Recent Advances in Karst Research: from Theory to fieldwork and Applications

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Recent Advances in Karst Research: from Theory to fieldwork and Applications Downloaded from by guest on July 16, 2019 Recent advances in karst research: from theory to fieldwork and applications MARIO PARISE1,2*, FRANCI GABROVSEK3, GEORG KAUFMANN4 & NATASA RAVBAR3 1Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University Aldo Moro, Bari, Italy 2National Research Council, IRPI, Bari, Italy 3Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU, Titov trg 2, Postojna, Slovenia 4Institute of Geological Sciences, Geophysics Section, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany *Correspondence: [email protected] Abstract: Karst landscapes and karst aquifers, which are composed of a variety of soluble rocks such as salt, gypsum, anhydrite, limestone, dolomite and quartzite, are fascinating areas of study. As karst rocks are abundant on the Earth’s surface, the fast evolution of karst landscapes and the rapid flow of water through karst aquifers present challenges from a number of different perspec- tives. This collection of 25 papers deals with different aspects of these challenges, including karst geology, geomorphology and speleogenesis, karst hydrogeology, karst modelling, and karst hazards and management. Together these papers provide a state-of-the-art review of the current challenges and solutions in describing karst from a scientific perspective. Gold Open Access: This article is published under the terms of the CC-BY 3.0 license. Karst describes the slow work of dissolution exerted effective water resource management is especially by water, enriched with carbon dioxide, on soluble crucial, such as England, northern and southern rocks such as carbonates, evaporites and halite France, parts of Germany, central Italy, eastern (White 1988; Ford & Williams 2007; Palmer Spain and large parts of the Mediterranean. On 2007). Morphological effects at the surface are repre- other continents, such as in the Middle East and Cen- sented by a variety of typical landforms, the most tral Asia, karst terrains occupy c. 25% of the land typical being dolines and sinkholes. Below the sur- surface. These karst terrains often host primary eco- face, conduits of different sizes are formed by the nomic benefits, such as drinking water and building dissolution of the soluble rocks, leading to a network materials. Karst areas are valuable ecosystems and of voids, of which the parts large enough to be have high levels of biodiversity (Brancelj & Culver explored by humans are defined as caves. 2005; Pipan & Culver 2013). The numerous caves The term karst stems from the German derivation and other natural phenomena have played an impor- of the local name of the region between Italy and tant part in stimulating tourism, contributing to eco- Slovenia (Carso in Italian, Kras in Slovene). This nomic development in many countries (Ravbar & region is the site where the discipline of karstology Šebela 2015). was born at the end of the seventeenth century. Karst landscapes are of great importance because The work of scholars such as Cvijić(1893) greatly they host remarkable natural resources, including contributed to the introduction of the term karst in karst aquifers. Karst water resources have been the international literature. The importance of the important in the historical and economic develop- wider region, namely the Dinaric karst area, is recog- ment of many regions (Parise & Sammarco 2015) nized by the use of many local terms that have and karst groundwater is of crucial importance become accepted in international karst terminology – today for the sustainable development of the econ- for example, doline, polje, uvala and ponor (Steva- omy in many countries and regions. Karst aquifers nović& Mijatovic 2005). currently supply c. 15% of the global population According to recent estimates (Chen et al. 2017), with drinking water and, in some regions, are the c. 14% of the Earth’s land surface consists of the only water resource available. carbonate rock outcrops that form karst. In Europe, Looking to the future, there are many concerns much of the karst occurs beneath some of the con- about karst regions. The predicted growth in popula- tinent’s most densely populated regions, where tion, which will mostly be concentrated in urban From:PARISE, M., GABROVSEK, F., KAUFMANN,G.&RAVBAR, N. (eds) 2018. Advances in Karst Research: Theory, Fieldwork and Applications. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 466,1–24. First published online May 3, 2018, © 2018 The Author(s). Published by The Geological Society of London. Publishing disclaimer: Downloaded from by guest on July 16, 2019 2 M. PARISE ET AL. areas, will increase pressures on karst aquifers in by spectacular surface geomorphology and subterra- terms of the global supply of water, although such nean features visible in caves. Show caves are often an increase might be partly mitigated by improve- among the most visited tourist sites in many parts of ments in treatment technologies for tapping water the world, which has led to karst landscapes being from sources other than karst. known by a wide range of people. As a result of the peculiar intrinsic characteristics There has been much interest in karst research in of karst and its specific processes, these resources are recent years, from many different disciplines. Caves particularly susceptible to destruction and over- have been recognized as sites where remarkable exploitation. The utilization of karst resources and remains and deposits are preserved (Sasowsky & populations living on karst landscapes pose specific Mylroie 2004), in contrast with the outside environ- scientific and practical challenges. There are many ment (the Earth’s surface), where the same features unresolved theoretical problems in karst processes, are generally destroyed by a combination of natural water flow, and mass and heat transport. The efficient (e.g. weathering, erosion or mass movements) and and safe exploitation of geothermal resources from anthropogenic processes. The biodiversity of karst karst systems also needs novel practical solutions. is progressively being recognized as of extreme Following the 2007 Special Publication of the importance and several studies involving experts in Geological Society, London, Natural and Anthropo- biology, medicine, astrobiology and planetary geol- genic Hazards in Karst Areas: Recognition, Analysis ogy have started, with the aim of exploring the and Mitigation (Parise & Gunn 2007), this volume bacteria and other species living in difficult environ- deals with the most recent advances in karst research ments and under peculiar climatic and environmental and presents an updated state-of-the-art source of the conditions (Boston & Northup 2017). Many cave main scientific activities currently taking place in this expeditions and explorations, in some of the most peculiar and vulnerable environment. important cave systems in the world, are now carried This volume presents the outcomes of several out through the joint action of speleologists and sessions dealing with karst held in the last few karst and cave scientists. New technologies, such years on the occasion of the General Assembly of as LiDAR scanners, allow the high-resolution scan- the European Geosciences Union. It is designed to ning of underground channels and their morphology. provide readers with an overview of studies in the These areas of research have resulted in the acquisi- peculiar and highly fragile karst environment. The tion of large amounts of data and many scientific volume presents a collection of papers, subdivided publications in the last few decades and there has into four sections (karst geology, geomorphology been a growing number of congresses dedicated to and speleogenesis; karst hydrogeology; karst model- karst research and speleology at both national and ling; and karst hazards and management), to provide international levels. a balanced overview of the diverse approaches avail- The cave environment has been recognized as a able to elucidate the current hot topics in karstology. potential platform to create analogues for space It includes both theoretical models and case studies exploration missions and caves are ideal sites for and consists of 25 papers prepared by researchers training astronauts (Fig. 1). The European Space from 14 countries, covering karst areas located in Agency has developed a specific training programme 16 countries. By integrating geomorphological, spe- and many astronauts from different space agencies leological, hydrogeological, geochemical, geophysi- around the world have been trained in caves over cal and engineering geological approaches, it the last five years (Bessone et al. 2017). provides readers with new insights into the subject The study of karst landscapes and their features is of comprehensive karstology and reveals important not just of interest in karst science, but has significant links between surface and subsurface processes and implications in many other fields. The multidisci- between the karst environment and society. Geolo- plinary nature of karst studies is expressed by the gists, engineers and geophysicists interested in number of workers from many different fields of sci- karst from both academia and geological or engi- ence who are interested in carrying out research in neering consulting companies will find papers of this extraordinary environment. interest. The fourth section, partly dedicated to man- Karst is relevant to oil research because carbonate agement of karst, will be of
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