Finnish Distance Men Class of U. S. Not to Davis Team Cup-— ■ Change ^__Olympics: • __*_ t---.--- PILOTS IN ACTION Olympic Distance Stars Three Events to Coach Proposes AGAIN FIGURE TO SWEEP Big Occupy HUM MASTERS Grid Ban Washington Pilots were to face the Spring Detroit Wolves again this afternoon Golfers Hereabout Next Week In an East-West Colored Base Ball 31 UP).— Idaho, May League game at Griffith Stadium, ' MOSCOW,Leo Calland, youthful grid at 3 o’clock. LONG RUN EVENTS LAURJ OPPOSE BRAZIL starting BY TO W. R. McCALLUM. were: Dr. J. L. Barnhart, 88—20—68; [ coach at the University of The Wolves have been the James P. 102—34—68; Mark trimming iLEHTINEN are Meegan, for Intercol- golfers go- Lansburgh. 90—17—73; Dr. Don John- Idaho, has a suggestion District team consistently and yester- j both ing to be a busy lot next son. 81—8—73; William Ullman, 91— Vines Extended legiate foot ball. day captured ends of a double- 6,000 and 10,000 Meter Shields and header 5 to 4 week. With three big tour- 18—73; E. M. Hein, 103—30—73, and “Abolish Spring foot ball practice here, and 9 to 4. WASHINGTON G. L. Moorman. 156—75—81. Races at Their Mercy, With naments scheduled, one of to Make a Clean Sweep and start the Pall work September therp the largest sectional event of the James W. Beller won the Olympic ^ 1,” advises the former Southern fund tourney at Columbia with a card California star. “If all teams in a RESTLESS or Nurmi. year, practically every golfer In the city YOUNG MEN Without of 81—18—63. John W. Gulder won in Semi-Finals. conference or a given section who Indulges In a bit of given competitive second place with G4—18—66. would start practice on that date, WITH WANDERLUST divot digging will be out there on some and have four full weeks to get set- WILLIAM —and Stf,