agribusiness handbook Barley Malt Beer Please address comments and enquiries to: ,6%1 Investment Centre Division Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) E-mail:
[email protected] ,( agribusiness handbook Barley Malt Beer TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 5 1. BARLEY 7 1.1 Production of barley 7 1.2 World production and main suppliers of barley 9 1.3 Barley sale prices 12 1.4 Barley trade 13 1.5 Current trends: malting barley has a new competitor for acreage 15 2. MALT 17 2.1 Processing into malt 17 2.2 World production and main suppliers of malt 19 2.3 Sale price of malt 22 2.4 Malt trade 23 2.5 Global growth in malt demand 24 2.6 Reaching conclusions 25 2.7 Other relevant information 25 3. BEER 27 3.1 Brewing process 27 3.2 World beer production 29 3.3 Beer trade 31 3.4 Consumption 32 3.5 Other relevant information 33 4. THE MALTING AND BEER INDUSTRIES IN THE WESTERN BALKANS AND EARLY TRANSITION COUNTRIES. 35 4.1 The supply of raw materials: the Achilles’ heel of the local beer industry 35 4.2 Development of the local beer industry: a driving factor for maltsters 44 4.3 EBRD experience in the region 62 5. FURTHER READING AND INFORMATION 65 3 This handbook is part of a series of agribusiness manuals prepared by FAO's Investment Centre Division for EBRD's Agribusiness team, under the FAO/EBRD cooperation. The production of the manuals was ¿QDQFHGE\)$2DQGE\WKH(%5'PXOWLGRQRU(DUO\7UDQVLWLRQ&RXQWULHV Fund and Western Balkans Fund.