Pictou County Nova Scotia
SOIL SURVEY of Pictou County Nova Scotia bY D. B. CANN and R. E. WICKLUND CANADA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EXPERIMENTAL FARMS SERVICE -- REPORT NO. 4-NOVA SCOTIA $011 SURVEY TRURO, NOVA SCOTIA - MARCH, 1950 EXPERIMENTAL FARMS SERVICE Canada Department of Agriculture IN CO-OPERATION WITH THE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, TRURO, AND NOVA SCOTIA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 3M-15248-9:51 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The soi1 survey of Pictou County was undertaken as a joint project by the Experimental Farins Service and the Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture. The Nova Scotia rlgricultural College at Triiro provided laboratory facilities and a headquarters for the work. The field work was carried out by Messrs. R. E. Wicklund, D. B. Cann, J. D. Hilchey and D. C. McKay. The cheinical and physical analyses of the soils were made by J. D. Hilchey and D. C. 1lcKay of the survey staftf. The authors gratefullj- acknowlcdge the assistance and information received from Mr. E. Milligan, Dr. -4.E. Roland, Provincial Botaiiist and othei members of the Collegc staff. Mr. P. C. Stobbe, Supervisor of Soil Surveys, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, iiispected the field work and offered many helpful suggestions. The base maps used on the survey were supplied by the Departmeiit of Mines and Technical Surveys, Ottawa. The Soil Map was prepared for litho- graphing by the Cartographic Section of the Field Husbandry, Soils and Agri- cultural Engineering Division, Central Esperimental Farm, Ottawa. CONTENTS PAGE Acknondedgments ........................................................................... 2 Introduction....................................................................................... 5 Part 1. General Description of the Area Location and Extent ................................................................. 5 Population and Racial Origin ........................................................ G Transportation and Markets ......................................................... G Non-Agricultural Industries .........................................................
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