; re-elec. at g. e., 1906; Called to the bar of Quebec and practiced apptd. a Governor of Dalhousie Coll., in his profession in Montreal, Winnipeg and 1908. Recreations: tennis and curling. Minneapolis, U.S.A. Removed to London, Address: New Glasgow,"N.S. Eng., in 1889 and has been very successful MACHABO, Jose Antonio, B.A. ; b. as a financial agent; active in all movements Puerto Principe, Island of Cuba, 30 Jan^, for furthering the interests of Canada and 1S62; s. Juan Francisco Machado, Puerto tJUe Motherland; del. to commercial con- Principe, Cuba, and Elizabeth Frances gresses of Empire. Publications: "A prac- Jones, Salem Mass., U.S.; m. Eleanor Es- tical scheme of fiscal union for the purposes mond, d. of Alfred- Whitman, of Annapolis, of defence and preferential trade from, a N.S.; two a. four d. Educ: Pub. Sch., Colonist's Standpoint." Address: 49a Pall Salem, Mass., and Harvard Coll., Cam- Mftll. S.W.; 73 Gracechurch St., E.C., Lon- bridge; arrived in Canada, Jan., 1902; after don, England. grad. from Harvard in 1883, took a special 3VIACG1XL, Mrs. Helen Gregory M.A.. course in mechanical engineering, follOired^

Mus. Bac. ; 6. Hamilton, Ont. ; d. of Silas and by business training in New York City;' Emma Gregory; m. (1st) Dr. F. C. Flesher since 1902, general manager of American {dec); (2nd) J. H, MacGill; two a. two d. Bank Note Co., Ottawa. Has travelled Educ : Trinity Univ., Toronto. First extensively, visiting Europe, West Inches woman to graduate in music (1886) and and Mexico. Recreations: golf, fishing. Arts (B.A., 1889), M.A. (1890), from Trin- Address: 222' Somerset St., Ottawa. Clubs: ity Univ. A frequent contributor to mag- Harvard, New York; Rideau, Golf, Ottaifa. azines and newspaj)ers; active member of MACHAR, Agnes Maud ; b. Kingston, National Council of Women. Address: Ont.; d. Rev. John Machar, D.D., 2nd 1492 Harwood St., Vancouver, B.C. Clubs: Principal, Queen's Univ.; has from early Umversity Woman's, Women's Canadian, youth, been a student and a writer in prose Vancouver. and verse; a contributor to periodical hteta- MACGILLIVKAY, Angus, M.A.; b. Bail- ture at home and abroad. Among the eys Brook, Pictou Co., N.S., 22 Jan., 1842; periodicals occasionally written for, have «. John and Catharine MacGilUvray; m. been the '^Canadian Monthly,'' Century (1st) Maggie Macintosh^ (2nd) Mary E. Magazine, Andover Review, Wetiminsler Doherty; three ». five d. Educ: Com. Review, Good Words, and various minor Sch. a^d St. Francais Xavier Univ.; ad- magazines and journals. To Good Words, mitted barrister and attorney, 1974; elec. contributed poem entitled "Canada the to Xegislative Assembly, 1878; Speaker, Laureate," in acknowledgemenji of his 1883-6; member of Executive Council 18S6- "Ode to the Queen" in return for Which had 1891, and 1896 1902; member of Legislative the honour of receiving from Lord Tennyson, Council, 1892; re-elec. to Assembly 1895; an autograph letter of thanks. Publicatiorts: apptd. Co. Court Judge, 1902; unBuccessful "For King and Country," "Katie Johnson's candidate for H. of C, 1887 and 1891; Cross," and "Lucy Raymond" (stories for Ucturer on Constitutional History, St. girls); "Memorials of Rev. Dr. Machar;" Francis Xavier Univ. Recreations: garden- "Lost and Won," "Stories of New France," ing. Address : Antigonish, N.S. Marjorie's Canadian Winter," "Heir of MACGILLIVBAT, Prof. John, B.A., Ph. Fairmount Grange," "Roland Gramel, D., 6. Ontario, 1855; parents of Scotch Knight," "Lays of the True North," (vol. origin; m. 1892, Annie G. Campbell of Perth, of poems); "The Story of Old Kingston." Ont.; two a. one d. Educ: local public Recreations: reading, drawing, gardening sch.; Coll. Inst., Collingwood, Ont.; Univ. and boating. Address: 25 Sydenham St., of Toronto; Univ. of Leipzig. Prof, of Kingston, Ont. Modem Languages at Albert College, Belle- lUACKAY, Alexander Grant, M.A., K.C., ville, 1882-84; post-graduate studies at M.L.A.; b. Sydenham, Grey Co., Ont., Leipzig and Paris, 1884-88; examiner in 7 March, 1860; fi. of Hugh Mackay and J rench and German for the Ontario Depart- Catherine Mclnnis. Educ. : Sydenham Pub- mental leaving and univ. matriculation Sch., Owen Sound High Sch., High Sch. of iiixaminations, and appellate examiner for Mount Forest, Toronto Univ. (grad. B.A., the Normal Coll.; Professor of modem 1883, M.A., 1885). Taught dist schs., 1877- iMiguages, Queen's University, Kingston, 1879; principal of High Sch. of Port Rowan, 1888-1902, and since professor of German. Ont., 1883-1887; studied law and called to Publications: Graduation Thesis at Leipzig, Ontario bar, May, 1891; Crown Attorney 140 WHO'S WHO. , MACKENZIE

for Grey Co., 1894-1901. El. to Ont. Legis. t)nt., formed in 1894; a member of the

for North Grey at g. e., 1902, and re-el. . Royal Commission on Assessment and Tax- 1905, 1908. Leader of the Opposition; cr. ation for Ont., apptd. in 1900; Secretary of K.C, 1902. Dir. of the Imperial Cement the Ont. Municipal Association since 1906, Co.; pres., Owen Sound Dredging and Con- Publications: paiOphlets referring to the struction Co. - Actively interestied in Can- history and development of the Co. of' adian Militia. Capt. of the 31st Regt.; Elgin and of several treatises on Municipal • pres. Young Men's Liberal Assn.; 1890- affairs, notably Municiapal organization in 1894; sec. North Grey Reform Assn., 1888- Ont. Recreaiions: horticulture, boating- 1894; mem. of the Owen Sound Bd. of Address: 19 Margaret St., St. Thomas, Ont. Educ. for six yrs. Address: Owen Sound, Club: St. Thomas. Oht. MACKAT, Hon. Bphert; Senator; b. MACKAT. Angus; Supt. of the Experi- Caithness, Scot., 1840; s, of Angus and mental Farm, Indianhead; h. Pickering, Euphemia MacKay; father identified with Ont., 3 Jan., 1840; s. of Donald Mackay and agricultural interests in Scot.; m. in 1871, Margaret Broadfoot; m. 1874, Elizabeth, d. Miss Baptist, 'Three Rivers; four s. two d. of Dr. R. J. Gunn, of Whitby, Ont.; three Educ: in Scot, and Phillips Sch., Montreal. s. one d. Educ.: Pickering Schs., and Arrived in Canada, 1855; entered business

Whitby Gram. Seh. In 1882, purchased lif^ with his uncles Joseph and Edward <

640 acres Of land in the N.W.T. ; became one Mackay; in 1867, was admitted to partner- of the most successful farmers in the West. ship; in 1875 his uncles withdrew, and were Accepted position of Sunt, of the Experi- succeeded by Hugh Mackay, member of mental Farm at Indian Head tor the N.W. legislature, and his two brothers, James and T., 18 July, 1887. Dir., Agricultural Soc. Robert; retired from business, 1893; direc- of Central Assiniboia, and the Canadian tor Bank of Montreal, City and District Shorthorn Cattle Assn. Address: Indian Savings Bank, the C. P. Ry., the Montreal Dom. Textile Head, Sask. , L. H. & P. Co., the Co., the 9KACKAT. Lieut.-CoL Francois Samuel, Dom. I. & S. Co., The Shedden Forwarding ^.P.; b. Papineauville, Que, 1 Feb., 1865; Co., Ltd., The Montreal Rolling Mills, the 8. of Francois Sanriiel Mackay and Seraphine Royal Trust Co., the Canada Starch Co., the Julie, d. of D. B. Papineau; m. 1887, Marie Port Hood Richmond-Railway and Coal Co., Hillman; eight c. Educ: Papineauville, Ltd., the Shawini^an Carbide Co., the St. Regaud Laval Univ., and McGill Univ. Maurice Valley Railway, the Canada Paper (Grad. D.C.L., 1886). Practiced as N.P. in Co., the Royal Victoria Life Ins. Co., Vice- - Montreal until 1891, when he retired to Pres., Bell 'Telephone Co., the Lake of the Papineauville, through" faiUng health, to Woods Milling Co., the Paton Manufactur- follow agricultural pursuits. Mayor of ing Co., and Pres., the Shawinigan Water Papineauville, 1892-93. Returned to Mon- and Power Co., and the St. Jerome Power'" treal ahd resumed practice of his prof. and Electric Light Co.; was Pres. of the Joined 65th Regt .-and passed through every Montreal Harbour Board, 1896-1907; was - rank (Lieut. -Col., March, 1902); now com- formerly Pres., Montreal Board of Trade, mands 19th Infantry Brigade. Served in and St. Andrew's Society; is Vice-Pres. of North-West Rebellion; 1885.' Address: 276 the Mackay Inst., which was founded by St. Denis St., Montreal. Clubs: Canadien, the family; Governor of the Montreal Gen- Reform, Montreal Military Inst. eral Hospital, the Notre Dame Hospital, MACKAY, Mrs. Isabel Ecclestone; b. and the Western Hospital; unsuccessfully • Woodstock, Ont., 25 Nov., 1875; d. of contested Montreal West for the H. of C.,i Donald MacLeod Macpherson and Priscilla 1896 and 1900; Hon. Lieut.-Col. of the 5th Eccle-stone; m. P. J. Mackay; two d. Educ: R. H.; called to the Senate, 1901; Liberal, Woodstock, Ont., Coll. Inst. Mem., Cana- Address: 681 Sherbrooke St. W., Montreal. dian Soc. of Authors, and of the Canadian Clubs: Mount Royal, St. James, Montreal; Women's Press Club. Publications: volume Rideau, Ottawa. of poetry "Between the Lights," 1904; MACKEEN, Hon. David; Senator, 5. , winner- of '^Olobe Prize," for best Canadian Mabou, N.S., 20 Sept., 1839; s. of late Hon. -Historical Poem, 1907; poetry and short Wm. MacKeen, N.S.; m. (1st) Isabel, d. of stories in American, Canadian and British late Henry Poole of Derby, Eng. (dec); magazines. Address: 1034 Denman St., (2nd) 1877, Frances M., d. of late Wm. Vancouver. Lawson, Halifax (dec); '(3rd) 1888, Janie MACKAT, John Fields; 6. Toronto, Ont. K., d. of late John Crerar, Halifax; was 7 April, 1868; s. Rev. W. A. MaoKay, D.D.; Treas. and Agent of the Caledonia Coal and m. Mary Doyle; two i. Educ: Woodstock, Ry. Co., also resident Manager of Dominion Ont., Coll. Inst.,, and Woodstock Coll.; (joal Co., during the first years of its opera- - Has held , practical printer and business journalist; tions at Cape Breton. several Consular ;; member of Canadian Conservation Com- Eublic offices, such as U.S. Agent, mission; business manager, "The Globe" ub. Collector of Oustoms, Municipal Coun- Toronto. Recreaiions: rowing and fishing. cillor, and Warden of Cape 9reton; elec. to Address: 88 Walmer Road, Toronto. Clubs: H. of C, 1887 and 1891; resigned, Jan., 1896 National, Ontario, Toronto. called to the Senate, 21 Feb., 1896; Con- MACKAT, Kenneth Weir; 6. St. Thomas, servative. Address: Halifax. Ont., 4 Aug., 1862; «. of William Mackay MACKENZIE,,, Arthur Stanley, B.A., PhyScs, Dal- and Susan Sells; m. Alma Scott ; one 8. one d. Ph.D., F.R.S.C^ Professor of Educ.:a,t St. Thomas. Ont. In addition to ., housie Coll.; b. Pictou, N.S., 26 Sept., 1865; other municipal affairs, has been clerk of the s. of George Augustus Mackenzie, barrister, County of Elgin since 1882; is editor of the and Catherine Denoon Fogo; m. Mary Munidval World, established in 1881; was Lewis (dec); d. of Franklin Taylor, of Secretary to the Good Roads Association of Indianapolis, Ind.; one d. Educ: Pub. 141 MACKENZIE WHO'S WHO.

Schs., of Fictou, New Glasgow and Halifax, the Qu'Appelle, Long Lake and Sask. Ry., N.S.; Dalhouaie Univ., Halifax; Johns >and the 0. P. short line through Maine. Hopkins Univ.« Baltimore. Md. (grad. 1SS5, Commenced railway building on own and winning gold medal). Teacher in Yar- partner's account in 1896, with- 100 miles mouth, N.S. Academy, 1SS6-7; tutor in of the Lake Manitoba Railway and Canal Mathematics, Dal. Coll.. 1887-9; Scholar Company, which has become the Canadian and Fellow Johns Hopkins Univ., 1889-93. Northern Railway Systezn, operating in Associate, Prof., and Prof, of Phy- 1909, over 5000 miles between the Atlantic sics, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1891-1905; apptd. ^ coast and Edmonton; is president of the Prof, of Physics. Dal. Coll., 1905. Pub- Canadian Northern Railway proper, and of licationa: "The Laws of Gravitation," 1900. the Canadian Northern Ontario Ry., the Various papers in scientific journals. Re- Halifax and Southwestern Railway and the creixtiona: golf, shooting, fishing, skating. Inverness Railway. The Canadian Nor- Address: 58 Robie St., Halifax, N.S. thern also controls the Duluth^ Rainy Lake, RLACKENZIE, Duncan Stewart; Dep. and Winnip^ Railway, and is building to Min. of Educ. for Alberta; 6. Holyrood, Duluth. Has financed all the Canadian Bruce Co., Ont., 2il Feb., 1868; s. of Donald Northern lines in London; obtaining money MacKenzie and Margaret! McDiarmid; m. at the lowest rates ever paid by a pioneer Mary Walker, «. d. of the late Rev. Hiigh railway in undeveloped agricultural country. >Cume; one •. Educ.: Pub. Sch., High President of the Toronto Street Railway, Sch.; Coll^ate training obtained in various and Radial Railways; President, Winnip^ educational institutions in Ontario. Taught Electric Railway; controls the Electrical

sch. in Ontario for several yra. ; principal of Development Company of Ontario, which schs. in Strathcona, Alta. for ei^ht yrs.; has immense works at Niagara Falls; is apptd. Chief Clerk in the Territorial Dept. largely interested in many other Canadian of Educ; became Dep. Conmir. of Educ, enterprises of first importance. President 1905; apptd. Dep. Min. of Educ. upon the of the Sao Paulo Tramway Light & Power formation of the Prov. of Alberta, Sept., Co., Chairman of the Rio de Janeiro Tram- 1905. Address: 636 Fourth St., Edmonton, way Light & Power Co., and President of Alta. the Monterey (Mexico) Water Works & lUACKENZIE, Prof. J. J., B.A.. M.B.; Power Co. Director of many other Com- h. 1865; a Canadian by birth, of Scottish panies. Visits London twice a year on

parentage. Educ. : Univ. of Toronto ; Univ. financial business. Recrealiona: travel, golf of Leipzig and Berlin. Sometime Fellow and motoring. Address: Benvenuto, Tor- in Biology, Univ. of Toronto; subsequently onto, ~ Ont., and Kirkfield, Ont. Clubs: Bacteriologist to the Ont. Provincial Board Toronto^ Albany, National and Hunt, Tor- of Health; Professor of Pathology and Bac- cnto; Rideau. Ottawa. teriology, Univ. of Toronto, since 1900; MACKENZIE, William; Secretary for. has written on bacteriological and patho- Imperial and Foreign Correspondence,' logical subjects; member of the American Privy Council; 6. Advie Strathope, Scot., Public Health Association, the Society of - 16 April, 1851; s. of John and Elsie Mac- American Bacteriologists, and American kenzie; m. Bella MacLean, Inverness, Scot.; Association of Pathologists and Bacterio- two d. Arrived in Canada, 24 May, 1874; logists; Secretary of the Canadian Institute. was engaged in journalism for over 30 yrs., Address: 41 Chestnut Park Rd., Toronto. bein^ resident correspondent for many

JUACKENZIE, / Peter Samuel Gebree, Enghsh, American, and Canadian papers B.C.L., K.C.; b. Cumberland House. N.W. at Ottawa. Apptd. to his present position T., 19 Dec, 186?; s. of Roderick and Jane 1908. Address: 1 McLeod St., Ottawa. Mackenzie. Educ: High Sch., Montreal; MACKINNON, Hon. Donald Alexander, St. Francis Coll., Richmond, McGill Univ., K.C., LL.B.; Lieut.-Governor of Prince Montreal; called to Quebec bar, 1884; Edward Island; h. Uigg, Belfastj P.E.I., 21 created King's Council, 1903; elec. to Pro- Feb., 1863; s. of WilUam Mackinnbn, and vincial Legislature, 1900, for Richmond Co., Katnerine Nicholson; m. 1892, Adelaide and re-elected by accl., g. e., 1904 and 1908; Beatrice Louise, d. of Charles .Owen, of created a member of the Council of Public Georgetown; two s. one d. Educ.: Uigg Instruction of Que., in 1906, and is a trus- Gram. Sch., Dalhousie Univ., Halifax Law tee, of the Corporation of Bishop's Coll. Sch. Taught sch. at Guernsey Cove, 1877- 'Univ., Lennoxville, Que. Address: Mel- 8; principal Springtown High Sch., 1880,

bourne, and Richmond, Que. Clubs: Gar- and Uigg, 1881 . Admitted to Baa- of P.E.I. rison, Quebec; University and Montreal, 1887. First el. to L^s. Assem., 1893; Montreal. re-el. 1897; Attorney-General for Prov., TttACKENZIE, William; Pres. of the 1899. El. to H. of C. at g. e., 1900. Elec- Canadian Northern Ry. System; 6. Kirk- tion declared void and re-el. 1901. Apptd. field, Ont.» 30 Oct., 1849; s. of English Lieut. -Governor, 3 Oct., 1904. Address: parents; m. Margaret, d. of late John Merry Government House, Charlottetown, P.E.I. of Kirkfield, Ont.; two a. six d. Educ.: MACKINNON, James; Gen. Mgr. of the Public Schools and Lindsay Gram. Sch. Eastern Townships Bank; b. Londonderry, B^an life as school teacher; then kept Irel., 1850; s. of James and Mary Mackinnon

store, and contracted on the G. T. R. ; went m. 1876, Emily S. Robinson, of Waterloo, west and became a contractor on the Que.; one «. Educ: St. Francis Coll., Canadian Pacific, doing much work in the Richmond, Que. Entered office of Walter Rocky Mountains; his association with Mr. Beckett, wholesale hardware merchant, D. D. Mann, his position in the firm of Sherbrooke, at age of nineteen; lat6r with Mackenzie, Mann & Co., Limited, began Passumpsic Ry. Co. (now part of the Bos- in 1886; they built, among other important ton and Maine); joined Eastern Townships works the Calgary and Edmonton Railway; Bank at Sherbrooke, Oct., 1871; mgr. of the 142 WHO'S WHO.

branch at Cowansville, 1876; transferred business. ^ Company operates extensive saw to Grand Forks, B.C., 1900; aptd. assist. mills, planing milts, and pulp mills at Buck- gen. mgr. at Sherbrooke, 1901; gen. Mgr., ingham, drawing its supplies from 2,600 1902. Apptd. Pres. Sherbrooke Bd. of square miles of timber limits in Prov, Que- Trade, 1908; a trustee of Bishop's Coll. bec; a dir. of the North Pacific Lumber Co. Uoiv., Lennoxville; dir. Bishop's Coll. Sch., Recreations: fishing, motoring, hunting, Lennoxville; trustee and Treas. of King's golf. Address: "Auchterarder," Bucking- Hall, Compton; took part in Fenian ham, Que. Clvhs: Rideau, Laurentian, Raid, 1866, with 54th Begt. (medal). Hunt, Golf, Country, Ottawa. Addreti: Sherbrooke, Que. Club; St. MACLABEN, Alexander; Pres. of the George's, Sherbrooke; Montreal, Montreal. North Pacific Lumber Co. ; 6. Tp. of Masham KACIUNKON, William ArkeU, B.A.; b. Ottawa Co., Que., 27 Feb., 1860; ». of James Brampton, Ont., 28 Feb., 1874; «. of Donald Maclaren and Ann Sully; m. Annie F. James Mackinnon, and Hattie M. Greig; Reid; one t. three d. Educ: Wakefield, m. Bertha H. Sampson, d. of the late W: A. Ottawa, Upper Can. Coll., and Sch. or Sampson, Toronto; two d. Educ: Bramp- Prac. Science, Toronto. Joined his father's ton High. Sch., Toronto Univ., Parkdale business in 1884, and is now Vice-Pres. of Coll. Inst., and Osgoode Hall; barrister; the James Maclaren Co., Ltd. Pres. of the Secretary to the Canadian Commission at North Pacific Lumber Co^ with mills at Paris Exposition, 1900; chief of fruit divis- Bamet, B.C.; a dir. of the Keewatin Power ion, Dept. of Agriculture, 1901-1904; Trade Co.; Vice-Pres., Nicola Valley Coal Co. Comm. at Bristol, 1904-1909; now Canadian Owns and operates at Wakefield, Que., a Trade Commissioner at Birmingham, Eng. general store, saw mill and woolen mill. Publicalioni: Pamphlets on "The Export Is a devoted horseman, and for many yrs. Apple' Trade," and "The Export Pear engaged in the breeding of American stand- Trade." RtcraUiont: lacrosse, tennis, golf, ard bred trotting horses. Recreations: golf, chess. Addrat: 30 Wheeley's Road, Edg- hunting, fishing, driving. Address: Neral- baston, Birmingham, Eng. cam Hall, Buckingham^ Que. Clubs: Rideau JIACKINTOSH, Hon. Charles Herbert; Laurentian, Ottawa; Vancouver, Vancou- 1>. London, Ont., 1843; s. of late Wm. Mac- ver. , kintosh, a native of Wicklow, Ire.; m. \868, MACLABEN, Alexander Fereuson ; b. Gertrude Cook, of Strathroy, Ont. Educ: Lanark, ,Ont., 3 Feb., 1854; s. of the late Gait Gram. Sch., After leaving school, John MacLaren; m. 1885, Janet, d. of James entered upon journalistic career, and served McLeod, Of Woodstock, Ont.; one s. Educ: on staffs of several newspapers in Western Pub. Sch. Took up the study of cheese- Ontario; acquired, 1874, Ottawa Citizen, making at Fullerton's Corners, Perth Co., and was its managing editor until 1892; and eventually became mgr. of the cheese Mayor of Ottawa, 1879-80. First el. to H. factories in Middlesex and Waterloo Cos. of C, 1882; re-el. 1887; apptd. Lieut.-Gov. In 1891, commenced exporting cheese as of the N.W.T., 1893; on retirement in 1898, MacLaren Bros., and in 1892 initiated the became ^en. mgr. in Canada of the British manufacture of MacLaren's Imperial cheese, Am. Mining Corporation with headquarters which now has a world-wide reputation. at RoBsland, B.C. In;recent years has been In 1900 the A. F. MacLaren Imperial acting as broker and financial agent in Cheese Co., Ltd.. was formed. Was one of Victoria. Pitblicaiiona: Can Parliamentary the ju(%es at the World's Fair, Chicago, Companion, 1877-82; "British America's 1895. Sole judge dairy products at Tor- Golden Gateway to the Orient;" many onto and Ottawa fairs. Pres., Young Con- magaaine articles on the development of servative Assn. of Stratford, 1894-1895; Western Canada. Address: Victoria, B.C. Pres. Dairymen's Assn. of Western Can., Ciu6; Union, Victoria. Imperial Plaster Co., Summit Lake Mining MACKL.EM, Rev. Thomas Clark Street, Co., Peterson Lake Mining. Co., Imperial M.A., D.D., LL.D., D.C.L., Provost of Veneer Co.;_ Vice-Pres., Ontario Curling Trinity Coll., Toronto; Canon and Chan- Assn., National Portland Cement Co., cellor of St. Alban's Cathedral, Toronto; b. International Portland Cement Co.; dir. Chippawa, Ont., 25 Nov., 1862; ». of Olive Equity Fire Insur. Co. Mem. Toronto 'Tiffany Macklem and Julia Ann Street;. m. Industrial Exhibition Assn. El. to H. of C. Mary Elizabeth Raymond. Educ.: Up. for North Perth, at g. e., 1896; re-el., g. e., Can. Coll., Toronto; St. John's Coll., Cam- 1900, 1904; unsuccessful 1908. Recreations: bridge, -Eng. Addrenii: Trinity Coll., Tor- lawn bowling, curling. Address: 86 Chest- onto. nut Park Rd., Toronto. Clubs: Albany, MacL.ACHLAV, Daniel P., M.L.A.; b. Granite, Toronto. Chatham, N.B., 26 Jan., 1861; a. of Donald MACLABEN, David; Pres. of the Bank and Matilda MacLachlan; m. Isabella K. of Ottawa; 6. Tp. of Masham, Ottawa Co., Edgar; four d. Educ: Chatham. Alder- Que., 5 Oct., 1848; ». of James Maclaren, man for three years, 1903-Ofe; and Mayor of and Ann Sully; m. Catherine Amelia Mc- - Chatham two years, 1907-1908; elec. to the Gillivray, of Whitby, Ont.; four s. two d. N.B. Legislature, 3 March, 1908. Address: Associated in lumbering and manufacturing Chatham, N.B. with his father, James Maclaren, one of mACLAKEN, Albert; Pres. and Mgr. the pioneer lumbermen of the Ottawa dir. of the James Maclaren Co., Ltd., of Valley. Became sole mgr., in 1874, of the Buckingham, Que.; 6. Buckingham, 16 Gatineau and Ottawa River branches of his July, 1870; *. of James Maclaren and Ann father's business. Pres. of the Bank of Sully; m. Lilian Edith Moody, of Terre- Ottawa; c^r. of the North Pacific Lumber bonne, Que.; two s. three d. Educ: Buck- Co.; dir. of the James Maclaren Co., of ingham, and Upper Can. Coll. Acquired Buckingham, Que. Recreations; riding, thorough knowledge of lumber and pulp motoring, fishing. Address: "Strathearn," 143 MACLAKEN WHO'S WHO.

Frank JSt,, Ottawa. Clubs: Bideau, Laur- Educ: pub. sch. of Hamilton and' Univ/' entian. Golf, Hunt, Country, Ottawa. Coll., Toronto. M.P. for South-ibrk in H. MACLAKEN, James Bamet; b. Buck- of C, of Canada since 1892. Founded the ingham, Que., 22 Sept., 1866; s. of James Toronto World, 1880, and haff been identi- Maclaren and Ann Sully; m. Harriet, M. fied with it ever since; contested East York Kenny; two s. / Educ: Buckingham, and with the late Hon. Alex. Mackenzie (ex- Upper Can. Coll. A lumber manufacturer; Premier of Can.), 1891, and was defeated dir. of the North Pacific Lumber Co. and by 26 votes. Recreations: farming, motor- the James Maclaren Co. Recreations: fish- ing and himting. Address: Donlands Farm, ing, hunting, golf. Addreas: 40 Nepeah St., nr. Toronto. Clubs: Hunt, Toronto; Rid- Ottawa. Clubs: Rideau, Laurentian, Golf, eau, Ottawa. Hunt, Country, Ottawa; Vancouver. MacLEOD, Jolin Robert, M.D., M.L.A.; MACLAREN, Hon. John James, B.A., b. Tp. of Zorra, Oxford Co., Ont., 20 Jan., LL.D., B.C.L., D.C.L.; b. Lachute, Que., 1872; 8. of William C. MacLeod and Mary 1 July, 1842; s. of John and Janet Maclaren; MacKay; m, Grace Victoria Bentley of m. (iBt) Margaret G. Matthewson; (2nd) Clifford Mich.; two s. Educ: Tub. Sch., Mary E. Matthewson; one s. two d, Educ: Tp. of Zorra, and Woodstock Coll. Inst.: Victoria Univ., McGill Univ.; Advocate, taught piib. Sch„ 1890, 1892, in Oxford Montreal, 1868 to 1884; barrister, Toronto, Co., Ont.; grad. Detroit Coll. of Medicine, 1884 to 1902; since 1902, Justice of the 1896; edited the Coll. Magazine, 1895-%S96; Court of Appeal, Ontario; Prince of Wales' - practiced medicine in Michigan un^l 1M)1, Gold Medalist, Victoria Univ. Publica- when he removed to Alberta,; Licentiate tions: bills, Notes and Cheques, 4th edition, College of Physicians and Surgeons, N.W.T. 1909; Banks and Banking, .3rd edition, 1906; active practice; elec. to the first 1908; Roman Law in English Jiuisprudence, Alberta Legislature for Fonoka as a Liberal, Address: 80 Roxborough St. East, Toronto. 1905. Recreation: owns a 320 acre farm MACLEAN Hon. Alexander K.,LL.B.; which he looks after. Address: Edberg,

Attorney-Gen. of Nova Scotia; b. Upper Alta. , North Sydney, C.B., 18 Oct., 1869; s. of MACLEOD, Bobert Murdoch; 6. Bad- Murdock Maclean^ of Upper North Sydney; deck, N.S., 11 Oct., 1861; s. of late John m. 1890, Edith Finck, of Lunenburg, N.S. Hugh MacLeod of Pictou, N.S^ Secretary Educ: i)alhpusie Univ., Halifax, EI. to Agriculture Committee, H. of C, Ottawa, N.S. Leg. Ass., 1901; resigned to contest and Annie C, d. of late Capt. Geo. Old, -~ seat for the H. of C, at g. e., 1904, and was Shipbuilder; m. Josephine Ayotte. Educ: el.; re-el. 1908; resigned 1909, on appt. as North Sydney, N.S. High Sen.; news editor, Attorney-Gen. of-Nova Scotia. Address: Ottawa Free Press, 1882-1887; spent two Halifax, N.S. ye?irs travelling in Central and South Am- MACLEAN, Major Donald Hector, B.A.; erica; employed for some months oh, Pan- County Solicitor for the Co. of Carleton, ama Canal, under De Lesseps; on returning Ont.; &. King, Yotk Co., Ont., 18' June, to Ottawa, joined staff of Daily Citizen as 1865; s. of Hector Maclean, of Mull Scot., city editor^ and since connected with that and Sarah Frith, of London, Eng.; m. paper; Ottawa correspondent, New York Edith, d, E. C. Fry^ of Quebec; one s. one d. Herald, from 1890 until 1909; Canadian Educ: Woodstock Coll., and Toronto Univ. representative Renter's Telegram Co., Lon- Reeve of Hintonburg, 1897-1900; mem. of don, Eng., since 1894; Pres., Parliamentary Carleton Co. Council, 1900-1903; unsuccess- Press Gallery, 1896. Recreations: shooting ful candidate for hes. Ass., 1902. Api>td. and fishing. Addreas: 228 Charlptte St., County Solicitor, 1903; takes an active int. Ottawa. in military affairs; Major G. G. F. G. MACMAHON, Hon, Hugh; Judge of the Recreations: rifle shooting, riding. Addreas: Court of Common Pleas, Ont.; b. 6 March, 31 Fairmont Av,, Ottawa. Club: Lauren- 1836, of Irish parentage; m. 1864, Isabel tian, Ottawa. Janet, e. d. of late Simon Mackenzie, Belle- MACLEAN, Lieut.-Col. John Bayne; b. ville, Ont. Called to the bar, 1864; Q.C, Crieff, Ont., 26 Sept., 1862; s. Rev. Andrew 1876; Puisne Judge of Common _ Fleas Maclean and Catherine Cameron; m. Anna Division of High Court of Justice, Ont., P. Slade; one s. Educ: Pub. Sch. and 1887; Roman Catholic. Address: 185JBev- Coll. Inst. Journalist and publisher; com- erley Street, Toronto. CZuB; Toronto. .' menced his newspaper career^on the Toronto MACMASTER, Donald, K.C., D*C.L., Wffrld,. 1882; asst. financial ed., Toronto M.P. for Chertsey Div. of Surrey, Ene,; 6. Mail; financial ed. The Empire Founded Williamstown, Ont., 3 Sept., 1846; o.^ a. the Canadian Grocer, Hardware, the Dry of Donald Macmaster and Mary Cameron; Goods Review, Printer and Publisher, Cana- m. (1st) 1880, Janet (d. 1883), rf. of Ronald dian Bookman, and many other influential Sandfleld Macdonald, of Lancaster. Ont.; trade jiapers; one of the props, of the (2nd) 1890, Ella. Virginia, d. of Isaac Deford Financial Post of Canada; 27 years in the of Baltimore, Md;; one s. two d, Educ: Militia. Recreations: riding, hunting and Gram. Sch., Williamstown, Ont.; McGlH fishing. Address: 13 Queen's Park, Toronto, Univ., Montreal (Elizabeth Torrance gold Clubs: St. James, Hunt, Montreal; Toronto medal prize essayist and vaeldictorian. and Hunt, Toronto; Constitutional, London 1871; D.C.L., 1894; barrister, Quebec; 1871; Enp. Ontario. 1882; cr. Q.C, 1882;. Lincoln's Inn,

MACLEAN, William Findlay, B.A., M. 1906. Served as , Crown Pros, in several P., editor and prop, of The Toronto World; Canadian causes celebres, and as Arbitrator b. Township of Ancaster, Ont., 10 Aug., between Newfoundland Govt, and Reid- 1854; e. s. of late John Maclean and Isabella Newfoundlsnd Ry., 1904-5; Counsel for U. Findlay; m. Catherine Gwynne, d.- of late S. Govt, in Gaynpr and Green Extradition Richard Lewis of Toronto; one «. one d. Inquiry and Appeals thereon to Judicial 144 ;


Committee of Privy Council; apptd. on of the News, Toronto; contributes editorials Royal Coxnn. to inquire into matters con- to same publication; Pres. of Canadian cerning good govt, of Quebec, 1S92( de- Women's Press Club, 1909-10; has had clined seat on Bench, 1893; pres. of Mon- stories and Essays published in Univ. treal bar, 1904; twice el. pres. of McGill Magazines, Can/idian Magazine, Harper's Soc. and pres. St. Andrew's Soc, Montreal. Bazaar, the Lamp, Short Stories, the Bohem- Mem. for Glengarry in Ont. Legis^ 1879- ian, and in the Christmas number of the 82; mem. of the H. of C, 1882-86; Unionist Toronto Globe and Saturday Night. Ad- can. for Leigh Div. of Lancashire, 1906, but dress: 133 Bloor St. E., Toronto. Clubs: unsuccessful; el. M.P. for Chertsey Div. of Toronto Ladies', Canadian Women's Press. Surrey, Eng., Jan., 1910. Publications: The MACNAB, Brenton Alexander; 6. Wal- Seal Arbitration at Paris, 1894. Recreations: lace, N.S., 21 Jan., 1865; s. of William and golf, travel. Addresses: la Cockspur St., Mary Macnab; m. Catherine Helen Mac- London^ S.W., England; Mayhurst, May- quarrie; one s. Educ: Com. Schs., Pictou bury Hill, Woking, Surrey. Clubs: Mount Academy; in journalism for 21 years; pre-

Royal, St. James*, Montreal; Carlton, Con- viously connected with railways and tele- , stitutional, Ranelagh, London, Eng. grEtfphs; now managing editor, Montreal MACMILI.AN, John, B.A., LL.D.; 6. Daily Star; Recreations: fishing. Address: Campbelltown, Argyleshire, Scot., 26 Dec, 46 Sussex Ave., Montreal. Clubs: Canada, 1836; s: of Donald Macmillan and Catherine Montreal; Albany, Toronto. Morrison; m. Catherine Kennedy; two 8. MACNAMABA, Thomas James, LL.D., one d. Educ: Dalintober Sch., Campbell- M.A., M.P. (British); b. Montreal, 31 Aug., town; Normal School, Toronto, and the 1861; 8. of Set^t. Thomas Macnamara of Univ. of Toronto. Arrived in Canada, the old 47th "Wolfe's Own;" m. Rachel, e, July, 1854; taught for a- year and a 'half d. of the late Angus Cameron; three s. one d. near Chathazn, Co. of Kent. Went to Educ: St. Thomas Sch., Exeter Borough Ottawa on 31 Dec, 1856; taught three and Road, Waining Coll. for teachers; Ely Sen. a half years in the pub. schs-. of Ottawa; Teacher, Huddersfield and Bristol; Pres. Matriculated at Univ. of Toronto in 1860; of Teachers' Union; editor of "School- -grad. June, 1864; taught in Collegiate, master;" mem.ber 6f London Sch. Board, Ottawa, from 1864; apptd. Head Master, 1894-1903; M.P. for North Camberwell, 1882, and continued as such until 1904. from 1900; Parity. Secretary to local Gov- Is now Honorary Vice-Principal at the ernment Board, 1907-08; Parly, and Fin- Coll. Institute. Address: 49 Frank St., nancial Secretary to Admiralty, from 1908. Ottawa. Recreation: golf. Address : 31 Rollscourt MacMUKCHT, Archibald, B.A., L.L. Ave., Heme HilL London, Eng. Clube:^ ' D.; b. Kyntire, Argyleshire, Scot.; m. Eightv, National Liberal ,Lon don, Eng. Marjory Jardine Ramsay of Linlithgow, MacNUTT, Thomas, M.P.; 6. Campbell- Scot.; three 8. three d. Educ: Parish Sch., ton, N.B., 3 Aug., 1850; s. Charles S. Mac- Scot., Rockwobd Academy, tUp. Can., Nor- Nutt, and E. A. Sims; m. Margaret Mc- mal Sch., Toronto, and Univ. of Toronto. Fadyen; three a. one d. Educ: Ottawa, Arrived in Canada in 1840, when a young Ont.; went west 35 years ago on staff of a lad, speaking gaelic only; worked on the special survey, and has been farming and farm, and taught in town schools; for more contracting ever since; member of the than 28 :^ears was principal and rector of Territorial L^.; speaker of the first Le«is. ' the Coll^iate Inst., Toronto. Publications: Assembly of Sask.; re-el.. Aug., 1908, but Six books on Arithmetic, two of them as resigned to contest constituency for H. of joiilt author, with the Rev. Bernard Smith, C. Pres., Saltcoats District Telephone Co. M.A., both of which were authorized for Pres., Saltcoats Agricultural Society; ser- use in Schs. of Up. Can., by the Council of ved in the North-West Rebellion and dur- Public .Instruction. Publication: Handbook ing Fenian Raid, 1866. Recreations: hunt- on Canadian Literature. Recreation: golf. • ing and shooting. Address: Saltcoats, Address: 133 East Bloor St., Toronto. Sask. MacMURCHT^ Miss Helen, M.B., M.D.; MACOUN, William Tyrrell; -Horticul- b. Toronto, Ont., rf. of Archibald Mac- turist and Curator of the Arboretum and Murchy, and Marjory Jardine Ramsay. Botanic Gardens, Central Experimental Educ.: Toronto Coll. Institute, The Worn^ Farm, Ottawa; b. Belleville, Ont., 1869; a. an's Medical Coll., Univ. of Toronto, the of John Macoun and Ellen Terrill; m. Eliza- 'Johns Hopkins Univ.; taught for some beth Macoun; one a. two d. Educ: Belle- years; now engaged in,the practice of Med- ville and Ottawa. Has been in the (Govern- icine; apptd. Commissioner of the feeble ment service at Central Experimental Farm, minded in Ont. Publications: occasional Ottawa, for 25 yrs. Publications: Annual papers in Educational Magazines; also in reports and bulletins on the apple, plum. the Lancet (London, Eng.) Briti^ Medi- bush fruits, potato and herbaceous peren- cal Journal, the Practitioner, the Canadian nials. Recreation: gardening. Address: Journal of Medicine and Surgery; editor of Experimental Farm, Ottawa. the reports to the Ontario Government. MACPHAIL, Prof. Andrew, B.A., M.D., Recreation: reading and travel. Address: M.R.C.S., En^.; b. Orwell, P.E.I. 24 March, 133 Bloor St. E., Toronto. Clubs: Toronto 1864; a. of William Macphail and Catherine Ladie^' Club, IJniversity Woman's Club, Smith; m. Georgina Burland {dec 1902)-; Toronto. one s. one d. Educ: Prince of Wales' Coll., MacIMXJBCHT, Miss Marjory; b. Toronto McGill Univ., London Hospital. Professor ontOf Ont.; d. of Archibala MacMurchy, of the History of Medicine, McGill Univ.; LL.D., and Marjory, d. of James Ramsay, editor Univ. Magazine, Montreal Medical of Linlithgow, Scot. Educ: Jarvia Street Journal; Pres, Royal Montreal Golf Club. Coll. Inst., Toronto Univ. Literary editor Publications: "Essays on Puritanism," 145 :;

MACPHER80N WHO'S WHO. ~ "Essays on Politics,'* "Essays on Fallacy." Frank St.; Court House, Ottawa. Clubs: Recreationa: golf, farming. Address: 216 Rideau, Golf, Country, Ottawa. Feel St., Montreal. Clubs; Mount Royal, St. lUACTIEB, Anthony Douglas; Asst. to James, University, Pen and Pencil, Mon- Vice-Pres. of C. P. Ry. Co.; b. Perthshire, treal; Lotos, New York. Scot., Dec, 1867; «. of W. F. MacTier and MACPHEBSON, Duncan, C.E., D.L.S.; Miss Bayley: m. 1894, Miss Waddell of b, Bath, Ont., 2 Feb., 1858; a. of Peter Mac- Montreal. Educ: Edinburgh and Sed- Fherson and Clarissa Bristol; m. Emma bergh, Yorkshire, Eng. Arrived in- Can., Rose Owen, d. of the late Rev. John Wilson 1887, and entered service of C. P. R., where

of Preston, Eng. ; one s. and one d. Educ. he has remained ever since, being apptd. to Napanee Hi^h Sch, and Royal Military his present position aa asst to Vice-Pres., Coll., Kingston, Ont.; from 1880 to 1905, 1907. Governor of Montreal Gen. Hospital with the C. P. Ry., in various capacities mem. St. Andrew's Soc, Montreal. Ad- from rodman to divisional Engineer in dress: 474 Sherbrooke St. W., Montreal. charge of 1500 miles of line, including Clubs: Mount Royal, St. James', Forest and bridge building; 1905, to date Asst. Chief Stream, Royal Montreal Golf, Hunt, Rac- Engineer, National Transcontinental Ry. ket, Jockey, Montreal. Recreation: golf. Address: 548 Besserer St., 91ACWATT, His Hon. Daniel Eraser; b. Ottawa. Clubs: St. James. Montreal; Rid- Nairn, Scot., 9 July, 1853; a. of Charies eau, Ottawa. WacWatt, M.A., and Mary Eraser; m. MACPHEBSON, Bobert George; Post- Elizabeth Helen, d. of the late Lt.-CoL master of Vancouver, B.C.; 6. Co. of Wel- John McWatt, J.P., Barrie, Ont.; two d. lington, Ont., 28 Jan., 1866; a. Archibald Educ: Academy Naino, Scot.; arrived in^ H. Macpherson of Islay, Scot.; and Jan^t Canada, Jan., 1873; adinitted to Ontario., Hall, of Wellington Co., Ont.; m. Susie M. bar in 1881; Senior Co. Judge of Lanibton Vanaken, d. of J. H. Vanaken, of Coldwater, Co.; grand Master, A.F. & A.M., 1909-10. Mich.; one s. two d. Educ: Arthur Public Address: Sarnia, Ont. Sch. and Gait Coll. Inst.; went West to MADDIN, James WUliam, LL.B. (Dal-^ New Westminster in 1888, and from there housie Coll.); M.P.; 6. Westville, PictouC to Vancouver, in 1895; conducted a drug Co., N.S., 8 Sept., 1874; a. of William and C business; was elec. to the H. of C, 1903; Agnes Goode Maddin; m. Maud Isabella re-elec. 1904; apptd. Postmaster of Van- McDonald; one a. three d. Educ: Pictou.i^ couver, Sept., 1908. Recreations: reading, Academy, Dalhousie Coll.. Halifax.- N.S,; 9 ^" walking and shooting. Address: Vancou- Barrister for 9 yrs. Defeated as a Lib.~ ver, B.C. Clubs: Vancouver, Terminal Con. candidate for N.S. Legislature, 20 City, Vancouver, B.C. June, 1906; elected to H, of C, ^ e., 1908; ^ Address: Sydney, N.S. Cluh: Sydney .- MACPHEBSON, William Molson, J. P.; MAGANX, George Plunkett; » rail way Fres. of the Molson's Bank; b. Montreal, 24 contractor; b. Dublin, Irel., 7 Sept.,. 1849; Sept., 1848: e. s. of the late Sir D. L. Mac- m. 1891, Mile. Graziells Leona, d. of Joseph hereon, K.C.M.G., and Elizabeth Sara S Loranger. of Montreal; four a. one d,^Educ.: [acpherson; m. 1878, Marie Stuart, d. of Central Sch., Hamilton, Ont., and by priv. the late D. T. Wotherspoon, of Quebec. tuition. Arrived Canada, when very*young Educ: Leamington Coll., and Hastings, first eng^ed in the drug business, but Eng. Received his business training under later entered into railway contracting, in A. F. & R. Maxwell, merchants. Live^ool; which capacity is still engaged. Has car- returned to Canada. 1870, formed the Dom. ried out several important contracts for Steamship Co.. and has been zngr. of the the Fed. Govt., C. P. Ry. and G. T. Ry. Co. at Quebec ever sinc6; became partner in Was one of orig. promoters of water route firm of David Torrance gen. the & Co., between Owen Sound and Port Arthur, and- mgrs. of the line in Can.; apptd. Harbor is largely interested in the lumber industry, Commr. at Que.. 1896. Dir., the Molson's Pres., Haliburton Lumber Co., Magann- Bank, and Fres. since June, 1897; dir. Hawke Lumber Co., Magann Air Brake Co. . Phoenix, and British Empire Life and In- Address: 119 Wellington St., W., Toronto. Co., Montreal Trust and Deposit vestment Clubs: Royal Canadian Yacht, Country and hon. Lieut. -Col., 8th Royal Rifles of Co.; Hunt, Toro^to. Que.; Vice-Pres., Provincial lUfie Assn.; Charles; b. Nepean Tp., Co. of Governor, Montreal Gen. Hospital. Ad- MAGEE, Carleton 16 Aug., 1840; a. of the laje 53 Ste. Ursule St., Quebec^ Clubs: dress: Charles Magee, and Frances Delamere; m. St. JamM. Mount Royal, Montreal, Mon- Frances, d, of T. M. Blasdell, of Ottawa^; treal Hunt; Garrison, Quebec; Toronto; Educ: Ottawa. After leaving school, en- Restigouche Salmon, Metapedia; Junior tered mercantile life and later was the Athenaeum, London, Eng. senior partner of the firm of Magee and MACTAVISH, His Hon. Duncan B., M. Russell, dry goods merchants; retired in A. (Queen's), K.C., Senior Judse of the Co. 1871. In 1872,, was apptd. administrator Ct. of Carleton; b. Osgoode, Carleton Co., and sole trustee of the Sparks Estate; in Ont., 21 April, 1860; a. of Alexander Mac- 1876, together with the late Robert Black- Tavish and Mary MacLaren (both Scotch) bum ana the late James MacLaren, acquired m. Flora Stewart; two s. one d. Educ: the vacant land in Ottawa, owned by the - Ottawa Gram. Sch., Metcalfe High Sch., estate of the late Col. By; one "Of the Queen's Univ., Osgoode Hall, Toronto. oi^anizers of the Bank of Ottawa, and was Studied law under Sir ; for^ successively Vice-Pres. and Pr^es.^ was Pres. many yrs. practiced law in Ottawa; City of the Central Canada Exhibition Assn., and Solicitor, 1882-1897. Represented Domin- for one year a member of the City Council ion on sev. occasions before Judicial Com- of Ottawa; Pres. of the Union "Trust Co.^ mittee; apptd. Judge, 1897. Address: 314 Toronto; Director of the Northern (3rown 146 WHO'S WHO.

Bank, Windsor and Essex Railway, Ha Ha Quebec Centre at bye-el., 1898; re-el. at Bay R^lway Co., and is a large owner of g. e., 1900, and 1904; apptd. Judge, 1904.

stock in the Bristol Iron Co. ; Conservative Address: Arthabaska, Que. Club: Gar- in politics and was for two years (1895- rison, Quebec. 1897), Pres. of the Ottawa Association. Donald D.; b. Acton, Ont., Addresa: Cor. Cartier and Idsgar Sts., Ot- MANN, 1853; Educ: Pub. Sch. ; m. in J. E. Williams, tawa.. Clubs: Rideau and Golf, Ottawa; 1887, National and Albany, Toronto. of Winnipeg; one s. Early abandoned

farming for lumbering; foreman for . a MAGBATH, Charles Alexander, M.P.; h. lumber Company, at 21 years' of age; "went Augusta, Ont., 22 April, 1860; 8. of late to Winnipeg, in 1879; became a contractor Bolton Magrath; m. (1st) Margaret Muir in the C. P. R. in 1880; was continuously (one 8.); (2nd) Mabel Gait (two a). A Dom. on contracts between Whitemouthj east topographical surveyor. Has lived in the of Winnipeg, and the Selkirk mountains until Nortnwest for 30 yrs. Was a mem. of the 1885; the firm of Mackenzie. Mann & Co., N. W. Legis. Ass. for two terms. First el. Ltd., was established in 1886 and built to H. of C. at g. e., 1908. Address: Leth- other works, bridge, Alta. amo^g important the Canary and Edmonton Ry., the MAHAFFY, Arthur Arnold, K.C., M.L. Qu'Appelle, Long Lake and Sask. Ry., and the C. P. short A.; b. Co. of Grey, Ont., 31 Dec, 1861; a. line through Maine. In 1888 and 1889, Mr. of John and Mary Mahaffy^. Alice RodaUe Mann visited Panama, Ecuador, Peru and Thomson; two a. one d. Was a candidate Chili, it having been proposed that the for the Legislature of Ontario from Mus- firm should buUd railways for the Chilian koka. in 1898, but was unsuccessful; elec. Government. He declined the proposal. at bye-election, 1903; re-elec. in 1905, and trip to China resulted in an 1908 by acclam. Address: Bracebridge, A eciually un- favorable judgment; took the initiative In Ont. purchasing the charter of the Lake Mani- MAIB, Charles: h. Lanark. Ont., 21 toba Ry. and Canal Company in 1895, from Sept., 183S; s. of late Jam^es Mair, one of the which has grown the Canadian Northern pioneers of the square timber trade in the Railway System of upwards of 5000 miles Ottawa Valley, and Margaret Holmes; m. of lines in the provinces of Alberta, Sask., 1869. EUzabetn Louise MacKenney, niece Manitoba, Ont., Que., and N.S.; Vice-Pres. of late Sir John Schultz; one s. three d. of the Canadian Northern, the Canadian Educ: Gram. Sch., Perth; Ont.; Queen's Northern Ontario and the Halifax and' Univ., Kingston. - Paymaster for Dom. Southwestern Railways; his work has Govt, to men engaged in opening snow chiefly consisted in directing construction road from Fort Garry to Lake of the Woods, in which he has a unique reputation for 1868; prisoner in the hands of the insurrec- speed, efficiency and economy; and in con- tionists, 1869-70; sentenced to death, but vincing public opinion that l^slative aid escaped, and joined''expedition from Por- to his railway projects would be to the tage la Prairie to Eprt Garry; one of the public benefit; during 1909, secured bond founders of the "Canada First" party; guarantees froHi the Governments of Al- acting Quartermaster of the Gov.-Gen's. berta and Sask. for branch lines in those Body Guard; North West Rebellion of provinces, negotiated an agreement 1886. Can.' Govt. Immigration Agt., in and with the Government of British Columbia, charge of the Lethbridge Dist., Southern for the guaranteeing of the Canadian Nor- Alberta, N.W.T., since 1903; an ex-Fellow thern funds for per mile from of the Roy. Soc. of Can. PuhliccUiona: S35,000 Yellowhead Pass to Vancouver on which Dreamland and other poems, 1868; Tecum- the Government successfully went to the seh, 1886. Address: Coutta, Alta. country. Director of many other companies, JHLAJOK, Charles B., M.P.; 6. Ste. Schol- including Atikokan Iron Company, of which astique. Co. Two Mountains, 17 March, he is President, Moose Mountain Iron Mines. 1851; s. of Joseph B. Major, one of the Ltd.; Winnipeg Electric Railway. Publi' leaders in the rebellion of 1837-38. and cations: articles on "The case for a Canadian Elmire Lafle^r; m. 29 Feb., 1876, Cymo- Navy," and the Tariff relations of Canada docie Trudel; one s. four d. Educ: local and the United States." Address: Falling- schs. and afterwards studied law; called to brook. Scarboro Heights, Toronto, Ont. the bar of Que., 1877; oi^aniaer and dir. cif the Northern Colonization Railway; now MANUEL, John; capitalist; b. Muir- practices law in Hull, and Papineauville, head, Scot., 7 March, 1830; a. of James Co. of Ottawa. Elec. to Quebec Le?., for Manuel and Janet Dalziel ; unmarried, Ottawa County. 1897 and 1900; elec. by Educ: Showts Sch., Scot. Arrived, Can- acclam. to H. of C, 23 Dec, 1907; re-elec. ada, 1854, and engaged in lumber business 1908; Catholic; Liberal. Address: Papin- with Gilmour & Co., of Ottawa. Acquired eauville. Que. ^ an interest in firm but retired therefrom

MALOTJIN, Hon. Albert, K.C.; a Judge with Col. _ Allan Gilmour to manage the of the Superior Ct. of the Prov. of Quebec; latter's private interests. An ardent sup- b. Quebec, 13 March, 1857; a. of late Jac- porter of all athletics sports; erected the ques Malouin, mem. of the H. of C. 1877- finest curling rink in Canada at cost of 1882. and Marie A. Suzor; m. 1907, Marie S25,000, and leased it to Ottawa Curling

„ Louise Lavergrie. Educ.: Normal Sch., Club at a nominal rental ; pres. of the Long ' Quebec Seminary, Laval Univ. Admitted Point Club, Lake Erie; part owner of the to the bar 1882, and commenced the prac- Godbout River, one of the finest salmon tise of his prof, in Quebec; mem. of the streams on the North shore of the St. Law- Coun. of the Quebec bar Assn. for several rence. Recreations: curling, salmon fishins. yrs., and for some time Crown Prosecutor Addresa: 36 Vittoria St., Ottawa. Club: for the Dist. of Quebec. El. to H. of C. for Rideau, Ottawa. 147 ,


MARCEAU, Ern«st, C.E.; Siipt. Engr. councillor, and chn!, of the Sch. Bd. First of Canals in the Prov. of Que.; b, Danville, el. to H. of C. at bye-el., 14 Dec, 1898; re- Que., 26 Dec, 1852; a. of Joseph Marceau el, at g. e., 1900, 1904 and 1908. Address: and Marie O. Moriier; m. 1879, M. E., d. Acton Vale, Que., Cluf}: Musical, Acton of the late Dr. F. Z. Taase, ex-M.P., and Vale. dir. of Asylums and Penitentiaries. Educ: ]»IAltKEY Frederick Henry, K.C.; 6. Danville Schs., took a coniinercial course Bath, Eng.rS June, 1870; a. of J. Markey at Napierville, Que., a classical course at and Ellen Sheppardof Oldfield Park. Bath; Montreal Coll., 1866; studied engineering at m. Laura Howland Toller of Ottawa; one a, Polytechnic Sch., obtaining diploma of C, Educ: Weston, Somersetshire. Arrived in E., June, 1877. Entered Dept. of Pub. Canada, 18 May, 1887; called to bar of Works, 1877; was asst engr. on Grenville Quebec, July, 1895. Address: 975 Dor- canal Construction; entered Dept. of Rys. chester St. W., Montreal. Clubs: Rideau, and Canals, 1879; apptd. asst. to Suptg. Ottawa; (Harrison. Quebec; Engineers, Mon- engr. of the Ottawa River Canals; acting treal; Engineers, New York. Buptg. engr. of the canals in Prov. of Que.. MARLEB, Waterford Lake; b. Nicolet, 1893, and Superintending Engr., 1894. Is Que., 13 May, 1844; a. George Leonard principal of Polytechnic Sch., ^a branch of Marler, who was born at Chateau de Rame-

, Laval Univ. and affiliated with the Faculty zay, Montreal, and Mary Ann Collins, of of Arts. Admitted a mem. of Can. Soc Woodward; m. Eleanor Leo. Sinnott.' Educ: of Civil Engrs,, 1887. Was for some yrs. McGill Coll., Mqntreal. With the Mer-

. Can. correspondent of "La Revue Litter- chants Bank of Canada for, 38 years; was aire et Politique," of Bordeaux, France, and 84 years Manager as St. Johns, Que., and * "Le Travailleur, ' of Worchester, Mass. Ottawa, Ont.; retired 1906, utider superan- U.S.A. Publications: Many articles which nuation. Recreations: golf, fishing and hunt- have, appeared in "La Revue de Montreal." ii^. Address: 495 King Edward Ave., Address: Hotel, Montreal. Ottawa. Clubs: Rideau, Gplf, Ottawa. CZu&.- Engineers', Montreal, MARQUIS, Thomas Guthrie, B.A.: 6. MARCHAND, Gabriel; Proprietor of Chatham, N.B., 4 July, 1864; a. Of Hugh "Le Carmda Francois;" b. "Beauchamp," and Mary Mclndoe Marquis. Educ: Chat- nr. St. Johns, Que., 29 Jan., 1859; a. of the ham High Sch., and Queen's Univ., Kingr late Hon. F. G. Marchand, Premier of steuTOnt,; EngUsh Master, Coll. Iir^t., Quebec, and Marie HerseUe Turgeon, of - Stratford, i892-1896; Tvingston, 1896-1897; Terfebone; m. 1S91, Rose Ann Chaputytff Principal ^pockville Coll. Inst., 1897 to Montreal; one s. two d. Educ: Montreal 1902; was editor of the Ottawa Free Preis

Coll., St. Hyacinthe Seminary, LaTwtl'tJmv., for a short time. Publicaiiona: "Stories bf , Quebec. Studied law in St. Jottas; called New France," "Life of Earl Roberts, "^V - to the bar, 1885. Founded a Fjfench paper: "Canada's Sons on Kopje and VeljitV- "Le Railiemeni" in Holyoke, S^ass., which "Presidents of United^- States," "^aval he conducted for about twedlCy yrs. Re- Battles of Nineteenth Century," Cfln col- turned to Can. and becairiC sect to his father, loboration with Admiral Higginsba^U.S.N.) then Speaker of the Quebec jLegis. Assem- Address: Brantford, Ont. \, bly; apptd. Prothonotary for dist, of Iber-, MARSH, William Alfred; b. Quebec, 16 ville. Que., 1888; proprietor l^f '"Le Canada April, 1848; s. of Rev. David Maffsh and Francais" since 1897. Elk to Quebec Marion Exchells; m. Annie, d. o^ John L^s. Assembly for^St. Johns^Co. at g. e., Glass of Quebec; five s. four d. 'iMduc: 1908; el. a mem. of the town council, 1908, Quebec High Sch.; Boot and ShoejManu- and apptd. a Sch. Commr. Publications: facturer; Director Quebec BankjfGovernor A comedy in French, Le Timide, produced Jeffery Thorns Hospital; 2nd "Wice.-Pres. at the^Theatre des Nouveautes, Montreal. Quebec Board of Trade. Recreai^ns: curl- Was decorated by the French Govt., with ing, golf. Address: 131 GranlS|p AUee, the Order of Les Palmes Academiques. Quebec. Ciufc; Garrison, Quebec, i

Address: St. John's. Que. Club: St. John's MARSHALL, , David, M.P.; 6. IHalton

Yacht. . Co., 26 Oct., 1846; s. of Alexarider Marshall, MAJEErCIIi, Hon. Charles; Speaker of the and Alicia Locker; m. 1873, Eleanor Reamer H. of C. of C!a.nada; b, Ste. Scholastique, one d. Educ: Public Schs. Elec. ta> H. of Que., 1 July, 1860; «. of the late Charles -C, at bye-elec, 4 Oct.. 1906; re-elec.\^1908.; Marcil, advocate, and Maria Doherty; m. was Manager of the Ayliner Canning Co.;, - 1892, Marie Louise Pearson, of Montreal; for 20 years, one of the first factontjs in two d. Educ.:^ Com. Schs. and Ottawa Canada; Gen. Mgr. of the Canadian Carihers Coll. A journalist; connected with Montreal for three years, and Pres. of the Aylmter

press since 1880. Unsuccessful can. in Condensed Milk Co.; Church of EnglaJid; ^, Gaspe, 1887, for Quebec Leg. Ass.; unsuca^ Conservative. AddreaB: Aylmer, Ont. )' cessful can. for Assm. in. Magdalen Islands, MARSHALL, Duncan McLean; Minister 1897; returned to H. of C. for Bonaventure, of Agriculture and Prov. Secretary for at g. e., 1900; re-el. 1904, 1908. El. Dep. Alberta; 6. Elderslie tp., Bruce Co., Ont., Speaker of the H. of C, 16 Jan., 1905; 24 Sept., 1872; a. of John Marshall and Speaker, 20 Jan., 1909. Recreation: wa-Wang. Margaret McMurchy(both Highland Scotch) Address: House of Commons, Ottawa. m. 1899, Tena Mclsaac, of Charlottetown, MABCILE, Josfeph Edmond, M.P.; b. P.E.L; two a. Educ: Walkerton High Contrecoeur, Que., 22 Oct., 1854; s. of Vital Sch., and Owen Sound Coll. Inst. Spent Marcile, and Elizabeth Jacques; m. (1st) most of first 20 yrs. on farm. Owner and 1880, Malvina Masse (d. 1882); (2nd) 1884, operator of large farm in Olda dist., also Gracia Courville; four a. six d. Educ: prop, of Olds Gazette. Was one of the best Acton Vale, Que. Academy, Que. A mer- known organizers and workers in the Patron chant. Has been Mayor of Acton Vale, of Industry movement in Ont., 1891-1898; 148 WHO'S WHO.

was prop, of Thornbury Standard, Clarks- N.B., 1882. Educ: Univ. of New Bruns- burg Reflector and Bracebridge Gazette, wick, and Balliol Coll., Oxford. First Ont. Removed to Alberta/26 June, 1905; Rhodes scholar from Prov. of N.B. On the and became Mgri of Edmonton Daily completion of his course at Oxford, where he Bulletin. Upsuccesaful can. for H. of C. in gained the Brassey scholarship and Beit Muskoka, at g. e., 1904; el. to Alberta L^. prize, he entered the service of the Dom. Abb. for Olds dist.; at g. e., 1909; sworn in Govt, as asst. editor in the Archives Branch; Minister of Agile, and Prov. Sec, 1 Nov., apptd. to present position, Oct., 1909. 1909; re-el. at bye-el., 23 Nov., 1909. Ad- PublicaticyTis: A volume on_ the Selkirk dress: 0\ds, Alta. settlement; a frequent contributor to the MASSHAI'L, Noel George Lambert; h. press. Recreations: tennis, boating. Ad~ London, Englandr 30 Dec; 1853; «. of dress: University of Manitoba, Winnip^." Kenric R. and Charlotte A. Marshall; m. MABTIN, Miss Clara Brett, B.CTL., Harriette Isabel, d. of John Hog^, J.P. LL.B.; 6. Toronto; d. of the late Abram ' (dec); two s. Educ: Toronto; arnved in Martin, and Elisabeth B. Brett. Educ: Canada, 1856; entered coal trade with Geo. /Privately, and at Trinity Univ^ (Grad. Chaffey Bros., 1870, Remaining in that 1897).' Called to the bar of Ontario, 1897, business ever since; Tres., the Standard and has practised in Toronto since. Has Fuel Co., Ltd.; Pres., the Faramel Co.; been for some yrs. a paem. of the Bd. of Pres,, Dominion Automobile Co.; Vice-Pres., Education. Address: Continental Life Bldg. Imperial Guarantee and Accident Co.; Toronto. Director of the Sterling Bank of Canada; MARTIN, Edward Daniel: 6. Milton, for many years a member Of the Board of Ont., 30 Sept., 1856; ». of Edward Martin Trade of Toronto, and Director of the Can- and Mary Ann Fleming; m. Agnes Jane adian National Exhibition; Warden of St. Perry; two s. six d. Educ: Milton Pub. Matthew's Church, Toronto, JFor over 20 Sch. Graduated in pharmacy at tlie Ont. years. Address: 623 Sherbourne St., Tor- Coll. of Pharmacy, 1876. In business in onto. Clubs: National, Albany, R.C.Y.C., Ottawa, 1877-1890. Was Pres., Liberal Hunt, Toronto. Assn. of Winnipeg in 1898, and was an MABTIN, Alexander Munro, M.P.; b.' unsuccessful candidate for the H. 'of C. in Fergus, Ont., 21 Dec, 1852; ». of John Mar- 1899. Pres. of the Young Men's Christian tin and Jean Munro; m. Margaret Broad- Assn. of Winnipeg tor six yrs. Presdt. of the foot; five s. three d. Educ.; Mount Forest, Manitoba Pharmaceutical Assn. for two yrs. Ont. Removed to Mount Forest with his Was respresentative in City Council for parents, 1856, where he has since resided, two yrs. Mem. of the Council pf the Univ. and has for a number of yrs. conducted a of Manitoba. Mem. of the Council of St. milling and grain business. Served on John's Coll. Pres. of the Martin, Bole & High Sch. Bd. and Town Council for a long Wynne Co., wholesale druggists. Director period. El. to H. of C. for N. Wellington at of the Great West Permanent Loan Co. bye-el., 1907; re-el. at g. e., 1908. Becrea- Pres. of the Winnipeg Board of Trade; dele- tiorC: lawn bowling. Address: Mount Forest, gate to Congress of Chambers of Commerce Ont. of the Empire, Sydney, AustraliL, 1909. MARTIN, Hon. Archer Evans Stringer; Address: 223 Colony St., Winnipeg. Club: Justice of the Court of Appeal for British Manitoba. „ Columbia; b. Hamilton, Ont., 6 May, 1865; MARTIN, Joseph, M.P. for East St. «. «. of Edward Martin, Q.C., D.C.L.; m. Pancras (Brit.); b. Milton, Ont., 24 Sept., 1889, Emily Mary Read, of Toronto; two s. 1852; «. of Edward Martin and Mary Ann Educ: Trinity Coll. Sch., Port Hope, and - Fleming. Educ: Milton Pub. Sch. and Ghent, Belgium. Called to the bar, 1887, Toronto Normal Sch.- Commenced work and has acted on many occasions for Dom. as a telegraph operator; afterwards obtained ' -Govt, in important cases. In 1896, was a first class teacher's certificate, and was apptd. counsel for the Dominion Govern- apptd. Principal of the Pub. Sch., New ment and representative of the Minister of Edinburgh, (Ottawa); afterwards entered Justice in Vancouver Island, and in the upon the study of law in Ottawa, but re- following year, was made a special commis- moved 'to Portage la Prairie, Man., early in sioner to inquire into and to report upon the 1882, and in August pf the same year was affairs of the British Columbia Crown Tim- called to the bar of Man. In January, ber Lands Agency; in 1898, was made a 1883, was elec a mem. of the Manitoba Puifine Judge of the Supreme Court of Legis. and Sat continuously until 1982, British Columbia, and in the following year' when he retired; from Jan., 1888, until May, 1899, a deputy Judge in Admiralty for Brit- 1891, was Attorney-General and Bailway ish Columbia; in 1900, special commissioner Commissioner of the Province; as Attorney- to settle .mining disputes in the Porcupine General, introduced and carried through

district, arising out > of the British-United the School Act of 1890, abolishing Separate States Treaty on the Canada-Alaskan Boun- Schs. in the Province of Man.; was also dary. In 1902, was apptd. Judge in Ad- responsible for the Act doing away with the miralty for British Columbia. Publications: official use of the French language in the A Genealogy of Martin of Ballinahinch Province; argued the question of the con- Castle: The Hudson's Bay Company's Land stitutionality of the School Act of 1890 Tenures; Chart of th€ Judges of .Vancouver before Judge Killam in the first place, before Island and British Columbia and Martin's the full Court of Queen's Bench in^Manitoba Mining Cases, Vols. I and IT. Recreations: and before the Supreme Court of Canadar golf, croquet, gardening. Address: Victoria, also BTipeared with Sir Horace Davey and B.C. Club: Union, Victoria. Mr. D'Alton McCarthy before the .Judicial MABTIN, Chester, M.A.; Prof, of His- Committee of the Privy Council in the same tory in the Univ. of Manitoba; b. St. John, case. For a time he had charge of the 149 .


Provincial Department oi iLaucation under Council of Queen's Univ., bdng the second the new arrangements. In Feb.,' 1891, woman el. to this position. PublicaHoTis: temporarily retired from the Manitoba "Principles and Practice of Reading," the Cabinet to contest Selkirk for the H. of C; authorized text7book on reading foe the was defeated, and shortly afterwards rp- High Schools of Ontario, Address: Col- elec. to the Local Legislature; in Nov., 1893, legiat-e Institute, Ottawa. contested Winnip^ for the Dominion House MASON, Colonel James; Gen. Mgr. and and was elected. During the .general elec- a Dir. of the Home Bank of Canada; 6. tions of 1896, was beaten by Hon. Hugh Toronto (of Irish parentage), 25 Aug., John Macdonald. Went to B.C. in 1897, 1843; m. 1873, Elizabeth, d. of James and was shortly afterwards elec. as one of Cooper. Educ: Toronto Model Sch., of the representatives in the local L^islature which'he was head boy. After leaving sch., for the City of Vancouver; became Attorney entered the service of the Toronto Savings General and afterwards Premier of the Bank, which later became the Home Sav-

Province; gave up the practice of his pro- ings and Loan Co. : nxng. dir. ; five yrs. ago, fession _in Vancouver early in J909, and' Co. evolved into the Home Bank of Can.,

went to live in London ; contested the elec- of which he is gen. mgr. > An ardent military tion for the H. of C. for the constituency of man, serving for three years in the Qiieen's St ratfort-on-Avon, but was defeated; elec. Own Rifles during the Fenian Raid troubles. for East St. Pancras, Jan., 1910. Address: In 1882, was gazetted Captain in the, 10th 89 Upper Tolie Hill Rd., London. Clubs: Royal Grenadiers. During the North-west National Liberal Club, London, Eng.; Van-' Rebellion of 1885, commanded a service couver; Terminal CSty, Vancouver. Company, which was the first Company to MABTIN, Mederic, M.P.; h. St. Eus- cross the Saskatchewan at the Fish Creek tache, Qu&, 22 Jan., 1869; s, of Solomon fight and then volunteered to rush with his Martin and Virgjnie Lafleur; m. 1893, Clar- Company the final position held by the

inda, d. of late F. X. Larochelle. Educ: rebels in the coulee, all previous attempts . Coll. of St. Eustache. Cigar manufacturer. to carry it having failed, but General Mid- An alderman for the City of Montreal. El. dleton refused to sallow the charge. -At to H. of C. for St. Mary's Div., 1906; re-el. Batoche, the seat,, of the rebellion, was." at g. e., 1908. Address: 919 Logan St., severely wounded. Becam6 Lieut.-Colonejk- Montreal. and in command of Regiment, 1893; onem ' MARTIN, Thomas M., R.C.A.; h. Lon- the Canadian officers sent' to the Queen'si don, Eng., 6 Oct., 1838; s. of Ed. H. Martin, Diamond Jubilee in 1897, and second in Treasurer of the Inner Temple until his command. Presented to Queen Victoria, death, for nearly 30 years, and Susannah and received from her an autograph photo- Martin; m. Emma Nichols of Stratford, gravure in the dress worn by her at the Eng.; four s. five d. Educ: Military procession on-the 22nd of June; retired from Academy, Enfield; arrived in Canada, 1862; the command of the Grenadiers in 1899, and charter member of Ontario Society of apptd. to the command of the 4th Infantry Artists; member of R.C.A., 1879; elected Bngade, which he has held ever since, and to the Royal British Colonial Society of from which has just retired with the rank Artists, 1909; painted large Canadian Land- of full Colonel. Commanded a composite scape, now in Windsor Castle; also in Gov- brigade of infantry at the Quebec Tercen- ernment Collection at Ottawa and Toronto. tenary; general servicie medal with clasp and Recreations: camping, fishing, outdoor sket- many others; one of the founders of the ching. Address: 255 Cottingham, St., Tor- Canadian Military Institute, and for two onto. years its Pr^.; an ardent Iniperialist, and MABTIN, William MelviUe, M.L.A.; 6. one of the founders of the Empire Chih, Norwich, Co. Oxford, Ont.j^3Aug., 1877; Address: 43 Queen's Park, .Toronto. Ctu^: 8. of William, and Christian Martin; m. National, Toronto, Sept. 26, 1906, Violette Florence Thomson MASON, Major James Cooper^ D.8.O.;

of Mitchell, Ont.; one a, Educ: Clinton h. Toronto, 1875; c. a. of Col, James _ Coll. Inst., and Toronto Univ. Entered Mason; m. 1904, Jean Florence, d. of late Toronto Univ., 1894; graduate, 1898; taught Alexander MacArthur. Educ: Toronto classics in H^arrison High Sch., 1899-1901; Coll. Inst, Served as Lieutenant' and went west in 1903, and settled in Regina Captain Royal Canadian Regiment, Soiithx. and practised law there ever since; offered Africa, 1899-1900; operations in Orangp- the Liberal nomination for Western Assina- Free Sta,te, including action at Paardeberg; boia, May, 1906, to succeed Hon. Walter (severely wounded); operations in Orange; " Scottj but declined; re-nominated for new River Colony and Western Transvaal; m constituency, and elected 1908.' Address: Transvaal, East of Pretoria (despatches, R^na, Sask. brevet of Major, D.S.O., medal and three MARTY. Miss Aletta Elise, M.A. clasps); a banker. Recreations: chiefly row- (Queen's); h. Mitchell, Perth Co.. Ont.; s. ing, won Junior and Intermediate Cham- Frederick Marty and Magdalena Jose (both pionships, Single Sculls, Canada and the natives of Switzerland). Educ: Mitchell United States (North-Western)^-member of High Sch., Hamilton Coll. Inst., Queen's Argonaut eight, champion crew of United

Univ., Kingston. Taught in the Pub. and States and Canada, 1901 ; one of Argonaut High Schs. of Ont.; has specialized in eight at Henley, 1902. Address: 203 Madi- Modem Languages; in 1902, visited some of son Avenue, Toronto. Clvh: National, the leading secondary schs. in Europe with Toronto. a view to investigating the teaching of MASON, John Herbert; b. Ivy Bridge, modem languages. Is at present head Devon, Eng., 10 July, 1827; a. of Thomas teacher of Modem languages in the Ottawa -and Mary Mason; m. Elizabeth Campbell; Coll. Inst.; in 1905 was el. a mem. of the one s. five d, Educ : London and Plymouth 150 ; WHO'S WHO

.Ens. Arrived in Canada, 1842; founder Graphic, Bystander, CasseU's Magazine, The and for 50 years Manager of the Canada New Magazine, The World and his Wife' Permanent Loan and Savings Co. (now the also malong portraits in pastel, samples of Canada Permanent Mortgage Corporation). which are on exhibition at the Stafford For many years Pres. of the Ontario Land galleries, Bond St. _Recreation: golf. Ad- Mortgage Association; Pres. from its incep- dress: 11a Parkhill Road, Haverstock Hill, tion of the Land Law Amendment Associa- London, N.W. Ciub: Savage,' London. tion, which introduced the Torrens System MATHIESON, John Alexander, K.C., to Canada; three times Pres. of St. George's M.L.A.; b. Harrinsrton, P.E.I.; 19 May, 1863 Society; Pres. of the St. George's Union of s. of Ronald Mathieson and Annie Stewart North America in 1883; Pres. of Bidley m. Ma^y Laird, d. of Hon. David Laird; one Coll., St Catharines; Vioe-Pres. of Havergal s. three d. Sd«c.;"Harrington Gram. Sch. Ladies. Coll.; Commodore and Pres. of the and Prince of Wales Coll.; teacher; barrister Muskoka Lakes Association, 1902, 1905; 1894; M.L.A., 1900, 1904 and 1908; became now Hon. Pre6. Publications: Treaties on leader of the oppoation, 1903; created K.C., Land Transfer Reform. Address: Arme- 1905. Address: Charlottetown.'P.E.I. Idgh; 477 Sherbourne St., Toronto; Chief's MATHIEU, Hon. Michael, D.C.L. (La- Island, Lake Joseph, Muskoka. val); a Puisne Judge of the SuperiorCourt IHATHEBS, Hon. T,G.; Chief Justice of of the Prov. of Quebec for the Dist. of Manitoba; b. Lucknow, Ont., 1859. Settled Montreal; 6. Sorel, Que., 20 Dec, 1838; s. in Manitoba in 1883; edited the Manitoba of Joseph Mathieu and Edwidge Vandal; hiheral at Portage la Prairie same yr.; took m. (1st) 1863, Marie Rose Delina Thirza, up study of law, 1884; called to the bar of (d. 1870), d. of Capt. St. Louis, of Sorel; Manitoba, 1890; in partnership with Hon. (2nd) 1871, Marie Amelie Antoinette, d. of Joseph Martin, 1895-98; alderman of Win- the late Hon. D. M. Armstrong, M.L.C.; nipeg, 1898-99; apptd. Puisne Judge of the two s. two d. Educ: St. Hyaemthe Coll. court of King's beach for Manitoba, 1905; Studied law under George Isidore Barthe. promoted Chief Justice, 7 Feb., 1910. Admitted a Notary Public, 1864; called to ' Address; Winnipeg, Man. the bar, 1865; apptd. Sheriff of Richelieu SIATHESON, Hon. Arthur James, Pro- Dist., 1866; unsuccessful can. for H. of C. at vincial Treasurer of Ont.; b. 8 Dec, 1845; g. e., 1874; returned by accl. to Legis. Ass. s. of late Col. Hon. Roderick Matheson, of Quebec, 1867, of which body he remained Senator, formerly Lieut, and Paymaster, a mem. until 1881, when apptd. a Puisne Glengarry Light Infantry, during War of Judge of the Superior (S;. of the Prov. of 1812, and Anna, d. of Bev. James Russell, Quebec; «r. a Q.C., 1880; apptd. Dean of the ininister of Gairloch, Scotland. Educ: Up. Faculty of Law, Laval Umv., 1898. Pub- Canada Coll.; Trinity Univ., Toronto (M. lications: La Revue Legale, and several A.) Barrister-at-law, 1870; Lieut.-Col. vols. » of annotated reports. Address: 13 42nd Regt. (V-M.), 1886-98; Lieut.-Col. "The Marlborough," Montreal. Reserve of Officers, 1898; Brigadier Com- MATHIEtJ, Mgr. Olivier Elzear, D.D., mdg. Brigade (V.M.), 1900; elected to C.M.G.; Professor and Superior of Quebec Ontario Legislature, 1894, 1898, 1902, 1905, Seminary; b. Quebec, 24 Dec, 1835; s. of 1908. Treasurer in the Wwtney Min., Joseph Mathieir and Marguerite Latouche. 1905. Address: Perth, Ont.; Toronto, Ont. Educ: Quebec Seminary. Grad. a Doctor Clubs: Toronto; Albany, Toronto. of Theology, Laval Univ., 1878. Ordained MATHESON, Most Bev. Samuel Frlt- a priest by Cardinal Taschereau 2 .Tune, chard, D. D.; Archbishop of Rupert's 1878, and apptd. Prof, of Philosophy at Land and Primate of all Canada; b. Mani- Laval Univ. Received dees, of Doctor of toba, 20 Sept., 1852; s. of John Matheson Philosophy and Doctor of the Academy of and Catherine Pritchard; m. (1st) 1879, Saint Thomas at Univ., Rome, Italy, 1882; Seraphine Marie Fortin (d. 1893); two s. returned to Quebec 1883, and continued to three d.; (2nd) 1906, Alice E. Talbot; two act in Chair of Philosophy of Laval Univ.; d. Educ: St. John's Coll. Sch., St. John's took M.A., 1889; Prof, of Laval Univ. and Coll., Winnipeg (B.D., 1882). Ordained Superior of the Seminary, Que., 1899. Deacon, 1875; Priest, 1876; Master, St. Nominated Apostolic Prothonotary by His John's Coll. Sch.; Prof, of Exegetical Holiness Pope Leo XIII, 1902; marie CM. Theology, St. John's Coll.; Canon of St. G. on visit of Their Royal Highness the John's Cathedral; Dean of St. John's Cath- Duke and Duchess of York to Can., 1901; edral; Dep. Warden and subsequently cr. a Kt. of the Legion of Honor by the Warden and Chancellor of St. John's Coll.; Pres. of the French Republic. ^Iddress.- Dep. Headmaster, then Headmaster, St. The Seminary, Quebec. John's Coll. Sch. Sec. of Prov. Synod of MATHISON, Bobert, M.A.; b. Kingston, Rupert's Land; Prolocutor of same. Grand Ont., 9 Jan., 1843; s. of George Mathison, Master of Grand Lodge of Manitoba, A.F. of Berwick, Scot., and Ann Miller, of Lon- and A.M. Prolocutor of General Synod of donderry, Ire.; m. Isabella Christie, of Canada, 1902; Primate of all Canada, 1909. -Hamilton, Ont.; two s. two d. Educ: Publications: official addresses. Becrealions: Brantford, Ont. Reporter on the staff of grouse shooting, horseback riding. Address: the Hamilton Times, and subsequently .^.rchbishop's Palace, Winnipeg. editor and part prop, of the Brantford MATHEWS, Bichard G.; b. Montreal, Expositor, a relation that was relinquished 16 July, 1870; s. of Richd. Mathews and upon being apptd. Bursar of the Asylum for Sarah Ahem; unmarried. Educ: Montreal the Insane at London, Feb., 1872. In 1878, Public Schs. For 14 years artist of the became Manager of Industries and Bursar Montreal Star, also illustrator of books and of Central Prison, Tronto, which position magazine articles. Removed to London, he held until 1879, when he was apptd. Eng., 1908, and at present drawing for the Superintendent and Principal of the In- 151 ; MATTHEWS WHO'S WHO.

sttititlon for the Deaf and Dumb,' at Belle- Charity, 1892; report on Labour Colonies in ville, which he held up to the time of lus Gemiany, etc., to H.M. Board of Trade,' appointment to the Supreme Secretaryship Parliameiitary Paper, 1893; English Rsul- of the Independent Order of Foreaters in way Rate Question, 1894; edited Handbook October, 1906. Gave much attention to of Can., 1897; Notes on Art, 1898; Report the education of the Deaf and Dumb, and on Inomigration into Can., from Europe (to his services and merits in that direction Canadian Government), 1900; report on were recognized by the National ^Gallaudet) Workmen's Compensation Acts (to Provin- College for the Higher Education of the cial Government of Ont.), 1900; Papers on Deaf at Washington, D.C., of which the Municipal Affairs, 1904; report to H.M. President of the United States is Patron Board of Trade on the North-West of Can.; and Honorary President, which among Parliamentary Paper, 1905; Taxation, of other honors conferred upon him the d^ree Corporations in Can.; Rly. Transportation of M.A, A graduate student of Prof. in America, 1909. Recreations: chess. Ad- Alexander Melville Bell (father of Dr. dress: 8 University Crescent, Toronto. Bell, of telephone fame) author of "Visible Cluba: Toronto; City, New York; Savile, Speech;" was Vice-Pres. of the Association London, Eng. of American Instructors of the Deaf, a MAXWELL, Hon. Robert, M.L.A.; 6. body composed of Superintendents, Prin- Fredericton, N.B., 17 June, 1858; a. bf John cipals and Teachers, about 800 in a]>l—in the and Eliza Maxwell; m. 1878, Pamilea T'. Institutions of Canada and the United McConnell, of St. John, N.B. Educ: Fredr States. Recreations: bowling, travel. Ad- ericton Gram. Sch. A coirtractor and dreasea: Temple^ldg., Toronto, and Belle- builder. Was an alderman for the city of ville, Ont. Ciwb:- Royal Canadian Yacht, St. John for seven yrs., dep. mayor for one

Toronto. , yr.; warden of the mun. of the city and Co. MATTHEWS, George; Pres. The George of St. John, for one yr. Mem. of the St. Matthews Co., Lj^d.; h. Birmingham, Eng., John Bd. of Sch. Trustees for 12 yrs.; first IS Sept., •1834; a. of Ezra Matthews and el. to L^is. at bye-el., 1904; re-el. at g. e., Frances Litchfield Matthews; m. 1859, Ann 1908. Selected as Min., without portfolio Smithson; six «. four d. Educ: Birming- upon the formation of the Hazen Cabinet, ham High Sch. Came to Canada, 1851. and was sworn in with the other ministers, Farmed in Peterborough County until 1860, 24 Mar., and el. Pres. of the Ex. Coun. when removed to Lindsay, and founded the Addreas: St. John, N.B. pork packing business, now "The George MAT, George Samuel; 6. Montreal, 18 Matthews Co., Ltd," with establishments at Jan., 1858; a. of George May and Elizabeth Hull, Peterborough and Brantford. Has N. Cobb; m. Mattie Elizabeth Taylor; two a, always taken deep interest in Baptist de^ Educ: Pub. Schs. and Coll. Inst., Ottawa; nominational Address: Lindsay, work. member of the P*ub. Sch. Board for 16 yrs.; Ont. was chairman for two years; represented MATTHEWS, Wilmot D.; h. Burford, Ottawa in the Ontario Legislature for four Brant Co., Ont., 22 June, a. of Wheeler 1850; years. ' Addreaa: 306 Frank St., Ottawa. D. and Maria Matthews; m. to Annie J, Clubs: National, Tordnto; Laurentian, Hunt Love; two a. two d, Sdwc ; Model School Ottawa. commenced business, 1873; Pres. Toronto MATNARD, Hormidas, M.P.; 6.- St. of Trade, Director, Can. Pac. Board 1887; Leon, Que., 5 Aug., 1858; m. Marie Anna Vice-Pres., Ry.; Dominion Bank. Recfea- Milot, 31 Jan., 1883. Educ: in the '^a.nah tiona: golf, fishing, Addreas: 89 St. George Model School; has been Mayor of the parish St.. Toronto. Cluba: Toronto, Golf, Hunt, of St. Leon and Warden of the County; Toronto; Mount Royal, Montreal; Manitoba first elected to the H. of C, 3 March, 1903. Winnipeg. re-elected 1904 and 1908. Liberal. Ad- Love; h. Toronto," MATTHEWS, Wilmot dress: St. Leon, Que. Ont., 29 Jan., 1879; s. of Wilmot I>. and Annie D. Matthews; m. Annabel Margaret MCALLISTER, D. H., B.A., M.D., M.P.; Osier; one «. one d. Educ: Bishop Ridley b. Belleisle, N.B., 18 Jan., 1872; a. of Walter Coll. and R, M. C, Kingston, Ont.; Vice and Margaret McAllister; m. 12 Jan., 1898, Pres., Canada Casting Co.; Director, Cana- Isabel Reid. Educ: Sussex High Sch., dian Portland Cement Co. Recreaiiona: Pictou Academy, Dalhousie and McGill' tennis, golf. Adrfreaa; Toronto, and Beach- Univ. Alderman of Sussex, 1902-6; un- croft. Cluba: Toronto, Toronto Hunt, successful candidate for Prov. Legislattire, Golf, Toronto; Manitoba, Winnipeg, Man. 1908; elected to the H. of C, 1908; Presby- MAYOR, Prof. James ^. Stranraer, Scot., terian; Liberal. Address: Sussex, N.B. . 8 Dec, 1854; s. of late Rev. James Mavor.M. McBRIDE, Hon. Richard, K.C., LL.B., Am and Mary Ann Taylor Bridie; mi Chris- M.L.A., Premier of the Province of pritish tina, d of P. B. Wa.tt, London, 1883; two a. Columbia; b. New Westminster, B^C, 15 one d. Educ: High Sch. and Univ. of Dec, 1870; a. of Arthur Hill and Mary Glasgow. Assis . editor of Industries, edit. D'Arcy McBride; m. Margaret McGillivray; Scottish Art Review; Univ. . Extension five d. Educ: Public and High Schs., New Lecturer in Political Economy; Prof, of Westminster, B.C.; elec. to the B.C. L^is- Political Economy, St. Mungo's Coll., Glas- lature for the riding of Dewdney, 1898; in gow, 1888j Professor of Political Eeoonomy 1900-1901, Minister of Mines in Dunsmuir in the Univ. of Toronto since 1892. Pub- Cabinet; Leader of Opposition, in 1902; lications: Wages Theories and Statistics, Premier of British Columbia, since June, 1888; Economic Theory, and History 1903; his railway ijolicy received the over- Tables and Diagrams, 1890; Scottish Rail- whelming endorsation of the electors of the way Strike, 1891; Currency Reform, 1891; Province,! Dec, 1909. Addreaa: Victoria, Economic Study, and Public and Private B.C. 152 ,


McCALX, Alexander, M.P.; 6.,Charlotte- Architects; mem. of the American Inst, of ville, 21 Oct., 1841; «. of David and Harriet Architects. El. sec. of the Canadian Club McCoU, Scotch; m. 3 Oct., 1872, Sarah Mc- of Boston, 1909. Recreation: farming. , Ad- Jnnis; one s. and three d. Mayor of Sim- dressee: 211 Pleasant St., Arlington, Mass.: coe, 1893-94; first el. to H. of C, 1908; Lakelands, Hants Mt. Uniacke, N.S. (sum- Church of England; Conservative^ Addreta mer); 649 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, Simcoe, Ont. Mass. (bus.) MceABT, William John, M.L.A.; b. McClELAN, Hon. Abner Beld, D.C.L., Port Henry, N.Y., 7 Aug., 1872; «. of John .LL.D.; b. Hopewell, N.B., 1831; y. s. McCart and Flora Stark; m. Wilmina Steel', of late Peter McClelan, a Justice of the ' three «. one d. Educ: Berwick, Ont., and Court of Common Pleas; o. a. of Peter Mc- Brockville Business Coll. ; arrived in Canada Clelan, who,^~with Miss Wilson, whom he 1883; elec. to Council of Glengarry and subsequently married, came to N.S. from Stormont, 1900; elec, member of Ont. Legis- Londonderry, Ireland; m. B., d. of Anna ' lature, 1902; defeated in 1905; re-elec. in late W. J. Reid, Collector of Customs at 1908; engaged in mercantile business. Ad- port of Harvey. Educ: Mount Allison, drees: Avonmore, Ont. Sackville; Univ. of New Brunswick. HcCABTHT, Most Bev. Edward J.; Elected to Provincial Parliament of N.B.,

Archbishop of Halifax; 6. Halifax, N.S., 25 1854, and each subsequent election _ till Jan., 1850; t. of Patrick McCarthy and 1867, when he resigned seat and portfolio of Margaret McCarthy. Educ: Halifax and Chief of Public Works in the Government Montreal. Ordained priest, 9 Sept., 1874; to enter Senate of Canada. Lieut.-Gov. of consecrated Archbishop'of Halifax, 9 Sept., New Brunswick, .1896-1902; a governor of 1906. Address: Dresden Row, Halifax. Mt. Allison Acad. Address: Riverside, McCABTHT, Lelghton Goldle, K.C.; b. Albert County, N.B. C!m6: Union, St. John. Walkprton, Ont., 15 Dec, 1869; a. of John McCLUNG, Mrs. NelUe Letitla MooneyS Lei^h Goldie McCarthy and Francis Olivia b. Chatsworth, Ont., 20 Oct., 1873; d. of Irwin; m. Muriel Drummond Campbell. John Mooney and Letitia MoCurdy of Educ: Barrie Coll. Inst. A barrister. Was Dundee, Scotland; m. 25 Aug., 1896, Rob- pres. of the Osgoode Legal and Literary ert Wesley McClung, Manitou, Man.; three Soc. El. to H. of C, at bye-elec. 1898; a. one d. Educ: Northfields Sch., Man,, re-el. at g. e., 1900, 1904; retired 1908. and Collegiate Inst., Winnipeg; wrote short Address: 45 Walmer Rd., Toronto. Clubs: stories for newspapers; editorials for Sunday National, Ontario, Toronto; Rideau, Ot- School periodicals; taught school for five tawa. years previous to her marriage. Publica- McCABTHT His Hon. Maitland; Coun- tions: "Sowing Seeds in Danny," published ty Judge of Dufferin Co., Ont.; b. Oakley in Canada, U.S. and England. Address: Park, Djiblin, Irel., 5 May, 1838; s. D'Alton Manitou, Man. & Zena McCarthy; m. Jennie F. Stewart; McCOIG, Archibald Blake, M.P.; b. Til- three «. Educ: Barrie Gram. Sch. Came burj; East, Kent Co., 8 April, 1874; a. of to Can. with parents in 1846; commenced David McCoig and Christie Martin, both practice of law, March, 1861; Reeve & Scotch; m. 25 Jan., 1898, Addie M. Dem-

Mayor of Orangeville for some years. arse, Chatham, Ont. ; one a. Educ. : Tilbury Apptd. Judge, 5 Feb., 1881. Address: East, and Chatham Sch.; was alderman, Orangeville, Ont. Chatham, 1900-4; elected to Ont. Legis- McCABTHT, Maitland Stewart, B.A., lature, 1905; first el. to H. of C, 1908; M.P.; 6. Orangeville, Ont., 5 Feb., 1872; Presbyterian; Liberal. Address: Chatham, 8. of His Hon. Judge McCarthy, and Jennie Ont. Frances Stewart (both Irish) ; m. 1900, Eva McCOLL, John B., M.P.; b. Tp. Murray. Florence, d, of late James Watson, of Hamil- Co. Northumberland, Ont., 26 Jan., 1861; ton, Ont.; two a. one d. Educ: Trinity a. of John H. McCoU, and Martha McColl; Coll. Sch., Port Hope, and Trinity Univ., unmarried. Educ: Pub. Sch., Tp. Murray, - Toronto. Called to bar of Ontario, 1897. and High Sch., Trenton, Ont.; member of Went West in 1903, and settled in Calgary, Town Council, Cobourg, one year; Deputy Alta., in Sept. of that yr. El. at g. e., 1904 Reeve, one year; commissioner of town trust to H. of C. for Calgary; re-el. at g. e., 1908. one year; Secretary, Separate Sch. Board, A mem. of the corporation of Trinity Coll. six years; unsuccessful candidate for Nor- Sch. and of the Western Canada Coll., thumberland W., 1896; elefcted to H. of C, Calgary; chn. of the Amateur Ath. Assn. 1900; re-el. 1904 and 1908; Catholic; Lib- for Alberta. Was offered the Cons, leader- eral. Addrcas.'Cobourg, Ont. ship in Alberta, March, 1909, but declined. McCONNELL, John Bradford, M.D., Recreations: all outdoor sports. Church of CM., D.C.L.; b. Chatham, Argenteuil Co., England; Conservative. Address: Calgary, 28 Aug., 1851; m. 1895, Theodora Lovell, d. Alta. Clubs: Ranchmen's, Calgary; Rideau, of Robert Miller; ,two «. four d. Educ: Ottawa. McGill Univ. (M.D., 1873), Univ. of Bis- McCLABE, Charles Herbert^ architect; hop's Coll. (D.C.L., 1905). Apptd. to choir 6. Sackville, N.S., 15 Feb,, 1861; s. of Josiah of Botany in Faculty of Medicine, Univ. of McClare, and Annie S. McKay; m. Ella Ger- Bishop's Coll.; Chairs of Materia Medica, trude Johnstone, of Halifax, N.S.; one s. Histology, Pathology, and Principles and three d. Educ: Nova Scotia Pub. Schs., Practice of Medicine; for many yrs. Vice- Lawrence Scientific Sch., Harvard Univ., Dean of the Faculty; now senior physician Cambridge,- Mass. Removed to Massachu- Montreal Western Hospital, and for many setts, 1884. Has been a practising arciiitect yrs. has been Medical Examiner for the. since 1888, having erected many public and Aetna Life Ins. Co. and Mutual Life Ins.- private buildings from South Carolina to Co. of Can. Was Lieut, in the 11th Batt., Nova Scotia; Fellow o} the Boston Soc. of "Argenteuil Rangers," and Surgeon to 153 MCCONNELL V WHO'S WHO

Prince of Wales Fusiliers, Montreal for Jerusha Blakeney; m. (1st) Alice M. Freeze ^ght yrs. Address: 234 Bishop St., Montreal. (dec 1883); (2nd) Louise, d. of Rev. Dr. McCONNELL, Blchard Georee, B.A.; James Bennett* St. John; two s. three d. Geolf^st; &. Chatham, Que., 26 March, Educ: Superior Sch., Penobsquis, and Ot- 1857; 8. of Andrew McGonnell, and Martha tawa Business Coll.; early -life spent on Bradford; m. Jeannie T. Bdtterell; one 8. farm; entered newspaper work, 1867; un- one d, Educ: Wanless Aca^demy and Me- successful candidate for H. of C, 1874; Gill Univ. For many years on staff of Geolo- Clerkship, H; of C, 1867-1872; Prea., Press gical Survey^principally employed in ex- Gallery, Dominion Parliament, 1882; served ploring the Western and Northern parts of two terms as Councillor for Cardwell in Canada, and reporting on their resources; Municipal Council of Kings Co., N.B.; was ' Pvhlications: reports. Recreaiioi^: golf, official assignee for Kings Co., under Insol- curling. Address: Edgehill, Rockcliffe, Ot- vent Act., 1876-9; member of, Senate of tawa. Clubs: Bideau and Golf, Ottawa. - Univ. of N.B., 1886-1893; editor Mondton McCOBKILL, John Charles, B.C.L.; Transcript, 1882-3; St. John Telegraph, Major, RX., Canadian Militia; h. Famham, 1883-1893, and Charlottetown Guardian, Que., 31 Aug., 1854; s. Robert McCorldll 1896 to date; Ottawa Correspondent, Tor- and Margaret Meighen; m. Apphia Mary. onto Globe, 1881-1882. Address: Charlotte- y.'d. of Hon* E. Leonard, of London, Ont. town, P.E.I; Educ: McGill Model, and Normal Sch., and lUcCUBDY. John Alexander Douglas, McGill Univ. Taught as assistant to Prin- M.E.; h. Baddeck, N.S., 2 Aug., 1886; «. cipal, and as Principal under Protestant of Arthur W. McCurdy and Lucy Obrine. Sch. Commissioners, Montreal; admitted to Educ: Baddeck Academy and Toronto bar, Jan., 1878; practiced in Montreal and Univ.; a student of aviation; Inventor of district of Bedford; unsuccessfully contested the "Silver Dart," and "Baddeck ^o. 2," Xo. of Missisquoi as a Liberal in Provincial both of which made several successful, General Elec. 1886; elec. in 1888, and 1897; ffights in 1909. Address: BaddeUk, N.S. ^ apptd. to Legislative Council for Bedford McCUBBT, His Hon. Patrick; Judge District, in 1898; resigned 1903, to accept of the dist. of Parry Sound; b. Belfast, Irel., office in tte Government of the Province 1838; m. 1864, Emily, d. of Hon. M. H. 'as Treasurer, and to contest the vacant sea^ Foley, of Guelph, Ont.; two s. three d. of Brome; was elec. and re-elec.by acclam,, Educ: St. Michael's Coll., Toronto. Ar- 1904; resigned in 1906; apptd. Puisne rived Canada at an early age. Estbd. a Judge of Superior Court of Que., in the law practice in Guelph, 1861, and apptd. District and City of Quebec. In the session of Stipendiary Magistrate. Ju

boro Tp., York Co., 27 May, 1853; a. of Matilda {deceased) , d. of David Jones, " James W. McCowan and Martha Weir of Registrar of the Co. of Leeds; one d. Called Lancashire, England; m. (1st) Georgianna to the bar, 1863; elec. to the Legislative Ashbridge; (2nd) Mary Marshall; one s. Assembly for Ont., March, 1871, for South one d. Educ: No. 8 Sch., Scarboro Tp. Leeds; apptd. Junior Judge of the Co. Court Twenty-five years Secretary-Treas. of Scar- in Oct., 1873, and Senior Judge, 1878. boro Agric. Society; was four years Town- Adrfreas; Woodlawn, Brockville, Ont. ship Councillor; Secy.-Treas., Toronto Milk McDOXAJLD, Hon. James, K.C., P.C.: Producers' Assn. for eight years; elec. to formerly Chief Justice of the Supreme Ct. of Ont. Legis., 1905 and re-el, 1908 for East Nova Scotia; Pres. Judge of the Vice Ad- York, bein^ the first Conservative elected miralty Ct.; b. East River, Pictou Co.,.N.S,, to the Legislature from that riding. Re- 1 July, 1828; m. 1856, Jane, d. of-late Wil' creations: bowling and curling. Address: liam Mortimer. Educ : New Glasgow. 20 Lyall Ave., Torontd, Ont,. Called to bar of N.S., 1851; cr. Q.C., 1867, KcCBANET, George Ewan, B. A., LL.B. Mem. of N.S. Leg. As6., 1859-67; Chief Ry. M.P.; b. Bothwell, Ont., 23 July, 1868; a. Commr. for N.S., 1863-64; Financial Sec. m of the late Daniel McCraney; m. 1906, Tupper Govt. First el. to H. of C, 1872;

Elizabeth, d. of the ' late David Cowan, apptd. Min, of Justice in 2nd-Macdonald Toronto. Educ: Up. Can. Coll. and Tor- Min., Oct., 1878; Chief Justice of N.S., 1881; onto Univ.; called to the Ontario bar in resigned^ 1904, but retained Vice Admiralty 1895; practiced at Milton, Ont., and re- Jud&eship. Address: 327 Quinpool Road, moved to Saak., 1902; elected to the H. of Halifax, N.S. Cluh: HalifMC. C. at bye-election, 6 Feb., 1906; re-elec, McDONAJLD, Hon. "WllUam; Senator; 1908; Liberal; Fresbjiierian. Address; h. Inverness Co., N.S., 1837; a. of Allan Rosthem, Sask, and Mary McDonald of Invernessshire, McCBEADY, John Elias Blakeney; jour- Scot.; m. Catherine Macdonald; three s. nalist; 6. Penobaquis (near Sussex), N.B., 4 three d. Educ: St. Francois Xavier Coll., April, 1839; «. of Charles McCready and Antigonish, N.S.; school teacher for six 154 ; ;


years; in commercial business for 14 years, later was apptd. Bishop of London; Arch- and public life, 37 years; has held several bishop of. Toronto, 1908. Address: 510 Municipal, Provincial and Federal offices; Sherboume St.,, Toronto. elec. to the H. of C. for Cape Breton, 1872, McEVOT, Bernard; journalist and au- 1874, 1878, and 1882; was for several years thor; b. Birmingham, Eng., 7 Feb., 1842; Chairman of the Committee on Immigra- 8. .of Henry McEvoy, Birmingham manu- tion and Colomzation; called to the Senate. faiturer, and Naomi McEvoy, d. of T. 1884. Address: Glace Bay, C.B. Clubs: Lindley Greaves; m. Susan Isabelle, d. of R.C.B.Y.C., Sydney, C.B. W. J. Halmden, Plymouth, Eng.; seven s. McDOUGALDy John; Comzuissioner of Educ: Birmin^hajn, Eng. Trained, as Customs; b. Blue Mountain, Pictou Co., mechanical engineer, but gravitated to N.S., 13 March, 1848; s, of Dougald Mc- newspaper work; editorial position on

, Dougald, and Elizabeth Fraser; m. to Mar- Toronto Mail and Empire, ten years; pub- - garet.Jane McLeod of Westville, N.S.; two lishers* literary manager, about four years s. Educ: Grain. Sch., New Glasgow, N.S.; for the last three years on the staff of the merchant; Justice of the Peace and Co. Vancouver Daily Province; in 1899, went to Councillor for Pictou Co.; mem. of Par- the United States to make a report on liament for Pictou from 1881 to 1896; apptd institutions of technical education for the Commr. of Customs, 1 May, 1896. AddTcss: Ontario Government; in England, 1905-6; 149 Daly Av., Ottawa, Ont. correspondent of various * Canadian MctlACHBAN, Duncan McNab, LL.D., newspapers. Publications: Away from p.V.S,, F.R.C.V.S., Hon. Veterinary ad- Newspaperdom and other poems, 1898; viser to the Goveriiment of Canada; h. From the Great Lakes to the Wide West, " Campbelltown, Argyleshire, Oct. 1841; o. s. 1902. RecrefUions: landscape painting.

, . of David McEachran and Jean Blackney; Address: 12th Ave., W., Vancouver, B.C. ; m. 1868, Esther, 3rd d. of T. Plaskett of St. McEVOT, James, B.A.Sc. (McGiU); b. Croix, West Indies; 'Sne d. Edub.: Edin- Carleton Co., Ont., 7 Feb., 1862; a. of James burgh. Lectured for two yra., 1862-3, at McEvoy, and Margaret Macnamara (both Toronto on Veterinary Science, under the of Ireland); m. Florence A. Ray, of Ottawa; auspices of the Board of Agriculture ,of one d. Educ: Ottawa Coll., McGill Univ, Ontario; removed to -Montreal, where he (grad. 1883). Joined Geological Survey inaugurated the Montreal Veterinary Col- staff in 1885; served eight yrs. as asst. to lege m connection with the Medical College the late Dr. George M. Dawson; afterward of McGill Univ., 1866, which, 1890, became did geological explorations till 1901, when the Faculty of Comparative Medicine and became geologist for the Crow's Nest Pass Veterinary Science, of which he became Coal Co., Ltd.; remained with Co. for seven Dean, and held that position till his retire- yrs. as geologist, land commr., and chief ment, 1903; organised the Cattle Quarantine engr.; became certificated colliery mgr. for System of Canada, which he has conducted B.C. and Alberta, 1902; became British so successfully that contagious diseases of Columbia land surveyor (B.C.L.S.,) 1904; animals are practically unknown in Canada, for the last two seasons has been examining, 1876; after twenty-six years he resigned testing, and reporting on coal properties in the active duties of the position and became Alberta for the German Development Co., Hon. Veterinary Adviser to the Govern- Ltd., and other work as consulting mining ment; has repeatedly represented Canada engr. Mem. Canadian Mining Inst. Puh- at scientific congresses, at Baden Baden, at licaiions: Report on Yellow Head Pass London (Tuberculosis Congress, 1901), and Route, and other reports of Geological in all international discussions and agree- Survey of Canada. Recreation: curling. ments bearing on animal diseases; President Addresses: 611 Jarvis St.; 26 Manning Ar- of the New Walrond Cattle Ranch in the cade, King St., Toronto (bus.). Clubr Rocky Mountain r^on of Canada. Retired Canadian Alpine. from prof, work in 1909, to his model stock McFSE, Alexander; grain merchant; b. farm at Onnstown, where he imports and St. Chrysostome, Que.; a. Col. McFee, and " breeds Clydesdales. Publications: Hand- '* Catherine McNaughton, Educ: Beau- book on the Diseases of Horses, 1866; harnois. Que., pub. schs., Coll. of St.

Notes of a Trip to Bow River, 1881 ; notes Timothee; Commercial Coll., Montreal. In of a visit to the Scientific Institutions of business with his father, a gen. merchant France, Germany, and Denmark, 1898; at Beauhamois. Removed to Montreal, numerous scientific bulletins on Contagious 1872, and estb. a grain business. Was Diseases for the information of agriculturists pres., Montreal Bd. of Trade, and was and stock-breeders, issued by the Govern- present at coronation of King Edward VII, ment. RecreeUions : two or three months and opening new bldg. of Chamber of Com- annually in the Rocky Mountains. Ad- merce, New York, in 1902. Was pres. dress: Ormsby Grange, Onnstown, Que.; Com Exchange Assn. for two yrs. and 142 Notre Dame St., Montreal. Clubs: St. representative of that assn. on Bd. of Jaxfles, Forest and Stream, Montreal Hunt Harbor Commrs. for four yrs. Pres., Manitoba, Winnipeg. Montreal Technical Inst.; mem. St. And- McEVAT, Most Bev. Fergus Patrick: rew's Soc, and Caledonian Soc.'of Montreal, Archbishop of Toronto; b. Lindsay, Ont., 8 Recreaiions: curling, golf. Address: 169 Dec, 1852; s. of Michael McEvay, and Stanley St., Montreal. Clubs: Canada, Mary Lehane Educ: St. Michael's Coll., Thistle Curling, Outremont Golf, Mon- Toronto; Grand Seminary^ Montreal. Or- dained priest, 1882, with charge at Fenelon mcGIBBOX, Douglas Lome; Pres. Can- Falls; later Rector of St. Peter's Cathedral, adian Consolidated Rubber Co.,,Ltd.; Vice- Peterboroi^h; Rector and Vicar General of Pres. and Man. Dir., The Canadian Rubber Hamilton, 1889; admin, of diocese 1894-5; Co. of Montreal, Ltd.; Pres., LaRose Mining . WHO'S WHO.

Co;; 6. Montreal, 24 Nov., 1870; a. of the advocate for various commercial corpora- late Major Alexander A. McGibbon and tions; Pres. Political -Econ. Clubj Montreal, Harriet Davidson; m. 1897, Ethelwyn Wal- 1908-9. PublictUions^: Federation of the dock, of Woodstock, Ont. Educ: Mon- Empire, Address as President of University treal High Sch. Entered fire ins. business Literary Society, 1884; Economic Study, at age of thirteen; removed to U.S. three Commercial Union with the United States, yrs. later and engaged in the coal business; with a word on Imperial Reciprocity, 1886; returned to Can 1893, and settled in A Federal Parliament of the British People, .Medicine Hat, N.W.T.; organized the Medi- 1890; article on Imperial Reciprocity in cine Hat Trading Co., 1895, becoming its Canadian Encyclopaedia; articles in The first man. dir. Ayptd. Purchasing Agent Commonwealth, Ottawa, 1900-1; A Reven- of the Laxurentide Pulp and Paper Co., of ue Tariff within the Empire, 1905. Address: Grande Mere, Que., 1897, promoted gen, Standard Building, 157 St. James St., Mon- man., 1898. Apptd. gen. man., The Can- treal. adian Rubber Co., of Montreal, Ltd., 1902; McGBEGOB, Hon. James Drummond; mem. Montreal Bd. of Trade; Vice-Pres., senator; 6. New Glasgow, N.S., 1 Sept', Canadian Manufacturers' Assn.,' and (fir. 1838; a. of Roderick McGregor and Jajaet in many Go's.; mem. Caledonian Soc; life Chisholm; g. a. of Rev. James McGregor, mem., St. Andrew*s Soc; mem. M.A.A.A. D.D., who came to Pictou in 1786, and was Address: 20 Ontario Ave., Montreal. Clubs: the pioneer minister of Eastern N.S.; m. St. James, Canada. Royal Montreal Golf, (1st) 1867, Elizabeth McColl, Guysboro,

. Racquet, Back River Polo, Montreal. (dec. 1891); (2nd) 1894, Roberta Ridley, SIcGILL, Anthony, B.A., B.Sc. (Tor- Peterboro, Ont. A mprchant and ship-owner; > bronto), F.R.S.C, Chief Analyst, Dept. of twice elec to N.S. legislature and once '• Inland Revenue, Ottawa; b, Rothesay, defeated;^ unsuccessful candidate for H. of Buteshire, Scot., 18 April, 1847; a. of Rev. C, 1900; was twice Mayor of New Glasgow; A. McGill, M.A., and Catherine Ross; m. is a director of the-Nova Scotia Steel and^ Mary Jane, d. of Capt. Stephen Davidson, Coal Co., Ltd.; apptd. to the Senate, 24 and g, d. of Rev. J. Davidson, Rector, April, 1903; Presbjrterian; Liberal. Ad- Barnard Castle; one «. three d. Came to dress: New Glasgow, N.S; Canada, 1860, and educ. at Hamilton Gram. McGUIGAN, F. H.; Pres. of the F. H. Sch., Sch., University Toronto Normal and McGuigan Construction Co,, Toronto; 6t Coll. 1866-1870; Taught in pub. schs., Cleveland, O., 1850. Entered Ry, service, fellow at and tutor in chemistry Univ. 1863 as water boy Erie & Pittsburg div. ColK, Toronto, 1876-1878; Coll. Inst., Pennsylvania Rd., since which he has held Analyst, Dept. Ottawa, 1882-1886; Asst. consecutively to 1874, various minor posi- of Inland 1886-1907; Revenue, Ottawa, tions same rd.; roadmaster same rd., 1874- 1907, Puhlicaiions: Chief Analyst, 27 July, 80; foreman construction train St. Louis & Contributions Royal and to Proceedings, Omaha div, Wabash Rd., 1880; division * other Journal Soc. Chem, Societies; Paper in roadmaster same rd., 1880-65; ^en^ road- Recreations: photography. chess, music, master lines west of Mississippi River, 1885- Address: Ottawa. 352 Maclaren St., 88; supt. Western div. same rd. at Kansas, McGIVERN, Harold Buchanan, M.P., Mo., 1888-95; gen. supt., G.T. Ry., 1896-02; Barrister-at-Law; 6. Hamilton, Ont., 4 manager, 1902-05; fourth vice-pres., 1906- ' Aug., a. McGivern, 1870; of Lieut.-Col. Wm. 08; organized the F, H. McGuigan Con- ex-M.P., Counsell; m. Alice and Emma struction Co., and has contract for building Maude, d. of H. Mackintosh; one a. Hon. C. lines in Western Ontario for Prov. Hydro- Educ: Upper Canada Coll., and Osgoode Electric Com.n. Address: Continental Life Ha)l;,el. to H. of C. for Ottawa, at g. e., Bldg;, Toronto, - 1908; Recreations: nearly all sports, espec- ially cricket and football. Address: 361 McGUIBE, George Albert, D.D.S.. .M.L. Daly Ave., Ottawa. Clubs: Rideau, Laur- A.J b. Mount Forest, Ont., 7 April, 1871; ». ^ntian. Golf and Country, Ottawa; M.O.C., of George McGuire and Henrietta Gardiner; m. Jennie McLean; two d. Educ.: Mt,. London, Eng. ' McGOUN, Archibald, M.A., B.C.L., Forest, and Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore.' K.C.; Removed to B.C. in 1892, where he has Professor of Civil Law, McGill Univ., ' Montreal, since 1888; 6. Mgntreal, 15 Dec, since practised dentistry. El. to B.C. Leg!, Recreations: tennis, shooting, 1853; 8. of Archibald McGoun, a native of Feb., 1907. Douglas, Lanarkshire, Scot., and Jane Mac- horseback riding. Address: 2031 West- kay, d. of Samuel Mackay of Ayr, Scot.; m. minster Av., Vancouver, B.C. Clubs: 1887, Abigail, d. of Thomas Mackay of Western, Vancouver; Union, Victoria. Toronto; one «. one d. Educ: McGill Univ. McGUIBE, Hon. Thomas Horace, LL. Montreal; L'Ecole de Droit, Pari8,'France. D.; 6. Kingston, Ont., 21 April, 1849; a. of Twice President Univ. Literary Society, James B. McGwire, and Mary Brady (both 1884-85; one of the founders of the Imperial Irish); m. 1877, Mary Victory, c. d. of John Federation League in Canada, 1885; dele- Cunningham, Kingston. Educ: Kingston £ate to Imperial Federation Council in Coll. Inst., and -Queen's Univ. Called to tondon, 1886; Vice-Pres. of League (now bar of Ont., 1875; Q.C, 1833; Judge'of the the British Empire League) in Canada; Supreme Ct. of the N.W.T., 1887;-lajer Fellow R.C.I.; Chairman of meeting, Mon- Chief Justice, but retired, 1903. Was an treal, to promote Free Trade within the alderman of Kingston; Pres., of the Mech. Empire, 1907; President Graduates' Soc, Inst,, and of several Catholic Socs. Edited McGill Univ., 1887; course of_ lectures on the Kingston Daily News, and also Cancuiian Constitutional Law, 1897; now lectures on "Freeman. Before apptd. Chief Justice, was Corporations and on Ap;ency and Partner- stationed at Dawson, Y,T. Now Chn. of ship; Q.C. 1899; attorney as practising Educational Council of Saskatchewan; mem 156 ; ; WHO'S WHO.

of the Senate of Saskatchewan Univ. Ad- Secretary, 1900-1905; Conmiissioner of the dress: Prince Albert, Sask. Yukon, 1905-1907; County Judge Co. of McEpLTGH) Hon. Creorgej' senator; b. Vancouver, B.C., from April, 1909. Address: Co. of Victoria, Ont., 7 July, 1845; a. of Vancouver. Club: Terminal City and Com- Peter McHugh and' Ann Walker; m. Mar- mercial, Vancouver, B.C. garet d. of James O'Neill, of Peterborough; McINTYRE, Alexander Fraser; K.C.; b. two a. one d. Member of pub. sch. Bd. for Williamstown, Glengarry, Ont., 25 Dec, some years; member of Separate Sch, Bd., 1847; a. of Daniel Eugene Mclntyre, M.D., Town of Lindsay, and Chairman for "eeveral and Annie Eraser, d. of Col. the Hon, Alex- years; has been Pres. of B^form Assn. of ander Eraser, of Fraserfield, Glengarry; m. South and West Victoria; elec. member of 5 Sept., 1877 to Helen Sandfield Macdonald the H. of C, 1896; defeated at g. e., 1900; (Sec), d. of Ronald Sandfield Macdonald. called to the Senate, 21 Jan., 1901. Ad- Esq., of Lancaster, Glengarry; two a. three dress: Lindsay, Ont. d. Educ: Gram. Sch., Cornwall, Univ.^ of BXcHUGH, His Hon. Michael Andrew; McGill, Montreal, and Osgoode Hall, Tor- County Court Judge of the Co. of Essex; b. gnto; served as Captain in No. 3 Co., Corn- Maidstone Cross, Essex Co., Ont., 19 Feb., wall Infantry; on the frontier, 1866; elec. 1853; a. Patrick and Catherine McHugh; m. as an Independent Liberal to the Leg. Ass. Marie Louise Cottee, d. of. the late James^ of Ont., in 1875, but unseated on petition; Cottee, London; four «. two d. Admitted unsuccessful Liberal candidate for Ottawa, to the bar, 1879; in partnership with Hon. for H. of C, 1882 and 1887; eleven years J. C. Patterson; Minister of Militia, with Pres. of Liberal Assn. of Ottawa; Pres. Governm^ent of Sir John Thompson. Re- Young Liberal Assn. of Ontarip, at Toronto, creation: bowling. Address: Windsor, Ont. 1885, and Vice-Pres. Dominion Liberal -Ciw6; Windsor. Assn., Montreal, 1868. Recreations: fishing McILWRAlTH, Miss Jean N.; d. of and shooting. .Addreaa; Ottawa^ Ont. Thomas and Mary Mcllwraith. Educ: pub. McINTYRE, His Hon. Duncan John, schs. and Ladies' Coll., Hamilton; studied K.C., Junior Judge fott the. Co. of Ontario; singing afterwards in London, and also b. Tiree, Argyleshire, Scot., 22 Oct., 1841; a. modern literature in correspondence class of John Mclntyre, and Margaret Mclntyre; of Que^n Margaret's Coll., Glasgojr; first m. (l8t)_Margaret M.j d. of R. F. Whitesior; work published in 1895^ last in 1904; since (2nd) Ethel M., d. of J. W. Jenney, of/ then doing editorial work in New York. Southampton; one s. two d. Arrived in Publications: Shakespeare for Young People Can., 1847, and educ at pub. sch. in the tp.

_ 1898; Canada, Children's Study, 1899 of Mariposa and Toronto Gram, and Normal The Span o' Life (with Wm. McLennan), ^chs. Tai^ht sch. for three yrs.; called 1899; a book about Longfellow, 1900; The to the Bar, 1871, and comm.enced practice Curious Career of Roderick Campbell, 1901 of his profession in Lindsay, Ont.; mem. of The Life of Governor-General Sir Frederick Ont. Leg. Ass., 1883-6; apptd. Police Magis- Haldimand (Makers of Canada), 1904. Re- trate of Lindsay, 1892; or. Q.C., 1890; apptd creations: cycling, boating, swimming, golf, Junior Judge, Co. of Ont., 10 Sept., 1898. etc' Address: 160 WaverLy Place, New Address: Whitby, Ont.

York. McINTYRE, Gilbert Howard, M.P ; b. McINNIS, John Kenneth; 6. Strathroy, St. Mary's, Ont., Deputy Speaker of the P.E.L, 29 April, 1854; s. of John Mclnnis Canadian H. of C.; s. of George Mclntyre and Isabel Ross; m. Jane Carr^ Rustico, and Mary Howard; m. Belva, d. of Wni.

^P.E.I.J four a. three d. Educ: District Sch. Stevenson, Maple Bank, Guelph, Ont.; one . and Charlottetown Central Academy; Sch. s. Educ: St. Mary's Gram. Sch.; el. mem.

teacher in P.E.I. , and in $ask.; editor and for South Perth to H. of C, 1904; re-el. Iproprietor the Regina Startdard, since 1891; 1908; el. Deputy Speaker of the House, 1908 operates several farms in Regina District, a Methodist; a Liberal. Address: St. making specialties' of grain and stock; was Mary's, Ont. independent candidate for H. of C. in 1896, McISAAC, Colin Francis, K.C.; member against late Nicholas Flood Davin, resulting of National Transcontinental Ry. Com- in a tie, returning officer giving casting vote mission; b. Antigonish, N.S., 1854; a. of '^ to.Mr. Davin. Address: Regina, Sask. Donald Mclsaac and Katherine McGillivray McINNES, William, B.A.. F.G.S.A.; m. Mary Helena Houlett of Halifax, N.S.; geolo^st; b. Fredericton, N.B... 1858; s. a. three s. two d. Educ: St. F. X. Coll., of John Mclnnis and Rachel Jane, d. of Antigonish, N.S., admitted to the bar, 1880; Wm. McBeath., Educ: Collegiate Sch., elected to the Provincial Assembly of N.S., Fredericton; Univ. of N.B.; joined Geolo- in 1886, 1890 and 1894; apptd. member of gical Survey of Canada, 1861, as Assistant Executive Govt, without portfolio in 1891 Geolog;ist; now Geologist, Dept. of Mines; resigned in 1895 to contest Antigonish Co. extensive explorations in new Ontario lying at bye election for H. of C. on death of Sir between Fort William and Manitoba boun- John Thompson in 1895; elected then and dary. Publications: reports, ^rfrfrcsa; Vic- at gen. elections of, 1896, 1900 and 1904. toria Chambers, Ottawa. Clubs: Rideau, Apptd. Com. of Nat. Trans. Ry., in 1905. Golf, Ottawa. Address: 255 Cooper St., Ottawa. Club: McIXXES, His Hon. William Wallace Rideau, Ottawa. Burns, B.A.; b. Dresden, Ont., 8 McKAY, Alexander; 6. Hamilton, Ont., April, 1871, a. of Hon. Thomas R. (deceased) 19 April, 1843; «. of William McKay and and Martha E. Mclnnis; m. Dorothea B. Jane Reid; m. Catherine Marshall, of Barton Young, of Victoria, B.C., Nov. 7, 1894; "Tp., Ont.; two s. two d. Educ: Pub. Schs., one, a. one d. Educ.} Toronto Univ. and Hamilton. Was alderman for Hamilton, Osgoode Hall; mem. H. of C, 1896-1900; ^1879-1885; Mayor, 1886, 1887. Mem. of M.L.A., British Columbia, and Provincial Dominion H. of C, 1887-1896; retired 157 , WHO'S WHO.

vjoluntaiily, 1896. Now Inspector, His and reviews. Address: P.O. Box' 1287. Wii^ Majesty's Customs. Addrese: 42 Grove nipeg, Man. Av., Hamilton,,, Cluha: Hamilton, Royal McKESZlE, Donald - Duncan, K. C. ' Hamilton Yacht, Jockey. M.P.; 6. Lake Ainslie, C.B., 8 Jan., 1859; a. McHJLT, Alexander Charles, B.A., LL. of D\mcan McKenzie and Jessie McMillan; D.; 6. Beamsville, Ont., 2 June, 1861; f. of m. Florence N. McDonald; one «. A bar- Alexander John, McKay and Susan .Mc- rister-at^aw; admitted to bar of N.S., in Cordick; m. Eleanor Price; two a. one d. 1889; created K.C.,'1908; was Judge of Mathematical Master of Port Hope High Cdunty Court of N.S., from 1905 to 1908; Sch.; also Up. Can. Coll, and Jameson Av. M.L.A. of N.S. from 1900 to 1904; elec. to Coll. Institute, Toronto; Fellow in Physics, the H. of C. 1904 and 1908; mayor of TJniv. of Toronto; Lecturer in Physics North Sydney, N.S., from 1898 to 1904. (Med. Fac.) Univ. of Toronto; Prof, of Address: North Sydney, C.B. Mathematics and Physics, McMaster Univ., McKEOWN, Harrison Andrew, B.A., Toronto; Chancellor of McMaster Univ., LL.B., K.C., M.L.A.; b. St. Stephen, N.B.. 1905; member of Educational Council of 28 Nov., 1863; a. of Rev. H; Mc- Ont.; mem. of Advisory Council, Education- Keown and Elizabeth Harrison; m. Edith al Department of Ontario. Puhlicationa: A. Perkins, d. of George Perkina.' Educ: several elementary text books on Mathe- Univ. of Mt. Allison, Sackville, N.B.; Tor- -matica. Address: 13 Prince Arthur Ave., onto Univ. Was first elected to the Pro- Toronto. vincial Legislature, 1890, representing St. McKAY, His Hon, John; Junior Judge John City and County; became a member of the Government of New Brunswick, 1899, District of Thunder Bay; h. Tp. of Syden- entering the Cabinet without portfolio; ham, Co. of Grey, Ont., 27 Feb., 1863; a. Atty. Gen. for N.B., 1907-8; re-el. of Angus and Elizabeth McKay; m. Annie at g. e. 1908, but resigned portfolio on defeat of Langston; two a. two d. Educ: Coll. Inst., Owen Sound and Brantford; called to the Robinson Ministry; admitted to the bar of practises bar, 1887; practiced law at Sault St. Marie, New Brunswick, 1884; law in St. John. John, N.B. Ont., from 1887 to 1909, during which time Address: St. Club: was actively identified with the mining and Union, St. John. of railway interests of the District of Algoma, McKEBGOW, John; metn. the firm of A.. A. Ayer & Co., Ltd., wholesale pro- .y and Secretary of the Ontario, Hudson Bay ' and Western Railway Co.; the Manitoulin vision merchant^, Montreal; b. Berksnire and North Shore Mining Association, and Co., England, 1847; m. 1868, Laura Goadby. : five a. Sch., Montreal. Fres. of the Algoma Sunday Sch. Assn. two d. Educ: Model Addr^s: Port Arthur, Ont. Brought to Can. by his parents when about two years of age. Entered Stores Dept., McKAT, Hon. Thomas; senator; h. of the G. T. R. at age of sixteen. Entered a. of Pictou, N.S., 8 Jan., 1839; late Wm. firm of Messrs. A. A. Ayer & Co.,' Ltd., McKay, Sutherlandshire; m. 1868, Jessie, d. 1868; made a partner, 1872. El. pres,, of the late John Blair, Truro. Educ: Montreal Bd. of Trade, 1897. Apptd. Kctou; a merchant; elec. to the H, of C, Sch. Conmu*. of Westmount, 1901; Chmn. 1874; unseated on petition, but re-elec. of the Bd. of Sch. Commrs.. 1907; Pre3., and sat from Dec, 1874, to May. 1881; Montreal Lumber Co.; dir. Sun life Insur. called to the Senate, Dec, 1881; Conserva- Co., Laprairie Brick Co. RecrecUion,: bowl- ^cWresa: Truro, N.S. tive. ing. Address: 13 Rosemount Av., Mott^e'H;!.']^ McKENXAj James Andrew Joseph; 6. CZwfea: Montreal, Canada. P.E.I., 1 Jan., 1862; a. of James McKenna McKINLAY, Hon. Duncan E.; mem. of and Rose Duffy, of Ireland; m. Mary U.S. House of Representatives for 2nd Diet, Josephine Ryan; three a. five d. Educ: of California; b. Orillia, Ont., 6 Oct., 1862; St. Dunstan's Coll..'P.E.I.; on leaving Coll., married; four c. Educ: until twelve yra. engaged in journalistic work; entered Ind- of age at Orillia Pub. Sch. Learnt trade of ian Service of the Canadian Government in carriage painter and worked in Flint, Mich.; 1886;, was for a time assistant secretary to at 21 yrs. of age went to San Francisco, and the late Sir John Macdonald; in 1897 acted worked at his trade until 1884; spent one for the Dominion Government in effecting yr. at Sacramento, then moved to Santa an arrangement with the Government of Rosa, where he studied law wjiile carrying British Columbia for the administration of on his business as carriage painter. Ad- the Railway Belt lands; was one of the mitted to the bar of California, 1892; elector Commissioners who, in 1899, made the at large on the Republican ticket in Mc-, treaty with the Indians under which the Kinley's first Presidential campaign, 1896; Peace, River and Athabasca country was apptd. by President McKinley as asst. U.S. surrendered to the Crown, and in 1906, Attorney at San Francisco, 1901". El. to negotiated the treaty under which the 59th Congress; re-el. to 60th and 6l8t. Indians relinquished their claims to the Address: The Capitol, Washington, D.C.; country about Buffalo Lake, Churchill San Francisco, Cal., U.S.A. River and Reindeer Lake; was Commis- McKINNON, Bobert Lachlan, B.A., sioner for the settlement of the claims of the LL.B,; b. Wellington County, Ont., 5 Jan., half-breeds of the North-West in 1900 and 1872; 8. John and Annie McKihnon; m. 1901; drafted the Act, now in force, which Annie W. Fleming; one a. Educ: Public consolidated and amended the laws in Schs., Coll. Inst., Guelph and Owen Soiind; respect to the public lands of Canada. Toronto Univ. and Law Sch.j Osgoode Publications: The Hudson Bay Route, Hall, Toronto. Barrister, etc.; in practice 1908;" "Sir John Thompson, a study;" of law at Guelph since 1898; examiner at "Canada's Indian Policy;" "The Indians of law sch. of Law Soc. of Up. Can., 1905-09. Canada." and other essays in magazines Address: College Heights, Guelph, Ont. 158 ; WHO'S WHO. '

HcKNIGHT, Bobert: Registrar of Deeds Educ: pub. sch., Ayr, Waterloo Co.; learned for North Grey; i>. Kilkeel, Co. Down, Irel., trade of printer in Paris, Ont.; has edited 24 Oct., 1836; <. of Robert McKnight and and published Huron Expositor, Seaforth, Eliza Gra:^; widower; three s. two d. Educ: for 39 years; served one term in the Ontario Irish National Sche. Arrived Canada, 16 Leg.j and has at various times filled all June, 1856. Engaged in a sawmill for two municipal positions from sch. trustee to yrs.; taught sch. six yrs.; later in gen. Mayor; first el. to H. of C. at bye-elec, Jan., business twenty-eight yrs. Unsuccessful 1908; re-el. at g. e., 1908. Address; Seaforth, candidate for H. of C. twice, and Leg. Ass. Ont. once. Apptd. Registrar, 10 Nov., 1875. McLiEAN, Simon James, M.A., jLL.B., A school trustee for thirty yrs. Becreationa: Ph.D.; 6. Quebec, 14 June, 1871: «. horticulture, bookkeeping, pheasant breed- of James and Mary McLean; m. Helen ing. Addreat: Owen Sound, Ont. Baillie, d. of the late John Lorn McDougall, BIcLiAGAN, Mrs. Sara Anne; b. Ireland, first Auditor Gen. of Canada; one a. one d. 1855; d. of John Maelure and Martha Mc- Educ: Quebec; Cumberland, Ont.; Ottawa; Intyre; relict of John Campbell McLagan, Univ. of Toronto, Chicago Univ., Chicago, who died 1903; one a. three d. Came to 111., New York. Prof, of Economics^ Canada with her parents in 1855; Educ: at Univ. of Arkansas, 1897-1902; head of New Westminster, B.C^ Father was one of the Dept. of Economics and Social pioneer surveyors in British Columbia and Science, Leland Stanford Junior Univ., with Royal Engrs. assistedin &rst telegraph 1902-05; Assoc. Prof, of PoUtical Economy, construction. Husband estabd. Vancouver Toronto Univ., 1906-08; has specialized in World, in 1886, and on his demise, Mrs. Economics of Transportation; presented a McLagan became pres. of the World Pant- special report to the Hon. A. G. Blair, Min. ing and Publishing Co., and for four yrs. of Rys. and Canals, on the question of Ry. managed the pajier. An active mem. of the Conm. Le^slation, 1898-99; conducted the Women's Council in Vancouver, and pres. investigation, as commr., on Ry., Rate three yrs.; Prov. Vice-Pres. for B.C. for grievances in Canada, the report of which three yrs. and sole Provincial del. to Nat- led to the organization of the Bd. of Ry. ional Council meetings. Organized the C9mmrs., 1901-02; acted as export agt. for Local Council of Women in New West- the U.S. Bureau of the Census and the minster;^ assisted in organizing the Art His- Interstate Commerce Conm. in charge of torical Scientific Assn., the Young Women's Ry. valuation in Pacific Coast States, 1904- Christian Assn., the first Chapter of the 05; apptd. a mem. of the Bd. of Ry. Com- Daughters' of the Empire and the Victorian mrs. for Canada, Sept., 1908. Publications: Order of Nurses at Vancouver. Address: articles dealing with problems of trans- "Hazelbrae," Claybum, B.C. portation and commerce contributed to SIcLAT, Walter Scott Wllltamg, M.A.; various periodicals^ in Canada, U.S., b. Bryanston, Middlesex Co., Ont., 19 Dec, England, and Belgium; also articles on 1870; •. of Dr. and Mrs. A. McLay, Wood- transportation and other subjects to the stock, Ont.; m. Margaret d. of Sir Montreal Star, Manitoba Free Press, Tor- John A. Boyd, K.C.M.G., Chancellor of onto Globe. Address: 220 Argyle Ave., Ontario; one «. two d. Educ: Woodstock Ottawa. Clubs: Rideau, Country, Ottawa; Coll.; Univ. of Toronto, Harvard Univ.; University, Toronto. Lecturer in English, 1894; Professor, 1901 nicLENNAN, Frof. John Cunningham. Dean in Arts, 1905, McMaster Univ., Tor- B.A., Ph.D., F.R.S.C., F.A.A.S.; 6. Ingersol! onto. Address: 3 Sultan St., Toronto. Ont., 14 April, 1867; a. of David McLennan JdeUEAS, Ueut.-Col. Hugh Havelock, of Aberdeenshire, Scot., and Barbara Cun- K.C., M.P.; !>. Frederioton, N.B., 22 March, nigham of Ayrshire, Scot. Educ: Univ. 1855; «. of Lauchlin McLean and Sophia of Cambridge; Professor of Physics and March; m. 1879, Jennie Porteous; two ». Director of the Physical Laboratory, Univ. one d. Educ: Fredericton Gram. Sch. A of Toronto; Demonstrator in Physics, 1892- barrister-at-law; PreSy^ New Brunswick to 1902; Assoc. Prof, of Physios, 1902-1907; Southern Ry. Co., the Fredericton Ry. Co., Director, 1904; Professor, 1907; Secretary Carleton Electric Light Co., the Grand Falls of Univ. Alumni Assn., 1900 to 1908; Sec- Water Power & Boom Co., the New Bruns- retary of Faculty Union, 1900. Recreation: wick Prov. Rifle Assn., and the Alexander- golf. Address: The Dean's House, Univ. of Gibson Ry. and Mfg. Co.; vice-pres., St. Toronto, Toronto. Club: Golf, Toronto, John Ry. Co., the New Brunswick Fish and McIiENXAN, Roderick; -contractor; b. Game Corporation, the New Brunswick Ry. Woodstock, Ont., 19 March, 1866; a. of Co.; dir. and treas. of the St. Andrew's Land Alexander McLennan and Mary Mclnnes; Co., the St. John Bridge and Ry. Extension m. 1895, Lizzy McDonald, of Seaforth, Ont.. Co., the Algonquin Hotel Co., the Ingle- two a. two d. Educ: Seaforth High Sch; ' wood Pulp and Paper Co. For several yrs. Settled iff Manitoba in 1896, and has been commanded the 62nd St. John Fusiliers as engaged as contrattor since. Recreations; Lt.-Col.; has been Lt.-Col. commanding 12 lacrosse, curling. Address: 219 Colony St., Infan. Brig, since 1892; was Capt. and Adjt. Winnipeg, Man. Club: Commercial, Win- of the N.B. and P.E.I. Provisional Batt., nipeg. raised at the time of the North West Re- McIiEOD, Clement Henry, B.Sc, Ma.E., bellion; commanded the Maritime Prov. F.R.S.C.; Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Brig, at the Que. Tercentenary; first el. to Applied SciencCj^ McGill Univ. ; b. Cape H. of C. 1908. Address: St. John, N.B. Breton, N.S., 20 Jan., 1851; a. of Isaac Clubs: Union, Golf, St.- John; St. James, McLeod and Euphem^a Laurence. Educ: Mount Koyal, Montreal; Rideau, Ottawa. Model and Normal Schs, Truro; McGill Univ. ~ McLEAN, Munro Young, M.P.; b. Dum- (grad. from"Faculty of Applied Sc, 1873). fries, Waterioo, Co. Ont., 7 Feb., 1846. Apptd. asst.-engr. in charge of construction 159 WHO'S WHO.

on Intercolonial Ry., and later res. engr. Coll. 'Woman's Club, Professional Woman's construction P.E.I. Ry.; engr. of pub. wks. League; hon. v.-p. Writers' Club, London. in Newfoundland. Apptd. Supt. of the Protestant; Episcopalian. Contb'r. to mags Observatory at McGill Univ., 1874; Prof, Publications: Claiiese Legends, 1893; Corean in the Faculty of Applied Sc, 1888; Vice- Journeys, 1893; Manila and the Philippines Dean, 1908. Sec. Can; Soc. of Civil Engrs. 1897; Porto Rico, 1898; Life of Dewey, since 1887. Fellow of the Royal Astrono- 1898; American New Possessions, 1898; mical Soc, Publicationa: Transit of Venus, Christmas Poems, 1900; Eminent Actors in 1^82; a re-determination of the longitudes their Homes, 1902; Builders of the Republic of Montreal and Cambridge and of Montreal 1902; Ghetto Silhouettes, 1902; Famous and Toronto. Contributions to the Trans- ^FamilIes, of New York, 1903. Address: actions of the' R.S,C. on astronomical, The Independent, New York. meteorological and physical subjects, and McMICHAEL, Isaac; Gen. Mgr'. of the to Can. Soc. of Civil Engrs. Recreations: Gt. North West Tel. -Co. of Canada; b. all athletic sports. Address: McGill Univ., Brantford, Ont., 7 Jan., 1840, s. James and Montreal. Club: University, Montreal. Caroline McMichael; m. Margaretta P. McLEOD, Hon. Ezekiel; Judge Sup- Brock, Cleveland, Ohio; one a. one d, reme Ct., and Judge, Vice-Admiralty, N.B.; Educ: Brantford, Ont., in' 1856 he entered b. 29 Oct., 1840. Educ: High Sch., Cald- the service of the Buffalo and Lake Horun well King's Co., N.B.; Harvard. Called to Ry. Co., remaining until 1860; from this the bar, 1868; cr. Q.C., 1S82. Mem. Prov. date until 1865, was engaged in U.S. Mil-

Legis. , 1 882-86 ; Attorney-Gen. , 1 882-83. itsiry Telegraph service in Missburi, Arkan- ^ Mem. of the H. of C, 1891-96; a Senator of sas, and Indian Territory; from 1865, until the Univ. of N.B. Address: St. John, N.B. 1903,- in service of the Western Union Tel. Club: Union, St. John. Co in the United States, and from 1903 to McLEOD, Henry ColUngwood; banker; date, manager of the Great North West 6. New London, P.E.I. ; s. of Capt. John em Tel. Co., at Toronto. Address: 123 St. McLeod. Educ: Charlottetown; conciinen- Clair Ave., Toronto. Clubs: National, and ced business in a law ofl&ce, and then joined R.C.Y.C, Toronto. the staff of the Bank of P.E.I., later Bank McMICHAEL, Solon William, I.S.O.; b. of'B.N.S., when it absorbed the Bank of Waterford, Ont., 18 Nov., 1848; s. of Aaron

P.E.I. ; mgr. of different branches of the McMichael, J.P., and Emily Campbell; m^ Bank in the U.S.; became gen. gmr. of the 1873, Josephine, d, of Charles Shoemaker,, Bank on the resignation of Mr. Fyshe, in of Muncy, Pa., U.S.A.; one s. oned. Educ,:, 1897; removed gen. mgr*s. office from Hali- Simcoe Gram. Sch. Chief and General Ins- fax to Toronto; one of the aggressive forces pector of Customs; entered Canadian Cus- in Canadian loanking; formerly Vice-Pres. toms, 1873; apptd. Financial Inspector of of the. Can. Bankers' Assn. Resigned gen. Customs fpr the Dominion, 1885; Chief managership, Jan., 1910, but continues as Inspector of Customs for Canada, 1894; director. Publications: Pamphlet favouring member of the Board of Customs, 1895; an independent audit by Govt. Inspectors Chief and General Inspector^ 1900; was of all banks. Recreation: yachting, motoring Captain in the Du£ferin Rifles of Canada, Address: 8 Beaumont Rd., Rosedale, Tor- 1882-5; created a companion of the Imperial onto. Clubs: Toronto, National, Toronto. Service Order, 1903. Address: 101 St. - McLEOD, Hon. Harry Fulton, B.A., George St., 'Toronto. Clubs: National, M.L.A.; Solicitor General of New Bruns- Lambton Golf and Country; Can. Military ^wick; b. Fredericton, N.B., 14 Sept., 1871; Institute, Toronto. «. of Rev. Joseph McLeod, D.D., and Jane McMillan, Hon. Donald, M.D., sena- ItfcLeod; m. 1908, Ina F., d. of Major W. tor; b. Tp. of Lochiel, Co. Glengarry, Ont., Merserean. Educ: Univ. of N.B.; Mayor of 5 Marph, 1835; s. of Duncan McMillan and - Eredericton, 1907-8; Major ' 71st R^t.; Mary McDonell; m. Amy Ann, d. of the late Grand Master, L.O.L., N.B., 1906-7. Un- Amasa Lewis, J.P., Aylmer, Ont.; seven 0. - successful can. for Legis. at g. e., 1903; el. five d. Educ: Lochiel, by private tuition; for York Co., at_,g. e., 1908. A Baptist; Victoria Coll., Toronto; grad. in medidne Conservative. Address: Fredericton, N.B. in 1865; was for many years on town, town- McMAHONi Mrs. Margherita Arlina; b. ship and county council; -apptd. Coroner, in St. Stephens, N.B., 29 Apr., 1871; d. Rufus 1869; apptd. to the Senate in Jan., 1884; La Fayette and Almenia Spencer Hamm. is a director of the Trusts Guarantee Co., Educ: Convent of the Sacred Heart, Carle- Toronto, and of the Merchants' Fire Ina. - ton, N.B.; Emmerson Coll., Boston; New Co., of Toronto; a life meniber of the Celtic Ybrk Univ. Law Sch., Royal Coll., Hong- Soc. of Montreal, and of the Gaelic Soc, Kong; summer lecture course, Oxford, Eng.; Toronto. Address: Alexa-ndria, Ont. m. Aug. 1, 1902, John Robert McMahon. McMillan, J. A., M.P.; b. Alexandria, Newspaper reporter and autho^since 1887; Ont., 11 June, 1874; a. of Duncan McMJllaa traveled in U.S., Hawaii and W. Indies in and Julia Campbell (both Scotch); m. 1906, '90s for Sun, Herald and Mail, New York; Flora McDonald. A furniture merchant. later visited Japan. China, India, Egypt El. to Ont. Legis. for Glengarry, Jan.. 1905. and Russia for same pajjers; made maps for First el. to H. of C. at e. e., 1908. A Ronlan

Geog. Soc. ; war corr. Chinese-Japanese War Catholic. Jiberal. Address: Alexandria, and Spanish-Am. War; also mil. nurse with- Ont. out salary; made hon. mem. of several McMULLEN, Hon. James; senator; b. regiments; decorated by Pres. Palma of Co. Monaehan, Ireland, 29 Nov., 1836; s. Cuba; was comm'r to England for Atlanta Archibald and Mary Jane McMullen; m. Exp'n. Mem. Geoe. socs., London, and Mary Ann Dunbar, Guelph, 28 Sept., 1858; Hong-Kong; was librarian Medico-Legal three s. and one d. Educ: Pub. Sch. and Soc., New York; mem. Am. Civics Club, Gram. Sch., Fergus. Ont.; arrived in Canada 160 WHO'S WHO.

12 June, 1843;, was Councillor and Reeve of SIcNElIL, Bight Bev. Nell; Archbishop Mount Forest several years; director and of Vancouver, B.C.; 6. Hillsborough. N.S., Vicei-Pres., Georgian Bay and Wellington 21 Nov., 1851; s. of the late Malcolm Mc- Ry.; director Grand Trunk, Georgian Bay Neil and Ellen Meagher. Educ: St. Fran- and Lake Erie Ry.; director and Vice-Pres. cois Xavier Coll., Antigonish, and in 1873 Dominion Life Assurance Co.; elec. to the was sent %Q the Coll. of the Propaganda in H. of 0. in 1SS2; sat for IS years and was Rome, where he remained for over six yrs. defeated in 1900; apptd. to the Senate. 1902. Ordained priest, April, 1879, in the Basilica, Recreation: cricket. Address: Mount Forest, of John Latem, by the late Cardinal Ont. Club: National, Toronto. Patrizzi, and in same yr. received the decree McNAB, Hon. Archibald Peter, M.L.A.; of Doctor in both Philosophy and Divinity; Min. of Pub. Works for Saskatchewan; &. joined the teaching staff of St. ^rancig' Glengarry, Ont., 29 May, 1864; a. of Mal- Xavier poll.( 1880; in' 1881 assumed the colm McNab and Margaret McCrimmon editorship of the Aurora newspaper; rector (both Scotch); m. 1893, Edith Todd; four «. of the Coll., 1884-1891; became Bishop of two d. Educ: Glengarry. A miller and Nilopolis and Vicar Apostolic of St. Georges, grain merchant. Pres. of the Saskatoon west coast of Nfld.; consec. at St. Ninan'a Milling and Elevator Go. First &. to Sask. Cath., Antigonish, 20 Oct., 1895; apptd. Legis. at g. e., 1908. Apptd. to Cabinet Archbishop of Vancouver, Jan., 1910. Ad- as Municipal Comimr., 8 Dec., 1908; re-el. dress: Vancouver, B.C. ^ accl. 30 Dec, 1908; apptd. Min. of Pub. McFHEBSON, Hon. David, M.L.C.; b. Works, Jan., 1909. Address: Saskatoon, Jordan River, Shelburne Co., N.S., 1 Aug., Sask. 1832; s. of John and EUzabeth McPherson; McNAIR, James A.; Pres. and Gen. m. Susan McDaniel, of Halifax, Educ: Manager of the Hastings Shingle Manu- Gram. Sch., Shelburne Co., N.S. A ship- facturing Co.; h. nr. Dalhoueie, N.B., 11 builder; an aid. for the city of Halifax for Aug., 1865; s. of Nathaniel IflcNair and 14 yrs. Commr. of Pub. Charities fdr Martha Archibald; m. Minnie G. McKay., three yrs. El. to Legis. at g. e., 1897; re-el. Educ: Jacquet River, N.B. Engaged in at g. e., 1901,' and 1906. A mem. of the mercantile life in N.B., and Que., until 1892, Murray Admn., without portfolio. Address: when he removed to B.C. With his brother Halifax, N.S. Robert buiH a small shingle mill at Hastings McFHEBSON, George. Gordon, K.C.; b. which has developed into the present con- Stratford, Ont., 1 Oct., 1859; s. of Rev. cern with capacity of 1,250,000 shingles a Thomas Mc'Pherson, and Sarah Gordon; m. day. Company also owns mills in What- Susie Hamilton; one s. three d. Educ: com^ Co., Wash. Actively interested in Stratford Gram.. Sch. Has practised law in Y.M.C.A. work; for several yrs. pres. of the Stratford since 1872. Recreations: riding, Vancouver Assn. Address: Vancouver, B.C. fishing. Address: 326 Erie St., Stratford,. McNAUGHT, William Klrkpatrlck, M. Ont. L.A.; b. Fergus, Ont., 6 Sept., 1846: 8. of McFHEBSON, William David, K.C.,^ John McNaught and Sarah McNaught MX. A.; 6. village of Moore, Lambton Co.,. (both Scotch); m. 1872, C. E. Lugsdin, of 22 Aug., 1863; a. of William McPherson and Toronto; three s. one d. Educ: Com. Sch. Sarah Courtney; m. Nettie Batten; five a. and Coll. Inst., Brantford. A manufac- four d. Educ: Strathroy Collegiate Inst.,. turer. Pres. of the Glenavy Co., Ltd.; Osgoode Hall, Toronto. Member of the ' American Watch Case Co. of Toronto, Ltd.; Ontario Legislative Assembly for West Vice-Fres., Canadian Elgin Watch Co^ of Toronto. Publications: Law of Mines in Toronto, Ltd.; dir., Porto-Rico Electric Ry.; Canada, 1898; Parliamentary Elections in hon. pres., Canadian National Exhn.; mem. Canada, 1905. Recreations: yachting, crick- Hydro-Electric Comn. of Ontario. Was a et. Address: 6 Meredith Crescent, Toronto. Lieut., 12th R^t. of Militia; pres. of the Clubs: Albany, Royal Canadian Yacht, Canadian National Exhn., 1901-1905; pres., Toronto; Rideau, Ottawa. National Club, Toronto, 1897-1901; prea., McPHILLIFS, Capt. Albert Edward, Canadian Mfgrs. Assn., 1888-9; Chn., Tariff M.L.A.; b. Richmond, Co. York, Ont., 21 Committee Can. Mfgrs. Assn., 1896-1906. March, 1861; a. of George McFhillips, and First el. to Ont. Legis., 1906; re-«l. at g. e. Margaret Lavin (both dec); m. Emily 1908. Address: Alexandra Apta., Toronto. Sophik Davie, d. of the late Hon. A. E. B. McNfli:, Archibald; b. Perth, Ont., Davie, Q.C; Premier of B.C.; two s. one rf. 1845; s. of Arch. McNee and Janet Ferguson; Educ: St. Boniface, and Manitoba Coll.; m. Isabella Campbell. Educ: Perth Gram. barrister at law; called to the bar of Man- School. On staff of Manitoba Free Press itoba, 1882; of British Columbia, 1891; for some years; managing ed. for short retired from Militia with rank of Captain; period; five years in Parlt. Press Gallery holds military ach. certificate; served with and pres., 1885; started Daily Evening General Middleton in North West Rebellion Record at Windsor, Ont., 1890. and still (medal); was Attorney General in first conducts it. Pres. of Can. Press Assn., Conservative Government of B.C., in 1903; 1905; Moderator Baptist (Convention of mem. of the Provincial Legislative Assem- Ont. and Que., 1901; alderman Winnipeg, bly for the Islands' electoral district ; fellow and Windsor; member of Board of Td. in Royal Colonial Institute; Pres. Canadian both cities; pres. Windsor Bd. of Trade, Cliib, Victoria* B.C.; director B.C. Market pres. St. Andrew's Soc; Deacon, Baptist Co.; Recreations: cross country and high Church, Windsor, for 20 years. Has always jumping contests. Address: Cloonmore taken an interest in affairs of church and House, Rockland Ave.', Victoria, B.C. state. Recreations: curling, bowling and CZm6: Union, Victoria, B.C. quoiting. Address: 86 Victoria Ave.. Wind- McBAE, Alexander Duncan ; b. Glencoe, sor, Ont.; Record ofi&ce. Cittft; Windsor. Ont., 17 Nov., 1874; a. of Duncan and Mary 161 : , MCSWEENET WHO'S WHO.

McRae; m. Blanche Latimer Howe, of of Daniel Meigs 'and Caroline Lasalle; m.

Duluth, Minn.; three d. . Educ: High Sch., (1st) 1866, Louise AUsop; (2nd) 1871, Rosa Glenooe, Ont., and Coll. in London, Oat, Faulkner. Educ : Bedford, Que. A farmer Was for seven yrs. engaged in banking and lumberman. Mayor of Farnham for businesB in the U.S., and fbr_ fivte yrs. in several yrs. El. to H. of C. at bye-el., 1888; immigration and land business in Winnipeg; unsuccessful can. at g. e., 1891; el. at g. e. now devoting entire time to lumber busi- ,1900, 1904 and 1908. Addreaa: Farnham, ness. RecrealiAjn: horses. Addreaa: 1960 Que. Rbbson St., Vancouver, B.C. Clube: Mani- MEREDITH, Hon. Richard Martin; b. toba, St. Charles Country, Winnipeg; Van- London, Ont., 27 March, 1847; a. of JoIul couver. Wallingham Cooke Meredith 'and Sara McSWEENET, Hon. Peter; Senator; P^ler; unmarried. Educ: London, Ont. b. Monoton, N.B., 11 April, 1842; s. of One of the Judges of Appeal for Ontario; Peter McSweeney and Joanna Downing; m. Chancellor of the Western Univ., Ont. Wilhelmina Peters Fisher; one a. two d. Addreaa: 565 Talbot Street, London, Ont., Educ: Moncton, N.B.; went to St. John at and Osgoode Hall, Toronto. an early age. Returned to Moncton in MEREDIJH, Thomas Graves, K.C.; b, 1868, and went into business with his London, Ont., 16 June 1853; a. of the late brotners Edward and Thomas sis dry goods John W. C. Meredith, and Sarah Pegler; m. merchants; started for himiself in 1877; 1882, Jessie, d. of Sir , of Lon- took an active part in promoting the incor- don, Ont.; two a. Educ: Pub. and Gram. poration of Moncton, as a town; was alder- Schs., Hellmuth Coll., London; Gait Coll. man for two years and chairman of Finance- Inst.; Toronto Univ. Studied law. in the Pub. Sch. Trustee, and mem. of Board of office of Thomas Scatcherd, of London, Health; called to the Senate 15 Mar., 1899. Ont.; called to the bar of Ont., 1878, and Recreations: hunting, fishing. Addreaa: commenced practice of his profession in N.B. conjunction iwith firm Moncton, i the of Meredith and McVeigh, Thomas, Jr., M.A.; h. Bry- Scatcherd; api)td. K.C., by ()nt. Govt., son, Que., 2 Oct., 1868; s. of Thomas Mc- 1902; city solicitor for London since 1894. Veigh and Margaret T. Hu^es; m. Feb. Was one of the organizers of the London 1898 to Katharine B. Blake, Detroit, two *. and Western Loan Co., in 1896, of which he three d. J?duc. : Bryson Pub. Sen. and is now a dir. Addreaa: London, Ont. Detroit Coll.; grad. Detroit Coll.j 1888; MEREDITH, Hon. Sir William Balpli, , admitted to the bar. State of Michigan, LL.D., K.B.; cr. 1896; Chief Justice of 1891; practiced in Detroit to 1897; emtor Common Pleas, Ontario; b. 31 Mar., 1840; oii the New York World from Sept. 1891 to a. of John Cooke Meredith, London, Ont.; date; active since 1885 as pub. and political m. Mary, d. of Marcus Holmes, Ont., 1862; speaker, under auspices of Republican one a. three d. Educ: London, Ont.; Univ. party. Recreations: tennis, golf, horseback of Toronto. Member of Legislative Assem- riling. Addreaa: World office, New York; bly for London, Ont., 1872-96; and leader of Nortnvale Farm, N.J. Cluba: Republican, the Oppos*n.; Chancellor of the Univ. of New York; Rockland County Golf. Toronto; apptd. Chief Justice, 1904. Ad- MEiaHE?f, Arthur, B.A., M.P.; .&. St. dreaa: Binscarth Rd., Toronto, Ont, Clubt Mary's, Ont., 15 June, 1874; a. of Joseph Toronto. and Mary Meighen; m. Jessie Isabel, d. of MICHAUD, Pius, M.P.; b. St. Leonard, late Charles Cox of Granby, Que.; two a. Madawaska Co., N.B., 28 Aug., 1870; s. Educ: St. Mary's Coll, Inst, and Toronto of Felix Michaud and Marguerite Violette; Univ. Farmer; teacher; barrister; first el. m. Marie Hebert. Educ : Univ. of St. to H. of C, 1908, for Portajge la Prairie; Joseph, N.B. An advocate. Sec-Tteas. went to Manitoba in 1898; Winnipeg; Por- of Co. Coun. of Madawaska Co.; Judge of tage la Prairie, 1901. Addreaa: Portage la Probate for the Co. of Madawaska. First Prairie. Cluba: Portage Club, P. la P.; el. to the H. of C. by accl., at bye-el., 1906; Advance Club, Winnip^. ' re-el. at g. e., 1908. Addreaa: Ecunund- MEIGHEN, Robert; Prea and managing ston, N.B. director, Lake of the Woods Milling Co.; b. MICHELL, William Arthur Rupert, M.

Dui^ven, nr. Londonderry, Ireland, 18 D.; b. Perth, Ont., 18 Oct., 1879; a. of F. L. ' April, 1839; s. of Robert Meighen and Mary Michell, Public Sch. Inspector, Lanaric Co., M^Leghan; m. 1868, Elsie, y. d. of the late Educ: Perth Coll. Inst., Toronto Univ.; William Stephen, formerly of Dufftown, grad. at Toronto in Medicine, 1902; prac- Scotland; one a. two d, Educ: Dungiven ticed for 3 years in Ontario; went abroad pub. sch. Entered firm of Meighen & for post-graduate work in Sept., 1905; brother at age of 14; removed to Montreal studied at Dublin, Glasgow, and London in 1879, and became associated in business Hospitals; went first to sea in merchant with Sir George Stephen, now Lord Mount service in Dec, 1906;' joined the British Stephen. Founded the Lake of the Woods Ajatarctlc Ship 'Ni'rnrod," in June, 1907, lulling Co., with mills at Keewatin and sidling from Torquay in early Aug., 1907; Portage la Prairie; director, Canadian made two trips to Victoria Land on Nimrod Pacific Ry., Montreal Street Ry., Canadian returning in June, 1909; returned to Oan- North-Weat Land Co., Bank of Toi'onto, ade in Sept., 1909; located in Toronto. Dominion Transport Co.; mein. of the Addreaa: Perth, Ont. Montreal Board of Trade and Corn Ex- MICKLE, His Hon. Charles Julius; Co. change. Addreaa: 140 Drummond St., Mon- Judge of the Northern Judicial Dist. of treal. Cluba: Mount Royal, St. James*, Manitoba; b. Stratford, Out., 22 July, 1848; Montreal. a. of Alexander D. Mickle (English), and

MEIGS, Daniel Bishop, M.P.; h. Henry- . Elizabeth A, Linton (Scotch); m.~ 1889, ville, Iberville Co., Que., 1 June, 1835; a. Mary A. Ross, of Stratford, Ont. Educ 162 WHO'S WHO.

Stratford Gram. Sch. Admitted to the 9IIIXEB, Ueut.-Ool. John Bellamy; b. of I practice law, 1872; removed to Manitoba Athens, Ont., 26 July, 1862; «. of John 1882. El. to Man. Legis„ 1888; re-el. at Clausin and Adelaide A. Miller; m. (1st) g, e., 1892, 1896, 1899, 1903 and 1908. Hannah P. Hunter; (2nd) Jessie Thomson; Entered the Greenway Govt, as Prov. one «. one d. Educ: Model Sch. and' Up. Sec, Nov., 1.896: resigned 6 Jan., 1900; el. Can. Coll., Toronto:-a lumber manufactiirer leader of the Opposition, 5 Dec, 1904, since he jeft sch.; also in vessel building and which position he later resigned. Apptd. iron business; Parry Sound Lumber Co.; Co. Judge of the Northern Judicial Dist. of man. dir., Poison Iron Works. Recreations: Man., 29 May, 1909. Address: Minnedosa, hunting, shooting, fishing, yachting. Ad- Man. dress: 98 Wellesley St., 'Toronto. Clubs: MIDDLEBBO, William Sora, M.F.; b. National, Ontario, R.C.Y.C., and Rosedale Orangeville, On,t., 17 Oct., 1868; ». of John Golf, Toronto; Rideau, Ottawa, m. and Margaret Middlebro; Laura S. MILI/EB, Bobert; b. Thistle Farm, On- 2 Sept., (dec.) Trethewey, 1903 Educ: tario Co., Ont., 15 July, 1856; s. of John Coll. Inst., Owen Sound, and Osgoode Hall, Miller and Margaret Whiteside; m. Joseph- Toronto. Barrister; of Mayor Owen Sound ine B. Harding, of Waukesha, Wis.; one s. 1905-1909; first el. to H. of C. for North Family engaged for many yrs. in importing Grey, 1908. Address: Owen Sound, Ont. and breeding pure bred livestock; has MIGNAULT, Pierre Baslle, M.A., LL.D., crossed Atlantic 23 times in quest of high- K.C., F.R.S.C.; b. Worcester, Mass., U.S.A., class animals; imported and exported 30 Sept., 1854; «. of Dr. P. B. Mignault and thousands of sheep and cattle. Prominent Catherine O'Callaghan; m, Marie Elizabeth in live stock affairs; materially assisted' to Blanchaud, of Beauharnois; two s. one d. nationalize the "Live Stock Records of Educ: Coll. Ste. Marie, Montreal; McGill Canada;" chn. of Committee conducting Univ. Came to Can. in 1868. Called to these records. Address: "Burnbrae," bar, 1878; Q.C., 1893; batonnier of the bar Stouffville, Ont. of 'Montreal, 1906-7; el. to Boy. Soc, 1908. MILLEB, WiUet G., M.A., LL.D.; Pro; V Pres. of the Bar. Assn., of Montreal. Pub- vincial Geologist of Ontario; b. .Charlotte- lications: Manuel of Parliamentary Law, ville, Norfolk Co., Ont.; of Canadian par- 1888; Code of Qvil Procedure, 1891; Parish entage; unmarried. Educ: Port Rowan Law, 1893. Canadian Civil Law, com- High Sch.; University of Toronto. Fellow -,, m'enced in' 1895, , of which 8 vols, have ap- 1890-93, and Examiner in Mineralogy and golf, "j geared. Becreatiqns: yachting. Ad- Geology, 1893-95; assistant in field geology. ' areas: 124 Crescent St., Montreal. Clubs: Geological Survey of Can., in the region Montreal, Club Lafontaine, BeaconsHeld north of Lake Huron, 1891-93; Lecturer in Golf. , Geology in Queen's Univ., Kingston, 1893; MILES, Henry; Pres. Leeming Miles in charge of field work in geology in Eastern Co., importers, Montreal; b. Lennox^^lle, Ont. for the Bureau of Mines, 1897-1901; Que., May, 1854; s. of Dr. Henry Miles, has been a post-graduate student at the Canadian historian, of Quebec; m. 1875, American Universities, Chicago and Har- Miss MacGregor, of Montreal; two d. vard, and at Heidelberg, Germany; apptd. Educ: Bishop s Coll., Laval Univ., Quebec. to present position, 1902; pres.. Can. Mining Entered firm of Lyman Sons & Co., \?hole- Inst., 1908-9. Pubiicoiions; writings chiefly sale druggists; became a partner, 1885; oh the Archgean and Economic Geology of retired as managing dir., 1895. Estb. the Eastern Ont.; Papers and Reports on Leeming-Miles Co., Ltd., wholesale drug- Corundum-bearing Rocks, Iron Ores, Gold fists, 1896, of which he is still pres. Presl Deposits, Cobalt-Silver Ores, etc., in Annual 'hilip Morris & Co., Ltd.; Gen. Mgr., Reports of Ont. Bureau of Mines, American Eastern Drug Co., Ltd., of Montreal; prop, Geologist, Canadian Mining Institute, etc., and editor, Montreal Pharmaceutical Jour- etc. Recreations: canoeing and exploring. nal; pres., Montreal Business Men's League; Address: Bureau of Mines, Toronto. Clubs: hon. pres., Proprietary Articles Trade Assn, National, Victoria, Toronto. of Can.; mem. of the executive of Montreal MILLEB, Hon. William, K.C., P.O.; Bd. of Trade, 1895-1908; treas., Montreal Senior Senator of Canada; b. Antigonish, pres., Bd. of Trade, 1898, and el. 1901 ; hon. N.S., 12 Feb., 1834; of Irish parentage; sec. -treas., Montreal Industrial Exhibition called to the bar of N.S., May, 1860; apptd. Assn.; was a del. from Bd. of Trade, to Q.C., 1872; sat in the N.S. Assembly from International Congress Chambers of Com- 1863 until Confederation, and while a mem. merce of the world at Philadelphia, 1898; of the Legislature, rendered important now consul in Canada for Paraguay; gov. assistance to the Union cause; was in favour Hospital; Past Master of Montreal Gen. of Confederation, but opposed , to the Mount Royal Lodge of Masons; mem. I.O. financial conditions and other details of the O.F., A.O.U.W. Address: 1040 Dorchester Quebec scheme; on his initiative, the dele- St. W., Montreal. Club: Canada, Montreal. gation to England was apptd. in 1866, in MILLEB, Henry Horton, M.P.; b. Owen order to secure modifications more satis- Sound, Co. Grey, Ont., 10 Jan., 1861; s. factory to -N.S.; nominated delegate to Robert B. and Victoria Miller; m. M. Ellen London Colonial Conference in 1866-67, Armstrong; two s. one d. Educ.: Owen but declined appointment; called to the Sound Public and High Sch. Elec. to H. Senate in 1867, and is now the Senior of C. at g. e., 1904; re-el. ,1908; Chairman of Senator; has been chairman of all leading Banking and Commerce Committee from standing committees, and of many import- 1905, to the present time. Recreations: ant special committees; apptd. a mem. of fishing, gardening and horses; Address: Privy Council for Canada, 30 May, 1891; Hanover, Ont. Speaker of the Senate from 17 Oct., 1883 to 163 ;


4 April, 1887; » Conservative. Address: lications: "The first principles of Agricul- Arichat, N.S. ture," (Mills »fe Shaw), for use in the Public MlLIilCHAMP, Reuben, J. P.; b. Bir- Schools of the Province of Ontario: Address: mingham, Eng., 3 Feb.. 1842; 8. of Joseph 241 Gilmour St., Ottawa. Clubs: Rideau, ]yiillichamp and Catherine Wainwright; m. Country, Ottawa. Elizabeth E. Williams; one «. two d. Ar- MILLS, John Burpe, M.A.. K.C.; b, rived in Can., 1855, and educ. in Toronto. Annapolis Co., N.S., 24 3u\y^ 1850; s. of Merchant and manufacturer. Pres., Mer- John Mills and Jane McCormick; m. (1st) chants Union Co., the Irvifig Umbrella Co.. 1878, Bessie B. Corbett (dec).; (2nd) 1896, the Coatimental Costume Co.; vice-prea,, Agnes Katherine Rose, Ottawa; three a. Anglo Am^ Fire Ineur, Co\; vice-pres;, two d. Educ : Common Sch., Horton Acad-

Montreal-Canada Fire Insur, Co. ; hon, emy, Acadia Univ. , and Harvard Law Sch. treas., Havergal Ladies Coll., Toronto, called to the Nova Scotia Bar in 1875; apptd pres., Victoria Club, ^Toronto. Becreationa: Q.C., 25 June,, 1890; represented Annapolis fishing, hunting. Addresses: 68 Prince Ar- Co., in the H. of C, continuously from o2 thur Ave.; McKinnon Bldg.. Toronto, (bus). Feb., 1887, to Nov., 1900; called to the bar S Clubs: National, Lambton Golf, Rosedale of B.C., 255 Aug., 1905. Recreationa: cricket. Golf, Glen Major Angling, Toronto. Address: 1171 Nelson St., Vancouver^B.C. MILLS, T. Wesley, M.A., M.D., F;R.S. MIIXMAX, Thomas, M. D. ; Supreme C. Educ: Toronto Univ.; McGilljr, after Physician of the 1.0. F.; b. East Zorra tp., special study abroad, became Professor of Oxford Co., Ont., 14 Feb., 1850; m. 1881, Phys. in McGill Univ.; has always taken a Helen Dick, d. of John Craig, of Woodstock, deep interest in education; member of Ont.; one a. four d. Educ: Woodstock many learned Societies, and Fellow of the Gram. Sch.; grad. M.D., 1874, Trinity Med. Roy. Soc. of Canada, of which he has twice Coll., Toronto. Apptd. Asst. surgeon of been a president of Section iy.; founder of British North American Boundary Com.; the Society for the Study of Comparative

remained on;Com. until 1875; further stud- Psychology of Montreal ; formerly President ied his profession in the hospitals of London, of Natural Hist. Soc, Montreal, and Vice- Eng. and Edinburgh, Scot., 1875-76; be- Pres. of Soc. of Am. Naturalists; Professor '^ came mem. R.C.S.E. and a Licentiate of of Physiology, MeGill Univ., Montreal. the Roy. Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons, Publications: Animal Physiology; Voice .Edinburgh; returned to Can., and com- Production; Comparative Physiology^ The menced practice of his profession in Wood- Doe in Health and in Disease; The Nature stock, Ont.; asst. physician of the Asylum and Development of Animal Intelln;ence; for the Insane at London, Ont., 1879-1885; papers giving results of original researches. asst. supt. of Asylum for Insane at Kingston Addreaa: McGill University, Montreal. Ont., 1885-1889; resigned latter ppsition MILLS, Bight Bev. William Lennox, and removed to Toronto, where he has since D.D., LL.D., D.C.L., Bishop of Ontario; b. resided. Has been sup. physician and sec. Woodstock, Ont., 27 Jan„ 1846; s. of Wil- of Medical Bd. of.I.O.F. since 1891. Ad- liam and Elise Mills; m. Katharine S., d.'of dress: 490 Huron St., Toronto, Ont. the late Stanley Clark Bagg, Montreal; one MILIiS, James, M.A., LL,D.; Member a. Educ: Woodstock Gram. Sch.; Kara of Railway Conmiission for Canada; b. nr. Coll., and Western Univ., London, Ont.; Bond Head, Co. of Simcoe, Ont., 24 Nov., Trinity Coll., Toronto; Incumbent of Trinity 1840; a. of John Mills, farmer and Ann Church, Norwich; St. Thomas Church, Sea- Stinson, d. of a farmer; m. 1869, Jessie Ross forth; Rector of St. John's, Que.'; Trinity of Cobourg, Ont.; two s. fiv^ d. Educ: Church, Montreal; lecturer on Old Testa- public schs. of Ont.; Bradford Gram. Sch,, ment exegises, and Scripture History, Simcoe Co., Victoria Univ., Cpbourg. Diocesan Theological Coll., Montreal; ex- (Princ^ of Wales's Gold Medal for highest amining Chaplain to the Bishop of Montreal, General Proficiency), 1868; worked on his Canon of Christ Church Cathedral; Arch- father's farm till 21 years of age, when he deacon of St. Andrew's Div. of Montreal; lost his right arm in a thrashing machine. Bishop of Ontario. Address: Bishop's Took his first lesson in English Grammar at Court, Kir^ston, Ont. 21, his B.A. d^ree at 28, and his M.A. at a MILNE, Georee Lawson, M.D., CM.; b. lalter date. His LL.D. was conferred Garmouth, Morayshire, Scot,, 19 April, honoris cau^a. Taught an academy in the 1850; s. of Alexander and Isabella Milne; Eastern Townships, Que., for one year; was m. Ellen Catherine Kinsman; Educ: Tor- classical master of Cobourg Coll, Inst, for onto Med. Sch.; Toronto Univ. Arrived in 3i years; headmaster of Brantford Coll. Canada, Sept., 1857; M.L.A. foi* Victoria, Inst, for 6i^ years, teaching Latin and 1890-1894;-Domimon Medical Inspector and and Greek, and for a time, French and Immigration Agent. Recreationa: fishing, German, in that school; was pres. of the motoring. Address: 618 Dallas Road, Vic- Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, for toria, B.C. Club: Pacific, Victoria. 25 years, an institution which has done so MITCHELL, BobRTt Menzles, M.D.. much for the farmers of Ontario; organized CM., M.L.A,; b. York County, Ont., 28 the most Useful agricul ural institution in Oct., 1865; 8. James Mitchell and Elizabeth Canada, The Farmers' Institutes; and Rogers, Scot.; m. Margaret McKinnon; two ^anaged them for 10 years, till a special a. Educ: Orangeville High Sch. and

superintendent was apptd. to take charge Trinity Medical Coll. ; mem. C.P. & S. (Saak. of the work; alsch organized and supervised Alberta, Ont).; taught sch. for 3 years in the work of the travelling dairies through- Ontario; grad. M.D., 1892; practiced ia out the Province of Ont.; is now, and has Dundalk until 1899; practiced in Weyburn, been for 6 years, a member of the Board of Sask., 1889 to present time; Quarantine Railway Conamisaioners for Canada. Pub- Inspector at North Portal, 1901-1902; el. 164 ;


mem. of the Leg. Assem. of Sask., for Wey- Ireland. Taught in Blackrock Coll. for bum in Aug., 1908. Addreti: Weybvirn, several yrs. Arrived Canada, 1888; taught

Sask. sch. at Ottawa for one yr. ; conducted high- MITCHELL, Hon. William; Senator; est Glasses in Latin and Greek in St. Thomas h. Durham tp., Ont., 14 March, 1851; •. of Coll., St. Paul, Minn, for five yrs.; returned ' Thomas' Mitphell, and Margaret Patrick to (Ottawa and again taught sch.; apptd. (both Irish); m. 1876, Dora A., d. of George gen. agt., Mutual Life Assur. Co., of Can., H. Goddard, of Danville, Que. Educ: at Que., 1898. Mem. Que. Assn. of Life Durham Pub. Schs. In his youth employ- Insur. Underwriters. Address: 71 Lachevro- ed in railway work in Maine, U.S.^ returned tiere St., Quebec.

to Durham . and engaged in the lumber MONET, Hon. Dominique, K.C, B.CL. business; removed to Drummondville, Que., (Laval Univ.); a Puisne Judge of the Sup- and engaged in the same business. Gen. erior Ct. of the Prov. of Quebec for the Mgr. and Dir. of the Drummond Co. Ry.; Dist. of St. John's since 1908; b. St. Michael pres., Drummondville Bridge Co., Drum- de NapiervJlle, Que., 2 Jan., 1865; «. of mond Lumber Co.; dir.', Richmond, Drum- Dominique Monet, and Marguerite Remil- moird, Yamaska Fire Insur. Co.; chn., lard (both French-Canadians); m. 1887, Protestant Bd. of Sch. Commrs., and a J. P. Mari^ Louise La Haye; three «. two d. Called to the Senate, 5 March, 1904. Ad- Educ: L'Assomption Coll., Laval Univ. dreat: Drummondville, Que. Unsuccessful can. for the H. of C at bye-el. MOBEBLT, Frank; 6. Barrie, Ont., 19 1890; el. at g, e., 1891; re-el. at g. e., 1896, July, 1845; «. John (Capt. R. N.) and Mary and 1900. El. to Leg. Ass. at g. e., 1904; Moberiy; m. (1st) Georgina Mclntyre, d. of became Mem. without portfolio in the

John Mclntyre, Factor in H. B. Co. ; (2nd) Parent Govt., 1905; apptd. Acting Min. of Mary Violet, c. d. of same; three a. two d. Pub. Works and Colonization, 23 Feb., Educ: England and Canada; Police Magis- 1905; apptd. Prothonotary of the Superior trate, Ont.; Provincial Magistrate, Provin- Ct. of Montreal, 1905, which position he

ces of Que. and B.C. ; has spent 45 years on held until elevated to the Bench. Recrea- railway work, including survey and con- tions: literature, angliug, hunting. Ad- -Struction of Union, Nortnem and Can. Pac. dress: St. John's, Que. Can. Northern and Transcontinental Rys. MONK, Frederick Debartich, K.C, B. Addreia: Barrie, Ont. Clui: Engineers, C.L., D.C.L., M.P., Professor of Constitu- Toronto. tional Ijaw, Laval Univ., Montreal; fc. Mon- MOLLOT, John Patrick, V.V.S., M.P.; treal, 6 April, 1856; 4th «. of late Hon. Sam- 6. Arthur, Ont., 13 March, 1873; ». of John uel Cornwallis Monk, a Judge bi the Court of and Mary Alice MoUoy; m. 1903, Frances Queen's Bench, and Rosalie Caroline De- H. Keeley; three d. Educ: Emerson, Man., bartzch; father of English descent (Devon- and Surgeon; un- descent; m. 1880, Toronto. A Veterinary 1 shire); mother French successful can. for Man. Legis.; 1907; first ' Marie-Louise, o. d. of late D. H. Senecal, el. to H. of C, 1908. Roman Catholic. advocate. Educ: Montreal Coll., McGill Liberal. Address: Morris, Man. Univ. Called to bar, 1878; Q.C., 1893; uas MOLSON, Harry Markland; h. Mont- been twelve years a School Commissioner real, 9 Aug., 1856; «. of William Molson and for the City of Montreal; el. to H. of C at Helen Converse. Educ: Montreal, Ger- g. e., 1896; re;el. at g. e., 1900, 1904, and many and Paris; a dir. of the Molson's 1908; el. Opposition Leader for Prov. of Bank; dir., Canadian Transfer Co. Address: Quebec, in H. of C, 1901, but resigned posi- 2 Edgehill Ave., Montreal; summer resi- tion, 1903. Address: 58 St. Francois dence, Dorval, Que. Clubs: Mount Royal, Xavier, Montreal. St. James, R. St. L. Y. C. Royal Montreal MONTAGUE, Hon. Walter Humphries, Golf, Montreal Jockey, Hunt, all^f Mont- M.D., CM., P.C; b. Canada, 21 Nov., 1858; real; Junior Athenaeum, London, Eng. s. Joseph I. and Rhoda Montague; m. Augie MOLSON, William Alexander, M.D., Furry; two s. two d. Educ: Canadian Coll., CM. (McGill), M.R.C.S., England; phy- Royal Coll. of Physicians, Edinburgh; a sician; 6. Montreal, 27 Aug., 1852; ». of the member of the Canadian H. of C for about late John Molson and Anne Molson; m. 15 years; was Secretary of State for Canada •Esther Edith, d. of the late Capt. R. W. and Minister of Agriculture until defeat of Shepherd; one s. one d. Educ: Montreal Conservative party in 1896. Recreations: High Sch., McGill Univ. (M.D., CM., 1874), golf. Address: Evergreen Place, Eoslyn and studied at the Royal Coll. of Surgeons, Road, Winnipeg, Man. Clubs: Rideau, England. Served one yr. in St. Thomas Ottawa; Manitoba, Winnipeg. Hospital, London, and completed his MONTIZAMBBBT Frederick, I.S.O., studies in Vienna and Edinburgh. Has MX). (Edin.), F.R.S.C.E., D.C.L. (Bishop's practiced in Montreal since 1877. Senior Coll. Univ.); Director-General of Public physician, Montreal^ Gen. Hospital; was Health for the Dominion of Can.; b. Quebec, examining surgeon in Montreal Garrison 3 Feb., 1843; ». of Edward Louis Montizam- Art. during North West Rebellion. Re- bert, late Law Clerk of the Senate, and Lucy

creationt: travelling, outdoor sports. Ad- Irwin, d. of the late Chief Justice Bowen ; m. dress: 384 Sherbrooke St. W., Montreal. June, 1865, Mary Jane, d. of the late Hon. Clubs: St. James', Montreal Hunt, Mount W. Walker, M.L.C; two «. five d. Educ: Royal. High Sch. of Montreal, Gram. Sch. at St. MONAGHAN, Michael B.A. (Royal John's Que., Upper Can. Coll., Toronto,

Univ., Irel.) ; Gen. Agent Mutual Life Assur. Laval Univ., Edinburgh Univ. Admitted Co. of Canada, at Quebec; 6. Killucan, West- a L.R.C.S., Edinburgh,^ 1864; practiced at meath, Irel., 1857; m. 1890, Margaret Har- Que. until apptd. to Can. Quarantine Ser- ney, of Quebec; Ave t. one d. Educ : French vice. May, 1866. El. Pres. of the Canadian Coll., Blackrock, Dublin; Royal Univ., Medical Assn., 1907, of which he was one of 165 MONTPLAISIB WHO'S WHO.

original founders; was vice-pres. of Ameri- Publications: Editor and publisher of the can Pub. Health Assn., 1889-90, and pres. Acton Free Press since 1878. Recreaiions: 1891. Mem., British Medical Assn., Coun- lawn bowling and fishing. Address: Acton, cil of Can. Branch, Red Cross Soc, Council Ont. of Can. Assn. for Prevention of Tubercul- MOOBE, Samuel John; ii. Doddington, osis; Que. Literary and Historical Soc; of Northamptonshire, Bng., 3 Aug., 1859; «. the Que. Geological Soc. ; hon. mem. of the of Isaac and Louisa Moore; m. Matilda Academy National de Mexico; was el. Fel- Anne, d. of Alexander Lp,ng, Barrie: one «. low of the Eoyal Coll. of Surgeons, 1888; three d. Educ. : by priy. tuition in England. el. Fellow of the Royal Sanitary Institute, Came to Can., 1874j and spent five yrs. in 1907; del. of Dom. Govt, to the Internat- the office of the Barrie Gazette; became mem. ional Cholera Conferences at Washington, of publishing firm of Bengough, Moore & D.C., 1884, and New York, 1893. Apptd. Co., of Toronto, 1879. Now pres. of the W. Gen. Medical Supt. of Canadian Quaranti- A. Rogers, Ltd., of^Toronto; gen. mgr. of nes, 1894, and has served as med. asst. the Carter-Crume Co.; pres. of the Kidder since, 1866,'and as supt. of the St. Lawrence Press Co., of Bofeton, Mass.; a dir. of the Quarantines since 1869. Was made Direc- Imperial Life Assiir Clo., Toronto; a dir. of tor-Gen. of Pub. Health, 1899, and created the Metrppolitan Bank; a trustee of the a Deputy Minister by statute in 1905. Ad- Massey Music Hall Trust. Address: 142 drelt: 123 Cooper St., Ottawa. Clubt: Eid- Jameson Ave., Toronto. Club: National. eau, Ottawa; Toronto. MOOBE, William Henry, B.A.; 6. MONTPLAISIB, Hon. HypoUte; Sena- Stouffville, Ont., 19 Oct., 1872; 8. James tor; 6. Cap de Madeleine, Que., 7 May, 1840; Beach, and Hannah Greenwood Moore; m, «. of Paschal Montplasir, and Victoria Christine Mabee Bertram; two s. one d. Crevier; m. E. M. Ayer. Bduc: Three Educ: Woodstock Coll., Toronto\ Univ. Rivers Academy; has been Mayor of his Secretary, Canadian Northern Railwiw Co.; native parish 25 years, consecutively, and General Manager, Toronto and York Radial 'Warden of Champlain Co. six years; has Railway Co.'; Director of several industrial been Secretary-Treas. of School Comn. for undertakings. Address: 15 Cluny Avenue, 38 years; a farmer; "apptd. to the Senate, Toronto, Ont. Clubs: Toronto, Toronto 9 Feb., 1891; Conservative. Addreat: Three Hunt, Toronto; Garrison, Quebec. cl Rivers, Que. MOBAXG, George Nathaniel; !>. Eastjfl MONTREAL Arch.' of (Roman Cath- port, Maine, U.STA., 10 March, 1866; «..of* olic.) (See Most Bev. Paul Bruchesi). George Nathaniel Morang and Adeline MOOBE Colonel Frederick Strong; b. Emery; m. Sophia Longworthy Heavenjg Charlottetown, P.E.I., 13 Aug., 1846; 8. of two 8. two d. Educ: Eastport Maine; ar- (Jeorge Moore and Eliza Chappele; m. Eliza rived in Canada, 1888. A publisher, es-,' ': Bouyer; one 8. one d. Educ: Pub. Sohs. pecially of Canadian works. Address: TorbUr Commenced business life as a clerk in Bank to, Ont. Clubs: Toronto, Toronto Hunt, of P. E. Island, afterwards with the Mer- R.C. Y.C., Toronto, Ont.; Manitoba Club, chants Bank of P.E.I. Was Treasurer of Winnipeg. Charlottetown for some years. Apptd. a MOB6AN, James C„ M.A.; b. St. Vin- Lieut, in Provincial Militia in 1867, and cent, West Indies, 20 May, 1846; 8. of Rev. promoted Captain in 1868. Organized No. Canon Edward Morgan and Mary Morgan; 2 Battery, 4th Regt., C.A., in 1882. which m. Kate McVittie; one s. one a, Educ: he commanded until 1887, when he was Barrie Gram. Sch. and Toronto Univj Ar- promoted to command the Regiment. rived Canada, 1S56. Headmaster of ,» Under his cpnunand the Battery was the Church Sch., and Inspector of Educ. m most efficient in Canada, taking^ 1st prize Ont., for 36 years; at present supt. of for General Efficiency in competition with Orphans' Home Fund of I.O.F. Publica- all the Garrison Artillery of Canada, for five tions: musical and masonic. Recreaticms: years consecutively; was a _Vice-Pres. of music, floriculture. Addressee: Barrie, Ont;

1 "Canadian Artillery Association," for sev- 22 Hazelton Ave., Toronto. eral years, and President of Provincial Rifle MOBICE, Bev. Adrian Gabriel, O.M.I.; • Association for a number of years. Holds 6. St. Mars-sur-Colmont, Dept. of Mayence, first class certificates from Royal Schools of France; 8. of Jean Morice and Virgime Artillery and Cavalry; was apptd. district Seigneur. Educ: Christian Brothers' Sch. officer commanding in 1894, and command- of Oisseau, and the ecclesiastical colls, of ed Military District No. 12 for 15 years, Mayence, N.D. de Sion (Lorraine), and when he retired, retaining rank in 1909; Autun. Entered the Order of the Oblates was Pres. of Y.M.C.A. for 5 years, and of Mary Immaculate, 9 Oct., 1879. Came Superintendent of Sabbath School, First to Canada, 1880. Ordained 2 Jul^ 1882, Methodist Church, for 5 years. Address: and put in charge of the Chilcotin Indians 17 Upper Prince St:, Chariottetown, P.E.I. in British Columbia; transferred to Stuart MOOBE, Henry Philip; b. Acton, Ont., Lake Mission, Aug., 1885. In 1885 invented 18 Oct., 1858; t. Edward Moore and Eliza- the Tliai Syllabary, which soon spread beth Hemstreet; m. Harriet Isabella among the northern Indians of B.C. Prin- Speight, 3 Dec, 1879; one 8. Educ: Acton ted many books in the new syllables, and Pub. Sch., Rockwood Academy, and Albert for two yrs. published a monthly magazine Coll., Belleville, Ont.; pres,, Canadian Press in the same. Mem. of the Philological Soc. Association, 1891-1892; pres., Ont. Sunday of Paris; American Anthropolo^cal Assn.; Sch. Association, 1896; is a member of the Canadian Institute; Natural History Soc. Board of Management of Albert Coll.; a of British Columbia; Art. Historical and member of the (Committee of Management Scientific Assn. of Vancouver; Historical of the Methodist Book and Publishing and Scientiflc Soc. of Manitoba; Historical House, Toronto, for the past 15 years. Soc. of St. Boniface, Man.; Geographical 166 WHO'S WHO.

Soc. of Neufohatel (Switzerland); Ethnolo- Britain. During the mission to London, in

gical Committee, B.A.A.S. PublicationB: 1898, obtained , from the British Govt., a a vol. of travel, "Au Pays de I'Oura Nolr," promise to estab. in Nfid. a branch of the. (Paris, 1897); "The History of the Northern Naval Reserve, which promise was fulfilled. Interior of British Columbia," (Toronto, Removed to Toronto in 1906, and admitted 1904); "Aux Sources de I'Histoire manito- to bar of Ontario; K.Ci, 1907. An unsuc- baine (Quebec, 1907); Dictionnaire histori- cessful can for H. of C. for Queens-Sl^el- que des Canadiens et des Metis frahcais de bilme, N.S. Publications: The Mining Law rOuest (Quebec, 1908); "History of the of Canada, Canadian Notes to Russell on Catholic Church in Western Canada," Crimes. Recreations: angling, bowling, golf- (Toronto, 1909), in two vols.; two large ing, motoring. Address: 546 Sherbourne vols, intitled "The Great D^n^ Race," now St., Toronto. Clubs: Albany, Toronto; being serially issued in Vienna, Austria. Lambton Golf. Published in Neufchatel, Switzerland, a MOBISSET, McMahon Alfred, M.D., M. map of the valley of the Neohaco River L.A.; b. St. Henedine, Dorchester Co., Que., for he a silver (1904), which was awarded 4 July, 1874; ». of Alfred Morisset, and Geographical Addreee: medal by the Soc. Aglae Dion; m. Fabiola Vezina; one *. four St. Mary's Church. Winnipeg, Man. d. Educ: Laval Univ. Has been practis- MOBCV, Victor, B.A., LL.B. (Laval); ing his profession at St. Henedine for some 6. St. Hyaointhe, Que., 1865; ». of Jean yrs. Mem. of the Medical Soc. of Beauce Baptiste and Aurelie Cote; m. (1st) 1893, and Dorchester; mem, of the Medical Soc. Biddefoi-d, Me., (d. Fannie Cote, of 1894); of Quebec. First el. to the Leg. Ass., 1904; of (2nd) 1896, Aphonsine Cote, St. Hya- re-el. 1908. Address: St. Henedine, Que. cinthe; four 8. five d, Educ: St. Hya- of the D. Mor- cinthe Coll., Laval Univ., B.A., 1884 LL.B MOBBICE, David; head general merchants and B., 1888. Studied law in office of Papin- rice Co., Ltd., Martin's, eau, Morin & MacKay; admitted to practice manufacturers' agents; ft. St. Scotland, 11 Aug., 1831; m. of notarial prof., 1888, and removed to Perthshire, d. John Anderson, of Actonvale, Que.; returned to Montreal, 1881, Annie S., of Toronto; three s. Educ: St, Mirtin's ' ' 1890, and is now head partner of the firm in mercantile pur- of Morin & MacKay. Treas. Bd. of Notar- Perthshire Engaged suits Dublin, Irel.; Liverpool, London, ies Prov. of Notary of Corporation in of Que.; Arrived Canada, pres., Montreal Real and Manchester, .Eng. of City of Montreal; and removed to Estate Assn^^ Petroleum^ Co^ Federal Real 18S5; went to Toronto Montreal, 1862, and estabd. the firm of D. Estate and 'Trust Co.;*dir. Prudential Life Morrice Co., gen. merchants and manu- Insur. Co., Montreal; Eastern Laiid Co.. & agents, a few yrs. ago controlling Canadian Chrome Co.; gen. sec, Montreal facturers' woollen mills,' but Anti-Alcoholic League; Past Sup. Chief over forty cotton and confine their attention to the four Ranger, I.O.F.; sec. Maison d'Etudians, now largest, the Canadian Colored Cotton Mills . Recreation: books. Address: 1116 St. Denis Co., the Gibson Mill Co., Penman's Ltd., of St.,, Montreal. Clubs: Montreal Polo, St. I Paris, Ont.; the Auburn Co., of Peterboro. , Denis, Reform, Montreal. is now conducted under the MOBINE, Alfred Bishop, LL.B. (Dal.), The business style of the D. Morrice Co., Ltd.; Dlr., .K.C.; b. Port Medway, N.S., 31 March, Bank of Montreal, Royal Trust Co.; Pres., 1857; s. 6f Alfred and Mary Morine;


1904; Life of a Star, 1906. Addrets: River- Recreaiiona: lawn bowling and rowing. dale-on-Hudson, N.Y. Address: 44 Macleod St., Ottawa. Cluh: MOBBIS. Edmund Montague; artist; b. Halifax.

Perth, Ont., 1871 ; a. of late Hon. Alexander MOSS, Hon. Sir Charles, K.B., LL.D.; Morris, P.C., D.C.L. Educ: Art Students' Chief Justice of the Outario Court of Ap- League, New York; L'Academie Julian, and peals; b. Cobourg, Ont., 8 March, 1840; s. of the Deux Arts Paris, A.R.C.A., 1897. John Moss, and Cordelea Ann Ouigley; m. Painted for the Ontario Govt., a series of Emily. 2nd d. of the Hon. Robert B. Sul- portraits representing the best types to be livan, Justice of the Court of Queen's Bench found amongst the tribes of Ont., Man., for Up. Can.; three a. two d. While student Sask., and Alta. Commissioned to make at-law, gained the Law Society Scholarship; Indian portraits for the Parliament Bldgs. called to the bar of Ont., Nov., 1869; of Sask. and Alta. Landscape purchased by lecturer and examiner to Law Sdciety of Doin.'Govt.; medal Pan-American Exhn., Up. Can., 1872-79; apptd. Bencher of law Buffalo, 1901. A founder of the New Society, 1880; re-el. in 1881 and thereafter Club, 1908. Address: 43 at each succeeding election; apptd. Queen's Victoria St:, Toronto, Ont. Club: Canad- Council, 1881; represented Law Society in ian Art, Toronto. Senate of Toronto Univ., 1884-1897; Pres. MOBBISON, Lieut.-Col. Edward W. B. York Law Assn., 1891-1892; Vice-Chancel- D.S.O.; Editor of the Ottawa Citizen; b. lor Univ. of Toronto, 1900-1906; member'of London, Ont., 6 July, 1865; a. of Alexander Board of Governors and Vice Chairman, Morrison; unmarried. Educ: Pub. Schs., 1906; Pres. of Havergal. Ladies' Coll.; and Tassie Institute, Gait, Ont. Commen- apptd. Justice of the Court of Appeal for ced journalistic career on the staff of the Out., 1897; apptd. Chief Justice of Ontario, Hamilton Spectator; ed. of the Ottawa 1902; several times administrator of the Citizen, An ardent military man. Joined ; knighted, 1907. 4th Hamilton Field Battery, but on removal Pvhlicalions: Handbook of Conunercial to Ottawa, transferred to 2nd Field Bat- Law in coUoboration with the late Robert tery; served in South African War, 1899- Sullivan, barrister; Recreaiiona: bowling, 1900. Operations in the Transvaal, east of croquet. Addreaa: Roseneath. 547 Jarvis Pretoria, from July to 29 Nov., 1900, in- St., Toronto, Ont. Cluba: Toronto. R.C.Y. cluding action at Belfast. 26 and 27 Aug., C„ Toronto. 1900. Operations in Orange River Colony, MOTHEBSIIX, Thomas Barton; b. Ar- May to 28 Nov., 1900. Operations in Cape kona, Lambton Co.. Ont., 22 Oct., 1859; a. Colony, south of Orange River. 1899-1900. of Joseph Mothersill, M.D., and Mary Dar- Despatches. Brevet of Captain.; D.S.O. lington; m. Maud Louise Henderson; three Queen's Medal with three clasps; organized a. one d. Educ.: Stratford Collegiate, 1905, 23rd Field Batt., Gttawa, which in Secretary and managing director "Mother-f' first yr. of its existence, captured the first sill Remedy Co., Ltd.," a well known prizes for efficliency and firing; promoted preventative of sea sickness. Recreations: Lieut.-Col., comdg. 8th Brig., Field Art., riding, Addrea8:S^ Victoria Av., Windsor, 1909. Recreation: horseback riding. Ad- Ont. dresses: 19 Delaware Av.; The Citizen. MOTHEBWELL, Hon. W. B., M.L.A.; Ottawa. C2ub;Rideau, Ottawa. Commr. of Agric. and Prov. Sec. of Sas- MOBBISSY, Hon. John, M.L.A.; Chief katchewan; b. Perth, Lanark Co., Ont., Commr. of Pub. Works, New Brunswick; 6 Jan., I860; a. of John and Eliza Mother- b. Newcastle. N.B., 13 Aug.. 1855: «. of well; m. 1884, Adeline Rogers, of New Patrick Morrissy and Rose Carrell (Irish); Boyne, Ont.; two d. Educ: Perth Coll; m. 1879, Joanna A. Dimn'; two a. one a. tnst. and Guelph Agric. Coll. (A.A.C. of

Educ. : Newcastle. A merchant ; Dep. Sher- Guelph Agric. Coll.) A farmer. Pres. of iff, 1880-81; Veterinary Surgeon, 12th the Imperial Temperance Hotel. An un- Field Battery of Newcastle, 1885-1897; successful can. for North Qu'Appelle, 1904, mem. Co. Coun.', 1882-83. Unsuccessful and 1906; el. to Sask. Legis. at first g. e.,

can. for Legis. at bye-el., 1 888 ; el . for 1905. Apptd. Commr. of Agric. and Prov. Legis., 1889; defeated at g. e., 1890; de- Sec. upon the formation of the first ministry feated at bye-el., 1890; defeated at g. e., of Sask. by Hon. Walter Scott, 5 Sept., 1905 1894; an unsuccessful can for H. of G. at defeated in Qu'Appelle, at g. e., 1908; el. in g. e., 1896;' defeated for Legis. at g. e., 1898; Humbolt, at bye-el., 7 Dec, 1908. Addreaa: defeated for U. of C, at g. e., 1900; el. for Regina, Sask. Legis., at g. e., 1903; re-el. at g. e., 1908. MOUNTAIN, George Alphonso, C.E.; Sworn of the Ex. Coun. as Chief Commr. of Chief Engr., Bd. of Railway Commrs. for Pub. Works in Hazen Cabinet, 20 March, Canada; Pres. and mem. of the Canadian 1908; re-el. by accl., 7 April. 1908. Addreaa: Soc. of Civil Engrs.; b. Quebec, 28 Sept.. Newcastle.'N.B. 1869; a. of the late Matthew G. Mountain, MOBSE, Charles, D.C.L., K.C.; b. Liv- and Isabella Peek; m. 1891, Kate Damor- erpool, N.S., 24 Dec., 1860; «. Charies eau^ of Montreal; one d. Educ: Quebec. Morse, K.C., and Margaret Henderson; m. Civil Engr. on suryevs of the Quebec & Susan Mary Peters; two a. one d. Educ,: Lake St. John Ry., and the Quebec Graving Liverpool Academy, Dalhousie Univ., and Docks, Newfoundland Ry., Can. Atlantic Trinity Univ., Toronto. Admitted to bar Ry. for 23 yrs., the last ten as chief ei^r.; of N.S., in 1885; apptd. Deputy Registrar, apptd. Chief Engr. of Bd, of Ry Commrs.. Exchequer Court of Canada in 1889. Pvb- for Canada, 1904; mem. Am. Ry. Engin-

licaiiona: "Apices Juris," and other l^al eering & Maintenance of Way Assn. ; mem. essays; founded (with C. H. Masters. K.C.) Assn. of Ry. Supts.'of Bridges and Buildings; "Canadian Annual Dieest," in 1896; is now Dom. Land Surveyor; mem. Royal Astrono- literary editor of the Canadian Law Times mical Soc. of Canada. Recreationa: shooting. 16s WHO'S WHO.

fishing, golf. Address: 336 MacLaren St., in the Ontario L^ialature, 1904; re-elec. Ottawa. Clubs: Rideau, Golf, Ottawa; 1905; joined 22nd Batt.. The Oxford Rifles, NatioBal, Toronto. in 1864 as ft private; 'became Lt.-Col., MOUNT-STEPHEN, Baron (Sir George commanding the R^iment^ in 1885; was Stephen), G.C.V.O., D.L.;,6. 5 June, paymaster of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee 1829; 8. of William Stephen, of Du£ftown, Contingent, in 1897, and was Brigadier of Banffshire, and Elapet Smith; m. (Ist) 1S53, the 1st Infantry Brigade from 1905 to 1909; Charlotte Annie (a. 1896), d. of Benjamin is now Hon. Lt.-Col., of the 22nd Regt.; Kane; (2nd) 1897, Gian, d. of late Capt. Pres. of the Farmers' Bank of Canada; Robert George Tufnell, R.N. Came to Liberal; Presbyterian. Address: Embro, Ont. Clubs: Can. Military Institute, and , Canada, 1860; became director, vice-Pres. and Pres. of Bank of Montreal; Pres., St. Ontario Club, Toronto. Paul and Manitoba Ry.; head of the C. P. MUNBO, William Bennett, M.A., Ph. Ry. tmtil ISBS; cr. a baronet. 1886; mem. D., LL.B., Assistant Professor of the of House of Lords, 1891; G.C.V.O., 1905. Science of Government in Harvard Univ., ' Conservative; Presbyterian. Addresses: U.S.; 6. Almonte, Ont,, 5 Jan., 1875; s. of 17 Carlton House Terrace, S.W.; Brocket John McNab Munro, late of H, M. Customs, Hall, Hatfield, Hertfordshire; Grand Metis, and Sarah Bennett; unmarried. Educ: Quebec. C2ub8: Carlton, Arthur's, Lond'on, Queen's Coll., Kingston; Univ. of Edin- Eng. burgh; Harvard Univ.; Univ. of Berlin. MOWAT, Herbert Macdonald, K.C., After graduating from Queen's Coll., took law ^course in LL.B.; b. Kingston, Ont., 9 April, 1860; a. Univ. of Edinburgh, then Rev. Professor Mowat. D.D., of Queen's entered uj)on special study of history and University and Emma, d. of Hon. John political science at Harvard; obtained d^ree McDonald, of Gananoque; m. Mary, d. of of Doctor of Philosophy, 1900,, and spent a John Skeaff, of Aberdeen. Educ: Queen's year at Univ. of Berlin, as Parker Travel- ling Univ. Called to the bar of Ontario, 1886; Fellow of Harvard Univ. ; Instructor in apptd. Q.C. in Oct., 1899. Address: 10 Political Science, Williams Coll., Mass.,. Wellesley St.. Toronto, Ont. CZu6; Toronto. 1901-04; a mem. of Faculty of Harvard Univ., MOWAT, John McDonald, B.A.; b. since 1904; Pres. of Harvard Co- operative Society students* Kingston, Ont., 17 Feb., 1873; s. of Rev. (dealers in John Bower Mowat. M.A-., D.D.. Prof, of supplies). Publications: Canada and British Oriental Languages in Queen's Univ.. and North America, 1905; the Seigniorial Emma, d. of the late Hon. John McDonald. System in Canada. 1907; Documents relat- Educ: Kingston Coll. Inst., Queen's Univ., ing tp the Seignoirial 'Tenure, 1907; frequent Osgoode Hall, Toronto. Mayor of King- contributor to historical and political ston, 1906-07. Recreations: canoeing, fish- renews. Address: 37 Dana Chambers, ing, motoring. Address: Kingston, Ont. Cambridge, Mass. Club: Colonial, Catn- Clubs: Frontenac, Kingston Yacht, King- bridge, Mass. ston Golf and Country, Kingston; Ontario, MUKPHY, Hon. Charles, P.C, M.P., Can. Mil. Inst.,, Toronto. Secretary of State for Canada; ft. Ottawa. MULOCK, Hon. Sir William, K.C.M.G., Ont., 8 Dec, 1864; s. James Murphy and cr. 1902; M.A., K.C., LL.D.; Chief Justice Mary Conway. Educ: Ottawa Primary of the Exchequer Division of the High Schools; Ottawa Univ., and Osgoode Hall, Court of Justice for the Province of Ontario; Toronto; practices Law in Ottawa; a mem. of the Privy Council Secretary of State ft. Bond Head, Ont.. 19 Jan., 1843; s. and of Thomas Homan Mulock, M.D^; m. 1870, Oct., 1908; elected to the H. of C. as mem- @arah Ellen, d. of Crowther, barrister ber for Russell, 26 Oct., 1908. Address: , James Toronto. Educ: Newmarket Gram. SA.; Ottawa. C^uft; Laurentian, Ottawa. Univ. of Toronto. Graduated in Arts, 1863; MUKPHT, David Richard, K.C.. B.A., barr.j 1868; Q.C, 1888; first elected to LL.B.; ft. St. Stanislas, Champlain Co., Domimon Parliament 1882; re-elected 1887. Que.. 1 Dec, 1862; s. of Nicholas Murphy 1891, 1896, 1900, and 1904; Vice-Chan- an'd Mary' Sammon; m. 1888, Genevieve cellor of Univ. of Torontp from 1881 until Neil Kennedy. Educ: St. Laurent Coll., 1900, when he resigned in consequence of Laval Univ. Admitted to bar, 1886; was his public duties; Postmaster-General of partner with the late L. W. Sicotte, and Canada, 1896-1905, and Jjtfinister of Labour, later with W. G. Cruikshanks, K.C., Mont- 1900-5; on his suggestion, the Inter-Imper- real; became mem. of the firm of Gouin,-

ial Postal Conference , adapted Post- Lemieux, Murphy & Bernard, 1907. Created age within the Empire, 1898; introduced a K.C., 1903. Was sec. of the Montreal and carried through H. of C, a bill estab- bar for three terms. Recreation: literature. lishing the Department of Labour^ 1900; Address: 4215 Dorchester St., Montreal. for some years was lecturer on Eqmty and MURPHT, Denis; one of the Commrs. Law Examiner for the Law Society of of the Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Up. Can.; representative of Canada, at Ry.; 6. Cork, Irel., 2 April, 1842; s. of inaii^uration of Federal Parliament of Jeremiah Murphy and Ellen Sullivan; m. Australia; apptd. Chief Justice, 1905. Ad- Annie Patterson; one s. two d. Came to dress: 518 Jarvis St., Toronto. Club: Tor- Can., 1849. Educ: at Chatham, Que. onto, Toronto'; Rideau, Ottawa. Commenced life as purser on an Ottawa MUNSO, IJeut.-Col. Jamesi President River steamboat; settled in Ottawa, 1866, of the Farmers' Bank o£ Canada; ft. Embro, as agent of the Montreal and Ottawa For- Ont., 24 Jtme, 1846; m. Agnes Orr Holmes; warding Co.; in 1880, entered into partner- two s. three d. Educ: Embro pub. ach. ship with the late Mr. J. W. McRae, in the Banker and farmer; Warden of the Co. of forwarding business, under the name of D. Oxford, in 1885; member for North Oxford Murphy & Co.; in 1892 amalgamated the 169 WHO'S WHO,.

different steamboat lines on the Ottawa MUBBAT, GUbert MacklntoshLB.A.; h. River, into the Ottawa Transportation Co., Strathroy, Ont., 14 Jan., 1876; ». W. H. and with Mr. M. as,pres. A dir. of the Bank of Kate G. Murrayi Educ: Strathroy CoU. Ottawa; pres. of the Canadian Ry. Acci- Inst,; Toronto Univ.; Ont. Normal Coll., dent Ipsur. Co.; vice-pres. of the C. Ross Hamilton; Secretary Canadian Manufac- Co.; dir. of the Shawinigan Water and turers' Assn., (Incorporated); after grad- Power Co. First el. to the Ont. Legis., 1902; uation one year tutorial work in Toronto; unsuccessful; 1905; apptd. T. & N. 0. Ry. three years with Mining Exploration Com- Commr., 1905. Address: Tara Hall, Met- panies in Western and Northern Ont.; five calfe St., Ottawa. Clubs: Rideau, Lauren- years with Can. Man. Assn. ; Asst. Secy, and tian. Golf, Country, Ottawa; National, Al- finally as Secretary; Address: National bany, Toronto. Club, 'Toronto. Clubs: National and R.C.Y. MTJBPHT, Bis Hon. Denis, B.A.; a C, 'Toronto; Xambton Golf and Country Judge of the Supreme Court of British Col- Club, Lambton;'Laurentian, Ottawa. umbia; 6. Lao la Hache, B.C., 20 June, 1870; nrUBBA^T, Howard, LL.D.; Dean of b: of Denis Murphy and Helen Wnite; m. Dalhoueie Coll., Halifax, N.S.', member of 1900, Maud Cameron, of Cornwall, Ont. Advisory Board of Education for N.S., since b. N.S., Educ: Ottawa Univ.; eV. to B.C. Legis., 1906; New Glasgow, 1859; 1900; apptd. to present position, Nov., e. s. of late George Murray, M.D.; m. 1890, 1909. Address: Victoria, B.C. Janet, d, of late George Hattie. Educ: New Glasgow High Sch. and Dalhousie Martin, C.E., I.S.O.; BTUBPHT, D.Sc, Coll., N.S.; Univ. Coll., London; Edinburgh b. Ballendaggen, £nniscorthy, Ireland, 11 Univ. Printjipal of Stellarton High Sen., Nov., 1832; «. of Thomas Murphy and Mary 1877-78; Guysboro' Academy, 1880; New Conroy; m. Maria Agnes Buckley, Banteer, Glasgow High Sch., 1880-81; won Canadian Ireland; eight 8. d. Ballin- three Educ: Gilchrist ScholarsMpj 1881, and proceeded da^gin, Enniscorthy, Dublin, Ireland; stud- to England; Tutor m Classics, .Dalhousie ied Civil Engineering the railways on and Univ., 1887-89; Classical Master in Halifax other public works constructed the late by Academy, 1889-94; Lecturer in Classics, William Dargan, Ireland, in 1852, to 1862; Dalhousie Univ., 1890-94; Principal of resident engineer of the Dublin, Wicklow Halifax Academy, 189^-94; Professor of and Wexford Ry., 1862 to 1867. to Came Classics, Dalhousie Univ., 1894; Dean of the Canada, April, 1868. Made preliminary Coll., 1901. PublicalioTts: The classics, their surveys for projected lines of railway for use, present pos. and future prospects) the Provincial Government of N.S.; City Reform in the N.S. High Sch. Course. Engineer for Halifax, N.S., during next two Address: Recreations: , quoiting, curUng. years. Contractor / for the substructure of 15 Spring Garden Road, Halifax, N.S. heavy bridge work on the Intercolonial James Peter, J. P., F.S.A.. Railway, 1872-4; Provincial MUBBAT, Government (Lon.); President of the Toronto Carpet- Engineer of N.S., 1875-1903; was consulted Mfg. Co.; b. Limerick, Ire., 17 Oct., 1852; on construction of public works, railways, ». Wm. A. Mvirray (Scotch), and Jane Anne hydographic improvements, etc., by the (Irish); m. (Ist) Marie Emelie Governments Newfoundland, McNamara of Bermuda Caron; (2nd) Nanno Josephine Hayes; three and N.B.; Pres. of the N.S. Institute of ». three d. Educ: St. Michael's Coll., Science, 1882-3; Pres. of the Canadian Toronto, and St. Hyacinthe Seminary, Que. Society of Civil Engineers, 1902-3; apptd. Came to Canada with his parents when two Government Inspecting Engineer on the years of age. Entered father's busjiness in Western Division of the National Trans- Toronto in 1867; founded Toronto Carpet continental Railway, in 1906, a position Mfg. Co., 1891; took an active part in re- which he holds at present. Publications: organizing Can. Mfgrs. Assn., 1899; founded many on Science and Civil Engineering. Employers' Assoc, of Toronto, 1902; a Address: Edmonton, Alta. provisional gov. of the Toronto Museum of MtJKBAT, Hon. George Henry, K.C.; Art, 1900; Canadian Sec. British Weights Premier of Nova Scotia; 6. Grand Narrows, and Measures Assn; vice-pres. for Ontario, N.S., 7 June, 1861; ». of the late William of the Canadian Mfrs. Assocn.; one of the Murray and wife; m. 1889, Grace E., d. of first memLbers of the Imperial Fed. League, John B. Moore, of North Sydney; three c. 1884; a vice-pres. of the Can. branch of the Educ: local schs. and Boston Univ. Called Brit. Empire League; a founder of the

to Nova Scotia bar, . 1883, and commenced Toronto Empire Club. A warm supporter practice of law in North Sydney; cr. K.C., of all forms of athletics, especially rou'ing; 1896, and is now head of the firm of Murray, an hon. life mem. of tue Argonaut Rowing McKenzie, McMillan & Phalen. Apptd. Club. Publications: "Labour in relation to to Legis. Coun. of N.S., 1 March, 1889; capital;" "Apprenticeship," and' kindred unsuccessful candidate for H. of C. in Cape subjects. Address: 445 EucUd Ave., Toronto Breton, g. e., 1887 and 1891, and at bye-el., Clubs: National, Argonaut, Toronto. Feb., 1896. Apptd. a mem. of the Fielding DTDBBAT, Sir Jolin, K.C.B., F.R.S., Admn., without portfolio, 11 April, 1891. LL.D., D.Sc, Ph.D.; b. Coburg, Ont., Called on by Lt.-Gov. Daly, to form admn., 3 Mar.. 1841; 2nd «. of Robert Murray, upon the resignation of Mr. Fielding, 17 accountant; m. Isabel, d. of late Thomas July, 1896, which he succeeded in doing Henderson, shipowner, 1889; two s. three d. taking the portfolio of Prov. Sec. Was Educ: pub. sch., London, Ont.; Victoria re-el. by aocl. Appealed to the people 20 Coll., Coburg, Ont.; High Sch., Stirling, April, 1897, and was sustained by a large Scotland; Edinburgh Univ. Cuvier Prize, maj., and again in 1901 and 1906. El. for Institut de France; Humboldt Medal, Gesel- Victoria at g. e., 1897, 1901, 1906. Addren: Ischaft fur Erdkunde, Berlin; Royal Medal, HaUfax, N.S. Royal Society; Founder's Medal, R.G.S.; 170 ; ; WHO'S WHO.

Neill and Makdou^all-Brisbane medals of travelled extensively in India' and the far Royal Society, Edinburgh; CullTun Medal, east: became Canadian Trade Commissioner American Geographical Society; Clarke for Leeds and Hull, Eng.; in August, 1909. Medal, Royal Society of New South Wales: Recreations: riding, golf. Address: Cromer Lutke Medal, Imperial Rossian Society of Hall, Leeds, Eng.; Oakleign, Cayuga, Ont. Geography. Hon. mem. of a large number MTEBS, His Hon. Robert Hill; Co. Ct. ' of British and Foreign scientific Societies. Judge; Past Grand Master Masonic Order, Knight of the Prussian Order Pour le for Manitoba; Past Grand Master of Odd- Mente, 1898; naturalist; formerly member fellows; 6. Oxford, Ont., 30 March, 1856; e. of the Fishery Board for Scotland; is now of Robert Myers of Leeds, Yorkshire, and engaged in a bathymetrical, physical, and Margaret Hill of Fifeshire, Scotland; m. 25 biological survey of the fresh-water lakes of Nov., 1885, Annie, d. of James McLeod of

' the United Kingdom. . Visited Spitzbergen Woodstock, Ont. ; one 8. one d. Educ. and Arctic regions as a naturalist on board Stratford; 'Toronto, Ont. Called to bar at a whaler, 1868; one of the naturalists H.M. Osgoode Hall, Toronto, 1880, and to Mani- S. "Challenger," during exploration of toba bar, 1882; mem. of Manitoba Legis- physical and biological conditions of great lature, 1892-1903; apptd. to the bench, ocean basins, 1872-76; first assistant of staff 1903; mem. of Manitoba College Senate and apptd. to undertake publication of scien- Board of Management and Manitoba Univ., tific results of "Challenger" Expedition, Rhodes Scholarship Committee. Recrea- 1876-82; apptd. editor, 1882; took part in tions: golf, lawn bowling. Address: 99' "Triton" and "Knight Errant" explora- Roslyn Rd., Winnipeg, Man. Clubs: Mani- tions in Faroe Channel, and other deeP7Sea toba, St. Charles, Country, Rockwood, Cole- and marine expeditions; at one time scien- dyke, Winnipeg. tific member of the Scottish Fishery Board; British delegate to the International Hydro- graphic Conference at Stockholm, 1889; has N made numerous, explorations in tropical _ oceanic islands and travelled in nearly all NAKAMUBA, Hon. Takashl; Consu parts of the world. Publications: editor of General for Japan; 6. Yuasamaohi, Ku, Scientific Results of the Muva; Report on the . Japan, 3 July, 1873; m. Mitsuye "Challenger" Expedition, published by H. twos, one d, Educ: Japan. Came to Can. M. Stationery Office in fifty royal quarto 18 May, 1909. Diplomatic and consular volumes; aitthor of a Summary of the service for Japan in Corea, China and the Scientific Results of the "Challenger" Ex- U.S., 1895-1906; apptd. Sec. to the Foreign pedition; joint-author of The Narrative of Dept. in 1906; promoted to Consul General the Cruise of the "Challenger" and of a in Canada, 1909. Address: 385 Laurier Av. of Report on Deep-Sea Deposits; author ^ E., Ottawa. CT«6.- Rideau, Ottawa. numerous papers on subjects connected with NANTBL, WUfrld Bruno, LL.D. (Laval) geography, oceanography, marine biology, K.C:, M.P.; 6. St. Jerome, Que., 8 Nov., and limnology; Report on Scientific Results 1867; «. of Guillaume Nantel and Adelaide of Scottish Lake Survey, 6 vols., 1909. Desjardins; m. 1885, Georgianna Gauthier, Becreationt: yachting, accompanied with of St. Jerome; three a. one d. Educ. : Sem. sounding, dredging, and other scientific of Ste. Theresse de Blainville. Has been observations; has a large collection of mar- mayor of the town of St. Jerome for the ine deposits, of which he makes a special past six yrs., and alderman since 189.4. study; golf, cycling, sheoting and motoring. tfnsuccessful can. for H. of C. for Terre- Addrett: Challenger Lodge, Wardie, Edin- bonne at g. e., 1904. First el. to H. of C. at burgh; Challenger Farm, Boden, Alta., g. e., 1908. Address: St. Jerome, Que, Canada. Clubs: Athenaeum, Royal Societ- NANTON, Augustus Meredith; 6. Tor- ies, Automobile; United Service, Edin- onto, 7 May, 1860; ». of Augustus Nanton, burgh; Royal and Ancient, St. Andrew's, of Toronto; m. (1st) 1886, Georgina Hes- New, North Berwick. peller (d. 1887); (2nd) 1893, Ethel Clark, of MTTBBAY, Rev. John Oswald, M.A., Winnipeg. Educ: Toronto Model Sch. T.C.D., b. Ballymona, Ireland, 1869; ». The Commenced work at thirteen yrs. of age in Very Rev. T. W. Murray, LL.D., Dean of oflBce of a real estate broker, and two yrs. Connor, and Margaret Moyers; m. Ada, d. later entered employ of financial firm of of John Marwood R.N Educ: Gram., Osier & Hammond. At age of 24, became Soh., Ballymona, and Trinity Coll., Dublin. a junior partner, and opened branch house Arrived in Canada, 1902; Canon of St. at Winnipeg. Dir. of the Great West Life John's Cathedral, Winnipeg, and Professor Insur. Co., Winnipeg Street Railway Co.: of Systematic Theology in St. John's Coll. governor of the Winnipeg General Hospital First classical scholar, T.C.D., 1889; vice- ex-pres. of the Bd. of Trade. Address: Chancellor's Gold MedaUst, 1890; ordained Fort Rouge, Winnipeg. Clubs: Manitoba, Deacon, 1896; Priest, 1897; Dio. of London; Commercial, Winnipeg. Curate of St. .Martin-in-the-Fields, London, NEEIiT, Charles Hoffman; 6. Iowa, U. 1896-1902. Pvblicatiom: Christianity and S.A., 10 June, 1866; of American parentage. Human Thought, London S.P.C.R., 1909. Arrived Canada, 1902; has always been Recreations: walking and reading. Address: engaged in the insurance business: now The Retreat, St. Johns, Winnipeg, Man. manager for Canada and Newfoundland, of MUSSGN. Joseph Mlssett; b. Cayuga, the Ocean Accident & Guarantee Corpora- Co. of Haldimand, Ont., 17 Dec, 1863; ». tion. Recreations: golf, yachting. Address: of William Mussen, Belfast; unmarried. 111 Crescent Read, Toronto. Clubs: Royal Educ: Public and High Sch. of Cayuga, Canadian "yacht, Lambton Golf and Coun Ont., and Osgoode Hall, Toronto; Barrister- try. National, Toronto; New York Athletic, at-Law; afterSpracticingclaw for a tim^ New York. 171 WHO'S WHO.

NEELT, David Bradley M.B. (Toronto. a Q.C., 1896;. was pres. of the Osgoode 1899), M.C,P. & S.O., M.P.; 6. Harkaway, Legal and Lit. Soc^; apptd. a Judge of the Grey Co., Ont., 18 Dec, 1873; «. of Thomas Supreme Ct., 16 May, 1903; resigned 4 Neely and Jane Neely; m. Laura Amelia Oct., 1905, to resume legal practice. Re- Hill, of Markdale, Ont.; two ». Educ: creatioTis: €olf, fishing, horseback riding. Owen Sound Coll. Inst., Toronto Univ. Addresses: Home Life BIdg. (bus.); 25 St. Practiced medicine in Colborne and Mark- Vincent St., Toronto. Clubs: Toronto* dale, Ont., till 1904, and since then in Golf, Ontario Jockey, Toronto; Rideau,' Humboldt, Sask. Elected by accl. in Golf, Ottawa: Garrick, Cecil, London^ "Eott Humboldt to first Prov. Legislature of NESBITT, William Beattle, B.A., M.D?; Sask., Dec, 1905; re-elected, Aug., 1908; b. Vandecar, Oxford Co., Ont., 23 May resigned and el. for H. of C, Oct., 1908. 1866; «. of Dr. F. L. Nesbitt and A. J. Meek; AddreM: Humboldt, Sask. m, 1888, Clara Louise Hubbard; one d. NEILL, Charles Ernest; 6. Frederioton, .Educ; Angus Pub. Sch., Pickering Coll and N.B., 25 May, 1873; a. of James S. Neill, and Barrie High Sch.; Grad. Toronto Univ Eliza Caroline Neill; m. Mary L. Crerar. 1887; Trinity Univ., M.D., 1887. Prac- Manager Royal Bank at Vancouver for ticed his profession in Toronto for several some years; Asst. General Manager of the yrs,, but later became connected with Royal Bank of Canada. Addresit 242 Sher- several corporations and manufacturing brooke St. West, Montreal. Clubt: Mount institutions, including the People's Life Royal, St. James, Hunt, Royal Montreal Insur. Co. J Toronto Cold Storage Co.,, and Golf, Montreal. the Canadian Kodak Co.; later was mgr. of NBLSON John, mang. dir. Victoria the C. H. Hubbard Co. Active as aCons. (B.C.) Timet; b. Paisley, Out., 8 March, in politics. El. to Prov. Legis. for North 1872; a. of John and Eliza Nelson: m. Clara Toronto, 1902; re-el. at g. e., 1905; retired Armstrong: two «. two d. Educ: Public 1908. Address: 71 Grosvenor St., iToronto. and High Sch. of Ont.: has been a newspaper Club: Albany, Toronto. man all his life; and reporter; special writer, NEWCOMBE, Edmund Leslie, C.M.G., now managing director of the Times, Vic- K.C, M.A., LL.B., Deputy Min. of Justice toria, B.C.; del. to the Imp. Press Confce., for Canada: !>. Cornwallis, N.S., 17 Feb., at London, 1909. Address: 1034 Linden Av., 1859; ». John Cumming Newcombe, Victoria, B.C. and Abigail H. Calkin; m. Annie E. Freeman; NESBITT, Edward Walter, M.P.: b. one 8. Educ: Dalhousie Coll., Halifax North Norwich, Co. of Oxford, 15 July, Called to the bar of N.S., 1883; bar of Ont., 1857; 8. of John W, and Mary Wallace Nes- 1893; Q.C., 1893; Deputy Minister of Justice bitt; m. Mary Elizabeth d. of Andrew 1893; Governor of Dalhousie Coll., 1887- Ross, Sheriff Oxford; two s. four d. of 1893; Lecturer on Insurance Law, Dalhousie Has been a member of the Woodstock Coll., 1892-3; Canadian delegate to board of Education for several years; was Gt. Britain on copyright question, 1905; a member of the Co. Council for several Com- missioner for Revision of Statutes of Clanada years, and also Chairman of the Board of 1902-1906. Publications: A Handbook of the Trade; now engaged in manufacturing; British North America Act. Recreat^m: farming and general agency business; first shooting. Address: 63 Laurier Ave. W., el. to H. of C„ 1908; a Liberal. Address: Ottawa. Clubs: Rideau, Golf, Hunt, Coun- Woodstock, Ont. Clubsc Bideau, Ottawa, try, Ottawa; Halifax, N.S. and National, Toronto. NESBITT, Sam. Grlerson Murray, M.L. NEWNHAM, Bight Bev. Jervols Arthur, A.; b. Brighton, Ont., 23 Nov., 1859; «. of M.A., D.D.; Bishop of Saskatchewan: b. ^mes Nesbitt, and Agnes Clarke; m. Bath, Somerset, Eng., 15 Oct., 1852; s. of William Eleanor Morris Bibby; one s. three d. Rev. George Newnham, M.A., Vicar , Educ: High Sch., Brighton; grocer for 12 of Combe Down, and Catherine Pennock years; manufacturer of canned goods for Read; m. 1892, Letitik Anges, d. of Rev. seven years; exporter of green apples for 18 Wm. Henderson, D.D.; five d. Received years: pres., Can. Canners'; Gordon Pulp early educ. at Bath Coll.; came to Canada, and Paper Co., Dryden, Ont,; Pres., Ont- 1 June, 1873, and entered McGill Univ. ario Apple Shippers* Assn.; pres., Brighton (B.A. with honours, 1878; M.A., 1883), and Board of Trade; prst el. to Ontario Leg. the Montreal Diocesan Coll. A missionary Ass., for East Northumberland, 1908. Re- at Onslow, Que., 1878-82; curate of Christ creatioTis: cricket, yachting. Address: Ch. Cath., Montreal, 1882-86; rector West- Brighton, Ont. Club: Albany, Toronto. mount, Montreal, 1886-90; consec in Win- NESBITT, Hon. Wallace, K.C; b. Wood- nipeg, 1893; and in same yr. received deg- stock, Ont., 13 May, 1858; ». of late John W. ree of D.D. from St. John's Coll., Man.; Nesbitt and Mary Wallace; m. (1st) Louise, Bishop of Moosonee, 1893-04; transferred d. of A. F. Elliott, of New Orieans, U.S.A.; to Saskatchewan, 1904; has travelled (2nd) Amy Gertrude, d. of W. H. Beatty, much by canoe and on snowshoes round Toronto; one «. Educ: Woodstock; called Hudson's Bay as Missionary Bishop. to the bar, 1881; practised in Hamilton, Recreations: cricket, tennis, riding. Ont., for a short time; removed to Toronto Address: Bishops thorpe. Prince Albert, and joined the firm of McCarthy, Osier, Sask. Hoskin & Creelmsn; in 1892, became a NEWNHAM, Mrs. Letltla Agnes; b. mem. of firm the of Beatty, Blackstock, Pembroke, Ont., 14 April, 1865: d. of Rev. Nesbitt, Chadwick & Riddell; in lg94 acted Wm. Henderson, D.D., and Mary Agnes as senior counsel for Toronto in the investi- Burgen; m. 1892, Right Rev. Jervois Arthur gation before Judge McDoug&ll, to ascer- Newnham, Bishop of Saskatchewan; five tain if any aid. or officials had accepted d, A devoted companion and assistant of bribes or been guilty of malfeasance; apptd. her husband in his missionary labours 172 ' WHO'S WHO.

arouDd the shores of Hudson's Bay, and National, Toronto, Albany, Royal Cstn, now in Saskatchewan. Addreaa: Bishops- Yacht, Golt Toronto'; St. James', Montreal, thorpe, Prince Albert, Sask. NICHOLSON, B^on; 6. Hamyton, Out. , NEWTON, Denzil Onslow Cochrane, 27 Jan., 1852:. ». of William Manley, and M.V.O.; 6. England, 17 Oct., 1880; ». of Elizabeth Andry Nicholson; m. Mary Per- George Onslow and Lady Alice Newton. berthy, e. d, of Chas, V. Berryman, M.D., Educ: Eton, and Royal Military Coll. M.A.; one s. Educ: Public Sch. and High Arrived in Canada, 1902; gazetted to Mid- Sch,; journalist for many years; collector dlesex Regt., 1899; A.D.C. to Earl of of Crown Timber Dues at the Port of Que- Dundonald, 1902-1906; A.D.C. to His Ex- bec up to 1909; clerk of the Sepate Coih- cellency the Governor General, 1904-1909; mittees, at Ottawa, 1909. Publications.' now a member of the firm of C. Meredith "Impressions Abroad," "The French Cana- & Co., Ltd., bond brokers, Montreal. Ad- dian" (translated into French,) "In Old Quebec." Address: Ottawa, Ont. dress: 720 , Cooper St., Ottawa. Clubs; Rideau, Golf, Ottawa. NICHOLSON, Charles Howard, Gen, NICHOr, Walter Cameron; Prop. Van- Mgr. of G. T. P. Steamships; b. Belleville, couver Daily Province; b. Goderich, Ont., Ont., 28 Jan., 1868; ». of Samuel and Nancy 11. E. Loyalists; IS Oct., 1866; V. 8. of the late Robert K. Nicholson, m. Lillie V. Addison Nichol, barrister, who was the Williams, of Cobourg; one «. Educ: Queen's eldest son of the late Lt.-Col. Robert Univ., Kingston, and Univ. of Maryland! Nichol, Q.M.G., of H.M. Militia; m. Odita Baltimore, Md.; Master Mariner; 'Traffic Josephine, d. of the late Charles Greenwood Manager, Nor. Nav. Co. ; now Mgr. of G. T. Moore, M.D., of London, Ont.; one s. one d, Pacific lines on the Pacific, Began steam- Educ: at home; journalist; edited the boating as Cabin boy, 1881; Purser, 1882- Hamilton (Ont). Herald for some years, and 1884; Captain, 1885 to 1890; General Freigh is now publisher, proprietor and editor-in- and Passenger Agent, 1891 to 1903; Mgr. chief, of Vancouver B.C. Daily Province. for the U.S., 1894 to 1902; General Mgr.,, Traffic Recreations: driving and motoring. Ad- Muskoka Nav. Co., 1903; Mgr., rfor.' , dress: Vancouver, B.C. Club: Vancouver. Nav. Co., 1904-09; apptd. to pres. pos. Deo.,. Address: Vancouver, B.C. NICHOLLS, Albert George, M.A., M.D., 1909. NICKEBSON, moses Hardy, M.L.A.; b. CM., D.Sc, F.R.S.C; b. England, 16 April, Clark's Harbor, Shelburne Co., N.S., 10 1870; s. of Rev. John Nicholls and Mary Sept., 1848; «. of Pheneas and Jane Nicker- Elizabeth Harland; m. Lucia Pomeroy Van son; m. Mary E. Duncan; two «. two d. Vliet; one s. Educ: Montreal High Sch.; Educ. : at Clark's Harbour, by private study, McGill Univ.; Erlanger, Prague, Vienna. Sch. teacher for 15 years; journalist, 20 Arrived in Canada, 1874; erad. from Mon- Shears; member of the N.S. Legislature treal High Sch. with Davidson Gold medal, sin'ce 1902. Puhlications: "Corals of the- and Lansdowne Silver medal for English Coast," a vol. of verse, 1892; The Coast History and Literature; ,Gold Chapman Guard, weekly newspaper established 1897. Medal and first rank honor in classics, Mc- Recreation: translating from the Classics, Gill Univ.; Final Medicine; prize in Post Address: Clark's Harbor, N.S. Grad.^ course in Medicine in^ Germany and

' Austria. Publications: various articles in NICKLE, William Folger, B.A., K.C., the reference handbook of Medical Science; M.L.A.; b. Kingston, Ont.l 31 Dec, 1869; part author American Text Book of Patho- s. of William Nickle, (Scotch,) and Ellen Folger; m. Agnes Mary logy and of the American Practice of Sur- Mary ^ McA^am gery; part author with Prof. J. G. Adami, of (.dec); two sons; one d:' Educ: Private- "The Principles of Pathology. Address: tuition, Kingston Coll. Inst., Queen's Univ., 972 St. Catherine St. West, Montreal. and Osgoode Hall; grad. Queen's, 1892; Club: University, Montreal. Osgoode Hall, 1895; elec. to the Kingston' Board, 1905; Qty Council, Vice-Pres. and Sch. 1906; anrf NICHOLLS, Frederic; again 1907 for three years; elec. to the Ont. Gen. Mgr. of the Can. Gen. Electric Co., Legislature in 1908 for the City of King- Ltd., Toronto; b. England, 23 Nov., 1856; ston, Recreation: gardening. Address.' m. e. d, Florence, of late Commander Kingston, Ont. Clubs: Frontenac, Country, Graburn, R.N. (dec.) Educ: Stuttgart, Kingston; R.C.Y.C, Toronto. Wurtemberg. Came to Can., 1874, and has since taken an active interest' in many NICOLAS, Fratak James; 6. Calcutta, mining, insur., publishing and other con- 1865; s. of English parents; m. Bertha cerns. Organizer of the 'Toronto Incandes- Clarice; three d. £dwc.; Rossal, Eng., and cent Electric Light Co., which adopted the King's (3oll., London, Eng. Arrived in underground system of electric light dis- Canada, Nov., 1904; Mining Engineer, Ben- tribution. Founder, and until 1893 was gal, Australia, Malay--Peninsula, and West ed. and prop, of the Can. Manufacturer. Africa. Publications: Analytical Index to- For seven yrs. sec. of the Can. Mfgrs. Assn.; Geological Survey Publications of the Dom- vice-pres. of the Toronto Press Club, 1890 inion Government, and of the Ontario- pres.. Athenaeum Club, 1893. Dir., Tor- Government; held 30 mile bicycle world's onto Electric Light Co., the Manufacturers' record in 1885. Address: 322 Gilmour St., Life Insur. Co.; Electrical Development Co., Ottawa. Ciiib: Rideau, .Ottawa. of Ontario, the Sao Paulo Tramway, Light NOONAN, Daniel; Vice-Pres. and Gen. and Power Co., Brazil, and many other Mgr., Rideau Lakes Nav. Co.; 6. Troy, N.Y., commercial concerns; a life mem. of the U.S.A., 24 Sept.. 1853; s. of Anthony and Toronto Bd. of Trade. Recreations: motor- Sarah Noonan; m. Mary Fleming; one «. ing, yachtiqg (at one time commodore one d. Educ. : Pub. Sch. Arrived in Can., R. C. Y. C.) Address: "The Homewood," Mav, 1856. Prominent in the forwarding 13 Homewood Place, Toronto. Clubs: business in Canada for many years. Pub- 173 ;


lication: Rest and Sport axaong the Rldeau 26 April, 1854; «. of P. H. and Henrietta I^kes. Address: 95 William St., Kingston, O'Beirne; m. Luella Georgina, e. d. of Ont. CZub: Frontenac, Kingston. Damon S. Warner, of Napanee, Ont.; three NOBDHEIMEB, Samuel; Consul for 8. two d. Educ: Lindsay, Ont. Published Ontario, for the German Empire; b. Mems- Napanee Express^ 1881-85; was representa- dorf, Bavaria, Germany, 1824; m. 1871, tive of Toronto Olobe in Montreal, 1885-88;

Edith Louise, d. of , late Jas, Boulton, of editor and proprietor of Daily and Weekly Toronto; one 9. seven d. Came to America iSioTidard,, Woodstock, Ont., 1888-91. Ac- with his brother in 1839^ and learned the quired the Weeklj^ Beacon, Stratford, business pf piano makipg; removed to April, 1891, re-established the Daily Beacon Canada and founded the firm of A. & S. same yr., and has been editor and prop- Nordheimer, at Kingston. Subsequently rietor since that time. Past Pres., Daily removed to Toronto, the firm now being Sec, Canadian Press Absu.: mem. of execu- known as the Nordheimer Piano & Slusic tive of Can. Press Assn. Address: Stratford, Co., Ltd. Was for many yrs. pres. of the Ont. Philharmonic Soc. of Toronto: vice-prea. OBOBNE, James; &. Montreal, 19 Sept.. of the Canada Permt. Loan Co.; apptd. 1861 ; 8. of John Oborne, and Annie Hilliard; Consul for Ont., for the German Em.plre, m. (Ist) A-hce M. Barrie (dec); (2nd) Edith 1889. Addresses: 15 King St. E. (bus.); M, Simpson; five s. three d. Educ; M.ontreal "Glen Edyth," Davenport Rd., Toronto. Pub. Sch. Commenced railroading at 13 Club: Toronto. years of aee; now (jreneral Supt., Can. Pac. NORBHElltfEB, Mrs. Edith Louise; b. Ry., at 'Toronto,. Address: 175 Dowling Toronto; d. of late James Boulton, barrister, Av. Club: Toronto. and Margaret Melina Fortye; m. 1871, 0*BBIEN, Arthur Henry, M.A.; Law Samuel Nordheimer, Consul for the German clerk of th^ H. of C; ft.fTorohto; a. of Hy. Epcipire. Active in charitable and benevo- O'Brien, K.C. Educ: Gait and Toronto lent work; pres. of the Imperial of the Coll. Inst., Univ. of Toronto; Trinity Univ. Daughters of the Empire; has instituted Unmarried. Called to the bar of Ontario, many chapters of the Order. Address: 1890; was formerly one of the editors of the '*Glen Edyth," Davenport Road, Toronto. Can. Law Journal, and is a frequent con- XOBIE-MILLEB, Claud; b. London, tributor to legal periodicals; entered Can- Fkig., 6 March, 1885; s. of Francis Norie- adian Militia, 1886, 35th Batt., 1887 to

MilTer, J.P., Cleese, Perth, Scot., and Grace ! 1897; Major, 1897; transferred to Gov. Harvey Day, Eng. Educ: Trinity Coll., Gen'ls. Foot Guards, Ottawa, 1897; on

^ Glenalmond, Scot. ; now mgr. of the General reserve with rank of Major, 1904; for some Accident Ass. Co of Canada; has been since years Secretary of the York Law Assn.; 1903 with Genera;! Accident Fire, and Life apptd. Asst. Law Clerk, of the Hi of C, Co. of Perth, Scot., in European and Cana- April, 1896, and Law Clerk, Aug., 1908. di'an branches of the Company; arrived in Life member of Argonaut Rowing Club. , Canada, June, 1906. Recreation: golf. Publicaliona: IHgest of the Fish and Game Address; 2 Bloor St.^ Toronto. Cluba: Laws of Ont.; O'Brien's Conveyaiice," (now Albany, Toronto; Auxiliary Forces, London. in its 4th ed.);' "Chattle Mortgages and NOBTHCOTE, Baroness (Alice), C.I., Bills of Sale," "Haliburton," a sKfetch and

Lady of Grace of St. John of Jerusalem; Bibliography (R.S.C. trans). Be&eation: , adopted d. of let Lord Mount Stephen aquatics. Address: 237 Lisgar St., Ottawa, (George Stephen, of Montreal; m.) Montreal, Club: Rideau, Ottawa. 2 Oct., 1873. Sir Henry Stafford NorthCote G'BBIEN, Henry, K.C. 6. "The Woods' of Exeter (cr. 1900). Educ: England, but Shanty Bay, Ont., 1836; 3rd s. of Edward spent many yrs. in Canada. Husband, George O'Brien, a retired naval and military Governor of Bombay, 1900-03, and Gov.- officer, who was in charge of the first settle- Gen. of Australia, 1903-8; in each country ment in Simcoe district at Shanty Bay and dispensed hospitality as mistress of Govern- Barrie, and Mary Sophia, d. of Rev. Ed- ment Refuse. Address: 25 St. James's Place, mund Gaffer,' Somerset. Eng.; m, in 1859, London, S.W., England. Efizabeth, d. of Rev. S. B. Ardagh, M.A., NOBTHBUP, William Barton, M.A., Rector of Barrie; one «. two d. Educ: K.C., M.P.; b, Belleville, Ont., 19 Oct., Church Gram. Sch., Toronto. Called to the 1856; 8. of Anson Gilbert Northrup, and bar of U.C., in 1861; practiced in partner- Jane C. Balster; m. Mary S. Fitch, of Tor- shii> with Mr. Christopher Robinson, K.C, onto; one s. Educ.: Belleville Gram. Sch.; until the latter 's death in 1906; at present a Up. Can. Coll.; Univ. of Toronto; head boy, member of the firm of O'Brien & Lundy; U.C.C., 1874; Capt. Coll. cricket eleven,. took an active part in 1886-6 in the move- 1873-1874; championship cup races, 1873- ment for municipal reform in Toronto, 1,874; first elec. to H. of C, 1892; defeated which resulted in the elec. of the late Wm. in 1896: elec. 1900-1904-1908. Addresses: H. Howland as Mayor, he being chairman of Belleville, and Ottawa. Clubs: Rideau, his Committee; devotes much time to Mis- Golf, Ottawa; Albany, R,C.Y.C., Toronto. sion work among the poor of Toronto NOVA SCOTIA, Bishop of; see Right chairman of the Toronto Mission Union. Rev. Clarendon L. Worrell, A Conservative; he became associated in ISSS, with the Equal Riehts" movement ' of which his brother Col. W\ E. O'Brien and D. Alton McCarthy, M.P., were leaders; since^ that time he has taken no part in politics. Publications: editor of "Canada O'BEIBNE, WlUiam Mark: Editor Law Journal." since 1863; author of O'- and proprietor of the Stratford Daily Brien's Division Court Manual," compiler Beacon; b. Cavanville, Durham Co., Ont., of Harrison and O'Brien's digest of Ontario 174 ' WHO'S WHO.

Reports; was for sometime editor of Ont- tion: fiphing. Addlrese: 135 Mackay St., ario Practice- Reports, Founded Argonaut Molitreal. Clubt: Mount Royal, St. James, Rowing Club, 1872, and was its first stroke, Forest and Stream, Roykl St. Lawrence and pres. for 16 years; was the first pres, of Yacht, Montreal; Manitoba, Winnipeg; Canadian Assn. of Amateur Oarsmen; in Anglers' Club of Rideau Lake; Lotus, 1863, raised and commanded an independ- Transportation, New York. ent rifle CO., whioii afterwards was inoor- OGILVIEv WUUam, D.L.S.; b. Ottawa, poijated in the Queen's Own Rifles, Toronto. Ont., 7 April, 1846; s. Janies Ogilvie and Addrets: Dromoland, 383 Sherbourhe St., Margaret Halladay; m. (1st) M. A. Sparks; Toronto. (2nd) P. , O. Richardson; five ». one d. O'BRIEN, Lleut.-Col. William Edward, Educ.: in common sch., and afterwards by LL.B.;,6. Thomhill, Ont., 10 Mar., 1831;.«. study; was on Several exploratory surveys,

, of Edward Georgia and Mary Sophia determination of boundary line, Canada O'Brien; m. ElizEibeth, relict of John F. and Alaska; Commissioner of the Yukon for Harris, of London, Ont., and d. of Colonel two and a half yearrs; engaged on explora- Loring of 'Toronto; one s. three d. Educ: tory work in the Yiikon during the jjear of Up. Can. Coll.; after some years spent in the gold discoveries in the Klohdike river, journalism, was called to the bar, and and as a Dominion Magistrate, had to practiced m Barrie, .Ont. Later devoted assume judicial authority in the territory; himself 'to farming on the estate at Shanty his firm adnsinistration tended to make the ' Bay, which had been settled on by his Klondike camp one of the most law father; contested Muskoka and Parry abiding. Publications; official reports; Sound in 187S and was defeated; elec. iii "official guide to Klondike," and magazine ' 1882 to H. of C, and held seat until 1895; articles. Recreations: shooting and fishing, joined the active militia at the time of the en route. Address; (temporarily), Paris' "Trent Affair," and retired, as Lieut. -Col., Texas.U.S.A. .after 30 years service; medals for Fenian O'HALLOBAJV, George Finley, B.A., Raid, North West Rebellion, and long B.C.L., Deputy Min. of Agriculture; b. service; Canadian Commissioner at Glas- Cowansville, Que., 11 Oct., 1862; a. James gow Exhibition in 1901, and was one of the O'Halloran, K;C., and Mary Ann Finley; officers sent to represent the Canadian m. Maude Monica, d. of Sir Melbourne Tait, militia at the Diamond Jubilee of H.M. in Chief Justice of the Province of, Quebec; s. ,, 1897. Addre»: The Woods, Shanty Bay, two one d. Educ: McGill Univ.; prac- Ont. ticed law in Montreal with W. J. White ODLCM, Edward, M.A., B.Sc; 6. Tulla- K.C., and A. W. P. Buchanan, K.C., until' more. Peel Co., Ont., 27 Nov., 1850: «. of received appointment to his present position John A. Odium and Margaret McKenzie; of Deputy Minister of Agriculture, and rrt. (1st) Mary E. Powell, who died in Deputy Commissioner of Patents. Recrea- 'Tokioi Japan; (2nd) Martha M. Thomas of tions: shooting, fishing, golf. Address: 408 St. Catherines, Ont.; five ». Educ: TuUa- §ueen St., Ottawa. Clubs: Rideau, Golf more, Goderich, and Victoria Univ, Coburg, ttawa ' ' Ont. Pres., Central Executive of Vancou- O'HABA, Francis Charles Trench, Dep. ver Rate Payers' Association; pres., British Min. of Trade and Commerce; 6. Chatham Tract Assn.; pres. Perinanent Co-operating Ont., 7 Nov., 1870; e. of Robert O'Hara!

, Board of the Laymen's Missionary Move- Master in Chancery, Chatham, and Maria nient in Vancouver; Chairman Pub. Library S. Dobtos; m. Helen, d. of H. Corby, for- Board, Vancouver; Sec, Grand View Pro- merly M.P.; one d. Educ: Chatham pub. gress Assn. ; on executive of the Art Historic ach., and Coll. Inst.; entered Can. Bank of and Science Assn., Vancouver; member of Commerce in 1888; resigned 1890, and went Vancouver Board of Trade; on executive to Baltimore, Md.; jomed staff of "The of Trustee Co., Limited; member of B.C. World, ' short peribd and subsequeiitly Oil Refining Co., Ltd.; Can. Pacific Oil Co.; "The Herald;" returned to Canada, 1896; Hygienic Dairy Co., -Ltd.; Thomson's Sta- private septretary to Hon. Sir Richard tionery Assn., Co., Ltd.; Orange Hall Ltd.; CartWright , 1898 ; supt. of commercial Central C3ity Mis^on Co., Ltd.; Dominion agencies; Deputy Minister of Trade and Trust Co., Ltd.; National Insurance Co. Commerce, Aug. 1, 1908. Publications: Recreations: gardening, mountain blimbing, "Snap Shots from Boy Life." Recreations: boating, camping. AddresB: 1710 Grant St., golf, fishing. Address: 25 Wurtemburg St." Vancouver, B.C. Ottawa. Clubs: Rideau, Golf, Hunt, and UGDEN, Isaac Gouverneur; Third Vice- Country, Ottawa. Pres., Canadian Pacific Ry.; 6. New York; O'HABA, Henry; & Newry, Down Co.. 8. of Isaac Gouvemeur Ogden, banker, and Irel, 20 April, 1833; s. of Robert O'Hara Elizabeth Katherine Williamson; m. 1884, (Irish); m. (1st) 1859, Janet, d. of John Julia M., d. of the late Mr. Baker of Quin- Mair (dec); (2nd) 1889, d. of Seymour cey, III. Educ: pub. schs. of New York. Bennett, of Buffalo; three s. three d. Cam« Commenced his business career in>a mer- to Canada, 1844,, with his parents and cantile house in 1861; entered ry. service, settled at Bowma;nviIle, Ont. Educ.: at 1871, as paymaster and accnt. of Chicago Bowmanville pub. schs. Organized the and Pacific Ry.; auditor of road, 1876- Dominion Organ & Piano Co. Later be- 1881. Apptd. auditor of Western Div. of came mgr, of the Sun Life Assur. Co., with C. P. Ry., 1881; auditor, 1883; comptroller, headquarters at Toronto; resigned to estb. 1887; third vice-pres., 1901. Dir. of -var- 'present business. Vice-Pres. of the Col- ious subsidiary lines of the C. P. R.; life onial Loan & Investment Co.; ex-pres. of governor of Montreal Homeopathic Hos- the Irish Protestant Benevolent Soc; tiir. pital; pres., Coll. of Homeopathic Physic- of the Home for Incurables; trustee of the ians and Surgeons of Montreal. Recrea- House of Industry; ex-pres. of the Toronto 176 ; WHO'S WHO.

Dist. Assn. of the Congregational Church; Judge; m. Edith Catherine Mary, d. of^ formerly Grand Worthy Patriarch of the Francis Henry Cooper Cox; two s. one d. Sons of Temperance of Ontario. Address: Called to the Bar at Osgoode Hall, Toronto' 30 Toronto St. (bus.), 2 Dunbar Rd., May, 1891; created K.C., Jan., 1908; Toronto. Ciubs;Toronto, National, Toronto practiced in Ottawa since 1891; Hon. Lay 0'KKEFE» George; Police Magis^trate Secretary of Synod of Diocese of Ottawa. of the city of Ottawa; b. Bombay, N.Y., Chairman Board of License Commissioners U.S.A., 1849. Taught sch. for' number of for Ottawa. Recreations: golf, canoeing, yrs. Mem. of Ottawa City Council, aa fishinlg. Address: 155 McLaren St., Ottawa. alderman. 1876-1879, and 1885-1887. Un- Clubs: Rideau, Golf, Ottawa. successful candidate for Prov. Legis., 1883; O'REILLY, Charles, M.D., CM.; b. ei. to Ontario Leg. Asa., 1894; defeated Hamilton, Ont., 1846; «. of Gerald O'Reilly, apptd. Police Magistrate, 1899; a 1898; M.D., L.R.C.S., Irel., and Henrietta Watts, meixiber of the Ottawa Improvement Com- Sussex, Eng; m. Sophia E. Ralph, d. of mission since 1903. Address: 229 Wilbrod late George Ralph, barrister, Dundas, C&it.; St., Ottawa. one 8. Educ. : Hamilton, Ont. ; was M.P., resident OLIVER, Hon. Frank, P.C., Min- physician, city hospital, Hamilton from the Interior, Caiiada; 6. Peel Co., ister of 1867 to 1876; Medical Supt., Toronto Gen- m. 1881, Harriet, d. of Thos. Ont., 1853; eral Hospital, from Jan. 1876 to 31 Dec, Prairie Grove, Man.; one s. three d. Dunlop, 1905; having always had charge of hospitals to the North West at an early age, and Went he is the oldest Hospital Physician in 'the became member of the North West Council British Empire; 38 years in Hospital life. and was also elec. to the Legislatiye in 1883, Address: Erin Lodge, 52 College St., Toronto. Assembly, which succeeded the Council, Clubs: Toronto, R.C.Y.C.. Toronto, Ont. 1888-1896; elec. to the H. of C, 1896 as an Independent Liberalj and re-elec. 1900 and, O'REILLY, His Hon. James Redmond. 1904, when he was the Liberal candidate; B.A., K.C.; b. Kingston, Ont., 14 Feb., established, in the early 80's, and still owns 1862; s. of James O'Reillyi Q.C., and Mary the Edmonton Bulletiv^now one of the most I. Redmond; m. Rose Mary Berminghazd:,' 4th d.^of late James Bermingham; twos. successful dailies in Western Canada, but , Regiopolis Coll., Kingston; for some yrs., by reason of his public duties, Educ: Jesuilip:« has been precluded from taking an active Coll., Montreal; Queen's Univ., Kingston; called to the bar and as solicitor part in its management. Sworn of the admitted Privy Council, and apptd. Minister of the 1885; created Q.C., 1898; apptd. Senior Interior in the Launer Administration, 8 Judge, Comity Court, United Counties, April, 1905; re-elec. 25 April, by acclam.; Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, March, 1900. Address: Ont. Ciw6: re-elec. 1908. Address: 181 Somerset St., Comw&W, Corn- Ottawa. Ciu6:B.ideau, Ottawa. wall. M.P.,Pres.of OLIVER, John; b. Hartington, Derby- OSLER, Edmnnd Boyd, the Dominion Bank; h. Tp. of Tecimiseh, shire, Eng., 31 July 1856; a. of Robert T. Simcoe, Co., s. of <1ie late Rev. P. L. (of Derbyshire), and Emma Lomas Oliver, 1846; Osier Ellen Pickton; m. F. of Staffordshire; m. Elizabeth Woodward, 20 and Anna Cochran, Aberdeen, (dec). Educ: Dimdas June,. 1886; five a. three d. Educ: Parish Gram. and Sch., Hartington, Eng.; memlier of the Sch. Head of the firm of Osier financiers stock Council of Delta for a number of years; Hammond, Toronto, and brokers; pres. Quebec elected to British Columbia Legislature in of the Ontario and Ry. Co., and a director of the C. P. Ry.; 1900, 1903, and 1907; leader of Liberal Opposition in Legislature in 1909; unsuc- director, Toronto General Trust Co., the North Co.; pres. Rifle cessful Dec, 1909: Address: Delta. B.C. West Land Ont. Rev. Canon Thomas Robert, Assn.; pres.. Dominion Bank; was pres., O'MEARA, Toronto one LL.D., Principal of Wycliffe Coll., Toronto; Board of Trade, 1896; and was of the representatives of Canada at the b. Georgetown, Out., 16 Oct., 1864; •. of Rev. Frederick A, O'Meara, LL.D., late Congress of the Chambers of Commerce, Eng., 1896; unsuccessful candidate rector of Port Hope, Ont., Canon of St. London, Alban's Cathedral, Toronto, and Margaret for Toronto Mayoralty, 1892; elec. to the Johnson Dallas; m. Harriett Mary Sophia H. of C, for W. Toronto, 1896. 1900, 1904, 1908. Church of England; Conservative. d. of the late Justice Boyd of Toronto, Address: 13 Beau Rd., Ros^dale, Toronto. three d. Educ: High Sch., Port Hope; CZuftfi.- Toronto, Albany, Toronto; Rideau, Univ. Toronto, Wvcliffe Coll., Toronto; graduate of Wycliffe Coll.; Principal of Ottawa.

' Wycliffe Coll. ; Canon of St. Alban's Cathed- O S L E R , Hon. Featherston, D.C.L. ral, Toronto; Pres. of the Church of Eng- (hon. Trinity), late Judge of the Ct. of land; Deaconess Missionary Training Home, Appeal for Ontario; b. Newmarket, Ont., Toronto; vice-pres. Upper Can. Bible Soc, 1838; 8. of late Rev. F. L. Osier and Ellen and Upper Canada Tract Society, Toronto Pickton; m. 1861, Henrietta, d. of the late formerly Asst. at St. Philip's Church, Capt^ Henry Smith, of Glanford, Ont. Toronto; Dean of Wycliffe Coll.; Professor Educ: Barrie Gram. Sch.; Osgoode Hall. of Practical Theology, Wycliffe. Address: Called to bar of Ontario, 1860, and prac- Wycliffe College, Toronto. ticed his profession in Toronto until apptd. ONTARIO Bishop of , «ee Rt. Rev. Wm. a Puisne Judge of Common Pleas, 1879; Lennox Mills. transferred to Appeal Ct.,,1883, and sat as ORDE, John Fosberry, K.C.; b. Great a member of that Court for nearly 27 yrs., Village, N.S., 8 May, 1870; s. Francis Wil- resigning in March, 1910. Bencher of the liam Orde, s. of Capt. George Frederick Law Soc. of Ontario, 1875; Comnjissioder Orde, and Elizabeth Margaret, d. of for the Revision of the Ontario Statutes His Honor George Baker Hall, County 1885, and similarly in 1896; a trustee of 176 ; :, WHO'S WHO.

Trinity Univ. Addrets: 60 Crescent Rd., Que:, 1896, which position he resigned in Toronto. Club: Toronto. 1906; unsuccessful can. for H. of C„ 1908. OSLEK, William, LL.D., Me Gill Tor- Pres. Montreal City and District Savings onto, tlniv. of Edinburgh, Univ. of Aber- Bank^ vice-pres. Credit Foncier Franco- deen, Harvard, Yale, Johns Hopkins; D. Canadien and La Sativegarde. Address Sc, Oxford); fellow Hoyal Soc, Royal Coll. 500 Sherbrooke St^, Montreal. Clubs: Mount of Physicians, London; 6. Bond Head, Ont., Royal, St. James, Forest and Stream, Hunt^ 12 July, 1849; «. of Rev. F. L. Osier, M.A., Lafontaine, Royal St. Lawrence Yacht, and Ellen Fickton, Educ: High Schs., Montreal. Barrie and Dundas, Trinity Coll. Sch., OUSBLET, Frederick Arthur Gare; b. Western Trinity Coll., Toronto Sch. of Windsor, Hants Co., N.S., 27 Dec, 1872; Medicine, McGill Univ., London, Berlin 8. .of John Ouseley, K.C., who was clerk of and Vienna. Prof, institutes of medicine, House of Assembly, N.S., for 21 years, and McGill Univ., 1874-84; prof. olin. medicine, Rosina M. Ouseley; m. Mary Carmicliael Univ. of Pa., 1884; prof, medicine, Johns Campbell, of Baddeck, C.B.; one d. Educ.: Hopkins Univ., 1889-1905; Regius prof, Coll. Sch. and High Sch., Windsor, N.S.; medicine, Oxford Univ., since 1905. Stud-, practiced law in his father's office; admitted ent of Christ Church, Oxon. PublicaiionB: as barrister in 1897; District .Judge of the The ^Cerebral Palsies of Children, 1889; Judicial District of Moose Jaw; is probably , Chorea and Choreiform Affections, 1894; the youngest Canadian Judge. Recreation: Lectures on Abdominal Tumors, 1895; tennis. Address:M.ooseiJi'w,a^tsV. ^ Angina Pectoris and Allied States, 1897; OWEN, Charles Lewis, M.P.; 6. 15 July,

The Principles and Practice of , Medicine 1852; of Welsh parentage; m. 1875, Mary (6th edit.), 1906; Cancer of the Stomach, ElizaBain; one s. four d. For many years 1900; Science and Immortality (Ingersoll identified with the woollen industry, now lecture, Harvard Univ.), 1904; iBquani- retired; in 1894 was Warden of the United mitas, and other addresses, 2nd edit., 1900; coimties of Northumberland and Durham; Counsels and Ideals, 1906. Editor of System Reeve of Campbellford for four years, aiid of Medicine (Vols. I and II), 1907. Re- Councillor for eleven years; chairman of creation: bibliography. Addret»: 13 Nor- Sch. Board for two years; pres.. Public ham Gardens, Oxford, Eng. Clvba: Ath- Library for six. years; elec to thfe H. of C, eneum, London; University, New York. for East -Northumberland at bye-elec, OTTAWA, Archbishop of; see Most Rev,' 29 Oct., 1907; re-elec, 1908; Conservative; Charles Hamilton, D.D. Presbyterian. Address: Campbellford, Ont. OTTEB, Brig.-Gen. William Dillon, C. OWEN, Lemuel Cambridge; b. Char- V.O., C.B., A.D.C.; Chief of the General lottetown, P.E.I., 28 Jan., 1866; «. Lemuel Staff at Militia Headquarters; 6. nr. Ohnton, Cambridge Owen,_ first Premier of P.E.I. Ont., 3 Dec, 1843; t. of Alfred W. Otter, after Confederation in 1873, and Lois and Anne, a. of the Rev. James De la Welsh; m. Sinclair, d. of the late Hector Hooke^m. 1865, Mary, «. d. of the late Rev. Eraser, of Pembroke, Ont. Educ. : Normal James Porter, of Toronto. Educ: Goderich, Sch., St.' Peter's Sch., and Prince of Wales I Gram. Sch., Toronto Model Sch., and Upper Coll., Charlottetown, P.E.I., and Upper Can. Coll. Joined Canadian Militia, 1861 Can. Coll., Toronto; entered Union Bank, Lieut., Q.O.R., 1864; served duringr Fenian of P.E.I., at Charlottetown, 1882; and in, raids, and present at action at Ridgeway; 1884, joined the Bank of Ottawa, at Ottawa. Major, 1869, arid Lieut.-Col., 1864; com- Ont.; apptd. Asst. Manager at Ottawa, Dec.,. mandant Wimbledon Team, 1883; com- 1901; Inspector, 1903; Manager at Toronto,. mandant R.S.I., Dec, 1883; commandant, 1905. Recreations: canoeing, golf, bowling Battleford column during Riel Rebellion, and billiards. Address: 74 Grenville St., 1885 (action at Cut Knife); D.O.C., No. 2 "Toronto. Clubs: Toronto, National, Hunt, Dist., 1 July, 1886; In. Inty. 1896-05; Toronto, Ont.; Laurentian and Rideau, Comdg. Western Ontario, 1908-8; Chief of Ottawa. the General Sta'ff, 1908. During S. A. War, OWENS, Hon. William; senator; b. Co. commanded special service Batt., Royal of Argentueil, Que., 15 May, 1840; s. of Can. Infantry (took part in many actions Owen Owens and Charlotte Lindley; m. and mentioned in despatches, Queen's Margaret C. McMartin, d. of John Mc- medal with four clasps). Address: Militia Martin; one a. two d. Was postmaster. Headquarters, Ottawa. Clvh: Rideau, Councillor and Mayor of Chatham, Co. of Ottawa. Argenteuil; Lieut, in the Militia; general OTJIMBT, Hon. Joseph Aldric, B.C.L. merchant; member of Leg. Ass., Quebec, (Victoria Coll.); ex-Judge of the Court of from 1881 to 1891; called to the Senate, 2nd .Queen's Bench; b. Ste. Rose, Laval Co., Que., Jan., 1896; member ^f Board of Trade, 2Q May, 1848; <. of Capt. Michael Ouimet Montreal. Address: 4026 Dorchester St., and Elizabeth St. Louis; m. 1874, Therese, Montreal. Club: Rideau, Ottawa. d. of the late J. F. Chartier La Rocque, of Montreal; three a. three d. Educ,: Sem- inary qf St. Therese de Blainville, Que., Victoria Coll., Cobourg, Ont. Practiced with the firm of Ouimet, Comelier & Emard. created a Q.C., by Marquis of Lome in FANET, Kajor Henri Alexandre, D.S.O, 1880; apptd. member Privy Council, 1891. b. Quebec, 24 July, 1869; s. of late Col. El. to H. of C. for Laval, at g. e., 1873., and Charles C. Eugene Panet; m. 1902, Mary A., held seat continuously for 24 yrs. Speaker y. d. of late Mrs. M. A. Bermineham, King- H. of C, 1887-1891; apptd. Minister of ston, Ont. Educ: Roy. Mil. Coll. Served Pub. Wxjrks, 1892; apptd. Puisne Judge of in South African War, 1899-900, with 2nd the Court of Queen's Bench for Prov. of Battalion Royal Canadian Regiment of 177 ;


Infantry. Advance on Kimberley, Dec, 1905; b. Beauport, Que^ 1^ ucpi,., xoao; 1899, to Feb., 1900; transferred to "C" 8. of Simon Polycarpe Parent and Lucie ' Battery, Royal Canadian Field Artillery. Belanger; m. 17 Oct., 1877, Clara Gendron; Relief of Mafeking,^(May 17, 1900). -Opera- four 8. four d, Educ: Laval Normal Sch.,' tions in RJiodesia, April-May, 1900; opera- Laval Univ. Admitted to the bar, 1881. tions in tne Transvaal in May and June, Elected alderman for the city of Quebec, 1900; operations in the Tra,nsvaal, east of 1890;*Mayor 1894-1906. Mem. of Legis. Pretoria, July to Nov. 26, 1900; operations Assembly for Que., 1890. Called to Pro- in the Transvaal, west of Pretoria, July to vincial Cabinet as Minister of Lands, Mines Nov., 25 1900; operations in Orange River & Forests, 1897, and chosen Premier of Colony (May to Nov. 15, 1900); despoicftes, Prov. of Quebec, Oct., 1901; resfened. Mar., London Gazette, April, 15, 1901. Brevet of 1905. Address: 486 King Edward Av., Major. D.S.O. Queen's Medal with four Ottawa. Clubs: Garrison, Quebec; Rideau, clasps. Late Staff Adjutant, Royal Mili- Laurentian, Hunt, Ottawa. ^ tary Coll,, of Canada, Kingstoh; asst. Adjt.- PABKEH, Archibald Gibson; Mgr. of Generalj 1906-07; Deputy Adjutant-General the Bank of Montreal, Ottawa; o. Montreal, Can. Militia, 1907-07; Major Commanding 6 April, 1858; a. of A. Davidson Parker and "B" Battery, Royal Canadian Horse Artil- Grace (jibson; m. Mabel Chester, of Buffalo, lery. Address: 264 King St., Kingston, Ont. N.Y.; two 8. three d. Educ: Montreal Clubs: R.M.C., Frontenac, Kingston, Ont. High Sch. ^ In mercantile life until 187&; PAPCVEAU, Louis J., B.C.f. (Laval), joined staff of Bank of Montreal at Mont- K.C, M.P., Recorder of Valleyfield; b. Ste. real in latter yr:, passing through the sey- Genevieve, Jacques Cairt^ier Co., 3 Jan., eraL grades and subsequently mgr. of 1861; 8. of Narciase Fapineau and Adele branches at Peterboro, Belleville, Hamilton Gaucher; m. Blanche Gervais. Educ: and Brantford;'took an active and leading Montreal and Joliette. Practiced at the part in musical affairs in these cities; pres. .bar since 1883; Recorder of Valleyfield, of the Schubert Choir at Brantford. Apptd *1895-1909. First el. to H. of C. for Beau- mgr. of the Bank of Montreal, at Gttawa, hamois, at g. e., 1908. Address: Valley- 1909. Recreations: golf, tennis, curling. field, Que. Address: 146 Wellington St.; Ottawa. Club: PAQUET, Eugene, M.D., M.P.; h: St. Rideau, Ottawa. Agapit, Lotbiniere Co., Que., 23 Oct., 1867; FARKEB, Sir Gilbert, Kt.. D.C.L., M.P. (C.) s. of Francois Paquet, farmer, an4 Clarisse Gravesend since 1900; b. Belleville, Ont.^ 23

Bergeron; m. 1893, \ Elise Lafrance, of Nov., 1862; s. of late Captain J. Parker; m. Quebec; one s. Educ: QuebecSem., Laval 1895, Amy, d. of Ashley Van Tine, New Ypjrk. Univ. Has practised medicine at St. ^duc.:Trin. Coll., Toronto. Associate-ed., Aubert, L'Islet Co., since 1892. El. to H. Sydney Morning Herald, Sydney, Australia, of C. at g. e., 1904; renel. 1908. A frequent 1886; travelled among South Sea Islands contributor to Le Peuple de Montmagny. and extensively in Far East, in Europe, a Conservative. Address: St. Aubert, Que. Egypt, and Northern Can.; initiated and FAKB^E, Frederick Forsyth, M.P.; b. organized the first Imperial Universities Samia, Ont., 29 Dec, 1867: a. of Hon. Conference in London, 1903; Hon. Col., 1st Timotny Blair and Emma Kirby Pardee; Kent Volunteer Art. Publications: Poems m. Mary Eleanor Johnston; one d. Educ: A Lover's Diary, 1896; Plays: adaptatiorCofi' Pub. Sch., Samia, and Up. Can. Coll.; Faust, 1888; The Veqdetta, 1889;; .N<^ member oi the Ontario Legislature, 1898- Defence, 1889; The Seats of the R^ight^,^ 1902; first el. to H. of C, 1905; re-el., 1908; 1897; Travels; Round the Ckimpass inf. chief whip of the Liberal party, 1909. Australia, 1892; Stories and Novels: I^erfel. Recreations: yachting, shooting, curling. and hi^ People, 1892; Mrs. Falchion,' ' I893i^ Address: Sarnia, Ont. The Trespasser, 1893; The Translation of.rf^ PABDOE, Avern; b. Stratford-on-Avon, Savage, 1894; The Trail of the.Sword, 189M Eng., 1845; s. of William and Henrietta When Valmond came to Pontiac, 1896; Ab

Pardee; m. Mary Sprague of Andover, Conn. Adventurer of the North, 1895 ; The Pomp of two s. two d. Arrived in C9.nada, 1872; the Lavillettes, 1897; The Battle of the

spent early years in a law office, subsequent- Strong, 1898 ; The Lane that had no Turning^ ly in journalism in England and United 1900; The Right of Way, 1901; Donovai^; States; joined staff of Toronto Globe in 1875; Pasha, 1902; History of Old Quebec, 1903;. managing editor, 1882-1889; Librarian of A Ladder of Swords, 1904; The Weavera,, Legislative Ass., of Ont., 1895. Recreation: 1907; Northern Lights, 1909. Recreatiomt:* woodworking. Address: 15 Elgin St., golfing, riding. Arfdrcss; 20 Carlton Houfl0^ Toronto. Terrace, London, S.W., Eng. Clubs: Carlton, PARENT, George, B.A., LL.L., M.P.; Ga;rrick, London, Eng. h. Quebec CHty, 15 Dec, 1879; s. of Hon. PARKIN, George Bdbert, LL.D,, CM. S. N. Parent, Chairman of the National G.; b. Salisbury, Westmoreland Co.. N.B., Transcontinental Railway Commission, and 8 Feb., 1846; m. 1878, Annie Connell, d. of ex-Premier of the Prov. of Quebec, and William Fisher of Freaericton;'one a. four d. Marie Louise Gendron; unmarried. Educ: Educ: Pub. SchSy^ Normal Sch^ St. John; Ste. Anne de la Pocatiere; Laval Univ.; Univ. of New Brunswick. Was Head-:; first elec. to the H. of C. for Montmorency master of Bathurst Gram. Sch., 1868-72, Co., in 1904, and seconded address in reply and then proceeded to Oxford for course to speech from Throne; re-elec 1908. Ad- in Classics and History. Returning to dress: Quebec Clubs: Garrison and Hunt. Canada, was Principal of the Coll. Inst., Quebec; Laurentian, Hunt, Ottawa. Fredericton. An ardent Imperial Federa- PARENT, Hon. Simon Napoleon, L.L.D., tionist; visited (1889-90), all the principal D.C.L., K.C, Chairman of the National colonies of the Empire and delivered ad- Transcontinental Ry. Com., since Aug., dresses on the subject of Imperial Federa- 178 ,


tion; special corr. for The Times at the Quebec; three d, Educ: Shrewsbury Sch., Intercolonial Conference, Ottawa, 1894, and Pembroke Coll., Cambridge. Arrived in again at the Quebec Tercentenary, 1908; Canada, in 1893; Chaplain to Bishop of Principal of Upper Can. Coll., Toronto, 1895- Ontario, 1893; Professor of Classics, Bis- 1902. In the latter year, was apptd. hops Coll., Lennoxville, 1895; Principal of organising rep. of the Rhodes Scholarship Coll.; Bishop's Vice-Chancellor to the Univ., " Trust, and has viedted different portions of 1907; Chairman of the Coll. Council; clerical the Empire again in that capacity. Pu6- delegate to General and Provincial Synods lications: Jmperial Federation, 1892; Round of the Chiu'ch of England in Canada; th& Empire, 1892; The Great Dominion, Deacon, 1893; Priest, 1894, Quebec. iSe- 1895; Life and Letters of Edward Thring, crcaiion: golf, Address: Lennoxville, Que. 18§8; Life of Sir John A. Macdonald, Prime PABSON, Henry George, M.L.A.; b. Minister of Canada. Addresaes: Seymour London, Eng., 13 Sept., 1865; 8. of Georgie House, Waterloo Place London, S.W., Fry Parson and Ann Baxter; m. Mary Jane England. C^ub; Royal Societies. Reid; one s. one d. Educ: Cooper's 'Co. PABLOW, Miss Mary Kathleen; b. Cal- Gram. Sch., London, Eng. Arrived in gary. Alta., 20 Sept., 1890; d. of Charles Canada, 1883; was a m^uber of th& Par- Henry Parlow and Minnie B. Wheeler. liamentary Press Gallery, Canada, on the Educ: California and Russia. When but staff of the Toronto Mail, sessions 1883 to five yrs. of age, commenced study of violin 1885; Removed to Regina, 1885, and worked with F. J. Conrad and Henry Holmes, San on construction of Long Lake Ry., moving Francisco; removed to St. Petersburg, 1906, West to Banff same year; 'afterwards at and continued musical studies with Leo- Field, and Golden, B.C.; pres., of H. G. pold Auer. Since 1908, has played in Parson, Ltd., Columbia Wine and Spirit Germany, Russia, S^candinavia, Holland, Co., Ltd., Golden; Revelstoke Wine and Belgium and the British Isles, appearing Sittrit Co., Ltd.; Revelstoke, and is dir. of before many of the crowned heads, notably several other Companies; first elec. to B.C. the Queen of England, the King^nd Queen Legislature for Ct^limabia District, in 1907, of Denmark, King ^nd Queen of Norway, as a Conservative, defeating Hon. W, C. - ' and other members of the Royal families. Wells, formerly Chief Commissioner of Recreations: reading, walking, motoring. Lands and Works; re-el. 1909. Address: Address: c|o Concert Direction, Thomas Golden, B.C. Recreations: curling, lawn Clubs: Union, Pacific, Vic- Quinlan, 318 R^ent St., London, W.; Gt. tennis, cricket. , Central Hotel, Mia,rylebone, London, Eng. toria, B.C. PABMELEE, Charles Henry^ King's PASCAL, Bight Bev. Albert, O.M.I., Printer and Controller of Stationery for D.D,, Bishop of Prince Albert; h. Saint Canada; 6. Waterloo, Que.j,l June, 1855; e. ' Genest de Beauson, Viviers, France, 3 Ai^., of RufuB E. Farmelee, and Eliza I. McVicar; 1848. Educ: Little Seminary of Aubenas, m. 1887, Christina McLean, d. of Henry and- Grand Seminary of Montreal; arrived Rose; three s. three d. Educ: Waterloo in Canada, 1870; ordained priest, 1873; Acad. Was ed. of the Waterloo Advertiser. missionary among the Indians, North West, 1875-^0; financial and commercial ed., until 1891, when he was consecrated titu- Montreal HeraW, 1880-83; again managed lar Bishop of Yosynopolis, and Vicar the Advertiser. Was a Town Councillor of Apostolic of Sask. ; became Bishop of Prince Waterloo, a mem.' of the Prov. Coun. of Albert, Dec, 1907. Address: Prince Al- Agric, Sec. and Chn. of the Bd, of Sch. bfirt Sask Comnrs., and Pres. Eastern Tp. Press Assn. PATCHIN, Kobert Hasley; journalist

-Pres., Dairy Assn. of the Prov. of , Que. and chief of the Ottawa Bureau of the New El. to H. of C, at g. e., 1896; re-elec. at g. e.. York Herald; b. Des Moines, owa, U;S.A., 1900, 1904 and 1908. Was Chn. of Join^ 6 Feb.* 18S1; a. of Robert A. Patchin, and Com. on Printing of Parliament; apptd. Galista Halsey; m. Mary Curtis Lee Carter. King's Printer and Controller of Stationery Educ: Iowa State Coll.: joined staff of Des for Can., 1 Feb., 1909. Address: 56 Cooper Moines Leader, 1899; Washington, D.C., St., Ottawa. Club: Laurentian, Ottawa. Times, 1900-1902; Washington staff of New FAKMELEE, William Grannis, I.S.O. York Herald, 1902-1909, writing on naval, h. Waterloo, Que., Aug., 1833; s. of Rotus political and international affairs; Herald Parmelee, M.D., and Sara M. Grannis; m. correspondent with President Roosevelt in (1st) Marcella A. Whitney, of Montpelier, Panama. 1906, and with U.S. battleship's in of cruise around the world, Dec, 1907-Feb., ^ Vermont; (2nd) Jessie B. Christie Ottawa ^ Ont.; four a. four d. - Educ: Waterloo, Que. 1909; Ottawa bureau, Oct., 1909. Recrea- EngEiged for several years in Insurance tions: riding, golf. Address: Wellington St., Railway and Banking institutions; entered Ottawa; Clubs: National Press, Washing- the Can. Civil Service in 1876, as chief clerk ton, D.C. and accountant of the Customs Dept.; PATENAUDE, Esuff Leon, B.A., M.L. Asst. Commissioner of Customs, Deputy A.; b. St. Isidore, Co. of Laprairie, Que., 12 Minister of Trade and Commerce, which Feb., 1875; s. of Hilaire Patenaude, . and department he organized in 1892; chief Angele Trudeau; m. Karie Georgiana Denig- controller of Chinese immigration, from ler; one a. one d, Educ.: Montreal Coll. and Ass. of 1884; retired in 1908; has been connected Laval Univ. ; first el. to Leg. Quebec, with a number of Royal Commissions. 1909; a Cons.-Nat. Address: 766 St. Denis Address: 387 Frank St., Ottawa, Ont. St., Montreal. PABBOCK, Bev. Bichard Arthur, M.A., PATEKSON, Hon. William, P.C., M.P.; 6. Hamilton, LL.D., D.C.L., b. Shrewsbury, Eng., 11 Minister of Customs, Canada; Sept., s. of the late James and Dec, 1869; s. of Richard Parrock, "The Ont., 19 1839; Beeches,*' Shrewsbury, Eng.; m. Annie Martha Paterson, of Aberdeen, Scot.; m. Olive, d of T. C. Daviea Louise, y. d, of the late C. S. Parke, M.D., of Sept., 1863, Lucy ' .h - 179 :


Brantford. Educ: Hamilton, and at Cale- 1900; principal of Man. Coll., since 1900. donia, Haldimand Ce., Ont.; removed to Address: Manitoba Lodge, Winnip^. Brantford; Mayor, 1872; defeated Sir Fran- PATTERSON, Hon. James Colebrooke, cis Hincks, Minister of Finance, in South P.C.; b. Armagh, Irel., 1839; «. of late Rev. Brant., 1874, for H. of C, and continued to James Patterson, formerly of Kingston, nr. represent that constituency until 1 896, when Dublin; m. 1865, Katharine Dorothea, d. he was dMeated by 91 votes; entered the of the late Major John F. Elliott. Eduh.: Laurier Admn., 13 July, 1896, as Controller Dublin. Came to Can., 1857; entered the of Customs; elected for N. Grey at bye-elec, civil service of Ottawa, and was for. some 25 Aug., 1896; sworn of the Privy Coimcil, time priv. sec. to W. H. Griffin, late Dep. and apptd. Minister of Customs, 30 June, Postmaster-General of Can.; -resigned, and 1897, the office of Controller having been studied for legal prof. Called to the bar, abolished by Parliament; elec. for Went- 1876; practised law at Windsor, Ont.; worth, N., and Brant, 1900; elect, for new R6eve of Windsor for ten yrs.; Warden of constituency of Brant, 1904 and 1908; was Essex Co.; later was Inspr. of Schs., Wind- one of the Canadian delegates to the Colonial sor; rep. N. Essex in Ont. Legls., 1874-78; Conference-in London, June, 1902; British Go. of Essex in H. of C, 1878-^; N. Essex Commissioner on improved trade relations in H. of C, 1882-91; defeated at g. e., 1891; between Canada and the West Indies. 1909- el. for W. Huron, 1892; Min. of Militia in 1910. Address: The New Russell,' Ottawa. the Thompson Admn., and also in the Bowell Ministry; was Pres. of the Ont. PATON, Hugh; b. Johnstone, Renfrew- Conservative Union; became Sec. of State shire, Scot., 5 Oct., 1852; «. of William Paton and Mary Shedden. Kilburnie, Scot.; in the Abbott Adnm., 25 Jan., 1892; Lieut.- 1895-1900; one m. 1884, Isabella Robertson. £rfuc.;Gram. Gov. of Manitoba, of the Sch., Paisley, Scot.; arriyed in Canada in founders and first Pres., "Canadian Mag- 1871; joined his uncle, the late Mr. John azine" Co. Address: Ottawa. Club: Rid- Shedden, in Toronto, a prominent railway eau, Ottawa. editor contractor, who built the Toronto and Nip- PAUL, Charles Frederick; of b. Saratc^a issing Railway, the Union Station in Tor- Toronto Saturday NiQhi; Sprtngs- onto, and other public works; in October, N.Y., Jan., 1866; s. of Charies F. Paul of Provondia 1873, removed to Montreal, taking up the New York City, and Esther of-^i Costigan, of Montreal. business of his late uncle under the title of Montreal; m. Mary The Shedden Company, Limited; now the Educ: Dowd's Inst., Saratoga, N.Y.;-began principal proprietor of this Corporation; newspaper work in New York and Penn- sylvania; to in 1883; also a director of several large corporations, moved Montreal Mon- treal as writer; principal of which are the Bell Telephone Star financial served some years as resigned to take Co., the Royal Bank of Canada, The Sin- city editor and up cennes-McNaughton Line, Ltd., The Can- managing editorship, Toronto ^^Satutday Night. Publications: short stories publish- adian Transfer Co. , and the Wire and Cable Company; lover of turf sports, having been ed in England, the United States and Can- Secretary-Treasurer of the Province of ada. Address: Alexandra Apartments, Quebec Turf Club for several years, and Toronto. Clubs: National, Ontario, Tor- holding the same office in the Montreal onto., Ont. of Montreal; Tandem Club .for two years; sec.-treas. of PATETTE,Louis ; Mayor the Montreal Hunt from 1879 to 1886; 1908-9; b. Montreal, '25 Dec, 1854; s. of Gauthier; Master of the Hunt, 1887; won three Queens Louis Payette and Odile m. Plates, and one Hunt Cup; a lover of agri- Marie Louise Falardeau; one d. Educ. cultural pursuits, and takes great pleasure Commercial Academy of Christian Brothefs, in superintending the work of his farm§ Montreal. A gen. contractor in built^g-^ near Montreal; has travelled considerably, ^ construction. Erected Place Viger Statjioh, having made several extended tours through Montreal; Chateau Frontenac, QuebeGKC. P. Canada, the United States, and the Contin- R. Telegraph Bldg. ; La Presse Bldg.,.^?l ent of Europe; a Governor of the Montreal other important structures. Life governor General, Notre Dame andWestern Hospitals, of Notre Dame Hospital; mem. of the Catholic Montreal. Address: 507 Sherbrooke St. Sch. Bd., Chambre de Commerce W., Montreal. Clubs: Mount Royal, St. and Bd. of Trade; director of several insur- James, Montreal; Toronto, Toronto; Man- ance, navigation and other important Go's. Address: itoba, Winnip^, Manhattan, New York; 92 Laval Av., Montreal. Junior Atheneum, London, Eng. PAYNE, 'John Lambert; Controller of Statistics, Dept. of .'Railways and Canals; Airs. PATRIABCHE, Talance St. Just; b. Markhajn, Ont., 24 Oct., 1859; s. of John 6. Toronto, Ont., 1875; d. of Prof. Charles Payne and Ellen HoUingshead; m. Agnes Valance Berryman, M.A., M.Dy and Julia Scott; two s. one d. Educ: New Hamburg, I Caroline Brondgeest; relict of Hugh Racey Ont. Graduated as a dispensing chemist, Patriarche, manager of Canadian Freicjht 1876; took up journalism in 187-7 on the Assn., Lines; s. Tor- Western one Educ: Free Press, London, Ont.; private sec. to onto, Ont. Publications: "Tag, or the Chien six Dominion Ministers, including two articles, Boule Dog;" newspaper magazine Prime Ministers, 1885-1906; Joint Sec. of stories, and a few poems. Recreations: read- Colonial Conference of 1894 and Sec. of ing, canoeing, calling, photography. Ad- the Newfoundland Conference of 1895. St., Fort Rouge. dress: 108 Cauchon Win- Recreations: lawn bowling, general athletics. nipeg, Man. Address: 47 James St., Ottawa. PATRICK, William, M.A., D.D.; b. PAYZANT, John Young, K.C., M.A.; 6. Glasgow, Scot.. 1852; s. of Robert and Falmouth, N.S., 9 Feb., 1837; s. of Peter Kar^aret Patrick. Educ: Glascow Univ.; and Catharine Payzant; m. Frances E. T. C. Coll., Heidelburg; arrived in Canada, Silver; five a. three d. Educ: University 180 WHO'S WHO. - - PELLETIEB

of Acadia Coll.; barristerrat-law: prea. of the law pertaining to builders and archit- the Bank of N.S.;- the N.S. Fire Ins. Co.; ects, 1902. Address: 151 St. James St.^ vioe-pres., Eastern Trust Co., Halifax Eleo- Montreal. Clubs: Lafontaine, St. Denis, eetrio Tramway Co., N.S. Telephone Co., Canadien, Royal St. Lawrence Yacht, and the Trinidad Consolidated Telephone Montreal. Co.; Address; HaBfax, N.S. C/u6; Halifax. PELDATT, Colonel Henry MIU, A.D.C.; PEABSOX, Hon. , Lieut.-Col, Commandant of the 2nd Regt.,.^ K.C., M.L.A., Mem. of the Ex. Council of "Queen's Own Rifles of Canada"; b. Toronto Nova Scotia; b. Masstown, Colchester Co., 1860; «. of ; m. 1887, Mary, N.S., i April, 1855; «. of Frederick M. only d. of John Dobson, Bewcastle, Cumber- Pearson and Eliza Crowe; m. Julia Reading, land, Eng,; one s, Educ: Upper Canada of Truro, N.S.; one s. three d. Educ: Coll. Entered father's office when fifteen FictQU Acad., Dalhousie Coll., Halifax. yrs. of age, and later formed partnership For some time mem. of the Halifax City with his father under firm name of Pellatt Goim. as alderman; pres.. Chronicle Pub- & Pellatt; associated with many industrial lishing Co., Halifax; pres.. Sun Pub. Co., undertakings; a dir. of the Crow's Nest St. John. El. to Leg. Ass., of N.S., at g. e. Pass Co.; pres., Toronto Electric Light Co., 1901 and 1906; entered the prov. cabinet as and the 'Toronto & Niagara Power Co.; pres.

Min. without portfolio, 22 Dec, 1906. of the Cobalt Lake Mining Co. ; vice-pres. of AddretB: "Eanisootte," Halifax, N.S. Clubs: the Manufacturers Life Insur. Co., dir., Halifax, City, Halifax; St. James, Mont- Toronto Ry. Co., the Richelieu & Ontario real. Nav. Co., the Dominion Iron & Steel Co., PEASE, Edson L.; Vice-Pres. and Gen. the British America Assur. Co., and other Mgr,, Royal Bank of Can.; b. Coteau Land- corporations; a trustee of Trinity Univ.; a ing, Que.; entered Bank of Commerce, governor of Grace Hospital. Joined the Montreal, 1874; joined Merchants Bank of Queen's Own Rifles, and passed through, Halifax, now' Royal Bank of Can., as Accnt., all conunissioned' ranks to the command 1883. Removed to Montreal, 1887, and of the regt., which now consists of- two became branch mgr. of the Royal Bank; batts.; Major of the Queen's Jubilee Contg. apptd. asst. gen. mgr., 1899; gen. mgr., to Eng., 1897; commanded Can. contg. at 19UD; dir., 1906. Dir., London and Lan- Coronation of His Majesty, and took with cashire Life Ass. Go., Canada Car Co., and him then at his own expense Queen's Own other important corporations. /Iddre8s;718 Bugle Band, which was an actractive SherbrooWe St. W. Montreal. Club): Mount feature of the pageant. Proposes to take Royal, St. James, Canada, Montreal. _ 300 mem of regt. to Eng., 1910. Addresses: PBDLET, Francis,' B. A.; Deputy Supt. Traders Bank Bldg. (bus.); "Casa Loma,' ,Gen. of Indian Affairs, Canada; b. St. Walmer Rd., Davenpoft, 'Toronto. Clubs:

John's, Newfoundland, 25 June, 1858; «. Toronto, National; Toronto; Rideau, Ot- , of Rev. Charles Pedley of Hawley, Stafford- shire, Eng., and Sarah Stomill, d. of Rev. PELLETIEB, Sir Charles Alphonse Pan- William Stomill, Principal Rotherham Coll., taleon, K.C.M.G., LL.D., K.C, P.O.; Sheffield, Eng.; m. Helen Louise, d. of Sid- Lieut. -Gov. of the Prov. of Quebec; !>. ney and Mary Ann Hobart, of Cobourg, Riviere Ouelle, 22 Jan., 1837; y. s. of late Ont. Educ: Pub. Sch., St. Johns, Nfid., J. M. Pelletier and Julie Painohaud; m. and Northumberland Co., Ont., Coll. Inst., (1st) Suzanne, d. of late Hon. C. E. Casgrain Cobourg, Ont., and McGill Univ., Montreal. 1862; (2nd) Virginie, d. of late Hon. M. P. Arrived in Canada, 1864; practiced law in de Sales de La Terriere, 1866; one s. Educ: Toronto, 1890-1897; apptd. Supt. of Im- Ste. Anne de la Pocatiere Coll.; Laval Univ; migration for Canada, 1897, and organized Bar, 1860; Q.C., 1879; Batonnier of Quebec the Immigration System now in operation Bar, 1892; twice elected president of Society in Canada; apptd. Deputy Supt. General, of St. Jean Baptiste (National Society of Indian Affairs, Nov., 1^02. Addreea: 483 French Canadians); several years Major of McLaren St., Ottawa. Club: Rideau, Ot- 9th Batt. or "Voltigeurs de Queber," which battalion he commanded during Fenian PEDLET, Kev. Hugh, B.A.; b. Chester- raid in 1866; sat for Kamouraska in the le-Street, Durham, Eng.; s. of Rev. Chas. Commons, 1869-77; for Quebec East in Pedley and Sarah Stowell; m. Eliza Locke Quebec Legislative Assembly, 1873-74; P. Field; three s. one d. Educ: Protestant C. of Canada, 1877, as Minister of Agricul- Acad., St. John's, Nfld.; Cobourg High Sch., ture, and called to the Senate for Grand- McGill TJniv., Congregational Coll. Came ville Division; was sometime Hon. Pres. of to Canada in 1864; ordained in 1877; filled Dominion Board of Agriculture, and Pres. the- following chains in the Cong, body; of Canadian Commission to Paris Universal, Cobourg, 1877-88; Winnipeg, 1888-90; Em- Exhibition of 1878; Speaker of the Senate of manuel Ch., Montreal, 1900 to date. Re- Canada, 1896-1901; resigned seat in Senate, creations: curling, canoeing and sailing. 1902, and apptd. Justice of the Sup._ Ct. of Addresses: 177 Drummond St., Montreal; Quebec. Decorated C.M.G., for services as Kenora Lodge, Brockville, Ont. (siunmer). Canadian Commissioner at' Paris Universal PEI.ISSIEB, Ernest, K.C.; b. Yamaska, Exhibition of 1878; K.C.M.G., 1898; apptd. Que., 24, June, 1864. Educ: Sorel Coll., Lieut. -Governor, 15 Sept., 1S08. Address:

St. - Mary's Coll., Montreal, Laval Univ.; Spencerwood, Quebec. admitted to bar, 1887, and practiced in FEIXETTEB, Hon. Joseph Pantaleon, Montreal for several years. In 1890, be- M.D., Speaker of the Leg. Ass. of Quebec; came head of the firm of Pelissier & Wilson, !>. Riviere Ouelle, 27 July, 1860; s. of Joseph now FeUssier, Wilson & St. Pierre; cr. a Pelletier and Henriette Martin; m. Alice K.C., 1902. Unsuccessful can for Yamaska Hudon. Educ: Coll. of Ste. Anne de la at el., 1904. Publication: A vol. covering Pocatiere, Que., Laval Univ., Que.; studied ' 181 ; ,


in hospitals in Paris and then took up Marie Martha Pelletier;fm. 1854, Caroline practice of his profession in Sherbrooke. Casault. Educ: Coll. of Ste. Anne de la Served in Northwest campaign of J885 as Pocatiere. Taught sch. for some time and Lieut, of the Students' Co. of the 9th Batt., then opened a general merchandise business Quebec; was for 12 years coroner of the at Trois Pistoles, Que., and has also held mst. of'St. Francis; din, Eastern Tps. Agric. the i^osition of postmaster of Trois Pistoles ' Exposition; apptd. mem. of the Quebec for 6Z yrs,; apptd, mem. of the Quebec Prov. Bd. of Health, 1897; for four yfs. Legis. Council, 1892. Address; Trois Pis- chief physician to the Order of Catholic toles, Que. Foresters for Prov. of Quebec. EI. to PEMBEBXON, Frederick B*, C.E., P.L. QOfebec Leg. Ass. at g. e., 1900, 1904. 1908; S,; 6. Victoria, B.C., 26 April 1865; s. of elec. speaker, 190S. Address: 79 Bowen J. D. and Theresa Pemberton/m. Mary A. Av., Sherbrooke, Q\ie., Club; Garrison, D. Bell, three s. three d. Educ: Univ. Quebec. Coll., London, Bng.; senior partnef in firm FEI.T.ETIEK, Hon. Louis Philippe, B. A. of Pemberton & Son, Victoria and Van- LL.t.. LL.D. (Laval Univ.); &. Trois couver, est; 1887; real estate, financial and Pistoles, Que., 1857; s. of Hon, Thos. P. investment agents. Recreations: riding, Pelletier and Caroline Casault; m. I'SSS, shooting, boating, motoring. Address: Adele, d. of the late R. Lelievre, of Quebec. Mountjoy, Victoria, B.C. Clvh: Union, Educ: Ste. Anne Coll. Grad. 1876, and Victoria. won Prince of W6,les gold medal, studied PEMBROKE, Bishop of; see Rt. Rev law, Laval Univ., grad., 1880, winning N. Z. Lorrain. Marquis of Lome gold medal. Called to PENHALLOW, David Pearcc, B.Sc, bar, 1880, and commenced practice in M.Sc, D.Sc, F.R.S.C, F.G.S.A.; 6. Kittery Quebec, where he has since practiced; was Point, Maine, U.S.A.. 25 May, 1654; a. of pres.. National Conservative Assn. of the Andrew Jackson and Mary Ann Josepha Prov. of Quebec, Founded La Justice, in Pickering;??!' Sarah A. Dunlop; one a. conjunction with Col. Amyot, M.P.; un- Educ: Boston Univ. Prof. Botany and successful candidate for Temiscouata Co., Chemistry, Imperial College of Agriculture, at Prov. g. e., 1886; for Three Rivers, at Sappore, Japan, 1876-1880, and pres. 1879- Dom. g. e,, 1887; called to Legis. Council, 1880; Botanist to Houghton Farm Experi- May 11, 1888; resigned, but was returned ment Station, 1882-83; Professor of Botany, ^ to Legis. Assembly,, by accl. for Dorch^ter McGill Univ., since 1883; ed, Canadian Co.; apptd. Provincial Sec, Dec, 1891, on Record of Science, 1888-1890; associate formation of de Boucherville govt.; acted editpr of American Naturalist, 1897-1907; as Attorney-General, under Mr. Flynn, editor for Paleobotany of Botanisches 1896, 1897; re-el. for Dorchester Co., at Central-blatt, 1902-07; British Associsfion each succeeding el. until 1904, when retired Committee on Canadian Ethnology 1897- from politics. Defeated for, Legis. Assem- 1904 and Chairman 1902-04; Chairman, bly, Dorchester Co., 1908 and at g. e., Royal Society of Canada Committ^bn 1908 for Lotbiniere. Pres., Canadian El- Ethnology, 1902-1904; Special CommiasiOper ectric Light Co.; dir. Manufacturers* Life World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial Inaur. Co, Served with the 9th Voltigueurs Exposition, 1884; Society of Plant M,or- de Quebec for several yrs. Recreations: phology and Physiology and President for

hunting, fishing, yachting. Address: 38 1 899 ; New England Botanical Society Garden St., Quebec. Clubs: Garrison, St. corresponding life mem. Mass.,Hort. Sbc.;' Louis. Quebec. associate mem. of the Natural Jlistory See. PELLETIER, Lieut.-Col. Oscar Charles of Boston; fellow of the R. S, C. from 1883; Casgrain; Commandant Military Dis- (pres, of Section 4, 1896-97; life mem.^ of N. trict, No. 7; Chevalier of the L^on of S. Fruit Growers' Association; pres., Dom- Honour; b. Quebec, 3 May, 1862; s. Sir inion Pomological Society, 1890; Fellow Alphonse Pelletier, and Suzanne Casgrain; American Association for Advancement of m. Marie a Melle Alice Archer; three s. six d. Science, 1882-86, and from 1905 (vice-pres. Started his military career in 1883; par- for Section G, 1908-09); fellow of the Royal ticipated in the North West campaign, 1885 Microscopical Soc of London, 1892-1902; andiseverely wounded at Cut Knife; men- Montreal Horticultural Society, 1883-1982; tioned in despatches; South African War, (Pres. 1888-1892; Fellow Botanical Soc. of in ^ 1900, Operations Orange Free State, America; American Soc. of Naturalists. to May, including Feb, 1900, operations at (Pres., 1908-09); Trustee Marine BiologicaJ ; Paardeberg (17-26 Feb.); slightly wounded, Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass.; Director.! ' -27 Febj); actions at Hout Nek (Thoba and Secretary Biological Stations of Canada, M^ountam), (1 May) and Zand River (10 Director, Atlantic Coast Biological Statioii, May). " Operations in the Transvaal in May St, Andrews, N,B., 1907; Chairman of and June, 1900, including actions near Jo- Association of American Biological Research hannesburg (29 May) and Pretoria (4 June). Stations, 1908-09; British AssociationXJom- Operations in Orange River, Colony and mittee on Pleistocene Fauna and Flora of

western Transvaal, August, 1^00; in Trans- Canada, 1897-1901 ; Natural History Society vaal, east of Pretoria, July-October*, 1900. of Montreal, (pres., 1802); Governors Fel- (Despatches, London Crazette, 8 Feb., 1901) low on Corporation of McGill Univ., Mon- Brevet of Lieut.-Col. Queen's Medal with treal; Champlain Society of Canada; Fellow three clasps. Recreations: aquatics. Ad- Geological Society of America, 1907. Pal- dress: 17 St. Louis St., Quebec, Club: Gar- eontological Society of America, 1909; rison, Quebec. National Geographical Society of Amerjca, PELLETIER, Hon. Thomas Philippe, 1905; American Forestry Association 1906; M.L.C.; 6. Ste. Anne de la Pocatiere, Que., New England Botanical Society; several 20 Dec, 1823; s. of Germain Pelletier and years mem, and Pfes, of the Montreal 182 y ; , ;


Branch American Folk Lore Society; Am- "La Sauvegarde" Ins. Co., and life governor erican Academy of Political and Social of Notre Dame Hospital. .Address: 57 Viger Science, 1900. Puhlicalions: on botanical Av., Montreal. 'Clubs: Mount Royal, St. subjects, chiefly on Paleobotany, about 150 James, Montreal. titles. Address: 82 The Linton, Montreal, PEKKAULT, Maurice, M.L.A.; 5. Mont- and 86 Bay State Boad, Boston, Mass., real, 12 June, 1857; s. of Henri Maurice U.S.A. Ferrault and Octavie Masson;* m. 1879, PENNINGTON, David Henry, M.L.A.; Sara Hebertof Montreal; three d. Educ; 6. Quebec, 14 Feb^ 1868; s. of W. Penning- Montreal Coll. Has^ practiced his prof, as ton and Jessie E. Smiths m. Mary M. architect and C. E. In Montreal since 1878; Stewart; three 8, one d. Lumber Merchant; acted as official architect for dist. of Mont- first el. to Leg. Ass., Quebec for Megantic real, 1888-1^2; Expropriation Commr. for Co., 1909; largely interested in asbestos; Montreal, 1^9-1895, and architect 1889- pres,, Robertson Asbestos Mining Co., 1901. Represents Dept. of Pub. Works, of Thetfcffd Mine; pres.. Standard Bedstead Fed. Govt, as local architect for Montreal. Co., dir. Richmond and Drumsville Fuel Mem., Architects* Assn. of Prov. of Quebec, Co.; Arfrfrcs8:Lyster, Que. since 1890, of which was one of organizers; PBNSE, Edward John Barker: editor American Pub. Health Assn. since 1894,

and ' proprietor of British Whig, Kingston, Civil Engrs' Soc. of Can. since 1898; vice- Ont.j 6. JKingston, Oht., 3 June, 1848; s. of pres.. Architectural Inst.; governor Notre L. M. Fense and Harriet Barker Pense; m. Dame Hospital. Mayor of Longueuil, Que. (1st) Cornelia Vaughn; (2nd) Elizabeth 1898-1900. El. to Que. Legis. by accl. at Hamilton; one a. five d. Educ: Kingston g. e., 1900; re-el. for Chambly Riding, 1904, Academy. Was chairman of Sch. Board, 1908. Served as ofiicer in 65th Regt. for also alderman and mayor, and presdt, of about ten yrs.; retired about 1888 with a number of soos.; M.L.A., 1901-1908. Pub- rank of Capt. Address: 15 St. Lawrence Usher of the Whig, Kingston, and also of Boulevard, Montreal. Church lAfe and Ontario Churchman. Ad- FEBBIN, Bight Bev. Brshop WlUiani ' dreaa: "Ongwanda," King St., Kingston. WlUcox, D.D.; b. West bury on Tyne, Club: Frontenac, Kingston. Somersetshire, Eng., 11 Aug., 1848; s. of PBBUET, George Halsey, B.A., M.P.; Thomas and Margaret Perrin; m. Hariiet b. Lebanon, New Hampshire, 12 Sept., Moore; one «. one d. Educ: King's Coll., 1857; fi. of William Goodhue Perley and London, and Trinity Coll., Oxford Eng.; Mabel E. T. Stevens; m. Annie Hespler arrived in Canada, May, 1893; Bishop of

Bowlby ; one d. Educ. : Ottawa Gram. Sch., British Columbia, 1893; formerly Cirrate of St. Paul's School, Concord, N.H., and St. Mary's, Vicar of St. Luke's, Southampton Harvard Univ. Father was for years one of Eng.; at the wish of the Synod of the the largest lumber operators on the Ottawa, Diocese, consecrated in Westminster Abbey. and one of the builders of the C. A. Ry.; Address: Victoria, B.C., Club: Westmin- has always been in the lumber business and ster, London, Eng. was a partner in the firm of Perley and PEKBT, Lieut.-Col. Aylesworth Bowen: Pattee, of which his father was senior Commr. of the Royal Northwest Mounted partner; is now head of the G. H. Perley Co. Police; 6. Lennox Co., Ont., 21 Aug., ,1860; also vice-pres., Hull Lumber Co., Ltd.; of U.E.L. descent; m. 1883, Emma, d. of Director of the Bank of Ottawa; past-pres. G. L. Meikle, of Lachute, Que., one 8. two d. of the Bideau Club and the Ottawa Golf Educ: Napanee High Sch., and Royal Club; along with the other heirs of his father Military Coll., Kingston; mem. of first he made a donation of the beautiful home- graduating class, 1880, taking high honours. stead in Ottawa, to the city, as a hospital Apptd. July, 1880, a Lieut, in Royal Engrs., commission the follow- for incurables, now known ^ as the Perley but had to resign his Home; chairman of the fund for the relief ing yr. on account or illhealth. Gazetted of sufferers by the forest fires in Prescott Inspector of N.W.M.P., 24 Jan., 1882; and Russell Counties; chairman of the served in two NorthWest Rebellions, and Ottawa and Hull Fire Relief Fund, distri- mentioned in despatches; promoted to rank buting about $1,000,000 among the sufferers of Supt. 1 Aug., 1885; apptd. Commr., 1900. by the fire of April 29, 1900; defeated for Commanded mounted police contingent at H. of C. for Russell, in 1900; defeated in Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria (Jubilee bye-election in Argenteuil, Que., 1902; medal). Atfdreas; Regina, Sask. elee. to H. of C. in 1904; re-elec. 1908. PEBBT, Oscar Butler; mining engr. Addreea: 232 Metcalfe St., Ottawa, Ont. and Supt. Yukon Gold Co., Dawson; 6. Clubs: Rideau, Golf, Ottawa. Indiana, 1873. Educ: Indiana Univ. and PEBODEAU, Hon. Narclsse, M.L.C. Columbia Coll. Sch. of Mines, New York. Quebec; b. St. Ours, Richelieu Co., Que., 26 Has been with the Guggenheim Exploration March, 1851; «. of Paul Perodeau and Co. for six yrs.; designed gold dredges now Modeate Arpin; m. 1883, Mary Ly d. of the used by Yiion Co.; planned and construc- late Dr. Charles Duckley, of St. Hyacinthe, ted the seventy mile ditch and pipe line Que., four «. one d. Educ: St. Hyacinthe of the Yukon (Sold Co. Address: Dawson, Coll. Grad. B.C.L., McGill Univ., 1876. Y.T. Admitted a N.P., 1876, and commenced PETEBSON, Wmiam, M.A^, LL.D. (St. practice of his prof, with the firm of Jobin, Andrew's Univ.), C.M.G., Principal and Coutlee & Perodeau, but for the past fiye Vice-Chancellor of McGill Univ.; 6. Edin- or six yrs. has practiced alone. Seel of burgh, Scotland, 29 Mmt, 1856; 8. of the Pr6v. Bd. of Notaries at Montreal, since late John Peterson and Grace M. Anderson 1880; apptd. a Prof, of the Faculty of Law m. 1885, Lisa, e. d. of the late William Boss, of Laval Univ., LL.D., 1902. Apptd. to of 12 Hyde Park Gardens, London, W., Legis. Council" of Quebec, 1897; dir. of and Gleneam, Perthshire, Scotland; two s. 183 .

PETTTPIECE WHO'S WHO. Bduc: Edinburgh High Soh.; grad. Edin- PICKTHAUL, Miss Marjorie Lowrey burgh Univ., "with first-clasB honors- in Christie; b. London, Eng., 14, Sept., Classics, 1875; studied at Univ. of Gottin- 1883; d. of Arthur C. Kcthall and Helen gen; gained an open scholarship at Corpus Mallard. Educ: The Bishop Strachan Sch. Christi Coll., Oxford, and in 1896, the Toronto. Arrived in Canada, 1890; Pub- Gerguson Scholarship in Classics. For two lications: Chiefly magazine work, verse and yrs., Asst. Prof, of Humanity in Edinburgh fiction; some bbys' books. Recreations: Univ. Cr. LL.t)., St. Andrew's Univ., gardening, rowing. Address; 537 Euclid 1885, and by Princeton Univ., 1896; receiv- Avenue, 'Toronto. Clubs: Woman's Press ed hon. degrees from Univ. of New Bruns- Club, Toronto; Society of Authors. wick, 1900; Yale, 1901; Johns Hopkins, PICKUP, Samuel Walter Wlllett, M.P.; 1902; Pennsylvania and -Queen's 1903; b. Granville Ferry, Annapolis Co., N.S., 1 Aberdeen, 1906; Toronto, 1907; Principal March, 1859; ». of Samuel Pickup, and of McGill Univ. since 1895; mem. Protestant Cylina G. Willett; m. Lillie L. E. Troop, 31 Committee of Council of Pub. Instruction; Oct., 1883; three «. three d. Bduc.: Com, a trustee of the Carnegie Foundation for the Sch. and Moimt Allison, Sackville;' mer- Advancement of Teaching in U.S., Canada, chant, shiijbmlder and farmer; was 18 yrs. and Newfoundland; a gov. Royal Victoria in the Municipal Conincil of his Municipality, Hospital. Cr. C.M.G., 1901. Publications: and was for three yfa. Warden of the Co.; editor of the Tenth Book of Quintilian's first el. to the H. of C. in 1904; re-el. 1908; "Institute of Oratory;" Tactitus's "Dia- a Liberal. Address: Granville Ferry, An- logue on Oratory; Cicero's speeches in de- napolis Co., N.S. Club: Laurentian, Ottawa. fence of Cluentius and against Vere3;_ has PIGOTT, Augustus Charles Doyne; Sher contributed to numerous publications. iff. Southern Judicial Dlst. of Manitoba; b. Canadian ed. of Nelson's perpetual loose- Chatham Kent, Eng., 1 Jan., 1862; s. Major ^ leaf Encyclopaedia. Recreations: walking, General H. de Binzey Pigott, of Co. Gal- tolf, curling. Address: 447 Sherbrooke way, Ireland, and Frances Catherine, d. of t., W. Montreal. Clubs: St. James, Mount Capt. Powlett Doyne, Queen's Co., Ireland; Royal, University, Montreal. m. Florence Harriet, third d. of Alex. PETTTPIECE, Henry John; owner of Buchanan, of Omagh, Co. Tyrone, Ire,; two Marlborough Coll., Eng., the Forest Free Press: b. Anderdown Tp., s. one d. Educ: to"Can.,il880; Essex Co., Ont., 11 Nov., 1855; «. of An- and Bonn, Germany. Came and thony and Ann Pettypieee; m. 1879, Mary commenced business as real estate has been fanner in Man., M. Meloche, of Amherstburg; two «. one d. insurance agent; 1885 Bduc: Ont. Pub. Sch. Was raised on the 14 yrs.; Lieut, in Boultdh's Scouts, farm, but in April, 1879, joined staff of Address: Morden, Man. Amherstburg Echo; in 1883, purchased the PINHBT, John Charles; artist; b. Otta- Forest Free Press, which he has since wa, Ont., 24 Aug., 1860; s. of John Hamnett edited. Town Councillor of Forest, 1888; and Constance Pinhey of England; m. a dir of the Lambton Fanners' Inst.; for Amelia P. Rhynds; three «. two d. Educ: two yrs. a license conunr. for East Lambton, Coll. Inst., Ottawa, and Julian's Academy, El. to Leg. Ass. at g. e., 1898 and 1902; Paris, France; began to study art in Tor- unsuccessful, 1905. Recreaiions: cricket, onto, at the age of 19, and at 21 went to

curling . A ddress ; Forest , Ont Paris; studied for 5 years in Julian's Acad- Lefebore, and PETJCHEN, Major Arthur Godfrey; 6. emy, under Boulanger and criticised by Jerome; ». of Godfrey also at Beaux Arts; Montreal, 18 April, 1859; was Peuchen, Prussia, and Eliza Clark, Hull, elec. a mem. of R.C.A., and in 1897 exhibited at World s England; m. Margaret Thom.son; one s. one made an academican; Buffalo. Address: d. President of the Standard Chemical Co., Fairs at Chicago and Club; Major Queen's Own Rifles; ex-vice Com- Wolfenden, Hudson Heights, Que. modore, R. C. Y. C, Toronto. Recreations: Pen and Pencil, Montreal. yachting, hunting, militia. Address: 599 PINKHAM, Bight Rev. William Cyprian Jarvis St., Toronto, and "Woodlands," D.D., D.C.L.; 6. 1844; ». of William Fink- Barrie, Ont. Clubs: National, Hunt, Ont- ham, Teignmoutb, Devon, and St. John's, ario Jockey, R.C.Y.C., Albany, and Military Newfoundland; m. 1868, Jean Anne, 2nd Institute, Toronto. d. of late William Drever, Winnipeg; three ». Coll., Can- PHILLIPPS-WOLLET,, Olive, J. P., three d. Educ: St. Augustine's James's, Mani- F.R.C.S.; b. Wimborne, Dorsetshire, Eng., terbury. Incumbent of St. of Education 3 April, 1852; e. of R. A. L. Phillipps, M.A., toba, 1868-82; Superintendent of Manitoba, F.R.C.S.; m. Jane, d. of Admiral Fenwick, for Protestant Public Schs. of Manitoba and R.N.; one a. three d. Educ: Rossall, Eng. 1871-83; Archdeacon Arrived in Canada, 1884; vice consul Canon of St. John's Cathedral, Winnipeg, 1882-1887; at Kertch; inherited the Wolley property, 1882-87; Secretary of Synod, Hanwood, Salop, took name and arms Bishop of Saskatchewan, 1887 to date; of Hon. Wolley; retired from foreign office service; Hon. D.C.L. Trinity Univ., Toronto; Bishop s called'to the bar. Middle Temple and Oxford D.D. Univ. of Manitoba. Address: circuit; Gapt. 4th Batt., S.W\B.; vice-pres., Court, Calgary, Alta. Navy League, England; pres., V. & E. PLANTE, Michael Henri Arthur, LL.B., Navy League, B.C. Publications: Big Game K.C., M.L.A.; b. Valleyfield, Que.. 29 Sept., Sport in 'Crimea and Caucasus; Songs of an 1870; «. of Moise Plante ex-M.L.A., and E^lish Esau; Boys* Books, Snap, and Hermine Langevin Bergevin; unmarried. novels. Chicamore -Stone, etc. Recrea- Edttc. at the Elementary Sch., Valley^eld; tions: shooting and ffshing. Address: Coe- Jesuites Coll., Montreal; Advocat; admitted fields, B.C. Ciufts.'Shropshire Country, Eng., to the bar, 1894; first el toXeg. Ass., 1898; and Union Club, Victoria, B.C. unsuccessful 1900 and 1904; re-el. 1908; a. 184' ; WHO'S WHO.

Conservative. Address: Valleyfield, Que., Mines; Secretary Japanese Commission, Ciub: Montreal. Washington; Government Inspector of PLASKBTT John Stanley, B.A., JF.R. Mines, N.S., 1872-1878, when he suggested A.S.O.; 6. Strathallan, Oxford Co., Ont., and drafted first mines regulation Act in 17 Nov., 1865; «. of Joseph and Annie Canada, and first special legislation on dub- Plaskett: nt. Rebecca Hope Hemley; two a. marine coal mining; General Manager of Educ: Pub. Soh., Woodstock High Sch., Acadia Coal Company, N.S., 1879-1900; Toronto Univ.; employed with Edison reported on mining for the Canadian Geo- Electrical Co., 1888-1889; Asst. in dept. of logical Survey, reports, 1885-1906. Asso. Physios, Toronto Univ.j 1890-1903; Astron- Royal School of Mines; Hon. mem. Fed. omer, Dept. of Interior, 1903 to date. of Mining Engineers; founder M. Can. Soc, Publicatwna: on Orthochromatic Colour C.E.; first pres. Mining Soc. of N.S.; past

Photography; Mathematics in the mechan- pres., N.S. Institute of Science, i Publica- ical trades; tuirteen complete papers and tions: Transcations R.S.C.; Mining Soc:, N. numerous shorter notes on various astron- S.; The N.S. Inst, of Sc; The Federated ^ omical subjects. Recreation: photography. Inst'n. ; reports. Address: 60 Bedford Row, Address: "Cedarhurst" Fkirmount Ave., Halifax, N.S. C!«6.- Halifax. Ottawa, POPE, Miss Georglna Fane; Royal Red FOIKIEB, Hon. Pascal, B.A.; Senator; Cross; b. Charlottetown, P.E.I., 1 Jan., 6. Shediac, N.B.,,15 Feb., 1852; m. 1897, 1862; d. of the late Hon. W. H. Pope, and

Anna Lusignan. Educ: St. Joseph's Coll., Helen Des Bresay. " Educ: P.E.I. ; served

Memramcook, N.B. ; was postmaster, H. of two years in South African campaign as C, from 1872 to 1885; pres. of a section of Nursing Sister; at present Matron of the St. Jean Baptist Society, of Ottawa; pres., Permanent Army Medical Corps. Address: Canadian Institute, 1881-2; pres. of the Military Hospital, Halifax, N.S. Mineraldgical Soc. of Ottawa Univ.; pres. POPE, Joseph, C.V.O., C.Jf.G., I.S.O., of La Societe de I'Assomption for twelve Japanese Order of the Sacred Treasure; yrs.; is a barrister for both N.Bj and Que. Under Secy, for External Affairs, Canada; Publications: "L'Origine dea Acadiens," b. Charlottetown, P.E.I., 16 Aug., 1854; "Le P^re Iiefebvre et I'Acadie," Fellow R. e. s. of late Hon. W. H. Pope and Helen Des B.C.; Knight of the Legion of Honour; Brisay; m. 1884, Marie Louise Josephine called to the Senate, 9 March, 1885; a Con- Henrietta, e. d. of Chief Justice H. T. servative. Address: Shediac, N.B. Taschereau of the Superior Court of Lower POIXAB.D, Kev. Henry; b. Exeter, Can., Montreal; five a. one d, Educ: Prince Eng., 1 Nov., 1830; s. of William Caras and of Wales Coll., Charlottetown; from 1870 to Mary Pollard; m. Annie M. Porter, d. of W. 1878, banking. Entered Civil Service of Porter, M.P^ St. Stephen, N.B. Educ.: Canada, 1878; Private Secretary to Minister Gram. Sch., Exeter, and St. Augustus Coll., of Marine and Fisheries; was Private Sec. Canterbury, Eng.; arrived in Canada, 14 to Rt. Hon. Sir John Maodonald, Prime Feb., 1858; Curate of St. Stephen's N.B.; Minister of Canada, 1882-91; apptd. Asst. Rector of Mangerville and Burts, dioceses of Clerk of the King's Privy Council for Can- Fredericton; Curate of Christ Church, ada, 1889; Under Secretary of State and Ottawa; Rector of St. John's Church, Deputy Registrar General of Canada, 1896; Ottawa; senior Canon of Christ Church Under Sec for External Affairs, 1908; Cathedral, Ottawa. Address: St. John's attached to the staff of the British Agent on Rectory, Ottawa. the Behring Sea Arbitration at Paris, 1893; POtLOK, Rev. Dr. AUan; b. 1829. s. of was Agent of the Canadian Government at late Dr. Pollok, of Kingston. Educ: Glas- the proceedings of the Joint High Com- fow Univ. Licensed by Presbytery of mission which met at Quebec and Washing- »unoon, 1852; went to N.S., 1852; in New ton, 1898-90; Associate Secretary to the Glasgow, 1852-73; Professor of Ecclesias- Alaska Boimdary Tribunal, London, 1903; tical History and Practical Theology, 1876; deputed by the Ggvemment to make Principal of Presby., Theological Coll., arrangements for the tour of the Prince and ' Halifax, since 1886. Publications: Studies Princess of Wales in Canada in 1901, and for in Practical Theology, 1907. Address: Hal- his services, in that capacity received a ifax, N.S. C.M.G. Publications: Membira of Sir John PONTON, IJeut.-Col. WilUam Nlsbet, Maodonald; The Royal Tour in Canada, M.A., K.C.; b. Belleville, Ont., 1856; s. 1901 ; "Champlain;" "Cartier." Recrealions: James Wemyss Ponton and Anna Hutton astronomy. Address: 286 Stewart Street, Ponton; m. May E. Sankey; three s. two d. Ottawa. Club: Rideau, Ottawa. Educ.:JJp. Can. Coll., and Univ. of Toronto; POBTEB, Edward Guss, K.C.M.P.;

nuning and economic geology, 1885-88; POWEE, Hon. Lawrence Geoffrey, P.C., engineering practice in mines and railways; LL.D., Senator: 6. Halifax, N.S., 9 prof, of mining engineering at McGill Univ., Aug., 1841; B. of Patrick Power and Ellen

papers on of Irel. ; 1896. Puhlications: Numerous _ Gaull, both Waterford, m. 23 June,

educational and engineering subjects; econ- 1880, Susan, 4th d. of M. O'Leary, of , West omic minerals, etc. Recreotiona; yachting, Quoddj^ Halifax Co., two 'd. Educ: St. angling; open air sports in general. Ad- Mary's Coll., Halifax; Carlow Coll., Catholic dresses: 130 McTavish St., Montreal, and Univ., Irel.. and Hanrard Law Sch., Cam- Long Beach Lodge, Guysboro, N.S. Clubs: bridge, Mass.; a scholar of Catholic Univ., University, and Engineering, Montreal; Ireland; B.A., of St. Mary's; admitted to the- Imperial and Colonial, London; Royal N.S., bar, 1866; is a barrister and soUcitor; alder- - Yacht Squadron, Halifax. man in Halifax for six years, andC^member POTTINGEB, David, I.S.O.; Asst. Chn. of Board of Sch. Comm. for 13 years; & of the Govt. Railways Managing Board; 6. member of the Senate of Halifax Univ. Pictou, N.S., 7 Oct., 1843; of Scottish Publications: pamphlet "The Manitoba Sch, parentage; m. Mary Louise, d. of the late Question from the Point of View of a Cath- William Fisher, of Fredericton, N.B., and olic member;" "Richard John Uniacke;" widow of F. W. Reid;'two s.. one d, Educ: a sketch "The Irish Discovery of America;"" Pictou Acad.', N.S. Entered the Govern- called to the Senate, 2 Feb., 1877; apptd. ment railway service, at Halifax, N.S., as Speaker, Jan., 1901; sworn of Privy Coun- clerk, 1863; became cashier 1871; station cil, Jan., 1905; a Liberal; Address: Halifax master, 1872; gen. storekeeper, 1874; chief N.S. supt. 1879; gen. mgr. of Government rail- POWEB, William; mem. of the.firm of ways, 1892; mem. of the Government Rail- W. & J. Sharpies, lumber merchants, Que- ways Managing Board, 1909; Asst. Chmn., bec; 6. Sillery, Que., 21 Feb., 1849; «. of the 1910. Address; Moncton,N.B. CTu6;Rid- late William Power, one of the m^rs. of the ' eau, Ottawa. firm of W. & J. Sharpies, and B. Fitzgerald; POUPOBE, William Joseph; 6. Allu- m. 1881, Winnifred Susan, d. of James mette. Island, Que., 29 April, 1846; s. of Rockett, lumberman, of Quebec; five «. Wm. Poupore and Susan McAdam; m. twod. £d«c. .'Sillery pub. schs. Has been Barbar Eleonore, d. of late Hon. John connected with the W. & J. Sharpies firm Poupore; five s. four d. Educ: Com." Sch., since 1860, finally becoming a partner. and Ottawa Commercial College; member Owns large timber lands and is one of the of Leg. Ass. of Quebec from 1882 to March, principal owners of the River Ouelle Pulp 1892; member of H. of C. for Pontiac, from and Lumber Co. At one time pres. Bd. 1896 to 1900; studied law for two years and of Trade, and for past ten yrs. has been then went into business as General Con- Sch. Commr. of the city of Qiiebec. Re- trkctor. Railways and Public works, in- turned to H. of C. for Quebec West, bye-el., cluding harbours and rivers; now pres. 1902, by aeol.; re-el. at g. e.. 1904; unsuc- of the W. J. Poupore Co., Limited, Mont- cessful at g. e., 1908. Address: 75 St. real; an Club: Garrison, Que- _ ardent advocate of the construction Ursule St., Quebec. ' of the Montreal, Ottawa & Georgian Bay bec. „ , Ship Canal. Address: 388 Wood Ave., PBEFONTADfE, IsaJe ; b. BeloeilrQue., Westmount, Que. Clubs: Laurentian, Ot- 1861; m. 1883, Eliza, d. of Olivier Pigeon,

tawa; Engineers', Montreal. - of Vercheres. Educ: Montreal Coll., from POWELL, Charles Berkeley; b. Port wiiich he grad. with honors. Pres., Chain- Dover, Ont., 19 Aug., 1858; s. of Col. bre du Commerce, Montreal, and I'Ecole Walker Powell, former Adjt.-Gen. of the des Hautes Etudes Commerciales. Ad- Militia of Can,; m Helen Louise^ d, of dress: Salaberry Apts., Montreal, Que. Gordon B. Pattee, of Ottawa; two d. PBENDEBGAST, Hon, James Emlle Educ: Gait Coll., McGill Univ., Montreal. Pierre; one of the Judges of the.Kines ^A mechanical engr. Served an apprentice- Bench, Manitoba; b. Quebec, 22 March, siiip in the shops of the G. T. R., in Mont- 1858; s. of late James Prendergast and real, as machinist. Was a mem. of the Emilie Gauvreau; m. 1886, Olivina, d. of Ottawa City Coun., and a partner in the late Francois Mondor, of St. Boniface, Man. lumber firm of Perley & Pattee. Pres. or Educ: Quebec Seminary and Laval Umv. Dir. of several local manufacturing Cos. Called to bar of Quebec, 1881,-Manitoba, El. to Ont. Legis. for Ottawa at g. e., 1898; 1882; sat in Manitoba Leg. Ass., 1885-92; rff-el. at g. e., 1902. Address: 283 Metcalfe Prov. Sec. in the Greenway Admn., Jan., St., Ottawa. Clubs: Rideau, Golf, Coun- 1888 to Aug., 1889, when ie resigned: try, Laurentian. Ottawa. mem. of the Catholic section of the board ol POWEB, Augustus, K.C., I.S.O.; b. education, 1884-90; mem. of the Mamtoba Quebec, 22 Dec, «. Mayor of St. 1847; y. of late Mr. Univ. / Council since 1895; Justice Power and Suzanne Aubert de Boniface, 1893-96; Co. Ct. Judge, 1897-1905; Gaspe; m. 1885, Laleah, d. of late Rev. Judge of the Supreme Ct. of SaskatchewMi, Edmund Crawley, D.D., of N.S., and relict 1905-10; apptd. to present position, 7 Feb., of late Seymour 'Tobin, R.N.; one s. one d. 1910: Address; Winnipeg, Man. Educ: St. Mary's Coll. and McGill Univ., PBBNTICB, James Douglas, J. P.; Man. Montreal. Called to bar of Quebec, 1869; Dir. Western Canadian Ranching Co., Ltd.; practised at Montreal, until 1874; entered b. "The Grange," Lanarkshire, Scot., 3 Department of Justice, 1874; employed^on Feb., 1861; »; of Andrew Prentice; m. revision of Dominion statutes, 1887; apptd. Mabel Clare, d. of T. D. Gilpin, of Bristol a Commissioner for revision of Statutes in House, Roehampton, Surrey, Eng.. Educ: 1902. Chief Clerk, Dept. of Justice since Fettes Coll., Edinburgh. Arrived in Can- 1879. Aildress: 196 Wilbrod Street, Ot- ada. 1882 as an ofiBcial in the Bank of B.N. tawa. A., and first employed at Halifax, N.S. In ,186 ;; WHO'S WHO.

1888, was transferred to the branch at shire and Croyden, Surrey, Eng.; ^arrived in Victoriar B.C., but resigned to assume his Canada, April, 1869; resided in West of present position with the Western Canadian England and South Wales, Dist. of R6ss, Ranching Co. El. to B.C. Legis. at g. e., 1864 to 1869; with Bank of British North 1898, 1900; apptd. Provincial Secretary America from 1869 to 1879, in London, later yr.; became Finance Minister, 1901; New York and various places in Canada; resigned from Legis., 1903. Addreae: Vic- Manager of Merchants Bank of Canada, toria, B.C.; Chilcoten, B.C. Club: Union, 1879 to 1884; since then lumber merchant, Victoria. etc.; vice-pres., Quebec Electric, Light Co.; PRESTON, Josiah Johnston, M.L.A.; vice-pres.. Auditorium Co.; director. Lake 6. Manvers, Co. Durham. Ont., 7 June, 1855; Superior Corporation, Sault Ste. Marie.

a. ' of James Preston and Jane Johnston. fecreations: gardeniiig, fishing. Address; Edue.: in the Public Schs.; was Deputy he Cottage, Montmorency Falls, Que. Reeve and Reeve of Township of Manvers, Club: Garrison, Quebec; Mount Royal, aiid Co. Councillor for 10 years, 1888 to Montreal. 1897; elec. eight times by acclam. ; Warden PRICE, William, M.P.; b. Talca, Chili, of united Counties of Northumberland and 38 Aug., 1867; s. of Henry Ferrier Price and Durham in 1897; clerk, 1898, until date; Florence Stoker Rogerson; m. Aemilia first el. to the Leg. Ass.ot Ont. at g. e., 1902; Blanche Smith; four s. two d. Edue.; re-el. 1905, 1908. Address: Bethany, Ont. Bishop's Coll. Sch., Lennoxville, Que., and PBESTON, Thomas H.; Proprietor of St. Marks Sch., Eng. Arrived in Canada, the Brantford Expositor; b. Mount Vernon, July, 1878; first elected to the H. of C. for Ind., 22 Oct., 1855; T of Rev. James Pres- Quebec West, 1908; a lumber merchant; ton and, Emeline A. Phelps; m. 1876, vice-pres. Union Bank, and vice-pres. of Lillian, d. of A. R. Macdonald, of Montreal; various commercial enterprises; served as five c. Educ; Pub. and Gram. Schs., of an officer in the 8th Royal Rifles, Quebec- Belleville and Woodstock. Became a prin- Address; 145 Grande Allee, Quebec. Clubs; ^ ter's apprentice in office of Woodstock Garrison, Quebec; Rideau, Ottawa. Sentinel; completed his apprenticeship on PRIMROSE, Alexander, M.B., CM.. the Stratford Beacon; worked as a com- Edin.; 6. Pictou, N.S., * April, 1861; e. s. positor on Toronto Globe, 1871; removed to of Howard Primrose, and Olivia, d. of late U.S.; returned to Can. 1874, and joined Hon. Alexander Campbell; m. 1889, Clara staff of Ottawa Free Press, and was njem. Christine, d. of late George Ewart, Toronto Press Gallery, H. of C; night-editor, Tor- one «. three d. Edue.: Pictou Academy; lOnto Globe, 1.881; special corres. for the Edinburgh Univ.; Middlesex Hospital, Lon- Globe, Press Gallery, H. of C; was mng. don. Fellow, Royal Medical Soc. of Edin- dir. and chief shareholder of Winnipeg Sun; burgh, and member of the Pathological purchased Brantford Expositor, 1890. El. Soc. of London; Pathologist and Chloro- to Legis 1899; re-el. at g. e., 1902 and 1904; fonnist, Paddington Green Children's Hos- pres.. Can. Press Assn., 1895, Brantford Bd. pital, London, 1888; Assistant Demon- of Trade, 1900. Southern Fair Assn., 1899. strator of Anatomy, Surgeon's Hall, Edin- j4d(Jrca8;Brantford, Ont. burgh, 1885; Professor in Anatomy, Royal PBESTON, William Thomas Rochester Coll. of Surgeons of England, 1887; Demon- 6. Ottawa, 6 Sept., 1853; s. of G. H. and strator of Anatomy, 1889; Associate Pro- M. A. Preston; m. Evelyn Harris, Port fessor of Anatomy, 1892, Univ. of Toronto; Hope, Ont.; one s. ' two d. Journalist; pres.. Pathological Soc. of Toronto, 1898; - organizer for the Liberal party for 10 yrs. Pres. Toronto Medical Society, 1900; mem. Provincial Librarian for Ontario; Commis- Examining Board, Ontario Coll. of Phy- sioner of Emigration to Great Britain and sicians and Surgeons, 1889-1902; Secy of Europe, 1899-06; special Commissioner to the Medical Faculty, Toronto Univ. Pub- South Africa and Commissioner of Trade to lications: The Anatomy of the Orang-Out- Japan and China, 1906-1909; at present ang, 1898-99; Tuberculous Disease of the Commissioner of Trade to Northern Europe. Bones and Joints; The American Practite Address: Dept. of Trade and Commerce, of Surgery, vol. iii., 1907; papers in scien- Ottawa; and The Hague, Holland. tific journals. Recreations: golf, cycUng. PREVOST, Jean, K.C., LL.B., M.L.A.; Address; 100 College Street, Toronto. b. Ste. Scholastique, Que., 17 Nov., 1870; «. Clubs: Toronto, Golf, Royal Caiiadian Hon. Wilfrid Prevost, M.L.C. and Angeli- Yacht, Toronto. ' que Marien; m. Gabrielle Gagnon; one s. PRINCE ALBERT, Bishop of; see Rt. Edue.: Jesuit Coll., Montreal, and Laval Rev. Albert Pascal. _ ^ Univ.; admitted to practice law, 8 July, PRINCE, Edward Ernest, F.B.S.C.; 1894; apptd. K.C., 1904. Pres. of the Lib. Commr. of Fisheries for Canada; b. Leeds, Assn. of the Co. of Terrebonne, 1899-1900. Eng., 23 May, 1858; ». George Augustus El. to Legis Ass., at g. e., 1900, 1904, 1908. Prince, and Harriette Rothery; m. Bessie Called to Prov. Cabinet as Min. of Cploni- Morton, d. of the late Hugh Morton Jack, zation. Mines and Fisheries, 3 July, 1905; Soot.; one «. two d. Edue: Univ. of St. re-el. by accl. at- bye-el. July 17. Pres. of Andrews', Edinburgh, and Cambridge. Fish- North American Fish and Game Assn., 1906 ery Expert on Irish Government Survey of Lord 07i resigned his portfolio, 30 Sept., 1907. Fishery Grounds, 1890; Secretary of Address; St. Jerome, Que. Clubs: St. Tweedmouth's Scottish Bait Commission, Infirmary- Denis, Montrealr Garrison, Quebec. 1891 ; Professor of Zoology, Royal PRICE, Herbert Molesworth, J. P.; 6. at Medical Coll., Glasgow, 1890-3; apptd. Ross, Herefordshire. Eng., 31 Aug., 1847; Commissioner of Fisheries, Canada, 1902; under s. of Mr. and Mrs. William Price; m. S. A. International Fisheries Commission, Martha Hall, of Montmorency Falls, Que. treaty with U.S., 1908-9;. vice-pres., Inter- (.deceased); one ». two d. Edue.: Hereford- national Fisheries Congress, Wash., D.C., 187 WHO'S WHO.

1908; vice-pres., Zoological Section, Brit. riding, driving, motor boating. Address: Assn., Winnipeg, 1909. Ruhlicaiions: Life The Priory, Victoria, B.C. Clubs: Union, History of British Food Fishes (28 plates) Victoria, B.C.; Vancouver, B.C. Trails. Soc. of Edinb., Vol. xxv; Inaugural FBOC'iOB, Alexander Phlmlster; b. Ont. address as Professor in Glasgow, 1890; 27 Sept., 1862; ». Alexander and Tirza Scientific articles in Transactions and Maga- Smith Proctor; m. 1893, Margaret Gerow. zines. Address: 206 O'Connor St., Ottawa. Studied sculpture under Puecn and Ingal- FBINCE, Hon. Joseph Benjamin; Sen- bert, Paris; awarded Winehart Paris scholar- ator: b. St. Gr^oire, Que., 29 April, 1885; ship; exhibited at Paris Exp'n, 1900 (mem. s. Benjamin Prince and Mary Louise sculpture jury), received gold medal. Mem- Bordages; m. Ernestine Brassard; one s. ber Nat. Acad. Design; mem. Nat. Sculp- four d. Educ: Nicolet Coll.p Que.; went ture Soc, Soc. Am. Artists, Am. Water west in 1878 and started farming. In 1883, CJolor Soc, Architectural League. Fur- entered flour and lumbering business. nished quadriga for U.S. Pavilion, Paris Fought during N. W. Rebellion of 1885; Exp'n, 1900; groups for Pan-Am. Exp'n, from 1892 to 1904, was cattle exporter to 1901. Represented in public parks, New G. B.; opened gen. store in Battleford, 1898; York and Denver, in Zool. Park, New York, first el. to Territorial Legis., 1899; re-elec, in Pittsburgh, and colossal lions, McKinley 1904; Mayor of Battleford since 1906, and Monument, Buffalo. Mem. Art Comm'n., pres,JBd. of Trade since its organization; New York, 1903-6. Permanent works at called to Senate of Can., July, 1909. Ad- St. Louis Art Gallery, Mary's Inst., St. dress: Battleford, Sask.; The Senate, Ot- Louis, and Met. Mus. of Art. Address: Bed- ford, N.Y. Club: Century, New York. PBINGLE, Robert AbercTomble; b. PBOUDFOOT, WiiUara, K.C., M.L.A.; Cornwall, Ont., 15 Dec, 1855; «. of J. F. b. Colbome Tp., Huron Co., Ont., 1 Feb., Pringle (of Scotch descent) and Isabella 1889; 8. of Robert Proudfoot and Margaret Pringle; m. 1884, Ada Vanarsdale; two s. Darlington; m. Marion F. Dickson; onc'i. Educ: Pub. and High Schs., Queen's Univ., one d. Educ: Goderich, Ont.; practiced Kingston; entered Civil Service in Ottawa law for 27 years; was Reeve of Goderich for aa Asst. Sec. to Minister of Militia; went to 10 years; at present head of the law firm of the Northwest Territories with staff of Proudfoot, Hays and Blair, Goderich, and Lindsay Russell, C.E., who had charge of Proudfoot, Duncan, Grant and Skeins, the Peace River Survey; studied law in Toronto; first elec. to represent Centre office of Carman & Leitch, 1876-1878, and Huron in the Ontario Leg. Ass., June, 19p8, completed his term in Toronto. Treas. Address: Goderich, Ont,, and Confederation Town of Cornwall for over sixteen yrs. Life Building, Toronto, Ont. Clubs: Vic- El. to H. of C. at g. e., 1900; re-el. at g. toria, Ontario, Toronto. e., 1904; unsuccessful 1908. Address: PBOULX, Edward, M.P.; b. St. Hermas Cornwall, Ont. Clubs: Rideau, Ottawa; Que., 21 May, 1875; s. of Isidore Proulx and Albany, Toronto. Philomene Lalonde; m. Renee Audette of PBIOB, L.ieut.-Col. Hon. Edward Gaw- Quebec; two «. Educ: Bourget Coll., ler, P.C; 6. Dallowgill, Yorkshire, Rigaud, and Univ. of Ottawa; first el. to Eng., 21 May, 1853; 2nd s. of late Rev. the H. of C„ 1904; re-el. in 1908. Address: Henry Prior, who was Rector of that Parish, L'Original, Ont. ^ Prowse and afterwards Vicar of Boston, Lincoln- PBOWSE, Lemuel E., M. P. ; Pres. shire; m. (1st) 1878, Suzette (d. 1897), y. d. Bros., Ltd.; b. B. P. Road, P.E.I., 2 Feb., of Hon. John Work, of Hillside, Victoria; 1858; «. of Wm. and Helen Prowae; m. (2nd) 1899, Genevieve, e. d. of Capt. J. 29 July, 1879, Frances J. Stanley; three « Wright, -San Francisco; one s. three d. one d. Educ: In County Sch.; a member Educ: Gram. Sch., Leeds, Yorkshire; ser- of the P.E.I. Legislature from 1893 to 1897; ved his articles as a mining engineer with first el. to H. of C. tor Kings Co., P.E.I., the late J. Tolson White, M.E., at Wakefield. 1908; a Methodist; a Liberal. Address: Went to Vancouver Island, 1873, as mining Charlottetown, P.E.I. engineer and surveyor for the" Vancouver PUFPBB, WllUam Franklin, ML. A.; Coal Mining and Land Company; was Gov- b. North Crosbj^ Leeds Co., Ont., 1 Nov., eniment Inspector of Mines, 1878-80, re- 1861; «. of Asa Puffer a/nd Louisa P. Root; signed to commence business as an iron and m. Charlotte A. Gilmour; four «. three- d. hardware merchant, and still continues as Parents moved to Peterborough Co. from such; to , Lieut.-Col. commanding the Sth Regt. Leeds Co., when 8 years of age, then Canadian Artillery, 1888-96; Hon. A.D.C. to Dresden, ()nt., when 13 years of age; thence the Governors-General of Canada, Lords to Illinois at 14 and to Michigan at 16 yrs.; .Stanley and Aberdeen; commanded the went to Alberta early in 1890; worked at Canadian rifle team at Bisley, 1890; was farming and lumbering; was a pioneer_ in twice Pres. of the Dominion Artillery Assoc- Alberta; homesteading and farming spring iation; one of the Canadian contingent of '95; started in the meat and cattle trade present at the late Queen's Jubilee, 1807; at Lacombe, and for several years also mem, of Le^. Ass. of British C!oluinbia, conducted a lumber yard and machine 1886-88; resigned, and was elected by business; elec. to the first Alberta Legis- acclam. the same day to H. of C,; re-el. lature, Nov., 1905; re-el. by acclam., 1909. 1891 and 1896; Controller of Inland Rev- Address: Lacombe. Alta. enue in the administrations of Sir Macken- FUGSLET, Hon. William, B.A., K.C., zie Bowell and Sir Charles Tupper; Minister D.C.L., P.C; Minister of Public Works for of Mines in Local Legislature of British Canada; b. Sussex, Kings Co., N.B., 18501 Columbia, 10 March, 1902 to 31 May, 1903; «. of William and Jane Pugsley; m. Fannie Premier of B.C, from 21 Nov., 1902 to 31 J. Park; two ». two d. S^uc: Sussex Com. May, 1903; a Conservative. Recreationa: Schs. and Univ. of New Brunswick. El. 188 WHO'S WHO. RAiNviLLa

N.B. Leg. Ass.. 1885; Speaker of Ass., 1887; QUEBEC Bishop of; tee Rt. Rev. An-

resigned 1800; became Solicitor-Gea. ; re- drew H. Dunn. tired from politics; 1892; re-el. 1899; apptd. QT7I6EET, Most BeT. James Edward, Attomey-Oieneral, 1900; became Premier R. 0. archUshop of Chicago; b. Oshawa, and Attorney Gen., 1907; resigned same yr., Ont., 15 Oct., 1854. Educ.: St. Joseph's when apptd. Minister of Pub. Works for Coll., Christian Brothers, Buffalo, N.Y.; Canada; el. by accl, to H. of C. for St. went with parents to Lima, N.Y., 1856; John, N.B., Aug., 1907; re-el. at g. e., 26 studied Sem. of Our Lady of Angels (now Oct., 1908. Address: Aylmer Apts., Ot- Niagara Univ.); grad. Univ. at Innsbruck, tawa. Clubs: Bideau, Countrj^ Lauren- Austrian Tyrol; grad. Coll. Propaganda, tian, Hunt, Ottawa; Union, St. John, N.B. Rome, 1879; ordained priest, 1879; pastor PUROOM, Thomas Hunter, K.G.; b. St. Vmcent's Ch., Attica, N.Y., 1879-84; London, Ont.. 25 July, 1853; s. of Alex- St. Joseph's Cathedral, Buffalo, 1884-96; ander Purdom and Margaret Hunter; m. St. Bridget's Ch., Jan., 1896-Feb., 1897- (1st) 1884, Belle, (d. 1885), d. of the late bishop of Buffalo, 1897-1903; installed John Craig; Qnd) 1893. Nellie, (rf. 1900), archbishop of Chicago, Mar., 10, 1903 St., d. of David Davies, of London, Ont. ; (3ra) Addrett: 623 N. State Chicago, U.S.A. 1902, Marion, d. of David Davies; one s. QUINLANi Joseph; Dist. Passr. Agent. one d. Educ: Pub. and Gram. Schs. of G.T.R., Montreal; b. Lacolle, Que., 10 Aug., London. Studied law in office of E. Jones 1859; 8. Wm. Quinlan and Fhilomene, d. Parke, K.C., of London, Ont.; became of Capt, Bary, an English officer who came ,Attorney-at-Law and Solicitor, 1875; cal- to Canada during the rebellion of 1837; led to the Bar at. Osgoode Hall, 1876; m. (1st) Mary Morrow (dec); (2nd) Blanche Bencher of the Law Soc. of Ont., ^1884- B., d. of M. P. McGammon, pres. of the 1890, apptd. Q.Ci, 1898, and is now head Merchants Bank of Aurora, Ind., U.S.A.; of the firm of Purdom & Furdoni; vice^pres.. one t. Educ.: Lacolle and St. Valentine, Northern Life Assur. Co, of Can.; pres., Que. Entered the service of the G.'T.R., in Dom. Savings and Investment Soc; dir., 1877, as telegraph operator; employed Canada Trust Co., of London; pres., Lon- successively as station agent, express agent, don Advertiser Co., Ltd.; dir., Masonic travelling passenger ag3nt, 1890-1902; dis- Temple Co.; trustee, Western Ontario Law trict passenger agent at Montreal, 1902 to Soc; pres., London Press Club. Address; date. Has supervision of all immigrants London, Ont. landing, for the G. T. R. and its connections PUKVIS, David; b. Scarboro tp.. York at Montreal, Halifax, St. John and Portland Co., Ont., 14 May, 1845; a. of Henry Purvis. Me. Recreation: work. Addrett: 440 Mt. Educ: Dist. and pub, schs. In 1867, com- Stephen Ave., Westmount, Que. menced working a farm for himself; opened an agricultural implement warehouse, with his brother, in Barrie, Ont., 1875; removed to North Bay, 1888, to take pharge of their R branch stores; the firm now has branches at Sudbury and Webbwood; mem. of the RACE, Thomas Henry; Police Magis- Barrie Town Council, 1877-1882; mem. of trate, Mitchell, Ont.; b. Durhiam Co., Eng., municipal council of North Bay, 1891; 1 May, 1848; a. of Thomas Race and Eliza- unsuccessful candidate for Ont. L^is., beth Thompson; m. Margaret Ballentine, 1890; for many yrs. mem. of Pub. and High of Guelph, Ont.; two s. two d. Educ: Sch. Bds. of North Bay; chn. of the Bd. of T*ort Hope Gram. Sch. and Victoria Univ. Trade, 1894-1902. Address: North Bay, Came to Canada with parents, 1853, and Ont. worked on farm for some yrs. Thirty yrs, PTNE, Hon. Robert Allan, M.L.A., in journalism as editor of Mitchell Recorder, M.D., Minister of Education for Ontario; Exhibition Com. for Canada since 1904 to a. of Thomas Pyne, M.D., and Hester Jane U.S., England, New Zealand, Australia, Roberts, cousin of Field-Marshal Earl and Scotland. Recreations: fruits, flowers Roberts, both of Waterford, Ireland; b. and agriculture. Address: Mitchell, Ont. Newmarket, Co. York, Ont., 29 Oct., 1855. RACINE, Damase, M.L.A.; b. Crysler, Registrar of College of Physicians and Stormont Co., Ont., 28 May, 1855; s. of J. Surgeons of Ont.^ has been Chairman of B. Racine, and A. Charlebois; in. Corina Toronto Sch, Board and Toronto Free Benoit; six a. four d. Educ: Crysler Fub. Library Board; Member of the first Board Sch. Has been Councillor, Dep. Reeve, of Health, Toronto; member of the High Reeve, Co. Councillor and Warden of the Sch. Board, Toronto; member of the 37th U. C. of Prescott and Russell. First el. to Haldimand Rifles for years; late Assistant Leg. Ass. at g. e., 1905; re-el. 1908. Arf- STlra^eon 10th Regt. Royal Grenadiers; first e2reaa: Casselman, Ont. el. to Ont. Leg. Ass., 1898; re-el. 1902, 1905, RAINVIIXE, Hon. Henri B., K.C., B.C. 1908; apptd. Min. of Education in the L. (McGill); 6. Ste. Angele de Monnoir, Whitney Admn., 8 Feb.. 1905. Address: 5 April, 1852; ». of Felix Rainville, farmer, Cor. Sherboume St. and Wilton Ave., Tor- and Marie Daignault; m. 1876, Eugenie, onto. C?w6; Albany, Toronto. d. of the late Alexandre Archambault. ^ Educ: St. Hyacirithe Coll., Ste. Marie de Monnoir Coll. Grad. B.C.L., McGill Univ., Q 1873. Admitted to the Bar, 14 Jan., 1874. Was for many yrs. an Alderman of the City QU'AFFEI.LE, Bishop of; see Rt. Rev. of Montreal. First returned to L^s. for John Grisdale. Montreal (St. Louis IHv.) g. e., 1890; QT7EBKC, Archbishop of; tee Most Rev. defeated at g. e., 1892; re-el. g. e., 1897, L. N. Begin. 1900; Speaker of the Quebec Legislature 189 ; ; WHO'S WHO.

1901-4; dir., Montreal Light, !Heat & Power 57 Waterloo St.. S, Jobn, N.B.; The Park Co., Crown Life Insur. Co.; Royal Electric Rothesay, N.B. (summer), Co. Address: 382' Sherbrooke St. W.. R£!AD^ Hon. Joseph; 6. Summerside, Montreal. P.E.r., 31 Oct., 1849; m. Sarah Carruthera RAXKIX, Colin; 6. nr. Pictou, N.S,, 26 of North Bedeque, P.E.I.; two a. Educ: July, 1826; e. of Colin Rankin an(J Mary Summerside, Gram. Sch., Ions Nautical ^RdBertson; m. (1st) Rebecca Scott, of Que- Academy, Liverpool, Eng.; has been pres. bec (d; 1871);- (2nd) Annie Deacon, of local board of trade and pres. Maritime < Lifidsay; four s. four d. Educ: Bath.m'st, Board of Trade; elec. to tlie P.E.I, Legis- N.B. V Entered tbe service of the Hudson's lature, 1900; member of the Cabinet without Bay Co. at Mattawa, March, 1849-, and was portfolip, 1903; re-elec. in 1904 andin 1908. stationed in subsequent yrs. at posts on the 'Publications: one of the contributo^\ to St. -Maurice, north, shore of Gulf of St. history of P.E.Island, past and pir^ent. Lawrence, Lake Spperior, Saguenay, Sim- Re^eation: travel. Address:' Summerside, ' coe Dist., and finally as chief factor in. the PET ' Temiskaming Di^t with headquarters at BSlAjbi:, John, LL.D., F.R.S.C>; h. Bal- ~ Mattawa; retired 1902, ''then bedng senior lyshannon Co., Donegal, Ireland, 13 Nov., cMef factor, after 52 yrs. continuous service 1837; a. Joseph Reade and JPrances Smyth; with the H. B. Co. An ardent sportsman. unmarried. Educ. : Enniskillen and Belfast

Arranged moose 'hunting ' expeditions for Arrived in Canada, June^- 1856; associate Lords Minto and Grey, Governors-General; Editor of the Montreal Gazette for forty yrs. organized canoe brig, in connection with the has been mostly engaged in journalism and lumbermen's entertainment of their Royal literature; has consistently advocated the Highnesses, the Duke and Duchess of Corn- conciliation of race and rel^ion in Canada, wall and York on their visit to Ottawa, 1 90 1 Canadian Confederation and the -unity of personally thanked by H. R. H.; organized the Empire; one of the orginal mranbers;-' the Kippewa Fiah and Game Club, which Royar Society of Canada (1882);. founded has the largest Hunting -area of any similar by Marquis of Lome, and pres. of Hist', and club in Can.; organized the Wja--Wash- ArchsDoI. Section (English); with Prof. Keshi Fish and Game Club With head- Penhallow, the late H. Beaugrand (Mayor ' quBrrters on the Schyan River, Pontiac Co. of Montreal in 1885, ect.), and W. J. White," RecreaiioTts: big game hunting, fishing. K.C., founded Canadian Branch of Amer- ^Addreas." Mattawa, Ont. ican Folk Lore Society. Address: Montreal. RANKIN, James Palmer, M.B., L.R.C., REAUME, Hon. Joseph Octave, M.D., P. & S. (Edinb.) M.P.; 6. County of Oxford, M.L.A., b. 13 Aug., 1856; a. of Qliyer Ont., 30 April, 1855; s. of David Rankin and Reaume and Josette Dumont, French Can- Jane Palmer Davis; m. Mary Jane McKee; adians; m. 1887, Catherine L. Turner, ]Jock- one a. and two d. Educ.:' Toronto Univ. port, New York; two a. two d. ESuc: and Edinburgh; a physician and surgeon; Asaomption Coll., Sandwich; Wihdsor^Kigh practiced bis profession in the counties of Sch.; Detroit, Mich. Coll. of Medicine; Perth and Oxford since 1879; chairman of Trinity Medical College; Minister of Public Seh. Board, Stratford, 1906; alderman, Works, Ontario, 1905; commenced as Sch. 1907-08; Major in 28th Regt.. Stratford; teacher, and afterwards for 18 years prac- grand Jimior Warden of the G. L. of Can., tised medicine in Windsor and Essex Co.; A. F. & A.M.; first el. to H. of C, 1908. elec. mem. of Ont. Leg., 1902, 1905 and Heereaiions : military and rifle practice. 1908; Conservative. RecrecUions: horses Address: Stratford, Ont. Cluh: Ontario, and baseball. Address: Toronto, and Wind- Toronto. sor, Ont. Club: Albany, Toronto, RATZ, Hon. Valentine; Senator; b. St. RUDFERN, James Henry; lumber mer- Jacobs, Waterloo Co., 12 Nov., 1848; a. chant; b. Douglas, Tsle of Man, 1841; a. of of Jacob and Mary Ratz; m. Mary Gager, George Redfern, u merchant of Douglas, of Hamburg; two a. three d. Educ: Viae and'Margaret Quiggin; xmmarried. Educ: Hill P,ub. Sch.; a lumberman and pres. of Completed his educ. in Liverpool; entered the South River Lumber Co.; el. to the lumber business with his imcle in Troy, H. of C. in 1896; defeated 1900; re-el. 1904; N.Y. Removed to Montreal, 1870, where called to the Senate, 19 Jan., 1909. Ad- he has since been in the lumber business, ^ dress: Parkhill, Ont. First Mayor of Westmoimt. Mem. Mont-

RAYMOND, Ven. William O., M.A., real Bd. of Trade; pres. of St. George's So^. :

LL.D., F.R.S.C, Archdeacon of St. John. for two yrs. Address: 28 Rosemount Ave-," -^ N.B.; h. Woodstock, N.B., 3 Feb., 1853; a. Montreal. Clubs: St. James, Montreal';. Lt.-Col. Chas. W. and Mary E. Raymond; Himt, Forest and Stream, Montreal; Rid- ^ m, Jidia Nelson of St. Jolm, N.B.; one a. ea\i, Ottawa. one d. Educ.: Carleton Co. (N.B.) Gram. REED, Hayter; Mgr. of the C. P. E. Sch. an.d Univ. of New Bnmswick; in early Hotel System; &. L'Orignal, Ont., 1849; manhood commanded the Woodstock Field a. of George Decimusiand Harriet Reed; m. Battery of Artillery; ordained by Bishop (1st) 1888 Georgina (d, 18890, d. of the Midley in 1879; stationed for six years at late Lt.-Col. Ponton, of Belleville; (2nd) Stanley, York Co.; for 25 years at St. 1894, Kate, d. of the late Chief Justice Mary's Church, St. John, N.B.; Archdeacon, Armour, of Toronto; one a. Educ: Upper

1908; Secretary the N.B. Historical Soc. Can. Coll. and Model Gram. Sch., Toronto. . /'liftKcafMma.-Kingston and the lioyalists, Acted as Brigade M&jor 6th Military Dist., 1889, early days of Woodstock, 1891, U.E. in 1870; transferred to North West Force, Loyalists, 1893, tbe London Lawyer, 1894, stationed at Fort Garry, acting as its the Old Fort, Windsor Papers, 1901. History Adjutant until its disbandment; transferred^ of St. John River, 1905; story of Old Fort to Indian Dept., successive steps of a^ent, Frederick. Recreation; curling. Address: asst. commr., commr., and roBe to position 190 :


of Dep. Supt. of Indiap Affairs for the in-the Catskills. Clubs: Arts and Letters, Dom.; retired 1897; was a mem. of the Toronto. original North West Council and for a time BEID, James, M.P.; b. River Charlo, acted as Lieut.-Gov. for the Territories; RestigoucBe Co., N.B.^ 14 Nov., 1839; m. now mgr. in chief of the C. P. R. Hotel 5 March, 1873, Lizzie McNair. Educ. System. Recreations: yachting, polo, rid- River Charlo, Restigouche Co.; elected to ing. Address: 1X6 Place Viger Hotel, H. of C, 1900, 1904 and 1908; a Presbyter- Montreal. Chtba: St. James's, Montreal; ian; a Liberal. Address: Charlo Station, Garrison, Quebec; Manitoba, Winnipeg. N.B. BEID, John Alexander; b. Liverpool, BEED. Mrs. Hayter (Kate) ; b. Cobourg, Eng., 4 March, 1862; s. of David Reid, and Ont. ; d. of the late Chief Justice Arm.our and Eliza Clench; m. (1st) 1880, Grosvenor Low- Elizabeth Miller Gordon; m. Mabel Victoria Laurie. Educ: Liverpool Institute rey, a mem.- of the New York bar (one s. one and d.;(2nd) 1904, Hayter Reed, Mgr. of the C. P. Univ. Coll., Liverpool, Eng. Arrived in Canada, 22 Sepfc, Clerk of R. Hotel System (one «.) Of great artistic 1883; the Ex- taste; selected and purchased and person- ecutive Council of the Province of Sask.; ally supervised the installation of the business training in England; journalism in internal furnishings of the C. P. R. Empress Western Canada; public service. Dominion, service the N. Hotel at Victoria, B.C., whish is conceded 1884-9; of W. T., and Sask., to be one of the most beautiful hostelries 1895 to date. Address: Regina, Sask. for its size on the continent. Address: BEID, John Dowsley, M.D., M.P.; b. 116 Place Viger Hotel, Montreal. Prescott, Ont., 1 Jan., 1869; s. of John and BEFOBD, Bobert; Pres. of the Robert Jane Reid; m. Ephie Labatt, of I^ondon, s. d. Reford (5o., Montreal; b. Belfast, Ireland. Ont.; one one Educ: Queen's Univ., Arrived in Canada, 1845, and resided in Kingston, Ont.; was manager of Edwards- for Toronto until .1865, doing business as burg Starch Co. seven years; manager of wholesale grocer. Removed to Montreal Imperial Starch Co, for four years; grad- latter yr., and engaged in ocean shipping, uated-in medicine. Queen's; elected to the the present business of his Co. Agents of H. of C, 1901, to 1909. Address: Prescott. Donaldson Line, Thompson Line, and Ont. Clubs: Rideau, Ottawa; Albany, and several other Go's. Pres. of Mount Royal R. C. Y. C.TorontJO. Milling and Mfg. Co.; director. Bank of BEID, John Bogers; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., Toronto, Lake of Woods Milling Co., Lab- 9 Oct., 1855; a. John Reid (Irish) and rador Co., York Lumber Co., N.S. Steel and Matilda Paterson (Scotch); m. Emma Kate Coal Co., ap.d Montreal Elevating Co.; a Rusland; one s. one d: Educ: early school- governor of McGill Univ. Chairman of ing in N^w York; finished at Brockville, Royal Com. on Transportation, 1904-5, Ont.; arrived in Canada, 1867; joint man- which reported on improvements required ager for Eastern Ontario, of the Sun Life for increase of shipping and transportation Assurance Co., under firm name of John R. trade of country. Address: 260 Drummond andW. L. Reid; has occupied present posi- St., Montreal. Clubs: Mount Royal, Can- tion for 20 years; pres. of the Ottawa Board ada, Montreal. of Trade; now Treasurer; Pub. Sch. Trustee; dir. of Hospital; dir. of BEGAN, John William; journalist; 6. General Home for Aged; has been Grand Master I. O. F., Dartmouth, N.S., 1872, a. of John Regan and and Bridget Bowes; unmarried. Educ: Grand Senior Warden of Masons. Recrea- in the pub. Sch. A merchant for a number tions: bowling and curling. Address: 300 of years; eight years journalist, connected Waverley St., and , Ot-^ with the Halifax ~Herald\ one year with tawa. City News, and World, York; BETNAB, Rev. Alfred Henry, M.A.. _ New at present Maritime Provinces representative LL.D.; Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Vic- of the Associated Press, and managing toria Univ., Toronto; b. Quebec, 13 Oct., editor of monthly magazine. Industrial 1840; 8. of James Reynar and Ellen Conner; Advocate. Puhlieaiions: sketches and tra- m. (1st) Fanny M. Punshon; (2nd) Ida ditions of the Northwest Arm," historical; Hayden; seven d. Educ: High Sch., Que- in Summer Land, Illustrated. Address: bec, and Victoria Univ., Cobourg (Prince of Halifax, N.S. Wales medalist, 1862). In 1862 grad. in entered Ministry BEID, George Agnew, R.C.A.; 6. Wing- Arts and the of the Metho- in ham, Ont., 1860, of Scotch and Irish dist Church; 1866 apptd. to Chair in parents; m. Mary Kieslae of Reading, Pa. Victoria Univ. as Prof, of Modem Idan- jEduc: Toront6, Philadelphia, Paris and guages; now Wm. Gooderharh Prof, of Madrid; exhibits in Paris Salon; inedals English Literature and Dean of the Faculty of Victoria World's Fair, Chicago and St. Loiiis; ser- of Arts Univ.; mem. of Senate ved on Jtiry of Awards Fine Arts Deoart- «f Toronto Univ. Publications: "Over- ment. Pan American Exhibition, Buffalo; Legislation in Church and State;" text in Literature. pres. of Ontario Society of Artists, 1898- books History and Address: Cobourg, Ont.; Victoria Coll., Toronto. 1902; -pres. of Royal . Canadian Academy, 1906-1909. Works: include The Pioneers, BEYNOLDS, His Hon. Edmund John. 6 panels, City Hall, "roronto; Dreaming; K.C.; 6. Brockville, Ont., 13 Feb., 1855; s. Mortgaging the Homestead, and The Thomas Reynolds, M.D., and Eleanor Arrival of Champlain at Quebec, 1608, in Sara Sinkler; m. Margaret Crawford Smart; National Gallery, Ottawa; Family Prayer; one s. two d. Educ: Brockville pub. and a modem Madonna; Lullaby; Lagging; A Gram. Sch.; called to the bar, 1876; created Story; The Clock Cleaner; The Foreclosure Q.C., in 1899; Junior County Judge, Leeds of the Mortgage; Homeseekers, etc. Ad- and Grenville, 1902. Address: Brockville dress: Wychwood Park, Toronto; Chitario- Ont. 191 - WHO'S WHO.

K-EYNOLDS, Martin Montgomery; b. Winnipeg, 1893-1897; Rector, 1897-1899- Syracuse, N.Y.; m. Flora Livingston, 1894; Rector, Trinity Church, St. John, N B Educ: Syracuse, N.Y. Arrived in Canada, 1899-1906; Bishop," Coadjutor, Fredericton" 1908. Fifth vice^pres., G. T. Ry. of Canada 1906-1907;^ Bishop of Fredericton, 1907. third vice-pres., G. T. Pacific Ry.; has 30 Address: Bishop's Court, Fredericton N B years experience in railtoad accounts and RICHARDSON, Robert Lome; liditor finances; comptroller was Govt. Railways and Prop, of the Winnip^ Tribune; 5. of Mexico for five years, and rescued in Balderson, Lanark Co., Ont., 28 June, 1860; March, 1908, to join the Grand Trunk Ry. a. of Joseph Richardson and Harriet of Canada. Address: Linton Apartments, Thompson; m. Clara. Jane Mallory, of Montreal. Clubs: St. James, Canada, Mallorytown, Ont.; five d. Educ: Balder- Montreal, Que, son Pub. Sen. B^an newspaper career' in RHOPES, Edgar N^elson, B.A., LL.B., 1878 as reporter on Montreal Star; joined M.P.; h, Amherst, N.S., 5 Jan., 1877; s. of Toronto Globe staff in 1880; removed to Nelson A. Rhodes and Sarah Davidson Winnip^, 1882, and estbd. the Winnip^ Curry; m. M. Grace, 2nd d, of late Hon. Tribune, 1S90, of which he is still ed. and W. T. Pipes, Atty.-Gen'l Nova Scotia; prop. El. to H. of C, 1896; re-el. 1900; one s. one d. Educ: Amherst Academy. unsuccessful. 1904. Publications: two nov- Horton Coll. Academy, Acadia Univ., and els, "Colin of the' 9th Concession," 1903; Dalhousie Univ.; commenced practice at "The Camerons of Bruce," 1905. Address: Amherst, 1 Jan., 1903; successful in first Winnip^, Man. political contest, bein^ returned from Co,, RIDDELL, Archibald, M.L. A,; b. Perth. of Cumberland, 1908, for many years Ont., 25 June, 1864; s. of George Riddell represented by Sir Charles Tupper; Con- and Jane Campbell; m. Catherine Strachan; - servative whip for the Maritime Provinces. four 8. four d. Educ: in pub. sch.; went Recrecttions: motoring and tennis. Address: west, 1892, and was one of the pionee? Amherst, N.S. Clubs: Halifax; Rideau, settlers in Sask.; was councillor for five Ottawa. years; elec. to the L^slatureof Sask. in RICHARDS, James W., M. P. 8. of Wm. 1908; dir., the Oxbow Farmers' Elevator and Susan Richards. Educ.: PubUc Schs, Co. Address: Oxbow, Sask. ajid St. Dunstan's Coll., Charlottetown, RIDDELL, Hon. William Renwick, P.E.I. ; was a member of the Government of B.A., B.Sc, LL.B., F.B.S.; b. Hamilton P.E.I. ; for upwards of 30 years, contin- tp., Ont., 6 April, 1852: s. of Walter. ouosly represented the second district of Riddell, Hamilton, fl,nd Mary"Ann Herbert Prince Co., in the Provincial Legislature; Renwick; m. Anna Hester Kersop Crossen, first el. to H. of C, 1908; Church of Eng- y. d. of James Crossen, Cobourg, Ont. land; Liberal. Address: Bideford, P.E.I. Educ: Cobourg Coll. Inst, and victoria RICHARDSON, Amos Augustus, M.L. Univ,^ for four years professor of Mfi-them- A.; b. Co. of Lennox, Ont., 2 April, 1850; s. atics, Government Normal Sch., (Dtlawa; of Amos Richardson and Nancy Huyler; called to the bar of Ont.. Hilary term 1883, m. Jane Bigg; one s. one if. Educ: in the Osgoode Hall; created Q.C., 1897; Bencher Com. Sch.; was a farmer until 21 years of Law Society of Up. Can*, elec^ 1892, and age; clerk and merchant from that time continuously re-elec.; Victoria Onlir^ and until the present; first el. to the Ont. Leg. Univ. of Toronto; elec. by graduates in Ass., at g. e., 1908. Address: Deseronto, law, 1884, and continuously re-elec.; apptd. Ont. Judge of the Hi^h Court of Justice, Ont., RICHARDSON, His Hon. Hugh; h. Lon- King's bench division, 1906. Adfiresa: 109 don, Ont., 21 July, 1826; s, of Richard and George St., Toronto. Clubs: Toronto, On- Elizabeth Sarah Richardson; m. (1st) tario Jockey, Toronto, Ont.; London. Lon- Charlotte Houghson ;C2nd) Rachel Piper don. (both deceased)', two «., five d. Educ: RILEY, Hon. George; Senator; b. St. London, Up. Can.; and Ontario. Arrived Catharines, Ont., 1843; m. Mary N,, -rf. of in Canada, Aug., 1831; called to the Bar, Hon. W. D. Balfour, Prov. Secy, of Ont., in Osgoode Hall, Nov., 1847; practiced at the Hardy Administration; removed to Woodstock, Ont., 'until June, 1872; chief British Columbia in the early days, and clerk, Department of Justice, Ottawa, until became identified with the interests of that July, 1876; Legal adviser to Lt.-Gov. and province; an unsuccessful candidate for

member of N. W. Council at Battleford and H. of C, 1900; returned at bye-elec-, 1902; . Regina, to Feb., 1887; senior Judge, Sup- re-elec, 1904; resigned from H. of C, Feb., reme Court of N.W.T.. now retired on 1906, and called to the Senate, March 22na pension; served in the active militia; private of the same year; a Liberal. Address: to Lieut.-Col,, from 1860 to 1875; Frontier Victoria, B.C.

service, 1864-6 (medal) ; presided trial, RILET. Robert Thomas; b. Yorkshire, and other rebels, 1885. Address: Eng., 1 July, 1851; a. of Thqmas Riley, The Windsor, Ottawa. ship-owner, and Lavinia Bell; m. 1873-, RICHARDSON, Right Rev. John An- Harriet Muxgatroyd; four s. two d. Educ: drevF, M.A., D.D.; Bishop of Freder- St. Thomas' Charter House, London, Eng. icton, N.B.; b. Warwick, Eng., 30 Oct., Spent four yrs. as clerk in architects' and 1868; 8. of Rev. John Richardson, Rector builders' offices; wels clerk on staff of of Saddington, Eng., and Mary Watkins; Adjutant -General's Dept., Horse Guards, m. Ddta Lillian Fortin, 2nd d. of the Ven- London, Eng. for two yrs. Arrived in Arch. Fortin, Rector Holy Trinity Church, Canada, 1875, and lived in Wentworth Co.,

Winnipeg ; one s. three d. Educ : Warwick, Ont., for nine yrs. engaging in farming and

Gram. Sch., and St. Johns Coll,, Winnip^; contracting; removed o Manitoba. 1881; . Univ. of Manitoba. Arrived in Canada, was mgr. of the Manitoba Drainage Co.;^-; 1 May, 1888; curate in charge St. Luke's organized and managed for thirteen yrs 192 ;,; .


.Address; I the W^tbonrnepattle Co^j of Westbourae, travel. 610.09nter,Stt, Mc^q^eal. ^Ma,n.; appt^iiier. Dir.,, on oi^anifatioaof .C!«6«;St. Denis, St. Geok^e, Mo^ttrtiali ^<..'.ij Canadian Fire In^ur Co.,^and ia also West- ROBB,, 'James Alexander,. jiM. P.; .». ern Mgr. for the W. E. Sanfp;-d Mfg: Co., Huntingdon, Que., 10 Aug., 1869; s. of .,^p4-fii Hawilton, £)ht. Dir., Canada Per- ^Alexander 'Robh,€tnd Janet Smith; m<.. Mary

ifianept & Western Canada. Mortgager Cor- . .Alma Mat^e {deceased 1902); on« d. Edua.: ;poratiori, of Toronto;, Great West Life Huntingdon Academy; member of Valley- Co. ' f Assur. of Wji;inipegi Addrem:. Winni- field Council for 8 years:. Mayor, J.906 to _iJ>eg, Man. .-IS'IO; Trustee.yalleyfield Schools froml8a7

'BfOIIMER, His Hon>.B.; b. Southport, . .to the-pr'esent time; first el. to H. of C^ at

. Lat^casbire, £Sng., 1865; «. of Edward,John- .g. e., 1908. Address: Vailej^eld/ Que. ' ..^

'^on . Riininer, . JfF„,.cand ,Sarfth Prances ROBERTS, Charles .GeoTge Douglas, VBookroyd; m. Leonew<2. of.W. Marchfist; M.A., LL.D.; 6. Douglasi YortCo., N.:^., , three ». three d. £duc.;, Liverpool and 10 Jan., 1860: s. of Rev.Geo. Roberta, TAAt., 'London; arrived in Canada/1891; member LL.D., Rector of Frede^cton. a^d'^'^^l^mpn

.of ,the bar of N..W.'/r.,'SM£-. Alta.,,and of ,. Christ Cpiurch .Cadedfal^' and.j^mna iMan., 1892, 189S; poUcitOP,, England, 1888; Wetmore31iaa Rober.ts;'grad. Uniy, of JSf^ - JjegarAdvjeo;- to.Gqvempr of JS^-T., 1897; ! Brunswiok, 1879; m, 1880, Mary I. E6ne£>r,

Dept. of Indian affairs, 1898; a^ptd. Judge \ d. of, the lateOeorge E. Fenty, Queem's

of District Court, , the Judicial , ,Pist, of ^Rnnter ofrN.B. Headinaster Obatham, Jf^B. of , ^Acjireitj %i;cola, ,9'5am. and St. Sch., ,(Pannington,,^a^.,il9p7> \ §ob., the York FroS-

\6sis)c. r ' '^:C!{u6.-A«Sinibbia, Regina, , fiGton; editor Meek, Toronto, 1883fT4; -prpf

SmBDON, ' Chade^ , Christopher, B.A. nelishf and French lit^ratijre, Kings Coll.,

iCToronto Uni|V.) ; Ji., St. Cathanneat Ont., i3 ! Windsor,. N.S;; 188578;= prof., EnglJ^ and

,June, 1876; ». of Chaa. Riordori and Edith economics tSame, 1888-95; asso. . editpr ' i^ElUs, m. Louise, ,.Illu,strated ^American, and in of Toronto; 190P, Amy d. 1 redded .New

pi Rev. Chas.'PatecsOniof Port Hope, Ont.; ; ^YpTki4S97-8,.. PubUcatiena: (verse) Orion

'itwo s..ione d., Editc.: uupev Canada GolL; i .and Other Foenis; In Divers Toneat Ave*^

.Ridley Coll., St. Catharines; Toconto Univ. I An Ode for the Shelley Centenary; Song^^f .Has. served in all,, branches of the paper i ihe Common Day, The Book of the Natiwe; ,mt(l(ing and pul^i ^industries; asst,. mgr. at New York NoctAUTjieB; The Book, of tl» Rose

-(pri ,'iof , .Kawjcesbury MiiU{r mgr. Merrittonj .Mills; -,-,'The,- ,- Canfidians- iiOld;- , Earth^s-„ i .genV.mgr^ of thej^iordoja Papep Mills,' 1905. j'EjiigtriaEr, The Raid ,fipm Beau^jour; A

^as for a; time Cta)t.,,l§th H,egt.,,St, Cath- 1 History of Canada;'The Edree m the Ebresc;

'.arines. ^ M^njw'.^if theiChaptefc of -^heiAlpira . Arouna.the. C?tmpfire;"T^ube^Dare:s ShAd

• App%.i fPeaa. 3Pbi .r fraternity of Toronto Umv. Boait;'A Skater ,to Evangeiine,.-1898; aReqreoHon: canoeing. Addr^8p:Cf>te d%6 ton'a Canadian' Guidebook, -1S99; By.^'& .Neig?B Rd., Montreal. .CJubs; Engineers', Marshes of Minas,, 1900', The Heart of the

? ' : . . -^coUefstiye i,.M6ntT^^l [^ Tprohto Alpha Delta -]^hi;\,New 'Ancient Wood, 1900; Poems

: ..edits), 1901;. The .Kindred .-of ^the Wild,

' BKfGHli;E'.'Wss''kuia,.' B.L:, Eh. , D.;.'6. 4902; Bjarbara Ladd,;,1902; The Prisonjr Halifax, N.S., 31 Jan., .1856; d. of Honv J. ' of JMaaemoiselle, The. Little People of the

rW. Ritchie, Judge in Equity of the Supreme i .Sycamore, 1905; The Return to the Traila, 'Cpurt of N.S., an^ Amelia RebecoB Ritchie, 1905; Red Fox, 1906; The Heart that I rf. of W. B. Almon, MlD. Educ. : pjiivately Knowsj/ 1906; In. ,the .^Deep of,,the Snow, attended Dalhousie Coll. as soon .£>«, tb^t 1 ;i907; The Young Acadian, 1907; Haunting mstitution wjaa op^eoed.to ,wome»:;]iapptd. .of the Silences, 1907; The House in the i ,SeIJow,ot PhiloBC^phy at Cornell TJniv.i^jin Witer, .1908;,, The Backwoodsman,., 15M; l8a7;.an 1890,„In?tIU(!tor in ^hijojophy, Ec^^'- TbeAlastor and Adonaia of Shelly

W.e,sley Coll., Mass. i.Aseo..-Professor, 189il; - X,)Wthfintro. and notes), 1902. Recreaiiimt:

.'te3i'gned.\thia,>chair, in 1900,. P-ubUfiaiiona: .cano^g, ."tennis, , fishing, camping., , Ad-

- I . . . , ^'The Problem.at Person»Bt3f,i 1889. Becrea- arM»;Fi;edeiFicton, N.B. , . i/ .clioni; reading p

•.*««»;,!'Winiwick,.'.Baljia3<;^JJ.S. • i i Gil»;'Mt,C.P. & S., Onti; iRegistrar.ot Deads

BI3:CmE,PhHl» Embury, B. A., B.C.L. I sfor^heCb. of Halton; B,.,.Tp. of Esqueaing, 8. W. JHaltori Co., Ont., 9 JirisK, ». ofiAlra- .?K.Moptre«l,]s8TSug., rBSs;. Thomas ! }84],;

d. . and wj, fktchi& Q.0~ sad Jessie Tqwance, of ander Robertson AgnesMoere; 1^^, ihn.,Ei3hBr, Esq., Quebec; m. Francis Jean I J^annette Sopiii^ Morse,. > ox. MiU.on; one. .v. cLeani, (^ gf.John.McLean, of Xfessamska I !.thr,ee d.r. .Educ'-SIilton iGiam'. Sch.,,,and "House, Co. Mayo, Iteland., ^.Edwc; Mont- McGill Univ.. /,Gfad.inr'.Medi(!ini!,'in 1864

real Hiih Sch., Hfeidelburg ahd-FrederiosK- i ,»nd piracticedljuntjl iSgS.. -jfhen. was.apptcj.

,, . , Colh Kegistraf' :Deeds. ..JEL td Legl , Ass. , of .dqrf McGillsUniv . 'Trinity pf itGermsny) I <»od Osgoodp HaU^ Toronto; pra'ctiijed' law :Dntaribp. 1879. Mayor of Milton,} for the '12 .years in-Iorbnto; MnptdttBegietrar.fitf :.'OTs.;',reeve fbucteen yrSo' co warden, 1S92. iTpssrights and'Trado Marks, l.Jan,:, 1906. Pub. Sch. Trustee sinoe.1870 ahVi chn! -of (fljecreirfioifs.-ieupling, lawn hoys^ipe-'A^rev: the Bd. for eight yrs.; tresf. o£ Pub. Lib-

J^Ctirtier St., Ottawa. j.- .-.-i ',• rary,ir.MUt0n ,for over, 30 .yrs.; treas.^.jpf B...^, Halton,. AgrictSoc. for five veara; pi;eS-jvbf KuVEir, XquIs Alfred Adnenvaiiv . Afc-B., K.Ci M.P.; h. JolJette,, Que ,15 Hateon Historical Assn.; pres. of tHe Milleb

.Se.pt.f>1873; ». of Charles Bivet atid ,Her- pPressed . 3rwk Co. Bpcre^^omii} curlijng, .i^nie Jiicfciaud;.?n. Rose de leniia.CypiJaot: ; .boating. Addresses; Milto4.J3nt.!i"Struim",,

' - '.>', .^tTf;o'«. one (i. Mdvc.: Joliette. ColJ. rfaua E^ila E.0:, Muskofca, Oiit.»t8\nnmei;J., Xaval Univ..; admitted to the b^r, Que., ROBEBT^OKt: ' Farqiihapt, „;b~.\ -Ao^

-l896;.first,-elected to the H. ;of..Cf„4,904,,a,t 1 Branch, ji?ar«^Martintown, Glengarigr'jGk', 904 ,Qnt.,.3i4 AiupJ, ?., of 'fote.-alec ;. r^-elec; , jn ;1 ' and, ,1 90$j, jcfip- .18504- .Hjusb B<"b«rtsmi resents Hoohelaga; Liberal. 'tRecreoMon: and Flora MeLennan; m. Flora Crain^^ y\d 193 :


of the late James Craig.i M;L.A. for Glen- Can. Copyright Assn. for some yrs.; el.

garry Co.; two d. , Educ: .Williamsto^^ii, to H. ofiC. as Ind^ Con. a^-g. e., 1896; -re- Glengarry Co., Ont.; represented St. -And- tired, 1900. PublicaHona: "A History of rew's ward in the>Moiitreal City CoueudU for ..'Canadian Free Maaonry;" other worka^on

six. years and' was representative , of ^ the masonic subjects. Address: 291 Sher- Montreal City Council, on the Protestant bourne St., Toronto.. CZu6«; Tofonto, Nat-

Board of Sch. Commissioners for the-^ame ional, Toroiato. . w . . .. . j: — period; vice-pree-, Monfrceal p'Board of Trade, BOBEBTSOX, WUUam Fleet, B.A.Sc; 1908, and pres;,1909. Reofeaiio'm: curling 5.;Montreal.l859j a.

- -y--- - nian(t Golf , Mbntrealv . , . and'McGill.Univ.; a mimng rengiaeer, and KOB£]RTSON, Han. James Edwin, M. metallurgist; constructed several large -:D., M.S., Senator; h. at Ne^'PerthjiP.KI., copper works in U.S.'and Canada; member ^ S Oct., 1840; «. oi Peter Robertson and Ann ABou. Inst. Min. 'Engineers; M.C.M..I., M,M. McFarlane; m. Elizabeth McFarlane. Educ. TiN.S.i now* Provincial Mineralogjist, Brit- Com. Sch., Central Academy,; PjE.I.-, and ish Columbia.' i^ecreotions .*. fismng, golf.

McGill- Coll.. entered the P-.E.!. Legislature Address] 1721 • Rockland :. Av.^ 'Vioto^ia, in 1870, and H. of C, in 1882; apptd; to the B.G. Gluhs: Union, Golf. Victona, B.C. Senate; 1902. Address: Montague, P:EJ. ROBERTSON, Wiiliara Jolm* 'Br;A.^ LL.

ROBERTSON, James Wilson^. G.M.G., B.; b. Westmeath, Renfrew : Co;, Ont.i 12 LL.D.;vb, Dunlop', Ayrshire, '2 Nov., 1857; Sept.,. 1846;- J.iJohn Robertson and Amma A.7.of John Robertson and Mary Wilsoni-m. Kudsdale; -{Highland Scotch, and Yorkshire 1 896,' Jennie^ o. d. of John Mather, ofOttawa ancestry); m^.- M'argaret IK. Junkin,: St. Arrived in Cana-da^i 1875; 'Professor-' of Catharines,' Ont., two di Educ.: Pub» Sch., Dairying, Qnt. Agrioi Coll.;'>Gai^ph,, Ont., Bathuraf Tp.', High Sch_. Perth, Ont.i Tor-

• 1886-90(!'»'first Dairy i OoimimsBloner ! Ifor onto imiv.;^gol:d medaUst in metaphysics Caanadac^ 1890; .first' Commissione^of-Agri- and logic;- silvec^-xnedbli^t-in mathematicti;;< f andvDairjdng for Canada, at Ottawa, 1896- FriBce of Wales, prizeman, Toronto IJniv,; :>^904;iprincipal'Of the MacdonMd 'CoU'l 'at tieacher of mathematics, and History/.jgft: '^' Ste. Anne de Bellevue, but»noT* on oncyr's. CatharinesiCoIlj Inst^; pries, of Ont. Library Ieav6 of 'ab8aace;iiHon.\ SecretaT5^'>of the Assn,,"for one year; -.member of General I^oviaonal • Committee for -ftstablishitig a Conference,' -Methodist Church, --24 ytSkta: fund 'for founding the' Victorian Ordef of Board of Education, Methodist Churcb^nd Niirsesin'Oafiada, '1807; apptd; one of the Secy* iSi^ferannuation iFund- Boaitd. - JRubli~ govemora ;of^-the Order byi'the Govcrnor- catioTHi High S&h. Algebra, Fartsil and U

Giaaeral "of Canada, fl902 j. Chairmaii of the (Robertson' >Biiblidi - .Scfii.

- for ; the 'distributibn ^i- good literature to Histbry Kof England, amdi G^nada;u^^j|py sbttlfiEsiin'tbe newer aaad-moreremote parts and'-Ro1z>ertdon>; Pamphlet' on-. BBnkin^Wnd

. -o£ .(Sanada;- a meolber ofi the 'Executive Commerce'. , iSecreationr:' goll^aixd'- Miioor ©Duncil-of the Canadian Association) for' the bowUngj. Address: 96 .'King St,{ St.. Cath- Prewention' of-Consuntptidn and other^-fonns arines, Ont. CZtife;- Golf,. St. Catnerinea.! of iTubeueuloBia; a^member of tiwjrfeSdftral BOBIBOUX/ His« Hon.wJosepHiEnawyi i commiasidn ' .for the. donsepvartioH ' -of^ .-the I&iG., D.C.L., Judge of Superior Court, Que.; DHtourAl'-reBources of' GAnv »rA'-'Ste. t; fi,r_iotjMarch,i 1844; m/.1869;.Sophi©,. 5..,of

Anne de BeUevud, <^e.*; Victoria (Chambers, J'am^ B. Saaoer^. . Educ. : . Montreal GoU. ; r OMawai'-tCiu&a; 'JE{Adeau,< Ottawa', ^'St. St. *Ma(ryv's' i^:! Called to'the-^Bac, a86&; Q.Cji.LS79siaiaa ROBEBTSOXi'^ John Butf* !M.]jflAvt=-i 6. practised' ib. Montreal; was -ProfesBOiti of CHiesterfieldi Oxford Co., Ont.;- 26 March. Civil &aw in McGiUnUniv. few over 10 years; 1873;.?. olthte' latte^ Rev. WlS84; M.At*, yiiand! Blizabeth Duff; ^u^mariied. Bateiieral, .l<89^MM-ea.

n&iPhatialat^; eleo^to Ldgislatuce of Sask., of - fii-st aewl'y''orgai^sed.''CaBad^aL tiBat

•. ..^ 1908l;> Addnesg.-GMnoravSask.-- ; Association, 1896; Liberal Membdff ofi'the BOBtERXSON' John^Bos^f .proprietiof of Legislature fort CSiateaugtiayv 18844)2v'tai]iici the-^ODonto T.eUgram.; btrflloiiontOy 28iDec., 'l-897;'Prdvincial,-SecEetary^QuEid afterwards -^ ^'H^lj'^VoflJohfi nobei1;son, efiNaurnyScot., AttQme^^aneraA. 1892;* again 'Fro-^cial •''•' AnA^'^ixi^ai^^^'d{'.' oI^mH^^' S^^teii^t; of \ Seoi'^ity, 1897-1900; Judge,1900..Aaar«».* StomoTfrayr> Islet.of^ Ijfe\iia6i;^^/<(istr Maria, '' AtV tJiaivfeti^tyi Stt/"Moiitre^.^.^t?itf&«?>St. d. of Edward E..Qillbe© (rf-..->ia86);'^2nd) James's.'.St. Denlsv Joclo^, 'Montfeai.-^ ^ Bessie' 'EHzabethj'tl'^ ofkOieoi%e:]Di>Holland, BORINS,^WlUf ef the-Grand I^od^ of Fitcb, ?)f,Toyokito; employftiiffl offieeiigr. .-Sbsl Takes'; >K^aZ ' interest— in -ihoApital Tvith Noion' Covitpf lag^rtQHtuOpt;!, '1-873; TWorkjiM-Cim. 0f-.Bd6aofTpu8teie&>of/Eoft>nto 'retUiTn&d toTof6ilfoy"(1694, ^andvirf .4^76, iiHoaia^aliforiSiQli] ChU^neot^'^ Foui^dedliike- ^opened an"'of&ee' as^ ^ub. ' ft06qitj7 <(bmame flide Home for Little Children; was pres. of Insp. of the Mercantile -Agency of R. G. 104 — ,


Dunn & Co., 1880, and removed to New rubber boots in Can. Pres. Maple Leaf

„Yqrk; return to.Toronto,,18§2.,andiiil8p8, . Rubbi^r Co. , I Wholesale Boot ,and Shoe

;,M5^me mgr. 'tlje' , Jol businesa iql JHiram 'Assn. of , Can., Durhain Rubber, Co.; Chair-

.Walkfir & Boris',,distilleiy at , W3HiLeryi)le, -Ex. , man. of the Commitfee lof'the Can. h^', ^till' which poaiton holdp. , yice-pres. .Consolidated Rubber Cos.; pr^s. Dom. ..o|.;'the Oil .fljfportaiipri Cp„ ojf,, Canada; 'Cpmm^cial 'Trayellers' Mutual ^Benefit

';,yic^jPT,ea., , Capaifian Tynidad .Asfin. Ad- SoQ,, t'wiee , 1 and h^ be^n pre^, of the,Dom. orcss: Windsor, Ont. Ccimnaercial Travellers' Assri, ,- Mend., Mbn- KOBmSON, Malor-General Charles ;,treal,Bd. of 'Trade; el. mem.' City, Couiicil, .,,Wa)a5er, C.B.i, $.A.,, D.C.L.; 6. ,Tpr- 19p.6; re^el. by, accl., 1908. Recreatiqns: 'mjito,wUDt., 1^ AmiJ, 1836; v. s. ,o£,,Sir boating, fishing, travelling. Addreaa: 626

j,Ji)nn , Beverley, RoDinson, Bt^, C.B,, ,and . ,,Sherbi;ooke St. W,., Montreal. ,,. . Emrna, a.' pf Chajirjes Walker of Harlea4en, KOftmSON, William; b. pr. Moni'real, Mddlesex, m.' 1884, .llargaret .Francea, d. , 22,Psjc,, 1849; s. of William ,Robinso4'.-and ,Sir ioi Gen. Archibald AUson, Bt., Q.ij.lB.; r Jane A.. Paton; m. IgS^, ICatp A. Ea'^toh; «. a. jdne two Educ; Up. Can. .Coll.; Xrin. , three, c^ Educ: Dist. ,Sch- qf his na^,ive ;gpl)., 'Tbrontp.; Jdin:ed,,Riae. png.,, 1957; plape^, and Fergus Gram. Sch,,, At' age of passei}, tifrougt, gtiaft Cbll., aerV^ji in J 1865; , nin^teek^ commenced ry. cqnstruotion,.wpirk; Jnffiaij) Mutiny (inedjal),; in j^^li^nti "tA^,, . for, some fime engaged^ in cqnstruc^iop of "Expedition, ,1875-74; "Brigade-Major,. Eiiro- , 'C;..P.R. between,"Winnipeg and Rat; J*brt£ige; : pean. Brigade, paedalwith clasp apd Br'ey. of began building steamboats 1878, ain'd.'.was :%ibr; i^ iSulii War, 1.8?^ (A.A.G; 2iid ;'fi¥^t fman.tg p^ce.a stpamer^fbr pub. ;tfafiic ^Y.),.,ii^edal with 9la^'p,;aiid|l;«-evet of Xjt.- 'qjj Lake Winnipeg, J , snAinajjItut^d a regular .held ' Gotoni^l, . appipntiii.ents of Brigade .steamboat servicp. on the. river?. Was .pne ,:.Maior;- p. A. A. Gen. aivd A^A.G. at Alder- ,-,Qf the founder^ pi the,iirQrth^we^ Navigaiion !i^b,bt;..Assis|iaBt Military Secretary Hep-d- Cp,^ qf which he became mgr. and is. now ',',eiuarters flfithe Army (1890-92); cpmni'aind- g^es! .Hpisalsopreg-.pf theJjoniimoniFish o., which has seven, branches, and, slore- ^^hpuses throughout the , Dqm.; a' dir. rfor ,,5Manitoba of the.OrbwTi Life Insur,- Co.

^.^Vpliccdions:. S^r^ategy the Peninsi^lar ,. 'of Addr«<«: vyipnipeg, 'Man.i , ., ,. Sir- Jbhp. Beverley, Jlobii^spn, 'Wfl-riJ 1^^9 b^ BQBtIN, Hon,. Roiimphd Paleh , , M . j, . A 3]t.;, WellipgtorL's. Qarap'aignSj lS08rl5. Mjpister , Premier, of Agriculture and Rail- ,it^ecre of *"*"- o:.... tui'; \:i— ^erXey' Hpu^r Manitoba; b., Sqpmasburgh„Prince Edward .Ciiib.-Army , .Cppnty, pijit.,, 15 jTeb^ 1853j ». of James Plait itqpjN^oN. , Roblin; and , Devorah qf German Aor .and propripjtor pf U^he Dominion Jfres- .,desert ;.7n.. 1875, Adelaide Deihill; four a. "6. -.o^ie7:i

,,18^7j 'ag',e"q. and pp.oi>. of JTAe^Pokj ^eav;er- , Tr,uatee,' Ree^ve,, "Wajden ^jid , M.L.A. ; ,cpn- ,jtpn,.Qpt.| wfii.cbwa^ rejpovedtq Jjindsa'y in tested Dufferih Jo,r thq Legislati-ve'Asserobly 1,86],;, went tp Tbrpntb,.in :|S7j,and c,9m- of M*™tpba; twice fleeted 188§; |formefl a '[.mericed pub; .of .Cg,na4^ JPi^i^fb^ler^i^ now ',G^-)rt, in.lQpO and has been Prqimer, Minis- ;3^Ke TK cs^insier.rPupli^Sner' aii(^-.jqigr^j,for ,teir ,p)f .Agriculture . and Bfqlway. Commis- ^s: Ma:i"ito^a;,,Cpn»merciaI,

.,GQldydxi,„^ihith^.,.4'pt. ^tbe Doniiriioji.]^re9- . and St, Cha;"J^s Country, Winnipeg. tSMerml} in 18^8,1 ^.nd is s\iU ed, and prop. ftOBS,9jV, .M^y ,TValdrpn; 6. Waldron Press' ,EafcpFes."bf,the Can, A^sn. 'Rem'o^ved ,;Hfupfl,ton, Opt., 1 .Nqy.,.li868,;,)7j. 1894,( t< ''*-'''*',^-wa,.ipyl9qp;„j,Afidre'M,- 323 .Ji^nk

Paul' s, Cqj.fif^n J^lpsqn unq, Crang^- po., •which. ?he. pla-yed Iftgttimate cotp^dy. Qlp^]^^^SiSiSfife^^^X-'l^ It^v.,J[--P., LL.,B .'vftv. Jfe.il. tip^^ ; ^ P^ ^^ehael ,Roc anpah Murpiy, j&dMP>;?fP.i.of .^. I'ttiawa Uta.'v.ji, St[ Jaaj-y st,^ec^ ^,_, >^Si^ *i7 JSg?;^,held yy ^sh,?Sflin t'fie, We?ferflijSt£Vtes;ewerfluoi .Sljsfr,vjcS-^ "" " ra';-j 9'- *M .i?ft^holio„4vh>»!"o^.-Bh. Eji^tosion '93*.'''V>^«'^JPW?eS, at C&wagp^ J&.Qct., ^m,TMoifias Ro'Wnsoiiaria "EKzaBdSi, Seant?nor: 9B9; .edftOfrPf^the d^hohc Begvsie^iifind d] W^ii: i>Mvi^^hW^Lj:i%^:v %v?s;e , : WHO'S WHO. "Songs of the Session," and Hon. William; Senator; b. Publications: KOCHB, ver^e in inany .publipatippa, Re- Halifax, N^a., .1843; descfadsd frATO.^n fugitive cr^alione: angling, walking, ,-,4ddrw«; JN x . Irish family . which first sailed, m . (j'azette Office, Montreal. , 1 on t"he Breaking out of. the Bevolution- but Minister of Piiji- "N.^., with the U.t. ROGERS, Hon.,»abert, . ary War, relipYed ,to for M,anitpj3ii; fc._LakeheId, Quj ' £dui.; Halifax. Vice- Uc Wo>ks Loyalist's. JA 1783., Rogers; m. 1864;. s. George . of'tfe tfnion Bank of Can,; Pres., 2 March, ,. ._ pres. Aurelia .Retina Medymer;^ one s.. Started Halifax Fire Ins. Co. Returned to Ho. general 'business when he was 1.8, y^arp,..of pfAsaembly, g. e., 1880, 1890. 1894. Was at Charlevoix, Man., and rem^^B^d 8,t;it of Executive Council, of N.b. ipfh- age -amein. then jengaged gr^n de^fiig ' of Commons at 1§ years; |n out portfolio. , El. to Bo, to un?^cc(;sstul and minipg.;. uns\ic8essfur.,ca»ididate for H. g. e.ri900; r«-el. at g, e:».19p4; Jan., of C.,,for Lisgar, 1896;,slp"c. to Leg, As^.,pf e., 1908; called to the Sfeimte, at g 1899;, member of Executive jld(!rese.-Hali/ax. Manitoba, 1910. „<,,_ , William James^ M.,D„ ^.r^,b. Council, 29 Oct.,., 1900, .withput portfolio; KOCHE, of Public Works, 20 Dec, 1900; Ont.., 30 Nov., ISgOj-s. of Wm. Minister Clandebove, ' •' 1903-1907^ -Ji;e(r<;o«»ub'Sqhs. "adai Jan., 1864; Lt.rColj, .commanding,43fd of Manitoba Medical Council fffX- several Regt., The Duk» pf Cornwall's Own 5l(fl«8; yrs.; first el. to H, ol C. 1896;, re-el. 4900, Master Dalhousie Lodge, , Np.^ ,5?, 1908; Asat.. chief whip of.the Lib.- Past 'lfi04, Qttawaf. ..ex- A.M.; ex-alderman, , Con.servatiye party. ;Addr«««,- Mipnedosa, A.F. & pub, scb. trustee;.exrpres„ Ottawa Amateur Ottawa Hock^ QuiJ); Thomas George, M D., C,,4l. Athletic Assn and. ttODIJICK, ' served as Staff-Sergt., lylth OttRwa.SJiarp- b. Harbour Grace, 31 July, 1 846; CMoGill); ' atjd shooters, 'N.W. Rebellion, 1885; medal; ^«' late John , Irving Roddick of the D. Co., 2nd. BatJ., Jane Martin; m (1st) ISSO.-yreJia trved as Captain in Emma oyal Canadian. Regt,, Squth African, Wj»r. ^Marion (d. 1890), d.,of the )ate Wm, Mc- medal witjh four clasps; participated injijd Kinnon of Pointe Claire, Que., (2nd) Amy, ^ to avil Power, Low, Que.. D.A.A.P., wjder a of the late J. J. Redpath. o.f Montreal, Lord Aylmer,,also at„J. R. Booth's Labour Riots, and E. B. Eddy Labour Riots; du«f Staff Officer at Rockcliffe Camps, 1905-1906- appfd 1907; Colonial and Auxiliary Officers .deco- •,gurgeon,of,Mqnir«aI,Ge,n. Hospita , jBh9,ptinp»(iB«)p|e HygicDe, at .McGiU. .1S7,3, ration; , Becrea^ns: fjfle iecturet on 'Aidre^e; 2il "Demohstrator of Anatomy, 1874; Prof, of .and deqr hunting, fishing. Laiuier Av.(Pa.st,,Ottawfl, and Ppiat,;Cqjn- "Clinical, Surgery, .1875; Prof, of Surgery, I^aureijtian, Golf,- Elk? , of Medicine, fort. Que. Clubs :^ 'lS90- Dean of the, Faculty '1

. - Ottawa. , ^1 '"1901; resigned 1908, to aceppt goyernor- Commj., °shipo£McGili;tTniv.,andis5>(rusteemeTU..of ROLANU, Charles Franklin; Winnipeg Develppment and industrial 'Royal Ii)sttfor the Advancement of Lrarn- 6. Cathariries, Ont., 29. Jan., ' surgeon to General Hos- Biueau; St. .JDg; is' conaulting Kar,r; pres, 1870; «. of John Roland.and Adeline -,pits4;. ancf Royal Victpng; m. A. Jones; three 9. two d. Edm. Chinirgioal Soc, of. Montreal,; Canadian Kayme Catharines., Entered commercial. U/c.?t Medical Ass.; vice-pres., Canadmn Branch St age of sixteen; jeft Canada when fsyentyTOpe of British Red Cross Soc, Montreal branch for nine yrs. in commercial life.in„U.p.; ot Briti.*, M^dicffll Assn. Cr. LL.D. ,;Univ returned to Canada; engaeerlJAlP.ui'naUsin; p! EdinbprKh. 1898;. el. an hon. F.B.C.S. of Grand Trunk owned and pul^shefl trade papers; toi* '•'Great 'BritSn,' ,1899. , Joined charge of Bureau for Winnipeg in 1906. "Artillerv, 1858, ,^;nd was Asst. Surgeon; Pres., Winnipeg Camera Club., Recj-ealioos: .apptd, Suigeon.Prince of 'Wales Own Rifles; lawn bowling, motoring. Afidress; Winnipeg, made J-ieut.-CoX ..pn retired list 1.894; Clubs: Winnipeg Camera, Men s Jorea'nized hospital, and ambulance R(?.rvice Man. North-West RebelHon .1885 (des- Advertising. > .. 1 "Jbuing Jean Damien,.»,L,.C.; patches, apd recommended for C.M„G.) RpLLAND.Hon. 23 Feb., 1841; s. .gf^the late 'El to H. of C. for St. Antoioe div., Mont- S. Montreiiil, J.,B: Holland, and E!>tber Dufreanp: real at g. e., 1896, \9no.- Address: -705 Hon. m. Arbepa Parent; fpur s. four d. Eduf.: ",Sherbrooke St, W., Mo^tie^l. , C¥b:, St. of the J.,B, RpUofld cgfe. Marie Cq.)k , Pres. ; : James's. Montreal. , wholesale stationers; pres of.the James Sydney; 6. Oundle, North- & Sons Co., ROE, Co., vice-pres, of the North- 1 Rolland Paper piimRton, Eng., 16 .Tuly, 1877;. s. of Robert ' Mills; mem. of the HoohelMa Gartett Roe, and Jane Hannah Browning. ern -Paper, town poun., 1872-1780; mayor, 875-1 876; jEdncL Oundle Grnm. Sch. In merchants J mem. -Montreal City Cnun.,.1883i; for ,^§y- >office in 'London, for several years. Came eral yr.s. chn. of the Civic Finance^CptO;; to Caiiada', 1§97, and took, up journalism. Can. Mfgrs. Assn.; founder and js Severally ^employed on -staffs of Chatham Pres., of the "Snciete Cplonisation ,et, de Banner, Toronto,, H'orW, Montreal Star. ores, dp .Eapatriement," of Montreal^ pne. of fpwpd- Has heen'for some yearson'.itaff of Montreal now men^,, of Bd. ol.the ComTner- \ ers, Qaiette, as its par^ament^ry eofeajiondejit. a^d lae.'. WHO'S WHO.

-ciarTTavellerS'' Assn;,!"du-. of the Bank^of -"Wf ' BatliSl. 'Subsequently captured ' ibe ^Hochelaga! dir., MffersV Life Insur. Co.; "- 'Kitljsf(»i-K>liphan't prize', awarded for sUp- •"rires, of''*E,e' Ce^ele de ' la Librairie ''tsSbrity^n' fourteenth Century' EngHsh and ."Franco Oanadien:-;'-* g^v./ Lttv^l Univ.: general philology. Prior to gra'duatipn. dir., L'Assomption d'A'ditiinisti-ation Gen- won the Chancellor's Latin essay {)rize, erale; prea., Northern @bk>nizati6tf Rjt.'Co.; '^off^i'eci- mr cbmpe£l*£ithx' anfiong ' the senior apptd.jto Leff,(Coun.;rl4No(v<, t896j' Ad- "'WWltoU."- "Firft i'll gloats" in his fiiials; drew: 18,a. ,He»is S\^,}/f.onti^\. f.Club: • 'Sfdmftted'fi.A:,' Aug., 1907. On gradbatiou

Lafontainje, Mpntreal. " ,, ". ^ ,, '•SWli, ofterUd atd acce'ptid a tutorial fell'dV-

' KOSAMOND, , ^Be^neitt'; !v Ci^rletpn 'ship in ExetSf Coll., O*foi'd; 'afid ^riow' one '' artic- . Tlapef Opf,, lOTM^'y.. r??"i''- Pf Japjes "Hf its 'dons'. Publicationi: magazine '."Rosapiond and Margaret' Wilson. Erfwc.; 'tes; cotftribiJtor tO Hastings' Dictionary, 'of ' 'cTless, j^GranJ. 'Sen,, Carlfiton. Plsyce, , O^,,^ fitlyd 'Religibn and Ethiiis'. iZe(ire^"(ion's; 'various municipal and sch. po^^ti^ns; boating, •Addretmei: 115 Wellesley St.. ^^teprescnted; North Lanark in H. of 'C. for ='t'rbntiJ-'E*rterCol1.'Oxfprd, Eng. '

^ I5 yr§ ;'pres., R'osapipnd Woolen Co., since '.1866;',', pres., ' Alnionte Knitting .Co! ,\^d- ^jdrvss: Alpioijte, Orit- ^Cjubs: JRijieau, Ot- ''ta,wa:' St. Jaihes'^, Country, Mpn'treai. "•Jentiie An'df^wS; tWo s. Educ,: Upper Cin. BOSCOE, IJcut.-Col, ttentwortli Eatqn, ''CoB.^'TorontorToroWtoGfam. Sch.', priv^to minister in ,JI;A., K.Cy' 6. KentviUe, Ivingsppiipty, ^1 ''study. , Ordained a^ MWhbdist Aug., 1849; «. 'Jacob ]Jliner Koscoe ^nd '^1877; pastor of churlcHea iii B'rarttford. Prudence RoctWelJ; m. Annie E. .l^Jorttn; Mbntreil, O'ttAwa." Haniiltoti', Winnip'eg, two «. two rf. !Erfuc..-"H6rt

' ' *my, ' Wolfvill4, "and 'at -Dalhousie Coll., Tublitations: regiilai"mafenziiie coiltributor. ' 'Halifax. N.S. (taught selV. for seven yeats'in A'ddfeas: 115 "wjlleslissf St., Toronto. ' '''Kin^S Co.rlater studied law at Kentvijle; ROSENBOLt, ''-Anthony S. de, J. P.. '•admittfed td"tlie bar. May, 1_9, 1876^ in ^M.L.A.; 6. cSstKjman, Italy, 4 Dec!, 1857;

"Augllfet;'1878, feegari titacticetn Kentville ' ». of RudoliJh"de 'Rosen roll and Margaret •on 'Ws'ibWn nccotint; Warddn'of Kings'Co., TTiompspn;'*. Ida Eterhard (did); two ».

. in 1891, 189.3, 1896 and 1899; previously as tfne d'.'-EduC: Private tuition; formerly Co. Councillor for two years. 'In 1889, 'was practiced a^ a land, sti'rveyor and' civil ' 'apptd. Commissioner 'Of-'Schs.;. Since? thkt engineer; pres.' bf the ROsenroll _ Lumber • year, 'has represented* Ward Three in^'the C6;', 'W etask'iWin pres.. The Pigeon Lake of ; MunicifialCouncii; in 1896, was' made' <^.C.; SaS? Mills Co., Ltd.; lar^'e.land interestsjn lecturer on- coritr.Tcts in the' ^flfiKated 'law Alberta; a Justice o( th'e'Peoce siAce 18^6; 'course at Acadia Ulniv. Apt)td. one of the Nbtttry .Public sinde 1897; twice elected, fo fevisoS-s of the Dominion Statutes in 190'2, 'the Leg/.Ass. ottheN.W.T.; elected a fnero. •'lihder- the chairmanship of Sir Henry ''6f the first PrO-vi'ricidi' Legislature df Al- ''Strong;' Mayor of Kentville in 1904-7. t)fetta. Address:' Wetaskiwin arid Rbsen- ' ' "I/ieUt.-Golonel- of the '68th Kings' County tOll', Alberta.' Regiment of the Active Militia of 'Catiada, BOSS, Cravpford; bl Gould, Cbmptop, 1905. ^ddrMs; Kentville, N.S. Que., 4 Oct., 1856; »;'James RoSfe-a-nd Atoa BOSE, Herbert Jennings, B.A. (McGiin. Brbwne m. Elizilletli CSirisiie; tfeo'ii. tbr£e B.A'. (Oxford); b. at OrilliftJ'Ont.. 5 May. ' d. Educ.': 'Co'pkshire' Acad.,, Lennqx-

';1S83; ». of Rev. S. P. Rose, 0.D: and Jennie ' vlUe Cbll,. and'privatcliy. Commenced bus- -Aridrews; unmarried. iJdT/c; private tuitioh; ineskln Otta*^'.''1876; now rnariaging dir.. -Otta'n'a Coll. Inst.; MfiGill lifniV;; Balliol The C. Rdss Co'.' of 'Ottawa; dir., the Rideau Coll., Oxford, Eng.;'has had a di'f^nguishfed Mfg. Co.; ex-bres',',' CjttaWa Board'of Trade

' ' vice-pres.. ''barreer''"as o 'scfiolar. ' Wheh sixteen yra. and GarineSu F. & G. Club; old passed the ordinary matriculation Central Can.' Exh. Assnl; (nem. Can. Mfgrs. Urtiv. pres., Ottawa Amateur Athl^etic exam's.; admitting^' him to McGill Assocn. : ^Duririg the -following 'yr.- 'w'as a-'Student Assn., and. Club. RccT'^a(i6n«;"golf, (,lrivmg, at the Ottawa' 'Collegiate, where he won h\inrihE, fishing, curlirfg. ' Addrent: 295 "menials in English and 'Classics. In 1900, MAdalfe St., Ottawa. ClUbt: Laurentiap, enlJered McGill as a first' year's rtianV having Hunt, Golf, Ottaw-a." won, in open competition, a S200 exhibjtidn. BOSS, Donald Henry; ,h. EngUshto-n-n, April, Each yr. of his course ' won exhibrtiotis St. Anns, Cape Breton, N.S. .20 186^;

• in' all graduWibh, ». bf Hon. Williatn and Eliza Ross.; m. Bggtegating S575. At , 'shared with Mr. John' Archibald, ndw-, a Blarich Eli'zabeth Cordeteni; ,t\t Melbourne, -Tdlo* of All Soul's, Oxfok'(i,'th(; honor'bf 'AUstfalia, I Jan.,' 1909. ipdiic..- Halifax winning the gold tnedal in' classics.' Was pub. sch.; Commercial Commissioner of also the tlass-pbet bf the year. With Mj-. 'Tra^e and Comiperce for Chn'ada in Victoria

' Tasmania, since ' the 'first Austraha and Archibald, was chosferi' one of , Southern ^Rhodes scholars froln McGill,' entering March, 19Q3.' /ldrfrcji,s'; P. O. Box 140, Gxfoi-d, in the autiimn 'of 'r9iM. .Securefd Melbourne! Asutralifl.' Ci«S; Melbourne. -B "first" in' "moderations" at'the erid of^is BOSS, DUntah CambljeU, B.A., M.P.; b. 'first yr., and in the Detepiber foUo'n'iti^, .Strnthroy, Ont., 1 fi Dec., 1871; ,«. of Hop. 'gained the blue ribbon' in classibs op'eri 'to G'eorge 'W'. Ross, forinSrly Prime Minister ''undefgi-atluates in the Univ.. the Ireland bf Ont., now' Senator, afld Christina Camp- "Bfeholarship, worth 'JFSOO in money,' biit bell; m. 1900, Emily Amelia Bielione.d. ^c&i&fly valued as a rectftjnition of stip'errior Edvc:: Str'athroy Pub.' and High Scha'., Scholarship. Mr. Askwith, 'Goldwin'Stnjth, Toronto Univ., arid Ose;oiJde Hall. 'A bar- »nd W. E. Gladsttinte;'were former Ireland rister. Dir.- bf fh^ 'panieron-'Dun'n.'Mfg. scholarship' winners." In redbgnitidn of Co. El. to Ont. LegSS. fot West Middlesex, this achievement was el. as an hon. scholar at bye-el., 20 Feb., 1907; el. for Xri'ddlesex 197 WHO'S WHO.

el. North atg. , 190S; W H."6T C.'tor Univ. CGrad. H.D., 1878). Aptitd. an

West Middlesex/atddlei bye-el.', 19091 '".Addr^M; asst. ' rcsideiit' surgeon of Torohto 'GeA*. "' Strathroy.'Ont. X "" "/ ' ^' Hospit'al, and.in' autumn of feamri yr., ^ent ROSS, Hoh. Geoi-ge WHliaiin, SeHat'or, t'o' Lbndo'ri,' Eng., to continue bis studies:

., LL'-D,'; barrister; b. near Nwirn, WU- became a 'Licenti'ate of Royal CoU. -of Phy- liains Tt>'., MiddleBex Go., 18 S^t., 1841; sicians, of London;, 1880, and .pursued a ». of JaBies Ross an'4 'Bllen"McKiftaibn, ^* fuWhisr 'bbijrse of studies in London, -B.erlin. natives of' Roas-^hire, ScotlaSilfl.'''-^ '.^tmc: Leipzig' and Vienna;' returned to TQronto, Normal Srih'., Toi-orifo; Altfert' '.UiirT^i^'St. begap,gen. practice; went abroad r, 1^82, and ' Andrews, Scdflaiiy, T6r6rit(/jUmv.;-'Vi(Jtbna iigairi for Sx mos, , 1 888 j'returned t'o Tbrdn to , Univ., McMast'er 'Univ., Queen's Univ.; 1889! and resuriied practice. ' Was pres., Tfeacher, Pub.'Sch. Inspector; Model Sth. Toronto Med! 'and'Torbnto CH^hical Socs.; Irispedtbr; 'barrister; -called to 'b^r, 1887; jnem,, MedicE^l Faculty of Toronto' Uiiiv. M.R. (L.) West Middlfesexl '1872i74-78;«2; Is active ,on staff bf number of Torbrif'b Minister of Edjic'atioA; 1883-99.;' Premier Hospital's;' el. hon, mem-. Med. So^.j' of tod Treasure* Provinteof OM.', 1^99-1905; State of N.'Y., 1892, ivnd pres!, American ^allefd t6 'Senate, P.'R.S., Can.; has Assn., of Obstetricians and Gynaecoldgiata.- '19p7J '*!''' edited the Strathroy' Affe,'th^ Huron' Ex- 'Was, for number of yrs., Lieut.' in Co.,

P(7«i(qr, and th6' Ontario 'iTei^cAfr. ' Publica- Queen's Qwn Rifles; retired- as paymaster. iions' The I|.ife arid Times of the Hon. %1ex. 'Has, contributed' to many medical "knd Madcepfeie, joiiitfft^ tvith Wm. BlltilSngham; si|rgical publications. Address: 481 Sher- History or Public and -Sfeparat'e' Schools; bourne St!, Toronto.' Paltribtic Rjecitations for' Ptiblic' and High RO$S;' James (jeorge; sen. mem. of the

Schbolsi Reports on sdhools of j^gland'^nd . firm of !P. S. RosS

'contractor' on' C.P.R. :-bEis beeii ' ideijfified >bf 'Captain'. .Jbined'Sth Royal Scots, 1898', .Wth itreet railway buildihg in Cknad^'and firbmbted 'Major, "1906. ' Received Lone

• 'el^.fewhiBi;c;''for mE^riy yrs., PreSdt. of '-Dom- SBi^vice" Medal ' fbr oflScerb, 1907; "riitem. iTQibri Coal Co!, and other large indiistrial; 'Mbnti-eal'' Bd. TrSudel Council of Montreal concerns;' is director of a number of irdpor-! Assn. of Chatt^ed 'AccfS.,i'and F,C.A., tant institutions, including Bank of Mbnt- Doiri.- Assri., of ChaHSi'ed 'Adeti AddtMS: 'r^al: a governor of McGill Univ. and of 393 Kensington Av., Montreal. Clubs! &i, ''' Rbyal "Victoria Hospital, Montreal. Re~ "Jairies's!Canadaj ' .creaftoru; yachting, fishing, shooting. '^d- KOSS, Hon. James Hamilton; 6. Lon- (iresi: 360 Tiil Sf., MpitrBalf 'Dnifcbb, dbn, Ont.', 12 May, 1856; «, of Scotch par- Sydney, 'C.B. Clubs: 'Mbhut Royal. St. ^t^; m. 23' Nov.; 1886, Barbara B. McKay 'James'^, ''Montreal; Halif^ .UnibhV St. idecehsed.,' Aug.,' 1901).''' Educ'.: London John; foiToiit'o; Maiiitoba;''Winnipeg; Rid- 'G:'aih'.' Sch.-, &rid' High Sch'.; K rancher; 'e&u, 'Ottawa; Rbyal St'.'ta'wrendS 'Yticht; unsuccessful candi'date fo* H. of G. for West

' ' poyal Yacht Squadron of ' N.S.; Royal Assirabbiii', 1887; eleo! to North West Ass., Canaidian Yaolit; Tloyal' C.B; Yacht; New 'ISSSii-etaining seat until 1901; member of

'Yoric Yacht; 'Manhattan;' New York; Elxeoiltive'Cbuncil ; TreaS.J Commr. of Public

, Cbnstituiiohal, Loridbn, England. Works; and TerritbHM Secretary;' delegatt "ROSS, James'' Alway, M.L.A.; ^.' St. to the Liberal CbnVentiorii 'held in Ott«w», Ann's ' Litiooln, Ont^ 13 Jaii., 1869; •; of -1893'rapptd. Com'riiissioner of the Yukon Wml N. RpM and Lydia Ross; m. Agnes Territory, 1901; el. to H. of 0., 1902,' for 'Kay, bf Wellandsport, Orit.;'two U.'IItW) d. 'Yukon Temtbryi'aipptd'to the Senate/ 80 .Educ: Sitaithville High Sch;,'8t. Catharines ,"Sef>t., 1904; Liberal. Address: Moosejaw, I« ":"^ •''' Coll. Inst.', ''arid Toronto Nb'nqiar'Stsh.' An '•Sksk.'^ ' ' • 'fusur. inspector'!* T&tight sch. for teri'";^s.; ROSS, Ho*ard Salter, B.A.; LL.B.; !>. promoted and.managed for three yrs.J 'the •yi'ctoria Mines', 'Ca'pe 'Breton Co., N-Sm 13 Empire Store Co., l*d!,Weliand8part;'mgr', April, 1872"; s. oP Alexander Chirles Boss

; Sterling Bank of Can., at Wellandsport for '£nd Marian Rbss; m. Susie Murray; ode <. ''''td.- 'insiSr. for the 'three rf. ' Edut.: High Sph., North Sydney, Excelsior Life Irisur. Co., Toronto.^ Dir.,! N.S., arid Hcrtbn Academy, Wolfville, 'N.S.. Central Securities,- Toronffo;' pr'oVisiDnal Prepairatoi-y Sch.! Acadia Univ., Wolfville, pres., Dunnville, 'Welli'ridspttrt 4rid Beams- 'Cbmell Law Sch., Ithaca, NY., and Dal- 'ville Electric Ry. Col 'Unsuccessful can.' hoiisie Law Seh., Halifl»x; N.S;; admitted to for Ont. Laas., 1902 and 1905; el. 1908.i the N.S: bari 3 Aprilj 1897; has been in

' ' '' 'Addrest.-Wdlandsport, Orit. ' '''""I gerieral iJracticfe "4* Sydney, 'N.8., Since ROSS, James F. 'W., M.D.'; s-rirgSbn b.\ 1899;' member of Senate of 'Aiiiiifla' Univ.; Tpronto, Ont., 15 Aug., XS57-'t. bf thd lat* director bf Sydney Celnent Co., Ltd;) dir.. Dr. James' Koss an'd'Arijie Jean Mtflntbsh;' Cape Breton Trust Go,; Commissioner for . m. 1882, Adelaide M.,' d.' of GeSigg Gooderr .taking' af^davits -Ui thb Superior Cotittb'ef ''' ham; two d.' ' Educ.: Toronto Model Sch., -Quebec arid NewfoiJridltind. Recreations: Gram. Sch., Upper Can. Coll., Toronto tennis, riding, and target shooting. Ad- 198 ' ; .WHO'S WHO.

A;m»; 18 Park St., Sydney, N.S. Ciuft; R. and Christine Dansken, m. Ida- E. ,M.

' . • 6: B: y. 0.,'Sydney; , BabCockl'three a.twod. £rf^c::.' Montreal BOSS, Jean Augnste, M.'D., M.P.: '6. High School; pres^, Quebec' railway Light Eimouski, Qtie., Sept., 1851; «. of the lit* and Power 'Cb:;-toaDai5ing dir.Jii'Mdntreal:

Jotia Ross 'aad- Caroline Talbot ; m.^ 1-876, Street Railway Co.; dir., -Dominidii Iron Mary,

I'.oned. ' • •JEduc.:St:Aime'sCo\\., Rimoujki; to 1888 ; pti-(fafe secretary . until 1 896 Tiaval Univ., Quebec Was' Mayor of- the co'mptroUer, -secretary^-treasuter and now Trilia^e of Mont Joli; coroner'for the district Mana^ii)g;Dir., Montreal Str^t ' -Railway. Of Rmaoiislci'and quarantine ofHcer for the Address: 6 Alexander Av., Montreal. - "port. Returried to H. ot'C. at byB-ei;;'1897 BOWELL, Newton' Wesley," K.C.;' 6, by aecl'.; re-el. 1900," 1904, and 1908; 'Dir. Middle^fex Co., Ont., -'-1 NoV :'I8»7j «. Matane' and Gaspe Ryl Co. AddressrSt. 'Joseph "and Nancy Rowcli;-m.;Nellie Lang- Flavie, Que.' » ' ' ford; One-s. one d. jBdac; London, Opt.; SQSS, John Theod«>re,' B.A; (McGili); barrister ari'd solicitor;, 'called to the ,bar, - '67 Quebec, 1862? «. of the late John Rossr m. 1891iapptd. Kings Goufi'oii; 1902. Mecrtea- -'- , 1896, Miss BTirstftll:'of-QuebecitVo. J. two d. Hone: riding. Ad5re«s;. 134 Orescent Road, Educ: Quebeb HigH Soli., Morrin Coll., Toronto. Clubt: National, Ontario' and

Quebec; McGill Univ., Mb'ntreal. Grad. B. Lambton Golf, Toronto. • , A., "1883.' Joined father's wholesale bus., ROWI>ET, WllUam Horsleyt J.-P;;' !>. '' 'Jdhh Ross & Cb.; partner 1887-189*; when YarmdutK, N.S., 21 March,, 1851; «- of-'Lt.-

concern liquidated. 'Vice-Prea.^ Quebec ' Col.' Jdhn WilHain Horsley 'Rowley; of Lon- Bank; pres. since, 1908; *ice-pres., Vhrtin- ddU, Eng;, and Anne -NormAn FarisK; of ,icle Printing Cb.; dir,; Quebec Steamship Yarmouth, N:S.;' a U. • B.-'-Loyalist, .• on Co.; mein. Quebeii;'Bd. of Trade. Addi'eti: .mdther's side; 'm.' Grace Richardson; of St. LoUisRd.V Quebec. CZti&.' Garrison. Windsor, Ont. (dec); one s"; (dec.) EdUc: K.QSS, Johil Wi; mem. of the flrni' of P. Yarmouth, N.S. ' Ehtei-ed the Bank of ''S. Rods & Sons, acCotintahts, Montreal; 6. " Yarmouth, 1867; clerkship in St. John, ' 'MoBtreal,'Que.,' 1870; ». of Phillip Siihpson 1868-70; eiitered the Merchants Bank of Ross and Christine G. Danslcen;™. 1894 Canada, Montreal, 1871 r came to Ottajwa, (JertrUde E. Holland, of Montreal; two ». '1875; manager. Merchants B. otC-Otta'wa, 'three d. Educ: High Sch., Business Col., '1880 to 1886; organizfed the E. B-.. Eddy Montreal. ' !E]nterted^.firm of Messrs. James' Gompany,- 1886, and has-been president-and

' of Wallcer & Co!,"hardware'inerchants; ' be- treasurer thereof since 1906; member ldame asBo,ciated with firtn of -P.' S. Ross & Executive Council of The- Canadian Mfgrs. 'Spns,'1892; mem. 'Montreal Assn. of Char^ Association sincb 1906; and now -vice-pres.; 'tered' Accts'., Ddm. AssnV of ' Chartered! an Anglican; hafe been for many years a 'AtecJ58.;'pres., Y.M.C.A., Montreal; governor,! delegate to-'Synod; is a -member of the Pr^itestant Home of Industry and RefUge. ' chapiter and Treasurer-Seneschal of Christ's Addi^etsj Montreal. CT«6»: Montreal, WestJ Church Cathedral, Ottawa." Recreations: • ihount GoJf, Beaconsfidd Golf;. angling, bowling, riding. Address: "Wo^-- BOSiS. Flitllp Dansken B.A.Sc; b. field," Ottawa. Clubs: Rideau, Country, Montreal, 1 Jan., 1858; r. of Philip Simpson Hunt, Golf, Laurentia'n, Ottawa; National, 'Ross, an'd Christine Dfulsken, both Scotch and Albany, Toronto; MbUnt Royal; Mont-

" ' "'m.' Maty IjittWjohn, of' Toronto. .Educ. real. , MdGill Univ.; entei'ed journalism 1879 BOT, IJeut.-C6I. A., M.V.O., A.KC; Asst. editdr'Tororito Nevm, 1882; managine Chief StaS' Offitjer, Quebec Command; b.

Mit'or, Montreal Star,, 1885 ; founded Ottawii Mdntreal, 23 Sept;; 1859; married. Educ:

Journal, 1886; member Otta'K^a City "Conn- Mdntreal. Sdmd ' time an accountant. "Sll, 1902-1903; vice-pres. Board of TPade; Joined 65th Batt. as Lieut'., 1880; seiVed Rebellion, 1885. Present* at [Unsuccessful , candidate for Ontario Leg, North-West ''Ass., 1904? pres., Ottawa ConBervaUv( - relief of Battleford; action at Cutknife Hill; '"ASsociatibri, 1908-10; pres., Royal Canadiai operations 'against Chief Big Bear's H*nd, "^pbyf Association, 1909. Becreationt: Yovmg, Mentioned in' despatches. Brif^ade- Major 6 ^olf. ' AddreM:42i Laiirier Ave. E., Ot- No. 'Dist.;' 1888. Promoted. Lieut.rCol., tawa.' Clubt: RideaU, GdlfJ Cormtry an( to No; 5 Dist., Montreal, 1895. O. <3;,':No. - ' .'. Hunt.'OttaVa. - , 6'Dist;^ St. John's Quebec, 1897; chief ROSS, Hon. WilHam; Sentt'toi-; h. Bdul4 staff officer, 10 Aug:; 08; Took musketry srdarie, C.B., 20 Dec. 1825; ». of JohnRosd course at Hythe; cavalry course, S^pm- and Robina McKeArfe; m.. 27 Mar.; 18S5 cliffe; tactical fitness for command. Alder- ' Uni-Versity St., Mon- Ell^ '4 bf Capt. MKbre, . Ndrtlj shot. Address: 289

' Sytliiey; C,B.; fttOr i. one d. Educ: private "tieh.. BdulardaWe, CJB.; first eJ, 'to 'Legj BOT, Cyrlas,' M.P.;. 6. St.--:Fran*ois de "A6s.",of, N.S„ 12-Mayri8SS; re-elec, 1863 'Montmagny. 6 Jujy, 1864; »7- of George- Roy elec.'.to the H. of C„ 1867-72-74, thre^ and Henrietta Cdtnveau; ki. Alma Thcberge, ' Blicce'ssive g, e; by aeclam.; apptd. collefctor Practiced law at Montmagny, Que.f M'Syor "of'^Custdtni'at Hilifax, Nov., 1874, and df'th'e To-wn for 4 years; Prothdnotary of 'served 14 and a' half years; r^tutned again the Superior 'Court at -Montmagny; elec. to the Doiriihion ParliaAent; apptd. td thi ^d H. of C 1908'. Address: Montmagny, "Senate 1906;' Minister of Militlia' in the Que. -' " .' 'V' •

•». . ,-M'.'E'. 'Mackenzie Got^'ernment, ' ^nd introduced BOT, JoSWJiAlfred Erhesti A 'bill establishihe the RoyM Military Coft. at 6; St.' Valfef; Bellechasse Co., 'Que., 3 Oct., " 'Kingstdn',' 'Reerediion: curling. Addt*ett: - 1871: a. ofNaeaire Roy and Rose-Theden; "43 Brenton St-.. Halifax, N.S.' m. "Marie M; Godbout; feiir ».. three ' ^ec; to the' Leg. Ass.- of 109 WHO'S WHO.

Quebec, 30 Nov., 1900, for Montmagny! , Hurqn Co., Ont.,.8 Dec, 1853; ». o{ Benja-

•*e-el.' by acclam.;- 190*f first ' elic.'Sto^the ;mjn'fcid Mliry Humbkll; m. Aafglia Sfe'an- ^ ' "H, of C;,- 1908. Addrett: 75 l,aohevTotlfere non i two s. tw'o d. ' 'Educ, .''CUntdil. M^nu- •: U.K.,

- of f^'^Soc. -of Cinadaf formerly Maybf of L^s, DX.L., a Puisne Jud^ thti,Siiperior,^t. 6." --'awd dir. of several 'pi'onunent'Cbs. Now of-Nova Scotia; Dartmouth, N.S.,'f^lO Jan., 1849; a. Nathaniel and Aeries '-"'Prof.- of'GeoijT'jtphy ire Laval' Univ., and Russell; lyhief Of thifMAtiuscripts Div. in tlie'Ddm. .mi 1872, Louise E., di<-ot'the late'Ccbpt. Archive?.' PublicatioYt*: Le premier Colon '.Coleman, of; Dartmouth .Educ: -Hali^ de Levis,. 1884; Mi^nsei^neiir De7iel, sa vie, -I 'Gram. Sch. and Mount Allison Hiiiv. ""fles' o^uvrfes,' 1S85; Voyage au"'/paya da - Called to Bar. ijt Nova Scotia,. 187<2;-'few I'-Taddnsaac, •1886';' L'Ordre de Malte- -en reporter to Supreme Ct. of N.S., 1875r;for ''ft.mftiqTie, 1888; Au RdJ^aume' dii 'Sague- many.*yra. • official reporter^ of the N',S. !nay;' 1889; La' reception de' Monseigomir le Legis.'Asa^n.; Lecturer, ^1885, inUhe^Law ff'Viseomtfe d'Atgenson, 1890; Lettri^'du ...Eaualty-bfUalhousie-IJiav. El. to H.'offC., "P.; Pl'-X. Dupl&sis; «.J;;' 1892;) Claude 'de '.for »Halifex,i.l'S(96; :el. for Hants Co., 4980; ,apptd..to present position, 10O4-; Addrdtt: Bermen, Sieur dfe 14 Martiniere, 1891; Jean Halifax, N.S: ««&: -Halifax, i '-Bourdon et la Baie ' d'Htidson, 1896; »'-E'A'ncien Batreau au 'Canada, 1897;' His- BUSSEIL, Joseph, M.P.;' 6. Tororifo, toire de la'Soleneuriede Lau:!on, 5 vols., Ont., 1 April, 1868; s. of Johh Russell ebd 1897-1904; Notice Historique ihr la fanrillo M&ry Shiith; m. Nora Loriie; one a. thre'^,d. ^e'Rene la Voye,' 1899; Histoiredu-Notai^at •'EdUc: Pub. 'Sch. and British" Aii«H(San ''"&u' Canadsi; Tameail'gerteral'd^Si Notaries 'Business Coll.: a brick manufactuter;' 'first '^ ptfttiquant dana la ' prbviiice de 'Quebec, •'elec. to the' H'. of C.,':1908. , 'BearMan: :• 1906; Souvenirs d'uhe ClasBB, 1907; Ea'sai tioultry fsirmifag: Adofeta: 437 Jarvis 'St., " t^ur Charlevoix '(Premier part). 19G8. ^' Ad- Toronto,' Ont; '

*f-(/*Y!»«-131 Somei^et St., Ottawa. - BUSSELIi, SaiAUel, B.A.; Heijisfrar of BOY, Hon, Ijouls i; St.; Valier, Que.^, 7 Feb., 1859; «. of"N. Anhe Russell; jn.' Evelyn M. Da'via.' 'Bdiic.; 'Roysnd Marie Letellier; unmarried. Educ: Pub. and Gra,m. Steh.^ Newcastle, N/B.; ' Quebe6- SeminMy;; Grad. D.C.L., 'Lai>al Univ.' of New Brunswick; 'Queens' ' UniV., '^Irtv., 18S3. ailed' to Ba'r 1ES3. El. to Kii^gston; Glasgow- Univ., Scotland. ' Eni-

' Prov. Legis. for Kamouraslca, and has con- 'tor of 06serOnt6 TVibiine for many yta.; fel. tinuously represented that Co; 'since; Prdv. t6 Legis. Asa. df Ontario for EaSt HiiStiries, Secy., 23 March, 1905. ^d(ff.(;«4;'Quebic. ' 1898r re-el. 1902;' ai;i,ptd. 'ReMstWr .oE'tJie .' ^' ''-'- ' Ciwb; Garrison, Qiiebec. Co. of Hastings, 1904. Addri'si.' BelleVWe, "'' ' '' < - > ' KOT, Mgr. Paul Eugene) Coadjutor Ont. . , /

. -^Bi'ahop of Quebec; b. Berthier'eri Bas, 9 BTJTAN, 'William Wlnfleia> M. P;'; 6;''Le -^Wov.,' 1859. Bdufe..- Quebec Seifl.; I'Ecole Suer Co.; Minn.,' US.A., 28 Mar6h,' ISBS;"^.

' ' . 'des'" Garmes, Paris, ' France. Ordained 'of 'Andtfew'and' ^;ina JAn'e' Rutan (both prieftt,' 13 June, 1886;' cure W Hartfqtd, de^SaBed)i"M. Josie Lasley; bnfe a.' tWree d, Coi(n.,'U,S.A.;'cur6; Jacques Carti^r, Que- 2!duc.; Ma-nkato/Minrt.y and Battle CrfeeV 'bec; Prof. ^Quebec >'?em.; 'dir. of VAdlibn Mich.';' arrived in Cahada in Aug.. 1897; l^ociale ^Cathfilioue; Bishop- of Eleuthero- 'parents' moved from Canada, mariy ^ea'ra •rdlia and Cdaajutor Bishop of Qd^ec, 'ago'; father was physician', by^/profession, *iT'fi08. .4

m. ' 28 Dec, 1899, Heleii Young, Eamorttoh. huhting and' travel; 'Addreia': UliMtt, . '' f -wo «. two d. Educ. .-Collie of Stc!. Anne de 'Saik - '•'..' '-. .-'s-i I.a Poeatiere', and Laval tJiiiv., Que.; Phy- BUTHBBFOBD, Hon. Atexandei- CaxA- I -rician ai^d S*irgeon; Mani'Dir., "Le'Ciiurrier o-dri, 'B:A' 5.C.L. (Mc(yil),;LL'.'D. j-rf« VOiiett Pub. Co.; pres., Jaspers, Limitfed, '(Tiorontoi,'M6Maate'r^and"Alb'ertK Uliiys.); Edmonton; Libei^I; Cathslic. "Addriii: 'M.'L.A;'. Premier 3f'PrW;''of AlbettlA, M&i-

' ' ' n.., ^'Edmonton; AWa. " iater of EdUca;tjoii; 'Prpirttfciall' ITteaiuifa'; BFDDICKt' .Tphti Archibald; Dairy - B; OSfebode, Co. ofCaMttdfi/Glit.lTFell., .'Wommt. fdr Cafnadn; 6. Oxfdi^d Co., Orit., ^1867; 4. ot-aamis Rtitlierfo1fa;knd Ellzabfeth 3 Sertt; 1862; ». df Lawrence Hbddick and Cimeron; M. M.' Bil'krft. I 4lat late'WillMn Mariott- MAirt m'. Harriet 'Oougdoh? oiieTi. Bitkett, df 'Ottawa; bh« a.""6n^'d;,' Edud. • 'Educ: Oxford Co; Sch.-; connected with the ©afry'industty siivce 1880; Dept. of Agri- PhrtiirS, 1891; Dairy Commfseibnet,' New Zentand,";]89S; Dairy' GoiiinSSsioner for 'Legislature Of tlfe N. W. 'Territdfies fir Ganflda>li905. /'uftKcatiOTis; various reports; Strathcona edbstittieney' in 1902; Deliiity pfrners ifl'c'old storsige and dSirV jddrjials. Speaker of Le^slathre. C;alled ' upott' 'to -Addrrfs: '' Dept. of Agriculture, Ottawa!.'' ' f0tm"fii'a't''gdVerriiiaent'6f Prov. 6f A^bertfc, nVWItAlX, 'Ftpiairlck Gdnrpei Pres; of '2 Sept;; -'1905; government sufitained/'^t the Monarch Fire Ihsur. C6;; •&. (Jlintbn, 'electiori O'NbV., 1905,"^ tad 22 Mai-Bh; 1909. 200 , WHO'S WHO.

j^le^eettian: curing. Addrefa: Strathcona, BTANr, PatrlcIt'iEi^ene ;• sec . to M atioh al ~ ^ Alta Ciubs; Edinontdh; Strath'coua. ..< iift-anscontiiiental sRy:. Consjgef Canad&j 5. tttJTHEBFOBD, J^oJin Gunlon, y,S.. Ottawa, Ont., 26 July, 187.6;'/». of Patiick Ryan and Mary Elisabeth GuH'en; , H.A.II.C.V.S,, Live Stock iComims^ner Eugene Clmpleau, M.D. for'iGanai^a;, b. ' Moun^aiji Cross, Beewes- m. Geraldine, 4«)f J. -R. E. J late^SirAdolplie Chaple^u, 6*iire, S«ot., 25 Deo,, 1857; ». ofj Qev. , and niece of

.' pf. .Quebec; one «. , ;, pf Prpvince Edb/Btt Rijtherford, , M.A., ^^d AgneB Ljeut.-Gov.

. Separait^f Sods., /Gumpn^ni. Edith', d. of Washi^gtou 9balt- . dtie d' BdMc.:. .Ottawa dept.viCP. iib'ee^ Ancsster.'Ont.; three d, ] Educ: ^gh ,i Ottawa Univ.,. clerk meohaoicBl ,-So1k>'61, Glsagow, pTi,yij,e' tuitlop;, arrwed Ry., Ottawa, 1892-1897; purebrfsdng d^pt.,

' ' 'in Canada, 12 Sept., 1875; '^^erinary C, . P. Ry.4 J Montreal, 1897-1899; privUe -'Director General and Live Stock Cpmmis- , sec. to Minister of Public Works, Toronto, ^jEioner; ,Vete^ija^ p^?^ctitione^,• (889 .'to / 1809,-1902; sec. treas..'..Temiskaming. and 1901; member of ISlanitob^ Legislature, ,|j0rtjiemi Ont. Ry., ^To^pnto, ,1902.

-. < <> Ucati^ris: 'rjeports., R^creofionit; riding %nd pntian, Gplf, Ottawa. i.t: . . 'driving. Aadreti: Ottawa. .C6t6«: Bidep,oen , con;tractor in tjie -p\the ' colonial and Canadian I'acific Railways; for ^ngaiied i|i' wholesale' drjf ^poda, liimberi^g, ,' the past 24 years. City. Engineer of 'Wmni- 'and yoriolis other industrial pursuits; now '/peg; pres.,,1910 6f the ton.. Sojc. rf ItJyil R^istrSir, ' 'East 'Toronto. Addx^t: ,51 •' ' Engiiieers; 'Served in the Feniai^ Raids, and Grosven6rSt.,Tororito. ,, r. 'Nq^'th West ReteUiop; niedals;' Long Ser- BTERSOA, Col'. George Sterling, Mip., ' L.R.C.S. (Edinb.); 6. Torpntp,,?! 1 yi^e Decoration; Add^eBt: Ar^ns^roog's ,^,9.?., "Point, and 223 James St., Winnipeg. Cbfb: r885; «. of Rev,', George , Ryerson and Isabell'i' D. Sterling, nfephew of the I^^v. -Manitoba, Winnipeg. _ , BifJTTAN, B. p., ;B.A., M.D., F,R,S. Egfertoii RyeWon; founder of thp Qnt^^ie .Canada, 18^6; Prof,, of Otganic and Bio- 'Sfch. System] 'and grandson ' af JoMph logipal Chemistry, McGill Univ., Montreal; Ryers'pn, a XS.'t. Loyilist; *n.'J8^,,,J(lM-y btoristei;; 6, 1867; «. of A, ^^ttop, M.D., Napance, A., d. pf James Ci-pwttcit:, TorpMo, Ont., arjd Caroline .Smith, Montreal; un- ' fottr ». Pue a. Ediic: Gait Gram. Scfl.; ': married, Educ.: Toronto Univ,; McGill 'Cpli; of Physicians and Sur^ePus, ^HeTWrpfk ' XJniv. (M.D.,.gotd med^l Chen)istry, 1884); City;'Trinity Medipal Coll:, Toronto; Rpyal Coll. of ' Physicians an'd Surgeons, Edin- TJpiv. Pit !perlin (1885 and.l8S6, in Hofmfl,n's burgh; lilriorfield's Eye Hospital, and Lon- Laboratory, Erenol) and , German, Ch?jn. ,S6c.)' Leptufer XJfieiniatry, .McGill,, Univ., don Hospital; also studied at Heidelberg. -Paris Aiid Vienna; returiiied to" Canada ,in 187^, atad established himself Jn Toronto; was apptd. surgeon of the Royal Gren- t,S.Oan.tl902; apptd. Professor pf.Cheini^try adiers, 1881, sfervittg in the North' Wfest (hiedial, McGill Uulv., IVfontrea^, 1,90?, Pubha^tifnt: 'Rebellion with that corps in' 1883; Dimethyl-Trietbyl Aihines, Chemistry of 0. and 3rd class decoralSOn of St. John); was '1895; •:;'r^idin„1887; a Diohinopn, ,1890;, SJethpda made deputy Surgeon General', 'Water Analysis; Hethdda in Clinical organized ambulanee corps of the 'Grena- M' in Chemistry; Artificial Alkaloids; Qlycpl F^a, diers, 1884,' and Was also insthimental, 'Medical 'OflSceirs etc. Recreations: goU, yachting. Adiiw*: forming theJASsociatioil of "The Sherbroqke," Montreal. Clypi:. St. of thelHilitia, of which he was seCretaty, ,li907-08; of 'the . 1891, and president, -one founders of the T'orbntti Glinical' Society, president,. 1894; an/origiBal/membertof the

Spciety pf . Great Britain ford, Essex ."England, 1 Fet-, 185iS, -. , Ophtiialmological resigned;;, mtmbec of the TCfiomas 'Rutter and |Marii Downing; rn. . in,. 1880, since 'Isabella Jane Bell; two a. one d. Sduc: .Capadian, Medical Aaspciation^ hpjnt.jnem- 'lOilSprihga, Ont. Came to ,CMiada, .with ber ptthe Assn. pf Military Sureeons of the Clerk,,wi,(Si Barclay ' U.SX:; Professor of Eye andJlar .diseases ,£is parents in 185S. , of Toronto, and.h>is peen..a;.mesp- aiid Hearing, booksellers, stationers, ftjid , in Univ. sat for printers, Petro|ia,,Qnt,^, 18694-entered,ser- jiber pf,tbe Senate. of tha(t,institutiqn; 1873, one ter^ as member tor East ToirontO/in vice Qf Wm. , Warwick, Tprpntoi, , and, firm n^ine Qnti. Leg. Ass.; on re-organiMtion, of ,Army 1 admitted a partner 1884, aPptd-'^'I'leut^-Cpl.; .ghanged to Warwj6k Bfos. and Rutter. ,I^e<^pal Cprps.,,iwas firm has, printed.the .founder and general ,sec;'etary, jJSt. - John ;' For, mailv'yeafs the, founder iOntarip Govt publications,; a membef of, the ;• /Vmpiulaince A?3Ppi>'tiPU>>>!> pajiadai' Cross iTorpntp City Council for some.yearp; ex- a^d '.chairi]a,an^-Qf,.Canadian' Red,, Bed,Cross Commissioner fpres.. C.A.JVA,., .Nat, Amatpur .Lacrosfie Society; Canadian Union; Toronto Lacrosfie Ass.; Tqrpnto in gouth Africsan. yar, 1900; apjytd. British Birch Jedi'CrossjCSommissioner at Lord .Roberts' 'jaeform Assoc Addrest:, Wfl^dfdrd I meptioned.Vin 'ClifF PX)., ,Oiit. Cl^bt: N^tiP"*)* Jppls^. lieadq)iartsw; i^^' mpnaii Rpyal 'Canadian Yacht, Torpntp. despatches; promoted to rank of Hpn. Cpl. 201 . ;;.


A.M.C.; made Knight of Grace, Order of St. Moeran;\mmai;ried. E4uc.:jiTiva.tely. Was John of^ Jei^aalem; , delegate for Dmart- 'editor Cianadiari'Sporismoft; Tdrorito; jour- iheht of'Mihtia'and Dpfeijce'to the fixter- nalist to, Canadian Pacific Ry:!.'rem'oVedto iiationaLCoogrese of Medicine at Buda Pest, Ne^w Yorlf'.and .became', editor Outirip^^And -1,909. JPiiblyxdione: contributor to the special writer for Othef 'pubis. Publicaitonsr

'Medical , Press of the , U.S. and Canada. Upland Game Birds (Am'.' Spoi*^sman's Li- KecrefLtibns:' A'^cKting aii'd hunting. Ad- brary); 1902; Tra:pper Jim, 1903; Spbrtsman dress: 66 College St., To^'onfo; Oakhurst, Joe, 1904; Sportlig Sketehri,:190S. :Ad-

Kawartha Lakes, Onf ., CluSs': Toronto, dress: Care The Malnkjlljit (io'.,''NeV Yep'.

' '. " R.C.T.C., ToTpnto. ' ,, . SABGISOJV, .Major Albfert^Geefge, R. L. 6., Montreal, 1862; 's. of GiEjorge J^-hQievi Sargisbn and Margaret' Bamafd; 'm. F&any

, -'AdeleEugeriie Jackson; fours. t-^^pd, Educ: 'Victoria, B.C. pub. tod High' Sdh. Jbiiled staff of the Cdltiiiisl on leaTdng Sch., in 1879 SAtlVT-PlEBKE, Hcin. Henri c:; Jurfge became 'half 'owner' of that paper Jn'1890; of the Superioi;) Court for the, Prov.. of maha^ng director in 1902;' retired from the -Quelpec; Off. Ord" Cfowp of Italy; 6. Ste. firm 111 F907.' Redreaiion: yachting. Ad' TWarthe de Eigaud, Que., 13 Sept., 1842; s. dress: 'Victoria,' B.C. Vlub: Pacific^ Coast, '- ' • ', ' df Jo'seph Berrier, Saint Pierre', and Doinit- 'Victoria.' . ilde Benis; ,m. .Jlarie Adelihe Lesieur, .(d. SASKATCHEWAN, BlsKop of; »«« 'Rt,

' ' ' MpS); 'five s. three 'd. Biiuc.; Montreal Rev. Jervojs A. Newriham.' , Coll. (Sulpicians)'. After , leaving Coll., SAITCT ST. MARIE, Bishop of; see Rt.

joined Northern Army, 'and took part in , Rev. Da^vid Joseph Scollard.. . . ,, - Gvil War "of U.S." "Wounded 'aiid, left for SATTNDERS,. Charted '^EdwaW. B.Ar, dead .in .the bittle'of 'Vlrgiriia,. Nov., 1863, .Ph.D.; 6.'L6xidbn„Ont., 2 Feb.,.1867; ». of Picked 'lip' on Battlefield by gbuthern Dr;' 'William Saunders arid Sara Agnes Cavalry ari'd carried off 'sis priaon'er lifatiV end Robinson; m. Mary Blackwell of Toronto ^of war; Retuniing to 'Montreal, stucfied Educ: London Coll. Inst., Torontp'Umv., 'law liiider'Sir Gfebrge Cartier'and Sir J. J, Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore!' BJd.; 'C. A'bbott, ridniitted'to bar, July, 1870; Harvard 'Coll., Cambridge; CereMSt of ®.0''1889r Judge of iKe Superior Ct., June, Ddminion Experiinental FaiTna since 1'903, ^^902. ' Pu6?ibo/ioTig; Many ' pleadinj:s and Recreations: bhotofeVaphy, music. Address;^ addresses in ' Courts of PrOv. of Quebec, Expeririiental Farm, Ottawa. ' ^(fdress: ' 144 Berri St., Montreal, . SAUNDERS, Miss. Margaret Marshall SANDERS, X'leut.^'CoI. Gilbert Edwaiid, 6. Mfltori. Queens Co., N.S., 186i; .d.. of D.S.O.; h. Port Yale, B'.C, 25 Dec, 1863; .!. of E. H. Sa,nders' (fdrmerly of the Austrian Service,., and during^ th^' Crlinea, adjutaht" of the' British German 'Legion); much in Europp arid America; iritefested in m. Caroliiie, ». d. of Dr. Jukes, M.D. Educ: philanthropic Work. Publications: "My 'Kin^ AIfr^d*8 Sch., Wafltago, BeVks; R.M. Spa'oish' Sailor;*' "Daiav;" "Beautiful Joe" C. , Kingston . Entered North West Mount- (sold in 1909, 500,000 copies); ias'Jj^en ed PoHce as Inspector, 1884; seryedthrotigh- translated' intb Swedi^,'" German ,and otit'Biel Rebellliori, ISSS '(medal); went io 'Japanese languages^ oth'er boQksv ribvels'and South Africa in command of squadron of .book's for children, including The''Housp of Canadian Mounted Rifles, 1900 (twice Amqour, For, the Other Boys', Sake^' and

wounded). Dcc<*ofed for saviiig the life of other' stories;" Charles and hi^ Ia,mb;' The , Sergt. Tryon, whom he brought in on his KHg df| the Park; Rose h Charlotte; Defi- 6wn horse under a heavy fire, his horse being: cient Saints; Her Sailor; Foi^ His Cquntn;; Idlled and hehimself wounded; Supt. Royal, Tilda Jane; BeautifurJoe'4Paradlse;;.xEe North West, Moimted Police; Canada, com- Story of the Graveleys; Nita;' Princess.' manding Depot division' aiid Regiua Dist-l Snl^ey; ,Alpatok, the^ OTory' Of an 'Eskimo -Hot, Recreatwng': riding. Address: The Dog; Essay, the cause' and preverititi,4 of Barracks, Regina; Sask. Crime (awarded S300 prize by Am. Huiiiane SANDHAM, Hertrv, R.C.A.; 6. Mont- Educational Soo); Our Dumb Aninials. 'i-eal, 1842; ». of John and Elizabeth Sand- ' Addm8.-28Carlet6nSt.,Hali'fait', N'.S. ham, both of England; m. Agnes, d. of late SATJtAIXE, MarcFauK B.Sc. VFrance);

^^.Johp Frascr, of ;Spqtland; one ff. Educ: translator,' Geologicar purvey;, b. Havre, Montreal. Gne oif^tne' charter. member^ of frarice, 20 Feb., 1857; 'i'/ of Alp'hqnse ,tbe ^oyal Canaan Academy, 1880; re- _Sav][vaIje. and Aline Barbuliie; 'm.' Laure .fljqved to BpstoiS, Mass., 1881, arid twraity 'Le'coirite; 'three d: 'Educ: Ljrbee of HaVre,

.5frs.. later to, London. Eng; Medallist, Phil- St. Cyif' Mili;bary' Sch. Lieut. ,' in Fi-'erich adelphia Qentennial Exhibjtiofi, 1876; Lon- Army 5th 'Cili^aasiers; editoi* "iFrait d'Un- don, 1886; Boston, 1881; Honours, Portugal iori,' Mexico; arrived in Can,, June, 1884;

, 1901... Historical paintings and portraits editor "Lo Potrie/'Montireal: special Pari, ' '"£/« now ijanging in Parliament Buildings, corresppri'd^nt '^La ^ P^resse, editor,

Otta^ija arid,5Eialifax; Smithsonian lustitute, Canada;''* how pditor of' Fi^ench'. ' pub-

' W8Bhi,Bgton; Town Hall, Lexington; Sfate ligations for tl>e ' Geolbgiq'al' 'Survey of House, Bflstbn^ City Hfill, Paisley, Scot- Canada, D^pt. 'of Mines; a former president land, etc^; exl^bitor, Royal ^osdemjvSalon, of the p^arl. Press Gallery. EvIfUcatiimf:

etc, AdJrjeaf.-QuintaLodge, . oes South Parade, Lj^uisiarierM^que-Canada; , Manuel ,

, .Ass'etnblees ' Bedford Park, London, W. England, r , . Di^liberances, Guide du Con- SANDYS,, pdwyn WlUis;, journalist ; 6. 'cillateilil';.. .recu'eil de, discburs prepares.

Tteereaiiati: ' , Chatham, Ont„ 9 June, , 1860; «. Rev. ieaangi Address: 375 Daly Francis W. (D.D.) and Elizabeth A. B Ave., Ottawa. 202 ' ",,- WHO'S WHO.

SAVOIEiFranCiMs T.,'MfF.; 6. Plessis- " 1884i Barbaira Forastt:, «.-'> d. ,of 'the late aile,, QUg.,- 14 Feb., r846(i«..of Narcisse "George Munro;'of New York; three «, four d. >f"-8avoie 'and' Seraphine'Cormiefv m. (1st) Educ^^ Prince of:Wales-Coll:, Charlottetown,

• Eugene Duplessis; (2nd) Sara'Vi©oeaMlt, P.E.i.; Acadia -ColU N.S.i Univ.. ' Coll.

(3rd) Alifee Seguiae. .Edttc-'ModeliSehJ of liiDndon; . .IJniv. of Edinburgh; Hradelberg PtsiBSiBvlIlev' Que.; fepresents' Megantic in Berlinjj!! rand Goittingen.' Won Canadian the H.' of C.jielScted at g.ie., 1904 and 1808. Gilchnst .Scholarship and Univ. Scholarship

' ir-' ' v s4.ii(fre»e,-PleSBisvitlei-Qie.' / : in 'Philosophy, Univ. of London; -Hibbert SfiABBETTIJ MoStKctr.fU'onatns, D.Di, Travelling Fellowship, 1878. "ilrofjof Eug.

Arehbishop of Bphesus.ilApostolio ; Delegate Lit., PoUti6al Economy, and Psychologyi ty> Canada; b, Monteprance/ Umbria, Italy, , at Acadia Coll., N.S., 1880-84; Prqf. of 1.2- Nov., 1856; s.: of Agoatmoi Sbarretti, Philosophy, DalhouSie Coll., N.S., 1882-86; mm is a brother rof theilate Cardinal Sbar- Sage prof, of Philosophy, Cornell 'Univ.,

ieiti; EdMc.: Seminaryic^of ' Stiailatb'.'and 1886-92; pres. of U.S. (3omn. to the Philip- Apollinfii'e Coll.j Rome; ordained priest; 12 pine Islands,' 1899. iPubRcatityM: "Kantiaih 'April, il879; •ProfS^sor of Ethioai and Manu- Ethics and the. Ethics of Evolution;'' "The

taute- iof - the- ^Propaganda for American Ethical .Importrof -Darwinism;'' "Belief- of A'SkirBi'atlditor.of the- Apostolic delegation God;"^ "--Agnosticism and 'Religion;" "The in Washington, D.C., Jan., 1893; B&hop i-.Genesisi-of -the CidticsCl' Philosophy;" "Re- ; bf Hav!i;iia,-.Cubay 14 Feb., 1900; Titular port of -the 'First . Philippine Comniission Archbishop of -Epheaus, 1901; Apostolic "The Phili'ppines,) a 'Retrospect' and Out-

l3elegate)to Canada;<26 *Nov.,il902.. ^Adr , look.*' ReereaUtms: golf, skating, tobog- dress: Apostolic Delegation^,'The 'Driveway, ganing-, waljting. AddresA: Cornell- -Univ., • '•'.- ' ' ; " t . •> r •: i . Ottawa. '/ Ithaca,-NewiYork, U.SjA. , SCHAFFNEB, Fredi lawrence, BaA., SCHWEGEI,, Dr. Johnj Consul o!f Aus-

M.:D.i M.P.; 6. Sooth' Williamst6wn,n An-; tria-Hungary; 6. ; Province -of (Garniola, napolis Go.; N.S., 18 Aug., -1 855; 'S. of-Wil- Austria, .17 Febr, .1,875; m. 1905; Angelina' iiam O;- and A. Schtiffnfer; m. C. A. Allan, 'Keenly,: of Brooklyn, N.Y„ Educ:: Vienna of Perth, Ont., 19 April, 1886. Educ: (Orient Academy); dir. of the. 'Univ. of ' Acadiaj Coll., N.S.,' and' Trinity i Coll., Tyrol '-('Trenbruck); first Lieut. Dalmatia

• Toronto ; a- physician; has practiced iniedi- ... ^bunted Rifies; arrived in-Cainada, 1909; cin'e in 'Boieserain, Man:, for 22' years; in Consular Service since 1899, in Chicago,

twice mayor"; ' represented constituency of Pittsburg, S-vritzerland, .Cape of Good Hope

Soiitisi in Manitoba Leg. Ass., for five yrs.; Salonica. (Turkey), New York. ' Addtess:

'.•i , . : first -«h. toi.H. of)«.v-1904; re-el!' 1908. iMontreali' .'o:^ . -.^ ;: r-

Address: Boissevain, Man, : 'Club: Advance, SGOLLABD, Bight Bev. 'David Joseph, " ^" -'-^ -Winnipeg.'':' ''f - "' /-. ' e.I).T^,' Bishop of Sauit.St. Marie; b. Ennis- SCHELjL, jFacob Thohias ; lumber mstnu- -morlB, 'Ont;, i4 Ntm, 1862r«'0£ John.aool- 'facturfer-iand-'oontractor; b. Tp;.' of East ilar^d and[-£!atharirie;;Q'C!ohnor; .jBduac'St iOxford, Oxf6rdCo., Ont-, 27 Dec-, 1880; «, Michael's CoU:, Toronto, and Grand Sem- df iJacbb. Schell, 'and' Catharine Smith; m. inary, Montreal,. Que.; ordained priest-,- 21 11883, Sarah McIU«yrei,"of Tilsonburg, Ont.; Deb., 1890; consecrated Bishop of Sault iBducir Pub. audi '-Woodstock -Gram.. Sehs.; St. Marie,. 24 Feb., 1905. Address: North ,.-\- Was for';many yrs. 'Town 'Coum'ciUoii of Bay, Ont. ,<. ... Alexandria; Glengarry. Contractor '-.for] SCOTT, Lieut.-Col. B. A^; 61. Queteo, 30 ' Canadian Northedn Ontario Ry.;''-betweenj Sept., 1869; mi il;886,' Josephine, d. of Hon, THawkesbury and Ottawa. Unsuccessful! Joseph Shehyn;,-of -Quebec^ senator; five fl.

can. fiir H. of C. at g. e., 1891 ; el. to H. of C. Educ: Quebec High Sch.; a lumberman; at g'.l*'., 1900; re-el. 4t g. e., 1904; retired commenced business in timber trade- with Tatg-. evl908. Address: Alexandria/, Ont. the firm of. Price Bros. .& 'Co., at their SCHElJ. Malcolm Smith, M.P.; b. mills on- Saguenay lUver; Mayor of the

1 County of Oxford, Ont., 13 Nov., 1865; «. Parish of Jloberval' for twelve yrs. rand of"Jacob and Catharine Smith iSchell; m. Mayor of .the town of Roberval for '.two aJosephine H-..; d. lof' the Rev. A. E. Russ. yrs. Acted as collector of- H.M- Customs Brajntford; one 'is. two d'. Edvjcj: Oxford at Chicoutfmi fibr severa]j)^S£, and, 'Vice-

pub;, sch, 'and Woodstock -Coll.;'. agricultur- Odnsul J for Sweden .''mfld Norway

' ist , nlanufaot^urerer 'and - wholtoale dealer and Republic ;of . Un^igay, at. same ,:i- iu'iluniber^'fliso gro-wer and exporter of .port. .:Pres., Saguenay Bo. of Trade; mem. 1 apples; winner- of prizes offered .by the Quebec -Bdi'QffTrade..-- Joiiied company of -Dept. of "Agriculture, 'Ont., for.;essi/ys on, inf&ntrv at-Clhicoutimii as Lieut^; became '*1thelffldvantage9 of rotation -of crops (Treated Cant.;-^ined 61st Regt.;Tetired ^th

' frota «i practical and scientific standpoint, -of Major to organize ISth Regt-..; promoted

, ' and'^Mp^le* culture, and its impiortance as command 10th Infailtry Brigade.^ Additsss: ran article of commerce" elected:to the- H. 3 Gene^vieve Ave., Quebec. .Ciuba.v Gar- of .C. in 19041 and' in 1908; has 'taken a rison, Quebec^:iNew5Yotk"5facht, City, -New promabent' part in all "matters .pertaining York.

.rto ajgrioulture and- the macketing.' -of - Can- SCOTT, iD'Arcy; Asst.; Chief Commr., adian, products; 'Chairman pf the Sibanding Bd. of Ry. Commrs. for Canada; hi Ottawa, - Committeoon Agriculture and Colonieation 8 March, 1872; s. of Sir Richard W. Scott of the H. of C, 1909i alddre««; Woodstock, and Mary A., Heronf m. Mary Emma - '' I'-i'i. - - . V ». Ont. ',' : Davis; four twoH. 1. ®

SGHUBM-AN, Jacob Gould, M. A. Osgaode Hall. Ija^w, Sch., Toronto. ' 1 Called (Loud.), D.Sc.o(Edin.);'LL.D. (Columbia, to Bar of Onti, /7 'JunB,

.Yale, Edin.); Pres. of • CornBll; Univ.,, Ottawa, 1907-8;-apptd. Asst. CbiefiCommr., Ithaca, N.Y.; 6. Freetown,- P..E.1I., 32.'May, Bd. of Ryii. Commrs.' ifQt Canada,;, Sept.,

1854; t. of the late Robert Schurman; m. 1908. when resigned mayoralty of , Ottawa, 203 ,; ,;

WHO'S WH0.5 I -t.r

»Qap- Miss, laary MeKa3rc.«r< QHa4ra, ,i. &!?Sv ..flub M iOttowaff^ 1809a0. SCOTX« ji Kferfiot^m^,- gcflf, 4datre««;,324/ChapeUSt., 17 Aug^.'lSSl; d^iof. Aleicaraflei^iScoi;* and nffitiawft, iChibs: Kideaui Cfluntry^ Hunt, »AKaon..jMcKa,y'.> Scott.. SiJufcy 'jXti*a, -i.pri.viiJte'-«oh'., .iBilte'^ House; '-.'M^iftrea'I;^ a l$t!piX Duncan Campbell,, FE..S.6 is 2 . . gi^day.Scbk telacher^for 30. years; .Chuich , ^.ug-. 18^2; «. of Rev. William Seott, si-.inirk (St. Andrew'ii)1 Womttn's Christian parents, EogliBh and Scotch; TO. 1894,oBelle, -..iTemperance lIfeion;."D6iB..^ttt)t.i''¥W«>0. iW', Bfltpford^ a prominent violinist, ^dC.oJ J ^.U. ;."eStor^ W6iash'si ^Mrrml • fou'- rtfne

,'.']^e. 3.oaton;-,Maa9. ; iAjyears ; ; niice-presi^ iY ^ ^eo. W.>Botsford, Mie if: 'Y.W.O.Airf»ex-pte«iv ' i^«f.; Canadian Common' Scli^;^ Stansteidd •t.W.jGjA-.i pjPBsi.i-Svipt.'' WiO.Ti^i- AHdr^i: ^,pf>J\. Entered Canadian.- Civil Servrce, -..Aberdeen .ChambeiB|...29I" Sparks'' Strelet, ..''.' .*»'>.1 iinu-,j^ /.^..'.-F jA^Sit "^oy tphief. j»ccountant, Deptulof ;. iOttasfra., * /,

' j_^4nman. ^fl[airsi" since ^ 1893-. PiiblicaMons: SCOI^ Honti.8ii>'iRlc]HinluWllllamt''^. i,Tlie,S^a£ic ,I^^se (poems); .Labor* ind .the .0.1 LliDi, SIJCMJa., Senator;.*. Prlssccftt, '^^^&pgel (poems); .In the Village -o^ Viger ..Ont;,.;24vM<^y Canada); New World Lyrics .and Ballads; . 'A. Heron (liee*.)" -iB«iuc..'"P?esco*t: ';'Bar- numerous short stories and poenisun^Amari- .rister, 1840;'Magtor/»f Bytowrij lS&S>;.MbP. tigan'Omlf Canadian' ma,gazines;yJoihtdedilor for Ottawa, 1857-63; memt'Ont. IJeg!"Af98., J 7<,^p;|h,^ewam. Edgar, Ph.p,i...Df MakaTFTof 1867-73; Speaker, 187i!-0«»»ifar.

i^,k(^^)Ha^a; fi,. seizes of , ihistorical biography, ..^ands, 1872.43; apptd.«a4iheSeA«te,.'I874; ^^Bcfireo^iona;,, music; canoeing, ..skating, etc. Secretary fof? .State.;" 1874-78-, and. isigjin

,,r4wrie»S>.lQ§Lisgat,St., Ottawa. ., • i, 18*6^908; Leader .'TOf'Jthe'. 0pposition>Un i ' I Senate, .)l8J9-96; carried, Tehtiough'*!PaWt. SCOTT, . Bev. Frederick Gcforge, M A . ' - .School. Bill )'giving >.Qa hoties^ln|$ht i:B.C.L., P.R.S.O.; b. MoWtreSl, T861; ».V Roman .,*il»«eWilliaim Edward Scott, M.D. of M'on- I ..ia .establish separate'sehoOls, 1863;.Osinl(da I kreownias j'treal, Professor of Anatomy, MiiGill Univ. -,Tfflnt)eFEince.41ooal o^ion^^^Act .! ; idratted . addr§ss»'«o " "Sfedtt i

; , tnent;. leader, of the-GoVtl'ift the Senate, , Bamet, England; five' ». fine d. 'Edu'c.: K«ra!«(tfio«;g

y-dj of G. . Ferris Wjt'Mortimer; of -KoflisWT ; of St. Matthew's! Qjiebfeb, since 1899; Cation ! J of Quebec •Gatbedral"'since'l906. Publica- Hairf;s.Coi, Eng/;'one a. .onte d, .EdMt.: '

. ;.Cattt- Elton Hsfzlevrood, '1892; My Eattioe,"aiid , Lieut./Roya(.>ArtiUery, .16\July( 1891 .-ain, Ri A.|<. 1899; served' in North'. W^t • other Poems, 1894;a'helhmamedL4ke,'iiad Rebellion,' 1885 "(medal); served in South other Poems, 1897! Poelns'Old ahd New, I brevet .1900; The Hymn of Bmpiife 'and-'iotSer :^fricB^i-1899^2'.(.despatehea.twioe,* I iot 'Mijot, Queen'-s medaU 3 claspe,-^ King's • Poems, 1906; The Keydf-'Life; 1907,"'et'c. :raedal(i 2 olaspsi. 'D.S,0.'>... .Jwined'.Army —Address: St, Matthew's' Hectory, Quebec- I

I .^Ordnance Depts, 26 Aipril/lSSeT'pjeiBoefd M'.L.A/;'fc SbOTT, George Adant^ J.P,., COrdnanoe'OfBcert 2nd c|aSs, mttt'.'itmkiihf "Winnipeg, Man., 11 Dec, 1875; a. John I 1 Lieuti^CDlli. IS Aprili 1907; ai5p«d. forsSr- ' ".Scott a'fad .Jane Bell; m. EtW' M. Ellipt't, ;ivicB'>ith Canadian Forses, 20 May,' 1907; "6i Hamilton, ,Ont,; ,o.he «, (fwo 'd. 'E^ff^.: ' now' holds .appoiittment bf. Principal' Ord- Bijindon Coll. Inst,, apd yVmiiip^ N^m,al I nailCe . pfBceri and Director, of• Clothing Sen.; .raised'^n.af^rip.^^ .Deloraine, ,Waii. ' < .and^Equipnient.' 4tidresa^^<4 Ridea\i Apts., '/s'ch. teacher at '20 y^rs of'.age;., principal, . '- '< - "t" . "" ..^ \ Ottawa. "Wawahesa Scli. fou^ years; elec. to the SCOTT, Hon. Walter; Premier of.-Sa*-

'Bask. Le^. \jissembly,,,19()8. , Recreation: : katchewan; b. London TpiiGc. MiddleSM, "c^rlinp. ,' ^(Mrcsfi.: p^vi'dson,,|&ask^ ,, Ont., 27 Oct.! 1867<'«i of .iSeoiige Stott'gnd

Scott, fames Guthrie; 6. Queb«c, .1)3 I .Isabella Telfer; m. 1890,-.(Je8sie Florence, Feb., 1847; ». of Hugh Ersfcine Scott add d. ot.the late E..B'.' Read of Regi(iai'tonn«r- j ^Margaret Chillaa;.m'. (Ist) Sophy Mary ly^oi Smith's Falls, OntJ .Ed«di;'iin 'the

. J«ekson;. (2nd) Coirdelia Mary: Jacksoh; fpublio 8chs.;-.,a .printer' and - journalist; I

.threeiSj two d. Mduc^i Quebec High Sch.; \ partner iL«ader( ..Regina, from its founder, the"late j

/miles in .all; ;both are now >part-'of /the . 'Nicholas- Hood.Davin; edited andxaanafled I , Canadian Northern System; was chief fn-o- it)he>same until 1900; pres^"Westem.Canoda

motor of the Tcans.rCanada 'Ry., -.the sur- : i PrSss,! -1899; pres,,'tne Hegina-'Landaifd

I r.jveys andfa«;itation for.iwhich resulted, in ! .Investment Oo.; elec. to the Ht of. O^ for

,thei selection of the^Norfchern- route for the . Assiniboia West'. 1900 andlOO*; took'part I

,, .National Transoontinentab Ry.. from 'Que- I ...iiv B^otiations and passage. of 'Acts creating

' becrBoard of Trade;, diieotor of the Quebec .6. .Sept., 1905, to '.form first Sasb. MiS-

i.Geographical Soeietgr. i..iuld(^«s»i^uebec. ^ istry, which was sustained at' 'the PbllS^'^lS C/ub«.,vGarrison, Quebec; Rideau, Ottawa. Dec, 1905; elec. for Lumsden District to 204 : , . WHO'S WHO.

Assembly; on redistribution, 1908, Lumsden .«^pista>jet disappeared* eleCfjc>ivSmft'Cui>i<&it i^vig.i;>4flQ8,i'wiien>'a(^iaJi6tcation' wka ,M^ '^ V^ii«Caai«d'«ith 27 seatsagaiost 14^' .ilt< of ifm- •"the Presi Ch} in Cali.Mat Tatafaagoucie. ; ffigrationjb. Dvmdas, ©nt., TtOift^/liaeiJs. ' N.S,v-1860; Clerk' of ttie Syilod of 'ilie L,^ J^mes Scattl atid rMargaref •MeSw^Ca. 'Maritime Pravindes, 1885; ModBr^tor'' of .^n^vcf; Dpndas High Soh. ;4n <3v R.'f Mafliioba-Gorverninenti'Bept.^'of 9ENKI.EB, John ifaJrodd, B.aI, "K.C.;

..4tAgric^tur&, -' Dbminieity-lioveiinqaenit '< for ' 4 . 6; '^Brodltville, Dnt.,-'24 July, 1866; t.;/ol ff^ears;' asi' exhibitnonM-GomDju^^^Suigt. of Edinund John Sentl^rand M^rKaret Mo- ' ^H^bni3aigratio&^l'903 to date.' AdHreest Ayl- -'Lieod 'Oumn]&ig^ ''m': Mai'gai^et Hafferaye ",mer ApartLaeDtB^^ Ottawa. Glubi: Laruren- Richardst'two-». fodr d. ' Educ: Up. Can. - p •^- ^ "tian, Golf, Hunt, Ottawa. * ^ < 0611.^ Toronto' Vii^., sWd Osgo'ode Hall: a 8SJAUET, TSiUBam Osoav, M.-Pt; b.'Wffit- ''barrisfJef. Addreit: 1889 Harro St., Van- .^erdowC'T^eiitWortb' Go., Ont.^ 26. J^., ^ couver, '^;C. - 'Ctubay Vancouver, Comiiier- «r^70v^.''^f'^Gharte3^&^ley and Mary i^0^ ^•cial, VancOuver;'B.G.; Unibn Club, Victoria, wi*.= ^,^ton;- A-gnes , Annie" Forbes^ Ed^.: ^V^!atei;ao%a'ipiibj, and high> soh.;<'Heere'>^f SEQUIN, Paill Arthu*,",B.S., LL.B., jiEaet Elamborai, member of 'Wentworth = M.P.r*. ehftrtttnagne, Qfle., 2 OH.', 1875; ^XJoumty' OouoeiU Ain9uocess£ult'eandidate''for

.rUif of C, 1 1900; elae^ •in.l904,»-but* Was f,UQsefl>t^v^-!unai»tce8aful^.«an4idate'4n 1065; irfilecMn 1908 by a'large'maioTi%';«dvoca;te -of good rp&dsi' fsefi T0BdsV-'ente.rgedi''mar- .1898r'*raiStl!ced-m'Terrebonfte, Q(iie.;'Sfc.. ^skxskff, :higHer ..tariffron agricultural produ^s, 'Trea;s.-'ofj'8t. PatrtErtnite; Was^fdr rf&e jrji^X^fanpers.'. interests- generally . 'Addreee: •tim©, SeoTreas. of the Mhuidijiality; ele'c.

ifihv^viitecfSt. W„. Heimilton,.'Ont.v Cbulbs: ' M-.-P., 1908. Address: St.' PSuPErmite, ' •• ' ' - ' ^ -Oiiibario; Hamilton. " i'<*-r •t' •'Que; - SI^XWMt 3llCa]or'Oa.vld; Se«. 'aJB>d'fTreas. SERVICE, -KoDerlfW.; poet; 6. Pr^gt'on, ^«£R/tbev.v.£[arboE> Gom^nisaion '

^i^aB^.fa4'Montiieal,'.iandrMa^wet>' Stf^hib : • -'yevel'al'yfs;'oByto6Wu*'er Iwind in'varilty

(jie^jtljV- .'.ltQ»t»eaJ. flight Seh, t'tiEntSfed ,1 '6f."6i:6up^tibnS; ciefk iif CSriSSaii Bank of (5fiitii>loy >of .^^ father, 48w*'. Was'lwifeh ;" CbmMetce at''WWt^h^se--brarich; theii'ce

liSEit^W Berlda«: <& Laj«4et\" ^couatanis, 8 tb'iIJaw^ofi; rfesigiiid, (STferkShip-'in bink: to beconung --devSte^^Miils^lf to'llterati/re. (i*B|)«jOee3,..Btaii!',fi{terw«|S.a8-_ TKi- I 'Publicaiiqna:"*"" ' " " ' ' 4^'a«ideau '& Seath^, 1873>4896t pfdsC and •»'Song^of 'a 'Sourdough,igh, Ballads of" a.CMe- .(Baet;pt.Pen;fl,urt.Eublishiqg

y,wHen.ar»ptdit'.Seo. and Ti>e^9i'o^^h«il$sFbour ;I rfress; Dawson, Y.T. nGomi.70(.MoQtxealv 'iwhioti^ pb^ioB iiei 'stfll SEl;ON,*'E«'tfesft' ThtWritisOn; (nbrn

• ,l>plds. Served in miU*ia

Ifijrwo olasj}syi.-'i-sA.ttaiined/>rank .rof' "capt'.'('in 'Gall4tirt,"ef 'GalifWnia mscramenf 6) ;' one rf. 5(Si(i*'i-"'^u?ilie™? aa^-AecKlmef 'paymaster "of - Hduc. .- Tdfoitto, 'Londdtf I5.iJyal "A.eU depy

.^;bhe . Pcij^cerof .WalestvFusiliers,- retiring dn Desreirded (firecf'froiif'ueorge SgtCn, l&st 1905 with hon. rank of MnJpt. JHagithe "Eftrl of Winlbn! Went to CaBada afWe'of Colonial .\uxiliary Forces Officers* Long •5',"liyed'inth'* Kacfkwodd^till 1870, th«n ..^ntice JSleBfHation. /'.^^land Camnmif

v^ntw4pt"be used'itt'Ont-.^ tottftnn'* Superior ! jWenTto. Ii<)tfdori«foran tt^S^i^g, 1879-181; MCt..of.Brov. of.Qufirf 4rfare«s:MoD(freah' '" i^^ent t6 MgMt6ba td)folio^ liat^j^al history; ^ [^BA,XH, .iifohn, M;,A.,«Mi.]>/i Superi*- 'b«camfe aaluraliSlf"io the Gbverjimerit 'of ^;tta?bdent of lEducationifor'^tairioi-B; Auch- -'that province; 111 1898^ he published' his

«AM|nMchtyL,..Fif$shirei' -•Scotland, 6 Haw., i' ""Wild' AnirhWs I havS-Kno-*", the bifagra- «4S44i >. o#:John>Seathiy>iIanag^r'QaiS Wdrks, .laSfes WS-WraTalimm TB editions in I,y|ar •

;Isabel>..HinWess; 1 5*WSttn:Ifeet\ii«H6 oi^i'n, wel«nd5iGlase6w"irn»;^, ' the'W«I^iv., iBeUasfv^'trel;; .^rn??@d "8©,000^ollo*erS «i-'*h%^ tTfiitea Sfaies.'lJ J<»r Canada, Jg6i>; from lS61-«a M8i,^^iliB Asso.^feem. E'.C:AjA.' "PWticdtiont:' principal of Bramptori, Oshaw^anti'DuAdss AnipQBls- T'))aVS';Ki)i{)3sn:"Stt Afiatai.,.,.v High Schs., and St' Catharine^iGoW^'5ns€; '>n''1906 tO'.iSs i%raphy"arfi GrizsSy 'iLttfes WTthe Htin®

..'wws«ii'v'PQpi*ibi);iT.a3i Stifitiri^ten^ent «Tjof nm ; lyo 'ESft^Sa'dW^sj, Pl'^urera Wjfi

Education 'ia^|(Ohtarj^. PMblieaHom: Hi^h , 'AniftiXlft Mpnarcfi; the Bi'g 'Be|if;''WaiM

^ech."' iG5am«3irJan(i*'jropo??t^'-on '^K(iucia6iQn. I '*»lrH?'A,iid ''Fablfe? AnifaSr Heroias; B"«i •a(b i-BMk^R'olP'itjthe^WQaacr&Ft'lndiShs;^ ' ittral "HigtBrT'bf th^'TfejCdflfinaftoll fAb^daernSeair.t&^Mav, iS&Ss *•• of iKobilrt 'Mfe teSfdiPife'a; of'%¥«hgC Aiimiie' SedgwJoJcr-D'.D., Ba«t»p'of"»he PASrOh.ftat !!gfapB5i*ef a>silve¥ iSJt? 19IOa'!^ec^ «• ^li»iu<»k>beitf>K.'Snd< Jessie ^ddlStdn; •MAfrtWMiiTliftti-tiBi:


with.tlie camera; natural history and wood- 1908; Major in 14th Hegt., and has been m craft. \Addre8s: Wyndygoul, Cosoob./Gonn. ithe Militia £oi;,iz>ver-20 yesft's; ^n eutltusd^ic

-> . ...» U.S.A. y .. ^ -: I (athlete^ Itolding ohdmpioushjpis at Toronto SH^KBSPEAKE^ Noah, J. P.; b. Brierly .Univ.'-and of the Province;' Addresai.XJx- HUl/StafEordshire, Eng., 26 Jan., 1839; bri»dge,,Ontt' I'Club : Alhanyi, Toronto. 8. of Noah and HannoiE 'ShakeBpearejAm. SHABFEj William Heni^y, M,P.;. b.

' m. ElizA Jan&' Pearson; three* ji: qnei d: Scott. Tp„ , Ont. Go.; 19 April,- 1S68; «.; of

Educ.': at private' schj; arrived in 'Canada, George) : Sharpe, English^v.and .MaByrApn ,. 11 Jah., 1883, having sailed from London, Sharpe,' Iri^;, m. 20 May. .1893, .CoratA. •- -Aug.; 1862, aivjund Cape Horn; in 1885, Breston;' one's, one d. Sdup.; Uxbriqlge, was pFes. of the B.C. Agricultural Associa- Ont., .-and at . Belleville Buainesg CqU.; tion; served as Municipal- Councillor .-for pres. .of the.R.. A. Garrett Co., catfyingion four years; elec; Mayor of the City of Vic- their.general- store, but sold out w !l907;

toria.-in 1882; elec. to the-H. of C^ 1882, has 1 beehi councillor for the village of MauI-

and r^^leci in 1887; apptd.' Postmaster, , tou fopisJx years, -and Mayor, 1908; in 1904,

Victoria!, 1 Jan., 1888.' Address: Victoria, tt ran against) ,the liate Hon. T. Greenwayfor

fhe.H. :of C; and \yas .

ijiercial Journal' in • Canada? 'proprietor, -lumber firaii of W. & J, Sharpies pf -Q]ijel>ec publishfer' and editor of the Magazine of and Liverpool; m.. Margaret, d. of tA&;latfl liisurance and^Epitome' of ICinance. -Ad- \Hon./.,Charles AUeyn, Sheriff, of Quebec. dreaa: 'Montreal, - and Seimevine, -/Que. Educ: ^t. Mary's, Coll. ,L-Mo^treal. Joiaed

eiub: Albany, Toronto.' * • - his father's-, ftrm,r 1871,- -and has beeu (jon- SHANNON, Robert Walkerj M.A., bams- nected'.with-.it ever since., ;I^_es., i.ypion

ter; b: Portglenone, 'Co. Antijm, Ireb, 2 iBank of i Can. ajiid .Chronicle. ^T^utfinik'^^'^-t Nov., 1856; -s.' of James Shannon, for many director; of'-Quebea. Light atj-d-ipQ-veriflnd

yv3. 'Postmaster of . ISngston^ Ont,, and giUebec Steamship Cos- wa^-,H{^^pou^ :Letitia Leatham; unmamedji ^dwc,;- King- ommr. for tweaty.yrs.,; gsaemr. Qu^etjeojOity ' eton Gram. Soh.; Queen's Univ., Kingston. 'Council for five yrs. Appt.,was of-Sti. Gregory .%h,e w&,.fiiart-

''.edited until 1897. Resumed practice ofi .Jett-s . >thjcee Ji;,,QHe.rf. ..5du«.';,,HaUrax'jCoM law, in.'Ottawa,' atid later at.Da\s^ou^ Y.T.j .N.V.O.,.Knighti ((..Milwaukee, "^Ifi,, 6 •Samuel -^Leonard iShan^oD^riDiGkL., -and /Oct., '1853; a. of Thomas Shaughiiessy;

Anni'e Feli6wiS;'-m: Beatrioe* JVlaiide, ffr of ^ifn. l^Gr JWis? Nagle^ two MtJaree ft. jChic- lat'e.:Lt.rCol. .Thomas Bacon, of Ottawa; ago, Milwfl^Be andSt," Paul,\from-I§fi9 to •'•yoixo i.JouT.d::. Com?ptrpller-and Treasurer il882; .General!, pi^rchasipg. (igent rfcftJiU. rJnteroolonia! ' Raiiw?^' of Canada; Cscptain, Ij882; siabsequentlyAssi^tai^ti General Man- iBcQ,', Canadian, Militia;! eateoed -Canadian agers'- vacefpresi,* ,1891;;. prps. .since 1,Q99;

•CSviJ Seryicej'Feb:,. ISSOj-fepptd. to Dept. knighted > by- H.^.H- (th,© Buk^ pf ,Co]fp(Vall bf ^Railways and 'Cana^i, -Ottawa, ^J^n., and Yorki 190I;4»nesi4ent anid difectoi, pf a aSSl; chibf «coa.\iMtantr>OQt'::i 'iSSa; tfans- tnumbetaj RailwayvCqmpaoi^s, ^11 ciif|rj^ch ierz^d 't6 '^Interooltmlal'. Railway^ as jCbinp- ace directly [-.or indirectly,, ,conn«ct^, ffith trollecvaud- irreasiu«r,([>Octj;'ildO&p, ^^ved .tlieC.P.R,;iKjjiBht o|fi5ajce,9f.«i^flji4«- of -^Wedt as >:aimiig'^e>Ni»!t% RebeLUpn, , 1^, ._..*tiQ,lI^pitel o|»^. ^^.gfe^i^eme^m,' Lieut., York atrd* SimfeOe £att«^i(medal) 1-910. , .Addrgaa I,, 90Q J^ori^Jiftster, St,\?tV.. iip*. dirtar. uffScft^eaA: MiDnclbA, K.Bji" / , Montreal./ £lubfl'; Mpuuit &pyf^ Bt.,.Jaipes, MaJoi<>*a«iueljSiin»son, B.A., .SHARfJfl, .iMoptreal;lRidea»i,cOttawaH:.i ; fo '.iiH ^.JLL.-&.,"M.P.tft. ,Zei»hs!*,^*Ptt.Tp.,-pri£,iCo. SHAW*- Charles Lewis;vis; barristerj^,oarrisLar; &.o. ilS-ijaffch, Jfi?3; 'B.-'Qf Oeor^/ShasjKvrfor- PA-iReftfe? Qnt/, m Feb.,, -merly- of S:iiffol&, Engi, -andj^^Maiy Ann .M«Naim^Shaw. M:LAi«

-iSixnps6ta, (hsti >L(mdonaerrrJ)^,^Irel. ; m. near ham:;»>». A905, l8abelle,i^ .. .-. . _, ^,-^, .^ ;Ifl03,'''Maby, 'fc d..oi^ laseph •sQEij Qf,i TtorQnt.o. ^M^ifc.; ,/£ni^iiyjMp\\.. tQould, >*x-M.P.- -'Edud.j 'Uxbri^e^'P^lic !^TontOi. ,.:CaUed tPtbar.^£JU[ap.,4^84^Dd 'jSnd luigfa^ soh.r 'S.cift)Bpo ljBiv.,"P8gobde HalU^'jEji'ad. T-oronfo-^^sAvJ-^th.'fira^.^asa ftnd:«qrrespondent: jn J^!g^\Jpi^yu^ ^bonx^.s,' lg95;^adi-in lawrfrpm Osgoode ^^me3 ^d^ngr^he iRetuf^ied.to Ganaria^fl886,;=^pdfp4iam5^ aSJurSa;' i8987^(3r»cticea -IeIt* in' UzbriG^e; iprat^cerandjiiQjii^ni^sm^waj^cojcr^f^^ h- fir6t dec^to'^.Vbf 43. fotf Nort .Ontario, Si;. Africa»^l?/.ssin4ip^viff«Wf rWSR^fAaws- , WHO'S wh6.

Resident. ' of Wini^Pgg past fiire years; Has written largely on ^natomy and surgery ei^K&e&^ in legal practice and frequ^^t Qon- for, "Woods R^erehce. Hand'Bbblc pf the tjip. to, in^azineB and' dailj^ press. Pub- Medical Sciences.' * Address: l52 Mans^ld

licoilions: short . stories (ItfoClure) ; Random St:,, l^ontreal. Clubs: Mojvit Royal^'^T^idv*- "^- '_ ',:."- reminiscences pf a J^ile. Voyager. Address; ersity, Montreal Hunt. ,' ' Osborne St., l?ort Rdijge,,Winriipeg. SHEpTpABD, Jphn Altiert, M.L.A ;;.., SHAW, William; 6, jQueb^c, 1.841; s, of Mount Porsst, 'P'nt., J Sept;, 1875; ». of late Sliaw, of Ei^glish descent; the. John John,. Sheppard, and . Margaret Rad; m. iKiTParried. -E^j*c.;, .^ueb^ HigK Sch. Florence Herring of Be.lfontain,"Ont.; "one

firna.of .ynple, S,. , iXoined his J.,.Sh^w, whole- . .a. one (£, l^i^ht sc^., in Ohi., two years, sale hardware merohants,', as junior cl^k; and eiglit years at Mopsejaw,, Sask.: farmecl admitted a paitow 1870; incorporated' The fof.fiye yeaTs;, at present in partnership^with Cihinip .BaraWare! Qo., ,1887, of .which. he H. 3E. Anderson, Insurance and Rfeal, ^Ka- is, now pfes. and mng., dir. Dif., Union -tate,. Mopseiaw; went \yest )n, 1897; |slec!, to

/B^nk o|,Can.,j Light and Power Co., Quebec represent 'Mposejaw in first ' Legislature H-.TRy'-,. Lebioutilller Brqs.. Co,; gov., Jeffery of jfovince of.Sask., 1^05; re-elec, l,908,:and lilale Hospital, .Quebec. Addrets: Maple apptd. Deputy Speaker. Address': Jlobse- ,',','",';, Av.j Qiiehec.*CZwfe: Garrison. jaw, \ . , SasK ,, , , , SttSAK^. Bev. JolMi G., 5. A., I). p.; SHli^KBBOO&E, Bishop of; see Rt. Itev.

6. Oxford, Ont.; 9 'Aug., 1859; «.,of,,Johni .i-.ifaulLaRocaue. ,,. ,j, -,, ,- , Shearer and Margaret Gqwan; m. I^if^'beth SHEBWOOD, Lleut.-eol, A^th,ur Percy, A, Johnston^-Burford, Ont. ^MC-.^Vest'ern', M.V.O.,- C.M.G., ,A.D.jg.;,,6. Otfavja; ' 18 High, Soh., Brantford Coll. Inst.,, Toiiojitoi March, 1854,; ' pi Edwara Sherwood,, of .tlnj.v.,, and .Knox.Gbll.; orda^npd .Presby- Mouj&t Slier^ood, Ottawa, .apd" Isabella P. jCepan. Minister, 1888; Pastor Caledonia,; Tutper-.'.tn. ,1883, Esther Alberta, '4'' of ,.H£^nulton, till Ont,; and , Ers^ne Church, -James ^Dyson .and,B3^herS.l,ater,^f^0t'^wa; il900; Seyen years general fl?;oretary, Lord's! -two ».' fpurjd.-; Bduc.: OttawaXji^ni.''"jSch.

Alliftpee . of, .now general. Sheriff of Carletonj Day. Canada; , Dep. , J.SJ7;M:3ii'rf of ,5Pcretary;of Moral anid Social -JReform. ,and| JPoUce,, Ottawa,„.187§; .S\}Pt. .pf Dommiqn - SfJSxaneelisio of, the Presbyterian Church, Pol&e, 1882; Commissioner of Dominion oiiini'G»naaa,!.and..6i the ..jyipraj andi-Social rioiieeipr G^ji,a,da ajnce ig^S; ha3,chargg of vBeform .Cibimcil of Canada. Addrett; ,To- Secrete S^rvics; om(aallY.,thank)!d by J)he •". itonto.Oiitj i 11 ..G6veniJnfent.,.g{.G»B?da (pr [spepjal services SBEHYlSr,. Hon. Josepbi Ssn^tpr; Kt reudfead in ftonnsction with pbtainigg 'Cer- JGoJn. pf St., Gregory thft Gteat; Oi&e? of tain, .evidflnge for the Bghring Sea ;tob.(Jra- l.Q I the Drderiof Xeopoldi.fc. Qujepec, Ijov. tion. .(Order. in OpiwciL IS.flct., 18£S5,i;was

1.83,9-; of ,Iriah- and Canadian eJrtraotmnSi m responsible to, the. , .GpyeiwBj.wt &, the

(1st) 1858, Marie Zoe . Virginie, , e. ,.d; of .Bafety,JeiXheir„RQyalHighn-gss6s,,thjB. Prince Ambroise .Verret,;. (2nd) 189g, Mr^iJpseE- .and Princoess.,Of,,'Wia,les:diAringithsi!! stay in the' ihine .ieduc, nW, BeliVeau. ^ ,g(!ue.,; /Quspec rCanada, ^n.d.,diJ^ecteid p^U^e ' gLr'raiige- Se'SiiiiaEy and by. ptiv-. tuition..., Ex-jptres. jnents at'thB.;va.r*0.u3:pQiflts_vi^t^d," accom- M. the. QuebeQ,Bd...-of^ Trade. 6nd«3?:mem. panying the.royal party throiighout.lSOl, .of ^the Quebec .Harbour Com-K Waj.PjSpv. ;.. and again,-in Bonsect,i,op. wijih, thi^.ijjsit of >Xrdas. in.,. the;. Quebec Xegi^.^ in, Mr-j '-.ti^.P. oi:W., tp QuA«o.ip 1908;. »P,efi}ftlly MBt-ciBi!?9..Ad}Bn., .,18S'XTl8aj;„^RPtyal,,.Higta^%j,m a ;ister, without portfotto ifl, Mr;.M^oband'a! .'leiUtBr to-.itbei.(feTernp;r-,Gi»er»J, BubUwed

A.dHin^,-.a6iMay, ,lS9,r„ M-, to, LefflSlatnre in the Canada Ga??tte, SgWiflct., , JSOI; tat,g..e.,,,J,87S;'Te^l. at e^h;su(fMeqiM iSl- military, carewiiiegaB. l,88^i,a^ j2ijd,Lie8irt!i. uprto^time' of bei|ig cjdle.d^lo the Senate, lEiovemorGenersl's.Jppt Gmrjl?; fti?nt., i'a.iEefe., l9Q0ii.„4'iKr«'M;..75-,.Gr9nd All^e,, ,J885; tra!)aferred.t,H:^3rd.|lwes a^..Cari^in, sHiuel3tBojn..Ciut.'.Qarri8oi};'Qufibec. . 1886;.,.M»ior, 1889; iSgSi at '-'Ueuf^&Vw^ ^- SHKPHi;SD.,-..?ra:ncls, J., , M.D., „P.M., ,i)iesent,0,j|.,8th iTiL."D.,.?Jl.C,S.,.i;dJn.; surgeon; !>;,.&)|no, .AJ3.C;to.H!ll..the..^,..,^ ;. ghep^ to. .•Qujb; ,ri 851 a of the Iftte . B,obe.tt yf^, „G^n.. 1899l.a»d, SL,E " ;«vherdiand Mary C; ds tes Demiers; n^.J,l878,l :tnembet.,,o' ' Xiilias G. Stoiranise. Wei,).,' oPe ;*, twg; d.' (C'ctopeted ^.EdtuijiilloniseiAJSixsa ^<&.\ ^ErepidentC '' i'Eriuv. (if '\!ienna.^,./Apptd.', inatrjttcw of . andCowmaijdaiji. .Oariaijkn Rigct Tp^ffi iBiaey, 1,,903>I..M2^«««Jt JuSuSPr ,A.Yfijiue tW.«at,4'0ttawSi. .Clifibs; E^id^ai, 'LaurWWan ammSs&:Umvrmmt^- . —" "" i.i—^A ''iCnST.^.,jSeiiioj:...Soij:eQn,j Mpptreai^ii3en IHKBW!!_ PQQJPi,^ Wro-, . ^isitY^.ff.&A.., > pmeBjep,- Hospital, ilan. lOfXoogrfess ptiAjpetipan:; O.S.A.;J). 05,tj,j,l^jAnK., -f§,55; Physiciains and. Surgeons; ,jS!a,a.:.werBSe3., ^ifflhsn, Bngljgh; Mpt^^r, American Deppatologic*!" Aasn. alSd.,ffies. .61 Canadian Siledicat A«sn,.„sfld Mo»#eial of uMedio&«€!hirtiiirgical ..Soo. , ,Is t'^ i Bstlp;?*

. Anierioan .Burgioal . Assu:: aod, InterRSjfcional '.Siio..tof..Si]fgery;;.pres. MontJSal', Art -j^sn. uCp XJSctoi of l(aws.at.BiJifibOrghF, il9D5.?.nd 35FJSaiTJard>fXfclv.,-J906; iRTELCS.E., 1905.

S^'JSuHwoSiifes: i(G(ne of tihe. authors ,of the

»Am&iBanio,Text Book i ei i Surggi^, KXhe .sUhBeracan^SorstSm'. ,ot .Sufger3!).,.,an)d'the i:<%ttai^l]i.Jief«bspeKt.i9f fSiiiigeryviai)d.,hag contributed to numerous EQ'edic&r papers. WHO'S WHO

Geo. F. Sherwood, Dr. Samuel Passmore Spc. of Montreal.^ Publications: £]xtracti

^^Jifay* G.L.Hi, Art SimetlDtendeht of'Ontario , 'from' the Register^ of Montreal and '^a'fl-

'. .C9I. GunsB^bia.^na others. Life taemter ^'jace^t' cbuaii^s;, sketch of MjqherBiba^d,

Can;- Inst. PfthHcatioru: a.rticlea*^ " in ; Addreiaea: 23'Laval Av., Mohtreal; Dprion- :^be leading -magazines of Canada; 'in the ville and Fraserville (summer). j^r£ncyclop£edia of Canada; a&d Lectures tip6n SIFTON, Hon. A, L., M. A., LL,3.. ^..C..;

.tde ' 'National Spirit in Art. Recreatiorta: bV26 Oct;, 1858; a. of Hon. John W, and

<^>walking, swinmiing, canoeing. Addteia: ^Kate Sift6n;' m. 1882, Mary ' H! Deer^.

,. 2i,QueeriSfc(, East., Toronto. I 'EduC. .-^variolifl f)ublic sqh.; Wesley Coll., and SHOBTTi Adam, F.R.S.'(Cah.); 6.' near 'Victoria UniV. Called to Bar, 1883;.p^c- Lohdon;'Ont.; 24 Nov., 1859; «. of George S. "fised law; firSt elected to Terntprial Le^'a- Scot.; ' 1898^' re-elected accl., Short and^ary Shields, both from ; lature, by tOOl,^ pn ' m. 1887, Elizabeth Smith, of Hamil- ' Qffilde' ad Treasurer and CommisBibWer M.0., j taking

, ton, one of the first in Canada, w^o ''Public "forks', 'iZJhief Justice of Albieiia women I ' -^.obtained the d^i^e of M.D.; one s. two u. I since''190'5. .i4.dJ»*c«s:Edm&ntoh, Alta. *Sducj:' Queen's Glasgow and Edinburgh SIFTON, Hon. Clifford, B.A.. P;C.. M.

^yijiv. "Has speicially dev6ted himself' to a ! P.; 6. Tp. of London. Middlfes^,' Ont., 10 ^

his return to Canada, became lecturer ahd of H. T. Burrows, late of ' Ottawa; fiyej*.

. arfterwards^Eofeasor* of^ Political Science- in Educ: Victoria Coll., Cobourg, Oiitf., Prinfce jQueen'e';''UEdv.^ Kingstonv apptd. in 1908, of Wales' 'Medal, 1880. CallSd to the M^. .,»on&jOf Canadian pi;actised 'tw6 Commissioners of the bar. 1882: ' in Biandon; crefltlpd

.^ivil Service.' • Fublications : a Series /of : 'Q.C. by Dptninion|' patent; 1895; elected

, -papers on theHisfcory of Canadian Currency, ib Man. Legislature fpr Nortjbi Brandon,

' Banking and-^ Exchange, published in i 1888, and contipued member 'until 185(6;

. the Journal . of the Canadian Banter's' ! Attbrnfey-General and Minister of Edudaticjn

Aasociatiqn;' Imperial Preferential Trade, 1 Gireenway A dihinistration , 1 891 ; cochfifid

.from a Canadian ^ ^blnt of View; among ! laws' relating to'^Ci\^l procedure in Mai^;

numerous articles sind reviews, majr ^e ; conducted n^otiations oh behalf of Man,,

mentioned, Social Life of Canada, ' The with Dominion autjiorities in refei'e^cej,tp

' ' INicacEtgua ' Canal and^'thc'Claytbh'^BiilWer the Mah. scho61 qtiestion; retired frofin Treaty,, In Defence of Millibnaires; 'Soiode ehtere^. i MariIt'

Aspects 'Of,t the Imperial' 'Problerii, in the I Wilfrid Laurier's^Admi'ni sit ration as Minister

* .. Oaiiadian'MG^zine; edited- with Dr., Dpil^h- of the Interior and Superintendent-General

vty«'-'*X)ocumeints relating to' the , Obnstitu- of 'Indian Affair^, 1896; resigrted 1905, jjh ^

' j tional History' of. Caaiada," 1759-^1-97U" a^ccount , of dis3gre'ehient with Sir Wilfrid I

, Cain- ' "Life ofiLord'Sydenha!mi,*"^(makers of 'Laurier regalrtiing ! educational dtaiusips

- ..ada ^series). -Recreations: gardening' an'd , of bills to . establish the provinces' of 5' ' Ave., ! 'boating. Address:,. Marlborough : Alberta 'aiid''^a!5k'.;' agent of the Britisjh

• ',•-'--, ' 1 ' Ottawa. ! Governhaent befOr^ the, Alaska Btjun^^^y SHORTT, Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, M.D.; ' Tribunal; 1903; Oi^jlrman of Commission on b. Winona, Ont., 18 Jan.,-' 1669i rf.' of Syl- Cong6rvati6n of rifitural resources ofCariada Smith Isa^tsUa; m: Prof. elected 'H. of for Brabdon, "Vester and Mfl^^^; ; 1909; ftrgt to C,

iAds^n Shortt, Civil Servid^ GommiOTionfer: ! ^Man., 1'896; re-elected, 1900, 1^04. 1908.

.. owr a. two d: Ed-he. : 'Gbverjiessi also . 215 Met'c^fe Street,'" Otfa^A; by ., ^Addt'eti:

Hamilton,! CoH'. InSt.y'-Rind' Queen's' Uhiv'.; : "Assltiiboine Lodge, MaJIorytown, Oi^t, (JtMe first . one, of the "wonien in Canada to obtain to Oct;)' Clubs: Manitoba, Winnipeg; lUd- I

' ijthe of M.D. newspaper - ' degree PublicoHohs: ; eau, Ottawa'.' ', ,.^, '5 1 iaiFticles. Address: Marlborohgh Av-e., SIMRJONS, Thomas I^ocHwoorf, C.I:.,

'' ;- '' • i:Qttawa/ ' - B.A., (tlniv: N.B,); 6. LakeVille,, Suhbm(^ ^ I

SaUTT,' Frank Thomas, *I.A. (Tor.), ! ^Co., N'B.. 17 Jan.; 18721 «.; of James JESi- F.R.I.C. F.R.S.C.; 6. 'London,! Engf.,. 1-5 I ^ward gimmons arid Hai^Tiah Burpee; ^.

s. of . ,, Bept.\< 1859; William D. and Chatlotte Winiffed M. Dick; orife ».. Educ: Cpll. ghutt.' Edud: privalfce 'tttftion by and ! Sch., Fred6ri<;ton„'and IXoiV. of lf.B,'^gr^4. »,Toronto, Univl; arrived in Canada 1870; ip 1893; on Railway work fj-om that tnne -trailed in laboratory of Professor ElUs, . until 1898; frpm 1898 to 19(01, in charge of

. Public Analyst, Toronto, previous to taking ' work deepening c^xannel oh river r^ac^eB _'Univ. -CQurde.;; Fellow in Chemistry; To- otX^a^^St. Francis; in 190X,'apptd. insp^;t- TOntOj Univ. Chemist to the I Dominicfa ing engineer lof Dept. of liaifw^yB ^ and *^EiXperimental Farms since 18 July, 1887; Canpjs; in 1904 apptd; iiispectirig .ehgin^r

.^Recreations: music, photography;^ AdSreat: > Boafd of Railway CpmmisBioners'fpr Can-

' Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa.- ' ftda. Recreation: son. - Addrje««: 92- JiimeB ''---' I>ouis Wilfrid; Stipendi-afy ' SICOTTE, 'St..Ot;tawa. ; ..Magistrate, Montreal; &. Boueherville,'QuA., &IMPS01V, tout's, J. P.; h. Mancbeflter. Deo., 1838; «. J. Sicotte,- aild la of B. ; Ene., 15 FeH;. 1B53; s. of Thomas Simpscip ^JoSephte Ce^e;T)i. Marie' Malvina, d. -df and Maria GiUestt; tn. EUeti ^.shtotf. of Da*- Louis Giard, Sec.

Scotia Cotton Co.; management of the ofBce in 1891; private secy, to three Gov- Montreal Cotton Co., 1 June, 1888 for ernors General. Recreations: shooting, fish- twelve years; spent 5 years in furtherance ing, golf. Address: 182 Daly Ave., Ottawa. of' the electric smelting of iron ores Clubs: Rideau, Golf, Ottawa. resumed management of the Montreal SLOAN, William; capitalist; h. Wing- Cotton Co,, 1 Sept., 1905; resigned 30 Jan., ham, Ont., 10 Sept., 1867; a. of Dr. R. J. 1909, to complete the work commenced on Sloan and Elizabeth McMichael; m. Flora electric smelting of iron ores. Address: McGregor Glaholm; Educ: Pub. Sch. and Fitzroy Harbor, Ont. Club: Bideau, Ottawa Coll. Inst., Seaforth, Ont. Spent two yrs. smCLAIB, John Howard, LL.B., M.P.; in Customs service at Shanghai, China; b. Goshen, Guysboro Co.. N.S., 27 May» 1848. returned to B.C. in 1888, and resided in «.- Donald Sinclair and Jane McNeil; m. Victoria, Vancouver and Nanaimo; was Jessie M. Carmichael, d. of the late Senator unsuccessful can. for H. of C. for Vancouver J. W. Carmichael of New Gla^ow, N.S.; at g. e., 1900; el. for Comox-Atlin, at g. e., one 8. Educ: Com. Sch., Gosnen, Guys- 1904; re-el. 1908. but resigned seat in borough Acad., and Dalhousie Coll., Hali- favour of Hon. Wm. Templeman, Min. of ^ fax; Mayor of New Glasgow, 1900-1901; Inland Revenue. Treas. of B.C. Liberal elec. to N.S. Legislatiure for Guysboro Co., Assn. and Liberal Organizer for Vancouver 1894, and held the seat until 1904; elec. Island; ex-pres'. of the Nanaimo Caledonian to the Federal House at a bye-elec, 1904; Soc. Address: Nanaimo, B.C. Clubs: re-elec. 1904, and 1908. Address: New Glas- Rideau, Ottawa; Union, Victoria, B.C. - gow, N.S. Club: Rideau, Ottawa. SMALL, Henry Beaumont, M.D., CM. SINNOTT, Very Rev. Mgr. Alfred Ar- (McGill); 6. Toronto, 1856; s. of Henry thur, B.A., D.C.L.; 6. Morell, P.E.I., Beaumont Small; m. Minnie Macpherson, Feb., s. of John 22 1877; Sinnott and Jane , of Kingston, Ont.; one s. two d. Educ: McAuley;- Educ: St. Dunstan's Coll., Durham Coll. Sch., Montreal; McQill Univ.

Charlottetown, P.E.I., Grand Seminary, Practises prof . id Ottawa. Hon. treas., Montreal, and a post graduate course in Dom. of Can. Medical Assn. Publicaiiovs: Rome. Ordained priest 18 Feb., 1900; was Contributions to "Reference Handbook of for two years professor in St. Dunstan's Medical Science," "25th Century Pract. of Coll., Charlottetown, P.E.I., when in Nov., Medicine," and medical journals. Recrea- 1903, was named to present position as tions: golf, 'curling. Address: 150 Laurier Private Secretary to His Excellency the Ave., W., Ottawa. Apostolic Delegate in Ottawa, Address: SMALLFIELD, William Blgood; editor Apostolic Delegation, The Driveway, Ot- and proprietor of the Renfrew Mercury; 6. tawa. Brooklyn, N.Y., 22 Oct., 1861; s. of Albert SIBOIS, Louis Philippe, N.P., LL.D. Smallfield and Martha Ann Elgood; m. Ida (Laval Univ.); Prof, of Constitutional Law J. Hamilton ; two s. Came to Canada, 1 863 at Laval Univ.; 6. Kamouraska, Que,, 4 and educ. at the Renfrew Pub. and High

May, 1851 ; a. of Theodore Sirois and Justine Schs. Taken into business partnership in Pelletier; m. (1st) 1877. Atala Blais, of "The Renfrew Mercury," before reaching Montmagny {d. 18S3); (2nd) 1889, Atala majority. Served as Town Councillor for Fournier; five children. Educ: Ste. Anne's several yrs.; reeve one yr.; Mayor three yrs.

, Coll., Laval Univ. Grad. LL.L., 1875 Pres., Pub. Library. Bd. of Trade; mem. of (gold medal donated by Lord Dufferin the Hospital Bd.; mem. .of Executive of Can. then Gov.-Gen. of Can.). LL.D., 1886. Press Assn. for seven yrs.; eec.-treas. of Apptd. Prof, of Constitutional Law, Laval Renfrew Agric. and Industrial Fair, Pub- Univ.j^ 1887; apptd. mem. of Com. for licaiions: Special articles on "Municipal Revision of the Statutes of the Dom. of Ownership m Canadian Towns." TZecrco- Can.^ Admitted a N.P., 18 May. 1876, fions; municipal and local activities. Ad- Pres., Bd. of Notaries 1900-1903. Vice- dress:: Renfrew, Ont. pres- La Caisse d'Eoonomle de Notre Dame SMALLPEICE, Henry Edward, J. P.; 6. de Quebec; sec. and gov. Le Syndicat Fin- Guildford^urrey, Eng., 28 Jan., 1848; s. ancier, Laval Uniy., Quebec. Recreations: of Henry William and Harriett Smallpeice; yachting, travelling. Addres8:'2\ Couillard m. Eliza 2nd d. of John Wickson, 7 June, St., Quebec. 1869; two a. five d. Educ: West Camber- SKELTON, Oscar Douglas, M.A.. Ph. well Coll., Denmark Hill, London, Eng.; D.; 6. Orangeville, Ont., 1878; s\ of Jeremiah arrived in Canada, July, 1862; newspaper and Elizabeth Skelton;,m. Isabel Murphy; man all his life; started on Toronto Globe; two s. Educ: Cornwall and Orangeville was owner of the late Toronto Sun and High Sch., and Univ. of Chicago; in journal- National; member of the Board of Educa- ism in the United States, 1901-1904; post tion for the City of Toronto for many yrs. graduate work, Univ. Chicago, 1905-1908; at present represents several leading Can- professor of political sicence. Queen's Univ., adian newspapers iii Toronto. Recreations: Kingston, 1908. Publications: Socialism; horticulture and horses. Address: 156 a critipal analysis. Address: Queen's Univ- Dunn Ave., Toronto. ersity, Knigston. Club: Frontenac, King- SmLAaT, Lieut.-Col. Charles Allan; b. ston. Montreal, 23 March. 1868, of Scotch des- SLADEK, Arthur French; 6. Woolwich, cent; m. 1893, Ella Maud, d, of William Epg., 30 April, 1866; s. of Col. Sladen, late McWood, for many yrs. supt. of car dept. Royal Artillery, and Caroline Mary French; of G.T.R.; one d. Educ: Montreal i)ub, m. Kathleen Hume Powell, of Ottawa; four and high sehs.. Was in employ of station- i. Educ: Haileybury Coll., Royal Naval ery firm of Buntin. Boyd & Co., for three

. Coll., Grenwioh; arrived in Canada, 1887; yrs.; Tellier. Rothwell & Co., dealers in formerly Sin Royal Marine Artillery; after- oils for seven yrs., and Dom. Bag Co., Ltd,,- wards farming; entered Governor General's then Consumers' Cordage Co. In 1906, 209 WHO'S WHO.

organized the Smart Bag Co., Ltd., of which C^ubs.-Laurentian, Elks', Ottawa; National, he became prea. and mgr. dir. Served for a Ontario, Toronto. number of yrs. with the Sixth Hussars. SMITH, Alexander Wilson, M.P.; 6. Organized the Thirteenth Scottish Light Victoria, York Co., Ont., 12 Nov., 1852: Dragoons, 1904, and became Lieut.-Col.; r. of James S. Smith, who represented retired 1906. Mem. Montreal Military North Middlesex, in Ont. Legis., 1867-1875, Inst., St. Andrew's See, Caledonia Soc, and who was bom in Thurso, Caithness, Carnarvon Chapter, R.A.M.; a Knight Scotland, and Agnes Wilson Smith, bom in Templar and a Shriner, Address: 33 Sussex Elderslie, Lanark, Scot. Educ: Pub. Sch,, Ave., Montreal. CZu6; Canada. Rockwood Acad., and Canadian Literary Inst., Woodstockj Ont.; pres, Prov. Winter SMART, George Bogue; b. Brockville, Fair, Guelph, at its beginning and for four Ont., 30 May, 1864; a. of James Smart and pres. Dom. Cattle Breeders' Annie Bogue; m. Annie Lindsay Page; years following; Association, the Dom. Sheep Breeders' three s. Educ: Pub. Sch., Brockville, and Assn., the American Leicester Breeders' Woodstock Coll.; on the staff of the Mol- Assn., and Dom. Shorthorn Breeders' Assn.; son's Bank; joined the Immigration service first elected to H. of C, 1908; Presbyterian; in June, 1899; now inspector of Immigrant Liberal. Address: Maple Lodge, Ont. Children. Publications: Annual reports on j Gen. Mgr. of ; Juvenile Immigration. Address: 60 Mc- SMITH, Charles James; the Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co.; 6, Laren St., Ottawa. Hamilton, Ont., 10 March, 1862; e. of John SMAAT, James Allan; b. Brockville, and Sarah A. Sriiith; m. Jessie L. Brown; s. of James Smart, Ont., 6 June, 1858; one s. three d. Educ: Hamilton High Sch., E. manufacturer, and Anne Bogue; m. and Wentworth Coll. Entered Ry. service Frances Jones, Frescott; five s. two d. 1879, since when he has been consecutively Educ: at Com. and Gram. Sch. Brock- clerk local frt. oflftce, Hamilton & North- ville, and Woodstock Coll.; lived in Mani- western Ry., at Hamilton, 1879-1880; with toba for 17 years, 1880 to 1897; merchant audit and purchasing dept., Chicago and at Winnipeg and Brandon; alderman and Alton Rd., 1880-82; in construction dept., repres- Mayor of Brandon for four years; C. P. Ry., 1882-1885; in traffic dept.. New ented East Brandon in Provincial Legis- York Lake Erie & Western Rd.. 1885-86; lature from 1886 to 1888, and Brandon, chief clerk to gen. mgr., Chicago & Atlantic from 1888 to 1892; Minister of Public Works Ry., 1886-88; traffic dept., "Soo" line, 1888; in Greenway Government for five years; in traffic dept., St. Paul Minneapolis & Deputy Min. of Interior, 1897-1904. Ad- Manitoba Ry. (Great Northern), 1888-90; St., dress: Lachine, Que., and 260 St. James gen. frt. and passenger agt.. Canada At- Montreal. lantic Ry., 1890-98; gen. traffic mgr., same S3IITH, Alexander, B.A., barrister, b. Tp. rd. and Canada Atlantic Transit Co^ 1898- of Saugeen, Bruce Co., Ont.; e. of Peter 1904; apptd. gen. mgr., Richelieu &, Ontario Smith and Christina Bell (both Scotch), Nav. Co., 1 April, 1904. Address: 31 On- unmarried. Educ: Port Elgin pub. sch., tario Ave., Montreal. Ciubs.-Rideau, Ottawa; Walkerton high sch., Toronto Univ.j Ont- (Harrison. Quebec: R. C. Y., Toronto; St. ario law sch. Taught sch. while studing for James, Forest and Stream, Hunt, Montreal. matriculation. Graduated B.A. (1889), at SMITH, E. Norman: managing editor Toronto Univ. with honours. In jour- Ottawa Free Press; o. Manchester, Eng., nalism for four years while taking law 3 Feb., 1871; a. of John Walker Smith and course; called to bar of Ontario, 1893; Annie Bourne; m. Bessie Irving of Dundas, shortly after commencing practice, was Ont.; one a. one d. Educ: British Sch., offered and accepted the position of Sec- Croyden^ Eng.; arrived in Canada, 1873; retary to the Liberal Party in Federal and reportonal staff, Press Association, London, Provincial affairs, and election organizer Eng.; Chicago Tribune, Toronto World; with headquarters alternating between editorial staffs Woodstock Sentinel RSview; Ottawa and Toronto. While occupying 'Toronto Mail and Empire, and Toronto this important confidential post, the Lib- Globe; became managing director and erals were successful in the Federal General editor, Ottawa Daily Free PresSj Dec, 1905, Elections of 1896, 1900 and 1904, and in the subsequently becoming principal owner. Ontario Provincial General Elections of Address: Ottawa, Clubs: Rideau, Ottawa; 1894, 1898 and 1902. Immediately after Ontario, Toronto. the Federal Election of 1904, resumed the SMITH, His Hon. George, M.A.; 6. practice of law in the CHty of Ottawa, as Newton Farm, CambusUing, Lanarkshire, senior member of the firm of Smith & Scot., 1852; s. of John Douglflls Smith, eldq Johnston, and in the Federal Elections of Margaret Paton; m. Emily Irvine Smith, 1908, acted in the capacity of general M.B.; two d. Arrived in Canada, 1859; adviser to the Liberal organization with First Blake Scholarship and M.A., 'Toronto particular reference to matters of legal Univ.; Latin Master, Woodstock Baptist importance. Has an extensive knowledge Coll.; barrister; elected member offH. of C. of every constituency in Ont., and by for North Oxford, 1905; apptd. County frequent visits to the Western Provs, is also Judge of Essex, 1909. Address: Windsor, in close touch with their development. For Ont. many yrs. a mem. of 2nd Q. O. Rifles, SMITH, Goldwin, D.C.L.; c. a. of Rich- Toronto; is now chn. of the Ottawa Com- ard Smith, M.D., Reading, Berks, and Eliza mittee of ex-members of the Regt., who Breton; m. Harriet E. M. Boulton (nee will participate in Jubilee celebration of Dixon). Educ: Eton; Farley, near Bath: R^t., June, 1910. RecreaiioTis: rowing, Univ. Coll., Oxford. Gained Hertford curling, lawn bowling. Addresses: 132 Scholarship, 1842; Ireland, 1845; Chan- O'Connor St.; Trust Building, Ottawa (bus. ; cellor's Prize for Latin Verse. 1845: Latin 210 :; ; WHO'S WHO.

Essay. 1846; English Essay, 1847; Fellow the mines at Newcastle, at 11 years of age; Univ. Coll., 1846; barr. Lincoln's Inn; worked up into ofiicial position; prominent Regius Prof. Modern History, Oxford, 1858- Methodist layman, associated with G. 66; prominent champion of the North during Finwick, M.P., John Wilson, M.P.,.T. Burt, American Civil War, 1864; went to U.S.. M.P., and other labour Liberals; prominent 1868; became honorary Prof, of English ana « with co-operative societies; delegate to Constitutional History in CorndU Univ- Glasgow Congress; left England for his ersity, U.S.A.; took ujp residence in Canada, health; became agent for B.C. coal miners; 1871; active in. Philanthropic work in elec. 1898 to Leg. Ass. of B.C.; elec. to the Toronto. Publicaiions: Irish History and H. of C, 1900; re-elec. 1904; and 1908. Irish Character; Three English Statesmen; j4ddrcs8:Nanaimo, B.C. The Empire; Lectures on the Study of SMITH, Lieut.-Col. Robert, K,C., M.P.; History; The Reorganisation of the Univer- 6. Tp. of Ramsay, Lanark Co., Ont., 7 Dec, sity of Oxiord ; A Plea for the Abolition of 1858; 8. of William Smith and Jane Neilson; "Tests; Does the Bible sanction American m. Florence Parker Pettit, d. of the late Slavery? The Civil War in America; Letter Rev. Canon Pettit; one s. one d. Educ: on Southern Independence; Ra^tional Reli- Almonte High Sch.; called to the bar, 1885; gion and RationaUstic Objections; Canada apptd. K.C., 1908; is a director of the and the Canadian Question; The Political Montreal and Cornwall Navigation Co., Destiny of Canada; Loyalty, Aristocracy, Ltd.; practices in Cornwall; is Lieut.Ool., and Jingoism; False Hopes; Lectures and Commanding the 59th R^t.; unsuccessful Essays; Cowper; Jane Austen; The United candidate for H. of C, 1904; elec. 1908. States; Essays on Questions of the Day; A Recreations: shooting and yachting. Ad- "Trip to England; Oxford and her Collies; dress: Cornwall, Ont. Club: Cornwall. William Lloyd Garrison ; Bay Leaves SMITH, Robert Cooper, B.C.L., K.C.; Specimens of Greek Tragedy ; Guesses at the 6. Montreal, 13 June, 1859; s. of Robert Riddle of Existence; The Lnited Kingdom; Smith, and Annie Reynolds; m. 1890, Commonwealth or Empire; In the Court of Charlotte Florence Elizabeth, d. of Milton History; the Foimder of Christendom; Lines Pennington. Educ: Montreal High Sch.; of Religious Inquiry; My Memory of Glad- McGill Univ. Called to Bar, 1882; Q.C. stone; Irish History and the Irish Question; 1897; some years on council of the Bar; In Quest of Light; Revolution or Progress?; practising as senior member of legal firm of Labour and Capital; etc. Address: The Smith, Markey, and Skinner. Professor of Grange, Toronto. CZu6; Press, (hon.presdt.) Commercial Law, McGill Univ., since 1899; Toronto. at present Batonnier of the Bar of Montreal SMITH, Lieut.-Col. Henry Robert, I.S. Commodore, R. St. L. Y. C. Recreations. O., A.D.C., J.P., Sgt.-at-Arms of the H. of yachting, golf. Addresses: Montreal and C. of Canada; b. Kingston, Ont., 30 Dec, Dorval. Clubs: St. James, Mount Royal, 1843; 8. Sir Henry Smith, K.B.; Q.C., and R. St. L.Y.C., Dorval, Forest and Stream, Mary, d. of Robert Talbot,* Kingston; m. Montreal; Garrison, Quebec;. Rideau, Ot- Mary Gurley, widow of Major R. W. ta^7a. Barrow. R. C. R., of Syndope HalU Derby- SMITH, William; b. Tp. of East Whitby shire (dec. 1907). Educ: Gram. Sch., Ont., 16 Nov., 1847; s. of William Smith and Kingston; Deputy Sergt.^t-Amrs, H. of C.^ Elizabeth Laing; m. Helen Bums; two 8. 1872; Sergt.-at-Arms, 1892; A.D.C. to one d. Educ: Pub. Sch. and Up. Caa. successive Governors General since the Coll.; Trustee of Public Sch. since 1869; time of the Marquis of Lome. Recreations: Deputy Reeve of East Whitby five years; shooting and fishing. Address: 118 William Reeve for four years; member of the H. of St., Kingston, and House of Commons, C. for South Ont., from 1887 to 1896; Ottawa. Clubs: Rldeau, Country, Ottawa; president of Maple Leaf Insurance Co. for Frontenac, Kingston. over 14 years; farmer and stock breeder. SMITH, James Frederick, K.C., LL.B.; Arfdrcs«; Township of East Whitby, Ont. b. Barrie, Ont., 6 Nov., 1840; 8. of James SMITH, William, B.A.; Secy. P. O. Dept.: Frederick Smith and Mary Sanford; m. b. Hamilton, Ont., 31 Jan., 1859; s. of Alice JeflFery, Carters Corner Place, Hail- Thomas and Margaret Smith; m. Mabel

sham, Sussex, Eng. ; four s. three d. Educ. McHenry, of St. John, N.B.; five a. one d. Up. Can. Coll., and Univ. of Toronto; Educ: Hamilton Coll. Inst., and Toronto called to the bar, 1862; Q.C.. 1885. Pub- Univ.; entered Hamilton Post Office in lications: editor of Ontario Law Reports, Nov., 1876; was transferred to mail con- 1885-1909. fiecreaiions; walking, travelling. tract branch of P. O. Dept., 1886, and Address: Westholm, May Street, Toronto. became Secretary of the Department on SMITH, J. Obed.; Asst. Supt. of Emigra- 1 July, 1902; takes great interest in cable tion at London, England; 6. Warwickshire, matters, wrote chapter on a "Postal Cable Eng., 22 Sept., 1864. Called to the Mani- Service" in Johnson's "Annals and Aims toba Bar, 30 Nov., 1891; for many yrs. in of the Pacific Cable." Address: 93 Fourth the service of the Manitoba Govt.; apptd. Ave., Ottawa. Dominion Commissioner of Immigration at SMITH, William Richmond; b. Ottawa, Winnipeg, 18 Jan., 1901; Asst. Supt. of Ont., 26 Feb., 1868; s. of John Smith and Emigration at London, England, Jan., Martha Smith, ^duc: Ottawa. In jour- 1908. Address: 11-12 Charing Cross, Lon- nalism for many yrs. Was on the staff of don, S.W. Eng. the Ottawa Journal, and Montreal Star; rep. SMITH, Ralph, M.P.; b. nr. Newcastle- latter paper throughout South African on-Tyne, England, 8 Aug., 1858; a. of Rob- campaign; rep. London, Eng. Standard, and ert and Margaret Smith; m. M. E. Spear; American Associated Press during Russo- five s. Educ: Newcastle and District Sch. Japanese War. Spent several months in Arrived in Canada, 1 Oct., 1892; went into England investigating municipal affairs, 211 ;


subsequently published result of his en- the House; Roman Catholic; Liberal, jld- quiries. For the past three yrs. on the (iress; Shippigan, N.B. editorial staff of the New York Tribune, SOUTHAM, William; Pres. of Southam as such made exhaustive enquiry ' into Ltd.; b. Montreal, 23 Aug., 1843; «. of finances of City of New York, which led William and Mercy Southam; m. Wilson, to radical charges in civic bookkeeping.* d. of James Mills, of Ayr, Scot.; six s. one d, Port . Publications: "Siege and Fall of Educ: London, Ont. Pub. Sch. A master Arthur;" "Municipal Trading in Great printer in Hamilton and Toronto for many Britain." Address: The Tribune, New York. yrs,, also in Montreal,; different businesses Club: National, Toronto. Consolidated in company known as Southam SMITH. Rev. William Wye; b. Jed- Ltd.; also controls the Hamilton Spedator, burgh, Scot., 1 March, 1827; s. of John Ottawa CUizen, and Calgary Herald; a dir. Smith, Crailing, Roxburghshire, and Sarah of the Canadian Transmission Co.; dir. of

Veitch, Yethoim, Roxburghshire; m. (1st) i the (Caledonian Power Co. ; dir. , of the Margaret Chisholm, Lancaster, Ont., (2nd) Mercantile Trust Co., of Hamilton. Re- Catharine R. Young, Hamilton, Ont.; creations: lawn bowling, curling. Address: one 8. three d. Arrived in Canada, Pinehurst, Hamilton, Ont. Clubs: Hamilton, 1837; worked on his father's farm, S. Golf, Hamilton. Dumfries, Brant.; sch, teacher; store SOUTHAM, Wilson Mills; b. London. keeper; clerk of court; editor; how Con- Ont., 2 Oct., 1868; s. of William Southam gregational Minister. Publications: poems and Wilson Mills; m. Henrietta A. Cargill, 1883; "New Testament in Braid Scotch," 3rd d. of late Henry Cargill, Cargill, Ont., 1901; (2nd edition, 1904); selected poems, and member of H. of C. for East Bruce; 1908. Address: 151 Halley Ave., Toronto, •two s. two d. Educ: Hamilton Pub. Sch. Ont. and Coll. Inst. In journalism for maay SMYTH, William Ross, K.C., M.P.; b. yrs.; formerly business mgr. of the Hamil- Thomroan, Aberdeenshire, Scot., 3 Jan., ton Spectator; now managing dir. Ottawa 1857; s, of Francis and Isabella Smyth, Citizen. Address: Ottawa, Ont. Clubs: Scotch; m. 17 Oct., 1879, Nancy Burden, Rideau, Golf, Country and Hunt, Ottawa, Tp. of Plummer; four s. seven d. Pres., Ont. Nancy Helen Mine, Ltd.; elec. to the Ont. SPENCE, Francis Stephens; Chn. of the Legis„ 1902, 1905, 1908; resigned from Toronto Harbour Comn.; b. Donegal, Irel., local Leg. and elected to the H. of C, 1908, 29 March, 1850; «. of Jacob Spence and for AlgomaE.; Presbyterian; Conservative. Elizabeth Stephens; m. Sara Violet Norria; Address: Rydal Bank, Ont. two 8. two d. Came to Can., in 1861, and SNIDER, His Hon, Colin George, B.A., educ. at Toronto Normal Sch. Taught Judge of the County Court, Wentworth, sch. at Drummondville, Prescott and Tor- K.C.; b. Norfolk Co. Ont., 21 May, 1850; s. onto; mem. of the Toronto Sch. Bd. for two of George Snider, and Elizabeth M. Hsimel; yrs.; mem. Toronto City Coun. as Alder- m. Helen B. Grasett; one s. five d. Judge man for six yrs.; Controller four yrs.; hon. of the County Court of the County of Went- pres., Ont. Branch, Dom. AUiance;-mng. ed. worth. Address: Hamilton, Ont. Clubs: Canada Citizen, Pioneer, etc.; Chn., of the Hamilton, Oakville. Harbour Comn. Publications: "The Facts "The SNOWBALL, William Bunting; &. Chat- of the Case;" "The Vanguard;" Addresses: Confedera- ham, N.B., 12 Jan., 1861; s. of Hon. Jabez Campaign Manual. Bunting and Margaret Snowball; m. Bertha tion Life Bldg. (Bus.); 554 Spadina Ave., B. Harris of Hamilton, Ont., five s, two d. Toronto. Educ: Gram. Sch., Chatham, N.B., and SQUAIR, John, B.A. (1883); b. Bow- parenti; Up. C)an. Coll., Toronto; alderman of Chat- ijaanville, Ont., 1850; s. of Scotch ham, 1898, 1899, 1903-1904, 1905; Mayor. m. Laura Prout; one d. Educ: Pub. Sch. and 1901, 1902; President, J. B. Snowball Co., of Clarke, High Sch. of Newcastle Ltd.; President, Canadian Forestry Assn., Bowmanville, and Univ. of Toronto; head 1908; President, Maritime Board of Trade, of the Department of French in Univ. 1909. Recreations: fishing and hunting. Coll., since 1883; active in work of Ontario Address: Chatham, N.B. Educational Association, and Dominion Educational Association; examiner in Mod- Warren Toung; b. Oldtown, SOPER, em Languages (chiefly French) for Ontario Maine, March, 1864; s. of Albert 9 Webster Educationa, Department, and Univ. of m. Soper and Eleanor Young; Annie, d. of Toronto. Publications: in colloboration Lt.-Col. three a. one d. Newson; Educ: with various persons edited many vols. Ottawa; arrived in Canada, 1856; pres., and translations of French literature; Ahearn & Soper, Limited; Dunlop Tire ready for press, a selection from the poetry Company ; Ottawa Building Companv of Victor Hugo, also a French Reader, a director, Ottawa Electric Railway Company French Grammar, and Exercises in French Ottawa Light Heat and Power Co.; Imper- prose (all three in colloboration). Address: ial Life Assurance Co. Address: Lornado, 61 Major St., Toronto. Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa. Clubs: Rideau, STAIRS, Major Henry Bertram, D.S.O.; Golf, Hunt, Ottawa; Engineers, Montreal. b. 29 Apr., 1871; s. of late John Stairs, SORMANT, Alphonse, M.D., M.L.A.; b. Halifax, N.S.; m. 1903, Judith, d. of late

Shippigan, Gloucester Co., N.B., 31 March, George Henderson . Barrister, Supreme 1880; 8. of H. A. Sonnany and Virginia Court, N.S., 1893. Served «outh Africa; Hack^; m. Eva Couillard, of Quebec; ones. present at Paardeberg, 18-27 Feb., 1900 Educ: Caraquet College and Laval Univ. (despatches. Queen's medal, 4 clasps, D.S.

A physician ; pres. of Gloucester Navigation O., Brevet Majority), Driefontein, Hout Co., Ltd.; elec. member Provincial Legis- Nek, Sand River, Johannesburg, etc.; Capt. lature, Mar. 2, 1908; youngest member in and Brevet Major and Adjutant, 60th Regt., 212 :, , WHO'S WHO.

Princess Louise Fusiliers, Canada. Address: Canadian Permanent Artillery on the re- 14 Lucknow Street, Halifax, N.S. Club: turn of the expedition; joined the North- Halifax. West Mounted Police, 1873; Inspector, ST. ALBEBT, Bishop of; see Rt. Rev. 1878; Superintendent, 1885; served cam- Emile J. Legal. paign of 1885 in North-Weat Terr, and STANFIELD, John, M.P.; 6. Charlotte- was present at action of Frenchman'^ Butte; town, P.E.I., 18 May, 1868; «. of Charles commanded the Mounted Force in pursuit Edward Stanfield, and Lydia Dawson; m. of Big Bear's Band and the Wood Crees

1902, Sadie Yorston, Truro, N.S., one a. (despatches, medal with clasp) ; commanded Educ: Truro; Pres., Stanfield's Limited, "D" Division of the North-West Mounted operating the plant formerly known as the Police in an expedition into Kootenay Truro Knitting Mills Company; elec. to the British Columbia, to restore order' (thanked H. of C. at bye-election, 28 Nov., 1907; in General Orders); commanded the North- re-elec. 1908; Church of England; Conser- West Mounted Police posts on the summits vative. Address: Truro, N.S. Club: Laur- of the White and Ciulkoot passes during entian, Ottawa. the rush of the miners into the Klondyke, STANSFIELD, Prof. Alfred, D.Sc, A.R. 1898; was magistrate and had charge of the

S.M. ; b. Bradford, Yorks, Eng., March, Customs (thanked by the Governor-General 1871; e. s. of Frederic Stansfield; m. 1905, in Council); commanded the North-West ^ Ethel Ernestine, d. of F. E. Grubb for- Mounted Police in the Yukon territory dur- merly of Cahir Abbey, Co. Tipperary. Educ. ing the organization of the same in 1898-99, Ackworth Sch.; Bradford fechnical Coll.; and was a member of the Council of the_ Royal Coll. of Science, London. Carried territory; compiandant of the Strathcona out researches on alloys for Sir Wm. Horse in Boer War (despatches twice, Roberts-Austen, 1891-98; Doctor of Science Queen's medal, three clasps. King's medal,

of the London Univ., 1898; in change of two clasps) : regiment presented with King's Metallurgical Laboratories of the Royal Colours and medals by King Enward VII; Sch. of Mines, 1898-1901; Prof, of Metal- Commanding Military District, No. 11, lurgy, JMcGill Univ., Montreal, since 1901. Canada. Recreations: riding, snooting big

Publications : papers on Pyrometry , the game, swimming, walking, ooating; takes Solution "Theory of Carburised Iron, the an interest in all sports. Address: Fort Constitution of Alloys, the Burning of Osborne Barracks, Winnipeg, and 353 Steel^etallurgical Teaching and the Elec- Broadway, Winnip^, Man. tric Furnace. Address: 214 Park Ave., STEPHENS, Ma)or ; Montreal. CZufe: Engineers, Montreal. Chn. of the Montreal Harbour Comn.; h. STAPLES, WiUiam D., M.P.; b. Fleet- Montreal, 1866; s. of the late Hon. George wood, Tp, Manvers, Ont., 10 Nov., 1868; Washington Stephens; married. Educ: 0. of James Staples and Jane Evans; m. Montreal high sen., McGill Univ., and com- 26 May, 1892, Nellie Metcalf, d. of Thomas pleted his education in Univs. of France, A. Metcalfe of Treheme, Man.; Educ: Germany and Switzerland. Commenced his pub. sch., Fleetwood; High Sch., Lindsay, business carrer with the firm of Steidtman and Coll. Inst., Winnipeg; holds 2nd Class & Co., importers, of Hamburg, Germany, Teacher's Certificate; was twelve years in later was with J. and H. Taylor, and sub- municipal council as councillor and reeve; sequently with Thos. Robertson & Co., elec. to the H. of C, 1904, and 1908, for Ltd., steel merchants, Montreal. Has been Macdonald, Man.; Methodist; Conservative. administrator of the Stephen's estate for Address; Treheme, Man. ten yrs. Vice-pres. Consolidated Rubber STEELE, James; Registrar of Deeds for Co., Pres., Montreal Harbor Comn. 1.1. a North Perth; b. Avonbank, Tp. of Downie, mem. of the Legis. Assembly for St. Law- Perth Co., Ont., 8 Aug., 1864; a. of Thomas rence div., by acclam. Was commanding Steele and Joan Todd; m. Emily Rutledge officer, Montreal Third Field Battery. Ac- Ousted; one s. one d. Educ: St. Mary's companied Minister of Militia to Eng. as a Coll. Inst, and Osgoode Hall, Toronto. mem. of the Montreal and Canadian con- Called to bar of Ont., June, 1892, and tingent, at time of Jubilee celebration. practiced law in Stratford, until apptd. to Apptd. chairman of new harbour comn,, present pos.j Aug., 1908. Took an active Jan., 1907. Address: 597 Sherbrooke St. part in politics on Cons, side; mem. of W,, Montreal. Public Sch. Bd. and Public Liby. Bd. for STEPHENSON, Hon. Isaac; a mem. of several yrs. Recreations: curling, lawn the U.S. Senate for the State of Wisconsin; bowls, golf, gardening. Address: 137 Morn- h. nr. Fredericton, N.B., 18 June, 1829.- Is nighton, St., Stratford, Ont. a lumberman, farmer and banker. Educ: STEELE, CoL Samuel Benfleld, C.B., at Pub. Sch., N.B. Moved to Wisconsin, 1900; M.V.O. (4th Class), 1900; b. Medonte, 1845. Engaged in lumber trade at Es- s. of canaba, Mich., for twelve jts.; moved to County Simcoe, Ont., 5 Jan.j,1849; 4th ' Captain Elmos Steele, R.N., of Coleford, Marinette, Mich., 1858. Mem. of Wis. Leg., 1866-68. Mem. of House of Rep. from 9th - Gloucestershire, and 2nd wife, Anne, y. d. of Neil Maclan Maedonald, of Islay; m, Dist. of Wis. in the 48th and 49th Con- 1890. Marie Elizabeth, e. d. of Robert Har- gresses. El. to U.S. Senate, May, 17, 1907, wood, Seigneur of Vaudreuil, Que., one to fill out unexpired term of Hon. J. C. will expire 1915. s. two d. Educ: .Oxillia, Co. Simcoe; Spooner. Term of service Addresses; The Senate, Washington, D.C.; British American Commercial Coll . Wis., U.S.A. Toronto. 35th Batt . Simcoe Foresters Marinette. 1866; Qualified with 2nd Batt. 17th Regt., STEWART, Thomas Joseph, M.P.; 6. (now tne Leicestershires): served Fenian Oxford, Ont., 26 July, 1849; s. of Molby and Raids, 1866-70; Red River Expedition, Mary Stewart; m. Maria Jane Pollock; one d. : Com. Sch. ; thirteen years a 1870 (medal with three clasps) ; joined Educ 213 , '


member of Bruce Go. Council; nine years a tion Tribunal, Paris, 1893. Prepared daily member of Hamilton City Council; two ofl&cial report of proceedings for special years (1907-1908), Mayor; fifst el. to the Canadian Press cables, for which, service H. of C, Oct., 1908. Address: 85 Robinson was specially complimented and thanked

St , Hamilton, Ont . Club : Commercial by British Attorney-General, Joint Sec- . Hamilton, Ont. retary, Intercolonial Conference, Ottawa, STEVELT, Samuel; b. Wardsville, Ont., 1894; apptd. Inspector of Penitentiaries for 12 Aug., 1865; s. of William and Eliza Canada, Jaji. 31st, 1895. Honorary Vice- Stevely; m.Maude Taokabury of Canastota, President and member of Boa,rd_of Direc- N.Y.; threerf. Educ: London, Ont.; in tors, American Prison Association. Has business in London, Ont., since 1889; contributed papers on "The obj'ect of ' * Alderman for 9 years, and Mayor, 1908-9; imprisonment ' and "Prison Discipline, Recreations: curling, golf, tennis, and lawn embodied in proceedings of that Associa- bowling. Address: London, Ont. Clubs: tion. Address: Kenniston Apts., Ottawa. London, Travelers, Hunt and Country, CZw&;Rideau. London, Ont. STEWART, EUhu,,D.L.S., C.E.F.E., 6. STEVEXSON, Elliott G.; Supreme Chief Co. of Lambton, Ont., 17 Nov., 1844; ^. of Ranger, Independent Order of Foresters; Lionel and Catherine Stewart; m." Ellen 6. Middlesex Co., Ont., 18 May, 1856; Noble; three s. one d. Educ: Toronto married. Educ: Pub. Sch. and Seminary, Normal Sch.; practiced for several years as Komoka, Ont. Taught school near Strath- Dominion and Provincial Land Surveyor, roy for two years; removed to Port Huron, and Civil Engineer on various Government Mich., 1871; studied law and admitted to Surveys; acted as Commissioner for deter- Bar of Michigan as Attorney and Coun- noining the Boundary between Ontario and sellor in 1874, when only 18 years of age; Manitoba; organized Dominion Forestry; Prosecuting Attorney of St. Clair County, Service, and founded the Canadian Forestry,, 1878-9, 1882-3; Mayor of Port Huron, 1886; Assn.; supt. of Forestry Branch Dept. of nominated (1886) on democratic ticket for Interior; resigned 1907, to assume manager-

Congress, but declined ; removed to De- ship of lumber Co. Recreations: curling and troit, 1887, and became law partner of Hon. golf. Address: Montreal and,Collingwood, Don. M. DicldnBon, Postmaster General of Ont. Clubs: Rideau, Ottawa. the United States. In 1892, became chair- STEWART, Hugh Alexander, K.C; b. man of the Democratic State Central Comi- Tp. of Elizabethtown, Leeds Co., Ont., 29 mittee of Michigan; del. 1896 to Demo- Sept., 1871; a. of Alexander Stewart and cratic National Convention at- Chicago, Jane Morrison; m. Estelle L. Wiltsir; two s, which first nominated Wm. Jennings Bryan Educ: Rural Pub. Sch., Brockville High as can. for the Presidency of the U.S.; Sch. and Osgoode Hall, Toronto. A bar- joined Tndpt. Order of Foresters in 1896; rister and solicitor. Mayor of Brockville, el. Sup. Counsellor of the Order, 1898; 1905-1906; Lieut., Corps of Guides. Ad- succeeded the late Dr. Oronhyatekha as dress: Brockville, Ont. Clubs: Brockville; Sup. Chief Ranger, 1907. Addresses: Albany, Toronto. Temple Bldg., Toronto, Ont.; Detroit, Mich. STEWART, John Alexander, LL.B.; b. U.S.A. Renfrew, Ont., s. of Robert Stewart and STEVENSON, John James, M.L.A.; h. Barbara Stewart; m. Jessie M. Henderson. Russell, Ont., 11 May, 1873; s. of John and Educ: Perth Pub. Sch. and Coll. Inst., Eliza Stevenson; m. Jennie Wallace Can- Ottawa Univ., Osgoode Hall. A barrister ning; one s. one d. Educ: Eussell and and solicitor; Mayor of Perth, 1900-1904. Ottawa, Ont.; worked for W. C. Edwards H.C.R., C. O. Foresters. Address: Perth, Co. for 12 5'ears, during which time he spent Ont. one year exploring in the wilds of Labrador; STEWART. John Duncan, M.L.A.; b. then went west and entered into lumbering Perth Co., Ont., 16 Oct., 1859; of Canadian and horse raising; elec. toSask.Legis., Aug., parents; unmarried. Educ: Perth Co. 14, 1908. Recreations: motoring, horseman. Pub. Sch.; manager for three years of the Address :Tyvan, Sask. Areola Farmer's Elevator Co.; first el. to STEWART, Douglas; b. Williamsdale, Sask. Leg. Ass., 1905; re-el. 1908. Address: N.S., 20 June, 1850; s. of Wm. Stewart, Areola, Sask. J. P., formerly of Blair Athol, Scot.; m. STEWART, McLeod; barrister-at-law; Alma, d. of Thomas R. Thompson, founder b. Ottawa, Ont., 6 Feb., 1847; s. e. of Wil- of the Oxford Woolen Mills, Oxford, N.S. liam Stewart and Catharine Stewart; m. Educ: Public Sch. and Amherst Acad. 1874, Linnie Emma, d. of Col. Walker Entered Civil Service, 1879, as clerk in Powell, late Adjutant-Gen. of Militia. Accts. Branch, Dept. of Public Works; Educ: Ottawa Gram. Sch., Toronto Univ. appt'a. Asst. Acct., with rank of Ist class (B.A., 1867, M.A., 1870), called to the bar clerk, Dept. Rys. & Canals, May, 1882; in 1870, and commenced practice of his Private Secretary to Minister of Justice, profession in Ottawa. Was one of the Feb.. 1886, Nov. 1894; attached to staff early advocates of the building of the Can- Canadian Plenipotentiary during Cham- ada Atlantic Ry., and was associated with berlain-Bayard negotiations, Washington, J. R. Booth and the late W. G. Perley ia 1887. Accompanied several Ministers to forming the Canada Atlantic Ry. Co., of Washington on subsequent missions con- which he was the rfirst pres.; was pres. of nected with pending commercial questions; the Stewart Ranching Co.; also a dir. of accompanied Minister of Justice to London, the city of Ottawa Agricultural Soc, Can. 1890, in connection with copyright negotia- Granite Co., and other enterprises; Mayor tions; Secretary, Canada-Newfoundland of Ottawa, 1887-1888; was a dir. of the Co. Convention, Halifax, 1892; Secretary to of Carleton Protestant General Hospital, Canadian Arbitrator, Behring Sea Arbitra- and Protestant Home for the Aged.; was 214 ,,;


vice-pres. of the Art Sch., pres. St. Andrew's a dir. pf the Winnipeg Gen. Hospital. Ad- Soc, and of the See. for Prevention for dress: Winnipeg. Cruelty; opened the first anthracite coal STONE, Henry Athelston; b. Londan, mine in the Rocjcy Mountains, and was Eng., 5 Aug., 1861; s. of the late Wm. pres. of the Co.; promoter of the Montreal, Stone, of London, Eng.; m. Beatrice Hetty Ottawa and Geoi^iah Bay Canal. Addreaa: 3rd d. of the late Charles Philps, of London, 383 Frank St., Ottawa. Eng.; one s. two d. Educ: England. STEWART, Robert J. P.; insurance Apprenticed to Daniel Nicholson, of St. agent; 6. Ottawa, 7 April, 1850; s. of Wil- Paul's Ch. Yd., London; went to Toronto, liam Stewart and S. J. Donaldson; m, Mary when 21 years of age, and after being in Louisa Sharp; four a. four d. Educ: business there for some yrs., proceeded to

Ottawa . Ottawa mgr. for fifteen insur. Vancouver to manage Gault Bros, business; • Cos. For' several yrs. mem. of the Ottawa made a director of the company three yrs. Pub. Sch. Bd. and City Council. Unsuc- ago; now managing director; president, cessful can. for H. of C, 1900; el. at g. e., Vancouver Board of Trade; director the 1904. Formerly in Ottawa Rifies; served Heaps Lumber Co. Recreations: gardening in Fenian Raid, 1870 (medal). Recreation: and yachting. Address: 1249 Davie St., whist. Address: 220 Maclaren St., Ottawa. Vancouver, B.C. Club: Terminal City, Club: Laurentian, Ottawa. Vancouver, STEWART, Robert Meldrum, M.A.; STONE, WiUiam; &. Birmingham Eng., Astronomer at Dominion Observatory, 8 July, 1856; s. of William and Harriett Ottawa; h. Gladstone, Man., 15 Dec, 1878; Stone; m. Ellen M. Bungay; three s. two d. a. of Rev. J. S. Stewart and Margaret Educ: Birmingham, Eng. Arrived in

Meldrum; m. May Dickson; three d. Educ: Canada, 1 869 ; now President of Stone Toronto Univ. Graduated in 1902, and Limited, lithographers and publishers; joined staff of Dom. Observatory. Pub- director, ; vice-president

lications: various scientific papers in jour- National Life Assurance Co. ; vice-pres. nal of R.A.S.C, and in proc. R. S. Can. National Club, Toronto; pres. of the On- Address: 991 Carling Ave., Ottawa. tario Motor League. Address: 661 Huron STEWART, WiUiam Grant, M.D.; b. St., Toronto. Clubs: Toronto Himt, Nat- Oro, Ont., 1860; s. of Rev. James Stewart ional, Lambten, Toronto. and Christina Grant; m. 1894, Jennie, d. of STRANG, Andrew; b. Montreal, 9 March the late David McFarland, of Montreal. 1849; 8. of Struthers Strang and Janet Educ: McGill Univ. from which he grad. Ferrie; m. 1870, Ann Harnett Sinclair, B.A., 1885, and M.D., 1888. Apptd. House of St. Andrews, Man.; ten c. Educ: Ham- Surgeon in Montreal Gen. Hospital, and ilton. 'At sixteen yrs. of age, entered the then practiced his prof, in Montreal. Went office of the G. T. R. at Toronto. .In 1868, abroad and continued his studies in medi- went to Winnipeg as representative of a cine in Berlin and London, returning to syndicate of Hamilton merchants, and has Montreal, i|hd resuming practice. For a remained there ever since, engaged in number of yrs. lecturer in Medical Dept., mercantile life. El. to the first Council of of Univ. of St. Bishop's Coll., Lennoxville, Winnipeg 1874; an active mem. of the Win- and attending physician of Montreal West- nipeg Bd. of Trade, and treas. for six yrs. ern Hospital. Vice-Pres. Medical Chirur- Pres. of the Exhibition Bd. for two yrs. gical Soc; mem. Corporation of McGill a dir. of the Winnipeg Gen. Hospital; at Coll. and Univ., Canadian Medical Assn. one time pres. of the Winnipeg Liberal Recreation: music. Address: 61 Sherbrooke Assn. Address: Winnipeg. . St. W., Montreal. CTuft; University. STRATHCONA AND MOUNT ROYAl. ; STEWART, WiUiam James; Chief Hy- 1st Baron; (Donald Alexander Smith,) drographer; b. Ottawa, Ont., 23 Jan., 1863; G.C.M.G.. G.C.V.O., F.R.S., LL.D.. P.C, «. of Lt.-Col. John and Mary Stewart; m. D.L.; High Commissioner for Canada since Clara Lasher; two d. Educ: Ottawa Pub. 1890; 6. Scotland, 1820; s. of the late Schs., Coll. Inst, and Royal Military Coll., Alexander Smith, of Archieston, and Bar- Kingston. Grad. from latter Inst., 1883. bara, d. of Donald Stuart, of Leanchoil; m. Apptd. asst. to Capt. Boulton, R.N., on Isabella Sophia, d. of the late Richard Canadian Hydrographic Survey, March, Hardisty; one d. Educ: Scotland. Last chief commr. at Mon- 1 884 ; succeeded Capt. Boulton, 1 893 resident gov. and Apptd. Chief Hydrographer, July, 1904, treal, of the Hudson's Bay Co.; special when survey was enlarged; apptd. a commr. commr. during first Riel Rebellion in Red for Canada on International Waterways River Settlement, 1869-70; mem. first Com., March, 1907.- Recreation: curling Ex. Council of N. W. Territory, 1870; mem. Addreas:56 Lisgar St., Ottawa. for Selkirk in Dom. Parlt., 1871-2, 1874, ST. JOHN, Bishop of; see Right Rev. and 1878; for West Montreal. 1877-96; Timothy Carey. represented Winnipeg and St. John in St. Paul, STOBART, F. W^ b. Durham, Eng., 27 Manitoba Legis., 1871-84; dir., Ry., Hon. pres.. Jan., 1859; a. of William Stobart; married. Minneapolis, and Manitoba Educ: privately and at Wellington Coll., Bank of Montreal; Chancellor of Aberdeen with view to becoming marine engr. Sent Univ., since 1903, and of McGill Univ.; to Canada in 1880 to look after interests of Cr. -K.C.M.G., 1886; Lord Rector of Aber- his father who had established business in deen Univ.. 1899; hon. LL.D., of Cam- western Can. as fur and gen. trader. In bridge, Yale. Glasgow, Aberdeen, Toronto er) 1899 business turned into limited liability Laval and Victoria (Manchest ; hon 1904 Co., with F. W. Stobart as pres. and gen. D.C.L. of Oxford and Dublin; F.R.S., mgr. Vice-pres. of the Canadian Fire apptd. Hi^h Commr. for Canada, 1896. Insur. Co.; a mem. of the Advisory Bd. for pres., QuS>ec Rifle Assn.; Address: 28 Manitoba of the Edinburgh Life Insur. Co.; Grosvenor Square, London W.; 17 Victoria 215 ; ;;;,


St.. S.W.; Glencoe, N.B.; Colonsay, N.B.; STREETON, Mrs. Arthur (Nora Clench) Debden Hall, Newport, Essex; Norway 6. St. Mary's, Ont., d. of Leon M. Clench; House, Pictou,' N.S.; 911 Dorchester St. m. 1908, Arthur Streeton, a well-known

' W,, Montreal. Clubs: Athenaeum, London, Australian landscape ^ painter. Studied Eng.; Mount Royal, St. Jajnes', Montreal; at Hellmuth Coll., London, Ont., and aftfer Rideau, Ottawa. at Leipsic Conservatory under Brodsky, STRATHCONA, Baroness (Isabella So- the fazuQus Russian vioUnist. Has played phia); d. of late Richard Hardisty; in nearly all the countries of the world. m. Hon. Donald A. Smith, who was cr. Address: c|o Concert Soc, 2 Hill Road, K.C.M.G. in 1886; G.C.M.G., 1896, and London, N., Eng. was raisea to the peerage 1897; onerf. (Hon. STRINGER, Arthur; poet, novelist; b. Margaret Charlotte Howard). Educ: Edin- London, Ont., 26 Feb., 1874; m. 1900. burgh, Scot. In, -conjunction with her Jobyna Rowland, of New York. Educ: daughter, gave S100,000 to McGill Univ. for Toronto Univ., Univ. of Oxford, Eng. the erection of a new wing to its Medical Editorial writer on Am. Press Assn., 1898- BIdg. Address: 28 Groavenor Square, 1901; lit. editor of Success, 1903-4. Pub- London, W ., England. lications: Watchers of Twilight; Pauline and STRATHT, Stuart; Gen. Mgr. The Other Poems; Epigrams; A Study In King Traders' Bank of Canada; b. Toronto, 26 Lear; The Loom of Destiny; "rhe Silver Jan., 1860; s. of Dr. George W. Strathy, Poppy; Lonely O'Malley; Hephaestus and

Mus. Doc. , and Mary Cornwall Strathy Other Poems; The Wire Tappers, 1906; m. Elizabeth Ford; one s. two d. Educ: Phantom Wires, 1907; The Occasional Toronto Coll. Inst.; entered banking office Offender. 1907; The Woman In The Rain, in 1878; and passed through all grades to 1907; The Gun Runner, 1909; a frequent gen. n^r. Recreation: golf. Address: 54 contributor to miigs. Address: Cedar Clarandon Ave., Toronto. Clubs: Toronto, Springs, Ont. Golf, Toronto. STUART, Hon. Charles Allan, B.A. STRATTON, James Robert, M.P.; pro- (Toronto Univ.) LL.B. (Toronto Univ.), prietor of the Peterboroxigh Daily Examiner Chancellor of Univ. of Alberta; 6. Tp. of b. Millbrook, Ont., 3 May., 1858; s. of James Caradot, Co. of Middlesex, Ont., 3 Aug. Stratton and Rosanna Stralfton; m. Eliza 1864; 8. of Charles Stuart and Hannah Jane Ormond. Educ: Peterborough Coll. Campbell; m. Beatrice Roxborough, d. of Inst. Assumed ownership and publication late Wm. E. Roxborough, of Norwood, Ont. of the Peterborough ExaTniner while yet a three s. Educ: Strathroy CoU^iate Ins ., minor, Daily Examiner 1885, and still Univ. of Toronto; graduated *Univ. Toronto publishes it. Mem. Bd. of Educ. for the 1891; called to Bar of Ont., 1896; called to City of Peterborough for several terms. Bar of Northwest Territories, 1898; elected First el. to Ont. Lesislature for West to first legislature of Alberta for constit- Peterborough, 1886, and at each succeeding uency of Gleichen, 1905; Ji^ge Supreme el.; was Prov. Sec. in Roas Govt, from 8 Court of North West 'Territonfes for provs. Oct., 1899 until 1905, on its retirement of Alberta and Saskatchewan, 8 Oct., 1906 from power. Vice-pres. of the Traders' Judge Supreme Court of Alberta, Sept., Bank; pres., The Trusts & Guarantee Co.; 1907; Chancellor of Univ. of Alberta, 15 The Dominion Permanent Loan Co., Home March, 1908. Address: 718 7th Ave. W., Life Asen., Peterborough Lock Co.; dir., Calgary, Alta. Canada Starch Co., Imperial Cotton Co. STUPART, Robert Frederic,.. F.R.S.C, Returned to H. of C. for West Peterbor- F.R.A.S.C; b. Toronto, 24 Oct., 1857; a. of

ough, at g. e,, 1908. Address: Peterbor- Capt. R. D. Stupart, R.M. ; m. Marion Dallas ough, Ont. Clubs: National, Toronto; three s. one d. Educ: Upper Can. Coll., Peterborough. Toronto; entered Metereological service STREET, Lieut.-Col. Douglas Rich- early in life; apptd. director, of the Toronto mond; Commanding^ the Governor ME^netic Observatory in 1894. Publica- General's Foot Guards, Ottawa; 6. Fred- tions: various articles on the climate of ericton, N.B., 19 June. 1864; s. of Charles Canada. Recreation: golf. Address: 15 Frederick Street, and Lucy A. Kendall; m. Admiral Road, Toronto. Clubs: R.C.Y.C, Ehzabeth Bauld Christie, of North Sydney, Victoria, Massissauga Golf, Toronto, Ont. N.S.; twos, one d. .Educ.; Univ. of Ottawa STURDEE, Lleut.-Col. Edward Thank- For the past 18 yrs. has been associated ful, (R. O. Militia); b, St. John, N,B., with the electric lighting interests of 2 Sept., 1854; s. of the late Henry Parker Ottawa; sec.-treas. of the Ottawa Light, Sturdee, London, Eng., and Emily Law- Heat & Power Lt.-Co. ; Col. conmiandiug the rence, London, Eng.; m. Gertrude C. Gov.-Genl's. Foot Guards. Address: 327 Scovill, d. of the late Richard C. Scovill, in Somerset St., Ottawa. Clubs: Rideau, Golf, 1889; one s. two d. Educ: St. John, N.B., Hunt, Ottawa. private sch.; received business training in a STREET, Miss Evelyn de Latre; b. Lon- bank and was for some years accountant in don, Ont., 5 April, 1874; d. of the late Hon. water dept.; atty. of St. John; for the past W. P. R. Street, Justice of the High Court 20 years has been in business as a broker of Ontario, and Mrs. Street. Educ: Ger- and manufacturers' agent; has always been many; graduate of the Royal Leipzig Con-- an enthusiast in military matters, and servatory; soloist with the Damrosch served in the 62nd St. John Fusiliers for Orchestra of New York; is now 2nd violin over 30 years, rising to the rank of Lieut.- of the American String Quartette of Boston, Col., and to the command of the raiment; Mass., organized and coached by Ch. M. has several times acted on the staff and Laeffler, the eminent violinist and com- was for three years Brigade Major of the poser. Address: Midfield, Mass., and 10 13th Brigade; now on the Reserve of Officers; Mackenzie Ave., Rosedale, Toronto. long service decoration; past pres., St, 216 , ;:; ,


George's Society; a Director of the Fernhill Club of Montreal. Publications: The Bench Cemetery Co.; Liberal; Church of England. and the Bar of Montreal (1907). Address: PuUication: a History of the Union Jack. 161 Ste. Famine St. an4 112 St. James St., Address: Germain St., St. John, N.B. Club: Montreal. Clubs: University, Lafontaine Union, St. John. M.A.A.A., Montreal. SULLIVAN, M.D.; Hon. Michael, sena- SUTHERLAND, Rev. Alexander, D. D. ; tor; b. Killarney, 13 Feb., 1838; s. of late Missionary Sec. of the Methodist Church in Daniel O'Sullivan, formerly of Killarney, Canada; 6. Tp. of Guelph, 17 Sept., 1833; Co. Kerry, Ireland; m. June, 1867, Mary V. s. of Capt. N. Sutherland, and Mary Brown, Kingston. Educ: Regiopolis Coll. Henderson (both Scotch); m. Mary Jane, and Queen's Univ.; grad. M.D., 1858; e. d. of Hugh Moore, of Dundas, Ont. arrived in Canada, 1842; apptd. Prof, of Educ: Pub. Sch., Guelph, Commenced life Surgery and Anatomy, Royal Coll. of Phy- as a printer, but later studied for the sicians and Surgeons, Kingston, 1870; Methodist ministry, and. was ordained in pres., Dom. Medical Assn., 1883; was pur- , 1879. Held pastoral charges in many veyor general during the N. W. Rebellion, towns and cities in Ontario and Quebec. 1885; Mayor of Kingston, 1874; unsuccess- In 1874, was apptd. gen. sec. of Methodist ful candidate for H. of C. for Kingston, Missions, and Clerical Sec. of the Mission- 1882; called to the Senate, 29 Jan., 1884; ary Soc; del. from the Canadian Church to Catholic; -Liberal. Address: 116 Rideau St., the Gen.' Conference of the M. E. Church of Kingston, Ont. the U.S. at Brooklyn, 1872; del. to the SULMAN, George William, M.L.A.; 6. Meth. Ecumenical Conferenc.e in England,

Burford, Brant Co., 4 July, 1866; s. of Wm. 1881 ; fraternal del. to the British Wesleyan Sulman and Sarah Cooper; m. Mary Agnes Conference, 1886; declined the principal-

Meekeson; two s. two d. Educ: Burford ship of Mount Allison Univ., N.B. , 1891 and Brantford; alderman in Chatham for had held present position since union of six years; Mayor for two years, 1901-02 Methodist Churches consummated at Belle- first el. to Ont. Leg. Ass., 1908. Address: ville, 1884. Publications: A Simimer in Chatham, Ont. CZu6s; Chatham (President) Prairieland; Methodism in Canada, its STJLTE, Benjamin, F.R.S.C, LL.D.; b. Project and Study. Address: 437 -Sher- Three Rivers, Que., 17 Sept., 1841; s. of bourne St., 'Toronto. Benjamin Suite, navigator, and Marie SUTHERLAND, Donald ; 6. West Zorra tp., Antoinette Lefebvre; m. 1871, May Augus- Co. Oxford, 8 April, 1863; s. of Robert tine, d. of Etienne Parent, Under Secretary Sutherland and Elizabeth Hutchison; m. of State; one s. one d. {dec.) Educ: Friars' Minnie Pearl Hossack; four s. one d. Educ School, Three Rivers. Engaged in com- in the pub. schs.; Councillor and Reeve of merce and lumbering business; served as a the Tp. of North Oxford; Co. Councillor volunteer- at the frontier, 1865; noilitary Division No. 1 Co. of Oxford, two years; "school certificate, 1865; served at the elec. member of Ontario Legislature for frontier, 1866 (medal); translator in Par- S. Oxford, 1902; re-elec. in 1905; defeated liament, 1867; Private Secretary to Minister in 1908; director of Colonization for Ont. of Militia, and Defence, 1870-73; Clerk in Address: Humewood Ave., Toronto, Ont. same department, 1874; Chief Clerk and SUTHERLAND, Hugh; chief execu- Acting Deputy Minister, 1889; retired on tive officer of the Canadian Northern Ry. superannuation, 1903; President, Institut b. New London, P.E.I., 22 Feb., 1845; m. Canadien, Ottawa, 1874; President, St. May, only d. of Hon. R. D. Banks, of Balti- John Baptist Society, Ottawa, 1883; Pres. more, Md. Removed to Oxford Co., Ont., of St. Joseph Society, 1877; Pres. of the while still a child, with his parents, arid Royal Society of Canada, 1904; Corres- educ. there. Commenced business in ponding member of several historical socie- lumbering and contracting. In 1874 was ties. Publications: Les Paurentiennes apptd. Dom. Supt. of Pub. Works in the (poems), 1870; Les Chants Nouveaux Northwest, but retired from the office (poems), 1876; Melanges d'Historie, 1876; 1879 and established first saw mill in Win- Histoire des Canadiens-Francais (8 vols.) nipeg. El. to H. of C. for Selldrk, Man., 1882-34; Pages d'Histoire, 1891; Histoire 1882, but was defeated for Winnipeg at de la Milioe Canadienne, 1897; La Langue g. e., 1887. A warm advocate of Hudson Francaise en Canada, 1898; La Bataille de Bay Ry. Has been largely instrumently Chateau*;uay, 1899; besides many small in development work in Canada, and and publications; has translated the National associated with Messrs. Mackenzie' _ Anthem, into 'French, and delivered many Ma^n for some yrs. Address: Winnipeg. lectures on historical subjects. Address: C^ub; Manitoba, Winnipeg. 304 Wilbrod Street, Ottawa. SUTHERLAND, Hon. Robert Franklyn, 9UBVETEB, Edouard Fabre, B.A., B.A., K.C., P.C., Judge of the High Court LL.M., B.C.L., K.C.; 6. Montreal, 24 March, of Justice for Ontario; b. Newmarket, Ont., 1875; s. of Louis Joseph Arthur Surveyer, 5 April, 1859; s. of Donald Sutherland and and Hectorine Fabre, sister of His Grace Jane Boddy; m. Mary Bartlett; two d. Archbishop Fabre, of Montreal, Lady Educ: Newmarket, Windsor and Toronto; Costelo, Hon. Hector Fabre, C.M.G., Can- called to the bar of Ont.7 1887; created adian Commissioner in Paris; m. Elodie K.C., 1899; elec. for the constituency of d. of the late Edmond Barnard, Q.C., North Essex, 1900 to the H. of C, re-elec. Montreal; one d. Educ: St. Mary's Coll., 1904 and 1908; Speaker of the H. of C, Laval Univ., McGill Univ., Montreal; 1905 to 1909; sworn in as Privy Councillor, called to the bar of Quebec, July, 1896; 1909; apptd. Judge of the High Court of lecturer on Pleading and Practice, McGill Justice for Ont., 1909. Recreations: cricket

Univ., since 1905; pres.. Junior Bar Assn., and golf. Address: Toronto, Ont. Clubs: , 1903-04; K.C., July, 1909; pres., Canadian National, Toronto; Windsor. 217 , SUTHERLAND WHO'S WHO.

SUTHERLA3n>, Hon, William Charles, penal Institute; presented at Court of St. B.A.. M.L.A.; 6. Embro, Oxford Co., Out.. 7 James', London, June^ 1907. Recreations: June, 1865; s. of Thomas and Isabella walking, bowling. Address: 98 Madison

Sutherland, (Scotch) ; m. Alice Mary Walker, Ave., 'Toronto. Cluh: National, Toronto. of Shelbume, Ont., one s. one d. Educ: SYMONDS, Rev. Herbert, M.A., D.D.; Sub. sch., Orangevllle Hi^h Sch., McGUl 6. Bickinghall, Suffolk, Eng^ 28 Dec. I860; ^niv.; studied law in Manitoba; called to s. of George Symonds and Hannah Wright; the bar in Manitoba; moved to Saskatoon, m. Emma B. Boyd, 4th d. of the late Sask., in 1903; elec. to the Legislature in Mossom Boyd of Bobcaygeon, Ont.; thi;ee s. 1905, and apptd. deputy speaker; re-el. four d. Educ: Framlingham Coli.^ -Siuf- in 1908, and apptd. speaker of the Legis-- folk and Trinity Univ., 'JBoxoxcter; arrived, lature; owns a large wheat farm near in Caaac^f in 1881; first class honors in Saskatoon. iZecreatioTia.'.motoziBg^Biid tenuis. theology in 1885; ordained deacon, 1885; Adrfress: Sa^atoon, Sask. CZiife .-"Saskatoon. priest, 1887; fellow and lecturer. Trinity SWEENEY, Bight Rev. James Fielding, Univ., 1887-1890; professor of Theology, M.A., D.D., Bishop of Toronto; h. London, 1890-92; rector of Ashbumham, Peter-

Eng., 15 Nov., 1857; s. of Col. James Field- boro, 1S92-1901 ; headmaster, Trinity CoU.^ ing Sweeney; m. Catherine Boomer; two d. Sch., Port Hope, Ont., 1901-1903; vicar Educ: Montreal High Sch., McGiU Univ., of Christ Church Cathedral, Montreal, 1903; McGill Normal Sch., Trinity Univ.; arrived Honorary D.D., Queen's, 1897. Publica- in Canada, 1868; pursued his theological tions: "Lectures on Christian Unity," var- studies at tjie Montreal Diocesan theologi- ious pamphlets. Recreations: gardening^ cal Coll., and was ordained deacon by the curling. Address: 145 Metcalfe St., Mon- late Archbishop, then Bishop Bond, in treal; "Beau Bocage," Knowlton, Que. 1880, and priest in 1881; became rector of (summer). St. Luke's, Montreal, anjd chaplain to the Montreal General Hospital; in 1882, went to Toronto to become rector of St. Philip's; apptd. Honorary Canon of St. Alban's Cathedral 1889. In 1895 was elected Rural Dean of Toronto, and was later apptd. TAILLON, Hon. Louis Olivier, K.C., Archdeacon of York and Simcoe; was D.C.L.; 6. Terrebonne, Que., 26 Sept., 1840; assistant to the late Archbishop, and took a. of Aime Taillon and Josepthe Daunais; m, an active part in the administration of 1875, Marie Louise Georgina {d. 1876), d, Diocesan affairs; consecrated Bishop of of the late Hon. P. U. Ardbambault, 'M.L.C. Toronto, March 25th, 1909. Address: See Educ : Local Schs., and Masson Coll. House, 68 Rowland Ave., Toronto. Called to Quebec Bar. 1865. Commenced SWIFT, James; 6. Kingston, Ont., 20 gractice in Montreal, and is now head of the Feb„ 1843; s. of Michael Swift and Kather- rm of Taillon, Bonin & Morin. Cr. Q.C, ine Haughey; m. 1876, Helen A. Hogan, of by Marquis of Lome 1882; apptd. a Commr. Troy, N.Y.; two s. Educ: Christian luider the Municipal Loan Fund Act.

, Brothers' Sch., Kingston; entered Kingston 1880-82; offered a Judgeship, 1888 and 1889 office of Montreal Telegraph Co., 1857; but declined and el. Batonnier of Bar in* and later became an operator; employed by 1892; D.C.L., Laval Univ., 1900, and by Western Union Tel. Co. at Cincinnati, Univ. of Bishop's Coll., Lennoxville, 1895; Ohio, 1862-1865; transferred to Buffalo, one ,of originators of French-Canadian 1865, and returned to Kingston the same National Congress at Montreal, 1874; mem., yr. In 1866, purchased the St. Lawrence for Montreal East in Quebec Legis., 1875- wharf at Kingston and started in business 86; Speaker of the Leg. Ass., 1882-84; for himself. Is interested in mining; a became Attorney-Gen., 1884; resigned port- stockholder in the Richelieu & Ontario folio after Prov. g. e., 1886; Leader of the Navigfljtion Co., and was for several yrs. a Opposition 1886-1890; mem. for Chambly, dir.; a dir., of the Kingston & Pembroke 1892; Premier of Que., 1892-1896; apptd, Ry., imtii it was leased to the C.P.R.; Postmaster-General, 1896; unsuccessful at mem., Kingston City Council for three g. e., 1896 and 1900; has now retired into yrs. Address: 254 King St., Kii^ston, Ont. private life. Address: 180 St.J ames' St., Israel, L L. B Montreal. STLVESTRE, Joseph . M.L.A., K.C.; h. St. Barthelemy, Que., 26 TAIT, Hon. Sir Melbourne McTaggart, Feb., 1870; s. of Naubert and Elise Sylvestre; Kt., D.C.L.; Chief Justice of the Superior m. Laetitia Corsin; four s, two d, Educ: Ct. of the Prov. of Quebec,-at Montreal; b. Coll. of L'Assomption, and Laval Univ.; Melbourne, Que., 20 May, 1842; a. of late elec. to the Quebec Leg. Ass., June, 1908, Thomas Tait, m. (1st) 1863, Monica (d. for the Co. of Montcalm. Address: St. 1876), d. of late James Holmes, of Mont- Julienne, Que. reat; (2nd) 1878, Lydia, d. of Henry B, STMONS, Harry, K.C.; h. Dartmouth, Kaighn, of Newport, R.I. Educ: St. Fran- Eng., 5 March, 1854; s. of John Darnell sic CJoll. Sch., Richmond, Que.; Univ.Mc. Symona and Agnes Dashper Hamaford; Gill Coll., Montreal. Called to the Bar m. Florence Theresa d. of Samuel June, 1863 ; practised at Melbourne in Hesson, ex-M.P., Stratford, Ont.; four d. partnership with the late Hon. W, H. Webb, Educ: London, Eng., and York Co. Gram. Q.C, M.L.C; removed to Montreal 1870, Sch., Toronto; arrived in Canada. July, and joined the Ifite Sir J. J. C. Abbott, 1866; solicitor in 1874; called to the Bar of later becoming head of the firm of Tait, Ont., 1875; advocate, N.W.T., 1890; apptd. Abbott & Campbell; cr. Q.C., 1882; cr. Kt. Q.C, 1894; pres., St. George's Soc, Toronto, 1897; apptd. a Puisne Jndse of the Superior 1885-6; Hon. member Royal Society of St. Ct., 1887; acting Chief Justice, Montreal, George, London, Eng.; life member, Im- 1894; Chief Justice, 1906. Address: 614 218 WHO'S WHO

Sherbrooke St. W., Montreal. Clubs: Columbus, Que. Address: 20 d'Aiguillon Montreal, St. James, Montreal. St., Quebec. Club: Hunt, Quebec. TAIT, Tbomas James; Chairman of the TANNER, Charles ElUott, K.C.; Re- Victorian Rly. Conuniasion, Australia; 6. corder and Stipendiary of Pictou, N.S.; Melbourne, Que., 24 July, 1864; s. of Sir 6. Pictou, N.S., 7 Oct., 1867; s. of Richard Melbourne Tait, Chief Justice of the Super- Tanner and Jane Brown; m, Alice May ior-Court for the Province of Quebec, McDonald; one 8. Educ: Pictou Acad. --1931x1 iSlanica ideceaeed), d. of the late Admitted to the Bar, 1878; cr. K.C., 1896; Thomas "Holmes, ^Siontxeal; m. liaily St. recorder and stipendiary of Pictou since Aubert, d. of G. R. R. Cockburn, Toronto; 1888. First el. to N.S. Legis., 1894; one d. Educ: High Sch., Montreal; in a^eated 1S97; re-el., 1900, 1901 and 1906; 1880, entered the Audit Office of the G. T. resigned 1908 to run iar Fed. Earlt., but Ry.; secretary to Sir Wm. Van Home, then unsuccessful. Tendered prov. leadership yice-pres. and general manager C. R. Py. by provincial convention, 1909. Address; in 1882; afterwards Asst. Supt., Moose Pictou, N.S. Jaw; General Supt„ Ontario Division at TABTE, Louis Joseph; 6. L' Assomption Toronto; General Supt. of Ontario and Que., 25 Dec, 1872; s. of J. Israel Tarte Quebec Division; Asst. General Manager of and Georgina Sylvester; m. Bertha Gauthier the whole system; manager of lines east of one 8. and two d, Educ : Quebec Commer- Port Arthur; Manager of Transportation cial Acad. In journalism for many years; .east of Port Arthur; Manager of Transpor- pres. and gen'l. mgr. ''La Pairie" Montreal.

tation over the entire system; went to . Address; 716 St. Hubert St., Montreal, Que. Australia in the spring of 1903 to be chair- Clubs: St. Denis, Lafontaine, Montreal man of the Victorian Railway Commission; Jockey, Montreal. has converted the Ry. System of Victoria TASCHEBEAU, Bt. Hon. Sir Henri from a nonpaying to a paying basis, the Elzear, Kt., P.O., LL.D.; Dean of the surplus last year being £200,000, represent- Law Faculty, Univ. of Ottawa; b. St. ing a profit of £550 a day, as compared with Mary's, Beauce Co., Que., 7 Oct., 1836; a deficit of £1,000 a day before assuming 8. of P. E. Taschereau, M.L.A., and Cath- chairmanship' of Comn. Becreations: golf, erine H. Dionne; m. (1st) Marie Antoinette, tennis. Address: Victorian Railway Com- d. of late Hon. R. U. Harwood, M.L.C.; mission, Melbourne, Australia. Clubs: St. (2nd) 1897, Marie Louise, d. of late Charles James., Montreal; Toronto, Toronto; Mel- Panet, of Ottawa; five 8. three d. Educ: bourne, Australia. Quebec Seminary. Called to the Quebec Can. Legis. TALBOT, I/leut.-Col. Oneslphore Ernest Bar, 1857; cr. Q.C., 1867; sat in Co., 1861-67; Judge of b. St. Arsene, Temiscouata Co., Que.; s. of Assem. tor Beauce 1871-1878; J. F. Talbot d. E. R. the Superior Ct. of Quebec, and Marguerite, of 1878- Frechette; m. Guil- Judge of the Supreme Ct. of Can., 1887, Mary Ann Law Adminis- martin, of Savannah, Georgia, U.S. Educ: 1906; Chief Justice 1902-1906; Kt., 1902; P.O., St. Michael and Quebec Seminary; a mem- trator of Govt, in 1904; cr. "Criminal Law of ber of the Agric. Council of Prbv. of Que.; 1904. Publications: Civil Procedure Lieut. -Col. of the 17th Regt of Levis and Canada" (3 eds.); "Code Recreations: tenms, Bellechasse; was Adjutant of the Bisley of Prov. of Quebec." whist. Address: 265 Laurier Av, E., Team, 1906; elec. to H. of C. at g. e., 1896; Ottawa. Clubs: Rideau, Country, Ottawa; re-el. at g. e., 1900, 1904, 1908; a Liberal. Address; Que. Fraserville. St. Michel de Bellechasse, TASCHEBEAU, Hon. Louis Alexander, TALBOT, Hon. Peter; senator; 6. Era- M.L.A.; Minister of PubUc Works, Quebec; mosa, Co., Ont., March, Wellington 30 1854; b. Quebec, 5 March, 1867; 8. of Hon. Jean s. of Henry Talbot and Margaret Stewart; Thomas Taschereau, Judge of the Supreme m\ 1879, Clara, d. of John Card, of Guelph, of R. E, Court, and Josephine ' d. Ont. Educ: Rockwood Acad., and Ottawa Caron, some time Lieutenant-Governor of Normal Sch. Holds teacher's first-class Quebec; m. Adene Dionne; three s. two d. certificate. A farmer. El. to the Leg. Educ: Quebec Seminary; an advocat; was Ass. for the North-West at g. e., 1902. El. elec. to the Quebec Legislature, 1900 a.nd to the H. of C. at g. e., 1904; resigned 8 1905; sworn in as Minister of Public Works, March, 1906, and called to the Senate. A 17 Oct., 1907. re-elected in 1907 and 1908. Liberal. .^ddress.-Lacombe, Alta. Address; 66 St. Louis St., Quebec. Club: 6. St. Garrison, Quebec. TAIVGUAT, G. Emile; architect; -r, « . Gervais, Qoe., 8 Oct., 1857; m. 1888, Clara TATLOE, Andrew Thomas, R.C.A., pub- , Trudel; five s. Educ: Quebec Normal Sch. F.R.I.B.A.; s. of late James Taylor, At age of eighteen, entered office of J. F. Usher, Edinburgh, and Agnes Drummond; Peachy, architect; has practiced in Quebec b. Edinburgh, Oct:, 1850; m. 1891, Mary, since 1880; designed and constructed Hotel- d. of Acct. Commissary-General Elliott, Dieu Hospital, City Hall, Gameau Block, H.M.'s Ordnance. Educ: Edinburgh; Daily Telegraph Office, Quebec, and St. Royal Academy Sch., London. Pursued Roch's branch of Quebec Bank, Cathedral professional studies in Edinburgh, Aberdeen at Three Rivers, Cathedral and Bishop's London, Italy, and the Continent; practised Palace at Alexandria, Ont., and many in London for a short time; came to Canada, other important institutions. Was the 1883, on professional work, and has smce third pres.. Architects' Assn. of the Prov. practised in Montreal; gained numerous of Que.; air. Council of Arts and Manu- architectural competitions and medals, and facturers of same prov.; dir., Pleasisville designed and erected many important Foundry, Matabetchouan Pulp Co., Lake buildings all over Canada; is architect to the St. ,Tobn Dist., Canada Cement Co., Bank of Montreal, McGill Univ., Royal mem. Quebec Bd. of Trade, Knights of Victoria Hospital, and the Montreal General 219 :


Hospital; Prof, of Ecclesiastical Architec- creation: rifle shooting. Address: 212 Third ture in Presbyterian Coll., Montreal; past Av., New Westminster, B.C. Club: West- president. Province of Que. Assn. of Ar- minster. chitects; Hon. Secy, for Canada, B.I.B.A. TAYLOR, Louis Denison; b. Ann Arbor, Publications: Towers and Steeples of Sir Mich., U.S.A.; «. of Gustavus Adolphus and Christopher Wren; Dominion Drawing Amy Taylor; m. Annie Louise Pierce, Chi- Books; various lectures upon art subjects. cago. 111., U.S.; two s. Arrived in Canada, Recreation: golf. Address: 19 Essex Avenue, Sept., 1895; was in business until 1897; Montreal. Clubs: Mount Royal, Montreal. employed in oflBce of Vancouver Daily TAYLOR, Rev. Andrew Todd, M.A., Province in that year; became owner and D.D.; 6. in Ireland, 1866; s. of Robert and editor Daily Worhi, June, 1905, which has Mary Leach Taylor; m. Lauretta M. Brown- grown to be the largest newspaper published son; one 8. four d. Educ: Grove City Coll., in Western Canada,, averaging 30 pages Pa., and Princeton Univ., New Jersey, U.S. daily; Independent Liberal in politics; Arrived in Canada, 1908; in business for defeated candidate for Mayor of Vancouver, six years; teacher for two years; clergyman 1909. successful 1910. Address: Granville for 16 years. Recreations: golf and tennis. Mansions, Vancouver, B.C. Clubs: Ter- Address: 118 Pembroke St., Toronto. Clubs: minal City and Commercial, Vancouver, North Toronto Golf, Toronto; *Friars, Princeton, N.J. TAYLOR, Hon, Thomas, M.L.A.; Min- TAYLOR, Frederick William; b. Monc- ister of Public Works for B.C.; b. 4 Feb., ton, N.B., 1863; s. of Ezekiel Taylor and 1865, London, Ont.; s. of Thomas Taylor

Rosalie Beatty; m. Jane Fayrer Henshaw, and Ann Talbot ; m. Georgia Larson. Educ of Montreal; one s. one d. Educ: High Pub. Schs. and Commercial Coll., London. Sch. and privately at Moncton; entered Removed to Winnipeg 1885, and entered service of Bank of Montreal, 1878; manager, service of C.P.R. Moved to Trout Lake, Deseronto, 1896; Asst. Inspector, 1898; B.C., 1 894, and engaged in mercantile Manager, Chicago, 1902; manager, London, pursuits; apptd. mining, recorder, 1895, Eng:, 1905. Recreations: tennis, golf, skating. for the Trout Lake Mining div. El. to B. Address: Hans Court, Hans Road, S.W., C. Legis., March, 1900. Sworn as Min. of Fairfield, Sunninghill, Ascot, or Bank of Pub. Works upon institution that office, 21 Montreal, 47 Threadbeedle St., London, Dec, 1908. A mining broker; dir. of the Eng. Clubs: St. James, Montreal; City of Great Western Mines, Ltd.; vice-pres,. London, and Bath, Eng. Prince Mining Go. Address: Revelstoke, TAYLOR, George, M.P.; b. County of B C Leeds, Ont., 31 March, 1840; s. of William TELFORD, Robert Taylor, M.L.A.; 6. Taylor and Ann Graham; m. Margaret Ann Shawville, Pontiac Co., Que., 19 June, Latimer, 10 Sept., 1863. Educ: Com. Sch. 1860; 8. of Robert and Ann Telford; m. in the Tp. of Lansdowne, Ont.; a manu- Belle Howard, of Shamrock, Wis., U.S.; facturer; was reeve of Gananoque for seven one s. Educ: Public Sch.; went West years; also Warden of United Co. of Leeds during the rebellion and served four years and Grenville; Co. auditor; a general mer- in the Royal North West Mounted Police; chant for 25 years; has been a manufacturer a lumber dealer; elec. for Leduc, in the for 20 years; first elec. to the H. of C. in first legislature of Alberta, 1905. Address: 1882, and has represented Leeds constantly Leduc, Alta. since that time, being re-el. at every election; TELLIER, Hon. Louis; Pusine Judge of chief whip of tiie Lib. -Cons, party. Address: the Superior Ct. of the Prov. of Quebec; 6. Gananoque, Ont. Berthier, Que., 25 Dec, 1844; s. of Zephirin TAYLOR, Hon. Hedley Clarence, M.A. Tellier, of Ste. Melanie Daillefaout, and L. (Mount Allison Univ., N.B.), LL.B. (Mich- Ferland, d. of V. Priskue Ferland; m. (1st) igan Univ., U.S.A.); b. Sheffield, N.B., 20 1868, Hermine (d. 1878), d. of the late Sept., 1864; s. of Samuel Taylor and Char- Dr. A. Malhiot; (2nd) 1882, Elzire (d. 1906) lotte Jane Hunter; m. Bessie Perley Taylor; d. of G. A. Hamel; three s. five d. Educ:

two 8. Educ: pub. sch., N.B., Mount Joliette Coll. ; studied law under the Allison Academy and Univ. Studied law late Mr. Baby, and later under Mr. Chagnon. in St. John, N.B.; admitted to bar of N.B. Called to the Bar, 1866; practiced prof, in in 1891, and to bar of North West Territor- St. Hyacinthe; for some yrs. Dep. Proth- ies same yx.; apptd. Judge of District Court onotary of the Superior Ct. and Dep. Clerk of Alberta, 21 Nov., 1907. Address: 417 of the Circuit Ct. for Dist. of St. Hyacinthe; Fifth St., Edmonton, Alta. Club: Edmon- apptd. Crown Prosecutor for same dist., ton. 1873. El. to H. of C. ^or St. Hyacinthe TAYLOR, James Davis, M.P.; b. Abena- riding, at g. e., 1S7S; unsuccessful can. at qui Mills, Dorchester Co., Que., 2 Sept., g. e., 1882; became Puisne Judge of the 1863; s. of Thomas Taylor and Mary Hum- Superior Ch;. of the Prov. of Quebec, 1887; phrey Henderson; m. Janie Hay, d. of the an administrator of Laval Univ., Montreal. late Rev. J. H. Jenkins, Rector Three Address: Montreal. Rivers, Que. Educ: Quebec and Ottawa TEMPLEMAN, Hon. William, PC, Public Schs;. apprenticed to the printing M.P., Minister of Inland Revenue for Can- trade, and followed newspaper business in ada; b. Packenham Village, Ont., 28 Sept., Montreal and Ottawa; for many yrs on 1844; s. of Wm. Templeman and Helen staff of Ottawa Citizen and mem. of Parity. Taylor; m. Eva Bond, of Almonte. Educ: Press Gallery; removed in 1892, to Victoria, Pub. Sch., Pakenham, Ont.; established the B.C., and thence to New Westminster, 1900; Almonte Gazette, 1867; moved to Victoria, Managing director, Columbian Co., Ltd., B.C., in 1884, establishing the Times, which

New Westminster, B.C.; unsuccessful candi- he has since published ; an un.successful date for H. of C. 1904; elected 1908. Re- candidate for the H. of C, 1891, and twice 220 ; WHO'S WHO. THCMPSON

in 1896; called to the Senate in 1897; sworn the local legislature known as Yukon Coun- of the Privy Council, and entered the Gov- cil for two yrs. First el. to H. of C. at g. e.', ernment 22 Feb., 1902, without portfolio; 1904; served for four yrs. and then retired apptd. Minister of Inland Eevenue, 6 Feb., from pub. life to continue practice of medi-: 1906, and Minister of Mines upon creation cine. Address: Dawson, Y.T. of the Department, 3 May, 1907; elee. to THOMPSON, Alfred Burke, B.A., M.L. the H. of C. for Victoria, B.C., 1906; un- A.; b. Penetanguishene, Ont., 18 July, 1862; successful in 1908, but elec. by acclam. for 8. of Alfred Andrew 'Thompson and Sarah Comox-Atlin, in bye-election, Feb„ 1909. Burke; m. Kate Worthington May (dec.) Address: Victoriaj B.C. Cluhe: Rideau, Educ: Upper Can. Coll., IToronto Univ. Ottawa; Pacific, Victoria, B.C. Served in N. W. Rebellion with Q. O. R.; TESSIER, Hon. Augusts; Judge of the now Capt. of the 35th Regt. An unsuccess- Superior -Court of Quebec; &. Quebec, ful can. in Simcoe Co. for the Legis. at g. e., 20 Nov., 1853; s. of Hon. Ulric I. Tessier, 1894; el. at g. e., 1898; defeated 1902; re-el. Judge of the Court of King's Bench, and at g. e., 1905 and 1908. Recreation: curling. Adele Kelly; m. Corinne Gauvreau; three Church of England. A Conservative. 0. two d. His ancestors arrived in Canada Address: Penetanguishene, Ont. at the time of the French regime; member THOMPSON. Lieut.-Col. Andrew Thor- of the Quebec Leg. Assem. for Eimouski, burn, B.A., LL.B.; 6. "Ruthven from 1889 to 1907; Speaker of the Assembly Park," Haldimand Co., Ont., 27 May, 1870; 1906; Minister of Agriculture, and Treasurer s. of David Thompson, M.P., and Elizabeth of the Province of Quebec in the adminis- Stinson; m. Violet Isabel, o. d. of the late tration of Premier Gouin; apptd. Judge James Hepburn Bums, M.D., Toronto; of the Superior Court. Address: 3 Ursuline "two s. one d. Educ: Cayuga High Sch., Lane, Quebec. Chxhs: Garrison, Quebec. Up. Can. Coll., Toronto Univ., and Osgoode TESSIER) Ueut.-Col. Joseph Adolph, Hall; called to the bar in 1893; elected to K.C.; 6. St. Anne de la Perade, Champlain the H. of C. in 1900; sat until 1904, during Co., 17 Dec, 1862; s. of Louis de Gouzague which time he was liberal whip for Ontario; Tessier, and Rose De Lima Laquerre: m. was second in command of Canadian Cor- Marie Elmire Giiillet; three d. Officer onation Contingent, and now in command of Commanding the 86th Regt.; City Attorney ,5th Infantry Brigade; practicing in Ottawa of Three Rivers, from 1896 to 1907; elec. as a parliamentary lawyer. ^Publications: to Quebec Legis. Assem., 1904 and 1908. articles on the Canadian' Militia for the j4ddre8s: Three Rivers, Que. Encyclopedia American; editor of the TESSIER Hon. Jules; senator; h. Que- Canadian Military Gazette. Address: 309 bec, 16 April, 1852; s. of the late Hon. U. Frank St., Ottawa, and Ruthven Park, T. Tessier, Judge of the Court of Queen's Cayuga, Ont. Clubs: Rideau, Country,

, Bench; m. 1882, Francois Mathilde Barnard, Ottawa. Educ: Quebec Seminary, Jesuits Coll., THOMPSON, Hon. Frederick Pember- Montreal, and Laval Univ. Called to the ton; senator; 6. Douglas, York Co., bar 1874; apptd. K.C., 1900; for several N.B.; 8. of Alexander Thompson and Han- years editor of Reports;'* nah Pickard; m. 1876, Eliza Snowball, d. of

Secretary of the National Convention, 1880, Rev. John Snowball, (dec. 30 Nov , 1900). of the St. Jean Baptiste Soc. of Quebec, and Educ: Fredericton and Sackville Inst.; was also pres.; a director of the Lake St. John a member of the firm of Thompson and Co., pres., Quebec Colonization Soc; a Anderson, established in 1871; and lately member of the Quebec City Council; elec. re-organized as a joint-stock, Co., under to Quebec Legis. Assem., 1886, 1890, 1892, the name of MoFarlane, Thompson Mfg. 1897 and 1900; speaker, 1897-1900; was Co.; also interested in .lumbering and millr one of the' founders and 'editors of Le ing; was a member of York Council for six Clarion; apptd. to the Senate, 12 March, years, and Warden three years; elec. to 1903; Liberal. Address: Quebec. N..B. Legis. Assem., 1899, and continued THOBURN, WUHam, M.P.; b. Ports- a member until called to the Senate, 8 Feb., mouth, Eng., 14 April, 1847; s. of John and 1902; was vice-pres., the People's Bank of Mary Thoburn; widower; two d. Educ.: N.B., absorbed by the Bank of Montreal; Co. of Carleton; arrived in Canada, 1857; pres., of the McFarlane Neill Manfg. Co.; a woolen manufacturer; a director of the man., dir., N.B. Telephone. Co.; dir.. Fred- Almonte Knitting Co., Almonte; director eriction Gaslight Co., and pres., Victoria of the "Trust and Guarantee Co., Toronto, Hospital (founded by Lady TiUey) ; Metho- Address; Fredericton, N.B. Ont. ; was Mayor of Almonte for seven yrs. dist; Liberal. first el. to H. of C, 1908; a Conservative. THOMPSON Frederick William; Vice- Recreations: boating, curling. Address: Pres. and Managing Dir., Ogime Flour Almonte, Ont. Clvb: Rideau, Ottawa. Mills- Co., Ltd.; b. Montreal, 1862; «. of the THOMAS. Chester Ashley; resident mgr » late Andrew "Thompson and Josephine De of James Reid, Yukon Gold Co.; 6. Los Angeles, Cal., Dec, Lesperance; m. 1882, d. one s. three d. , 1874. Brfttc; Stamford Univ., Cal. Entered formerly of Bedford, Que.; -service YiAon Gold Co., 1905. Address: Educ.-: Montreal and Brooklyn, N.Y. ' Dawson, Y.T. At age of fifteen entered service of the old THOMPSON. Alfred, M.D., CM.; b. Exchange Bank of Montreal; resigned to Nine Mile River, Hants Co., N.S., 6 June, join the Ogilvie Milling Co. six yrs. later, of business in the 1869; s. of James A. Thompson and Jane became gen. mgr. the the Thompson; m. Elsie Miller; one s. one d. North-Weat, 1889; gen. mgr. of entire Educ: Univ. of Dalhonsie, Halifax, N.S. concern, 1900; in conjunction with Mr. C. Graduated in 1898; removed to Dawson, R. Hosmer, 1902, purchased and re-organ- Y.T., 1899, where he has since practiced ized the business under style of the Ogilvie the medical profession. Served as mem. of Flour Mills Co., Ltd., and became vice-pres. 221 ; ; -


and mng. dir. Vice-pjes, of Kaministl^ua' subjects; "Counting and Time Reckoning,', Power Co, !S., Canfidian Appraisal Co. pubhshed in Trans, of Can. Inst. Address Liverpool, dir.,, tne 211 Ave., Ottawa. Royal.„ Bank of Canada,, Daly . . .

. London and Glob© Insur Co., Manitoba THOBNE, WUliam Henry; h. St. John Insur. ,Co, Address: 80 Redpath St., Mon- N.B., 12 Sept., 1844; s. of E. Thorne; un^ treal. Clubs: Mount Royal, St. James, married. Educ: St. John, N.B.; Iron anc Forest arid Stream, Montreal, Canada, Hardware-Merchant; conunenced business Royal Montreal Golf and Jockey; Manitoba, 1867; pres. of W. H. Thorne Co., Limited;

Commercial, Winnipeg ; Rideau, Ottawa; director of Royal Bank of Canada, and Constitutional, London, Eng. Cornwall and York Cotton Mills Co.; two THOMSON, Edward William, C.E., F. years president Board of Trade. Recrea- R.S.L.; b. Toronto Tp., Ont., 12 Feb., 1849; tions: salmon fishing, shooting. Address; 8. of William Thomson and Margaret St. John, N.B. Clubs: Union, St. John; St. Hamilton Foley; m. A. L. G. St. Denis; one James, Montreal. 8. Educ: Pub. Sch., Caledonia and Brant- THORN£LO£, Rt. Rev. George, M.A., ford; Trinity Coll. Gram. Sch., Weaton, D.D., D.C.L., Bishop of Algoma; b. Coven- Ont.; served In the U.S. Army last year of try, Eng., 4 Oct., 1848; a. of James and the Civil War; in Queen's Own Rifles, Catherine Thomeloe; m. Mary E. Fuller, of Toronto, 1866; Land Surveyor, 1872; civil Lennoxville, Que.; oi^e s. one d. Educ.: engineer, 1875-1878; editorial writer, Tor- Bishops Coll., Lennoxville, Que.; arrived in onto Globe, 1878-1891; editor Youths' Com- Canada, 1858; Rector of Stanstead, Que., panion, Boston, 1891-1901; Free Lance and 1874 to 1885; Rector of Sherbrooke, Que., author since 1901; Ottawa Correspondent, 1885 to 1897; Bishop of Algoma, 1897. Boston Transcript. Publications: "Old Man Address :Sa,\ilt St. Marie, Ont. Savarin," "Between Earth and Sky," THORNTON, Charles Jonas, M.P.; 6. "Walter Dibbs," "Smoky Days," "Collec- Tp. of Clarke, Durham Co., Ont„ 30 May, tion of Short Stories," "Versifier in M. S. 1850; s. of Thomas Thornton, Yorkshire, Henry's translation of Ancassin and Nico- Eng., and Susannah Powers, U. E. L. des- iette"; "The Many Mansioned House," cent; m. Eleanor Hnghson; two s. two d. "When Lincoln Died," "Collection of Educ: Pub. Sch., of nis native co., and Poems," fugitive stories, poems and press Coll. at London, Ont.; seven years Tp. articles. Recreations: fishing and walking. Councillor, and five years in the Co. Council; Address; 360 Concession St., Ottawa. Clvhs: el. for West Durham in 1900, but lost seat Authors, London, Eng.; International, Bos- because deposit was made by marked ton, Mass. cheque instead of cash; elec. in 1908. THOMSON, Henry Broughton, M.L.A.; Address: Kirby P. O., Ont. 6. Newry, Co. Down, Ireland; 21 July, 1870; TIFFIN, William Richard; Supt. North s.'of the late Capt. William Thomson, 78th Division, G. T. Ry.; 6. Hamilton, Ont., Highlanders, and Alice Grbughton. Educ.: Sept., 1844; s. of Samuel Tiffin and Anne "_ Bedford Gram. Sch., Bedford, Eng. Ar- Tifl5n; m. Susan Amelia Oakley; three s. rived in Canada, 1893;hasfollowedageneral i^rfuc. .'Hamilton. Entered railway service, conunercial business in British Columbia; 1860, since which he has been consecutively Uyed for five years in Nelson, Kootenay to 1875, clerk in office at Hamilton and in jDist., and two years in Cariboo; went to general siiperintendent's department. Great

^. Victoria, in 1 902, as manager of the Tutner- Western Ry. of Can.; 1875 to 1880, asst. ' ' Beeton Co.; elec. as one of the Conservative supt. s^he road at Palmerston; on amal- members for Victoria City in provincial gamation of Great Western Ry. with Grand Legislature, 1907. Address: Victoria, B.C. Trunk Ry. in 1890, apptd. asst. supt. latter Ciubs; Union, Victoria. road in charge of Northern division at THORBURN, John M.A., LL.D.; h. Stratford, Ont., which position he held ' Quothquan, Lanarkshire, Scot., 10 Oct., until July, 15( 1896, when he was assigned 1830; 8. of John Thorbum and Mary Wilson to other duties; Jan. 1, 1897, to date, 771. Maria J. I., d. of Dr. Henry G. Parish, of Supt. of G. T. R., Northern Divn. Yarmouth, N.S. Educ: Quothquan and Address: Allandale, Ont. Liberton Schs., and Edinburgh Univ. TILTON, Col. John; b. Lancaster. N.B., T?LUght in the Gram. Sch., Musselburgh, and 27 March, 1837; a. of Barnabas Tilton in the Western Inst., Edinburgh. Came to (native of Boston, Mass.) and Anne Wylie Can., 1856; taught sch. for a short time in (English); m. Roberta E., d. of late Daniel

Yarrtiouth , N.S. , and was then apptd. J. Odell, for many yrs. British consul at Principal and Prof, of Classics in St. Fran- Eastport, Me., U.S.A. Educ: St. John cis Coll., Richmond, Que.; Head-master of Gram. Sch. and Kingston, N.B. For some the Ottawa Gram. Sch. (now the Coll. years in business as a merchant in St. Inst.), 1862-02; apptd. Librarian of the John; joined the public service of Canada, Can. Geol. Survey, and a few months later 1867; promoted to Deputy Minister of apptd. Chn. of the Bd. of C. S. Examinersr Fisheries, 1884; retired on the union of the wMch position he held for 27 yra.; hon. departments of Marine and Fisheries, 1892; mem. of Am. Acad, of Political and Social a mem'ber of the Royal Commission, 1880. Science, Philadelphia; of Trinity Histor- to enquire into and report on the organ- ical Soc, Dallas, Texas; hon.' corr. Fellow of ization of the Civil Service. Was Lieut. the Geol. Soc. of Australasia, Melbourne, Col,, commanding the Governor-General's etc. Was pres. of the St. Andrew's Soc, Foot Guards, Ottawa; commanded the of the Literary and Scientific Soc. of Ot- Canadian team at Wimbledon, 1892, and at tawa, of the Univ. Extension Scheme of Bisley, 1901. Has devoted the greater Lectures; was for many yrs. Trustee of th9 portion of his life to the encouragement of Ottawa Coll. Inst., and Chn. of the Bd. for rifle shooting. A warm advonjite of the five yrs. Publications: Lectures on various RockclifFe site for the Dom. Rifle Range, 222 ; ;; WHO'S WHO.

• and after site selected by Govt., took great Atlantic R. R. at Ottawa, 1886-9; gen. interest as chairman of the Executive freight agt., 1889-92; gen. traffic mgr.. oftheDom. Rifle Assn. in the construction West Shore R. R., 1892-1901; 2d v.-p., of the range; promoted to be Hon. Col.; 1901-3, 1st v.-p., 1903-7; dir., 1905-7; N. Y. 1901. General agent for Canada, for the New Haven & Hartford R. R.; v.-p., Ban- Metropolitan Life Ina. Co., since 1897. gor & Aroostook R. R,, since Jan., 1907., Address: 37 Gloucester St., Ottawa. Club: Address: Bangor, Me. Clvba: Tarratine Bideau, Ottawa. Golf, Bangor, Maine; Union League and TISDALE, Lleut.-Col. Hon. David, P.O., Transportation, New York. K.C.; h. 8 Sept., 1835; e. of Ephraim Tisdale TODD, William F., M.P;; b. St. Stephen (great grand-parents as U.E. Loyalists, em- N.B., 2 May, 1854: s, of Freeman H.Todd, igrated from United States in 1783 to what and Adeline Boardman; m. 1879, Ethel J. is now St. John, N.B.); m. Sarah Araminta Bolton, d, of John Bolton, member of H. of

d. of James Walker; two a. two d. Educ: C. shortly after Confederation ;' three d. Pub. Schs. and Gram. Sch., Norfolk Co., A merchant; memb. of N.B. Legis., 1899; Ont.; Toronto- Univ.; ban*., Ont., 1858; first elec. to H. of C, 1908; Universalist fienior member firm Tisdale, Tisdale and Liberal. Address: St. Stephen, N.B, Keid, Simcoe, Ont.; Q.C. 1872? extensively TOLMIE, John, M^P.; 6. Balgowan, engaged in financing and construction of Parish of Laggan, Scot., 30 Aug., 1845; s. of railways; in lumbering, mining, sheep- Alexander Tolmie and Mary Fraser; m. farming and cattle-ranching; assisted in (1st) Maggie Patterson; (2nd) Alice Robert- raising a rifle company, 1861; was its first son; one 8. one d. £auc. : Balgowan Sch., Captain, on service with it at the time of the Scot.; arrived in Canada, 30 July, 1868; Trent difficulty, and the Fenian Raid, 1866; sixteen years on a farm; last 25 years a subsequently other Companies were raised manufacturer of salt ; was two years Coun- and 39th Norfolk Rifles formed (8 Com- cillor for Bruce Tp. and three years Reeve; panies); gazetted Lieut.-Col.; retired but Deputy Reeve of Kincardine, for one year, retaining rank; was a delegate with others and two years Mayor; first el. to H. of C, from all parts of Canada who met at 1896; has been returned four times. Re~ Ottawa and formed the Dominion Rifle creations: fond of Scottish poetry and Association, 1868; Chairman Standing music. Address: Kincardine, Ont. Committee on Railways and Canals in H. of TOBOXTO, Bishop of; see Right Rev. C, 1891-96; Mnister of Militia and Defence, James Fielding Sweeney. 1896. Pres. Crown Life Assurance Com- TORBINGTON, Mrs. Rosaline Rebecca; pany; Pres.j St. Clair and-Erie Ship Canal wife of Dr. F. H. Torrington, of Toronto, Company; Vice-Pres. of the tJ.E. Loyalist Ont.; b. Ireland; two s. Educ: Ireland; Association for Ontario. Reereaiion: organ- arrived Canada 1869; has written number ized the "Long Point Shooting Club." of articles on social questions, Pres., Address: Simcoe, Ont. Local Council of Women, Toronto; mem., TOBIN, Edmund William; 6. Brompton Women's Canadian Club, Women. s His- Falls, -Que., 14 Sept., 1865; s. of Patrick torical Soc. Women's Art Assn. of Can., Tobin and Helen Hanley; m. 24 April, 1893, Toronto. Address: 12 Pembroke St., Tor- Bessie E. Nott. Educ: Elementary -schs. onto. general merchant and lumber dealer; Mayor TOTZKE, Albert Frederick, Phm. B., of Brompton Falls, and Warden of the Co. M.L.A.; b. Beriin Ont., 20 Dec, 1882; s. of of Richmond,; elec. to the H, of C, 1900, E. L. Carl and Louise Totzke; m. Evelyn 1904 and 1908; Roman Catholic; Liberal. Lynch; one d. Educ: Berlin, Ont., and Address: Bromptonville, Que. Toronto; went to Sask. in 1904, and entered TODD, Frederick' G.J. landscape archi- the drug business at Vonda, 1905; elec. to tect; 6. Concord, N.H., 11 March, 1876; s. the Provincial Legislature in 1908. Recrea- of G. W. Todd and Mary E. Cole; m. Beat- tions: shooting and curling. Address: •rice E. Pinkerton; one s. one d. Educ: Vonda, Sask. High Sch., Andover,. Mass.,- and Agricul- TOURIGNT, Hon. Francois Simeon, tural Coll., Emherst, Mass.; arrived in K.C., B.L., LL.L., LL.D.; Judge of the Canada, 6 Jime, 1900; is a fellow of the Superior Ct. of the Prov. of Quebec; 6. American Soc. of Landscape Architects; Becancourt, Nicolet Co., Que.. 3 Nov., 1858; principal work—plans of Winnip^ Park; s. of Olivier Tourigny and C)hve Comeau; [ilans for Ottawa Improvement Gommis- m. Eugjnie Arcandy; one d. Brfuc. ; Nicolet si'on; plans for parks and location of Par- Coll. Practised law at Three Rivers. liament Buildings for the Governments of Took an active interest in municipal affairs; alderman of Three Rivers, 1898-1906; Alberta and Sask. ; plans for National Address: 10 Mayor 1906-08; one of the promoters of the . Battlefields' Commission. ' Phillips Place, Montreal. Clubs: Engineers', St. Maurice Valley Ry. Co. Apptd, Judge, Montreal. 1908, Address: Three Rivers, Que. TODD, Percy K-; b. Toronto,- Ont., 4 TOUT, Charles Hill; b. Cyland, Devon- Dec„ 1859; s. of Alfred and Katherine Todd shire, Eng., 28 Sept., 1858; s. of John Tout wi. Fanny S. Folker of New York; two d. and Elizabeth Hill ; m. Edith Mary Stothert Educ: Coll. Inst., Ottawa, Ont. Began five s. four d. Arrived in Canada, 1SS4. Ry. service as telegraph operator \mtil 1875; Educ: partly at Oxford and Lincoln, Eng., Canadian agt., Ogdensburg & Lake Cham- for the Church, but took up educational preference, and later scientific Slain R. R., 1875-82; gen. travelling agt., work, by at. Despatch Line at Chicago, 1882-5; investigation amon^ the native races of and the United States for the B.A. commercial agt., N. Y, , West Shore & Canada Biiffalo R. R. at Albany, 1885; chief clerk A,S. Publicationa: The* American volume gen. freight dept.. same at New York, 1885-6 of "The Native Races of the British Em- gen. freight and passenger agt., Canada pire," series. Recreations: farming, stock 223 WHO'S WHO.

raising. Address: Bucklands, Abbotsford, of the Superior Court of the Prov. of Que.,. B C 1901, and Puisne Judge of the Ct. of King's- TOWNLET, Mrs- Charles Robert (Alice Bench, 1904, Address: "Rosemount," 65 Ashworth); &. Quebec, 26 Nov., 1870; • Rosemount Av., Montreal, Que. Cluhr d. of William Henry Ashworth and Jane University, Montreal. Moray Askworth; m. CharleB Robert Town- TBOOP, Rev. George Osborne, M.A.; 6. ley. Educ. : Canada. Before her marriage Bridgetown, N.^., 6 March, 1854; s. of the wrote nuitiber of short stories, verse, late William Henry Troop, barrister-at- descriptive articles for Canadian and law, and Georgina Coster; jn. Suzette Lawe American newspapers and magazines, as Hill, d. of the late Rev. G. W. Hill, D.C.L., "Alice Ashworth," but now writes as "Alice formerly rector of St. Pseul's Halifax. Ashworth Townley." Mem., National Educ: King's Coll., Windsor, N.S.; ordain- Council of Women. Publications: "Just a ed deacon 1877; priest, 1878; curate of St,

Little Boy," 1897; "Just a Little Girl," Paul's, Halifax, 1877-1881 ; rector St.- 1907; "Opinions of Mary," 1909. Address: James. Church, St. John, N.B., 1882-X886; 944 Hastings St. W., Vancouver, B.C. rector, St. Martin's Church, Montreal, 1886- Clubs: Women's Canadian, Press, Vancou- to the present. Recreations: walking, read- ver. ing. Address: 738 St. Urbain St., Montreal. TOWNSHEND, Hon. Charles James, TROTTER, Major Gerald Frederick,. B A., B.C.L., Chief Justice of the Supreme D.S.O., M.V.O. (4th class): b, London, Ct. of N.S.; h. 22 March, 1844; s. of Rev. Eng., 21 July, 1871; s. of Maj-Gen. Sir Canon Townshend; Rector of Christ Church, Henry Trotter, G.C.V.O., and Hon. Eva Amherst, N.S., and Elizabeth Stewart; m. Gifford; unmarried. Educ: H.M.S. Britan- (1st) 1867, Laura, d. of J. D. Kinnear; nia. Joined Grenadier Guards, June, 1892; (2na) 1887, Margaret, d. of Jqhn McFarlane; served in South Africa with 3rd Bri^,

' ' three s. two d. Educ: Coll. Sth. and King's Grenadier Guards, from Nov., 1899, untiJ *^Coll., Windsor, N.S. Bar., Canada, 1866; April, 1900; invalided to England on

Q.C., 1881; elected M.L.A. for Cumberland, accoxint of ' wounds; returned to South 1878 and 1882; to H. of C, 1884; M.E.C. Africa, March, 1902, and remained until 1878-82; Judge of the Supreme Court of close of Boer War; arrived in Canada, Dec, N.S., 1887-1907; chief Justice, 1907 to date. 1904, as A.D.C. to Lord Grey, Governor ' Address: Halifax, N.S., and Wolfville, N.S. General of Can. and remained until 1906; (summer). C/w&; Halifax. again A.D.C. in 1909-10. , Recreations: TBANT, William, J. P.; Police Magis- fishing, hunting, shooting, racing. Addressr trate of Regina, Sask.; b. Leeds, Yorkshire, es: Government House, Ottawa ; 1 26 Eng., 13 March, 1844; s. of William Trant, Sloane St., London, Eng. Clubs: Guards, chemist, of Leeds, and Isabella Hirst, of Turf, Beefsteak, M.C.C. and Prince's Rac- Dewsbury; m. Jane, d. of Edward Trood, of quet, London, Eng.; Rideau, Ottawa. Bridgewater, Eng.; three s. one d. Educ: TROTTER, Rev, Thomas, B.A., D.D., ^ Leeds Mechanics' Inst., Leeds Free Gram. LL.D.; b. Thurlaston, Leicestershire, Eng., ^Sch.; founder of the Leeds Astronomical 11. Aug., 1853; s. of Edwin and Hannah Soc. For some yrs. was engaged in jour- Trotter; m. Ellen Maud, o. d. of the late nalism; on staffs of the Yorkshire Post and Rev. David Freeman, M.A., Canning, N.S., several London newspapers; special corr. at 5 May, 1887; two s. and two d. Educ: ^ Paris during the Commune; went on jour- Woodstock Coll., Woodstock, Ont.; Univ. nalistic missions to Ireland, Spain, Algeria, of Toronto, McMaster Univ. Arrived in Morocco, U.S.A., and Mexico, 1878-88. Canada, 13 Sept., 1870; Pastor of the Bap- Came to Can., 1889. Called to the Bar of tist Church, Woodstock, Ont., 1885-1889; Sask., 1904; apptd. Police Magistrate at Pastor of the Bloor St. Baptist Churchy- 1907. Publications: "Financial Toronto, 1889-18"90; professor of Home-_, Regina, "^ Reform," 1874; "Trades Unions," 1876; 2nd letics and Pastoral 'Theology, McMaster ed. 1882; a novel, "Daisy Baines" (now in Univ., Toronto, 1890-1895; pres., Acadia the press); contributions to mags, and Univ.,. Wolfville, N.S.. 1896-1906; pastor, ' newspapers in England, Canadaj and U.S. Ashland Av. Baptist Church, Toledo, Ohio, Address: 2108 Lome St., R^ma, Sask. 1907-1909; re-apptd. professor x>i Home- Club: Assinibola, Regina. letics and Pastoral 'Theology,- McMaster TBENHOIJlttE, Hon. Norman William, Univ., Toronto, 1909. Address: McMaster D.C.L. (McGill Univ.); Puisne University, Toronto, Ont. M.A., , Judge of the Court of King's Bench of the TULLT, Miss Sydney Strickland, A.R.C, Prov. of Quebec; b. Kingsey Tp., Drum- A.; b. 'Torontp, Ont.; d. of late Kivas TuUy, mond Co., Que., 18 Aug., 1837; s. of Ed- I.S.O. Educ: Toronto, London, and Paris.

ward T-renholme and Mary Ann Ridley; Artist; portrait painter; member of Ontario ; m. (1st) 1868, Lucy Wilkes (d. 1885), d. of Society of Artists. Studied at the Slade; the late Samuel Hedge, of Montreal; C2nd) Sch., London, under Professor A. Legfos, 1886, Grace Low, d. of the late Robert 1884-86; and Paris, studied under the late Shaw, of Quebec; five a. two d. Educ: Benjamin Constant; exhibited in the Salon McGill Univ., Montreal (Henry Chapman of 1888; studied also under T. Robert- Medal, 1863; the EHzabeth Torrance Gold Fleury and Gustave Courtoia, etc.; exhib- Medal, 1865). Called to the Bar, 1865, and ited in the Royal Academy ,1886*87; commenced practice of prof, in Montreal. World's Fair, Chicago, and at the Pan- 1872-1882, in partnership with J. J. Mc- American at Bu£falo, where received honr Laren, now Judge of the Ont, Ct. of Ap- ourable mention; at St. Louis Exhibition, Eeals.; apptd. prof, of Roman and Public bronze medal. Address: 36 Toronto Street, aw in McGill Univ., 1868, and Dean of Toronto, Ont. ~ ' Faculty of Law, 1888, but resigned in 1905 TtJPPER, Hon. Sir Charles, Ist Bt., cr, Created a Q.C., 1889; apptd. Puisne Judge 1888; G.C.M.G., cr. 1886; K.C.M.G., cr. 224 ,


1879; C.B., 1867; M.A., D.C.L., hon. LL.D. for 10 years; was unsuccessful candidate for Gamb., Edinburgh, Acadia, and Queen's; parliament six times from 1877 to 1897;

M.D. ; 6. 2 July, 1821 ; ». of late Kev. Charles eleo. to the H. of C. for Nicolet, 1907; re- Tupper, D.D., Aylesford, N.S.; m. Frances elec, 1908. Address: Nicolet, Que. Morse, Amherst. Educ: Acadia and Edin- XUBCOTTE, JToseph Pierre, M.P.; 6. St. burgh Univ. Was fourteen consecutive Jean, Isle d'Orleans, 21 May, 1857; s. of times returned as M.P. for his native county F. iC. Tiircotte, and Elizabeth Rousseau; Cumberland, N.S., and represented it for 171. 7 May, 1895, Marie Eva Dick; four c. thirty-one years; Premier of province of an advocate; was twice a candidate for N.S. at time of Confederation, 1867;' de- Quebec Legislature, in 1886 and 1896; clined seat in first Domimon Cabinet; first elec. to H. of C. 1908; Roman Catholic; sworn of Privy Council, 1870; President of Liberal. Address: Quebec. Privy Council, 1870-72; Minister of Inland TUKGEON, Hon. Adelard, C.M.G., C.V. Revenue, 1872-73; Minister of Customs, O., B.C.L. (Laval Univ.); President Leg. 1873; Minister of Public Works, 1878-79; Coun. of Quebec; b. Beaumont, Que., 19 Minister of Railways and Canals, 1879- Dec, 1863; a. of Damase Turgeon and 84; High Commissioner for Canada ui Eng- Christine Turgeon; m. 1887, Augene, d. land, 1883-87; Minister of Finance, 1887- of the late Etienne Samson, of Levis. 88; reappointed High Commissioner, 1886- Educ: Levis Coll., Laval Univ.,* Que. 96; was one of H.M.'a Plenipotentairies on Called to the bar, 12 July, 1887, and com- Fishery Commission, Washington, 1887-88; menced practicing his prof, in Levis. He and to negotiate treaty between Canada and is now in partnership with the Hon. L. R. France, 1893; Prime Minister, 1896; leader Roy, Prov. Sec. and Registrar, and Mr.

of Opposition , Canadian H. of C, 1896- Ernest Roy, M.P. for Dorchester, in Quebec. 1900. Addreaa: Broomwood, Bexlej; Heath, Returned to the Que. Legis. for the Co. of Kent, Eng. Cluba: Manitoba, Winnipeg; Bellechasse at g. e., 1890; re-el. in yrs. British Empire, Colonial, London, Eng. 1892, 1897, 1900 and 1904; apptd. Minister TUPPBK, Hon. Sir Charles Hlbbert, of Colonization and Mines, in the Marchand K.O.M.G.. or. 1893; LL.B.; K.C.; b. 1855; Govt., 26 May, 1897; held same portfolio «. of Sir C. Tupper; m. Janet, d. of Hon. in the Parent Admn., which was formed 3 James - Maodonald, C.J., of N.S.; four ». Oct., 1900; resigned his seat in Parent three d. Educ: MoGill Coll., Montreal Ministry, and re-el. by his constituency, (Gov.-Gen. Scholarship); Harvard Law March, 1905; accepted portfolio of Minister Sch. Barr., N.S., 1877; Qnt., 1895; B.C., of Lands, Mines and Fisheries in Gouin 1898; elected to H. ofC, 1882, 1887, 1888, Admn., 23 March, 1905; resigned seat, 1907, 1891, 1896-1900; Minister of Marine and but el. 4 Nov., 1907, and again resumed his Fisheries, 1888-95; Minister of Justice and seat in the Gouin Govt., with portfoUo of Attorney-General for Canada, 1895-96; Lands and Forests; now pres.. Leg. Conn., Agent of H.B.M. Paris Tribunal of Arbitra- 1909; is one of the founders of "Union tion, 1892; created K.C.M.G. in recognition Liberale;" a governor of Laval Univ.; was of services there; senior member of legal made a Companion of the Most Distin- firm Tupper and Griffin, Vancouver, B.C. guished Order of St. Michael and St. George, Recreation: tennis. Address: Vancouver. 1906, and created a Knight of the Legion Clubs: Albany, Toronto; Union, Victoria, of Honor by the Pres. of the French Ee- B.C.; Vancouver, Country, Vancouver. public, and C.V.O. by His Highness the b. Prince of Wales during Tercentenary cele- TUPPEB, J. Stewart, B.A., K.C ; Amherst, N.S., 26 Oct., 1851; e. a. of the brations at Que., July, 1908. Address: Rt. Hon. Sir Charles Tupper, Bt.. G.C.M.G., Parlt. Bldgs., Quebec. Club: Garrison, C.B., and Lady Tupper; m. (1st) 1875, Quebec. Marie Wilson (i. 1876), d. of the late TUBGBON, Oneslphore, B.A., M.P.; b. Andrew Robertson, of Montreal; (2nd) St. Joseph de Levis, Que., 6 Sept., 1849; «. Ada Campbell, d. of the late Sir Thomas of Simon Turgeon and Pelagic Paradis; m. Gait, Chief Justice of Common Pleas, Ont.; (1st) Margaret Eulalie Baldwin, of Bath- one ». three d. Educ: McGill Urav., . hurst, N.B., 20 Aug., 1876 (dec. 7 Sept., Montreal (grad. B.A. with First Rank 1896); (2nd) Mary Loretta Meahan, of Honors). Called to Ontario Bar, 1875; Bathurst, N.B., 27 Sept., 1905; one ». two d. Manitoba Bar, 1882; cr. Q.C., 1890; Ben- Educ: Christian Brothers' Sch., Levis, and cher of the Law Soc, 1900; treas. of the Quebec Seminary; a member of the Glouces- Law Soc, 1906; senior mem. of the firm of ter Municipal Council for three yrs.; un- Tupper, Gait, Tupper, Minty & MeTavish, successful candidate in g. e. for H. of C, hamsters and solicitors. Winnipeg; solici- 1896; elec. in 1900, 1904 and 1908. Address: tors for the Bank of Montreal, Bank of Bathurst, N.B. B.N.A., Merchants, Royal, Traders' and TUBGEON, Hon.' William Ferdinand Home Banks, H.B. Co., C.P.R., and many Alphonse, B.A., K.C, M.L.A.; Attor- other corporations. Recreation: riding. ney Gen. of Saskatchewan: b. at Bathurst, Address: Ravenscoint, Winnip«. Clubs: N. B., 3 June, 1877; ». of Onesiphore Tur- Manitoba, St. Charies Country, Winmp^. geon, M.P., and Margaret Baldwin; m. TTJHCOTTE, Gustave Adolphe, M.D., Gertrude Boudreau; two d. Educ: New Univ., Quebec; ad- M.P.; b. at Three Rivers, Que., 19 Nov., York City and Laval bar of Quebec, but moved 1848; ». of Jos. Ed. Turcotte and Flora mitted to the Albert, Buteau; m. (1st) Jean Le Blanc, d. of the shortly afterwards to Prince Sask., partnership with Hon late Dr. J. Le Blanc; (2nd) Emma Houde, where he entered into of C. E. Houde, ex-M.L.A.; one s. two d. J. H. Lament, now a Judge of the Supreme d. he succeeded Educ: St. Mary's Coll., Montreal and St. Court of Saskatchewan, whom of the Province; Attorney Joseph's Coll., Three Rivers; a physician; in the L^islature was Registrar of Nicolet Co., Division No, 2, General of Sask., 23 Sept., 1907; elected in 225 WHO'S WHO,. i(

1908 for Duck Lake. Address: Regina, mands the 3rd Cavalry Brigade, Can. Mil. Sask. Address: 26 St. Ursule St., Quebec. Club: 'UBNEB, Hon. J. H.; h. 7 May, 1834; Garrison, Quebec. s. of John and Martha Turner, Ipswich, TURRIFF, John Gillanders, M.P.; b. Suffolk, England; m. 1860, Elizabeth Little Metis, Que., 14 Dec^ 1856; a. of EilbeckjOf Wmtehaven, Cumberland; one s. Robert TurrifE and Jane Gillanders; m. ^duc: Whitatable, near Canterbury, Eng. (1st) Eva Louise Josephine Bartlette Merchant; commenced inVictoria, 1863; elec. Buchanan, in 1884; (2nd) Catherine Mary to the City Council, 1877; Mayor of Victoria, Wilson; one a. three d. Educ: Little Metis 1879, 1880, 1881; elected Legislative Aasem. and Montreal; represented Moose Mountain of province, 1886 (city of Victoria); Min- District in N.W. legislature for three terms, ister of Finance and Agriculture, 1887-98 1884 to 1891; unsuccessful candidate in and 1899-1901; Premier, 1895-98; intro- East Assiniboia for H. of C. in 1891, against duced the Bu^et for thirteen years, and Hon. E. Dewdney, Minister of Interior; Acta for encouragement of fruit growing, Conunissioner of Dominion Lands at Ott- dairying, and formation of Farmers' In- awa, 1898-1904; elected to the H. of C,

stitutes and Farmers' Banks, etc. ; joined the 1904, 1908. Address: 61 Cartier St., Ottawa. first company of volunteers, 1864; retired TWEEDALE, John Fletcher, M.L.A.; b. into Canadian Reserve Militia, 1881, as Fredericton, N.B., 18 Dec, 1858; a. of Lieut.-Col.; agent General for Irtish Col- Matthew and Martha Tweedale; m. Joan umbia in London, since 1901. Recreations: Campbell; two a, four d. £?{juc.; Fredericton, riding, fishing, cricket. Address: Salisbury N.B.; mOmber of the Municipal Council^ House, Finsbijry Circus, E.C.; 15 Hereford CJo. of Victoria for 18 Consecutive years; Square, South Kensington, S.W. Cluhs: Wirden of the Co.; member of the N.B. Union, Victoria; United Empire, London, Legislature for the past 8 years. Address: Eng. Arthurette, Victoria County, N.B. rUBNER, Hon. Richard, M.L.C.; b. TWEEDIE, Hon. Lemuel John, K.C., Quebec, 16 Aug., 1843; a. of James Turner, LL.D.; Lieut. -Governor of New Brunswick; of Rochester, Eng,, and Susan Frizelle; m. b. Chatham, N.B.^ 30 Nov., 1849; parents 1867, Emily Maria Ellis; four a. two d. Irish and Scotch; m. Agnes, rf. of the late Established firm of Whitehead & Turner, Alexander Loudon, of Chatham; four a. wholesale grocers, 1870. Dir. of the Im- two d. Educ: Chatham, Gram. Sch. and perial Bank of Can.; ex-pres., St. George's Presbyterian Academy. Called to the bar Soc. of Que.; pres. or dir. of National Tele- of New Brimswick, 1870. El. to Legis. ghone Co., Quebec Cartage and Transfer Assem., 1874; defeated 1878; re-el., 1886. o.. Turner Lumber and Pulp Wood Co., and at eVery g. e., until apptd. to his present Bouthillier Co., Levis County Ry., and position. Became surveyor-general and other important mercantile institutions. head of the Crown Lands !Dept., 1890; Served three terms on the Que. City Coim- Prov. Sec, 1896; Premier of New Bruns- cil; Pres., Que. Bd. of Trade; hon. vioe- wick, 1900; apptd. Lieut. -Governor, 2 Mar., Eres.. Quebec Lib. Club; apptd. to Que. 1907. Recreations: shooting, fishing, purling. egls. Council, 1897; chairman, Bd. of Address: Chatham, N.B. Club: Union, St. dirs. of the Que. High Sch.; mem. National John. Battlefields Com. Address: 55 D'Auteuil TTE, William Francis, C.E.; b. 5 March, St., Quebec. Ciub: Garrison. 1861. Educ: Ottawa Univ. and Sch. of TURNER, Lleut.-Col. Richard Ernest Practical Science. Entered ry. service, William, D.S.O., V.C; 6. Quebec, 25 1882, since which he has been consecutively July, 1871; s. of Hon. Richard Turner and to 1885, rodman, leveler, transitman on Emily Maria Ellis; m. Harriet Augusta location and asst. engr. on construction, Goodday of London, Eng.; one s. two d. C. P. Ry.; transitman on location and asst. Educ: Quebec; a member of the wholesale engr. on construction St. Paul Minneapolis grocery firm of Whitehead & Turner; ser- & Manitoba Ry., 1886-87; engr. of track and ved in South African War, 1889-1900. bridges Tampico branch Mexican Central Operations in the Orange Free State, Feb. Ry. 1888-89; location engr. Great Falls & to May, 1900, including actions at Vet Canada Ry. in Montana, 1890; engr. in River (5 and 6 May), and Zand River (10 charge of location and mv. engr. Pacific May.) Operations in the Transvaal in extension Great Northern Ry., 1891-92; May and June, 1900, including actions near engr. in charge of change of s&uge Alberta Joannesburg (29 May), Pretoria (4 June), Ry. and Coal Co., 1893-94; chief engr., and Diamond Hill (11 and 12 June). Opera- Kalso & Slocan Ry. and 'l?rail Creek Tram- tions in the Transvaal, east of Pretoria, way, 1896; chief enpr., Columbia & Western July to 21 Nov., 1900, including actions at Ry., 1896-1900; chief engr. of construction, Reit Vlei (16 July), Belfast (26 and 27 C. P. Ry.. 1900-02; asst. chief engr., 1902- August, 1900), Operations in Cape Colony, 04; chief engr., 1904-6; in private practise south of Orange River, 1899-1900. Opera- since; pres. The Sterling Coal Co. Address: tions in the Transvaal between 30 Nov., 64 Rosemount Av., Toronto. 1900 and 31 May, 1902. Intelligence Offi- TTRRELL, Jaqies Williams, C.E., D.L. cer at Wonderfonteih, Transvaal, 20 Sept. S.; h. Weston, Ont., 10 May, 1863; s. of to 22 Oct., flQOO. (Severely wounded.) William and Elizabeth Tyrrell; m. Isabel Despatches. Lord Roberts 2 April, 1901; Macdonald; two a. two d, Educ: Weston, Lord Kitchener, 8 March, 1902; London and Toronto Univ.; an explorer of Canadian Qaneite, 16 April, 1901 ; April and 23 April, wilds. Publications: "Across sub-arctics' of 1901. Victoria Cross, D.S.O. Brevet of Canadaj" etc. Address: 7 Hughson St. Lieut.-Colonel. Medal with six clasps. 5. Hamilton. CZufe: Ha^^^ton. (Commanded the King's Royal Colomal TTRREI.I., Joseph Burr, M.A., B.Sc'. Escort at the Coronation, 1902; now com- 6. Weston, Ont., 1 Nov., 1858; a. of William 226 WHO'S WHO. VAN HOBNE

Tyrrell, of Kildare Co.. Ireland, and Eliza- beth Burr; m. Mary Edith Carey^of St. John, N.B.; two s. one d. Educ: Weston High Sch., Upper Can. Coll., and Univ. of YANCOUYEB, Archbishop of; see Right Toronto; after graduating from the Univ. Rev. Neil McNeil. of Toronto in 1880, joined the staff of the VAN DEB SMISSEN, WlUiam Henry, Geological Survey of Canada and from M.A.; h. Toronto, Ont., 18 Aug., 1844; that time onwards for seventeen years s. of Henry Van der Snlissen of Altona in explored and searched for mineral wealth Holstein; "i. 1878, Elizabeth Sara Mason, in the Provinces of Manitoba, Saskatch- d. of J. Herbert Mason, of Toronto; one s. ewan, Alberta and British Columbia, and two d. Educ: Up. Can. Coll. and Umv„ of the Districts of Keewatin, Mackenzie and Toronto. B.A., with Classical Honours,

Yukon ; survey of Lake Athabasca and of 1864; apptd. Lecturer in German at Univ. the Dubawant and Kazan rivers which Coll., Toronto, 1866; librarian of the Univ. drain large area to the west of Hudson's of Toronto, 1873-1890; Associate Professor * Bay ; awarded diploma and the 'Back of German, 1890; Professor of German,

Grant" by the Royal Geographical Society 1 902 ; Captain of University Company, of London, England. In 1898, resigned Queen's Own Rifles of Canada, 1876. from the Geological Survey and moved to Publications: High School German Gram- Dawson, where he practised as a mining mar and Reader; Shorter Poems of engineer and reported on many of the Goethe and Schiller; several translations largest n^ning properties in the Klondyke; of German classdcs. Recreation: golf. in 19t)6, moved to Toronto where he is' Address: University College, Toronto. now practising as a consulting paining VANDBT, George Alfred; fc'. Quebec, engineer. Publications: Published _ numer- Oct., 1866; 8. of Joseph Vandry and Matilda ous papers on mining and scientific sub- Tremblay; m. Florence Turcott; two s. six jects in the American Journal of Science, d. Educ: Quebec; Pres. of the Quebec the American Geologist, Bulletin of the Am- Board of Trade; Pres. and Managing dir. erican Geological Society, Canadian Record of the Paquet Co., Ltd., Quebec. Recrea- of Science, Science, Geological Mapazine, tion: fox hunting. Address: 60 Ste. Ursula Journal of Geology, Economic Geology, Street, Quebec. Clubs: Hunt (Master), Engineering and Mining Journal, Geograph- Quebec. ical Journal, Journal of the Royal Scottish VAN HOBJVE, Sir William Cornelius, Geographical Society, Transactions of the K.C.M.G.; Chairman of the Bd. of Directors Institution of Mining Engineers (England), of the Canadian Pacific Ry. Co.; b. nr. Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Joliette, 111., 3 Feb., 1843; a. of the late Metallurgy, Canadian Journal, Journal of Cornelius Cavenhoven Van Home; m. the Canadian Mining Institute, Canadian 1867, Lucy Adeline, d. of Erastus Hurd, of Mining Journal, Ac. Recreations: shooting Galesburg, 111.; one s. one d. At age of and photography. Address: 548 Huron St., fourteen entered office of the ry. station of Toronto; Weston, Ont. (summer). Clubs: his native town, and later became a tele- National, Albany and Victoria, Toronto; graph operator on the Illinois Central Ry.; Bideau, Ottawa. joined Michigan Central Ry., 1858; apptd. TYItWHITT-DRAKE, Brian Halsey: 6. ticket agent and telegraph operator on the Victoria, B.C., 6 Oct., 1866; s. of late Chicago and Alton Ry., 1864; train des- Montague W. Tyrwhitt-Drake, Puisne patcher for three yrs.; supt. of telegraphs Judge of the Supreme Ct. of fi.C, and for one yr.; divisional supt. for three yrs.; Joanna, d. of James Tolroie, of Ardersier, became gen. supt. of the at. Louis Kansas N.B. Educ: Charterhouse, Eng. Called City and Northern Ry., 1872; gen. mgr. of to the Bar of B.C., 1890, and_ comnienced the Southern Minnesota Ry., 1874, and practice as barrister and solicitor in B.C.; later el. pres.; became gen. supt. of the registrar of Supreme Ct. of B.C., 1895; Chicago and Alton Ry., 1878, retaining at registrar of B.C. Admiralty Dist., 1895. the same time the presidency of the South- Address: Pleasant St., Victoria, B.C. Club; em Minnesota Ry.; apptd. gen. supt. of the Union, Victoria. Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Ry., 1 Jan., 1880; becamegen.mgr. of theC. P. R., 1881; el. vice-pres., 1884; apptd. pres., 1888; retired from active responsibility, U 1899, and became chairman of the Bd. of Governors. Pres. of the Cuba Co., the Cuba USSHEB, Charles E. E.; Asst. Passngr. Railroad Co., the Canadian Salt Co., Ltd.; Traffic Manager, C.P.R.; b, Niagara Falls, Canada North-West Land_ Co., Ltd., Ont., 29 Dec, 1857. Entered ry. service Laurentide Paper Co., Ltd.; dir., Dom. Iron as clerk in auditor's office, Great Western and Steel Co., Ltd., of the Royal Trust Co., ' Ry., 1874; clerk, gen. passngr. dept. same of the Duluth, South Shore and Atlantic rd., 1876-80; chief ticket clerk, Wabash Ry. Co., the Minneapolis, St. Paul and St. Louis & Paciac Ry., 1880-83; for seven Sault Ste. Marie Ry. Co.; ex-dir., Rio de mos. rate clerk, Chicago & Atlantic Rd.; Janeiro Tramway^ Light and Power Co., in commercial business at Hamilton, Ont., Ltd., Eqmtable Life Assur. Soc, Winnipeg 1883-86; chief ticket clerk, C. P. Ry., 1886- Electric Ry. Co. ; mem. of the conmiittee of 69; asst. gen. passngr. agt., 1889-98; gen. management ,> Montreal Homoepathic Hos- passngr. agt. Eastern Lines same rd., 1898- pital; gov., McGill Univ.; vice-pres., Mont- 08; asst. passngr. traffic mgr., 1908 to date. real Art Assn. Cr. K.C.M.G., May, 1894. Manitoba, Recreations: painti^, travel. Address: 513 Address: Winnipeg, Man. Club: , Winnipeg Sherbrooke St. W., Montreal. Clubs: Mount Royal, St* James, Montreal; Tor- 227 VENNING WHO'S WHO.

onto; Century Association, Manhattan, international fame, and which has been Metropolitan, Lawyers', New York. acclaimed by leading critics of New York, VENNING, Robert Norris; Supt of Fish- Buffalo, and Chicago in which cities the eries for Canada; b. St. John, N.B., 14 Feb., choir has appeared, as being unsurpassed 1864; s. of W. H. Venning and Adelaide amongst the great choirs of the world. Georgina Fottee; m. Francis Cecelia Magee; Publications : ' 'Modem Pianoforte Tech-

three s, one d. Educ: St. John Gram. Sch. nique," , 1900; now in its 12th edition. Entered Dept. of Marine and Fisheries, JSecreaiiona; travel, golf. .Address; 331 BIooV 1869; chosen as British Agent, under Im- St. W., Tordnto, Ont. Clubs: Lambton

perial appointment , to report upon the Country and Golf Club, Deutscher Verein, Russian sealing operations on the JKom.on- Golf Club, Toronto, Ont. dorski Islands in 1893; asstd. the British VOWELL, Arthur W.; b. Clonmell, Ire- Commrs. and Counsel at the sittingsof the land, 1841; of Irish parentage. Educ:

Behring Sea Claims Com. ; accompanied Sir Grapa. Sch., Clonmel, Ireland; arrived in John Thompson and other Can. dels, to Canada, 1861; settled in B.C.; on attaining Halifax in 1892 at the Intercolonial Con- manhood, obtained a conunission with ference with Nfld.; went to Washington Irish Militia in 1858, and retired senior-.: with Sir Charles H. Tupper in 1894, to Lieutenant, 1860; Esquimalt, 1862; Civil- negotiate a settlement of the Behring Sea Service in 1864, and 1866, was apptd. Chief Claims; Joint Sec. of the Conference of Constable at Big Bend during the excite- Experts on the Behring Sea Seal Question, ment there; removed to the Kootenay at Washington, 1896-1897; on staff of Joint district as gold commissioner and stipend-

High Com. at Quebec and Washington, iary magistrate ; seven years later was 1898-1899; promoted to Chief Clerk, 1895; transferred to the Omineca dist., where he apptd. Asst. Commr. of Fisheries^' 1903; served in a similar capacity; from there went accompanied Can. del. to London^ Eng.'-at to Cassiar. Resigning from the govern-

the Conference on the Russian seizures ^ of ment service in 1875 was elected to the sealing schooners in the North Pacific provincial legis. Assem. for the Kootraiay ' Ocean; accompanied Can. Ministers to district; the following" year resigned hw Colonial Conference in London, 1907; seat and re-entering the government service^ - apptd. supt. of Fisheries, 1909. Publica- proceeded to the Casriar district where he tions: special official reports. Address: acted as gold commissioner and stipendiary 237 Chapel St., Ottawa. magistrate until 1884, when he removed to VERVILLE, Alphonse, M.P.; 6. Cote St. the Kootenay. During the construction of Paul, Que., 28 Oct^ 1864; s. of Alfred the C. P. R. in that district, he was stipen- Verville and Pamela Leduc; m. 1 Jan., 1884, diary magistrate. Address: Victoria, B.C. Josephine Mailhot. Educ. : Sault-au- VROOM, Rev. Frederick Williams, Recollet, Que.; xmsuccessful candidate in M.A., D.D., Hon. D.C.L.; b. St. Provincial election 1904; first elec. H. of C, Stephen, N.B., s. of William Vroom and bye-elec, Maisonneuve, 23 Feb., 1906, to , France Eliza Foster; m. in 1885, Agnes fill vacancy caused by death of Hon. R. Jessie Campbiell, d. of Colin Campbell, of Prefontaine; re-elec, 1908. Roman Catho- Weymouthj N.S.; one d. Educ: King's lic. AfffZresa; Maisonneuve, Que. College, Windsor, N.S.; ordained deacon, VICTORIA, B.C., Bishop ol; see Eight 1881; priest, 1882,- by Bishop Medley,' Rev. Alexander Macdonald. Fredericton; curate of Feticodiac, N.B., ' VINCENT, Swale, M.D., D.Sc; 6. West 1881; rector of Richmond, N.B., 1883; Bromwich, Eng., 24 May, 1868; a. of Joseph rector of Shediac. N.B., 1885; Professor. of and Margaret Vincent; Educ: King Ed- Divinity at King's Coll., "Windsor, 1888/v ward's. High Sch., Birmingham, Eng., Address: King's College, Windsor, N.S. ', Univ. of Birmingham, London, Edinburgh and Heidelberg; arrived in Canada, Oct., 1904; member R.C.S.; L.R.C.P., F.R.S.C.; Prof, of Phyaol., Univ. of Manitoba; for- W merly asst. professor of Physiol., Univ. Coll., Ix>ndon; British Medical Association WADDELL, John Alexander Low, research scholar; Sharply physiological B.A.S., D.Sc, LL.D.; 6. Port Hope, Ont., . scholar; Mason research scholar; research 15 Jan., 1854; «. Robert Heedham and- Fellow, Univ. of Edinburgh. Recreaiion: Angeline Esther Jones; m, July 13, 1882, music. Address: Univ. of Manitoba, Win- Ada, d. late Horace Everett, Council Bluffs, ' nipeg, Man. la. Prep, ed'n Trinity Coll. Sch., Port VOGT, Augustus Stephen, D. M. ; b. Hope; grad. Rensselaer Poly. Inst., C. E., Washington, Oxford Co., Ont., 14 Aug., 1876; and M. Eng'ring, 1882, MoGill Univ., 1861; s. of John George and Mariana Vogt 1904; Univ. of Mo., 1904; in engineering . Ling Vogt.; m. Geor^a Adelaide McGill; work, C. P. R., 1876-7; asst. prof, rational one «. one d. Educ: Elmira, Waterloo Co.; and tech. mechanics, Rensselaer Poly. Inst. organist of German Lutheran Church at 1878-80; chief eng'r Raymond & Campbell, Elmira, Ont., at the age of twelve; organist bridge builders, Council Bluffs, la., 1881-2; and choir master First Methodist Church, prof. civ. eng'ring. Imperial Univ. of Japan, St. Thomas, Ont., at the age of 17; studied 1882-6; consulting bridge eng'r since, 1887; in Boston, Mass., 1881-1882; Leipsig, Ger- now sr. mem. of Waddell & Harrington, many, 1883-188o; organist and choirmaster Kansas City. Mem. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng'rs, Jarvis Baptist Church, Toronto, 1888 to Inst'n of Civ. Eng'rs, Great Britain, La 1906; member of Piano faculty, Toronto Societe des Eng(!mers Civils de France,. Conservatory of Music, and Toronto Univ.; Canadian Soc. Civ. Eng'rs, Am. Soc. for conductor of Mendelssohn Choir of Toronto, • Testing Materials, Rensselaer Soc. Eng'rs,. an organization which has attained to Soc. for Promotion of Eng'ring Ed'n, Geog. 228 ; WHO'S WHO. Soc. of France; hon. mem. Kogaku Kyokai ing, yachting, riding, painting. Address: (Japanese Eng'ring Soc); hon. mem. Tau Halifax, N.S. Beta Pi Aesn. and Phi Beta Kappa Soc; WAEVWBIGHT, William; 4th Vice- decorated by Emperor, 1888, Knight Com- Pres. of the G. T. Ry. System; 2nd Vice- mdr. Order of the Rising Sun of Japan; Pres., Grand Trunk Pacific Rly. Co.; 6. by the Gxand Duchess Olga, of Russia, Manchester, Eng.^ 30 April, 1840; a. of First Class Order of her Soci^t6 de Bien- Abraham Wainwnght, a native of Lanca- f^ssance for service as prin. eng'r of Trans- shire; m. (1st) 1867, Rosabelle Hilda (rf. Alaska-Sibeiian Ry.; at present consulting 1876), d. of Richard Arnold, of Toronto; engr. for the Alberta and Gt. Waterways (2nd) 1878, Mary Emily, sister of his first Rly. Publications: The Designing of Or- wife. Educ: Manchester. Joined service dinary Iron Highway Bridges, 1884; A of the Manchester, Sheffield and Lincoln- System of Iron Railroad Bridges for Japan, shire Ry., 1851, and eventually became 1886 (Japanese Govt.); De Pontibus, 1898; gen. ingr. Arrived Can., 1862 and took Specifications for Steel Bridges, 1900; position as a senior clerk and shorthand sec. Engineering Specifications and Contracts, in chief accnt's office of the G. T. R., at 1907. Extensive contb'r to engring socs., Montreal; sec. to man. dir.; senior clerk in en'ring jours, and to Forest and Stream. chaise of the car mileage dept.; gen. A compilation of 22 of Ms professional pa- passngr. agt.; asst. mgr., 1881; asst. gen. pers edited by John Lyle Harrison, 1905. mgr., 1890; gen. asst., 1896, and in addition Address: 2708 Forest Av., Kansas City, comptroller, 1900; 4th vice-pres., 1907; gen. mgr., North Shore Ry., 1883-1885. Dir, Montreal Telegraph Co., Guarantee WADE, Frederick Coate, K.C.; 6. Bow- Co. of North America; vice-pres^ Richelieu manville, Ont., 26 Feb., 1860; s. of William Wade, formerly mgr., of the Ontario Bank and Ont. Nav. Co., and Grand Trunk Ins., and Provident Soc; 2nd vice-pres.. Grand at Ottawa; m. 1886. Edith Mabel, d. of Trunk Pacific Ry.; dir. CanacUan Express D. B. Read, K.C, Toronto; one a. one d. Educ: Ottawa, Owen Sound, Toronto Univ. Co., and of various subsidiary lines of the G.T.R.; governor Montreal Gen. Hospital. (grad. 1882). While at the Univ., was Retired with rank of Capt. from Co. of editor of Varsity and later was editorial Artillery in the old Brigade, writer of the Toronto Globe. Removed to Grand Trunk upon its disbandment, which he commanded Winnipeg, 1883; called to bar of Manitoba, for eight yrs. Address: 166 Metcalfe St., 1886; editorial writer Manitoba Free Press, Montreal, Clubs: St. James, Canada, 1886-7. First pres. of the Young Liberal Que. Montreal; Rideau, Ottawa; Garrison, Que- Assn. of Winnip^ ; a mem. of the Provincial bec Bd. of Education; mem. of the Council of M.D., In- Manitoba Univ. Commr. 1897 (to inves- WAKEHAM, William, CM.; spector of Fisheries for the Gulf of St. tigate certain charges made in connection Police for the Prov. with Manitoba Penitentiary). Apptd., Lawrence; Commr. of of Quebec; b. Quebec, 30 Nov.; 1844; a. of 1897, R^strar of the Yukon Land Rei^is- late George Wakeham, for mar^ yrs. prop, ., tration I3ist., Crown Prosecutor for the of The Belmont Retreat, Quebec, and Mary Yukon and Clerk of the Supreme Ct. for the unmarried. High Sch., territory. Legal advisor to the Yukon Wakeham; Educ: (Quebec; McGill Coll. Practiced medicine , Council, 1898; resigned 1902, all positions in Gaspe until apptd. to his present position except that of Crown Prosecutor, in order to as Inspr. of Fisheries for the Gulf of St. devote himself to law practice; removed to Lawrence, 1878. In 1893 was selected to Vancouver, 1907; misuccessful candidate be H.M.'s Comnr. under the agreement with for Prov. Legis., 1909. Publicationa: the U.S., for enpuiring into the preservation "National Schools of Manitoba," 1892; and of the fisheries in waters contiguous to Can. "The Manitoba School Question," 1895. and the report of which was Address: Vancouver, B.C. Club: Union, the U.S., Vancouver. presented to both Govts, in Jan., 1897; in 1898, was apptd. a commr., with Judge WADMOBE, IJeut.-Col. Robinson Lynd- Lavergne and F. Gourdeau, to enquire hurst; h. London, Eng., 6 Jan., 1855; into the alleged grievances of the St. a. of James JFoster Wadmore, of Tonbridge, Lawrence pilots. Commissioner to investi- and Anna Elizabeth Wadmore; m. Annie gate conditions of lobster industry, 1909. Skead, d. of the late Hon. James Skead, Address: Gaspe, Que. of Ottawa; three d. Educ: Tonbridge WALKER, Byron Edmund, D.C.L., Sch., Eng.; Officer Commanding the Royal LL.D., C.V.O.; b. Hamilton, Ont., 14 Oct., Canadian Regiment; studied architecture; 1848; a. of the late Alfred Edmund Walker, was a Lieut, in the (then) 2nd London Rifle Hamilton, Ont.; m. Mary, d. of Alexander Volunteers; in 1883, was given a commission Alexander, Hamilton, Ont.; four a. three d in.the Infantry^ School Corps (now the Royal Entered the Canadian Bank of Commerce Canadian Regiment); served with C. Com- in 1858 at Hamilton; agent in New York in pany, R.C>.R,, in North West Rebellion, 1881; gen. mangr., in .1886; dir. in 1906 and 1885; Relief of Battleford (24 April); action President in 1907; has been chairman of the at Cut Kirife Hill (2 May); operations ankers' section of the Toronto Board of against Chief Big Bear's Band (June-July); Trade and vice-pres. and pres. of the Can- medal with clasp; was present with detach- adian Bankers' Association, holding the ment at opening Imperial Institute by Her last named office for two terms. In 1897, late Majesty Queen Victoria, in 1893 local secretary in connection with the meet- Commandant of Royal School of Infantry ing of the British Association for the

at St. Johns, Que. ; afterwards Commandant Advancement of Science in Toronto. At Royal School of Infantry, at Fredericton, the Universal Exposition held at St. Louis New Brunswick. Recreations: fishing boat- in 1904, he acted as Chairman of the Section 229 . ; -


of Money and Credit in the Department of curling, bowling, golf. Address: 446 Mary- Economics of the International Congress of land St., Winnipeg, Man. Club: Manitoba, Arts and Sciences. He has been for a ' Winnipeg, Man. number of years a trustee and senator of the XVALKE1R,T, Jj„ M.A.. Ph.D.. F.G.S.; University of Toronto, and when, in 1905, h. Co. of Peel, Ont., 30 Dfec, 1867. Educ: the Provincial Government of Ontario Queen's Univ., Kingston; Univ. of Leipzig, apptd. a Royal Commission to report upon Germany; with honours in Chemistry and the administration of the University, he Mineralogy, 1890; granted a scholarship of was selected as amemberof theCommission; £150 per year by H.M. Commissioners for was nominated by the Ontario Government the Exhibition of 1861; studied in as a member of the first Board of Governors Leipzig, ISSSr Assist. Superint. Geol. Sur- of the University apptd. imder the reorgan- vey of India, 1897-1902; while in India ization which took place; chn. of the Board made a scientific expedition across the high of Governors, 1910; pres. of the Canadian passes of the Himalayas into Thibet; Pro- Institute for two years; Fellow of the fessor 9f Mineralogy, Univ. of Toronto. Geological Society of England and of the Publications: numerous scientific papers Institute of Bankers of England, and a from 1894 onward, in publications of the

, dSr. of the Canada Life Assurance Company Geological Survey of India, American Jour- and of the Toronto General Trusts Corpora- ^ nal of Science, and Zeitschrift fur Krystallo- tion; mem. of the Quebec Battlefields graphie. Address: Dale and Maple Ave.,

Comnjission ; mem. of the Federal Coinmis- Toronto, Ont. sion to -select art works for the National WALLACE, Rev. Prof. Francis Huston, Gallery. Publications : Books and addresses M.A., B.D.; b. Ingersol, Ont., 1851; on banking. A paper on Early Italian Art. ». of Rev. Robert and Marianni Wallace; Address: Long G^rth, Toronto, and Broad- m. Joy Wilson, d. of Bishop Wilson. R. E. eaves," De Grassi Point, I>ake Simcoe. Church, New Jersey; two a. three d. (two

1 Clubs: Toronto, T.C.Y.C., Hunt, Lambton d. deceased). Educ: Up. Can. Coll., and of . _ Golf and Country Club, Toronto; St, James, Univ. of Toronto; Dean of the Faculty Montreal; Rideau, Ottawa; Devonshire, Theology, Victoria Coll., Toronto, Ont.; Lopdon, England. for about ten yrs. was pastor of the Metho- WALKER, Edward Chandler; Pres. dist Church; one year professor of New Jliram Walker & Sons, Ltd., distillers; 6. Testiment Exegisis in Victoria Coll.; about Detroit, Mich., 7 Feb., 1851; s. of the late 10 years dean of the Faculty of Theology.

. , and Mary Williams; m. 1896, Recreation: boating. Address: 95 Bedford , Mary, d. of Thomas F. Griffin, of Detroit. Road. Toronto. Educ: Detroit; father's ^ entered office of his WALLACE, Malcolm William, B.A.. firm, the Hiram Walker Sons, Ltd., and & I'h.D.; 6. Essex Co., Ont„ 1 May, 1873; «. . upon retirement father pres. of his became of William Wallace and Elizabeth Thomp- '- also pres.. Walkerville Malleable Iron Co., son; m. May Pitkin; one a. Educ: Windsor Walkerville Brewing Co., Walkerville Land High Sch., Univ. Coll., Toronto; Univ. of ', and BIdgw Co.; dir. several other Cos. 2f Chicago; srad. from Univ. of Tronto, 1896^ -4ddr«'«8.' Walkerville, Ont. fellow in English, Univ. of Chicago, grad. WALKER, Francis Austin, M.L.A.; b. Ph.D., 1897-1899; professor of Rhetoric Lucan, Ont., 17 Nov., 1871; «. of William and English Literature in Beloit Coll., * Walker m. and Catherine Spences; Emma Beloit, Wis., 1899-1904; lecturer in Univ. J. Curry, of Belleville, Ont. Educ: Lucan, Coll., Univ. of Toronto, 1904; Registrar, Ont., and Edmonton, Alta.; went to West- 1906; Associate professor of English, 1909. Canada in near em 1882; settled Edmonton Publications: *T|ie Berth of Hercules;*' in 1883; farming; travelled to Klondyke "Goldings' Tragedie of Abraham's Sacra- by overland trail from Edmonton, Alta., fice;" Recreation:- golf. Address: 171 1898; elected to the first Legislative of Robert ^t., Toronto, Ont. Ciu&: Rosedale .Alberta in Liberal. Address: 1905; a Golf, Toronto. * Edmonton, Alta. WALKER, Herbert Barber; h. Hamil- WALLACTR, Capt. Thomas George, M- P.; s. late ton, Ont. 25 Sept., 1858; a. of Alfred and b. Ottawa, Ont., 7 May, 1879; of Fanny Walker; m. Anna Fraser, d. of the Hon. N. Clarke Wallace ancj. Belinda Gil- late Alexander Fraser of Cobourg, Ont.; mour. Educ: Woodbridge pub. sch. and one 8. one d. Educ: Pub. Schs., Hamilton, Weston High Sch., Ont.; merchant and Ont.; entered service of Canadian Bank of flour miller; gazetted Captain, 36th Regt., Commerce in 1877; manager at Windsor, 15 Dec, 1897; served as private in the 1888; agent in Chicago, 1897; joint agent Royal Canadian Regiment, during the in New York, 1902; manager at Montreal, South African War, 1900 (medal and three 1908; director of the Canadian Life Assur- clasps), including Driefontein and Paar- ance Co., and of the National Trust Co., deberg; unsuccessful candidate for H. of C. in bye-eleo. in Centre York, 1907; elected, Ltd. Address : The Linton , Montreal Clubs: Mount Royal, Montreal, Montreal; 1908. Address: Woodbridge, Ont. Toronto. WAXLJS, Arthur Frederick; chief ed. of WALKER, John Bruce; b. Ayrshire, the Toronto Mail and Empire; b. London, Scotland, 13 Dec, 1861; «. of Andrew Wal- Eng., 1854; m. 1882, Sarah Kennedy, of ker, shipmaster, of Ayrshire, and Jeannie Toronto; three a. Came to Can. with his Crosbie Bruce of the same place; m. Mary parents when 16 yrs. of age. Learned Alice Will, of Brant Co., Ont.: one d. printing, and then took up journalism; Arrived in Canada, 10 April, 1882; in reporter on Toronto Mail; chief ed. 1890; journalism for 20 years before entering chief ed. Mail and Empire, 1895. Rep, emiarration service; now asst. supt. of Mail in Press Gallery, H.of C. for many immigration at Winnipeg. Recreations: yrs.; pres. of Press Gallery, 1887. Pub- 230 ; WHO'S WHO.

lication: ".Journalism as a Profession." Coll., Oxford, first class CI. Moderations; Addresa: 27 St. Patrick St., Toronto. second class Lit. Hum.; B.A., 1883; Edin- WALUS, Herbert; 6. Derby, Eng., 10 burgh Univ., LL.B., 1886; Aberdeen 1906; March; 1844; «. of the late William Wallace Scottish Bar, 1886; Lecturer in Roman Wallis and Sarah Campion Wallis; m. (1st) Law, Glasgow University; legal secretary Mary Ellen, «. d. of the late Thomas Walk- to Lord Advocate (Right Hon. J. B. Bal- late, goods manager. Midland Ry., of Derby, four), 1894; Dean of the Facultj^ of Law; (2nd) Ida Sbaw Boulter, of Montreal, arofessor of Roman Law, McGill Univ., one ». one. d. Educ: Private Sch. in Eng- [ontreaL since 1897. Publications: Hand- land: arrived in Canada, 16 May, 1871; book of Law of Husband and Wife in Scot- member Inst. C.E.; M.I, Mech. Eng.; past land; Scotch Marriages, Regular and Ir- pres., Can. Soc, CE. Educ: as an engin- regular; articles on Husband and Wife, eer; pupil of the late Matthew Kirtley, Married Women's Property, etc., in Green's Locomotive Supt., Midland Ry. Co.; eleven Encyclopaedia of Law of Scotland, Histor- years with that Company; twenty years ical Introduction to the Roman Law; Scope with the G. T. Ry. Co., as asst. and chief and Interpretation of Civil Code of Lower mechanical supt.; retired. May, 1896, Canada; and contributions to legal journals. Addreati: 239 Drummond St., Montreal. Recreations: cycling, travel. Address: 662 Clvb: St. James, Montreal: Pine Avenue W., Montreal. Clubs: St. WAt/SH, Edmund Joseiih, C.E., F.R. -James's, University, Montreal. Met. Soti. (England) ; Engineer in charge of WANKLTN, Frederic Lamb, M.I.C.F.; Trent Canal Surveys, Dept. of Rys. and b. Buenos Ayres, Argentine, S.A., 25 Feb., Canals, Ottawa; 6. Canada, 10 Dec, 1860; 1860; s. of Frederick Wankljm and Eliza- fi. of Robert and Marjorie Walsh; m. Mar- beth Riestra Lumb; m. Edith Margaret garet, d. of the late Hon. William Wilkin, Angus (deceased, 1907); three s. one d. mem. of the Ex. Coun. of Montserrat, W.I.; Educ: Marlborough Coll., Wilts, Eng. one d. Educ: Pub. Schs. and by private Arrived in Cianada, I Jan., 1881; member tuition. Asst. Engr. on municipal works, Inst. C.E., London; member Can. Soc. Prov. of Ont., 1877-80; Asst. Engr., C. P. CE. (Council); articled to Chasler Savie Ry., Rocky Mountain Div., 1881; Asst. ' C.E., M. S. & L. Ry. Co.; served apprentice- Engr., Northern Pacific Ry. and O. T. Ry., ship in locomotive works of A. Gorton, 1882; Asst: Engr., C. P. Ry., 1883-84; Asst. - Manchester, Eng.; formerly president and Res. Engr., on surveys and construc- engineer, Lombardy Ry. Co., Milan, Italy; tion of the Cape Breton extension of the Asst. Locomotive Supt., G. T. Ry.; Man- Intercoloi^al Ry. for the Dom. Gov ., 1885- ager Locomotive Works, G. T. Ry.; Man- 89; Chief Govt. Engr. and Dir. of Pub. ager of 'Toronto By. Co.; General Manager Works of the Leeward, (West India) Islands, and vice-president, Montreal Street Ry. carrying out special comprehensive works Co.; vice-prea.. Dominion Coal Co. imtil for the Dept. of the Sec. of State for the its amalgamation with the Dominion Steel Colonies and the Leeward Islands Govt.; Co. Recreations: shooting, 'and fishing. in Nov., lS90i carried on special mission to Address: 241 Drummond St., Montreal, and Ottawa, on behalf of Leeward Islands Govt., St. Anne de Bellevue, Que. Clubs: St. to negotiate for establishment of money James, Mount Royal, Montreal; Forest and order system and parcel post between the Stream, Dorval, Que. two countries; immediately successful in WARBUBTON, Alexander Bannerman, case of former, and discussed basis upon B A D.C.L., K.C, M.P.; ft. Charlottetown, which latter arranged at later date; returned P.E.I., 5 April, 1852; s. of Hon. James to Can., 1896; consulting engr. with head- Warburton, fomerly of Garryberch, Por- quarters at Ottawa, 1896-1904; apptd. tarlington,, Ireland, and Miss Green, d, of engr. in charge of Trent Canal Surveys, Hon. Samuel Green, formerly of St. Eleanor, Dept. of Rys. and Canals, 1 Aug., 1904. P.E.I.; m. (1st) 23 Aug., 1883, Helen, o. d. Recreations: golf, boating, curling, skating, of Hon. Daniel Davies {deceased, 1884); snow-shoeing. Addrest: 402 O'Connor St., (2nd) Mabel C, y. d: of the late Hon. J. Ottawa. ClM>: Rideau Curling, Ottawa. Longwdrth, of Charlottetown, P.E.I.; three WALSH, .Tames E.; 6. Ormstown, Que., d. Educ: Summerside (P.E.I.) Gram. 10 July,.1862; ». of Peter Walsh and Eleanor Sch., St. Dunstan's Coll., Charlottetown; Boudreau de Gravelene; m. Anna Roger; King's Coll., Windsor, N.S., at Edinburgh one s. one d. Educ: Huntingdon Acad., and at Walter Wren's, London, Eng; Joliette, and Varennes Coll., Que.; engaged studied law with Mr. (now Sir) L. H. in transportation work since graduating Davies; a dir. of the Patriot Pub. Co., and of from coll; for many yrs. with the Canada a frequent contributor to the columns Atlantic Rly. Co.; after leaving railroad that paper; is a governor of King's Coll.; work, was for a time assistant to the unsuccessful canSdate in Provincial elec- General Manager of the Richelieu and tions for City of Charlottetown, Jan., 1891; Ontario Navigation Co.; from there went was first elec. to Prov. Legis. for 1st Dist. of to the Department of Public Works, Fed- Queen's, bye-election. May, 1891; re-elected eral Government, in connection with the 1908 and 1897; was Premier of P.E.I, m Georgian Bay Ship Canal survey; now 1897-98; was judge of King's Co. Court manager. Transportation Department, Can- from 1898 to 1904, resigning to contest adian Manufacturers' Association. Address: Queen's County in Liberal interests; un- 86 Bedford Rd., Toronto. successful for H. of C, 1904; first elec. 1908; WALTON, Frederick Parker, B.A., Church of England; Liberal. Address: LL.D., b. Nottingham, Eng., 1858; s. of Charlottetown, P.E.I. Isaac Walton, Buxton, England; m. Mary, WARD, Lleut.-Col. Henry Alfred, K.C. s. of d. of Rev. D. Parker of Brampton, Derby- 6. Port Hope, Ont., 20 Aug., 1848; Harriet Amelia shire. Educ: Oxford; Edinburgh; Lincoln George Charles Ward, and 231 : , WHO'S WHO.

Brent; m. Annie B, Goodwin, of Savannah, three 8. two d. Educ: Public Schools; Georgia, U.S.; two d. Educ: Pub. Sch., arrived in Canada, 1897; farmer; wheat Port Hope, Ont.; called to the bar of Ont.. merchant; railwayman; publisher of West- 1872; Mayor of Port Hope, 1885, 1903, ern Rulway (Denver) Daily Chronicle^ 1904; elec. member of H. of C, 1885, 1887- Creedo, Cal. Publications: Tales of an 1900, 1904; Lieut.-Col. Commanding the Engineer," "Express Messenger," "The 46th Regt., Canadian Militia, 1903-1909. White Mail,'' "Short Rails," "Frontier Becreaiiont: hshing, shooting, golf. Address: Stories," (Scribners); "Snow on the Head- Ganeraska, Port Hope, Ont. CTu&: Toronto. light," "Story of the Railroad," (D. Ap- WARD, Hon. James Kewley, M.L.C.; fr. pleton & Co.); "Waga of Temagami," Peel, Isle of Man, 19 Sept., 1819; m. (Ist) (H. M. Caldwell & Co.) Recreation: The 1848, Eliza King, of London, Eng. (d. .Woods. Address: P. O. Box, 1181, Mont- 1854); (2nd) Lydia. d. of William Tren- real. Club: Chicago Press, Chicago, 111. three 8. holme, of Kingsey, Que. (rf. 1900); WARNOCK, Miss Amelia Beers; 6. Gait, seven d. Educ: May's Academy, Douglas, Ont. , 1 878 ; d. of James Warnock and I. of M. Landed In New York, 1842. and Katherine Hale Bayard ; Educ : Gait was employed at his trade aa a_ carpenter; Toronto an4 New York; sang in public in engaged in lumber operations Steuben when very yoimg girl; adopted journalism to Prov. of Co., N,Y. State, 1850; removed as a career shortly after leaving school; - Que., 1853, and purchased a lumbering, well known as a literary and musical critic; establishment, -with timber lands, on the poet and magazine writer; staff writer on Maskinonge River; removed to Three the Mail and Empire, Toronto. Address: a mill Rivers, Que., 1863, and purchased 66 Charles St., Toronto. Clubs: Canadian on St. Maurice River; removed to Montreal, Women's Press Club, Toronto. 1873, and estbd. the Mona saw mills on the Lactune Canal; retired frooi business, 1900. WATSON, Major David; 6. Quebec. 7 Jean Grant, Mem. Montreal Bd. of Trade ance 1887; Feb., 1869; «. of William and m. Browning; three d. mem. Cote St. Antoine Council for eighteen Watson; Mary in newspaper work for yrs., and Mayor nine yrs.; life mem. and Ediic: in Quebec; dir. of the Chronicle; was past pres., St. George's Soc; life mem. 20 years; mgn. to the Imperial Press Conference Mechanics' Inst.-; life gov. Montreal Gen. a del^ate Hospital, Western Hospital, House of 1909; takes great interest in Militia affairs; Refuge and Industry, Montreal Dispen- Capt. and Brev. Major, 8th Royal RiSes, Address: 35 Ursule St., Quebec. sary; life gov. and hon. pres., Protestant Quebec. Hospital for Insane. Unsuccessful can- Club: (Harrison, Quebec. didate for H. of C. at Dom. g. e., 1882, WATSON, Harrison; b. Montreal, 13 1887; apptd. to Quebec Legis. Council, June, 1864; 8. of Charles Standhop Watson Jime, ISSS. Has been a mem. of the and Eleanor Rebecca Underwood.; m. Ruth Council of Pub. Instruction since Oct., Appleton Blake; one a. Educ: Canada, 1903; J.P. -for dist. of Montreal. Donated England, France and Germany; in business a pub. library costing $10,000 to Peel, in Canada for a number of years, the greater Isle of Man., which was erected over the Sortion of which with the Montreal Rolling spot where he was bom. Address: 18 Rose- [ills Co., alternately as secretary and mount Ave., Montreal. Club: St. James, sales agent; subsequently in charge of Montreal. Canadian section of the Imperial Instituta WARD, Major TValter Be^nald^; 6. London, Eng., and now in charge of th« Saltash, Cornwall, Eng., 24 Oct., 1869; a. of Canadian Government Trade Branch in Commander H. Purcell Ward, R.N.; m. the City of London, Eng. Address: 73 Irene Silver Payzant, of Halifax, N.S., 2nd Basinghall Street, London, E.C., England.

. d. of John Y. Payzant ; one 8. one d. Educ. Clubs: Junior Atheneum, London, Eng.; St.

Christ 's Hospital , London, Eng ;. served James, Montreal. in Royal Navy from 15 Jan., 1886 until WATSON, Harry Holgate, M.L.A.; b. s. 1 1904, when he resigned commisaon and Milton, Ont., 26 Dec, 1867; of Henry subsequently jpined Canadian Permanent Watson and Jane Eliaabeth Holgate; m. Staff at Ottawa; now Asst. Paymaster- Kathleen Constance Black; one d. Educ: General. Canadian Army Pay Corps. Ad- Milton Pub. Sch., and Up. Can. Coll.; dress: The Kenniston, Elgin St., Ottawa. dri^gist; pres., McDowall Aikens Watson WARE, Arthur Buller ("Doc."); b. Ex- Co.; first el. to the B.C. Legis. Ass., 1909; eter, Eng., 3 Feb., 1864; m. Jean Semple; an active member of the Masonic fraternity: one 8. one d. Educ: Exeter. Came to 33° A. & A. S. R. Recreations: rowing and Canada in 1883, and was engaged on the football. Address: 1230 Bumaby St., Van- staffs of different newspapers as reporter; couver, B.C. CZttb; Vancouver.. wrote military column for Montreal Gazette WATSON, Hugh; b. Maryhill, Glasgow, for many. yrs. under nom-de-i5lume of Scotland, 23 Jan., 1839; a. of John Watson "Cartridge Box," Was a public enter- and Ann Goodwin; m. 1879, Eleanor, d. of tainer for ten yrs.; travelled with Hermann, the late Jas. Schearer. Educ: Parish Sch., the great conjurer, as card trick expert; Maryhill, Glasgow. Arrived Canada, 1860, was also with Bamum's circus for some in partnersHp with his brother and Mr. yrs. Is now advertising expert; pres. of F. S. Foster (both deceased); started the the Ware Co. (outdoor advertisers.) Re- manufacturing of wall papers in Montreal; creations: curling, snowshoeing. Address: business formed into a joint stock Co., the 20 Hanover St., Montreal. Clubs: Elks, Watson-Foster Co., Ltd., of which he now is pres. Mem. Montreal Bd. of Trade; life WABMAN, Cy.; h. Greenup. 111., U.S.A. governor, Montreal General Hospital; the 22 June, 1855; «. of John Warman, and Homeopathic Hospital, Protestant House Nancy Aakew; m. Myrtle Marie Jones; of Industry and "Refuge; life mem. Natural 232 ;


History Soc. Addreat: "Hillcrest," 478 Mt. Was a student of the Arch. Assn. of Lon- FleasEint Ave., Montreal. don, Eng.,' and afterwards practised there WATSON, John, M.A., LL.D.. F.R.S.C, a short tune; left England for Canada, 1874; Prof, of Moral Philosophy at Queen's Univ., shortly after arrival was associated with Kingston; b. Glasgow, Scot., 25 Feb., 1847; arch, branch of Dom. Govt., and for fifteen ». of John Watson, and Elizabeth Robert- yrs. was asst. architect of Pub, Works. son, both Scotch; m. Mai^garet Patterson Dir. of National Gallery, 1880. ^a 1897, Mitchell, Glasgow, 1874; one a. three d. severed connection with Govt, and has Bduc: at Kilmarnock and Glasgow Univ., since practiced his profession in Ottawa. 1866; arrived in Canada, 1872; professor of Recreations: fishing, boatingv Addresses: Lo^c, Metaphysics and Ethics, Queen's 62 Robert St.; Central (Chambers, Ottawa. , Univ., Kingston, 1872; afterwards professor WAUGH, JUchard. Dean.s; controller of of Moral Philosophy. Publicationa: Kant the City of Winnipeg; 6. Melrose, Soot., and his English critics; Schelling's Trans- 23 March,, 1868; s. of Richard Waugh, and cendental Idealism, 1SS2; Comte, Mill and Janet Deans (both Scotch); m. Harriet L., Spence, 1885; Hedonistic Theories, 1895; d. of the late Alexander Logan, ex-Mayor Christianity and Idealism, 1896; Philosophy of Winnipeg; four s, two d.' Educ: High- of Kant Explained, 1908. Becreatione: field Acad.', Melrose, Scot. Arrived Can., golf, bowling. Addrett: Union St., King- 6 April, 1883. For six yrs. in office of Glass ston, Ont. & Glass, barristers, Winnipeg; entered WATSON, Hon. Robert; Senator; 6. real estate business, 1890; now mem. of Elora, Ont., 29 April, 1853; s. of late firm of Waugh & Beattie, real estate agts.; George Watson, Edinburgh, and Elizabeth chn. of Pub. Parks Bd., Winnipeg; el. McDonald of Inverness, who came to controller of Winnipeg, 1908-9-10; ex-pres., Canada, 1847; m. July, 1880, Isabella, d. Manitoba Branch, Royal Caledonian Cur-l of Duncan Brown, of Lobo, Ont. A mill- ing Club. A patron of all healthful ama- wright by trade; moved to Manitoba, 1876, teur sports. Recreation: curling. Address: and built mills at Portage la Prairie, and 1398 Portage Ave., Winnipeg. Stonewall; was a municipal councillor; WEATHEBBE, Hon. Sir Bobert Linton, elected to H. of C. for Marquette, 1882, and Kt.; 6. Bedeque, P.E.L, 7 April, 1836; s. of 1 887, and was the only Liberal member from late Jonathan Weatherbe and Mary, d. of West of Lake Superior in those parliaments; John Baker; m. 1864, Minnie, y. d. of Lewis re-elec, 1891, but resigned to accept port- Johnston, of Annandale, N.S.; six a. Educ: folio of Minister of Public works in Green- Prince of Wales' Coll.; Acadia Coll., Wolf- way Administration, 26 May, 1892, an ville. Edited the Acadian Recorder; called office he held until the resignation of that to Bar, N.S., 1863; Judge of Supreme Court, Govt., 6 Jan., 1900; elec. to Legislature N.S., 1878; Chief Justice of N.S., 1905-7; for Portage la Prairie, 1892, 1896, but Eulalie, e.C, 1876; Kt., 1906. Address: St. defeated 1899; called to the Senate, 29 rand Pre.N.S. CTm6; Halifax. Jan., 1900; Presbyterian; Liberal. Address: WEAVEB, Miss Emily Poynton; author- Portage la Prairie, Man. ess; 6. Manchester, Eng., 1865; d. of Rich- WATT, Mrs. A. T. (Madge Bobertson; ard T. and Elizabeth D. Weaver. Educ: d. of Henry Robertson, K.C., of CoUing- Priv. Schs. nr. Manchester. Came to Can- wood, Ont.; m. A. T. Watt, of Victoria, ada with parents, Sept., 1880; lived for B.C. The first woman in Canada to obtain some yrs. on a f^rm in Ontario; removed to the degree of M.A. Was engaged in news- Toronto, 1889; was winner of a prize in paper work in New York, and contributed the Dominion History Competition; re- stories and articles to Judge, Life^ Vogue, moved to Halifax, N.S., 1898; returned to Truth, etc. For some yrs. since^ her mar- Toronto, 1905. Publications: A Canadian "riage did the reviewing for the Victoria History for Boys and Girls; Builders of he Times. Publications: A series of articles on Dominion; My Lady Nell; Prince Rupert's "Outdoor Sports for Girls," for different Namesake; The Rabbi's Sons; also other syndicates; a pamphlet descriptive of the stories and articles in various periodicals. south part of Vancouver Island, to be Mem. Women's Canadian Club. Address: published by the Prov. Govt.; a Year Book 26 Bernard Ave.. Toronto. for the King's Daughters (now bang pre- WEBSTEB, Bobert Edward, M.D., C. pared.) Recreation: horticulture. Address: M., M.R.C.P. & S.; 6. Brockville, On ., 25 Victoria, B.C. March, 1870; s. of Robert Webster and J. C. WATT, David A.; 5. Ayrshire, Scotland, Moles; m. Irene Jones; _one a. Educ: Mc- course 1830; m. 1857, Frances Macintosh (d. 1876); Gill Univ., grad. in ] 891 ; post grad. -one s. three d. .Educ,: Gram. Sch., Green- in London and New York in suriery;

ock, Scotland. Arrived Canada, 1846; and Clinical professor of Surgery in - Western has ever since been associated with Messrs. sch. of Medicine, 1893 to 1898; apptd. chief Allan, the well-known shipowners, Mon- consulting surgeon C. C. General Hospital, treal. Mem. Montreal Bd. of Trade; one of Ottawa, 1901; takes a great interest in the organizers of the Montreal Com Ex- horses and dogs; is present master of hounds change; life mem. Natural History Soc, and of the Ottawa Hunt Club; a frequent and formerly editor of "The Canadian Natural- successful exhibitor at Canadian horse ist." Life gov.. Art Assn.; one of the shows; active in organisation of first horse founders of the Good Govt. Assn. Address: held in Ottawa. Recreations: hunting, golf. 285 Stanley St., Montreal. Address: 196 Metcalfe St., Ottawa. Clubs: WATTS, John WllUam Hurrell. R.C.A., Rideau, -Hunt, Golf and Country, Ottawa. F.R.A.I.C.; 6. Teignmouth, Devon, Eng., WEDDEBBUBN, His Hon. WlUiam; 16 Sept., 1850; 8. of John Watts and Susan Judge of the Co. Ct. for King's and Albert Hurrell; m. Elizabeth Blanche Morris; two Cos.; b. St. John, N.B., 12 Oct., 1834; a. of *, one d. Educ: Priv. Sch., London, Eng the late Alexander Wedderbum and Jane 233 . ' WHO'S WHO.

Heaviside; m. 1878, Jennie, d. of C. C. Daniel Scott, Perthshire. Educ: Varley Vaughan, of St. John. Edac: Gram. Sch. Sch., St, John; Mount Allison Univ. (grad. of St. John, and also took up study of law. in Arts, 1873). LL.B. Harvard. 1877; be- Called to Bar of N.B., 1858; cr, Q.C. by gan the practice of law at Sussex, where Earl of DuEFerin. 1873; apptd. Commr. of he has since continued to reside; eleqted a Prov. Statistics of N.B. same yr. El. to member of the L^islature in 1886, and hsA

N.B. Legia., 1870; el. Speaker of the Prov. been five times re-elec, _ twice by accl., as Assem., Feb., 1876; apptd. Prov. See. of representative of King's Co.; was unani- N.B., 1878; apptd. to his present position, mously elected Speaker of the House- of ^ 28 June, 1882. Past Supreme Chief Ran- Assembly of New Brunswick, 189D; three ger of the I.O.F. Addreaa: Hampton, N.B. years later became Solicitor-General; At- WEIK, Hon. TVlIliam Alexander, B.C. torney-General of the Province, 1897-1900; L., Superior Court Juc^e of the Prov. of apptd. under an Act passed in 1900, chair- Quebec; h. Montreal, 15 Oct., 1858; a. of man, to revise and consolidate the laws of William Park Weir and Helen Craig Smith; the Province; resigned, 1900, and contested m. Adelaide Sayers Stewart; one s. and one Queens-Sunbury for Dominion Parliament; d. Educ: High Sch. and McGill Univ., Chief Conmaissioner of Public Works for Montreal; created Queen's Counsel in 1899; some months, resigned 1900. Address: apptd. Minister without portfolio in Parent Fredericton, N.B. admn., Oct., 1903; elec. Speaker, April WHITE, Aubrey;. Dep. Minister of

25, 1905; on August 31, 1906, was sworn Lands and Forests for Ontario; b. Omagh, ^ as Minister of Public Works and Labour, Tyrone, IreL, 19 March, 1845; s. of David and re-elec. by accl.; was one of the rep- White and Margaret Mackenzie; m, Mary" resentatives of Quebec at the interprovin- Bridgland; one s. four d. Educ: Royal cial conference of Oct., 1906, to conmder Schs., Raphoe and Dungannon, and Dun*- the readjustment of Federal subsidies to bars, Dublin. Cdme to Can., April, 1862. the provinces; on Oct. 17, 1907, was sworn Engaged in lumbering until 1876; forest in as provincial treasurer of Quebec; re- ranger of Ontario, 1876-78; Crown Lands signed Jan., 1910, to accept Judgeshii} of agt., Bracebridge, 1878-82; clerk. Woods Superior Court. Publications: Code of civil and Forests Branch, Crown Lands Dept., procedure and Municipal Code of Province Ont., 1880-87; apptd. Deputy Minister of of QuebeCi Address: 957 Dorchester St., Lands and Forests, 1887. D.G.M., Grand Montreal. Clubs: Garrison, Qufebec; Univ- Lodge of Can., A. F. & A.M. Addresses: ersity, Montreal 35 Admiral Rd., CroWn Lands* Dept., WETHERAIiD, Miss Agnes Ethelwyn; Toronto. Club: Royal Canadian Yacht, b. d. Rockwood, Ont., 26 April, 1857; of Toronto. , .] William Wetherald and Jemima Harris. WHITE, Lleut.-Col. Frederick, C.M.G.; Educ: Union Springs Boarding Sch., New Comptroller of the Royal Northwest Moun- York State,«and Pickering Coll., Ont. A ted Police; 6. Birmingham, Eng., 16 Feb., well known Gankdian poetess. Publications: 1847; m. e. d. of the late R. W. Cruice, of Four books of verse, The House of the Trees, Ottawa; three a. five d. Educ: Birming-^ Tangled in Stars, The Radiant Road, and ham, Eng. First employed in rly. work wt;^^ The Last Robin. Address: Chantler, Wel- Montreal; removed to Ottawa and appta..{ land County, Ont. clerk in Dept. of Justice, 1 March, 1869.' WETMORE, Hon. Edward Ludlow, was entrusted with the administrative B.A., LL.D., Chief Justice of Saskatchewan; work in connection with the raising of the b. Fredericton, N.B., 24 March, 1841; s. of N.W.M.P. ;, promoted j;hief clerk, 23 Sept., Charles Peters Wetmore and Sara Biur 1878; comptroller, Nov. samie yr.; Priv. Ketchimi; m. 1872, EUza Jane, d. of Charles Sec. tOjRt. Hon. Sir John A. IVlacdonald, Dickson of St, John, N.B.; two s. one d. 1880-82; accorded the status of a Dep. Educ: Gram."^ Sch., Fredericton, and Min., July, 1883. Served in the ranks of Georgetown; Ring's Coll., Fredericton (now the 3rd Victoria Rifles while residing in

the Univ. of N.B.); called to the bar, 1864; Montreal ; later held comn. in the Gov. for some years deputy clerk of the crown; Gen's Foot Guards, Ottawa, attaining rank Queen's Council, 1881; Mayor of Frederic- of Captain. In 1901, accorded rank of ton, 1874-1876; pres. of barristers' society, Lieut. -Col. in the tnilitia.as a special case in N.B., 1886-1887; representative of Alumini recognition of his services in connection AsBD. in Senate of Univ., 1886-1887; rep- with the raising and equipmtent of Can. resentative of County of York in New Contg. for South Africa; cr. C.M.G., 1902; Brunswick Legislature, 1885-1884, during apptd. Comnr. of the N.W.T., 1905. Ad- which time he was leader of the opposition; dress: 368 Besserer St., Ottawa. Club: Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court, N.W.T., Rideau, Ottawa. 18 Feb., 1887; a commissioner of Consoli- WHITE, Gerald Vernon, B.Sc, M.P.; b. dated Ordinances of N.W.T., 1898; chief Pembroke, Ont., 6 July, 1879; s. of late Justice of Saskatchewan, 16 Sept., 1907; Hon. Peter White, P.C., and Janet Reid Chancellor, Univ. of Saskatchewan, 16 Thompson; m. Mary Elizabeth Tretes; Oct., 1907; Chairman of Committee for one d. Educ: Pembroke Pub. and Higb consolidating the laws of Saskatchewan, f sch., and McGill Univ., Montreal. Elec. at 1907-1908. Recreations: cripket, fishing, and bye-elec. in Oct., 1906 to represent North / shooting. Address: Regina, Sask. Club: Renfrew in the H. of C; re-elec. in Oct., Assiniboia, Regina. 1908; successor to his father in the constit- WHITE. Albert [Scott, B.A.. LL.B.. uency. Address: Pembroke, Ont. Club: D.C.L., Judge of the Supreme Court of New Rideau, Ottawa. Brxmswick; 6. Sussex, N.B., 12 April, 1855; WHITE, James; secy, of |the Corserva- 8. of James E. White, descendant of William tion Commission of Canada; 6. Ingersol, White, a U.E. L., and Margaret Scott, d. of Ont., 3 Feb., 1863; s. of David White and 234 « WHO'S WHO.

Chnstina Hendry; m. Rachel Waddell; bour Commissioners; vice-pres. of the Board twod. Sduc: Aikens Private Sch., Inger- of Trade, and on almost every protestant sol Coll. Inst., and Royal Mitilary Coll.; board in connection with the hospitals and , apptd. topographer on the staff of the other charitable institutions. Address: 298 Geological Survey of Canada, Jan., 1884; Stanley St., Montreal. made surveys in the Rocky Mountains, WHITE, Robert Smeaton; Collector of 1884-85; in the Madoc, Ont. gold district, Customs, Montreal; b. Peterboro, Ont., 15 1886; in the Ottawa Co., Que. phosphate March, 1856; «. of Hon. Thos. White and district, 1887-1890; Kingston and Pem- Eleanor Devine; m. Annie H. Barclay. broke, Ont., district, 1891-1893; apptd. Educ: Hamilton, Ont., and Montreal. In Geographer and Chief Draughtsman to the the service of the Bank of Montreal, 1872- Geological Survey in 1894; apptd. Chief 1874; in journalism on the staff of the Geographer of the Department of the In- Montreal Gazette, 1874 to 1895; chief terior in 1899; emploved on the Alaska editor, 1885 to 1895; member of the H. of C. Boundary Commission in 1903; made in- for Cardwell, his father's constitunecy, vestigations respecting fast trans-Atlantic from 1888 to 1895; apptd. Collector of passenger steamships in 1906; apptd. Secy, Customs, Montieal, 31 Dec, 1895. Pub- of the Commission on conservation of Nat- lications: annual review, trade of Montreal. ~ ural resources, 1909; is a Fellow of the Address: 465 Roslyn Ave., Westmouht, Ro^al Geographical Society, Member of the National Geographical Society, Canadian WHITE, Smeaton; man dir. of the Society of Civil Engineers, Champlain Soc- Montreal Gazette; b. Hamilton, Ont., 17 iety, American Academy of Political and March 1865; ». of Richard White and Jean Social Science, etc. Publications: Atlas of Riddel; unmarried. Educ: Montreal High Canada, 1906; Altitudes in Canada, 1901; Sch Bishop's Coll. Sch., LennoxviUe. In Dictionary of Altitudes, 1903; "Maps and journalism, on staff of Montreal Gazette Map-making in Canada" (Can. Soc. Civil since leaving college; business mgr. of Engineers, 1905); "Ashburton Treaty" Gazette for many yrs. Recreations: angling, (University Magazine, Oct., 1907); "Oregon camping Address: Gazette, Montreal. San & Juan Boundaries" (University Mag- Clubs- St. James, Montreal, Canada, Hunt, azine, Oct., 1908); "Ashburton Treaty-an Royal St. Lawrence Yacht, Montreal. afterword" (University Magazine, Dec, WHITE, Willlani, C M.G., J-P-.j .!>• Lon- 1908); "Labrador Boundary" (University don Eng 6 Jan., 1830; s. of Wilham and Magazine, April, 1909; "Altitudes in Can- Anne Alice White; m. Elizabeth (.dec, 1892), 2nd edition", *5f<". revised and enlarged; d of Geo. Keen; three ». one d. Educ: ^Derivations of Place-names in CJntano;" Burlington House Sch., Hammersmith; Derivations of Place-names in Manitoba, Gen. P. O., London, Feb., 1846; Saskatchewan cleric, & Alberta;" "Derivations of clerk P O Dept., Canada, Dec, 1864; Place-names in Northern Ontario." Jie- Secretary P. O. Dept., Cana.da, Jan., 1861; creation; travel. Address: 243 Chapel St., Deputy P. M. Genl., Canada, July, 1888; Ottawa. Commissioner to enquire into organization WHITE, Ptter, B.A., LL.B., K.C.; b. Canadian ttvil service, 1880; Canadian Pembroke, of Ont., 28 Jan., 1872; «. of Andrew delegate to Postal Union, Washington, 1897; T. White and Mary Ranson; m. Katie Ethel chairman pub. sch. board, Ottawa, 1909; Lloyd; two d. Educ: Pembroke Pub. and president of the Ottawa Atheneum; High has been Sch.; Toronto Univ.; Law Sch., Os- Ottawa Field Naturalists' Club; Ottawa goode Hall. Practices law in Pembroke, Society and Ottawa St. was Horticultural an officer in Queen's Own Rifles, To- George's Societv; entered Canadian Militia onto for six yrs. Can. for Leg. Ass., 1902; 3rd Baft., Toronto Mihtia, 1869; Mayor as Lieut, in of Pembroke ; reeveJp. of Pembroke, Captain, Civil Service Rerament, 1866; since 1904; vice-pres. Dom. Shorthorn Major, Governor-General s Foot Guards, Breeders' Assn.; pres. Eastern Ontario 1872; Bt. Lieut.-Col., 1877; Lieut.-Col., Livestock and Poultry Assn.; dir. of various 43rd Ottawa and Carleton Rifles, 1881; industrial cos.; a wellknown breeder of Hon. Lieut.-Col., 43rd O. * C. Rifles, 1898; shorthorn cattle. Recreations: lacrosse, Commandant, Canadian Team to Wim- football, hookey. Address: Pembroke, Ont. bledon, 1884; Chairman of the Executive Clubs: National, Can. Mil. Inst., Toronto. Committee of Dom. of Canada Rifle Assn., WHITE, Richard, D.C.L.; 6. Montreal, 1886-96. Recreations: horticul fure, nfle 14 May, 1834; s. of Thomas White and shootiiw. Publications: Post Office Gazette, Dorothea Smeaton; m. 1859, Jean Riddel; Annals of Canada. Address: Whitehurst, six s.'four d. Educ: High Sch., Montreal; Ottawa, Ont. CTti6:Rideau, Ottawa. removed to Peterboro in 1850; engaged in WHITE, WUllam .Tames; b. StouffviUe, large lumber concerns for nearly five years; Ont., 26 June, 1852; s. of John White and took charge of the Peterboro Review 1 Jan., Margaret Miller; m. Wilmatte Clung Tem- 1855, ana in 1856, joined by his brother, pleton; four s. three d. Educ: StouffviUe Hon. Thos. White, purchased the "Review," and private tuition; went to Brandon, continued to manage it until Sept., 1864, Man., Aug., 1881, and established the when the firm of T. and R. White, purchas- "Brandon Sun," in January, 1892, in the ed the Hamilton Spectator and conducted it interests of the Liberal narty; took charge until July, 1870; purchased the Montreal of Canadian Immigration work in the Gazette that year; in 1878, on Mr. Thomas United States in 1897; is also in charge of White entering parliament, the concern was the publicity work of the Immigration converted into a joint stock company of branch. Address: 138 Somerset St., Ottawa. which Mr. Richard White has been pres. WHITE, William .Tohn, M.*.. D.C.L., ever since; has been a member of the City K.C.; 6. Pet«rboTo, Ont., 29 Jan., 1861; s. of Council of Montreal; of the Board of Har- Richard White and Jean Riddel. Educ: 235 WHO'S WHO.

High Sch., Montreal; McGill Univ.; a Fifeshire, Scot., 15 Sept., 1843; s. of William prominent member of the bar .of the Frov. Whyte and Christian Methven; m, Jane, d. of Quebec; has frequently appeared before of Adam Scott, of Toronto; one s, four d. the Judicial Committee of the Privy Coun- Educ: Scotland. Junior clerk in office of cil in England; senior partner in the firm factor of Lord Elgin's estate in Scot, for of White & Buchanan. Publicaiions: two yrs. In May, 1862, commenced ry. Canadian Company Law.- Address: 95 work as station agt. on the West of Fife Crescent St., Montreal. Clubs: St. James, Ry. Came to Can., June, 1863, and se- Montreal, University, Outremont Golf, cured position on G.T.R., for which Co. he Montreal; Rideau, Ottawa; Garrison, Que- worked for twenty yrs.; eight months

bec ; Constitutional, London, Eng. brakeman; two yrs, frt. clerk, Cobourg; WHITE, William Bobert, K.C.; 6. Pem- five mos. frt. clerk, Toronto; one yr. fore- broke, Ont., 16 Sept., 1843; s. of the late man frt. dept., Toronto; one yr. yard- Lt.-Col. White and Cecilia Thompson; m. mastery Toronto; two yrs., conductor; six 1871, Jennie, y. d. of the late Lt.-Col. M. mos. night stationmaster, Toronto; over Wilson, of Onondago, Ont.; three a. Educ: three yrs. stationmaster, Stratford; ax yrs. local schs., by private ti^tion, and Victoria stationmaster and frt. and passngr. agt., , Coll., Cobourg. Called to the bar, 1868, London, Ont.; eight mos. frt. agt., Toronto; and commenced practice of his profession in and over one yr. div. supt.; 1883-1884, gen, Pembroke, where he estbd. the firm of supt. Credit Valley Ry.; 1883-1884, gen. White & Williams in 1895; Mayor of Pem- supt., Ontario and Quebec Ry., which also broke for three yrs., mem. of the County included Credit Valley and Toronto Grey

Council for twelve yrs. ; Warden of Renfrew & Bruce Rys.; 1884-85, gen. supt. Ontario Co. for one yr.; pres., Pembroke Navigation Div. of C.P.R., which enibraced all lines in Co.; solicitor in Renfrew Co. for C. P. R.; Ont., west of Smith's Falls Junction, Ont.; the Pembroke Electric Light Co., the 1885-1886, gen. supt.. Eastern Div. as well Quebec Bank. Cr. Q.C., 1889; el. a Ben- as Ont. Div.; 1886-97, gen. supt., Western cher of the Law Soe. of Ont., 1901. P.G.M. Div.; 1897-1901, mgr. Western lines in- of the Masonic Order. Address: Pembroke, cluding all lines west of Lake Superior, Ont. same rd.; 1901-04, asst. to pres. same rd.; WHITNEY, Albert; b. Williamsburg tp., Jan. 1, 1904, to date second yice-pres., same Dundas Co., Ont., June, 1841; s. of Richard rd. Has been prominently identified with L. Whitney and Clarissa Farrman; m. 1872, every public movement in thc^ city of Win- Charlotte Courselles, d. of Alpheus Jones, of nipeg since taking up' his residence there; Prescott; one «. four d. Educ.: Pub. Sch., ex-pres. of the Canadian Club. Recreatwns: and Matilda Gram. Sch. Engaged in shooting, golf. Address: 603 River Ave., mercantile life in Prescott, and since 1883 Winnipeg. Clubs: Manitoba, St. Charles' has been sec. of the firm of J. P. Wiser & Country, Winnipeg; St. James, Montreal; Sons, Ltd., distillers. of B.C-. A mem. the Town Vancouver; Union, Victoria, , Coun. of Prescott for 21 yrs.; chn. of WICKBTT, Samuel Morley, B.A., (Tor- Finance Committee for nine yrs. Pres. of onto), Ph.D.; b. Brooklin, Ont., 17 Oct., the Reform Assn. of South Grenville, 1901. 1872; «. of Samuel Robert Wickett, and Address: Prescott, Ont. Margaret Cowle; unmarried. Bduc: 'Tor- WHITNEY, Ueut.-Col. Hon. Sir James onto and Leipzig; Lecturer in Political Pliny, Kt. LL.D., D.C.L., K.C.; Economy, Univ. of Toronto, 1898-1902; President of Executive Council and Prem- Univ. of Toronto Literary and Scientific ier of Ontario; b. Williamsburgh, Ont., 2 Society, 1898; member of National Muni- Oct., 1843; s. of Richard Leet Whitney and cipal League; Pres., Secretary-Treasurer, Clarissa J. Farrman; m. 1877, Alice, third rf. and Managing Dir., Wickett and Craig, of Wm. M. Park, of Cornwall, Ont.; one ». Ltd., 1902 to the present time; member of twod. Erfuc- Cornwall Gram. Sch. Called the Executive Can. Manuf. Assn., from to the bar, 1876; or. Q.C., 1890. Took part 1901, to the present. Publications: Muni- in Fenian troubles as N.C.O. Is Lt.-Col.. cipal Government in Canada; Buchers of the Militia Reserve. Unsuccessful can. Industrial Evolution (translation from for Ont. Legis., 1886; returned at bye-el., German); Reports to C. M. A. on Trade 1888; returned at each subsequent g. e.; conditions in the Yukon (1903), and to the chosen Leader of the Opposition, 1896; on Federal Government in connection with the defeat of Ross Govt., at g. e., Jan., 1905, Alaska Boundary Case (1904). Becreations: formed a govt, on Feb. 8th, and assumed golf, tennis, motoring. Address: 124 Isabella officeof Attorney-Gen. in addition to that St., Toronto. Clubs: National, R.C.Y.C, of Prime Minister; re-el. by accl.; became Lambton Golf and Country, Toronto. Pres. of the Ex. Coun. in June, 1905, re; WICKSON, Alexander Frank; architect; linquishing office of Attorney-Gen. Receiv- b. Toronto, 30 March. 1861; s. of John ed degree of LL.D. from Toronto Univ., Wiclraon and Eli^^a Chilver; m. Annie E. June, 1902; D.C.L., from Trinity Univ., Fisher; one s. Educ: Upper Can. Coll. Toronto. 1902, and LL.D., from Queen's Studied and practised in 'Toronto; worked Univ., Kingston, 1903; cr. Kt. by H.R.H. in U.S., and travelled in England and part the Prince of Wales, July 23, 1908, on the of continent. Mem. of Ont. Assn. of

occasion of the Quebec Tercentenary. - Has Architects; Fellow of the Roy. Architec- been a del, to General Syjxod of Church of tural Inst of Can. Becreation: golf. Address: England in Canada, and to the Diocesan 62 Forest Hill Rd., Toronto. Club: High Synod. Address: 113 St. George St., Tor- Park Golf and Country, Toronto. onto. Clubs: Toronto, Albany, Royal Can-, WICKSON, Paul Giovanni; b. Toronto. adian Yacht, Toronto. Ont.; 8. of Rev. Arthur Wickson, first WHYTE, William; 2nd Vice-Pres. of classical- tutor and rector, Toronto Gram. the Canadian Pacific Ry., Winnipeg: 6. Sch. and Coll. Inst., and Mary Ann, d. of 236 WHO'S WHO

William Thomas, architect; m. o. d. of 17 Dec., 1846; s. of Daniel Wilkie and Norman Hamilton, of Paris, Ont.; one a. Angelica Graddon; m. Sara Caroline, d. of one d. Ediic: Gram. Sch., Toronto; South the Hon. J. R. Benson, St. Catharines, Ont.; Kensington Sch. of Arts, England; silver two s. one d. Educ: Quebec High Sch., medalist for painting. Spent 12 yrs. in Morren Coll.; entered service of Quebec . Eng. in study and travel; exhibited at ^Bank at Quebec, 1862; became manager Boyal Acad., Xondon and other galleries; Toronto branch, 1872; general manager painted, "March of Civilization," a series Imperial Bank of Canada, 1876; pres., 1906, of Canadian subjects for the Dominion Recreations: golf, curling. Address: 432 Govt. Bldgs. at St, Louis, Liege and other Sherbourne St., Toronto. Clubs: Union, exhibitions, "The Promised Land," pur- London, Eng.; Albany, National, Toronto, chased by Dept. of Interior, 1909. Many Hunt, Toronto Golf, Lambton Golf, Tor- pictures of Canadian subjects have been onto; Mount Royal .Montreal. reproduced by magazine publishera, etc. WILKINSON, WllUam Carr; Sec'.-Treas Recreations: gardening, horses. Address: Board of Education, Toronto; b. Toronto,

'Hamilton Place, Paris, Ont. 1 Aug., 1841 ; 8. of Christopher and Hannah WIDDIFIELD, His Hon. Charles How- Wilkinson; m. Maria Jewell; one s. four d. ard, LL,B,; Judge of the Ct. Court Educ: Toronto public sch., and private • and local master High Court of Justice, Co. tutor; has been Secretary-Treasurer, Board -Grey; b. Uxbridge, Ont^ 21 Jan., 1859; of Education since Nov., 1874; an active c. 8. of the late J. C. Widdifield, whose mem. of the Masonic fraternity. Recreation: father was a U. E. L.; m. Emma M. Gilles- travel. Address: 121 Parliament Street, pie, o. d. of James Gillespie, Sheriff of the Toronto. County of Prince Edward; two a. two d. WILLET, Arthur, M.A.. D.Sc. F.R.S., Educ: Ukbridge High Sch., and Up. Can. Professor of Zoology in McGill Univ., Coll.; studied law with H. M. Howell, K.C.; Montreal; b. Scarborough, Yorks, Eng., now chief Justice of Manitoba; called to the 1867; s. of late Rev. William Willey; m. bar in ISBl, and practiced in Picton, Ont., 1902. Educ: Kingswood Sch.. Bath; Univ. 'apptd. Judge, County of Grey, and local Coll., London. Tutor in Biology, Coumbia Master High Court of Justice, 1905. Pub- Univ., New York, 1892-94; Balfour Student lications: Widdifield on "Law of Costs" of the University of Cambridge, 1894-99; (Carswell, 1892). Recreations: cricket, golf. Lecturer in Biology, Guy's Hospital, 1899- Address: The Gables, Owen Soimd, Ont. 1901. PuhlLcations: papers in technical Club: Sydenham, Owen Sound. journals, principally in the Quarterly Jour- WILCOX, Charles Seward, Ph.B., nfbl of Microscopical Science; Amphioxus (Yale); b. Painesville, Ohio, U.S.A., 16 and the Ancestry of the Vertebrates, 1894; March, 1856; s. of Aaron Wilcox, and Jane edited Zoological Results, 1898-X902; editor Morley Wilcox; m. Margaretta Morley. of Spolia Zeylanica; director of Colombo Educ: Yale Univ Came to Can., 1879. Museum and Marine Biologist to the Ceylon Pres. of the Hamilton Steel & Iron Co.; dir. Government, 1907; apptd. Prof, of Zoology, of the Traders Bank. Recrecdions: golf, McGill Univ., 1910. A drfre«s: McGill Univ., curling, yachting. Address: 69 Herkimer Montreal. St., Hamilton, Ont. Clubs: Hamilton, WILLIAMS, Right Kev, David, M.A. Thistle, Royal Hamilton Yacht, Golf, Ham- fOxon), S.D. (Western Univ.), LL.D. ilton. (Toron o Univ.); Bishop of Huron, Ont.; WILCOX, Oliver James, M.P.; b. South b. Silian, nr. Lampeter, Cardiganshire, Woodslee, Essex Co .j Ont., 1 Sept., 1869; Wales, 14 March, 1859; a. of John ajid 8. of John Wilcox (Irish) and Mary Tollen Margaret Williams; m. Alberta Eliza Bur- (JBnglish); m. 1892, Mary Rachel Hamilton, well, of Seaham Lodge, London, Ont.'; of Chesterville, Ont.; one s. one rf. Educ: three s. three rf. Educ: Lampeter Gram. South Woodslee Pub. Sch. and Essex High Sch., St. David's Coll., Lampeter and Sch. El. mem. of Rochester Council, 1899 Oxford Univ.i Curate of Hestiniog, 1886- and sat for four yrs. as reeve. Pres., North - 1887; Prof, at Huron Coll., London, On ., Essex Farmers' Inst., 1904-05. First el. to 1887-1892; Rector of Stratford, 1892-1905; H. of C. for N. Essex at bye-el. 11 Nov., Archdeacon of Perth, 1903-1905; Bishop of 1909. Address: South Woodslee, Ont. Huron, Jan. 6, 1905. Publication: "What WILGBESS, Arthur Troliope, prop, and the Church Stands for." Address: Bishop- ed.,the Times, Brockville, Ont.; ft. Sheemess, stowe, London, Ont. Kent, Eng., 28 Dec, 1867; s. of Geo. Wil- WILLIAMS, Frederick George Hilary; 1863- s. , gress and Caroline Boulton; m. Meta Car- b. London, Eng., 13 Jan., of Charles leton, d. of Geo. Acheson, of Tandragce, and Geoi^ma Gould Williams; m. Aley Mary Irel; one s. one d. Educ: Up. Can. Coll., Shonfeld, of Croyden, Eng.; one a. one d. Toronto. Came to Can. with parents in Was secretary to his father before coming 1872; after leaving coll., studied law at to Canada in 1882; employed on Montreal Cobourg and then ent. service of Bank^of newspapers until 1893; went to Australia; Toronto (5. yrs.); engaged in- private bank- returned in 1896; since then on Montreal, ing at Clarksburg. Grey Co.; acquired Toronto and Ottawa newspapers; now Brockville Times, 1895. Capt., Corps of political correspondent at Ottawa; served Guides; a governor, Brockville Gen. Hosp.; in Montreal Garrison Artillery during the mem. Brockville Coll. Inst. Bd., 5 yrs.; North West Rebellion, 1885 (medal). Re- member of Town Council, 1910; an creation: walking. Address: 'Free Press", ardent Imperialist. Recreations: camping, Ottawa. , „ cricket, riding, curling. Address: Brockville, WIT.LISON, .Tohn Stephen, LL.D, Ont. Clubs: Brockville, Albany, Toronto. (Queens), journalist; 6. Stanley, Huron C3o., WILKIE, Daniel Robert; president of Ont., 9 Nov., 1856; a. of Stephen and Jane the Imperial Bank of Canada; &.- Quebec, Willison; m. Rachel Turner, of Bruce Co., 237 , WHO'S WHO. many WILSON, Lleut.-Col. Erastus William; • Educ: Pub. Soh.; for Out two s. fc^ellei^Ue, Ont., 1 Ju^y, I860: s. of James "The Globe:\ Toronto; now Oiit jnS editor Bncker, Berto, ; correspoiident Wilson; m. Sara E. L. editor "The News;" apptd. Scha., Belleville two s. one d. Educ: High inCanadafor'Tfce Times," 1910. PiMzca- commanding 18th the Liberal andOshawa; now officer tiona- "Sir Wilfrid Laurier and Montreal; joined the 3rd Question in Cana^; Infantry Brigade, Party," The Railway Rifles of Canada in 188A Becr«o(»on: bod- Rest Victoria and various pamphlets. 1894; Major 1899; Onta.no Oiam- lS, 1892; Captain ing (winner Dominion and retired in 1907 with rank; 10 Elmsley Place, Lt.-Col., 1903; Sonships). Addresi: Brigade oommaiid, 1 March, Toronto, National, K.C.Y. apptd. to the Toronto. Clubs: 1909 Address: 4035 DorchestCT St., Mon- C, Toronto. , ,, ^ . „„ James, Forest and & Montreal, -!b treal, Que. Clubs: St. WlUiSON, Beckles; Montreal. a^d Hen- Stream. , Aug.; 1869: .. of Henry Willson Assta * beea„- the George Samuel; Gall; m. 1899, Ethel Grace, d. of WILSON, Mon- rietta borne Ont. Union of Canafian Municipalities; t. late Albert White Dudley, of Co of Samuel Wilson Montreal and King- treal 2A April. 1846; «. two .. one d. Educ: Crocket; m. Edith A. Alport, a num^ber of books on IndEliiabSh ston. PuUicaiiom: Ont.; one s. two d. Educ. to Canada. Recreaiwn^. of Belleville. subjects relating as •> travel Ad- Montreal. Started life o'?''''A° golf, riding, cycling, foreign in the *„^^.rpaper Eng., 8 store; for 20 yrs. engaged dresse,: Quebec House, Westerham, the Canadian Muni- Ciufts. trade. In 1905 estbd. Southampton St., London, W.C. the federal and bug. cipal Journal, the organ of Societies, Authors, London, Canada, also Royal Prince- provincial Municipal unions m WBLLSON, Thomas Leppold; h. Municipal Informa- «. conducts the Bureau of ton, Oxford Co., Ont., 14 March 1860, Montreal. Hon. tion. Address: 6 Durocher St.. Thomas Whiteh^d, a. «. of 'ate Freder- of Sabma Bigelow, WILSON, Mal.-Gcneral James John Willson, and Rachel Kingston, Ont., 23 Jan. 185.i,, late Wilham H.Parks, Irk- b m. Mary Parks, e. d. of and' Sarah A, Wilson; ».. d. ll'duc.: s'. olWimm of Marysville, Calif.; two ». one Sir Hugh Allan, discovered Florence Adelaide, d. of late pub. soh., Hamilton, Ont.; m Tnmty Coll.,. Carbide, Educ: Trinity Coll. Sch., and May, 1892, Commercial Calcium oflicer in Cana- lighting Toronto; for many yrs. an whicii gave to the worid a new in campaigns estab- dian regular forces; served medium—acetylene gas, and thereby the Soudan to- with Gordon relief column in lished a new industry which flourishes 1885-6; hon. inventor 1884-5; North-West rebelhon, day in a dozen different countries; Goy.-Gen.; Mid the ADC. to His Excellency the of the Willson Acetylene Gas Buoy, Nov from Can. mil. service, 15 , beacon; since adopted, by the retired WUlson gas Address: 141 Crescent St., Montreal. Britain, U.S.A., Brazil, Col- 1907 Govts, of Gt. Garrison, Quebec; St. James, Mon- Argentina, India, Korea, Guatemala Club's: ombia, and man- these inven ions being controlled WILSON, James LocUle, J.P.; &" Alex- ufactured in Ottawa, l'y.tteJ'»*|E?S*»°°?l Nov., 1856; s. of Robert which Mr. Willson is andria, Ont., 12 Marine Signal Co., of and Agnes Logie, both bcotch, Recreations: motoring, gajden- Wilson, J.P., president. of Andrew Hodge, of Cornwall, 188 Metcalfe St., Ottawa, m Mary. d. ing. .Addresses: four d. Educ: Alexandria Clubs: Ont ; one s. Ont., and Meaches Lake, Que. public; Ottawa. pub. sch. and bigh sch.; notary Hideau, Golf, Hunt, and Country, Ontario, administrator of supt. of Fairs and Exhibitions for WILSON. Arthur; Societies of Ontario; of Commr., b. supt. of Horticultural Yukon Territory in absence of Fairs and Has been a secy., Ontario Association British Columbia, 1872. dir. of Ontario yrs.; a Exhibitions; secy, and man. resident of Yukon Terr, for several editor on be- Vegetable Growers' Assn.; secy, and mining operator. Del. to Ottawa director of grievances of oSario Horticulture Assn.; half of Yukon to present Exhibition, and also Was one of the two first Ontario Horticultural people to Govt. National Exhibition; farmer and of the Yukon Govt.; Ucense Canadian 5 members cattle raiser: one of the largest until office amalgamated with pedigreed inspector in Eastern Ontario; was pres.. Address: Dawson, Y.T. exMbitors others. Agricultural Society; pres. of the Charles, K.C.; b. London 5 Glengarry WILSON. of Industry; pres. of Farmers 1841; twice m.; one d.; member of B. Patrons Feb., Association of Canada; and farmers can- Legislature, 1882 and 1890-1907; At- C of C. in 1896. Pubhcatxom: 1903; senior partner in legal didate for H. tomey-Gen., Ontario Vegetable Growers; Wilson and Bloomfield; hamster. Reports of firn of Horticultural Assn., and Assn. of Address: Vancouver, B.C. Clubs: Umon, Ontario Fairs and Exliibitions. Becreofaon: lawn Victoria; Vancouver. Huron St., Toronto. AvUa, B.A., K..C., bowling. Address: 582 WILSON, Charles M.L.A.; 6. ht s. of John Edwards, b. De Bizard, 10 Dee..__1869: WILSON. m!p.; 16 Aug., 1862; s. of John Stanislas Wilson and Odile St. John, N.B., Antoine Edwards Wilson, and E)izabeth Young; m. Pierre; m. Imilda L. Lanctot of Montreal. Orr; one s. three d. Educ: Therese Coll., Montreal, grad- Beatrice J. Educ: St. pres H. Wilson, Ltd. B.A.; admitted to the bar of St. John, N.B.; uatins in 1891, Foundry and Sheet Metal Works., 8uebec, in 1895; LL.B., Laval; Moretary Iron John, N.B.; alderman for the city of St. rain Inspection Committee, Montreal, St. 1896, retiring for business reasons; 1902; Liberal candidate m Laval, 190.^; John, Legis. Assem. in 1908. Address: defeated by 8 votes in June, 1908 was el. to N.B. Waterloo St., St. John, N.B. Club: candidate for Legis. Assem., but was de- 208 1908. Address: Union, St. John. feated; flrst el. to H. of C, D. sen- John Henry, M . ; Place Viger Hotel, Montreal; St. Vincent de WILSON, Hon. near Ottawa, Ont.. 14 Feb., 1834; Paul (summer). Ciu6: St. Denis, Montreal. ator; I>. 238 ; ; WHO'S WHO.

«. of Jeremiah and Mary Wilson; m. Amelia and Barbara Lang; m. Josephine, d. of M. A. WilUamSj of Toledo. Ohio. Educ: pub. B. Rombough, D.L.S.; one s. three d. Educ: sch. and Victoria Coll.; a physician and pub. sch. in Ont.; a lumber merchant; first lecturer on anatomy; member of the reeve of the municipality of Stanley Ontario L^islature from 1871 to 1879: member of the Legislature of Manitoba for ' first elected to the H. of C, 1882; re-elected Rhineland continuously since 1892; un- 1887; apptd. to the Senate, S March, 1704. successful candidate for the H. of C, 1900. AddresB: St. Thomas, Ont. Address: Morden. Man. WILSON, Matthew, K.C.; b. Harwich, WISER, JohnFmiip; Pres., J. P. Wiser Ont.. 28 Aug., 1854; e. of Robert and & Sons, Ltd., Prescott; 6. Trenton, Oneida Isabella Wilson; m. Anna Marden, e. d. of Co., N.Y., U.S.A.; s. of Isaac John Wiser Charles R. Atkinson, K.C.; one s. two d. and Mary I^gert; m. Emily, s. d. of Hon. H. Educ: Chatham, Whitby and Toronto; Godard, of St. Lawrence Co., N.Y.; four s. a law student with Harrison, Osier and two d. Educ : Oneida schs. Came to Can- Moss, Toronto; special honours at Osgoode ada as n^r. for I^ert & Averall, who were Hall; barrister in 1879; Q.C., 1889; elected then conducting a distillery business in a bencher of the Law Society, two years in Prescott; purchased an interest in the firm, succession; senator of the Western Uni- 1857; acquired his partners' interests, 1862; versity; member of council, Huron Divinity was ores, of the Dom. Cattle Co.; mem. of Collie; director of the 'Trust and Guarantee the Ontario Agricultural Commission, 1880; Co., and of the Northern Life Assurance Co. is pres. of the Prescott Elevator Co.; dir.

. member of Supreme Court of Appeal for Montreal Stock Yards Co., Imperial Starch the Church of England in Canada. Becrea^ Co., Montreal Lighterage Co.; el. to H. of lion: horseback riding. Address: 326 Wel- C., 1S7S, but did not seek re-el. Address: lington St. West, Chatham. Ont. Prescott, Ont. TriLSON, His Hon. Peter Edward, B. A. WOLFENDEN, Lieut.-CoL Richard, LL.B., County Court Judge for East Koot- I.S.O. 1903; V.D.; b. 20 March, 1836; enay; 6. Bond Head, Ont., 28 Aug., 1871; 8. of late Robert Wolfeuden, of Rathmell, «. of Charles andRacnel Wilson; m^hristine Yorkshire; m. (Ist) 1865, Kate 2nd d. of Brown; two a. four d. Educ: Brampton late Henry Cooley, of Ashford, Kent; (2nd) high sclft, Toronto Univ. and O^oode Hall; 1879, FeUcite Caroline, e. d. of late John practiced law in Nelson, B.C., for nine yrs.; Bayly, supt. of police, Victoria, B.C.; five

city solicitor there for six yrs. ; county judge d. Educ: Arkholme, Lancashire; Kirkby for East Kootenay. Recreations: curling, Lonsdale, Westmoreland. Served eight yrs. bowling. .Address; Cranbrook, B.C. in the Royal Engineers, three years in WILSON-SMITH, Richard; b. Ireland, England, five in British Columbia; served in 1852; one s. two d. Educ: Ireland. Ar- New Westminster, B.C;, and Victoria, B.C. rived Canada, 1878 and estbd. himself in Rifle Volunteers with the rank of Ensign, business in Montreal as an investment 1864-74; joined the Active Militia of Canada broker. Proprietor of the Insurance Chron- on formation in British Columbia, 1874,

icle; pres. of the Canada Accident Go. ; dir. and served with the respective ranks of of the Lachine Rapids Hydraulic and Land Ensign, Lieutenant, Captain, Major, and Co., the Montreal Trust and Deposit Co., Lt.-Col. until retirement, 1888; mem. of and the National Surety Co., of New York; Wimbledon team, 1874; King's Printer for trustee of the Guardian Fire and Life Assur. British Columbia for many yrs. Recreations: Co.; a mem. of the Montreal Bd. of Trade, all outdoor sports. Address: 125 Menzies and Montreal Stock Exchange. Sat in Street, Victoria, B.C. City Council of Montreal, 1892-1896 as WOOD, Edwards Rogers; b. Peterboro, alderman, mayor 1896-97; is hon. treas. of Ont., 14 May, 1866; s. John Wood (Irish); the Montreal Diocesan Theological CoU.; m. 1891, Agnes Euphenia Smart; one d. fovernor of the Montreal Gen. Hospital, Educ: Peterboro. Commenced life as a Protestant Hospital for Insane, Notre telegraph operator; joined staff of Central Co., on its Dame Hospital,Westem Hospital ; a trustee Canada Loan and pavings for- rose of the Mount Royal Cemetery Co. ; hon. pres. mation in 1884, and gradually to the Irish Protestant B.S.; hon. Lieut. -Col. position of vice-pres. and gen. mgr. of of the 2nd R^t., C.A. Recreations: hunting, company; is also gen. mgr. of the Dominion golf. Address: 580 Sherbrooke St. W., or Securities Corporation; vice-pres.. National Guardian -Bldg., Montreal. Clubs: St. Trust Co.; dir. Crow's Nest Pass Coal Co., James, Montreal, Canada, Hunt, Royal Canadian Bank of Commerce, Western Montreal Golf, Montreal. Assurance Co., Canada Life Assurance Co., WILSON, Uriah, M.P.; b. Township" of Sao Paulo Tramway,Light and Power Co.; North Fredericksburgh, nr. Napanee, Ont., Mexican L^ht and Power Co., and other 17 March, 1841; s. of James Wilson, of industrial enterprises. Address: Queen's Yorkshire, Eng., and Harriet Worthington, Park, Toronto. Clubs: Toronto, National, Co. Tyrone, Irel.; m. Mary Moyle, Napanee, Toronto. Ont., 16 Oct., 1867; four a. Educ: Napanee WOOD, Hon. Joslah, M.A.; Senator; b. pub. ach., a merchant; entered mercantile Saekville, N.B., 18 April, 1843; ». Mariner pursuits in 1863; town councillor of Nap- Wood, merchant; m. 1874, Laura S., d. of anee; deputy reeve, 1879 to 1882; Warden Thompson Trueman, Saekville. Educ: of Crf. Lennox and Addington, 1882; reeve Mt. Allison Wesleyan Coll., Saekville, of NapaneCi 1884; Mayor, 1886; elected to (grad. 1863); called to the "bar of N.B., the-H. of C, 1887; defeated in 1891; re- 1866; afterwards entered mercantile busi- elected at bye-election 1892, and at each ness, and became chief partner and man. g.e. since. Addrc««: Napanee, Ont. of M. Woods & Sons; was for some years WINKLEB, Valentine, M.L.A.; 6. Neu- interested in shipping; in lumbering and in stadt, Ont., 18 March, *. of David Winkler several manufacturing industries; also in 230 ; WHO'S WHO.

farming and stock raieang; mayor of Sack- contb'r. verse and prose to religious press. ville from its incorporation for five years Address: 524 Garfield Av., Chicago. (until 1908); is treas. of the Board of WOODS, George B.; Pres. and Gen. Regents of Mt. Allison Coll.; unsuccessfully Mgr. of the Continental Life Insur. Co.; b, contested Westmoreland for Legislative nr. Ely, Norfolk Co., Eng 16 Jime, 1866; Assembly, N.B., 1878; elected to the H. of s. of James Woods and Hannah Howlett C, 1882-1887-1891; called to the Senate, m. Annie Isabell, d. of Chas. Dash, of 5 Aug., 1895; Conservative; Address: Woodstock, Ont.; one d. Educ: North- Sackville, N.B. Clubs: Rideau, Ottawa; ampton and Lincolnshire, Eng. Came to

, Union, St. John, N.B. Can., 1885. Was engaged in lumber busi- ness in for yrs. WOOD, Hon. Samuel Casey; 6. Village Woodstock some ; then of Bath, Ont., 27 Dec, 1830; a. of Thomas joined staff of Manufacturers' Life Insur. S. and Frances Wood; m. Charlotte Maria Co.; oiganized Continental Life Insur Co.,. Parkinson; five s. five d. Educ: common 1900; now pres. and gen. mgr. Recreations; Ech.; County Clerk and Treasurer, Co. of curling, bowling, golf, cricket. Address: Victoria, for 16 years; chairman of high 410 Huron St., Toronto. Clubs: National, soh. board in Lindsay; representative of Victoria, Lambton Golf, Granite Curling, " Canada Bowling, Royab Canadian Yacht, . pub. sch. Inspectors in the Council of Public Instruction; elected to Parliament Toronto. in 1871; apptd. Provincial Secretary and WOODS, Henry Wellington, M.L.A.; 6. Registrar in 1875; held the office of Com- Welsford, Queen's Co., N.B., 17 Dec, 1864; missioner of Agriculture from that date s. of Hon, Francis Woods, M.L.C., and Jane until 1883; in 1877 was apptd. Provincial Eliza Armstrong; m. Hannah Z. Gorham. Trea'surer; retired from public life in 1883; 30 Sept., 1899; three a. two d, member of is at present vice-pres. of the Toronto Queen's County Council 1896-08; Warden' General Trusts Corporation and vice-pres. of County, 1904; first elec. to L^is. Assem, of the Imperial Life Assurance Company. of N.B., March, 1908. Address: Welsford, Address: 97 Avenue Road, Toronto. N.B. WOODS, James Hossack; managing Lieut.-Col. Wm., F.R.S.C.; 6. WOOD, director of the Calgary Herald; b. Quebec. Quebec (of British, French and American 12 July, 1867; «. of Alexander Woods and descent.) Educ: England and Germany, Elizabeth Banfield; m. Leonora C, d. of pres. of the Literary and Historical Society J. F. Eby of Toronto; one d. Educ: of Quebec, 1900-1, and 1904-5; F.R.S.C, Quebec Hi^h Sch., McGill Univ., Manitoba 1905; D.C.L. of Lennoxville, 1907; pres. Univ. A journalist. Worked on staffs of Historic Landmarks Association, of the Toronto Ma^. and Montreal Herald; now 1907-9; Commanding officer of the 8th managing director of the Calgary Herald, Royal Rifles, 1907-10; vice-pres., the Que- Publications: contributions ,to magazines bec Tercentenary, 1908. Publications: The and newspapers. Recreations: motoring, definitive , Fight- for Clanada, 1904; edition golf, curling. Address: Calgary, Atla. in England, 1905, Canadian and American Clubs: Ranchmen's, Calgary; Tennis, Curl- editions, 1906. The Logs of the Concjuest ing, Golf, Royal Canadian Yacht, Toronto, ' of CJanada (for the Champlain Society); WOODS, James W.; President Woods Ltd.,. 1909. R.S.C. monographs on French- Ottawa, Hull and Winnipeg; &. Kildare, Canadian Folksongs and the Quebec XJrsu- Que.. 10 April, 1863; s. of Russell Woods lines, and yarious contributions to encyclop- and Anne J. Davis; m. Ida E.Edwards; three 'i>ae(fias and periodicals in England, Canada s. two d. Educ. : privately and at Montreal and the United States. Is editing a series Coll. ; two years with the late W. W. Ogilvy; ' of original documents of the War of 1812, ten years with the Hodgson Sumner Co., for the Champlain Society; and will after- representing the firm in Ottawa district; wards write a new_ history of the war, started Woods Limited in 1896; Woods based on sources of infomaation which are Western, Winnip^, 1903; director Smart now for the first time becoming complete Bag Co., Ltd.; pres. and genl. mgr. Imperial enough to justify an attempt at finality. Realty Co.; dir Kildare Mining Co.; ex- Recreations: animals, scenery, canoeing, director Crow's Nest Pass Coal Co.; Captain sailing, mountaineering, reading, poetry and Gov. Gen. Foot Guards, Ottawaj attached listemng to music. Address: 59 Grande to Coldstream Guards for special course A116e. Quebec. during winter 1909-10, London, Eng.;, WOOD, Major Zachary Taylor; asst. pres., County Carleton General Hospital; ex- commr. of R. N. W. Mounted Police, Daw- pres., Ottawa Board of Trade; dir. of Ash- son; 6. Nova Scotia, 27 Aug., 1860; a. of bury Coll., Ltd.; chairman of Finance Capt. Wood, of the U.S. Army. Grad. R. Com7 mittee. Earl Grey Musical and Dramatic M. Coll., Kingston, 1882; joined Mounted Competition. Address: Chapel St., Ottawa. Police as inaptr., 1 Aug., 1885. Went to Clubs: Rideau, Hunt (pres.), Ottawa; Yukon with first detachment of Mounted Mount Royal, Montreal; Manitoba, Win- Police, 1897, and stationed at Skagway; nipeg. promoted asst. commr. 1 July, ' 1902. W^OODS, Address: Dawson, Y.T. Sydney Brown, K.C., B.A., LL.B.; 6. Quebec. 23 June, 1872; s. of WOODRUFF, Miss Anne Helena; b. St. Alexander Woods, and Elizabeth Banfield; David's, Ont.. 28 Dec, 1850; d. of William m. Ethel Brown, Hamilton, Ont.; 'one «. Henry and Mary D. Secord Woodruff; one d. Educ: Quebec High Sch., Toronto attended pub. sch. until 14, Brockport (N. Coll. Inst., and Univ. of Toronto, JOnt.; ,, Y.) State Normal Sch., 6 mos. Resident of was a reporter and correspondent for Chicago, since 1897. Publications: Betty Toronto Mail, Toronto News; practiced and Bob, 1903; The Pond in the Marshy law 1897 to 1906 in Toronto; became

i Meadow, 1906; Three Boys and a Girl, 1906; Deputy Attorney Oeneral for Alberta on ^ 240 : WHO'S WHO.

formation of the Province, 1905; resigned Toronto National, Journal of the Knights of 1910. Recreations: golf, whist, chess. Ad- Labour, New York; Craftsman, New York; dress: 315 Fifth St., Edmonton, Alta. Club: for several yrs. secy, of the Can. Mfgrs. Edmonton. Assn,j was secy, of the Executive Bd. of WOOLLCOMBE, Rev. George Penrose, the K. of L.; one of the Canadian reps, for M.A.; 6. Londwater, Bucks. Eng., 21 May, the Antwerp, Colonial and Indian exbns.; 1867; 8. of Rev. W. P. Woollcombe and commercial a^t. for C^i. at the Colonial Henrietta Jacob; m. (1st) Julia D, Acres, exbn.; Dominion commr. (1896) to examine Liverpool, Eng., (2nd) Jessie Mickle, Tor- into and report upon the sweating system onto, Ont.; three a. two d. Educ: the in Canada. Has taken an active part in Gram. Sch., High Wycombe, Bucks, and politics and spoken frequently in several Christ Church, Oxford; arrived in Canada provs. of Canada; one of the earliest ad- 1888; assistant master at Bishop's Coll, vocates of the Nw P.; unsuccessful can, for Sch., Lehnoxville, Que.; assistant master Ont. Leg. Assem. in West Lambton and at Trinity Coll. Sch., Port Hope; now head- West Toronto; organizer of the Lib. -Cons, master of Anbury Coll., Ottawa, Ont. party, through three general elections; Recreation: golf. Address: Ashbury Coll., active in the campaign for public ownership Bockcliffe., Ottawa. Clubs: Rideau, Golf, and at present Fres. of the Can. Public Ottawa. Ownership League. Address: 105 Macdonell WORBBLL, Bt. Kev. Clarendon liamb, Ave., Toronto. CZw6; Albany, Toronto. M.A., D.D., D.C.Ly Bishop of Nova Scotia; WRIGHT, WiUlam, M.P.; b. Township 8. of Rev. Canon Worrell; h. Smith's Falls, Egremont, Co. Grey, Ont., 29 Oct.. 1853; s. July 30, 1853; m. Charlotte Ann, d. of of David Wright and Susana Foster; m. Surgeon-Maj. General J. W. Ward, F.R.C.S. Mary Elizabeth Quirt; one «, three d. Educ: one a. three d. Educ: Trinity Sch., Port Pub. Sch.; has been fanner^ blacksmith, Hope and Trinity Coll., Toronto. Deacon, manufacturer and merchant in succession. 1880; Priest, 1884; Math. Master, Bishops' Elected to H. of C, 1906; re-elec, 1908. Coll., 1873; Headm.aster Gananoque High Recreation: travel. Address: Huntsville, Sch., 1877; Principal Brockville Coll. Inst., Muskoka, Ont. 1879;Prof. Royal Military CoUege.Kingston, WRONG, George McKlnnon, M.A.; b. 1891; Curate of Gananoque, Ont., 1881; Gravesend, Co. of Elgin, Ont., 25 June, Holy Trinity, Brockville, and Head Master 1860; 8. of Gilbert Wrong of Aylmer, Ont- of High School, Brockville, Ont., 1882-84; ario, and Christina Mackinnon; m. Rector of Williamsburg, Ont., 1884-86; 1886, Sophia Hume, d. of Hpn. Morrisbur^, Ont., 1886-91 ; Professor of Edward Blake, three a. two d. Educ: English Literature, Royal Military Coll., Univ. Coll., Toronto; WyclifFe Coll.,Toronto; Kingston, 1891-1904; Rector of St Mark's, Univ. of Toronto; Oxford, etc.; M.A., Univ,. Barriefield, Ont., 1891-1903; Rector St. of Toronto. Took orders in the Church of Luke's, Kingston, 1903-1904; Chaplain to England, 1883, but has since been engaged Archbishop of Ontario, 1896; Archdeacon of continuously in academical work,- succeed- Ontario, 1900; Prolocutor, Provincial Synod ing in 1894 the late Sir aa of Canada, 1904; Bishop of Nova Scotia, Professor of History in the Univ. of Toronto.

1904. Address: Bishop's Lodge, Halifax, Publications: The British Nation ; a History^ N,S.; Hubbards, N.S. (summer). 1903; The Earl of Elgin, 1905; The Review WOBTHINGTON, Lieut.-Col. Arthur of Historical Publications relating to Can- Xorreys, M.D., CM., M.P., P.M.O. ada (annually). RecreaMon; ^o\f. Address: (Que. Com.); b. Sherbrooke, Que., 17 Feb., 467 Jarvis Street, Toronto; summer—Pointe 1862; «. of Dr. E. D. Worthington and au Pic, Que. C/ub; Toronto Golf. Frances Smith; m. 1887, May, d. of H. H. WTLIE, DavJd James, M.L.A.; b. Cook, Toronto, ex-M.P. for Sizncoe. Educ, Shrewsbury, Eng., 1 July, 1859; s. of D. Bishop's Coll. Sch., Lennoxville, and Mc- Wylie, C.E., and Elizabeth V/ylie; m. Gyi Univ. (first class honors). Surgeon to Rachel M. Batherill; three s. three d. Educ: Sherbrooke Protestant Hospital; gov. Coll. Cheltenham Coll., England; arrived in of Physicians and Surgeons, Frov. of Que.; Canada, 1880; rancher: dir.. Maple Creek principal medical officer, C^uebec Command. Cattle (jo.; el. to Sask. L^is. Assem., 1908. Served with Field Hospital during N. W. Address: Maple Creek, Sask. Rebellion, 1885; and mentioned in des- patches; Brig. Surgeon-Major, C.F.A., in Sputh Africa, 1900; was present at battles of Faber'a Farm, Belfast, Lydenberg (des- patches). Brevet Lieut.-Col, and com- manded Can. Field Hospital in S. A. during operations in Transvaal; again mentioned TAXES, Henry .Brydges, B.A. (Cantab), in despatches. EI. to H. of C. at g. e., 1904 M.D.C.M. (McGill); 6. Montreal, May 10, and 1908. Recreations: riding, shooting. 1865; s. of the late Henry Yates, C.E., and Address: Sherbrooke, Que. Clubs: Rideau, Emily Sapey; m. 1896, Alice Mary, o. d. Ottawa; Albany, Toronto; St. George's, of the late C. W. Bunting, of Toronto; two Sherbrooke. s. one d. Educ: Charterhouse; Jesus Coll., WRIGHT, Alexander "Whyte; b. Mark- Cambridge; McGill Univ., Montreal. Major ham tp., Ont., 17 Decj, 1845; s. of Geo. (M.O.) 3rd Regt., Victoria Rifles of Canada; Wright and Helen Whyte; m. Elizabeth Lecturer on Bacteriology, McGill Univ.; R. Simpson, one d. Educ: New Hamburg alderman of Montreal, 1906-10; Norwegian sch. Learned the woollen mfg. business Consul General for Canada, 1906-8; Kt. of which he followed for some yrs.; then took the Order of St. Olaf ; Esquire of the Order up journalism, editing among other news- of St. John of Jerusalem, 1910. Recreations: papers, the Stratford Herald. Guelph Herald, cricket, golf, tennis. Addresses; 257 Peel 241 .


St., Montreal; Gaywood, Cacouna (summer) ployed on editorial staff of several news-,^ Clubs: St. James' Mount KoyaL Montreal. gapers in the U.S.; later joined staff of the TEIGH, Frank; b. Burford, Brant Co., tratford Beacon: in 1885 purchased the Onfc., 21 July, 1860; a. of Edmund Laasing Cornwall Freeholder, of which he has since and Eliza Yei^li; m. Annie L. Laird; one s. published. Was press agt. for the Ont. Educ: Burford; was on the staff of the Govt, at the Chicago World's Fair, 1893. Brantford Expositor; private secretary to Recreations: hunting, fishing. Address: the Hon. Arthur S. Hardj^ Premier of Cornwall, Ont. Club: Cornwall. Ontario; now registrar of Crown Lands YOUNG, Hon. Henry Esson, B.A., M.D. Department, Toronto; well known as a CM., LL.D.; Provincial Sec. and Minister magazine writer and illustrated lecturer. of Education for B.C.; b. English River, PublicaUons: Ontario Parliamentwy Build- Que., 24 Feb., 1867; s. of Rev. Alexander ings, 1792-1892; compiler of "5000 facts Young (Scotch) and Ellen MoB^in (Can- about Canada." Recreaiion: golf. Address: adian); m. 1904, Rosalind Watson. Educ: 667'Spadina Ave., Toronto. Queen's Univ., Kingston (B.A.), McGill YEO, Hon. James; senator; b. Port Hill, Univ., Montreal (M.D., CM.) Spent a yr.

P.E.I. , 29 June, 1837; parents from Devon- and a half in England in post grad. studies shire. Eng. Educ: at Uxbridge, Eng. A Received hon. degree of LL.D. from Tor- ship owner and farmer; sat in the L^is- onto Univ., 1 Oct., 1907. A physician. lative Assembly of P. E. I. for the second first el. to B.C. L^is. atg. e., 1903; re-el. at district of Prince from 1858 to 1891, when g. e., 1907, 1909. Sworn of the Ex. Coun. he resigned to nm for -the House of Com- as Prov. Sec. and Min. of Education, 27 mons; apptd. to the Executive Council of Feb., 1907. Re-el. by accl. at bye-el., 12 P.E.I, in 1870; speaker, 1871; re-apptd. to March, 1907. Address: Victoria, B.C. Executive, 1873, and again in 1876; re- YOUNG, Mrs. Bosallnd Watson, M.A., signed in 1879; elected to the H. of C. for A.M.I.M.E.; h. Huntingdon, Que.. 19 April, Prince County, 1896; elected Grand Master 1874; d. Rev. James Watson, D.D., and.

'of the Free Masons in P.E.I., 1875, and Margaret Fyvie, d. of Rev. Adam Lind ; m . annually until 1889; apptd. to the Senate. Hon. H. E. Young, Provincial Secy, and 19 Nov., 1898; Liberal. Address: Port Hill, Minister of Education for B.C.; one d. P.E.L Educ: Huntingdon Academy and McGill TOKOIKE, Ferman Bichardson; editor Univ. PresidentoftheUniversity Woman's of the Peterborough Daily Examiner; h. Club, of Victoria, B.C.; member of the CJan. Crowland, Welland Co., Ont., 1844; s. of Min. Inst. Publications: a geography of Jesse and Margaret Yokome; m. Louvenia B.C.; articles on mining, especially in the Eyre, of Brockville, Ont.; one s. one d. Atlin dist. Address: Victoria, B.C. Club: Educ: Welland High Sch., Toronto Univ., Alexandra, Victoria. Toronto Sch. of Medicine (under graduate). YOUNG, Hon. James: 6. Gait, Ont., 24 'Has been engaged in journalistic work for May, 1835; s. of John Young, of Melrose, and 36 yrs.r for 28 yrs. editor of the Peterbor- Janet Bell, of Ledburg, Scot., who settled ough Daily Examiner^ which position he in Gait in 1834; m. Margaret, 2nd d. of John still holds. Recreatwns: tree planting, McNaught, of Brantford, Ont.- Educ: Dickens. Address: Peterborough, Ont. Eublic sch. of Gait; went into the printing TOBSTON, Frederic, B.A.; b. Pictou, usiness at 16 yrs. of age; at 18 was publish- N.S., 30 July, 1871; s. of James Yorston, of er and editor of Gait Reformer; elec. to H. Orguil, Orkney, Scot., and Mary McDonald, of C. for S. Waterloo, 1867; re-elec. by of St, John, N.B.; unmarried. Educ: Dal- acclam., 1872 and 1874; defeated in 1878; housie Univ. ; took honors in English litera- elec. for North Brant to the Ontario Legis- ture and history, the new Shakespere lature, 1879; re-el. by acclam. in 1883; Society's prize. Arts Valedictorian, editor became a member of the Mowat Govern- Dalhousie Univ. Mf^azine; was city editor ment in June, 1883; re-elec. after accepting of the Montreal Star, 1902-1905; London office. Publications: "Reminiscences of the Daily Mail, Montreal Star and Associated Settlement of Gait and the Township of Press correspondent;—Royal Tour in Dumfries;" "Public Men and Public Life in Canada, 1901; vice-pres. of Standard Canada." Recreations: shooting and fishing. Publishing Co., and managing editor The Address: "Thomhill," Gait, Onfc. Standard, 1905, to the present time. Pub- YOUNG, Bohert Evans, D.L.S.; Supt. of lications: editor of Shelley's^ Poems; many Ry. Lands, Dept. of the Interior, Ottawa; magazine articles; descriptive work, etc. Chief Geographer of Dom. of Canada; b, Recreation: curling. Address: 171 St. James Georgetown, Ont., 17 March, 1861; of St., Montreal. Scotch and English parentage; m. 1887, TOBSTON, John MacKay, M.L.A.; 6. Winifred Frances, (dec.) d. of Henry Lawe Orkney, Scot., 11 Oct., 1867; s. of Robert D.L.S., formerly of Dunuville. Ont., now of and Mary Yorston; m. Janet Mary Robert- Ottawa; four d. Educ: High Schs. of Strat- son. Educ : Scot. ; arrived in Canada, June, ford and Belleville; Albert Coll., Belleville. 1890; farmer; elected to represent the Passed exams, as Dom. Land Surveyor and district of Cariboo in Legislature of B.C., Prov. Land Surveyor of Manitoba in Win- 1907. Recreation: hunting. Address: nip^, 1882; Prov. Land Surveyor of B.C.- Cariboo, B.CI. Australian Ranch, in Victoria. 1899; spent about 20 yrs' in YOUNG, Charles W.; Editor and Prop, surveying in Man. and B.C.; 1890-04; of the Freeholder, Cornwall; b. Georgetown, made special survey of the entii'e city of Ont., 17 May, 1849; 8. of James and Hester Winnipeg, which was rendered necessary Yoimg; m. .Caroline Carthew, of Guelph; by the introduction of the Torrens system one 8. one d. Acquired a knowledge of of Land Transfer, and was carried out under printii^ under T. &. R. White, Peterboro, the Prov. Govt, and the City Coimcil of and in office of the Leader: Toronto em- Winnipeg, jointly. Publications: several 242 ;


articles on the "Northland of Canada," England and Scotland; Sec, Ontario Agric. Recreation: photography. Address: 644 and Experimental Union; vicfe-pres., Can- Rideau Str, Ottawa. adian Seed Growers. Assn., dir., Co-opera- , tive Experiments in- Agric; chn. of Com- mittee on Cereal Breedmg of American Breeders' Assn.; experimentalist, Ont. Agric. Coll. Puhlicaiions: reports and bulletins in connection with the Ontario ZAVITZ, Charles Ambrose, B.S. A. Agric. Coll. and Ontario Experimental Prof, of Field Husbandry, Ontario Agric. Union. Recreation: lawn bowling. Address: Gol1%e, Guelph; b. Coldstream. Middlesex Ontario Agricultural Coll., Gu&lph,. Ont. Co., Ont., 25 Aug., 1863; a. of Daniel and ZdCUSBllIAN, Adam; h. Harrisburg,

Susan Zavitz; m. Rebecca Wilson; one a. , Pa., U.S.A., 14 Aug., 1852; «. of Isaac and Educ: Coll. Inst., Strathroy, Ont.; Agric. Otellla Zimmerman; m. 1873, Isabelle

Coll., Guelph. Received collie diploma Campbell, df Hamilton, Ont. Educ: Dela- . in 1SS6, and d^ree in agric. at Toronto ware, Ohio. A merchant. Mem.' Bd. of Univ.; 1888. Brought up on farm in Education for ten yrs.; now Chairman; on Middlesex Co. Has been at Ontario Agric. Bd. of License Commrs. for 14 yrs. El. to -Coll. for over 25 yra., principal work being H, of C. at g. e., 1904; unsuccessful, 1908. for the improvement of agric. and especially A Presbyterian. A Liberal. Address: the farm crops of Ontario, Has lectured Hamilton, Ont. at Agric. Colleges in Canada, the U.S.,

Printed by R, J. Taylor, 134 Queen Street, Ottawa, Canada, ADVERTISEMENTS.

The Royal Military Goliege of Canada

THERE are few national institutions of more value and interest to the country than the Royal MiUtary College of Canada. Notwithstanding this, its object, and the work it is accomphshing, are not«ufficiently understood by the general pubUc. The College is a Government institution, designed primarily for the purpose of giving instruction in all branches of military science to cadets and officers of the Canadian Militia. In fact it corresponds to Woolwich and Sandhurst. The Commandant and military instructors are all officers on the aptive list of the Imperial army, lent for the purpose, and there is in addition a complete staff of professors for the civil subjects"which form such an important part of the College course. Medical attendance is also provided. Whilst the College is organized on a strictly military basis the cadets receive a practical and scientific training in subjects essential to a sound modem education. The course includes a thorough grounding in Mathematics, Civil Engineering, Surveying, Physics, Chemistry, French and Enghsh.

The strict discipUne maintained at the College is one of the most valuable features of the course, and, in addition, the con- stant practice of gymnastics, drills and outdoor exercises of all kinds, ensures health and excellent physical condition. Commissions in all branches of the Imperial service and Canadian Permanent Force are offered annually. The diploma of graduation, is considered by the authorities conducting the examination for Dominion Land Surveyor to be equivalent to a university degree, and by the Regulations of the , it obtains the same exemptions as a B.A. degree. The length of the course is three years, in three terms of 9J months each. The total cost of the course, including board, uniform, instructional material, and all extras, is about $800. The annual competitive examination for admission to the College, takes place in May of each year, at the headquarters of the several mihtary districts. For full particulars regarding this examination and for any other information, appMcation should be made to the Secretary of the Mihtia Council, Ottawa, Ont.; or to the Commandant, Royal Military College, Kingston, Ont. ADVERTISEMENTS.


(Successors to Lewis & Pinhey). Established 1854.

no Wellington Street, - OTTAWA, CAN.

John Christie, K.C. Wentworth Greene. Hamnett P. Hill. Alexander C. Hill.

W. D. LIGHTHALL, K.C. C. A. HABWOOD, B.C.L. IvIGHTHALL & HARWOOD BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ADVOCATES, Etc. CHAMBERS Quebec Bank Building. Place d'Armes, Montreal. Cable Address, "Lightwood."

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Cable Address:—Defence.


Supreme Court and Departmental Agents. Telephone 1538.

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H. B. McGiverin. Andrew Haydon, W. C. Greig. ADVERTISEMENTS.


Canadian North-West land Regulations

Any person who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter-section of available . Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-Agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain conditions, by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader.

Duties—Six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister.

In certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarter section alongside his homestead. Price, $3.00 per acre. Duties—Must reside six months in each of six years from date of homestead entry (including the time required to earn homestead patent), and cultivate fifty acres extra.

A homesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may take a purchased homestead in certain districts. Price, $3.00 per acre. Duties—Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate fifty acres, and erect a house worth $300.00. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior.

N.B.—Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. : ADVERTISEMENTS.

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Tents, Tarpaulins, Horse Blankets, Etc. MADE FROM Birkmyre's Waterproof Cloth SOLE MANUFACTURERS



International Marine Signal Co., LIMITED OTTAWA, CANADA.

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Three Hundred and Fifty of OUR Buoys and Beacons are in Actual Service Throughout THE World.

These Buoys and Beacons generate their own Gas, and run with one charge of Calcium Carbide from six months to nine nvonths with- out attention.

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Henry N. Chatjvin. Geo. Harold Baker. Harold Earle Walker. Chauvin, Baker & Walker

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Mclennan, howard & aylmer Advocates, Barristers, Etc. British Empire Building, 86 Notre Dame St. West, Montreal. Cable Address, "Nottah."' J Cassie Hatton, K.C, Counsel. Francis McLennan, K.C. E. Edwin Howard. H. U. P. Ayhner. Jacob DeWitt.

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\h TM hMm Sbmgb Co.. OF CANADA, Limited. Operating Under Three Flags.

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Cable Address— "Thielon." Lieber Code used. AU V t^KTiaamENTS. The New Russell OTTMiAiK, OMNKDK

Remodelled, Refitted and brought thoroughly up-to-date -by improvements /Costing $175,000.00

European Plan with Excellent Cuisine.

Rates: gl.50 and upwards per day

A Good Hotel all the year round, but particularly pleasing

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MULLIGAN BROS., - proprietors The Grand Union

— IS THE —

Popular Hotel of Ottawa, Canada.

Centrally situated opposite City Hall and Leading Theatre

RATES : $2.00 per day and up.

American Plan. Electric, Turkish and Shower Baths, extra.

Best of Sample Rooms.




CAMPING MADE COMFORTABLE. All kinds of Tents supplied for Military, Con- tractors' and Sportsmen's use.

Featherweight Rainproof Tents— a specialty-

just the thing for long portages. An 8 x 6 ft., weighs only five and 'a half lbs. MANUFACTURERS OF Blankets, Underwear, Heavy Clothing, Mackinaw Suits, Tweed Pants, Overalls, Smocks, Rever- sible Motor Coats, Hunters' Suits, Prospectors' Outfits.

Factories & Warehouses, - - - HULL, QUE.

The Greatest Manufacturing Establishment of its kind in the Dominion Western Warehouse, woods western sug., WINNIPEG, MAN. ADVERTISEMENTS. 10

Alexander Smith. Wiixiam Johnston. SMITH & JOHNSTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES, &c. The Trust Building, 48 Sparks Street, - OTTAWA, CANADA Cable Addeess—Western Union Code—SMITHSTON. Mr. Smith is by appointment of the Governments of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Saskatchewan and Alberta, a Commissioner for Ontario, for the taking of affidavits for use in the Courts of the said Provinces.


Commissioners for all the Provinces and for the States of Massachusetts and New York.

Canada Life Building, - 189 St. James Street, MONTREAL

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Room 58, Canada Life Building, 180 St. James Street, Montreal.

G. DuRNPORD, C.A., F.C.A., Can. Arthur J. England, Acct. :

11 ADVERTISEMENTS. METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (Incorporated by the State of Xew York—Stock Company) The Company OF the People, BY the People, FOR the People.

Amount of Canadian Securities Deposited with the Dominion Government for the Protection of Policyholders In Canada over $7,055,000

A REASONABLE INDICATION OF THE SIGNiriCANT FACTS. DESERVED POPOLARITY This Company's policy-claims paid In 1909 averaged in num- of Its plans and of faith In its ber, one for every sixty-three management may be fairly seconds of each business day claimed In the number of of 8 hours each, and, in amout, S140.81 a minute the Metropolitan policies In force. year through. It exceeds by three millions the entire population of the T(ie Dally Average of the Dominion of Canada. Nearly Company's Business during three hundred thousand Can- 1909. are adians of all classes AZA. per day in number of claims policyholders In the Metro- ^•JO Paid. deposit politan. It has on Z. r-JZ perdayinnumberof Pol- with the GoTernment of the Uf^OUjcies Issued. Dominion of Canada, in Can- adian securities, dollar for $l,463,755.00^-t?r dollar of Its Canadian lia- ance placed and paid for. bilities. In 1909, It wrote in Canada as much new $183.403.75PS±^?S insurance as any two other life cyhoiders and addition to Reserve, Insurance companies : —Cana- SKI "?? 1 79 79Per day in In- dian, English or American. jpxj£^,±J ^- 1 ^crease oftAssets

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In its Ordinary Department policies are issued for from f1,000 to on individual lives, premiums payable annually, semi-annually $1,000,000 , and quarterly. In its Industrial Department, policies are issued on all the Insurable members of the family for weekly premiums. Full particulars regarding the plans of the Metropolitan may be obtained of its Agents in all the principal cities of the United States and Canada. H07«IB 0F=F=IC:E I Madison Ave.. NEW YORK CITY riBAD OFFICE FOR CANADA

Metropolitan Building, 49 Metcalfe Street, Ottawa. ADVERTISEMENTS. 12 SILK CO LIMITED

Manufacturers of Pure Dye Neat Silk threads of every des- cription for hand and Machine use, including the well known

. CORTICELLI B. & A. "Asiatic Dyes" Wash Embroidery Silks for Embroidering, Knitting and Crocheting purposes.

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95 OUT OF EVERY 100 CANADIANS WILL ANSWER WINDSOR SALT Used and recommended by almost every housewife—sold by almost every grocer—from the Atlantic to the Pacific 13 . ADVERTISEMENTS.


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Special Circulars containing complete

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Mailed on Request.

53 Notre Dame St. West MONTREAL

Branch Office: Paris [France], 60 rue de Provence.


"Sons of the Blood," whether born of English fathers or mothers

JOIN THE GREAT NATIONAL ORGANIZATION W6e- Sons of Bngland benefit Society and help your fellow Englishmen, or let them help you. OBJECTS: INSUKANCE AND MEDICAL BENEFITS. FRATERNITY; PATRIOTISM.

30,000 Members. 260 Lodges in all the Provinces of Canada.

For further Information regarding the aims and objects of the Society, consult local newspapers

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