P~~~~Y~Oijsdonation Through His Letterbox of F47.0.).Rl Me#+ S~Ndayis the Second Sunday of Epiphany
The First Sumdey a+ Epiphany Wekiy Newsletter No. I284 Sunday, i"2h Jaauary, 2001 11 .00 am Sung Eucharist, Procession, Sermon and Sunday School. Celebrant & Preacher: Fr Andrew James. Hymns: 79 (Proc.), 224,80, Anthem: Three Kings of Orient, 595 (Rec.) Setting: Agutfer. Kyrie, Agnus Bei: Norman & Benedictus: CMeb Simper. 6.30 pm Evensong. Officiant: Fr Ken Marfin. be served in the vestry after the EU-1 100 Introit: Be Still and Know that i am God. morning, and the draw for--- the Club will take place.__I Psalms 46,47. Hymns: 74, Antltem: Let ail the angels of Gocl wtrrship Him ('Hand@/),75. Magnificat & Nunc Birnjttis: A. Sclrwervell in F. Readings: Bsaiah 54, 4-1 1. Romans 6, 1-11. In the world-wide Church we pray totlay for the United Churches of Bangladesh, N India, Pakistan and 2i India. We pray for peace in the Middle East, for those involved in negotiations at this time, and for Northern Irelarrd. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Janet Munday, Gwendollirue Hopkins, John Warren, Olive Gatfield, Keith Jobbins, Lucy Fiori, Vernon Evans, Rose Selway, Mona Selway. We pray for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed, especially Mary Stark and billiian Mary Mayman, whose anniversar~esoccur at this time P YGlS WEEK ~~~l~wouldlike to wish e\,eryoA eceful,happy and healthy New Year. Monday 8th 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Parish Ofice, Church House. --- -- ---J Suesdsy 10.00am Holy Eucharist. St PhiIip's. SUE POTTEIX would like to thank everyone? who sponsored her wafk on 9th 7.00 pm Holy Eucharist.
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