Milton-Ulladulla District Tennis Association Inc P O Box 193 Ulladulla NSW 2539 Clubhouse Phone: 4455 4593 Editor: Val Crook. Phone: 4454 4160 Volume 5, Issue 76 Email:
[email protected] January 2013 Website: Club Email:
[email protected] MUDTA Club Secretary: Bev Magee 4455 5280 “Good Sports Accredited Club” Deadline for next Tattler - 24 February 2013 WELCOME BACK ANNUAL MILTON-ULLADULLA SENIORS TENNIS TOURNAMENT BIRTHDAY ROLL 2013 is now well underway and we look for- 8-9-10 FEBRUARY 2013 CALL ward to another year of tennis. We trust every- Best wishes to all We have 191 Senior players attending this one had a very happy Xmas and have recovered February Birthday from all those niggling injuries and are fit and year’s fifteenth annual conduct of the event. Celebrators and special Fifteen of our club members will be in action ready to roll. wishes to all Big “0” days. and we wish them success along the way. En- trants have come from all over NSW, ACT 1st Alivia Brown (10) On Page 2 you will see a number of events that and the USA. 2nd Marion Muldrew will be held at our Club during the year. These days are great money-spinners for our club and There will be some excellent tennis being Jade McDonald enable the Committee to keep your clubs fees played and members are invited to come along 3rd Debbie McDonald to a minimum. However, they cannot run them- over the weekend and see how TENNIS IS 5th John Bryant selves and we are reliant on club members to A SPORT FOR ALL AGES.