2“ No One Knows Why Dad Killed 3 Kids, Himself

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2“ No One Knows Why Dad Killed 3 Kids, Himself U — MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday, May 15, 1986 MANCHESTER SPORTS FOCUS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 Moffett, Labriola Calhoun accepts Symphony’s pops MISCELLANEOUS all in the family UConn head job to be an audition KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE ®by Larry Wrlghl MISCELLANEOUS I MISCELLANEOUS I CARS CAMPERS/ a u t o m o t iv e MISCELLANEOUS TRAILERS AUTOMOTIVE ... page 3 ... page 9 page 13 FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE N 1980 Pontiac Sunbird 1948 Franklin Travel trai­ Truck Cap.* Fits long-bed Used sliding gloss potlo 1971 Ford Von, 302, stond- tovota, others, very good Hood with air scoop. $99 Folding type collapsable ard transmission, custom­ tor, self contained, 23W Phone 649-7375a________ bicycle, Raleigh built, 3 doors, thermal, $15 each. toot. $2500. Very good condition, roof vent, win­ speed. In mint condition. Coll 646-2300. ized with bed, very little I'MfOtfT dows. $95 647-0674.O rust, $1700 or Best otter condition, 649-6084. 1957 Chevrolet Belolr. S200 value, SS5 649-1794. WITH ^ F l ^ . 649-9227 keep trying. YOU CAN enlov extra Porting out hood '.MO 646- I’M A-STocLRei^- Cut baking time In holt 4298 call after 6pm. 8 Wooden Double Hung ENDAOLLS HlW ENo vacation money by ex­ \Jil6 next time you fix meat changing Idle Items in windows, aluminum 2716 wWlh-2S« loaf by baking In muffin runners, hardware In­ TRIENb^. your home for cash ... HELPING PEOPLE sa­ 13«i «Hdth-2 lor 2 ^ tins rother than the con­ tisfy their needs and cluded. Fits 31 X SO open­ with an od In classified. ing. $50 649-2959. MUST be picked up at the 1985 S-10 Blazer In mint ventional loot. Saves fuel Coll 643-2711 to place your w ants... that’s what wont Manchester Herald Office and makes attractive Indi­ condition. Only 12,000 od. ods are all about. Screen Glass window for before 11 A M. ONLY. miles. $9,800. 647-9764. O vidual servings. Use a low-cost od In Closslfted HrralJi Crossbuck aluminum 32 x M white storm door. $20. 1981 Black 280 ZX Turbo for quick response next Mnndmttv) Manchester A City nl Village Charm AIMn-Oiw Call 649-6646. T-Bar, AT, leather uphols­ time you have something Owl Pillow tery, wire wheels, NardI to sell. 643-2711. Used casement window, m TAC SALES wheel. In mint condition, complete with screens, 34,000 miles. May be seen 25 Cents storm windows, 43 x 43 Handyman tag sale, tools, at Economy Oil Change Friday, May 16,1906 opening. Asking $50. 649- ladders, paint, fireplace, Inc., 315 Broad St. Man­ I MOTORCYCLES/ 3893.D baby cloths and more. 63 chester, or call 647-8997, MOPEOS Walker St., Manchester, 8:30 to 5:00 dally. Includ­ ing Saturdays, 5-k; 2 Book Case speakers. 7 x CT. Rain or shine 9am to Suzuki RV90J Motorcy­ 13 Cost $79.50. Sell for $25. 5pm, May 14-18. cle. Runs. Needs throttle Excellent condition 647- 1980 Audi 5000S Diesel - Tow n fires No one knows cable $75. 643-0879.0 1561.0 Furniture, other house­ Excellent condition. 42 hold Items, even the kit­ miles per gal. loaded. Call Aquarium Tanks, filters, chen sink. 44 Elbretta 267-0018 or 633-0149 after many accessories. $30 for Road Manchester. 9-4, 6pm. I CARS on. 643-1814. Le ave May 17 & 18. Rain Date top engineer FOR SALE message.o 1965 Dodge Dart G T: mo­ why dad killed May 24. tor, brakes, exhaust new. Mens 10 speed Huffy Household sale, must go - Needs minor work $350 or Santa Fe bicycle, needs sofa, wing chairs, kero­ best offer. Call 649-2384. $11 shift lever, otherwise sene heater, quartz, for Violation’ excellent condition. $30 Panasonic stereo, much 80-Chevv Malibu Classic Olds 74 Delta 88, 4 door, 646-2633.0 more. SoL May 17 10am- Wagon-Power steering, 3 kids, himself good condition, has Relce 4pm. 732 Center Street fully equiped, good condi­ Baby Crib. Very good hitch 8. oil cooler $700 Call Manchester. Rain date tion, call 646-0557. 568-6357. By Herald Staff condition. Includes Sim­ next day. Bv John F. Kirch shooting. He said that the apparent mons mattress. Brand Bulck-76 Skylark. 4 Door, Manchester’s chief engineer was fired by Town and George Layng suicide victim did not have a new costers. $70 Call 644- Tag Sole-Saturdav, May runs well, looks good. 6 Manager Robert Weiss earlier this week after 18 Herald Reporters history of mental illness. 1950 afternoons. 17, 9am-3pm. Rain or $995, 643-0915. ITRUCKS/VANS years as a municipal employee, the Herald learned Coburn had a state permit to own shine. 39 Turnbull Rd. FOR SALE Bovs 20” BM X Full bike, Manchester. Dishes, fur­ 1981 Malibu Classic. SW, today. EAST H ARTFO RD - The rea­ handguns. Kenary said. Police many extra accessories. niture, small appliances, automatic, air. Power 18 INCHES Town Engineer Walter J. Senkow was terminated son a 28-year-oId man apparently found two other pistols inside the steering, power brokes, 1978 Dodge Tradesman Less than V] original old toys, tools, books, Van, customized, $4,500 or for "violation of proper town personnel practices,” killed himself after slaying his house — a small revolver and an price. $65. 643-5478.a lamps, pictures, sewing good condition. See of 72 Assistant Town Manager Steven Werbner said. three young children early Thurs­ automatic weapon. Hudson Street. $2500. best offer. 643-0234 after machine, crib, etc. 5pm. day morning may never be known. Police said that John Coburn had Steel desk with left hand ^erbner declined to comment further, saying the been charged with some "minor folding base for typewri­ 1979 Subaru DL 4 door, 5 firing is a personnel matter now. As a member of a But police are continuing an Tag Sale Friday May 16th Just because you don't offenses” in 1983, but he was not ter to be concealed. speed, $850. 649-4235. union. Senkow has recourse for appealing the investigation into the deaths of Phone 643-8840. $45a 9-6. 811 East Middle Tpke. use an Item doesn't mean Two simple words. But when used to prosecuted. Books, furniture and dismissal, Werbner said. John Coburn. 26, and his three 1980 Datsun 310 GX 4 the Item has lost its value. The bodies of the victims were much more. Why not exchange It for describe Classified ads, they really children. Tammy Ann, 6. Christina Brown Plaid Baby car­ speed. 76,000 miles, mean something. They mean that 8219 At a meeting called Wednesday morning, engineer­ Marie. 4, and Richard Joseph. 3. removed by police just after4p.m. riage and stroller combl- am/tm stereo cassette, 4 cash with an od In Classi­ ing workers were told that Senkow had been fired and natlon. Excellent Tog Sale - Saturday May fied? 643-2711. Classified ads bring people together in s-ie “We can only speculate on a Thursday after the house was 17 10am-3pm, 32 Cornell door hatchbock, excellent that Assistant Town Engineer William Camosci would searched and the interior was condition, like new. 647- running condition. $1795 a way no other advertising medium motive.” a police spokesman, Street. Rain dote Sunday. serve as the acting chief engineer, sources said. photographed. Autopsies were 8203 otter 4pm. $7S.o or Best otter. 643-2631 can. In fact, the Classified columns detective Robert Kenary. told a Many household Items. The dress that appears to scheduled to be performed today evenings. LEGAL NOTICE ^of your newspaper provide a service At another meeting Thursday, one source said, room full of reporters during a 2 speed 10 Inch oscillating be the "blouse-jumper- municipal division heads were told of the firing but Thursday afternoon news confer­ by the state medical examiner’s fan. Excellent condition, G IV E YOUR budget o The Bolton Planning Com­ that's used by thousands of people M akf a colorful Owl Pillow combination". It’s sure to given no specifics. Some wanted to know what Senkow office in Farmington. Officials originally $26 - 1 year old mission will hold a Public be a favorite. ence at the East Hartford Police break ... shop the classi­ every year. See why we say with feathers of scrap No. 8219 with Photo- had done that was so serious he had to be fired.. Department. “We never slam the there said no information would be -$18. 649-0832.O fied columns tor bargain Hearing on Wednesday, 21 fabrics to accent a cosy cor­ Tag Sale-Saturday May M ay, at I o.m., at the Bolton Classified advertising is UN IQ UE Guide is in Sizes 8 to 18. They got no answers, the source said. door. These guys won’t quit until available until later this afternoon. 17th, 10-4, 97 Bridge St., buys I Community Hall, tor the pur­ ner. Size 10, 32 bust . Bike Rack for car pose of discussion and re­ A N D U SEFU L? Prove it to yourself The first step of the Civil Service Employees all the T ’s are crossed. All Throughout the day Thursday, a bumper. Holds two bikes (Oft Wetherall St.) Man­ No. 2378 has transfer: full yoke and sleeves, % yard. ceipt of comments from in­ by calling the Classified department directions. Affiliates grievance procedure to battle Senkow’s indications, though, show that crowd of about 30 neighbors $15 649-2571 .□ chester. Rain or Shine. NOTICE TO CHEOITORS terested parties, on two 60-inch; jumper, 2V4 E ST A T E O F Items: to place your ad today! To order, nod $2.50, for eack yards.
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