The First Sumdey a+ Epiphany Wekiy Newsletter No. I284 Sunday, i"2h Jaauary, 2001 11 .00 am Sung Eucharist, Procession, Sermon and Sunday School. Celebrant & Preacher: Fr Andrew James. Hymns: 79 (Proc.), 224,80, Anthem: Three Kings of Orient, 595 (Rec.) Setting: Agutfer. Kyrie, Agnus Bei: Norman & Benedictus: CMeb Simper. 6.30 pm Evensong. Officiant: Fr Ken Marfin. be served in the vestry after the EU-1 100 Introit: Be Still and Know that i am God. morning, and the draw for--- the Club will take place.__I Psalms 46,47. Hymns: 74, Antltem: Let ail the angels of Gocl wtrrship Him ('Hand@/),75. Magnificat & Nunc Birnjttis: A. Sclrwervell in F. Readings: Bsaiah 54, 4-1 1. Romans 6, 1-11. In the world-wide Church we pray totlay for the United Churches of Bangladesh, N India, Pakistan and 2i India. We pray for peace in the Middle East, for those involved in negotiations at this time, and for Northern Irelarrd. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Janet Munday, Gwendollirue Hopkins, John Warren, Olive Gatfield, Keith Jobbins, Lucy Fiori, Vernon Evans, Rose Selway, Mona Selway. We pray for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed, especially Mary Stark and billiian Mary Mayman, whose anniversar~esoccur at this time

P YGlS WEEK ~~~l~wouldlike to wish e\,eryoA eceful,happy and healthy New Year. Monday 8th 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Parish Ofice, Church House. ------J Suesdsy 10.00am Holy Eucharist. St PhiIip's. SUE POTTEIX would like to thank everyone? who sponsored her wafk on 9th 7.00 pm Holy Eucharist. Sf Anne's. Boxincl Dav, and these who ioinecl her in Wednesday 10.00 am HOLY EUCHARIST. l=ollowed by coffee. bkik.------_I 16th 12.30 pm Church House Luncheon Club. far deputising on the Yh~rsdery 9.00 am Holy Eucharist. Sf Anne's. organ and piano far Norman this morning. 11th 6.30 om Junior Choir Pract~ce(Scrooae) - " I ------I 7.30 bm Full Choir Practice. ' KEN MARTIN gratefully acknowledges\ Saturday13kh 9.00 am ~~l~ Euch;3rist, st Margarefts P~~~~Y~oIJsdonation through his letterbox of f47.0.).rl Me#+ S~ndayis the Second Sunday of Epiphany. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11 am, the Sunday Schooi will meet at 11 am, the and Evensor~gwill be sung at 6.30 pm. ARCHBISHOP ROWAN'S CHRISTMAS MESSAGE 2000. It hasn't been a brilliant succ:ess as a millenniurn year. High hopes and rather a lot of fantasy this time IiMyear - all about new beginnings and new visions; and then a year of pretty depressing events. 'The empty Dome in London looks like a sign of disappointed expectations. One thing that's been pushed at our attention again and again this year, though, is the fragility of the material environment we live in. During the crisis over petrol prices, some people at least started thinking a bit harder about what our lifestyle in this country and countries like it means $or the environment. Dependence on cars - with the resulting running down of public transport - not only contributes to the poverty trap for people at the bottoni of the economic heap, it also keeps up the level of polli~tionthat threatens to choke us. Anxieties over genetically motlified crops; and foods raised the same questions: do we actually know the cost of what we press ahead with? And then, right 5n cue, came the appalling weather of the last two months; ancl we all had to reflect on whether son7ethjng was going quite seriously wrong with the environment. What has any of this to do with Christmas? Well, the heart of the Christmas message is that God takes our material world completely seriously. tie doesn't just send a message, he comes to live in the physical worlcl in the flesh and blood of a real person, Jesus. He uses physical things to communieatcs with us (this is what Ch~istians mean by "sacraments", especially the meal of bread and wine that is Holy Communion). If we believe that God takes the environiment seriously, that he can speak Ehrougll the physical things of the world, we are horribly wrong if we think we can ignore these environmental matters. The good news God sends at Christmas has to be good news for the whole world. If we start thinking about protecting our environment properly, we shall be reflecting the way God hirr~seiflooks at the worid into which he came at Christmas. Every blessing and good wish for Christmas and the New Year. +ISOWAN WILLIAMS, ARCHBIStIOP OF WALES Internet: ffrnail: [email protected] ------St Edward's has maintained a steady .THE L~JMCHEON CLUB resumes on increase in numbers attending (communicants, Sunday School, Wednesday in Roath Church House when the Choir) over the last year. 'The average number of communicants cost per w!lfbe u.25 at the I1 o'clock Eucharist increased from 49.04 in 1999 to 55.83 in 2000 (the largest average sii~ce1980, and an increase ~bfOif?Pl-lOfCXXAfaH. We plan to take a of 13.84%). Sunclay School membership has risen from 28 in choir photograph (including all our new 1999 to 47 in 2000 (68% increase), and Choir membership has llembers') after the Eucharist next Sunday. rrsen from 21 in 1!399 to 33 in 2000 (57% increase). Izveryone, please try to be there!

Every one of US must share in the task of rr~aintainingthis IWElBRlM. If you are interested in coming to growth: by encouraging new people to come; by encouraging Meidrim (west of Carmarthen, near St Clears) people to attend more often; by being a welcoming church; by on Sat 16 June, when the choir w~llbe s~nging offering lifts to those who find it difficult to get to church; by service as part of their "ARCH" week (the praisirrg the good things as weli as criticising the bad! Msand Ihe Church), please have a word with Tricia or Alan today. The Decade atf Evaregeiism started officially in Llandaff CARDIIFF ADULT CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Dioce:se on 5 Jan 1991 (and so ended on Friday). The churches CENTRE at the City Church, Windsor Place: were challenged to do two things: to increase the numbers fen week courses starting 17th ~anuary. attending (Roath F?arish decided to try tc:, double its Wednesdays 7.30pm-9.30pm. (i) "An congregations) arid to give more to charitable outreach. HOW Introduction to Christian Pastoral Care and did we do? The graph below shows our average ?lam Counselling" by Peter Manson. (ii) "Who did communicants for the decade. While the trend is up rather than ,Jesus Think He Was?" by Glyn Austin. down, the main feature is the growth over the last year. Taking the children into account, we have actually achieved about a I3BATH PARK GYTURI. The next meeting is . 50% increase over the decade (flat bad, considering trends on Wed 17 Jan, 7.30pm in Roath Park URC. elsewhere). We now give about DO00 each )(ear to charity. f2enywain Road. A CWIWISTMAS CAROL. St Edward's Choir and friends will perform a musical version of [lickens' famous Christmas Story on Fri 18 and Sat 20 Jan. It's not too late to join us - we are rehearsing on Thursdays at 6.30pm. WEEK Of- PMYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY t~egins18 Jan. There will be a United Service at Minster United Reformed Church at 7.30prn an Tue 23 Jan, organised by Roath Park Cyiun. The preacher will be Fr Irving Hamer, Vicar of Sk Martin's Roath (and former curate of this parish). COMPLINE is sung approximately once a rnonth at St Edward's on Thursdays at 9pm. C:ompline is a 15-minute service of plainchant - the last of the rnonasiic "hours". Next service: 25 Jan. HAYDN'S CRERTBON will be performed at ANlHEiMS. This morning's anthem is "Three Kings of St Edward's on Sat 27 Jan at 7.30pm by Canton Orienf'. The anthem at evens on^ is from tiandel's Chorus Messiah, and refers to the &3aptisnl of Jesus (toclay's theme In the new Lectionary): the Recitative "IJnto ROATW CHURCH HOUSE QUIZ at 7.30pm on Sat 27 which of the angels said He at any time, Thou ad: My Jan in /?oath Church House. Teams of four, £2 per person (inc. light r~!freshments).Contact Brian Shapcott Son, this day have 1 begotten Thee?'and the chorus f "Let all the angels of God worship Hirn". 420-736455 or the Parish Office 20-484808. BlBbE SfUDY starts after Evensong this evening, 7.30- TAIZ~SIERVIGES take place at St Edward's every 9pni. We will be studying St Mark's Gospel. if you would other moath on Wednesdays at 7.30pm. Next service. like to join us, please come along (or have a word with 31 Jan. Heather or Alan if you would like to know more). For WELGOiME. We extend a warm welcome to all visitors tho~jewho wanted to attend Atpha, but were unable to and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of come or1 Sundays, there will be a course starting soon the sidesmen if you are new with us. (time and place negotiable - please let us know if you PARiSN GL13RGY. Robert Evans (Vicar) P25-484808 are interested). Andrew Jantes 420- They are avaibble to minister fo the needs of the s~ckand dyrng The srck and housebound m,ay recerve tfoly Communron at home For the Sacraments of Healrng and Confession speak to the clergy She Ziecond Sumd4y ~6 Epiy>he;ny Weekly Newsleffer No. 1285 Sunday, f4" January, 1 1.OO am Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Celebrant & Preacher: Fr Ken Martin. Hymns: 372, 81, €3 Salutaris (Sidney Marks), Anthem, Rec.: % 19(MP). Setting: Nicholson. Agnus Dei: Norman Doe. Anthem: O Taste and See (/$&bur Sullivan). 6.30 pm Evensong. Officiant: Fr Ken Martin. Introit: Ave \ferum Corpus (Elgar). Anthem: The Radiant Mom {Rev.H.Pr!WoodwaP-d). Psalm 96. Hymns: Here I am LOR~(sheet 19), Anthetn, '77. Magnificat & Nunc Dirnittis: A.Somervel1 in F. Readings: 1 Samuel 3, 1-20. Ephesians 4, 1-16. In the world-wide Church we pray today for the , and Moderator Wirtod Peter. We pray for peace in the Middle East and in Northern Ireland. In this diocese we pray for the Rural Deanery of Bridgekid and Fr Edward Evans (Rural Dean). We pray for the Bench of Bishops meeting Tue-Phur this week. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Janet Munday, CSwendotine Hopkins, John Warren, Olive Gatfield, Keith Jobbins, Lucy Fiori, Vernon Evans, Rose Selway, NIana Selway. Wc? pray for the repose of the souts of the faithful departed, especially Elsie Victoria Mayer and Rita Walters, whose anniversaries occur at-- this time. We plan to take WEEK (including all our Monday St Kentigern, Bishop (c.603 A.D.) Eucharist this 15th 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Parish Ofice, Church House, -- 7 Tuesday 10.00 am Holy Eucharist. St Philip's. BIBLE STUDY AND ALPHA. 16th 6.00 pm Choir Practice (Scroo!r~e). Study of St Mark's Gospel continues after 7.00 pm Holy Eucharist. St Ant?e's. Evensong this evening, 7.30-9pm. The now Alpha Course will be on 'Tuesday evenings, Wednesdci St Antony, Abbot (356 AD.) starting 30 Jan. If you would like to join lath 10.00 am HOLY EUCHARIST. Followed by coffee. either of these groups, please come along 12.30 pm Roath Church House Luncheon Club. (or have a word with Heather or Alan if you 2.00 pm Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. would like .to know more). 7.30 om Roath Park Cvtun Meetinn. Roafh Park URC.- 7.30 prn Parish ~ra~e;~rou~.St fiargaref's. ~?ETICE.There will be an extra 7 30 pm Roath Church House Fundraising Committee. for on Tuesday,-1 6pm- Th~rsdagr Week of Player for Christian Unity begins those involved in the 18Zh The Confession of St Peter the Apostle 9.00 am Holy Eucharist. St Antle's. 6.30 pm Full Choir Practice (!3crooge Final Rehearsal). CY'TUN meets Wetlnesday, 7.30pm in Roath Park URC, Friday 19th 7.30 pm A Christmas Carol (Musical). Penywair~ Road. If there are any issues you would like I-a~sed,please have a word SG~HP~CI~9.00 am Holy Eucharist. St Margaret's. 20th 12.00 noon St Anne's Soup 1unc:h. St Anne's Ha/{. 2.30 Pm A Chfistfnascar~l(Musical) Saturday at 12 7.30 Pm A Christmas C~~QI(Musical). home made soups. Ne~tSunday is the Third Sunday of Epiphar~y.The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11 am, the Sunday School will meet at I1am, the and Evensong will be sung at 6.30 pm. ANTHEMS. During the communion, the choir will sing a setting by Sidney Marks of "0 Salutaris" (words by Thomas Aquinas, 1225-74). This morning's anthem is "0 Taste and See how gracious the Lord is" by Arthur Sullivan (1842- 1900). The introit at Evensong is Eigar's Setting of "Ave Verum Corpus" (a 14'~century E~ch~aristichymn). The anthem at Evensong "The radiant morn has past away" (words by Rev. Godfrey Thring, music by Rev. H.H. Woodward). Internet: Eimail: [email protected] A CHRISTMAS CAROL. The performance of this musical version of Dickens' Farnot~s Chris1:rnas Story is on Friday at 7.30pm and Saturday at 2.30prn and 7.30pm. For many of the young people in the chair it is tlseir first "show" - please give therr~ your support. Tickets Eire £2 (children f I,under-4 free, family £5). -- - I-1 WEEK QF PRAYER FOR begins on Thursday of this week. There wiil be a lJnrted Service at Mlnster United Reformed Church at 7.30pm on Tue 23 Jan, organissd by Roath Park Gyturt. The preact-ter wiil be Fr Irving Hamor, Vicar of St Marttn's Roath (and former curate of this parish). During this week we are asked to pray for ... Thurs: the Orthodox churches in cornmunlon with the Patnarch of Constantinople. TAIZ~SERViCES take place at St Edward's every Fri: all churches in communion with the Bishop of Rome. other month on Wednesdays at 7.30pm. Next service. Sat: churches whose roots are in the Protestant Reformation 31 Jan. ADULT CHRIS'THAN EDUCATION CENTRE PAROCIiIAL CHUISCH COUNCIL meets Mon 26 Feb. at the City Church, Windsor Place: ten week courses MEIDRIM. If you are interested in coming to Meidrim starting this week. Wednesdays 7.30prn-9.38pm. (i) "An (west of Carmarthen, near St Clears) on Sat 15 June, Introduction to Christian Pastoral Care and Counselling" when the choir wrll be srnglng a service as part of their by Peter Manson. (ii) "Who did Jesus 'Think He Was?" "ARCH" week (the Arts and the Church), please have a by Glyn Austin. word with Tricia or Alan today. ROATH CHURCH HOUSE Fundraising Committee will GOOD FRIDAY (13 Apr) at 7.30pm the Choir and meet on Wednesday at 7.30pm in roorn 2. New Orchestra wild perform excerpts from Handel's Messiah members and new ideas weicorne. in the context of a devotional service. COMPLlNf is sung approximately once a month at ST MAR(5ARET'S CHRISTMAS CARDSICALENDAR. St Edward's on Thursdays at 9pnr. Compline is a 15- Bob Hyett would like payment for the cards and minute service of plaincharit the last of the monastic - calendars asap 920-471247, 16 Dorchester Ave. He "hours". Next service: 25 Jan. wishes to thank you for your support. HAYDN'S CREATION will tle performed at St Edward's ST ANNE'S CHURCH. Until further notice, the Snipe St on Sat 2!7 Jan at 7.30pm by Canton Chorus. 'Tickets are entrance 1:o St Anne's will be closed. £6 (conc. £4) on the door or 8320-3340088. ARCHBISHOP ROWAN writes about Corus plans for ROATH CHURCH HOUSE QUIZ at 7.30pm on Sat 27 Ltanwerri steelworks: Jan in Roath Church House. Teams of four, E2 per "Some monfhs ago, when Corus announced that they were going to person (inc. light refreshments). Contact Brian Shapcott invest several million pounds to re-line the largest blast furnace at the S20-736455 or the Parish Office S20-4848(38. Llanwern piant, it appeared that the future of the workforce at this site was safe. However, during the pad few months, concerns about the GLOBAL MISSION CONFERENCE. An interder~om- future of the plant have grown again. 'The church is very well aware of the significant contribution which this inalional group of churches and other Mission agencies plant makes to the economy of south-east Wales and indeed to the have joined together to organise and host a major economy of Wales as a whole. In the Monmouth diocese it IS estimated conference "" at Parklarids Evangelical that around 10,000 jobs are linked to the Llanwem plant. Church, Sketty, Swansea on 10 Feb 2001, loam- "If the plant is to be closed, then clearly we all have a lot of work to do to find alternat~riesto the ernployment offered by Llanwern and those other 4.30pm, aimed at students, professionals and mission associated jobs which are also dependent on Llanwern's continuing supporters - Christians considering going to work success. overseas, short or long term, and also for churehes "There is an urgent need for a long-term strategy to support and address the needs of manufacturing industry as well as developing new supporting them. Visitors will be able to visit Ezxhibitions, economic sectors in Wales. After all, in south-east Wales, the number Seminar's on various aspects of Mission work, of jobs in manufacturing industries at around 40% is well above the Bookstalls, video presentations and meet and talk to British average of arouncl22%." representatives of several Mission agencies working WELCOME. We extend a warm welcome to ail visitors overseas. They will hear about opportunities for work and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of with Mia;sion agencies and the skills needed. Anyone the sidesmen if you are new with us. interested is welcorne to attend: Adults £5. students & unwaged £3. Contact Glyn Davies 401792-.589062 or PARISH CtlIROY. Robert Evans (Vicar) P20-484808 email [email protected] Andrew Jantes S20-460600 They are avadable to min~sterto the needs of the sick and dying The ST EDWARD'S COMMIUTE meets on Fri I6 Feb. sick and hcrusebound may receive tloly Commun~onat home For the Sacraments of Healing and Confession speak to fhe clergy The Third Sunday 06 Epiphany Weekly News:Ietter Ma).7286 Sunday, 22$' January, 11.OO am Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Celebrant & Preacher: Fr Andrew James. Hymns: 255,,256, 222(MP), Anthem: The Heavens Are Tellirlg [Haydn), Rec.: 50tMIP). Setting: Nic/?olson.Agnus Dei: Al~rmanDoe. 6.30 pm Evensong. Officiant: Fr Ken Martin. . . Introit: Cast Thy Burden Upon the lord (Mendelssohro. Psalm 33. Hymns: 76, Anthem: Saviour Thy Children Keep {Adk~urSu,f/iva#), 25%. Magnificat & Nunc Dirnittis: A.Sc~ra?en/eliin F. Reatjings: Numbers 9, 45-23. 4 Corinthians 7, 47-24. In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Anglican Comrnranion, and Secretary General ,John Peterson. In this Week of Prayer for Christian Unity we pray for the World Council of Churches and all institutions and organizations promoting Christian unity and for the healing of all schisms within the One, lioly, Catholic and Apostolic Church. We pray for the victims of .tt-ts El Salvador earthquake. We pray for the pc?ople of Mongolia, suffering severe blizzards - their worst natural disaster in fifty years. We pray for- George W. Bush as he is sworn in as the new of the USA. In this diocese we pray for the Prison Chaplains, Mark John and Nicholas Sandford. We pray for those to be confirmed this week at St David's Church, Ely, especially Gill Wiliiarns and Charles Jeakins. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Janet Munday, Gwendoline Hopkins, John Warren, Olive Gatfield, Keith Jobbina, Lucy F'isri, Vernon Evans, Rose Selway, Mona Selway. We pray for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed, especially David Charles Stephen Davis (brother of Mary James), also Ronald Cox (priest) and Frank Holmes whose anniversaries occur at this time. SUlS WEEK CW PRAYER POR GgRlS"SAN UN1TY 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Parish Office, Church House 7.00 pm St Edward's 0rckesl:ra Practice. GRLL WILL6ANIS of St Edward's and Charles Jeakins of St Margaret's will P~esday 10.00 am Holy Eucharist. Sf Philip's. be confirmed on Tuesday at 7.30prn 23rd 7.00 pm No Eucharist at St Anne's. at St David's Church, Ely. Please 7.30pm UNITEDSIERVICE. MinsterRoadURC. remember them in your prayers.

7.30 pm Confirmation Service. Sf Da wid's Church, E/y. em------Wednesday 10.00 am HOLY EUCHARIST. frollowed by coffee. BBBLE STUDY AND 24th 11 00 am St Edward's String Orchestra Practice. Bible Study of St Mark's Gospel 12.30 prn Roath Church House Luncheon Club. cont~nues after Evensong this 2.00 pm St Edward's Chamber Music Group Practice. evening, 7.30-9pm. The new Alpha 2.00 pm Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. Course will be on Tuesday evenings, 7.30 pm Parish Prayer Group. St Margaret's. starting 30 Jan. If you would fike to 7.30 pm Roath Church House Fundraising Comtnittee. join either of these groups, please Thursday Tile Conversion of St Paul come along (or have a word with 25th 9.00 am Holy Eucharist. St Anne's. Heather or Alan if you would iike to 12.10 pm Lunchtime Recital (Garolyne Peters). H'owardian. know more). 6.30 pm Jcinior Cho~rPractice, 7.30 pm Full Choir Practice. 9.00 pm COMPLINE. Vrik(sgc26th 7.00 pm USPG Tercentenary Service. Sf Woolos Cathedral, Newport. Sat~rday2Fth 9.00 am Holy Eucharist. St Margaret's. 7.30 pm Roath Church House ,Quiz. Roath Church ffocdse. 7.30 pm Haydn's Creation by Canton Chorus. St Edward's. Ne~tSunday is the Fourth Sunday of Epipttany. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 1I am, the Sunday School will meet at 11 am, the and Evensong will be sung at 6.30 pm. Internet: http:I/ Eimaii: StEdwardaChristian. hm go". If anyone IS ~nterested In th~s WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHR~STIAN UNITY. c,urse, please speak to Alan, There will be a United Service at Minster United Reformed Dead/,ne: this week1 Church at 7.30prn on 'Tuesday, est-ganssed by Roath Park Clgtun. ST EDWARD'S COMMITTEE meets on 'The preacher will be Fr Irving Hamer, Vicar of St Martin's Roath Fil 16 Feb, (and former curate of this pariah). There will be a collection i1-i aid of the victims of the earthquake 'in Sarl Salvador. RCH2000 AUCTION. After our 13uring this week we are asked trr pray for.. . previous successful auctions we are Mon: the Coptic, Oriental Orthodox, and other autonomous and holding On 24 Feblso we need independent churches. LOTS of items! As those of you who attended before will know we don't churches Tue: in communion with the churches of the Anglican expect you to give your treasured Communion. antiques (though if you are kind FfVed: all churches in dialogue with the? churches of the Anglican enough to donate one we will be very Communion. grateful), but we hope you have TRurr: other worshipping communities who seek to fo'ollow Christ. something at home we can sell in aid of -.---- -.---- .-- our funds. Small or large, furniture, ANTHEMS. The Eucharist anthem is Haydn's well- china, glass, etc., old or new, maybe an unwanted gifi known1 setting of this morning's Psalm 19, "The still in the! wrap pin!^. Or what about giving your time or a Heavens are Telling" from the oratorio "Creation". The talent? Elake a cake, donate an hour's gardening, introit at Evensong is "Cast Thy Burden Upon the [-ord" babysitting, ironing, etc. Us(?your imagination and think from Mendelssohn's Elijah. The anthem at Evensong is of other ,things to give. WC?want this auction to have "Saviour Thy Children Keep" by Arthur Sullivan. LOTS of different things yo11 would like to bid for as well as donating. So give us a I-tng and promise an item. If RCIATN CHURCH HOUSE Fundraising Committee will necessav can arrange to collect larger items during meet On Wednesday at 7.30pm in room Inotlast the week before the auction. There are donation slips to previously New and new fill in at the back of the church. The catalogue, price f I, ideas welcome. will be available the week before, and viewina will be LUNCHT~MERECITAL at Howardian on Thursday at from loam on the day. Further details from Gill Day 12.'i Opm: Carolyne Peters (recorder) will perform F'laint *2°-495296 Or Brian Sha~cOtt420-736455. by Colin Hand, Traditional .Japanese Pie~es,and Three ~ARQCHIALCHURCH CO~JNCILmeets Man 26 Feb, Airs by Robin Milford. Carolyne and her pupils have often ~erformedat St Edward's. COME AND SlNG Stainer's Crucifixion at St Woolos Cathedral, Sat 10 Mar, 2pm-5pm (practice at Zpm, COMPLINE will be sung at St Edward's on Thursdi3y of public pe,-formance at 4pm. If anyone is interested, this week at 9pm. Compline is a 15-minute service of have a word with Alan. plainchant - the last of the n~onastic"hours". GOOD FRIDAY (13 Apr) at 7.30pm the Choir and USPG 'TERCENTARY. is 300 years SFJG (the Orchestrtj will perform excerpts from Handel's Messiah fore-runner of USPG) was founded by Rev. Dr Thomas in the of a ,jevotional Bray in 1701. This tercentenarv will be celebrated thr&ughout the yeas, with events all around Britain. On MEIBRIIW. If you ere rnterested in coming to Meidrim Friday at 7pm, there is a Diocesan Service at St Wsolos (west of Carmarthen, near St Clears) on Sat 16 June. Cathedral, Newport when the choir will be slnging a service as part of their "ARCH" week (the Arts and the Church), please have a HNBN'S CREATION will be performed at St Edward's word withTricia or ~l~~today, on Saturdav of this week at 7.30om bv Canton Chorus. Tickets are£6 (conc. £4) an the door- ;r 920-3400I38. ST ANNE:'§ CHURCH. Until further notice, the Snipe St entrance to St Anne's will be closed. ROATH CHURCH HOUSE QUIZ at 7.30pm on Saturday in Roath 6hurch t-louse. Tear~isoffour, . f:! .Der MORMiNG & EVENING PFM'fER are ~0r~allysaid person (inc. light refreshments). Contact Brian Shapcott daily at !3 am and 8 Pm except Thursdays and Fridays in B20-736455 or the Parish Office 820-,484808. St Margarset'sChurch. All are welcome. VAIZ~SERVICES take place at Edward's every WELCOME. We extend a warm welcome to all visitors other month on Wednesdays at 7.30pm. Next service: and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of 31 Jan. the sidesmen if YOLI are new with us. BASIC ORGAN PLAYING is the title of a 3 hour course PARISH CZLERGY. Robert Evans (Vicar) 420484808 at the United Reform Church, Barry an Sat 3 Feb (either Andrew James '8g28-460600 loam-lpm or 2pm-5pm). 'Ttais is an oppextur~jtyfor They art? available to minister fo fhe needs of the sick those with basic organ skills to improve their technique and dying. The sick and housebound may receive Holy and to pick up useful hints to enhance service Commu~~ionat hotne. For the Sacraments of Healing accompaniment. As always, St Edward's encourages and Confc?ssionspeak to the clergy. anyone with an interest in playing the organ to "have a The F(iir(rth S~ndely(2.1 Epipharoy - Cavsdleceaas Weekly Newsletter Ro. 7286 Sunday, 28@'Januaq, 11.00 am Sung Eucharist, Procession, Ceremony of Candles, Sermon and Sunday !$chool. Celebrant & Preacher Fr Ken Id

Prid~y Candlemas. --- 2nd 2.00 pm Rehearsal for Womo~;'sWorld Day of Prayer. St Margaret's. 7.00 pm PARISH MASS. St FJf;ti/ip's. Sat~pdciy3rd 9.00 am Holy Eucharist. St Margaret's. Next Swndcry is the Fourth Sunday Before h.e!nt. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11 a.m., the Sunday Sehosl will meet at 11 a.m., coffee will be served in the vestry after the Eu~:harist, the Sunday School line of coins will be continued, and the 100 Club Draw will take pla~ce.Evensong will be s~~rrgat 6.30 p.m. OUR THANKS to all who worked so hard to rniake the proeluction of "14 Christmas Carol" such a success. It was particular!^ pleasing to see !so many of our young people taking a full part in the show, joined of course by people from around the parish and elsewhere. Thanks also to R~chardfor replacing the nave light bulbs wh~chhad "died" during the last few months. internet: http://StEdward. timail: [email protected] / GHUR(3-i FINAMC:%. Our contribution towards parish finances has increased by £4000 this year. This is an exceptional increase, caused COME AND SING Stainer's Crucifix~onat in part by several unusual parish expenses, so we hope that future St Woolos Cathedral, Sat 70 Mar, 2pm- increases will be at a lower level. However, we must find the ex:tra 5pm (practice at 2pm, public performance money, and the committee is looking into ways of doing this. Many at 4pm. If anyone is interested, please people in St Edward's already give generously, and it would be have a word w~thAlan. unreasonable to ask them to give substantially more, but there arc? a WELSH PHII,HARMMIONIC ORCHESTM few obvious areas in which we may be able to benefit more from will give a concert at St Edward's on Sat existing donations. We would aslc those who do not at present use the 10 March at 7.30pm. envelope scheme for "planned giving", to consider doing so, and if they pay tax, to sign tho sirnpie form which has replaced the old covenant PASSlONTIDE MUSIC. St Edward's system; so that their tax can be clairr~edback. More about this when Choir will sing the sacred cantata the committee (and our treasurer) have had time to explore the "Darkness and Dawn" by F.W.Peace on ~ossibilities. Palrn Sunday (8 Apr) at 5pm. ALPHA COURSE STARTS NEXT CONGREGATION MEETING. St Edward's Pre-Vestry WEEK. Our new Alpha Course meeting is on Fri 16 March. starts on Tire 6 Feb at 7.C;Opm in CARIStFT: HIGH SCHOOL CW01R will hold their end-of- the vestry. This is an excellent term concert in St IEdward's on Wed 1I April. cotlrse to "brush up" your knowledge of the faith, and to talk GOOD F:RlDAY (13 Apr) at 7.30prn the Choir and about the bits that are difficult, Orchestra will perform excerpts from Handel's Messiah challenging, perplexing. .. If you in the context of a devotional service. want to know more, have a word PARISH VESTRY is in Roath Church House on Mon 30 with Alan or Heather - or just turn April. up in the vestry next Tuesday evening. Everyone is very \velcort\e. MElDRIlM. If you are interested in coming to Meidrim (west of Carmarthen, near St Clears) on Sat 16 June, ANTHEMS. The Eucharist anthem is "Lift up your heads when the choir will be singing a service as part of their 0 ye gates", a setting of this morning's Psalm 24 from "ARCH" week (the Arts and the Church), please have a Handel's Messiah. The anthem at Evensong is "Thou word with Tricia or Alan today. that deatroyest the temple" from the cantata "Darkness and Dawn" by F.W.Peace. cYTON The service for the Week of Prayer for Chrrstiarl ST TEiI,O'S PATR(3NAL FESTIVAL. is at 7.C)Opm on Fri Unity, at Minster URC last 9 Feb, when the guest speaker will be Rev. David week, was well attended Roberts, Chaplain at Uhnlll;. and much appreciated, with ST EBVVAR893 COMMITTEE meets on Fri 16 Feb a though-provoking sermori from Fr living Hamer. ST ANIUE'S CAMDLELiT SUPPER is on Sat 17 Feb. A new Regional Cyturl Further details to follow. Commitlee is being formed RCH2008 ALICTICIN. After our previous successful for Carcliff and the Vale of auction!; we are holding another on Feb. We would Glamorgan, and will hold its - like small or large, furniture, china, glass, etc., old or Inaugural Meeting on Mon 5 new, maybe an unwanted gift still in the wrapping. Or Mar at the New Chaplaincy Centre in North Road. Its what ahout giving your times or a talent? Bitke a cake, purposes include: (a) to act as the Sponsoring Body for donate an hour's gardening, bshysifting, ironing, etc. Local IEcurnenical Partnerships, Neighbourhood Give us a ring and promise ,an item. if necessary we can Ministries and other forms of local co-operation; (b) to arrange to collect larger items during the week before identify and encourage new areas of local inter-church the auction. There are donation slips to fill in at the co-operation; (c) to provide a form for liaison between back of the church. The catalogue, price El, will be local Cytirn groups; (d) to keep a watching brief on the available the week before, and viewing will be from agenda of the Regional Committee of the National loam on the day. Further details front Gill Day 420- Assembly; (e) to organise regional meetings f~r 495296 or Brian Sh,apcott f 20-736455. information, education and inspiration of focal Cytirn groups. The Inaugural Meeting will be attended on LORD MAYORS GYMANFA GANU is at St David's behalf of Roath Park CytQn by Reg Wilson of Hall on Sun 25 Feb, at 7 30pm. Tickets are f5. tf you St Margaret's. Please remember this initiative in your are interested, please have? a word with Alan. prayers. PAROCHlAb CHURCH COUNCIL meets Mon 26 Feb. PARISH CLERGY Robert Evans (Vicar) 420-484808 COMPLINE is sung apprax~mately once a month at Andrew James %320-460600 They are available to mm~sferto the needs of the s~ck St Edward's on Thursdays at 9pm. Complrne IS ZI 15- m~rluteservlce of plalncharlt - the last of the monastic and dying The s~ckand housebound may receive Holy "hours" Next servrces 28 Feb (Ash Wed), 29 Mar, 26 Cornrnk/non at home For the Sacraments of Heaiing and Confi?ssionspeak to the clergy AP~ Weekly Newsletter Mo.1288 11.OO am Sung Eucharist, Sermon and St~ndaySchool. Celebrant & Preacher: Fr Andrew James. Hymns: 193, 11(MP), Prevent IJ!s Q Lord, Anthenn, Here I Am Lord (sheet i9). Setting: Agufter. Kyrie, Agnus Chi: Norman Doe. Sanctus (a Benedictus: Caleb Simper. 6.30 pm Evensong. Officiant: Fr Ken Ma~ftn. Introit: Jubilate Everybody. Magnificat 8 Nunc Dimittis: A.Sornen/e!Nin F. Psalms 1, 2. Hymns: 82, Anthem: iet us break their bonds [Handel),33 Readings: Wisdom of Solomon 6, 'I -21. Colossians 3, 4-22. In the world-wide Church we continua to pray for the , and Rfloderittor Samuel kar'sah. We pray for the victims of the earthquakes in India and El Salvador. We pray for peace in Northern Ireiand and the Holy Land. We pray for the people of Israel, as they go to the polls this week. We pray for those facing redundancy in Lianwern, Ebbw Vale and at other steel plants. In this diocese we pray for the Chapfidns to Hospitals: Robert Lloyd-R.ichard and Geraldine Blyth. We pray for the sick, rerncmbering especially Janet Munday, Gwendoline HopMns, John Warrert, Olive Gatfield, Keith ,lobbins, Lucy Fiori, Vernon Evans, Rose Selway, Mona Selway. We pray for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed, especially Amelia Bessie Mills, whose anniversary occurs at this time. --- TMlS WEE5K VSO RECRUITMENT EVENING Mondct y 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Parish Ofice, Church House. Cathays Park, VSo is looking for people 5th 7.00 pm St Edward's Orchestra Practice. to work in health, education, business and social development, technical work Tuesday 10.00 am Holy Eucharist. Sf Philip's. and natural resources. For information, 6th 7.00 pm Holy Eucharist. St Anne's. si 020-8780-7500. ---- 7.30 prn ALPHA COURSE. NEW LECTIOMARY. We Wednesday 10.00 am HOLY EUCHARIST. Followed by coffee. experimented with a variety of metho 7tlt 11 .OO am St Edward's String Orchestra Practice. 12.30 pm Roath Church House Luncheon Club. 2.00 pm St Edward's Chamber Music Group Practice. 2.00 pm Senior Citizens. Roeth Church House. psalm have been suggested (e.g. a smaii space between verses). Any other Thrcrsdeiy 9.00 am Holy Eucharist. Sf Anne's. 8th 6.30 pm Junior Choir Practice. 7.30 pm Fuii Choir Practice. ST PGILO'S IS~~TWONPLLFEST Friday 9th S,t Teilo, Bishop. 7.30 pm Patronal Sung Eucharist. St Teilo's Schooi. UWIC. Satwrday 10th 9.00 am Holy Eucharist. Sf Nlargaret's. Meat S~ndctyis the Third Sunday Before Lent (Septuagesirna). The Holy Euchadst will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11 am, the Suin~day School will meet at I?am, and ffvensong will be sung at 6.30 pm. COFFEE will be served in the vestry after the IEucharist this morning, and the draw for the 100 Club will take place. Newcomers in particular are very welcome to join us. The Sunday School and Jurrior Choir will continue the line of coins - please give them your support. BIBLE STUDY AND ALPHA, Our Bible Study of St Mark's Gospel contir~uesafter Eivensong this evening, 7.30-9pm The new Alpha Course will be on Tuesday evenings, starting this week. If you would like to join either of these groups, please come along (or have a word with Heather or Alan if you would like to know more). SUNBAY SCHOOL CAKE STALL takes place next Sunday (7 lthFebruary). Please bringlbuy cakes to support our young people's efforts. Internet: !:mail: [email protected] ------ARCHBISHOP ROWAN RESPONDS 'ro THE CGRUS ANNOUNCEMENT. COMPb,NE is sung approximately "Corus needs to be aware of the outrage in many parts of Wz)It?s and once a month at St on patficuli2riy in the s~~uth-eastof Wales, not oniy over their decision to cut so Thursdays at 9pm., is a many jobs and to (;lose pianis, but aiso at the way this announcen7ent has 15-minute of plainchant - been hmdled. Many people feel thaf Corus' failure to implement an.y kind of the last of the monastic nhoursn. clg consultation suggests that they not trust their own work-force and that Next services: 28 Feb (Ash they do not take the lives of those people seriously. 29 Mar, 26 Apr. '!This announcernenf obviously raises the need for a strategy on manufacturing industry. But it also pinpoints problerns about the methods and TAIZE SERVICES take place at standards ~f managemerlt and ~~onsc~ltationwhich we can expecf in this St Edward's every other month on country. It is a disgrace that our sfandards in this regard seem so much lower Wednesdays at 7.30pm. Next than in many other parfs of !he European Union. services: 21 March, 23 May. "iocai communities and c!iurches will need help now in identilying whaf GOOD FRIDAY (13 Apr) at 7,30pm they can do to meet local needs in the wake of this announcemet~f.Many the Choir and Orchestra will indusfrial chaplains will be putting their minds to this." ------perform excerpts from Handel's Messiah. CONFIFIMATION. All junior candidates for Confirmation should give their names, dates of bidh and telephone PASSIONTIDE MUISIC. St EIdward's Choir will sing the nunlber to the clergy. They should be in the final year sacred cantata "Darkness and Dawn" by F.W.Peace on of primary school or older. Adults who wish to be Palm Sunday (8 Apr) at 5Pm. confirmed should also give their names to the clergy. COME AND SING Stainer's Crucifixion at St Woolos ANTHEMS. During the Communion, the Choir will sing Cathedral, Sat 10 Mar, 2pm-5pm (practice at 2pm, a setting of the Post-Communion prayer "Prevent us 0 public performance at 4pm. If anyone is interested, Lord in all our doings" by Harris. The E:ucha~-istanthem please have a worcl with Alan. is "Nothing ever happens here in Galilee" from the CONGREGATION MEETING, St Edward's Pre-Vestry musical "The Witness" by Jimmy & Ciarol Owens (with a meeting irj on Fri 16 March, little dramatic input by the ,Junior Choir!). The anthem at Evensong is a setting of verse 3 of Psalm 2: "Let us WELSH PHlbHARMONIC ORCHESTRA will give a break their bonds asunder" kom Handel's Messiah, concert: at St Edward's on Sat 10 March at 7.30pm. ST EDWARD'S COMMITTEE meets on Fri 16 Feb, PILGR1bflr9GE TO SNREWSBURY ABBEY by Llandaff beginning with a celebration of the t-foly Euchari:st at Diocesan Men's Fellowship (ladies also welcome!), by 7~m. coach 011Sat 19 May. Led by Bishop Barry, price £14. If interested, send S,AE to Mr Graham Wysome, 4 Kings Sf ANPdE"S CANDLELIT SUPPER IS on Sat 17 Feb, St, Taff:: Well, CF4 7PM by 31 Mar. Cheques payable Jpm for 7 30pm Cost £5 Inc glass of wlrle Menu - to LlandeR Diocesein Men's Jzellowship. starter mrnestrone soup ctr frurt jurce, man coijrse Pasta with Belognese or Cabonara, Lasagne, MElDWlM. If you are interested in coming to Merdrim Shepherds pie & salad, veg altlernat~ve,select~on of (west of Carmartht?n, near St Clears) on Sat 16 June, sweets Ma~ncourse cho~ceby 15 Feb Contact Carole when the choir will be singing a service as part of the~r Colllete P20-258733 or Sharon Gregory 82f3403954 "ARCH" week (the Arts and the Church), please have a word w~thTricia or Alan. YOU AND THE ORBAlNEB MINISTRY IS the Irtle of a weekend at St Michael's Church, Aberystvlyth, 23-25 CHOIR IOUTING. The date has been fixed: Sat 7 July. Feb The weekend 1s des~gnedfor people w~lnllngrnore Choir members, please let Tricia know if you can come. informalion about what is irwolvetl in parish ministry in RCHZOOO QUIZ available in church today, El per sheet. Wales, and for those seriously considering God's call or already going through selection for professional BUTRE196H £30 was collected at the Yarze Serv~ce niiriistry Cost f30 inc. acc:ommodation (£15 wrthout). last week for the vlrsti~nsof the earthquake in Ind~a. Alan Mayer has details. Applications by 16 izeb (ernail: HAYDN'S CREATION. Our {hanks to Canton Chorus for [email protected]). an excellent concert last weekend. The choir and RCH2000 AUCTION IS on Sat 24 Feb There are orchestra completely P~lledthe chancel and sanctuary dorrat~orlsl~ps to f1l1In at the back of the church Further (and used all the spare chairs) The unexpectedly large detalls from S~llDay P20-4952536 or Briar? Shapcott aud~ence made use of every seat In the bulldtng 920-736455 (includ~rgthe organ stool from the organ loft) We d~d not turn anyone away1 PAROCHIAL CHUFtCH COUNCIL meets Mon 26 Feb WELCOBIE We extend a warm welcome to all v~srtors ASH WEDNESDAY The f~rstday of Lent is on Wed 28 and nevlcomers Please make yourself known to one of Feb There will be the usual Euchar~si with the the side!rmen if you are new with us lmpos~ti~nof Ashes at IOaln and a Famlly Service for ~s.11Wednesday (with Imposition of Ashes) at 5.3Opm. WwtlsH C:LERGy.Robert Evans Picar) aKm-48mC~8 Complirle will be suiig at 9pm that evening. Andrew James P20-460600 Thev are iivailable to minister lo the needs of the sick and dvino. The sick'and housebound may receive Holy Comrnun~onat home For the Sacramenk of UeaDng and Confession speak to the oergy

PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL ANTHEMS. This morning's anthem is "Jubilate" (0 be joyful in the Lord Man 26 Feb, all ye lands) by C. Vlllrers Stanford. The rntroit at Evensong is Beethoven's "Creatron's Hymn", and the anthem at Evensong IS "I will lay AsH The day Of 1 me down in peace" by C Lee Williams (including Psalm 5, verse 4). Lent is on Wed 28 Feb There will be the usual Eucharist with the Imposition , SUNDAY SCHOOL CAKE $BALL. takes place after the Eucharist t~day of Ashes at 1Oam, and a Famllv Please stay behind for a short time to buy caKes and suppor't the Service for ~shWednesday (wjth children's charity work Imposition of Ashes) at 5 30pm BIBLE STUDY AND ALPHA Our Bible Study of St Mark's Gospel will be sung at 'pm that continues after Evensong this evening, 7 30-9pm The new Alpha Course evening meets cln Tuesday evenings at 7 30pm This week IS the first full talk and COMPLINE Next services 28 Feb d~scussion,entitled "Who 1:; Jesus?" A group met for the first time fast (~~hWed), 29 Mar, 26 Apr week, but it is not too late io joln them This week's talk is a partlc~larly TAI~$ Next services. 21 March, 23 ~mportantone - please come and join us if you poss~blycan If you would May ---ltke more details have a ward--- with Weather or Alan - WSctl COURSE on Singing IGNITE: GOD'S PURPOSE FOR THIS GENEMYION Techn~quesfor Cho~r-tra~nersand Adult Chorr Slngers IGNITE is simply a movement of young people who are at St Gabriel's,I Cwmbran oil Tue 6 March at 7 30pm excited about Gods passlorl burnlng with~nthem Each Tutor J~!anetteMassochl Details from Alan Mayer person signing up for IGNITE does so by committing to a 6 part declaration which signifies the life of COME 14ND SING Stainer's Crucifix~onat St Woolos discipletjhip that they are going to lead. The declaration Cathedrel, Sat 10 Mar, 2pm-5pm (practice at Zpm, is printed on a plastic card which constantly reminds the pubiic performance at 4pm If anyone is interested, young person of the decisions they have made. IGNITE please have a word with Alan John Stainer died on 31" is managed by BIG IDUE and there are regular March, 1901. concerts, worship evenings, evangelistic events, WELSH PHiLMAFlMQNlC ORCHESTRA w~llglve a training, resources, mission trips and a web site concert at St Edward's on Sat 10 March at 7.30pm, (, to support young people as they when the programrne wrll rnclude Beethoven's Coriolan live out their lives for Jesus. There is an event on Friday Overture, Wagner's Siegfried Idyll, Bach's Double Violin of this week, 7.30-10.30pm at All Nations Centre, with Concerto, and Beethoven's Symphony No.2 in D. the Big Ideas team and some seriously good music. Admission E3 at the door. Featuring new Alliance signed band; Kindie and the Going Public Theatre Company. Hosted by Nigel James CONGREGATION MEETING. St Edward's Pre-Vestry 920-81 1-441, (email: [email protected]) Eiitrance E4 meeting is on Fri 16 March. (£3 for ignite members). Further details from Richard PASSlONTlDE MUSIC. St Edward's Choir will sing the Mayer. sacred cantata "Darkness aiid Dawn" by F.W.Peace on CHILD PROTECTION TWINING. Another two-session Palm Sunday (8 Apr) at 5pm. course (you must attend both) will take place at CARDIFF HIGH SCHOOL CHOIR will hold their end-of- Whitchurch Parish \-lati on Wed 21 Feb and Wed 7 Mar, term conc:ert in St Edward's on Tue 12 April (not Wed both at 7pm Contact Whitchurch Parish Secretary as previously announced). 820-626072 to book (weekday mornings) Details kom Sally Devres 420-755418 GOOD FRIDAY (13 Apr) at 7.30pm the Choir and Orchestra will perform excerpts from Handel's Messiah YOU AIJD THE ORDAINED MlNiSTRY is the title of a in the context of a tlevotional service. weekend at St Michael's Church; Aberystwyth, 23-25 Feb. The weekend is designed for people wanting rnore MEIDWtJ. If you are interesi:ed in coming to Meidrim on information about what is irrvoived in parish ministry in Sat I6June, please have a word with Tricia or Alan. Wales, and for those seriously considering God's a~llor CHOIR OUTING. The date has been fixed: Sat 7 July. already going through !selectic,n for professional Choir members, please let Tricia know if you can come. ministry. Cost £30 inc. acc:ommodatiorr (El 5 without). Alan Mayer has details. Applications by 16 Feb (email: RCH2006) QUIZ available in church today from Eva stmikes( Shepherd, f 1 per sheet. RCHZ008 AUCTION. After our previous successful CONFIRMATION. All junior candidates for Confirmation auctions we are holding another or1 24 Feb. Small or should give their names, dates of birth and telephone large, f~~rniture,china, glass, etc , old rrr new, maybe an number to the clergy They should be in the final year unwanted grft sill1 in the wrapping Or what about giving of primary school or older Adults who wish to be your twe or a talent? Bake a cake, donate an hour's confirmed should also give the~rnames to the clergy gardening, babysitting, ironing, etc All proraises need PARISH CLERGY Robert Evans (Vicar) 420-484808 to be rlotlfied to the Parish Oflice '6kP20-484808 by Andrew James 4 20460600 Thursday of this week, so that we are certain that the They are evarlable to rnlnrster to the needs of the s~ckand dying The event 4s vrable Alternatively speak to Eva Shepherd or sick and ho~~seboundmay rece~vel-loly Communion at home For the Sacraments of Healfng and Confession speak to the cie~gy Gill Day. I ., I .>


45 -

40 - ri//yd)+J

35- Norman and Archbishop Carey in North Carolina M I I I I I I I I I I 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1Y75 1980 SW 19R) 1595 a0 mO3 GOOD FRIDAY (13 Apr) at 7.30pm the Choir and Orchestra will perform excerpts from Handel's Messiah CHURCH GROWTH. At the congregation meeting on in the context of a devotional service. Friday, the continuing growth of our congregation was noted with pleasure. We usually look at the first ten PARISH VESTRY is in Roath Church House on Mon 30 Sundays of the year as a "snapshot" which does not April. include any major festivals. The graph above shows the LET'S CELEBRATE - A Festival Service to mark the communicant figures for'those weeks, 1954-2001.. This Tercentenary of USPG at Llandaff Cathedral on Sunday year's figure is the largest on record! There have been 13 May at 6.30pm. Preacher: Bishop Mano Rumalshah. an average of 63.6 communicants per week. This is an Musicians are invited to form an orchestra to increase of 11D/ on last year (which itself was an accompany the hymns (practice on the day at 4.30pm). increase of 18% on the previous year). The percentage Singers are invited to lead the hymns and sing Rutter's growth for the two years is over 31%. It was also noted "The Lord Bless You and Keep You" - practice 5.45pm. at the meeting,that the communicant figure is our least impressive measure of growth, as the increase in our M1SSK)M IMPOSSIBLE? A day conference on Sunday School is considerably larger. Please help us to evangelism with Nicky Pippa Gumbe[ at the continue the trend, by making St Edward's a friendly Conference Centre, Llandrindod Wells, on Sat 12 May. and welcoming Church. Advance booking is essential: PO1558-822421. CONVOY OF HOPE COLLECTION at Roath Church BUS TRRP to the Wales National Botanical Gardens on House on Saturday, loam-lpm. Heip is needed to sort Sat 30 June. Cost of bus fare and entry to the Gardens and pack - contact Gill Day f 20-495496. Letters are is f 12 per person. Contact Tricia to book seats P20- available for delivery today - please check to see if 488796 or Parish Office. there are any that you are able to deliver. CHOIR OU?'ING. The date has been fixed: Sat 7 July. COMPLINE is sung approximately once a month at Choir members, please let Tricia know if you can come. St Edward's on Thursdays at 9pm. Compline is a 15- FOR YOUR DIARY. minute service of plainchant - the last of the monastic Mon 30 Apr. 7.30pm. Parish Vestry. Church House. "hours". Next services: 29 Mar, 26 Apr. Sun 13 May. 6.30pm. USPG Service. Cathedral. PRAYER TIME. St Edward's will be open for Sat 19 May. Roath Church House Spring Fayre. contemplation and silent prayer on Sat 31 March from Sat 16 June. Visit to Meidrim. 10.30am to 12 noon. Sat 30 June. Bus Trip to Botanical Gardens. ROATH CHURCH HOUSE QUIZ on Sat 31 March at ROATH GYM CLUB COMPETITION. Congratulations 7.30pm in Roath Church House. Teams of four - E2.50 to Lizzie Doe and Jess Lincoln (joint first, advanced), each. Light refreshments. Contact Brian Shapcott 420- and Mollie Sishton (first, 8+ years) and Ellie Lincoln 736455. (second, 5 years and under), and Holly Rumble, Alice Bern and Connie Sishton who also wmeted. CONCERT. Llandaff Cathedral Choral Society and Orchestra will perform Faures Requiem and Bemstein's PAINTERS NEEDED. Volunteers needed to prepare ChiChester Psalms at the Cathedral on Sat 31 Mar at and paint the railings aroundz Roath Church 7.30pm. Nave £8, side aisles f4 (from Rowlands Music: within the immediate future. This is a requirement of the P20-226935. Prince" Trust who provided Grant Aid for work carried out to the outside of the premises. They will not release PASSIONTIDE MUSIC. St Edward's Choir will sing the any money until this work is carried out. Please can sacred cantata "Darkness and Dawn" by F.W.Peace on help3 Contact Tricia f 20-488796 or Brian Palm Sunday (8 Apr) at 5pm. Shapcotf 420-736455. CARMFP HIGH SCHOOL CHOIR will hold their endaf- WELCOME. We extend a warm welcome to all visitors term concert in St Edwatxfs on Tue 10 April. and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of the sidesmen if you are new with us. ,, Mothering Sunday Weekly Newsletter No. 1295 Sunday, 25"h March, 2OOl 11.OO am Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Celebrant & Preacher: Fr Ken Martin. Hymns: 278,515, Such Love (abet 171, Anthem: His Yoke is Easy (Handel), Rec.: BqMP). Sanctus & Benedictus: Nicholson. Agnus Dei: Norman Doe. 6.30 pm Evensong. Officiant: Fr Ken Mattin. Introit: Ave Werum (Elgar). Psalms 30. Hymns: 86, Anthem: He Trusted in God (Handerr),BlffMP). Magnificat 8( Nunc Dirnittis: A.Sornerve/l in F. Readings: Prayer of Manasseh. 2 Timothy 4,l-18. In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Episcopal Church in the Philippines, and lgnacio Soliba. We pray for all who suffer from natural disasters, especially the earthquakes in India, El Salvador and Japan, the floods in Mozambique, Ukraine and Hungary. We pray for our farmers, and all who are suffering as a result of the foot and mouth epidemic. In this diocese we pray for the Archdeaconry of Margam, and Archdeacon Martin Williams. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Janet Munday, Gwendoline Hopkins, John Warren, Keith Jobbins, Lucy Fiori, Vernon Evans, John Satchell, Fr Robert Evans, Fr Peter Reid, Win Coleman. We pray for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed. BIBLE STUDY of St Mark's TNlS WEEK Gospel continues after Evensong this evening, 7.30- Mends y The Annunciation of Our Lord to the Blessed Virgin Mary 9pm. 26th 6 00 pm Parish Surgery Parish Office, Church House. 7 00 pm St Edward's Orchestra Practice. ANNUNClATlON MASS at St Anne's 7.15pm 7.15 pm Holy Eucharist. St Anm's. on Monday. Trrr~y 10.00 continues on 2Fth and discussion 7.30 pm ALPHA COURSE. WeAneodey 10.00 am HOLY EUCHARIST. Followed by coffee & f00 Club Draw. Lent Group. 6 Newminster Road. St Edward's String Orchestra Practice. continue on Wednesday at 4.45pm in Roath Church House Luncheon Club. Roath Church House. Adult classes will St Edward's Chamber Music Group Practice. Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. 4.45 pm Junior Confirmation Class. Roafh Church House. Thursday 9.00 am Holy Eucharist. St Anne's. COMPLIN% will be sung on Thursday of this week at 29th 6.30 pm Junior Choir Practice. IS a 15-minute service of plainchant - 7.00 pm Older members of Junior Choir. monastic "hours". Next service: 26 Apr. 7.00 pm Stations of the Cross. St Anne's. 7.30 pm Choir B Orchestra Practice St be Open for 8.15 pm Lent Group. St Anne's Hafl. contemplation and silent prayer on Saturday from 9.00 pm COMPLINE. 10.30amto 12 noon. Satwrday 31sZ 9.00 am Holy Eucharist. St Margaret's. 10.30 am St EdwaKf's Open for Prayer, 12.00 noon St Anne's Soup Lunch. Sf Anne's. 7.30 prn Roath Church House Quiz. Roafh Church House. 7.30 pm Llandaff Cathedral Choral Society Concert. Uandaff Cathedral. Ne~tSunday is Passion Sunday. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at I1 a.m., the Sunday School will meet at 4 1 a.m. and coffee will be served after tk Eucharist. Evensong will be sung at 6.30 p.m. Internet: http:i/StEdward. homepage.corn Ernail: StEdward@Christiara. hm 100 CLUB subscriptions are now due for renewal Last MISSION IMPOSSIBLE? A day conference on year's club has produced £600 for church funds. The evangelism with Nicky & Pippa Gumbel at the Pavilion last draw will take place on Wednesday after the Confererlce Centre, Llandrindod Wells, on Sat 12 May. Eucharist, when om prize of Elmand four of E20 will Advance tX30kjng is essential: POI558-822421. be given. Your contribuiion of £12 should be made to LET'S CELEBRATE A Festival Service to mark the Cynthia Williams, Eva Shepherd or Adtlie Briers. - Tercentenary of U$PG at Llendaff Cathedral on Sunday Cheques payable to the Principality Buildirrg Society. 13 May at 6.30pm. Preacher. Bishop Mano Rumalshah. Payments may be rnade by instalrnents New members Musicians are invited to form an orchestra to are always welcome! accomparly the hyrnns (practice on the day at 4.30pm). THE ADDlNGTON FUNCI is a fund set-up by the Singers are invited to lead the hymns and sing Rutter's Archbishops of Canterbury and York with the aim of "The Lord Bless You and Keep You" - practice 5.45pm. alleviating where possible the suffering experienced by ST DAVID'S CATI-IEDRAL FESTIVAL is 26 .May - 3 rural communrties as a result of the outbreak of foot and mouth disease. If anyone would like to contribute to the June. Details: fund, our treasurer will be pleased to receive donations. BUS fRiP to the Wales National Botanical Gardens on ANTHEMS. The anthems today are both choruses from Sat 30 June will leave St Edwards at 9.30am and leave Handel's Messiah: "His Yoke is Easy" and "He Trusted the Gardens at 5pm. Cost of bus fare and entry to the Gardens is £12 per person. All profits go towards in God". The introit at Evensong is Elgar's setting of Katherine Holifielcl and Tim Leonard's visit to The "Ave Verum Corpus Natum". Gambia. Contact Tricia to book seats f 20-488796 or ROATH CHURCH HOUSE QUIZ an Saturday at Parish Oflice. 7.30prn in Roath Church House. 'teams of four £2.50 - EXTRAORDINARY MEETING OF THE PCC. At the each. Tealcoffee. Bring your own liquid refreshment and meeting on Tuesday, Fr F'hiiip Morris explained the glasses. Contact Brian Shapcott 820-736455. suggestions that have been put forward regarding, CONCERT. Liandaff Cathedral Choral Society and St Philip's Church. The diocese recognises the special Orchestra will perform Faurss Requiem and Bernstein's needs of the Tremorfa area, as we identified them a Chtcheater Psalms at the Cathedral on Saturday at year ago, and it has been suggested that it should be 7.30prn. Nave £8, side aisles £4 (from Rowlands Music: designated a "mission area", and supported as such by P20-226935. the deanery and the drocese, with a long-term commitntent, of the order of at least 25 years. This BILGMMAGE TO GHRWSBURY by Llandaff ABBEY proposai has been blocked by some who claim that the Diocesan Men's Fellowship (ladies also welcome!), by constitution of the does not recognise coach an Sat 19 May. Led tty Bishop Barry, price f14. If the term "mission areaJ'.Those of us who feel that this is interested, send SAE to Mr Graham Wysome, 4 Kings a case of the tail wagging the dog hope to change their St, Taws Well, CF4 7PM iby Saturday of this week. minds! 191eproposed transfer of St Philip's to the parish Cheques payable to Liandaff Diocesan Men's of Roath St Saviour is seen as desirable in the long Fellowship. term, but does not meet the present needs of the area, MEDICAL FOUNDATlQM. The South Wales Local unless the "mission areaJJstatus is also conferred Support Group of "The Medical Foundation -- caring for GOVERNING BODY. Because of the foot and mouth victims of torture" (the only charity in the UK that exists epidemic, The Church in Wales has decided to cancel exc:lusiveiy to provide support to survivors of torture and its nexl meeting of the Governing Body, which had been organised violence) will hold its AC;M at 7.30pm on Fri 6 scheduled to take piace on the 18th and 19th of April in April at the United Reformed Church>Windsar Place. Lampeter. The speaker will be Viet Nguyen-Gillham, the Medical Foundation's Regional Training and Consultancy PA!NTERS NEEDED. Volunteers needed to prepare Advisor, who ISworking to ensure dispersed refugees and paint the railings arot~ndRoath Church House, have access to Medical Foundation-type sewices within the immediate future. This is a requirement of the outside of London. Details from Sue Potter. Prince's Trust who provided Grant Aid for work carried out to the outside of the premises. They will not release PASSiONTIDE MUSIC. St Edward's Choir wilt sing the any money until this work is carried out. Please can sacred cantatz "Darkness and Dawn" by F.W.Peace on you hr!lp? Contact Tricia 420-488796 or Brian Palm Sunday (8 Apr) at Spar). Shapmit P20-736455. CARDIFF HIGH SC:HOQL <>HOlRwill hold their end-of- WELCOME. We extend a warm welcome to all visitors term concert in St EJdward's on Tue 10 April at 7.30pm. and neurcamers, Please make yourself known to one of Free admission, collection for charity. the sidesmen if yo;~are new with us. 6600 FRlDAY (13 Apr) at 7.30pm the Choir and FOR YOtJW DtARY. Orchestra will perfctrm exa!rpts from Handel's Messiah Mon 30 kpr. 7.30pm.Parish Vestqf.Church House in the amtext of a devotiorlal service. Sat T9 May. Roath Churcfr House Spring Fayre. Sat 16 Jtme. Visit to Meidrim. TAIZ& SERVICES take place at St Edward's every Sat 7 July. Choir Outing. other mqnth on Wednesdays at 7.30pm. Next service: 23 May If the services of a priest are required, please contact: Fr Andrew James 3i?2046ffiOO. 'Pesriar, Swnday Weekly Newsletfer No. 1296 . Suncjay, April, 22001 2 *" 1I .00 am Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Celebrant & Preacher: Bishop Bany. . Introit: Tydi a Roddaist Hymns: 468, The Servant King (sheet 21, Anthems, Rec: ~(81~).' Anthems: God So Loved the World {Stained, For the Beauty of the Earth (Rutted. <. Setting: Nicholson. Agnus Dei: Norman Doe. 6.30 pm Evensong. Officiant: Fr Ken Martin. Introit: Lift High the Cross. Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: A.Samervel/ in F. Psalm 35. Hymns: 97, Anthem: Were you there when they cnrcifled my Lord?, 102. + - Readings: 2 Chronicles 33,l-6 & 10-96. Luke 22,1143. ?,I In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Anglican Church of , and Presiding Bishop Paul Xwan Yoon. We pray for our farmers, and all who are suffering as a result of the foot-and-mauth epidemic. In this diocese we pray for the Rural Deanery of Margam, and Canon Derek Belcher (Rural Dean). We pray for the sick, remembering especially Janet Munday, Gwaddine Hopk'w, John Warren, Keith JobMns, Lucy Fiori, Vernon Evans, John Satchell, Fr Robert Evans, Fr Peter Reid, Win Coleman. We pray for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed, especially John Willlam Coteman, whose anniversary ocwrs at this time. -. F,& .

T#B WEEK BIBLE STUDY ' of St Mark's Gospel continues after Evensong this evening, hdcly 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. parish Ofice, Church House. 7.30-9pm. End 7.00pm St IEdward's Orchestra Practice- ~NACOURSE oPn&ues on ~~esdayevening Tuedcly 10.00 am Holy Eucharist. Sf Philip's. 7.30~~1.This week the talk is entitled "How can I resist 3rd 7.00 pm Holy Eucharist. St Anne's. .evil?" 7.30 pm ALPHA COURSE. Vh&y. ~JUN~ORCONFIRMATION CLASSES corliinuel wulneday 10.00 am HOLY EUCHARIST. Followed by coffee. on Wednesday at 4.45pm in Roath Church kMe. Adult classes will cwnmenceafter Easter. 4th 10.30 am Lent Group. 6 Newminster Road. 11 .OO am St Edward's String Orchestra Practice. FLOWERS FOR EASTER. Mrs Megan 12.30 pm Roath Church House Luncheon Club. Martin will be pleased to receive 2.00pm St Edward's Chamber Music Group Pradice. donations towards the cost of flowto 2.00 pm Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. 4.45 wn Jwior Confirmation Ctass. Roath Chwch House. ~hwrrrlay 9.00 am Holy Eucharist. Sf Anne's. PASSlONTlDE MUSIC. St Edward's Choir will sing the 5th 6.30 ~rnJunior Choir Practice. Isacred cantata "Darkness and Dawn" by F.W.Peace nextI , 7.00 Older members of Junior Choir. [SU~~Y(Palm Sunday),at 5~m- 7.00 pm Stations of the Cross. St Anne's. CARDIFF HIGH SCHOOL CHOIR will 7.30pm Choir & Orchestra Pracrtice (Messiah). hold their end-of-tenn comrt in 8.15 pm Lent Group. St Anne's Hat/. St Edward's on Tue 10 April at 7.30pm. [~reeadmission, collection for charity. Fvidc))~6th 7.30 pm Medical Foundation AGM. Windsor Place URC. I %turdsy 9.00 am Holy Eucharist. Sf IMargaWs. Pth 2.00 pm Saturday fun: Sunday School visit to Llandaff Cathedral. Nurot Syndey is Balm Sunday. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11 am, the Sunday Scl.lool will meet at 11 am, and the Cantata Darkness and Dawn by F.W.Peace will be sung at 5 pm, followed by Evensong at 6.30pm. MEDICAL FOUNDATION. The South Wales Local Support Group of "The Medical Foundation - caring for victims of torture" {the only charity in the UK that exists exclusively to provide support to survivors of ofure and wganised violence) will hold its AGM at 7.30pm on Friday at the United Reformed Church, Windsor Place. The speaker will be Viet Nguyen-Gillham, the Medical Foundation's Regional Training and Consultancy Advisor, who is working to ensure dispersed refugees have access to Medical Foundation-type services outside of London. Details from Sue Potter. Internet: http:l/StEdward.homepageagecomErnaB: [email protected] EASTEW DAY. Our usual Service of Easter Readings and Carols wiEl be at 4pm. Parish Evensong is at St Margaret's at 6.30pm. ST PETER'S CHURCH FAlRWATER presents Aladdin on Wed-f'ri, 25-27 April, 7.30pm at St Peter's Church Hall, St Fagans Road, Fairwater. Tickets £5 (children f 3) 4211-256047. COMPLliME is sung approximately once a month at St Edwarci's on Thursdays at 9pm. Compline is a 15- minute sewice of plainchant - the last of the monastic "hours". Next service: 26 Apr. N11SSlOtd ZMPOSSIBLE? A day conference on evangelism with Nicky & Pippa Gumbel at the Pavilion Confere~~ceCentre, Llandrindod Wells, on Sat 12 May. Advance booking is essential: 401558-822421. LETS CELEBRATE - A Festival Service to mark the Tercentenary of USPG at Liandaff Cathedral on Sunday 13 May at 6.30pm. Preacher: Bishop Mano Rumalshah. Musicians are invited to form an orchestra to accompcany the hyrnns (practice on the day at 4.30pm). Singers are invited to lead the hymns and sing Rutter's "The Lord Bless You and Keep You" - practice 5.45pm. YOUTH LEADER TRAlNING DAY at Tongwynlais Church I-iall, Sat 19 May, with Nigel James (Big Ideas). It would be good if someone from St Edward's could WELCOME TO BISHOP BARRY attend --details from Alan or Heather. We are delighted to wefcome Bishop Barry to our Euchan:st thrs morning, his first visit to St Edward's TAIZ~SERVICES take place at St Edward's every other month on Wednesdays at 7.30pm. Next service: SATURIBAY FUN. St Edward's Sunday School and 23 May. friends are visiting Llandaff Cathedral on Saturday, meeting at St Edward's at 2pm. Lifts can be arranged MEIDRIM. If you are interested in coming to Meidrim with Heather. Bring a packed tea. (west of Carmarthc?n, near St Clears) on Sat 16 June, when the choir will be sjngirlg a service as part of their THE GIllLD OF ST lLhTLfD fosters vocaiians to the "ARCH" week (the Arts and the Church), please have a Christian life, and hopefully to the ordained ministry, word wit11 Tricia or Alan. amongst 14-21 year olds. The next meeting is on Sat 28 April, loam-3.30pm at Falwater'. Details from Rev. 100 CLIJB WINNERS. The winners in the last draw Migel Cahill S20-562551. were Gwen Hocking (EIOO), and four prizes of £20: Mollie & Connie Sishton, Betty Harwood, Mary James, NAME THE NEVVSLETBER COMPETBTION. The Edward Cbe. Subscriptions are now due for renewal. Childreri & Homes Comtmittee will be publishing a Last year's club has produced 42600 for church funds. quarterly newsletter for Sunday School Teachers, Your contribution of £12 should be made to Cynthia Children's workers and children In the diacese, with Williams, Eva Shepherd or Addie Briers. Cheques puzzles, craft activities, stories games news from payable to the Principality 13uilding Society. Payments parishes, worship ideas, recipes ... but they need a cool, may be made by instaiments. New members are always catchy, snappy, name - any ideas? Photo of the winner welcome! to appear in the first edition. Heather has details. Entries by IMay. SAlhlTS ALIVE. There will be a Family, Faith Sr Fun Day at Liandaff Cathedral on Sat 14 July, I0arn-2pm. Activities AM'PHEIMS. This morning the introit is a verse of the include Art & Craft, Music, Drama. Parachute Games, Prayer. Welsh hymn "Tydi a RoddaisY' (music by Awe1 Details S6102443-435!i06. Hughes), the Communion Anthem is "God So Loved the FOR YOllM DIARY. World" by John Stainer, wha died 100 years ago Mon 30 Apr. 7.30prn. Parish Vestry. Church House. yesterday, and "For the Beauty of the Earth" (music by Sat 19 Miay. Roath Church House Spring Fayre. John Rutter). The anthem at Evensong is "Were You Sat 30 June. Bus Trip to Botanical Gardens. There Mitten They Crucified My Lord'?" THANK YClU lo all who helped in any way with the Convoy of Hope collection. GOOD FWDAY (13 Apr) at 7.30pm the Choir and Orchestra will perform excerpts from Handel's Messiah WELCOWIE. We extend a warn welcome to all visitors and in the ccrntext of a devotional service. newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of the sidesmen if you are new with us. ST ANNE'S COFFEE MORMltNG in St Anna's Hail on If the services of a priest are required, please conkact. Sat 21 PIpril at 10.3Uam. Fr Andrew James P20-460600. Weekly Mewslefter No.1297 Sunday, ghAprij, 2001 4 1 00 am Sung Eucharist, Blessing & Distribution of Palms, Paim Ftrocessinn, Sermon and Sunday Schcal Procession through the park (weather permrtting). Celebrant $I Preacher. 15- Ken Marfin Hymns. 597 (Faroc.), 99, 214, Anthem, Re@:Hosanna (sheet 4). Anthem. Behold! The Son of Miin is Betayed

Maundy TRumday term concert in S.t Edward's on Tue 10 April at 7.30pm. No Ehchairist at st fixme's. I---1 6.30 pm Full Junior Choir Practice. Richard, who is 7.30 pm SUNG EUCHARIST & STRfPPlRlG OF WEALTAR. wan and pic?no 8.30 pm Senior Choir Practice (for Easter Day) for Norrnan this morning.- 1 &ridsy Good Friday 13th 10.00 am GOOD FRIDAY LITURGY SERVICE. 12 noon Three Hour Devotional Service. Sf ~Varaaref's. 7.30 pm OEVOTJQIUAL.SEWICE: EXCERPTS ROMHANDEL'S ME<;S~AH. - 7.30pm Veneration of the Crass. St Anne's. ~GOOI) FRIDAY at 7.30pm the Choir ;;;;;l] will perform excerpts frorn Handel's SattarcQay l-toly Saturday the context of a devotional 14th 7.30 pm C:ANDbEL.lGHT EASTER VIGIL SERVICE. Ne~tSurrdciy is Easter Diay. Holy Eucharist In St Edward's at 11 am the Sunday ScItooi will meet at 14 am, the Service of Easter Lessons & Carols is at 4pm, and Parish Evensong will be sung at St Margaret's at 6.30 pm Internet: Ernail: [email protected] -- BUS TRIP to the Wales Nat~onal WEEK SERVICES. Botanical Gardens on Sat 30 June Maur~dyThursday 7.30pm: Sung Eucharist with tlie Stripping of w,li leave st Edward's at 9.30~~and Good Friday loam: Liturgy Sewice. leave the Gardens at 5pm. Cost of Holy Saturday 7.30pm: Candlelight V~giiService. bus fare and entry to the Gardens is This delighW sequence of sc?wices marks the major E12 per person, profits go Week - please try to attend them if at all possible. towards Matherme Holifield and Tim In addition, we have Carcliff High School's Concert on L~~~~~~I~,,Isit to The Gambia, and our own Chow 8 Orchestra's performance of contact~~i~i~ to book seats 920- ----.--- 488796 or Parish Office ECUMEINtCAb MAIIPGH OF3 CAII'I"NE$S on Good Friday CHOIR OUTING. 'The date has been fixed Sat 7 July at 11 45am from St German's Chu~~hf0 St James' Choir meinbers. glease let Trjcia know if you can come, Church for a Service at 12 rloon 3, SAINTS ALIVE. There will be a Family, Faith & Fun EASTER DAY. Our usual Service of Easter ReacSings Day at Liandaff Cathedral on Sat 14 July, loam-2prn and Carols will be at 4pm (with contributions frorrl the Activitres include Art & Craft, Music, Drama, Parachute Sunday School and Jurliar Choir). Parish Festal Games, Prayer. Dsta~lsPO1 443-435506. Evensong is at St Margaret's at 6.30pm, when all parrsh choirs are invited to robe. SEWWiCEI POSTPONED. The Church in Wales has dec~dedto postpone the ccrmmrssioning service for rts C64,RWFF BAY CHAMBER QRCHESTW4 presents new Provincial Council for Mission and Ministry, which Vivaidi'!; "The Four Seasons" at the Cathedral on Fri 20 was due to have been held in St Mary's Priory Church, Apr at 7.30pm Tickets £7 (conc. E5) f 20-227761. Abergaifenny on 7th April. This decision has been taken ST ANNE'S COFFEE MORNING in St Anne's Hall on in response to the foot and mouth disease outbreak. Sat 21 April at 10.30am. The selvice will now take place on Sat 15 Sept at . ST PETER'S CHUIRCH FAIRWA'TER presents Aladdin on Wed-Fri, 25-27 Aprii, 7.30pm at St Peter's Ctiurch FOR YOtlR DlARY Hall, Sf Fagans Road, Fairwater. Tickets £5 (children Mon 30 Apr. 7.30pm. Parish Vestry. Church House. £ 3) 420-256047. Sat 19 May. Roath Church tJouse Spring Fayre. Sat 16 duns. Visit lo Merdnn?. CQMI41.1NE is surtg approximately once a month at St Edward's on Thursdays at 9pm. Compline is a 15- FLOWERLS FOR EASTER. Mrs Megan Martin wili be minute service of plainchant - the last of the monastic pleased tj~receive donations towards the cost of flowers "hours" Next service: 26 Apr. to decorated St Edward's for Easter. THE GUILD OF ST JLLTIJD fosters voations to the 100 CLUB subscriptions are now due for renewal. Last Christian life, and hopefully to the ardainetd ministry, year's elcrb has produced £600 for church funds. Your amongst 14-21 year olds. The next meeting is on Sat 28 contribution of £12 should be made to Cynthia Williams, April, 1Oam-3.30pm at Fairwater. Details from Rev. Eva ~~~~~~~~~d or Addie Briers. Cheques payable to the Migel Cahill e20-562551. Principal~tyBuilding Society. Payments may be made by rnstalments. New members are alwavs welcome! BEETLE DRIVE & SUPPEIR organised by St Anne's at Roath Church House on Fri 4 May at 7pm. PAtNTERS NEEDED. Volrrnteers needed to prepare and pa~ntthe railings around Roath Church House, MISSION IMPBSSIBLW A day confc,wxxe on within the immediate future. This is a requ~rementof the evangelism with Nicky & Pippa Gumbel at the Pavilion Prince's Trust who provided Grant Aid for work carr~ed Conference Centre, Llandrindod \nbells, on Sat 12 May. out to the outside of the premises, They will not release Advance book~ngis essential: f 01558-822421. any mairley until this work is carried out. Please can LET'S CELEBWTE - A Festival Service to mark the you httlp? Contact Tricia S20-488796 or Br~an Tercentenary of USPG at Lhandaff Cathedral on Sunday Shapcolt '$320-736455. 13 May at 6.30pm Preacher: Bishop Mano Rumals;hah. ST ED\IW,ARD9SON THE II\ITERWET. The address for Musicians are invited to fortn an orchsstna to our hornepage has changed. It is now: actampany the hymns (practice on the day at 4.3Oprn) trtlp:llr~~a~th.matItieie]~~~.connlStEd~a~dl Singers are invited to lead the hymns and sing fautter's Also the "Network" pages have moved to: "The Lord Bless You and Keep You" - practice Ei.45pm. hRp:Ilraztth.multiservem.conzTPdetu\8orBd YOUTH LEADEW TRAINING DAY at Tongwynlais \NELCOAIE. We extend a warm welcome to all visitors Church Hall, Sat 19 May, with Nigel JG~@s(Big Ideas). and newc:omers. Please make yourself known to one of it wouitl be good if someone frc)m St Edward's cxzuld the sidesinen if you are new with us. attend -- details frorn Alan or Heather. SATURDAY FUN. Everyonet enjoyed the trip to Llandaff TWIZ&:SERVICES take place at St Edward's every Cathedral yesterday - lots of brass rubbing, drawings of other month on Wednesdays at 7.30pm. Next service: "Christ in Majesty", searching far the carved mouse ... 23 May. If the services of a priest are required, please contact: Fr Andrew James Q20-460fjOU. 1 1.00am Sung fucharist, Procession, Sermon and Sunday School. Cefebran'lt: & Preacher: Fr Andrew James Hymns: 238(MP), light Has Dawned (sheet 9), T'alrB, khthem, Rec.: 434. Introit: The Strife is o'er. Anthem: The Lord Bless YQU and Keep You &john RuBter]. Ta~ze:0 Surrexit Christus Allelrria! 0 Cantate Danrino Alleluia! Setting: Nicholson. Agnus Dei: Sydney Marks. 4.00 prn Service of Lt3ssons arld Carols for Easter. Officiant: Fr Ken Mctrfir?. Hymns: 434, 282{1VWP), 3998, 132, 435. Worship Songs: Rejoice! The Lord is Risen, Show Your Power. In the i,r~rnbso cold, Sing it in the valleys. Anthems: God So Loved the World (Stainer), Terra Tremuit (Ryrd), They Isave taken away my Lord (Stainer), There is a greeii hill far away {C-;ounoo~,(9 Death wt-rere is thy sting? (hfandt?l), And behold I have the keys of hell (F. W.Peace);,. 6.30 pm Festal Parish Evensong at St Wlargaret's.

Today we praise Almighty God for the glor~ousResurrectton of Our Lord Jesus Chrtst, who has tnumphed aver sin and death. We pray for the victims of the disaster at Ellis Park Stadium Johannesburg on Wednesday We pray for our farmers, and all who are sufferrng as; a result of the foot-and-mouth epidemrc. We pray for the sick, rernember~ngespecraliy Jwet Munday, Gwemdstine W~pkins,Jahn Warren, Keith Jobbilas, Lucy Fisri, John Satcheil, Win Coleman We pray for the repose of the souls of the faithfui departed, espec~allyHarold Stark, Herbert Lesley John and Hilda Winifred Thomas, whose annlversarles occur at t1i1st~me

Y .ME WEEK mornmgJs introit Strrfe IS O'er", and the anthem IS John Twesdsy 10 00 am Holy Eucharist. Sf Phti'lp's Rutter's sett~rrgof "The I-ord Bless You and 17th 7 00 pm Holy Eucharist Sf Anne's 7 30 pm ALPHA @BURS€. Wednesday 10 00 am HOLY EUCHARIST Izollowed by coffee 18th 11 00 am St Edward's Chamber Music Group Practice 2 00 prn Senior C~tizensRoafS, Church House -- Thursday 6 30 pm Ji~nrorChoir Pract~ce. 19th 7 00 pm Older members of Junior Choir 7 30 pm Full Chorr Practlce Friday 20th 7 30 pm Card~ffBay Chamber Orchestra Llandaff Cathedral Saturdcty 9 00 am Morning Prayer Sf Ildlargaret's etst 10 30 am St Anne's Coffee Mornlng. St Anne's Hall Ideat SbtnAay rs The Second Sunday of Easter The Holy Eur:harist will be celebrated rn St Izdward's at 11 am, the Sunday School ~~itimeet at 11 am, and Evensong will be sung at 6.30 pm

FW KEN AND MEGAN wish everyone a blessed and holy Easter EASTER CAROL SERVICE. Our us~ialService of Easter Readings and Carols is at 4pm today (with contributions from the Sunday School and Junior Cfioir). PARISH FESTAL EVEMSONG is at St Margaret's at 6.30pm today, when all the choirs of the parish are invited to robe and sing the service. WELCOME. We extend a warm welcome to all ,visitors and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of the sidesmen if you are new with us. ST ANNE'S CQFFEE MORNING in St Anne's IHall on Saturday at 10.30am. Internet: http://roath.multis~~~ers.~~orn/StEdward/ IEmail: StEdvvard@, THE CLERGY wish everyone a peaceful and holy Singers are invited to lead the hymns and sing Rutter's Easter. "The Lord Bless You and Keep You" - practice 5.45pm. ALPHA COURSE continues on Tuesday evening at YOUTH LEADER TRAlNlNG DAY at Tongwynlais 7.30pm. This week's tajk is entitled "Why and How Church /+all, Sat 19 May, with Nigel James (Big Ideas). Should We Tell Others?" One of the Alpha Course it would be good if someone from St Edward's could founders, Rev. John Irvinca, a former curate of Holy attend - details from Alan or Heather. Trinity Brompton, has been appointed the next Dean of TAIZ~SERVICES take place at St Edward's every Coventry Cathedrat. He was respons~blefor including other month on Wednesdays at 7.30pm Next service: the "Holy Spirit weekend" in the course. 23 May. CARDIFF BAY CHAMBER BfllCW ESTM presents DROP INTO QUlETNESS at tlangasty Retreat Hause Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons" at the Cathedral on Friday on Mon 28 May. No progrsrnme -just a time to be still. at 7.30pm. Tickets 27 (cone £5) 120-227761. Starts IOem and ends 4pm, but drop in any time. Bring VtLLAGE PMlSE is at Archdeacctn John Lewis ScI?ooI, your ov\m lunch - tea & taffee prov~ded. Donations Breckla. Bridgend ctn Mon 23 Apr, 7.30-9pm, when the invited. preacher will be Rev. Lloyd Jones, Team Vicar in the BUS TRiP to the Wales National Botanical Gardens on Llantwit Major Rectorial Benefice Sat 30 June will leave St Edward's at 9.30am and leave ST PETER'S CHU13CH FAIRWAIER presents Aladdin the GanJens at 5pm. Cost of bus fare and entry to the on Wed-Fri, 25-27 April, 7.30prn a$ St Petc-!rJsChurch Gardens is £12 per person. Ail profits go towards Hall, St Fagans Road, Fc~iiwater.Tickets E5 (cl7ildren Katheri~e Holifield and Tim Leonard's visit to The f3) S20-256047. Gambia. Contact Tricia to book seats 420488796 or Parish Office. COMPL.INE is sung appsc~ximatcalyorice EI month at St Edward's on Thursdays at 9pn7. Complii~eis EI 15- CHOIR OUTING. The date has been fixed: Sat 7 July. rnirtute service of pfaincharvt - the last of the monastic Choir rn13mbers,pltsase fet Tricia know if you can come. "hours". Next service: 26 /4pr. SAiNTS ,&LIVE. There will be a Family, Faith & Fun THE GUILD OF ST ILLTI88 fosters vocations to the Day at Ltandaff Cathedral Ion Sat 14 July, loam-2pm. Christian life, and hopefully to the ordained ministry, Activities include /~rf& Craft, Music, Drama, Parachute amongst 14-21 year olds. The next meeting is on Sat 28 Games, F'rayer. Details P0.1443-435506. April, loam-3.38prn at Fairwater. Details from Rev FOR YOCIR DIARY: Nigel Cahill 920-5(32551. Sun 13 IWay. 6.30pm. USPG Service. Cathedral. COFFEE MORNING at Woath Church House on Sat 28 Sat 19 May. Roath Church kiouse Spring Fayre. Apr, 10.68-1 2.00. Sat 16 June. Visit to Meidrint. PAMSP1 SONGS OF PI&4ISE is at St Edward's at 700 elldB subscriptrons an3 now due for renewal. Last 6.313pm on Sun 29 Agr. Forms for ckoim? of year's clt~bhas produced £600 for church funds. Your hymnslreadings are available today - please return contribution of El2 should be made to Cynthia Williams, them to the Parish Office by Wednesday. Eva Shepherd or Addie Briers. Cheques payable to the Principali.ty Building Society. Payments may be made by PARISH VESTRY is in Roath Church blouse on Mon 30 rnst.alrn~!nts.New niembers are always welcome?! A~sii. PAjNITERS WEEDED. Volunteers needed to prepare QUIET DAY an Llyn Aberdaron and Llaniaeirhys on and paint the railings around Roath Church House. Mon 30 Apr. Speaker: Flev Evelyn Davies; theme: Painting sessian 10.00-12.30 on Saturday, also any Reflecting on :he Ministry of Healing and Reconciliation. evenings when you may have some free time to help If you wish to attend, please conthlct Rev Evelyn Davies with this work. Contact Briar1 Shapcott 820-736455. for a Qiriet Davs Bookina Fa~rm. Ernail ~t~~~k~ar~sh~~~ce@su~anet.cornOUTREACH. Cardiff High School Choir gave an excellent concert .ton fuesclay, and £52 was collected JUNIOR CONFIRMATION CLASSES resume 2 May. for Menirigitis Research. A full church on Good Friday BEETLE DRIVE & SSPPEIR organised by St Anne's af evening very much appreciated the rendering of Roath I:hurch House on Fri 4 May at 7pm Handel's Messiah as a devotional service by St Edwar8s Choir & Orchestra, and El 25 was collected MlSSlON IMPOStSiBLE? A day confctrence on for charitable outreach. evangelism w~thNi~ky & Pippa Gurnbel at the Pav~fion Conference Centre, LIandrindod Wells, on Sat 12 May. ST EDtiWARD'S ON THE INTERNET. The address for Advance book~ngis esseritisl 401558-822421 our homepage has changed. It is now: LETS CELEBMPE - A Festival Service to markc the Also the "Network" pages have moved to Tel-centenary of USPG at liandaff Cathedral on Sunday ht%p:firc~i\th.rnultisawe~.eonrPlNeWsrW 13 May at 6 30pm Preacher Bishop Wlans Rumatshah Mus~crans are inv~ted to forin an orchestra to If the services of a priest arc? required, please contact: accompany the hyrnns (practice on the day at 4 3Clpm). Fr Andrew James 820-46m00. The Stwoad $\r~rs&ia)eof Enste~ Weekly NewsiI~MerNo. 1299 Sunday92Pd Papsii9 2001 1 1.50 am Sung Eucharist, Serrr~onand Sunday School. Celebrant & Preacher: Fr Ken Marfm. Hymns: 128,139, At 'Your Feet tAIe Fall (sheet 341, Aflthem: O %BPS rand Daasgftters, Rec.: 1443. Setting: Aguffer, Kyrict, Agnus Disi: Norman Doe. Sanctus & Benedictus: C:aleb Sif;?per. 6.30 pm Evensong. Officiant: Fr Ken Mar-fin. Introit: Cast Thy Burulen Upon the Lord (Mende/ssohra). Psalm 16. Fiymns: 1129, AMhem: The Day is Past and Over, 142 Magnificat & Nunc Dirnittis: A. Scimervell in F-. Readings: Isaiah 52,*63 - 53,1%. Luke 24, 13-35. in the world-wide Church we pray today for the province of British C:oluwrbia and the Yukon, af the At?g%isan Church of Canada, and Metropolitan David Grawiey. We pray for an end to the f~ghtingin the WoDy Land. We pray for the work of Unicef, for the children rescued from the WIV Etiseno, and for those forcecl to work on cocoa plantations in the ivory Coast. We pray for our farmers, and all who are suffering as a result of the foot-and*-mouth epidemic. in this diocese Inre pray for the RwaI Deanery of Merthyr Tydfil, and Canan Steve Morgan (Raaali Dean). We pray for the sick, remembering espec~allyJanet Munday, Gwendoline Hopkins, John Warren, Keith dobbins, Lucy Fisri, John Satchell, Win Coleman. We pray for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed. - TMIS WEEK ~ATW-R(:M NOUSE ~undratsd Conirnittee meets at 7.30pm on Monday in hday 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Parish Office, Church HOUS~.I-- oath Church House. p,\i are welcome.- 25rd 7.00 pm St Edward's Orchestra Practice. Roath Church House Fundraising Committee. Roalh Church House. Vilfage Praise. Archd2amn John Lewis School, Brirckfa, Bridge?rfd. i'Twesday 10.00 am Holy Eucharist. St Philip's. 24th 4 1.OQ am Service for Martyrs of Armenia. Tempk of 7.00 prn Holy Eucharist. Sf Anne's. St Mark the Evangelist HOLY EO(~HARIS+.Feflowed by coffee. St Edward's String Orchestra Practice. Roath Church Mouse Luncheon Club. S't Edward's Ct-rambeir Music Group Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. Holy Eucharist. St Anne's. Junior Choir Practice Older members of Junior Full Choir Practice. COMPLINE. St Fagans Road, Fainwater. Tickets £5 Holy Eucharist. St Mergaref's. Guild of St Illtud. Fairwater. COMPLINE will be sung on Thursday of this Coffee Morning. Roath Church House. week at Qpm. Compline is a 15-minute service St Teilo's Skittles Evening. County Half. Iof plainchant -the last of the monastic "hours". Merat Sueday is The Third Sunday of Easter. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11 am, the Sunday School will meet at 14 am, and Parish Songs of Praise is at St Edward's at 6.30 pm. BIBLE STUDY sf St Mark's Gospel continues after Parish Evensong this evening, 7.40-9pm. OUR THANKS to Richard for deputising for Narrnan at both services today. WELCOME. We extend a warm welcome to all visitors and newcomers Please make yourself known to one of the sidesmen if you are new with us. Internet: http:llroath.rnultiserven.comlStEdwardi Email: St€[email protected] ------Easter Message from Archbishop Rowan. PARISH VESTRY is in Roath Church -1t-touse on Man 30 Arsrjl at 7.30~rn. 'God so loved the world' is the message we hear at Easter; God's love wa!; such that he sent his Son lo earth to live, suffer and die so that we might be set free from JUNtOCP COMFIRMATION CLASS guilt and from the fear and hatred of ourselves that guilt involves. But there is more; resumes 2 May. and the 'more' is what really sl~ouldbe in the forefront of our minds at faster. BEETLE DRIVE 8: FAGGQTTS 8 Jesus rose from the dead. And this is nal a happy ending or a spectacular' proof PEAS SUPPER organised by that God was at work in the life and death of Jesus. It 4s a vital part of God's love for the world. God brrngs Je:w back to life rn his body - not just as an rdea In St Anne's; at Roath Church House on people's minds. God, in other words, ioves the materistl, bodily world. When God Fri 4 May at 7pm. £3 per person. gtves mercy and salvation to the worid, he gives it to the whole person, not just to Contact Carole Coflett 420-258733. the mind or feelings, and to the whole environment. Something happens to the ent~rephys~cai person I am when God's love is at work, and to the enlire materiai CARDIFF BACH CHOIR & world as well. ORCHESTW perform Bach's Cantata No.67 & Brandenburg But we have plenty of evidertce just now that we don't share God's love fbr the wortd in this sense. Concerto No.3 and Brahms' Requiem at Llandaff Cathedral on Sat 5 May at We are at one level very eager to meet our physical needs for stimulus and 7.30prn. Tickets E7.501%5 420- pleasuns; but that's not qutte the sarne ttr~ng.We continue our ludicrous abuse of the phy:;rcal envrronrnent; sanle of the most depressing news of recent weelrs has 766589. been the refusal of the new American government to approve the internetionally MISSION lMPOSSIBhE3 A day when agr-eed prolocols about lower-i~lgpoll~ctiun rates. And thls at a time the taffests conferent:e on evangelism with Nicky of globinl pollution seem to be getting more obvious year by year The USA's attitude is only the most extreme example of something we are all involved In to a & Pippa Gumbel at the Pavilion greater or lesser degree In the weaithier world. Conference Centre, Lisndrindod Wells, on Sat 12 May. Advance And the mass slaugllter of animals we have bean witnessing recently - doc-5s that booking is essential: 401558- glve a rnessage that we love the world around us? We expect from our farmers such le\rds of produc:tion, such speed and industrial emciency, that we csr't come 822421. to term!; with fhe idea that farming r~allyclernands more patience, a slowc!r pace. LET'S CEtEBRlaafE - A Festival And when profits are threatened, ttle only possible response that will asve the busrness structures of our ag~lcutture1s large scale butchew, even of livestock not Service to mark the Tercentenary of fatally illl, even of uninfected animals. The questions here are compiex, I know. But USPG at Llandaff Cathedral on we need to be askirrg how we cam to be In such a situation, to ask about the Sunday 13 May at 6.30pm. Preacher: appetite for cheap food that stokes; the fires. It is uncomfortably close to the Bishop Wlano Rumalshah. Musicians corisumkng greed that underlies the w~derenvtronmental crisis are invited to form an orchestra to So one subject to think about thrs Easter might be, 'Do vte love the wofld?' !\dot, 'Do accompany the hymns (practice on we love human~ty?'only, but clo we have the sot-%of love for the physical world, the the day at 4.30pm). Singers are na2ure eve are part of, that God shows in raising Jesus from the dead? That Love is invited to lead the hymns and sing surely part of the good news of Easter. God loves us $25 we are, mind and body, Rutter's "The Lord Bless You and Ioves our whole world. How do we make that good news a reality in reiation to the Keep Yoci" practice 5.45pm. whole of our theatened envirolnrnent:' - With every blessing for Easter. BUS TRIP to the Wdes National ------Botanical Gardens on Sat 30 June ANTHEMS. This morning's anthem is "0 sons and will St Edwal.dts at 9,30am and leave the Gardens daughters" by Walford Dnvies. At Evensang the introit at 5pm, Cost of bus fare and entry to the Gardens is is "Casl thy burden upon the Lord' from Merrdelssthn's f12 per All profits go towards Katherine oratorio Elijah, and the anthem is "The Bay is Past and Holifield and to The Gambia. Overnby Christopher Marks. Contact 'Tricia to book seats 'B20-488796 or Parish THE GUILD OF ST SLLTIBD fosters vocations to the Office. Christian life, and hapeft.d!y to the ordaincrd ministry, TNZ~8ERViGES. Next service: 23 May. amongsit 14-27 year olds. f he Guild meets on Saturday, loam-J.30pm at Fairwater. Details from Rev. Nigel CHOIR (LIUTlNG. Sat 7 July. The bus is now full. Prices: Cahill '8t2.0-562551. choir children free, choir aclulas 8 other children 524.50, other adults E9. COFFEE MORMfNG at Roath Church House on Saturday, 10.30-1:2.00. 'Tl?e purpose of the coffee ST EBW~IRID'S&erN DAY rs on Sat d4 ~uly. morning is to enable people to see ali the work carried FOR YQUR DIARY. Sat 19 May. Roath Church House Spring Fayre. out in Roath Church House, and to say thank you ftw all Sat 9 Juna. St Edward's Gift Day. Sat 16 June. Visit to Meidrim. the support given. Free admission. Sat 14 July. St Edward's Fun Bay. SONGS PRR~SEis at st ~d~~~di~at PAINTERS NEEDED. Volunteers needed to prepare and paint the railings aro~~ndRoath Church House. Painting session 10 00-12.30on 6.3h)pm next Sunday Saturday, also any evenings when you may have some free time lo help wrth this work. Contact Bnan Shapcott P20-736455. QUIET [PAY on Llyn Aberdarctrt and Lianfaelrkys, or1 Mcm 30 Apr Speaker: Rev Evelyn Uavies; tl~eme:Refledirtg on the PARllSH C:LERGY. RokdEvans P20-484808 Wtrnlstry of Healtng and Rsconuliatiol?. If you wr!ih to attend, Andrew James 4m-600 please contact Rei/ Evelyn C)avies for a Quiet Days Booking They am ,watlable to minister to the needs offhe sfck and dyfng. 73e Form. s~ckand housebound n~ayrecefve Hoiy Communron at home For the Email: StHgr\~dynParishBffice@~; Sacramenfs of Healfng nnd Confessfon speak to the clergy 11.00 am Sung Eucharist, Sermon and S~~ndaySchool Celebrant & Preacher: Fr Ken Marfir) Hymns: 64& '133, You laid asidle your rn JesQ (slheet 361, Anthem, Rec.: WRllP). Setting. Agufrter. Agnus Dei: Noi-man Doe. Anthem: Lo Rc~undthe Throne (Ley). 6.36 pm Parish Songs of Praise. Qfficiant: Fr Ken Matfin. In the world-wide Church we pray today for Pr~v~irrceWiili af the Episcagal Church of the USA (!Nest and Aacific) and Pm8;ident Joyce McCennell Mle pray for an end to fighting in the Middle East, end for the success of the Egyptian-Jordanian peace initiative. We pray for our farmers, anci all who ere suffering as a result of the fwt-end- mouth epidemic. In this diocese we pray for the Rural Deanery of Neath, and Canon Peter Railkes (Rural Dean), one time prrest at St Edward'!;. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Janet Munday, Gwendoline Hopkins, John Warren, Keith Jobbins, Lucy Fiori, Jshn Saitchell. We pray for tt-I@ repose of the souls of the faithful departed, especiaify MiaJames, wha died last week. TICIS WEEK PARISH VE8'fRY is in Roath Church I House on Monday at 7.30pm. This is aI Monday 30th 7.30 pm Parish Vastly ~eeting.Roath Church House. everyone is ws~lcometo atfend. Tuerdey SS Philip & James, Plpastles P* May 7-00pm ST PHIUP'S PATRqPEfAL EUCHARIST.St Ph7'f~'~_p_.__~ -- 14 Wednesdey 10.00 am HOLY EUCHARIST. F'ollowed by coffee. ST PHILIP5 SPARONAL FESTlVAL isi at 7pm on 'Ttlesday. Please support our 2nd 11 .OO am St Edward's Strina Orchestra Practice. 12.30 pm Roath Church ~ocse1-uncheon Club. friends in St Philip't; on their special 2.00 pm St Edward's Chamber Music Group Practice. day. There will be no 1 Oam Eucharist in 2.00 prn S~?njorCitizens. Roath Church House. Sf Phiiip's or 7pm Eucharist in St Anne's on that day. 4.45 pm Junior Confirmation Class. Roath Church HOW:^^. L_---- Thrrsdar 300 am ~olyEucharist. St Anne's, (JUNIORCONFIRMATITIONC!...kiSS resumes on Wednesday. 3rd 6.30 pm Junior Choir Practice. ADULT CONF tRMATleSN 7.00 pm Older members of Junior Choir/Wor&ip vicar as soon 7.30 pm Full Choir Practice. Friday 4th 7.00 pm St Anne's Beetle Drive dk Faggots & Peas Supper. Roath Churci? House. sa2urday 52h 9.00 am Holy Eucharist. Sf Ahlgaret's. St Mark's Gospel 4 0.30 am St Edward's open for prayer. Evensong this 7.30 pm Cardiff Bad1 Choir & Clrchestra. Llandaff Cathedral. -1- PBfewk Swnday is The Fourth Sunday of Eatste!r. The Holy Euchaflst will be celebrated in St Edward's at Ilam, the Sunday School will meet at Ilam, coffee w111 be served in the vestry after the Eucharist, the Sunday School line of coins will be continued, and the 1OD Club Draw will take place. Evensong will be sung at S.30prn.

ANTHEM. This morning's anthem is "1-0, Round the Throne a Glorious Band", metody by N.Herman (1560), words (based on this morning's reading from Revelation) by Rowland Hill (1744-1833), arranged by Henry G. Ley. BEETLE DRIVE & FAGGOTS a PEAS SUPPER organised by St Anne's at Roath Church House on Friday at 7pm. f3 per person. Contact Carole Collett dP20-2587:33. TIME FOR CONTEMPbATlOM AND SILENT PW4YER. St Edwards will be open for prayer on Sat~sday,I0.30am-12 noon. Everyone is welcome to come in anci say a prayer or sit quietly far a short period. If you are willing to share in the responsibility of looking aRer the ctlurch for l~elfan hour or so, please have a word with Fred Waite. CARDIFF BACH CHOIR & ORCHESTRA perform Bach's Cantata No.67 & Brandenburg Concerto No.3 and BI-ahms' Requiem at Uandraff Cathedral on Saturday at 7 2+0pm.Tickets f7.50/£5 P20-766589. Internet: http:Nroi%th.muitiservers,cam/StEdward/ Email: [email protected] PARISH SONGS OF PRAISE is at St Edward's at your own lunch - tea & coffee provided. Donations 6.30pm today. The hymns and songs chosen for the invited. service are: SUMMER EUCHARIST Br BARBECUE organised by Be still for the presence of the Lord the Diocesan Youth Committee, on Sat 2 June at 2pm in Angel voices the grounds of St Margaret's Church, Aberarnan The Servant King (Aberdare). Details from Fr 0 Lord, all the world belongs to you Dean Atkins f 01685472871. All creatures of our God and King Holy, Hoiy, Holy, Lord God Almighty PEPII'I"EC:OST. There wiif be

I Jesus I have promised the usual Ecumenical Service Were I arn, lord in Waterloo Gardens on Sun 3 Arnaz~ngGrace June at :3pm, organised by our Lord for the years local Cyl.un. Sing it in the valleys. Jubilate Everybody GIFT I[PA'UTis on Sat 9 June. €ASTER COMMUNICANTS. There were 91 MHDRIM if YOU are C~ZU~ conimur~icantsat St Edwarcl's on Easter morning -. the interested in coming to iargest total for an E:aster service for over 20 years. Meidrim (west of Carmarthen, near St Clears) on Sat 16 June, when the choir will be singing a service as part of MISS16N 1MPOSSIBbEiF A day conference on their "ARCH" week (the Arts and the Church), please evangelism with N~cky& Pippa Gumbel at tile Pavilion have a utc~rdwith Tricia or Aian Conference Centre, Llandrindod VVells, on Sat 12 May. Advance booking is essential: SO1558-822421. USPG TERCENTENARY. Haydn's "Nelson hlass" will be performed by FESTIVAL SERVICE to mark the St Edward's Choir and Orchestra in Tercentenary of USPG at LIandaff the contexk of a celebration of the Cathedral on Sunday 13 May at 6.3t)prn. Holy Eucharist on Fri 22 June at Preacher: Bishop Mano Ftumalshah. 7.30pm. This is our event to Musicians are invited to form an celebrate the USF'G Tercentenary, . orchestra to accompany the hymns and there will be a coilection for the (practrce on the day at 4.30pm). Singers work of USPG (no admission are invited to lead the hymns and sing charge). 105. Haw Rutter's "The Lord Bless Yau and Keep You" - practice BUS TRlP to the Wales National Botanical Gardens on 5.45pm. St Edward's Choir will be taking part - everyone is ~nvited1.0 the servlce. Sat 30 June will leave St Edward's at 9.30am and leave the Gardens at 5pm. Cost of bus fare and entry to the SBWNG FAYRE at Roath Church House on Sat 19 May Gardens is £12 per persan. Ail profits go towards 11am-1 pm. Coffee & lunches. White elephant, books, Katherine Hoiifielci and f'im Leonard's visit to The plants, cakes, groceries, bottle stall, bran tub and more. Gambia. Contact Tricia to book seats P20-488796 or This is a parish event, and support is needed to run and Parish Ctff'ice. help on various stalls. Please contact Gill Day "6%20- 495496. CHOIR ~3tdTlNG.Sat 7 July. The bus is now full. Prices: choir children free, choir adu{ts & other children £4.50, MOUTH LEADER IWfNING DAY at Tongwynlais other adults E9. Church Hall, Sat 18 May, with Nigel James (Big Ideas). ST EDWfARD'S FUN DAY is an Sat 14 July. It would be good ~f someone from St Edward's could attend -. details from Alan or Heather. PAINTERS NEEDED. Volunteers needed to prepare VEILtMOWE H68P6SmALAnnual Service of Thanksgiving and pain1 the railings aroirnd Roath Church House. is in e)~ltpatientsReception on Tue 22 May at 7.30pm Painting session 10.00-12.30 m Saturday, also any St Edwzird's Choir has beert invited ta contribute to the evenings when you may have some free time to hetp with this work Contact Brian Shapcott 920-736455. service - ~fyou are able to come, plesse let Alan know. Space is a bit limited1 TRICDA AND WIN would like to thank everyone for their prayers, good wishes and cards while Win has been in PAE~SERViCES take place at Sk Edwz~rd's every hospital. She is now maklng a good recovery at home. other month on Wednesdays at 7.30pm. Next service: 23 May. WEtCORJiE. We extend a warm welcome to all visitors and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of FLOWER FESTIVAL at SL Cattwg's Church, Llanrnaes, the sidesmen if you are new with us. 26-27 May, 1Oam-t3pm. Admission E2. Festival closes on the Sunday with Chorai Elvensang by Cantorion IlHud PARISH CLERGY. Robert Evans (Vicar) 'Pb204W8 at 6.30prn. Andrew Jaws %#20460%00 DROP lNTO Q'IBIIFTNESS at Llarigasky Retreat House They ans available to minister to the needs of the sick on Mon 28 May. No programme - just e time to be still. and dylng. The sick and housebound may receive Holy Starts loam and ends 4prn, but drop in any time. Bring Cornmun~onat home. For the Sacraments of Healing and C~rrr'tlss~onspeak fo the c/ergy. 11 00 am Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Celebrant 81 Preacher. Fr Andrew jamesW. - Hymns. 397, 255, All; Heaven f3sclares (sheet 281, Anthem, Rec.: 46"$gMP) Anthein Tkt?Lord is my Shepherd gl(Wutte4 SSefring REicholson Agnus Dei Norman Doe. 6.30 pm Evensong. Officiant: Fr Andrew James. Preacher: Fr Ken Mafin. Introit. From the Wising of the Sun. Psalms 113, 114. Hymns: 133, iqnthern: He is Rsen (Cope], Rejoice! (s4;aaeet 401, 137 Magnif~cat8 Nunc Dirnittis: A.Sc~men/el/m F. Readings Isaiah 63,7-44. Luke 24,36-49 In the world-wide Church we cont~nueto pray today for Province Vlltl of the Episcopal Churctl of the USA. We pray for an end to the fighting in the Middle East. We pray for our farmers, and :all who are suffering as a result of the foot-and-mouth epidemic. In this drocese we pray for Ty Telto Retreat Centre, and Peter and Tyaran bf?orsard. We pray for the s~ck,rememrbertng especially ,lainst Munday, G~tendolineHopkins, John Warren, Keith Jobbins, Lucy Fiori, John Satchell, Nick Souriis. We pray for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed. ------SMIS WEEK rALPHA COURSE. There is Course at St Edward's th~s week. The Redecoration of St IIdward's begins members of the curreni group have a day I-loly Euchar~stSf F'hdp's retreat at Ty hAawr ~n Monmouth Details tloly Euchar~stSt Anne's. Wednesday 10.00 am NO EUCHARIST KT ST EDWARD'S. 9th 10.30 am Discussion Group (3 Newm~nsferRoad On VVednesday at 7 30pm, Ph~l 12.30 pm Ftoath Church House Luncheon Club Bramall fforn Tra~dcraft and 2.00 pm Senlor Citizens Roafh Church House Elun~!dJane:, from Christian Aid 4.45 pm Jun~orConf~rmation Class. Roath Ch~dlchHoilse will be speak~ngabout the~rwork 7.30 pm Parish Prayer Group Sf Margaret's at Roath Park URC (Penywain 7.30 pm TraldcraWChrrstfan Piid Roafh Park Ul?C, stall and Chrrst~anAI~ ccrllectron f-ioiy Eucharist. Sf Anne's Junior Choir Practrc.e ---- Worsh~pGroup Full Cho~rPracttce COFFEE MQRNIPBtG In St Anne's Iiall on Saturday, I lam to Ipm Home kioly Eucharist Sf fi4argaref's made cakes, whrte elephant, raffle St Anne's Wives Coffee Morning Sf Anne's Hal/ Adrn~ssion75p inc coffee & cake Chairs to be moved back into nave ---.....- Mext S~ndsy1s The Fifah Sunday of Easter. The #sly Eucharist w~llbe celebrated in St Edward's at Ilatn, the Supliday Schsl will meet at Ilam, and Evensorig will be said at 6 30pm The choir wfll take part rn the USPG Fkstivaf Service at L landaff Cathedral at 6 3Opm (practice 5 45 pm) COFFEE will be served in the vestry affer the Elucharist this morhiing, and the draw for the 100 Cfub will take place Newcomers In particular are very welcome to join us. 'The Sunday School and Junior Choir w~llcontinue the line of coins - please glve them yciur suppoit. ANTHEMS This rnorn~ng'santhem is the settrng of Psalm 23 from John Rutter's Requiern The rntroit at Evensong is "From the nsing of the sunJ',based on Psalni 113, and the anthem IS "He is R~sen"by Cecil Cope. BIBLE STUDY continues after Evensong this evening at 7 30pm. Last week we comp'reted our study of St Mark's Gospel, and this evening we are starting the Acts of the Apostles. New rnembers are always welcome. PARISH SONGS OF PRAISE. Our thanks ta the young musicians wl?o led our worship last week, especially the worship group who performed together for the first time Internet: http:llrt~ath.multise~~~~~.~~mt'StEd~ar~Ernail: [email protected] ST EDWARD'S CHURCH is being redecorated this Bishop David. Refreshments in the hall after the week - chancel walls, nave walls, nave ceiirng. The service. painters wrll be in from Tue!$day to Friday, sr:, the Wed SUMMER EUCHAlilST 8 BARBECUE organised by Eucharist has been canmlted. Choir practice wili go the Diocesan Youfh Committee, on Sat 2 June at 2pm in ahead (in the vestry if necessary). We need volunteers the grounds of St Margaret's Church, Aberaman (a) to healp to move most of the chairs out of the nave (Aberdare). Details from F'r Dean Atkins 401685- into the Schoolroom after the Eucharist this morning, (b) 872871. to move the rest of the chairs after Evensong; (c) to clean next Safurday; (d) to move the charrs back in at PENTECOSTAL SflMDAY LUNCH at St Anne's Hall on 6pm nexT Saturday. Volunteers to clean, please speak Sun 3 ,Jurre at 12.45pm. Three course lunch £5 inc. a to Mrs Megan Martin. Chair movers -just turn up! glass of wine. Places limited. Contact Carol Collett TENQVtdS CQbbEICTlON DAY is this Saturday. P20-258733 or Sharon Gregory 420-403954. Voluntee!rs are needed ta "rattle" tins at the Central PENTECOST. There will be the usual Ecumenrcal Railway Station. Contact Pam Phili~pou920-'752809. Service in Waterloo Gardens on Sun 3 June at 3pm, organised by our local Cytun MiSSiQN IMPOSSIBLE? A day conference on evangelism with Nicky & Pippa Gilrnbel at the Pavilion USPG TERCENTENARY t-laydn's "Nelson Mass" wili Conferer~ceCentre, Llandrindod Wells, on Saturday. be performed by St Edward's Choir and Orchestra In the Advance booking is essential: 8015!58-822421. context ctf a celebration of the Holy Eucharist on Fri 22 CHRISTIAN A18 WEEK begins next S~rndayWe have June at 7.30pm. Thrs is our event to celebrate the about 10 roads to cover, and volunteers are needed for USPG 'Tercentenary, and there wili be a collect~onfor the work of USPG (no admis!;ion charge) each of i.hem. If you are willing to deliver and collect the envelopes for a road, please have a word with Mrs BUS %RIB to the Wales National Botanical Gardens on Megan Martin today Sat 30 June will leave St Edward's at 9.30am and leave FESTIVAL SERVfCE to mark the Tercentenary of the Gardens at 5pm. Cost of bus fare and entry to the Gardens is El2 per person. All profits go towards USPG at Llandaff Cathedral next Sunday at 6.30pm. Preacher. Bishop Mano Rumalshah. Musicians are Katherine Holifieid end Tim Leonard's visit to The Gambla. Contact Tricia to book seats 8120-488796 or invited to form an orchestra to accompany the hymns Parish Office. (practice! on the day at 4.30pm) Singers are invited to lead the hymns and sfng Ruiter's "The Lord Bless You FOR YOUR MARY. and Keep You" - practice 5.45pm. !St Edward's Choir will Sat 9 June. St Edward's Gift Day. be taking part - everyone is invited to the service. Fri 15 June. St Edward's Committee meeting. Evensorlg will be said at 6.30pm In St Edward's. Sat 16 June. Visit to Meidrim. COMPLllNE. Next service: 17 May Sat 7 July Choir Outing. Sat 14 July. St Edward's Fun Day. SPWNG FAYRE at Roath Church J-louse on Sat 19 May GONGMTULATIONS to CI-larlotte Evans who won the Il am-I pm. Coffee & lunches. White elephslnt, books, plants, c.akes, groceries, bottle stall, bran tub and more. Speech ikard at the Sony Awards (the "Radio Oscars") This is a parish event, and support is needed to run and this week. Her Radio Wales programme "Girl Talk beat help on various stalls. Please contact Gill Day W20- 86 other entries and a short list including Woman's 495496 Hour and the arts programme "Front Ro\id' to the award. VEL-INDRE HOSPITAL Anl-lual Service of Thanksgrvrng PAINTEQ?!SNEEDED. Volunteers needed to prepare and paint the railings around Roath Church House. 1s iri Outpatrents Receptio~ion Tue 22 May st 7 3Ctpm St Edward's Choir has been ~nv~tedto contrrblats to the Painting session ?O.QO-12.30 on Saturday, also any servrce -- rf you are able to come, please let Alan know evenings; when you may have some free time to help f Space rs a brt ltm~tecfl with this work. Contact Brian Shapcott 20-736455. TARZ~?SERWCES. Next services: 23 May, 4 July SlTUA1I'IBNS VACANT. Meurig and Sue Oxenham wish to retire as Parish Treasurer and Parish Covenant PARISH ASCENSION DAY EUCHARIST on Thur 24 Secretary respectively. Anyone willing to take on either May, 7 30pm in St iblargarel's. A!I choirs are inv~tedto responsibility, please contact them asap. robe. ROAPH CHURCH HOUSE BOOKINGS. Any church DROP IEVTQ QUIETNESS at tlangasty Retreat Wause members;lorganisat~onrequiring use of any facilities are an laon 28 May. No progranime -just a time to be still. asked to contact the Parish Office to check availability. Star-ts loam and ends 4pm, but drop in any time. Bring This applies to the use of upper rooms and kitchen as your own lunch - tea & coffee provided. Donations well as the hall. Cllurch House is becoming a popular invi1:ed. venue for all sorts of events. ST ANNE'S TWANKSGlVltMG SER.VICE for the ADULT CONFIRMATION CANDIDATES please grve restoration of the Church, at 7.30pm on Thur 31 May. names to the Vicar as soon its possible. The celebrant will t?e Bishop Barry, and the preacher If the services of a priest are required, please contact: Fr Andrew James '%iB20-460600. Weekly Newsletter Hu. 1302 Sun~day,;9.p Ma.& 2Cb07 11.OO am Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Celebrant & Preacher: Fr Ken Marfjn. Hymns: 368,217, % 37Y MP), Antisem: The HoIy City $S;ferphenWdzams), Bee: 208f MP). Setting: Nicholson. Agnus Dei: hiorman Doe. 6.30 prn At St Edward's: Said Evensong. Qfficrant: Fr Ken Marfin. At UandaH Cathedral: Festival Service to mark the '18rc:entenary of USPG. Preacher: B~shopMa17o Ruma/si?ah(General Secretary, USPG) Anthem: The? Lord Bless You and Keep You (Rutter). In the world-wide Church we contlnua to pray Fc~r Province Vlli of the Eipiscepal Chur.clh of the USA. We Isray for an end to the fighting in the Middle East We pray for the victims of ti-re Accra 8poi.e~Sbdiun? tradegy in Ghana last Wednesday. We pray for our farrners, and all who are suffering as ;a result af the foot-and-msu% epidemic. In this diocese we pray for the Rural Beanery of Pontyppidd, and Fa M~!lvilteJones fRural Dean). We pray for FP Haydn Simon, who w~llbe iliducted as Vicar of Pentre, St Peter, on Monday, and Canon Derek Belcher, who will be inducted as Rector of the R~rctorialBenefice of (:owbridge an Tuesday. \Ne pray for the srck, remembering especially Janet Munday, Gwendoiinta Hopkins, John VViamn, Keith Jobbins, LUCYFi~ri, John %8t~heill,Nick Sourlis. We pray for the repose of the souls of the faithful dq3arted. especially Ea~w$iLewis Daviss and Francis Digby FEiddeg, whose anniversaries occur at this trme ICUR~~~"%"HA$%) WEEK St Edward's Orchestra Practice. EE&GgkeGrkthe I-loly Eucharist. SfF'hilip's. of USPG at Llandaff Cathedral today at I-loiy Eucharist. St Anne's. 6.30pm. Preacher: Bishop Mano Rumalshah. ALPHA COURSE. St Edward's Choir is taking part and \n/lll meet at St Edward's at 5pm to attend the pr:%tice at kIOQY EUCHARIST'. Followed by coffee. ,hlandaff at 5 45pm -. everyone is rnvited to the Uiscussior~Group. 6 Newminster Road. (service. Evensong will be said at 6.:10pm in St Edward's Strjna Orchestra Practice. !St Edward's. Ftoath Church ~&seI-uncheon Club. St Edward's Chamber Music Group a talk .'what Almut the hienlor Cltrzens. Roath Church House. Junior Confirmation Class. Church Parish Prayer Group. St Msrgraref's. Holy Eucharist. Sf Anne's. 1.- the last of the monastic "hours". - Junior Choir Practice. Church House on Worship Group Practice. I1 am-l pm. Coffee & Iunche!~. White elephant, books, Full Choir Practice. plants, cakes, groceries, bottle? stall, bran tub and mt3re. COMPLINE. This is a garish event, and support is needed to run and help on various stalls. Donations are? needed including t'oly St flhsrgaret8. cakes, botties. Please contact Fqoath Church House Fayre. ---- Ne~ts~ndey is Rogatiorl Sunday The Holly Eucharist will be ce:elebrated in 59 Edward's at Ilam, the Suncday School will meet at II am, and IEvensong will be sung at 6.30pm BEC8W"aON OF ST EDWARD'S. Our thanks to those who helped moving chairs, cleaning etc. Rather a lot of disruption this week - but the result I:; well worth it! SlTUAnOMS VACANT. Meurig and Sue Oxenham wish to refire as Pamsh Treasurer anct (Parish Covenant 89cretary respectively. Anyone willing to take on either re:;ponsibility, please ccrntact them asap. ADULT CONFIRMATION CANDIDA'ES please give names to the Vicar as soon as possible. Internet: http://roath.multisewer~.~0m/StEd~ar~1~ EIrnaif : StEdwardQChristian. hm d

TAIZ~SERVICES take place at St Edward's every - - other mtttun Wednesdays at 7.30pm. Next services Christian' &id 23 My,4 July. We betieve in .life before death PARISH ASCEIWON DAY EUCHAMST on Thw 24 May, 7.30pm in St Margaret's. All choirs are invited to CHWSTM ND WEEK begins tcxiay. We have about robe. 10 roads to cover, and we have volunteers for most of EUROPEAN FUNDING. Much of the Objective 2 and 3 them, but hreare some areas not covered by other European money has been earmarked for social churches - if you are willing to deliver and collect the projects, and could be available to churches. There is envelopes for a road, please have a word with Mrs an afternoon conference (with lunch) entitled Megan Martin today. "Navigating the Funding Maze" an fri 25 May, 12 noon CHfUSMAN ADPRAYER to 4pm at Tborntiill Church. It would be useful if We stand before you, Lord, with hands wide open, St Edwards were represented. Please speak to Heather ready to receive you. We bring before you, Lord, our or Alan if you can go. modest gRs, like tiny seeds, not knowing what fruits ST ANNE'S THMlKSGlWNG SERVICE for the you may bn'ng out of them. We wait b&re you, Lofa', restoration of the Church, at 7.3Dpm on Thw 31 May. asking that our hands and gifas, omred in your service, The celebrant will be Bishop Barry, and the preacher wid make a cfi&r#ce to the world beyond aAl our Bishop David. Refreshmerits in the hall after the imaginjngs. ln the name of Jesus, who once was service. weak and now is exalfed Amen PENTECOST. There will be the usual Ecumenical SPONWR A EmLf FOR WWSftGH Scm. Service in Waterloo Gardens an Sun 3 June at am, The RE department is desperate for some new bibles, organised by our local Cytun. as the ones they have are wom out. They need about 30 hard backed bibles, so I am asking for sponsorship USPG TERCENTENARY. Haydn's "Nelson Massn will of a bible. Each bible will cost flO. St Anne's has be performed by St Edward's Choir and Orchestra in the donated f 100, so we need 20 mre sponsors. There is conbe& of a celebration of the Holy Eucharist on Fri 22 a form on the noticeboard. Fr Andrew. June at 7.30pm. This is our event to ceiekate the USPG Tercentenary, and there will be a collection for ANTHEMS. This momjng the choir will sing Stephen the work of USPG (no admission charge). Adams well-known anthem "The Holy City", words by E.E.Weatherly, based on this morning's reading from BUS TRIP to the Wales National Botanical Gardens on Revelation. Evensong is said at St Edward's, because Saf 30 dune will hveSf Edward's at 9.30am and leave the choir will join choirs from around the diocese at the Gardens at 5pm. Cost of bus fare and entry to the Llandaff Cathedral. They wili sing John RuQer's setting Gardens is El2 per person. A!! money to Tricia by 10 of "The Lord Bless You and Keep You". June, please. BIBLE STUDY. There will be no meeting this week, FOR YOUR DIARY. because of the festival Service & Umdaff Cathedral.. Sat 9 June. St Edward's Gift Day. Fri 15 June. St Edward's Committee meeting. YOUTH LEADER TRAINING DAY at Tongwyniais Sat 16 June. Visit to Meidrim. Church Hall on Saturday, with Nigel James (Big Ideas). Sat 7 Juty. Choir Outing. It would be good if someone from St Edward's could Sat 14 July. St Edward's Fun Day. attend - details from Alan or Heather. PAlNTEHS NE€ED. Vdunteers needed to prepare LUNDAFF DIOCESAN MEN'S FELLOWS+#? have a and paint the railings around Ruath Church Nause. pilgrimage to Shrewsbury Abbey on Saturday. Painting session 10.00-12.30 on Saturday, also any VILLAGE PRAISE. The One Hundredth Village Praise evenings when you may have some free time to help takes place at St Illtud's Church, Llantwit Major, on Mon with this work. Contact Brian Shapcott P20-736455. 21 May at 7.30pm when the preacher be Bishop TPOATb3 CHWCH HOUSE BCXWNGS. Any church David Thomas, Provinciaf Assistant Bishop. Wflage memberd~~ganisationrequiring use of any facidities are Praise is a monthly gathering for worship in one of the asked to mtad the Parish Office to check availability. village churches of the Vale of Glamorgan, and the first This applies to the use of upper rooms and kitchen as one was held on Mon 25 Jan 1993, replacing the well as the hall. Church House is becoming a popular previous series of Diocesan Taize services (our own bi- venue for ail sorts of events. monthly Tairb servir~swe started shortly afferwards). WELCOME. We extend a warm welcome to all visitors VELfNDRE HOSPITAL Annual Service of Thanksgiving and wwcmwrs. Please make youfdf kmvm to ana d is in Outpatients Reception on Tue 22 May at 7.30pm. the sidesmen if you are new with us. St Edward's Choir has been invited to contribute to the service - if you are able to come, please let Alan know. PARISH CLERGY. Robe+&Ev-~ (Uiir) 420484808 andrew~f20~ Space is a .bbi limited! They are available to minister to fhe needs ofth'e sick and dying. The sick and housebound may rewjve Holy Communion at home. For *e Sacramenis of%afir/g and Confession speak to the detgy- . , , . rx,, 11.00 am Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Celebrant & Preacher: Fr Andrew James. Hymns: 607,258, 52(MP), Anthem: Psalm 67 [ftfoman Doel), Rec.: 205. Setting: Nict~olson.Agnus Dei: Alarman Doe. 6.30 pm Evensong. Officiant Fr Ken Marfin. introit: Creation's Hymn (Beethoven). Psalms 126, 127. Hymns: 144, ~Qntkern:The Heavens Are Telling (HaycBn), 20 Magnificat 8, Nunc Dimittis: A. 2;c;rrnenreIlin F. Readings: Zephaniah 3, 14-20, Mafthew 28, 4-10 & f 6-20.

In the world-wide Church we pray totlay for the Anglican Church it1 Mexico, and Archbishop Samuel Espinora. We pray for an end to the fighting in the Middle East. We pray for our farmers, arid all who are suffering as a result of the foot-sad-mouth epidemic. Bn this diocese we pray for the Diocesan Patronage Board. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Janet Wlunday, Gwetadoline Hopkins, John Warren, Keith dobbins, Lucy Fiori, John Satchel!, Nick Sourlis. We pray for the repose of the souls of the fiaithf~tdeparted, especially Bill Scobie and Morgan William Rees Morgan, whos,e anniversaries occur at this time. ...-- ~LAG&PRAISE. The One ~undredthl HMIS WEEK 1 village Praise takes place at ~t ~~~tud's Cliurch, Llantwit Major, on Monday at St Edward's Orchestra Practice. 7.30pm when the preacher will be Bishop \ifillage Praise. St 1IlLud's Church, Lfanfinit Major. David Thornas, Provinciaj hssistant P~dult Choir Practice. 8 Newn7insfer Road. Bishop, Village Praise is a monthly gathering for worship in one of the village Holy Eucharist. St Fyhi/ip's. churches of the Vale of Glamorgan, and I-loly Eucharist. St Ar;ne"s. the first one was held on Mon 25 .Ian Service of Thanksgiving. Velindre Hospital. 1993, the previoussc3ries of HOLY EUCHARIST'. Followed by coffee. Diocesarl Taime services (our own bi- C)iscussiori Group. 6 Newminsfer Road. monthly Tai;rB services were started St Edward's String Orchestra Practice. shortly afterwards). Roath Church House Luncheon Club. VELHNDRE HBiSPITAL Annual Service of St Edward's Chamber Music Group Practice. Thanksgiving i!; in Outpatients Reception Senior Citizens. Roar'h Church House. on Tuesday at 7.30pm. St Edward's Choir Junior Cor~firmationClass. Church House.-- ]has----- been invited to sing three items. TAIZ~SERVICE. [TAB& SERVllCE at St Edward's 017 Wednesday of this week P~scensior~Day at 7.30pm. Musicians meet at 6 30pm. All welcome. Next kloly Eucharist. Sf Anne's. Lservice:------4 July Jun~orChoir & Wor:ship Group Practice. PARISH EUCHARIST on Thurs, F'AWsW A,scEWsIoN DAY EuCHBWsT. St Margaret's.r--- 7 30pni in st Margaret's. our Junior Choir and Worship Group Pridca y 4 2.00 noon European Funding Conference. Thornl?illChurch. will practice at 6.30pm. Adults 25th 7.30pm Parish Strategy Group. Roath Church fiouse. Imeet at 7.15 to collect robes and 1 SafurAay 261.h 9.00 am Holy Eucharist. St A4;srgaref1s. ked--- to St Margaret's. I Ned S~ndtayis The Seventh Sunday of Easter (the Sundily After Ascension). 1-he Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward':; at I 1am, the Sunday School will mcaet at I1 am, and Ewsnssmg will be sung at 6.30pm. EUROPEAN FUNDIING. Much of the Objective 2 and 3 European money has been earmarked for social projects, and could be available to churct~es.There is an aftel-rroon conference (with lunch) entitled "Navigating the Funding Mazen on Friday, 12 noon to 4pm at. Thornhill Church. It would be useful ~fSt Edward's were represented. Please speak to Heather or Alan if you can go. PARISH STRATEGY GROblP meets on Friday at 7.30pm in Roath Church House. internet: http:llroath.multisen/ers,mm/StEdwardl Email: S%[email protected] ST ANNE'S COFFEE MORNING at I lam on Sat 2 June in St Anne's Hall. PENTECCSTAL SIJNDAY LUNCH at St Anne's Hall on Sun 3 Jurre at f2.45pm. Three course lunch E5 inc. a glass of wine. Cold 'meats, salad (veg, alternative). Places lintited. Contact Carol Collett 920-258733 or Sharon Gregory %B:20..40395.4. PENTIECCIST. There will be the usual Ecumenical Service In Waterloo Garderrs on Sun 3 June at 3pm, organised by our local Cytun. FASHIOIV SHOW on Fri ?5 June, 7.30pm in Roath Church Mouse. Admission £2, inc, raffle tickets. Clothes cxln be purchased after show. Contact Pat Hyett 420-47'1247 or Gill Day 420-495496. COMPLINE. Next services: :28 June, 19 July. ST EDWARD'S FUN DAY is on Sat 14 July. FOR YOUR DIARY. Sat 9 June. St Edward's Gift Day. Fri 15 June. St Edward's Cornrnittee meeting. Sat 16 Jwle. Visit to Meidrim. Fri 22 June. 7.30pm Haydn's Nelson Mass. Sat 30 June. Bus Trip to Botanical Gardens. Sat 7 July. Choir Outing. Sat 14 .ltdy. St Edward's Fun Day. CHRlSTIlAN AID WEEK. Our thanks to those who deliverecf and coliersted the envelopes. OU'PWEI4t:H. This week the children have been busy. Alice Berry has raised El13 for the Blue Peter Bike-a- Archbishop Carey's visit tcs St Ecfward's. thon (for L.eukaemia Research), and Edward Doe raised ANTWElWS. At the E!ucharis:t, the anthem is a setting by £100 far Sf Peter's Rugt~y Club (penalty kicking Norman Doe of this rnornir~g'spsalm, which is Psalm competition). Well done, both of you. 67: Goti Be Merciful Unto tJs. At Evensong we are USPG FESTIVAL SERVICE:. Members of St Edward's marking Rogation Sunday by singing the introit Choir joined others from all around the diocese last "Creation's Hymn" by Beethoven, and the anthem ''The week for a most enjoyable celebration of the Heavens are Telling" from !iaydnls oratorio "(:reation". Tercentenarv of USPG at Llandaff Cathedral. We have received a -letter of thanks from Fr Philip for our Our of the Acts of the A~o'tles continues after Evensong this evening. We have just conf.rjbu(,jcln, expressing the hope that there wil be future occasions on which members of the choir can started Acts, and we will be very pleased to welcome anyone who may like to join us. take part in similar Cathedral events. PAIMTIER:S-NEEDED. Volunteers needed to prepare and paint ALPHA COURSE takes a break this week because of the rail in!^^ around Roath Church House. Painting session the Service at Velindre Hospital. 10.00-12.30 on Saturday, also any evenings when you may FLOWER FESTIVAL at Sf. Cattwg's Church, Llanrnaes, have sonic? free time to help with this work. Contact Brian Shapcott 420-736455. 26-27 May, loam-6pm Admission f2 Festival closes on Ihe Sunday with Choral E:vensong by Cantorion Illfud SIIUATK)NS VACANT. Meurig and Sue Oxenham wish to at E.30pm. retire as Parish Treasurer and Parish Covenant Secretary respedivtrly. Anyone willing to take on either responsibility, SUIVDB'Y SCHOOL. FUN. 'There ~v~llbe a Baroque please contact them asap. Dance LVorkshop w~thPhil~ppa Wgaite at St Edward's on ROATH CHURCH HOUSE BOOKINGS. Any church Thur 31 May, 2-5pn-i. Other activities arld ref~eshrnents, members.lorganisation requiring use of any facilities are asked 5Qp per child. Please give! names kc) Heather P20- to contact the Parish Office to check availability. This applies 214063. to upper rooms and kitchen as well as the hall. Church House is becoming a popular venue for alt sorts of events. ST ANNE'S THANKSGlWlNG SERVICE for the A FOR H,GH SCHOOL The res''oiation Of the Church, at 7.30~mOn 31 RE departrnen$needs new bibles, as the they have he celebrant wlil be ~lsllopBarry, and the preacher out. They neecl about 30 hard backed bibles, so I am B~S~IOPDavid R€?frE?~hmel~fsin th@ hall after the asking tor sponsorship of a bible. Each bible will cost £10. service. St Anne's has donated f 100, so we need 20 more sponsors. There la form on the not~ceboardFr Andrew. The Seventh Sunday 06 Easter (Ascension) Weekly News fetter BVo.7304 Sunday, 2'f' May, 2004 17 .OO am Sung Eucharist, Procession, Sermon and Sunday School. Celebrant & Preacher: Fr Ken Marfin. Hymns: 147 (Proc.), 224, All heaven declares (sh.26), Anthem, Rec.: Great k fke Darkness (sh.24). Anthem: The Victor (Jimmy & Carol Owens). Setting: Nichofson. Agnus 0,ei: Norman Doe. 6 30 pm Evensong. Officiant: Fr Ken Ma,Tfin. Introit: O Praise the Lord (Batfc!nj. Psalm 68. Hymns: 145, Anthemi: The Lord is Exalted (West), 218. Magnificat & Nunc Dirnittis: A.SomerveN in F. Readings: Isaiah 44, 1-8. Ephedans 4,7-16. In the world-wide Church we pray totJay for Province VII of the Episcopal Church of ,the USA (Southwest) and President Wifliam Smalley. We pray for an end to the frghfrng in the Middle East, and we pray for those killed and injured when the banquet hall collapsed in Jerusalem We pray for our farmers, and all who are suffering as a result of the foot-and-mouth epidemic. In this dior:ese we pray for the Rural Deanery of Rhsndda and Fr Peter Coleman (Rural Dean). We pray for the sick, n?member~ngespec~aliy Janet Munday, Gwendoline Hopkins, John Warren, Keith Jobbins, Lucy Fiori, .john Satchell, Nick Sourlis. We pray for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed, especrally Min Knight, whose anniversary occurs at this time. DROP INTO QUIETNESS at Llangasty THlS WEEK rRetreat I-louse on Monday.NOJ programme -just a time to be stik Starts Monday 28th 10.00 am "Drop into QuietnessJ'.Llangasty Retreat Hou:re. I and ends dpm, but drop in any I Tuesday 10.00 am Holy Eucharist. Sf Philip's. time. Bring your own lunch - tea & coffee 29th 7.00 pm Holy Eucharist. St Anne's. Iprovitled. Donations invited. ALPHA COURSE. Wednesday 10.00 am HOLY EUCHARST I~ollowedby coffee, course is on Tuesday at 7 30pm. 30th 10.30 am Discussion Group. 6 /tlewminsfe.eraoad. Can I Make the Most of the 11.00am St Edward's String Orchestra Practice. 12.30 pm Roath Chuich House Luncheon Club. 2.00 prn Sx Edward's Chamber Music Group 2.00 pm Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. 7.30 pm Parrsh Prayer Group. St Margaret's. Thursday 9.00 am No Eucharist at St Anne's. 3ist 2.00 pm Sl~ndaySchool Fun: Dance Workshop. 6.30 pm Jtinior Choir & Worship Group 7.30 pm THANKSGIVING known to one of the sidesmen if you are new Saiurdecy 9.00 am Holy Eucharist. St Margaref's. endaune 10.30 am Slt Edward's Open fbr Prayer -- - 1 1.OO am S1: Anne's Coffee Morrting. St Anne's HaII. 2.00 pm Youth Eucharist & 5a1'becue. Sf Margatet's Church, Aheraman.

Nemt Sunday IS The Day of Pentecost (Whitsunday). The Holy Eucharist wrll be celebrated in St Edward's at I1am, the Sunday School wrll rneet at 11am, coffee wrll be served in the vestry after the Eucharist, the Sunday !School line of coins will be continued, and the 100 Club Draw will take place. The Cytun Service "Pentecost Praise" is at Waterloo Gardens at 3pm, and Parish Evensong wit! be sung at St Anne's at 8.30pm. lrhere will be No Evensong at St Edward's. USPG TERCENTENARY PILGRIMAC;E. Starting today, pilgrims will walk through the Diocese of Birmingham from the United College of the Ascension in Selly Oak to the village of Sheldon, the home of the Revd Dr Thomas Bray, founder of SPG in 1701. On Monday, all the parishes wifl gather in costume, joining with local schools anti other mission organisations for a 1701 theme Market Day at Sheldon. The following morning, a simple service will start the pilgrims on their way to London and the final Tercentenary Service at St F3aul's Cathedral on 15 June. Internet: http://roath.rnultiservers.csm/StEdwarcii Ernail: [email protected] ANTHEMS. At the Eucharist, the anthem "The Victor" St Edwerd's that morning. Light refreshments afterward from Jirnmy & Caral Oweris' musical "The VVitrress". At in Roath Church House. Evensong the introit is the motet "0 Praise tlie Lord" by CARDBF:F: HlGH SCHOOL wilt hold therr end of year Adrian Batten (1591-1637), and the anthem is "The concert at St Edward's on Tue 26 June. Lord is Exalted" by John E. West. COMPLINE. Next services: 28 June, 19 July. BIBLE STUDY. Our study of the Acts of the Apostles TAIZ~ILERWICES. Next service: 4 July. continues after Evensong this evening. We ,will be very pleased to welcome anyone who may like to join us. FOR YalJR DIARY. ST ANNE'S THANKSGIVING SEfWICf:' for the Sat 9 June. St Edward's Gift Day. restoration of the Church, at 7.30pm on Thtasday. The Fri 15 June. St Edward's Committee meeting. celebrant will be Bi!jhop Barry, and the preacher Bishop Sat 16 June. Visit to Meidrini. Fri 22 June. 7.30pm Waydn's Nelson Mass. David. Refreshments in the hall after the service. Sat 30 June. Bus Trip to Botanical Gardens. TIME FOR CONTEMPLATION AND StLENT PRAYER. Sat 7 July. Choir Outing. St Edward's will tle open for prayer on Saturday, Sat 14 July. St Edward's Fun Day. 10.30arn-4 2 noon. Everyone is welconre to come in and THE would like to thank Mrs Megan Martin for say a prayer or sit quietly for a short period. If you are CHOIR willing to share in the responsibility of lookirig after the all her hard work in refurbishing the choir hassocks. church for half an hour or SO, please have a word with PARISH STRATEGY GROUP met last Friday. Several Fred Waite. ideas were put forward to irnprove the way we function ST ANNE'S COFFEE MQRNiNG at I1am on Saturday as a parish, and they will be cansidered at the next in St Anne's Hall. meeting of the PCC. One which we agreed should be impiemet~ted immediately involves a radical SUMMER EUCHARIST EL BAREfECUE organised by reorganisation of communic;ation within the parish. All the Diocesan Youth Committee, on Saturday at 2pm in decisions affecting the churches, formal or informal, the grounds of St Margaret's Church, Aberaman should kte communicated as soon as possible to all the (Aberdare). Details from Fr Dean Atkins B01685- churches. To facilitate this, we are setting up an emaii 87287 1. group with at least one member from each church, who will ensure that. his or her church's plans are PENTECOSTAL SUNDAY LUNCH at St Anne's Hall communicated to the group. The information will then next Sunday at 12.45pm. Three course lunch $3 inc. a be published via notices, newsletters, parish magazine glass of wine. Cold meats, saliird (veg. alternative). etc. The ernail group will be open to all members of the Places limited. Contact Czirvl Collett 420233733 or churches to "listen in" or to help communicate plans. Sharon Greaorv 820-403954. ., . Initially it will be based at the [email protected] PENTECOST. There will be the usual server -. please ernail that isddress if you would like to Ecumenical Servicr? in Wal:erjoo Gardens join the group. next Sunday at 3pm, organised by our CHRISTIAN AID WEEK. We covered most of our roads, and local Cytun. a large percentage of the en\relopes returned had the "Gift GIFT DAY is on Sat 9 June. Aid" sectron filled in, so the tax can be recovered from the IR. A total of f302.98 will go to Christian Aid as a result of FASHION SHOW on Fri 15 June, 7.30pm in Raath St Edward's effort -well done everyone who helped. Church House. Admission £2, inc. raffle tickets. 0UTFEAC:H. The collection at the Taize Sewice goes to Cldhes can be purchased after show. C;ontact Pat Hyett Christian &,idthis month - £28 was given. 420-471247 or Gili Day S20-495496. BUS TRIP to the Wales National Botanical Gardens on Sat 30 CATHEDRAL CHOIR CONCERT at LlandafF Cathedral June will leave St Edward's at 9.30am and leave the Gardens on Fri '15 June at 7.30pm. Programme incltldes at 5pm. Cost of bus fare and entry to the Gardens is El2 per Schuber?'~Mass in G, Vaughan V\r4illiarns'"Five Mystical person. All money to Tricia by 10 June, please. Songs" and Parry's "I Was Glad". Baritone Stephen SPONSOIR A BIBLE FOR WILLOWS HIGH SCHOOL. The Hamnett (formerly of St l:dwardls Choir), Cello Jack RE depaltrnent is desperate for some new bibles, as the ones Furness. Tickets £5 f 20-255123, they have are worn out. They need about 30 hard backed bibles, ei2c:h costing £10. If you have not already signed the PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL meeting has been list on ttx! noticeboard, it is not loo late! brought forward to Wed 20 .lune. PAIRITEF!Si NEEDED. Volunteers needed to prepare and paint USPG 'I^EWCEMTENARY. I-taydn's "Nelson Mass" will the railings around Roath Church Mouse. Painting session 10.00-12.30 on Saturday, also any evenings when you may be performed by St Edward's Choir and Orchestra in the have sorne free timle to help with this work. Contact Brian context of a celebnrtion of the Holy Eucharist on Fri 2% Shapcolt 8k20-736455. June at J.3Opm. This is our event to celebrate the USPG Tercentenary, and there will be a cdtection for ROATH CHURCH HOUSE BOOKtNGS. Any church mernbesiorganisation requiring use of any facilities are asked the work of USPG (no admission charge). to contact the Parish Office to check availability. This applies PAWSHI CONFIRMATION is at 'IQam on Sunday, 24 to the use of upper rooms and kitchen as well as the hall. June in St Margaret's. Thebrewill be no in Church Hause is becoming a popular venue for all sorts of Eucharist events. St

The DEI)BCJ$ Pent8~0st{Whihunday) Weekjy Mewsietfer No. 4305; Sunday, 3rdJune, 2001 11 00 am Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School Ceiebrant & Pn~acber.Fr Andrew James Hymns 258 (Paoe.),233,157, Anthem: 16 Ye hove Me {Caleh Sin~pef),Rec.: 239(MP). Settlng Nicl?olson Agnus Del PJorman Doe 3.00 pm Pentecost Praise. Open-air Senfice at Waterloo Gardens (opposite Roatk Church House). 6.30 pm Parish Evensong at St Anne's. In the world-wide Church we continue to pray today for Province VII of the Episcopai Ch~isrch.of the USA. We pray for an end to the fighting in the Middle East, arrd for the victims of the bomb in Tel Aviv. We prey for the people sf Nepal as they come to terms with the massac:re of their royal family. We pray for our farmers, and all who are suffering as a result of the foot-and-mouth epidemic. We pray for all who will vote in the General Election on Thursday, that they may use! their vote wisely. !Ye pray for ail who will he eleded as Members of Parliament, and for those who will be disappointed. In this diocese we pray for the Fr Phillip Morris (Canon Missioner). We pray for the sick, remembering especially Janet Fblunday, Gwendoiine Hopkina;, John \Warren, Keith Jobbine, Lucy Fiori, John Satchell, Nick Sourlis, Margaret Leu@#. We pray for the repose -----of the souls of the faithful departed, especially Malcolm Jones, whose anniversary occurs at this time. COURSE. On Tuesday 7.30pm we c:clntinue our discussion on ~~~~~ WEEK I Nlake the Most of the Rest of Wednesday, Friday and Saturday are Ember Days ----.-- Monday 4th 7.00pm St Edward's Orchestra Practice. ----- B!BLES FOR Wll-LOWS HIGH Tuesday 10.00 am Holy Eucharist. Sf Philip's. thank you to all who so kindly donated 5Ph 7.00 pm Holy Eucharist. St Anne's. money to purchase bibles for the school. 7.30 pm A,LPHA COURSE. Please pay l.he money to Gwynn Ellis in the kttwo weeks. Wednesday 10.00 am HOLY EUCHARIST. Followed by coffee. -- -- - 6th 10.30 am Discussiorr Group kj Rlewminsfer Road 11.00 am St Edward's String Orchestra Practice. 12 30 pm Roath Church House L-uncheonClub. 2.00 pm St Edward's Chamber Music Group Practice. 2 00 pm Senior Citizens. Roisih Church House. ------Junior Confirmation C:lass. Church House. Parish Prayer Groug). St Margaret's. Mattins at loam Mo:;t of the envelopes Holy Eucharist. St Anne's. have now gone out - please support our Junior Choir Practice. GIW Day Fr Ken will be rn church from Worship Group Practice. 1C)am until 5pm to receive your g~fts.If Full Choir & Orchestra Practice (Nelson Mass). you have not already done so, please GIFT DAY consider drtllrig In one of the Gift Atd Holy Eucherist. St Mar-garet's, forms, !;o that tax can be reclaimed on all NIWTTIMS. St Edwarcl's. Next Sundccy is Trinity Eiunday. The Moly Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edwstrd's at 1 lam, the Sunday School wifl meet at Ilam, and Evensong will be sung at 6.30pm. COFFEE will be served in ttie vestry after the Eucharist this morning, and the draw for the 100 Club wi31 take place. Newcomers in particular are very welcome to jo~nus. The Sunday School and Junior Choir will c:ontinue the line of coins - please give them your support CONGRATULATIONS to Pat and Howard Pelty, who celebrate their Golden V\,Ietld~ngon Monday (4'h June). Our best wishes to them both. BIBLE STUDY. Our study of the Acts of the Apo.stles continues after Parish E~rensong(at 7.45pm) this evening. HAPPY BIRTHDAY. St Edward's Newsletter is 25 years old today. ST EDWARD'S COMMITTEE meets on FPI 15 Juna, bag~i~n~rigwrth a e6:labr atrot? of E-ioly Eucharist at 7pm

FASHION $#+OW on Ti i 15 June, 7 30pm in Roalh Church House Adnltssr~n f%,Inc raffle tickets Ciothes can ba purchwsod aMer sh3w Contact Pal Hyett 420471247 or Gtii Day S;20-495496 GATHEISRAL CHOIR CONCERT at Llandaff Cethsdrai on Fn 15 .iurrc; at 7 3;iT)pm Programme includcs Schuberf's Mass ifL 6,Vnughan Wtlltams' ''Five Mysttcaf Songs" and Part-y's "i Was Glad" BaslP~ne Staphen CQNGHhATUbATiW to F-rancrs Goble and Stephsn Hamncll (fornlerly of: St Ertdwer$s Chair), CeIIo Jack IWayer (above) who have won ti-re Ohurr Attendance Furness Tickets f:3 %2C)-255?23 prizes Cl?is year Alfia to bt.zae;s end Ed i2oe (below) who RENEWPLY QAV A day of worship, teachtng and cklrne stacond. drscuz;ste? led bv the Rtmewai Team on Sat 16 June, 10am to 4prn at St Da~td'~Church Hdli, Pencoed Br~ng a packoci lunch -. catfse? & ttea prevbded ChtIdren's mtntstry fnfofmatic;r7 SO1656-860334 PAROCHIAL, CbBURCM COUkaClk rneattng has been brought fc~rwwrdto Wsd 20 June U8PG TIERCENTENARY Haydn's "Nelson Mass" wktl he psrfonned by S: Edward'!$ Chetr and Urchedra rn the context o" 8 celsbiatton 9f tho Holy E~!chertstart FCI 22 June at 7 30pixt PARISH CONFIRP4AT&BNis at 10arn on Sundsy, 24 more than 180 agoearartees~. June in !3 Mnrgafr-,tis I here wtll be no ElschaPirst in Rachel Boo, Vtcky Wtliiarna, Alrce Berry and t.farnet St Edwitrd's that ivIofningi.tght refrashments afteward \Nebb (beslow) in Rswti-3 Church Hout;u VILLAGE PMB8E is st E-wenny Priory an Man 25 June, 7 30pm-Bptn Sixraker Mark John Chaplnrn, MM Prison, Cardrff CARDIFF H88H 8CH08h wtlf hold tl-refr end of year wncsrt st St Edward's atr Tue 28 June BUS PREP ta the Vkates Nat~onalBotanical Gardziens All money to Tr~craby 7 0 Jt:r?e, p!osse CQMPtlME Nsxt servicrts 28 June, 19 July S"A@Z~$i&RV16E Plext service. 4 July $.'ORYOUR BeAR's.' FII 15 Jtirt~,Sf g7d~i31d s 60171131119$8 rneettng Sat 16 June Visit tn &4eriSrrm Wed 20 dune Parc!et~raiCt-turch COUV~CI~ f'ri 22 June 7 3Q;jru; Haydn's Nelaun Mass %at30 June Btls 9rtp In Batanreal Gardens Sat 7 Juty Ckiolr Qu%r:tg Sat 14 July St. Edward's F irrl Bay Sun 29 AUQ 6 30p1n St f dwcard's Chorr sing Evensong at St Waoicds il;athat3rzI PAOPaTEW8 NEEBED ileri~lnle@rsneeded lo prepare and patn! the railmgs around Roath Church House PENTEf208TAt 841NDAY L-UNCH IS today at "1 245prn Patntrny sessiorl 10 00-"i 230 on Saturday, also any In St Anne's t-tell suenrr.tgs whern yaa may have some free time to help PENTECQST PRkkiSE F'ha3f-e wiEl be tho r*sual wth this work Cor'ilact Rr {;an Shapc~n820-736455. Eccan~enrcafSsivrce in k'lri+tarlaa Gardens toctay at 3pm, $f;OMPETtTf%agtd Thet D~acesan Chtldren & Homes argnnlsed by our lo<:;3l Cyit~tr C2ornmittee need a logo It :it^r~uldbe clear 8 stmple, it ANTHEM At the E-.uchartt:f, the anthem is "if Ya Lave should straw lhaa we work with chttdren tn the Church, rt Me' by Caleb S~rnpxwrth C% duet by Vtt;ky Wiltrams and should I;se fun1 Hsathei- 18 sollecttng rsntrtejs - closir-tg LIZZIS DO@ date 1" 19pt~fnbei Trinity Swnday Weekly iVewsletter Wlo, 1306 Sunday, 1if' June, 260f 11.00 am Sung Eucharist, Procession, Sermon and Sunday School. Celebrant 8 Preacher: Fr Ken Mantin. Hymns: 160 (Proc.), 762 (omit *), We Believe {sh.IB), Anthem, Rec.: Shine Jesus Shine $ah.f). Setting: Agufter. Agn~~sDei: Norman Doe. Sanctus Et Benedictus: P;licha.rd' Mayer. Anthem: 1 will worship the Lord (Ruffer). 6.30 pm Evensong. Officiant: Fr Andrew James. Preacher. Fr Ken nllai?;n. Introit: Fanfare (Martin Shaw) Psalm 73, wr 1-3 8 16-28. Hymns 4158, Anthem: God lie Loved the World (Stained, 164, 361. Magnificat & Nunc Dirnittis: A.SornerveN in F. Readings: Exodus 3,, 1-15. ,John 3, I-"9. In the world-wide Church we pray today for Pralvince \/I of the Episcopal Church of the USA (Upper Midwest) and President James Edward Krotz We pray for all AIDS victims, and especially for 12-year old Nkosi Johnson, the Johannesburg boy who addressed the World A,ids Conference in Durisart last Juiy, and wtio died last week. Vde pray for the victims of the knife attack in the primary school in Osaka, Western ,Japan. in this diocese we pray for the Rural Deanery of Bridgend, and Fr Edward Evans (Rural Bean). We pray far Fu Peter Lewis, curate of St Mark's , who will be inducted as Vicar Of Aberpergwm w~thBlaengwrach on Monday. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Jariet Mundlay, Gwendoline Hopkins, John Warren, Keith dobbins, Lucy Fiorii, John Satchell, Nick Sourlis, Margaret beuty. We pray for the repose of the souls of the! faithfwi deparled, especiaily Rita Dyer, whose anniversary octiurs at this time. -- 631BLE STLIDPI. Our study of the Act:~of the T[.#]S WEEK Apostles continues at 7.3C)pm this evening. I------.- -1------.------.- - Mondsy 11th 7.00 prn St Edward's Orchestra Practice. EPHACOURSE. On Tuesday at 7.30pm we c:ontird our diswssion on "Flow Can I Make the Most of the Twesdcly 10.00 am Holy Eucharist. Sf Ph3ip's. [Resf of My Life?. 12th 7.00 pm Holy Eucharist. Sf Anne's. ------7.30 wm ALPHA COURSE. PANKSto Derek Shepherd for cult=] grass this week - a big task, as it had grown Wednesdsy 10.00 am HOLY EU(>WRRZS'B.Foilowed by coffee. 13th 10.30 am Discussion Grou~.8 &k?wminsfer Road ------11.00 am St Edward's ~trir;~Orchestra Practice (and Nelsol --- Mass soloists). 12.30 pm Roath Church House Luncheon Club. BIBLES FOR WlLLOWS 2.00 pm St Edward's Chamber Music Group Pract~cc;. SCHOOL. /A big thank you to all who 2.00 pm Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. so kindly do~iatedrnoney to purchase 4.45 prn Junior Confirmation C:lass. Roath Church House. bible:; for the! school. PIease pay the 7.30 pm Parish Prayer Group. St Margaret's. rnoney to M4s Megaii Martin as !soon as ble Th~rsdeg Corpus Christi ------pssasi 44th 9.00 am Eucharist. Sf Anne's CORPUS CHRISTI Mars & Benediction at 7.30pm on 6.30 pm Junior Choir Practice. Thursday at St Anne's. 7.00 pm Worship Group Prac:tice. i------Sf EDWARD<$ COMMITTEE meets on 7.30 pm Full Choir & Orcheslris Practice (Nelson Mass). 7.30 pm Mass & Benediction. St Anne's. Friday, beginning with a celebnjltion of Eucharist at 7prn. - Fridcl y 7.00 pm St Edward's Committee. 15th 'i 7.30 pm Fashion Show. Roath Church House. 7.30 prn Cathedral Choir Concert. Llandaff Cathedra!. Scctnrdcly 9.00 am Holy Eucharist. Sf &1argarefas. 16th 9.30 am Cars leave St Edwal-cl's for Meidrirn. 10.00 am Renewal Day. Sf David's Church, Pencoed. 5.00 pm Evensorlg at Meidrirn. 7.30 pm Canton Chorus. Sf Catherine's Church, Ponfcanna. Ne~tSunday is the Second Sunday after Pentecost. The Hofy Eucharist will be celebratetl in St Edward's at I1am, the Sunday Sc:hooii will meet at II am, and Evensong will be sung at 6.30pm. Internet: http://rsath.multiserver~;.com/StEdward/ Email: StEdwarcl( CHURCH GROWTI4 Our c;ommunicant figures for the USPG TERCENTENARY. Haydn's "Nelson Mass" will first twenty weeks of the year show an average of 63.2. be perforrned by St Edward's Choir and Orchestra in the This is the largest average since 1980, and IS a 1C).S% context of a celebration of the Holy Eucharist on Fri 22 increase over last year (which was itself an 11 2% June at 7.30pm. 'This is our event to celebrate the increase on the previous year). Of course, these figures USPG Tercentenary, and there will be a collection for do not include the enorrnous growth in numbers of the work of USPG (no admission charge). children over the same period. Each one of us must CWMBAAN BAROQUE SINGERS 3oth Anniversary share the responsibility to ensure that we continue to Concert is at St Gabriel's Church, Cwmbran on Sat 23 grow as a Church it IS not an onerous task, but a great - June t 7.30prn. Programme includes BaWs privilege. Piease remember In your prayers ail the Magnificat, Vrvaldi's Credo and Purcell's Te Deum. people who worship at St Edwarcfs, and ail the people Tickets EEI P016311-850115 or on the door. who live in this area of Card~ff. PARiSH CBNFIRMAT!QN is at ?Oam on Sunday, 24 CBNGMPULATIQNS to our organist, Professor Norman Doe, who kras beerr appointed as a member of June in St Margaret's. There will be no Eucharist in the Legal Advisory Corrimission of the Church of St EEwar(d"s that morning. Light refreshments afterward England. Norman is the first VVeish person to be in Roath Church House. appointed to the Commission. WILLAGIE PRASE is at Ewenny Priory on Mon 25 June, GIFT DAY. Our thanks to everyorle who supported our 7.30pm-9pm. Speaker: Mark John, Chaplain, HM Gift Day yesterday. It is not too !ate to bring your gift to Prison, Chrdiff. add to the total, If you have not already done so, please CARDIFF HIGH SCHOOL will hold their end of year consider filling in oiie of the Gift Aid farms, so that tax concer! at St Edward's on Tue 26 June. can be reclaimed on all gifts you make to St Edward's. COMPLINE is sung approximatelly once a month at ANTHEMS. At the Eucharist, the anthem is "I will St Edward's on Thursdays at 9pm. Compline is a 15- worship the Lord" by John Rutter. The introit at minute sewice of plainchant - the last of the monastic Evensor~gis Martin Shaw's "Fanfare", and the anthem is "hours". Next services: 28 June, 19 Juiy. "God so loved the wor!d" from John Stairler's "Crucifixion" BUS TRIP to the Wales National f3otanical Gardens on Sat 30 June will leave St Edward's at 9.30am and leave CB'THEDWL CHOIR CONCERT at Llandaff Cathedral the Gartk?nsat 5pm Cost sf bus fare and entry to the on Friday at 7.30prn. Programme indudes Schubert's Gardens is £12 per person. All money to Tricia by 40 Mass In G, Vaughan Williams' "Five Mystir;al Songs" June, please. and Parry's "I Was Glad. Baritone Stephen Hamnett (forrnerl!y of St Edward's Choir), Cello Jack FYurness. FAREWELL RECEPTION for Fr Andrew is at 7.30pm Tickets iE5 420-255123. on Sunday 1'' July in Roath Church House. WlSlT 'FC3 MEiDRlM. St Edwards Choir will sing s;~Iz£?SERVjCES. Next service: 4 July. Evensorig at the Parish of Meidrim (west of Carmarthen, ST IEILBI'S GARDEN PARIT is on Sat 21 July 1 1am - near St Clears) on Saturday at 5pm as pnrt of 'ctieir 3pm at C:srrisbrooke Way. "ARCH" week (the Arts arid the Church). Everyone (choir and congregation) is welcome to join us. We are COME l4iW SING CATHEBML EVENSONG on Sat leaving St Edward's in cars at 9.313arn and plan to visit. 21 July at St Wocllos Cathedral, Newport. Adults £3, Whitland Abbey. li: you are interested in corriing and under-18 El. Details from Alan. need a lift, please speak to Heather or Alan. If you are FOR YOUR DIARY. bringing your own car, just turn up at 9.30. Make your Sat 30 June. Bus Trip to Botanical Gardens. awn arrengements for lunch -- tea provided at Meidrim Sat 7 July. Choir O~~ting. at 4.prn. Sat 14 Juiy. St Edward's Fun Day. RENEWAL DAY A day OF worship, teaching and Sun 19 bug. 6.30prn. St Edward's Choir sing Evensong discussion led by the Renewal Tearn on Saturday, at St Woolos Cathedral. IOam to 4pm at St [>avid's Church Wall, Pencoed. Bring PAINTERS NEEDED. Volunteers needed to prepare a packed lunch - coffee & tea provided. Children's and paitst the railings around Roath Church House. mrnistry. Information 907656-860337. Painting session 0.00-12.:30 on Saturday, also any CANTON CHORUS perform Dvorak's Stabai Matsr on evenings when you may have some free time to help Saturday at 7.30pm at St Catherine's Church, Kings with this work. Contact Brian Shapc~ttS20-7363455. Road, Pontcanna. Tickets f51E3. informalion f 20- COMPETITION. The Diocesan Children & Homes 655552. Committee need a logo. It should be clear & simple; it SUNDAY SCHOOL CAKE:STALH. In the schoalrrsorn should slrlow that we work with children in the Church; it after the Eucharist next Sunday. F1lease bring and buy should tie fun! Heather is cxlieciing entries - closing cakes - support the children's outreach programme. date A*September. PAROCHIAL CHUIFtCH COUNCIL meeting has been WELCOIME. We extend a warm welcome to all visitors brol~ghtforward to VVed 20 June. and newcclmers. Please make yourself known to one of the sidesmen if you are new with us. The: Secsr\d S~ntl~pyAfter '9snteeosk Weekly News ktter No. 4307 Sunday, 4 fhJune, 2004 11.OO am Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Celebrant & Preacheir: The Vicar. Hymns: 260, ll(MP), Such Love (sheet IT), Anthem: Lacrymosa (Mozart), Rec.: 6(B(1Mi3). Setting: Agulter. Agnus Dei: Norman Doe. 6.30 pm Evensong. c3fficiant: Fr Ken Martin. Introit: Rejoice in the Lord Aivvays. Psalms 52, !i3. Hymns: 44, Anttlern: Cantique da: Jean Racine QFaurk),371 Magnificat & Nunc Dirnittis: A.Sornervelf in F. Readings: Genesis 13. Mark 4,2141. In the world-w~deChurch we pray totJay for thie Province of Rupet%'s Land (Canada) and Metropolitan Thomas Morgan We pray that the cease-f~rewill hold in the Middle East and for all who are work~ngfor peace there. We pray for our farmers, and all who are sulfering as a result of the foot-and-mouth epidemrc. In this diocese we pray for the Diocesan Board of Finance, and David Evans (Chairman) We pray for the s~ck,remembering espedaliy Janet Munday, Gwendoline Hopkins, John Warren, Keith Jobbins, Lucy Fiori, John Satct~ell,Nick Sourtis, Margaret Leuty, Charlotte Evans, Mona Seiuray. We pray for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed, espec~allyIrene Bisgrove, MI~OS~annlversarles occur at this time -- SUNDAY SCHOOL CAKESTALL 334S WEEX [schoolroom after the Eucharist today. Please stay behind for a while arid buy some cakes Monday 18th 7.00 pm St Edward's Orchestra Practice. Ito support the children's outreach Tuesday 10.00 am Holy Eucharist. St Philip's. L----programme. 19th 7.00 pm Holy Eucharrst. St Anne's. BIBLE STUDY. QLI~study of the Werlnesday 10.00 am HOLY EUCHARIST. Followed by coffee. ~~~~~i~~ at 7.30~~this evening, 20th 10.30 am Discussion Group. 6 Newminster Road. 1- St Edward's String Orchestra Practice (and Nelson Mass soloists). Roath Church House Luncheon Club. St Edward's Chamber Music Group Practice. Quite " i;" Senior Citizens. Roeth Church House. envelopes have still to be Parochial Church Council. St Margaref'dChurch House. returned. Please return Yours fl as so011 as possible if you have not Thursday 9.00 am Holy Eucharist. St Anne's. already done so. The total so far 21s.t 6.30 pm Junior Choir Practice. 7.00 pm Miorship Group Prac:tice. FPXROCH~ALCFIURCH CCIUNCIL 7.30 pm Full Choir R Orchestria Practice (Nelson Mass). i-,jll meet on Wednesday beginning Friday 22nd 7.30 pm SUNG EUCHARIST: HAYDN'S NELSON MASS. Saturday 23rd 9.00 am Holy Eucharist. St nllargaret's. Ne~tSwhdcry is the Third Sunday after Pentecost There wilt be 1\10 CELEBMTlON OF THE HOLY EUCHARIST in St Edward's. The Parish Confirmation Service is at St Margaret's at IOam. Evensong virill be sung at St Edward's at 6 30pm.

PARISH COMFIRMAT'lOld is at loam next Sunday, (24 June) in St Margaret's. There will be no Eucharist in St Edward's that morning. Ther-e will be a light meal afterwards in Roath Church House (not just light refreshments as previously announced). To accommodate this, the Sunday School barbecue at St Edward's has been put back to 12.30 for Iprn There IS no charge for either, but contributions of food are welcome. If you can help with the food for Roath Church House, please add your name and phone number to the list on the noticeboard, and you wtll be contacted. For the barbecue -just bring some food.

Internet: http://roiath.mul$iservers.comlStEdwardl Email: [email protected] - -- -7CIiOIR OUTING. Sat 7 July The bus ~GPGTERCENTENARY. Haydn's "Nelson Mass' will is now full Prices: cho,r children free, be performed by St Edward's Choir and Orchestra in the context of a choir adults & other children £4.50,, I caiebration of the Holy Eucharist on Friday at 7.30pm. This is our event 1 other adults £9. to celebrate the USPG Tercentenary, and there will be a collection for the work of USPG (no admission charge) MlEDtCAL FOUNDATION group ------meeting on Mon 9 July, 7 for 7.30pm at URC (City Church) windsor Place. Speaker from the ANTHEMS. At the Ehcharist, the anthem is "1-acrymosa" ~~f~~~~ ,-ounc,l, from Mozart's Requiem. The anthem at Evensong is "Cantique de Jean Racine" by (;&riel Faurk (1845- COME AND SING CATHEDWL EVENSONG on Sat

1924)- -- . , 21 Juty at St Woolos Cathedral, Newport. Adults £3, under-18 £ I.Details from Alan. CWMBIiAN BARCIQUE SINGERS 3oth Anniversary Coj?cerf is at St Gabriel's C},urch, Cv\,mbran on PR0VINC:IAL CHILDREN'S FORUM at Caerleon Saturday at 7.30pm. Programme includes Bach's College, Sat 22 Sept. Registration for the talks, 9.30- Magnifi<:at, Vi~aldi'sCredo and Purcelf's Te Deum. 4.30, Casts £5 (inc. lunch). The ConferenCC? Dinner at Tickets £8 401633-8501 15 or on the door. 8pm (addressed by Archbishop Rowan) costs an additional £45. Anyone interested, please speak to VILLAGE PRAISE is at Ewcanny Priory on Mon 25 June, ~~~~h~~. 7.30pm.-9pm. Speaker: Mark John, Chaplain, HM Prison. Cardiff. FOR YWJR DIARY'. Sat 7 July. Choir Outing. COMPLINE is sung apprcjximately once ZI month at Sat 14 July. St Edward's Fun Day. St Edward's on Thursdays at 9pm. Compline is a 15- Sun 19 Aug. 6.30pm. St Edward's Choir sing Evensong minute service of plainchrsr~t- the last of the monastic at St Woolos Cathedral. "hoursJ'. Next services: 28 June, 19 July. PAINTERS NEEDED. Volunteers needed to prepare I=I%SHiON SHOW in aid of the Special Olympics Power and paint the railings around Roath Church House. Lifting Team at Roath Church House at 7.30pm 01-1 Fri Painting session 10.00-12.30 on Saturday, also any 29 June. Admission £2.50 (inc. glass of wine). evenings when you may have some free time to help BUS TRIP to the Wales National Botanical Gardens on with this work. Contact Brian Shapcott S20-736455. Sat 30 .June will leave St Echvard's at 9.30arn and ieave BIBLES FOR WILLOWS HUGH SCHOOL. A big thank the Gardens at 5pm. you to all who so kindly donated money to purchase CARDIFF POLYPHONIC CHOIR will give a concert as bibles for the school. Please pay the money to Mrs part of the Penarth Organ Week, at St Augustine's Megan Martin as soon as possible. Church, Penarth, on Sat 30 June at 7.30pm. The COMPETITION. The Diocesan Children & Homes prograrrlme include:; Duruflii's Requiem, Durufl6 Motets Committee need a logo. It should be clear & simple; it and works by Pierre Viiietto. Tickets E6 (with cone.) to should -show that we work with children in the Church; it inctude an after concert drink. should be fun! Heather is collecting entries - closing FAREWELL RECEPTION for Fr Andrew is at 7.30pm date 1'' September. on Sunday qSt July in Roatl? Church House. DEATH-WATCH BEETLE AT LLANTWIT MAJOR. MEDICAL FOUNDATION Car Treasure Hunt on Tue 3 During the preparations for the 100~Village Praise on July, starting 5-6pm at Clandaff Memorial Hall Car F'ark. 21 May, two swallows entered the "West Church at Finish 2 to 3 hours later in a pub near Cardiff. ElCl per Llantwit (!.he oldest part of St Illtud's), and could not be car. Anyone interested, please cor~tact:3usan Potter. persuaded to leave. The following Wednesday the Rector, Frr Keith Smalldon, discovered a wedge of CARDIFF HIGH SCHOOL. wilt hold their end of year timber on the floor, dislodged by the birds from the roof, concert at St Edward's. Please note that the date has with traces of deatti-watch beetle. The church has been been changed to T~ie3 July. closed. The fine medieval roof of Irish bog-oak has TAIZ~SERVICES. Next service: 4 July. been stn~cturally degraded by the beetle and by chemicals sprayed in the 1970s. Without the swallows' A BENEDlCTlME RETREAT wrll be held at Llangasty warning it could have collapsed at any time. As it is, Retreat House (on the shcv-~sof Llangorse Lake) or1 the major rest.oration work is now needed - possibly raising wetakend of 6-8 July. The leader is the Rt Rev. Abbot the roof and supporting it on a steel frame above the Giles Hill OSB who IS the Abbot of the Community of rnediasval timbers. Our Lacly and St John, A.ltoti Abbey, Hampshire The Community was founded in Rangoon in 1884 and came PARISH OFFICE EMAIL. The Parish Office can now be to 13rital.n in 4 895. Those who have an interest, or want contacted by email: lo find out more about 13enedictine spirituaiiity are W#=LC~ME,We extend a warm welcome to all visitors welcome for the weekend. Cast E75 per rterson, full and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of board. lkP01874-658250. [email protected] the sidesrnen if you are new with us. T'he Third Sur~dsyBfiZar Pentocost Weekly New:~'lefterNo. 1308 Sunday, 24* June, 2001 10.00 am Parish Confirmation Service at St Margaret's. Celebrant: Bishop Barry. Followed by a light meal in Roath Church House. 6.30 pm Evensong. Officiant Fr Ken Marfin. Introit: Jubilate Everybody. Psalms 50, 149. Hymns: 551, Anthem: Comfort Ye My Peopls/And the Glory of the Lord, 55%. Magnificat & Nunc Dirnittis. A.Somen/ell in F. Readings: Judges 13, 1-7 Luke 1,5-25 In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Anglican Observer to the United Nations, James Ottley. We pray for Pope John Paul as he seeks reco~iciliationwith the in the Ukraine. We pray for an end to the fighting in the Middle East. We pray for our farmers, and all who are suffering as a result of the foot-and- mouth ep~demic. In this diocese we pray for the Rural Deanery of Caerphilly and Canon Michael Short (Rural Dean). We pray for Fr Andrew and Karen as they prepare ts leave us for a new parish. We pray for the sick, reniernbering especially Janet Munday, Gwendoline Hopkins, John Warren, Keith .lobbins, Lucy Fiori, John Satchell, Nick Sourlis, Margaret tleuty. We pray for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed. TG18 WEEK. VILLAGE PaAlStE is at Ewenny Priory on Monday, 7 30pm-9pm. Speaker: Mark John, Menday 7.00 pm St Edward's Orchestra Practice. (~ha~lain.HM Pii:jon, Cardiff. 1 25th 7.30 pm Vilfage Praise. Ewenny Priory. WELSH COLLEGE OF MUSIC & DRAMA Turesdcsy 10.00 am Holy Eucharist. St Philip's. woodwirld concert on Monday at 1.05pm in 26th 7.00 pm I-ioly Eucharist. St Anne's. the courtyard of the Anthony Hopkins Centre. 7.30 pm Alpha Discuss~onGroup. Vestry. Wednesday 10.00 am HOLY EUCHARIST.Followed by coffee. saxophone quartet, bassoon quartet and 2Rh 10.30 am Discussion Grou~6 Newminster Road. St Edward's string Orchestra Practice. Roath Church House Luncheon Club. St Edward's Chamber Music Group Practir:~

I-foly Eucharist. St Anne's. and ~hristianit~.'The group has been formed Junior Choir Practice. by members of the recent Alpha Course, but Warship Group Practice. Full Choir Practice. COMPbfNE. St Peter the A~ostie Solemn Capitular Eucharist. Uandaff Cathedral, SUND~\Y SCHOOL BARBECUE at Charity Fashion Show. Roath Church House. r-st ~d~~~d~~, 12.30 for qpm today. Holy Eucharist. Sf Margaret's. Everyone welcome - just bring some Bus trip to Wales National Botanical Gardens. Lfor the barbecue. C)RDINATlON SEIWICE (Beacons and Puilests). Uandaff Cathedral. Cardiff Polyphonic Choir. St Augustine's Church, Penarfh. !dew+ Sscnday is the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 4 lam, the Sunday Sch~olwill meet at lqarn, coffee will be served in the vestry after the Eucharist, the Sunday School line of coins writ be continued, and the 100 Club Draw will take place. Evensong will be sung at 6.30pm. There will be a farewell reception for Fr Andrew at Roath Church House at 7.30pm. ANTHEIW. There is no anthem at the Confirmation Service. The anthem at Evensong is the sequence "Comfort Ye Me People" (solo by Richard Mayer) and "And the Glory of the Lord from Wandel's Messiah. CHORAL EVENSONG at t.landaff, 3.30gm today. The anthem is "The fiecord of John" by Orlando Gibbons. Internet: http://rcoath.multiservers.cornlStEdwardl Email: S'[email protected] BJSHOP BARRY will ST ANNE'S COFFEE MORNING on Sat 7 July from preside at the Parish Ilarn-lpm in St Anne's Hall. Proceeds in aid of Confirmation this morning. MIND and Church Funds. Home made cakes and a The candidates are: Laura raffle. Barley, Beverley Godfrey, MEDICAL FOUNDATION group meeting on Mon 9 Giles Homer, Jessica Bell, Layla Farag, Daniel July, 7 for 7.30pm at URC (City Church) Windwr Godfrey, Ben Gaskell, Place. Speaker from the Refugee Council. Andrew Taylor, Ryan ST YIEILO'S GARDEN PARTY is on Sat 21 July Bagley, Michael Williams 1lam - 3pm at Carisbrooke Way. and Katie Marshall. Please remember them in your ST EDWARD'S CHOIR will sing Evensong at prayers. St Woolos Cathedral, Newport, on Sun 19 Aug at 6.30pm. PRCIWNCIAL CHILDREN'S FORUM at Caerleon COMPETITION. The Diocesan Children & Homes College, Sat 22 Sept. Registration for the talks, Committee need a logo. It should be clear & simple; it 9.30-4.30, costs f 5 (inc. lunch). The Conference should show that we work with children in the Church; it Dinner at 8pm (addressed by Archbishop Rowan) should be fun! Heather is collecting entries - closing date msts an additional f 15. Anyone interested, please 1' September. speak to Heather. BIBLE STUDY. Our study of the Acts of the Apostles FOR YOUR DIARY. continues at 7.30pm this evening. Note that there will be no Sat '14 July. St Edward's Fun Day. Bible Study next week (1' July) because of the farewell reception for Fr Andrew. BlSlES FOR WILLOWS HlGH SCHOOL. A tote\ of f 190 was collected by St Edward's. A big thank you COMPLINE will be sung at St Edward's on Thursday of this to everyone. week at 9pm. Compline is a 15-rrtitiute service of plainchant - the last of the monastic "hoursn. Next service: THANKS to all who supported the Sunday School 19 July. Cake Stall which raised E59.90. BUS TRIP to the Wales National Botanical Gardens on CONGRATULATIONS to members of the Sunday Saturday will leave St Edward's at 9.30am and leave the School on recent sporting successes: Gardens at 5pm. Gwendolyn Smith, a member of the Marlborough Junior School 'B' netball team, winners af the Cardiff CARDIFF POLYPHONIC CHOIR will give a concert as part 'B' teams tournament. of the Penarth Organ Week, at St Augustine's Church, Edward Doe, winner of the managers award as top Penarth, on Saturday at 7.30pm. The programme includes scorer for Marlboro Dragons football team, 2000- DuruflB's Requiem, Duruflei Motets and works by Pierre 2001. Villette. Tickets 26 (with conc.) to include an after concert drink. NELSON MASS. Our thanks to the Choir and Orchestra and also to Fr Ken, for an excellent FAREWELL RECEPTION for Fr Andrew is at 7.30pm next performance and a most enjoyable service. Sunday in Roath Church House. Mrs Megan Martin will be pleased to receive contributions towards the farewell PAINTERS NEEDED. Volunteers needed to prepare present for Fr Andrew. and paint the railings around Roath Church House. Painting session 10.00-t 2.30 on Saturday, also any MEDICAL FOUNDATION Car Treasure Hunt on Tue 3 evenings when you may have some free time to help July, starting 5-6pm at Liandaff Memorial Hall Car Park. with this work. Contact Brian Shapcott P20- Finish 2 to 3 hours later in a pub near Cardiff. El0 per car. 736455. Anyone interested, please contact Susan Potter. PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL. At the meeting CARDIFF HlGH SCHOOL will hold their end of year on Wednesday, a proposal was presented from the concert at St Edward's. Please note that the date has been Bishop that St Philip's Church be made a changed to Tue 3 July. Conventionai District within the parish. This would TAK~SERVICES take place at St Edward's every other mean that an experienced priest would take charge month on Wednesdays at 7.30pm. Next service: 4 July. in Tremorfa and would work to rebuild the congregation and community there. The PCC AN INFORMAL MSCUSSION GROUP will meet in Roath accepted this in principle as a good solution and the Church House on Wed 4 July at 7.30pm. They will look at a details will now be worked out. PCC membys are video called "Creation and Flood" and talk about sin! your representatives - if you have views on this, Everyone is welcome. please speak to one of them and they will pass on CHOIR OUTING. Sat 7 July. Tricia will be pleased to your views to the Council. receive your money as soon as possible: choir children PARISH OFFICE EMAIL. The Parish Office can now free, choir adults & other children E4.50, other adults f9. be contacted by email: The eowrfh Sunday A4fer Pentecost Weekly Newsletter EJo.1389 Sunday, 4" July, 2001 1I 00 am Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Swtciay School. Celebrant & Preacher: The Vicar. Hymns: 554, Here 1 Am Lord (sk.19), Petrify My Heart (sh.291, Anthem, l9ec.: Make Way (sk.3). Anthem: Lift Thine Eyes (Mencdtsksohn). Setting: Nicholson. Agnus Dei: Norman Doe. 6 30 pm Evensong. Officiant: Fr Ken Marfin. Introit: He that shall endure to the end (Mende/ssohn). Psalms 59 (vv 'l-5, 17-18), 60. Hymns. 15, Anthem: Ex~~ltateDea QScai./alni),3653 Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: fl.Sornewe/I in F. Readings Genesis 23, t-40. Mark 6, 1-6. 7.30 pm Farewell Reception for Fr Andrew. Roafh Church tiouse. In the world-wide Church we pray tociay for the Episcopal Church of the USA, and Presiding] Bishop Frank T. Griswold 111. We pray for an end to the frghtirlg in the Middle East. We pray for the victims of last weekend's earthquake in southern Peru. We pray for an end to the ethnic fighting in central Nigeria, and for all who are caught up in it. We pray for our farmers, and all who are suffering as a result of the foot-and-mouth epiclernic. In thrs diocese we pray for our own Rural Beanery of Cardiff, and Fr Lawrence Dwvies (Rural Bean). We pray for the sick, remembering espec~allyJanst Munday, Gwendoline Hopkins, John Warren, Keith Jobbins, Lucy Fiori, John Satchell, Nick Sourlis. We pray for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed, especially Margaret Leuty, who died this week. -- TMlS WEEK EUCHARISTS DISCONTINUED. be no loam Eucharist at St Philip's on h(londay The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Tuesdays, and no 9am ~uchal'ist at 2nd 7.00 pm St Edward's Orchestra Practice. IS,t Margarevs until further notice. Tuesday 7.00 pm Holy Eucharist. St Anne's. ALPHA FOLLOW-UP. The discussior~group 3rd 7.30 pm Cardiff High School Concert. St Edward's. will meet on Tuesday at 7-30~mat 21 7.30 Dm Discussion Grou~.21 Blenheim Road. Blenhoim Road. The group has been formed Wednesday 10.00 am HOLY EUCHARIST. Followed by coffee. 4th 10.30 am D~scussionGroup. 6 Newminster Road. 11.00 am St Edward's String Or~heslraPractice. 12.30 pm Roath Church House Luncheon Club. 2.00 pm Sf. Edward's Chamber Music Group Pract~ce later in a pub near Cardiff. £10 per car. 2.00 pm Senior Citizens. Roafh Church House. 7.30 pm TADE SERVICE. 7.30 pm Discussion Group. Roafh Church H~us?. Thursday 9.00 am Holy Eucharist. Sf Anne's. end of year concert at St Edward's on 5th 10.00 am Drop into Quietness. l-langasty Retreat House. Tuesday at 7 30pm. Everyone is 6.30 pm Junior Choir Practice. welcome. 7.00 pm Worship Group Practise. SERVICE at St Edward's on 7.30 pm Flill Choir Practice. Wednesdav of this week at 3.300m.-1 Fridey 6th Benedictine Retreat. f-langasfy Refreaf at 6.30pm. t'iext service: 29 August. Staturde+y 8.30 am Choir Outlng to Tenby. ?.t h 10.30 am St: Edward's Open for Prayer. 11.00 am St Anne's Cloffee Morning. Sf Anne's Ne~tSunday is the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost. The Holy Etrcharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at I1am, the Sunday School will meet at '1 lam, and Evensong will be sung at 6.30pm. COFFEE will be served in the vestry after the fIucharist this morning, and the draw for the 100 Club will take place. Newcomers in particular are very wettame to join us. The Sunday School and Junior Choir will continue the fine of coins - please give them your support. Internet: http:llr~ath.multisewer~.~~~m/StEdwardEmail: [email protected] PARISH SONGS OF PfSAISE IS at FOR CONTEIMPLATION AND SILENT PRAYER on Sunday, 29 July at St Edward's will be open fbr prayer on Saturday, 10.:30am--1 6 30~m Choice of hymns to be In by 12 noon. Everyone is ~~efcorneto come in and say a 16 jury please. sit auietlv for a short oerjod.--- ST EDVVARD'S CHOIR will sing Evensong at St Woolos Cathedral, Newport, on Sun 19 ANTHEMS. The anthem al: the Eucharist is "LA Thine Aug at 8.30pm. Eyes", a setting of Psalm 121 from the oratorio "Elijah" by Felix Mendelssohn (4809-4847). Efuring the PROVdNCJAL CHILDREN'S FORUM at Caerleon Communion, the choir will sing "Here we offer and College, Sat 22 Sept Regrstrat~onfor the talks, 9.30- present unto Thee" by J.H Maunder. The intrciit at 4.30, costs £5 (~nclunch) The Conference Dinner at Evensong is "He that shali endure to the encl", also from 8pm (addressed by Archbishop Rowan) costs an Elijah, and the anthem is "lfxultate Deo" by Alessandro addit~onalf 15. Anyone interested, please speak to Scariatfi (1660-1725). Heather. BlULE STUDY. There is no Bible Study this evening FOR YCNJFI DlARV because of the farewell reception for Fr Andrew. Sat 14 July. St Edward's Fun Day. Fri 20 July. St Margaret's Patronal Festival. Preacher' LUNCHEON CLUB meets every Wednesday at 12.30 Fr Irving Harner in Roath Church House. New members welcome - Sun 22 July. Barbecue. Roath Church House. please book with Parish Officx? by 1Oarn on Thur 26 July. St Anne's Patronal Festival. Celebrant- Fr Wednesdays (S20-484808). Frank Begley, Preacher. Canon Harold Clarke. AN INIzORMAL DISCUSS1BN GRBUP will meet in Sat I1Aug. St Teilo's Coffee Morning. Church House. Room 1 at Roath Church House on Wednesday at Sun 19 .Aug. 6.30pm. St Edvvard's Choir sing Evensong 7.30prn. They will look at a video called "Creation and at St Woolos Cathedral. Flood" and talk about sin! Everyone is welcome. Sat 25 Acig. Capel-y-Rin Pilgrimage. Sat 8 SE?~.St Edwgard's Tea Dance. Church House. DROP lNTO QUIETNESS at Llangasty Retreat House Sat 22 Ssp. Convoy of Hope Collection. Church House. on Thursday - no programme just a time to be still. Sat 20 Oct. St Anne's Fayre. Roath Church House. Starts 'loam and ends at 4pm but drop in any time. Sat 10 Nov. St Edward's Fayre. Roath Church House. Bring your own lunch; tea and coffee provided. Sat 10 Plov. Scouts Wine & Wisdom. Church House. Donations invited Sat "1 7Nnv. St Teilo's Fayre. Roath Church House. A BENEDICTINE RETREAT w~ltbe held at Llangasty Sat 24 Nov. St Margaret's f ayre. Roath Church House. Retreat House (on the shore of Llangorse Lake) next PAINTERS NEEDED. Volcrnteers needed to prepare weekend (6-8 July). The leader IS the Rt Rev. Abbot and paint the railings around Roath Church House. Gtles Htil OSB who rs the Abbot of the Cornn~unrtyof Painting session 10.00-12.30 on Saturday, also any Our Lady and St John, AIIon Abbey, Hampshire The evening:^ when you may have some free time to help Commun~tywas founded in Rangoon in 1884 and came with this work. Contact Brian Shapcott S20-736455. to Br~ta~nIn 1895 Those who have an ~nteresl,or want to flnd out more about Benedicttne sp~ritual~tyare CHARLOTTE WAN% would like to thank everyone for welcome for the weekend Cost £75 per person, full their concern, their prayers and good wishes during the boafd -do1 874-658250 Li-angasty rh@btconnect com last two weeks. CCIQlR OUTING to Tenby is on Saturday. Tricia will be CONGRA,YUbATIQNS to Liz Haigh, who has qualified pleased to receive your money today: choir children as an 0a:upatisnal Therapist, gaining a 2i classification free, choir adults & other children £4.50, other adults in her degree. £9. Money can be dropped into Tricia at 60 Kimberley CONGRA,TULATIONS to Fred Waite, who celebrated Road. Please enskire that you pay before Saturday. his 80" birthday on Wednesday. The bus leaves St Edwartl's at 8.30nm, and leaves Tenby at 5prn. MEGAN AND KEN would like to thank everyone for their cards and gifts on their wedding anniversary. ST ANNE'S COFFEE MCIRNIMG on Saturday from 1 lam-lpm in St Anne's Hall. Proceeds in ard of MIND MINUTES of the recent St Edward's Committee meeting and Church Funds. Home made cakes and a raffle. have been posted on the noticeboard. Please take the time to read through them, and pass any comments to MEDICAL FOUNDATiON group meeting on Mon 9 ,July. members of the committee, 7 for 7.30orn at LIRC (Citv Ch~irchl' Windsor Place. Speaker frdm the ~efu~e'e6ouncil. OUTREr4Cl-l. £45 was collected for USPG at the Nelson Mass service. ST TEIL.B'S GARDEN PARTY is on Sat 21 July Ilam - 3pm at Carisbrooke Way. PARISH OFFICE EMAIL. Tt-ie Parish Office can now be contacted by email: [email protected] ST EDWARD'S FUN BAY is on Sat 14 Julv. VANDAISISM. Sadly, our Millennium sign has been COMPLINE. Next service: 19 July. destroyed by vandals, with some damage to our outside noticeboard. WeekIy AlewsIetter No. $310 Sunday, a8"July, 2001 2 1 00 am Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Celeb,-ant & Preacher: Fr Ken Martin. Hymns: 265, 224, Meekness and Majesty (sh.81, Arrthem: God is Gone Up (Finzi), Rec.: 61(WlP) Setting IVicholson. Agnus Dei: Norman Doe. 6.30 pm Evensong. Officiant Fr Ken Marf~n Introit: O Saviour of the Wodd (WiDs). Psalms 65, 70. Hymns: 339, Anthem: Thou Vistesi the Earth (Greene), 359. Magnificat iL Nunc: Dimittis: A.Someryell in F Readings. Genesis 29, 2 -20. Mark: 6, 7-29. In the world-wide Church we pray today for Province V (Mid West) of the Episcopal Church of the USA, and President Janet Anderssi? We pray for an end to the fighting In the Middle East. We pray for the family of schoolgirl Bunmi Shagaya, who drowned in France this week. In th~sdiocese we pray for the Diocesan Office, and General Secretary Peter Atkins We pray for those who suffered as a result o'i: the Rooding this week. We pray for the stck, remembering especially Janet Munday, Gwendoline Hopkins, John Warren, Keith dobbins, Lucy Fiori, John Satchell, Nick Sourlis, Alison Xeari. We pray for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed.

TUlS WEEL: 1 MEDICAL FOUNDATION group meeting on] Monday, 7 for 7.30pm at URG (City Church) Mmdsy 7.00 pm !st Edward's Orchestra Practice. Windsov Place. Speaker from the Refugee 9th 7.30 pm Medical Foundation Meeting. City Church. Council. Tuest(ay 6.45 prn C-loly Eucharist. Sf Anne's. EUGHARBSTS DISCONTINUED. There will be no 10th 7.30 prn Discussion Group. Vestry. 1-1'I Oam Eucharist at St Pflilip's on Tuesdays, and Wednasdsy '10.00 am HOLY EtdCHAR18P. Fojlowed by coffee no 9am Eucharist at St Margarefs until further 31th 10.30 am E>jscussron Group. 6 Newminster Road. 1 rlotlce I II .00 am St Edward's String Orchestra Practice. 12.30 pm Roath Church House Luncheon Club. and next week. 2.00 pm St Edward's Chamber Music Group Practrce?. 2.00 prn Senior Citizens. Roafh Church House. The discussion group 7 30 prn Discussion Group, Woaft, Church House, 7.30pm in the Thrersday 9.013 am Holy Euchar~st.Sf Annek. 12th 6.30 pm Junior Choir Practice. OOpm Worship Pracerce. in Room 1 at 7.313 pm Full Choir Practice - Ssturciay 14th 12 noon St Edward's Fun Bay Newt <5unt(cry is the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 11am, the Sunday School will meet at I lam, and Evensong will be sung at 6.30pm. CHORAL EVENSOIVG at the Cathedral at 3.30pm today. Anthem: My $;out there is a courltry (Partyl ANTHEiVS. The introit at E!vensong is a setttng of the Collect for the Visitation of the Sick, "0 Saviour of the World" by Arthur Wills, and anthem is the setting of Psalm 65, "Thou visitesi: the earth" by Dr Maurice Greene (1695-1755). The bar~tonesolo is sung by Richard Mayer. PalBLE $STUDY. We continue our study of the Acts of the Apostles after Evensong this evt?ning. OUTREACH. Cardiff High School's conceri. last 'Tuesday was wefi attended (over 150 people) and was most enjoyabie £81 23 was collected for the Ch~lclren'sSociety. £ 15 was collected for USPG at the Taize Service - our thanks to the worship group who played for the servtce. FIBNA AND BILL BERRY would like to thank everyone for their prayers and condolences; this week. Internet: http:/llrc~ath.muitisewers.comlStEdwardltEmail: [email protected] Retiring Head Choristers Mew Head Choristers ------ST TEiLO'S GARDEN PARTY is on Sat 21 July Ilam - 3pm at Car~sbrookeWay. Saturday, 12 noon to 4pm. All sorts of things going on all afternoon - ~rtwork-&Model-making, Face Pnrrtbing, MG ~alnbow'spuppets, Story PARISH BARBECUE on Sun 22 July telling by tlz Hafgh, lots of stalls, hot dogs, and of course the bouncy In Roath Church House grounds at castle This is an OPPOT~UI-IJ~~ to enjoy ourselves and to reinforce our Itnks 12 30pm. Bouncy castle, face with the local community (and forge new ones) Please come along and palntfng, entertainments, hot dogs bring your frtends -- make St Edward's Farr~~lyFun Day a blg succes:$! and cold dr~nks,salads, bread rolls, ------I wine - all free Just brlng your own CM*iRBoY HEAD CHQliRGfRL burgers or sausages or st~aksfor the BBQ, and a rug Mayer and Frances Goble are both retiring today from for the (grass. the junior choir. They will pass their medals to their successors, who been their deputies, €,dward and !/ILL&[- PmISEi is at St Anne's Church, Talygarn on Rachel Doe. The new deput~esare Tom Routledge and Man 23 July, 7.30pm-9pm. Speaker: Derek Lane, Georgtna Phrppen. Diocesan Giving Pidviser. CENTENARY Saturday of this week 1s the centenary of ST ANldE'S PA'PFiONAL FEST~VALis on Thur 26 July the birth of composer Gerald Ftna (1901-.1956) The at 7.30pm, when the preacher will be Canon Harold choir will celebrale this laccasron by slnglng Flnzi's Clarke. setting of the poerri by Edward Taylor (1646-1729) "God PARISH SONGS OF PF~~SEis at st Tel]ols on is gone up" The anthem Was composed for St Ce(;illa's sunday, 29 ~~l~at 6.30~~.choice of hymns to be in by Day Service at St Sepht~lchre's Church, Hoiborn in ?5July 1951 Sf EIS\NARDyS CHOIR wili sing Evensong at God is gone up with a triumphant shout: St Woolos Cathedral, Ne\vport, on Sun 19 Aug at The Lard with sounding Trumpets' meloaries: 6.30prn Sing Praise, Sing Praise, Sing Praises our!, Urtto our mng sing praise! seraphic-wise! TAG% !3lEFPViCES Nexf service: 29 August. Lift up your Head.§, ye ksting Doors, they sing, FOR YOUR DlARY. And let the King of Glow enter in* Sat 11 Aug. St Teilo's Coffee Morning. Church House. Methinks i see Heaven's sparking courtiers fly, Sun 19 Plug. 6.30pm. St Edward's Choir sing Evensong In flakes of GIory down him to attend, at St W~olosCathedral. And hear Heart-cramping notes of Melody Sat 20 Oct. St Anne's Fayre. Roath Church House. Surround his Charriot as it did ascend; Sat 10 Nov. St Edward's Fayre. Roath Church House. Mixing their Music, making ev'ry strimg Sat 10 IVov. Scouts Wine & Wisdom. Church House. More tc:, enravish ;as they this tune sing. Sat 17 laiov. St Teilo's Fayre. Roath Church House. Sat 24 1Vov. St Margaret's Fayre. Roath Church House. God is gone up ... PAINPEFPS NEEDED \/olunteers needed to prepare LklNCfiEOlaJ CLUB meets every Wednesday at '12.30 and paint the railings around Roath Church House in Roath Church House. New members welcome - Painting session 10.00-12.30 on Saturday, also any please book with Parish Office by "iarn on evenlngs when you may have some free time to help Wednesdays (8213-484808). with this work. Contact Brian Shapcott 820-736455 or COFAPI-IN€ is sung approximately once a rnonth at VIC Coc~nlbes920-451 356 St Edward's on Thursdays at atprn. C.ompt~neis a 15- A WA'T'ClH was left in Roath Church House Kitchen mlnute service of plainchant - the last of the monastic about three weeks ago. If it is yours, please contact the "hours". Next service: 19 July. Parish Office S20-484808. ST MARGARET'S PATRONAL FEST'FWAL is on FZri20 WELCC)ME We extend a warm welcome to all visitors July. Service at 7.30pm,when the preacher wili be and nebvcomers. Please make yourself known to one of Fr Irving Hamer. Foilowed by rewptron in Roath Church the sidesmen if you are new with us. House. Weekly Newskfter Alo. 1311 Sunday, 4ghJuly, 2001 1I .OO am Sung Eucharist: Sermon and Sunday School. Celebrant & Preacher. Fr Ken Marfin. Hymns: 223, 260, Taiize: Ubi Ciaritas, Anthem: If Ye Love Me mliis],Rec.: '137(MP]. Taize: Ubi carifasef amor, Ubi carifas Deus ibi est rWhem there is chanty and love, there is God"). Setting: Agutter. Agnus Dei: Norman Doe. 6.30 pm Evensong. (3fficiant: Fr Ken M,sr?in. Introit: 0 Praise the Lord (Batfen). Psalm 77. Hymns: 343, Anthem: Saviour Thy Chiidren Keep (Arfbur Sirllivan). Magnif~cat& Nunc Dimittis: A. Somewell in F. Readings: Genesis 3%,9-30.Mark 7, 1-23. In the world-w~deChurch we pray today for Bro\rince IV (Southeast) of the Episcopal Church of the USA, and its President, Mrs Scott Evans We pray for an end to the fightrng In the Middle East and for the peace process In Northern Ireland. In this dgocese we pray for the Rural Deanery of Cowbridge, and Vivian Ginn (Rural Dean). We pray for the sick, remembering especially Jlanet Munday, Gwefidoline Hspkins, John Warren, Keith Jobbins, Lucy Fiori, John Satchell, Nick Sourlis, Alison Xed, Diana Ditncan. We pray for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed, especially Muriei Alice Munday, Fred Loder and Amy Williams, whose annlversarles occur at this time. There will be no 19am Eiucharrsl. at St Philro's-7 on Tuesdays, and no 9am ~ucharist at Tuesday 6.45 pm Holy Eucharist. SfAnne's. St Margaret's until further notice. 13th 7.30 pm Discussion Group. Vestry. ST ANNE'S TUESDAY EUCHARIST is at Wednesday 10.00 am HOLY EUCHARIST. Izollowed by coffee. 6.45pm this week. 18th 10.30 am Discussion Group. 6 Newminsfer Road. -- SPECIAL MEETING FOR THE litURAL 11.OO am SI: Edward's Chamber Music Group Practice. DEANERY on Tuesday at 7.30pm in St 12.30 pm Roath Church House Luncheon Club. Martin's Church, Albany Road, is open to 2.00 pm Senior Citizens. Roafl?Church House. all PCC Members. The main item on the 7.30 pm Discussion Group. Roath Church House. 7.30 prn Rf-rridecanalMeeting. St Mastjn's. agenda is "Pastoral FZeorganisation" as affecting ?he - addressed Thursddy 9.00 am Holy Eucharist. Sf Ani~e's. by Rev. Profes!;or Thornas Watkin. This 19th 6.30 pm Junior Choir Practice. may have a direct effect on St Edward's, 7.00 pm Worship Group Practice. and all PCC members are encouraged to 7.30 pm FIJ~JChoir Practice. attend. ---- 9.00 prn CORRBL1NE. -- vriolei y St Margaret of Antioch OUR THANKS to IVlartyn 20th 7.30 pm PATRONAL SUNG EUCHARIST. St Margaret's. playing the organ this morning in the Lsence of Norman and Richard. Scrtwrdciy elst 11 .OO am St Teilo's Garden Par'&. 110 Carisbrooke Way.

Newt Sunday is the Feast of St Mary Magdatlene. The ~ofyEucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 1lam, , the Sunday School will meet at Ilam, and Evensong will be sung at 6.30pm. There will be a Barbecue rn Roath Church House grounds at 12.3Opm. ST MARGARET'S PATRONAL FESTIVAL is on Friday. Sung Eucharist at 7.30pm, when the preacher will be Fr Irving Hamer. Followed by reception in Roath Church House. ST TEILO'S GARDEN PARTY is on Saturday, llam - 3pm at 110 Carisbrooke Way. Various stalls. Lianches available. Admission £3 {inc. coffeelbiscuits). Proceeds to the Trust for Sick Children in Vjlales (UI-iW) and St Teilo's Church.

PARISH BARBECUE next Sunday 111 Roath Church House grounds at 12.30prn. Bo~~ncycastle, face panting, entertainments, hot dogs arrd cold drinks, salads, bread rolls, wine -- all free. Just bring your own burgers or sausages or steaks for the BUQ, and 21 rug for tho grass. Internet: http://roath.m~~Itisen/ers.c~om/StEdward/Email: StEdwardaChristian. hm Mollie Sishton Hester Atkinson !Stella Lyons Tom Routledgct Georgina Phippen CHOIR ADMISSIONS. Three young choristers took part in the admissions ceremony and were welcomed as full members of the choir last week. They also received certificates of membership. They were Hester Atkinson, Stella Lyons and Mollie Sishton. Also, Torn Routledge and Georgina F'hippen were presented with the deputy head chorister medals. ST EDWARD'S FIiMlLY FUN DAY Our thanks I'o all Caerph~llytad, sewed wrtti Welsh new potatoes and who helped in any way - we were very luc;ky that the vegetables £5 inc glass of w~neContact Carole Colletl rain held off, and II was a very si~ccessfulGay Special 420-258733(state choice of main course) thanks to the young musicians, face game GARl3E.N OPEN -. 6 Alma Road, 2-6pm Sun 29 July, 6- arganisers... 9pm Tue 31 Julv. Proceeds to charity. AMPHEMS. This morning's anthem is "If Ye Love Me" PARISH SONGS OF PRAISE is at St Teiio's on by Thomas Taflis (1505-1 585). The introit at Evensong Sunday, 29 July at 6.30pm. Choice of hymns to be in is "0Praise the Lord by Adrian Batten (f 591-1637), and anthem is "Saviour Ktiy Children Keep" by Arthur today please. Suliivan. AN EWI~NIRIC;OF OPERA MAGIC wrth Opera Mint at CHORAL EVENSONG at the Cathedral at 3.30pm Norwegian Church Arts Centre, Sun 29 July at 7 30pm today (with Valediction of C:horistersf. 'Anthem. Evening Tickets £7 (conc £:63 80870-013-1 81 2. Hymn (Balfour Gardiner). QUlET DAY AT LLANGAS'W on Mon 6 Aug (the Feast LLANDlAFF CATHEDRAL CHORISTEIRS leave of the Transfiguration). A time to think about Jesus' transfigldration ancl transformation. The talks will focus tomorrsw for Singapore, where they will sing at St Andrew's Cathedral and Raffles I-iotel. on links bebeen Jesus' life and our lives, and on the way His suffering :and glory can lead to our own spiritual BIBLE STUDY. We continue our study of the Acts of growth. Led by: Dafydd & Jcsanna Jones. Cost £12. the Apcrstles after Evensong this evening. ST EDWARD'S CHOIR will sing Evensong at BISCU:SSIOM GROUP meets on Tuesday at 7.30pm in St Woolos Cathedral, Newport, on Sun 19 Aug at the vestry. The group has been formed by rncrnbers of 6.30pm. the recent Alpha Course, but others are very wel(:ome TAIZ~SERVICE$ take place at St Edward's every to join us. other month on Wednesdays at 7.30pm Next service: LUNCHEON CLUB meets every Wednesdiay at 12.30 29 August. in Roath Church House. New members welcorne - FOR YOUR DIARY. please book with Parish Office by ?Oam on Sat 11 #4ug. St Teilo's Coffee Morning. Church House Wednesdays (P20-484808). Sat 25 Aug. Capel-y-ffin Pilgrimage. AM INFORMAL DISCUSSION GFtOldP meets in Room Sat 8 Sep. St Edward's Tea Dance. Church House. 1 at Roath Church House on Wednesdays at 7.30pm. Sat 22 Sep. Convoy of Hope Collection. Church House. Sat 10 Fdov. St Edward's Fayre. Roath Church House. COMPI-INE will be sung on Thursday at 9pm. Compline is a 15-minute service tsf plainchant - the last GlFT D.N. Over f:16CSO has now been received, which of the monastic "hours". is an excellent result. Then2 are still some envelopes to be returned - please return them as soon as possible WILLAGE is at St Anne's Church, Talygarn on PRAISE so a final total can be recorded. Man 23 July, 7.30pm-9pm. Speaker: Derek Lane, Diocesan Giving Atjviser. CHOIR OUTING to Tenby was a great success, and the weather stayed dry! Our thanks to Tricia for organising ST ANIVE'S PATRONAL FESTIVAL is on Thur 26 July the trip at 7.30prn, when the preacher will be Canon Harold Clarke. WELCOME. We extend a warm welcome to all visitors and nevva:orners. Please make yourself known to one of Sf ANIVE'S PATRBNAL SUPPER .- "A taste of Wales" the sidesmen if you are new with us. on Sat 28 My, 7pm for 7.30 at Roattl Ch~~rchHouse Welsh faggots or minted lamb sausages or leek 8 Weekly Newsletter NO..1312 Sunday, 2fdJhrly, 22001 11.OO am Sung Eucharist, Procession, Sermon and Sunday School. Celebrant & Preacher: Fr Ken Man'in. Hymns: Proc: 238(MP), 137, A11 heaven declares (sheet 26), Anthem, Rec.: 196. Anthem: They Have Taken Away My Lord (Sfainirer]. Setting: Nicl)slson. Kyrie & Agr~usDei: Norman Doe. Sarictus & Benedictus: Caleb Simper. 6.30 pm Evensong. Officiant: Fr Ken Martin. Introit: Hencs a18 fears and sadness QJ.S.Bech), Psalms 30,212, 150. Hymns: 556, Anthem: All things bright and beautiful (Rutfer),245 Magnificat & Munc Dirnittis: A. Somewell in F. Readings: Hosea 2, 16-23. John 20, 1-3 0. In the world-wide Church we continue to pray today for Province 1V (Southeast) of the Episcopal Church of the USA. We pray for Archbi!;hop Decimond Tutu, who is celebrating Ihe 25'' anniversary of his consecration as Bishop. We pray for peace In our inner cities, Northern Ireland and the Middle East. in th~sdiocese we pray for the Rural Deanery of Llandaff, and Fr Bill Bardow, one time priest in charge at St Edw~trd's. We pray for Fr John Payne who will be inducted as Vicar of Tongvqmlais at 6prn today. We pray for the s~ck,remembering especially Janet Munday, Gwendoling Hopkins, John VVarren, Keith Jobbins, Lucy Fisri, Jotin Satcheil, Nick Sourib, Alison Xerri, Diana Duncan. We pray for the! repose of the souls of the faithful departed, especially Alice Susan byon Riddett, whose anniversary occurs at this time. TMIS WEEK WILLAGE PRAISE is at St Anne's Church, ITalygarn on Monday, 7.30pm-9pm. 1 Mondey PSm 730 pm Village Praise. Sf Anne's Church, Talygarn. speaker: Derek Diocesan Giving IAdviser T~esdsy 7.00 pm Eucharist. St There will be no ?Dam 24th 7*30pm Dr;scussicnGroup- vesfry. and no 9arn Eucharist1 Wednesday St James the Apostie [at St Margaret's until ----further notice. -.A 25th 1Q.OQ am MOLY EUCHARIST. F:otlowed by coffee. DISCUSSIION GROUP meets on Tuesday 10.30 am Discussion Group. 6 PJewminster Road, at 7.30pm in the vestry. The group has 11 .OO am St Edward's Chamber Music Group Practice. been formed members of the recent 12.30 pm Rtaath Church House Luncheon Club. Alpha Course, but other?: are very welcome 2.00 pm Senior Citiz.ens. Roath Church House. lo join us. 5.30 pm Said Evensong. Sf Allartin's. C I1 Thursdsy St Anne, Mother of ,the Blessed Virgin Mary 26th 9.00 am Morning Prayer. St Anne's. 6.30 pm Junior Choir & Worship Group Practice. 7.30 pm ST ANNE'S PATRONAIL EUCHARIST. Followed by reception.

S~~fb~rAayath 7.00 pm St Anne's Patronal Supper. Roath Chun:h House. Newt Sbcndcry is the Eighth Sunday After Pentecost. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at I1am, the Srrnday School will meet at II am, Evensong will be sa~dat 4pm, and the Parish Songs of Praise is at St Teiio's at 6.30pm. WIN FLETCHER would like to give thanks for all the prayers and goad wishes for her eye operation last week. Atl went welt. THANK YOU to everyone who supported the bus trip to the Nationai Botanical Gardens un 30 June. Tricia raised £102 from the trip, which has been given to the 19'~scout Group, towards Katherine Idollifield's trip to Gambia. Katherine's parents raised £45 from a raffle on the Mp. WELCOME. We extend a warm welcome to all visitors and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of the sidesmen if you are new with us. PARISH OFFICE EMAIL. The Parish Office can now be contacted by email: [email protected] Internet: http:l/roath.multisewers.cem/StEdwardl Email: [email protected] -- (;ARDEN OPEN - 6 Alma Road, 2-6pm Sun 29 ~RISHBARBECUE ---7in Roath Church House July, 6-9pm Tue 31 July. Proceeds to charity. grounds at 12.30~m. castle1 face ' PARISH SONGS OF PRAISE is at St Tel4o.s painting, entertainments, hot dogs and cold drinks, Sunday, 29 july at 6.30pm. Come and join salads, bread rolls, wine? - all free. Just bTib7g your OWfl with frlencis from around the parish. Evensong burgers or sausages or steaks for the BBQ, and a rug will be sard at 4pm In St Edward's for the grass. AN EVENBNG OF OPERA MAGIC wrth Opera 1 ---- I ANTHEMS. This morning's anthem is "They have taken Mint at Norwegian Church Arts Centre, Sun 29 away nry Lord" by John Stainer (I840-1901 ) - the part July at 7.3Qpm. Tickets £7 (conc. £6) 40870-01 3-1 812. of Mary Magdalene will by sung try Vicky Williams. and QUIET DAY AT LI-ANGAS'TY on Mon 6 Aug (the Feast the part of Jesus by Edward Doe The introit at of the 'Transfiguration). A time to think about Jesus' Evensong is the chorale "Hence :all fears and sadness" transfiguration and transformation. The talks will focus from the cantata "Jesu Priceless Treasure" k,y J.S.Bach on links between Jesus' life and our lives, and on the (1685-1750), and anfhern is "All things bright and way His suffering and glory can lead to our own spiritual beautifill" by John Ftutter. growth. Led by: Dafydd & Joanna Jones Cost £12. BIBLE STUDY. We continue our stucfy of the Acts of ST EE)WARDyS CHOIR will sing Evensong at the Apostles after Evensong this evenirtg. St Woolos Cathedral, Mewport, on Sun I9 Aug at LUNCHEON CLUEI meets every Wednesday at 12.30 6.30pm. The musir: will include the canticles by Orlando in Roath Church House New members weicome - Gibbons;, and Aies:sandt-o Scarlatti's "Exultate Deo". please book with Parish Office by loam on TAIZ~SERVICES take place at St Edward's every Wednesdays (S20-484808). other month on Wednesdays at 7.30pm. Next service: EVENSONG is said on \Nednesdays at 5.30ptn at 29 AU~LIS~. St Martjn's Church in Albany Road. Fr Irving Hamer CYTUN. ,At the meeting last week, our local Council of has extended an invitation to all who worship in the Churches decided to organise a buffet supper to area of the ancient parish of Roath (our own parish, encourage people from iill our churches to come St Saviour's, St German's, St Martin's) to corne together together and meet each other. It will be hosted by for worship at this time. St Anne's, and will take place on Sat 8 Sept at 7.30prn. ST ANNEy%PATRONAL FESTIVAL is on Thursday at PROWlNlCIAL CHILDREN'S FORUM at Caerleon 7.30pm when the preacher will be Canon Haroid College, Sat 22 Sept. Registration for the talks, 9.30- Clarke The service will be followed by a reception in 4.30, costs £5 (inc. lunch). The Conference Dinner at St Anne's Hall. 8pm (addressed by Ar-chbishop Rowan) costs an ST AMPIE'S PATWONAL SlJPPEW - "A taste of Wales" additional £45. Anyone interested, please speak to on Saturday, 7pm for 7.30 at Roath Church House. Heather. Welsh faggots or minted lamb sausages or leek & FOR YCiUR DIARY. Caerphilly tart, served with Welsh new potatoes and Sat 11 Pug. St Teilo's Coffee Morning. Church House. vegetables. f5 inc. glass of wine. Contact Carole Collett Sat 25 Piug. Capel-y-ffin Pilgrimage. 420-258733 (state choice of main course). Sat 8 Sep. St Edwiird3sTea Dance. Church House. THE SBEClAL OLYMPICS are being held in various Sat 22 S,ep. Convoy of Hope Collection. Church House. venues in Cardiff over the week 28 July - 4 Aug. Sat 20 Od.St Anne's Fayre. Roath Church House. Details will be published in the local press. Can you Sat 10 NCIV.St Edward's Fayre. Roath Church House. please if you are able support some of the events - or if Sat 10 Nov. Scouts Wine & Wisdom. Church House. you meet any of the athletes, please can you extend a Sat 17 hlov. St Teilo's Fayre. Roath Church House. warm welcome to Cardiff to them! - Iricia. Sat 24 Nov. St Margaret's Fayre. Roath Church House. ------TY TEIL.C) is the Cliocesan Retreat House at Llandow, ARCHB~SHOPROWAN addressed the TUC and is the Millennium project of the . 1 conference in Cardiff C~tyHall last week Converted from the stable block of the Georgian rectory "At the moment deibate rages around the role of the it offers i3 place 1:o meet, that is secluded from the public and the prrvate In our society But the public demands of daily living, for up to 25 retreatants. The usually means the state, and the private usualiy means quiet heart of the house on the ground floor is the the business worltl What gets left out here IS the chapel of St Teilo, where the sacrament is reserved. realrty {sf 'intermediate cornmunit~es'that are ne~lher Pick up i3 leaflet about Ty Teilo from the display cabinet profrt-ar~ented nor centralrsed The health of our in the porch. society depends on these an the long run COMPE'TtTiBN. The Diocesan Children & Homes "The quest~on I think wk~ich needs to be put to Committee need a logo. It should be clear 8 simple; it Government IS how these co-operalive rnstitut~onscan should show that we work with children in the Church; it be strengthened Trades Untons are a large-scale should be fun! Heather is collecting entries - closing example, but the prrncrple also applies TO trading date 1St !September. s&mnes and rnicrorredrt and even to churckies " The Eighth Swnday Adter Penteoc4st Weekly Newsletter No. 7313 Sunday, 29" July, 2W7 Our Father.. . 1 1.00 am Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Celebrant & Preacher: The Vicar. Hymns. 175, 15(MP), 1(MP), Anthem: The Lord's Prayer (Norman he), Rec.: 2OI(MP). Setting: Nicholson. Agnus Dei: Norman Doe. 4.00 pm Choral Evensong. Officiant: Fr Ken Martin. Introit: Locus iste (Bruckner). Psalm 88. Office Hymn: 23jS). Preces: Heathcote Statham. Anthem: The Radiant Mom Hath Passed Away (Rev. MH.Woodward). Readings: Genesis &,I-25. 1 Corinthians 10, 1-24. 6.30 pm Parish Songs of Praise. St Tei/o!s School. In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Extra-provincial Diocese of Puerto Rico, and Bishop David Andrew Velazquez, We pray for Peru's first president of native Indian origin, AIejandro Toledo, who has just taken office, promising to deal with his country's crushing poverty We pray for peace in our inner cities, Northern Ireland and the Middle East. We pray for our farmers, facing yet more losses 111 the foot and mouth crisis. In this diocese we pray for the Diocesan Youth Committee. We pray for the s~ck,remembering especially Janet Munday, Gwendoline Hopkins, John Warren, Lucy Fiori, John Satchell, Nick Sourlis, Diana Duncan, Maurice Lexton. We pray for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed, especially Keith Jobbins, who died this week.' THE SPECIAL 01-YMPICS are being held in yul~WEEK various venues in Cardiff this week. Details Tuesday 7.00 pm Holy Eucharist. Sf Anne's. are in the local press. Please try to support 31sZ 7.30 pm Discussion Group. Vesfiy. some of the events - or if you meet any of the athletes, please extend a warm welcome HOLY EUCHARIST. I=ollowedby coffee St Edward's Chamber Music Group Practlce Roath Church House Luncheon Club. Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. Said Evensong. St Martin's. Discussion Group. R0afh Church HOUSC?. St Saviour's, St ~erman's,St to Thursday 9.00 am Holy Eucharist. Sf Anne's. arti in's) come together for worship at this time. 2nd 6.30 pm Junior Choir Practice. 7.00 Pm Worship Group Practice. 7.30 pm Full Choir Practice. the following Sunday when he wtll visit St Philip's. Me~tSunAsy is the Ninth Sunday After Pentecost. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at Ilam, the Sunday School will meet at Ilam, coffee will be served in the vestry after the Eucharist, the Sunday School line of coins will be continued, and the 100 Club Draw will take place. Evensong will be sung at 6.30pm. SUNDAY SCHOOL SILVER JUBILEE. On 12 Sept the present Sunday Schooi will have been meeting during the II am Eucharist for 25 years. (Of course, there were Sunday School meetings at St Edward's before 1976, but'tliey met separately from the Service on Sunday afternoons.) To celebrate the 25 years, there will be a speciat service at 4pm on Sunday, 16~September (with lots of contributions from the present members of the Sunday School!). Please give them your support. JAVIER OLlVA who has been worshipping with us for the past six months (and joined the choir) has-now returned to Spain. We wish him well, and hope to see him again soon. KAREN LEE, from Singapore, was passing St Edward's as we started the Taize Service on 4th July. Hearing the singing, she came in to join the service. She was only in Cardiff for a few days, and now she is back in Singapore, and has emailed us, sending her regards to everyone she met here, and asking us to stay in touch. PARISH BARBECUE last week was a most enjoyable occasion. Our thanks to those who organised it. internet: http://raath.multiservers.corn/StEdwardl Ernail: [email protected] TAEE SERVICES take place at NEWYOUTH GROUP. young people age 10+ a;J StEdward's every other month on I invited to join a "Sunday Night Club" (more suitable name to be Wednesdays at 7.30pm. Next service: 29 announced when the young people have decided what it is!) August. meeting 7.30 to 9prn in the Schoolroom each Sunday starting is sung approximately once next week. Initially, this is planned to run for the period of the a month at st Emard's on Thursdays at school holidays, with activities and trips. Heather has gpm. Compline is a 15-minute service of membership forms to be filled in (and signed by a parent) - this plainchant - the last of the monastic is a Health and Safety requirement. We do not need prior notice "hocrrs". Ned: service: 30 Aug. that you will be attending, but we do need the form signed befare CY1.UN BUFFET SUPPER at 7,30pm on --a child participates in the group. Sat 8 Sept at St Anne's. This event is to ANTHEMS. This morning's anthem is a setting of the encourage people from all churches to Lord's FJrayer, by our organist, Norman Doe. The introit 'Ome togctherd and meet One at Evensong is the gradual "Locus Iste" by Anton EUROPEAN HERITAGE WEEKEND, st Margaret's wilj Bruckner, and the anthem is "The Radiant Morn Hath be open to the public during the weekend of 819 Sept. passed way", words by Rev. Godfrey Thring, music by Help is needed to supervise ascent in the tower, Rev. H.H.Woodwardl one time Mnor Camn of provide refreshments (2-3 hours), provide cakes, man a Worcester. sales table (guide books, pens etc.). Any further ideas GARDEN OPEN - 6 Alma Road, 2-6pm today (£1 .SO), appreciated. Contact Pat Hyett 42°-471247. and 6-9pm on Tuesday (£2.50 inc. a glass of wine). ST EDWARD'S FESTIVAL. Our Music & Arts Festival is Proceeds to charity. from 5'h-*14* October this year. The following events PARISH SONGS OF PRaiSE is at St Teila's today at have been so far: 6:30pm, Come and join with friends from around the Fri 5". 7.30pm. St Edward's Orchestra Concert. parish. Sun 7th.Harvest Thanksgiving: Service of Harvest Readings and Music at 4pm. BIBLE STUDY. We have decided to take a break until Wed loth.7.45pm. the end of August. There will be no Bible Study this Cardiff & Vale of Glamorgan Symphonic Brass. evening. Thur 7 lLh.7.30pm. AN EVENING OF OPERA MAGIC with Opera Mint at Jayne Thomas & lolo Jones (pianolviolin duo). Norwegian Church Arts Centre, today at 7.30pm. Fri 1zth. Patronal Festival Eucharist. Tickets £7 (conc. £6) S0870-013-,1812. Sat 13th. Sunday School Concert. Sun 14'". Festival Lunch. DISCUSSION GROUP meets on Tuesday at 7.30pm in There will also be an Art Exhibition throughout the the vestry. The group will take a break for August, so Festival period. this will be the last meeting until September. We need volunteers to fom a Festival Task Group - LUNCHEON CLUB meets every Wednesday at 12.30 the main job is publicity, but there is also lots of llaii1ng with artists etc. Like the Fun Day, this is an important in Roath Church House. New members welcome - opportunity to welcome newcomers into the church. please book with Parish Office by loam on Please speak to Sue Mansell, Heather Doe, Fred Waite Wednesdays (P20-484808). or Alan Mayer if you are interested in helping to make AN INFORMAL DIIBCUSSION GROUP meets in Room our Festival successful. 1 at Roath Church House on Wednesdays at 7.30pm. FOR YOUR DIARY. QUlET DAY AT LLANGASW on Mon 6 Auy (the Feast Sat 25 Aug. Capel-y-ffin Pilgrimage. of the Transfiguration). A time to think about Jesus' Sat 8 Sep. St Edward's Tea Dance. Church House. transf~gurationand transformation. The talks will focus Sat 22 Sep. Convoy of Hope Collection. Church House. on links between Jesus' life and our lives, and on the Sat 20 Clct. St Anne's Fayre. Roath Church House. way His suffering and glory can lead to our own spiritual Sat 10 Elov. St Edward's Fayre. Roath Church House. growth. Led by: Dafydd & Joanna Jones. Cost f 12. Sat 10 Nov. Scouts Wine & Wisdom. Church House. Sat 17 Nuv. St Teilo's Fayre. Roath Church House. ST TEILO'S COFFEE MQRNlNG 10.30am-noonon Sat Sat 24 Nov. St Margaret's fayre. Roath Church House. 1 1 Aug in Roath Church House. Admission f1. Talk and demonstration by Jacqu~of the Body Shop at 1 lam. ST EDWARD'S FIJN DAY was a most successful and Cake stall, book stall and raffle. Proceeds to Trust for enjoyable occasion. We are delighted to welcome those Sick Children and St Teilo's Church Funds. who visited us then and have since come to join us on a Sunday. As a result of the Fun Day, f 328 was made, to ST CHoiR sing Evensong at be divided between St Anne's Church (building project) St Woolos Cathedral, Newport, on Sun 19 Aug at and Cancer Research. 6.30pm. The music will include the canticles by Orlando Gibbons, and Alessandro Smrlatti's "Exultate ~eo". WELCOME. We extend a warm welcome to ail visitors and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of the sidemen if you are new with us. The Mir~Zh Swdq -8tbter '9et-atea& Weekly Newsletter Alo. 7314 Sunday, 5'hAugust, 2#7 1'I .ODam Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Celebrant & Preacher The Vicar. Transfiguration Hymns: 153(MP), 77, Anthem, Purify My Heart (sheet 29), Anthem, Rec,: 248(MP). Anthems. Jesu Priceless Treasure (8ach), 0 How Amiable (Eafon Faning). Setting: Aquifer. Agnus Dei: Norman Doe. 6.30 pm Evensong. Officiant: Fr Ken Martin. introit: The Comfortable Words. Psalm 107, vv 1-32. Hymns: 351, Anthem: O Give Thanks Unto the Lord {E.A.Sydenham), 559. Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: A. Sorvervell in F. Readings: Genesis 50, 4-26. I Corinthians 14, 1-19. In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Extra-provincial , and Bishop Jorge Perera Hurtado. We pray for peace In our inner cities, N~rthernIreland and the Middle East. We pray for those ~njuredby the bomb in Ealing. We pray for our farmers, as the foot and mouth crisis continues. In this diocese we pray for the Rural Deanery of Penarth & Barry, and Fr Edward Dowding (Rural Dean). We pray for the sick, remembering especially Janet Munday, Gwendoline Hopkins, John Warren, Lucy Fiori, John Satchel[, Nick Soutlis, Diana Duncan, Maurice Lexton. We pray for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed, especially Rubina Eccles, whose anniversary occurs at this time. ~AYAT LLANGASTY on hnondavl (the Feast of the Transfiguration). A time TMIS WEEK I think about Jesus' transfiguration transformation. The talks will focus on The Transfiguration of Our Lord links between Jesus' life and our lives, and Quiet Day. tlangasfy Refreaf House. on the way His suffering and glory can lead fdesdav 7th 7.00 prn t-folv Eucharist. St Anr?e's. Ito our own spiritual growth. Led by: Dafyddl ]& Joanna Jones. Cost f 12. 1 Wednesday I 0.00 am HOLY EUCHARIST. Followed by coffee. LIGHTSHIP 200i). The Holy Eucharist is 8th 11.OO am St Edward's Chamber Music Group Pradice. 12.30 pm Roath Church House Luncheon Club. celebrated aboard Lightship 2000 on the 1.OO pm Holy Eucharist. Lightship 2000. second Wednesday of each month 2.00 pm Senior Citizefis. Roatl?Church House. (including this week) at 8am and lpm. 5.30 pm Said Evensong. Sf Martin's. There is also a celebration in Welsh at 12 7.30 pm Discussion Group. Roafh Chu- ST TEIAO'S COFFEE MORNING 10.30arn-noon on '.OO am Morning Prayer. SfAnne's. Saturday in Roath Church House. Admission f I. Talk and 9th 6.30 pm Junior Cho~rPractice. demonstration by Jacqui of the Body Shop at 11am. Cake 7.00 pm Worship stall, book stall and raffle. Proceeds to Trust for Sick 7.30 pm Full Choir Practice. Children and St Teilo's Church Funds. I 1 Saturday 11th 10.30 am St Teilo's Coffee Moi-ning. Roafh Church House. Me~tSwndciy is the Tenth Sunday After Pentecost. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 1lam, the Sunday School will meet at Ilam, and Evensong will be sung at 6.30pm. COFFEE will be served in the vestry after the Et~charistthis morning, and the draw for the 100 Club will take place. Newcomers in particular are very welcome to join us. The Sunday School and Junior Choir will continue the fine of coins - please give them your support. BIBLE STUDY AND DISCUSSION GROUP are both taking a break for August. QUIET DAY, We are hoping to arrange a Quiet Day at Ty Mawr Convent (near Monmoilth) on Fri 17 Aug, 9am- 9.30pm. if you are interested in joining us, please have a word with Heather (P20-214063). BISHOP BARRY is visiting the parish today, when he will be celebrating and preaching at St Anne's, and also next Sunday when he will visit St Philip's. ART EXHIBITJON during St Edward's Festival this year has the theme "The Four Seasons". If you are interested in exhibiting paintings or photographs, please have a word with Liz Haigh. ST EDWARD'S LECTERN. The eagle will shot-kly be going away for a few weeks to be repolished - we are not sure when, but please do not be concerned if it is missing. Internet: Email: [email protected] -- ARCHBISHOP ROWAN expressed his NEW YOUTH GROUP STARTING sadness as the final official shift took , , Young people age 10+ are invited to join a "Sunday place at the Ebbw Vale Corus plant, (more suitable name to be announced when the leading to the redundancy of 400 have decided what it is!) meeting 7.30 to 9pm in workers, and also 1,300 redundancies at each Sunday starting today. Initially, this is the heavy end Of the LlanwernCOrus the period of the school holidays, with activities and trips. plant in Newport. He said: "Whilst these redundancies are a source Heather has membership forms to be filled in of great sadness, we now have to look parent) - this is a HeaWh and Safety forward to some by employers need prior notice that YOU will be and government that they are prepared form signed before a child participates- in the group.- to make some engagement in the BIG INCREASE FOR GIFT DAY. The total given this regeneration of the local area. Clearly, year was £1678. This compares very favourably with our chief concern and prayers go with those who have last year's total of El355.50 - an increase of over 23% been made redundant and their families at this time." We are very grateful to all who have given so EUROPEAN HERITAGE WEEKEND St Margaret's will generously. be open to the public during the weekend of 819 Sept. ANTHEMS, During the Communion this morning the is needed to ascent In the choir will sing the first chorale of Bach's Cantata "Jesu provide refreshments (2-3 hours), provide cakes, man a Priceless Treasure", and the anthem is a settlng of sales table (guide books, pens etc.). Any further ideas Psalm 134 "0 How Amiable" by Eaton Faning The intro~t appreciated Contact Pat Hyett 820-471247. at Evensong 1s "The Omfortable Words", and the SUNDAY SCHOOL SILVER JUBILEE. On 12 Sept the mthem is from f'salm 107, "0 give thanks unto the present Sunday School wili have been meeting during Lord" by E.A Sydenham. the I1 am Euchar~stfor 25 years. (Of course, there were EVENSONG is said on Wednesdays at 5.30pm at Sunday School meetings at St Edward's before 1976, St Martin's Church in Albany Road. Fr Irving Hamer but they met separately from the Servlce on Sunday has edended an lnvitatlorl to all who worship in the aRernoons.) the 25 years, there will be a area of the ancrent parish of Roath (our own parish, special service at 4pm on Sunday, 16'~September (with St Saviour's, St German's, St Martin's) to come together lots of r:ontribut~ons from the present members of the for worship at this time Sunday School!) Please give them your support. ST EDWARD'S CHOIR will sing Evensong at ST EDWARD'S FESTIVAL. Our Music & Arts Festival is from 5th-14thOctober this year. We need volunteers to St Woolos Cathedral, Newport, 011 Sun 19 Aug at 6.30pm. The music will include the canticles by Orlando form a F:ostlvai Action Group - the main job IS publ~city, Gibbons, and Alessandro Scarlatt~'~"Exultate Deo" but there is also lots of liaising with artists etc. Like the Evensong will be said at 6.3Opm In St Edward's. Fun Day, this is an important opportunity to welcome newcomers into the church. Please speak to Sue CAPEL-Y-FFIN PIL-GRIMAGE has been arranged for Mansell Weathef Doe, Fred Waite or Alan Mayer if you Sat 25 Aug, and includes a Sung E~~charistat are ~nterested In helping to make our Festival St David's Church Llanthony, a gulded cross-country successf~~l. walk to Capel-y-ffin, an Eci.imenica1 Office of Our Lady at St Mary's Church Capel-y-ffin (preacher the Rt Rev. CHARITABLE DONATiCPNS ENVELOPES are Lindsey Urwin), and a procession with stations at the available. at the back of the church (in response to those Shrine and the Monastery These arrangements may be who asked for a simple means of giving to charities affected by the foot-and-mouth restrictions. Details can through the church). Simply put your donation in the be obtained from the Secretary, Mrs E Hacket-Pain envelope, tick a box or specify your charity and leave SO18734390565. the envelope in the basket. We will do the rest. FLAMES OF FIRE. The annual Christian holiday CORHPETOTLON. The Diocesan Children & Homes festival takes place at the Royal Welsh Showground, Committee need a logo. It should be clear & simple; it Builth VVells, 25-31 August. An opportunity for all ages should show that we work with children in the Church; it to come together for refreshment, sound teaching, should be fun! Heather IS collecting entries - closing worship and fellowship. For details, phone or fax date 1 September. 401656 767672 or e-mail: FOR YQlJR DIARY. Sat 8 Sep. St Edward's Tea Dance. Church House. Sat 22 Sop. Convoy of Hope Collection. Church House. TAIIZ~SERVICES take place at St Edward's every Sat 20 Oct. St Anne's Fayre. Roath Church House. other month on Wednesdays at 7.30pm. Next service: Sat 10 Nov. St Edward's Fayre. Roath Church House. 29 AU~LIS~. Sat 10 Nov. Scouts Wine & Wisdom Church House. Sat 17 Nov. St Teilo's Fayre Roath Church House. CnUN BUFFET SUPPEW at 7.30pm on Sat 8 Sept at Sat 24 Nov. St Margaret's Fayre. Roath Church House. St Anne's. This event is to encourage people from all churches to come together and meet one another. WELCOME. We extend a warm welcome to all visitors and newcomers. Please make vourself known to one of the -, is. COMPLINE. Next service. 30 Aug - 2 . sidesmen if you are new with The Tenth Sunday Abter Pentecost Weekly Newsletter No. 1315 Sunday, 7zth~~~~~t, 2007 Have your lamps lit ... Luke 12:35 11.OO am Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Celebrant & Preacher: Fr Ken Martin. Hymns: 296, 400, 119(MP), Anthem: The Peace of God (Rutter), Rec.: 151(MP). Setting: Aguffer. Agnus Dei: Norman Doe. 6.30 pm Evensong. Officiant: Fr Ken Marfin. Introit: Cast Thy Burden Upon the Lord (Mendelssohn). Psalm 108. Hymns: 368, Anthem: A Prayer (Richard Lloyd), 267 Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: A.Sometvel1in F. Readings: Isaiah 11,lO - 12,6. 2 Corinthians 1, 1-22. In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Anglican Church of the Central American Region, and Archbishop Cornelius Wilson. We pray for peace in our inner cities, Northern Ireland and the Middle East. In this diocese we pray for the Diocesan Readers Association, and Chancellor Brian Lodwick. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Janet Munday, Gwendoline Hopkins, John Warren, Lucy Fiori, John Satchell, Nick Sourlis, Diana Duncan, Maurice Lexton, Alison Xerri. We pray for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed, especially Herbert Carlyon Riddett and John Henry Eccles, whose anniversaries occur at this time.

there is no Eucharist on Tuesday or Wednesday The Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady Morning Prayer on Thursday at St Anne's 15th 10.00 am HOLY EUCHARIST. Followed by coffee. 11.OO am St Edward's Chamber Music Group Practice. 12.30 pm Roath Church House Luncheon Club. 2.00 pm Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. 5.30 pm Said Evensong. St Marfin's. meets in Room 1 at Roath Church House 7.30 pm Discussion Group. Roath Church House. Thursday 6.30 pm Junior Choir Practice. QUIET DAY. A group from St Edward's is visiting Ty Mawr 16th 7.00 pm Worship Group Practice. Convent (near Monmouth) on Friday of this week for a 7.30 pm Full Choir Practice. Quiet Day, 9am-9.30pm. If you are interested in joining them, please have a word with Heather (420-214063). Friday 17th 9.00 am Quiet Day. Ty Mawr Convent.

Meat Swnday IS the Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at llam and the Sunday School will meet at Ilam. St Edward's Choir will sing Evensong at St Woolos Cathedral, Newport, at 6.30pm, and Evensong will be said at St Edward's at 6.30pm. YOUTH GROUP meets in the schoolroom on Sundays, 7.30-9.00pm. At the first meeting last week, lots of ideas for activities and trips were discussed. Young people age 10+ are invited to join the Club. Initially, it is planned to run for the period of the school holidays. Heather has membership forms to be filled in (and signed by a parent for each person participating in the group). ST ANNE'S WALSINGHAM PILGRIMAGE. If you have somebody you would like to be prayed for at Walsingham, please contact Carole Collete 420-258733 or Michael Griffiths S20-216430 today. FLAMES OF FIRE. The annual Christian holiday festival takes place at Builth Wells, 25-31 August. The setting is The Royal Welsh Showground at Builth Wells surrounded by God's beautiful natural scenery. The comfort is what you choose to make it, camping in a tent or caravan, staying at a Bed and Breakfast Guest House or Hotel. The food is cook your own, go for a meal at the on-site cafeteria or get a snack from the Fair Trade Cafe or in town only a short walk away. Each morning there is Worship before moving on to a Bible Study in the central venue. You will be free to concentrate on this because the children are being catered for separately. There is a special program for the children over five years running all day; they will have a great time with activities and worship specially designed for their age group. An opportunity for all ages to come together for refreshment, sound teaching, worship and fellowship. For details, phone or fax 401656 767672 or e-mail: Internet: http://roath. multisen/ Email: StEdwardQChristian. hm FAREWELL. We are sad to say goodbye today to Mrs EUROPEAN HERITAGE WEEKEND. St Margaret's will Kathleen Levear, who is leaving tomorrow to live in be open to the public during the weekend of 819 Sept. Edinburgh. She has said how much she will miss the Help is needed to supervise ascent in the tower, people of St Edward's, and we will miss her too. We provide refreshments (2-3 hours), provide cakes, man a wish her well in her new home, and promise to keep in sales table (guide books, pens etc.). Any further ideas touch. appreciated. Contact Pat Hyett 820-471247. ANTHEMS. During the Communion this morning the SUNDAY SCHOOL SILVER JUBILEE. On 12 Sept the choir will sing John Rutter's setting of "The Peace of present Sunday School will have been meeting during God which passeth all understanding". The introit at the I1am Eucharist for 25 years. (Of course, there were Evensong is "Cast Thy Burden Upon the Lord", from Sunday School meetings at St Edward's before 1976, Mendelssohn's oratorio "Elijah", and the anthem is "A but they met separately from the Service on Sunday Prayer" by Richard Lloyd. afternoons.) To celebrate the 25 years, there will be a special service at 4pm on Sunday, 16'~september (with BIBLE STUDY AND DISCUSSION GROUP are both lots of contributions from the present members of the taking a break for August. Sunday School!). Please give them your support. BISHOP BARRY is visiting the parish again today, PCC meets on Mon 17 Sept. when he will be celebrating and preaching at St Philip's. PROVINCIAL CHILDREN'S FORUM at Caerleon EVENSONG is said on Wednesdays at 5.30pm at College, Sat 22 Sept. Registration for the talks, 9.30- St Martin's Church in Albany Road. Fr Irving Hamer 4.30, costs £5 (inc. lunch). The Conference Dinner at has extended an invitation to all who worship in the 8pm (addressed by Archbishop Rowan) costs an area of the ancient parish of Roath (our own parish, additional f15. Anyone interested, please speak to St Saviour's, St German's, St Martin's) to come together Heather. for worship at this time. ST EDWARD'S FESTIVAL. Our Music & Arts Festival is ST EDWARD'S CHOIR will sing Evensong at from 5th-14th0ctober this year. The following events St Woolos Cathedral, Newport, next Sunday at 6.30pm. have been arranged so far: The music will include the canticles by Orlando Fri 5'h. 7.30pm. St Edward's Orchestra Concert. Gibbons, and Alessandro Scarlatti's "Exultate Deo". Sun 7'h. Harvest Thanksgiving: Evensong will be said at 6.30pm in St Edward's. Service of Harvest Readings and Music at 4pm. VILLAGE PRAISE is on Mon 20 Aug, 7.30-9.00pm at Wed loth. 7.45pm. Cardiff & Vale of Glamorgan St Hilary's Church, St Hilary, when the speaker will be Symphonic Brass. Rev. Enid Morgan, Vicar of Llangynwyd with Maesteg. Thur llth. 7.30pm. Jayne Thomas & lolo Jones (pianolviolin duo). EARTHSUIT (American Christian rock band) are at the Fri 12'" Patronal Festival Eucharist. All Nations Centre on Fri 24 Aug at 7.30pm (see Sat 13'h. Sunday School Concert. Supported by Mesopotamia from Sun 14th.Festival Lunch. Cardiff, and James Aubrey. For details 820-522838. There will also be an Art Exhibition throughout the CAPEL-Y-FFIN PILGRIMAGE has been arranged for Festival period. Sat 25 Aug, and includes a Sung Eucharist at We need volunteers to form a Festival Action Group - St David's Church Llanthony, a guided cross-country the main job is publicity, but there is also lots of liaising walk to Capel-y-ffin, an Ecumenical Office of Our Lady with artists etc. Like the Fun Day, this is an important at St Mary's Church Capel-y-ffin (preacher the Rt Rev. opportunity to welcome newcomers into the church. Lindsey Urwin), and a procession with stations at the Please speak to Sue Mansell, Heather Doe, Fred Waite Shrine and the Monastery. These arrangements may be or Alan Mayer if you are interested in helping to make affected by the foot-and-mouth restrictions. Details can our Festival successful. be obtained from the Secretary, Mrs E Hacket-Pain ART EXHIBITION during St Edward's Festival this year 801873-890565. has the theme "The Four Seasons". If you are TAIZE SERVICES at St Edward's every other month on interested in exhibiting paintings or photographs, please Wednesdays at 7.30pm. Next service: 29 August. have a word with Liz Haigh. COMPLINE. Next service: 30 Aug. FOR YOUR DIARY. Sat 8 Sep. St Edward's Tea Dance. Church House. ST EDWARD'S COMMITTEE meets on Fri 7 Sept. Sat 22 Sep. Convoy of Hope Collection. Church House. IGNITE'S FIRST BIRTHDAY is on Fri 7 Sept (at the All Sun 30 Sep. Parish Songs of Praise. St Anne's. Nations Centre). To celebrate, Jeni Varnadeau is Sat 20 Oct. St Anne's Fayre. Roath Church House. coming over from the States (see Sat 10 Nov. St Edward's Fayre. Roath Church House. Also Doug Walker from Sat 10 Nov. Scouts Wine & Wisdom. Church House. Manchester, and Nigel James and Naomi Hill. Sat 17 Nov. St Teilo's Fayre. Roath Church House. Sat 24 Nov. St Margaret's Fayre. Roath Church House. CYTUN BUFFET SUPPER at 7.30pm on Sat 8 Sept at St Anne's. This event is to encourage people from all WELCOME. We extend a warm welcome to all visitors churches to come together and meet one another. and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of the sidesmen if you are new with us. 'The Eleventh Surodsy Af;.t.erPenZeco?iit Weekly Newsletter No. 1316 11.00 am Sung Euchar'ist, Sermon and Sunday School. Celebrant; Fr Ken Mal?in. Preacher: Rev Desmond Han/ey. Hymns: 3 (FE I & Dox.), Here I ;%rn Lord (sheet 191, Give Thanks (sheet ;!7), Anthem, Rec: BO(MP) Anthem: Ave Maria (Itittoria]. Setting: Agufter. Agnus Dei: Norman Doe. 6.30 pm Choral Evensong at St Woolos Ciathedral. Introit: 0 Praise the Lord (Adrian Batten). Preces & Re:sponses: hlarfin bdeary. Psalm 115, Hymns: 266, Anthern: Exultate Deo (Scarlatti), 258, 225. Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: 0rl~rr;tdoGibbons Shod Service. Readings: Jeremiah 20, 9-13. Philippians 2, 1-18. 6.30 pm Said Evensong at St Eidward's. Officiant: Fr Ken illatfin. Psalm 119, w 17-24. Readings: Isaiah 28, 9-22. 2 Corinthians 8, 1-9. In the world-wide Church we pray today for Pm~vinceIX (Caribbean) of the Episcopal Church of the USA, and President Bishop Jose Negtali Larrea. We pray for peace In our inner cities, Northern Ireland and the Middle East. We pray for the people of Macedonia, and for the troops preparlrlg to oversee the peace process there. We pray for the victims of the fire in Manila, and for the group of missiorlary Christians who were staying there In this diocese we pray for the Rural Deanery of Aberdare, and Fr Stephen Ryan (Rural Dean). We pray for the sick, remembering especially Janet Nlunday, Gwendoline Hopkins, John Warren, L,ucy Fiori, John Satchel), Nick Sourlis, Diana Duncan, Maurice Lexton, Alisorl Xerri We pray for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed, especially Fred Loder and Nlargaret Millicent Martin, whose anniversaries occur at this time. 'YMIS WEEK

Monday 20th 7.30 pm Village Praise. Sf Hi/a4y1sChurch, St Nilary. Tuesday elst 7.00 pm Holy Eucharist. St Anne's. EARTHSUIT (r4merican Christian rock Wednesday 10.00 am EUCHARIST. by are at the All Nations Centre on 22nd 11.OO am St Edward's; Chamber Music Group Practice. at 7.30pm (see uw.earthsujt,com), 12.30 pm Roath Church House Luncheon Club. by Mesopotamia from Cardiff, 2.00 pm Senior Citizens. RoatC~Church House. Aubrey. For details 820- 5.30 pm Said Evensong. St Martin's. Thursday 9.00 am Morning Prayer, StAnneis, lgTH CARDIFF: SCOUT GROUP wish to extend thZ 23rd 6.30 pm J~iniorChoir Practice. grateful thanks to the Coffi House, Wellfield Rd, for its 7.00 pm Worship Group Practice. generous donation of paint and equipment to the Group for 7.30 om Full Choir F'ractice. the painting of the interior of the Scout Hut, which was r]damaged dunng the recent flooding. Friday St Bartholornew the Apostle whoto Carolinewere 24th 7.30 pm Earthsuit (Christian Band). All Nafions Centre.~GK~ONS and Sa turda y Flames of Fire. Builth Wells. lyesterday at St ~ar~aret's. --- 25th 12.00 noon Capel-y-Ffin Pilgrimage. Llanthony Abbey. 1 Memt Sunday is the Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at II am, the Sunday School will meet at 7 Iam, and Evensong will be sung at 6.30pm.

WE WELCOME Rev. Desmond Harvey to St Edward's for first time this morning. ANTHEM. During the Communion this morning, ,to mark the octave of the Feast of the Assumption of Our lady, the choir will sing a setting of "Ave Maria" by Tommaso Ludovico da Vittoria (c.1540-c.1605). internet: http:llroath. multiservers.~;omIStEdwar& Email: StEdwardaChristian. hrn ST EDWARD'S CHOIR will sing Evensong at not need to brlng a partner! Tickets bought In church St Woolos Cathedrdt, Newport, today at 6.30pm. The are £5 '(conc. £3.50, children £2.50, family £12). ~ntroit1s "0 Praise the Lord" by Adrian Batter1 (1591- Proceeds in aid of St Edward's Church Funds. 1637). The canticles are the "Short Service" i3y Orlando CYTUN BUFFET SUPPER at 7.30pm on Sat 8 Sept at Gibbons, and the anthem is "Exultate Deo" by St Anne's This event is to encourage people from all Alessandro Scarlatti (1Q30-1725). We will leave churches to come together and meet one another. St Edward's at 4.30pm for a practice at the Cathedral from 5pm to 6pm. Evensong will be said at 6.30pm In EUROPIEAN HERITAGE WIEEKEND. St Margaret's will St Edward's. be open to the pul3lic during the weekend of 819 Sept Help is needed to supervise ascent in the tower, YOUTH GROUP this week will attend the Evensong at provide 1-efreshmer~ts(2-3 hr3~r.s)~provide cakes, man a St Woolos Cathedral. sales table (guide books, pens etc.). Any further ideas BIBLE STUDY AND DISCUSSION GROUP are both appreciated. Contact Pat Hyett P20-471247. taking a break for August. SUNDAY SCHOOL, SILVER JUBILEE. On 12 Sept the AN lNFORMAb DISCUSSION GROUP meets in Room present Sunday School wilt have been meeting during 1 at Roath Church House on Wednesdays at 7.30pm, the Il arn Eucharist for 25 years. (Of course, there were but there is no meeting this week as they are doing the Sunday School meetings at St Edward's before 1976, "Paradise RunJ'. but they met separately from the Service on Sunday afternoons.) To celebrate the 25 years, there will be a CAPEL-Y-FFIM Plf-GRIMAGE is on Saturday, and special service at 4pm on Sirnday, 16'~September. incfudes a Sung Eucharist at St David's Church Lianthony (12 noon), a guided cross-country walk to PCC meets on Mon 1'7 Sept. Capel-y-ffin (1 30pm), an Ecumenicai Bff~ceof Our PROViNClAb CHILDREN'S FORUM at Caerleon Lady at St Mary's Church Capel-y-ff~n(preacher the Rt College, Sat 22 Sept. Registration for the talks, 9 30- Rev Lindsey Urwrn - 3 30prn), and a procession wrth 4 30, costs £5 (~nc:. lunch). The Conference Dinner at stat~ons at the Shr~ne and the Monastery. These 8pm (addressed by Archbishop Rowan) costs an arrangements may be affected by the foot-and-mouth additional El 5 Anyone interested, please speak to restrictions. Details can be obtained from the Secretary, Heather Mrs E Hacket-Pain 901873-890565 CHARITY' BUS TRIP TO BATH in aid of the Welsh FLAMES OF: FIRE. The annual Christian holiday Special Needs Power Lifting Team, on Sat 29 Sept festival takes place at Builth Wells, 25--31August at the Leave St Edward's 9am, leave Bath 5pm. £9 per person Royal Vdelsh Showground at Builth Wells. This event is contact Tricia to book your seat. not a casualty of the foot and mnutli epidemic. For - details, phone or fax PO1656 767672 or e-mail: ST EDWfARD'S FESTIVAL. Our Music & Arts Festival is conierencecoordinator@i?; from 5'h--.14thOctober this year. We need volunteers to TAIZ~SERVICES take place at St Edward's every form a Festival Action Group - the main job is publicity, other month on Wednesdays at 7 30pm. Next sewice. but there? is also lots of liaising with artists etc. Like the 29 Augi~st. Fun Day, this is an important opportunity to welcome newcomers into the church. Please speak to Sue COMPLINE is sung approximately once a month at Mansell, I-leather Doe, Fred Waite or Alan Mayer if you St Edward's on Thc~rsdaysat 9pm. Compline is a 15- are interested in helping to make our Festival minute :service of piaincharlt - the last of the monastic successl'ul. "hours". Next service: 30 Aug. ART EXWlBlTlON during St Edward's Festival this year CHURCH SAFETY & SECURITY. 'There IS a one-day has the theme "The Four Seasons". If you are seminar arranged by Ea:lesiastical Insurance and interested in exhibiting paintings or photographs, please Churches Tourism Network Wales on reduc~ngrisks to have a word with Liz Haigh. people end church buildings on Thursday 6thSepternber at the City Church (Windsor Place), 10.30am to 4.45pm. FOR YOUR DIARY'. Alan has details. Fri 7 Sep. St Edward's Committee. Sat 8 Sep. Penrhys Pilgrimage. STEEDWARD'S COMMITTEE meets on Fri 7 Sept. Sun 9 Ssp. 3pm. Hawest Thanksgiving Lightship 2000. 1GPilTE'S FlRST BIRTHDAY is on Fri 7 Sept (at the All Mon 17 iSep. Parochial Church Council. Nations Centre). 'To celebrate, Jeni Varnadeau is Sat 22 Sep. Convoy of Hope Collection. Church House. coming over from the States (see Sun 30 Sep. Parish Songs of Praise. St Anne's. Doug Walker from Sat 10 Mov. St Edward's Fayre. Roath Church House. Manchester, and Nigei James and Naomi Hill. "A LANTERN UN'TB MY FEET" (Psalm 119:105), Our ST EDWARD'S TEA DANCE IS at Roath Church House thanks to Fred and Alan for installing an electric light to on Sat 8 Sept, startlng w~tha workshop (2pm-3.30pm) illuminate the pedals of the organ - a very useful facility to learn the dances These are fun soc~aldances from that was omitted when the organ was rebuilt. the early twentieth century, such as the or~g~natfoxtrot, WELCQhrlEt. We extend a warm welcome to all visitors and ostt-~chstomp, castle scholtrsche, Mississlppl dip etc newcomens. Please make yourself known to one of the The dance is 4pm-6pm Full for all the family - you do sidesmefii if you are new with us. 11.00 am Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Celebrant & Preacher: Fr h:en Martin. Hymns: 216, 257, Taizd, Amthern: 8 Be Joyful [Sbnfoivc@,kc.: Shine Jesus Shine (sheet f). Taiz4: Bless the Lora' ny soul and bless his holy name. Biess the Lord my sou/, He mscues me from death Setting: Agrrfter. Agnus Dei: Norn?an Doe. 6.30 pm Evensong. Officiant: Fr Ken Martin. Introit: He that shall endure to l!he end (Men&!ssohn). Psalm 119, vv 49-72. Hymns: 1!99, anthem: Te buns l.audamtss WoordwaaPd),331. Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: A. Sffmewellin F. Readings: Isaiah 30, 8-21. 2 Corinthians 9. In the world-wide Church we pray today for Church of the Southern Cone (Iglesia Ar'tglicanai del Cono Sur de America) and Archbishop Maurice Sinclair. We pray for peace rn our inner cities, Northern Ireland and the Middle East. We pray for the aid workers held by the Taleban in Afghanistan In this diocese we pray for the Mothers' Union, and Diocosan President Mitrgaret Jones. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Jmet Munday, Gwendoline Hopkins, John Warren, Lucy Fiori, John Satchel!, Nick Sourli!~,Diana Duncan, Maurice Lexton, Alison Xem. We pray for the reposebof the souls of the faithful departed, especially Wilfred Lawkins, whose anniversary occurs at this time. TAEE SERVICE at StEdward's on Wednesday at 7.30pm. Instrumentalists T~EWEEK practise at 6 3oprr-1 Everyone is W~CW-I~-1 to r---Iattend. Twesdery 28th 7.00 pm Holy Eucharist. Sf An,vets. -.--A Wdnesdey The Beheading of St John the Baptist NO JUNIOR CHOIR or Worship Gmup e9th 10.00 am HOLY EucHARisT. i-oliawed by coffee. r--practice th~sweek, The full choir1 Aspil 11.00 am St Edward's Chamber Music Group Practice. lpradise as usual. 12.30 pm Roath Church HOUS~Luncheon Club. will sung at St Edwardjs on 2.00 pm Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. Thursday at 9pm Compline is a 15minute 5.30 pm Said Evensong. Sf Martin's. servic~of plainchant - the last of the monastic 7.30 pm TAIZE SIEFtWJCE. "hours". Everyone is welcome. I -- i Thur*y 9.00 am Morning Prayer- St rHUNT in aid of the Medical Ar'ne's. SOZh 7.30 pm Full Choir Practice. caring for the victims of torture, on Friday, starting at the 9.00 pm COMPLINE. Memorial Hall Car Park, 1-landaff from 5.30 to 6.30pm, and at a pub near Cardiff. El0 per car. Detaik from &ridcry 31rt 5.30 prn Car Treasure Hunt. fJandaK -_1 Me* Sukyis the Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost. The Holy Elficharist w~llbehebrated in St Edwards at I1am, the Sunday Scho~lwill meet at Ilam, coffee will be served in the vestry after the Eucharist, the Sunday School line of coins will be continued, and the 4QO Club Draw will take place. Evcnsong will be sung at 6.3Qpm. YOUTH GROUP meets in the schoolroom on Sundays, 7.30-9.0Opm. Young people age 10+ are invited to join the Club. Heather has membership forms to be filled in (and signed by a parent for each person participating in the group). ANTHEMS. During the Communion this morning, the choir will sing a setting of Psalm 100 "0 Be Joyful in the Lord All Ye Landsn by C. Villiers Stanford (1852-1924). The introit at E.vensong is "He that shail endure to the enti" from Mendelssohn's Elijah, and the anthem is a setting of Te Deum Laudamus by Rev. Herbert H. Woodward. BIBLE STUDY AND DISGUSSiON GROUP are ttoth taking a break for August. OUR THANKS to Tony Mansell, who has taken over the job of cutting the grass from Derek Shepherd, who did it faithfully for many years. The grounds are 10c1k;ing really good -- the exterior appearance of the church is vitally important in attracting people to come and worship with us. Please help if you can by picking up any litter you see there - the area around the noticeboard seems to be a favourite pplce to dispose of drink cans and crisp packets! Internet: Email: [email protected]

Keep your lives free from the! love of money (Heb.33:5) Weekly Pilervsietter No. 1918 11.OO am Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Celebrant & Preacher: The Vicar. Hymns: 197(MP), 171, Such Love (sheet 17), Anthem: A Gaelic Blessing (Ruffer), Rec.: 245(MP). Setting: Nicholson. Agnus Dei: Norman Doe. 6.30 pm Evensong. Officiant: Mrs Caroline Downes. Introit: 0 Lord Increase My Faith (Orlando Gibbom$i). Psalm 119, w 81-96. Hymns: %"?8,Anthem, The Servant King (sheet 2). Anthem: The Heavens Are Telling (Naydn). Magnificat & Nunc Dirnittis: A.Somerveii in F. Readings: Isaiah 33, 43-22. John 3,Z-36. in the world-wide Church we pray today for ths Episcopal Anglican Church of Brazil, and Archbishop Glauco Soares de Lima. We pray for peace in our inner cities, Northern ireland and the Middle East. We pray for the Afghan refugees on the MV Tampa. We pray for those who died in the tsxplosion and fire in Tokyo. In this diocese we pray for the Rural Deanery of Margam, and Fr Philip Masson (Rural Dean). We pray for Fa Tomy Stevens, who will be inducted as Rector of Egtrqsilan on Monday. We pfay far the sick, remembering especially Janet Munday, Gwendoline Hopkins, John Wamn, Lucy Fiori, John Satchell, Nick Sourlis, Maurice Lexton, Alison Xed. We pray for the repose of the soi~isof the faithful departed, especially Diana Duncan, who died last week, also Mollie Clarissa Morgan, Evelyn Holmes and Tom M~ore,whose anniversaries occur at this time. %'Mi%WEEK Induction Service. Eg1'wysilan. CHORAL EVENSONG at the Cathedral at 3.30prn today:! William Byrd's Short Service. Anthem: Lord, for thy Holy Eucharist. Sf Anne's. tender mercy's sake (Farrant). HOLY EUCHARIST. Followed by coffee. Discussion Group. 6 Newminster Roed. St Edward's Chamber Mu Roath Church House Luncheon Club. Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. Said Evensong. St Marfin's. Diswssion Group. Rmth Church House. Morning Prayer, St Anne's. Seminar on Church Safety (L Security. City URC. Junior Choir Practice. Worship Group Practice. Full Choir Practice. St Edward's Committoe. The Nativity of the Bless St Margaret's Heritage Workshop for Tea Dance. Roatb Ch Tea Dance. Roath Ckt~~rchHouse. Cytljn Supper. St Anne's. Next Syndccy is the Fourteenth Sunday Aftar Pentecost. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at 1lam, the Sunday School will nieet at llam, and Evensong wiil be sung at 6.30pm. COFFEE wiil be served in the vestry after the Eucharist this morning, and the draw for the 100 Club will take place. Newcomers in particular are very welcome to join us. The Sunday School and Junior Choir will continue the line of coins - please give them your support. Ticket!; for the tea dance will be available from members of the Sunday School at a stall during coffee. tnternet: http:l/StEdRoath.tripod.rnm Ernail: [email protected] - JUBILEE. On ST EDWARD'S TE3 DANCE IS at Roath Church House on Saturday, starting with a workshop (2pm-3.30pm) to learn the l2Septthe present have dances. These are fun social dances from the early twentieth been meeting during the 'lam for century, such as the original foxtrot, ostrich stomp, castle 25 years. There be a sFial service at schottische, Mississippi dip etc. The dance is 4pm-Gpm. Fun for all 4pm On Sunday, 16th September (with lotsOf the family - you do not need to bring a partner! Tickets bought in contributions from the present members Of church are f5 (conc. £3.50, children 22.50, family f12). Proceeds the School!). 'lease give them your in aid of St Edward's Church Funds. support. - P6C meets on Mon 17 Sept and will be ALPHA COURSE. A new course is starting in October. attended by Bishop Barry. The evening has not been finalised .- we are PROWMCEAL CHILDREN'S I'WRUM at Caerleon College, Sat corlsldering Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. ~f you 22 Sept. Registration for the talks, 9.30-4.30, costs E5 (inc. are interested in attending, please have a word with lunch), Conference Dinner at 8pm (addressed by Heather or ~lantoday (and state any preference YOU Archbishsc, Rowan) costs an additional £15. Anyone may have). interested: please speak to Heather. ORDERS QF SERVICE. In response to suggestions CONVOY OF MOPE. The next collection is on Sat 22 Sept, and requests from various members of the congregation loam to Ipm in Roath Church I-iouse. we have now produced ~rdersof service with the rrlusic COp,pLllVEis sung approximate,y once a month at for the K~ries,Gloria, Sanctus, Benedictus and &nus st ~chnrard~son Thursdays at 9pm. Compline is a tfi-minute Dei included. service of plainchant - the last of the monastic "hours". Next services: 27 Sept, 18 Oct, 29 Nov, 13 Dec. NEVWORK. The ecumenical news-sheet will be produced this week - if you have any items; for COFFEE MORNING. Join Barbara and Vernon Hodgson on inclusion, piease contact Alan as soon as possible. Fri 28 Sept from loam at 114. Carisbrooke Way. Cake stall, raffle, Bring & Buy etc. Proceeds to Macmillan Cancer Relief. ANTHEMS. During the Communion the choir will sing CHARITlf BUS TRIP TO BATH in aid of the Welsh Special "A Gaelic Blessing" by John Rutter. The introit at Needs Power Lifting Team, on Sat 29 Sept. Leave Evensong is "0 Lord Increase My Faith by Orlando St Edward's 9am, leave Bath 5pm. £9 per person - contact Gibbons (1583-1625), and the anthem is "The Heavens Tricia to book your seat. Are Telaing" from the oratorio "Creation" by Josef Haydn ST EDWAaRD'S FESTIVAL. Our Music & Arts Festival is from (1732-1 809). sh-14* October this year. The following events have been CHURCH SAFETY & SECURITY. The seminar on arranged so far: Fri 5*. 7.3Dpm. St Edward's Orchestra Concert. Thursday will be attended on behalf of St Edward's by Sun 7fi. 4ym. Harvest Readings and Music. Mrs Megan Martin. Wed loa. 7.45pm. Symphonic Brass. Thur Ilm..4.30-5.30pm. Fiuie I-izzie (clown). OPEN REPREXT at Llangasty Retreat House, 7-9 Sept, Thur I?*. 7.30pm.Jayne Thomas 8 lolo Jones. entitled "I Am With You - Treasured words of divine Fri 12~.Patronal Festival Eucharist. inspiration for everyone". Led by Pr John Woolley. Cost Sat 13~.IOam Coffee Morning. £75. Details from the Warden, Andrew Perrin 'Bg01874 2pm. Sunday School Concert. 658250. Email: [email protected] Sun 14". Festival Lunch. There wsll also be an Art Exhibition throughout the Festival IGNITE?§ FIRST UIRTHOAY is on Friday (at the All period. Nations Centre). To celebrate, Jeni \/amadeau is ART EXlH181710N during St Edward's Festival this year has coming over from the Statr?s (see the thenie "The Four Seasons". If you are interested in Also Doug Walker from exhibiting paintings or photographs, please have a word with Manchoster, and Nigel James and Nao~niHill. Liz Haigh. CYTUN BUFFET SUPPER at 7.30pm on Saturday at MlN1STR.Y OF HEALING RETREAT at Llangasty Retreat St Anne's. Tickets £4 (from Tricia). This event is to House, Od 27-28. £60 full board. Details from Q01633 encourage people from all churches to come together 783912 or email [email protected] and meet one another. TAE~IIERMCES take place at St Edward's every other month on Wednesdays at 7.30pm. Next service: 21 EUROPEAN HERITAGE WEEKEND. St Margaret's will Novembtsr. be open to the public next weekend (819 Sept). Help is needed to supervise ascent in the tower, provide FOR YBIJR DIARY. Sat 8 Sep. Penrhys Pilgrimage. refreshrnents (2-3 hours), provide cakes, man a sales Sun 9 Sep. 3pm. Harvest Thanksgiving. Lightship 2000. table (guide books, pens etc.). Any further ideas Sat 22 Step. 12.30pnt. Lunch with St Teilo's Ladies. appreciated. Contad Pat Hyett P20-471247. Fri 28 Sep. loam. Coffee Morning. 114 Carisb'ke Way. Sun 30 Sep. Parish Songs of Praise. St Anne's. QUIET BAY on ilyn Aberdaran (St Hywyn's Church, Sat 10 Nov. St Edward's Fayre. Roath Church House. Aberdaran, and Llanfaelrhys) on Mon 10 Sept. loam- 3.45pm. Led by Rev Evelyn Davies. Theme: "Reflecting NEW NEB RESOURCE. Anaiican Youth Woks is a new website designed for Christian Youth Workers to share ideas on Celtic Spirituality in the Church Today". Coat £5. and resources. Based in Australia, its URL is: Booking Form: StHywynParishORice@s; The Fourteenth %ndey After 'Pentecost But his delight is in the law (Ps 1: Weekly Newsletter Mo.4319 Sunday, S* September, 2001 11.00 am Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Celebrant & Preacher Fr John Woodward. Hymns: 185, Sing it in the Valleys (sh.31), I Watch the Sunrise (sh.303, Anthem, Rec.: 469(MP). Anthem: For the Beauty of the Eat% (John RutteQ Setting: Nicholson. Agltus Dei: lVorman Doe. Sanctus; & Benedictus: Richard Mayer. 6.30 pm Evensong. Officiant: Mr Brian Shapcott. Introit: Lift Thine Eyes (Meqdelssohn). Psalms 120,121. Hymns: 30(MP), Anthem: And the Glory sf the Lord {Handel), %1,24. Magnificat & Nunc nimittis: A.Somervel1 in F. Readings: Isaiah 43,14 - 4-45, John 5, 30-47. In the world-wide Church we pray today for Province of Hong Kong, and Archbishop Peter Kwong. We pray for peace in Northern Ireland, the Middle East, Macedonia. We pray for those suffering from the floods in Northern India. In this diocese we pray for the Rural Dgane~yof Merthyr T!fdfil, and Canon Steve Morgan (Rural Dean). We pray for the sick, remembering especially Janet Munday, Gwendoline Hopkins, John Warren, Lucy Fiori, John Satchelt, Nick SourEis, Maurice Lexton, Alison Xerri. We pray for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed, especially Percy Morgan Martin, wbose anniversary occurs at this time T#B WEE&: Parish Surgery. Parish OffiCX, Church House. St Edward's Orchestra Practice. tioly Eucharist. St Anne's. welcome. The Holy Eucharist is celebrated [3iscussion Group. St Edward's. aboard Lightship 2000 on the second Wednesday of each month (inducting this HOLY EUCHARIST. Foltowed by coffee. I~iscussionGroup. 6 Newminster Road. St Edward's String Orchestra Practice. Raath Church House Luncheon Club. 1ioly Eucharist. Lightship 2000. St Edward's Chamber Music Group Senior Citizens. Koath Church House. Sa~dEvensong. St Martin's. ~a~~~~~~i~~G~~~~.~~~thchurch

lioly Eucharist. Sf Anne's. placed here ire read by lots of people, and ,junior Choir Practice. play an important part in our communication Worship Group Practice. with the locality. I=ull Choir Practice. Net84 :S~ms(ayis the Fifteenth Sunday After Per~tecost.The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at Ilam, the Stenday School will meet at Ilam, and E\fensong will be sung at 6.30pm. FARMELL. Richard Mayer is leaving us this week to go to college. We wish him well. He will be especially missed in the chair, which he has served faithfully for thirteen years. NEW ORDERS OF: SERVICE. These were well received last week, and we will continue to use them. Please note that the Sanctus & E3enedid:us this week is a special setting by Richard Mayer. ANTHEMS. During the Conlmunian the choir will sing "For the Beauty of the Earth" by John Rutter, and the setting d Sanctus & Benedictus by Richard Mayer. The introit at Evensong is "Lift Thine Eyes" from Mendelssohn's Elijah, and the anthem is "And the Glory of the t-ord" from Handel's Messiah. EURBPMN HERITAGE WEEKEND. St Margaret's is open to the public today inc. climbing the tower etc. Internet: t~t&p:,' Email: ALPHA COURSE. A new course has been arranged for EXHlBlTlON of'fine Church vestments (18" century to present Mondays, starting 1 Oct. There are lots of jobs to do - day) inc demonstration of lace-making at St John the delivering leaflets, displaying posters, making coffee! - Evangelist, Graig, Pontypr~dd,Fri 12 Oct loam to 5.45pm & Sat 13 Oct loam to 3.30pm (followed by Solemn Evensong & and most important of all, encouraging people to come. Benediction at 4pm). If you are interested in attending or helping, please have a word with Heather or Alan. ST EDW,&RD9SFESTIVAL. Our Music & Arts Festival is from 5fh-14'hOctober this year. CHORAL WENSONG at the Cathedral at 3.30pm Fri 5*. 7.:30pm. St Edward's Orchestra Concert. today: 'Jomkins Fifth Service. Anthem: O Lorde the Sat 6'. 2pm. Sunday School Concert. maker of al thinge f,loubert). Sun 7". blarvest Thanksgiving: :Sewice of Harvest Readings and Music at 4pm. SUNDAY SCHOOL SILVER JUBILEE. On Wednesday Wed IO*'. 7.45pm. Cardiff & Vale of Glamorgan Symphonic of this week the present Sunday School will have been Brass. meeting during the Ilam Eucharist for 25 years. (Of Thur 1I~. 4.30-5.30pm. Fiuie 1-iuie (clown). Thur t1&. 7.30pm. dayne Thoinas & lolo Jones (pianolviolin course, there were Sunday School meetings at duo). St EdwK1Is before 1976, but they met separately from Fri 12". 7.30 pm. Patronal Festival Eucharist. Preacher: Rev. the Service on Sunday afternoons.) To celebrate the Christo her Smith. 25 years, there will be a special service at 4pm next Sat 13 ti! . 1Qam Coffee Morning in aid of the MacMillan Cancer Sunday (with lots of contributions from the present Relief A peal. members of the Sunday School!). Please give them Sat 13 . 7.30pm. St Edward's Choir Concept: Favourite Choruses. your support. Sun Ma. Festival Lunch. PCC meets on Mon 17 Sept and will be attended by There will also be an Art Exhibition throughout the Festival period. Bishop Barry. FESTIVAL CHANGES. Please note that the Sunday School DROP lNTO QUIETNESS. A day at Llangasty Retreat concert has been switched to 6' October. Also there will be a House on Tue 18 Sept. No programme just a time to be choir concert on Sat 13 Oct called "Favouflte Choruses". You still. Starts 1Uam and ends at 4pm but drop in any time. are invited to "sponsoi' your favourite anthem or chorus (e.g. Bring your own lunch; tea and coffee provided. something from Messiah) - any amount from 10p to El0 - Donations invited. and a programme will be produced from the items with most, sponsorship. The money goes to the chanties. CACEC. Cardiff Adult Christian Education Centre, at ART EXHIBITION during St Edward's Festival this year has City Church, Windsor Place, has lots of new courses the thenre The Four Seasons". If you are interested in starting in the next few weeks, including "The Oid exhibiting paintings or photographs, please see Liz Haigh. Testamentn (Weds from 26 Sep), "The Church Since the Reformation" (Weds from 26 Sep), "Introduction to COFFEE MOWING at St Edward's on Sat 13 Oct at loam, in Christian Pastoral Care and Counse!ling" (Thurs from aid of the MacMiHan Cancer Relief Appeal. 20 Sep), and "The Catholic Epistles" (Weds from 3 Qct). LIFE ON THE EDGE is a day conference for teenagers and For details *20-2250 or [email protected] parents ;at the All Nations Centre, Sachville Avenue, llam- 9pm on Sat 13 Oct. It is organised by youth spedalists Big PROVINCIAL CHILDREN'S FORUM at Caerleon Ideas, and Care for the Family, and culminates in the Life on College, Sat 22 Sept. Registration far the talks, 9.30- the Edge Concert featuring Carneron Dante (formerty of World 4.30, costs £5 (inc. lunch). The Conference Dinner at Wide Message Tribe), supported by CCM band bprn (addressed by Archbishop Rawan) wsts an brownbe;nrhnusic. Tickets are El0 per adult, E6 per child. Family ticket (29any) £30. Single parent families half price. additional f15. Anyone interested, please speak to htaildtickets BP20-010800. Heather. MAKING CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS. The Sunday School CONVOY OF HOPE. The next collection is on Sat 22 will be making Christmas decorations in the Schoolroom from Sept, loam to Ipm in Roath Church House. 2-4pm on Sat 27 Oct and Sat 3 Nov. ST TEII,BS LADIES CIRCLE invite you to lunch on Sat MINISTRY OF HEALING RETREAT at Llangasty Retreat 22 Sept, 12.30 for Ipm, at South Wales 2000 Shooting House, (36 27-28. £60 full board. Details from 801633 783912 or email [email protected] Ground, Mynyddistwyn, Gwent. Prim £8. CHURCH DIARIES for 2002 are available in church today, CHARITY BUS TRIP TO BATH in aid of tho Welsh price f 3. Special Needs Power Lifting Team, on Sat 29 Sept. Leave St Edward's 9am, leave 5af.h 5pm. E9 per person RlEfWOrUC The ecumenical newsletter is ready for delivery. contact Tricia to book your seat. If you are able to deliver to a road near your home, please - take the relevant pack. COMPL.INE. Dates: 27 Sept, 18 Qct, 29 Nov, 13 Dec. ARCHB1!3NOP ROWAN preached at Brecon Cathedral TAIZ~SERVICES. Next service: 21 November. yesterday at a special service 'lo acknowledge the dignity and compassion with which so many burdens have been carried SONGS OF PRaiSE on Sun 30 Sept, 6.30prn in during the six months since the beginning of the fsot and St Anne's. This is a Cytun (Counctl of Churches) event. mouth epidemic. He called for a "Royal Commission on Rural If you have a hymn you wouid like sung that evening, Futufes" that will look at food production, the needs of farming please pick up and complete one of the request forms in communities, the urgent need for more local co-operative the porch display cabinet. marketing (as in France) the opportunities and risks of tourism and the enormous question of long-term environmental responsibility. The Fi9teerrth Suiqdery A-t;ter Thwkecsst Weekly Alewsieffer No. 1320 Sunda~/,16~ September, 11 .OO am Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Suriday School. Celebrant & Preacher: Fr Ken Marfin. Hymns: 490, 197,402, Anthem: Miserere (AliegriJ, Rec.: 239dWIP). Setting: Agutfer. Agn~~sDei: Narman Doe. 4.00 pm Service of Thanksgiving for St Edward's Sunday School. Hymns: Shine Jesus Shine, Give! Me Oil in My Lamp, Blessed be the Name of the Lord. 6.30 pm Evensong. Officiant: Fr Ken Martin. Introit: Arise, shine, for thy light is come (Elveyjl. Psalms 724, 125. Hymns: 8Q(Ml'), Anthem: God is a Spirit, 33. Magnificat & Nunc Dirnittis: A. Somen~ellin F. Readings: Isaiah 66. John 8,51 -69 Today we join with people around the wodd to pray for the victims of the appallring ternxist attack in the United States. We pray for the bereaved, for those who are still waiting and hoping, for those who are badly injured, for the rescue workers and the medical people. \Me pray for all the world leaders wlio now face difficult decisicms. In the world-wide Church we pray for Province Ill (Mid-Atlantic) of the Episcopal Church of the USA, and President Robert D. Rowley Jr. In this diocese we pray for the Diocesan Schools Committee, and Fr Edwin Counsell, Qii-ector of Education. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Janet Munday, Gwendoline Hopkins, John Warren, Lucy Fiori, Nick Sourlis, Maurice Le.xiton, Alison Xerri. We pray for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed, especially Philip Hugh Williams, whorje anniversary occurs at this time. CHORAL EVENSONG at the Cathedrai at TMIS MEEK. 1 3.30pm today Stanford in B flat. Anthem: Parish Surgery. Parish ORce, Church House. and Keep You (Rutter). St Edward's Orchestra Practice. Parochial Church Council. St Margareffs/RF?ath Church House. SUNDAY SCHOOL SILVER JUBILEE There is a "Clrop into Quietness". Llangasty. specizl Sewrce of Thanksgrving at 4pm today tc Holy Eucharist. Sf Anne's. celebrate 25 years of Sunday School meektngs Discussion Group. Sf Edward's. Everyone 1s tnvlted to join the young people for HOLY EUCHARIST. I=ollowedby coffee. the service, followecl at about 4 3Opm by cakes In Discussion Group. 6 Newminsfer Road. the schoolroam The Sunday School frrst met it- St Edward's String Orchestra Practice. the vestry in 1976 under ttie leadershrp of Mrs Roath Church House Luncheon Club. Barbara Rrddett Mrs R~ddettwas succeeded by St Edward's Chamber Music Group. Miss Diane Metz, and then by Mrs Kathie Nlayer, Senior Citizens. Roafi? Church House. under whose leadership the numbers tncreased Said Evensong. Sf Mtufin's. until, ten years ago, it became necessary to build a new SC~GO~~OO~S~ncethen, the Sunday Holy Eucharist. St Anne's. Scliool has continued to grow, more recently Junior Choir Practice. under the guidance of Br Heather Doe, untrl the Vllorship Group Practice. children and therr parents now represent over FIJII Choir f3ractice. half of our conareaatton S~ltw~day 9.30 am Provincial Children's I-orum Caerleon College. BIBLE STUDY at 7.30pm tonight after 22nd 10.00 am Convoy of Hope. Roafh Church House. Evensong. We shall continue our study 01 72.30 pm St Teilo's Ladies Clrcle Lunch. Mynyddbslwyn. LActs - newcorners are always welcome.-- Me~tSwnday is the Sixteenth Sunday After I4entecost. The Holy Eucharist will be cefebrated in St Edward's at I1am, the Sunday School will ri-~eetat II am, and Evensong will be sung at 6.30pm. ANTHEMS. During the Communion the choir will sing "Miserere", the well-known setting of Psalm 51 by Gregorio Allegri (1582-1652). The introit at Evensong is "Arise, shine, for thy light is ccme" by Sir George J. Elvey (1816-93), and the anthem is "God is a Spirit" frorn "The Woman of Samaria" by William Sterndale Bennett (1i316-75). CHURCH DIARIES for 2002 are available in church today, price El Internet: http:IIStEdRoath.~tripod.corn Email: [email protected] ARCHBISHOP ROWAN was in Mew York at the time of the terrorist attack. He writes: ST TEILO'S LADIES CIRCLE invite you to lunch on Saturday, 12.30 for "At the time of the first attack on the World Trade Building, I was preparing for a Ipm, at South Wales 2000 Shooting morning seminar with local clergy in a building some 200 yards away. We were Ground, Mynyddislwyn, Gwent (maps unable to leave the building, of course, for quite some time; when the South Tower available). Price £6, supporting the collapsed, there as a power failure in neighbouring buildings and the physical impact Trust for Sick Children's Unit, of the explosion was enormous. We were evacuated shortly afterwards, as the University of Wales Hospital, Heath, building was filling rapidly with smoke, but had to wait in the basement until the street Cardiff and St Teilo's Church funds. was apparently a little safer. COFFEE MORNING. Join Barbara and "Outside there was a gale of choking dust and debris ancl the sky was blotted out. As Vernon tiodgson on Fri 28 Sept from we reached the end of the street, we were told of the rlsk that the second tower would loam at 114 Carisbrooke Way. Cake collapse and some of us took shelter in a Portakabin, along with a number of small stall, raffle, Bring & Buy etc. Proceeds children from the day centre in the basement of the bullding where we'd been The to Macmillan Cancer Relief. second shock followed soon, but buses were commandeered by police to move us further away and by 1 1 :30 we were back in the middle of Manhattan CHARITY BUS TRIP TO BATH in aid of the Welsh Special Needs Power "It was a terrifying morning for all - especially the childre11who were with us. We Lifting Team, on Sat 29 Sept. Leave shared very briefly with people in Jerusalem or Baghdad or Kosovo a little of what it is St Edward's 9am; leave Bath 5pm, E9 to be confronted with real fear and massive violence - and that is something lo learn per person - please make payment by from. No-one could wish this on others in n?taliation.My heart goes out to those who 19 Sept, otherwise your seats will be still don't know what's happerled to those they love and to all who are injured or allocated to people on the reserve list. bereaved." --- -- ( SONGS OF PW1SE on Sun 30 Sept. 6.30pm irr~tAnne's. This is a Cytun (Council of Churches) ce)NvoY OF 'OPE. The next is On event. Come and join with friends from around the area. Saturda!/, loam to Ipm in F?oath Church House. There ST EDWlAlr3D'S FES'TIVAL. Our Music & Arts Festival is from are noticesbr delivery at $he back of the church - 5th-14'h October this year. The following events have been please take a pack if you can help. This time'he need: arranged so far: Toiletries: soap, toothpaste, shampoo, washing powder etc. 5*. Fd:rice, pasta, tea, sugar, tinned fish cooking oil,.drinking chocolate. Fri 7.30pm. St Edward's Orchestra Concert. Wwsehold Items:shsets, pillowcases, towels, curiain, cutlery, candles, Sat 2f)ni. Sunday tin-openers, sewing thread, needles, pins, etc. Sun 7". 4pm. SerGice of Harvest Readings and Music. For babies: towellingldisposable nappies; toiletries, small !;oft toys. Wed 10'" 7.45pm. Cardiff & Vale Symphonic Brass. For children: notebooks, pens, pencils, "legon, sweets, small toys, Thur 1I? 4..30-5.30pm. Fizzie Lizzie (clown). games. Thur Ilth 7.30prn. Jayne Thomas & lolo Jones (pianolviolin Office equipment: sellotape, envelopes, writing paper, stapler/staples: duo). folders etc. Fri 12~.7'.:30 pm. Patronal Festival Eucharist. Preacher: Rev. Medical supplies such as paracetamol, aspirin, bandages, Christopher smith, incontinence pads, multi-vitamins etc. Sat 13~.7.30pm. Choir: Favourite Choruses. Help needed on the day to sort, pack, make coffee. Contact Gill Day 820-4954.96. Sun ,4th, Lunch, Also an Art Exhibition througho~~tthe Festival period. ALPHA COURSE. A new course has been arranged for "FAVOURITE CHORUSES". C>horr concert on Sat 13 Oct. Mondays, starting 1 Oct. There are lots of jobs to do - You are invited to "sponsor" your favourite anthem or chorus delivering leaflets, drsplaying posters, making coffee! - (e.g. something from Messiah) - any amount from lop to El0 and most important of all, ei~couragingpeople to come. - and a programme will be produced from the items with most If you are interested in attending or helping, please sponsorship. The money goes to the charities. have a word with Heather or Alan. COFFEE MlORNlMG at St Edward's on Sat 13 Oct at loam, in aid of the MacMillan Cancer Relief Appeal. PAROCI-IIAL CHURCH COUNCIL rneets Oil Monday, beginning with a celebraticrn of the t-toty Eucharist in MAKING CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS. The Sunday School St Margaret's at 7.15pm. Bishop Barry will attend the will be making Christmas decorations in the Schoolroom from meeting. 2-4pm on Sat 27 Oct and Sat 3 Nov. DROP INTO QUIETNESS, A day at 1-langastyw~~~~~~ TEA DARICE raised El80 for church funds. Thanks to all who helped, especially Philippa and the members of the Sunday House en Tuesday. No prwramme just a time to be school wl.\o made excellent waiters and waitresses, still. Starts 10am and ends at 4pm but drop in any time. Bring your own lunch; tea and coffee provided. OUTREACH. f36.40 was collected at the Taize Service in Donations invited. August for Cardiff Aci:ion for the Single Homeless. ROATH CHURCH HOUSE. Until further notice, Mrs Gill Day meets on Tuesday at 7.30pm DISCUSSION GROUP in ('83'20-495496) will take responsibility for the running of Roath the vestry. Last week the group held a prayer vigil for Church House. A written message may be left with Tricia at the victims of the terrorism in America. the Parisll Office to be passed on to Gill. PROVINCIAL CHILDREN'S FORUM at Caerleon THE CANON MISSIONER is seeking nominations to the College, Saturday. Registration for the talks, 9.30-4.30, following Diocesan Committees1 Working Parties: Youth; costs £5 (inc. lunch). The Conference Dinrler at 8pm Children; Statutory Education; Spirituality; Ecumenism; Evangelisim; Tourism and Pilgrimage;' Bilingual; World (addressed by Archbishop Rowan) costs an additional Mission; Stewardship; Com~nunication and Information E15. Anyone interested, please speak to Heather. Technology. Any parishioner interested should contact me as COMPLINE. Services: 27 Sept, 18 Oct, 29 Nov, 13 Bec. soon as possible. Vicar. T'AIz&. Next service: 21 November. OUR TH,4BUKS to Martin Haigh for deputising on the organ this morning. Weekly Newsletter No. 1324 Suntfey, 2fdSeptember, 200q 11 00 am Sung Eucharrst, Sermon and Sunday School Celebrant & Preacher Fr Ken Marfir) Hymns' 365, 274(MP), Give Tharrks (sheet 27), Amthem, Great is the Darkness (sheet 24). Anthem: The Peace of God (!?utter) Setting N~choisonAgnus Dei Norman Doe 6 30 pm Evensong. Officrant. Fr Ken Man'm. Introit: By the Waters of Babyioi? Anthem. Blessed are the men that fear him (MendeEssoiPn) Psalms 128, 129 Hymns: 288, Anthem, 8 Lord the cDoirds are gathering (sheet 12) Magnlflcat & Nunc Dimittis: A.Sornerveli in F Readings Ezra 4 John 7, 14-36. In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Extra-Provincial Diocese of Venezuela, and Bishop Orianclo Guerrero We pray for all who suffer as a result of the terrorist attacks in America, the bereaved, those who are badly injured, Moslems who are unjustly persecuted. We pray for peace In the world and understanding amongst ail nations. We pray for Pope John Paul, vlsiting Kazakhstan this weekend. We prey for the victims of the chern~cal plant explosion at Toullouss. in this diocese wle pray for the Rural Deanery of Neath, and Canon Peter Raikes (Rural Dean), one time prrest rn charge at St Edward's. We pray for the people of St Baruch, Church, Barry Island, whose church IS to be consecrated on Thursday. We pray for the sick, remembering espec~allyJanet Munday, Gwendoline Hopkins, John Warren, Lucy Fiori, Nick Sourlis, Maurice Laxton, Alison Xerri. We pray for the rersose of the souls of the faithful dersarted VILLAGE PRbalSE is on Monday, 7.30-9pm J'WIS MEEK 1 at St John's Church, hiewton, Porthcawl. Speaker Rev Chr~stopherSmith, Bishop's Par~shSurgery. Parl:sti Ofice, Church House. St Edward's Orchestra Practice - \/illage Praise St Johrq's Church, Newton, Porfhcawl Holy Eucharrst Sf Anne's. Drscusslon Group St Edward's

Wednesdey 10.00 am HOLY EUCHARIST F'ollowed by 26th 10 30 am Dsscuss~onGroup. 6 Pdewmmster Road Sept), 6 30pm in St Anne's This is a Cytun 11.OO am St Edward's Str~ngOrcl~estra Practice (Counctl of Churches) event Come and 12.30 pm Roath Church House Luncheon Club join with friends from around the area. 2.00 pm St Edward's Chamber Music Group Practice. 2.00 pm Senior Citizens. Roatll Church House. 5 30 pm Said Evensong. St Mzwtin's. at 9pm. Compline is a 15-minute 7.30 pm Discussion Group. Kclath Church House. service of plainchant - .the last of the 7 30 pm Consecration of St Baruch's Church, Barry Island. Next services: 18 Oc:t. 29 NOV.13 Dec. Thwrsdcty 9.08 am Eucharist. St Barbara and Vernon Hodgson on 2fth 6.30 pm Choir Practice 7.00 pm Worship Group Practice 7.30 om Full Choir Practice. 9.00 bm COMPLINE. /CHARITY BUS TRIP TO BATH in aid1 f riday 28th 10.00 am MacMrllan Coffee Morning 114 Carisbrooke Way Of the We'sh 'pecia' Needs Power Lifting Team, on Saturday. Leave Saturdey 29th 9.00 am Charity Bus Trip to Bath leaves St Edward's. St Edward's Sam, leave Bath 5pm. I -1 Newt Sunday IS the Seventeenth Sunday Aftles Pentecost The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated In St Edward's at Ilam, the Sunday School will meet at Ilam, Choral Evensong will be sung at 4 30pm, and Parish Songs of Praise is at St Anne's at 6.30pm. CHURCH DIARIES for 2002 are available in church today, price El. CONVOY OF HOPE. Our thanks to those who l~elpedor contributed to the collection. Internet: Email: [email protected] SUNDAY SCHOOL. SILVER JUBILEE Our thanks to everyone wlio contribt~ted- organisers, former leaders, children, audience. A very enjoyable celebration of 25 years (attended by.-. about 60 people). -. .-- ARCHBlSkfOP ROWAN in his Presidential address to ST EDWARD'S FESTIVAL. Our Music & Arts Festi\~alis from the Governina Bodv: 5*-14~October this year The following events have been "No 'Star w&' shield of missile defence coulid have arranged: averted last Tuesday's atrocities. No intensive campaign Fri sth.7.30pm. St Edward's Orchestra Concert. to search and destroy in Afghanistan will guarantee that it Sat 6'h. 2pm. Sunday School Concert. Sun 7". 4gm. Service of Hawed: Readings and Music. will never happen again. If we fear and loathe terrorism, Wed 10". 7.45pm. Cardiff & Vale Symphonic Brass. we have to think harder. Indiscriminate terror is the Thur 11'. 4.30-5.30pm. Fizzie Lizzie (clown). weapon of the weak, not the strong; it's commonly what Thur 11". 7.30pm. Jayne Thomas & lolo Jones (pianolviolin). the 'strong' aren't expecting, which is why ttiey are Fri 12~.7.30 pm. Patronal Festival Eucharist. Preacher: Rev. vulnerable to it. It is the weapon of those with nothing to Christo her Smith. lose. if we want it not to happen, we have to be asking Sat 13tR . loam Coffee Morning (MacMillan Appeal). what it means that the world has so many people in it who Sat 13~7..30pm St Edward's Choir: Favourite Choruses. believe tiley have nothing to lose." Sun 14~.Festival Lunch. There will also be an Art Exhibition throughout the Festival ALPHA COURSE. A new course has been arranged for period. ALI concerts and services are free - there will be Mondays, starting 1 Oct. Please encourage people to retiring c;ollections to be divided equally between the come. If you are interested in attending or helping, MacMillan Cancer ReEief Appeal and the Medical Foundation. please have word with Heather or Alan. a FESTIVAI, CHANGES. Please note that the Sunday School ANTHEMS. During the Cammunion the choir will sing concert hias been switched to 6" October. Also there will be a "The Peace of God by John Rutter. The! introit at choir concert on Sat 13 Oct called "Favourite Choruses". You are invited to "sponsor" your favourite anthem or chorus (e.g. Evensorrg is "By the Waters of Babylon", and the something from Messiah) - any amount from lop to £10 - anthem is "Blessed Are the Men Who Fear Him" from and a prcfgramme will be produced from the items with most the oratorio "Elijah by Felix Mendelssohn (1809-47). sponsorship. The money goes to the charities. CHORAL EVENSONG at the Cathedral, 3.30pm today: COFFEE MORNING at St Edward's on Sat 13 Oct at loam, in Purcell in B flat. Anthem: Turn Back 0 Man (Holst). aid of the MacMillan Cancer Relief Appeal. BIBLE STUDY at 7.30pm tonight after Evensong. We ST MARTIN'S CHURCH ce!abrates the centenary of its consecralion on Sat 20 Oct with a Pontifical High Mass at 12 continue to study Acts newcomers always welcome. - noon, with Bishops Barry & David and Archbishop Rowan. HARVEST THANKSGIVING is on Sun 7 Oct. Usual HANDEe'S MESSIAH will be performed at Albany Road morning Eucharist. 4pm Harvest Readings and Music. Baptist Church by Cambrensis Choir and Orchestra on Sat 20 6.30pm Parish Evensong at St Margaret's. Oct at 7.30pm. Admission by programme £6 (conc. £5) P01656-784376. EXHIBITION of fine Church vestments (18th century to present day) inc. demonstration of lace-making at St John the MAKING C;HRISTMAS DECOWTIONS. The Sunday School Evangelist, Graig, Pontypridd, Fri 12 Oct loam to 5.45pm 8, will be malting Christmas decorations in the Schoolroom from Sat 13 Oct loam to 3.30pm (followed by Solemn Evensong & 2-4pm on Sat 27 Oct and Sat 3 Nov. Benediction at 4pm). MlNlSTRY OF HEALING RETREAT at Llangasty Retreat THE CANON MISSIONER is seeking nominations to the House, Oct 27-28. 560 full board. Details from SO1633 following Diocesan Committees/ Working Parties: Youth; 783912 or emaii [email protected] Children; Statutory Education; Spirituality; Ecumenism; Evangelism; Tourism and Pilgrimage; Bilingual; World SING OlfT. Two vocal and choral workshop sessions for Mission; Stewardship; Communication and Information singers and music leaders: Sat 10 Nov and 24 Nov, 10.30- Technology. Any parishioner interested should contact me as 1.30 at the University Conference Centre, Birchwood Rd, led soon as possible. Vi~qr. by Jeffrey Howard & Kelvin Thomas. Cost f 10 for the two sessions. Details from Alan. CACEC. Cardiff Adult Christian Education Centre, at City Church, Wtndsor Place, has lots of new c:ourses starting in TAIZ~SIEI3VICES. Next service: 21 November. the next few weeks, tnclud~ng"The Old Testanlent" (Weds ROATH CHURCH HOUSE Until further notice, Mrs Gill Day from 26 Sep), "The Church S~ncethe Reformationn (Weds (820-495496) will take responsibility for the running of Roath from 26 Sep), "Introduction to Christian Pastoral Care and Church f.louse. A written message may be left with Tricia at Counsellrng" (Thurs from 20 Sep), and "The Cathoiic Epistles" the Parish Ofice to be passed on to Gilt. (Weds from 3 Qd) For details 420-225190 or [email protected] uk The Seventeenth Suhday AbQerPengeesst Weekly MewsPeiter No.1322 Sunday, 3df' S @paember,200g II .OO am Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Silr~daySchool. Celebrant & Preacher: Fr Ker~Martin. Hymns: 218, 224, 'Take: Wait for the Lord, Anthem, Rec.: %6(MP). Taize: Waif for the L-ord, hhis day 1s near. Wait for the Lora': be strong, fake head! Setting: Nicholson. Agnus Dei: IVorman Doe. Anthem: Sing unto the Lord a new song 4.30 pm Choral Evensong. Officiant: Fr KBn Marfin. Preces & Responses: Heafhcote Statham Introit: Come Bless the Lord. Anthem: Ye that stand in the House of the Lard (pinney). Psalms 134, 135. Office Hymn: ;!58. Readings: Nehemiah 2. John 8, 31-38 8L 48-59. 6.30 pm Parish Songs of Praise. St Annets. This is a CytGn (Council of Churches) event. Come and join with friends from arourid the area In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Province sf Ontario of the Angiican Church of Canada, and Metropolitan Perci9al R. O'Driscell. We pray for all who suffer as a result of the terrorist attacks in America, the bereaved, those who are badly injured, Moslerrts who are unjustly persecuted, the Afgt-ran refugees. We pray for peace in the world and understanding amongst all nations. We pray fbr the victims of the g$mmten in the Swiss regional assembly. In this diocese we pray for the Calling and trdining of' Orcfinands, fr Christopher Sfflith, Wardeh, and all the ordinands. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Janet Nlunday, Gwendoline Mopkins, John Warren, Lucy Fiori, Nick Sourlis, Maurice LexCon, Alison Xerri. We pray for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed, especially Ralph Holtafi (priest) and James Ernest John milis, whose anniversaries occur at this time. ---- T'M'3 MEEK WMLEVENSONG at the catheG4 Nlonda y 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Parish Office, Church House. 3.30~m in A Anthem: (0thou the central orb (Wood). 1st 7.00 pm St Edward's Orchestra Practice. ------I ALPHA C'URSE *Oath Church House. -~~~45~mtonight after Song of] Holy Eucharist. Sf Annc?'~. Praise. Llle shall continue our study of Acts - Discussion Group. St Edward's. HOLY EUCHARIST. F:allowed by coffee. Discussion Group. 6 Aiswminsfer Road. St Edward's String Orchestra Practice. Roath Church House I-uncheon Club. St Edward's Chamber RAusic Group Senior Citizens. Roafh Church House. Said Evensong. Sf M~rtin's. Discussion Group. Roath Church No charge. Thursdey 9.00 am Holy Eucharist Sf Anne's. L__- 4th 6.30 pm Junior Choir Practice. COFFEE MORNING at St 7.00 pm Worship Group Practice. on Sat 13 Oct at 10am, in aid of the 7.15 pm Cardiff Justice and Peace Group. Temple of Peace. MacMillan Cancer Reliei Appeal, 7.30 pm Full Choir F'ractice. Tickets are available from Mrs Bridcl y St Edward's Festival ]~e~anr Mait~n today 5th 7 30 pm St Edward':; Orchestra Concert Committee have been %aQbqrday 10 00 am Decorat~ngthe church for Harvest 6th 2 00 pm St Edward's Sunday School Concert Meat &nday is Harvest Thanksgiiving. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at Ilam, the Sunday School will mee.t at Ilam, coffee will be served in the vestry after the Eucharist, the Sunday School line of coins will be continued, and the 100 Club Draw will take place. Our traditional service of Harvest Music and Readings (with clance and other contributions fron? the Sunday School) will be at 4.00pm, and Parish Evensong is at St Margaret's at 6.30pm.

Internet: http:llSt€ Ernail: [email protected] -- -- MAKING CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS. The ALPHA COURSE. The new course starts on Monday, Sunday School will be making Christmas 7.30pm in Roath Gilurch House. If you are interested in attending decorations in the Schoolroom from 2-4pm on or helping, please have a word with Heather or Alan today. Sat 27 Oct and Sat 3 Nov. ------I1- ANTHEMS. During the Communion the choir will sing MIN,S~,Tf OF HEALING RETREAT at Llangasty ''Sing unto the a new Song'' by the Retreat I-louse, Oc;t 27-28 £60 full board, Details from group The at Everlsong is "C'ome Bless 40163:1 783912 or email htinry,d@pop~n~~wor~d,com the Lortl" (Psalm 134), and the anthem is "Ye that stand in the house of the Lord" (Psalm 135) by Walter EARLY MUSIC CONCERT at St Edward's on Wed 31 Spinney. Oct at 7 30pm. Details to fol!ow. ---- HARVEST THANKSGIVING is next Sunday. Usual morning Eucharist. 4pm Harvest ST EDWARD'S F$SP'!vAL. Our Music & Arts Festival is Readings and Music, 6,30pm Parish from 5'h-14'h October this year. Evensong at foliowed by pot Fri 5th. 730pm. St Edward's Orchestra Concert. Luck Supper - please bring a plate of food Sat 6'" 2pm. Sunday Sd-1001Oxlcert. for the table and your own \iquid Sun 7Ih. 4pm Service of Harvest Readings and Music. refreshment, Contact the Parish Office if you Wed 10'" 7.45pm. Cardiff & Vale of Glamorgan Symphonic Brass. have any queries. Thur Ilth. 4.30-5.3C)pm. Fizzie Lizzie (clown). Thur 1 I'". 7.30pm. Jayne Thomas & lolo Jones (pianolviolin duo). EXHielTloNOf vestr-nents (?ath ~ri12'" 7.30 pm Patronal Festival Eucharist. Preacher: Rev. century to present (lay) inc. demonstration of Christo her Smith, lace-making at St the Evangelist, Sat 13tE . loam Coffee Morning in aid of the NlacMillan Cancer Graig, Pontypridd, Fri '12 OC~10am to Relief Appeal, 5.45~m Sat 13 dct loam to 3.30~m Sat 13'~.7.30pm St Edward's Choir Concert: Favourite Choruses, (followed by Solemn Evensong & sun 44th. Festival L.L~~~~, Benediction at 4pm). There will also be an Art Exhibition throughout the Festival period. LIFE ON THE EDGE is a day conference for All concerts ~fldservices are free - there will be retiring teenagers and parents at the 1411 ti^^^ coIlections to be divided equally between the MacMillan Cancer Centre, Sachville Avenue, 7 lam-gpm on sat Relief Appeal and the Medical Foundation, caring 'for Victims of 13 Oct. It is organised by youth specialists Torture. Big Ideas, and Care for the Family, and SING ~UT.Two vocal and choral workshop sessions culminates in the Life on the Edge Concert featuring for sinyc?cs and music leaders: Sat 10 Nov and Sat 24 Cameron Dante (formerfy of World Wide Message Nov, 10.30-1.30 at the University Conference Centre Tribe), supported by CC:M band brownbearMusic. (Birchw~nlood Rd), led by Jeffrey Howard and Kelvin Tickets are El0 per adult, £6 per child. Family ticket Thomas. Cost £10 for the two sessions. Details from (2+any) £30. Single parent families half price. Alan. ST DA\/ID'S CHRISTMAS PRAISE with Cambrensis ORDINATION & BNDUGTION of Alex Collins into the Choir, Cambrensis Junior Singers, St David's Praise Pastoral Ministry at Minster Chrisiian Centre on Sat 13 Choir and Orchestra. at St David's Hall, Sat I Dec, Oct at :3pm. Preacher: Rev. Stuart Olyott. Followed by 7.30pm. Tickets £6, £7, £8 with concessions. buffet tea. FOR YGIUR DIARY. ST EDWARD'S FESTIVAI- LUNCH is at Ipm in Sun 14 Sat 10 Nov. St Edward's Fayre. Roath Church House. Oct at Roath Church Mouse. Admissinn by ticket - El: for 2002 are available in church and bring something for the table. FTease purchase CHURCH DIARIES today, price f I. tickets from Parish Office or from Megan Martin by 7 Oct at latest ROAPH CHURCH HOUSE. Until further notice, Mrs Gill Day (420-495.196) will take responsibil~tyfor the running of Roath COMPLINE Next servlces 18 Oct, 29 Nov, 13 Dec Church tiouse. A written message may be left with Tricia at TA~P~Next servlce 21 November the Parish Office to be passed on to Gill. ST MARTIN'S CHURCH c.elebrates the centenary of its CONVOY Of HOPE. 4 tons of aid and f94 donations were consecratron on Sat 20 Oct w~tha Poniif~calH~gh Mass received, Thanks to all who helped. at 12 noon, w~thB~shop Harry, B~shop David and THE CANON MISSIONER' is seeking nominations to the Archbishop Rowan following Diocesan Committees1 Working Parties: Youth; Children; Statutory Education; Spirituality; Ecumenism; HAMBEL'S MESSIAH will be performed at Albany Road Evangeli:srn; Tourism and Pilgrimage; Bilingual; World Bapt~stChurch by Cambreris~sChoir and Orchestra an Mission; Stewardship; : Communication and Information Sat 20 Oct at 7 30pm Admrss!on by programme £6 Technology. Ang parishio'ne'r interested should contact me as (conc f5) PO1656-784376 soon as possible. Vicar. ~YPONAGM is on Wed 24 oct at 7.30~~in ~~~th WELCOME. We extend a war'm welcome to all visitors and Park UKC (Penywain Road). newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of the sidesmeri rf you are new with us. WOATH CHURCH HOUSE QUIZ NIGHT on Sat 3 Mov. Weekly Wlews~eftsr1\10. P323 SundayI 7fhOctober, 2BOI 11.OO am Sung Eucharist, Procession, Moljr Baptism, Serrrion artd Sunday School. Hymns: 482 (Proc.), 273(MP), 5i!(MB), Anthem: The Heavens Are Telling {Waydn), Rec.: 483 Setting: Agufter, Agnus Dei: Norrnan Doe. Celebrant & Preacher: Fr Ken Martin. 6.30 pm Service of Harvest Readings and Music. Officiant: Fr Ken Marfi11. Hymns: 483 (Proc.), 281(MP), sheets 10 & '9, 38(FAP), 486,48l, 8BB(MP), 118% (Rec.). Anthems: Creation's Hymn (Beetl+oven), Thou Visifest the? Eadh (,Vaurice Green, 7695-7755), All things brighf and bea~rtiful(John RuLfefj,0 Give Thanks Urdo fhe Lord (E.A.Sydenham). Worship songs led by the Worship Group. 6.30 pm Parish Evensong. St Margaret's In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Province of the West Indies, and Archbishop Drexei Wellington Gomez We pray for all who suffer as a result of the terrorist attacks En America We pray for peace rn the world and understanding amongst all nat~ons We pray for those who oied on the airliner that explodetl and crashed into the Black Sea At this time of Harvest Thanksgiving, we pray especially for our farmew still suffer~ngfrom tlie foot and mouth epidem~c In th~sdiocese we pray for the Rural Deanery of Psntypridd, anrl Fr Melville Jones (Rural Bean) We pray for Molly Sishton, to be baptised at our Eucharist this morning We pray for the sick, remerribertng especially Janet Munday, Gwendoline Hopkina,, John Warren, E-ucy Fiori, Nick Sourfi!~,Maurice Lexton, Alison Xerri, bora Holly, Vera Ellis We pray for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed especialiy Jean Taylor lesi Mildred Edna Mary Hudd, whose anniversaries rsccur at this time ------will be served In the the Euchar~stthis morning, and the draw for the ZOQ Club will take place. Msndcl 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Parish Office, Church House. N~~~~~~~~ in are very welcome 8th 7.30 pm ALPHA COURSE. Roath Church House. to join us. The Sunday School and Junior Holy Eucharist. Sf Anne's. choir will continue the line of coins - please give then1 your SLIPPO~. Discussion Group. St Edward's. ----- HOLY EUCHARIST. F:ollowed by coffee, COURSE continues On Nlorlda~, Discussion Group. 6 Newminster Road. 7.30pm in Raath Church Iiouse with a talk St. Edward's String Orcl-iestra Practice. entitled "Why Did Jesus Die?" It's not too late Roath C1lur'ch House Luncheon (to attend the course, or to help) - with Heather or Alan today. Holy Eucharist. Lighfship 2000. ^ .---_x_~-- A- Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. AN INFORMAI, DISCUSSION Said Evensong. Sf Marfin's. GROUP meets in Room 1 at Roath Discussion Group. Roath Church House. Church House on Wednesdays at Cardiff & Vale of Glara~sr~an- Symphonic-. Brass. 7.30pm. The topic this week is "We believe in the Holy Spirit ..." - or ai Holy Euct-larist. Sf Ar?nefs. least?that's what we say in the creed Fizzie kimzie (clown). every week - b~rthow far do we Pianoflliarin Dano: Jayne Thomas & lo%5Jones. this of !he L-- L______I-I The Transtiation of St Edward, King 8 Ccanfessor 7.30 pm PATRONAL SUNG EUCHARIST. preacher: Fr Christqpher Smith. COFFEE MORNING at St Scc4~~day 10.00 am Coffee Morning fMac:Milian Cancer Relief Appear). on Saturday at '!Clam, in aid of the 13th 2 1.OO am Life on the Edge. AN Plations Centre. MacMillarl Cancer Relief Appeal. 3.00 pm Ordination & Induction. Minster Christian Centre. Tickets are available from Mrs 7.30 pm St Edward's Choir: F'evouriteChoruses. Meaan Martin today. I ------2 Me~tS~nd&ry is the Nineteenth Surtday After Pentecost. The #sly Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at Il am, the Sunday School will met at l?am, and Evensong will be sung at 6 30pm. Internet: http:l/ Email: StEdwardQCRristian. hm -- --- Our Music & Arts F-estival continues this week: Wed. 7.45pm. Cardiff & Vale of Glamorgan Symphonic Brass. Thur. 4.30-5.30pm. Fizzie Lizzie (clown). Thur. 7.30pm. Jayne Thomas lolo Jones (piano/vitslin duo). Fri. 7.30 pm. Patronai Festival Eucharist. Preacher: Rev. Christopher Smith. Sat. loam Coffee Morning in aid of the MacMillan Cancer Relief Appeal. Sat. 7.30pm. St Edward's Choir ,Concert: Favourite Choruses. Sun 14'". Festival Lunch. The Arf Exhibition continues throughout the Festival period. All concerts and services are free - there wi'l be retiring collections to be divided equally between the MacMillan Cancer Iqelief Appeal and the Medical Foundation, caring HARVEST THANKSGIVING. If you would like to read one of the -- lessons this afternoon, please have a word with ST MARTIN'S CHURCH celebrates the centenary of its Heather. Parish Evensong is at 6.3Opm at consecration on Sat 20 Oct with a Pontifical High Mass St Mar~aret's,followed by Pot Luck Su~~er-- please at 12 noon. with Bishor, David. bring plate of food for ;he table and yo'ur own liquid refreshment. MARY 'TlWYNOR has an (exhibition "From the Bay to the Pier.,." at Oriel Washington Gallery (Stanwell Road, CHOWL EVENSONG at the Cathedra! at 3.30pm Penarth) 5-30 October. today: Blair in B Minor. Anthem: Let all the world (Vaughi3r-i Williams). HANDEL'S MESSEAH will be performed at Albany Road Baptist Church by Cambrerrsis Choir and Orchestra on LIGHTSH~P2080. The tioly Eucharist is celebrated sat 20 Oct at ?.3opm. Admission by programme f6 aboard Lightship 2000 on the second Wednesdav of (conc. £5) 'Hk01656-784376. each ~rlonjh(including this week) at 8am and ipm. There is also a celebration in Welsh at 12 noon. CYTON AGM is on Wed 24 Oct at 7.30pm in Roath Everyone is welcome. Park UF!C (Penywain Road). LBFE ON THE EDGE is a day conference for teenagers MAKIN(; CHRlSTMAS DECORATIONS The Sunday and parents at the All Nat~ons Centre, Sactiv~lle School will be mak~ngChr~stmas decorat~ons rn the Avenue Ilnm-9pm on Saturday Detailsltickets '6P20- Schoolroom from 2-4pm on Sat 27 Oct and Sat 3 Nov 81 0800 MINlSTla'Y OF HEALING RETREAT at Llangasty FAVOURLTE CHORUSES. Lots of people responded to Retreat House, Oct 27-28 £60 full board. Details from the request for sponsors. Everyone who submitted a f 01633 783912 or emall henry [email protected] form has at least one request included. Please come EARLY MUSIC CONCERT at St Edward's on Wed 31 along on Saturday evening to hear the result1 Oct at 8pm. Entrance free ST ANNE'S AUTUMN FAYRE is at Woath Ct-lurch ROATl-1 CHURCH HOUSE QUIZ NIGHT on Sat 3 Nov. House on Sat 20 Oct, 11.3Oam-2.:30pm. Usual stalls, raffle, bric-a-brac, books, cakes, gifis. lunches served ST EDVVARQ'S BAZAAR is on Sat 10 Nov. Offers of froin 12 noon. Admission 2Qp. help to l'drs Megan Martin, please. ORBlNATfQN 8 IPdDUGTION of Alex Collins intcr the ST MAWGARET'S FLOQDI,IGHTING. A new floodlight Pastoral Ministry at Minster Christian Centre on Sai 13 sponsor form is now available in St Margaret's porch. If Oct at 3pm. Preacher: Rev. Stuart Blyott. Followed by you wabrld like to remember an anniversary please add buffet tea. your narne to the calendar. ST EDWARDJ% FESTIVAL LklFtCH is at ?pm next INTER-FAITH FORUM. At a meeting between Welsh Sur'iday at Koath Church House. Admission by ticket - faith community leaders and First Minister Rhodri f I,and bring something for the table. Please purcnase Morgari this week, an inter-faith forum was proposed, to tickets from Parish Office or from PAegai? Martin today. meet tIiipee times a year, with representatives from all the Wersh faith communities and all political parties. SERVICE FOR THE MINISTRY OF \NH$B,ENESS & Archbishop Rowan warmly welcomed the proposal. HEALING at St Margaret's. 7.30pni Msn 15 Clct. ROATI%CHURCH HOUSE. Until further notice, Mrs Gill @OMPL.BNE. Next services: 18 Oct. 29 Nov. 13 Dec. Day (?iiif20-495496) will take responsibility for the TA~Z~.Next service: 21 November. rutininn of Woath Church House. A written messaQe may be left with Tricia at the Parish Office to be ONE WORLD WEEK 21-28 OCT. Join the procession on to Gill. to mark the start of One World Week 2001 - ineet 10.30arn at ihe junction of Queer1 Street and Churchill WELCOME. We extend a warm welcome to all visitors Way to process to St David's Hall. Details of events and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of from B.20-565517. the side:smen if you are new with us. Sunday, $4" Ocfober, 200f 11.OO am Sung Eucharist, Sermon and SuntJay Sch~ol.Celebrant & Preacher: The Archdeacon of Llantfaff. Hymns: 474, Iti8(WiP), "PairB, Anthem: 0 How Amiable (Eatom Fafling), Ree.: 248(MP). Taize: Bless Phe Lord my Soul and bless his holy name. Bless the LOR? my sou/; tie rescues me from death. Setting: Aguffer. Agnus Dei: Norman Doe. 6.30 pm Evensong. Officiant: Fr Ken Martin. Introit: God Be In My Head (H.H@IFsrdDavies). Psalm 144. Hymns: 167, Anthern: Reverie (C.Al.Doe], 24. Magnificat & Nunc Dintittis: A.So~neweNin F. Readings: Nehemiah 8, 1-16, John 15, 12-27 In the world-wide Church we pray today for Protvince II (New Yo& and New Jewey) sf the Episcopal Church sf the USA, and President Jack McKelvey, remernbering especially those in New York still suffering as a result of the terrorist attack on the World 'Trade Centre. We pray for those affected by the anthrax attack in the USA. We pray for peace in the world and understanding amongst all nations. We pray for Moderris throughout the world, and for the Afghan people. In this diocese we pray for the Iktired Clergy, and their Chaplain, Arcttdeacon John Lewis. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Jame;t Munday, Gwendoline Hopkins, John Warren, Lucy Fiori, Nick Sourlis, Maurice Lexton, Alison Xerri, D~raHolly, Vera Ellis, W.&w. Rabert Evans. We pray for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed, especially David Sitanley Griffiths, whose anniversarj occurs at this time. ----- TMIS MEEK ALPHA COURSE continues on .f",Opm in Roath Church House with a Mondsy 6.00 pm f3arishSurgery. Parish Office, Church entitled "I-low Can I Be Sure of My 15th 7.00 pm $3.Edward's Orchestra Practice. Faith?" It's not too late to join us (to 7.30 pm I4RPHA COURSE. Roafh Church House. attend the course, or to help) - have a 7.30 pm \Yhsleness Healing Service, Sf with l-leather or Alan today. 8t ------I ~uess(er)r 7.00 pm tioly Eucharist. St Anne's. HEALING SERVBC~?There will be a Service 16th 7.30 pm Discussion Group. st Edward's. I-for the Ministry of Wholeness & Heaiing--1 on Wednesday 10.00 am HOLY EUCHARIST F:ollowed by coffee at 7.30prn in St Margaret's. #A11 are eth 10.30 am [liscussion Group. 6 fliewminsfer Road. 11.OO am St Edward's string Orchestra Practice. 12.30 pm fioath Church House Luncheon Club. 2.00 pm St. Edward's Chamber hlusic Group 2.00 pm Senior Citizens. Roafh Church House. 5.30 prn !$aid Evensong. Sf Mzrrtin's. 7.30 pm [)iscussion Group. Church House. ,------Th~roday 9.00 am tioly Eucharist. Sf At?/?f?'s. ST MARTIN'S CHURCH celebrates the centenary of its Ihzkh 6.30 pm .lunior Choir Practice. consecration on Saturday with a Pontifical High Mass at 12 noon, with Bishop David. 7.00 pm Worship Group Practice. L -- 7.30 pm Full Choir Practice. MESSIAH will be performed on 9.00 pm (;OMPLiNE. Saturday at 7 30pm at Albany Road -1Baptist SaP.%erdcry 1I .30 am St. Anne's Autumn Fayre. St Anne's Ha#. Church by Cambrensis Choir 20th 12.00 noon F30ntificalHigh Mass. St Martin's. Orchestra. Admission by programme £6 7.30 pm Handel's Messiah. Albany Rd Bapfisf Church. s01656-784376.

Newt Sunday IS the Twentieth Sunday After laenfecost. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at Ilam, the Sijnday School will meet at Ilam, and Evensong w~llbe sung at 6.30pm. ST EDWARD'S FESTIVAL. Our thanks to all who worked so hard to make the Festival a success, and to those who supported. We have had good attendances all through the week, the largest being for "Fizzie Lizzie" on Thursday when about 140 people attended (mostly children, but lots of adults too). The Art Ext?ib~tionwas much admired, and many people took the time to look around at ead~event. Internet: http:I/ Ernail: [email protected] ARCHBISHOP RO\AIAN writes about the military action ROATki MASS. Celebratiorrs of the Eucharist, praying in Afghanistan: for the Pinglican churches in Roath will take place once "It is .too early for anyone to comment on the a month at St: Martin's, St Saviour's, St German's or one effectiveness of this action, but we continile to hope of our ~;ht~rches.The first is at St Margaret's at 7.30am that every effort will be mads to avoid civilian casualties on Mon 5 Nov. and to keep firmly in focus the aim of securing those ST EDVJAWB'S BMAAR is on Sat 10 Nov. Offers of believed to be guilty of last month's outrages. We shall help to hArs Megan Martin, please be thinking specially of British servicemen end women and their families in the days ahead, as well as the SING OUT. Two vocal and choral workshop sessions many thousands whose lives will be affected by this for singers and music leaders: Sat 10 Nov and Sat 24 new stage of the conflict. This is not a war against Nov, 10.30-1.30 at the University Conference Centre Islam, and we must continue to work at building trust (Birchwood Rd), led by Jeffrey Howard and Kelvin with other Muslim 'fellow-ci'tizens here, who share our Thomas. Cost El0 for the two sessions. Details from hopes for a world free of terror." Alan. ST EDWARD'S FESTiVAL LUNCH is at 4pm today at TAIZ~:SERVICES take place at St Edward's every Roath Church House. Admission by ticket - El, and other month on Wednesdays at 7.30pm. Next service: please bring something for the table. 22 Nove.mber. CPdOWkb EVENSC)NG at the Cathedral at 3.30pm ST BA\IIDYS CHRISTMAS PRAISE with Cambrensis today: Ireland in F:. Anthem: Evening Hymn (Balfour Choir, Cambrensis Junior Singers, St David's Praise Gardiner). Choir ii~idOrchestra, at St David's Hall, Sat I Bec, 7.30pm. Tickets £6, £7, £8 with concessions. BIBLE STUDY at 7 30pm tonight after Evensong. We shall continue our study of Acts - newcomers welcome. FOR YCIUR BlARY. Sat 10 blov. Scouts Wine & Wisdom. Church House. AN lNFORMAL DISCUSSION GROUP meets in R,oom Fri 16 Nov. St Edward's Committee. 1 at Roath Church House on Wednesdays at 7.30pm. Sat 17 Nav. St Teilo's Fayre. Roath Church House. This week's topic is "Is God Guiding Us?" are well all - Fri 23 Nov. Charity Fashion ShowlSale. Church House. unknowingly following stars'? Or has God given us utter Sat 24 blov. St Margaret's Fayre. Roath Church House. freedom of will? Even if we ask for guidance from God, Mon 26 Nov. Parochial Church Council. do we really believe! that he will intervene? Sat 1 Dec. St Philip's Fayre. Tremorfa Community Hall. CeFMPL.INE will be sung this week on Thurstfay at Ypm. Sat 15 Cbec. St Anne's Soup Lunch. St Anne's Hall. Cornplirle IS a 15-minute service of plainchant the last - MARY IIWYNQR has an exh~bition"From the Bay to of the monastic "hours". Next services: 29 Nov, 13 Dec. the Pier " at Oriel Washington Gallery (Stanwell Road, ONE WORLD WEEK 21-28 BCT. ,Join the procession Penartli) 5-30 October to mark the start of One World Week 2001 meet - CBLLEC'TION BCIX at the back sf the church for 10.30am at the junction of Queer1 Street and Churchill donatiorls to the MacMillan Cancer Relief Appeal. Way to process to St David's Hall, Details of events from 76320-565517. THANK YOU to all who supported the bus trip to Bath - El50 was raised for the Special Needs Powerlifting VlL.LAGE PRAISE is at St Bridget's Church, St Bride's Team. 7'rfcia Major on Mon 22 (33, 7.30-9.00pm when the! speaker will be Rev. Robin Morrison, Provincial Oficel- f~r ST MAFtGARET'S FLQOBLIGHTING. A new floudlight Church and Society. spansclr form is now available in St Margaret's porch. if you wo~~ldlike to remember an anniversary please add QUIET BAY at Llangasty Retreat House on Tue 23 Ocl, your narne to the calendar. led by Rev. Mike Erldicott (The Well Centre, Cwmbran). Cost: Ef2.00. 401874-658250. DEATH WATCH BEETLE Good news from St Illtud's, Llantwit Major - the small seci~onof timber dislodged by CYT~NAGM is 011 Wed 24 Ocl at 7.3Qpm in R.oath the swallows in the summer (see Newsletter 1307) is Park URC (Penywain Road). not a result of recent activity so no major restoration MAKING CHRKSTMAS DECORATIONS. The Sunday work is needed. School will be making Christmas decorations in the CHURCH DIARIES for 2002 are available in church Schoolroom from 2-4pm on Sat 27 Oct and Sat 3 Nov. today, price El MINISTW OF HEALING RETREAT at blangasty WOATM CHURCH HOUSE. Until further notice, Mrs Gill Retreat House, Oct 27-28 conducted by Canon Henry Day ("820-495496) will take responsibility for the Davies, Diocesan Advlser on the Ministry of Healing. running of Roath Church House. A written message E60 full board Detarls from PO1633 7839'12 or omail may bet left with iricia at the Parish Office to be passed henry [email protected] corn on to Gill. EARLY MUSIC 66NCERT at St Edward's on Wed 31 WEACQlME. We extend a vvarm welcome to all visitors Oct at 8pm. Entrance free. and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of ROATHI CHURCH HOUSE QUIZ WIGH'T on Sat 3 Nw. the sidesmen if you are new wlth us. The Twentie"$- h~u~deyRdlrer Pentecost Weekly Newsleffer No.4325 d;unday, 21"' , 2004

11.OO am Sung Eucharist, Sermori and Sunday School. Celebrant & Preacher: Fr Ken Martin. Hymns: 260, 318, 3rl.3,Anthem: Lift Thine Eyes (&l~!ndelssshn), Rec: We Are Marching (sh. 38). Setting: Aglitter. Agnus Dei: Norman Doe. 6.30 pm Evensong. Officiant: Fr Ken Martin. Introit: I will sing unto the Lord. Psalms 146, 149. Hymns: 230, Anthem: if Ye Love /Me ('Tallis), 253. Magnificat E; Wunc Dimittis: A.Somervel1 in F. Readings: Nehemiah 8, 9-18.John 16, -1 1. In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Extra Provincial Diocese of Bermuda, and Bishop Alexander %wen Ratteray. WJe pray for peace in the world and understanding amongst all nations, remembering especially Afghanistan and the Middle East. We pray for those suffering as a result of the anthrax attacks. In this diocese we pray for the Rural Deanery sf Rhontlda, and Fr Peter Coleman (Rural Dean). We pray for the sick, remembering especially Janet Munday, Gwendoliine Hspkims, John Warren, Lucy Fiori, Nick Sourlis, Maurice Lexton, Alison Xeni, Dora Holly, Vera Ellis, Rev. Robed Evans. VVe pray for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed, especially Norman Briers, Betty Harries and Arthur Thornson, whose anniversaries occur at this time. TMDS WEEK: Parish Surgery. P;3rish Office, Church House, St Edward's Orchestra Practice. ALPHA COURSE. Roath Church House. Village Praise. St Bridget's Church, St Brjcle's Major, Tuesday 7.00 pm tioly Eucharist. St Anne:s. 23ed 7.30 pm Discussion C;roup. Sf Edward's. Church, St Bride's Major on Monday, 7.30-9.0Opm when the speaker will HOLY EUCHARIST. Foliowed by coffee. be Rev. Robin Morrison, Provincial Discussion Group. 6 Newminster Road. Officer for Church and Society. L St Edward's String Orchestra Practice. J Roath Church House Luncheon Club. AGM is on Wednesday at 7.30pm St Edward's Chamber Music Group Practic~?. --Park Uf?C (Pen~wainRoad). Senior Citizens. Roafh Church House. has an exhibition Sard Evensong. Sf Madin's. "From the Bay to the Pier ..." at Oriel Discussion Group. Roafh Church House. Washington Gallery (Stanwell Road, 6ytQnAnnual Ger~eralMeeting. Roath Park 5-30 October. Morning F3rayer.Sf Aflne's. Junior Choir Pracf,ice. in the Schoolroom from Worship Group Practice. Full Choir Practice. Sat~rday23th 2.00 pm Sunday School making Christmas Decorations. Schoo/room. Newt Swndcly is the Feast of St Simon tk St Jude. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St ELdward's at I1am, the Sunday !$choot will meet at Ilam, and Evensong will be sung at 6.30pm. 131ease remember to put your clock back tane hour an Saturday night. CHRISTBAN AIDi% APPEAL. FOR AFGHANISTAN. Cytirn asks that next Sunday should be observed as a Day of Intercession for the Afghan people, and that suppor-i be given to the Christian Aid Appeal. If you would like to contribute, please use a charity envelope from the back of the church, and write "Afghan Appeal" on it. MINISTRY OF HEALING RETREAT at Llangasty Retreat House, next weekend, Oct 26-28 conducted by Canon Henry Davies, Dior:esan Adviser on the Ministry of Healing. £60 full board, inc. supper Friday & lunch Sunday. Details from %016:33 271904. WECCCJME. We extend a warm welcorne to all visitors and newcorners. Please make yourself known to one of the sidesmen if you are new with us. Internet: Email: [email protected] THE EAGLE has returned from its refurbishment, and has been transformed! Our thanks to the anonymous donor who paid for this work. Please note that to preserve it in its present pristine condrt~on,the lectern should not be polished -just lightly dusted. BIBLE STUDY at 7.30pm tonight after Evensong. We DAY QIN WHOLENESS d HOLINESS at St Luke's have completed our study of Acts, arrd this week wet are Church, Canton on Sat 10 Nov, loam-3.30pm. The starting to study King David - newcorners are always speaker is Fr Gerard Hughes SJ, the author of the best- welcome, and the beginn~ngof a new study is a selling God of Surprises. All welcome paiticuiarly good time tojoin us! SING QUT. Two vocal and choral workshop sessions ANTHEMS, ~h~ communionanthem is the trio setting for singers and mc~sicleaders: Sat 10 Nov and Sat 24 of Psatrn 121 "Lift Thine Eyes" from Mendelssohn's Nov, 10.30-1.30 at the University Conference Centre oratorio "Elijah", The introit at Evensong is '(1 will sing (Birchwt-~odRd), led by Jeffrey Howard and Kelvin unto (Psalm 146:2), and the anthem is Ye Thomas Cost £70 for the two sessions. Details from Love Me" by Thomas Tallis (1505-1 585). Alan. CMOW,L EVENSCING at the Cathedral at 3.30pni TAEE SERVICES take place at St Edward's every today: :;tanford in C. Anthem: The 1-oad's my shepherd other nqonth on Wednesdays at 7.30pm. Next service: (Berkeley). 21 November. QUIET DAY at LIangasty Retreat House on Tuesday, ST TEbl.B'S CHARITY WINE TASTING EVENING at led by Ftev. Mike Eridicott (The Well Centre, Cwmbran). Chris Mlebb's home, 87 Llanedeyrn Road on Sat 24 Cost: f 12.00. POI874-658250. Nov. Tickets £8 inc, wine tasting and buffet supper. Opportunity to purchase wine. Contact Gill Day S20- DISCUSSION GROUP meets on Tuesdays at 7.3Qpm in 495496 or Chris Web S20-455641 for tickets. the vestry. GOMBL1ME is sung approximately once a month at INFORRAAL DISCUSSION GROUP meets in Room 1 at St Edwarti's on Thursdays at 9pm. Compline is a 15- Roath Church House on Wednesdays at 7.3Opm. This minute service of plainchant - the last of the monastic week's topic is "Creation Spirituality" - What are we to "hours". Next services: 29 Nov, 13 Dec. make of the Creation story in a technological age? And if we believe we are made in the image of the great SPQMSt3REB SLEEP OUT in aid of CASH is on Fri 7 creator, are we being creative enough with our ow11 Dec in Cathedral Walk (behind Marks & Spencer). For a lives? sponsorship form, speak to Ken EGCI~Sor 920- 349980. If you cannot "sleep out", please consider RUSSIAN CHOIR Vokalensemble from St Petersburg paying for the privilege of "sleeping in"! perform Russian liturgical and folk music at St Thomas Church, Bvermonnow (near Monrnouth) on Saturday at FOR YCIlJR DIARY. 7pm. 'These musicians have been trained at Sat 10 Nov. Scouts Wine & Wisdom. Church House. St Petersburg Conservatoire. £5 inc. wine & buffet. Fri 16 Nov. St Edward's Committee. Sat 17 Flov. St Teilo's Fayre. Roath Church House. EARLY MUSIC CONCERT at St Edward's an Wed 37 Fri 23 Nov. Charity Fashion ShowISale. Church House. Oct at 8pm. Entrance free. Sat 24 blov. St Margaret's Fayre. Koath Church House. Mon 26 Nov. Parochial Church Council. COFFEE MORNING (St Teilo's Ladies' Circle) at R.oath Sat I Dc?c.St Philip's Fayre. Tremorfa Community Hall. Church House at 10.30arn on Sat 3 IVov. Tickets El. Sat 15 Dec. St Anne's Soup Lunch. St Anne's Hall. Proceeds to the Trust for Sick Children, Heath i-lospital. CONGRATULATIONS to Canon Len and Edna Bartle- ROAfH CHURCH MOUSE QUIZ NIGHT at 7pm or1 Sat Jenkins, who celebrate their Diamond Wedding on 3 Nov. Teams of four £2 per person (coffee & biscuits Thursday. We send our love and congratulations on this provided). Bring your own liquie refreshment, glasses very spe!ciai accasion. and nibbles. Contact Parish Office 420-484808 or Gill Day 420-495496 to reserve your table. BUR THANKS to 13ili Berry for building a set of shelves for music in the upstairs vestry, and to Sue Mansell and WOATH MASS. Celebrat~onsof %heEucharist, praying Norman Doe for financing the project. The marathon for the Anglican churches in Roath will take place once task of sorting and categorising all the organ music has a month at St Martin's, St Saviour's, St German's or one now begun! of our c:hurches. The first is at St Margaret's at 7.3Uam on Mon 5 Nou. ST MAllGAWET'S FLOODLIGHTING. A new floodlight sponsor form is now available in St Margaret's porch. If you DROP BNTO QUIEqTNESSat Llangasty Retreat House would like to remember an anniversary please add your name on Wetl 7 Nov. No programme just a t~meto be still. to the catendar. Starts loam and ends at 4pm but drop in any time. ROATWI CHURCH HIOtJSE. Until further notice, Mrs Gill Day Bring your own lunch; tea and coffee pr~~vided.No (S20-4954%) will take responsibility for the running of Roath charge - donations invited. Church t.fouse. A written message may be left with Tricia at the Parish Office to be passed on to Gill. Weekly Newsllefter No. $326 Swn~elay~28"' CPcfod>erj2007 11 00 am Sung Eucharrst, Prcrcess~on,Sermon and Sunday School Ceilebrant & Prt;;~cher Izr Ke~lMaif~n. Hymns 506 (Proe.), 507, 224(MP),Anthem: Ls Raurfd the flarcsntt (Henry G. Ley), Rece;.: d37(MP) Setting Aguifer Agnus Del Norrrsan Doe 6.30 pm Evensong. Officiant: Fr Ken Rdarfin Introit. Q Braise the Lord [B$8rten). Psalms 116, 117. Hymns 588, firathem: These? (Stgine~gB,504. Magnificat & Nunc Dinrittis, A.Somen/eN ~nF. Readings: Joshtta 1, 1-9. Luke 6, 42-23. In the warld-w~deChurch we pray today for thct Province of Canada, of the Aniglicani Churclr of Canada, and Metropc~lltanArthur Peters. We pray for peace in the world ancl understartdrng amongst all natlons, romernbertf?g especially the Afghan pespae Ws gray for all the people of the Meddle East, We prey for those affeaed by the contfnulng anthrax crisis rn the USA We pray for the vrct~nlsof the Gonhard tunnel disaster In thls d10cc3sewe pray for the Rural Deanery of Bridgend, and Fr Edward Evans [Rural Deaet) Wle pray tor the s~ck,rernar~bering especially Janet Mernday, Gwendoline Wopkir~s~,John Warren, L-ucy Fiori, Nick Scremrli!s, Maurice &exton, Aiise~n Xerri, Dora HoIly, Vera Elfis, Rev. Robert Evans. We pray for the repose of the soclrj of the Fa~tl~fuldsparfed, espec~allyLily Wonicle, whose anniversary occul-s at this trnle ------..------C:OUR!iE cont~nueson Nlondtay, 7'MIS WEEK in Roath Church House with a talk entitled "Why and Wow Clo I Pray? Mondcly 6.00 pm Parish Surgery Pan:;h Ofice, Church House -I_---- __C_---- _*I---.1. 29th 7 00 pm Sf Edward':; Orchestra Pract~ce SHARING DAY at St i\llafthewJs Czhurch, 7 30 pm AlLPHA CGUWSE. Roafh Church kfouse. Newport on Tuesday, 10 4Sam-3pm Celebrating 125 years of the Nlothers' Tuesday 7.00 pm Holy Eucharist. St Ant~e's. Union. Pageanl, workshops & worship, 50th 7.30 pm Discussion Group. Sf Edward's. I ,ome Light----....------lunch provided. All WEI- 1 Wednesday 10.00 am HOLY EUCHARIST. ~(~~lowedby coffee MUS~CCONCERT: ~h~ ~~~~~~~li~ 31s.t 10.30 am Discussion Group. 6 Fdt?~mins&WRoad. st on Wednesday at epm, 11.00 am St: Edward':$ String Ctri:l~estra Practice. h'ee. Music for Baroque Guitar 8 12.30 pm Roath Church Hauss :Luncheon Club. (21 very large lute). Programrns 2.00 pm St Edward's Chamber Music Group Practice works by F~~~~~~ 2.00 pm Senior Citiz~ens.Roatil Church House. Visce, Nicoia Matteis, Gaspar 5.30 pm Said Evensong. St Martin's. de tlnurcia, Girotarnc 7.30 pm Discussion Group. Roafh Church f.i~usf?. and Maurc 8.00 prn Early Music Concert: the Ttqwrsday All Saints Day 1st MQV 9.00 em HIJIY Eucharist, sf~~q~~~?l~, 6.30 pm JuGior Choir Practice. 7.00 pm Worship Group Practice. 7.30 pm Ftiil Choir Practice.

Friday Ali Souls Bay ------.- .------2nd 7.00 pm Feure's Requiem. St I-dartin's. 7.30 pm REQUlERn MASS. Sf Anne's. Seetbcrday 10.30 am St Teilo's ladies Circle Charity Coffee Morning. Roath Ckwrch I-fouse. 3rd 2.00 prn Sunday Schooi making Christmas Decorations. Schoofroo~n. 7.00 pm Rsath Church House iQuiz. Raafh 6Auli;h f-fo~,fse. MexQ S~tndciyis the First Sunday of the Kingdom (Trinity 23). The Holy &ushari!:t will be celebrated in St Edward's at ,I 'lam, the Sunday Zi<:hool will meet at Ilam, coffee will be served in the vestry after the Eucharist, the Sunclay School line! of coins will bc continued, ancl the 100 Club Draw will take plac:e, Evensong will be sung at 6.30pra. Internet: Email: StEdv~ardc~Chri~tian~hrn CHFUSTliAN A1Di5 APPEAL FOR AFGHANISTAN. Cytirn asks that today should be observed as a Day of ST E~I~I&NARDSB W is Ilam-,\ pm on Sat Intet"ces$;ion for the Afghan people, and that support be 10 Nov (only two weeks away!). Most of the stalls have given to the Christian Aid Appeal. If you would like to already been organised, but there is plenty of room for conlribute, please use a charity envelope from the back more. Ctflers of help to Mrs Megan Martin, please. Stalls of the church, and write "Afghan A~psal"on it. include c,akes, whit13 elephant, children's stall, groceries, fancy goods, holiday stall, Christmas decorations. POPPIES are available in church today, SCOUT$; WlNE d WISDOM is at 7.30pm on Sat 10 Nov TMIDCWFT CATALOGUES for Ghnstmas goods are in Woath Church House f earns of 8 (£5 per person) - now avajlable from Cynthia W~ll~ams. to book your place contact Julie Smith 4204320335. ANTWEQAS.The Communion anthem is "Lo, round the TAIZ~blERVICES lake place at St Edward's every throne a giorrous band" sung lo a melotly by N Herrnan other mclnth on Wednesdays at 7.30pm. Next service. (1560) arranged by Henr:y 6. Ley. The intrail at 2 7 Nove?rnber. Evensong is "0 Praise the Lord", a setting of Psalm 117 by Adrian Batten (1 591 -1637), and the anthern is "What ST TEILO'S CHARlTPI WlRlE TASTING EVENlNG at: are These that are arrayed in white robes?" by John Chris \J\I.ebb's home, 87 Llanedeyrn Road on Sat 24 Sta~ner(1 840-1 901 ) Nov. Tickets E8 inc. wine tasting and buffet supper. Opporiirni4y to purchase wine. Contaci Gill Day f 20- CEg6WL EVENSONG at the Cathedral at 3.30pm 495496 or Chris Web 820455641 for tickets. today: Harwood in Pi Flat. Anthem: Thou Wilt Keep Him (Sumsion). CQMQL.iNE. Next services: 229 Mov, 13 Dec. BIBLE STUDY at 7.30pm tonight after Evensong. We SPONSC)!?ED SLEEP OUT in aid of CASH is on Fri 7 are starting to study King David - newcrsmers are Dec in Cathedral Walk (behind Marks & Spencer). For a always welcome, and the beginning of a new study is a sponsorship form, speak to Ken Eccles or '3320- particularly good time to join us! 349980. If you cf~rlriot "sleep out", please consider paying fc~rthe privilege of "sleeping in"! D18CCPSQIQ6bNGROBJP megts on Tuesdays at 7.30pm in the vestty. FOR YOUR DIARY Frl 16 falov. St Edward's Committee. INFORRIAL DISCUSSION GROUP meets in Room 1 at Sat 17 Nov. St Teilo's Fayre. Roath Church House. Roath Church House on Wednesdays at 7.30pm. 'This Fri 23 Nov Charity Fashion !3how/Sale. Church House. week's topic is "Those whom God hath joined...': - Sat 24 lVov St Margaret's Feyre. Roath Church House. Divclrce is an increa.singly commonplace fact of modern Mon 26 tdov. Parochial Church Council. life. What did Jesus really say about divorce, and how Sat 1 Dec. St Philip's Fayre. Tremorfa Community Hall. should we interpret iiis teachirtgs today? Sat 15 Wec. St Anne's Soup Lunch. St Anne's Hall. CHARITY COFFEE MORNING (St Teilo's Ladies' VlSlT TO WE$$M14QSTER ,&BBEY. We are hoping to Circ;lef at Roath Church House at ? 0.30am on Saturday. have a bus trip to the Abbey, including visiting Tickets El inc, coffeeltea 8 biscuits. Proceeds to the St Edwald's tomb, on a Saturday, probably in May. The Trust fcrr Sick Children's IJnit (Heath Hospital), and cost, including entrance to tlie Abbey, would be E20 for St Teilo's Church. Cake stali, book stall, raffle. adults, iE'l5 for cliiidren. If you may be interested, MAKBNC; GWRISTWIIAS DECORAtBON8. The Surlday please have a worcl with Tricia. School wiii be making Christmas decoratioris again in ST ED\AiARDSSFEiST1VAb. The total amount of nioney the Schoalroclrn from 2-4prrl this Saturday. callectfi!~!for the charities was f599.47. This includes ROATW CHURCH HOUSE: QUIZ: NIG;HT gat 7pri'l on £95 from the coffee morning (which was ext-,lusively for Saturday. Teams of four f2 per person (coffee & the Ma~:IVlillan Appeal). The remainder has been divrded biscuits pr~vifded).Bring your own liquid reifreshn~ent, equally between the MacMillan Appeal and the Medical glasses and nibbles. Contact: Parish Office 420- Faund~rtion.Well clone, everybody! 48480% or Gill Day 'P2Q-495496tc~ reserve your table. THE LIGHT OUT!SIDE THE VESTRY has now been ROATH MASS. The proposed service at St Margaret's repaired. We are now hopitig to make the step by the h8~been postponed. gate mol-e visible - possibly by painting the edge white. ST M@i'IFt(;ARET'S FtQQBhlGHTING A new floodlight DROP fNTO QUIETNESS i3t Llarrgasty Retreat tlouse sponsor 'form 1s nvvv available in St Margaret's porch If you on Wecl 7 Nav. Ns programme just a lime to be stil!. would I~lccs to remember an anniversary please add your name Starts loam and ends at 4pm but drop in any time. to the ealerldar Bring your own lunch; tea and coff~!e provided. No ROATH ,CHURCH HOUSE. Urjtil further notice: Mrs Gill Day charge .- donations invited. (B26-495496) will ti~keresponsibility for the running of Roath BAY &BN WHOLENESS bL HBI,$NESS at St Lirke's Church k4ouse. A written mesziege may be left with Tricia at Church, Canton on Sat 10 Nov, 1Qam-3.:30pm. The the Parisln Office to be passed on to Gill. speaker is Fr Gerard Hughes SJ, i:he author of the best- WELCBFAE. We extend a warm welcome to all visitors and selling God of Surprises. All welcoms. newcometrs. Please make yourself known to one of the sidesme:i if you are new with us. '$he First Sunday st the: Kinyileccr Weesbrly Nevv:slstter No. 9327 !k~nday,4th November, 200.9 11.00 am Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Celettrant & Preacher: Dr llesmond Harvey, Hyn~ns:307, Great is the Darknes:; (sheet 241, Arrttte!ms, Wec.: Make Way (sheet 3). Antl?errrs: A Gaelic Blessing QRuffc9r),Steal Away (yrippeto. Setting: Nicholson. Agnus Usi: Plcrrnan Doe 6.30 pm Evensong. Officiant: Fr Ken Medin. Introit: Introit far Btll Saints {Adlanv. Psalm 145. t-lymns: 272, htkem: On Thee Each &.iviingSoul Awaits fi#ayd@,570 Magnificat E; Nunc Diminis: A.SomemeII in F. Readings: b.amentations 3, ;22-33.John ll , 1-44. In the world-wide Church we pray t~triayfor tlhe Angldca!? Church of C:anada, and Archbishop Michael Peers. We pray for peace in the world and ur~d@rsl:andinlgamongst all nations. 'We pray for Afghanistan and the Middie East, and for those affected by the continuing anthrax crisis in the USA. We pray for the peace process in Nsfihem ireisnd. In this diocese we pray for tho Diocesan Caamsmrage Board. We pray for Fr Mtr~ynJohn Davles, who will be inducted as Rector aP Medhyr Tydfil on Tuesday. We pray for the sick, rernernbering especially Janet Munday, Gwendmllns Hspklns, Jakn Warren, Lucy Fiori, Nick SOUPIIS,Mi~tlri~e! Lex.ton, Alison Xerri, Dora Holly, Vera EBiis, Rev. Robert Evans. We pray for the repose of the soufs r4 the faithful departed, especially Harold Paui Tr~asmia,Sylvia Ciamp, Getdin Haymar8 & Robe& [,eighton Waltars, whose ariniversaries occur at this time. BIBLtE STUB'Y at 7.30pm tonight after Evensong. We are continuing our study of Malnds y 6.00 prn FQrish Swrga3ry. Parit~hOffice, Church Holirse. 6th 7.30 pm ALPHA COIIRSE. RoeM? Church House. T~esAfiiy 7.00 pm I-ioly Euct~ar~st.St Anne:s. 6Qi1 7.30 pm Discussion Group. St Earward's. li4ObV EUCHARIIi"6 Followed by coffee. Drop into Qtrietneas. Llangasty Refreat firciuse Cliscussion Group. 6 Newminster Road. St Edward's String Orchrjstra Practice. Fqoath Church HO~JS€Luncheon Club. $3Edward's Chamber Music Group Practic:~?. Senior Citizens. fi'oafh 6:hurch No~.fse. $;aid Evensang. Sf IWarfi~?'~. Eliscussion (;roup. Roaff? Church House. kioiy Eucharist. St' Anne's. .lunior Choir Practice. Worship Group Practice. F'ulI Choir Practice. 1welcome to all visitors and newcomers. Satbs~Aay 10.00 am Day on Whrsleness & Holiness. Sf Luke's:, Canfsn. k~0wt-ito One of 16th 11.00 am St Edward's Bazaar. Roafh Church House. the sidesmen if you are new with us, 7.30 pm Scouts Wine & Wisdom. Roafh Church ~/C)LISB. 8de.A ;5$8nd4y is bg~m~mbran@eSunday. 'The Moly Euckatn'si will be celebrated in St Edward's starting at 10.60am, with the Acf of Remembrance at 4liam1,the Sund;%ySchool will meet at 70.50am, and Evensong will be sung at 6.30pm COFFEE will be served in the vestry rafter the El~ctiaristthis morning, and the draw for Ll~e400 CEub will take place. Newcorners in particular are very weleame to juir; us. The Sunday Sc:hool and Junior Choir will continue the line of coins - please give them your support. -

ST EDVIIARD'S BAZAAR is 71am- lpm 0t-1 Saturday. Staffs include cakes, white elephant, children's stall, gtpoc:eries, fancy goods, holiday stall, Christrniz; decorations, bc,okstall, lucky dip. Further offers of help are always welcome (to Mrs Megan Martin, please). Please support the bazaar and tell all your friends about it - our mr~lributionsto the Church in Wales quota rlse inexorably each year, and we rely heavily or1 this sort of event to boost our fund-raising.

SHARING OUR MlNllSTRlf S ABROAD [SOMA) invite you to art awareness day lo learn more of their work and vision, at St.Maryls Church, Malpas, Newport on Sui?day School making Ghriatmas decsmtions Sat 1'7 iVsv, 10.30 am - 3.:30pm, Programme includes talks frcm SOMA, leaders: Rev. Brian Waters on POPPlEiS are avaiiable in churct? today. Please note Sending a Team Out, and Rev. Johnson Ebong-Brning that the Remembrance Day Eucharist begins at (Provincial Missioner in Uganda) on Receiving a SOMA '1 0,50am to allow for the Act of Rernembranc~!at Ilam. Team. Bring your own lunch. TMBDCMFT CATALOGUE8 for Christmas goode; are VA~Z~SERVICE. I\lex*t service: 21 November. new av~lilablefrom Cynthia 'AJillianrs. COMB!-1 hlE. Next services: 29 Nov, 13 Dec. AN'THELWS. At the Eucharist, the choir will sing "A MV k0(38S A will visit Cardiff Bay (Britannia Quay, Gaelic Blessing" by John Rutter, and the spiritual "$tea[ Roath Basin) 30 Mov - 1 Dec. Logos II is a floating Away" from Michael Tippett':~"A Child sit Our Time". The book fair rnarlned by a unique community of 200 introit at Evensong is Adlam's "introit for All Saints", and Christiart volunteers from 35 countries, part of the the anthem is the trio from t-laydn's Creation "On Ihee ministry of Operation Mobilisation (OM) - an Each Living Soul Awaits". internaiional, interdenominational, missions group. Free CHORAL EVENSONG al the C;athwdral at 3.30pm admiss~onto the ship. Tours cost f21El. Under-16s today: Ilowells Collegium Regale. Anthem: Greater must bcr accompanied by an adult. Special events every Love (Ireland). day, costing £1 - £5 (must be booked by 27 Nov - call 820-49'7!309 for tickets). KlGM-S'TART YOUlR ORGdikd PLAYING is the t~tleof an tllustrated lecture? and wc~rkshopwith Anne Rdarsden ST TEIL.C.9'23 CHARl't78 WINE VAST1NG EVENING at Thomas (Director of MUSIC 8t St Grles C;ripplegate Chris Webb's home, 87 tlanedeyrn Road on Sat 24 (Barbican) on Saturday, 1 lam-4pm, at St Luke's Nov. lic;kets £8 inc, wine tasting and buffet supper. Rhydyfelin (Pontyprtdd). A13vice on technique, style, C)pportunity to purchase wine. Contact Gill Day 420- reg~strationetc. Anyone interested, speak to Alan asap 495496 or Chris Web 820-455641 for tickets. DAY ON WHOLENESS 81 MOR,BNESS at St Luke's FOR YOUR DlARY. Church, Canton on Saturday, 1Qarn-3.30prn. The Fri 16 hlov. St Edward's Committee. speaker is Fr Gerard Hughas SJ, t1-1~eatthor of the best- Sat 17 1Wv. St Teilo's Fayre. Roath Church House. selling God nf Surprises. All welcome. Fri 23 hlov. Charity Fashion Show/Sale. Church House. Sat 24 I\Jov. St !Margaret's Fayre, Roath Church House. SING BUT. Two vocal and choral wor'kshoy:, sessions Mon 26 tdov. P~rochialChurch Council. for singers and music leaders: Sat 10 Nov and Sat 24 Sat 1 Dec. St Philip's Fayre. Tremorfa Communify Hall. Nov, 13.30-1.30 at the University Cartference Centre Sun 2 Dse. 3.30pm. Christingie Service. St Teilo's. (Birchwood Rd), led by Jeffrey Wow~rdand Kelvin Sat 15 Dee. 12 naon. St Anne's Soup Lunch. Thomas Cost £10 for the two sessions. Details from Alan. WlSlT TO WESTMINSTER ABBEY. We are hoping to t~ave EI bus trip to file Abbey, including visiting SC(IPUT!B WINE & WISDOM is at 7 30pm on Satwdaiy in St Edward's tomb. 'The suggested date is Sat 118 May. Roeth Church House. Teems of 8 (E5 per person) - to The cod:, including entranes to the Abbey, would be book your place contact Julie Smith P20-620335. 5220 for adults, El5 for chitdren. If you may be WORSHBB EVENIEGG led by 2x2 on Ihur 15 Nov at interestrsd, please have a word with Tricia. 7.3C)pm at St Gwladys Bargc~ed.2x2 have been leading ARCH8l:SHOP FOR A DAY. School-girl Rhian worship for Renewal Days fcir son78 years, and are now Hartshorn, 12 is to step into the 's offering the opportunity of worshippirtg with them at a shoes for a day in aid sf the BBC Children in Need reguiar event. Details from Fr Paul ll'lompson 820- appeal. In turn, Arcnbishop Rowan, is to take her place 753338. at Oakdz~la~Comprehensive School for tha day and will OUR THANKS ta Early Music Wales and the follow 11131' time-table. Rhizn will go to Si Woalos Cantpanetla Duo for their concert on Wednesday, and Cathedral to be 'enthroned' before chairing a meeting of their contribution of I25 to c:l.iurch funds. the rural daans of the biocxse of Monrnouth in the Archbishop's office. Remembranc:e Sunday Weekly News?!etferNo. 7 328 Swnday, I llth AIovenlib@r,2007 10.50 am Sung Eucharist, Ac:t of Remernbranc.&, Sermon and Sunday School. Celebrant i3, Preacher: Fr Kert Martin. Setting: Nichol'son. Agnus Dei: Norman Doe. Hymns: 579,165,284, !i85, Anthem: Earth does not l%old(ie TRimaq), 584. 6.30 prn Parish Service of Ftemernbrance. Officiant & Preacher. Fr Ken hladtttn. Introit: God Be in lVly Head (1YmW8H:ordDavies).Antf-t~!rn: The Lord is My Shepherd (Joh8, RutteP-J. Hymns: 382,335, Anthem, 165, Welsh National Aatlhcsrn, 57'9 (vw 1,3). On thls Remembrance Sutaday vve remember that this church was built as a Parish Memorial to the fallen of the First World War We remslnber those who gave thelr lives In both VVorld Wars and 1t-t other confl~ctsthroughout the last. eerttury We pray for those who lost frrerids and loved ones In the world-w~deChurch we pray today for Province I (New England) cat the Episcopal CZl%strc:hof the USA, ar~dPresident Bishop Douglas Edwin Theuner We pray for peace In rhe world and understnndfng amongst ail natlans. We pray for balrghanistan and the Middle East, and for those affected by the continuing anthrax crisis in the USA. We pray for the peace process in NoPtherrt Ireland We pray for the people of Australil;a, as they go to the polls this weekend. In this diocese we pray for the Rural Deanery d C:aaerphilly, and Canon Michael Short (Rumi Dtwail). We pray for the v~climsof the explosion at the Port Talbot steelworkst this week. We pray ftsr the srck, remembering especrally Janet Murnday, Gwendoline Wspkins, John Wnmn, Lucy Fisri, Nick ,%uplis, Maurice Ledan, Allison Xed8 Dora Holly, Vera Ellis, Rev. Roibe~Evans We pray for the repose of the souls of the faithfi~ideparted, especially Haraid John Henwood, whose anniversary occurs at this t~ms. -- MEMORIALS. Bill Berry has beer TM13 WEEK: the names of the fallen frorr and has informatron %dae~da$ 6 00 prn F'ar~shSurgctry Parish CIPfict), Church i-kUSf? in which they sewed, $23Ir 7,013 pm St Edward's Orchestra Practice where they are buried 7 30 pm ALPHA COIIRSE RaaNt Church House Currei~tlvhe has records for about half 01 TUIS~(C~)B 7.00 pm Holy Euctiarist. Si Anne',s. the nakes. He will be talking to the Sunday Sd-tetol ab~ut Remembrance 13%)~ 7.30 prn Eliscussion Group. Sf Edwap-d's. Sunday this morning, and a folder of the Wedkoestfay 10.00 am HOLY EUCklARiSf. Followed by mffee. information is ;available at the back of the t4t h 10.313 am [liscussion (;rour>. 6 Ne\n/minster Road, Ichurcl'l, -- for those who are interested. 1 tjt Edward's ~trir&Orchestra Practice. WORlSHlP 8 WORD at the All Nation: Fqoath Church House Luncheon Club. Centre today fi'om 8pm, Fr Paul Thompson tioly Eucharist. Li!j!ahtship2000. wiil speak on "Growing closer to Jesus $3Edward's Chamber Music Group Pracfia?. through the Holy Spirit". Entrance free, bclt Senior Citiz~?ns.Filoafh C:hurch House. there will be a collection. !Said Evei~songSf Marfin's. lliscussion Group. Roatli Church House. rST UEILO'S FAYRE is on Saturday, !;ervirx) for Social Respsnsibility. CafhecEr,sll 10,3Oam-72 naon at Roath Church House. tiolv Et~charist.Sf Anne's. -- .lunior Choir Practice. 'RME FOR CONfEMPUTlBM AND SILENT \Norship Group Practice. PRAYER. St Edward's will be open for prayer fzuli Choir Practice. on Saturday, 10.30am-12 noon. Everyone is \Norship Evening. Sf Gwlaclys, 5ar;gsed. welcome to come in and say a prayer or sit quietly for- a shofl period. If you are willing to !St Edward's Committee EucharrstiMeeting share in the respansibility of looking aftsr the Edward's Church Open for Prayer church for half an hour Or SO, please have a Sf:Teilo'r; Fayre Roath Church House. -Fred - 10.30 am :3OMA Awareness Day. Sf Maiy's, Mafps~a:. 2.00 pm George Thomas tiospice Autumn Fayre. !?oath Community Ha//. kle8.k 4$btra&aayis the Tkiird Suttday of the Kin{~dom.The HoOy Eucharist wil1 be celebrated in St Edward's at II am, the $SundaySshool will me& at l *lam, and E\rensong will be sung at 6.30pm. Internet: http:i/! Ernail: [email protected] TAIE~ SERVICES take place at St Edward's every otner manth on Wednesdays at 7.30prn. Next service: 21 November. CWAWfY FASHION SHOMI/SAbE in aid of WlSP ' (Special Needs Powerlifting Team) at Roath Church Mouse on Fri 23 Nov at 7.30prn. Admission £2.50 inc. glass of wine. ST MPkl?GARET'S FAYRE is on Sat 24 Nov, 1 lam- 4 30pnt at Roath Church House. ST TE11,(9'3 GWARIW WINE TASTING EVEMtNG at Chris W\lebbls home, 87 Llanedeyrn Road on Sat 24 Nov at 7.30pm.Tickets £8 inc. wine tasting and buffet supper Cspportunity to purchase wine. Contact Gill Day St Edwi~rd'sBazaar made over E.1060 yesterday. S20-495496 or Chris Web i996820-455641 for tickets. PARISH SERVICE OF WEIMEMBRANCE is at 6.30pm PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUfaCClL meets on Msn 26 today in 3t Edward's. At the Act of Remembrat~cs.the Nov, btqinning with Holy Eucharist in St Margaret's at last Post and Reveilie will be played by Frances Gobie. 7.15pm. CWBML EVEN$C)NG at the Cathedral at 3.30pm OPEN L,ECWRE by the Facuiiy of Theology of Cardiff today: Howells Collegium Regale. F~nthern Greater University on Wed 28 Nov at 5.30prn at the Humanit~es Love (Ireland) Building, Colum Drive. Professor Keith Ward (University 631BL.E STUDY at 7.30pm tonight after the Service of of Oxford) will speak an "Why the problem of Evil is not Remembrance We are cantinuir~gour study of King insuperzib4e". Free - all welcome. An open seminar may David. be held on the following morning, time and place to be announc:ed at the lecture. ALPHA COURSE continues on Monday, 7.30pm in Roath Church House with a talk entitled "llow Can I GODSlaELL will be performed by Orbit Theatre, 28-30 Resist Elvil?" Nov at 7 30pm at Roatk Park URC, Penywain Road. Tickets E6 (conc. f 5) S20-512000. D18CUEiSiOM GROUP meets on Tuesdays at 7.30pmin the vestry. COMPl-ilNE. Next se~vicas:29 Nov, 13 Dec. LIGHTS;MjP 2000. The Ht~lyEucharist is celebrated EVENING 0% CHFUSTiAN Music & MINCE PIES with abcrard Lightship 23300 on the second Wecineday of Cardiff hflale Choir at Methodist Church on Sat each month (tncludirtg this week) at Barn and Ipm. 1 Dec EI~7.30pm, in aid of Cardiff & District Multiple There is also a c;elebration in Welsh at 12 noon. Sclerosi:; Society. Tickets £4, P20-658562. Everyorie is welcome. CAMTELB4IIS present Bach's Mass in 5 Minor on Sat 1 1NFBRMAL DISCUSSION GROUP meets in Room ? at Dec at 7.30pm at St Augustine's Church, Penarth. Roath Church House on Wednesdays i3t 7.3Clpm. Tickets E?(l (conc. £8) at the door. WORSI.11P EVENING led by 2x2 on Thursday at 7.30pm CAWL 8EWlCES. The Advent Caroi Service is on at St Gvvladys Bargoed. 2x2 have been leading worship Sun 2 13ec at 5.30pm, and the Christmas Caroi Service for Renewal Days for sme years, and are now offering is on Su17 23 Dec at 4pm. the opportunity of w~rshippingwtth them at a regular FQWYQUW aimY event. Cletails from 1-r Paul Thompson S20-753338. Sat 'I Ctelc. St Philip's Fayre. Tremorfa Community Hall. SHARIhlG OUR MINISTRiES ABROA1') (SOMA) invite Sun 2 tlec. 3 30prn. Christingle Service. St Teila's you to (an awareness day to learn more of their work Sat 15 Dec. 12 noon. St Anne's Soup Lunch. and vision, at Si.Ntary's Church, Mafpas, Nevbrpoft on SHOWTIME. We intend to perform Joseph & the Saturday, lQ.30 arn - 3.3Opm. Programme includes Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat in St Edward's on talks from SOMA leaders: Rev. Brian Waters on FrifSat 113119 Jan. Anyone interested in taking part, Sending a Team Out, and fiev. Johnson Ebong-Oming please have a word with Heather or Alan today. (Pr13vinc;ial Missioncar in Ug~~nda)c)n Receiving a SOMA Team. Bring your own lunch. VISIT 70 WESTMIN$TER ABBEY. We are hop~ngto have e bus trip to the Abbey, including visiting GEORGE THOMAS; WQSPEGE AUTUMN FAYRE is at St Edwasrclistmb. The suggested date is Sat 18 May. Rorath C.ornmunity Hall, Roath Park Recreatjon Ground, The wst, including entrance to the Abbey, woufd be on Satul-day at 2pm Admission 203. £20 fair adults, jtl!5 for ch~ldren. If you may be SUNDAY SCHOOL CAKESTALL next Sunday Please interested, please have a word w~thTricia. bririg & buy cakes - support: the chilclrer~'~charity work. TMIBCRAFT CAYALOQUIES for Christmas goods are now avatlable from Cynthia CSlilliams. The Third Sunday ofi the Kingdom Sunday School's Garden of Remembrance

Weekly Newsletter No. 1329 .' ,., Sunday, lp November, 2001 ,., , 11.00 am Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Celebrant & Preacher: The Archdeacon of LlandaE

. /t .' I Hymns: 266,208, Colours of Day, Anthem: Sing Unto the Lord a New Song, Rec: 196(MP). Setting: Agutter. Agnus Dei: Norman Doe. , . . . I

- 6.30 pm Evensong. Officiant: Fr Ken Martin. .. ,I , Introit: Lead Me Lord (S.S. Wesley). Psalms 93,97. Hymns: 372, Anthem: Summer Ended (Charles Wood), 486. , , ., Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: A.Somervellin F. I: Readings: Daniel 6. Matthew 13,l-9 & 18-23. I In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Province of Armagh of the , and .Archbishop Robert Eames. We pray for peace in the world and understanding amongst all nations. We pray for Afghanistan and the Middle East. We give thanks for the safe return of the eight aid-workers from rqfghanistan. In this diocese we pray for the Diocesan Chiidren's Committee, and Catherine Haynes (Children's Officer). We pray for the sick, remembering especially Janet Munday, Gwendoline Hopkins, John Warren, Lucy Fiori, Nick Sourlis, Maurice Lexton, Alison Xerri, Dora Holly, Vera Ellis, Rev. Robert Evans. We pray for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed, especially David Michael Petty and David Julian Waite, whose anniversaries occur at this time. . .. as -I; .- ., - ALPHA COURSE continues on Monday, . ;, . TMlS WEEK 7.30pm in Roath Church House with talks . .. c . ._ entitled "How Does God Guide Us?" and Mondclp -. 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Parish Ofice, Church House. ,,Does God 19th li . ' ., 7.00 pm St Edward's Orchestra Practice. 7.30 pm ALPHA COURSE. Roath Church House. I I 8. I WELCOME. We extend a warm welcome to all visitors ?ueday +, 7.00 pm Holy Eucharist. Sf' Anne's. and newtnmers. Please make yourself known to one of 20th 7.30 pm Discussion Group. St Edward's. rthe sidesmen if vou are new with us. Wednesday 10.00 am EUCHARIST. Followed TAEk SERVICE at St Edward's this week at 214 10.30 am Group. Newminster Road. 7.30pm on Wednesday. Instruments will be i. - 11.00am St Edward's String OrCbestra Practice. rehearsing from 6.3Opm. Next service: 30 Jan. 12.30 pm Roath Church House Luncheon Club. 2.00 pm St Edward's Chamber Music Group Practice. CHARITY FASHION SH()WISA~E in aid of .., ' 2.00 pm Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. WISP (Special Needs Powerlifting Team) 5.30 pm Said Evensong. Sf Martin's. at Roath Church House on Friday at 7.30 pm Discussion Group. Roath Church House. 7.38pm. Admission f2.50 inc. glass of 7.30 pm TA~ZESERVICE. wine. Thursday 9.00 am Holy Eucharist. St Anne's. -MARS FAYRE is on Saturday, Ilam-1.30pm at

22nd . ' 6.30 pm ~uniorChoir Practice. oath Chur? House. 7.00 pm Worship Group Practice. ST TEILO'S CHARITY WINE TASTING 7.30 pm Full Choir Practice. EVENING at Chris Webb's home, 87 Lianedeyrn Friday 7.30 pm Charity Fashion Show. Church House. Road on Saturday at 7.30pm. Tickets £8 inc. wine tasting and buffet supper. Opportunity to 23rd 7.30 pm Roath Church House Committee. purchase wine. Contact Gill Day 420-495496 or St Margaret's Fayre. Church House. bhris Web 920-455641 for tickets. 1 St Teilo's Charity Wine-Tasting Evening. 87 Uanedeyrn Rd. Me#+ Sunday is the Fourth Sunday of the Kingdom: "Christ the King" (the Sunday Before Advent). The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at Ilam, the Sunday School will meet at 1lam, and . ) Evensong will be sung at 6.30pm. -, ' -,+'.

BIBLE STUDY at 7.30pm tonight after Evensong. We are continuing our study of King David. " '. ' Internet: Email: [email protected] - ST EDWARD'S CHURCH E'JENING OF CHRISTIAN MUSIC & MINCE t2llES w~th Card~ff Male Choir at Cyncoed At its meet~ngon Fr~day.St followrng mlsslon statement for our Church Methodist Church on Sat at 30pm, In a,d of Cardrff & Dlstr~ctMult~ple Scleros~s Soclety In the power of fhe Holy Splrif, Sf Edward's Church exists fo ] Tickets £4, 820-658562 reach ouf with the Good News of Jesus Christ to all the CHRISTINGLE is at 3.30pm people of Cardiff nurfure children and young people, and help each on Sun 2 Dec at St Teilo's School. other to grow in faif/' and love CAROL SERVIICES. The Advent Carol Service IS promote caring acfivifies in the cprnrtunify on Sun 2 [lec at 5.30pm, and the Christmas confribufe fo the qrowth of social iustice and to the care Carol Service is on Sun 23 Dec at 4pm. of ~od'screation- SPONSORED SLEEP OUT in aid of CASH is on work ever more closely with the other local churches Fri in Cathedral Walk (behind Marks & We seek, through the beauty of this Church, and fhrough its Sloencer). For a sponsorship form, speak to Ken music, r'ifurgy and witness, fo draw ofhers to the knowledge and Ei:cles or 820-349980. if you cannot "sleep out", love of God in Jesus Christ. please consider paying for the privilege of "sleeping in"! We intend to ac:complish this Mission by providing an environment for Worship, Fellowship, Prayer-, Study, Outreach, ST ANNE'S SOUP LUNCH at 12 noon on Sat 15 Evangelism and Christian Love. Ilec in St Anne's Chur'ch Hall. We do this to serve God. SHOWTIME. We intend to perform Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat in St Edward's SUNDAY SCHOOL. CAKESTALI- after the Eucharist on FriISat 18/19 Jan. Anyone interested in taking part, today. Please stay for a while and buy cakes - support please have a word with Heather or Alan today. the chiltlren's charity work. VISIT 'r0 WESTMINSTER ABBEY. We are hoping to ANTHEMS. At the Eucharist, the choir will sing "Sing have a bus trip to the Abbey, including visiting Unto the Lord a New Song" a settirig of this morning's St Edward's tomb. The suggested date is Sat 18 May. Psalm 98, with accompanin~entfrom the worship group. The cost, inc!uding entrance to the Abbey, would be The introit at Evensong is "Lead Me Lord" from "Praise £20 for adults, El5 for children. If you may be the Lord 0 My Souln by Samuel Sebastian Wesley interestr!d, please have a word with Tricia. (1810-1976), and the anthem is "Summer Ended" by ST EDWARD'S BAZAAR. I would like to thank all who Charles Wood (I866-1 926). worked so hard to make the Bazaar last Saturdav such CHORAL EVENSONG at the Cathedral at 3.30pm a success. The Sunday School children p~ayebtheir today: Batten Fourth Service. Anthem: 0 God, thou art part making Christmas decorations plus a toy stall. my God (Purcell) Thanks also to those who bought and those who gave donatiorls in lieu. It was a very happy day for all. the PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL meets on Mon 26 total to (late is f II 17. Well done everyone. Megan. Nov, beginning with Holy Eucharist in St Margaret's at 7.15pm. OUR Tl-IANKS to Martin Haigh for deputising on the organ and piano this morning. VILLAGE PRAISE visits StMichael's Church, Colwinston on Mon 26 Nov, 7.30pm-9-pm, when the SIDESMEN. At the meeting of St Edward's Committee speaker will be Fr Michael !

Weekly Newsletter No, f331 Sunday, 2"Id ~ecenribei2007 I1.OO am Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Celebrant & Preacher: Dr Desmond Harvey. Hymns: 47, 51, Battle Hymn of the Republic, Anthem: I Was Glad QPairryl,Bee.: 33(MP) Setting: AgrHer. Agnus Dei: Norman Doe. 3.30 pm Parish Christingle Service. St Teilo's School. 5.30 pm Advent Carol Service. Officiant: Fr Ken Marfin, Hymns: 49, 248(fVlP), 48, sheet 9, !i2, sheet 14, sheet 6, 50, 51. Anthems: Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord (from Godspell), Behold Thou Shalt Conceive (Handl), Hearken Unto Me My People (Arthur Sullivan), Matin Respo~nsory(Pztlestrina). In the world-wide Church we pray again today fc~rthe Province of York. We pray for peace in the world and understanding amongst all nations. We pray for Afghanistan, the Middle East and Northern Ireland. In this diocese we pray for our own Rural Deanery of Cardiff, and Fr Lawrence Davies (Rural Dean). We pray for the sick, remembering especially Janet IMunday, Gwendoline Hopkiris, John Warren, Lucy Fiori, Nick Soualis, Maurice Lexton, AJison Xttrri, Vera Ellis, Rev. Robert Evans, Margisret Prankerd, Joan Betty, Olivia Evans. We pray for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed, especially Esme Catherine Scobie and Robert Woolgar Riddet~t,whose anniversaries occur at this time. EiGHTlETH ANNIVERSARY. The final service TM18 WEEk: / of our f~rst80 years in the present building was Compline on ~Tt7ursday (appropriately in the Parish Surgery. F'arish Ofice. chance!, which is the part of the church that St Edward's Orchestra Practice. was dedicated 80 years ago). Among the many Bible Study. Schoolroon7. gifts made to the church on the occasion of its ALPHA CQURSE. Church House, dedication were the St Edward Bdnner (to the Holy Eucharist. Sf Anne's. left of the altar), given by Mr G. Walter Lloyd, Discussion Group. St Edward's. and the silver patten, still in regular use, given by Mr Philip Henry Coward (whose name is Wednasclay 10.00 am HOLY ~~~~ARIS~.Followed by coffee. recorded on the foundation stone at the east 5211 10 30 am kcussion Group. 6 Newminster Road. end of the church, though in fact he did not lay 11.00 am St Edward's String Orchestra Practice. the stone, as sadly his wife died on the day of 12 30 pm Roath Church House Luncheon Club. the ceremony). To mark the anniversary this 2.00 pm St EY~ard'sCh~3rnbcr Wiusic Group Practice morning, the choir will sing the Coronation 2 00 pm Senior Citizens. Roath Church House. Anthem "1 was glad" - a setting of Psalm 122, 5 30 pm Said Evensong. St Marfin's. which is-- also the psalm set for the Eucharist. 7.30 pm "Dreanicoat7'Planning Meeting. Vestry. 7.30 pm Discussion Group. Roafh Church House. helping with the show (18119 Thursday 9 00 am Holy Eucharist. St Anne's. January), please come along to the 6th 6.30 pm Junior Choir Practice (inc. "Joseph"). vestry on Wednesday at 7.30pm 7.00 pm Worship Group Practice. when we will be discussing and 7.30 pm Full Choir Practice. planning the whole event. Lots of 7.30 pm Ty Hafan Christmas Carol Concert. Llandaf Cathedral. - publicity, costumes, 7.30 pm 0 Sacrurn Convivium (Concert). SS Andrew & Teilo. sound, chorea- you can't come to Friday 7th CASH Sponsorecl Sleep Out. the meeting, please let us know PCC Eucharist. Celebrant: Bishop Barry. St Margaret's. PCC Sessicrns. Roath Church House. Maxi Subday is the Second Sunday of Advent. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at Ilam, the Sunday School will meet at Ilam, and Evensong will be sung at 6.:30pm. CBFFEIE will be served in the vestry after the Eucharist this morning, and the draw for {:he 100 Club will take place. Newcorners in particular are very welcome to join us. The Sunday !School ancl Junior Choir will continue the line of coins -. please give them your support. Internet: Ernail: [email protected] PARISl-1 CHRISTINGLE SERVICE is at 3.30pm today and Parish work \hr~tl*lchildren. Admission E2. Children at St Terlo's School. free (accompanied). Web. THE ADVENT BROCESSlOW (spec~alorder of service) CYfUN CAROLS IN ALBANY ROAD on Sat 22 Dec, replaces Choral Evensong at the Cathedral at 3.30pm 10.30arn outside Albany Rd School. ADVENT CAROL SERVICE is today at 5.30pm in CHRISBMAS CAROL SERVICE is on Sun 23 Dec at St Edward's. There will be no Evensong. 4pm, led by St Edward's Choir & String Orchestra, and the Worship Group. BIBLE STUDY. Please note that there is no Bible Study this evening. The Bible Shldy group will meet on SPONSORED WALK around Roath Park Lake on Monday at 7.3Opm in the schoolraorn. Next week- back Boxing Day morning (followl& by coffee & mince pies), to Sundays as usual. Newcomers always welcome. in aid of the Medical Foundation - caring for victims of torture. Anyone interested in joining in or sponsoring a AL.BHPI COURSE continues on Monday, 7.30pm in walker please see Sue Potter. Roath Church House with a talk entitfed "What About the Church and the Rest of My Life?" CH611W OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ROME will sing High Mass fc~rthe Feast of the Holy Innocents on Fri 28 Dec DISCUSSION GROUPS rntset on Tuesday in the vestry at 7prn rrr St Agnes' Church, Forge Rd, Aberavon. at 7.3Cjprn, and oil Wednesday in Room 1 at Roath Church House at 7 30pm. Newcorners always welcome. CYTUN (2HRISTMAS SONGS OF PRAISE is on Sun 30 Dec at St Margaret's at 3pm. Members of the Sunday MW LOGOS If IS in Cardiff Bay (Writenn~aCluay, Roath Schools of all the churches will be taking part - all are Basin) until 11 Dec. Logos 11 is a floating book fair welcome. manned by a unique community af 200 Christian volunteers from 35 countries, par% of the ministry of TAIZ~!~ERVlCE%. Next servtce: 30 Jan. Operation Mobilisat~on (OM) an international, - CQMMflTTEE MEETINGS. The following are suggested interdei~ominational,m~ssions group. Free adrnissron to dates. St Edward's Commlttee 25 Jan, 8 Feb (Pre- the ship Tours cost f2/E1. Under-16s must be Vestry), 26 Apr, 12 Jul, 8 NQV.PCC 28 Jan, 13 May, 15 accompanied by art adult. Jul, 11 lVov (+ one prior to the Vestry) CARDIFF POLYPHONIC CHOlR lead the singing in the SCOUT POST stamps are on sale 72p each from the Ty Hafan Christmas Carol Concert at Llandaff Cathedral Parish Offjce Last day for posting Mon 10 Dec. on Thursday at 7.30pm. Tickets f.5 on the daor. VlSlT '1.0 WESTMlNSTER ABBEY. We are hoping to 0 SACRUM CON\rllVIUM is the title of a concert by the have a bus trip to the Abbey, including visiting Welsh College of Music & Drarna Chamber Choir at St Edward's tomb. The suggested date is Sat 18 May. St Andrew's and St Teilo's (Woodviile Rd) cln Thursday The oxit, includirlg entrance to the Abbey, would be at 7.30pm. £5 fconc. £3). E20 for adults, £15 for children. If you may be SPONSORED SLEEP OUT in aid of CASH is on Friday interested, please have a word with Tric~a. in Cathedral Walk (behind Marks & Spencer) For a CHRISBIAN AID EUROZONE CURRENCY APPEAL. sponsorship form, speak to Ker~ Eccles or P20- St Edw:ardls is supporting the appeal for foreign coins 349980. If you cannot "sleep out", please consider and notes, now no longer usable because of the Euro. paylng for the privrlege of "sleeping in"' Mrs Megan Martin will be pleased to receive any PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL is meeting next contribtitions of currency. weekend, Saturday Eucharist at 10.30am, when Bishop CONGFERTULATIONS to our budding artists: Btzrry will celebrate, followed by sessitsns untrl 4.30pm, Gwendoiyn Smith - on winning Cardiff County and Sunday 2pm to 4.30pn1, when Eivensong wtll be Council's poster competition to promote racial equality. sard at St Edward's (Usual 6.30pm Sung Evensong). Madeleine Evans Webb - on wjnning the Parish QUIET DAY FOR CHRISTMAS at 1-langasty Retreat Magazine Christmas cover competition. Hause on Wed 12 Dec. Led by Fr Cotin Sutton. GHRIS7rMAS CARDS for sale - E2 for a pack of 10 COMPLINE is sung approximately once a month at (mixed - there are 5 designs). The cards have been St Edward's on Thursdays at 9pm. Compl~ne1s i3 15- designed by the pup~lslstudents of the Bishop of mlnute service of plainchant - the i'asf of the monastic Clandaff Church in Wales I-iigh School and are printed "hours". Next service. 13 Dec. on gootl quality thick paper. Proceeds to be shared by the sct-1001and the Medical Foundation caring for PRAYER TIME. St Edwar8s will be open for prayer and - victims; of torture. If you would like to order some, meditation on Sat 15 Dec, 10.30am-12 noon. please !see Sue Potter. ST ANIVE'S SOUP LUNCH at 12 noon on Si3f 15 Dec in SERVICE FOR WHOLENESS Ik HEALING. Our thanks St Anne" Church Hall. &/\ride variety of home made to Caroline for a most prayerful Service. Next Healing soups available. Service. Thur 20 E)ec at St Anne's. CHRiS'PMAS TREE FESTIVAL at StAugustine's WELCCIUE. We extend a warm welcome to all visitors Church, Penarth SaUSun 15/16 Dec, 'l2.00-5.30pm. and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of Musical Entertainment. Proceeds to Ty Hafan & Latch the sidesmen if you are new with us. Weekly NewsPetter No.1332 Sunday, DeeernRac?r, 224601 1I 00 am Sung Euchar~st,Sermon and S~irldaySchool Celebrant & Preacher Fr Ken Mafin Hymns. 50,271, Advent Prose, Anthem, Roe.: 261(MP) Anthem Comfort Ye My PeoplejAnd the Glory sf the Lord (Mttcbej's Mlessiah) Setting. Aguffer Agnus Dei Norrnan Doe 6 30 pm Evensong Offrctant Fr Ken Marfm Introit Adam Lay Ybounden (Elcwis Ord) Psalms ?I,28 Hymns 45, Anthem, 51(%) Anthem The Fire Descends frorrt Heaven (from Mendeissohn's EI#ah) Magn~f~cat& Nunc C>imrttis A.Somen/e/l m F Readings 1 Kings 18, 17-39 John 4, 19-28 In the wortd-wide Church we pray today for the Spanish Reformed Episc~pstlChurch, and Bishop Carlos Lopez- Lozano. We pray for peace in the world and ridersta tan ding amongst all nattons We pray for Afghanistan, the Middle East and Northern Ireland In thts dlac:ese we pray for ihe Rural Deanery of Cowbridge, and Fr Vivian Ginn (Rural Dean). We pray for the s~ck,remember~ng especially Janet Munday, Gwendolirre Hopkins, John Warren, Lucy Fiori, Nick Sourlis, Maurice Lexton, Alison Xerri, Vera Ellis, Rev. Robert Evans, Joan Betty, Olivia Evans, In's Smith, Rev. Frank Begley. V\ile pray for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed, especially Margaret Prankerd, who d~edthrs week, also Gsrald Hubbarde, !jarah Lily Hsnwaod, Mlinifred Haigh and Maude Ford, whose anniversaries occur at this time. '9'44125 WEEX Democracy in Burma - today, 2.30 to 3.30pm at the City Church, Monday 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Parish Office, Church House. Windsor Place, in the Upper Room. 10th 7.00 pm St Edward's Orchestra Practice. Amnesty, Cardiff Justice & Peace Groupl supported by Christian Aid. 7.00 pm Holy Eucharist. St Anne's. Also candlelit Vigil for Human 7.00 pm Bach's Magnificat (staged performance). St 3,004.30~~in Queen 7.00 pm Carols by Candlelight. Minster Road URC. Street (near Boots). 7.30 pm Discussion Group. St ,Edward's. /=GOS It is in Cardiff Bay HOLY EUCHARIST. Fallowed by Basin) until Tuesday Logos II is Discussion Group. 6 Aiewminsfer St Edward's String Orchestra Practice. Roath Church House I-uncheon Club. 35 countries, part of the ministry of Operation Holy Eucharist. 2000. WCMD Christmas Conmrt. c;fy St Edward's Chamber Rdusjc Tours Cost f2/f:1.

the Sunday Schools of all the churches will be Holy Eucharist. Sf Anne's. taking part -. all are welcome. Followed by mince Junior Practice (jnc "JOse~h").pies in Roath Church House. Request sheets are Worship Group Practit:s. availabfe today .- to be returned by tomomcbw! Full Choir Practice. -- -- 9.00 pm COMPLINE. 1]ST ANNE'S SOUP LUNCH at 12 no=] Sstwrdtay 10.30 am St Edward's Open for Prayer. Saturday in St Anne's Church Wall. Wrde variety 15th 12.00 noon St Anne's SOLID Lunch. St Anne's Hak (Ofhomemadesoups 2.00 pm Afternoon of P;ayer R Stillness. Sf Marfin's. 7.30 pm Handel's Messiah (Cardiff Polyphonic). Sf David's Hall. Me~tSundsy is the Third Sunday c)f Advent. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in St Edward's at ?lam,the Sunday School will meet at 1lain, and Evensong will be sung at 6.30pm. Internet: htZp:liStEdRoath.trip~d.eom Email: [email protected] ------FOR CONTEMPLATION AND SILENT PRAYER. SERVICE FOR WHOLENESS & HEALING place at St on Thur 20 at Si Edward's will be open fix prayer on Saturday, 10.30am-12 noor 7,30pm. Everyone is welcorno to come in and say a prayer or sit quietly for ia short period. If you are willing to share in the responsibility -1cf ST PHILIP'S BROWNIES CAROLS & looking after the church for half an hour or so, please have a word NAT1\/11"Y PLA,Y is at 4pm next Sunday at with Fred Waite. ------i St Philip's. CHORAL EVENS(SNG at the ~zathudral at 3.30pm ABVEN'T LITURGY: Advent music, readings and today: Daniel Purcell in E minor. hlkem: This is the prayers at St Martin's Church next Sunday at 5pm. record of John (Orlando Gibbons). ADVEN'T PRAiSE (Village Praise) is on Mon 17 Dec, BIBLE STUDY at 7.30pm tonight after Evensong. We 7.30-9.00pm at SS Julius & Aaron's Church, Llanharan. are corltinuing our study of King David. Newcomers CyTyN CAROL SINGING Albany Road School always welcome. on Sat 22 Dec, 10.30-11.30am. Everyone is welcome to GMMAM KENDIUCM'S Rumours of .Angels: A join us. celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ performed by is on Sun 23 at members of Churches at Park 4pm. led by St Edward's Chair & String Orchestra, and Treorchy. Mon-Thur this week at 7.30pm Tickets E3 Wclrship (conc. $22) S01443-773112. SPONSORED WALK around Roath Park Lake on BACH'S MAGNIFICAT will be performed at St Martin's Boxing Day morning (folinwsd by coffee mince pies), Church On Tuesda\' at 7~min a stagsd per*limance in aid af the Medical Foundation - caring for victims of the Welsh National Youth Clpera. torture. Anyone interested in ioining- in or sponsoring a CAR0t.S BY CANDLELIGHT at Minster Rd URC on walker lease see Sue potter.. Tuesday at 7pm. LICENC:IWG SERVICE for Rev. Michael Jones takes DISC138SION GROUPS meet on Tuesday in the vestry place at St Philip's Church on Thur 3 Jan. at 7.30pm, and or1 Wednesday in ~oom1 at oath TAIZ~(II!RVICES Next service: 30 Jan, Church House at 7.30prn. Newcomers always welcome. FOR YCIIJR DIARY. LIGHTSHIP 2000. The Iioly Eucharist is celebrated Sat 26 Jan, Quiz Eve,ning. Roath Church House, aboard Lightship 2000 On the Sat 2 FEtb.Post Christmas Sale, Roath Church House. each month (includina this week) at 8am and 1~m There is alsh a celebration in welsh at 12 ndon. SHOWTHME. Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Everyone is welcome. Dreammist will be performed in St Edward's on FrilSat OF 18/19 Jan. Anyone interested in taking part, please 'ONCERT CHR'STMAS MUSiC and readings from have a word with Heather or Alan today. At the meeting both rei1g{ous and secular performed last week lots of [asks were allo&ed to "\lolunteersV. Female Chorus & Soioists Of the welsh Of More offers of help would be very welcome Rehearsals Music Drama, at the City Church Windsor Piace, on wlil begin in earnest on the Thursdays after Christmas. Wednesday, Ipm-2pm. Tickets £31522. 27 Dec;, f1/10/17 Jan. Also on Wed 9 Jan. The band w~ll QUIET DAY FOR CHRISTMAS at Llangasty Retreat also prslctise on the Weds 9/16 Jan, Further practices Mouse on Wednesday. Led by Fr Colin Sutton. will be organised if and when we begin to panic! CARBL.S (% MINCE pBES around the piano at SCOUT' POST stamps are On sale 12p each from the Parish St ,Andrew's URC on Wednesday at 7.30pm. Office. I-iast day for posting is tomorrow (Monday). CoMPL''NE V181T 3°C) WESTMINSTER ABBEY. We are hoping to have a be sung On Thursday Of this week at bus trip to the Abbey, including visiting St Edward.~tomb. The 9pm. Compline is a 15-minute service of ptainchant - date is Sat 18 May, cost, including entrance to the last of the monastic "hoi~rs". the Abbey, would be f20 for adults, El5 for children. If you may be ityterested, please have a word with Tricia. C&ZRI$TMA% TREE FESTIVAL at StAuyustinels Church, Penarth next weekend (SatISun 15/46 Dec), GWRISTIJIAS FLOWERS. Mrs Megan Martin will be pleased j2,00-5,30pm, Musical Entertainment, Promads to Ty to recedvn contributions towards the Cost of flowers to Hafan & Latch and Parish work with children. Admission Ihechurch 'Or Christmas. U. Children free (accampanied). ST EDWARD'S COMMITTEE MlNUfES have been posted on Web: www.xmastreefest.f2s.csm the porch noticeboard. AFTERMQON OF pmy~~(h STILLNESS from Zpm in CHRiSnAN AID EUROZBNE CUfiRENCY APPEAL. St Edward's IS supporting the appeal fc~rforeign coins and notes, now no longer usable Martrn's Church On Saturday. by Evenrng because sf the Euro Mrs Meaan- Martin will be leased to receive any Prayer iat 6pm. contributions of currency. WRNDE,L3S MES$iAH will be performed by Cardiff WANTED A wheelchair for the Iimcheon club - please contact he Poiyphonlc Cholr at St David's Hall on Saturday at Pansh Office P20-484808 7 30pm. WELCOME. We extend a warm welcome to all visitors and newcomers Please make yourself known to one of the sidesmen if you are new with us. The Third Swrndsy of advent Weekly Newsilettea No. 1333 Sunday, 76" December, 22001 11.OO am Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Celebrant & Preacher: Fr Ken Martin. Hymns: 216, 215(MP), TaizB, A.nfihem: Hark the Glad Sound (H.Walfoad Davies), Rec.: 281(NIP). Taize: Waif fgr the Lord, his day is near. Waif for the Lord: be strong: fake hearf! Setting: Aguffer. Agnus Dei: Norman Doe. 6.30 pm Evensong. Officiant. Fr Ken Mart~n. Introit: Hail, Gladdening Light. Psalms 12, 14. Hymns. 54, Anthem: All Things Bright and Beautinful (Rufter), 52 Readings: Isaiah 5, 8-.30.Acts '13, 13-41 In the world-wide Church we pray today fcnr the Church in Wales, Archbishop Rowan Williams, and Provincial Assistant Bishop David Thomas. We pray far peace in the worid arrd understanding amongst all nations. We pray for Afghanistan, the Middle East and Northern Ireland. In this diocese we pray for the Iqural Deanery of I-landaff, and Fr Bill Barlow (Rural Bean - one time priest in charge zit St Edward's). We pray for the sick, remembering espeeiaily Janet Mundzay, Gwendoline Hopkins, John Warren, Lucy Fiori, Maurice Lexton, Alison Xerri, Vera Ellis. We pray for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed, especially Gladys Cheshire, Colin Herbert \Nilliiams and Constance Francis Trt?asadre, whose anniversaries occur at this time.

Monday, 7.30-9.00pm at SS Julius Mondsy 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Parish Office, Church House. (Aaron's Church, Llanharan. 17th 7.00 pm St Edward's Orchestra Practice. - 7.30 prn Advent Praise (Village Praise). SS Julius 8, Aaron's, Llsnharan 7.30 pm Cardiff & Vale Youth Choir & Orchestra. Cify Hall. --- Y~esday 7.00 pm Holy Eucharist. Sf Ar?nefs. CELEBRATION for all the 18211 7.30 pm Discussion Group. St Edward's. - an Monday at 7.30pm at the City-1 Hall, with Cardiff County and Vale of Glamorgan Wednesday 10.00 am HOLY EUCHARIST. f=oilowed by coffee. Choir Orchnstra, Tickets (cone, L3), 19th 10.30 am Discussion Group. 6 I\lcwminsfer Road. -- 11.00 am St Edward's String Orchestra Practice. GROUPS meet on 12.30 pm Roath Church ~ousczLuncheon Club. the vestry at 7.30pm, and on Wednesday in 2.00 pm St Edward's Chamber Music Group Practice Room 1 at Roath Church House at 7.30pm. 2.00 pm Senior Citizens. Hoafh Church House. blewcomers always welcome. 5.30 pm Said Evensong. Sf Mat-fin's. L 8 7,30 pm Discussion Group. Rosth Church House ~RV~CE=RWHOLENESSlakes at Anne.s on Thursday at Th~rsday 9.00 am Holy Eucharist. Sf Anne's. - 20th 6.30 pm Junior Choir Practice (inc "Joseph"). 7.00 pm Mlorship Group Prac;tice. SINGING outside 7.30 pm Full Choir Practice. Road Sct-1001 on Saturday, 10.30-1 'I .30am. 7.30 pm Service for Wholeness & Healing Sf Anne's. - SetHrday 22nd 10.30 am Cytljn Carol Singing. Albany Road. Next Sunday is the Fourtt~Sunday of Advemit. The Holy Eucharist will be celetrated in St Edward's at I1am, the Sunday School will meet at Ilam: and the Service of Nine Lessons & Carols is at 4pm, followed by refreshments in the vestry. MRS JOAN BETTY would like to thank everyone for their cards and good wishes while she was in hospital. Internet: http://StEdRoath., Ernail: StEdward@Christian. hm ------CYTUN GHRISTMAS SONGS OF CHRISTMAS AT ST EDWARD'S~PtWlSE IS on Sun 30 Dec at CHRISTMAS CAROL SERVICE is next Sunday at 4pm, led at 3pm Members Of the Sunday Scli001s of all the churches will by St Edward's Choir & String Orchestra, and the Worship taking part - all are Group. After the Se~vic:g,plf?as~t join Us for light refreshments Followed by mince pies In Roath in the vestry. 1 Church House ST EDWARD'S CHOIR will be c~~rslsinging around the [ LICENCING SERVICE for Rev. houses on Christmas EIve, nleeting at St ~dward'sat 6.30pm. M1chael takes place at If you would like then1 to visit your home, please speak to St Philip's Church on Thur 3 Jan at 7,30pm. Alan COMPLINE is sung approximately CI-IIRISTMAS SERVICES AT ST EBbVARD'S. once a rnonth at St Edward's on Dec 24. 11.45prn Midnight WBass. Thursdays at 9pm. Compline is a 15- Dec 25. 1Oam. (zhristrnas WIor17i17gEuct-iarist, minute service of plainchant - the last with Sunday School presentation of the Nativity. of the monastic "hours". Next service: 24 Jan. VAIZ~SERVICES take place at St Edward's every CHRISTMAS FLOWERS. Mrs Megan Martin will be other rnonth on Wednesdays at 7.30pm. Next service: 30 Jan. pleased to receive contributions towards the cost of flowers to decorate the church for Christmas. FOR 'YOUR DIARY. Sat 26 Jan. Family Quiz Evening. Roath Church House. ANTHEMS. The Eucharist anthem is "Hark the Glad Sat 2 F'E!~.Post Christmas Sale. Roath Church House. Sound, the Savioi~r Comc-ts", words by P.Doddridge Sat 20 Fipr. Silent Auction. Roath Church House. (1702-1751 ), music by Henry VValford Dailies (1869- Sat 18 May. Spring Fayre. Roath Church House. 1941). 'The introit at Evensong is the :3rd century hymn "Hail Gladdening Light", music by John Stainer (1840- COMMI'T'TEE MEETINGS The following are suggested 1901), and the ~lnthem is "All Things Bright and dates. 81 Edward's Commlltee 25 Jan, 8 Feb (Pre- Beautiful", words by Mrs C.F.Alexancfer (1818-1895), Vestry), 26 Apr, 12 Jul, 8 Nov. PCC: 28 Jan, 13 May, 15 music by John Rutter. Jul, 11 Pdov (+ one prlor to the Vestry). CHRISTMAS TREE FESTIVAL at StAugustine's SHOWT'IIVIE. Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Church, Penarth today. 12.00-5.3Opm. Musical Dreamcoat will be performed in St Edward's on FriISat Entertainment. Proceeds to Ty Hafan & Latch and 18/19 Jan. Anyone interested in taking part, please Parish work with children. ,4dmission E2. Children free have a \vc~rdwith Heather or Alan today, At the meeting (accompanied). the week before last lots of tasks were allocated to Web: "volunteers". More offers of help would be very welcome?. Rehearsals will begin in earnest on the NO CI-IORAL, EVENSONG at the Cathedral today. Thursdays after Christmas: 27 Dec, 311 011 7 Jan. Also Evensorlg with hymns at 3.30pm. on Wed $1 Jan. The band will also practise on the Weds ST PHILIP'S BROVVNIES CAROLS i3 NATltJlTY PLAY 9/16 Jan. Further practicers will be organised if and is at 4pm today at St Philip's. when we begin to panic! ADVENT LITURGY: Advent music, readings and VISIIT 'T:D WESTMINSTER ABBEY. We are hoping to prayers at St Martin's Church today at 5pm. have a bus trip to the Abbey, including visiting St Edward's tomb. The suggested date is Sat 18 May. BIBLE STUDY at 7.30pm tonight after Evensong. We The cos't, including entrance to the Abbey, would be are coritinuing our study of King David. biewcorners £20 fcrr adults, El5 for children. If you may be always welcome. interested: please have a word with Tricia. ST MARGARET'S CHRISTIWAS CAROL SERVICE is at CHRISTIAN AID EUROZONE CURRENCY APPEAL 6.30pm next Sunday. St Edwarcl's is supporting ttie appeal for foreign coins CAROLS AROUND THE CRIB at St Margaret's at 5pm and notes, now no longer usable because of the Euro. on Christmas Eve. Mrs Megan Martin will be pleased to receive any contribui:ions of currency. SPONSORED WALK arol~nd Roath Park. Lake on Boxing Day morning (followed by coffee & mince pies), CHURCH DIARIES for 20112 are available in church in aid of the Medical Foundation -- caring for victirrls of today, price El. torture. Anyone interested joining in or sponsoring a in WELCOUIE. We extend a warm welcome to all visitors walker please see Sue Potter. and newcomers. Please make yourself known to one of CHCalR Of= THE UNIVEFPSI'W OF ROME w~llsing High the sidesrnen if you are new w\th us. Mass for the Feast of the I-ioly Innocents on Frr 28 Dec at 7pm In St Agnes' Church, Forge Rd, Aberavon. Weekiy Mew.slefter No. f334 .Sunday, 2fd December, 2001 11.00 am Sung Eucharist, Sermon and Sunday School. Celebrant & Preacher: Fr Ken Martin. Hyrnns: 52, 217, 4.9, Anthem: Ave Maria @'iftoria), R~c.:There's a Sound (sheet 6) Setting: Aguffer. Agnus Dei: Norman Doe. 4.00 pm Service of Nine Lessons & Carols. Officiant: Fr Ken Ahdin. Solos from the Junior Choristers (and some of the adults). "Traditional Carols. A wide variety of music, Led by the choir, string orchestra & worship group 6.30 pm Service of Nine L~tssons& Carols. St Margaret's. In the world-wide Church vve pray today for the Province of Dublin of the Church alf Ireland, and Archbishop Waiton Empey. We pray for peace in the world and understanding amongst all nations. We pray for Afghanistan, the MieldIe East and Mortl-tern Irelantl, In this diocese we pray fix the Board for Soc:iaf Responsibility, and its Excecutiive Officer, Cansrr Gareth Foster. We pray for the !sick, remembering especially Janet Munday, G~remdolineHopkins, John d"Varret1, L-ucy Fiori, Maurice Lexton, Alison Xerri, Vera EIlis. We pray for the repose of .the souls of the faithful departed, especially John Edward Thonnas, Phylli's James and Fr Henry Wellington, whose anniversaries occur at this time. Chrisimss Ease: 4 30 pm Carols Around the Crib 6.30 pm St Edward's Choir Carol Singing. 11.45 pm Midnight Mass, Procession and Sermon. Celebrant I: Preacher: Fr Ken Martin. Hyrnns: 59 (Proc.), 68, In tht? Biealc Midwinter, Anthem: The Holy City (Adcams), 60 (Rec.) Setting: Nicholson. Agnus Dei: Norrnan Doe. Christmas 'Day 8.00 am Eut:harist a'i St Margaret's. 10.00 am Sung Eucharist, Procession ;L Sunday School Preserrtation (no sermon). Celebrant: Fr Ken Marfin. Hyrnns: 59 (Proc.), 65, This Child (sheet), When a Cl?ildis Bctrn, Anthem, Rec: 61 (vvl-4). Anthem: Sans Day Carol (Buffer). Setting: Agutfer. Agnus Dei: Norman Doe. Almighty God, you Iiave given your only-begotten Son to take our nature upon him, and to be born this day of a pure virgin: Grant that we, who have been born again and made your children by adoption and grace, may daily be renewed by your Holy Spirit; through our Lard Jesus Christ, to whom with you and the same Spirit be honour and glory, now and for ever. CHRISTMAS CAROL SERVICE IS at CkCBISSMAS r4pm today, led by st Edward's Choir & St.ring Orchestra, and the Worship St Stephen, the First Martyr Group. Afkr the Service, please join us tiOb-Y IEUCHARIST. Followed by coffee. for light refreshments in the vestry. Sponsored Walk. Roath Park Lake. St Margaret's have a Service of Nine St John, Apostle & Evangelist Sunday School rehearsal for Worship Dance. Junior Choir Practice. F'uli Choir & Worship Group Practice: "Joseph" tioly Innocents' Day High Mass (Choir of the University of Rorne). St Agnes' Churcfi, Aberavon. 'ROewt S~ndctyis Cihristmas Sunday. The llsrly Eucharist will be celebrated in St Ed\nlardls at I lam, the Sunday School will meet at 'Ilam, the Gytun Carol Praise is at St Margaret's at 3pm, and Choral Evensong will be sung at St Edward's at 5.30pm. FR KEN & MEGAN would like to thank everyone for their presents and cards and wish them all a joyful and happy Christmas Internet: http:llStEdRoath.tripc) Em31I: [email protected] ------ARCHBISHOP ROWAN'S CHRISTMAS MESSAGE v~ctrmsof torture Anyone ~nterested We have probably been more frightened this year than we've been for a long tlme In jOlnlng In Or sponsoring a walker When the cold War ended. we bel~evedthat the world had become baslmllv-7 safer please see Sue Potter The big conflicts had gone away and the problems of international relations could be managed successfully. CHOIR OF THE UNlVERSlTY OF But it wasn't to be. We face new conflicts that are in marly ways far worse, because ROME will sing High Mass for the we're dealing with enemies who are both hidden and, it seems, beyond negotiating Feast of the Holy Innocents on Fri 28 with. How do you threaten sorrleone who is quite ready to die for what they believe? Dee at .7pm in St Agnes' Church, The nightmare of September 11th led some people to conclude that the real Forge ~d,Aberavon, problem in the world was religious faith. Faith encourages believers to ri,sk their lives and not to care for consequences - so it must be dangerous. Many thought CYTUN CHRISTMAS SONGS OF that Islam was especially liable to this. Others started worrying about rieligious p~ls~is next Sunday at 3pm at schools, on the grour~dsthat they were bound to breed fanatics. St Margaret's. Members of the But the truth is more complicated. All faiths, all views of the world (ir:cluding atheism!) are capable of being distorted. People whose lives are already twisted Sunday Schools of all the churches and damaged use faith as they use other things in twisted and damaged way:;. And will be talting part - are if you try to shut religious faith out of the public arena, tct shut it out of educ2tion or Followed by mince pies in Roath politics, you are actually encouraging faith to become narrower and more isolated, Church blouse. Donations of mince more liable to be misused by fanatics. pies welcome - contact Gill Day What is more, you shut yourseif off from all that dimension of religious faith that ~20-495496. makes you look hard at your own sel.fisliness and pride (and fanaticism) -snd from all that speaks of the kind of peace that human beings can't build alone. 0171~with LICENCING SERVICE for Rev. this sense of humility and trust Can we get beyond fear. The problem isil't b€!lief in Michael ,Jones at st Philip's Church God. It is that so many of us, Christians, Jews, IWuslims, here or in the USA or in on Thur Jan at 7,30pm, the Holy Land: don't believe in God enough to make us humble and trustful. Again and again in the Christmas story God's messengers tell people, 'Cton't be EQ~PHANYCOFFEE MORNING at afraid'. The story tells us of a God who humbles himself and a peace that comes CaliSbrOOke way, 10,30am- frotn God's loving acceptance of our humanity. Sorne kinds of religious fa,ith may ,, seem dangerous; but without faith, can we really hear and accept those words, iioon on Sat 5 Jan. Tickets £1 - 'Don't be afraid'? contact Gill Day 820-495496. This Christmas, try to face some of the fear, to bring it into the open. Ask whist it is EPIPHANY LUNCH organised by that would deal with the fear. Ask whether the words of the angels in the Christmas story are spoken to you. May Christmas briny you peace in heart and home. St Anne's at Roath Church House on ------Sat 5 Jan: 12.30 for Ipm. Three ANTHEMS, The Sunday Eucharist anthein is "Ave courselunch £5 inc glass of wine (contact Carole Maria" by Tommaso Ludovico da Vittorii3 (c.1540- B20-z58'733 Sharon 820-403954. ~.?605).The Car01 Service includes "Christmas SHOWTIME, joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Lullaby';, "klativity C:ar0lVand "Jesus Child", all by John ~~~~~~:~,~twill be performed in st Edward's on Fri/Sat Rul,ter, also "A Slumber Song of tl-ig Madonna'' by 18/19 Jan. Rehearsals begin in earnest this week .- on Samuel Barber, and "The Three Kings" by F'eter Thursday:;: 27 Dee, 3/10/17 Jan. ~lsoon Wed 9 Jan, Cornelius. At Midnight Mass, the? choir will sing "The ~h~ band also practise on the Weds 9/16 Jan, ~olycityN, music by Stephen Adams, words by Further. practices will be organised if and when we F.E.Weetherly, and on Christmas Morning the anthem begin tc, panic! is "Sans Day Carol" by John Rutter. COMPB,I;NE. Next service: 24 Jan. SUNDAY SCHOOL. We are decorating the Christmas T~izgSERVICES, N~~~service: 30 tree after the Eucharist this morning. Dress rehearsal for the Christmas F31ay on Monday at 3.30pm (Carols CHRIS'rIAN AID 13.JROZONE CURRENCY APPEAL. round the tree 4.3Upm). Rehearsal for. worship dance St Edwarcf's is ~~PPofiing appeal for foreign coins Thursday 5.30pm (St Edward's) and next Sunday 2pm and notes, now no longer usable because of the Euro. in St Mzraaret's." Mrs Megan Martin will be pleased to receive any contributions of currency. CHORAL EVENSUNG at the Cathedral at 3.30pm todziy: Wood in G. Anthem: Coventry Carol. EMVELCIPE SCHEME. The work of the Church, our charitable outreach, maintaining the buildings and BlBLE STUDY. There will be no rneetirlg tonight. services all cost money, most of which must come from Resume as usual next Sunday. the freewill offerings collected at each service. The DISCUSISIONGROIJPS will take a break till New Year. envelope?scheme is one of our methods of encouraging "regulat' giving". 7'he new envelopes for 2002 will be CAROLS AROUND THE 6111B at St Margaret's at 5pm available shortly - if you did not have envelopes last on Christmas Eve. year, and would like to join the scheme, please speak to ST EDWARD'S CHOIR will be carol singing around the Mrs Megan Martin. Alternatively, an increasing number houses on Christmas Eve, meeting at St Edward's at of people are now using standing orders from their bank 6.3Opm. If you would like them to visit your home. accounts ,for this purpose - details from our treasurer, please speak to Alan. Mr Geoffrey Smith. If you give by either of these methods, and sign a declaration that you pay tax, we SPONSORED WALK around Roath Park Lalte at I1am can also claim back the tax you have paid on all your on Boxing Day morning (followetl by coffee EG mince donations (details from Alan Mayer). pies), in aid of the Medical Foundation - caring for Christmes S~nday Cod sent his own son. Weekly I\lewsle$ferNo, 7'335 Sunday, 3@' December, 200f 11.OO am Sung Eucharist, Procession, Sermun and Sunday School. Celebrant: Fr Ken Nlarfin. Preacher: Mrs Caroline Downs. Hymns: Unto Us is Born a Son (Proc. - sheet), 64, 72, Anthem, 58 (Rec.). Setting: Nichoisorr. Agnus DE?~:Norman Doe. Anthem: What Sweeter Music (Butter). 3.00 pm Cytun Carol Praise. St Margaret's. 5.30 pm Choral Eve~isong.Clfficiant: Fr Ken Martin.lntroit: Br~eakForth, 0 Beauteous (Bach). Psalms 132. Office Hymn 68. Anthem: 6 Magnum Nlysterium (Wittorfa). Reedings: Isaiah 49, 9..13. 13hilipplians2, 1-11. Preces & Responses: Heathcote Statham. In the vvorld-wide Church we pray today for the Sc;ottish Episcopal Church, and Primus Richard Holloway. We pray for peace in the world and uriderstandir~gamongst all nations. We pray for India & Pakistan, Afghanistan, the Middie East and Northern Ireeland. In this diocese we pray for Danescourl: House ar~dthe Work of the Church Army. We pray for the Venerabict Martin Williams, who becomes Archdeacon of Morgannwg on Tuesday, and for Canon Philip Morris, who becomes Archdeacon of Margam arrcf a Teani Vicar in the Rectorial Benefice of Aberavon on Tuesday. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Janet Nlunday, C5wendoline Hopkins, John Warren, Lucy Fiari, Maurice Lexton, Alison Xerri. We pray for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed, especially Vera Gl;sdys Ellis, whose funera! is on Friday, and Davircl Vernon Edmunds, whose anniversary occurs at this time. TCIIS WEER: IKUNCtiRlSTMAS SONGS OF PRAISE^ is at St Nlargaret's at 3pm today. Members stst 6.00 pm Parish Surgery. Parish Office, Church Mjuse. Monday / of St Edward's Sunday School will perform T~esd~ay 'The Naming of Jesus their Christmas Nativity. Sunday School of st 3ennery 7.00 pm t-loly Eucharist. St Anne's. other churches will be taking part - all are welcome, Followed by mince pies in Roath Wad 2nd 10.00 am HOLY EUCIIARIST. Followed by coffee. Jh~rsdey 9.00 am Morning 13rayer. Sf Anne's. 3rd 6.30 pm Junior Choir Practice & Worship Group, Jo!;eph & the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. 7.00 prn f-ull Choir Practice. LICENCING SERVICE for Rev. 7.30 pm Licensing Service of Rev Michael Jones. St Phjlip's Friday 41-11 2.30 pm I-uneral of Vera Gladys Ellis. St Edward's. St Philip's Church on Thursday at SaQ~rdey 10.30 am Epiphany Coffee IWorning. 115 Carisbro0k.e Way. 5th 12.30 pm Epiphany Lunch. Roath Church House. 'Ida*+ Swndcry is the Feast sf the Epnphany sf Our Lord. The Holy Euchari!st will be celebrated in St Edward's at Ilam, fhe Sunday School will meet at Ilarrt, coffee will be served in the vestry aftel- the Eucharist, the Sunday Scl?ool line of coins will be cont~n~red,and the 100 Club Draw will take place. Evensong wiil be sung at 6.30pm. NO CHORAL EVENSONG at the Cathedral today - CHRiISl~IANAID EUROZONE CURRENCY APPEAL Evensong with hymns at 3.ClOpm. 1'40 later service. St Edward's is supporting the appeal for foreign coins and notes, now no longer usable because of the Euro. BIBLE STUDY in the vestry at 7.30pm this evening. Mrs ILlegan Martin will be pleased to receive any DISCUSSION GROUPS are rlot meeting this week. contrib~rtiorisof currency. EPIPHANY COFFEE MORNING at 175 C~lrisbrooke CHUIRC:H DIARfIES for 2002 are available in church Way, 10.30am-noon 01-1 Saturday. Tickets El - today, price fI. contacGill Day S20-495496. WELC:C)ME. We extend a warm welcome to all visitors EPIPHANY LUNCH organised by St Anne's at Roath and rlf?wcorners. Please make yourself known to one Church House on Saturday, 12.30 for Ipm. Three of the sidesmen if you are new with us. course lunch f5 inc. glas!; of wine (contact Carole TAIZ~SEWViCES. Next service: 30 Jan. 920-2fj8733 or Sharon 420-403954.

Internet: h~tp:l/! Email: [email protected] PLYGAIN (Welsh Carol Service) In BISHOP BARRY'S CHRIISTMAS SERMON. Llangynwyd on Tue 29 Jan at 7pm. The central message of Christmas is that God has drawn near in Jesus Christ. lie is not a distant God, far off and unconcemed with his world, to be Soloists, duets and small groups are kept at arm's length, but has identified himself with us to such an extent that invited to contribute to this newly revived he is revealed in the mess and excrement of a stable, in the life of a totally traditional form of Welsh Carol Service. ordinary working class family in Nazareth and in a death on the cross outside Contact Rev. Enid Morgan '8P01656- the City walls of Jerusalem, condemned as a traitor by both his own people 733194 by 14 Jan. Refreshments and the Roman State. And the significarlce of that is two fold. afterwards in the Church Hall. First, the Christian faith is not a sloppy Sentimental story meant to be the religious equivalent of Santa Clause and reindeer, designed to make us feel JOSEPH 8 AMAZING TECHNICOLOR good during the cold winter months, so that we ran have warm.feelings DUEAMGOAT will be performed in about the world in general but it is about a God who created a world and who St Edward's on FnISat 18/19 Jan. cares so much about it when it goes wrong that he is prepared to becorne part of it and to identify with it completely. We may want to keep him at a Rehearsals orr Thursdays: 3/10117 Jan. distance but he certainly does not keep us at a distance. He becomes one of Also on Wed 9 Jan. The band will also us. God has drawn near to us even though we rnay want to run a mile frorn practise on the Weds 9/16 Jan. Further him. practices will be organised if and when we Secondly, that mtans that you can't divide life into two separ2it.e begin to panic! compartments - the secular and the religious. 011 the one hand the world crf work, leisure, business, sex, money, commerce and all the things that make HELPING HAR:MONY is a concert in ard of the world go round and which play a significant gar3 in our lives, and on the the Church in Wales Jubilee Fund, which other hand, God, prayers, Church, Christmas carols. It is one world - God's helps disadvantaged people In different world and God's identification with and involvement in this real world is totsrl. parts of the world, by the Cardiff Our faith therefore impacts on what we do with every minute of every day - what sclmeone once called a seven day God and impacts or should impact Philharmonic Orchestra in Llandaff on how we earn our money, how we spend our money, Row we relate to one Cathedral on Fri 22 March at 7.30pm. another, how we react to the problems of our community, our country and Programme includes "In Gemesco" from our world. - our attitude to poverty and employment, war, asylum seekers Verdi's Requiem, and Etgar's Cello and anything eise you care to mention. Lstlless we can somehow relate God Concerto. Tickets £7.50 after 14 Jan from to the u~oridwe live in, then our faith is abstruse, irrelevant and unconcerned Fr Ph~lipMorris 401446-793770. with the world that God has created. When (;ad speaks, his worcls are always words of peace, joy, goodwill, DIOCESAN YOUTH CAMP for 11 -1 6 year acceptance and love. That's Cod's language. That's God's word to his worlcl. olds at Dare Valley Country Park 12-14 When we ourselves fail to use God's language and act on it, however noble July. Cost £40 full board in the comfortable our motives, however high minded our intentions and however justly we fee?t we have been provoked, it just shows how much we all need to grow in cur Countryside Residential Centre. Ali rooms understanding of what this feast of Christmas is all about, "when the wovd are en-suite and have colour television was made flesh and dwelt among us". Campers share four to a room in bunk beds. Full timetable of worship, fun activitie.~, barbecues, prayer, adventure, exploration. ANTHEMS. The Sunday Eucharist anthem is "What Dare Country Park is the first park in Sweeter Music" by John Rutter The introit at Evensong and created land ravaged by Is the 'Break Fonh~ O Industry, Set in ;!c() acres of countryside, there are Light" from the Christmas Oratorio by Johann Sebastian waymarked trails, streams and lakes and panoramic Bath (1685-1750) and the anthem is '" Magnum views, \,vwdlands and wildlife, Places limited book Mysterium" by Ton~masoLudovico da Vittoria (c.1540- - soon with deposit Heather has booking forms, c. 9 605). Further information from Rev. Dean Atkins 420- DIBCE$WN COUNCIL FOR MISSION 8 MINISTRY. 499867 (home) or 20-578899 (office). This new council will be inaugurated at a special VISIT TO WESTNIINSTER ABBEY. We are hoping to service in Llandaff Cathedral on Sun 73 Jan at 3.30pm. have a bus trip to the Abbey, including visiting All are invited to attend as we seek God's bfessing and St Edward's tomb. The suggested date is Sat 18 May. guidanee in this new work for him. The remit for the The cost, including entrance to the Abbey, would be council is enormous, covering all aspects of mission £20 for, adults, £15 for children. If you may be (local and world), stewardship, carntnunications and interesteci; please have a word with Tricia. information technology, social responsibility etc. You are invited to offer your expertise in any of these areas, FOR YCjIJR DIARY. as the diocese would like to draw upon as many people Sat 26 Jan. Family Quiz Evening. Roath Church House. as possible as particular areas of work are developod. Sat 2 F~tb.Post Christmas Sale. Roath Church House. Sat 20 Apr. Silent Auction. Roath Church Mouse. COMPLINE is sung approximately once a month at Sat 18 May. Spring Fayre. Roath Church House. St Edward's on Thursdays at 9prn. Compline is a 15- minute service of plainchant - the last of the monastic COMMi'lrTEE MEETINGS. The following are suggested "haurs". Next service: 24 Jan. dates. $3Edward':; Committee: 25 Jan, 8 Feb (Pre- Vestry), 26 Apr, 12 Jul, 8 Nov. PCC: 28 Jan, 13 May, 15 VILLACiE FaMlSE is at St Peter's Church, Rhoose on Jul, 11 Fdov (+ one prior to the Vestry). Mon 28 Jan, 7.30-9.00prn. Speaker: Fr Philip Morris, Archdeacon of Margam.