^mt (ftoUegc of l^gricultutc Kt (flnrnell MniuerBttg atliata. ». 11. ffitbrarg bOi men uiiiversiiy .idrarv F 1033.C23 The Canadian who's who. 3 1924 014 019 255 ADVERTISEMENTS. TD6e (Sanadian Railway J^eeident Jnsuranee Qo. OTTAWA, CANADA. Atjthobized Capital, $500,000.00 SuBSCKiBjiD Capjtal, - ", " " 250,000.00; Issues more Personal Accident Pplioies than any other Company in Canada. OFFICERS: I Denis Muepht, President. _J0HN^El^.O, H. W. Pearsgn, , . , See.-Treastlrer. ' General Mgr. AH classes of Persob^ Accident,' gicfaiesB, Eiiployers' or other Liability, Compensation and Collective Insurance Business transacted. Agents Wanted in Unkepkbsbnted Districts, APPLY TO GENERAL MANAGER, 128 WELLINGTON ST., OTTAWA, ONT. SUN LIFE Assurance Company OF CANADA Head Office^ - - Montreal Chief Office for the United Kingdom, 93 QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, E.G. Assets Dec. Slst, 1909, $32,804,997 Business in FoKGB, - 8129,913,669 R. MACAULAY, President. S. H. EWING, Vice-President,,', .' F. B. MACAULAY, F.I.A., Secretary and Managing Director. i — , ^^ FOUNDED 1806 THE LAW UNION &ROCK INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED OF LONDON (In which are Incorporated the Law Union & Crown and the Rock Insurance Companlel^). Assets exceed S4S,006,060.00. Over S5,O0O,OOO Investea in Canada CLAIMS PAID EXCEED SlSS.OOO.OOO.Op FrRE AND ACCIDENT RISKS ACCEPTED. CANIDIAN HEID OFFICE: 112 St. JAMES STREET, Corner PLAGE D'ARMES, MONTREAL. Agents wanted in unrepresented towns in Canada. J. E. E. DICKSON, Canadian Manager. Alex. S. Matthew. Manager; W. D. Aitken, Sub-Manager, Accident Department. ADVERTISEMENTS. General Accident ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA Personal Accident. Property Damage. Health. , Liability. Steam Boiler Insurance. Manager forCanada, C. NORIE-MILLER Head Office, - Toronto. Canadian Casualty AND BOILER INSURANCE COMPANY JOHN BLACK (MINING ENGINEER) INVESTMENT BROKER 151 St. James Street, - MONTREAL, CANADA stocks and Bonds. Mining Stocks a Specialty. h Twenty years experience in Practical Mining. Correspondence invited. Full information regarding Cobalts upon request. CABLE address:—BLACKMINE. , ADVERTISEMENTS. CANADA'S GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM THE ONLY DOUBLE TRACK RAILWAY REACHING ALL IMPORTANT POINTS IN EASTERN CANADA, AND >ROM THE ATLANTIC OCEAN TO THE HEAD OF THE GREAT LAKES. -, Through trains are operated from Portland, Me., New York, ,N.Y., Boston, 'Mass., Philadelphia, Pa^ Halifax, N.S., Quebec, Que., and'Montreal, Que., to the great Agricultural and Industrial districts reached by -this System in Canada and the United States. The Grand Trunk is also the only line reaching all the Tourist and;' Hunting ResQrts in the famous "Highlands of Ontario," Write to the undersigned for descriptive literature. THROUGH THE GARDEN OF CANADA CANADA^S GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY "THE ONLY ALL RED ROUTE.". Is being rapidly rushed to completion and isx)i3ening up the finest Agricultural Region in Western Canada, full of possibilities to intending Settlers. ^ Write to the undersigned for "Homesteads" pamphlet and other descriptive literature dealing with this new country^ - — GEO. W. VAUX, FRED. G. SALTER, - Gbnekae Pass. Agent, EuROFEAN Traffic Mgr., MONTREAL, CAN. 17-19 CooKSPtTR St., LONDON, S.W., ENG. ADVERTISEMENTS. THE MERCHANTS' BANK OF CANADA ESTABLISHED 1864. Capital, .... j;6,000,000 Reserve Fund, and Undivided Profits, - 4,602,157 Total Deposits (Nov. 30, 1909), 49,471,594 Assets, - 66,800,151 President : Sir H. Montagu Allan. Vice-President : Jonathan Hodgson, Esq. General Mai^ager: E. F. Hebden. General Banking Business. Colleciions on any Point. Letfers of Credit Issued. Traders' Cheques Issued, Savings Bank Business. Sterling arid Continental Exchange. 142 Branches in Canada—Extending from Quebec to Victoria. Imperial Bank of Canada I>. R. WiLKiE, President. Hon. Robert Japfray, Vice-President. - . CAPITAL AUTHORIZED, $10,000,000.00 CAPITAL PAID UP, 5,000,000.00 RESERVE FUND, 5,000,000.00 HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO. BRANCHES IN THE PROVINCES OF -^ONTARIO, QUEBEC, MANITOBA, SASKATCHEWAN, ALBERTA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. AGENTS IN GREAT BRITAIN^ iLOYDS BANK LIMITED and > THE COMMERCIAL BANK OF SCOTLAND LIMITED and Branches with whom Money may be Deposited for transfer by Letter or Cable to any part of CANADA. SPECIAL ATTENTION given to Canadian collections forwarded to the Head Office in Toronto or through its Agents in Great Britain. A General Banking Business transacted throughout the Doimnion of Canada. ADVERTISEMENTS, Seasickness and Trainsickness. represents the result of four years , MOTHERSILL'S SEASICK REMEDY careful, painstaking investigation and scientific research, based on scientific p^rin- ciples and careful clinical tests. The secret of its success Kes in the fact that it is not a temporary relief, but it absolutely prevents seasickness by maintaining the I)roper equilibrium of the organs that cause seasickness. The popular theory that seasickness is due to a deranged stomach, a weak stomach, or to stomachic conditions is erroneous. In fact most seasick remedies on the Market are utter failures because they aim to correct- stomach conditions. MOTHERSILL'S SEASICK REMEDY will cure seasickness when all other remedies fail, and it will positively prevent seasickness if taten ii^time. On English Channel] Irish Sea and Atlantic. MOTHERSILL'S SEASICK REMEDY has been through every pos- " sible test that could be made within the past three years. In the fall of 1908, Mr. Mothersill gave a series of demonstrations on the English Channel, Irish Sea, and Baltic. It has been said that MOTHERSILL'S SEASICK REMEDY would prove of DO value in these places, where it would be put to the severest test. We proved, the fallacy of this statement by practical demonstrations, the tests being most successful. Equally fortunate were the more extended results experienced - by Transatlantic parties, such as the International Sunday School Association trip . from, Boston to Rome and back, consisting of 600 persons; the Canadian Bisley • Team, under Lieut. -Colonel Labelle; the American Olym^pia Team and many others. Th6se large parties always comprise many who are susceptible to sea- sickness, who by the use of MOTHERSILL'S SEASICK REMEDY were able to take the voyage without any unpleasant symptoms. In fact the results of these various demonstrations were so successful that they were highly commented upon at the time with long editorial articles by the leading British, American, Canadian, and Scandinavian newspapers! BISHOP TAYLOR-SMITH, CHAPLAIN-GENERAL of the BRITISH forces, says:—"T havp ordered at various times supolies of MOTHERSILL'S SEA- SICK REMEDY and found it most effective." ' Write us for Booklet, Press editorials and testimonials from prominent people, GUARANTEE. We guarantee the successful action of Mothersill's Seasick Remetiy in every case when directions are followed or refund money. Fob Sale at Chemists or Write— MOTHERSILL REMEDY CO., LTD. MONTREAL, CANADA. DETROIT, MICH., U.S. 19 ST. BRIDE ST., LONDON, E.C. ADVERTISEMENTS. C. MEREDITH ^ CO.. Limited BOND BROKERS AND * FFNANCIAL AGENTS CHAS. MEREDITH, W. E. STAVERT, President. Vice-President. G. W. PARRELL, Secretary-Treasurer. A. H. B. MAQKENZIE, Manager. DIRECTORS: ALFRED BAUMGARTEN. C. R. HOSMER. Cafe. D. C. NEWTON (Montreal). H. ROBERTSON. C. B. GORDON. / Offices: - 101 St. Francois Xavier St. MONTREAL. R. WILSON-SMITH FINANCIAL AGENT. 160 St. James Street, : : MONTREAL SPECIALTY: Investment Securities—Suitable for Banks, Trust Estates, Insurance Companies, Investments -for Deposit with Canadian Government. Cable Address: Chronicle.' ACHILLE BERGEVIN INVESTMENT BROKER 235 Board ofTrade Building, - - MONTREAL 4— Municipal and School Debeisitures, Government and Railway BpNDs, Bou&ht and Sold. Loans on Mortgage. 'advertisements: BRITISH American Bank Note Company, limited '^ ' ' f ^1 Cl, += .a b The Canadian WHO'S WHO London, England : ®ite ®tWte«» Pxjntin^ House Square, E.C, Toronto: THE MUSSON BOOK COMPANY. Limitea. -Copyright, Canada, 1910, hy The Times Pvb\ishing Company i. ADVERTISEMENTS. The St. Reals MONTREAL, CANADA. F1Q53 Is situated in the heart of the city. It is fireproof at;id high class in every detail. The St. Regis is a new hotel, opened at the commencement of the present year, and built at great cost. It is one of the most pleasant and best 'appointed Restaurants the on , ?" :ii'^} Continent. The cuisine is in charge of chefs who havefbeen brought from the noted ^' '^Sk Cafes of Paris. Thirty Rooms (bachelor). Banquet Hall, Lounge Rooms. Private Supper Rooms for Ladies and Gentlemen. Large Banquet Hall. The St. Regis Hotel Company, Limited F.J. GALLAGHER, Pres. 288-290 St. Catherine Street West, - MONTREAL FOREWORD. In the preparation of the first edition of The Canadian Who's Who, the desire has been to make it thoroughly repre- sentative of the leading men and women of Canada, whether resident in their own land or abroad. If, perchance, the biography of some prominent Canadian has been omitted, the error niust not, in all cases, be ascribed to the editor,, inasmuch as som.e gentlemen, to whom, circulars were sent, failed to ans7ver them, and consequently their biographies could not be included. Thanks are due to Capt. Chambers, editor of the Canadian Parliamentary Guide; Dr. Doughty, Dominion Archivist; Dr. Benjamin Suite, Dr. Wilfred Campbell, and other gentlemen for valuable data furnished. Suggestions for future issues, corrections of errors, etc. will be gratefully appreciated by THE EDITOR. Press Gallery, Ottawa, May, igio. ADVERTISEMENTS. P. O. Box 183. Cables—"
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